#also idk if i really talk with a dialect
nattikay · 22 days
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rustbeltbabey · 2 years
just came 2 the realization that a bigggg part of why I never wanna date anyone is that most ppl watch movies n shows n r involved in fansom spaces n I just genuinely. do not care about movies n shows as a whole. I've tried ok ive tried sooo hard but they always feel like a Task n a Job n I Dread it all n I genuinely cannot stand the thought of dating someone who will wanna watch stuff n talk about fandoms like. there's zero interest 2 me
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
I am very much not american so I must admit that my first impulse when seeing all the rap/racism discourse was something like "do I really need to consume more american culture, it's fucking everywhere already". Idk but to me it feels like american/english-speaking culture absolutely dominates a lot of the world, sometimes at the cost of out own cultures and languages, if something is in English it is "good", if it is in own own languages it is "bad". Musicians often start singing in English and more american-like after a while to get bigger. We value American culture and music, they mock our accents (and languages sometimes) and best case scenario see us as funny and silly.
Then I started thinking. Do you think that americans kind of see rap kind of like foreign music still? Like low-brow unexotic foreign music.
I don't know this is a really fresh thought and I'm not sure if I am explaining it very well.
hey first off I just want to say -
you are entirely correct in your reaction that people outside of America/the English-speaking world do not need more American culture thrust upon them! this discussion is extremely centered on Americans, the reception and reaction to rap within America, and excuses that white American use to avoid interacting meaningfully with Black culture, art, and ideas. while anti-Blackness as an issue obviously extends far outside of America, this particular conversation is deeply tied to American culture. I appreciate you pointing that out!
I also think you're point about rap, and by extension other Black artforms, being Othered in American pop culture. certainly in terms of language, African American Vernacular English (AAVE), which is utilized by many rappers, is still heavily disputed in its validity as a "real" language, with many dismissing it as a bastardized version of "proper" English and associating it heavily with those who are lower-class and uneducated. in a similar way to many international artists having to work in English to gain wider recognition and validation, many Black Americans are proficient in "code switching," the practice of switching between AAVE that they likely grew up speaking and an English dialect that is considered more "professional."
similarly, I think your use of the term "low-brow" is very apt. Black music has always been met with distrust and disdain by white audiences. there's a reason that so many people feel the need to bring up sex, drugs, and violence when they talk about rap; to many white cultural gatekeepers that was all rap was. (and, like, we should very much talk about why that is in and of itself a bad thing, when white crime is so often glorified in pop culture. why is the Godfather a classic masterpiece but Black men making art about their own experiences with racism, violence, poverty, and survival don't deserve serious consideration?) and that didn't start with rap! in the early 20th century jazz, also a Black creation, was seen as dangerous for promoting promiscuity among nice white teens. no matter what Black people make, white cultural gatekeepers will find a way to start a moral panic about it.
the reverse also happens as well, with Black people being treated as foreigners even in music genres that they helped pioneer. Black Americans were hugely formative in the early days of country, but are met with hostility in the contemporary country scene. Lil Nas X's Old Town Road was one of the biggest songs of the year it was released and undeniably country but was largely snubbed by country music community, and Beyoncé's new country album, Cowboy Carter, is a direct response to her hostile reception at the Country Music Awards in 2016.
the point being, yes, I don't think it's off-base to say that, to many Americans, rap and Black music and art generally are like... very optional and avoidable parts of pop culture in the way that more white-dominated genres are not, similarly to a lot of international and especially non-English art.
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dustorange · 16 days
I dont like the “the memory of soandso is bruces favorite the ghost of who x was is bruce favorite” it reads as like hamfisted to me a little and i dont like the favouritism thing bc if Bruce has favorites its definitely not in the sense of “this is my favorite CHILDSON” overtly instead it would be “this is my favorite PERSON on EARTH” but never stated by Bruce himself just mystically in the air (although obviously canonically picked up on and stated by others yadayada saltandpepper evil superman OMAC panels) and parents genuinely do love ALL of their children but the speculation is right in the sense that parents really do still (most of the time) have favorites therefore its ok to speculate and actyally the definitive personal ranking of Bruce’s favoritechild list is Dick, Tim, Cass, and then Damian and Jason are on the same level (loved very very much, just not the favorites) Tim is often subordinated to dick and cass in favouritism talks (part of the larger dialectical effort of like trying to “save face” by ppl who havent read the comics or bg2000 but who want to include her—although obvs there IS stuff there to indicate bruces favor + ofc thé “all i ever wanted” thing would of course touch bruces heart intensely but many of the tumblr posts abt it seem like overcompensating and unfamiliar-with-her-character idk) but subtextually like imagine having a 13yokid literally genuinely save u from the lowest points of absolute despair like an angel and restore you to your like new greatest point and also restore some of your broken deeply important personal relationships (esp w ur estranged eldest) in the process like the level of reverence and awe and adoration u would have for that person is a lot so his love for Tim is charged and perhaps skewed by that so i think Tim (esp 90s tim) is up there bc subtextually bruce owes (as in indebted toward, not reparatively or like owes justice) tim something that he does not owe the others and that kind of patron relationship (u opened up my whole world) is so fundamentally parent-child that Tim gets a bigger stake of bruces heart. But of course the dick story is like the primordial version of that dynamic which is why dick is The favorite
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greenunoreversecard · 7 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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theriverpointace · 2 months
i have this h2g2 headcanon that i'm really rather fond of. im gonna talk about it.
okay so first of all, ford has to be able to speak english. which means that he learned how to speak english. and no, i refuse to believe that betelgeusian Just So Happens to work exactly like english, wow what a weird and useful coincidence! because (a) that's just lazy worldbuilding, and (b) we have at least one word in betelgeusian that translates into english: ford's name, ix. "ix" isn't a given name, it's a betelgeusian word given to ford as a nickname because he couldn't say his own name—and, presumably, neither could anybody around him.
i say that ford has to be able to speak english because he lived for fifteen years on a planet full of people without babel fish in their ears. if he came down and started babbling in betegeusian, he would have had a very different experience here. so he either learned english before hitching a ride to earth (highly unlikely, imo, considering how little a role earth plays in the galaxy—i doubt any earth language is too well-known in the wider galaxy), or he had to learn english when he first arrived. this latter is also backed up, to me, by the fact that ford was a bit careless in his original research. i just feel like he would have done the same thing as when he chose a name: get it almost right, but just a little bit off.
i do think ford picks up languages really quickly. in most parts of the galaxy, it doesn't matter if he can speak a language or not, since babel fish are pretty readily available, and everybody has one. however, because babel fish are so readily available, there's no need for a universal language that everybody speaks. the babel fish only work for your ears, not your eyes, so somebody as well-traveled as ford would, by necessity, pick up some basics in a lot of different languages. these basics probably include primarily what you'll find on menus and in travel ports, if i had to guess. (maybe there's some kind of companion to the guide, a hitchhiker's dictionary. maybe that's part of the guide? idk.)
but aside from the necessity of being able to read at least bits and pieces of many languages when one hitchhikes, i think ford does it to make up for not knowing his dad's praxibetel. so what, he never learned the dialect his father loved. so what, he couldn't ever learn to say his own name. so what, he killed his own father/uncle by doing so. so what?? he's gonna learn every other language in the galaxy, just to prove that he can. he's running around the galaxy, convinced that if he can write an article about a planet and know its dialects well enough to read and write them, then what happened to him won't ever happen to anybody else.
and that leads me to my next conclusion: that ford speaks accented english. obviously, everybody does, but i rather like the idea that the way he talks on earth—and possibly, everywhere else—always strikes everybody around him as different. everything else about him does—why shouldn't his voice? so yeah my ford doesn't have a british accent.
but of course, once they're off earth, up in space, once arthur has a babel fish, there's no need for ford to speak english anymore, so he returns to his native betelgeusian ... which leads to a rather surprised arthur going, "ford, what the hell happened to your accent?!"
because since ford isn't speaking a language arthur already knows, the babel fish has to translate his speech now! and i suppose i don't think the babel fish translates accents. like, i guess i don't totally understand how the babel fish works (am i meant to?) but ... i don't know. i think the fish eats up sound waves and what it excretes is something the user can understand based on what's already in their mind. that is to say, arthur, who grew up british and with british accents, hears anything the babel fish as to translate in a british accent. so when ford stops speaking accented but understandable english, and starts speaking a language arthur doesn't know, the babel fish translates with a british accent because that's just what's in arthur's mind.
tl;dr ford picks up languages really easily because he's got something to prove to his dead dad, he speaks english, and it confuses the hell out of arthur when he stops speaking english because the babel fish doesn't translate accents. this is one of my favorite headcanons about ford.
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
lmao k we’re gonna talk abt ashkenormativity and the weird hostility some of y’all have toward non ashki jews.
so yesterday i was trying to have a discussion on this post, and the person responded with this:
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and then promptly blocked me.
after which they posted a bunch of bullshit that i am now going to tear to shreds.
regarding the above screenshot:
- if you’re defining yiddish culture as “ashkenazi jews who speak yiddish” you are still erasing multiple communities of ashkenazi jews. italian ashkenazi jews migrated or fled to northern italy during the middle ages, long before the establishment of the pale of settlement, and have a culture that is distinctly influenced by italian culture, not eastern european culture.
- sounds like you’re outright excluding any group of ashkenazi jews who don’t speak yiddish or live in central or eastern europe. which is literally the reason i started the dialogue in the first place.
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- talking down to me as if i don’t know what the difference between ashkenazi and sephardi is.
- immediately followed by incorrectly defining ashkenazi. ashkenazim are a group of diaspora jews who originally settled in the ashkenaz. there are many different diaspora languages that ashkenazi jews spoke, including judeo-french, judeo-provençal, judeo-czech, and different dialects of judeo-italian.
- kinda sounds like ur saying eastern european jews who speak yiddish are the only “true” ashkenazi jews????????
- yeah there’s lots of issues surrounding the way eastern european jews were viewed, but that’s not what the conversation was about?????
- it’s not really up to you to have or not have an issue with who identifies as ashkenazi.
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- there are many ashkenazi groups that have ties in eastern europe. there are also plenty who don’t. there’s overarching similarities between a lot of different diaspora groups, but that doesn’t make them the same. and that’s ok.
- kinda weird how you say “this is a conversation for the jewish community, infuriating how people disagree with us about our own culture” as if i’m not also jewish?? do you not consider me jewish enough to talk about jewish culture or history?
- it’s clear you’ve researched a lot about eastern european jews. it’s also clear that’s the only group you know anything about.
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- this conversation had nothing to do with zionism?????? very fucking weird for u to say this??????? especially when i was literally trying to express that ashkenazi jews are incredibly diverse and can’t just be boiled down to “basically eastern european”??????????
- also again homogenizing all ashkenazi jews under “yiddish culture” when you’ve defined yiddish culture as being distinctly eastern european. which. again. not all ashkenazi jews are.
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- didn’t try to correct u on ur own culture bud! tried to get u to see that ur own culture is not actually The Only One.
- “because only a non ashkenazi jew can ever accurately represent ashkenazi culture right?” you’ve got some weird aggression toward non ashki jews you should prob unpack.
- again trying to make this abt zionism when i was literally arguing the opposite.
- also i don’t have a “giant blog” lmfao.
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- this is funny to me bc u r literally the one who misdefined ashkenazi?????? and attempted to homogenize all ashkenazim under the label of eastern european????? hello?????????
- “irredeemable zionists” yikes bro.
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- literally just me when i can’t read and have no critical thinking skills.
- this to me reads like someone who is trying to invert the concept of ashkenormativity and position themself as a victim of non ashki jews. which is absolutely fucking bizarre.
- you’re claiming i’m “denying yiddish culture” while many of your posts actively erase multiple ashkenazi groups from this culture while simultaneously lumping them all in underneath one umbrella eastern european label. like idk how you managed to be so ashkenormative that you managed to erase other ashkenazi jews but it’s almost impressive.
- gee i wonder what it’s like to have ur culture denied surely as a member of a tiny diaspora group that makes up 0.4% of the global jewish population i have no idea what that’s like!
- you are not advocating for diasporism. you are advocating for your culture and your culture only.
anyway, on to my other rant.
if i want to know how to recite a prayer in the ashkenazi rite, i google it. if i want to learn how to speak yiddish, i download duolingo. it’s easy to find these things because people have worked hard to preserve them. and also because ashkenazi jews make up over 60% of the global jewish population and over 70% of the us jewish population.
italian jews, however, including italian ashkenazim, make up 0.4% of the global jewish population. and i couldn’t even find a number for how many of us there are in the us bc there are that few. if i want to know how a certain prayer is chanted in the italian rite, i have to find 70 year old recordings of italian cantors and rabbis singing them for a musicologist who dedicated his life to keeping the italian rite and italki culture alive after it was devastated by the holocaust, bc the only synagogues that still follow the italian rite are in rome and israel. if i want to know how to speak the language my ancestors would have spoken, i have to take a zoom class at oxford at 6am where we study manuscripts from hundreds of years ago. in 1900, there were 20,000 native speakers of judeo-italian dialects. in 2023 there are almost none.
in order to participate in any sort of jewish life where i live, i have to know ashkenazi culture. i have to know the prayers and the songs and the customs. i have to know the food and the language and history.
but y’all don’t have to know mine.
and every time i try to infuse my own heritage into my practice i’m reminded of that. when i make italian jewish food, people don’t see it as “jewish food.” people hear my last name and assume i’m not jewish because it’s not a “jewish name.” when i use italki hebrew, people try to correct me. i frequently encounter other jews who don’t even know italkim exist. so yeah. it is infuriating when i experience constant pressure to assimilate into the dominant jewish culture of where i live only to be a excluded from discussions about that culture because i’m not part of it. i am part of it. i have to be.
ashkenazi culture is beautiful and diverse and i do genuinely enjoy taking part in it. but it is painful to get constant reminders that i don’t really have a choice. it is painful to have people in your own community see your knowledge of their culture as a given but their knowledge of your culture as optional or doing you a favor.
so basically,
you are not being erased by the reminder that jews who are not like you exist.
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shinewerst · 4 months
Here I will leave some of my thoughts, guesses and headcanons. Some of them may be stupid and unreasonable, but I will share them with you anyway.
I've noticed that a lot of people headcanon Earth and Moon or Earth and Venus as siblings. And I partially agree with this. But here are my thoughts on this matter: They are celestial bodies and they do not have siblings in the usual sense, but since they live for a very long time, over billions of years of being close to each other, they can develop family feelings for each other. But only if they are always close. Therefore, most often this occurs between a planet and its moons or between several moons of one planet. This is unlikely to happen between planets, since each of them is in its own orbit, perhaps double planets are an exception. Therefore, I headcanon the Moon and Earth as brothers, Phobos and Deimos too, and Mars as their guardian. (Earth and Venus may be somehow connected, but not family) It's more difficult with gas giants. I believe that when their moons are too numerous and constantly increasing in number, they stop keeping track of them and treat them more like decorations. But Idk.
In the Solar System, having life is supposedly cool and the Earth is proud of it, Venus dreams of it, etc. but it seems to me that in other systems the attitude towards this may be different. For example, I have an oc exoplanet and in her home system this was not considered something cool. They literally treated it like lice lol.
Planets/stars/satellites do not speak any of the earth’s languages, but their own. But different systems have something like their own accents and dialects. So my oc speaks a little differently from them.
In different parts of the universe, the appearance of the planets changes and what the planets will look like usually depends on the star (I'm talking specifically about planethumans).
For the planet/star and satellites, love is something deeper than for earthlings. This is very strong, sensual.
I also noticed how in many fanfictions characters call Proto-Earth that way. But it seems to me that the term “Proto-Earth” itself appeared after his death, namely the collision with Theia and the appearance of the “new Earth”. Before that, everyone simply called him Earth.
Each of them has its own axis tilt, right? They don't really follow it, especially in the planethumans format, so I made a headcanon about them sleeping on their slants. So, Venus sleeps upside down, huh?
The Earth speaks all earthly languages and knows the stages of evolution of almost every creature on his surface, although sometimes he himself may be confused about this. His past memories are slowly fading. He does not remember how he and the Moon appeared, he does not remember that there could have been life on Venus before. I imagine him periodically reading a book about dinosaurs because he doesn't want to forget about them.
I like to think that Mars used to be a bad-tempered asshole, but Earth doesn't remember that. Mars himself does not want to remember this at all, since he has already grown out of it.
Probably the Earth became the way we see him because of humans. Perhaps he was different before. I imagine him as a sweet and kind planet who does his best to care for his friends and his little brother. But when he changed, Luna continued to love him like a brother and care for him in return.
Earth usually tells others only the good side of earthlings, but usually he complains to the Moon about how much he is hurt, about how they are starting another war and doing other terrible things. Therefore, the Moon is much more tolerant of the Earth; he must be the only one who knows how hard it is for him.
Venus is jealous of the Earth and everyone has already understood this. I like to think that Venus, after losing life on its surface, feels the need to protect Earth and its inhabitants.
Luna is aroace. Just because for some reason it seems to me that dating someone just doesn’t suit him.
That's all for now. Maybe I'll create a second part cause I might have forgotten something :p
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write-tama · 5 months
How do u think the rest of the men would sound like in TNMN
hmmm lets see-- (idk why i cant draw to like a specific character so imma just describe)
TNMN voice headcanons :3
i feel like angus would have that trans-atlantic accent but also talks really fast-- sort of like an auctioner. And seeing that he is a businessman it makes sense .
izaack would have that hefty grown man voice-- that kinda voice you could feel bouncing off from all walls. but its like enthusiastic and charming enough to make people feel comfortable carrying a conversation with him ofc .
the rudboys like i said have that texan southern accent and you could hear it in how they pronounce their words (like for example they wouldnt pronounce egg as "eh-gg," that shit is "aeyg") southern accents are so fun <33 .
anastacha would have that little soft spoken a little raspy voice. typical pre-teen voice with that hint of attitude. also id like to think whenever she says "whatever" she says it quieter bc her mama probably lectured her on that once or twice and not wanting to get even more trouble she just learned to tone it down .
Nacha i feel like.. she would also have a southern accent, but its lighter and more sweet. definitely says "love" and "sweetheart" when addressing anyone. maybe like celia from "the help" but less of a strong dialect. .
the sverchzt twinssss.. mmm definitely elenois i wanna give her jessica rabbit's voice from "who framed roger rabbit" SIMPLY BC OF THAT LITTLE ANIMATIC @dimikissme MADE WITH ELENOIS AND ROBERTSKY (if yall havent seen it go check it out its cute asf) and ofc selenne would have somethinggg similar .
but ehhh these are just my hcs i thought of randomly. if anyone has like samples of actual voices pleaseeee send them to me i would love to hear other ppls interpretations :33
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WIBTA if I restart an argument with a friend?
🌊⚓ <- so I can search for it.
So, a while ago, a friend was over and we talked. She is from South Germany while I am from North Germany, where we are both living (this'll be important in a sec).
I don't really remember why we were talking about the topic, but we started talking about regional dialects and sayings and then she called Low German* a dialect. Which tldr: big no-no. But I don't think she was being malicious, she just didn't know about the topic at all.
So naturally I explained: "You absolutely cannot call Low German a dialect to peoples faces around here. People will take offense to it. I don't really, because I consider the difference between dialect and language is arbitrary to begin with. But you will provoke incredibly unkind reactions from other people."
Her response was "Yeah but like. Doesn't everyone think their own dialect should be a language."
And... Idk why that one hurt but it did. It just felt incredibly dismissive. And I didn't really know how to respond other than "but this is the one case where it is true" which felt weird so I just. Didn't. We kinda moved on to other topics. But in hindsight, I really wish I hadn't?
Because I wish I had explained it in depth to her so she understands why what she said is considered unacceptable. But also for her own sake, because she will piss people off if she says the same thing to other people. And honestly for my sake so I can make peace with the conversation.
So I'm considering either finding a way to restart the argument/ conversation when we are together or go the cowardly route and send her a couple screenshots explaining the topic. But I also feel like restarting a fight we never really had and really doesn't matter is kind of a dick move.
Additionally I tend to be a person that corrects people when they are wrong and starts discussion way too much. Because in my family academic debates are a love language.** So I tend to reaaaaaally overestimate the amount of debating/ arguing people are comfortable with. They tend to perceive me as being upset with them while I am just having fun hashing out a topic from different angles.
So Tumblr. WIBTA?
* Low German is the regional language of North Germany. The definition of North Germany is actually pretty much "wherever they are speaking Low German". There is some controversy if Low German is a dialect or a language. Which like... People often describe it as closer to Dutch and English than Standard German, it's a recognised language in every state it is spoken in, it is recognized as a regional language in the fucking European Union WHY is it still controversial.
It is also very much an endangered language because in the past decades especially it has been looked down on as being "lower class". No that's not where the name comes from, low german is spoken where the terrain is flat/ low and high/ upper german is spoken where the mountains are. This attitude towards Low German is shifting a lot recently but it is entirely possible it's too late to prevent it from dying out.
** I felt like this part needed some clarification too. I can't count how many dinners in my childhood were spent eating while getting into the meat of whatever topic caught our attention. Politics or science or more spiritual stuff. Ask questions about things we were wondering about. Absolutely tear into each other when we had opposing positions, but concede when we were convinced. Oftentimes I'd get up to grab pen and paper, or demonstrate orbital dynamics with the jam container, a bowl and my plate, or use the butter as an impromptu drawing board.
But that doesn't mean we were fighting in the normal sense even if someone got upset occasionally. It was really just communicating with one another. It was connecting. Exercising our debate skills. Play-fighting but make it academia. It was genuinely fun to us and still is. An alternative outlet for sibling rivalry. There is no need to fight over the TV remote when you can just reason it out together.
So yeah. That's how academic debates can be a love language (and simultaneously absolutely destroy your conception of what is considered arguing).
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simplyjake · 7 months
Enha hyungs with filo!reader
summary: meeting the fam and visiting the philippines with your lovely boyfriend!
a/n: this is VERY self indulgent yall. im filo-american
i think its fully gn!reader.. let me know of any mistakes!
All da titas LUV hee
Girl atp during your family parties
You enter and ur man isnt with you
“Anako where is your boyfriend”
Like damn my bad tita i thought you wanted to see me more
Yk… your niece/nephew
The younger kids love him
Hes the life of the party
This goes without saying but you teach him a lot of tagalog
Or whatever dialect you speak!
You taught him putangina mo and he hasnt stopped saying it since omg
“Yo jake”
“Putang ina mo”
You teach him how to make your favorite meals
I think heeseung would really enjoy bibingka 
Though let me just say
Good luck getting your man back during a party fr like
If hes not doing karaoke w the titas, hes playing mahjong with the uncles, if not them your older cousins steal him to game and the young kids love playing house with him
And once you found him with one of your cousins babies in the room as he sings them to sleep 
like which one gave him that baby please..
Okay so jay
When you brought him to the philippines for the first time
Pookie LIVED at the mall of asia let me tell you
Like honey we still gotta do everything else
Jay would love baguio too
Doesnt even care if they are over paying him for the taho he LOVES IT
“Jay pls stop talking to them in english theyre overcharging u”
“Womp womp i dont care this street food is fire” 
Did he fr just womp womp you…
He said this after getting said taho
You made sure he knew how to bless the elderly before you meet everyone
And he makes sure he does it to all the lolas and lolos in your family!
Hes just in awe with the country and how pretty it is
He asks your parent how to cook some of your fav dishes
Just so he can make it at home whenever you feel homesick
He actually had to buy a THIRD luggage for yall cus he would not stop buying souvenirs and clothes when you went.
I think jays fav filo dish would be balatong idk
I dont make the rules
Tbh i kinda do
After the trip jay has a talk with you
He really wants to have a house there for whenever you visit and have it be next to your family home :( so cute
Makes plans to propose at your favorite place in the ph!!
Ok jake
The titos LOVE jake
Honorary filipino of the family fs
Your younger girl cousins are all over him HELP
“Can i have my man back”
“You heard them y/n, i guess i have to stay with her”
Oh hes sick
Constantly offered your lola to help cook 
She said no plenty of times but he wouldnt take no for an answer!
You took him to visit paoay 
Jollibees number one fan
LIVES for the pineapple quencher got it anytime he ordered
Hesitant on the cheese and ube pie
Ended up buying like two during the visits
Jake love love loves igado
Its now one of his favorite dishes
His fav dish tho was the empanadas by the small shop near your house
After the trip he is now officially in the gc u nd ur cousins have
He was already planning your next trip back
Even though youre halfway through this one
Like babe let's maybe finish this before anything else ok?
Since hes a bit on the quieter side
Hed be a bit awkward meeting everyone first 
If you're in a filo family yk how they are when you bring a man home oml..
But in the end
He fits in well with your family fr
Also hot take
I think sunghoon loves balut 
I cant remember if any of the enha members have tried it before so forgive me
But i just feel he woul enjoy it the most
Loved the beach trips you and him would take 
He buys the silly “I love the Philippines” shirts
Gets a few little trinkets to display around the house
Became friends with your tourist guide
Now they follow each other on facebook
Based off true events
Talkative s/o and bf who listens
You tell him all about the history of the places you visit
And he looks at you absorbing all the info you tell him
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hazeltongzhi · 9 days
hi hazel!
this is a rather personal ask, and i’m sorry to burden you with it. i saw that you said venting is okay in ur inbox, but i’ll try my best to minimize it.
long story short, i am a very very well-off filipino in the philippines, and i’m trying to get my friend into marxist-leninist theory.
my father works for the adb, and prior to that, the imf, and i was born in usamerica. i live in manila and i am a minor (i read ur dni and im sorry TT… i just needed to ask this question really quickly, im trying to source from multiple communists) and i am trying to become a marxist-leninist.
lamentably, i’m sort of a shut-in + very whitewashed. i don’t like bgc, i don’t like looking around the city (makes me sad), and i can’t even speak tagalog, really, because my parents don’t speak it at home unless i ask (they’re fluent, but don’t speak it frequently) and i really feel rather useless if not super sad about the whole deal. this isn’t getting in to even my affluence: i go to an international school, i’ve never worried about financial issues, i don’t worry about my own personal well-being. we go to usamerica frequently for family members too.
i’ve always felt guilty about this, and while learning about theory and making attempts to be more useful have helped me feel better, and i feel a little good that instead of wallowing or even sinking into liberal delusion (like i did when i was younger: my father is a liberal and i would just go along with it because i was at a loss for what to do or ideas on how to progress in such conditions, and i would just believe what he said/school said in order to feel better) i am making efforts to get better, however, i feel like i need to read more and learn more.
recently, i’ve been talking to my peer, another rich filipino who goes to the school i go to, and i have been trying to introduce her the science of marxist-leninism. there are many ideas i wish to introduce her to, and she’s a very receptive listener, and a very nice one. she is interested in the topics i bring up and the concepts i’m trying to explain to her (shoddily), and so i feel like if i give her meaningful, concise resources about scientific socialism/dialectical materialism i can convince her to join me in learning about it, and then i can seek to convince others in her/our friend group. this would be a major success for me.
anyways, i have a long way to go till i can move out (i love my parents, and i so badly hope one day i can convince my father too) and i’m focusing on this short term goal. do you know what resources i should give (and also resources i should read) on, say, things like historical accounts of socialist states + comprehensive, easy texts about theory? i’m gonna send her principles of communism and i already sent her the soviets saw it coming, and i feel like historical accounts would make for very good evidence (our school’s teachers/classes, of course, portray communism in a malignant light, as if they are either a far-fetched idealistic dream [nonsensical, and i need to provide her/prove to her the scientific nature of it] or merely banally Evil and Wrong for the sake of…idk whatever they dont like communism for)
sorry, and thanks anyway even if u dont read this . bye :)
I'm happy to hear that you're learning and teaching. I spent my days in high school more or less doing the same; reading, watching videos, doing shitty small organizing at my labor aristocrat school. I find that Michael Parenti's books, especially Blackshirts and Reds, are a wonderful beginner's resource for history with an ML perspective. They're not super hard into theory so they're more approachable than more advanced texts. There's Human Rights in the Soviet Union which talks about the life under socialism and compares it to the united states. For China, this article goes over some major statistics and has citations, graphs, and comparisons. As for your personal learning, there's always another book or account to read so that never truly stops, but assuming you've finished the basics (e.g., the manifesto, wage labor and capital, principles of communism), getting a grasp on the dialectical materialist and historical materialist framework of analysis is fundamental (on contradiction, on dialectics, dialectical and historical materialism, etc.). After that, a study on imperialism is equally crucial.
I'd also like to add that you're very lucky to have found someone of your particular background who is open to socialism. When I was attempting to organize at my high school, where the average income was more than 120K USD p/year, very few, if any people were interested in anything except minor concessions. Despite this, I think it's still good to get some experience in organization under your belt, be it a book club or a social gathering or a tabling or even handing out/putting up flyers. Being able to leverage your privilege will help with that. You might not convince many people, but knowing how to adapt your goals to your condition and, potentially, lead and work with a group of people is experience you cannot learn from reading alone.
Good luck!
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daistea · 3 months
I headcanon that elves and their societies are very European. Not one country in specific, just European. And British too which is technically still European but Ya Know
Anyway I can’t really decide what accent I headcanon the elves with. Like I know in the dub they obviously sound Americanish just for simplicity’s sake but.. No they need different accents. Kabru even mentions that Mithrun has no accent but that’s not true because everyone has an accent, Kabru is just used to how elves sound and probably talks in a very similar way.
I think it would be hilarious to give them French accents, but then when I think seriously about that possibility I am quickly filled with indiscernible rage. Yet the thought of them speaking French interests me nonetheless… I am very simple, you see.
Ofc the accents would be regional based, with elves claiming two different continents(I’m not sure if the Western Continent could be considered truly part of the elven nation. It might just be heavily influenced by its proximity to the Northern and Southern Central Continents?? Maybe it’s considered a colony. But ofc the elves that live on the Western continent would have different accents/dialects as well)
But I’m thinking about Mithrun specifically, as I am prone to do. Which means the Northern Central Continent…
I enjoy the thought of him having a Northern English accent because it greatly amuses me. There’s no reason why I chose that over southern English other than that I think it would be funny
But I also consider Dutch, Sicilian, and Greek as well. Not because they amuse me but because I genuinely like them.
Idk 🤷‍♀️
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liljakonvalj · 1 year
I watched the Great Mouse Detective tonight and as someone who loves this movie, here's some of my thoughts:
First of all and this cannot be overstated: Best. Sherlock. Holmes. Adaptation.
I was today years old when i discovered that Olivia and her dad are Scottish (which explains her father talking about catching a train at the end of the movie)
(I grew up with the swedish vhs and watched it in english for the first time today. in swedish none of the character's have any particular dialect )
The aesthetic of Victorian human London but with mice having a miniature society mirroring it?? Love that!!
Despite Basil being the titular character and being the main character in so far that he's the one going on a personal journey and change through the movie- Dawson is the POV character for most of the movie which I find interesting
The transitions when Basil tells them about Ratigan and then showing the audience what he's up to and then back to Basil's apartment are stellar
All the songs are sung in universe - I think this is the only disney movie to do this??
And two of them sung by the villain?! Outstanding move
(It should be mentioned that the remaining song was sung by sexy, stripper mice in a bar)
The heroes drink alcohol, get drugged, enjoy a strip tease and accidentaly causes a bar fight all in the same scene
Yes, the toy store was both entrancing and scary to me as a child. The first doll they see when they enter? That doll whose face smashes and nearly kills Basil and Watson? The toys from which Fidget steals the mechanics? All super terrifying
Ratigan is the only character to have a human-like five-fingered hand, all the others have standard animated four-fingered hands
Ratigan mention a that he thought basil would be 15 minutes quicker to find his lair - which he uses to taunt his enemy but it also means he cannot be there to observe his machine killing his captives. That gives them the opportunity to escape unseen. If Basil and Dawson hadn't been late they probably wouldn't have survived, just saying
The clock tower sequence!! I actually clapped when it started
The cogwheels were computer animated while the mice were drawn by hand - which makes for a really dynamic moving camera
(The man who talked about this in the extras were so enthusiastic about this. Love that for him)
Speaking of moving camera - I greatly enjoyed the camera movement when Rattigan jumped over the citizens to reach the balcony with Olivia and the bat after his plan had been foiled at Buckingham palace. It was really fluent and full of angles
Back to the clocktower: when Ratigan snaps and you can see the angry pen strokes?? They simply don't make movies like this anymore
That was of course very scary too as a child
The final battle outside on the clock hands? Give this movie all awards !!
When Basil comes cycling on that little propeller thing? Link in Tears of the kingdom wishes he could do that
In the extras someone mentioned that they'd made extensive backstories of all the characters: why Rattigan became evil, how it was for Basil to grow up so smart etc. And i desperately want to read that
I know no one cares about the swedish voice actors but I found the different performances of both Basil and Rattigan interesting. I know Vincent Price is much beloved as Ratigan (justly so) but idk if it is nostalgia speaking but I think swedish Ratigan really held up. There were actually some lines that I knew by heart in swedish where the delivery was preferable to the English one for me. After looking it up i saw that the swedish VA is an opera singer (base) which really isn't a surprise given his performance. Basil's voices were really similar normally (so similar I didn't hear the change when I switched between languages - which i did one time to freshen up the swedish voices) but the VA in swedish goes up in falsetto quite often which gives a quite manic impression. Swedish!Basil's sanity is hung by a thread in his restless pursuit of his arch nemesis - which makes his devastation when Ratigan bests him more believable imo. English!Basil is much more a proper, brittish gentleman throughout. All performances were great, I just found the differences interesting.
I have some Core visuals from this movie living rent free in my mind since childhood which are: when Basil compares the two bullets, the closeups as Fidget jumps out at the audience, when Dawson pulls out the glass door with his finger, Ratigan squishing Olivia's doll, Basils machine when analyzing the paper, when Toby makes a stair out of his ear, that flag/balloon/matchbox contraption they used to chase Ratigan at the end, the end fight on the clock arms.
Did i miss your favourite part of the movie? Any core memories from this movie for you?
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robloart · 5 months
I watched the begins≠youth show a couple days ago. I was too busy to talk about it but now I have down time and kind wanna go over some stuff. (I pirated it for the boycott obviously and bc the platform Hybe released it on is ass backwards and weird)
I was kinda concerned that I wouldn't get emotionally invested with the story without BTS there but I really liked it so far. It hits the emotional beats really well. The actors are really good and do a good job bringing their own individuality into their performance while also emulating some mannerism of their respective members character. Enough that I'm reminded of BTS but not too much that makes it feel weird or uncanny.
They changed some things but not too much so far. I think the way the BTUniverse was presented made it much easier to adapt it into a series. But also made it so some characters are just too devoid of their respective members personality. Such as Dogeon. He doesn't feel like Namjoon to me and his actor doesnt resemble him at all I feel like the other actors even just slightly resemble the members but not him and I really don't like it. But What we know of all their characters is only their adult selves after what happens in high school tho so I forgive it but he's the only one I had trouble really vibing with bc of that.
I don't know if theyre gonna include the supernatural elements into the show it seems like it might be a crime drama murder mystery where they deal with extenuating circumstances of their daily lives while investigating the past and how they may be connected with each other. Their was a lot more emphasis placed on yoongi mothers death and what may have lead to it than in the original BTU.
I like the direction but I would have loved the supernatural elements more than just another murder mystery HS drama.
Jins character (hwan) really pissed me off at first but it was intentional ofc. The actor does a good job. His character is quiet and contemplative but cute when he wants to be. Loved the moments between his character and Namjoons (Dogeon) I'ma namjonist at heart and BTU was giving namjin hard ASF.
The actor for hobis character (hosu) is a master at emulating his mannerisms and even the inflection in his voice and his dialect. It was amazing how I immediately knew who he was while I kinda struggled for the other characters until I realized they still had the same last names as the BTS members 💀. Hes cute and acts as a mediator for the group like jhope sometimes does irl. The actor does a good job of balancing hobis sunny personality and his quiet suffering with his trauma and disorder. I think his narcolepsy might still be munchausen's disorder like in the og.
The actor for taehyungs character (jooan) really matched his carefree and playful nature of both his character and taehyung. His smile and facial expressions really remind me of taehyung. He reminds me of how tae portrayed his character in hwarang. They took away his sister so idk if tae(jooan) killing his dad is gonna be something that happens since his sister's abuse was the motivator for it. Again I think it's bc they may have taken away the supernatural time travel elements.
I was worried about yoongis character (cein). I was really hoping they didn't portray him as one dimensional. Just angsty sleepy and quiet. The same way some army's portray yoongi in fanfics sometimes. But I like that they included how cute loud and mischievous he can be with bursts of energy. How reliable and loyal he is. How he cares for ppl with actions instead of words. I think Cein's personality resembled yoongis the most out of any other character and their respective member. The one thing I ABSOLUTELY hated was the implication that yoongi or his character would be uncomfortable with queerness even as a joke. Mr tongue technology himself?? I don't think so. They can miss me with that bullshit.
Haru being a unisex name just like Jimin is so cute. I like Jimins character his actor is really good and nailing the more serious scenes. His story along with yoongis(Cein) was the most compelling to me so far. I like how his trauma is portrayed and even the stigma around it. I like how they put him in charge of the decorations and cake for Cein's birthday like Jimin used to do irl before the company sorta took that over. I don't remember Jimin(haru) having an older brother but fuck him and his mom and dad.
Like I said before Joons character (Dogeon) bothered me the most. He's poor and sad and that's really all there is to him rn and it kinda sucks. The actor doesn't remind me of namjoon at all. His performance is good but the writing for the character is just a bit weak. They also make him more law abiding than he was in the BTU. He acts as a voice of reason to tehyungs (jooan) mischief but I don't really remember him being like that. But again the BTU didn't explore their highschool days THAT much.
Jungkook character (jeha) is adorable. the actor is a minor so I hope ppl take that into account when talking about him and his character. His home life isn't as bad as it was portrayed in the BTU but I think the abuse he faces will obviously escalate. I like the dimension they added to his character. I'm ready to see where this goes for him.
I screamed when I saw Jung sungil as jins(hwan) dad. Very good choice. I loved him in the glory but I'm so prepared to see him as a villain. Also the actors from beyond evil playing jungkooks(jeha) older brother.
Very interested to see where this trail goes with yoongis(Cein's) mom. If Hwans dad did actually SA her and what lead to her death. I was surprised they included that detail. I also have a feeling that Hwan's dads weied issue with Hwan having friends may have something to do with Cein's mom.
There also seems to be a culminating revelation of how the boys were involved in Cein's mom death. They kept showing flashbacks of each boy when some building exploded. I thought it was yoongis suicide in BTU but then they showed both where Cein was during the explosion so it was some other fire and not the fire that namjoon dies in (didn't relaize how many fire related deaths was in the BTU) bc I believe that takes place later when they're older and if they changed that fire to fit the lack of super natural elements then it still wouldn't fit bc jooan doesn't know who Cein is at the time of the explosion. So it must be the fire yoongis mom dies in if not then idk.
Honestly just really looking forward to seeing where this all leads especially if they've excluded the time traveling.
The show also gave me this weird sense of sad nostalgia for hyyh Bangtan. I cried a little seeing them interacted with such simplicity especially Cein's bday scenes bc I was just heavily reminded of BTS and really miss them.
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brookstolemybrand · 3 months
I already talked about Sabo being kind of a parallel protagonist to Luffy, but Koby is in some ways maybe even more so (especially since he was introduced literally in chapter 2)
Sabo is Luffy's dad's protégé
Koby is Luffy's grandpa's protégé
(Sidenote: Luffy kinda took Ace's place as Shanks' and Rayleigh's protégé, arguably; I mean it would have made a lot of sense for former Roger pirates to act as mentor figures for Roger's son, wouldn't it? In a different story that put more importance to bloodlines, Ace would have been destined to be the next King of the Pirates for sure. Ace is kind of a decoy protagonist)
With Koby it's even more obvious when you look at the known SWORD members and how many of them have some kind of legacy position, or at least we can assume so even if we don't know for certain (like with Hibari suspiciously sharing Akainu's dialect). In theory, Garp's grandson would fit into SWORD perfectly.
And of course Garp very much intended this to be Luffy. It's not even subtle that Koby is the replacement grandson lmao
(Say what you want about Dragon's (lack of) parenting, he definitely didn't put any pressure on Luffy. So with Sabo it's not really the same, it's not like Luffy refused to follow in his father's footsteps; he didn't even know he had a father, much less what those footsteps were. But the parallels are still there)
But yeah, I think their personal connections to Luffy, as well as the way they're set up in positions that Luffy plausibly might have had in some alternate timelines, makes them Luffy's counterparts in the Navy and in the Revolutionary Army. Which allows them to function as pseudo-protagonists for the audience when Luffy isn't present and to take on plotlines that would otherwise feel like they should be handled by the main characters (like taking on the Blackbeard Pirates and the Celestial Dragons respectively)
Narratively speaking, as the plot gets bigger, you kinda need these secondary protagonists to carry the parts of the story that Luffy can't be there for
The three of them also represent different shounen protagonist archetypes:
I kinda struggled to phrase this myself (and honestly I just have a very limited reference pool for shounen anime) so I googled it and I'm stealing the terms from this post
Basically Luffy is the "Idiot Hero", Koby is the "Boy Wonder" and Sabo... well actually I think Ace is the "Punk Martyr" (he took the martyr part a bit too seriously rip), and Sabo is the secret fourth thing: the Cool Competent Guy (even though Sabo is also a punk, he just hides it better)
Luffy is a Goku, Koby is a Deku, and Sabo is... idk I guess he would be a Lelouch (look, I'm talking about character TYPES, not saying they're the same kind of person)
... Well actually Sabo is more of an Enjolras, but Les Mis is not a shounen manga—
(That's a really good adaptation of Les Mis btw, I could gush endlessly about Takahiro Arai and how well he understood not only the core of the story but also how to adapt it into a visual medium, really leaning into the vivid metaphorical imagery in Hugo's narration and then adding to it his own, it's SO GOOD)
(To immediately nitpick myself: Sabo is more like an amalgamation of all the Amis de l'ABC but it's easier to say Enjolras for short. Also yes I know Enjolras isn't the protagonist, but he has protagonist energy)
Anyway... what was I saying?
Right, I was gonna talk about the hero thing, because heroism is actually a big theme in One Piece:
Luffy doesn't want to be a hero, BUT KOBY DOES. He might be sheepish about calling himself one, but it was his dream, and by all conventional standards he accomplished it: he's now a Navy Hero
Sabo is more of a reluctant hero; he wanted to be a pirate like Luffy but chose to become a revolutionary instead. He's fully committed to that role though, even willing to accept the title of regicide if it helps the cause (this btw also makes him similar to another character in Les Mis, the Conventionist who... okay fine I'll stop)
As a marine and a revolutionary, Koby and Sabo are on the opposite sides of the whole "hero" thing. Although well, neither of them are extremists so at the same time they're not that opposite either, more like just each others' counterparts on opposing sides, but still
It makes sense that Koby, whose ambition was to become a hero, would gravitate to the conventional and widely accepted form of heroism: military heroism. Meanwhile Sabo, the reluctant hero, was driven to become one exactly because those socially accepted forms of heroism in reality exist to maintain an unjust system and there need to be people who step up to oppose that system, it's heroism out of necessity
You could also say that Koby becomes a part of the system because he wants to be a hero, Sabo becomes a hero because he wants to escape the system...
(Sidenote: I actually have a hunch that Dragon is probably more like Koby in terms of personality and ambitions, he's just a Koby who became disillusioned after learning the truth about the navy. That's the vibe I get anyway)
Either way, both of them are a good contrast to Luffy, who insists that he's not a hero and who chooses to just follow his selfish whims, which is why he's the pirate, he picks the least "heroic" career option. And that's why he's the protagonist, because this is a pirate manga
That said, as it turns out, his selfish whims are pretty heroic anyway, and he ends up being the one who has the most freedom to do exactly what needs to be done, BECAUSE he's not a hero
(Is that extremely dangerous? Sure. Could it end really badly? Yes. But Luffy isn't supposed to be a role model, he's literally a pirate)
But it still helps the narrative to also have heroic characters who aren't only motivated to help people who give them food lol
(I kid, but ykwim)
It helps that there are heroes even if the protagonist isn't one, because otherwise the audience might start wanting the protagonist to become the hero
And then it wouldn't be a pirate adventure story anymore, it would become a hero narrative
.... I know I should end the post here but you have no idea how much I'm holding back a rant rn about the marines and how much they suck and why I find Koby so frustrating as a character... That's another post tho
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