#also i dont like looking at myself Lel
columbiafawn2 · 9 days
Uni holidays have started now, since I submitted my developmental psych assignment. Except I have another assignment due in a week, and then another one due the week I go back. So, yeah not so free. I’ve made a plan of what to do with my holidays and put in a few free afternoons and beach days, but yeah it’s not like I have endless time.
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Jess from McDonald’s invited me to her Halloween party this year, which I was surprised by tbh. I went last year so I mustn’t have made so much of a fool of myself as I thought Lel.
Costume-wise I’m not sure what I’m gonna do. Probably not Aphrodite again 🙈
I think I threw that big piece of fabric away anyway.
Idk I’m going thrifting with French Sophie today so maybe I’ll find something then. I could also just do smth with what I already have. Idk I’ll work it out.
But that’s so interesting to think that it’s been a year since that party. Like yes it does feel like a year, but wow to think that time is passing me by…
Ugh dont make me think about the passage of time. I feel like I should have achieved so much more and that my time to be an ingenue is just wasted. I’ll be old soon and I won’t even feel it. That’s the scary bit, I don’t think I’ll really “change” I’ll just add new things.
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Okg i forgot about this
Sorry I just went through my camera roll to look for memories.
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Ok yeah looking back at those memories I think I’ve come a long way actually
Oh gosh I actually found it painful to think about myself last year. I defs think I’m more satisfied in my friendships this year, and much less drugs and tired nights out. I feel like now I have more of a solid grasp of myself.
And going into summer, I’m thinking about what I did last summer, whether it was useful or well-spent. And I really couldn’t tell you. Idk maybe the issue is that I want to squeeze what I can out of the moment rather than just let it happen.
I just feel like time is slipping by so fast. And I guess I thought by this time I’d have more of a grip, have more experiences or have more to show for it. Like what do I have to show for my past 2yrs? I suppose I’ve come to a new level of comfort within myself.
Yk what randomly struck me today, this picture of me in yr11
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Like that’s not so distant from who I am now. It’s kinda funny cos I distance myself from the past versions of myself and I sort of ignore them or dismiss them, but what if I use that philosophy that says that each historical era was good at something that we can learn from. So maybe year 11 me was good at smth.
It’s kinda weird to think that I was 17 then. Like that’s Elio’s summer, that’s when you’re meant to have your big sexual awakening and go out and live a cinematic romance. Like by 17 you should have some grip
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frenchphobic · 2 years
there is something very personal about showing internet friends a picture of your face
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timeless-woods · 7 years
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Alright, this is my first time doing a full project in SAI - it’s far from perfect, but as someone that has only ever done like.... 10 minute sketches that never get fleshed out or colored, I’m pretty happy! 
As an early 22nd birthday present for David, I decided to try to draw his slayer, Mhoz \o/
I learned that I uh... have no idea how to draw clothes. So I guess this can still be considered a WIP since at some point I want to be able to draw her outfits. I wasn’t sure if a floating head or shoulders up shot was best so... here’s both. 
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
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Why I like them
I honestly used to think she was overrated. Sure she was in better shape than most Skeksis and was badass with a very cool and colorful design, but still couldn't beat SkekUng. But even though I still prefer SkekUng, the SkekSa charms really are strong since I ended up liking her. And that without even having read Tides yet ! NO SPOILERS PLEASE ! I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET THE BOOK THIS MONTH BUT CORONAVIRUS HAD THE LIBRARY CLOSED B'( Either way loving her with only fanarts and memes and knowing some details about her like what she does to Naia and what happens to her hand and how she loses everything makes us sympathize with her as more and more anger and rage and sadness grow in her, and it was refreshing to see a Skeksis genuinely loving a Gelfling clqn for real and truely being their patron and admired (and probably dreamt on) by them ! And how she feels xloser to them because all the other Skeksis can oi fuck themselves, screw the Emperor ! Epic ! And now !? Her new design is even better because she finally looks as evil and old and Skeksis-like (beak, fangs, more dull colors even if it's true the comics' colors are dull), and that beard, these whiskers and these braids fit her so well ! Fashion pirate !
Why I don’t
I can't say for sure. The fact I used to find her overrated aside, I didn't read the books and the prequel comics with her are not out yet. I can't talk shit before knowing lol
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Well not only does she only appear in books and soon comics, I didn't read those yet so I can't know
Favorite season/movie
Same there, up to me in the future what version I like best
Favorite line
Will have to read by myself and one day, hopefully if there is season 2, hear
Favorite outfit
Ok gotta admit I love the red jacket, contrasting with the blur feathers. I hope her new design will keep it since we see she has a new collar. I prefer the new face but I preferred the old collar so I hope the jacket will remain the same
Yeah and no... on the one hand, I headcanon she used to be mates with SkekGra and took the breakup for his OWN HALF very badly, but on the other hand he never loved her, he thought he did, and that's why they started dating, but it turnt out to be just a fling but he didn't dare breaking up. On the one hand, @dracocheesecake and I both ship her with her OC Melria, her first mate half Sifa and half Drenchen, who dies just when SkekSa was starting to fall in love with her (but she lives in the Natives AU and they get married), but on the other hand she is an OC so maybe it doesn't count
I love to imagine she and SkekTek were best friends. Building ships together, laughing together, her being accidentally too rough on poor him while wanting to be friendly, being a big bodyguard when she's around, her doing her best to understand him when he explains his inventions and findings because she undertands nothing at his vocabulary but doesn't want to offend him... and maybe all of that collapsing with her being absent longer and him doing his best to be accepted by the others. Maybe wanting to drain Sifas, that would anger her... oh also she thought SkekZok had become a new friend while all he wanted was an ally, easily dropable if starting to be inconvenient
Head Canon
She and SkekGra often went on missions together in their youth. He needed the help of the Mariner to conquer across the seas. How they got close and she fell in love with him
Unpopular opinion
She may be hot for Skeksis standards, I don't find her to be the hottest lel
A wish
Her to look like her comic self. IT LOOKS BADASS
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
I don't know honestly lol
5 words to best describe them
Badass, strong, revengeful, patron, charismatic
My nickname for them
Pirate Queen
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dreamyoongi · 6 years
Okay but. He is s o fucking beautiful
im not sure what post this is referring to but YES!
Anonymous said: Can we be friends? You and  have everything in common: we enjoy bts, especially yoongi, we both think the car commercial was pointless towards the target audience, and we both think big hit is full of shit with that video.This is the anon who asked about being friends earlier. I was worried about being a bitter fan but I’m glad to know it’s not just me feeling the same way. Honestly, the bts press has being unbearable with these unnecessary collaborations and cringey American/ European interviews. It’s not that I don’t want them to succeed but it’s obvious some people are involved with them as a means to benefit themselves and milk this cash cow dry.
ofc!! if u wanna talk u can come on twt bc thats how i post most of my thoughts!and lol just today we got the newest collab,,,,, color contact lenses!! amazing1!!!1!1 bigshit is really out there signing bts to anything that is giving them a check lel
Anonymous said: People seriously think having a camera in their face 24/7 is part of the job?? Nah. Most celebrities don’t have much privacy but it’s never to this extent. Bighit (or kpop companies in general) overdoes and people need to talk about it instead of supporting it.
Anonymous said: Honestly, it makes me sick to know that there are people who think that, because someone is famous, they have to give up on their privacy. I know this is not a rare behavior, but seeing someone saying things like that so blatantly is disgusting. It seems to me that these people think that the boys owe them something. Supporting their work doesn’t buy you control over their lives, you fucks. They’re not your vassals. also, that video made me really uncomfortable. I barely made it to the first ten seconds. All I could think about while I was watching it was how I would be anxious and uncomfortable if I were in Yoongi’s place. That was fucking disrespectful, and even worse were all the comments naturalizing it. You guys don’t “love the boys so much that you spend your time watching they eat”; you’re creepy. You’re disrespectful. You treat them as if they were you’re property. Honestly, fuck off lol
Anonymous said: don’t listen to these people acting like we shouldn’t criticize companies like bh as if they aren’t in it to earn money lmao. it’s annoying how armys don’t notice yoongi’s body language at all or don’t question that he’s being filmed 24/7 while literally only eating. they don’t care about bts’s well-being & that’s scary tbh
i think in the day and age of the internet with twitter, youtube, etc. selling the idea that celebrities are a click away and all close friends with fans, a family, is how this came to be. and this isnt smth the celebrities wanted, its what their company is forcing them to do. and bighit, even tho they are lacking in many departments, hit the jackpot with their online marketing of bts.
Anonymous said: Hi! I really admire you a lot 💫 and i love how your opinions are always so different and intricate and tbh ppl with a mindset like yours are a very rare thing i find myself very similar in this thing too. I know ppl mostly won’t like ppl who look at things from a completely different pov but it’s worthy being like this. It’s very out of the blue but I’m a bit curious to know which one would u choose if u were given a choice b/w philosophy and religion?
thank you for this message!! and to your question….. i honestly dont know? i grew up in a religious setting, i lived in italy and had to go to catechism and even had my first communion but im DONE with religion i dont want anything to do with it. but philosophy is also not my forte, i never had it at school and i mostly just have the mind set of ‘there is no meaning in life’. i hope that answers your question? sorry :/
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kaydenkreates30 · 3 years
Omg okii i was going through some more of my old art
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Basically i had made a habit of making a bunch of me's that incorporate different parts of myself. And i decided to group em all together. (Far left, green sweater sorta represented my love as at the time i was questioning my sexuality and she represented that? Idk how to explain she just did/ the one next to her is like more calm and like represents my matureness as im usually quite serious and mature when im in big unknown crowds/ next is kind of my funny side lel, she is always goofing around and doesnt really take anything seriously *so like the opposite of the previous one* / and last one is... just there. She was a character i would draw quote a bit then and even now today. I dont remeber what she really represented then but nowadays she represents me before i transitioned into now me and the stitches show that even though she cant talk or see or basically do anything now cause i have changed she is still happy for me. I know it looks super sus but i just kept the old design which was meant to be creepy and just made it to represent something sweet that on the outside looks sad and unsettling.
Now whats interesting is that of course i stopped using them after i transitioned. And completely unrealted i made my new and current four me's
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And although these fellows are quote different form my old versions. They each have their own universe and story and everything. Dearie lives on a small island and *might* have a lion boyfriend. He is super goofy and doesnt give a shit about what anyone thinks thats why he is always in so many dresses. Kinz is my super mario bros oc who i ship with Luigi and Diasy and at one point ,before he transitioned, had to run away for some self discovery and a dysphoria holiday but eventually came back AS A BOY and never told anyone bit eventually they figured it out and still accepted him. Kai disappeared from his home when he was like 16-17 with his shapeshifter boyfriend and eventually gets left behind and has to come to the realisation that what he did was dumb and harmed everyone around him. And "Chad" is just ded. He died in a car accident that his family saw as a suicide but the cops believe was just a freak accident after accidentally shaking a dead girl that he hit with his car because "he saw her move"
But again they also represent parts of me. Or more of they each resemble one similar thing from me but express it in their own ways. Its hard to explain and i dont wanna write too much haha
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beer-and-breakdowns · 6 years
do all 150 !! :)
Thanks for this Anon, I needed something to do, lmaoo
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My ex, which was a LOOONG time ago, lol
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I’d say I’m a bit of both really, if I get to know you, I’d say I’m super outgoing but with new people I tend to be a little shy, unless the person I’m meeting has a lot in common with me personality wise and interest wise.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well, I think I’m going out with one of my best friends tonight so her I guess!:)  (But the way I interpret this question, I’m also very excited to see a bunch of bands in the coming year, BFMV, Parkway, Currents, Slayer, Wage War, it’s looking good B))
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I’d say so! :)
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah, I think so, she’s super kind-hearted.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with common ground with me.  Metalheads, laid-back people, fans of the same shit as me, etc.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My mum bc my parents get back from a holiday today!  But also, that one person thats pretty much always on my mind, lol, rip meeee
No, lol
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
One of mutuals!:)
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
Directions of where to find me for someone picking me up from work, lmaoo, HOW EXCITING
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
NOT THIS QUESTION D:  This is gonna be hard, and I can almost guarantee it wont be the same when you read this, lol.
Architects - Downfall, Polaris - Lucid, Currents - Forget Me, Architects - Doomsday, Currents - Life//Lost
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah, kinda lol
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in luck, I think!  Not miracles tho, rip
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Well, it’s not over yet, but DOWNLOAD 2018 YEEEET!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah, why not
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
For sure!  I love believing all that crazy shit, its fun, and also very plausible!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nah, lol
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I like baths, but haven’t had a proper bubble bath in years (NO, I’m not a smelly bitch that doesn’t wash, I shower everyday)
20. Do you like your neighbors?
I dont know them super well bc I moved house a couple of years ago but from what I can tell yeah, they’re really nice!
21. What are you bad habits?
Nail biting, mostly.  I’m shit with money too if that counts, lol
22. Where would you like to travel?
LITERALLY EVERYWHERE OMG.  But a US road trip is on my bucket list!
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Probably my nightly music/tumblr session.  It’s so relaxing and my music taste is the fuckin’ bomb.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Probably my legs tbh, rip
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Scroll social media whilst my PC loads, lol
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Neither, but if I HAD to choose, darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My closest friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Nah, I don’t recall that anyway, rip
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Definitely!  Just, not for a little while
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Nope, wish it was tho (not for the pony tail, just want long hair, lol)
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Alexis Kaufman aaaaaaaaand Emily Kinney, maybe?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
oi9wen, went better than I thought, lol
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
HA no
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV 10000000000000%
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing really, lmaoo!  I do try to start a new conversation if I’m not feeling too awkward tho!
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Ummm, I know them irl, lol.  Cute as hell, blonde, blue eyes, funny, kind as fuck, an all-round sweetheart with the looks to match.  
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
HMV, lol
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I WANNA PLAY MUSIC FOR A LIVING but that shits hard so idk bc nothing else interest me the way music does:(  Maybe something with psychology and killers.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes, 100%.  I fully believe rehabilitation and reformation can work for everyone with the right tools.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super tired or feeling sorry for myself, lmaoo
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yup, most of the time!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Space, even tho I’m scared of heights so getting in the rocket would be an ISSUE.  But the ocean is fuckin’ spooky man, I ain’t goin’ down there :o
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Being awake, lmaoo.  I sleep for more hours than I should but I’m not one for staying in bed and once I’m up, I’m up.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Not having a stable life after Uni tbh, the real world terrifies me, lol help.  But also, and probably moreso never making any progress with my music and hopeful music career.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Black, probably, I dont normally wear hoodies tbh :o
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Originally, I was gonna say no, but then I remembered someone that I’ll forever be jealous of, so yes
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My legs probably hahaha
53. Favourite makeup brand?
What’s makeup?
54. Favourite store?
HMV, again, lol
55. Favourite blog?
Probably either @lovelyfoxes, @meowsonmeows, @emilyharrisxvii and @strawberry-sarcasm
56. Favourite colour?
Black (Dont go telling me that shits a shade and not a colour bc I’ll still say black.)
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
Katsu chicken
59. First thing you ate this morning?
^^^ Katsu chicken (I woke up late, okay)
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Nah, not that I can remember lol
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
7328916312 times.  Being annoying :): :))::)::) (No)
63. Ever been in love?
Yup, rip
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Idk, I kissed a girl.  Sorry it was super long ago and I didn’t think much of it at the time, it sorta just happened, lol
65. Are you hungry right now?
Nah, I’m FULL boii
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No, but some of my tumblr frands are my irl friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter 1000000%
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr 1000000000000%
69. Are you watching tv right now?
Nope, havent in a while tbh
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Emily, Zac, Laura, Leo, Ethan
71. Craving something? What?
Attention.  Of a specific person.  YES PLS.
72. What colour are your towels?
White, black and grey.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
FOXES.  Or wolves.  Unless Dinosaurs count.
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla, man
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Salted Caramel
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Black, lol
80. What colour pants?
V dark blue
81. Favourite tv show?
Atm, probablyyyyy The Walking Dead, Ray Donovan and WWE, lmaoo
82. Favourite movie?
The Domestics just recently took the spot over Pulp Fiction.  WATCH IT.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Only seen the first one, lel
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump Street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Me (Prolly the turtle)
87. First person you talked to today?
My friend Leo
88. Last person you talked to today?
Who knows, probably my friend Emily
89. Name a person you hate?
Most modern “musicians”
90. Name a person you love?
Alexis Kaufman
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Nope :)
92. In a fight with someone?
Nah, ya boii is mostly pacifist, I wont start shit
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Like, 1 pair, lol
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Prolly like 5 or 6?
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
Hard to think atm, so probably off the top of my head Emily Blunt.
97. Favourite actor?
Mark Wahlberg or Johnny Depp
98. Do you tan a lot?
Hahahah, thats a massive nope
99. Have any pets?
I used to have a lil cat dude, but nah, not anymore
100. How are you feeling?
I’m goooood :)
101. Do you type fast?
Yeah, lmao
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yeah, lol
103. Can you spell well?
Yeah, mostly, I stumble when typing sometimes, but I can correct myself quickly and its usually just a mis-click
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah, kinda
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably, tbh
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Showering, oops
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Nah, not really! :)
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yes yes and YES
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Honestly I think it was my friend Emily, lol (U remember if ur reading this, Sax is never a good idea)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn’t really have one :o
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yup, been to a few different countries
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to, lol
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah boiiiiii B)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
It’s pretty good!
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Ummmm yes
119. Favourite book?
Sorry internet, I’m not a massive reader 3  I don’t really have one :(
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Nah, used to be as a kid tho
121. Are you mean?
Nah, man
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No.  There’s probably a very VERY specific scenario brought on by many other specific actions within a relationship where it might, MAYBE, slightly be the smallest bit justified, but I don’t know what that would be off the top of my head and no one should break someone’s trust like that.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Nah, my shoes get dirty no matter where I go, lol
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Nah, I love tumblr asks, dude
127. What makes you happy?
Music, friends and escapsim
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, I’ve come to terms with it now
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Of course B)
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I’d prolly see how it goes! :)  I certainly wouldn’t complain!
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
One of my mutuals!
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
“No matter what it is we've facedIt's now part of usWe can overcome” - As I Lay Dying - Overcome
134. Can you count to one million?
I think? hahahah
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I had every single PS2 game ever created... kids, eh?
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed 1000000%
137. How tall are you?
about 5′11″
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight hair on me, doesn’t make a difference on others B)
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Blonde (but Brunette is gorgeous too)
140. Summer or Winter?
Summer (But Christmas time is GREAT)
141. Night or Day?
Night, mostly!
142. Favourite month?
October, maybe?  Either than or July, idk
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark B)
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
So far, yeah! :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars 100000000%
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“The best thing you can do is follow your dreams“ - James Owen Sullivan (The Rev)
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yup, 100%!
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
There isn’t one! :(
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ssshannenblogs · 3 years
69, hehe. LOL. good morning! i need to be fast in journaling today cause i want to go deal with filing and renewing my US visa again. the anxiety of that is killing me. i have til october to renew it. so yesterday went pretty okay, there were some bumps along but overcame it. if it weren’t for khio who supported me all the way. pretty busy day too yday, and my body was aching. got to finally have a bed frame after so long. although at first to be honest i wasn’t so sure about the bulkiness of everything. but i just have to roll with the punches and deal with it. it doesn’t even look too bad. just need to adjust and make the room more presentable. but overall its okay. the whole condo is looking for presentable and cleaner, i guess- all cause of more storage that is haha. yay! which reminds me i have to put the paper bags in the storage drawers under my bed hahaha. one thing i’m so happy about is really the storage drawers of this bed- they give added storage to the things that i need not to be seen in this condo. LOL cause it be ugly hehehehe. so yay for that. now all i need are my mirrors (2 actually which i hope turns out noice huhuhu), and my table. those are my major furnitures left to be delivered. as for the mattress, which i forgot to mention is too small for the bed, LOL, we’ll maybe have to prioritize that for H2. because i need to prioritize my fucking VISA also. and it’s worth 8k. So ya girl needs the cash. if i can save by may and june, then i should be able to apply by end of June or H1 of July. Hopefully, and maybe i can also help my family renew too. i HOPE i get renewed too. hay. so that’s another hurdle to go through. 
also, sometimes i really really really dont like anymore talking to hijas people especially my batchmates. lol. i just felt like i’m not wanted or been looked out for. or being appreciated. and it just feels like it;s high school where i crave for their attention and be validated and liked. AND. I. HATE. IT. so i just try to be indifferent, really. im just blessed and glad to have 2/3 friends who truly are my “constants” as cheesy as it may seem. they know how much i’ve changed and not cared and should not care really. i should be more like sarah. hahahha. but another thing that i should really work on or at least look for a therapist to ask help on how to overcome it is the jealousy part and being grateful for them and being happy for them, really. but i guess for right now, it’s just really taking curating my life even more from then on. curating my friends, the people i talk to and connect to, curating my lifestyle and choosing and focusing more on my health and growth. which reminds me, i’m thinking of taking a pottery class with khio (as a surprise!) lol for our anniversary lol. we’re almost 2 years together na- lels grabe. 2nd time to be spending at home and in quarantine. yaaaay- cue in sarcasm. lol.
isa pa na, ang gobyerno. peste. i cry i cry. grabe. i still hope and pray for a better philippines. and i love this country and every beauty it offers. my comfort zone is here and i want to stay here. i dont’ want to whisk off to another country just cause of the government or anything. lol trying to really tell that to myself. but tbh yeah, right now got no plans to ever move. i just want to travel. and explore. so i hope i get more opportunity for that. which reminds, i also need to think priorities straight as to where i want my life to head on- to cebu or to cdo. hehehehuhuhuhu. HAY. sana naay sign. give me a sign. or at least give me something that i can hopefully say oh, here sa ko sa manila or cebu or cdo na. to be honest, i still want to stay in manila for x number of years before actually finally living in the province SO hopefully i get the chance. 
fingers cross. for now, let me work on my visa na. BYE
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Hiiii boo~ sorry for writing this here, i just wanted to have enough space to say, i love your blog. I barely found it so i really liked just looking around and everything~ Keep doing what you’re doing!
May i have a written ship with BTS, GOT7, and MONSTA X please? Im very weird, i love drawing, singing, dancing, and i enjoy sports a lot. I get hurt once in a while, but i feel like im accident prone lel. I love playing my viola and ive played for anout 7 years in middle school all throughout high school. I also have a thing for spicy food but can’t eat much of it or my stomach will become upset. I do have a 4D personality, even then, i doubt myswlf sometimes, ausually my anxeity kicks in, but nowadays, its become better as we speak. Im very determined, and ambitious. I dont like talking about myself much because it makes me feel shy. Like right now XD my dream is to one day become a singer, but i know i have to work at it before finally putting myself out there. Im bubbly, my friends call me weird and funny and loud sometimes. Im only 5'3 so im teased by a lot of guys when clearly theres shorter girls than me. > o
Hey, thank you for requesting! Also thanks, I’m glad you like my blog ^^
BTS Jimin
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GOT7 Mark
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Monsta X  Minhyuk
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firefliiedarch · 4 years
✧ ; 15 QUESTIONS !
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LAST TIME YOU CRIED ?   monday evening when sloth called me to ask me if i was doing okay & i told him no .
DO YOU HAVE ANY KIDS ?   gross .   no .   i can barely take care of myself .
DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT ?   not really  -  unless i am being very obvious .   but most of the time i am way too much of a serious person and i really dont understand most sarcasm .
WHAT’S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE ?  i have ....   a very sensitive nose .   so alas ,   it is usually scents & smells .   but other than that ,   uh ....   probably their aura  /  command presence .
EYE COLOR ?   doe eyed brown .
SCARY MOVIE OR HAPPY ENDING ?   i enjoy a scary movie though many of them dont have good endings .   i also don’t LIKE super happy endings .   i like good endings with meaning though .   sometimes they are sad but as lost as i can look at that ending and say ,   yep this was a good movie .
ANY SPECIAL TALENT ?   hmm ...   none that i can think of .   though i do have to say that i am very stubborn when it comes to solving problems .   i will not stop until i solve it .
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES ?   reading ( though i havent read in a while ) ,   writing ,   arting ,   gaming ,   i also have come to enjoy editing  &  helping out others when i can when it comes to like ...   uh ...   helping out with schoolwork or papers .
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS ?   yea .   two cats ,   a dog ,   and a plant that somehow isn’t dead .
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE PLAYED ?   i was a gymnast but due to my height i had to quit ( i was like 14 & taller than my coach  -  he said that it would be hard for me to do a lot of stuff cause i was still growing and the stunts would be harder for me to do ) ,   volleyball ( was on a team but i dropped out not because i was bad but because i wasn’t competitive ) ,   basketball ...   any sport i pick up ,   im really good at ,   but the problem is that i had zero competitive spirit in me which had me sitting out a lot of the times & that wasn’t fun for me .   i still play volleyball from time to time with my younger sister since she is on a team now .
HOW TALL ARE YOU ?   ~ 172 cm ( 5′8 for non-metric normies )
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL ?   maths & psych .   i also enjoyed my TOK classes a lot .   people hated that i was good at theory of knowledge but its like ....   dude its just philosophy ?   maybe consider your morality first lel . 
DREAM JOB ?   one does not simple dream of the jobs .   okay but all things considered ...   probably a private investigator or analyst .   who knows where the road will take me .
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tagged by :   @saintswept​   ( thankie .   you are a dearie ) tagging :   whomever wants to do this i guess .
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ahatfullofskys · 7 years
My BTS experience so far:
Warning: it’s a wee bit long.
Randomly DNA plays on the radio: ?!?????? What the hell, is this kpop?!?!?1 oN the radio?!?!?!? hOW?!? ... Actually this sounds pretty cool *makes mental note to check it later* .. *forgets*
BTS and AMAs fuss: *Facebook blowing up with the news* wHAT iS hAppenING, what is everyone so hyped for???? *watches the AMAs when BTS comes up* ... oh. OH. That’s the song!! Wooow they look so cool.
After watching the AMAs performance: Okay, just let me check the video for this dope song, I’m just curios. *plays video* ... Wait...why are they so pretty??? HOW?!?! Look at this guy’s skin (I later found out it was JK), how is it so flawless and smooth??? Why are you smiling?!?! TELLME YOUR SECRET!! ... *Jin comes on the screen to sing his part* *gulps* Why is he looking into my soul with this gorgeous eyes of his?  I’m so confused yet aroused right now... Those dance moves are lit... *the part where they do the hand holding thing with Kookie in the middle comes up* hOLD UP SLDKASDJAS this is SO COOL, I haven’t been this hyped about a dance move since Kinjas....  *song ends* ... I am so angry of how all of them are so fucking gorgeous. 
*trying to contemplate feelings* .. what is happening... 
After watching the DNA video a few times: Well... it’s only fair if I check some of their other stuff... I mean what could possibly go wrong. It’s not like I’m going to listen to them, it’s just for science.
Plays Not Today: lOOK aT tHOSE dANcE mOOvEs... *RM comes in with the second verse* what is your voice and how is it making my ovaries nervous?... seriously though their sync is cRAZY.  *watches in awe*.
Plays BS&T: .. *Jimin starts singing* why does your voice sound like it was send from the heavens? *start dancing after the intro* nO dONT touch yoursLVES LIKe THaT.. shit that’s actually pretty hot.. damn. *RM touching his lips during his part* why are you doing this to me? WHY?! *V’s part comes up* wow boi your eyebrows are angry and all over the place.. I love it.... That’s a lot of weird shit going on in this video tho... I understand nothing... BUT HOW CAN I WHEN EVERYTHING IS SO SEDUCTIVE??!?!? LOOK AT THIS GUY AND HIS FUCKING SHOULDER (Jimin)... I.AM.DEAD.... Also Angry eyebrows’s voice is killing me softly.... YO! HoW are they hitting thOSE NOTES. oooH give it to Me *music stops* ... wtf? ... yES of CouRsE you can play the piano... is there anything they cant do... Yo, pink hair, stop looking at my soul dude... *statue scene* what iS hAPPeNiNG?!?? I have no idea what this is and how I should feel. *video ends* ... I’m 100% aroused after this, I ain’t gonna lie.
Plays Save Me: *immerse in the video and song* I can’t decide what is the best part: the song, the choreography and sync or the camera work. I won’t even comment on their looks.. I ain’t going there after the previous one. Their stylist needs to call me and help me with my style. ‘Fall’ you SAY?!?! I’m FALLING DOWN A RABBIT WHOLE... okay one more...
Plays Fire: *guy catches on fire* ah this gonna be lit. Yaaas iron the shit out of him.... La lalala *car falls* DAAMN sON! ... This song is making me want to break things. *RM and JH part* oooh that’s liiiiit... *Jin touching his lips in front of that burning car* that car is an accurate representation of what your move is doing to my ovaries... *that music stop when Suga speaks* thIS IS FUCKING AWESOME... I cant handle it... *hot hot hot hotter* fucking lit... Okay wait let’s fucking Google search them and learn more.
Google search: *reads their names* lel Rap Monster, okay I’ll be honest that’s hilarious (later on I decided this name is accurate considering his rapping skills).. Okay I can remember those names but... who’s who? *searches them name by name* nah I can’t remember and distinct them c’mon... I will listen with color coded lyrics later, let’s find out their ages... JK is 20.. okay who was JK *searches* THIS ONE?!?!? THIS ONE IS THE YOUNGESt?!?!? That doesn’t sound right.. look at him.. I’m confused.. I GIVE UP. 
Okay, okay, let’s try to learn who’s who and start telling them apart, why is it so hard to tell them apart, why am I like that, I don’t wanna be racist I realize they are different *starts hating myself* *watches the videos with color coded lyrics* *a few hours later* oh okay so in conclusion: the one that starts a fire in my ovaries is Jin, angry eyebrows and deep voice is V, broody-Derek-Hale is Suga, the rap god is RM, the dance animal is J-Hope, the angelic voice and face is Jimin and the no-way-he’s-20 is Jungkook.
Watching other videos: *randomly clicks on video called “best moments”* oooh they are actually really cute, wtf how are those puppies the sex gods from BT&S??? My mind cant comprehend... *watches dance practice videos* Oooooh look at them move.. I mean how do they rearrange their composition so fast without falling or stepping on one another. This is illegal...  Wait what do you mean Jin and RM are the worst dancers, they look like they are doing fine *watches dance practices specifically to check RM and Jin* ... they dance 100000000 times better than me and I went to fucking hip hop and modern dance lessons for 2 years... I UNDERSTAND NOTHING
Watching American interviews: Their English is killing me. *interviewer asks about “crazy fans”* BITCH DONt, why are you trying to disrespect their fans like that... are you fucking kidding me??? Look at RM’s irritation.. SAME *interviewer asks about dropping English album* *feeling offended on behalf of the band* hOW aBOUT fUCKinG NO????!!!? How about that, huh?!?! I’m so sick of English speakers that think their language is the only language and we are OBLIGATED to know it. Bitch I ain’t and BTS sure aren’t. You like their music? You wanna sing along? THEN LEARN.FUCKING.KOREAN!!! Motherfucking arrogant entitled bastard I’m gonna slap you with a corn-dog. THIS MAKES ME MAD *keeps watching interviews* This is making me cringe so bad. I should stop.
*looks at clock* 4AM/!??? WHEN?!/!?
Okay I’ll just make this Spotify list real quick. For science purposes. *jamming to playlist in the car during 1+ hour traffic jams*
*decides to change tumblr theme* but what should I put for icon and banner.... what if... *spends 2 hours editing pictures and icons* ends up with Jin on both of them. 
let me just follow a few blogs so I can keep up with the news. 
*trying to stay away from fics* *fails*
*trying to post as little as possible so it doesn’t bother my followers*
opens tumblr today: 
dash: 90% BTS Mic Drop. 
me: ...
dash: ...
me: ....
icon: ...
me: well.. fuck.. 
I realize I am too far gone and idk what to do for my other followers and my urge to reblog everything on my dash. 
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jongsooyah · 7 years
Genuine question, what makes the u think that Kai/soo are more than just good friends and a bit of? Is it the jagiya moment?
LMAO no! i’ve been saying kd is legit since years ago, evenbefore i found out about kfans analysis about jagiya. 
kd is more than jagiya moment, kd is more than one (1) moment. if youthink the majority of kd shippers say kd is dating cuz of solelythat one particular moment, u r wrong m8.
it’s actually a built-up kind of thing (?), when i firstjoined the fandom i actually thought “kd is just broz 5ever” but thisthought didn’t last long bc the fandom enthusiasm got me curious about kd andafter i tracked back their old moment~recent ones i was like “ok, thesedudes definitely have something going on”. 
another factor that makes me v sure is theirenvironment/surrounding. this one actually makes everything more interestingand obvious, at least for me.
some of the members have reacted to them….. ~strangely~.strange bc kd is supposedly just another ~kpop boyband’s otp~ butmembers reactions tell the opposite. kjm often looks disapproving when kdhappens,pcy often cockblocks kd and makes everything awkward, staffs have openly eyed them (dis n dis). 
dont forget xc jagi moment appeared right after ifans made a huge deal about jisaying this word to call ks and then we also have xc suddenly saying that they’re the closest ones in eksoh as if they were trying to debunk pcy & kji statements(in 2014 & 2015); “kd is the closest ones in the group”. oh there’s also this one when bo-mi (from a pink) reacted to them, she giggled once kd pic appeared on the screen while other mc’s looked lost.
there’s also kxk that actually makes kd moreprominent. thx to kxk i actually know what to label them now cuz b4 i used to say “kd isn’t platonic”. i wasn’t sure what rs they had, i was only sure that “these 2 r def not just friends” but kxk made some ppl blabber (cuz wuts the point of keeping hush hush, kxk is ~dating~ anyway in public eyes & kd shippers r branded as delulu & scums™ anyways so… lel). kd looked angsty and awkward af during the period after kxk, thankfully it didn’t last long. they couldn’t even make a eyecontact when they had concert in shenyang (ks flinched when jilooked at him and he quickly looked away, theres a vid of this but my tag is amess so i cant find it), they sang along to that angsty song, they looked teary eyed on the night the ~news~ got revealed (some ppl said ks cried after this event and many actually saw it but cuz some of his stans gonna hellbent defending about how this isn’t true even thothe previews of this night show us how watery his eyes were so it kinda backsup the rumor. let’s just pretend i never said anything here lol)
there are other stuffs too like that 2012 insider post(saying kxk is planned and kji actually doesn’t like fanservice otp bs yet hebasically pairs himself up w/ dks all the fkcing time like have u seen theirrecent moments?) and the timing of the gay b.i’s match w/ kd acted strangely(2015~2016 period) but im too lazy to explain these. 
and tbh kd themselves r actually obvious. ppl who have gone to their concert often say how different the ~atmosphere~ that surrounds kd, as if theyre in their own bubble. even non shippers have said the similar thing before. plus they often being glued to each other, like there’s magnet or something that pull them towards each other lol. 
kji also has several times pushed other member away from ks, like when they were in airport, kji nudged pcy so he could hold ks shoulders, when they were in smtown’16 kji followed se-soo around & kinda tried to separate them. dks looked worried when kji got injured & he has helped kji alot when this happened. he also has mentioned kji for several times even tho no one literally asked, he even whined bc kji didnt watch his drama (this happened during pure love interview, dks was like “y ji doesnt watch my drama?? im actually anticipating his upcoming drama [choco-bank] but he doesnt watch mine :(”). 
while kji always chooses ks as his #1 and has often defended him when ppl said “ks is quiet” (”he’s not quiet u only need to know how to talk to him uwu”) or when ppl said “ks is not cute” (dks got the lowest percentage cuz members didnt vote for him as cute member but kji chose dks as the cutest #1). don’t forget kji is basically dks spokesman; when dks gets asked he would answer it for him. when dks is nervous kji would calm him down (by rubbing dks’ back or arm). i still can add more but this is already really long and i kinda h8 myself for spending too much time/energy writing this.
basically, none of those stuffs would’ve happened if kd werejust ~broz 5ever~, everything that has happened leads me to theconclusion that they’re together. 
sorry 4 long answer btw.
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ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- tapeFace [TF] began messaging liberatedRaptor [LR] --
-- tapeFace [TF] began messaging liberatedRaptor [LR] --
LR: oh SHIT tell me
TF: Her name is Pietri, and she's a mime too!
TF: She's really sweet and nice and super cute and I'm gonna help her restore a two-wheel device!
-- tapeFace [TF] does a happy dance --
TF: ♫ヽ(゜∇゜ヽ)♪ ♪(*ノ・ω・)ノ♫ ♩ヽ(・ω・ヽ*)♬ ♬(ノ゜∇゜)ノ♩
LR: someones happy!
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~SO HAPPY*~✧』
LR: do you have a crush
LR: is it too early to tell
TF: Too early to tell. (◡△◡✿) We only met like two nights ago
TF: She's def BFF material tho! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ But I'm also a little bit worried. (◕﹏◕✿)
LR: why you worried
TF: SHe's a subjug, bro (◡︿◡✿) She's perfectly nice and sweet and great, but I can't shake the worry that she's too good to be true.
LR: like no offense but if shes a subjug shes probably bad news :S
TF: I mean, she's part of the churchy sect instead of the more violent carnival sect, and I don't think she's ever hurt a single person in her life that didn't threaten her first
TF: But still (◕︿◕✿)
TF: I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt
TF: Though even if she's never hurt anybody, she's part of an organization that does.
LR: yea
LR: well uh good luck on that i guess
LR: at least she isnt a seadweller
LR: lel
TF: I wouldn't mind if she wasa seadweller. They can't all be like Dr. Pain Train
LR: dr pain train
LR: im calling them that
TF: Nice. (⌐■ω■)
TF: So how're you? Any improvement with your ice powers?
LR: YEA actually
LR: i managed to make a cooking pot out of ice that doesnt melt but like
LR: whats the point of using ice to cook :^)
TF: /)(◕△◕✿(\ )
LR: so i used it to beat them in the head but like
LR: gently
LR: gently as in
LR: i didnt knock them out
LR: (it started a fight)
LR: (their son broke it up lol)
TF: THEIR WHAT!!! (⊙_⊙)
LR: their ssssssson
TF: But descendants aren't supposed to be layed until like hundreds and hundreds of years after their ancestors die or whatever!!
TF: How does he have a son????
LR: no see listen
LR: hmmmm
LR: basically Floren accidentally cloned themself but its also not exactly a clone
LR: they were mostly doing it for the vine(tm) but then the wriggler survived
LR: also this kid is terrifying
LR: ive never seen a troll with so many teeth
LR: or... so averse to wearing a shirt
TF: oh my god he made a literal monster
LR: like at first glance the kid is a normal troll and actually looks exactly what im guessing Floren looked like as a kid
LR: but then they smile and you kinda piss yourself a lil?
TF: (⊙︿⊙✿) y i k e s
LR: luckily im basically a frost elemental so
LR: if Leo gets hungry for FLESH i can just freeze myself and also everyone in a fifty mile radius
TF: WOuldn't it be easier to just freeze him?
LR: ,,,,yes
LR: HECK brb tho
TF: Okay!
LR: i have returned
TF: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*WELCOME BACK*~✧』
TF: In unrelated news, I got over my chest cold, so no more potentially deadly coughing!
LR: yas betch
TF: I was real worried Dad would end up totally deaf, but he's alright
LR: proud of u for not murdering his audio canals
TF: Me too, my dude. Dad lives to sort of hear another night. ಥ⌣ಥ
LR: hey bro have you ever had a kismesis
TF: Nah, man. I've never had any quadrant. (◕﹏◕✿)
TF: Why do you ask?
TF: I'm not even sure what kind of person I'd want for a quadrant. @_@ I just figure I'll know the right person when I meet them
LR: yeah i think its something like that
LR: or i guess in some weird cases its someone you never thought in a million sweeps
TF: Do you have a kismesis?
LR: normally i dont care if people judge me because im a shameless motherfucker but i feel like i should feel ashamed???????
TF: Why??
LR: idk cuz Floren is gross
TF: You're crushing on Flo? (⊙△⊙✿)
LR: uhhhh
TF: Well, you did say they've been getting better at the whole Not Torturing People thing, and you've been spending a lot of time with them
LR: yeah were around each other all the time
LR: and like
LR: i guess antagonizing each other
LR: a lot
LR: idk
TF: Do you think they feel the same way?
LR: Floren has been flirting with me since the night we met
TF: But is it just because you're hot, or do you think there might be actual feelings? (◕△◕✿)
LR: wait you think im hot? :3c
TF: ★~(◡ω◕✿) heck ye
TF: Tho I guess I can see you getting black feels for them. It kinda makes sense, though I dunno if it would be a good idea considering whatever happened way back when that freaked you out so much. (◕﹏◕✿)
LR: yeah
LR: i guess ill think about it
LR: anyway i gotta go
LR: ill ttyl man
TF: Ttyl dude :)
-- liberatedRaptor [LR] stopped messaging tapeFace [TF] --
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benjaminhunter · 7 years
wow dont read this if youre gonna unfollow for me speaking a bit abt my life situation btw even if the whole thing sounds so much like a 15year old narcissistic cunt’s post venting about their emo problems and their ‘i hate my fucking life’ stick like i used to vague about on scattered fanfic french blogs; look ill get over myself ! sooner than you think ! but i havent made a really personal post on this blog in a while cos it felt.. useless and self pitying in the wake of the really upsetting suffering i see on my dash, from the mutuals i consider friends and the political situation that i kinda want to escape from? but even then. that feels self pitying. and also its almost 8 am so no one will see the bs im posting. so  anyway an update on my thrilling life ! my moods have been flickering between extreme anger and complete exhaustion ! obssessively checking social medias of artists i really looked up has transformed the feeling of admiration i felt into complete beatdowns of myself, always comparing myself to them and rejecting everything decent i made.. getting angry over ship content for absolutely no reason when ive always been the type to be ‘oh fuck it live and learn’; now my anger is making me feel like im expecting ppl to draw content for a f/f rarepair and when this rarepair is overshadowed by huge het or m/m popular pairs i get pissed off, storm and brood about it, feeling like im a child throwing a tantrum ! so thats fun !!!!!!!!!!! lol !!!!!!!!! all my insecurities flooding back because the dam is damn broke when ive been taping it the best i could over the past years. so im feeling intense jealousy at talented artists finishing their projects and starting new ones, and w/ mikus 10th bday coming up and everything- it feels like when youre following your multiplayer guild’s quest in a mmorpg but with bad internet. theyre accomplishing so much and im. here? what? what achievement do i have for myself? oh yeah. i played dr:ae at least ten times. and yet i still couldnt find the energy to make decent dr:ae fanart. its awful. its terrible ! and my asshole dad feels like he can strut all he want because i chickened out on calling the cops on him that one time and hes been even more verbally abusive, although the good side is hes not hitting me or my sis anymore. i guess pulling a knife on him once when hes done so on me so many times impressed him a bit, yknow, the snake that comes back to bite you in the ass? you reap what you sow bs? yeah. so no more slaps or punches, which is good. i guess he yells more and lashes out at the dog, which is terrible, but he hasnt been a complete ass to the rabbit, mostly because hes too lazy to come upstairs and kick chaussette’s cage or smash stuff off the shelves i guess. still the wifi is Very bad cos obvs my parents are hogging the bandwidth, the weather is bad, my sis and i dont have money to fish out of our purses to go to the pool, the library is closed & friends are either working or on holiday away with their families, also our teacher just confirmed that there will be an entrance exam at the start of year2 and i need to get stellar grades to get into the teacher course,so im wasting my eyes frantically speedrunning japanese grammar basics from year1; while my moms accusing me of being selfish for not wanting to go on a stupid 2week trip when i want nothing to do with her and my dad. my ex’s situation is still hanging over my shoulders, that bitch is still cursing me beyond the grave shes been digging and the shit morons that are her friends are still trash talking me, make ‘triggerd memes ;)))’ about me which is fine i guess :)) at least im not lurking their every tweet & post they do so my head is mostly clear on that, the trick is not to think about it or else it WILL fuck me up.. u got other worries like im worried about getting a job even and im worried about celeste’s job and while i know she definitely can handle herself im afraid of drunks coming into her store, have been ever since i started living with one, so theres that lel. 
im glad i got to spend some time with suke and yura and manon before we parted ways two weeks ago, and celeste i ever so sweet.. its been 1 (one) whole year since weve been together although it feels like ive loved her for .. way longer than this so. like if i could get one wish rn, it’d be to get to leap across the ocean so i could be physically close to her and enjoy some time w/ her. get you a girl who gives you butterflies like that, man. shit. wow wow chica bow wow this is long winded and whiny and ill probably regret ever writing that
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52 questions (why)
Tagged by: @butwewereanempire who is powering through this HOT af maturità (ps gud luck)
Rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag people
1. coke or pepsi? Coke, but they’re both fine I guess
2. disney or dreamworks? Disney
3. coffee or tea? I’m a masochist so coffee 
4. books or movies? books prolly
5. windows or mac? Mac
6. dc or marvel? Marvel any day
7. xbox or playstation? I’m no gamer bruh
8. dragon age or mass effect? no
9. night owl or early riser? Obv a night owl, but I’m trying to get better ar waking up earlier (look @ me failing)
10. cards or chess? Cards, I’ve always wanted to learn how to play chess but never got the chance, while I’ve been playing cards since i was a kid (those Riviera days). I’m not a pro tho lel
11. chocolate or vanilla? chocolate (must be as d a r k  as my soul)
12. vans or converse?  Vanssss 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? I have no clue wat
14. fluff or angst? I don’t really read fanfics but I guess angst
15. beach or forest? Beach pls take me there now
16. dogs or cats? ) kitties cause they fluffy and qt and can’t say ur wrong (also more independent and smart looking)
17. clear skies or rain? Clear skies cause life is too short to really enjoy depressing weather 
18. cooking or eating out? im lazy so the latter
19. spicy food or mild food? spicy! but not too much im weak and i dont wanna die (maybe….for now)
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? xmas! idk good memories 
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Too hot cause i suffer the cold too much
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? To read people’s minds (cus im 2 curious) or to be able to travel back in time and meet my faves
23. animation or live action? live action?
24. paragon or renegade? idk my dude
25. baths or showers? Showers, who has time to do a bath these days
26. team cap or team ironman? TEAM CAP
27. fantasy or sci-fi? None but sci-fi
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes and if so, what are they? 
E mentre io guardo la tua pace, dorme | quello spirto guerrier ch'entro mi rugge. - Alla sera di Ugo Foscolo
My spirit is too weak — mortality | Weighs heavily on me like unwilling sleep | And each imagin'd pinnacle and steep | Of godlike hardship tells me I must die | Like a sick Eagle looking at the sky. - On Seeing the Elgin Marbles, John Keats
I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. -  The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Your determination does not lie in mere knowledge but in action in accordance with your knowledge: this message rings aloud in my inmost soul as soon as for a moment I collect myself and look into myself. You exist not merely for the purpose of idle self-contemplation or brooding over pious feelings. No, you are there to act; your action and your action alone decides your worth. - The Vocation of Man, Johann Gottlieb Fichte <3<3<3
29. youtube or netflix? youtube cause im lame
30. harry potter or percy jackson?  n o n e
31. when do you feel accomplished? when i get things done (never)
32. star wars or star trek? Star Wars OBV
33. paperback or hardback books? Paperback
34. horror or rom-com? Horror, the shittier the better 
35. tv shows or movies? idkkkk
36. favourite animal? myself
37. favourite genre of music?  do i have one? no
38. least favourite book? I Promessi Sposi by Alessandro Manzoni??? I’ve def read worse but I can’t recall
39. favourite season? Summer (but fall 2!!!!!!!!!)
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? I’D rather not mention it
41. what kind of pajama’s do you wear? in summer whatever i find pretty much/ night robe, in winter nice matched pjs yaaas
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? hmmm depends on the day actually. my life is a rollercoaster
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? this (pls dont)
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? obv this (again pls dont)
45. harry potter movies or books? none. ew
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? no otps thanks
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? nah
48. what is the worst way to die? drowing i guess
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? visit museums/go @ opera theatre for free? Prolly
50. if you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? the rev of les Trois Glorieuses maybe
51. What is your coziest memory? 
before I had my own bedroom I slept with my sister and every once in awhile we pretended to have sleepovers so our little brother would have got upset (sorry gabry :p)
52.(my question) If you could change just one thing in your life what would that be?
Tagging: @everyone who wants to do this
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
Monsta X and their conforming s/o
requested by anon~
a/n: okay at first i was confused whether it was comforting or conforming then it was conforming (iactuallysearchedthewordlololololsorry) so i hope you guys enjoy this! i apologize for any misspelled words or wrong grammar and if ever i’ve offended someone... huhu i didn’t mean to tho. credits to the owners for these gifs!
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this boy would be clueless about you being conforming about traditional customs, standards, and expectations
once the boys told him about the signs of someone who is conforming, he’d still be clueless
ever since they told him about the signs, he would observe your actions, words and many more
however, once he finally saw a green light to all of the signs he wouldn’t really change his perspective of you
he’d be even more interested in you, constantly asking about what you think of this and that
but then he’d also be worried
worried that you might get hurt because of the fact that you conform to anything that is standard in the society
‘babe, you do know that you don’t have to go by the book right?’
‘i know but i want to do it’
by the second that left your mouth, shownu would just support you and secretly try to protect you from the bad stuff
i actually dont know what type of bad stuff but yeah, bad stuff
as days passed, he noticed that it got worse
he’d actually try to talk to you, one on one
by the second that you tried to disagree and defend yourself once he finished telling you what he wanted to say
he’d hear you out but then would point out what’s wrong
but then he wouldn’t force you to change since he will always love you for who you are
and after the talk, the two of you might just go out and eat some patbingsu
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this boy would notice it right away
being someone who always go by the standards and book, wonho wouldn’t be that happy tho
since he knows at some point, you’ll just get hurt
and he doesn’t want to see the person he loves hurting
so, instead of attacking you directly with his questions, he’ll casually talk about the rules or standards that is present in our society
and he would actually tell you that sometimes it would be nice to break the rules
only to receive a negative response from you
that’s when his questions enter
he, just like shownu, would explain what would happen if you’d be always by the book or complying to all the standards that society wants us to be
and how he’d feel if something happens to you 
knowing how cruel the world is, he’d actually ask if you could just lessen the ‘conforming to every rules and standards’
but then once he sees that you’re getting uncomfortable with the topic, he’ll change the topic and try to brighten up the mood
before that, he’d apologize to you first since he doesn’t want to see you upset because of him
once that he sees you that you’re fine, he’ll be happy and maybe try to  talk to you about it maybe some other time
however, when you came home with tears in your eyes, he’d immediately ask you what happened 
and you’ll tell him about this dude you almost harassed you because you corrected him and told him that he was going against the rules
and that, my children, will be the start of wonho scolding you but not that scolding that could hurt you but that type of scolding that would make you realize 
but then he wouldn’t really force you to change right away
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this boy would find it cute when he sees you abiding the rules and regulations to every single thing
seeing you cutely tell him that he’s going against the rule or standard, fits of giggles coming from him would fill the room, like literally
then this goes by for how many days and he’d still think that you’re cute
but then, he notices that you’re always going for what the society wants, 
using this set of branded clothes or going on a diet because the society only finds those who have bodies like idols beautiful and when you’re fat, they’ll call you ugly and whatnots
he’d be unhappy about it
like really unhappy
he’d actually confront you out of the blue, asking you why you’re suddenly doing this and that
but when you told him that the society or the book says that blah blah blah blah blah
he’d actually shuush you up. 
a savage yet honest Kihyun would legit appear
he wouldn’t really think of his words to be honest, may it offend or hurt you 
but it’s only the way for him to show how much it affects him to see that you’re going through all this trouble
but then once he sees you on the verge of tears, he’d be angry at himself 
he’d immediately apologize for what he just said, if he’d offended or hurt you
and he would also explain his side, how he doesn’t want to see you do this just to follow what the society wants
and yes, just like shownu and wonho, he wouldn’t force you to change yourself just because he doesn’t like that side of yours 
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this minnie wouldn’t be able to notice it right away to be honest
when he sees you doing things by the book, he’d just shrug it off and continue with what he’s doing
when the members tells him about you being a conforming person, he’d just look at them and tell them that he does not know what they’re talking about
and when they explain it to him, he’d be ‘. o . )’ to every single word that he understands
when minhyuk and you hang out for no particular reason, the thought of you being a conforming person would literally be on repeat on his mind
and once that you notice his change of actions and expressions, you’d ask him what’s wrong, to which he’d just reply ‘nothing, babe’
and you’d just shrug it off lel
when both of you are out, he’d start observing you.... thinking that he’s not obvious
and he’d be freaking obvious, which will make you give him a look and ask him what’s up
and he’d literally spill everything and you’ll just be ‘lol’
okay, so once he’d seen everything that answered his questions, he’d still be ‘. o .)?’ 
but then once he finally sees the big picture, he wouldn’t really care to be honest
since it’s who you really are and he loves you for it
seeing how you can handle all those negative stuff being thrown at you for being always by the book, he respects you for it
but once he sees that someone is going over that line, he’d be mad asf
he’d actually defend you tho 
and instead of you being held back, it’ll be him that you’ll be holding back since he mind cause some trouble lelelel
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it won’t bother this boiii
you going by the book? fine by him, it’s even attractive since a woman like you knows what is wrong and what is right 
and you can also give justice to those who are being ganged up by ignorant people
but then, you going by the standards of the society? not okay
he’d be bothered about it to be honest
like you’re beautiful and unique in your own ways, why follow all of the things that are only accepted by the society?
what’s wrong about being a unique individual that doesn’t give a fck about what other people think?
he’d literally be confused why you’re doing the ‘accepted’ or ‘must be followed’ standards in the society
but then when he sees you changing yourself because it does not abide to what the society wants damn, i’d better hide myself if i were you
he’d be legit straightforward with you 
asking you why’re you’re changing yourself and he’d be pissed off, i tell you
he doesn’t want you to change yourself for someone who you’re really not, someone who’s the standard of acceptance in the society
no, he’s not gonna take all that bs coz he knows that you’re some who’s pure and who’s freaking amazing
but then he’s totally fine with you going by the book
but then he’d be annoyed sometimes... especially when the two of you are playing.... boardgames
you’d be like jooheon, saying ‘time time time *with matching hand gesture* and he’d reach that point wherein he’d literally stop playing and cuddle with you instead since he loves you... 
and he’d still love you for who you are despite being a conforming person. if you still want to continue with what you really want, he’d support you but then he’d tell you to limit your actions tho since he doesn’t want to see you hurt
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this bundle of cuteness wouldn’t really mind if you’re complying to all of the rules and regulations
but then he’d mind if you’d follow the standards of society
since he himself does not want to see you lose self-esteem or self-confidence or even change yourself 
he wants you to love yourself, may it be your flaws or strengths, he just wants you to learn how to love yourself without letting he ‘accepted’ stuff in the society affect you
but then he’d be whiney to be honest
since whenever the two of you are playing, you’ll always follow the rules 
and when he suggests a new syle of the game, you’d actually hear him out
and once the two of you finally set the rules for the game, you’d be at peace at firs
and once this cutie decides to break the rules,
you’d be attacking him, telling him that he can’t do that since its not in the rules and what not
he’d be bitter, annoyed and yeah, he’d probably whine
but then when it comes to the real world, when someone tries to correct you or him or even the boys, 
you were always there to defend yourself or him or the boys
and sometimes, things kinda get out of hand and this would literally stress him out
so he’d talk to you about it and all 
but then he wouldn’t really change his perspectives of you tho
he’d still love you for who you really are and would even want to make you his wife idk what im saying lol
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do i need to even explain myself? this boy would be literally onto you
knowing that you know almost all of the rules, he’d be asking you random questions like what should you do in blah blah blah
but then, this boy finds it attractive 
and he’d even call you sexy since your brain knows a lot of information and stuff 
but then when he sees you conforming to every single thing there is in the society, he’d be confused at first
then he’d be slightly ticked off when he sees what this conforming this has done to you and whatnots
but then he wouldn’t force you to stop or change
he’d just maybe, vent out what he thinks about your actions and let you understand his side
and he’d also hear you out and understand your side and idk maybe make a deal with you
like if you succeed in lessening your actions that might cause trouble or burden, then he’d do anything that you want and vice-versa
however, things may not go as planned so there might be times that you might almost get into a fight when you’re out 
and this would literally worry him to be honest
then once again, he’d have a heart to heart talk with you 
but this time, he’d be firm about what he’s going to say. just imagine a serious changkyun, okay a serious changkyun, okay are you imagining it? good
he respects the idea of you abiding to the rules and regulations and even to the standards of the society BUUUUUT
A BIG BUTT-- a big but, conforming to every single thing that is accepted can cause you trouble or even hurt you ANNND he doesn’t want to see you hurt
but then, he wouldn’t force you to change. and once this talk is done, his love for you won’t change. he’d still love and support you
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