#also how could I ever forget eremika
turnedinto-themoon · 2 years
Couples who are just the absolute most tragic thing you’ve ever read>>>
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
Of all fanfics I've ever read, you have the best take on teenage Eremika, so I'd like to ask for your take on the following idea: Zeke and Levi know and despise each other. But Zeke not only tries to be the cool older brother, but he's also Eremika #1 shipper, tries to give his foolish lil bro some love advice. Meanwhile it's not that Levi hates Eren, but he's not really fond of him and doesn't really approve Mikasa dating him.
Eren and Mikasa have known each other their whole lives, but as they grew older it was obvious they had a thing for each other and Levi and Zeke engage in a proxy war of sorts over the dating life of their two lovesick teenagers, completely unaware that Eren and Mikasa are already getting together
Ah, thank you! That's really nice!
So, I really love the idea of Zeke and Levi not having any idea at first that Eremika are nursing crushes on each other, because then we have the opportunity for Zeke to give Eren advice on how to woo his unnamed damsel while, meanwhile, Levi is warning Mikasa what cheesy shit to watch out for and talking shit about Eren's Zeke-inspired romantic gestures.
For instance, Zeke tells Eren to walk his unnamed love interest home from school and pick a flower for her on the way and maybe tuck it behind her ear if he's feeling bold and tell her it's almost as beautiful as her.
Mikasa comes home with a daisy or a cosmo or something wilting in her hair and Levi is like, "So your mystery boy just stole that out of someone else's yard and gave it to you?" He rolls his eyes. "Did he tell you the flower is as pretty as you? God. No imagination. Aim higher."
Then they find out who their respective teen relatives are crushing on and everything ramps up even more. Every time Eren comes over, Levi gives him some variation or another of the "What are your intentions for my little girl?" speech, while Zeke is already hard at work on the most overwrought, cringy promposal Shingeki High School has ever seen. They're wreaking havoc on Eremika's love lives and they're each trying their best to please their elder relatives, but all they really want is to do is occupy the same space as often as possible and hold hands. Like, Eren is over at Mikasa's house one day wearing a tunic and holding a lute because of some cockamamie idea Zeke has dreamed up, and he's standing down below on the lawn and she's at her window on the second story, looking down at him, and he says, "You know, Mikasa, all I really want is to do homework together and then spoon on the couch while we watch TV. I just like being with you, and the rehearsals for all these grand gestures are eating up my free time. Zeke had me going to lute lessons all month for this."
"I think Levi and the neighbors would appreciate an end to all the musical numbers," says Mikasa. "Levi might even warm up to you a little bit."
Eren flings the lute over his shoulder and it lands in the middle of the street, then he rips off the tunic, forgetting that he's not wearing a t-shirt underneath. He's standing there in the yard, shirtless and in a pair of his mom's old leggings, when Levi gets home from work.
"What the hell are you doing now?" Levi demands, getting out of his car with murder in his eyes because he almost ran over the lute and fucked up his alignment or whatever (I'm not much of a car person).
Eren, knowing when to cut his losses and run, shouts up at Mikasa, "I love you! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" and bolts.
"I love you, too!" she cries, leaning out the window and waving at him as if it will be another 14 years instead of another 14 hours before they are reunited.
Levi stomps inside the house to give Mikasa yet another warning about the Jaeger boy being a waste of her youth while Zeke is at home happily preparing a powerpoint presentation of all the cutesy, flirty lines Eren could use the next time he's with Mikasa at a McDonald's.
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mimiwrites2000 · 1 year
I'm here for Aruani writer ask game!
1 2 3 5 7 10 11 14 16
I answered 1 + 3 + 14 here
And 16 here
Here's the rest of the questions
2- Share your favorite part of your first ever fic
Wellll, I had to go through my first fic again, you can find it here, Blue (or on AO3, Kiss), and I think this part will do:
Armin rested his forehead on Annie’s, then she closed her eyes, and so he did.
“You’ve taken your time, haven’t you?” Armin questioned her, though he wasn’t serious in the slightest.
“I did.” She answered, and he could hear the smile through her voice.
“A lot have happened.”
“I know.”
“A lot have changed.”
“I know.”
“I’ve changed.”
“I know.” She sounded confident when she replied to his last statement, her voice firm, and her fingers digged slightly in his cheeks.
Armin’s lips were partly opened, he was thinking of how he could tell her about everything that happened, all the catastrophes that occurred while she was locked away, faraway from anyone’s reach.
He, even though they were on the line to do their most likely failed mission, let himself enjoy the blue in her eyes; he had never been this physically close to Annie, and his breath was taken away.
5- Write about Armin and Annie’s first meeting! Could be in canon settings or any other AU
Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve written anything about them meeting for the first time… or I did? I genuinely have no idea
Buttt I think whether it was an AU or canon, they wouldn’t have this cliche electrifying first meeting, I think they might go unnoticed by each other, and then they would slowly start growing on each other and noticing each other
7- What was the inspiration behind your shortest fic?
My shortest fic that is posted to AO3 is called What If I Kiss You, you can find it Here.
W e l l , I’ve written it a few years back and posted it as screenshots on twitter, and I wrote it because… I just thought of how their first kiss would look like, and I just felt like it would be this shattering moment in their lives (dramatic I know), at that time I used to be active on twitter, and I just felt like sharing it... Y e a h
10- write about their first kiss!
Again, I've written a short snippet about it, What If I Kiss You?, here's the link to it again, and it's so emotional I actually kinda like it!
I would honestly write a whole new short story about it, but I kind of have a long ass fic to finish LMAO
I have several fics that contains their first kiss, and I just love writing first kiss scenes, because the intention behind these kisses is to show what they’re feeling, it’s just a kiss, nothing more, nothing less, but it hold so much emotions
My favorite kisses that I’ve written is probably isn Legends, when they kiss outside the cottage where Eremika wedding was happening, because that kiss didn’t hold just sweet emotions, but so much pain, and it kind of elicited so many conflict in the story
11- What annoys you the most about your own writing habits?
I kind of got myself used to writing only in coffee shops, and it’s affecting me because now I can only write in a coffee shop, and I can’t always go to a coffee shop, but I also can’t write if I wasn’t in a coffee shop… I don’t like it
Also, not writing a timeline for Legends before starting it
Like, I always had the whole thing planned out, butttt my brain can only remember so much, and I’m losing some details here and there, so I hope that I don’t forget any detail by the end of the story lmao
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nikakistos · 4 years
The Perfect Closure of EreMika
The title is pure clickbait (as always), there will be lots of tags (as always) and this post will be huge. As always. So, let’s examine and evaluate the perfect conclusion of the most important relationship in Attack on Titan. We will analyze why this is the best conclusion they could have gotten and of course we are going to talk about what their scenes meant for their relationship, their feelings for each other and the themes of the story.
First, let’s ask the question: What was the purpose of this chapter? Ending the fight obviously, but also giving closure to the relationship between Eren and Mikasa. Now, there were 3 questions that needed to be answered in order for the two of them to have closure. 
Why did Eren say to Mikasa that he hated her?
What does Eren feel for Mikasa?
What would have happened if Mikasa had given Eren a different answer back in chapter 123?
Isayama answered all 3 of them in a spectacular way. Let’s see how he did it. The chapter literally starts with Isayama, via Mikasa, setting up the closure. This was achieved by having her wonder if this really was the end for her and Eren. Could it be that their last interaction ever ended with him saying that he hated her? 
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Isayama answers that with a big, fat NO.
That’s the purpose of Mikasa’s vision. Mikasa’s vision is not there to introduce us to Alternate Universes or to portray her as a delusional fangirl that can’t cope with reality. It’s purpose is to answer the above 3 questions. And that it does.
Essentially, Mikasa’s vision is a “What if” scenario. If Mikasa had chosen the ideal for her answer back in chapter 123, Eren would have abandoned everything and lived with her. This means that Eren is also in love with her.  He said that he hated Mikasa, because he wanted her to forget him. That’s why he also asked her to throw away the scarf.
Mikasa though, being the truest representation of all major, positive themes in the series says no. She chooses to remember him. That’s essentially the meaning of life. That’s what Armin taught to Zeke back in chapter 137. Memories of everyday life. That’s the meaning of life. Back in Trost, Mikasa said that she couldn’t die, because she wouldn’t be able to remember Eren. Even back then, Mikasa always knew the true meaning of life. 
Afterall, the series heavily criticizes the usage of memory manipulation. Deleting memories or altering them have been methods empoyed by the Royal Family for years, hiding the truth from the people. One of the themes of the Survey Corps is remembering their fallen comrades and carrying on the torch. Mikasa forgetting Eren would be an insult to the themes of the story. As would be if Eren was revealed to have been sending fake memories and dreams to Mikasa out of pity for her. 
Finally, Mikasa decides to kill Eren. Not because he hated her or because he didn’t have romantic feelings for her. Because she had to save the world and because that’s exactly what Eren wanted. Back in chapter 133 Reiner foreshadowed Eren’s desires. He explained that it is very hard for Eren, mentally, to handle the murder of the entire human race. Through Reiner, Isayama reveals that Eren wants someone to end it all for him. That someone was Mikasa. That’s why Mikasa knew where to find Eren. His relieved face when he saw her swinging the blade said it all. That was Eren’s design and Mikasa delivered.
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And so, the chapter that starts with Mikasa thinking that the only closure she would get with Eren was the “I’ve always hated you”, ends with the first and the last kiss between the two of them that puts all of her worries to rest.
Is Mikasa delusional?
I’ve seen this being thrown around, so i have to also tackle said point. No, Mikasa is not delusional. This wasn’t a fantasy that only she experienced. This dream of hers is the same dream that Eren had back in chapter 1. Eren experienced the exact same things she did in the dream. We even see him with his titan marks. It is clear as day that they shared these moments.
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Also, i have to give credits to Isayama here for his usage of “itterasshai”. The word generally means “Go and come back safely” and is usually said to people leaving the house. For Mikasa, Eren is her home, but she is also home for him, as shown in the RtS arc:
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These were the perfect parting words for the two of them. Nothing else could encapsulate their relationship better. Eren of course, won’t come back, but that’s the irony of the word here.
Moving on to the next point, Mikasa’s characterization in this final arc is about her seeing Eren for the person he truly is and stop ignoring his faults. It starts from the Marley arc and it concludes with chapter 123 where she realizes that this was simply part of Eren’s nature.
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He always had it in him to become the monster that he became. However, he always had a different side to him. A side that had been shown to her a few times. At first, when he wrapped the scarf around her and later when he asked her “What am i to you”. Finally, it manifested as a desire to live quietly with her in their shared dream. It would contradict her development and characterization in the final arc, to have Mikasa start seeing an incomplete Eren again, after realizing earlier who he really was. Mikasa understood who Eren truly is and she accepted him and continued to love him anyway, even though she didn’t agree with his genocide. 
It is not out of character for Eren to run away with her either. At least not in that instance. The series highlights the moment that he asked Mikasa “What am i to you” as a pivotal one. Sure, under normal circumstances, Eren would have chosen to fight, but we saw him breaking down just moments earlier. The only person that could have saved him was Mikasa. Alas, that wasn’t meant to happen.
In any instance, the biggest indicator that Mikasa is not just a delusional girl who kissed the decapitated head of the man she loved, when he never really loved her in the same way, is Ymir’s face at the end of the chapter.
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Ymir, as i have mentioned in previous posts, is a girl who never knew real love during her lifetime. She didn’t understand what she was looking at, when she first say a couple kissing with their friends cheering them on. And after that she was sentenced to a cruel life, with a man who never loved her and only viewed her as a tool. This girl, remembers longinly that scene of the couple kissing for 2000 years. She was waiting for 2000 years to see real love again.
She witnessed that through Eren and Mikasa. In a scene that would have otherwise been painted in a negative light, Ymir’s warm smile at the sight of the final act of love between two people who never got to be together the way they wanted to, clears any and all doubts regarding Eren’s feelings for Mikasa and the latter’s sanity. Eren reciprocates Mikasa’s feelings and he was alive for enough time to kiss her back, before completely fading away. Eren and Mikasa replaced the married couple and Ymir replaced the crowd that was cheering at them from 2000 years ago.
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Of course, one might ask, could Eren really kiss her? Didn’t she just take advantage of him? No, he did kiss her. The way the scene was directed, it shows us that the events, which take place in their dream, mirror the events in real life. Just look at Eren’s lips one moment before Mikasa kissed him and compare them to the picture above, where they kiss. They are different.
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 Also, you have to remeber that decapitation doesn’t kill immediately and does not immobilize facial muscles. That was the entire reason that Eren and Zeke managed to get the Coordinate. Eren survived long enough from Gabi’s shot to make contact with Zeke. Even his facial expression changes as you can see below:
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More importantly, was there really any chance that Ymir would look at Mikasa beheading and kissing Eren, while also smiling in approval, if Mikasa was a delusional girl who was unable to understand Eren’s feelings for her up to the very end? Most of all, do you think she would have allowed him to die, without experiencing real love? She died in such a way and she stayed for 2000 years in the Paths waiting for someone to show her real love. Eren was her benefactor. Would she ever allow him to die in such a way, when she was being mistreated (sexually and in many other ways) by King Fritz? I doubt it. Actually no. I don’t doubt it. I’m sure this is not the way we are meant to interprete the scene.
Eren’s relationship with Mikasa, from the very start, is an allegory for the world of AoT. The world is cruel, but is also very beautiful. Eren’s story with Mikasa starts with him murdering in cold blood her kidnappers (cruelty) and then warmly and gently welcoming her to his family by wrapping a scarf around her (beauty). Their story ends with Mikasa decapitating him (cruelty) and kissing him (beauty).
Eren’s tendency for violence has always been portrayed as going hand in hand with his better side. That side has always been represented by Mikasa. It is only fitting for them to have their most beautiful moment happening almost at the same time as their most cruel one. This is how Isayama juxtaposes this duality:
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If we interprete this scene as Mikasa being delusional and Eren not being in love with her we get a very disturbing and creepy scene, between an obsessed, psychosis-suffering girl who can’t understand the feelings of Eren, a genocidal maniac who never had any chance or willingness to live a normal life, even though there are hints of that, and a 2000 year old ghost who just happily smiled at the decapitation and forceful kissing of her emancipator. I am pretty sure this is not the message Isayama wants to send. Not simply, because it is a disservice to Mikasa as a character and to her relationship with Eren, which has been one of the most prominent and consistent part of the series from the very first chapter, but because it is also a huge disrespect to Eren as a character as well. Does anyone really think that Isayama would choose to write Eren’s death like that? Not a single important person in the entire story has gotten such an exit. Not even Floch. Even Zeke, who thought that his father never loved him and only used him as a tool, got to see that his father truly did love him, before finally dying. Of course Eren and Mikasa would get the same treatment.
What i mean to say is that Eren and Mikasa’s closure won’t be recontextualized in a way that will paint their feelings for one another and their relationship in a negative light. If anyone’s expecting that, he/she will be disappointed. Eren and Mikasa were confirmed as a canonical couple in chapter 138.
On the other hand, if anyone’s expecting that this wasn’t their real closure and that they will get an even happier ending, he/she is also coping hard. Eren died here in this chapter. There won’t be a scarf rewrap (i’m here to eat my words if it happens), because Isayama gave the couple a kiss. A kiss that was in the makings ever since chapter 50 dropped. And of course, there is not going to be a baby born to Eren and Mikasa. Like, no way it’s happening. Eren is not coming back to life as that would turnish the series and it’s ending.
In conclusion, Eren’s relationship with Mikasa ended in the same way it started. Violently and Beautifully. Tragically and Happily. They acted on their romantic feelings for each other the very moment they had to part ways forever. This is how Isayama hurts us. The essence of a bittersweet conclusion.
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ficsforeren · 3 years
Kana dear I need your advice😭😭😭 as a huge Eren simp I love this guy with all my heart but recently I've been having these silly thoughts about last manga chapters and how eremika became canon and couldn't stop thinking: how can I read something with Eren and reader when it's been confirmed that he loves some certain girl and this girl is Mikasa? Like it is the only true girl for him since it's canon and not us (readers). It also seems to me that Mikasa's type is the only type that he could fall in love with and this type is not "reader" most of the times😭😭😭 I feel like I'm desperately in love with a real boy who loves another girls and it pains me so much💔💔💔😔😔😔 that's why I wanted to have your opinion on this, have you ever had such thoughts/what do yoi think about it?
I'll answer this below the cut. If you like Mikasa, or if you ship Eremika, or if you can't handle people having different opinions, please do NOT read this post.
Okay, this is completely my own opinion and you are very welcome to disagree but since you're asking my thoughts about it, I'll try to be as honest with you as possible.
First of all, I do not ship myself with Eren, but I can understand and relate to people who do. I never imagined myself as y/n or "reader" when i read eren x yn fics. I just imagine him getting together with my OC.
now, I've been a fan of AOT for eight years, and I'm sure as hell that AOT isn't a love story, which is why I hate chapter 138-139 with a passion because they made it seem like it is what with ymir loving karl fritz for years, and mikasa finally ending the curse because she could finally break free from her love for eren. like the whole thing doesn't make any sense. everything was retconned in the end.
and i'm not sure why do you think eren is in love with mikasa because to me, he only cares about her like how a brother would love his sister. isayama had stated so many times in the past that Eren saw her that way. hell, Eren had a lot more chemistry and interactions with Armin than he was with mikasa. eremin should've been canon
sorry to say, but eren has been treating mikasa like an absolute garbage from day one. i love eren, god i love him so much, but he's a total sociopath who abused his "loved one" aka mikasa both mentally, physically and verbally. plus, this scene right here?
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a lot of people seem to think that this is eren's love confession, as in he's saying he's been in love with her all this time, that he loves her so much, he doesn't want her to forget him for ten years bla bla bla but honey? look at what he's saying
he wants her to be hung up on him. he doesn't want her to move on from him. he doesn't want her to find another man. like??? how toxic can he be??? how selfish can he be??? for someone who's always been willing to sacrifice himself for greater good (like when he was with historia), he can't even let his lover move on with her life? wants her to mourn for him forever? people are like "that's natural, he's having a breakdown at that moment, he's only 19. this is the real eren." oh my god, please, are we going to ignore his whole character development in season 4? because that wasn't the real eren? also he's saying those words after he treated mikasa like trash all this time when she has clearly showed her feelings for him many times, i'm???? this is so bad.
eren doesn't love her. he just likes the attention she gave him. he likes having someone chase after him, likes to see them get desperate on getting even a sliver of his affection. this is sick. it's sickening. eren isn't supposed to act like this. this is not the eren i'm in love with.
so no, baby, you don't have to be worried about mikasa. he's not in love with her.
now, if you're talking about historia though, that's when you should get worried lmaoooo cause eren is always so gentle around her. like whenever i write about eren interacting with yn in my fic, I always think about how he behaved around historia. the way he smiled when she smiled, the way he scratched his neck awkwardly when he was around her. the way they had meaningful conversations together, the way they understand each other's personalities. the way he noticed when she hadn't been smiling much. the way he literally tried to go into a fucking blizzard to look for her, cried and yelled at his friends that he wanted to save christa when she was kidnapped. he admired how strong she was several times, even literally told her "you're amazing" at some point and I don't think eren ever behave like that with other girls.
and unlike mikasa who has her own ideal version of eren, historia accepts him the way he is, just like how he accepts her true personality when everyone else likes krista persona better, and that's why eren opens up to her about everything, even the things he couldn't say to his friends. and the whole "I'm willing to die but I cannot sacrifice historia" thing is just... now that's romantic in my eyes, which is why I ship them together, because they do make sense. historia saved his life, brought him back from the brink of depression. she even killed her own father--the last person who was biologically related to her, mind you--so eren wouldn't need to sacrifice himself, and eren sees the true form of freedom in historia during that cave scene. isayama wrote their relationship so beautifully. subtle, but very beautiful.
but again, AOT is not a love story. even if historia and eren did end up together, it was all for the sake of the plot to make the story better (you can read AOT no Requiem to know what I'm saying and The Lamp and The Apple theory).
you don't have to worry about eren falling in love with another woman in the story because that's not the case. he's a very goal-driven man. his goal was about to free his people, to achieve freedom for himself and his family. and even if he did love someone, baby, just create your own version of him. the new Eren that you love and loves you. This is the reason why I created so many different versions of Eren in different AUs, so you can forget canon eren (he's a clown anyway lmao that 139 is a fucking disaster) and just be with your Eren. time to move on from the manga, girl, cheer up!
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blushing-titan · 3 years
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about chapter 138 again, and I came to a few conclusions. First and foremost, I’m surprised at the amount of Mikasa’s fans who are happy about the possibility of the cabin vision being an actual AU. Mikasa has been one of my favorite characters pretty much since the beginning, but I feel like - if the AU is real - it’s a huge step back for her progress and general well-being. Let me explain my point below - warning, it’s pretty long! I’ll be using manga panels (I obviously don’t own them, all credits go to the author!), and there will be spoilers.
My perspective on Eremika
I’m a firm believer that Eren and Mikasa’s relationship is a bit too unhealthy for Mikasa, at least in it’s current state - to me, it’s clear as a day that it’s way too unbalanced. Mikasa just invests more in it - it’s been shown countless times, both in the manga and anime, that Eren’s safety and well-being is her top priority. He’s on her mind most of the times and she constantly wants to be near him - she thinks of him as her safe place and home.
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But what about Eren? He’s often irritated and suffocated by her overprotectiveness. He’s quite a proud person who doesn’t want to be constantly saved - despite generally needing it sometimes. In my eyes, it’s another imbalance - Eren wants to be the strong one, but since Mikasa is just naturally better at that, he constantly feels belittled, like it’s a form of rivalry.
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On top of that, throught the entire series Eren has his own set of dreams and goals that doesn’t necessarily always revolve around Mikasa - all while Mikasa makes up her plans and goals solely around Eren. She even admits that all she wants is just to be at his side.
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What concerns me too, however, is that Mikasa often puts Eren’s safety and well-being over her own - and it’s something that she realizes. 
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Sometimes, Mikasa’s friends act as a voice of reason, but when someone tries to raise any objections or concerns against Eren, she usually backs him up or tries to rationalize his actions. In the example below, Jean is concerned about the scar that Mikasa got after she got attacked by Eren (right after Eren lost control over his titan in chapter 12).
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On top of that, Mikasa can be very passive, and even uncritical when it comes to Eren’s more questionable actions. There are times in which the latter can get a bit too blunt, or even straight up mean, but Mikasa either protects him, tries to justify his actions or is literally immobilized by them - like in the scene in which Eren insults her and proceeds to fight Armin, who’s been trying to back her up. Notice how Mikasa is unable to stop Eren from continuously attacking Armin (when, a reminder, the latter one stood up for her), but immediately jumps in to stop Armin from attacking Eren. You can clearly see that even she is shocked by her reaction.
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We can also see her being in denial about Eren’s hurtful actions later on. She doesn’t even want to talk about it when Jean brings it up:
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She’s also still concerned and worried about Eren a few chapters later, after he had done and stated that he’s about to do terrible things - even at times when her other friends were endangered. This time, it’s Armin who tries to act as a voice of reason.
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Now, before we get ahead of ourselves: 
Do I think that Eren doesn’t care about Mikasa, or even hate her (as he said)? No - she’s obviously extremely important to him and he was definitely lying during the table scene. Personally, I’ve never seen him having any romantic feelings towards her, but that doesn’t mean anything - love doesn’t always have to be romantic and I 100% believe that she’s still someone who he holds very dear to his heart. There are many moments that show that he’s also very protective of her, and that - along with Armin - she’s one of the most important people in his life. 
But my point still stands - aside from that, the relationship is just too unbalanced to be considered healthy, especially for Mikasa. Both Eren and Mikasa see it in different light, which often cause them to collide. I just can’t help but feel like Mikasa sacrifices too much for it, too - she often ends up jeopardizing her safety, constantly worries about Eren and clashes with her friends because of it. To some extent, Eren may be doing some of these things as well - but let’s be 100% honest, never nearly as much as Mikasa does. He fiercly protects her when she’s in danger and backs her up when he agrees with her, but at the end of the day he has his own goals and opinions. He doesn’t fixate himself with Mikasa nearly as much as Mikasa does it with him - he’s never jealous of anything but her skills, meanwhile she's often on alert when he’s around other girls. In the manga, she’s displaying jealousy over Annie and Historia, in the anime we can add Hanji to that pool, while in A.O.T. Wings of Freedom she’s also jealous of Sasha and even freckled Ymir - all while Eren remains oblivious and - in these situations, rightfully so - annoyed.
We know that there are reasons why Mikasa treats Eren like this. He obviously saved her life when they were children, but it’s also because she was strongly traumatized by losing both her biological family, and then people who took care of her right after that. It’s only natural that she does anything in her power to not go through that again...
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...but it’s important to question if the way her relationship with Eren goes - how she commits to it 100% and how it affects her - is really the best way for her to heal and eventually live a happy life. I believe that Eren himself saw that it was becoming too toxic for Mikasa - and, considering that he actually cares for her and knows that he doesn’t have all the time in the world, he focused on making her move on. In my opinion, that’s why he wanted to push her away during the table scene. It’s also why he tried to get rid of the scarf that Louise brought to him. Even if the execution is far from perfect, he still wants what’s best for her, so he tries to put an end to enabling her unhealthy coping practices. He wants her to live a long, happy life.
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Soooo...how does “the cabin AU” fit into all of this?
The answer is simple - it doesn’t. It’s a huge mixture and repetition of everything that’s harmful about Mikasa’s obsession with Eren. It’s a confirmation that Mikasa would be able to leave the entire world for 4 years of constant lying to herself. To betray her friends, leave everything behind, act as if everything was going to be okay and, in turn, make it all worse for herself. Because let me remind you one thing - Mikasa will go on living after Eren looses to the titan curse...but what will she do from now on? Will she stay in the cabin forever, alone and with no one to talk to - no one to share the pain after saying her final goodbye to Eren? Will she come back to the war-ridden world and face her old friends - like Armin who must have been frantically looking for her and Eren? Some of these friends may not want to have anything to do with her after all that - some may be already dead. Maybe there’s no place to go at all.
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In my opinion, Eren being okay with this would ultimately prove that he doesn’t care about Mikasa’s wellbeing - and, as I’ve said before I just don’t think that’s the case at all. On top of that, as stated in the beginning, it would serve as a regress of Mikasa’s character - she wouldn’t be able to overcome her weaknesses, which would only make her life harder in the long run. Therefore, I simply can’t accept this vision to be an AU. What do I think it was, then?
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Mikasa believes in Eren’s good heart, despite all awful things he commits - she repeatedly says that he does it all for them - his friends...and yet she wants to believe that there must have been a way to not let it all happen. A part of her may be blaming herself, which is why she questions if she could have changed anything by giving him a different answer. 
To me, it’s very obvious and I have to admit: I was horrified to see the amount of fans saying “If only she hadn’t family-zoned him, so many people would still be alive!”. Mikasa was NEVER to blame here and her answer should never have a force to change something like that. At the end of the day, it was Eren’s decision to go on with the rumbling, and I hate to see Mikasa (and the fans, too!) putting any blame for it on her.
In conclusion, I really believe that the vision was Mikasa’s daydream - most likely created as a coping mechanism since at this point she knew what was about to happen - what she had to do. Not any AU flashback, but rather a poor, traumathised girl trying to come to terms with the cruel reality - and ultimately reclaiming her strength. In her mind, she comes back to her safe place for a few moments, just to get a bit of comfort - a place where she and Eren live peacefully and safely. In fact, the panel below may suggest that she was dreaming about something similar ever since the training days:
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I also believe that, at some point, Eren enters that dream - perhaps somehow through paths, or is sent there by Ymir. There, he once again reminds Mikasa that he wants her to live long, be free and forget about him.
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I think in the end, Mikasa rejects that fake utopia, finally understanding that it could never happen and it was not her fault. She accepts the reality as it is and stops rationalizing Eren’s actions. She also comes to terms with her feelings towards him, but won’t let it cloud her judgement anymore. She will remember him and cherish these memories forever, but acknowledges that it has gone too far - she chooses humanity, the world and finally: a long, happy life for her. Just like Eren would want for her.
This time, Mikasa wraps the scarf around herself.
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If you’re here, wow - thank you so much for reading, it means a lot! I’m sorry for any mistakes I’ve made while writing - English is not my first language and I didn’t really have anyone to beta-read this long wall of text xd Hope I made my points clear - and just to clarify, my text is not an invitation for any ugly Mikasa haters. As I’ve said before, she’s one of my favorite characters and I hope for the best for her - she’s been through so much, poor girl needs a break :C
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
oh my goodness i can go on and on about why i don’t think he is the father. it may be a bit long, but i swear it’s worth the read. some manga spoilers btw
so first, the timeframe doesn’t add up. eren wasn’t in paradis when historia would’ve gotten pregnant, but the farmer obviously was there. and there isn’t ever a 100% that a girl will get pregnant from one try, so it makes more since for the father to be the farmer since they would’ve had more time.
i truly don’t think that eren would just get historia pregnant, and then have her ask the farmer to pretend to be the father, just to ditch her right after and go to marley. at that point, eren is pushing everyone away, including mikasa and armin who are the most important people in his life. that’s not even up for debate.
when eren warned historia about the MP and told her about his plan, it’s because he needed her to keep quiet. and eren was actually against historia getting pregnant and basically becoming a breeding machine. he said to her that her only two options are 1. hide or 2. run. historia is the one who brought up the idea. and people try to say that she straight up asked if eren would have a kid with her, which she didn’t. she said “what would you think about me having a child?” now… idk if it’s just me but usually when people talk about having a kid, they usually say “us” as in “us having a kid”… but historia didn’t say that.
and no matter how much eren seems like this cruel asshole, i highly doubt he would get someone pregnant if he knows that he’s going to die. to just leave them with a fake father. having a family probably never even crossed his mind because whether he didn’t go through with the rumbling or not, eren was going to die. die young. eren never really got to live and that brings me to my next point
ik you said you don’t ship eremika, but im gonna talk about them bc it’s important. from chapter 139, we know that eren loved mikasa and wanted to be with her and didn’t wanna die. eren never got to express that to her tho. he purposely didn’t bc again, he knew he was going to die. that’s why he said those things during the table scene. he wanted her and armin to hate him so that they wouldn’t be sad when he died. if eren can say the things he said to them, beat up armin, you cannot tell me he would be willing to get a girl pregnant. especially if it’s not the girl he loved. so even if eren is the father, it wasn’t a baby made out of love and we know that.
another big thing is that the only significance of historia getting pregnant is so that she could survive. that’s it. it doesn’t matter who it was with because she just needed to survive.
the farmer is also supposedly a yeagerist ? so that makes even more sense for historia to go to him. they’re also childhood friends and there is a lot of parallels between the two. historia in a way is just like her mother, trapped in a terrible situation. that could explain why she looks so depressed going to talk to the farmer, and why the farmer looks so stressed.
also, eren literally went from calling her “the worst girl in the world”, traumatizing her by basically telling her that he’s gonna commit genocide and that she has to keep quiet. just for them to hookup? doesn’t make sense.
and let’s not forget that eren and historia can barely touch each other without seeing a whole bunch of traumatic ass memories. he literally kissed her hand and saw grisha (and himself) kill her family. people romanticize the hand kissing scene so much when literally isayama, WIT and MAPPA have made it clear that that was not a happy moment for eren. that is what caused his downfall and for him to go crazy. pretty much the beginning of the end.
and people try to use eren caring about historia as evidence. eren cares about everyone. he didn’t want historia to inherit the beast titan. and he told everyone else: jean, connie, sasha, armin, and mikasa that he doesn’t want them to inherit his titan. eren cares about everyone. yall saw him go fucking crazy while trying to save armin’s life. and mikasa activating his powers and promising to wrap the scarf around her forever and always.
and in the chapter where eren talks to zeke about mikasa… basically asking him why she is so willing to protect him, we see a panel of historia and eren from where she asked him about her having a kid. now, zeke has never even met mikasa, yet just from eren’s description of her, her immediately knew that mikasa just loved eren for eren. not because of her ackerman powers. and eren has so much self hatred (he literally said that he hates everyone who isn’t free, that includes himself and historia, but i will get into that later) that he couldn’t possibly see how someone could love him. but zeke said “she just likes so you so much that she is willing to put her life on the line to protect yours”. zeke asks eren how he will react to mikasa’s feelings for him, and then it shows the panel or eren and historia, which indicates that he is thinking about her. isayama purposely included that panel there, but not for the reasons people think. again, from ch 139, we know eren loves mikasa, so already we know it’s not because he has feelings for historia. it’s because after historia asked eren, isayama cut the dialogue out, so we never heard eren’s answer. eren then says to zeke, “what are you talking about? i have 4 years left to live at most. their lives will continue on once im dead. i just keep moving forward.” that was his answer to both zeke and historia. because mikasa’s feelings and him being with her, and historia having a kid both have something to do with the future, which is something that eren knows that he wont be apart of. so, he cant act on his feelings for mikasa, and he cant have a kid. isayama included that panel of eren and historia to show his answer to both situations.
the only real evidence that eren might be the father are the devil and the girl with an apple parallel. and also historia’s parallels to ymir fritz. the girl (ymir) offered the apple, which symbolizes pregnancy, to the devil and thus is what started this whole journey of titans and war between humans. ymir was a slave, just like historia. and that’s another reason why eren told historia about his plan, bc he knew that she would go along with it. throughout aot it has been a constant thing for historia to just follow orders and never truly think for herself. that was the same for ymir. that’s why eren is not the father, because what eren is trying to do is get rid of titans. he is trying to end the curse. by historia just following eren’s commands, history is bound to repeat itself. that’s why unlike ymir and the devil, eren did not accept the apple aka having a kid with historia. he wants them all to live long lives. he wants to get rid of titans. if he was the father, it would be going against literally all of that. eren has said that he hates anyone who isn’t free. this includes historia. historia is a slave, just like how ymir was.
now, the biggest thing about all of this is ymir and mikasa’s connection. mikasa loves eren, but several times it has been shown that she does not agree with his actions (more so in manga than the anime because wit did a terrible job with her character’s dialogue). that’s why she gets those headaches; it’s when she doesn’t agree with eren. and going back to eren’s self hatred and mikasa loving him. since they were kids, mikasa loved eren for eren. she saw the good in him. and despite his actions and despite the fact that she ultimately had to kill him, she still loved him.
eren said that it was mikasa who ymir was looking for all this time, not historia. people say mikasa is the slave when it is actually historia. historia couldn’t be the one to end the titans curse and free ymir because she is a slave just like ymir and because of her parallels to her. mikasa is not a slave to eren, and that was proven when she killed him. and in the panel of mikasa and eren kissing, ymir is seen smiling at them. ymir has never felt real love. she saw it once with the two people kissing, but she never experienced it. she was nothing but a slave to king fritz. so when she saw eren and mikasa, she was smiling because she knows that that is true love AND because mikasa freed her. mikasa was willing to kill eren, which led to the titan curse ending, which was what eren wanted (other than his freedom). and actually, in a way, eren did get his freedom because the scarf symbolizes his freedom. in the ending scene, the scarf becomes a bird. birds have been a constant thing in aot that symbolizes his freedom. he gives the scarf to mikasa, that symbolizes that mikasa is eren’s freedom.
people also think that ymir was supposed to be reincarnated into historia’s baby. which is just dumb. ymir has suffered 2,000 years in paths waiting for someone to free her. why would she want to be reincarnated? and if ymir was the one guiding eren this entire time, you would think that she’d show eren her being reincarnated. and if that was the case, then EREN would’ve been the one to go to historia about getting pregnant, not the other way around. another reason why the baby is just for survival and people are looking way too deep into it. and we would’ve seen way more historia if the ending did revolve around her, eren, and the baby. the baby was also supposedly born before eren died. and ymir was freed after he died, so how can she be reincarnated into a baby that’s already been born?
and to us, the farmer may be a side character, but not to historia. she has probably seen the farmer more than she has seen eren. and from the panels of him telling her to take better care of her body and him literally being in the same room while she’s in labor, praying for her obviously shows that he does care about her. so it is not just some random character.
it’s also literally been confirmed that the father is in fact the farmer. him and historia literally got married.
and when mikasa saw ymir, she said “you’re the one who has been in my head this entire time. you can rest now, ymir.” bc she freed her.
in the end, everyone lost something, but got a little bit of what they wanted except for mikasa and i think that’s truly heartbreaking. eren got rid of titans and his friends lived long lives like he wanted. but mikasa has said before that all she wants to be by eren’s side. and we see that in the extra pages too. she continuously visits his grave, and was even buried by him at the tree, still wearing the scarf. even after he died, mikasa still stayed by his side.
a lot of people just come up with headcanons and false evidence that eren is the father because they love “chad” eren, they hate mikasa, and they just want him to marry and live a long life with the small, blonde, blue eyed queen. a fetish basically.
sorry it was so long but hopefully i explained everything well. lmk what you think now!
Hiiiiii bb i got your ask!!
I read all of this and I have to agree 100%. I don't feel like I need to say anything else because you summed it all up perfectly. I may add some extra thoughts at a later date but I just wanted you to see I answered and read your thoughts. You broke this down so well and it's really well researched. There's a lot I didn't know or think about so thank you for enlightening me hehe
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gltwrites · 3 years
the day isym said: i'm gonna fuck shit y'all up
So this is how it ends. I guess I won't be able to let this go sooner, or not ever.
Following the lives of these incredible characters since 2014 had been an astonishing journey for me. And now, we reached the end of one of the most-loved mangas, Attack on Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin—probably the only masterpiece that will touch my heart like this in this lifetime.
What an awful timing it was that chapter 139 arrived at the time I was supposed to be celebrating with my mutuals on exoltwt lol. While, overall, I rate AoT as 11 out of 10, I can't eschew that the culmination has left me qualms and questions unresolved.
Let's start with Armin thanking Eren for his sacrifices for Paradis—which equates to thanking him for committing a global genocide (bro, wtf???). This did not sit right with me, but I'm taking into account that Armin could see there was no easy way out, and that he believes achieving peace requires sacrifices, notwithstanding his altruistic nature and efforts to not completely throw away his humanity.
And I'm also considering the fact that, with the reality Paradis had, bringing off peace without lives being taken was a wishful thinking.
His idealistic worldview clashed with Eren's, and he wasn't able to present a solid resolution 'til the windup. And yet, Armin was still willing to talk things out with his best friend so they could come up with a better plan, without further casualties.
Up until the very end, he wanted PEACE.
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I think, this is what makes Armin admirable, contrary to what other readers paint him out to be—weak and useless. He's one of the strongest and skilled characters in AoT imo. He didn't need to be a Titan or an Ackerman. He's innately whip-smart and a natural tactician, making himself a consequential character despite his lacking combat skills.
Weighing up Armin's burdens and the mental load he carries, it hurts to be in his shoes, especially since he's the commander. He's torn between his friend's life and the rest of the world. He took the responsibility of the Rumbling aftermath to shoulder Mikasa's burden and let her live in peace.
And in the end, conflict dragged on, and he ended up with a large obligation to the people.
There were little appearances of Historia, which I initially found a bit absurd since she's among the important characters in the whole series. She didn't say anything, and her pregnancy was for what again? I was disappointed. Her bearing a child held no importance and was a random subplot.
Conversely, amid a slew of readers demanding her clarification on knowing Eren's plans from the get-go, her explanation on the matter would be unnecessary. It seemed to me she has done her part on how the story would play out. And if there was an epilogue or a succeeding set of panels, Historia might've made her comeback since her role as the queen is expected to hugely partake in peace propositions.
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And over and above these, the final chapter seemed...rushed? I feel like some panels need to be fleshed out more, such as the whole of Founder Ymir's feelings towards that bitchass abuser Karl Fritz. I was appalled that the root of the sufferings that prolonged for two millennia was because of her martyrdom and servitude to the king and the royal family, which she described as love.
But in reality, without having to chew this over, Ymir didn't really know what true love is. She was a slave since birth, her family was massacred by Karl Fritz, and was impregnated thrice by this murderer who never gave a shit about her. She lived a wretched life, manipulated and abused, and died after jumping in front of the spear to protect the king.
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Brought by fear of losing the power of the titan, he made her daughters eat Ymir's flesh and told then to bear many children. Sick fuck.
Then Ymir discovered Mikasa, who she deemed a mirror of her own. The difference, however, is that Mikasa's love for Eren isn't one-sided. And so her greatest desire to be freed from an abusive relationship was accomplished after discovering what real love is through EreMika.
Speaking of Eren, I can understand why plenty of readers condemned him. The guy, who masked himself as a peak tsundere, cold, temperamental bastard, exterminated almost the entire global population, and when asked by Armin his reason, he said he didn't know why, so from here we can assume he neither had a goal behind that warped undertaking nor did it for the greater good.
But Armin is smart, and Eren's silence was a tacit answer. The predicament seemed unsolvable, and wiping 80% of humanity is his last resort to hold off the rest of the world from attacking Paradis.
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Taking also into account that he didn't mean to have his mother killed by Dina after rerouting her from Bertholdt. If he didn't, Bertholdt wouldn't end up as the Colossal Titan and Armin wouldn't have eaten him and died along the way.
Bear in mind that Eren believed Armin would save the world, but if he kicked the bucket—and had Eren, who was obviously enslaved by his destiny, altered anything in his memories—would unravel another reality unknown to Eren that could pose a bigger risk.
And the fact that he let the familiar fate dictate him meant opening a door to another door of possibilities of achieving world peace, with Armin taking the lead.
By making himself the bad guy in his story to make his friends be the heroes, the ending suggests that harmony would work out in the end.
In 139, Armin, Reiner, Pieck, Annie, Jean, and Connie were planning to make peace negotiations. And through this, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
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Levi finally bidding farewell to his comrades bawled my eyes out—this is probably the saddest shit ever AoT has ever done to me, next to Erwin's death. Levi is the last one existing among his original comrades, and it sent a pang to my heart when he did his final salute, wearing a faint smile while wrapped in bandages.
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It was not indicated what he'd been doing post-Rumbling. The end of Titans' curse also put an end to the Ackerman bloodline's "awakened power" and above-average human strength, so he's probably a military consultant or mentor, given his amazing contribution as humanity's strongest warrior.
It was also shown he remained in the capital and is with now-grown Falco and Gabi, who both have shown their potential for a military career.
Meanwhile, unlike Levi, Mikasa chose to retire and live in her hometown. While others remark her ending as tragic (I'm guilty of this tbh), her former comrades were on their way to see her and visit Eren's grave next to the tree from their childhood, making her not entirely lonely. I wished she and Armin were in the same multiple frames of the latter panels of the final chapter as they both grieve losing Eren. But given Armin's new and bigger responsibilities for humanity, it's impossible.
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EreMika may not be endgame, and I may be bound to perpetual frustration of them never getting the chance to wear their hearts on their sleeves, I am satisfied with the ending—imperfect but fitting. It's actually funny that my feelings got the best of me upon reading the last chapter, and cursed at the story for not ending in absolute peace and bliss, forgetting that AoT had always been a poignant, anxiety-induced, existentialist story, and hinted at a bittersweet finale from the start.
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mikasaessucasaa · 3 years
OK, so probably super small minority here, but I freaking loved ch 139 / ending of AoT/SNK (based on early translations)
reasons why below (and obviously spoilers)
1. Completion of Eren's and Mikasa's Character arc
Eren - He had known for a long time that his time was limited and that no matter what he was going to die and leave Mikasa (and his friends also), and really his options were:
A) Essentially Ch. 138 - Spend the rest of his time with Mikasa and let Paradis struggle on its own or B) Fight for Paradis the only way he knew how, which is to give them the best possible chance of succeeding against the rest of the world.
Obviously he chose B because it's his personality to fight and because he wanted to give Mikasa (and his friends) the best possible chance of actually winning against the rest of the world. After seeing the world and everyone in it and the deep hatred that they had against the titans, he knew that the only way that the people he had a chance against the rest of the world is to well, kill 80% of it.
They were outnumbered and quite literally outgunned and had nothing but their Titan curse to protect themselves. He knew either way they were going to have to fight the rest of the world, so he did it himself so they wouldn't have to do it. He knew his friends would struggle with it after seeing the world because they were human and had empathy (e.g., Sasha <> Gabi storyline) and he didn't want them to make that choice in the future. And it is absolutely tragic and so true to Eren's character from the very beginning.
Mikasa - Obviously I love Mikasa because she's so loyal and kind and a total badass. But I'm not disappointed in her story arc either. Her dedication and love for Eren was always there throughout the whole story, but we've known for a long time now that Mikasa always had to kill Eren, for all the reasons stated above. I would have loved to have seen her move on, but it also makes sense that it's hard and maybe impossible to move on from someone who you dedicated your whole life to. I have less to say about Mikasa than Eren, because everything she did just makes sense to me.
2. Eremika being canon
Likely biased, but I think there's a level of willful ignorance if you didn't see some of their interactions as romantically coded. It had always been them from the beginning. The first panel of the manga is literally Eren and Mikasa with Armin cut off. The next time we see them again is Mikasa waking up Eren. This was the plan all along, and there were hints all along. What's amazing about this ending is that Isayama led us to believe that it was always one sided, that only Miakasa loved Eren, but you find out that – no, everything that Eren ever did was for Mikasa, and that makes it so beautiful and tragic to me. They loved each other so much but it could never be.
I think most of us are never going to experience something deep kind of chaotic and messed up love. They literally killed for each other and would have done anything for each other (i.e., Mikasa killing Eren because it's what he needed / wanted, Eren literally sacrificing everyone and everything).
3. The message about war being inevitable
This part is the trickiest. A lot of comments that I've seen on this has been- "Eren literally succeeded in nothing because now they have no weapons and there's still a war going on."
But let's not forget that he literally eliminated 80% of the world population. It's going to take time for them to recover from their homes and essentially everything being destroyed. He essentially bought time for Paradis to recover and get ready for war again.
I think Eren never expected that he would win, hence why he essentially asked Mikasa to kill him, but it was always about giving them the best chance possible (as I mentioned above). I think this is the most realistic thing to happen.
Because as long as people have different opinions and different values and limited resources I think there's always going to be a potential for war. Even between two people I think there is a potential for war. So no matter the level of genocide Eren committed, this was always the best it was going to be.
So no, I'm not disappointed that essentially there's no firm resolution to the war against Paradis.
4. Ymir loved Fritz
This point is so controversial because how could she love her abuser? It makes no sense, but in real life it happens. People can fall in love with their kidnappers and abusers, that's a fact. And it's tragic that Ymir had to suffer through that love for 2000 years. But at the same time, it makes sense that she smiled in ch. 138 when Mikasa killed Eren. Mikasa found a way to free herself from the bonds of her love. She killed Eren because she loved him but also in spite of this love. That was what Ymir needed to see (point number 2) to end the curse.
Well thanks for listening to my TedTalk, maybe I'll add more as the rest of the chapter gets translated :)
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- fifty ways to kill your lover -
a/n: I have so many feels about this show :'( so it translated into this arumika/eremika/eremin fic, I've watched until aot s4 pt 1 so that's all the info I have to base on for this fic
Contrary to popular belief, Eren is not Mikasa's first kiss.
Back in their training days, the group got up to all kinds of mischief. Starting with Sasha stealing whatever food rations she could find, Reiner and Berthlot getting into the top secret liquor cabinets, Ymir sneaking into Historia's bed - they were all such trouble makers.
Of course, Connie is always putting everyone in the most uncomfortable situations.
They're all reluctantly huddled together, playing a game of spin the bottle and suddenly, it's Armin's turn.
"Eh?" He blushes, as there is so much laughter in the air when the bottle is flicked and ends up pointing to Mikasa.
Connie can't help but release a chuckle, "well Armin," he releases, swinging an arm around his shoulder. "You either get beat up by Jean for doing this or Eren - I wonder which fate you'll pick," he scoffs.
Armin avoids Jean's angry gaze and spots Mikasa's rosy cheeks.
He then turns to Eren - who is as red as a cherry. "Can I?" He wonders.
Eren widens his eyes. "You idiot, why the hell are you asking me for?" He asks, turning away .
It's unexpected and yet, it works.
He leans across the circle and softly pecks Mikasa on the cheek.
Strangely, she doesn't feel any discomfort towards this.
Hey, they hear Sasha yell, that's cheating! she wines, wanting a real kiss from them.
Mikasa and Armin don't comply and it's only later they realized that this gives Eren some relief.
Mikasa hurts her arm during battle and it is quite surprising that she even let this happen to her in the first place. Even more surprising is the fact that Eren happens to be the one to dress her wounds.
"Armin is much more gentle at this," he says, as Mikasa winces at the slight pain. "His hands are...softer, aren't they?" He looks up at her and it's only then she realizes how similar his eyes are to Armin's.
So youthful and full of hope and emotion.
Nothing like hers.
"It's fine," Mikasa quietly releases, allowing herself to relax her shoulder and unclench her jaw a bit.
Eren is not taken aback by the fact that she is always trying so hard to be so strong.
(They are eight when the three of them have their first sleepover.
It's all about Mikasa's hair in his face and Eren's snoring - Armin kind of hates it all, he barely sleeps that night.
It's weird - he's never been invited to a sleepover before, he's never actually had friends before, truth be told. He's not sure if this is how it's supposed to be.
"What's wrong?" Grisha asks, as he stumbles out from his basement with a little candlelight on. "Why are you still awake, Armin?" He asks, placing a kind hand on his shoulder.
Armin meets his gaze, all wonder-eyed and starry-viewed. "It's so noisy here," he murmurs softly, "I'm not used to it."
Grisha laughs, "I've lived in silence for most of my life," he sighs, "one day, you'll see, you won't be able to live without the noise," he says, pointing to Eren and Mikasa as they slept.
It's only years later that Armin is finally able to understand what Grisha actually meant).
Eren can be a bit of an airhead, at times.
Armin thinks, Mikasa knows.
They have their talks - one on one, like parents do, about how to take best care of Eren, what is the outcome for Eren, how to help Eren get better.
Eren. Eren. Eren.
"He doesn't know, does he?" Armin suddenly asks, as he's mid-way to flipping a page in his book. "About your feelings for him, I mean," he asks, sincerely.
Mikasa tenses up, biting her bottom lip. "Don't speak such nonsense," she tells him, swallowing hard.
He places a hand on her shoulder and this time, makes direct eye-contact with her. "It's obvious, to everyone, you know?" he says.
"Why are you saying this now?" she wonders, flustered. And then, it hits her like a ton of bricks. "Are you afraid we'll leave you behind?" Mikasa questions.
"I didn't say that," Armin sighs.
Their relationship remains strange - she's able to read him so well sometimes, it's almost scary.
"You don't have to," Mikasa whispers. "You should know, we never would anyway, leave you that is," she offers.
And she pretends not to notice the tremble in his voice.
Of all things - it is Eren who comes back first with gifts.
His training with Hange could be better - predictably. But, he still makes the time to sneak a visit or two in-between sessions with Mikasa and Armin.
"I got these for you," He gives Armin a pile of books - some on titan history, others just filled with drawings and sketches done by different members of the squad.
Not everyone knows how to appreciate art but, Armin does. Eren is sure of it.
He offers Mikasa some flowers he picked on his way to see her. "I thought it would match your scarf," he murmurs and she takes a moment before taking them in.
They were devoid of their natural scent since he'd been walking with them for so long - but they still smelled like Eren.
It seems that, at night, they tend to have the same dreams.
Playing in the meadow as kids, Carla calling them to get back soon and home-made meals.
Armin always wakes up first.
Only this time, he's holding both their hands. Mikasa on his right, Eren on his left - it must've been an accident, just something he unconsciously did in his sleep, he swears.
(He keeps remembering Grisha's words - he is truly never alone, not even in his sleep, there is always, always noise).
Eren is the first to realize he loves them both.
Consequently, he is also the first to leave. But truly, he is always leaving them - when he first died, diving head first into that damn titan and pulling Armin out.
When he was assigned to Levi Squad.
When he left for Marley.
It's always him - first to run, first to be the most afraid, a coward, through and through.
(He wonders if they'll ever forgive him).
Mikasa doesn't like to dwell on it, not too much - of how estranged they've become, of how he no longer looks at them with care and affection.
"The real Eren is in there somewhere," Armin tells her, the night they're both thrown in a prison cell together. "I just know it," he says, all beat up by his best friend and full of tears.
"You're always the one to bring him back," she still thinks true. "I believe in you - you always find a way," Mikasa hopes.
Armin doesn't know what to think - Eren just seems so far gone at this point, so beyond his reach.
It's hard to imagine him coming back.
"Ah well," he shrugs. "It's like you said, we won't leave any of us behind," Armin tells her, to comfort her at least.
They're going to be together forever, even if they must come between death.
And there once was a time where they were all there - the sea, the usurper and the fawn.
It was her hand in his hair, and his lips reading them bed time stories, and the other's laughter ringing in both their ears. It was a litany of things - of memories between them that they all hold dear, that they'll never forget.
"Eren," that one day, after all is said and done, they'd find him in the ruins, and reach their hands out towards him. "Let's go home," they'd say, in unison.
And he'd smile and follow them both out of the dust.
(Later on, Flock would hover him when he woke up, the Jaegerists not too far behind him).
It's nice to dream about, though.
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iamazonian · 4 years
Why Mikasa?
“He didn’t share his genocidal plan with her! He seems determined to save Historia from becoming a titan and a breeding machine! He’s literally fighting her squad! Why the heck do you think Mikasa is special to Eren and to the story??”
*bored face*
Simple. He does/says things to her/with her that he has literally never done or would never do with absolutely anyone else, situations wherein even non-shippers cannot immediately say “Well if _____ were in Mikasa’s place, he would’ve done the same thing!”
Most people mention his determination to save Historia from her fate as anti-Eremika or pro-E//H proof, but if they were being honest they would admit that he would have been JUST AS DETERMINED if the one whose freedom being threatened with titan-ship and broodmare-ship were Mikasa. Or Armin. Or Levi. Or Jean. Or Connie. Or Sasha. Or LITERALLY ANY ONE OF HIS FRIENDS. I cannot single out Historia as the only person he would do this for, and even if you ship that, you cannot genuinely tell me that if, for example, Mikasa was the sacrificial lamb that had to become a titan and spit out babies for the plan, Eren would just stand by and let it happen. That he wouldn’t be as appalled, that he wouldn’t be opposing it with every fiber of his being. Same for anyone in the cart with him (you know, the group of people he referred to as the ones he cares about the most?). Historia is the one with royal blood, which means she’s the sacrificial lamb in the plan, which means she’s the one Eren has to protect in the scenario. It doesn’t mean he wouldn’t protect his other friends if they had been in the same position! (And if you say that he wouldn’t protect his other friends like he would Historia, but then claim that Eren abandoning his friends in 138 is OOC, then you’re a hypocrite and I don’t know how to talk to you.)
Then they mention the fact that Eren didn’t “trust” Mikasa (or Armin) enough to share his genocidal plans with them (thus showing them his darkest side or whatever), but he did so with Historia. Uhm, ignoring the fact that he obviously didn’t do so because he knows his genocide plan was horrifying and that Mikasa and Armin would have enough moral backbone to not go along with it, people forget that he also told Floch about this plan. (All aboard the Eren/Floch train then?) :|
(And you know what’s unfair? If Mikasa somehow knew and then went along with his plan to literally kill millions, antis would be calling her a “slave” to her feelings for not standing up to him. But because it were someone else, somehow it’s admirable romantic unwavering support and acceptance? Give me a break.)
Let’s talk about the scarf scene. Yes, the now-and-forever, punching-a-titan-in-human-form scene. Now, if anyone had been in Mikasa’s place, thanking Eren tearfully and accepting death, I absolutely believe Eren would still have punched the titan. Yes, you heard me. He would have still fought, regardless of the friend he’s protecting. THE THING IS, would he have said those words (or something akin to those words) to anyone else? Basically saying “I’ll be beside you now and forever” --because duh how could he wrap a scarf around someone if he’s not right next to them-- in that ultra cheesy way (that I loved haha)? I mean what’s up with the “now and forever”, Isayama? Or would he have just said something like “Get up, we’re not dying today!” in typical hothead Eren fashion? Will he mutter “No, I’m not leaving you, now and forever” to anyone else? Even if you don’t ship Eremika, if your answer to that is not a super quick and certain yes, if you have to pause and think about it, then even you have to admit that maybe, just maybe, it’s a Mikasa-exclusive declaration.
Let’s talk about the “What am I to you” scene. I don’t even have to explain this. He knew he was about to turn rogue. He was about to become the villain. He was surrounded by a lot of people he loves (the very people in the cart blush scene were there), and it’s his opportunity to find the validation/love/convincing he needs. Whatever his reason was for asking this emotionally-charged question... why Mikasa? Or better yet, why JUST Mikasa? Why not ask them all one by one? Is it really just a situational thing, that Mikasa was there and he just randomly asked her? Or maybe... it’s because he’s looking for an answer only Mikasa can give? 
Let’s talk about the blushing. I admit, there is a single scene where he blushes around other people too (the aforementioned cart blush scene that I adore). But there is a common denominator for all of Eren’s rare blushes. I’l give you one guess what/who that is. So far (and with only one chapter to go), Eren has only ever blushed if Mikasa is present. Once in a group, and all the rest to her and her alone. You cannot tell me he would blush for someone else because he literally never has! Considering all the times he had been alone with other characters, been saved by other characters, bonded with other characters, been complimented/praised by other characters... Why would Isayama only ever draw blush lines on Eren for when Mikasa is the subject?
(I have to clarify and say that I don’t think blushing is confirmation of someone’s romantic feelings at all. Mikasa blushed for Historia, Historia blushed for Mikasa, but I don’t believe that’s because they have a crush on each other. I’m just saying, if the reason Eren blushes is because he’s embarrassed/bashful/flattered, then how come he never blushes when he feels embarrassed/bashful/flattered around other people?)
(Also now that I’ve said that, I’m now scared he’s going to be blushing left and right in the last chapter for someone else because I have the worst luck when it comes to final episode/chapter ship confirmations: looking at you, Zutara. :)) )
Let’s talk about the death scene. It was brought to the audience’s attention that no one knew where Eren was. Now, either we say that Mikasa gambled in that moment (in which case daaaaamn girl this is not the time to guess!), or that Mikasa was so smart she figured it out before Armin (usually called the smartest) or Levi (the most experienced) did... or Eren showed her where he was. If you don’t want to accept the last option, I understand. I think it’s obvious but I understand that it’s not 100% specified. But if you’re like me, and you can see no other way for Mikasa to have known his location without him telling her, then that’s another point: Why would he tell just her? Why not Levi? Why not Armin? Why not all of them, like he did when he had that zoom conference call via paths? If Ymir was the one who revealed it, the question stands. Why to Mikasa, and not the others?
(And I’m not even going to delve into all the memory shards and the tuning out Zeke in the middle of such an important moment just to stare at himself wrapping the scarf around Mikasa. I mean, come on.)
I’m a paranoid person, and honestly I don’t want to “celebrate” Eremika’s canonization yet because as much as it really is at this point, it’s not over until the fat lady sings, as they say. Lots of things can happen: Isayama could go crazy, the rug could be pulled out from under our noses and Eren really did turn into a chad, it could be another one of those “let’s build up something so much but tadaaa he’s married and has kids with someone else because our audience can never see it coming and we can feel so smart about ourselves”-- looking at you, Whedon.
But when people say Eremika doesn’t make sense because Eren wants to protect other people... well, that’s like saying my father doesn’t love my mother if he tries his best to save my brother if he’s stuck alone in a burning car. Which is just stupid. Hence the long ass rambling above haha.
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Eren!
A/N: Been very half inactive here 💀💀💀
So it’s our special boy’s birthday today, I might as well make a headcanon like how I did with Mikasa and Falco's birthday (missed Annie’s birthday but like, I celebrated her bday IRL 😂😂😂)
Actors AU again wew 😂😂😂
(Please don’t mind the timeskips)
Birthday boy's day today, so might as well make something for him 👉👈
Let’s go!
Mikasa was literally sitting at the nearest chair she could find in the set and of course;
It's her boyfriend’s birthday today and there’s no fucking way she'll forget about it.
But she can’t just let him get away without revenge!
That’s right, last time on her and Falco's birthday—Eren pranked them.
At least they got surprises and all—
But that’s not the point!
She needs to at least prank him back—worse than what he did. (evil ik 😔😔😔
But he did “indirectly” made her cry that time.
So she decided she’ll also prank him back then surprise him.
An idea then popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but grin to herself.
“Mikasa!” Sasha called, snapping her back to reality from her ‘annual brainstorming’.
She shook her head and looked at her, confused.
“Director is calling you.” She said while munching on a cinnamon bun (usual Sasha)
“Right.” She smiled sheepishly and stood up.
After finishing her scenes and all, she got back to brainstorming.
Oh, it’s also her break time so she could go wherever she wants, but she decided to stay and think for a while more.
Then an idea popped into her mind and she couldn’t help but laugh a bit to herself. And that prank was her ignoring Eren 😈😈😈 Knowing him, he wouldn’t care if other people ignored him. But he'd be worried asf and he could go crazy if she did (your Eren cares about Mikasa’s attention “only” your honor 😔😔😔) And the beautiful cruel woman mode is on. Eren was going to pick her up today for lunch since he also finished his tapings and all (also Armin and Annie's with him) He got out to wait and greet her like he always does. ~~~
Since EreMika and AruAni share a car (lol cuz why not?), knowing that Annie and is the earliest to finish.
Mikasa decided to call her, knowing that she’s the earliest to finish out of all of them, and Armin's probably busy at that time.
“Yo, Annie!” She casually said trying to stifle her laughter (Annie knows what’s up lol)
“What? You’re gonna ask another favor again?” (told ya)
“Can’t I just greet my friend? 🥺” Annie sighs over the phone and said, “What is it?”
Now this is when it gets ✨interesting✨
She told Annie all her plans and she decided to go along with it.
“Oh, tell Armin as well.” where she just received a hum as a reply.
Mikasa saw a glimpse of Eren at the entrance of the building and immediately went somewhere she can’t be seen.
The prank starts now 🤡
She immediately composed herself and put on her poker face.
Eren saw her from afar and smiled at her.
She literally feels sorry for him (😂😂😂)
5 mins earlier…
She was now facing the camera and she could tell that once Eren watches this he'll go “berserk”. (wild Eren 🤡🤡🤡)
“Eren, if you ever see this, I'm sorry. *awkward laugh* Happy birthday to you my loves. I love you.” (literally said that 😂😂😂)
She passed by him without even saying anything—she’s not even smiling! (Mikasa putting years of being a top actress to work here 😂😂😂)
Eren just looked at her confused and caught up to her side.
She won’t look at him and this made Eren a bit sad and more confused.
From what he remembers, they never argued or anything at all.
He's also wondering, ‘Is she ignoring me?’ ‘Is she in a bad mood?’
Going with the second option, he decided to give her time and space like what he thought she needed.
They got inside the car. (well the car is actually like a van, but let me call it a car ok??? 🤡)
Ok, their sitting arrangement is basically like this;
Eren and Mikasa
Annie and Armin
Ok back to the topic—
Annie and Armin were looking at them—well, especially Eren.
“Annie, water.” She looked at Annie who was literally skeptical about her lasting long or even not laughing.
She gave Mikasa her water bottle receiving a smile of thanks from her—Eren looking at his lovely bae (poor Eren 🥺)
Heads up! Everyone knew about it, and yes, when I say everyone, it’s everyone (ok wtf am I even saying?)
So, they were silent for the whole ride and nobody’s talking.
Annie's asleep on Armin's shoulder while he’s busy on his phone.
Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa while she’s also on her phone.
Please, his face is like, “Please notice me already. I love you 🥺👉👈”
If you’re wondering where they’re headed to, they’re going to a restaurant Annie wanted to try (but she’s too shy to ask to the point Armin instantly read her mind and she’s like “H-huh? I said nothing—“) which is also far from their workplace/s.
After a mere hour and a half, they finally arrived at the restaurant, and yay, everyone’s awake! (Kudos to the 3 henchmen for enduring the urge to sleep the entire ride, especially Mikasa)
It’s a fine-dining restaurant (rich bitches 😔)
So they found a table which is good for all of them (driver and assistant included)
To add salt to the wound, Mikasa decided to sit beside Annie (Armin letting her)
Eren only looked at her—not used to getting ignored this long. Why exactly? Because;
She doesn’t ignore him without any reason at all.
If ever they get in an argument, they’d make up and her ignoring him won’t even last for a mere hour or so because y'know.
She has NEVER ignored him this long.
Eren just shrugged it off, but he doesn’t feel good about this.
A waiter finally came to take their orders.
They each had different foods and since Armin was the one to bring them here (Annie's wallet gets saved by bae 🥺), he's the one to pay for all of them which he doesn’t mind at all.
Mikasa was quite clingy to Annie as well while she just went with the flow knowing it’s all needed for her prank.
Even though she’s questioning if it’s really necessary 🙃
After 10 minutes, their orders are finally here!
And of course, hunger doesn’t wait for any kind of bullshit ceremony and all so digging in they go 🍽🍽
They were a few conversations, Armin initiating them because Eren is too quiet (just a few more hours to endure 🥺) and Mikasa doesn’t want to initiate them and cut Eren off because he’s always the one to reply to her topics (it could come off as rude 😅😅)
And of course, everything was being filmed (yes, their assistant is also a videographer 😗✌)
So it’s basically 85% silence and eating (pls they just need a speaker and it’s gonna turn into an ASMR) while 15% are their conversations/topics 🤡
Eren is also on his phone while eating (ok I can tell ppl gonna yell at me for this 🤡)
And Mikasa's taking this opportunity to take glances at him and she couldn’t help but literally laugh to herself and look at the camera then mouth ‘sorry’
Annie's still skeptical and Armin is trying his best not to laugh or something I mean, Eren's still looking gloomy (fact: he doesn’t care it’s his birthday at all and just cares about Mikasa and all)
After a few minutes, they finished and have paid so they’re now on their way back. But the thing is… ~~~
Sasha cam
“Yo, they’re almost back.” She said after looking at her own phone and seeing Mikasa's message.
They immediately went on double-time mode and so far, the room's looking quite ready 🤭
And since they’re freer later at night, they decided to do the surprise that time (poor Mikasa gotta endure more of this torture prank she put upon herself 🤡)
And of course, Sasha’s filming this ✌ ~~~
7:36 p.m
They’re finally free from the shackles of work!
And yes, they’re immediately headed for phase 2 of the surprise for our birthday boy.
So, trying not to encounter Eren, Mikasa immediately headed to the place where she’s going to meet Niccolo to give her the cake (yes, they planned this carefully)
So she finally got the cake and she's on her spot (they all have different spots 😂)
They’re now all on standby and of course, Mikasa went to Zeke so he could bring Eren to the lovely spot since yeah—
About 2 minutes passed and they’re still on standby—and finally, Eren's here!
Eren didn’t even hesitate to open the door and when he did, his eyes widened a bit.
“Surprise!” Everyone greeted him but his eyes were just locked at a Mikasa holding his birthday cake and smiling sheepishly at him.
She handed the cake to Ymir and Eren immediately ran to her —hugging her (he's glad that his suffering is over 🥺)
Mikasa laughed and hugged him back and whispered “Happy birthday” to him.
He broke the hug and pulled her in for a swift kiss making Mikasa surprised.
“Are we gonna eat now? Sasha might finish all of this if Niccolo will keep giving her free servings.” Ymir retorted making everyone laugh.
“Geez, I wasn’t expecting her to ignore him for a full day.” Historia sighed a bit which made Mikasa laugh lightly.
Eren looked at Mikasa with his brows furrowed a bit and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Don’t do that again—” He was cut off by Annie who was now in charge of holding the cake (Ymir do be passing all her chores 🤡)
“Blow the candles now birthday boy.” She said—him complying while arms still around Mikasa—everyone making noises with party blowers while spraying silly strings everywhere after (bear the bad writing 😂)
“Alright! Let’s eat!” Pieck said while giving plates, spoons, and forks to everyone for all of them to finally be able to eat.
Of course, Niccolo is the sponsor for all of their food to eat 😂
Eren was now being a clingy baby to Mikasa which is just 🥺✨
The atmosphere was filled with laughter and everyone telling funny stories and jokes.
Of course, afterward, they gave him their gifts while he smirked and was like, “Mikasa's the best gift—” receiving a smack on the head from her—everyone laughing saying he deserved it.
A/N: I, personally think this is poorly written 🤡
Sorry bout that.
But overall, happy birthday Eren! YOU’RE 20 NOW AND STILL ASSLESS— 🤡😂
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takanova12 · 3 years
My thoughts on the final chapter of shingeki.
I just wanted to say that I liked the ending, but it could have been better. If we had two or three more chapters it would have been better because somethings could have been fleshed out more. Mostly, there should have been more focus on ymir's story. I had expected for quite some time now that she was attached to king fritz but it wasn't a well thought out opinion because it sounded wrong in so many ways. Basically, this plotpoint should have been explored more.
Second besides mikasa, I wasn't really impressed with the conclusion of any other character arcs. They were all just thrown together in one room and were given meaningless dialogues. I was really disappointed how Reiner's last thing in the story was sniffing a married woman's letter about genocide potentially being the answer to their problems. So, I can understand why some people are upset that their favourite character's were either used for a poor attempt at some sort of comical relief or just nothing. Still, I personally think besides reiner there really wasn't anything to add with the rest of the cast.
It also got me wondering what was the point of connecting Mikasa to hizuru? At first, I hoped it was at least hinted that she was going to have some sort of role with hizuru. But then I realized mikasa was never interested in political dealings and my girl already made the ultimate sacrifice and ended the titan curse. It was her who cured ymir's pain and in return helped cure the world of titan curse. She doesn't need to concern herself with war anymore. She should live peacefully, far away from all the mess. She already did her part, so yes thank you isayama from keeping her away from all of it. And we should know that mikasa would never ever have wanted to be celebrated for killing eren. She would never want to be remembered in history books as someone who killed eren. So isayama did good by her.
And she is not alone, the possibility of her joining the alliance is open, they are coming to paradise; mikasa tells eren. She looks healthy, well-dressed and peaceful.
People were also complaining about the story promoting genocide which I don't think is the case. I think the initial translations were off which gave the wrong impression. And some amazing meta writers have already addressed this topic and I don't think I can handle this subject matter well because it's a sensitive topic so I'd rather not.
I saw some eremika stans complaining why eren and mikasa didn't get a more positive ending compared to the rest of the cast. And I have only one thing to say to this, a story as tragic as snk wasn't going to give a happy ending to it's heroes. Listen I don't mean hero in the traditional sense when referring to eren. What I mean by hero in this context is that Mikasa and eren made a huge sacrifice to give others a chance towards a better outcome. Eren didnt want to die. He wanted to be with people he loved. He was scared. Mikasa didn't want to kill eren but she did because that was the right thing to do despite the fact that it was the most painful thing she ever had to do. Mikasa embodied courage, loyalty and moral integrity. Isayama did right by her.
And it has always been a tragic story. Eren is the one who gave paradise and his friends a chance at a better outcome and mikasa is the only one who could have assisted him in actualizing this goal.
Eren told armin, he didn't know what Mikasa would do. And that nobody knew why it was mikasa who could save ymir. But we reader's do, we know why it was her. Mikasa showed ymir that loving someone doesn't mean you have to enable their worst traits, love doesn't mean blind devotion. It doesn't mean that you have to compromise your morality and ideals.
It's been evident since the start of the story that mikasa has always been in love with eren, and she followed him everywhere because she wanted to protect him but also because eren had never done anything to give mikasa any chance to doubt his humanity. To mikasa , eren was a kind soul and he was. He was humanity's hope for a long time and mikasa admired that. She thought eren would never hurt anyone because why wouldn't she? Unlike, mikasa eren couldn't bring himself to fight annie even though she was the enemy and eren innocently admitted the importance of his friends. So, why would she not follow the man she loves who also happens to cherish her and his friends so much. Why would she not follow him when he also happened to be humanity's only hope.
Then things changed, eren went and killed innocent civilians and children and mikasa couldn't follow him anymore. No matter how much she loved him and that troubled her. She was struggling between her morality and her love for eren. This is why post-timeskip the focus of her arc was about learning to let her morality and love for eren co-exist. To be able to call him out on his actions despite still loving him wholeheartedly. To be able to decide what is right. To be able to separate love from blind devotion. To be able to love the person she loves for who is. To love eren for all of him, the good and the bad. To realize that she can't be selfish when it comes to eren. She can't let eren destroy every life outside the island just because she is selfish to lose him.
Mikasa made the ultimate sacrifice. Let her mourn. It's her beloved's third death anniversary. Let her grieve. But don't reduce her pain to not getting over eren. We don't ever get over our loved ones. We move on with life but we keep mourning them. We never forget them. Don't bash mikasa when she is mourning her beloved who she had to kill for everyone's sake. Please respect her pain. She is so strong for it. And she was never wrong about her eren. He continued to love his friends till the every end. He is just a broken child, a broken man. He is a mess, he is a horrible mess. The confusion between all those memories from past and future f*d him up in the head. Mikasa and his friends are not wrong in humanizing him because at the end eren wasn't the fanon chadren who enjoy killing people or hurting his friends. Like the meta writer linkspooky once noted, eren is a crying child.
Understand my dishearten eremika friends, that mikasa sacrificed eren/her love for the greater good. How can she get something that she already sacrificed because it wouldn't be a sacrifice then, would it? At least not in our world or isayama's world who enjoys nothing more than inflicting pain.
Let me tell you, you are not alone, I also wished these two had a happy ending. I wish they got to be together. But they just weren't meant to be. Even if they got together, eren would have died after 4 years. Mikasa would have been miserable because she would have eventually lost armin to the curse. She would have been hunted for her ackerman or hizuru blood. Warriors dead too, the eldians in the world would still be prosecuted. Parents would keep losing their children to the 13 year curse. Eldians would have continued to be used as weapons or just completely wiped out. So, at the end, it all came down to eren and mikasa. They could have never been happy abandoning their friends only to lose each other eventually.
I don't lie when I say that everytime I come across a panel from this chapter, I can't stop myself from crying. I haven't been successful in distracting myself at all. I really want to. But I thought letting some of it out might help. So here it is...
We are all in this together.
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alienheartattack · 3 years
Hiii!! Quick question, what is ur otp and brotp for snk? It’s probably rm, but what r ur thoughts on other Mikasa and Levi ships? (Rivetra, levihan, eruri, ereri, rivahisu, rivannie, rivasasha, eremika, arumika, jeankasa, mikahisu, mikahan, Mikannie, erumika, mikasasha) thx so much love u so much :D
Thanks for your message! 💖💖💖
Otp is absolutely Rivamika. No one even comes close. (Although I've def enjoyed some NSFW works of Eruri, Erejean, and the holy grail of gay SNK, Erurimike.)
I have a few brotps. The veteran trio is pretty great as well as the individual relationships therein (Eruri/Eruhan/Levihan), and I like the potential of EMA even though it was squandered in the end. I also loved Sasha and Connie's friendship, and Sasha and Mikasa's friendship even though we didn't get to see it as much.
Gonna rate these ships behind a read more so this post doesn't take up your entire dash.
Rivetra - Don't like it. I headcanon this as one-sided love on Petra's part. (I liked her and Oluo better.) I feel like Rivetra has pretty much disappeared from the SNK fandom landscape, I used to see it a lot more in the dark times between seasons 1 and 2.
Levihan - S-tier friendship, hate it as a romantic pairing. I've seen a lot of otherwise very good Levihan art that makes Hanji more feminine, which I don't like. Plus I feel like even if the two of them got wasted and fell into bed together, Levi would be incredibly turned off by Hanji's bad personal hygiene and nothing would happen.
Eruri - I don't think they ever got sexual in canon, but I do think they genuinely loved and respected each other. Eren and Mikasa take note: THIS is how you do an Ackerbond.
Ereri - Meh. Not a fan.
Rivahisu - Hate it. It feels weirdly gross to me, for some reason? Even though, fun fact, one of my first fic ideas was Hisu domming the shit out of Levi after he roughed her up and yelled at her about becoming queen. Idk, they're both so small. Their babies would be like hamsters.
Rivannie - I can't even imagine this lmao. What a weird pairing.
Rivasasha - Another one that doesn't make sense to me.
Eremika - The worst and most toxic pairing in the series. I hate everything about their dynamic. Eren is cruel to Mikasa and she just accepts his treatment without wavering in her obsessive love. She infantilizes him even though he clearly hates it, although she's right that he usually needs someone to clean up his messes. I hate that Eren claims he loves her even though he had, like, 2 moments in the entire series where he wasn't openly contemptuous of her. I don't see them as a tragic couple, unless the tragedy is that they had great potential as characters but Yams decided to hamper all the development they could have had as individuals in favor of smashing them together at the last minute with no buildup. I don't even think Eren likes Mikasa as a person very much. I'm not against childhood friends to lovers as a trope, but I think Yams did a really bad job of depicting any kind of mutually positive relationship between them.
Arumika - Cute! I have a headcanon that they've fooled around as sort of an exploratory thing out of mutual platonic love rather than being sexually attracted to each other. They have a great friendship and although I don't think they have endgame romantic potential, I could see them trying out dating but deciding that they're better off as friends.
Jeankasa - I go back and forth on this one. It's not bad, but it's no Rivamika. I did ship it initially but then Levi showed up and my interest in JK went out the window entirely. I think Jean would be a good husband to Mikasa, but after the ending of the series I question her love for him. I think she'd agree to marriage more out of the idea that they have a mutual goal of love and family and the knowledge that he'll take good care of her, and then over time maybe she would fall in love with him. I feel bad for Jeanbo because he's Mikasa's second choice both in canon and in my headcanon!
Mikahisu - I haven't really considered them as a pair before; I got the vibe that Mikasa kinda hated Historia for capturing Eren's attention before she was shoved off the page to get pregnant and... whatever she ended up doing. Fascism, I guess. I could see them getting off to a rough start but Hisu wins Mikasa over with her charm and determination.
Mikahan - Another one I haven't really considered. I think Hanji's overzealousness would turn Mikasa off, although they could have a friendship like a less playfully antagonistic Levihan.
Mikannie - I want them to be friends so badly! They could be gym buddies who kiss sometimes. With the right AU you could make this pairing like lesbian Rivamika because those girls do not like each other.
Erumika - I'm into it in theory, but when I think about the pairing I don't really feel anything about it.
Mikasasha - I wish we'd gotten to see more of their friendship. One of you (I forget who lol) also reblogs a lot of romantic Mikasasha and it turns out I'm into that as well. I think Sasha would be a good influence on Mikasa, getting her to loosen up a little, but I guess asking for well-fleshed female friendships in shonen manga is probably a bit much.
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0aurelion-sol0 · 4 years
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It's not the review, I just wanted to say some few words.
First of all, let's just acknowledge that this is a synopsis. It's not the chapter.
Second of all, don't use some spoilers without any context to make a theory. Especially when it's just the synopsis and there aren't any meaningful spoilers.
So let's cut it short, the synopsis is this: The battle engages on the back of the Founding Titan, but Eren is nowhere to be found and Armin and his troop quickly find themselves in trouble.
So people immediatly thought that meant Eren was still in Shiganshina using the Warhammer's ability.
There's just a few nitpicks I have about this theory... Just a few:
First, someone would have noticed. Judging where Eren's position is located before he transforms, someone in Shiganshina at some point would have noticed a big crystal or something titan like with something connected to it. It doesn't make sense. And Eren was not in a place where he could hide himself under something as the land was flat.
Second of all:
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Eren could literally be located ANYWHERE on that thing. But no people need to think he is in control when...
Third of all, he isn't. The guy lost his head, keeps seeing traumatic flashbacks, teleports in paths, is a kid while having a semi-real dream of "That Sight" and apparently can watch through birds. Every character asks him, if he is really free ? And we are still begging for the guy to be in total control of all of this ? What for some kind of proto, mumbo jumbo Lelouch type of plan ? Please, every one in the fandom is bragging about this plan that he has when they are multiple elements that shows us, he is not in control of himself whatsoever ? And frankly, the manga which is an anti-war, anti-violence, anti-imperialism, anti-genocide will give a Lelouch ending (which is so predictable and only the typical shonen " I have your shonen protagonist n°3456 as a profile pic " would put out there) and A SECRET PLAN TO A GUY WHO IS DESTROYING THE WORLD, huh ?!?
That doesn't make any sense, Reiner, Annie and Bertolt didn't have one and fucked up on so many aspects when they tried to "sAvE tHe wOrLd". Why would he have such an advantage ? Because he is the main protagonist ? Give me a break.
Fourth of all, if something like this was to happen, the only thing that would make some little sense was either if Eren was being dragged by this huge titan but like why would he put so much effort in being in that state when it makes him so vulnerable, not only to others but to the colossal titans who burns everything. AND AGAIN someone would have noticed.
In the ocean ? What ? How will he come back up when he finished killing all babies ?
No that doesn't make sense. Forget it.
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Eren got shot in the head, the only thing that makes sense is if all of his titan is made of hardening. And that his head is seperated which is clearly shown :
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And the rest of his body is somewhere else on his Titan.
For example, he won't be in his nape (obviously, it's the weak spot.) but on his spine shown by the strings of flesh coming from it's spine.
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It also reinforces the image that he is a puppet which is fitting since nothing he does makes any sense whatsoever especially like:
Lead two parties at war while none of them wanted to, siding with the guy you didn't want at first to save your lives but wants to eradicate those very same lives, attacking and hurting the friends who you want to have " long happy lives ", creating a civil war in your own country, a racist supremacist group that almost kills your friends, using yourself as bait when you are the Founder in a country that uses titans against you, not giving any information about your whereabouts, not giving any information via memories about EREN KRUGER THE GUY WHO WAS A SPY IN THE MARLEYAN MILITARY, also siding with a guy who wants to push the world against you and did so by suggesting to go to paradise to retrieve the Founder while I repeat... THEY DIDN'T WANT TO DO, doing an attack that will lead the world against you. Choosing to ignore every peaceful outcome even the people who are doing takes you with them to do it and than asking sympathy points for another way when he literally destroyed every option to do. Using the Rumbling which will kill also people that were living next to the walls, the titans in the walls will probably also stomp on villages that were located inside the walls as the titans were placed in a circular shape and ALSO...
Narratively this will also be stupid, like we did all of this just to find out he's not here ? A whole party died, Hange died for people to use the plane and he's not here ? And what we watch Humanity get killed ? We go back home, depressed ? Everyone is like " we love and understand Eren ? He goes back to Hisu, I am the dad, we feed the heteronormatives while the manga destroyed every cliche of that ? He gets a baby while he killed every babies " You are free." He wins, while he manipulated the whole thing ? Oh no he gets killed, secret plan, Eren is Lelouch, satisfying ending, his only fate is to die as a stupid symbol...
I don't even have the strenght to write. Why do people think like this ? Why do people feel the need to put the Alliance down with every chance they get and elevate Eren as this shonen protagonist freedom seeker demi god waifu meat beater ?
People are weird.
The guy has a change that happens off screen, he manipulates pretty much everything since the timeskip and he acts completely different from what we know of him and we're supposed to take it that way and consider it genius writing.
Really ?!
We need to move plot points, we need to move forward, we cannot keep dragging the story with endless unneeded double pages of violence and empty discussions for character who haven't expressed any feelings toward each other ever since the start outside of the anime who changed the story and added these pointless scenes to please those who masturbate to the three female characters of those ships. Like I don't know ( Eremika, Erehisu, Aruani...)
This is just the synopsis, wait for the review.
I really hope this chapter is good and not another 133 OR fucking 134.
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Im not really sold as eremika as romantic lovers (but i whole heartedly respect eremika shippers bc its their thing who am i to say what to ship) but what you said abt Eren clinging onto her as the possible last person to ever remember him (i might be wrong my last brain cell is dying at this point, please correct me) when all his other friends will moved on and will forget about him....... that hit home and I can see that as a more probable thing. For me, they read more as a really stong family unit to me rather than being secretly in love with each other romantically all this time but couldn’t get together bc of how f-ed up the world is. I dont think ppl will just forget the guy who eradicated 80% of the world but... okay?
Sorry for the late reply, and yes, this is still a theory we’re sticking to haha.
Mikasa could also be a symbol of unconditional love, someone who’s by Eren’s side no matter what. So if she forgets Eren out of all people? It’s like this last straw that ties Eren to this world in a way.
Although yeah, I don’t think people would forget about him too easily lol not only he almost nuked the entire planet, but also because he is a very prominent person in his friends’ lives. And heck, it’s not like these dorks don’t love him unconditionally, no one seems to hold a grudge on Eren or something, Pieck was right when she said that she’s the only one who isn’t in love with him out there (not literally, but you get the idea).
Still, it was traumatizing for Eren, so he was obviously all over the place.
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