#sorry for the rambling lmao
fowltempered · 4 months
Okay so I just woke up and have yet to have breakfast but I wanted to touch on the post I saw from @orangerosebush (sorry for the @ I just thought you might want to see this) regarding the thinly veiled tension between Angeline and Butler because boy do I have thoughts on that particular relationship in the series.
I think it’s worth noting that neither of these characters are wholly bad or wholly good. They’re both flawed people and that nuance is what makes them interesting.
For all of the protection and place to confide that Butler offers Artemis he is probably the boy’s number one enabler. He lets Artemis galivant across the world in search of creatures he’s not even sure exist, repeatedly put himself and others in danger -even going so far as to getting people killed because Butler does not feel like he is allowed to step in and put his foot down.
Even when he does put his foot down on something or offer up his opinion (something he rarely does) it’s framed in this weird sort of pleading manner: “Yes, Artemis. All is forgiven. Just one thing…”  “Yes?”  “Never again. Fairies are too…human.” Artemis Fowl, pg. 390
The fact of the matter is that no matter how he may feel about his charge, Artemis is his employer and that weird sort of dissonance is probably the only thing keeping Butler from plucking Artemis up like a kitten and placing him in a little box where he’d be easier to keep an eye on and protect. I think that he lets Artemis do these things partially because he wants Artemis to process his grief, but also because he just? Doesn’t feel like he can stop the boy despite being the adult in the situation. He’s been trained to protect in any situation, not to intervene when things get out of hand.
And then on the other side of this little coin you have Angeline. Sweet, ferocious mama bear Angline who has been more or less absent from Artemis’ life since the disappearance of his father. Arguably you could say she was absent from his life before then but we don’t really get a lot of exposition on Angeline as a mother before the absence of Fowl Sr. (Something I would kill for, Eoin, give me more Angeline content.) as I personally can’t imagine her to be particularly involved in Artemis’ life before she recovered from her…illness. She strikes me as one of those mothers who simply does not know how to handle a child like Artemis.
She is so ready to believe him when he lies to her because she wants to believe that her son is an upstanding young man who is not following in his father’s old footsteps as seen in TOD. Is she suspicious of him? Yes but she doesn’t do anything about it until TTP where the truth is fully revealed to her and she has no choice but to accept it. Then after that, she decides to take up more responsibility as his mother and try to put her foot down. Artemis listens, kind of, because he’s a mama’s boy wracked with the guilt of lying to her for so long but there’s still a weird sort of distance there.
It’s almost as if Artemis doesn’t really see her as his mother because of how little she’s been involved in his life. She doesn’t know  him, she hasn’t seen him grow up. She just sort of vaguely knows what’s happened to him over the course of the last four-ish (seven-ish? I have a hard time with the limbo bit) years thanks to Opal. (This isn’t to say he doesn’t love her, he obviously does, I just don’t think he sees her as the involved mother she wants to be seen as)
But Butler has been there. He’s been watching Artemis grow and develop into a much more selfless, honorable young man, and Angeline knows that Butler has been there and I think it’s safe to say that she…resents him? For that. This man, this employee has played a stronger role in her son’s development than she has and I think she feels guilty for that. I think she wants to step in and reclaim what she thinks is hers, and I think Butler is resistant to that because…well, I think he may feel she doesn’t have the right due to her absence. He more or less raised Artemis, despite that not being in his job description, He died for Artemis on multiple occasions, and still Artemis defers to his mother rather than to the man that’s been present. (Artemis does defer to Butler as well, just…not as immediately as he does to Angeline.)
And Angeline still only views him as an employee. In TAC we see how she refers to Artemis as Her boy, and that “Family is everything” without explicitly including Butler in that sentiment despite everything that he’s done for Artemis because Artemis is the closest thing he has to family outside of Juliet. Artemis is very much his impudent little brother that he’s been shoehorned into the position of caring for.
I think that the tension between them is very warranted and I wish we’d gotten a little more of it during the series because I think at the very least Butler deserves a chance to sit down and go “Hey, I’m part of this family whether you like it or not.” I think Artemis should step in and remind his mother that Butler is part of the family now -and sort of always has been.
I don’t really know how to end this or if my thoughts on it are even complete, there may be an addition to this later.
TL;DR: Butler and Angeline are the Eldest Child “Parent” / Actual Parent dynamic and it keeps me up at night.
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theclearblue · 6 months
sanji for the character ask game? <3
Sexuality headcanon: The most bi character in the world. Undoubtedly loves women but has something so undeniably fruity going on with almost every man around him too.
Gender headcanon: See he can really be any gender ever to me. Cis man, trans femme/woman, trans masc/man, nonbinary, agender, these could all fit. I guess the only one I don't think really fits is maybe cis woman lmao
A ship I have with said character: I mean we all know how I feel about Zosan (really normal!). That's undoubtedly my OTP for Sanji but honestly I like Acesan, Sanuso, Lusan, even Sanami and Sanji x Pudding a little bit too.
A BROTP: Hmm I know I did say Sanuso above and I stand by that but they're just such best friends too. Guys of all time really I like how how he's a little bit nicer to Usopp compared to Luffy/Zoro lmao. Also Robin and Sanji's friendship has made me cry more than once I love the two of them together.
A NOTP: Hmm I'm not a big fan of romantic Robin x Sanji, that's more so because I only want Robin with Franky and no one else lmao, otherwise Sanji is just so good for mutishipping imo
A random headcanon: Truly believe in the headcanon that Ace was Sanji's bisexual awakening, he way they acted around each other in Alabasta is truly some tof the gayest shit I've ever seen and that's remarkable because One Piece is so overwhelmingly gay all the time afhgklhg
General opinion over said character: Truly been on a rollercoaster of different feelings towards him lmao. He started out as a favorite during a lot of early One Piece, became my least favorite during the middle, and then just shot up to my favorite and has stuck there, and with how good his character writing has been in the last three major arcs, I'd be surprised if that changed. The thing about him is that it always feels like there's something new to talk about with him. He's a rude brat, kind of a disgusting womanizer, has an attitude problem, is a self sacrificial dumbass, but yet he's also the kindest strawhat and shows that kindness through service to others, and his character growth is REALLY satisfying. Uhhh yeah i think he's alright or whatever and I feel super normal about him! (<- girl who lies)
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florwal · 1 year
do you have a date for portsim 1.2? also love love love your work
thank u! to be real with u idk 😩 i’m trying to set everything up to get a new lp going on my channel rn so i’ve been taking a save file break
this is literally SO dramatic don’t get me wrong i love building and working on my save files and i’m the one choosing to do it but ever since i started sharing my sims things publicly i never let myself chill and just… play the game cuz i always feel like i have to constantly create things for OTHER people to enjoy then i end up stressing myself out when i feel like i’m not doing it fast enough so i’m trying to stop myself from being like that cuz it hurts my brain and it’s not that serious cuz nobody is putting pressure on me and y’all are all super cool and sweet
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the real question is; is sirius black puck or kurt?
oh sirius is 1000% puck. according to the books, sirius is ‘cool’ and has gone to prison (for a crime he didn’t commit, but to prison he went).
puck went to juvie and was also cool. icr if sirius played quidditch canonically or if that was just fanon, but puck played football so that’s basically the same thing haha
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nanamis-bigtie · 1 year
Cameraguy here! Sorry for such a crude request, I was SO WORRIED someone would take the last prompt, since I was late to the party.
In short: yes top Gojo please! All dominant and canon-crazy ^^
But I also wanted to specify one more thing in a second ask (meant to sent it after submitting the initial request but I sent it too late and hit a glitch so): I said amab reader but if it would be possible to not reveal the pronouns it would be AWESOME (dysphoria hits hard sometimes, as you know).
And thank you for having the requests open for all kinds of readers! I really appreciate it, as I'm sure others do too. This might seem random of me to say, but I just saw your tags on the other ask about the good mindset for writing male readers, and thought "yeah, mood, same". Gotta take care of yourself :>
I'm a 2nd person POV writer, I don't use gendered pronouns almost at all, even in dialogues, so really, don't worry about it! I also don't really name genitals when writing amab/afab reader, trans/nb reader and the like (unless I'm explicitly asked to or when I write something for myself). If I do, everything will be in the CWs and Reader info!
Absolutely do not worry too about just capslocking at me 😂😂 I was so relieved that I can finally close askbox and run to restroom, that I didn't even pay attention things other than name and prompt 😂
And well... What can I say, I'm doing what I can where I can. I can't include everyone 'cause sometimes I simply hit the limit of lack of knowledge and sensitivity. But where I can stray away from the "archetype" of white petite cisfem reader, there I do. (Tho, being white eastern european I'm not sure how far neutral my texts are in matters of ethnicity LMAO fairly said, no one yet complained, and I know I have some very dedicated readers who aren't white)
Ironically, cisfem reader is pretty easy to write for me but I guess I'm just used to turning my brain off. Gender masking goes brrr or something? But also femininity is something I can always embrace, if I want to, since it's "given" with my AGAB. Masculinity...not really. At least not without body modifications that are beyond my reach. Writing about Y/N who's someone I can't be is already kinda on sketchy ground but on top of that if I put that Y/N in a situation with a character I use to cope with my complicated gender relationship is... 😬 idk if I still make sense LMAO
Nonbinary dysphoria is...hard to explain. It likes to play Shroedinger 😂 Because like... Sometimes I am woman and yet I feel dysphoric, and then I am not a woman but at the same time I'm not giving a single fuck. Sometimes I am a man. Sometimes I'm nothing. Sometimes I'm everything. I'd need a whole week to explain it and it still would sound like sorcery 😂
...Question to jujutsu sorcerers: can I have my gender exorcised? Please let it be possible, it has rabies, and I want some peace from it 😂
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twentyonefirstmates · 3 months
i just cannot stop thinking of jon trying so hard to grieve for the real elias after he Finds Out because elias died scared and alone to the same power that destroyed jon, because elias was also forced to watch his own body become entirely alien to him as he became Something Else, because elias and jon have both been tortured and Changed by the same man, because jon might be the only person in the world who understands what happened to him and is definitely the only person in the world who cares.
But also, jon can't think of elias' face without having to choke back a scream, cant utter elias' name without wanting to cry, cant think about elias' body without the feeling of being watched, worms burrowing into his skin, the agony of not being able to remember his friend's face, his mind being broken, hellish flames on his hand, falling from a great height, a knife against his windpipe, plastic fingers against his skin, dying, coming back wrong, darkness beyond everything hes ever known, dirt in his lungs, losing everyone hes ever loved, strings controlling his every move. He cant grieve for elias without grieving for himself. And he know, he knows, he Knows that none of it was ever elias' fault. Elias was just some poor stupid idiot who ended up in an evil place and had his life stolen by an evil man, just like jon. Jon knows elias never actually did anything to him, but he cant forgive him for the things done by his body. He wants to grieve, he tries to grieve, he does grieve. But he can never grieve properly for the man who was lost because he is inseparable from the man who took him.
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bubblingsteam · 5 months
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excali8ur · 4 months
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Weird dream.
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tibli · 2 years
as a huge fan of paleontology, that one borealopelta fossil makes me so fucking emotional. just look at this
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this isn't just fossilized bone. this is a fossilized body. it looks less like a several-million-year-old specimen and more like a living, breathing animal that simply fell asleep.
also of note, this particular fossil was preserved in three dimensions, rather than having been flattened over time like the majority of fossils that you would typically find. a lot of specimens look more like an imprint than anything else. but this has depth, and volume. and its so detailed that researchers have been able to determine its skin color based off the compounds found on the surface.
idk it just really makes me want to burst into tears. so much of paleontology relies on making inferences from bones and a variety of trace fossils, and there are likely several details about prehistoric fauna that we simply don't know because they dont fossilize well, and fossilization is already an incredibly rare process as is.
for example, if spiders all died out before humans ever saw any, and all we had left were fossils, would we know they spun webs of silk? would the spinnerets be enough to tip us off?
there are so many things we still don't know about prehistoric life, and likely never will know because it wasn't preserved. can you imagine how many species we just don't know about because they never fossilized?
but here, with borealopelta, we have such a well-preserved specimen that it looks as though it could wake up at any second. It just makes me feel something inexplicable.
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gentle-hero-blog · 3 months
Actually wait ok i'm not done. i'm actually so serious abt this. I think that a large part of the reason i got attached to metroid when i was younger is because it was the first media i discovered where the main female character was allowed to look like this:
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and like. people thought she was cool. BOYS thought she was cool and I had never seen boys think a female character was cool before, much less want to be like one. she had all these interesting traits that I had only ever seen in male characters (person of few words, calm and ruthless bounty hunter persona, highly respected for skill, her appearance isn't mentioned Ever, etc etc). and that was formative for me and my relationship to gender i think
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atelierlili · 4 months
I always wondered why Katniss factored marriage and children into the equation when it came to reciprocating Peeta’s feelings for her. It’s a rather large leap, especially when Peeta himself never expresses wanting children at any point in the story. He uses children as a tool to persuade Katniss and the Capital to save her life, but the only time we see him express any desire/feelings of having one of his own is when he’s crying after the baby bomb. But we never hear his real thoughts.
But you wanna know who does express wanting children? Gale.
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It’s one of the first thing he mentions in chapter one. And it pisses her off so much.
(I also want to add that Gale reframes/establishes the dynamic of Katniss and him caring for their siblings from something that is sibling-sibling to parent-sibling. And he is not wrong. Katniss doesn’t refute him. Both Katniss and Gale are surrogate parents to their siblings. Which is also why Katniss love and affection of Prim, is not just sisterly. I’ve seen people say Katniss is only sisterly to Prim- but she’s not. She’s parentified their relationship to the point she subconsciously see Prim as her child, which makes this a tragedy because she’ll loose her first child no matter what she does by the end of the story.)
But Gale’s phrasing here elevates himself as a potential suitor to Katniss by placing them both as the parental roles to these children. (Which irritates her a lot ). Which is why she brings the topic up with her relationship with Peeta. Because she’s subconsciously aware of Gale’s efforts and knows it will be a point of contention between them. It hangs over her head in a way.
With Gale, children are extra mouths to feed. (But Gale will do fine. He can work. He can hunt.) It’s all framed with calculated survival in mind. But it’s also not something she had planned in the future at any point.
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But Peeta’s children? Oh they deserve to be born because Peeta deserves to be a father. He would be such a good father. They deserve to exist in a world where they can be safe and happy. (Even if it’s not with her.)
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This is also why I think she subconsciously sees Peeta’s baby as her own. And I don’t think of it as a cruel/heartless thing, it’s just you’d be more protective of your own child compared to someone else’s. Katniss sees Gale as a reliable person who’s equipped to look after a kid. She doesn’t express the same kind of maternal instinct/yearning for the Baby Hawthrone’s safety as she does with the idea of Baby Mellark, because she doesn’t think of Gale’s child as her own. She never hopes for a better future for them, but she does with Peeta because he and that baby gives her hope. And she loves him that much.
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edonee · 4 months
seeing a "t4t mlm" couple gives me the same feeling as fujoshis role-playing as their yaoi OTP
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crystalizedcryolite · 12 days
Yesterday, I decided to use AvM as an example for "Expression through Body Language in Animation" so I thought; why not share it over here?
Expressing EMOTION through Body Language (Using AvM as an example)
Body language is actually very important in animation. The use of it can help express just about anything! Sometimes it doesn't have to be facial expressions or strong voice acting to make a point about how someone is feeling.
For example, simple movement, like throwing your hands in the air or jumping around, can express joy,
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and even woe and sadness.
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Sometimes, the complete use (or lack) of movement can be very telling of an emotion. In the picture above, Purple is standing completely still at his mother's grave, head cast down in sorrow.
Did it take any line of dialogue or facial expression to make his grief clear? No! All it took was simple body language.
It even helps differentiate one character from another, in terms of how they walk,
(Green skipping dramatically just SCREAMS theatre kid in The Wishing Well short:)
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how they pose
("Blue" posing in a way that the REAL Blue most likely wouldn't in The Witch:)
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(and Red’s aggressive movements vs Green's cocky ones from The Prank; you can tell by the way Red stomps up to Green that the poor guy is getting mad)
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their fighting styles, too; where Red shows his aggressive and impulsive nature in the way he fights, compared to Yellow taking a more defensive stance in 'Green's Channel';
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And even how they sit! HOW THEY SIT!
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The animation team could've easily had them all sit in the exact same way, but no! They had them sit differently, in ways that give them all more personality.
And later on in the same short, they expressed frustration differently!
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Red's pose here being some sort of pout, Blue’s feeling more of a "damn it!" while Yellow is a classic thinking pose; showing that he's possibly coming up with ways to succeed in another try.
And it didn't take a single word, nor a FACE, to get this point across! All it took to convey emotions was how they move! It's actually really interesting to think about. It didn't take voice actors or faces or even character design to show emotions and personality, all it took was a good understanding of body language and movement. Props to the Alan Becker team for that!
Before I go, here are some other examples of how simple movement conveyed emotions in AvM.
Blue's shock turning to horror in the Omelette Short:
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Green laughing in Fruit Ninja and Wallpaper:
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Orange tiredly rubbing his eyes in Ragdoll to show that "He didn't get enough sleep for this nonsense":
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And finally, Red, Green and Orange leaning differently during a race in "Carrot on a Stick"
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That's all I have, thank you for your time <3
I genuinely admire how the animation team managed to pull off body language so amazingly! It's so cool how you can express so much about yourself through your movements alone.
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crystallizsch · 7 days
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AGH happy (definitely-not-late) bday to mr jamil viper 💖🐍 and thank u harveston jamil for coming home as well as two of his bday cards 💖💥
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legendoflozer · 6 months
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Legend and Sky as a duo is so funny to me!!
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Red to the last pic
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icantspellthings · 8 months
Why did nobody question the reason why Felixs nerdy little pet boy was even so buff for? Like seriously ollie did you sneak to the gym between bouts of patrying and going to lectures? Why the fuck are your pecs so nice? Hmm why is your back so defined? Why are you giving us a gunshow every shot? Bitch you should be a 100 pounds soaking wet little kitten. Why are you so nice and muscly???? YOU'RE A FUCKING NERD. ARE YOU TELLING ME OLIVER LIFTS WEIGHT?? WHATS HIS MAX REP
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