#also i know sculptor as a really simple sort and sad story
truly-morgan · 4 years
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This is (nearly) all my aspec characters
Wanted to do some pride drawing but I feel son drained from working and also my motivation is dying from me never being satisfied of what I make. So here is close to all my Aspec characters (only three missing, but I never designed them before).
I feel like gushing about my characters, so under the cut more about them for those interested.
[from left to right, top to bottom]
> Kyosuke Hamada: Telekinesis artist who’s been stuck in a illegal and underground lab to be studied on since his childhood. Really love sweets and arts, his walls are always full of painting.
> Kadir: A demon who became a bounty hunter after taking example of his three adoptive dad. Pretty short tempered and really powerful, he’s not good at getting along with other people. The only one he could call a friend (more like frenemy) would be Tamir, even though the other demon always tries to piss him off.
> Evan Matsui: A human vessel, he took upon himself the task of carrying a demon so his twin brother doesn’t have to. He’s pretty bad at befriending people and often keep people at a distance to make sure Kuro won’t try something with them. His brother is really precious to him.
> Raph P.: A oc from the movie Osmosis Jones, firstly a white blood cell who then became infected by Thrax but didn’t died. He’s kept by Thrax side mainly as an entertainment, losing parts of his memory easily and somewhat chasing after the virus so he don’t get kill of left behind. I though it was funny to make an body cell ace, I know I’m really funny.
> Nikolaus Fichter: A spider hybrid who’s a librarian after being taken in by one when he was little. Doesn’t goes out much and isn’t really good at socializing, but if someone gets to know him he’s pretty nice and will talk more easily. He’s a total bookworm, which is sort of why he’s often in the bookstore/library.
> Jérémie Prieur: Cat hybrid abandoned by his parent at birth, he’s picked up by a teacher who took care of him. He doesn’t go out of the house much because of his appearance but does like to interact with people online. He can come off as a little naive and innocent at time since he doesn’t have much real life experience, but one shouldn’t believe he has the mind of a kid either.
> Yashiro: A pretty cold man who doesn’t approche people much and prefer being alone. If it wasn’t for Koseki, he would be living in the middle of nowhere all alone, but he needs to take care of this little carefree subterra to makes sure nothing bad happen to them. He got a real soft spot for this little fella even if no one would catch admitting to it out loud and would do anything to keep them safe.
> Samuel Roy: A hitman addicted to coffee who only have one friend and for which anyone else is just a source of annoyance. He don’t care much about other people which help a lot for his job. He lives from day to day and doesn’t really have any plans or dreams for the future, as if he could die tomorrow because of his line of work and accept that fact.
> Keir: An incubus who really love sex and doesn’t really mind who’s their partner. They roam around the human realm to have some fun and eat good food. They can switch their body appearance to whatever could please someone best but often stick to a more masculin and androgyne body.
> Theòs Mortem: Previously a death god before people kicked out of the death realm after pushing people to die earlier than expected by tricking them into dying. They have a really morbid fascination of humans dying from their own hands and will often play mind game to push someone over the edge, but never does anything himself physically. They switch from a masculin to a feminine appearance when needed to be more trustworthy in someone eyes.
> Cassius: a greek dragon who loves to travel around the world, but often stick to Bankei side. He got a grudge against human for causing the dying of his people, in big part at least. Yet, he’s still interested by what said human can do, despite this grudge.
> Jim Campbell: A teenager who believes in alien and who destined a big part of his early teen to fight against an alien who came to earth in an “attempt” to invade it. He loves everything that is supernatural and cryptic, doesn’t really know what to do in the future since this field isn’t something stable and his parents want him to have a good job.
> Billy Anderson: Young boy who loves to cause trouble and would do anything for his two best friends. He’s adventurous and often get himself injured or in trouble, yet it never stop him from having crazy ideas to suggest to his friends. He plan on getting out of the town the moved in and to hopefully still be with those two friends of his.
> Ludwig Lange: A tall demon who works in a freak show as a scene master, even if he come to pull the string behind the scene at some point. He absolutely loves his crew and would do anything to protect them from outsider coming at them. He easily adapt to his time and finds humans to be pretty fascinating.
> Casey McCormick: A little rat hybrid who loves photography, they are pretty shy at first, but once they know you they’re a real chatterbox. They would love to became a professional photograph and practice on their own or with close friend of them.
> Yasuhiro Ogawa: Due to a curse in their family, Yasuhiro is an snake hybrid. They don’t mind it much though since their uncle, who’s the same, made sure to make them feel at ease. They work as an bartender in their best friend gay bar, but will from time to time be a dancer when the bar is short on dancer or when they feel like it since it something they enjoy doing anyway and the only safe way they can show their scale under the pretense of it being prosthetic.
> Cyrus: Little angel who has fallen from heaven after some other took revenge on him and pushed him down after taking away his wings. Once on earth lost all his memories and could only remember his name because of a pendant. He was found by Micha who then decided to keep him under his wing and even let him work at his bar. Cyrus can be a little naive at time and can be easily trick, which is why Micha keeps a close eyes on him.
> Gabriel Woods: He became mute after some injuries cause to his vocal cord by his mother. After the traumatic incident he was taken in by his best friend family who treats him like a family member and do their best to help him heal. He works as a waiter in a small family restaurant where his best friend is also employed even if it can be challenging at time, most costumer are regular who are cooperative when he has some difficulty communicating correctly.
> Sculptor: A sculptor who’s going through hard time after his young daughter death. He goes through his grief with his art, but the support of his friends is what helps him better. 
> Han Tsao: Someone who loves art and doing graffiti, working in an antique shop after being caught graffiting over the back wall of the shop. He still became a good friend with the owner and kept working there even after paying back the cost of repainting the wall. He would love to became a professional wall painter artist.
> Sebastiano Leone: Became a vampire when a pandemic broke out in his little town and his wife and daughters were affected. He threw out the window faith and went to follow rumors of a vampire nearby as an attempt to save them, but took too much time convincing the vampire to turn him. His biggest regrets is not being there when his family died. Nowadays he travel around the world, trying to fade into the decor and live normally. He decided and promised to himself he would keep on living since he know his wife wouldn’t want him to end is life just to join them, carrying an old locket with his family portrait as a way to make them keep on living too.
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