#also i forgot to mention that the second one was inspired by a rp i had lmao
saucedippingbitch · 10 months
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what’s wrong with these two
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velvetrambles · 3 months
Velvet’s Guide to Understanding the AUs I Work on (Resident Evil: Rainstorm Edition)
(Once again none of this would be possible without my lovely boyfriend @reallolattack who is also co-creator of the AU!! I’d also like to thank @tearsoftime0086 for supporting the AU these last few months as well as inspiring me to keep writing, you’ve been a major help in fleshing everything out :] )
------------------- Oh hey it’s been a while since I did one of these. I just kinda forgot to,,,, But hey Resi brainworms returned and I started writing again so here goes nothing!!
Resident Evil: Rainstorm
"Imagine if Resident Evil was written by Oingo Boingo songs and bisexual people" - @reallolattack Okay first off; change!! What have we done? What will we do? (a lot of a pain for our characters that’s for sure)
The RC outbreak is delayed by a month.
Leon and Claire team up to investigate what’s going on because Chris isn’t telling her shit
I went and revived Steve Burnside because FYUCKKK YOU
Steve works under Wesker between CV and RE5. The prototype for P30 is also developed to keep him under control
Carla is drastically changed from her canon counterpart (main thing is that she isn’t well. Ada 2. But she also plays a much bigger part)
Aeon, Burnfield, and Valenfield are all very much canon here
Sherry and Steve meet and they are FRIENDS
Basically everything about RE6 has been mutilated beyond all recognition for the sake of self indulgence
Carlos is a member of the BSAA
These will mostly be from rps between @reallolattack and I. They do have the possibility of becoming a fic in the future, so if you happen to see these paragraphs pop up again that's why! :] ------------------- Rebecca stares at the words, weakly strung up on some makeshift poles and hanging over their desks. The typo sticks out to her like a sore thumb, but she knows she can’t mention it now, not while they’re on a time limit. Yet, she keeps staring, like her eyes will magic away the extra ‘O’.
A few of the others are busy handling other equally cheap decorations to even notice it, leaving the burden of such knowledge to fall to her.
Did this happen at her welcoming party? Did she get a typo? Is this a running gag she’s unaware of? Or is whoever got sign-duty dyslexic?
You think Captain Wesker would point it out, but no. He’s too busy arguing with Chris over wacky glasses. Jill’s got cake duty. And Barry’s probably acknowledged its existence for all of five seconds before choosing to ignore it. Richard hasn’t even bothered to glance at it.
She takes a deep breath. He won’t notice, surely. She has to stop overthinking typos or simple mistakes before she ends up worrying more about being embarrassed than investigating a grisly murder. - Written by me. ------------------- They were mostly for minor injuries anyway, she hasn’t been bitten or scratched by these things, yet, only sliced by glass and broken metal, she’s more likely to get tetanus than infected.
Or so she hopes, really.
It’s one of those things constantly gnawing at her mind, always aware of her symptoms, always aware of any sign that she might be turning. She hates it, the around-the-clock paranoia, the small moments of panic when she thinks she’s developing symptoms.
Ever since Marvin, she.. she can’t begin to imagine what it’d be like once she actually gets infected. - Written by me. ------------------- Steve tests the shoulder as he shakes his head, which is also aching. Just his damn luck. The plane crash really did a number on them, and if the cold doesn’t kill them - internal bleeding just might.
Okay, best to avoid thinking about that. They’re not going to die here. They’ve got this far, right? Or well, Claire certainly won't perish here. With a wound like this, he’s already a liability. Honestly, it’d be better if she left him here, might increase her odds.
Damn, did he hit his head that hard? - Written by me. ------------------- He doesn't let himself entertain the thought of becoming one of… them. As far as he knows, he's the only cop left in the city. It wouldn't be a good look for the R.P.D. if all of their workforce died in the one situation they couldn't protect people from, right?
Well, except S.T.A.R.S., maybe. They would've owned the apocalypse.
Especially Wesker. God, he's cool. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- He sits down with a sarcastic grin.
"Nope. Intentionally avoided it. I walked."
And he walked with tank controls!
"Needed to get the cardio in, anyway. I've been hunched over a desk for so long, I forgot what good posture was. Which- thank you for getting me out of the White House."
Which is a sentence that no-one on Earth has ever said before. Claire Redfield is just that strong.
He uses this opportunity to straighten out his back against the chair, keeping his posture in line. You just straightened out yours.
I know what you are. - Written by @reallolattack ------------------- Yeah, he was expecting something vague. Nothing affirmative, no dates, just- "once in a while". How long exactly is a while? Is he really okay with the bait of something stable, if it even is, hanging in front of him for god knows how--
… she told him not to think too hard.
It's something. It's… something. Hope. Tangible, material hope. The most he's had in- fuck. Ada's faint pulse against his chest made his own heart feel like it's finally beating again. She is his oasis.
"My window's always open."
Except when it's locked. But hey, she has a knack for these things. Maybe she has one of those Hollywood laser glass-cutters? She's used to destroying government property by now. Hell, his couch is probably next.
"So…" His teeth latch onto the inside of his bottom lip for a moment. "… how long are you staying?" - Written by @reallolattack -------------------
Stories set in Rainstorm
Every fic I post to AO3 set in this AU will be linked here!!
Early Morning Cuddles
As per usual; questions are welcome!
This AU has so much content sitting behind the scenes that things may get confusing quick, but I’m always willing to clear things up if needed!
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livewireprojects · 3 months
Old Sally Acorn stuff(Lost Prince AU)(I'm sorry for my rambling)
I confess that I barely know Sally, I didn't grow up with the show she was in.(I saw Sonic X, a little bit of Sonic Underground & like two episodes of that Sonic cartoon with the robot monkey sidekick of Robotnik) The first time I heard about Sally is from Sally.EXE when I was maybe in middle school & I think it made me think she was a fan character. Looking back on stuff I use to watch someone who had a Sonic fan character who was a pink version of Sally in a red vest & boots.
I also want to mention again I never read the comics past one chapter of the one that introduces Lara(Knuckles's daughter) & a comic book I got. Even then any parts of the comic I saw focused on Lara's life & going to prom, anything past that I didn't get a chance to see. The comic also was all about Shadow(I think it was called Sonic Universe: Shadow Saga), Sally was never in it & funny enough has a preview of Lara.(It also has a really funny image of a pissed off Shadow thanks to Marine confessing something she did) Admittedly a few years back I learned a little more & saw some stuff due to Dillin Thomas(I don't watch him anymore) & just by chance especially when I went looking stuff up for comic characters I learned about & looked up so I could add them in to my stuff.
Sorry for my rambling but the point is that I don't exactly have any strong feelings about her(as a fan) like I would with other characters like Sonic or Cosmo. She's mostly here cause I got inspiration from my boyfriend mentioning her in one of our Sonic RPs that kind of incorporated my Lost Prince stuff for no reason.
I'm planning to rework Sally & Sally(jr) because when I first made a post about them on DA I made a large mistake. The mistake being I fucked up my math cause I forgot how fucking long 50 years can be.(Or in my reworking of shit 40 years)
For context Sally in my Lost Prince AU & the freedom fighters(I had to look some shit up) are in my version of Sonic Underground having gone to help the resistance against Robotnik. This is 40+ years in the past so if Sonic were to meet her again she would be older.
The second Sally is meant to be her descendant in modern Sonic time. The error I made comes from calling her Sally's great granddaughter. Going off the how far back the events of Sonic Underground were at best Sally Jr would be Sally's granddaughter or maybe daughter depending on how much time passed.
I didn't think about how much time passed so it looked really weird without adding time travel.(Ignore Blaze & Sliver for this) So thanks to that I need to figure things out.
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Here is Sally back during Sonic Underground & Sally Jr as she is in present day. Sally is based off the design were she was in nothing but a vest & boots while Sally Jr is based on her redesign for the comics. There's extra clothes cause I don't really draw characters naked a lot & I can't draw Sonic characters like a normal person.
I'll try to fix things at a later point when I've worked things out.
Below is the summary for Sally & Sally Jr(I honestly don't know why I named her that past the idea her parents decided to name her after her great grandma), I'm putting it under a keep reading cause I feel like I've rambled too much as it is.
Just a heads up the summaries also involve spoilers for my Lost Prince stuff & also mentions Mephiles for my butterfly effect stuff.(Who is still part of my Lost Prince stuff) The Mephiles stuff might end up scrapped because I put stuff back to the original time. What I mean is the project that made him was 10 years in the past but for some reason early in I had the idea that something caused the project that made him to happen far enough in the past that when he started traveling he was able to be part of the Sonic Underground stuff.
Just a lot more stuff I need to work on... I'm not looking forward to doing homework.
Sally was the princess who's family is allies with Sonic's, she & some of her family went to Christmas Island to help Aleena & the resistance against Robotnik. She met Sonic & his siblings along with Knuckles & Mephiles by chance which was lucky as her family could make sure the triplets had support when the family knew they were heading somewhere. While she would help Sonic some, she & Knuckles were at ends due to Knuckles being suspicious of her at first but calmed down after being stuck together on a mission, she even helped him & Sonic when Sonic broke up with him due to something the hedgehog blames himself over. Sally went on to help the council put in place of the royal hdgehog family while Aleena, Sonia & Manic were gone & made sure Knuckles was ok while in stasis. Sally would eventually return to the mainland & take the throne but would secretly be in charge of the Hidden Knights Aleena put together as they searched for Sonic.
Sally was a strong willed person that wanted to help out, she preferred to do things on her own terms & got irritated when things didn't work out. She's mostly calm but can get annoyed easily, if she snaps it's out of concern such as if someone attempted to go fight in the rebellion even though they had a broken arm. Even though she was little head strong & trying to be a leader she'd make sure people had support when they needed it especially if it was emotional support, she had seen enough to know how to be a good listener.
Sally is the great grand daughter of the Sally from the war against Robotnik on Christmas Island around 50 years ago, her family has told her stories of it with her father & what little she remembers of her great grandma always talking about a blue hedgehog that helped but disappeared. Her family's interest in the triplets(especially Sonic) has lead to her being curious about the blue hedgehog that she often sees keeping places in the kingdom safe. Aside from Eggman the kingdom is mostly at peace which has given her time to go on adventures & travel when not studying to be the next in line for the throne.
While it's a little annoying at times she's pretty much the spitting image(is that term spelled right?) of her great grandma as a teen & has traits from her as well. She only got to meet her some as a kid & some of her memories are foggy due to being upset about when she finally died & not liking to think about it. Like her great grandma she is strong willed, she's a little bit of a free spirit but knows when to make time for her duties as the heir to the throne. While not as experienced as the Sally before her due to not living in a time of war she's still capable of being a leader & fighter when needed.
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wine-dark-soup · 3 years
I could have become a gm on this mass effect forum but they refused because i was about to start my hypokhâgne and said i would have too much work to properly assume the role of a gm. They were right lol i wrote ONE roleplay in one year. BUT it was my best rp. The funniest to write also.
it was a "flashback" rp taking place several decades before me1. very easy to do when you're an asari because asari live for 1000 years
I roleplayed an asari matriarch named dashanxa t'pradma that was eavily inspired by the bene gesserit (was just done with the dune cycle by then). She was a leader of a cult trying to bring back the Goddess in asari politics. Yes a religious totalitarian. at the time of this rp she was still living on a planet (forgot the one we chose) and pretty much was leading her little cult and had plans to extend it but effectively started nothing evil and her followers were pretty much as dangerous as amish
My partner for this rp roleplayed an asari huntress named alessa. Alessa just got almost fired (consequences from another rp) and was told to keep a low profile for a while AND while she was at it to gather informations about dashanxa.
why? because even if dashanxa's little gang seemed innocuous, some tourists were disappearing on the planet. and since you could well, force them to join your cult for them not to be seen ever again, dashanxa was a good lead. not to mention she had money and pretty much everyone hated her for investing in everything on that friendly and touristic planet.
(for once, she was innocent)
it was the BEST roleplay ever. once a week one of us posted their part, it was steady and never boring. alessa had to spy on dashanxa. dashanxa tried to recruit alessa. she tried to prove she had nothing to do with the missing tourists. we toured dashanxa's lavish manor (which twisted the mind of alessa so bad she had to sleep far away in a different hotel than the one her boss sent her in). in the end we decided to team up to find out what was really happening with the tourists.
dashanxa stayed back in her manor and i started roleplaying her second in command, Odra, who was more into spying and fighting melee combat than her High Priestess friend. Alessa and Odra had to infiltrate some storage buildings and in the end found out that the tourists were test subjects for a new toxic gas. action ensued. in the end dashanxa's name was cleared but she secretely kept the formula to create more gas. alessa went on her way not cult-ified. she and odra became "friends" as in enemies that respect each other's skills.
for like several posts dashanxa was disguised as someone else unbeknownst to alessa and there was a clue it was a disguise. we both used colors in the code to highlight when characters were talking. and i had set dashanxa color to a specific blue before she disguised herself. once she was disguised i changed the color slightly to another, lighter shade of blue. you could see it if you had good eyes or if you looked into the code of my post. i was 18 and i was crazy.
best cooperative writing experience ever. me and my partner started being penpals (email penpals?) so we could coordinate where the plot was going and we became friends in the process
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jq37 · 5 years
thoughts on this week's ep?
**spoilers for broadway brawl**
***Before we start, I remembered as I was typing this one of the important notes I lost from last week’s recap: Interesting that Christmas seemingly went off without a hitch. I expected Santa to come back into play somehow (like, someone would check on him to make sure Christmas was still on or he’d call them in to help or something) but he hasn’t, at least not yet.***
My guys, my guys, my guys. Was that something or was that something?
I think I am on record as saying that combat is my least favorite part of ttrpgs generally speaking because I’m here for the RP but when a combat episode shines it really freaking shines (see eg: that first combat ep of Bloodkeep where everyone went full Galaxy Brain except for Matt who couldn’t hit a single thing) and this is such a good example. This is easily a top five ep of the season for me, maybe top three so let’s get into it and break down why it was so awesome.
We start right where we left off with Titania and members of her court having come into the theater to beat the tar out of Misty mid-show.
Quick note: At the end of last ep, it was set up so that Misty was thrust on stage right after hearing the mirror was on stage which would place this fight right at the top of Act 2 but at the start of this ep, Brennan seems to indicate that it’s taking place during what would be the closing number. Which would make more sense but imagine you go see a play, the first act is super dope, and then the second act is an insane, minute long fight that’s pretty unconnected to the plot and then a buff, naked, beautiful man tells you the show is over and you should leave. Wild. Anyway.
Pixies with tommy guns in inherently funny.
So one of the things that makes this fight really great is the way it directly ties into the story in a way besides “These bad guys are in our way.” Misty is using this show as a part of her reincarnation spell so if the show is messed up, it fails and she’s on her last life. Brennan has a cool mechanic of making her roll death saves every round at a difficulty lower than her modifier (which is s/t crazy like 11) but that gets harder with damage done to her and performance checks failed by other players who decide to jump on stage. It’s a great way to make the battle feel like it has more personal stakes and it’s my fave original Brennan mechanic since the Family in Flames Sophie’s Choice situation.
(I love that the death save counter is changed for theater comedy/tragedy masks for this. Nice touch.)
Em, Esther, and Wally are also at the fight which is clutch.
Also, Sondheim is specifically here which is an insane detail to add just because.
WILD that no one knows what’s going on with the ritual initially because, as Lou almost does, getting all the civilians out is the smart move and it would COMPLETELY ruin Misty’s plans instantly.
Lou having Kingston take the stairs bc’s he’s 50+ years old and has no time for that nonsense has equal but opposite energy to him doing extra rolls for Fabian to do unnecessary parkour before a simple attack because Fabian’s Like That.
Murph fireblasts the hell out of Titania’s foot soldiers right off the bat from outside of counterspell range which is very cool.
“Give me a performance check for the cockroach.”
“You’re upstaging me bitch?”
Another great thing about this fight is that because of it’s theatrical nature, everyone’s RPing it more than a usual battle ep (or more intensely maybe is what I mean).
Titania hypnotizes Don Confetti and his goons into fighting for her.
“She doesn’t know she’s in a play but she does sing most of her dialogue which is helpful for you.” Titania is just Like That.
Pete drops an erupting earth and drops a sick 37 damage on those same minions Kug got.
I didn’t notice before but yeah, Ally does roll die like a f-ing beyblade champion.
Emily hearing Murph’s low key, offhand comments and cracking up is great.
“Get Sondheim!” (Emily and then Ally: WHAT?!)
Actual living dude Stephen Sondheim being involved in this fight is just so ridiculous and fun and crazy.
We go around to Misty’s turn and she has to beat a 28 (upped from 10) and she fails which feels worse than a normal failed death save somehow.
Lou, in a very good RP move, tells Pete to tell Misty to end the show so she can tell them not to so the group has a valid reason to not evacuate which is a thing they (or at least him and Ricky) would obviously want to do.
Sophie, the madwoman, jumps out of the balcony, grabs a costume, then runs on stage. Emily’s glee at being told that her grabbing the costume will give her advantage is great. She’s always trying to figure out how to make the most of her moves. She is the living embodiment of the concept of method to madness (which is from Hamlet since we’re talking Shakespeare today). 
Ox is constantly dying (Brennan!) but also it’s like, why was he even there before the fight started? I’ve never seen a non-service dog in a theater.
Ricky: Is this part of it?
Oh, forgot to mention that everything that happens on stage is kinda shielded by the Umbral Arcana so everyone watching thinks it’s part of the show, which is a cool plot detail.
Ricky gets fULLY NAKED (Emily, with perfect comic timing: Now do I roll with disadvantage?) and leaps into the fray. He casts Protection from Evil and Good on her which (1) He does by Magic Mike body-rolling on her while he’s naked and considering how much shorter she is that her raises some interesting questions about positioning and (2) is the most clutch use of this spell I’ve seen in a while. It’s a spell I always wanna take as a Paladin because it makes sense character-wise, but I’ve never been able to actually use it because we’re never fighting fiends, fae, or celestial.
Brennan’s dime change change reversal of the critic’s comments on Ricky’s body rolls when Zac re-rolls his 11 makes me glad I never had to face him in a debate team setting.
Ally: What’s Esther’s deal ;)/Brennan: *Esther’s Weapon Stats*
“Your only secret you’ve ever had in your life is that you have a crush on her.”
Wally has a beautiful singing voice and a working knowledge of Midsummer's which is wild.
Lou’s periodic, “My man”’s when Ally/Pete does something cool. He’s very dialed into being Kingston.
Ricky’s aura keeps everyone near him from being charmed and Misty saves everyone else w/ a nat 20 counterspell. Few things in D&D are more satisfying than a well executed counterspell.
Titania trying to get Pete to be her consort or something when he just over the super posh Priya is very funny.
“I mean between me and Sondheim, get Sondheim!”
“DO WE HAVE HOMEWORK TONIGHT?” (“We did have homework.”)
Anyway, Misty has one success now!
Misty tries to use puppet to get Titania to drop her crown and it doesn’t work. Brennan says the crown is Crown of Stars which I looked up and it’s actually a spell, not a physical crown, but I’m assuming he used the mechanical effects of the spell on a physical item.
Brennan doing all these musical/singing bits when he absolutely doesn’t have to. I love it.
I love Ricky and Sophie being the two martial fighting heavy hitters of the group. Like, the two fighters, having the spellcasters’ backs.
I hope the one kung fu fan in the back of the theater never sees another Broadway show again because he’s gonna be so disappointed. 
“I’m just so inspired by that beautiful penis.”
Murph, out of character, verbally acknowledging how insane what they’re doing is. I love when someone pauses in a game of D&D to just recite what’s currently happening out of context so everyone can appreciate how crazy it is. D&D. Gotta love it..
Emily and Siobhan have a quick conversation in the background about whether Sondheim did Les Mis or not (not, that’s Claude-Michel Schönberg) while Brennan and Murph are Ring nonsense.
I also was mildly suspicious of Alyssa so I’m glad Kingston checked her out.
The entire roast of Brennan when he’s selecting D6s is an instantly iconic D20 moment. I can’t do it justice. You kinda just have to see it.
“Someone call Wizards of the Coast!”
Em, Wally, and Alyssa go out when Titania puts out a huge spell that blinds Kug.
“Yummy, yummy, tastes like ass.”
On Misty’s next turn, she rolls a fail which makes it 2 failures to 1 success. Brennan mentions that a nat 1 counts as 2 failures and a nat 20 counts as 2 successes. I’m sure that won’t be relevant later because you can’t foreshadow things when dice rolls are completely random.
Misty fails on puppet again again and Titania goes full Wicked Witch of the West on her and starts Jonesing for those shoessss.
Emily’s Emily(tm) move of the session is doing a flying leap at Titania, hitting her with a stunning strike and having Brennan retract the Box off Doom he was pulling out because she can’t save when she’s stunned. She just plummets out of the sky.
Don Confetti respecting the sacrament of marriage as he goes full Opera ghost and tries to garrote Sophie.
Ricky (still naked) grabs the crown from Titania, tosses it to Misty, and, with some improv and a good charisma roll, makes the show suddenly make sense to the very confused but entertained audience.
I’m so glad that Murph decided to turn into a bear and that they made the Winter’s tale ref. I should have had faith in Brennan and Siobhan, the theater nerds. Exit pursued by a bear y’all.
Lou and Emily bonding over being proud of their die for rolling well when they lend it out for a big roll.
Really wish Pete had wild magic surged in this fight. Just to add that extra bit of chaos. 
With a very good turn (no damage taken, no performances failed) Misty only has to avoid snake eyes to get through this turn. She leapfrogs over that low bar and rolls a nat 20, instantly fulfilling her win condition. At this point, the play is superfluous and Titania is still down.
“Brennan lost and now he knows reddit is gonna eat his ass.”
OK, remember how I said earlier that Misty seems like the kind of character you nudge a little temptation at just to spice things up? Yeah, her killing Titania and getting the crown of the Seelie Fae makes me a liiiitle apprehensive, but we’ll see how that turns out.
“I killed my queen! This is America we don’t have royalty here.”
“Bear, I don’t know who you are, but take me on your back, let me ride on stage.” —creator of West Side Story, Stephen Sondheim
Misty charms the critic at the show to make sure they get a good review which is such a fae thing to do.
Kingston’s clearly not loving attacking Don and Co. post “real fight” what with his whole Do No Harm thing (well, that’s Dr’s but same principle applies I assume) is a good character detail. For that matter, so is Ricky just taking Titania’s crown and not beheading her which he super could have done while she was down but it would have been very incongruous with everything else about him.
Brian “This isn’t Loony Tunes” Murphy throws Sondheim as a projectile weapon at a pixie who snaps the pixie’s neck and then does a monologue at the audience.
I love it when someone rolls low on an insight check and Brennan gives them useless info and then they repeat it in their character’s voice.
4 mins from the end of the ep, Siobhan realizes there are two Perrys in this story for the first time and has a bigger reaction to that than almost everything else in this ep except her nat 20.
Ricky looks for costume faun legs to cover his fully out dick instead of costume pants or even his own pants.
Misty starts glowing with reincarnation energy and she runs into her dressing room for privacy. Also, she still super hasn’t told anyone what’s going on. (ALSO, assuming she’s gonna make the world think she died, it’s gonna be wild for the company of the show to have their leading lady put on the performance of her life and then die on opening night).
“Who am I to refuse a crown when it’s placed so deftly upon my head?”
You know that behind the scenes thing where Brennan is like, “Yeah, I knew Siobhan was gonna steal that book,”? I got some of those vibes during the crown scene.
The implications of what Misty did are gonna be left until next ep but Brennan says something about her creating her own court and it looks like she’s recruiting followers in the promo. IDK how I feel about that (these stories tend to have great power--especially tied to powerful magical items--as a corrupting force) but I am very excited to see how it goes down! See you then!
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandom and Fandom Inspired
Hi! Welcome to my humble partner search. Before going into detail I'll explain "my rules", I know it's a boring part but it helps us both to know if we are compatible.
- I prefer to roleplay with +18 people, even if we don't get to touch anything +18 like descriptive gore, smut and such (we can though). I'm over 18 and while in my younger years I roleplayed with both minors and adults, I'm not comfortable enough now that I am myself a legal adult.
- Quantity. I've been told that I'm on the literate side, or semi-lit, or lazy lit (at this point I don't even know what all of those mean exactly ;u; ) but I know that sometimes one doesn't have the energy or just not enough to work to make a +1000 words post. So Quality> Quantity but please give me something to work with (my "lazy/small" usual is around 600 words per character I guess). You get stuck? Lets talk about it. I'm also here for the long term.
- Doubling is required. I like to play both Canon and OC (CanonxOC trash here) and I intend to keep doing it. Do you want to play a canon for me? Please tell me you have a canon you want me to play against your OC. I get easily bored when I don't get to play more than one main character, and I like to build different kind of relationships (friendships, rivalries...) on my RPs, so I expect you to like playing multiple characters (it can be as I said like having two mains and then the others being like NPCs to build the scenes). And I prefer to double with a male canon character usuallt. Why? I don't know to be honest but that is how it works for me. Note: There may be exceptions to this rule, like fandoms where I prefer OcxOC pairings (usually fandom inspired), but the doubling rule still applies and I'd like to play a female and a male OC -- again there may be some exceptions, if there are you'll see it on the fandom list. In the end, playing multiple characters is my jam.
- About OCs.... I used to accept any kind of OC but I've gotten tired of Mary Sues and all angst kind of characters. I know, it doesn't mean your OC is bad, but bear with me, I've had enough with those characters. This doesn't mean that your character can't have a sad story or that they need to have a friendly personality. The problem is when the only thing they do is a constant monologue about their tragic past and they never move the story forward. It gets boring. I want to be hyped about your OC! Choose songs, pinterest boards...
-MxF is what I'm looking for in mains right now (playing both male - most of the time the canon - and female). I don't have anything against MxM, FxF, and I may have them as side pairings too, so if you're against the LGTB+ community I'm not your partner either. Apparently this can be misunderstood so I'll make it more clear. My females and males are only available for MxF pairings. The only exceptions will be mentioned in the fandoms part of this post.
- Let's both contribute to the story. Maybe one has more ideas one day, or one suffers writers block, but lets work together yeah? I also prefer if we use both 3rd person, it can be present or past, as you prefer, but 1st is a bit difficult to me.
-When it comes to romance, love at first sight isn't my thing, I usually go with the slow burn/ "organic" path. Maybe you're more impatient, it's ok, I don't mind speeding up things, but not just saying hi to each other and wanting to marry instantly. I like to keep the main genre of the series and focus on our character's development more than having romance as the only and main focus too.
- Don't feel forced to answer everyday. I can't stress this enough. This a hobby, not a job. Even if I answer at the speed of light I'm not expecting that from you. There will be times that I won't be able to answer for days, life comes first. And I like OOC, share all your memes, silly headcanons, and feel free to chat with me even if you haven't replied to the RP. I've seen some people hiding that they are online to not be pressured about their RPs. I won't pressure you.
- Ghost friendly. We've done that before, it's ok, maybe because we didn't want conflict or because we forgot about the other person.
I think that those are the basic rules. I have triggerings and so but I think I prefer to talk about those matters with someone already interesting in roleplaying.
Now, the fandoms (AU/ Aged up friendly). I'll include what canons I'm interested in (usually a list, so don't worry if we have one or two in common) and then those who I feel [more confident playing as] (your canon isn't there? Talk with me, I may want to give it a try if you're patient with me).
Note for FANDOM INSPIRED: It means that I'm interested in the universe and concepts of the canon story, but also means that I lack enough knowledge to play canon characters and I'm open to more original approaches in terms of story. That being said I'll will probably like to keep some things loyal to the canon, such as the camp of demigods on the Percy Jackson one, or the Parasite's concept + Hybrid Parasites on the DITF one.
- PERCY JACKSON [Inspired](This nerd right here loves the concept but hasn't read the books or watched the movies. I used to have a roleplay based on it and I loved it) - OCxOC
- THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU (an old fandom of mine that got a remake for the switch) - Beat [Neku, I'll need to play it again to remember the others]
DARLING IN THE FRANXX [Inspired] Once again my darlings I've watched bits of every episode, I know I think enough to follow the canon setting but not enough to play canons. So here we are with that juicy OCxOC. I have some request here though, and I feel like a jerk because of it? But I'm more interested in specific type of OCxOC pairing on my side, "Human! Fem! OC x Hybrid! Male! OC" with me playing the human. But, wait for it, I can give you the same pairing if you want it since I double, or also stay on the PilotxPilot, Human! Male! OC x Hybrid! Fem! OC for your side (playing either male or female).
- Shazam! [Movie universe, got little to no knowledge about the comics] - Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman. - [Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman] As you can see I don't have a real preference here because I find the two characters both fun to roleplay against and roleplay as. Give me the awkward teen setting or the aged up version, I don't care, I just think that this roleplay could get hilarious with those two nerds.
SOUL EATER(Read the manga like 5 times, watched the anime, don't talk to me about Soul Eater Not, I tried but it's not my thing). In this one I'm open to play two females if you want two MxF or FxF for your side. Remember that I'm always going to ask for MxF for my side (me playing female). -OcxOc (I have a female weapon and a male/female that can be a weapon or a Meister depending on your OC. Note: that my second OC is flexible in terms of Weapon/Meister and gender doesn't mean that it is rushed. All of my Ocs are basically my children)
Ah! Feel free to ask for fandoms that I don't have listed here, but I may not know them. You can also ask for originals (taking into account what kind of genres I'm craving) but be aware that I'm more of a fandom roleplayer because I've had also weird/bad experiences with originals.
To contact me (I don't post my Discord info) e-mail to [email protected]
Thanks for reading!
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rkwendy · 6 years
Five Times Around The Sun: A Rookies Fifth Anniversary Special
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Dear Rookies,
First of all, I’d like to wish the roleplay a happy fifth birthday! I’m aware that not many roleplays live to make it this far. For you guys to make it, I’ll bet it’s some sort of achievement. And it’s all because of the work both the mods and the members of the community put into this. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause!
I warn you that this is more than 5,500 words long. So yeah. You are free to just skip over this if you wish!
There’s so much I want to say, but I’ve never been great at expressing my feelings. (Fun fact: my mom and I start laughing whenever one of us starts getting cheesy or emotional.) I never even properly celebrated either muse’s anniversaries despite them being in Rookies for more than two years! Forgive me if this gets too long. I promise I’ll do my best to keep this concise (Wow, big word!)
With this knowledge, please bear with me as I struggle to convey all that I want to say without cringing at myself.
I guess it’s safest to start sharing the story of why I opted to join Rookies in the first place. Like majority of what happened to me in terms of KRP, it was a complete accident. I have been in KRP since 2011 (if any of you have heard of ADiS, then… yeah… shifty eyes). I kind of stopped roleplaying because a job with a newspaper was difficult af. (I only went home to shower and eat. I was lucky to be able to sleep, lbr here) Anyway, I needed something to do once I resigned from my old job, and my friends got me back into KRP via a Kingsman-themed one, since they wanted someone to RP Infinite with them. I think some of you know which one it is. /cackles/
MOVING ON. This same friend also planned to join the Rookies and wanted a ship for their muse. We both ended up doing applications, but I was the only one who was able to submit because my friend ended up getting a job. Thus, my friend was never able to join the RP and I got accepted.
A little history time! Please bear with me, this is going to be irrelevant to you but I feel like I need to talk about this. Fun fact I probably never told anyone! Wendy was originally meant to be a Krystal muse. However, I had to make a few adjustments because there was either a Krystal reserve or there was a Krystal muse in the RP. I can’t remember which one it was. The muse was loosely inspired by Berry Good’s Johyun and NCT Dream’s Jaemin, who both used to be competitive speed skaters before they became idols. I changed the sport to figure skating because that is the sport I know best. Wendy was also based on several friends of mine, who were all a bunch of somewhat pretty overachievers. (Going to one of the top universities in the country enables you to meet these people, more on that when I talk about Johnny later on.)
I’m not going to lie, this was the first time I was in a directory that was this HUGE. (Not even ADiS was this huge. Min, please correct me if I’m wrong.) It was easy for me to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the directory, along with concerns that my muse was just going to drown among the many way more interesting muses than what I had to offer.
It would have been easier for me to quit, since the reason I joined was gone. However, Jen ( @yujurk ) turned out to be one of my friends from my Indie RP days! Not going to lie, if it wasn’t for Jen, I doubt I’d have stayed in the roleplay at all. Jen helped ease me into the roleplay in all ways imaginable: by plotting with me, introducing me to muns from the same timezone, and answering any questions in case our good mods weren’t online.
As I was navigating and slowly finding my place in the RP, the third season of the MGAs happened! Not going to lie, I wasn’t sure I was ready for Wendy to be signed, but I thought I might as well do it for the lulz. I know I said this a lot, but the MGAs were probably the among the wildest things I ever put a muse through that I swore that I was never putting another muse through it. Despite that, I’m glad I put Wendy through the experience. It taught her a lot about herself, as well as how far she was willing to push in order to achieve her dreams. At this point, I would like to give a shout-out to Team Nova! Wendy and I can’t imagine having any other teammates besides Jungwoo ( @jungwooxrk ), and the former Luhan ( who is still around as @rksoojung and is still one of Wendy’s loves ), Mijoo, and Soyou (RIP muses). Of course, Wendy owes Ricky ( @rkrxcky ) a lot for leading her to where she is today. Thanks you guys.
After the MGAs, Wendy signed with Nova. I’d like to thank everyone in the Nova family, both past and present, for putting up with this tiny girl who claims to be their future CEO. After two years with the company, Wendy has become (hopefully) an even better vocalist and composer. Sure, her dancing and charisma can use more work — scratch that, a lot more work — but we will get her to a level that’s passable. After all, if she intends to inherit the company someday, she has to do well in the department Nova is known for. I never thought Wendy would last this long as a trainee, but here we are. She could have easily left during Royal Survival, but she didn’t. OOC, the event happened when I was taking TOPIK so RIP. IC, the reason was because she believes in whatever plans Nova has for her (if there are any LMAO). Although she’s having second thoughts now, she’s still determined to see it through. She intends to inherit the company from Hyun Bin, so she has to stay. LOL.
To Minju ( @jinkyungxrk ), thank you for being one of the first to welcome Wendy to the company and making it easy for her to adjust to trainee life. Ani ( @rkmiya ), Wendy and Sunmi have made it! Can you all believe it took Wendy TWO FREAKING YEARS to get comfortable enough with Sunmi to call her unni? And can you all believe it took us around that long to actually plot properly? JFC we are both such snails. Matt ( @rksona ), wherever you are, Wendy will always consider Dawon as one of her Nova best friends. After all, they’re both vocalists who signed pretty close to the same time. To my fellow KRP senior citizen MC/Jae ( @sujirk ) (IDK which you prefer so I’ll use both), it’s nice to know there’s someone close to my age who’s still RP-ing too, despite feeling like that Will Smith meme when finding out how YOUNG some of these children are. And here’s to Wendy and Suji getting to know each other and becoming closer. Maddy ( @rkkaeun )… Where do I even begin? Wendy likes Kaeun a lot and is excited to see how Kaeun will grow, and I feel the same about you too. To Chaeyoung mun ( @rkchaeyoung ) (Honestly, I have no idea how you like to be called, so I shall refer to you as Sowon and Chaeyoung mun for now, I’m so sorry!) and Sunny ( @rkmeiqi ), Chaeyoung and Meiqi are special to Wendy because they are simply the first fellow 98-line girls to join Nova. To Neo ( @rkyngsun ), we have yet to talk a lot and plot more, but I’m grateful that you’re okay with Wendy going all Regina George on your girl. This is going to be a slightly slow burn ship before these vocalists become gay for each other in a way. But I just hope we stick together for this crazy ride. And Nana ( @hyunark ), with Hyuna signed to Nova, Wendy’s even happier than ever, despite feeling some occasional salt at their beloved CEO. Here’s to our girls writing more songs together~
To the boys of Nova, thank you all for being the best boys you can possibly be. To Jess ( @rkhuidong ), thank you having Hui be kind of like a dad/older brother to Wendy. Thank you for assuring her that she did the right thing even if she was punished for it. To Chanel, (OMG this is mention number 2, Chanel!) Ricky is Wendy’s coach and kind of mentor, as well as the fourth-wall reality check. To Lex (you better get used to this. I have a feeling you’ll be mentioned A LOT), our kids have gone through so much, haven’t they? The MGAs, surviving Nova, and a lot more. Wendy cares for Jungwoo a lot, and she hopes they can tough this out together. To Joi ( @bambamrk ), Wendy’s always admired how cool and nice he is. She hopes he’s happy. To Fifi  ( @haknyeonrk ), Circe ( @rkmbin ), and Lulu ( @rksxngyeol ), Wendy would love to get to know your boys all so much better. To Rome ( @rkromeo ), (the now-gone) Jinyoung, and (old) Kihyun, you will always be honorary Nova Boys to Wendy, no matter what.
To Roe ( @rkhugo @rkyooa @suhork ), Wendy wouldn’t let me lump Hugo with all the other boys of Nova. After all, Hugo is special. I’m grateful that Roe entrusted Hugo’s heart in Wendy’s inexperienced hands. I’m honored that Roe actually agreed to have Hugo go through a slow-burn ship, especially when I’m aware that she isn’t the most patient of people when it comes to that. Thank you for putting up with both Wendy’s lack of affection and her inexperience when it comes to relationships, and all the things she fears. Thank you again for putting up with my snail’s pace replies, but I want you to know it’s because I want to give Hugo the replies he deserves. The muse for this ship is alive and kicking, and I intend to keep it that way. Both Wendy and I love you and Hugo so much, Roe. LOL I spent so much time talking about Hugo that I forgot to mention how much both Wendy and Johnny also care about Yooa and Suho, but they do.
Now I’m on the topic of thanks to, I think I should also give a special shout-out to the girls of rkredvelet. Though we don’t talk as often as I’d like, I have to admit you were among the first to plot with me when I was new here. You are all Wendy’s best friends for life.
To Rose ( @rkyeri ): I like seeing you tweet about dancing and your takes on things. I also learn a lot from you! Your comments in the KT groupchat crack me up a lot as well. You’re doing amazing, bb! On a muse perspective, Yeri is one of Wendy’s oldest friends, going back from their days in Canada. Wendy just wants Yeri to know that she’s proud of her for being one step closer to her dreams. She’s also asking when she can start printing the Anna slogan.
To Keith ( @rkjxy ): Hoy, bakla. Other than being a ray of sunshine to both Wendy and me, thank you for everything. Just as Wendy and Joy have fun together anytime, anywhere, I like to think it can become something like that for us both. I love our discussions about local stuff and fandom. May mapapagraduate na ako! /cries proud mom tears/
To Kyle ( @seulgirk ): One of the true MVPs of my life. Just as I honestly have no idea where Wendy would be without Seulgi, I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me if you hadn’t helped me out all those times. Seulgi is practically Wendy’s person. (LBR, if Hugo had to be threatened by anyone, it’s Seulgi.) I also enjoy commiserating over watching winter sports at godforsaken timeslots (one of these days, I’ll understand hockey enough), as well as listening to to you/reading your tweets discussing your muses/muse ideas. And those puns of yours give me so much life.  
Anyway, next up, I’d like to give a shoutout to rkbrosquad!!!! Honestly, having you guys made life a lot more colorful for me, as well as both my muses. I’m not going to lie, this is probably one of the first group chats I was ever in, in terms of KRP. It’s like my muses gained a new family with this insane, but loving bunch. I also like how this chat can also turn into a meme dumpsite, a spazz area, and a tea corner if we need it. Here’s to more adventures with our muses and if distance isn’t an issue, I bet we’d all look for chances to meet.
To Jen, you are one of the reasons we have a squad in the first place. Without you, I bet I wouldn’t have stayed after the first week. Having a familiar face who’s been with the RP for a long time helped me get settled much more easily. It was your helpful self that inspired me to pay it forward for the future muns who’d enter the RP. So if anyone’s grateful that I was friendly to them, please direct your compliments to Jen for setting a good example! Other than that, you and your muses changed my muses’ lives completely. Shoutout goes to her mentor Jieun and one of her closest friends Soyeon.
To Lyn ( @rkavery @rkxsnn ), hoy mumsh. It’s refreshing to able to talk to more people in the same language. Not to mention, your muses always got up to the wildest antics that had both my muses and me laughing. I’m cheering for you both in rp and in real life. Alam mo ‘yan. And muse-wise, thanks for letting your former boy be the James Potter to Johnny’s Sirius Black (or vice versa). Johnny and I will miss your boy loads, but we also welcome your new girls with open arms. And also thanks for shipping with Wendy at some point, even if she ended up broken. (ULOL ang drama!)
To Shinobi ( @rkgray @rkkangjoon ): You are legitimately one of the sweetest people I have ever had the fortune to meet. You’re nice to everyone, get along well with people, and have the most awesome characters ever. Your ideas are just A+++. Gray will also always be the reason Wendy’s standards for men are so high, since in her eyes, Gray is perfect. (Gray will get Johnny’s love in the KT Boyz segment) Meanwhile, Kangjoon will be that handsome brother Wendy will be protective about because she thinks he deserves the best. Johnny will always thank Kangjoon for accidentally smacking him in the butt, which lead him to the best squad ever. #NEVERFORGET
To Nana: OMG! This is your second mention. All those posts of Hyuna and LE to send the group chat into a gay panic are more than welcome. It’s always fun plotting with you and your muses, no matter which one it is. Wendy is proud of Jihoon ( @jihoonrk ) in Convex, as well as looking for a chance to release some hilarious pre-debut shit. As for Hyuna, we all know how much Wendy admires Hyuna and loves her a lot. Here’s to hopefully getting to plot with Younghyun sooner or later!
To Maddy ( @aronrk ): Yes, this is your second mention too. Wendy and Aron have yet to thread together, yeah? LOL. Anyway, Wendy obviously cares a lot about Aron, Kaeun, and Nayoung. And I think it carries over to me caring a lot about you. It’s cool to talk to someone who works in the same industry as I do (rather as I used to) and have the same interests. Bonus points for living in the same timezone! (Aron will get Johnny’s love in the KT Boyz segment)
To Sammi ( @rkxminhee ): You are also one of the nicest people I have ever met. I love learning about girl groups from you, since I’m generally clueless about the ones outside of the Big Three or aren’t as well-known. I’m not going to lie, everytime I see Minhee, I think of you. I remember seeing Minhee post that she was in my country, and the first thing I thought was, “DOES SAMMI KNOW MINHEE IS IN MY COUNTRY?!”
To Em ( @borark ): You’re doing an amazing job as a momma to a cutie pie! Anyway, Bora is one of the coolest girls Wendy has ever known, just as I think you are one of my faves. We need a proper thread ASAP when we’re both not busy T_T
Bet y’all thought that was done, right? Nope. We still have a long way to go. Trust me, if you’re getting tired reading this, I’m even more exhausted writing it. We’ll all just have to deal with it. RIP @ us.
Back in 2016, NCT U, NCT 127, and NCT Dream had debuted. Back then, I was aware that Johnny, the SM Rookie who trained with SM the longest had yet to debut. So as a joke, I thought to myself, I’ll debut him before SM does. He came in a month after Wendy got signed at the MGAs. I figured I could handle two muses so LOL. He started as an NPC friend for Wendy who had a crush on Seulgi, and then I thought I could bring him in.
The first time I knew it was time for Johnny to graduate from NPC to actual muse was when I was watching a local drama called “On the Wings of Love.” One of the characters was a spoken-word artist, and I felt like it was something that suited the Johnny muse I had. I also wanted to bring in a muse who can speak Filipino, so I had an excuse to say PUTANGINA on the dash, as well as spread OPM to Rookies.
From there, Johnny just started becoming more real to me as a muse. Johnny was also based on several college friends of mine, who were all a bunch of insanely intelligent and talented people. He was inspired by a classmate who was actually a MYX VJ (local music TV channel) who was also taking up a pre-med degree. Johnny was also inspired by the guy who became our class valedictorian: a dork who was smart AF and could sing, dance, act, write songs, and was part of the debate team with me. One of my closest friends who I miss a lot was gifted with a superior IQ and an almost flawless memory, and she was also a CF model. All these people inspired me to bring Johnny to life.
Honestly, Johnny brought on a new series of challenges that I never thought was possible. I was less awkward when I brought him in, since I was already somewhat at ease with the community. The challenge was to make him want to be an idol. But somehow, fate let things happen and loh and behold!
From not wanting anything to do with the entertainment industry, Johnny finds himself immersed in it all. He would like to thank the former Jungkook muse (who might make a return as a different FC hint hint) for forging his application for that Samsung modeling casting. That started his interest and curiosity for modeling. However, he got his feet wet only when his teacher told him to go for it. But still, that forgery got him a start.
Then, the life-changing talent show happened. Johnny owes Hugo a huge-ass thank you for signing up him for that Hongdae talent show. He is now proud to be a KT (KermiT) Boy. I still have no clue how Johnny wants to develop from being a genius turned model to becoming the artist he can be. But I guess that’s what we will all have to anticipate.
I hadn’t planned for Johnny to fall in love. In fact, I was planning to make him an asexual hermit. Sure, he’s had crushes on Seulgi and Lisa, but he never dreamed those could amount to anything. He was supposed to be forever alone. (To Roe, that time Yukji tried flirting with Johnny will always be one of the most iconic moments.) However, Ten happened! Yay! Nine asked to plot so nicely, and I figured why the hell not? Okay, fun fact, the reason I planned for Johnny to be a hermit was because I was too scared to be called out for face-chasing. I’m relieved that Nine reached out first. And now they’re the cutest boyfriends. Again, I would like to apologize for my snail’s pace when it comes to replies. I will talk a little more about this later on. I promise.
Another reason Johnny has stayed alive for so long was because of all the friends he’s made over the time we’ve been in this RP. Honestly, every single one of these friends have made Johnny’s life more exciting, more colorful, and have taken him in directions he never would have considered if left to his own devices. I guess the long-ass thank you messages are now in order.
To rknctea:
To Nine ( @tenrk ): You go first simply because Johnny asked me to. Besides, I want to thank you and Ten for making Johnny believe that he’s capable of love and sexual feelings. Ten makes Johnny want to be the right person for Ten, and to be a better boyfriend. I don’t know whether I ever mentioned this, but Johnny sees Ten in his future. OOC-wise, I’m thankful that you brought us NCT typists together in the group chat. Not to mention, you make me laugh with all the stuff you link in there. In our DMs, I love how we both get soft together over JohnTen. Whether it’s plots for our boys or IRL JohnTen doing stuff, it’s always great sharing the feels with you.
To Yurim ( @rktaeil ): To one of the people I’ve known longest in RK (outside the brosquad), my experience in Rookies wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m glad you brought in Taeil. Although I reply at a glacial pace now, I’m excited to see what happens to Taeil. I still find it hilarious that you declared your NCT bias will be whose calling card you’ll draw. Anyway, the reason your barrel man has yet to come to you is because I will personally bring it to you when I fly there next year. If you have any other requests, please let me know anytime before I fly. (I will let you know when we’re arriving so we can meet.)
To Hunnie ( @yutark ): We have been through a lot during the time we’ve known each other. You point out things I don’t notice otherwise and work way harder than I do, just as Yuta shows Johnny perspectives that are immensely different from his own. I struggle coming up with ways to ruin my muses’ lives and to just write in general. I don’t know how you do it so religiously and so diligently on top of schoolwork. We also spazz over a lot of different fandoms together, and I’m happy that you’re a lot happier now. Also, welcome to the UAAP life. I’m glad you decided to watch basketball with me and that you’re somehow rekindling your love for the game. Game Two, here we come!
To Min ( @rkjaemin ): You would have gone first but Johnny insisted otherwise. Buwisit siya. We have been together since 2011 and I hope this doesn’t change at all. You knew me from when I was a total noob to the RP world, and have been one of those who saw my writing improve or deteriorate over the years. You are one of the loveliest people I’ve ever met IC or OOC. I’m happy you joined this madhouse called Rookies with me, and I hope this is good healing for you from work. I love you and can we please have dinner with the rest of the girls soon? Just as I will always be rooting for you and will be available to help, please tell your evil spawn of a muse that Johnny’s willing to help him too. Same goes for Wendy and Somi.
To Peach ( @rkhaechan ): When I first told Min to join Rookies, I never thought you two would find each other. But I’m glad you did. You make my girl so happy, and with that, I’m happy too. I will go down with the S.S. PeachMin. I better be invited to that wedding. Anyway, Johnny loves Haechan a lot, especially because he makes evil spawn Jaemin so happy. Haechie may be my new fave of your muses, but Soyou will always be special to me. After all, Wendy wouldn’t have lasted in the MGAs without your girl going all soccer mom on the whole team. Wendy hopes that Jihyun unni is proud of her.
To Jen ( @rkmxrk ): You are honestly one of the most fun people I have ever talked to. We can talk about fandom, winter sports, and just about how our days went. It doesn’t really matter. Long live KKT calls. Not to mention, long live being a professional enabler who convinces the rest of us to spend our hard-earned money on our faves. LMAO. One thing I also learned from you, is to be careful of what I say because you’ll have RECEIPTS. Just as Johnny looks after Mark and wishes for him to succeed, I wish the same for you. And Johnny’s proud that Mark’s finally getting what he’s been trying to say for the last few months.
To Fifi ( @jaehyunrk ), Dayo ( @rkxsicheng ) , Phil ( @rkdoyoung ), Grey ( @rkjeno ), Adri ( @rktaeyxng ): although we don’t talk as much, I’m still thankful that you’re all here. I’d like for us to get to know each other even better, even if I’m either a shy hermit, a lazy egg, or just awake when you’re asleep. But you all bring lots of laughter to the group chat, and I’d like for Johnny to plot with your boys too. (Or in Fifi’s case, Get Johnny and Jaehyun a new thread challenge)
To Lex: Damn it, Lex. I’ve lost track how many times I’ve mentioned you. I hope you’re enjoying your stay in the rknctea group chat. And I hope that somehow, Johnny and Jungwoo find their ways to each other.
To the KT Ent muses and muns:
To Carly ( @taeminrk ) : I was really planning to save this for later when I got to my thank you mods part, but I thought oh well. Anyway, I want to thank you for being one of the best mods to help me get settled when I was new here. As well as answering any questions I had, no matter how stupid they were. I’m glad I got over the initial intimidation of “OMG MOD!” to someone I can actually have fun talking to. I just hope Johnny eventually gets over that “OMG SUNBAE!” vibe Taemin gives out. Johnny always saw Taemin as the senior he has to impress and not disappoint. Trust me, Johnny’s trying but he feels like he’ll never be good enough for Taemin’s standards. LMAO
To Maddy: Johnny always thought of Aron as one of the coolest, happiest, and most talented people he’s ever met. Aron radiates sunshine in Johnny’s opinion, and he wonders how someone can be so bright all the time. Yes, Aron has permission to climb Johnny like a tree and Johnny will enjoy it.
To Shinobi: Johnny will always say Gray is his idol. Hands down. He can give Jongdae a run for his money. He will also go down with the old man ship of Gray and Huidong.
To Lulu ( @minhyukxrk ): Johnny’s rooting for his fellow twin tower and he hopes that Minhyuk will one day be the rich, talented billionaire he knows Minhyuk can be. Tall people unite despite this short revolution!
To Yurim ( @rkxkjd ): If Taemin is the strict dad, then Jongdae is the cool dad Johnny wants to be like when he grows up. After all, Jongdae is probably the muse who’s known Johnny the longest. These two go way back and are both nerds.
To Lex ( @rksungho ): Oh man, I gave up counting how many mentions you got. This is probably going to be the last. Sungho and Johnny are different as they can be, despite a somewhat similar skillset. Not going to lie, Johnny wants to get along with him, despite Sungho just being so angry at everything.
To Cherry ( @rkjimin ): We don’t get to talk as often as I’d like, but I’d like for that to change as soon as we’re both not busy. Jimin is a lovely muse, and Johnny looks forward to getting to know him better in the future~
To Hunnie ( @rksunwoo ): Sunwoo is special to Johnny, because they joined KT at around the same time. There has to be something to be said about two strangers who started a journey at the same time. Johnny wishes he was as talented and talented as Sunwoo. I like to think that Johnny and Sunwoo have a unique bond that only the two of them can understand.
To Shino ( @rkjinjin ): Johnny and Jinwoo, aka big guy and small fry. Just kidding. Though for real, Johnny is always impressed with Jinwoo’s talent and is grateful to learn so much from him. As for you Shino, having you around is lots of fun. I have learned not to say any silly stuff in the group chat unless I wish to be exposed. (Never forget: VORE TAEMIN)
To Hyunjin mun (T_T IDK How you want to be addressed) ( @rkxhyunjin ): You are the only KT Boy Johnny has no thread with. I’d love for us to change that ASAP. Please?
To the females at KT, Johnny loves and respects you a lot. He’d love to get closer with you all. For now, he declares Haseul ( @haseulrk ) and Jennie ( @rkjennie ) as his faves, because he’s closest to them. Johnny never thought he’d be a step-parent to a dog, but Ahyoung  ( @rkxblue ) somehow got him to do it, so she’s special too. He also sees Minji ( @rkariel ) as the older sister you don’t want to disappoint, while Yeri is the younger sister he finds hilarious. He’d also love to get to know Audrey, ( @rkaudrey ), Momo ( @rkxmomo ), Luda ( @rkxluda ), and Chungha ( @rkchungha ) better!
To Carly and Keith, and by some extension, Kate, Johnny has come to see Luna ( @rkluna ) and Jisoo ( @rkjisoo ) (and Eve ( @rkxeve,) by extension) as his lesbian moms. He low-key blames and credits them for being why he is the way he is today. You don’t get raised by two extremely opposite but equally bad-ass women and not be some mix of weird. He doesn’t get to talk to his moms so much, but he wants them to know he loves them a lot.
I can’t leave this without yelling at Lari! Baekhyun ( @rkbyunbaek ) is the best host brother Johnny could ever ask for. Both of us can’t imagine this boy living with anyone else but Baekhyun’s family. Johnny feels bad that they hardly ever see each other anymore, but that doesn’t change how much he loves Baekhyun. Johnny is actually going to be upset when he’ll have to move out of the Byun residence because he’s going to miss this host family a lot.
I’d also like to thank people I have yet to properly thread with (or seldom get to thread with) but talk to frequently OOC, especially on Twitter. There’s way too many of you to be tagged, but you know who you all are. I love how we can talk about anything, ranging from K-Pop to local showbiz, to current events, and more random topics.
Finally, I’d like to thank the mods, each one, having helped me in some shape or form. Kyle, Keith, and Carly, you all got long-ass love letters from me, so I won’t bother repeating myself anymore. To Sera, you truly are hard carry AF. Thank you noticing my hiatus messages and just being there in general. I’ve always told people you are great, and I’m glad my faith isn’t misplaced at all. To Bianca, thank you for answering my stupid AF questions during events. Because I swear even I would roll my eyes at myself for some of the things I ask sometimes. To Mira, you were one of the mods who welcomed me back when I was new. So I’d like to thank you for that. Wendy misses one of her mean girl friends~ To Razel, those graphics are A++++ Here’s to more talking about PH showbiz, food, and to us finally having a proper thread!
I bet I forgot so many people, but this is about how much I can write. Fun fact! I started writing this post at around 11:30am, and I finished writing this at around 6pm. If you made it this far, congratulations!
I’ll spare you all from my rambling, and I’ll just end it here.
My muses and I are cheering for everyone and their muses in their endeavors, whether IC or OOC. I would also like to apologize for the times I have offended you, whether I was aware of it or not. (I’m sure I’ve apologized if I was aware of it, but yeah.) I’m trying to be a better person than I was the day before. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’ll do my best to be a better mun to both Wendy and Johnny, as well as be a better member of this community.
With all my love,
Clara (rkwendy and rkjohnny)
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ncbodyknows · 6 years
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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s just Shino’s gay ass.
So, this is the second time I get to celebrate the anniversary of this group and man, a lot has happened since last time. One year ago I was but a wee mun in the masses of rookies, a mere two month old RPer in this community. I didn’t know where to start or where to end back then, and frankly I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to stick around due to my notorious habit of muse hopping and getting tired of my characters after a short time. But will this setting ever allow me to become tired? I don’t think so. So much happens all the time and I feel so attached to my characters that I can’t even imagine myself without them right now. Back then I had literally just apped Youngjae here, and I had this to say about him:
“As for Youngjae, he’s still so much of a mess. Muse wise he’s older than Jinwoo, but his character is going to take a lot longer to settle into the mindset of the setting. He’s rude, blunt and selfish, and such a mess of contradicting emotions and I hate him no I don’t I love him but don’t tell him that. I’m so glad that he’s been so well received despite not exactly being the perfect fit for the group’s setting. Will he ever be able to become a rookie? I don’t know the answer to that yet, but I can’t wait to see him develop as a person and a character.”
It’s incredibly interesting to look back and see how it is because although he’s still a mess, I think I’ve come so far with his character development that I can’t help but feel emotional about it. I recently did a poll on my twitter about which of my rk boys people liked the best, and Youngjae won by quite a bit much to my surprise considering how problematic he can be. He’s probably not everyone’s cup of tea, and I apologise for that, but he is my baby nonetheless and I love him with my whole heart. He’s growing to become one of my favourite muses of all time and although he’s still rude, blunt, and selfish, he’s also a person who tries his hardest for the things he wants even when he might not know he want them. He’s caring in his own way for the people he cares about. He’s thirsty for acknowledgement, and honestly I’m amazed that I’m standing here a year later with both him and Jinwoo signed although let’s be real this boy is just a scandal waiting to happen.
Youngjae is not the only one who has gone through development, although I feel as though it’s been slower for Jinwoo, partly because I’m slow as a mun, partly because I’ve spent the past few months in an rp slump after moving to Japan and being stressed af, and partly because this bastard Youngjae is hogging all my attention. But he’s slowly breaking out of his shell and slowly gaining more confidence in himself, and most importantly he wants to become someone newer trainees at KT can look up to for advice and motivation. He just wants to help those who might need it like he himself was helped when first getting signed.
A thing that has changed since a year ago though is that I now have a third boy to pay attention to as well. Sanha started as Daehwi but eventually became the person he is now due to my struggles with the other faceclaim. He is my baby boy although he wants to be more adult than he actually is. He is my hyperactive mess of a muse who does before he thinks, and I can’t wait to get to develop him more as time progresses and Youngjae chooses to shut up so I can pay attention to my other boys.
As I did last year, I want to give some special mentions and words to people who have really made my stay here amazing and who I’m glad I got to know. I’m going to cut it down to a few people or I might end up talking forever, but here’s a general thank you to everyone who has interacted with me in these past 1 year and 2 months I’ve been a part of Rookies. And if we haven’t interacted yet... *Finger guns* Hmu.
@moonbokrk Shizuka, you’re honestly one of the most fantastic people in the world and I’m so happy you decided to join me in this place. I can’t even remember how long we’ve known each other by now but it’s been many amazing years and I love you so much. Thanks for always being there for me and making my days amazing.
@jacksonxrk Wassup loser? Did you know that I love you? Like so incredibly much? You were one of the first people who appeared in my ims back when I first joined and I was honestly so relieved that I managed to click with you so well as a fellow Astro rper. You made me feel welcome and have in the meanwhile become one of my best friends like whoa I’m so platonically gay for you
@yutark Of course you get a spot on this list as well <3 I care about you a lot and honestly I’m so glad I hit you up for plotting because our threads are some of the ones that mean the most to me and inspire me the most to develop especially Youngjae but also Jinwoo. I swear that my boys would never be where they are today if not for you and your boys. Youngjae says Yuta can go rot in a pit tho.
@yienrk You’re the only solo mention I actually haven’t interacted with IC lol but honestly I’m so glad that I managed to beat my social anxiety and go talk to you because man are you a Good Person. I love losing my shit over our boys with you and it’s just? So amazing to have someone to talk to who appreciates them just as much. And is a sweet hecking person on top of that. And lets me be salty af when I want to get it out. Can’t wait to get to interact with Yien one day <3
rk astro chat @rkdongmin & @rkmbin & @rkpmh Tali got a double mention wtf stay in your lane FIRST THING FIRST man has it been fun to watch you two grow your love from Astro over this past time we’ve known and been talking to each other Tali you don’t count you were already hooked from the start but I had to include you in this section because you’re also an mvp. I just love how much these boys have captured your hearts, it’s so soft and pure and it makes me happy. I love the weird shenanigans our group chat always seems to be up to and there’s honestly never a dull moment. You guys are true mvps *finger guns*
KT Boyz @rksunwoo & @rkjohnny & @aronrk & @minhyukxrk & @rkgray & @taeminrk I KNOW THERE ARE MORE OF YOU SORRY BUT I HAVEN’T REALLY INTERACTED WITH Y’ALL YET SO *finger guns* let’s. You guys get a special mention here because you’ve honestly been taking such good care of me and Jinwoo. When he first got signed I was still so new that everything was incredibly overwhelming to both he and I, but you made me feel so welcome and helped me out with a lot of things both ic and ooc and I’m very thakful for that.
New gen Sphere Boyz @rkseokwoo & @rkjeon & @suhork I honestly can’t wait to get started on our shenanigans and get closer to y’all and your muses because i’m so excited for what’s in store for our boys. This can turn into something beautiful, and, I mean, if anything goes wrong we can always have Seokwoo go naked for the lulz
Other special mentions go to @rkxminhee & @rkseonho & @rksomi & @rkdonghyun & @rkmxrk being rad ass mofos who have also made me feel welcome ESPECIALLY JEN LIKE CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS BAD BITCH LET ME STAY IN HER APARTMENT MAN I MISS HER AND HER CATS let’s go swan boating again uwu
I probably forgot at least one person and I’m very sorry if I did but I’m running on not a lot of sleep and I’m sick af just know you’re all amazing and stay cool
I’m out
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 3)
 Okay, so let’s talk about the first worst RP and my worst Idea first. The Spooky RP.
 This idea should be on the list of unlikely and terrible crossover ideas ever. Simply imagine Spooky’s House of Jumpscares except no 1000 rooms, the layout is more akin to the Arklay Mansion and the spooky monsters that hunt you down are replaced with the Zeds from Killing Floor 2. This was during a time in my life where I had worse ideas in mind, and while I am not fully better, I’m slowly improving the ideas and concepts of something else before I end up doing the mistake of writting the “Life is Eldritch” Fanfiction... ANYWAY!
 The Plot of this RP I told to Nemo was that my Characters had taken over a small abandoned mansion and turned into an a haunted house attraction where an AI would sorta pick what monster comes out while a female character named Kate decides to do the voices to do some kind of a twisted warning about it. I told it to Nemo and he accepted it. Only because it had spooky and he was a big fan of Markiplier. And don’t worry, Markiplier doesn’t make a cameo.
 Anyway, we begin this RP tale in October 30th, where the next day would soon be Velora’s Birthday (yi-fucking-pey). After some random bullshit where some dude through coffee on Velora’s Face for no reason, Everyone goes to the Mansion near the Villa.
Short Explanation: The Villa is a small abandoned “Town” that was half finished and forgotten by the government. The few buildings finished are just the town plaza and the Mansion own by a man who’s name is forgotten. The mansion is the setting for this RP.
 Anyway, they go in, dressed as a bunch of Emo’s and are told the rules. Nemo thought he was being sneaky when he and his mommy sues brought guns but I counter acted this by telling them that the monsters were incapable of harming them and in having a gun, they deprive themselves of the horror of a Haunted Mansion.
 But then fucking suddenly, Anathalia’s Archnemesis, Adelie (Brothel Owner lady), shows up and takes Anathalia. But Nemo then handcuffs her and the police take her away.
This won’t be the last time this shit happens.
 Within minutes we show them the mansion and how it works. While he was trying to push me into having Exposition dumped into my face, I tried to introduce the RP’s Main threat, the Spooky Hologram (I’ll explain what the fuck I was trying to do at the end of the story, because explaining everything here is confusing.) Needless to say, I forgot to mention to Nemo that this RP, while taking the title of Spooky, was a complete diversion from the games but he is still convincing himself he played through this game and it’s nothing.
 So the objective of this haunted mansion thing was to have people choose a direction and try to go through with it. Think of it like an escape room, except you’re trying to escape the house from mutants who can’t fully hurt you but can give you one hell of scare with their wails and hissing. Nemo and Velora chose the Basement while Anathalia chose the Second Floor. And then the games started.
 Then fucking suddenly, Adelie shows up (No details about how the fuck she escaped) and asks around for Anathalia to bring her back the brothel (Because kidnapping a “famous celebrity”, and doing so is more trouble than it’s worth!) and Nemo decided to have Kate (The person that we both created and the voice of the Spooky Hologram) go and try to defend Anathalia. It was there where Anathalia decided to choose Kate as another candidate, but Aiden and Ruby (Aiden being a sort of avatar of mine and Ruby being an obvious nod to an artist I like and a Female Dragon) tried to defuse the situation but Nemo comes and tries to stop the situation by threatening Adelie with a gun (Yeah, dipshit ignored da rules of the mansion and somehow had another gun.) But before anything could go any further, The cops show up and she is taken to a jail in paris yet again. Making this whole conflict pointlessly unnecessary.
 Meanwhile, Nemo and his mommy sues returned to the Maze and he keeps brushing off minor things that aren’t being part of the game as part of the game. I know it’s a sort of method for us to calm the fuck down but he was so smug about how the “escape mansion” was just like the Spooky game. Until he reached the laboratory, where the Killing Floor Zeds were being stored and manufactured. He at first brushed it off, until the lights of the lab came on and he saw them all, these hideous freaks all moving around in their cages, waiting for an opportunity to tear into him like a lion on a gazelle.
 He still continued to brush it off, but it was there where the Hologram made it clear that No one in the control room is doing this, it is now running the show and will now unleash these freaks for its own amusement. But leave it to Nemo to try and deflate the scary moment by adding in fucking “bachata” music (Bachata being a sort social dance music for us latinos). I wanted to go with a sort of dark like tone and he just adds unnecessary BS like this and just ruins it.
 It is after that the spooky AI was going to decide to unleash the monsters on them and he would have to escape the mansion with his life. 
Big. Fucking. NOPE
 He teleports away to safety, ruining the conflict so bad that I argued for a re-do because it was that insulting. I know It sounds annoying but jesus christ! I shouldn’t have done this because all I did was prolong the agony further.
 Anyway, It was there where Spooky had tried to force Nemo and his Mary Sues to pick a path and stick to it. His mary sues had the attention span of toddlers because they ignore everything she says, asks her about what is it like being a ghost (Despite the fact I told him in the beginning it was a Hologram.) and then I decided to pull a Deus Ex Machina out of my Ass and just have her ZAP away their powers. Nemo’s Response?
 Nemo(From the Archived RP I had): Did you know you can't do that to me, right? I'm different.
 Ofcourse he doesn’t want to play fair. Ofcourse, OFCOURSE! He has to act like he’s such a SPECIAL AND UNIQUE Snow flake. I was so sickened by this that instead of teleporting away, he just rushed the scary moments of being chased by the Zeds and then he escaped to the control room. Where the dipshit begins to change the subject to an unimportant side plot about how Adelie found Anathalia. I won’t explain the details, but it had something to do with a Hot Topic employee being a spy for Adelie and such bullshit.
 I broke character as Aiden, so tired of this inane bullshit, decides to grab a rifle, arm Eddie and an unpaid janitor, to go down the basement and take care of the monsters before they get out and then, just because I realized how much of a fucking mistake both the RP and the attraction was, I would burn down the mansion. Nemo gets offended that we were going to destroy the mansion and tells us to leave. So we do, and Nemo then decides that the next logical solution is to MURDER MY FUCKING CHARACTER and throw his body out of the rooftop of the mansion, ignoring all the other characters trying to kill him.
 But it’s okay gais! Because it turns out it was a Demon call Jack, Who was making him do the bad thing and Nemo has the most anti-climatic battle. I wanna take this moment to take another quote from the RP. Because I never noticed it and now that I do, I find it so hilarious
His friends like Ruby, Anathalia and Kate are in shock. What will they do without (Nemo)? They'll never know.
 Well, I can tell you one thing. Ruby would not miss someone who just happened to have Killed their friend in cold blood when there was never a sign of this possesion to begin with!
 So after an anticlimatic battle that could fit in the confines of a tweet, Nemo defeats the Demon and the day was saved. And he swept away all the problems by reviving my character and had all of my characters go “Oh, It wasn’t Nemo, it was a demon! He was the good guy all along.” And then there was a party.
 Aiden, Despite being revived by his “Saviour” has not forgotten his goal. So I told everyone to get ready for a big firework display. And everyone gave their stupid recommendations.
 At first the house had a minor explosion, before the memories of that shitty night were erased in a massive ball of fire. Bringing a huge smile on my face and an angry Nemo on my character’s face. He got into some whiny bullshit about how he would buy the land and rebuild it for the Vampire Clan or some Bullshit, and since the Vampire Clan was so Big and Important to the government, I took it a step further by lighting the flag on fire and telling him “I’ll call you for a war declaration later.” He repeats how I’m offending the vampire overlords but I told him I never gave a fuck. And he just flipped my character off.
 and that was the worst RP I have ever had with Nemo, and it sure as Shit would not be the last.
And now... A brief explanation on what in the actual fuck was the POINT of the Spooky RP:
 The idea for the Spooky RP was inspired by my experience playing KF2 on a free weekend on Steam while also learning about Spooky’s House Of Jumpscares. So I had a thought: Why not have an RP where there is a sort of Spooky Esque character trying to narrate your “demise” while also being chased by zeds. Although not mentioned in the RP, the origins of the Zeds come from the Mansions “Laboratory” level below the Basement, and when Aiden and Eddie first found it, they were stuck down the for a day until they shredded their way out. It was there where Aiden had the bright idea of creating the escape mansion to make a quick buck. But since they can’t just go and kill them, the characters decide that the best course of action is to lead the zeds out of the basement, trap it and try to declaw or detooth them, due to how dangerous those parts can be. As the mansion was built and the AI was already created, the AI went through an “Ultron Phase” as I like to call it, looking through video footage of the somehow working cameras of the mansion and seeing both Eddie and Aiden harming this creatures for entertainment purposes. So it plotted their demise and its plan to release the creatures out into the streets of Puerto Rico just for giggles. How the “Spooky AI” spoke was by replicating a lot of Kates Vocals and then mimicking it in a same pitch and everything. Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense but I tried to atleast come up with a good idea before it got ruined horribly.
I should’ve quit after the SteamPunk disaster but I guess I’m responsible for my own demise when it comes to bad RPs. And like a masochist, I just kept coming for more.
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ckkikilukilu · 7 years
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Hiya!! *waves*
I remember you! Sorry if I missed anything on the night. ;_; I had some major connection problems and kept DC’ing. I did take screenshots of /tells when I got them though (incase of said DC’s). ^-^
So, first of all, thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. It’s such a buzz when I know someone’s enjoyed my performances (and I know the other guys feel the same too). But being a source of inspiration? I don’t even know how to tell you how amazing that feels. ^^;
Lemme see if there’s any help I can give here...
I know there are a couple of different styles when it comes to performances:
Performance-wise, some prefer a more descriptive route, and thus don’t always put a lot of actual emotes into their performance. A lot of the time, I’ve found these acts don’t sync-up with their music. Like, they have music so the audience can get a feel for the genre, but they don’t usually sync their performances to it properly. And those that do sync it, often leave out the majority of the lyrics in favour of their descriptive writing.
Then there’s the more emotive style that I use myself. Everything is synced to the chosen song, and there is little to no descriptive text. It’s very much an audio and visual performance, with the text mainly being lyrics - though it’s very much worth a read as sometimes lyrics are modified to fit the character, or the Lore (or even changed completely), and there are times when some description may be present. Oh, and of course, it’s helpful when they’re displaying translated lyrics.
Macroing itself also comes in two main forms that I’m aware of:
Some macro the entire performance - lyrics/descriptions and emotes. So all they really need to worry about if remember when to hit said macros, where to stand, when to move, etc.
Others macro the lyrics/description, and manually hit their emotes during the performance. This would stress me out, personally. It’s just an added pressure that kinda seem needless. Especially with my awful memory. But, it all comes as second-nature to those that use it.
And I’m sure there are people that use a combination of the two. Oh, and of course, there may be other styles/forms that I’m unaware of, of course.
An important point to remember is that, between every /yell, you need to have at least a 2 second wait, or else the next /yell won’t display. I don’t know if that makes any sense to you at the moment, but I can show you what I mean ingame or over voice some time if you like.
And if you need help with macroing itself (how to format, etc), then I’m more than happy to help with that too. I don’t consider myself an expert by any means, but I’ll help as much as I can.
Oh! And I’m pretty much always up for RPing. ^-^ I’m so happy you like little Kiki. I try to attend a lot of RP events, but sadly, being an EU player (even with my constantly changing sleep cycle), it’s not always possible. Aside from events, I’m happy to do one-on-one, or casual meets, whatever really.
One more thing! I almost forgot! Alexei mentioned holding some dance lessons (I believe both ICly and OOCly). You can give him a poke at @oceaneyedcoeurl. I’m sure he’d be happy for the interest. :3
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jayceecreates · 7 years
Merry Christmas to all of ye!
Yeh, so I'm wishing a happy holiday to each and everyone of you. You guys made me do everything I can afford to do, and I'm thankful for that. This year, I have made VERY MANY great friends, online and personal, and they help me progress through my life. :) I might not include every friend I made on the internet, so to everyone very dear to me that I haven't mentioned, thanks!
I wanna thank @kiacii because our friendship lasted for two years, even if we rarely talk to each other cuz personal life and stuff. XD Thank you for being there when I, not only need, but want you so. :)
Second on my list is @chikoakihari. We've been through so many challenges in life but that doesn't stop us from pursuing what we want to have! She's also one of my inspirations why I continue to improve my art making skills. Thanks for being such a dear friend.
Third is @dawdlingwallflower. She is literally my first friend from the OneShot fandom. We may have been through a lot of issues, but we still get along. She's the one who made me change my art style XD
To @tsunesama and @spaceristov, thank you for coming with me since we've been into OneShot. :) We also had a nice RP with me being Niko XD So ummm... yeah. Thanks for being a friend.
To @onyx35678, @smol-ori, @2-bae, @justmishy, @tehawesomestkitteh, and others I forgot to mention, you made my OneShot experience better. Thanks for having me in a cute squad, and... YOU'RE ALL CUTE!!! DO NOT REFUTE!
To others I forgot to mention, thank you for being there with me. I couldn't have done a lot without you guys. You all made my Christmas better.
To the followers, thanks for being loyal! You mean everything to me.
Let's hope 2018 would be better! I'm looking forward to any challenges and risks I can take. Seriously, thank you guys because you made my year.
Have a happy holiday! :)
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jq37 · 5 years
Ok, a few Unsleeping City asks: 1-Thoughts on new ep? 2-CAMBRIDGE SANTALYTICA 3-The gang tries to meet up for drinks
**spoilers for mutant santa melee**
(I’ll respond to the other two parts of the ask in another post!)
We are back with our first battle episode of the season and our first chance to see the NY Crew really show their skills.
Ricky trying to keep Sophie's reckless ass safe because he has big golden retriever energy is great.
I can't decide if everyone taking this first fight more seriously than the first fight in FH is because they remember how badly they got womped last time and didn't want a repeat or because they were just playing older, more experienced characters.
I hate everything about these mutant Santas and I want it on the record. I mean, they're great from a game design perspective but I hate them.
"Mr. March, I'm gonna save you!"/"My name is Rick, by the way."
I thought it was funny that Ricky and Sophie both happened to hit the exact wrong type of Santa for their skillset for their first attack, back to back.  
Fig's Bardic Inspiration move was to do flirty winks at everyone. Misty's is to give big, theatrical compliments. I love it.  
Ricky dropping gun safety warnings mid MUTANT SANTA FIGHT.
"Fucking come out of your stupid cocoon! I know you're not a butterfly!"
I love it when rolls are happening at the table and Lou is loudly like, "This is terrible. I hate this." He did it all through the family rescue rolls in FH too.
"It's fine. It's fucking new York. What do you expect?"/"The NY that I live in and the NY that you live in are very different my friend." That's the real NY experience.
Sophie going, "F the minions, I'm going for the obvious boss Monster, I'll take the attacks," is such a good character defining moment. Also, the action-y music abruptly cutting off as the door shut was hilarious.
So Pete is hearing mysterious whispers and Sophie is hearing mysterious whispers and I'm Concerned, especially since it's the two newbies and it's not necessarily significant but it could be so I'm just mentioning it and tabling it until I have more info to speculate.
Misty turning to Kingston and saying, "Just like old times!" makes me want to know every single detail of their history together before the new kids showed up.
"Santa's my friend and he's fucking dead."
I like the homebrew rule for Pete's wild magic surge which makes the odds of one increase every time it doesn't happen because it ups the chaos factor and makes it inevitable rather than just a possibility which I bet has the potential to create some real tension in a long, drawn out fight.
The way Brennan kept describing Pete's arm as peeling like a banana when he used his magic grossed me out so much so, if that was the goal, you did it. Thanks, I hate it.
The, "Guess I'll just die," meme but it's Pete going, "Guess I'll just use this evil magic."
"Darling I love to be naughty. It's my favorite thing!" (Misty's chaos potential increases with every line she says).
"SANTA GETYCHO ASS UP." (Flawless bedside manner)
I forgot how fragile lower level characters can be! I'm glad so many of the party members have at least some healing spells (I think everyone but Pete and Sophie) as opposed to FH when it was basically just Kristen I think.
"He just gives us a PS4 and that's it."
Sophie monkey bars up Giant Eldritch Horror Santa's exposed ribcage and upercut-kick him because stripping Emily of her magic doesn't strip her of her creativity or flair.
"Darling, with me every day is a show. My life is a show!"
Sophie, upon being complimented by Misty: Oh my God. My new friends are awesome.
The idea of a dirty rat man summoning a unicorn is hilarious to me.
Pete's first Wild Magic surge just restores his sorcery points, which is great as a player but, as a viewer, I really hope we get to see some bombastic nonsense soon. Also, Brennan had the wild magic surge, in story, be the result of Pete's magic reacting to Kingston's, which I thought was a cool way to justify game mechanics.
"You're the opposite of Santa!"
Smites are GOOD you guys.
Sophie catches Santa and and Ricky (who has just killed the boss Santa) takes a selfie with them. Bless. Also, Sophie refuses to put down Santa for the rest of the fight.
Misty has an umbrella with a KNIFE inside of it which I LOVE.
The fight ends a little anticlimactically because, once you bum rush the boss, all that's left to do is clean up the minions.
Misty mentioned having Shoes of Titania and I wanna know if that's an actual item with a mechanical effect and what its stats are if so.
Ally realizing they only some of the Santas explode on impact basically at the end of the fight was classic DnD.
Santa sending people into his bag was giving me big Naddpod vibes.
"What the fuck happened?" --Santa, 2019
I don't like the implication of the gestating tadpoles with the Santa hats. Like, is Santa's hat organic? Is it just a part of his body? No thank you.
Pete just lying to Santa's face for absolutely no reason. Incredible.
Santa and Misty talking shop, just because, was such a fun 30 seconds of RP. I love RP that exists just to exist (and, sidenote, I also love when it comes back around and becomes relevant like in Naddpod (14 seconds of absolute silence...chicken)).  
"Santa, don't give this boy an egg."
"A very fancy egg for a very not fancy boy. But a good boy nonetheless."
Ricky on Santa: It would be crazy if you weren't real because you're such a good person. (Zac struggling to get through that was his second best moment of the ep).
Pete gives Santa a bag of coke and tries to dip when she sees cops because, magic or not, that's Who He Is As A Person.
Santa: Pete, your soul is in jeopardy. (lol, Santa knew his name on sight which, of course he did. It's Santa. Duh.)
CENTAUR HORSE COP. I love that as much as I hate the mutant Santas.
Ricky, horrified: Am I on the bad list?/Santa, who is still processing that Ricky never stopped believing in Santa:Ricky, no. (That was my fave Ricky line of the ep, in case you were wondering)
So, in this world, Christian (Catholic specifically) figures explicitly exist, which is good to know. Also, in last episode and this one, the grey faced child mentioned Lazarus which I thought was just a stylistic name choice but that's a name w/ specific Biblical connotations (that's the dude Jesus brought back from the dead for those not up on your New Testament) and it still might be irrelevant, but it's one more thing for me to tack up on my conspiracy board.  
"Santa, are you Cambrdige Analytica?"
Anyway, Heaven and Hell use the naughty and nice list to figure out who goes where so they're not being redundant which is wild because that means Santa essentially gets to decide morality for the rest of the world and, as of now, Pete is super going to hell based on the look Santa gave him when they were talking about who's on the naughty list.
Santa's list has been stolen which is, como se dice, Bad. The specifics aren't clear, but it's super not good. Also, Santa lets the group know that they might wanna figure out what's going on with Pete before he chucks deuces and goes home. So it seems like we'll be seeing him again.
I wonder what the timeline for this season is gonna be. Like, Christmas seems like an obvious time for a big, climactic setpiece, but it'll have to be a really compressed timeline if that's what they're aiming for. Compressed compared to Fantasy High at least.
Sophie, illegally cracking a Mike's Hard in Central Park in front of a cop: Um, we're magic. (She gets a ticket immediately)
That's it for this week! Next week the mob (the pixie mob maybe?) and Siobahn has awesome hair!
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Hello~! My name is Fuu! I am here looking for something else this time! My hobbies include writing, cooking, reading, cosplay, crying over fictional characters, crying in general, video games, drawing, and talking to my cats. I work part time at a library. I am 21+. I'm about as intimidating as a pink butterfly stuck on a marshmallow. I'm an absolute chatter box, if I go on a tangent, just reel me back in.
☆○o。RP Preferences 。o○☆ ✦Writing I write in 3rd person format, multi/semi-para. I seek partners who do the same.
✦Replies I am able to reply frequently and I prefer to write with people that can do the same. I won't rush or badger anyone to reply. Take your time! Just not like a month, without warning. I lose muse/forget threads if they're left untouched for 2+ weeks. ✦Communication I enjoy making friends of my rp partners. It really helps me throw ideas/build ships/build stories if we're compatible.  ✦Plotting I highly value plotted threads over unplotted threads. Considering this ad is looking for a specific genre/plot, all I’m looking for is someone who wants to build onto it.  ✦Shipping The ship idea I’m seeking is not entirely romantic or platonic, if that makes sense. It can be either/or/in the middle, to be honest.  ✦Limits I am very squeamish, I can't handle things regarding gore, excessive swearing, excessive vulgarity, etc. very well.
☆○o。What Am I Looking For 。o○☆
I will pose a question. Do you like 70s style anime? That retro, water color, and everyone has a sparkly, floral background? Do you like tragedy with a sprinkling of possible edgy themes? Now, do you wish it had more fairies in it?
No? Just me? Understandable, have a nice day.
Before I give up at turn this into a fanfiction, I wanted to see if I could get some interesting variety through rp! I had discovered this old anime/manga called Kaze to ki no Uta. It has a full manga available online, and an hour long OVA that covers a good 1/3 of the manga, in that beautiful retro, harpsichord filled fashion. 
Now before I go any further, this story specifically has quite a bit of a chip on its shoulder in regards to how edgy it can go. Take a pot of edgy sauce and reduce it down to a sludge and that’s what you have left with this story masquerading as a tragic romance. 
I forgot where I was going with this, point is, it has some dark themes in it (not that I’m seeking those dark themes for writing but it does form a basis as to how I added fairies into the story.. If you want to see a suspension of belief, girl who believes she's part fairy get thrown into the mix of this story, then continue reading!)
This plot as two options Canon or Original. I’m mostly seeking the canon version because that’s how the plot developed in my head, but I did manage to weave a version purely for original basis. Or we can use the canon plot as a basis! Canon would be taking characters and themes from the story. The ‘fairy’ in question is this one. She looks kinda like this but a little older. A walking doll basically. Or this, right from the manga itself. A song that heavily inspires this character is this.  I got nothin' for an excuse besides I thought up a plot and can't get rid of it now. I'm actually not seeking romance (exactly?) from this one. I will say it’s probably 18+ because it has some dark themes in the story.  Canon This part turned into a giant wall of text so to give you the almost shorter version, it’s basically inserting the fairy-like character into a canon characters background and changing some stuff up a bit. If you know the canon story, it’s going to start in Volume 4 of the manga. If you have a general idea of the canon story, we can either follow it or like I said, go with an original, similar idea.
The gist of the story is a boy raised in poor circumstance becomes enchanted by a girl who believes she’s part fairy. It’s so much easier to explain if you know the canon story, so if you’re interested in this, hmu and I can go into further detail. 
The pairing concept, and bear with me cause it's probably going to sound weird, is a boy who never had a mothers love, finding it in a rather twisted way with a girl who very much enjoys taking care of 'things'. She's genuine in her feelings for him, but there's a reason why both characters end up getting drawn to one another. 
What unfolds in the story is a friendship that happens purely by chance, and the strange ways the new person must deal with this supposed demi-fairy girl. Her name is Clarabelle. 
Original Playboy Brat x Demi-Fairy Girl or Goody Two Shoes x Demi Fairy Girl Whether you want to use the 'canon' story line or go with something original is entirely up for us to decide and work on! This plot/set up should work with most character personality types, though I had one or two in mind; brat or goody-two-shoes.
This is a story set in the 19th century, or the general 1800's, in a small town I've yet to think up a name for. This town is very quaint but it's an otherwise quiet place. The idea I had in mind takes place in a sort of... suspended belief of reality, but not so much that fantasy is a part of the story.  There is a house in the more suburban area of the town, where it has its own property, including a garden in both the front and back, and it's covered in all sorts of greenery from flowers, floral bushes, to vines of ivy and trees. It's a very pretty house, but a very quiet one. A woman lives there. Beautiful, rich, sought after by all manner of men and she's quite the social butterfly - it's clear she's the owner of the house. Yet, there is a second inhabitant - a younger, more fair girl.  This story would be focused on the girl and her befriending, or being befriended by a newcomer. What they discover, however they met, is that the person living in this house is a girl not much older than they are (I picture they're about middle to late teens). She seems quite enigmatic, despite having such a social caretaker. The older woman is her aunt, her brother - Clara’s father - is a Duke. When asked who her mother was, she simply replies her mother was a fairy. This is where a mild suspension of belief is asked. For the sake of her enigmatic nature, it's never really confirmed or denied if what she says is true. Strange things seem to happen when she's around though. The house is covered in beautiful flowers and the garden is breathtaking, yet they give it very little care. People seem drawn to the girl when they see her. Her singing can lull even the most alert of people. She attracts the fireflies in the garden at night. Her appearance always seemed heralded by a butterfly, even in the dead of winter. She seems all together other worldly. What unfolds in the story is a friendship that happens purely by chance, and the strange ways the new person must deal with this supposed demi-fairy girl. Her name is Clarabelle. Now, you're probably wondering 'where does the character personality come into play in all this?' Since I created this plot using the canon content, I based the 'newcomer friend' on the personalities of the boys in Kaze; Gilbert and Serge. In this case, Gilbert, the blond one, is the one I originally picked out. He's a brat and she won't be manipulated by him.  I also mentioned the other boy, Serge, has a personality that would also work. Only in this case, he isn't a brat but exactly the opposite. An honest, goodey-two-shoes sort of kid.  How sad their background might be will be entirely dependent on the partner, should they choose to play this sort of character. (I like to think something like two broken people become friends and find themselves whole again after a while)
If you find that any of this has somehow managed to tickle your fancy, you can reach me on gaia at x_panko_x. Obv not everyone uses it so since this is posted on Tumblr, you can reach me OOC wise at whiterosemilktea for further discussion then we can decide where we'll write it out. As far as discord goes, it is also open for rping this genre and I will provide if you are interested. Honestly though, if you even recognize this genre or have seen this manga/anime I would love to talk to at least one other person who has.
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toreen-m · 7 years
Could you write something about Sanders sides cuddling all together in a tree house? maybe teenagers? I totally love your shorts and I need more! yoU aRe maKING me addicted!
Oookay all right! * Clapshands * Let’s do this! This took a little turn. Just a heads up, there’ll be a littlereference only @creepy-skull-arts will get, or anyone that read „stayin place (sing a chorus)“ by SoloChaos on AO3. (Go read it here. Itheavily inspired Rps that I had, thus this idea now! It’s really just a teeny tiny reference, no biggo!). Also a teenytiny reference to “Kagerou Daze” x) It’s not completely teen-Sanders though, hope that’s okay.
Note: Thomas appears inthis, his brothers are mentioned as well. Please keep in mind this isall fiction and not meant to harm anyone I do not know about Thomas’past and private life, things that happen in this story are merefiction for this request. Thank you! (I’ll put a little “Keep reading” under the first little part of this, because it’s long)Past will be written like thisPresent like this
Virgil was lying on thecouch in the living room, hands folded on his tummy and staring atthe ceiling. There was something. Something he felt like he wanted toremember. Something important! But he couldn’t. For hours he keptdigging through Thomas’ memory, trying to figure out what it is thathe was searching for.
Closer. He was gettingcloser, he felt it. He was halfway through Thomas’ teenager yearsand-
“Hey, kiddo! What'chudoing?”Patton walked into the room, a big picnic blanketand two pillows in his arm, looking over at Virgil, who didn’t evenreact. He didn’t say anything and kept staring at the wall,determined to not get distracted by anything.
“Ro, Lo and I foundsomething again in the forest and wanted to know if-”Gettinga little bit startled, Patton stepped lightly back as Virgil sat upout of a sudden yelling:”THE TREE HOUSE!”“Yes-…wefound the tree house again. We wanted to check it out together withyou so-”Never in his time before has Morality seen Anxietyjumping up like this, running to get his shoes and to put on hisjacket. Never. At least, not in a actually calm situation.
Anxiety wasactually…hopping at the spot, looking excited for the first time indays, chanting:”Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!”
A chuckle escapedPatton’s throat and he stepped up to Virgil, taking his hand gentlyand walking out with him.
“Come on, Virge, theothers are waiting for us.”
August 15th,about 12:30pm. A hot day, almost annoyingly hot.
Thomas sat in thelittle tree house in the woods that he built together with hisbrothers several months ago. The first weeks they all went theretogether all the time, but lately each went whenever they wanted,whenever they felt like it.
It was pretty inthere. It was cozy, a blanket always on the ground and two bigpillows as well. Thomas curled up, a little bit of sunshine shiningthrough a “window” (which actually was just an open spot thatthey left, exactly for that reason) onto his freckled cheeks. Sowarm, so comfy. Hugging the second pillow in his arms, Thomas turnedon his side, pushing his face into the pillow and drifting off intosleep.
“You guys found itagain? So that’s why I felt like I wanted to remembersomething…”It looked like it looked back then but stillsomething about it was…off. It looked new. Too new. Again, theanxious side had the feeling that something in his memory wasmissing, this time connected to the tree house. Before he couldcomment on that, Roman took his hand and led him closer to it.
“Come on, fairest ofthem all! We thought a nice nap in here would do well for us, if youdon’t mind?”Patton already climbed in before, blanketspread and pillows put down on top of it. As soon as Virgil peakedhis head through, Patton pat the spot next to him gently and smiled,inviting him to sit down close to him. Roman and Logan followed, allof them sitting there, before Patton suddenly pulled them into agroup hug, flopping down into the pillows with them and letting out asigh. For a moment, Virgil felt calm, completely calm, giving in intothe soft touches and the warmth of the others, as Roman and Pattonwhispered soft words to him and Logan, kissing their cheeks or lipssoftly, or each other.
Logan eventually gave inas well and smiled, giving each a peck on the lips, before closinghis own eyes.
It took him a bit, butslowly everything around Virgil got quiet and dark, lulling him intoa deep sleep.
Something wet hit hischeek, which, in fact, also was already wet even before that. Thomaswoke up, shivering because his body suddenly picked up how cold itactually was.
Sitting up, he realizedthat it was raining heavily outside, raining through the little“window”, wetting the blanket and the pillows, Thomas’ hairalready clutching to his cheeks.
He didn’t think hewould be sleeping for so long, nor was he expecting rain in the middle of summer, but he got up, still shivering. Hewanted to grab both pillows and the blanket, but he slipped and hithis nose. Holding back a whine, he got himself up again, hearing aloud roar of thunder, not that far away actually. A weird feelingrushed through him, tickling the scalp of his head. Knowing he shouldbe leaving (stuck in a treehouse in the middle of thunder andlightning? Oh hell no.), Thomas just dropped everything in his arms,jumped out of the tree house and ran a little, before the tree housereally got hit by lightning.All that Thomas did was to keeprunning. Not looking back, not having the heart to hurt himself bywatching how the tree house he and his siblings worked on for so longgot destroyed. He told himself it was stupid, but actually, hestarted crying.
The first one to wake upand to realize that Virgil was crying, was Logan. Lying betweenVirgil and Roman it wasn’t so hard to be the first one to hear thequiet sobs that escaped Anxiety’s throat. For a moment Logan thought,he would be still sleeping, but then Virgil rubbed over his eyes,clutching a bit onto Logan.
“Thank you…know Iknow why I forgot about this. Guess it was a bit too hard for me…Iwanted to forget it. I was scared it would happen again, with evenworse consequences…that’s why I stopped Thomas from-”“ssshit’s okay…”, Logan cupped his cheek, kissing his foreheadgently,”repressing memories is natural, don’t feel bad or sorry forit, no one will judge you.”At this point, Roman and Pattonwere up again as well, Patton’s nose gently brushing against Virgil’snape and breathing warm against his skin, reassuring him that it’sokay and that he didn’t have to feel bad. Roman smiled a bit, tellinghim that this is why they rebuild it, because they knew that in theend it would make him happy. And it did. By now, Virgil wasn’tcrying because of the memories, he was crying out of happiness.
Sitting up, he gaveeveryone a shy kiss, mumbling a quiet “thank you”, before lyingdown again. He snuggled up closer to Logan, taking Roman’s hand andletting Patton hug him gently while giggling and kissing his skin.
The sun was shiningthrough, embracing all of them together, as they slowly dozed offonce more.
Thomas sat in his room,flopping down on his back on the bed, smiling at the memories thatwere rushing through his head. He clearly remembered the first day heand his siblings finished the tree house, cuddling up together andmaking stupid forest puns.
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gayroleplayads · 7 years
fandoms and originals
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length. Also, please have a decent grasp of grammar and spelling. I won’t respond if you message me in all chatspeak. When you message me, also, please have an idea of what you want to do. “Hi, wanna RP?” is kind of unacceptable. Of course I want to roleplay–that’s why I put the add up.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don’t really care for unhealthy ships. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me. Weekends get hectic because I’m in a couple DnD campaigns.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I’m at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Current cravings: Peronsa 5, Final Fantasy XV, Fire Emblem Fates, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That doesn’t mean I won’t do others!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. I am open to most things. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I especially am big on gothic/fantasy/horror settings with magic, darkness, twisted fairy tales as inspiration, Alice in Wonderland kind of settings, surreal or Silent Hill/Fatal Frame esque thing. Definitely willing to look into maybe some mystery/eldritch horror thing. I’m pretty flexible. Other stuff I’m into includes: steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf! Please, if you send me a random intro, keep it to the genres listed or similar interests to this ad. I can’t guarantee I’ll be into the roleplay if you pick something I don’t advertise.
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most. I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), or Silas. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
Addendum: Just finished Persona 5, am interested in playing Akira–or maybe we could do our own team of Phantom Thieves? Really dig the concept. I do like Akira/Yusuke and Ann/Makoto–will play Akira and Makoto. I am also interested in an Akechi redemption line, but I won’t pair him with Akira. Others I can play are Futaba and Haru.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I’m only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but I would like there to be. I can play Ravio, Zelda, humanized Sidon, Revali (maybe), or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like. With Breath of the Wild out, I’d be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve. Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss–ocs, canons, I’m sure we can figure something out.
  Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I’m a little out of touch with this, though. It’s been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
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silvurgalaxies · 8 years
1-50 ples
Alright due to the length of this, I’m putting it under the cut. I seriously don’t wanna clog people’s dashes! So yeah! Thank you for asking! It was fun to fill out! XD 
Pfft that’s a lot of questions but uhh yeah I’ll do my best for ya! 
1. Your first OC ever? 
My first oc ever was named Hank, he was my sonic fan character I made three years ago. Originally, he was half demon, half dragon. Before I changed him to a half demon half hedgehog. I used him a lot and he’s still going through redesigns now. I still love him, but there’s a lot that needs to be fixed, especially the design and backstory. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OC’s?
Well, that’s like asking to pick between two children. So I love them all equally. There’s certain ones I like using more than others, but as a whole? All of them.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? 
Yes. A year back I went on an adopting spree. Anchor, Cadmus, Angel, Skyler…all adopted children. But I love them as my own. I don’t adopt characters anymore. Except that one bat Saga designed for me a little while ago which I love. I try to develop them on my own, the design is a stepping stone. Each character has grown since I adopted them. 
4. A character you rarely talk about? 
Andrew is rarely mentioned, as well as Cadmus and Skyler. There’s a lot of characters I have yet to share. Nova as well. Cupid and Cole aren’t mentioned either, I am writing a story with them, but I have yet to post it. 
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? 
Probably Sloth, the human Sloth. I mean, he’s a lazy guy who doesn’t really care about anything, but I feel right now he’s the most developed out of all of the others. 
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? 
Kody and Cupid. Both of them look really similar but they’ve never met ever. Techno and Sloth I’m not including because they were both originally made for AU’s but their human versions are completely different looking. 
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? 
Yep. Many of them are running story ideas I’m still working out the kinks for. I want all the characters to be as developed as possible before I move forward. They all live in one universe. And this universe is focused on angels, demons, sins, virtues, and the children of these angels and demons. 
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! 
I’ve used a lot of them! Hank and Kody were the most common until Techno and Sloth replaced them later on. But I use most of them! 
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? 
I would never give them away. They are my children. But if something happened to me, and I wasn’t around to keep them, I only trust two people with them, and that’s Jazz and Saga. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 
The most complicated design goes to Techno I hope you’re proud of yourself. Second place goes to anthro Sloth. 
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Kody. No doubt about it that kid’s always a happy child. 
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot 
Okay, like there’s a lot. I really, reALLY like Gear. Like, him and Snazz are my favorites. The human versions too. I love their dynamic and they’re both really interesting. I really love Scratch too, he’s great, him and his flames and secret stuffed animal collection, his sister Krystalia too. I’ve always loved the both of them. I also really like Firewall too. Besides that, I just love Cheezedonut’s dutchie, Sunday, he’s adorable. 
I love a lot of people’s characters, especially cause I know they love them too and put a lot of work and love into creating them, which is something I love to see. 
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? 
Hank never fails to annoy an entire room. He gets himself into bad situations cause he has a sass problem. He doesn’t know how to shut up. Cadmus is bad too, him and Skyler are bounty hunters, hunting both people and objects for pay. Cupid gets into trouble too, he thinks because he’s a god he can get away with pulling stupid stunts. Angst is the worst, he stirs up trouble wherever he goes. Sloth and his siblings, man those children are all sinners, it’s only natural for all the seven deadly sins to be troublemakers. 
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Hmm. A lot of them do sadly. The universe I put them in is kind of an unhappy place. I think human Sloth or Techno wins for this. 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? 
In real life, I typically do not. I have a friend who does and that’s all she talks about sometimes. I tend to keep it low, not a lot of people know about my characters. On the internet or Skype I could go on for days. But I don’t want to annoy anyone with my talk of them. 
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 
Andrew. Guy’s an alchemist, ehh sorta. He’s the most intelligent out of everyone. He’d do the best in school. I’d say Cole, but Cole doodles all over his notebooks and doesn’t do homework as often. 
17. Any OC OTPs? 
I mean…Nate x Genesis, Techno x Gear, Sloth x Snazzy, Andrew x Angelica, and Cole x Cupid are what I got going right now. Possible Cadmus x Skyler but I don’t know if that’s gonna be a thing. 
18. Any OC crackships? 
Sloth x Techno, by far. It’s the funniest in human form cause they freaking hate each other a lot. Andrew x Hank, the both also hate each other.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) 
Hank is the first character I ever made, and I can never let him go. He meant a lot to me while in middle school, and he’s still here, hanging out. I will never get rid of him. 
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? 
Nate can play the guitar, and he writes his own music. When Angst was still sane he could play the bass and sing. Kody plays a mean kazoo him and Sloth have a band they’re going places, they are both masterful kazoo players. 
21. Your most artistic OC 
Cole. Stop drawing in your notebooks. He wins. He’s the most artistic. Techno is as well actually, his form of art is building or tinkering. He doesn’t share it that much cause he can be a little embarrassed of his creations. 
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
I mean not really right now from what I’ve noticed? Idk. 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? 
Techno went from a meme, to a meme with a backstory, to a fandom monitor, to his own AU, to a legitimate human, to a human with a demon parshally possessing him, to a demon hunter. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Techno is a demon hunter as a human, he’s mainly doing it for revenge. It flipped when he got stuck with Sloth. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? 
I feel like Sloth would be the most reasonable. I would love to meet Kody! He’s adorable! But I would want to meet them all. 
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) 
Ehh personality wise? Nova was designed to be a mascot. I never showed him. Techno is pretty close. We’re both awkward potatoes. 
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
Techno’s change was a choice for me, cause of a Tumblr!Sans already made. But I’m glad I changed him. It was never against my will. Look at him now! He’s gotten farther than I ever thought he would. 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? 
Hank was inspired by the song, “What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park. The rest were just random as heck. 
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Sloth is the most dangerous, when he actually does something, it’s extremely powerful. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? 
Hank would do it. You go Hank. And then Kody would follow him. 
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? 
….Cadmus would. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) 
Sloth runs an asethetic blog where he posts pictures of peanut butter with filters and then he reblogs pictures of feathers. He doesn’t let anyone know this blog exists. Techno’s blog is just all over the place but really organized. He’d reblog pictures of machinery, lots of gear pictures too. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Oh jeez. I’d say Cole for this one. He’s the most ‘normal’ out of everyone. 
33. Your shyest OC? 
Kody or Cole. Probably Cole. If Kody is with Hank he’s really calm and friendly to new people. 
34. Do you have any twin characters? 
Andrew has a twin sister named Victoria. But they don’t see each other very much.
35. Any sibling characters? 
Hank and Angst are half brothers. Andrew and Victoria are twins. Human!Sloth has six “siblings”, and he’s the middle child. Human!Techno has a younger sister. Maple has four siblings, each one representing a season. 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? 
Oh hell yeah! We got Nate and Genesis (belongs to @krystalia-productions), Techno and Gear, and Snazzy and Sloth! (Snazzy and Gear belong to @alternativesaga) and now we got Sin and Flowriel (belongs to @marshiemonarch) 
Pairing characters is so fun!! I love it!! 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human 
Literally all of them except for Cole and Nate. I’m planning on converting Nate to a human pretty soon, cause right now he’s a sonic oc still ahah. 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? 
Nate is really good at dancing. Anything related to music he’s pretty good at ahah. 
39. Introduce any character you want 
Name: Cupid 
Age: ageless
Gender: Male
Basic Description: He was a god who just awakened one day, his job is to ensure that people do fall in love, without him to do his job, no one would fall in love with each other. But what happens if his arrow misses and hits the wrong person? He’s also a smart alec he thinks he can get away with anything. He loves screwing with people’s love lives. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! 
All of them have their own memories, to be honest seeing them just makes me happy. Each one has a story about how I created or came up with them, and thinking about that too is cool. 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? 
Greek gods? In that case, Cupid. I mean…he technically is one. Or Cole, he likes Greek gods a lot. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess 
Most of them are male boy teenagers with a very similar haircut and always wear sweatshirts. Okay no I’m sorry. But most of them aRE MALE. ARGH. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general 
EVERYTHING. I legitimately love them all and everything about them. They aren’t perfect which is something I love about them! 
45. A character you no longer use? 
Shade the Wolf, Nightmarestar, and a fricking ton of warriors OCs (like Leafstone omfg and Fastfoot holy frick xD)) 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? 
No. Not yet. Maybe for backstories but no, no one has ever said that. 
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? 
If it counts, @krystalia-productions has claimed Sloth. Okay no I’m joking Sloth literally lives with you. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure 
Kody. The purest. 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes 
Techno dabbed so hard once the universe was created. True story. 
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
They’re all trash bags but I love them all. Yep. I dunno what else to put here. 
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