#also im sorry hes not a Racist White Dad
glowkit7 · 2 years
cant believe my dad gets mad at everyone for never asking for his help when he holds everything (his help, if he gifted u anything; his conditional kindness) above ur head if u don’t agree with or do what he says!
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moss-flesh · 4 months
how is my dad surprised i dont like being around him when he says stuff like “why is this so gay?” while making a grossed out face
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ariabedumb · 2 months
honest question but how is your dad a pedo and is allowed to be around you 😭🙏 (stay safe tho, he sounds crazy frfr)
idk im never near him never talk to him (once in a blue moon actually like on my birthday or whatever) 😭 he lives in the same house with my mom, sis and i but he only usually only talks to my mom and sis (we all hate him btw)
he won’t leave and my mom can’t leave him idk why it’s very confusing
like i remember one time my sis and him went for a movie and a little girl and her mom sat next to my dad and he asked if he could switch places with my sis cuz he felt “weird” and “uncomfortable” ?/?/ like what??/?
and they’ve caught him watching child yk what while doing yk what 😶
soooo im scared and i literally run into my room whenever he steps in the house so idk what to do and btw he’s also racist except the other way around he hates white ppl like wtf??/?
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
Going from living in the southern US to moving to the northern US for work is insane bc like. White people seem to think the racism is all down in alabama and kentucky and shit and like. Yeah its there. Theres sundown towns and klan shit and my daddy got his ass beat for looking at a white woman too long.
But up north, man....People are just MEANER about it, idk what it is. Its like theyre more snide. They talk behind their hands and shit. They do the more like...quiet, insideous. They still have klan meetings, theyre just quiet about it. They quietly poison you. They ask me if I like henny or if I'm more of a lean girl and act shocked when I say I dont drink. They stare at a homeless white man and say "oh man he was a veteran, thats awful" but flip and say "ahhh that black dude over theres just a druggie its fine, pass him by."
White folks walk up to me and start like, bitching about the arabs and the indians thinking that because im not one of Them that I'll be on their side and say its okay.
Idk. Its very bittering. I wanted to move up here because I hoped i would escape it. But. Well.
But well indeed!!! I admit I’m not the best at being able to tell when racism is happening to me due to neither of my parents really being able to help me in that regard
(white mom who insists racism doesn’t happen anymore + African dad who is always away and is hyper vigilant about racism but doesn’t exactly understand the intricacies of antiblackness in America. They are both racist against black Americans and I never left the house growing up. also i might be autistic so picking up on when i'm being discriminated against is a bit of a battle too.)
But I do know that when I moved out to the east coast (california to be specific) for art boarding school I wasn’t invited back the next year because there were "concerns about my ability to keep up with the hygienic requirements" AKA: I was too dirty.
The dean of students (who later resigned because we all hated him) said I was dirty to my FACE and blamed me for bedbugs when there was literally no logical way they could have been my fault, and we had a ton of foreign students who could've gotten them while traveling, and they were also in dorms I’d never so much as stepped foot in. I was one of very few black students on that campus and I'd never been called fucking DIRTY to my FACE by a group of white people who acted as if that was a totally reasonable thing to say- and been blamed for something i could not possibly have done- by a member of my schools faculty before.
edit: got this on april 10th and saved it as a draft, then forgot to publish it.. sorry king !!
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apopcornkernel · 5 months
3, 5, 6, 13, 16, 24 for the ask game !!!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
it's still gotta be the adrien salt stuff by rjalker especially the infamous covid one... mlb fandom was something else! (also i don't go snooping as much into dc fandom discourse, so)
5. worst discord server and why
i have something to say but i won't say it LOL so let's just go with... my old friend server with my now ex-bff that one was crazy
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
all of them except me and my mutuals
13. worst blorboficiation
jason todd. i open a fic and he's like "wahh i didn't mean to kill people it was the pit madness that made me do it bruce dad take me back im so sorry plsss 🥺🥺🥺" i will shred my skin off with a cheese grater.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
KNIFEPLAY I've ranted about this before I DON'T UNDERSTAND KNIFEPLAY OR PAINPLAY i can't imagine how it works bc everytime i get hurt all i can think of is OW...
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
anything with non-white people in dc comics 🥲 just look at talia. she will never be free from morrison and their ilk & will thus never be free from the terrible racist discourse in this fandom
choose violence ask game!!
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pub-lius · 2 years
Goreg Washesaton for richie my beloved
so you may have noticed that this ongoing series of my research of "every historical figure" (/t) for @thereallvrb0y has been on pause for a few weeks and thats bc ive been STRUGGLING to find the rest of them, and i cant. so if anyone needs information on those people, i might just post the bullets from my notes bc im not doing all that work again FKSFKSH they still exist somewhere within my 3000 posts, but i cannot find them bc tumblr sucks <3 anyway, now for
George Washington (pt one)
Georgie was born at his family's plantation, Popes Creek, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, a date that I have memorized for some reason when I don't even have my dad's birthday memorized (sorry dad). His parents were Augustine and Mary Ball Washington. Augustine was a very prominent plantation owner in the area, and also a justice of the county court, so he was a big deal. His first wife, Jane Butler, died and left him with two sons, Lawrence and Augustine Jr., and their daughter Jane.
George was the eldest of the kids from the second marriage. His other siblings were Elizabeth, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles, and Mildred.
The family eventually moved to another one of their properties, Little Hunting Creek, which would become Mount Vernon. They moved again four years later to Ferry Farm.
Augustine Sr. died when George was 11, leaving most of his property to the eldest sons from the first marriage. The remaining income maintained Mary and her children, and George would have been responsible for helping manage their plantation.
George never received a formal education since the funds for that were used on his older brothers. He only received instruction from private tutors. He would have studied reading, writing, basic legal forms, geometry, trigonometry, manners, penmanship, and comportment. I already made a post about his rules of civility, which was a big part of his education.
Mount Vernon, where I got most of my sources from on Washington, of course, has a lot of information on slavery, but I'm not really qualified to talk about all of that since I think it deserves its own separate research, but here's the link for that.
The Washingtons were, however, deeply entangled in the global "institution" (that phrasing makes me uncomfy, it sounds like a business yk). Washington inherited 10 enslaved people from his father, and went on to "inherit/purchase/rent/gain control of" more than 500 enslaved people.
Washington expressed racist sentiments up until the Revolutionary War, which greatly changed his perspective on the definition of liberty and who it applies to. He expressed wanting to free the enslaved people he was responsible for, but couldn't because of the backlash it would cause from him being an international celebrity. He would end up freeing the 123 enslaved people he was able to in his will (that's a whole complicated legal system designed to keep people and their families enslaved for as long as possible and it's honestly exhausting).
Anyway, back to the white people history. Washington got his first job as a surveyor, and it was the only thing he got formal training in. In the mid-1740s he got two surveying jobs (one of which was for a They were going to lay out lots within a large tract along the western frontier of Virginia, and into indigenous territory. He learned more surveying and gained important knowledge of the frontier (*foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*). At the end of the first day, he was shown "a bed of straw with one Threat Bear blanket with double its Weight of Vermin such as Lice Fleas etc. (sic)" He made a promise "not to Sleep so from that time forward chusing rather to sleep in the open Air before a fire. (sic)" This experience ended up being very important to him and getting him out of that cushy rich kid life (*another foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*)
His professional career began in 1749, and recieved a commission for the new Culpepper County (*insert Turn: Washington's spies theme song*), which was probably by the recommendation of Fairfax, who was working on the Governor's council. By 1752, he had completed nearly 200 surveys, totaling more than 60,000 acres. Honestly, I think that if he lived his entire life as just a surveyor, he wouldn't have gone gray in his 40's.
in 1753, Governor Robert fucking Dinwiddie that was this man's NAME in REAL LIFE learned that French troops had moved south from Canada to construct forts in the region south of Lake Erie, which was declared British territory. The area had commercial potential, and Dinwiddie was concerned that the French would fortify the forks of the Ohio River. So, he sent Washington, who was a major in the Virginia militia, to deliver a diplomatic eviction notice to the French in 1753. If that date sounds familiar its bc Georgie is about to have a few major fuck ups that you learned about in middle school. This was known as the Allegheny Expedition, but I have never called it that. It is and will always be the Ohio Eviction.
The expedition was aided by Christopher Gist and local indigenous people. They were escorted by O-non-dowa-gah (also known as Seneca) chief Tanacharison, two Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and one from the Lenape (Delaware Nation).
This trip was rough. During the trip, Washington hiked for days through snowy woods, fell off a raft into the icy Allegheny River, nearly drowned, and had to spend a freezing night on an island without shelter on the 900 mile journey. I hate to say it, but this dad could beat up your dad. They reached Fort Le Boeuf on December 11, thank fuck. Washington's account was published by Dinwiddie in Williamsburg and London, giving him a reputation at the age of 22.
Despite all that effort, the French just ignored them lmao, bc like what's this little freak gonna do??? So, Dinwiddie dispatched Washington, now a Lieutenant Colonel to assert Virginia's claims a few months later with around 150 men.
They ended up skirmishing with French soldiers on the way, and killed 10 men, including the French commander, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de Jumonville. The English under Washington (that's fun to say) retreated to a makeshift fort called Fort Necessity. Washington was forced to surrender when the French surrounded the fort with their indigenous allies. In those surrender terms, Washington accidentally admitted to assassination. This was the start of the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years War for my European fanbase (im so funny).
Washington resigned after that bc his dick was small and he was embarrassed. But, don't worry, his dick regrew and he returned to the frontier in 1755 to serve as a volunteer aide-de-camp (foreshadowing) to General Edward Braddock, who was kind of serving. Braddock had been sent from the King to drive the French from the Ohio Country.
A battle started near the Monongahela River (none of these places have easy names). There was a lot of confusion and troops fled in confusion back to Virginia. Washington was attempting to rally the troops, and had two horses shot out from under him and four bullets shot through his coat. Also Braddock died whoops.
Washington was given command of Virginia's entire military force. He was ordered to protect the entire 350 mile long frontier with a few hundred men, bc everything that happens to this man is fair. This provided him with very necessary experience in commanding troops in stupid ass situations. Eventually, the British took the forks of Ohio in 1758 and Washington retired.
He married our iconic queen Martha on January 6, 1759 and they kissed a lot. He spent 1759-1775 overseeing the farms at Mount Vernon. He constantly worked to improve and expand the mansion and surrounding plantation.
During this time, he established himself as an innovated farmer. In the 1760s, he switched from tobacco to wheat as his main cash crop. He experimented with new crops, fertilizers, crop rotation, tools, and livestock breeding. He actually had some hot takes, but I'm literally the only person who cares bc that shit is actually boring (in case you were wondering, chicken shit doesn't make good fertilizer).
He also expanded the planation to include flour milling and commercial fishing. THEN he built a gristmill, and then began making whiskey, producing over 11,000 gallons of rye whiskey at its peak. Mf slayed.
This era is referred to as the golden years, which I mentioned in Martha's post and everything is wonderful and fine and Washington is happily retired with his family :)....
SIKE time for part 2
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whitepassingpocs · 2 years
Kinda a vent. First question isnt a vent though, im genuienly asking.
Dose it make me bad to be scared to take a dna test to see my history? Ive been shown historical documents from my mom, she dosent claim her heritage(internalized racism), were wp(ish, my mom and i am sometimes, not my dad) and we have no offical id cards proving were native. Ive been reconnecting but im being more and more pressured to take a test to prove its there. Im scared that ill be wrong and this part of me i thought i was nurturing was actually me appropriating.
Theres more nervousness from my dad, who im not on good terms with, because he's adamant he's white but has a naturally tan-ish skin tone and black features he gave me. I just wish my family could be more forward with our racial features and history because every black person i meet is shocked to learn im not black/not sure if i am black and my mom talks about papers potentially proving were indigenous americans and shows them to me, then the next week, shes saying they never existed and i made that up then repeats the process. I wanna rep my cultures if thats what i am but im scared ill rip my family to shreds if im right and i am white, black and native or ill look like a massive paranoid idiot if im wrong and were just white. Ik that if i prove i have any native in me, my mom wont change and actually might become more racist cause she'll think a native card gives her a shield against pple calling her racist. I also know if i prove i have any black in me, my dad will probably attempt to say im not his kid and disown me even though if its there, its pretty obvious it came from him. And if im wrong? I'll feel destroyed as being native is a huge part of me. I wont impede or be an over-reaching ally if its true that im not native, ill be a normal ally, i just wish racism didnt make learning about my potential non-white cultures wasnt impeded by the people who gave them to me.
Racism fucking sucks.
Amen it sucks, friend 💛 I'm sorry things have been challenging.
DNA testing isn't for everyone, but sometimes it's a useful tool to help answer questions that can't be answered any other way. Its okay to get one if that's what you need. It's not immoral or wrong, it's just a choice and it's yours.
I will never forbid or stop anyone from taking a DNA test. Just please ensure you do your research and pick one that respects your privacy and has a good accuracy rate for the ethnic groups you're looking for. Some tests do not detect Indigenous ethnicities. So always check.
I hope you find the answers you're looking for and I wish you all the best.
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chillychive · 4 months
If u know me IRL I am *begging* you to not open this post… it would out someone you may know, so just please, please, please do not open it. Thank youuuu
Okay so yesterday my gf and I went to the pool together, and it wad my mom’s first time meeting her.
It was really fantastic and we had a great time. However, for this story to make sense I need to give some background. I’m white, my family is white. My partner is korean american. My mom is fascinated with Korean culture and watches K drama and listens to K Pop, and cooks us korean food. I’ve always thought this was weird, but i never brought it up with her because I didnt think it was a big problem. We’ve previously discussed that when she meets my partner, she will NOT mention kpop or kdrama or be weird about it in general. My partner isn’t big into korean media, so it’s not exactly a good opportunity to bond or anything. My mom is incredibly proud of not being racist/bigoted. I strive to not be but I fully acknowledge that as a white person in the US of A, I’m gonna end up with bigoted beliefs and assumptions that it is my job to fight. I learned that from my mom.
On the way back, my mom was playing her playlist out loud in the car. This playlist happens to have a lot of KPop on it. My gf recognized it and asked if that was blackpink. My mom took this as a go ahead to talk about kpop. That in itself would have been weird… but okay.
I whispered to my partner immediately that Im very sorry… and that i tried to tell her not to before. She looked obviously uncomfortable but answered my mom’s questions.
My mom moved on to ask about my partner’s family and if they were fluent, and if she had a korean name too. At this point I was incredibly embarrassed but didnt know what to do. My gf answered her but we kept exchanging glances like “this is weird” and “I’m so sorry”
We texted about it afterward, and it was clear my partner was uncomfortable with it but also thought it was hilarious. I went to talk to my mom about it.
I fully acknowledge that I did not probably handle the conversation with my mom afterwards correctly, but I thought it was okay. I essentially told her that that conversation was weird, reminded her that I *asked* her not to mention her obsession with Kpop/Kdrama before hand (which my gf is aware of), and asked that next time she doesnt start asking abt her korean name/fluency and the like.
My mom seemed embarrassed but said “okay”
I went back to my room. Later at dinner, my mom spent the entire time visibly crying but silently. At this point I decided that I was not going to apologize for calling her out, but that I had clearly made some mistake. Note: my mom cries very easily at any confrontation.
Unfortunately, when my mom cries, my dad goes full “punish whoever made her cry, even if justified”. So naturally my dad pulls me aside and says that I shouldnt have said that. I asked if he meant I shouldn’t have defended my partner. Now, i fully believe My mom’s actions were innocent and in no way intentionally racist. However, if it makes someone uncomfortable, I believe that it doesnt matter the intent behind it, it is now your job to never do that again.
I eventually gave up arguing with him because I knew it was pretty much worthless as long as he was set on protecting my mom no matter what.
I later talked to my brother (who was in the car when my mom said the stuff, witnessed my parents discussing what happened after (which i was not there for), and watched me argue with my dad) and he agreed that I didn’t handle the initial conversation with my mom as well as I could have, but that my mom’s questions were incredibly weird and that I was right to have called her out on it, and that my dad should not have gotten so incredibly angry at me.
I thought it might hopefully go away in the morning, but today everyone but my brother has been only speaking to me when strictly necessary. I thought I might just be gaslighting myself into thinking that, but at lunch I asked them and my mom said “that’s what happens when you really upset someone, they dont wanna hang out with you.” (Direct quote as this happened like 5 minutes ago)
I’ve told my gf none of this since I initially confronted my mom. I feel so bad because I really thought that she wouldnt have to deal with this from MY family, even though she is dating a white person. I’ve assured her many times that my mom is weird but would not directly say stuff, and she did. My dad is pissed because he thinks i shouldnt be prioritizing my partner’s needs over my mom’s, and that it’s a bad first impression for my first relationship to be calling my mother a bigot. (I DID NOT SAY THAT, for the record, he said that).
I don’t think I’m wrong for standing up for my partner, but I also do not want to hurt my parents. I’m not going to apologize for telling my mom she shouldnt have said that, but I also don’t know how long I can deal with my parents being mad at me. I dont want to jeopardize their approval for my relationship either.
Keep in mind, I’m a teenager living at home. This is my first relationship. I would love to go to bat for my partner against my parents, but realistically that doesnt work.
I dont know what to do. Am I in the wrong here? If not, how do I fix things without compromising my stance on what happened?
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
saw some dude on some tik tok live shitting on harry and was talking about how he was going to film a fashion video tomorrow meanwhile the dude looks like he got lost in a kohl’s clearance section….let’s not speak on what we don’t know ❤️
Anonymous asked: Ben Affleck looked so miserable you could tell he and Jlo fought before the Grammys there’s a video of her scolding him and then laugh when she see the camera on them
Anonymous asked: saw some tweet that was like “i’m just gonna look up harry’s racist tweets” as if that man didn’t only tweet song lyrics for years I just know whoever tweeted that hasn’t seen sunlight in days
literally bye good luck all ur gonna find is song lyrics
Anonymous asked: WAIT I LOVE HARRY LIKE IM HERE AS A HARRIE BUT IM ALSO HERE AS A DARKSKIN WOMAN SO "beyoncé’s fans are so fucking mean" AND BLAMING HER FOR STAYING SILENT IS NOT A COOL THING TO SAY. i'm saying this with kindness, but have y'all met harries. do y'all know HARRY? love him but when has he ever defended anyone his fans have come for? & as a white man it *IS* easier for him to speak up than it is for bey. all fandoms suck. lets not bring down a black woman lets just be happy for harry. thank you.
Anonymous asked: my last ask might be confusing sorry im responding to the anon talking about how beyonce doesn't do anything to stop hate and that somehow her rude fans means she is just as bad too. was not calling anyone racist in particular but i've just seen that sentiment a lot today and its made celebrating harry hard because it feels personal. idk why people can't ever celebrate harry without putting others down. beyonce was smiling and happy for him in the crowd
no yeah I dont think anon was blaming her I know I certainly wasnt but yeah it applies to all fandoms but hers are quite notorious for being....mean fbhcj she has a lot of male fans as well and men are just nasty so hfbhucjik as many other fanoms are aka swifties, bts and yes harries can be too absolutelyyyyy but yeah beyonce was literally happy for him people need to relax
Anonymous asked: ill get everyone trying to spread a false narrative adele did not leave everyone was happy for him and if people r mad about ben winston being a producer why do they not care about beyonces dad being a voting member of the academy and campaigning for her like first 20 grammys apparently
like as if ben has any actual say in the grammy winners themselves he just produces the show that is airing like
Anonymous asked: I just woke up and omfg the hate??? Ridiculous I feel like I need to cleanse my eyes. I can’t wait until Harry is out of the country so these uncultureds can leave him alone 😭😭😭
still havent seen too much and im glad so pls yall dont send it I really dont wanna see it lmao
Anonymous asked: I never thought I’d be telling her to gtfo of America like I need these people to leave him alone!!! Cant wait for him to shine at Brit’s and see no one pissed about it 😭😭
brits sweep incoming!!!
Anonymous asked: Fandoms hate Harry but their idols sure don’t
Anonymous asked: i’m sorry but i’m still mad. does b deserve a grammy? yes. were a great majority of people dragging and not streaming renaissance at all? yes. if we’re going to war on somebody’s behalf, it should be uvst by bb because it objectively was the most streamed album of last year, but i fear twitter wouldn’t have liked that either bc a lot of twitter is still xenophobic as hell and refuse to listen to spanish music and it would’ve devolved into a conversation about “why didn’t they give bb the latin grammys instead?”, which would have been xenophobic too but in a lowkey “progressive” way so i’m glad harry won bc i really don’t think a b win would’ve really been appreciated by twitter at all anyway bc it would still be about how they dislike the album or its genre or whatever billion ways they’ve tried to drag renaissance this past year when it’s literally always been a gorgeous album that you should have been appreciating from the get-go but now want to pretend like you’ve always loved it bc you love to be victims and somehow snubbing an album that twitter didn’t like just bc you like the artist and they are deserving of a grammy in general is a ridiculous hill to try to die on when i truly think b wouldn’t have liked to win an album for something that wasn’t well-received either 🫠
im shocked I didnt know her fans didnt really like the album but yeah she deserved it bad after lemonade like we all been knowing the grammys are fucked up im.very happy for harry and all hs peers there last night including beyoce looked happy for him 🫶🏻
Anonymous asked: So many famous people or you know social media known people made memes out of Harry saying “stuff like this don’t happen to people like me” and literally almost all of them took it down within minutes lmao idk why but either is the power of harries, the power of Jeff or the power of Harry, they should all shut up and let him have his moment! Especially when they do nothing with their sad miserable life pretending to be famous because of Instagram, try getting a real fucking job!
Anonymous asked:
the grammys were never gonna give aoty to something like renaissance🤷🏼‍♀️ i. can tell you the grammys hates giving awards to albums with that many producers and they loveeeee when there’s a smaller number of producers and writers( they’re weird)🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ with it fitting into a sort of niche the grammys (sadly) are not up to recognizing something that was made for the black queer community i think renaissance deserved the award the most tbh but what beyonce fans don’t understand is that there’s 10 albums in the category…. and most of them deserve to be there (coldplay and abba nope but anyways) and you can’t blame harry because he deserved the award as well you have to blame the grammys😭 because the truth is this year was a solid category and she should’ve won album of the year long ago for her self titled AND lemonade😭 and now they’re trying to find a way to blame him by tearing everything he’s said apart😭 because now people are expecting him to act as if he didn’t deserve the award??? when he completely did??? and beyonce she just sits there and cheers and she genuinely looks happy for everyone who wins and she’s not about what some of her fans are about😭😭😭
Anonymous asked: I’ve seen harries be equally as nasty when Harry looses things so I think everyone needs to realize that this stuff is not worth being a horrible person over because even though it’s online it still hurts. I hope a lot of harries will remember this feeling and not be so horrible to other artists so we can stop the hate circle
so true!!!
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iwouldratherbeabat · 3 years
This is gonna be controversial so I’ll keep anon.. but i feel like nowadays history is being made out to cause uproar between cultures. People are more or less being taught that white people were all racist, white history was all racist, and that white history had no good people. Not all white kings and queens are bad people. And being brought up in a white country (england) i just expect to be taught more english history! Hope you have a good day i dont mean offense
First of all… MORE English history?? Waaaahhh i spat my drink out. Im sorry but what???!! All I learnt in school was English or White history.
2) Ask your average white person what they know about black history and all they can tell you is slavery💀 We only get 30 days a year to learn about black history in school, and every year it was only about slavery.. MLKj or Rosa Parks.. 💀 and besides black history, what have you learnt about OTHER poc?? Other cultures??
3) History isnt being made out to cause uproar my g the way white people have treated other cultures in history is actually disgusting.
4) Most white people in history were racist😂😂 i mean white people literally used to grow up being taught that anyone who wasn’t white was less superior.
5) Also no one has ever taught me that any white king or queen was “bad” I learnt that through my own research 😂 We’re taught from such a young age that we need to stick our heads up the royals ass holes, god save the queen and all that shit, pls.
6) Were you ever taught about black kings and queens? Or kings and queens from other cultures? Did you learn much about Asian culture?
7) Your opinion is not “controversial” your opinion is just a typical privileged white persons opinion, im not even surprised.
8) My dad.. who grew up in the Caribbean.. learnt more about english/white history in school than he did about black history.. they were taught that english history is superior and that the royals are superior too, so being in England has nothing to do with how much English history you’re taught 💀💀
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ryan-sometimes · 3 years
I hope this doesn’t come off wrong, it comes from a place of full ignorance but as a fellow Latino...why the n slur...to you and your friend who was Asian like...it doesn’t quite click in my brain.
I’ve not been in US in a while but I have had an encounter alike and as much as I joke “oh I want to come across a karen” the one I had to deal with was extremely violent and her husband as well..only bc me and my mum were having a conversation in Spanish at target however was not called a slur bc I’m white padding to them so I guess that’s where the ignorance comes at.
Im really sorry you had that encounter ❤️
In case you're wondering what this anon is about, it's about this story from my Instagram
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I was also confused about it. At first I thought he was just a racist man talking on the phone. I only realised he was being racist towards me when he started throwing stuff at me and saying he was gonna beat up my friend and I.
I didn't think I'd ever be called that word either. My dad got called that when he lived in the US (he's part black) but I never associated that word with myself. I only thought I'd ever get called anti Latino slurs.
It just occurred to me yesterday after this incident that racist people don't know the difference. And if they do they just don't care.
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-y'all can call me- Jiya ❤❤,or Molly , or any cool nickname you can come up with
-cabin- 6 (athena)
-pronouns- literally anything, she/her/he/him/they/them whatever you are comfortable with
-sexuality- confused af but i think im pan
-Nationality- desi
-My Spotify- Here
- My Instagram- @/wesper_worshipper
Book/Book series:
Hunger games
The Mortal Instruments
The infernal Devices
The last hours
Harry Potter (fuck JKR)
Maze Runner
Fifty Shades
Red, White and Royal blue
Fault in our Stars
Looking for Alaska
Paper Towns
An Abundance of Katherines
Turtles all the way down
The Folk of the Air
All for the Game
Web Series/movies:
Young Royals
Squid Games
How I met your mother
Brooklyn nine-nine
Anne with an e
Never have I ever
The Vampire diaries
Good Omens
Shadow and Bone
Pride and Prejudice(2005)
One direction (band and solo both)
Omar Rudberg
Arctic Monkeys
The Weeknd
Taylor Swift
Hailee Steinfeld
Anime (i just started watching so the list is a bit short)
Death note
Attack on titan
Classroom of the elite
A silent voice
Spy x family
Jujutsu kaisen
My Hero Academia (currently watching)
Your Name
-currently in love with- Dove Cameron🛐🛐🛐, benadryl cucumbersnatch, OMAR RUDBERG <33
-married to- @willothewhisper (love of my life , she's the best )
-parabatai- @crzyprsn42 <33
-spawned on this earth in the year- 2003
-DNI- all pedophiles, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, misogynists , terfs , abusers , and other stupid bigots please stay off my blog if you dont want me to kick your ass hard. next , and im adding this on 14th feb 22 that i dont ever put an age limit on my blog, but if you are below 14, please dont follow me, unless we're already mutuals or i follow you. you can ask me the reason if you want
-random info- i love being tagged in picrews and games and chains and all that stuff so please tag me , and if there maybe a chance that i didnt reply , i saw it and forgot about it im realllllllyyy sorry in advance about that.
i lovee talking to new people and make friends so if you wanna talk, or just tell me about your day, or share theories with me, or swoon of one direction and other hot people , im totally available lovelies<33
im the cool dad for all babies under 17 here(im 18 . HOLY SHIT IM 18 im 19!!) so yeah i can tell you a lot of dad jokes.
im also the kind of person who hates hates hates science but is fascinated by space and astronomy etc, its so full of possibilities yk?
my tags-
original posts as #mine
original shitposts as #jia shitposts
liveblogging as #liveblogging movies cuz i got no one to talk to , or #liveblogging series cuz i got no one to talk to
my most important post
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maschotch · 3 years
hello my friend, wanted to ask you to rank the team from least favorite to most favorite. and to tell you i hope you have a good day!
ahh ok ok ok like the whole team or just the core 7? fuck it: all of them
jj: explanation here but tldr? white pinterest mom vibes and im nota hashtag feminist girlboss
kate: same reasons as jj but i thought she was funny while she lasted and i liked the human trafficking episode with her niece that was crazy
rossi: racist wealthy italian. "i used to be in the mafia" and "im a war veteran" are his only other personality traits. need i say more? his best moment was when he gave hotch a gun to kill himself ajsdlghsjg
seaver: wattpad energy im sorry gamergirl
matt: breeding kink. my vietnamese and filipino friends have had too many interactions with kpop stannies and koreaboos for me to support wasian kids with white moms im sorry
reid: he's not low on purpose i just don't really like any of the story arcs that surround him specifically and hes the most annoying ab his daddy/mommy issues than anyone else on the team (why cant he be normal about it like morgan lol) and i know enough other people love him to make up for him not being my absolute favorite
alex: another low empathy legend. i find her fascinating and i love lveo lveolevoevlevoelvoevleovelvoe her relationship with reid!!! thats his mom right there!!! (no disrespect diana- a boy can have two moms<3)
stephen: he was such a funky little guy. had that weird dad energy that we've missed since gideon left. didn't deserve to go like that, the scene with monica brings me to tears everytime, i wish he could've been there longer and had a chance to develop his relationships with the rest of the team more
tara: i loooove her she's so cool and smart. i wish she had more storylines about her tho :/ but thats the racism ig lmao
gideon: literally just a fucked up guy he's so goofy and weird. and it's kinda like the opposite of spencer--he's higher on my list bc i know he's low on so many other people's and honestly the weirdo freak deserves better. i want someone to hannibal him so so bad
jordan: ok i thought she was fucking awesome??? i really wish she had stayed longer but i also loved how she always struggled with the job because of how personally she took everything. she looked at this nightmare of a life and said "no thanks :) not for me" and i respect that. but i love her relationships with the team especially emily morgan hotch <3
penelope: ????do i even need to say anything she's gorgeous and funny and literally the glue that holds the team together like this show would not be shit without her in it
morgan: another one i feel like goes without saying he's just such a good man so gentle and sweet and kind and loving and protective. he takes all the hurt he's experienced and uses that to fuel his love and devotion for others. and he's so so smart he just doesn't need to rub it in everyone's face all the time. he's just got that tmasc swag and his tits always steal the show<3
luke: baby boy baby he's my absolute golden boy fr. he's going higher than morgan/penelope which seems a little off but i'm grading on a curve: he didn't really get any storylines and he wasn't there for that long. latino king and im a sucker for sign language. his crush on garcia is sooooo cute and just the way he was always there for her emotionally even when she didnt want him to be.. .giving him infinite gold star stickers
elle: badass cuban?? the way she instantly settled into the bau family?? putting everyone in their place?? how her leaving left a permanent scar on everyone who cared about her?? the potential for vigilante elle?? haircut in the second season?? her smile??? teh gUn HoLsTerskasj j??? what's not to love?? i wish she lasted longer :((((
hotch: hes my boring white man i will hype this bitch up so much!!!!!!WILL defend southern boy hotch to the death. trans man autistic man trying-to-be-better-than-his-father man <3 hes sooooooo expressive and emotionally open especially when he goes -_- i love him so so much
emily: she's so so so smart and hot <3 i love my low empathy queen <3 normally i dont really like ~rich white girl with mysterious international connections~ trope but she manages it perfectly bc its not her whole personality you know? she's all about second chances and trying again and building a new life for herself out of the ashes of her old one and it doesn't always work but she keeps trying anyway and i love love love her
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feel free not to answer this but im confused and wanted your opinion if u feel up for it. this girl on tiktok (who is black) did a video about how she doesnt consider biracial kids with white moms black and that anyone with a white mom is white to her and then this girl stitched it and was naming celebrities and mentioned halsey and also pete because his mom's mom is white apparently??? i am just so confused by this because it feels super fucked up but also im not about to speak over black ppl
(tiktok anon again, u dont have to respond this this one either) also if im being dumb im sorry i am autistic and i just genuinely dont understand why the original went viral or what it even means broadly speaking and no one is explaining it so it in the context of pete is very confusing to me?
1) petes mom is black, not his dad.
2) this is a little complicated to explain, but first of all, the black community has a bit of an issue when it comes to biracial people, especially those who are white passing. while its true they have a privilege due to their ability to pass as white and colorism and texturism within the community, they quite literally arent white because whiteness is defined by the absence of race, by ""purity"" and appearance based discrimination is only one aspect of blackness. even besides that, i feel like being asked to reject a part of your identity and history in order to succeed within society might do shit to you mentally even if you are privileged for being able to make that decision at all lol. theres a large segment of the black community who believe that we need to be more protective of blackness as an identity ("we've moved past the era of the one drop rule" we literally havent but okay) and like, i get that, no one wants another rachel dolezal, but we cant gatekeep ourselves out of our own community. its called generational trauma for a reason.
however, theres also this like. weird cultural phenomenon, wherein we often see black people with white mothers actin some typa way. its not universal, but theres just like this rule of thumb where biracial and especially white passing people with white mothers have this very "black friend that said its okay" energy. again not everyone is like this but white womanhood carries this very subtle and psychological brand of racism, so if your mother never actually confronted her racism (like these girls who chase black dudes in a fetishy way, or she thinks because she has black kids or is in a relationship with a black man shes not racist) i think it has a negative impact on their relationship to their blackness. however, thats a pretty big assumption, and i dont think halsey or pete have done anything to indicate that particular trap (the contrary with halsey from what i know of her) compared to like doja cat.
and 3) again petes mom is black. like i get being nervous about him specifically but hes like that cuz he grew up upper middle class not cuz his moms white.
tbh a lot of black people just see the entire alternative subculture as white people shit. im full black and brown skin and people call me white for liking fall out boy and punk music. i bet they just found out hes biracial and emo and was like "no way his mom aint white"
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
A.R| just cry already
Summary: you and cloudy have a little talk just to interrupt your mom and dad- then your dad pulls the asshole card
Warning: uh- parents ##### (just some moaning)- uh language and violence- unedited- my editor is slakin 🥱✨
Chapter one -> one✨ two 🤠 three ✨ four 🤠 five
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“Hey you like that arvin guy?” You ask, on the rode going to the meat store. He looks at you and gives you a innocent nod.
“Yeah, do you like him?” “Yeah but hes a white boy, who knows whats next eh?” He nods knowing where your coming from. “Undertandable” “are kids messing with you?” He looks at you, hesitant to answer.
“N-no-“ “dont you lie to me boy, spit it” you give him an eyebrow raise as a warning, he sighs and throws himself back in the seat with his head leaning on it before he turns to you “fine- yeah” “im not gonna tell anyone, and you are a strong black boy- use those guns you got” you giggle and reach over to squeeze his arm. “I cant, ill get in trouble” “ah i forgot about that, how bout you hang out with that nice girl- lenora” “i can see- i hope your not falling for no white boy y/n”
“You in my business” you roll your eyes as he chuckles. “Hey cloud” “hmm?” “I love you” you smile looking at him. “I love you too- ew im never saying that again” you gasp as you ask him why “it just gave me the chills” “welp here we are, go get us some steak will ya?” You hand him the money.
In this racist town you and your family are money motivated, even though some didnt like it you hustled, everone was suprised when your family got the newest car. Eveb if your dad, your mom got less amout of money then others.
“No wonder why he likes to hit her- hes stressed” you shake your head. “Whats up-nigger, you still in this town?” A man says, or a stupid man thats your age, young. You got startled as they got in next to you “get the fuck out of my car!” You say as he reaches over to pull your hair. “Fuckin-“ before he could finish cloudy grabbed him and yanked him out of the car, through the window as he landed on the floor and socked him hard across the face twice, hearing his jaw break as cloudy quickly through the meat in and jumped in.
“DRIVE” you hurry a step on it. “Fuck” you whisper as you head home. “God dammit why cant they just leave us alone- i cant fucking do this all the time” “you wont have to- i promise ill get you out of here” “promise?” You nod as you soflty grab his hand “with you, mama, and anyone else who needs it. We will leave this town and live a nice life”
The rest of the drive was silent as you headed home. You both got out as you grabbed the frozen meat, you grabbed the keys from your bra and unlocked the door, stepping inside and hearing loud moans.
You sigh as you throw the meat in the sink and of course they hear, “shit their home” you dad says as you guess he gets himself together, he steps into the kitchen where you and cloudy are, the only thing he says is “what happened to you, cloud” cloudy sighs as he lifts up his hand showing his purple knuckles “i got into a fight” “im proud if you boy” he says, you whisper “thats the first” “what was that, y/n?” You swallow as you look at your dad.
“Im quite the thirst, do we have any water here? I also got some meat” “of course we do, hunny can you give her some water”
“Yeah” your mother walks out, fixing her frizzy hair as she grabs a glass of water and hands it to you. “Mom are you okay?” You ask as you see purple finger prints on her neck. “Shes fine, take the water and drink it”
Your dad interrupted.
“Sorry” you clear your throat “so uh. Hows everyone?” “Fine” they all said together. “We are going to church” you father stated, everyone else in the room looking at him as if hes crazy.
“Theres a whole lot of white people in there, are you sure?” “Yeah, thats why i got the steak, we are a family and we deserve equality like everyone else” “not everyones gonna listen to you, dad please” you beg him with pleading eyes. He makes eye contact with your pleading eyes, losing he sighs “we are only going once” your mother sighed in relief.
Arvin is currently at the store with his grandmother, a man sitting on a stool with a ice pack on his cheek.
“Yeah, i dont know who punched me but i was trying to talk to that girl”
“What girl?”
“The nigger”
Arvins jaw clenched as he tried to stop listening, anger fusing in his viens when he barely knew the girl.
“This is just tragic” his grandmother whispered, sighing as she picked up the chiken.
“Yeah it sure is” arvin murmered back.
After they went in the car arvin turned to his grandmother. “Hey grandma” he asks her, she looks at him telling him to continue “do you like uh- colored people?” He asks, avoiding the disrespectful word. “Well what do you mean?” “You know, darker then us” she nods and starts to give her answer.
“Yeah, i see nothin wrong with them. I dont know why others dont. Why arvin? You like that girl dont you” she gives him a smile. “I think i just might” he smiles as he starts to drive home.
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angelhummel · 3 years
could you rank the degrassi next class characters?
gladly!! also sorry in advance if you love any of the characters im about to shit on lol
20. Frankie Hollingsworth. Almost had her second to last but. No. Klu Klux Fran?? The ZOO?? I can't even talk about her she's just so damn annoying and racist and omg. And she was being pushed as the new Main Girl which made everything all the more offensive and unbearable
19. Esme Song. Sorry but I do not think she had a single redeeming trait. She had nothing she stood for, no actual character beyond being an antagonist to every single other person on the show. Like she thinks Shay is stupid for being embarrassed about getting her period on her boyfriend's pants, and yet she calls Yael disgusting for having armpit hair?? So what's the truth? And people are like "well she's mentally ill" to excuse all she does. Well Maya is mentally ill and Esme makes fun of her too. So who's side are we on? Like I would've liked to see her get help and develop but we didn't get that so.
18. Hunter Hollingsworth. Terrorist. Not even interesting enough to be an actual school shooter. Just a waste of a character. Sexist, violent, had a plot about wanting to play video games at school. I'm so bored. Only not at the bottom bc I feel like he wasn't in my face as much
17 & 16. Baaz Nahir & Vijay Maraj. Thing 1 and Thing 2 to the would be school shooter. Clowns. They were a terrible group and I cringed any time they had a plot together. Annoying together, useless on their own. Hard pass
15. Yael Baron. The final member of the above group. Was mostly boring and annoying and especially dumb for being romantically interested in Hunter. Only gets bonus points for their coming out as nonbinary plot. After their makeover I was literally crying
14. Jonah Haak. Mostly disliked him for being in a relationship with Frankie. Like I'm sure they were only a year or two apart but he felt so much older than her. It was gross. And mostly he's just really blah. The attempt at a straight edge character at that point was. Hilarious. at least.
13. Winston Chu. Seemed harmless at first but idk all the boys were shifted high into clown mode when this show hit netflix. The incident with the geisha and Japanese soldier costumes? Defending Zoe against Esme? Then later telling Goldi maybe she should take her hijab off to cause less of a fuss? Bruh.
12. Saad Al'Maliki. Honestly I felt like he was the one with the most braincells most of the time. Probably pissed me off the least. But he was also in the least amount of episodes and didn't make much of an impression on me. Was mostly just boring. But I'll take boring over everything that came before
11. Lola Pacini. Degrassi has a knack for introducing the worst and most obnoxious characters and then eventually making you love them. Lola was not quite that. I hated her for the longest time but it decreased a bit near the end. I got emotional when she had her abortion. And when she gave Yael their makeover. And when she reached out to Saad and convinced him not to leave. I feel like I could've grown to like her more if the show went on, but again... Oh also I hate her and Miles together sorry
10. Grace Cardinal. Ugh Grace is confusing to me. I wasn't the biggest fan of her story with Zoe. I mean sure you're allowed to hook up with someone and then realize "oh that's not for me" but it was handled so awkwardly. Like she slept with Zoe just to be like "damn i hate when everyone thinks i'm a lesbian :/" like why. Idk she was fine but I'm not over the moon about her
9. Goldi Nahir. Ugh okay I feel like they didn't know what to do with her. Like she had the plotline about if she should take off her hijab or not. And she had to teach the poor whities about racism. That was about it? She was adorable and sweet and a bright spot in the show but ugh she deserved better than what she was surrounded with lol
8. Shay Powers. Again, it's not her fault she's stuck in a show written by 70 year old white people. But the black girl is completely oblivious to the racism of her friend? She has to ask her dad if a racist thing is really racist? She's never experienced racism? Ok Degrassi. They treat all their black girls like shit and I feel like I just stan them out of spite bc of that lol. But she's cool and a nice person and she's into sports so she's at least doing stuff
7. Rasha Zuabi. Another generally nice and cool character that I have positive feelings for. Also she was gay so yay. Loved her story with Zoe. I think there was just one moment where I was like "wtf are you doing" but compared to everyone else it's not a big deal
6. Zig Novak. I have to admit that all my enjoyment of his character comes from before Next Class. He was such a sweetie and then he left and came back acting dumb as hell. That was not my boy in Next Class. But ahhh he's still my boy sorry I love him <3
5. Deon "Tiny" Bell. Basically the same as Zig above. But I feel like he maybe had a few less moments of being an asshole? Also his promposal for Shay was cute <3 Wait didn't he also date Lola? Wasn't a fan of that either.
4. Zoe Rivas. She was the one dressed up as a geisha lol (: Oh boy Next Class was something else. Umm it was nice to see her process of accepting herself as a lesbian. I feel like it took forever tho. Which is understandable irl but this is a tv show lol. I didn't enjoy her sucking Zig off in the woods. Not fun. But her relationship with Rasha was one of my fave things about NC
3. Tristan Milligan. The amount of hate Tristan gets is faaaar too much. He's one of my favorites of the whole show honestly. I think he's funny and dramatic and a great addition to the show. But he gets knocked down bc I can't remember anything he did in Next Class other than BEING IN A FUCKING COMA FOR A WHOLE SEASON. He's already Owen's brother, he's suffered enough. But I love his relationship with Miles. And him helping Zoe accept herself
2. Miles Hollingsworth. Yes another character I wasn't fond of at first. Hated his relationship with Zoe and thought he was just boring. Truthfully I think I only became interested when he started dating Tristan lol. Plus omg with his family?? It's a miracle he got out at all. He went through so much bullshit and he was especially going through it in Next Class. He was kind of a hot mess but also I just care a lot about him. He deserves the world <3
1. Maya Matlin. Is Maya really my fave?? I guess so! Yet another character I wasn't fond of at first. Which is insane bc we just got to the part in our rewatch where she first shows up and I'm like !!! baby girl!! So precious!!! And I wanted to cry thinking of what she's about to go through. I feel like her character is treated with some of the most respect and care. Her motivations and mental health decline all make sense storywise. I just care a lot about her and got super emotional watching everything in her story, especially the later parts in NC
Wow this is a lot!! But I hope you enjoyed my ranking and explanations lol. Also like. Everyone was racist. Everyone was mentally ill. That was the whole show. It was a hot mess and truth be told I am not a fan. Even the characters I love, they were acting weird here. Like I said about Zig and Tiny and their character regression. And I think it was the same for like Tristan and Zoe and plenty of others too. Everyone was off, idk how to explain it. But that's my ranking for the hot mess that was Next Class!!
Thank you for the ask, ily <3
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