#also his mom may not be a nurse but i made her one
mikedfaist · 6 months
Do you write Dodge x Reader? If yes, could you write one where Reader gets hurt during a Panic challenge and Dodge helps her?
I first want to apologize because it has been several sleeps since I’ve watched Panic completely through, so I don’t remember all the details, but I will try. So, this would happen when they have to break and enter into that one man’s house and steal something. If you want a little recap of their relationship, you can read this.
Her and Dodge are a team. If it’s not a solo challenge, he will be by your side. So, I imagine the two of you found something to take, and as you’re escaping through a window, that’s when you hear the first gunshot. You two freeze, but Dodge is quick to push you along. You’re out the window first and running through the cornfield when you hear a second shot. You stop in your tracks when you notice Dodge isn’t behind you, and the only thing you can hear is the sound of the man yelling.
You don’t want to think about it; you’re shaking your head in disbelief and begin to run back to the house when a third shot echoes through the air, and you feel the pain rupture into your leg. You scream out, falling down into the grass, clutching your thigh. You can hear your name being called out, and there’s a rustle by your head where Dodge crawls out from the stalks forward you.
“Fuck—fuck, fuck.” He presses down on the wound, which only sends waves of pain through your entire leg. “I’m sorry—fuck…”
“He got me.” You lay down, covering your face with your arms, as Dodge removes his shirt to make a tourniquet.
“I know, baby.” His voice cracks. “I think it just grazed you but…I don’t know, it looks deep.”
“It hurts,” You wince out, choking back tears. “Make it stop.”
Dodge feels defeated. Can he even take you to the hospital without stirring questions about a gunshot wound, and not mention Panic?
“Come on,” He bites his lip. “We’ll get you taken care of.”
His mom.
He carries you back to his car and lays you down in the backseat. “Hold tight for me, okay? We’ll be there soon.”
Dodge squeezes your hand and jumps into the front seat. The pain is subtitling into a rooted throb, and you raise your head to speak.
“Dodge…it’s not hurting so bad now.”
“Might be the adrenaline…or shock, I don’t know. We’re almost there.”
When they arrive at his house, his mom’s care is thankfully still seated in the driveway.
“My mom’s going to take care of this, okay?” He bends down to pick you back up in his arms. “It’ll be over soon, just trust me, okay?”
When he enters the house, his mom shoots up from the sofa. He tries to explain what happened, but he can’t quite focus on anything but the sound of your whimpers.
“I need to cut your jeans off, sweetie. Need to see what all happened.” She’s always been so gentle with you. She cuts a long strip from the ankle to your thigh, exposing the wound, confirming Dodge’s suspicions. “Okay, it was just a graze, which is good. Still nasty though.”
You lay down on the kitchen floor, Dodge sitting up by your head.
“Okay, honey, we need to clean it out… Dodge, can you grab a towel for me?” She takes a wet paper towel and gently cleans off blood around the wound. “Okay, hon, I need you to bite down on this, okay?” She holds the towel to you, and you stare back at it in bewilderment. “I need to clean it, so it doesn’t get infected, okay? It’s going to hurt.”
More than it already is?
“Dodge,” She warns, signaling to hold me down. “Okay, hon, one-two-three—”
It pierced through you, your screams grating your throat as you bit down on the towel. Dodge held you in his lap, one arm wrapped around your front to keep you still. Your eyes burned with tears as she scrubbed away at the wound, the pain nearly pummeling you.
“You’re doing so good, baby.” Dodge leans down to whisper to you, taking your hand into his. “She’s almost done.”
“I’m sorry, honey,” She stresses, “Any little bit of debris can cause an infection… Just need to make sure it’s all out.”
“What the fuck is this?” Dayna declares, appalled.
“Not now—”
“No, actually, what the fuck? What happened?—”
“She got hurt doing a challenge—it’s okay—” Dodge meets his sister’s piercing gaze from across the kitchen.
“She’s literally bleeding all over the floor—it’s not okay! Take her to the hospital!”
“We—” Dodge bites his tongue. The one place he wishes he could take you right now, he fears would result in the end of the game. “You know we can’t, Dayna—they’ll ask questions—"
“At what point is it worth it? Your girlfriend is hurt, Dodge. Is the money really worth her not getting actual help?”
And he knows it.
“I’m going to wrap it up, okay, hon?” She presses a towel back down on the wound; you wince instinctively. “Dodge, grab the dressing from the first aid kit.”
You pull the towel from your mouth, your hairline littered with beads of sweat. The worst is over, you think. You stay the night with Dodge that night, his mom coming in to check on you every so often. Dodge carries the guilt heavily on his chest, wishing he would have chosen differently. How could he ever choose the game over your wellbeing? Was the money really that important to him, that the moment your safety is on the line, he still tries to protect everyone else?  
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scientia-rex · 9 months
I had one of those days where I just had too many feelings to fit inside my skin, and I’ll have to recover from it.
Telling a patient she has breast cancer. Telling a patient she has dementia. Calling a patient at 6:30pm, still sitting at my desk, because even though I finished seeing patients at 5pm, I have work to do. Doing an endometrial biopsy on a patient who may have cancer. Calling a company so I can get the password to a website so I can recredential every three months so my clinic can charge for my work. Working with an assistant on whom I’ve also done an endometrial biopsy. My regular MA is out with COVID. I’m getting a year-end bonus for the first time in my life. Some idiot kid thinks I don’t know how ears work. I saw back to back ADHD patients; one is a trans woman who paused her transition because she can’t afford it. One is a kid who did loops around the exam room chairs the whole time I talked to his mother. His mother was frosty towards me at first because I was running late because I was telling a patient she had breast cancer, and she was crying, and her daughter was crying, and when her partner died of a different cancer last year the hospice workers were homophobic and she’s afraid of hospice. A different idiot kid thinks I don’t know how soap works. The ADHD kid’s mom warmed up to me when she realized I cared and knew what I was talking about. The kid said, “AHEM. What’s up, chicken butt?” I laughed and high fived him. I gave his mom the Vanderbilt forms to assess ADD symptoms across multiple environments. I saw a patient who had a certain air about her that I recognized intimately, and at the end I asked what she did, and she was a doctor, too. I knew it had to be something like that. When I explain medical concepts I aim for lay language, but I can see when people get faintly impatient with me for it, and I’ll add in more and more technical language and see when they start looking confused; she didn’t. I could watch every new patient take in my brightly-colored hair, combined with the utterly forgettable rest of me, all browns and grays and dress slacks and comfortable shoes, because the hair is my one concession to my deep need for attention; in the exam room, I need to recede into the background so the patient can be the focus. Studies have shown that patients don’t like it when doctors disclose that they have the same medical issues. It might seem like bonding, but it shifts the focus away from where it belongs: the patient. That island of time is theirs. The breast cancer patient’s daughter said to me, “Thank you for spending the time with us. I know you didn’t have the time.” And I said, “From each according to their something or other, to each according to their needs. It’s lukewarm Marxism.” I don’t think she heard it all, or took it all in, which was good. I had a migraine that made my head feel three sizes too big with a steady drumbeat of pain despite taking two Ubrelvy, two Aleve, and two Tylenol, plus 100mg of caffeine and a propranolol and a Zofran. You have to disconnect each patient from the next. I can’t bring the breast cancer patient’s grief and heaviness into a room where a little boy is doing hand-stands and telling me silly puns. One of the nurses brought me a sublingual Toradol from a stash—someone’s purse, somewhere—because she wanted me to feel better, and I felt tears stinging my eyes because she cared about me. I couldn’t afford to cry. I just told a woman she has dementia and she doesn’t believe me. I told her to bring her husband to our next visit. I ended my clinic day doing an endometrial biopsy, trying to pass a uterine sound through a stenotic cervix, but I’ve done this before enough times to know to have the set of dilators ready. I dilated her cervix gently but firmly, with the back pressure of the tenaculum, until I could get the sound in, and then I left the sound there while my assistant handed me the sampling pipelle, because if you remove it there’s a good chance the cervix will tighten down again and you’ll have to repeat the dilation. The patient was holding her husband’s hand and chanting to him under her breath, in pain despite the Xanax I gave her.
I’m a doctor. It’s everything to me.
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babygorewhore · 13 days
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Cooper Adams/Abbott x therapist!fem reader
Serial killer the Butcher is in your house. You have to use your training to keep yourself from becoming his next victim. But he has a surprising reaction to your survival tactic.
Gif credit belongs to @billy-crudup
Warnings! A lot. Talks of his crimes! Reader is a behavioral therapist at a hospital! Manipulation! Switch! Cooper! But he submissive at first. Mommy kink but only used once! Reader is vaguely described to be midsize range. Praise, Degrading, oral fem receiving, fingering, face slapping, spitting, scratching, hair pulling, unprotected sex, choking, stomach bulge. Cum eating? Filthy talk tbh. They’re both fucked up. Reader is dominated second half of fic. Finger sucking.
“Make sure to keep your doors locked, Mom. Set the alarm too.” You instruct your worried mother over the phone. You gave her a step by step reminder on how to alert the alarm just using her app.
You sighed and hung up after a few minutes. You saw the news earlier, reading the headline about Cooper being the Butcher. It made you feel cold and empty. Being a counselor, you are trained to study human behavior. He also happened to work close to you.
Still early in your career, you were working in the behavioral unit at the local hospital. The fire department was always called during emergencies and you saw him on a regular basis.
One afternoon, during a particularly chaotic shift, you had talked down a violent patient who had gotten a hold of a nurse.
Cooper watched you the whole time with a dark expression on his face and it made you feel on edge. He gave you a feeling that beneath his friendly, pep in his step, easy going act that there was something else. Something he hid away.
Turns out, it was worse than you could have imagined. Bodies, dismemberment and a seven year long manhunt over the man who’d vowed to save lives.
You finished chewing a piece of candy, tossing the trash in the garbage and turned around. You immediately covered your mouth as a gasp escaped you, losing your balance as your lower back hit the counter painfully.
Cooper was sitting at your table, tense and his hand was inches away from a knife. His plaid shirt was unbuttoned at the top. You swallowed back the urge to sprint, knowing he’d lunge at you and enjoy the fear.
“How did you get in?” You asked simply, straightening your spine.
“I have a key.” He answered in the same casual tone. You nodded and turned your head but Cooper cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t consider that. By the time you grab something or try and run, it’ll be too late.”
You weighed your options. Cooper was a very big man. Strong and stealthy. More than you anticipated. You could try anyway, use speed to your advantage but instead you tried another tactic.
“Cooper, if you leave and don’t hurt me, I won’t call the police for an hour. Giving you a good head start.”
“I like your confidence.” Cooper’s compliment sent shivers across your body and you clenched your fingers into a fist. The tension in the air was thick and he leaned forward.
“I would appreciate it if you sat down.” Although the statement was polite, you knew he wasn’t really asking. He was commanding you.
You eased yourself down onto the chair, your muscles flexing and he grazed his fingers along the knife handle. Cooper inhaled deeply and extended his hand.
“May I have your phone? I’d rather not take it from you.”
You gave him your device, making sure the screen was still locked and he tucked it in his pocket.
“You perplex me.” He tells you, making your eyebrows draw together. “Normally, I see someone who thinks they’re whole and I get the urge to tear them apart.” Cooper savors those last words, as if speaking them could make him relive his crimes. “But with you, I get the feeling that you don’t actually have things together. That it’s all an act.”
You were terrified. Every single nerve in your body was telling you to run away but Cooper’s dark eyes implored yours. Keeping you still and he set a firm palm on your arm. His touch was warm and you flinched.
“I want you to try and understand me. Watching you work is like watching…artwork.” He humorlessly laughed and your bottom lip quivered.
You searched your brain for any memory of what the news said about the Butcher. Organized offender, terrible relationship with his mother, position of authority. It was one thing to hear these things versus having a patient with these traits.
“I think you do really love your kids.” That you did know. You saw their picture as the background of his phone. The only sign of humanity showed when he talked about his children. Cooper gave you a small smirk.
“You…you want to be accepted for who you are. You want to be told that you’re enough. That you’re lovable.” You were grasping at straws but trying to sound collected.
Cooper looked away and you knew that hit a nerve. “You want someone to take care of you.” You continued and moved forward. “Am I on the right track?” He jerked his head in a nod.
“You’re a good boy and you can keep being one. If you just do the right thing and don’t hurt me.” You whispered, setting your hands on his knees. This was incredibly stupid and risky but Cooper blinked rapidly.
“I’m not going to hurt you anymore, Cooper. I promise. Just promise me that you’ll be a good boy?”
Your question went unanswered as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You yelped, your legs dangling as he carried you to the bedroom. Normally, you hated the idea of someone picking you up but Cooper easily hauled you on the bed. You landed in a heap on your back. You climbed on your elbows, watching him remove his shirt in the dim lighting.
His mountain sized form shook as he crawled on top of you. Cooper kept his weight from crushing you and you sighed in disbelief as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
The fact that a serial killer was in your bedroom, breathing against your skin shirtless made you half wonder if this was a dream. But your body was betraying you. Your senses were leaving as Cooper’s full lips pressed against your pulse point.
Your legs instinctively widened and he settled further in between them. His thick thighs covered in jeans rubbing against you. You had on pajama shorts, exposing your curves and he ran his hand down until it settled on your hip.
Cooper gave it a steady squeeze as his tongue darted out, tasting your skin and he groaned. Your nipples were hardening inside your hoodie and you ached to touch him but held yourself back. This was wrong, this was so incredibly wrong!
“Let me worship you,” He grunted and peppered kisses down your chest. Cooper tugged down the zipper of your shirt, exposing your tits and he took a nipple in his mouth.
His teeth grazed the bud and you whined. Back arching and he started sucking hard enough to leave marks. You hadn’t been fucked in a while, too busy with your job to spend time with anyone but Cooper’s desperate noises made your core pulse.
“Such pretty tits, you taste so good. I can’t wait to sample how sweet you are,” Cooper peeled off your shorts and underwear. You saw him slide them into his pocket before he distracted you with his mouth traveling down your stomach.
His hands were heavy and firm. Laced with age and calluses but he did have a gentleness that prevented unpleasant pain. Instead of pushing your legs as wide as possible, Cooper held your knees. Keeping your thighs high and you couldn’t squirm away.
All your thoughts merged together and seemed into the present moment. You didn’t think about how dangerous he was or that he broke into your house.
“You’re being such a good boy,” You whimpered and Cooper released a guttural moan. He hungrily sucked your clit, making you cry out and bury your hands in his hair.
The silky strands between your fingers were the only way you could ground yourself as he spit and licked up after himself. Your pussy clenched around his tongue and your entire body burned. Cooper wasn’t tentative at all like the other men you’d been with. He buried his entire face, his nose hitting your center and he humped the bed. You knew he wasn’t just eating you out for your pleasure, it was for his own too. You could barely breathe from the pressure in your stomach and lungs as he held your knees tighter.
Your ass was almost off the mattress as Cooper devoured your cunt. His large size gave you a small reality check that he could easily kill you. You shrieked when you released one leg and pressed two girthy fingers inside you. He was able to reach the deepest spot, curling them and making your mouth hang open. It was enough that your climax was scratching the surface. Cooper’s intensity increased and he added another finger as he messily licked your clit.
An explosion hit you, making you let out an embarrassingly loud wail and your free leg clamped around his head. Your cum gave him more slickness as Cooper continued fingering you through it. His lips hovered above your pussy, pressing open mouth kisses against your lower stomach.
Even in the low lighting, you could see the black lust in his gaze as he lifted up. Sticky arousal coated the entire lower half of his face.
“Did that feel good, mommy?” His voice was croaky, almost like he was going to cry and you moaned. You undid his belt, furiously pulling down his pants and boxers.
Your leg hoisted around his waist and you pushed him onto his back. Cooper threw his head back as you situated yourself on top. His dick was big, throbbing as you lined yourself and sank down. He huffed and you laced your fingers with his.
You started rocking, sweat gathering on your skin but he only remained pinned down for a few seconds. He sat up, cupping the back of your head and crushed your lips together. The kiss wasn’t romantic. It was harsh, brutal and bordering on rage.
Your nails raked down his arms, making him growl against your mouth and he pulled your lower lip with his teeth. You gripped his cheeks, spitting in his mouth and then you slapped him.
Cooper looked animalistic as he drove his hips harder into you. It felt like you were going to split open, like it wasn’t going to fit all the way.
“Pathetic little boy,” You hit him again, this time on the other side. “You like that? Like being punished?” Your words were filled with venom and he was trembling so hard it was difficult to keep fucking him.
Cooper’s release hit him violently and he made noises that almost brought you to a second orgasm. Cum seeped in your pussy and your cunt hurt from how turned on you were. He sputtered and groaned. His arms were crushing you but you enjoyed the discomfort.
Whatever submission he had, it vanished as he flipped you over. Cooper’s hand shoved your face down into the pillow as he maneuvered your ass up.
You panted as he sharply slapped your ass, his tip rubbing against your slit. Drool pooled out of your mouth and Cooper pinned your dominant arm behind your back.
“You think you’ve beaten me? By making me bust my load that quickly?” He slammed into you balls deep and it hurt enough to make tears spring. Feeling you recoil inward, he massaged your clit and made you let out a pornographic sound.
“Sweetheart, you’re going to be nothing but a cum slut for me. I’m gonna make it drip out of you,” He thrusted hard, making the bed move and you bit down on the material of the pillow.
“You’re fucking helpless. You get that? I could hurt you and you couldn’t stop it.” He laughed, a crazed noise that horrified you. But his dick kept you from acting like a rational person.
“I was going to make you my victim but now you’re gonna be my whore.” Cooper’s filthy words made you choke on a sob as you came on his cock.
He didn’t let you stay in that position, merely tossing you on your back and shoving his dick in. But he did allow you to touch him, claw at his back and wrap your legs around him. Cooper locked his hand around your throat and you were rendered entirely at his mercy.
His frame caged you in and he pressed on your stomach with his other palm.
“Cream on my dick. Your pussy is so goddamn tight, I can feel it like this,” You were delirious and he tapped your cheek with two fingers. “Awww, what’s wrong, princess? Cock so good you went stupid on me?”
His mocking was followed by his seed gushing into you. Cooper rode out his orgasm and pulled out. He jerked himself off, covering your stomach in cum. Taking his finger, he pushed it past your lips. Making you taste both of your releases.
“You’re mine now. And you’re going to be a good little slut. Aren’t you?” You mindlessly nodded, sucking his digit and Cooper gave you a wicked smile.
“Atta girl. Now, get on the floor. Start at the door and crawl to me.”
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Tagging: @xxbimbobunnyxx @cxrrodedcoffin @amethystblackkchaos @cryobabyy @hereforthehitsbaby @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth @rottenangel @rosaleelovesdilfs @strangererotica @justafangirls-blog @coopers-bunny @thebutchersbitch @redpillbluepill @rubyfruitjungle @lovalova444 @oceanblvd111 @stillwjk-channie-lixie
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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pspspsps; can you do some headcannons for Lucifer getting a crush on a friend and how this absolute disaster of a man would handle it? thanks love you <3
One Hazbin Hotel Lucifer headcanon is coming up!! Also, you are not dumb, Anon. I also sometimes forget that I write for two different Lucifers it gets confusing at times! I appreciate the clarification!
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You and Lucifer went way back, back in heaven back. You heard all his ideas and thoughts, never once questioning him or calling him out like others did.
Lucifer thought he would never see you again when he fell from heaven. That you would be a distant memory for him to look back on.
He always kept a picture of you from your younger years in heaven tucked in his pocket. He even told Lilith all about you and Charlie.
Imagine his surprise when he entered his daughters hotel to see her for the first time in ages and there you were sitting at the bar talking to a cat demon.
He was in shock but due to the Radio Demon needing to butt in he was quickly pulled out of his shock.
Once things had settled at the hotel Lucifer learned from Charlie how she found you wondering the streets not to long after their father-daughter argument just before the hotel opened.
He was impressed that you willingly lost your title among the elder angels all because you couldn't stand the thought that innocent souls were being played with every year.
As he watched you coach Charlie and assist in the hotel he was taken aback. You may be a demonic angel now but you were just as breath taking as when you were teens.
Your (H/C) hair was pulled back from your face as you worked on a billboard for Charlie to hang. He loved your devotion to his family even if you never knew she was his till he appeared.
When he sought your company out privately for the first time after reuniting with you he was a complete mess.
He talked to himself in the mirror, talked to Charlie, Alsastor, hell he even turned to Angel dust on how to rekindle the old times with you.
Ironically after all this planning and attempts to talk to you, you were the one to ask him out for a day on the town you know for old time sake.
He was so excited yet so crushed that you made it a 'friend' date. But he knew he was getting ahead of himself. He would court you appropriately he wasn't going to mess another relationship up.
The date went well besides the 12 poles, 6 signs, 4 people, and 2 cars that he has tripped, walked, ran, and crawled in too. He couldn't help it you were just so you.
He was falling fast and hard as he learned more about how you were one of the only activists on the angelic counsel fighting his fight even after he fell.
When Adam threatened war on Charlies hotel he knew his hands were tied due to his deal with the Angels. Yours weren't though however. Once you guys learned about the Angelic Steel you and Vaggie took to training the cadets.
When Adam saw you down with Charlie baring arms he was taken aback you one of the wise elder angels fighting him? Oh this was gonna be so sick killing you.
You fought harder and better though, till Adam went for a lethal strike on Charlie. Without hesitating you took part of the blow for her when pushing her out of the way.
When the carnage and battle was over Charlie went searching for you scared for the worse. When Lucifer chased after her asking what was wrong and saw you barely breathing he was devastated.
You were nursed back to health by the Morningstars for weeks. Never once being allowed to even exist alone.
Once you were okay again and getting ready to re-debut yourself to society Charlie pulled you aside and told you how she would be totally cool with it if you where another mom for her.
When you confronted Lucifer about the weird conversation you definitely saw him turn in to a puddle and disappear.
Slowly though over time Lucifer you and Charlie started making your own little family. You were hesitant especially with Lilith still being out there somewhere but you would fight for what you loved if you had too.
When Lucifer finally confessed his feelings after almost a year and half of you being back in his life he made it a big big deal.
The whole hotel was involved having every guest help surprise you with either old pictures from your angel years together or even some new ones from now.
Once you finally got to Lucifer he did one hell of a showstopping number to confirm what you had begun to suspect.
When you accepted his confession whole heartedly he was so happy and excited that the next day he made a public message to all of hell how lucky he was.
He couldn't be more happy with his new little family, even if Lilith came back he would be happy with you. All three of you could assist Charlie and redeem those in hell together.
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scarletwinterxx · 4 months
your day - dad mark lee scenario
hi🥺 okay so first of all sorry it took me so long to write this, I swear I've been working on it since the day i got the request but the rest of the story wasn't coming to me and i didn't want to put out something I didn't love. but here it is😊🥺 i missed the Lee family too, hope you like it!!!
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
part10: fool for you
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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The waiting game began a week ago, originally the 3rd Lee baby was suppose to come early May but the due date came and passed but no baby still.
Since it's your third baby you don't feel as nervous but Mark can't really say the same. He even made sure to have all the stuff you'll need at the hospital already loaded in the car along with the baby's car seat.
"You think it might happen tonight?" he asks, nose touching your belly like he can't wait to be close to his baby
"How will they get the baby out?" Minjee asks, she sitting right beside her dad watching your belly too.
"Me and mommy will go to the hospital, then the smart and kind doctor and nurses will help mom" Mark explains as kid friendly as possible
While you listen to the two, Minjung stays beside you quiet on his seat. "You'll be okay, right mom?" he asks you
You smile sweetly at your boy, ever the caring one. "Of course, I will be. Don't worry about it okay? Remember when Minjee was born, this time you can come together" you tell him, giving him a side hug. Your son stays tucked by your side while the daddy-daughter duo make chatters on their own.
"Okay everyone, I think it's time for bed. Mommy might be tired now" Mark tells the kids, picking Minjee up from the bed making the little girl laugh out loud on their way out the room.
Minjung stays behind, waiting to say something to you
"Mommy, I have something to tell you"
"What is it, love?"
"Happy Mother's Day, if I'm reborn again I want you to be my mom again" he tells you, this made you want to burst out into tears
"It's tomorrow but thank you, and I would love to be your mom again and again. I love you, always. Okay?" you open your arms and hug him. Giving him kisses, "My sweet sweet boy, when did you grow up so big like this? Don't grow up anymore" you joke, Minjung laughs at this. He bids goodnight then goes out the room to get ready for the night.
Mark comes back to your room a few minutes later to also get ready for bed, you've already finished yours so you're just waiting for him
"You good there, baby?" he asks while watching you get comfy with your pregnancy pillow. He wishes he can do more for you but for now all he can you is attend to your every need while you carry his child.
It's the third time but he's still very much in awe of you, he thinks it's the most wonderful thing to be growing a human that his and yours. He can't do much about the 'growing a human inside your body' part of it, but he makes sure you're very well taken care of.
"Yep, just tired from today. Are the kids asleep?"
"Yea, they're excited to give your their cards for tomorrow. Don't tell them I told you though"
You let out a chuckle at that, "I'll make sure to look very surprised"
You feel him move from behind you, then he kisses you on the head "Goodnight, baby. I love you" Mark mumbles, giving you a few more kisses and a hug
"Mhm, love you too"
You woke up a few hours later from a sharp pain on your stomach, sitting up carefully on the bed you wait a few moments to get your bearing together when you feel it again
"Mark" you say but the man beside you doesn't move
"Mark" you shake him again but still he's dead as a rock
"Lee Minhyung" you say a bit louder, waking you husband up
"Wha- what what's happening?" Mark sits up confused, one eye still closed
"I think the baby is coming"
"Oh shit, okay uh what do you need? Are you in pain? We should go get dressed"
"The stuff is already in the car, where are my keys though. Should I get you a hoodie? Snacks? I should probably call your doctor"
"Don't panic, we've done this before"
"I'm not really panicking though" you mumble while watching your husband scramble around the room
"Careful, love. You're gonna wake the kids up" you tell him when he tripped on his own feet, it's after midnight so the kid are fast asleep
"Oh right, I should call Haechan to watch them. My parents won't arrive until tomorrow. Where the heck is my phone"
"LEE MINHYUNG" your loud call got his attention, halting his frantic actions
"Breath, baby. You're panicking. Now can you get me one of your sweatpants and a jacket too, then call Haechan. Your phone is right there, the keys is by the door. Breath" you tell him, getting on your feet to get ready also
Mark follows your instructions one by one, if he doesn't he's afraid he might start freaking out again. He helps you down the stairs when you're both ready and wait for Haechan to arrive.
You're not feeling the pain anymore but your belly did get more tense, taking careful steps to the kitchen you grab some snacks for later while Mark checks on the kids before leaving.
The front door open, followed by Haechan calling out for Mark
"He's upstairs, checking on the kids" you answer when Haechan walks in the kitchen
"Aren't you in labor?" he points at you
"I think, I hope. This baby is due so let's hope today is the day"
Mark then arrives, checking if you need anything else before leaving Haechan instructions "Hyung, seriously I got this. I have a kid too" Haechan chuckles
"I know, but Nari is an angel. My Minjee, I can't say the same" you laugh at Mark's words
"She's unpredictable" Haechan says "She's like you, I have a kid like you. Causing me all kinds of trouble" Mark says making you and Haechan laugh
"I got it, I'll watch the kids"
"Sorry if we ruined your mother's day plans, Mark's parent's will be here early morning tomorrow. Thanks again, Hyuck" you tell him while walking towards the door with Mark assisting you
"Don't worry about it, wifey and Nari will come here for breakfast so it's all good. Your kids love me too so it's a win win"
"Thank you again"
"Happy mother's day, Y/N" he smiles at you, giving you a quick hug and Mark a pat on the back.
The drive to the hospital was quiet, a few more contractions every once in a while but nothing you couldn't handle. You got admitted to a room with no trouble and a nurse came to check on you and the baby.
"What a way to celebrate mother's day huh" Mark says, currently he's sitting beside you giving your back a gentle rub as another contraction hits you.
"How are you gonna beat this gift next year" you joke
"Let's get this baby here first then we'll talk" he humors you
A few more hours of waiting when a doctor comes in, "Hello Mrs. Lee, Mr. Lee"
"Everything looks good with you, but there's seem to a little hiccup"
"What? What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" the moment you heard the 'but' your heart started to beat faster
"All good, it's just the baby is currently feet first. Meaning they are not facing the way they're supposed to be. And since your contractions started hours ago and your water already broke, we're in a countdown here before it gets dangerous for you and the baby"
You're at lost for words so you turn to Mark, his hand is holding your the entire time to provide comfort. He looks at you then looks at the doctor again, "What do we need to do? Just please keep my wife and my baby safe"
"I'm afraid she has to get an emergency c-section"
"Mark" you mumble, "Hey hey it's okay, I'm here" he tells you
"We'll get the OR ready for you, a nurse will come here to get some papers signed and get Y/N ready for surgery. We'll do our best to keep her and the baby safe"
It all happened so fast. The doctor exits the room, you didn't even get a few moments before a few nurses enter the room. One talking to Mark about the surgery and a few helped you get ready.
They wheel the bed out of the room, Mark still right beside you.
"Hey, I'll be right beside you the entire time. I know this isn't part of the plan but you can do it" he kisses you on the head
"I'm scared" you say for the first time and this breaks Mark's heart. He wishes there was a way to transfer your pain to him, he'd take it all for you.
"I know, baby. I won't leave okay? I'll be with you. You'll be fine" he assures you. No matter how many times your doctor and all the nurses assured you you'll be fine, only Mark's got you to calm down a bit.
They got you ready for the surgery while Mark waits outside, waiting for one of the nurses to call him. When he got the go signal, he walks in to see you lying down with a curtain in the middle blocking the view of the doctors and nurses helping to get the baby out
"Hey you, how are you feeling?" he asks quietly, running his thumb on your cheek to give some comfort
"Scared, but better now you're here. I just want the baby to come out safe and healthy" you tell him
"They're working on it now, tell me if you're feeling anything weird okay?"
"Mark baby, I'm literally cut open right now while they're trying to get your kid out of me" you joke
"You know what I mean, glad to hear you cracking a joke at a time like this"
You smile at your husband, even though you're really scared right now seeing him and knowing he's there for you is enough to ease your mind. You trust Mark to make sure you're going be all right.
"Okay, the baby's here just a moment okay I see the feet, body out a little more" you hear your doctor say then in a few seconds you hear it
"head out, baby's here and it's a boy. Look momma look" the nurses put the curtain down to show the baby, Mark helped you lean your head up to see. Both of you getting teary eyed, you look over at Mark to see him looking at the baby with the familiar lovestruck look in his eyes.
Seeing him like this, to witness him being the best father to your kids everyday, like life is being brought into him at this very moment is making you think every moment is worth it no matter how scary it is. You love being the mother of his kids as much as he loves being a father to them.
Mark then looks at you, tears already falling down his cheeks "We have another boy, oh my gosh. You did so so good baby, I'm so proud of you. He's perfect" he leans down to kiss you on the cheek
"It's a healthy baby boy, dad would you mind walking here to cut the cord"
While the doctor finishes surgery, Mark stands on the side with baby boy. They hand him the little bundle of joy after checking everything, "You can hold him while we wait for mom, then we can stay in the recovery room then someone will come and check again on baby and mommy. When we get the clearance, you can go back to your room" the nurse explains
The baby in Mark's arm fusses but Mark expertly hushes and rocks him, his son immediately finding comfort in his father's arm
"You're an expert" the nurse compliments him
"We got two more at home" he proudly says
A few hours passed before you got the okay signal to go back to your room. The baby is currently sleeping in his crib while you get some rest. You didn't expect to feel this tired after surgery but you feel so drained
Mark went outside to get some food for you and him, you weren't really asleep you were just resting your eyes when you heard the door open and close
"Oh shit, you're asleep" you hear your husband mumble
"Language, there's a baby there" you tell him, opening your eyes only to see him holding a big bouquet of flowers
"Happy Mother's Day, my love" he walks towards you, putting the flowers down somewhere safe before handing you a paperbag
"What's this?"
"Your mother's day gift and push present"
"I thought that was my push present" you point your lips at the sleeping baby
Mark chuckles, urging you to open the bag. You carefully do so, feeling a velvet box inside "Minhyung, what is this?"
"Open it" he smiles at you, he watches you flip the box open. Inside is a ring somewhen similar to your engagement ring with a few details different
"Mark Lee, you did not. This is-" "You deserve it, baby. Plus we've always talked about giving your rings to your son someday and since we have two sons now I thought you will need another ring"
"Did you really buy this and hope for a boy?" you joked
"Nah, I have a back up just in case"
"I can't believe it, we have two boys. I know Minjung will be so excited, but Minjee will be elated to know she's still the only princess"
Mark chuckles at that, seating gently by your side while the two of you watch your newborn son.
"He got your nose, it's so cute" he mumbles "Got your cheeks though, just like Minjung and Jee, I hope he got your eyes too. I love your eyes" you tell him, resting your head on his shoulder
"You tired? go get some rest, baby. I'll take care of him, let me know too if you're feeling anything okay?" he tells you, helping you settle on the bed
"Mark, I love you"
He looks down at you, getting cozy on the bed with your drowsy but beautiful eyes he loves so much. "I love you more, baby. I'm so proud of you, you superwoman"
"Couldn't have done it without you"
"You would've have, you could but you don't have to. As long as I'm here you don't have to do anything by yourself. I know you're the strongest and bravest woman, and I'm in awe of you everyday. But in this lifetime, you got me always" he leans down, giving you sweet kiss.
"Oh and I thought of a name for him"
"Do tell, my lady" he indulges you. You actually named all of your kids, ofcourse you tell him first to make sure you both like it. But he leaves it up to you, his reason being the kids will get his surname anyways so he lets you think of their names, Minjung and Minjee.
"Minsu, I read somewhere it means gentle. Minjung, Minjee and Minsu" you smile at your kids' name
"Minjung, Minjee and Minsu Lee. I love it"
"Mhm, you got four Min's now" he smiles
"Is it too obvious I love you so much?"
"Nah, I think the three kids is kinda telling I love you more. Who knows, we'll have a fourth one" he jokes
"Lee Minhyung!"
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Platonic May castellan x Gender neutral friend reader
Platonic yandere show version Luke castellan x parental figure reader
Platonic yandere camp half blood x Gender neutral reader
Y/n/n= you're nickname
Idk if I like this one...but spent way to much time writing it
TRIGGER WARNINGS swearing, implied kidnapping, accidental injuries, dark themes
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The Castellan's had always been close with your family. You and May had been close from a young age. Although May claimed she sometimes saw things..... " I don't know of you should trust someone who claims to be a God sounds delusional and uptight. " You told your friend to which May just rolled her eyes. One day you found May muttering nonsense to herself in the corner of her house. " Hey hey May what's wrong? I'm here. I'm here. " You said gently helping your friend up. " Y/n??! Oh thank the God's it's you! It's really you!" May said squeezing you tightly honestly it was surprising how tightly she was hugging you. " I've got you May. I've got you." You said hugging her back but not as tight. " Y/n?" May asked. " Yeah?" You replied. " I'm pregnant." May stated.... You're mouth dropped.
You moved in with May to help her with the pregnancy and ended up using the couch as a bed since you both agreed to use the spare bedroom as a nursery for the baby although May did argue about it because you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch. You also made sure May was always comfortable and also worked a few extra hours to make sure there was enough to buy stuff for the baby. " Y/n I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me." May said. " Of course you're my best friend. " You replied. " So if it's a girl I was thinking Lily if it's a boy Lucas." May said. " How about just Luke if it's a boy?" You asked. " Luke...." May smiled softly. " I like that. " May said.
" Luke it is then." You replied. " If it's a boy. " May replied. " If it's a boy. " You repeated back.
" Y/n? Are you awake?" May asked shaking your shoulder. " I am now." You replied sleepily. " Good because I think........ my water just broke. " May said and you sat up alarmed. Somehow the two of you managed to make it to the hospital in one piece. " Excuse me but you'll have to step out of the room." One of the nurses told you. " No wait I want them to stay.....please. " May said. After hours May finally gave birth to Luke. You gently cradled the little baby in your arms as May slept. " Y/n?" May asked a few hours later when she woke up you handed her the sleeping Luke. " My Luke....my perfect boy." May muttered and you smiled softly. " You did amazing May." You said.
Well so you're plan was just to stay a month or so until May got back on her feet however what was not part of the plan was May going insane. Surprisingly Hermes tried to be a happy family with Luke and May so you moved out for like a year but would often come visit and help in anyway possible well that was until Luke turned 1, Hermes was nowhere to be found and May had now gone insane so you moved back in with May and Luke because you didn't want them to see May as an unfit mother and take Luke away from her knowing Luke was one of the only things keeping May from complete insanity. " My baby....." May muttered as you cradled Luke her arms shaking. " Would you like to hold him?" You asked and she nodded as she stopped shaking enough to hold Luke you gently put him in her outstretched arms.
You sighed softly. " I have to go to work tomorrow are you going to be alright with Luke alone for a few hours?" You asked quiet and gently. May nodded softly.
A five year old with curly black hair and brown eyes came up to you with tears in his eyes. " Y/n/n my mom is doing it again. " Luke said. You sighed softly knowing what he was talking about May was muttering something about a prophecy again while some of it made sense most of it was nonsense. " Come here sweet boy. " You said opening your arms for him. " I've got you sweet boy I've got you." You said hugging him. " We'll let May rest for a bit she's had a ....... stressful day. I'll take you to the park and get ice cream. " You said that put a smile on Luke's face. Someone a little kid made the mistake of calling you pretty/cute/handsome not in a creepy kinda way but little kids tend to be overly friendly yeah Luke didn't like that so he bashed his ice cream cone into the kids face. " LUKE!" You scolded the five year old and turned to apologize for Luke's actions however Luke didn't like that either as he ended up kicking said kids parents although he was only five so it probably didn't hurt.......that much.
" I'm so sorry . He's a little boy little kids need attention......anyway again I am really sorry about his behavior. " You rambled and the kids parents are just like it's fine we understand.
One day when you came home you found May sobbing in a corner of the house clutching a picture of her and Luke. " May what's wrong?" You asked gently kneeling in front of her. " Lu....Luke ran aw....aw....away. " May manged to stutter out. " Oh May....." You said hugging her.
There was a knock on your door to the house as you were getting ready for bed. You no longer lived with May but lived a few houses down it had been a couple years since Luke ran away and you'd constantly go to check on May to make sure she didn't spiral any worse. The knocking noise again but this time it sounded more impatient. " Yeah Yeah I'm coming hold you're fucking horses. " You replied walking towards the door. " Who the fu...." You stared but got cut off when you saw three teens and a 7 year old at your door however one teen caught your eye. " Luke....." You muttered.
" Hi Y/n."... Honestly as mad as you were at Luke you started to bond with his friends and him again.
" Hey Annabeth want me to read a story to you?" You to Annabeth. " Bed time stories are for babies. " Annabeth replied. " It can be anything. " You replied. " Anything?" Annabeth questions. You ended up reading her a few chapters of Frankenstein honestly you don't remember buying it but you found it on your bookshelf so.....( Athena cough cough).
" Hey Y/n can I borrow your keys?" Thalia asked. " Urmmmm how old are you?" You asked. " SHE'S TWELVE!" Grover shouted from the other side of the room. " Ehhh that's old enough in my opinion. " You replied and let her drive on the back roads where almost none drives.
" So you like my little forestry area?" You asked Grover. " Yeah nature's beautiful." Grover said. " Yes it is.....sometimes I think we don't deserve nature." You replied
You placed a plate of sandwiches and cookies infront of Luke as the other three munched away at their own sandwiches and cookies. " You know you really should go visit her she's your mother after all." You said but Luke didn't reply. " Luke?" You asked. " Fine if it'll make you happy. " Luke replied.
1 week later. " Y/n come with us." Luke said. " I can't Luke." You replied. Luke's expression turned into one of rage. " Why the fuck not?" Luke asked angry. " Luke calm down please..." You stared as he slammed his hands down. " You're the only parental figure I have you can't turn your back on me. I'm your son! I WON'T LET YOU!" Luke exclaimed, angry he still definitely had anger issues. Luke stormed out of the room leaving you, Thalia, Grover and Annabeth stunned slightly.
You woke up in a bed however it wasn't your bed. " They look so......fragile and weak. " You heard a voice say. " Why would they bring a mere moral to camp with them?" You heard a voice question . " Huh? It has a name." You replied waking up groggy. " Oh great it's awake like we need a mortal to take care of when we already have these half blood brats. Chiron take care of it." The voice said and walked of an older looking gentleman with gray hair and brown skin who ended up being very kind to you. Chiron was honestly started to become platonic obsessed with you when he saw the way you tended to Luke, Grover , Annabeth and some of the younger children.
Chiron smiled to himself. " Maybe just maybe having a mortal here wouldn't be so bad..." Chiron thought to himself. " Why don't you stay a day or two? It's dark and wouldn't be safe for you to travel. " Chiron said. " I really should be getting back home....." You replied. " Please I insist. " Chiron said putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. Well those days turned into weeks and weeks into months until you found out the truth about the children being demigods , Chiron being a centaur and Mr.D being a God. Mr.D pretends to hate you but like Chiron he adores you. Honestly you had become a parental figure to all the halfbloods but while you tended to all the children the two cabins that took up most of your time were the Ares and Hermes cabins. Luke came back with the scar and you fussed over him like a worried parent he definitely liked the parental affection.
One time you decided to decorate Thalia's tree for Christmas Chiron nor surprisingly Mr.D had the heart to tell you no. You got some of the younger campers to help you decorate Thalia's tree as well.
" Clairsse put Chris down!" You shouted looking at the boy being held by his ankle. " But he hurt you......" Clairsse muttered that was true Chris and Luke had gotten into an argument about God's knows what you had stepped betten them and accidentally got stabbed in the arm in the process. That set all the camp off especially Luke as Luke stabbed Chris back in the arm and probably would have continued if you didn't pull Luke off Chris. The other campers watched with jealousy and rage in their eyes as you tended to Chris's injuries like a worried parent because they wanted your attention all for themselves most of the time when your reading to the younger campers the older ones will come in and listen as well. Especially Annabeth.
when Percy eventually arrives a few years later Percy shows up it gets worse because how dare this unclaimed himbo steal you and your attention away.....
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solecize · 7 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision.
despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 4.6k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. n/a
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part three: the letters, the saloon and the second storm  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ previous. next. masterlist
  vi. the letters
september 2nd 2008 (age 9)
dear jungkook,
  my mom said i should write you letters. i don’t really know what to say here. you better be visiting marshmallow and be nice to her while i’m gone. i miss her a lot. i guess i miss having you around since i don’t have anyone to play guitar hero with…
p.s. happy late birthday maybe i can visit and come to your party next year if my mom lets me
  from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
january 19th 2009 (age 10)
dear y/n,
  i learned how to skate for the first time. it’s too bad the ice will be gone when you’re back and we won’t get to skate together. i can’t believe we’ll be in middle school soon. are you scared? hoseok and namjoon say it’s not a big deal. also, i saw your grandpa yesterday and he showed me how to use a tapper on a maple tree. so cool!
p.s. you should ask your mom if you can visit earlier this year
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
april 23rd 2009 (age 10)
  look inside the box, i sent you a book with this letter. i told you in my last letter that i would send you one. it’s astronomy for dummies (because you’re a dummy). you better read it before i come back to grandpa’s, okay?? you have a month and a half loser.
from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
september 30th 2009 (age 10)
hi y/n,
  jimin sprained his ankle during gym class. your grandpa told me to write that because it probably just made your day. i feel a little bit bad for him, the nurse at our school is really mean. also i know it’s a month away but i’m so excited for halloween. my dad got me this really cool goku costume. what are you gonna dress up as?
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
february 4th 2010 (age 11)
  i’m so tired of my parents fighting all the time. all they do is yell. i can’t wait to be back in amber valley so i don’t have to hear them all the time. i wish i had your parents, they’re so nice. also i hate my class. it’s so hard to be friends with the girls that sit next to me, they always leave me out of things. don’t you miss elementary school?
  from y/n
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
may 17th 2010 (age 11)
dear y/n,
  guess what. my dad got me a skateboard!! it’s so cool. if you’re nice to me i’ll let you borrow it. we should see who can do the coolest trick. it’ll be me of course i’m better than you at everything LOL. you better hurry and come back!
  from jungkook
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
november 25th 2010 (age 11)
hi jungkook, 
  i can’t believe i’ll only be living with my dad soon. do you think my mom doesn’t want me? honestly, i’d rather just live with grandpa all the time. then i could see marshmallow everyday all year! or maybe you can convince your mom to take me in. actually, i take that back, i could never live with you. you’re so messy. 
p.s. i got my own skateboard!! it’s cold now but i’m gonna practice and bring it with me next summer
  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ    ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ***
february 18th 2011 (age 12)
  i know you’re super sad and stuff. i’m sorry about your parents. we’re gonna have the best summer ever though and maybe you won’t think so much about it. look at the bucket list i made!
eat breakfast for dinner
watch the captain america movie
ride the big kids ride at the midsummer fair (i’m tall enough now so you better be too)
stay up all night
make ice cream
  if you have any ideas, add on! hope you’re doing okay :( 
  from jungkook
  vii. the saloon
when jungkook mentioned the saloon to you, you thought it was a joke poking at the countryside life. 
  “oh, it’s actually called a saloon. like, unironically. that’s what the text said,” you rambled into your phone, edged between your ear and shoulder, as you stood in your kitchen in front of your laptop.
  on the screen, you were assembling an excel sheet of sorts to assist your navigation through the business side of the farm. thankfully, this was exactly the field you had long worked and studied in and knowing this before taking on your new role made the transition far easier. there was hardly any product to be profiting from, as you had just arrived, and you were preparing the document before the time came to deal with vendors and other local businesses.
  “oh, honey, that place has actually been called ‘the saloon’ ever since i was a little girl,” your mom’s voice chimed in from the other end.
  since the turn of your early twenties, your phone calls to your parents were far and few between and you could hear the surprise in her tone when she initially picked up. but, your grandpa’s letter seemed to be growing truer everyday, as your surroundings made drew you to reconnect with what you thought was to be lost.
  eyebrows furrowed, you continued to scroll through your work. “mom, do you think he meant it as a date? i can’t do a date, i literally just got here!”
  “calm down. it’s that amber valley hospitality. but,” your mom paused, “you did have crushes on each other growing up.”
  “mom, no way - “
  she merely laughed. “it was so obvious! you mailed a valentine’s day card to jungkook every year. one time, he punched little jimin because he called you ‘jungkook’s ugly girlfriend.’”
  “and then he screamed that i wasn’t ugly. huh, i do remember that,” you began to think. 
  spending time reminiscing with your mom momentarily distracted you from the anxiety you felt, waiting for the evening to come. jungkook did end up texting you, asking if you were coming down to the saloon for the birthday surprise. you looked away and closed your eyes when you pressed ‘send’ on the confirmation that you would drop by.
  the idea made you nervous only because it had been so long since you went out and met new people. there was no such thing as free time in your old life and you really only maintained surface-level friendships with your coworkers in your last year of the job.  however, knowing amber valley and the tight-knit community, it was only a matter of time before you got acquainted with everyone, whether you liked it or not.
  by the time it was six, you’d forced yourself to get changed and inspected your outfit several times before leaving. the last thing you wanted to do was stand out too much. so, you put on your favourite denim jeans and a plain long sleeve top, putting away your go-to strappy stilettos for the night. 
  making your way into town was quick and soon enough, you found the pub situated in between the flower shop and the hardware store. it definitely looked like it’d been around since your mom was a little girl, the exterior siding showing age with chips here and there. 
  “hey y/n.”
  you jumped, having not paid attention to your surroundings. turning around, it was taehyung holding a box adorned in magenta polka dot wrapping. he wore a similar outfit to the one from the day before, except a different cowboy hat. you wondered if there was a store in town that specialized in selling just these hats.
  “hi taehyung. is this for jin?” you offered a smile, gesturing to the box.
  a pleased grin formed on taehyung’s face. “yup. i’m pretty sure i got him the best gift out of everyone, but don’t tell anyone.”
  he walked ahead of you and opened the door, pausing. you realized he was opening it for you and you quickly thanked him, going right in. small town hospitality. 
  it was saturday evening, but to your surprise, there were hardly any patrons in the bar. taehyung then pointed to a sign by the door, which you missed completely. it read: ‘private event, invite only.’ 
  “oh, wow, am i v.i.p?” you joked, following him to the back of the room, where a stack of presents were grouped on one table. 
  “of course! you’re jungkook’s friend, after all,” he exclaimed, setting his box down with the others. “you guys go way back, huh? how long has it been since you guys since saw each other?”
  you counted in your head. “i think twelve or thirteen years. a while.”
  “what, no facebook back in the day?” he teased.
  “no, he was never nearly fond of that. after i stopped coming for the summers, we lost contact completely.” you couldn’t recall any attempts for continued communication afterwards, other than your grandpa offering updates here and there about him. “we used to write, but i don’t know what happened. . .”
  for a while, you wondered why jungkook never wrote you again after you stopped coming to the valley. admittedly, looking back, it hurt your preteen self that he never tried. but, eventually, you moved on and left jungkook in your childhood.
  taehyung nodded slowly. “so. . .you didn’t know about what happened?”
  you already knew what he was talking about and squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. “no. i felt really bad about it.”
  “it’s okay. since i moved to town, i’ve really admired jungkook. if there’s any sort of pain, he hides it really well for the sake of others,” he said, leaning on the wall.
  that sounded like the jungkook you remembered. he was always the type to put others before himself, no matter how small the issue. then, you began thinking about jiwon.
  “taehyung, can i ask you something?” you suddenly said. “jiwon. she’s only nine. and jungkook doesn’t have any other family. . .”
  the smile at the corner of taehyung’s lips was sad. “yeah. jungkook is her primary guardian and has been since he was nineteen.”
  the answer seemed to weigh a hundred pounds and you had to take a second to take it all in. there were so many questions that formed, floating around your head and you couldn't seem to find the words to articulate any of them. before you could even try, you jumped again at the sudden appearance of two new individuals, one of them being jungkook himself and forced you to put away your thoughts.
  “we’re behind schedule, did yoongi put the cake in the fridge?” this new person was turned to taehyung, carrying a case of beer. “we need - oh, hi! y/n! i totally remember you, i heard you were back!”
  you’d never seen someone with such energy, exhibiting positivity like a ray of sunshine. it seemed like he was genuinely delighted to see you. taking a closer look at his features, you recognized him to be jung hoseok - jungkook’s next door neighbour. he put down the case in his hands and immediately pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
  “hoseok, hi!” you winced, trying your best to hug him back, but it certainly made you burst into a giggle.
  he was the first person to remember you on the spot, which took you aback. a few years older than you, you weren’t as close with him as you were with jungkook growing up, but he was always around. you remember him as the big brother who showed you and jungkook the cool ‘older kid’ shows and games that your parents would have never let you watch at that young age. 
  “how have you been? you look so grown up! you’re really staying here for good?” the questions were rapid-fire, one after another.
  beside him, jungkook was smiling, but tapped hoseok to bring him back into the main conversation. “hyung. hyung! we’re behind schedule, remember?” he groaned, but grinned wider when you met his eyes. “nice to see you, though, bunny. really glad you came.”
  “oh, right.” hoseok quickly let go and cleared his throat, beginning to point to each of you with authority. “you, taehyung. go help jimin with the slideshow. namjoon has the pinata.”
  pinata? how old was this jin person, was he one of jiwon’s friends?
  “you, jungkook. jin said he’s five minutes away, we need you to distract him for a bit longer.”
  “can i help?” you piped in, feeling a bit out of place. “i mean, i’m here as a last minute guest, i’m happy to help in any way.”
  hoseok clapped his hands together in glee. “thank you, y/n! go help jungkook distract jin, you being there will give him a reason to yap on. let’s go team!” he raised his fist in encouragement and in the blink of an eye, he already dashed off. 
  at this, jungkook seemed unfazed and frankly, so were you. you remember hoseok’s personality to be like this - extremely vigorous and could never sit in one place. on the other hand, taehyung looked perplexed as much as he appeared amused. he only shrugged, picking up the case of beer that hoseok clearly forgot.
  “let’s go team, i guess. i’ll see you guys in a bit!” taehyung chuckled, walking off.
  you were expecting to be asked to move around chairs or help bring out food. this wasn’t quite in your cards. you turned to jungkook in confusion, who chuckled at your expression.
  “come follow me.”
  he led the two of you back out the saloon, hands in his jean pockets. the early summer air was stunningly humid and coming outside was like hitting a muggy and sticky wall. but, there was one thing that couldn’t be replaced.
  you couldn’t help but stare up at the sky, a fixed gaze. “you can really see the stars when you’re in the valley.”
  the stars, dotted across the night, twinkled and smiled down at you. it was a view that others only romanticized and dreamt of in carefully crafted paintings and poems made to move the soul. and now, this dream was your new home. 
  jungkook mimicked the way you tilted your head up, lost with his own gaze. “i’ve lived here all my life and i never get tired of it.”
  “i can’t believe i forgot about this. . .” you trailed off.
  he pointed out to the sky. “that one is ursa major and you can see - “
  “ - the big dipper,” the two of you said in unison, which led to a shared laughter. 
astronomy was one of your biggest interests growing up, having stacks of books and a tapestry of the night sky in your childhood bedroom. your bedroom in the farmhouse also had a shelf full of astronomy books, which your grandpa still kept until his passing. having ignored the task of organizing and arranging your new bedroom, which was the same room you occupied over your summers in amber valley, you made a note to go through this shelf when you arrived home.
  jungkook said, “you’re the one that taught me about that,” he turned back to you. “you actually used to randomly quiz me on constellations, it was really stressful.”
  you could see your younger self sitting on your grandpa’s porch steps with jungkook, who lazied on the hammock across from you. you would compile actual multiple-choice questions and threw pebbles at him whenever he got an answer wrong. eventually, your grandpa scolded you for that, so you changed your weapon of choice to toy balls.
  “i guess my lessons paid off, though,” you bantered.
  following this, you heard a person shout jungkook’s name. you looked over and saw a man walking in your direction. he was tall and handsome and his smile was inviting. a little too handsome, he reminded you of models you’d seen in high fashion ads. his clothes contributed to the image, a patterned short sleeve button down and t-shirt that gave off neat and put-together. he wore jeans like what seemed to be 90 percent of the town, but you noticed the luxury brand belt. 
  “oh, seokjin!” to this, jungkook nudged you, as if signalling for you to be ready for something.
  this was jin? the birthday boy with a pinata? he had to be around hoseok’s age.
  “hey! hoseok told me to meet him here, have you see him?” seokjin began looking around. “he is working tonight, right?”
  “uh, did he?” jungkook’s tone was not convincing and you couldn’t believe the hoseok made such a horrible liar be the distraction. “i think he is, want me to call him?”
  “um, yeah. he said he was returning something he borrowed from me.” seokjin looked at him strangely. “why don’t i just go inside and check? why are you just waiting out here?”
  “this is y/n!” jungkook suddenly blurted out, seemingly having no way around the conversation. his smile was painful and avoided making eye contact.
  your eyes went wide and seokjin turned to you, having not realized there was another person in his presence. “oh, i’m so sorry! i didn’t see you there.”
  “yeah, hi, that’s me. y/n.” this time, it was jungkook looking at you like you were the least convincing person in the world. you cleared your throat and offered a handshake to seokjin.
  seokjin didn’t seem to notice your awkwardness and took your hand. “it’s really nice to meet you. jungkook actually told me a lot about you!” it was subtle, but you could hear jungkook groan. 
  you raised your eyebrows at jungkook. “oh, did he?” 
  “you guys grew up together, right? and you’re taking over the old farm?” 
  although you could tell right off the bat that seokjin wasn’t from amber valley, his deamanour was just as welcoming and friendly. he asked you a few questions about where you’re from and how settling in was. 
  “i’m sure you’ll be a natural. it sounds like you already have a lot of experience!” seokjin exclaimed and his positivity gave you genuine reassurance. “we’re all friends around here, so don’t be shy to reach out if you need anything.”
  “thank you,” you replied.
  jungkook tried to regain his composure. “seokjin runs the bakery down the street.”
  “yeah! my wife and i used to buy eggs from your grandpa all the time, hopefully we can keep doing that,” seokjin winked at you. 
  then, the front door of the saloon cracked open just enough for hoseok to poke his head outside. there was no sign of activity from the inside, with the lights now off and all voices coming to a complete silence. 
  seokjin tilted his head slightly when looking at hoseok. “there you are. are you. . closed? the bar is closed on a saturday night?” he asked.
  “yeah, uh, plumbing issues,” hoseok’s eyes darted over to you and jungkook. “y/n, jungkook! what brings you here around this time of day? you should all come in!”
  despite the growing skepticsm etched on his face, seokjin glanced over to you two and shrugged. he followed his friend’s gesture to come inside. 
  you mumbled to jungkook, “you and your friends are all terrible liars.” to this, jungkook stifled a laugh and playfully jabbed his elbow into your arm. 
  hoseok opened the door wider and seokjin went in first, while you and jungkook trailed after. you were surprised at how well they made the interior appear deserted, with not a single soul in sight. you did noticed that they even stacked the chairs on the tables, as if the establishment was really closed.
  “by the way, hoseok is the manager of the saloon,” jungkook leaned into your ear and whispered. 
  the floorboards creaked with every step, only adding onto the heavy silence in the atmosphere. seokjin looked around, eyebrows furrowed. he cleared his throat, hoping to cut the awkward tension.
  seokjin started, “so, y/n, what happened with you and ju - “
  all of the lights flickered on and filled the room. upbeat music turned on suddenly, causing seokjin to jump and yelp. two dozen or so people popped out from random places - underneath the booths, from behind the walls, and from behind the bar. balloons and streamers began spilling out from out of nowhere.
  “happy birthday seokjin!” everyone yelled in unison.
  you awkwardly tried to join in once you caught onto what everyone was saying. despite that, the high energy ended up engulfing you and you couldn’t help but smile. some of the boys started throwing streamers at seokjin, while namjoon appeared from under the bar with a lit chocolate cake and began approaching the birthday boy in question.
  “thanks, y/n!” hoseok nudged you, as everyone began singing to seokjin. “it’s exciting that you’re around again!” 
  as the song concluded and seokjin enthusastically blew out his candles, you cheered along with everyone else. over the cheering, jungkook found his way to you again. he raised his hand, offering a high-five, which you immediately accepted.
  something about the atmosphere unlocked something inside you. within days, you were welcomed into the community and for the first time in a long time, saw people that could become your actual friends. maybe this was what your grandpa was talking about.
  “yeah,” jungkook added, “it is exciting that you’re around again.”
  “real connections. . .” you muttered to yourself, remembering the contents of your grandpa’s letter.
  the yelling got louder, as the partygoers chanted for seokjin to make a speech. “huh, what did you say?” jungkook shouted over the chanting. 
  you weren’t prepared for the next part of grandpa’s wish for you. it was a surprise to you that you were able to ease into the town and become comfortable connecting with the people around you. at the end of the day, though, you had a farm to run and you were about to face the worst of it. 
  viii. the second storm
your grandpa’s last wishes for you were to reconnect with people and nature. nature. you didn’t realize what you were getting yourself into.
  “oh my god! why does mother nature hate me?!”
  the best thing about living in a big farmhouse by yourself was the fact that you could make as much noise as you wanted. you often found yourself yelling at the top of your lungs, shrieking like a bird when you came across anything frustrating. considering you were learning an entirely new job on your own, it happened quite often.
  you screamed into the void after your first phone call with a vendor, who kept on asking you if you knew what you were doing. you swore you almost broke your vocal cords when you sunk into the mud the first time you checked out the fields after a rainy night. at least you walked away several metres from the coop before you screeched in agony after the chickens gave you a hard morning on time. 
  when a soft knock on your front door interrupted your emotional breakdown, your heart stopped. 
  “fuck!” you whispered to yourself.
  who would be visiting you? what if it was someone important, like mayor kim? maybe they didn’t hear - no, they definitely heard. 
  you tentatively approached the door and took a deep breathe before swinging it open.
  “i didn’t know you started tending to hyenas on the farm.”
  it was jungkook with a lazy, shit-eating grin. it was early in the morning, about 8am, and he wore workout clothes. baggy grey sweatpants and a white nike tank-top, you felt like you were straining to keep your eyes on his face and not anywhere else. 
  “oh, shut it. good morning to you, too,” you shot back. “to what do i owe the pleasure?”
  “sorry, i would’ve texted, but i was already passing by on my run,” jungkook said.
  it’d been about a week since you last saw him, though he was nice enough to check in on you every once in a while to see if you were doing okay with the farm. you hardly left home, used to the same routine of working and going right to bed everyday from your old life and the habit was hard to break. 
  he continued, “anyway, i saw your windows hanging from outside and i just wanted to make sure - “
  you opened the front door wider for him to see the state of your front entryway and his jaw dropped. there was water everywhere on the floor. the storm from the night before was aggressive and the age of the house couldn’t stand it. you didn’t anticipate for it to be this bad, having just shoved the windows closed before you went to bed.
  “yeah, they’re wrecked,” you sighed, looking over to what was left of it, considering most of it was on the ground. “actually, that’s why i was screaming.”
  “you know, i take what i said back. totally justified.”
  “thanks,” you rolled your eyes and sighed. he made a gesture as if to come in and you obliged, carefully stepping aside and making sure you weren’t stepping in a puddle. “i’m surprised this hasn’t happened before.”
  he let out a low whistle, as he walked inside and took in the sight of your floors. “honestly, me neither. you would think this would’ve happened already ages ago.”
  you didn’t know what else to do but shrug. “i can handle it.” despite your words, you certainly could not handle it. there were still a million things you had to take care of around the farm and dealing with broken windows and water was an incredible burden that you didn’t know where to start.
  “shit. look, i have to go to work in a bit, but let me help you out,” jungkook said. 
  you instantly shook your head. “jungkook, no. it’s fine, really, i got it.”
  “you’ve never picked up a screwdriver in your life.”
  “hey, you don’t know that!” you wanted to slap him upside the head like from when you were kids, but found the strength to refrain.
  it was only jokes and jungkook’s smirk showed it, but his tone then became serious. “okay, then, at least let me help you fix your windows. dude, you live alone in this big ass house on this big ass farm. just say yes.” 
  at this point, you could tell he was exasperated with your stubborness and you laughed at it. you weren’t one to turn down someone offering to do manual labour for you, but you were hesitant to show any lack of indepdence. though, something told you to say yes and it wasn’t jungkook’s annoyance with your persistence. 
  “okay, fine. you’re real annoying, you know that?” you had to add in the last part, it was only natural. 
  he shook his head. “thank you - oh, how lucky i am for milady to accept my lousy, peasant self to fix your windows!” at that, you shoved him playfully and when he barely moved from your push, jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle. 
  “i know you’re perfectly capable of doing things yourself, by the way. you just shouldn’t have to all the time,” he gave you a pointed look. 
  you nodded slowly, looking down at your feet. “thank you, jungkook.” 
  though it was only 8 in the morning, you decided to take a later start in the day, since you usually woke up at the crack of dawn. you had your entire day ahead of you and what felt like a hundred things to do and the last thing you wanted to add was a trip to the hardware store.
  “of course,” he carefully tiptoed around the water, moving back to the front door. “it’s what friends are for. i’ll come by tomorrow morning, how’s that sound?”
  this is not what you meant when you decided to “reconnect with nature” at all. with your fluffy indoor slippers soaked in rainwater, you were certainly more than connected with it. you made a mental note to visit the beach and call it a day, hoping that would fulfill your grandpa’s wish for you to be one with mother earth and that the forces of nature would leave you alone after that.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @sstrongstyletyle @wobblewobble822 @seokoutt @firelcrds @taiwan0618
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tryingmybestpls · 1 year
I Know The End
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Summary: She meets him. They fall in love. She dies, he mourns. The cycle continues.
Rating: R
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Angst, mildly graphic descriptions of death, grief, mentions of injury
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In every universe, she dies.
It was a canon event-completely unstoppable if they wanted the multiverse to stay together.
Every Spider-Person knew this. Every time they saw a version of her at HQ, they knew not to get too attached. She'd disappear and another version would take its place, looking slightly different from the previous version of her, but her nonetheless.
In every universe, she also fell in love with Miguel O'Hara.
It was a canon event and Miguel had to just let it happen, no matter how much it hurt him.
Every time she'd swing into his life, he had to let the cards fall where they may, even if he knew exactly where they led to.
In one universe, she had a baby who looked just like the two of them. She balanced being a mom and being Spider-Woman almost effortlessly. Miguel, once again, was able to play dad, was able to pretend like this could be his life. He would spend the night in her universe, sleeping with her in the bed, helping her with the midnight diaper changes and three a.m. feedings. Hell, he had even thought about marrying her, wanting so bad to ignore the canon, wanting to find a way that he can have his cake and eat it too.
She had gotten impaled on some rebar after saving a kid from Green Goblin and the others had got there too late to do anything about it. Peter B. Parker had watched as Miguel lifted her off of it, her blood staining his suit. He could hear as his friend whispered something to her over and over in Spanish. Peter had kept his distance, knowing that Miguel needed this moment. Her daughter-the one that had his hair and her eyes-went to live with her mother's family in California.
In another, she was a nurse. She helped save lives off and on the clock. She would tend to the other Spider-People's wounds, stitching them up when needed, giving IV's and injections and millions other things. They had spent so many nights together in his room post-mission where she’d take care of him. Her lip drawn between her teeth as she carefully focused on her work. As soon as she was done, as soon as she came out of that almost trance-like state, his lips would be on her skin, wanting to repay her. Medical supplies would be tossed to the floor, injuries ignored.
She had gotten taken out by her universe's Doc Ock. Miguel had personally hunted him down after that, unable to control his rage. Peter B. and Hobie had to drag him off of the guy.
In one, she had been married to someone else, but that hadn't stopped the relationship from forming. She'd slip away from her universe and into Miguel's, and in between helping take down anomalies, she'd be in his bed. She had been sick the whole time and every time she used her powers she had gotten worse. They could all see it-the gradual decline even if she wouldn’t tell them outright, but Miguel knew. He wouldn't let her do missions anymore, but she still continued to be Spider-Woman in her universe. She died in her sleep beside the man she was married to, but not the one she loved. Miguel had attended the funeral, but had kept his distance. He had waited and watched as she had been buried. He had been the last one to leave the cemetery that day.
There were versions of her that were artists, models, chefs, actresses, teachers, but they were all her. And they all fell in love with him, one after another. No one could stop it, no one could prevent it. It was just fate.
She meets him. They fall in love. He mourns. And then the cycle continues.
The Y/N they had right now, she has lasted longer than all of the others. She had been with them for a few years now, which has felt like a lifetime compared to the time they got with the rest of them. That had only made them all uneasy. Every mission, every missed visit to HQ, they all thought that was going to be it, but then she'd show up, a smile on her face and jokes spilling out of her mouth without a second thought . Miguel was constantly checking in on her, which was something she teased him about.
"I guess you really do like me, eh bug boy?"
God, he did.
It was terrifying how attached to her he was, how his whole demeanor seemed to change as soon as she enters a room. His stoicism and broodiness completely melts away, no instead he gives her a version of himself that no one else sees (save for maybe Mayday-she's a baby, so how could he be a dick to her?). At first, Jess and Peter B. used to tease him about it, but as Y/N died over and over, the teasing came to an end. Now all they could offer was sad smiles when Miguel talked about her.
He was selfish-he wished he could keep her at HQ forever. Miguel wanted to ignore the canon and just hold onto her as long as he could, keeping her all to himself. Who cares if the multiverse falls apart? He’d have her, he’d have a life with her. That’s all he needed, isn’t it?
But he’d never go against the canon.
"I know, you know. How this ends. That we are doomed to repeat this over and over." She announces one right, moonlight-or at least what she thinks is moonlight-streaming in through the gaps of his curtains, his room smelling like the two of them-a mixture of her perfume, his cologne, sweat, and sex. Her finger absentmindedly traces a mark she’d had left on his skin moments ago. He sits up in bed, looking at her with wide eyes. His mind was racing. Had someone told her? Had he somehow let it slip? How did she know?
"Y-You do? Mierda. Why didn't you say anything?" He questions, his brows furrowed together. She shrugs, tucking an arm behind her head as she looks at him, as if it wasn't a big deal that she knew about her own coming demise.
"What's the point, cariño? I die, I come back, this starts all over again. Why spoil the time I get with you?" She responds, her eyes focused on him, "It's me and you, always."
"It's me and you, always."
She said it so nonchalantly, as if a piece of him doesn't die with every version of her that does. As if he doesn’t meticulously check for signs of the next version of her after she disappears from his life. As if it doesn’t feel like a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders when she starts to don her black and pink Spider suit, because he knows he’ll be with her soon. He lets his eyes shut for a moment as her fingers trace a scar on his shoulder. He thinks about what he should say, about if he should be upset that she knew and didn't tell him. But it's Y/N, and he can't bring himself to be mad at her.
"How long have you known?" Miguel asks, his eyes opening and landing on her. In the moonlight, he could see that her neck and chest were littered with marks-bruising from sucking at her skin, angry red lines from where he had dragged his fangs against her, puncture marks from biting her. They had already started to heal, just like the matching marks on his skin had started to.
"I think we all know-at least I did. We get bits and pieces of it, of you mainly. Of a life with you. I think for the most part, we all think it's a dream-that you're just a hot guy in a dream and then we meet you." Y/N explains, her gaze turning soft as the corners of her mouth turn upward. He keeps himself from rolling his eyes at her little “hot” compliment, his mind still reeling.
The rest is left unsaid-the fact that she can see all the different ways she has met her end, how she knows how it feels to die. The feeling of falling on that rebar, the sickening snap of her neck, her being strangled by a Doc Ock’s tentacle, the crushing feeling of a building falling on top of her, choking on her own blood, the feeling of her organs spilling out-
Sometimes she’ll reach down and expect to feel metal sticking out of her, tearing her apart.
"And you're-You're okay with that?" Miguel's eyebrows are furrowed together as he looks at her. Her eyes were on him, but she wasn’t there, not fully. He wished he could take a peak inside of her mind, wanting-no, needing to know how much she could remember. He studies her face in the moonlight, trying to read her, trying to understand how she could be so…okay with all of this.
"I still get a forever with you, don't I? I still get to live a life with you, even if it's just bits and pieces." Her voice is soft as her smile starts to grow ever so slightly, "And I'd take that any day."
His lips are suddenly against hers once more, his hand cupping her cheek. She’s a little surprised, but returns it eagerly, her hand slipping into his locks, holding him to her. Y/N knows that Miguel isn’t good at expressing his feelings, that talking about his feelings is like pulling teeth for him. She also knows what the kiss means, what he wants to say. Each kiss, each bite, each thrust-she can decipher them all.
I wish we had more time.
I wish it wasn’t like this.
I want this, with you, forever.
This isn’t enough.
I can’t keep watching you die over and over.
I need you.
It’s me and you always.
This Y/N still meets her end, just like the dozens of others before her.
When she goes this time, she’s in his arms, crimson spilling out of her, covering both of them. She’s looking up at him, tears in her eyes from the pain as she gives him a small, pained smile.
“Don’t be sad, pendejo. I’ll see you again, yeah?” She says hoarsely, blood covering her lips. He leans forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. He stays there a moment, his eyes shut. When he pulls away, there’s tears streaming down her face, but she is still trying to smile at him, trying to tease him. Even like this, she’s still trying to make him feel better. So Miguel tries to smile back at her, but he’s sure it looks more like a grimace.
“Yeah. You’ll see me again.” He murmurs, wiping away her tears. It’s more like he’s reminding himself rather than agreeing with her. He swallows the lump in his throat, “It’s you and me.”
“It’s you and me.” Y/N manages to get out, her breathing more ragged. Her hand moves to rest on top of his, where’s he’s putting pressure on her wound even though they both know there’s no point. Her fingers intertwine with his and he holds her hand. There’s tears streaming down his face, his like there is every time he watches her dies.
Miguel just sits there, holding her hand long after her body stills, her head laying on his chest. He knows eventually he will have to get up, that he will have to take her back to her universe. For now, he just sits there with her, holding her body to his, quietly telling her all of the things that were left unsaid.
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 months
Sick - Dr. James Wilson
Pairing: Dr. James Wilson x Fem!OC
Summary: Wilson’s wife gets sick and he takes care of her.
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Wilson was happy to get off work early. Odette had called him afternoon to let him know her fever broke, easing his worries that she may have to go to the hospital. He knew it was just the flu, but even then it was always a possibility considering there had been a crazy flu spreading around.
He came home to find Odette lying on the couch with a blanket over her and their cat, Sarah, lying on her legs.
“You moved to the couch?” he asked.
“I washed the bedding,” she said, her voice stuffy.“It’s still in the dryer. I’m just too tired to deal with it.”
He hung up his winter jacket on the coat rack, placing his bag on the chair beside it. He looked down to see Sarah trotting towards him, meowing. He knelt down, picking up the ball of white fluff.
“You’re supposed to be taking care of your mother,” he cooed at her.
“She’s been an excellent nurse,” Odette remarked. “I would recommend her to Cuddy.”
Wilson placed the cat down on Odette’s legs as he sat on the ottoman across the coach. He leaned down to kiss his wife’s forehead.
“I know you said the fever’s broken but how are you feeling?” he asked, stroking her hair.
“Meh, still can’t breathe through my nose and my throat hurts,” she said. “And before you ask, I did take medicine today. I was planning on taking my last dosage before bed.”
“Good girl,” Wilson chuckled.
She licked her lips, trying to ignore how Wilson remark made her thighs clinched. Still, she wasn’t going to let him ruin her chance to get what she wanted. “Buuuut…”
“But what?”
“I will only take it if you cuddle me with me,” she smirked, eyes twinkling mischievously. “A cuddle with you in addition to my medicine will help me rest and make me feel better. So you see, Dr. Wilson, it’s medically necessary that I get a cuddle tonight.”
He chuckled. “You’ve done research on this?”
“Then I guess, because it is medically necessary, I can’t deny you.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Let me set up the bed. You want dinner and a shower while you wait?”
“I’m ok. I showered earlier.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Just some soup. Still hard to eat when I can barely breathe through my nose.” She threw the blanket off. “I can order you some food though.”
“Lay down, sweetheart,” he ordered, gently.
She pouted. “But you need to eat too.”
“I had a big lunch.” He got up. “Let me take care of the bed. You just lay down and relax.”
After Wilson finished setting up the bed, he changed in his McGill shirt and plaid boxers. While Odette was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, he padded to the kitchen to give Sarah her medicine and refill her food and water bowl. He also grabbed two water bottles from the fridge.
Back in the bedroom, he placed one bottle on her nightstand and the other on his.
Just as he got under the covers, Sarah jumped up and meowed at him.
“Oh, you want snuggles too?” he chuckled softly as Sarah laid on his chest, purring. His fingers stroked her white fur. “You’re just as spoiled as your mom.”
“I’m spoiled, huh?”
He looked up to see Odette grinning as she closed the bathroom door behind her. Her eyes fell to Sarah.
“Oh you’re such a sneaky girl,” she cooed at the cat, scratching her behind her ears. “You just wanted to get in on the action, huh? I can’t blame you.”
She kissed the top of the cat’s head and then went over to her side of the bed. Sarah moved off James’ chest and down to the edge of the bed.
“Thank you,” Odette giggled as she grabbed the medicine and the water bottle from her nightstand. She took the two pills and chased it down with water.
“Good girl,” Wilson remarked softly.
She turned her head, face scrunched. “Don’t start. We’re just cuddling tonight.”
“I’m just being ecouraging,” he defended playfully. “Not my fault my encouragement gets you going.”
She rolled her eyes, setting the water bottle on the nightstand. She rest the side of her face on Wilson’s chest, basking in his warmth. Wilson’s arm moved around her as he rubbed her forearm.
She hummed in delight. “Oh, I’ve been missing this,” she yawned. “How have you been enjoying the guest room?”
“I don’t know if I would say I’m enjoying it,” he said. “I sleep better when I’m with you.”
She glanced up. “You do?”
He nodded. She licked her lips, the next question already tasting like vinegar.
“Did you feel that way with your last two wives?”
She was afraid of the answer, but her desperation to know was stronger.
Wilson shook his head. “I have a level a comfort with you that I’ve never had with anyone else except maybe House. You’re a calming presence in my life. I didn’t have that with them. First wife, we were young and didn’t think it through. Second wife, I was going through the motions. With you? It’s unconditional love. It’s real, but it’s comfortable.”
His eyes met her. “It’s home.”
Tears pooled in her eyes as he kissed the top of her head.
“Third time really was the charm,” she joked.
He chuckled. “It sure was.” He glanced down. “Get some rest. The sooner you get better, the more we can do this.”
She closed her eyes as Wilson rubbed the top of her head.
She was right. Third time was the charm.
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
A Little Bit Stronger
Part 6
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x OFC
Summary: You experience more than one first with Bradley.
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Just like everything else I write/post: this story is for 18+ only. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. It will contain smut, adult themes, situations and language. Please also note this story may be triggering due to the topic of domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) violence-feel free to message me with any questions before reading.
Warnings: Smut, oral (f receiving) p in v, discovering a praise kink, size kink I think? etc.
“I like you too.”
He lights up like a kid on Christmas morning at the news; as if you weren’t an eager participant in the dry-humping that occurred just minutes earlier.
“We’ll take things at your pace,” he squeezes your hand, “whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Okay,” you whisper, blinking back unexpected tears, “I should warn you though, I’m not very…experienced.”
“It’s okay,” he murmurs.
“I fooled around with a boyfriend in high school a bit but didn’t have time to date when I was in nursing school, so I was still a virgin when I met Chad,” you sigh. “My mom had just gotten her diagnosis and I was just so naive. I thought it was so sweet that he wanted to wait until marriage. But it was obvious on our wedding night that it wasn’t his first time.”
Bradley just shakes his head.
“It wasn’t a great experience…and it never really got better,” you’re embarrassed to admit, but he deserves to know what he’s getting into. “He grew up very religious and…I don’t know,” your cheeks burn, “he didn’t believe in foreplay…no oral sex, God forbid we try toys or anything to get me ready.”
Bradley's expression turns to anger but he doesn’t say anything.
“I mean it wasn’t all bad, I was able to get off a few times throughout the years,” it doesn’t sound better out loud than it did in your head.
“That’s not right,” Bradley says, “I mean, everyone has their preferences, but it’s not okay that he never made sure you were turned on or seemed to care if you were enjoying it. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it if you weren’t.”
You nod, always knowing it wasn’t right too, “but he’s gone and what we just did was already better than all of those years combined. I wanted you to know, just in case I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“I’m not worried about that,” he says, rolling to his side toward you, “I can’t wait to figure out what you like together.”
A shiver runs down your spine as you picture trying all the things with him that you’ve been fantasizing about.
“That sounds good,” you murmur, “really good.”
His eyes dip to your lips and you think he might kiss you again but he cringes when he leans forward. “I need a shower.”
“Me too,” you reply, wishing you were brave enough to offer to take one together.
Like most nights, you eat dinner together. After, you snuggle into him on the couch and the steady beat of his heart lulls you to sleep.
It’s dark when you wake to him kissing your forehead. “You okay down here or do you wanna go to bed?”
“Here,” you murmur sleepily, snuggling into his warmth.
“Okay,” he chuckles, lying back on the couch with you on top of him.
You wake to a cold, wet nose to the face and a dancing Hank. “C’mon bud, I’ll take you potty.”
But Bradley’s arms tighten around you when you try to get up, “No. Stay.”
You smile as you check your watch, “Oh! It’s quarter to 9. We told Jake and Reese we’d be there in 15 minutes!”
12 minutes later you’re on the way to Jake’s apartment to help move his things to Reese’s, and you text Reese to let her know.
Shae: We’ll be there in about 15, we both overslept, sorry!
Reese: Weird. In all the years I’ve known Roo, he’s never overslept.
Shae: We’re both early risers, I’m not sure what happened.
You know exactly what happened. You haven’t felt that safe and comfortable in years.
Reese: No worries and no rush, we’re still at my house.
You snort at that, knowing full well they took advantage of Drew being at his grandparents. It didn’t take long for you to see how crazy Reese and Jake are for each other; always teasing, always touching, exchanging heated looks and innuendos when they don’t think anyone is watching.
Shae: Sounds good, we’ll see you soon.
“They won’t be here for a little bit yet,” you say as Bradley pulls into the driveway of Jake’s rental.
“I wonder why,” Bradley says sarcastically as he shakes his head, assuming the same as you.
“Right?” You agree but understand. Something tells you it’s going to be the same for you and Bradley too. “We could make out like teenagers while we-“
He must be thinking the same as he turns your chin towards him and cuts your suggestion off with his lips on yours.
Goosebumps cover your body as he licks into your mouth languidly while his hand traces over your bare thigh. Your hand comes to cup his jaw, running your thumb over the scars there.
The way he’s so gentle and tentative makes you want to cry. As if he’s trying to apologize and make up for all the times that Chad wasn’t.
His hand continues further, over the fabric of your shorts and up your t-shirt, making you sigh when his fingertips ghost over your nipple straining against your sports bra.
Your sigh spurs him on and he returns, cupping your breast and rubbing his thumb back and forth over it.
The instantaneous need gives you the courage to touch him too. He jerks in surprise when he feels your hand tracing the seam of his shorts on his inner thigh.
Your eyes open and you pull away with a gasp as you cup his straining hard-on. “Oh my God. That-that’s not gonna fit.”
He chuckles as he leans in to kiss your jaw, his mustache scratching as he murmurs cockily, “It can and it will, after I make sure you’re good and ready of course.”
You shudder at his words, head falling back as he continues his journey across your neck.
He grunts and your pussy spasms in response when you slowly rub him up and down through his silky gym shorts.
“I fucking knew it!” Reese’s delighted laugh has you jumping apart, “I told you!”
“Yeah yeah,” Jake sighs as he walks up beside her, “you were right. Now give ‘em a minute.” Jake winks as he guides her into the house, still laughing.
You burst into laughter, knowing your face is as red as Bradley’s.
“Got a little carried away,” he says, laughing too, “sorry.”
You just shake your head and lean in for a kiss. “I don’t want to wait. I want it…tonight,” you whisper.
“Yeah?” He husks.
“Yeah,” you confirm, kissing him again before getting out of the Bronco.
“I’ll be in a minute,” he says before you close the door, head falling back against the rest as he waits for his body to calm down.
Reese looks ready to burst when you get inside but she refrains from asking any questions.
You put her out of her misery when Bradley and Jake head over with Jake’s loaded truck.
“Last night,” you say, trying not to smile at the way her head whips toward you, “it just happened last night. I haven’t been holding out on you.”
“It’s okay if you were,” she replies, “but oh my God, you have no idea how happy this makes me.”
“Me too,” you smile.
“So is that why you guys overslept? Tired each other out last night?”
“No,” you shake your head, “but we did fall asleep on the couch together.”
“Did you…” she wiggles her eyebrows, “before you fell asleep on the couch?”
“No,” you blush, “we fooled around? I guess that’s what you’d call it when he got home yesterday afternoon. He said he’s happy to go at my pace.”
She nods, remembering what you told her about your limited and not-great sexual experience with Chad on a girls' night a while back.
“But I don’t want to wait,” you admit, “we’ve been dancing around this for months.”
“Yeah you have,” she laughs as you throw a wad of bubble wrap at her. “I’m happy for you both though.”
“Thank you,” you smile, “I’m happy for you too. I know Jake moving in was a big step.”
She nods. “It was, but it’s time. I think he might propose soon.”
“Really?” You ask, sounding surprised.
But you already know he’s going to since you helped him pick out the ring.
“Yeah,” she smiles, looking down at the ring from Andy on her right hand, “do you think it’s okay to keep this one on? Do you think it’ll bother Jake if I do? I’m planning on offering it to Drew when he’s older but…”
“I think it’s okay,” you answer truthfully, “I can’t imagine Jake would mind.”
He won’t. He already told you he won’t.
She nods, realizing the same.
After pizza and beer as a thank you from Jake and Reese, Bradley drives you home later that evening.
Your nerves and excitement increase with every turn of the tires as you get closer. But his hand on your knee when he pulls into the driveway calms you instantly.
“We’re taking things at your pace,” he reminds you, “it’s okay if you change your mind.”
“I haven’t,” you murmur truthfully, “but I do need a shower.”
“Me too,” he agrees, “I’m all dusty.”
C’mon Shae. Do it.
“We could shower together?” You offer, face burning.
“Yeah?” He raises a brow and grins when you nod, “Alright.”
Your heart pounds as you follow him into the downstairs bathroom after taking care of Hank.
Before you can start second-guessing your decision, he’s kissing you, mind going blissfully blank.
His arm blindly reaches to flick on the water before he pulls your shirt over your head. Your bra goes next, then his shirt, followed by your shorts and his; all while kissing you, distracting you.
He hisses as he pulls you into the shower, “C-cold,” he smiles against your lips as he turns it up, “can I touch you?”
“Please,” you breathe, gasping when he turns you in his arms; he’s so hard and so big against your lower back.
“Tell me if you don’t like something, or want me to stop,” he rasps under your ear as his hands ghost over your thighs, stomach, and chest.
“I will,” you whisper, head falling against his chest.
The hot water runs over both your bodies as his hands explore yours; cupping both breasts first.
“Perfect,” he murmurs, cock twitching at your sigh as his calloused fingertips find your nipples, “somehow even prettier than I imagined. Can’t wait to have ‘em in my mouth, sucking, biting, whatever you like.”
You nod eagerly; it all sounds good.
One hand travels lower, down your stomach before gently running between your legs. A pleased hum leaves him at how wet you are. “Can’t wait to have my mouth here either,” his teeth scrape your neck as he mouths the sensitive skin, “can’t tell you how many times I’ve jerked off to the thought of eating your pussy.”
“Oh,” you whimper, “that’s what you think about?”
“Mhmm,” he confirms as he slowly circles your clit, “how good you’ll taste, how beautiful you’ll look when you cum, the sweet sounds you’ll make.”
“Yes,” you sigh, “I want it.”
“Thank you,” it’s his turn to sigh, sounding relieved like you were going to say no.
“But I want to taste you too,” you surprise yourself by saying.
“Fuck,” he groans as he starts to circle faster, “anything you want Shae.”
“I want…” you trail off as he has you hurdling toward release, “I want it all,” you bite your lip to stay quiet as you fall over the edge, legs shaking from the unexpected intensity.
“Beautiful,” he rasps when you relax into his arms.
“So are you,” you whisper, turning your head for a kiss before turning in his arms.
He grunts against your lips as your hand finds his cock, jerking once, twice, three times before you’re rewarded with his almost pained groan as ropes of cum land over your stomach and his.
He rests his forehead against yours, panting as you slow your strokes before releasing him and stepping even closer.
“That was-“
“Hot,” you whisper in awe, looking down at his release painting your skin.
“I was gonna say fast,” he sucks in a breath when you run your finger through his spend and bring it to your lips, “Fuck, Shae.”
“Is this okay?” You ask, wanting to taste it.
He just nods, cock already twitching to life as you suck your finger into your mouth, a choked sound leaving him at your hum.
“Let’s get cleaned up,” he clears his throat when you’re done, “so I can take you to bed and get you dirty again.”
“Okay,” you smile.
“Lay back,” he says as he walks you back to his bed.
You take a deep breath and bravely drop your towel before doing as asked.
His eyes darken impossibly further as he takes in your body, “You’re perfect, Shae.”
You flush at his praise and put your foot up to stop him before he can crawl over you. “I wanna see you too.”
He nods and reaches for his towel. With a tug, it drops. So does your jaw.
“Jesus,” you whisper, taking in the miles of tanned skin and muscle before your land on his cock and widen.
“You can take it,” he says lowly, confidently making you shiver, “but not until I think you’re good and ready.”
He crawls over you, kissing any worries away before trailing down your body, making a pit stop at your breasts, finding out quickly that you like everything he does; biting, sucking, gentle pinching, and pulling.
“Roo-“ you gasp as you feel the pull between your legs as he does the same to your nipple, “I’m getting close.” You had no idea your breasts are so sensitive.
“Mmm,” he hums, making you whimper when he stops to kiss lower, “don’t worry, you’ll get there, just want to taste it when you cum.”
“Fuck,” you whine as he kisses your thighs, and cry out when he suddenly licks a line through your arousal. “Sorry,” you whisper, putting your hand over your mouth, embarrassed at your reaction.
It’s pulled away not a second later, “Hey,” he nips your thigh, “look at me.”
Your head pops up, face on fire.
“Forget everything that bastard told you,” he says lowly, almost scarily. “I want to hear every sound you make.
You nod.
“and if I think you’re holding back, I won’t stop until you can’t help it,”
You whimper as your head falls back. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he says before repeating what he just did, licking the same path and making you moan. “Good girl.”
Your eyes widen at the way you clench around nothing at his praise.
“Put your hands in my hair,” he murmurs against your clit, making you jolt, “guide me where you want me; tell me what feels good.”
“Okay-that!” You gasp as his tongue circles your clit.
He chuckles into your pussy as he continues.
Your hands find his hair and are tugging moments later as he pushes you over the edge with another cry.
“Whoa-what-again?” You pant as he goes right back to it once you’ve come down.
“Mhmm,” is all the answer you get as he continues, getting you off quickly again before he adds a finger, then two, and finally three.
Eventually, you lose track of how many times he gets you off; each one better than the last.
There’s not a thought in your mind as Bradley coaxes your body over the edge again and again.
When you can’t control the trembles wracking your body, Bradley finally relents and kisses his way back up.
“Ready?” He asks as he reaches for a condom from a new box.
You nod shakily, whimpering as he slides one on with a pained look.
“I-I know Reese probably told you I’m a ladies' man or whatever,” he says with a frown, “but I haven’t had sex in a long time; like a few years. I’ve gone on dates and all that but, I don’t know, it didn’t feel right.”
“It wouldn’t matter if you did,” you reply, reaching for his hand.
“It’s just-this may be over quickly,” he’s blushing.
“I don’t care,” you reply, pulling him down, “you’ve already blown my mind. I can’t feel my legs.”
He nods with a grin as he settles between them placing the head of his cock at your entrance before leaning over you.
“I’ll go slow. Tell me if it hurts,” he brushes his lips over yours as he slowly pushes in, “and I’ll stop. I’ll never hurt you.”
Hot tears unexpectedly prick your eyes at his words and the deeper meaning behind them.
“I know you won’t,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him.
True to his word, he goes slow. Pulling out after each inch and pushing in further each time. It’s a stretch, but it doesn’t hurt.
“Okay?” He asks, trembling too by the time he finally bottoms out.
“So good,” you whimper, wiggling your hips a little when you adjust, “more, Roo. Please.”
He shudders before pulling out to thrust back in, forcing your moans out with each stroke.
Your nails rake down his sweaty back as you urge him faster, surprised and delighted that another orgasm is building.
“I’m close,” you gasp when he shifts, pushing you that much closer.
“Yeah,” he pants, “get there for me. Just one more, c’mon.”
Your nails bite into his skin as you hurdle over the edge, pulling him with you when you tighten around him.
“Fuck, Shae,” he chokes as his hips stutter to a stop, cock twitching inside you as he fills the condom. “I love you,” he whispers hoarsely, “God, I love you.”
The words register for you both at the same time, making you both freeze.
Your already racing heart beats even faster, but not for the reason you expected.
“Shae,” he starts, burying his face in your neck.
“Look at me,” you whisper. He won’t meet your eye when he eventually lifts his head, “Please?”
The plea in your tone is what makes him finally look and you dive head-first into those brown eyes you’ve wanted to drown in.
“I love you too.”
A/N: Not Reese throwing Bradley’s words when he busted her and Jake making out back at him 😂 also if the ‘I love Yous’ seem fast, remember they’ve been living together for 5 months…getting to know each other and falling in love before they ever did anything. I hope y’all liked it.
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist…and if I forgot to add you-it wasn’t intentional.
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justmeinadaze · 3 months
Take It Out On Me Part 28 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I bare you this final piece. I'm more than happy to revisit from time to time. Im gonna miss these weirdos.
Warnings: Daddy Steve/ Sir Eddie and Plus Size Fem Sub Y/N, SMUT, spanking, smacking, hair pulling, light choking, and everything in between, FLUFF, we meet Molly <3, boys are good dads and hubbys, flashbacks of their relationship, ANGST, within the flashbacks is the fight with Steve's dad where he talks negatively about Y/N appearance as well as the fight from one of the other chapters when you disappeared. Guys do get a bit jealous and I think that's it.
Word Count: 6831
Full Series here/ Donate to me :)
“Edward? It’s a school night, son. Go to sleep.”, Wayne lightly scolded when he noticed his nephew was still awake.
“Yeah, I’m almost done here.” When his uncle’s eyes scanned your blouse in his hands, Eddie chuckled. “It’s not for me. This girl I met…something happened so I offered to fix her shirt. The buttons are a little off but I think I got it.”
“Hm. This girl just a friend or…”
The metalhead smiled softly as he continued to focus on his task. 
“I don’t know to be honest. She’s very timid but there’s something about her. She seems strong but she hides it. I don’t get that especially since she’s the most beautiful fucking woman I’ve ever seen.”
“Alright now. Watch your mouth.”, Wayne laughs. “Does this ‘beautiful fucking woman’ have a name?”
Eddie beams as he folds your shirt and places it on his backpack. 
“Daddy…Daddy…Fuck…Sir…EDWARD AND STEVEN!”
Both boy’s shoot up in bed as you practically scream their names with a tight wince. 
“I’m up! We’re up! What’s wrong, baby?”, Eddie asks as he pets your head. 
“I think it’s time.”
“Shit, shit, shit. Ok, um, let’s…”, Steve stutters as he stumbles out of bed and begins searching for things he knows you’ll need. The metalhead’s eyes meet your pained ones with soft smile before kissing your forehead and getting up to help his friend get everything together. 
Eddie continued to run his fingers through your hair as you winced in your sleep. It had been almost 5 hours since Molly was born and the three of you only saw her that one time before they whisked her away to make sure she was alright and get her clean. 
The cut they made for the c-section hurt but the medication was slightly helping. Neither boy had slept yet, keeping a constant eye on you. 
“I hate that she’s in pain, man.”
“I know. I’m glad they’re both alright though. When Molly cried I was so relieved.”, Steve mumbled in a gravelly tone as his heavy eyes turned towards his friend. “She’s so beautiful.”
“Yeah and really tiny. I don’t know why I thought she’d be bigger.”
“She felt bigger.”, you teased, exhausted as your eyes flutter open and meet the metalhead’s. “Have they brought her back? Is she alright?”
“No, sweetheart, not yet. How are you feeling?”
“Heavy. I didn’t think I’d feel this worn out.”
“Your mom is on her way and so is Masie. They also swabbed our cheeks for the paternity test so we can fill out her birth certificate.” You nod as you listen to Steve speak, your eyes drooping as you fall asleep again. 
A few hours later, you awake to a nurse gently tapping your shoulder.
“Hey there, mama. Sorry to wake you but we thought you might want to meet your new little bundle.”
Your eyes widen in earnest as you push yourself up into a more sitting position and pry your hand from Eddie’s firm grip careful not to jostle him too much so he could continue to sleep. 
“She’s doing well and all her vitals look good. She may get hungry in a couple of hours so around then one of the nurses can come in and help you.”, she whispers as she gently places the baby in your arms. 
You barely even hear her leave as your eyes take in your sleeping child. 
“I hope you know you scared the bajesus out of your dads.”, your murmur with a soft giggle as your finger caresses her cheek. “When the doctor said they needed to cut you out of mommy they panicked and kind of yelled at a nurse. They are protective like that but trust me, Molly, they love you so much. I love you.”, you coo as you kiss her forehead.
A little whine left her lips as she exhaled rousing Steve from where he had been sleeping in a chair by the window. As quietly as possible, he rose to his feet, coming around to your other side and sitting by your legs.
“Is she ok?” You nod with a smile as tears begin to lightly fall down your cheeks. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah. I’m just…happy.”
Grinning, he reaches over to dry your eyes causing Eddie to jump awake and search for your hand that was no longer in his grasp. When he realized you were holding the baby, he let out a shaky sigh as he got up to sit closer to you.
Tilting her towards them, they both exchanged a nervous glance before the metalhead adjusted himself to take Molly in his arms.
“I’m sorry we called you a boy for like 4 months.”, Eddie chuckled as he rocked her carefully. “She has your nose, Y/N.”
You and Steve both ignored the weight within that one statement. That’s all anyone could say with any certainty; that your daughter at some of your features. If anyone said she had Eddie’s cheeks or Steve’s hair, there would be a 50/50 chance they were wrong. 
Steve stared at his phone as the line went dead in the middle of Eddie’s sentence. 
“Fuck.”, the boy breathed out anxiously as he mentally prepared for whatever may come and headed down the stairs. “Dad.”
“Don’t you dad me with that tone, Steven. What’s this?”, Bill bellowed as he flashed his son the decline letters he got from different universities. “You promised me you would get your act together and get into school! We had a deal!”
“Bill, please. Calm down.”, his mother pleaded. 
“NO! I’ve been calm enough!”, he shouted as he tossed the papers at his son’s chest. “What now, Steven?! What’s the plan because I’m not going to carry you like some pampered spoiled rich kid!”
“I don’t know.”
“I said I don’t know!”, Steve screamed. “All I know is that my girlfriend got into Hawkins U so I’m getting an apartment with her and Eddie.”
“Girlfriend?! What girlfriend?! And don’t even get me started on that Munson freak!!”
“Y/N Y/L/N! She’s been with me over a year and I love her, Dad!”
“Oh my god. I’m not hearing this. Are you purposely trying to upset me, Steven? Dating her is WORSE than not getting into school! She’s poor and disgusting; you’d never be able to bring her to company events. She’s not exactly camera ready!”
“Watch your fucking mouth!”
“You heard me! She’s perfect and I love her exactly the way she is!”
“You love her, huh? You love your ugly piece of trash and your trailer trash friend? Fine!”
“BILL!”, his mother shouted after him as Steve followed pausing by the stairs. Both watched as his father started tossing his son’s clothes over the banister.
“You can leave now then! Get the fuck out of my house!”, he shouted as he threw everything on Steve’s dresser to the ground. 
“ENOUGH!” His mother’s voice finally cut through giving everyone pause. “Bill you need to cool off. Let’s go get some dinner and regroup.”
His father huffed as he walked past his son and grabbed his jacket by the door. 
“Clean up this mess.”
As soon as the door slammed, Steve went into his bedroom and his eyes scanned the destruction around him before landing on something that killed him. Picking him the sunglasses you had bought him in New York, a tear left his eye when a lens fell to the floor. 
Everyone you loved came to visit you and Molly, cooing and murmuring sweet affections that had you smiling as you took everything in. 
Wayne walked around the room in circles with her in his arms while both men were sleeping, regaling her with tales of how his nephew was “a little troublemaker” when he was a baby as Molly’s eyes watched his mouth move. Your parents fell in love immediately, your dad holding her finger as he told the boys stories about what you were like as an infant while your mom explained certain things that babies did and what they may need to prepare for. Acting as a surrogate parent to Steve since neither of his own could bother, your mother answered any and all questions he had, amused at the inquires they made not only about Molly but you. 
“She’s still in a lot of pain but the doctor says that’s normal. What isn’t normal? Like what should we be on the lookout for?”
“Y/N’s been a bit lethargic to. We read about like postpartum and stuff but want to do whatever we can to make sure she doesn’t have to worry.”, Eddie followed promptly after his friend making your mom giggle softly before answering.
Maze laid beside you in your bed and you leaned on her shoulder while she spoke playfully to her niece. 
“Ma’am, you are going to get away with everything with me. We’re going to have sleepovers and watch spooky movies while we drink soda and eat all the unhealthy food. Yeah? You like that idea.”, she laughs when Molly coos.
But as much as you loved your visitors, you enjoyed the quiet moments when you were alone with the three of them more than anything. When both boys thought you were sleeping they would talk out loud to her about anything that came to mind. 
“I could stare at you all day, honey. You’re so beautiful just like mommy. You’re going to have the best life, Molly. I promise. Me, Eddie, and Y/N will always be right here. We…we aren’t perfect but you’re never going to go through what we went through.”
The sound of crying jostled you as your eyes opened to see the metalhead hastily get up from his chair and lift the baby from her little bed beside your own. Pretending to go back to sleep, you listen as Eddie comforts her.
“Shhhh. It’s ok, Mol, daddy’s here. Shhhh…we don’t want to wake up mommy.”
Carefully adjusting his daughter, he lays her against his chest as he softly pats her back and gently sings. 
“I walked the world for you, babe A thousand miles with you I dried your tears of pain, babe A million times for you.”
“How are we today, Munson-Harrington gang?”, your doctor beams as she comes in with a folder tucked under her arm. “Well, everything with mommy and Molly looks good so you four can head home tomorrow. I also have the paternity test here if you guys are ready for the results.” She pauses to gauge your reactions, Steve petting your head while Eddie rocks the baby in his arms. “Ok, um, per the result of the swab it seems Mr. Harrington here is Molly’s biological father.”
Your eyes immediately flick to the metalhead whose arms slow ever so slightly before grinning widely your way. 
“Damn. Molly’s going to make all the kids jealous with her fluffy head of hair.”
That night while the pretty boy slept, Eddie slid in beside you and circled his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to his side. 
“What are you thinking about, baby?”, he murmured with his lips pressed against the top of your head. 
“You told me once that you were jealous of Steve because he had more memories of me before we got together—”
“You’re worried I’m heartbroken because Molly isn’t biological mine.” When you nod, he kisses your forehead before moving down to your lips. “Sweetheart, I meant what I said to your family. She’s ours no matter whose genes she has. I love her so much, Y/N, it scares me a bit. I’ve never… I don’t know… I would die for that little girl there.”
“I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you to, princess.”
Steve’s leg bounced under his desk as he waited for class to start. It had been 2 months since he saw you and he was dying to find you just to get at least a glimpse of your face. He had searched for you in the morning but couldn’t find you within the cafeteria or with the basketball girls. 
“Ah, Miss Y/L/N, I saw you were in my class this year…”
When he heard your name, his head shot up and he took you in. Fuck, his memory didn’t do you justice. You looked absolutely gorgeous in your skirt and boots that had him wanting you to just sit on his desk so he could constantly run his lips along your thighs while resting his head on your lap.
Eddie skidded into the classroom breaking his concentration.
The metalhead felt time stop when his eyes raked along your body. God, he missed your smell and that cute little nervous smile you got when you were around them. When he noticed you were wearing his jacket, his heart fluttered. It’s not fair that the fabric got to wrap around you for so long when he wasn’t able to.
Six months had passed since your daughter was born and you loved every moment of it. Molly was such a happy baby, always smiling and babbling to anyone who would listen. 
Steve and Robin were able to find an investor for their non-profit, naming it Molly’s Sanctuary after his little girl. Sometimes he would take her to business related ventures where his friend would always ask for her input. 
“Ok Mol, what do you think? Should we look into the little loft downtown or this office space close to your mommy?” 
Steve balanced her on his thigh, grinning when she bounced up and down excitedly. 
“I was thinking the same thing! Being closer to your mommy means me and your dad can bug her at work and maybe get some of the young people to help out.”, she whispers her last sentence as Molly reaches for her cheeks. 
Eddie and Garth worked hard till they had enough money to rent a studio so Corroded Coffin could finally get to work recording their first album. You went with them during their first recording session offering to get them lunch which all the boys appreciated. When you showed up with the food, you caught the man you loved holding his daughter up to the microphone as he spoke to her. 
After pushing a button on the soundboard, his soft voice flowed through. 
“Yeah, princess? Are you going to be a rockstar to? Go ahead, baby. Sing.” You smiled as she babbled baby talk into the mic and he banged his head to her voice. “Yeah! Look at you. Writing songs already. That’s going to be number one, I bet. I can see it now. ‘And the grammy award for best rock single of all time goes to… Princess Molly! Yay!’”
Before the new school year started, Mr. C advocated for you and the principal agreed to hire you as a teacher. When your parents couldn’t babysit, the guys or Masie watched her for you during the day which you greatly appreciated. The only thing you three hadn’t seemed to be able to figure out again was your sex life.
You could feel the heavy energy under the exhausted one of needing a release. Both men came and went constantly sighing at something new they were worried about. 
Truth be told, you needed them to fuck you just as bad. Between work and Molly, you felt stressed and missing the days when they would help you turn your brain off. You didn’t know how to ask for what you needed though. You felt bad especially since you understood how hard they were working to take care of you AND their daughter while accomplishing their own goals. One way or another, though, everything had to come to head but who would be the first to explode?
“There she is. There’s our girl. Tell me where you are, baby. Please.” Eddie’s heart broke as he listened to you sob before the line went dead. “FUCK!”
“I can’t believe she said all that bullshit.”, Steve sighed under his breath as his head continued to hang to his chest. The metalhead growled as he punched his bedroom wall a couple of times before throwing something across the room. “I guess that’s that then.”
“No, no it’s not. I’m not giving up that easy.”
“I’m not giving up, Ed, but you heard her. She wants to spare us or some shit.”
“She’s just saying that because she’s scared. She thinks she’s doing what’s best for us.”
“How is this the best when she’s not fucking here with us?”, Steve grumbled. “Any future without her would fucking suck. May as well become bitter like my father. Where are you going?”, he asked when Eddie grabbed the keys to his van.
“I’m going to go look for her. This is a small town and I’m sure we can find the car she drove off in.”
“You mean the utterly generic station wagon that Masie Collins drives?”
“WELL, WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, STEVEN?!”, he roared as he came chest to chest with his friend who rose to his feet. “I love her! I’m not just going to sit here and wait when I know she’s out there somewhere fucking hurting!”
“I love her to, Eddie! You don’t think this is fucking killing me?! You don’t think I want to kick down every door in Hawkins till I find her, throw her over my shoulder, and bring her home to us?! I want to but I can’t… that’s not how this works. We can’t force her to stay…”
The metalhead sighs as he sits on the bed and his friend does the same.
“I at least feel like we should get a say in it…get our feelings heard…”
Their heads swivel towards the phone when it loudly begins to ring and Eddie quickly answers.
“No, Masie. She just jumped in the shower. I’m going to give you my address but I think you should wait until tomorrow to come by. She’s a mess and needs a moment to regather her thoughts and I think you both need to as well. Do I make myself clear?”
Eddie’s fingers tapped on the steering wheel as he angerly glared at the road ahead of him. Both men seemed annoyed as you left the party you three had attended at Masie’s apartment. You thought it would be a good idea to go since it had been so long since you went out to do something fun without the baby but the boys had been short and moody for most of the evening before suddenly shifting into disgruntled as they grabbed your wrist and guided you to the car. 
As soon as you made it home, they barged inside while Steve headed to the kitchen to fill a glass with whisky.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you or are you going to keep pouting all night?”
Eddie chuckled sarcastically as he placed his hand on his hips. 
“First off, you can get rid of the fucking attitude and second are YOU going to tell us why you were flirting with that asshole at the party?”
“What asshole?”, you genuinely asked completely confused. 
“That tall guy with the beard kept touching your arm and making you giggle like a dumb girl.”, Steve clarified as he leaned against the wall. 
“Really? Are you fucking kidding me? What is with you guys?! This is the second time in a year and a half you’ve accused me of something like that.”
“Maybe because you’ve done it before. Or did you forget when you stuck your tongue down Billy Hargrove’s throat.”, Eddie hissed making you roll your eyes at the memory. 
“That was almost 7 years ago and I was a senior in high school trying to make you jealous because you both hurt me!”
“Oh so is that why you were flirting just now? To get our attention?”
“NO, STEVE! I was just talking to him. Masie—”
“We deal with bullshit every day. I’m sorry we can’t pamper you like a fucking princess like we used to do before.”
“Pfft, like you do anything at all.”
“Excuse me?”, the metalhead growls as he steps towards you. “Say it again, Y/N, I dare you.”
“We don’t…do anything anymore…it’s been so long since…”
As you spoke, he stepped closer till his face was inches from your own, mesmerizing you with his eyes as they heavily stared into yours. Eddie’s palm shot out and wrapped around your throat shoving you against the hallway wall. 
“I see so you forgot who you belong to.”
“No, Ed. Little girl wanted to get our attention remember?”
“Ugh! You’re not listening to me!”
The sound of a palm hitting your cheek echoed through the little area along with your grunt of shock before your head reared back to face them. As that familiar fog clouded your mind, you focused in on their heavy breathing to ground yourself while you stepped into that particular headspace you missed so much. 
“I-I-I’m so sorry, Sir. I swear I didn’t forget who owns me and my body. I c-c-could never forget.”, you plead with that high pitched whine that has them groaning as your palms reach up to cling to his neck. “Please…I love you and Daddy so much. I’m sorry.”
As you continued to murmur apologies, Eddie’s forehead fell on yours while he inhaled your smell, listened to your needy tone, and dark eyes scanned your beautiful face. 
“You know what, Steve? I don’t think I believe her. Do you?”
“Do I believe that she’s sorry? Yeah but I don’t know if I believe she didn’t forget. It’s been so long since we punished her so I’m not surprised.”
Ringed fingers curled in your hair and yanked you to the couch, pushing your upper half over the arm. After lifting up your skirt, you hummed gently at the feeling of his palm rubbing your panty covered behind. A tiny yelp leaves your lips when they’re abruptly ripped apart and tugged off you leaving you fully exposed. 
“Look how wet she is, Harrington? Little whore enjoyed being a bad girl and riling us up, didn’t she?”
“No, no, Sir. I’m a good girl.”
“Bullshit.”, he scolded as his hand came down hard against your bare skin. “But it’s ok, sweetheart. Sluts like you can’t help it, that’s why we need to do things like this from time to time.”
His palm came down a few more times in quick succession causing you to whine as tears fell down your cheeks. You felt the atmosphere shift as Eddie pulled down his pants and balanced on his knees in front of you as he gripped your jaw between his fingers and pressed his tip to your lips. 
Steve suddenly spanked you hard and your mouth fell open in a moan, allowing the man in front of you to shove his cock down your throat. 
“F-Fuck, that’s it. Flat tongue just like that, baby.”
When the man behind you slid his ring and middle finger into your cunt, a loud mewl rippled through you making Eddie grunt in pleasure. 
“Come on, honey. We both know you can take it deeper than that.”, Steve mocked as his free hand pushed your head forward and you gagged around the metalhead’s length.
“Atta girl. Fuck… just shut off your little brain and keep your t-throat open for me.” While he thrust his hips to fuck your face, Steve picked up his own pace inside of you as the sound of your slick filled the room. “Hang on, baby! You can do it!” 
Your head was held in place as your throat constricted around him and your eyes squeezed shut until after a few seconds you were released as the coil in your stomach snapped. While you tried to catch your breath, you were abruptly lifted into Eddie’s arms and thrown over his shoulder as he carried you to your bed. After tossing you onto your back, he hastily removes his shirt before lifting your leg over his shoulder, taking ahold of his cock and guiding it into your entrance. 
“Oh f-fuck.”, you whimper as his eyes flick up to your pleasure filled features along your face. 
As he steadily but firmly pumps into you, your shirt is roughly yanked up as Steve utilizes it to bind your wrists together above your head. Eddie’s palms effortlessly glide up your stomach till he reaches your bra, freeing your tits as throws the material blindly to the side. 
“Shit, sweetheart. You feel so fucking good. W-Who’s pussy is this?” When you only responded with repetitive ahs, his palm smacked your cheek before wrapping around your throat. “Answer me, little girl, or else we’ll fill you up without allowing y-you to cum.”
“Mmph… you and…Daddy…fuck, please.”
Dropping your leg, Eddie leaned in till his nose was pressed against your cheek.
“Say…it…corr-ect-ly!”, he growled, slamming his hips into you hard between each syllable.
Pushing off you, the metalhead pulls out and grips your thighs as he shoves his face between your folds, his long tongue flicking against you like a man possessed. You desperately want to cling to his hair but your wrists are restricted making you mewl as you roll your hips till your orgasm crashes over you like a wave. 
Hastily, he slid his length back into you as your pussy continued to quiver tightly around him. With a few more rough thrusts, Eddie warmed your insides as you both groaned at the feeling. 
“Fuck…good girl… g-good…girl.”
As soon as his friend rolled exhaustedly out of the way, you were tugged by your ankles to the edge of the bed and manhandled on to your stomach with your legs hanging off the side. Steve grunted in what sounded like annoyance as he grabbed your thigh and forced it back onto the mattress giving him a perfect view of your exposed behind. 
After a hard spank, he guided his cock inside of you effortlessly and set a brutal pace that had your face constantly being pushed into the sheets under you. While one hand gripped your skirt around your waist, his other tangled in your hair and pulled.
“You like that, baby? Y-y-you—fuck—you like when we’re rough? When we use you?”
“Yes, Daddy, I like it.”
The hair on his chest grazed the skin of your back as he tilted down and rolled his hips hard pushing his cock so deep inside of you, you could swear he was in your stomach. 
“What do you like?”
“Ah! I like when you and M-Master are rough with me. I-I like being used by you. Please…”
“Please what, honey?”
“I’m…I’m…feels so good. I’m gonna cum.”
Standing to his full height, Steve spanked you again and took your waist in his large palms, guiding your movements. 
“Make yourself cum then.” With his help, you pushed your hips back into his as hard as you could till you felt yourself begin to fall off the ledge and he promptly reached around to massage fast circles on your clit till you came on his length. “Goddamn it. Yes, baby.”
Tightening his grasp, Steve pounded into you till he pulled out and jumped over your body to lift your head as you opened your mouth wide knowing what he wanted. Repetitive grunts left his lips till you felt his seed hit the back of your throat and his breathing stuttered a bit when your tongue crazed the tip to take everything he had to give.
As soon as he collapsed above you and removed your shirt from your wrists, you dragged yourself up till the back of your head was resting on his stomach. When your fingers limply reached to your right, you happily sighed when lips kissed the pads before Eddie scooted to your side and laid his own head against you. 
“I don’t know if it matters or needs to be said but that guy I was talking to? Masie met him at work and has a crush on him. She wanted me to talk to him to vet him. Since I have such amazing men picking abilities.”, you smile and both men breathily laugh. 
“We knew you weren’t flirting.”
“Doesn’t mean we didn’t get jealous.”, Eddie added as he rolled to his side so he could caress your sweaty cheek. “It’s been a while since we made you giggly like that. The three of us are always kind of on the go now.”
“We need to make some more time for each other.”
“Yeah. As much as I love her, it’s nice to have some alone time away from the baby.”, Steve sighs as he runs his hand through your hair. “We really need this.”
After lightly tapping the metalhead, you began to sit up but are promptly pulled back against the bed. 
“Excuse me, princess, but what do you think you’re doing?”
“Um, well, I was going to take a shower.”
“Has it really been that long?”, Eddie asked in a teasing tone that had you blushing. 
“No, I just didn’t want to inconvenience you or anything—”
A palm came up from your side and lightly covered your mouth. 
“Uh oh. Junior year Y/N is back.”, Steve joked as he readjusted his body and his face hovered above your own. “You are never an inconvenience, honey.”
Silently, you allowed them to do what they did best; take care of you. While Steve collected the clothes that had been scattered and threw them in the hamper nearby, Eddie brought you into the bathroom and guided you under the warm water of the shower. 
Kneeling in front of you, his eyes swiftly scanned your body for any marks or bruises that needed attention. You couldn’t help but look down at him with nothing but love as you ran your fingers through his damp hair and along his cheek. He was so intimidating when you first met him. This loud, sarcastic, angry man that had very few friends and held in most if not all of his feelings. Eddie was pretty sure he would either wind up like his uncle in a trailer working a job to pay the bills or his father in and out of jail. Now he was surrounded by so many people that cared about him including his best friend, the woman he loved, and his daughter who made him smile every day. 
His lips tenderly kissed along your stomach, grazing your c-section scar they knew you were slightly self-conscious about. Rising to his feet, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he leaned his forehead against yours. 
“I love you, Eddie Munson.”
“I love you to, crybaby.”
A big grin paints his face when you giggle and his kisses your lips before finishing his task of cleaning you. When you step back into the bedroom, the other man is waiting on the edge of the bed and gestures you to stand between his legs. 
Steve had also been one to hold everything in which you later learned was part of the reason he was rough around the edges in school. He always intimidated you differently than Eddie had because of the people he spent time with. Tommy and Carol bullied you constantly and he never said a word. You learned later that he was trying to appease his father who was never around anyway and when he was, Steve could never measure up. 
If he had stayed along that path, he most likely would have ended up just like him working at a corporate job, being a dick to his subordinates and family because he hated the life he was living while pretending to be happy. Now he was growing a business with a friend who actually cared about him and wasn’t just trying to suck up to him for popularity or money. Steve had a home, his best friend, you, and a daughter he loved with every fiber of his being. 
While you balanced your hands on his shoulders as you stepped into your pajama shorts, you slid them in his hair and hugged his head against your chest. 
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
His arms circled around you as he tilted up to kiss your lips. 
“I love you to, baby.”
When you met them, you a few months shy of a bad break up and just wanted to be left alone. You didn’t anticipate sharing a week in detention at all let alone with the King of Hawkins High and The Freak of the town but they surprised you. They helped you step into a different side of yourself out in the world that very few people got to see and intimately helped you express yourself in a way you thought no one ever would. 
You were vulnerable for them and in return they did the same for you. 
“I don’t know what we’re going to do when Molly starts eating solid food.”, Eddie announces as he enters the room with the box of leftover pizza you had stored in the fridge. “I mean, I’m pretty feisty about my junk food.”
“Thank you.”, you beam when he opens the lid and you take a slice. “We’ll just have to have enough for everyone, baby.”
“Is there such a thing?”
“Yes, there is.”, Steve chuckles as he grabs the remote and turns on the tv across the room. “What do you guys want to watch? Please for the love of God anything that’s not Scooby Doo.”
“She likes the way Scooby talks.”, you laugh before pointing at the screen. “Oh! Eddie look! It’s Evil Dead.”
“That’s what we want to watch, Stevie.”, the metalhead chuckles and lifts his arm so you can lay your head on his chest by his side.
“I shouldn’t have asked.”, he groans playfully, scooting closer to you as he rests his palm on your hip. 
Both men watch you from the back wall of the auditorium obscured by darkness so you couldn’t tell anyone was there. Not that you would notice anyway since you seemed so lost in your own thoughts. 
“You said you had some classes with her?”, Eddie whispered to his friend beside him. 
“A few over the years. I have two this semester but I’m not sure she’s even realized that.”, Steve murmured back.
“She’s a fascinating girl and extremely beautiful. Why haven’t you made a move?” When the jocks eyes met his, he knows. “You can be a real dick sometimes, dude.”
“I’m King, remember? I have to impress the student body and my father.”
“Hm. People you hate. That’s fun.”
Steve huffs under his breath knowing the metalhead was right. His honey irises follow you as you bend down on your heels and pick up the last of the materials strewn out on the stage floor. 
“I hate myself for it…if it’s any consolation. I see her with her friends laughing and I wish I had to courage to be the reason. Every time I even think about talking to her, I panic because I know she’ll never care about me like that, not after everything I’ve done.”
“I wish I had seen her around. I probably would have made a fool of myself though…”, Eddie sighs. “Maybe we can give her what she wants.”
“What do you mean?”
“She wants to be told to shut the fuck up and do what she’s told, right?”
“We never got to finish our conversation because Mr. C told US to shut the fuck up.”
“Well, let’s finish it then and see what she says.”, the boy responds with a sly grin. 
As you step around the curtain and collect your things, they watch as you pause and stare at the place the two of them had been sitting. A small smile flickered across your lips and that was all the confirmation they needed.
You and Masie sway to the music from the side lines of the dance floor as you giggle like little kids. Initially, you had no interest in going to your 10-year reunion especially since you work at the school you graduated from but your best friend insisted, dragging you and the boys along. 
“Where’s my niece?”, Maze shouts as she takes a sip from the cup in her hand.
“She’s with grandma and grandpa tonight. My mom has been showing her a lot of educational cartoons like Magic School Bus since she’s going to start Kindergarten next month.”
“Oh my god! Shut up! I still can’t believe that she’s starting school soon. I feel so old.”
“How do you think I feel!? Quick, come with me to get another bottle of water.”
As you started to turn around to head to the drink station, your body bumped into a couple of familiar faces.
“Oh, wow. Hey, Y/N.”, Carol coos with a fake smile as Tommy squares his jaw beside her. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good, Carol. Real good. I actually teach here so I enjoy it… definitely a lot more than when I was student!” 
Your old tormentors force a laugh as you continue to grin their way. 
“We’ve been good to. I’m secretary at Tommy’s car dealership and our kids are…are just the best.”, she giggles obnoxiously as she wraps her arm around her partner. “How are Eddie and Steve? You’re not single I hope!”
You can’t help but fake laugh along with her, waiting for a pause to answer. 
“God no. No single life for me. They are doing well though. Steve and Robin just got another big investment for their foundation and have help over 50,000 teenagers and people who were either kicked out of their homes or lost them due personal things in their life like their sexuality or who they love.  And, um, oh, yeah! Eddie’s band Corroded Coffin just signed with a major label and their new single just hit number 3 on the music charts so we’re planning on moving into a bigger house soon. I’m so excited! You can ask them to tell you more. I know they’re around here somewhere.”
“Oh, uh, no. That’s alright. It was, um, nice seeing you again. Come on, Tommy.”, Carol grumbled as she pushed him away from you. 
“I heard they are on the verge of divorce.”, Maze conveyed making you grin. 
“Yeah and Tommy’s dealership isn’t doing so hot. Where are Eddie and Steve? They would have loved to be a part of what just happened.”
“They said they wanted to wonder around for a bit.”
“’Wonder around’? Uh huh.”, you giggle knowing how the men you love are. 
Excusing yourself, you walked down the hallway towards your classroom but found nothing. As you turned to head back to Masie, however, a palm reached around to cover your mouth and pull you into Mr. C’s adjacent room. 
You squeaked and struggled against the person’s grip till your eyes landed on the chocolate ones in front of you. 
“You jerks. I knew you were up to something!”, you scold playfully as Steve drops his hand and rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“Took you long enough. We’ve been here for a while.”, Eddie grins as he caresses your cheek.
“Blame Carol and Tommy.”
“Did they say something to you?”, the former jock asks with concern.
“They did but I handled it.”
“Oh?”, the metalhead jests, quirking one of his eyebrows before taking you in his arms and lifting you onto the desk. “Did you remind her that you still have an ass and she doesn’t?”
You laugh as you shake your head and kiss his lips. 
“How are you feeling, honey? Everything still alright?”
“Yes, Daddy. We’re both alright.”, you coo as your palm runs over your tummy.
“Good.”, Eddie chuckles as he leans in to kiss your neck. “Remember, don’t hesitate to use our word if you start feeling nauseas or anything, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Sir. Say Vanilla if the butthead decides to throw a rager in my belly and makes mommy sick.”
“Hey. Kid has my genes so he definitely knows how to have and or ruin a good time.”
“Shut up, Eddie Munson.”
His lips pause in place so he can lean back as his eyes can meet yours. 
“Did you just tell me to shut up?”
Fingers suddenly take hold of your neck and lightly squeeze making you moan as you tilt your head to look at Steve’s darkened expression. 
“Oh no, Eddie. It seems little girl here forgot her manners.”, he growls as he forces you down, slamming your back against the desk. 
After lifting up your dress, the metalhead takes hold of your thighs and tugs your body closer to the edge. 
“Well, Steve, we’re definitely in the right place to remind her how to use them.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @eddiesguitarskills
@needylilgal022 @local-stoner-bitch @katethetank @nailbatanddungeon
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@chelebelletx @perdopascalslilbaby @shayeddie @anaibis
@wroteclassicaly @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@siriuslysmoking @raptorbait529 @miarosso @micheledawn1975
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captain-mj · 8 months
Plane Ride
Little Ghost mom centric thing because @snootlestheangel made me think about her again
Mrs. Riley silently handed her ticket to the airport security. She had never flown to America before. If she could, she'd probably feel anxious about doing something wrong and the man yelling at her.
Instead, all she could feel was the swirling mix of dread and relief filling her entire body. They bubbled and foamed inside her until she felt like she might throw up on the nice worker's shoes.
"Mum." Tommy put his hand on arm gently. "Sorry, sir. My brother is in the hospital and neither of us are taking it well."
"Go ahead and go through."
"Thank you, sir." Tommy held her hand as she tried not to cry again. "it's okay, Mum. Simon is alright. We're going to go see him and he's probably going to be fine and tell us we're loonies for even being worried about him."
Mrs. Riley wasn't sure she believed him, but nodded all the same. She was never the strongest person. Mentally or physically. It was not something she was proud of honestly. But she needed to keep herself together through the flight.
Tommy managed to sleep, probably exhausted from handling Joseph and the unknown amount of time he spent on the phone trying to get everything together. She made sure not to wake him up, even as she kept weeping.
Simon was alive. They told her he was dead. Went missing and would never return. That she'd never even get a body.
And now. He was alive, in critical condition and hadn't talked much. Her good boy.
Mrs. Riley started to sob again. She had never been a good mother. She always tried, but she didn't fool herself into thinking she was good. Simon protected her more than she ever protected him and that would probably always haunt her. A better mom would've left. Or at least made sure she was the only one getting hit.
The first time he had broken Simon's arm, she did leave. Just for a day. And then she came back. Weak and unable to handle the world anymore. When did she get like that? She asked herself the question constantly.
Not Simon though. Even as a kid. Always tough as nails.
The poor flight attendant offered her a drink on the house. She simply asked for a water and to please come back when Tommy was awake.
On foreign soil, she wondered how her son did it. Just... went to other countries. Talked with people. Smiled and drank and did all the things she did as a kid so easily.
A military personnel picked them up. They had on their formal wear. Only difference between it and the one, who told her that her eldest had died, was the flag and some colors. He had a scar along his head and tattoos on his arm. For a brief moment, she thought one of them may match her son's but his sleeve was half covering it.
"My name is Sergeant Alex Keller. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
He talked to Tommy like a soldier, greeting him with a thick Texan and shaking his hand. For her though, he must've seen the red eyes and the bags that came under them, because he actually smiled at her.
"I've never met someone as... strong willed as your son. I'll be happy to escort you both to the hospital. However," her blood started to drop in temperature, "i must warn you. He's not a happy camper. His condition also... isn't pretty. Doctors say he's out of the weeds, but recovery is going to be a slow and steady process."
Tommy nodded. "Strong willed... That's one way to describe him."
Sergeant Keller simply smiled and she got the impression he knew something she didn't. Most likely something classified if he was anything like Simon.
Alex took them to the hospital where they were told only one visitor at a time. With no hesitation, Tommy stepped back and said he'd wait in the waiting room. Although it was no doubt killing him, he simply squeezed his mom's hand and let go.
Mrs. Riley followed the nurse through the white halls, feeling nauseated as many childhood A&E visits flashed through her brain.
"Right now, he's on quite a bit of oxycodone."
"He's not supposed to take that."
The nurse faltered a bit. "There was no note in his file for allergies. We couldn't leave him unmedicated. Is there a different one that he should be on?" She sounded almost panicked, as she checked through Simon's file.
"Addiction... runs in the family. Sorry, I trust your judgement, miss. I'm just surprised he let you give him any pain meds."
The nurse relaxed and hesitated, again, almost telling her something. She seemed to take pity on the poor mom. "He was... delirious. We believe he was given some cocktails of hallucinogens and who knows what else. That with the infection and the fever... I don't think he would've stayed coherent enough to make choices."
Mrs. Riley found herself relaxing a little. "Simon knows how to dissociate. Hopefully that's what he did when they... took him. I understand there's certain things you can't tell me. I do. What can you tell me? Before I go in this room. What should I know?"
The nurse paused in front of the door. "I wouldn't normally do this. I need you to understand. But I think someone he's close to should understand what happened." She put the file on a small table nearby. "I'm going to walk away. Just go in when you're ready."
Mrs. Riley smiled at her and waited a moment or two after she walked away before picking it up.
Broken ribs. Dislocated. Vivisections scars. Damage to multiple organs. A surgery had been done to remove internal scar tissue. Puncture wounds all over. Unknown wound on the ribs. Cuts along face. Wound from a previously healed over slit throat. Signs of starvations. Signs of rape. Burns along feet, potentially from walking on hot ground. Scorpion stings on hands and wrists.
There were more, but most were cuts or bruising. Horrible, but nothing like what she had just read.
Mrs. Riley should've taken a moment to compose herself, but she couldn't. She didn't even put the file back on the table, just dropped it and went inside.
There he was. For the first time since he was six years old, he looked small. There were so many bandages, especially around his mouth. But his eyes were exposed. Along with dark hair that had grown out and fell in his face now. For a brief moment, his heart rate spiked in fear as he stared at her.
"There's my good boy." She said softly, walking over. She made herself walk slow and steady despite wanting to collapse. When he flinched away from her, it felt like she had her heart ripped out and picked apart. But he settled, his heart rate began to even back out.
He tried to talk but it seemed to pull something cause it winced in pain instead.
"Simon." His eyes went straight to her, soft and wet. "Blink once if i can take your hand."
One blink.
She grabbed it gently, cradling it. His hands dwarfed hers. There were so many scars. So much bandaging. Her eyes filled with tears and she could hear the heart monitor start to beep faster.
"I'm so glad I have you back, Simon." She rubbed his knuckles gently to calm him back down. "Tommy is outside when you want to see him."
It looked like he tried to sit up but the pained whimpering that came out of him made her sick.
"Sweetheart," she pressed his shoulders back gently, not liking the defocused look in his eyes. "please. Just stay still. Everything can wait. I promise. For once, just... let someone else be the strong one for you, alright?"
Mrs. Riley pulled up a chair and held his hand. Before long, he fell asleep, though he fought it to the bitter end. Tommy was allowed back eventually and she wasn't prepared for how fast he just fell apart.
Her poor boys.
Simon went to comfort him but was luckily stopped by both of them before he could hurt himself. He looked miserably at both of them but Tommy hit the pain med button for him and he relaxed back into a blissful and hopefully pain free sleep.
Mrs. Riley could be strong. She knew she could. Whatever Simon needed, he'd get.
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May I please request One-shot of Logan howlett ( Wolverine) x Wife reader Where she is pregnant of Laura (X-23) And they both raise her together <3 💒💕
Awww omg this is so sweet
Life of the Howletts
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Fem reader
Description: After finding out you're pregnant,you and your husband Logan immediately take to your new life and future with happiness
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You run down stairs with tears of joy running and jumping into Logan's arms with him catching you "Hello sweetheart you seem happy" you giggle showing him the results of two pregnancy tests making him stop and his eyes widen as you bounce excitedly and he grabs and lifts you in the air laughing and crying. He always was by your side and helped with everything even the minor stuff that wouldn't cause any harm or take more than a second to do but he was walking on air happy about becoming a father. He couldn't help but always have his hands on your belly once the baby bump started showing in disbelief that his child that the two of you created was inside you growing that this was his child and that he would be a dad making him a bit afraid but happy like he had never been before. He would stay up whenever you couldn't sleep from the sickness or pain always massaging or rubbing wherever you were in pain and sometimes when you were making breakfast he would just come up behind you and hold your belly while giving you a sweet kiss on the cheek that made you feel giddy like a teenager again. You were walking inside the house after tending to your garden when you felt like you had to pee and then you feel a puddle under you trying figure out what to do you started having contractions as logan walked in to see you on the couch crying in pain realizing you were in labor running and getting your neighbor and childhood friend Riley who was a pediatric nurse and had done quite a few deliveries outside of hospitals. After the two go inside they find you throwing up beside the couch and soon you find out you were 6 meters dilated and in active labor so there wasn't time to call an ambulance and have you deliver at the hospital which made you concerned but you trusted riley with your life and listened to everything she told you from going to the bathroom slowly breathing and drinking water to keep yourself hydrated inbetween throwing up from the pain. An hour and a half later you ended up delivering your daughter in the bathtub and after being thoroughly checked by riley she determined that both of you were fine having also taken tons of OBGYN classes as well cleaning everything up and after Logan helped you changed and get in bed while riley watched your daughter whom you and logan named Laura and the two of you smiled looking down at your daughter in your arms who was already a mixed carbon copy of the two of you. You fell asleep while logan stayed awake holding laura in his arms with tears of joy running down his face as he gently rubbed her face with his finger "You are the best thing to happen to me and you are going to have so much love...you are gonna be just like your mom" he gently kisses her forehead laughing at her little noises and soon he was asleep with her carefully on his chest with a protective hand on her.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Eddie Diaz coma fic if possible? The reader gets shot like eddie in 4x14 and ends up in a coma. Lots of angst, heartbreak if possibly but also fluff too please. 🩶
hold on to me - e.d
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summary: request :)
eddie diaz x reader
gif from @agentoutofdiaz
a/n: guys i def just ate my history final up and left no crumbs, enjoy this request 🤌🤌
the gunshot passed right through y/n’s stomach. the massive bang had ricocheted throughout the street and off the buildings, every crouching down as an instinct to the echoing noise. she immediately felt the impact it had right in the center of her abdomen. she brought her hand slowly down, pulling it away to see the overwhelming amount of blood on her fingers. she brought her head back up weakly, before falling onto the concrete.
eddie was held back by buck, who yanked him under a wall. he watched as his girlfriend was thrown to the stained ground, the blood pouring out of her. this couldn’t be a mistake, it was a perfect shot. she was saving someone’s life, and an evil person wanted to take hers. eddie thought he was dreaming. he thought he would be shaken awake by y/n and she would be next to him without a bullet inside of her.
eddie was screaming her name over and over again, and she heard every single time. she wanted to respond, but the blood gurgling in her mouth made it near impossible. she turned her head on the ground to look at her boyfriend. he was laying on the ground, looking directly at her.
he couldn’t contain himself anymore, he had to get out there and save her. “y/n!” he yelled. “hey, y/n?” he pulled her head up as her breathing slowed down. “come here, come help me!” he shouted at his coworkers, who came piling over and putting her into the truck. eddie sat by her head, cradling it gently. a part of him wanted her to pass out, to not have to feel this pain anymore. when she finally lost consciousness from the strain, he panicked as he still wanted to see her eyes, completely contradicting his earlier thought. buck had been applying pressure to the wound, switching out the cloths multiple times as they were drenched with y/n’s blood.
he carried her out of the truck, yelling at the doctors to help her. they took her and placed her on a gurney, turning her on her side. “y/n y/l/n, female, GSW to the abdomen, severe bleeding, may have hit a major organ but pulse is steady. wasn’t through and through, bullets still in here,” he spat out rapidly at the mob of nurses and doctors. as she was wheeled away, the tears in eddie’s eyes were reappearing, dripping down his face. buck had pulled him into an embrace, trying to erase the violent sight in front of him. the constant reminder was the her very own blood on their uniforms.
y/n woke up in her old apartment in her home city, still recalling the smell and feeling of her old rooms. she stretched out of bed, looking around. the confusion in her head was very abnormal. she moved to LA years ago, and her lease was up. she knew this place like the back of her hand, one of her first places that she was able to escape from home. her home life wasn’t bad, but certainly not memorable.
she heard a knock on her door, stepping out of the room to pull it open. in front of her stood her siblings behind her parents. “hi, sweetie!” her mother exclaims. y/n doesn’t recognize the change in attitude.
“hey, mom, what are you all doing here?”
“we had lunch plans, remember? it’s ok if you forgot, you’re under a lot of pressure.”
“w-we did? i mean since i’m visiting from LA?”
“visiting? from california! how hard did you hit your head?” her mom laughs, walking into the apartment, her brother and sister following in with her father.
she sat down on the couch slowly, feeling awkward at how kind her parents were being. she picked up the glass of water on the table next to her. “did something happen?”
“no, just coming to see you and brian, where is he?”
“your…fiancé?” y/n chokes on her water, wiping it off her face.
“my what?” she asks.
“honey, now you’re really scaring me.”
“i’m not engaged, who the hell is brian? where’s eddie?”
“y/n, eddie left, remember?” y/n remains silent. she knows eddie would never leave her. he’s been left before, and he could never put that weight on someone’s shoulders.
back in the hospital, eddie sits with a recovering y/n. her waist was wrapped with a bandage, several IV’s in her arms pumping the drugs into her system. the tube in her throat was forcing the air into her lungs, being unable to do it alone.
a coma. the state of deep unconsciousness. the state that lasts for an unknown amount of time. eddie has heard the words thousands of times being a paramedic. but it doesn’t feel the same when someone you love has been purposely separated from her body.
he wondered what she was thinking, or even if she knew he was there. “i, um,” he starts, stuttering. “i don’t know if you’re there, completely, but you are coming back. i know you are, because you have to. there are too many people relying on you, y/n. i need you to survive or i don’t know if i’ll be able to. so i’m begging you, for the sake of how much i love you, please wake up,” he looks back at her sleeping figure, figuring it’s no use. he just sits in the chair, staring at her condition and the monitors.
“no, eddie wouldn’t leave me, i live in los angeles and i am a firefighter,” y/n speaks harshly to her parents.
“c’mon, y/n. what kind of crazy dream did you have?” her brother says, shoving his face full of food. “i think you need to go back to bed.”
“shut up,” she tells him. “i am not where im supposed to be.” she didn’t say the one detail that gave it away. the one that she’s well aware of. her parents have never been that nice to her, at least not as much as they are in this reality. she kind of loves it, but certainly not as much as eddie. “i am a firefighter,” the memories of the previous day came back to her, the images flashing in her eyes before they faded away again. “i… i was hurt.”
suddenly, y/n has convinced her parents to take her to the psych ward. almost, but they bring her to the ER instead. she must’ve hit her head or something, but y/n knows she is not supposed to be here.
she sits on the bed, her mother in the chair next to her. she looks around, trying to figure out a way to escape. “mom, can you get me some water, please?”
“of course, sweetie. i’ll be back.” she leaves a kiss on her forehead and exiting to get her daughter a drink. y/n takes her opportunity to leave. not the hospital, but the ER is not where she can be. she sprints around, desperately looking for a sign of herself. she goes the the ORs, the regular rooms, and finally she stops in the ICU. she looks in each of the rooms, every single one being dark and empty until she comes across one in particular.
her frail body lay in the bed, with the muffled sounds of doctors speaking and beeping. she looked so weak, and watching herself not be able to fight back against the storm broke every part of her. she stands in front of the doors before hearing a voice behind her. the same voice she fell in love with years ago, and the one that saved her heart and stole it like a thief. y/n whips around at the quick sound of her name. “do you think you should be there?” the duplicate of eddie says.
“why am i here, and not there?”
“because that wound on your body is not the only thing that needs to be healed. you’ve imagined a perfect world. and this is death, y/n.”
“why are you here?”
“i’m your imagination. because if you go back, you don’t know what’s going to happen in a few years. that’s the point of this.”
“because i don’t know if you’ll be there?”
“because you want to be loved forever. and there’s a guarantee at this place,” eddie explains. y/n looks at him calmly, but confusion is written all over her face.
“you love me. i know you do. you said you would forever, and you don’t here. why are you even talking to me? why are there no dead people or something?”
eddie steps closer to her, looking down into her eyes as she stares back at herself. “you want to be loved by these people. why do you think i’m just showing up now?”
“don’t play this game with me, diaz. i do not know why i’m here or why you are here because nothing makes any sense!”
“you said the answer yourself. you know, you know,” he repeats. y/n is scared. she’s a fearless person, but dealing with this alternate life has shown her a whole new side. the world is an uncertain place and no one knows what’s on the other side until you get there. once you’re on that side, there is no going back. that’s it.
the repetition of something she knows runs through her frightened mind at a hundred miles an hour. from the moment she entered that fire station and saw his beautiful face looking at her. she knew she’d be loved. over and over again, he’d told her. and it was enough.
what felt like minutes to y/n was a week to eddie. a week of the prolonged unconsciousness from y/n with no signs of living other than her steady heartbeat. the doctors said it was a good sign, but until eddie saw her eyes again, he didn’t believe it. he’s not one to take something for granted, but if he’d known he would never see her mesmerizing irises again, he would’ve never looked away.
the team of surgeons and interns had piled back into the room, attempting to remove the tube. eddie’s stomach ached from the anxiety of this being her last shot. it was now or never, and he despised that he couldn’t control it. if the tube is removed and she takes a breath on her own, there is a high likelihood that she’ll wake up in the next few hours.
eddie prays to any god that might listen to him, begging, almost on his hands and knees that he will be able to hold her again. when the harsh rise of her chest puffs up, eddie’s own drops. he releases the breath and all his pain, sending it away with her coma.
after the dark clouds rolled over, the sun of y/n’s smile came out. she was giggling and happy, and no one would think that she was just in the condition she was in. the doctors have finally cleared her to go home, no longer needing medical supervision and observation. she was regaining strength at an impressive rate which was optimistic to eddie. several visits from christopher and carla, along with her co-workers had happened over the week of her spell. eddie helped her gather her stuff, still needing help to lift things and stand. the second she tries to stand on her own, eddie is there in the speed of light.
“hey, hey, don’t stand up yet,” he says, walking over to the straining woman on the hospital bed. “if you push yourself it’ll be worse.”
“i’ll be ok, eddie,” she says a little passive-aggressively. eddie knows how hard the recovery stage can be, especially when you have a lot of people nagging you about it. she loves to work more than anything. it’s her mission to save people and make the worst day of their life as easy as it can be. y/n’s clearly frustrated with herself and her situation, but she never wants to make eddie feel bad about his good intentions. “shit, i’m sorry.”
“amor, i told you not to apologize. this trauma is yours to carry, and it sucks. i just want to make this easier for you.”
“i just, i saw you and my whole family. in my… coma,” she cringes at the word. “they loved me, eddie. they really cared instead of putting on a face. i considered staying. but you had, um,” eddie places a reassuring arm around her shoulder, silently letting her know it’s ok to say what’s on her mind. “you left me and i had no clue.”
“god, you know i would never do that, right?”
“i do, it just felt so real. the way you looked at me in that reality and how couldn’t say you loved me hurt so bad and i had to come back to you.”
“i love you, so much,” eddie touches his forehead to hers. “i would never, ever leave you. i couldn’t imagine my life without you when you were sleeping.”
eddie looks into her eyes. he takes in every speck of color, and the movement of her pupils. his hands wander across her body before pulling her in, helping her get a sense that he is real. the knowledge that he is not going anywhere away from her until their last breath.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Good news for everyone interested in the story, devastating news for me, who thought she was gonna write a short oneshot:
The Clever One (link to the excerpts I already posted on tumblr) decided to turn into a multi-chapter fic, as I was possessed to write like 2.1k on the season 2 finale alone today. Which is not what's gonna happen next, the story starts with the season 1 finale. Which means that all of season 2 has to happen in between.
I have however also decided to not delay it so the first chapter will be posted on AO3 and FFNet tomorrow. So, look out for some Pack Mom and Alpha Mate Stiles coming to a fanfiction site near you tomorrow! ;)
And to sweeten this announcement, have a tiny bit from what I wrote today at work, because I like being a tease.
“Help me get my pups down.”
Stiles' voice was a growl, his eyes hard. Even as he held his aching ribs and hunched over to avoid more pain, he somehow managed to be a threatening presence. Chris looked at him startled, his eyes wandering to Boyd and Erica, still strung up.
“Your pups.”
Rolling his eyes, Stiles got to work. “You're clever, Chris. Figure it out. Your father did too, after all. That's why he took me.”
A pause, and a sharp intake of breath. “You're the Alpha Mate.”
“Ding, ding, ding,” Stiles' voice was dripping with fake cheer and sarcasm. “Now, help me get my pups down, or get the fuck out, I don't care.”
He was mildly pleased when Chris actually came to help him. With some difficulty, Boyd and Erica were freed, both wrapping themselves around Stiles near immediately, nuzzling his neck from either side to scent their Alpha. Stiles returned the gesture, as well as he could at the moment. Everything ached and the two werewolves attached to him were solid walls that limited his movement.
“Get out,” Chris ordered, voice low.
As Erica and Boyd flanked him from either side to help him, Stiles threw one last look at Chris. “Thank you. I'll not forget this.”
There was a tension in the air, both Chris and Stiles knowing how much these words meant. He was the Alpha Mate and he admitted a debt to the hunter. Stiles knew that was a big deal, but he also knew Chris deserved it. Knowing his mate's tendency for burning everything to the ground on his path for revenge – a bit ironic, all things considered – Peter may very well try to kill all remaining Argents. And Stiles had just handed Chris a get out of being murdered free card.
Stiles returned his attention to his betas. “C'mon, kids, time to get home.”
A sarcastic eyeroll from Erica that lost a lot of its effect due to her tear-smeared make-up and slowly healing bruises. “Sure thing, mom. I'm sure dad will be delighted.”
That actually made Stiles wince a little. Yeah, Peter was not going to be happy about this. Gerard had taken him to punish Peter, to send a warning to Peter. Ideally, Stiles would go home, nurse his wounds on his own and never tell anyone about this. Alas, there were two very worried and protective betas with him right now and there was just no way they weren't gonna go tattle to their Alpha. Might as well get it over with then.
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buckys-black-dress · 2 years
i follow you (pretend you want me to)
a/n: hey guys. i know its been a reeaaaally long time but here we are with a nice lil best friends brother bucky fic! this is what happens when your best friend has a cute older brother but you know it'll never happen.
wc: 3k words
[ best friend's brother!bucky barnes x fem!reader ]
You never, ever, in all in your years, imagine you would find yourself in the position you're currently in.
As someone who only recently became local to the New York City area, your best friend Rebecca has been letting you stay at her place as a favor as you search for an apartment.
It's been a bit difficult so far, as the rent is insanely expensive and you've been extremely busy with your job as a new nurse.
The other part?
Oh, right.
The fact that Rebecca lives with her shy, albeit gorgeous, older brother, James.
You've been best friends with Rebecca for 3 years now, but you both clicked so easily from the beginning, like sisters. You would spend any free weekends traveling to New York to see her, which meant staying with James when he was there.
At first, you never realized that James himself was just a quiet guy. At times, his silence made you uneasy; like he was silently judging you.
But over time, you've come to realize he just kept to himself. He was also a big homebody, but he still has a solid friend group that he goes out with from time to time.
So back to the current situation.
Rebecca had an early class she had on Fridays, and she left while telling you to make yourself at home and raid the fridge for breakfast.
So, naturally, you asked James if he'd like some, as well.
And he agreed. So you got started on a breakfast spread that Rebecca could have some of when she got back as well.
"You made so much food, Y/N. Who's gonna eat all of this?" James comes out of his room, sweatpants hanging low on his hips and a white t-shirt that may be a size too small for him.
Good god. Why am I staying here? I really need to find my own place. Fast.
"Oh, well... I felt bad. So I thought I'd make enough for Becca when she got back. It's also a thank you for letting me stay here, I guess." You justify with a timid smile.
"You know you're always welcome here, Y/N." He smiles and you feel your heart stutter.
"Thanks, James. I really appreciate it. Anyways, the food's all ready if you wanna sit and eat?"
He nods and takes his place at one of the wooden stools on the other side of the counter and you slide a plate in front of him.
"So, Y/N, I never asked you about what happened when you got home?" James poses after a few minutes of silence.
He was referring to when while you were gone for a weekend coming to see Becca, but your mom had recently found out you had gotten a tattoo on a whim while you were out with friends one weekend.
Of course, you hid it from your parents, and while you were careful to not let it show, you knew the spot wasn't too hidden and it was only a matter of time until they saw.
Your mother saw it on a faithful afternoon, and from there it spiraled.
Your dad hated tattoos, but your parents had let you get one when you first turned 18 as a one-and-done deal.
Of course, one wasn't enough.
The tattoo was on your inner upper arm, placed delicately right in the crook of your underarm. You often had to look for it to see it. It was a small envelope with a heart sealing it. It was simple and cute, on a whim you decided to get it and you loved it.
Although you didn't think every tattoo had to have some deep meaning, this one was just for you.
But alas, while you were away for a weekend, your mother had decided to tell your father about it.
It was a good thing... and a bad thing.
On one hand, you knew he was going to be extremely upset with you.
But on the other, he had a few days to process what you did while you were still gone, and you hoped this would help him calm down a little bit before you got back.
While you were with Becca, James was the one who found you in a panic about the news when your mother told you that she told your father.
"Hey, you okay?" His voice comes from across the room.
Your form on the couch is quite the sight. Eyes, bulging and wide. Shoulders squared and tense. Not a hint of a smile on your face.
"Uh- I... I am not. But that's alright. I can deal with it later." You try to laugh it off.
"No, what's wrong? Maybe I can help." He offers, and you smile at that. You wonder how a while ago, you thought he hated you. He was just a quiet person.
"I just... I'm in trouble with my parents. I got a tattoo a while back and my mom saw it, and now she told my dad while I'm here. So I think I might get my ass kicked once I get back home." You explain with a nervous laugh.
"Oh... that really sucks. What's the tattoo?" He asks curiously, and you lift your t-shirt sleeve to point it out. "That's not so bad... trust me, I've seen much worse."
"Yeah, my parents just don't love tattoos and I was only supposed to have one that they allowed, but this one was just for me, you know?" You tell him.
"I get it... I mean, you're probably gonna still get more down the line, so maybe this is a good thing. Get them acclimated to them." James laughs, and it makes you crack a smile.
"Oh," you breathed out a laugh, "it was honestly fine. He got mad for a few minutes and kind of got over it. He would get pissed when I would wear shirts where you could see it but he's pretty much past it now."
"That's good. So does that mean it's okay if you get more, or they're still gonna give you a hard time?" He wonders.
"Funny, I've actually already gotten another since then. But it's also pretty small." It was kind of ironic how big of a deal your parents made, but they just decided you were never going to listen. So now, it was just best to do whatever you wanted.
Which was to get a bunch of tattoos.
"Really? Can I see?"
The question catches you off guard for a moment, not expecting him to be so eager to ask you to see the new ink.
"Oh! Sure, it's on my back, so let me just..." Your voice trails off, quickly turning away from him to lift the back of your t-shirt that you've slept in. "I think this one is my favorite so far." Your voice is weak, feeling exposed with your entire bare back out.
The tattoo was on your back, just below your left shoulder blade. It was a unique placement to you, the wording you've chosen going vertically rather than horizontally.
The script reads 'golden' in the most delicate cursive, written by your grandmother. It was your first tattoo that held sentimental value, and you loved it more than anything you've ever seen.
The silence hung in the air, and you could feel his eyes lingering on the one patch of ink on your back. You wish you could look at him and see what he if he had anything particular that could give away how he was feeling.
You wanted to speak, but there seemed to be too much tension that built in your throat.
When you almost got the courage to say something, you feel a light fingertip skate right over the spot. You're pretty sure all breathing stops.
Oh, now I'm not saying anything.
"It's... it's a beautiful tattoo. Suits you well." James' voice was low and raspy, and it made you shiver. As if him being in such close proximity to you was causing him physical pain.
"Thanks..." You struggle to catch your breath. What the hell is going on?
Not once, in all your years of knowing him, has James ever made it even seem like he had any interest in you. But now... now your head was spinning and his finger was still tracing over your skin and you can't fucking breathe.
"I- uh, sorry, I should start on these dishes." You nervously spit out, somehow forming a coherent sentence.
But as you move to get out of your chair, the same hand that was on your back a few, mere moments ago was now holding your wrist. It was as if his entire hand swallowed it.
"Y/N." He holds your gaze a little too intently, squirming under it.
"Did I... was that uncomfortable? Did I go too far?" He sounded nervous, and you almost wanted to cry at how sincere he sounded.
"Oh, no! No, no, James, you- no, you're absolutely fine! I- I wasn't expecting it, and you touched me, which I don't think you've ever done it like that before, and it was just a lot-"
"A lot?" James' mouth is slanting into a grin and you hate how handsome he looks, you despise how devastatingly beautiful he is.
"Don't smile at me like that, you have never once in your life smiled at me in that way and I don't think I can survive this if you're making fun of me."
"Making fun of you? Y/N, I would never-"
"Oh you so would, don't even start with that."
"Well, I wasn't doing it this time! Jus' really like your... tattoo..." The uncertainty of his voice makes you pause your spiraling thoughts for a moment, and you have to take a good look at him.
"You like it?" You take your seat next to him again, facing him.
You were closer to him than you remember before.
"Well, more than like it, but whatever." He mumbles under his breath, his eyes trained on your face.
Your breathing practically stops at his confession, not knowing what to do with this information.
But it seems like he does. His vision has not once wavered from your eyes or lips.
Why is he looking at your lips like that?
"Can I kiss you, Y/N?" James' tone is quiet, intimate.
Oh. That's why.
"Yeah." You can barely strangle out of your throat, but you needed to say it before this opportunity slipped right out of your grasp.
And before you could even suggest that he didn't have to kiss you if he really didn't want to, you feel the breath escape your lungs as James places his lips upon yours.
They're chapped, a little rough, but you don't mind it one single bit. His hands come to envelop the sides of your face, and you think you could become a puddle on the stool, right there and then.
For a moment, you feel like none of this was real. What are the odds, your best friend's extremely cute older brother, who you've found attractive for some time now, is kissing you? The same one who has always acted indifferent around you? The one you thought saw you as nothing?
When you finally, (begrudgingly,) pull away from him, you have to take a moment to yourself; your eyes stay closed. Maybe this was all a dream and you've been imagining this whole thing.
"Open your eyes, Y/N. I wanna see those pretty E/C eyes." James doesn't demand, but his tone makes you want to open your eyes.
As your gaze is fixed on him, you wonder what he's thinking. What did he think of that kiss? Did he like it? Was it something he wanted to do again? Did he absolutely hate it and never wanted to see you again?
"I can sense you're spiraling in there, sweetheart. What's going on up there?" His hand is caressing the side of your face, and you feel like you could melt just there and then. A puddle on a stool in the kitchen is how Rebecca will find you when she gets back.
"I... I don't know. All I can think about is your hand on my face right now." Is what you can bring yourself to answer with right now.
"Do you like my hand being there? Or would you like me to move it?"
"No, please don't move it. I don't know what'll happen if you do." You sigh dramatically, and it elicits a smile from him.
"What do you mean?"
"What if you move your hand and suddenly I wake up and this was all some cruel dream? What if this isn't real and it's all in my head right now?" You ask, quite pathetically, you admit.
"It's not a dream, angel. I kissed you. You let me. And I think now would be the appropriate time for me to ask you something." James says gently, like the bubble around you two will burst if he speaks any louder.
Your brow furrows in question, and you nod for him to go on.
"Would it be alright if I asked you out? On a real date? I've been wanting to take you out for a while now... and I think now's a good time to ask." He smiles that smirk again, and you want to melt all over again.
"I would really, really love that, James." You feel like you're floating right now, like it's too good to be true. "Can I tell you something funny?" He nods.
"I've... I thought you were cute from the day I first met you. But you always acted so... indifferent around me, so I never thought I even stood a chance, and I kinda gave up on the idea you'd ever see me that way. But now... I think this is one of the best days of my life."
A moment of silence passes between you two.
"Y/N... the first time Becca introduced me to you, I thought to myself, 'She's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen.' And from that day on, I tried to find a way to talk to you, but I was just a wimp. But trust me, you were running circles 'round my mind from the first day." He confesses, and you feel the blush overtake your face at his confession.
"Really, James?"
"Really, Y/N." His smile makes you believe it.
"I knew it! I knew it, I was wondering when one of you wan gonna break!' Rebecca's voice comes from the doorway of the apartment, you and James breaking apart at the yell.
"Jesus, Reb, gonna give me a heart attack one day." James mumbles.
"Shut up! Don't try and change the subject! I knew you two had a thing for each other. Did you guys kiss? Oh my-" Her dramatics continue on, and you hold back the smile while rolling your eyes.
"Well, your brother here is going to take me out on a date. Happy?" You supply, hoping it'll calm her down.
Of course, it does the opposite.
"Really? Holy shit, didn't think you had it in ya, Jamie! Good job!"
"Rebecca... please. I'm two seconds away from tackling you to the ground."
"Try your best, big guy. I can handle it!" She replies, and you stifle your giggle as James moves up from his seat and starts towards his sister.
"No!" She shrieks, running away.
"You said you could handle it!" James' voice resonates from another room she ran into.
"I lied! Stop! Leave me alone! Y/N, help!"
"Sorry, Reb. I got nothin'!" You yell out, hoping she heard you.
"Oh, I see how it is, now that he told you he likes you you're taking his side!" She runs out, James hot on her heels.
"That's right!" He confirms, flashing you a quick grin as he runs.
"James, leave her alone. I have something for you!" You hope to catch his attention, and it works when he stops right in front of you.
"What's that, pretty girl?" His arms come on either side of you on the chair and countertop as you're sat sideways on the stool.
You don't speak, just pushing yourself up to meet his lips once again, feeling him melt into you as your hands lace behind his neck to pull him down even further.
"God, now I'm gonna have to get used to this." Rebecca fakes a gag at you two.
"Yeah, you better. She's not goin' anywhere." James replies without moving his eyes off of you. "C'mon, both of you, get ready. Gotta treat both my girls to a nice cup of coffee. Ten minutes!"
As you nod, you watch him walk into his room, and Rebecca just stares at you with a maniac smile. She moves towards you and wraps you in a bone-crushing hug.
"I'm so happy for the both of you. I can't believe he finally made a move." She tells you.
"You knew?"
"I could tell. He always had that look in his eyes when you weren't looking." Rebecca explains.
"What look?" You ask, bewildered.
"Y'know... the look. The look that you can't see, but everyone else can tell. He's got hearts in his eyes and angels flying around his head." She laughs.
You can't say anything, stunned by her words, but she just pats your shoulder and motions for you to get ready.
"C'mon, let's get you dressed, or we'll never hear the end of it from him."
"I heard that!" James' voice echoes from his room, and you both laugh.
As you walk into Rebecca's room, you can't help feel like you're finally whole. Like you aren't crazy, and that maybe... just maybe... there really is someone for everyone.
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