#also if i got anything wrong with the sign feel free to correct me
yusuke-of-valla · 2 months
So, Video Game Voice Actors Are On Strike: A Quick and Dirty Guide for Tumblr Users
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Starting on July 26th, SAG-AFTRA members that are part of the Interactive Media Agreement (so mostly voice actors for video games) will be on strike. If you're a member of SAG-AFTRA with questions, I would speak to them.
Most of this information is coming from the SAG-AFTRA website, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything or ask if you need anything.
If you are a random tumblr user who wants to know what's going on, here we go.
Why are video game voice actors striking?
AI, as one could expect. From the union's statement:
Although agreements have been reached on many issues important to SAG-AFTRA members, the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their A.I. language.
Which Games Are Being Struck?
Games from: Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc. are all being struck.
There is also a website to confirm which union projects are being struck but you'd need to be a member actively working on it to use it.
Ok so I'm not a voice actor, union or otherwise, I just like games. What should I do.
I can NOT stress this enough. Do NOT stop playing games. The union has not asked for this, and is instead asking for people to amplify our messages online using #LevelUpTheContract, #VideoGameStrike and #SagAftraStrong."
You can also sign this petition in support of voice actors getting a fair deal.
I'm not a union representative but if a game you're looking forward to is being covered by the struck companies, I'd blow up your social media and their mentions with how much you love the voice acting and the actors deserve a fair contract, but other than that you are not being asked to boycott any games or not cosplay or attend events.
A Streamer is playing a struck game! Is that crossing the picket line?
No, SAG-AFTRA explicitly says that is fine, and in fact encourages it.
An actor is promoting/promoted a struck work at SDCC, is that crossing the picket line?
No, the statement explicitly says those attending SDCC can still do work there because of the short notice, they are also fine.
Wait didn't SAG-AFTRA already do some weird bullshit regarding video game voice actors and AI?
Yes, at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, SAG-AFTRA signed a deal with Replica AI to allow their members to create digital replicas, it was a whole thing and many voice actors were pissed.
So they're hypocrites?
Ok it's more complicated than that. Their logic for the Replica AI thing is rather than allow companies to do whatever they want, it was better to have a system in place to be able to clearly say when a company was breaking the rules and ensure that talent got some compensation.
We can debate the efficacy of that strategy all day and voice actors at the time were not happy, BUT the companies being struck here refuse to even rise to THAT standard and will not agree to the most basic protections for actors, which is worse.
People and organizations contain multitudes and it is not a betrayal or hypocritical to disagree with SAG-AFTRA leadership on the Replica AI situation and side with them, and more importantly their members in this case.
Why aren't game devs striking/ It's not devs on strike so I don't care
The Screen Actors Guild covers actors, so it would not be in everyone's best interest if they were to try and negotiate on behalf of people in different fields with different needs.
However, one way to build support for the various movements to unionize at places like Activision-Blizzard and Bethesda is to support labor movements everywhere and show solidarity whenever it comes up.
Why are the actors striking when the developers should be paid more.
They should be paid more! And they should not be laid off as much. One way to help with that is to be able to point to voice actors and say, hey they got a raise, I want one too.
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Can you please write some (optional relationship, if not, romanse) headcannons for Geo and/or Hyugo with a weeb MC? They don't have to be strictly into anime, but just really loving Japanese and Japanese culture (bonus if they don't know Japanese).
Chronic Love (Geo + Hyugo x Weeb! MC/Reader)
Enjoy my amazing little weeb, have an awesome day! Solemnly thanks for entrusting me with writing this for you.
Also, uh, a minor sidenote, I am not an anime enjoyer or even remotely close to a weeb; so if I get something wrong/too exaggerated etc. feel free to publicly execute me in the town square. <333
You can read this from any perspective, as in, both in an established relationship setting and a solely platonic one. :]
A/N: From now on, Geo and Hyugo will be referred to as Geode and Hyugeode, if anyone in the Geo religion utters 'Geo', they shall atone. 😊😊😊/hj
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Chronic(ally): to a very great extent; extremely.
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Hyugo is honestly surprised when he finds out of your...intense love for Japan and its culture.
He won't be opposed to it, he'd find it a smidge endearing, considering he's Japanese; and you seem to be willing to learn anything about it. He's more than happy to tell you what you wanna know.
Do you take advantage of this? Yes.
Would probably eventually, to your joy, start telling you cultural appropriations and norms, along with a couple generic Japanese words/phrases (you say them whenever possible, feeling the language fall from your lips and off your tongue feels so right, you can't get enough!).
You ask him to tutor you Japanese at some point, to which he politely declines (he's got enough on his plate okay?!), but is willing to converse with you if you ask.
Just don't nag him, he fucking hates being nagged.
You'd probably mispronounce certain words, to which he'd correct you, until you get the hang of it.
Might take you to a Japanese candy store to tell you his personal recommendations (they're great btw).
If you like anime he'll be chill with it, just don't act like the stereotypical weeb and he's fine.
Learning words is one thing, overdramatizing, glorifying and exaggerating Japanese things annoys him.
Fortunately, you're reasonably calm with your devotion for it, and he doesn't mind.
Would get a bit nervous if you decide to actively pursue Japanese, after all, what if you overhear him talking to one of his shadier acquaintances and pick out the context?
Would overtime subtly monitor you, gauge how much you know and how quickly you're progressing.
Overall supportive though, enjoys the fact you like Japan. :]
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Literally doesn't care. At all.
You like Japan? Cool. Good for you.
Much prefers for you to not harass him about Japanese words and phrases, unless he tolerates likes you enough, to which he'll blurt out something along the lines of: "Go fuck yourself".
Will probably teach you insults (he says it's to insult you, but we all know the real reason teehee)
If you're hanging out somewhere and Geo spies Japanese text, he might point it out to see if you know it, to which you'll be racking your brain until he relents and tell you.
Eventually will start briefly telling you things about Japans' history and art. Especially bonsais, he loves those. He'll never tell you though.
Will probably take you to a Japanese market/restaraunt eventually, if he feels you've gotten good enough.
If you order fluently enough he'll be genuinely pleased (won't show it though).
If not, he'll do it for you (internally cringes at the sheer thought aaaaaa).
However, in the rare event that Hyugo calls him "Subaru" and you hear? And understand?
That won't be good.
He'll tell you to drop it instantly.
And he will give you the most murderous glare if you ever ask him why he goes by Geo.
If he feels you've forgotten about that incident you haven't, he'll be more relaxed again, but will maintain a veil of caution now.
After all, you can understand what he says in private now.
That's not a good thing.
If you like anime he's chill with it, just don't be over-the-top obsessive towards it and he's cool.
Is satisfied you want to learn Japanese though. Likes you a lot smidge more for it too.
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 15!!!
Okay, this is gonna be a long one, but I promise it's important. There was just a lot that I had to get in here. Also we had our first ever tie! So I chose between the two. Alright, let's do this. Enjoy!
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The bar in question is rowdy and rustic. The crowd that has already gathered is loud, probably drunk, and honestly makes you wish you had some anxiety meds with you or something because the button in your pocket is a single thread holding you together when you could really do with a rope. You look over to Aziraphale, who’s grimacing at the scene. Oh good, so you’re not the only one who isn’t a fan of this place. You notice Crowley studying the bar – no doubt trying to get a sense for their selection.
“Over there,” Anathema shouts over the noise. You follow her pointing arm to see Sardis, already at a table and waving you over. Well, at least you definitely have a space to sit. That’s something.
The four of you approach Sardis who waves you into the seats around him with an enormous smile.
“Welcome!” He says grandly, “To my favourite place this side of town.”
“Your favourite place,” You repeat with skepticism, “Is a dive bar?”
“Oh not just any dive bar Little Moth,” Sardis winks as he speaks, “The best karaoke bar this side of the bayou. Personal opinion, of course. But I am an angel after all so feel free to take that as gospel.” He laughs loudly at his own joke. You chuckle uncertainly. Aziraphale shakes his head. Anathema rolls her eyes. Crowley looks like he could vomit. Basically, Sardis is the only one amused. Once he finally stops laughing, he looks around at you. “Such sour faces, my friends. But of course you have, I’ve forgotten my manners! Let me get you some drinks before the festivities start.”
“The festivities?” asks Aziraphale, “I’m sure you don’t mean...”
“The karaoke, of course!” Sardis smiles before leaving the table with a wink. “Be back in a sec!”
“I am not singing,” Crowley states firmly.
“Nor am I,” Aziraphale frowns.
“We may need to consider it,” Anathema says after a pause, “He has information that we need, and we may have to play his game to get it.”
“I mean, I don’t exactly…dislike him...but he's weird,” You, the dimensional traveler, observe.
“Oh absolutely weird,” agrees the witch.
“A very weird one indeed, yes,” affirms the angel of the Eastern Gate.
“Weird as all fuck,” confirms the demon.
Sardis returns carrying a tray with five drinks and lays it proudly on the table in front of them.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I took my best guess,” Sardis announces as he hands around the drinks, “Sherry for the angel, whiskey for the demon, margarita for the witch, and I played it safe and got you a sangria.” He lays the alcohol in front of each of you. You take a sip and holy crow is it ever delicious. “’S that good, Little Moth?” Sardis asks you as he takes his own seat. You nod, and his smile grows. “Good, glad to hear it.”
“Thank you kindly, Sardis,” Aziraphale ventures, taking a sip of his sherry, “Now, perhaps would you mind telling us what you know?”
Sardis laughs again. He laughs a lot, you notice. Probably having the time of his life with all of this.
“What I know is that I’m not saying anything about Jesus until you sign up and sing me a song.”
Honestly, you need to take a deep breath at that. The irritation is building. First he wouldn’t say anything until you came here, and now he won’t say anything until you sing for him. He keeps changing the goal posts on you. Anathema had said you might need to play his game to get information from him, but you honestly didn’t think it would feel so...condescending.
Anathema’s phone suddenly starts ringing. She pulls it out of her pocket, and you briefly notice the What’s App logo and Newt’s face lighting up the screen. After a brief apology, she excuses herself from the table and leaves the bar. Well. Lucky her. You sigh and stand.
“Yeah okay fine, I’ll be right back.”
“Where’re you going?” Crowley asks. His question has bite, but you’re sure it isn’t anger – he just doesn’t want everyone to end up leaving him with Sardis.
“I’m going to sign up,” You say, “Sing a song. Karaoke, right?” You look at Sardis, who nods appreciatively.
“There now! Little Moth gets it!”
Crowley and Aziraphale both gawk at you, but you’re already turning and beelining for the sign-up table.
Now here, dear Reader, let’s take a moment to talk about the Anxiety Loophole. In ordinary circumstances, you’d be lucky to talk to a crowd and sound normal about it (not to mention the possibility of nausea and such), but the Anxiety Loophole is a magical and gracious thing. In a situation where there is something that must be done, and everyone around you is too scared or embarrassed or anxious themselves to do it, suddenly it becomes possible for you. You may never dream of asking for your food to be sent back at a restaurant, but if your friend needs more ketchup and is too nervous to ask for it, you will put the chef in a headlock if you have to in order to get it for them. Or, say, if an angel and a demon have expressly stated their discomfort with singing in public, and another angel with vital information demands a performance before telling you said information, signing up for karaoke suddenly seems like a piece of cake. Besides, you figure, most of the people in the room are drunk. So you pick something easy, something loud, something most people here probably know already. That way, they’ll do most of the work for you, and then you’re singing with them, instead of for them. Are you a genius? Yes, yes you are. Take the praise, Reader, you’re going to want that confidence in a few minutes.
You return to the table, having put your name and song on the list, and take a seat (and a very large sip of your sangria).
“There,” You declare, “Now how about we talk about Jesus while we wait for my name to be called.”
“You’re not actually serious about this,” Crowley asks. You look to Sardis.
“I am if he is.”
Sardis’ eyes widen in surprise before he smiles again. “Oh, I most definitely like you, Little Moth.” He leans his chin on his hands. “Tell me, what has Metatron had to say about you?”
Oh good. You’re actually getting somewhere.
“Nothing good,” You admit with a frown, “He tried to turn me into salt once, and then trapped me in a bathroom and tried to manipulate me.”
Sardis hums and nods in affirmation. Then he turns to Crowley and Aziraphale.
“And tell me, what have the two of you done about that?” he asks them. The both of them practically jump in surprise.
“W-well,” Aziraphale starts and stops.
“Ngggk,” says Crowley.
“Well you see, it’s a bit more complicated than…”
“So nothing then,” Sardis concludes.
“Wait,” You say, “That’s not fair.”
“Have you given Little Moth any way to defend or protect themselves?”
“They don’t need to!” You all but shout, “They’re with me basically all the time!”
But Sardis doesn’t seem to hear you. He stares at the celestials with an offended glare. Neither Aziraphale or Crowley seem to know what to make of it, but he doesn’t give them much of a chance to before he reaches into his jacket pocket, pulls out a card, and hands it to you. You take it from him, worried that if you don’t he might get upset with Aziraphale and Crowley and really it’s the Metatron’s fault, not theirs. Put the blame in the right place. Your hands are starting to shake a little as you look at the card.
“Oh!” You exclaim, relaxing a little. Actually it’s not all that bad. It’s a punch card of sorts. It reminds you a little bit of Furfur’s card from the 1941 minisode, but instead of being a Miracle Blocker, it’s a Miracle Enabler numbered 1 to 12. You notice that each number is perforated – meant to be torn off so that you don’t need to carry around a hole punch. Clever, actually. You show it to Aziraphale and Crowley.
“Oh my,” says Aziraphale, “That really is clever. I’m rather embarrassed to admit that the idea never came to me.”
“Huh,” Crowley adds, helpfully.
“Yeah,” says Sardis, “You probably never had to think about things like, what if they ever turn off your miracles Up There. Probably helps that your only mention in the Bible isn’t about how shit you are.”
You look at the card thoughtfully for a minute. You think about all the genie questions you’ve seen online.
“Go on, Little Moth,” Sardis coos gently, “Try it out.”
You glance at him and then back at the card. Well he’s not giving you any hints about how this thing works, so probably best to just follow your instincts. After taking a second to think, you rip off the number 1 and make a wish.
The number has disappeared from your fingers and reappeared attached to the card.
“Oop,” Sardis says, “Looks like that didn’t go through. What were you trying to do?”
“I was trying to make it so that I could do miracles without the card.”
Sardis starts to laugh. “Oh you have a clever mind! I like the way you think!” His laughter continues for a moment before he calms himself, though you notice it takes him some time. Then he shakes his head.
“Listen,” he says to you, “Humans just can’t do miracles. For you to be able to do them without the card, you would have to change your entire species. And this little thing just isn’t built for that sort of miracle. Try again, something smaller this time.”
Your brow furrows in concentration as you stare back at the card. Something reasonable that wouldn’t need a big change in order to work. Oh, wait a minute. You rip off the number 1, and make a wish. Suddenly, you notice that you are holding a second Miracle Enabler, full up.
“There you go, Little Moth,” Sardis sighs approvingly, “Now that’s how you do it!” The first card goes in a place you can easily reach – your jeans pocket, perhaps. The second one you fold up and place in your sock. For emergencies.
“What did you mean about your mention in the Bible?” Aziraphale ventures, apparently sensing that he isn’t in trouble anymore. Sardis raises an eyebrow.
“Didn’t you read Revelation?” he asks.
“Well yes, of course,” Aziraphale replies, “But I don’t recall it saying you were...well...bad.”
“Shit, Angel,” corrects Crowley, “He said it calls him shit.”
“I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead,” Sardis quotes, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you received and heard; obey it, and repent.” He shakes his head. “Does that sound like a glowing report to you? No, see, I invited that asshat John over for brunch one time, okay? ONE. He gets the runs, blames it on the bacon. Next thing I know, I’m getting hate mail, supposedly from Jesus, with passive aggressive notes about people who haven’t soiled their clothes. Yeah, no, I know exactly whose message that was.” He huffs angrily and sips his drink.
“So….” You interject cautiously, “You stayed down here because...oh, because Heaven endorsed it?”
“Enthusiastically,” he confirms, “I’m just a minor angel – ha, barely that. More of a guardian. They don’t care about me as much as the message.”
You nod, Gabriel’s trial coming to mind. It’s all about the message.
“We know all about that,” You say gently, “They threatened to erase Aziraphale’s name from the Book of Life. Well, anyone really, who uh, helped Gabriel escape judgment.” Sardis raises an eyebrow at that.
“Oh yeah? What did that bureaucratic ass do?”
“He fell in love with Beelzebub and said ‘Nah’ to Armageddon Part 2.”
“Psh, oh yeah, that’ll do it,” Sardis says, taking another sip, “Not that any of them could erase anyone. Not really. You need to know someone’s true name for that.”
“Hold up,” says Crowley, “The Book of Life isn’t actually real?”
“Oh, it is,” says Sardis, “I know it for a fact. You see, one of the things of being an Original Angel of the Church,” he says the title mockingly, you notice, “is that you end up with a gift. Something to give the worthy when they ascend. Mine happens to be knowing everyone’s true name.”
“Wait a minute, wait,” You say, “That’s...that’s...”
“I know,” Sardis says, “Look, it’s like this. Most books that you read, the words are 2-dimensional, right? The Book of Life sort of has more than 2 dimensions to it. And it records everything. Now look,” he takes a packet of coarse sugar, “This is a soul,” he opens it and pours the chunks onto the table, “Each soul can be different people throughout its existence, and the Book, for accuracy purposes, records your name in whatever life you're living,” he picks up one crystal, “on the first dimension,” he places it on top of the paper pouch, “and your true name on the dimensions that lie underneath.” He sits up triumphantly. “So before you can actually erase anyone you need to know their true name, and before you know that, you need to know how to read the Book, and before that you need the gift to be able to perceive the different dimensions.”
“Which you have,” Crowley concludes. Sardis nods.
“Which I have, yes. Unfortunately, I also have the misfortune of never being able to be anywhere near the Book of Life. So I’m basically the angelic equivalent of a dolphin who knows all the secrets of Super Mario. I know it, but fat lot of good it does me. Or will ever, for that matter.”
You’re about to say something else, but your name gets called to the stage.
Oh. Oh right.
Oh shit.
You walk up to the stage and take the microphone uncertainly as the intro music for Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off starts to play. You chose it because you know some of the actions to it and I mean, the lyrics are so simple that you’re hoping the drunk crowd will start singing along with you.
“I stay out too late,
Got nothing in my brain,
At least that’s what people say,
That’s what people say,”
A random drunk person in the back cheers.
“But I keep cruisin’
Can’t stop won’t stop movin’
It’s like I got this music in my mind sayin’
It’s gonna be alright”
The entire bar claps three times. Oh wow.
Basically, your plan works. They all can’t help but join in for the chorus, and you end up having a lot of fun with it. Their enthusiasm is so validating, and after a minute or two you don’t care if it’s because of the alcohol or if they actually think you’re good. You just sing the song and you have a fabulous time of it. Honestly, it's hard to have a bad time singing and dancing to that song. You forget about saving the world, you forget that Crowley and Aziraphale are watching you, everything just fades away for a few minutes except for the lyrics on the screen in front of you and the energy of the people in the bar. For a few minutes, you’re just having fun, and that’s the most important thing about this, dear Reader.
When the song is over you return to the table. Anathema is finally back, and you notice she’s finished her drink pretty quickly. Good thing you ate before coming. Sardis is clapping for you.
“That was excellent! Great job, Little Moth! Here, have another one on me.” He waves his hand and a second sangria appears IN A FISHBOWL. Oh...Aziraphale and Crowley better cover you later, a hangover while one world-saving duty would suck.
Anathema clears her throat.
“So,” she says, you notice her voice shakes a little. Probably because she downed that drink so fast. “About Jesus.”
“Ah yes,” sighs Sardis, “The prodigal son himself. Well, I will tell you that he is here, though not in this city. Came down in a plane and everything.”
“Ha!” You say, pointing triumphantly, “I told you!”
Sardis chuckles. “Yes, what a day that was. Landed in Los Angeles thirteen years ago.”
You nearly choke on your drink.
“Los Angeles,” says Aziraphale, “Well that’s awfully on the nose, isn’t it?”
“Wait a minute,” You say, “So he’s an adult then, right? Not a baby?” You’re hoping. Your fingers are crossed that maybe he arrived in the states when he was a toddler, or a small kid.
“Oh no, not a baby, but not an adult either,” confirms Sardis.
“Don’t say it,” You beg.
“What’s wrong?” Aziraphale asks. Crowley looks like he’s on alert. Even Anathema looks a little unsure what to make of you.
“Okay actually just say it,” You decide, “How old is he?”
“He’s thirteen.”
“Oh shit,” says Anathema.
“Is he at least one of the nice thirteen year-olds?” You ask hopefully.
“Well,” says Sardis, “He’s definitely white this time, and his family is rich so, what do you think.”
You drop your head into your hands.
“Um, I’m sorry,” Aziraphale interrupts, “But, ah, what exactly is the problem here?”
When, dear Reader, was the last time you were around a 13-year-old boy? The age when they are all about proving how masculine they are, the age when they like to play rough in places where they really shouldn’t be playing rough, be mean for no reason other than because it makes them feel like a badass, jump and hoot and holler and laugh at anyone with sense because they get a kick out of adults getting angry with them. There is no force more annoying or enraging than a 13 year old, of any gender. But now add privileged and spoiled to that and you have a force to be reckoned with. You briefly relay this to Aziraphale.
“So,” You conclude, “The person who we need to convince to save the world, the person who needs to take this seriously or everyone dies terribly, the person who we need to care, has all the makings of the one person who is the least likely to care on the entire planet.”
“Ugh,” Anathema groans, “Why did they have to do it like that? I thought Jesus was supposed to be all about the outsiders and being kind to each other and things.”
“Well,” suggests Aziraphale, “I suppose that was probably the first time around. This time, they’re probably a bit less concerned about the, ah, morality of the whole thing, and more concerned about the messiah bit.”
“Right,” Anathema says with a disillusioned sigh, “And the fastest and easiest way for anyone to become a messiah in this world is to be rich, white, and male.”
“Cutting corners, I believe humans would say,” concludes Aziraphale.
Sardis nods, a frown upon his face. The previously cheerful angel isn’t laughing anymore as he raises his glass and says “To the world.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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days-until-burnout · 2 months
Can I request Magic Mountain going kaboom dramatized. Also, bonus request that you include a ship you consider underrated. Love your work,
-Internet Rando
OKAY. okay. i got the first part. but the underrated ship will have to be another day! i just got back to writing 'properly' today so it took a long while to get a hang of words. and thank you! glad youve enjoyed these writing. hope you like this one too!
📧 Day 31 -
Characters - Grian & Gem, Skizz & Scar (ft. Joel & Impulse) Words - 1,034 Time - 55 mins Content - Hermitcraft
“Okay, Joel, next you are going to cut the—” Grian said, an audible strain in his voice. Gem squeezed his forearm, and he looked up at her, their faces colored the same. Equal amounts of worry. Anxiety. Any wrong direction or movement would send all of them into the skies, them and their bases. He swallowed as her expression became encouraging, his own mirroring. “—red wire with black and yellow stripes. Tell us what happens.”
Over the communicators, the pair heard a snip, breaths held. They waited a couple seconds, panic slow to sprout before the line crackled, a quiet sigh in the background.
“He’s got it,” Skizz whispered, and they sighed. “No boom, boom yet.”
“You know, G, I still don’t understand why you didn’t let Skizz and me go. Don’t you trust us?”
“Not now Scar!” Gem hissed. They heard a startled yelp from Scar, a stumble back and almost falling. Luckily, no signs of an actual fall. 
Grian breathed in and out a couple times, though Gem could see how hard he was trying to keep it together. Instead of pushing the conversation further, they focused back on the manual in front of them. All the papers and pictures, the thousand combinations of situations and specifications. It was overwhelming, yet she grabbed the pad of paper on her lap, grabbed the pen, and awaited to jot down the response. 
“Some– Some sort of panel opened up on the side. There are numbers… dots and lines… weird scribbly symbols.” Scar re-told a couple seconds after. 
“Still have wires. Same rotation. Five out of seven lights on top,” Skizz added. 
They flipped through the pages, cross-examining their information and findings. Quietly, they discussed, and quickly, they argued. 
Impulse would’ve been much better interpreting all these manuals and instructions. And like Scar said, he and Skizz should have been the ones to disarm the tnt triggers. Which would have let Gem and him as information relayers, and more than anything, interpreters. Maybe if they survived this one, they could swap. 
Gem glanced at the timer, nudging Grian, sharing the same unspoken feeling. 
“Okay, Impulse, ignore the new panel for now. Let’s finish the wires, then we’ll get around to that later.” Gem jumped in, trying to keep a steady tone in her voice. She waited, hearing Skizz and Scar shuffling about, then they gave the go-ahead as they had done the previous times. “Okay. Okay. So we shouldn’t have many wires left, right? From the solid colors, we’ve cut red, black, and blue. From the stripes, we’ve cut blue with black, blue with yellow, and red with black and yellow. And they are not done yet, correct?”
“Affirmative.” They replied in unison. 
“Okay. White then yellow, and that should be all for wires.”
Involuntarily, their eyes glossed over the timer. Still ten minutes, but any wrong move and they could cut their time by half, or even have an explosion. They really, really did not want or need an explosion that big. Just a couple more triggers to minimize the damage, just a couple more and they would be free to go crazy with the remaining tnt clusters. 
A snip. Then another. Silence. Eyes glued to the timer. Every second felt different, like they had somehow forgotten how time worked. Like after every second, every blink, the universe changed the rules of time, bent it at its will, and left them a mess of stringless puppets. 
But no explosion yet. 
“So?” Gem asked, unusually quiet, like speaking would shatter their reality. Maybe the tnt had gone off, and it had lagged the server so much they were yet to experience the horrors. Maybe they were all dead, and this was her purgatory. Hers and Grian’s. Forever stuck on the place and time frame that doomed all their friends. She bit her lower lip, holding her breath before closing her eyes with an exhale of relief. Never had she been more glad to hear Scar and Skizz tripping over their own feet. 
“Wires down!” Skizz cheered. She heard them high-five, and she could only smile at Grian. He gave her a nod, relief in his face and shoulders too. 
“Alright, boys, two more modules,” Grian spoke next, an airy thing. They could see the end of the tunnel, this was almost over. “To verify, our last modules are the new decoder panel and blinking lights, correct?”
“Correct,” Scar replied. 
“Got it. Alright. Press any button when there is a zero at any point in the timer.” His eyes snapped to the timer as Gem’s did, counting down the seconds until nine minutes. 
Six. Five. Four. Three…
“Order of button, clockwise rotation, from top. Red. Blue. Green. Yellow.” Skizz sounded nervous, stumbling through some words but still clear and in time. Grian bit the inside of his cheek, flipping to the right page. Gem beside him, pen hovering over the new page, diagram drawn and assigned, ready to write down the patterns. “Yellow battery, if that means anything.”
“Press blue.”
“Follow the pattern. Blue.”
“Blue. Blinked red.”
“Blue, green.”
“Blue. Green. Blinked red.”
“Blue. Green. Green.”
“Blue. Green. Green. Nothing.”
“Blue. Green. Green. Blue.”
“Wait, isn’t Joel colorblind?”
It was comedic. Grian barely caught the tail end of Scar’s words before the whole mountain shook. Debri flew high in the sky as the ground under them collapsed, dirt and pebbles against their arms, screams ripped from their throats. In the distance, past the ringing and erupting floor, they hear more screams. Their papers slashed the air above them as they flailed to each other, holding on as tight as they could. 
Everything stopped eventually, with grumbles and groans of the ground, sobs in their own lips. 
Minutes were like hours. Everything stilled. Frozen. In place. Waiting for them to move. Instead of white clouds and blue skies, they had dust clouds and walls of dirt all around them. They had fallen a couple blocks, not enough to kill them, but enough to take substantial damage. 
The line crackled, so far away suddenly, “Gr– Grian? Gem? … Are … okay? Where … Level … We are … Gem? … G?... Any– … there?”
CLIFFHANGER UPON YE in my defence, i had 5 more mins to write but i didnt want to rush the ending. so this is what you get. also. again. been a week since ive written anything. gimme a break :[ anyhow. WE BACK IN BUSINESS 💪 sorry to joel and impulse, whom i wont be tagging because they dont even appear 😓
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi Joy- if you have the spoons to answer, that would be lovely, but if not, feel free to ignore/delete this!
Do you know if you have to have double vision to have a BVD? I've struggled with random unexplainable nausea, light sensitivity, eye strain, crappy hand-eye coordination, preferring to read with my glasses off, one eye closed, and the book 2 inches from my face, basically a ton of the symptoms they list, for my entire life but because I don't have double vision, the Dr I saw for an assessment basically dismissed me outright and told me there was no way I had any sort of BVD.
If she was wrong and you can have BVD without double vision, I'd really like to get reassessed, and google has not been helpful. Thanks in advance!
Hi friend, I'm sorry to hear you're struggling.
So here's the thing. My double vision is incredibly subtle to the point where I didn't even know it was happening until the doctor I saw last week put the prisms in place, and I suddenly realized there was a higher level of clarity available to me, and I've been overcompensating to keep things in place.
I squint a lot without realizing it. I tilt my head from side to side a lot, which is apparently a telltale sign that I'm using my neck/head positioning to keep my eyes in focus. And as my eye doctor told me last week, just because I wasn't seeing double vision all the time didn't mean there wasn't something wrong with my eyes. The fact alone that I can't stand to be in a brightly lit room was a testament to something being wrong, and even if it wasn't classic BVD he was going to help me figure it out or refer me to someone who could. As it turned out, there is an issue with my eyes; it just wasn't immediately apparent until he got into the full exam, and my world started spinning.
To give you an idea of what it was like:
My regular ophthalmologist (who I actually like, he's a very nice and compassionate man!) spent 20 minutes doing my full eye exam and told me I had zero issues with either vertical or horizontal misalignments because my vision didn't double until the object he was testing me with was close to my eyes.
The neuro-ophthalmologist I saw last week also noted the same thing, but then he spent an hour alone mapping how my eyes tracked movement and not stationary objects, and that's when the double vision became very apparent very quickly, and it felt like I was falling out of my chair. It was like being on a rollercoaster until he put the corrective prisms over my eyes, and I was suddenly able to track rapid motion without having to grip the armrests of the chair for fear I was going to fall over. It was still nausea-inducing because my eyes weren't used to it, but the difference was night and day for me.
So, you might not have BVD, but it definitely sounds like something is up that you might want to get a second opinion on.
Also, if you didn't check them out yet, Axon Optics have got a massive winter sale right now, and these are the rose-tinted glasses my new eye doctor recommended over classic blue-light-blocking glasses. They are non-RX, though they can make RX lenses too. I've currently got a pair of "Cover RX" glasses on to help me look at the screen. You can wear them over your normal glasses for extra light protection.
I'm not affiliated or anything. (Though haha, Axon, if you're watching...) They've just been revolutionary for me at removing a significant chunk of my daily pain from light sensitivity alone.
Good luck. I wish you well in figuring things out.
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independent-variables · 6 months
Hi! I found you through the post-chain of clones and torture (I appreciated the possibilities it means and how it made me stop and reflect) and I would love to hear more about the nuances in Clone/Jedi ships, if you have the time one of these days!!
I would think the field mine that is the power imbalance alone between a general and their commander is loads, without taking into account freedom/who is considered a person/who has the power to say no. What else would you flag? *ready to take notes*
Feel free to keep this private, as you mentioned the distinction between Public/Private -- and if you're not comfortable feel free to not reply! I understand and I will keep on thinking about this on my own! :D
Hello!!! I want you to know this is the absolute dream ask to get, you are a gem and I am so glad my meta has got you thinking. If I have to be thinking about this at least I don’t have to be thinking about it alone, lol. I’m gonna go ahead and post this publicly because it’s not targeted to any particular ship it’s more about my understanding of the Jedi.
Alright, clone/Jedi ships, where to start… First of all I do read and write for various clone/Jedi ships, I don’t have any kind of moral “you’re a bad person for shipping this” agenda here. I just find the trends of what issues fandom chooses to address within these ships and what issues fandom tends to ignore to be personally frustrating.
You are 100% correct the power imbalance is massive, and the age gaps are nothing to sneeze at either. Depending on when the couple gets together there is also the slavery to contend with. But usually these are addressed in more serious fic. When a writer takes the characters and the ship seriously and wants to do the story justice, the slavery/power imbalance/age gap trifecta tend to be portrayed as Serious Things the couple needs to navigate. This is good! This is wonderful! These are indeed Serious Things a Jedi and clone couple will need to navigate if they want to make a go of it; everything surrounding consent and life experience and what they both want out of the relationship. These are hard conversations to have and difficult differences in life experience to navigate, but not impossible.
What makes it impossible for me to completely suspend my disbelief with any and every clone/Jedi ship is not anything to do with the power and consent issues inherent to the ship. It’s the fact that my own understanding of the Jedi and their no attachment policies gives me a kneejerk NO reaction whenever a Jedi gets into a committed romantic/sexual relationship and the writer portrays this as a good thing. The NO feeling increases when the partner is a clone and the relationship starts during the war.
I know in my heart various clones and Jedi developed intense feelings for each other during the war that could definitely be called attraction, or love, or develop farther into love. I know this. I know there was much drooling and many heart eyes. What I absolutely do not believe for a second is that any self respecting Jedi would even consider for a moment acting on those feelings. That is kinda the point of being Jedi. Entering into a romantic/sexual relationship with a person who is not legally recognized as a person and therefore has no rights or protections? A person whom YOU (Jedi you) holds literal power of life and death over? Absolutely the fuck not. NO. It does not matter if this person is perfect and wonderful and your soulmate and would gladly fuck you silly every night over the desk you two do paperwork on, There Are Standards! There Are Morals! There Are Codes!
If a Jedi and a clone start any kind of Anything during the war, that is a sign something has gone very very very wrong with the Jedi. There would be consequences from within the Jedi Order if this was discovered. Doesn’t matter if the perfect clone soulmate consents absolutely, this is about what it means to be a Jedi and what it means to hold power responsibly and what it means to follow a code of conduct and what it means to be a member of an organized religion. And that toxic “something is wrong but I don’t care because this feels so good” dynamic in and of itself would be interesting to explore, I have found a few fics that explore it, but more often than not a Jedi being in a committed relationship is hand-waved as long as it’s not marriage.
And that’s it. That’s my issue. When nothing starts until after the war and when it is made explicit that Jedi-- by the their own Order’s standards and expectations-- cannot and should not be in any kind of committed romantic/sexual relationship, then I have no problem suspending my disbelief and grinning as the dashing clone Commander and the noble Jedi Knight kiss passionately in the sunset. Good for them. Let them have their moment.
Because, Anakin and Padme are kind of a big deal. Like. The problem was not that they got married, the problem was they made a commitment to each other. Marriage represented and defined that commitment but the wedding was not the start of the toxic obsession and death was not the end of it. Anakin loved Padme with everything in him and loving people is good! Loving people and serving people with compassion is part of the point of being a Jedi! But committing all of your (Jedi your) love to a specific person is very much The Opposite Of Being A Jedi. This is a long and roundabout way of saying I think monogamy is against the Jedi religion actually.
This is also why Obi-Wan and Satine are kind of a big deal. I know what fandom thinks of that particular interlude but I really enjoyed it because it reinforces the whole-- monogamy is not a Jedi Thing. If you (Jedi you) want a committed sexual/romantic relationship, that’s cool, that’s fine, but you can’t have that and also be a Jedi. Jedi cannot have both. There are no handy loopholes for that rule. Because it’s not “Jedi cannot get married” it’s “Jedi cannot be committed to someone or something outside the Order.” And that is a good and logical and reasonable rule to have for an organization of space wizard monks. And it bothers me that a lot of fans who write the Jedi in romantic relationships and especially who write the Jedi in romantic relationships with clones don’t want to engage with that aspect of Being A Jedi and would rather handwave it or find a loophole, because we had three movies already on why there is no loophole and why Jedi cannot have both.
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lonely-shine · 9 months
The Arcana: M6 with a deaf MC/learning sign language HCs
Disclaimer 1: I'm not deaf, I'm just someone currently learning sign language and with a deaf MC who got curious about this scenario. Any D/deaf or HoH people feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong, I'm still learning.
Disclaimer 2: these headcanons assume the apprentice has some degree of residual hearing and knows sign language, lip reading, and spoken language as well.
*Asra: starts learning sign language as soon as they learn you use it to communicate, will put a lot of time and effort into it. Uses sign exclusively if you so prefer, but might still use their voice if they need to tell you something while their hands are busy. Offers to serve as your interpreter if you should need it once they're more fluent in it.
*Nadia: canonically speaks many languages, you can't convince me one of them isn't Prakran Sign Language. Would set to learn the sign language you use, if it's any other than Prakran, as soon as she learns you use it. In the meanwhile, she makes sure to speak facing you so you can read her lips, and to keep conversations at a proper volume, speed, and order (not letting more than one person speak at the same time). Would hire a teacher and/or interpreter if necessary.
*Julian: canonically speaks many languages, maybe knows a handful of signs in a few different languages, but mixes them up and with mime. Does his best to learn, really, but still uses spoken language a lot, specially at first. Nervous about having to take of his gloves off in public (he might want to cover up that murderer's brand, lol). Sometimes gets caught up in his storytelling and will face away from you while talking, but once he learns he will always face at you even to his detriment (read: running into a post or falling into the canal; he swears it's all worth it).
*Muriel: Very willing to learn, but you'll have to be the one to teach him. Picks it up passively pretty easily, but takes him more time to learn how to properly sign (he forgets the facial expression side to signing sometimes). Likes that he can communicate silently with sign language, and once he picks up fluency would mostly use that to communicate with you whenever possible.
*Portia: Immediately falls down the rabbit hole of learning and research and drags anyone who happens to be within a mile radius with her. Within a week all the servantsat the Palace know how to greet you in sign language and fingerspell their own name. Practices constantly and makes sure of asking if she's doing it right. She, however, can speak faster than she can sign, specially when she's still learning, so she can switch from signing to speaking if she gets excited (at which point you might also have to remind her to speak more slowly).
*Lucio: Understands the concept of communicating by gestures but is confused by the concept of A Whole Language that is signed instead of spoken. I think it would take him a long time to learn anything more than a few basic signs. Eventually, though, he will try. For you. With varying degrees of success. You have a better chance to keep him engaged if you find a way to gamify the experience for him. At some point he has A Realization that this is like a secret language he can use to secretly communicate with you, which sparks a new interest in him. Still uses spoken language at least half of the time.
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sun13koi · 3 months
Headcannons/Rant on how much I hate and love Percico at the same time
CW: mentions of eating disorders, age gap issues, etc.
Involves spoilers for the entire Percy Jackson book series
LONG STORY SHORT- the way I got into PJO is because my boyfriend randomly shouted one day that ‘Percy Jackson was gay with the son of hades’. Now, I don’t violently love every bl simply because it’s gay, but I thought there was no way. So I read. And read. And eventually Nico came along. With Nico’s obsession with Percy, I thought it could have been possible. Except for a few things:
Wasn’t Percy already with Annabeth by time he found Nico?
AGE GAP- Percy is twelve in the first book, and I believe Nico comes in around the third or fourth one, right? So while Nico is smol, pure, and the most innocent ten year old ever, Percy is at least fourteen? Sure, irl people’s parents have even bigger gaps, but imagine a seventh/eighth grader dating a ten year old. Not cool. NOW FOR THE HEAD CANNONS!!
I agree with everyone who says Will Solace should have hearing aids! Between his moms concerts, and his sonic whistle, my boy must have some damage. Credit to @spookedbees for this headcannon, it isn’t mine and I simply just agree with them
The Apollo cabin should all magically know Italian! Italian is the language of music, most terms in music are Italian! Crescendo, Forte, Piano, etc!
Neurodivergent coded characters. Most, if not all demigods, have ADHD. It’s cannon. Same with Dyslexia. So while they are Neurodivergent, I feel like some of them also have other traits, or have it even harder than others. While Annabeth and the Athena kids can read pretty well, Percy struggles to read simple signs on a board in a museum. Leo fidgets a lot more than the other demigods. Will hides his trauma even though everyone knows almost everything about everyone else. Nico… is just a different case entirely.
Trans Nico? This is more of a head cannon, not really close to cannon. An AU if you will. But it’s another reason for him to be so happy about Will accepting him, and a lot of his struggles with self acceptance, along with things like his eating disorder after being stuck in that jar for ages just resonates a lot with a part of the trans community that struggles more than others.
Nico (and all members of New Rome) biting. Now, everyone knows that in order to be a member of new Rome (or is it just a camper?), they go through training with the wolf goddess, Luna. An au I’ve seen around and have grown particularly fond of is that the Rome campers, or anyone who has trained with Luna, have a shared trait that rubbed off on them: biting. To show affection. To calm down if they’re distressed. That sort of thing.
more to come in the future! Feel free to comment any of your headcannons you’d like to see an opinion on or any more information that could go along with them. If I got anything wrong, feel free to correct me!
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igaveyouamortentia · 2 months
Name: Well.. It's a secret that I won't tell, I might tell you later if we get to know each other. But it starts with 𝑨.
Nationality: Not really a secret, I'll tell if you ask me, but I'll not put it out here yet if not interested. (But English isn't my first language so if you find any mistakes, I'm sorry, feel free to correct me, I'll try not to get offended 😄)
Age: 22 (August 6)
Height(? If that matters); Around 162-164 cm, 5'3-5'4 feet?
Hair: Mostly straight, naturally brunette, and dyed brunette now, but I had a few colours..
Eyes: Green? I think. Have some brown in the center, but mostly green.
Sign: Leo ♌︎, I'm a bit into astrology, I wouldn't say I base everything on it, it's fun, and I'd say there's some truth in it definitely.
Occupation: I just started workiiing, I've been studying this and that, but nothing got me a job until recently.
I'm an introvert.
I've been told I can be funny.. I'd describe my humour as... Bad. 😂 Sarcastic.. Dark sometimes. I can make people laugh, but definitely myself.
I prefer cats a bit more, we've always had dogs, but since we got some cats too I started to like them more maybe. But I'm fine with either!
I have a tattoo since I was 13... Almost 14 O.o yep. It's kind of a family tattoo.
I can't really say anything about my music taste.. It's like everything... Almost.
I probably have some undiagnosed mental health issues, so be aware of that, that can be the reason for my insecurity, negativity or absence, but I'm not gonna do anything, don't worry.
I started this.. Or my previous Tumblr accounts in upper primary I believe 😂 I think I had ones before this, but I always lost access to them, forgot the passwords and such, but I have this since 6-7 or 8th grade. My friends had it, they were watching maybe fan arts, or we were just sad and depressed, yk teen life.. So I joined them and created it. They're not active anymore, and I just come here every now and then for different reasons.. To vent, to look for inspiration for fandoms, or right now.. I'm looking for stuff to send to the man I'm interested in.. And it's a long distance kind of thing, so that's how we try to beat this. 😄
As a hobby.. I like playing video games sometimes, I tried out video editing, you know for TikTok and stuff. I love to write.. I'd not say I'm good at it, but I love doing it. I had some experience in roleplaying for years, but I quit it 😄I want to write a book one day in the future hopefully.
Hmm.. What else can I say.. Oh movies maybe.
I watched all of the seasons of American Horror Story! So we can talk about that.
I watched Breaking Bad, and now I'm watching Better Call Saul..
Also watched Fleabag and some non popular series if you wanna hear it 😂
I've been made to watch almost all of the Marvel movies so I know about that a bit 😄
As I mentioned before I'm a biiig Harry Potter fan, I only watched the films, haven't read the books yet. I'm obsessed with Professor Severus Snape 💚And the actor who played him Alan Rickman (I have his book, the diariesss). So there goes my daddy issues-
I had a lot of years when I questioned my sexuality, and I'm still not sure.. I could describe it best as.. I don't care about gender, nor anything else like age(don't get me wrong, I mean adults 🙌) I love a person regardless of those.. I fall in love with their vibe, and need to have that connection. Some would call it pansexual... I don't know. I had times when I thought I'm asexual, but my sex drive is way too high for that-
That's about it for now...
We can discuss more about that and other things.. Feel free to ask me, anons too, I'd be happy to answer anything. I don't judge or bite.
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findlilac · 10 days
Get to know Sri
Stage Name: Sri
Birth Name: Srihari Venkat
Nationality: Australian
Ethnicity: Indian
Position: Rapper, Dancer, Producer
Birthday: July 9 1988
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 170 cm (5'7")
Blood type: O+
Representative animal: 🐱(I don't really remember if it is used to represent Lee Know as well, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)
Unit: DanceRacha, 3Racha(Don't really think it'd be 3 anymore tho-)
Facts about Sri
He was born in Brisbane, Australia
Has a younger sister who's 5 years younger than him
Came to Korea to train when he was 18
He had very little training in dance (the training being the dance classes he had joined when he was 7/8 years old for a few months) before he was recruited
Although He had been learning Carnatic music ever since he was 3, he stopped learning at the age of 14 (so about 11 years of experience)
He auditioned to be an idol out of spite for his dad
He had been doing his bachelor's degree and masters in architecture while being an idol as he 'wanted to have a back-up plan just in case'
He has a mole on his right cheekbone
He was a trainee for about 2 years
Nicknames given by STAY: Chan's wife, Nicknames given by the members: Eomma, Venki
He treats English as his first language. He can speak Japanese fluently, Tamil (his mother tongue), and Hindi to a decent extent. He can also speak French and Mandarin but no one really knows that he can speak those two languages
He can draw and paint quite well when given a reference but he says he lacks the creative skills to just visualise something and draw it
As per the members, he has quite a laid-back personality and is a comfort figure to all of them. They also say that he's quite good at giving advice even if he hadn't been in the situation himself
As per Chan, Sri struggles to express his emotions as he fears that he'd be burdening others by telling them about his struggles. And even if Sri does express his emotions, he struggles to frame and tell others about how exactly he feels about something
He has double-jointed thumbs and elbows
He has a driver's license and enjoys going on long drives with his members
When he isn't driving, you can always spot him wearing his headphones and gazing out the window
His favourite season is Spring and he loves rainy and stormy weather
He actually is a vegetarian and does not eat any type of meat
He is extremely introverted when it comes to social interactions with people he doesn't know quite well but is also one of the most upbeat when around the members, kinda like another member Han
He has very strong opinions and will not hesitate to express them. This trait of his has gotten him into quite a few scandals
His favourite colour is purple
He doesn't really have a favourite food, he will enjoy anything that is mentioned to be spicy but he actively avoids most fruit, his least favourite being strawberries and any kind of melon except watermelon
He prefers producing songs rather than songwriting
He has a pet dog named Cosmo back in Australia and also owns two cats in Korea, named Blossom and Buttercup, Blossom is a ginger cat and Buttercup is a black cat
As per the members and STAY, Sri is a caring person, prepared for almost any situation that comes his way. He seems to always put the members before his own needs. In the first one Kid's Room, he said that if given a choice to protect either himself or his loved ones, he'd always pick to protect his loved ones as he'd rather not live than imagine living a life without his loved ones
He is the typical 'mom friend', always having something or the other in his bag for any situation, earning his nickname 'Eomma'. You're hungry? Sri has a snack bar in his backpack. You got hurt? He's got a first-aid kit somewhere in his bag, You need anything ranging from a charger to a makeup product? Sri's always got something in his bag
He loves dad jokes and puns
He lives true to his MBTI, trying to see logic even when it isn't required.
He shares his dorm with Chan and I.N
He is SKZ's handyman being able to fix most things that the others break. That being said, he is the one who ends up breaking most things due to his clumsy ass
He tends to seem quite calm under pressure although he most probably is panicking internally
He is a major perfectionist and will redo his autograph multiple times during fan meetings and signings, just so that it's 'perfect'
Although Sri would much rather cook and bake alone as doing it alone gets him in his 'zone', he enjoys baking and cooking with Felix and Minho as well
He often tricks the other members into eating vegetarian food and then just lets them guess the 'meat' that was in the dish when in reality it's either cauliflower or some form of soy. He does this just to prove a point to them as most of them have this general notion that vegetarian food is bland
He often goes to the gym alongside Chan and Changbin
He usually helps Chan with leading the members on days when Chan is too exhausted to do it himself
He is friends with Hongjoong, San, and Mingi from ATEEZ
He is often seen hanging out with Yeji and Ryujin from ITZY
He is also friends with Yeonjun from TXT
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In my opinion, if people do have a view of a character that’s different from canon (more ooc but also just generally different from canon), it’s fine, however they have to understand that that isn’t how the character behaves or is like. For example, i like the idea that junko wasn’t always like that and due to certain circumstances got to the point she is, however I know that that likely isn’t the case and she is just like that, for example, one way this isn’t the case is that she has to have her entire memory wiped to not be like she is in the game, plus she was never intended to be a villain with a sad backstory or anything.
One example, I believe is people misinterpreting the characters to a point where, yes, currently in present time it isn’t very good, but you do have to keep in mind that it was made in a time where these things weren’t as common or to keep in mind how the games themes are. I saw a post once, which admittedly was from dangan tiktok (which doesn’t tend to have good takes on characters) which basically said that Mondo was a horrible man who you shouldn’t want to like because he was sexist and punched makoto because he wanted them to stop fighting. With the sexism, yes, he does treat woman differently because he believes they’re weak, but also somewhat as a sign of respecting them. Obviously, his views aren’t right, but also, keep in mind that in the 2000s, when the first game would’ve been made, there was quite a lot of misogyny, and thus , unfortunately, it would likely be more common around the time. And there is more to him punching Makoto then just ‘oh, he’s upset because he tried to stop him from fighting byakuya!!’. Mondo is shown to have anger issues, anger issues which likely stem from the guilt of getting daiya killed, and regrets it. obviously, he probably did have anger issues before daiya died, but I think that he might’ve worsened after daiya died. This is one of the times his anger issues is shown, when he punches makoto. Another time it’s shown is when he, you know, kills chihiro. He is shown to genuinely be remorseful of his actions and guilty of the fact, so you can’t just pin it down to ‘oh, he’s upset makoto tried to stop him!’ when it isn’t just that.
Another example that I’m not particularly sure on is how some people view characters like kokichi and shuichi. I think with pre-game, the fandom does tend to amplify everything to a bigger extreme than it likely is, though that being said, it is possible that they could act like that, though again sometimes they are a bit ooc and because the idea is so widespread in the fandom, I do think it is believed to be canon. I’m probably wrong, so sorry if I am, and feel free to correct me, I may have also accidentally completely switched topics with the last two examples, so I’m really sorry if that’s the case. ^^
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outofangband · 1 year
For the elves do you have any headcanons on what what happens to the non-enthralled party in regard to the fea? Like for parents or children does anything seep through?
Hi anon! If I understand correctly, you’re asking about the family members of captured elves and if Ósanwe or other phenomena allow for them to have any knowledge or feel anything about their loved one’s imprisonment? (Correct me if I’m wrong, I was half asleep when I got this)
First I should say I still need to finish an older ask I got about the nature of Óswane where I planned to more fully develop my own headcanons on it
With regard to the phenomena of Óswane specifically, I do not think this allows much information to appear in these circumstances. Óswane is canonically weaker in elves (and even more so in humans) than it is in the Ainur and while the mind might be closed to Melkor and his allies in some cases, the boundaries around Angband that for example can fairly successfully prevent elves from calling to Mandos, can also prevent communication in this method even despite the sense of urgency that can usually aid in the use of Óswane
That being said the complete lacking of connection of communication can itself be a sign for others outside Angband. In some places, couples and families specifically agree to cease any attempts at communication in the event of capture so no connections can be exploited by the Enemy and because the mind of the captive might be completely closed to prevent the Enemy from breaking in.
I think what is shared between the minds of captives and those on the outside tend to be fragmented; sudden emotions, sensations and broken images. There is less control too over when and how they are shared.
Of course the idea of the loved ones of say, Maedhros or Gwindor sharing their thoughts and feelings during torture is one with a lot of potential and I’d love to explore that further
I hope I understood your question! Please feel free to ask more!
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 39 - Healing, Mentally and Physically
Ophelia's had quite the day! Time to unwind.
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Ophelia: Oh Watcher, that feels good. If the bartending thing doesn't work out, you should pick up massage therapy.
Xander: I think I'd get fired if I did what we're about to do with a massage client.
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Xander: You ready to take this upstairs?
Ophelia: Oh yeah.
Before she can make a move towards the steps, Xander scoops her up.
Ophelia: Oh! You're stronger than you look.
Xander: Your dirty talk needs a little work, Lemon Bar.
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These woohoo partners still need a little time to... warm up before they get going. Not that they're complaining. Even if what they're feeling isn't love, it feels really woohoocking good.
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One of the benefits of not having a romantic relationship is you can have a post-woohoo snack of an onion bagel and stuffed peppers like it's no big deal.
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Ophelia can't help but think about her conversation with Libby from that morning…
Ophelia: Hey, there's something we forgot to talk about. We're being really careful, but things can happen. If I got pregnant, what would you want to do?
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Xander doesn't freak out at her asking, that's a good sign.
Xander: If you're cool with it, I'd say co-parenting is our best option. Sure, it'd be awkward explaining it to people, but we could make it work. Either way, I'd want to be there for my kid.
Ophelia: Good to know.
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Ophelia: We've got it all figured out! We're killing this woohoo partner thing, huh?
Xander: Totally.
Ophelia: Wanna go for a celebratory round two?
Xander: And you called me a horndog.
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Real homies give each other good morning kisses.
Xander's got errands to run and a shift at Taste of Tartosa, so he needs to freshen up, but Ophelia needs to shower too!
Xander: Maybe we could… multitask?
Ophelia: You know I love being practical.
Keep it clean, you two!
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These two decided to autonomously eat stuffed peppers for breakfast. I can't fault them for that.
Ophelia also tells Xander she's going to her first therapy appointment before band practice! She's seeing Dr. Diallo.
Xander's thrilled she's trying to change her klepto ways.
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A Better Way Therapy Center looks nice enough. Ophelia doesn't have to wait in the lobby very long before someone comes out to greet her.
Ophelia: Are you Dr. Diallo? Dr. Diallo: That would be correct. Feel free to call me Omari. You must be Miss Lemon. Come on back, dear.
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Ophelia: I didn't steal anything from the lobby. Omari: I appreciate that, but it's not my goal to judge you, Ophelia. You didn't choose your trait. I understand you're here for our re-traiting services. Ophelia: Yes. So do I just drink a serum or? Omari: It's not quite so easy.
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Ophelia: Oh. So I have to like… actually talk about stuff. Omari: We find it's important to address any underlying causes for unwanted traits. Ophelia: My parents always said therapy was for erratic Sims. Omari: Luckily, parents have been know to be wrong every now and then.
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Ophelia: So do I start telling you every bad thing I've ever done or…?
Omari: You can tell me whatever you like, this is your time, but I want you to know this is not about punishing you for past mistakes. This is about helping you move forward with your life in a healthy way.
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Omari: A lot of first sessions consist of just getting to know each other. Why don't you tell me about your job?
Ophelia: Oh, sure. I just got a promotion, actually. I'm going to be a singer for a wedding band.
Omari: What an exciting job! How'd you get into that line of work?
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And so, Ophelia tells Omari about her life since she moved to Willow Creek. She talks about the Blue Velvet, the BFFs, the Laurents, her relationship with Libby, moving to Tartosa, and even her ever-rising fame level. It's kind of nice talking about it all with an outsider.
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Ophelia: So… Do I get my new trait yet? Omari: Not just yet. Changing a trait is a lot of hard work, but you've taken that first step, which is quite the accomplishment. Now, I have a bit of homework before your next session. Ophelia: Homework? Omari: Don't worry, it's simple.
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Omari: I want you to keep a journal of how you're feeling when you get the urge to swipe. Are you angry, sad, bored? If you do swipe something, I want you to be honest about it. I won't be angry or judgmental. I just want to understand you better.
Ophelia: I guess I can do that.
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Ophelia: Okay, this isn't so bad so far. Omari: I'm glad to hear it. I'll see you at our next appointment. Ophelia: Do I get a lollipop for being brave? Omari: I don't think the game has lollipops but I'll see what I can do for our next session.
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eeveecraft · 1 year
I randomly got recommended a post of yours on my dash today and I kinda wanted to vent/ask something of your thought because it keep haunting me.
With how people are towards the term tulpa without second thought where leave people who use it because of branch to Buddhism?
I was raised Buddhist and there was belief similar that impact my family at its core but because of where we live my parent died never giving me terms and details only the concepts. When I in similar practice made, by accident, th3se people I looked for a word and found tulpa as this safe similar that respected it wasn't exactly a specific Buddhist branch but for me was Buddhist related and gave me way to touch my own linage while unable to directly know.
I probably just use it badly to have purposely wanted that Buddhist connection but then what do I call them? What term is meant to be used for devotion and formation beings that don't fully cross either axis? Wish things were not so scary to ask and wonder. I worry lot about this as the hate grew bigger.
Do you have any advice or words?
Sign unknown sect JPN Buddist with unintentionally made, yet through intentional actions formed beings and had them for many years now
Sorry if phrased badly or not clear. Stress seem to make my English much worse 😔
I've read your ask a few times to see if I fully understand it, so bear with me, and don't feel bad about your English. English is a stupid melting pot of various things and is literally the most inconsistent language in the world, so as long as people can understand you, that's what matters. So please, correct me if I misunderstand or misinterpret anything you've said.
So, from what I gathered, you use tulpa specifically to connect to Buddhism in some way, shape, or form because your parents passed away prematurely before they could pass much down unto you. And your question seems to boil down to, "If we shouldn't connect tulpa to Buddhism, what do I call them?" And honestly, my answer is: you bring up a very unique and interesting perspective.
You connect the word tulpa to Buddhism because you're Buddhist and gives you a sense of connection to a lineage you likely will never get to know. And quite frankly, I don't see what you do as a bad thing. In fact, I can kind of relate to it in a weird way. Your situation with your family, I mean. Your perspective kind of proves my point: tulpa is a murky word with murky origins that just isn't perfect. But no word is perfect.
As for any kind of alternative, I'm not quite sure. People keep saying to just call tulpas systemmates, but it generalizes tulpas and ignores what sets them apart from any other systemmate type. It ignores the tulpa creation process, and the journey most people choose to take to create their tulpa. If any of our followers know of any terms that match this anon's description, feel free to reblog them!
Also, this kind of just further proves the point of people who label tulpa as a racist term and that only Asians and/or Buddhists should dictate that, and here you have an Asian Buddhist who personally connects it to Buddhism as a positive thing for themself. There are people who disagree that tulpa is racist, but these people just ignore those voices and only promote those who agree with them. It's super annoying and it's why I compared it to a pissing match in my previous post.
I'm sorry I can't give a more concrete answer, but I just want you to know that I don't think you're wrong for doing what you're doing and why.
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starscelly · 1 year
I'm over here begging you. For the love of all that is holy, please talk to me about Tyler Seguin and the new dude, Mason Marchment !
anon i would LOVE to discuss tyler and mush !!!!! im very sorry this will probably be super long winded and incoherent. but u shouldve known what u signed up for with me tbh
FIRST i wanna say if ur looking for like. in depth analysis or many Moments of theirs i would very much recommend taking time to scroll through teex’s 2791 tag it is a joy and pretty thoroughly covers all of the stupidity from this season and i feel like they r like pioneering the 2791/smush insanity. that being said. allow me to talk my shit for a moment dkfsdjkfs.
i just think its Fascinating that in the past few years tyler has for sure like, turned down his usual vibe of constantly hamming it up for the camera and getting super flirty with all these guys etc etc. it is, i think, far less present these past few yrs than before. until mush got to this team lol. i feel like he’s really been brought back out of his shell (definitely also helped by the new coaching staff, his recovery from injuries, finding a new role on the team, their success etc, but) and we’re starting to see this silly tyler that we know and love again!!! the first thing i can really remember of them being particularly fun flirty and cringe together is the sandwich video (this is prolly wrong, but off the top of my head), but their chemistry has definitely been there all season. like even before we were exposed to this type of behavior, they’ve been on a line together All Season, even when they could not get a good third guy to fit on their line, deboer clearly knew there was something working between them. which like, we all saw the first few games of the season. obviously he’s correct lol. 
so they have good chemistry on the ice which is a super plus, and we’ve seen time and time again how close they are as people - mush being insane concerned about tyler’s injury, constantly saying they miss the other when they’re injured, the sandwich video, tyler “interviewing” mush with his drink, etc - and they just have a lot of casual affection for one another. but i have to say. my favorite thing is how stupid i feel for not realizing that they’d be an obvious pairing the second mush got traded here lmao. if you look at a long line of Tyler History he fits PERFECTLY. a feisty, huge, dark-haired left winger???? that is his MO, at this point (all 4 traits have applied to his like Closest or most notorious connections, but if u wanna take out “huge” we got marchy on the b’s, if u wanna talk ancient history we have tyler brown back when he was young young idk how feisty he was, but either way these are like. quintessential traits he loves). (this is a bit tyler heavy, on account of i just know more about him in general than mush, so sorry about that lol) but he very much just wants someone he can make fun of / laugh at, someone who would probably kill an opponent for him , and someone who is a huge cringe loser who will do anything to make him laugh. and mason for suuuuure checks off all those boxes and more. and if that is what we needed to bring back the silly, god bless mush, because he succeeded and Also made me adore HIM at the same time. despite all his mess and penalty minutes fjldsfklds
this is like. super long winded i am so sorry. but if there’s anything specific u wanna talk abt with these two cringefail losers Please feel free to message me or send another ask or whatever. i can’t even begin to unpack how deranged i feel abt them sometimes !!!
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
hello bee, question. are you abel to like sum up what's happend to q!Phil last month? if not, it's completely fine it's just that im super confused bc I was busy the entire of September
oh man I am NOT the right person to ask because I was literally out of the country for the majority of september so I missed a lot of stuff. even though I've been trying to catch up the gist of what i know is after the eggs went missing phil kept desperately trying to find his kids. he found a book (??) in a chest (???) in his kids room with coordinates (???) that said not to bring anything with him, and he thought it might take him to where chayanne and tallulah were so he went there and cucurucho trapped him in what's essentially a giant bird house for a week. when he came back he first was in the bird cage but found it the door had suddenly unlocked and walked outside to see cucurucho standing there who told him to wake up before he forgot how to.
then he woke up back in his base like nothing had happened. he began to question if that entire thing was real or not, and has since been questioning his own perception of reality! black concrete with signs from chayanne and tallulah keep appearing, phil also found black concrete structures in chayanne and tallulah's favorite places with chests that had very blurry pictures of the two eggs in them. birds seem to keep appearing around phil (??) and he can't tell if they're real or not. and now most recently since jaiden has started showing off her wings he realized that hers never got clipped like his did. he canonized that he wears his backpack all the time as a counterweight, since his wings are much lighter than before after they were clipped by the federation so he feels off balance all the time.
if i'm wrong or i left important stuff out someone feel free to correct me like I said I have not been keeping up that much as of late especially during september
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