#also i loved the freedom fighters so much and imagining the vets as them is just really fun
free-pancakes · 3 years
A Fire in the Shadows
LeviHan - Avatar the Last Airbender AU
Characters: Levi, Hange, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Moblit, Kenny, Zeke
Summary: Levi, the nephew of a fire nation captain, stumbles upon a ragtag group of 5 known as the Scouts, formidably known for foiling the plans of local fire nation control, living in the forests a few miles north of Ba Sing Se. Chapter 1: The Scouts
(crossposted to ao3)
Hey so possibly kinda niche, but I decided to try writing a LeviHan story in an ATLA AU! I don’t think you’d necessarily have to have watched ATLA to understand whats going on. Lmk your thoughts if you read! I surprisingly had a lot of fun writing this
Lightning flashed, illuminating a silhouette of tall, looming trees lying just ahead. Levi winced in pain. The burns on his leg were fairing worse than he thought—he had to find refuge from the rain, fast. He limped as quick as he could towards the forest.
He made his way deep into the cover of trees, and sat down on the forest floor. He carefully stretched his leg forward, out from the beneath the branches above him, letting the rain wash over his wounds. Gritting his teeth, he stifled a yell. His vision began to darken at the edges, and he quickly grasped for the oil lamp and blanket from his backpack before he’d pass out from the pain. The last thing he needed was to freeze to death. He pointed his hand towards the lamp, and released a small burst of fire from his fingertips. Soon after, his vision went black.
Levi woke up suddenly, his eyes in a daze, disoriented. He sat up and squinted at the warm sunlight that shined through the foliage above him. He noticed a cool, soothing sensation on his leg, and looked down. There were bandages wrapped around his burns, and the faint smell of some kind of ointment reached his nose. Levi lowered his head into his hands, desperately trying to recall the events of the night before.
He couldn’t erase the images from his mind—a village ablaze, and a defeated group of earthbenders on the ground, fear etched deeply into their expressions. He stood, shaking and staring at his hands, the shouts of his uncle behind him, telling him to finish them off already. Levi closed his eyes, knowing he had to make a decision here, one he didn’t want to regret. He looked forward and made eye contact with the group of benders, and they understood, scrambling to get up and run while Levi bought them time. Levi spun around to face his uncle, and the rest of his memories melted into a blur of flames, searing pain in his leg, and the faint sound of General Zeke and his other comrades shouting in the distance as he escaped the scene.
There was no turning back now, but he wasn’t sure what his end goal was. If anything, he knew he had to avoid running into his uncle Kenny again, or more importantly, General Zeke, but he was fairly sure he travelled far enough to be safe for now. He’d surely be jailed for his betrayal, as the targets he spared were quite valuable, controlling rebellion among the northern earth kingdom villages and cities. And if General Zeke found out this wasn’t the first time he spared the lives of those targeted by his fire nation regiment, he’d definitely suffer a fate worse than imprisonment.
Levi’s mind swirled with endless thoughts, but he pushed them to the back of his mind. First thing’s first: He had to figure out where he was exactly and more importantly, who found him and bandaged his wounds while he was out.
Suddenly, the sound of crunching leaves and branches echoed from the left, jolting Levi back to reality. He panicked, lifted his head from his hands. He turned towards the noise and found himself locking eyes with a bespectacled girl squatting next to him, her face only 3 inches away from his. He let out a startled yelp.
“You’re awake!” she exclaimed.
Levi’s eyes widened. He didn’t know what to do. Who was this girl and how did she find him? More importantly did she see him firebending into the lamp last night?
No, she couldn’t have.
There was no way someone from around this area would tend to the wounds of a firebender. Luckily, he played an undercover role in last night’s mission, so he was in civilian clothes instead of his uniform.
“You scared me a bit—you’ve been out for a whole day. I created my own special remedy for burns and put that on your leg, so I hope that’s okay with you!” He tried standing up, but she gently pushed his shoulder to lay him back down. “You should probably get some rest before I go help you find your parents!”
“What?” Levi croaked.
“Your parents! I’m sure they’re worried sick.” she exclaimed.
The girl threw her head back and burst out in laughter. Levi felt a vein pop in his forehead. “Oi, what the hell’s so funny, four-eyes?” She fell backwards giggling, wiping tears from her eyes.
“I thought you were the same age as my little brother, Moblit.”
“And how old is he?”
“Fourteen!” She burst out in laughter again, and Levi was sure some artery burst in his brain. He knew he was small for his age, but this was ridiculous. He knew this girl for a total of five minutes and he had never been so annoyed in his life.
After she finally calmed down, she crawled up towards Levi and sat back down next to him. “So, I’ve wanted to ask you— why are you here in the forest? And how did you get those burns? They were pretty severe, to be honest. Are they from fighting or escaping from fire nation soldiers? You must be pretty strong if you survived! Oh and where did you get this oil lamp, it’s pretty nice! And—“
“Enough!” Levi couldn’t think straight as the girl kept babbling on. “You’re not even giving me time to think before asking another question!” Levi replied.
“Well ~sorry~, I thought that the person who just saved your sorry ass deserved having some of her questions answered,” she pouted, looking deep into his eyes.
Levi rolled his eyes. “Fine, I… ran away from home.”
“Oooh a bad boy, huh?" she teased. "Where’s home?”
Levi hesitated so he could choose his words carefully. He had spent time undercover in Ba Sing Se, so he could probably get away with that cover-up. “Ba Sing Se,” he lied.
“Oh a city boy too! Oh you’ll HAVE to take me there some time! I could buy more supplies and ingredients for medications that I make. And I hear the tea shops in there are quite lovely! And better materials to build traps!” Her eyes sparkled with immense excitement and curiosity. Levi was annoyed at her constant talking, yet oddly enough, he was mesmerized by the endless energy in her voice. Who was this girl?
“Well I’ll spare you—I won’t pry into your life anymore… for now.” She smiled brightly at him. “You should join my friends and me!”
She looked upwards in thought, her right hand lightly gripping her chin. “Judging upon the fact you dragged yourself out here managing to survive your injuries and last night’s freezing temperatures, you definitely have the heart of a fighter.”
She looked down and carefully adjusted the bandages on his leg. “And with these burns wounds, my guess is that you’re not a fan of the atrocities that the fire nation soldiers have launched upon these parts either. So! I think you could be a great asset to our team!” She held out her hand excitedly towards Levi, and said, “My name’s Hange. What’s yours?”
Before Levi could respond, the sound of rope thumping against tree bark and rustling of leaves echoed from above. He heard faint sounds of whispering, and saw four shadows approaching through the foliage. A small boy suddenly popped out from the bushes.
“Hange! There you are!” The boy ran and clung onto Hange’s arm, tears welling up in his eyes. “We were so worried about you, you didn’t come back after the storm last night and—“ He immediately stopped talking and looked towards Levi, and his eyes diverted down towards his bandaged leg. Hange reached her hand towards the boy’s head and ruffled his hair.
“Don’t worry, Moblit, I’m alright. Sorry for worrying you. I ran into this shorty here and I couldn’t just leave his pathetic self out here to die of hypothermia!”
A tall, older boy with blonde hair appeared from the behind the trees, holding 2 hooked swords. Then, a much taller boy with bangs covering his eyes, and a girl with short blonde hair walked forward quietly, both holding a bow and satchel of arrows, carefully approaching Levi.
“Hi everyone! Look, I think I just found us a new friend to join our team!” Hange said excitedly. The three older teens approached Levi, glaring with distrust in their eyes. They loomed over Levi, Hange, and Moblit.
Levi mustered the courage to speak with confidence, unwilling to show any hint of fear in his voice. “Who are all of you?” Levi asked.
The blonde-haired boy walked closer, his fierce blue eyes meeting Levi’s gaze.
“Who is this, Hange?”
“A grumpy old shorty I found out here last night! Don’t worry Erwin, he has a good heart. I can just tell!” She looked back towards Levi and smiled warmly at him. He felt a knot form in his chest after hearing her words--if she knew what crimes he's committed for the sake of the fire nation, she wouldn't be saying such things. Despite Levi’s growing fear and sadness in the current situation, her smile put him at ease.
“And I was just about to ask him his name!” She exclaimed, turning to smile at Levi.
In contrast to Hange’s warm expression, Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, and Moblit shot a cool glare at Levi. He scowled and glared back at them, and then looked away from their darting gaze.
“Levi?” Erwin asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Yeah, Levi. Just… Levi.”
“Hm. Well I’m Erwin. Just… Erwin.” Erwin crossed his arms, not breaking eye contact.
“Alright Levi. From the looks of it, you’ll be out of commission for at least 2 weeks with those injuries, but under Hange’s care, you’ll probably be all healed within the next week. Then we’ll decide what we’ll do with you.” Levi stared back towards Erwin, with a glare matching his intensity.
With a subtle, threatening tone in his voice, Erwin added, “And to answer your question, the 5 of us together are known as the Scouts.
”Levi’s eyes widened for a split second, and then he reverted back to his resting scowl, trying to cover up any inkling of fear he might have just shown. Levi knew exactly who the Scouts were, just like the Freedom Fighters out on the other side of Ba Sing Se, but from the rumors he heard, a lot more formidable of a group. They had successfully thwarted fire nation plans in several villages up here in the northern portion of the Earth Kingdom, but have been impossible to pin down, so running into them, let alone speaking with them… was quite a rare feat. But something was even more surprising than this. From the word that spread, the Scouts sounded much older, and he was shocked to find that these guys were just a group of non-bender teens.
Even worse, from the looks of it, none of them trusted him. With the exception of Hange. He could not believe that his fate rested in the hands of a four-eyed weirdo.
With his hand in his pocket, he slid his index finger, tracing the edges of the fire nation emblem on a good luck charm his mother gave him many years ago. However, luck was not on Levi’s side today—This was the probably the most dangerous group of people a fire nation soldier like him could have ever run into.
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karionawill-blog · 6 years
Last night I seen a shooting star as I looked up at the sky.  I wondered were you there watching me from afar, from were you are now.  I still can’t believe you left me here, left me behind.  I feel the world has been taken from under my feet, that it doesn’t even exist anymore; the gang has broken up.
When I first met you William it was love at first sight.  You arrived in the yard a bundle of excitement hunting this new area you have discovered.  I couldn’t even get your attention to say hello.  There was no doubt on you staying here and for this to become your forever home.  I remember we had Toby a beautiful black and white springer versus your brown and white coat but she was older and past play and having your energy.  She sulked upon your arrival and never moved from the shed all day.  Jealous of a new dog but also she knew of your show to become bossy and confident nature dog.  In the 15 years you owned this land a few dogs have passed through these gates.
A big lose to both you and me was Prince who you adored and I think you formed the closest relationship with.  We were both feeling lost and empty.  You sit in front of the house facing the lane watching and waiting for him to walk back up the lane but he never came.  We walked down the bog but with no effect or enthusiasm in the day.
Then came Willow.  We found the owner on done deal and visited him straight away.  The dog in the ad was gone but he had another dog.  In the pen was a skinny black and white springer spaniel who he called to the gate.  ”Willow” he said and me and daddy shared a look of both shock and surprise as William’s name is actually Willow.  She too joined the fold of our family, four now becoming five.
As you were heading for death by the previous owners because they couldn’t care for you, Willow was heading for the dog sales probably to a person that will just keep her in a pen and just use her for hunting.  She got freedom and plenty of love and a bit too much food here.
We together as a team, have many memories throughout our life time together, we were a team, an unbreakable force full of joy and laughter but unfortunately death took you like death takes us all.
You were my best friends, there through many big events and changes in my life a stabilizer in this rocky world, a consent when everything seemed falling apart and a warm welcome and happy face when times were sad.  There when I needed you the most.
I know, William that daddy was your favourite, the two of you were like peas in a pod following him around as he worked in the yard.  I was remembered when you wanted attention or walks but I know you loved me just as much.
I feared the day would come and I know I would face it someday.  I still couldn’t believe it when it did.  I was numb, felt like outside looking in.  I never drove as fast home to get to you.  When I pulled in the yard and seen daddy’s face.  I don’t think if someone shot me with a bullet through the heart it would hurt as much, I knew then that was it.
I hoped in the days before you would be ok and never imagined this was the end.  It felt unfair, we were a team that have been through so much you were always so strong and independent and had energy to burn.  Even till the end you fought with such force.
I said goodbye and I love you and see you in the morning for the last time not knowing you won’t see the morning sunrise.  Now your grave faces the lane you once patrolled over, a cross to signal were you resting place is and shovel to show you could put JCB out of business.
It was just me and Willow left a chain missing from our link.  I hugged her so tightly, she helped me cope with a loss that never should happen because you were the strong one ,the fighter.
The snow came and we spent it together; me and Willow.  She loved taking the spot on the mat in front of the fire and loved the company and more the food.  She had the most beautiful set of eyes that would melt your heart.
Not long after the snow willow started walking weird and this started to go down hill, quickly.  I will never forget you so much wanted to go for a walk but your legs wouldn’t work.  You were mad to go and was pushing me to go but I had to turn around it was not fair on your body to be under such pressure.
Before we went to the vet I knew it wasn’t going to be positive and unfortunately I was right.  We had to make the call and do the best for you .  You were in pain and discomfort and it wasn’t humane to let you continue.  Again this tore me apart, I fully stopped functioning having lost my whole world, my two best friends.
Now your graves lie side by side facing the lane.  It is said that dogs will pine away for lost companions and die but I believe in my heart you would not have left me unless you really had too.
Now I was left with behind and I never felt as empty and as lonely and as lost as then.
A chance for two new pups came, a chance to start again, the start of a new era.  I do feel guilty, I do feel sad, I do miss you more then words can ever describe.  When they do something I think you wouldn’t allow that you would hunt them; William. It was weird to put two new twos in your area but I know they will take good care and respect this place like the previous bosses did.  At first it was hard to connect to new pups who are also afraid and in a new environment but they have started to turn back on the light. I look forward to seeing them grow and spend time together and let their personalities flourish. To my dear William and Willow, I love you and miss you more than anything.  You were there for me through everything and I am forever gratefully to you and savoir our memories. Forever your owner, mother and best friend, Kariona. Willow ”William” Butler 28th December 2017 Willow Butler 12th March 2018 Sadly missed
My Letter to William Last night I seen a shooting star as I looked up at the sky.  I wondered were you there watching me from afar, from were you are now. 
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