#‘I’ll die without regrets. or atleast… that’s what I’d like to say.’
turnedinto-themoon · 1 year
Couples who are just the absolute most tragic thing you’ve ever read>>>
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cycloptics · 6 months
This is basically a diary entry that gets dark but maybe it’s onto something? I needed it okay
Basically I’m just talking about art and being autistic and quitting my job after hitting burnout
And also some personal traumatic shit I guess
Please don’t feel inclined to read this if you don’t want to I think I just needed to put out my real fucking feelings into the world ya know?
Something really crazy has happened since I hit burnout.
I spent forever hating every piece of art I did, whether it was painting, drawing, or nail art. I’ve hated all of it, never thought I was good enough. I still don’t, of course, but I do atleast feel like I see potential during the process.
But now, since I’ve got the support of people who love my work, or love me, I’m able to look at it again (after a break of hyperfocus) and I can say “okay.. wow, that’s pretty good. I like that.” And that’s fucking HUGE! But what’s even crazier is I looked back and old work I did, work that sat in my sketchbooks abandoned forever, and I am like holy shit. I did that. And I love that.
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I painted this in 2019-2020, I’m not even sure when, but I remember being in my apartment, I remember this being one of those pieces where I was desperate to make art. I desperately looked for ways to make a living doing art, just so I’d be able to paint. I bought a Wacom pen and a laptop, I was determined to learn digital art.. and I hated it. Then I bought an iPad and Apple Pencil, still didn’t love digital art. Then someone said “you should do nails” and I thought it was perfect. Then I went to school and did that. Worked my ass off. Went to the best salon in my area and worked there, killing myself and burning myself out in the process, trying to be perfect.
**TW: death, PTSD, loss of a pet, loss of a parent, hospitals**
Then my cat got sick, and even though I syringe fed him prescription food and cat pedialyte, gave him meds, and tried everything, he died.
Then a week later my dad tore his Achilles and ended up in the hospital with 2 DVTs and a PE. He then fought for 2 months to stay alive for us. I watched my dad code and survive multiple times, spent Christmas in ICU with him on a bipap to breathe, watched him lose his fucking mind, praying to god, almost fighting god, seizing, shaking, crying, desperately kissing me and my brothers heads while not being able to say anything other than beg god. I tried everything I could to bring his mind back, because it was my dads biggest fuckin fear was losing his mind. I brought pictures and showed him.. the guilt I feel for going to work while my dad was in the fucking hospital. The calls I got. The way he begged me to break him out of there, and I will always regret not doing that. I’ll never forget it the faces my dad made, the sounds he made, when delirium took over and he was so scared, and looked nothing like himself. Covered head to toe in bruises and restrained to the bed, because they tried to put a Bipap on him when he was sleeping. I’ll never forget seeing how broken my dad was, a man who was so prideful and stubborn, and whose biggest nightmare came true when his youngest daughter had to help him use the bathroom. The way my dad never wanted to seem weak, and the way my stepmom humiliated him. The way she made him sound so pathetic to the doctors that they gave him too much oxygen constantly, because she said he couldn’t do anything without almost suffocating. The way she lied and said he was on 2 liters every night, because that’s how she got her oxygen. She was on 2 liters. My dad refused to use it. The way that him getting too much oxygen made his COPD worse. How that’s what ended up being the cause of death. Not the blood clots that I was so terrified of, that it was COPD. I’ll never forget New Year’s Day and me having full blown OCD had texted everyone in my family begging them not to do laundry because it would mean my dad would die, and finding out my stepmom did laundry because she isn’t superstitious.. then that day finding out my dad was never gonna make it out. I’ll never forget moving to comfort care, and trying to make sure my dad heard all his favorite songs as we all said goodbye to him, or the fact that when it came down to it, my dad was taken off of everything and still refused to die in front of his kids. That my brother made us leave. And he died soon after we left the room. I’ll never forget falling asleep and swearing I’d hear his voice. Crying to Al green in my car. Going fully nonverbal after he died. I thought I knew death because my mom died, but I was wrong. I didn’t know death was so fucking UGLY.
Probably the worst part of death is finding out that it’s so fucking gutwrenchingly ugly. it’s so rarely peaceful. The portrayals I saw of it or heard of it, those were coping mechanisms from grieving people just hiding the reality of it.
I also can’t forgive my stepmom for cremating my dad when he had a literal plot next to my mom, with a headstone my grandfather carved (family biz was monuments) or the fact that she told everyone he didn’t want a funeral.
My dad would never have deprived his kids of the opportunity to grieve him properly.
So I don’t have his ashes, we never did any service, and I’m still pretty fucking fucked up from it.
Then two weeks later one of my best friends died, she was the same age my mom was, with kids the same ages me and my brothers were when my mom died, and she died suddenly with no warning, just like my mom. Her parents called me to tell me. Her dad a week before had reached out to see how I was doing when my dad passed. The universe really is funny that way.
Then another friend died, liver failure. Fucking what? And I couldn’t go to that funeral because I had to work, and I had already taken off too much time for all the other deaths. Couldn’t be the sad employee with all the dead friends and family members apparently. And it gnawed at me that I let work keep me from being with my dad when he was dying, that I missed a funeral because of the pressure to be at work, that I was having breakdowns during nail appointments and only heard about how fucking slow I was.
So I quit my fuckin job. And I regret nothing.
Am I broke as fuck? YES. Have I figured out how to make money for real? Nope. Have I listed anything? Nope. But I will.
Because burnout really taught me that I know what my real passion is in life and what makes me happy, and it’s fucking paint. And art supplies. And doodles. And hyper focusing on something and picking it apart for hours and not having someone over my shoulder telling me I’m too slow, or it’s not good enough.
I’m still in burnout, but if I didn’t hit it, I’d never have allowed myself to heal. I’d never have let myself focus on my actual needs, because I never let them matter. Just had to be a machine that did perfect work to make money for others while I took enough to pay my bills.
And tbh, I’m fine with only getting by, as long as I am doing something I actually enjoy.
Anyway. This started about me realizing that I don’t absolutely suck at art, but I think I really just needed to let out all of these feelings without worrying about anyone else’s. I people pleased through grief. What a dumb thing to do. Fuck masking. Fuck it. I’m done.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses Fanfiction
Chapter 35: Bring Her Home
Pairing: Duff Mckagan/OC
Story Summary: A stupid harmless dare, that’s all it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be something they would do, and never revisit. For Delilah, little did she know that visiting the strip wasn’t going to be a one time thing when she made the choice to accept the dare. Life is full of choices. Some choices can mean absolutely nothing, while others can change your entire world. Delilah had heard many rumors about the Sunset Strip or Devil’s Strip. Teenagers would whisper stories about how the Devil walks the streets of the strips without a care in the world. It was known as a place untouched by God. After years of hearing rumors about the Devil’s Strip, Delilah wants to see it for herself. Thus a Dare was born.
Chapter Summary: Mags finds out Duff and Delilah had sex, and Mark finally gets the nerve to pop the question.
Taglist: @gingerspicetalks @str4nge-haze @queen-crue @dustnbones
It was cold.
Everything was cold.
Even the sunlight that shined through her apartment windows was cold.
Her eyes quickly scanned the room, and the only thing that changed from the night before was that Tonya was most likely in her room, fast asleep. A state Mags envied.
As if Mags was on autopilot, she took a shower and got dressed for the day. She was still mad at her brother, but she still sprinted towards the bus stop not wanting to miss the bus that would take her to her brother’s apartment. Not only did she have some food she wanted to drop off, but she also wanted to check up on Del.
She adjusted her jeans as she sat on the hard plastic seat watching the bus shoot through traffic. Part of her wondering the entire trip how the bus drives didn’t get into an accident. It was borderline impressive.
“Morning Mags,” Mags turned to see a familiar blonde smiling at her.
“Hey, Sasha! What’s up?” Mags would describe Sasha more as an acquaintance than a friend, but Mags always puts on a smiling face. Like her brother says, it’s a lot better to spread happiness than make enemies.
After several minutes of casual small talk, Mags began to get the sense that there was something Sasha wanted to ask. There was something lingering in the girl’s eyes, and when the conversation began to die off, Sasha always kept it going. Mags knew something was up, and hoped it wasn’t about the stupid article. She was in no mood to deal with talking about how the bastard got her pregnant.
But sure enough, only a few moments later, Mags paranoia was proven right.
“So if you want, I’m having a big party...we’ll Christian my...boyfriend...is having a party at his place this Saturday, and I’d love to see you there...unless you know….it might be weird because...of the...whole pregnancy thing,” Mags took a deep breathe as it took every ounce of her sanity to not punch Sasha. Mags wasn’t Axl, she wasn’t him by a long shot. Unlike him she could control her temper, or atleast that is what she told herself.
“The pregnancy thing? Ohh you mean that bullshit article? Girl that was full of lies! What he chose not to mention was that I broke his heart because he wasn’t my type,” Mags let out a fake laugh to try to cover the lie that rolled off her tongue.
Was she going to admit she was pregnant to Sasha? No.
Was she going to admit that Drew, the man who wrote the article, shattered her heart into a million pieces? No.
Why? Because that’s not who Mags Adler was.
“Oh my god! The fucking bastard! I tell ya, the media only wants a story that sells their magazines. It’s despicable that they don’t think about how the lies they are telling are going to affect the people. Like I bet that Stef girl who is dating your brother never said how he wouldn’t make it. And oh that Del girl, I bet she does more than fawn over Duff and be his groupie. Like the girl has to have a life. I should have known this were off when the article framed Trixy as a good person. She is a fucking bitch,” Mags nodded and smiled as Sasha spoke.
The truth was Del really didn’t have much going for her besides the fact that she was in love with Duff. Of course Del had hobbies, but none that paid the bills which was a discussion for another day. Mags tried not to think of it, but Del was turning into a groupie. She quickly reassured herself that Del technically wasn’t a groupie Del wasn’t going around having sex with Duff, but little did she know what Del did last night and into the morning.
Part of Mags wondered if Stef actually said what she said. There were parts of the article that were true, but it was also filled with lies. Did she mean it when she said her brother was going now where? Mags knew with her whole heart that Stef adores Steven, but there was a small pit in her stomach that said otherwise. Mags tried connecting the dots on my Stef had been making excuses and events for Mags to go to that happened to be on the same days as concerts, but there wasn’t any connection. It just didn’t make sense.
“So I’ll see you on Saturday?” Sasha asked, pulling Mags from her train of thought.
“Maybe? My brother is playing a gig, but maybe after?” Mags offered the girl a soft smile as she saw her stop coming,
“Yeah, we will be partying till sunrise! Feel free to bring friends! Chriantian’s place is huge and there will be a live band!” Sasha smiled before Mags pulled the cord asking for the bus driver to stop.
It was only a 10 block walk for Mags, one she had gotten used to over the years. She kept her head high as she took in the peaceful strip. It was weird seeing it like this, but at 8 AM in the morning this was to be expected. Mags would admit that she appreciated the silence over the cat calls. She figured that one of the few benefits of being pregnant was that once she started to show she would get fewer cat calls.
Once inside the apartment, the smell of a cooking kitchen hit her like a truck. Eggs, onion, peppers, and paprika filled her nose causing a smile to grow on Mag’s face. Del was awake!
She froze as she saw the tall blonde over the stove instead of little Del.
“Hey Mags, how’s it going? Are those apples for breakfast?” Duff casually asked as he continued cooking, as if this was a normal occurrence. Mags placed the bag of apples on the table trying to make the confused look that grew on her features.
“What’s wrong Mags? Did you think those were oranges or something?” Mags shot her attention to Izzy who was sitting at the table. Mags wanted to slap the smirk off his face, but she knew that would only get her kicked out of the apartment, and if she was going to be kicked out it was going because she slapped Axl.
“Those are red apples to be exact,” Mags ignored Duff’s comment and placed the apples in the one of the few bowls that was at the apartment. It was a actually her bowl, but after a month of fruits rolling off the table, she figured they needed it more than her.
“Where is Del?” Mags asked quickly looking around the kitchen and their sad excuse for a common area.
“Still sleeping, she had a busy night,” Duff casually said, earning a snicker from Izzy.
Mags froze in place as she heard Duff’s comment.
“Did you fuck my roommate?” Duff was taken aback by Mag’s tone. She seemed agitated. What did she care? They were two consenting adults. Plus he would barely count Del as Mags roommate since she slept with him most nights.
“What does it matter-“ Mags cut Duff off before he could continue talking.
“I asked, did you fuck my roommate? It’s a yes or no question?”
“It’s none of your fucking business what I did between me and my grilfriend. Fun fact Mags, you can’t control everyone. Del isn’t your puppet,” Duff shot back, making sure to keep quiet so he wouldn’t wake Del.
In another room, Del remained frozen in Duff’s bed using his only blanket to hide her naked body. She tried to make sense of the emotions that were currently flowing through her.
Regret wasn’t the right word. She loved Duff, and from what she knew, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
Pride was also wrong. She wasn’t proud of losing her virginity. It was something she was taught her entire life to protect and save until marriage. Having sex was sacred.
It wasn't that she wasn’t happy, but she also wasn’t sad. She possibly felt more content than happiness or sadness.
Shame, was another word that filled her head. Shame was the word that she felt right for her. She was ashamed that she had gotten so tipsy that she lost her virginity to the man she loved.
“Hey, you okay?” Del rolled over towards Slash as he spoke.
“Yeah...just trying to figure out how to get out of this pickle. I feel kinda…..”
“Gross?” Slash finished Del’s sentence earning a nod from the girl.
“I wouldn’t recommend putting your clothes from last night on, they’re probably still wet. I can grab a shirt from Duff’s stuff to help you cover up,” Del nodded at Slash’s kind offer, but before Slash could get up to help Duff walked into the room.
“And this is my cue to leave. I believe Duff has this under control,” Del shot Slash a quick smile as he headed out of the room to enjoy some breakfast. For the first time, Slash was kind to her. Usually he just existed in the room she was in and never truly interacted with her, but now...now he was kind.
Izzy’s words echoed through Duff’s head as he joined Del on his bed. He had to be slow and gentle with her.
“How are you feeling,” Duff played with her hair as he spoke, watching the curls bounce as he dropped them.
“I’m sore, and I feel gross,” this caught Duff off guard as a frown flashed across his face.
“Like you regret it,” Duff let a sigh escape him. Fuck, Izzy was right.
“No, I don’t regret it. I regret the fact that you don’t have a nice shower though,” Del teased back in attempt to make him smile. It worked, and she felt her heart flutter as a smile formed and she guided him gently ontop of her.
“Ohh is someone ready for round two?” A cocky smirk was placed across the bassist’s features as he hovered over Del.
Del let out a soft chuckle before shaking her head no.
“I’m still sore Duffles,” she cupped his chin as she watched a smirk cross his features. This was a view Duff would do anything to see. His small little Del, under him in full view.
“Did you...did you make breakfast?” Del asked, trying to change the scene that had unfolded in front of her.
“Yeah, and Mags brought apples,” Del smiled at the mention of Mags. It was good to hear that she left the apartment.
“How...how tense is it out there?”
“Well Steven is asleep, and Mags came in with a bitchy attitude so pretty tense?” Del was caught off guard by Duff’s tone. Del knew she should have said something, stand up for Mags but she remained silent. Something was wrong, and Del didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire.
“Is everything...okay?” Del asked as Duff climbed off her and dug through his bag and handed her on of his shirts. She knew he wasn’t mad at her, but she still wanted to know why he was pissed.
“Yeah,” Duff’s one world answer irked Del, but she quickly brushed it off.
“Come one Duffles, you can tell me anything,” Del quickly got out of bed and walked over towards Duff. As the words escaped her lips, she laced her fingers into his shoulder length hair.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself Axl!” Del dropped her hand from Duff’s hair and snapped her attention towards the kitchen. She couldn’t see a thing since the door was closed, but she recognized who the screaming was coming from.
Del turned back towards Duff to see a scowl had formed on his face. In attempt to lighten the mood, she said “Mags knows that there is probably a line of people who are waiting for Axl to go fuck himself.”
This earned a small smile from the blonde and Del quickly got dressed in Duff’s shirt he handed her.
“Duff, can I borrow some shorts too?”
Del froze as Duff's laughter filled the room.
“I love you Delly, but my shorts are going to be a little too big on you,” Duff teased back, earning a playful eye roll from the girl. He wasn’t wrong, Del looked like a twig compared to Duff.
She threw Duff’s shirt on and followed him out to some breakfast. Her stomach rumbled as the smell of a freshly cooked breakfast drowned her senses.
“Good morning lovebirds!” Slash bellowed as Duff guided a slowly moving Del into the kitchen.
Izzy and Slash shared knowing looks as they watched how slowly Del was walking. They were defiantly going to tease Duff about this later, once Del wasn’t in the room.
Duff and Del sat down at the table joining the rest of the band minus Axl. Del figures he was probably in his room either lying on his bed or drawing in attempt to calm himself down. She wished there was something she could do to help, but she wasn’t in the position to do that at the moment.
“Thanks, Izz! It smells amazing,” Del said as Izzy placed a plate of eggs in front of her.
“Hey! I’m the one who made it!” Laughter echoed through the tiny apartment as Duff spoke.
“It tastes delicious,” Del said before kissing him on the cheek.
Axl was the last to join the group. He almost froze as he sat down as he saw Del at the table. Her hair was a curly mess that framed her features perfectly. To Axl, she looked like an angel in his shirt that she was practically swimming in. He had forgotten that he gave that old shirt to Duff a month or so ago, and now after seeing Del wear it part of him wished he had kept it.
Feeling Axl’s stare, and immediately misinterpreting it why he was staring, Del quickly spoke, “Ohh...I can..I can eat in another room..if you guys want to have a band meeting. I can go eat with Mags..wherever she went off to.” Del began to look around left and right to see where her friend went.
“Mags left. She just stopped by to drop off some food,” Del knew that Mags didn’t leave by choice. By the tone in Steven’s voice she knew that Mags was kicked out.
“You’re not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me now..like it or not,” Duff whispered into Del’s ear earning a sweet smile to cross her lips.
“Come on Beth, we are almost there and then you can take the blindfold off,” Mark said as he guided the blindfolded girl through the church basement. His heart was racing a million miles per a minute, and he couldn’t believe he was going to finally do it. He was going to propose to her. He felt giddy, excited, and nervous all at the same time. He had finally found the right moment to propose to her.
“It smells amazing! Are you sure we are still in the church?” Beth asked as Mark guided her to sit down.
“Yes, and you can take off your blindfold,” Mark couldn’t help, but smile as Beth remained silent as she took in the room.
The first thing she noticed was that the room was illuminated by candles instead of the ugly yellow lights that traditional illuminated the room. The second was the rose petals on the floor. The third wwas photos taped to the wall.
“5,110 days….that’s how long I’ve known you. We met when we were 5 years old. I am going to be honest, but I don’t remember much from back them. This though….this memory I will always remember,” Mark pointed at the first picture that he had tape in the wall only a few hours ago.
Beth let out a giggle as she stared at the photo. It was of Beth and Mark covered in flour. Their smiles were large as they posed for a photo which Beth assumes Mark’s mother took the photo since from what she remembered her own mother wasn’t to pleased with the situation at the time.
“It was in the middle of a small bible study, and we were being read from one of those children’s bibles with the large colorful photos. You wanted some cookies for a snack and after begging…..” Beth began to say.
“I didn’t beg!” Mark playfully shot back.
“No you begged because I remember Delilah teased you for a month about it!” Mark shook his head trying to hide his giggle at Beth’s comment, but she was right.
“Anyway, after you harassed the poor book reader he finally said you could go and grab some cookies from the kitchen, but you couldn’t go alone so I had to go with you. Anyway we ended up in the kitchen, but there were no cookies. So we decided to make some….and….” Beth couldn’t contain her laughter as the memories of how poorly their cooking went filled her head.
“I was grounded for a week,” Mark added smirking.
“A week? I was grounded for two months! Delilah and I couldn’t play because of it,” Beth playfully hit him as he spoke.
“I’m assuming I follow the rose petals?” Beth asked as she followed the rose petals towards the next photo. She smiled at the thought of celebrating her four month anniversary with Mark looking through old photos.
Mark nodded and they walked down the rose petal path looking at photos that ranged from their first day at school to after school activities.
“I still think you look good it Delilah’s hot pink tutu,” Beth said as they looked upon a picture taken from one of the talent shows.
“I think my rendition of the sugar plum fairy gave her cute little dance a run for its money,” Mark smiled as Beth’s laughter filled the room. They were just 12 years old when that photo was taken, and even back then he wore the tutu and jokingly danced around like a fool to make Beth laugh.
“Which one is your favorite?” Beth asked as they walked in front of the 12th photo.
“The last one,” Mark smiled as he purposely focused on the picture. If he looked at her he would cry because the last one was going to be a special memory.
“And which one is that?”
“You’ll have to wait and see,” Mark sneakily replied earning an eye roll from Beth.
The next photo was from their eight grade graduation. Beth, Delilah, Mark, and Matt were posing in front of the church holding their little diplomas in the air with the pride of a college graduates who had just earned their doctorates in advanced medicine.
“Do you remember how much of a fuss you were making because the cap flattened you hair,” Beth smiled as she pointed at the picture.
“Do you know how many photos my mother took that day? My brothers would still be making fun of me if I looked bad in those photos!”
“Ohh Mark...they make fun of you anyway,” Beth teased before she headed towards the next photo. It was from Halloween when they were 15.
“Do you remember when Delilah was told she couldn’t be Tinker Bell because Tinker Bell was inappropriate?” Beth asked as she looked at the photo.
“If I remember right it was because Tinkerbell promotes sin because she was a needy attention hog or something like that?”
“And how Delilah was so busy complaining that she forgot to tell her mother what she actually wanted to be for Halloween, so she went as a princess,” Mark couldn’t help but laugh at the memory of Delilah.
“Then Matt kept telling people she was the princess from the princess and the pea. How would warm the people who handed out candy that Delilah was cranky because she didn’t get a lot of sleep the night prior because of a pea under her mattress,” Mark and Beth’s laughter once again filled the room before heading onto the next photo.
After 20 more minutes of reminiscing on other photos, Mark guided Beth towards a room filled with even more flower petals and a candle. Beth smiled as the smell of roses engulfed the room. The small room had a table and some tables and chairs pushed against the walls with a large mirror in the center. Beth could tell that he tried to hide what the room actually was, but she recognized it. This is the room where Matt, Mark, Delilah, and her would hang out every day.
“Mark, I know you didn’t intend for this to be creepy, but I’m getting horror movie vibes,” Beth half joked as she looked around the room.
“Where is the photo?” Beth added while continuing to look around the room.
“Come,” he held both of Beth’s hands and stood in front of the mirror. Beth was hesitant, but let him guide her out of curiosity.
“Beth, from the moment I met you I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my days with you. Whether it was getting in trouble for attempting to make cookies or just spending time with you on that ugly floral couch, I love spending every moment with you. I feel like I can be my true self when I’m with you,” Mark felt the nerves come back as he spoke.
“I love you too,” Beth smiled as she squeezed his hands tight.
“Beth Marie Jacob,” Beth gasped as she watched him get down on one knee.
“This afternoon we reminisced over some of my favorite memories for every year I have known you,” Mark pauses as he watched tears of happiness slowly flow down Beth’s face.
“Will you make one more memory with me tonight?” Mark pulled out the small box he had kept in his pocket for the past month.
“Will you Beth Marie Jacob marry me?” Mark’s heart stopped as the words escaped his lips. A sliver of fear slipped into his thoughts that she would laugh at him or say no.
“Yes! Ohh God yes, I love you,” The tears now began to stream down her face as Mark put the ring on her finger, and kissed her.
“I love you too!” Mark spun her around causing her to fill the room with her giggles and screams of joy.
Once they let go of each other they turned and stared into the mirror.
“I think this is my favorite memory too,” Beth smiled as she continued to look at her and Mark.
Mark watched as a frown quickly formed on her face.
“What?” Mark pulled Beth in close attempting to comfort her.
“I just...I wish Delilah was here to share this memory with us,” Beth spoke no louder than a whisper.
In that moment, Mark kissed Beth’s forehead and made up his mind. He was going to go to Sunset Strip and bring Delilah home, no matter what.
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pyroandtheprincess · 4 years
Hey y’all. I hope everyone’s well. Yes, I’d give my left foot for NaLu, but I’m multi ship garbage. You may or may not be aware that I post and reblog a lot of #kacchako on my page. I find them utterly adorable and I’ve been sitting on a few ideas with them for a while. I decided to finally put some of my thoughts into writing. This is the first part to one of the many mini stories I think of as I’m trying to sleep at night, and it just so happens to be pretty ~angsty~. What can I say, the quarantine has me in my feelings. I’m sorry, but I needed to release some of the tension. As with most of my writing, I didn’t feel like editing so please be kind. I hope you enjoy, but if you don’t that’s okay too. All the best and happy reading! 🥰
“Rookie Mistakes” (part 1/2)
They are fucked, royally fucked. As much as they both have trouble admitting it, they are in deep shit.
How could he have let this happen? How could either of them have let this happen? How could a routine stake out of a suspected hideout (a warehouse of course because villains aren’t creative or original) turn into something so out of his control? He is the fucking number two hero and his badass wife is number fucking eight. They own their own hero agency. They literally train rookies. Only rookies would make these kinds of mistakes. Fucking extras. How could they walk right into a trap? Are villains getting smarter? No. The hero’s who assigned them to this god forsaken mission just underestimated the powers of the new recruits in the this damn villain organization they are investigating. This fucker they are facing is totally not who they were expecting. A quirk that creates large puffs of air from blinking seems harmless until the “puffs” are actually razor sharp blades that are deadly accurate and fast as fuck. Well, atleast the fucking idiots were able to recognize his quirk comes from his fucking eyes! Fucking way to go! He should have done his own damn research. He and Ochako were completely blindsided and now they are scrambling to dodge him.
Once again, they are fucked.
They need to come up with a game plan and fast. Katsuki needs to find a way to pull Ochako away for a second so they can figure this shit out. As he just barely weaves out of the way from yet another blade of air flying past his face, he makes a split decision. Thinking on his feet, he sets off a chain reaction of smoke bombs in a move he calls “smoke screen” and tugs his wife behind a crate. The villain quickly moves to place his dumb looking, bulky sunglasses over his eyes and disappears into the black cloud.
They both take a moment to collect themselves before Ochako speaks up.
“This is bad, Katsuki. We need a plan or we are seriously fucked.” Ochako whispers as she peaks her head out from behind the crate to scope out the area still covered in a plume of smoke.
“No shit, Cheeks.” He whispers back. She glares at him briefly, letting his out burst slide knowing he is just frustrated with their performance thus far. “Any and all bright ideas are welcome.”
She sighs, “Ideas are still formulating. But, did you notice that his attacks don’t happen every time he blinks? Either he is controlling when they happen, or they are random.”
“Great.” Katsuki huffs, joining her in peaking over the crate. “We can’t fucking form a plan until we know if he is actually in control or not. If he isn’t we could take advantage and charge at him. But, if he is we need to strategize so we will be able to dodge and strike him down.”
She is quiet for a second before she responds, “You know, having been your partner since before we starting dating, coupled with the experience of being your wife these past 5 years, it still amazes me that you can actually control your impatience and plan out your attacks. Who could have guessed this from you after UA?”
“Oi. Not the time to be pushing my buttons.”
“You aren’t denying it,” He could hear her smug grin, and it almost made him crack a smile. Almost. “But, with what you said in mind, I think we can actually take advantage of either outcome. I noticed his attacks are linear, he can only target one of us at a time head on. I think our best option is to split up. I’ll take the left and you should take the right side of the floor. That way if he targets one of us, the other can take him down from behind-where he can’t actively project his quirk- before he can turn around.”
Katsuki couldn’t hold back his proud smirk, “Good eyes,” he pauses for a second, “We’ve been married for 6 years in 2 weeks.”
She looks at him briefly to playfully roll her eyes, “Technically, it’s still 5.” She shifts so she can lean her back against the crate and pulls him down to her eye level, all playfulness in her demeanor has shifted to steady focus. He loves when she gets serious.
“I also think he needs those ridiculous glasses to protect his eyes from anything entering them. Since they block his eyes, they must somehow be rigged to stop his quirk. That means if I’m right he can’t use it right now and we should definitely get going before the smoke’s all cleared.”
Her quick plan was definitely their best bet. Guess his gamble paid off in more ways than one. His grin widens at the exciting thought of the tides turning in his favor. He’s ready to kick ass.
“Let’s move.”
With that they nod to each other once and stealthily start moving toward the cloud of now semi disappearing smoke.
Katsuki slowly makes his way through the right side of the plume. Although it’s dissipating, it’s still too thick to see through. He’s grateful that his eyes are no longer sensitive to the burn of smoke after years of training. He sometimes thinks his tear ducts have been burned away after so many high heat explosions, only to remember his tears on his wedding day and when both his kids were born. Man, love has made him soft.
Suddenly he hears the distinct sound of cheap plastic (he blames his parents) falling and skipping across the concrete floor. That could mean only one thing, stupid looking sunglasses. Dumbass must have tripped! He reacts in the speed of a lightning strike, lifting his gauntlet and setting off an ear shattering explosion in the direction of the sound. The force of which blows the remaining screen away.
Lowering his arm, a triumphant smile on his face, pro hero Ground Zero fully expects his villain to be out cold in front of him, ready to be cuffed and sent to prison so he and Ochako could wrap up and get home. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Instead, in front of him stands a concrete pillar with a sizable chunk missing from it. Dust from the debris floats around taunting him. His blood boils.
His smile falls and he quickly turns around to face his opponent already looking at him with a sinister smile and a very dark look in his eye. Dumb sunglasses no longer on his person, thrown as an annoying clever decoy.
He had been fooled into clearing the rest of the smoke with another explosion. And now he is an open target.
“Fuck.” Is all Katsuki can mutter because in the blink of an eye, literally, blades shoot towards him.
For the first time in Katsuki’s life, time moves in slow motion. He hears only the echos of his wife shrieking his name and his adrenaline pumping blood through his ears. With each beat of his pounding heart, Ochako’s frantic scream fades away until he is left with nothing but himself, this mother fucking villain, and the blades of air rushing toward him. It was as if they were transported somewhere else far away.
Katsuki was a very smart and observant man. These traits helped him become a great, no, a fucking great hero. He knew many things with certainty, two of which he could recognize now. The first blaringly obvious thing he knew was the two razor sharp blades of air barreling towards him were, without a doubt, moving at speed even his lighting fast reflexes wouldn’t be able to react to. There was no way in hell he could dodge them. With that being said, the second thing he knew was that if these blades hit him, which they most certainly would, he was going to die.
As the attack reaches the halfway point between him and his attacker, number 2 hero Ground Zero, Katsuki Bakugo, feels a wave of emotions crash into him that he can’t place. They are emotions so foreign, he wouldn’t be able to find their origin even if they were circled on a map for him. With them come a heavy dose of realization.
It’s over. All his hopes, all his plans for the future will never come to fruition. Being number one hero? Kiss that goodbye. Since he got his quirk he has been working to be at the very top. For years he has put his everything into being a hero. Blood, sweat, even fucking tears have been shead to get him to where he is. But as devastating as that is, it’s nothing is compared to when he thinks of his family.
He will never see his daughters smiling face again. He’ll never hold his son in his arms again. He will never get to tell or show Ochako how much he fucking loves her. Man, he really has gone soft, but his fucking pride or ego or whatever the hell can fuck off. All the people he loves are flashing before his eyes and sending a massive wave of sadness, regret, dread, fear, and, most damning of all, hopelessness, washing over him.
He is terrified and he is going to die.
Suddenly, he is doing the most cowardly thing he has ever done. His eyes are betraying him and beginning to close, not wanting to see his end coming. Not wanting it to be over with such a bright and happy future ahead of him. If he has to accept it, he doesn’t want to watch it leave. He just hopes that Ochako can forgive him and his young children will remember him.
But, just as his eyes are about to shut. They widen in surprise as he feels himself being slowly pushed out of the time warp and physically forced aside.
It’s her, it has to be.
Ochako’s shoulder slams into his side with the force of a freight train. Just as he begins falling he notices a piece of debris, with the help of zero gravity, hurtling towards the villain. It successfully smashes him in the middle of his face definitely breaking his nose and, based on the loud crack, potentially fractures his skull. He drops like a rock before Katsuki hits the ground.
Katsuki’s eyes flick over in time to see the blade hit Ochako. Blood splatters, floating around her as if she’d used her quirk on it. The force of the blow is enough to send her flying a few feet backwards and flip her body over mid air. The horrible sound that resonates after her impact with the floor signals real time again.
On the ground, his hip and shoulder throbbing, Katsuki’s heart is about to burst out of his chest with how fast it’s beating. He’s in shock and can hardly breathe, but he isn’t concerned about himself.
“Cheeks?!” He shoots upright, ignoring the feeling of bruises forming, and turns his head slightly to see his wife laying on her side with her back to him. There is blood along the ground, trailing to the pillar he had hit were a another sizable divot has made its place slashed into it. A small pool is already starting to form beneath her.
“No...no.” He says feebly.
He scrambles across the floor to her, turning her over to see the gash in her side and a split in her forehead from her impact with the floor. The sight hits Katsuki with another horrible hard to process feeling.
“Oh god, please no.” He rasps as he scoops her up and places her into his lap slightly upright so her head rests into the crook of his neck.
One of his hands cradles her head to and the other moves to apply pressure on the wound to her side. Blood sleeps through his gloved fingers. He can feel her breathing faintly against his neck, but that does nothing to ease his rising anxiety. He leans into her, maneuvering his head just above hers so that he can use his finger to press against his ear piece.
He let’s go of the button and instantly gets feedback that help is on the way. A small amount of relief washes over him, but his breath is stolen by the sound he hears next.
“Kat-suki?” A weak, garbly voice asks. The voice of an angel.
“Ochako!” A relieved smile creeps on to his face as he cups her cheek, “Oh thank fucking god! Hey look at me, keep talking to me,” he moves her face so she can look at him with glassy brown eyes.
“You... You okay?” She slurs, “Where’s the vill-?” She moves to sit up, but Katsuki stops her, applying more pressure to her side which causes her to wince.
His smile falters, “Hey, don’t move tiger. Don’t worry about him, you already took him out remember? Just keep your eyes open and keep talking to me.”
“I...did?” Her eye brows crease in confusion. She’s not fully with it right now, he can tell by the look in her eye. Her rosy cheeks are starting to lose their color. His fear is settling in.
Memory loss? Not good. She’s losing to much blood and she definitely has a concussion. If Katsuki wasn’t concerned before, he is about to freak out now. He is reminded once again of his tear ducts existence, but he needs to stay calm and strong for her. He has never been the best rescue hero but he certainly is not the stupid kid he used to be. He can feel her sinking deeper into his embrace, and her eyes are getting droopier by the second, where the hell is this back up?
“‘Chaks what are our kid’s names?” He knows he needs to keep her awake and talking.
“This... hurts.” she says grabbing weakly on to his arm applying pressure to her side. She’s not listening, his eyes are watering now.
“Ochako,” he pleads placing his forehead against hers and squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears rolling down his cheeks, “Please, talk with me. What are y-our babies names? Tell me.”
“No that’s my n-“ his voice cracks and she stops him with gentle carcass to his face. Her hands are trembling.
She whispers something he can’t quite make out and then her hand falls limply to the floor just as the steel doors fly open.
Katsuki doesn’t sleep that night.
————————- end of part 1 of 2
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1-70 🙊
really… Really... R E A L L Y… How very fcking BOLD of you 😂
You know what, since I’m in such a good mood after watching Juliana “Braver than every Marine” Valdes go off on her deadbeat abusive father and defend her love for her soulmate Valentina, I’m actually gonna answer all 70 for you.
1. You just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Tumblr of course, gotta get caught up on today’s gayness.
2. You just walked into a bookstore. What section do you go to first?
Mystery, I only go into a bookstore for one author and it’s Iris Johansen.
3. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
Something that could probably end badly for us lol My friends and I always look back on our nights out saying to each other “atleast we didn’t die tho” 
4. You just turned your car on. What station is the radio tuned to?
I don’t have radio stations set because I can’t stand the commercials, I need constant music when I’m driving so I always have my phone playlists on.
5. You have just woken up for the morning. What is the first things you do?
Go to the kitchen because I’m hungry, look around at the food, then go back to bed because I’m still too sleepy to make something to eat.
6. Complete this phrase: You cannot buy happiness, but you can buy____.
“but you can buy things that will MAKE you happy… such as dogs, a house in a safe neighborhood, a reliable car, medications and medical supplies, etc.”
7. What would you do if you woke up as the opposite gender?
First, I’d cry. Then I’d go practice my aim peeing standing up lol
8. Are you more likely to cook for yourself or buy food from a restaurant?
More often than not I’m cooking for myself, especially if I’m training because it’s cheaper eating healthy with homemade meals. 
9. If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you rather lose?
I need my sight, hearing, and touch for sure, and I already know how much it sucks to lose taste after my radiation treatments, so smell would have to go.
10. If you could relive any one year of your life, how old would you be?
17, I’d wanna relive my first year of college.
11. Would you take a bullet for anyone you know?
My mom, brothers, nieces and nephews.
12. Would you rather be rich and dumb or poor and extremely intelligent?
Poor and intellige– nah fck that, I’d legit take being rich and dumb because if being dumb means I can secure my family’s future then I’m good, I could always pay someone to handle the brainy shit for me while I’m swimming in money lol
13. What TV character do you most relate to?
Tasha Williams from The L Word.
14. You just walked into a supermarket. What section do you first go to?
Sports & Outdoors… knowing damn well I don’t need to be buying anything but hoping to find a good deal on something so I can justify buying it.
15. Is sex before marriage wrong?
HELL NO! Sex is right… Marriage all together is wrong, wouldn’t recommend it.
16. You just won the lottery. What is the first thing you do with your winnings?
Buy a new phone and one-way ticket outta the state so no one can hit me up asking for money lol 
17. If your best friend admitted that they have a crush on you, how would you react?
I’d be flattered and make some joke about her having horrible taste in women.
18. Will the USA ever have a female president?
**I’ll have an answer to this question after November 3rd 2020**
19. You are carpooling with your friends. Are you more likely to be the driver or a passenger?
Unless it’s my turn to be the DD, I’m not driving with my friends.
20. How short is too short for skirts and dresses?
That’s not for me to decide because I’m not the one wearing them so if a woman is comfortable with a skirt that barely covers her labia, then more power to her. 
21. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, without any consequences, what food would you choose?
Pizza, there are so many variety of toppings that I’d never get tired of eating it.
22. It’s Saturday night. What are you most likely doing?
Reading fanfiction
23. You go on a blind date. Your date is extremely beautiful and physically captivating, but you hate their personality. Would you want a second date?
Ab-So-Lute-Ly fcking not! All of the beauty in the world can’t make up for an ugly ass personality. I mean we could be fck buddies, but never a “dating” situation.
24. How strict should gun laws be?
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25. Would you rather be the worst player on the best team or the best player on the worst team?
Worst player on the best team because I wouldn’t be able to stand being the one putting in all the work while my teammates slack off. Atleast if I’m on the best team I’d be able to learn from players who are better than me. 
26. How well do you work with others?
Not well at all unless I haaaave to.
27. You have the ability to cure only one fatal disease and eradicate it forever. What disease do you choose?
Whatever disease is most deadly to dogs, I’d eradicate that one. 
28. If you could go back to college and choose a different degree to study, would you?
Nope, forensic science is what I was meant to study, I loved every minute of it.
29. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
Bish I can’t even see myself 10 days from now, I don’t fcking know lol
30. Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
Pro-Choice Pro-Choice Pro-Choice Pro-Choice Pro-ChoicePro-Choice
31. Would you attend a same sex wedding if invited?
Yes my gay ass would happily attend a gay wedding.
32. So far, what has been the greatest day of your life?
The day I landed in Germany for my first duty station.
33. Has anyone you know ever been arrested?
34. If it could be one season year-round, what season do would you want it to be?
35. What is your biggest regret in life?
Not making my ex sign a prenup smh
36. If you could bring one celebrity back from the dead, who would it be?
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37. What offends you the most?
Non-black people saying nigga. I don’t care if they’re white, latino, asian, any other person of color… or if they’re gay, bi, trans, any other minority… or if their sister-in-law’s baby cousin Tracy got a brother and his girlfriend’s black. If they aint black & they have nigga in their vocabulary, they’re a piece of shit, periodT
38. Would you rather have an ugly hairstyle or be bald?
No question about it…
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39. At what age did you have your first alcoholic beverage?
Listen, I learned when I was like 8 or 9 to keep my ass in a child’s place when I tried to be slick and take a few sips from a beer can my cousin left on the table… only to get a mouthful of cigarette butts -_-
40. What do you think happens to us when we die?
Nothing, you just dead.
41. What do you think is the best way to quit smoking?
Have some willpower to not be an asshole who pollutes the air I gotta breathe. 
42. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which animal would you choose?
43. We’re humans created or did we evolve from earlier species?
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44. What scares you the most?
Dying and being the introvert I am, no one would even know anything was wrong until 6 months went by without hearing from me, and my body’s just laying there decaying and making me unpresentable for my own damn funeral  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
45. What personality trait turns you off the most?
Being disloyal. 
46. You got offered a job to do something you hate, but the pay will make you rich. Do you take it?
Yeah… then once I’m rich I’ll quit :) 
47. If today you only had what you were thankful for yesterday, how much would you have?
Enough… not enough… 
48. How often do you get mad or upset at yourself?
Every damn day
49. If you could choose one celebrity to be your parent, who would you choose?
Michelle or Barack Obama.
50. If you could only listen to one musical artist for the rest of you life, who would you be listening to?
The Rap God himself.
51. Have you ever used you cell phone while driving?
52. Had anyone you were close to die way too young?
53. Is world peace possible?
*Refer to question 18*
54. You go on a blind date. You date is extremely ugly and physically appalling, but you are madly in love with their personality. Would you want a second date?
A bomb ass personality is worth a second date.
55. How did you discover that Santa Claus isn’t real?
When I realized that whole story never made any sense… no white dude was coming to the hood to give niggas toys for free. Momma aint raise no dummy.
56. Do you believe in God, or some form of higher deity?
I believe in Deism, the knowledge of a God based on the application of our reason on the designs/laws found throughout nature. The designs presuppose a Designer. Deism is therefore a “natural” religion, not a “revealed” religion. It is the recognition of a universal creative force greater than mankind, supported by personal observation, perpetuated and validated by the innate ability of human reason coupled with the rejection of claims made by individuals and organized religions of having received special divine revelation.
57. If you could save someone you deeply cared about, but it meant breaking a law, would you do it?
58. What is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done for money?
Enlisted in the military.
59. If you were to make a YouTube video about what you know most about, what would the subject be?
Being a ✊🏿 black 🌈 lesbian ♀️ woman. 
60. What do you think is your greatest personality flaw?
I have very little patience. 
61. If your friends spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you still want them as friend?
Hey, if they’re honest then I can’t be mad at em.
62. Have you ever “woke up like this”?
Sometimes I do be waking up like this if I may say so myself
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63. You got offered a job to do something you love, but the pay is one of the worst out there. Do you take it?
If it’s not a livable wage then obviously no. But if it’s a livable wage that doesn’t leave me with extra money, then yeah doing what I love is worth the sacrifice.
64. What do you think is your best physical feature?
100% my muscles, I don’t put in work at the gym and eat vegetables for nothing!
65. What do you think is your worst physical feature.
I’m 5′1″… 9 times outta 10 I’m the shortest adult in the room… aint that a bitch
66. Do you know anyone who has committed suicide?
67. What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone you don’t know?
Not knock them the fck out when they said black people need to be happy white people haven’t made us their slaves again yet.
68. Have you ever had a night’s dream come true?
Idk but I swear I have moments of deja vu tho, then I think maybe they were actually just things I dreamed about in the past… hell if I know.
69. How would you reject a date offer from someone you didn’t like?
Tell them I don’t like them. I’m all about being direct. 
70. Which do you think is worse: Failure, or never trying at all?
Never trying. Nothing wrong with trying and failing, everything wrong with being too lazy to even try. 
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I have felt alone, and i’m sure many people around the world will agree with me that being alone is one thing, but actually b e i n g alone when surrounded by people is something else.
You’re living your day to day life in the same house as someone else/ multiple people and they don’t care. I scream and shout and get stress out all for nothing. I cry and tell them “I can’t cope with myself anymore, I want to die” and they go back to their lives, like I’ve said nothing.
One day, he will come home and I won’t be here. Or atleast i’ll be on my way out, what then? Will he regret leaving me alone week after week? Will he question why he didn’t listen to my signals and ask if i’m ok when I hide away in my room? I told everyone how I feel and no one seems to bat an eyelid, not even the NHS. Ive told them multiple times i’m scared of myself, scared of what I can do to myself and nothing... not even a check in to see how i’m doing even though my referral still hasn’t been sorted and I have to wait three months at a time to see someone who makes me feel worthless.
Do you know what it’s like to crave love off a partner that doesn’t give you it?
it’s daunting, questioning yourself every minute of the day. Wondering “What did I do wrong?” “Am I really that loveable?”
memories of precious times when someone has shown me love flashes into mind, tormenting me on what could have been if I hadn’t have pushed people away. Is this going to be the same? Am I going to push everyone away because I feel so unlovable and worthless?
I am in minimal communication with the real world. I have no friends here, I go to work and the people there are kind and lovely, but it’s not like best friend stuff.
more like if it’s convenient kind of thing. I cant trust them, I don’t know their intentions and I don’t know if they truely care for me, you see i’ve told many of those about how much I think about harming and killing myself and the reaction I get is “go to the docs and take meds” the best one of all.. when I told someone I thought I could trust that I wanted to die and their reply was “Oh No” that was it. Nothing else.
My parents are miles away and It feels like them and my home town friends have moved on their lives without me, I mean they have to obviously but I don’t get invited to plans anymore, or let in on gossip and updates, to me i’m already out of their lives so if I died... they already know how to live without me.
And lastly my current partner, I don’t remember the time I actually felt like he loved me, like really felt it. Obviously I can feel happiness with him but on the most part, I feel completely rejected. The conversation is dull and non existent most of the time, I don’t know if that’s because we’re bored or because I over think everything and end up being too anxious to say anything, instead just laying there thinking how awkward it is and how I have nothing to say, but on the other hand him with his non anxiety brain also says nothing,so. I always feel put down, I never feel beautiful or appreciated or even attractive to him, I am just at a complete loss. We don’t want the same goals, or even interested in the same things and I don’t know what to do.
All in all, I just want to die. I don’t want to be apart of this toxic stupid environment anymore, I hate this I hate this life and I really, really don’t want to be here anymore.
I’d rather just be a bystander and watch from a window above, seeing how life goes on but saying that... that’s what i’m doing. Just filled with pain and abandonment.
Post one done, Rosie Unfiltered.
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rowz · 4 years
Partners in Crime Preview
There are currently 10 chapters up if you would like to read more the link will be at the bottom of the post <3
Chapter 0
"How many are in the room" Katsuki mutters in Izuku's ear when they we just in earshot of one another mouth barely moving as he looking between Izuku and a man in the corner of the room gun trained on them, "only this guy, what about outside?" Izuku mutters back holding Katsuki's hand in a tight grip as Katsuki moved closer, this was supposed to be their final kiss before either of the two took a bullet to the chest, it was up to who ever grabbed the gun to their rights first,but that wasn't going to happen today. "Four two guarding the door one guarding the entrance to this place and the other in a camera room" his mutters were barely a whisper at this point as he leaned down eyes still trained on the man in the corner "Think we have enough time to leave this shit hole?" Izuku cursed "No." Katsuki says before reaching carefully for the gun and kissing Izuku tenderly, they had barely parted from their kiss when a shot rippled through the room with a loud 
Chapter 1
"Katsuki Meet your newest partner Izuku Midoriya, you remember him right, you two used to play together when you were just babies" Mitsuki says with a wicked grin on her face as she stared at the green haired freckled boy, who looked just as elated to see his missing 'aunt', looked like something never change.
The two of them were 18 when they saw each other again, Izuku didn't seem to change on first appearance, he seemed to still had a big heart...to big for Katsuki's liking and a bright ass smile that could probably blind a person not used to it by now, and with Katsuki….well….he didn’t seem to had changed either, still cold towards people, he kept his distance, he was raised to lead, for he would be taking over his family's company soon when they see him fit enough to lead that is, Mistuki believed he was still ‘too weak’ and was hell bent on keeping him in line, and it was honestly starting to piss him off, and his father, Masaru, had tried his best to keep his mother off his back but alot of good that did  him.
Looking at this guy he had grown up with until about eight years ago made him even more  angrier cause he knew Inko hadn't been doing her part since they left for America, she was supposed to make him more suitable for the line of work everyone else in this fucked up makeshift family had done, and that job was to kill.
Kill for money, kill for food, kill to pay rent, kill to survive, but no Inko didn't do this she babied him and now this is going to be a whole other issue he’s gonna have to deal with, Katsuki just hopes he knew how to aleast shoot a gun. "Yeah I remember him" He says with a hint of irritation, looking down on him but not by much Izuku was maybe a inch or so shorter than him, "Hey Kacchan'' He says using that same old nickname he used when they were kids, though Katsuki didn't miss the slight twitch of his smile, Mitsuki did though apparently as she continued speaking "Now how about you two go catch up while I go see Inko, Izuku by the way where is your mother honey?" Mitsuki asks with a sweet tone "Talking to Uncle Masaru, in the front yard I think" He says facing Mitsuki again, her grin widens even more at the mentions of her best friends whereabouts, she then ruffles Izuku's hair with a fond smile fixed on her face  before walking off saying as she left "You two behave got it" Izuku of course responding in a "yes ma'am" and Katsuki a loud tsk before grabbing Izuku’s wrist and leading him to the kitchen before letting go.
In the kitchen it was filled with awkward silence with the occasional clunking from the dishwasher currently going.
Izuku sat at the kitchen aisle while Katsuki went in the fridge, after a while of silence Izuku spoke up,  “Kacchan how’ve you been?”, again with the old nickname, it wasn't like they were friends anymore eight years is alot it can change a person “Stop acting all buddy buddy dumbass, its been eight years since you last saw me”Katsuki hissed Izuku sighs and his smile falls just a little more than last time, his smile almost completely dropping “Yeah, I know, but I still see you as a friend of mine, even though by now I know you probably don’t see me as a friend anymore” Izuku says with a low hum, Katsuki looks back with a look of irritation “Thats fucking stupid, for all you know I could be running a drug ring or some shit like that” Katsuki hissed “Like killing people isn’t any worse, atleast five out of the ten people are killed because of something petty or spitful, noone deserves to die for those reasons.” Izuku raises an eyebrow “Your.. gonna have to change your morals if you plan to  work in this line of work Midoriya” Katsuki grabs out several items from the fridge; an egg craton, two onions, dashi, and two scallions he got earlier today, and boneless skinless chicken. He then pulled out several items from a pantry; dry sake, soy sauce, and sugar, “Can you cook nerd” Izuku stands from his seat with a quiet sigh he rolls up his sleeves and stands beside Katsuki grabbing a knife from the knife block beside the stove “Of course I can” he then grabs one of the onions while Katsuki grabs a bowl, a saucepan, and a cutting board placing a bowl and cutting board in front of Izuku before he began combining the dashi, soy sauce, sake, and sugar in the saucepan as the stove was lit to high temperatures, Izuku in the meantime cut up the onions into slivers and chopped the scallions into thin equal parts.
As the cooked the food Izuku spoke up in a monotonous tone with a look of uncaring in his eyes, “I didn't ask to join this business, I’d rather be traveling right now being a photographer since I finished school early and everything.” at this Katsuki gave him a look mixed with confusion and irritation,seemed like the only thing he knew how to show was of those two emotions, “Why in the hell are you waste your time here then,just fucking leave” Katsuki snapped “Cant exactly do that now can I, my mother has filled me in on to much as it is and my dad….. Look, long story short I can’t back out anymore even if I wanted too.” Izuku could feel Katsukis red eyes glaring holes into him even without him looking, because Katsuki had always wanted to go into his parents career choice, sure it wasnt conventional, and honestly wasnt morally correct killing people for money, but that was life for you and Katsuki wanted simple money even if it meant murder, Izuku found saw no good coming from this though and the two of them knew it, thanks to Izuku witnessing a murder his mother did right in front of him when he was six, since then he has been admit that killing was wrong, and he was right it was but it also bring in money so it worth the risk,right. 
“Thats fucking stupid I’m pretty sure that my parents wouldnt care if changed your mind” “Yeah, but then theres my dad, and he made sure to clarify that if I quit I’ll be hunted down by him himself” Izuku frowned at the memory of his father pointing a gun to him for bringing up wanting to be a photographer when he grew up, it was a honest slip up,he was barely eleven,but that slip up was one that he has since regretted since then, Katsuki snickered lightly “Sounds like the old hag” he muttered before turning on the rice and stepping back to lean on the counter aisle “Last I’ve heard he’s out at America working double agent for another hitman agency, heard anything from him, he’s been radio silent here” Izuku shakes his head “No last I heard from him was about a year ago when he said they were sending him out to kill some gut named Yagi Toshinori that had been in the area at the time, he could be dead for all we know” Izuku answers nonchalantly, Katsuki laughed a little louder at this “Your really dont like that old man do you” Izuku decided now was a time to not answer and just shrugged, at this Katsuki smirked “maybe you did change a little” he thought outloud Izuku shrugged once more before checking on the rice and turning the other eye off that held the mixed ingredients “Kacchan, can you answer something for me?” Izuku asked, turning to face Katsuki again, “Why did you hate me when we were younger?” Izuku asks lifting onto a nearby counter top and sitting on it with a small tilt in his head eyes on Katsuki “You don't have to lie either I heard you in the hall at school a few days before you left talking to your friends about how you hated my guts, I left before I could hear your reasoning can you answer that now, I wanna know” the look in Izukus eyes was of pure numbness, not a speck of emotion showing, what the fuck happened to Izuku while Katsuki was in America.
Katsuki sighed in a low voice he starts remembering the past “Well, to put it bluntly, nerd….You were a huge ass crybaby it pissed me off, not to mention your way to caring it was absolutely irritating, you fall in love way to fucking easily, your faith in humanity is fucking rediculas, and not to mention your excessive mummbling made me wanna punch you,did you ever break that fucking habit by the way, but anyways everything you did pissed me off” Katsuki cut himself off realizing at this point he was gonna work himself into actually ranting about his issues with him which shouldnt matter anymore anyways, thinking on how stupid this all was only started to piss him off, but he brought his focus back to Izuku anyways to see his expression hadnt changed even slightly, a few long minutes of silence later and Izuku hops off the counter and turned the rice off “foods done” he says plainly before making bowls, this unsettles Katsuki,greatly. The damn nerd wasn’t reacting to his words at all he blew it off, usually either they would start arguing or he would tear up…. But he didn't do either.
Though Katsuki wanted to ask what the fuck happened to him over the years, but he didn’t have a chance as Izuku turned around with a smile on his face holding two trays in his hand “Hungry?” he asks as if nothing happened,Katsuki lifted up from the counter and grabbed the tray from Izuku  “For the sake of our partnership lets restart alright forget our past” again Izuku confused Katsuki, he nodded nonetheless.
“Fine by me”
Chapter 2
Katsuki’s red eyes was trained on Izuku, everything about him was wrong, it’s like he turned into a literal different person one minute and then back to the kid he knew as a kid a moment later, it completely threw him off, though Katsuki was practically tossed out of his thoughts when he heard Izukus annoyed sigh “Bakugo can you stop staring and just eat your Oyakodon please” he asks placing his spoon down “What the fuck happened to you?” Katsuki asked bluntly Izuku raised a eyebrow “What do you mean” he asks “This whole personality swap your doing its fucking freaky” “Your delusional” Izuku said matter-a-factly before returning to his food “NO IM FUCKING NOT, THE ENTIRE TIME WE WERE IN THE KITCHEN YOUVE BEEN ALL MONOTONE AND SHIT BUT THEN SUDDENLY YOUR ALL HAPPY AND SHIT THE VERY NEXT MOMENT” Izuku covered his ears the second Katsuki started shouting before looking up at the boy “Your acting like a child” “eh!?! What the fuck do you mean by that you damn nerd?!” he asks leaning over his food as he stood, he looked about ready to launch out of his seat, “You heard me your acting like a child, now sit down and eat your food” he motions with his hand toward the boys’s bowl before his phone started ringing and he stood up and excused himself from the table and left with a furiously pissed off Katsuki still staring at the greenette for a moment.
   The greenette’s phone call ended about five minutes later, probably some nobody, and Katsuki had left the room a bit after leaving his bowl of barely touched food, ‘rude’ Izuku thought before he walked over and grabbed his bowl and sealed the top in plastic wrap before finishing his food before his mother and aunt walked in “Izuku~!” his mother sang walking over to him with a soft look in her eyes “Where’s the brat?” Mitsuki asks noticing her kid missing almost immediately, Izuku shrugged “I’m not really sure I stepped out cause a friend of mine called and when I came back we up and vanished” Izuku stated finishing his bowl before he picked up katsukis tray of food and his “But we made Dinner a bit ago we didn't bother coming to get you guys since you all were getting caught up” Izuku give them a small smile that didn’t exactly meet his eyes “Imma be out front for a bit if you need me if you see Ka-Bakugo mind not telling him where I am he’s the last face I wanna see” he asks before turning on his heel and placing the trays on the counter and leaving for the front, though he did over here Mitsuki whistle and ask something along the lines of “when did he grow up”. Izuku shook his head at this and continued to the front before seeing his uncle Masaru “Hey Izuku” he gives Izuku a small smile as he fixes his glasses and adjusts the papers he was currently carrying, probably from his side job, “Hey uncle I'm going out to get some fresh air” Izuku motions to the door just ahead “Where's Katsuki?” Izuku shrugs once more “I have no clue… he kinda ditched me a few minutes ago” Masaru sighs and mutters under his breath “That boy…” he frowns “Don't worry about it I’m used to it anyways” Izuku shrugged off “I'll leave you to your paper, see you uncle” “Goodbye Izuku” he gives Izuku one more smile before walking into his office Izuku took that as cue for him to carry on walking.
   Once outside he reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box of cigarettes, it was a bad habit he picked up thanks to some upperclassmen and his father a few years back, when his mother found out about his smoking habit she blew up, he would like to say he’s never seen his mother so angery and ashamed of him specifically but that would be a lie, Izuku’s done alot of shit growing up, most almost fucking up his chance to get a decent education even though he knew education could only go so far he wanted to accomplish in something, his father was against it so fucking against it he showed up to the school to pull him out thank god his mother called back up to fix his wrong, thinking back to it Izuku couldn’t remember one good moment he could of possibly had with his father, for his father was either beating the living shit out of his mother intoxicated out of his damn mind, cheating; which thinking back to it Izuku had caught him plenty of times when he was little, he was either on jobs, or out doing job knows what getting god knows what, honestly if it wasnt for his father maybe he would of had a decent life...well other than the assassinations his mother does sometimes, Inko had been planning to retire next year, she would have the money since the next four clients she had are paying her 107,805,500 yen each just to kill some guy named Todoroki Enji who apparently he was some high ranking business man that fucked with the wrong family,  and a man named Harima Oji which is currently under heavy security at a prison, how his mother was gonna get to the man, he had no clue but trusted she could handle herself, she was no pushover...anymore.
   Currently Izuku was on his third cigarette and with a look of disgust he threw it on the floor and crushed the flame out “its getting worse” he said to himself before pocketing the cigarette box and picking up the now crushed cigarette when he heard Katsuki’s voice “FUCK OFF IF HE WANTS TO BE ALONE THEN LET HIM IM GOING OUT” Izuku could hear his voice from outside almost as clear as day, Izuku took pity in knowing their neighbors must hear them screaming at eachother all the time now, but nevermind that Izuku watched as the door swung open and Katsuki Bakugo damn near shove him into the small flowers growing just outside the house, something his mother did while his aunt and her family was gone “HEY FUCKING WATCH IT” Izuku shouts before grabbing Katsukis arm to keep himself up right from falling, this though led to Katsuki falling, Izuku barely made it out of the way in time to see the angry blonde boy crash into the dirt with a harsh thud and a “ugh” escape his lips Katsuki completely fell thanks to Izuku ‘Oh this won’t be good’ Izuku thought holding back a laugh as he stepped back to find himself trip right into the outdoor plant, “Well karma’s a bitch” Izuku grunted as he tried to stand, to bad his ass was stuck in the vase sitting on dirt and crushed plants, his balance now completely screwed he watches as Katsuki slowly rises from the ground his blonde hair now covered in dirt and his face red with anger till he sees Izuku’s current situation, Izuku watched as Katsuki's face slowly contorted into a giant shit eating grin “Fucking serves you right, enjoying that seat of yours Midoryia” He snort, Izuku shoots back “I don’t know how that dirt taste, pretty nast fall if your face has anything to say about it” at this Katsuki rushes him pulling him out of the pot and throwing him into the dirt at this point the two boys were fighting well fighting as in rolling around in the dirt throwing punches that missed most of the time because both boys had excellent reflexes, they didn’t break up until Inko sprayed water on the two from the distance with a look of annoyance written all over her face Masaru at the door way with a amused look on his face and a camera in hand Mitsuki was right beside him leaning against his shoulder with a absolutely shit-eating grin. 
 “CAN YOU TWO NOT BEHAVE FOR ONE MOMENT” Inko shouted glaring holes into the two soaked boys still on the ground hands buried either in the others clothing or hair, “TO THINK AFTER ALL THIS TIME NEITHER OF YOU CAN GROW UP AND PUT YOUR DIFFERENCES ASIDE KATSUKI GO TO YOUR ROOM AND GET CHANGED IZUKU” Izuku who was currently the one being pinned which also meant he wasn't as soaked as Katsuki at the moment looked up at his mother with long sigh before kneeing Katsuki in the stomach forcing him off “WE’RE LEAVING” she shouted Izuku nodded and stood dusting himself off which barely did anything, Katsuki the same, though technically this was his home and Inko was a guest he knew Inko was practically a second mother in the house when the time came, same with Inko's house his parents could order Izuku to his room if a fight broke out between the two which was almost always, sometimes they could manage to stay in the same room together and not fight over the most trivial things, but Katsuki was a hot head and Izuku a smartass with a mouth that had no filter when it came to people he didn’t like or his peers, at this point Inko saw no hope of the two every getting along long enough to even attempt to finish a assessment together.
   Later that night she brought it up to Mitsuki and Masaru over the phone and Mitsuki reassured her it would be fine no matter how things play out, Masaru offered the next time she visits they all could go out to a bar he knew and have a few drinks Inko accepted and a date was set, she marked it down in her calendar and the rest of the day was treated in silence from the Midoriya household and the Bakugo household full of screaming and shouts mainly between Mitsuki and Katsuki with Masaru watching from a distance just, analyzing. 
That's when an idea came to mind. 
He had a plan.
A03 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23696749/chapters/56975155#workskin
0 notes
anonymous-wolf22 · 4 years
bold what applies to you
I can’t sleep if my hair isn’t up.
When I go to the bathroom at other people’s houses, I always lock the door.
Girl Scout cookies are my favorite.
I wish Subway had a delivery service.
I get offended really easily about certain things.
It’s hard to make me feel guilty.
I always need to be reassured.
If I care about someone, I’ll basically forgive them for anything.
I probably change my handwriting once a year.
I’m really worried about something.
I’m afraid I’m gonna get a horrible score on the ACT.
I’m afraid I’m gonna get a horrible score on the SAT.
I overreact about everything.
I let people walk all over me. I’m so bad at standing up for myself.
I don’t like being sick in general, but the part I hate most is having a sore throat.
I’m one of those annoying people who blows their nose ALL THE TIME.
If I’m outside I’d rather be hot than cold.
If I’m inside, I’d rather be cold than hot.
I have lots of clothes that don’t fit me, but I’m keeping them for some reason.
There’s a couple stores that I LOVE but I don’t have the money to shop there.
I barely ever go to the mall unless I have money to spend.
I secretly hate getting close to people because I know that they can hurt me.
I like All Time Low’s older music, I don’t like a lot of their new stuff.
I’ve never been to a real concert.
I’ve been to lots of local shows.
I’m not someone who likes a ton of attention, but there’s a certain person who I wish would pay more attention to me.
I’m thinking about changing my hair color.
I haven’t been under the influence of anything this month so far.
I’m very interested in psychology.
I don’t want to go to college, but I’m more than likely going to go.
I have NO IDEA where I’m going in life, and if I actually take time to think about it, it scares me.
I wanna see Alice In Wonderland!
Lately I’ve had a “Whatever happens, happens” kind of attitude and I feel a lot better.
I hate those days where EVERYTHING reminds me of someone.
I’m starting to not care about something that I used to care a lot about.
I haven’t had a birthday party in a really long time.
My parents are divorced.
I can’t stand it when people think they’re “more important” than someone or something.
I listen to the biggest variety of music.
I want an unusual pet.
I’ve always kinda wanted to dye my hair where it’s a different color underneath.
I’m too overemotional for my own good. 
I cry about everything.
I never check my e-mail any more.
I’m supposed to be doing something else right now.
When I was younger, I definitely had a favorite parent.
Now, I don’t have a favorite parent.
I love certain members of my family, and then there are certain members of my family I can’t stand.
I love it when I make a negative judgement about someone and I find out I was completely wrong.
I can’t decide how I want to get my hair cut.
I’m HORRIBLE at making up my mind. I’m probably the most indecisive person you’ll ever meet.
I only like Red Bull with Vodka.
I hate those flavored Smirnoff coolers.
I hate it when people put me on the spot about something that makes me uncomfortable.
I’m very self-conscious, and it’s pretty obvious.
I love talking to someone who I haven’t talked to in a long time and I find out that they’re exactly the same.
I’m kinda worried that I’ll never get my license.
I can’t drive a stick-shift car, no matter how hard I try.
I’m an impatient person, but I don’t like people who are impatient with me. I guess I’m a hypocrite.
The only time I feel good about myself is when I’m skinny.
I absolutely love pickles.
I don’t care about spelling and grammar as long as isn’t TOO bad.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’d DIE without music, but I’d be miserable without it.
Growing up, my dad was always the “cooler” parent.
I love little kids!
I really need to work up the motivation to go on a diet and lose weight.
I don’t approve of abortion at all, but I still think it should be legal.
I don’t think bright yellow looks good on anyone.
If it snows more this year, I’m gonna go crazy.
I haven’t been on a real vacation in more than 7 years.
I say the words “like” a lot without even realizing it.
I remember exactly what I was doing a year ago today, and I miss it.
I feel so much better about myself when I’m tan.
I’ve always hated eating in front of other people.
I’ve dated someone more than 5 years older than me.
My cat always decides to sleep on my black clothes and She gets hair all over them.
I have this one article of clothing that I loved so much I bought a bunch of them in different colors.
I am a perfectionist.
I am an only child.
I am Catholic.
I am currently in my PJs.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart.
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to Facebook.
I’m shy around the opposite sex.
I bite my nails.
I currently regret something I have done.
When I get mad I curse.
I don’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a car.
I have a cellphone.
I have a pet.
I have at least one brother or sister.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that I’m smart.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have had a broken bone.
I have caller ID on my phone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have had surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have had the cops called on me.
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t.
I have mood swings.
I have rejected someone before.
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I have watched Sex In The City.
I like Shakespeare.
I love to cook.
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to shop.
I miss someone right now.
I own over 100 CDs.
I own over 100 DVDs.
I own and use a library card.
I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.
I think Britney Spears was pretty.
I will try ALMOST anything once.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I can name all seven dwarfs in Snow White.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I am currently waiting for someone.
I lost contact with someone.
I hate Miley Cyrus.
I think Party In The USA is catchy.
I’d date Harry Potter.
I can name all the past presidents of the United States.
I know who was president before George Bush.
I need the internet to live.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
I watched Star Trek.
I watched all six movies of Star Wars.
I only watched a couple.
I own an Xbox.
I think music is life.
I’m texting a member of the opposite sex right now.
I’m listening to Jaaaason Derulooooo atm.
I usually don’t take these bolding surveys.
But anything to keep me from doing my homework.
I had a really good weekend.
I saw many wonderful faces.
I’ve gotten Starbucks within the past week.
I hate when a parent uses the whole ‘just because all your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you have to…’
I already went to prom.
I had/have a date for prom.
We’re going as friends.
My prom group is/was pretty big.
I have to listen to Matt & Kim atleast once a day.
I’ve had a all-you-can-listen-to-is-country phase before.
I’ve listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers within the past week.
Last thing I spent my money on was food.
Last thing I spent my money on was clothes.
My occupation is babysitting.
Ultimate frisbee is a sport.
I’m on a high school sports team.
I don’t have just one best friend.
I think a boy and a girl can be JUST friends without having benefits or falling for each other.
Sometimes I look at people and wonder what they were on when they got dressed in the morning.
I’d consider myself a city girl.
Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure.
I had no idea there were even volcanoes in Iceland.
I’m closer to my mom.
I’m taller than my mom.
I really like being on Facebook.
I should get some homework done for tomorrow.
I’ve signed up for a boring field trip just to get out of school.
My best friend still has their V card.
I’ve used awkwardly cheesy pick up lines.
I’m usually stuck drunk sitting at parties.
I can be selfish at times.
I’m saving up for a car.
I’ve seen episodes of Skins.
I have not smoked anything in a while.
I’d say I’m somewhat liberal.
I’m still not ready to do my homework.
I need to go use the bathroom right about now.
0 notes
zolganif · 5 years
I can’t sleep if my hair isn’t up.
When I go to the bathroom at other people’s houses, I always lock the door.
Girl Scout cookies are my favorite.
I wish Subway had a delivery service.
I get offended really easily about certain things.
It’s hard to make me feel guilty.
I always need to be reassured.
If I care about someone, I’ll basically forgive them for anything.
I probably change my handwriting once a year.
I’m really worried about something.
I’m afraid I’m gonna get a horrible score on the ACT.
I’m afraid I’m gonna get a horrible score on the SAT.
I overreact about everything.
I let people walk all over me. I’m so bad at standing up for myself.
I don’t like being sick in general, but the part I hate most is having a sore throat.
I’m one of those annoying people who blows their nose ALL THE TIME.
If I’m outside I’d rather be hot than cold.
If I’m inside, I’d rather be cold than hot.
I have lots of clothes that don’t fit me, but I’m keeping them for some reason.
There’s a couple stores that I LOVE but I don’t have the money to shop there.
I barely ever go to the mall unless I have money to spend.
I secretly hate getting close to people because I know that they can hurt me.
I like All Time Low’s older music, I don’t like a lot of their new stuff.
I’ve never been to a real concert.
I’ve been to lots of local shows.
I’m not someone who likes a ton of attention, but there’s a certain person who I wish would pay more attention to me.
I’m thinking about changing my hair color.
I haven’t been under the influence of anything this month so far.
I’m very interested in psychology.
I don’t want to go to college, but I’m more than likely going to go.
I have NO IDEA where I’m going in life, and if I actually take time to think about it, it scares me.
I wanna see Alice In Wonderland!
Lately I’ve had a “Whatever happens, happens” kind of attitude and I feel a lot better.
I hate those days where EVERYTHING reminds me of someone.
I’m starting to not care about something that I used to care a lot about.
I haven’t had a birthday party in a really long time.
My parents are divorced.
I can’t stand it when people think they’re “more important” than someone or something.
I listen to the biggest variety of music.
I want an unusual pet.
I’ve always kinda wanted to dye my hair where it’s a different color underneath.
I’m too overemotional for my own good. I cry about everything.
I never check my e-mail any more.
I’m supposed to be doing something else right now.
When I was younger, I definitely had a favorite parent.
Now, I don’t have a favorite parent.
I love certain members of my family, and then there are certain members of my family I can’t stand.
I love it when I make a negative judgement about someone and I find out I was completely wrong.<-----I try not to do that most of the time. Only if they have done something that makes me think negative of them at first, but then prove me wrong. But yeah, I try to the good in everyone when first meeting them. 
I can’t decide how I want to get my hair cut.
I’m HORRIBLE at making up my mind. I’m probably the most indecisive person you’ll ever meet.
I only like Red Bull with Vodka.
I hate those flavored Smirnoff coolers.
I hate it when people put me on the spot about something that makes me uncomfortable.
I’m very self-conscious, and it’s pretty obvious.
I love talking to someone who I haven’t talked to in a long time and I find out that they’re exactly the same.
I’m kinda worried that I’ll never get my license.
I can’t drive a stick-shift car, no matter how hard I try.
I’m an impatient person, but I don’t like people who are impatient with me. I guess I’m a hypocrite.
The only time I feel good about myself is when I’m skinny.
I absolutely love pickles.
I don’t care about spelling and grammar as long as isn’t TOO bad.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’d DIE without music, but I’d be miserable without it.
Growing up, my dad was always the “cooler” parent.
I love little kids!
I really need to work up the motivation to go on a diet and lose weight.
I don’t approve of abortion at all, but I still think it should be legal.
I don’t think bright yellow looks good on anyone.
If it snows more this year, I’m gonna go crazy.
I haven’t been on a real vacation in more than 7 years.
I say the words “like” a lot without even realizing it.
I remember exactly what I was doing a year ago today, and I miss it.
I feel so much better about myself when I’m tan.
I’ve always hated eating in front of other people.
I’ve dated someone more than 5 years older than me.
My cat always decides to sleep on my black clothes and he gets hair all over them.
I have this one article of clothing that I loved so much I bought a bunch of them in different colors.
I am a perfectionist.
I am an only child.
I am Catholic.
I am currently in my PJs.
I am currently pregnant.
I am currently suffering from a broken heart.
I am left handed.
I am married.
I am addicted to Facebook.
I’m shy around the opposite sex.
I bite my nails.
I currently regret something I have done.
When I get mad I curse.
I don’t like anyone.
I enjoy country music.
I enjoy jazz music.
I have a car.
I have a cellphone.
I have a pet.
I have at least one brother or sister.
I have been to another country.
I have been told that I’m smart.
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
I have had a broken bone.
I have caller ID on my phone.
I have changed a lot over the past year.
I have had surgery.
I have killed another person.
I have had my hair cut within the last week.
I have had the cops called on me.
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn’t.
I have mood swings.
I have rejected someone before.
I have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I have watched Sex In The City.
I like Shakespeare.
I love to cook.
I love Michael Jackson.
I love sleeping.
I love to shop.
I miss someone right now.
I own over 100 CDs.
I own over 100 DVDs.
I own and use a library card.
I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
I read books for pleasure in my spare time.
I sleep a lot during the day.
I strongly dislike math.
I think Britney Spears was pretty.
I will try ALMOST anything once.
I work at a job that I enjoy.
I would classify myself as ghetto.
I can name all seven dwarfs in Snow White.
I am currently wearing socks.
I am tired.
I am currently waiting for someone.
I lost contact with someone.
I hate Miley Cyrus.
I think Party In The USA is catchy.
I’d date Harry Potter.
I can name all the past presidents of the United States.
I know who was president before George Bush.
I need the internet to live.
I prefer vanilla over chocolate.
I watched Star Trek.
I watched all six movies of Star Wars.
I only watched a couple.
I own an Xbox.
I think music is life.
I’m texting a member of the opposite sex right now.
I’m listening to Jaaaason Derulooooo atm.
I usually don’t take these bolding surveys.
But anything to keep me from doing my homework.
I had a really good weekend.
I saw many wonderful faces.
I’ve gotten Starbucks within the past week.
I hate when a parent uses the whole ‘just because all your friends are doing it doesn’t mean you have to…’
I already went to prom.
I had/have a date for prom.
We’re going as friends.
My prom group is/was pretty big.
I have to listen to Matt & Kim atleast once a day.
I’ve had a all-you-can-listen-to-is-country phase before.
I’ve listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers within the past week.
Last thing I spent my money on was food.
Last thing I spent my money on was clothes.
My occupation is babysitting.
Ultimate frisbee is a sport.
I’m on a high school sports team.
I don’t have just one best friend.
I think a boy and a girl can be JUST friends without having benefits or falling for each other.
Sometimes I look at people and wonder what they were on when they got dressed in the morning.
I’d consider myself a city girl.
Jersey Shore is my guilty pleasure.
I had no idea there were even volcanoes in Iceland.
I’m closer to my mom.
I’m taller than my mom.
I really like being on Facebook.
I should get some homework done for tomorrow.
I’ve signed up for a boring field trip just to get out of school.
My best friend still has their V card.
I’ve used awkwardly cheesy pick up lines.
I’m usually stuck drunk sitting at parties.
I can be selfish at times.
I’m saving up for a car.
I’ve seen episodes of Skins.
I have not smoked anything in a while.
I’d say I’m somewhat liberal.
I’m still not ready to do my homework.
I need to go use the bathroom right about now.
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