#also i love sparia
karouvas · 3 months
(Spencer poll is still up for a couple hours if you want to get votes in https://www.tumblr.com/morocorra/755421496778866688?source=share )
tagging: @sergeantpixie @nocakesformissedith @snixx @whodoesnataliehave @thechosenthree
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primroserising · 1 year
Giving the Pretty Little Liars characters a Big Three... Pt. 1
"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close."
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SPOILER WARNING: If you haven't watched most of the show then this post may not be for you!
Hi all, this is my first post on Tumblr and I wanted to do something silly. I'm an astrology enthusiast but by no means a professional. Yes, some of my opinions or observations may be wrong or some people might not like them at all, but that won't stop me from making the fun posts I want to make.
Pretty Little Liars has always been my go-to comfort show when I want to watch a drama. I'm always happy to dive back into the PLL universe any time of the year, and I usually watch it during the fall/winter season when it's cold and I can bundle up and binge-watch many episodes at a time.
I will be including the less popular characters in part two as well, not just the main characters because I've rewatched the show over five times now and I've come to have an opinion on everyone. I'll also include some little tidbits in some character sections that don't pertain to astrology, so if you're here just for the big three, kindly disregard them!
WARNING: Really long post, with lots of gifs and pictures - read at your own risk!
Dividers by: cafekitsune
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And now, without further ado, the first little Liar we will be analyzing is...
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Aria Montgomery
“When you love someone, it's worth fighting for. No matter what the odds are.”
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In my opinion, Aria is the quietest personality of the Liars and understandably also the most controversial of the bunch because of Ezra being a thing (oh brother…), and I have observed that many fans of the show generally don't like her for a multitude of reasons. That aside, I think every character on the show had their personal charm even if they were all problematic. The only time I really liked Aria was when she was with anyone but Ezra. And after the time jump, her character was less annoying (until she got with Ezra) and I thought it was neat that she had worked in publishing. I also liked her moments with Spencer (team Sparia!) and I always thought she was much better when she was with her friends.
I remember when I thought Aria was A at some point because she would do the "SHH" in the intro and it had sent me and my mom into a frenzy trying to come up with a believable theory that she was betraying the girls the whole time! Aria is my least favorite, but I still appreciate her because I can see a lot of myself in her, she and I share the same hobbies and some personality traits as well. I think Aria might either be a Venus or Neptune dominant because of the artistic and dreamy persona she has. Her appearance also reminds me of the moon.
Cancer Sun
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Much like a Cancer, Aria cares a whole lot about her family and I think she's particularly close with her mother. Throughout the show, she displays lots of Cancerian traits and acts very maternal around her loved ones especially with Ezra (ugh), for example: bringing them food, making sure they're taken care of emotionally, giving them a safe space to talk about their feelings (I noticed she's usually the one that the rest of the Liars go to when they need to have an emotional conversation). She's also very bright and has many creative hobbies that act like a protective blanket for her when she's feeling emotional, e.g. reading, writing, drawing, and photography. I also noted that she's very protective of her friends and family and she acts like an angry mama bear when her loved ones are threatened.
Libra Moon
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From what I've read, Libra moons thrive in partnerships, whether romantic or platonic, and they always try to keep everything balanced/harmonious. And for Aria, that sometimes means keeping secrets or telling little white lies (or even big ones) to keep the peace between her and her loved ones. There've been multiple times when Aria has lied for her friends and for herself to keep everything balanced between the group. She's also very intelligent and open-minded, made evident by her consistent interest in learning.
Libra moons also have trouble making decisions or making up their mind about things, and they often need a little nudge or push from their loved ones to make a decision and I think that matches up with attributes of Aria's personality as well. She's also very warm, friendly, and sociable and really just wants the best for her loved ones. And if I remember correctly Aria has had a looooot of relationships/flings throughout the show and I read somewhere that Libra moons are almost always in a partnership. And sometimes (this isn't every Libra moon, don't come for me) might start a new romance in the middle of their current one!
Okay, moving on to her Ascendant, I will go with...
Gemini Rising
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I put Gemini rising for Aria because I read somewhere that mercurial risings or mercury contacting the ascendant can make someone look very youthful and bright. Also because she is a very mercurial coded person imo. She is very intellectual and has very quick wits about her. She's also very curious and excitable when speaking to others, and is actually very talkative when you get her going. Sometimes Gemini risings also get overwhelmed with the feeling of wanting or needing to do everything at once, and often have two personalities much like I observed with Aria. They also tend to like traveling and are usually very active and thrive on change, fast pace, and variety.
Okay, we're done with Aria, I hope the placements I gave her also make sense for you guys too - now the next little Liar we're moving on to is... *drumroll*
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Spencer Hastings “Why enjoy today when you could be worrying about tomorrow?”
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Spencer is one of my favorite characters on the show because every time I watch the show she constantly inspires me to be brave and more confident in my opinions. I also appreciate the actress, Troian Bellisario because she's so underrated, I think she and Ashley Benson (Hanna) carried the show with their comedic timing and great acting and should be more recognized. Spencer's character also really satisfies the wannabe detective in me and I looove that she's like a mini Sherlock Holmes. I like that she wasn't just a preppy rich girl and was actually very smart and investigative; she would've made a great detective if she went into the line of policework like Toby did. She's also very headstrong and sometimes a bit hardheaded.
Spencer is such a caffeine addict and I love it lmao but I don't see how some people drink just straight black coffee, I hate how bitter it is. I love Spoby (Spencer and Toby) with all my heart but I feel like she would've been a better match with Caleb or Alex (if they kept him on the show). She was also very cute with Wren (rip...) even though he was a little older than her. Toby is a great guy but I just never saw the chemistry with those two like I did with her other romances. Spencer being Mars and Mercury dominant makes a ton of sense to me. I think her having a fire grand trine in her fictional birth chart would explain how restless she is. From what I've read the keywords for fire grand trines are vital, bursting with energy, restless, enthusiastic, and prideful.
Aries Sun
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Spencer being an Aries sun makes a lot of sense to me partially because of how hard she works to be the very best and is always charging headfirst into everything that she does whether it be schoolwork, playing detective, or protecting her friends. She's also very impulsive from what I've noticed and it often gets her into trouble or sometimes accidents. Aries placements are prone to accidents or injuries due to their impulsiveness. She never really thinks much before she does something and that's gotten her into some very embarrassing situations on the show (but we love her for it). She's very competitive and witty and also loves debating and is usually the one starting confrontations with people alongside Hanna. I also think it's cute that she is very energetic and an adrenaline junkie, I think she loves the thrill of dangerous situations, and that screams Aries to me. Overall a very chaotic and smart cookie, it's very easy to see why Toby fell in love with her.
For her moon sign, it was a tough decision to make but I'm going to have to go with...
Scorpio Moon
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Scorpio Moons are so alluring, mysterious, and unbelievably smart. Spencer can be very intense. On multiple occasions, she's gotten called out for being a control freak by the other Liars in the group. As a fixed moon sign she can be very stubborn and assertive (I almost gave her Taurus for this one). She has an insatiable need to know everything at all times and often presses for more information any chance she can get. She also displayed exceptional intuition and was almost a little psychic at times which is why she was so good at being the detective of the group and also figured Mona out. She's a suspicious girlie and finds it hard to trust anyone that she doesn't already know. As a Scorpio moon and just a water moon in general, Spencer often experiences intense emotions and is prone to having breakdowns or self-destructing when things get hard. To people outside of her close circle of friends and family, she can seem very intimidating and hard to approach and even sometimes a bit snappy.
For her rising sign, we're giving her a...
Sagittarius Rising
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I was going to give Spencer a Capricorn or Virgo Rising, but I decided that her being perceived as a Sagittarius would make more sense. She has a love for new adventures and exploration (prob why she snoops into places where she doesn't belong smh), and is quite curious. She also has a love for languages and I think it was pretty cute that she offered to tutor Toby in French, it reminded me of someone saying that Sagittarius loves learning different languages and teaching as well. Spencer is also very honest and direct in her communication though she has been known to be very humorous and sarcastic when it's called for. She speaks her mind freely and doesn't care what other people think about her opinions and she loves taking risks like they're a piece of candy or something. Also isn't afraid to call someone out on their bullshit or correct them if she feels the need to do so. She is skilled in verbal combat and isn't afraid to whip out some badass comebacks!
With Spencer out of the way, we have three more main characters to go, so let's get into...
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Emily Fields
“Ruin one of us, ruin all of us.”
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Emily is such a sweetheart omg. I loved how soft she was compared to the other girls even though she saw it as a weakness. I see a lot of myself in her character and she helped me become a little more confident in who I was. She was always in my top three for favorite characters for this show because I could see myself being really close friends with her. She didn't deserve all the trauma she got from Alison constantly toying around with her but I do think it made her somewhat stronger in the end. I am however still a little salty that despite all that, she and Alison still ended up being together but it looks like they might've been in a rocky situation if we go off with what The Perfectionists (what even was that show anyway) told us about the original couples of PLL.
I was so sad when Wayne died. RIP. He was such a great father figure for her and I liked that he was accepting of her. Her mom on the other hand was a mess for a while but I think she became better as the seasons went on too.
Emily and Maya were the sweetest couple and I was so sad when we got the news that Maya died. I feel like they were truly soulmates and even though Emily found other girls, I don't think she ever loved anyone as much as she loved Maya. Except maybe Alison.
I wish we got more of Emily dancing or doing more activities besides just swimming. It didn't make sense to me that she was the "jock" character but the only thing she really did was swim and that was about it. I could see Emmy doing soccer or tennis imo.
Pisces Sun
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Emily is shy and soft-spoken and she almost reminds me of a mermaid which is really funny since she's known for being the swimmer of the group. She's very romantic, compassionate, friendly, artistic, and intensely empathetic which is why her being a Pisces sun fits the bill perfectly. A kind and gentle soul, I think her soft disposition is very valuable to the Liars and she is often there to provide emotional or moral support when the girls need it. She's also the most likely of them to cry if she saw a cute animal or something that reminded her of her childhood. I know that's sort of specific but still it's true. She also loves to dance and is pretty good at it imo (even though no one knew until that fateful episode with Hanna's pageant training...).
Taurus Moon
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Emily's emotions are honestly very stable and fixed; and when she is in partnerships she is able to stick to them (usually). She loves connections and is able to charm anyone she sets her eyes on. Em is very trustworthy and loyal to her loved ones and honestly has very good taste when it comes to style and decoration. She is very persistent and determined with anything she takes on and doesn't appear to have a lot of patience for flaky, or people who create a lot of drama in her life. She is almost always very patient with her friends, family, as well as herself and I think that's a very admirable quality to have. I think the Liars needed her because she can be very dependable and loyal. Taurus moons can also be more responsive than active and that's sometimes why they can come off as passive or immovable.
Emily's ascendant is...
Cancer Rising
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I gave her a Cancer rising because Emily's aura is so soft and angelic and she gives the best hugs. If PLL was a supernatural drama, I think Emily would definitely have healing powers or be a literal angel with how sweet she is. Everyone always views Emily as the weakest link or the least likely to do any harm to anyone and I think that's because she has such a soft disposition to the point where people think she's a pushover. As a Cancer rising she sometimes takes things personal and does have a bit of a mean streak but I think her Taurus moon helps keep her grounded most of the time when it comes to her emotions. I see Emily as very supportive and tenacious, the girl's been through a lot and she still shines as brightly as she did in the first few episodes of PLL. Also her skin sometimes appears to be moon-kissed and she looks so good in silvers and blues so that's another reason why I gave her a Cancer ascendant.
Woo, that was a doozy. Stealing the show is...
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Hanna Marin
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool my best friend, you're dead freakin' meat."
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Hanna Banana is also another character that is very near and dear to my heart. I appreciated her character so much and I'm glad she wasn't just a "dumb blonde" like some characters thought she was. She was actually very smart and if Spencer wasn't the brainiac of the group I think Hanna would've at least been runner-up. I have so much in common with Hanna's character and I appreciate her so much - she's definitely one of the most memorable characters on the show and I also think she had some of the best lines. From saying, "Please, Jenna can't hear us, she's blind," to "Read her boobs, the girl loves Christmas." She's always cracked me up and I think she's so entertaining to watch. I also loved her character development throughout the seasons but got a little disappointed with the Caleb x Hanna x Spencer triangle that happened in the later season and it kind of annoyed me.
Hanna and Caleb are my favorite couple in the series although I really liked Spencer and Caleb too. I was torn apart with that whole love triangle storyline and it broke me. I like that Hanna decided to become a fashion designer. I guess her love for shoes, pretty dresses and fashion really paid off lmao. A part of me kind of wonders what kind of couple Hanna and Lucas would've been although I really loved their friendship, too.
Leo Sun
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Hanna is definitely a fire sign through and through, and I almost gave her Sagittarius because her actress, Ashley Benson is one, but I think Hanna's personality and overall character fits a Leo more than anything. She definitely has a very bright and sunny disposition and radiates a confident aura to those she is around. Hanna loves shopping and she loves sparklies; good shoes, pretty dresses, eye-catching jewelry that reflects the bold, charismatic and fierce personality she has. It's no reason why she was known as the popular queen bee of the school after Alison's disappearance. Leo suns love to be admired and they bask in the compliments when they look and feel good. On the negative side they can be very self-absorbed or narcissistic and Hanna's definitely had her moments. While she is usually confident and well put together, Hanna is a soft and sensitive person deep down and can have some insecurity issues. I also believe that past Hanna (when Alison was still around) embodied a undeveloped Leo sun and after Alison she started gradually shifting into a more developed Leo sun and I think that's made more evident when Caleb rolled around.
Hanna's moon sign is...
Cancer Moon
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This is so generalized and cliche but since Hanna has a beautiful, unbreakable bond with her mother and I wholeheartedly believe Hanna would do anything for her mother, just as Ashley (her mom) has shown that she'd do anything for her. Hanna cares a lot about her loved ones and seems to turn into this bright ball of sunshine whenever she is around them. I think she's an amazing friend to have and anyone that knows her is very lucky to have her. As a lunar Cancer she can be a little moody and sometimes snaps at people when she feels overwhelmed, but on the other side she can be very empathetic and has a reliable intuition or "gut feeling" which has helped her on multiple occasions. In relationships and friendships she can lean towards being maternal and sometimes unintentionally smothers the people she's closest to. I think Hanna is generally very sweet and her helping Caleb come into his own was a very beautiful story and really spoke to her character. She also has a strong lifeline to her past, like all Cancer placements, and her past often haunted her - but I think talking about it with Dr. Sullivan really helped her get over a lot of things that happened with Alison.
Aries Ascendant
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Hanna has always given me Aries vibes. She sometimes acts before she thoroughly thinks things through and that's definitely gotten her into a lot of trouble. Like any other fire placement, her temper can go from zero to one hundred pretty quickly and it can be scary when she's mad. It's often hard for Hanna to sit still or contain her emotions; it's usually written all over her face. She's always moving around and if others get left in the dust, that's their problem. Part of the reason why she worked so well with Caleb was because they balanced each other out. He was more calm and a little more rational and always had to talk her out of being rash or talk her out of doing something completely stupid due to her emotions being high. I think she's also pretty clumsy and her bumping into people (and sometimes impulsively kissing them lmao) or things a lot is an Aries or Mars conjunct ascendant type motif for me. I think her and Spencer sometimes butt heads because of the sun - rising connection and them being a little too similar in that way.
And now for the OG queen bee herself. We'll be analyzing...
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Alison DiLaurentis
"It's immortality, my darlings."
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Alison, Alison, Alison. She was such a problematic character but I loved her in the flashbacks. I think when she came back her character and charm really started declining and it's kinda sad. But nonetheless, Alison was obviously the big talk of the show for a reason. She was the kind of person you loved to hate or hated that you loved her and I think Sasha Pieterse really slayed her role. Alison had everyone in the town wrapped around her little finger and it took the girls quite a while to get away from her grip. I think Alison would definitely destroy Regina George in a battle and probably some other popular mean girls too. I enjoyed watching PLL because I was so obsessed with finding out what happened to Alison, and when we finally found her and got to know what really happened that night I started sympathizing with her character. I think deep down, she was probably a very sweet person but over time became corrupted and tucked her soft side away where no one would ever find it because all of the trauma and terrible situations she went through. This is probably gonna be a longer analyzation, we'll see.
Alison and Emily were not my favorite couple at all but I appreciated how Emily was a very evident soft spot for her and it showed a bit of her emotional, human side. I think Mona and Alison would've made pretty good friends if they didn't get off to such a rocky start. They're honestly so much alike and I feel like if Alison wasn't such a bitch to Mona in the beginning she would've had no reason to run away from Rosewood in the beginning like girl.
I don't really think Alison had one decent romantic interest besides that one cop that everyone forgot about. And I guess Emily.
Scorpio Sun
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Being a water sign, Scorpios can be very intense and have a magnetic aura around them as well. Everyone either wanted to be with Alison or be Alison herself. Despite Alison always being the center of attention and the apple of everyone's eye, no one really knew that much about her, not even her friends. Scorpios are known to be extremely private, or even secretive about what they truly think or feel. A developed Scorpio can be known to be creative, healing, transformational, loyal, determined, intimate, and overall very passionate in everything that they put their mind to. Alison spent most of her teenage years being an underdeveloped Scorpio; constantly manipulating and cruelly criticizing people, even her friends. She also had a very sharp tongue and wasn't afraid to bring out her claws.
She knew everyone's secrets and had no problem using those secrets against them and boy did she do a hell of a lot of blackmailing. Alison was very vindictive and quite destructive as well, and I believe she had what could only be called the opposite of a Midas touch; everything she touched always became cold and she would often suck the life out of the people closest to her so she could feel better about herself. She only became more developed as the seasons went on, and I'm sure in a world where Marlene King didn't write that horrible storyline between Ali and Emi we would've seen more of that character development from Alison.
Capricorn Moon
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I've put a lot of thought into this and I think Alison may or may not be a Capricorn moon. With all the trauma and obstacles she had to endure, she always found a way to get right back up and try, try again. She strove to be successful in everything that she tried to do with her life and actually acquired a mass amount of wisdom from all of her experiences which I think would've made her a great counselor if they had went that route with her instead of just making her a teacher. Having the moon in detriment, where Cancer is one of the most sensitive and responsive, Capricorn is usually more controlled, disciplined, and strategic. Sometimes they can even be unemotional, and it often looks like Alison turned her humanity off like the vampires do in The Vampire Diaries. Dry humor and sarcasm are often the go-to deflection mechanism for Capricorn moons when they are dealing with uncomfortable feelings from themselves or other people.
Alison was a bit of a pessimist and often slipped into moods where she was very hard on herself and felt like she was stuck or had to be the person everyone remembered her to be. But I think Emily (and her friends, but especially her) was the light at the end of the tunnel for Alison with how nurturing and patient she was. Emily might've gotten mad at Alison and there were times where she couldn't deal with her anymore but I don't think Emily ever gave up on Alison and that probably meant a lot to her as a Cap moon and I think their relationship was a good example of a Capricorn-Cancer connection. Also put Capricorn moon because of Alison's mother being very strict and not very nurturing at all - often a very karmic connection.
Aquarius Rising
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Aquarius risings are known for being unique, intellectual, individualistic and having a "freaky" or weird personal quality about them that just makes them stand out. Ali definitely had a thing for books and seemed to be very knowledgeable even though it appeared she never cared that much for school. Aquarius placements are unapologetic for the way that they are and are confident in themselves. Cliché, but where the crowd goes left, Aquarius risings go right - they walk to the beat of their own drum and some of them might even have a god complex. As a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, they can be aloof like Aquarius moons and self-righteous like some Aquarius suns. Alison had a very hard time admitting when she was wrong and having a predominantly fixed chart she was also very stubborn and controlling as well. On a lighter note, Alison did always constantly show up her friends and Aquarius risings are known for being committed to community and being humanitarians - but only to the people that they choose. Even while she had been on the run from Mona, she came back to Rosewood to see her friends and even save them on multiple occasions. It seemed to everyone that Alison didn't have a heart, but I think her friends eventually brought out the warm and caring person she actually was deep down.
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I hope you guys liked this post! A lot of time and effort was put into this and I'm excited for people to read what I've written about these characters. If you guys want a part two with the other characters, let me know!
And if you have any special requests for other shows, my asks are open as well!
If you've made it this far, I hope you have a lovely day and thank you for reading all of this. It means a lot, and I hope you'll stick around for my other posts as well. Leave a like, reblog, and keep being you!
"We'll be friends forever."
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sergeantpixie · 9 days
aria/spencer + elena/caroline?
Thank you!
Whether I ship it or not: tbh I ship all of the liars
Why I ship it or not: tbh how could I not be on team Sparia! They have such a great dynamic of support and care that I really enjoy.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): I mean, Spencer is kind of extremely gay for all of her friends so I could totally buy it on her end. I am also a bi!Aria truther so tbh why not! I think they'd be maybe one of the healthier possible dynamics to come out of this show.
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I do really enjoy them but I do also think most people ship them more than I do. Part of it is just that I really really ship Alison/Aria, though! I also really like Spencer/Emily too.
Whether I ship it or not: to an intense degree, honestly! They were one of my first ships in the show, maybe the only one I shipped right from the pilot. They're always in my top two ships for both characters, honestly.
Why I ship it or not: So I've always headcanoned Caroline as being a lesbian, right from the end of the pilot where she basically says that her entire life revolves around Elena. It's exactly my flavor of femslash, the devotion and the confusion. I also very much get in my feelings about Elena being the first person to defend Caroline against Damon.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Probably not, I don't think anyone in the show ever contemplated it, which is a pity because I think Candace and Nina have great chemistry and it would be a much better endgame for both of them than their canon endings!
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): I think it's really disappointing that so many people tend to focus more on their one-sided rivalry than their friendship and potential for romance, personally it's so boring to me to just go on about how much better one is over the other when you can imagine them kissing instead lmao. Also as much as I enjoy requited Carolena I do have a weakness for unrequited Carolena on Caroline's end - my main headcanon is that she's been in love with Elena since she was six and just deeply in denial about it. To me Caroline perfectly fits that very real phenomena where young queer girls are constantly told that their admiration for other women is actually envy and it makes it so hard for them to sort out their feelings and harder for them to come to terms with their sexuality.
Send me a ship!
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dykrophone · 1 year
Pll and SaB/Grishaverse :)
thanks for the ask!:D
favourite character: oof that's hard. emily, hanna or mona probably
least favourite character: garrett, ezra, wren or pretty much any of the guys on the show except maybe caleb lol
brotp: hann(ily!!!) also sparia though i do ship them romantically as well
otp: vandermarin <3 i also love me some angsty yearny emison this show has the best toxic codependent homoerotic queer girl friendships of all time fr
ot3: hmmmmmm I guess mona x hanna x caleb or the moms lmao
notp: do i even have to say it. the overglorified pedophilia ship
favourite storyline: it's been a hot minute since i watched the show but i love all the cozy liars hanging out in one of their bedrooms or coffee shop scenes so much?? i really liked the rainstorm and glamp mona storylines from s1 and aria/holden besties era and emily living with hanna to name a few
least favourite storyline: 80% of the later seasons but special shoutout to the AD reveal, the cece reveal, the fucking house, the baby rape plotline, all of ezria, every plotline involving wren, oh god I'm gonna go on forever I'll stop here
what i wish had happened but didn't: i wish maya didn't die:( and ezra was A and fleshed out into a complex villain that would've had so much potential
what i wish didn't happen: see least favourite storylines:') but the BIGGEST thing will always be ezria endgame
fav character: inej my wife <3
least favourite character: the fucking darkling he's so annoying
brotp: ninej <3
otp: unfortunately this one goes to the straights <\3 malina own my heart it's the orphans finding a home in each other/childhood best friends to lovers that gets me every time
ot3: manikolina maybe?
notp: darklina
okay I'm kinda sleepy and can't remember the storylines so I'll answer the rest later lol. but jurda parem and nina struggling with addiction and the ice court heist would definitely be some favourite storylines <3
fandom ask game!
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steampunkedemon · 2 years
Hello Ally babes, how are you love bug?
Okay what are your top ships from five different fandoms and why?
PEELS BABY HIIIII omg i’m doing so good i think!! here’s a photo of milos btw, he’s been cuddly and cold all day <3 how are you my love??
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OK so my top ships (from 5 different fandoms) in no particular order:
sam and rowena from supernatural! they’re almost tied with sastiel and samruby for me actually, but ultimately i just think sam and rowena spending time together, doing their witch stuff, being a hot power couple (and also sam getting to bag a hot milf) is so <33 and that supersedes any and all other ships! and also i go insane when she calls him samuel :((
prentiss and reid from criminal minds <3 half because i’m in love with emily and relate to reid the most and thus am projecting onto him and half because their scenes are so :( the scene where she begs him to stay bc she needs someone she knows is real and he immediately hugs her???? rent free peels rent fucking free </3
waverly and nicole from wynonna earp!! i absolutely adore them, they’re just so shsjksks my sweet angels!! don’t even have like a real reason why i ship them, it’s just impossible not to <3 they’re the babiest of babies and i want to kiss their cheeks and maybe be their third—
theo and liam from teen wolf <3 theo is liam’s anchor!!! liam chose theo to go with him to the zoo!!!! theo “i’m not dying for you” raeken immediately trying to die for liam!!!!! S6B!!!! they had so much chemistry and i will NEVER be over them EVER >:(
andddd finally even though we all know it already,,, raf and kirin from the wilds <3 my sweet angels <3 my loves <3 i have no good reason for this besides “i woke up one day and decided That’s It That’s The One”. and i haven’t looked back since! kirivan i love you but rafkirin will always be number one to me :(
a couple honourable mentions::: sparia, dair, jeronica, gallavich, sandy/debbie, and ellie/dina <3
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sansalicents · 2 years
Also Modern Family and PLL 💞
yesss thanks 💕
modern family:
favorite male character: mitchell, probably the fictional character most similar to me in terms of personality. i relate to him a lot and i think he's hilarious.
favorite female character: claire <3 i adore her. she's so entertaining and hilarious.
least favorite character: pam, she's absolutely insufferable. or honestly cam's family in general.
prettiest character: haley! especially in season 7 and 8 with the shorter hair.
favorite season: season 4-7 were peak modern family for me.
favorite episode: schooled (4x02 i think).
favorite romantic ship: claire and phil <3 they're perfect for each other. honorable mention to haley and andy.
favorite family ship: ohh considering it's modern family that's hard lol. either the dunphys in general or mitch & claire.
favorite friendship: phil & mitch!! i love their episodes together.
worst ship: considering it's a show about a family there are a lot of contenders lol. but if we're talking canon - do manny's weird crushes on his relatives count?
favorite male character: wayne fields and early season caleb and toby are the only rosewood men who deserve rights.
favorite female character: spencer easily <3 top 3 fictional character for me. shoutout to emily and mona tho.
least favorite character: ian, ezra, wren, hanna's dad and step sister, jenna, spencer's dad, ... - 99% of rosewood is just awful
prettiest character: emily! shay is so gorgeous.
funniest character: i think spencer is really funny. also early season hanna, but later she became insufferable to me so i didn't find her that funny anymore tbh.
favorite season: probably season 1.
favorite episode: unmAsked (2x25).
favorite romantic ship: spaleb <3
favorite family ship: wayne & emily
favorite friendship: spemily & sparia
worst ship: ezria 🤮 and ofc every other relationship between teenagers and adults ugh.
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jaggedwolf · 13 days
pll rewatch 2x21
My blorbo returns, having achieved inner peace offscreen and yet still makes insane decisions, Mona gets drawn into the liars’ orbit, and Melissa becomes a major suspect.
Emily is very annoyed to be left out of Sparia delivering the money to Jonah. She’s like, what do you mean I don’t get to be one of the ringleaders of investigating shit anymore? 
Wilden appears to be genuinely trying to figure out what’s going on but he remains a creeper throughout.
Spencer tells Melissa that Jason is their brother. Spencer and wanting to be honest with her family....
Paige is more chill now but is still drawn to Emily like a magnet. I really like her body language in all three of her scenes
I get distracted in this scene by Paige’s background line to some other swimmer: “Just don’t sit Coach Fulton anywhere near Mr. Donovan”
What intriciate social dynamics has Paige been exposed to as swim team captain, I do not think she would enjoy that aspect at all. 
I also get distracted by Paige saying Emily is the star of the team. Emily has been off the team since her cursed ulcer! Why does this team revolve around Emily!! I say this as a big Emily fan.
Okay maybe that was Paige flirting
In trying to recruit Emily to fundraise with her, Paige says “Who could possibly turn you down?” and my friends note that Emily is so easy with how this gets her to say yes. I think Paige actually does have correct fundraising strategy here, Emily Fields is the kid to have ask for money, even after the shovel arrest.
Hanna thinks Mona doesn’t understand the dangers of A, Mona says she “can handle some radioactive texting” and I cackle because yeah Mona, you sure can.
Ashley says Tom could sue for custody if word got out about Ashley fucking Wilden to get out of the theft charge, and it’s like, Ashley, bro, Tom Marin does not want this daughter, Tom Marin would like to sue to never acknowledge this daughter again. 
Team Sparia meeting Jonah in the park is delightful. Aria keeps asking Spencer what time it is and I can already see a future where that is their married dynamic. 
Then they are so irate that Jonah gives them an address, not a number. Girls, phone numbers don’t necessarily have names associated with them, do we need Caleb to explain this to you!
Paige’s mom calls, giving Paige an excuse to mention to Emily that she came out.
Both the PLL podcasts I dabble in theorized that Paige set an alarm and didn’t actually get a call,  and I must defend my blorbo’s honor here, which is to say: Paige does not have enough brain cells to plot like that 😭 she is clearly trying and failing to play it cool with Em this episode but she is not playing 4D chess, I’m pretty sure 80% of her brain this episode is devoted to going “Emily! Emily Fields!! Hanging out with Emily Fields!!!” 
I do like it as a character note for Paige’s mom, who we will never hear about again. She’s like, my daughter is gay okay, but who is she dating?? She’s with Emily, The One Gay Girl of Rosewood, clearly this is the answer. So wrong and so right, Paige’s mom.
Love the shot of seeing Emily’s eyes narrow at that :D And the sweet conversation about coming out after, with the Guys Like Paige theme playing in the background :D :D 
Great jackets for both of them here too
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When Aria tells the girls she’s been seeing Ezra without telling them, Emily is understanding while Spencer is very betrayed....she did share her vulnerability about Toby under the impression that Aria was going through something similar
Or maybe Spencer was building up to kissing Aria y’know, and this news has really dampened that. Poor Spence.
Even more so when the liars see a vid of Melissa bursting into Alison’s room and suddenly this is what makes them go oh, we should go to the cops now. 
Do enjoy the visual framing of Spencer vs the liars here, where she physically distances herself while arguing
Mona shows Hanna a document that appears to be a police report for Hanna’s shoplifting, but the conversation implies there’s a photo? Or something underneath? That is evidence Ashley fucked Wilden to get Hanna out of it? Because otherwise this conversation makes no sense.
That will make no sense in a future discussion about this document where suddenly it’s only a police report.
Spencer drinks a coffee while brooding in the bar and I note Spencer is practicing for her future of drinking alone in bars and then oops, she grabs some shots for herself. 
Garrett has apparently been accompanying Melissa to the doctor, and Wren loves spilling these deets. What medical field at the hospital does this man not cover, and has he ever heard of medical privacy.
“Home is the last place I want to go” Spencer...
Meanwhile, the other three investigate a sketchy looking location that used to house a law firm that Ali received scary texts from. 
I’d completely forgotten this sequence. Hanna simply opens the gate when Aria and Emily are baffled by the locks on one side, Aria gets literally scared off the porch by a squatter, a classic PLL scare.
Spencer is sooo drunk while in Wren’s apartment and while I do find drunk!Spencer charming, it’s soooo bad....mr grown man creeping.
Hanna is currently the liar most invested in investigating, because she wants to minimize the danger to Caleb and/or her mom ASAP, so she googles law firms while Aria tends to her own wounded leg
When Emily mistakes some other black girl at the restaurant for Maya, the girl’s companion is so offended by this mistake, she gives Emily such stank eye that I must share this screencap with all of you
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Emily runs into Paige right outside the restaurant and oof, I do not enjoy the things Paige says about Maya here. Much like Maya’s grumbling about swim teammates in the previous episode, I don’t even understand it on a character level, because these characters have never interacted.
One of the podcasts suggested this is the writers setting up the mystery next season, and huh, yeah, it makes sense on that level.
Paige makes it worse by....going for the kiss....oh buddy...
In my notes I wrote “Paige! Bad choices McGee!!” 
Yeah. RIP Paige, please kiss Emily outside of a relationship in more normal circumstances. And if you ever encounter non-normal circumstances with her in the future, please dodge her lips.
Mona turns in her own stolen necklace to save Hanna and Ashley, and I am reminded of Halloween 2008, when Ali nobly goes out to the dangerous hallway to call the cops for the liars
I have grumbled about Ella before, but this right here is where she fucking loses me. Aria throws one (1) tantrum about Ezra moving for a job and Ella acts as if Aria will elope with him right now if she doesn’t Have A Conversation with Ezria
Ella loves Having Conversations and Doing Nothing
She says she’s not endorsing anything, but her appearance at the apartment is an endorsement. It is like a dark mirror of Pam hosting Emaya dinner 1.0 back when she was still homophobic
Melissa interned at the law firm Ashley used for the divorce, but it’s so goddamn funny to me the way this reveal is phrased implies Ashley chose it specifically because Melissa was interning there???
Okay fine, maybe she asked Veronica for recs and Veronica pointed her there. But I can’t imagine Ashley ever asking the Hastings for anything. 
My next thought is wondering if anyone’s ever written Ashley/Melissa fic skldfjsldkf
Barry Maples (it’s been so long! We haven’t seen him since Mike was doing B&Es!) shows up to tell Emily that Maya is officially a missing person.
Reminds me of a question I had about Emily’s behaviour this whole episode, because she kept treating Maya not replying to her as like....a ghosting breakup as opposed to a sign that maybe something bad happened to her?
Which yeah, is a very teenage self-centered approach, fair.
Yikes, A’s got a gun.
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stolen-kisses-a · 3 years
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I love me some Team Sparia. 
Honestly my favorite friendship among the girls own friendships. 
We actually never got a friendship ship name in the show other than Team Sparia. 💗
I find that odd but also pretty special.💞🔥
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themarinaalexis · 4 years
Dissecting the PLL’s Friendships
Doing some rewatching has made me really consider the friendships between the individual Liars, and I thought it would be interesting to dissect each one, discussing their dynamics with each other and who I feel had the strongest and weakest bonds. I’ll start with the core four, and may make a separate post detailing their relationships with Alison and Mona.
Hanna & Emily
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If I had to label one friendship between the girls’ as the strongest, it would have to be Hanna and Emily. Not only did they never seem to get into the big blowout fights that some of the girls did, they showed each other support and love during some of the biggest moments. When Hanna found out that Emily was gay, she provided compassion and reassurance that it wouldn’t change anything between them. Emily’s first reaction to Hanna’s dismissal from the pageant that she needed to win to pay for college was to enter it and win the money for her. It’s undeniable that all of the Liars supported each other, but Hanna and Emily always seemed to go the extra mile.
Spencer & Aria
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There’s always seemed to be a bit of discourse surrounding Aria and Spencer’s friendship. Are they truly the strongest friendship in the show? Is “team Sparia” overrated? Having watched their friendship play out, I think it’s indisputable that they had a close bond. There was sort of a “big sister, little sister” vibe going on in their scenes that adds to that closeness. I can’t say they had the most significant friendship as far as bigger moments and storylines, but their friendship often felt like the most normal bond between teen girls, and they tended to be the duo that “got things done” as far as the mystery and investigation.
Emily & Spencer
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It seems like fans tend to fall into one of two camps when it comes to this friendship: Those who believe they were the closest out of the girls and will die on that hill, and those who don’t think they were particularly close at all. I fall more into the second group than the first. While they certainly had their great moments together and I do believe they cared for each other, their similar personalities (protective, headstrong, with a tendency toward judgmental attitudes) led to more fights between them than any other combination of Liars. They also didn’t seem to have the compassion toward each other’s problems that they often did for others (there was a coldness that permeated Emily’s attitude toward Spencer spilling her guts about Caleb, and Spencer’s reaction to Emily lamenting her stolen eggs). 
Aria & Hanna
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This friendship is unique in that it seemed like they were perhaps the closest out of the girls in the first season or so (even referring to each other specifically, multiple times, as “best friends”), but drifted apart as the seasons went on. Maybe this just had to do with the writers determining which combinations of Liars worked the best together, or maybe it really did have to do with the rumored tension between Lucy and Ashley starting around season three, but the fondness between Aria and Hanna seemed to diminish as the show went on, aside from a few sweet moments in later seasons.
Hanna & Spencer
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I’ve always maintained that while entertaining on a show, Hanna and Spencer’s friendship would never last in real life. Between Spencer constantly correcting Hanna’s pronunciation and Hanna making snarky comments about Spencer’s intelligence and ambition, at times they almost seemed more like frenemies than friends. I would however, say that despite the snark and bickering, they seemed to have one of the most genuine and consistent relationships on the show, ignoring, of course, the love triangle disaster. Between Spencer seeking out Hanna for support after her parents’ separation, and Spencer comforting Hanna during Ashley’s time in jail, they were consistently there for each other.
Aria & Emily
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Undeniably, for me, this is the weakest relationship between the four girls, which is ironic considering they were the first to reconnect at the show’s start. It always felt like the writers just...forgot to establish a deeper friendship between these two when they did all of the others. While they tried to make up for it later in the show by pairing off Aria and Emily for a good amount of storylines in season 5B and beyond, and they had their fair share of fun moments together (the stand-out being their conversation about prom in “FrAmed”), they never seemed to have the big scenes together that all of the other Liar combos did, and my perspective of their friendship weakened as a result.
Who would YOU say are the closest out of the core four Liars?
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crazyariaisa · 3 years
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Aria goes over to Ezra’s apartment before school in “The Badass Seed” (1x18) and walks over to the couch, picking up an American Doll magazine, another hint linking back to Aria’s love of dolls and puppets. The conversation continues...
Ezra: “Your homies will like me just fine. I cast Hanna and Spencer in the school play.”
Aria: “Awesome. They’ll be so psyched. Who’s your stage manager?”
Both Aria and Spencer are sporting braids in their hair, similar to Rhoda Penmark from The Bad Seed. Ezra’s putting on The Bad Seed by Maxwell Anderson from 1954. The television series is in black and white. Aria and Ezra love black and white movies, and so does Mona, who has an obsession with dolls. Aria practically begs to become stage manager, and she’s also connected to the -A ending of the last episode when -A visited Esther Marie Potter’s grave, and there was a reference back to Hamlet by William Shakespeare on the headstone. Here’s some stuff about Rhoda...
She is both the protagonist and antagonist of the story. Penmark is a child serial killer and psychopath who manipulates those around her. 
Spencer may be sporting the hairstyle, but she’s not a psychopath or a serial killer. Spencer’s not that great at manipulating people either. That’s more Alison and Aria territory. Alison’s no longer in Rosewood, but she’s very similar to Rhoda. Aria’s an expert at blackmailing and manipulating others, and the word “crazy” was thrown around by Ezra about Aria’s dad, which could also be an indication that Aria’s a psychopath herself in “The New Normal” (1x17). The words protagonist and antagonist describe Rhoda, and it also makes me think of Catherine Tramell from Basic Instinct and Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby.
Is Aria an antagonist in disguise as a protagonist? Is Sparia the bad seeds of The Liars?
Kisses, -A.
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karouvas · 11 months
for the ship ask game:
elena gilbert and bonnie bennett from tvd
& spencer hastings and aria montgomery from pll!
My NOTP for them: Delena
• My BROTP for them: Jenna I love their dynamic in the first two seasons, Barolena, Tyler the few times they interact
• My OTP for them: Elena/Rebekah <333
• My second choice pairing for them: probably Elena/Elijah although I ship them way less than Beklena
• My fluffy pairing for them: pre series / s1 Bonlena probably
• My angsty pairing for them: idk… I could see angst hurt/comfort scenario potential for Bonlena or Carolena
• My favorite poly ship for them: I could say Barolena again or alternately even though I’m not emotionally invested in SE (I find them more interesting than DE especially on rewatch but have as many issues w it) Elena/Rebekah/Stefan is interesting especially where I am in my rewatch rn
• My weirdest pairing for them: idk, my otp for her being Beklena is out of the norm for sure so. Maybe kelena which I both do and don’t ship romantically, it’s my favorite Elena dynamic but probably my 5th favorite Elena “ship” if that makes sense so… idk maybe that.
My intrigued-by pairing for them: Carolena insert my response when you asked me how I feel about them, also Elejah although considering all Elijah’s dynamics got less interesting to me as I saw more of them it’s probably good there was little follow up.
My NOTP for them: it’s less about the ship itself and more how the ship is used in the narrative I resent but Bonnie/Jeremy
• My BROTP for them: Barolena, Sheila in s1 + any afterlife cameo or time it was given relevancy after. Also like the only times I even sort of liked Matt were some of their one on one scenes like in The Reckoning..
• My OTP for them: Bamon sometimes to my chagrin but is what it is
• My second choice pairing for them: Bonora
• My fluffy pairing for them: Baroline
• My angsty pairing for them: Bamon and Bonkai
• My favorite poly ship for them: Bamenzo was something serious I have to say
• My weirdest pairing for them: not really weird but I do like Bonnie/Kai which ik is controversial (although I side eye when fans suddenly have morals about that ship and Only that ship in the verse..)
My intrigued-by pairing for them: Kennett and Klonnie
My NOTP for them: Wren, Toby anytime after s1
• My BROTP for them: the liars although I also ship her with them all romantically, Jason, Melissa
• My OTP for them: I have multiple but Spemily is my favorite
• My second choice pairing for them:going to say Spona and Sparia tie love them both for different reasons, and they’re also Otp’s I just go harder for Spemily because not enough people care like I do..
• My fluffy pairing for them: pre time jump Spanna
• My angsty pairing for them: Sparia actually specifically s4 and S7 Sparia, also post jump Spanna
• My favorite poly ship for them: Spencer/Emily/Alison is great but I also love Spencer/Mona/Hanna and basically any poly ship between the girls..
• My weirdest pairing for them: idk I like Spencer/Caleb a little more than most people I think? I definitely like it better than any other m/f ship for her although it’s far from a fav
My intrigued-by pairing for them: Caleb/Spencer/Hanna maybe?
My NOTP for them: Ezria ofc
• My BROTP for them: The Liars,Mike
• My OTP for them: Sparia
• My second choice pairing for them: Arison
• My fluffy pairing for them: Emaria show or book, book Naria
• My angsty pairing for them: Sparia and Arison can both work
• My favorite poly ship for them: hmm my first thought was the book Aria/Courtney/Emily dynamic actually, also Emily/Aria/Noel. Show wise thinking… actually think Aria-Spencer-Mona would be really interesting
• My weirdest pairing for them: I ship Arison Monaria and which are def out of the norm ships… also Aria/Jenna even more so
My intrigued-by pairing for them: Aria/Jenna
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thebisexualdogdad · 3 years
Is it just me or was the concept of "shipping" treated as a little inside joke within a certain fandom? I mean you have one or two couples that were obviously gonna get together and a certain number of fans shipped them. But there was always that one couple (usually the majority fan-favorite) that were clearly not gonna get together but the idea of them together was kind of cute (Ex: Sterek, Princess Rover, Faberry) and then everyone would joke that they should kiss, get married, have kids, etc. When did "shipping" become so toxic. You have fans sending death threats to the show runners or actors because their favorite couple didn't get together. Calling the show homophobic because that character didn't have sex with this character or they got together with another character. Hell it's getting to the point where it's making IRL people uncomfortable. Shipping did use to be a joke, right?
There is so much to unpack here and this probably won't be linear because i just woke up so bare with me but I miss the days when shipping was actually fun and lighthearted. I first joined tumblr back in 2012 and the main fandom i was in was pll which had a ton of ships but everyone was just chill with each other (at least in my experience), if you were queer you were team Emaya, paily, emison, sparia or spanna and if you were straight you were team spoby, haleb or ezr*a but people respected each others ships even if you weren't on that ship.
But eventually tumblr was ruined because people became entitled and if you didn't ship their ship you didn't deserve to be apart of the fandom. This also ruined actors actually wanting to interact with their fandoms and ships like remember when actors were active on twitter and enjoyed messaging and replying to fans and had fun with the different ships even if they weren't canon?
Let's look at some specific fandoms (i know sterek started out as a fun ship but then turned super problematic and brought up anti scott hate for some reason but i wasn't in the teen wolf fandom when it actually aired so i don't have any personal experience with it during that time). When Lena first got introduced to supergirl i thought superc*rp was cute, it wasn't my top ship cause i was on team agentcorp but if people wanted to ship Lena and Kara than cool good for them. But as the seasons went by the shippers became more entitled, more delusional and more racist. People hated on Jack even though he was an absolute sweetheart just because he got in the way of superc*rp and then obviously all the James shit which y'all know i didn't think they made a good couple but the fact that people sent threats to Mechad was absolutely out of line and him quitting the show was very much the right call for him.
And then there's b*ghead. Once again people sent Vanessa death threats before her character was even introduced because people were so insecure in themselves that just the idea of Toni getting in the way of their ship meant the end of the world and once the Choni storyline was introduced suddenly they were all fine with her. And Cole and Lili aren't the best people but i can't even imagine the amount of pressure they felt from shippers who couldn't disassociate their personal relationship from their tv characters. And the Riverdale fandom is racist and toxic in general but a big chunk of it does stem from the b*ghead fandom.
Even fandoms that start out great eventually get ruined. When Wynonna Earp first came out i actually enjoyed being a part of a fandom again. It didn't matter if you were team wayhaught, wyndoc or wyndolls everyone was just enjoying a fantastic show. But within the last 2 years the inevitable toxic fans shuffled in and again couldn't separate characters from actors. It was no longer people loving wayhaught it was people sending hate to Kat's husband because "Kat and Dom were in love and she doesn't love him like she loves Dom".
I can't even begin to delve into the overuse of queerbaiting in fandoms or the blatant racism in this ask.
And I'm certainly not editing and rereading this because i spent 20 minutes trying to type this out somewhat coherently but yeah. Fandoms suck and social media sucks and shipping is supposed to be fun but it's not because people are toxic, racist and entitled.
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soul-music-is-life · 3 years
Saw a "this or that" thing and want to know who you choose. Spencer/Hanna? Aria/Emily? Toby/Caleb? Alison/Maya? Spencer/Aria? Hanna/Emily? Ezra/Jason? Mary/Jessica? Peter/Byron? Melissa/Mike? Jason/Alison? Veronica/Pam? Ashley/Ella? Wayne/Ken? DiLaurentis/Hastings? Montgomery/Marin? Sparia/Spalison? Hannily/Emison? Ezria/Spoby? Haleb/Haria?
Oof, that’s a lot of choices. *takes breath*
Spencer or Hanna: Hanna. She entertained me more.
Aria or Emily: Emily.
Toby or Caleb: Caleb. Toby was an asshole from like season 3 on. Got worse after he put on that badge.
Alison or Maya: Maya. (Don’t @ me, she was amazing and deserved better, but it doesn’t mean I like Alison less). I love both my gay children. Shut up.
Spencer or Aria: Aria.
Hanna or Emily: Emily.
Ezra or Jason: Ezra. Yeah, he was a creep who was doing shady shit, but he never screamed and threw shit at a dog. I don’t forgive Jason for that. My poor furry lil homie did nothing wrong. Also I have a thing for Ian Harding. It’s just…I can’t hate him. I really can’t. And Jason was literally doling out child porn that starred his little sister. That's beyond fucked up.
Mary or Jessica: Jessica, I guess. She was supportive of Emily when she came out when her own mother gave her shit for it. But she was a terrible mother.
Peter or Byron: Fuck both of them. They both triflin hos.
Melissa or Mike: I really didn't like either of them, but gun to my head, Mike. Because when he found out that his sister was being used by a gross older man, he punched that older man. The other blamed her sister. Melissa was a shit sister.
Jason or Alison: Alison. Jason was such a creep. He's pretty to look at, but I can't stand his character.
Veronica or Pam: Pam. She had amazing growth.
Ashley or Ella: Ashley. Screw you though, those are my two fav wine moms.
Wayne or Ken: Wayne. Anyone who chooses Ken needs psychological help.
DiLaurentis or Hastings: DiLaurentis. It’s more fun to spell.
Montgomery or Marin: Marin. I have a soft spot for single mothers and their only daughter.
Sparia or Spalison: Both? They both had interesting dynamics.
Hannily or Emison: WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME CHOOSE? *jumps off bridge instead*
Ezria or Spoby: Spoby.
Haleb or Haria: Haleb.
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incognitoduck11 · 4 years
Domestic Sparia Headcanons:
But listen to this song while you read:
Okay, go.
Spencer savagely kills spiders while Aria stands on a chair and screams. 
Aria steals Spencer's old ties to make them into a fucking skirt because she's Aria and does Aria Things like that.
They argue over how to organize the bookshelves; Aria wants them organized by height and color because it's aesthetically pleasing, but Spencer wants them organized by author so she can find things. 
Spencer eats them out of house and home, and Aria enables her by going on regular baking sprees. 
Aria's been taking karate classes for years and has become physically stronger than Spencer, who only runs for exercise. 
When Aria paints at her easel by the window, Spencer gets embarrassingly distracted by her hair sparkling in the sunlight and usually trips and spills her coffee everywhere. 
Sometimes they link pinkies instead of full-on holding hands because that's cute as fuck. 
Spencer opens doors for Aria like the chivalrous lady knight that she is.
Spencer can't bridal-carry Aria over the threshold after their wedding because of aforementioned lack of upper body strength, so they opt for a piggyback instead. 
They honeymoon in Italy. 
They're kinky. Spencer's a sub because she needs to turn her mind off. Aria is anxious and needs to feel in control of something. That's their bedroom dynamic. Don't ask questions.
Spencer often wears suits to work, Aria drools from afar.
They watch old, classic movies together.
They also binge watch Game of Thrones together because Spencer's a die-hard fan. 
Sometimes they cuddle in bed while one of them reads aloud because that's also cute as fuck. 
Aria is a bed hog and Spencer is astounded because she's supposed to be tiny.
Speaking of sleeping, Spencer is a stomach sleeper and Aria is just kind of all over the place. 
Spencer writes her weekly schedule on the whiteboard they have on the fridge, and Aria doodles and writes encouraging notes beside it. 
They knit each other winter scarves and hats for the sake of being as kitschy and gay as possible. 
Spencer doesn't want a pet because they're both too busy to properly care for it, so Aria gets a plant to mother and names it Audrey II. 
Neither of them can function without coffee in the morning. 
Spencer wears glasses around the house because she's farsighted as fuck. (Again, Aria drools.) 
Aria has panic attacks, Spencer helps her through them. 
They're both in therapy, but Spencer only goes because Aria is concerned for her mental health.
Aria sneakily pushes Spencer toward healthy habits, like leaving granola bars in her purse so she doesn't let her blood sugar drop at work, or making her drink chamomile tea and read a book instead of checking her emails before bed.
Aria goes full-on bouquets of roses and serenading on Valentine's day and anniversaries, but Spencer inevitably turns it into a contest by buying Aria, like, 10 bouquets. Aria retaliates. The cycle continues.
Speaking of serenading, they play the piano for each other. Or together. Preferably with one of them leaning their head on the other's shoulder.
They only have a portable digital piano because Aria bought it on impulse at a flea market, much to Spencer's financially-conscious dismay. She just comes home with it shoved in the backseat of her car and Spencer's like, "what the actual fuck, Aria".
Spencer's the little spoon, dammit. GIVE HER LOVE.
Aria has a scented candle obsession, Spencer has to adjust their budget to allow it. (They most definitely have at least three book-scented candles.) 
Random stacks of books are just everywhere in their home, even on the back of the toilet, and the rest of the gang has to come over to help sort that shit out.
Spencer drags Aria to cosplay conventions. Aria acts annoyed, but secretly is also geeking out. 
Spencer has a gay ass pair of rainbow suspenders ready for Pride. 
Aria writes poetry about their relationship and Spencer always has to take a sec to sob. 
Aria’s aggressive sneezing scares the shit out of Spencer and Spencer’s sneezes are tiny and fucking cute and Aria laughs at her.
Spencer loves everything about autumn, so Aria takes her to a corn maze every year.
Rainy days make them both sad and soliloquy-y. 
Like an old married couple, they argue over dumb things. 
They call each other "babe", "baby", "sweetheart", "gorgeous", "honey", etc. because they're cheesy like that. 
They leave sticky note messages everywhere for each other to find.
They say "I love you" all the time, as much as possible. 
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tobns · 5 years
i was tagged by @natashasromanofff (i love you okay thanks!)
pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
pretty little liars
agents of shield
one tree hill
grey’s anatomy
1. who is your favourite character in 2?
daisy johnson!
2. who is your least favourite character in 1?
*cracks knuckles* jenna marshall!!! NATE ST. GERMAIN!!!!! that rat kate!!! SARAH FUCKING HARVEY
3. what is your favourite episode of 4?
sanctuary/death and all his friends is a magnificent piece of television, 5x22 was also a favorite of mine because everything was just Happy 
4. what is your favourite season of 5?
i only got one season of gone (bc Cowards) so i have to say season 1
5. who is your favourite couple in 3?
6. who is your favourite couple in 2?
phil and melinda i will accept no other criticism at this time (i love fs too)
7. what is your favourite episode of 1?
1x19, a person of interest, that is the first episode of pll that i remember watching after being caught up with the show (even though i watched it a day after it released when hulu was still free for all and i didn’t have a tv in my room) and that glitter in the air montage has stuck with me tO THIS DAY 
8. what is your favourite episode of 5?
the finale. holy shit the acting where is LEVEN RAMBIN’S RECOGNITION
9. what is your favourite season of 2?
season 4 for the story telling (the pods were a revolutionary way of presenting a show fight me), season 1 is right on its heels though bc Nostalgia
10. how long have you watched 1?
since the day it premiered and you could download the first episode for free on itunes
11. how did you become interested in 3?
when i was in high school, during our homecoming we would have a big assembly and a pep rally and most of the time people would sign out for lunch in between the two and my senior year all my friends abandoned me :)) and my best friend anna and i just decided to chill together so we went back to her grandparent’s house and she was like “you wanna watch one tree hill?” and i was like “sure!” so we watched episodes on her break and after that i just binged one tree hill bc it made me feel Better
12. who is your favourite actor in 4?
chyler leigh
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
that’s???? so hard????? because those are 3 of the most defining fandoms in my life......probably 2 because it’s had the best development
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
i’ve seen every episode of pll so i guess that one???? but oth also has 9 seasons and i’ve seen 8 and a half.....idk that sounds like math to me and i’m lazy
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
i am lexie grey through and through
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
technically it already kinda happened with joy on grey’s??????
17. pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
5; suspension of disbelief was a real thing on oth because it was a teenage soap and some of it was just TOTALLY off the wall???? 
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
grey’s OBVIOUSLY (does aos even HAVE theme music?????)
i tag: @clintasha @clintxbarton @kttnisseverdeen @scarlettjohanssones @jeremy-renners @greaseful @infinitywarwidow @sneakronicity @theogsix only if y’all want to, love yall xx
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michaun · 6 years
outlaws-danteh replied to your post “we all know the four liars love each other equally but we also know...”
you think Sparia over Spemily?
yes I do
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