#also if u read these silly rambles i do in the tags youre actually such a real one its insane like why cant i shut up for like THREE SECOND
amvro · 11 months
pairing: amuro tooru x gn!reader
cw: none :) (please lmk if i should add any!)
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He could not remember when, but at some point he stopped celebrating his birthdays. Well, somewhere in him he knew it was most likely the first year he was alone.
But it really didn't matter to him, just as long as he knew how old he was. There was truly nothing exciting about getting a cake and lighting and candle for him to eat alone, and he didn't see the point in getting himself a gift so it was just like any other day.
Now, this year was a little different. The two of you had been dating for three months now and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t wonder if something would happen for his birthday this year. However, he did not mention his birthday in any way, let alone tell you when it was so there was no way you would know. And he didn’t plan to tell you either because he really didn’t think his birthday was a day necessary of celebration. It was just a little thought in his head.
His birthday had finally rolled around, but it was truly just like any other day. He got up bright and early to exercise and he was working until horribly late, just like always. It was only until late in the night that he was finally able to check his phone and you were asking if he was still at work and telling him to take care. This was practically your routine at this point. If he didn’t say anything by 9 pm you’d text him a few messages, except these days were unfortunately far more common than not. Yet, this was all he needed to feel a little better after a long day at work.
“Furuya-san, did something nice happen?” Kazami asked.
“Hmm, why?” he questioned.
“Well, you looked so delighted,” Kazami replied. 
“Oh...” Amuro said, smiling. It was nothing but sweet to him that he’d let something show on his face, and that it’d be happiness out of all things. “I got the best birthday present I’ve ever gotten in my life.”
“Oh, what did you get? Hold on it’s your birthday today Furuya-san? Happy birthday! I hope--” Kazami started to go on.
“Hmm... it’s a secret,” Amuro responded. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He was finally driving home after he sent you a message that he was done work and that he’d be alright. The whole way home he could tell he was ecstatic and he was horribly embarrassed, he felt like a little boy for getting so excited. 
He was finally getting over his little burst of excitement when he reached his place and turned the lights on but his eyes shot open.
“Happy birthday Rei!” you said, cake on the table and a few balloons here and there. He wanted to cry.
”How... did you know?”
“Of course I know my boyfriend’s birthday!” you said, acting a little offended almost, but then you laughed. “It was a lot harder to find out than I expected.”
“I didn’t think someone still knew my birthday,” he said, still shocked.
“Sometimes I really think you don’t get just how much I love you,” you said, grinning. “Because I would rather die than miss your birthday.”
Everything was finally sinking in and he walked over to you without a word and kissed you. It was long and sweet, but he went in for another one right after, and yet another one after that, before he finally pulled away.
You were ever so slightly out of breath, looking so caught off guard, and he started to laugh.
“Hey!” you said, pouting slightly.
“No, I’m sorry it’s not that. I would never laugh at you,” he said. “It’s just that there’s no way I don’t love you more.”
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
Fantasminha, I love you(platonically)
Mariana wears a corset? HELL YEAH, now we are talking Also if you have anything about them feel free to talk about, I just looked the tag and unless there's things missing there's little about it wich I think is a crime Be it slimeriana, insaneduo, philever, uh... Whoever you like
Mariana acting like she has been a vampire for centuries? YEAH, embrace the vampire vibes If you are going to live for centuries forced to never go out by the day you might as well enjoy the good part of it
I want you to be aware that I am a big vampire fan despite the fact that I will take every given chance to complain about the big plot hole of twilight that was made only for fanservice, vampires can't have children but sudenly they can?? and about how I can't simply find any good piece of media about them, can we get more not sexualized things about them?
Vampires are simply assexuals to me, I mean, they tecnically wouldn't be able to- I think is better to me to stop talking this will become a biology class
AND THANK YOU FANTASMINHA, I HOPE MY ART TASTED GOOD I also have no idea of what's this thing on the shirt I just like it AND YEAH, I WILL DRAW SLIMERIANA Perfect excuse to draw corsets hehe:) I think is funny at least to me that you have this vampire who just- has this whole gothic aesthetic, all emo and dark, and you have her criptid-but-somehow-human-kinda-nerd-vibes boyfriend
- Plate anon(<- don't let them start talking about twlight, will write an essay about the inconsistence of it and how it's not biologically possible to a vampire have children even if they are fictional creatures but as far as I know in twlight it's mentioned-)
i have nothng about them atm BUT when i do you will see it :3c i have some drafts i think i can post.. errgh i will finish them one day i just need to brainrot more... i think i have to in order to add vampire!pac... like he's just akking to be added and who am i to deny him u-u
go off plate anon avjnaksj complain and ramble about vampire all you want im here for it. i've never actually seen or read twilight lol
I LOVE YOUR ART!! IT'S SO YUMMY >:DD i think if your art was a flavor it would be like yogurt. something very smooth and sweet tasting...or maybe like a marshmallow (also i forgot to mention i love how you shade hair, it looks so pretty i love how you do it)
vampire slimeriana are my beloved. slime can and will pick up his goth vampire boyfriend and carry him around like he's NOTHING because he's that strong. he's shorter then her but that means literally nothing. mariana only looks scary but is not when you talk to him kekw
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princelydelinquents · 2 years
Hi I’m Pearl? I go by many names so they might switch :) I go by fae/Faer and they/them
Expliit Language used a Lot Lols
Physically Disabled Use a cane and other stuffs to get around I should show you him actually! His name Is Daniele stopframe after the coach from morel orel
Please be patient with me During Episodes I tend to struggle with comprehending things as well as Spelling so I may misread things on occasion
Umm might post about if pain rlly bad
Kinda Dead becus busy I will reblog shit tho
Rp blog is @massk
art blog @silly-billys-artblog currently a wip
read more for requests under cut
Terfs and harry potter fans/jk rowling supporters your not welcome here
Matpat and Other Associations are not to be mentioned
Knowm for projecting heavily on my ocs XD and being a silly goofy guy with too many ocs to keep track of
A blog known for occasional art under the tag #massks art and inchoherent Rambles are under the tag #massks rambles as well as Identity V news my inchoherent rambles where I pretend to be a show host and state Idv news occasionally under the tag #Identity V news and for general show host stuff under the tag of #Cookie Giver News [CG News] questions are tagged under #thou asks thy : D
#LinkedChaos [In Progress]
#BayonettaAu [In Progress]
V4 Hypnoshades AU
V4 Octavio Au
splatoon headcannon
mari3 headcannons
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Don’t Repost my Art Reblogs are appreciated
I’m bored So I’m taking requests On art there’s no guarantee I’ll actually do it but I’m bored and I want to draw something else so I’ll Draw stuff I’ll only draw SFW stuff tho nothing NSFW a little suggestive is fine too much is overboard There are Certain characters I will not draw Because I still have to practice them So I’ll draw from these fandoms if the outfits are complicated I will simplify them For The Identity V fandom If you ask me to draw The brave skin or any other problematic skin (Excluding Nortons DOTD skin)I will not draw it If you ask me to draw any complicated skins like Naids S teir I will alter it to make it easier to draw I will Take requests For Latino headcannons tho for certain Idv characters like Norton and Doctor and other Idv characters specifically :)
Characters I refuse to draw
Kreacher IDV
That miner dude from stardew valley
Valentino Hazbin Hotel
Certain S tiers and skins will be excluded
I will not draw gorons I also still have to practice them
Fandoms I’ll draw
Identity V
Legend of Zelda In general
Hyrule Warriors
Sailor Moon
Madoka Magica
Toilet bound Hanako Kun
My little Pony
Sally Face
Metal family
Stardew Valley
Invader zim
Hazbin hotel
And others if u ask I love drawing ocs too!
If you want a character in different clothes I might do it and share it if I’m successful
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justalilpearlie · 4 months
hi guys dont mind me being insane again
im not tagging this too much cus its more of a personal ramble cus idk im feelin silly today and the BPD hits too hard. i wont be explainin what BPD is either so if u dont know either look it up or ignore this post,,
man i. have you ever loved someone so much you cry? /pos
like man i. its not romantic, may i clarify. most of my fps, except for my main one, are platonic. one of them is familial even
but i just. i feel like such a parasocial freako but i genuinly feel so intensely. its so positive too. if you ignore the crippling paranoia i always have abt my fps hating me or me being so intense they get uncomfortable...
but i just??? im not. normal about them.
i dont wanna sound creepy but they make my world so much better. id take a bullet from them. if give anything for them to be alright. i genuinly just REALLY enjoy their company and knowing theyre having fun with me aswell. knowing they enjoy me as a person. that im not a nuisance for the people i love the most.
and gosh i really hope they dont see this. i would feel so ashamed and embarassed if they did.
luckly i have better ways of copying with distress, attachment issues, jealousy, possesiveness, and all that other FUN (not) stuff that comes with BPD or rather specifically having an fp. A nice trustworthy psychologist (if u can afford it) does wonders to you, let me tell you.
its still hard sometimes but ive learnt to deal with it in ways that arent destructive to my relationships with those around me. i can cool down and such instead of lashing out or splitting for the most minimal things.
but now. for whatever reason. i went on a huge "positive" ramble instead. it was meant to be appreciation at the time, and still is, but i feel like its something that couldve scared them off. i showed some stuff to irl friends and online family, and everyone said theyd feel very appreciated if someone told them that stuff, but i cant help but feel is because they're my loved ones also and stuff. i really. really feel like i was too intense. i suck at showing affection in a normal way, a calm way, subtle way, like a normal person.
at this point i think. sigh i think its better if i just say nice things anonymously. i think if people, in general, not only my fps. but if people dont know affection comes from me they'll take it so much better than if they know its *me* in particular. and idk why! its just my brain being stupid again.
brains love doing that, dont they? being stupid. telling you everyone hates you oh so much no matter what you do. that theyre lying behind your back, and hate you in secret, theyre just being polite and allat.
well let me tell you, dear reader, whoever the fuck might read this, specially if its from the bpd tags: thats not true. sure, there might be assholes out there, but those people you think hate you despite how close you are, most likely dont. and i cant even get this through my own head but my sister repeats it to me all the time. "[name] talks so nicely about you and seems so happy seeing you". even then its hard to believe, i gotta stare at nice screenshots ive saved where i believe ive done something good, something worthy of appreciation, something that has not only meaning but an impact, a possitive one. and i know the chances of them actually hating me are low, but i still believe more in those chances than the proof.
i feel a bit delusional in a way. and i mean, i am, often times. but this is one of those thoughts- those god dammed thoughts where you're self aware yet- yet it doesnt shake the feeling away, you know? like no there is no proof, no logical proof at least, only what your mind twists into proof. but you still just "know it", yknow? even if you dont actually know shit and are very wrong. you feel like you do and it- it fucking sucks.
dont even get me started on splits and mood swings, highs and lows. Cause well. THATS NOT THE TOPIC OF THIS POST !! Lmao. i could go on for hours complaining tho. ough.
but yeah!! i just !! sorry, this took a turn. i just. needed to express myself idfk. i'll go back to posting abt minecraft men kissing soon or whatever, sorry normie followers /hj
i love them so much its overwhelming, yet i wouldnt change it for everything in the world, you know? not them. its hard but id rather endure it for them than have them not be THIS level of special to me anymore.
i really REALLY hope theyre not. uncomfortable by it tho. and wont dump me for it. i really wish i had a guide to how to and how to not mess up. so i could avoid doing dumb shit on accident.
and its funny cause theyre ppl that would absolutely tell me if im doing shit that bothers them, yet i believe theres smth else, stupid thoughts man. LEAVE ME ALONE FREDDY MERCURY!! UR SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD !! /ref
sighhhh anyhow yeah im dropping it here. bpd is a bitch. and to anyone out there dealing w it? godspeed. you can do this, i know life already sucks and this shitty dissorder doesnt help, but i know you can push through, mi gente bella.
Pearlo out. BPD hours rlly seem to be hitting at around 11-12 am, huh? /ij
0 notes
ask-steve-cobs-ii · 8 months
          『 𖦹ْꓸ🥖🌾🌻🍂✨.՞ 』
       Ask/Confess sumn Steve Cobs Blog!
        ★ Blog Theme - Default - Free 🍁
       🎧💤 Post Dividers by @/saradika
       💿🪽 Apps used to draw - freeform
      🤍🕯️ Apps used to edit: Canva + Picsart
 ☆☆ Fyi, This Blog and Drawing is my pride and joy, but I might not be as active here too often!! 🌽🐾 But drawing can sometimes be exhausting 4 me! Hope u guys understand <33 !!!
🍼💤 Please read our intro,,, omg… like actually..
🍁🌙 You can confess something to corn man!! Steve!! Whether its filthy or not. we won’t bite. (Unless you say it to the mods of this blog ermm) ( btw READ CONFESSION GUIDELINES 1ST!!! THANKS!)) +when confessing we prefer you mark it as a confession!! Optional btw but still!
🍥🎀🦴 DON’T COMPARE OUR ARTSTYLES TO SOMEBODY ELSE’SS!!! “Oh er it looks similar u copied!,) DNIII!!
🍓🍰💋 DNI: basic dni criteria // ppl who compare artstyles in a negative way // “ur object artstyle is too furry” ppl // ppl who don’t handle nsfw/13+ content too well (i dont think ur gonna like this blog if u r triggered by that fyi)
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➵ Blog Intro ,, | @ask-steve-cobs-ii 🌽
ᨳ Hello there :D This is a Steve Cobs,, Inanimate Insanity ask account! Ask the great CEO of Meeple!! Who made phones and shit :3
◟ran by◞ @cakiette || caki/elle/admin cake — she/her ✧ artist + main poster + acc creator! 🍰💤⭐️ represented by: 🍰
♡ @milkiette || milki/yuna/ryo/admin milk — any prns — luvly sis who does some of the dialogue :3 🎀🦴 represented by: 🍼
🐾💤 @starigen || lavera/starlah/admin star — she/her — bio designer + banner designer + admin — mainly person who comes up w/ headcannons, designs (like accessories and shi), and the blog intro!! Ily pookie 🐾🐾 represented by: ⭐️
— Posts made by any of them will be tagged w/ admin milk/star/cake!
◟blog banner by: ◞ @starigen
◟blog pfp by: ◞ Inanimate Insanity on youtube! o(`ω´ )o
🌙 not canon to the real series!! I am not in any way associated w/ ii, or working 4 them (i wish tho /silly)
☆☆ I do have social anxiety,, so sorry if i take a while to answer your ask,, this is my 1st time running an ask blogg!! I’m not used to answering sm asks, but also bc im BUSYYY!!
🎧⭐️ i, mod milki also MIGHT suck at cosplaying steve cobs so sorry if i ever disappoint ( ´_ゝ`) ,, again yall i have no experience w/ ask blogs and cosplaying
#ooc tag - out of character ☆☆ not an ask!
#off topic - unrelated to blog
#mod talks - mod (blog runners) rambling lawl
btw send as many asks as ya want,, i like receiving em but gimme time to answer plz
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᎒ ꒰ 01 ˙ #posting? ៸៸ 🍂
・I will post Steve Cobs content obviously -w- but YOU guys will run our posts!! Not literally but err its based off of your asks :v soo yeah you can ask him thingies!!
・other ooc stuff
・Reblogs… to catch yall off guard bc I procrastinate on this blog sm
・confessions,, abt the corn man,, or to the corn man, he will answer em.
((i might delete some reblogs or shitposts,,, or smth unrelated to this blog so yeah,, i just wanna keep this blog,, an ask blog)
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᎒ ꒰ 02 ˙ #rules while asking? ៸៸ 🌽
・Yeah ig you can do nsfw asks for funsies
・joke asks are always allowed bro 🕶️
・you can magic anon him things
・yeah angst is allowed but we like a silly blog dont we
・hate on him all ya want (dont hate on ME tho the blog creator shhsjshjsj)
・yes, you can turn him into popcorn (or atleast attempt to??) if you do,,, it won’t be permanent XD
・i dont mind if your here to step on some corn dick /silly
・inanimate insanity stuff related only please!!!
・Meeple + Inanimate insanity show, contestants, hosts related askz r cool too
・u may include ur oc in the ask!! No back and forth convos thoo!! (If u want ur oc to respond rb my post)
・confessions allowed too LOLZZ!! Filthy or not, we allow it. As long as you don’t intend it for the mods of the blog, ur good. Yeah, that means you can confess stuff to corn man. Make him get a therapist maybe.?
i won't judge you here...unless ya send me something immoral or downright horrible. or maybe if you send me foot fetish confessions /hj
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᎒ ꒰ 03 ˙ #confession guidelines ៸៸ 🍄 yeah!! Confess to the corn man stuff,, maybe accidentally get him a therapist!!. BUT!! Confessions ran by our our mod that has been thru it all /lh,, @starigen, . so don't fear anything being TOO horny,, whatever you're about to send, shes probably thought sumn similar... shes seen too much of it /lh /j
or DONE sumn similar? lmao jk
no immoral shit. no pedo shit, no proships, no abuse, no incest, no grooming, nothing rancid like that please!!!! ty :33 we wanna keep this blog w/ no drama llama 🦙!!
no confessions relating to anything problematic, please we beg of you. just a personal discomfort thing, for all us mods. please do not bring up grooming or anything related to it please <33
ALSO, NOBODY FUCKIN SEND HORNY ASKS ABOUT HERRR!!!!! just cause she can handle nsfw well doesn’t mean she doesn’t have boundaries.
ok happy confessing freaks /silly /j :3
📝 note for starigen: yeah keep in mind you are confessing to Steve Cobs,, so don’t be surprised if he ends up being rude lol,, there will be a ooc response from ME!! So…!! Yeah.
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᎒ ꒰ 03 ˙ #blog rules in general ៸៸ 🍃
・no advertisements lolz
・you may submit fanart thru asking
・no being rude to others :’D
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★ — Thats him!! ask him anything (ANYTHING)!!! The corn man!! 🌽🌽🕶️
⚠️⚠️ (by the way!! I didnt make him a furry!! I just gave him paws! Don’t call him one just bc he has paws! Its basically calling a dog a furry!!! BUT PLEASE DIFFERENTIATE!) ☆☆
(some parts of him might change by accident while i, mod cake draw him btw)
written by mod cake 🍰
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★ — Taggies (ignore) 🏷️🪽
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝟒. ♡ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
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"Hi! I hope u have a lovely day :] I was wondering if I could request an imagine where you're online friends with Gogy and one day you send him a picture wearing his merch and he can't stop thinking about it and finally ends up telling you he has a crush on you?? Thank you in advance :] I really enjoy your writing"
pairing: georgenotfound x reader
warnings: Zoom Video Communications none :)
links: | ao3 | request | masterlist |
⋆ song recommendation: Slowly by Josh Gilligan
(streamer bf gogy brainrot brrr) hello sweet anon! thank you for much for this request :) I love love love all the geo simps and their ideas. also thank you to my dearest LB for helping me with the plot help. happy reading, everyone! ♡ ᵍᵉⁿᵉ
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You tapped your fingers on your desk, nails clattering at you waiting to be let into your third Zoom meeting of the day. Usually, you got off with only one lecture, but because of upcoming exams, you were finding yourself in and out of virtual meetings and office hours. Sure, it was better than jogging from building to building, fighting the crowds, and searching for a seat in a packed lecture hall, but it was still wearing you down beyond belief.
You rested your chin in your hand as your window went from white to dark grey, the square with your name getting wedged in beside the professor. Everyone’s cameras were off, a thankful sigh leaving your lips as your head slumped down to lay against your arm, the danger of falling asleep suddenly becoming more prominent.
You jumped slightly as your professor cleared their throat, sharing their screen and beginning to ramble off facts listed on the slideshow. You played with your keyboard, focused on removing a crumb from beneath your spacebar that was almost unreachable. You usually took notes in the class, but today was just one of those days.
“... And with that in mind, I’m going to put you all into breakout rooms…” Your professor trailed off, eyebrows furrowed as they peered at their screen and clicked frantically to assign all of you to rooms. You yawned, smacking your cheeks and sitting up. You were determined not to be a shitty partner, at least. The white box popped up, inviting you to join breakout room four. That’s always lucky, you thought to yourself as you joined.
Once again, you were cursed to look at the buffering wheel of death as your internet struggled to sustain all your opened tabs. Please, just a little longer, you groaned internally, eyes dashing towards the receiver and exhaling in relief as your computer connected to the breakout room. You turned on your camera, eliciting your partner, George, to do the same.
You flashed him a smile as you struggled to open the article from the previous night. “Hi! How’s it going?” You greeted, not yet looking at him.
“I’m good, actually. How are you?” He engaged, his voice deep and tired.
You finally managed to split your screen enough so that you could see him and the article. “Yeah, I’m good too. Thanks,” you chewed the inside of your cheek, eyes skimming some of the notes you’d etched into the margins. “So, did you have any idea what,” you paused, squinting at the author’s name, “Robert A. Schneider means when he discusses how ‘men of letters’ fear the lower class more than anything?” You asked, as your eyes trailed across your screen to finally gauge his reaction, you were taken aback by his appearance.
His soft features and dark eyes made you feel safe. As he smiled softly, running his fingers into his hair, he seemed to be racking his brain for an answer. He opened his mouth to begin, detailing what you had previously thought with better articulation.
The two of you got through the basic questions the professor had scripted for the students, then finding yourself still stuck in the breakout room. On a normal day, your professor would have pulled everyone back into the call after the first few questions.
George swiveled in his chair quietly as he listened to you briefly explain your area of study. His kind smile made your heart flutter slightly. Deep down, you hoped the two of you would be stuck in the room for a while.
Soon your topics blended into what kind of movies you both watched, a debate on where you could buy the cheapest bread on campus, and what kind of party people the two of you were. After an hour, instead of worrying whether or not your professor was dead, you were swapping numbers and planning out how the two of you would turn the Florida Keys into the headquarters of your new cult where the members would all worship a separate bitchy philosopher.
You pulled one of your legs to your chest, resting your cheek against your knee as his laughing died out. “Okay, this might be a weird question, but I need to know why your webcam is so clear. Is it like an OnlyFans thing or…”
He chuckled. “Yeah it’s definitely OnlyFans,” he joked, making you laugh. “I’m actually a ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ” he mumbled.
Your eyebrows perked playfully. “You’re a what?”
He pursed his lips to fit the grin stretching across his face. “ᵃ ᵐⁱⁿᵉᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ ˢᵗʳᵉᵃᵐᵉʳ”
You snorted slightly. “Sorry darling, you’ll have to speak up. What was that?”
He wet his lips, rolling his eyes as he bashfully groaned. “I’m a Minecraft streamer.”
You giggled, him basking in your disbelief. He smiled a bit brighter as he shrugged, leaning back in his chair as you rambled off questions. “There’s no way! Nerd!” you chaffed, making him smile as if he liked it when you playfully teased him. “Are you super popular?” You asked, catching your breath.
He bit his bottom lip swaying his head slightly as if deciding not to answer. “Mmmm. Not really.”
“Well, come on, Georgios! Give me your Twitch user and I’ll be your biggest fan, I promise.” He laughed at your response, digging out his phone to send you a link.
“I’d like to see you try,” he mumbled.
After the class had finally ended, you’d learned that your professor was on the phone with their credit card company. In the following weeks, you and George were in constant contact, even becoming part of each other’s daily routines.
As you studied for finals, you’d turn on his stream, letting his voice alleviate some of the stress of your exams. He knew you were watching and would even drop hints for you in what he was saying, or he’d blatantly just ask what you were talking about in your essay for a certain class. After the stream would end, he’d call you either on Discord or the phone, just so it felt like the two of you were studying together.
Jokingly, you badgered him to send you some of his merch, threatening to buy it from a bootleg online store if he didn’t. He had only brushed it off at the time, but shortly after, you received a hoodie in the mail with his gamer tag printed across it.
It was late at night when you’d received it, the tiredness of your eyes and George’s dulcet tones lulling you towards the idea of a dead sleep. Yet, you were drawn from your pleasant relaxation with the shrilling of your doorbell. You shrugged out of your blanket cocoon, grabbing your phone and trudging down the stairs. As you tore open the bag, your phone buzzed with a text from George asking if you’d seen something that one of his chat members. You chuckled softly and dug your hand into the material, holding it out in front of you.
You snickered to yourself, running your fingers across the red patch in the center. You slipped it over your head, letting the softness of the fabric brush against your skin. You snapped a photo of yourself and stumbled back upstairs before sending it to him.
When you returned, George was focused on something he was crafting. His eyes darted down to one corner of the screen where his phone was probably sitting. His eyes flashed back up with a smug grin on his face as if he knew exactly what you were going to say. Your “Thanks sugar daddy xx,” probably didn’t help either.
“What, chat?” His voice came out slightly uneven as he bit back a smile. You skimmed what people were asking. “It’s not a nude. A friend of mine got something I sent them,” he answered nonchalantly, finishing up what he was doing. The chat began to spam quietly. “No, it’s not a maid costume. Jesus Christ.” He leaned back in his chair, grabbing his phone and opening your message.
A grin spread across his face, alongside the light dusting of rosy pigment settling in his cheeks. He chuckled to himself, quickly replying before getting back to his game. You scoffed at his response.
George (H325) Anything for my silly little baka
You curled up again, putting away your schoolwork and devoting your attention to watching his stream as you drifted off to sleep.
Once again, you found yourself at the mercy of your internet as you attempted to join the breakout room assigned to you. You almost jumped out of your chair when it finally connected and you found George waiting for you. You smiled slightly as he scrolled through his phone. “What are the chances?” You asked, pulling his eyes to you.
He grinned, clicking off whatever he was looking at. “I was just about to raid your inbox.”
You chuckled. “I almost wore your merch to class, just to out you to whoever my partner was,” you joked, making him roll his eyes.
“I’m glad it’s me then,” he responded. You began scrounging around for your article. After a beat of hesitation, George spoke up again. “Hey, I’m glad you like the sweatshirt…” You perked an eyebrow in his direction. “I actually haven’t been able to get that picture out of my head. I know it’s stupid,” he stated lightly, chuckling nervously. You could feel your heart beating in your ears. “It’s so lame, but I think I have a crush on you.”
You sat back in your chair, stunned. “I mean, the feeling’s mutual. Even if it’s lame,” you mirrored, winking at him. “I mean, maybe it’s not lame because I know I like you.”
He smiled to himself at your answer before chuckling, “Should we Zoom date or something?”
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woolydemon · 3 years
hello i see your schoolbus arcee idea and must tell u it is Very epic [: do u have info on ur fan cont up anywhere,,, i am intrigued
yea i think school bus arcee is v cool too!! :]
also i dont rlly have any proper posts abt my fan cont since its still a wip (i dont even have a name for it yet. its prob gonna be smth silly) but im trying to flesh out my ideas enough make some content for it
I am actually working on a design for arcee, so heres some sketches i have so far of her (also Bumblebee for scale is like... 20 ft tall. listen, school buses are big!! so arcee is big too!!!)
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oh yea on the last pic theres june darby & a snippet of aileron (sorry, i havent figured out a design 4 her quite yet) bc im planning on all 3 of them getting married (arcee actually has a giant ring on her finger if u can see it)
anyway im super flattered that u have interest in my fan cont!!!!! Im glad my idiot gayass robot ideas have some merit 2 them
Edit: hang on i actually talk abt my fan cont in the tags of these posts if u want to read more abt what i have so far, but it's v rambly,,
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jtrbluv · 3 years
“F 2020!” - TXT
it’s 3:30am and i’m 2 lazy to make a header so here’s yoongi, i promise i have nicer handwriting
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wow, i literally have no idea where to start. it’s almost my three year anniversary of being on this hellsite, but i think i can definitely say that 2020 has probably been one of my favorite years by far, and i am really grateful for it. i think 2020 was a year i was able to improve a lot in my writing despite not producing and releasing a lot of content. quarantine finally allowed me to actually sit down and focus on writing more than i ever have before, and shit, it felt good! it finally felt like i was able to write for myself and not just to please others, and it felt so rewarding rawr (•̀ᴗ•́)و
to all my followers, thank you all so so much. each and every single one of you are a huge reason as to why i’m still here and continue to write. all the likes, reblogs, comments, asks, and more mean the absolute world to me and other writers as well. i think as content creators we can all say that we all go back and scroll through all your messages. thank you for continuing to support me and hopefully i can manage to gift more fics to you this year! luv u all so much <33
to all my mutuals, whether we’ve talked once, twice, never, or a lot, thank you so much for letting me into your world! i really appreciate and luv each and every one of you and always enjoy seeing you all around my dash, we love 2 see it!! i wish you all the best and pls never hesitate to talk to me, i’ll always be here through but especially to support you and hype you all up!! >:) <33
i was going to tag people, but i don’t wanna risk missing anyone T-T. hopefully, you all know who you are :)) just know i luv u fr
lastly, here are some sappy ass luv letters to some of you in particular, sry in advance 🥶🥶
@koushiningg - yeah, of course your ass is going first. hey jae bae, bestie 4L, partner-in-crime, the one person who’s read every, and i mean EVERY single one of my fics. it irks me how much you’re always able to write out your feelings towards the people you care about, bc i SUCK at it! so yes, thank you so much for just being you, i’ll write u a sappy long letter for ur grad email but for now, thank u so much for putting up with my dumbass, listening to me ramble abt the ideas i get at the asscrack of dawn, reading my fics, supporting me in everything that i do. i love u sm fr. here is to the year that we’ve been waiting for, 2021. let’s make it our year.
@taehyungieskith - mika bae........ to think that you were still a local this year is so silly to think abt, i still remember us in the 400s and me giving u song recs in the band room GAHAHDHAJ. i love the little book club type shit we be doing, i always love ur recs duh wtf. thank u twin for always hyping up my stuff and thank god u arent on wattpad anymore mhm love u twin jumi #2 fr
@viopera - VIO!!! we’ve met recently but it feels like i’ve known u for awhile now. literally i’m so happy cuz i remember telling u to write fics and u were straight up like “no.” and now here we are RAWR! u should know this by now and u probably do but i will always be ur #1 supporter and eternal beta-reader. i hope you’re feeling better and ily my fav corpse stan and bad bitch!!!!
@bangtans-peaceful-piegon - AHH PIDGE!!! if i can remember correctly, you were one of the first people i actually talked to on the fic hub server and wow you are just the cutest and literal sweetest thing. we clicked so easily and the vibes u give off are just absolutely impeccable. i love u and i’m always here for u !!! <33
@sugacouture - AYO MEI!!! istg we literally just started talking frfr like a couple days ago but it’s like i’ve known u for years, like wtf. we literally have the same humor and vibes and it’s been rly swag talking to u. i am also more than happy to be ur eternal beta-reader and header helper if that wasn’t already clear duh <3 yeah you are so cute and you write so well that it’s unfair. mhm. unfair. *inserts that one taekook photo* love u, i’ll kidnap u and we’ll get boba and pho <3
@dreamystuffers - RACH!!!!!! rach you truly mesmerize me bc you are so freaking multi-talented, it leaves me in awe. i’m so happy you’ve continued to do what you do luv!! i will always be here and supporting u thru whatever u do!!! luv u sm!! <33
@tatastaetae - marria bby! hi!! ik we don’t talk that much but when we do you’re always such a joy to talk to! the range in ur fics is insane and i always love 2 see it! love u sm and i’m always here for u luv (i swear i’ll be more active on servers wjdjsjjds)
@pjmsdior - bella!!! we haven’t talked for that long either but i always love meeting fil moots!!! you are the sweetest thing and just know that i’ll always be here for u if u need anyone to talk to!!! if i was rich, i’d buy us both new phones in a heartbeat bc our phone literally hate us and for WHAT. kk luv u bella mwah <3
@suhdays - MO! oh my i rly do mean it when i say that u have got to be one of the sweetest and most genuine ppl i’ve met so far this year on this hellsite. ty for making me feel so welcome on the discord servers and networks despite me not being super active on there. when i do get money, i do wish to buy from your etsy shop T-T ,, you are literally the best and deserve the world mo, love u !
@jinpanman - mai! hiii!!! i know we don’t talk much but i’d just like to thank u for the sheer kindness and sweetness you’ve always treated me with! on the occasions that we do talk, you are such a sweetheart omg. ur fics are absolutely to die for and ilysm bby <3
@softguks - AHHDHJE LAUR! when i save u best 4 last <3. we’ve honestly barely interacted at all but you are the most sweetest thing ever, you make my heart full!!! i hope we’re able to interact more in the future and that u come back soon!
- ur local laur luvbot
my secret admirer, hi! i’m not sure if you’ll see this or not since i obviously can’t tag u, but i rly do appreciate u and all the messages u send 🥺🥺 sometimes i go back to them and read them over bc they’re actually so sweet and this is my first actual anon interaction rawr ;w; like always, i wish u nothing but the best and pls take care ☀️ anon!!! <3
sending luv and good vibes to all of u for the new year, always <3
— love, jumi (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
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rouge-the-bat · 4 years
ANYWAYS i was tagged by @skayforrest :'33
Rules: Please make your own text post when answering these to avoid long posts. Highlight/bold what applies to you!
for me to make it easier for me to read im going for:
bold: definitely me :3
italics: kinda me!
strikethrough: not me at All
(subscript parenthesis): my comments! (bc im very rambly lol)
also changing // between different phrases to ♡♡ to make it easier for me to distinguish between phrases too owo
♡  Appearance ♡
I am over 5’5 ♡♡ I wear glasses/contacts ♡♡ I have blonde hair ♡♡ I prefer loose clothing over tight clothing ♡♡ I have one or more piercings (my ears!) ♡♡ I have at least one tattoo (i want to get one of a drawing ive made soon tho!) ♡♡ I have blue eyes ♡♡ I have dyed or highlighted my hair (its p much back to normal now tho- and i want to dye it pink someday) ♡♡ I have gotten plastic surgery ♡♡ I have or had braces ♡♡ I sunburn easily ♡♡ I have freckles ♡♡ I paint my nails (not super often but i have fun doing it occasionally owo!) ♡♡ I typically wear makeup (i rarely do and usually its just lispstick, with maybe eyshadow and/or eyeliner) ♡♡ I don’t often smile (i can be really smiley sometimes but i dont interact with others much (esp irl) so i tend to not emote a whole lot) ♡♡ I am pleased with how I look (im cute round n chubby!!) ♡♡ I prefer nike to adidas (i literally dont care) ♡♡ I wear baseball caps backwards
♡ Hobbies & Interests ♡
I play a sport (i play... wii sports and real life bowling sometimes at most :'3) ♡♡ I can play an instrument (its been a really long time but i learned clarinet from school band) ♡♡ I am artistic ♡♡ I know more than one language (id like to learn some tho, like japanese, french, and/or korean maybe?) ♡♡ I have won a trophy in some sort of competition (never a Literal trophy :O) ♡♡ I can cook or bake without a recipe ♡♡ I know how to swim ♡♡ I enjoy writing (i like to but school has made me anxious anytime i try now ;w;) ♡♡ I can do origami ♡♡ I prefer movies to tv shows ♡♡ I can execute a perfect somersault ♡♡ I enjoy singing (exclusively for singing along, i dont really ever sing on my own lol) ♡♡ I could survive in the wild on my own ♡♡ I have read a new book series this year ♡♡ I enjoy spending time with my friends (who wouldnt!! esp with my friends, theyre amazing :'3) ♡♡ I travel during school or work breaks (id like to travel more..) ♡♡ I can do a handstand
♡ Relationships ♡
I am in a relationship (my girlfriend is so wonderful 🥰) ♡♡ I have been single for over a year (been dating my gf for almost 2 full years now!) ♡♡ I have a crush (fictional crushes count right? bc i have a million of those lol) ♡♡ I have a best friend I have known for ten years ♡♡ My parents are together ♡♡ I have hooked up with my best friend (thats meaning sexual right? bc im sex repulsed and so is my gf whos my best friend so, absolutely not lol) ♡♡ I am adopted ♡♡ My crush has confessed to me (im p much always the first to confess lol) ♡♡ I have had a long-distance relationship (hopefully someday tho it wont be long distance :'3) ♡♡ I am an only child (dear god no i have. 1 full brother, 3 half brothers, 1 half sister, and 2 or 3 step brothers gjkxjfk) ♡♡ I give advice to my friends (im not the best with advice but i try when i can!!) ♡♡ I have made an online friend (all of my current friends are online!) ♡♡ I met up with someone I have met online (GOD I WISH)
♡ Aesthetics ♡
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell ♡♡ I have watched the sunrise (many times, after being awake all night bc im p mych nocturnal lol) ♡♡ I enjoy rainy days (god i love rain so much) ♡♡ I have slept under the stars (iirc im p sure ive slept in a tent for going camping before ??? but my memory sucks so im not sure if that happened or i just always wanted to gjkdjg) ♡♡ I meditate outside (maybe i should try that sometime..) ♡♡ The sound of chirping calms me ♡♡ I enjoy the smell of the beach (ive been to a beach just a couple times.. i dont remember what it smelled like) ♡♡ I know what snow tastes like (i eat snow EVERY time it snows here, esp to make snow cream) ♡♡ I listen to music to fall asleep (on occasion! always instrumental stuff, sometimes meant for relaxing or sometimes just a comfort song from a game i love) ♡♡ I enjoy thunderstorms ♡♡ I enjoy cloud watching ♡♡ I have attended a bonfire ♡♡ I pay close attention to colors (ofc ! i love colors and graphic design is my passion- but like Actually, im not quoting the meme lol) ♡♡ I find mystery in the ocean ♡♡ I enjoy hiking on nature paths (would REALLY need to be in the mood for it) ♡♡ Autumn is my favourite season (close ! i love the chilly air and aesthetic of autumn as well, but winter is my ultimate comfort season <3)
♡ Miscellaneous ♡
I can fall asleep in moving vehicles ♡♡ I am the mom friend (mom friend mode can activate on Occasion, but usually im silly bastard friend) ♡♡ I am involved in extracurricular activities (im not in school) ♡♡ I enjoy mexican food ♡♡ I can drive a stick-shift (i still havent learned how to drive yet owo;;) ♡♡ I believe in true love (probably not in a typical sense?) ♡♡ I make up scenarios to fall asleep (oh no, i make up scenarios constantly in my head throughout the day, i get way too invested in them so they usually keep me up if i think about them when trying to sleep) ♡♡ I sing in the shower ♡♡ I wish I lived in a superhero movie (i def wanna live in some fictional worlds, but superhero movies arent things im usually into) ♡♡ I have a canopy above my bed ♡♡ I am multiracial (im not super familiar with my ancestry rn, so idk. would like to know sometime tho) ♡♡ I am a redhead ♡♡ I own at least 3 dogs/cats (rn i have 2 dogs and 3 cats!)
and uhhh ill tag @spiiderbiites @miphelda @kipokin @queerplyke @ameila if yall wanna do it :3? (if yalld like i can go thru n supply a version of this without all of my font edits and comments!) AH WHOOPS I GOT A URL MESSED UP BUT XENOLEAF U CAN DO TOO IF U WANT
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Another set of responding to asks lol.. As usual I have them numbered and will also write out the ask in the text, especially since the screencaps are all blurry and taken at various times/compiled together badly and probably hard to read ghghhggh..... answers under the read more ~ 
1. "Hi I don't mean to bother you at all, but I was wondering where you get your rocking horse shoes? (I think thats what they're called) I've been looking everywhere and I can't seem to find any :(( "
I don’t entirely remember, since I got them like 6 or 7 years ago.. I think maybe at some point that place ‘bodyline’ or something had some cheap ones? But I don’t see them on the site anymore, they were like $50 or $60. Now when I google it I can only find these insane like $600 ones from vivian westwood or whoever, or ones that are platform shoes but not necessarily the same type. Maybe you could find some on aliexpress or ebay or something? Usually you have to use weirdly specific search terms and look for a while, but you can often find stuff like that on those sites. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!!! 
2. "I've been sick for over a month and my doctor tested me - everything came back fine. After some discussion it appears that my ptsd symptoms came back and the stress on my body is making me fatigued, sick and dizzy. I don't want to say that this could be similar to you situation, but if you have a therapist or someone to talk to about any stresses/your sickness, it might help relieve the pressure a bit. Good luck, I'm so sorry you feel so unwell"
Thank you for sharing! Yeah, I think stress definitely plays a part in why I feel sick so often. Currently I’m not still having the same problem I was having a few months ago when you sent this, so that’s good at least!! 
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3. “Hi! Do you plan to ever have more sculptures for sale? Or would you do commissions? I haven't seen any in a while but wanted to buy one! :-O”
I have plenty that I want to sell, I guess it’s just hard for me to get set up. Since so much of the reason I procrastinate selling stuff is because I hate the stress of deciding on a price, I’ve thought for a while now that maybe I can just auction them (so I just set a base price, but people bid whatever they feel is fair and I don’t have to decide myself). But I’m just not sure of a good way to do that.. Ebay has auctions, but I don’t want random strangers buying them, I’d rather stick to just the pool of people who follow my art blog and are already familiar with my sculptures or etc. I could do them on here ?? (like, ‘reply to this post to bid, bids close 8am EST, whoever said the highest number sends the money through paypal and then I send the sculpture’ sort of thing???)   But I’m not sure if it’s legal to sell stuff through tumblr, or if there could be any other problems with doing it so ‘unofficially’ like that.. I don’t know, I have a vague idea, I’m just having trouble deciding the best way to set up something! I do want to sell some soon though, if I live through the pandemic and anything ever goes back to normal, of course (I wouldn’t want to be having to leave the house to ship stuff in the mail right now). 
As for commissions, I have actually done sculpture commissions for friends a few times, so I feel confident-ish that I’d be able to do something like that, but I also wouldn’t want to get overwhelmed since it takes a lot of work. Custom sculptures may also be more expensive, and again.. I always feel guilty and strange about pricing. I’ve thought about doing very limited sculpture commissions though (like, maybe just one at a time, first come first serve or something..?). If it seems like there’s actual interest in that sort of thing, I could definitely consider doing it in the future! 
4. " *picks up that smol blue kid and throws them across the room* "
ghgh .. the smallness is an advantage... they could just skitter back down your arm like a tiny squirrel the second you tried to pick them up.. Ythrili survival strategy is to be too small to catch in the first place 
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(also forgive every sketch in this post, my screen that you can draw on broke, so I’m either drawing stuff in ms paint with a mouse, or drawing stuff on paper and coloring it in firealpaca also with a mouse ghghh.. not going to look Good)
5. "it sounds like you feel pressure to only post good content on the internet, and so you end up psyching yourself out of posting at all. Am I on the right track? "
Not necessarily, like I mentioned in the tags I think it’s more just that everything is complicated by my brain. I can’t just do something effortlessly. Whether it’s for an audience or not, I get caught up on every little detail and adding so much complexity to everything that all tasks take me longer than they take other people lol. I think I just tend to take everything very seriously?? 
Like for example, I’m often accused of ‘turning things into a discussion’ when someone was just intending to make an off-handed remark, because if someone is bringing up a topic to discuss, I end up engaging with it 100% and putting full effort into it, and it’s hard for me to be ‘’casual’’ about pretty much anything (so if someone was like ‘My day yesterday was a bit weird’ I wouldn’t be able to just respond ‘aw man, that sucks’, I would just be like ‘Weird how? what happened? what made it weird? Are you okay now? Are things still weird? Have you found a solution?’ etc. etc.). I was also bad at essays/open answer questions in school (despite usually being great at the class otherwise), because no matter how hard I tried to filter my speech and cut things out, I was always far too long-winded  and would get almost too engaged with the topic and lose the clear cut thought organization and focus that you’re supposed to have I guess. Even like, playing video games or something that’s supposed to be relaxing, I can’t just ‘jump into them’ and do whatever, usually any game I play (large ones at least, small 25 minute  point and click adventure games don’t count of course), I have 7 - 10 pages of notes, do hours of research, look up most of the main spoilers, plan out and organize exactly how I’m going to play it and this and that, etc. lol... 
So, that personality trait carries over into posting things online as well, I can’t just type something out quickly and hit ‘post’ without a second thought. Social media is hard for me because you’re supposed to use it casually, but I spend a long time re-reading drafted posts, thinking about them, etc. etc., and end up never actually getting around to posting anything. It’s not that I’m perfectionist about it and want it to be ‘good’ or appear a certain way, it’s just that my mind becomes preoccupied with things I guess.  I’m a natural information gatherer, part of my natural way of processing things is to learn everything possible before acting, and I want to make sure I’ve fully thought about everything always, and know as much as I can (so I wouldn’t want to publicly say something without giving it a lot of consideration first, or post a picture without really thinking about if I want to post it, what my reasons behind posting it are (like if I’m posting something just for a validation of a certain aspect of myself VS. genuinely because I like it, etc.), if a few months from now I’ll still like that I posted it, etc. lol.. even with like silly cat photos or something, I have to analyze it and be like ‘hmm.. will I still stand by this picture in 4 months? why am I posting it publicly vs, just keeping it privately to myself on my computer? what’s important about it?’ etc. etc. ghgjhgjh.. like.. shut up lol.)
ANYWAY, yeah, I don’t know if it’s about wanting online content to be “good”, as much as it’s just like... I take everything way too seriously and am detail-oriented, contemplative, and analytical to a fault, which means it just takes me 10x longer to do basic ‘’simple’’ things that it would for other people. Though I can still be quite quick-thinking and decisive (I don’t often waver back and forth between things too long), it’s usually because I have years of thinking about the same exact things behind me, so I already am very clear on my opinions on stuff, to a point. But when it’s new things I’m less familiar with (like playing a new game, or posting regularly online), I’m still in a phase where I guess I have to give it a lot of thought. I just process things in a different way than other people I guess? Or have some inherent inability to be brief/concise/careless? If you’ve ever read any of my worldbuilding posts (where I usually start off wanting to explain one thing but then have to derail into 400 other misc. details and explanations and it ends up being a novel), then maybe it’s more evident what I mean, where it’s just like... my natural manner of speaking is Too Much.. I guess? Even this answer is winding and rambly, and I feel like other people could have answered this ask in only a few sentences lol.. 
 If any of that makes sense? I don’t know how to describe how I am lol.. I just know it's hard to me to use social media in this ~~casual effortless~~ way most people seem to, since my brain is just inherently incapable of anything ‘’casual’’ or ‘’effortless’’ lol..  T u T ;; 
6. " Hi! I hope this isn't weird to say, I'm designing a race for my DND campaign and some of the aesthetics are a little bit inspired by some of your costumes and makeup designs. You're awesome and your art is awesome so thanks : ) "
Thanks so much, I appreciate it! It’s always cool to hear I can inspire people~ 
(I usually don’t include many compliments in these ask compilation posts, but I always try to include a few, just to let people know that even if I don’t respond to all of them I do see them, and appreciate it!) 
7.  ???
I ended up cropping out this ask and not answering because some of the content was questionable (the reason WHY/how they wanted to make the character) in a way that I didn’t feel like getting into a long thing about, but part of it was relevant to making OCs in my world, so I will just make a quick comment:
I do state that this is a closed world, so I don’t want anyone making OCs of my species or etc. at least not at this point. Once my game is finished (if ever lol), or I write a few books or something, then I feel it would be understandable if people like, made up a background story for their player character and thus maybe could have some form of OC in my world and etc.. So I may be more relaxed on this in the future as I create content that people naturally would want to engage with , but for now, I’m still a very tiny creator with a closed world and it just doesn’t feel the same as like.. making an oc based on some thing in a big TV series or something. My worldbuliding and etc. is still very personal to me. Unless we’re directly collaborating on things (like mentioned here (link) a bit), or you’re a personal friend of mine who’s gotten involved in the world with my own guidance (meaning I could tell you lore things you’d need to know to make it accurate, etc.), then I don’t feel it’s appropriate for strangers to do at this point. 
Especially since I don’t even have enough world info out for people to be able to reference (most species have half-complete guides, I’ve only ever talked about like, one continent, etc.). There are so many necessary details which I have only in my head and have never typed out, so again, idk, it’d just be weird. I’m not okay with it until I have a lot more lore published, and maybe a few actual works out there that people can reference/stories/games/basis for OCs to exist in the first place. If that makes sense? 
8. "Hey, is it ok to use your outfit posts as inspiration for a dnd character? I love them so much, you have such a unique way of combining crazy patterns and fabrics into something that gives off a good vibe”
Yes, that would be fine! Thank you for asking, and I appreciate the compliments~ Hopefully I can get back to posting that sort of thing more often lol.. I’ve gotten WAY off my routine and haven’t done many outfits lately.. aaa
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9. "hi Luca! i just wanted to say i really love all of your costumes and fashions and dress ups, its all so cool and pretty and interesting. i actually wanna dress up for fun for myself, and now that i know about the bins i think i'll try to convince my mom to take me to similar places for cheap clothing pieces, since my mom is worried about how much all this costume stuff costs. anyway, please keep posting your cool and beautiful stuff! "
Thank you so much! I wish you luck with your costumes! Yeah, I think there’s a common idea in a lot of fashion communities (like with makeup, costumes, etc.) that you have to always have high quality things to look nice, and even if sometimes you can do more with a little extra money, really you can make anything look good with what you have if you just combine it right. As I’ve always been quite low income, being into fashion and stuff has be discouraging at times, that I couldn’t afford certain materials or items, but you just have to find a niche where what you’re able to do works. For example, a lot of even ‘cheap’ lolita style clothings are too expensive for me (like $30 - $50 for a dress??? then the more pricey ones can be over $100???) lol.. BUT, then stuff like mori kei, cult party kei, fantasy costumes, etc. you can do with nearly any fabric you can find, and it’s still just as fun and creative. Most of the outfits I take pictures of probably cost me no more than $1 - $10 for every single item combined. Obviously it depends on location - I have better access now that I live near a place like the bins, which I understand there may not be similar resources in small towns or etc. But even with generic thrift stores (which may not be as cheap as the bins), you can still find pretty good alternatives to all the money it costs to buy things brand new. There’s still some stuff I legit just can’t do because I don’t have access to the materials, but for the most part I can manage everything I’d like with $3 eye-shadows and 15 cent tattered curtain fabrics lol. You can still do really cool stuff on a pretty nonexistent budget!
10. “do you have any tips on growing your hair long? is it expensive to up keep? i wanna grow mine out but it grows so slow!”
Well, I know nothing about hair and am not a hair stylist or etc. so I really don’t have any tips lol??  And I think hair maintenance depends a lot on the type of hair you have, not everyone’s is the same. I assume we must have similar hair  (my natural hair is thick kind of coarse very dark brown/black hair, which is a bit wavy in some parts but mostly straight, but most of my hair currently (aside from the overgrown roots at the top) is altered because of damage from bleaching and etc., it’s more brittle. so that’s what I’ll be referencing) if you’re asking me this instead of someone else, but just know that whatever I say may not apply to you.  
Anyway, I really don’t do anything to my hair to make it grow or etc., it’s just that I’ve gone a long time without cutting it lol. I used to cut it all the time or change styles, and now I’ve kind of just left it for 5 or 6 years or so. Because of my mental illness I have trouble maintaining personal care and etc., so I do sometimes go a week or more without washing it, even though I’m trying to work that into my schedule more (luckily I don’t have stinky head, I’ve heard some people’s scalp oils and stuff can smell weird if left for too long, I have the privilege of being able to like.. skip on hygiene a lot without it severely impacting my ability to do things or etc. since it’s usually not obvious if I haven’t bathed in a week or two). 
My cat also EATS HUMAN HAIR for some reason, so I have to keep it up all the time, so that when I shed it doesn’t actually just fall loose onto the ground lol. Literally all I do to my hair is just keep it in two braids at all times and wash it with normal shampoo and conditioner occasionally, when I can. I really only think it’s gotten long because I’ve been leaving it alone and not messing with it, not really because of anything I’ve done (like I don’t use fancy products on it or etc.) And because of that, no, it’s not really expensive! It absolutely WOULD be if I were like..a normal functioning person and I regularly bleached it and dyed it and put products on it and styled it and used shampoo and conditioner every 1-3 days on it and etc. lol.. But I guess because I don’t do anything to it to maintain it, I’m not spending money on hairspray or dye or shampoo or etc.  I used to bleach it a lot and straighten it and use hairspray and stuff on it, and it seems healthier (at least on the new top parts) now that I’m just ... ignoring it basically lol. But I don’t really know what to do to make it grow faster! I’m bad at self-care, and even if I do costumes and stuff, I really am not into beauty and hair and nails and makeup and stuff, so I’m probably the wrong person to ask hghjhb.. My upkeep routine is just... eat and sleep. wash face with water daily.. do extra stuff if you can manage to despite your functioning issues, etc. I’m definitely not a Beauty Advice person, I barely brush my hair even once a week lol
11. "Maybe you should reduce the number of races if it's too overwhelming? A world can still be immersive with only a few races in it."
(sidenote - Not to be nitpicky, but I make a specific point that the groups of fantasy creatures I create are species, not ‘’races’’, even though it is a commonly used term in fantasy worldbuilding, I think it’s inaccurate/weird )
I know I don’t have to make so many different groups, but, I guess I just really want it to be a broad setting. Part of the point in creating Nanyevimi (aside from worldbuilding just being extremely fun and a hobby greatly suited to someone with my personality traits lol) is to have an established world that I can do anything within, a framework already built where it'd be super easy to just drop a character anywhere on the map and already have an idea of what their culture, background, experiences, etc. would be based on pre-existing details about that portion of the world, etc. But I also want it to be broad, and varied, where every area kind of has it’s own dynamics going on there, so if you’re in a different place, you get a different kind of story. (like in an elven alliance city, you’d be better suited to tell an adventure story centering around complicated local politics, or city life, or etc.. whereas out in some isolated mountains in the south, it’d be more suited for a mystery story about stumbling across ancient ruins, or running into a mysterious traveler, etc.) 
Which I guess doesn’t matter much, since I'm better at setting, world design, character design, planning, and details than I am at plot, so  I probably won’t actually ever do anything with it (god forbid I tried to write a book or something with my utter inability to be concise/brief in any imaginable way). I can craft settings/characters/history/world-details all day endlessly, never losing inspiration or etc, but my weak point is actually telling stories within those settings and formulating a solid plan, organizing plot structures long term and etc.. Setting up everything for something to happen/creating a place where many interesting premises could occur is fine, but then actually thinking of how those things should OCCUR, or how the set up should play out, is where I get kind of lost. I guess the ideal at some point would be to have people working with me, helping when writing stories in my world/outlining games/etc, to add more cohesion/structure and reign in the unfocused stream of ideas,  but that’s very unlikely since I don’t have any close friends that are good at organizing or plotting either, etc. BUT anyway, even if I can’t ever manage to do anything with it, the whole “having a setting I can use for anything I want if anything ever comes up, which is already established and thus makes it much easier to formulate ideas because all the background work is already done for myself” thing is at least a nice goal.. in concept...theoretically lol..  
And, it’s not really too overwhelming, I think the overwhelming part is actually just formatting and producing those ideas in a consumable form. It’s not hard for me to keep track of 20 different groups and make backgrounds and every imaginable detail for them, but it IS hard to actually take all that information that exists in my head, type it out as a worldbuilding post, format and organize it, draw pictures to go with it, etc. If I could just post long stream of consciousness style 300,000 word long posts with no paragraph breaks, 4000 typos, barely any punctuation, etc., then I’d have A LOT more world-building info publicly available (since that’s what all the initial documents on my computer look like lol), but that’s just so inaccessible it’d be pointless to have public in the first place. The hard part isn’t really coming up with or managing the information, it’s just... organizing it all, and finding a way to share it. 
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12. "oh PLEASE tell me what boing peach beverage the elf looks like"
a quick sketch of them.. mysterious peach (and other produce) salesman   
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13. "fun question: what are ur fashion pet-peeves?"
Well, basically none because I hate when people are rigid over Fashion Rules or etc. Like, people who take pictures of others in public because they “look weird” , or who constantly trash on what people are allowed to wear, what patterns can be mixed with others, etc. etc. I get that some stuff can look kind of bad sometimes, and it’s not that I think nobody is allowed to criticize fashion trends or etc. (especially if they’re legitimately problematic, like of course someone wearing a homophobic t-shirt or doing blackface should be criticized), but I mean just like... that sort of trivial bitter criticism that doesn’t do anything but make people feel bad about the way they look or make them afraid to dress in ways they feel comfortable. Like taking a picture of someone and posting it online to make fun of them because they wore socks with sandals, or bullying 14 year olds who just started doing makeup and haven’t totally gotten their look sorted out yet, etc. etc. (ESPECIALLY since this can often intersect with classism, racism, etc. if you really examine what people mock as 'ugly' or 'unacceptable' styles, it's often stuff like men wearing dresses/makeup, women not shaving, clothing associated with poverty (like wearing “”cheap”” clothes), physical traits commonly associated with poc, making fun of people who look a certain way likely due to mental illness (like fidgeting, dirty mismatched clothing, carrying stuffed animals or comfort items in public etc.), etc. etc.
I find costumes and makeup and outfits to be a very cool and fun way to express myself. So when people are complete freaks about it and set out to just relentlessly make others feel bad for no good reason, it’s like... obnoxious... How can you take something with so much potential and limit it and close others off and turn it into this rigid hateful thing, when it should be something that everyone is able to be passionate about and appreciate?? Outside appearance isn't everything, but it's a tool of expression for so many people and can relate to who they are as a person, people should never feel uncomfortable to be who they are or look how they look just because some dumbass rich person writing for a style magazine has the gall to declare some random thing to be 'Unfashionable' despite not having a genuinely creative bone in their body, or some bigot thinks that certain things are ‘ugly’ or ‘unprofessional’ due to their own mental associations, etc.
But anyway, I guess if I had to choose a few things that I just think look kind of odd to me personally/are generally off-putting...  
--- the overdrawing lips thing when you can see the persons actual lip-line and it almost looks like they have two mouths or something? (if not done intentionally for costume makeup). It can look a little strange to me sometimes, like an optical illusion where you see multiple mouth lines at once?? idk like this?
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--- freckles that are just round circles and really heavy and don’t look realistic (though again, I also realize this could just be the person’s first time drawing them on or something and I’m not  mocking for lack of skill, etc. I just mean that it’s a little strange to look at, not actually BAD though) (and it can also be intentional, like for a cartoony costume look) ---- People adopting cutesy/childlike fashion and clothing and sexualizing it or using it as part of their sex/kink stuff.. I just feel like anything associated with children should not be sexualized..? If the first thing someone thinks when seeing children's school uniforms or frilly little girl’s doll dresses or whatever is that it could be a Hot Thing then hhh... like why is your brain making those connections lol.. People can dress how they want for whatever reasons they want, but that’s always personally creeped me out a little. Similar to our culture’s obsession with looking young being ‘hot’ (like a grown man wanting someone who’s a legal adult but still “looks 16″ or etc.), where it’s like.. okay, I guess yeah outwardly you can make that choice, and maybe aren’t directly causing harm, but.. the underlying tones of it and etc. still make it very unsettling to witness lol... ---- anything appropriated obviously, as well as fetishization or bastardization of cultures, like t-shirts with Japanese writing on them Just For Aesthetic, or taking certain culturally or religiously significant symbols or etc. and adopting them as ‘just a silly fashion’ thing when you’re actually being disrespectful, etc.  ---- those shorts or whatever that go up extremely high on the hipbones always look a little weird to me lol, like they give a person funny proportions, 
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(you may have to right click open image in new window and zoom to see the text, but it’s like.. the blank space makes it look kind of weird to me? Like there’s too much where there’s just nothing going on? idk. That’s just my personal preference though, obviously I tend to lean towards busy designs lol)
That’s all I can think of though, like I said, I’m really not picky or judgy about fashion since I think people should be able to do whatever they want for the most part. I’m not like a “omg stripes should NEVER be worn with plaid!!” type person or something lol. 
14. "Hey Luca! I love when you post about your world. Do you have a favorite species you've made up so far? Also, I hope you're holding up well during the crisis!"
AAaa thanks! I’m okay mostly. It’s distressing since because of my particular mental illness I already have constant paranoia and obsessions about health, so of course hearing about so much illness can be really triggering constantly and I’m preoccupied in never-ending anxiety spirals about mortality and etc. etc. etc. , but situationally, I’m just very thankful that nobody in my household has gotten sick yet and I desperately wish that will continue to be the case. *** *** *** 
(ignore the *** *** *** , this is a text version of a physical compulsion (a hand movement) that I have to do when I mention certain topics lol.. the little man in my brain that controls my obsessive compulsive disorder says I must do certain things after saying or thinking certain things,, You Know How It Is ) 
And I really love worldbuilding questions, so thank you so much!!!!! Hghgh maybe it seems weird to favor any over the others, but of course I really like the Avirre'thel. Conceptually, I think their origin story and connection to ancient elves and their abilities and etc. put them in a really unique position in the broader world (some of the only truly immortal people to exist, the only people who can still decipher ancient elven texts in a way that makes sense, etc. etc.). Since Nanyevimi (my world) is really just a setting being built so that in the future I can set things within it (games, short stories, etc.), I think I'm drawn to the aspects of it that have the most potential to make interesting characters, and there are definitely a lot of pre-established dynamics with the Avirre'thel/in Navyete (their home country) as a whole that would make it an good place to set certain things, or a good group for a main character to be from, etc.
I do really like the Jhevona as a species overall too, even if I haven't developed them as much, they also kind of stand out as having some fairly unique features that put them in an interesting position in the world (being one of the most magically capable groups that exists but that also having downsides (health issues and infertility from magic exposure, etc.), how the necessity to keep control over their magic influences their culture, being some of the only natural shape-shifters, etc.). Within that, I REALLY love the Thastanri (a subspecies of Jhevona), like their connection to dreams, the Imkasyn, being one of the last few peoples in contact with real dragons, etc. etc. There are a lot of complex things going on in their area, so there’d be a lot of potential to tell a variety of stories or have interesting characters from that group. 
AND, though it's supposed to be Unknown in the world so I won't talk about it just in case I ever write a book one day or something and need to preserve at least a FEW mysteries that I don't just outright explain in worldbuilding posts, Jhevona do have the most interesting origins of any species in my opinion. There are some things from before the timeline break sort of thing (where all recorded history was seemingly wiped and everyone had a big memory loss about 50,000 yrs ago) that people aren't aware of anymore... but Jhevona used to have a cool backstory and quite interesting function in society prior to that. There are some remnants in the genetics of the species and how their magic works (at least for certain groups) that kind of hint at how ancient Jhevona used to look and what they used to do, even though in the modern day things are very different.
15. "Top 10 songs you've been listening to lately?"
I don’t have a top 10 since I listen to everything for different reasons, and don’t have as deep a relationship with music the way some people do (like I don’t really have a favorite band or group I have a connection with that’s “gotten me through hard times”, or music I cry to/any songs that are specifically personally emotionally meaningful to me, etc., etc.), but here’s a quick playlist of a few favorite-ish things I’ve had in my head a lot recently - 
the last song on the list specifically I’ve been replaying a lot for some reason, I guess since it’s good background music as there’s no words. Particularly the part that starts around like 38 seconds in, something about that melody reminds me of something distant, in a dreamlike way. The past few days I mostly alternate between that song, Outstanding, and And The Beat Goes On  lol
16. " Do you ever sell sculptures? I really like that little fawn!"
Yeah, I hope to eventually! Like I mentioned in question number three, if I can set up some sort of way to do auctions or etc, then maybe I can sell that one! 
17 & 18 : '"aaa yay!! i missed your outfits!!!" / "can I just say love ur outfits! They're so cool and inspire me to draw my ocs with new outfits > o < and I love your cat too, please give him a big ol pat!"
Thank you!!!! more compliments posted just to show I appreciate them lol, even if I don’t publicly respond to every one~ And, the Boyes appreciate the pats.. here is them.. big babbeys... 
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advernia · 5 years
i’m amazed that i’ve been active for at least a couple days straight??? is it the effect of lesser fe3h playtimes + the silly coworker writing challenge at the workplace??? oh well ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
since i remembered i was trying to make work commentary a thing here, more rambling / author’s notes under the cut!
jul 6th // ikerev
push your way through the cracks is the first edgar/mc i’ve written here and while i’ve mentioned there that edgar is my fav out of the cast, i fear that i’ll probably take me a very long time to write another one bc... he’s my favorite. i noticed i have the tendency not to write much (or have finished works) about ships i really, really like despite... you know, liking them. hopefully not - shipping aside, i like exploring the characterizations of enigmatic types like edgar.
about the fic, i pretty much like it save for the second part bc i think i could’ve done something more with it - not exactly change the setting, but expounded a little further on it. i don’t know, it feels lacking somehow in comparison to the first two.
there are a lot of flower-related descriptions tossed here and there, but i think i succeeded in not being so purple prose-y? hopefully! this was pretty descriptive, i guess.
with this edgar fic present, that means i have 2 more red army doods to write about, namely zero & jonah. i was really aiming to make edgar the last one tho haha.
jul 12th // ikerev
weave me into your web is canon based, specifically pt. 24 of sirius’ route where they say ‘goodbye’. note those quotation marks.
i think i wrote this after a discussion i had with a friend about sirius & his route - she read some posts commenting on the route and she wanted a nearby opinion. we got into an agreement: while we do find sirius to be indeed husbando material, his route would’ve risked nothing if they gave him more / emphasized his flaws. his flaws, not mc’s, gosh. 
no, seriously. in my opinion, mc fretting so much about being immature sort of blinds her from the little things that prove sirius is not so composed as he appears to be. it gets even worse when she realizes she’s fallen in love with him, and while i enjoy the black army going kira-kira rabu support team + seth being hopeless suitor, i’m going 50/50 on mc. she’s written to be indeed very single-minded come the war phase and while that’s not necessarily bad since she gets to broaden her perspective as she always does, i think i would’ve appreciated it if she came to most of the realizations on her own by reflecting on them based on how the events around her are progressing; and not simply by sirius / someone else pointing it out for her. no wonder she’d think she’s immature in comparison - it also irks me a bit that she keeps on fretting about her feelings for sirius. this is what i’d be sad to see again in other routes: the romance overthrowing the potential / present character development. 
side note: i understand that in relationships with a notable age gap, maturity / perceived maturity can be a problem - i just wished that the route downplayed on this bc honestly, there are other things more interesting to explore than that angle, like, say; isn’t she from another culture or world or something????????? will those differences affect our potential relationship??????????????
on sirius himself, i recall reading on reddit that one person didn’t pick up ikerev for the reason that the cast is too perfect. that’s a fair opinion. i think i can relate this to sirius himself: while throughout the route you do see some flaws in him, he’s still overall the dude you’d write home about + that dude you’d dream introducing to your parents complete with that suave voice (thank u junichi suwabe). no, i’m not saying that he has to have some unlikable or quirky trait / wangsty backstory, it’s just that in my opinion he’s desirable but not exactly relatable. let him struggle, let me see him rise up from it. show me his humanity. there’s the scene with him and lancelot, but i want more. tho him being afraid of being alone is what i find extremely relatable and endearing about him, very nice. otherwise... well, maybe i have to reread the route again or smth.
anyway. the fic emphasizes actually on his character trait of self-control / restraint. did u know too much is bad for u??? it can reflect that since you hold yourself back too much, it could mean that you’re masking your true feelings, for example. there are various psychological studies on that. *stares at sirius* hMMM.
i took care to be quite descriptive on that kiss scene and at the same time, not to be so emotional on it bc it’s still sirius lol - i believe he’s not one to lose himself completely to his emotions, but he’s not that afraid to succumb to some of it - especially if he actually wants to feel them.
... this turned out to be a rant portion rather than a fic commentary now didn’t it
aug 24 // ikerev (i’m seeing a pattern here)
a beginner’s guide to waltz was seriously just some formatting experiment, then it blew up to something larger. i actually like it tho, it’s cute.
writing oliver is actually fun, not bc of the reason that i can be rude. he is rude, but he’s not like that for just the sake of being so. as seen with blanc, it’s probably a result of habit. why exactly he chose to be verbally aggressive is something i’d like to know in his route.
i have no idea how the relationship shift is portrayed either, but i do hope it’s a mortifying revelation on mc’s part lol. like, lookie here, that little kid with his wee shorts and pretty hat that you hang out with all the time and don’t care about acting so ladylike around was that hot hunk who saved you before! oliver’s so amused and never letting her live it down.
for the line ‘i’m not interested in asking you about a decision you’ve made since you arrived here’: the decision mentioned is mc’s promise not to fall in love & to go home. i think oliver would be one of those routes where he falls for her but wants her to go home anyway, but the difference in his route is that he’s very adamant to make her leave. maybe thinking along the lines of ‘i don’t want you to end up like me’ or something. idk. idk what i’m trying to type at this point, lol.
just some random thought, but i do hope ikerev artist tcg someday draws mc in the game outfits / hairstyles bc she’s actually rly pretty. the description of mc’s outfits / fashion of part 4 of the fic was out of me just staring at the my closet portion of the game. don’t ask - i like the hc of oliver & mc having elegant wardrobes / fashion sense, and since i’m too lazy to check up 19th century london fashion trends...
sep 28 // collar x malice
haunted by something still alive was the result of me thinking about guns. don’t ask me either. maybe it’s also a result of me wanting to write something else that isn’t from my horrendous drafts folder lol.
these were actually nice drabble practices, and the first one i clearly had i mind was shiraishi’s. i honestly think it would be fitting, probably around the start of the route where they haven’t got to know each other so well.
from there on i tried to do the drabbles in the route order i did when i played the game, which was mineo - sasazuka - okazaki - shiraishi - yanagi. but tbh when i was writing it became shiraishi - mineo - yanagi - sasazuka - yanagi again - okazaki, lol. i rewrote yanagi’s and okazaki’s three times.
subtitles have their respective mathematical operations on it - i find it kind of cool and funny that those are their symbols (amnesia had the card suits), but when you do think of it properly, it does relate to their characters.
... never forget that hoshino ichika is canonically good with guns.
sep 28 // ikerev
in absence of glass slippers as stated was a part of one of my first ikerev drafts. still a draft until now, but the portion i posted is one of the ‘finished’ sections of the fic.
i don’t headcanon mc as a respectable lady from a equally respectable house or her being a well-off girl, but i like the concept of her being a self-taught lady of society aka she learned stuff like manners, dancing, and etc. out of curiosity or for more practical reasons like fitting in. 19th century london is still the victorian era, so social class and propriety was still a thing.
her taking off her shoes to practice dancing with ray is a sort of a challenge, actually... his measure of improvement will be based on the times that he steps on her feet / how many blisters her feet would gain by the end of the session, lolol - that’s why she says that stepping on a rock is the least of her problems. pretty hardcore, isn’t she?
thus the title actually - glass slippers (mary janes actually) are pretty delicate, but don’t you think a lady’s foot is much more delicate?
with ray’s fic up, i’ve officially written a piece for all of the black army men! nice.
sep 29 // ikerev
neither heaven or hell is holy shit, an mc-centered fic! hella rad - i was half thinking to classify it as a drabble, but since i decided that drabbles are pieces that i may get back on, i kept it as a full fic instead since i’m happy with how it turned out.
all of my screamings are in the tags, so i don’t have much to add besides that lol. however, the writing here is pretty different, and that’s because i was trying to do a three sentence fic challenge kind of thing. buuuuut it became three paragraphs with three lengthy sentences instead lol.
also, there’s some stuff highlighting mc’s london-er/english-ness. washing powder is the british term for laundry soap. 19th century roofs for royals were usually panels, and wooden beams for commoners. different as chalk and cheese is a british expression. i’m certainly not british but i just like emphasizing the fact that mc is of another culture/world, thus there should be differences in how she perceives things / her mannerisms & actions / her way of speech. i’ve been conscious of that in all of my fics involving her.
actually, i do make it a point to watch her way of speaking. i really like the polite way of speaking of 19th century britain (and also of today), so i try to integrate that despite the fact that i’m not british myself lol. it’s hard to fully convey it, but i try with hoping that it doesn’t seem too off. i should probably look for more references to practice it.
this was a very spontaneous piece with actually minor editing involved, and i’m pretty proud of how it turned out.
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My girl - Sirius Black x Reader
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Request: Hello love! Can you maybe write a story ab a girl who has an awful relationship with her mom and Sirius tries to make her feel better and accidentally lets on that he has feelings for her? Thank u so much I think your an amazing writer❤️ Warnings: My English? Not that great? Gif isn’t mine/ Credits to its original owner Also, since the new semester is just around the Riverbend, it might take longer for me to write and post. Sorry guys :/ Word Count~1.4k MASTERLIST Pending Requests
It wasn't something new. It wasn't something that it should sadden you. You should have gotten used to by now. It wasn't like it hadn't happened before. You were always the one to blame. You were always wrong. No matter what you did, you were never right. No matter how great you did, how amazingly good... No. You were the one being yelled at, the one being the 'disappointment'. You knew that it shouldn't matter and affect you. You knew that. But somehow, after all this time... You could not control your reaction. Your disappointment towards yourself and well, your mother. You weren't completely sure that the woman you called mother, deserved to be called that. She wasn't acting like one. She never helped you, she was never there, she blamed you for everything bad that happened... She was such a... She had sent you a letter that it was full of hatred and insults, underestimating you and making you feel like you were not worthy of anything. She had done it before and you had promised to never let her make you feel like that again. No one can insult you if you don't value their opinion. But how could you not? She was your mother, technically. You wanted to prove that you were capable of handling things yourself and that you didn't care that your own mother thought so little of you. But what if she was right? you thought. What if you were truly a disappointment? What if no one will ever care about you? What if you weren't as good as you thought you were? What if you were a failure? She had done it. You were past the point of being mad and angry at her. Way past that. Now you were questioning your own self. She had manipulated you in a terrible way and you knew it. You were just sad. At everything and everyone. It was really early in the morning. It was before sunrise. You loved those hours. There was light and the deep dark blue of the night sky had faded away but not entirely, and the sun wasn't up yet. You cherished these moments. You hadn't slept at all. You couldn't. You were rereading the letter all night long. Trying and failing to keep the tears away. You were stronger than this. You were better than this. Still, it hurt like hell. You were in the common room, your eyes never leaving the crackling fire… How the flames consumed the logs…It felt like it had rhythm. Well, you had to keep your mind occupied. You didn’t realize that somebody had descended the stairs and was staring at your small figure. He instantly knew what was wrong. He had been through the same. But he hated that it was happening to you. He had this huge crush on you, even though you had no idea. His friends knew alright. They would be forced to listen to him rambling about you on and on. It was kind of annoying for them, really. But they did realize that the gray-eyed boy was smitten. You couldn’t help the last tears from falling. You knew that you had to get it out of your system. And if tears were the way, so be it. You only understood that someone was next to you when they plopped on to the couch beside you. Your head snapped up and you came face to face with the last person you wanted to see you like that. You quickly looked away, trying to hide your tears and the damn letter. But he had enough time to catch up with every little detail. For a while, you were just sitting there in silence. Until silence became too deafening and too overwhelming. You wanted him to hold you but it was silly just to think about something like that. You had liked him since forever. You cared about him and you…well, you were in love with him. Much like you, all he wanted to do was hold you and never let you go. But he thought that a person like you could never, ever, like someone like him. How stupid and blind you both were. “Talk to me” he simply whispered making you weak. How did you tell him that your mother hated you and that you liked him? They weren’t really compatible at the moment, now were they? You found yourself wondering whether you should or should not tell him but something in his voice made you turn and face him. His eyes were too captivating and too understanding. He was too perfect to be real. “My mother” you shyly admitted and tried to avert your gaze. You failed. Miserably. He didn’t seem surprised and you remembered that he had issues with his family way bigger than yours. You felt like you had sounded like a cry-baby. You didn’t want him to see you as one. Without breaking eye contact, he reached for the letter and took it in his hand. He gave you time to react differently if you wished but when you didn’t move, he started reading it. Your heart was sinking and your mind was playing very a dangerous game. You watched him closely. His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were full of anger, his hands almost tearing the parchment apart. He had read the letter three times before he actually looked at you. And then he did something that you only dreamed of. He stood up, threw the letter to the fire and when he sat back down he hugged you. His one hand was on your waist, pulling you closer as his other was caressing your cheek. You melted under his touch. “Listen to me, love” he whispered softly yet firmly, his breath falling hot on to your face, his eyes never leaving yours and his hand always upon your cheek. “You are amazing. That woman does not define you. You are intelligent and elegant, beautiful and sarcastic yet so kind and tender. You are not a disappointment. And I am not saying this because I am in love with you, it’s true and-” he stopped, his eyes wide and his mouth gaping. What did he just say? You weren’t just shocked. Shocked would be nice now. You were thrown off. What had just happened? “What?”. That was all you could muster. A breathless what. He knew he had messed up. “All I wanted to do is make you understand that you are not what she described. You are so much more. And then I ruined it, didn’t I?” he apologized. Why was he apologizing? Sure, you thought that him reassuring that you were indeed more than what your mother had told you, made you happy. But him… telling you that he is in love with you? That did not just make you happy. “You just made it better” you confessed and sent him a shy smile. It wasn’t every day your crush of five years actually liked you back. He had a shocked expression before his infamous smirk was plastered on his lips. “I mean it though. And I know from experience that some words can cut deeper than knives. And I don’t particularly enjoy seeing my girl hurt. But I know that you are smart enough to understand that you are worthy and if not, well…” he trailed off. His words were thoughtful and sincere. He truly believed that you were better than what she had made you believe you were. Before you could answer, and after he whispered under his breath ‘my girl’-you heard it- you felt his lips ever so softly on yours. It lasted less than five seconds but it left you breathless. When you opened your eyes, you saw a grinning Sirius and… was he blushing? Your lips formed a genuine smile at the sight. “You know, it’s very early and I was thinking…” he began putting his ‘thinking’ expression on. “That sounds dangerous” you sarcastically commented and he pouted, placing a hand on his chest. “I was going to ask you to cuddle with me but since you hurt me…” he stood up abruptly and turned to leave. Before you could understand what was happening, he had you thrown over his shoulder and walked towards his room. You could help but laugh at his crazy ways. You didn’t see this but his smile never left his face. 
Tags: @starsepot @kapolisradomthoughts @nadinissavage
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franeridart · 7 years
Opinion on serobaku and serokiri?
SeroBaku kills me in the sweetest way and SeroKiri brings me back to life when I feel dead inside and SeroBakuKiri is like heaven on earth tbh I love those ships they make me feel warm !!!
Anon said:Yes but i loved minas hair like that??? So either ur hair is also p good or ur art is just that great n I’m %99 sure that it’s both, also r u ever planning to post a picture of urself?? ? I’m sorry if this question makes u uncomfortable, have a nice day!!!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!! And pictures aren’t really my thing so that’s probably not gonna happen, but I assure you you’re not missing anything by not seeing me, anon hahaha
Anon said:Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! ilu
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ヽ(o♡o)/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Anon said:Imagine Bakugo drawing pictures of his squad without them noticing. Like Kiri looking out a window or mina and Denki trying their best to study or sero scrolling on his phone. I wonder how they would react to finding his sketch book
I’m sobbing this is so nice ;A; Sero and Kaminari’s reaction would probably be along the lines of “how is this guy good at everything” haha I like the headcanon of Mina drawing too so her reaction would be a bit different, probably, but still very very awed 
meanwhile Kiri is on the ground dying
(Kiri is me)
Anon said:Lately I’ve just like…. Noticed but all your art is such high quality and honestly it looks so so good. You have such a lovely style and it’s so original and distinctive and I’m love it and you so much. Plus!!! sometimes I’ll just look through your art tag and even though I think it all looks great I can tell you’ve improved a lot, and, idk, you inspire me to work on my own art constantly and thank you!! I hope you have a lovely day!!
Oh my god this ask slayed me ???????? thank you so much ;A; jesus this was so damn nice I dunno how to react at all !!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your own art is coming along great, anon!!!! I’m glad my doodles can make you want to have fun with it too!!!!!
Anon said: i absolutely adore your art style ! it’s so unique and fascinating and pretty i die
Welp thanks to this ask I die too so it’s two of us anon o m f g (thank uuuuu)
Anon said:Ahhhh the dorm life comics honestly made me smile so much I love them the way you portray all the characters is always so nice and asfhdjd your art is my favorite AND listening to you ramble in the tags honestly makes my day better I love it 10/10 bless
This is it, they day Fran honest to god dies, cause of death: yall being way too sweet for me to take holy s m o k e s ( ;A;)
Anon said:Do you think the UA teachers hang out like the kids do in the dorms?
YESSSSSSSS Aizawa and Mic are high school friends so I’m pretty sure it’s canon they waste time together, Blood King and Dog Hound are canon pals too so they also most probs chill together too! Blood King is also the same age as Aizawa and Mic so they probs used to go to school together too!!! And with Dog Hound being 32, Midnight being 31 and Cementoss and Thirteen being 28 they’re more or less all the same age, so I like to think they spend free time together~ some scenes with the teachers make me think they’re good pals with the older ones too, it’s a really fun group of people to be honest!
Anon said:I wonder what Kiri would do if Bakugou had the flu…Or what they would do if they stepped on Legos XD It’s a funny thought. I love your art so much, you’re my favorite Bakushima artist!!
Anon said: Omg your art gives me life. I was just wondering what happens when the bakusquad get a sick? Thank you
Thank you to both of you!!!! And I could give you both my take on this, but would I be able to make it better than BnHA SMASH did? Probably not, that thing’s so hilarious t b h hahaha
Yes she is!!!!! I like to think Jirou’s got at least basic knowledge for how to play any instrument ever, so when she’s laying around in the common room once she got used to her friends listening to her play she’d bring with herself the smaller and easier ones to carry! An ukulele has a super nice sound and is small enough to bring around the dorms haha
Anon said:fran!! hi!! Ur comics actually make my life 50% better everytime i see them so thanks for cheering me up everytime you post!! They’re amazing and so is everything u do!! (Love ur art style btw)…. So besides all the compliments, i have a question!! What’s your opinion on AU’s where bakugou is deaf? Would u ever draw something related to it?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I think I already answered this question? At some point? But I can’t find it, so in general my take is that I highly doubt Bakugou’s body isn’t built to withstand and not take damage from his own quirk (since his hands are made to hold up with it, I feel like the rest of his body is tailored around his quirk too), but I’m always up for disabled characters and the idea of Bakugou signing is beautiful to me, so I don’t mind the AU one bit! Dunno if I’ll ever draw for it tho, drawing jsl when I don’t know it is hard. I know that from experience.
That said, I do find the fics in which Bakugou becomes deaf because of his quirk a bit hard to believe most of the times? Because in all of them his ears are the only things taking damage for the continuous use of his quirk and I just sit here like, his eyes should be taking damage too. Normal eyes aren’t made to withstand explosions and stun grenades every day all day, so if his ears aren’t biologically made to hold against his quirk his eyes shouldn’t be either. 
Like, I read those fics and I find them real hard to believe because the authors aren’t pushing it hard enough, for me it’s either no damage at all or hoh AND visually impaired Bakugou, boy can’t be only half built to withstand his quirk that’d just be silly haha but that’s probably just me, the AU is Good 👍
Anon said:The Mirio eyes on that last pannel. Everyone needs Mirio eyes. (also don’t even try to convince anyone Kiri doesn’t steal Baku’s sweaters too)
He started doing so once he found himself with no hoodies left - he isn’t the type to just steal people’s clothes, I think, but if Bakugou started doing so first he’d probably find it acceptable to consider all their hoodies fair game hahaha
Anon said:Oh my god I absolutely adore your art so much. Every time you post something I get so excited! Your art is honestly so cute and it never ever fails to cheer me up. If I ever need inspiration or motivation to draw something especially cute, I come to your blog and look through your posts. Your fluffy art makes my heart clench and makes me grin like crazy. I just… I have so many feels about your art. It just makes me so very happy!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood thank you!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so happy my stuff can make you inspired to draw ;A; aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! this made me so happy holy he ck ;u;
Anon said:Hey… thanks for all the stuff you do. It’s really great and I just wanted you to know that. Thanks………….❤️
No anon thank you for this ask, oh my g o d ;U; *sob*
Anon said:I don’t know if you readed the fic “communicate with your body” of xx_kuuhaku_xx, but If you haven’t done so, read it please. I think you’d love it
It’s the merman!Kiri one, right? I read it!!! A bit too much smut in it for my tastes, but I did like it a lot!!! ヽ(o♡o)/
I LOVE YOU A LOT TOO ANON OH MY G O D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i just started watching servamp cause i remembered you talked about it before and i like it a lot?? kuro is #relatable and all the voice actors are so good wth 
Anon said:OKAY HI FRAN IM THE SAME SERVAMP ANON AND WTF IM CRYIBG SAKUYA AND HYDE MY SONS im so emotional over the last episode it didnt explain anything im gonna have to start the manga now and the movie and specials dont have subtitles yet help me im dying
ANON IF YOU’RE PICKING UP THE MANGA YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO THE START - the anime messed it all up, there’s a lot of missing things since the beginning!!! The anime is beautiful but the manga is 100% better, I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!!! *O* (…once you get caught up with it you’re free to come yell at me, the current arc is killing my soul)
Anon said:Fran!!! Your last comic!!! About Bakugou with a crush!!!! ITS SERIOUSLY SUPER GREAT no really, I usually see Kirishima as the one portrayed with a giant, blush-when-he-texts-me crush, but Bakugou!!! He’s a teenager too are you telling me the whole heart fluttering thing wouldn’t happen to him?? Ofc it would!!!! (He’d be kinda pissed at first, like “what is this weird feeling”, but I don’t think Bakugou would be exactly averse to it, after he realized his feelings??) Anyway TY FOR CRUSHING BLASTY
YOU ARE!!!! WELCOME!!!!!!! I love smitten Kirishima, but the lack of giddily in love Bakugou in this fandom hurts me a bit - love is a happy feeling!!! Mostly so if you can tell it’s probably required!!! And Kirishima’s super obvious about his feelings so Bakugou being able to tell is highly probable!!!!! And Bakugou can be his grumpy self all he wants, but if he’s in love he’s gonna be happy about it when Kirishima’s sweet to him!!!! That’s how I see it, at least hahaha
Honestly tho that’s my favorite sort of love, the one that makes you unable to hold back a smile and makes your stomach flutter and your heart clench in the good way, I want both Bakugou and Kirishima to feel like that about their relationship~
Anon said:On the comic captioned he’s got a crush I literally squealed it was so cute!!
;O; I’m glad you liked it omfg!!!
Anon said:I wanted you to know that your Kiribaku comics give me life and they always brighten my days! I also have a question if you don’t mind… will we see more of the domestic with kids au? Your Kiribaku dads are so adorable it’s kind of ridiculous. Thank you for all the art you share with us!!!
Thank you for liking it, anon!!!! And maybe! If I feel inspired and find ideas for it, why not! I don’t personally deal with kids often so ideas for that AU don’t come easy haha but maybe!
Anon said:You get so many notes on your artwork… do you like actually read any people’s tags on them? Because I know I have had some e m b a r r a s s i n g tags of me yelling with excitement 😂 I hope you don’t ever read those and just face palm at my stupidity. Haha anyway that’s my way of saying I love your stuff and just yell about it a lot.
………………..I do read all tags tho :O so I definitely read yours too, but whatever they were if it was yelling with excitement they made my day, 100% for sure, you’re the type of person I post my art for, anon!!!
Anon said:tfw even tho he looks kinda ridiculous, bakugou still manages to look good with that hair and outfit
Well, I still find it uncomfortable to look at l m a o but yeah he’d look good in nearly anything, he’s just that pretty ( ⌯◞◟⌯)♡
Anon said:Asdffhjllvdrhbhsd jakugou jatsuki I died oml thank you I’m still laughing and Jakugou looks Fabulous™ in your style and I’m so lame ASDFHJKLL HE LOOKS GOOD AND I’M CRYING LAUGHING BLESS
Anon said:i’M crYING JAKGOU JaTSUKI what beautyyyyyy omfg
Anon said:your art really catches how good Bakugou looks in those jeans (I bet Kiri really appreciates it too)
*sob* thank you !!!!! (and Kiri appreciates Bakugou however he looks 👀👀👀 he’s smitten)
Anon said:Just a stupid anon here to say I love your art and I hope you have a very lovely week! ^^ (no need to reply~)
Of course I need to reply :O you’re being so sweet, anon, thank you!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a perfect week too!!!!!!
Anon said:Hello!As a young poly person who found your blog before I had found love and realized I’m poly, I wanted to thank you. Your bokuroteru helped my feel okay with myself as I realized, and although I’m sad to see it end, I’m glad it’s a happy one! I have the “You polyamorous disaster” panel as my computer background!! Thank you! (also your style makes me happy, all bubbly in the heart and all) Yuuji is one of my fav characters and I love this ship as well!! Just.. THANK YOU SO MUCH
ANON you’re the reason why I draw polyamory oh m y g o d I’m!!!!! so happy the comic could help you along!!!! I wish you the best of luck in your romantic life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:FRAN. BAKUGOU and CATS. Omg all of the kitties just love him and he’s like GTFO leave me alone you furry fuckers but they love him and he’s gentle with them and he’s scared to touch them sometimes bc of his explosive sweat makes fire hazards and omg they just attack him and he thinks he’s gonna die bc he loves them too!! Fran, sweetie can you picture this?? Can you picture Kirishima’s reaction?? Like full on red blushy explosion bc omg he’s in love with a dandelion precious ball of rage Fran omg
Oh my god yeah of course I can Bakugou being an animal person is my fave headcanon ever!!!! This is so sweet too!!!!!! Oh my g o ds, thank you so much for this ask aaahhhhhhhh ;A;A;A;A;
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bakugou laughing is something real special isn’t it, I so hope we’ll see that happen in canon soon!!! (⸝⸝⍢⸝⸝) ෆ
Anon said:Your OCs are so cute!! ❤️❤️❤️
*SCREAMS* THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:do you ship bak*deku too?
Not romantically nor sexually, no! I only wish them as really really really good friends~
Anon said:Ahh I’m crying because I was the Bakugou laughing anon and I was thinking about his laugh all freaking day too
It’s been four days and I’m still thinking about it so honestly, seriously thank you again, anon!!!
Anon said:Hey, did you see Tanaka in the few latest chapters of HQ? Such a precious lad, look at him go 😍 I swear no one deserves him (expect maybe you)
“except maybe you” are you out to KILL ME ANON OH MY G O D ;A; thank you - but YES he’s being amazing isn’t he!!! He makes me so happy, such a good boy, such a good character, I’m glad he’s a thing that exists in my life ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
Anon said:hi fran just wanted to tell ya that I used to love your art before BUT THEN i started drawing myself and now I realize the pain and struggling of shading and anatomy and expressions and let me say i appreciate you 100% EVEN MORE now, and if I used to love your art now I freaking ADORE it!! (also fun fact I actually started drawing bc of you, im uh,,, super executive dysfunctional so I could never get around to doing it before but YOUR ART SERIOUSLY INSPIRED ME THANK U DRAWING IS TOUGH BUT FUN)
Thank you???? So much???? Oh my g o d I’m so happy I could somehow help you find the focus to try drawing out! It is a pain, but the more you do it the easier some basic things get and the more fun you’ll have with it, it’s such a tough but rewarding hobby to have! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as possible, anon!!!!
137 notes · View notes
girlwsoftsound · 7 years
Story Time || Ross MacDonald Oneshot
Word Count: 2,010 Summary: Upon bringing your young son to the bookstore with you, you hear a man’s voice that catches the attention of you both. Author’s Note: Major thanks to @u2bibliophile for the lovely idea <3 It was so cute and fun to write. Also the book Ross reads in this is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I’ve linked the music version I document in the story. Highly recommend listening to it when the time comes! Be sure to throw in a like or comment if you liked it! I love seeing feedback from you all. Please feel free to read my other work here! Enjoy!
“Mommy, I want this book!”
You had heard it all day. Your little one’s voice, still high and childlike, yet as annoying as a little boy’s voice ever could be. He wasn’t usually a bad kid - no, usually Carter maintained the same calm demeanor that had drawn you to his father. That is, before he abandoned you during your pregnancy for someone who was very much not pregnant and less of a burden. You would never let Carter get that way. Though, you supposed in moments like this where he didn’t listen to you and kept whining, he was that way to some extent. It made you despise it more.
“Carter, sweetie, we can’t get that book. Mommy has to go get a book for her work. We don’t have the money.”
“But mom!”
“Not today,” you sighed, shaking your head. As much as it hurt to tell him no, you had to. You really did not have the money, and the book he had his eyes on contained actual toys attached to it in a big set. You were sure it would be expensive, however much it was. You simply couldn’t afford it, not when your own book would be its own fortune. Taking Carter’s hand, you brought him back towards the more education-based books. They were far less interesting to the little blonde boy. No four year old could find interest in thick, pictureless books. He didn’t see any pretty colors or cool figures. It might as well have been pure nothingness in front of him. He grumbled and acted sluggish as you brought him to your specific section. A loud sigh voiced his displeasure. You gave him a sympathetic smile as you pulled one of the books off the shelf.
“I know buddy, it’s boring. I’m almost done, and then we can go home and play. Alright?”
He hardly looked satisfied. But, it was enough to make him quiet, and that was good enough for you. You started filing through the books, until finally after about ten minutes of looking, you got what you needed. Picking Carter up off the ground where he had decided to sit and pout, you began making your way through the store. Though you were a bit wary to move past where Carter had seen the book set he wanted, he kept his calm. You chalked it up to him wanted to go home, which frankly you could not blame him for. The quieter he was, the faster you could get him home. But then, just as you were about to make your way to the checkout counter, music started to play. Acoustic guitar music that caught your little boy’s attention in mere seconds. Grinning from ear to ear, he pulled at your shirt and pointed over to its source, which of course just had to be the section with his toy book.
“Mommy, I wanna’ hear the music!”
“Carter, I don’t know if we-”
You sighed. You had been a pretty mean mom to him, dragging him around and refusing to buy anything for his time and patience. This was the least thing you could do. Besides, it was free to listen to music. If it got Carter excited, who were you to stop him? Taking his hand, you gave in and walked him over. He giggled and thanked you as profusely as any excited four year old could. As you made your way over, the sound of a really deep voice filled the air. A few other voices giggled around him, and when you got close enough, you noticed that these voices belonged to three handsome men, friends of the one responsible for the acoustic sounds. A small crowd of kids were surrounding them, eagerly watching the four as their parents waited off to the side. Whoever these men were, they seemed important. You were pretty fond of the one with the guitar, yourself. He laughed and then scratched at his beard.
“I was only joking that I’d give everyone a concert, but now that I’ve got a crowd, I suppose I might as well perform something for them anyway.”
“You better,” the guy with curly black hair laughed, gazing out at the kids, “the little ones look ready to hear some music.”
“Alright then,” he spoke, smiling their way, “do any of you kids have a song you want me to sing?”
The taller of the three standing giggled, saying “Old MacDonald should do the trick” to the visible chagrin of the bearded boy. The other two joined in on the giggles, along with some parents. Apparently, these boys definitely were famous. And jokesters, apparently.
All eyes fell on your boy, Carter, standing right in front of you with a little blush but excitement evident in his face. You blushed as the bearded guy first looked to you before gazing Carter’s way. Giving him a soft smile, he gestured for him to speak.
“Can you sing the song from the book my mommy usually sings to me?”
The man grinned even brighter. “Of course! What book does she sing to you?”
“Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.”
A few kids giggled at the choice, but the man held his smile. He fiddled a bit with his guitar and then began strumming it to the all too familiar tune. He threw Carter a wink.
“Of course, buddy. That’s a throwback to my childhood! We’re all about as old as it is, anyway. I know it by heart because of that, if I’m being honest. I’d love to sing it for you.”
Clearing his throat, he began to strum louder, growing rather animated facially.
“A told B, and B told C, "I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree." "Wheee!" said D to E F G, "I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree." Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room? Here comes H up the coconut tree, and I and J and tag-along K, all on their way up the coconut tree. Chicka chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room? Look who's coming! L M N O P! And Q R S! And T U V! Still more - W! And X Y Z! The whole alphabet up the - Oh, no!”
The other boys all laughed as he pretended to fall off of his seat, flailing about. The kids also got a kick out of it, including your little Carter, who had been trying his best to mouth along to the song as he danced to it. You smiled and ruffled up his hair, which got a smile from both Carter and the man up front. He continued.
”Chicka chicka... BOOM! BOOM! Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Everybody running to the coconut tree. Mamas and papas and uncles and aunts hug their little dears, then dust their pants. "Help us up," cried A B C. Next from the pileup skinned-knee D, and stubbed-toe E and patched-up F. Then comes G all out of breath. H is tangled up with I. J and K are about to cry. L is knotted like a tie. M is looped. N is stopped. O is twisted alley-oop. Skit skat skoodle doot. Flip flop flee. Look who's coming! It's black-eyed P, Q R S, and loose-tooth T. Then U V W wiggle-jiggle free. Last to come X Y Z. And the sun goes down on the coconut tree... But - chicka chicka boom boom! Look, there's a full moon. A is out of bed, and this is what he said, "Dare double dare, you can't catch me. I'll beat you to the top of the coconut tree." Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM! Chicka chicka BOOM! BOOM!”
And with that, the song was done. Everyone clapped and cheered, the man bowing for the kids and getting patted on the back by his friends. You clapped as well, smiling at him and the way your little boy clapped and cheered as loud as he normally did for his favorite TV shows, or any superhero movie you let him watch. His little blonde mop ran up to the man and hugged him tight. You blushed, only able to watch the adorable sight through your fingers. The man waved and beckoned you to come over, the curly haired boy telling everyone thank you for coming and something about the year ‘1975’. Moving forward, you came and picked Carter up, the little boy still all smiles at the man. You held out your hand.
“{Y/N},” you told him kindly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” he replied, grinning back at Carter, “I’m Ross. Who’s this little guy?”
“Nice to meet you, Carter,” he spoke in the most sweet voice you had ever heard a man use. “You’re quite a handsome lad.”
“What do you say, love?”
“Thank you Mr. Ross,” he replied, polite just like you raised him. Ross reached and messed with his hair, causing him to giggle. “I really like how each letter had..had a different voice!”
Ross smiled. “Thank you! My family always did that for me when I was your age,” he added, poking at Carter’s chest. Carter giggled and squirmed in your arms, making you laugh and have to set him down. Once his feet touched the floor, he was off playing with the other kids sticking around in the area. You shook your head.
“He seems like a firecracker, that one.”
“You have no idea.”
“I’m assuming he has his father’s hair?”
You bit your lip. His father. “Yeah, he does. Thankfully, he doesn’t have much more of the guy.”
“Bad father?”
“You have no idea. He’s out of Carter’s life probably for the best.”
Ross’ expression softened. “I’m sorry. Genuinely. He deserves a good dad. But, from how polite and sweet he is, I see he has a good mother to back him up.”
Blushing, you felt like a silly schoolgirl around her crush. Apparently his voice wasn’t the only thing that was smooth. “Thank you. I’m sure I’ll find someone good for him sooner or later. I try my best to keep him happy in the meantime.”
“You’re doing a wonderful job.”
“Thank you.”
“Look...I hate being so blunt but...you’re a beautiful woman,” Ross rambled nervously, “ and I adore your child. I would really like to get to know you and, if I could be so lucky, him, better. Would you want to go get dinner sometime? My treat?”
You smiled and reached to rub his arm, getting him to look at you. The smile he gave back to you when meeting your eyes lit up your world. “I would love to. And, eventually, we would love to as well. Do you want to exchange numbers?”
“It would be my pleasure.”
You quickly did. Upon receiving your phone back, you found out that his last name was MacDonald, hence the taller man’s joke about ‘Old MacDonald’. You smiled at it before pocketing your phone and calling Carter back over. He jogged over and then held his hands up, allowing you to pick him up and hold him at your side.
“Say goodbye to Mr. Ross, Carter.”
“Bye-bye,” he said sweetly, waving to Ross. Ross waved back, throwing a grin back to his friends who were watching quietly a bit away.
“Bye, little guy.”
“See you later Ross,” you said to him, smiling behind your blush. “I’ll text you when I’m free for dinner, yeah?”
Ross nodded. “Yeah, that sounds wonderful. You two get home safely.”
“Same to you.”
With one final wave, you turned and went back over to the checkout counter. After quickly buying your book, you headed out with Carter to your car. As you went to buckle him into his booster seat, Carter tapped you on the arm.
Pulling back to look at him, you cocked your head to the side. “What, love?”
“I really like Mr. Ross.”
You smiled. “You know what? I do too, buddy.”
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gh0stpkmn · 7 years
ok sorry for droppin rambly shit in the yooran tag again but! ok. headcanon:
while happy supportive yooran where they’re instantly bffs is so Good and Pure, i feel like another possible way they could start out is.... they Dont like each other at all. they’re almost enemies. they have beef. 
putting this under a readmore because its Long sorry. also a link to the beginnings of a fic for this.
(i feel i should mention that i wanted to include the inevitable Rika Conversation™ where saeran is having a relapse/regression moment and slipping into ‘Unknown’ territory bbbbut that seems a bit too heavy and doesn’t really fit in anywhere here. that could be a separate post or ficlet idk)
OK SO. How does this dumb thing start?? let’s set this scene
so... while it’s unlikely that saeyoung would let saeran interact all that much with the rfa until he feels he’s ready (maybe around time of the little rfa get-together in secret ending 2) i’m imagining a scenario where... yoosung is briefly at the bunker.
i wrote this interaction in a lil’ drabble bbbut idk if i’ll write everything as an actual fanfic.
  it’s HERE if you want to read it tho!!!!
ok. after this exchange yoosung is just suuuuuper taken aback. he tells himself to brush this off because, again, saeran has been through some shit. he’s probably just not used to people yet. deep down though, he feels kind of hurt and offended.
saeyoung probably just. interrupts to diffuse the situation or smth and tell yoosung that maybe he should leave. apologizes for his brother’s behavior blah blah blah “he just needs time to adjust to everything.”
but. it keeps happening. and the weird tension from their first meeting kind of just.. carries over into their next interaction. and the next. and the one after that
it’s at a point where saeran is less aggressive, less abrasive... he’s just very shy and withdrawn like we see in secret ending 2. he talks in the messenger sometimes, but not often... but when he comes to the chatroom and yoosung is online, he logs out. at rfa meetings / get-togethers, he avoids yoosung
because yoosung is exhausting to be around and he Cant deal with it...(saeyoung is too but he has to deal with that 24/7 anyways)
gradually, saeran opens up to the rfa a little more. he talks a bit more in the chat. sometimes tries making a few jokes. he comes to most if not all the rfa events with his brother. and obviously he’s way more comfortable around his brother and mc, but also he’s on decent terms with the other members.
except. for. yoosung!
now he’s not actively avoiding yoosung, but not making any attempt to talk to him either. if they have to talk at all, interactions are very brief and stiff and uncomfortable. they tolerate each other, but barely. 
eventually saeran starts making little comments now and then? like. they’re probably stuck together working on an rfa thing, or yoosung is over hanging out with saeyoung and saeran passes by to the kitchen or to say smth to saeyoung IDK. they have moments where they’re forced to spend time together, and it’s just very very tense.
and at this point Yoosung is Annoyed!!! because saeran is so rude and won’t even try to be friends with him. what an asshole. god.
he gets even angrier when saeran starts making little quips at him. little tiny comments every now and then and they’re not always outright rude or mean but.... his tone is very Deadpan and kind of sarcastic... sometimes he will be rude and mumble a complaint abt yoosung to himself or mock him under his breath, which yoosung hears and gets mad and huffy about
the Last Fucking Straw is at an rfa event of some kind. maybe a party?? yeah. yoosung walks in, ready to have a fun time with his rfa family. he is So prepared for the party and in a great mood. he’s greeting them, everyone is showing up and greeting each other. and then he turns his head 
and sees saeran standing there, blank faced. and before yoosung can force himself to be polite and say hello, saeran just says, deadpan
“your roots are showing”
YOOSUNG IS DONE!! He’s so pissed off!!!!! he fucking knows his roots are showing! he’s been so busy with school that he hasn’t had a chance to touch up his hair in a while. he can’t even bring himself to ignore the comment and try to be nice, he is d-o-n-e. 
his face gets so red, and his fists ball up, and his shoulders tense and he explodes 
“Saeran, what the HELL did I ever do to you??? Why are you like this? I’ve been nothing but nice since we met, but you’re always so damn rude!! What’s with you? Why can’t we just get along and be friends?”
he’s embarrassed at himself but more pissed off that saeran isn’t saying anything. his expressed has barely changed, but he’s blinking at him and looking maybe just a little confused, tilting his head a bit
nd he’s like.
“we are friends”
yoosung is. So confused. SO FUCKING Confused. 
“what? but you hate me!”
“um. no.”
“but you’re always mumbling under your breath that i’m annoying! you say rude things and mock me!”
saeran just. shrugs. avoids eye contact and shove his hands in his pockets.  he says “you are annoying” like it’s a fact and kinda. walks away to go do other things
yoosung is left there confused and frustrated but not as mad as he thinks he should be
OK and like? insight into saeran’s side..... saeran’s annoyance w/ yoosung just gradually fades away as he gets better and opens up to people, but he feels weird at first doing a complete 180 and treating yoosung super friendly. part of him also isn’t ready for yoosung’s dramatically cheerful “gosh i KNEW we could be friends” and big hugs and all that
also because.......... he likes seeing yoosung huffy and frustrated. it’s really funny to him. he likes it? a lot more than he probably should to be honest. and at this point he just automatically considers them friends. at least in his mind? idk. his thought process is like “i don’t totally hate them and i think they’re okay to be around so... friend.” 
as for the roots comment he made?? it goes a bit deeper than all this fluffy silly stuff. like... for saeran, it’s really easy to trigger flashbacks or panic attacks for him? so many little things remind him of his mom or mint eye, rika, etc. it’s hard... i feel like there’s some vague discomfort he feels around yoosung when he’s reminded about how strongly yoosung cares/cared for rika. 
and it’s easy enough to keep it under control because yoosung doesn’t talk about her that much anymore, bbbbbut like. sometimes... saeran remembers someone mentioning that yoosung dyed his hair to be closer to rika. they don’t really look alike (bc she was adopted if i remember correctly?) but the blond hair and the significance behind it can get to him sometimes. 
so when yoosungs natural roots start showing he is... really relieved? really happy too tbh. bc he kind of maybe sort of genuinely likes hangin around w yoosung! and now he can see that little sign that he really is his own person, not just some kid who idolizes (idolized?) the person who abused him. ye.
anyways from here on saeyoung probably teases yoosung when yoosung asks him what the Fuck is going on w his brother. he’s like 
“lol how did you not notice that he likes being around you? it’s so obvious. he wouldn’t do things like stay in the room while we’re playing games to stare at the back of your head for 3 more seconds if he didn’t like you!! come on, dude.”
(yoosung didnt notice that tho whoops)
and “the teasing or whatever? pissing you off? holy shit dude that makes it even MORE obvious that he’s chill with you”
yoosung stays confused until he decides to talk to saeran about it and they start like. actually having proper conversations. and hanging out. and they both feel pretty awkward at first but their relationship gradually develops until they’re really good friends.
and then eventually, really good boyfriends. whooops.
that’s it’s own post altogether tho so i’ll leave it at that
if ur reading this, thank u for bearing with me thru my rambling. god.
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inkweaver22-blr · 7 years
Okay so I had an idea for a Mystery Skulls Animated fic. It has been on my mind for some time and I wanted to share it with you all. But when I went to write it… It wasn’t a pretty sight. It wasn’t BAD, but it wasn’t all that great either as I’m severely out of practice.
Plus my motivation for it died faster than the hype for No Man’s Sky.
So I’m just going to post a detailed summary of what the story was going to be like and let someone else try their hand at it. I’m also going to tag my favorite writers/drabblers/idea farmers/AU crafters from this fandom so they see this in case they want to adopt it. Let me do that now.
@phantoms-lair @ectoimp @providentially-demonic @squigglydigglydoo
I’ll leave it under the cut so people can be spoiler free in case someone does come along to write this out. Feel free to ask questions if something doesn’t make sense! Here we go, a detailed, yet slightly silly, summary of my almost fic: ‘Under Your Skin’.
So firstly, yes. This IS a ‘Arthur becomes something other than human’ fic. And yes, I think the creature I picked has been done before. HOWEVER! I’m hoping the way it happens and my original variation on said creature will be different enough to be interesting.
To begin with, some background. This takes place about a year after the hypothetical reunion of the gang and Lewis no longer wants to kill Arthur. They’ve all been through some therapy both individually and as a group (Mystery knows a guy/elf who does this) so the majority of their issues/insecurities have been worked out. Their bonds of friendship and/or love haven’t been better.
But instead of focusing on the romance between Lewis and Vivi (and MAYBE Arthur), I wanted this story to focus on the friendship between Mystery and Arthur. Like how that he’s now able to talk freely to them and so they get along. My main example was Mystery actually preferring Arthur’s choices in music over Vivi’s and Lewis’.
Anywhos, onto the plot! The gang receives a call for a job on the coast to help retrieve a stolen magical item. The client, a woman, refuses to give many details until they meet in person. Vivi, being curious, insists that they go. So they load up the van and head for the coastal Texan city/town of BLANK. The opening of my original draft was towards the end of this trip with Arthur and Mystery up front enjoying some music while Lewis was in the back with Vivi as she napped.
And that was as far as I got. The rest is what I had planned out in my head. If you do plan on picking this fic up you can go into as much or as little detail as you want based off my ramblings. No names or physical descriptions were ever chosen for the OC’s so go wild. Onwards!
They reach The Town of Ongoing Events late at night/early in the morning and sleep at a hotel for several hours. (Maybe have Mystery curl up against Arthur’s side because Lewis and Vivi are cuddling?) They then head out to the address provided by their mystery client.
Mrs. Plot Catalyst lets them in and they exchange some pleasantries. She then explains that the item that had been stolen was her Seal Cloak, exposing her as a selkie. Vivi begins to go on a rant about selfish men being jerkwads and demands to know who her husband is because in all selkie lore that’s who would steal her cloak. Seal Lady, a bit bemused, calls her husband in from the garage and after a brief misunderstanding (read: Vivi threatening the man with the painful things her pet Kitsune or Wraith boyfriend could do to him) they find out it WASN’T her husband who stole the cloak. Mr. Nice Guy actually accepts her for who she is and didn’t mind her leaving for months at a time.
What happened was a friend of Seal Husband stumbled across them when she was returning from one of her trips and asked to borrow the cloak. Friend of Seal Husband was Very Rich™ and said that he wanted to study the cloak for the benefit of all magical/supernatural beings. As the couple knew this guy well and believed him trustworthy, they agreed. That was several months ago and they hadn’t heard from him since. They had tried to contact him but all attempts failed for one reason or another.
So the MS gang and Seal Couple sit down for a plan of action. They decide that Vivi and Arthur are to go Mr. Wealthy’s office building to try and talk to him. Mystery and Lewis can’t come as this guy is super into the magical and has wards that would alert him when a magical being enters the premises. They get all upset at first but Vivi calms Lewis while Arthur reassures Mystery.
The Blue Temper Problem and Yellow String Bean head to I’m So Rich I Can Buy An Impoverished Country’s office and give the secretary some tripe about magical being conservation which immediately gains them an audience with him. They meet with Rolling In Money and he greets them kindly. The duo explain that they heard through the magical grapevine that he was doing something to help out mystical creatures. With a wide smile Mr. Potentially The Antagonist But It’s Not Clear Yet begins to explain.
It started with his Tragic Backstory™ when he was a boy. In the woods near his home town lived a family of (unspecified sentient magical creatures) that he befriended and knew for years. As they didn’t possess the ability to disguise themselves as humans or animals they stayed away from humans except for Child Version Of Mr. Rich. One day, he heard a loud commotion from his friends’ home and hid in some nearby bushes to see what was going on. A group of humans dressed in strange clothes/armor had his friends tied up. They spouted some BS about human superiority and purity and then executed the family.
Mr. Depressing Past grew up with the incident weighing on his mind and vowed to try and help magical creatures from then on. He tried to find the mysterious group as well but had no luck. He used his fortune to help protect creatures by financing relocation's and national parks where magical creatures could live semi-peacefully. But he felt like it wasn’t enough.
It wasn’t until he stumbled across the wife of his Very Good And Close Friend™ (at this point Arthur and Vivi are like ????????) shedding her seal skin to look human that he got an idea. What if he can find a way to copy the selkies’ ability to shed their skin like a cloak for other species that couldn’t disguise themselves? Then they could hide in plain sight!
So Mr. Good Intentions asks to borrow the cloak to study its magic and see if it could be copied. They agree and he begins his research. It takes several months and he has a process but he needs some further help from a specific book found only at Shangri-La. So he goes there and seeks council from the monk mystics and yeti that live there.
He learns that while he can’t make it so living creatures can shed their skin, nor can he give them human skins to hide in (ewww), there is another way. He can take the remains of a creature (fur, scales, bones, claws, teeth, ect.), turn it into a wearable item, and magically bond it to a human. The human then gains the ability to take the form of that creature by simply donning or shedding that skin like a selkie. BUT!!!! It will only work properly if he gets permission from the departed spirit of the dead creature(which he does through a ritual). If they don’t get permission they properly dispose of the remains according to the spirit's’ wishes. Also some spirits will be super picky about who bonds with their wearable item so the process won’t work with some random person they must be C H O S E N . And while many creatures have natural defenses, he decides to add minor elemental abilities to the bonding spell so they can better protect themselves. The best part is that this is hereditary so any offspring will also have this ability so in a couple generations most of that species will be able to do so.
Mr. Rich asks if they want a demonstration. Vivi is like HECK YES because despite being wary of this guy this is a major breakthrough in magic that could change a lot. So he takes the white fur scarf he was wearing this entire time and sticks his hands into the hidden pockets on each end. He seems to blur for a second before appearing as a seven and a half foot yeti from that one Mummy movie. He then makes a little crystal of ice in his paws to demonstrate the elemental add on(only $9.99 extra if you pre-order now).
Mr. Yeti Man returns to normal by simply imagining removing his hands from the pockets and offers to give the two a tour of his home the next day where he converts the remains into Cloaks™. They agree and skadoodle back to Seal Base Alpha and tell the others what they’ve learned. Mystery is unsure how to feel as this IS a good thing and Mr. Ice Ice Baby even went so far to receive permission from departed spirits so not to disrespect them. BUT he seems to have also stolen from his friends AND giving humans these kinds of powers can lead to all kinds of problems. So they decide to allow Vivi and Arthur to go alone again BUT!!! Lewis and Mystery will be hanging out at the edge of the property in case something goes wrong. Mystery gives a token of some kind to them both that they just have to press in case they need help and he’ll know.
The next day Arthur and Vivi head out and arrive at a Very Nice Estate™ that has a mansion and huge lawn and fountain and everything. Mr. Corporate Cryptid invites them in a guides them to his underground labs/workshops. There are scientists/magicians and security guards going about their stuff as they receive the tour. They meet some important people to the process like his second in command, tailor/taxidermist, and head spell-caster. At one point they are passing glass cases of Cloaks™ and Arthur just STOPS in front of one. It seems to be an actual cloak/cape unlike some of the other wearable items(Vivi scoffs at a pair of Jackalope fur Bunny Slippers). The upper half is black and gold feathers while the lower half is beige fur. He STARES at it for a minute, as if it’s calling to him, until Vivi snaps him out of it.
After a bit, Vivi feigns curiosity and asks what happened to the original cloak he based his research off. The Abominable CEO Man happily states he returned it to its owner and even gave them some monetary compensation. Vivi then just GOES OFF at that and says ‘Uh, yeah, no you didn’t’ but not as polite. Mr. Rich is both confused and slightly horrified as he hears this and brings them to confront his second in command as he was the one he put in charge of that.
After trying to play innocent at Mr. Rich’s and Vivi’s interrogation, SURPRISE! He betrays his boss and magically binds them. The security force begins to non-lethally subdue the workers that weren’t in on this as The Actual Villain begins his Evil Monologue™  He used to be part of the evil group that Mr. Rich mentions in his Tragic Backstory™ but ‘They didn’t think big enough’ for him. So he left them, infiltrated this project, and converted others to his cause. His goal? To make an army of human/mystical creature hybrids using the Cloaks™ and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!1!!ONE!!
Jerkwad McGee takes the magical alarm tokens from Arthur and Vivi and locks them up with Mr. Rich and the workers that weren’t part of his evil posse. He then begins to try and force the bonding with the Cloaks™ on his followers as none of them were ever chosen due to their evil intentions. Hours pass and the sun starts to set. The trapped people are trying to come up with a plan to escape while Lewis and Mystery get antsy.
Alrighty gang, this is where we enter the territory that I haven’t finalized yet. Most of it will be kind of vague so get a bit creative if you decide to write this out.
Mystery loses patients and he and Lewis barge in. They fight off the guards but somehow give Bad Guy the means to finish the forced bonding process. Meanwhile the prisoners somehow escape. The workers all leave the property, the grunts are all unconscious, and Mr. Rich in his Yeti form and the MS gang confront Antagonist out on the lawn. Bad Guy then pulls out a Cloak™(in the form of a helmet) he’s been hiding made from the remains of a REALLY REALLY BAD CREATURE™ and forces the bond onto himself. He transforms into the beast and goes berserk.
I was originally going to have him be the Red Bull from the Last Unicorn, but that’s a fire elemental and wouldn’t work with what I have planned. So make him some sort of really powerful and feared monster that’s resistant to fire and ice but weak to electricity.
Mystery is like ‘OH SHIZNIZZLLE!!!’ and hops to the top of the mansion and creates a barrier/illusion surrounding the entire estate so the beast won’t escape and authorities won’t come to investigate. Lewis and Yeti Guy fight the Beast on the lawn while Arthur and Vivi hang back towards the house.
It doesn’t go well.
When things start to look even worse than they already are, Arthur feels a pull leading into the mansion. Vivi doesn’t notice him leave as he follows it. He comes to the glass cases room to find it trashed from Lewis and Mystery’s fight earlier. The calling gets stronger and it leads him to the Cloak™ he spaced out in front of earlier. He hesitantly picks it up and wonders what to do when he gets a strong sense of ‘This is RIGHT’ and ‘You can help stop this’ coming from it. With the sounds of battle in the background Arthur takes a shaky breath.
He puts on the cloak.
Back at the brawl, Yeti Guy and Lewis are injured while Mystery is straining to keep the barrier intact when a fierce cry rings out. From the mansion flies a griffon that has a metal forelimb and golden feathers puffed up in a strange fashion on its head. Electricity forms around it and it fires a HUGE lightning bolt at the beast, harming it. Yeti Guy immediately recognizes the color scheme from an unclaimed Cloak™ but is like ‘The Elemental Add Ons aren’t THAT strong wth???’ and Mystery is like ‘A Royal Griffon?? But it’s aura…? ARTHUR?!?!’.
Pausing the plot for a second to explain! Royal Griffons are something I made up. In this universe of MSA, griffons come in many subspecies. The most common being eagle/lion, there are others like hawk/lynx or raven/siberian cat. Basically any bird/feline combo of almost equal proportionate size. But then there are ones that have the body parts of OTHER mythical creatures. These are Royal Griffons. Some examples are a phoenix and house cat, or a condor and nemean lion. Arthur here happens to be a Thunderbird (think an oversized golden eagle with lightning powers) and mountain lion mix.
So Griffon!Arthur joins the battle and with the beast’s weakness to electricity they manage to defeat it, remove the Cloak™ from Bad Dude, and save the world! Mystery drops the barrier and rushes up to Arthur and begins to checking him over to make sure he’s okay. Arthur insists he is and ‘I was just running on instincts I guess’ so Mystery slaps him upside the head and begins lecturing him on being such an idiot and ‘WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT!’ and ‘DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU’VE DONE TO YOURSELF THIS IS PERMANENT!’ and ‘THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IN THE CAVE ALL OVER AND I COULDN’T STOP IT THIS IS MY FAULT AGAIN!’
And Arthur is all ‘HECK NAH this was MY CHOICE and it FEELS right for some reason and what about Lewis he could have been hurt and I’m not panicking so you need to stop panicking or else I’m going to start panicking and OHMYGOSH I WAS FLYING SO HIGH IN THE AIR I HATE HEIGHTS THAT WAS TERRIFYING!’.
Vivi then grabs them by the ear/feathers and gets them to chill. Yeti Guy helps Arthur through the process of taking off the Cloak™ (he just has to imagine his human self doing so). They go back inside, retrieve Seal Lady’s cloak and all return to Seal Base Alpha to explain all that happened. Yeti Guy invites them back in the morning so he put some final protections on Arthur’s new cloak so they head back to the hotel for some well deserved R&R.
Also not sure if this should be mentioned during the explanation scene or in the morning, but Yeti Guy mentions that the spirit of the royal griffon said he would only bond with ‘a loyal follower of a ruler’. Arthur then snarks ‘So a Kingsmen than?’ earning groans and a slap to the head.
During the night, Mystery and Arthur get some time alone to talk things out. Arthur admits that he does feel a bit nervous about being a griffon now but not as much as he would have before they all had therapy. Mystery admits he’s simply afraid for Arthur because Arthur is going to be alive for a LONG time now(several hundred years) and the human somehow managed to worm his way under his skin (T-T-T-TITLE DROP) and considers him a best friend. They hug and whatnot, promise to always be supportive and there for each other and then head to sleep.
Not sure if the story should end there or include Yeti Guy’s extra protection spells and maybe a scene of Mystery helping Arthur out with his new body.
But that’s the end of Under Your Skin! Hope you enjoyed reading this summary! Again, feel free to ask any questions! Let me know if you plan on writing this out or just plan on playing in this sandbox I created! Peace!
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