#also i Do like engie i like engie i just don't think my ideas about him are particularly interesting or fresh </3
i know you're not the biggest engie fan but how do you feel about short fuse? i think they could be sooo funny like,, dom bottom x dom top is really good, especially the way their different approaches to domming would interact, like demo is kinda bratty but he is trying to be actually be in charge y'know. AND the aftercare would go crazy,, sweetest mushiest aftercare ever
also tdick frottage
GODDDD YES I actually do like shortfuse very very much. Maybe bc a ton of people who draw it make Demo really hot and that gets me lmao. Dom top/dom bottom is reallyyyy good in general, I think "bratty" is such a good way to describe my Demo tf2 sex characterization but I don't think he usually drops the act. I think he's really good at being someone you want to make shut up (positively, sexually) and I think Engie is good at achieving that. Engie overstimming Demo's pussy w the Gunslinger while Demo still manages to tease him about how he can barely feel anything, is that all you got? in between whimpering and gasping and shaking. Do u see my vision. Oh God
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lunatic-pudge · 2 months
Mercs Being Jealous
(Requested by menenthusiast900069)
Aight, so let's make a quick list of most to least jealous, just so you get an idea of my very bias beliefs, I am semi willing to debate this.
1.) Sniper
2.) Demo
3.) Scout
4.) Medic
5.) Pyro
6.) Soldier
7.) Engie
8.) Spy
9.) Heavy
Now, onto the headcanons!
-Such a jealous baby, he can't help it
-A lot of it comes from his insecurities and also being the youngest of eight. He's used to being "the runt" of the group, even with the mercs. So he feels like he has to compete with them for your affection, even if you two are dating
-Like, someone could stand just a little too close to you and he's already starting the side eyes
-Scout, chill, for real for real
-He will attach himself to you once the jealousy kicks in. Arms wrapped around you, nuzzling up against you, it's that inner dog in him
-He will get mouthy with whoever is causing the jealousy. Talks a lot of smack for someone who is built like a damn twig. So it goes from him loving on you, to you having to prevent a fight from happening. Yes, depending on who it is, he can win the fight, he's a mercenary afterall. But when it comes to guys who have a big build like Heavy, then you'll really need to stop him
-Isn't really the jealous type, surprisingly. I think it comes from an oblivious stand point. Like, you need to point it out that someone's flirting with you for him to get even an increment of jealousy
-He really feels like he has nothing to worry about (which he's right). He's more than confident that you're loyal to him cause he is with you
-I feel like when you do say someone is flirting with you, he isn't gonna be violent, moreso he will make a big name and shame thing out of it (he basically did that to Miss Pauling in the comics)
-Like, "Who do you think you are flirting with MY GIRL, maggot! You are a disgrace to this country! Now drop and give me 100!"
-But that don't mean he isn't ready to throw hands. Cause he will. Homie's down to break a few necks. But if you don't want him doing that then you're gonna have to remove him from the situation
-I feel like they're kinda like Solider is the more oblivious aspect, but not as much. Like, they can tell when someone's flirting with you, but whether they truly care or not is up for debate
-I don't really see Pyro as a violent type when jealous. Why waste their energy on someone so insignificant to them?
-If anything, Pyro will just resort to loving all over you, more than usual. All the while giving the offending person a death stare
-It's a very effective form of intimidation
-Cause think about it, are you gonna want to fight a person wearing a flame proof suit, that isn't speaking, and is just giving you the thousand yard stare? No, you wouldn't
-Poor baby can be quite insecure. I feel so bad for him
-Constantly worries about not being good enough. He's so used to being beat down by the people around him that he doesn't have good self-esteem
-He will stand nearby you, waiting for you to notice him, looking like a sad and lost puppy
-Once you finally notice him, you'll have to pry him open to find out what's wrong. He doesn't like burdening you with his problems so he tends to sit and stew about everything til he bursts
-He will need to to reassure him that you aren't going anywhere and that you love him. He needs a lot of verbal reassuring cause he's a worrying lad
-Heavy? Jealous? Where?
-While Scout, Demo, and Sniper might be the top three most jealous, Heavy, Engie, and Spy are the least jealous
-Heavy is this big, strong bear, why would you ever wanna settle for less? Like, frfr, you'd have to have an IQ less than an orange to stoop to such lengths
-But let's play along and say that he did get jealous. One of those very rare times it happens. He knows he doesn't have to do much to make the offender leave, all he has to do is stand there
-And stare.
-And stare..
-And stare...
-He's got that resting angry face so he just has to stand behind you and exist to make people leave you alone. It's kinda funny to think about it. He'll gently take your hand and leave after that
-Why be around people when you two can be locked away in a quite room with a good book?
-Again, not a jealous person. But he does have his moments sometimes
-He's a confident boy and knows you wouldn't do anything. Plus have you seen him? He's an intelligent man, got such a nice voice and accent, and can build a machine to keep you safe
-When he jealous, he's passive aggressive. He doesn't like to be hostile, especially so up front, so he'll do little things to help get his point across
(Would give examples but I'm not passive agressive, I'm just aggressive, oops)
-He'd come up to you, slide an arm around you, give you a kiss on the cheek, and say how he was looking for ya while side eyeing the offender
-Weirdly enough, I can see him as someone who will look into the offender, find all the person's info and hand it over to Medic, basically saying "Here's someone you can harvest organs from. Have fun, Pookie."
-Then Medic and Engie proceed to make out and get married. The end
-Medic's an interesting fellow. I feel like he's like Pyro where it all depends on his mood. Somdays, he doesn't give a shit, and other days, HE'S FUMING
-He will NOT tolerate the disrespect  >:(
-Cue sassy Medic. This man will verbally murder a bitch and I'm here for it
-Will get "handsy" with you (he'll just throw himself on top of you, maybe even make you hold him bridal style if you're strong enough)
-Will be loving all over you while verbally berating the offender. Everything is getting called out. EVERYTHING. He wants to ensure his point is made
-Buuuut, this can also be a chance to score some fresh, new organs. He's always in the market for that stuff so he can easily kidnap the offender and harvest the goods. And no, you can't talk him out of it. Once his mind is made up, nothing can stop him
-Oh my poor baby boy. Where do I even begin with you?
-Sniper can't help but get so jealous so easily. He's never been one to have relationships with people so when he is in one, he gets so insecure at times
-Worries he's not good enough at times. He know he's a "quirky" individual, so he worries you'll want to be with someone who's more "normal"
-Will stand nearby, giving the offender dirty looks. They can feel the daggers that Sniper is giving them, it's enough to make them leave
-Afterwards, he'll pull you away from everyone and be all over you
-While Demo needs verbal reassurance, Sniper needs physical reassurance. So please love on him and tell him it's gonna be okay and that you love him and only him
-But I can also see him needing to prove that he's better than any guy through "fun" means (Medic would too but I forgot to add it. They both horny jealous people)
-Again, not a jealous person, and rightfully so
-We all know how suave this man is. He can pull anyone and everyone without even trying
-But I'm sure even Spy has his own moments when he feels a slight bit of jealousy
- He'd be so pissy with the offender. Like, fuck you, pal. That's MY partner
-Welp, time to go over there and seduce you all over again, which isn't hard for him to do. He's got that magic in him, ya know? He;s a man who knows what words to say and what moves to make. He'd make the offender jealous that they couldn't be with Spy
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queerfortress2 · 2 months
if yew don't mind, id LOVE to see a soldier x a male reader, ANY demographic, any headcanons, I just.....i love the man so bad 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´O⁠`⁠;⁠)💛💛
heheh thank ya kindly ✴️ anon, also THANK YOU MORE MASCULINE READERS… i love writing them— mod engie
soldier 100% had issues at first. like, he is all about fulfilling the American Dream ™️. Why would he go for anything else? the moment *you* seemed more appealing than a housewife in the suburbs is when he started folding.
you entertained his crazy ideas and diligently followed his word as a commander. what else was he supposed to do? NOT like you? yeah okay. you being one of the only people who took him seriously is what had his heart beating. and he didn’t understand why.
maybe it was an ego thing? he tried to excuse it as that for awhile, but he found it hard to even be angry at you unlike the rest of his ‘soldiers’ (mercenaries). infact, he found himself to be around you much more often, giving a dumb smile as he does it. hes harsher on himself about it, more than you expect.
going to be honest? i think that might be the extent of it. soon enough he just reaches to his limit and gives up the rules. surely someone told him george washington is rumoured to have slept with a man and he immediately got over it.
me and my boyfriend, like the founder of our country intended it
i think hes outwardly affectionate once he gets over it! mostly because, LOOK AT MY SICK BOYFRIEND! hes AMAZING and BETTER THAN YOU
i think despite this he could also still be very bromancy. like. what do you mean making out isn’t normal dude things?? yes it is. im straight with a boyfriend (denial)
please teach him it’s okay to be a little gay guys
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
what if the tf2 mercs went to see Barbie? Ik its not relevant right now but this is critical information to tf2 lore and I'd love to see your take on it
TF2 Mercs Go To The ✨️Barbie✨️ Movie!
Who cares if this is like two months late, I certainly don't. You're right it is critical lore and, dare I say I'd be wrong not to speak my truth on how these grown adults show up to the Barbie movie.
Mutual appreciation comment: You're so cool and silly for being a mutual, love you for that 💖
Normally, I'd write a prompt like this merc by merc. Not today, these guys are all going together, this is getting written like the amusement park and beach headcanons.
No spoilers! I think? I mean everyone's probably seen the movie, but still I tried to keep this spoiler free!
So to start, we have various reactions.
Medic, Pyro, and Engie are the only ones outwardly and inwardly excited. Like we'll get to the dress-up shenanigans in a minute but these guys are hyped. Medic and Pyro more so than Engie, he's only excited because he's never seen Pyro this excited.
Heavy and Sniper both don't particularly care, but Heavy is more happy to go just to hang out with everyone.
Solider and Demo wanted to go to Oppenheimer, and the other mercs told them the Barbie movie was Oppenheimer. Hilarity ensues. (More on this later.) I'm also half kidding, these guys wouldn't complain about going to Barbie, they just also wanted to see Oppenheimer.
Spy and Scout are secretly so fucking excited for this movie. But outwardly hate the idea or complain about it. Oh, it's a girly movie for little kids? Okay Scout, keep saying that while you find some thinly veiled excuse to dress up for the movie. This is a waste of time and money? Sure Spy, keep telling yourself that while you pick out your outfit, I'm sure you just so happened to have a pink dress, like everyone else so obviously does.
My Everyone's favorite part! Dress up time!
Don't get me started on Medic. He was prepared weeks in advance. Bedazzled his boots and gloves, found an extra lab coat, and dyed it neon pink. Ordered a boa and everything. He went all out and killed.
Pyro and Engie don't dress up nearly as much, but they both still dress up! Pyro finds anything pink they can, and even has Medic help with bedazzling. Engie finds one single pink shirt, and decides to call that good, but then is promptly drug off by both Medic and Pyro to help him come up with a better outfit.
Heavy and Sniper are quickly descended upon by Medic and Pyro. These two are hellbent on dressing everyone up. Pyro's busy covering Sniper with pink glitter while Medic's trying to convince Heavy that the bedazzling gun is safe to use on skin! (It's not). Both Sniper and Heavy feel deeply changed after their time with Pyro and Medic.
NOW HEAR ME OUT. Demo and Soldier would dress up in a full Barbie outfit for fun, and I'm willing to die on that hill. Like you do not have to convince them to put on something pink and sparkly, they would do that for laughs/fun. Demo is more to do it for a laugh, and Soldier is the type to do it because he likes having fun and being pretty :,) They are the only two to not be accosted by Medic and Pyro that night.
Scout is getting ready and he's so hyped, like this man has an entire outfit planned, but he's got to play it cool, you know. He spends at least an hour going in and out of his room, pretending he can't find anything and pretending to borrow things from the other mercs, until he finally gets cornered by Pyro, and dragged off to the lab for his Barbie movie makeover, complaining the entire way. (He wanted this outcome).
I'm so glad that I started writing this post-Spy Dress. I needed validation that he serves, slays, whatever, just fucking rocks a dress. Wears a pink dress 100% No question. Sequence, lace, boas, hot pink boots, it's so over the top but it's amazing. Medic just rolls his eyes when Spy claims he just had it lying around.
Movie reactions!
Medic had so much fun oh my god. He was so enamored with the movie. Could, and would rant for hours about this movie if you gave him the chance. Didn't cry like most of the others, but he still genuinely loves the message and just everything about this movie! See's Scout crying and immediately rushes up to half comfort him and half use this as an opportunity to rant, "Well, Scout you see, zhis movie is supposed to make you cry, because if you look at ze-" type vibes
Pyro didn't really pay attention to the other themes, was just obsessed with the pink, glitter, anything Barbie and happy was all they focused on. Ask them about the movie afterwards and they'll just make happy noises and try and explain what they thought of the movie through muffled noises. It's clear they loved it though.
Engie was entertained by the movie enough, he got the message and really liked the music. He's just so happy to see Pyro and Scout having a good time, is a little worried about the other team members sobbing, but he tries his best to comfort them while having a very excited Pyro ranting something he can't understand.
Heavy cried. No doubt in my mind. Also loved just having a good time and being with the other mercs and just. Had to listen to Medic ramble for weeks afterwards but didn't care, was just happy his friend's all had a good time.
Sniper's reaction was to be expected. Indifference, got why everyone was hyped about the movie, he thought it was an alright movie and he wouldn't be opposed to going again, but enjoyed being out more than being at a movie.
Demo was told this was Oppenheimer and rolled his eyes, but he did keep hearing explosions from Oppenheimer playing next door and was so confused. He was hyped the first time thinking Barbie was about to get violent, but then realized where it was coming from, took a swig of his drink and settled back down to watch the rest of the movie. He didn't hate it, didn't love it. Had more fun getting ready.
Soldier was told this was Oppenheimer and believed it. The fact that you could hear explosions was also helping the other mercs case of genuinely trying to convince him it was Oppenheimer. I wish I could say he bought it and was totally fooled into watching Barbie under the guise of it being a totally differently movie but honestly I think it's funnier to have him pretend that the other mercs really got him when this man knows more about American history than anyone else here. Makes a joke about Oppenheimer being a very beautiful woman, and freaks the other mercs out a little bit.
Scout will have you wondering, can a two hour movie really help you work through all your internalized issues? For Scout it can! He went from being woefully misinformed on the way women are treated, (Not on purpose/with hate but just with that whiteboy has never seen the effect society has on women.) to crying in the first half an hour and changing his entire out look on things. It's one of his favorite movie now, he is no longer afraid of admitting that.
Spy is not crying, fuck off. He's just so bored that's why his eyes are watering. Man is sobbing. He loves this movie. Not that he will ever admit that. Loved the soundtrack most. He also had to try and fix his makeup (yes he wore makeup, I'll die on this hill.) in a dark theater so no one would know he was crying, and I think that's really funny.
Bonus! Favorite Songs! (I listened to all the songs on the playlist to do this. I felt glitter melting from my ears, (/hj) you're welcome &lt;3
Medic- Dance The Night. PLEASE HE WOULD SLAY DANCING TO THIS! DANCE WITH HIM! He's so silly, he want's to just have fun dancing to the entire soundtrack but this song in particular. You will hear this song blasting from the lab at least twice a day for about a month. (No this headcanons isn't based on the fact that this is one of my favorite Barbie songs).
Pyro- Speed Drive. I like the idea that Pyro just really likes upbeat music. This song makes me feel like I just did a line of coke so I'm assuming that they'd feel the same way, and they love that feeling! They also like songs with a lot of reptation so they can remember it better. ALSO,
"She my best friend in the whole world
On the mood board, she's the inspo
And she dressed in really cute clothes
Kawaii like we're in Tokyo
Devon Lee smile, teeth a white row
Got a classic, real deep, Van Gogh
She got loyalty, she says, "I love you, girl"
I love her more"
They sing that either out loud in a muffled voice or think it in their head about Engie, All. The. Time. They're besties yk?
Engie- Hey Blondie. Please, I'm sobbing. He thinks this song is so cute. He loves how sweet it is. He just immediately loves everything about it. Plays this so much when he's working, sings it a lot without noticing.
Heavy- Journey To The Real World. Honestly? He just really likes mostly instrumental music, and he also just likes short songs! I think he just likes the spacy vibe of this song.
Sniper- Forever & Again. Not going to lie. He was half paying attention to the movie and then this song dropped and it hit him like a ton of bricks for no reason. He was just super chill and then BOOM. Immediately having a silent sob/crisis. (He's okay, Scout comforted him, Scout was also crying too at this point).
Demo- Barbie Dream. He's not ashamed. He loves it. It's fun, it's silly, he's fun, he's silly. They we're made for each other. Likes the simplicity of the song. Hated how it got stuck in his head.
Soldier- Choose Your Fighter. I can't express how much I think this man would love Ava Max. Like it's insane. But that's also not the main reason. He likes how upbeat it is, and how confident it makes him feel. Like you can't tell me he didn't hype himself up with this song after the movie.
Scout- I'm so torn on this one, like I feel like he'd belt I'm Just Ken, but also, like I can imagine him also singing Barbie Girl, BUT THEN ALSO MAN I AM???? He likes the entire playlist. He liked everything, the movie, the soundtrack, this movie has him in a chokehold.
Spy- What Was I Made For? SCREAMING, CRYING, THROWING UP. I honestly don't think I can let this man be happy in my headcanons😭But that doesn't matter! I heard this song and was like, oh yeah Spy from TF2 vibes hit hard with this song. Nobody else knew what I was talking about lmao.
Ah! This was super fun to write, but it took me so long to write for some reason, (I've been putting off real-life work.) But that's neither here nor there. Also I had this finished, and then went, Oh! I should add their favorite songs, and it took another hour.
(I did a word count for fun, 1766 words, only counting the actual headcanons and not the preface and what I'm writing here and now. Also in times new roman, 12 point font, and double spaced this takes up 6 pages 😭)
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Even More TF2 Ships
Soldier x Sniper / American Aviators
Took me a little bit to figure out which two these were based on ship name alone, but this is very silly to me. Soldier and Sniper are opposites to me: Soldier is loud and impatient, while sniper is, by definition, neither of those things. They do, however, have a shared love of psychologically scarring their opponents (Sniper with his Jarate and Solly with the honey thing) and blowing people's heads off with big guns, so there's definitely a connection there. After some research and reflection on this ship, I have concluded that they are both big time freaks. Weirdos. They're a couple that you look at and slowly back away from, because something is about to go horribly wrong. They are, however, professionals. They're not flirting on the battlefield (mostly because of how different their positions are) (also I'm not entirely sure if Soldier's fighting advice counts as flirting or not but I almost wanna say it does), they're there to do their job and do it well, but afterward… I don't know what these weirdos are gonna do. I don't know if I want to know. I also don't think that Sniper would tell his team that they're together, he doesn't seem like the type to talk about his personal life with his work colleagues. Soldier, however, has no such reservations, and his team will know about it. I like thinking about Sniper teasing Solly just a little bit, enough to make him blush, even though Solly is typically depicted as being more of a nuisance between the two. I also like thinking about Solly needing a step stool to kiss Sniper even though he is canonically only about 2 or 3 inches taller but shh let me dream.
Soldier x Engineer / Helmet Party
In my last post, I said that Engie would gift Heavy some monstrous artillery that he made, and I think the same is true here. Engineer would make Soldier some of the finest explosive weaponry that has ever been made, and I don't know if he'd use it. He'd want to use the true American classics, not this newfangled fancy nonsense… maybe he'd still blow shit up for fun, or to help Engie test his creation (which is also for fun). (I understand this may be contradictory to what I said about soldier/demo, but these two are fundamentally different. stupid x stupid doesn't work the same as stupid x smart. ) I hc Engineer as one of the 3 most capable and Normal of the mercs, but he's still a little bit… maniacal. Engie may or may not have replaced his own arm with a robotic one, what more is there to say? I imagine Solly's presence would not only encourage Engineer's crazier ideas, but also his dumber ideas. This is all to say that Fourth of July with these two would be wild, and there would be no survivors. I have seen what engineers irl do to fireworks, and Engie is no exception. I would not trust him not to wire together 7 mortars, and I wouldn't trust Soldier not to try and light them off by firing a roman candle in their direction. I think Engie would be super sweet with his partner(s), and that would cause Solly to absolutely melt. I don't know if Solly could handle being called Darlin' without combusting and/or mentally bluescreening.
Heavy x Spy / Spoovy
First off, Spoovy? Delightful, 10/10, no notes. Second, no one on their team(s) knows that they're together. At all. Months after they get together, one of them mentions having a partner and the rest of the team goes "???? Huh????" and he goes "Oh. I figured you knew already. Anyway--" These two do not talk, especially not about personal life and especially not to their coworkers. Maybe Heavy mentions something, but it really depends on who he's close to. Spy doesn't say shit to anyone, but you know what? I think he'd talk shit about the team to Heavy, and he'd learn Russian to do it too. Spy would learn to speak Russian decently I think, and Heavy would make the effort to learn some French. It would be difficult for Heavy to speak the language, but Spy would be endlessly endeared by the gesture. Recent findings suggests that Heavy does know French, but further research is required and I'm not rewriting this post. Learning a whole language for your loved one is one of the most wonderful ways to show affection and you can pry it from my cold dead fingers. With that in mind, I do think that Heavy and Spy would be one of the more tender and loving couples. They'd be cuddling on the couch, they'd be happily chatting over morning coffee (they both strike me as morning people), they'd be gross and coupley (on their own, not at work) and adorable.
Demoman x Pyro / Molotov Cocktail
Holy fuck these two would level the map. Pyro would like Demo purely because he always has the most wonderful confetti (explosives), and Demo would like Pyro because hey, it's damn good at what it does. Also because Pyro is just a genuinely nice and upbeat guy to hang out with ignore the comic where it cut soldier's hand off in the car, he's fine. This friendship would lead to Pyro learning how to use a detonator and while I do support women's wrongs, I also would like there to be any survivors. I feel like most of the pairs with Pyro are going to be a lot of the same, but this pair does have the added possibility of Pyro drinking. I don't think they'd drink enough to actually get wasted, since most alcohol is gross and bitter and yucky and yes I am projecting, but I think tipsy Pyro would get extra cuddly and talkative. Demo wouldn't be able to understand a damn thing they say but they'd be saying it, and he'd agree.
Thanks everyone for the notes, I really enjoy making these and it means a lot! I hope you enjoy, Soldier Anon, sorry for taking a million years and I promise there'll be more of him in the next part o7
Part 2 - - Part 4 (soon)
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jellazticious · 2 years
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Doodle dump with Michel, the Engineer he thinks look cute, and their entire team
Little ramble of his backstory under the cut because I love Michel
So I will be telling this in shit post form. Sorry tumblr folks, my decent writing is for discord only snndxn
So Michel turned into that because the team Medic had a magnificent idea. Like one night he watched NatGeo and it happened to be how mischievous octopus are and he thought "lmao, what if Spy does that......
So yeah, he went to their Spy and went "you want to naturally become invisible without a watch?? And also make your bones like memory foam so you can squeeze through tight spaces??"
"you son of a bitch I'm in"
And so Medic like stole an octopus from an aquarium nearby and like took samples from it to make this serum he injects on Michel.
But like the effects kicks in slowly and hypothetically it would last a month.
Both Medic and Spy agreed to spam Uber on Spy to see if it boosts the serum since it kinda does stuff to your bloodstream. I dunno, it's Uber.
Three Ubers in and he can slightly control his camouflage, on like the eight time, he can completely change his skin to match the surroundings on command, is extremely flexible and they tried if he can squeeze through a closed window and he did. It's disgusting but he did
Yes, he got some desired effects from rushing it but one month is one month. He's gonna get more from the serum whether he likes it or now.
How did he get the tentacles? Easy. Constantly being respawned. It's just like getting ubered but stronger since it rearranges the entire body rather than only affecting skin and blood.
One month after, he turned into THAT
Now that's out of the way, I'm gonna explain the doodles badly
The topmost doodles were the first doodles of Michel actually being a character. His gills are hella strong unlike regular fish gills that dies to a single grip. They're attached to his lungs so that's why smoke comes out of it. They're also extremely ticklish because yes-
Just don't shove your hand in it ffs, good lord, why would you do that-
The second one is a joke (*in the same cadence as "Dinkleberg"* Sussuri) because I'm pretty shit at anatomy in general
The ones under it are me showing off his squishiness. And messing around because of course I'd add that.
Then the painkillers one is because he grew two extra hearts and like he doesn't want them, it makes him feel icky thinking about it. It also feels weird when you're being active and you feel three heartbeats. Euughh, I wouldn't want that too. Yeah if you're gonna take off organs as vital as a heart while keeping the patient alive, you've want to douse them in painkillers while the operation takes like at least a day probably. He didn't get scars, they heal at an alarming rate
The next ones are mostly his Engie. His name is Sal (no last name yet) and he's newly transferred to the team. He's a rambler too. Michel being a listener finds that quite endearing.
Okay I can explain why he has legs. It's a disguise but it came from a specialized kit made by the Medic and the other Engineer. It was made to last for long periods of time and its harder to fade, it also does not disappear when the wearer attacks. However, it only has one guise and that's Michel pre-tentaspy
They totally did not prepare that because they know something will go wrong, nope, no siree! Guarantee!
My boy gained a bitch in the span of one day but the disguise had to fail because of course it would. Sal, like any rational person would, freaked out and tells the team, to which they all replied with "yeah he's an octopus" like it's a normal occurrence (technically it is to them) without any context.
It's okay, Medic told him exactly what happened
Also ignore how badly designed the entire team is, it took me *checks watch* 30 minutes while I was running on homemade chai latte. I did not look at actual cosmetics, I just slapped in what I remember. They cannot exist in game sbnddn
The two Pyros are the only ones with names (excluding Michel and Sal)
Dion (stock Pyro) and Mantha (kitty Pyro)
Also the Medic and Sniper here are together if that isn't already obvious sndndn
Aye dont worry, Michel and Sal winds up together because I'm a chronic Engiespy shipper and of course they would
One last thing I'd like to add is that I gave Michel my beauty marks (two moles on the chin and one on the nose)
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soracities · 9 months
hi mim, i'm sorry if this comes across as rambling, but i wanted to ask you, how do you choose what to study/pursue when you don't know what you want? i recently moved to a new country with my family and i've taken a gap year to prep for an entrance exam back home, but i don't know whether i want to continue in the new country or go back to my home country, whether i should study x or y degree, i just feel torn both ways. and what makes it worse is that,secretly, i would love to study english lit or anything to do with languages, but my parents would never allow it unless it's a last resort. i just feel like i'm betraying myself no matter what i choose in the end. would really appreciate any advice on what the heck to do <3
Oh anon, this is such a tricky situation to be in and I can absolutely understand all the doubt, worry, and confusion you're going through. I grew up with a lot of friends in variously similar situations and it's never as simple as just telling you to "follow your heart" or "do what you want" because all the various considerations that you have to make and bear look different for everyone, and they cannot always be so easily dismissed or ignored.
I think one thing that might help in this is to focus less on what you want as a career, and maybe spend some time trying to figure out where your values lie and what kind of life you envision within those values--take the subjects that you enjoy most, for example: what exactly is it about those subjects that excite you? Do you value a host of different and new experiences, or do you prefer to deepen the experiences you've already had? If you enjoy working with or being around people, what capacity does that enjoyment reach its full potential for you? Is it in receiving new knowledge from others or being able to share new knowledge with others? Is it in providing aid, information, or comfort to people? Is it in working out a particular problem? How important is financial stability to you, and what are you willing to sacrifice or not sacrifice for that stability? What are the broadest possible options within that category? Do you want a stable 9 to 5 where it's easy for you to plan things out because you have a reliable routine? If not, why not? What does "stability" mean for you in the first place?
Some of these are all fairly vague questions, I'm aware, but I think it helps far more sometimes to isolate these things, rather than look at them in terms of what career you do or don't want, because focusing on "doctor" or "architect" or "teacher" or "accountant" disguises the day-to-day reality of what those jobs contain, and this reality is what will tally far more with the things you actually value. For example, my favourite subjects in school were languages, English, history and the sciences: my top two choices were biology and literature, but if I were to go to university now, I absolutely would not study English literature at all. I love it deeply, but what I love about it is not something that I can only get from a degree. What I value about literature is not necessarily something that would align with studying it as a degree. On the other hand, mathematics has always been something I had a very fraught relationship with; i also don't like the idea of being boxed in by expectations (my reading and watching habits are testament to that)--however: I'm not opposed to studying accountancy despite it being something most people don't associate with me at all. And I'm not opposed to it because the things accountancy involves--a fixed work week (which also means fixed free time), a particular set of problems requiring a particular set of tools (I enjoy that kind of focus)--are things I can see myself doing provided it's in the name of something important to me. Does this make sense?
I also want to add that whatever degree you choose, whatever job you settle on, is not a life sentence: just because you choose engineering or data science doesn't mean you will be an engineer or a data scientist for the rest of your life. You can, at any point in your life, at literally any age, change course or pursue something new or something radically different. You don't come with an expiration or a use by date--as long as you are still here, the world will still be here and the opportunities you find within it along the way are endlessly broad and full of surprises. It's a conversation that's cropped up quite a few times on this blog so I have an entire tag for it here, which I hope will go some way in giving you some hope, anon (and if it helps, I never went to university, but here I am losing my mind over literature on the regular and subjecting you all to it, too 💗).
As for the issue of what you want to study and where--I don't know how immense the pressure is from your parents, or how open they are to compromise, or exactly what their own reasoning for their stance is (I'm not saying that it's fair, only that it may help to know what "education" and a degree mean and symbolise for them, and if, once you know that, there's wiggle room available for you), I also don't know what your financial situation is or how much freedom you have in that regard and these are all things only you know. I will say though that it's important for you to make a list of concrete differences, pros and cons, and considerations between studying in your home country and studying where you are: what will accomodation look like for you? what universities are in your options and what do you value in those universities? what are the financial constraints between the two countries, if there are any? Are you able to mix programs between faculties so that you can do a major / minor degree? one that will allow you to compromise between what your parents expect and allow you to pursue a subject important to you?
I think the last one is something I would advise you to try and look at in line with all the questions from above (and you can absolutely add in more questions of your own for yourself). I don't know if your parents are set on a few, very specific courses by focusing on specific careers (i.e., the usual Big Three of Medicine, Engineering, Law), or if they are a bit more open and just looking at degrees themselves (which would be broader, if not by much). If it's the latter I think it is absolutely worth seeing if there is something that can align with the values most important with you and somewhat placate your parents also--just as an example, if they insist on something technical and scientific, there are a range of options in linguistics which also open up the pathway to languages for you: additionally, languages and multilingualism is something important and if it's something that helps broaden your prospects for employment (I hate talking in those terms, but you know what I mean) it might be worth bringing up, especially if you can tie it in or find a course that allows you to bridge the gap, even somehow, between your own interests and your parents' expectations.
Again, I'm sorry that you're in such a difficult position, anon, and I'm sorry too that I can't offer more to you. I really do hope, though, that some of this has been useful to you, even in just a small way. Sending you all my support and best wishes. Regardless of what you decide, please don't ever think that you are done for after decision. The world is so much bigger and so much broader than you can even imagine right now, I promise 💗
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coolfireguy73 · 1 year
I love your art style so much! If it's not weird to say, I aspire for my art to be like yours someday :)
Two questions:
1. The way you add different element to your traditional drawings (Different paper, colours, or materials is amazing. I'd love to hear about that process if you're willing to share
2. For the cryptid AU, it seems like everyone kept some remnants of their weaponry/knowledge. You've talked abt Engie purposefully not using his buildings, so I'm curious about what might have happened to the Medigun/s
Thank you for indulging my curiosity, I hope your day is good :)
First off: sorry to reply so late !!!
I wanted to reply to your question properly and take my time to share my process, so I waited until I had time to do so.
First question
I've filled up a lot of sketch books over the years and on of the problems I had was the emptiness of the pages.
I used to draw very small and like... one drawing per page.
I always loved how scrapbook looked, but was never able to fully integrate it in my sketch books (I'm still working on it)
Until I saw what David Armsby sketch books looked like. I mean, they aren't really sketch books but they included drawings and they looked so good ! They made me realize I could totally do something like that !
I started really trying to implement scrapbooking things in my sketch books one or two years ago. And I really should have stared sooner.
So, how do I go about it.
1. Colored paper
Usually when I start a new page I just draw what I have in mind. Then I'll glue pieces of colored paper in some of the empty spaces to draw on top of. Like this page for exemple:
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I first drew Old medic in the center, then glued the two red papers and drew on top of them. Doesn't really matter what drawing will go on top of which paper. The whole point of this is to make the page seem more full and busy.
There are two other ways I use colored paper. One, I draw directly on the colored paper, then glue it in my sketch book, or I cut it depending on the size of the drawings:
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And two, I already know what I will draw and I want to use colored paper to add to it, for exemple those Medic faces:
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Then, you can use all of those on the same page:
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Note, you can use all kind of paper, all colors, texture, motif, etc... You can also glue colored paper on top of different colored paper, go nuts, I'd recommend looking at scrapbooks for inspiration. Or any core and aesthetics you like really.
Also, I haven't used then yet but I bought thoes:
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These are just craft packs I found for cheap. They provide really cool paper I can use in the future. I also have a pack of normal colored paper.
2. Hate space
Try to fill the page as much as possible.
I've learned to hate every small inch of blank space on each page, if there is any I will try to find a small drawing to make or a doodle or glue more paper etc...
And if I don't find anything I'll come back to it later.
I'm still struggling with this part 😅 
3. Stickers and tape
Another thing that can help you fill your sketchbook are stickers and colored tape.
If you don't have any idea of what to put to fill a hole it's very easy to just stick a sticker there.
The tape, I use for places a piece of paper would be to big (I usually write the date on it)
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All in all, Just put whatever you want. You can add glitter, glue seashells and flowers and leafs, or candy wrapper even, the choice is your's really.
You should be proud and happy about your sketch book. It's yours, have fun with it !
Second question
I'll be easier to replie to this one 😅 
Most of the weapons were left at the base, like Sasha and, yes, Medic's medigun.
But that's normal, Medic was sent to a mental hospital, I don't think they would let him bring his medigun. Same for Heavy, he just went to get back medic, he didn't really need Sasha.
Sniper and Demoman still have their weapons because they were already quite affected when they left and already acted somewhat aggressively so, naturally, they brought their weapons whit them.
Hope this answers your questions, and again, sorry to reply this late 😅 
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rosainta · 7 months
Day 2 of Rosain Quivan’s Daily Logs
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Started December 7, 2023 at 10:00PM, Home
Finished December 8, 2023 at 10:42PM, Home
Log #2
Author's Notes:
I started this yesterday from a sudden shower inspiration thought. Who would’ve known that the most bizarre of ideas could be generated while cleansing yourself?
Anyway, this idea is just pure dialogue between Sniper and Scout from Team Fortress 2. No romance implied, but you could interpret it that way. I'll be completely honest with you- I'm very adamant when it comes to accurately representing their relationship, whether it be in a canon-compliant friendship / coworker way or in a romantic setting (specifically the latter, since I have to admit that I am an intense Speeding Bullet fan, though of course I love any other old depiction of the two, as well as other ships as long as they are respectfully expressed). Though this adamant demeanor towards accuracy helps me find out what I like to see in works including these two goofballs, I'm not entirely sure if I can transform those standards into my own writing... since I've never tried it yet! So, take this as another practice round, this time more centred on character depiction and dialogue (that, hopefully, doesn't sound like a cringey 15-year-old's WattPad fanfiction...)
Warning: a few colourful words here and there.
If you want a part 2 for this, let me know down below! I'll be happy to write anything, though. And also, if you have any feedback, please let me know! I strongly appreciate it :-)
Title: Intention. Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Third-person objective New Mexico, Badlands, Badwater Basin, (fixed the order; that was bugging me last time), RED Sniper's Campervan Around 3:15AM, sometime during the Gravel War
“Snipes... Snipes, you awake?”
A long pause. Then, the sound of dog chains jingling. A bed creaks violently.
“Sniper, get up, you gotta help me here!”
A low grunt, a shift in the covers.
“Ngh… can’t this wait? It's..."
A shift in the sheets, someone leaning to squint towards a clock.
"Crikey, half past three?! What in God's name do you think you're doing?"
"Trying to wake your sleepy ass up, stupid!"
A loud groan. Possibly the sound someone rubbing their temples together.
"Did you know that the average human being needs shut-eye to survive? Ain't that wild? Or perhaps you didn't come along to learnin' that at kindie yet?"
"Oh, just... just shut up and help me out, will ya? Look, I'm sorry it's so late, but this is really, really urgent, okay? And this concerns more than just the both of us, but you were the closest person I could find, so I need you here. I promise, I'll be outta your hair after all this."
A sigh.
"... if this is an emergency with the sheila again, go ask Spy. I'm sure he'll be 'appy to see your squirmy little arse again."
"Hah! Yeah, as if. He's probably out screwin' the Eiffel tower or somethin'; wouldn't wanna see, much less hear that, though I can only imagine the snorting sound he'll make when he- argh, anyway, that's besides the point! Point is, it's not about Miss P, it's about..."
A pause.
"...it's about what? Who?"
"Well, it's about Engie..."
Another pause.
"...and? Come on, Scout, get to the point, or I'm going back to sleep."
"Okay, okay! Well, I don't exactly know how to put this, but I think- or at least I have a feelin'- that he might, maybe, possibly, be workin' ... for BLU."
The bed creaks again.
"What, you think we got an enemy Spy in the base?"
"No, it's not that. He passed the security check earlier, because I was on rounds for that today. I think that our Engie, like the real one, well, I think he's double-crossin' us or somethin'."
"And why do ya' think?"
"Well, this afternoon, near the intel room, I was sorting my comics out when I saw him doin' this thing, where he would be all suspicious lookin' and shifty-eyed, then he'd pull out one of those 'computah' things, or whatever they're called, and start typin' really fast, like he was in a rush or something. Then, whenever someone passed him, he'd shut the screen down really quickly like this-"
A clap.
"- and would look at the person with a goofy little grin, as if he wasn't just sendin' some, I don't know, ransom photos of someone's wife a few seconds ago. He even had the audacity to wave to Pyro when it walked by, and I think even it found it a bit weird 'cuz it made this strange garbly noise I've never heard it make before. But anyway, he'd open it again and do the same thing over and over again until it was lights out. It was so suspicious. I didn't say anything then, 'cuz, you know, I didn't want him to know I was staring at him like a creep or somethin-"
"Which you are."
"Whatever, now, get this-"
A dramatic pause. Two hands are slapped on someone's shoulders.
"I go back to my room, and you know how his is right next to mine?Well, I wait outside the door, and I'm about to say 'good night' or something like that and maybe sneak in a question about his secret porn addiction, but... he doesn't go to his room. No, he turns the corner, goes out... and starts headin' in the direction of BLU's base."
Silence for a moment.
"You sure he wasn't just, you know, heading out for a hookup or somethin'? I hear a lot of people south-east go troppo for one-night-stands."
A slight shaking movement from the hands to someone's shoulders, dog chains jingling.
"Argh, Snipes, freakin' please?! I'm bein' serious here. He doesn't usually do that, I'd know because every night he plays those cheesy old cowboy country songs on his radio and goes to sleep, which keeps me up all night because I can hear it through the freakin' wall. And don't you think it's a bit strange how he was reacting when he was on the 'puter? No one would do that, even if it's for a hot night out."
A hand grips one of the latter's on someone's shoulder, as if to push it off.
"Well, maybe for bogans like you, who don't have the slightest bit of public decency when it comes to flirtin' with any skirt you see. And what right do you have stickin' your nose in his business? He could have as well been headin' back to Teufort to buy some quick supplies for his sentries, or hell, maybe even just going to see The Admin."
"Well, actually..."
The hands slide off the shoulders.
"I may have trailed him a bit. You know, just outta curiosity."
"You- you followed him? In the middle of the night?"
"Look, man, I had to do what I had to do to make sure that I wasn't going to have my head end up in someone's refrigerator the next day."
"But you do realize that you were being just as suspicious, more so really, as he was by trailing him?"
"Well, yeah, but- okay, look, that don't matter now, alright? What matters now, is that I found out where he was going. And it was the BLU base, I saw him sneaking in without gettin' shot by a sentry or a look-out, but I couldn't stay for long since they woulda caught me instead. But luckily, his little visit wasn't without a little proof. Check what I found-"
Knuckles slide against firm wood as someone picks up a small metallic object from a nearby dresser, holding it in front of them.
Someone snatches the object, clicks on a lamp, and observes it intently. A sleepy yawn.
"What is it?"
"I think it's called a U.S. Bee, or something? I don't remember what he called it, but he told me it's like a little key you put inside the compooter and it stores, like, info and crap. I don't know, something nerdy that only he and Medic would understand."
"Hm.... An' how do you know it's his?"
An impatient whine.
"I don't know why you're being so skeptic and shit about this, Snipes, I literally told you the story and brought a goddamn piece of useful evidence! Do you still not trust me? What more do you want from me here? A picture of his ass in blue?! Wait a sec- hold on- are you freakin' workin' with him?!"
A quiet sigh, someone shaking their head.
"Alright, mate, I'm sorry, okay? Veg out, now. No, I'm not workin' with 'im, and I do trust you, I really do. It's just that... I find it hard to believe that Engineer of all people, a man with whom we've been working with for 4 years now, would all of a sudden head up and go against his entire team like that, especially in such a dangerous manner when he knows that someone else could be, you know, spyin' on him."
"I wasn't spyin' on him, I was just-"
"You said yourself it don't matter, so it don't. What I'm saying here is that we don't know his intentions here. For all we know, he could be using his little device of his to gather intel on the other team, or he could be, I don't know, doing a secret contract or something. I just feel that it's unfair that we rush to conclusions like that, especially for one of our coworkers who may really be doing us a service, mate."
Quiet for a bit.
"You alright there?"
"No, I- I get it... I just, I just really feel like I found out something critical, you know? Like, it's not everyday you see one of the team be so secretive like that, well, except I guess Spy."
"Well, we all have our own secrets, don't we?"
"Yeah, I guess so."
Quiet. A few gentle pats on the back.
"But... wouldn't it be a good idea to try and find out what that thing, like, has? I mean, you know, just to prove that Engie really didn't have any bad intentions?"
"Yes, but that would be quite a breach, no? He'll most likely be looking for it in the mornin' and if he finds out you were givin' his equipment an unauthorised burl, well, say g'day to your dispenser privileges for the month."
"Well, what if I did it now, while he's still away?"
A pause.
"That's risky."
"I'll be fine."
"Alright, you do you. But how would you know where to start? And if you did get it to work, understanding what you're seeing is another question entirely."
Someone rubs their finger over their chin, pondering.
"Oh, I know! Medic, he'll know. Those two dweebs spend so much time doin' those experiments together, I don't doubt he'll know what the heck to do with this. Plus, man probably never sleeps, so it's basically 24/7 with him."
"Okay. Well, chookas with that, mate. I'm heading back to nap. G'night now."
The sheets shift for a moment, before an arm reaches out to stop them.
"Ah, um- thanks, pally. For listenin' and all. I know you don't really believe me or anythin' but, uh, I'm glad you didn't doze off halfway through."
"No worries."
A pause.
"So, ehm, I'm gonna do that now."
"Oh, yeah, right, I'll head out now. Night, Snipes."
The light clicks out, and a figure scurries away into the night. Then, a sudden shift.
"Wait a minute, how did you get inside?"
Credits: Team Fortress 2 by Valve Image source: Team Fortress 2 Written by Rosain Quivan Cross posted on Amino ( Rosain Quivan )
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hootsimedes · 1 year
¡My Relationships Dinamics Between the Mercenaries!
¡Hello guys! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤ Today i'm coming to show you how I will use the relationships in my drawings and comics.
Little reminder that English is not my matern leguangue, probably I make a lot of mistakes in my writing. I'm sorry if that happen (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
Here we go:
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I know it's a fricking confused spaghetti but don't worry, there's two parts for separate.
First Part:
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And The Second Part:
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Well, this part is not much better than the two combined... (It's all Spy fault, nah i'm joking xD)
Well, let me explain some things:
First of all: Medic and Sniper have a crush for each other... ¡And Spy have a crush with Sniper! And Spy and Medic hate each other for reasons, of course, the most important one is Sniper's love xD I'm sorry but two sexy veterans fighting for a inexpert Aussie is just perfect and fun for me (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) (even if Sniper send Spy very badly to the friendzone unintentionally ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
The "like family" one means they see each other like a family member, for example, Sniper and Scout are like big and lil' brother; or Engie and Pyro like father and son. I love the idea of Sniper beign a good figure who Scout admires and respect (even if he doesn't want to admite it) And Pyro sees that parent figure in Engie, who cares a lot for he and of course the team! For me Engie is one of the most responsible merc and always tries to calm down the situation when things get bad... And he's friend with everyone in the team! Except Spy... But then we'll talk about Engie...
The trio of nightmares... Scout, Soldier and Pyro. This three bastards hang out to play tricks to the people. Sometimes, You can see them at 03:00 am trhowing eggs to the BLU Team's windows or letting free a group of mutant bread in the base... You never know what they'll do next... Also, Demo and Sniper are friends. They're more like, friends who met up for a few beers with Engie.
The difference between "Annoying, but still a friend" and "Annoying" is, as this one says, they think it's annoying sometimes, but they can handle that. For example, Medic, who sometimes can't stand Scout's attitude and vice versa, but inside they can't really be mad at each other (especially if he's your older brother's boyfriend(?) Same with Demo and again, Scout, but it's just for the Demo side, Scout considers him as a friend. With Sniper and Spy it's like, Sniper thinks Spy can be very rude, but deep down he knows that's the way Spy communicates. I don't know how to explain this lmao.
The Best Friends! Let's back with Engie! He's the Best Friend of Sniper and Medic, so, sometimes he help this two silly lovebirds to make a move! Like, giving some advices to Medic or telling Sniper about Medic's hints! Idk I like that they share the same best friend. Heavy is Medic's best friend of course, they like spend time talking and our Doctor looves to talk with Heavy about how he feels about Sniper, and the weapons guy just think it's adorable and want to help his pal! So, as Engie, he tried to give to Doctor some advices! Finally, but no less important, we have Soldier and Demoman! They are besties... And maybe, Soldier get little jealous with Demo 'cause he spends time with the enemy Soldier and he doesn't want to lost his bestie... But if he knew the reason for that...
Spy's relationships... Yeah, this will take a long time... Anyway, Spy doesn't have a good relation with his team... Except for Sniper, but that just happened after a discussion with Medic, before that they don't talk to each other and Spy has a very bad vision of the bushman. He respects Heavy and Engie, he believes these are the only two mercs who are still sane, but they aren't friends... Spy doesn't spend time with the team, he thinks all are annoying... And he hates Pyro for reasons I can't explain now (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) and the team thinks Spy is annoying 'cause he's attitude towards them. The relation with Medic is bad for the differents opinions, ideas and estrategy they have... But of course de most important one is Sniper! After Spy found that thing that makes Sniper soo interesting to him, he want to stay with the bushman more time (inviting him to a smoke break, or helping him to cook and giving him some pointers on that!) And, well, Medic start to see these tiny things like "oh, no no, find another yourself, this is taken ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ" and then they start fighting and nobody, even Sniper, understands what's going on xD I'm not a fan of love triangles but Damm the amount of ideas I have with these trhee!! I can't, sorry (⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)!!
Scout retains the love interest in Miss Pauling and Soldier (RED) is still in a relationship with Zhanna. This is not important, but I wanted to clarify...
And of course, as I mentioned with the case of Spy, most of the relations are not like this for now. I want to make comics or drawings exploring this dynamics (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
The BLU Team has their own relations too! But I not gonna explore that for now... It's a surprise (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Oh, almost forgot to tell this won't afect the requests, at least the ppl who make them want it.
Finally, all relationships are just my vision for my comics and drawings and I don't consider any of these things "Canon" (at least the ones that are not confirmed).
Well that's all for now, wait for more things i'm going to share to you guys!
if you have questions or want to know something specific, you know where to go ;)
Thanks for your time and see you later! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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robin374 · 1 year
Okay one more I promise-
(Unless you don't mind me sending more requests-?👀)
Okay so what about-
RED Medic x Reader x BLU Medic? 👀
So the Reader is on RED team and RED Medic and them get along pretty quickly and end up falling for each other
A reasonable amount of time later (they still haven't confessed to Medic at this point), the Reader is in town for some reason (maybe shopping or something)
When they suddenly run into BLU Medic
The two of them start chatting as if they don't have to kill each other every mission and hey- would ya look at that! The two of them bond and also catch feelings and decide to start meeting up
I'd like to think that RED and BLU Medic are two different people with different names and slightly different personalities and just so happen to look alike
RED Medic x Reader x BLU Medic
Don´t worry, I love your ideas! I finally finished this one-shot for you.
Warnings: None.
The silence at the RED team's base was unusual, very unusual. There was always someone yelling or arguing with someone else. Whenever I found Scout and Spy arguing about something stupid, all I could think of was that Sniper was the smartest of them all, staying away from the others in his camper. Right now, I was in the common room reading the book Medic had in his hands. My head resting on his shoulder and my arm around his, every now and then Medic would turn the pages and sigh as he saw that they were filled with paragraphs without any dialogue. "Liebe, can you do me a favor?" I lifted my head from his shoulder and met the gaze of his pale blue eyes, his gentle smile making my heart race slightly. "You still haven't told me what 'Liebe' means, Josef."
"The time will come. But are you going to do me the favor or not?" he asked, leaning toward me slightly. "Depends on what the favor is. I'm not going to steal Heavy's sandwich again," I noticed a shiver run down my back as I remembered Heavy chasing me around the base with a shotgun in his hands "You know it ended very badly." I finished, and smiled as I heard Josef chuckle. He shook his head as he told me he didn't want to experiment with Heavy's sandwich again. Ever since I met Medic I couldn't help but feel a fuzzy feeling in my stomach every time I was around him. I didn't know if it was nervousness or if I was sick, but I was afraid to tell Medic. I didn't want him to tell me I was a coward or something. "Can you go into town to get some metal blades? Engie asked me a few days ago and I can't do it, can you go for me?" I got up from the couch knowing I would say yes without hesitation a couple of times, I noticed his gaze on the back of my neck as I walked out of the room. I stopped in my tracks when I was in front of the door and turned to look at him.
"Only if you give me something in return." I said, his eyes lit up with a different spark, I couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking at that moment. Before he could respond, I went to the garage and borrowed the van where it said Red Bread. After a few minutes, I arrived at the nearest town to the base and walked to the square. Now that I was there, I realized a rather serious problem; I had never been to that town and I didn't know where they sold metal blades. I thought about the possibility of asking some locals, but with the uniform I was wearing and my likely smell of blood and car oil, I wouldn't make a good first impression. 
"Y/N? Is that you?"
A voice called my name, it sounded familiar from hearing it shouting on the battlefield. I heard footsteps approaching me, then I noticed a hand gently resting on my shoulder. When I turned around I met the blue eyes of the BLU Medic. He smiled at me and slid his hand down to grasp mine, he lifted my hand and kissed it just like a gentleman would. "It's good to see you around; somewhere other than the battlefield." I laughed softly, occasionally I would talk to him outside of battles. Other times, when Josef was busy healing another of my team, Fritz would help me. "What are you doing over here, Fritz?" I asked, realizing he still hadn't let go of my hand. "Oh, I was going to get some meds for Demoman." He let out a chuckle, "Looks like he drank more than usual yesterday."
"Really? Josef doesn't usually do that for us." I replied remembering the time Medic threw Scout and I a human arm after asking him for some headache pills. "Although, he's a good man. And I know deep down he's fond of us." As I finished the sentence I noticed a glint of some unknown feeling in Fritz's vivid blue eyes as he mumbled something between his teeth. "Hey, are you feeling alright? You're a little red." He put his hands on my cheeks, his palms as smooth as silk, contrasting with Josef's rough ones. Suddenly, he moved closer to me and rested his lips on my forehead for a few seconds. "Hmm, you don't look like you have a fever." 
I shook my head insisting that I felt fine and that I wasn't sick. Fritz's hand didn't let go of mine at any point. We both talked some more and went our separate ways, he gave me a kiss on the cheek before disappearing down the streets of town. I went back to the car with the metal blades for Engie and handed them to him. I noticed Josef's gaze on me as I arrived, he smiled at me and left for his lab.
"That Fritz is trying to steal my Y/N."
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lunatic-pudge · 5 months
TF2 Mercs Green Flags (except it's very biased)
I love my boys. Yes, this is biased and questionable. But this is meant to be cute and fun.
-Silly little goober, great person to be around when you need cheering up
-Golden retreiver boyfriend
-Can easily make you laugh without even trying
-Artsy fartsy
-Cutie patootie who makes the cutest drawings of you two together
-Owns an Easy Bake Oven
-Master at baking, never-ending supply of sweets for you to indulge in
-Your biggest supporter. Would literally cheer for you if you rob a bank
-Also your biggest supporter, will demand that other adore you as well
-Will let you own any pet you want no matter what the animal is
-Speeches of why you're the best thing to ever exist and how America is blessed to have such a beauty like you live there
-Will give you anything and everything you could ever want, like human ears. Definitely a good person to be if you like collecting weird stuff
-Precious baby boy is a major cuddle bug
-Def knows how to knit/crochet, will make you whatever you want
-Baby man likes learning about folklore/mythology
-He's essentially a big walking teddy bear. Perfect for cuddles, especially on a cold or rainy day
-Protective baby boy, big scary dog privleges
-Bookworm, can recommend a good book if you don't know what to read
-Perfect person to lay around and cuddle with, he can smother me any day. Dates at home are TOP TIER
-Smart boy, can make you stuff that helps with day to day activities which is helpful if you can't do certain things to having a disability or something
-Dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, can't get enough of it
-Voice of an angel, will sing for you if you'd like. Can def sing you to sleep
-NERD, he's an adorable nerd! Let him ramble about his hyperfixations!
-Def a good pet owner, would kill someone if they don't take proper care of their pets
-Would make sure you take care of yourself, he's kinda like a dad that cares
-He's such a maniac. I can see him just secretly being up to no good all the time. And he's also very girlypop
-Putting an extra for him cause I can: Medic boobs. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
-Sweet, precious baby boy who can do no wrong. He strikes me as someone who listens to EVERYTHING when it comes to music. He ain't genrephobic
-Also a collector of weird things. Likes making bone jewlery. Bone boy
-I just love the concept of him being feral? This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. Like there's the golden retreiver boyfriend (Scout), and then there's the feral boyfriend (Sniper). Literally acts like a cat, hiding away from people, hissing when people that aren't you tries to touch him, will demand attention/affection from you, ect. I need to make a more detailed idea of a feral boyfriend so work with me plz
-He would absolutely let you wear his clothes, thinking about how adorable you look. He'd do the same with your clothes if they're big enough for his lanky body. You two swap jackets in the winter time so you guys always have a piece of each other when you two are busy and aren't able to see each other
-I know a running joke is that Spy is a smelly French asshole, but I really do think that he wears some of the nicest smelling cologne out there. Expensive af colonge, but damn, it's addicting
-Smarty pants. Not just anyone can be a spy, it takes quite a bit of intellect for it. And not to mentions he knows multiple languages? Love it, even if I hate the French language with a burning passion
-Him having a good taste in fashion? He's gotta know what he's doing by wearing suits all the time. Not only does he look fresh af, but people always look so good in a suit, especially when it fits them. But please also picture him dressed in a more romantic goth aesthetic plz, okay I'll stop now
-Is good at paying attention to even the littlest of details about his partners. Even if you're trying to be cryptic or subtle about things, he'll always find out. He's def a protective type too
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 10 months
TF2 Headcanons pt.3 I can't stop. The chokehold is now a death grip.
I guess I'm a TF2 blog now 😮‍💨 (not really complaining, also if you get tired of me posting nothing but hcs let me know what you want to see instead.)
Ice cream preferences? Ice cream preferences.
Demo probably ordered rum rasin once, thinking it actually had rum in it but actually ended up liking it. I think he also likes pralines and cream or pistachio. He likes wafflecones to an unhealthy extent.
Engie likes anything with peanut butter. He also likes chocolate chip cookie dough. He will eat an entire tub of ice cream, but he deserves it, so it's fine.
Heavy likes all of the traditional flavors, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and stuff like that. But he hates neapolitan. He's in the same boat as Engie. They just eat the entire tub together.
Medic loves Cherry Garcia, like unhealthy love. He also really likes anything with strawberry sause (looks like blood, he's a little freak he'd eat ice cream out of a human skull if you let him).
Scout likes cookies and cream. He also really likes dirtcups (hot fudge, chocolate ice cream, crushed oreo, and gummy worms, in case you didn't know). I genuinely think this man can't eat "boring" foods. Like he has to have crunch in his food. He's not allowed to eat in cones anymore. Don't ask him about it. (Also, hc him as lactose intolerant, he just doesn't care.)
When it comes to Sniper, never let him live down the fact that in Australia, they have "Golden Gaytimes." As a viable ice cream option. He doesn't mind them. He gave Scout an aneurysm when he asked if he wanted one. But he's more of a plain chocolate guy. He eats it in out of the tub or in a dish, depending on how he feels.
Spy he likes coffee ice cream and makes it his entire personality. He's so mature for liking it, right guys?? He's just sooooo refined. No scout, you didn't see him ordering a double fudge brownie with sprinkles. They just messed up his order. No, he can't return it now! that'd be rude. (It's in a sugar cone, btw)
Soilder. GIVE THIS MAN HIS RED WHITE AND BLUE BOMBPOPS GOD DAMMIT! I think he also likes Butterscotch and Rocky Road. He likes cake cones.
Pyro loves bubblegum, Superman, and Blue Moon. They eat it in those cones with chocolate and sprinkles on them! They also like the SpongeBob popsicles.
Pyro time!
They eat cinnamon candy all the time. It's so bad. They have at minimum 9 boxes of redhots on stand-by.
I think Pyro is agender. I think their just okay existing in their own world and have no care about gender.
Give them those fire snakes that change the fires' color and their ecstatic! Their favorite is blue.
I think these dumbasses have the most random fears ever. None of them are scared of frogs or bugs, but God forbid you mention wooden spoons, and one of them vomits.
I've seen people say the mercs have board game nights, and I love that idea, so....
Uno is banned. Strictly. It's not even funny. They played it once, and the moment the +4 card was played, all hell broke loose.
They all play poker or Cards Against Humanity at least once a week. Sometimes, they'll pick someone's favorite game to play.
Demo likes Yahtzee and Scrabble. He's just kinda chill like that.
Engie and Pyro both like the same games for the most part. They play Jenga a lot. Also, checkers!
Heavy really likes chess and connect 4.
Do not play board games with Medic. This man has anger issues. But if you really want to, candyland and life are his favorites.
Scout has a hard time playing video games. He can't pay attention at all. But if you play a card game like Red Flags or We're Not Really Strangers, he'll be able to focus on it.
Sniper, Spy, and Soilder all like traditional card games. Black Jack, Cribbage, Eucher, etc.
Sorry this one is short. Very tired and stressed out right now.
I'm so glad you guys have been liking my posts! I'm smiling like an idiot anytime I open tumblr.
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I keep thinking of a platonic Yandere!RED Pyro with either a BLU Engineer!Reader or BLU Spy!Reader. The idea of Pyro, an absolute menace of a human, a danger to everything and everyone to some degree, a complete pyromaniac and ABSOLUTELY NOT sane in the head caring so deeply for someone who they are supposed to kill just fills my lil heart with joy.
Yes, they did force you to join their tea party with their "friends"(who are a bunch of dead parts of your teammates), they also broke all of your weapons and MAYBE went a little overboard by "begging you to stay just a little longer"(pointing their axe at you while starting directly at your soul) but like- c'mon! You two are besties!! It's normal!!!
They just want to spend their time with you out of battle! And your corpse after a battle or your severed head that Medic was experimenting on simply doesn't hit the same spot as talking to you while you are alive and "well"! Even if that means that they will have to tie you to a chair with a "lovely red and blue ribbon"(literally the tightest and itchy rope ever known to man) and "put a do not disturb sign on the door"(locking and barricading the door so nobody can leave or enter). They just want to spend time with you!! Is it so wrong to have you by their side on work days just for a few hours?? I'm sure your team won't even notice!! Just stay calm and let your good friend Pyro help you relax and forget about the outside world :D
To make this easier I'm going to write the reader as the BLU Spy. I really love the idea! Pyro is such a little crazy guy and I love him, not as much as engie. But it's pretty darn close. :) No worries about the long request, the more detailed the better!!!
warnings: platonic yandere, blood, mild gore and kidnapping.
Being hired as the new BLU Spy for the BLU team was a surreal dream come true. The opportunity to go to new places and to see new things and experience different cultures while getting paid was really a great deal. Being under the tutelage of the former BLU Spy for years now you felt more ready for this job, than at any other job. The sights, the sounds, the comradery! It was perfect. Well, almost perfect.
Having worked for the team for a little over three months you began to notice right away that there was something up with the RED Pyro. That crazy arsonist seemed to target you every time in battle. No matter if you were cloaked or in disguise, he would somehow always know that you were there. It was so humiliating!
The time you disguised yourself as the RED Sniper he seemed to know right away. Remembering how you made it as far as the door to the intel room before he rounded the corner and hacked you to pieces with an axe. It was horrible. The feeling of white-hot pain and warm blood pooling out of you was one of the feelings that you would not have repeated. That damned RED Pyro, well. he has another thing coming to him that's for sure! Today for the match you made a plan. Before the RED Pyro could find you, you would find him!
The thought made you smile. With fifteen minutes till the battle started you set to finalizing every detail. Instead of cloaking and running to the RED Sniper's nest you would track around the RED base and disguise yourself as the RED Spy. Grabbing your tools and your invis watch you made your way over to the respawn room and waited. Before too long you were joined by your fellow teammates. The noisy din echoing off the tiled walls served as a comfortable distraction.
The memories of previous battles only fueled your determination. The disturbing memory of watching the previous battle's clean up flashed briefly across your mind. How from a distance you could see the enemy Pyro go digging around in the pile of corpses looking for something. You don't know why you stayed, why you watched him from afar. Maybe it was just morbid curiosity, or maybe it was just to simply be nosy. You weren't quite sure. But when the Pyro pulled your severed head from the pile you felt your knees wobble. The way he held your corpse in his arms seemed almost tender-like.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts you readied your disguise. The voice of the Administrator signaling the start of the battle rang out loud across the field. Steeling your nerves, you cloaked yourself and headed out the door. Walking around the field, dodging bullets aimed for your fellow teammates you had only one objective in mind: to kill the RED Pyro.
Walking around the battlefield you noticed one thing that was odd. There were only eight RED's on the field. The Pyro was missing. Feeling a pit of dread well up in your abdomen you continued cautiously onwards. Finally making it inside the RED base you put on your disguise and walked freely through the halls. Every once in a while, the sound of soft footfalls from somewhere behind you made you put up your cloak in defense. Looking this way and that, there were no signs of anybody being nearby as far as you could tell.
"My nerves must be shot." Your soft voice sounded so quiet and yet so loud in the empty base.
Walking around, you couldn't find any signs of the RED arsonist anywhere. And it was really ticking you off.
Rounding a corner, you stopped dead in your tracks. There right in front of you, starring you down; like a mountain lion staring down its prey was the Pyro. Bringing a hand up to your face you adjusted your disguise, softly exhaling as you felt the paper between your gloved fingers.
"Ah, Bonsoir mon ami. I am just in here for a relaxing smoke."
Beads of sweat rolled down your masked face. Something wasn't right. The way he stared at you; something was wrong. Something here was very, very wrong. Trying to quell your rising panic you didn't notice how he took a small step forward. Then another, followed by another. Feeling your breaths increasing, you closed your eyes. Fight, flight or freeze. Three of the things that a spy should overcome if they ever wanted a chance to be successful in their career. Stopping in front of you the Pyro looked down at your disguised face. Being only a few inches shorter than him he still seemed to tower over you.
To Pyro, you looked so cute trying to disguise yourself as his friend. But he would always know who you disguised yourself as. After all you are his bestest friend. The way that you looked for him today seemed to prove that. Placing a heavy hand on your shoulder he pulled you into a hug. To you however, his hand pulled you into a chokehold. Feeling your mask slip off you flailed your arms and legs every way you could think of. Slipping free from his arms you ducked down and ran further into the base.
Feeling a smile rising to his lips he watched as you disappear as you rounded the corner. What a great friend you were; trying to find him first, then initiating a game of hide and seek. Oh boy! what fun! From the amount of time that passed from you searching him out to him choking you the battle was long over. The doors to the outside battle grounds were sealed shut. Finally happy to have his best friend over for a game of hide and seek and a sleep over he chuckled happily to himself. Oh, what a great time the two of you were going to have. Especially since the next scheduled battle would take place in a week. The idea of having a friend over for a whole week put some pep in his step.
You both were going to have a great time. Whether you liked it or not.
Playing hide and seek with Pyro would be absolutely terrifying and so much fun at the same time!
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lestappenforever · 8 months
hi angel c:
i wanted to introduce myself, mclaren video anon is here *shyly waves his hand*
I'm from Czechia so English is not my first language and not even near to it so I'm really sorry if this ask gonna be a mess,, 🥴
I also wrote some Lestappen dynamics asks (for example this one https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/728150895813115904/i-love-lestappen-dynamic-i-love-how-similar-and?source=share), Oblivious Charles Leclerc idea (https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/728236675926556673/i-was-thinking-about-how-the-topic-of-oblivious?source=share), quatar shit-show and a lot of other screaming 👉🏻👈🏻
also I'm the one who's engi-nearing his limit at uni. I'm feeling better now! even though I have some tests already coming next week and I really need to study hard but how am I supposed to do that when LESTAPPEN HAD THE PADEL DATE AND NOW IM CRAVING FOR CONTENT???? I really REALLY HOPE that we'll have some photos. please. Universe, HEAR ME OUT IT'S LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION we need that.
yk I came to F1 cause of cars. I love cars with all my soul. for me it's the most beautiful creation of humanity. cars. cars. and I was like ok cars racing adrenaline and now? here I am screaming about some gay married couples again. I thought it would be my straightest interest. but who am I kidding? 20 men on a grid. how that was supposed to be straight?????
to this ask: I KNOW RIGHT??? IM STILL NOW OVER IT IT'S DEFINITELY THE LOWEST I HEARD HIS VOICE EVER https://www.tumblr.com/lestappenforever/731046319552151552/i-just-want-to-say-remember-that-anon-who-said-in?source=share
Mona, I love you and your blog. I'm so grateful that you're posting all of these, that you're so open to anons and it's so comfortable here😭 THANK YOUUUU THANK YOU THANK YOU you're the best you're the loveliest you're the sunshine and the bless to this fandom
and to end this long ask wanna say about your fanfics. angels roll the dice is a masterpiece. cause of fucking course it's a masterpiece. and the 2nd part of it is my FAVOURITE fanfic about the marriage. every time when I'm feeling lonely I open it and reading. the shoe game is the best part, I'm laughing so hard even though I'm reading it for the 20th time. and the 3rd part... oh my god. I was a bit scared that it's gonna be angsty but I was like "Mona wrote that. C'mon, Denis, you need to read that, whatever it is, it's gonna be a masterpiece". and it was. realistic and so Lestappen-coded. that was beautiful.
19 times the grid saved Lestappen? I couldn't drink my coffee cause of laugh. Let them sing? shit that was so HOT. Lap dance with THAT dirty talk? I was dead. Not Fucking Leaving? couldn't survive that. Mona, you're absolutely my favourite writer on ao3. I don't have enough words to express all my THANK YOU's for you
I hope you're okay, I love you and you are the best
*gives a hug if it's permitted*
Oh my God, Denis (love your name, by the way), hi, hello! It’s so nice to be able to put a name and a blog to some of my absolute favorite anon asks, so I'm so happy you decided to send me an ask off anon. ❤️
I love Czechia - it’s such a beautiful country. And don’t you worry, your English is great and absolutely nothing you ever need to apologize for.
I'm so happy to hear that you’re feeling better about uni, and I am absolutely certain that you’re going to nail your tests next week! And I am so with you about needing more Lestappen content following that padel date - we have honestly been deprived, and I'm crossing everything I have that some high quality photos and videos will appear in the coming days.
Cars are truly beautiful, wonderful creations, and I very much understand why your love for cars would bring you to F1. And I'm so glad it did, because I wouldn’t be having the pleasure of talking to you right now if it wasn’t for that! Even if it did turn out to be as straight of an interest as you had anticipated. 😂
Denis, I don’t think I can express in words how much your ask means to me, and how happy I am to know that you enjoy my blog and that you feel welcome and comfortable here. Because you are so very welcome here - you and everyone else who would like to come into my ask box, on anon or off, or anyone who just want to scroll through my blog in silence. You are so lovely and wonderful and kind, and your ask has truly made my day. I love you. ❤️
And I am so, so incredibly happy and grateful for your kind words about my fics. Nothing makes me happier than knowing my writing can bring such joy to others. Knowing that my words can evoke such emotions in my readers is such a huge honor.
I'm your favorite writer on AO3? 🥹 Please excuse me while I go sob from overwhelming happiness for a while.
Thank you so, so, so very much for this ask, Denis - I love it as much as I've loved each of the asks you’ve sent me on anon in the past, and I hope you know that you can come into my ask box whenever, about whatever, or send me a DM. I hope you’re having a beautiful Saturday, you are absolutely wonderful, and I love you too. ❤️
And I'll happily take a hug any day. 🤗
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beepartcollection · 1 year
sobbing into my hands engie and millicent (i love your elden ring au!! if you'd like, could you say a bit more about what sniper's up to in the lands between?)
Sure thing!
So Sniper, just like in canon material, is just kinda there. Not to say he's not important of course, he's the kinda guy who enjoys just being there. Unlike everyone else on the team, Sniper actually has survival skills, he knows how to set up a tent, make a fire, hunt for food, and more. Though the fact there's 9 people and 1 him makes things difficult. Plus, it's the lands between, so things are hunting them while they go about. I have this one idea for a chapter in the fic where they hunt a bear, and Heavy is like 'something doesn't feel right' and then they get attacked by a rune bear. For reference, a rune bear is this
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Sniper, like the rest of the gang, would not have his weapons or gear with him, so he makes due- bow and arrow time. Canonically he at least knows how to use one, so he definitely would find the nearest shortbow and get to work sniping heads while everyone else distracts the enemy.
Eventually when Medic loses use of his legs (Deathblight), he's stuck to his horse, however, the horse only knows movement with stirrups and reigns, and Sniper lost his horse- an omen for how the rest of the au's gonna go- so they join forces, since both of them prefer to not be in range of enemy attacks. They don't like sharing the horse.
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Also, Sniper's hair grows out! I just think he looks very attractive with long hair (blame @/queensqueercourt for getting me into it). He also by some miracle still has his aviators and hat by the end.
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Speaking of the end! Spoilers for the fic and body horror ahead!
So, Sniper does eventually die in the fic, pretty late into it, but he does. The team needs all seven greatrunes to get home, so they have to beat Godrick, Morgott, Rennala, Mohg, Radahn, Malenia, and Rykard in order to get inside the Erdtree and restore the Elden Ring and all that. Now, Malenia, is, uh, Malenia is Malenia. She has +10 million kills of players over any other boss, and it took Jerma 4 hours to beat her (When I shared my au with friends, they asked if they can summon Let Me Solo Her. They cannot.)
So in the fight, there's Heavy, Scout, Pyro, and Sniper. Heavy uses fist weapons and he's slow and tanky, so against a boss like her yes he can hit hard, but he's also a liability in that she heals when she hits you. Pyro has fire spells, and that's fine and dandy, but she does eventually target them and Heavy has to protect them, cause Malenia is Malenia. Scout also moves fast, and can hit her, but Malenia is Malenia, and she will kill him before anyone can react. So Sniper, someone who stands back and takes shots, is perfect for this, and deals most of the damage and lands many status effects on her with some special arrows he made. But Malenia knows this, and after they beat her first phase, and she becomes an avatar of rot, she singles out Sniper, and, well.
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However, after his corpse is thrown on the ground. He refuses to die. He has one last job to do, and snipers dont give up. He becomes an avatar of rot, and for the brief period of time he's got left, he's going to kill this bitch so the others can get home.
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His eyes are rotten, the moths are eating him alive, and the rot is spreading throughout his body, but him and Scout work together, they've got to finish her before anyone else dies.
When Malenia finally dies, Sniper collapses, more than half of him is rotted, and it's spreading fast. Scout, Heavy, and Pyro say their final words to him, and Sniper says goodbye.
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