#also im SURE this already exists someone please send it to me
ohbo-ohno · 1 year
i love boss price pressuring and taking advantage of his employee as much as the next sick and twsted girl, but im also kinda obsessed with a price x reader where you're insanely obvious about how much you want to fuck that old man. wearing itty bitty skirts and bending over right in front of him, always having one too many buttons undone on your top, constantly being a little too far in his personal space. and he just has to sit there and watch, can't do anything about it since he's your boss :/
anyways i want a "watch what you wish for" with price who you've been teasing for months. he finally gives in and takes you, doesn't have it in him to go slow when you've been testing his patience for so long, and he just gives you everything he's got whether or not you think you can take it
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firefl1ezz · 4 months
i just. hit s+ rank in splatoon and i never honestly thought this would happen?? am i cool now.. do i get to be a part of the s4? do i get to be watered down to my running joke all the time?
#the last part is a joke but i do not see a whole lot of recognition of the s4 being. the s4#like yeah they were cool formidable foes in the s1 era and skull even beat goggles despite his plot armor#but now theyre just#there??#dont get me wrong i love their existence but#it feels like theyve been watered down at least a bit#skull is always just getting lost and army is almost always either the manual guy or the curry guy#thats. thats it thats their bits#skull also has the sweets thing#rider is sometimes a considerable foe too but at the same time the s4 doesnt usually consist of him so im not sure how much to count him#that being said it is a kids manga so i dont really expect it to lean too far into the formidable foes thing#even the xblood werent that scary in the long run and ended up goofy despite being who they were#i also get it in terms of fandom#i understand the appeal of something like aloha being cutesy dumb pink guy (who maaaaaaybe commited some crimes and it shows)#i also definitely understand the appeal of army having a thing for curry as well as the manuals#the manuals can be an endearing thing to write about trust me#but i also wouldnt mind seeing more things that center around the likes of the s4 and the xblood and even the best8 being the absolute best#of the best during their prime#reminder that s+ was the highest rank around when the s4 were introduced. same with the xblood#they were the strongest players and id like to see things that center around that#id like to imagine that moving on to the square and splatsville that the s4 would have had a chance to move uo and get into xbattles#i think of all of them skull and army would have the highest chances of actually making it to xrank and being successful#but honestly if mask and aloha could probably make it pretty well too if they got off their asses#and i think rider would excel as well being rider#he has his own kind of near plot armour i think#so do most of the big teams in my opinion#theyre the sort of doomed by the plot that forces them to battle goggles at some point lmao#maybe i could use this in a fic or au one day#maybe someone already has...#(please send to me if you know of any creators who have played around with these vague ideas of strength i wanna see em)
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storm-angel989 · 2 months
🎀IM SORRY FOR BLOWING UP YOUR INBOX! But Val/Vox(idrc which one) x Anorexic Daughter Reader?🎀
Hi Friend,
You’re not blowing up my inbox- I keep every request in a google doc and when inspo hits I work on it! If I ever decide I won’t do a request I won’t just delete it- I’ll post and say it directly <3 
Preface for this work:
 I’m considered a plus sized equestrian/plus sized human. Eating disorders come in all shapes, sizes and issues. I believe it’s Blythe Barid who said “If you develop an eating disorder when you are already thin to begin with you go to the hospital. If you develop an eating disorder when you are not thin to begin with, you are a success story.”
Stories like these are based on my own experiences and issues- and on this topic, I’ve had quite a few. Please remember that all bodies are worthy of love and respect, care and concern. It's a tough concept to wrap our heads around, and admittedly I still struggle with it. 
A little background info: 
ED’s are a huge part of my writing that I haven’t published. Ana and Mia are characters I have created (or maybe my own food issues created them). Either way, they’re  separate entities for separate stories- demons that I imagine have their own place in hell as well as in my writings (all of which have been in existence far longer than Hazbin). That being said, naming your ED is something I did and I have done. Even for the purpose of writing this story, the entire thing felt wrong without Ana running the behind the scenes. 
With this one I tried to pain the pain, the anger and frustration behind that never feeling good enough feeling. I would be open to doing part two if folks would be interested. Please also know I’ve written on this topic in several other forms if you explore my masterlist (or I can directly send you the links if you PM me). 
<3 Mandy 
I stepped on the bathroom scale and looked at the number that flashed below. The words of my coach echoed in my mind- I needed to lose the summer weight, or else I would be benched for the rest of the season. She had helpfully provided me with a journal to keep track of my weight, what I ate in a day, activities I did and how many calories I burned in accordance with my VoxTech watch. 
A month ago, I had met her goal, thus ending the weekly weigh-ins. According to her, I had lost enough weight to maintain my place on the team. It was on me now to make sure that I maintained that weight, or lost more. In her exact words, you could never be too skinny. 
“Bebita? Breakfast,” my fathers voice called from the hallway. “Come on, before it gets cold.”
The number told me I hadn’t gained weight, but I hadn’t lost weight either. I picked my backpack up and slung it over my shoulder. 
“Sorry, Dad! I’m late! I’ll eat at school, I promise,” I answered back as I rushed out the door. 
Surely skipping breakfast wouldn’t hurt. 
Skipping breakfast turned into skipping lunch. Skipping lunch turned into avoiding dinner. Sugar free jello and skinny pop became my go to snacks as the numbers in my book slowly but surely began to get smaller. Somewhere, a little voice inside my head began to cheer my successes on the scale. Over time, I learned that she had a name. 
Ana. My secret diet partner. My invisible cheerleader. The willpower I needed to keep going on the hardest days. And most importantly, someone who paid attention to me, 
With each passing day, Ana grew louder. She encouraged me to keep my diet a secret from my family. After all, they wouldn’t understand. Pleasing her, it became almost like an addiction- a game I played with myself to see just how little I could become. Food became nothing more than numbers, an obsession that consumed every minute, every second of my thoughts and desires. 
In my household, it wasn’t hard to keep it to myself. Hell, one could argue that I wasn’t technically even keeping it a secret. My father had a very important job, after all. And my Auntie Velvette and Uncle Vox also wouldn’t have had the opportunity to make the connection. A quick, I ate earlier, sorry! And I got off scott free. Ana cheered with each no thank you I uttered. My head between my knees after practice had become a ritualistic practice. Waiting for the black spots to fade, taking deep breaths to try to regain the energy to stand up and walk out to the awaiting limo. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting at home for me anyway. 
On the daily, I kept a careful eye on my voxtech watch. The first time my blood sugar dropped, I got a call from Vox. Paniced waves rushed through me. A suggestion from Ana to bribe to a friendly tech demon. A brief trade later, I had constant vitals being sent from my watch, my real ones hidden behind a password. With this newfound freedom, outside of homework and practice, my time normally devoted to hobbies or hanging out with friends became time to sleep. After all, I was working on the perfect body. I needed my rest. 
For almost six months, Ana and I were best friends. 
Saturday morning. Game day. One of the busiest days for my father. After all, lust and depravity raked through the weekends like wildfire. Or at least, that was what he claimed. I stood in front of the mirror trying desperately to tighten the drawstring 
“Hey bebita?” I heard my fathers voice call from the hallway. “Baby, are you up?”
“Yeah, Dad. I have a game today,” I snapped as I tied another knot in the string. 
Why the fuck wouldn’t these stupid shorts stay up? I fumed to myself. Every part of my body ached, and even yanking on my shorts sent black spots and exhaustion rushing through my body. I leaned my head against the mirror and tried to take a deep breath. I could do this. I had to do this. 
The next thing I heard was my fathers voice, felt his hand shaking my shoulder. It took every ounce of energy to open my eyes. 
“Bebita? Reader, can you hear me?” Valentino asked frantically. “Princessa, wake up, now!”
“I’m fine,” I muttered as loudly as I could. Somehow, I managed to push myself upright. 
“You most certainly are not fine,” he replied sharply. “I’m taking you downstairs to the doctor, right now.”
Doctor. That meant I would miss the game. No, I had an obligation to my teammates. Somewhere in my head, Ana screamed.
Get up, fatass!
You really want to fuck this up for everyone?
You better not let him take you to the doctor, you do that and you’ll never find perfection. 
“I’m fine,” I growled, louder this time. I pulled myself to my feet and black spots dotted my vision. I felt my fathers arms around me and in seconds, I was off the floor and in his arms.
“Put me down, I can walk,” I tried to yell. Inside my head, Ana screamed louder, demands and insults about my current predicament. I pressed my hands to my head and curled my fingers in my hair, “Dad let me down NOW!” 
He ignored me as he carried me down the hallway. 
“Vox? Velvette? Both of you, with me. Now. We have a problem.” He said loudly. 
“Woah, what’s going….” Vox’s voice began. 
I shoved my hand against my father as he walked through the living room.  To my relief, he set me down on the couch. 
“What?” I snarled as three sets of eyes stared at me. “What the fuck are you looking at?” 
Vox checked his phone and then walked over to me. With one finger, he lifted off my Voxtech watch. 
“Hey! Give that back!” I demanded. “I’m going to be late to my game!”
All three of them ignored me. Wordlessly, Velvette walked away and returned moments later, bathroom scale in hand. She set it infront of the couch and gave me a hard look. 
“Step on.” 
“Fuck you,” I snapped as I stood up. I tried to ignore the black spots that danced just out of sight. “My weight is none of your fucking business.”
“Reader!” Valentino said in dismay. “That’s no way to talk to your Aunt.”
“I’m leaving, I’m already late. Thanks, Dad,” I continued sarcastically as I kicked the scale aside. 
Inside, Ana cheered. I bent down to pick up my backpack and the world around me spun. Three steps,  and Vox’s hand gripped my upper arm. The last thing I heard was Ana’s voice screaming indistinguishable words. 
When I came to again, I found myself in a room of gray and blue. Wires stuck out from my chest, and I tried to cough and spit the feeling of something painful in the back of my throat. I tried to reach up, to shove my fingers down my throat, and my skin met padded white cuffs. 
What the fuck?
You’re going to have to work hard to get yourself out of this one, Ana taunted. Great job getting caught, fatass. 
“Hey, baby, it’s alright, Papi is here,” I heard my father’s voice say somewhere far away. 
“Mr. Valentino, I promise we’ll be in touch when she’s more stable,” a new voice said. “For now, it might be best to give her some space to…”
Indistinguishable arguments. My fathers refusal and reminder of who exactly was in charge here. My Uncle Vox and Aunt Velvette chiming in, a mix of talking him down and agreement. 
Panic shot through me as the haze slowly began to wear away. Realization. Through the fog, only one word came to mind. 
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cherryys · 2 months
why do you think yuuji isn't gonna make it? i have a lot of bets put on itafushi both dying or living (for Reasons i'm not gonna be annoying abt rn lol) so i like to hear why others believe otherwise
Oh god okay so
There are ALOT of death flags around yuuji, more than the people that actually died had lol but if i had to compose a list:
1. In Chapter 1, these are Yuuji's grandfather's dying words to him:
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And i feel this statement of "when it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others." Is going to play a big part in the ending, especially paired with the "save anyone you can, even if it's just one person" this translation doesn't say those exact words but the anime did so im gonna roll with it lol (if anyone knows what the og japanese version said please let me know!!!)
I think Yuuji is going to die by saving Megumi, surrounded by him (and others like Yuuta and Todo but im more focusing on Megumi because he is the start and the end of Yuuji's entire life purpose and ideals) and that would fulfill his grandfather's dying words of "save whoever you can, even if it's just one person. don't end up like me, [alone]. Die surrounded by loved ones" and i think that would truly be the best ending Yuuji would get after that, better than any hollow victory of killing sukuna but still outliving everyone else, alone. He had suffered enough in those few months, i think it would be cruel of Gege if he lets him outlive everyone else and still keep going with how much he's lost and witnessed.
This falls in line with the purpose he set for himself in Chapter 2:
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He had already accepted that his life ends with Sukuna. That moment is when, for him, Itadori Yuuji ceased to exist and instead, Sukuna's Vessel. (Though the people around him try to convince him otherwise). Him doing those two things (Killing Sukuna and Saving People) as what his character's purpose in the story is, not living to see his 16th birthday (as despressing as that may be 💔)
2. In Chapter 203, Kenjaku says this:
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This sort of ties into my earlier point of him and Sukuna's lifespans being interconnected thematically. Kenjaku here specifies Yuuji coexisting with Sukuna. As long as they are both alive, the cycle of curses (and suffering & pain) will never end. Even if Yuuji were to live on, he still has Sukuna's essence burned into him (whether that be because he'd been a vessel for so long or because of his lineage). He cannot get rid of the entirety of Sukuna, all his remains and all his ugliness, without getting rid of the one inside him first. That's why to completely get rid of Sukuna, he has to take himself out too.
Shoko even says this in Chapter 220:
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By a narrative standpoint, he technically counts as an extra finger, still housing his Technique and his Evil Dredges, sort of speak. To completely defeat Sukuna, he has to go too.
3. A little fun fact about JJK, it was under threat of being cancelled all the way back since the Cursed Womb Arc. Because of that, Gege rushed to write that arc along with Chapter 9 as its subsequent "end" (though we know now Shonen Jump continued releasing it) and coupled with the fact that Gege said a while ago he already has the end of the story in mind, it's not a stretch to say that the end is going to parallel that Chapter somehow, with Yuuji sacrificing himself to save Megumi and them sharing a quiet moment (under the rain, or snow since its Dec 24 lol) where Megumi tells him again that he had never once regretted saving him, even after all the turmoil and pain it caused Megumi.
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I think that would also be a nice send-off for Yuuji, the last face he sees is the one person he actually succeeded in saving and the one that saved him back, telling him that despite all the guilt he felt, all the pain he made himself responsible for (despite it not being his fault), he—who had a moral code so strict that he'd never save anyone that would kill someone in the future, yet saved him anyways, and stuck by his side after all that happened in Shibuya and told him to share the burden, the one person who never left him alone—never once regretted saving him, that the good Megumi knows is in Yuuji was worth it. And that despite the pain Megumi went through (and the pain Yuuji feels responsible for) he doesn't blame him nor regret that choice. And that he'd do it again even knowing everything.
I could go more into the other side of this argument of why Megumi being the one to die wouldn't make sense but i'd be rambling on for too long lmao i tend to go on restlessly 😞 im just really passionate about jjk and its themes
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eldritch-spouse · 8 months
im taking the 50/50 gamble asking this cause yolo i guess (its ok i can wait centuries for my ask to be answered anyways.)
so uh— what if darling is insistent on leaving vesper, like— REALLY insistent. bringing it up casually saying “It’s going to turn me on even more when i leave you and go back to earth,” or “So where’s the going back home ritual?”
and this is kinda because darling doesn’t feel deserving of vesper. sure, she loves him— but like that one post, she just can’t stand seeing vesper having sex with others while she’s just a human who can’t take him. (forever a virgin) and also cause darling sees sex as a romantic while vesper sees it as….idk the word but you get it.
(maybes it even worse when darling has to dissociate and leave the room everytime she caught vesper with someone else. and she will get extremely depressed for days on end everytime she hears the moans and all— putting her in a constant cycle. sorry im projecting my bpd on darling.)
and i saw the post of vesper explaining it too, and while darling understands, she’s still sad regardless, and extremely hurt if vesper calls her cruel when she also tries to explain.
so darling went quiet, nods and casually walked away. and that’s when all the comments about wanting to go home started.
then weeks passed and no one ever saw darling ever again. because darling sees there’s no point to be with vesper anymore even if she loves him, but now she’s mostly inside her separate room 24/7 bedrotting (aka back to her old lifestyle before being taken into Hell.)
or you know, just gets up and leaves Hell altogether. find some way to remove the mark, asked a couple of concerned imps for the way home, or call upon an angel on the icon of hell phone to take them back to earth. and darling SUCCEEDED in returning home.
i know vesper um…is vespering but maybe this is a rare, once in a lifetime moment where vesper snaps, goes feral, actually blue balling himself for so long until he finds darling again on earth. and during that time hell is in constant chaos idk im just blabbering and rambling at this point.
but yeah, ending can be vesper finding darling again and turning her to a succubus, or darling just lives her life peacefully while hell is going down from the domino effect.
(and um, i too feel bad because i know and read your posts about vesper and he’s unfortunately my fav. it might seem strange genuinely disliking my fav but i too just wanted to try and forget about vesper after this.)
(um, if ur planning to write, please don’t get darling cucked in the ending. again, i know this is vesper we’re talking about. u can ignore and delete this ask if u don’t like me requesting darling doesn’t get cucked for the ending.)
(anyways, take ur time getting to my ask. i can wait a long while to the point i might forget sending this ask.)
I'm not going to write anything, you made a scenario on your own, the skeleton for the entire story is already there.
Though this does seem a bit weird. Are you actually genuinely upset with the character? I'm not going to upset you further by telling you how realistic or unrealistic some of his actions here are.
I don't even quite understand what you meant with reader getting cucked. Cucking doesn't really exist in Lust because having sex with others is simply natural and expected and partners don't see it as a betrayal, it'd just be another culture barrier in the relationship. Out of many other culture barriers that you have to adapt to whether you like it or not. You would continue to get "cucked", because the King of Lust cannot subsist on you alone, and he's not about to weaken himself because you find him having sex with others repulsive.
If you are genuinely upset with all this, for some reason, consider finding a character that won't cause that effect in you. I didn't really make any of this with the intent of causing people to get depressed.
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straighttohellbuddy · 2 years
you know me {Wilbur Soot} // 1
sigh no more
Summary: As much as you love your university dormmates, you wished they wouldn't try and wingman you every time you all went out together. The only thing that gets them and their good intentions off your back is telling them you're already seeing someone. What happens after that is at least partially their fault for misinterpreting your friendship with Wilbur... But it's also his for agreeing to go along with it when you ask, and it's definitely yours for not being more worried when he gleefully threatened to be the most embarrassing fake boyfriend the world has ever known. Need to Know: They/Them. Set late 2020ish?? University Student!Reader. childhood best friends with Wilbur.
{ masterlist }
A/N: 2452 words. so ive been struggling to exist lately which is why i haven't posted this earlier despite how much i love it. im not sure when the next parts will be though i have made a solid start for now, but i really do hope you enjoy this! solid feedback is also a fantastic motivator, so if you have any thoughts, feelings, or suggestions at all about what you might like to see in this story going futher, please let me know!! i hope you enjoy it <3 also im just gonna go ahead and say here that one of my favourite forms of intimacy is giving ur friends silly nicknames on messenger.
Warnings: References to drinking.
Taglist: @extremeloserr @ahsteriawrites @mishthemess @spencer-not-reid1 @esylwen @lovejoyenjoyer @harbingerofheartbreak @lavcha @axeofwars @hiredars0nist @boiled-onionrings @river-exe @artsycanongoer @ghostyv @mitbin24 @generalnav @raes-gay @btwimskyvv @midnightsky1213 @lastwandastan @alive-woman-sitting @musiclovebot
Taglist is always open! Feel free to message or comment if you’d like to be added! xx
Your class is running far later than you'd expected on a Friday afternoon when your phone starts blowing up with messages. You had only been at university for a few weeks but finally had managed to schedule time to hang out with Wilbur, and had wanted to show him around your new dorm, so messages from him were to be expected. As you check your phone, however, you realise you forgot to tell the rest of the people who lived in your dorm that he would be meeting you there.
[Y/N literally is this your man? Come collect him from the sofa if u know him or let me know if I should call campus security] Your Residential Advisor sends to your dorm's group chat along with one of the awkwardest photos of Wilbur you've ever seen in your life. In class you choke on a laugh before seeing a series of messages from Wilbur as he'd been navigating around the campus until finally -
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): like ted bundy]
Your whole face scrunches up with fond but well worn exasperation as your lecture across campus finally comes to an end. You respond first to the dorm group chat, assuring them that he was indeed your friend, and that you'd left your room unlocked if someone could show him there so he wouldn't have to awkwardly wait in the living area, before finally turning your attention back to Wilbur's messages.
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: nobody thinks you're Ted Bundy can you please just be normal while interacting with my dormmates]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: my RA let you in she's gonna show you to my room you can wait there]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): I'm so normal right now I asked about the Weather! Small Talk! ]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): seriously tho this is so awkward she definitely thinks I'm a creep]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): which I AM but that's usually part of the long con, not a vibe I like to give off at the start]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): thats a joke]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): obviously]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): but actually please get here soon she definitely wants to call security on me I'm pretty sure]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate): please tell her I'm not a murderer]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: alfkalflakfls]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: no someone just told her you're an internet celebrity lol you're fine]
[hamilton kinnie(affectionate):😐]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: not me lol]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: I didn't even remember to tell them you were coming to the dorm today why would I mention something like that]
[🦀in my crab arc 🦀: you passed the vibe check tho]
And you send a screenshot of the group chat where someone had mentioned that he was the awkwardest man they'd ever seen, but a few others had chimed in that he had a 'cute, shiny face' that made sense for an internet celebrity. Someone had screenshotted and close cropped his name from Twitter already and just commented 'FROM CHARLOTTE'S WEB?????' which had the latest response of '😳🕸️SOME PIG🕸️😳' which had the most positive reactions of any message in the chat.
You assure Wilbur you've told them not to be weird, which does little to alleviate his concern, but thankfully you're climbing the stairs to your dorm and are only moments away. Your RA gives you a look which you shrug helplessly at, but thank her nonetheless as you abscond to your room to put Wilbur out of his misery.
"It's different to how I imagined it," is the first thing Wilbur says to you. The door isn't even properly closed, and you're setting your bag down by your desk before you give him a wry smile.
"Better or worse?" The door closes with a click and you cock your head to the side, watching him while he gazes around at the way you've decorated the little dorm room from where he's perched on the edge of your bed.
"That's entrapment," his face lights up with an amused grin, still looking around, "I'm used to your old room," and when you sit beside him and flop back to look at the ceiling, he follows suit, "it's nice here, well decorated." And there's something about his strangely reserved tone that has you sighing.
"They're not gonna be weird about it," you assure him softly; unfortunately you were able to intuit what was worrying him fairly well. This isn't the first time you've had a conversation like this.
"You know I don't think it's your fault," he tells you matter-of-factly, turning to look at you, "but people -"
"- are weird," you finished with the faintest disappointment, knowing all too well that he was right. Still, you're glad he's here, and you tell him as much. He smiles at that, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.
"We could go," you suggested, "I could plan better for next time and give you the full tour in the middle of the day when everyone's in class," the earnest offer makes his smile widen to something fond, "come on, we can get dinner and eat at your place, get on the piss at a pub across town; barely anyone goes past walking distance here." His whole face scrunches up with something all kinds of bashful and fond as he hides the expression against your shoulder, smacking you with his forehead hard as you speak, "I'm only here for a year, dude, you've seen it, that's all I require, I'm content, you never have to come back, which does mean there's a good chance I'll be living at your place on weekends but -"
"- and you'll spend your weekdays wasting away here in your well decorated Fortress of Solitude -" he snorts, shifting back to lay beside you properly, but at least now he's grinning.
"- I have friends outside of you," you remark flatly, smirking.
"I never agreed to that," Wilbur plays at being offended, and you sit up if only to shove him in the side.
"If you're really so jealous I can move in with you -"
"Into what? My linen cupboard?" He sits up too, giving you a right shove back, which has you skittering to your feet, crossing the small space to lean against your desk once more, looking at him with a sharp grin.
"You already having a housemate is not my problem," you stick your nose in the air and try not to laugh at the whole charade. As the bit slowly dies but the good mood remains, you ask if he wants to leave now, or later.
"I quite like it here," he says instead of answering properly, looking around again with a newfound fondness, "I might live here; gonna give up my place and move in. You're okay to sleep on the floor and be the only one paying rent, right?" After a moment, you school your expression into something neutral as he plays up his innocence.
"Wil, did you ever hear that Flight of the Conchords song Petrov, Yelyena, and Me?" You ask with a blithe smile. You can see the moment he remembers the song and it's premise, the way amusement lights up in his eyes as he keeps his expression otherwise controlled.
"The one where they eat their unwitting roommate in his sleep?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Never heard of it," he refuses to break eye contact, "haven't the foggiest," he sits back a little, "on an unrelated note, how about snacks, and something on Netflix, and I don't move into your dorm?" Giving a toothy grin, you finally break and laugh, agreeing easily.
You pass him your laptop from your bag and tell him where the charger is while you head out to the shared kitchen to get snacks for you both.
"You guys joining us tonight?" There's more than just your RA in the common room now; a few of your dormmates are sitting around the kitchen island preparing for predrinks. They'd already invited you earlier in the week, but you'd declined in favour of hanging out with Wilbur.
"What?" Now in the presence of other people who definitely knew who your best friend actually was, you could feel yourself growing tenser.
"You and Wilbur, you know you're always welcome to pregame with us, he is too," your RA smiled so kindly, as if trying to reassure you.
"We won't be weird about it," one of your dormmates assured earnestly, "it's cool that he's your friend." The girl next to her elbows her pointedly and averts her gaze, trying to hide her smile.
"He is," you blurt out, "my friend that is. He's my best friend, and he has been for ages, so just... don't be weird -"
"Come on, we're not being weird!" The first girl tries again, before giving a long sigh, "we'll try not to be weird," she concedes.
"You can't blame us for being a little curious about him," your RA says carefully, "he's a pseudo-celebrity on the internet, he -"
"Yeah but he's not a spectacle," you countered sharply, brow furrowing. You open the fridge into silence, "he's my best mate, he was before any of the internet stuff, and he's a person before any any of it; can you guys just treat him like that?" And you grab a bottle of soft drink from the fridge, closing it again, leaning your forehead against the cool metal with your eyes closed, "sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."
"No, we get it," one of the girls says sincerely.
"Do you and your friend Will wanna do pres with us?" The other offered kindly, and you take a deep breath, grateful for their understanding.
"I'll ask," you tell them, and all three give a little cheer at that, "no promises," you warned with a half-smile, and they all nodded quickly, thankfully all wearing grins.
The minute you step back into your room, however, you're startled by Wilbur standing only a foot from the door. His arms are crossed awkwardly over his chest, hands tucked into his armpits, cheeks puffed out and eyes wide as he rocks back on his heels with the movement of the door. He looks... kind of guilty. Also like he's trying desperately not to look guilty.
"I wanted to ask about the bathroom," all came out in a rush, and you, door still open, sighed, "you took longer than expected," he added; you hung your head. He'd heard your outburst at the very least, that much was clear. Stepping aside you tell him the bathroom is across the hall, hoping to use the brief moment to come up with some sort of an apology.
Instead, as he leaves, he heads to the common room first, and you can see from your door as he raps his knuckles on the empty doorframe, garnering the attention from the three girls in the room.
"Hello, hi, I'm Wilbur, Y/N's friend Will," its an akward if amicable start, jerking his thumb over his shoulder to your bedroom door where you stood still watching.
"Y/N's friend Will!" All three in the kitchen practically chorus, like they were somehow aware that he knew about the conversation that had just occurred and it was all an inside joke. Well, it does get Will to chuckle.
"I was told there was an invite to drinks, is that still on the table?"
"Uh, yeah of course," you can hear your RA answer, though she manages to regain her composure, "it'll be us and the guys from over there," you don't see her gesture but knew she'd be pointing to the block across your joined balcony, "we start drinking pretty much any time after sundown, but will be heading to the club around ten."
"It's a theme night - neon," one of the girls added, "not that you have to dress up or anything, but I'm about to make a run to the costume shop for any face paint if either of your guys want some, that's pretty much all I plan to do for pres," she laughs brightly as the others groan about how it's going to end up a mess, and Wilbur looks over his shoulder; he knew you'd be there, but gives a grin nonetheless.
He raises his eyebrows in silent question, and you, so endeared having watch him mend bridges that weren't even his problem, smile and shrug; sure, why not.
"We'll be there," he tells them, which elicits another round of cheering from the three prepping in the kitchen, "lovely to meet you ladies," a sentiment which is echoed back at him, and from there he finally actually heads to the bathroom.
The interaction you'd witnessed has you feeling all sentimental, and as you close your door and head back to your bed where Netflix is waiting, you can't wipe the goofy grin from your face.
"I guess you can move in here if you want," you tell him with this silly, saccharine tone, and Wilbur laughs before he even closes the door, "I'll sleep on the floor, you win."
"Nah," he shrugs, kicking off his shoes finally.
"Lost interest?" You raised your eyebrows at him and he gives a dubious glance over your bed. Then, almost as if he feels guilty about admitting as much, he sits beside you, back against the wall that served as your headboard.
"I literally don't fit, Y/N," he pointed out, kicking at your wall to draw attention to how dangerously close his feet are to the end of the bed already. You allow your tone to get teasingly sappy as you tell him he fits in your heart, and all he can do is rolls his eyes with a half smile, the sacchrine silence lasting right up until you pull your laptop onto your lap an a notification from your dorm's group chat flashes up in the bottom corner of the screen.
[🕸️SOME PIG🕸️ confirmed for pres!!]
It was one of the girls who had been in the kitchen, but Wilbur's expression seemed to flash through all five stages of grief upon seeing it, despite the growing number of heart emojis for the message.
"Oh god, is that really what they're calling me?"
Pulling out your phone you text the group to remind him that his name is Wilbur. Immediately, however, you get the response that 'that's too obvious'. Beside you, Wilbur snorts a laugh.
"What? Like I'm a secret agent?" Which you then send word for word in the group chat, attributing it to Wilbur himself as he buries his face in his hands and you quietly cackle. They were trying, in their own way, to accommodate your request to 'not be weird about it', which you were grateful for, so at least this you were happy to laugh about.
So they end up deciding to call him Charlie; it's short for Charlotte's Web.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Can I get E, F, I, and W for the slenderman fluff alphabet, please? Your take on my favorite pasta cryptid of all time is so nice and interesting. Adds a certain depth I don't typically see.
Fluff Alphabet w/ Slenderman but it's these letters!
side thing but guys go listen to redoin by jerryterry its so fucking good im listening to it on loop while im writing this and its making my vibrate
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stone cold exterior, warm squishy interior. still hung up on the "slenderman longs for companionship just like everyone else but rarely gets that need met due to his nature and way of existence"
in other words he can be a passionate sap in regards to you, behind closed doors. he can wrapped up easily in things, so sometimes his passion can be mischaracterized as rage or annoyance but rest assured he's not angry with your existence
right in the middle of the "heart on the sleeve" and "cold and distant" thing, he feels he needs to keep up his image of powerful monster but he doesn't let you think at any moment that you're not important to him
i don't think he would want kids, and thats assuming he even can. in my au he was created by zalgo with the sole purpose to cause problems for people, i dont think zalgo was thinking about whether or not slenderman can reproduce when he making him
of course adoption is always an option, and who knows, maybe if you guys find some stray kid in the woods he might just take them in
this is where my take on slenderman strays a lot from the original since i personally think slenderman just. kicks kids out of the woods (which leads to them talking about him, which leads to slenderman being a known cryptid in universe) but thats mostly just me not wanting to dwell on child death + giving the dude some level of morals that at least somewhat align with the self loathing that comes with his "i dont want to eat people but i have to in order to survive" thing
but hey i think thats because i love those comics where people draw predator and prey animals where both sides are sympathetic
love shit like that
slenderman is only one part of this huge web that we call nature, simply existing because that's just how things are
whips and nae naes
rest assured that he will tear the world apart should someone or something ever send harm your way. god forbid you are mortally wounded or even killed
he knows some basic first aid stuff thanks to watching people for so so so long, but he's a kriller not a healer, he doesnt know what to do if youre losing a bunch of that red liquid that fuels your insides
oddly calm about it, though, though with the way he holds you you can feel his rage seething under his skin
he himself /can/ get injured but its rarely something to fret about unless its like, from some real powerful person or some human who knows how to take down a specific man eating forest demon; i've actually never really thought about what conditions would need to be met to outright krill slenderman but
when he's the one hurt he insists you not to worry, it's going to take a LOT to keep him down
if you're injured and its something he can treat he will make sure you take it easy but hes not going to baby you about it
okay so im writing this segment first because i can write a whole essay and really i dont know if theres going to be anything stopping me from doing just that. curse you jerryterry, the bops are so good. anyways onto the topic; a lot of my interpretation of slenderman is admittedly based around the early fandom characterization of him + a very specific fic that will remain nameless (though im more than happy to spill the link in dms, said fic also has some influence over my entire au/hc thing but thats not todays topic)
despite what many may think, i feel like, at least with my hyper specific take on slenderman, i feel like he wouldnt want you to fight along side him or be a proxy. only time i can see him date a proxy or fellow kriller is if you were already one prior to the relationship. in my au, slenderman resents his own existence for being what he is, and if he could he WOULD choose to be something else; however he cant rewrite the laws of this universe or fight against his biological functions
like i can go on an entire tangent, but my au is still so scrambled around that im not entirely sure where to start or how im going to make it make sense, but i feel like he would much rather keep you by him and safe (and even then i feel like thats pushing it, sure hes more than capable of protecting you but what if something stronger than him comes and fucks shit up? not all the creepypasta characters are buddy buddy)
but perhaps i will write a collection of loosely connected one shots one day detailing the world building and dynamics
i make no promises
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 9 months
Im not super sure on how this works actually but Im kind of new to the writing scene, and I’ve fallen 100% in love with the Batfam, I wanna write for them and make good content.🫡🫡
Do you know any good places like maybe discord servers? Or other communities where we’d discuss ideas, help each other write maybe even Beta read for each other?
Any tips, tricks, or anything concerning finding a writing group would be totally appreciated 🫡‼️‼️‼️‼️
I need you to know that to me your username looks like I'm being saluted by the word watercloud.
I know there are Discord servers. I am not in them, except for one specifically for fans of Cor Et Cerebrum and another that I think is hibernating. I'll give some advice, but please understand that the advice is 100% biased by my own experience and how I found friends in the fandom.
I would actually recommend looking to make friends first, rather than to find beta readers. Like sure, you can find someone to swap fics with and maybe that's fine, but for me, I'm not going to take writing advice from some random stranger. I have to know and trust them first! And I'm also personally not going to be super keen to volunteer time to help someone else with their fic if I don't know them first, either. I don't have a writing group. I have a friend group, and some of us write, and sometimes we ask for advice or opinions on WIPs. And sometimes we don't.
To that end, I would work on just... existing in the fandom. Comment (friendly-like) on posts, submit asks like you've just done, write your own original posts and send them out into the void. Have fun! Connect with other people! Fandom is actually a really solid place to make friends because you already know you have a foundational interest in the same thing. It's a really cool friend-making cheat code.
Since you are interested in friends who also write, specifically, another thing you can do is find writers you like on AO3 and check their bio to see if they have a tumblr account. Apply Step 2 above. (Also leave positive, supportive comments on their fics. There are people I am not friends with because I am an awkward and reclusive goober, but I know their names from comments and if they tried to befriend me, I would be wholly amenable.)
Also you can just, like, write things. And post them. And then respond to people who comment. And go comment on their stuff. A little bit spider/fly, luring them to you rather than seeking them out, but it works and takes away the procrastination excuse of "Ohhhh, I can't write until I have a ✨writing group✨"
Or you could just make a post with a call for anyone looking to form a writing group, I guess.
Anyone looking to offer advice in the replies, please remember to @ the saluting cumulonimbus so they get a ping.
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bigwishes · 1 year
Why are you writing so much stuff about asian men is it a fetish thing can I get a story of a white skinned twink taking muscle from guys at the gym?
I have also written a tonne of stuff about white men transforming. I don't have a fetish for Asian men, or Black men, or Latino men, rather I just love muscle and size. I love when Asian men are huge and massive, I love when Black men are huge and massive, I love when White men are huge and massive and all other kinds of guys being huge and built like a tank. Race isn't connected to it at all, I simply am a slut and a whore for all massive meatheads. However all things considered lately I am tending to write more about men of colour in the non prompt stories I'm writing and thats because for a majority of my prompts I get the default is white and thats not a bad thing but men of colour are members of this community too and I want to give them stories they can enjoy as well, not just seeing scenarios they find hot only reflected in race tf. I dunno man I had a conversation with someone a few months ago and he said how he was black and his fantasy was to be turned into a white twunk whilst his boyfriend got turned into a black bodybuilder but its hard for him to even find stories where a black man exists as the character without it being a guy becoming a black man and from that point I have just made an effort to try and be more inclusive with the kinds of guys represented, which I'm not perfect at but Im getting better.
Typically the way I write a story is I have a general concept, then I find a picture for a jumping off point and tie it all together. The happened with my last story "no backsies" where the first image was one I found hot so all other images were based around it.
As for your story request, Im pretty sure I already have a story like that somewhere on my page, but I want to take a moment to just say anyone who is sending me a prompt you dont have to include it in the prompt if you dont want to but if you want to DM me telling me some basic details like your race so your story can feel a bit more personal please do because I know it can be disappointing getting a notification saying there was a reply to your prompt only to see the images don't line up with you. Men of colour exist in this community and they deserve transformation stories too. (Side note, if this makes you feel comfortable to ask for a prompt that's great however don't expect it to be answered for a while I'm in the middle of final assessments and starting exam prep so I'm very hit or miss with responding to prompts and writing in general rn) Happy wishing to everyone in the community.
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panuccispizza · 1 year
Hi, you said to send you an ask if anyone has more ideas for the neurodivergent aid post - Maybe weighted blankets sold by IKEA? IKEA is available in a lot of places, they have different weight options, the product is called ODONVIDE.
ohh!! this is a great idea, thank you!! hope you don't mind I expanded on this with more weighted items.
here's a link to the 13.2lb twin size, they also come in 17.6lbs and 22.1lbs, just going off the Google ads.
here's an alternative link to a cheaper option from target, these can also be in the store but im sure the price fluctuates. my app currently says this one is $30 but it's set to my store, it can be different based off location, availability, and eventually when the deal ends or begins again.
there are many Amazon listings for different weighted blankets, as well as options on Etsy.
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( image description: a general weighted blanket guide chart comparing the users body weight to the blanket weight, for safe use for the individual, or couple. general rule is your blanket being 10% of your body weight. /end description )
if blankets are not the product for you, but you still want something weighted;
Amazon has weighted hoodies, I know I'd personally enjoy this a Lot more.
Etsy, Amazon, and maybe even a local grocery store near you has weighted and/or microwavable plushies. please check the product information before you put your plushie in the microwave.
I don't have a weighted heating pad myself, but when my cat lays on me I know in my heart it would've helped me so much with my PMDD when i was still menstruating.
i can't find a weighted version of my favorite fidget toy(the tangle, if anyone knows that one exists lmk!) but I recall Markiplier reviewing fidget toys and his #1 favorite was the ONO roller, and he said it was rather weighty. I don't actually watch Markiplier since gaming YouTube isn't my thing but I trust his opinion.
ok I'm running out of ideas here. hand weight to help your fine motor skills in your hand, if you have shakey hands. there are a lot of disabled people out here who I believe would benefit from something like this, especially if you're someone who does crafts with their hands such as crochet.
since I've already gotten one angry anon, I am not sponsored or making any sort of money off any of this.
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heleizition · 8 months
DAMN not me being like whos cody and the plot post being like GODS FUCKING CLONE CHILD. tell me everything we love an apocalypse harbinger. also CAIN MY BOI poor baby needs that therapy. also the whole 'and god thought mh well i liked that lets try again'? chefs kiss. I Wish To Know The Past Lives by you categorised as kinda boring THING pls. does cain get a bestie? someone give this man a bigger support and luv system. also vik is a BABY? a former child. A BABY!! also W HA T is that fuckery with jasper tell me absolutely everything please
so in the plot post i mentionned there's a memory thing. everyone remembers bits here and there of their past life, and usually demons mostly remembers bad things they did bc thats how u manipulate people into doing more things that are . not good. cody and jasper are the only ones with no memories of past life bc they were created in this realm, and had no past life. she has no idea she's god's soldier, They sent her down there mostly for Their own entertainement and everything she does is her own choice and will, even if god can "feel it" (which is why . they end up sending the whole lil family back on earth . for a chance to be happy. bc they feel cody's happiness.)
for the rest :
past lives ! um ill put lil warnings before. each lives.
Nell & Belly : tw for child abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, adults not helping like they should lol
Nell and Belly (btw their full names are Nathanel and Anabelle) are born twins, nell just a few minutes before his sister. their mother died at birth which sent their father (an already not . good guy) into deep constant rage and pain . once they grow up a bit . i mean like. 7 or so. theres sexual abuse happening . and beatings. selling out his kids for a night for money. nothing fun. nell and belly get through it together until at like 16 nell (who's like, underfed, short, no muscles) snaps and stabs their dad over and over again .
nell only remembers this, killing his dad, with absolutely no context behind (protecting himself, protecting his sister, freeing them) so he thinks he used to be a Bad person. after that they get placed in the system, ig theres a trial but its ruled as legitime defense, and once they're 18 belly just. vanishes. they both deal very differently with what their whole life was, nell cant go on, can barely support himself, thinks he should have died right then, and belly flees from nell to find . somewhere where she can forget. she regrets it but nell dies before she can reconnect (not sure how, his death isn't rly whats important here,,, im thinking . so numb he can't rly recognize whats around him . walk in front of a car. yeah). belly struggles to have a happy life after that and ... im not sure how she dies yet. im thinking drowning bc its a thing that almost happens in the farm au....
as an angel, she doesnt remember much, because there wasn't much happiness in her life. also these two as twins have a bond that still connect them in angel/demon realm ! so they know the other exist and they remember once they meet !!
eden : tw for transphobia, drugs, suicide, abusive family ?
i'll go short w him bc it's not pleasant and it makes me sad <==== guy who MADE this backstory
eden is trans, always feels out of place as a kid, as a teen. his parents kick him out at eighteen bc they "can" and bc even if eden never said anything, they Know and don't want him in here. he has a friend who helps for a while, until the rumors spread about him being a ~ freak ~ and his friend is like. im sorry my parents cant let u impose in the house. anymore. : /// . eden is lost and desperate and doesn't know what to do, sells himself, gets into drugs to get through the days, finds out the days aren't worht getting through, kills himself. yay
he's one of the few who's always remembered his past fully,,,
LENA lena my BABYGIRL um tw for war mostly
this happens in a fictif medieval era lmao she's the princess of a kingdom, daughter of a kind king and queen, destined to rule, fighting among the army already, everyone loves her, except her small kingdom gets torn apart by another kingdom, not that much bigger, but with much greater military strength. the country gets torn apart before the army, the king and queen can do anything. the enemies arrive to the capital and lena doesn't even ask and joins the vanguard. she uses a sword at this point, get through enemies after enemies, and it looks like there's hope, until one of the enemy's captain reach her. it's a bit of a eowyn versus the nazgul vibe in lotr except lena doesn't win. she's slain, and slowly dies on hte battlefield with her beloved country burning, and the people she swore to protect screaming and dying.
she's very loved. i care her so much. she's my default when idk what to draw :3 she remembers being a loved princess, and slowly remember the last fight. it haunts her, the weight of losing this fight, that she couldn't do more, even if it's from a time long gone.
titania ummmm well theres grooming. witch hunt and betrayal.
i have to research the exact period titania's past happens, but its between late 1400 and early 1600s i think !
she loses her parents very young and thus, is cared for by the local church. there's a priest here who teaches her to use her looks and innocence as a way to get things, information, food, anything. once she's 13/14, he starts showing her the more physical way to do so.
she starts using sex as a way to learn things. she's the person who knows the most about anyone in the village. she's an important figure, one who's gifted things to keep silent, who gives her body in exchange for things to hang up against someone. she hates the priest who made her who she is . she couldn't have been something else, happier, lighter, but she's this, and she's too deep in to just stop.
she's too powerful, she knows too much, and when there's word in the village of a witch inhabiting it, they all turn to her. they have a way to get rid of her and the power she holds over them. she screams what she knows when she's brought to the center of the village, screams her hate of the priest who made her who she is, destroys everyone's nice little life because it cost hers. she dies burning, and everyone chooses to act like they never heard her in her final day.
she's the wise calm one who's actually full of anger and wrath. i love her a lot. there's this french song i love ("a witch like any other") which talks abt . women. women and men treating women like they're granted. and like. its a titania song. if u wanna give it a listen this version is amazing altho it's more powerful if u know french....
VIK UM OKAY not much tw here. it's just fucking sad. im a terrible oc parent. it's also heavily inspired by hell's girl season 3's protagonist past..................... it's basically that tbh SOEJFEFSJS
his mother and him are not allowed in the village. his mother is sick. he doesn't know it, he just follows his mother. she's kind and beautiful, gives him food and tells him stories. he's 4. they can't get in the village and he doesn't know why, so they find dry places in the woods to live. it's fun, it's everything he's ever known. one day his mother doesn't wake up, so he goes to try and find food by himself, to surprise her. when he's back, she's still not awake. she's stiff and cold, so he gives her his blanket and waits. days pass. he's hungry, he's thirsty, he's 5, he doesn't know anything, doesn't know how to go on, the usually places he finds bits of food are empty. it's colder and his mother hasn't moved since that day.
it's snowing. it's pretty. he wishes his mom could wake up and see it but he's starting to think that maybe she won't.
vik dies, age 5, in the forest, cold hungry and alone.
he doesn't remember anything, and his ignorance nd naivety makes him so much easier for noah to manipulate him. she doesn't mean to at first, she sees a child who could use some help, and she's always wanted a child. but they're at war, and sacrifices need to be made.
ABEL AND CAIN'S PAST ISNT CLEAR TO ME RN IM SORRYYYYY SOMETHING ABT ABEL BEIGN A RULER AND CAIN HIS SHADOW WHO KILLS FOR HIM YAGHHHHHH IDK MAN abel slowly remembering that he was a mercyless king who made his people suffer just like hte people he's trying to fight rn,,,,,,,,,,, honey
i don't have much planed for cain in tame of support rn im sowwy.................... i wanna work on it tho.......... i have a lot of secondary charactres that he could fit with...............
noah used to be a cool fearless pirate stealing rich people to give to the poor in her hometown mostly. finding strays and helping them. i love that for her . she was a good guy, a robin hood, and then her devotion to god fucked her up (aka hermit the frog by marina). she jst fights bc she thinks it will bring peace until she learns god was just Bored lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don't think i forgot anyone ? if i did i am sorry (bows down to my kids)
jasper's thing......................... well. there's always been experiments. trying to find a being Higher. jasper was created in a lab. then he and another kid, angel this time, were fused. the scar is most likely due to this . for the longest time jasper just thought he had a strong inner voice but it's this other kid (no name yet sowwy!!!!!!! im coming up with this on the spot actually which is why i like being asked abt them it makes me THINK). he's the only saved experiment from this. abel and cain had been sent to investigate on a demon who's part of the high council, but who some people thought was shady. he indeed was. they destroyed eveything (u don't toy with life) and found jasper. omg . they both kind of raised him . ohhhhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHH
anyway later in the story, belly and him are fighting opponent, belly is cool and strong but she almost dies and well . those two are in love and it makes jasper's inner angel wake up along with some new powers. not sure exactly what!!!! im thinking !!!! ok i gotta go grocery show now BE BACK SOON BC I SEE MORE THINGS IN MY INBOX
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
Ayase Koyuki!! (For ask game) 🙏😭💕 I’m curious about Shino Hajime answers too but someone else will probs say him..? 🤔
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KOYUKIII!!! also you are right someone else asked for hajime too sldkjflskdfm
favorite thing about them: everything. his design is so good and he is so kind. beloved <33
least favorite thing about them: the fact that he barely exists as his own character. come on honeyworks. give me an mv already please
favorite line: i really like the kokuhaku rival sengen war theme, it's fun! so maybe the chorus line, "wait a second, imperfect knight. to you and the person you like, i send with all my might (let's go!) my declaration of war"
brOTP: koyuki and mochita!!! they're such a fun duo <33 i also like them as bfs but both work sdlkfmsdljkf
OTP: i'm super super looking forward to his development with ryou!!! the flower shop theme and ryou's love for cosplay have me !!! im soooo excited, cosplay shitai no was my most played song on spotify last year sldkjfmsldf
nOTP: none!
random headcanon: i think he still goes to visit hina and kotarou at the gardening club sometimes <3
unpopular opinion: hmmm i don't know what opinions are unpopular so idk if i have any lol lskdjfmsjkdls
song i associate with them: besides his own 🤔 im not sure rn
favorite picture of them: this one is super high up there!!!! thank you for everything yamako its sooooo good wagh
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
I'm sorry if my ask came of the wrong way. I'm bad with words and especially via text. Tbh I've known about your blog for a while now because of other blogs talking about you. I can understand the overwhelmingness of how so many people on your throat. I will say while I understand your feelings towards that blog. I don't think they created that account specifically targeting you. I've seen older posts where they are calling out toxic stans who harassed grace as they should. I think and I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way again. I believe the reason her are so many others have an issue with that dead dove fic is because while yes it was submitted. You chose to share it knowing the context of the fic. I think others are seeing it as you supporting it and liking the fic. Even though it's a dead dove fic I believe there are still topics that shouldn't be written about. But that's just me personally I know not everyone feels that way. Also English isn't my first language so I apologize if I come off a a certain way not my intentions. I hope in some way this has brought clarity to the situation even though im sure you're mind is already made up about.
Hi dear, thank you for this very kind and thoughtful message. I agree with you, it may have started out as a “callout” blog, but, as could easily be predicted, it has become pretty solely focused on targeting and harassing me. And that is incredibly wearisome.
I recognize and respect your opinion on dead doves. If because I shared a dead dove, that means you or anyone else needs to block me for their own mental health and safety, I would encourage them to please do so, so whatever makes their online experience safe and joyful.
As for me, I do believe dead dove fics have a right to exist. They are not something I read (someone literally asked me not too long ago what I thought of one they sent me, and my answer was I couldn’t read it because it was personally triggering, but if they enjoyed dead doves, that does not mean they’re a bad or evil person).
So in that context, if someone sends me a dead dove, I’ll probably continue to post it on my untagged and NSFW personal blog, because a “callout blog”, however self righteous they believe themselves to be, will never get to dictate what I do and do not post. And that is final.
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seoafin · 1 year
Hello Morgan :) I just read chapters 1 & 2 of Dog days are over and .. xhsbacbksdjcb it was so good I have become incoherent. hence why - -- hhhh .... when i .. when he- when. they. hhh .. .... when- the mc- ....
Wah, I can't even find the words to describe how enamoured I am of it. Stsg? ? Forget about them .. Who are they anyways. Irrelevant. I am instead giving you and rip!mc flowers (if you want them, or any little gift you want!) .. Mc .. she deserves the world. i mean these three words, i do. Stsg are so annoying honestly. I would fall for her face first. The way you do with that one high school friend you have a very queer friendship with .. oddly specific but yeah I love her sm LMAOO. And you !! You deserve to get *all* the love you put in your works back tenfold and more for your wonderful writing, Morgan!!
I have already sent a few asks full of compliments on anon but tbh I would repeat what I said word by word as many times as it's needed. This fic alone is a lot of work from all points of view, and I want to let you know I personally am grateful for the chance to read it .. It's enriching (I hope this is an actual english word lol) and it's pleasant to read; the universe you created is vibrant .. realistic as in immersive and (sometimes painfully) relatable, especially the mc - she feels so human and I think I can say I relate and have related to her, which is a little sad - but reading it also feels comforting (i believe that truly is the unifying potential of fanfic and writing in general).
There are so many things i could say about these two chapters but i think i'll leave them for AO3 comments (didn't someone say tumblr asks are temporary but ao3 comments are permanent?). Rn I just want to focus on how beautifully outlined rip!mc's feelings are. The loneliness .. The image of a single mother and her kid in her apartment .. Her thinking about her future (woah, that one hurt. in a good way though) and the prospect of being left behind .. I've been going through quite strange times (& writing sad stuff? idk why it is, is it the strange weather?) so that passage was kind of the nail in the coffin, the final blow for me - but in a good, cathartic way, i promise!! (also. i loved "nail in the coffin" - i hope i got the title right. it did something to me. my dirty mind couldn't stop thinking about the way geto stole mc's panties mainly because i have too many [redacted] geto thoughts and that includes panty taking. but this is just a side note.) (and gojo. the leash line. i think, in that, me and mc are different because i would've said yes in the blink of an eye - yeah that's concerning of me but everyone has their flaws right??. lol. the "what do you want" "everything" exchange. i don't think i'll ever recover. in a good way).
When i find something i like this much I think I'd need a 10k word frame minimum to analyze and dissect it over and over .. so I'll stop rambling for everyone's safety 😂. But yeah, I hope this silly comment gives you back even an ounce of the warmth your writing gives me (& i'm sure i'm not the only one)!! and please don't feel obligated at all to respond to this. I just really wanted to say these things :)). i hope you have a good day !
hi friend!!!!! can i just say how much i was smiling reading this because i was SMILING so hard my friend thought i was texting a man (as if please lmfao) everyone being so nice and encouraging about this fic is going to make me cry. like i was not kidding when i said that this fic was loved into existence because i had no intention of actually writing an actual fic for them!!! but im doing it!!! because everyone is so enthusiastic about it!!! im glad u and many others enjoy rip!mc because the amount of self sabotage in this fic....i need to endear her to everyone LOL
this ask gave me so much serotonin never apologize for sending it in!!!!! if anything have me back warmth and happiness in SPADES. thank you so so soo much for reading <3333 i hope u have such an amazing wonderful bright day 😭😭😭 once again i am so touched that you liked the fic enough to write me this wonderful ask 😭😭😭
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twdfcrged · 6 months
Just a reminder that I am not always comfortable following / following back blogs that stress a need for quick returns or don’t want people to reblog memes from them - without a tag in their memes tag reminding people they prefer for people to reblog from source (it takes seconds on your end and makes life easier for everyone truly) - I have a lot of blogs and follow hundreds of different blogs in different fandoms at any given time. I read rules first time I follow someone but I am highly unlikely to remember what one out of a hundred blogs I follow doesn’t want me to reblog memes from them. Seriously, add a tag to your already existing meme tag. It’s super easy. Makes everyone’s life better.
Also, I state from the start that I am not fast and that my reply return time can be months or years depending on muse and real world stressors. I have a lot of people I’m mutuals with on most of my blogs that accept that and continue to write with me and follow me to the blogs they want to interact with and will wait for me to come back around to threads or accept that my muse for a fandom has died died and move with me to the next. I like lots of fandoms and lots of characters. I am 42 yo. I have five kids, ten pets, I’m in uni, I take care of my house, my kids my pets. My health is shit. I have multiple life long debilitating diseases that’ll literally only get worse and I have ADHD, CPTSD, cyclic depression, PMDD, hypersomnia, insomnia and more okay I’m here to enjoy myself and have fun. It’s fun. It’s an escape. It’s creative play time with my buddies.
So please. Just. Keep all this in mind. I am here to have fun and I will always try to respect other peoples rules and preferences but we are all just human and if you care about zippy replies I’m not the gal for you. And if you don’t want people to reblog your memes help a gal out and add a note in your meme tag! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
All that said, I’m a stupidly easy going person and I love to plot and engage with people so. If you want to plot or scheme feel free to drop an IM or something into the ask box.
Also remember that this is a multi blog so if you would like a starter or meme from someone (or send a meme in) it helps me out a lot if you specify who you want! & who for if a multi. If you’re someone I talk to regularly and I know I can just poke and say yo who you want, it’s fine, but if we’re new to writing together it’s really, really helpful if you be sure to specify! Thanks lovelies. Hope y’all have a great day!
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johnthel · 8 months
The Flood Thing AU
Im writing this at 2am. SPOILERS, OBV. OKAY SO roles: Im very indecisive so i would love feedback on casting.
Mccready is Chief, but Cortana is also there but may not take the role of an existing character, since she's probably still just an AI.
Childs is Arbiter. Gary is Johnson? Or possibly Captain Keyes? I like the idea of him as Johnson better, BUT... with the end of the movie, and the big disgusting one at the end with him and nauls, i think it could work as keyes. I cant decide
I want to include Rtas for sure, and also Miranda Keyes. but after that I don't really know who else to include since I've stuck to the first 3 games and dont know any more side characters. So feel free to suggest and help me out please!
I'm thinking Rtas as Nauls just cus i like him so much, but Im really not sure it fits. I need the rest of the cast: Blair, Bennings, Norris, Palmer, Copper, Fuchs, Clark, and Windows.
My thoughts during this watch:
Chief trying to play chess with Cortana at the beginning lol
(X and Arbiter) "Chief wants the flame thrower!" "He wants the what?" "Thats what he said!" Very quietly under his breath: "Dammit"
X=unspecified character (doesnt have a role yet)
Mccready wears green i notice... very interesting...
So i mean, aliens obviously exist and have contact with earth in this au already and thats common knowledge. So i think their disbelief comes from the flood thing's powers, and maybe Where in space it originated from, and how it is obviously very sinister.
I havent thought of human and the covenant/cov rebels history yet or why this group is stationed somewhere so cold and im honestly too tired to. So whatever
Do they still dig it up out of the ice, and the humans are in disbelief that aliens made contact with them That long ago? Or did the flood thing land recently? Does some of the distrust of the humans come from thinking the aliens on their team could have something to do with this?
I think a good bit of mccready's dialogue would go to cortana instead of chief
Wait does that say Sexdozer 301
Fuuuck... ive always thought Childs is so fine...
(Chief) "Trust is a hard thing to come by these days."
I love this cus it focuses on Chief and Arbiter's tension for real... they dont trust each other and its so tense. Its great
(X and Arbiter) "What if we're wrong about him?" "Well then we're wrong."
(Chief) "Anyone messes with me and the whole place goes... Go on, burn me... Put the torch on the floor and back off. Way off."
(Arbiter and Chief) "You shall not bind me." "Then I'll have to kill you." "Then kill me."
...... i mean it, i guess you do (i'd exclude these lines tbh, i like it ending with THEN KILL ME... its just more hardcore for them to say nothing and then chief turns around and shoots a dude trying to stab him)
I think arbiter totally would cuss but he does it very under his breath and never wants anyone to hear. Lol. He learned his swear words from the humans but hes hesitant to say them in front of them
(Johnson as Gary) "I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH."
When they go under the tool shed where Blair was, its covered in that disgusting flood stuff, instead of the spaceship. Yick
Also i just think its interesting Blair, as human, was the one most determined to destroy transport and keep everyone there, but then as the thing he's the one building a ship to escape.
Not sure who Nauls would be.. cus whos left at this point would be Thel, Johnson, Chief, and Cortana technically, and nauls. Maybe.. nauls could be cortana? But i was thinking she would still be an AI, cus that just feels better cus its less of a change. So nauls could be someone else. My heart says Rtas just cus i love him so much. But i dont think so. Imagining Rtas on little roller skates jamming out is sending me though
God.. imagining when the flood thing takes over both human and sangheili and cant finish morphing, would be so cool
(Johnson as Gary and Chief, but it also sounds like a convo with Cortana tbh) "Generator's gone." "Any way we can fix it?" "It's gone, Chief."
THE ENDING IS SOOOOO GOOOOD. Childs missing for the whole final act until this point. And meets up with mccready. And the tension. Their impending fate. The mistrust... ive read that childs is definitely infected by the end, but its truly never confirmed WHICH I FUCKING LOVE. Because we, as the audience, are in mccreadys place by that point. We just dont know. We cant trust him.
The drink is really interesting. Two theories ive read, childs is so willing to share the whiskey which is suspicious (but i wonder if it could be interpreted as him accepting his fate?). The other is from a filmmakers art perspective, and that those who are infected throughout the movie have a certain gleam in their eyes, however ive never personally noticed this yet. Next watch i'll look for it.
(Arbiter and Chief) "The fire has the temperature up all over. It won't last long though." "Neither will we." .... "How will we make it?" "... Maybe we shouldn't."
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