#also i uh. didnt mean it to be this long
vulpixisananimal · 4 months
(Self harm and dagger(ish) below the cut)
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
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(You and Isabeau were standing outside the Defenders house, it was just you two. The others where to look around Jouvente for information on mind craft and how to undo it.)
"It's probably not." (You reply.) "But it's less suspicious if it's just you and me."
"I guess so. . ."
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"Chin up, Isabeau." (You turn to him, smiling.) "I got your back, break a leg!"
(He nods, more confident.) "Right! Break a leg!"
(You two walk in, you've been here before. On cue, Ramos shows up.) "Isabeau?!?"
("Just pretend you know them, that's your script.")
". . Ramos?" (Isabeau tilts his head.) "Is that you?"
(Ramos pauses for a second, before giving a big smile back and walking over) "Isa! it's been, what, almost a year??"
("You're best friends, you helped eachother out, just play along, you got this Isabeau~")
"Yeah!! Sorry I was just surprised to uh, see you!"
(Ramos goes to put a hand on Isabeaus shoulder, as you practiced, Isabeau visibly flinches, giving Ramos a pause.)
". . . You alright, Isa?" (They ask.)
"Y-yeah just," (He rubs his shoulder.) "Uh, I'll, tell you later! Oh! Right! This is Siffrin! A really good friend of mine!"
(Isabeau gestured to you, and you gave a a half bow.) "Charmed~"
(Honestly? Isa isn't as bad an actor as you first thought. Maybe it was that nervousness? Either way, it looked like it was working. Ramos gave that half bow back.)
"Good to meet you Siffrin! Let me guess, helped save the country?"
"Of course, your trusty rougish traveler Siffrin." (You wink.)
(Ramos squints.) ". . . Are you two-"
"A-anyway!!" (Isa cuts them off.) "I-I wanted to come visit while we're in town! See how my old friend is doing!"
"Oh! Oh thank you!" (Ramos is absolutly beaming.) "Hey!! Let me show you my new room here! It's awesome!"
(Okay, things were going well so far. Ramos didn't touch Isa, and it didn't look like they were going to try. Perfect. You had predicted that if Isa sticks to the script, Ramos wouldn't try and use mind craft. I mean, Isa already knew Ramos' name, and was acting like they were good friends.)
(You keep walking, Isa and Ramos chatting as you did. You were really proud of him, honestly. He was sticking to topics that might get you good information while avoiding suspicion. You learned that Ramos was genuinly getting better with defender stuff, and they were more confident. They had started experimenting with their scissors craft more, which you didn't even know about! Ramos was scissors\rock type. Ramos didn't have family in town.)
(Stars, maybe you should have payed more attention the first time you were here.)
(Finally, after many halls and a few staircases, Ramos came to a room and let you both inside. The room was a decent size, about the size of the Head Housemaidens office. There was a desk, a bookshelf, a wardrobe, a window outside, a bed, and a mat in the center of the room. It looks like it was for training.)
"Sorry! I don't have extra chairs." (Says Ramos, offering the desk chair to you two.)
"I'll be fine on the bed!" (Isa says cheerily.)
"I'll stand." (You say.)
"Suit yourself!" (Ramos collapses onto the chair and sighs.) "It's, it's really great to see you, Isa."
"Yeah. . ." (Isa replies.)
(You tilt your head, your turn.) "Is Jouvente a rough place? Looks like you got hurt."
"Huh? Oh!" (Ramos lifts up their shoulder to look at the bandage.) "Well, no, it's real safe here, not had any issues in forever, but. . ."
"But. . ?"
"W-well, I, honestly have no idea, haha." (They laugh nervously,) "I got sliced pretty bad I guess, looks kinda like a sword? Deffinatly a pierce craft thing though, at least that's what I was told."
(Huh, Mirabelle's rapier would have done that. Hmm, then there's a way Ramos could blame HER for the near kidnapping. But still. . .) "You don't remember at all?"
"Nope!" (Ramos shakes their head.) "There was a lot of yesterday that's just a blur."
(Do you believe them?)
(I'm starting to.)
"I can relate." (You say.)
(Ask about wishes.)
"Say, Ramos, have you heard of Wish Craft?"
"Huh?" (They tilt their head.) "Wish Craft?"
(You nod, Ramos starts thinking, and eventually replied,) "Wish Craft, Wish Craft. . . Oh maybe!"
"Yeah I think I heard about it from someone I met! Make a wish and-"
(You see them visibly wince, then shake their head before continuing.) "And. . . And. . ."
(You and Isa glance at each other. Clearly, something just happened. Isa speaks up.) "Make a wish and, what?"
(Ramos blinks, then smiles.) "Sorry, what where we just talking about?"
(Isabeau stood up.) "Are you, alright? Rams?"
"Yeah just, just a bit dizzy." (They stand up too, using their desk to support themself.) "I just, need some air-"
(They trip getting up, and before you could stop him, Isabeau rushed forward to catch them before they hit the ground, and caught their hand.)
(There was a moment before Isa realized what he just did. He gasped, let Ramos down and backed away.) "Oh, o-ohcCrab Sif, Sif I'm s-"
"It's alright!" (You walk over to Isa and put a hand on his shoulder.) "Dizzy?"
"What are you two-" (Ramos says, getting up off the floor.)
(Isa nods, you could see him squinting, he put a hand to his head. Stars, mind craft in action. You pat his shoulder.) "You'll be alright, the plan, remember?"
"R-right." (Isabeau, still holding his head, rushed to the door and left. That was the plan B, after all. If Ramos touches you, run to the others.)
(Speaking of, Ramos was looking at you in bewilderment.) ". . . What the change!?!"
"You wished to be just as strong as Isabeau" (You grip your dagger.) "You were given a gift of Mind Craft so that everyone would believe you were as strong as him. You wanted to be everyones favorite, the best. "
(They're shocked, as to be expected.) "How do you know that!"
(You smile at them.) "You told me."
(Ramos is looking at you, backing up to their dresser.) "I-"
"Truth time, Ramos~" (You say, drawing your dagger and twirling it around.) "I'll start, I can repeat today as many times as I want~ We've actually met four times already."
"But that's. . ." (They were looking at you, and around the room, before sighing.) "No, that's perfectly possible, the King froze time after all."
"Tee hee~ the King was an amature. Your turn, do have a question for me?"
(Ramos scoffed.) "If you can repeat today as many times as you want, why should I tell the truth? I wont remember anything if time gets undone, right?"
(You keep smiling.) "Because the alternative is me coming back here every time, and each time finding out a new way to hurt you~"
(Ramos is staring at you.)
"You're trying to figure out if I'd do it, of course I would. To me, everyone here is an actor, including myself~"
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(You twirl your dagger, then hold it right below your eyepatch.) "Time will just get turned back after all~"
". . . You're insane."
"Quite~" (Stars, Siffrin, please forgive me. You press the blade against your skin. It stings, you can feel the blood-)
"S-stop stop!!" (Ramos waves their hands.) "I get it! Alright! Fine! I just, fine!"
"Good~" (You put the knife down, ow ow ow. . .)
(And you call me a hypocrite.)
(. . . You keep talking.) "Now, truth time, did you try and kidnap a kid named Bonnie yesterday?"
"What?!?!" (Ramos seemes offended at the idea, scowling at you.) Of course not!!"
(Same reaction. Maybe it's not them, or they don't remember.)
"Good! Now, how about-"
"Hey! My turn!" (Ramos interupts.)
"Fine, fine, ask away."
(Ramos was glaring at you, they grunted.) "Did. . . Did Isabeau really remember me? Or was all that a carbbin' act."
(Hmmm.) "A bit of yes, a bit of no. He didn't bring you up on our grand adventure, but when I woke up this morning and told him all about you, well, he seemed so genuinly worried~"
(They look away, no response.)
"My turn~ Where did you get this Mind Craft, Rammy?"
"Don't call me that." (They're staring daggers at you.) "Ever."
(Your taken aback by that.) "Oh, sorry." (What kind of nerve did you hit?)
". . ." (They huff.) "I asked for it, and I got it, that's it."
"That's it? Aren't we having truth time Ramos~?"
"Shut the crab up!" (They bite back.) "What do you care anyway! Change, you could probably just kill me and get on with your life!"
(. . .)
"Yeah, you could, you could blame it on whoever you want I bet. So why don't you! It'd be easy! Just easy to get rid of me and move on!!"
(They rip open the door of their clausit and grab a weapon, a pair of tonfas. Looking back at you, there was murder in their eyes.)
(What in the stars did you SAY.)
"If you CAN go back in time, do it." (They were about to pounce.) "'Cause otherwise I'll make you forget your whole crabbing life."
(. . . . . . .)
(You open your mouth, you tell them to never touch your memory. Ever.)
(You rush forward with blinding speed, swiping at Ramos' neck with your dagger. They block. You recoil.)
(What are you doing?!?!!)
(You ignore Loop. Ramos counters, a one, two, three hit combo to try and get you off balance. You dodge each of them, and swipe back, catching Ramos' arm. Good.)
(GOOD?!? Are you even thinking right now! They could turn into a sadness again and we'd be stuck at square one!!!)
(So what.)
(They hold out a fist and strike a pose, as if on cue you can feel your feet get sluggish. Stars. They're smart. You're smart, too. You hold a palm, [PAPER])
(SO WHAT?!? We almost lost to that sadness! )
(You almost lost to that sadness. Besides. You wont let Ramos live long enough for that.)
(Ramos gets blasted into their desk, but got up quickly, wiping some blood off of their mouth and diving at you. You sidestep and-)
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(They dive at you, this time you deflect the blow, leaving Ramos open. Hmm, did you loop on instinct? You saw at the last second that Ramos was about to hit you with their back foot? Strange. You swipe at them with your dagger. You connect.)
"Hrrk-" (They stumble back, gripping a wound in their chest.)
(You can't kill them! We can't kill them!)
(It's that or get our memory erased.)
(We can't-)
(Ramos glares at you, grabs something on their desk and throws it at you. You swipe it out of the air, Ramos took the chance and rushed at you and-)
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(You dodge the thrown item and dance out of Ramos way, swiping at them again.)
(. . . . . . .Where is everyone?)
(Who, is everyone?)
(Your opponent is panting, and looks at you with anger in their eyes. They look so different. So wild. Who are you? Who am I. No time to think, just get ready to move again. Ramos, they gripped their wound and gritted their teeth, some healing craft rushing to the gash.)
(You ready your dagger, you breathe in, and out. Time is your plaything, you will try and try again untill you win. The question is, what role will you take?)
(You dash forwards, moving like water, like sand. You swipe at what seems to be their dominant arm.)
(Another block, and another counter attack. You try and parry this one-)
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(Wont work, try again.)
(You feel the weight of time upon you back, but no, you will defy it.)
(You try and dodge this time. You rush to the side, Ramos strike going over your head as you-)
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(No, try again. once more, action. You rush in. Not expecting it, Ramos overshoots you. You grip your dagger, now behind them.)
(You've won. In this moment, no matter what, you can repeat your script to this victory.)
(. . . You strike them on the back of the head with the hilt of your dagger. Today, mercy.)
(Ramos collapses to the floor. Your adversary, perhaps. The antagonist? For now, that's what they are all for now. You kneel down.)
(. . . . . . . . .)
(They're not dead.)
(You hold your head as a wave of mental exhaust rushes through you. Ok. You were back. Loop time. You terrible, terrible think! Stop taking over just at any time! You barely could remember the battle! What did you DO!?!)
(. . . Not here then? Fine! You get up, you needed to search the room, quickly.)
(Nothing around the bed, the dresser is full of clothes, of many different styles- wait you recognize that stitching. A vest that Isabeau must have made. Ok, ok what else. Drawers! You look through the drawers, nothing, random magazines, and- oh you wont check that one again. Nothing.)
(The desk. Check the desk. You look through the different cabbinets in the desk, anything- maybe something taped to the underside? No. Stars, wait. . .)
(Stuffed at the very back of the bottom drawer of the desk was a photo.)
(The back was signed. "Good luck, Azzy, and write home often.")
(You heared footsteps outside. No time- wait, one last thing. You go over to Ramos, and gently undo their bandana, taking care to not touch the skin. Sure, you had gloves, but just in case. . .)
(There it is. Damn star pendant. It glowed softly. Taking a snuff, it smelled of. . . Mint? Maybe, was it mint? No, wasn't there supposed to be a sugary smell? It was a wish after all, right?)
(. . . You have more questions for next time, but someone was banging on Ramos door.)
(You look out the window- Oh of course. You were what, three? Four stories up? If you jumped out from here, you'd likely die.)
(. . . Like that wasn't an issue, tee hee~ And if you don't die, you could check with the others.)
(. . . No time to dwell on it, you back up a few steps, take a breath, and take a running leap.)
(. . .It's like your flying!)
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mochiiniko · 10 months
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hecksupremechips · 7 months
The best feeling in the world is when there’s a piece of media you know you love and you’ve hyped it up as your favorite thing for so long but you haven’t revisited it in a while so you start to worry if it’s really as good as you make it out to be and so you go back and revisit it and it’s like. Oh this is even better than I remembered this shit rules
#the klock keeps ticking#i always get this feeling when i play 999 but tonight i got it with the letter#cuz ive uh finally decided to bite the bullet and play the evil meanie route where everyone dies 😟#a route ive put off for so long cuz its just too damn sad to think about akjdksk god it hurts#and ive played like for the most part every route of this game EXCEPT this one but i know the ending is really dark and i need to see it#plus i will at least get my beloved torture scene in so thats nice#i didnt kill off isabella though its a coma route which i hope still allows me to get the ending i want cuz i mean shell still be out of#commission in the final scene so hopefully it works out#but yeah no i started off tonight on the marianne chapter and while i did skip around through it cuz ive played it many times and i just#wanna get to the important stuff already alskj i also just replayed some of the best parts#aka the shit where lorraine appears and the gay shit alksks and god like hnnnghh not only does this chapter still ruin me emotionally#i also just remembered why i love this character so much and remembered just how good the character writing in this game is#and i also played into the rebecca chapter and didnt skip as much cuz i actually am not as familiar with the coma route#cuz it makes me sad and i never revisited it lol and i havent gotten to The Scene that makes me sob yet#its so coming though dont worry but idk i guess its just been cuz ive been thinking about p3 so much lately#and in particular shinji both the death route and coma route but in particular the coma cuz thats what im writing#and damn lol the letter just writes the grief and nuanced relationships and death stuff so much better lol god#like marianne loses her childhood best friend whom she has a gay ass relationship with to suicide and like its just better#she blames herself and still isnt even kinda okay with it after 13 years#like it just fucking ruined her and the only thing keeping her from losing it is her repression and drinking problem and unattached sex#and then with coma route well fucking first off isabellas friends actually like. visit her frequently damn#and they just all have such unique ways of coping like Zach is being optimistic so no one gets too upset#rebecca is sorta in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly she has to contact the family and make big decisions#and shes also just taking the most stress and shes got so many complicated feelings around isabella going on but she genuinely cannot stand#that isabella is hurt shes fucking destroyed she loves isabella and then ashton AAAAA god yeah i also just remembered that hes SUCH a good#character hes like being a genuine asshole right like Rebecca calls to tell him that isabella is comatose now and he literally doesnt let#her say anything he literally says ‘i dont have time for other things rn’ like the wellness of his friend is just ‘other things’#but you just know thats not it not at all hes burying himself in work to the point of destruction so he can figure out who did this and make#everything okay and he refuses to show even an ounce of vulnerability cuz THE SECOND HE DOES IT ALL COMES OUT AND HE CANT GET OUT OF BED#ANYMORE CUZ HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE OKAY WHEN THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE IS DYING
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spitblaze · 1 year
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what if my Void and @doktorpeace's Erato had spiderverse counterparts....and they were both spidermen.......and they kissed.........
#spitblaze says things#wip#ocs#void#masks#uh. lol this is what i was saying before#might have to buff les's design out a bit#but i think les's backstory is 'bit by the spider at a young age and it just didnt do anything for a long time'#'until the Inciting Incident where he got sucked into a black hole from a faulty particle accelerator'#'and instead of getting all Spots about it the spider powers managed to save him'#cause in his NORMAL story hes got like. sort of a metahuman autoimmune disease?#he already had a latent metatrait in a healing factor but once that got mixed with the weirdness of the black hole stuff it just became#les's atoms tearing each other apart and pulling themselves back together constantly and it hurt SO BAD all the time#i could go on a rant. the point is that in this case whats keeping him together isnt a healing factor but the latent spider powers#does he even need the web if he can just fall at terminal velocity in any direction to 'fly'?#no but hes also a weeb nerd who couldnt lift his way out of a paper bag#so like. probably for the best for him to develop a bit of muscle mass#anyway erato (spidrato)'s deal is that they're an artificial spiderman#i mean. obviously. robot. but like specifically made by the Spiderverse HQ#for the purposes of. idk. subduing rogue spidermen or something#either way their project was scrapped until Viceroy reactivated them and gave them purpose#anyway thats all i really have for them so far lmao this is way too many tags
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lightfulonion · 11 months
hii @pierogish-side!!! thank you for tagging me!! <3
Last song: This could be us by Rae Sremmurd
Favorite color: mmm really feeling brown rn
Currently watching: OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH WOOHOO!! its so fun (everyone is going through it)
Last movie: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar dir. Wes Anderson
Currently reading: im currently studying for uni so im stuck at Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and The Course of Love by Alain de Botton :(
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet forever and always
Relationship status: uhhh im dying and rebirthing from my ashes 👍
Current obsession: .....kiribaku..... im back at it again OTZ
Last things I googled: wes anderson (so i could find out what the above movie was called lmao), werewolf (singular), boku no hero academia wiki episodes (this is a call for help)
Currently working on: im in my last year of uni (lmao pierogish... 😭) and i need to finish it so im studying really hard!!! (and trying to not give up) but itll probably be a while until i get my degree. also i bought an old polaroid from a thrift shop and im thinking of making it work
tagging: @skijjiki, @livingonyoghurtandspite,@peachybeesplease, @horson, @mars-matrix
#guys im gonna go back to my bnha era..... this was almost 5 or 6 (??) years ago and i was so happy but like.........#its been so long.........#i miss kiribaku so much and i hadnt had the mood for bnha since season 3 aired#i know whats going on in the manga (bc im noisy) and my interest is piqued and i probably will start reading the manga from the beginning#(im not kidding when i say this is a call for help)#if uni wasnt killing me softly (without a song or anything nice) and life was a little less uh 'much' i would have been reading so much#fanfic and (hopefully) drawing ;-;#i miss drawing#cant wait to reread chonideno's krbk fanfics!! they sure wont break my heart in tiny little pieces!! again!! (big faves please give them#a read if you want)#also i accidentaly (fate?) saw what 'mouthful' means in the 'you said a mouthful' sense and it has a positive meaning#specifically it means 'you are right'#'tasteful' has also positive meaning and 'touchful' doesnt exist (yet?) so thats how far ive come to my research#also completely irrelevant with anything ive said before but please if you can check out duolingo's insta profile and tell#me im not hallucinating#specifically the last and third to last posts. its one photo and one video#does it look like im stalling from my studies? (please say no)#get tagged#onion talks#i hope this whole thing didnt brought you a headache like it did to me...... theres a mismatch of so many different things.........#if you made it this far im gonna share with you one of my favorite songs im listening rn: brutus (Instrumental) by the buttress
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potatobugz · 2 years
hi dear mutuals + followers. n. new hyperfixation. i think. please do not blow me up with missiles and rockets☹️
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arielluva · 1 year
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drawing my time traveler character bc she was the only good thing to come out of my concept art/3d modeling class (i learned nothing about character design or 3d modeling and this character was the only assignment actually about character design that we did (i did my senior project on character design and learned way more about it than a whole semester long class that was supposed to teach me it))
im also going insane trying to track down the shoes i used for inspiration for hers but alas i cant find them
#my art#original character#oc#uh she still doesn't have a name but eh#also i really wish i couldve kept the original photoshop file of her but when i tried to move it into my google drive it wouldnt let me :(#mustve been something with the school network or something but still#god even though ive graduated already and dont have to deal with that class anymore i still wish i never took it#the teacher did not teach very well and that class was soul sucking to be in (it also didnt help that we had block schedule so it was a#2 hour class)#giving us old pdfs on learning maya from 2011.... making us copy some other guys drawing but not really in a way to learn from him or his#character design...#dumping her family issues on literally everyone who came into the class (i had to listen to this all the time bc i sat at the front)#i mean at least the teacher liked me i guess but that didnt help the class like. at all.#digital drawing for concept art / 3d modeling my beloathed#anyways for this assignment specifically (the time traveler)#she gave us a book to look at with. character design stuff? i think? and the page we were looking at had some time travel agent woman#concept art on it#that design was really dumb looking imo but it was also probably pretty early concept art for a game so i dont blame it much#it was some generic hot woman with long platinum blonde hair (described as strange despite it not being strange at all)#and wearing a suit that conveniently showed cleavage and had a thigh slit on her skirt#she was holding some old ass briefcase and one of those plastic umbrellas with polka dots on it (the umbrella was her time travel device or#whatever)#the teacher told us we had to make a time traveler so i set out to yassify and transify this design a bit#i think the only sort of character design tip we learned during this whole like. month we worked on this for was to make a moodboard of#our ideas#but eh i still really like the design i made and i was able to get nice and creative with ut#just wish i was able to save it on my own computer and not the school computer :(#2023#oc tag
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homestuck--edits · 2 years
hey!! i feel bad coming in and requesting so much stuff, so if you dont want to do it, its fine! could i possibly get a talksprite of my oc aontwi with a damara base? she is a limeblood if that helps! thank you so much for all your hard work!
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her :))
-mod davesprite
#mod davesprite#homestuck#talksprite edit#talksprite edits heart heart#anyway had comp today#i wasnt allowed to participate but i have a fun story abt finding a place#so last year we hosted at the college which we could do because they had the security guard there on saturdays#this year they didnt meaning wed have to pay his salary for the time he was there#unfortunately we recieve 0 district funding#so we had to find a new spot. tried to go to the ymca#held one comp there (my last one uh. Ever. but we did the best weve ever done !!)#and then this time. six days before competition. they said wed have to pay 50 bucks an hour to compete there again. its a 9 hour competition#so we had to find somewhere else. which i was tasked with#i called: hospital‚ pud‚ civic center‚ city hall‚ local lumber company‚ library‚ tax place‚ senior center‚ fire department‚ and six churches#oh local bus company also#anyway finally person from tax place recommended a coffee shop downtown thatd charge 75 bucks a day for a decent size room#so me n gf went down to check it out. unfortunately theyre only open five hours a day. for a six hour competition. so they couldnt do it#our last options were... visit more churches. the cops ? and... that was all. so we went to get coffee#coffee shop that gave me my cute lemon bracelet :DD! so anyway was complaining to the store owner abt not having a place. and she went#oh would here work? and i went uh. yeah? is it okay if we bring computers? and how long are you open?#she said yeah the computers are fine and we can be open as long as you want ! and i went oh okay. so how much do we have to pay#because wed be occupying the whole place all day. and she said oh no worries :)) free !. and . holy shit. so she called her daughter#who stayed like three hours late today. unpaid. for us to compete#fucking insane this coffee shop has done more for us than the school district has ever. and it was great!!#a lil cramped but cozy and also Coffee. we spent probably 200 bucks on coffee altogether?? hope it was profitable for them they were so nice#gave some of us free stuff fucking insane honestly#also shoutout to the dairy queen for not killing us for walking in with 67 dollars and going give us all the chicken strips this will buy#it was 44 btw. and they gave us a free burger some guy named alex made. i dont know why they did but they wouldnt take no for an answer#anyway im not in a good mood but fuck dude i love local business. i also got a tiny palm reading book to carry around :>
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goodness I love him so much
#wow. today was wild. i made more progress on the game and he showed up a LOT#he did some horrible things. beat some people up. kidnapped a child. suggested he cut the child's finger off and mail it to her grandpa.#but... 😳. im so in love with him. he's such an asshole but wow... wow. he's so funny and handsome.. and so strong... and his voice gives me#so many butterflies!!! to think that i once hated this man... funny how fast things change huh?#also. another character called him “the meanest son of a bitch i know” (direct quote)#HE'S SO RIGHT. BUT.. HE'S MY MEAN SON OF A BITCH#he totally owned it too ajsjajsj he KNOWS he's horrible!!!! but also.. he cares a lot about his Blade... too bad she didnt last for long LOL#ash tries her best to comfort him during that time. she had grown to care so much for the man she considered her biggest rival in the world.#she also falls in love with him- ahem- and um... if i may be a little self-indulgent........ a.khos falls for ash too.#AHEM SNDHWIRYWBRBW#it's the enemies to lovers ship of the century!!!!#(i never said this but... he can get really cuddly when he's sleepy. it's the cutest thing in the world honestly)#and... you know how he's a theater kid and always talks about the script and shit? well uh... after their first kiss ash just chuckles#'that wasnt on the script right?'#of course he says no. falling for ash wasnt on the script but... for once he doesnt mind going off script#ash just shyly smiles. 'youre really good at improv then.'#OH ALSO#AHSJWHDJQHDJ#a.khos also likes to call ash his 'leading lady'#GAAAAHHH I HATE HIM (lying) ive fallen so hard for him. he's all i can think about. my heart is his. i am so sorry to all my discord friends#because i never shut the hell up about him#ash rambles 💚#i love him!!!! i know he's an asshole but i love him for that too!!
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mejomonster · 1 year
To top it all off you simply can't search "how to find love" or "how to meet people" or "how to date" or "how to ask people out" and find any advice that doesn't contradict
Even if all there is are articles of wildly conflicting advice, I've tried the main generally agreed upon ones
#rant#generally agreed upon advice tends to be: make friends. go to clubs events hobby forums places you like and MAKE friends#well lemme tell you. im EXCELLENT at making friends. the advice then goes onto say ask out some friends if theyre hot#or else ask Those friends with similar hobbies if they know anyone#well. in my particular luck. every friend ive met at events is cpu#coupled or married. so great friend material! i certainly cant ask them out. and then if i say im single to them?#they have either only Red Flag city people theg tell me NOT TO DATE or they dont know anyone single to introduce me yo#so yay. with the advice ive expanded my horizons and had fun and made friends. absolutely zero dates!!! hahahahqhq#another agreed upon advice: ask out people u might not normally. be open to new kinds of people.#ive done that sevetal times. and probably will continue to do so as long as they have lim#like no abusive red flags or arent majorly incompativle. but uh... all my dates with ppl wildly not stuff in common turned into... friends#or nothing at all (which is fine but probably wasted their time).#theres also the advice be proactivr! ask people out! compliment people! i do! i am the first person to ask people out and have been my#entire life. the first to compliment. the first to start and continue a dating app convo#in fact one year i made a rule to ONLY have dating app convos and go on dates with people who talked FIRST#just hoping maybe it wojld mean more likely tbe other perskn#remotely likes me at all. the result? 1 person who talked more than 3 messages. who i still asked on the date instead of them asking.#and then we had absoljtely nothing in co.#common. so we didnt even become friends. and in the worst case once a stranger asked me out#then very bad stuff haplened. anyway lime#like. i already DO go approaxh cute people and ask people out and start convos. as mentioned im quite good at friend making#and initial contact is almost the same in dating as friendship.#years anyway. and so i approaxh ppl i have no idea if i Could Like if i had maybe 3-6 months to find out post meeting#but like. 1 i keep going up axcidentally to not single ppl so no date jyst friendship#2 i just. :c no date in like 5 years. probably 50(#50k online matches or more now. tinder told me i had 10k likes once#ahyway like. idk idk#i do all the advixe i know to do#is there more???? is it like idk SMILE AT STRANGERS???? STARE AT STRANGERS????#cayse i can do it i guess!
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ilovewomenfr · 1 month
just take your shit and go
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click before reading
ex!abby, bottom!reader
men dni!!!! NSFW
cw: pretty vanilla, fingering (r!receiving), oral (r!receiving), praise kink, make up sex, idk what else
a/n: yall i thought i would be done this on tuesday. ive been so busy this week w work and life ive barely had time to write. this one’s a bit short but i had to get this idea down. i might improve it some time in the future. not proofreading and i kind of dont like it but thats ok. also requests are open as always. AND THANK YOU FOR SM SUPPORT ON YOU ARE SUCH A NERD! I GENUINELY WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. xx.
you and your ex broke up two weeks ago, a huge fight blew up between the two of you which is why abby is at the door of your apartment, backpack slung over her shoulder, to collect the rest of her things. when you answer the door, you see abby’s gaze rake over your body.
“seriously abs?” you scoff at her, looking down at your abby’s baggy t-shirt, “do i get my shirt back?” she asks as she rolls her eyes at you, gesturing to the band tee. “oh. uh. yeah. i guess” you respond in a quiet tone.
“do you want a drink or something?” you offer and abby shakes her head, her blonde braid moving along with. the braid she would only take out at home when she was with you. the braid you used to tug on when she was drunk off your pussy to see her half-lidded blue eyes. you lick your bottom lip at the thought before shaking it away.
“are you gonna let me come in?” abby asks in a slightly annoyed tone. you get out of the doorway and allow her to come into the apartment. “most of your stuff is on the couch,” you mumble as you point over to the piles of things you threw onto the couch in a blind rage the night she left.
“aw how sweet of you to put everything on the couch for me.” abby says sarcastically, resulting in an eye roll from you. “just take your shit and go.” you grab a couple boxes and put them on the coffee table. you watch as she starts packing away her clothes into the boxes, standing awkwardly. “so this is it then?” you ask,
“what do you mean?”
“all it took was a fight.”
abby walks over to you, crossing her arms and resting her weight on her hip, “you were the one who told me to get out and never talk to you again, if i remember correctly.”
“because i was mad. i didnt actually expect you to go.” you look up to her eyes, trying to find any trace of resentment, but you find none. instead you still find love, “why are you looking at me like that?” she puts her hands on your waist, instinctively your own arms wrap around her neck. “im not looking at you like anything.”
“you are.” you play with her braid, “you’re looking at me like you still care.” she leans in and kisses you, catching you by surprise. the kiss is full of longing and desire. the way she holds you makes you feel as though a fire is stirring within you. she pulls away and sighs, walking back to the couch and sitting down.
“youre so confusing. i mean you tell me to go then dont want me to go? then you dont even text me for two weeks and when you finally do its because you want my stuff out of the apartment.” you nod, knowing you’re in the wrong here. “but i still care about you y/n.” abby leans back on the couch, practically beckoning you to come and sit on her lap.
you make your way over to the couch, sitting in silence as the both of you look at each other, tension growing in the air. “im sorry. i shouldn’t have told you to go.” you apologize, breaking the silence. “i shouldn’t have left.” her voice is softer than before, her hand find its way to your knee and her thumb brushes soothingly along your skin. the apology hangs over the two of you, and once again your eyes meet. abby’s eyes have a look of desire in them, one you know all too well. that’s all it takes for you to climb over and straddle her.
her hands find your hips immediately, “i’ve missed you, ya know.” you say gently, “prove it.” your hands hold her face and you kiss her again, sensually and slowly. abby’s hands run up your back to your hair trying to deepen the kiss. you part you lips and your tongue meets hers. you almost moan at the familiar taste, but you pull away instead, “does that prove it?” she lowers you onto the couch so you’re below her, “haven’t proved it quite yet.” she murmurs as she captures your lips once more. her hands slide up under your shirt as your tongues dance together, palming and squeezing your breasts, the simple action resulting in arousal shooting down to your core. she captures your moans with her mouth, before planting kisses down your neck, suckling the sweet skin.
moments later both your clothes are on the floor as abby kisses your inner thighs, “abs please” you beg, “i need you.” she looks up at you, “mm look at you begging for me, so needy, huh?” she goes back to sucking and kissing your thighs and you push her head towards your soaked pussy, “abbyyyy please.” you beg, “hm? what do you need pretty girl? need me to eat your pussy?” she nudges your clit with her nose eliciting a needy whine from you. “fuck, just eat me out already! please!” your begs are desperate now, your aching cunt waiting for attention. she pulls your legs over her shoulders and laps your slick, the sensation drawing a shiver from you. your hands clutch her hair as she begins sucking your clit, “fuck abby yeah” the moan is involuntary and in response you feel the vibration of her own.
youre a complete mess under her by the time the knot in your stomach snaps, your release dripping out of you pussy and onto your thighs. abby just keeps going, lewd sounds leaving you and echoing around your living room. she slips her fingers into you and curls them, your back arches as she repeatedly hits your g-spot, “so fuckin pretty when you’re falling apart baby” she murmurs softly. she uses her thumb on your clit and it’s like you’re on top of the world, your cries are becoming pornographic at this point and it’s just egging her on, “yeah, you like my fingers filling you dont you?” she nips your hip, “mmhh yeahhh. fuck baby ‘m gonna cum!” she keeps hitting your g-spot and the pressure building up inside of you reaches its peak, you feel your legs shaking as you cum on her fingers, “youre doing so good for me baby.” she lets you ride out your high on her before sliding her fingers out, “fuck i missed you so much abby” you say, she kisses you, “i missed you too”
tags: @jamiesturniolo
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mrfoox · 2 years
Help, I don't think I've met another person with these many exceptions in their views ajnsnfjskajsjfk
#miranda talking shit#Talking with oliver can be so spicy. He can do an long rant about people in an group i fit into and when i point it out#Hes like NO YOU ARE NOT PART OF THAT GROUP NO! Like bro... I am. I'm not trying to guilt you but technically i am#Numbers do not lie ajjsjfjdkskskd i can say that much lol#Talking about overweight people and how its dangerous and shouldn't be promoted#Yeah that makes sense and all but also... Im overweight. Im like 20kg over the normal weight limit. I am by numbers overweight#But he wanted to argue i wasnt... Bc i... Didnt look like it? Which i mean uh ty? But i am. Doctors have told me its a fact i know it#I am not so... Bothered by being called fat anymore bc thats true ya know? But he got so fired up about me not being fat it was like#Um... I dont mind it buddy its true? I definitely am. It's okay it wont hurt anyone if you say it i already have#I understand what he meant like obesity is dangerous people die and get sick bc of it. But his 'line' of overweight people is apparently#Very different from the norm...? Or even like Healthcare yeah. I dont think the word fat now is as sensitive to me as it was#In the past. But i also know thats... How to describe me with a mess nice word than chubby. I have a too big belly its a fact#Did i enjoy him being so willing to argue me on this point ? Yeah it was funny#Maybe im not the norm but feels like now a days thin people are scared to use the fat word but fat people dont really care much#Maybe its how our culture have pushed for it to be more acceptable or at least not be shamed etc. But ive had more than#One friend in recent years who have argued on the point of me being fat. Like... I am im not saying it to earn pity or something its true?#Funny to hear he doesn't think i am tho. He always react strongly when i hint at it even#'people are built different youre not fat' its confirmed fellas im just built different lmao
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hannieehaee · 6 months
GOSH im in love with your writing like YOU HAVE NO IDEA SWEETHEART
And I'm desperate for some friends to lovers with seokmin who begs to taste you, his bff, after you joked about how your friends are saying he would be the best in eating a girl out bc of his nose🫦
18+ / mdi
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content: simp!seokmin, bffs2lovers, smut, afab reader, eating out, seokmin's nose, etc.
wc: 682
a/n: HEHE THANK U SO MUCH<33 had to choose these pics bc his nose looked soo good in these i cry T-T
"seokmin, fuck, just forget i said anything," you groaned, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment.
why did you think it was a good idea to bring up your drunken ramblings to seokmin completely unprovoked?
"n-no! don't be embarrassed. you just surprised me, that's all," he sat next to you on the couch, encouraging you to remove your hands from your face.
"it is embarrassing. i dont want you to think of me as some horny loser lusting after her best friend. i swear, i didnt even bring it up! they were just talking about guys with big noses and you were the first guy that i thought of and-"
"my nose? you thought about how my nose would feel?"
"n-no, i-"
"i, i mean, it's okay if you did," he said, scooting closer to you despite his eyes looking everywhere but into yours.
you decided to take a plunge, turning your body to face his as you looked to him in wonderment.
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, uh, i mean that it wouldn't bother me if ... if you thought about me in that way," seokmin winced at himself as the words left him, still unable to look at you.
gulping, you got closer to him, nudging him to turn to you also.
"do you mean that, seokmin? i ... do you-"
"yes," he was firm in his answer, finally looking at you.
"oh ... do you wanna ..."
"yes," he practically whined.
"o-oh, fuck! m-minnie, just like that ... yes!"
"'sso good, shit. so warm ..."
it hadn't taken much encouragement for you to jump seokmin after he'd given you confirmation that he did, in fact, want you in the same way you did him. after aggressively making out for a good ten minutes or so, seokmin had pleaded for you to please open your legs for him and let him have a taste of you. you, being you, needed no convincing to open your legs and guide him where you wanted him most.
by now he had spent the past ten minutes alternating between licking at you and suckling on your clit, but he was yet to show you what his nose would feel like as it slid against your folds.
before you could beg for it, seokmin's strong arms grabbed a hold of your hips and tilted you a bit in order to position his nose in a way that would grace your bundle of nerves just right all the while his tongue continued to explore you.
you screamed the moment you felt his sharp nose drag up and down your cunt, falling in love with its straight shape and the slight slope of it. the sharpness and rough exterior of his nose made you cry out in pleasure. it wasnt long until you began grinding against his face like a maniac, completely ignoring his attempts at guiding you against his face.
grabbing his head, you rubbed him against you while you canted your cunt against his face, tears flowing down your face at the pleasure.
"y-your nose, minnie! o-oh ... so good, fuck. so fucking good ..." you breathed out, followed by many other praised and curses at the pretty boy below you.
he was unable to speak due to the way you had taken over the entirety of his mouth, but his groans of pleasure were enough to get you crying even harder for him.
seokmin continued savagely eating you out while you ground against his nose all the way until your high, somehow managing to speed up his movements the closer you got to your orgasm.
with a silent scream, your fists closed in on seokmin's hair one last time before you dropped limp against your bed.
the room was silent for a few moments while both you and seokmin caught your breaths. but the moment the two of you were apt to speak, seokmin climbed on the bed and began kissing his way up to your lips, giggling at your fucked out state.
"so my nose, huh?" he teased, face scrunched up due to his pretty smile.
"shut up."
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bucket-o-slime · 2 years
#so thursday was the day I went to my friend’s hanukkah and it was honestly super nice#no one seemed hostile about my presence existing as a trans person and i am chill with that in fact it barely mattered to them which was#such a relief#also uh lol weird thing right but i didnt meet any of the guy’s family until now and turns out i have known his brother for like 2 years#i used to party with him until shit went down with the guy who hosts being a terrible person and the guy’s bro beat the shit outta him#which honestly? guy had it coming so props to him#but like lol my friend and I were sitting by the fireplace (platonically i am a chilly man) and i mentioned how i thought it was strange#that I knew his brother two years longer than I knew him and he said ‘as long as you havent had his dick in your mouth you’re fine haha’#?????? what is that supposed to mean#also when we were taking pictures next to the menorahs and everyone was trying to scootch closer together he said to me#’yknow you could always sit in my lap. haha just kidding’ excuse me?????? you actually have no clue. i really would but i cant just tell u#and also when he was trying to show me something he went ‘follow me for a good time’ and when i understandably chuckled#he paused and went ‘were never talking about that’#HELLO??????#MOTHER FUCKER WHAT???#also I currently have his coat a scarf and a pair of mittens sitting in my closet because his mom made him give me his coat#and she followed suit with the mittens and scarf#i kept my composure while i was in fromt of everyone but lord I cried like a baby when I got home#his mom WAS super nice and friendly and warm & it pisses me off that he has a normal mom & im stuck with little miss rehab refuser#but overall great experience and i am still confused on if he’s into me or not#idk i wanted to kiss him the whole time but ive got no nuts i just wish he would make the move#but straight up he’s all ive been able to think about lately#i am going insane i think i am going to die
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cosmiiwrites · 7 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ enemies to lovers
.ೃ࿐ adam x fem!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which you and adam find out you don't hate each other as much as you think you do cw: NSFW, fem!reader, p in v, oral (f!recieving), creampie, adam (he's his own warning), hair pulling, semi-public sex, cussing a/n: FINALLY DONE !! first smut fic though, so apologies if some things dont make sense :(
you hated adam. you hated his cocky attitude and his fuckboy persona. and most of all, you hated how everyone stayed quiet about it. him being the first man didn't mean jack shit to you. if he was being an egotistical asshole? you won't hesitate to put him in his place. even if that meant starting an argument in front of the promenade, putting your hatred for one another on display.
adam, on the other hand, loved someone who could match his abrasive attitude. and it meant more that you went out of your way to shout insults at him every chance you got. to be honest? it turned him on. but he would rather die then admit that. during meetings, you two would bicker non-stop, shooting daggers at each other from across the table. so yes, everyone and their mothers knew about you and adam's ongoing feud. what did everyone also know? the unspoken sexual tension between you two. the tension so thick it was tangible. the tension everyone knew about except the two idiots who claimed they hated each other. even lute was getting sick of it. "what a bitch, am i right?" "yes, sir." "she's just salty because i'd never go for a cunt like her," "mhm, sir." "maybe i sho-" "you know what i just remembered? sera saying she had something to discuss with me. ill be leaving now, sir." adam shot her a confused look. it wasnt like lute to walk out on a conversation so abruptly. (spoiler alert, she just didnt want to hear adam talk about you for the millionth time today) "well, uh, shit, okay." upon leaving, adam bumped into a familiar face. "well, well, well, if it isn't-" you slid right past him, ignoring any advance he'd tried making towards you. "what the fuck?" adam's face grew warm from embarrassment. did you just ignore him? he planted himself in front of you, hoping to make a statement. his tall figure hovered over yours. "ignoring me, hm? is that any way to treat the first man?" he teased. you sighed and rubbed your forehead in annoyance before answering, "if by 'first man' you mean 'overly-confident egomaniac' then yes." that's what adam liked about you; you didnt kiss his ass 24/7 like all the other angels. you didnt crave his approval. "i seriously don't understand how people can tolerate being around you," you groaned.
"oh fuck off, the ladies love me," he grinned. "especially in be-" you threw your hand to cover his mouth. "ugh, spare me the details, you gross fuck." your statement only widened his shit-eating grin. "why, jealous?" he teased, dragging on the s. "fuck, no! i feel bad for all the women you've slept with, they've probably faked all their orgasms as to not hurt your fragile ego." you retorted. adam's smirk dropped. he couldn’t BELIEVE you thought he was incapable of pleasuring a woman. luckily for you, his anger quickly turned to interest as an idea popped up in adam's head. he leaned into your ear, voice low and husky, "you wanna bet on that?"
taken aback from his sudden offer , you backed up until your back hit the wall of the alley you two were in. “what,” you breathed, “are you on about?”
“if i can make you cum,” adam started, “you have to admit that one; im the dick-fuckin’-master, and two; i AM capable of pleasuring a woman. deal?” adam's said a ton of dumb shit, but this? you let out a boisterous laugh. “are you serious?” but after a few beats of unearthly silence, thats when you knew he was. “well, shit.” you did want a chance at proving him wrong and taking down his ego. to be fair, no one’s made you cum in a long, long time. and you were always up for a challenge.
you grabbed adam by the collar and dragged him down to your level.
thats how you found yourself up against a wall, being eaten out by the first man, the first soul in heaven, and your well-known rival.
you didnt want to admit it, but god, this man was good with his tongue. not to mention his hands.
he gripped your thighs tightly, spreading them apart and smirking up at you. your flustered face drove him mad, only fueling his desire for you. its not his fault you looked so fuckin’ cute. maybe he should get you like this more often…
adam shamelessly licked up and down your entrance, earning small involuntary whimpers from you. he dragged his hand down your thigh to rub circles on your clit, making you twitch under his touch. “taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled. wanting more, you tugged at his hair, forcing his tongue to prod at your cunt. “impatient, are we? and to think you hated me.”
it was like he was waiting for this exact moment; for adam ate like a man starved. like he hadn’t eaten in days, and you were the only thing that could nourish him.
suddenly, he dragged his long tongue against your clit, “shit, adam!” he smirked against your cunt. “enjoying y’self, babe?” “f-fuck—haah—you!” was all you can manage, before he sunk his tongue deeper into you, fingers now circling your clit twice as fast. “dont worry, tits, you’ll be doing that in a bit.”
it wasnt long before you had cum all over his tongue and face, panting like a maniac. you had already lost the bet, but you didnt care. nor had any of you two mentioned it. lost in a drunken haze, all you wanted was his cock buried inside of you.
you quickly recovered from your high and grinded against his painfully hard erection. “s-shit, babe, didn’t take you for a desperate whore,” adams words were slurred, his need for you fogging his brain. “s-shut up,” you retorted “looks like you can still talk back,” he grinned. “i’ll fuck that bratty attitude out of you.” “youve yet to do so,” you teased. “you bluffing, dickmaster?” oh, now you’ve got him in a chokehold.
those would be your famous last words, before adam would recklessly pound into you.
adam quickly undid his boxers, revealing his hard cock, precum already spilling from his tip. you thought he was joking when he called himself the ‘dickmaster.’ you silently wondered how that would fit inside of you. “see how fuckin’ worked up you get me, tits?” adam babbled.
he bent you over, your wrists just above your head.
you were about to reply with a snarky comeback when he pushed his cock into you, no warning beforehand.
“i fuckin’ knew it,” he said. “tight as shit. bet no one’s fucked you as good as im about to, huh?” you wanted to respond, to deny his accusations, but the only sounds that left your mouth were desperate moans and whimpers. it was like music to his ears, fueling him to fuck you brainless.
his large size stung, but pain quickly turned to pleasure when he began to move.
he picked up his pace, pounding into you brutally. it was oh, so sinful. but adam would go to hell anyday if that meant he could have your tight little cunt all to himself.
adam took a fistful of your hair, forcing your back to arch. when you didnt protest, adam threw a line of praise at you. “there we go, good fuckin’ girl, just like that…” the position you were in was a bit uncomfortable, but you quickly stopped paying attention to that when adam thrusted into you sharply. “s-so good f’me,” he babbled.
you knew he was almost at his peak when his thrusts grew sloppy. “shit, almost there, fuck!” he groaned. “m-me too, adam, fuck,”
in one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you, spilling his cum. you felt your stomach grow warm, full of adam’s seed.
adam was still inside of you, even after you both had came. there were no sounds other than your pants and his huffs. thank god this was an empty street.
finally, he pulled out of you. you whined at the loss of contact, earning you a cheeky grin.
“so,” he said, breaking the silence. “how was that for pleasuring a woman, hmmm?” adam smirked. “still hate me?”
“always, just a little less now.”
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i-cant-sing · 5 months
I’m letting him smooch my forehead for the nth time if it means I get affection and smooches 🥹🥲 I’m desperate ok?! 🫠 mf I’ve been single for way too long… I need some dopamine…. Also Forehead smooches just hit different
Ugh Baldwin is just so- imagine being mad at him for whatever reason (maybe he was a bit late to come when you called for him because he was busy with court affairs and now he has to deal with a pissed princess who's huffing and puffing because she cant get her time machine to work and out of frustration, she misplaces her anger and takes it out on Baldwin).
He has you trapped against the wall, arms on caging you as you refuse to look at him. Baldwin is trying so hard to supress his smile, because you look even more adorable when youre mad.
"Princess-" he smooches your forehead. "No." You puff your cheeks, brows furrowed as you look to the side, eyes full of anger and distress. Another smooch to you kiss. "Princess, Im sorry-"
"No." You cut him off and he automatically lands another kiss, this time right under your left eye, if only to make you look at him momentarily.
"I'm sorry I was late-"
"You said- no! No more kisses!" You evaded his lips as you glared at him, making him pout. "You said nothing is more important than me. That you'd come anytime I'd call you. I waited for 2 hours! TWO HOURS!"
"I know, my love and Im sorry. The council had some affairs that needed to be dealt with immediately, and time just slipped out of my hand. I promise, it wont happen again." He jutted out his bottom lip (and although anyone else wouldve looked ugly like this, this is Baldwin we're talking about. he's never ugly.) "Forgive me?" His blue eyes held remorse for his mistake, and it didnt help when he brought them even closer when he rested his forehead on yours, making your breath hitch.
"I- uh- fine! Fine! I forgive you!" You finally breathed as your face turned pink, moving it away from him, only for the king to chuckle as he sweetly kissed the apple of your cheeks. "Thank you, princess!"
Ugh. Pretty privelege.
You shot him a glare. "What was so important that the council wouldnt let you leave anyways?"
"Hm? Oh, they wanted to discuss who should be allowed to attend our wedding night."
You stared at him. "What?"
"Well, as per tradition, they wanted to discuss who would be allowed to see us consumate-" he burst into laughter as you threw a book at him. Your face was all red as you began pulling at his blonde hair and was about to beat him when Baldwin suddenly lifted you up and slammed you on your bed, knocking the air out of you as he caught your wrists in one hand while the other tapped your nose.
"As if I would let any see my pretty little prude." He grinned, leaning down to kiss your nose. "You're all mine, princess. All mine."
For the rest of the day, you were too flustered to say a word to him, or even look at him. And so, it never occurred to you to ask him how he convinced the council to make an exemption of this tradition for you.
If you'd asked, Baldwin would've told you that the council wanted confirmation that their monarchs did the deed... to which lover boy replied-
"When you see the queen having to be carried around after our wedding night, you'll know."
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