#also he was so nice to deadfoot!!
redratoon · 7 months
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(Tallstar and Barkface)
I just finished Tallstar's Revenge and it was really cool ! my fav form the super editions (alongside Bluestar ofc) ! I really liked his friendship with Barkface (this guy is so nice!!)
I'm just a bit sad that everyone seem to only focus on the husbands while there's like SO MUCH more going on (like it's only 1/4 of the book if not less chill out guys).
Designs belongs to Nifty Senpai!!
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mothdapple · 2 years
Improving Onestar's Confession
Onestar’s Confession being so lackluster really pains me. At least in my opinion, this book had a ton of potential for a really interesting story since Onestar has such a dynamic and unique character arc. Unfortunately though, this potential seems to have been squandered by at times nonsensical, rushed pacing decisions and by having the book revolve far too much around Darktail, when this should have been Onestar’s story.
So this is how I would have written the book instead, to have hopefully made a stronger plot. Since this story spans such a huge amount of time, I’ll be breaking this outline down by “era” denoted by the book series it occurs during. But, firstly I would like to draw attention to the general theme of this story and the driving motive behind Onestar’s behavior: Insecurity and Inferiority/ Inadequacy. With that foundation laid, let’s get into it.
The Prophecies Begin
My first major change is that the story begins with Onewhisker as a newly named warrior, not an apprentice. The purpose of the apprentice chapters in the book seem simply to introduce Onepaw to the idea that kittypets can’t be good warriors through Tansypaw and Brushpaw, and that later influences his decision to not let Smoke and Darktail join WindClan. But this feels like a waste of time, in my opinion. The Clans already have a baseline view of kittypets as weak, but this view is contradicted anyway because of Onewhisker later meeting Fireheart, a former kittypet. So regardless of whether Onewhisker ever interacted with Brushpaw and Tansypaw or not, he would still know that kittypets can make good warriors when he rejects Smoke and Darktail— making the plot line with the kittypets wholly unnecessary. So we are cutting them. Sorry Bailey, Tansypaw and Brushpaw. 
I would also cut the fact that Onewhisker is siblings with Ashfoot and Morningflower. There isn’t any evidence in the main series text to support it. In fact, there is even contradictory evidence, since Onewhisker is indicated as being younger than Ashfoot and Morningflower. (Plus let’s try to keep inbreeding to a minimum by not making more cats related. AND if Onestar was an only kit his name makes more a ton more sense.) 
The last big thing on the cutting room floor is that I’d also scrap the Whitetail/Onestar pairing. Whitetail and Heathertail’s relationship with Onestar is so super weak in this book anyway, it really already has little to no impact on the story. And besides, one romance with Smoke is more than enough for one book lol. But I do like the idea of Whitetail becoming Onewhisker’s closest friend in WindClan once she becomes a warrior.
But anyway, let’s get into the story. We start with Onewhisker as a young warrior in WindClan. He’s the generally nice, friendly guy we know from TPB, however, things are not going so great for WindClan right now. They are being terrorized by Brokenstar, and although they have not yet been driven out of their territory, they have suffered many losses. Onewhisker is upset and frustrated by they fact that WindClan is struggling to protect themselves from ShadowClan, and he feels like he, personally, should be stronger or greater in some way so he is able to better help his Clan. But, we see from comparing Onewhisker to his clan-mates, that he is just a painfully average warrior— not as good at hunting as Ashfoot, or as good at fighting as Mudclaw, or as good at leading as Deadfoot, etc. This plants the seeds of the feelings of insecurity/inadequacy that will come to plague Onewhisker later in life. And, I would do this during this time period since it would be really interesting to see this part of bleak WindClan history that we’ve never had a firsthand perspective of before!
WindClan is then of course driven out of their territory by Brokenstar, and things are even more awful. We see how WindClan is barely scraping by in their exile. One day when Onewhisker is out alone scavenging for food, he comes across some kittypets, including Smoke. Him being a friendly guy, he sort of strikes up a conversation with him. They are curious about him/WindClan and ask him questions about what being a Clan cat is like. Onewhisker however, is ashamed of the fact that WindClan is so broken and weak right now, so he instead lies to them, talking about how great Clan life is, spinning tales about WindClan’s grand adventures and battles, making himself also seem like a greater warrior than he actually is. The kittypets are entranced by this, but Onewhisker soon has to leave to continue to try to find food. In his head, Onewhisker does acknowledge that he lied to them, but he does not really feel bad because he thinks that he will never see them again. Also, he likes that he was at least able to make them happy with his stories, which in turn, made him happy because he was able to forget about his sad existence for a while.
Onewhisker does not run into any of the kittypets again and WindClan continues to struggle on. But, two new cats do show up— Fireheart and Graystripe who are here to guide WindClan home. Onewhisker is immediately taken with Fireheart and his heroic nature, and the two become fast friends, closer friends even than Onewhisker is to most of his clan-mates. Onewhisker begins to idolize Fireheart, since he is the kind of great, heroic cat that Onewhisker always wanted to be.
Now we start to jump ahead in time through the rest of TPB. As time passes, Onewhisker and Fireheart remain good friends, even as Fireheart becomes Firestar. Onewhisker’s admiration for Firestar continues to grow as he becomes a leader so young and saves the forest from Tigerstar and BloodClan. However, Onewhisker’s admiration starts to now become edged with insecurity. He feels inadequate in his friendship with Firestar, since Firestar is this amazing hero, and Onewhisker is just “some average guy.”
The New Prophecy
These feelings of insecurity only get worse as time passes, and it is now a few moons before the book Midnight begins. The Clans have been living in a time of peace, and Onewhisker has maintained his friendship with Firestar for quite awhile now. However, some his clan-mates have started to question Onewhisker’s closeness with a rival leader. Many of them find it unusual at best and disloyal at worst. Onewhisker does not like his clan-mates whispering about him, but he is also unwilling to end his friendship with Firestar over stupid rumors that question his loyalty. (We also specifically see seeds of conflict planted between him and Mudclaw here. Mudclaw obviously does not approve of Onewhisker’s soft-spot for Firestar/ThunderClan. Mudclaw is also deputy now, giving him more authority to punish Onewhisker if he feels it’s necessary.) This makes Onewhisker feel distant from his clan-mates, but he also thinks that he can’t confide in Firestar or get any closer to him because he worries about driving his clan-mates further away. And also, as I mentioned above, Onewhisker feels insecure when he compares himself to Firestar, so that also makes him hesitant to admit to Firestar that he is so lonely and isolated.
This causes Onewhisker to go looking for connections elsewhere, leading him to rediscover the town cats and Smoke. His friendship with them is simple. None of them question his loyalty or think he’s a bad hunter or not working hard enough, and he never has to feel insecure around them either— they all like and admire him. When Onewhisker talks to them and tells them everything that he’s been up to, he again makes himself out as a bigger hero than he actually is (specifically telling them stories about Firestar’s achievements, but saying that he was the one who did them.) Although Onewhisker is lying to the kittypets, his motivations at this time are still fairly innocent— he just wants some friends and to feel important.
As we enter TNP proper now, Onewhisker begins to fall in love with Smoke, and she gets pregnant. However, while this is going on, the destruction of the forest has begun and the clans are in rough shape. WindClan is starving, cats are being poisoned and dying left and right. Onewhisker stops visiting Smoke as much to focus on the Clan. However, one day Smoke shows up on the edge of WindClan territory heavily pregnant, wanting to know why Onewhisker hasn’t been around and also wanting to join the Clan so they can all be together. However Onewhisker refuses her, both because he doesn’t want to get caught in his lies with her and his clan-mates, but also because he doesn’t want her and her kits to suffer and die as his Clan is currently. To save face, he doesn’t explain his reasoning, instead just saying that the wild is no place for a kittypet like Smoke. Smoke is heartbroken of course, but she leaves. Onewhisker feels bad, but not bad enough to call her back or tell her the truth.
A little under a moon later, the destruction of the forest is at its peak and the Clans are just about to leave on the great journey. Smoke shows up again with Darktail, and once more asks to join the Clan, or at least have Onewhisker take Darktail and train him to be able to survive in the wild. She explains how she’d given birth shortly after they’d last spoken and Darktail was the only survivor. Onewhisker feels bad, but he doesn’t think a kit young as Darktail has a good chance of surviving the journey. He turns her down again without properly telling her why. (Don’t get me wrong, plenty of Onewhisker’s motivations here will still be selfish, but overall he can still think of himself as a “good guy” who “did the right thing,” although he found it hard to turn Smoke and Darktail away after seeing how much she was hurting because of it.)
Moving on to later TNP: Tallstar’s death and the WindClan coup plays out, but we will focus more on Onewhisker’s internal struggle than the fighting, since we’ve seen that with both “Winds of Change” and TNP.
When Onewhisker is chosen to succeed Tallstar, he is very insecure about being leader. He relies heavily on Firestar for help, thinking that he’s not good enough to be leader, but he also does not want to disobey Tallstar’s final command. (And, also deep down, a part of Onewhisker is happy to be chosen, since he is finally able to be exceptional in someway, like how he’s always wanted.)
But, after the coup, Onestar‘s insecurities have become even worse— cranked up to the max. He knows half of his Clan tried to depose/murder him, and he feels like he doesn’t know who to trust. But he also fears he can’t keep leaning on Firestar for help because that would just feed into what Mudclaw’s supporters are worried about, and maybe even spark another coup. But, what can he do to win his Clan’s trust, after feeling like an outsider from them for so long?
He decides that the only way is to give them what they want— essentially Mudclaw, which starts his tough-guy persona. Onestar severs his friendship with Firestar, knowing that continuing to rely on him will make him look weak in his clan-mate’s eyes. His emotions are conflicted on this— on one hand, he is sad about losing one of his oldest friends, but it is also a relief for him to no longer be living in Firestar’s shadow (and a part of Onestar also blames Firestar’s over-involvement for the coup.)
The Power of Three and Omen of the Stars
As the moons pass, Onestar continues to use his tough guy act, but this doesn’t solve his problem with his clan-mates. He’s being someone he feels like he’s not, which is isolating. But he starts to fear that he can never truly drop the act because then he’d be back at square one— with his clan-mates wanting to kill him.
We see how much this has damaged Onestar’s psyche and his relationships. Even his closest friendships in WindClan, with his deputy Ashfoot and with Whitetail, are strained. They both want to help Onestar, but he continues to push them away. Instead, Onestar’s insecurities stay as high as ever, and even though he thought he would be free of Firestar’s shadow after he ended their friendship, he still finds himself comparing himself/WindClan to Firestar/ThunderClan. Onestar is so desperate to prove himself as strong and just as good as Firestar that it even prompts him to start the bloody battle with ThunderClan that happens in Eclipse.
As we enter OotS and Onestar keeps using the act, he becomes increasingly bitter and paranoid. He looks at Firestar and is deeply jealous of him. Despite being leader for a long time now, he still feels inferior to Firestar. He hates that Firestar is so beloved by his Clan, while Onestar is still convinced that his clan-mates would stab him in the back if given half the chance. Because he’s done the tough guy act for so long and because he’s been suffering from this insecurity and isolation for so long as well, Onestar’s personality begins to warp and he genuinely becomes a much harsher, angrier person.
A Vision of Shadows
Okay, we are finally entering the home stretch here!
By the time AVoS rolls around, the weight of everything has broken Onestar, leaving him a bitter old man. (Some loss of mental capacity with aging could also play a role.) He is less insecure now, but he has lost most of his sense of morality, becoming rather mean and cruel, although he believes in his head that by doing so, he has finally made himself and WindClan feared and strong. This is shown especially when he refuses to help ShadowClan with yellowcough for no good reason.
When the Kin starts to attack the Clans, Onestar does not know that they are led by his long-lost son until Shattered Sky. The shock of it brings all his insecurities back to the surface, and terrified of his past finally catching up to him and him losing everything (his "strength" and the respect of his clan-mates, which he worked so hard for) he locks WindClan down.
Now I see two possible satisfying endings here. The first one is a “tragic downfall of a character” angle. We could have Onestar reluctantly convinced by the other Clans to help, or risk them all being killed. This leads to Onestar finally confessing the truth of Darktail’s parentage, but he’s not telling them out of a sense of regained morality, rather for selfish reasons because he feels like it is necessary for them to know so the Clans are not destroyed. Overall by the end, Onestar would not have overcome his struggles with inadequacy or insecurity— rather they have consumed him. And the product of that insecurity (Darktail) is what ultimately kills him.
But, if we wanted to give the book a happier spin, then at the end, Onestar could have a “come to Jesus” moment. He could realize that he’s strayed so far from the good, kind cat he once was. He’s spent nearly his whole life being miserable, living a lie, because he’s been so beholden to his insecurities, and he needs to stop running from them and embrace who he truly is. This motivates him to confess to the other Clans who Darktail really is and then sacrifice himself to stop him. By killing Darktail, it symbolical shows Onestar confronting and putting an end to his self-destructive insecurities which have caused so much harm to himself and others.
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everybody-loves-purdy · 7 months
IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY! And I wanted to talk about ships :D
The wiki said that Larksplash and Crowfur are the parents of Nightcloud and I can't stop thinking about them as a pairing. In my aus, Larksplash is often the littermate of Willowbreeze instead of Graypool. The characterisation of Reedfeather in Crookedstar and Tallstar's SE confused me, but the chapter in a guide book where Fallowtail wanted her daughter's names to represent the water and wind made me think of an au where they were a tragic couple instead. When their leaders found out they decided that each of their clan would have one kit.
I thought Larksplash was a weird name at first, but now I think of a lark playing in water whenever I read it. It also sounds like a suffix for a playful cat, so cheerful Larksplash and her grumpy but fond mate, Crowfur. (I actually rearranged the family tree in my au, so Deadfoot's their kit instead of Nightcloud. Crowfeather was named after Crowfur and his parents joke about how they must've accidentally cursed him with his temper)
Crookedstar and Willowbreeze were wonderful too. Crookedstar running into camp and shouting that he's going to be a father was just so cute <3
I've never liked interpretations where Jake forgets about Nutmeg and Quince because of Tallstar since it's always made me feel bad for them. I've always liked the idea of Jake, Tallstar and Nutmeg being a healthy throuple. Maybe Tallstar and Nutmeg aren't romantically interested in each other, but they get along nicely and both love their fluffy mate. (I'll be honest I never liked Quince/Jake because canon went absolutely NO WHERE with this fact)
I do have a confession to make: after reading Tallstar's SE I shipped Tallbark more than Talljake. They knew each other for like, a week and that was apparently one of Tallstar's strongest bonds with another cat. Wish the Erins made his wander last for a month at least.
Medicine cats can't take mates anyway, so I guess Tallstar doesn't get any love/j
I like that AU! You’re putting more thought into Larksplash and Crowfur more than the Erins ever did lol
Tallstar and Nutmeg would absolutely not be romantically inclined but they would just be besties who love seeing their husband happy
And yeah I ship Talljake much more but I do also kind of ship Tallbark. I would want Tallstar to be happy and not pine after Jake for the rest of his life. Obviously he never stopped loving Jake, but that doesn’t mean he can’t love someone else as well. Just in general even if you don’t ship them Tallstar and Barkface’s relationship is very underrated imo
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yuridovewing · 11 months
A Shadow In RiverClan Diagnosis: C
Very pretty comic, Barry's art is absolutely gorgeous in this one. He did a great job with the backgrounds and the coloring, and I really love Feathertail's design here. It all looks really nice. I also like how Feathertail's PTSD is represented, she's resentful and cold to her clanmates and she has every right to be, yet doing so is still harming her. She makes reckless decisions and only serves to make her situation worse. That's a really compelling internal conflict for her to reconcile with. I found a lot of her struggles really relatable because I've also isolated myself and resented people who enabled my abuse. It honestly felt really freeing to see Feathertail cope with her feelings and begin to reach out to others again by the end of the book.
The problem is the everything else. This doesn't feel like a satisfying Feathertail story, and it just passes as a Stormfur one. Leopardstar being uwu so sorry is annoying, I think it's good that she apologized to Feathertail and Stormfur and I agree with the writing that it was a good thing to do for Feathertail's arc... but Feathertail shouldn't have to forgive her. She can move on, open up again, but she can do that without forgiving the one who had Stonefur executed in front of her. Also wow she's just as xenophobic to ThunderClan as the rest of RiverClan now... what fantastic character development. And it's so awkward with what we know from TNP, where she dates Crowpaw and sacrifices herself for the Tribe and stays in their afterlife instead of StarClan. I don't think reconciling with RiverClan was the correct option for this story specifically in the grand scheme of things.
Sasha deserved better too. It feels bad that Feathertail reconciled with Leopardstar but not Sasha. I can understand Feathertail being upset about Hawk and Moth being TIgerstar's children, and Sasha not immediately saying what the situation was, but its weird how she never ever recognizes that Sasha was a victim, just like she was. FFS, Sasha literally says she ran away before Tigerstar learned she was expecting his halfclan kits, and Feathertail is STILL like "muh muh muh you bastard i cant believe you love that guy". it's a shame, cause they're both not the "perfect victims" that the media likes to portray. Sasha still loves her abuser and misses him and wanted better for him even though he would never do the same for her, because he'd broken her down so much that she only wants his validation. Feathertail hates her leader for ordering her death and is scared of her clanmates for egging her on, and does not forgive them for a very long time. It makes sense! I always like to see different depictions of trauma. But there's just a lack of sympathy to Sasha that I don't like.
This is also just a nitpick btw, and not exclusive to this book, but why have Oakheart tell her the prophecy and not Crookedstar, the cat she actually knew and had a good relationship with? She'd absolutely listen to him so I don't get what the deal was. Even if Crookedstar wasn't a huge character when they wrote that plot point, neither was Deadfoot. I dunno, it's weird.
Anyways. I'm just gonna be looking at this for spare parts for my au. I won't lie, I'm pretty sure this is alongside Leopardstar's Honor squarely in the "not canon" category. Which is a shame, cause there's stuff I like, but it just doesn't make a lot of sense.
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morningmask27 · 2 years
warrior cat au:
deadstar (deadfoot as leader) au
tallstar died when windclan was chased out so deadfoot was left picking the pieces of the destroyed windclan. he couldn't go get his 9 lives directly because of the shadowclan threat. but he appointed (why are there NO known windclan cats between the birth of tallstar's half-siblings and wrenflight's canonical kits (as far as I'm concerned ashfoot and morningflower aren't related to onewhisker and tallstar) yeah eh (scours the minor character pages for tpb) lizardtooth! (the unnamed tabby warrior that accompanied morningflower to windclan's camp after windclan came back home)
(lizardtooth is also the father of runningbrook, tawnyfur, and robinwing wc larchsong. they are littermates despite what the canon allegiances made you think). anyways when fireheart and graystipe went to bring back windclan deadfoot did a little detour by the moonstone to get his 9 lives. he came back and assured his position against the other clans very strongly. he wasn't going to let anyone bully windclan anymore. when his son, eaglekit became an apprentice, eaglepaw he was very proud. one time he went out with eagle and eagle's mentor when brokenstar's rogues (not broken himself) attacked the trio, leaving eagle's mentor dead, eagle badly wounded and deadstar having lost a life.
later when it was discovered that these were brokenstar's rogues and that bluestar/thunderclan were keeping the old war criminal as a prisoner in their camp deadstar was furious and demanded that bluestar kill broken. when she refused he planned with shadowclan to get rid of brokenstar for all the clans’ wellbeing. the attack happened, but this time brokenstar was killed and bluestar died. tigerclaw became thunderclan’s leader as he’s always wanted and made darkstripe his deputy. he was always suspicious of graystripe being disloyal so he banished him. gray went to riverclan (this was before silverstream had her kits so they are born safely in riverclan and she lives) fireheart also had to leave because tigerstar still didn’t like fireheart at all he went to deadstar asking for somewhere to stay. deadstar accepted fireheart in windclan. 
to prove his loyalty he’s given gorsepaw as his apprentice. deadstar was obviously going to keep an eye on fireheart, but he wanted the young fire to prove himself worthy to the rest of the clan (also tallstar may have told deadstar that fireheat was his son-in-law so he better be nice to fireheart). fire lives a pretty okay life in windclan. lizardtooth doesn’t fully trust him at first but they warm up to each other (especially after runningpaw took a liking to fireheart). eaglepaw gets his warrior name eventually, eagleswoop. everyone is very proud of him. especially ashfoot and deadstar. gorse, running, tawny and larch are also proud of their friend and train even harder to become warriors aswell. 
one day at the end of leaf fall windclan is attacked by the combined forces of thunderclan, led by tigerstar and riverclan, led by leopardstar. eagle is sent to shadowclan to plead for help. cinderstar(cinderfur) relunctantly agrees and the two clans work together to fend off the attack. during the fight lizardtooth is killed by tigerstar, who in revenge gets dogpiled by runningpaw, tawnypaw, larchpaw, gorsepaw, eaglestorm and fireheart. tigerstar is now dead and darkstripe is thunderclan’s leader. everyone is very sad about the death and deadstar makes fireheart his deputy. gorsepaw is also made a warrior; gorserunner. leopardstar used the weak darkstar to take over thunderclan and combing river and thunder into leopardclan. 
leopardstar is very petty and tries multiple times to take over shadowclan and windclan, but in one pretty banal fight she loses her final life to a very tired deadstar and now blackclaw is riverclan’s leader. darkstar uses this to become leopardclan’s leader by killing blackclaw. and he attacks the two clans more viciously before a real final confrontation against windclan and shadowclan where he dies, dustpelt becomes leader of thunderclan, and riverclan is now led by stonefur. 
then there’s a little break of a two years and a half or smt and it’s tnp time! fireheart’s kits with ravenpaw. squirrelflight and slateleaf(leaf) are windclan’s chosen (slate is a medicine cat). runningbrook and ferncloud’s kits spiderleg and shrewbite are thunderclan’s, reedwhisker and hawkfrost go for riverclan and quietwhisper goes for shadowclan (quiet is still mute in this) they go to the sundrown place and meet midnight. on their journey hawk and slate become “close” and all admire quitewhisper for quins natural leading abilities.  they lead the clans to the lake. when they arrive cinderstar dies. his deputy had died on the way to the lake and he didn’t name another deputy so now shadowclan has a power vacuum with only the old runningnose and littlecloud to deal with the chaos.
duststar tries to use this mess to poke at shadowclan’s borders and take land from them, but he’s defeated multiple times by cats led by quietwhisper, who eventually is chosen to become shadowclan’s new leader; quietstar. duststar becomes more rude and stops ferncloud and runningbrook, who he had allowed to meet “in secret” but where on very thin ice, from meeting up. he also becomes way more strict than before, ready to fight anyone who poses a threat to the warrior code and thunderclan. at one point he even starts banishing cats who broke the code; goldenflower (for having been mates with tigerstar in the past) bramblethorn and tawnyfang for being tigerstar’s kits, ferncloud and her kits for halfclan reasons; etc. in the end there were just a pawful of thunderclan warriors left because every infraction was a reason to banish a cat for duststar (look he’s not possesed, he’s just very, very traditionalist and became tired with how the code wasn’t respected enough and finally he snapped and banished cats for any infraction, no matter how small)
many cats joined one of the other clans after being banished. ferncloud went to windclan with her kits where she lives very happily, golden and her kits joined riverclan... eventually the other leaders were kinda tired of duststar’s nonsense so they teamed up to attack thunderclan and stripped duststar of his remaining lives and eyed ashfur(his deputy) very suspiciously before he became too fearful and decided to make another cat deputy and drop off the leader role. so now brindleface is brindlestar, thunderclan’s leader!
while this was happening slate was having an affair with hawkfrost. he tried to use the chaos of the fight against thunderclan to kill stonestar, but was stopped by barbet (who knew of her sister’s affair). slate was expecting hawk’s kits and was starting to panic. she met up with reed(who hawk was also having a relationship with and he proposed to preten the kits were his and hawk’s) so now grousekit(jay), lionkit and minkkit(holly) were being raised in riverclan by reedwhisker, with bramble, tawny and golden’s help since brambs and tawny are the kit’s half auncles. eventyally the 3 become appretices; grousepaw to stonestream(he’s not an elder), hollypaw to mintfur and lionpaw to mistyfoot. 
the dark forest shenanigans still happen with hawkfrost using his status as the kids’ father to convince them to trust him (he train all his kits) and he convinces grousepaw that stonestar is a bad leader, grousepaw fucks around a little and somehow strips one of stonestar’s lives off. mink lears what happened and is shocked. she tries to get grouse to calm down and pretend nothing happened and Stop Killing Stonestar For Starclan’s Sake. grouse calms down and stops meeting up with hawkfrost. but then lionpaw has meeting with slateleaf’s apprentice heatherpaw and they are really close, to minkpaw’s dismay. and mink has to force lionpaw to leave heatherpaw and not see her again. (she does this while fighting her on feelings for willowpaw)
during one gathering reedwhisker is talking to slate and squilf discretely and assfur overhears them talkning about the kits. they are discussing wether or not they should tell the kits that slate is their mother. assfur who had been courting squirrelflight but had been rejected pounces on this as a way to hurt her. he discretely gets in riverclan, while passing trough windclan as a way to attact squilf’s attention, she obviously chases him and he finds grouse, lion and mink, now warriors; grouseclaw, lionblaze and minkflight. he corners them and tells squilf thet he’s going to kill her niblings to hurt her, but mink interupts this by jumping on assfur and demanding an explanation. he smugly tells her that slateleaf is their mother and that reedwhisker isn’t their father at all. 
then he pushes her off and runs away; grouse, lion and mink ask squilf what this meant, it couldn’t possibly be true, but she ahs to admit that assfur was right, but she admits that he’s right. the 3 run away into riverclan and find reedwhisker. they pul him to the side and ask why reed never told them that he wasn’t their father. reed told them everything he knew; reed and hawk were a known couple in riverclan, but he was also seeing slate. when he died, after attacking stonestar slate was expecting his kits. squirrel asked reed if he could do them a solid and pretend slate’s kits were his with hawkfrost. some time before the kits were due slate and squilf went off on a starclan mission and slate gave birth to the kits, they then met up with reed and the 3 named the kits before reed took them back to riverclan. 
so now there are some problems and mink is going nuts. then during the gathering assfur asks his mom brindlestar is he could make an announcement and called out reed, squilf and slate for the 3 illegal kits which was very awkward for everybody and slate was shunned, but squilf did one thing before getting her status destroyed and that was asking ass how he knew about the whole thing, after what she gave a detailed explanation of that bitch eavesdropping to a convo he had no reason listening to, harassing her non stop for not being interested in being his mate (from another clan at that! so he also broke the code!), crossing windclan territory, not following the rule of the 3 foxlenghts and threatening to kill 3 riverclan warriors for the sole reason to hurt her. 
at least now assfur is also in trouble. reed and squilf don’t really get punished, they are somewhat mistrusted by their clanmates but that’s it. slateleaf is demoted from her healer status, leaving heatherbloom as windclan’s sole healer and assfur is banished from thunderclan for the whole list of crimes he commited. he does some annoying shit, but is quickly found dead because that bastard thought he could fight a fox on his own and died. but one day slateleaf was found, heavily wounded and barely alive. she was nursed back to health, but she didn’t know what had happened. minkflight has also dissapeared for some reason and is thought to be dead after being gone for half a moon. 
lion and grouse look for her, but never find her anywhere. in thunderclan ivykit and dovekit are born to whitewing and birchfall. the kits sneak out of camp one night and fall into the lake, but are saved by a dark figure. ivykit doesn’t think much of it, but dovekit wants to meet the figue again and sneaks out again. but this time she gets lost too far and is wounded. the dark figure finds her again adn treats her wounds. she presents herself as storm, a rogue that wa passing by when she was the two kits escape. she was going to leave when she found dovekit outside of camp again. 
dovekit really admires storm and want to come with her, but storm tells her to return to her home, with her family as they would miss her if she left like that. but dovekit sneaks after storm and now it’s too late. a blizzard occurs and storm cannot bring dovekit back to camp as the kit would freeze to death. storm constructs an imporivised camp close to a small body of water and keeps dovekit warm at all cost. she learns dovekit how to fish (she breaks the ice on the water by using heavy stones) and they survive by pure chance honestly. then ove kinda forgot that she had to return home and spent time with storm even after the blizard was done. 
ivykit is really sad because everyone thinks dovekit died. she blames herself because she didn’t stop dovekit from going outside again. she becomes an apprentice, her mentor is sorreltail and she trains fairly normally. during a gathering she meets hollowpaw, lionblaze’s apprentice and the two become friends realy fast. they always meet up at gatherings and have good times together. dovekit and storm continued living peacefully, dove had now become dovepaw and storm was “mentoring” her, which dovepaw didn’t spend too much time thinking about honestly. the one day they are wandering and see the lake and dovepaw is struck with immence homesickness for some reason and wants to go to thunderclan again. 
storm tells her to go as she won’t come with dovepaw, but dove pleads and storm agrees to go with her to thunderclan, but then she’d leave. when the two entered thunderclan territory they found ivypaw and hollowpaw meeting up (in secret) and ivy and dove finally reunited. hollowpaw was kinda confused by this and storm explained that she had found dovekit outside and protected her until she came back now. and this is when lionblaze joins the stage. he had followed hollowpaw’s trail because he had been sneaking out for a while and lion saw storm. he recognised minkflight. he was so happy to find her again, but she didn’t feel well meeting her family again. 
lionblaze wanted her to see grouseclaw and reedwhisker again. he was deputy now and mintfur was their leader, mintstar. she reluncantly agreed to come with lion. dovepaw went to thunderclan with ivypaw and hollowpaw followed lion and mink. while crossing windclan territory they met a patrol, led by squirrelflight and accompanied by slateleaf and shrewbite. squirrel and slate greeted lion (they had become kinda close since the reveal, not parent-kit close but something akin to auncle-nibling) and slate greeted mink aswell, but mink was very awkward around slate and hurried away. she enters riverclan camp and is greeted by reed and grouse. she is invited to stay for a while and she accepts. her family is vry happy to have her back (yes even the grumpy grouseclaw)
she spends some days in riverclan until the gathering where she is invited to come, she goes and meets dovepaw again. dovepaw is super happy to see stormminkflight at the gathering and tells her eveyrthing about her return to thunderclan. her parents were so happy to see her again and she was so happy aswell and she finally spent time iwith her sister after all this time and everything is so great now! she’d just wish sto-minkflight was also a part of her life in thunderclan. mink is really happy for her, but feels really uncomfortable on the island, as the last time she’d been here assfur had shared the secret of her parentage and her life had fallen appart. 
some days after the gathering she leaves riverclan. she tries to avoid getting seen by a windclan patrol, but is caught by heatherbloom. she asks what she’s planning to do now. as she recognised her fur on slateleaf. storm answers that it’s none of heatherbloom’s buisness, but heather retorts that attacking a cat from another clan and nearly killing them is against the code and she shoul know better. mink retorts that her whole existnce is against the code and slate is the reason why. heather is very annoyed but lets her go. storm leaves windclan and goes to say goodbye to dovepaw. this time she’s maing sure that the energetic apprentice stays in thunderclan.
dovepaw is sad to see her leave, but she accepts it and says goodbye. grouse and lion are detressed since their sister left once again and ask dovepaw if she knows something. she tells them that storm left the clans again. but they don’t have time to look for her a lot since reedwhisker died mysteriously and now the brothers are mourning their father and stonestream is made deputy. and there’s dark forest drama that has been happenning in the background and now the dark forest is preparing to attack the living. storm had spent a lot of time thinking after her talk with heatherbloom and was returning to the clans hen the dark forest attacked. she saw slateleaf and squirrelflight being attacked by hawkfrost and killed him. she apologised to slateleaf for wanting to kill her that one other time and mother and daughter spend some seconds being close before the battle continues being a mess. 
storm sees dovepaw being attacked by some dark forest warriors and teams up with ivypool to make them flee. eventually the battle is done and storm sees her brothers help each other. they see her and talk with her. she doesn’t want to be a part of riverclan anymore, she is going to be a loner, but if she’s allowed she will visit her family from time to time. she says the same thing to dovepaw and the two say goodbye to each other. dovepaw and ivypaw become warriors after the battle; dovestorm and ivypool. storm visits the clans every so often and starts forming a bond with slateleaf. she also visits reedwhisker’s grave every time she’s close to riverclan. wishing she’d been there to help her father.
darkstar is always present for funny content
leopard is also a fail villan </3
smudge and hattie went to rebuild skyclan. smudge became magpiestar, hattie returned to her twolegs who accidentally moved to where skyclan lives and now she’s a daylight warrior
some of brokenstar’s followers returned to shadowclan and became shadowclan warriors again (plus some extra friends they made along the way) (stumpytail, mowgli/nightwhisper, tangleburr and snow/snowpaw/bird)
fire leaves thunderclan for good, gray never leaves riverclan
eagleswoop, gorserunner runningbrook tawnyfur and larchsong are the group in windclan (fireheart is an honorary member of the squad)
for once i streached out to Po3 era bs
assfur chose his mom to be leader (no she isn’t dead)
minnowmouse was also happening in the backgroud, which also enraged minkflight
honestly the riverclan apprentices in Po3 can also form a fun group just like the thunderclan ones. pebble and lion have the jock rivalry
ferncloud stays in windclan after the duststar debacle, but she is very proud of her mother, her kits live in windclan aswell (birchfall isn’t her kit fight me)
heatherbloom/tail is petty and funny, but looks up to slateleaf and is one of the only cats to still respect her fully after the secret is revealed
deadstar died and fireheart became firestar, he made thrushwing his deputy
there are no powers in this, grouse, lion and dove don’t have magical starclan powers. 
firestar lost his final life during the dark forst battle and now eagleswoop is leader
when storm dies she’s going to starclan that’s for sure
lion has his kits, but he has no mate i don’t care
heatherbloom and storm have a talk one day and become sorta friends
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Firepaw Joins ShadowClan AU
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firstly, hard agree that he's taken as kit
secondly, uh
fair warning
there is heavy amounts of child abuse mentioned here
as this is ShadowClan under Brokenstar's rule.
This starts with Rusty / Firepaw only being 4 moons old and being made an apprentice at a young age
with that said
Rusty is out playing in his yard, having recently been adopted by his twolegs and getting use to his territory.
Even now he's curious about the forest
One day he hears talking near his fence and he sneaks out of his yard. He finds a group of cats making plans [specifically to steal kits]. He doesn't understand what they're talking about, but they spot him.
He's almost attacked by one of the toms [Clawface] in the group when a she-cat - Fernshade - stops her Clanmate. Being a current queen she appears to be sympathetic to the kit.
Clawface isn't impressed, but the other tom in the group, Blackfoot, states that a kit is a kit.
Rusty is confused and immediately becomes frighten when Blackfoot holds and down and roughly pulls off the collar.
He has no clue what's going on and neither tom is answering his questions. Fernshade is sent back to camp with Rusty, since she was supposed to be the first one sent back anyway, and she brings the kit into ShadowClan's camp. Fernshade answers some of his questions, but dodges the ones where he asks why she's doing this [specifically she answers where she's taking him and who the other cats were and his questions about ShadowClan]
He is brought before Brokenstar and is terrified of this tom. Fernshade comforts him, stating that their leader will make him a strong cat.
Fernshade explains where they found Rusty and Brokenstar doesn't seem too impressed. However, he still accepts that Rusty is now one of them.
Fernshade is excused to the nursery.
Blackfoot and Clawface eventually come back with four more kittens; a black she-cat, a tortoiseshell tom, a tricolor she-cat, and a white she-cat. The latter two were littermates stolen from a loner and aren't even a moon old, while the first two were stolen from separate kittypet homes. The black she-cat seems nervous and scared and is about 3 moons old. The tortoiseshell tom is about the same age as Rusty and he has to be held down to prevent him from trying to claw Clawface.
Brokenstar stand tall and makes an announcement; he tells the cats that ShadowClan is becoming stronger and they will continue to grow thanks to these new cats
Rusty, the black she-cat, and the tortoiseshell tom are made apprentices right away and are given the names Firepaw, Nightpaw, and Wildpaw. They are mentored by Blackfoot, Nightpelt, and Brokenstar respectively. Wildpaw does not like this. The kits are named Ivykit and Whitekit and are given to the nursery to be cared for until they're 'ready'.
Firepaw has many questions for Blackfoot and it's clear Blackfoot regrets this arrangement.
Blackfoot, Nightpelt, and Brokenstar take the apprentices out to see the territory and while they're out they encounter a ThunderClan patrol.
A fight breaks out and Firepaw is forced to fight despite having no experience.
ShadowClan loses the fight and the apprentices are punished by now being allowed to eat.
They are also shown how to hunt and spend the rest of the day, until late at night, hunting. They are closely supervised by Blackfoot, Nightpelt, Applefur, and Russetfur.
Firepaw is tired and passes out as soon as they return to camp.
He doesn't get much rest as Brokenstar demands the apprentices wake up and all of them are gathered for battle practice.
Here Firepaw meets the other apprentices - Whitepaw, Quickpaw, Ratpaw [Ratscar], and Snowpaw [Snowbird]
A couple of the other apprentices are nervous while others are excited. Firepaw, Nightpaw, and Wildpaw all watch in horror at the absolutely brutal and bloody fights these apprentices are forced into.
Firepaw is forced to fight Quickpaw, who is a stolen kit like himself. Firepaw has no fighting experience and Quickpaw has been here for at least a couple moons.
Quickpaw ends up tearing off one of Firepaw's ears and slashes him up pretty badly, but running of pure instinct and adrenaline, Firepaw manages to fight back and eventually has Quickpaw pinned.
All the grown warriors cheer and demand that Blazepaw kill them.
Quickpaw doesn't wanna die and begs for their life.
Firepaw can't bring himself to kill them and is removed from the fight. He thinks its over, only for Wildpaw to be shoved forward instead. Brokenstar vaguely threatens Wildpaw and when that doesn't work, he vaguely threatens Ivykit and Whitekit.
Wildpaw hesitates before turning to Quickpaw. He ends up killing them. Immediately he is regretful, even as Brokenstar gives him high praise. Wildpaw goes back to sit with the apprentices and he's staring at his paws the entire time.
Another apprentice, Whitepaw, is told that it's time to prove he's ready to be a warrior. He only appears to be about 7 moons old.
Whitepaw is pitted against another apprentice and is, like Firepaw and Wildpaw, pressured to kill them.
He does and Brokenstar proudly makes him a warrior on the spot, giving him the name Whitethroat.
Whitethroat beams in the moment, but even Firepaw can see that there's regret seeping through him.
Blazepaw is sent to the medicine cat den by Blackfoot and meets Yellowfang and Runningnose. They heal him up and he is thankful towards them. Yellowfang seems heartbroken at him being here and he doesn't understand why.
As soon as he's patched up, even if he isn't healed, Blackfoot takes Firepaw out and the two do battle training. Firepaw is taught basic moves and Blackfoot states after training that now the apprentice couldn't make a fool of him anymore.
Firepaw is a little wounded by the words, but he does want to make him proud.
Firepaw starts training harder, but even still cannot force himself to kill any cats. He notices Nightpaw is struggling with it as well and that Wildpaw has gone quiet since killing Quickpaw.
A moon passes and Firepaw is taken to his first gathering. Littlepaw, Brownpaw, Wetpaw, and Badgerpaw are also now apprentices.
There he sees the other Clans and he's in awe at the amount of cats. Blackfoot warns Firepaw not to talk to them about any of his training and that ThunderClan cannot be trusted.
Firepaw remembers his first encounter with ThunderClan and believes his mentor
Firepaw meets some of the other apprentices; Ravenpaw, Dustpaw, and Sandpaw of ThunderClan [whom he doesn't get along with them well and Dustpaw even tries to pick a fight with him] Webpaw and Runningpaw of WindClan [who Blackfoot tells him are cowardly and weak] Heavypaw, Shadepaw, and Silverpaw [Silverstream] [who he's informed are lazy and self-righteous]
The gathering is fairly tame, but afterwards, Brokenstar gets Tallstar alone and tries to pressure him for territory
Tallstar says no
Brokenstar gives him one more chance
He doesn't take it
Brokenstar isn't thrilled with this and tells Tallstar that he'll regret not taking his offer.
The apprentices return and, despite it being late, are put into another battle practice.
Thankfully no cat dies this time around, but Nightpaw is pretty badly wounded after a fight with Ratpaw.
Ratpaw earns his name Ratscar after their fight
Nightpaw is taken to the medicine cat den.
The next day the apprentices are taken out hunting with the warriors. Brokenstar isn't with them, instead having left with Mintkit and Marigoldkit.
When the cats return, they encounter Yellowfang's exile and she is chased out of the territory. When questions are asked, they learn that Yellowfang killed the two kits.
Everyone is in shock.
Firepaw remembers Ivykit and Whitekit and goes to check on them. He is happy to find the two are okay.
He then also goes to check on Nightpaw and finds she's fast asleep in the medicine cat den. She had no clue what happened, but doesn't believe Yellowfang killed those kits. She honestly thought Yellowfang was nice
Firepaw isn't sure what to believe and he's worried for what this means for the Clan.
After another moon of training and fighting, Firepaw watches as Snowpaw becomes Snowbird. He is close to Nightpaw and Badgerpaw and he tries to be close with Wildpaw, but Wildpaw has been pushing everyone away.
Early one morning, Brokenstar makes the announcement that they're going to be attacking WindClan and taking over their territory.
Many cats are excited. Firepaw has mixed feelings.
Wildpaw is pretending to be enthused when Brokenstar looks at him, but this falls away the moment the leader looks away.
The worry for Wildpaw grows.
Badgerpaw is excited to finally be able to prove himself a good apprentice and Firepaw is happy for him, though he can't deny that Badgerpaw still looks very young and kit-like and he's not sure if this is a good idea.
Firepaw is sent out with the first wave of cats during the attack. He wants to make Blackfoot proud, but when the patrol of cats starts fighting, he realizes that some of the cats are going after the queens and kits.
He doesn't like this.
He's fighting Deadfoot, the deputy, when he sees a full grown WindClan warrior about to attack Badgerpaw He tries to abandon his fight, but Deadfoot won't let him get away and he's a witness of Badgerpaw's death.
Firepaw is horrified now and he kicks Deadfoot away and runs to join Flintfang. The two mourn the loss of the young tom.
WindClan is driven off and Flintfang gets Firepaw alone and tells the apprentice to not allow this injustice to stand. Flintfang specifically refers to Badgerpaw as Badgerfang.
Firepaw promises as he can't shake the thought of Badgerpaw's death. He has nightmares that night of being unable to save the young tom.
The next day Brokenstar takes the apprentices out training. He uses Wildpaw as his training partner, to show the best ways to kill cats, and he pretends to kill Wildpaw
Training continues and Wildpaw drags Firepaw and Nightpaw to the side. He's stressed. He admits Brokenstar was openly threatening him just then because he started challenging his mentor and he informs them that, if he dies Blame Brokenstar.
This is a lot to take in.
The next few days of training are rough and Firepaw ends up having to be sent to the medicine cat den after Brownpaw slashes open his shoulder.
While recovering a couple days later, he learns that Brownpaw died
He's still shocked, despite him hurting him
When he gets sent back to the apprentice's den, he learns Nightpaw has been having some pretty bad nightmares. He and Wildpaw come together to comfort her.
A couple moons pass and at this point a couple more cats had been stolen, only for them to not make it long before either running away or dying. Firepaw is worried about his future and the future of his friends
That gathering, he doesn't go. He stays behind with Wildpaw, but Nightpaw is dragged along by Clawface.
The two fall asleep waiting for her - the three taking to having their nests very close to each other. They are waken up by a shaken Nightpaw, who explains that Brokenstar is demanding territory from ThunderClan and RiverClan. She does add more relieved news that she's sure Yellowfang is alive and well, though she's unsure for how long.
The next day Firepaw and Blackfoot are sent to hunt on WindClan's old territory with a full hunting patrol. While out, Firepaw sees Bluestar of ThunderClan, a couple of her warriors [Tigerclaw and Darkstripe], and an apprentice.
Curious, he sneaks away and watches as Tigerclaw goes to the moonstone with Bluestar while Darkstripe waits outside with the apprentice.
After a minute of dull watching, he's about to leave when he hears the apprentice yowl
He turns to see Darkstripe is trying to kill the apprentice and, without thinking, Firepaw races over and attacks Darkstripe. The fight draws Blackfoot's attention and the warrior manages to stop them before Darkstripe can attempt to kill Firepaw.
Blackfoot warns Darkstripe that if he sees the warrior lay another paw on his apprentice, that he'll personally rip his tail off and tear his pelt apart
Firepaw is surprised to hear this coming from Blackfoot and, when they're alone, Blackfoot warns Firepaw not to tell anyone he stood up for him
Firepaw promises, but he still feels happy
When Blackfoot asks what happened, Firepaw remembers and tries to find the ThunderClan apprentice, but he can't locate him. He tells Blackfoot and he mentions having spotted a young cat running away from the fight, though he hadn't been heading towards Clan territory.
Firepaw asks permission to find this apprentice and Blackfoot reluctantly allows it. He says he's heading back to camp and to return as soon as possible.
He heads off and, after some sniffing around, Firepaw finds the tom.
After some assuring and being patient and gentle, Firepaw introduces himself and learns the apprentice's name is Ravenpaw.
The two talk for a bit and Firepaw ends up learning that Darkstripe was trying to kill him to silence him. Firepaw asks why and but Ravenpaw is afraid to open up.
Firepaw is sympathetic and Ravenpaw admits he's surprised to find a nice ShadowClan cat. Firepaw admits cats in ShadowClan are rough and show affection in a strange way, but he has some good friends there.
Ravenpaw wishes he could feel the same
Firepaw invites Ravenpaw to move to ShadowClan, but Ravenpaw expresses doubt.
He doesn't want Ravenpaw returning to where cats are trying to kill him and Ravenpaw doesn't want to, either, but he isn't sure if he sees ShadowClan as a better option.
Ravenpaw chooses to stay hiding out here for a bit and Firepaw lets him go.
When Firepaw returns to camp, he sees Brokenstar preparing a patrol. They're going to raid ThunderClan camp and Firepaw and Wildpaw are forced to go.
The two toms are tasked with helping Clawface and Blackfoot steal ThunderClan's kits, which shocks Firepaw.
They cats break into ThunderClan and the fight begins while Bluestar, Tigerclaw, and Darkstripe are still away. Blackfoot engages in a fight with Yellowfang and while she's distracted, Firepaw and Wildpaw break into the nursery. The queens are outside fighting warriors and the two apprentices see the kits.
Firepaw doesn't want to do this
Wildpaw doesn't want to do this, either, but he's more afraid of what Brokenstar would do to him - or worse, Firepaw and Nightpaw.
Firepaw is shocked to hear how much Wildpaw worries about the two of them and Wildpaw shuts up and tells Firepaw quietly that they should just grab the kits.
They're about to grab them, when Frostfur comes in and attacks the two. A fight breaks out and the two end up pushing the fight with her outside.
Frostfur manages to pin Wildpaw and, in a panicked reaction to being pinned down, Wildpaw lashes out and ends up cutting Frostfur's throat open.
A retreat is called by ShadowClan and the two stumble out. Wildpaw is celebrated for his killing of the ThunderClan queen, even without the kits, and Wildpaw hates it.
When the two are alone, Firepaw asks what happened and Wildpaw brings up how Brokenstar had threatened him and how he had been pinned down in the same manner with the leader threatening to slice open his belly
Wildpaw starts to have a breakdown and Firepaw tries to comfort him, but Wildpaw is going through a lot
Later that night, Brokenstar calls a meeting and Wildpaw is made a warrior. He is given the name Wildfur. During the same ceremony, Ivykit and Whitekit are made apprentices. Whitepaw is given to Wildfur and Ivypaw is given to Snowbird.
Everyone but Firepaw and Nightpaw congratulate him.
Wildfur is moved into the warriors den but Nightpaw and Firepaw keep their nests close.
The next day, ShadowClan is preparing for another attack. They make plans and are leaning towards a more stealthy approach.
Clawface and Firepaw are sent in to steal the kits.
While the two are sneaking into the nursery, they are confronted by Spottedleaf. Firepaw is about to try to reason with her when Clawface kills her right there.
He says ShadowClan doesn't reason with ThunderClan and tells Firepaw that if he shuts up, he'll tell Brokenstar that it's time to make him and Nightpaw warriors.
Firepaw doesn't like this idea, but is more afraid of Clawface killing him to argue.
He helps steal Brightkit, Cinderkit, Brackenkit, and Thornkit. Firepaw, since they have the extra paws, also manages to snag Lynxkit while they're there.
The five kits are brought back to ShadowClan and ShadowClan is excited for the kits. Brokenstar holds a ceremony right then and makes Firepaw and Nightpaw into warriors named Fireheart and Nightwing.
Fireheart is given Lynxkit - now Lynxpaw - as an apprentice while the other four are placed into the nursery for a moon.
Lynxpaw is resentful towards Fireheart.
Fireheart promises it's nothing personal, but this does little to help how angry Lynxpaw is.
It's later that day that a ThunderClan patrol and the ShadowClan elders raid ShadowClan's camp. Bluestar and Yellowfang are leading them and the fight gets confusing quickly.
Lynxpaw tries to join his Clanmates - his ThunderClan Clanmates - in the fight, but is snagged by Brokenstar. He kills the apprentice right in front of Bluestar, who growls and lashes out at the ShadowClan leader.
Fireheart is in shock.
Brokenstar is, eventually, chased away with Tangleburr, Blackfoot, Clawface, Applefur, and Stumpytail.
Nightpelt steps up to lead the Clan and names Cinderfur as his deputy.
Fireheart aids Nightpelt in helping those in need, though his focus is turned on ThunderClan, as he noticed some odd things going on.
Though he knows he should be focusing on his own Clan, he noticed during the rescue that this one cat was staring at his own leader with a look that reminded him of Brokenstar
sometime between here and then, ThunderClan sends their oldest apprentices and Whitestorm to save WindClan. The apprentices are made warriors when they return - Sandstorm, Dustpelt, and Graystripe. Ravenpaw is still 'missing'
One day he just happens to be near the thunderpath when he sees a sickly molly near the thunderpath and realizes it's ThunderClan's leader.
She's about to be hit by a monster when he comes out of hiding and rescues her.
Bluestar is shocked and confused and Fireheart apologizes for the sudden rescue, he just didn't want to see any needless death.
Tigerclaw 'stumbles' across them and attacks Fireheart. Bluestar stops him and Tigerclaw states, simply, that he was just trying to protect Bluestar, as he had assumed this ShadowClan warrior was attacking her
Fireheart sees them off, earning a silent glare from Tigerclaw
Fireheart then realizes this cat has darker motives
He tells himself not to get involved, that he's a loyal ShadowClan warrior, but he's stuck thinking about these cats.
Fireheart spends some time visiting Ravenpaw, who has been wandering around for some time. He offers Ravenpaw a home in ShadowClan again and Ravenpaw is still unsure.
Fireheart promises Brokenstar is gone, but Ravenpaw isn't worried about Brokenstar anymore.
He asks what he's so afraid of and Ravenpaw finally tells him about what happened between ThunderClan and RiverClan and how Tigerclaw killed Redtail, who had once been deputy.
Fireheart has vague memories of who Redtail is and is surprised to hear he was murdered by his own Clanmate.
He offers to protect the tom personally and he can see that Ravenpaw is tempted by the offer.
He heads home and talks with Nightstar, mentioning how he's worried for this cat. Nightstar isn't sure how well ShadowClan can offer safety but Fireheart assures he'll personally protect this cat if he joins.
Nightstar agrees only on those conditions.
Fireheart then spends time waiting for Ravenpaw's answer, staying close with Wildfur and Nightwing as he waits.
The three still stick close and have been helping each other the best they can with the trauma.
When Fireheart brings up wanting to bring Ravenpaw to ShadowClan, Wildfur is a little on edge. Fireheart is confused on why and Wildfur admits he doesn't trust anyone but Fireheart and Nightwing. That and the younger cats.
Fireheart is understanding towards this, but assures Ravenpaw is a good cat who is going through something similar to them.
Wildfur is confused, admitting he doesn't think ThunderClan has a single cat who'd be able to hurt others like Brokenstar and his group hurt them
Fireheart brings up Tigerclaw and repeats what Ravenpaw had told him.
Nightwing says that she had seen the tabby on a border patrol and he seemed nice enough. Fireheart doesn't believe Ravenpaw has any reason to lie, especially since a Clanmate was trying to kill him when he first met him.
After time, Ravenpaw finally gives Fireheart his answer
He's joining ShadowClan.
Nightstar gives Ravenpaw to Cinderfur and assures it'll only be for a couple moons to assure loyalty
Ravenpaw is soon brought into the friend group, though Wildfur still has his concerns.
However, when a warrior begins harassing Ravenpaw, Wildfur is quick to stand up for the nervous tom and becomes a protective force of nature.
[at this point my brain went blank and I might skip over some things cause I'm having a lot of bad health days back to back; also Fireheart mentors Oakpaw / Oakfur, I forgot to mention that]
Ravenpaw earns the warrior name Ravenheart around the time that ShadowClan learns that Brokenstar is still alive.
Wildfur is the angriest when ShadowClan learns ThunderClan is sheltering Brokenstar / Brokentail. He swears to break into their camp and kill the foxheart himself.
When Brokentail and his rogues attack ThunderClan, Fireheart and a ShadowClan patrol overhear. He convinces Nightwing and Wildfur to come with him, but no one else wants to. He is warned by Wetfoot, who is with them, to be careful and remember they're ShadowClan cats.
Fireheart assures he knows, but something is calling him to help these cats.
Wetfoot ends up telling no one and just waiting for them.
Fireheart ends up saving Bluestar from Tigerclaw and Wildfur is stopped from killing Brokenstar by Yellowfang, but is witness as she kills him herself. He is the only one who knows her secret and he promises to keep it, though he doesn't forgive her for sheltering him.
She understands.
It should also be noted that her apprentice is Brackenpaw [since Bracken and Cinder weren't apprenticed early since they had no reason to be]
Tigerclaw is chased out and ShadowClan falls sick
Nightwing and Ravenheart are two of the cats that have fallen sick and Fireheart is desperate for help
Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw secretly help ShadowClan and Fireheart is thankful, though he doesn't want the two getting in trouble
Brackenpaw assures he won't
During this point of weakness, Tigerclaw tries to join ShadowClan and Fireheart recognizes him right away
Tigerclaw is trying to smooth-talk the sick leader but Fireheart counters and even brings in Ravenheart [with his permission]
When Tigerclaw realizes who he is, the dark tabby tries to sow seeds of doubt towards the ginger tabby. Nightstar chooses to trust Fireheart, which is a relief.
Nightstar also doesn't allow the traitors to return.
When Nightstar and Cinderfur die, Fireheart is named the new leader and becomes Firestar. Meanwhile, over in ThunderClan, their deputy is Whitestorm. He'll become Whitestar and his deputy will be his mate, Willowpelt. [much later, when she decides to step down, Sandstorm becomes his new deputy.]
ShadowClan is a little on edge on having an outside leader, though they are reminded that a lot of their cats are former outsiders. Especially the generation Brokenstar brought in.
[speedpointing cause i'm still feeling terrible, not even better and this has been a WIP for a while]
Ravenheart, Wildfur, Nightwing, and Firestar become mates. They are a polycule. Ivypaw and Whitepaw become Ivytail and Whitewater.
Tigerclaw and his cats had joined BloodClan, but Scourge killed him before going to the forest and being like "we own this now"
The cats are shocked
BloodClan starts doing targeted attacks on patrols
This leads up to the big fight
A couple days before the big fight, Scourge gets Firestar alone and gives him one chance to join BloodClan.
Firestar refuses.
Scourge is disappointed.
It turns out Scourge has gone to the other leaders, too. Leopardstar and Tallstar are actually considering it.
Firestar and Whitestar convince them not to. It takes a lot of convincing.
The four Clans come together and fight BloodClan.
Firestar loses one life to Scourge. Whitestar loses one to Bone and one to Scourge.
Firestar kills Scourge.
some random 'after fact' notes
Firestar is approached by Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw and want to join ShadowClan. He allows this and he and his polycule become backup parents and are the first 'kits' of them.
They later on have two other litters; Redtuft, Maplepool, Smokepaw, and Talonpaw [aka Squirrelfight, Leafpool, Smokepaw, and Talonpaw] sired by Firestar [Redtuft is a mostly red tortoiseshell while Maplepool is also a tortoiseshell, but her pattern is more evenly distributed; Talonpaw is a ginger tom] and Emberfur and Tinykit sired by Wildfur
Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw becomes Bramblefang and Tawnypelt. Bramblefang ends up moving to RiverClan to be with Stormfur as they two become mates on the great journey.
When Wildfur becomes paralyzed, Littlecloud and Maplepool fight tooth and claw to keep him alive. He is thankful.
Maplepool ends up in a relationship with Sorreltail of ThunderClan and [however you wanna headcanon how] the two end up having three kits; Badgerkit, a black and white tom Wildkit, a dark ginger tom Honeykit, a calico she-cat who looks a lot like her mother They grow up to become Badgerheart, Wildclaw, and Honeypool. [they take the place of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf]
sorry this took so long and i'm doing my best to fight through my lung problems to get some stuff out here to you all
i hope you all enjoyed
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mallowstep · 3 years
For the love of god, please consider renaming some cats, I've seen names like
"One-Eye, Halftail, Oddfoot, FLIPCLAW (what kind of prefix is 'Flip'?) Twigbranch, Clawface etc. Don't get me started on those atrocious SkyClan names with KITTYPET PREFIXES
Harrybrook, Snookthorn, Rileypool
Like tf?
so i'm going to start with saying! as a general rule, i love these names. i will address them each in turn, but i don't have a problem with warriors having "bad names," i have a problem with names that don't make sense given their context.
it does not make sense for blackfoot to be named blackkit, when he's mostly white. (and, as a colorpoint cat, i assume, would be born entirely white.) etc.
but i have no problem with bellaleaf, because well, yeah! makes sense to me.
after all, leaf was named leafdapple, why shouldn't bella be named bellaleaf.
i'm going to discuss each name you brought up in turn, and then, under the cut, i'm going to ramble about naming philosphies.
one-eye: i'm fine with this. i don't mind cats being named after their disabilities, not when it's an established part of warriors culture. (even if it doesn't happen anymore because people would be pissed about it.) i don't know if i think it's right, or if i think cats would have a problem with it, but i think it's good. i'd like to think most cats wouldn't have a problem with it, though. that said, for one-eye in particular, her name was already white-eye, so it feels redundant. food for thought, i suppose.
halftail: i'm not okay with this, because he lost...half his tail? trust me, as someone who had a cat with half a tail, you don't notice it. doesn't make sense. he can keep sparrowpelt, altho tbh i almost always forget about him.
oddfoot: oops i forget him initially! i actually assumed he was named odd because of numbers or something, but apparently it’s a deadfoot situation. we don’t know his kit name, so i’ll assume he was named as either an apprentice or a warrior to fit. it wouldn’t make sense for him to just have the prefix odd, and i’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he didn’t. if he did, however, i would have a problem with it because that makes his name a compound name, not because his leader renamed him.
flipclaw: i don't have a problem with it. what kind of name is flipkit? the kind of name a mother would give who looks a lot like the cat who traumatized her, i think. more importantly, i think it's cute! doesn't bother me. would i name an oc flipkit? probably not, but that's just me.
twigbranch: oh no i love her name. i love it! it's so cute. it means something, too! it has meaning. nope. no one is taking twigbranch away from me. i love it.
clawface: mixed. i don't really have a problem with a cat being named clawkit, but it feels...violent. shrug. i don't like it, but like, i also don't like sandynose.
and i won't directly address skyclan because uh i already stated my thoughts on them.
skyclan in particular, tho, it actually makes a lot of sense for their names to be like that. there is no reason to apply any clan norms to skyclan names.
i really hope they keep their names, too. tradition and legacy of names is important to them (pebbleshine and violetshine for the most direct example, but it's everywhere), and i want that to stay. i love that leafstar named her kit harrykit. never change skyclan.
as always, i want to say that i do not have a problem with anyone's methodology of naming cats. i do not care. i support every single name in existence (barring certain combinations of color and "-face," and anything in that vein), and i do not want to come across as telling you what you should do.
that includes you, anon! i do not think you should listen to me when i say i like these names. i think you should rename them whatever you want. (i strongly suggest reconsidering skyclan renames, tho. there's established reasons in canon for them to have those names, and i think it's a cool cultural thing worth exploring. i keep meaning to write a funny lil one-shot about it.)
but you know! if you want to rename them, go for it! i support you!
that said, here is what i think (and i am not an authority on this in any way, shape, or form) about names:
i've written extensively about naming traditions in the clans. if you want to read that, "names. leaders. meaning" and "names part two" are where i recommend you look. (note: first link is to my main, before i migrated warriors content here.)
i'm not going to go over any of that in detail, because well, i'd rather talk about something new?
anyway, i don't think there's a reason to rename the vast majority of cats. i have very, very, few rules. heck, in ashes, i even had squilf come out and say that there's not even a problem with cats sharing a prefix.
the two cats i have renamed are yellowstorm and runningcloud, both for very specific reasons: -fang is a suffix that only makes sense if you're a warrior, and yellowfang names runningpaw runningnose, but in this au, sagewhisker names him, and she doesn't seem like the type to give that kind of name.
in yellowfang's secret, which i do generally treat as canon, yellowfang explains runningnose's name. i don't have a problem with her giving that name to him in the slightest. i just don't think sagewhisker would, and that overrode my general conservative approach to cat names.
but i do think, to an extent, cats are named for the world around them. i explored this in "without warning," where cats can be named after all sorts of strange things (elevator is my favourite), because well, they don't know what strange names are and are not.
so, for example, if there was a kit named, say, chaffinchkit, i would probably rename them, because i've set my warriors in the pnw, and there are no chaffinches in america.
i would just name the kit finchkit, because really, a chaffinch just a specific type of finch anyway.
i also refuse to name a kit maggotkit. there are probably other canonical prefixes in this nature that i refuse, but maggot is the big one that comes to mind.
but i don't care that ferns are green and cats aren't green. maybe it's a name passed down through the generations, one they don't even remember the origin of, but now, it is a thunderclan name.
or maybe, it is given to a riverclan cat simply because their mother thinks ferns are nice and soft.
none of that matters to me, because i personally find limiting name to appearance is incredibly boring, and gives up a really nice chance to worldbuild.
in "fair is the night," ivypool and tigerheart have a brief conversation exploring this.
"ThunderClan is different," he says. "You don't use names in the same way. You don't know the Ivy before you. But ShadowClan isn't like that. Dawnpelt knows Dawncloud and Flametail knows Flamefur, but...I have Tigerstar." "That seems ineffective," Ivypool says. "You can get more mileage out of your names. Here, Ivy is for grey kits, right? But wiry ones. We need strong roots. And Dove is for grey kits, or white ones, but its for the ones who are born soft."
they go on, but i would never pass up an opportunity to explore that type of thing. (and yes i see the typo)
similarly, i like the renaming system. i am like, this close to saying i love it.
the only reason i don't make brightheart lostface in everything i write is because it'd be too much of a headache to remind people, and i also don't want to needlessly invite arguments about it.
she keeps her name in "saccharine tithes of love and glory" because it's the kind of au where i can throw small things like that, without worrying, because it fits, tonally.
i wish it didn't set a fic in a very specific tone, but it does, and so, i usually use brightheart.
(also, it's clear that she prefers brightheart in the books, and i respect that. i don't think, in my culture, that makes sense for her, but i've talked about my works as being on a spectrum between canon and me, and most stuff is far enough away from me that i call her brightheart.)
part of it is, renaming cats is imposing my rules over canon. i feel that saying "flipclaw should be named something else" asserts that my world is correct, and canon is wrong.
like, tallstar as a name does not make sense in my windclan. a kit can't be tall, and i've established that windclan names are very literal. but i've let it go, because i chose to make that a rule, and now i live with it.
i hope i didn't come off as prescriptivist, here, because i honestly believe if you want to rename cats, you should. i'd even be happy to discuss alternatives.
for clawface, might i suggest scorchface? (the suffix is malleable, frankly, but i don't feel like thinking much about it.) scorch deliberately has negative connotations in shadowclan, so you keep the same effect as clawface. especially since it just kind of sounds ominous.
but as for what i will do, it is not rename cats. i like their names (especially skyclan's), in all their idiosyncratic glory.
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Hell yeah it's time to start reading tnp
This always confused me. What's the hierarchy in starclan? because cats who died recently seem to have a lot more authority than cats who died long ago, even when it comes to big ol prophecies like this one
you can tell they hadn't thought of skyclan existing yet because they refer to thunderclan as sky lmao
everyone in starclan like "deadfoot you only chose him because hes your son"
the rules that dictate what starclan can and cant do are so flimsy. sometimes they have a shitton of power to do stuff and sometimes they're vague as hell for like no reason whatsoever. like, why couldn't they tell the prophecy cats that destruction was coming to the forest? why did they need to go talk to a badger by the ocean to get that information?
chapter 1
I think it's so funny that greystripe is like "brackenfur will organize patrols" like that's your job my guy and yet it's so fucking in character for his assholery
why WOULDNT starclan give the prophecy to the med cats
I know why it's because they want the contrived drama of hiding it from their leaders and shit but ugh
okay so if it's well known enough that brambleclaw and squirrelpaw bicker a lot, enough that sandstorm commented on it, then why the hell would dustpelt ask bramble to keep an eye out for her??
again I know WHY I'm just. exasperated
the fact that brambleclaw decides to pretend the prophecy was just a dream is EXACTLY why it should have been sent to the medicine cats
"greenleaf had longer and hotter than anyone remembered" what about the greenleaf where there was a fucking fire
firestar what the fuck do you mean you dont understand how bramble feels about tawny until you had squirrel and leaf you ALSO HAVE A SISTER OUTSIDE THE CLAN
anyways it's nice to be annoyed about warriors again lmao
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goatpaste · 4 years
WC design/headcannon/ect masterlist- Part A
just a list of ALL my designs for headcanons, maybe some design updates, any other comments or AU ideas i have. on main characters and characters with no plot!
These are all the cats who name starts with ‘A’, posting these in alphabetical order to not overload just one list lol
all under the cut >:3
Acorn Fur
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my Acorn Fur design changed slightly as she used to be more red saturated and i wanted her to not so much like my Red Claw Design
My biggest Headcanon for her is she absolutely didn’t listen to Moth Flight and ended up giving birth to two kit’s with Red claw as the father. they names are Rain Stone and Oak Stump 
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Acornpaw, ancient skyclan warrior
i like the idea of Acornpaw is a decedent of Acorn Fur and one of the last generations of her family that would remember her name
A warrior name i think would be nice for him is Acorndrop
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Acorntail, ancient windclan deputy.
i can imagine he was named the way he was being smallest in his litter, losing his tail to a rabbit trap when he’s older
acorntail stick with being deputy for awhile but i can see either he even after training an apprentice can’t keep up with the duties and once again insist that Morningcloud is made deputy. oR acorntail becoming leader as Acornstar and morningcloud or her apprentice Quickpaw being made his deputy 
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Adderkit, starclan kit who used to live in windclan and died by adder bite, named for it and was avanged by tallstar 
I imagine Adderkit was originally named Burrowkit born to Ashfoot and Deadfoot in their first litter with Eaglekit. Adderkit died on Windclans Journey to find a home after shadowclan chased them out.
Adderkit was very young when they died i picture their memory of their living life being EXTREMELY blurry, they know their windclan and they died by an adder. its why they renamed themself, and they barely remember who their mom and dad were.
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Adderpaw, ancient windclan apprentice who was around to the apprentice age limit code
Adderpaw was name for what a good few other ‘adder’ and snake named kits are named for, their tail wiggling around with its patterns look like that of a skinny snake.
Adderpaw Warrior name ideas, Addergrace or Addersnag
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not much to say beyond i think my design for him looks very funny lol
but my design for him is that he is leucistic
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Applefrost, kid of appledusk and reedshine
Named after her piece of shit dad, and raised on one sided stories of him she loved her dad and wanted to be like him as she got older.
She was the first victim of Mapleshade’s hauntings, picking her because she was named after the man who hurt her family and she looks a bit like him. 
(applefrost isn’t normally greying on the bottom naturally, this is a side effect on spending so many years training one on one with mapleshade in the dark forest. My crookedstar design also has this) Applefrost knows the name mapleshade and was skeptic to talk to her at first, but opened up and tries to just take what advice she can get from the spirit. Even coming to sympathies with her through learning the truth of her father. 
Then one day Mapleshade stopped visiting her, thought Applefrost would never know what happened, there is a reason.
Applefrost was full grown, and so kind even in the face of the warrior who killed her father. And she looked so much like him, yes he ruined her life but maybe this was the price she payed for what she did, to forever feel pain over the lose of someone who didn’t love her. 
It was part that, and part..something about the way she looked at mapleshade, and something she said sent her memories flying back to her little petalkit who looked so much like her. 
Mapleshade would stop visiting applefrost and move on to another generation of their family. 
Applefrost would never tell her siblngs of mapleshade, but would come to disown her own father in starclan. even being friends with petalkit.
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daughter of breezepelt and heathertail
mostly in here because i needed to up date her design
she hasn’t received her warrior name yet but should be close in the books
but a name like Applebite or Appleleaf
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Ashfoot,  windclan warrior, deputy and mother of crowfeather
i absOLUTLY love ashfoot
i picture her to be a very like ‘badass warrior mom’ she give tough love and you can’t help but totally admire her. She loves her son crowfeather, though if she is honest he tends to disappoint her with how he kinda doesn’t know how to behave
she gets followed around by herds of kits who want to be like her, and her past apprentice’s (which she has many of) call her sheriff (or mom, which is embarrassing but common and crow HATES it) 
Her and Deadfoot are VERY lovey dovey, she loves her sweet husband dearly and was distraught when he died. They were best friends growing up as apprentices together and were both name ‘foot’ in sign they always walked paw and paw, being well synced in battle and in life, they were just perfect for each other. so its easy to imagine when Deadfoot died it was like she lost half of herself
Ashfoot has a very long tail, just oh so slightly shorter than talltail, her family is known for their long tail (a trait passed down through being descended of windstar) Long tails are often called a symbol of power or royality in windclan. its very diserable and only tallstar’s tail was longer than hers. Her son crowfeather, and grandson jayfeather both take after thing ten fold with tails you could trip 10 cats with. breezepelt has a longer tail than average but no were near as long as theirs and it dOES kinda make him mad.
Ashfoot also loVES nightcloud, at first when crowfeather told his mom that nightcloud was having his kit’s she was super skeptical, not of nightcloud but of their relationship. she just saw right through it for what it really was. so she mostly didn’t talk to nightcloud for the two month’s she was pregnant, as to avoid getting involved.
but when Nightcloud gives birth and all of her kits but breezepelt die and she is DISTRAUGHT. Crowfeather isn’t helping and doesn’t seem to find any words that comfort her or not make her more upset, so like a big ol man child he turns to his mom and begs her to calm down nightcloud.
and its this moment that Ashfoot find’s herself completely bonded to Nightclouds side, looking at the dark she-cat crying over her lost kittens with her single son mewling for her. Ashfoot herself has had two litters both that only had one survivor, Eaglekit’s litter (eaglekit only made it to paw before he died) and now all she has is crowfeather. Ashfoot stay’s by the queens side and comforts her new daughter in law. 
Ashfoot and Nightcloud are close, even when her and crowfeather ultimately don’t work out. 
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dont have much for him i guess
i hate him lol
i like him more than most other boy cats that i hate lol
he’s just a lil piss baby
iv updated his design a good bit, i thought his old design was really bleh but i havent been able to touch it up till now
i defiantly think him and brambleclaw shoulda been gay
i dont like him with squirrel, BUT if they’de been closer in age i think he and squirrel before ashfur became a fuckin crazy person they would have been better togeather than her and bramble that i don’t understand why she went back to bramble even if she didn’t get with ashfur
alsO i think the only ‘au’ i can like get into is like
Dustpelt mysteriously disappeared, presumed dead by thunderclan and never to be known what happened. Except between him and Ferncloud. id loVe a narrative of Ashfur kills dustpelt after watching the full grown warrior and mentor reefer to Ferncloud as beautiful, finding the behavior absolutely repulsive. Maybe ashfur ends up killing a few other cats who are like this and Ferncloud knows he killed dustpelt but maybe not the others. and it all ends up coming spilling out in the fire, this moment of the three and squirrel learn what he did but now he knows what they did, so their at a stale mate. but ashfur is becoming loser and more erratic in his behavior and hollyleaf kills him before he does something dangerous. 
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wildshadowtamer · 3 years
Warrior Cats Hunger Games (Pt 1)
Welcome everyone, to the Warrior Cats Hunger Games! I’ve added as many cats as i can fit (48) and specifically the ones i know of/like/etc. I haven’t read the books for a few years, so i have no idea how in-character half of these guys are gonna be. (i will be treating this like an au)
I don’t know if anyone’s gonna care about this post/au, but i’m gonna make my fun everyone else’s problem. My next wc hunger games thing will be a whole bunch of kits against eachother, and then maybe the leaders.
(everything else will be under the cut bc wow this is long)
In the districts, we have Firestar, Sandstorm, Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Silverstream, Feathertail, Stormfur, Greystripe, Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, Brambleclaw, Ashfur, Mothwing, Tawnypelt, Millie, Goldenflower, Bluestar, Oakheart, Stonefur, Mistystar, Quince, Jake, Princess, Nutmeg, Tallstar, Brokenstar, Crookedstar, Onestar, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Dovewing, Ivypool, Cinderheart, Cinderpelt, Cloudtail, Brightheart, Swiftpaw, Ravenpaw, Barley, Briarlight, Alderheart, Crowfeather, Breezepelt, Mapleshade, Deadfoot, Yellowfang, and Darkstripe! (districts split into 12 groups of 4)
so, let the games begin! (no images bc too many characters, names will be bolded)
Round 1: Bloodbath
- Nutmeg, Princess, Crookedstar, Breezepelt, Brokenstar, Onestar, Millie, Stormfur run away from the cornucopia -Cloudtail, Dovewing, and Ravenpaw run into the cornucopia and hide -Quince gathers as much food as she can -Cinderheart and Silverstream both grab backpacks, silverstream’s is full of camping equiptment - Stonefur grabs a jar of fishing bait while Hawkfrost gets fishing gear. -Yellowfang, Darkstripe, Brambleclaw, and Alderheart share everything they gathered before running. -Feathertail scares Goldenflower away from the cornucopia.
-Weapons:  Mistystar grabs a shovel  Bluestar grabs a sword Leafpool runs away with a lighter and some rope Jake grabs a shovel Oakheart takes a handful of throwing knives Tawnypelt finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
-Deaths: Briarlight and Mapleshade fight for a bag, Briarlight strangles Mapleshade with the straps and runs.  Cinderpelt sets an explosive off, killing Jayfeather, Swiftpaw, and Greystripe. Deadfoot sets an explosive off, killing Crowfeather, and Ashfur. Tallstar repeatedly stabs Sandstorm to death with sais. Squirrelflight overpowers Brightheart, killing her. Tigerstar pushes Ivypool off a cliff during a knife fight. Firestar sets an explosive off, killing Mothwing. Barley and Hollyleaf work together to drown Lionblaze.
So that brings the deaths for round 1 to: 11 cats down, 37 left, with Mapleshade being the first to die
Day 1: (unknown sponsors are from starclan)
- Squirrelflight diverts Tawnypelt's attention and runs away. - Leafpool steals from Deadfoot while he isn't looking. -Alderheart fishes. -Darkstripe constructs a shack. -Hawkfrost, Ravenpaw, and Dovewing hunt for other tributes. -Firestar, Barley, Cinderheart, and Feathertail hunt for other tributes. -Silverstream, Goldenflower, Brambleclaw, and Hollyleaf raid Cinderpelt's camp while she is hunting. - Briarlight injures herself. -Nutmeg stalks Stormfur. -Bluestar chases Cloudtail. -Yellowfang sprains her ankle while running away from Quince.
-Weapons: -Tallstar makes a slingshot -Brokenstar makes a wooden spear. -Millie practices her archery. -Crookedstar receives a hatchet from Starclan, and Jake receives an explosive.
-Deaths/Attacks: - Oakheart attacks Onestar, but he manages to escape. -Tigerstar, Mistystar, and Breezepelt get into a fight. Breezepelt triumphantly kills them both. -Princess catches Stonefur off guard and kills him.
so day 1 ends, and we have 3 deaths! 
Night 1:
-Quince, Firestar, Tallstar, and Darkstripe tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. -Nutmeg, Princess, Goldenflower, and Ravenpaw tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. -Oakheart stays awake all night. -Cinderpelt is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. -Breezepelt questions his sanity. -Millie, Tawnypelt, and Cinderheart cheerfully sing songs together. -Feathertail cries herself to sleep. -Onestar starts a fire. -Squirrelflight cooks her food before putting her fire out. -Brambleclaw receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. -Hawkfrost thinks about winning. -Cloudtail and Leafpool talk about the tributes still alive. -Stormfur passes out from exhaustion. -Dovewing sets up camp for the night. -Barley thinks about home. -Deadfoot, Yellowfang, and Bluestar discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. -Hollyleaf climbs a tree to rest. -Briarlight tries to treat her infection.
-Weapons: -Silverstream receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
-Deaths/Attacks: -Alderheart throws a knife into Jake's head. -Brokenstar repeatedly stabs Crookedstar to death with sais.
so 2 deaths for night 1, poor jake, although i do find it cute how the rest of his family is telling ghost stories to eachother.
Day 2:
-Silverstream, Barley, Deadfoot, and Brambleclaw raid Squirrelflight's camp while she is hunting. -Feathertail, Dovewing, Cloudtail, and Hollyleaf raid Tallstar's camp while he is hunting. -Oakheart and Brokenstar both receive a hatchet from an unknown sponsor -Hawkfrost receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. -Alderheart and Princess both try to sleep through the entire day, seperately. -Breezepelt and Briarlight explore the arena. -Onestar goes hunting. -Quince and Darkstripe both question their sanity. -Ravenpaw and Nutmeg are both pricked by thorns while picking berries. -Cinderpelt sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. -Leafpool chases Firestar. -Bluestar stalks Stormfur. -Yellowfang runs away from Tawnypelt.
-Deaths: -Goldenflower shoots a poisonous blow dart into Millie's neck, slowly killing her.
-Weapons: -Cinderheart makes a slingshot.
so 1 death for day 2. The idea of Leafpool chasing her own father and bluestar chasing her own son is brilliant, and somehow a nice parallel.
Night 2:
-Feathertail, Leafpool, and Princess discuss the games and what might happen in the morning. -Ravenpaw tends to his wounds. -Darkstripe tries to sing himself to sleep. -Quince convinces Hollyleaf to snuggle with her. -Both Goldenflower and Cloudtail sleep without issue. -Stormfur lets Cinderheart into his shelter. -Squirrelflight sees a fire, but stays hidden. -Barley is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. -Deadfoot climbs a tree to rest. -Tallstar screams for help. -Oakheart, Briarlight, Yellowfang, and Bluestar tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. -Dovewing, Silverstream, Brambleclaw, and Alderheart tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
-Deaths: Breezepelt falls into a frozen lake and drowns. Onestar attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Firestar, killing them both. Cinderpelt and Hawkfrost track down and kill Tawnypelt.
-Weapons: Brokenstar receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Nutmeg receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
4 deaths for night 2! rip firestar, not surprised by hawkfrost, and atleast it wasnt tawnypelt that drowned. Also who thought it was a good idea to give Brokenstar both a hatchet and an explosive?
Day 3:
-Darkstripe and Hawkfrost both construct a shack. -Brokenstar, Feathertail, Hollyleaf, Ravenpaw, and Briarlight hunt for other tributes. -Silverstream, Nutmeg, Deadfoot, and Quince hunt for other tributes. -Alderheart picks flowers. -Oakheart receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. -Squirrelflight explores the arena. -Dovewing tries to sleep through the entire day. -Stormfur chases Barley.
-Deaths/Attacks: -Cinderpelt, Bluestar, Leafpool, Cinderheart, and Princess track down and kill Brambleclaw. -Yellowfang begs for Cloudtail to kill her. He refuses, keeping Yellowfang alive.
-Weapons: -Tallstar makes a slingshot. -Goldenflower practices her archery.
1 kill for day 3, thank starclan leafpool and princess decided to get rid of their sister/niece’s main problem (and thank starclan cinderpelt, bluestar, and cinderheart decided to help)
Night 3:
Nutmeg fends Darkstripe, Silverstream, and Hawkfrost away from her fire. Stormfur tries to sing himself to sleep. Ravenpaw receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Hollyleaf looks at the night sky. Dovewing and Deadfoot are both awoken by nightmares. Yellowfang, Alderheart, and Briarlight cheerfully sing songs together. Cinderpelt, Goldenflower, and Brokenstar cheerfully sing songs together. Cloudtail goes to sleep. Tallstar and Quince sleep in shifts. Princess and Barely both receive medical supplies from unknown sponsors. Oakheart lets Leafpool into his shelter. Bluestar thinks about winning. Cinderheart questions her sanity.
-Deaths/Attacks: -Feathertail begs for Squirrelflight to kill her. She refuses, keeping Feathertail alive.
No deaths for night 3, but some cute imagery of alderheart, yellowfang, and briarlight singing together, along with hollyleaf looking up at silverpelt. But also someone put feathertail into therapy.
Currently, the cat with the most kills is- Cinderpelt with 5 kills!? and, with 26 cats left, she still has the oppurtunity to get more kills in before someone targets her.
Day 4:
-Hawkfrost diverts Darkstripe's attention and runs away. -Dovewing, Alderheart, Brokenstar, and Cinderheart raid Silverstream's camp while she is hunting. -Yellowfang and Goldenflower hunt for other tributes. -Cloudtail, Oakheart, Princess, and Leafpool hunt for other tributes. -Stormfur and Tallstar split up to search for resources. -Nutmeg tries to spear fish with a trident. -Barley tries to sleep through the entire day. -Deadfoot questions his sanity. -Cinderpelt is pricked by thorns while picking berries. -Hollyleaf injures herself.
-Deaths: -Quince forces Briarlight to kill Squirrelflight or Ravenpaw. She refuses to kill, so Quince kills her instead. -Bluestar shoots a poisonous blow dart into Feathertail's neck, slowly killing her.
2 deaths for day 4, also quince, great starclan, squirrelflight is your (step) granddaughter!
Night 4:
-Yellowfang, Leafpool and Cinderpelt quietly hum. -Hawkfrost attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. -Ravenpaw, Barley, Quince, and Alderheart tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. -Stormfur, Nutmeg, Oakheart, and Cinderheart tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. -Cloudtail stays awake all night. -Darkstripe is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. -Squirrelflight starts a fire. -Hollyleaf, Bluestar, and Tallstar sleep in shifts. -Deadfoot sees a fire, but stays hidden. -Brokenstar is awoken by nightmares. -Silverstream cries herself to sleep. -Dovewing questions her sanity. -Goldenflower screams for help.
-Deaths/Attacks: -Princess dies from an infection.
1 death for night 4, poor princess, but atleast she gets to stay with her brother and father now. I like the little musical trio the med cats have going on, and its good to see ravenpaw hanging out with barley. 
Day 5:
Hollyleaf, Bluestar, Barley, and Ravenpaw raid Nutmeg's camp while she is hunting. Alderheart receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Goldenflower constructs a shack. Stormfur hunts for other tributes. Quince is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Leafpool scares Squirrelflight off. Hawkfrost stalks Oakheart. Dovewing steals from Silverstream while she isn't looking.
-Deaths/Attacks: Cinderpelt begs for Darkstripe to kill her. He refuses, keeping Cinderpelt alive. Yellowfang attacks Tallstar, but he manages to escape. Deadfoot begs for Cinderheart to kill him. She refuses, keeping Deadfoot alive. Brokenstar attacks Cloudtail, but he manages to escape.
No deaths for day 5. Interesting things: Leafpool scaring her own sister away, and Cinderpelt begging to be killed while Cinderheart refuses to kill. (nice lil parallel there)
Night 5
-Ravenpaw and Hawkfrost run into each other and decide to truce for the night. -Alderheart looks at the night sky. -Cinderheart receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. -Bluestar and Darkstripe huddle for warmth. -Hollyleaf looks at the night sky. -Leafpool tries to sing herself to sleep. -Tallstar starts a fire. -Nutmeg and Squirrelflight talk about the tributes still alive.
-Deaths: -Barley kills Oakheart with his own weapon. -Quince and Goldenflower fight Cloudtail and Silverstream. Cloudtail and Silverstream survive. -Stormfur pushes Dovewing off a cliff during a knife fight. -Brokenstar and Deadfoot fight Cinderpelt and Yellowfang. Brokenstar and Deadfoot survive.
5 kills on night 5, cloudtail kills his own step-grandmother and brokenstar, in revenge for his own death, kills his own mother. also, this is the second time stormfur has watched a bird unable to fly (sorry, too soon?) Another cute thing is Nutmeg and Squirrelflight bonding, and Hollyleaf once again looking up at silverpelt
Day 6
Hollyleaf explores the arena. Cloudtail discovers a cave. Darkstripe constructs a shack. Leafpool collects fruit from a tree. Barley searches for firewood. Silverstream and Stormfur split up to search for resources. Ravenpaw diverts Nutmeg's attention and runs away.
-Deaths: - Alderheart dies from an infection. -Brokenstar and Hawkfrost threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die. -Bluestar, Cinderheart, and Deadfoot get into a fight. Bluestar triumphantly kills them both. -Tallstar attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
-Weapons: -Squirrelflight makes a slingshot.
6 deaths for day 6, deadfoot’s paw isnt the only part of him dead now, alderheart apparently forgot how to be a medicine cat, and tallstar proves why windclan cats dont belong in trees (leave the tree climbing to skyclan, tallstar)
So, checking back up on the surviving members and the highest kill count: 11 cats left, with Bluestar coming out on top with 4 kills
Night 6
Darkstripe destroys Silverstream's supplies while she is asleep. Barley climbs a tree to rest. Stormfur stays awake all night. Hollyleaf receives clean water from an unknown sponsor. Leafpool sees a fire, but stays hidden.
Deaths: Bluestar falls into a pit and dies. Ravenpaw poisons Squirrelflight's drink. She drinks it and dies. Cloudtail throws a knife into Nutmeg's chest.
3 deaths, Bluestar reinacts her canon death, Ravenpaw kills his friend’s daughter, and cloudtail kills his grandmother. How in starclan’s name is barley still alive, and how did nutmeg survive this long?
Day 7
Barley camouflauges himself in the bushes. Leafpool and Hollyleaf hunt for other tributes. Darkstripe tends to Cloudtail's wounds. Ravenpaw injures himself.
-Deaths: -Stormfur attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.
-Weapons: -Silverstream makes a wooden spear.
one death, like sister like brother. The leaf duo are on the hunt, and cloudtail probably caught his paw on the knife he threw at nutmeg. (also barley how are you still alive dude, seriously!?)
Night 7
-Barley questions his sanity. -Cloudtail, Darkstripe, Ravenpaw, and Silverstream tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
-Deaths: -Hollyleaf poisons Leafpool's drink, but mistakes it for her own and dies.
Hollyleaf betrays her mother, Barley is also wondering how hes still alive, and Silverstream has probably adopted ravenpaw at this rate, considering both her children and her mate are now dead.
one last check-up on everyone: 6 cats alive, cloudtail leading with 3 kills.
Day 8
Ravenpaw sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Cloudtail camouflauges himself in the bushes. Barley discovers a cave.
-Deaths: Darkstripe bashes Silverstream's head in with a mace.
-Weapons: Leafpool practices her archery.
i spoke too soon, silverstream has joined her mate and kits. down to the final 5.
Night 8
Ravenpaw, Cloudtail, Darkstripe, and Barley tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood. Leafpool is awoken by nightmares.
One last good night before everyone gets killed, i see. We actually have quite an interesting final group here.
Day 9
Leafpool fishes. Darkstripe sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate. Cloudtail searches for a water source. Barley explores the arena. Ravenpaw searches for firewood.
Great starclan their getting along?? barley, i’m starting to hope you win this now
Night 9
Barley and Ravenpaw sleep in shifts.
-Deaths: Cloudtail accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it. Leafpool kills Darkstripe while he is sleeping.
technically my comment at night 8 was right, they did have one last good day/night before everyone started dying. Now, its just Leafpool, Barley, and Ravenpaw, which could cause a painful ending depending on who the final two are.
and, finally, day 10, the final day!
Day 10
Ravenpaw bashes Barley's head against a rock several times. Leafpool dies of dysentery.
now that was a painful and unexpected kill from Ravenpaw, and poor leafpool (although she is a medicine cat, i dont think the warrior cats know what dysentery is)
well, rest in peace leafpool and barley, but that leaves only one cat:
Ravenpaw from District 10 is the winner with only 2 kills!
now, the cat with the most kills is Cinderpelt with 5 kills!
what a match. i certainly had fun, hope everyone else did too!
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Reference sheet: Bluestar
Tumblr media
Past names: Bluekit, Bluepaw, Bluemoon
Past ranks: Kit, apprentice, medicine cat apprentice, warrior, deputy.
Mother: Moonflower
Adopted Mother: Sunstar
Father: Stormtail (Disowned)
Uncles: Goosefeather, Stonepelt
Sisters: Snowstrike (littermate, mtf) and Cricketsong (half-sister)
Brother: Featherears (half-brother)
Mates: Stormstar, Willowbreeze, Graypool, Oakjaw, Sweetheart, Thistleclaw, Rosetail, Thrushpelt, Leopardfoot, Goldenflower, Yellowfang
Daughters: Nightshade, Miststrike, Mistyfoot Maplepaw, Mistlepaw
Sons: Tiger-roar, Stonefur, Snowpaw,
Kits: Mossthorn
Mentor: Sunstar
Description: Bluestar is a pointed blue-gray molly with blue eyes.
Sunstar adopted her and Snowstrike as her kits. It helped Bluestar’s way to leadership
She has a type: Gray cats. She also has a molly preference.
She thought she was aromantic til she started falling for Sweetpaw and Stormpaw.
Her and Thistleclaw were best friends as kits and apprentices but grew apart when Moonflower died and Bluepaw had dropped warrior training for medicine cat training.
Goosefeather got the prophecy of Bluestar’s leadership and stripped her of her medicine cat title which Bluepaw was not happy with at all. Featherwhisker wanted her to stay but Goosefeather stopped him. It’s considered dishonorable to be stripped of a medicine title, that you did something awful so Bluepaw was at a bad start when she resumed warrior training and Thistleclaw taunts didn’t help.
She became friends with Deadfoot as an apprentice.
As a warrior, Bluemoon was harsh and had no filter for anyone.
When Dappletail had Featherears and Cricketsong and Bluemoon was less than pleased and made it clear she hated them, Dappletail, and Stormtail. Snowflower loved them and that made Bluemoon’s blood boil more.
Back then she was in the bigoted ableist view, she told Dappletail to feed Featherears to the dogs or just put him out of his misery with deathberries, Dappletail had chased Bluemoon away from the nursery at that statement.
Bluemoon thought Starclan hated her when she was given the deaf kit as an apprentice. She didn’t make much an effort but if she wanted leadership she needed at least on apprentice so she dealt with it. Featherpaw would always come back to camp with some form of cuts. Dappletail tried to have Sunstar give Featherpaw a new mentor but Featherpaw refused.
Bluemoon started taking Featherpaw seriously after a long talk with Stormjaw and Featherpaw managed to land a cut on her. That was when she started taking her half-brother seriously. She learned Featherpaw really admired her and it melted her heart a bit. She was one of the cats to defend him along with Cricketpaw and Dappletail when someone insulted him for being deaf.
Bluemoon helped Leopardfoot raise Tigerkit, Nightkit, and Mistkit. Rosetail and Thrushpelt helped as well.
She had wanted to break down when Snowflower died but she held herself together for Whitekit and Thistleclaw even when he clawed her. For the moon after her and Thistleclaw were at peace with each other for the first time in seasons.
She got Tigerpaw, Thistleclaw got Nightpaw, and Mistpaw had Rosetail. Whitepaw had Leopardfoot.
Bluemoon became pregnant during Tigerpaw’s training so Thistleclaw took over. The harsh leaf-bare wasn’t worth it so Flowerkit (Mistykit) and Stonekit were taken to Riverclan.
She tried to get Tigerpaw to stop but he was listening to Thistleclaw only. She shoved Tigerpaw away from killing that black kitten. She didn’t want this to happen again so she drove herself ragged into training Tigerpaw as well as helping Thistleclaw, thinking it could help him.
Bluemoon became pregnant once again, Mosskit was sickly but made it. Thistleclaw hadn’t showed up once, only taunted Mosskit for being weak unlike Whitepaw. The neglect to their kit and what she went through with Stormtail made Bluemoon rage and dump Thistleclaw.
She became mates with Sweetheart, it was a better pace than it was with Thistleclaw. They had Redkit, Willowkit, and Spottedkit not too long after they became mates.
She pleased with Sunstar’s choice of mentor for her kits. Redpaw had Sparrowpelt, Willowpaw had Poppydawn , and Spottedpaw had Featherwhisker like she always wanted.
She noticed Thistleclaw becoming close with Spottedpaw but she wanted to believe that Thistleclaw just wanted to be close with his kin, Sweetheart, Rosetail, and Thrushpelt did their best to calm her and trust their brother.
The clan started looking at her weirdly and she hated it. They kept bringing up her first litter and insulting them and her. Her fights with Thistleclaw did get worse though.
Her instincts were right when Spottedpaw ended up crying to her and telling her about Thistleclaw. She told her daughter she’ll take care of it and stay near Featherwhisker.
She was one of the only cats to mourn Goosefeather and bury him. Featherwhisker, Spottedpaw, and Fuzzypelt helped her.
She doesn’t hold it against Duskstar for nearly killing her when she was deputy, the battle wasn’t worth it. She knows it’s the same for Hawkheart but she’s petty like that, she does respect him for his healing skills though but wouldn’t admit it.
She mourned with the clan when Sunstar died. She held in her heartache.
She was glad with White-eye as her first deputy, strong willed and not afraid to disagree with her. Thrushpelt was a surprise to everyone even her, she had been on catmint at the time. Thrushpelt was the opposite of White-eye, soft and agreed with her too much, it fed her bad habits. Rosetail was a nice middle ground as were Lionheart and Redtail. She’s surprised with the number of deputies she’s had.
She and Starclan have always had a tense relationship, Goosefeather’s influence didn’t help.
Mapleshade had visited her the night Moonflower died, appearing as a caring mother. The brutality came later on. Bluestar knows what the Dark Forest is and what she was doing but she didn’t care. She knew Thistleclaw trained there as well under Silverhawk and if he wasn’t playing fair neither was she.
[OLD STUFF, stuff has changed]
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DeCatssi Between the Arcs: WindClan
-The night after the battle, Deadfoot dies from his wounds and Tallstar names Mudclaw as WindClan’s new deputy. He also announces that Eaglefoot may return to WindClan. The next day Stagleap announces that he think it’s time he retires.
-Almost half a moon after the battle, Robinwing names her daughter Nightkit. Her and her mate, Tornear, had decided that she would name their daughter and that he would name their son and that day they would both finally decide on their names. While Tornear was on patrol, Robinwing was the only one in the nursery watching her young kits toddle around the den. Suddenly little Nightkit trips and Robinwing turns to nudge her back to her feet when there’s suddenly a rustle from the other side of the den. Robinwing turns quickly only to see an adder shoot from a hole in the den (accidentally made by Crowkit the night before from being too rowdy) and snap its jaws around her son. Robinwing yowls in fury and fears and lunges at the deadly snake, slashing it at it so it would let go of her kit. The adder dropped the kit, but before Robinwing could make a killing blow, the snake is faster and in a flash, bites Robinwing’s outstretched foreleg. Robinwing screeches and shakes the snake off her with a hiss and it hisses back, but quickly slithers away, just as it had come. Ashfoot runs into the nursery just in time to see the snake leave the den, but quickly moves her attention to the already dead kit and the injured Robinwing, cradling her child. Ashfoot gasps and quickly grabs Nightkit by her scruff when Thrushwing, Webfoot, and Crowkit enter the den and Ashfoot calls for Barkface through her bundle of fur and nudging her own kit out of the den. Ashfoot lays Nightkit down next to Webfoot and tells him that Robinwing and and her son have bitten by an adder that got into the nursery and Barkface quickly gathers herbs and tries to dress Robinwing’s wounds to at least lessen her pain, but there’s nothing they can do as Robinwing dies, crying for her poor son and daughter as she nuzzles her face into her unnamed kit.
-Tallstar immediately orders Darkfoot and Runningbrook to patch the nursery den and for Onewhisker, Whitetail, Eaglefoot, and Sedgepaw to check the camp walls and all the other dens for gaps or openings. Luckily since it was just the start of ewleaf, there were no other gaps from the warriors making sure the camp and dens stayed nice and warm through leaf-bare.
-The patrol of Mudclaw, Tornear, and Tawnyfur finally returns, only to be greeted by mourning cats, Tornear and Tawnyfur (Robinwing’s sister) yowl their grief and Tornear presses his face into his mate and son, while quickly pressing Nightkit against him. He grieves that he never even got to name his son and that he shouldn’t chosen a name sooner. Morningflower gently tells him that he can still name him and that he will bring that name with him to StarClan. Tornear clenches his teeth and then looks from the nursery to the sky, “His name shall be... Adderkit. My son’s name is Adderkit.” Some cats glance at the grieving tom, confused, but Morningflower nods approvingly, and Ashfoot says that it’s a good and brave name, and will help Tornear grieve as well as Robinwing grieve in StarClan, and would be a name Adderkit could be proud of because it was the name his father gave him. Everyone seemed to understand and approve after that.
-After the fresh-kill pile is filled, Tallstar goes out without telling the rest of the clan what he’s doing. He comes back later with the adder that had killed Robinwing and Adderkit in his jaws. It had only been nesting a few tree-lengths from the camp and Tallstar killed it. However, as Tallstar took its life, it had bitten him, taking one of Tallstar’s lives as well, but only Barkface knew this. WindClan howled in celebration and praise for their leader and Tornear bowed and thanked Tallstar for avenging his family. Tallstar says that he doesn’t need to be thanked, that the whole clan would be safer now.
-That night Thrushwing and Webfoot have their kits: Dewkit and Gorsekit. Thrushwing says that she will nurse Nightkit now, as she will have plenty of milk. Ashfoot had fed Nightkit throughout that day, but her milk would dry up before Nightkit could be weaned, so she thanked Thrushwing. Tornear showered Thrushwing with thanks.
-The night after Robinwing dies, Tornear started staying in the nursery and played with Nightkit, and slept curled around her. He would continue to do this until she finally becomes an apprentice. Mudclaw, Tornear’s brother and Nightkit’s uncle, would also play with her a lot and teach her battle and hunting moves. He said he wanted to practice being a father for when he and Sorrelpelt had kits.
-A moon after the battle, Sedgepaw becomes a warrior and is named Sedgestripe, though he still has to perform some apprentice duties because there are now no more apprentices in WindClan.
-Crowkit and Nightkit become very close. When Crowkit is 5 moons old and Nightkit is 4 moons old, she asks Crowkit to promise to be her mate when they both become warriors and Crowkit agrees, saying of course, he loved her. 
-5 moons after the battle Crowkit is apprenticed and becomes Crowpaw and is given to Mudclaw to be his mentor. Nightkit becomes jealous because she wanted Mudclaw to be her mentor, but she doesn’t say this to Crowpaw. She continues to try to spend as much time with Crowpaw as possible, but he’s of course busy with training. This stresses her out, but trusts Crowpaw to keep his promise. The moon that she is a kit and Crowpaw is an apprentice she becomes very close to her other denmates, Gorsekit and Dewkit, especially Gorsekit.
-A moon after Crowpaw becomes an apprentice, Nightkit becomes the apprentice, Nightpaw, and is apprenticed to Ashfoot (she loves that Ashfoot is her mentor and loves that she gets to train alongside Crowpaw and Mudclaw, and Crowpaw loves that he can train alongside Nightpaw and his mom).
-Half a moon later, Gorsekit and Dewkit becomes apprentices, Gorsepaw and Dewpaw, and are mentored to Tornear and Sorrelpelt respectively. The whole group is together now and everyone’s very happy.
-Tawnyfur becomes pregnant with her and Sedgestripe’s kits.
-Two moons later Tawnyfur gives birth to her and Sedgestripe’s kits: Owlkit and Oatkit
-About 2 moons later Morningflower becomes pregnant with her and Rushtail’s second litter of kits.
DeCatssi: The Next Generation begins when Crowpaw has been an apprentice for about 5 moons and Nightpaw has been training for 4 moons.
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sorrelstream · 4 years
entering “proper grammar” mode because I’m writing this on a google docs first and I don’t want to deal with all those ugly squiggles ahdfsdfds…
But!! Here’s the fully answered Ailuornymy question list, as requested by anon :D! More below the cut!
Favourite canon warrior name?
Hmm… let’s see… Honestly? Probably Silverstream! I don’t think we get many -stream suffixes anymore and there’s something soooo pretty about her name and the way it flows !!
Least favourite canon warrior name?
Snowbush. There’s something so clunky about the way this dude’s name reads in my head and I don’t know why!!! Also Harrybrook >:(
Warrior you’d most like to rename?
Harrybrook. I just!! It doesn’t sound nice at all please give him a better name :( Best name-change name? One-eye! I’m not sure if she asked for her name change or not, but I’ll admit “One-eye” is a pretty baller sounding name and I love that. Also Deadfoot has a cool name too (though I wish he had asked for that name change rather than saddled with it :/)!
Favourite canon character overall?
 Mousewhisker and Hazeltail! They’re two unimportant side characters that don’t really do anything ever but man do I love them with my whole heart <3!
Least favourite canon character overall? 
Thistleclaw and Crowfeather. I’ve talked about why I don’t like either of them a lot before so to keep it short they both make me incredibly uncomfortable nor do I enjoy reading about them at all.
Favourite Warriors book? 
The Darkest Hour! It was my first Warriors book that I read from the main series (Sasha's manga was the first Warriors book in general and how I got into Warriors), and MAN does it still stick with me! So many scenes from that book are just iconic. 
Least favourite Warriors book? 
Anything from Dawn Of The Clans honestly :'). I tried so many times to get into reading that arc and I never could get into it -- it just bored me any time I tried. Same for AVoS, eh.
Favourite canon scene or dialogue of all time? 
Such a random scene but there’s a scene I think about all the time from Power Of Three where Lionpaw has a nightmare about Hollypaw, and she just playfully (? ominously?) says “I’m going to get you” while hidden in the shadows before turning into a fox and attacking him. I think about it SO much…...
Favourite canon leader of all time? 
Crookedstar, followed closely by Tallstar! I love them…. 
Character you think deserved better? 
SO, SO MANY. IT’S UNREAL. Hollyleaf didn’t deserve to get killed off the VERY NEXT BOOK after she came back to ThunderClan, Snowkit didn’t deserve to get killed off just to push Speckletail into the nursery, Nightcloud didn’t deserve… literally anything she got both in canon and how the authors and fandom demonized her, Honeyfern…. Silverstream… the list goes on really :’/
Character you’d like to see “morally” flipped (made “bad” or made “good”)?
Leopardstar, kinda?? But not like. Morally flipped? I guess? I just mean I wish they had gone more into her redemption arc and why she allied herself with Tigerstar besides just “oh she was in love with him”. So it’s not that I wish she was morally flipped, but I wish they went more into her morality because she’s soo vague as it is (and, frankly, maybe I’m biased because I like her but I would’ve loved to see her overcome her initial prejudice or perhaps work for forgiveness for her Clan - perhaps her alliance with Tigerstar was out of worry for the entirety of her Clan since she saw him as the strongest cat and not just… because she “loved” him). Same for Breezepelt, honestly! They kept dancing between “he’s a troubled son of a negligent/abusive father” and “he’s evil :)” and personally? As a child of a negligent father who also abandoned me, it would’ve been way more … I’m not sure WHAT the word I’m looking for is but I think Breezepelt’s story would’ve been better if they focused on making him a troubled teen of a negligent, bad father and actually embraced Crowfeather being an antagonist in PO3 instead of not wanting to make him look bad. It’s just weird the erins flip flop between “this character is evil” and “this character is ok” so much it’s FRUSTRATING :/
Favourite AU (alternate universe) concept? 
Answered here! 
Warrior code rule you think is best?
Always help a kitten in need, no matter their heritage! I know that’s not the exact wording but anyways. Perhaps I’m biased because I, in general, don’t like reading about child death (I know it happens and I can handle it in some plots but sometimes it’s just so excessive), but in general I think it’s one of the best and genuinely helpful code laws, especially because kittens always deserve a chance at life. I think the second best rule would be the one that states a warrior does not need to kill to win a battle, because I think that adds a lot more depth (potentially) to how warriors value the lives of others and creates a bigger scene? scandal? when someone is killed in battle versus dying of wounds later on. It also, again, keeps the youngsters like apprentices safe!
Warrior code rule you think shouldn’t exist/should be changed?
If you know me, you won’t be surprised because it’s the same answer as always: the leader’s word is law. I’ve spoken a lot about that code before and even have a comic about its flaws, so I won’t go into it too much here, but I just think it’s a recipe for disaster.
Describe your ideal vision of Starclan/clan afterlife.
Hmmm let’s see… my ideal vision of StarClan/clan afterlife would be a little bit like what it’s like in canon at the moment but with a few twists. I think the borders would dissolve in StarClan so there’d be less in-fighting (though I imagine, after growing up your whole life hating your neighbors, a lot of cats have a hard time getting used to the no-boundary life-style of StarClan, and a lot of young/new spirits tend to stick within their own Clan cliques before venturing out and meeting former members of other Clans. Older spirits would be the ones most used to interacting with former members of other Clans). I think there’d be sections that mimic the corporeal Clan’s territories in theme, but with different landmarks and such so that new spirits have a new world to explore. I’d also take away the fading aspect because I don’t really think that’s… fair? I guess? It’s weird to me but I’d prefer not to go into it. I’d also make it so that there’s no great wisdom to these cats - or, at least, the wiser StarClan spirits are the ones that have been around for as long as anyone can remember. They wouldn’t be able to interfere with the living as much in canon and can only really visit medicine cats, or possibly leaders, in dreams; anyone else has to go to the sacred area to commune with the dead. Not sure what else though! This is just kind of a general idea.
Traditional or non-traditional naming. Thoughts?
I think both have their merits! While I prefer traditional naming systems because I enjoy seeing the way people develop suffix meanings and assign well-known meanings to them (and even connotations!), plus it helps me personally assign even the smallest trait to a side character so they feel just a little more real, I see why people would enjoy non-traditional naming systems as it does give more breathing room for individual name creation. Also, I’m not gonna lie, there’s some gorgeous lyrical names out there that flow beautifully. My heart will always belong to traditional naming, though, I think. 
If traditional: What non-traditional suffix would you include in your system? If non-traditional: What’s your favourite canon suffix?
Traditional! I actually have included some non-traditional suffixes in my system, just for variety! But those are: -throat, -pool, -belly, -fern, -bee, -berry, -chirp, and -tooth, for example. There’s actually quite a few more but I don’t wanna list every single addition shfbd!
Best thing about the clan system as a concept in your opinion?
Hard to pick, honestly! But I do think the best thing about clans as a system is their unity; they’re a little society that has each other’s backs, and the care for young and elderly a lot is touching!
Favourite Warriors fanfiction (or fanfiction writer)?
HA this might be an obvious answer, but 100% solacefruit on ao3 (also: @/ailuronymy and @/burnt-sycamore on tumblr!). His worldbuilding is to die for and there’s something so charming and attention grabbing about his writing style that always has me waiting for the next update. Seriously, probably one of my biggest writer inspirations. 
Favourite Warriors fanartist (includes animators)?
Answered here!
Most interesting villain?
Mapleshade and Sol, honestly. I’ve rambled about Mapleshade before, I think, but I think her story could have had a lot of potential to call out the misogyny and bias of StarClan and the code, and how mollies are often punished harsher than the toms for their code-breaking. Her story also features how weird the warriors are with the warrior code - it’s like they cherry pick what they want to believe? Oakstar sends three innocent kittens out of the Clan, presumably to die (which they do), despite the code speaking to never endanger a kitten’s life no matter their heritage, and no one ever questions him, or the rest of ThunderClan, for standing by to watch kittens die? Even Frecklewish outright stated she watched the kittens die and did nothing about it. Why? Why was everyone okay with punishing Mapleshade for breaking a rule of the code but no one questioned Oakstar or anyone else in ThunderClan for kicking out the kits alongside Mapleshade, when it was Mapleshade’s crime and not the kits? And why doesn’t Appledusk get punished or ostracized by his clanmates as severely as Mapleshade did? It had a lot of potential but it’s just a mess. Anyways - onto Sol. Another interesting concept kinda messed up by the Erins. In general, I really love villains that are just nuisances at best and no real threat - kind of like Heinz Doofenshmirtz - and with Sol’s backstory being the way it was, he was the perfect opportunity to have him be this little antagonistic shithead who, while annoying and causing problems, wasn’t actually a serious threat, and he of all villains would have had the best shot at redemption I think.
Favourite canon clan?
RiverClan! I love their aesthetic, their territory, and their general vibes. In love with water-based places <3!!
What would you ask Erin Hunter, if you could?
“Would you hand the series off to a new team of writers?” All good series must come to an end, but with Warriors being as broad as it is, I think this is a series where spin offs can be made and still thrive - just not with the current author staff we have at the moment. There’s lots of people with amazing, creative ideas for Warriors, and I know this is just a fantasy at best, but I would love to see a new writing team take over and weave brand new stories and worldbuilding with it in spin-offs. Hell, even I’d love to take a crack at publishing a Warriors spin off, but, again, it’s a fantasy at best.
Top five prefixes (canon or otherwise)?
Sorrel-, Chub-, Mink-, Rose-, and Vervain- (you can tell I like these prefixes considering these are all prefixes of characters featured in my webcomic besides Sorrel-, which is used for my wcsona’s name ha!) Honorable mentions to: Black- (or any color based prefix like Yellow-, Red-, Ginger-, Blue-, Gray-, White-, etc. I don’t know why but I’m fond of them), Beetle-, and Fidget- (which isn’t a traditional prefix, but I think it’s cute hehe.)
Top five suffixes (canon or otherwise)?
Just narrowing down for traditional because I need a smaller pool to pick from habdfsd but! -face, -flower, -stripe, -storm and -nose! 
If you were on Drunk Warriors Rants, what would you talk about?
I have no idea what Drunk Warriors Rants is actually but I’m assuming it’s something where you get drunk and rant about warrior cats so… I would absolutely rant about Hollyleaf and mainly the wild mischaracterization the fandom has made of her break down and the murder of Ashfur. It irks me to no end how so many people have pushed this weird concept that Hollyleaf was aware her parents were Crowfeather and Leafpool when she murdered Ashfur to the point that most people I talk to genuinely don’t realize this, because not only does it just make so sense narratively but I feel like it really does take away from the depth that is her character. I think Hollyleaf is one of the few characters we get, like, an actual depth to, who is developed beyond “typical protagonist with love interest”, and has an interesting arc, downfall, and redemption. When she killed Ashfur, she was totally unaware that Leafpool and Crowfeather were her parents - in fact, the entirety of Sunrise is about Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, and Lionblaze trying to figure out who their parents are, so I honestly don’t know where this whole “Hollyleaf knew about her heritage when she killed Ashfur” thing came from. It really ruins her arc by making her out to be some nonsense cat who killed to keep a secret she spilled anyways, and not a cat who killed to keep a secret she didn’t fully understand yet, who then completely unraveled once she discovered the origins and how her existence completely went against everything she was raised to believe in.
What would your warrior name be?
Pretty obvious answer but my warrior name would be Sorrelstream! Or possibly Sorrelstripe, but I lean towards Sorrelstream. I love to swim a lot actually but I wouldn’t say I’m a particularly strong or skilled swimmer but hey… It’s my warriors sona and I get to give him one (1) skill.
Bonus questions:
Describe your favourite original Warriors characters! 
HONESTLY this question is a little tough because I have such a huuuge cast of original warrior characters it’s hard to narrow down! I’d say if you’re interested in hearing more about my ocs or seeing them in action to check out my @/roseface blog, which is dedicated to my wc comic, or check out my ao3 account (kiittenteeth) because I’ll probably be posting warriors-centric original character stories there soon!
Describe your original Warriors clans! 
Heyyy fun fact! I’m actually working on a small novel fanfic (only about ten chapters long) featuring my fanclans! They’re a group of four Clans set in an abandoned gated neighborhood/area - FernClan (located in the local abandoned mall), PondClan (located in the abandoned golf course), GleamClan (located in the local abandoned restaurant/diner), and FieldClan (located in the abandoned K-12 academy school). I won’t go too much into them here since I want to explore their worldbuilding in my fic, but keep an eye out for them when I drop the first chapter of Ribs! 
Talk about your feelings about the Warriors series! 
Oh man. A lot. The series itself is… disappointing, at best, but I’m awfully attached to it no matter how many times I try to break away from it. It was my biggest media interest growing up (keyword: media), so it’s a pretty big part of me and the way I grew up. Plus I met a good chunk of my friends through warrior cats related areas, so :’)!!! It’s a series that despite all its flaws is incredibly close to me but I’m mainly here to read everyone’s fan content because MAN does the fan content go above and beyond!
(Asked by @/whocares-idont) What’s your opinion on fan made Clan pantheons? 
I LOOVE fan made Clan pantheons actually! Mythology was always something I loved learning about as a kid, and I’m particularly fond of the worldbuilding people make for the Warriors setting. I feel like creating a pantheon and mythos tied to it adds to the depth of the world and makes it all the more interesting and realistic, especially since mythology is such a huge part of so many cultures, both ancient and modern one. I think creating pantheons really adds to the setting people make with warriors, and, honestly, they’re always really fun to read about!!
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cat-in-a-basement · 6 years
Cathuman Headcanons - Part 2
I guess this is a 'part two' to my first cathuman headcanon post, focusing more on genetics and physiology of the characters. Admittedly I've been iffy sharing them, because there's no way to please everyone, as people have their different interpretations. And, these are mine. Please be nice. Please?
Spoilers for later books and The Broken Code Below. 
ThunderClan are the British Isles and America. Some have 0.0001% Scandinavian in them (which represents ancient SkyClan blood before SkyClan were forced out). Occasionally you get some French and German in there.
ShadowClan are Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Sometimes you get Northern Africa.
WindClan are Eastern and South-eastern Asia. WindClan is a very uniform population, so the variety does not differ that much. Surprisingly, there is a more Eastern Asian population than South-eastern. 
RiverClan are the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the Mediterranean.
SkyClan was originally ancient Northern Europe, but the new SkyClan is a mix of places. It ranges from Northern Europe and Africa to Australia.
Thunder was half Scandinavian (Clear Sky), half Roman (Storm).
Firestar is half English, half Irish. When he gets mad, his voice gets an Irish lilt to it, something that tickles Sandstorm to bits.
Jake, his father was 100% Irish. Tallstar absolutely loved his accent, and never got tired of him talking.
Hollypelt and Ravenwing are siblings. Both are from Somalia, and passed down their genetic traits to their offspring (Fuzzypelt, Moonflower and Goosefeather). They then passed their genetic traits to Bluestar, Snowfur, and all of Robinwing's kits.
Windflight's father was Chinese. Thistleclaw, Rosetail, Sweetpaw, Dappletail, Thrushpelt and Tawnyspots are all 1/4th.
Stonepelt was Stormtail's father, and was Russian. Stormtail passed down his genetics to his kits, making them 50% Russian, 25% African, 25% English (+ other Western Europe countries). This combination made a very unique physical appearance.
Smallear is half Scottish (Scottish fold, hah!), half Spanish. His kits, Lionheart and Goldenflower are 1/4th Spanish, and since I headcanon he's also Graystripe's father, that makes Graystripe (in my headcanon) 1/4th Spanish as well.
Halftail and Robinwing I headcanon as siblings, and they're both 1/2 Greek. Their kits, Mousefur and Runningwind, and the whole slew of Robinwing's kits are 1/4th Greek.
This makes Dustpelt, Ravenpaw, Frostfur, and Brindleface 1/4th African, 1/4th Greek, 1/4th English + other.
Adderfang has ancient Scandinavian (SkyClan) blood in him, and passed it down to all his following generations.
Leafpool had kids with Crowfeather, who was primarily Japanese. This makes Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze 50% Asian. Hollyleaf and Jayfeather (somewhat) looked extremely similar to Crowfeather, which confused the ThunderClanners. The tall tale Squirrelflight spun is that she thought Leopardfoot was like 3% Asian, and maybe Hollyleaf inherited that 3% by sheer luck. Surprisingly, the clan believed it.
(But in reality, a lot of ThunderClan thought Squirrelflight had kits with a WindClan cat, and was trying to hide that fact. They never thought a sacred medicine cat might be the mother.)
By extension, Lionblaze's kits are 1/4th Japanese.
Millie is from Greece. Graystripe ended up meeting her there. Her kits are 50%. And Blossomfall's kits are 1/4th. 
(Somehow Blossomfall was born with vitiligo, as she has lighter colored patches on her shoulders and back.)
Cloudtail's father was from Sweden. Cloudtail is 50% Swedish, and his kits are 1/4th Swedish.
Daisy is from South America (Argentina). She got with Smoky, who was from Mexico. Their kits are 50/50 each. Berrynose's kits, Cherryfall and Molewhisker are both 1/4th Mexican and South American. Berrynose, Hazeltail and Mousewhisker are all bilingual.
Tall Shadow was from Scandinavia the Germanic tribes. She lived in the bitter North and had quite the pale complexion. 
Yellowfang is 1/4th Iranian, 1/2 Russian, 1/4th Polish. Her mother was 50% Iranian, and her grandfather was 100%. Silverflame got with a Persian! Eh, eh? I'll see my out.
Russetfur was 100% Iranian.
Scorchwind, Raggedstar's brother, Rowanclaw's father, and Hal's son, was 50% Iranian. Rowanclaw was 1/4th.
Kinkfur was African (Sudan, Egypt), her son, Sparrowtail is 50%. His daughter, Needletail, was 1/4th. 
Blackstar was about 98% Russian. He had a thick accent and stereotypical deep voice, and he took great joy in scarring would-be trespassers with it. With the younger kids, he used a much softer voice.
Wind Runner came from Ancient China, although she had ancestry in South-eastern Asia. 
Gorsestar came from South-Eastern Asia.
Gray Wing was from Scandinavia.
Tallstar was nearly 100% Japanese. While Tallstar loved Jake's Irish accent, Jake never got tired of hearing Tallstar talk to himself in his own language.
Onestar, Morningflower and Ashfoot were all mostly Japanese, with Taiwan and the Philippines in small percentages. 
Heathertail's mother, Whitetail, was Korean. Heathertail is 50% Japanese, 50% Korean.
Deadfoot, Crowfeather's father, was 6'5". It contributed to weak knees and poor joints. This is likely where Hollyleaf's height came from, since Crowfeather himself is 6'0". Hollyleaf is 5'11".
Redclaw was 100% Indian while Brackenwing was 100% Filipino. Their kit, Shrewclaw, was 50/50. His kit, Mudclaw, was 1/4th each.
River Ripple was from Africa, and his darker skin was a surprise to the other settlers who came from the far North. He kept his hair in long braids, something which RiverClan adopted as tradition. Now, it is not uncommon to see RiverClan characters with braids somewhere in their hair.
Hailstar was from Jamaica and the Carribean. His kits were 1/4th.
Mosspelt is Puerto Rican. Willowpelt, her daughter, is 1/2 Puerto Rican, 1/4th French, 1/4th Cuban.
Dawnflower is another of Mosspelt's kits. Her mate was from Kenya. Her kits, Minnowtail, Pebblefoot and Tumblekit, are 50% Kenyan, 25% Puerto Rican, 12.5% French and Cuban.
Sasha was Russian. Hawkfrost, Mothwing and Tadpole are/were half-Russian. 
Mudfur, Leopardstar's father, was Brazilian. His mate, Brightsky, was French. Leopardstar is half Brazilian, half French.
Fallowtail was 100% French while Reedfeather was 100% Japanese. Their kits, Willowbreeze and Graypool are half each. Willowbreeze's kit, Silverstream, is 1/4th Japanese.
Crookedstar and Oakheart were 50% Italian, 25% French, 25% Other. 
Blackclaw, Mistystar's mate, was 50/50 African and Cuban. Their kits are/were 1/4th each.
Clear Sky was from Scandinavia.
Spottedpelt and Gorseclaw, Cloudstar and Birdwing's kits, stayed behind as the last remaining bloodline containing Northern Europe. Their line continues on in very small percentages today.
Clovertail is about 93% Swedish. The rest of her genetics possibly might have Mediterranean (RiverClan) origins. 
Patchfoot is 100% Finnish. His and Clovertail's kits are 50% Finnish, 45% Swedish, 6% Mediterranean.
Finleap's father is Sandynose, making Finleap 25% Finish. Eh? Eh? Walks away in shame
Leafstar is Canadian, but has ancestry in Norway.
Echosong is Australian.
Ebonyclaw is African American.
Cherrytail is Half Serbian, half Bulgarian, and a small percentage Swedish.
Sharpclaw, Hawkwing's father, is from Africa. His son, Hawkwing, is 50% African, 1/4th Serbian, 1/4th Bulgarian, and a tiny tiny amount Swedish.
Pebbleshine, Hawkwing's mate, is...very closely related to Hawkwing let's move on... ._.
Their kits, Violetshine and Twigbranch, are 25% African, 25% Bulgarian, 25% Serbian, and 25% Other. 
(Twigbranch has vitiligo, with lighter patches on her face, hands, and shoulders.)
Tree is from the Netherlands. Making his and Violetshine's kits - well, a whole bunch of places.
Characters Outside the Clans
Purdy is Scottish. No butts about it.
Sol is from Italy. He often cites Machiavelli as inspiration to him.
Scourge is half Irish, half English. 1% Evil, 99% Hot gas.
Barley is mostly English with some Irish, lives in the South, and has a heavy Southern accent. Yes, he does chew a piece of straw in his mouth.
Midnight is Ancient. Really old. Lived waaay back in 10,000 BC. She came from Africa. And is fricking tall (6'4").
Rock is Ancient. Even older. We have no idea where he came from.
Bone is from Nigeria.
The rogues that Tallstar interacted with in his super edition were all from South-Eastern Asia.
Jingo is from Italy.
Ah, I think that's about it!
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wolfgrowlwrites · 6 years
Ties that Bind, Chapter 1
I’m putting chapter 1 on Tumblr to drum up some interest, the rest of the fic is on AO3. If you like how I write about Warriors, maybe buy me a Ko-fi?
The wind tugged at Crowpaw's whiskers and he raised his head to welcome it. He hoped it smelled of rain but it smelled of heather and dust. A faint hint of rabbit pulled him to move, following the scent. As he moved he took in the sweeping moor, the grass dancing in the winds. It pulled on his whiskers, and Crowpaw's eyes narrowed.
He'd never see this part of the moor before. The unfamiliar territory around him offered no clues as to where he was or how he'd gotten there. Oh Mudclaw was going to rip his whiskers off one by one, had he somehow wandered out of WindClan territory?
"Crowpaw," a voice called, he spun around, to see a black furred tom limping towards him. It wasn't a cat he recognized but he smelled of WindClan. Crowpaw flexed his claws as the tom made his way toward him, Crowpaw's eyes drawn to his lame left forepaw. He felt like the wind had been knocked out of him, now he knew who this was. He heard stories about him from his mother and various Clan members.
"Deadfoot," he breathed, the former deputy, his father, dipped his head.
"Hello Crowpaw," he meowed warmly, his eyes fond as he looked at him. This had to be a dream, he'd never met Deadfoot, he'd died before Crowpaw was born, how… the stars glittered in Deadfoot's pelt.
"Why are you here?" Crowpaw asked, stepping forward, "where are we?" Was he dying? He was so close to being a warrior. But why else would a StarClan cat come to him…
The wind picked up and he flattened his ears, but Deadfoot didn't seem to notice.
"I come to give you a message, and a warning," his eyes glowed as he spoke, Crowpaw pricked his ears and listened.
"The forest is in trouble," Deadfoot told him gravely, "and if the Clans are to survive, a new prophecy must be fulfilled. You have been chosen, as have three other cats, and you will all meet at the new moon. Listen to what Midnight has to tell you."
"Midnight?" Crowpaw repeated incredulously, "how can Midnight-" the wind picked up, tugging at his ears, whiskers and tail, and cutting him of.
"What do you mean?" he yelled over the roaring wind, but Deadfoot was fading, as was the moor around them.
Deadfoot pressed his nose to Crowpaw's head like he was making him a warrior, "you'll find out in time. And I know you'll make me proud."
"Don't go," Crowpaw begged, he wanted to know more, but even more than his curiosity he just wanted to spend time with Deadfoot. But even as he begged more of the dream slipped away until only the roaring wind was left.
Crowpaw blinked awake, opening his eyes to find Mudclaw towering over him. The deputy looked annoying and prodded him sharply in the side.
"Get up, we were supposed to be on a hunting patrol."
Crowpaw scrambled to his paws, standing almost as tall as his mentor, "I'm awake." He snapped, Mudclaw snorted.
"Now you are. Now come on." He paused and looked over Crowpaw's nest, "clean that up later."
Crowpaw glanced down and realized with a sinking heart that in his sleep he'd kicked it around and made a mess. At least he didn't have den mates to have woken up who'd also snap at him. Gorsetail and Robinwing had become warriors last moon and he was the only one left. Leaf-bare had been hard on the Clan and of the three litters, only three kits had survived.
Hopefully Tallstar made him a warrior soon. The apprentice den was cold, and without his den mates felt empty. He missed training with them, they made Mudclaw bearable.
He padded after the deputy, barely glancing at the other cats on patrol. He wasn't sure where Robinwing and Gorsetail were and given the sun was barely over the horizon he suspected they were still in their den and sleeping. He envied them.
And what had that dream been? Him? Chosen for a prophecy? Something about midnight and three other cats at the new moon. He twitched his whiskers as he thought. Why him? The only apprentice in WindClan? Oh yeah sure, StarClan would pick him. It's not like they had a leader or a medicine cat or-
Or Mudclaw. Crowpaw jerked his head up, peering over the still damp grass to see his mentor glaring at him, "are you just going to stand there and hope rabbits come to you or are you going to hunt?"
"Rather hard to hunt anything if you yell and scare it all away," Crowpaw muttered, opening his mouth to scent the air and look for rabbits. This early they would just be coming out of their burrows. If he was lucky he'd find peasant or quail, still sleeping. That would easily feed several cats.
He slipped off, disappearing the tall grass to tread quietly for now. The smell of rabbit was growing stronger, the grass scratching at his muzzle as he lowered himself to charge.
The grass rustled and Whitetail shot out, Crowpaw's eyes widened but it was too late to stop himself, he charged after her, they dove for the same rabbit, Crowpaw scrambled to turn and leap after a different one, falling just short. He jerked his head to avoid a kick to the face and bolted after it.
He slid a bit on the damp heather as he chased after the rabbit but Mudclaw had already yelled at him once, he wasn't letting it get away. He pushed himself hard, and leapt, landing on the rabbit and killing it with one swift bite.
Whitetail emerged from the grass behind him, carrying her kill, Runningbrook popped out from a clump of heather with a feather clinging to her muzzle, she and Whitetail shared a look.
"Are you okay Crowpaw?" Whitetail asked, looking concerned, "you seem a bit out of it."
"I'm fine," he huffed, more angry at himself than at her, she had been one of the three queens in the nursery when he was kit. Robinwing was her kit, and he'd grown up playing with her and her littermates while Whitetail watched. Which meant he really should've noticed that he could smell her before he leapt out.
She padded over to him and examined his rabbit, "good catch though."
Crowpaw huffed, "sure, maybe if I was a badger."
Whitetail gave him an unimpressed look and he bowed his head and muttered, "thank you Whitetail."
"Better," she turned and as she did flicked his nose with her tail, "and the elders won't care one way or another as long as it's food."
Crowpaw sighed, "I just had a weird dream last night is all." He looked at them hopefully, had one them also had it? Deadfoot had said there were three other cats. But Whitetail just looked concerned while Runningbrook's whiskers twitched.
"No I just had that dream where I'm about to catch a rabbit but it gets away," she sighed and looked around the moor, "I'll catch it one night."
"Let's focus more on catching rabbits outside of dreams," Whitetail suggested, beckoning the two of them to follow her, "before they get a chance to wake up."
They returned carrying plenty of rabbits and a shrew that Runningbrook had found. They dropped their kills on the prey pile, Crowpaw pricked his ears and could hear the sounds of his Clanmates moving around now.
"Crowpaw, take care of the elders," Mudclaw ordered with a flick of his tail, Crowpaw nodded and grabbed one of the rabbits and dragged it to the elders den.
Morningflower was curled up near the entrance, she let out a rumbling purr when she saw him.
"Good morning Crowpaw," she meowed, her eyes drifted to the rabbit he was carrying, "is that for us?"
He dropped it in front of her, "yes. I'm supposed to clear out your bedding as well."
"Have you eaten yet this morning?" she asked him, when she shook his head she nodded for him to go ahead.
"This rabbit has plenty of meat on it," she assured him, "go ahead."
"Don't go giving the apprentice my share!" Doespring pushed his way out, Crowpaw moved over to let the elder eat. Morningflower shook he head.
"There's plenty here Doespring, he can eat a little bit."
Doespring grumbled through her food, a light brown tail batted at her ears.
Ryestalk sat down beside her den mates, "you can share with Crowpaw, after all he's going to clean our den."
"Like he's expected to," Doespring muttered but moved over, Crowpaw quickly ate a few bites. His stomach had been growling the whole walk back to camp, and it was nice to have something to eat.
Morningflower's tail brushed against his flank, he blinked gratefully at her. Like Whitetail, the older she-cat had helped raise him alongside her own son and he knew that was partially why she'd shared their food with him.
"And this way he doesn't have to eat with mouse bile on his paws." She added, Crowpaw dipped his head in thanks.
Once he had eaten he got to his paws, "I'll get to work on your nests." He dipped his head to the elders politely and headed in to do his chores.
The worst part about Robinwing and Gorsetail being made warriors before him was that he was left to do the chores all by himself. He hardly had time to train between feeding the elders and queens, cleaning bedding and checking for ticks.
He tugged the bedding towards the entrance of the den, careful not to wake Pidgeonwing and Stagleap who were still sleeping. Morningflower watched him work silently for a few heartbeats.
"Do you want a story?" she offered, Crowpaw hesitated, maybe he could ask for one about Deadfoot, since she'd offered.
"He's almost a warrior isn't he?" Doespring huffed, "at that age they start being too old for kits tales. They stop listening to their elders and start being disrespectful."
"I am not disrespectful!" Crowpaw jerked his head around to glare at the elder, he'd done nothing to deserve that.
"Easy Crowpaw," a warm voice meowed, "you know how Doespring is." Pidgeonwing emerged from the den, the gray and white elder blinked a few times. "Why are we arguing when there is a perfectly good rabbit to eat?"
Doespring shook her head and went back to eating, Crowpaw gave her one last dirty look before padding into the den to continue pulling out old bedding.
The elders talked amongst themselves as he cleaned out the nests, he lashed his tail behind him whenever Doespring looked his way but Pidgeonwing and Morningflower did a good job distracting their den mate.
"Does anyone have any ticks?" he asked as he returned, he hoped the answer was no.
Fortunately all the elders shook their heads, Ryestalk stretched and yawned.
"I think I could use some sun, Doespring, what about you?"
The brown she-cat nodded in agreement, "that sounds perfect." The two sisters padded out of camp, Crowpaw flicked his ears, good riddance.
"Did you want a story Crowpaw?" Pidgeonwing asked, pushing what was left of the rabbit towards him, "I'm sure we can think of one, and we won't tell Doespring."
Crowpaw hesitated and asked quietly, "can you tell me about Deadfoot?"
Pidgeonwing's eye grew soft, "you remind me of him. He was never as argumentative, but you have his determination." Crowpaw swallowed his mouthful as Pidgeonwing added, "he'd have been so proud of you."
Crowpaw lifted his head proudly, Morningflower licked him on the head and he ducked away.
"But you asked for a story," Pidgeonwing meowed thoughtfully, "hmm… let Morningflower groom you while I think."
"But I-" It was too late, Morningflower was already grooming his ears. Crowpaw let out an indignant growl which she ignored. He accepted it, Morningflower had loved him and Robinwing like they were her own.
Pidgeonwing looked amused as Crowpaw sulkily let her continue to groom him.
"Crowpaw!" He almost head-butted Morningflower as he snapped his head up, Mudclaw did not look amused at his apprentice's situation.
"If you're done taking care of the elders than the queens need food and would like to stretch their legs, so you can watch the kits."
"Mudclaw I was going to tell him a story," Pidgeonwing meowed, the deputy gave him a long look.
"He is not a kit, he's almost a warrior and he needs to act like it," Mudclaw meowed firmly, "now come on Crowpaw."
He slipped away from Morningflower with barely a glance at Mudclaw, heading to the nursery.
Tawnyfur and Blacktail were curled up, their kits immediately swarmed Crowpaw when he stepped in.
The two queens looked at him in amusement as he flailed under six kits. Shalekit was tugging on his ears while her sibling pinned him down, assisted by Thrushwing's litter, who were smaller. The youngest, Tawnyfur's were held back by their mother.
"Have fun Crowpaw," Tawnyfur flicked him on the nose as she passed, leaving him trapped beneath the pile of kits.
"I'm supposed to clean the nests!" Crowpaw called after her, trying to get up, sending Shalekit tumbling of him with a squeak.
The kits had no regard for apprentice chores, instead babbling to him, all of them at once, how they were all going to be the greatest warriors and show him the moment they were made apprentices. He had his tail, paws and ears nibbled as he tried to work.
"Would you leave me alone?" he demanded, pulling his tail away from Weaselkit, only for Dark-kit to slam into his side.
He grunted and accepted his fate of being killed by one of the queens when he finally actually snapped at one of the kits but a loud yowl sounded.
He rushed past the kits, almost tripping over them to get out of the nursery, as Rushtail, a senior warrior, Robinwing, Ashfoot and Onewhisker came into camp. Onewhisker's fur was torn and he looked dirty and disheveled.
"I'm fine," Onewhisker insisted, but Rushtail ignored him, tail swinging wildly behind him.
Crowpaw looked to Robinwing, her tail was slightly fluffed out and her eyes wide. She kept glancing at Onewhisker, Crowpaw swallowed the resentment that she had gotten to know her father.
Tallstar appeared out of his den, "yes Rushtail?"
"There's no water in our territory," the warrior's tail almost smacked those who came closer to him, "we tried to get some from the gorge, Onewhisker fell in."
"I'm fine," Onewhisker repeated, "just a little bruised." He moved forward to speak to Tallstar, "however, Rushtail is right, there is no water anywhere but in the gorge and I proved it's far too dangerous to bring our queens, kits or elders there."
"RiverClan is likely to have some," Mudclaw suggested, Crowpaw's mentor unsheathed his claws. Crowpaw did as well, he would not let his Clan suffer, not in Greenleaf when the Clan was supposed thrive.
Tallstar nodded slowly, "and only the dawn patrols are catching food." He sighed and nodded once again, "we shall ask Leopardstar to drink from the river."
"Ask?" Mudclaw's hackles raised, "we should take it!"
"But that would only injure our warriors," Onewhisker pointed out, "and Barkface's store is drying up in this heat."
Mudclaw bared his teeth at the other tom, but Tallstar stepped between them.
"I understand your urge to protect the Clan Mudclaw, but Onewhisker is right. Fighting unnecessary battles would be dangerous right now. Should Leopardstar say no, then you may lead our warriors into battle."
Crowpaw raised his head, that would be his chance, then he'd finally prove he was a warrior. He almost hoped RiverClan would say no.
"I'm hot," Dark-kit mewed sadly from next to him, and he sighed. No. His Clan needed water, and they needed it sooner rather than later. They were beginning to get hungry, but they'd die quickly without water.
Tallstar nodded his head, "we will ask Leopardstar at the gathering."
The heat of the day made the rest of Crowpaw's work easier, as the kits grew tired and lay around in camp while Crowpaw cleaned out the den of bones and soiled bedding. He wasn't sure how long they would be able to get fresh bedding, the heat was drying out the grass and ground all over the territory.
When he had finished cleaning out the nursery the sun was high in the sky and even Mudclaw wasn't going to make them do battle training when it was this hot out. So Crowpaw flopped onto the ground near the kits, letting the sun warm his pelt.
He didn't realized he'd fallen asleep until heavy weight crashed onto him, waking him with a grunt. The familiar scent told him who it was.
"Gorsetail, get off," he kicked at the other tom, who just laughed. Crowpaw rolled over to swipe at Gorsetail's ears, his friend pulled his head away.
"Why are you being mean?" Gorsetail whined, turning his amber his eyes on Crowpaw.
Crowpaw huffed, unaffected, "because you're crushing me!"
Gorsetail sighed and got off him, Crowpaw kicked at his muzzle.
"Hey you two," Robinwing padded up, she looked much calmer than earlier when she'd come back from patrol, "we sparing?"
She dropped into a crouch, Crowpaw flipped over to match her, they swatted at each other, rearing up to wrestle on their hind legs, something bumped into Crowpaw, knocking him and Robinwing over.
Gorsetail waved his ginger tail behind him as he purred in amusement.
Crowpaw and Robinwing looked at each other and nodded, before springing to their paws to tackle Gorsetail.
The trio wrestled briefly, almost like they were kits again, before they split apart, panting and laughing.
"Well done Crowpaw," Robinwing complimented him, he huffed and head butted Gorsetail's shoulder.
"So what did you two do today?" he asked, with a yawn.
"Aw we wore him out," Gorsetail teased, batting at Crowpaw's lashing tail.
"Well you know about my patrol," Robinwing glanced at Gorsetail, who nodded.
"I've been hunting most of the day," he lifted his head, "I managed to catch a couple rabbits."
"I went hunting this morning, and then spent the day cleaning out the elders den and the nursery," Crowpaw stretched out his paws. "those kits are pests."
"Well the good news is that you'll be free of some of them soon," Gorsetail lay his muzzle on Crowpaw's shoulders, "they'll be made apprentices tomorrow."
"Really?" Crowpaw asked, "how do you know?"
"Runningbrook mentioned it to me, she's excited to get her first apprentice," he dragged his tongue over his paws, "Just like I am."
"What?" Robinwing and Crowpaw jerked their heads to look at him, Gorsetail purred.
"Tallstar wants me to mentor one of Blacktail's kits."
"What?" Robinwing gawked at him, "but you're a moon younger than me!"
"And you've only been a warrior one and a half moons," Crowpaw added, the two warriors paused. He refused to look away, he missed them, and it was lonely being the only apprentice.
Gorsetail huffed, "well thanks for that vote of confidence." He nudged Crowpaw, "and I'm sure you'll be a warrior soon, now that you'll be freed from chores."
Crowpaw hoped so, but it was starting to feel like Tallstar and Mudclaw had forgotten about him. He flexed his claws, he wanted to be a warrior-
"Ouch!" Robinwing kicked him lightly, "that's my tail Crowpaw!"
He jerked his paws back, "Sorry!" she pulled it over to her and licked it a few times.
"Such a bully," Gorsetail teased, Crowpaw hissed at him but Gorsetail's good nature refused to be broken.
"Robinwing!" Ashfoot padded over to them, looking fondly at the three curled up together, "you're on a hunting patrol with me tomorrow morning, so you'll want to get some sleep."
Robinwing groaned, rolling over to show her belly, "do I have to?"
"Mudclaw said so."
Robinwing groaned again, Crowpaw jabbed his paw at her exposed belly.
She grunted and lifted her head to glare at him, "dirty trick!"
Ashfoot licked Crowpaw's head between the ears, "the elders said you did a great job with their bedding."
Crowpaw flattened his ears, "I was just doing my job," he replied gruffly, as his mother continued to groom his ears.
"He's got a dirty spot between his shoulders too," Gorsetail told her, Ashfoot licked him there, Crowpaw sighed loudly.
"I'm not a kit."
"You'll always be my kit," she told him, and Crowpaw couldn't argue with that. His mother looked so proud of him, of all three of them.
"Don't forget about the patrol," Ashfoot reminded Robinwing, "we'll need to leave early so we're back by sun-high."
"Why sun high?" Robinwing rolled back over to look up at Ashfoot.
But it was Gorsetail who answered, "the apprentice ceremony."
"Right!" Robinwing swatted his muzzle, "I wouldn't want to miss that."
"Good night you three," Ashfoot meowed, the three chorused "good night!" as she padded towards the warriors den.
The kits had come out to play one last time before bed time, Blacktail's litter almost disappeared in the dusk as the sun sank.
"Which one are you mentoring?" Robinwing asked, Gorsetail shrugged.
"I guess I'll find out tomorrow," he meowed, his eyes glowing in the moonlight, "It feels like just yesterday I was made a warrior."
And here Crowpaw was, still an apprentice. He knew he was coming up on the end of his training, when were Mudclaw and Tallstar going to make him a warrior? He sank his claws into the dirt, that was most important, more important than some weird dreams.
Whitetail stopped as she passed by to press her muzzle against Robinwing's, the two she-cats purred while Crowpaw curled up closer to Gorsetail.
"Are you three going to stay out here a little longer?" she asked.
"Not much longer," Robinwing yawned, "I have a patrol tomorrow, and Gorsetail's got a big day ahead of him."
Gorsetail ducked his head while Whitetail purred.
"The three of you grew up so fast," she meowed quietly, Crowpaw wished he'd grow up a little faster.
Whitetail shook her head, "don't stay up too late, and don't make too much noise talking, some of us enjoy sleep."
"Yes Whitetail!" Gorsetail meowed politely, Crowpaw watched her slip into the warrior's den.
"Enjoy your last night of peace and quiet!" Robinwing teased him, shoving her shoulder into his, "you're going to miss having the den all to yourself."
"After you yowling in my ear, I'm really going to enjoy that peace and quiet," he got to his paws, swinging his tail so it brushed both Robinwing and Gorsetail's ears.
He pulled his tail away, in time to hear Robinwing's teeth camp down where his tail would've been.
He trotted to the apprentice's den without looking back until he got to the entrance. From there he could see them go in side by side.
He curled up in his nest, tail up against his nose. Robinwing was wrong. He didn't find the den quiet and peaceful. He found it cold and empty.
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kingofhoole · 6 years
Warriors and GOG?
I grew up reading Warriors first and then GOG and don’t get me wrong, they’re both great series but damn does GOG do a lot of things better. Imo, the concept of Warriors and clan structure is one of the best parts, but the plots keep getting reused and reused... so I decided to make a post about the differences between the series ;0 
Some minor spoilers(?) ahead! (I’m only going up to a little after the Journey, where they reach the tree!)
Strong female characters?
Warriors has... a few? Maybe? But they always get absolutely nerfed at the end of their arc and left up to the fans to fix in AUs and such. Also, Warriors has a bad habit of killing off their female cats...
Guardians of Ga’hoole doesn’t really have any weak female leads that I can think of. Gylfie is brave beyond comparison and while I can’t say more about her in the books without spoiling something, she is definitely one of my favorites. Otulissa is a character that Soren really doesn’t like at first; she’s snarky and a “know-it-all,” but she gets one of the best character arc throughout the book. Ruby is a very tiny owl chose for the weathering chaw, which flies into storms; and despite being so small, she’s one of the fiercest there. Not to mention, if you’ve heard of or seen the move (while it’s not accurate to the books,) the villain is a female character who’s absolutely ruthless. I can go on an on about them! 
How do they treat disabled characters?
Ngl this was one of my biggest peeve about Warriors. Any cat with a disability was forced into the medicine cat role, whether they liked it or not. However, that doesn’t mean they’re not strong characters! Cinderpelt and Jayfeather were among my favorites, and Brightheart is still respected in the books and treated as a warrior like the others, though I’d love her to have an apprentice! Deadfoot was a deputy of Windclan, though never made it to leadership. Briarlight was wronged so much in the recent books but no one can tell me she wasn’t one of the bravest warriors. I just wish the editors would have more... diverse ways of handling disabilities. 
As for Guardians of Ga’hoole, while there’s not as many disabled characters, they’re all treated very different from warriors. Ezylryb’s most notable injury is his missing talon, which he bit off long ago to relieve himself from pain. Despite that and his older age, the first time we see him in the books, we’re told that he’s the Ryb of the weathering chaw and a respected member of the Great Tree, an author and a warrior who joined the tree after his injury and was accepted all the same. A character name Hortense, while I can’t tell much about her due to spoilers, is at this same bracket, though very unique to the situation. All Nest-maid snakes are blind, but they’re highly respected at the tree and often wise beyond the owls’ years. Mrs. P plays a more nurturing role, but it was what she chose to do. (Bonus! In the Wolves of the Beyond, there’s severe discrimination against disabled wolves until they’re selected for a special task... nonetheless, they’re the main focus! Also, the main character is disabled as well!)
How about the plot?
Warriors did the “Into The Wild” plot magnificently, in my opinion, along with DotC. However, especially in the later series, we get reused plots and very “cookie-cutter” characters, not to mention it feels like the series has dragged on way too far. (Not to mention, there’s the many forbidden romance plots that have taken away from the fact that they’re not common.) The Super Editions are often a very nice touch, save for some choice ones, like “Spottedleaf’s Heart.” 
Guardians of Ga’hoole follows a singular plot and has an actual end to the series, which wraps it up very nicely. Of course there are side-plots and it’s not always linear, but they always weave back into the main story in some way! There’s no real elaborate romantic sub-plots, and while some may find the romance in the book to be a little forced, I don’t think it’s even slightly like the Warriors’ one. I do have to mention though: as the plot gets further, it gets more and more elaborate and delves into the politics of the owl kingdoms. I personally love it, but I know several people who don’t. You’d have to read it to find out what you think! There are two more things I want to mention though; there’s a very short, three-book “arc” about the past of Ga’hoole, in which it’s told while the owls are reading the book themselves. I always found that to be a really cool and fun way to tell it! The book also entwines with her other series, the “Wolves of the Beyond!” 
Character deaths?
Warriors is notorious for having a large cast of characters and over 100+ cats now, dead or otherwise, and only grows with each book. There will be character deaths for sure, but a lot of them happen between books, which takes away the impact of them and the fact that the forest cats live a rough and rocky life. Many of the deaths are female cats too, as the male cats play a much larger role, unfortunately. The deaths can be gruesome, but not always. 
Guardians of Ga’hoole never exceeds a moderate cast of characters. While it’s known that there are many owls at the Great Tree, the book manages to keep focus on the main ones. There is plenty of character death, but each one is caused for a reason and caused at the right times, making their deaths to give a larger impact on the readers and the owls. From my knowledge, there has been no off-screen character deaths. There are, however, plenty gruesome ones.
I can go on and on, and I might make another plot to do just that, but these are the first things that come to mind! Like I said before, I love(d) Warriors as a series, but they do a lot of things wrong that Guardians of Ga’hoole does right. I suggest that everyone give the book a read before making judgement on it, and I overall just suggest that everyone takes a look at the books, too!
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