#also how did he and Peter knew each other btw??? because Peter B was there when tht Universe was destroyed
tmp-jatp · 4 years
Guys I just wrote my first fic.
I mean, I’ve written fics before, but never finished them. But I was struck by inspiration and I’ve been trying harder to write while the muse is there because you never know when she’ll leave and not come back. I’m so excited to share this with you.
You can read it on AO3 here (2479 words btw) or read it below. I’d love it if you checked it out :)
It was safe to say that Luke’s mind was near constantly full to the brim with music. As a songwriter, it was one of his favorite parts of himself. He had notebooks galore, all chock-full of half-written verses and melodies he hummed once in the shower and chord progressions he’d heard in a dream.
Usually, once he freed them from his mind via his pen, they were gone, saved in ink on the page. He would come back to them, to draw inspiration, to weave pieces together, to fashion them into full-fledged songs eventually.
There was always the one song that stuck around, though. It would never leave him, no matter how hard he tried.
He would hear pieces bouncing around between his ears. Sometimes it was a drum beat. Sometimes he heard snippets of words. Sometimes it was two voices, his and another always unrecognizable one, blending more beautifully than he would’ve thought possible as their two sounds danced together.
The Song had always been there, since before Luke could remember. At first there wasn’t much, just three notes that repeated over and over. One day, five more came to accompany them. As he had grown older, he’d learned what The Song meant.
Luke’s parents loved to sing their Song to one another, or they would sing it by themselves when they were alone to feel the other’s presence with them. It was a beautiful sound, and Luke loved hearing it. He asked his mom to sing their Song to him each night before bed for far more years than he would ever admit to Alex, Reggie, or Bobby.
When Luke tried to sing his parents’ Song, either by himself or with them, he’d found he never could. Even though he’d heard it a million times, his mind couldn’t recreate any part of it.
Luke would get frustrated and pout, but his mom would kneel down and smile at him.
“That’s because it isn’t your Song,” she’d told him. “Your father and I get to share this with each other and with other people, and it’s something that’s just ours. You have your own Song, and it’s just yours. One day you’ll find the person you get to share it with.”
Luke knew from middle school that he wanted to be a musician. He’d always been crafting songs, even while his own Song taunted him in its incompleteness.
When he’d gotten his first guitar for Christmas in seventh grade, another gift had come with it: more of The Song. He didn’t know which gift he valued more.
Luke learned how to play chords and arpeggios. He learned techniques while his hands learned the dexterity they needed. He developed muscle memory and honed an ability for transcribing music from his ears to his fingers.
The more he learned, the more his mind seemed to go wild with ideas at possibilities for songs. He started collecting notebooks. He always had one near or on his person with a pen also within reach. They filled haphazardly at the whims of Luke’s imagination.
Luke would play his ideas on his guitar and let them drift through his bedroom. They’d grow on their own and become more. It never felt like Luke was writing them, they just came to him.
His parents called it a gift.
When he wasn’t playing his songs, Luke was playing his Song. It burned into his mind. When he didn’t know where to go next with a piece, his fingers would always bring him back home.
The four boys started a band together. They met in Bobby’s garage and played their hearts out. Luke collected stray ideas all together to form and fill in coherent songs that they would play.
They sounded good.
The boys all knew about each other’s Songs by then. Reggie’s had a country twang to it that drove Luke crazy. He liked to play his Song’s chord progressions on his bass, but he was learning the banjo too to help him fill out the sound in his head. Alex was always humming his between reps and during set up and tear down, lost in his own world. It was soft and sweet, like a lullaby. When he got anxious, he would tap out rhythms and vocalize melodies to help calm himself down. Bobby’s Song was energetic and exciting, a sharp contrast to his shy self. He liked to play it on his electric before practices started and would always be finishing up just as the boys came into the garage, so they never heard much more than that which would seep out into the backyard.
None of them ever tried to replicate each other’s Songs. Songs were personal, they were intimate. Anyway, it wasn’t like they could recreate them, even if they tried.
Luke tried one night to transpose his Song to paper, but it never worked. His pen would hover above the sheet but never write anything at all. He tried to get something, anything, even just a word down, but it wouldn’t come out, determined to stay only inside his head. That was what Songs did.
They named their band Sunset Curve and started playing gigs. Other people liked their music, too.
Bobby became less shy when he was on stage, drawing energy from his Song to create a confidence that he would wear. Alex let out his anxiety on the drumset in a different way than how his Song would relieve his anxiety but which ended up helping just the same. Reggie wrote more country music in his free time. Sunset Curve never played it.
Luke grew older. His voice deepened and matured. One afternoon in the middle of practice, he stopped playing. The other three petered out once they noticed.
“Luke?” Alex asked from behind the set. “You okay?”
There was a voice singing his Song now. His voice was singing his Song.
“Yeah,” Luke smiled and assured. He didn’t explain what happened.
But after practice, he was humming again, a tune which complimented what they’d heard him play before. Reggie, Bobby, and Alex shared a grin while Luke wasn’t looking.
All four of them were in the music program at their high school. There were a lot of talented students in their class.
In junior year, there were a bunch of new freshmen who came up into the class. They showed a lot of promise. Sunset Curve became friends with a group of four of the freshmen. Their groups meshed well as eight, but they also all found a complement within themselves. Alex and Carrie liked to dance together. Reggie and Flynn explored new music genres and played pranks on the other six. Bobby and Nick became study partners. And Luke? Luke had Julie.
She was...well, she was Julie. She wasn’t afraid to be herself and wore it proudly, with her butterfly hair clips and dozen friendship bracelets and doodled shoes.
Reggie suggested that their group of eight should have a name. Flynn was unamused by Bobby’s suggestion of “Octuple Trouble”.
Luke wondered what the four freshmen’s Songs sounded like. He never asked. Songs were intimate, and lots of people were shy about other people hearing them. Songs revealed the deepest parts of your soul.
Luke knew that his soul was pure music and music alone.
Besides his parents and his brothers, no one ever heard Luke’s Song. No one else needed to hear his Song. It was his.
Julie, Carrie, and Flynn showed the boys how to make friendship bracelets. They explained how you made them for each other and then tied it on each other’s wrists so they would never come off as long as the friendship would last. Luke thought he would be embarrassed by wearing friendship bracelets and how it would clash with his style of jean chains and cutoff tees and metal rings, but somehow he wasn’t. They all eight hung out at Carrie’s house and tied bracelets for hours that night, with Star Wars playing in the background on the TV at Reggie and Nick’s requests. By the time they were finished, beads were in mis-matched piles on the ottomans and slivers of tape and string sprinkled the floor. It was one of the best nights of their lives.
Luke wore his bracelets proudly. They were dorky, but they were so them and Luke loved them. He had a purple and blue knotted pattern from Julie, and an orange and green one with beads that read B-I-C-E-P-S---M-C-G-E-E from Flynn.
Carrie made Alex something pink that Luke never saw closely. They’d spent the whole evening with her teaching him some fancy pattern of knots that would make a picture, so theirs matched one another’s.
Luke didn’t see what Bobby, Nick, or Reggie had made or for whom. He’d been too focused on his bracelet for Julie. He tried to channel all of his love for the friendship he’d found with her and with all eight of them into the strings, but his fingers that normally were so dextrous and able on the guitar couldn’t hold the strands with the right tension and it ended up a mess.
She loved it and wore it anyway.
Luke eventually had one bracelet from each person in Octuple Trouble and had given one to each person in turn.
Luke’s Song still plagued his mind day-in and day-out. Every day it felt it was more complete. He heard it all the way through now, but even still it wasn’t complete. There was always his guitar playing, but there was another instrument dueting his. Luke knew what the instrument was in his heart but he couldn’t name it when he tried. It was just...there. A sound that he knew better than any other but it was also different than anything he’d ever heard before. He heard his voice singing all the words, and he heard another voice, too, but it belonged to nobody. The other voice was the biggest mystery to him. It made him feel like he was home but like he didn’t know where home was.
A few months into junior year, Julie changed. She became more reserved and stopped playing in music class. Luke knew why. He didn’t know how he could help, though. He tried to just be there, and to make sure she knew he always would be.
Sunset Curve was gaining a reputation and playing more and more gigs.
Carrie started her own group, Dirty Candi. At some point she cut off all of her bracelets. Alex still went to all of their performances to support her.
Julie and Flynn stayed closer than ever before, but the rest of them...drifted.
A part of Luke fractured alongside their group. He was pretty sure a part of each of the rest of them did, too.
Senior year started and the eight of them felt practically like strangers once more. They were still all in music class, but it was different. It had been different for a long time. Nick and Bobby didn’t study together anymore. Alex and Carrie still hung out, but Reggie and Flynn hadn’t pranked anyone since November. Luke missed Julie.
Alex came to practice late one afternoon in September with wonder in his eyes and voice about a skateboarder he’d met.
“Well, he sort of ran into me...literally, and we both fell down. And I scraped up my hands pretty bad on the concrete trying to catch myself-” Alex showed them the bandaged heels of his palms “- and it stung, like, really bad. You know how I have that nervous habit where I hum my Song when I’m anxious? Yeah, okay, so I started to do that while he apologized and grabbed band-aids out of his pocket - I don’t know why he had band-aids, Reggie, probably because he gets scrapes pretty often too. But so I was humming my Song, and he started humming it too.”
Luke wondered what it felt like to hear your other half complete you.
A year after Julie changed back in junior year, she changed again. She came back. She played in class again and Luke was once again in awe of the power packed into this sophomore. He’d forgotten just how amazing she was. He didn’t know what had triggered this return, but he didn’t care. She was back.
Three weeks later, Luke was looking for Mrs. Harrison. He needed her to sign some form for him for his guidance counselor, something about graduation requirements. Luke hadn’t been paying attention.
He had his hand on the handle to the music room and was about to twist it open before he heard a sound from inside.
Three notes, repeated. Five notes. The whole sequence repeated once more.
Any thoughts of forms fell from his mind. Luke opened the door with a fervor he’d never experienced before. He rushed into the room but only made it two steps in before his shoes squeaked to a halt on the wooden floor.
Luke locked eyes with Julie. She sat behind the piano, in a black dress he’d never seen before.
The paper in his hand fluttered to the floor. Wordlessly, Luke crossed the room and picked up Mrs. Harrison’s acoustic guitar. He slipped the strap over his neck and faltered. What if he was wrong?
He took a deep breath and pushed his doubts down.
Luke turned around and saw Julie, who was watching him with a concerned curiosity.
No turning back. No regrets.
Luke’s hands started playing the first song he’d ever played. The song he’d played a billion times. It was etched into his dreams and it framed his every thought. Luke played his Song.
Julie’s eyes widened in recognition and her jaw dropped open.
Luke started singing and that seemed to spring Julie out of her stupor. Her fingers started moving across the keys in chords that accompanied his plucking.
She picked up the verse where he left off and Luke was hearing The Song for the first time. The other instrument that melded with his was the piano underneath Julie’s fingers. The other voice was hers.
Luke could see it in her eyes. She felt it, too.
It was exhilarating.
They filled the music room with their Song - no longer his, it was theirs - but the entire world was just them two. Nothing else existed but their music together.
Luke walked around the side of the piano while he played so he could be closer to Julie. He saw his god-awful friendship bracelet on her wrist while she played and smiled at the part of her that he carried on his, too.
That wasn’t the only part of her he’d been carrying, he realized.
Their Song.
The two of them drew to a close, out of breath with amazement.
We create
A perfect harmony
They locked eyes. They were home.
@pink-flame @thedeathdeelers surprise you’re on my taglist
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What’s Stopping You? // Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: Oh look, an update or whatever. My procrastinating ass still hasn’t even finished the ones that were requested lmao. I’ll see what I can do tbh. But for now, have this.
Also, Peter and the reader will be 18 years old since Harley is 21 in Endgame because the reader needed to be legal so that Harley doesn’t really look like a pedo lmao
Reader - 18 years old
Peter - 18 years old
Harley - 21 years old
Requested: Nope
Warnings: Cussing and a jealous Peter Parker ;))
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Not my gif!! (Please tell me if you, the owner, would like me to take the gif down!)
You remember meeting Harley in 2013 after your dad, Tony Stark, introduced the two of you. You didn’t have many friends at the time and you dad thought you and Harley would have worked out perfectly.
And you both did. Now, 2023 and the whole Thanos and snap thing had ended, everything seemed to be back to normal. Well, mostly.
When you came back and came to the battle against Thanos’ army, it was a lot to take in all at once. But once the battle was over, everyone was able to relax once more.
Natasha had been lost getting the soul stone with Clint, but a funeral had been made after the battle in her honor. You had loved Nat, she was practically your Aunt and when you first met her, you gave her the name of ‘Auntie Natie’. She loved it and thought of you as the child she could never had. You missed her dearly but without her sacrifice, the remaining Avengers wouldn’t have defeated Thanos.
Bruce, now known as Professor Hulk, had lost his right arm bringing everyone back. But you were forever grateful to him. Clint was now reunited with his snapped away family, but still distraught after losing his best friend. Steve had decided to go back and live the life Tony recommended him, being with Peggy. You supported him with his choice, but you knew Bucky and Sam would miss the old Captain America. Thor went with the Guardians to space and left ‘New Asgard’ in the hands of the new ruler, the Valkryie.
And your father, the famous Iron Man, Tony Stark had defeated Thanos by using the stones and snapping away him and his army. Luckily, he had survived but suffered the same fate as Bruce, losing his right arm. You’d rather have an armless father than none at all. He was extremely lucky but nonetheless, you were just happy to see him.
You and Peter Parker, known as Spiderman and your best friend since you met him in the first year at Midtown High as sophmores, were one of the people snapped away five years ago and now you were back as well as everyone else who was snapped.
Which comes to now, it was now a couple of weeks since then and Nat’s funeral, and your father was getting better, you met your little half sister Morgan (who you immediately fell in love with) and went to start college with Peter, Ned and MJ.
You and Peter had come back from checking out a few colleges that you might go to.
“Dad! Mom! I’m home!” You called out, throwing your keys on the table next to the front door.
“And I am also here!” Peter yelled after you, causing you both to laugh.
“(Y/n)!” You heard a little voice squeal out.
A grin formed onto your face as you kneeled and spread your arms for your little sister to jump into them. You spun Morgan around before attacking her with kisses on her cheeks and forehead.
Peter watched in admiration at the love you and your sister showed. It had only been a couple weeks and you were already wrapped around little Morgoona’s finger. He was too, but he could never match the love you two had.
Peter sighed internally, he’s been wanting to tell you how he felt since the moment you were being dusted away before him. How he urned to hold you in his arms too and kiss you. But you had been friends for four years, how could Peter ruin all of that just from his feelings? So he kept them all to himself.
“How’s my little gumball doing?” You asked Morgan after setting her down.
“Harley’s here! Harley’s here!” Morgan replied, jumping up and down in excitement.
Your grin only grew as you heard the name of your old best friend.
“Harley? Really? Then lead the way!” Morgan grabbed onto your hand and led you towards the couches, leaving a pouting Peter in the doorway.
Once you and Morgan got into the living room, you saw your dad, mom and a familiar brown/blond haired tall boy sitting on the couches facing away from you.
“Harley!” You said, joyfully.
Almost immediately, the said boy turned towards you and a smile broke out on his face.
“(Y/n) oh my god!” You then were tackled into a large bear hug by the boy.
Just then, Peter had walked into the room to see you hugging a random boy he hadn’t seen before. Jealousy bubbled in his chest as he saw the boy hold you, just like how Peter wanted to hold you in his arms.
Tony and Pepper saw the look on Peter’s face when he came in and smirked to each other. They knew the feelings he had for their daughter, although Tony was hesitant to agree to it, he realized Peter had the same look he himself had before he started to date Pepper.
Finally, you and Harley broke apart from the hug and smiled to each other.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” You said to him.
“You do realize it’s only been like two weeks, right?” You both broke out into laughter before you noticed your other best friend standing a few meters away from you two.
“Oh right! Peter, this is my old best friend, Harley! You remember him from Nat’s...funeral, right?” You were a bit hesitant to mention your Auntie’s funeral but Harley grabbed your hand in comfort when he heard your words grow soft.
Peter was not happy with this action but put on a face smile and held his hand out to Harley.
“Yeah...I remember you. I’m Peter Parker, (Y/n)’s best friend.” The brunette introduced, putting an emphasis on ‘best’.
Harley shook Peter’s hand and said:
“Harley Kenner, I am also (Y/n)’s best friend.” A few seconds of awkward silence went by before you broke it.
“Well...I don’t meant to be rude but, Harley, why are you here? I thought you went back home a while back?” You questioned.
Harley let go of Peter’s hand and turned to you.
“I did but I decided to come back for a couple weeks to help out with Tony. Besides, I couldn’t leave my best friend behind, could I?” Replied Harley, smirking in a casual way.
“Harley will be staying with us for a while until he can go back. But why don’t you guys talk while Tony and I make dinner.” Pepper cut in, getting up from the sofa and helping Tony.
“Can I go play outside?” Morgan asked, pointing to the play fort she made.
“Alright but be careful, don’t go any deeper into the woods.” Tony said. Morgan nodded.
“Can you come play with me, sissy?” The little girl asked.
“Okay but only for a little while.” Soon, you and Morgan were out the door, giggling.
It was just Tony, Harley and Peter in the living room and Peter still seemed to have the fake smile on his face but the ex-Avenger could see right through it.
“I’m gonna go help Pepper. Play nice boys, we just cleaned these floors.” Then Tony left to the kitchen, leaving the two boys in the room.
It was an awkward few minutes of nothing before Peter finally spoke up.
“Soooo....when did you meet (Y/n)?” The spiderboy questioned.
“When I was ten so maybe around 2013? But Tony was the one who introduced us, saying we would get along very well. Since I don’t live here, (Y/n) and I usually just call or text a lot.” Harley laughed at the memory.
“Yeah...Tony said that about me and (Y/n) too. But I met her in my sophomore year.” Peter’s jealousy only grew.
‘Okay so what if he’s known her longer? He lives in somewhere away from here so I shouldn’t worry about that, right??’ Peter thought to himself.
“Alright let’s cut to the chase. I saw the way you looked towards (N/n). You like her, don’t you?” Harley smirked at Peter’s shocked expression.
“W-well...I-I wouldn’t say I-I liked her....b-but she is very pretty and kind and smart...” Peter rambled on about his best friend and crush, making Harley’s smirk deepen.
“Aww...you don’t like her. You LOVE her. That’s adorable.” Harley almost laughed out loud when he saw the red face of Peter Parker.
“W-well what about you? Do you like (Y/n)?” Peter asked but dreaded the answer he didn’t want to hear.
Instead, a low chuckle escaped from the blond boy’s mouth.
“Nope. (Y/n) is my best friend, practically my sister so that would never work out. I love her, just not the way you do.” Harley’s words comforted Peter as he let out a sigh of relief out loud.
“Oh thank god-“
“But dude, you get jealous so easily that I can’t believe you two aren’t even together yet!” Harley exclaimed.
Peter almost faced palmed.
“Is it really that obvious?” Questioned Peter.
“Duh, I saw it, Tony saw it, Pepper saw it. Hell, I think even Morgan saw it!” The boys shared a laugh as Peter became less tense from Harley.
“I would have already asked her out by now but...so much has happened in the past month that it’s hard to find a good time to do so.” Peter said as he looked out the window to see you and Morgan play fighting.
You as the evil dragon and Morgan as the knight. It was an adorable sight and Peter found his eyes on you, your (h/c) hair seemed to glow more today and your (s/c) was smooth as a baby’s bottom. And most importantly, your bright and genuine smile was the cherry on top of your beauty. Peter Parker loved you. He just wished he could say it.
Harley looked to where Peter’s eyes were and saw the same sight that Peter was seeing, only he looked into Peter’s eyes and saw love, admiration and happiness.
“Well today might be a good time.” Harley said, interrupting the hero’s thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
“Look at her, she’s happy, not really busy and there’s no battle happening right now is there?” Peter shook his head. “Then what’s stopping you right now?”
Peter looked at Harley then back to you. He was right, today would be a good time because there was nothing happening at the moment (besides you playing with Morgan). Peter took a deep breath and smiled as confidently as he could.
“You’re right.” Peter felt a hand go on his shoulder and saw Harley giving him a comforting grin.
“Go get her, Peter.”
“Also if you hurt her, I’ll shoot you with my potato gun.”
“Wait what?”
A/N: Lemme know if you wanna be tagged in my stories!
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loveletterparker · 5 years
giving peter a new nickname would include!
pairing: peter parker x reader
summary: reader gets a genius idea to start calling her boyfriend a nickname she thought of, benjie. this is how it’d go down.
warnings: two swear words, a sliiiiightly smutty part if you squint, it has fluff (is that a warning?)
author’s note: peter & reader are already dating in this headcanon! i hope you enjoy this fic! and my requests are open B^)
i was half asleep when i thought of it 
but get this,
calling peter BENJIE
okay okay, i know,
at first, you‘d avoid calling him that because of the events that happened with uncle ben
but when you thought of the nickname,
you really had the urge to call him that
the first time you called him benjie, it had slipped out
you two were on the floor of his bedroom, finishing up some school work
“benjie, can you pass me the correction tape? i made another mistake.”
benjie’s peter’s face shuffled through confusion, sadness and a tinge of anger
who was this benjie dude you were hanging out with? why did you accidentally call him that? is there somebody else th—
“who’s benjie?”
“oh i-uh, it’s a-uh nickname i made... for you. sorry.” the last part came out as a mumble
peter’s face was enveloped in embarrassment and a pink tone
“o-oh. it’s... cute—“
“i won’t call you that again if you don’t want me to, it ju—”
“no! no, i... i like it.”
so from then on, you were legally allowed to use the nickname
you liked using it when you wanted to make him liquid; melted through your fingers
you’d scratch his jawline softly, run your hands through his hair, caress his cheek, play with his fingers when you held hands or touch him like he was made of glass
he was always put under your spell when you’d do any of those things
(but he was still entranced, even when you weren’t doing anything to him directly)
but when you put benjie into the mix?
boy, does he forget ever single thing he knew since the beginning
your soft, shy voice hit his ears like a god sent song
he swore he could see rays of light from a halo at the back of your head
his face would brighten up like a newly replaced in lightbulb
you hugged him once from behind when you saw him at school
lightly but loud enough for him to hear, you spoke in his ear, “i missed you benjie.”
he stuttered like CRAZY, his eyes almost popped out of their sockets, his cheeks were redder than a stop sign
you’d also use the nickname when you needed something, like how you called him benjie the first time
“benjie, could you get that for me?”
“it’s not that one! the one beside it, benj.”
(he also loves benj, btw)
“benjie, i can’t reach it.”
“did you put it there on purpose?”
“you just want to see me web it, don’t you.”
“beeeeenjiiiiieeeeeee.” you’d stuff your whole face into the crook of his neck, trying your best to persuade him into buying you food
“damn y/n, you know i’m broke! i can’t afford anything right now.”
there was also an instance where you were with mj & ned at this really nice diner,
peter beside ned, mj beside you
both mj and peter were across each other by the window seat whilst you were across ned by the edge of the booth
you all were chatting amongst yourselves,
your fries had lacked a bit of Flavor
“benjie, pass me the salt dear.”
mj and ned gave each other A Look that subtlely said “what the Fuck”
without looking up from his milkshake, peter obliged swooping up the salt and sliding it towards you
“uh, benjie?” - ned
“oh, yeah. y/n’s Stupid nickname for me.”
“hey, dumbass! you don’t get to call it stupid.”
you didn’t call him benjie for the whole day
he was deprived
sometimes, you’d let it slip when you two are Making Out ;^)
when peter’s hands slithered down from the curve your waist to your bum,
you’d press yourself closer to him, almost like a reflex
“mmmhm, benjie.”
the sides of peter’s mouth would raise upwards,
a sly smile has appeared! 
(that’s all i can write for semi-smut without it sucking)
you also use it when you scold him
he came in your house, through the front door surprisingly since he had an extra key
and collapsed on your doorstep
you pinched the bridge of your nose out of irritation
you had JUST washed the rags you use to clean him up
“benj, i swear. i know this won’t be the last time you come to my house like this but at least try not to get caught by some people, yeah?”
when he removed his mask, there was a bruise forming on his right cheek, right under his eye
and his lip was busted in the middle
you would’ve (metaphorically) punched him but you knew he was already feeling horrible
he felt guilty, having to come to your place every single time, making you see him like this
his eyes welled up with tears, focused on the creases of the tiles in your kitchen
“hey, peter. benj,” you sighed
“look at me.”
his eyes flickered up to you, a tear involuntarily creeping down his cheek
“i love you, no matter what. i just- it hurts to see you hurt.” you laughed out heartily
in conclusion: the nickname benjie has been through a lot with you two
and peter actually doesn’t hate it (’s quite the opposite, really)
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sharkmobster · 5 years
spider verse coffee shop au??
Anon im sorry i wanted to draw the coffeeshop au but ive been so tired lately so imma just overshare about what goes down bc this au is just (thick tombstone voice) : “everybody’s traumatized bitch lets get you a latte”
 • this au is incredibly villain centric bc uhhhhh all i do is think about villains
 • its also very aaron davis centric bc time to project my anxiety onto a grown ass man babey!!
 • anyway this takes place in a normal world where there’s no superheros or avengers or what have you, everyone’s super average 
• like i said this is more or less aaron centric and focuses on him readjusting to society and making connections with other people, and just healing in general. Aaron’s whole deal is that he was wrongfully arrested for defending himself against an off duty cop who was harassing him and ended up with a 10 year sentence  (but was let off a year earlier for good behaviour). He’s got a lot of guilt bc of this if only for the fact that he feels like he let down his brother and Miles (who was a small lad at the time).
 • Fun Fact! Jefferson was the one that picked up Aaron at the jail when he served out his sentence! The ride back to brooklyn was awkward! but also jefferson loves his brother and even tho they’ve had their falling outs he never once stopped believing that his brother was innocent. Jefferson also made sure to pull some strings and ended up getting an apartment set up for Aaron (even though jefferson and rio were 100% down to open their home to him for as long as it took him to get back onto his feet but of course aaron denied them bc he didnt want to be a burden) Aaron’s grateful but he tends to avoid his own family…a lot….
• it’s ridiculously hard to find a job bc nobody wants to hire an ex convict no matter the circumstances and Aaron’s legitimately about to lose hope when he spots an expensive looking shop nestled in between an old arcade and a knick knack shop
 • ‘Vanessa’s Cafe’ is neatly printed above the door in fancy gold lettering. it’s obvious that the owner has serious cash bc the shop looks too damn good and too well maintained to be a regular mom and pop shop. there’s a help wanted sign hastily scribbled on a piece of notebook paper in the middle of the window which is odd since it off sets the professional vibe of the place. But hey it’s worth a shot so Aaron walks in ready to be denied another job only to find the weirdest looking group of people he’s ever seen.
 • The first guy that catches his attention is the very large albino man who looks way too stressed out and manic to be working in a coffeeshop, but the job must pay well because he’s very well dressed.
 • “Liv, for fuck’s sake! Clean your goddamn station!” he’s whisper shouting? Is that even a thing? oh look at that he’s got a full set of razor sharp teeth. huh. that’s a hell of an aesthetic he’s going for.
 • The lady in question isn’t even giving him the time of day, just enthralled by her phone with a smile that looks too peaceful given what’s happening around her. She’s got wild hair tied up messily in a knitted bandana, weird glasses (custom made??) and when she glances up at aaron, her eyes widen in interest like he’s some anomaly to be cracked open. aaron looks anywhere that isnt the wild eyed lady at the counter.
• Theres another big guy that’s hanging around the back, heavily tattooed and lifting stacks of heavy boxes. Aaron takes notice of his prosthetic hand and the tattoo guy takes notice of Aaron. 
• “Lonnie. Customer.” The Tattoo guy seems nonplussed about Aaron and walks into the back. aaron assumes that he’s offended him by staring at his prosthetic for longer than necessary which yeah….yeah he’s probably not happy about the staring. 
 • lonnie’s got a bad case of resting bitch face so he’s glaring at aaron without actually glaring and he’s just rough around ALL the edges so his tones got that nice bite to it as he shouts from across the counter (which is not something you do to a customer but it’s lonnie…..)  "Hey! Ya looking for a job, skinny jeans?!“
 • Aaron blanches at the idea of working with these people but he is absolutely desperate for a job at this point.
 •"Yeah. I just got out of-”
 •"Great, you’re hired! We’re speed running this whole introduction thing, string bean.“
 •and that’s all i got other than like small details like:
 •Peter B Parker owns a ”“’'cafe”“” across from Vanessa’s and its literally just a burger joint that h a p p e n s to sell coffee and Parker will fight you if you call his place a deli ahdhdj
 •Liv and May are dating (big shock) and peter b has to constantly deal with seeing his competition over at his place all the time and it’s yikes
 • Tombstone and Noir will 100% throw hands on contact. They don’t hate each other tho??? Its weird they just like to fight. gives them a chance to work on their banter i guess. Noir works the coffee machine at Peter’s “'cafe”’ so i guess he’s the “”barista”” of the joint but he drinks the coffee more than the customers do
 • Miles and the rest of the spider kids “”“”“"intern”“”“” at the cafe which basically translates to free labor
 •  spider ham works there but he isnt a pig he’s just john mulaney. i know its weird. nobody actually sees him tho so he’s a complete mystery as to what he looks like so he could be john mulaney you never know. the only person who’s seen him is noir and that’s only bc they’re  a thing???
 •oh speaking of everyone being gay:  everyone’s gay
 • Lonnie and Gargan (tombstone and scorpion) are 100% dating but everyone legitimately thinks that the both of them are straight old men despite the fact that they live together, go to work together, hang out afterwards together, and they’re just always together
 • lonnie’s  daughter (janice)  visits every other week (def the product of a divorce he went through years ago) she’s alright with gargan but she’s very distant towards her dad and def has that teen angst phase that she’s going through
 • (lonnie can and will talk to you for hours about how much he loves and supports his daughter despite the fact that their relationship is very estranged)
 • you can find janice hanging out with the cute blond punk girl at that weird burger/coffee place across the street
 • oh gargan’s big and strong despite the fact that he’s missing three limbs, liv works in robotics on the side and constantly tweaks and repairs his prosthetics when they start acting up which leads to them having this weird friendship where they both borrow each other when they need something and dont really expect anything in return (like gargan’s good for getting her supplies and doing heavy lifting when she needs it and liv’s always down to run check ups on gargan)
 • oh yeah liv used to be a scientist but immediately lost her license and phd when she started going above some board members heads to buy less than legal things through super illegal sources
.• that’s another thing, kingpin tends to just hire ex cons and criminals to work in his cafe just bc he believes that a person willing to work hard to better themselves deserves a chance to re enter society again.
 • like they’ve all done bad things but still ended up with a job at the cafe. aaron fought a cop, liv did some shady deals for an illegal experiment, gargan used to run a drug ring years ago due to personal reasons but once he was free from jail he never dealt with the stuff again, and lonnie killed a dude (allegedly. he never went to jail bc they couldn’t prove anything but hey word spread around quick and everyone knew not to go anywhere near this guy)
 • kingpin is in this au btw he’s just……a very depressed man who’s still grieving over his wife and son dying in a car accident
.• he rarely shows up to run the cafe bc its too much for him being in the place that his wife loved and built up from the ground. he used to be the manager after she died but couldn’t handle it and mostly left lonnie to take care of it
• which holy fuck lonnie is trying his best to keep this cafe alive and well and there’s only two other people working there so like its enough to have him scrambling all over the place trying to find more help (thanks aaron)
 •miles doesn’t know aaron’s working at the cafe across the street and aaron def wants it that way bc even tho he’s out of jail he hasn’t actually……visited miles yet….. it’s the shame that’s keeping aaron from reaching out to him which is….sad bc miles doesn’t care what happened he just wants his uncle back.
 • oh oh one more thing RIPeter used to run the deli across the street but had to leave brooklyn to go volunteer at homeless shelters across the states indefinitely so theres no telling when he’ll be back, so he left the cafe under the guidance of pb parker (peter b parker voice: my cafe now)
 •and uhhh thats all i got, like i said this au is just found family trope + the healing we all want + bad people getting redemption which is all the tropes that i love all compacted together in the most cliche au you can imagine!
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aneilert · 5 years
The One With Everything [MAG158: Panopticon]
This episode was delayed almost 20 hours, sending the whole early-access-community into a gradually deafening frenzy even before it launched. And then it took off for real. 
The rest of the day has been a bit of a blur, to be honest, and if I’ve done anything not connected to relistening and speculating, then at least I can guarantee that neither my brain nor my heart was involved in it.
It’s hard to be eloquent when faced with this much content. I have raved elsewhere about the quality as well as the sheer quantity of content this episode can boast, but I’d like at least to post my List of Things We Had Expected, Hoped For and/or Dreaded and that happened, were confirmed or who returned in this episode:
1. Tim mention and grief
The fandom has never stopped grieving Tim Stoker, and every once in a while, someone will sigh about how they miss him and how much they wish his death would be at least mentioned on the show. Did he have no impact? Have they forgotten him? Well, canon has spoken: They have not. 
2. Not!Sasha coming back
I can honestly say I never spent much time on the theories that muttered about how she had been enclosed in the tunnels and probably still was there. My bad. I will certainly never again forget the old rule that if someone (or something) doesn’t die on camera (as it were), they’re not dead. (And fuck were those amazing voice distortions!)
3. Leitner’s book coming back
Don’t forget where you put your evil book. It might not be there anymore when you come back for it a year or two later. (The blood on it, btw? Also Leitner. That bit was hilarious. I despise Peter, but he has brought some of the funniest lines this season; «In my defence, it’s still quite funny» is my personal favourite.)
4. Elias escaping prison
We didn’t think anything was keeping him there longer than he wanted to, and we were right; it was just a matter of timing. He would never want to come sneaking back if he could be making an Entrance.
5. Jonah!Elias
Probably the most popular fan theory (apart from those concerning various ships) is canon. And what a deliciously disturbing visual it is; Jonah Magnus’ eyeless body aging in the Panopticon while his eyes do what they have always done: watch over his Institute. Never has Elias sounded more smug and delighted with himself than in this episode, and you know what? Much as I hate him, I’d say he’s earned it.
6. Elias/Peter meeting
Trust fandoms to make feverish ships built out of characters who have never interacted in canon. And boy, do the LonelyEyes shippers feel vindicated today! Not only did the two horrible old men finally interact, but their dynamic was revealed to be exactly that of an old, dysfunctional and probably multiple times divorced couple. Even Jonny said so. 
7. Martin having A Plan / having played Peter
We love Martin and worry about Martin, and we have been extremely worried about his latest signs of being fully on board (sic) with Peter’s nebulous plan. Is he that naïve? Is he that far gone? Or … is he playing Peter? Is he weaving his own little web, like in the previous season, when he managed to play Elias?
The truth, as so often, is a place in between. He has been playing Peter (and God was that an amazing reveal and a heart-rending speech! And Christ was Elias gleeful when he reminded Peter that he had been warned not to underestimate Martin, but that he still did it!), but he has also been joining the Lonely. There is something to be said for being able to keep distance, I guess. Even though it makes me heartsick.
8. Tape with Gertrude’s death and last confrontation with Elias
This is something I have been wanted for some time now. Gertrude is awesome and marvellous and badass and truly scary, and I have been wondering: did her hubris kill her? How did Elias take her down? What happened? 
Well, now we know. Or … we know part of it. Gertrude’s body had three shots fired in it, but the tape only contained one. And the tape was numbered #0182509-A, hinting at possibly a B existing somewhere. Maybe we haven’t heard the last from Gertrude yet?
Also: How very satisfying it was to see that Gertrude had basically the same plan as Martin: Burn some Institute stuff to keep Elias from seeing the real threat! I love what this says about Elias’ complacency and underestimation when it comes to Martin (but I worry what yet another parallel with Gertrude might bode for his future …).
9. Peter taking Martin into the Lonely
The premise of a lot of fics. Can’t wait to see how it plays out in canon.
10. Hunters returning at an inopportune moment
We all, including Jon and the gang, knew they were out there and that it was just a matter of time. Still fun! (Particularly Trevor yelling JONNY BOY!)
11. Daisy going feral
Oh, this is hard; she wanted so much to be free of the Hunt. But honestly: this is why she was brought back, whether she (or Jon) knew it or not: To reconnect with her humanity, and then to give it up willingly to save her friends. And, why not, to have the savage joy of ripping out a few more throats while she’s at it. 
Will Basira honour their promise? Well, that’s a tale for another day, as the story says. For now, let’s just enjoy the amazing sound distortion on Daisy’s breath, her voice and finally her growl. Daisy scared fucking Julia Montouk, and not many can boast that.
12. Jon and Elias talk
It’s been a long time coming. It was not at all what I had expected in any way, but it was amazing. And Jon hardly even noted what Elias was saying or how he gloated, because he was 100 % focused on …
13. Jon following Martin into the Lonely
Of course he did. Of course. He went into the Buried to get Daisy, and he didn’t even like Daisy, and she tried to kill him. Of course there’s no limit anymore to how much he will risk himself for a tiny sliver of hope that he might save Martin.
I worry so for them, though. Martin has refused Peter’s plans, true enough, but he has not refused the Lonely. He has been sliding into Forsaken for Jon’s sake, but he has still been sliding into Forsaken! And Jon’s journey into monsterdom is if anything even more worrying and harder to reverse.They have both been trying desperately and without any real clue as to how to save the world for each other’s sake, but what have they given up along the way? 
Still. Jon clawed his way out of the Buried fuelled by Martin and by the signal from his rib. Who’s to say it might not work a second time?
Also: the one person we didn’t meet who I almost had expected, was Annabelle. Someone must have put this last tape on Jon’s desk – and someone must also, long ago, have given him that lighter that he never can focus on long enough to remember he has. Is there a silvery Web thread connected to it, where it lies in his pocket? Could he be able to follow that thread out again?
I have no idea. I also have no idea how I am supposed to wait for the next two episodes. Or how my head felt before this podcast ate my entire brain. 
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
TDB Rewatch: The New York Arc
I was originally going to do a post for each episode - but you know what? I think I’ve talked about this particular part of the series more than any other part - and even though it’s been seven weeks since I’ve even seen an episode of Glee (!!) - I’m not entirely sure I have anything new to say about these episodes, so here we go with one big post for you. 
New New York
Is this still the best episode of the series?  Yes - I think it is.  The entire episode is completely watchable, the music is great, the Klaine stuff is great, everyone gets something interesting to do, Rachel is interesting again, Mercedes re-joins the cast, and even Artie has some funny lines.  This episode almost feels like a pilot of a spin-off series, and I’m a little sad we didn’t get to see more than this arc, because these characters still seem fresh and interesting - and this episode is clearly all setting up the status quo for living in New York.  
I’ve seen the episode so many times now that this one flew by, and while I’m always here for the amazing Klaine stuff - the nice thing is that watching the episode as a whole, I’m not bored with any of it.  I have no new meta to add to the piles of things I’ve already written and said on the podcast, but I’m glad this episode remains enjoyable even after a million rewatches.   
Btw - I still say they should have asked Adam Lambert to be a regular - he adds so much and I’m sad that this is his last appearance on the show. 
Also - I can tell it’s been a while since I’ve watched the show - Chris and Darren are really pretty.  Just thought I should remind you ;) 
So, while Opening Night might be my least favorite of the bunch, but I think as an episode Bash might be the weakest? And actually - I think it might have been better if the Kurt being bashed story line was a) more prominently in the episode or b) not in it at all.  It feels like it’s almost an after thought to Rachel’s (absurd) story - and there’s such a rich story with Kurt (and Blaine) that feels wholly untapped because it’s more about Rachel Berry and her feelings. :P  I do like the little bits of it that we did get, Kurt and Blaine are superb as they are in all of these episodes.  And I mean - it’s nice that Rachel gets yelled at twice for being a moron - even if the whole thing doesn’t hold together very well.  
Meanwhile, I’m not sure how much I have to say about Sam and Mercedes - I enjoy them as a couple, though I can’t say that I’m riveted by their story line. It is nice, though that Amber Riley gets a chance to shine since she’s been away from the show for so long.  I think the awkwardest thing about this episode, (besides Sam’s impressions) is the fact that that the two story lines don’t mesh well, and it feels like the episode starts off as one thing then pivots and does something else entirely in the second half.  
That said - the music is great, as always, everyone sounds really beautiful on all the Soundheim things.  And while I didn’t need two Mercedes solos - she is lovely as always.  
Who knew Artie having an STD would be such a fun episode.  Honestly, I think this is the best episode the show does about sex.  Yes, even over The First Time (even if I like TFT just a smidge more).  Each of the characters are in a unique situation, and come at sex in a different way - and it’s actually pretty cool the way the show handles it.  They’re not usually great with these kind of topics, but I really have no complaints about how they handled anything in this episode.  I especially like the fact that a) Mercedes gets to choose how she wants to deal with sex and b) they let Mercedes and Rachel be actual girl friends when it comes to a topic - again something the show doesn’t always handle the best.  Yes, for all the sex positive conversations in this episode.  
Also, the ‘I’m slut shaming you’ scene might be one of the funniest things the show ever did.  
The only one weighing this one down, and why it isn’t passing NNY by on my favorites list - is that the music just isn’t good.  I mean, all the songs fit the episode fine, and the performances are great, I just don’t like any of the songs.  
Also - Kurt is super extra in this episode - which really reinforces my headcanon that Kurt not getting regular sexy times is super grumpy. 
Anyway, I give kudos to the show for doing an episode that has some actual layers to it in all of its plot lines.  Usually, Glee’s pretty anivilish about everything, but there’s some actual nuance in this story - good job show.  It’s nice to be not spoon fed everything all the time.  
Opening Night
Well...  This remains the worst of the NYC Arc - and really, only because the stupid and a bit convoluted Sue plot.  Rachel’s arc is a bit silly too (really - I roll my eyes at the whole ‘oh no NYT reporter’ bit, especially when the dude just waxes praise on her like everyone else on the show) - but are some legitimately entertaining things going on during the Rachel side of things.  And I dare say the episode is a little underrated?  There are some good jokes and nice music, and it is exactly what you’d expect from Rachel’s first night (even if I still think Funny Girl should have been placed at the end of the show) and Rachel has been rather held back and used well during the NYC Arc so I don’t mind her spot light here.  
But man, the Sue stuff is tedious.  I kind of forget Will is apart of it (and did logic take some time off again? Because the Emma having a baby thing is...  let’s not get into it).  Sue actually has already arrived at her season 6 self - and even some of the early sequences with her kids aren’t bad, but there are really two scenes that drag this entire episode way, way down -- the date with Mario the restaurant guy, and the last five minutes with Mario the restaurant guy.  Oh my god - why is this the only thing they could think of to do with Sue?  I mean - everything about this plot line screams contractual obligation - needing to give Jane Lynch one episode during this 7.  But could they really not think of anything more interesting for her to do??  DId she really need a date so she and Rachel could sing that song together??  Ug - it is really frustrating that this takes up a third of the episode.  What a waste.  
But, I mean, as a whole, it’s not terrible in the way the worst of Glee is - and really, everything on the Rachel side (mostly) works for me.  It’s a good thing all that Sue/Mario stuff is pretty easily skipped.  
The Back-Up Plan
Hey! Another solid episode! It’s weird - the focusing only three story line lets the episode breathe - a lot - to the point it seems strange, lol.  But anyway...  
First there’s Rachel’s story - which I know people were annoyed that Rachel bails a month into Funny Girl, but idk - this seems like Rachel.  And this is the one and really only time she faces serious consequences for her actions.  It’s refreshing really.  Also - Jim Rash is a delight, and that audition scene is priceless.  
Meanwhile - Mercedes and Santana have a great story that I kind of wish there was more of.  Santana’s been gone for most of the arc so far, but I don’t mind her coming back - she’s rather civil and low key during these last few episodes, and it’s a bit refreshing, honestly.  Anyway - I like that pop business is treated with a little more realism than Broadway, as D’Shawn (Mercedes’s producer) seems to tell it like is.  But more so, I feel like there’s a genuine friendship between Mercedes and Santana and that’s pretty refreshing, too.  
And then there’s the June story line.  You know what? I really do not like June.  Sorry.  And I find it a little creepy she wants to mold Blaine into something of her own making.  I’m also... not sure what the purpose of this entire story was? Ah well...  At least we get some really lovely Klaine moments out of the whole thing.  
Bonus - the music in this episode is all pretty solid.  
Old Dog, New Tricks
You guys ever notice Artie’s eating dog biscuits in this? Weird things you notice when you watch the whole episode.  Anyway...
Hey - it’s that episode that Chris wrote.  And yeah, it’s a little awkward - in a - you can tell this is a new writer for TV kinda way not in a - this sucks kind of way.  I really wish Chris had stuck with TV writing, I think he showed some real promise, and writing for other shows would have been great experience.  Ah well.  It all just makes me miss Chris actually doing things that are not related to middle school fantasy novels.  
So, for the record, if you guys ever wonder who Chris is, seemingly, frustrated with? Watch this episode - and how he writes Rachel.  She’s been almost acting human in the rest of this arc, and in this episode, she really is back to being really awful.  At least multiple people get to tell her off again - it’s, again, refreshing.  How many times as she been told off during this arc? Not enough, but it’s been kind of nice when you string them all together.  
Anyway - this episode, as you’ve probably heard me say before, works pretty well.  Santana as a publicity is brilliant (and perhaps the best aspect of Chris’s writing), Sam and Mercedes relationship issues are handled rather maturely, Chris as Peter Pan is incredibly inspired, and the music is pretty solid (even if it’s not my personal favorite).  There’s even a sweet Klaine scene (though - I still maintain it was wise not to have Chris write too much Blaine).  The only thing that really doesn’t work to for me, and maybe we’re far enough away that I can say this honestly without feeling like there will be too much repercussion - I don’t think June Squibb is very good.  I mean, yeah - part of it is the awkwardness of the story itself.  But - Maggie just doesn’t work for me.  Sorry :(  
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project
I know a lot of people say that this episode feels like a finale for them.  And I kind of get that, I do. But, honestly, it feels more like a chapter break.  This episode is incredibly bittersweet - as if it knows (and it does) what’s coming in season 6.  But, also, it’s the ending of a show I kind of wish we had much longer, and I guess it feels a little sad to get to the end.  
The episode itself is solid - there are only really three plot lines here, and they all work pretty well.  The music might be the weakest element (I only like about half the songs in this one) but it’s got comedy and drama and warmth and sadness, and does make for a great season finale.  (It’s the best season finale the show did -- really, it is.)  And I guess - everyone ends up where they’re supposed to end up, and it works for me.  
I don’t really have a lot to say about it, or at least anything new to say.  It’s good, it’s solid, and while I’m super tired of watching TV all day, it’s a great ending to a really good chunk of TV.  
Final Thoughts: 
I am a little saddened that we didn’t get those two episodes that were taken from the season.  I feel like another couple of beats in the story lines would have worked wonders, and of course, selfishly, we’d have a little more of my favorite part of the story. 
Interestingly, though, I don’t know if this makes any sense - but I got the feeling the writers were always more comfortable writing stuff back at McKinley.  Like - they did this because they had the time, but they wouldn’t have been able to sustain an entire season writing it.  I know we could all come up with great stories, but I think it’s better that they were wrapping things up at this point, because the show feels like it’s headed towards an ending. 
I thought I’d get more insight about things watching them all in one sitting - but I’m not sure I did.  I think the show almost works better as a week to week so you can sit with each episode.  I think when strung together the arcs don’t seem as fluid as we have them in our heads now that we’ve spent years talking about each episode individually.  
Weirdly - the music of this arc is really hit and miss for me.  It’s interesting, to me, that a lot of times when the story is stronger, the music isn’t always as good.  A lot of other times, it’s vice versa.  The really, really good episodes can balance the two.  
I feel bad for Kevin McHale - who really had nothing to do other than be a giant STD.  
That said - one of the most refreshing things about this arc was the lack of toxic masculinity crap, as well as some of the best writing for the women ever on the show. 
I enjoyed the little bit of Santana and Brittany that we got - this was, like, the prefect amount of them.  
One of the downsides of everyone being paired off is that we didn’t get to see interesting mixed-up pairs - one of the draw backs of the show having such little time in New York.  
One thing that stood out to me, and god I hope I don’t get too much hate for this, is that Mercedes and Sam don’t really work... at least at this point.  Seeing the entire arc all together, it’s very apparent that while I don’t doubt how much they care for each other, they’re definitely in two different places in their lives.  And while I applaud the maturity that the relationship was handled with, it’s clear that they’re not ready to be in a long term relationship (yet).  
Rachel! Was bearable for most of the arc.  Yeah - there are still a lot of special snowflake Rachel moments.  But Lea Michele can do comedy well, and they let her do that.  
I didn’t find anything wrong or unusual about Chris’s acting choices.  **shrug**
Kurt’s mildly unhappy through a lot of these episodes - but much of that is at Rachel.  And really at his own place in life.  And the one episode where he’s super sexually frustrated.  
The Klaine stuff is delicious - and of course, discussed many other places that you don’t really need me to rehash it.  
It’s also unfinished.  
They should have made Adam Lambert a regular. 
Alright - bring it Season 6.  
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tpwk-and-bnf · 5 years
Too dangerous for you
(Peter Parker x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Peter and you have to break up because he just doesn’t have time for you anymore. 
A/n: Hi! Helt kinda angsty today so I wrote this. Hope you like it! Btw it gets like so cheesy and fluffy at the end so just be aware of that.
Warnings: Just a little bit of kissing near the end.
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not my gif
“I’m sorry that I’m late again babe. I have just been finishing up at the internship. Have you started the project without me?” Peter said as he walked in and threw his bag next to the door.
“Peter, I can’t do this anymore.” you turned around reviling the aftermath from all the tears that have been falling down your cheeks for the past hour now.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?” he said and rushed over to give you hug. He couldn’t stand to see you in tears, he was always there to make you smile and laugh even when you felt like crying.
But ‘was’ is the keyword. As soon as he got that Stark internship more and more of his time and focus was taken from your relationship and redirected into it.
“I’m sorry, love. But I just can’t do this anymore.” you pulled back from him, even though you felt so warm and safe in his arms you just knew that you can’t take this anymore.
“What are you talking about, Y/n? You are gonna give me a heart attack. Just tell me what’s on your mind.” he stepped closer but you took a step back.
You lift your head up and see his glassy eyes. He doesn’t cry easily, so to see him with tears in his eyes started to break your heart. 
“It’s just that…you have been at t-that internship thing all the time. And d-don’t get me wrong, I love that you are working with Tony Stark and I know that you are really happy there, but…” you didn’t know how to continue. 
His tense posture and heavy breathing showed you how much he hated what you were saying because it was true.
“… you are my boyfriend Peter and I want to spend time with you too. During the weekend you are at the internship and during the week you are doing your homework. The only time I get to see you is during Physics. And that’s because we are paired up. What would happen if I didn’t have any classes together? How do you think we would hang out then, Parker?”
‘Parker’ you only called him that when you were teasing him, but now to hear it in this angry and slightly louder voice sent shivers down his spine.
You were right and it made him feel really bad because he loved you and all he wanted was to tell you the truth. He just wanted to shout ‘I’m Spiderman!’ to you, to the whole world. The secret was eating him up inside. But he couldn’t do that, Mr.Stark had forbidden him to tell you anything to keep you safe. Ned and MJ knew but you are too valuable for him to lose, he can’t even risk thinking about a world without you. 
You two knew each other practically since you were born and you use to spend every day together playing, but now he was to busy for you, both of you. 
So even though it broke his heart he had to let you go. Because he knew that he was too dangerous for you. He lost his parents and his uncle. Aunt May and you were the only two things that still reminded him of the old days. 
When it was all just fun and games.
“I understand,” he said, lowering his head in shame and you could see a tear running down his cheek. You were slightly surprised by his response but also kinda relieved since he felt the distance between the two of you grow too.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for wasting your time and I agree. It had been hard between us lately and all the time schedule didn’t help either…”He stopped to look up at you.“…and all that has been going on is just too much for both of us.”
“So…you agree?”
“That we should b-break up?” he asked hesitantly.
You nod, slowly, with a big frown on your face, letting another tear to glaze over a path of a previous one.
“Yeah, I guess,” he said quietly.“So…this is it, huh? I never thought we would end like this. To be quite honest, I never thought we would end. “ you said looking down at your tear-stained hoddies’ sleeves that you stole from Peter couple of weeks ago.
All of a sudden you feel Peters’ arms wrap around you holding you close to his chest. 
“Are you crazy? This is not the end,” he said with a little smirk on his face. One of his hands holding your head and playing with your hair and the other holding you tight by the waist. Maybe even too tight.
“Really?” you say hugging him back and snuggling more into him. You stop sobbing for a moment. You look up at Peter and notice how red and puffy his eyes were from all the crying.
“Yes really! What? Did you really think that this is the end?” you kept looking in his beautiful brown eyes made you feel like home. ” Because, baby, we will never end.” he said looking down on you giving you a small smile that made every bone in your body shiver. 
“What are you saying, Parker? Are we dating or not?” you said in a sarcastic voice and both of you chuckled a bit, but he knew you were serious.
“I don’t know Y/n. How about this, you and I stay friends for a while and when our schedules free up a bit we can try again.”
“‘friends” ok that doesn’t sound so terrible. Summer is in like two months so I guess…” you said realising from his tight hug and picking up his bag that was close to the door 
“See you in two months, dude.” you tease him throwing the bag onto him. You knew how much he hated to be called dude. 
You turn around opening the door for him to leave.
“Dude? Really? You just got yourself in a big trouble young lady.” he knew how much you hated to be called that. 
He threw his bag on the floor once again and ran over to you, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder. 
Peter closed the door with his foot and carried you over to the couch.
“Stop! Peter. NO! I’m serious. Please put me down.” you scream while playfully slapping his back.
“Your wish is my demand, love,” he said laying you on down as he started to tickle you.   “Please, Peter stop!…No…Parker, you are soooo dead.” You manage to say between your loud laughs.
Once he stopped tickling you, he was on top of you. Hovering over just far enough so you can see him normally but close enough to feel his warmth against your skin. 
“I don’t think I can wait for two months just to kiss you,” he said closing the gap between you. You two have kissed before, many times, but this one, damn. This kiss was special. 
Passionate and powerful but soft and gentle at the same time. You open your mouth just a bit so his tongue can explore it.  He tasted salty from his tears but still having that taste that just reminded you of that first kiss you shared, and every kiss in between that.
His tongue sliding along your bottom lip made you smile a little, remembering all the good times when you two had time for each other.
That reminded you. 
You put your hands on his shoulder and gently pushed him away.
“Something wrong, babe?” he looked confused and kinda scared looking down at you.
“I just think that I can survive on one or two hours a week ‘till summer.”
“That’s my girl,” he said reconnecting the gap between you as you taste his salty lips that move from your lips onto your jaw and neck.   
31 notes · View notes
“While they're depicted as happy and in love, there are a lot of details that don't make sense.”
Oh boy I can’t wait to hear this from the pinnacle of comic book journalism that is Screenrant....
 Okay fair enough
 Sense of humour. Study different forms of science. Science and acting are both about making sense of life. Troubled childhoods. Living double lives. Living with guilt over relegating on responsibilities which hurt your family. Immense inner strength. Oh and btw having shit in common isn’t the be all and end all of romantic relationships so shut up.
 “It's possible for two people to love each other and not have much in common. ”
 That’s what I said.
 “At some point, however, a couple needs to have something to build a relationship on.”
 And they did see above and add in being one another’s friends, confidants and support group.
 “Peter Parker and Mary Jane couldn't be further apart from each other in almost every single way. He's a science geek with a weird sense of humor and no social skills.”
 Also heroic, also gult ridden, also responsible, also inner strength, also working class, also lost a parent, also lived a double life....like MJ.
 “Meanwhile, MJ is an aspiring model/actress, except for when she's a super successful model/actress.”
 Everyone knows model/actress = a personality right.
 “In recent years, she's shown a more entrepreneurial side, but that still involved opening a nightclub, the sort of place where Peter doesn't fit in at all. They say opposites attract, but there comes a point where that just becomes nonsensical.”
 Yes there is but that point is well beyond the ways in which Peter and MJ are opposite to one another because their traits often balance one another out.
 They got together almost 2 years after Gwen died shut up.
 “Time in comic books is a funny thing. The Marvel Universe has a sliding timescale, meaning that it's hard to peg down when stories took place in relation to each other. The time that passes in the real world means nothing. That being said, Peter and MJ started dating way too soon after Gwen Stacy's demise.”
 Canonically its still 2 years so shut up.
 “She lost her life in Amazing Spider-Man #121 (1973) by Gerry Conway and Gil Kane. By the end of the next issue, the seeds were being planted for them to get together. They didn't immediately start dating, but Peter seemed to get over his "one, true love" suspiciously fast”
 2 years isn’t too fast and she wasn’t his one true love. Nobody has a one true love.
This list is about stuff that doesn’t make sense. Anybody dating a superhero is probably going to flip flop over their own or their loved ones’ lives being potentially endangered by super powered serial killers.
 “Look, dating a superhero must be hard. Nobody can blame someone for not wanting to deal with it, or trying to convince a loved one not to risk their life. Also, it can make having a social life impossible. It's understandably frustrating, but at some point, enough is enough.
It seems like Mary Jane can't make up her mind about Peter's life as Spider-Man.”
 Obviously she can because she chose to date him, chose to marry him and stayed with him all the time sans stories where she was written as OOC.
 She both likes it and dislikes it which makes her compelling and its realistic too. She doesn’t HAVE to make up her mind definitively and every day stay on track with liking or hating it because people flip flop over shit all the time.
 Shit Spider-Man himself flip flops about BEING SPIDER-MAN!
 “Sometimes she's fully supportive, while other times she wants him to quit. ”
Gee its almost like something as dangerous as a superhero’s life would have lots of factors that impact how you feel depending upon what side of the bed you got up from.
 Also she never wanted him to quit outside of when she was OOC. She only once wanted him to remain retired when she was heavily pregnant.
 “Considering that she knew Peter was Spider-Man before she even met him, it's time for her to figure out her feelings and make a decision. ”
 a)                  She did, hence they married
b)                  She doesn’t need to make a decision YOU the individual reader want her to but realistically the character for her own sake doesn’t have to
 “They both know he's not going to give up being a hero, so it's time to be grown ups.”
In the history of mankind there have been quicker engagements.
Shit STAN LEE got married super quick, he married his wife Joan of 60 something years literally the day she got divorced.
“In Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21 (1987) by David Michelinie, Jim Shooter, and Paul Ryan, Peter Parker married Mary Jane. Behind the scenes, this occurred because Stan Lee wanted Spider-Man to get married in the newspaper comic strip that he was writing at the time. Marvel liked the idea, and decided to have them get married in the comics as well.
The problem was that they were broken up at the time. So, the writers had to quickly bring her back, rekindle the romance, have Peter propose, and then get married.”
 This is total fucking bullshit.
Mary Jane had been a mainstay in the titles for over 4 years before the wedding, being the most recurring character sans Spider-Man himself.
Moreover broken up isn’t strictly accurate, Peter and Mj years prior to their wedding had been effectively dating whilst being in denial about it to one another or publicly.
Their romance and love was always there they just weren’t being honest about it until Peter proposed.
Yeah the proposal-wedding was a few issues, but the romantic tension and relationship had been years in the making.
“Anyone that's ever planned a real wedding knows how unrealistic this whole timeline was.”
Yeah unless you were having a quick wedding at city hall with a small ceremony and there was a time skip before and during the final part of the story where they tie the knot.
“The second Clone Saga that ran during the mid '90s had one of the most confusing endings ever written. Basically, the writers needed to finish Ben Reilly's storyline while also tying up all of Peter's loose ends to make it possible for Peter to become Spider-Man again. One of these plot threads was the fact that Mary Jane was pregnant.
The editors felt that Spider-Man being a dad would age him, so they suggested that Mary Jane not have the baby, after all. However, it was also heavily implied at the time that Norman Osborn had the baby taken away. This storyline was teased for a few years, before ultimately being forgotten about.”
This list is about things that do not make sense. This list is not about things that are merely unresolved.
“In Amazing Spider-Man #299 (1988) by David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane, Venom made his frightening first appearance. Mary Jane thought she saw Peter wearing his black costume, until a mouth formed and turned into a horrific smile. Venom didn't hurt Mary Jane, but the experience was still pretty traumatic for her.
After Spidey defeated the villain, Mary Jane asked him to stop wearing the black costume. This made sense, and Peter happily obliged. Except, he keeps bringing the costume back from time to time.”
 Yeah and it’s justified each time.
He brought it back in the 1990s during McFarlane’s run because he needed something stealthy and he discussed this with MJ.
He brought part of it back in the Clone Saga because he had nothing else to wear but it wasn’t the whole suit.
He brought it back during the Mackie run with Larsen because again he had nothing else to wear and MJ was presumed dead at the time anyway.
He wore it again in Back in Black at a time where he wasn’t wearing it in front of MJ and wanted to send a message to criminals that he was now going to be a more violent and scary fucker (it worked).
He wore it again in Brand New Day when he was impersonating Venom and he and MJ were broken up.
He wore it again in ASM #800 when he needed the power boost from the symbiote to beat Red Goblin.
And all this aside, MJ got over her fear of Venom anyway.
So rather than making no sense each individual instance actually did add up.
“Sometimes there's a specific reason, other times he just seems to feel like wearing it. He knows it scares his wife, but apparently Peter likes the way it looks too much to care.”
Not true as I just explained. Peter himself doesn’t even LIKE the suit anymore.
“Not everyone is a fan of Peter and Mary Jane's relationship. While many fans love her, some feel that it's weird for Peter Parker to be married to a supermodel. That can be a valid complaint, but the problem is that Mary Jane has had one of the most inconsistent careers ever.
She's constantly moving between being a struggling model, a highly sought after model, a soap opera actress, and even giving up on show business completely multiple times. It's understandable for careers to have ups and downs, but it seems like the writers can't even decide if she's famous or not.”
Because a model and actresses career and fame can’t fluctuate right?
WTF is too many exactly when one of you is a famous-semi-famous actress and model and the other is a superhero?
Like shit dude, there are people, a lot of them women, who aren’t famous and can have stalkers.
“In the late '90s, Marvel's first attempt to undo Spider-Man's marriage resulted in Mary Jane getting on a plane which then exploded mid-flight.”
Technically that was not their first attempt.
“For the next year or so, everyone believed she had passed away. Instead, she had been snatched away by a deranged stalker, who caused the explosion so that no one would look for her.
Before that, Mary Jane had to deal with Jonathan Ceaser, who attempted to take her away several times in the early '90s.”
 OP misspelled ‘once’ as ‘several times’.
 “Even Peter had to deal with his ex girlfriend, Felicia Hardy, dating Flash Thompson just so she could be near him during that same time period. ”
That isn’t a stalker.
“People really need to give these two their privacy.”
 Again...not a thing that doesn’t make sense which is the point of the article.
Dictionary result for constantly
1.    continuously over a period of time; always.
 Hmmmmmm...doesn’t seem to add up with breaking up:
 For the first time in the late 1970s.
Again in Spider-Man vs. Wolverine.
Trial separating (which isn’t a proper break up) in 2001.
Seperating for real in OMD/OMIT
Breaking up again in Superior when it wasn’t even the real Spider-Man. And no her dumping him again twice doesn’t count.
 Gee, four break ups across 40+ years = constantly apparently.
 “Comic books can't just rely on action, they also need to have drama. One of the most common places writers create drama is in the hero's relationships. It's probably very hard to date a superhero, and it's understandable that not everyone would want to sign up for that ride. At some point, however, enough is enough.”
 I’m not saying I’m innocent of lazily repeating the same words and phrases over and over again, but I also don’t get paid to write for a big website.
 Also, wtf does enough’s enough even mean?
They broke up a few times, one due to genuine issues, once because of a misunderstanding, once because MJ wasn’t well and Peter was OOC (which doesn’t count) and every other time also because they were both OOC.
 “It's hard to feel bad for them when Peter and Mary Jane break up, because they do it all the time. He's always focusing on saving people, she's constantly moving to another part of the country to work on her career. When Mephisto forced them to break-up, he could've just waited a few months and gotten the same result.”
Again all the time and constantly does not = 4 times across 40 years.
Also that wasn’t Mephisto’s endgame but whatever.
Hey look, the secod legitimate point on this list. The answer was because bad writing.
“A common complaint across various forms of fiction is that characters always seem to be able to afford apartments that they shouldn't be able to. For Spider-Man and Mary Jane, however, it's pretty bad. Of course, there are times when Mary Jane's career is going very well, which explains how they can afford a nice apartment.
For the most part, however, Peter is a struggling photographer and she's a struggling model. Somehow, they are consistently able to afford apartments with giant skylights. ”
 If this happens across most fiction in ways which aren’t more egregious than anything else (because Joey and Chandler’s apartment is egregious given their jobs) then it’s not worth mentioning on this list.
“Seriously, Tony Stark would struggle to afford some of the places they've lived in over the years.”
He really wouldn’t.
First off he wasn’t super shallow, he was as shallow as you would expect any teenager to be in that situation.
Also, a teenager being shallow. Thats certainly something that doesn’t make sense and belongs on a list entirely about shit that makes no sense.
“In the early stories, Peter could be kind of shallow. Granted, he was a teenager, but he always just seemed interested in dating the prettiest girls. ”
Ugh...no he didn’t. He asked out 3 young women who were all relatively attractive but none of whom were like compared to Hollywood starlets of the era. There was something of an implication that Betty Brant, his high school love, was not as attractive as the more glamorous Liz Allan whom he typically rebuffed in favour of Betty.
Also if we’re playing the ‘its super shallow to just date the hottest people you can’ then Peter and MJ were no worse than one another at those ages.
“Considering that he was always getting bullied and picked on, he should've been more understanding.”
a)        Being bullied and picked on isn’t innately going to make you more understanding of anybody
b)        Understanding of who? Who was he being inconsiderate towards exactly? He asked out two girls he was attracted to, attraction being an involuntary thing in the first place. He presumed his elderly not hip aunt who described MJ as being a good house wife was going to pick someone unattractive or boring, especially considering that if she was going to be set up with him she probably couldn’t get a date with anyone else. Meaning in his teenage head she must be unattractive
“Then, when he found out that she was beautiful, he was suddenly interested. ”
 My God how dare characters as teens be shallow and flawed. It makes no seeeeeeense!
 “It turns out, Peter's type was "any girl that looks good, regardless of her interests or personality."”
 That’s true which is why he quickly began to turn away from MJ because he found her shallow and preferred Gwen who was seemingly not shallow...
 “Every comic book fan knows the story of how Peter and MJ met. A recurring plot line in early Spider-Man stories was Aunt May constantly trying to set Peter up with her friend's niece. The two didn't actually meet until The Amazing Spider-Man #43 (1966) by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, when Peter opened the door and she said the iconic phrase "face it tiger, you just hit the jackpot!"”
 Wow...the degree of incompetence in this paragraph is truly impressive.
 First of all it was ASM #42 not #43...how do you fuck that up. More importantly it was with Lee and Romita Senior not Lee and Ditko. SERIOUSLY how do you fuck that up.
 “What's weird about this, however, is that Mary Jane was a beautiful and outgoing girl. Peter was busy being Spider-Man, and was considered a nerd by his peers, so it's understandable that he'd need help getting dates. Mary Jane, on the other hand, should have been doing just fine.”
 Lets ignore how this was explained in Parallel Lives a story which has a major plot point referenced by the article more than once.
...why is this presumption Mj NEEDED to be set up. Maybe she just agreed as a favour to her aunt.
Because she knew she was sexy and could tell by his reaction he didn’t realize that and was taken aback by it.
“Ok, this might seem like a nitpick,”
Why let that bother you now.
 “The famous scene where Peter and Mary Jane first meet plays out like this: Peter answers the door, and Mary Jane is standing and delivers the famous line. It's a memorable moment, but it also doesn't make any sense.
Mary Jane never met Peter before this.”
Not formally no, but yes she had and knew what he looked like.
“How did she know she was a "jackpot" for him? Maybe she wasn't his type?”
His reaction spelled it out for her.
“For all she knew, he could have answered the door and been very disappointed. Also, maybe he wouldn't care what she looked like? It was a pretty arrogant thing to say, looking back, and she's lucky it didn't backfire.”
 *rolls eyes* oh fuck off.
“For years, everyone focused on the "jackpot" part of Mary Jane's famous introduction, but apparently, Peter was focused on a different part. Apparently, he never understood why she called him "tiger," especially because the nickname stuck. In all honesty, it's a good question. Especially during those early years, Peter Parker was anything but a "tiger."
In the original Clone Saga that ran during 1975, Peter actually asked Mary Jane for the reason. It turns out, it's because he's not a tiger and she's just playfully teasing him. That's fine, except why did she say it the first time she met him? How did she know he wasn't a "tiger?"”
a)           Because she called everyone that
b)           Because Aunt May and Aunt Anna probably told her about him
Yeah they do.
 “Peter's never been great at keeping a secret identity.”
Yeah that is why hardly anyone knew it before Civil War...
 “His entire scheme is that he takes pictures of himself fighting crime as Spider-Man, and then pretends that he's just Spidey's photographer. He's basically telling everyone that he's connected to the wall-crawler in some way.”
Yet it worked so obviously he is good at hiding it.
 “Even worse, whenever Spider-Man runs into Mary Jane, they often blatantly talk to each other in public. They always forget to pretend that Mary Jane isn't supposed to know Spider-Man. ”
He talks to lots of people in public and MJ has the easy cover story of knowing/dating Spider-Man’s friend Peter Parker.
“That, or they go way over the top and really awkwardly state that they don't know each other.”
No they don’t.
“At some point, someone's going to notice Spidey flirting with Peter Parker's wife and put two and two together.”
Yet they never have so...
“As previously stated, Peter is kind of terrible at keeping a secret identity. ”
As previously stated no he isn’t
“Often times, Peter doesn't even get caught as Spider-Man, people just end up figuring it out.”
Again a lie from the author who didn’t even know Romita Senior isn’t Steve Ditko.
“For example, after dating Peter during the '70s and the '80s, Mary Jane broke up with him, moved away, and then came back to New York. ”
Actually they broke up in the 70s and began dating after she returned in the 80s.
“When she returned, she revealed that she had figured out his secret.
While that made sense, later stories contradicted this. It was eventually revealed that she saw Peter leaving his house dressed as Spider-Man the night Uncle Ben died. So, she didn't figure it out. Obviously, this was a retcon, but the result is that Mary Jane lied to Peter. She didn't figure anything out!”
a)           Seeing Peter Parker enter an abandoned house and Spider-Man emerge would count as figuring out his identity
b)           She never actually told him directly she figured it out like she was a goddam detective
As do most comic book characters...
“Both Peter and Mary Jane had healthy dating lives before marrying one another. There's nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, it's strange how they're both constantly hanging around their exes. ”
Or refreshingly healthy...
“Peter still brings Black Cat around constantly, and he and Betty Brant are still very close.”
He dated Betty as a friggin teenager and the author reaffirms he doesn’t understand what constantly means.
“Meanwhile, Mary Jane dated Harry Osborn while they were both in college, and the relationship did not end well for him. Now, years later, everyone is always hanging out together and that's a little strange. Hanging around with your exes typically leads to disaster, and based on how many ex-boyfriends and girlfriends are around, Peter's Spidey-sense should be tingling.”
Or again healthy and an affirmation of a deep bonded friendship that goes beyond personal baggage from when they were young and dumb.
Again, not something that doesn’t make sense. In fact it makes less sense for Gwen to be his true love since they were not a great match and true loves are fairy tale bullshit.
 “The end of Gwen Stacy is one of the most defining moments in comic book history. Up until that point, the hero saved the girl. Part of what made this story so memorable was that Gwen Stacy was always meant to be Peter's one true love.”
As far as Stan Lee was concerned yes but not everyone else.
Also OTLs are bullshit.
“Her demise rocked his world, and he's still affected by it, even to this day.
That's understandable, but it also strains Peter's relationship with MJ. She's always been understanding, but how many times can she come across him crying over Gwen's picture in the attic before it starts to effect her.”
He has literally never ever done this ever.
“She's constantly being reminded that she might be Peter's second choice.
Again with the misuse of constantly and no she isn’t because Peter has told and shown her she isn’t second best more than once.
And again, not a thing that doesn’t make sense however you slice it.
You what really doesn’t make sense.
This person being paid for this garbage.
29 notes · View notes
myrealityloveaffair · 7 years
The Real World: Bad Blood
Season 32: Episode 7 & 8 & 9 & 10 & 11 & 12
EXIT after EXIT after EXIT
How it all ends
Theo :“Do you know what it’s like to wake up every morning with a hard ass boner?”
hmmmmm this sounds like the either coming together of a kingdom, or the queen turning mad.
Lets visit this real world sh#t storm
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BTW I doubt they would air a guy jerking off, but then again... they did show Jordan being dry humped by the boogeyman (Mike)
Theo and mad queen Tyara had an undefined relationship that they blamed on each other......cute
How does Tyara go about the trials and tribulations of a relationship. A relationship specifically built on talking in circles and casual ass grabs?
Tyara: “My guy, that I was dancing on, he was a professional soccer player”
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Really b#tch? you are semi cheating on a ya man with a professional athlete.... aka that dream that was ripped from your man #Trauma aka what ya man has been crying about the whole time while filming on The Real World #DIED
Theo: “She is friend-zoning me”
She’s friend-zoning the kingdom, fam
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Tyara I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! Girl wtf?!
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Theo: “She can bring buddy back, she can f##k him right next to me, Imma wake up, give him a high five and tell him pound harder”
LMAO Their history be like:
Theo&Tyara: We like each other Tyara: You gonna be the one that rides me no one else Theo: So are we something or nah Tyara: THAT IS WHAT I ASKED YOU! Tyara: *sees pro athlete, lets him ride her in front of Theo* Theo: ummm what is this? Tyara: nah, it seems like that..and it is..but nah. Hold up that’s my other man  Theo: bruh Tyara: WHAT MF?! Theo: BUT WHAT ABOUT US?! Tyara: THAT IS WHAT I SAID!!! Theo&Tyara: Well if he/she is moving so am I !!!
good times
No hard feelings right?
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Dang bitter again
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Dammit Gio stick to your show.
I wonder how Tyara feels about Theo
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BTW Mad Queen Tyara illegitimate pregnancy is no more... not sure what happened... don’t care
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The shade the crew had tho.... lmao
Did anyone catch this?:
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Sooooo.... she doesn’t know for sure?
anyway what’s Theo’s take on this?
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THEO WASN’T SUPPOSE TO MUTHAF##KIN LEAVE!!! It wasn’t suppose to be like this!!! 
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Theo and F##kBoy Kassius couldn’t live under the same roof anymore, keeping both would have been a safety liability.
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I guess production thought that F##kBoy Kassius would bring more drama to the show. 
F##kBoy Kassius, did Orlana dirty tho. 
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According to F##kBoy Kassius this was all in the name of friendship
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F##kBoy Kassius: “Obviously she was making it out to be something that it wasn’t” 
OMG yass F##kBoy Kassius,  deny,  blame, and deny again. Sounds a little familiar *cough*
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Look there is no smooth way of bringing up..... *barfs*..... *barfs some more*
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Peter: “Mike’s Mike. I know how he his. You know he tells people stories, and it would be like half true half not true and you know... do I believe it, probably not”
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Mike: ”Black guys love that sh#t? I bet. You guys can rub coconut oil on your ashy-ass skin together”
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His lengthy ass periscope on his controversial comments 
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Queenith CeeJai blesses scumbag Mike with a tweet.... little does she know
Mike bolted off the show (for the second time in his reality tv career), WITH Peter’s shoes
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so that’s how he stole $2000 dollars lmaooo
Well he just left single......
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So it turns out, Jordan KNEW about Tori. It was confirmed on the After Show (Finally they made some use to it). They were playing a game called “Who’s Side Piece Is This?” This was Mike’s:
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Jordan..... NO
But damn, Mike dropped her and everything like a hot rock
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Jordan: “He told me he was following in love with me, like, three days ago”
hmmmm sounds familiar ....
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Speaking of affairs....
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Jenn’s boyfriend Travis: “I hope this 5 seconds of fame was worth it”
So Jenn cheated on her boyfriend with *rolls eyes* Peter. The same dude that violently screams at her and hits objects....but what for? 
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Peter: “I clearly hate Anna... and I feel like Jenn has to stop talking to Anna...” whine whine whine ugh #paranoia 
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The shade the production crew threw at Peter was ... art. He had such bad editing... or is that just the way he is?  
Anna: “All we hear is Peter screaming. The entire house is upset.”
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Mike: “pete does this and he’s been doing this for years. He meets a girl that he finds attractive and if the girl finds him attractive at the same time, it’s like balls to the wall 100 mph... you think this is a one time thing?  this is the first step to the process. The second step is when she comes out with us and we get there he is going to sit there and if like one look to like another dude and that’s when sh#t is going to go off...”
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Peter: “I wasn’t even yelling, it’s not even yelling. Listen you wanna see me yell? I’ll scream”
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Um .... Jenn.... I don’t know about this one....
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Jenn: “The problem is, like, the fact that like no one f%%king knows what I’ve been through, I have been through an abusive relationship...” 
*cough* According to statistics, if you find yourself in an abusive relationship, you might wind up in another one, consciously or subconsciously.*cough* 
This behavior is down right demented... Imagine how Anna felt when PeterTheScreamer randomly asks to talk to her alone...
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LMAO this passive agressive b###h!! Of course Peter wants to take control of Jenn’s situation *cough*
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If she said more she would be feeling the wrath of PeterTheScreamer #Props 
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Oh she Peter now huh?
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here is a rare moment: Robbie being honest about how he feels about people... nice
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Jenn: “I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt. Peter was pissed at me that night and the reason why he was yelling at me is because he can’t stand you two, that’s why he was yelling at me”
I mean.... I don’t think there is any good reason why he should be abusive towards you but.....  
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same.... same
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There is no other way to handle this trash ass situation, tbh
Katrina: “Peter is just crazy, he like he just so annoying... and he is blowing something so little out of proportion he’s not a man he should not be in a relationship he needs to get help”
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LMAO She legit ditched him and he got so mad.... they live together....  #Psycho
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I wish I could say Jenn Peter came to her his senses
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Production: “What are you trying to accomplish by commenting on her boobs?”
Orlana: “Peter looked like he was about to fight them, like He got very close”
Production: “We have decided to send you home and end your experience in Seattle the punch to the refrigerator and the punching of walls are demonstrations of angry outbursts u have had in the past. You were told by Matt that those sort of aggressive outbursts could not be tolerated you agreed and told him that these sort of incidents would not happen again. Last Sunday your behavior was hostile intimidating and was the spark that led the fight between Jenn and Anna. You pushed Jenn away several times in an effort to get her to stop restraining you. After the altercation between Jenn and Anna you physically imposed security and you got into Anna’s face in an imposing and physically threatening way. You antagonized Anna. Due to your continued instigation and hostile behavior with your roommates you are being sent home tonight you must leave the house by 8 pm.” 
“you good?  any last words? you sure? its your last moment?”
Prince charming storms away hoping to rescue his long lost lover, trapped in his enemies lair....
Peter: “she doesn’t think like us dude, she is dumb....“
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Peter: “If i wasn’t with her, i would probably fight Robbie... just because”
Damn .... no allies 
Mike: “She’s not that hot”
Peter asks.... haha yeah right, not with them demonic eyes. Peter tells Jenn...
Peter: “I need you to leave with me” Jenn: “That’s not fair Peter” Peter: “I don’t care”
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Oddly enough this PeterTheScreamer session wasn’t started by Anna-Katrina or Jenn. The night was .... dare I say... instigated.... but by whom?
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None of this would have ever have happened if he just stuck with his act of “Everybody is cool with Robbie persona” 
Robbie: ““Domestic abuse verbal.” Who could be Googling that?”
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Why does he have animosity towards that stack sisters?
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Robbie: “....Every night? separating yourself from the group?”
but nah that wasn’t the real issue... the real issue?
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Robbie: “Honestly I am a little annoyed about this... I wanted everyone to enjoy”
They Betrayed Robbie’s MEATBALLS
Robbie does have a mean streak, this is the same guy that burned all of his ex-gf’s (Jenn) belongings and sent her a video of it .... like bruh you were the one that missed the single life not her
Robbie could have been... dare I say... a production puppet. After all he was the only one that got filmed at the end for his arrival at home
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Little moments from this terrible show about 7 (or more) strangers:
Peter’s removal from the house:
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The house banding together against racial inequalities:
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Will and his... issue: 
Will: “Yo, could you grab me some toilet paper”
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Dueling cousins, dueling on literally everything:
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MTV did their after the show update here . Tyara declined (or wasn’t asked) for an after-real-world-update. Maybe she was bitter about MTV outing her pregnancy... perhaps she had more in common to Theo than we thought. It’s safe to say her ass ain’t coming back to mtv. 
Theo and Whats-Her-Face-Anika competed on “The Challenge: Invasion Of The Champs”. You blink and they are gone. 
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“Are You The One” after show of season 5 episode 6
“The Aftermatch: No Bro-Code”
Tori: “So Mike went on another reality show called the real world, and he cheated on me with a girl named Jordan, who was also on the show, and obviously that aired, and then that blew up our relationship, and I found out and now Mike, and I absolutely don’t talk. I have a restraining order against him, and it ended really bad... and it was the worse mistake of my life”
RIP: To all the beefs, pranks, and funny times MTV felt compelled to edit out -_-
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hellagaypokemon · 8 years
there’s something I really need to get off my chest, regarding someone I once considered my fave youtuber and the way he seems to view gay people..
I’ve been watching Mark’s videos for about 3 years now. I first found his videos through finding Yomimash while looking for good Slender Man LPs to watch, and found Mark when they played that gory cat multiplayer game together. I decided to watch his videos more regularly after watching his unfair Mario and cat Mario videos which were absolutely hysterical, and have been watching his content regularly ever since.
but there’s a pattern I’ve noticed that’s really made me uncomfortable lately.
I’m really starting to think that Mark is homophobic.
now, not the kind that’s obvious, where someone actually has hate in their heart (think: mike pence, the westburrow baptist church, ext) but the kind that doesn’t bother to check all the tiny biases that one accumulates in a bigoted society (the kind of thing that causes people to think there’s nothing wrong with things like this, or not seeing what’s wrong with things like constantly calling video game enemies b*tches/sons of b*tches/wh*res/ext and talking about how a player or enemy that got swiftly/dramatically killed “got raped”) because both are harmful, but I’d argue the smaller things even more-so, as no one takes the WBC seriously, but the microaggressions are so ingrained in our society, no one but those harmed actually notice, and when we attempt to call them out, we’re told we’re just being overly sensitive and to lighten up/not take things so seriously, or even that we have a victim complex.
in all the years I’ve watched him, the only time he refers to us, it’s as a joke. he and his friends love joking about “suckin’ dick” and each other’s and just general constant dick jokes (makes you wonder why he was so shocked he got a 7 for his mental maturity test) and specifically joking about gay people, which in and of itself is homophobic when you realize that type of humor is what’s called a “punch down” which in and of itself is harmful, but on top of that, specifically straight people thinking of gay people/same-sex affection as a punchline is in itself a microaggression (and if you want sources, look at the latest Golden Globes, or one of many of Stephen Colbert’s skits, just to start)
but, dick jokes in and of themselves aren’t that bad. I mean, I don’t find them funny, and the amount with which he uses them seems more like a crutch than anything, but w/e. I don’t have to find everything he says funny, but it just gets worse from there.
like for instance that pirate prop hunt video where Bob ignorantly comments about how “the whole gay thing is not real cool with pirates”, because pirates are cool and the only way he could view a pirate being gay was if he was like Smee from Peter Pan, even though most pirates were gay, to the point that the word “mate”/”matey” (the word that first comes to mind when one thinks of pirates) actually comes from a French word that more or less translated to ‘significant other’. (also, to top all that off, he’s just also not comfortable being alone with a gay man when there’s only men around, and the idea of being checked out by another man, aka treated by a gay man how straight men treat women, which he made very clear makes him very uncomfortable)
which, in and of itself is absolutely awful, and I really wish more people would have called him out on how absolutely overwhelmingly homophobic that is, but as it stands, even Mark thought it was ok enough to post.
because while Mark did say that he’s “ok” with gay people/pirates, he never really truly called Bob out or pointed out how hurtful such comments are. instead he turned it into yet another dick joke, and decided he’d put a generic “trigger warning” in the front of the video (without actually telling us what the trigger was for, making it completely useless, only succeeding on making me feel on edge the entire video because I had no idea what to expect)
he never called out Bob on his comments outside of personal minor disagreement, which clearly did not phase him since he kept going. I understand wanting to keep things lighthearted for the video, which could explain the very minor disagreeing and turning it into a joke, but there was no reason he couldn’t cut that bit out (as the prop hunt videos are always full of cuts so we the viewer only see the parts they deem funny enough to show us) and just leave it out of the video entirely, which tells me he found the homophobia from Bob and the subsequent dick jokes and everything else around it entertaining enough to leave in, even though he KNEW it would be upsetting enough to need a warning.
this hurt, but I chucked it up to not wanting to ruin the fun mood they had going, since they seemed to be playing for a few hours, and simply decided to not watch any more videos including Bob and hope that Mark talked to him after the fact. it still sat in the back of my mind though, and I was never able to fully forgive ether of them.
I’ve also yet to hear of any of his charity live streams focusing on LGBT charities ether general or focusing on a specific subset, nor has he really made any effort to actually acknowledge us (unless to joke about us).
when same-sex marriage was legalized I looked damn near daily on all the social media accounts of his that I was aware of, but I never managed to find anything. I’ve since been told he simply posted on facebook an image of the rainbow flag and “today’s a good day”, but...I still feel like my original feelings stand, as I never found it myself (and have yet to actually see it, so for all I know that post could have been completely made up in an attempt to shut me down) and for something so important, for someone who will go on a tearful 30 minute monologue about the importance of love and being kind to each other and so-on at the drop of a hat, it really feels strange that when #lovewon, after all these years of fighting and hate and death, all he had to say was “today is a good day”.
and then when Orlando happened, I was sure he’d say something. I mean, with that much loss of life and so much hate surrounding it, I thought surely he’d have something to say. I mean, he talks about death and suicide and great losses of life and how important it is that we all stick together and love and protect one another all the time. there’s no way he could just gloss over this one, right?
and yet, he still managed to. he did make a statement, but it was what, almost a week later? and just a generic “love each other” sort of post that never actually referenced anything. I’m not even sure he mentioned the shooting specifically, just saying “with everything going on right now” or something and we all knew what he meant, because there really wasn’t anything else he could be talking about. but he never once mentioned anything specifically. it was a racial and homophobic hate crime, the worst mass shooting of our time, and all he could offer to his fans was a general “be good to each other”, which he says all the time, only this time much shorter than normal.
just a little two paragraph post, a general statement, for the worst mass killing of modern time on US soil.
and if I recall, within a week of it he had another charity livestream, and it wasn’t for Orlando. nor was the next one, or the next one. he “doesn’t feel it’s his place” to say anything, and apparently he doesn’t feel it’s “his place” to send help for people literally dying ether. well, unless they’re children dying of cancer, or people trying to kill themselves. they’re the only people dying that he seems worthy enough and “his place” to send money to and bring awareness about.
but the thing that hurt me the most personally, was his comment just a few days ago in his blooper video, not two minuets in (all of which had been literally nothing but dick jokes btw) he tells two of his buddies to act like they’d just realized they’re lesbians, and they immediately recreated a porn scene, and then they all laughed at just how funny that was.
I couldn’t finish the video.
I was too hurt. never before had his homophobia been so obvious, and directed at my community specifically. nothing had hurt me quite like this does.
I’m still floored to be completely honest. I had been giving him the benefit of the doubt for so long, thinking he just really likes making dick jokes and he’s secure enough in his sexuality to be able to make jokes like that (which is a privilege in and of itself btw) but I thought surely, surely someone who’s so passionate about doing the right thing and being good to people and who actively talks about being ok with us and not uncomfortable around us at all (unlike Bob) and who actively jokes about the fanfiction and art he knows about that depict him and his male friends as lovers, surely he himself would never partake in dehumanizing anyone, surely he couldn’t be homophobic.
but when you look at him and how he treats us compared to say, HarshyCritical, you can see the difference. (especially since after making this post it was brought to my attention that just a minute into the latest video he made with Bob, the one posted the same day I write this, they laugh at the use of a violently homophobic slur)
especially since the person whom John seems closest to and colabs the most with is himself a gay man. they even share a channel together where all they post is multiplayer colabs.
I don’t know if John’s done any LGBT-centric charity streams, but the fact that his good or possibly even best friend is a gay man and how he treats the narrative and characters in a game where the story is all about dealing with homophobia and being yourself says a lot more in his favor that anything Mark has done. (which is also very ironic since John lives in the very homophobic state of Texas and Mark now lives in the very liberal state of California)
I honestly can’t find a single thing he’s said about us specifically that wasn’t a joke, and he’s made it painfully clear that in the end that’s all he sees us as.
inherently sexual, a porn category, something to laugh at, something other.
and the thing that hurts the most, is no one cares. he just got 16 million subscribers. most of his fans are homophobic fangirls who treat homosexuality as a fetish for them to enjoy, and everyone else is too much of a stan to think critically of his actions. no one will want to call him out. he’s too much of a “good person”, since everyone’s expectations of men and male gamers is so low, with the bar being fuckin buried in the dirt, that someone like Mark who cares about sick kids and depression and preventing suicide and all of his talking about caring about each and every one of us as individuals, he looks like a damn angel just by walking over that bar, so anyone wanting to call him out will be blown off as someone who just wants to bring him down because of jealousy or some bullshit like that.
so at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. he could be as openly homophobic as he wants, and every non-straight fan could up and drop him on the spot, and I doubt it would really affect him much.
and I think that’s what hurts more than anything he’s actually said or done.
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