#also her va went so fucking hard like holy shit
lucindasthighs · 1 year
thinking about Tatiana makes me so ill she's so tragic and strong and she was never fucking mentioned again after emerald secret.
she was an organic wolf and she got FORCED into an uncomfortable, foreign human form by Micheal + ein for literally no reason (they NEVER use or bring up these body-changing forever potions again) and is stuck that way forever. She was forced to follow ein in order to protect her pack. But at the end of the day, she gets her revenge. She's the one who kills ein. And tHEN SHES FUCKING GONE NOT EVEN A MENTION NOT EVEN BY AARON AS IF HE DIDNT BEG HER FOR INFO AFYAFSOXUXO
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justarandombrit · 5 months
Okay, so in case anyone couldn't make it to the livestream (and just because I wanted to), I wrote down some notes while watching it, so if anyone wants to read them, they're below the cut. (Also sorry ANI fans, my dad came in to borrow a pencil while the ANI segment was happening, so I missed a lot of it)
. There was a 4 minute long intro voice over before AVPM
. James watched AVPM
. 600,000 and Lauren plays the green screen piano
. 700,000 and Lauren does an architectural digest on the green screen house
. Jon really loves Ready To Go
. Darren keeps letting Joey know he sounds like shit on old recordings
. Pinball Pete’s burnt down 🙏🙏
. MAMD was the first student produced album to make the charts
. A Very Potter Sequel’s name came before A Very Potter Musical
. They accidentally wrote Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
. James gave Julia Albain leg splints
. During Starship the entire cast was breathing fibreglass
. Starship was called “knowingly amateurish”
. Darren was supposed to write 15 songs for Starship, but he got cast on GLEE
. Darren flew in to join a rehearsal as a surprise, ran in singing Beauty and everyone was so pissed
. Everyone still loves Kick It Up A Notch
. Nick: “Which was Holy Musical B@man-
Lauren: “Fuck yeah”
. They made up Sweet Tooth, and then found out he was an actual Batman villain
. Matt came up with “Calendar Man, your days are numbered” in his dream, and it was so good it forced him awake to instantly call Nick
. Everyone thought the flying machine joke was the best AVPM joke
. Goin' Back To Hogwarts Reprise made everyone cry
. AVPSY was five hours long
. Curt saw AVPSY
. Darren arrived 2 hours before the show and didn't get a chance to read through a lot of the script
. Darren came up with “I hope you find that swimming pool”
. Joey ate one banana on the day of AVPSY and during Sidekick went “I'm losing my vision”
. They had to pay the hotel union $11,000 to use THEIR OWN microphones, and Darren's STILL BROKE
. Jeff accidentally washed out his Aladdin hair dye
. A.J. Holmes had the same agent as Jafar's original VA, and they got him to do the intro and say “pee” and “poop” in Jafar's voice
. ANI was, as we know, expected to be a hit, and, as we know, it was not
. TTO was, as we know, expected to fail, and, as we know, did not
. TTO had a batshit cast party
. Pierce used to ask Matt insanely complicated questions before bed, e.g, “How did WWII happen?”
. Firebringer was a really old concept
. Literally no one questioned why the “I don't really wanna do the work today” clip had loads of people dressed as cavewomen + cavemen
. Firebringer was the first show Jon saw live
. They made up all the Hatchetfield shows at the same time
. Nick kept making sure Paul was having fun
. The song from the Pirate Show, “Born To Be Wretched goes so fucking hard. Like if a sea shanty was a musical theatre song essentially
. Mariah: “Rich gays, please give”
. Lauren choreographed Show Stoppin' Number
. People actually gave Lauren their phones when she asked in Inevitable, and they would take them backstage and take selfies before giving them back. One time it was locked and she shouted “WHAT'S THE PASSCODE?!?!?”
. Joey: “I'm in the middle of Wiggle”
. Everyone was ill during Black Friday
. Bryce saw Black Friday
. Nick told her “Interesting things happen here” when showing her to the seat
. Ahhh when Jeff played Tom…
. Angela was in Jaime’s improv class
. Angela is no longer on vocal rest
. Angela had to kill Sherman with a finger gun one night
. Will was 100% ready for NPMD
. Will was at a party they went to during A Very Starkid Reunion
. Rip Kim
. The Docks of Troutspear is sung by Matt’s favourite character (it also slaps)
. The Pit Stop in Hatchetfield livestream is going to be a tag team deathmatch
. I love Starkid so much
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constantvariations · 1 year
I cannot believe I’m awake when the episode drops holy shit. I’m also drunk af bc it’s my weekend off so I might not be as sharp as I’m usually am (not) but guess we’ll see lol. Also the devil works hard but pirates work harder. Bless them yardee hars yo ho
Post Ep: uhh I genuintely dunno what to say here :/ MKEK fucked over literally the only aspect of v9 i liked so i guess imma rot or smth idk
Genuinely funny (by which I mean what the absolute fuck) that the warning does not, in fact, warn the viewer of fucking anything. Reminds me of the conversation in Criminal Minds where the unit receives a bomb threat and have to wait for it to explode because sending out a general bomb alert would halt the entirety of the country in a panic. Wasn’t there a tiktok about this exact thing? One that went liek “TRIGGER WARNIGN! TRIGGER WARNING!“ but never told you wh at the warning was? Feels like this shit
Back at it again with this pov shit? With the hentai panting? Why is it always with the hentai panting???
“Why did you shout at everyone like that?” Sometimes it’s hard to remember that Little is supposed to be like... a child? I guess? in the Wonderland spectrum of things, so them not knowing what a mental breakdown looks like is both in character and entirely unhelpful in the narrative, considering how easily Ruby brushes off the inquiry
This is probably the most tolerant Ruby’s voice acting has been in the last many seasons. It’s not high and nasally enough to scrape my skull!
Not gonna lie, having Ruby finally break down against the shittiest of tree textures is so fucking funny I can’t take this seriously. It looks like she’s wailing into a painted wall
“If you’re going to stay with me, you’re going to end up dead, too.” Ruby, the only dead people that you supposedly gave a shit about are Penny and Pyrrha. You don’t know about Clover or Ironwood, you definitely didn’t give a shit about that Forrest guy from V7, and it’s still up in the air if you know about Penny 2.0. You haven’t even mentioned Qrow, your father, or the rest of ORNJ, so what the fuck are you referencing here? Your mother, whom you only started being compromised about 2 seasons ago? Big fuckety whoop, no one cares
Ohhhh noooo not the shithead mouse character being saddddd and left behinddddd whateverr shall we doooooo
Aight what’s with the butterfly thing. If it’s supposed to symbolize Summer Rose in some way, it was never foreshadowed and only the barest of threads (butterflies being pollinators of flowers) would connect this shit. There’s a difference between subtlety and bullshit
Uhhhh did Ruby stumble into a casino house of Neo? Is this Neo backstory we’re getting into? Honestly, that’s way more intriguing than anything our heroes have going on
Why did they have to drag Roman into Maya? Didn’t they do him dirty enough by having him be eaten by a stupid grimm? Is this even the same voice actor? It’s not as... sultry
Holy shit the animation of Roman jumpin on the table is sending me into the fuckign statosphere fucking hlep
Can’t even have a normal transformation animation between scythe to snipe it’s gotta be a spinny bullshit thing ugh. Take me back to episode 1 I miss that shit
Who is voicing Roman there’s no way this is the original VA Imma strnagle this bithc
“But we all remember how that ended.” Is this based on actual events or what Neo has interpreted? This entire scene has been nothing but bullshit so far, and not even the fun kind that Roman used to produce
“You still blame me for what happened to Torchwick?” Bitch what the absolute fuck makes you think that? What clues could you possibly have that Neo blames you specifically when there are so many random people at this table? It’s not like you’ve ever claimed to be responsible for any of these peoples’ deaths, so why is this the fucking conclusion you make? Other than having writer’s clairvoyance of course
Okay, despite not knowing at the moment what it means, I do like the detail of Roman not stepping on the teacup before but once shit gets real he demolishes it. Still don’t like how ugly he is though. Leave my dead gay son alone
I don’t know if I’ve said it before but I fucking HATE the eyeshadow on the character in Maya. Why is Neo’s fucking mint green? She’s NEO-FUCKING-POLITIAN WHY IS THERE FUCKING GREEN IN HER GODDAMN COLOR PALLETE WHEN IT’S FUCKIN WHITE BROWN AND PINK
“I’m going to enjoy watching you break.” Does Neo not have any sort of contact via her clones or whatever? Did she not see how helpless Ruby was last episode to her Jabber? Because it was very heavily implied she knew when that one turned into her before shattering. Neo didn’t have to do shit to make Ruby break, her so called friends were doing that better than Neo ever could Also, the smiles on everyone’s faces as they say this is 100% me when I write my characters going through some fucked up shit. Neo should’ve gone into theater and literally none of this would have happened lmao
It’s uhhhhhh kinda telling that Yang is the first to stop and bitch about Ruby’s behavior. “How could she jsut run off like that?” damn it’s like your sister knew you ddidn’t give hafl a flying fuck about her and dipped Yang OHMYGOD YANG BEING PISSED THAT RUBY DIDN’T TALK TO THEM I’M FUCKING WHEEZING Girl you were so busy being buried in the pussy you didn’t notice your own sister having a full ass breakdown. I do not feel sorry for you “She could’ve just talked to us” like you talked to her after you lost your arm? Oh, wait, YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DO THAT YANG. You literally told her to LEAVE YOU ALONE. Ain’t that a bitch, huh
“We say things like ‘we believe and you’ and ‘we can count on you’” holy shit this is smth I would expect from the yt exercise gurus I watch after work shifts not from my close personal friends this is so fuckign funny
“It’s not like we’re asking her to be perfect” well mf did you ever, idk, COMMUNICATE THAT. Because, lmee tell you as someone who WAS expected to be perfect at all times, that shit be damaging as fuck. I can’t even let typos happen in funny instances without a voice in my head screaming to fix them
Oh great we get the generic meandering vocals during a pvp platform fight. Do they write these lines knowing they’ll be translated into a game soon? There’s no way “I was the best and brightest Beacon had to offer” comes off naturally otherwise
Ruby literally clambered onto the only structure in the room for defense? Girl at this point you are asking to die lmao
“Just like you were too late to save me at the Vytal festival.” Bitch that literally didn’t matter shit since you came back in V7. You’re literally wearing your V7/8 outfit. Shut the absolute fuck up you fucking waste of potential and hair space goddamn
“Can you imagine what it’s like to be failed time and time again by someone who meant the world to you” oh like Oz? The guy you demonized for the last few seasons? The guy who was roasted alive by his wife after she butchered their FOUR FUCKIGN CHILDREN?
Okay I can’t put my finger on it, but the animation of Pyrrha going around her staff to kick Ruby is really fucking weird. Maybe because it seems like her spear is merely resting on the ground instead of impaling it? (My current MC had a similar move so this is important to me lmao)
While I do appreciate the line of “have you stopped to consider if you’re doing more harm than good” coming from Ironwood, it’s not really Ironwood saying it, is it? How the absolute FUCK would Neo know this? Was she witness to what was happening, did she figure it out with context clues, or is this another case of writer clairvoyance?
While I guess it is within canon rights to have Neo know that Oscar is Oz’s new host, I’m very much confused about this particular course of action [turning Ozpin into Oscar] from Neo. When it was her vs Cinder,  Neo just tried to annihilate her, but with Ruby she wants to be Jigsaw??? MKEK learn character consistency I am BEGGING
Listen... I know Ruby is in an emotionally compromised state, and that in any other scenario this would be intensely heart-breaking, but with how contrived this entire scene is, I cannot give half a flying fuck about Ruby’s mental state because it’s too damn funny how easily she falls into Neo’s lap. You walked into this giant ass casino, can’t you just walk out? We ain’t seen you try yet, so either you (and the writers) are too stupid to think of it, or it was shuffled off screen, neither of which are a good look babe. Especially when that damned mouse is in the wings for SOME goddamn reason. Probably the next fucking deus ex mouse
Okay, so Neo offering the tea makes it seem like that’s a path to the Ascension that everyone’s so gung-ho about, which makes me question why the paper pleasers needed to have a whole ass suicide dam-break to ascend if all they needed was some leaf-tea. I also think I’m putting more thought into this than the fucking writers, which, honestly, is par for the course
WAIT WHOA HOLD UP that was some geometric shit hitting Neo into the fucking next generation. Everything in Wonderland is ~whimsy and frolic~ not Square (tm) so wtf is going on
Goddammit again with this pov shit? Whoever suggested it in the group orgy should be drug out to the street and shot
CURIOUS!!! THE ONLY BITCH THAT MATTERS TO ME even if he is ugly as sin
“(Ruby) I don’t want to be me anymore” well aint that just more gasoline to my theory that Ruby’s gonna try to sacrifice herself to the tree No joke, if RT (and for any dumbass who needs clarification, CRWBY is 100% RT property) tries to imply in any goddamn way that sacrifice is the only way to achieve happiness (especially when it comes to other people’s happiness) I will come to each of their houses and shred their shoes, their paintings, and dismantle their ovens
Altho, no joke, I would much rather prefer Curious as our MC instead simply because they are curious and would potentially be able to ask questions about the world that our actual mains would take for granted, like idk wtf is dust and where does it come from? (Mainly stemming from my hc that dust is the remains of human souls that grimm devour but can’t actually process. Like... how else are you gonna reconcile the dust that made Adam ((the original biblical man)) with the dust of Remnant?)
Oh wow so we’re actually going for the take that the cat was evil the whole time? Is that what we’re doing? No nuance about a creature merely curious about a world outside its own? We’re going full fucking body snatcher?
I absolutely HATE this take on the Curious Cat. MKEK. Give me your addresses so I can beat your asses in the nearest Dennys parking lot. I think you sorely need some lessons in humility. Suck my entire asshole
Is Little really fucking hurt by being slung .2 feet from a tail whip? Fucking really?
And now Neo and Curious are fighting over Ruby’s fate. Someone bring back the forced love triangle of Hunger Games (which was forced by the publishers NOT the writer btw) instead of this shit before I throw myself into a lava pit because honesty it this is far shittier than HG
Wtf are Ruby’s fingers bloodied from? Wielding Crescent Rose for .2 seconds? Girl you have been handling this weapon for fucking years, but spinning it around a couple of times makes her bleed? Bitch play Paganini’s 24 Caprices then say how your fingers feel (For clarification purposes, I only know this because I’m writing characters who know how to play the violin, not because I know violin myself despite how much I fucking want to. V from DMC5 has me in a fucking chokehold lemme tell you-*dies*)
“I need to know why my makers left me here.” This makes me think that the Wonderland was structured by the shitheel gods of light and dark. Perhaps the cat was one of their compromises, which is why they’re such a wildcard? But that would make so many questions about the purpose of Wonderland itself and we all know that MKEK can’t be bothered with things like worldbuilding or nuance or anything remotely resembling intelligence (also I read once that black scelera ((the white part of the eye)) is a sign of pure truth/desire so honestly this is incredibly intriguing even though I know it won’t end in anything satisfactory)
The cup sliding into frame after Ruby’s frantic eyes is literally so fucking funny how do they expect to take me seriously when the framing has the subtlety of a drunk elephant?
Ohmygod the way JWBY ran into the room like PS2 characters I’m fucking wheeazing
Ohmygod this is literally the most flaccid way to force a person into your perspective. Like... Ruby got kicked around a little bit after venturing into an OBVIOUSLY NOT GOOD PLACE and then decides to drink the airport jungle juice right as she’s about to be rescued and not ONE FUCKING CHARACTER WITH RANGED ARSENAL SHOOTS THE MUG OUT OF HER HAND
Honestly there are times where it really hits me how RWBY is a show about plot that isn’t plot instead of characters, and it’s moments like these where I’m like “damn, these people are acting to the script instead of their character huh” Like... it would’ve been something profound if the tea drinking had happened moments prior to their arrival instead of “hey watch me drink this fuckin tea while I reflect in your stupid eyeball instead of you doing literally anything about it despite that the supposed fact that you fucking raised me YANG, so watch me drop into this fuckkin hole I guess”
At the very least I guess the writers realized that Neo’s sole purpose was offing Ruby because... Roman was in her vicinity when he died???
Okay, Curious fixating on Neo is one BILLION percent more interesting than anything jrwby has going on. Once again, fuck this main storyline bullshit and give Curious their own damn show
Also, nlg, the facct that Curious is Geometric rather than Organic in terms of design (squares vs spirals for the at home group) is super fucking cool and I desperately need an entire goddamn story abt them pronto. I would absolutely love to see how they interact with Remnant and if they’d be able to have their weird ass powers in the dimension of mortals. That is so much more interesting than literally anything our main crew has proposed in literally years, especially since these dumb mfs aint ever talked about whether or not its okay to kill a whole ass human being for their cause (and faunus are human beings. Fuck off if you think that some shtity tail or ears makes you not a whole ass person)
These mfs cannot let the bee train go for a single second can they? These bitches gotta be hit inot the sam efukcin wall while Weiss gets left all alone. Yknow. Like her family let her be for th emost part. Glad to see that RT’s priority is rainbow capitialism instead of genuine storytelling
Well that is a hentai trope I did not expert to see today. Though the fact that it’s Neo does not surprises me at fuckign all. Mmmm love me some fcking body possession. Great job Rt on making on your female characters be absolutely consumed by a foreign entity that surely isn’t a fucking metaphor for antyhign yknow the fucking facehuggers were’nt a metaphor for shit didnt yha know????
May I say to MKEK, absolutely fuck you for makign the cat an undeniable villain. Can you guys not handle even an iota of moral greyness? Can you not conceive of the idea of a situation that is not merely good vs evil? I ask you to look at the world today, and tell me that evil arises merely because it can rather than as a symptom of a society that refuses to care for all its citizens. Can you not idealize a person who, when pressed to their absolute brink, will take upon violence to ensure that the seeds they sow will bring sustenance to those who come later? For fuck’s sake I’ll take a person who idealizes themselves for morally grey reasons other than what the fuck ever these dipshits are trying to sell to me
Wow aint it so spectaculaar that Curious invaded the one person who wasn’t important to the writers plot adn now our heroes can now kill her without any iota of guilt? Aint that fucking nifty? Aint that fuckign grand? And not even a fucking thought extended to teh idea tha Crurius wanted to see the outside world. THat was their main reason for helping the siblings right? Because Alyx promised them that she would bring him to Remnant? But taht whole plotline is gone because it’s jsut TOO SPICY FOLKS. Can’t have anything interesting in our show about FAIRTYTALES whene we’re in a FAIRTYTALE LAND
Honestly, fuck you MKEK, fuck you RT, fuck you any god that ever alloweed existence to happen. THis is fucking bullshit
It was only through looking up the info on the internet that I learned that Roman Torchwick’s og VA died of colon cancer prior to this volume (2022). Mr Kametz, I hope you rest well and know that your expertise was greatly appreciated. May you know peace in the beyond
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toririvas · 2 years
Superpowereds liveblog part 2.
So Nick grew up in what, a mob casino? Wild! Insane.
Party for finals, held by upperclassmen. Cool.
PRESENTATION GUEST SPEAKER EH? a powered. Interesting. I get what Dean Blaine is trying to do but holy fuck, Nick is so paranoid. Like I get it, literally raised tht way whatever, but goddamn. Get this kid some Sertraline.
Party time! Nice to see Hersch out and about. I love that he's tapping Roy's memories for all the partying. As soon as someone starts pursuing Herschel and not Roy, I have a feeling Hersch is going to take on that "nerd that gets a TON but nobody understands why he does" stereotype. I'm not going to complain if it happens.
Fuckin. Is whiskey one of Roy's triggers? That's hilarious. God, having a cowboy brother/headmate is hilarious.
Alex clocks Nick having fun, partyboys Herschel and Nick content WHEN.
This guy Chris just cheats at beer pong but he can't hold his liquor because it's too good. Metaphor for something here, I can feel it. He gives up because Angela says to. Nice. Wonder what her deal is.
Alright, finals weeeeek! Nick's a movie guy, I love that. Vince is literally me prepping for shit. I love ya, silver.
"Just an easygoing guy I guess." Nick you have OCD levels of paranoia and anxiety. Girl.
"if you want enlightenment, I think there's guys that have some." "Huh?" Oh my god, Vince you're a nerd ass.
Finals! Nice.
Last man standing. Got it. Into the Labyrinth.
Okay, last three standing, top three killstreak. Neat.
"Do. Nothing." King shit.
Roy is out! Against an Amber. Neat! I think Roy deserves a pal or two. He's a dick, but I think some solid friends might be able to coax him into at least not being a TOTAL ass.
Alex and Vince team up? Fun.
Mary has located Nick. "Lead on, O champion of the misfit Supers." Ugh. They're so good dynamic wise.
Alice knocked out two! Nice.
Vince ate his taser! Nice. Down Thomas goes.
Nick is using Mary as his stand. God. I kith him.
"Emotional growth can wait for later."
A siren? Oooo! How evil. Nice. Alex and Vince down.
"/Playboy/ has issues. /I/ have personality." Nick is just explaining how he reads people to the girl who can read his mind, because she doesn't get the context. Goddamn. "Mister sad-sack. Get some bitches."
"Does Vince really think of me as his best friend? 🥺"
Chad? Why can't she read Chad's mind I wonder? He wants to 1v1 Mary? Fuckin Pog.
I like Chad. I again just hear my fucking ex boyfriend in his VA. It's hard to hear.
"Sometimes doing the right thing leaves you feeling like an asshole."
I need to know WHYYY she can't hear Chad. Whyyyyyyyy. Oh my god he's altered his brain chemistry and frequency? That's so cool. I like Chad. He seems a cool guy.
Alice got GOT!
It's an invisibility person? Nick is out. That's the melbrook kids gone!
Final exam, Melbrook style. Climbing a fucking mountain?????? Christ.
Nick eye reveal after almost fucking dying? Aw. They're brown. That was a gay ass sentence, Vince.
Oh my god it's our bonding trip!!! Childhood trauma talking. I love all of them.
"You make the call." Nice. They're bondingggg.
"Nick, I'm right here." "Oh I know."
Christmas at home. Nick, Mary and Herschel are what I expected. Alice is so... Oh, baby girl. The maid is fucking Colleen Delaney, and my brain went /RUBY JOURNEY?/ because the other graphic audio production I listened to had her in a main character role, Deathstalker!
Found day. Vince...
We're back together! Nick won a car. What a dweeb. Vince is showing signs of that paladin rigidity.
Sasha! Nice. (And Julia, and the Murray twins.)
Alice keeps punching Nick. I'm amused. (Ellie spraying Ike with water also made me laugh. It's the same dynamic.)
The foley for this production is immense. The movie in the background of Numbers and Transport is good. I wonder what the lesson was. It's early, I'll probably get it later.
Alright, so we've got combat/alternative placings! Vince, Mary, and Herschel into combat, Nick and Alice into alt iirc?
Tumblr media
Vince rn lmao
I had the system explained to me prior so I knew the whole "competing against past years" thing. That's wild, but it makes sense. They'd just try again anyway, might as well streamline the process. Ten spots for graduation, huh? I hope at least a couple of the Melbrook kids make it. I'm not expecting them to, but maybe I've just read too much Wildbow. He left his protagonists fate up to a dice roll. Nobody is safe over there.
Into combat and alt training. Holy shit, listening to Nick have a fucking seizure was delightful I mean, so crazy. Hell yes, alt training, that's where I'd want to go.
Alice and Mary dress up montage!!
Jill sends dudes after Will. This is clearly like, a haha gay people funny joke, and yet, I'm amused. Is this homophobic of me or am I just like "Jill clocked her brother and is just going about it the wrong way and THAT is funny"
Camille... Shy? Camille- oh my god they've MET! That's ADORABLE! Oh shit she's the injury transferrer! In talking to my dad I've learned of her. Jeez. That's potent as hell. She's so baby. And Vince doesn't remember?? That's adorable.
Okay, cool, so Alice has a friend, that's neat. Let's expose Mary to some culture. I like it.
"Cute? /Him/? ///REALLY?///" Alice. Girl...
Hersch asked Mary! Good! Look at them bumble around like newborn fawns together. The fact that it specifically calls that she isn't using her power, too? Ughhhh!!! so cute
Combat training. Roy v Chad always, and then other combat partners. Nick keeps getting shut down for being mouthy, I think it's cute. Ugh. I could break him.
Roy getting continuously beat is so good. He's got that spirit though. Oh, Roy manifested to protect Herschel? That's adorable! I love all the little flashbacks. Ugh. Ugh!!! This is so emotionally investing!
Mary said "ya got daddy issues and you're taking it out on us" and Roy said "fuck off!" nice. Chad still wants to spar, what a... A Chad, I guess.
Parents weekend? Ooh. Tfw only two people in your dorm have parents that care. Sasha is so cute. I hope she doesn't die or something.
"Nick go hang out with Alice." "Fuck off." "Please?" "Fine." And he's having *fun* dammit. Even if he's getting shoes thrown at him.
Nick's got his... Bouncer? Mary has her parents, Hersch has his mom, and poor Alice is stuck hanging out with her dad who didn't actually come for her.
Nick wanted Vince to come along! Aw, baby BOY. Vince is just so nice.
"For a conman you sure have a strict moral code." Go comfort Alice, oh my goddd she's gonna cry dude! Look at her she's got anxiety!!!!!
Ohhhh my god he's putting on the fucking WILES. He's so!!! She's gonna collapse oh my god. No glasses too!!! Aaaaugh???
"We've only been together for a few minutes and you already know I'm into the kinky shit." "I am going to k i l l you." Fake dating ends me ends me ends me. I think I like them so much because I already write Essentially This Dynamic with mine and my friend's OCS. It's ridiculous.
Transport asking Vince to eat so he isn't alone. Hrghrhhrm.... adorable.
Ma Daniels, a competent woman after my own heart.
Date went solid, Alice is starting to /flutter/. Nick is solidly in denial that he likes his friends, or will call them his friends at all. Ugh.
Dean Blaine sounds like how I imagine Vice Principal Goldenhoard from d20. Big booming voice.
Chad isn't hangin out huh? Wild. Anyway Roy got slutshamed. Swag.
Part 2 officially complete.
Asking Mary out! There's some Otome game ass music in the background. I'm half expecting to hear a soft /Doki Doki!/
Everyone is just like "oh my fucking god FINALLY" lmao
Nick is playing into his avoidant streak, thinking he's going to make Alice hate him when really she's just going to get jealous. Wild play. It's Bubbles! She's cute. Poor thing is gonna get her heart broken.
Here's the point where I got into the car so imma speed summarize.
Alice getting a surprise birthday party was adorable! The Melbrooks really went all out and I'm glad, she deserves it. I was so wowed by Nick's gift that I audibly said "this is so cute I'm going to puke". What else... Vince has some sort of sexual trauma, inchresting. Ranged practice was before that and I? Am just so. Hmm, about Nick's upbringing. Three? You learned to shoot at three? I knew he was faking immediately, it reminded me of the scene in spiderverse where Miles gets every answer wrong on purpose. Vince cast chain lightning. Michaels got a drinking and ego problem.
Anyway, it's lake trip time. My impending sense of doom is building. Something is going to go wrong, I can feel it. There's no way finals will come THAT easy.
That will be all for today.
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soulwillower · 3 years
troublemaker II • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested:  IMA NEED A PART TWO OF TROUBLEMAKER   +    also R U GONNA MAKE TROUBLEMAKER P2 I NEED A PART WHERE THEY FALL IN LURVVVVV    +   holy shit ainslee troublemaker was amazing can you please please do another please    +     will you ever do a part two to trouble maker? i fucking loved it    +     heyyyy so if ur requests do ever open again u should make one where it’s a part two of troublemaker but the reader is the dominant one this time 😳    +     IMFG IM GONNA NEED A PART TWO OF THAT FIC MISS    +     hey ainslee queen I hope you’re doing good I know I am since that fat Cheeto is finally gone lmaoo anyways but I just had this moment in my head since I read your new Richie fic (which I loved): enemies to lovers but it’s sub!richie instead 😉💜💜💜    +      yooooo your fics are sooooooo gooooood. and troublemaker kinda deserves a second part with richie teasing the reader at dinner      
this was highly requested so here!! part 2 of troublemaker!
part one here 
warnings: unprotected sex, pool sex, brief mentions of being caught, sub richie, a bit of switch richie for a hot sec, choking, a bit of praise, dirty talking, french richie!! also a slap (reader slaps richie), i think thats it but this is rly unedited.
“tu vas me tuer“ - you will kill me
“dit ‘merci’“ - say thank you
“merde” - shit
“oh, mais tu l'as toujours aimée, non?” - oh, but you’ve always liked her, no?
[characters are 18+.]
2.5k words
the next day was just odd.
you're not sure what you expected - it's not like a momentary weakness on both your sides could have unraveled the years of disdain and hate that you've sewn for each other.
so, somewhere in your sex-muddled mind, while you’d been staring at the marks left on you in the mirror, imagining his pale skin against your own, the lasting sting to your hips and the soreness to your throat; you’d almost forgotten how miserable richie was to be around. 
but then you were all at lunch the next day. sitting at the large family table, next to your parents, across from richie and his own parents. and he started dragging his foot over your leg, teasing lightly and making you flush in heat, your eyes meeting and sending thrills through your body.
you don't think anything of it when richie accidentally drops his fork on the floor under him and then excuses himself to crawl under the table like a five year old looking for a crayon, in fact, you just roll your eyes at his stupidity and continue to talk to richie's mom, who sits a few feet away from you at the spacious table. 
a jolt runs through your body when a hand gently caresses your inner thigh, and your breath becomes hitched in your throat, momentarily losing your voice. you look down quickly, to find the mischievous eyes you've spent too much time thinking of the last twelve hours staring at you from under the table, head between your spread legs, mere inches from the apex of your thighs.
 you feel your cheeks heat up as you stutter to answer maggie's question about your hobbies, suddenly hyper-aware that when you'd come in from the ocean you'd left your legs and swimsuit bottom uncovered with only a shirt on your chest. 
a quick kiss is pressed to your clothed clit and you jump back a bit. “y/n, are you okay?” your mother asks, and you kick blindly under the table in shock. a thump sounds under the table and richie yelps, “aie!” 
you cough, “sorry, just-”  “-y/n kicked me!” richie calls, the scrape of the fork on the floor making you roll your eyes. fucking idiot. 
“play nice, y/n.” your mom chides. you shake your head, going back to telling maggie about your afterschool endeavors. 
"-oh, one of richie's friends does that, too." went adds, perking up. you smile, cheeks flushed as richie returns to his chair, fork in hand and a huge smirk on his lips.  you glare at him, flashing him the finger. he just raises his brow, puckering his lips slightly and dropping a wink. 
"oh, that's right! richie, what's her name? my, she is very sweet." maggie adds, taking another bite of salad. richie's eyes meet yours through the top of his bottle of corona lite, as he takes a swig then wipes his lips, smug smirk making you burn in irritation. wentworth laughs, "yeah, she was sweet until you both showed up with hickies everywhere. i swear, there wasn't a single inch of clear skin." 
maggie throws cauliflower at wentworth as she mutters, "went! knock it off."  richie just chuckles, shaking his head. "c'mon, pops. shit happens." he defends. his dad, egged on by his son, laughs, "yeah, no kidding. i think every single girl you've ever had over has left with at least ten hickies. you could at least buy them dinner." 
"hey, at least he has a job," your mom adds, and you squeeze your eyes shut, expecting something bad to follow. "- that way you don't have to be the ones buying him his twenty pack condoms every month." they all laugh. 
“say, y/n may be the only girl your age we know that hasn’t fallen in love with you.” his dad jests, making everyone laugh. “-yet,” your dad adds, and you glare at him.  you shrug, “it’s not really hard at all.” you say. richie scoffs, “you sure, toots?” he asks with a grin. 
“believe me, you’re not my type.” you spit. richie laughs, “right, you like a good gentleman, right? someone who will say ‘you’re welcome’ when you say thank you?” 
you freeze slightly at his words, heat pooling between your legs as you remember the night before. the way he made you say thank you. but his boldness to bring it up in front of your family has you rolling your eyes. “i think i like someone who will do what i say.” you respond. 
his mom laughs, “that’s not a big deal, richie’s all talk, but he’s a nice boy at heart. he needs someone who’ll boss him around.” she winks at you. you turn to richie, in turn raising your eyebrows cockily. he stares back at you. 
“oh, richie’s too busy with those other girls for me, anyways. i have my own troublemakers to worry about.” 
“okay.” richie starts, “i won’t waste my time on you, then. i got plenty of fish in the sea at home.” he says with a wink, and you turn red. why are you still so jealous? 
maggie hums, “oh, mais tu l'as toujours aimée, non?” her tone is teasing, and whatever it is she said makes went laugh, richie’s face going pink. “shush, maman, you just want y/n to marry me so i don’t go through five divorces.” 
everyone laughs. 
your eyes are wide, face full of heat as you stare at your food. the toziers and your family both have always been open about sexuality, and generally really close and so you're used to teasing like this from your parents and them, but you can't get over how jealous you feel. 
so richie has mind-blowing sex with everyone? you glare at your own cauliflower. 
"i'm going swimming." you say abruptly, pushing back and glaring at richie, tossing your finished plate in the dishwasher before exiting quickly, rushing to the pool on the side of the house. 
you're not in the pool for even two minutes before richie's footsteps echo down the side of the house. 
you hide your glare as you look at your body in the water before meeting his eyes, "what can i do for you, tozier?" 
he gives you a smirk, "someone's pissy today." he mutters as he slides into the pool, sitting on the bench under the water on the edge of the shallow end. you glare at him. "what was that shit you just pulled?" you snap. 
he looks at you innocently, "what? i did nothing. it was our parents. you're just fucking sensitive." you roll your eyes, heaving a sigh. when you look at him again, his eyes are trained on the skin of your chest exposed by your swim suit, and you glare.
“what? you like what you see, asshole?” you ask, snapping your fingers so he looks up at your eyes. he smirks, “yeah, i do. can't stop thinking about all the ways i could make you scream. if only you weren’t such a bitch.”
your jaw drops and you wade in the pool towards him. “says you. you couldn’t fucking handle me, tozier. you’re too much of a coward.” you spit. he just smiles. “right, again, i'd like to remind you how many times you begged me and thanked me last night." 
“i hate you so much.” you say, mustering the best glare you can. he raises his eyebrows. “oh, really? is that why you stormed out here?” he says. he tilts his head, "i thought it was because you were just aching so bad for me that you couldn't wait. 
you raise your brows, "fuck you. you were hard the minute i came in for lunch." you tease, toying with the strap of your bathing suit. richie's jaw clenches, but he shakes his head, "as if you weren't begging me to fuck you not twelve hours ago?" he counters, but his voice wavers slightly as you move toward him in the water, slowly sliding to straddle his lap, hands falling to his bare chest. 
"you're unbelievable." you counter, grinding your hips on his and relishing in the pleasure that courses through you. "i know how bad you need me." you whisper, kissing his earlobe before biting the skin of his neck below it. he hisses. 
he's kissing you seconds later, hands pawing at you under the water. he tastes like lime and a bit like the beer he'd had at the beach and again at lunch.
you drag your hand slowly under the waistband of his swim trunks and grasp the base of his cock, squeezing as you start to twist your wrist. he lets out a short moan, his head falling back against the edge of the pool. fuck, he’s so fucking hot like this. you pull him back in for a kiss before looking at him, stopping your motions with your hand. he moves his thumb to trace idle circles over your clit, and you bite back a moan as you watch him.
“what, are you waiting for instructions?" he asks with a cocky smirk. you glare at him hotly. 
then you're sinking onto him swiftly, making you gasp in pleasure and discomfort. he’s so fucking big, but you bite your lip so he doesn’t get the satisfaction of seeing you like this. but then he's the one a moaning and whimpering mess, because you're adjusting and still and he's restless. you feel him inside you, full completely with his cock, him at your mercy, and it makes you smirk. 
"beg for it, richie." you say. 
his eyes widen, cheeks pink. his mouth opens and closes several times, but you're patient. “tu vas me tuer,” he mutters to himself, and you roll your eyes. “i don’t speak french.” you snap, tugging his hair. 
 "please move. wanna feel you around me, please." he rushes out, groaning as he begs.  
you smile mockingly and rise, sinking down onto him again. "was that so hard?" you ask. you gasp, hands clutching the edge of the pool on either side of richie, the feeling of his cock stretching you making you whimper in bliss. he moans your name and it sounds melodic to your ears, his eyes shutting and head rolling back. 
you grab his jaw, though, and mutter, “look at me when i’m riding you, richie.” your voice is sweet and smooth and nothing like the words that fall from your mouth, and you feel him twitch inside you. it makes you grin. he moans, “merde.” 
you move on him, thrusting yourself up and down on him as the water moves around you, adrenaline coursing through you at the thought of getting caught. it makes you grin as you pepper kisses up and down the column of his throat. "god, y/n, please, feels so good." he whispers, hands gripping your hips. your stomach swirls, still responding to the praise though you're the one in control. 
you find a new angle and bite your lip to keep from screaming at the feeling and see richie biting his own bruised lips, his face flushed and chest heaving. his hands are digging into your hips harshly and if you weren’t in so much pleasure, you might laugh at how desperate he looks for you. he’s hitting deep inside you and you feel full, moaning as you bounce up and down.
“fuck, y/n/n… please, please.” he whimpers, his hands running over your hair and your shoulders, lips feathering over the column of your neck as you bounce yourself on him. you moan into his skin, kissing softly under his ear. 
"what do you say?" you whisper into his ear, tugging on his lobe. he lets out a low moan that has you clenching around him in arousal. he rolls his eyes and doesn't respond, so you tug his curls back and he hisses lightly, "i don’t know what you mean." he mutters, cheeks bright red. it makes you smirk, stomach curling with the need for sweet revenge. yes, he knows, but you play along. 
“dit ‘merci,’ pretty boy.” you whisper into his ear, using the only french phrase you can remember that you may or may not have looked up earlier today. but no matter, his reaction is priceless.  
goose bumps raise on his neck and arms and he groans lightly, muttering, “merci, ma belle.” 
you lean back, hips slowing, and you can tell it's torturous for him because his hands tighten on your hips, a small whine escaping his throat. "what was that, richie?" you ask, slowly grinding your hips and letting him hit that perfect spot inside you, making you close your eyes in ecstasy. "say it louder, i couldn't quite hear you. want everyone to know how easily i make you melt." 
"sh-shut up." he mutters instead, his hips starting to snap up into you. you're suddenly shocked by his switch in demeanor, you can tell he's trying to take control; you nearly laugh, and you would if it didn't feel so euphoric. he's smirking as he holds you, fucking up into you and making you clench your fists into his hair, struggling for dominance. "so easy for you to think you're in control," he mutters, "i could tell you were jealous. you only want this cock for yourself, isn't that right?" 
you flush warm at his words but you just glare, filled with anger so you surge forward, hand wrapping around his throat. his eyes go wide and a moan escapes his throat lowly, his hips stuttering. you hum in mock empathy, squeezing your hand lightly as you pepper kisses up his jaw. you start to bounce on his cock again, feeling so close to your orgasm that you have to contain your moans. 
"god, you're so hot when you stop talking." you whisper, hand wrapping around his throat, repeating the words he’d said to you yesterday. his adam's apple bobs as he swallows and stares up at you, a new kind of fire lighting in his eyes as he looks up at you, cheeks reddening as he lets out a light moan. "did you think of me again last night? when you were going to bed?" you ask gently, cupping his jaw as you move on him. 
he pants, nodding lightly with his bruised lip caught under his teeth. "did you think of fucking me, in the ocean? in the pool? in the kitchen? or did you imagine me swallowing your cock under the table during dinner?" you whisper to him, his adam's apple bobbing again, freckles popping out against his reddened cheeks. 
you tut, "richie, did you try to make me jealous today? that's a little embarrassing." 
"it worked, didn't it?" he mutters through a clenched jaw, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. you glare at him, hand raising and slapping his cheek lightly. his eyes shoot open as the left cheek fills with a light pink color, a smirk on his face that sends another wave of arousal over you.  it's almost a reflex it seems as richie's own hand shoots out of the water, wrapping around your own throat. 
you stare at each other as you continue to move on him, his hand on your throat and yours on his own, his cheek skin red from where you'd just slapped him. "that's a yes, doll." he mutters, still smirking. 
then you're moving your hips in a way that hits your g-spot, momentarily losing your grip on his neck as the pleasure makes your eyes roll back. his hand falls from your throat and rests on your hips, tugging you closer to him with need. 
richie’s torso falls back so he’s leaning against the pool wall, his eyes not leaving yours, desperation etched onto his face. you lean to press your hands against his chest, changing the angle again. “fuck.” he mutters and you moan, your legs burning but the pleasure flowing through your body.  
he all but growls, his head falls back with a groan of pleasure, his hands raising to your hips and fucking up into you, eyes scrunched.
"y/n, i'm close, please." he mutters. you moan lightly, "me too baby." you hiss back, his hand thumbing your clit and making you clench around his cock with arousal, legs shaking and toes curling as you fuck down onto him. 
his hips are stuttering and he’s whimpering, thumb rubbing against your clit. you moan at the feeling, whispering praise into richie’s ear, making him snap his hips quicker.
you hit your high quickly and it makes your body shake, your legs stuttering as you still yourself on him, moaning into his neck.
you start to move again, allowing richie to chase his high as he whimpers into your lips, gripping your thighs tight.  "please, please." he's groaning and then his hips are stuttering and he’s moaning your name, cumming as he kisses you.
you feel him fill you up and you sigh in pleasure, feeling shaky but more than satisfied. his hands fall from your hips to wipe at his hot, red face. you run your hands through his salty mess of curls, swallowing. "sorry i hit you." you say genuinely, even though you know he liked it. he chuckles, hands wrapping around your waist. 
"you should know that i liked it. i know you did too."
you can only chuckle lightly, face warm as you bury it in the crook of his neck, still too sensitive for either of you to move yet. he continues after a beat.
"i may hate you, y/n, but god damn if our sex isn't the best i've ever had." he says it in an exhausted voice, eyes closed as your skin sticks to his own, but you laugh a bit tiredly, pressing a kiss to his collarbone and comfortable in the feeling of him still deep inside you. it’s obvious that the feeling in your chest when he speaks those words is pride. 
"then we need to make the most of this vacation, i guess." you say, eyes fluttering. 
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @chl0bee  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @groovybimbo @deepestofwaters  @nate-hargreeves @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie @decafcoffew  @etaerealboy
© all content belongs to soulwillower/tremendum 2021. do not modify, repost, or redistribute. 
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Sweater Weather
(Some Notes: NHL All-Star game is when players from different teams are voted to play for their division. It’s a weekend of good press, skills competitions (like hardest shot, fastest player, best at puck-handling (which is what having “soft hands” means) and then three-on-three games of hockey rather than five-on-five. Lots of players don’t like going because 1. it sucks if you get injured in something so low-stakes, and 2. if you don’t get picked you get time off which is really nice mid-season. Another note, hockey players in the NHL use visors (just covers your eyes), while college players have to use a bubble (like plastic over your face) or a cage (bars over your full face).
Chapter xii
Remus woke up the morning of family skate to the NHL All-Star teams being announced, along with the captains. Sirius was captaining the Metropolitan Division, and Logan was going with him, while Snape was captaining the Atlantic Division. Regulus was going, too. Go figure. Remus stared down at the article on his phone, unable to decide if he was more elated for Sirius or nervous for him.
Sirius beat him to the punch with a short text that read, here we go.
It’s just bye week and all-star, Remus typed back. He’d let Sirius bring up his brother if he wanted to.
Fucking skills competition, Sirius replied instead.
Remus laughed. As if you don’t have the softest hands out there. You’ll beat Patrick Kane to the ground.
Sirius’ response was a string of heart emojis, plus a few suggestive hand symbols. Remus smiled at his phone until his mom finally emerged from the spare bedroom, ready to head to the rink.
Remus rubbed his finger over the face of his watch nervously as he walked into the locker room with Julian and his parents, although he wasn’t sure it was just nerves. There was a part of him, with his skates slung over his shoulder by their tied laces, that itched to prove himself. The other side of him, neck hot with nerves, was stuck in the past, swelling with feelings that were hard to kick.
“Hey, Loops,” Logan said. He was surrounded by three girls, also lacing up—expertly so, if Remus had to guess. His sisters he had mentioned last night.
It was the morning after the Christmas party and Logan looked a little rough around the edges.
“Hey, Tremzy,” Remus replied as lightly as he could while regarding Logan’s slightly red eyes. “Congrats on the All-Star. You okay?”
One of the girls looked over at him with sad eyes, then at Remus. The look was a little like a question, a request.
Logan didn’t really look okay.
“Yeah. And thanks. I mean, not sure it beats having time off but…” Logan grinned, then his eyes went to Remus’ shoulder. “Shit, you skating today?”
Remus laughed nervously. “Um. I mean, it is family skate.”
“Joining the pick up game?”
“Oh,” Remus began.
“C’mon, Loops,” Logan stood, a little taller in his skates. “My sisters are playing, too.”
“Your sisters,” one of the girls said, punching him in the thigh. “Are professional ice hockey players. At least two of us are. Maybe mention that.”
Logan looked down at her with eyes that turned fond in a way Remus had never really seen them. He said something in French that Remus didn’t quite catch, but his sister stood up with a coo and hugged him, calling him baby brother in French. Logan scowled but returned the hug. The other two dog piled around them, and Remus laughed. Even if something was wrong, Remus was glad Logan had those three.
“Remus, Remus, Remus,” Julian said, eyes gazing around the locker room. “Where do I sit?”
“Oh, um,” Remus glanced around the room for Sirius, but didn’t see him yet. “Here, Jules, let’s just…”
“He can have my seat.”
Remus looked up to see James smiling down at Julian.
Julian gave a little jump. “Really?”
“Sure thing, bud,” James motioned over to his stall. “All yours.”
Remus smiled at James in thanks and followed Julian who was already seated and petting the walls like they were a holy relic. He was in his BLACK jersey again, and Remus knelt in front of him to lace his skates for him.
“That’ll be our baby, soon,” Remus heard James whisper to Lily from behind him.
Lily made an excited noise. “I love you, Potter.”
He must have leaned down to kiss her because Logan shouted from his stall.
“Mon dieu, get a room!”
James just wrapped Lily up in his arms. “Family skate is for kissing.”
The Dumais kids ewed.
Remus laughed, his entire body feeling warm from the mood of the locker room. He’d never brought anyone to family skate before, and it made it all the better to have his dad kneeling near by to tie his mom’s skates, and Julian kicking excitedly in front of him as Remus tied his.
Julian was up and messing around with the other kids, Remus having taken his place in James’ stall to get his own skates on, when Sirius finally walked in. He was greeted by Celeste and the Dumais kids first, Celeste kissing him on the cheek and the kids wrapping around his legs like octopi. There was hollering about the All-Star game. Evgeni slapped Sirius on the back, grinning.
“Why you always Captain, hm? You too young.”
“He’s the best Captain!” Marc Dumais shouted, pressing his cheek to Sirius’ thigh.
Remus watched Sirius ruffle the kids’ hair, swatting at Evgeni. Sirius looked refreshed and happy, smiling and switching easily from French to English. Then, Sirius looked up at him. Remus gave him a little nod as he pulled the laces tight on his skates. Sirius’ eyes flicked down to them, and he grinned.
“Gearin’ up, Lupin?”
“You’re late,” Remus smiled.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, and then moved his eyes to Julian, ruffling his hair. “Ça va, Jules? Got your skates on, helmet, pads, jersey. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re ready for a game.”
“I am!” Julian said, eyes bright through the cage on his helmet.
The locker room was nice and crowded, rowdy with families. Remus looked around to see Sirius walk up to his parents with Julian in toe. He shook his dad’s hand and leaned in to kiss his mom gently on both cheeks. Remus laughed when he saw her blush. Remus tied off his skate and walked over there, if only to hear what Sirius possibly could be talking to his parents about.
“Re,” Julian said immediately. “Sirius wants you to play the pickup game!”
Remus kept his smile in place, and looked right at his mother, begging her silently with his eyes not to say anything. But her face was already a worried frown, like they had been talking about it. It didn’t sound like she’d said anything to Sirius though. His father was studying his face carefully.
“You’ll skate with us, right, Re?” Julian pleaded again, tapping his arm with his small gloves.
“Yeah, right, Re?” Sirius grinned, oblivious.
“Please, Remus, please, please,” Julian begged.
Hope began to step forward, her face nervous. “Julian, sweetheart, you know your brother—”
“I’ll skate,” Remus said quickly, with a smile. He took a breath and gave his mom a firm nod. “Of course, I’ll skate.”
Sirius didn’t look as happy as Remus thought he would. He had a soft smile on his face, but his eyes were trained on Remus’, like he was looking for something. “Hey,” he finally said, kicking his sneaker against Remus’ skate. “You have a stick?”
“Not with me,” Remus said, sensing Sirius’ way to get Remus alone.
Sirius narrowed his eyes playfully, then turned to Julian and his parents. “We will be right back.” He began walking before Remus could say anything and, heart in his throat, Remus followed.
Sirius led him into the equipment room where the racks of the different boys sticks were there to choose from.
“Re,” Sirius said the second they were alone. He glanced towards the open door, voice low. He looked unsure and even worried. “I don’t know…Look, your mom seemed a little…” Sirius sighed and re-started his sentence again. “I don’t know what exactly happened, but if it’s something about skating, I don’t want to force anything on you. I know I joke about it, but I don’t want to cross any lines. Ever. I want you to have fun, and if it isn’t, then…I mean, I don’t know, you said you still skate, I just thought…”
“Sirius, hey, hey,” Remus pressed a hand to his shoulder. “Don’t worry. I…my mom gets like that. It’s just…” Remus took a breath. “All it is is hold-over from when I was really torn up about having to stop. I just…I haven’t played, really played, with other people since. Unless you count seven year olds in the summers.”
Sirius worried his lower lip for a minute. “But…do you want to?”
“Yes,” Remus said, and realized it was the complete truth. “I want to.”
“You’re sure. Remus, tell me. You said to me that I can be open, and that goes for you, too.”
Remus felt a small twinge of guilt pass through him. Sirius looked so honest, ready for anything Remus could say. But Remus nodded. He was sure about this, about today.
“As long as you don’t mind me kicking your ass,” Remus said with a smile.
Sirius’ eyes lit up, then motioned towards the stick wall. “Pick one. I know you have a favorite.”
Remus suppressed a smile. “Bet you can’t guess who’s stick I prefer.”
Sirius laughed loudly at the joke, shoving Remus a little bit. It was a friendlier, more distanced reaction than he would have had behind closed doors, but Remus enjoyed it anyway. He could feel the warmth in it.
Remus kept his eyes on Sirius as, slowly, he reached forward and took James’ stick off the rack.
Sirius’ face dropped. “Really? You play with that little flex?”
Remus looked at him innocently, propping his chin on his hands over the top of the stick. “James’ blade has a nice curve.”
Sirius groaned out a laugh, covering his eyes. “Merde. You better not beat me up the ice with that thing.”
Remus only raised an eyebrow.
“Oh,” Sirius laughed. “Cocky, eh?”
Remus shook his head, twirling and testing the stick in his hands. “I’m probably so out of practice.”
Sirius studied his face, smile wide. Then, he jerked his head further into the room. “Come on, you’ll need gear for when we play.”
Remus was carefully assembling shoulder pads and a helmet for himself, Sirius leaning against the wall watching, when Finn appeared with June at his shoulder.
“Hey, Harzy,” Sirius said, then smiled. “June.”
“What’s up, Cap?” Finn said with a smile. “Thought I’d get J some skates before seeing everyone.”
“Family skate status?” Sirius said, then winked at June jokingly. “Really got him, eh?”
June laughed, messing up Finn’s red hair. “He’s a keeper for sure.”
They all talked some while Remus set his gear aside for after the little kids skated, and Finn found June a pair of skates that fit alright. When they started to head back to the locker room, Remus held Sirius back a moment.
“Okay, don’t think I’m weird,” Remus whispered. “But just, can you watch Logan’s face when we go in there and tell me if you see anything?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Sure?”
“Watch when Finn walks in. With June.”
Sirius sent him another confused look, but nodded as they followed Finn and June into the locker room.
There were greetings of “Harz!” and lots of chirping about Finn bringing a girl to family skate for the first time. But Remus was busy watching Logan. His head snapped up from where he was talking to Thomas and one of his sisters. His eyes went hard, and he turned fully around. His sister reached out and pressed a brief hand against his back. Like she was comforting him, but she didn’t make a show of it, just kept talking to Thomas.
Remus and Sirius looked at each other and Remus raised an eyebrow.
“Okay,” Sirius said slowly. He obviously still didn’t quite get it.
Remus laughed a little. “We’ll talk about it later.”
There was the chaos of filing the kids out onto the ice, some of the older ones holding up the littler ones. There would probably be a million and one pictures taken. Logan was holding Katie Dumais, spinning her around and making her shriek with laughter. Leo was there, too, at Logan’s side with Marc. They placed the kids between their legs, making them feel like they were skating fast while holding them under their arms. Remus looked for Finn, and found him skating hand-in-hand with June. He glanced at Logan once, but that was all.
“I always like family skate,” Lily said, stopping by his side on the bench. “When a bunch of boys turn into mushy puppies with kids.”
Remus laughed. “Yeah, true. You skating today?”
“Nah, don’t want to fall, you know?” She put her hand on her belly and tilted her head at him. “But I see you are, Remus Lupin, when has that happened before?”
Remus glanced out onto the ice where Sirius already was. He was with Julian, and it looked like they were having some sort of race. They started at center ice and Remus watched as they both took off—Sirius much slower than usual, but making a show of working hard with his arms. He let Julian win, making it seem like a tight race, and sprawled out on the ice at the end by the goal, as if he was exhausted. Remus thought his heart might burst.
“I guess I was convinced,” Remus said, smiling at Lily.
Lily was looking back at him, eyes shining. “Uh-huh.”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Lily shrugged her shoulders, holding her cup of hot chocolate close. “Nothing. Black sure is cute out there with your brother, is all.”
“Yeah, he is,” Remus said, then blinked. “It is.”
“Re,” Lily said, turning towards him and looping their arms together.
“I’m your best friend, okay?”
Remus laughed. “I think I know that.”
Lily looked at him for a long moment, lip between her teeth, and then pressed up on her toes and kissed his cheek. “Then, just remember it. Sound good?”
Remus nodded slowly. “Okay…”
Lily laughed. “Go, skate, keep James busy before he takes all of the children home with him. He’s worse than Pascal, I swear, it’s like he magnets to babies.”
Remus laughed shuffling down the bench to the door. “Good thing one’s coming his way.”
“Good thing!” Lily raised her cup at him.
Remus smiled, then took a breath. He grabbed James’ stick that he had cut down a little for himself, and he stepped out onto the ice.
He hadn’t realized how much he had missed skating with other people. He went out onto the ice sometimes, before the zamboni came to smooth it out for practice, but he was always alone. He skated over to where Sirius was still chasing Julian around, only now they both had sticks in their hands and Sirius was doing a very good job at letting Julian keep the puck away from him.
“Looking good, Jules,” Remus said, which made Sirius whip his head around. Remus felt Sirius’ eyes drag over every inch of him.
“Re!” Julian shouted, and then passed the puck to him. Remus caught it on his stick easily. He steadied it with a few quick passes of his blade before tapping it over to Sirius, who caught it easily enough save for the expression on his face. He looked intense and dazed, all at once. Not a moment later, he was being circled by Logan, still toting a giggling Katie, and was obliged to look away—but not without a promise that said he would be back. A few of the Weasley boys, Bill and Charlie skated over, too, chasing their younger brother Percy around.
It was chaotic and peaceful. Remus played keep away with Julian, and took a few pictures as Kasey played goalie for him, throwing himself left and right in slow motion.
“What a shot,” Kasey put on his usual stern face, but Remus could see the smile peaking through. Julian ate it up.
“Kase, look here,” Natalie was holding up a camera with her pink, fuzzy mittens, blond hair falling down from beneath her red and gold beanie with the number 30 embroidered on it.
Kasey eyed the camera mistrustfully, but as soon as he looked at Natalie, he smiled.
Sirius didn’t stick close to Remus the entire time, probably trying to avoid suspicion, and Remus saw him pouring hot chocolate for two of Logan’s sisters at one point, and then skating quietly with coach Weasley at another. Remus, from his past of playing hockey, never would have dreamed that family skate would feel just like that. A family.
Children were soon being ushered off the ice by mothers who knew very well that only a tantrum could follow this level of tiredness. Celeste sat on the bench with her children. Some slept immediately, others were all too intent on watching the action on the ice, mainly watching their fathers reemerge from the locker room in full gear—Remus included. Sirius hung back with him.
“You know what I’m thinking,” Sirius said quietly.
Remus looked at him through his helmet’s visor. It was strange, wearing one, after only using a cage all his life. “I think I could guess.”
“I’ll get you on my team,” Sirius said, then tapped Remus’ chest with his glove and pressed their helmets together briefly, before skating out to center ice. It took Remus’ breath away, and he took a moment, in the darker tunnel. He looked down at the Lions jersey he was wearing. It had no name on the back, just an extra that the equipment staff always had lying around, but it felt—real. Remus couldn’t think about it too hard without being pulled down towards everything he had lost. He followed Sirius onto the ice.
“Yo,” Finn called. “Let’s go, hooligans. Alright. Same rules apply. Light checks, nothing ham. No OT, we’ll just tie. Captains, as usual. Sirius. Dumo. Who calls what, gentlemen?”
“Heads,” Sirius said instantly. He always called heads.
Finn tossed the coin, and whistled lowly with a smile. “Tails. Sorry, Black. Pascal, first pick.”
Pascal laughed, tapping his stick against the ice. “I pick Remus.”
Remus knew he must looked about as surprised as he felt, and he couldn’t help laughing at Sirius’ efforts to control his face. Sirius covered himself nicely though, giving Pascal a shove.
“I wanted him on my line.”
“Too bad, you’ll get him on the face-off.”
“I’m really, really,” Remus began as he stopped beside Pascal. “Really not worth arguing about.”
“The puck will speak for us, non?” Pascal grinned.
Sirius took James after that, and then Pascal took Logan, and Sirius took Finn. Pascal called on Leo, and so Kasey went to Sirius. Thomas to Pascal, Olli to Sirius, and so on. It was a funny mismatch of positions and relaxed rules. Remus found himself to the side of Pascal and Sirius, face to face at center ice, quicker than he thought he would.
Finn was at his shoulder, jostling him a little bit. It was familiar, the way boys used to kick at each other’s skates before the whistle blew. It brought back a fire that Remus recognized. He dug his skate blade in and pushed back.
“Oh-ho,” Finn laughed. “Alright, Lupin, alright. Man, got more weight on you than you look, eh?”
Remus smiled at him. “Look alive, O’Hara.”
Moody dropped the puck, and Pascal won it. Remus watched him skate it into their own zone, dropping it back to Thomas, who skirted James, then passed it back to Dumo. Remus scouted around him, feet quick in their well-practiced cross overs.
“Dumo,” he shouted.
The pass connected easily. Remus caught it on his stick and turned to head up the ice, only to be met by Finn again. Remus lifted his left leg, as if he was about to shoot right, and Finn fell for it, diving. Remus pushed off in the other direction, and Finn shouted from his knees.
“What?” Finn scrambled to get back up.
Remus laughed, hearing shouts from the bench.
he hadn’t been sure if he’d remember everything at once, or if it would be a bit of a rusty learning curve. But he felt the stick like it had never left his hands, the weight of the puck a welcomed resistance. He passed it off to Logan who carried it around the goal, battling it out with Finn in the corner. Finn covered his back, pinning him against the boards, while his skate tried to wedge the puck away from him. Remus watched him say something, not catching what it was. Logan’s eyes went wide, and he broke free of Finn, shooting the puck back to Remus at the center line.
Remus was half way into offensive zone when a tap on the back of his shin alerted him to someone else’s presence. He could hear the sound of skates digging into the ice just behind him. It was familiar. He knew it was Sirius by the smooth, nearly seamless way he shifted his weight, completely the opposite of Finn’s more rough digs coming from his left. This was a tactic of Sirius’, coming up from behind. He’d lag along, like a trail, until the last second, where he’d poke check the puck into Finn’s awaiting arms. Remus knew this play well. He’d seen it one hundred times.
Remus pushed his skates, weight in his heels, and braked hard. He heard Sirius let out a surprised shout a second before Remus braced as Sirius collided against his back.
The momentum of his stop let Remus turn on a dime, puck still on his tape, and he was in front of the goal. Kasey was there, on the edge of the blue paint, glove raised. Remus could just see his eyes through his mask.
“What’s up Fruit-Loop,” he shouted.
Remus raised his stick, gave Kasey enough time to stand up, reading for a slap, and then sent it low on the ground. Right between his legs. The goal horn blared.
“Oh my fuck!” Logan shouted, and skated over and slammed into Remus in a hug, patting his helmet and bumping their foreheads together. “Yeah, Loops! Mon dieu.”
“I’m going to be kicked out of the League,” Finn said from one knee, shaking his head at Remus. “What the fuck.”
Pascal laughed as he skated over, wrapping an arm around Remus’ shoulders. “I wish I had bet on you, Remus. I would be a rich man.”
“That’s not,” Kasey began from his goal, patting his posts down like he always did. “That’s not okay.”
“It’s alright, baby!” Natalie shouted from the benches, voice echoing in the rink. She had her head on Lily’s shoulder. “I still love ya.”
“Ha ha,” Kasey yelled back, but he was beginning to smile. He turned around to do it, squirting some water into his mouth.
Remus looked for Sirius. He was standing there, a few strides away, staring at Remus quietly. His eyes were soft and his lips parted. He pushed his helmet straight on his head, the chin strap always too loose, and swallowed.
“Good one, Loops,” he said faintly, and smiled.
Remus didn’t bother to hide the grin of his own. “Thanks.”
“Lupin!” was shouted from the bench. Remus looked, and Coach Weasley waved him over the way he did his players—with one, beckoning finger. Remus felt his heart beat hard as he made his way over to the bench, followed by most of the team.
Coach Weasley stared at Remus, lips parted. “Why did my team medic just steal the puck out from the feet of my star player, Moody?”
Moody laughed gruffly from beside him. “Couldn’t tell you, Coach.”
“Putting the puck…between the legs of my star goalie.”
“Couldn’t tell you, Coach.”
Coach squinted at Remus. “That was a beautiful fake you pulled on Blizzard, there. Is there tape on you, Lupin? From when you were at Wisconsin?”
“Wisconsin?” Thomas shouted. “You’re telling me Loops went to my school and no one told me?” He clicked his tongue with a grin. “The fuck.”
“Um,” Remus laughed nervously. “I mean—yeah. Yeah, there is. Probably. If it’s still around.”
“Fuck me,” Sirius laughed. “I need to see this.”
“Tell me about it,” James shouted. “To the video room, people—”
“No, no, no,” Remus said quickly, glancing at the bench. Julian and his father, thankfully, were well occupied with Lily, but his mother was staring right at him. “Jeez, I’m not that good, I—really, guys. It isn’t worth it. At all. It all ended in a pretty…a pretty bad hit, so.”
That quieted them down. It was each one of their nightmares. One bad hit to end it all.
“Shit, Loops,” Finn said softly. “I’m sorry, man.”
Remus shrugged a shoulder, carefully avoiding looking at Sirius. “It was a long time ago now. Or at least it feels that way. I’ve been working hard, lots of PT to get most of it back but…you know. It’s hard to work your way back up once it all…falls.”
It was quiet for a moment, and Remus was just beginning to work out what to say to break the spell when Sirius spoke up.
“Well, now we know why you’re so good at helping us. You did it yourself,” Sirius smiled and shook his head before tilting his chin towards the ice. “Come on, let’s play.”
Remus caught his eye and sent him a thankful smile, and they skated back out onto the ice.
“Remus,” Pascal came to skate beside him as they made their way back to center ice. “Your face off.”
“What?” Remus choked. “No way.”
“Yes, way.” Pascal smiled and leaned over to tap his helmet to Remus’.
The other boys were moving into position. Sirius and Olli were positioning themselves on either side of Finn, while Thomas and Pascal moved on either side of Remus.
Remus began to move to the circle, leaning forward across from Logan. Then, Sirius skated forward and tapped Finn’s butt with his stick. “Move.”
Finn scoffed. “Why?”
“I’m your Captain.”
“It’s Christmas.”
“Then I’m Jesus, come on, allez.”
Logan cracked up from where he was waiting to drop the puck, and Finn lifted his stick to hit him in the balls—none too lightly.
“Fuck, Fish,” Logan groaned.
“Sorry,” Finn said sweetly, then turned to Sirius. “Fine.”
Remus felt like his heart was in his throat. He kept his eyes steady with Sirius’ as Sirius held his stick low across his body, bending down for the face-off. His hair fell across his forehead, and his eyes, usually steady on the ice, were playful.
“Hi,” Sirius said.
Remus swallowed. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Logan butted in, waving the puck. “Mes amies, come on.”
“Ma-is am-i-es,” Finn grumbled.
“Never speak my language again,” Logan said.
“I’ll leave that to you, eh, Fleur-de-lis?” Finn grinned at him.
Logan didn’t look at him, going quiet and turning back to the puck.
Finn’s eyes dimmed, and he caught Remus’ gaze on accident before looking away. Remus looked back to Logan, who chose that moment to drop the puck.
Sirius’ stick shot out and scooped the puck away from Remus with a laugh, sending it back towards Finn and Olli. Olli got to it first, skating out until he opened up a lane to knock it down to where Finn was waiting—only Remus was faster.
He caught the puck and pushed hard towards Kasey in the goal. Only, Sirius was on him almost immediately. He chased him along the boards.
“Ey!” Remus heard Pascal shout, and he only was just able to send the puck wrapping around the boards behind the goal before there was a heavy, warm weight pinning him lightly against the glass.
Remus expected it feel like it had, not too long ago. Being checked because he was an easier target, and then being checked because it was faster, because he was better. He’d always identified with Sirius on that note, the hostility that came with talent. He expected to feel the familiar twinge of panic.
But something in him seemed to know that it was Sirius. It was Sirius and the Lions and he was stronger now. He smiled and pushed back. Sirius held him, laughing.
“I want you with me always,” Sirius whispered quickly. “Out here, and everywhere.”
And then he was gone, pushing hard towards Pascal. Finn seemed to have taken to defense, and dived right as Pascal shot, missing by inches. Kasey caught it easily in his glove.
“Damn you, Blizzard,” Pascal yelled.
“Language!” Celeste called from the bench.
Pascal’s team won. Remus won. He got one more goal, while Logan got another. Sirius scored one, and then Olli. And then Pascal finished it up. The kids were back on the ice for a while after that, Julian hopping on his skate blades and clinging to Remus’ jersey. It made Remus’ throat tight, to see his little brother that happy at just him skating. Julian had still been little when he stopped. It made regret try and push its way back up, and he pushed it down as best he could.
“Re, you scored, you scored!”
“Still got it, eh, Jules?” Remus bent down so that they could tap their helmets together.
“Can you teach me the fake? The one you did on Harzy?”
“No, no, no,” Finn said as he skated by. “We are not spreading that around, Lupin child.”
Julian laughed and skated after him.
“Tag!” Finn shouted before Julian could, and darted away.
Remus felt light. Lighter than he had in a long time. He felt something tap against his leg and looked down. A puck had just bounced gently against his skate blade. Following its shot line, he found Sirius on the other end of it, stick poised, and with a wide grin.
Remus’ legs were burning, adrenaline pumping through him steadily, by the time they were walking back down the tunnel. The locker room was empty, most of the families waiting in the lounge with rowdy-again children, food, and Christmas sweets.
“Fucking hell, Loops,” Finn yelled over the music Logan had put on—some type of French rap that pulsed in the room. Finn pushed his sweaty hair out of his face. “Bitch-ass moves.”
Remus grinned. “Thanks, I think.” He unstrapped his shoulder pads, setting them on the floor at his feet. “Sorry I had to take you down, there.”
“Broke his fucking ankles,” James laughed. “Damn.”
“Breaks them,” Sirius chimed in, pulling his jersey off. “And heals them.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Finn waved them of, standing to strip off the last of his under-layers. “Hitting the showers, boys.”
Remus’ head snapped up from where he had been tugging at his skate laces. Instantly, he found Sirius’ eyes. Sirius’ tongue darted out to wet his lips, and then he bit back a smile and stood. Remus stared at the way he was holding a sweatshirt subtly in front of him, blocking most of his crotch. Heat stirred in Remus’ chest at the thought that maybe Sirius’ flushed cheeks weren’t entirely just from skating. He didn’t have to say anything as he slipped passed the showers, which were already noisy with the guys and full of steam, and out the door that lead to the PT and quiet room. To anyone else, it would look like he was heading to the bathroom, or maybe the kitchens. It was a perfect escape, and Remus knew to follow. He wanted nothing more than to follow. He tugged off his skates as quickly as he could. He could feel his dick filling in his pants, nudging against his tight boxers in a mixture of anticipation and adrenaline, and he wanted to get out of sight.
“Fuck,” he said, and Leo looked at him questioningly. “Left my phone on the bench, be right back.”
Leo glanced at the doors, then smiled at him. “Sounds good.” 
Remus walked through the music and chatter, passed the billowing, humid steam of the showers, and into the hallway. The noise cut off abruptly as the heavy door closed behind him. The door to the quiet room was cracked open, and Remus took a deep breath. He glanced behind him, then down the hallway, but there was no one. It was the holidays. It was the perfect storm. He ran a hand over his sweaty neck, and thought of Sirius’ expression on the ice as he nudged the door open and walked into the room. Remus knew Sirius had liked watching him skate, and now he wanted to see what he would do about it.
He had barely walked into the dark room before he was being pressed against the door, forcing it shut.
Remus let out a breath and leaned forward to kiss Sirius, wrapping a hand around the back of his neck, fingers lacing in his sweaty hair.
“Pretty fucking smooth exit strategy, Black,” Remus smiled.
Sirius only kissed back hard, and then broke apart with a gasp and took Remus’ hand in his own. There was a fine tremor to Sirius’ fingers.
“Touch me,” Sirius said. His breathing sounded shaky. He pushed Remus’ hand downward, letting him cup the large bulge in his under armour. It was hot through the tight fabric.
Remus could feel his own breath getting quicker as he reached passed the elastic of Sirius’ pants and pushed his hand inside. The moment he did, he sucked in a breath. Sirius’ boxers were damp and tacky through and through, his cock straining hard against them.
“God,” Remus breathed. He dragged his thumb along the heat of Sirius through his underwear, feeling the slickness. “How long?”
“Since you slammed into me. Do you even know how good you look out there?” Sirius leaned down and trailed his lips along Remus’ jaw. “Fuck, just looking at me across the face off like you do it every day, like—like you know how good you are…”
Remus put more pressure on Sirius’ cock, choking off his words. He reached in with both hands, tugging Sirius’ clinging pants and boxers down below his balls so that he could get Sirius in his hands, one working him in slow strokes while the other stroked beneath his balls. It was wet, and the strokes sounded loud in the quiet room. Remus felt his dick stiffen further, and pushed his hips against Sirius’ thigh. Sirius let him, pressing him further into the wall while Remus rutted against him.
“Can’t go into the showers like this, huh?”
Sirius’ laugh was half groan, and his hips bucked up into Remus’ fist. His dick was hot, the head rosy and dark from being trapped so long. Remus had the sudden image of Sirius having to go into the showers like this, hard and leaking steadily down his thigh. It sent a wave of heat through his entire body, aroused and—maybe a little possessive.
“Fuck, I love seeing you like this,” Remus said. “You’ve been this hard for…”
“Calmed down after the game a little. Then remembered that we’d have to shower together and…”
Remus sighed shakily, not looking away from the sight of Sirius’ cock in his hands. He pressed his thumb against the underside of the crown and watched the trickle of clear come dribble out. “Fuck.”
“I’m pretty close,” Sirius said, then reached for Remus. “Let me…”
“You first,” Remus gasped as Sirius cupped him through his pants.
“Both, both,” Sirius pressed his hips to Remus’, bent down to kiss him again.
Remus couldn’t help but laugh. “God, you are so…fuck, baby.”
Sirius pulled Remus’ cock free and he bobbed against his stomach for a moment, the release making Remus’ head thunk back against the door.
“Ow,” Sirius made a soft noise and tucked his palm between Remus’ head and the wood. “C’mere, Loup.”
His other hand wrapped around the both of them, making Remus cry out, and Sirius tucked his face into Remus’ neck, breathing in.
“I loved being out there with you,” Sirius mumbled as he bucked his hips, cock rubbing against Remus’, held tight together by his fingers. “I…I love the way you skate, Re, I love—” Sirius broke off then with a low noise. “Remus…”
Remus wrapped his arms around him, mouth against the strong muscle of his shoulder. He wrapped his hand around Sirius’, around them both. He could feel his orgasm building and pressed his forehead where his mouth had been to see. Sirius was leaking over both of their fingers now, hips moving quickly, fucking their hands. Remus thought about Sirius fucking him like that. The friction and image made Remus feel light-headed, made his mouth drop open and his head fall back, caught by Sirius’ palm. Sirius tilted it forward again, licking gently into his mouth for a kiss as the two of them broke against each other. Sirius came first with a low groan, and then Remus a few moments later. 
They rested there for a moment, still sweaty from the game, but hearts beating fast for an entire different reason now. Remus was sure, so sure, that Sirius had very nearly said—
“You never told me you were so fast.”
Remus looked up at Sirius, leaning into the palm that had fallen to rub gently across his cheek. “Jeez, that’s what a guy wants to hear after a hand job.”
Sirius laughed, eyes crinkling. “Jeez.”
Remus pulled him in for a kiss. “How long do you think we have before people start wondering where we are?”
Sirius sighed, leaning back briefly for one of the paper towels by the sink in the dark room. “We haven’t been gone that long. Didn’t take much, eh?”
Remus shoved at his shoulder, smiling as they cleaned themselves up, flicking the light on to give each other a once over.
Sirius leaned in to press a kiss on each of Remus’ still hot cheeks. “Orgasm glow.”
“I just worked out.”
Sirius laughed. “There’s a difference.”
Sirius went to open the door when Remus stopped him. “Hey.”
“Quoi?” Sirius said.
Remus kissed him gently, hand smoothing over his chest. “I loved playing with you, too. Really, I…I know that was probably shocking to hear about…” the hit, Remus wanted to say, but he really didn’t want to talk about it. He shook his head and smiled—a real smile. “I really loved today.”
Sirius stood for a moment, as if thinking, and then leaned in and pressed a lingering kiss to Remus’ forehead. “Me too.”
They made it back to the showers—a few minutes apart—without incident. Most of the guys were back in the lounge with the rest of the family, and Remus showered quickly, pointedly not looking at Sirius—or anyone, really. It was strange, showering in the team showers, Logan and Kasey messing around in one corner, Sirius and James in another.
“Hey,” came suddenly and loudly from Sirius and James’ corner. James’ voice echoed off of the walls, making Remus look. It was easy to ignore the fact that they were all stark naked when James had reached out and was holding Sirius’ number twelve necklace in his hand.
“The fuck, hello, and this is what? Excuse me,” James leaned in to look at it.
Sirius’ eyes flickered to Remus then away, and he laughed easily as he batted James off. “Christmas present. From a fan. It was mailed to the rink apparently.”
“And you opened it?”
“No, Jen at PR says they go through everything, though. And this was, you know, legit, so…she asked if I wanted it.”
“Oh,” James said slowly. “Okay.” He turned around, water spray hitting the side side of his head, and gave Remus a very pointed look. Girlfriend, is what that look said.
“It looks good,” Remus said. “Maybe Lily will get you something that nice one day, eh, Pots?”
James scoffed. “Lily is getting me a baby. She never has to get me anything ever again.”
Kasey laughed, eyes closed and running his hands through his hair to get the soap out. “Getting is a strange word for giving birth, but okay.”
“They’re gifts,” James said, shutting off his shower. He flicked Sirius’ necklace one more time on his way out. “Some girl’s gonna be watching the National Anthem at the next game and freak the fuck out.”
“Maybe.” Sirius looked at Remus again, knowing smile on his face. Remus felt himself flush as his eyes flickered down his body.
It gave him a strange sense of security, showering, eating, playing with the team…being with the team. False security, he knew. Come January, he would be right back on the bench. He turned the water cold for a minute, letting it wash over his face, before switching it off and snagging a towel.
He was suddenly starving as the adrenaline wore off a little, and was thankful to his mother when, as he walked into the players lounge and wrapped an arm around her, she immediately held out a plate of food for him.
“You must be starving, honey,” she said. “And your brother really can’t get enough of that cake Celeste made, I have to get the recipe from her.”
“She would love that,” Remus said. “Where is Jules?”
“Over there talking to the Blizzard.”
Remus laughed. “You do know his real name, right?”
“Well, yes,” Hope smiled a little. “But the Blizzard is good fun.”
“Wow, mom, have a crush much?”
Hope just patted his arm. “I’m going to bring your brother and father one of these cupcakes.”
She smiled at Leo as he passed her on his way over to the food table behind them, hair dark from the showers and tall and lanky and with his sweet smile.
“Find your phone, Loops?” Leo said.
“What? Oh,” Remus could feel himself flush. “Yeah. Yes, I did.”
“Good thing,” Leo nodded, eyes strangely bright as he smiled and unwrapped a green and red cupcake.
“Hey, Finn never said anything about a girlfriend until last night. How long has that been going on?”
Leo’s fingers froze fractionally on the cupcake wrapper before he started peeling it carefully back again.
“Just a couple of months, I think,” Leo said carefully. Remus followed his gaze when he glanced over to where Finn and June were standing, lunch on paper plates in their hands, talking to Natalie and Lily. “She’s a mechanic. Guess I knew something was up when Finn kept taking his car in for, like, no reason. But, uh, she’s not actually over that much. I think he goes to her. Real nice though.”
“That’s good,” Remus nodded. “I’m happy for him.”
Leo just nodded and took a big bite, crumbs briefly lingering on his lower lip before he licked them away, glancing over at Finn and away again.
Remus hesitated, then said, “Is Logan all right? From last night, I mean. I know you followed him. He seemed…well, better now, but…”
Leo leaned against the table beside Remus and looked down at the sweet wrapper, folding it as small as it would go.
“Hey, Nut, I’m sorry, I didn’t…I shouldn’t be asking you this. That’s not fair on you, I should ask Logan if I think I need to.”
When Leo didn’t respond, Remus added. “It’s none of my business anyway, I was just—a little worried.”
“No, no,” Leo said finally, and, glancing once more at Finn, straightened up and turned so that his tall frame blocked Finn and some of the room from view. His eyes, which had been bright and playful a moment before, were serious. Worried. “Remus, I…I think you should talk to Logan.”
Remus blinked. “Well—you guys know Heather, I mean, a safe space, is always—”
“No,” Leo shook his head slowly. “I think you should talk to Logan.”
Remus held his gaze for a long moment, trying to piece everything out. But Leo, ever a goalie, was unreadable. Finally, Remus just nodded. “Okay. Alright, I’ll talk to him when we’re back in play, eh?”
Leo let out a long, shuttering breath. “Okay. Thanks, Loops.”
“Of course. Do…” Remus hesitated. “Do you need to talk, or…”
Leo smiled—a real smile. “No. I’m pretty well sorted.” Leo crossed his arms and, as he did, one hand pulled the sleeve of his sweatshirt up a little. There, around his wrist, was a bracelet Remus had never noticed before. It was a lanyard that looked like it never came off, and it was every color Remus could think of woven together in a rainbow.
Remus’ eyes widened and snapped up to Leo’s face. “Oh.”
Leo laughed. “Yeah,” he clapped a large hand on Remus’ shoulder. “Oh.”
Remus’ heart began pounding in his chest almost immediately. He glanced around the room. “How—”
“Don’t fret,” Leo said, in his calming way. “No one else noticed. I can guarantee. Y’all good at hiding it, I’m just…” he shrugged.
“Attuned,” Remus rasped out, then coughed. “I’m sorry, did you say…y’all?”
Leo glanced at the door where Sirius and Logan and James had just walked in, Sirius smiling as he scooped up a giggling Katie Dumais into his arms.
“I understand,” Leo said simply, and then held out his fist.
The two words calmed Remus more than anything else. It wasn’t a I won’t tell, it wasn’t anything about keeping secrets. It was both of them acknowledging that it shouldn’t have to be a secret. It was Leo saying it was alright.
“Yeah,” Remus met his fist with a smile. “So, you and Logan, or…”
Leo sighed, then took another cupcake while looking wistfully over at where Logan had, rather sheepishly by the looks of it, approached Finn and June. He shook June’s hand, who looked at Finn with a smile.
“Something like that,” Leo said, then walked over to join them.
Remus blinked after him, attempting to process. His wide eyes seemed to catch Sirius’ gaze and he raised an eyebrow, mouthing a short, you okay?
Remus nodded quickly, shooting him a smile before turning and grabbing a slice of cake, just for something to do.
“Hey, hey, hey, Fruit-loop,” Thomas walked up, looking a little more frazzled than Remus had ever seen him.
“Hey, Talkie,” Remus said slowly, mind still pre-occupied. “Okay?”
“Noelle,” he said plainly before shaking his head, pressing a hand over his heart.
“I…Christmas?” Remus asked.
“No, no, Tremzy’s sister,” he said. “Fucking smart as hell. Gorgeous. Hey, do I look okay to you? I wished I could have scored a goal out there, but someone was tearing up the ice for me, eh?”
Remus laughed. “Sorry about that.”
“Hey,” Thomas ran his hands down his cheeks, brown eyes nervous. “I got bigger fish to fry now. Does she look like a cake or cupcake girl to you? She told me to bring her something good.”
They both looked at each other for a moment, then laughed. Thomas threw his hands up.
“Celeste’s cake, obviously,” he laughed. “Catch you on the flip side, Fruit.”
Remus nodded, amused. “For sure.”
Remus watched him head back over to Noelle, who was sitting with Celeste with Marc on her lap. She smiled broadly when Thomas walked back up, a smile that reminded Remus sorely of the one that had been a little lacking lately in her brother.
“Hi,” Sirius said, coming up with a sleepy Katie on his hip. He smiled at Remus, tilting his head. “C’est bon?”
Remus stared at him. What could he say? Hello, Sirius, I know you’re nervous about coming out as a queer hockey player. Would it interest you to know something about two of your teammates?
But Remus wouldn’t tell him. It wasn’t his secret.
“Oui,” he smiled instead, reaching out to pet Katie’s soft, dark hair. “C’est bon.”
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sugasplug · 2 years
tw: discussion of suicide
- "waah...good for you. im so jealous" BITCH!! BITCH SPOTTED!! but i cant tell if jun-woong feeling his fingers tingle is a continuation of the joke or a hint that he'll actually get them hmmm
- "what a conundrum" "it is a conundrum" i hate them 🤣🤣
- lmfao jun-woong rly went 🙃 ill go
- "you need to study hard if you dont want to end up like him" i wish that little girl from train to busan was here 2 stick it 2 this lady
- jun-woong: ykw fuck my job im gonna make this old man feel better *old man is young-chun* oshit my job?? word
- ok full disclosure they said fuckit hes dead tomorrow anyway. is that even allowed?? is there not like a secrecy clause ???
- "ive seen people much filthier than this" bars
- this whole thing with the junkyard owner is sad as hell but also so obvious like sir is your brain working?? are the lights on in there??? if anybody said all that evasive ass shit 2 me id be like uh pause how bout we spark the blunt and u tell me what the fuck is going on cos thats like 4 red flags in a row right there sir. ill sit on u til i think youre safe to be alone ill give u a free fuckin COPD session. dont think i wont. but also ryeon and jun-woong said #ShootersForYoung-chun QUICK lmao
- this shit right here knocked the wind out of me no fucking lie
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- ok ik dong-chil is like freshly traumatized from war and losing his leg and probably just lashing out at the only thing that feels safe enough to (aka young-chun) but bro. "id rather die than live like this"?? well u didnt. deal with it. still got 2 arms to hug your mom with bro go do that maybe idk. WAIT DONT TELL ME YOUNG-CHIL JUST WALKED AWAY ALL SAD AND SHIT FUCK NO YOU DIDNT SAVE THIS KID JUST TO BE LIKE oh he told me to fuck off.....ok i guess :( TURN AROUND BITCH
- his mom wasnt even there to make him the hot meal he spent the whole war thinking about T~T
- THEYRE NEVER GONNA LET THE 🐓🐔 GO god jun-woong is so pressed and ryung-gu is so smug lmfaooo
- dont get me wrong the va is shit but does s korea not have anything similar cos god DAMN my mans got some absolutely fucking rabid ptsd on deck
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- he found dong-chil!!! his little skip omg. but why did nobody ever get these 2 in contact before the LITERAL DAY OF YOUNG-CHUNS DEATH
- oh thank god at least he said smth and didnt just leave like that
- ohshit does mr sexy grim reaper is have a heart ?? and god ryeon mouths off like its her paid job lim ryung-gu really is all of her impulse control huh
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- the fact that she picked up that precious trash barehanded but put her glove on to smack those thugs around...goo ryeon knows whats up. also she did that shit in heels 👀👠😳
- ryeons style of being all "ok. do what you want. but heres a poignant sentence for you to chew on and realize im right" is so sexy
- ohfuck mr sexy grim reaper actually showed
- did mr sexy grim reaper just try to comfort ryeon? are they trying to pull him into the fold instead of having him stay the risk management teams opposing force?? cos ngl without that outside tension+plot the week-to-week cases cld start getting boring n repetitive....either way ima need him to get more screentime
- WOW the way they showed young-chul as his young soldier self when jun-woong saluted him. ....hold on i must sob uncontrollably
- yknow im not a very patriotic guy but this ep fucking Got me
- "come back after you die. then ill think about it" KDHDJDJF MAAM!!!!! i guess that answers that question tho 😭🤣🤣
- ah the ol pout&whine, a jun-woong classic
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spectralscathath · 3 years
Our gracious Queen Salem herself for the character ask?
WiSend me a RWBY character and I’ll tell you:
My top three ships for the character
Uh.... I actually don’t really have any? The closest that comes to it is Ironwood/Salem, but uh. If you read my Irondeath fic you’ll see my thoughts on it. 
My three least favorite ships for the character
Ozpin/Salem, Ozma/Salem, Tyrian/Salem
My biggest criticism for the character
they really sidelined her in her Big Entrance so they could wrap up Evul Ironwood and have team RWBY pretend to be useful, huh? Such cowardly writing choices, honestly. This is not how you utilise your Big Bad. 
My favorite thing about the character
Good god. The Style. The Panache. Salem really looked at Remnant and went ‘you want a supervillain? I can do that’ and then she really fucking did it. Everything about this woman is so violently her aesthetic and I love it. She’s dark and decadant and pulls it off so well. Not even getting into Jen Taylor’s amazing fucking work as her VA, like holy shit woman, this is rwby, this is a d-tier anime wannabe webseries that’s not even on youtube now because of the company’s insecurities, and you’re going this hard? Jen Taylor has nothing but my respect and awe. We are not worthy of her VA work, she’s pretty much consistently the best in the cast and every scene she’s in is elevated by sheer vocal presence alone. 
A headcanon I have about them
Salem occasionally takes mortal lovers every now and then if they impress her. A few centuries ago, one luckless bandit managed to do just that. The Branwen Tribe has never really kept any of the magic of Salem’s lineage, but the red eyes have since always been seen as the mark of a ‘True Branwen’. 
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
Salem is a witch. She has magic. Where are the curses? The potions? C’mon Salem, I respect your magic blasts and elemental powers, but fucking turn someone into a newt already. Bubble bubble, toil and trouble...
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
I love her allusion. Well. Allusions. She fucking collects them like D&D addicts collect dice. Wicked Witch of the West is her main one, but we also have: Rapunzel turned into Mother Gothel, The Fairy Godmother pulling double-time as The Evil Stepmother, The Witch with the Gingerbread House, Grandma in the woods who Lil Red Riding Hood is travelling to, Moriarty, probably some others in there, but she’s your archetypical Fairytale Witch, and that’s a special kind of power. 
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bonnieisaway · 5 years
A Stupidly Long Critique of Saiki K: Reawakened
A Fuckton Of Spoilers Ahead
So I went and watched the new season/continuation of Saiki K today on Netflix and.
Boy, do I have some words. 
Spoilers under the cut!
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Alright. So as I’ve said, today, (Dec 30th) Netflix decided to rip The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K out of Funimation’s hands and make their own continuation- Saiki K Reawakened. A 6 episode continuation and ending to our beloved show, that’s been hyped up for weeks now. 
..Except, it doesn’t really feel that way. 
The first episode, (Three Men, A Little Girl, A Police Officer, And A Dog) first of all struck me with this- they no longer had opening/ending theme songs. I posted about it earlier but this made me really upset. The op/ed songs are one of my favorite parts of the anime. Youth Isn’t So Cruel is a beautiful song, The Most Favorable! is hyper active and just a fun listen, Silent Prisoner is bad ass, and Put Your Hands Up always put a smile on my face, and that’s just the opening. But Netflix decided to take away the songs and it’s upsetting. I would’ve been happy even if they just re-used an old opening, because I was expecting something and it was really disappointing. 
The episode itself was a bit upsetting itself. I like watch things in order, but the chapter this episode is based off of is literally like the 10th chapter of the manga. I can’t find the exact one at the moment but I remember it was early on (hence, Nendo and Kaido arguing about which one of them is Saiki’s friend and such.) Even then- I went in expecting 6 episodes about his powers reawakening, not “Here’s 5 episodes of chapters we skipped and then we’re gonna mention the powers being reawakened.”
That’s probably one of my biggest problems with Reawakened. It’s just makeup work.
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I think it would’ve been better if they put these episodes either in the places they belong or in the Season 3 category under the original show. They didn’t deserve all this hype for filler. 
Another thing I missed was that usually, after the ending song in every episode, there’d be a small narration by Saiki of what would come next week. Those were also super funny and I missed that. I feel like Reawakened was a bad fanfiction Netflix wrote which just killed the original work. I thought Reawakened was gonna be a bad ass, slow escalation of Saiki’s powers cranking themselves back up to what they were before the ending of Season 2. And it kind of disappointed.
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That isn’t to say Reawakened didn’t have it’s few funny moments. I think the “useless powers” bit actually made me pee a bit.
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But it was only of a few. Most moments felt out of character, or out of place, and the bit with the whole “teacher with a 10-year-anniversary-Jump’ was excruciating to sit through. I did like Saiki’s little smile at the end though. It felt like Saiki’s few expressions that make my heart scream ‘uwu’ were the one thing keeping me watching the show.
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In Episode 3, (New Teacher with an Outstanding Feature), I personally felt like Iguchi’s existence was a dead horse they kept beating with a stick every time they called him a pervert. He just genuinely made me uncomfortable and felt like a bad forced joke. 
On the contrary, Hii felt like a great addition. I think they should’ve added her in the original two seasons in the first place, where she was supposed to be. I didn’t know till the other day that she came in way earlier. She’s a lovable unlucky klutz and she produced some genuinely funny moments. (Though, that whole ‘what happened last time’ bit kinda hurt my soul.)  Episode 4 was one of my favorites just because of her. It felt like she brung back what Netflix stripped away from the original anime. 
Before I get to the big money maker, episode 6- I have to point out the elephant in the room.
The fucking English dub.
I figured out that I could turn it on at some point during the episode with the useless abilities so I turned it on. I had heard the trailer with Saiki’s..new VA… but I figured he’d grow on me along with the rest of the cast. 
Oh my god I was so wrong. 
All I heard was Kuniharu’s and Saiki’s voice and genuinely, I nearly threw up. I’ve never had such an urge to slam my head into a brick wall until I heard the voices. I can’t even say much else because I didn’t and still do not have the willpower to sit through the English dub. It’s just.. so.. bad. I can’t stand it. I know that we can’t have the original English cast back because Funimation copyright yadda yadda I get it. But good lord. I can’t stand Saiki’s voice actor. The sarcasm sounds forced, the pauses are uncomfortable, and it just..hurts. The original one felt fluent, and just organic. The English dub made me, in short, want to blow my brains out. 
That aside- episode 6. Saiki Kusuo gets his motha’ fuckin powers back.
I had my hopes low when I started this episode out of fear since some of the others literally just made me want to gag myself. 
But episode 6… (muwah.) A masterpiece. No anime is perfect but oh my god. 
I loved how Saiki kept forgetting he couldn’t use his powers. Call it weird but the way he’s kind of a tsundere in the sense of lying to himself that he doesn’t like any of this and would be much better off without them is one of my favorite things. And it’s even better when he runs out of lies and has to face it. And even then- as his powers slowly integrate back, I about died. It was so funny, with Tortisuka holding his shoulder when he went invisible and Saiki using that as a way out of it, or hearing others thoughts and thinking of it as an auditory hallucination. I didn’t like how the thoughts sounded distant and kind of echo-ey compared to when they were easy to hear before, but that might just be me. 
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Also? This scene right here? Where all of his friends protect him and he’s upset because he had to be protected? I started bawling. Maybe it’s because Aunt Flo’s in town and I have an unhealthy emotional attachment to Saiki, but it just hurt so bad watching him upset like that. And on a personal level, I felt where he was coming from. I don’t cry much at movies or TV or anime but good grief, I was crying in the club. 
The whole meteorite heading to destroy Japan had me in a bit of shock. I saw the cryptic advertisements hyping Reawakened but I almost forgot about them and even then a meteorite didn’t seem dire until it seemed like Saiki had no say in anything. 
As the climax builds and Saiki hears his friends panic-
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-also featuring the best line uttered by Akechi ever- but even as Saiko says “I need to get my friends to the bunker aswell!” (which, holy shit, I didn’t care for Saiko but that got me to tear up?) I was losing my mind. After so much disappointment and just agony from this continuation- this had to be the best scene there. It’s hard to describe. It’s just so much emotion.
And then it happens. 
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The ever tsundere-lying-to-himself Kusuo accepts that he’s a psychic who doesn’t mind his disastrous friends sometimes. What a way to end the anime. Call it a cliche beginning-is-the-end but I’ve never been happier to hear those Japanese words. I’ve never loved an ending so much. It emotionally hurt and was hell, but I loved it. This has been my stupidly long criticism of Reawakened!
So, tl;dr, Reawakened had it’s hard weak points but I’ll be damned if I didn’t love the ending. We love my favorite boyo, Saiki Kusuo. Also I’d die for Hii. Goodnight. 
edit: recently i noticed that Saiki's eyes compared to everyone elses doesnt have detail (no pupil/shine etc) except for that epic ending scene with Saiki and I jsut- HOLY FUCK here's a gifnthat kinda shows my point- his eyes transition from normal to detailed
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autisticblueteam · 4 years
RvB18x04 Thoughts:
This is probably my favourite episode yet. (Ranking right now 4 > 2 > 1 > 3 I think but it’s pretty close across the board) Because holy shit. We’re getting into the meat of things now huh? I enjoyed the formatting of this episode, the fight scenes are as well choreographed as ever (I love the car fight) and the tension building within the squads is great.
There’s so much to unpack that I’m not even sure where to begin.
Okay, so first off: Phase is definitely West’s daughter—perhaps even his original daughter, as it seems that East is being set up as the ‘echo’; she’s ‘refuse of a failed experiment’, to Zero, and she does almost seem to glitch. But yes, the way we go from last week’s ‘he’s not my [dad]’ from Phase to her focus on wanting to be the one to kill West... yeah, he’s her dad. 
One continues to be my favourite. She’s a great character, imo; despite her surface level persona, despite her saying she’s ‘trying to take down the whole world on her own’, she constantly tries to bring the team together. Last episode, she was confident for a moment that if she and East actually fought Lina as a team, they would beat her—only for East to decide to do things on her own, and they both got their asses handed to them as a result. This episode, she tries to get the whole team to stay together, to focus, but everyone rushes in. One really does have the makings of a good leader! She’s not just skilled, she’s focused, she’s willing to take responsibility for her actions (see: episode 1, for a good example), she’s willing to learn—she’s just also got some attitude and is tired of East’s shit, sometimes.
And apparently, she’s a failed attempt to ‘recreate’ Zero. He called her a SHADOW. I’m excited to see where THAT’S going. The One vs Zero thing was set up from the moment we knew their names I’m glad to see we’re finally finding out why. I’m sure this has some tie in to Axel’s seeming adoption of her, whether it’s a full on legal adoption or not.
Carolina continues to delight me. She’s trying so hard with these guys! I’m sure she sees herself (and Tex) in East and One, sees the Freelancers in the secrets and lies that are fracturing the team, sees all these things she’s already learned from and been through and she’s trying to help them get past it where she can. I’m still getting the sense we’re going to see Lina in an upgraded suit now she’s possibly going to be leading the team into the field too.
And Wash! The thing in his head is an assistive device, as I expected; it’s not ‘fixing’ his disability and I hope I don’t see anyone calling it that because an assistive device like that is not unbelievable in the time they’re in. This ‘Cerebral Enhancer’ probably helps him to retain and access memories when he’s having a rough time. Chances are, that’s why Viper kidnapped him; they were able to access data from the device when he wouldn’t give it to them willingly. (I’m also choosing to believe that Sarge did build the device because it’s hysterical to me if that line from ep 1 is partially legit.)
And, just as I expected, the Reds and Blues retired. I suppose next episode will tell us if they retired on Iris or Chorus, but this is exactly what I expected to hear about them, honestly. What I did not fucking expect was that we’re apparently going to probably see at least Tucker next episode? When I tell you I screamed. Holy shit. The alien temples are related to the things we’ve had before. 
(Now I will point out that Tucker isn’t the only person with a key, but it makes the most sense that Lina would think of him first because well, she knows him, he’s her family, and he’s likely much easier to find than mister bug bastard himself wherever he went.)
I’m not expecting to see everyone next episode. Firstly, that’d be a LOT of characters for the length of these episodes. Secondly, the VAs for the OG cast have had their own share of problems this year and whilst they did the Death Battle voices, I don’t expect them to have all come in to record for this season; but I do think we’ll see more than just Tucker, if we actually do go and see them. Who exactly very much depends.
Either way, I’m excited to see where this goes. 
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Here is last week’s top 3!
I’ve decided I’m gonna do like I did last week from now on, with some honorable mentions at the beginning, because it makes everything much easier (although I have to say this week my top 3 is pretty clear). So, here we go!
Shotgun - Flavio: I’m sorry I just find it really funny how Flavio dances and that little smile he puts on. It’s hilarious for me, I don’t quite know why. Also, his singing was amazing, and the performance was really solid too.
Tu Frialdad - Jesús and Javy: This song was made for this duet istg. The lyrics are really good, and the power the two voices put into them are amazing. Just, really beautiful overall.
As a bonus, please listen to Podría Ser Peor by Anne and Bruno on Spotify, the performance in the gala was not very good, especially in Anne’s part (she got nominated, later saved by the contestants), but the recorded cover it’s amazing, and they worked so so much. Also, given what happened with Bruno this last week, I find it really funny that the first lyrics of the song, sung by him, are “va a costar”. Iconic.
Here is the original song, by Michael Sembello :)
The power duo of the night, wow! The two of them were really good, and during the week they were giving their all. Also, we all know why they gave them a duet together (Flavio a.k.a. “el seta”, my dears) so everybody thought they were gonna act all weird but no, now they are great friends and honestly, that’s why they deserve. Okay, now let’s talk about Samantha’s nomination. Like???? Just ????? I went so mad when they nominated her. Fortunately the teachers saved her but it was just ???? If I had to nominate one of them it would had been Eva, not Samantha. And the justification for the nomination ???? Basically they said an OT winner 12 years prior had done it better than her??? Like what??? Still not over it, but at least they saved her and the one who nominated her apologized publicly this morning.
Here is the original song, by Cami :)
Can they be in the final please?? Like, can they be 100% for sure finalists? Because they deserve it. Nia hasn’t done a bad performance in all of the weeks (and next week it seems she’s gonna do another amazing job), and Gèrard deserves the world, he’s become one of my faves. Also Nia, but you know. Maybe I also see myself a bit in Gèrard, idk. Well, apart from that, they both did an amazing job during the week, they were professionals and delivered this fucking amazing power ballad that I didn’t know but wow. Honestly, amazing.
Here is the original song, by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello (I know y’all know this song but I have to put it nonetheless)
Holy fucking shit. Holy shit. Did you know how was watching that live??? I nearly had a heart attack holy shit. Look, before this week I really didn’t care much about the song, but everybody who watches OT knew that this song was coming up. What we didn’t predict tho, was this pairing. Like we thought it was gonna go to one of the millions of ships there are this edition (it’s really hard to keep up with all that’s happening, really) and they they gave it to Hugo and Anaju, that apparently didn’t had anything to do. I say apparently cause you all saw this performance. Apart from that, even though it was already one of my favourite songs of the week cause since min 1 they commited 100% to the acting (as I said before, I really value acting in performances), fuck it, here’s a video of their first acting class of the week so you can squeak with me (around the 10 minute mark they start singing after improv and whatnot); I didn’t know if it was gonna hold up in the gala, maybe they would be to shy or something, and also, I wasn’t liking Anaju’s voice for the most part of the week. But they delivered. Holy shit did they delivered. And Hugo was favourite, so that’s great!!!
So that was it!!! This week is the shipping week it seems, as three big ships, Geranne (Gèrard + Anne), Hugeva (Hugo + Eva) and Flamantha (Flavio + Samantha) are getting duets, so this could be interesting. I’m already loving the Geranne one and I haven’t even heard how they sound like, but again, I’m really not objective here.
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Germany x Ireland!Reader: Snow Storms and Confessions
Ok so the plan was to post another scenario and write two more yesterday. But Tumblr did an oopsie and deleted everything.
Every cloud has a silver lining however, my friend sent me this gem of a find and all I could think about afterwards was this story. I was going to write them as scenarios but I found it difficult to imagine situations for the other characters.
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So here's a different story. A one shot...goody.
*Ireland's POV*
I sat there cold and alone in the Russian airport terminal. My flight cancelled due to the violent snow storm outside and no hotel room to go to. All the other countries had already left, the usual flights to Ireland weren't available. Just one at 10pm when a blizzard was due. Russia didn't exactly give a direct response when I brought it up...
*flash back*
"Little Ireland! You are feisty small one, you're lack of fear is amusing."
"I'm not being feisty I just want to know why there's none of the usual planes to my country. I don't want to end up caught in the blizzard"
"Она умнее, чем выглядит...I don't involve myself petty plane issues. Perhaps this is fate, you believe in a lot of those magical fairy tales no?"
she's smarter then she looks
"Она также говорит по-русски. Что ты прячешь?"
she also speaks Russian. What are you hiding?
*flash forward to present*
Just before I could pry, Germany got the meeting started and I was left to get to my seat and ponder over Russia's behaviour. He's a strange study for sure.
Germany was as well. We became properly acquainted in the early 1900s only labelling ourselves as friends around the 70s when I joined the early version of the EU (then EEC). He definitely is a layered character, and even though he is sweet once I became closer with him, he seems to still be hiding aspects of his personality. But enough about that I'm cold and have to figure out where I'll sleep tonight.
"Ireland? Vhat are jou doing here?"
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive...
"Hey Germy, my flight got cancelled and it was the only one available, my hotel booking also ran out so I'm just sorta stuck here haha."
A rather enjoyable shade of red spread across his face at the mention of the nickname. I'd do anything to see those little cracks in his tightly woven character. Anything to see the little smiles or chuckles, the crush I'd developed over years of friendship pushing me to.
"V...Vell mein flight vas cancelled as vell...vould you like to share a hotel room vith me? I still have an extra day."
"I wouldn't be against it, but you probably would like to not share a room so I understand if you don't want to and everything. Thanks for the offer though"
"Nein it's fine I don't mind ve're friends ja? It's ok!"
The air is so fucking uncomfortable. Big brother France is looking on in disappointed from Paris. I just know it. After a few more rounds of pitiful back and forth we agreed we both were ok with sharing a room and set off, chittering throughout the walk.
*[insert timeskip joke] Germany's POV*
Ireland was in the bathroom getting ready for bed as I sat mentally preparing to sleep beside her.
At some point my feelings of friendship began to be replaced with... love as Italy put it. I thought I was ill whenever my heart would flutter like a manly butterfly near her. After voicing my concerns to my brother and Italy, bruder proceeded to have a laughing fit. Italy took the time to gush about love long enough for me to come to the conclusion I was in it.
Ireland. She's not perfect by any means and we've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements. Though we always manage to work then out. Would it be the same if we were dating? I would be living in a dream if that was true...
The door opened and in she came. In the shorts she wore for sleep her false leg was on full display. I remember helping her make it, replacing the standard wooden one for a metal one with upgrades bring added whenever we visited eachother or were together in our free time from longer summits. The leg, essentially fully functional due to her use of spells and my use of metal. Light blue swirls, famous for their use in her history giving off a slight hum in the dark room, dancing up and down the metal limb. Gott she was an angel.
"That meeting left me a wreck." She stifled a yawn, lowering herself slowly to the bed beside me. The blue began to fade slowly as she stopped using magic, bleeding up her leg until disappearing once it reached the end of the metal at her upper thigh. "How does it vork?" I lowly hummed.
"The magic I use to move the leg? It's a weird mix of electricity and telekinesis. I use the electricity to stimulate the metal wires and pistons you put into it and use the telekinesis to make it move in a more natural way. I just wish it didn't glow, it makes it impossible to hide"
Hide? Why hide it? It's beautiful...is it inappropriate to say that out loud? I settle on a less invasive response.
"Why hide it? The blue looks like the tattoo you always joke about getting?"
She went quiet did I go to far? No she always said when I went too far same as I always did if our discussions on my...past got too vivid...She continued.
"When I lost my leg, I lost a part of myself. The image of the country who would fight anyone to be free, that had the confidence of countries ten times her size, it was gone. I kept up the act in letters and statements acting like the leg didn't phase me...Then I got to finally see my siblings again. None of them were allowed near me after one of my attempts for freeedom out of fear I'd help them escape or convince England to go rogue against his boss. They watched me struggle to do anything, they watched me have to ask for help to move, they watched me weak. It's been hard adjusting...then..."
She took a deep breath and looked up. Something she often did when trying not to cry. I gently lay a hand on her back and put on the calmest voice I could.
"Then vhat? Take jour time, I know it's difficult, but please tell me vhat happened?"
"I met someone. They helped me without even realising it. They slowly built up my confidence in myself, taught me how to laugh and smile like I used to. Obviously my family helped but the help from this person stuck with me more I suppose. He built me up, tried to help when he didn't have to."
He. My world slowly shattered and fell around me. So she has somebody else. Someone better. Someone who can show her all the love they probably expect being raised by someone like France and England.
"Oh...vill jou tell me more about him?"
She let a slow smile spread across her face.
"He's kind and sweet but covers it over with a stiff outer shell. He has many talents...so many talents. He's amazing really, but one thing in particular is what I think made me fall for him."
"Vhat vas it? That he did"
I was probing. I was pushing too far into her private life. If she never spoke about him in all our years of friendship, she had a reason not to. She's a damn ex-spy and rebel leader she knows how much to trust people. But...I didn't care. I wanted to know. Needed to. I had loved her for years only for her to slip away the moment I had started working to con-
"He built me a new leg. Then he called it pretty and sleek and said he liked the blue the magic made on it."
Oh...this was...not what I expected. I was the one who built the leg...she knows that...she...she...
"Ireland I..."
I slowly pulled her gently, she was straddling me so I could look into her eyes.
"Do jou really. But vhat I've done. How could jou?"
"Fall for a lovable human being? It's rather simple. I'm just hoping you'll give this amputee a chance."
She looked at me hopefully through her eye lashes. At that moment I realised why us Germans aren't seen as great romantics. We're better at doing, not speaking. So do I did.
I kissed her. Pouring every piece of emotion I felt for her, because of her into it. Desperately trying to show her how much I cared regardless of how bad I'd be at saying it. And it was bliss. My pulse was racing faster then any of my, no Germany's, F1 cars.
She was with me, not my country, not my people, ME. And I'm going to be selfish.
Her soft warm lips, pushing against my colder ones. Tasting like that brand of chocolate she loves mixed with the minty taste of toothpaste. Her arms, laying around me neck, playing with the hairs on the back of my head. My arms, pulling her closer filling every gap between us I could find. I was in heaven, kissing an angel, and I wasn't going to give it up for anything. The entire world could be damned so long as she was in my arms. Everything Italy, France, Spain, Bruder, and all the other countries preached about love suddenly clicked. I loved her. I never wanted to leave her side. I wanted to be her hero, her Ritter (knight), her lover.
And by the way she was kissing back she wanted to be mine.
*POV switch*
I barely thought of anything else, all I could focus on was getting drunk off his kisses. He was kissing me like the world was ending and I loved it.
At some point it went from me in his lap to beneath him on the bed, staring into icy blue eyes.
"vell..." He drawled "ve have a hotel room, a snow storm. no ozher countries on zhis floor, or anyvone for that matter until tomorrow. and a very horny country. vhat do jou suppose ve do Ms.Ireland?"
I spoke before my mind could think. "Well Mr.Germany. A second, equally as horny country is beneath you so the real question is...Was wirst du dagegen tun?
What are you going to do about it?
"Ich heiße nicht deutschland Ich heiße ludvig" he growls out. Responds very well to German if the kisses are any proof.
My name isn't Germany. My name is Ludwig
I leant up to whisper in his ear..."Es ist gut zu wissen, was ich später schreien werde. Ich bin (Y/N)."
It's good to know what I'll be screaming later. I'm (Y/N).
I hear a growl before my hands are held above my head with kisses attacking my neck...If this was Russia's plan for only having only one flight home then he's getting cookies next meeting.
*both POV*
Thank God/Gott for snow storms.
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
RFA+Minor Trio meeting MC's badass and overprotective Mother (a Mafia Boss) and Father (Yakuza Boss) along with her also overprotective assassin brothers?
RFA + Minor Trio meeting MC’s badass and overprotective Mother & Father  along with her also overprotective assassin brothers
LOL here you are sweetie! I never thought about something like that but I kind liked the idea! Enjyo!! BTW,  I’m sorry that the HC didn’t turn out how you expected it….
,,Jumin…“ you mumbled as he was dressing himself. 
Today the two of you would go to meet your parents, you were really excited. 
,,Yes?“ he answered and looked at you with lovely eyes which made your heart melt in an instant. 
,,The thing is that my parents and my two brothers are special.“ you began. 
Jumin Han looked at you and smiled. 
,,I will do my best.“ he promised. No, he really didn’t understand….
,,My mom is the…Mafia Boss and my Dad is…the Yakuza Boss while my brothers were raised as killers….“ you mumbled. 
,,Oh is that so? I can learn a lot from them then.“ he told you with a firm nod, leaving you surprised. 
You told him that you went away from home since you didn’t want to live like that. 
Jumin understood and promised you a good life. 
When the two of you came to your parents house and Jumin saw the whole bodyguards, he called his own bodyguards. 
,,Stay around my future wife!“ he commanded, leaving the bodyguards in a surprised stage. 
When your parents saw him, you saw in their eyes that they were going to tease him but then Jumin did something incredible. 
,,Don’t worry Sir.“ Jumin said as his eyes got darker.
 He rolled up his sleeves and sat down and looked at his future family. 
,,If something should happen to my future wife, I will take care of her myself. I will crush everyone with my money. By the way, I‘m Jumin Han, the CEO in line of the most well known industry.“ he chuckled and bowed his head making your whole family bow in an instant and you chuckle. 
,,You took yourself a good man, Mc“ you dad praised you and he looked at the man in front of you. 
,,Yeah, I agree with your dad. Nice.“ you mom nodded as she looked at the bodyguards behind him and all the people serving him. 
You sat on his lap and smiled while he hugged your body. 
,,He‘s the one who took me…“ you mumbled with lovely eyes. 
Jumin was amazed by your families strength and your beauty. 
Yes, he was going to protect you forever. 
He meant that. 
Zenny began to choke when he heard that you were the only girl from seven children.
But it wasn’t the fact that you had so many brothers what made him shiver but the fact that they were actually killers, raised by a Yakuza dad and a Mafia mother. 
He didn’t believe you….
,,The Japanese Mafia….omg“ he whined. 
You chuckled at his reaction. 
,,Don’t worry. I‘m the boss there.“ you told him what made him even more concerned. 
And really, when you entered the big mansion everyone bowed in front of you.  
,,Zenny, these are my brothers“ you told him as you told him their names. 
,,Boys, dare to do anything to him and your little sister will be devastated.“ you warned them. 
They all reacted to your words. And Zen knew, there was a part he didn’t know. 
When the two of you meet your parents finally, the first thing they did was hugging you and asking about your well being. 
,,I‘m really well! I came because I wanted to introduce you my fiancé.  Dad, Mom, that’s Zen. Please be nice to him.“ you told them, letting them nod. 
,,Which group are you in?“ your mom asked him, glaring at him and trying to check him. 
She looked really like a queen.
Zen didn’t know what to answer. 
,,I was in a motorcycle gang. And now I‘m in the RFA.“ he told them with a trembling voice. 
,,I understand….Mc, go with your mother and look at the rooms. I would like to talk with Zen.“ your dad requested. 
,,Yes okay but remember that I love him.“ you told him which sounded more like a warning. 
He nodded, you kissed Zen and went out. 
In the next moment your brothers entered the room and kneed in front of him. 
Zen was perplexed at their action. 
,,Please take care of our sister!“ they all requested. 
Zen didn’t understand. 
,,In the past our Mc had a really good friend, but we had to kill her and her family when we found out that she was an enemy.  
To protect her heart we told her that we killed her because we wanted to…. Since then we do everything to make her happy…’’ 
Zen was sad to hear about this but thanks to this story he promised himself that he would give his best to make you happy. 
Because he knew that if he would dare to make you cry, he would be a dead man…
You didn’t warn him because you knew, if you would have told him, he would have died out of fear. 
You didn’t want him to become nervous either and so you decided to shut up about the truth. 
Well, but you were a bit concerned about him, you were afraid that your brothers could hurt him, your mother do something mean and your dad…..
You began to shiver when you thought about it. 
,,Yoosung.’’ you began. 
,,Mh?’’ he asked you happily. 
,,Well’’ you began. 
,,Please stay by my side while we go over there.’’ you requested. 
Yoosung smiled at you and asked you if you were afraid. 
You didn’t answer but yes you were afraid for him. 
When you finally arrived, Yoosung didn’t say anything. 
You wondered if he already noticed that you were the daughter of two mafia bosses. 
,,MC!’’ one of your brother called you and hugged you. 
,,Hiii how are you?’’ you asked him and hugged him back. 
,,I missed you so much, my sweet sister…awee you look even prettier than last time!’’ he told you and cupped your cheeks. 
Yoosung didn’t say anything and watched you guys, he thought that the two of you should enjoy the time. 
But then two more boys came, hugged you and kissed your cheeks. 
,,Who’s that?’’ one of them said, probably the older one and looked at him with angry eyes. 
,,Huh?’’ the second one said and hid you behind his body. 
Out of the blue the three boys looked at Yoosung with angry eyes, ready to fight him. 
,,Oi….’’ you mumbled. 
,,Don’t worry, sweetie, we will kill him right now.’’ they laughed and - 
,,OI!’’ you screamed. 
,,That’s my future husband!’’ you told them. 
They all looked at you, their eyes totally surprised. 
,,Are you sure?’’ they asked you. 
You just rolled your eyes and took Yoosung’s hand. 
But you still noticed that your brothers were glaring at Yoosung. 
While the two of you entered the house, you noticed that your dad called even more mens. 
The mens with the colorful tattoos bowed in front of you. 
,,Mc…’’ Yoosung whispered as he hold your hand even stronger. 
,,I think…..I saw this in the TV….they look like the Yakuza….’’ 
,,I know.’’ you answered and smiled at him. 
,,I’m sorry….could you bear with it a little bit?’’ you asked him. 
,,Mc, my daughter!’’ a woman stepped down the stairs with and Italian accent.
,,Mom!’’ you laughed and hugged her. 
,,Please, behave, he’s my future husband!’’ you whispered in her ear while she cuddled you. 
,,Va bene….(Okay in Italian)’’ 
,,Hi, you must be Yoosung. I’m Alessia Castellano.’’ you mother gave him her hand. 
Yoosung stayed stunned. 
But when your dad stepped down…..his face got pale in an instand. 
,,Are you sure that you want to marry this baby?’’
Yoosung heard a voice when he opened his eyes. 
He was laying on something soft. 
,,Shut up, Giuse. I love him and he loves me….he saved once.’’
Yoosung smiled ,,Don’t worry, even through I’m not strong I will protect her with all I’ve got. Me and my friends…We will take care of her.’’ 
Something in his voice made your dad approve him because two seconds after his words your dad welcomed him as son in law. 
,,What? Are you kidding me?’’ she asked you when you told her that your brothers weren’t just overprotective but also killers. 
,,And your parents….?’’ she asked you. 
,,Well….my mom is the daughter of the most powerful Italian Mafia Boss and took over his work and my dad is the Yakuza boss….’’ you mumbled
,,Wow…’’ she moaned. 
,,This will be hard.’’ she nodded and took your hand. 
,,But surely not impossible.’’ she gave you hope. 
When you two arrived, everything was so silent…. 
,,Mc!’’ the four boys approached you. 
,,Hello!’’ you greeted them 
,,Woah, you brought a beauty chick here….’’ the casanova boy smiled. 
,,Nice to meet you, I’m her girlfriend.’’ Jaehee told them and bowed in front of them. 
For a few moments the boy didn’t dare to say anything. 
Jaehee knew that they were overprotective but she didn’t care because she loved you too, she would fight for you i it was necessary 
,,Fight me. I need to see if you’re worth of her.’’ the elder boy said. 
And then he attacked. 
Jaehee thought he would attack her but he attacked his own sister. 
But still, Jaehee reacted quickly enough to save you. 
,,You’re good.’’ another man clapped his hands as he stepped down with a woman. 
,,Daddy!’’ you giggled. 
Jaehee looked at you, this was your dad? She didn’t believe it…. 
,,Nice to meet you.’’ your mother greeted her. 
You were happy that your parents weren’t against it and truly hoped that your brothers could change their minds too. 
After all Jaehee was the woman you loved the most. 
,,LOLOL’’ he giggled as you told him. 
,,I went through a lot more hardship. Your badass mother and dad won’t hurt me.’’ he laughed. 
You glared at him. 
,,Woah, now I understand why your glare makes me shiver sometimes!’’ he laughed and kissed you. 
,,My overprotective killer brothers are there too.’’ you told him. 
,,Yes yes….’’ he nodded and prepared everything. 
,,What are you doing?’’ you groaned when you saw him with the toys. 
,,Going to defeat your family.’’ he responded. 
,,Idiot…’’ you mumbled. 
He drove over to your families place with the latest car, of course way too quickly. 
That’s why when you arrived, everyone, really everyone of your family ran out. 
,,HOLY SHIT ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY TO DRIVE SO QUICKLY WITH MY SISTER IN THSI FUCKING CAR?!’’ your older brother yelled at Saeyoung who laughed. 
,,What the hell is wrong with this ass?!’’ your second brother asked you. 
,,Amore, perhaps we should give him a lesson…’’ your mother laughed. 
Your dad stayed quiet. 
,,You guys….know what?’’ Saeyoung laughed and looked at them. 
,,My dad is the prime minister who’s a really bad ass….you won’t slow me down.’’ he laughed.
,,Dad, which pistol should we take?’’ your brother asked while your mother chuckled. 
,,Guys-please!’’ you begged. 
,,Saeyoung!’’ you snapped trying to figure out your dad’s face who was still silent. 
,,You all know that I always wanted your sister to stay away from this life. Treat this idiot well, he will keep her save.’’ he said. and while he hugged Saeyoung, he whispered 
,,Don’t dare to drive like that once again….my people will follow you, if you do something wrong, I won’t hesitate to let them kill you…’’ but except Saeyoung none heard. 
,,Of course, Dad!’’ he laughed, accepting the challenge. 
You loved him the way he was-sweet and innocent but also aggressive when he had to. 
And that was one of your worry too…You knew that if he would feel offended, he would surely attack your family and your family would attack back… 
You wanted to prevent this situation and so you tried to tell him. 
,,You know, Saeran….I was missing for a long time when you-‚‘’ 
,,when I kidnapped you?’’ 
,,Yeah….’’ you responded and tried to tell him more ,,My family didn’t really like the-‚‘’ 
,,Situation? I know. That’s why I took you. Your mom is a mafia boss, your dad a yakuza boss, your two brothers killers. I took you because they couldn’t go to the police. And I also know that they are pretty angry.’’ He told you before you could even breath. 
,,Oh…’’ you mumbled and stayed silent. 
Saeran smiled at you and took your hand and walked towards your house. 
Two young boys in a suit were waiting, both of them smoking. When they saw you, they got rid of their cigarette and approached you. 
,,You fat ass were the one who put her into danger?!’’ one screamed and took out a knife. 
,,Oi! We said we would do it inside!’’ the other one yelled back. 
,,Are you crazy?! That’s the welcome we get?!’’ you asked them. 
But they ignored you. 
Instead they were ready to fight Saeran. 
,,Boys! Come on! Let me see him first!’’ your mother called. 
And so you entered the mansion. Your dad glared at Saeran, his people behind him while your mother smiled with her cigarette. 
,,That’s my boyfriend…’’ you mumbled, knowing that they were aware of the situation. 
,,Now, you. Tell me, how could you-‚‘’ 
,,Mr, before you say anything to me, I would like to ask you, how come that I could take your daughter like that? How come that you couldn’t find her? Isn’t that a sign for you that you aren’t that great? Isn’t that a reason for you to stay nice to me? Just think about the fact that someone else could come to your daughter and take her, imagine he’s as skilled as me, I don’t think that the person will be as nice as me.’’ Saeran told them, making them all surprised. 
Your mom’s cigarette even fell. 
You hugged Saeran’s arm ,,I love him, daddy! Be nice to him!’’ you beggged. 
,,Okay….’’ he mumbled and began to talk to him, trying to stay normal.  
,,Do your parents know it?“ he asked you out of the blue while you were driving. 
,,Know what?“ you asked him. 
,,Well, that you were in danger because of me and that I disappeared for a long time….“ he asked you. 
You stopped the car at a secure spot and looked at him. 
,,To be honest Jihyun, my parents aren’t that ordinary. 
They are something like….well….they are the Yakuza Boss and the Mafia Boss…“ you told him. 
He looked at you. 
,,How do your brothers feel about it?“ he asked you. 
,,Well….“ and so you told him that they were actually professional killer. 
,,Ugh…Luciel told me that they haunted him once…“ he confessed making you chuckle. 
,,I wonder if that’s true since they really don’t give up.“ you told him. 
Without wanting it you made him gulp. 
When the two of you arrived he tried to act strong but it was really hard. 
Your brothers glared at him, trying to take him away from you. 
,,That’s my boyfriend, let him be.“ you told them. 
,,Amore di Mamma!“ you mother shouted as soon as she saw you. You took your mothers beauty, that was for sure. 
Jihyun was about to say hello when she took out a pistol and held it at his head. 
,,I heard that you let her wait for a few years.“ she said. 
,,Let him be.“ a man said from behind and approached you and your mother. 
,,Dad! That’s my boyfriend!“ you told him happily. 
The defense he took a moment ago fell apart immediately. 
,,You…?“ he asked him. 
,,Mhm…“ Jihyun nodded and hoped to stay alive. 
But luckily you could protect him for a long time and everything ended well. 
Well, in the evening he had heard a lot of threats but he could bear with it. 
,,I don’t give it a fuck.“ 
That was your boyfriend‘s reaction. 
You looked at him, surprised and scared. 
What would happen if he would talk like that to your family? 
They would surely kill him! 
But he still didn’t pay attention to you. 
The worst thing was that he didn’t even try to look well in front of your family! 
,,Oi, clumsy idiot! You’re dirtying everything!’’ he yelled at you in front of your oldest brother and dad while you were eating a cookie. 
,,Don’t, you will get fat and beside, you won’t have space in there for the food later on!’’ he snapped again now that your mom was listening too. 
,,Vandy! I want to enjoy this cookie! You don’t let me eat at home (stuff like that)-‚‘’ 
,,WHAT?! YOU DON’T LET HER EAT?!’’ your brother yelled at him while your mother glared at him. 
,,Mc! Come here, you will get bloody!’’ your mother yelled at you, ready to tell your brother to kill the love of your life. 
,,What? No, Vanderwood is a nice person!’’ you tried to explain. 
,,Mc, how come that you love this man?’’ your dad asked, who already had his pistol. 
,,Dad…Dad, please! PLEASE DON’T!’’ you cried. 
,,No, I don’t like him.’’ your dad said and pointed at his chest. 
Vanderwood chuckled, sure about his ability to avoid the bullet. 
But he couldn’t react that quickly and in the next moment you laid in his arms, ready to shield him. 
,,FAT ASS GO AWAY FROM HERE YOU DIRTY-‚‘’ Vanderwood yelled at your and tried to shield you. 
And so he ended at getting hit at his arms for shielding your body. 
,,AMORE MA CHE CA-‚‘’ your mother cursed (Dear, what the f- are you doing) as she saw you. 
,,Vandy….’’ you sobbed. 
,,Are you stupid?! I won’t be able to use my arm for a long time! That means you will have to tidy up the place! We both know that you can’t!’’ he yelled at you. 
,,I just realized! Please get better! I don’t want to scrub the bath!’’ you cried. 
,,Wait-you’re not the one who does the house chore?!’’ your brother asked you surprised…
21.01.’19// 20:48 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
LRA Korea Write Up!!!  This is so freaking long and rambly and fangirly but here we go
So obviously spoiler alert, I’ll mark the appropriate parts with trigger warnings, and also I don’t speak any Korean so obviously I missed a lot of stuff
Okay so first off the theater and stage itself were pretty damn small especially in comparison to the 4000 seat Palais des Congrès in Paris but they def made that stage work for them.  The back of the stage was curved in and had steps going all the way around, a screen above the steps with projections, etc, and a couple of entrances for actors.  They had some minimal set pieces, but the coolest part was the like celestial pattern they had on these giant moving screens that they used for a curtain as well as for backdrops for some of the scenes.  Tbh the costumes weren’t like mind blowing like you could tell they didn’t have the biggest budget but they worked and none were so ugly or awful that it took me out of the story.
So the show starts in a similar way with Merlin and the Dragon, but it was really cool bc the part (i assume at least) where the Dragon mentions the king’s son Arthur pops up at the top of the steps!  As the knights are slowly appearing for the tournament and start fighting, Arthur actually sings part of Je me relève???  Which imo is brilliant???? Anyways it gets down to just Meleagant and as he goes up to try and pull Excalibur from the stone, he sings part of Un Nouveau Départ which is also brilliant????  This production did a great job of establishing and maintaining musical themes for characters and i was living for it.
Anyways Arthur does the thing and yay he’s king now but wait side note Han Jisang who played Arthur was SO FUCKING GOOD.  Like he captured Arthur’s transition from a boyish squire to a grown ass adult king so beautifully and wonderfully it was truly incredible.
Okay so now it’s Advienne que pourra time and holy fuck.  Holy f u c k.  Kang Hongseok was the perfect Meleagant.  I’d link it but I’m on mobile but you can see his Advienne que pourra in the King Arthur press call around the nine minute mark and he just fucking k i l l s it.  Also there were no sword dicks in the choreography so it’s automatically better.  And the projection1!!!  They had a sun up from the beginning bc the Dragon had appeared in the sun but it was still up for Meleagant but then during the bridge it’s eclipsed by the moon and it’s like ooooo symbolism for Meleagant’s feelings~~~
Side note i really really really loved the staging of this like so much of it made soooo much more sense than the french production and like I’m attached to the original because obvious reasons but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t‘ve been better.
The training scene with Gauvain was pretty similar as the original.  Merlin introduces the stag and the wolf again, and ngl the dude who plays the wolf has very nice abs so good for him for being motivated to work out like that lol.  Anyways i really liked the staging of Qui suis-je because Arthur still has his existential crisis but Merlin’s explanation of the Grail is less directed at him???  Like Arthur’s still on stage but he’s not listening and is working on training with Merlin’s brothers.  So it’s much less “I know you’re having a hard time but look at this shiny thing!” Than the french one.
They took out the Danse des guerriers battle dance number music but they did still have a dance battle!  At the top of the stairs they had Guenièvre and Léodagant being held prisoner by Méléagant and they showed Mélé like trying to be romantic ish with Guenièvre so establishing that connection was really nice. And Méléagant had a new song????  That was really short????? But i don’t think it matched any of the melodies of his other songs?????? I’m confused but intrigued.
Oooo what was really cool was how they did Arthur asking Meleagant to knight him.  Like in the french one it’s tense but i really felt the tension among the characters tonight it was sooo great oh my god.  But after Meleagant takes the sword, he sings a few lines of Advienne que pourra and then points the sword at Arthur’s neck and idk i just really liked it it was such a nice touch and maybe it was Hong Seok and the other actors reacting to him but there was a true sense of holy fuck no one knows what he’s gonna do next and Arthur had this look on his face like I’m prepared to die if this is my time and ugh i love them all so much ;alkdjfa;dk 
Okay next is Rêver l’impossible.  I liked our Guenièvre but I’d have to see her again to have a more detailed opinion of her lol.  I really loved this scene because one no pregnant handmaidens and two Arthur was being really cute and acting all in love with her and it was adorable and I love it.  Quelque chose de magique was more of the same like Han Jisang fucking killed it as Arthur like he was such a dork in love and I loved it.  And towards the end of the scene Méléagant walks on stage and looks at Guenièvre and Arthur and so you know he knows he’s lost Guinevere.
Un Nouveau Départ was great because Kang Hongseok is great and I love him.  They did have the dancers do body rolls which i found very amusing for some reason idk why a;dlkfajd;lfksd Next was my one complaint about the show and it’s that there was no transition whatsoever between Un Nouveau Départ and Au diable but maybe they had Guenièvre do that lyrically???  Still some sort of musical interlude in between would’ve been nice.  I did l o v e how they did the water for her arrival like she stood at the top of the stairs and they had blue fabric covering all the steps then they pulled it down as she started to walk down and the screen was doing these cool star projections and it was just so pretty.
RAPE TW for this next paragraph
Next was A l’enfant and Tu vas le payer.  Nothing really changed story wise but our Leia was soooo good and was such a great dancer.  And I noticed the lady playing the role of child Morgane in the story had such great expressions and body language and tbh the same can be said for the entire ensemble they were amazing. Anyways our Morgane was really amazing too her expressions were also soooo great and I’m running out of adjectives bc it’s three am a;ldkfjad;l but anyways the way things go down for these two songs is about the same in the french but the staging is different obviously like instead of the party scene it’s mostly Morgane jamming out with the ensemble then they roll Arthur and Guenièvre in on rolling platforms and then Morgane waves her arms bc magic and she does the same movements as Guenièvre so it looks like she’s controlling her which I thought was a cool way to do that.  Afterwards Arthur is obviously very distraught but instead of Merlin being like “you have bigger problems your people are dying” Arthur runs off stage to (hopefully) process what just happened so i appreciate that there’s that moment instead of just rushing on to the next thing.
Next was Guenièvre’s garden and Lancelot’s arrival, which was really cute bc her handmaidens blindfold Kay and have him try to find one of them and he ends up in Lancelot’s arms ;aldkfjsdl;k. And the way Kay tries to protect Guinevere was so freaking cute he kept throwing his arms up to protect her and she kept pushing them down then his arms would pop back up it was so cute ;ladkjfadlk
Si je te promets goes down pretty much the same, but what’s interesting is afterwards Merlin shows up and is like hey your people are dying and that’s when they have Délivre-nous!  They also had ensemble member solos instead of just one singer which i thought worked really well.  And Arthur’s moving among them and he tries to reach out to help them as they fall dying and i just love the staging so much like from the very beginning with the dude who rushes in to tell Arthur Méléagant is holding Guenièvre and her father captive you can just tell Arthur is so concerned about caring for his people and i love him so much ;alkdjf;aldk 
After that song ends Arthur’s like hey we gotta fix this shit so he creates the round table then goes into Je me relève!!  Which was a lil creepy bc that’s the exact same idea i had in my own LRA rewrite and i was like fuck did they find my blog but it fucking works y’all!!!!  And they end Act I on that song and ugh it’s so beautiful i love it
Act II starts out with Dors Morgane dors but it’s not about her mother’s rape anymore, we think she’s talking about her plans for Lancelot, Guenièvre, and Arthur but that is to be confirmed.  They then show ARthur and Lancelot kicking ass and taking names which i liked that it showed Lancelot had buddies besides just crushing on Guinevere lol
Next was A nos vœux sacrés which holy shit y’all.  Holy shit.  Both actors are so freaking good and they both hit high notes at the end of the song and i died and went straight to heaven it was sooooo amazing ;alkdjfa;ldskjfas;d also they did not paint Méléagant up like a war boy they had this like branch like mask thing??? It looked really cool omg
Next Lancelot and Guinevere had a short scene that led into L’amour quel idiot and i loved this staging so much!!!! Like instead of having him sing at their faces after the wedding he’s downstage singing and longing for Guinevere while she and Arthur are standing at the top of the steps getting ready for the wedding and i just love it so much y’all
The wedding scene didn’t have a song but Morgane sung Ce que la vie a fait de moi afterwards and holy fuck y’all i freaking died and went to heaven every time this Morgane hit a high note she was soooooo good y’all.  So fucking good.
I don’t really remember much about le Serment d’Arthur prob bc i know they changed things but language barrier so I’m not 100% sure how it changed rip
Faire comme si was good but I’m so attached to the french staging of that song i still miss it ;alkdfjsad; one thing that i really really loved and preferred in this one was Lancelot and Guinevere don’t really touch??  It’s just longing gazes and at one point they touch hands and Lancelot like freezes like oh fuck she’s touching me i can’t believe it but then Guinevere pulls her hand away and he just leaves his in the same spot for a second like he still can’t believe she touched his hand and ugh i loved it the lack of touching really upped the ante on the pining and it was sooo good a;ldfkjadfkl;
Next was another scene with Morgane and Méléagant where Méléagant starts out being all like you promised me!!! And then I *think* Morgane tells him something like be patient and explains her plan but once again Korean and changes so it’s mostly speculation
But y’all
They had Morgane and Méléagant sing Mon combat
Like w h a t
But also y e s
I’m glad they didn’t just leave the song the way it is in the French version bc it doesn’t work very well where it is in the French one???  So I’m so happy they moved things around and tried to make things work better
Next up Merlin peaces out and Arthur?????  Sings a slow reprise?????? Of Quelque chose de magique??????? No clue what he says in the lyrics but i thought it was an interesting melodic choice to bring back in the moment Arthur loses his mentor
So Guinevere gets kidnapped and Kay’s the one who actually realizes she’s gone and who took her but Arthur decides to go after her himself???  Then it switches to Lancelot who’s looking for the Grail and they kept the phrase Wake Up in English bless them but he doesn’t find Guinevere’s handkerchief until partway through the song and Niel (the kid playing Lancelot) was really great??? Like it was so much fun watching him as Lancelot ugh
I don’t remember why but Arthur then has a reprise of Si je te promets jury is still out on what he’s singing about but will keep you posted
Yoooo nos corps à la dérive man.  So. Good.  I’m so in love with Hong Seok’s Méléagant he’s so great and i just ;lakdjf;alkdjfd but the set was so cool they had like all these white ribbons???  That Guinevere was attached to??? Which sounds weird but it was like part spider web effect part almost shattered mirror effect????  That’s not explaining it well but it looked really cool and avant garde ish and there was a significantly fewer number of random creepy skeleton projections so i was here for it
Major difference tho Lancelot shows up ready to throw down except he gets his ass kicked and is seriously injured???  And Arthur shows up but he just listens at first so I think that’s when he really figures out what’s up between Lancelot and Guinevere but then Arthur steps in and kills Méléagant (who sings a reprise of Un Nouveau Départ before being carried off into the afterlife) (rip in peace).  Arthur then leaves Guinevere and Lancelot alone while the latter dies and they sing a really sad reprise of L’amour quel idiot :(((( my son dying meant that Il est temps got cut but like they added soo many reprises and things it makes sense that they’d have to cut at least one song but still sad :(
Next Arthur talks with Morgane and I’m not entirely sure what was happening but it seemed like she was having a breakdown because of what happened and what she did to Arthur and Vanessa said that he said something like “Don’t turn into our mother” or something like that but she breaks down and spirits herself away while she and Arthur sing a reprise of Dors Morgane dors
Then it’s Tout est joué and Merlin is standing on the back of the steps while Arthur is in front of the closed screen so it was nice to have that kind of physical barrier present on stage to further emphasize that Merlin’s not gonna be helpful bc he’s now separated from Arthur rip
Next up was Auprès d’un autre which involved a lot less yelling and shit then the French version and holy shit Han Jisang fucking killed it (again) he was sooo great but Arthur lets Guenièvre go partway through the song and so the show ends with him by himself holding up Excalibur
At curtain call they sang some of Je me relève (i think) again and it was cute esp bc at the end everyone was holding a dramatic pose except Han Jisang was just quietly bopping and jamming to the instrumental outro by himself so everyone is dead still except Arthur who was just bopping along it was so cute ;alkdjf;alskdjf
Anyways it was amazing and they seemed to make changes to make the story make more sense which bless them for doing it but i loved it so much and i need to see it like a million more times it was so good a;ldskfjas;ldkfjads;lkfjasd;k
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minowen · 6 years
my life is a disaster and i want to stop existing, jfc
there's a few key characters: Tim, my BFF forever and always Zach, one of Tim's BFFS who lives in NC Ty, Zach's cousin, also Tim's friend Amber, Zach's wife Kacey, Ty's girlfriend Julie, Ty's mother Josh, Ty's brother
so back in Nov. Zach comes to me (we met in October) and says that he and Amber are getting divorced and he could really use some emotional support. This is a HUGE thing to experience, so I offer him my support. We talk about it a lot. He say she cheated on him 3 times and the only reason he never left her was because they have a 3 year old son-- and like holy smokes, kids complicate everything so I totally understand
so we get to talking and he is discussing how he is working a lot (he works at Lowes) and is worried about doing the holidays separate this year . I send him some things for his son for Christmas--all books and educational toys, and even some things from my childhood that were well kept (action figures and what not) we end up getting really close during this period, because he is coming to me almost every day however, he hasn't told Tim or Ty & Josh about all of this he says he isnt ready for it to be public men are weird-- but I promise I won't tell any of them. After all, it is none of my business fast forward a little, Zach starts getting flirty with me. I don't notice right away (oops) and just sort of brush it off. But shit after all the hell I've helped him through I can't help but feel some sort of way about him too. I still don't really know what that feeling was, because I also have never met the man in person in a way, I almost felt responsible for him as weird as that sounds
it get's better, this is when things get saucy. Zach and I are going pretty steady in our Not-a-relationship, relationship we know there's something going on here, but we never really label it
By April, this has been going on for a few months. I fly back to Colorado to see Tim He works at UNC and Zach makes a comment and says, "Are you ever going to come see me?" And I was like, "I mean, you've never invited me to come. I may? I will be a 6 hour drive from your house all summer." And then he makes some comment about how he finds it odd that I flew to see Tim three times this year and never asked to come see him and I was like, "Well with everything you're dealing with, I didn't find it appropriate to ask for that." honestly, it just never crossed my mind. I figured I'd see him when I drove to Asheville, since I knew I was stopping at Ty's house and Ty only lives an hour away from Zach
if he had asked, -- I would have gone. I was that emotionally invested in this boy
but he never asked me to come
So anyways, while I am in Colorado with Tim, Zach is 1. super jealous of Tim? and 2. Calling me every day with some new crisis
the last day I am in CO he tells me that there's some girl stalking him from work, and he's suing Amber for custody of their son Zach is jealous of Tim because Tim & I have a well-established friendship and we really care about each other? And in another life, we were probably soul mates lmfao but we are happy with our friendship the way it was but Zach thinks Tim is a threat to whatever not relationship we have So with this new crisis, I drop everything to talk to Zach for like TWO HOURS
while I'm with Tim (but you know, I have to tell Tim something else is going on bc Zach doesn't want him to know about the lawsuit) I keep it from Tim out of respect for what Zach wants and I spend the next few days looking up NC state laws trying to help him figure out how he can get custody of his son and then one day I wake up... and Zach has blocked me on EVERYTHING (this was the very end of April) and I'm not entirely sure why he blocked me he just did even my phone number
so I'm a little in shock and sad and it's finals week at BG, so I'm already manic but I focus on school and decide not to worry about it the mean time, I confide in Ty and ask him if Zach said anything to him Ty doesn't know anything, but he is happy to talk to me and cheer me up a week or so goes by, and Ty and I start making plans for the summer. I am driving to his house in VA and we are going to spend a few days together before I head to NC and Ty is watching Oakley while I wait on my accessibility papers to come through we start looking for things we can do in June-- things that are short drives from where I am or where he is-- and things that we can meet up at basically, we decide "Fuck Zach, we are still going to make the most of the time we have" on my drive to VA back on May 17th Ty calls me so that we can figure out dinner plans Ty tells me that he heard from Zach finally and apparently Amber, Zach's wife, found out he was cheating on her. And I was like "wat" And Ty tells me that Zach was apparently caught sleeping with some girl he works with at Lowes. (so it wasn't me she found out about, but I was shocked because 1. he told me they were completely separated. 2. he was also then cheating on me??? So Ty is telling me ALL THIS TEA about Zach and I finally just sort of cave, because I'm sad and angry and I tell Ty EVERYTHING that had been going on, even though I promised Zach I wouldnt
IT GETS BETTER So i tell Ty that Zach and I were seeing each other but I didn't know Amber was still around So Ty is like "Wow. I'm so sorry that Zach did that, but I'm not surprised." Ty is literally a ray of sunshine and he is very supportive and assures me that it wasn't my fault this happened we ended up having sex... part of me was allowing it to happen out of pettiness cause I knew he'd tell Zach and I wanted Zach to be mad it was a bad decision on my end, and I probably shouldn't have allowed it to happen oops whatever we both agree that it was just a one time thing, we aren't going to go down that path Ty and I were happy just being friends.
So anyways, fast forward. Ty and I haven't really changed our relationship at all.  We still talk every day-- he does flirt with me a little, but it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. Last Wednesday he asks me to drive to his mothers house this past Friday so I could get my dog his mom lives 4 hours from me, so i'm staying the night there-- and it's her birthday so he told me she'd be really excited to have someone to talk to and hang out with to celebrate she's totally fine with me coming, she's excited to meet me (he says) er name i Julie, and I really love her. She's so sweet.  We end up watching a movie all together. So I'm sitting on their couch and Ty is laying with his head in my lap (mostly because there's not a lot of seating options) and he keeps putting my hands on his head because he wants me to scratch his head lmfao okay. And then he keeps holding my hands and it's fine. HIs mother asks if we are dating and we both say no she says, "Oh my, I thought you were. Are you just really close?" and we just sorta pause and say, "yes, we are." she says, "Do you both mind sharing a bed? I only prepared one of my guest rooms... I thought you all were dating so it didn't even occur to me." we say it's fine so when we get ready to go to bed-- at this point, I'm so confused. Ty has been flirting with me all day and I'm just not sure how to process my fickle ass kind of likes it lmfao
so i was rebound and I was like no and at this point I was already having my own internal conversation bcause I was not trying to catch feelings for him because 1. he's not my type 2. he's zach's cousin 3. he wouldn't really mesh well with any of my friends 4. he's zach's cousin 5. he's vulgar 6. he's zach's cousin???? 7. his brother is really attractive and i can't handle that like Ty's brother is so handsome. like why would I settle for Ty when i could have Josh?
Ty is cute-- but his brother is beautiful NEVER SETTLE FOR APPETIZERS WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE ENTREE so the worst part-- despite all of this shit i still caught feelings and I caught them HARD so embarrasing
and then on Sunday... Ty messages me
he tells me we can't be friends any more because he told Kacey (the girl he was seeing) and he wants to try and work things out with her and the only way he can do that is if he doesn't talk to me
so ty says we can't be friends anymore, we aren't allowed to talk at all
so I go to Tim and tell him and he is furious FURIOUS because apparently Ty came and confessed to him that he has a lot of feelings for me and wanted to know how to pursue them and Tim was like, "Yeah I can help-- this is what shadae likes, these are things you can do together, these are things they don't like-- blah blah"
so Tim was so angry because Ty lied to him too and the worst part is that his fucked me up so bad so bad last night I went to a fast food chain that Ty introduced me to and I cried because I wanted to tell him I went but I couldn't
and then this morning I went to my office and I cried because for the past two weeks, I spent a lot of time on the phone with Ty while I was in my office because I knew he wouldn't be calling me
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argetcross · 7 years
Boku No Hero Adventure [1/?]
After a Decade, UA Games Announces New Sequel to Popular Fantasy RPG Smash Hit, Hero Adventure: Symbol of Peace.
(the wiki and social media fic about a game that doesn't exist)  
Read it here on AO3.
June 15th, 2016 - Game Announcement
Hero Adventure posted:
6/15/15, 4:02 pm
After a Decade, UA Games Announces New Sequel to Popular Fantasy RPG Smash Hit, Hero Adventure: Symbol of Peace
By Maya Lurelin
June 15, 2015, 3:42 pm
Boku no Hero Adventure is the upcoming new installment to the popular fantasy RPG franchise, Hero Adventure. Known for its memorable characters, engaging mix of simulation and RPG combat, and an engaging fantasy world, Hero Adventure defined the early 90s as one of the most beloved RPG games. The story of All Might and Shimura Nana’s struggle against the villainous All for One inspired spin off light novels, 4-koma, and even one questionable live action movie.
However, after a decade, fans had begun to lose hope that UA release a sequel to continue All Might’s adventures. So imagine the collective shock at the UA panel’s presentation when those familiar chords of “You Say Run” began to swell. At the panel, UA debuted their a 30-second long teaser trailer, mainly showcasing nostalgic environments like the Ingenium Manor and the Pussycat Woods now rendered beautifully in 3d. The trailer ended with a stunning cut of the One for All blade emerging from molten lava and a white gloved hand grabbing its hilt. The title card revealed that the sequel is to be called Boku no Hero Adventure and UA Games is expecting a release date next year in June 2016.
Already fans are clamoring for more details, but at the moment, information seems to be sparse. Little is known about the content of the game or its characters. Many speculate that All Might will no longer be the protagonist, comparing the hand in the trailer to All Might’s, and the game will naturally follow the eighth wielder of the One For All blade. At the panel, lead developer Horikoshi Kohei said:
“It’s been a decade since the original Hero Adventure game was released and so we want to deliver something that will both satisfy fans of the original as well as bring in new fans to the series. In every way, Boku no Hero Adventure is meant to be the next step in the Hero Adventure legacy.”
Likely trailers and other promotional material will begin to be released as 2016 rolls around. So far, Boku no Hero Adventure has been confirmed for the PS4and PC.
Boku no Hero Adventure is set to be coming out Summer 2016 in Japan, English localization not yet confirmed.
(via kotaku.com) | [Reply | Read Comments]
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*champagne emoji* *clapping emoji* *crying emoji* *champagne emoji*
I think my heart stopped when I heard those first few notes. My mom came in and asked me why I was crying. THE TREES TILES, MOM, THE TREES TILES. 
im so hype but also if u play as the 9th one for all user, doesn’t this mean all might is dead????
       Sniperforlife > X9
       Spoilers!!!! Also maybe not? Nana giving All Might her powers only made her weak, it didn’t kill her.
       crimsonparty > Sniperforlife
       lol this game has been out for 10 years
       edgelord ruth > Sniperforlife
       but it does mean all might might (heh) be weak and old! I’M NOT READY TO SEE OLD ALL MIGHT. OTL
       Sniperforlife > edgelord ruth
hallelujah i praise the gods of one for all and PLUS ULTRAAAAAAAAAA
now please UA just confirm localization *prayer hands emoji*
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Hero Adventure posted:
12/22/15, 5:49 pm
BNHA in Famitsu scans, First Look at Midoriya Izuku, the 8 th wielder of One For All, and Exclusive Interview with Neda Hirofumi, Art Director
By Kevin Lee
December 22nd, 2015, 2:28 pm
This week, Famitsu released the first artworks of the protagonist for Boku no Hero Adventure, the highly anticipated sequel of Hero Adventure: Symbol of Peace, coming out June 2016. The issue confirms long held fan suspicions that the game does not feature All Might, the protagonist of HA: SoP, as its main character. Instead, fans can look forward to playing as Midoriya Izuku, the purported student and eight inheritor of the legendary blade, One for All. The game setting is said to take some twenty years after the original Hero Adventure.
(thank you to Tanaka-san for the scans!)
This magazine issue also included a rare interview with the game’s Art Director, Neda Hirofumi, who talks about the difficulties in moving designs from 2D into 3D. Here are some excerpts below:
Neda: When I was brought on to do the design work for Boku no Hero Adventure I was very nervous! I had actually played the original Hero Adventure when I was in college, on the PS1. So the series was very nostalgic for me. My friends all asked me when I got the job, isn’t it fun to design for the characters and environments you grew up drawing? But I ended up being the unhappiest when the design wasn’t working. *laughs*
Neda: You see, the original Hero Adventure was 2D and it was the era of beautiful sprite work. Your impression of the landscapes and those American comic book battle scenes were really strong. So we had a long debate of whether Boku no Hero Adventure should try to look like that. But Horikoshi-san [the lead developer] really wanted to push our boundaries and not just create something easy. But the effort to really translate the feelings in a 2D world into an original 3D world isn’t easy. *laughs*
Neda: Horikoshi-san knew from the start that we wanted to make a game that was the reverse of a sequel. That became a bit of a catchphrase around the office. How to make a sequel that wasn’t a sequel. And so I let those feelings express themselves in the art and that’s why in 3D, we went with a richer, more stylized design and a kind of visual charm, to really try and make our players go, “oh, this is the world I saved ten years ago, but it’s completely new and I want to explore it”.
Boku no Hero Adventure is set to be coming out July 2016 in Japan, US, and EU for the PS4, WiiU, and PC.
(via kotaku.com) | [Reply | Read Comments]
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Boku no Hero Adventure - Official Story Trailer - UA Games 2016
UA Games | Subscribe 1.7 m
Published January 12, 2016
Boku no Hero Adventure - coming soon to PS4, WiiU, and PC. Preorder here!
The long awaited sequel to Hero Adventure: Symbol of Peace, is coming soon! Step into a fantasy RPG rife with a rich history and complex stories as the aspiring young hero, Midoriya Izuku, must battle the hidden evils that have begun to move again. At the end of the All Might era, who can hold back the twilight of villainy that threatens to engulf the world? Gather rivals and comrades from the corners of the land and fight for your right to be the successor of One for All!
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[Audio Translation]
In a world that has flourished under the peaceful light of All Might,
The roots of evil have begun to worm their way to the surface.
One young man must be ready to risk everything.
For his greatest dream.
Midoriya (VO): I want to save everyone with a smile!
Midoriya (VO): I might not have any special powers, but if I use my mind and work hard-
Bakugo (VO): Move out of the way you backwater peasant! I’ll be the one to claim the legacy of All Might.
Uraraka (VO): For the sake of my family, I have to do my best! I’m not going to let anyone die on my watch!
Iida (VO): It is the duty of a knight of Ingenium to conduct himself with poise and dignity at all times. I cannot tolerate such abhorrent prices for these radishes!
Find friends and rivals alike and unravel the truth about the festering evil. Choose wisely, for your decisions will affect your friends, their stories, and even the fate of the whole world.
Villain (Name?) (VO): You’re a fool if you think the world needs a hero like you! You can’t save everyone!
Nana (VO): Just remember, Toshinori, a hero’s smile can save their hearts!
              View 173 replies +
              nchauz13 thank u!!!!
              nchauz13 omg the voice acting is so good, is the whole game going to be voice acted?
              THE RADISHES RETURN xD
              boomboombaby no confirmation yet for voice acting. my guess is it’ll just be for cutscenes, knowing UA
              Im still shook over branching paths, i can’t imagine them having the resources for full va
              nchauz13 yeah holy shit no wonder they’re releasing on pc
              nchauz13 hand villain’s voice is sexy af you go ukiyama koki #dontkinkshameme
              View 53 replies +
              AkatsukiRed fuck this changes everything
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