#also idk why it only shows one song as in my library. i know a bunch of these. classic broken spotify <3
birdricks · 7 months
completely forgot to post this stupid shit i spent hours on
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xoxoemynn · 4 months
5, 12, 18 for the fic writer asks??
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP From the Big WIP aka my Afterlight Boys! This is where, if he were in one of his shows, someone would point out there’s always a rainbow after a storm, and only bright and magical things ahead, and they’d burst into song and dance as the stage lit up in color and the audience gasped and cheered and clapped.
12. a trope you’re really into right now MAKE IT ACHE!!! I don't care how, I need Ed and Stede DESPERATE and HURTING and YEARNING and DEVOID OF ALL HOPE. I need them to CRY. I need them to push each other away. And then I need them to cry more and kiss the tears away. idk if that's really a "right now" so much as an "always" but... yes. Pain.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic Okay I had to search for this, because I lost a lot of my deleted snippets when my computer died since I kept so many on Scrivener and did not back up appropriately. 😭 But here's an earlier version of a scene from Here's to the Night. I reworked it because the tone was getting more melancholy than the fic called for. Behind a cut because I couldn't just pick a single paragraph and it's long.
Ed licked the remnants of the chip off his thumb and then leaned in close to Stede. “Why’d you and your wife split up?”
Stede shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “I guess you could say we were incompatible.”
“You mean that you’re gay.”
All the air left Stede’s lungs. He didn’t know why this felt like crossing such a line. He’d been flirting with Ed on the company phone line all night and had made an excuse for him to come up just so he could spend more time with him, alone, on a holiday traditionally spent with couples.
But hearing the word out loud, and describing him, made Stede like he was caught talking too loudly in the library by the strict librarian. He just barely resisted the urge to look over his shoulder to make sure nobody heard.
“Stede, mate, you okay?”
Stede shook his head. “No, you’re right. I just…” He let out a soft half-laugh. “I’ve never actually said it before. I knew it. Have known it. And by the end I think even my ex-wife knew it, although she never said anything. I just… wow. Wowie wow wow.”
“Do you want to say it now?” Ed asked quietly. “Just for the hell of it?”
“I’m gay,” Stede said. The words sounded loud in the empty office, so loud Stede was semi-surprised they didn’t echo throughout the hallways. He smiled. “I’m gay.”
“Congrats, mate.” Ed clapped his shoulder. “Felt good, didn’t it?”
“Felt weird,” Stede admitted. “Like it wasn’t even really me saying it. But also I felt… more me? Does that even make sense?”
“Completely,” Ed said. “And maybe now you can start living your real life.”
“What, just because I’ve said out loud what I’ve always known?” Stede scoffed.
“Listen, I get it,” Ed said quietly. “Obviously. It’s not like things have been easy for us of late.”
Stede’s throat tightened, and he shook his head. “No.”
“Do you want to tell me, or do you want me to guess?” Ed asked.
“I… I thought it was just something you grew out of,” Stede said. “I went to an all-boys’ boarding school, and it was just what you did. But while all my classmates did… I didn’t. I figured I just needed to try harder. I dated girls all through uni, and it still never felt right.”
Stede sighed. “I pulled a classic Stede Bonnet move and ran away. Moved to New York. I thought when I was off on my own I could finally explore who I was without being surrounded by all the relics of my old life.”
Ed nodded. “And how’d that go?”
“Great. I loved it. Made me want to travel more, see everything the world had to offer. And I even dated a few men. Really nice ones, too. Not right, but it felt closer.” He looked down at his hands. “And then it was the eighties.”
“Yeah,” Stede said. “So, I moved back home, met Mary, convinced her I was the man of her dreams. We were married before she was able to come to her senses.”
Ed rested his hand on Stede’s knee. “I’m sorry, mate.”
Stede shook his head. “It’s fine. I was lying to myself, to Mary, to my family. It had to all come crashing down eventually."
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Disclaimer: This post is going to be Anti Moffat for anyone who’s reading and is a fan you’ve been warned.  
“The Wedding of River Song” is the thirteenth episode and aside from being a boring episode it was, unfortunately, also my least favorite season finale.
The Good: I haven’t watched Classic Who, but I do know the Brigadier is a very important person in the Doctor’s life and I saw his character in one of the episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Having his death in the show to reflect that of the actor’s was incredibly beautiful, and I liked that it seemed to be the moment the Doctor realized it was his time reminding me a lot of Ten and Wilf. The different settings where time is happening all at once looked really cool, and there were some funny jokes especially with Emperor Churchill.
The Bad: I think the reason I feel like I don’t know Amy and Rory that well is b/c instead of developing them as characters for two seasons now we keep getting fake/different versions of them, there’s always a plot twist of “oh actually that wasn’t the real version of them” and frankly it’s tiring. This finale felt like a rehashed poorly done version of previous concepts. All the “voices” saying they’ll help reminded me of everyone thinking of the Doctor at the end of S3, and the different realities reminded me of the end of S5. The Doctor leaving Dorium’s head again in that place was horrible, why not take him to his home or at least some fancy hotel? 
The River storyline being the absolute worst:  That comment about how River spends her days in prison and her nights with him was disgusting, if she didn’t really kill him why on earth is the Doctor making sure she’s serving time?? The fact that we’ve seen her slip in and out of prison easily so many times leads to the horrifying implication that the Doctor just takes her out whenever he pleases like she’s some sort of...idk but that was awful. I genuinely did go into Moffat’s era trying to keep an open mind when it came to her character b/c I was under the impression it was going to be an interesting love story with their timelines not matching. But this has fallen apart in the most horrible ways with everything regarding River seemingly being tacked on w/o any actual thought. How in the world did River convince Ten to trust her in the library? He said that she knew his name, but here he didn’t actually tell her his name...unless later he tells her to fulfill that paradox. But even then I really thought that he would grow to love her in his own way, but the way he treated her here was awful “I don’t want to marry you” and “you embarrass me”. The fact that she loves him when he acts like that with her is probably my least favorite thing Moffat could have ever done. On that same note River saying no one loves the Doctor more than her would feel far more impactful if we actually saw them interacting more in a healthy way, instead we’re just constantly told that they are going on trips and we’re to assume they enjoy spending time with each other when on screen I’ve never once gotten the sense that he actually cares for her. She wanted to rewrite time itself instead of killing him which I suppose I could understand her doing if they’d had a more believable love story, but her relationship with him seems more obsessive and toxic than anything. She knew them touching would cause time to move forward and fix itself, but she wouldn’t allow it until he married her essentially blackmailing him. And Eleven only marrying her to whisper his escape plan seemed horribly manipulative as well, it’s obvious it matters far more to her than him and for him to play into that obsession seems really dark. And I’m not even sure if that counts as their wedding if he didn’t tell her his name? I don’t know enough about the lore, but I was under the impression from the library episode that it was a requirement. 
The Unresolved: Apparently there’s a bigger story to tell with the Trenzalore stuff.
Overall I feel disappointed, I have now watched six series of DW and my biggest concern is that I was so unbelievably bored during this episode and several others in this series. The Doctor telling Churchill how everything played out felt like someone was reading the script out to me instead of me watching things play out on screen. I had a really rough time getting through these episodes, but I’m still staying optimistic that it was a dud and next series is better. I think the thing I feel the saddest about is that I don’t find myself loving the characters as much as I used to in the past, Amy has really grown on me, but even then I don’t feel the same attachment I do to the other companions I’ve seen.  
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bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Tagged by @fiercynn, it's a lovely idea. Thank you!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself Hello you can find me most places online as sweet_exile (except tumblr). I am terrible at intros so please ask if you want to know anything.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I watched BB in April last year after a friend recommended some Thai BLs and this was the one I fell in love with. I kind of accidentally fell into the fandom after writing a couple of fics.
favorite ship(s) sorry to be obvious but patpran. I love inkpa too, as soon as I saw the 'oh no, I've lost my contact lens' scene I instantly thought, that's such a meet cute moment.
favorite character(s) Pat is my beloved. So dramatic, one thing goes wrong and he's ready to throw himself off the balcony. I absolutely do not identify with that.
favorite episode(s) Aaaaah! A tough choice beyond the obvious episode 5 answer. Episode 2 is great, the pre-credits scene is a work of comedy genius and I love episode 3 as well.
favorite scene(s) the epic rooftop kissᵗᵐ (of course!), episode 6 - playing in the sea and the 'you must hate me' conversation afterwards, the library scene in episode 3 - my favourite cheeky kind of Pat and also returning Pran's guitar.
one thing you would change about the show if you could I'm glad they didn't overdo Pat's jealousy of Wai but I do think patpran needed to have a conversation about why Pran left his guitar with Wai.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? Oh so many, you're welcome to check out my bookmarks but a couple of my favourites are:
traffic was slow for the crash years by @fiercynn
What's in Your Head? (Zombie Eh Eh) by aworkingprinter (miscellar on tumblr)
A Soft Boy in Soft Sweaters by @dimplesandfierceeyes
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
I've only written a couple of BB fics but the one I'm most proud of is Love is Careless in its Choosing It's the longest fic I've ever written and started off as a stupid thought - why is it always Pran who is ill with Hanahaki Disease what if it was Pat and it kind of grew from there.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) I have a habit of using David Bowie lyrics as fic titles, so a lot of Bowie songs remind me of patpran, which is my own fault I know.
Days from the Reality album is very them - "Do I need a friend? Well I need one now" "All the days of my life, all the days I owe you." "With redeyed pain I'm knocking on your door again, My crazy brain in tangles pleading for you gentle voice"
I could pick loads of them though. I'm fine honestly.
idk anything else you want us to know? I don't think so.....
I think @fiercynn has already tagged everyone I know in BB fandom so if you stumble across this and want to join in please consider yourself tagged!
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jinkicake · 2 years
Yeah the aether brainrot is real😭 guess you have to create the change you want to see in the world😔😔 like he’s such a boy and idk what other way to describe him, truly the Giovanna effect. He’s really the “am i going too fast for you?🥺 want me to slow down” while he’s folding you in half; he’s so pretty and he knows it!! He has that smile that’s so warm and trustworthy the “he would never hurt anyone” smile and it’s the exact same one he will use when he’s overstimulating you until your eyes are permanently at the back of your head. Very much “I won’t reveal my true secrets or intentions until necessary” vibes. And he’s the beloved traveler! Why would they think he’s knuckles deep in you at a dinner with ningguang?? Why would anyone have reason to suspect he’s at the top of wangshu inn covering your mouth so they don’t hear your screams?(Xiao knows and definitely sees and that’s probably why he does it) like he has a pinch of “and what about it🤨” bc he would probably bend you over a statue of the seven and not flinch bc what are they really gunna do😭 eating you out in the hands of barbatos when it’s pitch black outside and the only one who would be around is that bard; knowing zhongli on the clock and having you ride him as he sits on the statue and they can hear it all. Lmao everyone knows your a slut but you like he does this but not a soul will say anything to you but they know you’re the travelers play thing. Wonder why the electro archon and the shrine maiden can’t look you in the eyes for more than a second 🤔 will tell you you’re imagining things.will give a demonstration if asked tho he has an exhibitionist streak. “I don’t do anything unless you ask me” bitch 😒 I hate him!! I hear everyone’s “his hair is down during sex” and I raise you: what if he keeps it in a braid or in a bun. Like if he’s fighting and his king ass hair isn’t getting caught in anything he’s not gunna take it down when you can still pull on it. Would also look suspicious if you came back form a commission limping and he didn’t look put together. Ik Lisa knows and by w jean and Kaeya too so they’re like 😳🫢 the entire time they talk to y’all. Jean is stuttering her way through asking him to check out some nearby ruins and you’re asking her if she’s feeling okay😭 Kaeya is holding back a laugh but if you look at him he will evaporate, like they can’t say they heated you creaming on his dick in the forbidden section of the library😔😔 so they just gotta pretend like everything is normal while sunshine boy is smiling like he’s never done anything wrong a day in his life😊 his song gotta be Handstand specifically the dojacat verse👀👀 abyss aether definitely likes a crowd you can’t tell me he wouldn’t give direct orders while you’re falling apart in his lap💀he don’t care who walks in. What if he were in the same universe as tracer aether like a clone Albedo👀 let me not think about that too much😭 he’s a menace and loves to asset dominance any way possible, him using everyone’s visions to beat her showed me that he isn’t letting his full potential being sealed away stop that!!
no aether is so sick... he pretends to be concerned about you but then continues to do the thing that's causing your brain to melt!
like 'I'll stop, don't worry' when you're crying from overstimulation but then he's continuing to play with your clit until your legs spasm and you start to sob
yeah i get the aether appeal bc he seems so sweet and that is how he gets you! yandere!aether is real!!! he makes you think he is a normal dude but then the next morning you're tied up to his throne and he's like 'good morning!'
now personally if aether had me on top of the inn and xiao was only listening in... i would personally jump off the building bc xiao has to join in like ill cry... like GET OVER HERE THERE IS ENOUGH ROOM... matter of fact, i might push aether off the roof for xiao like he'll survive it's fine! sorry xiao got the better of me- now its just me and xiao hehehe but still two is better than one so i want both!
wait a min i know youre thinking of traveler aether and im thinking of abyss prince aether.... but i need to jot down that idea of him fucking you against the statues bc that goes perfect w the yandere!abyss prince i got going in my head right now.... that will be my dream for tonight and what i fall asleep to!
i think he keeps his hair up during... ya know.... like it's too long and would be suuuch a mess to keep down... it would just get in the way!
naurrrr aether is so sick if he acts like nothing happened while you're limping and bruised up like everyone would believe him if he said nothing was wrong omggggggg
sighhh thinking abt the abyss prince just wow-
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viatrix-glow · 2 years
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I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED MY RENDERS/LAYOUTS/WHATEVER FOR MY ENSTARS OC….. and now i will dump a bunch of information about her 🤲🏽
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here’s some outfits for her!! tbh the winter one was made on the spot soooo idk if it’ll actually stay
here’s the faux scout cards <3 they took way too long to make and yes i stole the bg of the second one from mika’s card (the first is also from the game). i’m not drawing a background
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heres some more info about her. no organization im just gonna spout some rapid fire facts. keep in mind she is a little bit (a lot bit) of a self indulgent oc <3
-she is what i am dubbing a fill-in idol. essentially, she’s an idol who fills in for other units when they’re missing a member for a performance . this is why she works with valkyrie most often (she can take the roll of shu or nazuna for ex songs)
-her first name comes from a song (hikari by royal scandal). no real reason i just like the song lol
-she left switch on very good terms (she’s still besties with all 3 of them). she just left because she thought the unit functioned better as a trio (“you three shine brighter on stage without me~”) she still performs with them from time to time though (usually for smaller audiences, or she just joins them for practice)
-she’s been friends with mika since before they entered yumenosaki (they applied together), and became close to arashi in her first year too. she had planned on trying out for valk alongside him, but got caught up with switch
-speaking of switch! she runs into tsumugi on the day that he first visits the library (with the key rei gives him to get into the secret area) and recognizes him as one of the fine members . she goes with him to the library and meets natsume there (same scene as canon just. she’s there .) she gets along really well with him (and with mugi), which is why she ends up as a member of switch during her second year.
-she used to have a crush on nazuna (product of watching the performances and going to mika’s practices) . not really relevant i just wanted to throw it out there. does she have a crush on someone now? i don’t know
-her last name (yuuta) is intentionally the same as my twst oc, aurelia . they are sisters (aurelia is the older one by a year and a few months -(her bday is 2/2)). my thought is that when aurelia is sent to the world of twst, somehow the people who know her in her or world forget about her, so hikari doesn’t remember her as of now .
-she works part time at the same diner/restaurant/whatever as niki. he has to teach her a Lot about cooking though (she’s getting better)
-she absolutely Hates hates hatesssss rinne and crazy:b when they first start to cause trouble. she’s very protective over her friends and the other idols at es. even though she dislikes eichi for everything he did, she recognizes and appreciates the work he’s put into making es. she doesn’t like how crazy:b throws themselves into others live shows (live shows are so important and personal to units!!), and she gets very snappy and upset with them for it. however, she does her best to keep the peace when she’s around them because they’re under the same agency. after the main story stuff in !! finished though she begins to understand the position rinne +the bees were in, and she starts to forgive them and grow somewhat close to them. i would put them in the frenemies area
-i think her shuffle unit would be flambé!…? i tried to make it branco since they only have 4 members, but since she works with sora so often i think that disqualifies her. i really would like her to be in blend+ but again. same problem
-i think she’s close with anzu too. girlies gotta stick together! her, anzu and naru can go out for girls nights together
-the only unit she doesn’t really fill in for is 2wink because . the whole twin dynamic. kinda hard to replace one . and mam/doubleface obv
ok i’m running out of thoughts it’s 12am but that’s my oc!!!! if u read all of this thank you i love u <3
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
okay so rtc mermaid au
this is going to be set in australia because *fuck america* (that's a joke it's really because most mermaid stuff is in australia and i want an excuse to have stuff in australia and therefore based on my own experiences. also it lets me make them wear uniforms which h20 just add water didn't do and i'm STILL MAD i dont care if it's a queensland thing fuck queensland they had to win the state of origin. bitches.) this fic would be throughout their year 12 (senior year) but i haven't decided if this would be starting in october or february because. okay school years are weird once you get to senior.
constance, noel, and ricky are all regular human people. they are in the choir. and you know ricky is really into sydney folklore, noel thinks they're bullshit, and constance was super into h2o: just add water and mako mermaids (the sequel show). okay, she still is.
penny has been a mermaid since birth. because. both her parents were merpeople so is ezra it's simple genetics. she grows up in the northern territory (it's our hot desert state and apparently has had the highest percent weed usage in australia). something something their parents were manipulators who made people believe that either they could become merpeople or that deep down, they fucked them up through the intense amounts of marijuana. their transformations were decently controlled because. like nt is a fucking desert there's a reason it's a territory not a state. but when the police found the commune, for some reason or other, they spilt water on penny and ezra's parents. so not only have they been split from their family and sent to sydney, a crowded city entirely different to everything they've ever known, but they are also traumatised by what happened to their parents and are panicking about getting caught especially in a city that has far more water (they lied in the commune and got out because of being minors idk i didn't take legal studies)
ocean was magically transformed into a mermaid. basically, i'm keeping choir as a think because it's fun dammit. ricky was accompanist because they're really damn good at piano. on the group chat, ricky (who was really into myths of the area) was like "hey you should go to xyz beach and chant this thing prove me wrong" and ocean. wanted to prove them wrong. sO. on her 18th birthday (fulfilled the thing stipulations, she'd be studying anyway so might as well do something special) she went there and did the chanty thing. coincidentally, at the exact time she was born. she then went to school or the library to study (what a fucking nerd) and when she showers the next morning, girliepop falls down. with a tail. yeah it's not great and she panicks because she is building a future it is bad publicity if she is a fucking fish. so if it starts in september she'd change during the fic.
mischa is a siren (so is talia). he lived on the outskirts of ukraine, but one night in his sleep he somehow swam to australia. he has no idea why he's there. his physiology is also different from penny's and ocean's. they don't have gills (it's more just. holding their breath), he does, and his never go away. he also doesn't need water to change into siren form, he can control it all. and he can get wings. mischa's song is enchanting, it can curse all who hear it to a watery grave. except, weirdly, penny's and ocean's. in fact, ocean begs him to join the choir, with how his song somehow is layered with harmonies. he says no, thank you, but he sees how easy it will be for him to fulfil whatever he has to do.
@try-cry-why-try @luckynature
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jimimn · 1 year
Oh I'm sorry you had to go through that :( And I'm happy you were able to find something (or in this case someone) to be there for you ❤️❤️
OH I need to do that too!! Immediately googling how to add songs to Spotify 🧐
LMAOO yes I had the same thoughts cause set me free also had cursing and I was like ight how they gonna broadcast it on music shows but they are doing it, so? 😂 Maybe they bleeped the words, there aren't many after all 🤷‍♀️ Or they were also like Park Jimin can curse on a music show as a treat 😂
Oh oh oh and can we talk about the like crazy dance because????? I'm obsessed. His dancers were so BEAUTIFUL both the hybe and the late night show dancers. AND the way I saw people trying to say the woman in the mv wasn't representing him and fighting tooth and nail to prove that just for Jimin to have this dance LMAO he really said sike. Love that for him. I'm so in love with his dance between the male and female dancers and how he switches between them and how they pull and push him and and and IT'S JUST SO GOOD. My favorite is when the girls pull him towards them and then circle him and the first girl just kind of grips his chin (not really but the hand motion is similar to that) and turns it?? Idk why but I'm obsessed with that move. She really said bitch look at me, embrace yourself.
Also am I the only one who's kind of side eyeing everyone on twitter right now? Because everyone is saying "karmy we're exaggerating the dance wasn't even that sensual" and I'm like?? They didn't exaggerate though 😭 at least the translations I saw weren't like that.. Karmy did say the dancers touch him (chin, bicep, thigh etc) which they did, and that Jimin kind of warned them it would happen, but I don't think they exaggerated? Like they just told us what will happen. Or maybe I just didn't see those tweets lmao 😭 Idek why I'm bothered by this 😭 -🦋
thank you! 🥺 oh and the Spotify thing is really easy btw you just have to go to settings and switch on the local files option. then download the song and under your library on spotify, a playlist named "local files" will show up and you'll be able to see the song there. and then just normally like we do with songs, add the downloaded song on your normal playlists!!! it's a life saver 😭 i couldn't imagine going to YouTube every time i wanted to listen to letter 😭
LMFAO I think maybe jimin just won't sing the "fuck" during smf like hobi didn't on mama during arson. BUT!!! they should be allowed idc 😌
YESSSSSS please I'm obsessed with the like crazy choreo lord knows how many times I've watched both the Fallon performance and the dance practice video lmfao 😭😭😭 they did such a good job!!! whoever choreographed like crazy pls take a bow. BTS choreographies literally never disappoint they're just so good. And please, I've seen too many people invalidate the queer themes associated with like crazy. Like pls stop jimin just embarrassed you with the choreography. whoever denies it is just dumb atp like the woman is CLEARLY his reflection lmao 😭 I also saw homophobic armys attacking queer armys for saying that they related to the song like bffr art is subjective everyone has different stories and how they relate to the art they consume is none of your business 💀 AND OH YES THAT PART YOU MENTIONED PLS MY JAW DROPPED 😭😭😭 the entire choreo is just art i love it so much i can't fckin wait to watch more performances.
hmm about that i think it was a little bit of an overreaction though 😭 from what i saw. and i think it wasn't just because of karmys though it collectively blew up bc of engagement from both sides. I'm majorly side eyeing the people who are overcompensating saying things like "forget him i want her" just trying to prove a point which does not need to be proved like I'm sorry but you're coming off as equally obsessive as the people who are saying they are jealous lmao. like can we please be normal about this ffs 😭 but anyway. yeah. jimin keeps slaying that's what i care about 💅
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trixeraptops · 2 years
Reaction to Matilda The Musical on Netflix
This is a completely live writtwn reaction, my opinion may change after watching it (*cough* school for good and evil *cough*), and my only knowledge of Matilda is that one movie where Ms.Trunchbull throws that one girl by the pigtails.
Warnings: Spoilers, swearing, caps, 0 context given
sonny boiii
Pretty pony
How many logos are in this thing
Why is there a Wonka bar?
I get that it's Roald Dahl but why didn't they have a picture of the book Matilda and then open it so it says Roald Dahl instead of a Wonka bar? This isn't Charlie and the Choco Factory bruv
I like the music right after that happens its like a music box
Oh thats a cute quote
Oh this is so cute the little baby kids
I like this song so far, they're praising their kids while still being like "Yeah it's a bit rude for us to say our baby is better but look! They're raising their fist slightly! Adorable!"
Ok the children voices at the beginning were like raw like an actual child singing (like not an actor kid yanno?) But now it's all harmonized and very pretty
A whole song about parents loving their kids saying their miracles and the first line is "I'm not having a baby" lol
Perfect timing and I love the cinematography all the parents walking down the hall in the center of the camera with their babies
Is she the judge from a series of Unfortuanate Events? Go off queen, deny your pregnancy
Stop singing this woman is giving birth bruv! Your a doctor get back in your scrubs!
wow the most common thing in life is life? Wowwww
Ok Rafiki, put down the baby this ain't Lion King
"My son is a girl?" Parents when their mtf kid comes out the closet
But the balloons say boy! Give that baby sex change surgery right now doctor! Get the hormones started early!
Mrs.Wormwood looks traumatized lmao I love her
you can tell their good singers that are being bad on person to fit their characters and I love it
Also the way the Missus is holding the baby like it's a big burrito and not a fragile human life? It sends me, it's giving soon-to-be-dropped child
Mister W really said winky dink like that's a term anyone uses lmao
I love this set it's so cool the stacks, the choreography is so cool
Many kids: My mommy says I'm a miracle! straight to Just Matilda: My mummy says I'm a lousy little worm, I love the juxtaposition
Especially that everything in the other scene was orderly and clean and kinda minimalist and bright and now it's like reality it's a bit messy it's kind of empty almost despite being full of stuff while the other place was only filled with people but could otherwise be called empty
Is she on top of a food truck?
Oh it's a pop up library
Oh yeah my parents LOVE me at home. Live your fantasies hun, hope the coping mechanism works until you can get some proper therapy
I love the conflict with the parents
Not the complete misinterpretation of a very simple quote Mr.W you are something else
They said homeschooling and I think the school inspector and who I assume from the preview Netflix shows is Ms.Honey are immediately like "oh... is that so..."
They can clock that these two have a combined iq of 4
"What do you teach her" "Make up and welding" wow well that sure follows the school curriculum
Also it just hit me now that Mr.W called Matilda a boy like she hasn't been a girl for... what 10 years? Idk how old she is
Aw Ms.Honey and Matilda first interaction
Intense wow your really selling school school
Matilda you ducking nerd
Ms.H rides a bike? Why didn't the school inspector offer her a ride? Smh chivalry is dead
Did it ever occur to them they could put her up for adoption? I know the system can be fucked and im no expert but I think it might be better for her rather than living with 2 parents who literally say she ruins their life. Like they don't have an aunt or uncle to pawn her off on?
I love this song, it's so matilda
Girl your talking about how their fates are inevitable because they were written for them and then your questioning why the characters with no free will aren't changing their story? Hun I thought you were smart?
Ok unnecessary cartwheels
A little bit naughty? Sounds like foreshadowing to a song we all know from tiktok. Is Matilda gonna be red beret girl or something? Or is this a repeated line? I think it's the latter
Imagine Matilda cuts and dyes her hair, I'd scream lol
Not the sneaking into the parents bedroom to jump on the bed
Bear it as she falls into a pile of bears, that's wonderful
This seems to be a very pink, plushie filled room. It seems like the room Marilda would've gotten if her parents gave a shit about her
Why is his hair green? Shouldn't it be blond
Gymnastics star Matilda with the walking handstand
Superhero pose!
Sneaky little one
Shes making up a story on her way to school what a cutie
I love this library lady she's so nice
Ok this story is not as cute as it was when she was just making up a Lil love story
That's a long ass title for a circus trick, kinda gives away what the trick is but Matilda is a child so that's understandable
Like they literally went insane cause they didn't have a baby
"Don't get in trouble" says library lady. "Unless it'd be a good thing" says Matilda. She may be a girl but she's got balls
Oh the little newt how precious
If anything, you know. No I don't know
Red beret!
Ok French tragedy calm down
I saw this song on tiktok too, as a promo for the movie
These kids are so good ohmigod
I love the use of the alphabet and how it's very natural and not forced and it's literally just repeating the first half but now they're pointing out the letters
The one girl in the window making the cutting off the head motion lmao
I recognize Marildas little friend I think
Why are these kids in the boiler room?
Lavender I think I remember her from the other movie
Nigel calm down its math you doing even have to do
Why are all the kids so keen on cleaning the board
Its like a holiday in your head, that great bit did the rest of the class manage to get the book your reading for school?
Also who tf reads Moby dick for fun Matilda your allowed to read fun books, get this girl a geronimo Stilton or two on me
An exception to the rules? Goddammit you just gave that girl a fucking death sentence
As evidenced by this song
Oh course this school has a color guard that trunchbull runs
I think it's a weird choice for her to be waving a white flag though, idk the significance in like color guard or flag waving or whatever but she never surrenders so I think a different color would've been better. Maybe red because of her aggression
Or green to match her military uniform that she's wearing despite her never bring in the military I think
Stip misgendering your daughter it's been ages since she was born
Lol him struggling to do the whole book at once
Big stupid, then struggles eith the lock
Pigtail girl and eater boy!
Not the chokey O.o
The chokey is a literal iron maiden in the woods, how is this legal? How did Trunchbull not get shut down
Matilda Wormwood, professional liar. Love it
All the kids immediately agreeing with Matilda is great
Wow if Trunchbull hates pigtails then she must hate that one kid dancer who has dreadlocks
Chrck and see if the kid is still alive, HOW IS SHE IN CHARGE OF A SCHOOL?!
A promise is a promise is a promise
That was such a good transition, so seamless
And straight to the carnival where the trick will be how great
Trunchbull as the evil step sister love
She finally has a child and they cancel the show ♡
But I'm sure the evil step sister will be doing something
I was right
Pit down the contract Ursula
A contract is a contract is a contract, I love callbacks
I thought she was gonna make them fall in the shark water but go off little miss letter of the law
Excuse me you're gonna have to wait til tommorow for the next bit, you don't have enough coins to buy the next episode early bitch
Art imitates life and Mrs.Phelps is catching onto Matildas shtick
Ok not only is she a genius and a storyteller and a gymnast but also a amazing artist? What's next? Is she the next Masterchef or something
Not me being jealous of a child
Did she just cross out the child of the acrobat and the escapologist? Is she gonna kill them? I love that for her
That food looks so gross and mushy and yuck
I think it's useful rice tho lol
Awww I love Ms.H she is the only one looking out for these children
She said move and they immediately dissembled the lunch table lmao
Ah yeah Matilda is truly the anti christ how dare she be smart
You have 2 choices, be punished or be punished
The belch heard around the world, you covered your mouth too late babe
Not the air bubble
Brucie boyyyyy your about to eat a fuck ton of cake baby Boi
Oh that actually looks very good, a very nice cake indeed
not the pact with Satan lmaoooo
Hunky this is a pact with beelzebub, learn your demons babe
Im getting thrown in the chokey for this
The dancing behind Trunchbulls back, so well choreographed and this song is so fun
Do they think his name is spelled Brooce?
Wtf lmao
These kids are so good
The cuts to Matilda who is clearly in a different place than all the dancing kids and her being stagnant is really setting her apart as the mc
I thought the cherry would hit trunchbull in the face but it went to Bruce instead
Ok calm down Ms.H, he didn't invent the cure for cancer, he got diabetes
you goddamnliar he ate that all
Yes Matilda tell her off! You're gonna get thrown in the chokey tho
Stop playing tug a war with a child
Stranger things have happened everybody thinks I'm crazyyyyy
Its getting to the point of the film where I don't have to pause every two minutes anymore
These kids singing about grown up things that actually are just teenage things
Most grown ups I know go to bed at like 9 and ngl, that's just my mom and one aunt
I like Ms.h having a verse for grown up I think it really shows how you're never grown up, cause your always growing even when you are an adult
I like all the call backs that Matilda makes while telling her story you can see how her life affects her story
She died in childbirth omg Matilda you dark bitch I live for you
Wait is the acrobat Ms.H or am I racist
LETS CALL THE POLICE even if it's a story because it really is not
Youve lived with your parents for how long to not know they are cheats
Matilda I love you and your a child so I won't you insult you this time on this matter
I love her story, she's the escapologists daughter that's so cute
Shes got something to fear
Theres still an hour left in this and really the only development is in Matildas made up story but honestly this movie is interesting enough for me not to care.
The escapologist is a telekinetic and then he died in a car crash ig
She broke the trash can just like the escapologist did
I took a break here to go eat dinner so friendly reminder that you all should do that too
Actually fuck that here's a FORCEFUL reminder to EAT AND SUSTAIN YOUR BODY or else THE TRUNCHBULL will come and THROW YOU BY YOUR PIGTAILS >:(
wtf is going on
Ihhh their thanking her for standing up to trunchbull
The lights dim when she walks in the room
Thats right kids change in the middle of a public hall where anyone can see you, trunchbull is a pedophile for that
Ew that's so gross
Girl why are still wearing your pigtails she literally tried to kill you
Ok no need to flex on the literal children
Just say you wanted the role of Ms.Hannigan from Annie and move on T
You can do that you look old enough to retire, go to the forest no one will miss you
Calm the duck down bitch they are like 4
The scoreboard with Agatha v Maggots is lovely detail
You tell her Ms.H! Cut her throat!
Yeah no shit she's wet it's raining
Trunchbull should've been put down years ago on God
Someone call the police please
Hun your explaining overstimulation and unfortuanately you're trauma makes you involuntarily rip yourself away into your little castle on the cloud in order to cope
Code red code red someone get a therapist cause all these kids are gone need it cause when her balloon pops and she comes back to eatth trunchbulll is gonna kill Matilda and all these kiddos are gonna watch
She legit just threatened to tear apart that child someone call the cops
Theirs a newt in her panties
What Trunchybee you don't have a newt-in-the-knickers kink? Sad
Oh thats so embarrassing it's not- oh it is working
Everyone clap now, she lifted a cup! Thats not sarcasm, clap in your bedroom or bathroom or bus that your resding this in
Miss Honey is like, hm this bitch is a bit crazy but I'll go with it
Matilda keeps quoting people that feels neurodivergent somehow
Tuberculosis is an asshole for presenting her grieving niece with a fuckung bill, you know she was taking care of her everyday and writing in a notebook "she chewed the electrical cord that'll be 14 euros." Insgead of being like THE BABY IS CHEWING ON THE CORD OMG
TB killed Ms.Hs daddy oof
I just fell in love with this asbestos ridden, mice infected, dirty little shack with a roof that's might give in and end my misery at any time
The spirit of nick diramio is slowly possessing me
It may be enough but dare to dream bigger babe
This isn't your house this is your shack, I'm not being mean, she caled it a whack first
Ita a different little girl now, Matilda isn't the baby girl anymore
Maybe Ms.H is the daughter and that's why we're seeing these flashbacks
1 second before it happened I fucking called it
Trunchbull is gonna rip your head off baby girl listen to ms.h
Matilda first look at the chokey
Is she gonna kill chokey? She exploded the chokester ooh
Oh don't worry baby your the main character it's all gonna be OK
Practicing telekinesis on the way to school nice
Oh no not the only play structure
Whats with the sandbags? She's gonna hang the children isn't she
How do you know how to spell? We dont teach rhat until the 11th grade!
You go kiddos spell those words wrong fuck her up
You said rebellion when there wasn't one and now you've got one congrats.
Oh it was for the dramatic reveal of a fuckton of chokeys
Your fucking insane bitch
Maybe I should read the book this is crazy and I heard somewhere it's more accurate to the book than the other movie
Hang her like she wants to hang you
She made a monster version of Magnus! And he's destroying the chokeys ♡
We love to see it
Matilda fucking girlbossing out here
HER HAIR IS POGTAILS! How terrible shut tf up trunchbitch
Wait but where's the naughty song from tiktok it feels like that should've been part of the revolution but I guess it's the resolution song
Is Bruce wearing a fat suit? His body doesn't fit his legs or face its all just his stomach
Hun Trunchbull already left where you revolting now
The revolution is over it was all Matilda yall are a bit late
The misspelled words and I thought red beret would be more of a character instead she's just a dancer ig
I will say that this is a great number and I love it
I feel like the should've shown red beret get thrown in the chokey and then she would've felt like an actual character. Maybe she was trapped in there and Matilda got her out and then she exploded the chokey
Also pigtails should've changed hairstyles after being almost killed I get its her defining character trait but still she's just stupid to keep wearing them
He stills can't get his stupid hat off lol
I was thinking why is she sitting on the driving wheel side? Then I remembered this is British
Ok well can you say it louder your standing 5 feet apart from everyone and no one can hear you
Awww she took off his hat ♡
So sweet
Wait what about her clothes and books and possessions? We saw she had a room chock full of them where did those go?
Tthe first check ms.h gets to keep is all going towards Matilda getting new clothes
Awww the babyhold
Shes telling library lady the rest of the story with its new happy ending
Trunchbull did not take good care of this house
Ew the big friendly school? Did you let the kids choose the name?
This feels like the part where I'm supposed to cry but I'm not getting the tears this emotional end feels like it's had not build up because there is no real scenes of honey and Matilda connecting, it's all just rushing from on point to another. Maybe it's cause I'm writing this commentary tho
Why is there a giraffe?
Overall this was a very cute, sweet, beautiful beautiful beautiful movie
All the songs were well sung and the actors were amazing
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good-enemy · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @ace0clubs (thank you!!)
coke or pepsi: coke
disney or dreamworks: dreamworks has objectively better movies but unfortunately i am a disney girlie
coffee or tea: coffee, tea tastes like sadness
books or movies: Both tbh but books are easier to concentrate on so we'll go with books
windows or mac: Windows
dc or marvel: same as question 2 honestly lmao dc is objectively better but i just love marvel <3
x-box or playstation: neither
dragon age or mass effect: idk what either of them are
night owl or early riser: permanently exhausted pigeon gang rise up
cards or chess: i like both but we'll go with cards, theres more variation in what u can play & i am not very good at chess
chocolate or vanilla: ice cream ? if its ice cream then vanilla everything else then chocolate
vans or converse: both are cool but i am a converse girlie
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: whomst
fluff or angst: angst if it has a happy ending
beach or forest: Forest
dogs or cats: dogs (but i also love cats <3)
clear skies or rain: clear skies please god as a british person please god clear skies
cooking or eating out: eating out is so fun <3 and i can just about cook beans on toast so yknow
spicy food or mild food: spiceeee
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: merry crisis
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: teleportation, how much easier would travelling be ? no airports, no accomodation, no transport, would never have to drive or take the bus or whatever, also whenever i wanted something from the kitchen and couldnt be arsed moving i could just teleport in and out OHHH You could teleport into concerts and shit
animation or live action: either i guess but i prob watch more live action stuff
paragon or renegade: hm? renegade by paramore only song ever?
baths or showers: Shower
team cap or team ironman: they were literally both right their arguments were not mutually exclusive
fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: probably but i cant remember them off the top of my head lmao
youtube or netflix: YouTube
harry potter or percy jackson: ive never read/watched percy jackson but percy jackson wins by default
when do you feel accomplished: when my family are proud of me
star wars or star trek: I havent seen either but i know more about star wars also baby yoda c3po and r2d2 my beloveds
paperback books or hardcover books: paperback, hardcover is way too painful (i wanna preorder the button house archives so bad but the only physical option is hardback ? why)
to live in a world without literature or without music?: Without literature, sorry to all my favourite books but if i went even one day without music i might actually die
who was the last person to make you laugh? uhhh probably either a post on here or a post on instagram
city or countryside? city unfortunately its what im used to and the countryside just has way too many sheep staring into my soul for my comfort
favorite chips? this prob means crisps so im gonna go with mccoys ridged thai sweet chili chicken they are literally divine but bc im annoying like that i will also tell u the best chips are mccains for at home wetherspoons for eating out
pants or dresses? Pants
libraries or museums? museums (i always get overwhelmed by the options in a library and end up reading the most random shitty book ever or something ive already read lmao)
character driven stories or plot driven stories? plot
bookmarks or folding pages? folding the pages down i can never remember where i put bookmarks
Dream job?: *ideal* job is something to do with psychological research but my actual dream job is author/actor/director/singer (yes all of them at the same time lmfao. im gonna write direct and act in my own tv show and there will be a musical episode or 10)
What gives you comfort? music, my family and nice food :)
What are you currently having brain-rot levels of interest over? ghosts, good omens, starkid/hatchetfield, hozier and maisie peters (my brain is rotting quite severely atm)
(added question) What is your current favourite song?
absolutely no chance im tagging 45 people so i will just tag @wtnytv @colifower @bodybetters @cascadeoceanwave @deweyduck @antoniosvivaldi @everysummers @sylvielaufeyz @antlerqueer @taoargents @finalgirlsidney @cobbbvanth @barrowsteeth and @cmorris-art and call it a day ahaha
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random2908 · 2 years
Tagged by @theothin
Last song: I don’t listen to a ton of music most of the time because it feels bad with my migraines. But I went to a singing circle a week ago and one or two of the shorter, more repetitive songs from there have been stuck in my head on and off. Also we sang the Elk Herds song with all the harmonies, even though there were only four of us left in the circle by that point in the evening, so that was great.
Last show/currently watching: Last shows were Wednesday, Is it Cake?, and Russian Doll season 2, which I feel is a perfect snapshot of my preferred tv-watching habits--two spec-fic dark comedies and a dumb cooking competition. (Left to my own devices I’d say the ratio would probably be the opposite, but I was watching Russian Doll with people, and in fact I’ve watched little enough tv in the past several years since starting my last job that what I watch with other people on Saturday evening movie/tv nights is enough to skew my statistics.) Currently I’m finishing up the shows that I was partway through with friends, but now won’t be continuing with them because I’ve moved away: Spy x Family and The Patient. Next at the top of my watch list are “Glass Onion” (which is admittedly a movie not a show) and Stranger Things Season 4. After that I’ll have to go to my lists and think a bit about what I want to watch, but maybe Sandman (even though I wasn’t too into the books 20 years ago), or His Dark Materials (ditto), or Good Omens (ditto again, just replace 20 years with 15; you can see why I haven’t watched these shows yet even though everyone else has). Or maybe I’ll be asking for recommendations.
Currently reading: My tumblr dash. Uh. A smattering of fanfic. The last book I read was two months ago and it was The Last Graduate (Scholomance book 2). Next book in the queue, when I get to my destination and establish myself as a patron at my new local library is The Golden Enclaves (Scholomance book 3), which I am looking forward to. After that, my best friend and I have decided to do the first Mistborn book as a book-club book, because both of us want to try out Sanderson. She because she was obsessed with WoT as a kid, and ended up reading the entire series as it came out; Sanderson wrote the last three books after Robert Jordan died, so she’s very curious what she’ll think of his own works. Me because Sanderson is my sister-in-law’s favorite author and I feel like I should make some attempt at bonding with her? After that the next two books I intend to read are Memories of Empire, and Beloved (by Toni Morrison) as my book club book with my best friend, because it’s one of her favorites to re-read and we meant to do a book club on it last summer but ended up just being too busy. Anyway, some years I read 2 books a month and some years I read maybe 3 books the whole year, so I don’t know how long it’ll take to get through this list.
Current obsession: Insofar as I even do obsessions, idk, Wednesday I guess. The Locked Tomb, still. A friend who lives 15 minutes away from my new home is obsessed with Scholomance so maybe he’ll get me obsessed with it; notwithstanding that I was patient zero for tlt fandom among the people I know, generally I don’t get obsessed with anything without feedback from people around me who are also into it. (My dad, my best friend, and a handful of my other irl friends are all into Wednesday.)
Tagging whoever wants, which I know is a cheat but I don’t want to put pressure and I’m sure I’ll find anyone’s answers interesting.
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slimebee · 2 years
tagged by @nisetsundere, @isshikiirohasu, @inanna-astarte
“you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people! no skipping”
i’m doing it twice because i have a spotify playlist and then a youtube playlist with stuff that isn’t on spotify in it, and it felt unfair to exclude all the songs in either one, also i was tagged 3 times so i might as well
from spotify
少女の音色に導かれ - Sokoninaru
あややこやや - QUEEN BEE
阿吽 - Polkadot Stingray
The Wolf - Siames
I’m Your Treasure Box - Houshou Marine
風の歌 - FLOW
吸血�� - カンザキイオリ / Kanzaki Iori
へでもねーよ - Fujii Kaze
砂の惑星feat.初音ミク - hachi
Last of Me - CircusP
from youtube
マシュマリー - MIMI covered by 明透 / Asu
ココロガール - ft.可不 - とあ/Toa
あとのまつり (selfcover) - ヤマモトガク / Peg
Lawless Weapon - inabakumori x neru
Giant Killing - ルワン / Loin
Ghost Dance - Aqu3ra feat. Hatsune Miku
幸福な死を - Kudou Chitose
Edelweiss - 亜咲花 / Asaka
不埒な喝采 feat. 可不 - ポリスピカデリー / Police Piccadilly
i think its really funny that there are two english songs out of 20
another thing i was tagged in by @inanna-astarte
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Favorite colour(s): yellow maybe? i really love all colors so this is a tough one
Favorite food: spinach-filled pasta
Song stuck in your head: Yofukashi no Uta - Creepy Nuts
Last thing you googled: Siames, the artist that showed up in the songs section of this post. i thought they were french so i looked them up but they’re not. they’re argentinian
Time: 3:44pm
Dream trip: i’m not super into travelling but i want to go to japan at some point to have the opportunity to speak japanese and finally work on my pronunciation
Last book you read: Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina by Jougi Shiraishi, which i haven’t finished, but if you count audiobooks, i tried listening to one called The Awakened Mage by Karen Miller. i wanted to try audiobooks and it was the only fantasy one i could find at my library. i didn’t finish this one either before returning it but it was alright. a lot of politics, not many mages being awakened. also i didn’t realize it was a sequel until i was like 5 hours in so that might be why i didnt really like it
Last book you hated reading: i cant remember, but i read a lot of books while i was in school, so probably something from back then
Favorite thing to cook/bake: i don’t really cook.. the most i do is pasta
Most niche dislike: idk what counts as niche but weird idol fans i guess. specifically the ones that get angry if an idol or vtuber interacts with people of other genders in their personal life, as if they’re cheating. i think a lot of people dislike them so its not really niche though
Opinion on the circus: i don’t think i’ve ever been to one so idk. could be fun
Do you have a sense of direction: yeah as long as i’m the one doing the moving. if i’m being driven by someone or watching someone play a game, my brain shuts off
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inklingofadream · 4 years
hey ok 3 seconds into tma rewatch and i have Thoughts:
Now, the Institute was founded in 1818, which means that the Archive contains almost 200 years of case files at this point. Combine that with the fact that most of the Institute prefers the ivory tower of pure academia to the complicated work of dealing with statements or recent experiences and you have the recipe for an impeccably organised library and an absolute mess of an archive. (MAG 1)
So this is on a Doylist level part of the justification for why the archives gang do so much practical research on the statements, but the early installment weirdness on not quite knowing how the institute functions yet, but that plus jon a bit before this stating he’s familiar with their “ongoing projects and contracts” and later in the season tim talking about the grad students implies that the institute also does a lot of like. Books and articles about the supernatural. (idk where these are being published bc it sounds like they aren’t necessarily respected enough for most academic presses or journals lol)
But we know Jon was in Research, along with tim and sasha. And later he goes up to help out with the influx of new garbage statements they get around Halloween (MAG 55). So clearly someone  is gong through the new statements,although based on the description they’re mostly p lightly researched- probably calling up ppl mentioned besides the statement giver and saying “hey did this happen?” and when the friend or whoever says “no he said he was gonna go give y’all a statement for a goof” it’s marked closed.
What I would like to posit is that the institute has several functions practically:
the library probably gets a fair bit of funding, so they can get basically any relevant work published and add it to their collection.
This is where you’ll have a lot of the grad students hanging around. probably a handful of other academics from various institutions, too. In addition to the students working on paranormal stuff, I’d guess you also have a fair number from history, folklore, psychology, and a smattering of other disciplines who’re there for rlly rlly niche projects on physics or architecture. Like i’d imagine anyone in the area doing work on spiritualism ends up in the institute library eventually- if they have any primary sources like journals or manuscripts from jonah’s whole gang, for example, i’d assume they’re in the library bc the archives seem to be exclusively statements.
Honestly Im like 50% sure the institute has contracts with whatever like ghost hunting type shows exist in the uk to contribute research and have someone respectable looking come do talking head segments as needed. this goes up to 100% for the usher foundation, bc i KNOW we have hella programs like that in the states. like Finding Bigfoot has a donor plaque in the foyer of the usher foundation
Other contracts and projects are probably with a handful of other, non-entity orgs devoted to the paranormal, plus whatever the Lukases, Fairchilds, et al decide they want.
Research, I would like to propose, is supposedly all one big department, but in practical terms contains 2 factions:
The segment Jon worked with for the most part, following up on statements and artifacts. probably smaller, except when they manage to draft the rest in for like halloween and such. the regulars are probably mostly the ppl jon gets annoyed at for being credulous and thinking every statement’s legit
the rest are ppl under the institute banner who are working in the library, doing research for outside contracts, institute wide contracts, and writing whatever gets published out of the institute. probably mostly more concerned with the supernatural as like. an intellectual exercise than jon would be, instead of finding out what’s legit and what isn’t. otherwise they’re mostly more jon’s type of ppl, with the academic distance etc.
Artefact Storage is prolly a host unto itself. Sometimes research’ll get tagged to get an item’s history but like. only ppl who work there go there
The archives are also their own thing. no one goes there.
Why does this matter? I would like to posit 2 reasons.
The first is that it explains part of why the Institute isn’t v respected academically. Everywhere else would have whatever primary source stuff and unique books they have down in the archives/special collections with the statements. I don’t know a ton about library science, but I don’t think things usually end up split/mixed like they are at the institute. Plus, there is very much an area where the Institute could be a valued collection! If the archives were organized. In theory, the Archives should be a valued and respected resource for folklorists! No one in folklore studies cares if a story is true; as far as they’re concerned, the archives are full of memorates that could be really useful. Like academic texts in folklore will generally have quotes from ppl’s ghost stories (or tall tales or folk songs etc) intercut with analysis of patterns and what they mean. But they’re organized so terribly. If they were devoted to folklore instead of the supernatural, you’d expect a taxonomy of subject- our collection here at my university stuff organized by like “supernatural: religious” “supernatural: non-religious” “customs” etc. But no one would be terribly put out combing through them if they were organized by date or like. at all.
The second is that since the archives and artefact storage are pretty much self contained, most of the daily interaction between institute employees is between people in research and the library. Giving you people like Jon as a put upon minority among “ivory tower” types, from that sub population of researchers and the ppl in the library. Jon’s worked at the Institute for like 5 years, and he’s too himself for a proper rivalry, but it’s very easy to see the people like him and tim who believe that Some Things Are Supernatural and would like proof bumping heads with the rest. Giving him a general dislike for people from the library. AND! an extra reason he takes an extra dislike to martin instead of going “o thank goodness, libraries are way more like archives than research what do we do?” :)
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satoruvt · 4 years
for a moment i forget to worry
Tumblr media
pairing → xu minghao x reader
word count → 3196
genre → fluff + angst, college au ↳ tags: strangers to friends to lovers </3, college kinda sux, ROOMMATE CHAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE OR TWO, dance major minghao, reader is completely lost but its ok who isnt, lots of cute couple stuff, pov ur entire relationship with minghao. thats it, a sad break up scene, a solid amount of crying
summary → there’s something about minghao. maybe it’s the way he dances, vibrant and youthful, or maybe it’s the way he loves you. based off of hunger by florence + the machine.
warnings → i hint at sex but its pretty vague, i also mention a breakdown type deal (revolving around school/life after school)
a/n → first of all this was NOT supposed to be 3k words i dont know how it happened. second of all i’m only kind of happy with this HAHA i feel like the story itself isnt bad but i wanted it to match the song more ... idk :/ i hope u guys like it regardless !!!
pieces of you masterlist
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The first time you see him is by accident.
Really - all you’re doing is trying to find Chan. You’re passing by the practice rooms, looking into them in hope he’ll be there, stopping to gaze at decorations and medals and trophies lined up on the walls. It’s when you approach a room that music plays from that you think you’ve found Chan, but when you gaze in, it’s definitely not him.
You don’t know who it is, but he moves like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
It’s hypnotizing, almost makes you want to drop your things and dance with him. There’s a sense of youth that comes from him and it’s almost overwhelming - but it’s not in energy, necessarily, but rather from the precision of his movements, the technicalities that he seems to both follow and break at the same time. Something vibrant seeps out between the seams of his body, colors you can barely recognize as they splash against anything they can reach. It’s almost tangible. 
You watch him long enough for him to finish his performance (an unknowing one) with the last notes of a song you forgot was even playing. His eyes meet with yours, slow as he completes an eloquent turn, and at the same time, a hand meets your shoulder.
A small wave of embarrassment washes over you, and you turn towards whoever touched you, effectively breaking eye contact. “What are you doing here?” Chan asks, hair still wet from what you assume was a shower.
“Looking for you,” you tell him, following as he starts to walk towards the exit. “I wanted lunch, and you owe me for that time I took your British literature quiz for you.”
Chan groans but agrees to pay, and you laugh, though the world seems a little paler than it did a few moments ago.
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The second time you see him is by chance.
You’re waiting for a lecture to start, tapping your fingers against your laptop idly as you watch students trickle in last minute. It’s not a strict course, but it does start at nine in the morning, and most everyone shows up with a coffee.
You look down to brush a stray hair off of your table, and when you look up again, the dancer from before walks through the door, then looks right at you.
You feel a blush heat your face and it’s like he wants to make sure that you know that he knows, because he almost refuses to look away. You break eye contact first (like the last time, you remember for no reason) but still watch as his figure moves up the stairs, past the rows, and you hope he’ll just move past you too…
He doesn’t. He takes the empty seat right next to yours, and you don’t say anything, instead finding the peeling sticker on your laptop incredibly interesting. The professor comes in and decides that today he’ll take extra long to set everything up, apparently, and you want to scream.
“So,” the dancer says, voice quiet. It takes your breath away, the way he sounds. “Mind if I ask why you were watching me the other day?”
You cast a glance at him - not too long, you don’t think you could handle more than five seconds tops - and finally open your laptop so it makes you look busy. “I was waiting for a friend.”
The smile in his voice is palpable. You’re already exasperated.
“You…” you start, finally deciding to look at him as some sort of subconscious power move. “You’re a beautiful dancer. It was hard not to watch.”
Beautiful doesn’t even cover half of it, but you figure he already thinks you’re weird for watching him, so you hold back the thoughts of youth and vibrancy and color. The dancer looks at you, almost blank for a moment, before a soft smile draws itself on his face. It makes your heart beat a little faster. He says “thank you” with a gentle tone, sincerely felt.
The class starts, and the two of you don’t speak throughout the next hour and a half. You type out notes on your laptop and you see him write down names of the paintings being shown on the projector, little thoughts and notes written afterwards.
By the end of class, your professor assigns an optional partnered project, and you’re more than prepared to head back to your apartment and start on it yourself. The dancer stops you before you leave, however, asks if you’d like to be his partner.
(And he says it like that, would you like to be my partner, polite and somehow sweet.)
You know your answer. “I don’t even know your name,” you stall, standing from your chair. 
“Minghao,” he tells you. “I’m Minghao, and I’d like for you to be my partner.”
You say yes easily, put your number into his contacts even easier. The sky is blue when you leave the lecture hall, trees dotted with pink and purple flowers, and it is all so bright that you forget it wasn’t this way in the first place.
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The third time you see him is for school.
Underneath the excitement of giving Minghao your number, there is the knowledge that it’s for the sake of an assignment. He texts you the day after to ask if you’re free to meet up to work and you tell him sure.
(Sure is what you send back, but he doesn’t have to know that you burst into Chan’s room immediately after, plunging face first into his bed just to scream into his pillows. Chan had sighed, turned around in his desk chair to look at you, then asked what happened. He gave you two minutes to rant and then kicked you out, back to your own room.)
You and Minghao agreed to meet at the library on a day that neither of you had any afternoon classes, and you get there early, spend some time working on other classes. You have somewhere around thirty minutes to freak out to yourself before you see Minghao come in, dressed like he knows what he’s doing to you (which is really just a hoodie and jeans, but you think it’s the cap that really pulls the whole boyfriend look together), smiling when he finds you at a table in the corner.
“How are you?” is the first thing he says when he sits down, and you pull down your laptop screen a little to see him better.
“I’m good,” you say, feeling your heart pound. “What about you?”
Minghao sends you a kind smile. “Really good. Should we get started?”
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You lose count of how many times you see him after that.
Meeting up to work on the project soon becomes just meeting up, and after the project’s done and turned in, it happens even more. You hang out and get lunch, send each other texts and stupid videos, take walks around campus together. The weeks pass, summer mellows into fall, then into the early days of winter. You develop a genuine friendship with him, finding comfort in his presence, looking for him wherever you go. 
(Although the crush is still there, potent and patient, stubborn in a way you’ve never experienced before. You wonder if it’s a sign of some sort.)
You’re in one of the practice rooms with him, sitting in the corner. You had a class nearby and he’d wanted to practice a little more, so you told him you’d work on your own stuff while he finished up and then the two of you could grab something to eat.
But you made a small error on your part - the dancing. You’d forgotten the way he moves (you haven’t seen him dance since that first time) and in no time at all you’re letting your screen go dark in front of you and watching him. Honestly, it’s not your fault, you really can’t help it. 
But of course he notices.
Minghao meets your eyes through the mirror and raises his eyebrows at you, and all you can do is look away, desperately try to get your laptop up and running again so at least it seems like you weren’t watching him for too long.
“You’re staring,” he says, long after you’ve looked away.
“Sorry,” you tell him anyways, immediate, quick. 
Then he says, “I never said anything about stopping.”
In a second, you look up from your laptop and up at him. He moves closer, crouches in front of you. His eyes are kind - they’re never not - but you think you see something a little more in them. “Sorry, I think I missed that last part,” you respond, blinking. Minghao smiles like you’re endearing.
“I said I want you to keep looking at me.”
You think you’re barely breathing when he shuts your laptop for you, slides it off of your lap and onto the floor (gently, with care, and it’s a wonder to you how he can focus on that right now). He practically crawls over you, one of his hands eventually reaching the junction of your jaw and neck and holding there. “I’m gonna kiss you now, if that’s okay,” he says, but doesn’t move. You nod as soon as his words reach your brain, eager and quick.
And the next few hours get a little wound up in your head, a little mixed in with the feeling of his body - that moves so youthfully, with so much vibrancy that it reaches everything around you - melting into yours and the sound of him asking you to tell me what you need, honey, and the still-playing slow jam music he was practicing to.
You watch him sleep next to you, hand curled around yours against his pillows, and think that nothing bad could ever touch him.
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The two of you… come together, after that.
Neither you nor Minghao use any proper labels, but you both seem to know. No labels are needed, really. You have each other and that’s all there is to it. And everything is really good.
You work together and laugh together like you’ve always known each other. He tries to teach you to dance with him when you’re in the practice room with him, pulls you up by your hands and guides you through your giggles. He was the first person you called when you realized that you had no idea what you were working towards, didn’t have a clue what you actually wanted to do with your life. He gets along well with your friends and you text his because they’re basically yours, now, too.
Winter turns back into spring, slow and easy. Vibrant and youthful. You’re not able to meet Minghao’s parents, but he meets yours (and you’re sure a quick introduction to his mom over a FaceTime call has to count for something). The two of you take advantage of the newfound warmth of the season and try to get out as much as you’re able to, with picnics and city dates and anything you can think of. A drawer in his dresser is reserved for your things, you bought an extra toothbrush for him to use when he stays over.
You watch him dance. It still feels like the first time, like color and breathlessness. You tell him he’s beautiful every time, feel yourself fall a little deeper when he still gets bashful amidst his comedown. You tell him you love him for the first time after he gets done with a performance - a proper one, for a showcase of the dance club he’s in. He says it back.
You think he put all the stars in the sky just for the two of you to gaze at them together.
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Things shift the beginning of your junior year.
Minghao tells you about a program he’s applying to, a proper dance academy in New York that could really kickstart his career. Training under some of the best choreographers and performers in the world.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask him after he tells you, and he shrugs, leaning back in his chair. You’re studying at his apartment tonight.
“It’s just…” he frowns. “It’s so far away, you know?”
Oh. You hadn’t even thought about that, too caught up in the excitement of him being able to apply at all. A quick sigh leaves your lips, and then you reach for his hand, hold it between both of your own.
“That’s okay,” you tell him, though now that you’re thinking about it, you feel nervousness in the pit of your stomach. “We can work something out, though, when we get that far. We’ll figure it out.”
Minghao nods, a fond look in his eyes. He pulls one of your hands to his lips. “We’ll think about it if I even get accepted,” he says.
It’s bittersweet, but a promise nonetheless.
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Fifteen minutes after you get a call from Minghao, there’s a knock on your door. 
You wouldn’t necessarily say you’re worried, but, well. Everyone’s experienced the jump of anxiety when they get hit with the “I want to talk to you about something” line. Nonetheless, you stand from the couch to open the door, mentally preparing yourself for any and everything. 
“Hey,” you greet when you see Minghao, opening the door to let him in. His face is unreadable. “Everything okay?”
He walks a few steps into your apartment, waits for you to close the door before turning back around to face you. Then he holds up a piece of paper, the creases from where it was folded still bending. You send him a confused look.
“I got in,” he says, a grin breaking on his face, and you blink, then feel your jaw practically hit the floor. Minghao only nods like he understands, and before you know what you’re doing, you launch yourself at him, holding him close.
“Oh my god, Hao, that’s amazing,” you say into his sweater, then step back to get a proper look at him. Youthful, vibrant. “I’m so proud of you.”
He seems to soften at your words, pulls you back into him again with a gentle kiss to your head. “Thank you for believing in me,” he tells you, tenderness palpable in his voice. All you can do is squeeze him tighter.
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Minghao spends a lot of time away from you after that.
You’re not really hurt in any way - even though he got into the academy in New York, he still has to practice. You get it, this is important. He doesn’t text you as often, isn’t able to stop by as much, and you miss him, but you know how much this means for him. But it gets… weird, almost, after a while. Strange, even for him. It feels weird that he’s set to leave at the end of January and it’s December and he’s distant.
Both of you are laying in your bed, looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling, when you decide to bring it up. “You’ve been… kinda far away lately,” you start, nudging him with your shoulder gently. “Everything okay?”
His eyes stay on your ceiling, but you feel the way he sighs. “It’s about the program,” he says.
“And about… you and me.”
Oh. That doesn’t… sound the best. “About, like… what we’re gonna do?”
Minghao nods.
You say, “I wouldn’t mind visiting every so often. It’d be hard, but I’m sure we could find something to work.”
Minghao shakes his head, says, “no.”
You pause, and when you look at him he’s already looking at you. What does he mean by no? Does he want you to move with him? Or does he -
He reaches for your hand and you think oh.
His eyes are a little glassy. You feel the tears come, too.
“Oh,” you say out loud. Minghao squeezes your hand. “So this is… this is it?”
Your room is suddenly cold, and you want to crawl under the covers and stay there. The person in front of you is blurred into something unrecognizable, but you can’t be bothered to blink away your tears.
“I think so, love,” he whispers back to you. “I think it has to be.”
The two of you cry like that for a while. In your bed, loosely intertwined and broken. Even the way Minghao cries carries a kind of vibrancy that’s overwhelming, makes you think of the first time you saw him so long ago, and now -
When you manage to get a better grip on yourself, you ask him if you can still see him off at the airport. He says, “I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t.”
Then you ask if you can kiss him again. He responds by kissing you first. 
And it’s sad, it tastes like salt and sorrow and you feel like the promises you never got the chance to make are broken. It feels like the most beautiful blue you’ve ever seen, and you know it’s only a branch of Minghao’s color.
He leaves soon after that, pulls on his shoes and his coat and turns around at the door to give you a tired smile. After he’s gone, you drag yourself to Chan’s bedroom, and once he sees the state you’re in, he offers up one side of his bed. Neither of you say anything, but the friendly reassurance of his hand in yours says enough.
You don’t fail to notice that everything seems to be washed out, a blandness you’re not used to.
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The last time you see him is at the airport.
It’s a cold day, despite being sunny. The airport offers little warmth, but you figure it doesn’t matter. You won’t be here for long. 
It doesn’t take you very long to find Minghao - you still look for him wherever you go, even if you’re not looking for him. Even then, it’s still so easy for you to find him, to pinpoint that vibrancy, that youth. He’s talking to a few others, you think you met them. Soonyoung and Jun.
Minghao meets your eyes and you freeze, but then he waves you over with a gentle smile. You follow like you think you always will. 
You greet Soonyoung and Jun and the four of you talk, albeit a little awkwardly, even when Soonyoung tries his hardest to lighten the mood. Eventually he has to leave, and Jun follows with a shy goodbye. They both hug Minghao before they go.
You’re not sure what to say, but after a minute, you find words. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you,” you tell him, a little selfishly. 
Minghao says, “you’ll do good. I know you will. I’m not worried about you.”
He pulls his phone out of his pocket to check the time, and you think he’ll give you a stiff and sad goodbye, but he steps a little closer to you. Looks at you the way he used to.
“Maybe…” he starts, then pauses. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”
Maybe, you think. Maybe.
“I hope so,” you tell him, then watch as he leaves.
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wqk-k · 4 years
Obey Me Brother react to an idol!MC
 hi this is my first set of headcanons for the brothers  👉👈 i apologize if the brothers are ooc in this, though i tried my best jksajdufhj. i hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Cursing
Reader Pronouns: They/Them (4A)
Background: MC is a very popular idol in their world, best known for their impressive singing skills, music and the amount of rewards they have recieved because of their talents. Surprisingly, they aren’t only popular in their world, but in the Devildom and Celestial Realm as well.
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since lucifer didnt actually read who you were on the paper that had blown to his feet, he had no idea you were an idol at first
but after couple days at RAD, he noticed that random demons kept coming up to you in between classes and didnt leave until the next class started
most of them had come up to you with a pen and some paper asking for your autograph
he was just like ??? 
after a while of this happening luci decided to just ask you straight up why they were coming up to you like that and you had told him you were an idol back in the human realm
that explains it
he honestly doesnt mind
if people start hating on you in public, he’ll honestly just shoot them a death glare and it works
so damn well
he got too much pride to deal with those underlings
if you start working on music/mv projects that you left off on in the human realm (like shooting mv or singing) he will absolutely rent you a recording booth or fuck, even a whole ass theatre if you needed it
sometimes he likes to sit in the recording booth and listen to you sing for a bit before returning to his stacks of mammon’s bills 
v proud of you dont get him wrong
but he will make sure you’ve done all your homework first LMAO 🛌
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when mammon first found out you were an idol he started digging through boxes that had been in his closet
after what seemed like hours he finally found the box he was looking for and he started to dig through it
he pulled out an old camera that levi gave him a couple hundred years ago bc he said he didnt need it
mammon had the best idea ever, he could sell pictures of you to your fans for at least 10,000 grimm each.
surprisingly it worked
like really well
so well that you found out
you confronted him about it, saying that you find hella uncomfy with him snapping pictures of you at random times. not only that but it was an invasion of your privacy
despite him earning so much grimm, he agrees to stop but keeps some of the pictures to himself to look at when he misses you 
if you get hate in public he’ll turn into his demon form and scare the person away, maybe scaring you in the procees but apologizes right away if he does
if you start working on music/mv projects he’ll offer to help you shoot mvs or record you singing if you need the help
just make sure he gets some credit for helping you
but he genuinely thinks you look amazing in anything, like anything
you could be wearing a big bird cosplay and he’ll think you look breathtaking
gets you to model w him sometimes
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wait you look really familiar
really really familiar
you almost look and sound like that one really popular human idol that hes simped for time and time again
oh shit
v embarrassed when he finds out it is actually you and gets really nervous when hes talking to you
is the demon asking for your autograph
but you have no idea how much power you have over this man
you could tell him to come out of his room and he’d come out with ease, no protesting, no nothing
may ask you to record a ringtone for him for when he wakes up
even after months of you two knowing each other, he still gets flustered when you start talking to him with your stupid cute ass eyes and your perfect hair and your perfect voice and your perfect-
yeah you get the point AKJSDKLASFBG
if you get hate in public he will deadass growl at the person before escorting you to your favorite ice cream place
if you start working on music/mv projects he will be by your side 24/7
he wants to see the god/ess themselves at work
hes like your personal butler for the time youre working on the projects and its adorable
hes bby
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when he finds out youre an idol he will 100% voulenteer to help you write lyrics for your next song
but besides that, like luci, he really doesnt mind
he hears some other demons talking shit about you after art class and he’ll be angy as usual, but after stomping off and accidentally bumping into you he just
turned into puddy??
idk what it was but it was something abt they way your hair was a lil messed up and looking at him like that wish a small embarrassed look
just wow
every ounce of anger just evaporated while you apologized over and over again because the face he was making made him look like he was angry for some reason 
when he snaps back into reality he says its cool but then asks if youd like to go to the library w him because honestly youre his safe haven now
sometimes he asks you to hum a tune for him when hes reading
if the demons start hating again, you may need to hold him back KJASNDJFG 
if you start working on music/mv projects, again, will voulenteer for helping with lyrics
if you already have the lyrics down he’ll review them and give constructive critisisim if needed
or he’ll just write every lyric himself and you can judge it after hes done
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is not surprised at all
hes actually heard some of your songs and damn id he doesnt have them on his “on repeat” playlist on devilfy
he thinks you have an outstanding voice, not only that but youre a gorgeous lookin thing
asmo likes to hit on you a lot because he likes to see that flustered look on your face but he would never over your boundaries
he wouldnt want to be over the internet bc he made one of the most praised artists in devildom (thats not even a demon) angry
asmo doesnt want to be cancelled yet JKSJKDGFUA
but seriously, he thinks youre amazing
like really amazing
there like no lust involved in his admiration for you he just geniunely thinks youre cool
but he does think you look amazing 24/7
will ask you to model things for him for devilgram
if you get hate in public, he’ll hold your hands and shower you with compliments and tells you to ignore them
if you start working on music/mv project he will insist on doing backup vocals or being a backup dancer
or like the head backup dancer or whatever theyre called
is like your personal stylist wherever you go as well
along with that he can also help you come up with a beat for your song if you need one, he is more than happy to help someone like you
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he honestly thinks youre really cool
asmo showed him one of your songs before and thought it sounded really catchy
not only that, you sounded beautiful, almost like you were actually from the celestial realm, consider him a fan
so when you showed up for the new exchange program he was surprised but got really giddy
was one of the demons who asked for your autograph
you gave him a sweet smile after he asked and he just- melted
man down man down
will want to spend lost of time with you and take you to ristorante six on fridays as his treat
you usually end up paying though which he feels really guilty about but you tell him its fine
youre an idol who is loaded to the chest, youve got nothing to lose KLSKADJHF
if you get hate in public he’s also the type to death glare but people dont really hate on you in public when youre w him bc he has a naturally scary aura
lowkey thought you wouldnt like him at first :(
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll start cooking you meal and making sure you get enough water
will absolutely cook your favorite meal- or any meal in fact- if you request it
if you dont request anything he’ll just wing it and make something he think you’ll like kjskdhsf
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couldnt care less  🧍
he thinks your voice is pretty nice tho
hears beel listening to your music once and agrees w him on you having a really nice voice
lowkey sing him to sleep
like its super cute
plus he thinks youre gorgeous?? like wow you rlly pretty
once tried rubbing your face bc he thought you were wearing makeup but when nothing came up on his thumb he muttered a small “wow” and hugged you
it was the cutest thing ever ohmy god KJSJDSIF
ever since that day hes obtained a habit of rubbing your face when he finds you stunning or at random moments
if you get hate in public he will literally murder the person?? but in like an alleyway or something
he’ll say something like “wait here” and walks toward a dark area to do his thang
when he comes back he’s covered in this red shit and you worry for him but he just glosses over it and takes you into a pillow shop LMAO
he is v protective over you
if you start working on mv/music projects he’ll occasionally help out but most of the time he’s sleeping so he doesnt really care 
sometimes he’ll give beat/lyric suggestions or help flim the mv but thats it  🧍  
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reilliane · 3 years
You know how i said “Venti knows who the reader is from drawings his friend showed”? yea, okay that. Lets get on that :D (let me like, smash my keyboard for a name for the nameless bard rq.. ahien 👍)
So, i imagine Sibling MC and Ahien have a good relationship, one with many bumps and occasional arguments along the way as well. Ahien was more crafty than his sibling, having carved his lyre out of wood and made the strings from some yarn he found in his Sibling’s room. (I’ll get on that soon) Then adorning the instrument with a cecilia. One of the few flowers that actually could thrive within the windy land(do cecilias exist in stormterrors? idk, lets say it does). And his personal favorite.
Ahien was a dreamer too, always daydreaming of what the outside sky and land was like. The legends you tend to tell him make him even more curious.
(or perhaps the reason he wanted to see the outside world was because you had always dreamed of it. - another thought while i was processing this)
Ahien spoke fondly of you, even showing his new wind spirit friend a few drawings of you he drew. Reading poems and reciting songs he wrote of you to the wisp of wind. (I just think he would really look up to the MC)
He probably also was a mischievous child at some point
And then we have the MC! Now, they(or you) were the original dreamer, the original mischievous child. Having once snuck into the Library from within the palace by climbing, even taking a book back home. Thats how you learnt of the blue sky, and light that bathed its creations. And yet, as you look up above, the dusty grey sky of howling winds that acted as a barrier, blocked the light outside.
You were the one that daydreamed of leaving the city and exploring the lands. You only grew up from those thoughts when your little brother was born. Realizing what dangers might be lurking there when your and his eyes locked for the first time.
(maybe the mother didn’t survive the birth, maybe the father abandoned the MC and Ahien because he was taken away to be a slave for the tyrant king.)
-🦧 im gonna pause this here. my bed is calling me
I do not know why, but 'Ahien' sounds something from Barbie- I DON'T KNOW WHY IT JUST CAME ONTO ME-
But really, all these are just pure angst material, sweetie, it's lovely. Imagine MC was about to take the arrow and he just- takes the hit tHEN SAYS-
"Tell me all about the outside world when we meet again."
Sipping my teacup of tears right now.
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