#also honestly. it feels nicer imo
local-magpie · 8 months
if i could marry my electric toothbrush, i'd still be single, because it would reject my neglectful ass. but i'd still go down on one knee for it
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honestly, i've never understood why people are so hostile to the idea of medic being written as "nicer" and "sweeter" for a change. as if writing him being amything other than cartoonishly evil 24/7 is a cardinal sin. like a character can't have multiple traits at once? it's honestly why i avoided writing anything with medic for a long time because i felt like i was always mischaracterizing him LMAO
Naur literally like... also imo that makes his joke BETTER he's actively funnier if he's a silly giggly bitch clicking his heels and saying Fortnite Und Trinke Cola Yippee! It's no fun if he's like Evil Murderboy 24/7 bc he's NOT textually and that's why he's so fun. I feel similarly abt every other tf2 character btw - "umm he's a HARDENED BADASS KILLER! He would CONSTANTLY say FUCK and he would NEVER be CUTE or GAY" do u not realize how much more interesting and funny it is to have a character who kills people refuse to say "fuck." Does all understanding of dynamic or interesting character types fly out the window when a video game man is threatened with "looking gay."
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daisykihannie · 7 months
Heyo!! I was wondering if you could write a smut with Felix and a FtM reader? Just your typical vanilla smut I don’t see this man doing anything else /imo . (Idol AU)
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𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚎 | 𝙻.𝙵𝚇
pairing: idol!Felix x ftm!reader
warning: porn with too much plot, vanilla, soft, sweet, making love not fucking, NSFW
a/n: I'm sorry it took me a few days to write! I'm also sorry there's so much plot! I had an idea of how to have you and an idol meet and it turned out so much longer to explain than intended but I hope you enjoy anyways!
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Today was Thursday, the day you and your best friend were leaving for California. The both of you being huge Stays and you both were not only able to get floor seats to their concert but you were also able to get tickets for the fan meet. The concert was on Saturday and the fan meet was on Sunday. You both wanted to stay in California for a bit to explore the sights so you'll get there today and won't come home to your shitty little home town until Monday.
"Omg y/n! I can't believe this is actually happening!" your friend exclaimed while skipping around your shared apartment packing. unable to contain their excitement. "did you really just say o-m-g??" you teased, laughing at your best friends antics.
"Shut up y/nnie! I'm gonna die of excitement so my brain isn't working!" they pouted and you couldn't help but to laugh. "When has your brain ever worked though?" you asked while folding a shirt to put in your suit case.
Suddenly your best friend jumped on your back while you leaned over to put the shirt in the luggage that was spread open on your couch. You stumbled a little out of surprise but we're able to stay balanced and standing, bursting into a fit of laughter as the koala clinging to your figure.
"Get off me so I can pack dummy." you said, moving your arms to hold their shins that wrapped around your front so they didn't fall and get hurt. "Nope! you hurt my feelings so this is your punishment!" they said, snorting while holding in their own laughter. "Alex, come on-" you said while wrapping your arms behind your back to reach their very ticklish sides and began to tickle them, causing them to squirm and lose their grip on you, falling to the floor on their back.
You took the opportunity to tackle them on the ground and keep tickling them, they were thrashing and kicking trying to get away but failing none the less. After a bit of torturing Alex, you both were laughing so hard that you had to catch your breath. Them still laying on their back, their knees bent and you sitting on your knees, leaned onto the heels of your feet. After a bit longer packing, you were somehow successful in packing everything in the car and were ready to drive the 12 hours to Los Angeles.
It was now 7pm and you just got up to your shared hotel room with your best friend. Luckily you each had separate beds and we're able to afford the room with a small kitchen, a lounge/living area, and two separate rooms conjoined by a bathroom. It was a really nice hotel room. Honestly quite a bit nicer than your apartment but oh well, this is LA, that's to be expected.
"Let's order dinner. What do you want?" you asked Alex, both of you still laying on your back, stretched out on your bed in the hotel. Neither of you moving to grab your phones to order. "Hmmmm fried chicken and beer?" Alex suggested. "Sounds good." you said, neither of you moving still.
after a few minutes of neither of you ordering Alex spoke up "Who's ordering?" "uhhhhhh" you responded, groaning and sitting up to grab your phone, opening Doordash to place the order. "okay. it'll be here in 30 minutes. I'm gonna go shower." you said, standing up and opening your luggage to grab a baggy black tee-shirt and a pair of boxers before heading to the bathroom and setting the water.
The shower helped relax your cramped muscles from driving for 12 hours. Alex was your permanent passenger prince/princess since they didn't have a license but normally you don't mind since you enjoy driving but 12 hours straight? that's a different story.
After your shower you walked out, wrapped in a towel, not bothering to cover your chest even though you haven't had too much surgery yet, it's still a man's chest and Alex has been your platonic soulmate since you were little. You've both seen each other naked and there's nothing to it. Shit, you both knew things about each other that should've just never been said but, that's how close you two were.
Alex was sitting on the couch in the lounge area, while you got dressed. They say on their phone with the chicken and beer on the small coffee table, waiting for you to start eating. You grabbed the remote from the entertainment center and sat next to Alex, your presence making them put up their phone and open a can of beer for the both of you while you searched Netflix for something to watch.
Both of you decided to start a new Anime. One called Blue Period that looked good and you both had seen people talking about on tiktok a couple times. "Ooh! let's take a photo for Instagram!" Alex said holding up their phone side ways, both of you posing, making sure your chicken, beer, and the hotel could be seen from the shot. "let's take one for my instagram." you said, both of you repeating the same process but you took the picture this time. You both posted and focused on the TV.
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It was now Friday afternoon. You and Alex were walking around the outdoor mall to find your concert and fan meet outfits. You decided to find a Felix inspired outfit since he is your bias and Alex was gonna do a Han inspired outfit, him being their bias.
You two were laughing and eating two giant pretzels you'd gotten from Auntie Anne's when you bumped into someone, closing your eyes to brace for the pain about to hit your butt, but you never hit the floor. Opening your eyes you see a man with a black baseball cap, a black face mask, and the prettiest brown eyes you've ever seen.
"I'm so sorry. are you okay?" he asked in a thick Australian accent that made butterflies explode in your stomach. "I'm doing so much better now that I'm in the arms of such a beautiful man." You flirted to hide your embarrassment, you're a natural flirt and he was pretty. What were you supposed to do? NOT flirt with him?
The man helped you back to your feet, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink. "Well um, thank you. I'm glad your okay." he said and looked at his feet shyly.
so fucking adorable omg I could just eat him-
That's when he noticed your pretzel was on the ground. "Oh shoot- your pretzel. Here, let me buy you a new one." he said grabbing your wrist and dragging you just a few feet away but to the Auntie Anne's stand. "You don't have to Hun. It was only like $10." you said trying to reassure him that he didn't need to spend his money on you.
"it's the least I can do after running into you and making you drop your pretzel. You didn't even get a chance to take a bite of it yet." the masked man said, not taking no for an answer. You let out a giggle at how adorable he was being "You know you're really cute. You should give me your number." you said while he paid the worker and handed you the brand new pretzel.
He laughed at your statement. "I wish I could but really, I can't do that." he said regretfully. This man was having a really fun time with you but there's no way he could give out his number. "Awe~ do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend already? or maybe you're not into guys?" you asked in a teasing tone and a pout on your lips.
"No no no- it's nothing like that. it's just-" the man was cut off by your response. "Oh~ so you are into guys?" you couldn't help the urge to tease him. He was too adorable when he got flustered even though you could only see half his face, his ears turned a bright pink again at your teasing.
"I didn't say that!" he said, flustered. "So you're straight?" you asked with another pout and puppy dog eyes, causing the Australian to look away. "No- okay I'm Bi. happy?" he asked, still avoiding your eyes in embarrassment.
"I'd be happy if the pretty man that just told me he is in fact into guys, gave me his number." you said continuing your teasing. "Look- how about this. I'll make you a deal." the male started. You gave him puppy dog eyes, tilting your head to show you were listening.
"I'm only in LA for a couple days. If we somehow meet again while I'm here, then I'll give you my number. It's like a test of fate. If we are meant to talk more, then fate will bring us back together." he said and you couldn't help but smile. "Deal." you said holding out your hand for him to shake. His small hands clasp around your large ones in a firm hand shake. "Your hands are adorable by the way." you said and walked away, back to Alex who was waiting for you, scrolling through their phone, seeing you the two of you went back to shopping while you kept thinking about the male you'd just met.
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You both finished shopping and went back to the hotel and did a mini fashion show for each other to decide what you'd wear tomorrow to the concert. The concert is tomorrow and you were about to jump out of your own skin with excitement. You two have been Stays since the pre-debut survival show and this is the first concert you'd been able to actually go to.
After deciding on your outfits, you both got dressed and decided to go out for dinner. It was a nice restaurant and the two of you were seated on the balcony, surrounded by fairy lights. You both decided to capture the moment taking a few photos together again, sipping on the wine you'd ordered and talking about what the setlist might be.
The nightlife in LA was gorgeous. So many pretty sights, people all around, etc. You two were walking on the Santa Monica peer after eating your dinner, slightly tipsy, just enjoying the cool breeze on your faces, blowing through your hair. You couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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Today's the day of the concert and to say you were about to pee your pants was an understatement. You were excited, anxious, scared, nervous, giddy, etc. You were wearing your Felix inspired outfit based off what he wore in the Party's not over MV. Alex was wearing Han's outfit from the same music video. You were matching while representing your biases, the sunshine twins.
You guys were standing in line outside the venue, tickets pulled up from your emails. This was gonna be the longest 30 minutes ever. Just 30 minutes till you get to see your boys in person, live, sweating, performing, singing, rapping, everything you waited years to see what's finally happening in just 25 minutes.
You and Alex found your seats, barricade seats almost completely in the middle. You were so close you could reach out and touch the stage. Suddenly the lights dimmed and the concert was starting.
Your eyes were locked on Felix almost all night. You two making eye contact a few times. Him throwing flying kisses at you as well. It all still felt like a dream. It came to the fan service part and Felix sat at the edge of the stage in front of you and Alex. For some reason Felix felt drawn to you. There was some sort of connection there that he couldn't explain.
When he sat down and complimented you and Alex's outfits, recognizing them, your eyes met and it hit him why there was a connection. The mall. You were the flirty guy who he told to let fate decide if you should get his number. He recognized you but you seemed to star struck to piece it together.
Han joined Felix when he saw him and complimented Alex on their outfit noticing it was his outfit from the MV to Party's not over. They called the other members over to see and they all got really excited and told you two that next time you should dress as the other members. They jokingly argued about who before separating and going to the other fans.
Felix couldn't stop staring at you for the rest of the concert. Wondering if you figured it out. Finally at the end of the concert and the boys were leaving the stage it clicked. "Holy shit!" you screamed at Alex, both of you still unable to hear well from the loud music.
You both picked up McDonald's on the way back to the hotel. When you both got undressed, took showers, and sat down to watch anime and eat the McDonald's, you decided to explain the situation to Alex.
"no shit! no fucking way! how can you tell? the guy at the mall's face was almost completely covered." Alex said in shock. "I know that but the eyes are the same, the deep Australian voice, the way he walks, the size of his hands, the ring on his index finger, all of it is identical! I swear it was him and I think he recognized me too! did you see how he kept staring at me like I was the idol?" you were slightly raising your voice out of shock from the realization.
Fate brought you two back together and tomorrow is the fan sign where it'll be your third meeting. He can't fight fate on this. But how TF is he going to react? He promised to give you his number but he's an idol. there's no way he'll actually be able to give it to you. You now understand why he couldn't give it to you at the mall.
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Today's the fan meet. You decided to wear Felix's outfit from the maxident trailer today for the fan meet. You were honestly so antsy after your discovery that you couldn't stay still. Your mind was going a million miles a minute. You gotta keep your composure. Be your flirty self. Don't show him that you were about to cry bc you had flirted with Felix, an internationally famous idol, no.
You and Alex were moving further up the line until Alex was next. From left to right it was oldest to youngest. Chan being the first one you'd meet and Jeongin being the last. You were shaking just a little bit. Antsy and excited as you watched everyone make their way down the line, holding hands and interacting with the boys.
"Next!" You heard the manager yell and jumped slightly. It was your turn now. You walked up the steps of the platform to where Chan sat, sitting in front of him and intertwining your hands like you two had done this a million times before.
"And what's your name handsome?" Chan asked you and you remembered one of his messages on bubble. "Didn't you say my name was Mrs. Bang? I think Mr. Bang fits me better tho don't you think?" you said leaning forward with your normal flirty behavior, taking Chan off guard before he laughed. "I did say that didn't I?" he asked with a chuckle. "So it's Y/N Bang." you responded and he wrote a cute little message next to his signature for you.
You continued flirting with each member down the line and now you were sat in front of your mystery man. You two locking eyes and a smirk grew on your lips when his eyes went wide seeing you yet again. "Hmmmm it seems fate has caused us to meet three times now. I think you owe me something now." you said leaning forward, elbows on the table and your chin resting on your hands.
"Y/N... now you know why I can't give you my number. But..." He paused looking around to make sure no one was looking and flipped to the back of your album before writing something. "a deal is a deal and I'm a man of my word." he said, unable to resist the pull you had on him.
He handed the album next to him to Seungmin since you'd be meeting him next. "I don't know why I'm doing this but there's just something about you that-" he was cut off when you leaned even closer to him. "what? makes you wanna ruin me? makes you wanna hear what I sound like when you have me in bed?" you whispered teasing him and moving your feet up his shin teasing him. "Fuck..." he mumbled in response as the images flooded his head.
Your time was up and as you stood, you walked shaking your hips a bit at Felix knowing he was watching you and his eyes finding their way to your ass. He bit his lips as he felt a bit restricted in his pants. Thank God for the table and table cloth that hit the floor.
After going all the way through, you told Alex that you needed to run to the restroom really quick. There were only a few people after you so, Felix should be able to check his phone soon. Your timing had to be perfect. You went into the men's restroom and checked that all the stalls were empty. You pulled out your phone taking a mirror pic of yourself. Your shirt pulled up, the hem of it between your teeth showing your abs a bit, hooking your thumb into the waistband of your pants to pull them down, exposing your V-line and just a little bit of stubble underneath.
After taking the lewd pic, you typed in the number written in the back of your album and sent it to Felix. You put yourself back together, washing your hands and your phone chimed. A message from Felix already.
"You- I know where that bathroom is. don't go anywhere." was all the message said. You love the chase but you were too intrigued to not listen. Soon after Felix walked into the bathroom to see you sitting on the sink counter waiting for him.
"God- I don't understand what the fuck your doing to me BUT- I can't help myself. Can I touch you?" he asked and fuck, being asked for consent has never been more sexy than when Felix did it.
"I'd be pretty upset if you didn't to be honest." you said as you stepped between your legs, placing his hands on your jaw and pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft and sweet with a bit of heat in it. like Felix was fighting everything inside him to take you on that counter. It was so hot feeling him fighting his own self control all because of you.
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You and Felix couldn't keep your hands or mouths off each other as you walked into his hotel room, both of your clothes flying everywhere. Soft moans and pants leaving your mouth as his lips were attached to your neck, walking you backwards and onto his bed. You finished taking off your pants and boxers to expose your soaked cunt. He removed his pants to free his rock hard cock.
The tip was red and angry, leaking pre-cum as he paused at the sight in front of him. You were on your back, legs spread, propped up on your elbows, staring up at him through your eyelashes. Lust and Need displayed onto your face. "Like what you see?" you asked him as he licked his lips at the sight. Your dick glistening while your hole was clenching around nothing.
"Fuck- you're so fucking pretty." he growled, climbing back on top of you, his cock rubbing against yours, a groan erupting from your throat as you threw you head back. He took the opportunity to continue sucking on your neck. Your hands tangled into his hair as you began rolling your hips to rub your dicks together.
A low growl escaped from his chest at the friction. "you're so fucking wet. god-" he groaned as he moved his hand between your bodies, using your arousal to lube his index and middle finger, rubbing them between your folds. "Can I fuck you with my fingers pretty boy?" he asked and there it was again. Consent was sexy.
"Please lix" you purred at the man as he pushed his fingers inside of you, curling them to hit your sweet spot. A loud, almost pornographic, moan falling from your lips, the hand in his hair tightening a bit at the feeling. "You're so fucking tight. you feel so fucking good on my fingers." he praised against your chest, leaving kisses and hickeys along the soft skin.
He fucked you on his fingers for a bit before he pulled them out of you, locking eyes with yours while you were panting from how he was working his magic. He stuck out his tongue, pushing the coated fingers into his mouth and moaning around them. "You taste sweeter than I thought." he said before kissing you again, the same softness and need in it as before. You could taste yourself on his tongue, making you moan into his mouth.
"L-lix please... I need you." you panted against his mouth when you two separated for air. This time he didn't need to ask for consent. He reached into the pocket of his jeans that were in a pile on the floor, pulling out a condom (always stay prepared). You took it from his hands and scooted up on the bed so your head was rested on the pillows, maintaining eye contact while opening the package with your teeth.
He took the chance to follow you up the bed, kneeling between your spread legs, cock twitching and leaking in need. After taking the condom out of the package you rolled it down his length teasing him a bit and stroking your hand up and down a few times before lining him up with your entrance and letting him push into you.
He pushed in slowly with a groan, feeling you wrap around him. "Fuck you feel so fucking good. so tight." he said and stopping once he bottomed out inside you to let you adjust. He noticed your tight grip on the sheets as he took your hand into his and kissed your knuckles, soothing you the best he could.
After a few moments of Felix staying still and peppering your hands, arms, neck, and face with kisses, you finally adjusted to his size. "You- you can move now." you said letting out airy breaths, making eye contact with the blonde above you with a small smile of reassurance that you were okay.
He attached your lips together in a slow, passionate, kiss before slowly pulling out and pushing in again. He kept the pace slow and soft, feeling every inch of you wrapping around his length. He was letting out deep and airy moans against your lips while intertwining his fingers into yours and handing your hands, pinning them to the bed next to you head in a romantic way.
You two were in such sync that it was a little scary. Every touch on your body felt like sparks to fuel the fire forming in the pit of your stomach as he took his time with you. It was unlike any other time you've had sex. You were used to rough and fast paced sex. Bordering on hate-fucking but this was miles apart from that.
Felix put so much passion and care into every movement and touch. It was soft, slow, and sensual and in no way boring as most people would think vanilla sex would be like. Every single nerve ending was heightened and it made you feel high. The way he praised you, kissed you, made you feel good, and the way he took care of your body and mind every single step of the way.
You were feeling a familiar knot forming in your stomach as Felix's pace and thrusts became a bit sloppier than before and you could feel him twitching inside of you. You were both getting close. "F-felix... I'm- I'm cl- close." you whimpered out, kissing him again, a bit sloppier and needier before but none of the passion and care from before was missing.
"Me too baby- fuck. Please, cum for me." He moaned, almost begging. Hearing his deep voice, raspy and begging you to cum on his cock was all it took to have your body tumbling over the edge of the cliff into one of the strongest orgasms you've ever experienced. You were moaning loudly, tears began to fall from your eyes as the pure ecstasy ripped through your body.
Felix chased his own high as you tightened around him when you came, pushing him over the edge. His deep moans creating a perfect harmony with your own moans. His left chaste kisses down your body as he pulled out, falling to the side as you both panted heavily. Stars were still filling your vision.
Felix was playing with your hands, his head on your chest and one leg rested over your thighs. Both of you hit with exhaustion and just enjoying each other's company. "Here in a bit, let me run you a bath and get you cleaned up yeah?" he said while using his hand to push the hair clinging to your forehead out of your face, smiling at you when your eyes met again. You nodded softly with a smile of your own "that sounds great." you replied and kissed his forehead softly.
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~Back at the Hotel~
"God! I can't believe they just fucking left me there!" Alex was pacing in the hotel room after having taken an Uber back since again, they can't drive. Leaving your car at the venue.
They'd already texted you a million and one times, leaving thousands of missed calls. They called you again, leaving yet another voicemail. "[Your first, middle, and last name] I swear to fuck that dick you're getting better be worth leaving me at the venue! You better get home in the next 30 minutes or I'm using your credit card to treat myself as an apology!"
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Is it me or are the new outfits simpler? Like old ones had a lot of tiny useless details all around, the new ones look "cleaner" in comparison. It's not bad I kinda like it but it definitely feels weird
Before we start I just wanna say that I kinda critically analysed the costume designs instead of you know. just talking about the details. cool here we go
Yeah aside from VBS they all feel so. Plain, I guess? MMJ’s outfits probably the worst instance, imo they felt more same-y than before and I get they’re an idol unit so they were gonna be uniform but there’s something off. It’s the blue, I get that it’s probably a nod to the blue penlights, but using green or their respective image colors would’ve been better I think. You can barely even see Haruka or Shizuku's image colors on the skirts. Honestly I don’t think the accessories are that bad, they’re pretty cute and fit the group, though the costume being so plain outside of them just makes it look like there should be more. the thing is the outfits aren't the same, they have different skirts and shirts like the original it's just the fact that they all have the same color scheme and similar-enough accessories that it makes the differences less noticable. their image colors should've been the primary or secondary color not the tertiary color.
Leo/need I can get being more uniform, it goes with their whole thing, and I liked how there’s still a lot of details to differentiate them and give them personality. Honestly their original color scheme was pretty basic but making their image colors the secondary colors instead of of the primary colors of their outfit? it just wasn't it. honestly it wouldn't be too bad if the grey wasn't such an ugly color it looks really bad. if they'd gone with black or a much darker grey for the blazers it would've looked so much better and made the accents stand out more. also, the lack of accessories... i get they're more "professional and mature" but their outfits are quite boring, especially next to Miku's. If all of them had a big star armband like Honami or even had a bigger star buckle anywhere (like on a belt) it would look a bit nicer.
WxS was an improvement from Leo/need maybe? The outfits are definitely the most detailed so far, and they had a lot of personality. I like that they kept the original theme of character types (Rui being a villain, Nene being a fairy, etc), and it's not hard to tell what role each of them are meant to be (except emu but it wasn't obvious what hers was in the first place). I think Tsukasa's fits his personality quite well; he plays hero roles so he has a prince sort of outfit, he's the leader so he's got the sash, and he usually dresses very smart. it's very plain though, definitely could've done with brighter colors on the accessories, and maybe keeping the belt charm. also the jacket and trousers being the same color without much to separate them and balance it out doesn't look great. emu and nene's are both better, the color palettes are really nice and their outfits aren't plain holy shit. Emu's fits her personality really well - just by looking you can tell she's a fun and positive person. Rui's is probably the one i'd say is best out of the bunch. I know we can't see the front but the asymmetry and use of black in the color palette makes it stand out a lot and really adds something that the others were lacking. it's a very good villain outfit as well.
N25's were simple, but managed to actually pull it off. they didn't feel really plain compared to some of the other units despite actually being pretty plain. their outfits were always dark, and that hasn't changed, but making the colors more murky adds an extra layer to it. the addition of the flower patterns really adds something to take away the plainess of the original outfits, as well as adding relevant symbolism. Mafuyu's especially stands out being the lightest color and being the most ragged. It tells you she's different, she appears bright and perfect at first, but when you look further down, she's damaged. The image colors could've done with being a bit brighter maybe but other than that these are pretty good.
VBS outfits are actually really good. There I said it. They're able to feel cohesive as a group while still managing to reflect the individuality of each members and not be plain. The outfits fit their personal styles really well, Kohane's more girly, An's more cool and mature, Akito's sporty and active and Toya's more smart but still has the street look. Despite their outfits looking totally different, you can tell they're a unit because of the reddish-pink accents on all their outfits and also using white as a unifying color. i know i complained about the white making the other outfits plain but it's far more balanced out here and isn't as in-your-face. it isn't like MMJ and WxS that have white as their main outfit color. With VBS it's just one white item of clothing: Kohane's sweater, An's cargos, Akito's hoodie and Toya's tshirt. it's incorporated in a very natural way and isn't overly prominent. their image colors and other colors are used just as much in the outfits to balance it out. they have the best balance undoubtedly. even the accessories, they aren't big and there's not a whole lot of them, but the outfits already have a lot going on so they don't need to be complex, they're just there to add something extra.
There’s too much white.
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It would be so nice to know more about Stella and her daily life! She seems to care about royal duties a lot more than Stolass who uses their heirloom for prostitution. He behaves more like a rebellious teenager than even Via does. Throwing banquets and maintaining good relations with the rest of the aristocracy may seem boring or petty but is actually a hugely important part of being a member of monarchy.
The fact she is friends with some of her peers and stolas only socialises with imps who he can boss around or succubi he can take advantage of and command, says quite a lot about these two people. I know it’s meant to show how “not like other royals” stolas is. But he really isn’t. He just comes across as a chaser. If Stella was the ‘Prince’ and stolas left, she’d be in her element.
I agree! And wow yeah now that I think about it the fact Stella is able to make friends with other royals but St*las never has is, yeah that says a lot. I agree that its probably supposed to portray him as being soooooo #notlikeotherichpeople but the alternative in St*las' life has been seeking out relationships with those with less power than him by leveraging that power to force them.... sooooo yeah pretty ugly. There are nicer rich people like Ozzie in hell too. He really couldn't find any other Goetia or other elite that he could stand, at all?
I think in Stella's case shes not afraid to have relationships with those equal to and above her, which is of course largely classism on her part, but also says a cool thing about her in that shes bold. She will put herself out there. And honestly, I fail to hate her like I'm supposed to when actively seeking someone out because they're disadvantaged like St*las did is at least equally bad, imo...
I feel like seeing Via's daily life more as well as Stella's would be nice as well honestly. Both Stella and Via are so so interesting. I want to see their opinions on Stolas' work, what they want for their lives - maybe in Stella's case what she would have done with her life if not arranged married. While in Via's, how she even feels about her inheritance and the extent to which she does and doesn't know about it. I want to see Helluva Boss more through their eyes and not just St*las', they should get to be more than "St*las' wife" and "St*las' daughter".
I feel like this is a problem with the show generally in that we know the female characters like or dislike another character greatly, usually a male one. But aside from that, we see not a lot. Like what do they want out of life? Loona wants to have other hellhound friends/a social life and has a mixed relationship with Blitz, yet the focus on that has fallen to the wayside lately -_-. Millie seems to exist to be supportive and to kick ass and love Moxxie, but outside that, we so rarely hear her opinions on anything or goals she wants for herself... I really just want to actually peer into and see the female characters lives like we have gotten to with Blitz and Moxxie, so so much. Even little things like those two loving horses and musical theater, can we please have that but for our ladies?
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goombasinastack · 9 months
splatoon 3 hot take turned impromptu essay
was stuck offline in splatoon 3 because internet was actin up and i realized how pretty the photomode splatoon 3 filters are compared to the actual game
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i was taking photos on brinewater and thought. damn. this game looks fine but i miss how VIBRANT splatoon 1 was! i wish i could play sploon 3 with this photomode filter on all the time. and brinewater is the best map for this because of the sunset lighting! so i went to one of the worst offenders mapwise for general color—undertow spillway. it is a warm gray mess:
for someplace underground, it’s WAY too warm of a tone—even if there are skylights, they aren’t very well defined, as they’re off in the background—they’d be better with some light shafts to pop out more, imo.
so here’s undertow with photomode filter #6 (this would’ve been a video but tumblr limits to 1 video per post):
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and i think this looks a lot nicer, colorwise! the icky warm gray is shifted to a soft pink—and while that’s still not in keeping with the lack of obvious skylights, it works better than warm gray.
so then i opened ibis x paint and got to work on a filter that would hopefully help elevate the entire game’s look:
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on top is photomode filter #6, in the middle is the original screenshot, and on the bottom is my proposed filter.
i upped the contrast, brightness, and saturation a bit, then added a 5% pure magenta (#FF00FF) overlay layer on top of that. then i added a slight gaussian blur to emulate antialiasing, which nintendo refuses to do for some reason!
and i wanna play splatoon like that! i miss the vibrancy and intricacy of splatoon 1…
incoming splatoon 1 essay‼️
not only were the colors eye-bleachingly bright, but the overall game feel was much more immersive—especially in ink physics. you could paint trees, and the ink would drip down through leaves as if it were rain… ink splatter would respond to the movements of platforms, keeping its intertia as it dripped! you could see the textures of surfaces through the ink, as if it were an actual liquid instead of a layer of thick oil. 3 doesn’t have any of those special touches.
there’s also the music… 1’s ost feels so much more WEIRD and experimental than the later games, and that really helps cement that this is not human society—this is a new thing—which tracks for splatoon 1, as it was so zany nobody had ever seen anything quite like it before! splatoon 2 follows this sheer melting-pot of brashness and creativity with evolving and varied styles—where once was punk and weird samples in Squid Squad is now groovy rock in Wet Floor, jazz in Ink Theory, and also whatever Sashi-Mori was. also i <3 chirpy chips. splatoon 3’s music goes back to that punk, but i feel that it loses some of the charm and creativity of the first two games. C-side is pure metal, and hardly uses any weird instruments. there have sparsely been other splatbands involved with regular battle music—Yoko&tgb call back to the jazz of Ink Theory which i love! Off the Hook’s new tracks delve into a new style in piano rock. but the main band kind of falls flat to me. :(
let’s talk stages. in splatoon 1, stages were wildly different from each other, including skateparks, construction sites, underpasses, malls, sewage plants, and other locals that are culturally underground. the rest of the trilogy moves away from this in a story standpoint, as ink battles evolve from punky, diy competitions into full-fledged championships in 2 and 3, with advancing battle infrastructure as time progresses. that’s fine, and honestly it’s cool to see that kind of worldbuilding! but in 1, each stage was designed about and influenced by the area it represented. Arowana Mall is a straight line with high vantage points on the second/third story because it’s a mall. Pirahna Pit features convenyor belts that shuffle refuse around because it’s a trash plant. Blackbelly Skatepark has so many hills and valleys because it’s a skatepark, for goodness sake. splatoon 3’s original stages have some of this charm, but it feels lost in ambiguity. why doesn’t Mincemeat Metalworks have small moving platforms on cranes or other heavy machinery? Idk, have some grates and one-way drops, and a car on a post. why isn’t there any water incorporated into the stage design of Brinewater Springs? Idk, have 2 paintable walls and a tetris piece. 3’s original stages have little to no connection between their locals and the geometry, which make it feel same-y compared to previous games.
maybe this is because of the inflexible philosophy of the designers—or their corporate oversight, maybe. for stages, you need to make a straight line or tetris piece with few routes to push, in an effort to promote the game’s main premise of Chaos. for music, you need to make punk songs that aren’t too weird so they don’t drive away the parents. maybe the little ink touches could have been missing because development was rushed?
i honestly dont know why it happened out this way—perhaps the splatoon team just needed more time to cook, in order to squeeze out that extra 20% of game feel? or maybe it was that speculated corporate oversight, i dunno. things WERE missing on launch—notable exceptions being X rank, online tableturf lobbies, and no more than three salmon run maps. i know we’ve yet to even get the DLC but for being about 75% of the way through the game’s content lifespan, but splatoon 3 feels incomplete. there have been improvements, yeah! i just wish there could’ve been more. i would rather have waited another year for splatoon 3 if it were polished that much better, y’know?
i honestly feel like splatoon 1 captured that creative, no-holds-barred mantle of Chaos better than 3 does. 3 feels… flanderized, in a way. the curse of trilogies, perhaps? writing about it more, it feels like not only have the in-game sports of turf war been ripped out of its seedy home and thrust into the spotlight, and gone “mainstream” (see: massive squidsport companies investing in multimillion battle lobbies with holograms and lockers [sunken scroll about that!], flying coffee machines that grant you brief invincibility, new rules and techniques that allow squid surges and rolls, etc.), but also the Real Life Physical Video Game Cartridge of Splatoon has been popularized massively with the sequels on the Switch. maybe i’m not missing the “vibrancy” of splatoon 1 when i look at the colors and photomode filters of splatoon 3, but instead the inherent punkiness and counterculture inspiration that i see in the original.
fuck capitalism, i guess!
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i mentioned lying to my doctor to my grandma (horrendous decision btw) and i just got stuck thinking like. in her day if i had disclosed how i feel to a doctor truly and honestly it would result in me being brought to a ward against my will and given electric shocks to “correct” me. something most everyone agrees with as despicable. and yet it doesn’t occur to her at all that if the medical world back then was so violent and wrong about so much that today’s logically could not have gotten rid of all of its problems in the course of less than a century lol
it's honestly interesting imo that you say "most everyone agrees" that forced institutionalisation/treatment are wrong, because like.... these things still happen! fundamentally the medical encounter is not structured to protect patient autonomy or even patient health; it is structured to promote physician authority to enforce social and medical standards of normality and wellness upon the patient's body and mind. there are specific modes of doing so that have declined in popularity (electropuncture, lobotomy [tho it's not true that the latter never occurs anymore either]) but there are others that are on the rise (psychotropic drugs, bariatric surgery). standards for patient consent have certainly changed, but these have never been equally applied (consider the de facto and de jure carveouts for patients who cannot read or speak in the physician's language; who are uninsured in countries w/out universal healthcare or non-citizens in countries with it; or, and this is crucial, who are simply declared to be too sick-insane to act in their own interests and whose consent is therefore explicitly not sought) and the standards are fairly toothless anyway, not to mention incapable of addressing the massive social-economic power differential between physician and patient, and also designed more to protect the physician from legal liability than anything else.
anyway my point is just that violation of patient autonomy is not something that can be fixed by, like, telling doctors to be nicer or care more, and it's not something that's lessening over time because the medical profession as it presently exists is coercive and authoritarian structurally and philosophically. an actually liberatory provision of medicine and health care requires a total paradigm shift (sorry) in terms of how we understand health, patient authority/autonomy, and the valuation of human bodies and lives.
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kiddiekat-toybox · 2 years
Heads up to any of my fellow dollie people who don’t know this, VOLKS water wax is an absolute must-have for doll hair imo. It’s made for BJD wigs but works for any synthetic hair; it’s a sort of cream you work just a little of into a doll’s hair and this stuff works MAGIC. Makes hair easier to neatly style and helps hold less complex styles- it’s good for like. keeping bangs shaped/in place without the stiff hairspray feeling that I HATE any of my dolls to have, or making loose curls or keeping frizz down, and I also just discovered it makes the low-quality hair some of the new MH dolls have feel quite a bit nicer! I just used some on my new Lagoona, whose hair was really frizzy and dry after I brushed it out, and it’s a lot softer and neater now! Genuinely just feels a lot more pleasant to work with. 
It comes in a tiny little thing but you only really need a little at a time so it can last a while; it’s $4 but there’s also shipping that for me bumps it up to 10 but I have no idea what that would be in other locations. But like, seriously if you do anything with doll hair ever I really recommend having this on hand, honestly unless a doll’s hair needs washed or something, water wax is the only thing I end up needing to use a lot of the time when I’m fixing up hair. Volksusastore.com if you’re wondering where to get it
...I feel like I sound like an advertisement here, I just use this all the time and it’s really helpful and I feel like especially if you’re just starting to get serious about dolls and don’t have a ton of supplies or anything, just this and a decent comb will get you pretty far
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archangelmacaron · 3 months
more Noe analysis has been requested but I'm thinking on what I want to go feral about. 🤔
Like honestly what I MOST want to yell about is Fanbox, BUT
1) it is definitely not meant to be shared, which I will respect by being vague about specific things I am referring to.
2) you cannot fucking paywall things so most fans will never encounter them and it can't be publicly discussed without violating those terms, and expect it to be treated as canon (which maybe he doesn't, idk). While obviously people respect Word of God, to me if it's not specifically stated in the game as a canon fact, rather than one interpretation of events, I will treat it like any other person's opinion. I don't want to talk about my take on events like what the ending means or potential post canon and get interrupted with "but behind a paywall, he said—" I literally do not care and you should not either ESPECIALLY when their take directly contradicts some things that were expressly canon, like how a certain character who gave up everything for another wouldn't dare commit a crime they had already commited once before like dude seriously. SERIOUSLY?
"Death of the Author" is pretty important and I want to talk about what was actually in the work and how people interpret that, not feel stuck by paywalled opinions expressed after the fact. (I mean if the literal majority of your audience has one read on something, and you have to say 'actually I wanted this to mean x' maybe you really sucked at expressing that? Idk!)
3) frankly getting extremely obvious he is so fucking over Noe and IMO, has been kinda mean spirited about it in an effort to get people to shut up and stop asking because he only cares about working on his new game. Which he basically said directly in the latest that he considers it "shelved."
Which I am sympathetic to to a point! It's clear he worked on this game for a near full decade, and I think scope creep meant it really started to get away from him towards the end and in some areas, it really shows. I know how it feels to tackle a project that gets so overwhelming, but also how frustrating it is where you already released half so you can't go back and "correct' anything you realize now is plot breaking. That can really drag your enthusiasm to an absolute halt!
What I am NOT ok with is acting surprised that people are giving you money because they enjoyed your most popular project and thus want to know more about it, rather than your new COMPLETELY DIFFERENT project that's had like concept art and a few screenshots released. Like sorry dude but the crossover between people who like story and character driven adventure games and those that like daughter waifu sims is extremely small and maybe you should be nicer to the people who will support ALL your projects.
4) The big one. This all combined has made my friends sad. I am not ok with that. I don't see how you can answer a fan's hopeful question about a character's future with a "ok so like I know it's canonically possible but actually here's (my opinion) on why it isn't, so consider that canon-compliant avenue CLOSED :)" I just feel like he is annoyed by how much these characters mean to people. And to me it is heartbreaking to see the wind just pushed out of someone's sails! It would have been so easy to say "it's up to you, I'm done with this story!" you know?
5) I am starting to feel like he "accidentally'd" into all the best parts rather than wrote them with intention, which isn't a fair take. He's probably just ready to move on and happens to be being kind of a dick about it.
And in closing:
6) the lack of enthusiasm is apparent not just in fanbox, but in the total silence in terms of the complete pack or promotions beyond occasionally rting a sale post. This concerns me and I HOPE I am completely wrong, and there are more things behind the scenes going on like fanbook vol 2, the light novel continuation, etc. but I feel like there isn't despite a worldwide release being prime time to push things like merch. The manga hiatus isn't on him, but the fact that even the most hardcore fans didn't even know a chapter was released in Feb says something!!!
Ok i am done lol. Hopefully no one is offended (not like he'll ever see this!) but it was just a good time to vent.
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aptericia · 2 years
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So! A while ago I made redesigns for some of my least favorite Three Houses outfits. With a lot of the female characters, it feels like the priority with their design is "show boobs and/or bare legs". Obviously, I don't claim to be better at character design than the original artists, but here's my take with the following priorities (in order):
Representing the character and making them easily identifiable. Basically, the design should serve as a "condensed" version of their personality, abilities, culture, etc.
An outfit that I find (with my 100% correct and objective opinion, of course) to be attractive
Being reasonably practical, at least enough that it doesn't break immersion. Considers the character's job, available resources, etc.
Ordinarily I'd design an outfit to go with the character's body type, but I was lazy here lol. If people are interested, I could draw nice versions on the actual characters sometime. Oh, BTW, the concept for this post was heavily inspired by looking through the @bikiniarmorbattledamage tumblr :))))
Below are detailed descriptions on how I went about designing them, if anyone's curious! I will be bashing the original designs quite a bit because I find it funny, but I hold absolutely no disrespect toward anyone who prefers them to my poorly-thought-out versions :)
Bernadetta – I feel like the designers were trying to combine the female archer class outfit, Bernie’s own girly/plushie aesthetic, and the “fancy noble lady” style and it didn’t quiiiiiite work out. I really like the color scheme & overall shapes, so I just went about changing the few things that ruined it for me.
First off, the huge bell sleeves. They’re just silly and don’t match the outfit imo. I turned them into an elaboration on her cute gloves.
Gave her pants instead of booty shorts. I don’t think Bernie would wear a long skirt that would keep her from running around, but the exposed legs give her a “vulnerable” look that I don’t think she’d appreciate. Plus, having the leg-pouch strapped to her bare skin looked really uncomfy ☹.
The boots didn’t work as well with her shiny new Pants, so I gave her knitted leg-warmer things inspired by this gorgeous cipher art.
I expanded her leg-pouch-thing and gave her a teeny little dagger. I just think she’d carry weapons on her person.
Constance – Honestly, credit to her for doing the best she could with the god-awful Dark Flier class design. I still think her outfit is pretty ugly and sexist, so I made some adjustments. I tried to evoke a “noble lady” feeling, but keep the muted color scheme and lack of patterns to imply that she’s actually dirt-poor. I took inspiration from people like Ferdie (noble vibe; armor purely for show not practicality) but with her personal “edgy steampunk vampire” aesthetic.
I changed her stupid boob-cup breastplate. I don’t even care about the dangers of wearing boobplate in realistic combat—it just looks ugly. Like why do you need to go to extra trouble to say “I have BOOBS! TWO of them!!”? It’s embarrassing. I mean it’s fine if you’re proud of your boobs, but then don’t cover them up with metal maybe???
I realized that the designers probably gave her boobplate because, without it, her outfit isn’t actually all that feminine. Coco is a pretty feminine lady, so I remedied this by giving her puffy sleeves (inspired by the Awakening Dark Flier design) and a skirt-thing (with an awkward slit that would allow her to sit on a horse). The skirt had the added bonus of being incompatible with the stupid butt-grabbing hip armor. Good riddance!
Traded in her bare legs for some silly suspender-sock-things. I just thought they worked better with the skirt and more “girly” outfit overall. Also gave her shin-guards to extend the pink color scheme throughout the whole outfit.
I also changed her dress into a stylish vest that, imo, looks nicer (and comfier) with the armor. I gave her some gold accents on the vest & armguards for a dash of color.
Her belt got a revamp to work better with the vest.
Lysithea – On to our favorite doily princess! Her design doesn’t reek as much of “boobs and/or legs priority”, but it’s still silly and looks pretty uncomfortable. I actually really like the aesthetic, so I tried to keep it as much as possible. I did end up having to introduce another color (silver), though.
I think her doily skirt looks extra silly because it’s so dwarfed by her sleeves. I lengthened it, made it puffier, and added another layer beneath it.
More drastically, I ended up changing the whole top of the dress so it was a shirt & skirt instead. I’m not sure I have a justification for this beyond “I don’t usually prefer dresses”, but I’m pretty happy with how it turned out 😊 Also, what’s with the weird rows of ribbons(???) at her sides? Into the trash lol.
The ribbon attachment looks like it would be really cold on her bare chest ☹. I moved it down to the level of her shirt and attached it to her shoulders instead of her neck (for comfort).
Her shoes got boringer but less dumb-looking. What can I say, I’m not good at designing shoes.
Hapi – Hers is the least-bad of the Ashen Wolves’ timeskip designs, not that that’s saying much. I don’t really like gray and green as a color scheme, so I gave her a bit of brown and some more gold accents. Other than that, I feel like she has a sort of forest girl/witch/traveler look, which I tried to keep as much as possible.
Obviously, the silly boob-separator strap had to go. I have no problems with Hapi being sexy, but she’s much more the “forgot to put on my pants when I rolled out of bed at 1:00pm” type rather than the “put extra effort into showing that I have TWO BOOBS” type. Therefore, I kept a similar amount of skin showing but tried to make it easier to assemble.
Her new skirt was based on the Valkrie designs from other games (you’ll notice the similarity to the Mist-inspired outfit in this post). I think this version is both cuter and looks easier to move in. Also, I love giving everyone too many belts! Hers has a lil pouch for carrying random junk she finds.
Both her arms and legs looked a little boring imo, so I gave her some pretty bracelets and altered her shoes. Plus, her original boots looked hard to move in. Here, the actual boot is pretty loose but is tied below the knee with an extra laceable piece and above the knee with a brown strap.
Petra – Ho boy. I always felt like Petra’s design could be potentially problematic, although I’ve never done any research. Anywayyyy, it’s clear that the designers wanted something “exotic”-looking, but they had no ideas beyond “well she’s from a warm climate right” (In reality, someone from a warm climate would probably be unadjusted to the cold and bundle up… but that goes against the goal of “condensed character description” so I don’t really mind). Instead, I took a lot of inspiration from this awesome Cipher art! Her color scheme is a hot mess but not without potential, and personally I think I did okay with it!
Ok, ok, her design also does a decent job of indicating that she’s royalty from a hunting-focused nation. When re-doing her top I tried to keep that in mind, so I gave her some fancy jewelry and animal goods (i.e. fluff). I don’t feel like re-iterating the boobplate argument, so suffice to say that her breastplate suffered the same fate as Constance’s.
I adjusted her arm jewelry to be more to my liking. Not really any logic there.
Her miniskirt is pretty dumb, so I changed the shape and incorporated some hip armor (someone tell me the official name). I also took away the fluffy fringe, seeing as she already got some fluff around her neck. Instead, I added the pattern that was originally on her leg-band.
Do I need to explain giving her another pant leg? I know her outfit is based on the female thief class, but it doesn’t look good there either. And once again, I had no ideas for her shoes beyond not liking the old ones ☹.
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theclearblue · 6 months
sanji for the character ask game? <3
Sexuality headcanon: The most bi character in the world. Undoubtedly loves women but has something so undeniably fruity going on with almost every man around him too.
Gender headcanon: See he can really be any gender ever to me. Cis man, trans femme/woman, trans masc/man, nonbinary, agender, these could all fit. I guess the only one I don't think really fits is maybe cis woman lmao
A ship I have with said character: I mean we all know how I feel about Zosan (really normal!). That's undoubtedly my OTP for Sanji but honestly I like Acesan, Sanuso, Lusan, even Sanami and Sanji x Pudding a little bit too.
A BROTP: Hmm I know I did say Sanuso above and I stand by that but they're just such best friends too. Guys of all time really I like how how he's a little bit nicer to Usopp compared to Luffy/Zoro lmao. Also Robin and Sanji's friendship has made me cry more than once I love the two of them together.
A NOTP: Hmm I'm not a big fan of romantic Robin x Sanji, that's more so because I only want Robin with Franky and no one else lmao, otherwise Sanji is just so good for mutishipping imo
A random headcanon: Truly believe in the headcanon that Ace was Sanji's bisexual awakening, he way they acted around each other in Alabasta is truly some tof the gayest shit I've ever seen and that's remarkable because One Piece is so overwhelmingly gay all the time afhgklhg
General opinion over said character: Truly been on a rollercoaster of different feelings towards him lmao. He started out as a favorite during a lot of early One Piece, became my least favorite during the middle, and then just shot up to my favorite and has stuck there, and with how good his character writing has been in the last three major arcs, I'd be surprised if that changed. The thing about him is that it always feels like there's something new to talk about with him. He's a rude brat, kind of a disgusting womanizer, has an attitude problem, is a self sacrificial dumbass, but yet he's also the kindest strawhat and shows that kindness through service to others, and his character growth is REALLY satisfying. Uhhh yeah i think he's alright or whatever and I feel super normal about him! (<- girl who lies)
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not-equippedforthis · 21 days
6, 10 & 29? :)
6 - 3 nice things about myself, non-physical and physical. i'll do three each! since i'm trying to be nicer to myself!
- i got glasses the other day and i think they look adorable, i love how they look on me
- i think my eyes are my prettiest facial feature, they're blue and quite round and i like how i do my eye makeup too (rose pink eyeshadow + small black eyeliner makes them stand out nicely and that's usually what people compliment :])
- i generally like my body shape. i'm working out more too and seeing myself become more flexible and toned is actually really satisfying
- i always try and include everyone in conversation or ask them what they were going to say if they were cut off since i know what it feels like to be excluded/feel like youre the tag-along in a friend group, or be nervous to join in
- i'm good at a range of subjects and tasks and i'm good at picking new things up quickly: new hobby every week core
- i'm a pessimist at heart but i try and make light of situations, since i know that also picks other people up (my mum always makes the worst out of things and it drags my mood down a lot so i try and be as forgiving and optimistic as possible - honestly, a lot of bad situations can be made funny with the right people and mindset. obviously sometimes frustration is warranted and unavoidable, but there's almost always a way out! having it start raining and immediately hear someone complaining for 10 minutes is kinda unecessary imo. enjoy yourself!! its fine!!)
10 - something i'm excited for
well, my friend and i are planning to go on a road trip up to scotland or somewhere similar once we get our drivers licenses and go sight-seeing! we were thinking february next year but we're still deciding
im also gonna try and bake some bread, so im happy for that :] i already bake a lot so i figured id try. also watching stuff rise is fun
29 - morning, afternoon or night
this depends heavily, but for me i stay up at night cause i want to avoid the next day and its the one of the only times its quiet, and the afternoon is a weird spot for me. i'm not really a morning person but i appreciate the morning? the sun's rising and there's still time and everything's peaceful for a little while. so i think morning.
thank you for the ask!! <33
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atthebell · 6 months
i’m asking because i feel like you would know but is there a story behind the name spiderbit because i feel like its kinda random especially since we already have cellboier and guapoduo. it would be like calling fooligetta, sharketta and that’s not it
honestly it was a million years ago (back in june i believe) so i'm not sure exactly where it came from. i know i started pushing it really hard around the wedding because it sounds nicer to me than guapoduo (i am a duo name hater) and because i wanted something other than what twitter usually calls them. and cellboier was already clearly gonna be their cc duo name (that's how all of roier's names with his friends work) and doesn't sound very nice.
spiderbit is more like a classic ship name to me, in that it combines their names/elements of them and sounds good, whereas most duo names are based on something stupid, barely relevant to the characters, and sound dumb as hell. guapoduo is tolerable bc it is 1. something they themselves use 2. is actually related to them and their relationship, but doesn't sound as good as spiderbit imo. and like i said having a separate name from what twitter users say was also appealing. i'm not sure the actual origin of who first started saying it though i just know it was way back when they were just engaged
imo fooligetta is already one step beyond bc that's a combo of their names, rather than their duo name (buildduo, i believe?) but sharketta sounds really stupid so yeah no one would use that. spiderbit just sounds way better which is why so many of us switched to it, and i don't think having multiple ship names is a problem. esp since tumblr is mostly self-contained, it's not really confusing, and anyone who cares to know what we're up to on here knows we use spiderbit more these days.
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j2zara · 2 months
sorry i’m obsessed with the j2jace dynamic. they should be locked in a room and forced to talk about their feelings. and then make out about it
One of the fucked up dynamics of all time. I think about it almost as much as I think about LJ3 and J2porter, which is saying something. They really are such horrible little foils for each other and the worst part is that they don't even have the courtesy to make each other better like LJ3. J2's personality as The Acolyte came as such an accident imo, but it's also where he was destined to end up! The only way i could feel settled in the ending of Almost was if J2 at least managed to make a marginal amount of peace with his lot in life and. Becoming the acolyte is how he did that. He wants this. He wants everything. Porter deserves everything! Like. Him worshiping the starbreaker pantheon was not my original intention, but i think to accept Porter in his totality, J2 must also find room in his heart to love Jace.
And like. Jace is so so unbelievably fucked as like. He places J2 at the top of the clone pecking order. It was such an indulgence when i added Jace telling him like, you better be the one going with Porter to the mountains of chaos. But i think it irreparably fucked their dynamic forever (Positive? Hopefully?) b/c like. Jace is so so so unbelievably jealous that he frankensteined his perfect replacement for Porter but ALSO. I love Porter too much to get rid of you. I love porter too much to spare you from his wrath. Even if that means you get to be the recipient of his love and not me.
And in making J2 the perfect acolyte, i think jace is horrified that this is someone who is so desperate to be loved that. He has no qualms about Porter's vision. J2 is always seen as the sweet clone and he is! But Jace at least tried to draw lines on what he would and would not put up with (in cloneverse anyway) and J2. Frankly. Is nicer to the ratgrinders than Jace is but if god asked him to sacrifice his children he would say which one! He's so. I am my mother's child i'll love you til my breathing stops ill love you til you call the cops on me coded.
I am thinking abt what would happen if they got locked in a room and forced to talk about their issues. I honestly don't know if they would have the capacity to be that forthright with each other. At least. Definitely not jace. I don't think he could bring himself to ask like. How could you possibly love me after everything? (and the answer is b/c porter does. It's easy to see through Porter's eyes). J2 is earnest so maybe. But also he's operating on so much self denial that like. Could he ever ever ever bring himself to even voice the question of like. Why have I never been good enough for you? Why didn't you make me good enough so that you could love me? I don't know. In some ways, Jace is jealous b/c J2 is better. In some ways, jace is horrified b/c J2 is somehow so much worse.
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adachikiyoshi · 10 months
A refreshing take on the Cherry Magic prologue that unfortunately fell (a ltitle) short in the last few minutes. 
Cherry Magic Thailand chooses the Jdrama route where we first meet Achi without his powers. It was nice to see the difference in culture immediately; from Achi’s living conditions to means of transport. Though I thought having Achi immediately lament on his life choices 2 minutes in was maybeeeee too quick.
It’s very interesting that Rock/Rokkaku here is introduced as Achi’s subordinate and their whole first interaction, with Achi feeling awkward that despite their big age difference he hardly holds a senior position over him, which in turn further proves Achi’s averageness. Plus, having Rock approach and get attached to Achi is going to rationalize an aspect of Karan’s jealousy which I am very excited to see. I liked the flashback montage about how different Karan and Achi’s progress in the workplace was. It gives the viewers a better idea of Achi’s mix of jealousy and admiration towards Karan and it’s also a first look into Achi’s feelings of inferiority that will eventually become an obstacle to his and Karan’s relationship.I also like how in the most recent flashback you can see Karan kind of burnt out, which should be around the time he falls (or has already fallen) for Achi. 
 *BTW Karan here is supposed to have won employee of the year 7 years in a row (from the FIRST year he joined) and honestly I find that less realistic than I found jdrama Kurosawa being in love with Adachi for 7 years 
Besides that, however, I found some other scenes unnecessary and very exposition-y, even for a pilot episode. For example, learning about Achi’s trauma regarding romantic relationships should have come up later imo.
Unlike other adaptations this one didn’t really feel the need to excessively point out Karan’s popularity among women, which is a very vital plot point later on; I am not really big fan of that trope so I found it kind of refreshing; and it will come sooner or later. 
I am VERY interested in Pai and Dujdao. Big fan of adding another relevant female character and one who is nice to Achi, at that! Pai is leaning to Fujisaki’s more extroverted and mischievous side while I think Dujdao has some of Fujisaki’s qualities as well but her role is more equivalent to a nicer Urabe-san or Achi’s very own Asahina-senpai. Side note, the implication that Pai-Dujdao are some kind of cupids that help Karan seduce Achi is a concept I can 100% get behind. It also seems like the boss will be a recurring character so maybe he’s the Asahina?  Anyway, the character department has me invested.
And speaking of characters - Jinta! JInta is…a character who is… not Tsuge. A lot of people are not fans of Tsuge, especially Jdrama Tsuge. But well I don’t know if the solution is to completely change him? He looks and acts way younger which is very contradictory to his role in the manga; Especially to his relationship with Minato. But, I won’t judge too hard yet since they haven’t even interacted on screen. The udon backstory is an AMAZING detail and the GREATEST introduction of the side couple in any version of the story. 
So. Nothing is going to top the jdrama elevator scene and every adaptation is going to have to make peace with that. The lighting work during Kurosawa’s imagination in the office was a work of art and Achi’s (and Rock’s later) reaction was hilarious. The sound effects also got me a few times ngl.
Part 4 however…disappointed me. First off they replace the scarf scene with a way less emotionally charged umbrella scene. To which I ask, do you know how hard it is to make an umbrella scene seem so unromantic? And then we have Karan asking Achi to stay over and BEFORE Achi agrees, he reads Karan’s mind and his wild imagination. And then…agrees? The entire gag of the scene relies on Achi agreeing BEFORE he sees all that stuff and then immediately regretting it. Having him regret it after the fact is … pointless? I also found it very abrupt to jump to domestic life scenarios fantasies from the get-go when in all other version’s Karan is just contend with Achi being at his place (with his designated pyjamas). He’s a horny bastard in general, I am not denying the mole scene earlier but I felt like the domestic fantasies being shown so early on was a bit fanservice-y for the Taynew fans? (As someone who doesn’t gaf about these men outside their roles and as someone who knows Kurosawa personally this is what it felt like to me.)
Karan's smirk was precious though hehe.
TLDR the show has a very promising and compelling beginning but declines in quality in the last minutes. That being said, I still have faith that the next episodes will be better. The next episode clips I’ve seen are promising and since there was a lot of exposition (and scenes from later chapters) in the pilot it will probably help the pace of the later episodes. Personally, the jdrama hooked me with EP3 (the events of which will be in EP2 of the Thai one) so I think (and hope) the show will only get better from here!
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all-pacas · 1 month
Unpopular opinion:I can't really see House as autistic(or neurodivergent in general - other than his intellectual prowess,of course). It's a fine headcanon,but it never clicked to me,lol. He just seems like an eccentric guy,IMO.
Also,I saw you say something about Cameron being autistic - and it sounds pretty interesting. Can you say more about?
Honestly I sort of regret making that joke, because of very specific and irrelevant reasons. But Cameron likes things just so, and tends to impose her will and read on people on others: she has a strong sense of mortality, but really struggles with others not agreeing and not acting like she expects and wants. You could say it’s just idealism on her part — she wants a nicer world — but her behavior often goes past that. She really struggles and lashes out at people who don’t act as she expects them to. Good examples are my gals the liver lesbians (Sleeping Dogs Lie): she wants to punish the patient for being immoral, even though she’s doing it to save her life. Or Cameron’s date with House (much of their S1 “relationship”), where she cannot wait to tell him how he feels, ignoring what he says if it contradicts what she wants, having an entire narrative in her head and finding it almost impossible to accept that it isn’t true.
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