#also god definitely lied about what happened with him to the rest of heaven lol
muzzleroars · 1 year
hey, just curious. Do you have any thoughts about the most recent secret mission's mention of Lucifer? any ideas as to what they might end up being, if they'll actually appear in game/ be a character or not, etc?
i've talked a little bit about lucifer in a couple different asks, but this is a good place to fully talk about him and get it all in one place!!
this testament is already pretty interesting wrt the timeline and traditional christian thought on the creation and purpose of hell, because the war in heaven typically occurs before the creation of humans. i think this is generally accepted due to needing satan to play the role of the serpent in the garden - if lucifer still remains in heaven, then how does humanity fall? how do they come to deserve hell without their temptation? assuming the garden of eden will be included in the lore, the only answer we have is that the temptation was a test from god himself and humanity failed, leading him to develop hell specifically for his experiment. this tracks when looking back on the previous testaments, as god curses himself for failing to create a being without free will, one that will listen to him absolutely - he sent the temptation and humans went against his express orders by their consumption of the fruit. and so he makes hell. in his anger, both at humanity's failure and his own, he creates a place of pure malice meant only to eternally punish any that act in defiance to him, no matter the cause or how small the infraction.
however, lucifer questions this action and is even bold enough to ask god directly why. and this is likely what causes god to truly break down into crisis due to several factors: he does feel guilt over creating lives only to damn immortal souls to unending torture, but there is also the fact that, for whatever reason, he can't take it back. he's lost control of hell and it consumes these souls now even as he realizes the horror of what he's enacted, and so he must not be all-powerful. additionally, by lucifer asking this, it makes it clear that angels also have free will, that they form opinions separate from god's and can see him as flawed. lucifer's question may have been innocent, he may have believed god had a perfectly good answer, but he showed autonomy by asking, and any misstep on god's part may see lucifer understand that his creator is not as infallible as the heavenly host believes. so he is expelled, immediately thrown from heaven into hell himself, and what can god do but sink into that despair? his brightest angel gone, the creation made in his image damned, everything he has made is failing. his kingdom is a lie, his competence is a lie, and he just surrounds himself with angels still unquestioning and human souls utterly obedient. he turns his eyes away from the festering, growing failure that is hell. he turns everyone's eyes from it. curse it, hide it, make it taboo. but it's still there. and so is lucifer.
SO on to lucifer specifically - i'm really not entirely sure what might be done with him and i have several ideas about his current state. what's most difficult is that we have no confirmation of fallen angels and how they might appear in this story should they exist. all the demons are described as beings made of hell mass placed into a shell and appear stone-like - it's likely that they are hell turning the inanimate animate, almost in mock creation with their humanoid shapes and faces. but these aren't former angels and are instead "native" beings to hell, so it's impossible to say what form lucifer would take with any certainty. but if i can wildly speculate and since we all KNOW i love a good fallen angel, i like the idea that he may have died upon his fall but that obviously didn't exactly stick. i sort of just in general feel that an angel falling necessarily means their death, but, if powerful enough, they have their own similarities to prime souls in that they will become something else - and yea i definitely like the thought of whatever lucifer's become is something fused with hell. i like him being fixed as dante's lucifer and perhaps similarly mindless in a sense; he is not his own but a twisted entity warped in agony and emblematic of what a horrific place hell truly is. i don't think he'd be the final boss entirely because it's too obvious, but i'm likely way off base for whatever's actually planned anyway lol mostly i do just really like the idea that lucifer may show us what happens to an angel when they die and will truly showcase what awful creations god had made.
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mini-moongi · 4 years
Mistake || Namjoon
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Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: You meet your soulmate in a crowded hallway when you, quite literally, fell for him. After spending years together, what happens when you find that your husband really wasn’t the one? 
A/N: Revisited my cringey old wattpad acc and I think this fic is actually salvageable, so I reworked it for y’all :)
────── ☽. ✧₊∘ ──────
Senior year of high school was a pain in the ass. You tried to finesse your way through the crowd during the passing period, and finesse you did not. You bumped into multiple shoulders, but one was harder than the others, so you whipped your head around planning on telling them off. You’re met with a pair brown eyes hidden behind thick rims and left with whiplash. Words left his mouth, but you didn’t hear him as he was swept away with the flow of the crowd.
A pain shoots up from your wrist, and you tear your gaze away. There, printed in bold black numbers, was your soulmate timer. It had ticked to zero, but your soulmate was nowhere to be found. Where were they? This thought struck you with fear and panic, and you ended up tripping over someone’s bag on the ground. Let me tell you, panic combined with the anticipated fear of falling was definitely not a good combination.
That fall never came, and you find yourself held firmly in a strong hold. You opened your eyes, and it was like everything was in slow motion. His handsome face was inches away from yours, and he was smiling from ear to ear. “Are you falling for me right now? Because,” He repositions his arms around you, landing on your hips and pulling you closer to his body. “Something tells me you’re my soulmate.” And you really thought he was the one.
That was how you met your soulmate and husband, Jeon Jungkook.
Lazily waking up, you found yourself being hugged by his comforting arms. The ones he held you in when you first met. The clean white bed sheets rustled under your touch; they were always warm in the mornings when your body heat from the previous night made it feel like a toasty heaven. You snuggled underneath the blankets. 
Just a little longer, was usually the first thought as he kissed the back of your neck and held you closer. Jungkook was always a romantic, and so this morning felt no different than the last few hundred honeymoon-esque mornings spent together. You’d never been good at romance, but you didn’t have to when Jungkook was there. He was your soulmate, after all.
“Good morning, Honey.”
“Good morning, Baby.”
He groans at the thought of leaving your embrace, but nevertheless, he got up and dressed for work. A classic button up and dress pants. You smile softly to yourself when he hands you the tie, already knowing that he’d eventually call for you after fumbling around for a solid 15 minutes. Back in high school, and even now, he didn’t really seem like an office job kind of guy. You always imagined he’d do something more active, like being a trainer or a police officer, but here he was getting ready to sit behind a screen all day.
He fixed his hair in the bathroom while you headed out to make coffee in the kitchen. You handed him a cup when he emerges, glistening like a hot CEO. Kissing you on the cheek, he sighed a small “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you called out after him as he rushes out the door. “Have a good day at work! See you soon!” Tonight was date night, so it was okay when he didn’t spare you another glance. It was okay when he never waved goodbye, and it was okay because he was your soulmate.
He usually came home at five, but five turned into six, and six turned into seven at night. You decided to text him, making sure that everything was okay.
You: hey are u ok or did u forget about date night lol
JK: I’m so sorry baby but my boss called me in
JK: Working late today :((
You: oh ripppp
JK: I’ll eat the left overs of whatever u get for dinner tonight
You: ok I’ll be at the library if u come home early
He was always busy nowadays, but you had to admit that any job was tough if you didn’t love it enough. He tied himself down in order to support the relationship; your freelancing job as a journalist wasn’t enough for rent. You knew Jungkook always dreamed of bigger, more important jobs, and sometimes you wished you could take his place instead. Maybe he’d be happier then?
As soon as you put your phone down, your wrist twitched. The familiar pain lingering from the shock. You looked down with the same panic and fear rising in your chest. There they were. One thing was different, though. The old black numbers were red, actively ticking away. It said that you’d meet your soulmate in 000:00:59:58. In less than an hour? But you’ve already met the love of your life, this wasn’t possible.
Then it dawned on you. You’d read a couple of blogs about it once when you were researching for your job. It’s possible to end up with the wrong soulmate, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people who didn’t meet their true soulmate end up in love with someone else and live a full life. The problem happens when one of them meets their true soulmate and falls out of love. When that happens, fate resets your timer in red, like a warning sign. 
These were always rare cases, so you didn’t think it would ever apply to you. Yet here you were, staring at the ticking red numbers. How could you have let this happen?
The constant late hours, the excuses, rashes, the perfume? For heavens sake, he called you by a different name! You quickly pulled yourself together and huffed out of the door. Now that you think about it, did he call you by his soulmate’s name? You growled in frustration just imagining him kissing his soulmate instead of you, instead of telling you the truth. He was a mistake, and to think... you married that son of a bitch.
Without realizing it, you were standing in front of the library. It wasn’t too far, but had you really driven the whole way without noticing? You took a deep breath in and walked through the door. The familiar quiet was calming, unlike the mess you seemed to have hurled yourself into. You settled your things at an open table and walk off to browse the new releases. Your finger grazed loosely over the spines of the books while you skimmed through titles. Suddenly, your shoulders bumped into someone who was reaching for a book. Your wrist buzzed again, the frozen red zero glaring at you.
When you looked back to tell him that you were sorry, your words got caught in your throat. His honey brown eyes were wide in hidden behind thick rims; lips parted in surprise. He seemed to be unaware of his attractive physique. All of his tall, well-built, golden skinned physique. The longer that you two stood gawking at each other, the more his face heated up; poor boy was flustered. His adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed down some of his shock. A smile formed on his lips, revealing dimples that so beautifully framed his face. 
You couldn’t take it any longer. No more lies, no more heartbreak, and no more Jungkook. Before you could register what was happening, your lips were on his. He was still for a moment, but suddenly his hands were finding its way around you and left no room to breathe in between kisses. It was passionate and hungry; you longed for more, but his glasses held you back.
“....hey to you too?” He chuckles softly,” I’m Kim Namjoon, thanks for asking.” The stranger pulled away from you enough to look you in the eyes once more. A sigh of relief left his (now swollen) lips. “I’ve been waiting to meet you again for so long.”
“Oh my god I kissed you.” The whole situation finally clicked in. As sweet as this whole ordeal was, you still had a life outside of this Kim Namjoon guy. What were you thinking? “I... I kissed you? I’m so sorry,” you stammer. “It was a mistake. I’m sorry, I have to go.” You stumble out of his warm embrace as you frantically look for an exit. You saw sadness wash over his face, and it hurt you so much to leave, but you had to. No matter how much your body screamed at you to turn around, to hug him, to love him, you couldn’t. In your hurry to leave, you also left the stack of books you planned to check out.
You made it a couple of steps outside of the library when a hand gently wraps around your wrist that kept you from your grand escape. “Please, at least tell me your name?” Oh god, even his voice had to be attractive, didn’t it? Your vision was blurry from the oncoming tears, but you looked at him one last time. If only to get a glimpse at the man you were supposed to be in love with. 
“I’ve been alone this whole time just waiting for you,” He pleads. Namjoon’s thumb glides over the well-worn ring on your finger. “I can feel it; your wedding ring. I know it’s hard, but please, tell me the name of the one I love.”
When you got home, dinner was the last thing on your mind. You just climbed into bed, hoping to never wake up again. Much to your dismay, the morning rays beamed in your face. Your eyes feel swollen and a massive headache enveloped you. You feel Jungkook’s warm lips press against the back of your neck, and in an instant, you were wide awake. Memories of Namjoon clouded your mind. You felt sick to your stomach, and you couldn’t stand the thought of being in the same bed with Jungkook anymore. You didn’t bother to say a word before you left the bed, hoping to ease your worries over a cup of coffee.
“Y/n honey, are you feeling okay?” Left dazed and confused, Jungkook clambered off of the mattress following after you. “There wasn’t any dinner left when I came home. That is unless... you ate it all?” He says.
His smile wasn’t reciprocated, so he dropped it. He comes up behind you in a groggy embrace with his head resting on top of yours. The empty silence was filled only by the sound of the coffee machine. He sniffs your hair, a once soothing habit turned uncomfortable. Thoughts about Namjoon doing this with you flipped your stomach inside out and upside down. On the other hand, Jungkook doing this with someone else seemed to also leave a volatile reaction in the depths of your heart. 
“Jungkook, do you still love me?” Your voice trembled as the question hung in the air.
Silence was met with more silence, and you felt Jungkook’s body tense under your question. A sigh escapes him,” Y/n I... I’m sorry.” He let go, letting the cold replace his warmth. You missed his touch, but you know that if he held you again, the deep hatred building inside of you would only grow.
 “I didn’t think you would find out this way.” His fingers combed through his dark hair as he slumped onto the barstool next to the counter. In what way were you supposed to find out?
“Just tell me how long.” Your cold response struck fear in him, for he only knew your kind words. The contrast was too jarringly different for his liking; it was like you were a stranger again. The coffee flbflbsksks and started pouring into the pot. 
“A year.”
The rest of the day was spent alone.
Divorce papers were filled out, you gave away the ring, and lastly, you said good by to your high school sweetheart. The place you moved into was closer to the library; walking distance more acceptable to your business and pleasure. You remembered you haven’t gone by the library since you met Namjoon, and decided it was time to pay a visit.
Upon reentering, you realized that there were books you forgot to check out in your rushed escape. The same table you sat at was wiped clean and empty; no books from your list. You walked back to the sections where you first stumbled upon them and time seemed to slip past you. Of course, you’d made the mistake of retracing your steps.
“Y/n?” A voice called out gently, as if any sudden movement would set off a bomb. Panicked and anxious, you whipped your head around to meet the same eyes you missed. The tall figure, dimple smile and all, walked towards you. “Are you okay? The ring...” he sees your bare hand, and takes it in his. “You didn’t... I.. I’m so sorry; it’s all my fault.” 
Before you let dejection sink into the depths of his soul, you interject. “No! No, it’s not your fault I uh,” the nerves in your body were currently going nuts. “Honestly, It was a long time coming.” Your laugh was shaky, but it helped calm Namjoon’s fidgeting. “...Is it weird I want to hug you?”
Namjoon wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His cologne wormed its way inside of your mind as you inhale deeply. His warmth was like a sun’s ray, filling you with nothing but peace and happiness. Your head is buried in his chest as you mumbled out,”I’m sorry.”
“What matters is that you’re here now, right?” He smiles at your nod in response. Namjoon held your face in his palms and kissed you softly on the forehead. “Let’s check out some books, and then maybe grab some lunch? It’ll be my treat.”
“I’d like that.”
────── ☽. ✧₊∘ ──────
A/N: ....where can I meet fanfic Namjoon 😳😳
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authoratmidnight · 4 years
A bunch of headcanons I rambled about on discord.
Worth noting that the time for all this is post canon by a few years (like, by the time Yusaku’s graduating)
-Jin and Lightning working at cafe Nagi, (Lightning has a SOLtis body-all the Ignis actually do and can hop between the SOLtis and riding around in the duel disks). It’s mostly simple tasks like cleaning up tables, taking/giving out orders. Also I figure all the SOLtis are reasonably attractive in their own right, and cute guys draw in customers, so Shoichi is gonna take advantage of Lightning’s good looks that way.
-Jin is friends with Windy's origin (to be referred to as Hiyuu b/c I like that name) and Windy so the 4 of them hang out a lot.
-Windy and Lightning are considerably more chill and mellowed out now. and you know, less homicidal. Windy is something of a playful prankster tho (and when he and Hiyuu team up well, watch out lol)
-Lightning is, basically a tsundere about how he feels about Jin. He tries to act like he does not like Jin but heaven help you if you're mean to him (Lightning has cowed many an entitled customer that started being rude to Jin into behaving by just, standing behind Jin, arms crossed and glaring daggers at them till they stop and Jin is none the wiser) plus there's the fact that he destroyed the bit of data pertaining to Jin's memories of the LI-or at the very least what Lightning did to him. He's, trying to atone for what he did. So, he claims not to like Jin but everyone knows better.
-Ai definitely called Lightning 'Light-chan' or 'Hikari-chan' once just to push his buttons. Lightning did not like it. Unfortunately for him Jin was right there and thought it was the cutest nickname ever so now there really is no escaping it. He sometimes breaks it out to be a cheeky little shit.
-Also, Duel Club president Yusaku (since at this point he's in his final year of hs so a couple years of growth and proper healing now under the belt). I endeared myself to the idea of Yusaku actually deciding to, go to it, voluntarily, and start trying to duel again to try and regain that sense of fun he once got from it. And slowly he does start to enjoy himself again. And maybe helping teach Shima how to play better/deck build (esp when it becomes clear he's maybe not as much of a newb at this as was previously thought) b/c I want some friend bonding on that end of things.
And then when the current president/vice president step down and it's time for them to pick someone else everyone just, overwhelmingly votes for Yusaku. Who very much did NOT expect it.
-Tying into the Yusaku going to Duel Club and friendship bonding w/ Shima. Slowly but surely beginning to open up to other people. After watching Yusaku fight/fighting him Shima quickly realizes that, Yusaku isn't some newbie who doesn't know how to duel, the opposite really, it's just that he doesn't duel. So one day he does decide to ask what is up with that. Like, 'you're so good at duelling, why do you act like you can't?'
And for the first time, Yusaku opens up (well, more like he starts rambling and doesn't even realize how much he's said till like, after). He doesn't share the details of the LI, that's personal and is between him, his therapist and the rest of the victims, but he does say that he went through something as a child that fucking him up so badly it took years of therapy before he could even look at a deck without feeling physically sick and having a panic attack. And even more before he could pick up a deck and try duelling again. And while he can do that now, he doesn't really have any fun doing it, hasn't had fun since he was little.
Which safe to say is NOT what Shima was expecting, also he realizes that wow, he may have been a bit of an insensitive jerk to Yusaku in the past (he tries to apologize but Yusaku waves it off cause he was an intentional asshole to Shima too so they're kinda even there). But now Shima is determined to help his friend smile again and enjoy duelling b/c duelling is fun damnit, and everyone deserves to have fun.
-The first time he smiles/laughs during a duel is, ironically, the first one he loses. He's notorious for being damn near impossible to beat but one day it happens. He's fighting another club member and, maybe he was distracted, maybe he just got a string of bad draws, but he lost. And something, clicks. He lost, but also, he lost and nothing is happening. There's no pain, no screaming, nothing bad is happening, just some 'oh my god you did it!'s from his opponent's friends while Yusaku just sort of stares at the table. And then, laughs. A tiny little thing, more like a snort, but it slips out. For once there's no consequence (aside from a broken prefect win record) to losing. He can lose without fear of consequence to himself or someone else, it’s such a breath of fresh air it’s like a weight’s been lifted from his shoulders
-Also post canon Akira absolutely puts together a handpicked team to protect Link VRAINS from threats that way Playmaker and co can take a break b/c GOD they’re just kids, let them enjoy being kids while they can. Ema and Kengo are def on it. And he probably gets extra security help from Ryoken, best to keep those hacking skills on his side after all.
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taestfully · 6 years
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Words: 2,455
Warnings: light sexual situations, mentions of sex
Summary: Sex – the three letter word that practicality runs the world – is a topic yet to be discussed with you and your boyfriend, Taehyung.
Request: @lydiana1d said: Hey, could you make one where Tae is all sweet and he asks me if I want to have my first time and all that? Please 😁
A/N: Here’s your Tae imagine! I kind of got carried away with this lol hope that’s okay oops.
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Sex, sex, and sex.
It was just a simple three letter word. That was it. There was nothing special about the word, really. But why was everyone so obsessed with it?
It was literally everywhere you looked — commercials, magazines, music, and it was even woven into kid shows of all things — and you had to wonder what had driven this world into such a sexually charged frenzy.
Maybe if you had actually had sex you could’ve understood. But alas, there were no erotic and exhilarating romantic escapades in your life. You didn’t get fucked into the mattress every night until you saw stars. You never had the “Big O” that everyone was so crazed for. You were a complete and utter virgin.
It wasn’t like you couldn’t get sex, though. You had a sweet and loving boyfriend, Taehyung. He was everything you had wanted in a guy and more. There were moments you wondered if it all was just a dream, that you were in some other reality that would soon come crashing down. But Taehyung was real, and perfect, and yours. You were coming up on eight months with him and while that excited you, it also unnerved you. There was just one issue.
You and Taehyung had yet to have sex.
Yes, the two of you had never done the dirty deed, had never danced the devil’s tango, had never screwed, fucked, made love, or anything of the sort. That fact really shouldn’t have bothered you, but it did and you were getting more worried as time went on. You blamed your worry on the fact that you were the only virgin in your group of friends and that your friends loved to tease you about it.
You were with your friends one evening, sitting on the floor of your apartment. You all had one too many drinks that night and when there was an excessive amount of booze, things tended to get out of hand. Which also meant the topic of sex was bound to be brought up.
“Ugh, guys, you wouldn’t believe the time I had with my boyfriend the other night,” your friend, Nari, leant against the couch with her arms stretched lazily at either side of her, a gleaming smile on her lips. She usually ended up being the first to mention sex, always informing all of you about the newest news in her and her boyfriend’s sex life.
“Oh, please spill!” Jiyoo encouraged enthusiastically. Jiyoo was always too interested in Nari’s sex life, which threw you off a bit. She didn’t have a boyfriend, but she was probably the most experienced in all things sexual out of all you. It seemed as if Jiyoo lived for anything related to sex.
“Here we go,” sighed Seoyun as she took another swig of alcohol. The two of you shared a look.
“Okay, you won’t believe it, but I came eight times the other night,” Nari shared proudly, biting her lip like she was replaying the whole evening in her head. Jiyoo cooed, Seoyun scoffed, and you looked at Nari quizzically. “It was the most I’ve ever came in one night.”
“Isn’t that a bit excessive, Nari?” Seoyun questioned, a smirk on her lips. “Seems like a lie to me.” Seoyun was always somewhat of a doubter of Nari’s sex tales. She had revealed a few of her sex stories, but after her horrible break up with her boyfriend of three years, she stopped talking about anything to do with romance. She had tried a few one night stands, but those were more Jiyoo’s thing.
“Oh, it’s totally possible.” Jiyoo giggled, brushing off hair that had fallen over her shoulder. “I’ve came several times in one night before. You just got to be with someone who knows what they’re doing, is all. But damn, Nari, eight times? Your boyfriend is an animal.”
Nari chuckled. “He is and sometimes I wonder where he gets his drive from. Like, I’ve never met someone with such passion before, you know?” She sighed happily before looking your way. “Speaking of boyfriends, how are things with Taehyung, (y/n)?”
“Oh, they’re great, actually.” You smiled at the mention of Taehyung. “We’re going on eight months together now.”
“Aw, how precious!” cooed Jiyoo, her lips puckered out. “You guys are so cute.”
“I can’t believe it’s been eight months. I remember back when (y/n) was too nervous to talk to him during our world history class.” Nari giggled as she retold the memory of when you had the fattest crush on Taehyung, the cute boy in your world history class that sat right in front of you.
“It took her getting drunk of her ass to finally tell him how she felt.” Seoyun laughed when you shot her a look. “Good thing he was sober or he may not have remembered anything.”
“You guys know I need a little liquid courage to get me out of my shell,” you reminded them. You remember that evening vividly despite being drunk during most of it. You and Taehyung were picked to go into the closet to play seven minutes in heaven while at a frat party. The two of you were extremely awkward and you downed two tequila shots before going into the closet to dissolve your nerves. You were never a heavyweight, so two tequila shots later and you were spilling your guts to Taehyung while stuck in a dark closet. Nothing physical happened between you, but the two of you walked out holding hands afterwards. Taehyung asked you out on a proper date when he saw you the next day in class.
“Maybe if you’d had a little more of that liquid courage things could’ve gone a little bit further in that closet.” Jiyoo winked at you, a smirk on her pretty lips. Nari and Seoyun giggled.
You rolled your eyes. “I’m pretty sure nothing would’ve happened. He was completely sober. Tae wouldn’t have done anything with me while I was drunk. He’s not a dick.”
“But he has one, and you need to get to it,” Nari demanded. “Eight months, darling. You need to pick up the pace.”
Jiyoo nodded. “I bet you’re just dying for sex, right? I remember when I lost my virginity. Definitely don’t miss my virgin days. Now I can’t imagine not having sex.”
“Dramatic, much?” Seoyun rolled her eyes at Jiyoo’s antics. “Sex is great and all, but make sure you’re ready for it,” she said, the constant voice of reason amongst the group.
“I am,” you said, half sure. “I think…”
“Well get to it!” Nari urged, clapping her hands together.
“It’s not like I haven’t wanted to try, but…I just don’t know how to bring it up. I mean, the furthest Tae and I have gone is making out and anytime things start to get heated, things get…awkward.”
“Aw, first times are always awkward,” Jiyoo replied. “You’ll get through the awkwardness, though.”
“Okay, (y/n), you’ve got this. Just get in there and do it!” Nari patted your shoulder. “Or do him, rather.”
You sighed.
  ❀❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀       
You were a bucket of nerves the next time you saw your boyfriend.
It was the usual Friday night — a night out for dinner with Taehyung. It wasn’t anything that should’ve made you nervous, but all you could think of was what could possibly happen afterwards when the two of you returned back to your apartment.
You wanted him bad and you were trying to build up every ounce of courage to tell him so. Tonight, you yearned to take that next step with him. You desired for nothing more than to feel his skin on yours and the thought of having him was making your body feel hot.
You heard a knock at your door, the sound of it opening following a few seconds later. “(Y/n?)” Taehyung’s voice rang out through the apartment. Your heart skipped as you ran your fingers through your hair before walking out of your bedroom to meet him. His face lit up when he saw you.
“Hey,” you greeted, trying to hide your nerves with a sweet smile. You didn’t know what it was, but Taehyung looked incredible and the smile he was giving you had breath catching in your throat.
“You look amazing.” Taehyung rested a hand on your side as he leant forward to press a kiss to your lips. It was just a simple kiss, something the two of you had shared multiple times before, yet you felt the desire burn in the pit of your belly. You needed him right then and you began to wonder if you should’ve just shoved him onto your couch instead of going out.
It took you a monent to respond. You saw the way Taehyung quirked an eyebrow at you. “Thanks,” you smiled. “Ready to go?”
Taehyung nodded and took your hand to lead you out the door.
The ride in his car was what could’ve only been described as awkward, at least to you. You sat in the passenger seat, legs closed tight and fingers interlocked on your lap. Your thoughts were running wild and Taehyung was at the center of them all. God, you were losing your mind.
“You’re so quiet tonight,” Taehyung said, breaking the silence. He took a hand from the steering wheel to rest it on your knee...a completely innocent gesture....yet you felt like you had just been set aflame. Did he know the effect he had on you? “Something wrong?”
“Uh, nope, nothing’s wrong,” you lied, smiling to make it more convincing. You made the mistake of looking at him, his eyes on the road ahead. The view of his profile, set in a focused expression, with one hand on the wheel while the other rested on your knee was a sight that had you inwardly screaming.
You wondered if he wanted you like you wanted him.
If he didn’t believe your lie he didn’t say it. Instead, he kept his hand on your knee as he drove the rest of the way to the restaurant. Taehyung had told you he was taking you to a special place tonight, but the sight of the restaurant still had you speechless. It was the place he took you on your first date. You looked up at him with a smile.
“Felt like going down memory lane tonight,” he told you.
You giggled. “How sweet of you.” You wanted to ask him why. You wanted to know what this meant. Your mind was trying to convince you it was because he had something up his sleeve and you were hoping with every fiber of your being that it had something to do with taking you home to finally make love to you for the first time.
Taehyung took you in, the two of you going straight to a table due to him setting prior reservations. “Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve been here.”
“Almost eight months,” you replied.
Taehyung grinned softly, his hand finding its way back to your knee. “Time flies when you’re having fun.”
You stared into his dark eyes and you wanted to get lost in them, in him. You wanted to close the gap between you and kiss him, tell him with your body all the things you’ve been dying to say. But you were in public and you had to restrain yourself.
However, restraining yourself became hard to as the night went on due to Taehyung’s wandering hand.
His hand started out at your knee, innocent and still before inching its way down to the hem of your skirt. His fingers played along the skin there and with each passing moment you didn’t know how much more you could’ve taken. You were on the verge of going inane, yet Taehyung seemed nonchalant.
His fingers delved under your skirt and were on course for your panty line until the waiter came to the table. His fingers retracted immediately and it was all you could do to suppress a whine. A soft pink hue painted his cheeks as he dismissed the waiter.
You grabbed his wrist, making him look at you. “I think we should go.”
For the first time that evening there was desire pooling in his eyes. Taehyung smirked. “I think so too.”
It was like a sense of urgency came over the two of you during the car ride back to your apartment. Taehyung zoomed down the streets, one hand on the wheel and one on you. You couldn’t help but feel exhilarated at what was to come once you arrived home. You were finally going to have sex with your boyfriend. You were finally going to get to experience the thing the entire world was obsessed with. It took you mere seconds to exit the car and reconnect with him. Your lips met in a messy clash, his hands attaching firmly to your hips.
You guided him up the flight of steps to your door, somehow walking backwards up them, not wanting to lose contact with Taehyung. When you arrived to your doorway, Taehyung pushed you against it, lips traveling down your jawline and down your neck. You moaned and arched your back to press your body closer to his. “Tae,” you whispered breathily.
Taehyung made his way back to your lips. “I want you, (y/n).” His voice was husky from lust and it had heat pooling between your legs.
“I want you too,” was all you said back to him as you turned the knob on your door. The door opened wide due to the weight of your bodies against, sending the two of you unceremoniously to the floor. The ground was harsh against your back and felt the air leave you when Taehyung fell on you. You coughed.
Taehyung chuckled as he sat up, looking down at you. “Are you okay? That was quite a fall.”
You nodded, coughing again. “Yeah, I am.”
You sighed as your rubbed your face. “Why does this always happen?” you asked yourself more than you asked him.
“This,” you breathed. “Every time we try to go forward, something awkward happens.”
Taehyung chuckled at your pout, leaning down to kiss you. “First times are always awkward. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it. I want this. I want you. I’m so ready.”
You smiled, happy. “I’m glad because I want you too.” The two of you smiled at each other for a moment before Taehyung began to lift off from the ground, a hand outstretched to you.
“Now let’s get off the floor, shall we?” You allowed him to pull you up and take you to your room where the two of you spend a wonderful evening together.
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Could I get a Don't ever do that again prompt with Weyoun from DS9 and a female security officer who always gets into trouble? Perhaps fighting a Jem'hadar in order to protect Weyoun? :)
{ I know I’m verylate but I’m still watching DS9 and I was unable to write it before since Ididn’t know the character.
Then his name lookslike Korean, don’t know why, lol, but it’s kind of funny!
If you want a secondpart of this, let me know but you have to tell me a plot, because I’m too lazy to think about it - }
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Peace could not lastforever. Impossible.
For years you hadbeen obsessed with the heaven on earth and the idea that the earth was an Edenbut it was not true. Paradise existed only in the imagination of men, theirillusions. These illusions made them blind.
The earth was apurgatory like any other place and now hostile, mysterious and fickle enemies werecompromising the human race’s safety. Enemies who could take any form, even theshape of your best friend or mother. They did it to know every secret and thendestroy everyone and take any form, take people’s place in the world, and commit crimes and conspiracies under a false name. Sneaky, extraneous, and combative enemies.Enemies similar to the human being of the past when it was still a savage and stilldiscriminated the other human beings just because they had a different skin colouror a different love aspiration. The human race was losing its integrity becauseof these ruthless enemies.
The Earth was notheaven, no planet was because the universe was hell and there was no mercy foranything or anyone. Anymore
You did not want to behavethe same and become like those violent men who had spat on peace and so youdecided to stay on DS9 and help your Captain as much as possible.
The Dominion hadbrought problems everywhere and the panic reached every corner of the space. Noone was safe and no soul could sleep peaceful in the night.
Maybe you were notthe only one who had believed in an awful lie because there were so many otherpeople who still held onto illusions.
They were other kindsof illusions but they still had the same definition: lies told to itself, liesof honey that tasted so good. Beautiful lies that made their lives meaningful,inestimable but they were still lies, and would have dissolved like the morningmist, they would have melted like snow in the sun. Someday, they would havevanished.
At this time, somefanatic aliens who believed that their god was inimitable, fair and perfect, hadinvaded DS9. However, these believers had not even had the possibility ofchoice because the said gods had decided to be worshiped and had decided tochange the original DNA of these races; they modified every individual of thesespecies to reach their dirty and dishonourable purpose. Without consent and morality,defining themselves as gods.
You could not imaginethe changelings, the family of your boss Odo, could be so insensitive andcruel, they only searched for revenge and there was no honour or logic in whatthey pursued. They were only brutal and merciless assassins, anything more. Itwas the horrible truth and truth never tasted like honey, it was bitter anddisgusting.
One of the Changeling’sblind believers was now walking briskly, almost running, on the promenade, hisgaze was focused, serious and composed but you were able to glimpse anotheremotion on his pale face, a feeling that you would define as anxiety. You hadno idea why he was so nervous, but since your duty was to keep the spacestation safe, you decided to keep an eye on him.
The name of thisindividual was Weyoun and you still did not understand if you hated him or ifyou felt sympathy toward him since he was an enemy, but he did not seemthreatening or dangerous, he was not a warrior but a mere diplomat. He lookedso innocent, but you had learned that nothing was as it seemed, you no longerlived in lies and therefore you could not think that he really was innocent.
Nevertheless, youfelt sorry for Weyoun because he continued to obey, believe and submit to thefounders even though they were not real gods because they played with the Vortas’DNA, they genetically modified the Vortas. People who acted in this way couldnot be defined as deities but you also knew that Weyoun and his race would havenever understood this concept and would have continued to adore those changelings,their deities, their masters and jailers.
Afterward, youunderstood why he was running, in fact, he was chased by a Jem'Hadar and thiswas not the first time something like this happened. A Jem’Hadar had alreadykilled Weyoun and so it could have happened again.
You did not helpWeyoun because you were worried about him, you did not want to be a friend ofyour enemy but you helped him anyway because it was your duty. At least, you keptrepeating this motivation to yourself.
You could not feelcompassion for a person like him, just because he had not freely chosen hisfaith and his means and intent were wrong, it did not mean you had the right to be cruel.
Therefore, you ran towardthe Jem'Hadar, you screamed, “Stop! You aren’t allowed to run on the promenadeand any act of violence and harassment is prohibited.” Your voice was authoritative,serious and loud, you pointed your phaser at the Jem'Hadar.
On the other hand,Weyoun did not seem surprised by your reaction but he was relieved because thissituation was stressful, the Jem'Hadars were ignoble slaves, he could not trustthem. While he was listing in his mind all the reasons that made the Jem'Hadar stupidand savage beings, Weyoun hid behind you, without shame or shyness.
Weyoun was sure youwould help him and not just because this was your job but for some other reasonhe was still analysing, he thought you could be particularly interested in him butit was still a mere theory.
Maybe you were drowningin another lie, you were deluding yourself once more but you would never haveadmitted it, or maybe he would have admitted it for you, he would have made yourealizing the truth, your true feelings. 
The Jem'Hadar, beforeleaving, looked at Weyoun doggedly, the Vorta would not have escaped forever,and his fate was to dying for the rest of eternity. Actually, Weyoun did notcare about it so much but all these deaths made him wasting a lot of time hecould dedicate to complete his job and help his beloved changelings.
“Oh, Y/N, thankyou very much. That savage Jem'Hadar didn’t want to leave me alone.” Weyoun said,smiling amicably and settled the collar of his jacket that had frayed duringhis ridiculous run.
“I only did my job.”You answered seriously.
“Of course, likeeveryone here.” Weyoun said, looking around with a scrutinizing gaze.
“But why was thatJem'Hadar chasing after you?” You asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.
“Ah, I don’tknow, Jem'Hadars have no manners. Many of the things they do make no sense.Maybe he wanted his ration of ketracel-white, it is not the first time theydisobey to a superior order.” Weyoun said, smiling innocently or perhaps insidiously.
“Or he justwanted to kill you. It seems it’s become everyone’s hobby lately.” Youshowed his same smile, talking sarcastically. Maybe you hoped to hurt him withyour words but it did not happen because he chuckled at your joke.
“Is my presenceso unpleasant?” Weyoun asked and you almost heard a charming tone of voicevoice but you knew it was impossible, he could not flirt with you, and then hecontinued, “People only waste their time, they are not like us, verypassionate about their duty, judicious and willing.”
“The presence ofstrangers and people who are threatening the station is not definable as pleasant.”You said firmly. You were exactly the opposite of him: you always said thetruth, nothing but the truth and as a member of security, you had to be honest.“And we’re not the same.” You answered to his last sentence and said, “Otherthan that, don’t do that again!”
“Doing what?” helooked at you with an innocent confusing look.
“Run through the promenade.It’s not allowed, you know, even if they are chasing after you. You can’t doit!” you declared with a cold tone of voice.
Actually, Weyounreally appreciated the way you spoke and behaved, you possessed a charm, maybe it was your courage or maybe it was your blind honesty, which fascinated him a lot. Hesmirked, gently and then he nodded because he did not want to disappoint you.
“I understand and Iwill be more careful next time a wild Jem'Hadar attempts on my life. I did notmean to offend you, mine was just a compliment, anything else. The care and theperseverance you put in your job is laudable, I wanted to expose myappreciation. I am desolated for this misunderstanding.” He said with a softtone of voice, he half closed his eyes, his smile so gentle and you wonderedwhat his real intentions were.
Secretly, you foundhis deceptive ways very alluring, attractive somehow but it was wrong, you felt inadequateand you could not fall for his fake kindness.
You could not even fallfor his sinister and weird games because it made no sense, he was certainly lyingand he had something in mind but the only way to find it out was playing hisown game and see where it would bring you.
“No, don’t worry, I’veexaggerated.” You said politely, but Weyoun could understand you were forcing asmile. You were unable to hide your true feelings and thoughts. He could read you like a book.
“You know I candistinguish lies and truth.” Weyoun said calmly, since you were a bad liar, thenhe kept saying, “You don’t have to be anxious or preoccupied of me, noreason to be.” He tried reassuring you and he looked you in your eyes as if hewas reading the secrets written in your soul, you were hypnotized and lost inhis purple, deep eyes.
You just nodded,unable of speaking or thinking rationally and you loved every word he said.Indeed, Weyoun never stopped talking with his candid and delicate tone, “I’dlike to show you my appreciation, since you have been so kind with me, you havesaved me from that mad Jem'Hadar. Would you like to spend some extra time in mycompany?” His voice so gentle, low and only you could hear his words, nobodyelse even if the promenade was not so crowded but you already forgot abouteverything, about your job, your thoughts of mistrusting and hatred toward the changelingsand you only saw his bright, wide, insightful eyes, nothing else.
You did not havereasons to refuse his invitation and you did not want to do it, even if yourbrain kept warning you that Weyoun was your enemy, you could not trust a liar but somerisk had never killed anyone and so you followed him wherever he would havebrought you.
And then you decided to fall for another illusion, to believe in another lie that tasted like honey, so sweet, gentle and ephemera because it was human’s nature, to live under the dome of delusions.
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topimagines · 6 years
Summary:  Where do people go when they die? Well, for the least lucky people in the world, hell is waiting. But what happens when these people do go to hell? And how did you end up there?    
Warning: death, hell, mentions of religion, language, smut ish, its fucking long lol, i love brendon urie
A/N: do not repost any work on this blog without explicit permission from me or Alissa. also, in case anyone is curious, I’m an atheist. I also gave a birthday for y/n because it already had a lot of insert shit. and note my not so subtle allusion to tom holland and harrison osterfield.
Part 1// Part 2//Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6// Part 7// Part 8// Part 9// Part 10
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You and Tyler finally reached the floor you were staying on, the penthouse of the apartment building. The living room was very large and open, the carpet almost too white to be possible. All of the furniture was golden yellow, including the appliances in the open plan kitchen. There were two giant doors on either side of the living room, and on the farthest side from the door, there was an entire wall of glass. There was an extravagant chandelier hanging overhead, casting a yellow light on the room.  
"Wow," you muttered, looking around the apartment.  
"Pete definitely helped fix up the place," Tyler said in awe, he had never seen such a beautiful room in Hell. You walked further into the room before taking a seat on the lavish gold couch. “He always was good at interior design.”
"I guess we should get comfortable, we could stay for a while," you said, "and you can fill me in on some of that 'need to know' crap."
"What do you mean?" Tyler asked, taking a spot on the couch across from where you sat. He obviously knew what you were talking about, he wasn't stupid. He knew you wanted history, and possibly an explanation of everything that had happened in the last three days.  
"Where is Josh, and what was he?" You asked, after a beat of silence.  
Tyler's eyes widened and he looked at you in disbelief. How the fuck does she know that? He thought to himself. He took a small breath before formulating a response, "I’m not answering that.”
“So you’re back to keeping secrets?” you asked, “bullshit, Tyler! You know so much about me, tell me what the fuck happened!”
Tyler took a deep breath before sighing, “okay, fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. It started after that car accident I told you about, and after I made it through every circle.”
Tyler walked back into the club, the music only adding to his head ache. He had to cut through the dance floor to reach Brendon, the man sitting alone at the far end of the room. His white shoes and coat were covered in blood, but somehow that wasn’t the worst thing in the dance floor of the club.
“Ah! Tyler, my boy, it’s so nice to see you! Did you do as I asked?” Brendon greeted when he reached the table.  
“And then some,” Tyler answered, taking a seat across from the man in a plush, red booth.  
“I knew you could do it, I fucking hate politicians,” he said, sly smirk on his face, “now, I have one more job for you, then you’re home free for a few weeks.”  
“Your partner already knows all the details, he should be getting here about now,” Brendon said, “oh, look! There he is! Over here!” Brendon waved a man with yellow hair poking out from a hoodie walked over, the hood covering most of his face, but it was obvious he had a sly smile on his face, and a blade sticking out from under the waistband of the hoodie. He sat down next to Tyler and he took his hood off of the top of his head and showed his face.
“Hi, Tyler,” Josh greeted. His smile wasn't the same as it used to be. Brendon seemed to be doting on Josh, bragging about his reinstatement and his natural skill that Tyler could tell was definitely not as natural as they were making it seem.  
A woman walked up to Brendon, a smile on her face, “Hey, baby. Is this them?”  
Brendon nodded, holding his arm out to lead the woman into his lap, “Gentlemen, this is my wife, Azrael.” Josh nodded in her direction and didn’t look her in the eyes, and Tyler said a small hi. “Azrael, this is Josh and Tyler.”  
“Ah, we’ve been waiting for you both.”
“Can I finish tomorrow, I’m tired,” Tyler interrupted his own story and scratched his head, not bothering to hide his yawn, “I promise, I’ll finish it in the morning.”
“It’s only seven o’clock, Tyler,” you complained, “at least tell me what the job was.”
“Then I can go to sleep?”
“yes,” you whine.  
“To take care of the overcrowding in Libitina.” You looked at him expectedly, waiting for him to further explain. But he was already laying back on the couch and pulling his hood over his head.  
Cool, leave me hanging... again.  
So you left the room, and went to bed.
You knew you were asleep, but you weren’t in the same spot Brendon first visited you at. You were at the entrance of a cemetery that you recognized as a very famous one in LA. You had visited it once or twice to see some famous graves.
“This is where I was buried,” a voice said. You turned and saw Brendon standing next to you with a blunt in his mouth and a black suit, as opposed to the red one you saw last time.  
“No, I was actually buried in Las Vegas,” he stated with a chuckle. Suddenly the scene in front of you was blurry and you were in front of another cemetery, not recognizing the entrance. “oh, I’m right over here.”
“So you’re basically the ghost of Christmas past?  
He chuckled, but didn’t say anything, only led you down a small trail and in front of a shiny, granite headstone. He took a long drag from his blunt and blew it toward the grave, somehow it felt like a sign of respect.
Brendon Boyd Urie
April 12, 1973- October 28, 1994
Loving Husband, Son, and Singer  
“My wife, well his wife, changes my headstone if it ever erodes too much,” he stated, “she is on the fast track to heaven, so I won’t get to see her. She’s the one that found me, after I dropped like a fly.”  
“Are all couples like that?” you asked, “one gets sent to hell and the other somehow never goes?”
“No, only the people you’ve met so far, sometimes both get sent to hell and they live out torture together, or they go to heaven,” Brendon explained, “And then there are the people who both go to purgatory and have a blast trying to get to heaven together. It’s like the ultimate team building exercise.” Brendon sat down at the feet of his grave, knowing that his body was decayed right under him.  
“How did you die?”
“Rock star lifestyle,” he sighed, “I was a bit of a partier, and one day I got involved in the wrong shit and my body couldn’t take it.” He turned to a random stone and put out the blunt, leaving it still sort of smoldering as he backed away.
The scenery changed once again, Brendon sat in front of you this time on a headstone, “You probably don’t recognize this place, but we’re in Ohio.” Brendon moved from the headstone and showed you the name on it.
Tyler Robert Joseph
December 1, 1987- June 5, 2007
Gone too soon. God bless his soul.
“He was never blessed,” Brendon laughed, “it’s a sick irony of dying, these people don’t know we’re down there, don’t know that most of the people don’t stand a chance.”
You looked at Brendon, his eyes clouded in something you hadn’t thought would be there, ever.  
“Brendon,” you started, “what happens when hell gets too crowded?” He whipped his head to look at you, surprised by the question. “And please be honest, I’m tired of people fucking lying to me down here.”
“If they have improved over time, they have a shot to get into purgatory,” he stated, “and if they do something horrible, even for Hell, the get sent to a place called Libitina. It’s like a prison for the damned to stay and rot.”
“What qualifies as that bad?”  
“Not a lot, sweetheart,” he said shortly, “we have one more stop, then you can ask all the questions you want.”
The scenery changed for a final time and you recognized immediately where you were. You wrote in your will that you wanted to be buried in a cemetery in London next to Tom. Brendon led you to the two fresh grave, grass not even grown on the patch of dirt the headstones were on.  
(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)
October 5, 1997- January 22, 2023
Forever resting with the love of her life
Thomas James Hosterfeld
June 1, 1996- January 22, 2023
Forever resting with the love of his life
“You got your wishes,” Brendon said, “you didn’t end up with him as your families had hoped, but I’ll tell you that he is on the third tier of Purgatory.”
“I’m glad, if anything, he deserves it,” you sighed. There was a silence between you and Brendon, and you took the moment to sit sown in the grass of the cemetery. Brendon let out a quiet chuckle and sat next to you, playing with the grass below his fingers. He took out another blunt and lit it up before inhaling the smoke.  
“Want a hit?” he asked. You shook your head, waving it away.
“Is this all? You’re gonna leave me to talk to Tyler?” you asked, lowly, “all he ever does is lie to me. He never tells me anything.”  
“Well, Tyler lies about a lot of things,” Brendon sighed, “he doesn’t like letting people in. But that’s his story to tell. It hasn’t always been in his favour.”
“Do you let people in?”
“If they let me in,” he answered. You looked over at him and saw him looking back at you. He leans forward and catches your lips in his, giving you a sweet yet hungry kiss. He was more tender than Tyler, taking his time to savour everything about your lips.  
He trailed his kisses down your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot on your neck. You let out a moan as he nibbled on your neck, rolling your head to the side to give him more access.  
“You’re killing me, sweetheart,” he said in your ear before biting lightly on your ear lobe.  
“How so?” you asked, cutting it off slightly with a moan as he attacked the collar bone peaking out from under your shirt.  
“I see everything, you and Tyler, the kissing, cuddling, and I hate seeing him touch you,” he said, moving his head to look you in the eye, “not when we keep having these times together at night, and he’s got you all to himself every day.”
“Then I’ll stop,” you said, “now touch me before I have to wake up and look him in the eye.” He laughed lowly, a cocky smirk appearing on his face.
“Sweetheart, you know I control these dreams. I can make them as long as I need,” he said. He reached for your hips and guided you to sit in his lap, his bulge evident as you ground down on him, “I can feel you soaking through those jeans, darling.”
“Then do something about it,” you groaned. You leaned in and nibbled just under his jawline, “do hickeys show when we wake up?”
“If you want them to, kitten,” he answered, rolling his head to the side to show more real estate as you sucked a hickey into his neck.  
“Good, wanna show everyone what I did,” you moan, grinding down harder on his dress pant clad cock. Brendon’s hand wandered down into your pants, and moved your underwear out of the way to feel your wetness. You moaned when his fingers brushed over your clit.
“So wet, from just kissing your pretty neck,” he said cockily, sliding his fingers into you and pumping slowly, watching you writhe on top of him. You groaned, and reached down to unbutton your pants and pushed them down as far as you could. Brendon noticed your struggle and pushed you down so you were laying on the ground under him.  
“be patient, my sweet girl, we have all the time in the world.”  
You laid with Brendon in the grass, your head laying in his chest. He put back on his pants and boxers, but let you have his shirt and jacket to cover yourself after he ripped your shirt.  
“Now I have to wake up without you there,” you said, tracing circles on his chest lightly, “what am I gonna say to Tyler?”
“You don’t have to say shit to him, sweetheart,” his chest rumbled as he spoke, “sure, you’ll wake up with my suit jacket and shirt on, but I set up that penthouse just for you. Say you found it in one of the drawers.”
“I’m covered in hickeys, Brendon,” you giggled.  
“you fell off the bed, you’re clumsy,” he laughed. You giggled and poked his chest with your nail.  
“Is it always gonna be like this when we reach you? Is that why you want me?” you asked.  
“It can be whatever you want and more, baby,” he said. He started sit up, holding you so you didn’t get hurt somehow. “It’s time to wake up now, babe.”
“But I want to stay here, with you,” you whined.  
“I know, but the sooner you wake up, the sooner you head out and you can see me at my club,” he said. He leaned down to kiss you before he stood up. Everything around you dissipated as he stretched his limbs.
“Will I see you again, next time?” you ask him as the wind picks up.  
“Of course, baby,” he said, turning around and kneeling to meet your eyes, “and remember, Tyler doesn’t touch you anymore, my lips are the only ones that can be on you.”  
“Bye, Brendon.”
You woke up in the big soft bed of the penthouse apartment, having a new appreciation for the soft sheets under your body and bunched in your hands.  
You swung your feet over the edge of the bed and stood to look at yourself in the mirror that was on the closet of the room. You were, indeed, in Brendon’s suit jacket and red button up, but it didn’t look too bad on you.  
In fact, you thought it was kind of cute.  
You made your way out of the room and saw Tyler sprawled out on the couch, snoring lightly. You walked over and poked him in the face, “Tyler, wake up.” You attempted one more time before turning on your heel and taking the first big thing near you, a metal abstract sculpture of a human, and dropping it on the floor. Tyler jumped awake and you looked at him innocently.  
“What the fuck?”
“Finish the story, no breakfast until then,” you stated. You sat on one of the couches and looked at him expectantly.  
“Alright, well, Azrael told us they were expecting us.”
“You two are going to Libitina to eradicate these people,” Brendon stopped paying attention to Azrael long enough to slide a manila folder over to the boys across from him, “then do what you want. But I want my blades back when you’re done.” Brendon went back to brushing his fingers through her hair lovingly, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and kissing her neck.
“Obviously,” Tyler said, but Josh had a look on his face that made him uncomfortable. Something told him that he would be getting into trouble like he used to when they were alive and Josh wanted to go do something crazy.
“Then one thing led to another, and Josh started a rebellion that lasted half of a decade,” Tyler explained, “he was a hell hound in a humans body. The pure personification of evil, worse than that of the devil. He wanted to overthrow Satan and free all of the Damned into earth, heaven, and purgatory.”
“Is that all?” you asked, “Where is he now?”
“The place all the bad, bad people go?” Tyler never answered. He got up and went to take a shower, not before turning to you.  
“Want to come with me?” He held a hand out for you to take.
You thought for a second, knowing you promised Brendon that you would not start anything with Tyler. But it was Tyler, the man who was leading you through hell for nothing but pride, and had suffered so much. He opened up to you, even if it was poco a poco. So, you nodded with a broad smile and took his hand, letting him lead you to the big shower.  
You hardly expected to be reaching the most beautiful circle of hell. You didn’t know that there was such a thing. But, you and Tyler walked down a long gravel path with green grass on either side, a large creek came into view with a man leaning against the post of a magnificent bridge of dark wood and golden railings on either side. The man was shorter than the bridge and had a black hoodie that you swore was Thrasher brand.  
Hm, didn’t know they had brands in hell.
When you approached the man, you noticed that his body was covered from head to toe, including his hands, which were tucked comfortably into his pockets, and he had two feathered wings on his back, tucked so close together and compact, it was almost like he was hiding them from you.  
"That's Pete, he's a harpy," Tyler explained, looking toward the man expectantly, "He's probably here to help us through the rings of Violence."
He didn’t seem to be paying attention to you as you and Tyler walked up, his head parallel with the ground, not letting you see his face. When he finally heard your footsteps, he looked up, sending shivers down your spine with his yellow eyes. When he saw you, he stood up taller and rolled his shoulders out before putting his hands together and dropping them in front of him. A stark contrast from the red-scale eyes you had seen so far. When you took a closer look, you saw small tufts of feathers poking out of the bottom of the hood.  
"Hey," he greeted, looking between you and Tyler, and after a beat of silence, stuck his hand out to introduce himself, "I'm Pete, guardian of Violence. It's nice to finally meet you, my lady."
Tyler's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, hoping you wouldn’t notice his formality, "This is (Y/N), Pete. She's the girl Brendon wants."
Pete's expression matched Tyler's as he realized his mistake, "Oh, my bad. Thought you were someone else." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and waited for Tyler to reprimand him like he used to, but nothing ever came.  
"We should get walking now, we have three rings to get through at one time," Tyler said. Pete nodded and turned on his heel, leading you across the bridge. The bridge was way longer than you expected, but it the shortest ring of Violence, so you couldn’t complain about the creaking below your feet as you walked. One you had looked down, you saw creatures swimming up and down, and a large one that looked very scary. "That's Leviathan, he doesn’t like Acheron, so he stays here," Tyler explained.
"Oh cool, another hell creature I have to know about," you said, sarcastically, "what next, are there hellhounds?"
"Oh, they're in the circle Brendon occupies," Pete answered from ahead of you two, "He made them cuter."
You all walked in silence for what seemed like ages, walking across this bridge seemed easier than going through the other rings, but you knew it was too good to last. It was hell, after all. Tyler seemed to be walking on eggshells, any splashing spooked him, he refused to look up at Pete or at you and walked so cautiously that it seemed like he wasn’t even on the bridge with you. He seemed to be off in his own world.
Your mind, however, had started to wander. You thought about your life, trying to figure out what you did that sent you down here on this... adventure?
"You really shouldn’t do this, (Y/N)," Harrison said, "You love Tom, how do you think he'll react when he finds out?"
"It's just a girl, he won't care," you reasoned, looking up at Harrison with glassy eyes, your speech slightly slurred, "He has a girlfriend, if anything he should be thrilled! I'm finally getting some and forgetting about him!"
"There's a difference between forgetting about him and moving on,” Harrison muttered, “come on, (Y/N), let’s just go home and watch x-files.” He reached for your hand, but you pulled it away from him quickly and blew him off, claiming you were a big girl and you could take care of yourself.  
“I’ll be fine, Harrison,” you slurred, giggling at something in your head as a girl reached for you, equally as drunk, and started to drag you away, “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby! Don’t wait up! Get some while you’re here.”  
“(y/n), stop daydreaming,” Tyler said, breaking you out of your trance like state. You didn’t realize you were at the end of the bridge, and, in addition, the end of the first ring in violence. You looked ahead and saw, finally, the true reason the ring was called violence. There were people, the damned, running around picking raspberries as harpies flew over their heads, talons out, picking people up, clawing at their faces and hands.  
Pete didn’t stop, he continued to lead you toward a ginormous building, completely ignoring the pleads of mercy all around you. You kept your eyes down, looking at the path under your feet.  
When you looked up, finally, you saw the entrance to the building.  
“Libitina, in all her glory,” Pete said, his voice bored. The doors were already open, and it looked like someone forced it open.  
“Is it… supposed to look like that?” you asked. Tyler nodded, looking reminiscent.  
“A long time ago, someone broke out through the doors and Brendon never bothered to fix them,” he said. Suddenly, sirens rang through the air and both Pete and Tyler stood up straight, “now, that isn’t supposed to happen.”  
The boys charged in, leaving you at the door with a shocked expression. You had a feeling that you’d need to use Eveningstar. You ran in after them, but the place was far too big and you found yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time. You got lost in the winding halls, listening out for voices, but they were all drowned out by the piercing siren.
You were pulled into someone’s chest and a knife was held to your throat. A silver handle was held by a tan hand and you knew. Morningstar.  
“I suggest you keep that pretty little mouth shut, unless you want to disappear,” a gravelly voice said in your ear. He turned you toward two forms, Pete and Tyler. They writhed in their spots, trying to move but they couldn’t.
“How did this happen so fast?” Pete groaned.  
“revenge makes the damned powerful, Peter,” the man behind you laughed, “especially when the bitch that put me here is near.”
“What?” you asked.  
“Shut up, Muriel!” the man spoke.  
“That’s not Muriel, Joshua!” Tyler yelled, “Muriel would know better than to come back.”  
“Then why are you guarding her, who is she?” Josh said, ending with a laugh. He truly thought you were this Muriel person.
Angel. Demon. Whatever.  
Your mind reeled. Why would he thing you’re Muriel? Joshua held the blade harder against your throat, leaving you to gasp for breath without letting it cut into the skin. Joshua looked down at you, his gaze clouded with pain and loss, and when you locked eyes, he seemed thrown off. The sharpness of the blade eased up as he was sent into a whirlwind of old emotions.  
"(y/n)! Do you remember the view? Remember what you said when we looked out of Joe's window together?" Tyler said from his spot, locked in place. He couldn’t move his legs to reach you. Josh must have been practicing his biokinesis after all these years. You knew exactly what he was talking about. Azrael's blade was digging into your side in this compromising position.
"I said that you almost forget we're in hell for all eternity," you answered in a weak voice. You slid one of your hands away from the hand holding a knife to your throat and down your side to the shadow-casted blade. You unsheathed it and moved it from your side to slightly poke Josh's, "We were so enthralled, we didn’t hear Joe enter the room."
How did you know how to stab Josh with this blade without killing him?
You stabbed the knife into his side and felt the blade on your neck ease up. But, you moved too quickly and the blade dug into your neck and cut you. You fell on your side, landing next to Josh, facing him.  
Both you and Josh passed out. Tyler finally broke free and ran to you, pulling your body into his lap.
“Hello, Gabriel,” you greeted the angel, smiling gently at him as he brought you in for a hug, “I missed you.” Brendon had crossed arms, watching you and his brother interact with each other. He never knew he could be the jealous type.
“I missed you too, Azrael,” Gabriel squeezed you tight before the hug ended and pulled away.  
“What’s this about you not taking the mistakes from limbo to purgatory?”  
“I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that,” he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “Dad is being a pain lately, and forcing us to kill off forgotten souls.” Brendon rolled his eyes, of course his father would do that, he was never the most considerate ruler.  
You shook your head. Of course, he was trying to do that. Hell was starting to get crowded, you could only imagine what it looked like in purgatory and heaven.  
“More people are going to hell than ever, heaven isn’t even that full,” Gabriel explained, “We’re filtering all the people we can into heaven from purgatory but they’re moving slower than ever.”  
“I suppose this is means for revolution again?” you sighed. The last time there was a revolution in hell and purgatory, your son had died in the hands of your brother, Muriel. You could never be really mad at Muriel, he was doing what he thought was right, but now more than ever, you missed your dear Josh.  
“How? Last time I took care of all the revolutionists last time,” Brendon spoke up, taking your hand after he saw your face fall. Gabriel shrugged.
“There are two new souls coming, and one of them is going to start a revolution,” Gabriel looked you in the eyes, his golden orbs reassuring. However, it wasn’t reassuring enough, “One of them is Joshua.”
You groaned at the red light shining above your head.  
“What the fuck happened?” you asked. Tyler and Pete were sitting, having just seen exactly what happened. You looked down at your body, you were wearing the same red dress you saw in your dream.  
Nightmare? No, definitely not a nightmare.  
Josh came too soon after, looking at you with a hopeful sparkle in his eyes. It was quickly gone, however, when he realized it was no longer a dream.  
“Lady Azrael,” Pete said, moving to kneel.  
“I didn’t believe Brendon when he said it was you,” Tyler muttered.  
You stood up, a little unsteady on your bare feet, as opposed to shoes you were wearing, on the rough concrete. You stepped toward Josh, who was holding his side with on hand, and holding Morningstar in the other. You reached down and took your blade.  
Huh, maybe it did belong to you.
“You never know who you’re threatening,” you said. This act was coming so natural.  
“Go ahead. Finish me off, wipe me from existence,” Josh said, barely able to speak now, “you have to know that these wounds don’t heal.”  
You did know. Somehow. Maybe Azrael was telling you, deep down. But she was also begging you to not take her son, your son, away again. The pain was too much.
“I’m not going to finish you off, Joshua,” you said, squatting down to take both blades, the one in his hand and the one in his side, away from him, “I’m going to take this blade out of your side, and I'll heal you.”
“What kind of mother would I be to leave my son lying, in pain.”
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baelllamyblake · 7 years
Alive and Well. ( Bellamy Blake x Reader )
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Request : 1 -Reader suppose to be on the Ring but she was with Clarke and they didn't make it to ship on time but they both survived. And Reader and Bellamy were couple so she's the one talking to him on the radio everyday. And he was completly broken after that and when they got back he's shocked and they share very emotional reunion (as they both changed very much). And she almost attacked them scared that they're people from this prisoner ship. Thanks! -ANON
2 - Hey there! Just another cute request with Bellamy Blake coming back on earth 7 years after praimfaya when the reader had to stay on earth (he thought she was dead with Clarke) Small detail: one day before goint back to the ark, the reader gave birth to their daughter and see her again 7 years after, when Bellamy had to raise her alone in the ark. NOTHA REQUEST WHICH ACTUALLY GOES WITH THE PREVIOUS ONE: could I please with sugar on top get an imagine when bellamy is raising his daughter alone on the ark with the reader being on earth (supposely dead) Like cute moments daughter/father, the skaikru team being protective and playing with the daughter 😎 Have a nice sundayyyy - @enoraturner
Pairing : Bellamy x FEM Reader
Word Count : 2,753
Warnings : like three curse words lol 
A/N : okay so lets just imagine that D/F/N was a ripped metal ass baby that can survive the vacuum of space bc going to space a day after ur born is kinda unrealistic LMAO the ending might be a little lackluster sorry!! just wanted to get this out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also thank you so much for requesting!! please request some more !! i love writing for Bellamy !! im really scared on how this will do pls help me out here
D/F/N, D/M/N = daughter’s first name/middle name
“ Here we go again. “ You huffed out quietly, a radio in one hand and a wrinkled map in the other. A stray breeze flowed gracefully through your hair and along the branches of nearby trees. You gazed longingly at the black CB radio in your palm, hoping a familiar voice would just speak out of nowhere. It nearly brought you to tears just imagining the thought of someone responding after six lonely years.
“ Bellamy, if you can hear me, you’re alive. It’s been 2,199 days since Praimfaya. I don’t know why I still do this every day. Maybe it’s my way of staying sane here with Clarke. Not forgetting who I am, who I was. It’s been safe for you to come down for over a year now. Why haven’t you? I miss you. “
“ D/F/N D/M/N Blake! Come out, come out, wherever you are! “ Bellamy playfully yelled out, his voice echoing throughout the metal halls of the Ark. His feet quickly tip toed along the corridors while his eyes briefly scanned each and every room in search of his little daughter. Just before leaving after peeking in the last bedroom of Hall C, a high giggle could be heard from under the floorboards.
“ Hm, if I was a seven year old, where would I hide? “ Bellamy questioned curiously out loud, attempting to lure D/F/N out of her hiding spot. The tiny child kept her fingers planted on her lips, refraining from making a peep of noise. Her father slowly kneeled down on the floor, silently lifting up a tile and revealing the surprised face of a little girl. “ I found you! Now, come on out, sweetheart. Monty’s making us try foods again. “
“ Ewww, do we have too? “ D/F/N groaned out, her nose crinkling in disgust as she crawled out of the tiny floorspace. Bellamy hummed out in affirmation, a small sigh following suit. During the six years in space, Monty has been experimenting to find sources of nutrients to sustain eight people, even if they tasted like bitter posion. “ Last one there has to drink two! “
“ Hey! No fair! “ Bellamy barked out, running after his daughter who already disappeared around the corner like a ghost. He groaned out as a hand ran through his ruffled hair, knowing full well he would never catch up to D/F/N. She was too smart for her own good, an obvious trait she inherited from her wonderful mother, and she never stopped asking about going back to Earth.
Bellamy saw so much of you in D/F/N: the H/C hair, the E/C eyes, the ability to think in such creative and unusual ways. She was practically a carbon copy of everything he missed so dearly. Bellamy would look down on the world from the Ark, watching it simmer in radiation and never letting himself forget how he didn’t try hard enough to get you to come along. As D/F/N grew, Bellamy became somewhat accustomed with your absence, it was like you left her as a souvenir for him!
“ Bottoms up, King. You got two to drink this time. “ Murphy teased, his chin planted in his palm as a smug grin curled on his lips. The rest cheered loudly as Bellamy took the seat next to D/F/N on the bench, eyeing the nutrients warily while his stomach did ten flips.
“ Chug! Chug! Chug! “ Skaikru chanted over and over, their fists pounding sonorously on the metal table, even D/F/N joined in! That little rat! Bellamy groaned out defeated, his hand lifted the bowl to his lips and his throat choked down both bowls of the sharp tasting sludge. Laughter and claps broke out when Bellamy slammed the bowl down on the table, sloppily wiping the residue from off his mouth.
“ Your turn, dear. “ Bellamy spoke deviously, nudging D/F/N and almost nearly gagging right after. It never got any easier to drink that sludge, ask anyone in the Ark. D/F/N sighed out, silently preparing herself as she pinched her nose and downed the nutrients without fail. Raven and Echo clapped happily, showering her with accolades for being such a big girl as Murphy gave her an eager fistbump. Monty slapped his hand with a smile on his face and D/F/N did just the same, taking Bellamy by surprise. When did he teach D/F/N him and Jasper’s signature quirk? “ Okay, that was pretty good, I won’t lie. “
“ You’re just mad because you had to drink two, dad. “ D/F/N boasted confidently, her nose stuck up and her arms crossed firmly over her chest. Bellamy’s right eyebrow cocked slightly at her, the rest pointing and laughing at him. The mischievous smile on Bellamy’s face hinted that karma was about to bite D/F/N in the ass.
“ Well, joke’s on you, sweetheart. You earned yourself an extra hour of studying. “ Bellamy stared bluntly, the jeering instantly shifted into boos as D/F/N pouted childishly. The resent showed plainly on her face as she stomped to the makeshift library down Hall D.
“ You make a great dad, you know that? Y/N would be insanely proud of you, really! “ Raven commended him, the others quickly agreeing as well. Bellamy smiled sheepishly in response, relived that he wasn’t doing such a bad job of being a father figure to his daughter. “ We’re all really proud of you too, Bell. Keep up the good work! “
“ I really appreciate all your guy’s help. I wouldn’t have been able to this on my own. “ Bellamy humbly thanked Skaikru, a small smile remaining on his tanned face. Everyone sat in a comfortable silence, looking back on what’s happened during the six years in space as well as the years down on Earth. Everyone missed you yet no one mentioned it, especially Bellamy. You always had a way of breaking the silence and distracting people in a way where they totally forgot that the world was a complete shithole. “ What do you guys think about returning to Earth? I think it’s about time. “
“ Can you please help me? “ D/F/N peeped out, a small book in her hand as her finger pointed out the name Hecuba. Bellamy put down the Iliad beside him to get a better look. “ What does that say? “
“ Hecuba. Say it for me? He-Cu-Ba? “ Bellamy enunciated the name of the woman whose cry of grief moved the Greek Gods in the heavens above, looking to his daughter after. D/F/N attempted to repeat the name but didn’t really succeed. It’s the thought that counts!
“ Hey, D/F/N. Want to do something not boring? “ Raven peeked in the crack of the doorway, moving the tendril of hair behind her ear. D/F/N gasped in response, her mood instantly lifting and her eyes sparkling as she dashed out the door with Raven. Bellamy sighed out, she was supposed to study! He roamed over to the bedroom window, a perfect view of the scorched Earth beneath him. A half full bottle of alcohol sat on the windowsill, Bellamy’s thoughts pondering if they should really go back.
He left you behind and he couldn’t seem to stop beating himself up for it. Bellamy brushed his hand over his beard out of sheer stress, what if you and Clarke were dead this whole time? The trip back would be all for naught and there was definitely no way of getting back. The rest of the group were also uneasy about the proposal of risking everything if there was just going to be another Praimfaya and no second option of surviving it. Bellamy and them decided to let the thought marinate a little before collectively making a final desicion.
Bellamy contemplated finishing off the rest of the blue potion, in hopes that everything would be okay and that you were still kicking it. He took it into his hand before shaking the thought off and setting it back on the window sill, he has better things to do. Bellamy forced himself up off the desk chair to find D/F/N and Raven somewhere in the Ark.
“ Oh my god, Raven! You are not taking her on a space walk! Are you fucking crazy! “ Bellamy scolded her as she froze in the middle of zipping up a child sized space suit for D/F/N. He nearly lost his shit at the scenario of D/F/N floating off into space like some thriller movie. Echo, Monty, and Murphy sat silently in guilt, they thought it would’ve been cool! How could not try it? “ When did you even make that! “
“ Echo and I totally did not sew this suit for D/F/N a few months ago and we totally have not been planning this space walk for a few months now. “ Raven lied through her teeth, her head hung low in shame. Anger rose in Bellamy’s chest, so much for thanking them for their help! They were going to kill his one and only!
“ And you guys just let this happen? “ Bellamy questioned Monty and Murphy, putting them on the spot just before berating them for being in on the scheme. He looked to D/F/N with furrowed eyebrows and kneeling before her, his hands planted on the sides of her tiny biceps. “ You should’ve told me, sweetheart. This is dangerous! You could die out there! “
“ I’m sorry.. If we were on Earth, stuff like this wouldn’t happen! I want to see my mom already! “ D/F/N murmured out an apology with a sniffle before bursting into tears and running out of the airlock room. Bellamy sighed out, if you were here, he wouldn’t have been dealing with this problem. Bellamy rose from his place on the cold floor and sent one last death look to everyone before retreating to find D/F/N.
“ D/F/N? Where are you? I’m sorry for yelling, sweetheart. I just didn’t want you to get hurt! “ Bellamy yelled down each hallway, his head peeking in every other before moving into the common room. He stopped dead in his tracks like a deer in the headlights. D/F/N stood frozen in utter fear as a rifle barrel was pointed just between her eyes.
“ Come with us or she dies. “ One of the strangers spoke up as the other retrieved D/F/N who let out a high yelp as the woman dragged her roughly down Hall B by the bicep. She tried so hard to rebel against the outsider by screaming and thrashing violently but the effort was rendered futile. They both disappeared around a corner but D/F/N could still be heard crying and shrieking out for her father. Bellamy’s raised hands gripped into tight fists out of fury. Where were they taking her?
“ Who are you? “ Bellamy barked loudly, his jaw clenching tightly as the rest of Skaikru joined behind him, their hands slowly rising to the ceiling. His instincts told him to attack while the end of an assault rifle forced him to seethe in rage.
“ We’re here to take you back to Earth. “
“ The bunker’s gone silent, too. We tried digging them out for a while, but there was too much rubble. I haven’t made contact with them, either. Anyway, I still have hope that I’ll get to see you. Tell Raven to aim for the one spot of green, and you’ll find me. The rest of the planet, from what I’ve seen, basically sucks, so- “ You spoke into the radio, eyes gazing at the dirt and leaves under your boots. A distant boom ripped your attention from the ground to the high clouds above.
A small, almost microscopic in the sea of blue zoomed across the sky, the sound of its rockets could be heard from a mile away. You rose to your feet, your chest rising with all kind of emotions like you were going to burst into a million pieces. Bellamy felt the same way, the possibility of seeing you again and showing you the product of his teachings made him want to scream out in joy for no reason at all. D/F/N tightened her clutch on Bellamy’s jacket, her nose sniffling as leftover tears stained her cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her thin body, his lips pressed against the top of her head in hopes to reassure D/F/N that everything would be fine. Bellamy couldn’t wait to tell you everything that happened up in space, holy shit.
“ Nevermind, I see you. “ You uttered, tears running down your cheeks as you rushed to wake Clarke up. You shook her awake, a giant smile plastered on your face. Clarke grumbled incoherently, her fingers rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “ They’re here! I think they heard us, Clarke. “
Clarke instantly shot up from her resting spot, following suit behind you as you dashed to get a better look at the ship. It was strange as the ship inched closer and closer to the ground, it was a lot larger than you remembered. Bellamy was unsure of how close they were to landing, they were locked on the bottom of a floating prison transport ship while the fugitives piloted the vehicle on the top floor.
“ You said it was a small ship, right? “ You asked, slight fear consuming your chest cavity. Clarke confirmed with a silent nod as you looked down the sight of your nearby assault rifle. “ Oh God, get down and get the rover out. Load all of the guns too. “
Clarke hastily followed your orders and retreated into the driver’s seat of the jeep, backing it up behind the treeline. What the fuck is going on? You cocked the handle of your rifle and slowly made your way to the landing site of the prison transport.
The ship was dauntingly gigantic, much larger than the drop ship but smaller than Arkadia. You’ve never seen this kind of ship before, it looked much more advanced than any technology you’ve seen on the Ark before. You’ve never seen the corporation name either. Who was running the Eligius Corporation ship?
Your train of thought was quick to be derail when the sound of latches and locks started moving out of place, indicating that the entrance will be revealed and you were going to kill whoever came out on sight. The gun was pressed firmly to your shoulder, your finger itching to press the trigger.
You already knew who it was as soon as you saw the top of their head. The tears were already falling and all your muscles immediately untensed in complete and utter relief. Bellamy was alive and D/F/N was absolutely gorgeous. You dropped the gun on the grass, your heart raced at a hundred miles per hour, excited to hug the love of your life.
It was like all the oxygen in Bellamy’s lungs left as soon as his eyes adjusted to the light and eventually focused on you. Skaikru stood in blatant shock, you were alive and well after everyone thought you weren’t. You beat the impossible odds and here you were in your full glory, face to face with Bellamy after an eternity spent apart.
No words were spoken, just a long awaited hug to confirm that you both were real and it wasn’t just a simple dream. D/F/N hid behind Echo’s leg, her large eyes trained directly on you. You took in all of Bellamy: his hair, his clothes, his smell. Before opening your eyes and realizing that your seven year old daughter was watching you. You pulled away from Bellamy, acknowledging D/F/N was here on Earth with you. She rapidly averted her gaze and shrank even more behind her leg. Echo looked to D/F/N and patted her head comfortingly, letting her know that everything was completely okay.
You knelt on the ground and held out a hand to her, eyebrows furrowed in nervousness. What if your daughter rejects you? You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. D/F/N peeked her eyes out to look at Bellamy who nodded for her to come out of her hiding spot. She steadily shuffled her way to you, uneasiness showing as plain as day on her face.
“ It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve been waiting a really, really long time for this, D/F/N. I’m Y/N, your mother. “
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