#also id love to see your art if you ever want to share :0
ethmaron · 5 months
IDK IF YOU LOOK THROUGH UR NOTIFS, IF YOU DO SORRY FOR SPAM LIKING ALL OF UR STUFF BACK TO LIKE 2021.i was feeling insane. ANYWAYS. im starting to do more digital art and im realizing i Do Not know how to color.. do you have any tips 😞😞
LOL i love looking through notifs dw abt it i think its silly and cute when people go through my backlog !!
for coloring i think thats very much up to the person which is perhaps not what you really want to hear but :<
using myself as example i like warmer tones (reds, oranges, warm greys) and tend to stay within that, and dont use highly saturated colors. other artists may cross all over the wheel and use more or less saturation its just a matter of finding color groups you like i think.
i do not use a lot of actual teaching when it comes to colors i just look at it until i think it looks okay--i tend to use a lot of overlay layers--but theres loads of tutorials for coloring that have actual theory behind them which are super neat!!
also to say that not all art has to have color--a lot of artists i like deal in just greyscale which only necessitates an understanding of value :y
art is super subjective and even then something you might really like that another artist does isnt your cup of tea to create even if you like how it looks. its all about testing and experimenting and finding what you like i think!!
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queeryutbrb · 2 months
Hi, I saw you commented on a Sonic animation post and you said you were learning 2d animation. I wanted to know if you've progressed and if you could spare any helpful information I could use on my animation journey. Thanks
yo! sure, yeah, id love to help ^^
i have made some progress, yeah. there's a lot of stylistic variations, but here's what's been most helpful to me :)
0. a lot of these mention speed - if you get too caught on something, it's likely to sap your motivation. also, i use frame-by-frame, not rigging, so some of these might not be helpful if you use rigging.
1. learn to accept mistakes.
perfectionism will slow you down. it's a little each frame, but that *adds up*. in a few second long animation, it may be fine. but if you're going for 15+ seconds, even into minutes, that can cost you hours to days to even months of progress, depending on the length. learn to accept minor mistakes, if you haven't already. you can always fix them later.
2. you dont have to redraw every single frame.
first, you can cut up an individual frame and move the parts of it. i draw characters art, and i cut up different bits of the arm when i wanna move it. second, you can warp a frame - stretch it, slant it, squish it, lots of things. you can also slide them around on the screen. third, you can reuse a frame. that's one you have to experiment with a bit, seeing where it's helpful for you and where it isn't.
3. do one thing at a time.
if you've just sketched a frame, dont move onto lining it, sketch the next one. if you get bored with one step but still wanna work on the animation, that's when you switch to the next. getting into a rhythem can help you enjoy the work more and let it go by faster.
4. stretch!
if you wanna animate, you have to take care of your body. it's fairly easy to find stretches online, look up "stretches for artists/animators" or "stretches to avoid carpel tunnel", and walk around a couple minutes every hour you've been seated. if you don't, that strain will add up, and you can cause or worsen chronic pain in yourself.
5. check your progress every so often.
if you ever wanna see your current progress, go for it! it can help you stay motivated and show you want you like and dislike about your animation so far. to do this, put in a few frames of your animation and time them properly. put them together like they should be in the final piece. watch this back whenever you like :) it's a great way to give yourself a little reward for all your hard work!
6. watch videos on animation from other artists.
plenty of people share their tips. i've learned a lot by going on youtube and searching "animaton tips". you can also play this in the background while you animate, if you'd like. i always like having something to listen to, myself, and it can help me a lot to have it be related to the art i'm making.
i reccomend doodley and lavendertowne, personally :)
7. animate for you.
remember, if there's anything you don't wanna do, you don't have to. make what you enjoy making, not just what you think others would wanna see. if you end up sharing your animations, which you don't have to do, you will find your audience. do what you enjoy, skill will come to you along the way. :)
i hope these are helpful to you ^^ best of luck on your animation journey!
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fuzzafterhours · 3 months
Penny's Big Breakaway
First played on February 21st 2024 https://store.steampowered.com/app/1955230/Pennys_Big_Breakaway/ I have... a lot to say about this game... I love it, I love it so so SO much, BUT it absolutely wrecks me to say that it is a little under baked. I will start off by saying I was extremely excited to play it since the words "from the team behind sonic mania" were uttered on that one Nintendo direct. I followed development closely and consumed every piece of content that was drip fed throughout the months. I was absolutely floored when the game was shadow dropped. Now, I LOVE 3D platformers, and I'm inclined to call them my favorite game genre. Despite all the flaws I do have with the Penny's I would put it firmly in my top 10. I also want to mention that I'm a little freak that plays games I like in weird ways so any strange issues I have with it might not apply to the average person. I want to talk about the movement first as it is the most important thing to me in a 3D platformer. the game is stellar... when it works... Penny's is one of the smoothest platformers I've ever played until your momentum is cut off by some random bit of jank, whether that be the roll move deciding to randomly stop, environmental hazards like water and lava having 0 grace period, and clipping into walls, which happened way more often than id like to admit. Its clear to me that the game needed a good amount of polish time before shipping. Level design in this game is largely fantastic although I think its a bit homogenized if that makes sense. excuse the dreaded act of comparison but, a similar game like super Mario 3D world for example, designs its levels with a central mechanic in mind and then elaborates on it throughout a level. Penny's does this sometimes but a majority of levels feel like a strange blend of ideas that leads them to feel kind of unfocused. this Isn't necessarily a bad thing as I think the game has free enough movement to warrant it. The game never got boring per say, but id be lying if I said it didn't lose some steam towards the end. I think another part of the game that gradually got a little stale is the art direction and environment design. again, never bad, but I noticed areas getting less creative in the last third of the game. I do however want to say, despite my gripe, this games visual direction is OUTSTANDING and like nothing I've ever seen. it starts incredibly strong and despite becoming a little uncreative it is always a treat to look at. An aspect that I can give absolutely nothing but endless praise is the soundtrack of course. Nearly every song is masterfully composed and instantly memorable. As a big fan of Tee Lopes previous work there was no doubt in my mind that this ost would knock it out of the park. although it is not a one man show, Sean Bialo was a more than welcome addition, they are responsible for some of my favorite tracks on Spark the Electric Jester 3 so it was great seeing them here. Some of my favorite tracks on the Penny ost are:
Puppet Pioneer
Jig's Up, Penny
Outside The Eidophusikon
Balearic Birds
Penny in a Pinch and my absolute favorite track in the game:
Refracting Feelings (Pengo Mix)
I want to exclaim once again, I LOVE this game, its currently a frontrunner for my game of the year and I don't want a couple of minor gripes to taint the view of what is otherwise an excellent, beautiful, and just straight up fun game. Play Penny's, listen to its soundtrack, share it around. We need more games like it. I think everyone at Evening Star should be more than proud of what they've created. I can feel this game oozing with love and passion for the medium and I don't think any minor issue I have with it could take away from that. It wants to exist and it wants YOU to play it.
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HI STARDUST!!!! huge huge apologies for not responding earlier or messaging u at all for the past couple of days, school has kicked up and i am giving myself headaches abt college and whether i want to move out and leave my siblings behind but then also pave a different path for them than that which was set for me and also like. check out what a vague amount of independence is like yk, etc etc it's AWFUL times why'd we decide as a society to do this thing to teenagers
[assuming i did this right, IDs should be in alt text!]
no worries ! i apologize for not answering these, i forgor and then... school >.<
ahhh that is. ye. life is A Lot those r some Big Decisions wishing u the best of luck <3 if u ever need a rubber duck you know where to find me :) oh and i can give u my discord if you want :0
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i was thinkin abt a book i read a while back, i will always right back, abt two pen pals in two different continents and their relationship over the years up until they finally meet up n its like. huh. internet friends rly are just modern pen pals kinda. huh
anyways thing. ye. i may post the full thing someday but also im probably just gonna always add to it so. we'll see :)
if we ever meet up, you'd take me to your old home. if we ever meet up, i'd take you to a park long left behind as i grew and moved forward. something about you feels like nostalgia and childhood and home and i'd love to share those places with you, laugh and share memories from before each other that somehow feel shared. maybe you could bring a guitar and i'd borrow a ukulele and we could sing the songs you've showed me and some that you've written. i feel like i've known you forever.
:D <3
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we did ask my grandmother & she said she didnt remember and it wasnt important so. erm. but yes you r very right i do not have much to add but you r based and very correct and have very cool thoughts i am nodding enthusiastically
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aw yay !!! :DDD interpretation of music/art in general is something that can be so personal.... but as an artist you do not usually. hear your audience's interpretation of your stuff or have a personal relationship with them which. yeah. hopefully its cool. i love how art can mean so many different things and also sometimes it doesnt mean anything sometimes its just. beautiful <3
KSHSF i give them a hard time but. yeah. my family is pretty awesome we are Doing Our Best and i love them <3
GOOD LUCK WITH THE COLLEGING.... thank you for the chai i love chai :D my mom made some earlier which was awesome i stole and finished her cup ksfjfj i am also giving you chai love u ink beloved :D
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shadowpon-3 · 2 months
ill have these questions answered as if danplan characters are answering them!
1. What’s your favorite tickle tool? (added: to use against)
Daniel: ill use anything against my friends, just as long as its very affective and it irritates them, especially stephen.
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
Annabelle: i don't know, its hard to choose...hmm ill say daniel, he can be a load of fun!
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
Stephen: keep this in between us, although its obvious, but its always gonna be hosuh
4. Opinion on blindfolds/restraints? Why or why not?
Jay: not into them, too much for me to handle
5. A spot that gets you squealing?
Hosuh: .... 0///0 umm, m-my neck....
6. How long do you estimate you could last before calling mercy?
jay: a short while probably, it doesn't take a lot, but if i was nervous before hand, then id call it before anything would even happen..*timid giggling*
7. Ever have tickle fantasies?
Stephen: ....no comment..
8. Why did you make your tickle blog?
ME: because i want to share my special interest combined with my favorite youtuber of all time, danplan! and hope that people will find it just as entertaining as me and a friend does! also because i wanna see danplan in a new light such as a wholesome topic, such as the TK community on tumbler, originally i was gonna have it happen in wattpad but found tumbler more interesting instead and had finally found my place here! im happy about it whole heartedly <3
9. Does anyone irl know of your interests?
ME: no, im way too uneasy about sharing it :(
10. Can you say the t-word?
Daniel, Stephen and Jay: yes.
Hosuh and Annabelle: no.
11. Verbal teases, yes or no and why?
Daniel: yes..no......maybe...
12. Upper body tickles or lower body tickles?
Hosuh, Daniel and stephen: upper body.
Jay and Annebelle: lower body.
13. Neck or ear tickles?
Jay: ears
14. Pinned on your back, or your stomach?
Stephen: its easier to shoot glares of hatred into the person who's torturing you on your back, back for sure.
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
Daniel: stephen and jay, they get annoyed with me everytime, i love their hatred haha
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
Hosuh: stephen told me to keep this a secret between us but im gonna break a promise just answer, he pampers me afterwards and gives most of the affectionate playful attention to me.
Annebelle: jay is very gentle with me when he knows that the moment calls for it and on the other hand we end up get in a game of cat and mouse, our fav part when were in a good mood, sometimes its a game of hide and seek <3
17. Feathers or Paint Brushes?
Daniel, stephen, jay and annabelle: feathers.
Hosuh: paint brushes, for art reasons.
18. How long have you known about your interests in the community?
ME: not too sure, probably over a year since i have been here for that long pretty much? thats my guess.
19. What’s your favorite way to be tickled? (As in provoked, teased into asking, etc.)
Annabelle, Stephen and Jay: provoked.
Hosuh and Daniel: teased through body language and facial expressions, its more tense that way.
20. Are you/Do you like Polite Lees or Bratty Lees? (Asking for tickles vs Pissing someone off for tickles)
Stephen: im obviously bratty, idiot *eye roll* but i do love to irritate hosuh every now and then *cocky smirk*
Hosuh: polite lees, even though stephen is cleary fun to tease when hes upset :)
Jay: bratty, too fun to pursue such as ann, sometimes i pursue her even when shes having a little bit of a bad day, just to lighten her mood.
(i did my best on this T-T)
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3 episodes 3-6 thoughts!
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-johnny was actually pretty civil with danny and left when he asked! thats nice. also, SKULKER?? HAD A FRAMED PICTURE OF EMBER?? oooo fuck wait had they established they were a Thing Before?? I dont think so. thats weird. its like that country boy/goth girl meme lmfao. I think i am going to choose to ignore this new info and pretend I didnt hear it. 100% unrelated to the jazz/ember fanart I already drew and posted....😳
-LADIES NIGHT EPISODE THIS IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. wish it didnt really center around the guys or them being pissed at them, but. willing to bet this was written by men lol
-THEY ERASED ALL THE MEN??? meanwhile, jack and danny are fishing at. silent hill or something. im glad jack is trying to read a parenting book and making an Attempt. (theyre at lake erie, but, they made it actually eerie...thats fun)
-the girls alt outfits...cute. EMBER MADE A NEW SONG TOO!!! kinda. jazz being one of the backup singers and being AWFUL. NOOOO
-'how are we going to get kitty to blow a kiss?' 'she'll have to think there are still some males in town!' ...i dont know how to break it to you, but I dont know that a 100% het girl would wish for all men to Begone. I think. I mean im not a het or a girl so I dont really know for sure. she Is probably Bi tho. esp having the other ladies in town chanting NO MEN!!! excitedly............(then again, the kiss is to get Rid of men, so, she probably would have blown it at the ladies only if they were actively trying to attack/stop them, so...I MEAN. THE DRESSING LIKE DANNY BIT WAS SO EXTRA)
-I feel like an all female cast ep couldve been way way way way cooler than that was. like. why was it still somehow all about Men. ...anyway. (where was valerie...)
-next ep opens with the observants, and, way way more of them than I expected...existed? I mean I guess them being a council/jury of some kind is what I expected from their first appearance (bc at that time they were basically TELLING clockwork to kill danny, not asking,, so I figured they had SOME kind of authority) but. there were so many. anyway, here goes vlad! letting his own hubris go brrrr. releasing a weather ghost for political gain! #justvladthings
-okay say what you will about him (he IS an asshole) but having an umbrella with his own face on it and more prepared to share is SUPER FUNNY. and him being fanned by huge wads of money by his bodyguards. SO ineffective but so Dramatic. He UNDERSTANDS that if youre rich you need to be. you know. obnoxious and kinda eccentric about it! fuckign hate when rich people are boring about it. I would trust vlad with nothing except to not be a boring rich asshole who wears...fucking khaki or some shit. man knows his Presentation Skills. and that 'V' chair in his mayoral office. is that fucking embroidered?
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-maddie get your MAN PLEEEEASSSE. IM SO EMBARRASSED FOR HER. the way jack stays simping for this man. in FRONT OF HIS WIFE!!!! ...my god its like a love triangle. jack clearly loves vlad, who loves maddie, who loves jack. jack fenton is at the very least bi, right................. this is an OBSESSION . 'THE V MAN COMETH'???? i...my god. (also, on a serious note, to have a friend THIS SUPPORTIVE...and still be SUCH A DICK TO HIM (TRYING TO KILL HIM AND STEAL HIS WIFE??) NOT COOL VLAD. JACK IS YOUR 1 AND /ONLY/ HYPE MAN. if someone loved and supported me THIS HARD...LIKE. CMON DUDE.
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-STOMP the fucking GAS, JACK
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-this would make a great shirt design, looks like a metal band design! we love The Maelstrom
-oh, so vlad did in fact get a mansion in amity park. and its purple! good color choice! not as flashy as a CASTLE or MURDER CABIN, but still pretty eccentric, which I appreciate.
-...vlad knows the difference between picasso and da vinci? in the ep last post where we were watching him fail at conquering every historical time ever he didnt seem to know history well enough to like. be effective...was vlad taking art history at college?? (was he an art MAJOR??? we never DID KNOW WHAT HE WENT TO SCHOOL FOR. I kinda assumed business because in the masters of time ep he was still rich without ghost powers so he had to have..known something about business or something, right...but also, art and or theater FITS HIS PERSONALITY. possibly also something science-y, I guess, but I always felt like he got roped into that, esp how pessimistic he was about the ghost portal in the flashbacks to college, like, i felt like he was just there for maddie and was uninterested/un-invested at the time...)
-the way this random man with a camera sees the mayor laying in an alley covered in TRASH AND DECIDES TO TAKE A PICTURE HAHAH
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*snap* this ones going in my cringe compilation!
-vlad 'if we're going to defeat vortex, we're going to have to do it together!' *immediately dips after dropping danny off in front of vortex* JKASDFHKJHJKN
-DANNY CAN DUPLICATE!!! ...he couldnt even attack with it, but he DID IT!!! INTO (4) OF HIMSELF!!! SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!
-'THE ROLLER COASTER EMOTIONS OF A TEENAGER THREATEN MY PLANS!' ...0 self awareness of his own dramatic moodiness. incredible, how dumb this man is. its very close to circling around to endearing, if he was less of an asshole. at least its very very funny to see danny shooting him with tiny lightning bolts anytime he's even slightly irritated! vlad you should be nice to danny anyway. this is what you GET
-...making sandwiches and ice cream and playing video games with your nephew is a totally normal thing. WHY is vlad acting like this is the end of the world. if you were a GOOD UNCLE YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DOING THESE THINGS!!! bitch I make my nephew food all the time and dont forget what he does and doesnt like. if u didnt know danny didnt want tomatoes, thats on u. if u, a grown adult, are gonna piss of the 14 yr old by not letting him win, u deserve to have to pay for the arcade machines he ruins because he now has uncontrollable storm powers because YOU THREW HIM INTO A FIGHT WITH THE STORM GHOST. fuck u vlad. paypal me $400,000 while ur at it tho. (also, gamer vlad confirmed)
-VLAD CAN COOK THOUGH???! I assumed he had...people working for him that did that. I mean. billionaires usually dont do that. then again, we've only seen those vultures working for him (and I guess the dairy king was AT his old mansion, but it was never really clarified if he worked there...I think he probably just Hung Out and they Enjoyed Cheeses Together. thats what I think, I dont think a KING would be working for anyone and also the dairy king was nice <3) but then again he would be a private person and we cant have anyone accidentally finding Ghostly Things, so...still, that's hilarious. pour one out for that really cute banana split that got ruined 2 seconds later
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-danny seeing those animal commercials and feeling sad is the biggest 2000s throwback so far. i legitimately had to change the channel or walk out of the room when those came on bc id CRY AND BE SAD ABOUT THEM FOR DAYS AFTER. fuck those commercials and fuck that IN THE ARMMMS OF AN ANGELLLL song 😭
-'vlads ego almost got the town destroyed!' yes danny thats the entire episode. the entire series anytime vlad shows up honestly. this episode was just him being really embarrassing the entire time, and, me laughing about it. 10/10 would laugh at him again
-NEXT EP WE HAVE A SHAPESHIFTING GHOST?? I've said it before but shapeshifting is the power I would want when asked those 'what superpower do you want' questions...its the Best power! this guy looks like a homestuck character. ive never read homestuck but thats the vibe
-I love every time we see tuckers family, they are by far the most functional family. and dash has a lil chihuahua!!! named pookie!!! i am crying (I've had 3 chihuahuas, so I am very biased, but...) AND HE WATCHES THE ROMANCE CHANNEL WITH POOKIE. POOKIE I WILL DIE FOR YOU YOU SWEET LITTLE BABY.
-danny can lift a bus! I shouldn't be surprised, but i am proud of my son. hes got lil kid fans. i am going to cry about this
-JAZZ KEEPS A SCRAPBOOK WITH DANNY'S LIL HEROICS AND NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS!!! we've actually seen it on her floor before, but I didnt realize it was a scrapbook!! thats sooo cute.
-...and danny has to stand there listening to his parents saying danny phantom sucks and is a 'filthy ghost' and calling him egotistical...i am once again stealing their kids!
-yes, maddie, the one with red eyes is For Sure Actually Your Son. ignore the, red eyes... (CLEARLY she hasnt watched the other 2 eps where danny has been evil, she doesnt know red eyes= evil!!!)
-'billy fenton'.......................
-danny being stuck as phantom in his own house, no way out is a fucking NIGHTMARE. his parents pointing giant weapons against him and SHOOTING AT HIM. THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE.
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-this is the most screenshot of all time
-amorpho turning into mr. lancer because hes 'someone no one will want to be around' BUT HES WRONG, I WOULD BEFRIEND AND HANG OUT WITH MR LANCER SO FAST.
-tucker dressing as danny, now I have the full Tucker set of him being sam and also being danny. also saying 'the ghost...uh...RIPPED MY FACE OFF.' and then running. SMOOTH. NOT AT ALL CONCERNING TO ANY PARENTS.
-sam accepts the toast from jack. and then 2 seconds later is like 'why am i eating this.' THIS SHOWS HUMOR IS SO UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES ITS REALLY GOOD. and then the scene after, mr lancer running into his ghost doppelganger and being like 'YOURE GORGOUS' THEN FAINTING. I AM CRYING. AND DASH FAINTING TOO.
-sam disguising herself as danny again to help tucker run from the fentons. but leaving him shirtless in the streets. incredible. 'plEASE DOnt NOTice MY FACELessNESS I MUST LIVE IN EXILE' this episode is destroying me the humor in this show is exactly my brand of corny and cheesy
-the impromtu story made up by danny and amorpho to explain stuff to the fentons. my god they are both such bad liars. but amorpho is a good egg. wish danny wouldnt have said he didnt wanna see him in town again!! I want him to be reoccurring. not that thats gonna matter since I'm almost done with the series, but the idea of this being the Only Time We See him is :(
-NEXT EP SAYS STARRING MARK HAMILL??????!!! hello ! mr . joker....mr. star wars.... I feel like I should be. idk. taking off a hat im not wearing in respect. I shouldnt be surprised tho bc hes in a lot of cartoons as a very good voice actor, and dp has already had a lot of talented ones so I've been looking out for ones I might know, but....mr. hamill....
-sam has her own greenhouse, names all the plants, and says thank you to them (in the languages from where the plants are from) whenever she harvests from them. thats SO cute. and her lil gothy lunch box...
-and danny's lil red fuzzy lined jacket!!! ive said it before but every time the characters get alt outfits im like :D
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-danny's lil 'holy hibiscus!' first off the 50s batman swearing is hilarious. 2nd. my username is from the flower sanchoyo hibiscus, so, shoutout to ME this ep. hi :)
-EURGH UNDERGROWTH MAKING EVERYONE PLANT ZOMBIES. HIVEMIND PLOTS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME. and this dude made the city SO overtaken so quickly like how long was danny asleep?? oh god
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-evil fucked up sam! now the whole trio has gone evil at some point! the voice actress did a really, really good job with making her sound like a zombie...
-frostbite's paws are so so so big compared to danny. oh my god. i want to hug the snow dog...
-the far frozen has an advanced medical stuff!!! very cool. very smart snow dogs
-im so glad danny has a friendly ghost snow dad to explain this new power and teach him!!! this is so sweet. DANNY'S GHOST SENSE WAS A PART OF HIS ICE POWER?? OOOH. COOL. we love a training montage!!!
-danny saying if he cant defeat overgrowth, that he'd want to stay with frostbite...oh my god...do you think this is the first real supportive adult figure in his life (I am NOT counting his parents because they threaten him on the daily even if they dont realize it.) I mean mr lancer is a Teacher, but he was also nice but this is different, but this is a GHOST WHO IS WILLING TO HELP HIM with his powers and also will help him when hes injured and is so so nice and comparatively so much more mature than 90% of the adults in this show!!!! god. dad frostbite is my everything.
-the framing and lighting this episode, and all the angles...they went all OUT and it looks really really good. this is my nightmare scenario, tho. like, FUCK zombies and dead city zones and hivemind shit. and using the humans as 'nutrients for the children' i am going to THROW UP.
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-MALEFICENT VIBES WITH THE HORNS AND GREEN EYES! this costume kicks so much ass. sam is now mark hamills daughter, I guess.
-danny's ice powers making his eyes blue!!! thats neat. and him going for the roots underground was SO SMART. i will not stand for danny ever thinking hes stupid, hes SO smart.
almost done with the show... :"( thats a sad thought!!!
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oneshipress · 4 years
We’re counting down the to the end of the Kickstarter campaign for Mr. Guy, Act 1 and the Origins Anthology! So we had our pal DeusNova42 talk to Mr. Guy’s creator, Jayel Draco, about both collections! They also chatted about why Oneshi Press values collaboration over competition, how we select submission for our anthologies, and what’s coming next for Mr. Guy!
What inspired you to publish comics anthologies that feature the work of other creators alongside your own?
Well, originally we were hoping to get our projects, like PACK and Tracy Queen, published by one of the larger traditional companies. After a lot of shopping them around and talking to people in the industry, we realized that coming in hot like that with projects that don’t fit the mainstream wasn’t really feasible. We also realized that there are a lot of fantastic creators out there whose work breaks the mold, but doesn’t fit the heavily gated shelves of the industry. Not being easily discouraged, we decided to build our own platform for our properties and share it with others who have stories that we believe need to be told and don’t fit with what’s being sold.
What is it about “collaboration over competition” that means so much to you, and why?
As far as the anthologies are concerned, the idea of working together with other creators to fill a worthy collection is a co-op model. As such, it requires a collaborative spirit. The thing is, we can tear each other down to beg for scraps from giant empires who are stuck in their ways from times of old…or we can join forces on these creative endeavors and together be big enough to pull our own weight and carve out a space for ourselves on those shelves. As far as the ideas of larger ongoing team projects like Children of Gaia, for example, I’ve always believed that together we can create far more than the sum of what we can create on our own.
Can you tell us more about Oneshi Press Comics Anthology (OPCA) #10—the Origins Anthology?
OPCA #10 is what we’re calling the Origins Anthology. The loose themes that we play with are often interpreted in pretty fun ways. For example, a story that tells about how something literally began could fit the theme just as well as a story that explores the cyclical [nature] of the greater universe. I don’t want to give too many spoilers about OPCA 10, but there are 13 shorts altogether, featuring a complement of over 2 dozen creators, which provide quite a good mix of takes on the concept of origins. Some are ongoing stories that have been in previous anthologies of ours already, and some are one-off shorts.
What are the most rewarding and the most challenging parts of working with other creators to bring these anthologies into the world?
The most rewarding part of working with so many different creators on these projects is knowing that we helped these creators all grow their audiences by sharing ours with them, as well as them all sharing each other’s audiences with one another and with us. The fact that our contributors keep the rights to their contributions and Oneshi Press foots the cost of printing, giving contributors a chance to buy printed copies wholesale and sell them full price, is a sort of vicarious wish fulfillment. When we started off, we wished someone could have done that for us, but no one did… “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” right?
The most challenging part is honestly administrative tasks, keeping track of what’s coming and going, getting creator bios from everyone for crediting everyone appropriately. Making sure that every page from over a dozen different stories all conform to the same standards for printing. Keeping track of sales versus cost of goods sold. This isn’t our forte, nor is it something we ever wanted to do. It’s just necessary for us to do this for now until we can get some magical unicorn to do it for us one day… Long story short, it’s just so much administrative work.
What do you look for in submissions to the anthologies?
What we look for in submissions to our comics anthologies, aside from the obvious skill in technique from the creator(s), [is] the heart of a contribution and [whether] it feels like it matches our tone. That said, we’re looking for progressive stories that tell things from a different angle than the common tropes. We love stories that aren’t just clever, but also try to give the audience a meaningful takeaway. Expanding one’s perspective is a path to inner peace and peace with others; art has that power. Sometimes that means exploring kindness and compassion; sometimes it means exploring pain and even the concept of wrath. It’s not always what you’re used to or what you like; we’re not providing lip service for the masses. We’re exploring ourselves together. We’re providing catharsis for the masses.
That said, we’re not into shock for the sake of it, we are not into punching down, and we will never accept bigotry of any kind. We’re sex-positive feminists who believe love is equal, black lives matter, trans rights are human rights, and being a jerk isn’t cool. If all that fits with you, you’re who we’re looking for—let’s share our stories together.
How can creators apply to be featured in your anthologies, and what is the selection process like?
Everything you need to know about submitting a contribution to our comics anthologies has been carefully curated and posted on our submission page here. Lynsey and I both receive mail from the contact page and are happy to answer any additional questions.
The selection process is done in three columns:
We consider the skill level in techniques employed both for writing and visuals, and for our preferences there, for column one.
The second column is the heart of the story, how important do we feel the story is, are we going to feel right knowing that we chose to include this story over that one? The heart of the story is broad and difficult to quantify in simple terms: Does it portray an underrepresented character? Does it convey a moral that fits with our values? Does it explore something that is often neglected in the mainstream?
The third column is the theme of our anthology. How well does the submission fit the overall collection? We do always try to round this out and not be too redundant. However, we also try to avoid being too far-reaching.
At the end, the projects that are highest in all three columns are prioritized over the projects that are lowest in all three columns. Sometimes we might have a project that’s high in the first two but really just doesn’t fit the theme we’re going for as well as some of the other submissions, in which case we may consider it for future anthologies.
You mentioned in your last interview that your latest venture, Mr. Guy, is an “art-thology.” Can you explain what that is and how it differs from an anthology?
Typically, a comics anthology is a collection of short comics from multiple series and often from various creators, which are generally bound together under the common theme. For example, our 10th Oneshi Press Comics Anthology is the Origins-themed anthology. Mr. Guy: Zombie Hunter, however, is one continuous narrative all written by myself, but each chapter (or arc) is illustrated by a different artist. So it’s really only an anthology where the art is concerned. Hence the word art-thology!
Did you always envision Mr. Guy as an art-thology? What influenced that decision?
If you’d have asked me 20 years ago, I’d have said that one day I’d illustrate the whole thing myself. I made some early attempts and, having no idea what I was doing, put them on ice. About 10 years ago, I was toying around with the idea of Kickstarting a pilot episode for a Mr. Guy cartoon. Chris Covelli, my long-time creative partner and co-founder on Children of Gaia, even did some CGI of Mr. Guy walking around and toon-shaded. At the time, though, even the workload for a pilot was a bit beyond our scope, and the more we looked into Kickstarter, the more we realized we didn’t quite have the internet reach we would need, nor the understanding of how to run an enticing campaign.
All these years later, as co-founder of Oneshi Press, I’ve helped put out 9 anthologies, and the 10th one is on its way. Mr. Guy was already written in 8-page arcs, each one with a different vibe. It just felt right to want to see each arc done by a different artist. Sort of like a DTIYS (draw this in your style), but for a whole chapter.
How did you approach creators about working on Mr. Guy, and will there be opportunities for other creators to participate in similar projects in the future?
So, the first artist for Mr. Guy, Act 1 is me! That was easy. I just turned to myself and said yes. The next 3—Walter Ostlie, Diana Camero, Jacey Chase—were already on our roster of people we’ve worked with in the past for the Oneshi Press Comics Anthologies. Depending on how well the campaign for Act 1 goes, we’ll decide when to start nailing down the details for who will be working on Act 2, and then eventually Act 3. We do have some artists tentatively penciled in for Acts 2 & 3, but those may change depending on availability as we get closer, and there are still a few open anyway. For most future projects where I need to hire artists in general, I’ll probably start with asking people who have already contributed to our anthologies before doing an open call.
Where can people find Oneshi Press anthologies and other publications?
Oh, I know this one! People can find Oneshi Press Comics Anthologies and our other works right at oneshipress.com.
Visit the Kickstarter campaign to support our creators and Jayel Draco with a pledge or a share! 
Mr. Guy Creator Jayel Draco on Collaboration, Art-thologies, and Indie Comics We're counting down the to the end of the Kickstarter campaign for Mr. Guy, Act 1…
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lauraramargosian · 4 years
Mac Miller’s new music and his truthfully inspiring interview with Zane Crowe.
Mac Miller’s new music and his truthful and inspiring interview with Zane Crowe.
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Mac Miller’s new music in 2020!
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On Mac Miller’s new music “Good News.”
“The life you live is more important than the words you speak.” – Mac Miller
If you know me then it’s no secret Mac Miller influenced my life deeply.
Mac Miller was not only a genuine and loving person but he saved lives every day, and he still does save people through his art.
How many times do you think people ask “Why does everyone talk about Mac Miller, what’s so special about him?”
Truth be it, once is too many.
Fortunately, those who listened to his music really knew Mac more than those in-person.
And that’s the fucked up thing about depression.
Reddit community carries on Mac Miller’s legacy.
Constantly, you find yourself attempting to beat the odds, and it can truly be a battle, one we visit multiple times a day.
Regardless, whatever it is in the realities of life, Miller was there to say “hey, I feel these things too, listen!”
Unfortunately, that didn’t make him a perfect person, he fought an enemy from within, and as an artist, you spend a lot of time alone, or not going out to just chill at Blue Side Park with your friends and rap for a smaller scale fan base.
On life, social media, and life
“You have to understand, you wake up, you reach for your phone and me, I can find any story I want about myself. I used to look at my phone, scroll Twitter or Instagram, and get my ego stroked and destroyed in 5-minutes every morning.” He shared honestly. “You are the greatest thing ever, you suck, every day. That’s how I started my day, and also that being weight in my headspace.”
“But with everything that happened and it was just too much. I’m looking on the internet. I already have my own feelings emotions and thoughts, so why the fuck would I have any room for them, so I completely cut it off.”
And the best response to his question with Zane Lowe was “What did you replace it with?” And he didn’t wait for a second “Space!”
“You gotta understand, I’ve lived a certain life for 10-years and faced almost no real consequence, at all. I had no version of the story that didn’t end with me being fine. Yeah, I made a stupid mistake, I’m a human being, drove home drunk. Best thing that could have happened to me, I needed to run into the light pole and have all those things stop.
You get the nerve and itch to tell people don’t worry I’m okay, don’t worry, I’m fine.”
People that care about me and fans that love my music, it’s a beautiful, beautiful relationship with them. Of people who have been with me through being a 19-year-old wide-eyed kid to being a self-destructive depressed drug user to you know, making love music to all these different stages, then they see that and they worry. And your first reaction is let me tell them I’m cool.”
Zane Crowe shared his thoughts openly.
“Yeah, your first reaction is to think about the well-being of others. Which is kind of crazy when you should be actually concentrating on yourself to some degree, but I understand.”
Honestly, that’s true and I feel as though Mac Miller put forth so much love and emotion toward others that he forgot about himself, relatable?
“You’re an honest man, and that’s why I said at the beg you’ve been honest as long as I’ve known you.”
Trust in who you are as much as Mac did he spent many moments of his life creating to make us cheese.
Keeping Mac Miller’s legacy alive.
Starting the decade without Mac Miller in the studio sucks but we are still helping him live through loving his art, remembering and thanking him for all he’s done for his family, friends, and fans.
It’s not the number of likes, it’s not how many people bought the album. It’s about the hearts you touch in non-materialistic ways and Mac Miller was most dope about doing both.
The good news is, Mac left behind so much music from the time he spent in his “Space,” we’re hoping new music keeps coming, even at a slow pace because that’s truly the fucking best.
Blessed be.
Mac Miller’s new music “Good News.”
The post Mac Miller’s new music and his truthfully inspiring interview with Zane Crowe. appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
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from WordPress https://positivecelebrity.news/2020/01/10/mac-millers-new-music-and-his-truthfully-inspiring-interview-with-zane-crowe/
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comicteaparty · 5 years
April 3rd-April 9th, 2019 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from April 3rd, 2019 to April 9th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
What webcomic inspired you to get into webcomics?  Please tell us about your journey. 
there were several for me but I think Sakana was one of the biggest inspirations for me! http://www.sakana-comic.com/ since Mad talks a lot about her process with the comic it really helped make it feel less like some kinda magic that I didn’t know how to do and more like something I could try myself
honestly i find this to be a difficult question. im old enough to remember when internet wasnt a thing. so when it became a thing, there were basically always webcomics. and it was just kind of like...a normal thing to be read on the internet just as much as anything else. i never saw it as a lesser medium as some ppl have experienced. it was just always there along with the internet so it always felt natural to me to read them if they seemed interesting. that being said, if i had to pick the first webcomic that ever made me stick around for a long time, it was Bleedman's Powerpuff Girls D fancomic. Besides the fact it was super popular at the time, i just thought it was really different. like the art popped a lot more than other comics at the time (that i knew of at least), the story was way less comedy more actually serious material, and just in general i enjoyed the story telling. https://www.snafu-comics.com/swmseries/powerpuffgirls/
homestuck was the biggest one for me, but others like Witchy, Lady of the Shard, and Tuppence for Stardust are also big inspirations
I kind of networked out from online newspaper comics into actual webcomics and beyond, it's kind of hard to tell but I think Skin Horse (http://skin-horse.com/) was pretty much the first webcomic I got into.(edited)
cause a true hyperlink comes with the http part. http://skin-horse.com/
also please wrap the hyperlink in < and > so the embed is prevented. it keeps the chat cleaner @€heshire777(edited)
yes sorry XD
im multi tasking and didnt notice the wrong tag
I know that guy from a different server too
@Iris please make sure to link the comics next time https://www.homestuck.com/ http://witchycomic.com/ https://gigidigi.itch.io/lady https://tapas.io/series/tuppenceforstardust
oh crud, sorry. I'm tired and absent-minded this morning
I'm a keenspace child apparently, 'cuz my first introductions to webcomics were Saturnalia (https://web.archive.org/web/20070705042710/http://www.spacecoyote.com/comics/sat/) and RPG World (http://rpgworld.keenspace.com/). Both are dead now, although RPG World has a sorta-creator-blessed fan revival (http://rpgworld.the-comic.org/) And then I sorta fell away from them for a bit, mostly, until a friend threw Mokepon (http://mokepon.smackjeeves.com/) and The Property of Hate (http://tpoh.smackjeeves.com/) at me and now I'm back xD
I started reading webcomics back in the early 2000’s so I was consuming everything that was available, but I think the first one that actually made me think “I want my art to be like that” was The Meek https://www.meekcomic.com/ Up until that point I read mostly video game comics and they were funny but not inspiring me to make a comic. The Meek was gorgeous and interesting in a way that I hadn’t seen before.
A friend of mine made a webcomic in the early 2000s and I will not link it because it baaad, but that was my introduction to webcomics-- though when I started reading Terinu ( http://www.terinu.com/ ) and Lackadaisy Cats ( https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ ) was when I started wanting to make one of my own
The Meek and Gunnerkrigg Court were also early influences for me
oh, and hero! I loved this comic back in the day http://invisiblecities.comicgenesis.com/story.html
there were a handful of others that are no longer around, like Vampirates and Goodbye Chains and Astray3, all of which have vanished forever
Acid Reflux (http://acidreflux.ficwad.com/) was the first webcomic I really got into back in 2000. The humor was a great blend of anime and light fantasy, which is definitely my happy place. The forum/IRC communities were big for the time too (and of course there was no social media back then outside of what people hosted themselves). When I started my own comic, one of my goals was to have a community like that.
yeah I totally used to hang out on the terinu forums and shared fanart and stuff XD
(and on my friends' forum which shall not be named)
Yeah, standards were different back then XDDD
ohhhh yeahhh.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
The first webcomic I got into was Looking for Group https://www.lfg.co/. I'm a huge sucker for medieval settings, so my influences revolve around core fantasy, like Legend of Zelda and Lord of the Rings, but I also LOVE for my fantasy to not be taken as seriously with a good sense of humor, like LFG, Discworld, Dungeons and Dragons, and even The Adventure Zone. Seeing them create a graphic novel was sort of a catalyst for me deciding to make my own. I hope I do well for myself to contribute to the unique fantasy/comedy genre!(edited)
I actually started making webcomics before I knew they were a thing
When I was super young I made comic strips inspired by Calvin and Hobbes all the time
And when I got a deviantart account I started posting them
I think Calvin and Hobbes was a huge inspiration for my early work
Although I really started taking comics seriously when I started reading Cucumber Quest
Cucumber Quest
Calvin and Hobbes really inspired me to make comedy comics, and I loved the variety of backgrounds that were drawn in it
Cucumber Quest has lovely colours and a well written story, so I looked at pages from it a lot when I started teaching myself how to make colour palettes
Anybody here read Kill Six Billion Demons? Epic stuff imo https://killsixbilliondemons.com/
Now I am
i should make a tumblr page with all my favs
for my old comic I put a bunch of my favs in the links section because I wanted more people to read them. XD
That's what I did too XD
though it's gotten a little bit out of date and I haven;t made a new one yet for my new comic
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I keep my active reading list on ComicRocket these days (https://www.comic-rocket.com/users/SailorPtah/), and when they finish...or stop updating...I move them to the on-site reclist (http://www.bicatperson.com/links/references/finished-comics/).
Some of the oldest ones I remember reading are Venus Envy, Catball & Clown Girl, Boy Meets Boy, 1/0, Alternate Delusions, and girly. (So, also a Keenspace child, lol.) http://www.venusenvycomic.com/index.php http://catball.comicgenesis.com/ http://boymeetsboy.keenspot.com/ http://oneoverzero.comicgenesis.com/ http://altdelusions.comicgen.com/ http://girlyyy.com/
The first webcomic I ever read was Michelle Phan’s Helios Femina, Just cause I was a fan of her makeup tutorials. I started reading it but stopped and then when I started making my own webcomics last year I got into it again, but the story turned out to be not my thing, but freaking gorgeous art. Then I got into Planet Ace, Shiori, and webtoons like UnOrdinary and Spaceboy, and The Villain. Just sooooo good brings back some great summer memories. http://planet-ace.smackjeeves.com/ https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/helios-femina/list?title_no=638&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-villain/list?title_no=188266&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=143025 https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/unordinary/list?title_no=679&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true https://m.webtoons.com/en/drama/space-boy/list?title_no=400&page=1&webtoon-platform-redirect=true(edited)
@ShaRose49 please wrap the links in < and > to prevent the embed
Oh sorry!
Do you just stick the link in between <>?
Make sure there's no space though
I’ll definitely do that next time
Oh can I edit?
I really don’t know discord that well
Hold click/press the message for options(edited)
i think thats mobile only
on desktop you hit the three dots on the right
thank you~!
No prob thanks for helping me
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wulfiesessentials · 5 years
DIY Crochet Handbag
Have you ever gone into a store or see something on TV/ Internet and say to yourself.. I can make that!!!  Well… Thats what happened to me one day when I went shopping at Target. I was looking for a Tote to carry the yarn I’m not packing up for our move. I glance over and see this crochet handbag… Natural instinct is to immediately check this out.. kinda like quality control.. was it machine made or handmade crochet, etc hahaha I pick it up, examine it.. Wow. it wasn’t machine made.. hmmm Then I look at the price tag and gasp. Nope.. was not going to give a Big named store that amount of money.. I can make this!!
I give you.. The DIY Crochet Handbag 🙂
The Handbag at the store was a neutral colored stiff but still on the soft side,cotton material. So off I went to find yarn similar to this handbag. I found several that were close but still not the exact texture. Then a light bulb went off in my head.. off to the hardware department I went..
Waalaa.. I found it. Cotton twine. This has the same texture and thickness of the “store” handbag and bonus .. it was 2.84 a ball. I grab a couple and off I went to create the look a like.
Half way through making this handbag, I was thinking about the texture and durability of this bag, then my mind started to wander and all of a sudden I said to myself.. Tye Dye!! Wouldn’t it be cool if you could custom dye your handbag.
After I completed the pattern I went to the craft store and picked up some t-shirt tye dye.
To be perfectly honest, I have never Tye Dyed anything before and after the initial excitement of getting the dye, I started to get a little nervous. I didn’t read the directions of the dye before I purchased and when it came time to make it.. eeekkk. This particular dye was for Large projects and required some math to calculate a smaller batch of dye. I recommend if you are going to dye your handbag to read the directions of several types of dye before you purchase.
The dye I used was 1 packet per Gallon of water.. I cut that down into 3rds and still had dye left over.
I also decided to make some swatches to test dye. So glad I did. The twine doesn’t soak up the dye as I thought it would have. It was almost like water repellent at first. I lightly sprayed water on the first area I was going to dye first… This worked out much better.
I noticed you can actually get some neat effects when spray water on the already dyed area.. it make the dye move and creep up the twine. I started with the darker dye first but you can try many different techniques with your swatches before applying to your handbag.
Cautions with the dye.. this is fabric dye and it will stain anything it gets on.. use gloves and it is best to dye outside where spills will not ruin anything. It was raining here when I went to dye so I did dye inside. I have a stainless steel sink so I used a cooling rack over my sink to dye. For drying I transferred the cooling rack to a old cookie sheet pan.
  For some extra fun.. I made 2 coaster size swatches and let my husband and daughter design their own. It also gave me other ideas on how I wanted my bag to look.
When dyeing don’t worry about areas that arent covered completely with dye..the dye will spread out while drying. Also, keep in mind the color will lighting a bit also. The picture above is when the swatches and bag where wet.
Drying… Again preferably allow them to dry outside. I was late getting this post out because I didn’t not think about dry time. They barely dried while in the house. It wasnt til a day later when I could put them outside for a few hours in the sun that they finally dried. I Do Not recommend putting them in the drier.. the dye will destroy your drier.
  These pictures are of the swatches and bag fully dried. As you can see the dye faded a bit and also the areas that did not have dye filled in with color.
I added some twine to the edges of the coasters the family made. Took a wire brush and combed out the twine and made little Rug coaster. Have some extra fun with this project. This little side project made me think back to crafts we did in school.. was a nice little break away from the everyday schedule 🙂
Crochet Handbag Pattern
This bag is done in the round. It has repetitive rows. It has 2 “special” need to know stitches.. Which are a Cluster and a DC2TOG. Below are a couple links for reference on how to do the “special” stitches.
Cluster.. Mama in a Stitch ….The Cluster for my pattern is only 3DC’s
DC2TOG… New Stitch a Day
What you will Need…
2 Balls of Cotton twine .. I went to Walmart Hardware Dept to get the kind I used
Handbag Handles.. You can use any you wish for your handbag.. I purchased my Bamboo handles from Joanns.  
Fabric Dye.. Remember to read instructions so you don’t have to make large batches of dye. Also to see if you need anything to add when making dye. I needed Salt.
Dye Bottles & Disposable Gloves
Cheap Aluminum Cookie Sheet.. If you do not have one you can use for drying handbag
5mm Hook
Scissors, Stitch Marker, Tapestry Needle
Ch. = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
DC = Double Crochet
HDC = Half Double Crochet
Sl St = Slip Stitch
SK = Skip Stitch
SM = Stitch Marker
Cluster = 3DC Cluster
DC2TOG = Double Crochet 2 Stitches together
* to * = Repeat stitch or stitches between *’s
Note.. Place SM in first stitch of every round so you can keep track of your rows
Ch.44 +1
Round 1.) 2nd Ch from hook SC, SC across – Turn work slightly and SC in between SC and Chain row,n Turn work slightly again ( now you will be working Chain row) SC across, turn slightly and put 2SC in between the 2 rows.
Round 2.) SC around
Round 3.) Sl St into SM SC, Ch.2, DC next stitch, DC around, DC into Ch.2
Round 4.) DC , DC, Cluster, *Ch.1 – SK – Cluster*, Repeat * to * 19 more times, DC,DC,DC,DC ( around corner), Cluster, * Ch.1 – Sk – Cluster, Repeat * to * 20 more times, DC the last 4 stitches.
Round 5.) Start with Cluster, * Ch.1 – Sk – Cluster*,  Repeat * to * 19 more times, DC2TOG, DC, DC, * Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*, Repeat *to* 21 more times, DC2TOG, DC, DC
Round 6.) *Cluster – Ch.1 – SK* Repeat *to* 20 more times, Cluster in First DC, DC2TOG, * Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*, Repeat *to* 22 more times, DC2TOG
Round 7.) *Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*, Repeat *to* 20 more times, DC2TOG ( cluster & dc), *Ch.1 – Sk – Cluster*, repeat *to* 21 more times, DC2TOG ( cluster & last dc)
Round 8 – 9.) Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk  around
Round 10.) *Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*  repeat *to* 21 more times, Cluster2TOG, *cluster – Ch.1- Sk* repeat *to* 19 more times, Cluster2TOG
Round 11.) *Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk* repeat *to* 19 more times, Cluster2TOG, * Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk* repeat *to* 19 more times, Cluster2TOG
Round 12 -16.) * Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*, Repeat *to* around
Round 17.) *Cluster – Ch.1 – Sk*, repeat *to* around til you reach last Cluster, In last cluster place 2 HDC’s
Round 18.) 2HDC in each previous row cluster ( not in Ch.1 space)..
Round 19.) SC around, Sl St into first SC and Finnish off.
Attaching Handles…
Depending on the type of handle you use, there is several ways to attach your Handles. On my handbag I choice 2 different ways you could attach them.
  First photo is a single sewn, center hold. Second picture I placed additional wrapping on either side. Options are limitless on how you would like to attach yours.
Attach along the whole bottom half of handle, Partial attachment, etc.. Also… Keep in mind as to whether or not you want your handle “holder” to be dye’d or Natural. If you want it to match, make sure you dye some of your extra cord.
When attaching the handle you want to use a whole cluster.. So sew from bottom of cluster, up around handle and into top of same cluster and just keep going around and across the same row of clusters,  til your happy with the hold and look.
Get creative with your bag.. this is your creation and it needs your personal touch 🙂
I hope you have fun with this DIY Handbag and Please let me know if you have any questions. Those that would like to share your finished handbag I would love to see them… You can post them here in Comments or #wulfiesessentials on instagram 🙂
WulfiesEssentials© is neither paid or affiliated with any persons &/or Business mentioned in this post. Any “review” is solely my opinion based on use of the Item mentioned in this post.
The DIY Crochet Handbag DIY Crochet Handbag Have you ever gone into a store or see something on TV/ Internet and say to yourself..
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geekygirlexperience · 5 years
221B Con Panels are up! There’s more to 221B Con than just Sherlock Holmes!
If you want a convention that’s like 80% women, LGBTQA+ people, and just awesome, PLEASE CHECK OUT 221B CON! They just announced this year’s panels!
221B Con isn’t JUST an everything Sherlock Holmes convention. It also features other fandoms, LGBTQA+ panels, and writing workshops. Here’s some of the non-Sherlock panels they announced this year.
I’m applying for the Thrawn panel this year!!!
Thrawn - The Sherlock Holmes of Star Wars (And His Watson’s) - A look at the parallels between Grand Admiral Thrawn and Sherlock Holmes (and his various Watsons like Eli Vanto, Gilad Pellaeon, and Karyn Faro)
Fandom Panels:
-After Canon Ends - What happens to a fandom when there is no new canon? Why do some fandoms survive or even get stronger while others die? Is it the fabric of the original work or the fervor of the fandom that sustains it? Why does Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter fandom thrive when Battlestar Galactica and Babylon dwindle?
-Captain Marvel - Finally a Marvel movie headlined by a woman! Sorry Black Widow. We were rooting for you first.
-D&D Level 0 - A beginner’s guide to Dungeons and Dragons.
-Discrimination Within the Canon - From the KKK in the Five Orange Pips and the little girl in the Yellow Face to Holmes’s own dismissal of women, how do we square our love for Canon with the problematic nature of Victorian ideals? (While this s Sherlock Holmes centric, I’m sure other fandoms will be discussed)
-Doctor Who: A New Chapter - Moffatt is gone and we have a female doctor for the first time ever. How is the show holding up?
-The Good Place - I Kant Stop Watching!: Motherforking shirtballs! We’re renewed for a fourth season! Someone tell Janet to bring me a frozen yoghurt to celebrate!
-Kingdom Hearts - A discussion of Disney’s hit game.
-Legalities and Ethics of Fan Works - As creators become more aware of fan made content, what are the legal rights of the fan?
-The Magicians - A fan discussion of the hit Syfy show.
-McElroy Panel - A panel for all things McElroy-related. My Brother, My Brother and Me, The Adventure Zone, etc. Come in your favourite Taako cosplay, that’s what we really want to see right?
-MCU - A closer look at the Marvel Universe. Is Tony back from space? Is Peter okay?
-Representations of Women in Modern Science Fiction - From Ripley to Okoye, an in depth discussion of how women are viewed differently in science fiction and fantasy.
-Tabletop Gaming and Fandoms - Tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons, Vampire, and Starfinder, have been around for decades. And the number of people that play have grown from a few people in a room to full conventions across the globe. Come join us as we discuss our favorite or even some lesser known tabletop games, what we love about them, and the fandoms born from them.
Tarzan in Cinema - Along with Sherlock Holmes and Dracula, Tarzan is one of the most adapted characters in movie history. Let’s discuss the good and the bad that came from these films.
-Yuri!!! On Ice in 2019 - What Will it Mean for the Fandom: With the anticipated new canon for Yuri!!! On Ice what will it mean for the fandom going forward?
 LGBTQA+ Panels:
-50 Shades of A - Asexuality in Fandom and Canon: This panel will discuss representations of asexuality in fandom and canon.
-Bitextuality in Sherlock Holmes - exploring the canon through the images that accompanied them.
-Polyshipping Time - More More More: Is more always better? It is in a polyfic! Come discuss the proliferation of plurality and passion.
-Queer Interpretations of Holmes and Watson - The beauty of Sherlock Holmes is the ability to adapt it to other times and places. The Canon is open to interpretation of many kinds. Come discuss the queering of Holmes and Watson in Canon and beyond.
Fanfiction and Writing Panels:
-ABO (18+) - ABO is one of the most discussed and misunderstood tropes in fan fiction today. Our panelists will discuss the where ABO began, where it is, and where it is going.
-Beyond Wikipedia - A crash course in research methods for the discerning writer.
-Co-Writing - The Ups and the Downs: Join our panelists as they discuss their experiences with co-writing, both positive and negative, and offer tips for making co-writing work.
-Cuddle Fic and Fluff - A look at the softer side of fanfiction.
-Every Disguise Is A Self Portrait: Healing Through Fic - A discussion of reading and writing fic as a method of obtaining support for self-discovery, personal growth and recovery. Helpful tips for writers having difficulty addressing important, yet uncomfortable, issues in their own work (homophobia, abuse, addiction).
-Fanfiction Panel - All ages discussion of fan works.
-Freaks in Love: Thank You, May I Have Another? - A discussion of bdsm, consensual kink, power dynamics, and the challenges of writing a scene. 18 and up (ID Required).
-How to Scrub Your Fanfiction - Are you interested in publishing your fan fiction as an original work? Panelists will give tips on how to rework a story to make it viable for publication.
-Insecurity, Imposter Syndrome and other Creative Pitfalls - Back by popular demand. Being a fanfiction writer or artist is hard. You put your stuff out there and hope for the best. But there's often that feeling of not measuring up, that your stuff isn't good enough, that nobody really cares. It's important to talk about this, because it's normal, and it's okay. Everyone starts from somewhere, and someone does want to read or look at your stuff.
-OCs Encouraged - How To Go From Writing Fanfic to Creating Your Own Novels -Authors give insight into moving into the publishing world.
-PWP Fic - We all know that adult themes abound in fanfiction but why do we interact with this specific type of media differently than things that would traditionally be deemed pornographic. 18 and up (ID Required).
-World Building for Writers - Creating in depth universes to play hosts to your characters. What are some pitfalls we have all faced and how do we get around them?
 Other Fun Panels You Should Check Out!
-221B Baking Street - Join us for a scrumptious panel on how Sherlock has inspired marshmallows, tea blending, and other foods.
-Anachronistic History - Research is always important in period pieces but modern storytelling and sci fi have made it possible to alter the rules of time. A look at out of place technologies in different historical eras.
-Communicating in a Meme Culture - A discussion of how millennial and Gen Z members use a collective and fast changing meme culture to communicate.
-Creativity and Neurodiversity - How does one take care of themselves while also creating, and how can one use the gifts that an unusual mind can give.
-Designing and Building an Original Costume - What do you do when you love Steampunk AND Disney, or Moulin Rouge AND Star Wars, or historical fashion AND superheroes? What if you have a great LARP character who needs a definitive “look?” Maybe you want to cosplay a non-human character, or an object! We've got you covered.
-Drug Use in the Victorian Era - It was a crazy time when opiates were readily available and women used cocaine for headaches. A discussion of drugs during the reign of Victoria. Spoiler alert: A 7% solution would have killed you.
-Edgar Allan Poe - As we observed the 170th anniversary of Poe’s death, let’s look back on his work and his contributions to detective fiction.
-Fandom Un-raveled: We’re Crafty – A look at online communities for Sherlock fans and fiber arts: knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving.
-How to Make Podfics and Audiobooks - A How To guide for those starting out.
-Tattoos and Sherlock Holmes - A group discussion of Sherlock Holmes related tattoos and what they mean to you. Do you have a fandom tattoo? Come share your story.
-Teaching and Fandom - Many of us in fandom are teachers or Librarians, and no matter what subject we teach, fandom has influenced our teaching practice in many ways. In this panel, a group of educators will share ideas and talk about how participating in fandom has made us better teachers.
 AND there’s of course all of the many Sherlock Holmes panels too! All Sherlock Holmes welcome from the original canon to the Great Mouse Detective, House, Psyche, and all the actors too! Check it out at 221bcon.com
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Anaconda, Beef, and Butt: Romeo ld 56356, 8 Yrs 75 lbs. of cuddles Manhattan ACC Easy. soft, snuggly. happy senio gentleman! A TOTAL JOY! TO BE KILLED 4/2/19 Handsome Romeo @MACC looking for his Juliet! Mellow Romeo is friendly and respectful around CATS and is friendly with small and larger dogs! We are certain that if we grabbed the old Webster’s Dictionary and looked up the word “Joy”, that Romeo’s picture would be there. In fact, we are certain that if we looked up “generous” or “good natured” or just the word “Love” itself, he would be there. Romeo is 8 years young, a big boy with an even bigger heart, who just wants to share it with everyone he meets. He loves nothing more than a lean in or a cuddle, a butt scritch or a hug. He pulls in everyone around him, a magnet for those who want to feel wanted, loved, important and special. Because ROMEO, true to his name, will make you feel like you are the center of the universe, or at the very least, the center of his world. With Romeo, you will always feel wanted, you will always feel loved, and you will ALWAYS feel important. Don’t wait another minute to add the man of your dreams to your everyday life and make it something truly special. MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance saving his life. A volunteer writes: Romeo,Romeo where forth art thou?...oh, there you are, snuggled against my leg and giving me head nudges! Nothing beats a sweet, smiley senior and this handsome redhead stands out in a crowd for more than just his cuddling abilities and good looks. He can be shy at first but once he warms up he's wonderfully social and loves people and other dogs, happily bouncing around in playgroup and enthusiastically greeting pups of all sizes when out for a walk. He seems very house trained and enjoys long strolls in the park and gently eating liver treats from my hand, though he did turn his nose up at my generic beef jerky. A gentleman (of Verona) has to maintain some standards! We're told Romeo was friendly and mellow in his previous home, getting along well with fellow dogs and even behaving respectfully toward cats. Come make Romeo's acquaintance for yourself and let him charm you too. Parting may be such sweet sorrow but we'll all be smiling the day Romeo says goodbye to the Care Center and hello to his new life as a beloved family pet. MY VIDEO: Romeo is a sweet senior looking for love <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMucU-8Rdi8 Romeo and Dutchess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-h2A_yJfRc ROMEO, ID# 56356, 8 yrs old, 75.6 lbs, Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Brown / White Owner Surrender Reason: O is moving and unable to keep P in new home Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 3 No children (under 13) Medical Behavior Rating: OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Romeo is a 8 year old brown and white male large mixed breed dog. Previous owner had Romeo for abut 8 years and got him from a friend. He is surrendering him today because of moving issues. Rome previously lived with 3 adults. Around strangers, Romeo is shy and it depends on who he gets along with. He may growl at certain people or will be nice to certain people. Around children, Romeo is friendly and respectful. Romeo has been around other dogs before he is friendly with both small and larger dogs. Romeo has been around cats he is respectful and friendly. He does not resource guard food bowls toys or treats. When someone unfamiliar approaches the home, Romeo will bark and will also bark if someone approaches his owner. He has not bitten another animal or person, is housetrained and his energy level is described as medium, friendly, playful and mellow. Other Notes: Romeo has received a bath from the previous owner and he enjoys it. Romeo also allows to have his nails cut and loves to be brushed as well. he isn't bothered if he is held or restrained. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes Romeo came to ACC with a mass on his right hind leg. He has no other known concerns or issues at this time. For a New Family to Know Romeo is a Medium energy, friendly, playful and mellow dog. Previous owner's favorite thing about Romeo is that he is friendly. Romeo enjoys playing with all types of toys. He eats both wet and dry food mixed together about once a day. Romeo gets walked in the morning time, aftenoon and night. He also has been kept indoors only. Romeo does pull when he is on the leash. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE, 5-Mar-2019: Upon intake, Romeo had a tense body. When approached he began to growl and bare teeth. He allowed me to walk around with him on a leash but was handled into a kennel by his owner. Minimal handling. BEHAVIOR NOTES: Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender (In home for 8 years) Previously lived with: Adults Behavior toward strangers: Shy, growls at some people Behavior toward children: Friendly and respectful Behavior toward dogs: Friendly Behavior toward cats: Friendly and respectful Resource guarding: None reported Bite history: None reported Housetrained: Yes Energy level/descriptors: Romeo is described as friendly, playful, and mellow with a medium level of activity. SHELTER ASSESSMENT - Date of assessment: 6-Mar-2019 Summary: Leash Walking Strength and pulling: Moderate Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Highly social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: Stays by assessor, nudges assessor's hand with his nose Handling Soft handling: Tolerates contact Exuberant handling: Fearful Comments: Body soft at first but becomes a bit tense and displays discomfort (tail down, lip licking) with prolonged handling. Arousal Jog: Follow (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: No response Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: The previous owner of Romeo described his behavior around dogs as "friendly". Slow introductions are recommended to other calm, respectful dogs. 3/6: When introduced off leash to the female greeter dog, Romeo engages in brief running play. He later wanders the environment and sniffs. 3/11-19: Romeo greets calm female dogs politely. 3/20: Romeo is more forward when greeting, barks to solicit. 3/25: Romeo keeps only to himself. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 5-Mar-2019 Summary: Tense, growled, bared teeth ENERGY LEVEL: Romeo is described as having a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 3 Behavior Asilomar TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments: Due to being reported to growl at some new people in his previous home, we recommend an adult only home. Potential challenges: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments: Romeo is reported to be shy with new people and growl at some of them. At the care center, he has appeared timid, tensing during some interactions. Please see handout on Fearful/potential for defensive aggression. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES: 29-Mar-2019 Progress Exam SO BAR in kennel; rises from bed and comes to front of kennel to receive scratches. EN -- eyes are clear. mucoid nasal discharge bilaterally. No sneezing or coughing A CIRDC P enrofloxacin 136mg tablet -- give 2.5 tablet PO q24h x 14 days cerenia 60mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 4 days 22-Mar-2019 Progress Exam Patient is BAR in kennel. Prescrotal incision is CDI. 21-Mar-2019 Spay/Neuter Summary Canine neuter Pre Medication: Buprenorphine mg/mL injectable, 2.89 mL IM, once Butorphanol 10 mg/ml injectable, 0.58 ml IM, once Dexdomitor 0.5 mg/mL injectable, 0.23 mL IM, once Induction: Ketamine 100 mg/mL injectable; 0.87 mL IM, once Propofol 10 mg/ml injectable; 1.4 ml IV, once Venous access: 20 g IV placed in RF cephalic vessel. Anesthesia notes: 12 fr. ET tube placed, maintained general anesthesia throughout procedure on variable Isoflurane and O2. Size 3 L rebreathing bag. Testicular block: 1.4 ml Lidocaine + 1.4 ml Sterile water, given pre-operatively. Intraoperative fluid administration: Intraoperative IV fluids (LRS) administered at a rate of 290 mL/hr throughout procedure. NSAID: Rimadyl 50mg/mL injectable, 2.3 mL, SQ, once post operatively, for post operative pain relief. Recovery Status: Uneventful Anesthetist/Monitor: 1575/1335 Start 1.5 tablet carprofen 100 mg sid po x days as pain management Dog Neuter Was this dog a cryptorchid? no Pre scrotal Incision Spermatic Cord Ligation with: 0 PDS Sub Q closure: 2-0 PDS Skin closure? 2-0 PDS skin glue Post Surgery Note: 9:43 AM Pre Op Exam Estimated age: 8 yr Subjective: owner surrender Observed Behavior -hyperactive, friendly Evidence of Cruelty seen -none Evidence of Trauma seen -none Objective BARH mm pink P = WNL R = WNL BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild dental tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, multiple masses over body- as previously described on intake, and additionally a pendulous dermal mass on ventral tail base U/G: scrotal tests CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal:not performed Assessment healthy multiple dermal masses appear quiet with no signs of ulcerations, infection, or trauma Prognosis: very good Assessment Plan: neuter SURGERY: Okay for surgery 19-Mar-2019 Progress Exam HX: CHECK GROWTH UNDER TAIL DOG HAS MANY GROWTHS INCLUDING L HL LATERAL THIGH - PEDUNCULATED MASS BAR H MSI- VENTRAL ASPECT OF PROXIMAL TAIL- PEDUNCULATED CYSTIC LIKE MASS EFFECT 10-Mar-2019 REQUESTING TRAZODONE TREATMENT TRAZADONE- 5MG/KG SIG: 200MG Q 12HRS INDEFINITELY 6-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: ~8yrs based on O hx. Consistent with exam. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. implanted by LVT History : O surrender. O is moving and unable to keep P in new home Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, tense, shaking, flinching with touch. Evidence of Cruelty seen - None Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears have moderate brown exudate, AU; no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: did not evaluate due to behavior. PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful. Tense, difficult to palpate organs U/G: intact male. testicles are smooth and symmetrical. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites; large 4 inch pink, non haired, pendulous mass along the left lateral thigh. 0.25cm pink, dermal, non haired mass along intrascapular region. 1.5inch SQ soft, freely moveable mass along the right lateral flank. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: externally normal. Assessment multiple masses throughout body overweight otitis externa Prognosis: fair to good Plan: cytology of mass along dorsal back and lateral thigh. weight loss recommended ear cleaning claro otic, AU SURGERY: Okay for surgery +/- mass removal * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! * STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account \ Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU CANNOT GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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franeridart · 6 years
Your colors lately are even more beautiful!!! Your art is amazing!
AHHHH thank you!!! so much!!!!!! I have, admittedly, finally been putting more effort into them haha it’s good to know it’s noticeable! ;;
Anon said:My dude, I want to own Bakugou's shirt in that Kamino squad drawing
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy you liked it!!!!! :D
Anon said:What do you think of Kaminari x Ibara or Toga x Twice?
I don’t really have strong feelings about either, honestly :O but the only person I really ship Ibara with is Tetsu, and I can’t say I’m much into villain-shipping in general
Anon said:Have you read Sweater Weather by crispykrimi?
Nope, I don’t really read tddk fics, sorry ^^’’
Anon said:Do you think kirishima goes to izuku and they talk about their relationships?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm honestly, while I realize that Kiri and Deku are on friendly terms, given canon I’d say if Kirishima needs to talk to anyone about stuff he’s gonna go to either Baku, Kami, Sero, Tokoyami or Mina, since those are the people we’ve seen him open up to, in canon! Same goes for Deku, if he gotta open up to someone it’s gonna be Iida, Todoroki or Uraraka :0 well, it’s not like it’s impossible for them to talk about it, but I can see it happen more in a possible future where they’ve grown closer than they are atm in canon! At least imho haha
Anon said:I just wanna say that I’ve been following you for a pretty long time (since the tattoo au was just starting I think) and you’re art just continues to improve and look amazing as time goes on. I’ve always loved it but these past couple days I saw some of ur recent stuff and was just blown away bc it looks so good. Thanks for drawing and sharing ur art w us, I love seeing it!! I hope u have a good day!!!
THAT SURE IS A LONG TIME!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around that long aaahhhhhh ;; and thank you so so so much for the compliment, oh my god!!
Anon said:have you ever considered kiribaku getting hit by someone w/ a body-swapping quirk?
I have! It’s a trope I find real funny - but I’ve also seen a whole lot of art/fics for that topic already, would people even seriously be interested in seeing more? It looks like the type of thing that’s gonna come out more or less always the same, which is why I never really bothered to draw out my ideas haha
Anon said:Your kids!au makes me wanna write so bad.
THAT’S GOOD!!! Inspiring people is the best thing I could ever ask for!!!! (...remember to credit back to the post if you use any of my ideas tho ;; pls)
Anon said:Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! I love love love looovee the kiribaku kids!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
THANK YOU!!!! I’m super happy you like themmm!!!!!
Anon said:Hey:) just wanted to leave you a note to let you know how much i adore the way you draw Tamaki. Of course I love your kiribakus and bnha art in general, like your comics, but not a lot of people draw Tamaki and I really love yours:)
Holy smokes thank you!!!! Jiki is actually incredibly comfortable to draw, I’m glad you like my take on him! I’ve got so many unfinished sketches of him.... I should really try to finish those...................
Anon said:so this ask is like,, basically a huge appreciation ask for your comics bc they're cute and funny and they always light up my day!! on a side note: are you franeridan on ao3 bc if so I'm dying thank you for bookmarking my fics
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes I am!!!! whatever fics they were if I bookmarked them they were for sure incredibly amazing and made my day better so thank you so much for using your time to write them!!!!!
Anon said:may i ask the heights of teenage mako and tai!!
Mako is just a little bit under 2m and Tai’s ~170cm! As things are then, Mako’s a lil bit taller than both Baku and Kiri while Tai is obviously shorter!
Anon said:i used your art for reference. is it ok if i post it crediting you and saying you drew the picture that i took reference from?
Sure, if it’s just for reference and credited I don’t mind! (but if you were using my stuff for pose references may I suggest you avoid doing that in the future cause my anatomy is absolutely terrible you’re just gonna end up making my same mistakes aaahhhhhhhhhhh ;; there’s lotsa more accurate refs around, believe me)
Anon said:please draw more shinsou he looks amazing in your style!!
Thank you! And sure, in the future why not!!
Anon said:Just wanted to let you know that I was scrolling through your bokuroo tag and 1) Aaaah I'm still so in love with how you draw kuroo and 2) I love how I can see the way your art style has improved over time and it's just so nice to see?? Bless your art so much and you're such a great person too I'm cry
SOB thank you so much oh my god, this really means the world to me???? ;; so many compliments holy smokes bless you
Anon said:Hi! I'm the anon that sent you the message about the A Day to Remember song for KiriBaku, and found another awesome song for them - Let Me Be by Escape the Fate. It's super cute and sappy for an alt/hardcore band and it fits Kiri more than Baku, imo, but could honestly come from either of their perspectives. ~SongAnon :)
AH GODS that’s sweet ;O; how come hardcore bands always go so soft on their ballads I cry - I feel it works perfectly from Baku’s pov too, tho!! Let him be Kiriiiiiii ;;; sweet
Anon said:I just wanted to say that I love your art and style as a whole, but I really really appreciate the way you draw Kirishimas eyebrows... like they look so simple but,,, they truly make my day 💕
Kirishima’s tiny eyebrows!!!! I’m glad you like them, they’re weirdly expressive and easy to draw honestly hahaha
Anon said:your art is shit //no no no nonno oo fdjsakfl;d I MEANT THE SHIT your art is the shit fjkdsa i'm so sorry i love you and your art this is why i can never compliment anyone ahhhhhhh //i'm crying omg i saw someone else send a separate ask to someone elase that was like your art is shit but it is the shit and i was like whoaaa how cool but noooooo jfsdakldsfa kms i'm sorry
This was a bit of a trainwreck ngl haha but it’s okay anon!!! It was an honest mistake, don’t worry too much about it!!! Thank you so so so much for liking my stuff
Anon said:Hi erm I believe that YouTuber "AnimeUproar" used your kinoko komori fanart without crediting you and I'm not sure whether you gave him permission. The title of the video is "EVERY QUIRK EXPLAINED! | Class 1-B (My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia All Quirks)" // Same anon as before and he also used your Setsuna art in the same video. The kinoko art had your watermark cut off while the other one didn't but they still have no credit anywhere and I'm not sure whether you have permission. Sorry if you did and I'm just being stupid lmao but it's the same YouTuber and the same video in case you want to message him
If it’s not credited you can be sure I didn’t give them the green light to use it, honestly - but, you know. Whatever. I’m tired. Let them use it. It’s a video so it’s not even like people can save it and reupload it anywhere else. sigh
Anon said:I am like 2000 years late but,, your bakubaby sketches saved my life wow they’re so cute
*cries forever* thank you !!!!!!!!!!!! ;;O;;
Anon said:All of ur art especially recently is just??? Blowing me away?? Oh my god?? I just your coloring and then that fantasy one holy fuck the DETAILS I feel like I can touch it it's so good I can tell you put a lot of time into it it shows it shows so much god it's so high quality I'M STILL !?!?! your art seems to get better all the time thank youuuuuu for blessing us w it it's so incredibly lovely ahhhhhhhhh
I’M SO HECKING HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE cause it really took forever honestly - it was fun from start to end so it’s fine, but, you know, it’s cool to see it was worth it haha thank you so so much for the complimentsss!!!!
Anon said:I love your art so much :') it makes me so happy whenever I get a notification from your blog
I still can’t believe people really have notifs on for this blog oh my g o d ;u; thank you
Anon said:I just wanted the share, that I came across your art in a trash, and scrolled down your blog looking for more, and I liked it so much that I decided to follow you... Only to find past self already did whoops haha. So I liked you enough to follow you twice!
THAT’S SO COOL!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! °O°
Anon said:I just went thru your whole art tag chronologically and omg you've come so far! Every time your art crosses my dash I smile and I'm happy every time I see it!
Have I? I have!! Sometimes I look at my really old art and I hate it and want to delete it but then I’m like, comparing it to the new stuff makes me feel good about it so it’s still there - that does mean sometimes people are gonna see the old stuff too, tho #rip I’m sorry you had to see that stuff, but thank you a lot for thinking I got better!!!!
Anon said:I love how Jirou's eyes look in your style. (How everything about her looks, too.) Damn, she's a stunner, isn't she?
*whispers* she is oh my g o d !!! I love Jirou. She’s just. So goodlooking. Gods. I’m glad you think she looks good in my style!!!
Anon said:ur momo and jirou are so beautiful!!! 💙 if i wasnt already as gay as it gets id have a major enlightenment rn ahhh
GOSH!!!! thank you so much!!!! :D
Anon said:have you considered... minamomo and/or kyooru
Never before Jirou and Tooru, actually, but I have thought about Mina and Momo and I’m still unsure about where that ship even came from. Like, not in the sense that I think it’s a bad ship, but in the sense that I really don’t understand it :0 why do you like Mina and Momo, anon? There’s so many people shipping it, I’m curious about where it came from! But every time I asked I got no answer #rip I wanna be interested in it, help me understand why it should be interesting!
Anon said:Have you ever considered Aoyama x Sero?? 10/10 recommend.
I haven’t! Mostly cause I generally hc Aoyama as ace, really - but that’s an interesting ship I might think about more :O
Anon said:I finally started reading BNHA again after dropping it in May and HOLY SHIT DID I MISS A LOT!! JUST THAT ARC WAS INSANE??
I know right??? I KNOW RIGHT????? I loved that arc from start to end, no lies anywhere, such a genuinely good arc!!! 
Anon said:Hey fran, I just wanted to say that I like your art very much and that I love to see how much you are improving as time goes on. You are doing great. ♥
So many people telling me that I’m improving oh my g o d it makes me so happy ;u; thank you so so much
Anon said:ahhhh i loved your aokaga drawings, they're the cutest and I hope you make more of them being cute together!!!!
Eek, sorry anon but I’m really not into making content for that ship anymore ;^; I’m glad you still like the old things, tho!!
Anon said:I really wanted to tell you that I love your art so much I can't even explain. It cures my anxiety and I'm not kidding. When I feel down and shitty, I just go through your blog and your fanarts make my day (my favorite ever is your bokuro). The way you put the emotions into characters gives me life, honestly. Thank you for your art
THIS MEANS!!! THE WORLD!!!! TO ME!!!!! Knowing that I can help you like that is such a good feeling anon, holy heck!! Thank you so much for liking my things and sending this ask!!!
Anon said:heyo tell us abt some kami angst hcs :)))) tenk youu
Anon............. love............... whatever in this blog made you think I might have angst headcanon about anything..................... I’m the most fluff person around............
Anon said:That idea you had about making hagakure's costume out of her hair or something like mirio's!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA IVE NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT BEFORE!! You're so smart! I LOVE IT
THANK YOU BUT IT WASN’T JUST MY IDEA!!! After Mirio explained his costume the idea was floating around on my dash a lot, it just made sense to a bunch of us!!
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acloading322 · 3 years
Best Pc Character Creation Games
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Rpg Games With Character Creation
Best Pc Character Creation Games Unblocked
Character customization is an integral part of the MMORPG genre. Being able to create a character that fits a specific persona can help players immerse themselves in the game. Limited customization may not be a deal breaker for everyone, but I know many people who won't even play a game if classes are gender locked or if they can't customize their character in a certain way. Every MMORPG has a character creation menu with some customization, but some games take character creation a bit more seriously. I personally don't think character creation makes or breaks a game, but it can be incredibly fun fiddeling around on a game's character creation menu, especially when there are tons of sliders and customization options. https://acloading322.tumblr.com/post/656066514641977344/sri-venkateswara-songs-download. I personally spent over an hour creating the perfect Victoria Secret hottie in Black Desert Online and I have no regrets. Anyway, whether you're looking to fiddle around or genuinely interested in playing games with only the best character creation systems, check out the list below:
MMORPGs with Great Character Customization
Black Desert Online
Normally these lists save the best for the last, but I'm going to go ahead and start this list off strong with what I consider to be the MMORPG with the best character creation system in the world. Black Desert Online is a gorgeous fantasy action MMORPG by the South Korean developer Pearl Abyss. Its character creation system is incredibly in-depth and allows players to customize everything from hair strands to eyeliner in incredible detail. Simply put, Black Desert is the gold standard of character creators in MMOs. Just check out the video above, which starts by showing off the game's character creator. Even if you have no interest in playing Black Desert, the character creator alone makes it worth the download in my opinion. The only downside here is that classes are gender locked.
Best Character Creation Games (Good Character Customization) Have you ever wanted to create your very own anime hero/heroine? Well, Jump Force is the game for you, if so. The game’s character. Nonton drama korea couple or trouble subtitle indonesia. Browse the newest, top selling and discounted Προσαρμογή χαρακτήρα products on Steam. Blender is a free and open source character creator software for Windows. It is quite a popular and advanced software which is used in 3D Modeling, 3D animation, 2D animation, Simulation, VFX, Game Creation, Video Editing, Rendering, Scripting, etc.
Perfect World
Games which offer more limited customization might simply let players choose from a set number of variables (Tony Hawk's American Sk8Land, Halo 3 multiplayer or Lego Star Wars 2 for instance). Non-Player Character Creation This is where the player is creating a character with whom they will be interacting or meeting, rather than playing as.
Singleplayer games featuring character creation, allowing you to customize the physical appearance of your character(s). Recent Reviews Top Sellers New Releases Discounts Review Type All 0 Recommended Informational 51 Not Recommended 0. Filter to All 393 Action 26.
It may be odd to see such an old MMORPG make it to this list, but despite originally launching in 2005 (in China) and 2008 in the West, Perfect World has an in-depth character creation system that goes above and beyond what most games offer. While most games allow reasonable levels of customization, Perfect World allows players to create absurd looking characters, from tiny heads and huge bodies to characters with glowing pink skin. Obviously players don't NEED to make absurd looking characters, but the fact that the game allows this shows off the extent of the game's customization. Even if you're not looking to make a Frankenstein style character, Perfect World has A LOT of customization sliders for everything from eye size to arm length.
This one is a bit of an oldie, as it released back in 2004, but Eve Online still has some of the best customization in any MMO. Even though there are a ton of options, players never really get to see much of their customization, as the game takes place almost exclusively in your ship. Still, if you want to see an awesome character creator at work, check out Eve Online. Especially since it went free to play in November, 2016.
Aion originally launched as a buy to play subscription game by NCSoft, but later went free to play. Despite originally launching in 2008, Aion still looks quite beautiful even today and features some of the best character customization I've seen in an MMORPG. Just take a look at the video above to see what the game's character creator offers.
Despite never launching in the West officially, the Japanese version of the game is playable by anyone from the West without any IP restrictions. The sci-fi MMORPG from Sega features one of the most in depth character customization systems of any MMO. Interested in checking the game out? See our guide on how to install and play PSO2 in English.
Champions Online
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Rpg Games With Character Creation
Champions Online is a unique game on this list because it's not another fantasy themed MMORPG. Instead, it's a superhero themed MMORPG, which means players get to create their very own superheroes. The game originally launched back in 2009 as the successor to City of Heroes and one of the game's most prominent features is its in-depth character customization system. Given the nature of superheroes, the developers wanted every player to have a truly 'unique' character. Not only do players get to customize their character's body, but they get to create their own unique costume as well.
Blade and Soul
Blade and Soul originally released in South Korea back in 2012 but didn't launch in the West until early 2016. While the game doesn't offer nearly as much character customization as Black Desert, the game has a lot of sliders to play with. Blade and Soul also has a unique art style, which makes character models stand out a bit more too.
APB Reloaded
Although not an MMORPG, APB Reloaded features a surprisingly in-depth character creation system. I mean, just take a look at the video above and see for yourself. For those that haven't heard of APB, the game originally launched as simply 'APB All Points Bulletin' with a buy to play model, but after bankruptcy it was acquired by GamersFirst and relaunched as a free to play game and was renamed APB Reloaded.
There are obviously many more MMORPGs out there with 'good' character customization, but am I missing any games with 'great' customization? If so, let me know in the comments below and I'll update this list!
A massive part of gaming, especially in RPGs, is creating a custom avatar. Proteus 8 setup download.
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While not completely necessary - as games such as The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War have shown - having the ability to customise your playable character adds a whole new layer of immersion everything on-screen. By creating a protagonist to represent you, you enable a strong emotional connection between you and your character, enjoying the journey just that little bit more.
There are so many games out there that offer fantastically expansive character creation tools, but some stand head and shoulders above the rest. For the purposes of making things fair, we will not be counting customisation available through mods, so unfortunately for all you Skyrim enthusiasts, that one is out.
For those of us who just love to spend a solid couple of hours playing around in the character creation screen, these are the best that video games have to offer.
10. Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter conquered the West in 2017 with its latest and greatest - Monster Hunter World. Take control of your hunter and together you will face gigantic dinosaurs, working together with your friends in a little posse of monster-killing-mayhem.
Being a game that you will no doubt play online and enjoy showing off your mad hunting skills, you’ll want your avatar to be as equally stunning as your bravery. Monster Hunter World’s character creator is absolutely gorgeous, and very detailed. There are dozens of hair styles to choose from, with colour, tone, and saturation options bringing infinite possibilities.
You can choose from tons of examples for voice, too, picking the exact right pitch of scream for when you inevitably fall to some of the game’s toughest beasties.
Best Pc Character Creation Games Unblocked
Not to mention, there are options to customise your cat-like Palico as well. It’s like 2 character creators rolled into one.
Stick that beautiful face into some of the beautiful armour sets available in the game and you’ve got levels of customisation the likes of which are rarely seen in such an action-focused game.
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neonmoonbeam · 6 years
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]appy May! I’m excited for warmer weather, AND this month’s talented and hardworking Creative Biz Spotlight — Miki from Black Tulip Shop!
  Miki gave me a little bit of her time for an interview. I love getting to know other artists to see what drives them, and to see how they came to have such a collection of amazing work.
Read ~ Magical Girl Miki’s ~ interview below…
Hey, Miki! In your own words, please introduce yourself, and tell us why you do what you do.
Hi, my name is Miki and I run an Etsy store called black tulip shop. I make jewelry, charms, pouches, bags and doll accessories inspired by Japanese kawaii culture. I also sell vintage items that fits with the theme of the shop. I live in Atlanta, GA where there is a great indie craft scene, with my husband and two mischievous little cats (Roxy and Spike). I love collecting and making cute things and having the shop gives me a chance to share my love of cuteness with others.
Q: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?
A: It may be old fashioned but I would tell them if they really want something to work hard for it.
Q: If you had the chance to live during an artistic movement or fashion era in the past, which one would you choose?
A: Hmm, that’s a tough one but I would say 1950s/60s. There’s a lot of great pop and futuristic art and design that even by today’s standards are really neat and fun.
Q: What do you do to get into your creative zone?
Black Tulip Shop Kawaii strawberry milk bookmark paper clip.
A: Usually I go shopping for supplies to get into my creative zone. A lot of the times I see beads and fabric and can already tell what I want to make with it. The times I have been to Japan has been a big creative inspiration for me as well. The craft stores there are amazing and I can’t imagine another city in the world having the variety of shops that Japan has. Walking through Nippori (Fabric Town) with various fabric, trim and button shops or spending hours in a huge store like Yuzawaya looking at fabric, beads and drawing supplies is the best. There is cuteness everywhere there so it’s hard to not get inspired.
Q: How do you fit your creative work into your schedule? What days or time of the day do you usually work?
A: I feel like I work 24/7 but usually I work from about 9am-6pm Monday-Friday. Since I work from home it’s pretty easy to fit my work in between other things like housework and spending time with friends and family.
Q: What are your favorite things to work with (tools, materials, etc.)?
A: I like working with fabric a lot since you can make so much with it. As far as beading goes I love finding a good charm to work with or pretty pastel colored beads. I also have a thing for anything iridescent whether it’s fabric,vinyl or beads.
Kawaii Bento Bag by Black Tulip Shop
Pastel Kawaii Star Earrings by Black Tulip Shop
Kawaii Magical Kitty Eyeglass Case by Black Tulip Shop
Q: What are your biggest creative inspirations?
A: Like many other people the street styles and brands in Harajuku are a big inspiration. Also vintage fashion and accessories from the 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s like dresses and jewelry are amazing along with vintage toys.
Q: What was the most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done with your creative work?
A: Making custom items is great! A lot of the time you work with the customer to make a very specific item for themselves or a loved one and hearing back that it was perfect makes me really happy.
Q: Last but not least the most important question: What’s your favorite dinosaur?
A: Triceratops, they look kinda bad ass, like a battering ram with spikes.
Thank you for spending time with us, Miki!
Ready for a ton more of the cuteness?? Click the banner below! ♡
Creative Biz Spotlight ♡ Black Tulip Shop Happy May! I'm excited for warmer weather, AND this month's talented and hardworking Creative Biz Spotlight -- Miki from Black Tulip Shop!
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deadmanzp · 4 years
aftg asks; questions by triquetrine
these are so interesting so i did all of them.. i want to come back after a year and see if id still answer the same! 
op is the post before this or also tagged “misc” 
neil josten: favorite/most iconic line?
first one that comes to mind I’m not sure is a favorite or iconic line? but it’s a line i think about a lot and it always hurts to read. it’s when they're at the cabin in TKM. 
“He didn’t care how much it hurt so long as he could pull Andrew closer, and he let Andrew take him apart until he couldn’t think anymore.”
that comes at the very end of Chapter 14 and gosh just the paragraph that line comes from and the paragraph before…. the fact neil thinks andrew doesnt care about him the way he cares/feels about andrew is like….. CMON MAN but also i just love the pining angst of it. i like this line especially because the line right before it mentions neil working his “bandaged fingers into Andrew’s hair”. so the “he didnt care how much it hurt” to me always carried a double meaning of 1. the physical pain he felt bc of his injuries but also 2. the pain of unfamiliarity abt his feelings towards andrew and thinking it was unreciprocal AND THAT HED HAVE TO “WARN” ANDREW like the implication.. of neil thinking abt their “relationship” possibly ending bc andrew doesnt feel the same and maybe wouldnt want to be entangled in whatever neil was feeling …… IM LIKE neil knows andrew so well and him being so sure abt this but hes like …. WRONG …. e
nathaniel wesninski: one thing you would change about the books? (plot, characters, etc)
there is very little id change about the books if at all. mainly bc while i know there are upsetting things that happen/the charas do, i think all of those things make the series really interesting to analyze and talk about. i will say a moment i hated was when neil touches andrews scars when andrew makes it clear he doesn't want neil to pry about them. i know neil offers his scars in turn when he's trying to convince andrew to let neil look over kevin but that was controlled. he let andrew touch them and find out about them of his own volition. neil touches something directly related to the trauma andrew had just experienced again when he had 0 permission to do so. while i always get mad at neil for this when i read it i still dont think id change it or get rid of it. im not really sure how id change it anyways and i think andrews relationship with his scars (and himself in general) is probably what allows him to brush it off(?)/never bring this up (plus maybe neil offering his scars was enough for andrew) but i havent thought too hard about this. but ya i remember i got rlly angry w neil the first time i read this scene and i still get mad abt it when i reread.
andrew minyard: if you could be friends with one of the characters, who would you pick?
i mean realistically i wouldnt be friends w jocks ILL BE REAL LOL and i think as much as i love the monsters, theres no way id be friends w them haha uhm but prob dan would be most realistic! maybe even katelyn tbh.. 
kevin day: if you played exy, what would your position be?
oh i think dealer! in sports i liked being able to do both defense and offense bc it made me feel i had more control over the field, like i could always do something if there were any holes
dan wilds: favorite moment/scene?
definitely the hotel reunion scene. theres so much to it; it drives me nuts!!!!! but honestly there are probably a lot of really good moments im forgetting. to me the whole series is really enjoyable and every scene has something i could say about it haha
matt boyd: song you would love to see in a live-action adaptation?
Oggghh this is so hard… esp since it takes place in 2007???? Idk.. iconic artists then i suppose ghfgkjhf BUT i think general vibes i think itd be so cool if paramore (time relevant), ptv (also time relevant), and mitski were on the soundtrack……. Ya…….. 
nicky hemmick: which made you more emotional, neil at evermore or neil in baltimore?
neil in baltimore for sure… neil at evermore i can't remember what i felt the first time i read it (maybe pain LOL bc he was doing it for andrew and i felt like riko wouldnt keep his promise) but in my latest reread i was unimpressed by it (mostly bc i think riko is boring and unimpressive). i think i mightve said evermore in the past though….. maybe... neil in baltimore is like … GOD neils emotions are so strong during all of that its really juicy haha. i think like him being angry bc he was on the cusp of having everything he couldve ever dreamed of; the desperation of wanting to fight back and get away; even just the fear of being in the same room as his father for the first time in so long... all really juicy 
aaron minyard: a character you will defend to your death?
defend…. im not sure is the word i would use and i dont think i really believe in defending any of these charas “to death” bc of how flawed and complex they are; id like to acknowledge when they did wrong. i think id “defend” any of the characters if i saw anyone misinterpreting or misunderstanding them.. theyre all really interesting even if they didnt get too much spotlight. except maybe riko. hes incredibly boring to me. and also nathan ig and any of his crew just bc there is Nothing abt them rlly...
katelyn: which minor character do you wish you could see more of?
uhhhmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm….. idk maybe… jeremy…. gjfjgkdngmdghs just bc him and kevin r so funny.. i was thinking maybe jean too but…… idk a diff kind of kevin relationship lol (yikes) (pain) but really im satisfied w jeans screen time. i think ichirou is interesting but again i think he didn't rlly need more. maybe erik actually. im interested to know what nicky is like with him :0
allison reynolds: favorite headcanon about the foxes?
actually something i recently thought abt was neil and photography. iirc? andrew gives neil a camera in the ec and i also imagine kevin eventually gets another camera too (i loved that detail when we saw his room at the nest) so i thought abt neil and kevin sharing/trading pics they take of (mainly) scenery. i imagine neil takes pics of anything he wants to remember/keep while kevin is more prone to taking pics of subjects related to some nerd history stuff (lol) so thats why they trade scenery pics mainly. but i like this small connection bc i want more to their relationship than their exy obsession and i imagine they have room for more now that riko is gone and i just like this other commonality btwn them. i think maybe they mail the developed pics to each other maybe w small descripts/notes but thats it. and i also imagine it kind of just is something that started happening.. neil and andrew r on a roadtrip and some building reminds neil of kevin so he snaps a pic and eventually sends it to kevin w some note. kevin replies 1. either a text being like that is nothing. > neil: shrugs brushes it off but figures he is welcome to send more when kevin sends his own picture back or 2. kevin simply replies back similarly w his own photo. i dont know.. maybe this goes beyond what their actual relationship would be like but i do like the idea of them just bein like… dude friends u know so i want them to have more than just exy and a traumatizing experience between them. 
as for common headcanons within the fanbase…. i do like the allison + neil haircuts thing.. although im not sure if i imagine it the same as most haha i feel neil would know how to cut his own hair from his life on the run (though theyre not Good or bad just like ok u know like passable generic w/e) i think hed definitely be tense the first couple times but he has experience w allison being close from needing to be covered up w make up after winter break so i think she would be allowed. 
renee walker: favorite non-canonical ship? (renison, jerejean, etc)
uhmm to be honest none really… im way too attached to canon to be able to dismiss any established relationships. i think kevemy (??? is that the name) is rlly amusing but i dont want them together necessarily haha i used to rlly like renison mainly bc im a lesbian and i want “main” chara wlw relationships lol but i recently read something abt how bi allison doesnt rlly sit well w some bc she outs andrew and neil during the hotel scene.. i also agree this is kinda :/ if she was bi Mainly bc i feel a lot of ppl (or at least this is what i gather from renison stuff ive seen) portray allison already being established bi? if this makes sense. i think if renison/allison realizing shes bi is a later development id feel better abt it but usually renison is already established so ya her outing them does bother me…. BUT aside from this, thinking about them as characters and what their partners (would) look like… im not sure if theyd rlly choose each other.. but i still enjoy seeing them together in art and in fic bc in the end…. im a sucker for women lol….
seth gordon: most underrated dynamic? (matt & neil, wymack & andrew, etc)
my first thought was wymack and andrew bc i rlllllyy like their dynamic especially after reading their ec stuff. i loved their first meeting (andrews terrible sandwich??!?fhdhfjd) and when andrew breaks into wymacks apartment BUT i think ppl mention them enough its not underrated. i Actually think renee and andrews dynamic/friendship is rlly underrated/overlooked!!! especially after reading the son nefes ec i love their dynamic a lot… 
some son nefes moments of them i liked:  tw // rape
renee convincing andrew to go with her to see matt after his trip to edens
how many knives do u carry / one more than u IS SO FUNNY and just andrews persistence abt fighting renee is also rlly funny to me
tw // rape : the moment when andrew asks renee if she killed her rapist/abuser that whole convo was good… 
their convo in the rain w their tea
i cant remember when this happens or rlly exaclty what was said but renee offers andrew something (some help??) and he says i dont need (w/e it was) and she says something along the lines of  i know but it wouldnt do any harm or SOMETHING like that.. i like this bc she acknowledges their abilities while showing shed still like to offer some help. im p sure she does this another time too (w neil???? or someone i cant remember maybe it was andrew again) and i remember liking it too. she has a way w words and talking (also seen in her convincing andrew to see matt)
BUT regardless of ec stuff i think their relationship/dynamic seen in the books is rlly good too. theres def enough to be intrigued by them and i always have been? so i'm reeeaallly happy son nefes exists i loved reading it..
david wymack: which ncaa team would you play for?
oh to be honest i dont rlly remember many of them but of the Three (ravens, foxes, trojans) prob trojans. i remember i even got them in a uquiz once… 
abby winfield: which character was the most realistically written?
first that came to mind was aaron actually.. i remember before when i didnt rlly like him or care abt him it was actually bc he was too “boring” to me. i always thought he had the most realistic reactions to things which is what made him boring to me amidst the ridiculousness of, well, everything in aftg lol… i still think he is really realistically written but now i dont think hes boring haha
besty dobson: how many times have you read the series?
fully i think…. only 3 times… i wish this were a higher count but i actually feel guilty everytime i try to reread it.
riko moriyama: coolest exy moment? (kevin’s last-minute point against the ravens, andrew shutting down the goal, etc)
uhhmm uhmm i def think kevin during the final game against the ravens…. hes so cool haha but i KNOW there were a lot of game moments that i thought were really cool so i cant rlly say…. oh also i love neil being defense in that game too rlly juicy wish i could pull up obscure moments bc i know i rlly enjoyed reading the games but terrible memory...
jeremy knox: which do you like reading more, domestic!foxes or chaotic!foxes?
uh i guess chaotic? not rlly sure exactly what that could entail but i do like… their chaos.. when they have fights and squabbles and stuff… this includes the high tension moments. ALTHOUGH i do like the tiny lines in the books when we see the monsters just doing like random basic everyday life stuff like playing video games or whatever. i like…. imagining them... fhdjfjshfjs… as for fic def chaos. i feel domestic is usually too softened….. 
jean moreau: favorite friendship?
oh i think this goes back to andrew and renee. but other than them… i do like neil and matts friendship.. though probably not the same as its typically portrayed 
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