#also im not drawing abs you cant make me
runerapier · 1 year
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get him out of my head
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aihaitahm · 1 year
if u have time can u plsss write ab vampire blade🙏🙏
vampire blade with gn! reader
cw blood mentioned
vampire blade and how instantly magnetized he was when you walked past him. he tends to always stay inside in the morning but elios assigned him to do something that morning and he grumbled, because why cant elios just grab silver wolf or kafka or anybody else to do it.
vampire blade purposely bumping into you to get interactions from you. he loves your voice and your looks make him lose his breath. mutual gazing and light touches. he started taking some morning chores/missions from elios which made the stellaron hunters question why he all of a sudden wants to take on these missions, where he would usually complain loudly.
vampire blade and when he’s secret admiration for you was out because of kafka, he begs and will even pay or play videogames with silver wolf to get your social medias. kafka is a big tease and would use you for black mail.
“bladie do you mind doing this mission for me?”
“well i guess i tell (name) about how you feel towards them. right bronie?”
“can you ever be more reasonable? fine i’ll do it.”
vampire blade and how he became flustered yet prideful when you first approach him to help you with something. some people were bothering you and you wanted him to make them go away because he naturally looks scary.
vampire blade giving you his number just in case you need help for anything. he was so smooth with it and even kafka and silver wolf was impressed while hiding behind the bushes. he texts you to make sure you got home safe and because he wants to talk to you.
vampire blade and him sharing his thoughts with you. he enjoys your company a lot. you both have gotten close and you show have mutual respect for each other. he gets a bit jealous when you hang out with other people. also you do notice how blade dresses up a lot in the morning as if he hates the sun and dresses more comfortably in the morning.
vampire blade reveals he was a vampire when you point about how he hates the sun. he was scared for your reaction but he had to get it out of the way. to his surprise, you werent shocked at all and you kinda knew along which made him quite disappointed when you said he’s quite obvious. sarcastic remarks sparked between you, making you both blush.
one night as you both were walking, monsters came up and came in the way. vampire blade knows how to fight and he always felt the need to always protect you. you fought along side with him and he was very skillful, you admired him for that. after the long fight, he felt quite thirsty and nauseaous. he did not want to drink out of you but if you offered… he wouldnt know how to react.
you noticed how thirsty and how vampire blade was suffering. you then unbuttoned your shirt and offered him a drink by your neck. vampire blade was hesitant but he was feeling like absolute shit.
“i apologize…” vampire blade held you close and tight. feeling the warmth of your body and the sexual tension between you both. you felt his hot fangs sink in deeper and deeper until he was drawing blood. you whimpered as he continued to suck at your neck, fingers playing with his hair.
as he finished, vampire blade noticed your obvious fatigued and brought you to the hunters’ place to get you aided. he carried you gently, and apologized. you being half awake and being dizzy, confessed to him so it is alright, as long he takes care of you. blade’s hand stiffen at your words. his usually pale skin, going bright red.
“its okay… i like you alot anyway maybe love too. just take care of me bladie…”
“idiot dont talk to me like your dying… of course im going to take care of you. youve always been mine and i… i like you too a lot.”
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mbslost · 3 months
hi. yes i came back for another yapping session, ironic.
i would like to express some of my feelings towards... some interesting things.
1. The Strade nazi drawing
i talked about his before, i am aware, but later (while reading other opinions as well) i got reminded about EP (Electricpuke for those who dont know him). did we all forgot HOW MANY nazi drawings he made? dont you believe that's an influence as well? if i remember correctly, Gato cut ties with him because of his abusive behaviour (there arent many people talking about this but some user are aware about his actions. sadly i wasnt in the community when that happened)
literally there are people calling Gato a nazi when she doesn't support the ideology. why did no one act the same with EP? different standards? the fact he left (probably) for good? still its not an excuse to call Gato a nazi. also she apologised multiple times. again MULTIPLE TIMES. even in the callout post in twt you can see the fact she IS sorry for drawing that. that she REGRETS it
edit: kay found a ss on tt from the user @/gorturic where Gato said this as well
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again, she doesn't support any nazi shit :/
2. The way others silence opinions that they dont like
im not saying you should be forced to agree with it, but when you make a callout account, normally, you let multiple people say their opinions over that thing. you can even show proof when you see someone is wrong. thats how argument work, crazy ik.
i start to see that if you defend Gato or just leave the community because the fandom its on thin ice, you'll be harassed and bullied for your choices. first of all, HOW ABOUT WE LEAVE PEOPLE THAT DONT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH BTD/TPOF ANYMORE ALONE. good? literally saw multiple users being harassed by this. its THEIR decision, suck it up. also can we stop SENDING DEATH THREATS???
or the fact that if you do have a point, they'll immediately cancel it with the "oh but its not important". it can be if you have some proofs for their misinformation (just like i proved the variety of poc characters Gato CREATED. didnt talk about Ren since he's another story)
3. Lack of proof for the side allegations.
if people noticed mods harassing people sm, why didnt they talk? why arent there ss of their conversations? we dont even know (most of us) what they even commented about (aside of Pussyspieler drawing). or the twt user that was wronged. that situation was like.. kind of a "im more autistic so you should shut up" (i have to add that i asked people on the spectrum about this and that was their point of view) of course the mod shouldn't have said it like that but.. its more of a misunderstanding really.. that doesnt mean you cant be upset. you absolutely can. everyone can react differently so dont harass them for feeling down or for being frustrated.
also the spanish (or mexican idk) users that just copied and translated @/renhanasgf posts with little to no new information. just the same thing. (although they said something of Gato not sending merch to latin America. probably because of the laws back then or the fact that the transport fee would be high af. im still searching for the reason tho so ill need some time for that one).
4. This fandom is messed up
people when fans of horror porn games are problematic 🤯. i agree that some people are being like extreme with their reactions, but no one is perfect here. just like i approached the situation completely wrong, they did the same. of course, now if you go around and be a racist piece of shit, you shoudl just stay off the internet for a while. luckily more approach the "like the art not the artist" thing.
look. you can always block users that you dont like (just like i do to those who are either into csam,thanks for telling me ab this term anon!, or incest). i know. shocking that people can block others.
after all these fandoms are not for the weak. there may be some safe spaces in it as well but... lets be real... its still going to be problematic. if you cant handle the community or how others act around here, then id suggest for you to not have a close interaction with others. like uhm, just, appreciate the content, not every person around here. just be aware of the users, stau safe okay?
5. Will i stop yapping?
not until i will see an agreement in the fandom. Gato is a human, of course she will do mistakes. especially if she's anxious or tired. having hundreds of people around you its hard and i can imagine it. having supoortive people only to wake up with people hating you. i hope she's safe and that she wont have to go to the hospital again. i pray for her well being, and to others that got spammed with those disgusting comments.
im not saying we should forget about this like.. her poor management and emotional way of responding to things, but is it truly worth it? to force a person to apologise just because they tried to fix things?
i also dont think ill stop because i just feel like im the only one that does talk here (trying to even prove wrong on some things). if others do it as well, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEE THEM😭 also because most people are still so confused about EVERYTHING. for some reason this drama its only getting more popular on tt for some reason.. which is a big no no since there are a lot of YOUNG people. i believe this should be talked here, and on twitter. (idk what to say about telegram)
ill stop here since my sickness got me. i will edit it later to add or correct myself but *sighs*
please stay safe and try to view more opinions over this. DONT SPAM OR HARASS ANYONE WHO ONLY WANTED TO EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. we'll see on Sunday how things will turn out.
(if i missed something out or said something wrong please correct me)
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
a modified list of rules for requesting for TADC! for the most part its the same as the original post, but with some important modifications! The inbox part is especially important as I will likely close and reopen requests several times depending on how many are sent in! While I did have loads of fun doing all the requests last week it was very overwhelming and extremely taxing on my mental and physical health <\3
That said, yahoo, I'm back!! Not sure how active I'll be today (11/4), since I'll be spending a lot of the day drawing and prepping for tonights dinner. But !!!
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How to request!
sending in a request is simple! you can go into my inbox and send in the character(s) you want! you can describe what kind of reader you want, as well as put in any scenario you want! If you are unsure on whether or not my requests are open, you can refer to my bio, which i keep up to date with of the request status! What all you can request will be detailed below!
What you can request/What I will write!
Please note that if you send in a request while they are closed it will not be answered**, so its best to hold on to your requests until theyre opened or to find another blog !!
**anything sent in while requests are closed will not be answered even after they were reopened; otherwise there wouldn't. Really be much of a point of the open/close system, yk?
you can request most anything so long as it is not listed in the will not write section! if anything slips by and makes me uncomfortable i will let you know!
romantic, platonic, and familial hcs are all welcome here!
the reader is GN by default, you can request a gender if you want, however due to the style of my writing it wont make much of a difference
you can request anyone from the entire TADC cast (save for bubble and Kaufmo), however i will note that occasionally some characters will be left out of full cast lists due to the admin not having any worthwhile ideas for a character. this is less of a "dont request certain characters/less characters" and more of a "hey this is headsup and this is a case by case thing but overall i do do the entire cast"
readers that are similar to existing characters! just a headsup that if i dont know the character i will rely on a character wiki or a friend who knows about the character! So theres a solid chance I may do a disservice to the character in question, heed this warning (/lh)
im also down for character x character! again if the ship makes me uncomfortable i will let you know so you dont have to wait on a request/can move on to a different blog to answer for you,,, should note I rarely do character x character so quality on these will be especially shotty
What you cant request/What I will not write!
no NSFW or kink related asks, please. this blog is SFW, anything that is NSFW or kink-adjacent will immediately be denied
no yandere. while i do write for jealous partners and readers, full yandere stuff is where i draw the line as i am not personally comfortable with the trope/the romance stuff surrounding it
general no no stuff (ab^se of any kind, active** SH, ect ect)
SH is allowed so long as its about healed wounds rather than the act itself being written
full fanfics and oneshots
I have the right to deny any request for any reason, be it discomfort or feeling underqualified to write about a certain topic. It is nothing against you, there are some requests I simply may not be able to complete. I urge that you respect that and to not push me to answer a request I have already denied
please do not spam or try to push me to answer your request sooner, i tend to answer requests in the order they have been sent; so while it may look like im answering a bunch of people and ignoring you, it is likely not the case! as well as this, sometimes tumblr eats stuff so sometimes it could also be that and i am unaware that you have requested something
my posts tend to be a short paragraph per character or a list of bullet point hcs, i am not at all confident in my skills of writing actual. fanfics, so uh uh .. yeah
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
answering your asks in one big post because you sent so many of them (update: added 2 more that just got sent)
hi guys. what the fuck
in plain text so i don't have to type out a million image IDs
Anonymous asked: "I am obsessed with your metal beasts and lore!! The designs are *chef's kiss* gorgeous and inspired and if you were to ever make print versions of the kinda diagram-like side view pieces of them I'd slap that stuff all over my walls ❤️❤️"
Answer: I'd have to pretty them up a LOT to get them print ready. But I think it would be cool to do a blueprint style version kind of like old diagrams of machinery with additional embellishments
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like this (source)
Anonymous asked: "have you ever posted any art of the dragons you've mentioned before? im really curious ab them"
Answer: I've posted sketches. I have trouble drawing diagrams because I am STILL torn between radial and bilateral symmetry... i know it should be radial but in my heart I prefer bilateral. So I'm thinking maybe it is radial but with a pseudo-bilateral look. It's definitely on my to-draw list
Anonymous asked: "just wanna pop in and say i love all your worldbuilding its so creative and fun, but as a dragon lover i ESPECIALLY adore your weird and funky dragons. i think its so cool when people push the boundaries on what a dragon can be (that versatility is a big part of their appeal to me in the first place) and your take is one of the most fun ive seen in a while"
Answer: as a marine biologist, I-
the dragons came after the beasts. I wanted to give them a reason for existing and 'knights fighting dragons' evokes such a great retro fantasy vibe that i loved it. The reason Pantera is a leopard (and not any other kind of big cat) is because in medieval bestiaries, leopards were said to fight dragons using their 'sweet breath'. You can see where I went with it. But dragons in these bestiaries have such variable appearances and can be virtually anything, like you said they're so versatile. For the people in this setting, the most they ever really see of dragons are the legs, tendrils, and the massive beak (which is mineralised like the pen of a squid). It's a creature really too big to comprehend, so they depict it in their diagrams as a bird-headed creature with wings and a back end made of serpents. but you can always tell in these illustrations whether the artist has actually seen a dragon in person.. because they won't draw it like this:
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@our-tiny-hotel asked: "where did you get the idea/inspiration for these stories?"
Answer: for mez, i like zoids, retro fantasy, speculative biology, and stories which explore themes of religion and its role in highly gendered systems of oppression (lbr it is fantasy catholicism. that's right... this is also a story about gender)
for inver: fairies man
Anonymous asked: "is nosewyse a dog? i cant find anything about it on your blog"
Answer: You can find Nosewyse here. He's the smallest Holy Beast and by far the most pathetic
@raskies456 asked: "Re: your tags on the Taurus art, how DO the smiths manufacture such massive single plates of metal?"
Answer: I'm going to draw some diagrams to explain but basically the theocratic empire sits on a massive wealth of iron ore so there's no shortage of it. Smiths can manipulate metallic elements using the dialogue tattoos on their palms - Mercury and Mars are the titles for enginesmiths and armoursmiths respectively. Enginesmiths use mercury because it doesn't interact with incandescent dragonsblood, and it's a liquid metal which in alchemical theory is Pure and extremely close to gold (free of sin u might say). The quicksilver is used to manipulate the insides of a working engine without having to physically touch it. Armoursmiths work on iron, but here's the issue: solid metal won't budge. It needs to be softened or liquid for the dialogues to have any effect. So the armoursmith teams are blacksmiths who heat up these mass amounts of iron using dragonsblood furnaces until the iron is malleable, and then in teams of 50 or more they slowly and painstakingly stretch and shape it into the desired form. that's how they make armour plating for Holy Beasts. The use of dialogue tattoos isn't like psychic telekinesis, but more like playing an instrument where the position of each finger has to be perfectly accurate in 3D space to produce the desired effect. it's a very physical job and incredibly skilled. Taurus's barge took decades to construct and thousands of workers.
Anonymous asked: "are you ever going to publish the book are you are writing"
Answer: maybe. the idea of traditional publishing doesn't appeal to me. might just be a "buy this pdf on itch.io" sort of deal
Anonymous asked: "Hi, im new here. I hope this isn't rude, but from what i can tell the gist here is that medieval people dug up what i can only assume are the still-living skeletons of otherworldly beings or perhaps demons and went "Wouldn't it be cool if we put flamethrowers in these guys and rode them to war" and then they do that thanks to jellyfish ooze from giant violent sky jellyfish?"
Answer: I can neither confirm nor deny (yes but also nooot quite ;))
Anonymous asked: "Jowd you learn how to draw machines? Is it hard to draw all the Bits on those mechazords in the correct place when theyre like jumping and run ing and shit?"
Answer: I learned a lot from building zoids, putting them together, watching them move etc etc. At the same time, it's also sort of basic anatomy too? Your hinged elbow joint is a mechanism and if you just made the same joint in metal it would work the same way. But ALSO when i draw them, I follow the ref sheets for big parts but mostly bullshit the details because who give a shit at the end of the day if I put a screw wrong, no one's going to care
Anonymous asked: "Idk if this helps you at all but on r/zoids on the Dreaded Reddit people talk about 3d printed zoids so maybe you can get your zoids that way"
Answer: I am a member of r/zoids lol... that sounds really cool though. I've never seen a 3D printer in real life before tho. But I can't be out here getting more zoids when I have had my HMM command wolf half-constructed for literally over a year because I keep procrastinating on it
Anonymous asked: "A lot of libraries have 3d printers and some people will like. Hire theirs out so people can print stuff"
Answer: Not in Ireland they don't
Anonymous asked: "Is it illegal to make beaft ocs".
Answer: I'm not a cop and my main stance is: do what you want, I can't stop you. If you would like to design a mech animal using medieval bestiary aesthetics - go for it, it's fun. However, why does it have to play by my setting rules? Wouldn't you prefer to make something wholly belonging to yourself? You can invent a million new ways to use this sort of mech design in a story with a whole new setting, all yours. It just won't be one of mine or in my setting.
Anyway you couldn't make a beaft oc in my setting anyway because you don't even know what they are or how they work
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cluelylikesporn · 7 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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HIIII MACKINTOSH goob morning,,, pd episode 11 update ASHE MOMENT hi. hi oh my god. everyone HAS to be obsessed with him right?? he has to be like a fandom favorite guy HES GOT A CURSED GRIMOIRE!!! awsome. awesome sick i love him.
REALLY chewing on all the dakota & william stuff this episode... what will said about his wisp form being kind of terrifying because he never knows if he'll really be able to return to his body... ohh man thats so good. kid who's soul is just kind of held in by a thread rattlin around in there... + also this ep was great re: the trivia point u mentioned last night ab dakota & will clashing morality!! bc yeah!!! wild that wiwi's hesitance to Torture People wasn't because of the Torturing People part but just bc he's afraid of himself... dakota just having to Leave partway through... aughh. vyncent also holy shit!! all of these guys are having such a bad time.
I LOVE ASHE oh my godd. such a specific type of alt kid i love him. type of guy i would befriend like a shy stray cat at orchestra camp after complimenting his red jumpsuit apparatus hoodie. also there HAS to be insane amounts of discourse re: wavelength (holy shit. mark. mark. shrieked at that. i feel like i cant call him that its too weirddddd) parenting methods?? there HAS to be people who r like well i can excuse the murders but i draw the line at homeschooling ur bound-to-a-demonic-book kid. yeah youre right he & tide r so divorced 2 me. single dad & single mom. why is he so intent on getting tide back hmm??!!
anyway... hghghbk. good episode i won't make this even longer & start talking ab the spirit world stuff (!!!???!!!?!!?!!) BUT i hope u r having a good dayyyyy <3333
FUCK YEAAAAAH IM SO EXCITED YOUVE FINALLY MET ASHE I LOVE HIM SOOOOO MUCH. I LOVE HIM SO VERYMUCH . AUAGHGHHH. ashe winters my boy forever... i KNEW u would like him i could feel it in my BONES. hell yes. love love love a grimoire guy :]
I CANT WAIT 2 SEND U THE TRIVIA FOR THIS EP i started writing it out at the beginning of my shift this morning and then had to go to like a billion meetings so you dont get it until i get home. but theres some TASTY behind the scenes characterization discussion. ohhh thays my favorite. esp irt dakota this ep :] i love him so much . i love all of them so much
ANYWAY. william ashamed of his powers mkment!!!! my boy he is made of catholic guilt. anyway. i fucking loved how he ghost shaped his spirit form for intimidation instead of actually using it. hes so smart hes so cool hes everything to me if i start thinking about william wisp for too long ill go fucking bonkers crazy.
MARK. MAAAAAAARK. DUDE IM SO FUCKING GLAD YOUVE FINALLY LEARNED HIS NAME BC IVE ALMOST CALLED HIM MARK IN UR NOTES SO MANY TIMES AND IVE HAD TO CORRECT MYSELF. wavelength who. this is my deadbeat dad best friend mark winters. HES NOT A DEADBEAT DAD. IM SORRY. ok ok ok. i cannot say much irt him rn but there IS a reason hes like this hes not just shitty for the sake of it. he does care very much hes just bad at it. uhhhhhhghdgdgdgggdgdrrrghg i love him. a lot . #1 mark winters apologist blog right here. im not even sorry. luckily..luckily i have not seen the discorse about him yet but i know its out there somewhwre. sigh.
u know whats funny. youll hear this a little bit but its mostly in the bts stuff. grizzly fucking HATES mark. and that bleeds into how he plays dakota which makes sense but its SO FUNNY in the rolleds just how much he gets mad at mark. which !!! understandable he sucks hes terrible. but im built different i love him.
AND TIIIIIIIIDE. hey. hey remember when william was interrogating mark the first time. in the holding cell. and he tried to use a ghost shaped tide at first but mark called bullshit right away because "tide's never spoken to me like that before" hey . fellas.
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trottlecanon · 8 months
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HIHI!! you can call me calico or leafy, either one iz fine :3
i uze she/they/paw!
im a demigirl + sapphic and i uze xenogenderz! im also questioning if im on the aromantic/aroace spectrum
im 13! im gonna be 14 on december 3 >_<
i have social anxiety and autizm (both diagnosed)
i have a typing quirk! herez how i uze it:
“i forgot to do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doesnt check today.” iz now: “i 4got 2 do my homework last night, i hope my teacher doeznt check 2day.”
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im an editor, artist, and fanfic writer!
ive been editing since december 2021! ive alwayz only uzed capcut becauze idk how 2 uze anything else tbh..i post my edits on tiktok (bottom of post)
ive been drawing traditionally my whole life, and digitally since 2020, i uze ibispaintx and my art acc iz on instagram (bottom of post)
im also a fanfic writer! i have a bfb au and i write oneshots once in a blue moon (i write on ao3 and wattpad, bottom of post)
tbh 4 this account im gonna fuck around and find out what gets reach
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i have 6 cats and a dog i love them so so much
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i first discovered the osc in 2016 and ive been fixating on it on and off ever since </3 so far ive watched bfdi, ii, hfjone, burner, and cfmot and i plan 2 watch a lot more! a few showz on my list are extraordinary excellent entitiez, the nightly manor, ion, etc!
some of my other hyperfixationz/interests are total drama, vocaloid, project sekai, hell park/south park, dr stone, percy jackson, lps 2012, pokemon, spooky month, tbhk, AND A LOT MORE god im in so many fandomz plz
i kin a lot of characterz…my highest kinz are leafy (bfb), fan (ii), nene kusanagi (pjsekai), amelia euler (one), taylor nolan (one), teardrop (bfb), x (bfb), remote (tpot), suitcase (ii), microphone (ii), tweek tweak, heidi turner, pip pirrup, mafuyu asahina (project sekai), ena shinonome (pjsekai), AND SO MANY MORE BC IM MENTALLY ILL
i also collect ships like baseball cardz so here are some of my fav ships!
bfb/bfdi/tpot: tree x bottle, liy x leafy, teardrop x leafy, pillow x book, gelatin x leafy, tennis ball x goof ball, pin x coiny, and a bunch of other ships with leafy LMAO
inanimate insanity: poly bright lights, fan x test tube, lightbulb x paintbrush, suitcase x microphone, soap x microphone, lifering x tea kettle, baseball x nickel, suitcase x balloon (only platonically!)
hfjone: liam x bryce x amelia, taylor x charise, bryce x amelia, liam x owen
cumfart and burner: spraypaint x kit, kit x rozey, tissuez x record, knify x picture, chargery x socka, yoshka x kratcy
project sekai: nene x tsukasa, kohane x akito, an x kohane, akito x toya, mizuki x an, rui x emu, ena x airi, minori x kohane
tbh the only tdi ships i like so far are noah x cody and tyler x lindzay
dni: basic dni, pro/comshipperz, xenogender/neopronoun antiz, rarepair antiz, winner x clock shipperz
thin ice (unless we r close): cringe culture believerz, fireafy likerz, oc x canon antiz, firey defenderz, tree x remote shipperz
plz interact: osc, cat loverz, pjsekai playerz, vocaloid fanz, TROTTLE SHIPPERZ, literally any1 who sharez my interests
im a choir kid
im an infp-t
my humor: 🔥‼️😰⁉️💔😇🚼💨😈😡😧👎😱🤓🧌🤨🦅😿
my fav artists are cheezy hfj, inanimate insanity, taylor swift, melanie martinez, ghost and palz, mitski, maretu, kikuo, the living tombstone, and or3o :3
tiktok: sillyvveon (main) treexbottle (alt)
ask 4 discord!
wattpad: calico_cloverz
twitter: cxlico__cxt (shitposting/spam) theiichronicles (rant/opinion acc)
instagram: calicokittypawzz (art)
tumblr: youre here!
ao3: cxlico_cxt
project sekai friend code (global server): 210235411300147200
bye thanks 4 reading! :3
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aloera · 28 days
Aloera hii came running when i got the notification, djdjd incredibly as always ❤ can i ask how much time did it took you to find that tone in ur writing? I mean they way you describe things and feeling without making them too "poetic"and corny like it often happens when one tries to write? Also i wanted to share with you the manga panels i searched after reading your fic just so idk gsjd the expressions and significance fjdjf (i love this face is so :() (second one their canon dynamic>>> fanon)
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I know these last too have been brought so much times but idc this will always be iconic, the first high epic point in the manga, everything got set in motions after this(to me) wish with a follow up more substantial after this a hint of a conversation idk (a lot of people have move on from this but i will always remeber) sorry that this got so long i just wanted to share this with you excuse my english have a great week/end.
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first off thank you so much!! youre so sweet :)
as to how much time it took ive been writing since i was like.. six. and im twenty now. so ig fourteen years skull emoji.. but in general i think i focus less now on trying to sound like... super smart? if that makes sense? sometimes i think what makes things sound kinda corny is when youre describing stuff that you dont actually know.. so i try to just focus on stuff that i do know!! like for example with similes and stuff i just draw from stuff that i see in my own life.. common things.. and the hope is that it comes across as familiar and people reading that go oh i know what that feels like. yk? instead of trying to like.. idk be the next shakespeare and be super poetic and delve into topics that are maybe beyond me or just not really suited to my style of writing. no shade to people who do that!! thats just what worked for me in terms of developing my style :) for dialogue as well i'll sometimes say it out loud to see if it sounds like smth a real person would say outloud bc sometimes... its not... and i rewrite it until im not like. cringing as i say it LMFOA but also mind u i think there will sometimes always be a certain level of corn bc we are writing fic. like it is inherently corny asf. but once you get over that you can have a lot more fun with it :D
KIRISHIMAS LITTLE FACE SHUT UPPP i love him. i love him so bad. he actually invented facial expressions its crazy. have u seen that one panel of him glaring at monoma i think about it everyday hes SO FUNNY
you r so so so write on canon>fanon w them. their canon interactions are just so lovely and so full of heart and so recriprocated like i just know they are the most annoying two people to be around but they dont even care bc they are having so much fun with each other!!! which is why i love them :)
also. yeah. you and me are very right where you left me coded re kamino. i will never be over it i fear. i will be like seventy years old talking about "it has to be you" "if i cant do this im not even a man" "come" "you idiot" LIKE THAT WAS CRAZYYYYYYY i feel like as much as i get annoyed ab horikoshi kind of forgetting ab krbk i will never fully be able to be mad at him bc he gave us that.... like That Moment seared itself into my personhood. kickstarted a hand fixation and an undying loyalty fixation and like. twenty other fixations. is what it is ig.
sorry this is so long omg i just had sm to say but in conclusion thank you so much for the ask!! i will always love talking ab krbk so i really appreciated getting to talk about them with you :)))
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userheree · 4 months
ok so i couldn't find the orginal sketch so I remade it when I had the time today andd
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this was only the sketch AND IGNORE THE FACT EVERYONE IS BALD LMFAOO the idea is that the day before (or during up to interpatation) valentienes day, MC got bombarded by kinda everyone,
kiana asked her on a date, blaise asked just to hang out (his words lmaoo it was him attempting to be lowkey ab wisking MC away idkk) theo offered to walk around and listen to music as a date, mylo just asked her straight up ot be his (valentine), and nicolas basically had the same idea as MC and gave her a letter (asking to be his valentine and to hang out) and if eve is a LI then the reason she isn't drawn is bc she is too prideful to ask MC out (main reason,,, i didn't know if she was LMFAOO)
I kinda wanted MC and Nicolas to have similar faces since I see some parallels between them?? tho that could just be me lmao ANYWAYS i WILL LINE AND COLOR ALL THIS AND SUBMIT TI TO YOU HOPE U LIKE THE SKETCH
ur perception of my OCs must be so accurate because this is EXACTLY how things would go down LMAO
Kiana is my pookie I love her she's so <333 she'd ask MC on a date and then buy flowers and chocolates and a teddy bear such a green flag muah (for now she is... will she alwats be? who knows?)
Blaise is so accurate he's like "Let's hang out on this very romantic day as friends!! no other reason..."
Theo offering to listen to music with MC is so BUCBFVFFBVIEFB because now that SHE KNOWS everything he's not gonna let her until he ACTUALLY LOVED HER because sharing music anbd opening that part of his heart is just UGHH
Mylo would he;d just be like "Hey so i blew you off but your cool and i like you so go out w me" and like?? hes an asshole but your honour hes so wirth everything hed also buy you flowers and chocolates
Nicolas omg the prettiest meanest person in the books (he's debateably prettier than eve) but he would buy a letetr and compliment and insult you at the same time. "your an idiot if you didnt see this coming... be my valentine?" and then chocolates bcs he's nicolas and then he'd be like "of course theyre fo ryou?? dumbass" and then take like so many pictures
there are nicolas and mc parallels ty for noticing!!! MC's more laidback than Nicolas and they do differ in some ways but theyre more similar then some ppl realise :)
im thinking of dong smth for valentines im gna use this sketch (or the coloured version if you make it b4 then, no pressure!!) for the cover its so cute!!!
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wulvert · 1 year
i sent an ask earlier about a triptrack movie
yes red would have a motorcycle at some point - maybe stole it from some loser or it could just be something cool he has - and his mask would actually be a motorcycle helmet - also tex would be so annoying to ride on a motorcylce with lmao hed be so distracting
i know that we like people who look stupid but pre-sunburn red in a black leather jacket for a flashbackor whatever? mmmmmmmmm
i personally am not a big fan of sunburnt red - i am a tumblr sexyman lover forever - so if he got his hair back and maybe had a bunch of scars instead of a sunburn that would be pretty marketable - i just hate his sunburn lmao idrk why
red shouldve kept his disguise jacket it looked awesome on him idk why - texs disguise shouldve been one of those sun dresses and a floppy hat lol
imagine tex and red running through the glass city from the feds but stopping to take a photo next to a headline about them as criminals - red in sparkly makeup and some kind of whore outfit and tex wearing a unicorn onesie for no reason? slay
instead of the train stopping during the fight with shae, what if tex and shae fought on top of the moving train - shae knocks tex and red off the train at one point
i know tex cant eat but what if he could drink things? ensues red dragging tex to a random bar for a break idk? - even if tex doesnt like music 0r loud stuff he could at least enjoy dancing with red or wwhatever
terry could have a massive dangerous transformation scene where his hands turn into saw blades or something and he his a big mouth full of incredibly sharp teeth idrk
toad could look a little less diseased - maybe shorter hair and less sweat? - and use the science of eels to power his robot creations
also red and tex jumping off a building to avoid the feds and basically skydiving lives rent free in my head
while lost in the desert red and tex come across an oasis and maybe do some swimming??? i just want a beach episode man
ms tarantula being a cyborg like shae could be cool idk why
terry being scared of possum lmao
tex and red run into mits and mouse at the roller rink - mits and mouse spinning each other on skated while starting an insane shoot out with ak47s while tex and red skate and dodge while also drinking slushees
tex vs toad would rock as a finale - imagine toad using eel dna to transform/bioengineer himself as a way to prove to tex that tex is inferior due to being artirficial
i really dont know im just thinking about them
edit: reading this back i think i came off as a bit too much of a hater IM SORRY ITS HARD 2 CONVEY TONE OVER TEXT))
...................................eyes glazed over at hating sunburnt red im ngl, I don't rly care if he's less marketable- I have no interest in giving him his old face back after triptrack either I much prefer him being at peace with the way he looks. him having the minor scarring of a cowardly phantom of the opera adaptation would be lame, doesn't rly drive home the pain he's in at the moment with him still needing to apply antiseptic and bandages. I dont think he physically looks stupid either its just the clothes he's wearing atm.- wait instead of a sunburn? the sunburns reinforced by the worldbuilding i think itd be a missed opportunity to not have it be caused by the sun.
also these days tumblr sexymen make me feel physically ill- I can barely stand drawing tex's abs. the green jacket muddled their opposing colour schemes, it needed to die.
bc red would die trains are fast.- 2 be clear i dont like the shae fight i dont like a lot of triptrack, but for that to happen red would fly away, tex would immediately then also fly away- leaving shae presumably completely fine, not leaving you with anything about the sun- or, she's not fine, bleeds- passes out and dies, which rip and red would also die. he can take broken ribs but hes not train proof shae's head isnt train proof either.
terry isnt built to murder ppl hes a bouncer at best so it wouldnt rly make sense. he does have a mouth though i mentioned this, its more like a toothless puppet mouth though.
😞 why would you make him less sweaty 😞 thats his whole appeal. 😞also an eel robot that would be animal abuse 2 him and he doesnt support that- dont know how her being a cyborg would come up but way more acceptable than less sweaty eel
personally i like possum never being mentioned
I rly need to get toads arc over with so he can beat the being anything other than a sweaty middle aged guy with multiple untreated anxiety disorders, allegations.
there are a lot of changes i wanna make to triptrack dont get me wrong. but i think we have different ideas of my dudes, i hope i didnt come off as too much of a hater tho
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particular-one · 1 year
HIIIIHIII Could i request a matchup .....? Enstars, twst and hypmic pls ...!!!
name is kitten or 🐏 emoji! i preferably dont use pronouns but she/her it/its are ok. i have no romantic preference in terms of fictional characters hahaaa.
my mbti is INTP, tho i tend to be the most "extroverted" one if placed in a room with other introverts. im also a 8w9 + virgo if that helps. also AB blood type though i dont see many people who believe in that stuff on here.
uhmmmm my personality. im pretty sociable for an introvert, but can get burnt out super quickly IRL (but i can talk for hours over text). due to the autism i cant express myself IRL but i make up for it a lot through the internet by being uhhh a real character online.
im like a bimbo with autistm and ADHD basically, airheaded cutesy girly, bad at filtering myself so i can definitely be rude/mean asf .. super bad attention span.. always with a friend. i Can like get carried away and get very mean to people im not friends with. overall im very temperamental and ive always been like "pretty girl but comes off rude/fake but shes also the class clown kinda". since humor just comes naturally to me kinda.
hobbies include: arts (drawing, making art dolls, sewing, designing outfits/costumes, fashion, ect). i used to do dancing and track running but had to stop due to health complications (im super low energy and cant be as active as most ppl). I LOVE idols so much too.
What i look in a partnerrr?? Uhh nobody shorted than me (162cm) just cuz i cant see them romantically no matter how hard i try. anything is ok honestly as long as I can talk to them for ages and theyre not too loud/chaotic. overall want someone to be as equally as down bad as i am with them for me (if not more haha)
misc ... uhh my favorite love language is acts of service. i dont have to force myself to do anything i struggle with like putting thoughts into words or trying to act affectionate (tho i do get cuteness aggression). i love recieving words of affirmation lmao i need the reminding that they do love me !!!!.
i lovee cats, BOBA i kind of have an addiction to it. cute stuff cute ppl ect... i dont rlly like public affection (its cringe asf seeing couples act lovey dovey in public Sory Im not doing that).
I WROTE SO MUCH SORRY i didnt even notice Please forgive me. uhh last bit of trivia umm. if i were half-animal id have bunny ears and a tail... or id be a deer. THATS IT OK SORRY.
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hi kitten! rrararararraa a hypmic AND enstars request?? im so excited :> and don't worry about rambling, it gives me a better idea on who i can match you with! hope you like them!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ shu's first meeting with you was not actually the first time he's seen you. your handiwork with fashion had piqued his interest for the longest time, but he never actually knew that it was you behind those pieces. so imagine his surprise when he finds out that the genius behind the designs was in fact, you! though shu came off as fussy at first, especially since he wanted to get close to you to observe how you perfected your designs, he gradually found himself enjoying your company more and more. when he finds out about your interest in idols, this amuses him greatly, considering he is one. he'd be the last to admit he likes you, but his behavior ends up changing for the better when he's around you. as a partner, shu can be a bit extravagant with the way he shows love, but he always remembers to keep it in private to respect your preference. he's a perfectionist, so he likes to plan out your activities together down to the tiniest detail, but that's because he wants you to have the best time. shu can be rather straightforward with his words as he doesn't beat around the bush — he doesn't have a filter at times either — but everything he says about you, he truly means them. shu likes admiring you while you're busy at work (he says he's doing it because he wants to see how you do things but secretly it's because he likes watching you do something you're passionate about) but there are days where the both of you would be in the same room working on your respective designs together! he asks for your inputs and vice versa, it's usually the most fun he has.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ jamil was not your biggest fan when you first met — if he were being honest, you almost reminded him of kalim, and having another kalim was never good. still, you often get paired in tasks together that he had to get to know you eventually, and was he wrong about not liking you. though it took him quite a while to warm up to the idea of being in your company, he actually found himself looking forward to talking with you. surprise surprise, jamil's definitely the type of "he fell harder" in this situation. as a partner, jamil is most definitely not the publicly affectionate type. though it might seem he's keeping your relationship lowkey, it's mainly because he didn't want people (read: kalim) to make the biggest fuss about it. though he doesn't take you out that often, he's very loving and caring in private. though jamil never enjoyed the idea of serving someone, with you it was different. he'd find himself enjoying to cook your favorite food, help you out in your tasks without a word, and to make you feel as comfortable as possible. character development for him, tbh. when you tell him of your craving for boba, watch this man continuously try and succeed to making boba tea tailored to your preference.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ nemu actually met you through a chance encounter in a mock rap battle during the tdd era as audience members. it was your personality that drew her in, but she was actually surprised by how blunt you were, but if she were being honest, your humor makes her laugh a lot. your relationship means the world to her, especially since she made sure that samatoki didn't interfere as much as possible. she loves her brother, but he can get carried away when it comes to her. nemu's definitely the one who ended up liking you first, but she's unsure on how to express this to you. as a partner, nemu is very, very sweet. she's scared of messing anything up, so she carefully plans everything in advance. when she finds out that you like cats, she actually comes forward with the idea of adopting a cat together with you! it became your bonding activity, with two of nemu's favorites in the entire world: the cat and of course, you. she has your favorite boba order/s memorized and likes to surprise you with getting some. nemu's the encouraging type, so expect a lot of comforting words from her. she's also the type who likes bringing you out to shop, whether it's for your art materials or for clothes, nemu likes hearing your inputs on the items you buy (or consider buying) and takes note of them so she can surprise you with them in the future.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
thinking about how angel LOVES aster h’s tattoos esp those for her 🥺 but imagine H writes songs and stuff which he’s pretty personal ab :( so what if…. angel finds some of the lyrics he’s written and they’re all sososos lovey and special JUST FOR HER 🥺 she’d be “H??? did u write this??” and I imagine him being so shy ab it bc it’s all her and she’s his muse :( and on the flip side some spiCY stuff too 🥸 only enough so she’s comfortable ofc but it’d be so cute 🥺 and Ooooh between the two of them :(
(also, love u lindsee <333)
omg the tattoos he got for her are her most favorite thing and make her feel sooooo loved when she sees them:( but omg if she found his songwriting book and usually she doesn't snoop on them bc she knows that she would feel super upset if he peeked into some of her private thoughts but maybe he left it open on accident and she cant help herself before she peeks over the page thats open and sees the sweetest song all soft and gentle lyrics and references that she understands from moments just between them and its so :((((( and when h catches her he gets a little shy and oh...did I leave that open??? and shes all mhm im sorry I looked just....this is really amazing h:( is this....is it us? and he shakes his head a little all smiley and.....its you baby:) and I can see him sitting w her and maybe not reading w her but letting her see a few pages here and there like this one was after this date and that night u fell asleep on me last week I wrote this about u and all of that and shes jsut so heart eyes for him bc thats how he sees her? all soft words and angel references and just some of the prettiest stuff shes ever read:( and maybe she flips the page to an....interesting song w clear references to things she knows were just between the two of them and h...do u show these songs to the others? and he just peeks and gets a little smug smile and nope....ones like these are just for me to have just like u:) and I just think she would....be so obsessed and feel so loved like its things like that and the drawings she found of her and his tattoos that remind her how loved she is by him like that effect isn't lost:(
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
the basic premise is that this simple boy is class president with the vice rep being a rich girlboss and they're playing mindgames to get the other to confess, literally making strategies to make the other fall in love first and it's the FUNNIEST FUCKING THING ISTG EVEN MY KAMUKURA FICTIVE COULDN'T BREATH OVER JUST THE SHEER DUMBASSERY OF IT
also the secretary is definitely Kaede, she would absolutely be oblivious to the mind games, the ultimate chaos, wrench in their battle, just vibing with the boys honestly
and excerpt
Kaede: sooo, summer break is coming soon, should we go for a trip?
Shuichi: (a summer trip huh? a time away from our work, there's no doubt, the mountains are best suited for this, the long peaceful hikes, watching the sunset together, i can help guide Kokichi through the thicket, carry his bag–) let's go to the-
Kokichi: the beach sounds lovely doesn't it?
Shuichi: (it would be bUT I CANT FUCKING SWIM, IF HE FINDS OUT, OH GOD NO-) but the mountains
Kokichi: have bugs. mosquitoes, beatles, cicadas–
Shuichi: (fuck. FUCK I HATE BUGS. I'D RATHER DROWN THAN DEAL WITH BUGS) ah,, maybe the beach then
Kokichi: (heh, i won today Shumai, the beach is perfect for romance! i can even coax you with-)
Kokichi: (suddenly remembers, he doesn't even have abs, also he gets sunburnt easily)
Kokichi: aha, actually, the mountains do sound nice–
Shuichi: no the beach
Kokichi: the mountains-
Shuichi: the beach
Kokichi & Shuichi: KAEDE, WHAT'S YOUR OPINION??
Kaede: uh,, hmmm, honestly i don't mind those but, oooo what if we visit that one mansion? i heard it's where a famous musician died! or perhaps that church where it's said the ghost of a pianist keeps playing at night? i kind of want to camp out there-
In the end, this battle was a draw
oh my god that's hell on earth (for them at least)
this is already lowkey how my saiouma rivalries operate in my mind so like- yes
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fleouriarts · 2 years
4, 11, 21, and 30 for the weirdly specific artist ask game :))
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
MY OC SAMJULANG idk why but ive never been able to feel like i got him quite Right. the face shape i want him to have is for some reason wayyyy too hard to draw well and im not good at drawing dudes with abs. i think im getting closer to something i like (pic related) but who knows
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11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
oh yeah if im just doodling ill watch youtube in one tab and have mspaint open in another. my fav channel for that is usually hivemind bc they have a LOT of long videos and also theyre funny. i actually drew julian and daewon based on a screenshot of them last night
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for finished pieces its different. i cant really focus on detailed sketching with another tab open so i fullscreen mspaint/clip studio and play smth on spotify. most of the time ill pick something from my library thats related to whatever im drawing. the most egregious example is when i drew this for my friends birthday and listened to the lion king 1 and 2 osts for so long that it fucked up my on repeat mix for weeks
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21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
ummmm probably really detailed naturalist work. like audubon's work. im so unsubtle with lighting and shape language that i cant imagine making something like that but i do think its nice. heres audubons black vulture plate its my favorite :-)
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30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
my comatelma oc lineup tbqh cus its the first time i did an oc lineup and it also reassured me that i Do actually have nice variation in my character designs (which is something i worry about often for no reason). i added pics for all the other art here but im just gonna link to the original post for this so people can rb it if they want
[from this ask meme]
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
@silas-sullivan asked me this:
Alrighty! Thank you so so much <33 so sorry this is so long omg 😭
Im a pretty empathetic and helpful person! I like to help out whenever I have the chance, however i do have a bit of a short temper which ties into me being impatient in some situations ^^;; I always try to find the positives in things! I dont like to dwell on the could have beens or negative things much, even if theres some bad theres bound to be some good as well :) I try to stick to a who cares, we only live once mindset LMAO otherwise I do tend to be a bit impulsive which can lead to not that great decisions :,) SHBSJSJS (SORRY THIS IS SO LONG OMG)
Im 5ft! (I’ll be 6’3 someday,,, ONE DAY!! BAHAHA)
Hmm for physical looks, im asian-american! I have medium-short length wavy-ish? dark brown hair with the bottom half dyed orange! :) I have brown eyes as well. I’d like to think I look pretty masculine! (Or at least I hope so) I have a lot of scars on my arms ^^; and stretch marks on my upper thighs (which i think are really pretty :>> im a sucker for those) I have black painted nails aaaanndd,,, thats ab it!
Ouughh i LOVE styling outfits,, def sticking with the thin black sleeveless turtleneck+black sweatpants+combat boots tho (my fav outfit,, i love being comfy but also kinda cool 🏃‍♂️) I def try to go for punk?/intimidating ish outfits! I always end up sticking to black clothes LMAO but on other occasions I love sweaters!
Cant really think of any abilities or fighting styles, prob brute force or just being a sniper? as cool as swordfighting would be I do not have the ability for that BAHAHSJSJS If anything I think having smthn like shanks haki walk would be so sick
I love anything artistic! Photography, film, drawing, reading, music is a huge one(dont think i’ve gone a day without music JSBSJDHD), I love to cook as well! Im a big sucker for cats+birds,,, they’re so cute :,) <33 I enjoy adventuring and exploring new stuff! I dont like sitting still and doing nothing,, I prefer being on the go and doing lots of stuff :D I also like fruit (number 1 fav food 💪 RAAHHHH)
I dont really like super strong smells, really sensitive to smells for some reason 🏃‍♂️ I dont like eating mushrooms or olives that much, uhmmm- not a fan of huge expectations, or making decisions in a snap (BARE WITH ME IM SO INDECISIVE LMAO)
If you dont mind,, no fem!aligned characters? D: so sorryy
I don’t think I’ll give you the ability to do Shank’s haiki walk, mostly because it seems way too overpowered for this, but I will settle with the idea of letting you become a sniper instead with armament haiki and observation haiki.
I match you with…
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I feel like this would be a good partner for you, like the very best. Not because he’s a pervert with a very hopeless romantic flare to him, no, it goes so much deeper than any ocean in the world of One Piece
You both are almost always matching, or at the very least always complementing each other’s wardrobe tastes, you being more loose about what kind of stuff you wear. Occasionally Sanji will match you in comfy clothing, but more or less you guys are known to be stylish and very finessed. You sometimes do this fun thing where you pick out each other’s clothes for that day and needless to say, you both don’t hate when the other chooses for you
Loves to have you near him or even helping out in the kitchen, he could always use someone who won’t mess around in his kitchen and women are very much allowed in. Does end up allowing music to be played in less serious moments or a little bit on the quite side if he needs to focus, but he usually can’t say no to any of your requests
Can always be seen praising you on any of your hobbies in front of the crew and others, but in private he’s always trying to find a way to get some cuddles out of you while you might be reading, he can’t help it. You’re the only one who shows him loyalty outright when he needs the reassurance that you’re not just using him for what you want. Poor boy has been played enough, just let him win when it’s not in front of prying eyes
Actually prefers that you’re a sniper, makes it easier for you to stay hidden and out of a fight since your whole gig is to take out without being seen. But he does realize the disadvantage when you get pummeled into the ground and he couldn’t get to you right away because you were almost too far away. He now likes to stick closer to you in a fight so he can’t be so ridiculously far away, or at least be able to back you up when you need the help. Gets less anxious as you develop more skills and strength for far away combat to up close combat, but it never truly goes away after that first time with you being covered in blood getting punched into the earth like it was this brute’s last goal as he came up on the scene. He blames himself for allowing a woman of your caliber to get that badly injured
Is deeply enamored by all your beauty marks. If you let him when he sleeps in the same room as you, he’ll kiss every mark that’s available to touch. He wants you to never doubt your beauty, you are definitely a women to love with all of his heart. Maybe even get more serious and shows how much he loves all of you, marks and all~
Knows what it’s like to have a shit ton of expectations and never being able to succeed in any of them. What it’s like to have to make a decision that alters your life permanently, he’s done it. He comforts you by giving you a couple of options that make sense and tells you what you choose, he’ll back you up 100%. He can not not be serious about this, it drives him up the walls, he doesn’t want you to feel alone either. He’ll also offer long hugs to be able to soothe you, petting your hair as you vent out your frustrations about not being able to choose fast enough. To get better at this indecisiveness, he takes you to a fragrance shop on an island the ship is docked at the moment and asks you to choose before you guys have to go back for dinner, but he leads you how to make effective decisions. It’s still a learning process, but you’re getting better and he technically gets gifts from you as you pick out his new cologne
Definitely once in awhile you’ll butt heads, but a healthy relationship requires communication. Eventually you’ll make up by dancing in the kitchen to some slow music, swaying back and forth because the crew has gone to bed for the night. Sanji knows this where he can be the most vulnerable with you and you with him, due to the fact you both spill your undying loyalties to one another, promise acts of commitment for all of your lives you shall fulfill
You’re definitely the suave couple upfront, but on the flip side? You guys are romantics who never really left the honeymoon phase behind with how many dates you go on, giggling like little children on sugar highs no matter what the occasion is for or what you two end up doing
The follow ups are:
Roroanoa Zoro
Tralfalgar Water D. Law
That’s it for now! Hope you enjoyed it!
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