#also imagine pokemon making a story where a pokemon kills a child
katzenkarussell · 11 months
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Der Nesträuber
The nest robber - this was such a fun piece to make :) A bit of a "What if" situation
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 2 months
how to not let your autistic inner child win (or how to write an if) by the secretary
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[id: a student with glasses being pointed at and mocked by two students on screens, and two more offscreen with only their arms showing. the central bullied student looks sad, and everyone else is laughing. end id]
Ruhoh, is this another secretary essay? Well, yes it is! The gender politics one will eventually come around when I feel like it, but this one, as the title suggest, is about how to write an IF. And since I'm presuming most of you are on the spectrum (or on a spectrum), it gets a little tongue-in-cheek.
Anyways, if you have autism, you have eternal swag. It's just true! But having so much swag makes it a problem when writing, or doing any sort of project. This is something I've noticed from people who don't have evil autism. Those not afflicted by the rare autism version of evil autism (my autism) will often be really bad at just... doing things - despite having all the abilities to do so! I think it might be a adhd thing or something too. Anyways, I love helping people, (this is my evil autism), and I'd like to share some girl tips on how to kill your inner child :)
I think something I've noticed from people making any sort goals- online, real life, job, working, etc - is it is straight forward. ie: I want to graduate from high school, I want to make a video game, I want to journal everyday. These are all achievable using your abilities that you learn and gain through your life, and failure doesn't exempt you from trying again. Thing is, this specific thing I just described (straightforward goals) is something I think a lot of autistic people struggle with.
I deeply remember sitting down in the corner of my high school, looking like the hottest girl who played pokemon on her ds when someone who had +1% more autism than me told me that, one day, he was going to make the most cool pokemon game ever where you could date other characters and have babies and have your children go on adventure too. As a 14 year old, I thought to myself 'bitch, shut up' but also, 'this is so unrealistic, but he really believes it, uh'. And he did! And you know, I think that's okay. I think it's okay to believe that you can make things that you cannot do at the moment - I mean that's just how life it. We didn't go on the Moon thinking we couldn't
But... the guy didnt know how to code, or how to make games, or how to program, or how to develop stories, or how to make art, etc etc etc. He didn't know these things, but he wanted to make these things. And I see this to a certain degree quite a bit when it comes to creation. I want to say: it's a very important of the process but simply one part.
I think being able to imagine what you could do if you have all the resources in the world, all the time, and all the help is important - but it is even more important to look within and go 'alright with all this in mind - what can I do?'
And if you're in the field of IF, well, what can you do? Coding, storytelling, character design, plotting arcs, etc. I think the skills can be learned by anybody (sidenote incoming)
If anybody ever fucking says that art is innate, they're fucking lying. It's a skill you grind out. You work it out. You work even if you feel not creative. You write words even if they don't come to you naturally. You draw even if the images can't be conjured. You work you work you work and you make something. You cannot always make art when feeling creative because you aren't always creative. you must be willing to die for your art, yes, but you must also be willing to create without any creative sparks! If you want to be an artist, you better work bitch.
(sidenote ending) and with that in mind, you need to develop restraints onto yourself. In IF, it's actually to create restraints, and here are some I suggest for all of my fellow autists who might struggle with them. I love you guys, truly, anyways. here they are:
restrain characters.
Make three characters + a main character. Write a couple of scenes with them. Is that your maximum? Is that too much? Go up and down until you find the right amount. You can add more character when your writing is better. Stick to a minimum per scene. If you have ideas for 30 characters, you can easily melt them into 10. Seriously. Put the heat on maximum and start creating new fun dolls to play with.
2. restrain scenes
You cannot write 500 per interaction. This is a bad idea because a) you might do the thing where you run out of creativity which you need to learn to do without but it is hard and b) interactions are time limited and time sensitive. not everybody will go through them. if you have a 30k update, but most people will only see 1k... are you really writing a game for them or for yourself? I made my wife do this format:
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youll gain the ability to gauge if a scene is important or not eventually, I'm sure.
3. restrain area
I recommend writing like a murder novelist. You have a closed circle, and the player cannot leave it. they can only be within that space. That space that exists within that specific story is the only thing they have access to. it can be a school, a city, a bedroom - but its limited. you create setpieces that players interact with. some set pieces are the same with just a different coat of paint on.
anyways, i believe in dreaming big, but i also believe that we have little time on our hands to create. when wanting to make something, restraint yourself. its always way more fun to find ways to break out of our bonds then just roaming free, right? I mean... maybe not. I'm not your mother, you know.
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transhitman · 2 years
Anyway continuing my deranged anti-DQ anime rant. I hate how much they dumbed down the violence and like. No I'm not saying they should have animated full-blown gore in a kid's show I'm not That insane. But there Are In Fact ways to censor violence without stripping back how dire the stakes are. Like. You don't have to cut away entirely when you can just frame it differently. Or like just have a character not bleed but still have that cartoon red line on them. Or something. Even just like. Having the characters react with more than a slight wince and an anime oof when they get hit. The tone gets sand-blasted when the stakes are lowered so much. Like kids aren't stupid they can tell the difference between a pokemon battle and someone actually getting hurt. You weren't supposed to think the fights were fun or cool you were supposed to be horrified by the monsters. IT'S AN ACTION/HORROR NOT AN ACTION/COMEDY. And I know a lot of the horror of the books comes from the unbridled imagination of a child or whatever BUT. There is literally official art of a lot of the monsters and they are NOT digimon-looking creatures. They're grotesque. The series was challenging and uncomfortable and freaky. And that was a good thing. That's WHY most people liked it. It was like violent goosebumps for people who were too young to read lotr. If that makes any sense.
And also another thing, the books I think are aimed at like 5th-8th graders whereas the show seems to be aimed at like 2nd graders which is so perplexing. Like yeah don't kill characters in a show for kids that young but also why would you make a baby show based on a series where people get melted alive by acid? Why bother? Cause without the immaculate atmosphere the story itself just becomes a macguffin fetch quest. You can just make your own macguffin fetch quest. AUGH. *Clenches my fists so hard my palms bleed* Also whoever designed Steven and Jasmine should go to jail forever!!! DIE!!!
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percontaion-points · 3 months
Fearless (HMA 4) chapters 7 & 8
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 7
“We’re mates,” Jasper said before I could respond. “I plan to feed her every day for the rest of our lives.” 
Iris dabbed at her mouth with a napkin, then leaned towards him, her voice cool. “That’s quite a commitment. But ultimately, a promise you may not be able to keep.” Jasper sat up straighter, but she waved a hand between us. “Do you know what this looks like to a woman of my age? Foolish first love. You overthrew your father, took control of the clan, and began kicking over stones others were happy to ignore. But have you solidified your power base? Used the resources now in your control to make my granddaughter safe?” She shook her head, her disdain obvious. “You are two children playing at mating. And quite likely going to get yourselves killed in the process.” 
They’re literal children! Vail isn’t even 18 yet, and I don’t even know how old Jasper is. 
Not one single thing about this series has been in any way romantic. They’d only known each other for like a month before Jasper killed his father because of her! It’s only been like 3 months since then!
“Is this a reunion, or an interrogation? If you’re here to grill us, you’re wasting your time. We don’t need your approval.”
Oh, so you were sold to a school full of sadistic werewolves and you did nothing. You let them bully and sexually harass you and you did nothing. You let multiple men lay claim to you, and you did nothing. You were collared and traded around like a fucking Pokemon card and still nothing.
But grandma calling out the fact that high school relationships hardly work out in the long-term is where you’re suddenly deciding to grow a fucking spine? 
“His friends provided a distraction, they disappeared, and we never saw Allie again.” 
Quick question: is Vail’s mum still alive, but she’s been in hiding this entire time?
“But I understand the need for family. If you really want to meet them, we’ll find a way. Just give me a little time to sort something out.”
Chapter 7 summary: Now face to face with her grandmother for the first time, Iris Marrow begins by scoffing over how stupid and foolish that Jasper and Vail are. However, when Vail suddenly grows a spine and is like “Okay, bye.” over the entire thing, Iris laughs and says that it was a “test”. 
Vail pulls out the bracelet, the one with the cat, wolf, and bear on it. Iris begins to tell the story of her second child. 
Alana was raised as the little princess that she was, but also as a daddy’s girl. However, when she hit her teen years, Jonathan (her father and Vail’s grandfather) began to put restrictions on her. Alana rebelled in the typical teenage ways. 
Along comes Parker West, who was part of a research team on banes. He and Alana were friends, a relationship that Johnathan encouraged because “Parker was a useless omega” according to Johnny. 
Alana ran away from home, but was picked up three days later in a bane raid. Nobody knew who she was, and she didn’t tell them. She was then tortured at the testing facility… Which I’m imagining was something along the lines of what Vail experienced. 
Michael rescued her, but thought that she was something that needed to be “cured”. She shifted into her cat, to show to him that there was nothing wrong with her at all. (How the fuck she’s a cat is never goddamned explained, but whatever.) However, Vail understands the reason why Johnny was researching this shit was because, again, he was trying to “cure” his daughter. After that, they never saw Allie again. 
Vail asks about the bear on the bracelet, and Iris explains that the wolves used to interbreed intentionally with them. Like can you imagine how powerful a wolf-bear hybrid would be? One of Alana’s cousins was a bear, but he was killed not too long after she disappeared. 
Vail then asks about those cousins she’s heard about, the ones who supposedly have a sanctuary for different people like Vail and Alana. Iris tries to warn her away, but Vail takes out Johnathan’s party invite. However, between Vail’s cousins and her grandfather, Iris would rather send Vail to her cousins. 
Chapter 8
“It’s just… my dad never got back to me about the invitation.”
I know that you guys are kind of on a time crunch and everything, but I’m not sure that it’s even been 24 hours!
I was still chewing over Iris’ description of Michael Warren. It fit the way I saw him – a borderline psychopath with a secret research room, and an obsessive desire to protect his daughter…
Considering the way that Johnathan tortured Alana under the guise of “curing her”, I’m honestly not surprised that Michael is a little bit over-protective. 
Is Michael truely a “psychopath”, or is this simply all in response to the ACTUAL psychopath, Jonathan Marrow?
“It doesn’t matter. I’m glad I met my grandmother, and I still want to meet my cousins, but that’s it. I’m done with the Marrows. If my dad shows up, we’ll talk. But it’s pretty obvious my real family is right here in front of me.”
Chapter 8 summary: After Iris leaves, they stand around and think about everything that had been said. Then Jasper takes Vail to the private pool for the penthouses of the hotel, where he gives her another present: a super skimpy bikini. He says that this one is more for him… Wink wink. They bang, but this isn’t important.
After, Vail starts to talk about wanting to take up Iris’s offer to join her in Europe, but obviously doesn’t want to travel thousands of miles to visit a near-stranger. 
He explains that wolves usually don’t travel too far from their territory. But they’re still partly human, so they do go on holiday. He’d love to take her to the beach. Vail has never left this immediate area. The thought of that makes Jasper mad, because Michael seemed so devoted to protecting Vail, yet did such terrible and abusive things to her. Vail brings up the containment collar she found in her dad’s lab, and says that she can’t stop thinking about it. And why Michael told Jasper to put a collar on Vail, too. 
Vail goes on to say that she doesn’t want anything to do with her grandfather. She’s done chasing after her father as well. And while she still wants to meet those cousins, she finds that her only family is now Jasper. 
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Gojo Satoru general headcanons
Let's get one thing clear: this man is absolutely chaotic. He is always full of energy. His energy levels never reach below 50%. He is loud and proud, always running, and never takes a minute to relax.
Do not give him Monster. Shoko did that once and it took her forever to get him off the ceiling. Also, avoid caffeine. Shoko replaces his normal coffee with decaf and he still hasn't noticed the difference. Keep it that way.
He was the class clown when he was younger. He wasn't exactly a trouble maker, but he may as well be. I cannot word that sentence and I am sorry. Next.
All of his teachers assumed he never listened in class, so they always called in him when they thought he wasn't paying attention. It still shocked them every time he rattled off the correct answer.
Not only did he answer the question correctly, but he could also explain his reasoning behind the answer, and if it was multiple choice, explain why the other answers were wrong. 
This tall man child would march up to the board and absolutely fill it to the brim with work, turn around, drop the chalk-like a mic drop and walk back to his desk with the smuggest look on his face.
That doesn't mean he did the work tho
Idk how schools in japan work but we all know schools in America only care about the amount of work you do and not what you actually know so we'll use that for the sake of the headcanon: he had straight D's bc he never turned in his work
Despite not doing the work snd goofing off, teachers actually really liked him
A lot of people liked him and he was super popular, but he still felt alone
Fake friends, you know how that works, he didn't meet any real friends until he became a shaman
Clean freak. This dude actually makes his bed. He scrubs his bathroom twice a week. His desk can get cluttered but he straightens up once a week. He's not exactly a germaphobe because
He cannot respect your personal space and that's actually canon but let me take it a step further 
He's a slapper. Especially when he laughs. It doesn't hurt, it's playful dw. He hugs you from behind especially when he's cold. He picks you up and carries you around. He will grab your wrist, arm, or hand and lead you around even if you're following him. He lays his legs across you or lays across your lap. Puts his head on your shoulder. Platonic cuddling between friends is mandatory. He's just so hands-on it's ridiculous.
Unless you explicitly tell him you're uncomfortable he won't stop
Don't worry, if you aren't in that type of relationship, your no-no square is safe. Except, if you seem chill, he will slap your ass regardless of friendship status. His ass is also slappable. You can't tell me Geto and Gojo didn't run around slapping each other asses, okay
He was weird and scrawny as a child. He didn't start beefing out until he started training to be a shaman and he's still kinda smaller than most beefy boys
He can pick you up and throw you around easily. He carried around a 170 pound Yuji like a sack of potatoes and can easily carry around three times that weight
It's amazing he's so tiny because you remember 2014 Shane Dawson making all of those wack ass desserts that was just s pile of chaos wrapped in chocolate?
He can eat every last bite of one of those monstrosities without getting a stomach ache, gaining weight, or dying basically
He knows bc Yuji dared him to do it
He has really cold hands and feet
He sounds old. Let me elaborate. He's constantly cracking his joints. They also creak when he moves. He complains about body pains like he's 80 y/o
He also shares wisdom with the kids as if he's actually 80 y/o
It's irrelevant advice that doesn't make sense but is also useful. Megumi can't count the number of times he's asked Gojo for feedback on his technique but had been told to remember to chew 40 times or never go to bed angry
Starts off sentences with "now son" and "when I was your age"
He uses his blindfold as a headband when he wants his hair out of his face. He also uses headbands as... Headbands... When he wants to wear sunglasses but get his hair out of his face
He owns so many pairs of sunglasses but he always wears the same pair
He's only bought a handful of them himself, most of them are gifts
No one knows what to get him for Christmas or his birthday bc he has everything, so they resort to sunglasses
His favorite pair is a pair that Shoko and Geto bought him as a gag. He thought they were dead serious, though, so he wore them around for a month
They were heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses
Can you believe this man doesn't use any gel or anything to keep his hair spiky with the blindfold on? It just naturally defies gravity when the blindfold is on
Tell this man he's pretty because he already knows. He's narcissistic but not the cringy kind
Photogenic as hell. Takes great pictures from any angle. 
He gives everyone a different story as to why he covers his eyes. Sometimes he says it's because his eyes are too pretty and are a distraction. Sometimes he says it's because the sunglasses/bandages/blindfold look cooler than his eyes. Sometimes he says it's to protect the six eyes from seeing things he doesn't want to see. The world may never know
He's tried covering his whole face before, but he thinks he's too pretty for that. He at least wants one of his many amazing features to be shown at all times.
So about his driver's license;
He knows how to drive. He can be a good driver. When he wants to be. He just doesn't have a driver's license.
Now he TELLS people he just never got around to getting one, however, there's a rumor he lost it due to too many parking tickets
It's amazing the only tickets he's ever gotten have been from that and once he got caught without a seatbelt; he would have gotten out of that one if he hadn't been flirting with the police officer so bad
This doesn't stop Gojo from driving places though
He steals Ijichi's car a LOT and Ijichi DOESN'T KNOW HOW like??? The windows are never broken and it doesn't look hotwired-
Gojo has a key
You're not even supposed to be able to duplicate car keys but Gojo did 
Also; none of the first-year trio knows he doesn't have a driver's license, though that much should be painfully obvious
He whips around corners, speeds up at yellow lights, goes "watch this" and does a donut, it's just a mess
The poor students have to sit in the backseat too. Just imagine Megumi with all three seatbelts around him like that one meme.
He thrives off of Nobara and Yuji screaming from the backseat, and he can see Megumi being smooshed because he thought the middle seat was the safest through the rearview mirror
Which he doesn't even need because of the six eyes
Despite being such a reckless driver, he knows when danger will happen, so he's never once gotten in a wreck
He blasts the radio, which makes up for the driving.
Has a habit of getting in a car and ending up in the McDonalds drive-thru
Steals other people's fries and keeps the fullest one for himself.
He was rebellious as a kid and teenager, but hey, at least his juvie record is sealed 
He's been detained and in the back of a cop car many times, but the reason was never really bad enough for him to be arrested. Mostly he's just being mouthy. And the time he got caught spray painting on the side of a building. And that one time he and Getou hopped the fence to get into the local pool. And that other time-
It got worse after Getou wasn't around to get him out of trouble. Suddenly, breaking the rules wasn't fun anymore and he mellowed out. 
Tried alcohol and cigarettes before he was legal. Decided neither was his thing, however, he did start drinking occasionally when he was legal.
He's a fucking chaotic drunk. Oh my god he's absolutely feral
Most bars in the vicinity know him by name and they sigh whenever he walks in
Shoko is his emergency contact. She hates it
Shoko has to drag drunk Gojo home at least twice a month and is not happy about it
Once she left him in an alley. He made it home okay so she guesses it's fine
Once he got so drunk he spilled beer on his sock. The thought the fastest way to dry them was by sticking them in the microwave. Forgot about it until someone asked, "Who the fuck is cooking socks???"
I feel it important he was in the break room of the local grocery store and no one knows how he got there
As he was escorted out he stole a grocery cart and rode away in it while singing Don't Threaten Me (With A Good Time) by Panic! At The Disco
He has no alcohol tolerance at all what so ever
He will literally just stare at you and giggle
It's funny he's really flirty but also doesn't seal the deal. Literally, every woman in that bar is willing to get in his bed but he declines every offer. No one knows why
Its because he respects women
He helps his students break the rules as long as they're within reason. Once night Yuji was really hungry and after having a temper tantrum he couldn't order Uber eats bc the school is supposed to be secret Gojo helped sneak him out to get food. Who needs curfew anyway.
The shirts in his closet range from like twenty bucks to the iconic rich bitch shirt the kids ruined in that one chapter we all know the one 
He still wears that by the way, he calls it "art" 
When he was younger, Megumi drew a picture of Gojo being eaten by his shadow dogs. Gojo found it and now it's framed in his room.
He keeps up with current trends and memes like no one's business. This is how he bonds with his kids.
Don't call him old, but also, he'll tell you to respect your elders it's a mess
He has a lot of games on his phone. You can usually find him holding his phone sideways playing some RPG game he probably spent too much money on 
He did hop on the Pokemon Go hype train but after becoming overpowered he got bored
This happens to a lot of games. He pays way too much money, gets to be the strongest in the server, and gets bored
He likes games where you can kill other people's troops and likes to watch as they lose all their power
I canon him as being borderline sadistic
This is why he's Sakata Gintoki reincarnated
White hair, sweet tooth, black leather clothes, dad vibes, never takes anything seriously bc when he does he's scary as fuck, the works.
He is Sakata Gintoki
He liked Gintama growing up. He watched a lot of iconic shows as they aired. He considers himself an og
He's hella bilingual
Because he's the strongest he goes overseas for missions a lot. Because of this he speaks a lot of languages and knows a lot about international cuisine 
He takes pictures of himself eating disgusting foods like snails. He never likes them but he loves the idea of Nobara gagging back in japan
Has paperwork sitting untouched on his desk from three months ago that he will not touch for at least another three months
Does the crossword puzzles in the newspaper every week
Uses humor as a coping mechanism and it honestly just became a personality
Constantly popping his joints. I'm sorry if you find this gross I too find it gross.
Probably brought home every stray animal he ever met ever until he was at least like 22 y/o
Tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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valhahazred · 4 years
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Cryptid Mythos bonus! Everything that appears on this sheet is an entity reported by real people. Why no Mythos this time? Because these encounters are so strange in appearance or behavior that they could slip right into the Sothic multiverse with little to no alteration or alternative explanation. Good luck Investigators!
All Colours Sam In 1973, in the town of Sandown, 7 year old “Fay” and an unnamed friend encountered a very strange individual as they explored the fringes of a golf course. They first became aware of something weird going on when they heard a sound like an ambulance siren in the distance. Following the sound to a footbridge over a creek, the two children were confronted by a three fingered hand wearing a blue glove that beckoned them from beneath the bridge. Awaiting them was a seven foot humanoid figure wearing strange clownish clothing, seemingly reinforced with wooden slats that protruded from his sleeves and pant-legs. The figure had a book in his hands, which he immediately fumbled and dropped in the water. He splashed around cartoonishly before recovering his book, leaping out of the creek and away from the children. He moved to a small metal shed with a high-kneed hopping gait and disappeared inside. The children went to leave, only for the mysterious entity to exit again with a microphone that appeared to be the source of the wailing that drew the children in the first place. It spoke into the microphone in a friendly, non-threatening tone. “Are you still here?” The children were curious and unafraid, so they moved towards him. He held up his book and pointed at the words in order to introduce himself. “Hello and I am all colours, Sam”. They asked if he was human and he said no and when asked if he was a ghost he replied, “well, not really but I am in an odd sort of way.” The children asked what he was then and he simply said, “You know.” During their conversation with the entity they learned that although he went by Sam, he didn’t really have a name, he claimed that there were others like him and that he was afraid of humans and that he was a pacifist, refusing to harm others even if they should attack him. He invited them into his hut, where he shared some wildberries and showed them a magic trick, where he placed a berry into his ear and seemingly teleported it to his mask’s eyehole and then to his mouth with quick jerks of his head. They continued to converse for almost an hour before the children decided to leave. Was he an alien in a make-do disguise? An animated scarecrow? A figment of childish imaginations? Or just a strange homeless man dressed like a clown? Whatever the truth, All Colours Sam, also known as the Sandown Ghost Clown, was never seen again. The Crazy Critter of Bald Mountain This weird looking creature was sighted by three people in the week following a fiery object that passed over the Bald Mountain near Newaukum Lake in Washington. When the local Sheriff began an investigation into the sighting he was visited by heavily armed and uniformed men who claimed to be from the Air Force and forced him to give up the case. Old Saybrook Blockheads Mary Starr was awoken in the early morning on December 16, 1957 by a bright light shining into her bedroom. She looked out the window to witness a 30 foot cigar shaped craft hovering over her yard, less than 10 feet from her house! Inside the apparent spaceship she witnessed a pair of small creatures with fleshy skirts and clear cubic “heads” containing a floating red bulb. They raised their right arms and as a third entity appeared in the portholes the ship brightened before shooting off into the sky. Space Brains of Palos Verdes As John Hodges and Pete Rodriguez were leaving a party at two in the morning they were not expecting to meet anything from out of this world but as the car turned on its headlights illuminated two bizarre entities! The men panicked and drove away, ending the story for Rodriguez as he made it home with no complications. However, in Hodges case he next became aware of himself two and a half hours later in the driveway of his home, sitting in the car as if in a trance. Troubled by the missing time, he eventually went for hypnosis in an attempt to recover his memories of the night. While under regression he claimed that while he got his friend home safely, when he returned to his own residence the disembodied brains were waiting for him! He asked them what they wanted and suddenly he was elsewhere, in a dark room with entities that looked like the classic Greys but very tall and with webbed six fingered hands and yellow eyes. They explained that the brains were “merely translators” used in order for these beings to interface telepathically with humans. He claimed they warned him that Earth had “too much power” and showed him a map of the planet covered in lights that indicated places where humans might destroy themselves. They showed him images of dead planets and made several inaccurate prophecies before he suddenly found himself back in his car. Unlike many other abductees with similar experiences Hodges did not try to make excuses for their bunk predictions or feel like it made him important in any way. He simply assumed the aliens were untrustworthy and were playing with him. The Casa Blanca Entities This is one of the strangest and most confusing accounts of a Close Encounter of the Fifth kind, as eight children ranging from the ages of four to fifteen were terrorized by a parade of extraterrestrial monsters one summer day in 1955. It started with an array of UFOs, sun-like, disk-shaped and semi-transparent, appearing and disappearing with musical pings. Then came the entities. First was a ghostly being bearing a shiny belt buckle that was so brilliant it could blind someone looking straight at it. It was followed by disembodied arms in riveted armor that seemed to beckon to the children, small strange men that used dual ray guns to paralyze and finally a many limbed creature. All through this strange arrival something spoke to the children telepathically, offering to take them away. The kids they spoke to often seemed to be entranced, moving to the dancing UFOs mindlessly and required physical force or even being hosed down to snap them out. One child even fell off a roof in an attempt to reach a UFO, only to be protected by a red force field. The weirdest part of all is that not only did adults not see anything, they couldn’t. Despite being present for the event a mother of one of the children was unaware of the paranormal happenings. Does this mean it was all in the children’s heads, as they were overtaken by some kind of playground hysteria? Or is there some alien force that not only wants our children but can make themselves invisible to undesirable observers. The Garson Invaders In 1954 three of these insectoid entities appeared to Canadian miner Ennio La Sarza. Their appearance was already exceptional by the usual standards of reported alien contact but in a particularly striking detail their faces appeared to glow in colours La Sarza had never seen before! The beings asked La Sarza to do something for them but he refused, not only to do it but to even speak of it. It was so awful and “outright apocalyptic” that he even considered asking the RCMP to lock him up in case the creatures he’d met had some way to enforce his cooperation. The Poole Pyramid This multi-hued metallic pyramid appeared in 1965 to seven year old Terrence Druce of Poole in Dorset when he awoke to it hovering over the foot of his bed. He shrieked in terror, waking his younger brother in time for him to also witness it as it faded into thin air. That encounter might have never been recorded if the brothers hadn’t seen it again the very next day, lurking in a parking lot. They said it seemed aware of their presence and turned to watch them but it did not follow them when they decided to flee the scene. Delta Dogs An anonymous woman was driving through a snowstorm on route 07 through Syracuse in January 1958. She came across what at first seemed to be a downed plane but as she approached her engine slowly ran itself down and the car stopped itself. As she desperately tried to restart the car the snowstorm calmed and more details became apparent. Projecting out of the large object she’d thought was a plane crash was a 50 foot illuminated pole. Two strange beings rose up along the pole, floating by it as it started to retract. When the pole finished sinking into the object the creatures disappeared and the craft took off so fast she couldn’t make out where it went. The Electric Serpent of Tacoma This is easily the most unusual sighting of a sea creature that I’ve ever heard of. Seven men camping on the shore of Black Fish Bay in 1893 encountered a sea monster that appeared to be cybernetic, if not entirely biomechanical! Disturbed by a horrible noise and blinding lights the men left their camp to find a huge, hairy walrus-like animal with steaming horns, bands of coppery metal and a revolving propeller-like tail! One of the men approached it to get a better look, only to be struck by an electric blast from its copper bands and fell to the ground as if dead. When one of his friends tried to pull him to safety, he was likewise shocked by the impossible animal. The other men fled into the woods after seeing two of their number seemingly killed and the Electric Serpent seemed to lose interest and swam out into Puget Sound. Once they were sure it was gone the remaining men returned to the beach and were elated to find their friends burned and stunned but still very much alive! So what happened? Was it just one of the sadly common newspaper hoaxes of the time? Or did a bunch of 19th century fishermen find a literal fucking pokemon? You decide! Stickmen The Stickmen are an extremely recent phenomenon, with reports starting within the last 10 years or so. They are described as being stick thin and roughly humanoid, sometimes with bubble heads, glowing eyespots or even top hats. They range in size from human-like to towering in excess of 20 feet. What is most interesting about them is their apparent two dimensionality, sometimes appearing the same no matter what angle they are viewed at and sometimes being able to turn to the side and vanish as though they were never there. They are also frequently reported as being accompanied by a feeling like static electricity and of aggression or hostility. Despite those impressions the Stickmen do not appear to be hostile, instead seeming surprised and immediately retreating from a witness.
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Hi! Last week, with the publishing of the 20th chapter of Hasard, I reached the 100 kudos on the fic, so to celebrate it, here’s some kind of bonus chapter where I talk a little about the conception of the story, along with comments about each chapters. 
So… 20 chapters and 100 kudos already. To be honest, by the time I started imagining this story, I wasn’t really expecting to be able to celebrate that milestone of kudo on a single fic and even if I already celebrated the 2000 kudos in general this year, if we make a quick calcul based on the numbers of kudos and all the fics I’ve published, at the time I’m writing those words, it’s the same that if each one of my fic had only 20 kudos… So yeah, finally reaching the hundred on a single one makes me so happy \o/
Anyway, here’s some trivia and fun facts about Hasard and the first twenty chapters of the story.
First of all, some history:
I had the idea for Hasard in May 2018 as I was watching the tv show Lucifer (I am not up to date with it, please don’t try to spoil me this show ^^’) and I imagined one scene that just… shaped the entire story and it took me less than a few hours to know that I would write it. Even if I wasn’t sure how long it would be and that there had been some changes. And no, I won’t tell what scene kickstarted it all because she still has to come and it could be quite a huge spoiler. 
Following it, my brain quickly went into developing the full story and a few things changed. On the top of my head, I can say that Maiev was meant to be more on her own, almost a complete independent Hunter that would have also been resented by the other Hunters, along with a way more black and white view of the demons. She was meant to be more aggressive against all demons and really thinking that they all deserved to die, but I softened that side of her as I shifted the world building with the presence of hybrids. 
At first, the hybrids were meant to be a really rare kind and I wanted to keep that status for a few select characters because it could have brought some really good story for them. Then, as I kept working on the worldbuilding, I came to the idea that actually, hybrids were extremely common, but at the same time, the demon’s presence was still a secret from most of the world because most hybrids started centuries ago and their blood and physical attributions were weakening the more they were reproducing. So, about 80% of the world is made of hybrids of all kinds of generation (who is my way of scaling the demonic influence on their life) and the 20% left is shared with the full demons and full humans. 
Full demons are simply people who don't have a single drop of human blood in them. Usually, they are born from two other full demon parents or they just appeared like that (that’s the mytho). They are extremely powerful and good magic users, but now, they are rare. It was easier to be a full demon millenia ago when they ruled over the world and the few that are left in the current world of Hasard, survived either by hiding really well, manipulating their way to stay alive, or simply because they accepted to work with the humans and they went on. 
My best example of a full demon is Velen. 
The full humans, are the humans who either had never gotten a single drop of demon’s blood in their bloodlines, either they purged the bloodline after making sure that there had been at least 10 generations since the last time a hybrid was born (technically, every child following it would be considered as an hybrid, but the other parent would be a full human to weaken the demon’s blood which each new generation). Full humans are rarer than full demons and they tend to be bad news as almost all of them are associated with the Priesthood (who’ll get some more explanation later.)
I haven’t presented yet one of them to give an example, but one is ready to show up in the Second arc of the story. Won’t say who to not spoil the surprise x)
As for hybrids, there are two kinds. The one born from a demon and a human, and or hybrids (two hybrids will keep creating hybrids and technically, as long as one of the parents has human blood, the bloodline will stay a hybrid one). And the second one hadn’t been introduced yet. We have characters that are that kind, but it’s some worldbuilding elements that will show up later and so, I'll keep it to myself for now. Feel free to theorize though! And usually, most hybrids will simply call themselves demons instead of showing signs of weaknesses by not being a full one.
For the title of the story, it had been extremely hard for me to find one. Ever since I started preparing everything, it had a codename and it was “Modern AU” and it stayed like that until the very minute of the publishing of the first chapter. I was already going towards “Le Hasard Fait Bien Les Choses” but I was bothered because it was French, and no matter what, I couldn’t find a good English idiom that would have all the nuances of the French one. The only thing that comes close to it would be “Fate is a funny thing” and yet, I’m not entirely satisfied with it. So, after a long debate with myself and help from other people, I came to the conclusion that I had to keep the French title if I wanted to be happy with it. 
It might not help much to get people interested, and I’m considering adding “Fate is a Funny Thing” after it but I’m debating it.
I think that's already a lot, so let's move to the trivia per chapters:
A Muffled Shout In The Night
Oh boy, first chapter! I was so excited to finally start the story but I was also really stressed. I tried to give away a quick summary of how the universe was working, along with my two main characters + showing up the first supportive characters towards Maiev. Trying to present all the cast (so adding Illidari and more about Illidan) right in that chapter wouldn't have really worked so, instead, I went to show that a more "Legion-y" timeline could be expected thanks to Khadgar and Velen's presence in the chapter. 
I kinda hope that I succeeded to already show Maiev's obsession towards the Betrayer through her first lines.
Though I will be one hundred percent honest with you. The end of the chapter with Illidan running away, don't expect much from that interaction. I kind of always forget about it unless I'm reading back the chapter… I only needed a reason for them to stop fighting and the chapter to carry on.
But who knows, maybe I'll tie it to something one day.
Two Black Coffees And A Meeting, Please
When writing it, I always knew that Drelanim was on the other side of the call (or at least another Hunter) but as I read the moment a few times, I realized that I could have gone for a completely different way. One that would have probably surprised everyone.
But yeah, in another universe, it's Illidan who calls Maiev because he's in front of her place as they decided to meet for breakfast there. It would have been quite nice and unexpected for the story, especially that Illidan would have gotten right away the reveal that Maiev was actually the Warden as she would have complained about the wounds of the night. 
In the end, I went on with my first idea and made them meet for good in the chapter.
And, like with the first chapter… the "current problem" that he talks about to Kor'vas went nowhere… I'll more than probably get him to acknowledge some uninteresting side story for it at some point.
Memories Of A Rainy Day That Will Never Be Forgotten
For that one, one word: Ouch.
By the time I started to write this chapter, I was also preparing the Advent Calendar of 2019 and I had decided on telling Naisha's story, and I had to realize that I still had to foreshadow some elements from it to make it work. Of course, the title is fully referencing the day she died and the demon that Maiev killed right at the beginning of the chapter was similar to Naisha, putting Maiev in a stabbing mood. And it led us to another necessary addition for the Calendar's chapter: Malfurion.
(I'm also wondering how many people guessed right away that Malfurion was the one Illidan was calling…)
Brother, My Brother, Tell Me What We're Fighting For? 
Even if Malfurion had more of a cameo than anything in the Calendar's story, I felt the need to introduce him to put the bases of the twins' relationship. I always knew that he was a doctor and that he was mostly helping Illidan when he was getting in trouble, and as their backstory is different from WoW and that they are both demons, I didn't want to go on the canon path for them. 
I cannot tell much about it because we'll get fast to their backstory (Second arc) but here, Illidan and Malfurion mostly grew up in a world where it was them against the rest of the world. They were born during the glorious days when demons ruled the world and they saw it change through the millennia that followed. After everything, they would be devastated to lose the other and suddenly be the only one left. This is why they are way closer than they could ever be in canon (and also Tyrande isn't part of their backstory so it helped them keep a good relationship). Sometimes, they part ways for a few decades. Malfurion goes back to medical school somewhere and makes sure that he's up to date for it, or Illidan just moves with his clan to experience new things. But they stay in contact and always come back in proximity of one another.
The end of the chapter was my obligatory "shock reveal/cliffhangers" before a break. But well, I wanted to keep the Legion's existence in my sleeve for a little longer, but I realized that it would allow me to make them into a concrete threat as the story will progress + allowing Illidan and, mostly, the Illidari to be a little more presents into the story.
Actually, the chapter's name comes from a song from the occidental version of the first Pokemon movie. It's a line from the song that plays when the Pokemon and their clone fights, and i used it mostly for the brother's mentions and because it would totally be a thing said by one of the twins in their past…
A Flower Arrangement Made With Your Face In Mind
At that time, I wanted to make a chapter to develop a little more the supporting characters of the cast, and as I was taking back the writing of the fic after a four or five months break, I thought it would be nice. 
So, we got a little side dish of Illidari for it and that’s pretty much the only chapter (until now) where Illidan or Maiev barely appears in it. Yet, I threw some worldbuilding and foreshadowing in it and I still like it, so it isn’t really a filler.
I’ll probably do more chapters like that in the future, but I’ll see with the pacing of the story.
Willingly Accepting Your Death Isn't As Easy As I Thought
I don’t have much to say about this chapter. I still really like it and especially Maiev and Velen’s interaction. 
Along with showing that we were far from a potential romantic relationship, at least on Maiev’s side x)
A Laugh That Will Echo Through The Ages
Oh my God, that chapter! I could probably talk about it for hours but we would quickly reach the spoiler territory so I’ll see what I can tell without shooting myself in the foot.
I loved giving Khadgar some more identity and I like his relationship with Maiev. In the story, they are around 10 years apart, with Khadgar being the youngest. He’s like an honorary younger brother to every Hunter and even if Maiev won’t admit it, she’s kinda thinking the same. 
If he had been in the spotlight for this chapter, it was actually because I was thinking of writing his backstory for the Calendar of 2020 but in the end, I scrapped the idea and wrote something else. But It’ll happen at some point.
You Were In My Dream Last Night, And I Found You That Morning
A simple and nice chapter to calm down from the action heavy that was the precedent. I do throw some crumbs of foreshadowing and backstory, mostly for Maiev, but we will have to wait quite some time for the full one. Even if to be honest, before I release it fully, there will probably be some people that will stitch everything from my crumbs.
Illidan’s dreams are meant to be a plot point all through the story, and I decided to start them with this chapter. And of course, we can see that it’s the first chapter where Illidan, even if he isn’t conscious of it, starts to like Maiev more than he should have at that point.
A Red Dress And Heels To Hide The Knife In Plainsight
I loved writing that one. Showing that Maiev had more hobbies than hunting demons, along with showing how you had to act to get her to do things that she would refuse to do otherwise. Most of the time, if Sira gently asks if she wants to go do some shopping, Maiev always has something else to do. Not that she hates shopping, just that she thinks there’s better things to do. 
I could probably go more about Worgens and their existence, but it would spoil some part of the story :/ 
And honestly, I had an alternate version of this chapter where Illidan saw Maiev and Sira hurrying in the streets, followed them and he would have eavesdropped on the conversation about him. It was obviously bad because it was confirming that Maiev was at least a Hunter (which he won’t know until a while by that time) and it would have been totally an excuse for smut x)
A Warning Falling In Deaf Ears
With this chapter, I’ve been working on mixing the idea of chapters 5 (to concentrate on rest of the cast) with more of the main story. Like that, I show that there’s more than Illidan and Maiev in this universe, but at the same time, I’m still progressing their story by sharing the chapter between the two. I really liked writing Kayn like that and I think that one of my favorite things to write in this story, it’s Illidan and Malfurion interacting.
A Touch So Familiar, Yet So Strangely Threatening
I remember writing that chapter and suddenly realizing that it was going to be longer than the precedent, and i thought for a moment that I had to cut it in half, but I couldn’t find a satisfying way to do it, and it would have fucked up my outline, so I just carried on with it until I had told everything that I had to. 
With that chapter, I’m trying to show that Maiev can be really crazy when it comes to the Betrayer and his followers, but I can assure that she wouldn’t wound any of the Hunters, even if they cannot really be sure about it. And the little dialogue with the B-word made me laugh and yes, Maiev already called the Betrayer a bitch to his face. In 13 years, it would have been weird that she didn’t think of it at least once.
For the rest of the chapter, I just wanted to show that Maiev and Illidan were becoming comfortable with each other + setting up a reason for her to be worried about Illidan to show him her good side.
Screaming Under The Full Moon Won't Change Your Fate
The one thing I keep from this chapter, is that I can’t wait to dive more into Velen and Maiev's relationship.
Otherwise, yeah, if Illidan were to go into a fight only wanting to use magic, he could kill Maiev without breaking a sweat. But he likes the challenge and feels like it wouldn’t be satisfying to annihilate her with just a spell, so he’s fighting blade against blades, unless Maiev is really close to kill him.
A Fateful Call That Only You Can Be Blamed For
I have nothing much to say about it. It was one chapter that I really wanted to write and publish, because it’s the one where Illidan just let his guard down around Maiev for good, and now that he won’t try to trap her into admitting that she is the Warden, it allows him to see Maiev in another light.
That anyone can guess what it is.
Oh yeah, just that I threw some good crumbs of the fact that Illidan is a self-loathing addict in my fics and that it’s one of the reasons he falls so hard for Maiev after this chapter. But it’ll be a good talk for either another chapter, or later.
Going Separate Ways For A Night But Not The Life
Nothing to say, it was a transitional chapter to show that Illidan really believes that Maiev isn’t the Warden, and that there’s more than the fight to them.
Stab Me Once, Shame On You. Stab Me More Than Twice...
A fun little chapter. Velen is more modern than most people can believe and once again, I like writing about the interactions between Illidan and Malfurion. Of course, if you go back to read this one after chapter 20, you might see that I already knew how it was going to happen from this chapter, as the 20th got his title in this one.
I just hope that people read the story from the Advent Calendar 2020 to know what happened in the middle of it.
And From There, Fate Laughed At Them
I could talk for hours about Cordana in my AU. I just love what I’m going to do with her characters and I hope that my readers will like it too. 
But to give some crumbs, Maiev and Cordana have been best friends since high school and she’s the first long-time friend that Maiev had made in her life and thanks to Cordana, she met with Sira and the group, but most importantly Velen. Cordana is a hybrid of sixth generation, so her demonic attributes are almost non-existent, but she kept some supernatural ability from her legacy. She knew from a very young age that she wanted to hunt demons and protect people, and met with Velen early to prepare her future job. Once she discovered that Maiev had some natural abilities to hunt demons, she saw them as the future “Best Best Friend and Hunters” and convinced Maiev to give a go to the hunt. She was forced to move out in another city but she kept contact with Maiev and the rest of the group. In terms of strength, abilities and hunting score, she is right behind Maiev.
Otherwise, I will add that I had a lot of fun writing the conversation between them about Illidan and how he would be better than the Betrayer *winkwink*.
I didn’t make it clear in that chapter and it won’t be important, but Khadgar has a crush on Cordana.
Cordana meant well with the message, and even if in real life, I would condone such action, here, I needed it to move things around because yes, neither Illidan nor Maiev would make the first step if it wasn’t for Cordana.
During the fight, at the beginning of the scene, Illidan totally complimented the Warden on her abilities but don’t try to make him admit it.
Last thing: my nickname is Fate. I’m the one laughing.
Games, Games, All Is Games
I don’t really have anything to say about this chapter.
Sometimes, Cowardice Allows The Survival Of The Smartest
To be perfectly honest, I regret how I handled Cordana’s week in the story because I’ve barely done anything with her but I can explain where the problem is. I knew that I wanted Illidan to discover the warden’s identity on chapter 20, and I planned all my updates around that one fact, but when it came to the outline, I wasn’t sure what to tell between the chapter 13 and 20 to reach that point and thanks to the Calendar, I moved things around that one and I ended up having the idea of making Cordana appears (She should have come in person in the story much, much later). And as I needed chapters 18 and 19 to build up to the reveal, I ended up completely stuck and making her appearance too fast and if it wasn’t for the message, she would have been useless to the story. But I realized it too late and I couldn’t rework my outline in time.
But well, i’ll give her a better mini-arc in the second arc of the story to atone for it.
Otherwise, I hope that the feel of the countdown to the reveal starting by the end of the chapter had been caught by some people x) It’s obvious to me, but well, i’m the writer.
Step By Step, Tick Tock Said The Clock
Just a build up chapter for the 20th. Even if I really like it and that I’m preparing the ground for future plotlines but I’ll let you guess which one it could be x) 
I know I haven’t make it clear in the chapter, but Malfurion knew that Illidan was lying when he pretended that his problem was the Warden “may-be-may-be-not-a-hybrid/demon” but as he also know that his brother is a “stubborn motherfucker” he let it slid. 
And yes, somewhere in my mind, there’s an alternate universe where Maiev accepted Illidan’s invitation and that they would spend the evening at her place. Without a reveal first.
Any Last Wish?
I don’t really have something to add to this chapter. I succeeded to write it just as I wanted.
I just had a long debate with myself as to how I wanted it to end, as I had the choice between cutting it right as Illidan is saved by the Warden (maybe not revealing her identity before the next chapter, or it would have been the last line) or just as I did, by them reaching her place first. I chose the latter because I want Chapter 21 to start with a really specific scene and I thought that it was better than a cheap cliffhanger. 
The last thing I'll add, is that for the story to go well, I had to make Illidan be the first to be aware of the identity of the other, mostly because he can be the one to change his mind more easily about wanting to kill the Warden. If it had been Maiev discovering that Illidan was the Betrayer at this moment of the story, he would have died.
And now, because I'm not done yet, here’s some info about the bonus chapters that were published independently from the main story!
AC Day 8: A Morning
First calendar, in 2018, and I already knew that I was going to write Hasard. It had no name by this time, but I had written that small scene to try out a few things and see how it’ll work.
There’s a really high chance that I end up rewriting it for the main story, but I think that a few elements will change. We’ll see.
AC19 Day 24: Hasard: Naisha
Probably the worst (in terms of feels) chapter of the story yet.
Naisha is probably the character who had a story and fate the closest to canon and I wanted to keep it like that, as it allowed to shape even more the hate between the Warden and the Betrayer. Honestly, she wasn’t deserving of a death like that, especially that if the Betrayer hadn’t intervened that day by trying to kill Maiev, Naisha would have survived.
Actually, in any other universes/storylines possible, she would have survived. Unfortunately for her, she fell right into the feud and became a victim of it.
At this point of the story, Illidan isn’t even completely aware of what happened that day, and he has no idea who Naisha was. All that he knows is that he thought to have killed the Warden, only to find her, even more angry in the following week. He just knows that he had killed the wrong person, but he had no idea who. Maiev herself doesn’t know for sure that it was the Betrayer the culprit, as she couldn’t see clearly in the rain.
Of course, it’ll end up being brought up in the story :)
AC20 Day 8: Hasard: Malfurion’s Hellish Day
It should have been Khadgar's backstory actually for that Calendar. But even if I have a good idea about it, I realized that I wasn’t completely inspired and that I was missing a few details to be able to write it. So, in the end, I went desperately after another idea and thanks to Melowen, I think, she got me on the idea of writing about Malfurion.
In the end, this chapter, meant to be a funny one with Illidan and Maiev forced to be in the same place for the same job, with Malfurion, aware that it would be a catastrophe to let them discover the truth, ended up shaping the last chapters currently published.
And if you are wondering, no, Illidan wasn’t trying to trick his brother in giving him the secret identity of Maiev. He was just trying to get his brother approbation about the woman he was starting to crush on.
The line: ‘“Yeah, everyone tells me that I look like a famous actor,” Malfurion faked a chuckle, glancing at the woman.’ is a reference to my Bodyguard AU where Illidan is an actor. 
Alright, that’s all for the trivia! Thanks for reading this bonus chapter, and the main story until now, and I hope you’ll keep enjoying reading Hasard!
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chnqin · 4 years
My Epic MDZS/The Untamed Daemon AU
I’m sure other people have already done Daemon AUs, but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. I have been working on this for like three weeks now.
I just wrote down my first instinctive thought for most characters, and then researched* further into subspecies etc. What I found for a lot of the animals made me agree with my first opinion even more, although all of these are obviously just my own opinions. I also decided to stick to non-mythological animals. (some characters have been given a lot more consideration than others, I’m sorry)
Wei Wuxian: beech marten Beech martens are quick and clever. The are nocturnal, omnivores, and skilled swimmers. They move through paths made by larger animals such as hares in the snow. {further notes under read more}
Lan Wangji: white hare More solitary animals. They have an association with the moon, which I tend to associate LWJ with. {f/n}
Jiang Cheng: osprey Aquatic birds; good hunters. {f/n}
Lan Xichen: white stag {f/n}
Jiang Yanli: asian black bear {explained in detail under the read more}
Jin Zixuan: lion Ngl it’s probably because the Persian pokemon reminds me of him
Jin Guangyao: domestic cat {f/n}
Nie Huiasang: pangolin {f/n}
Nie Mingju: wolf {f/n}
Wen Qing: Chinese sparrowhawk {f/n}
Wen Ning: black Formosan mountain dog (tuguo) {f/n}
Lan Sizhui: Xiasi Quan dog or red panda or badger {f/n}
Jin Ling: lion {f/n}
Lan Jingi: monkey They’re respected animals but also have a mischievous side
Ouyen Zihzen: capybara No, they’re not native to China, but this is what I imagined him as and I couldn’t get it out of my head or find a perfect substitute
Xiao Xinchen: swan He just gives me major swan vibes, possibly something to do with Swan Lake (as do some Lans but they’re not graceful in the same way or tragic in the same way)
Song Lan: oriental hobby falcon or black horse He struck me as some sort of raptor, but I also liked a horse for him 
Luo Qingyang/Mianmian: lynx
Lan Qiren: sheep Symbolise filial piety. Also follow other people without question (*cough* the Lan Sect elders)
Jiang Fengiman: otter Spends a lot of time around the water, just what popped into my head
Yu Ziyuan: snake Because Zidian
The Jiang Sect favour animals who live near or on the water, some even possessing daemons which are fully aquatic, and thus are unable to leave Lotus Pier
The Lan Sect usually have herbivore animals for daemons and favour swift, elegant animals.
The Jins tend towards lions and panthers, but also flashy, rich birds like pheasants and peacocks (which makes WWX’s nickname for JZX even more funny).
The Nies often have pack or herd animals. Wolves and mountain lions are very common, but also a lot of horned animals like oxen, mountain goats and sheep (bighorn sheep and ibex are common), and also wild boar.
The Wens were typically birds of prey (the Dire Owl becomes Wen Chao’s daemon) or mountain cats.
The Yus often have daemons which take reptile form. Wildcats also common.  I quite like the idea that the Yus are a sect which has cultivated the ability to separate themselves from their daemons.
~Further notes on why I picked these animals, Daemon settling, angsty AUs of my AU, and research disclaimer under the cut~
Story & Research Notes:
(I’m going with the idea that trauma can make a daemon settle into a particular form)
WWX A marten was the first thing to come to mind for WWX, I have no idea why, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it. They’re really inquisitive, playful, and cute, but are also predators and will fuck you up if necessary.  A crow was another obvious choice because they’re curious and inventive, but with a bit of a dark connotation. However, in my version at least (I’m not great on His Dark Materials canon), Daemons usually settle in the early teens, and at that point WWX really didn’t have as much darkness in him as he develops later. 
I think WWX was one of those people whose daemon changed with every thought and feeling of his, whose daemon changed so rapidly and so repeatedly that people would complain of motion sickness watching it. His daemon’s most common forms were a martin, a magpie, an otter (which drove Madam Yu nuts), and (after JYL’s settled) very occasionally a bear.
When WWX comes back most people don’t realise anything is wrong because Mo Xuanyu always hid his daemon (I think it was probably something like a field mouse although how funny would it be if Little Apple was actually his daemon and WWX unknowingly inherited her along with the body), so they just think his has settled into something too big to hide now. However, his beech martin is the other reason Lan Wangji knows who Wei Wuxian is (WWX’s daemon hides from Jiang Cheng at Dafan Mountain, so JC only suspects it’s WWX). (Angsty AU further down)
LWJ I know that arctic hares aren’t native to China, but I want you to pretend that something like that does exist because I need lwj to have a white hare daemon. They are also bigger than other hares and cuter (they look slightly less cursed than some hares do). I’m imagining a lot of the daemons being slightly bigger than their real-life animal counterparts would be, so imagine the ears coming up to a normal person’s hip-height when the daemon is sitting. Rabbits can also apparently symbolise hope, and that suits someone who is known to go where the chaos is, bringing hope and light in the darkness. 
As a child, LWJ’s daemon was expressive in a way he never could be. It liked to take snow leopard form a lot, which was seen as excessively violent to the Lan sect, who preferred non-carnivorous animals, and often snarled at people. His daemon always took snow leopard form when visiting his mother so it could curl up with her tiger daemon. 
LWJ’s daemon settled exceptionally early, shortly after his mother’s death, into an acceptable hare form. Lan Xichen always wondered if LWJ himself made his daemon settle, if she was not supposed to have been a snow leopard all along, and so always looks upon LWJ’s daemon with a bit of sadness because he feels like it was LWJ stifling - almost killing off - a part of his personality (spoiler: it was) in order to fit into the Lan sect.
(More on that in an angsty AU below)
JC Ngl, I wanted to make Jiang Cheng a goose because they’re always angry but I didn’t. Jiang Cheng shifted mostly between a hunting dog and a mouse as a child, both of which infuriated Yu Ziyuan (honestly what she wanted her children’s daemons to be even I don’t know). Jiang Cheng’s daemon settled very late (another thing his mother wasn’t happy with). In fact, it didn’t settle till the attack on Lotus Pier and the death of his parents, when it took the shape of an osprey (because he wanted to be able to fly away and pretend none of it ever happened). 
Even more angsty: One Chinese poem has the Osprey as a symbol of marital harmony and fidelity. Upon seeing his parents death, finally united in a way they hadn’t been in life, JC’s constant wish for his parents to love each other (and, by extension, him) physically manifests itself in his daemon.
JYL I know what you’re thinking. Why the hell did you give Jiang Yanli a bear of all people. Well I’ll tell you. For two reasons: one, because I can do what I want, and two, because I would say one of JYL’s most central characteristics is her wish to look after people. She’s not physically strong in the way most other cultivators are, however, and she’s always having to keep the peace at home - and so I can see her daemon becoming a physical manifestation of that need to protect (bears are known to be protective, particularly mothers), and a physical example of her inner strength which is so often overlooked.
Yanli shifted between a dove, a crane, and a maritime striped squirrel for most of her childhood. She favoured the squirrel and dove (incredibly mild animals) over the crane, which disappointed Madam Yu.  It’s one of the reasons Jin Zixuan never saw her as a potential match, her daemon too small and docile to match his almost constant lion daemon.
When Jiang Yanli was around fourteen Madam Yu took things with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng too far one day, and Yanli saw it. Her daemon suddenly shifted into a bear, a form it had never taken up to that point, and jumped on Yu Ziyuan’s snake daemon. WWX and JC always remembered Yanli standing in the doorway, her expression placid while her huge bear daemon growled with absolute fury and menace. Everyone expected Yanli’s daemon to go back to its usual squirrel or dove form, but it never did. It remained a bear, and remained the biggest daemon of pretty much anyone in any of the sects.
I had already picked a crane as one of JYL’s potential daemons because of its connection to water and positive symbolism in China. Upon further (hopefully accurate) research, I saw that cranes depicted with lotuses in Chinese art symbolise purity and longevity, and I liked making her daemon a bear even more, because her daemon took that form to protect WWX and JC - years after her death, they both wondered if, had her daemon had taken crane form, maybe she wouldn’t have died. From what I found, “crane” is also a homophone for 合 hé “peace, harmony”, which is a quality Jiang Yanli had much of, and tried to inspire in others.
LXC I think its LXC’s hairpiece which always makes me think of deer antlers (even though it’s a dragon?), so that’s probably why I immediately thought of a stag for him. But stags are also very noble and refined looking animals which don’t tend towards violence, but also have horns for a reason. Obviously, like with LWJ, it’s a white stag because aesthetique. Upon further research, I discovered a (hopefully correct) source which says 鹿 lù (deer) is a homonym with 璐 lù (precious jade), and the character for deer is used within the character 丽 lì ‘beautiful; elegant’ - both fit LXC very well.
JGY Cats are sneaky little fuckers (I say this with love). The ultimate predator in small unassuming form. Many of the main Jin family have big cat daemons so this is kind of another smack in the face for JGY - so close to being a real part of the Jin family, but still kept apart from them - and something people like to bring up along with his mother. However, many Jins are also birds (including JGS), and cats prey on birds.
NHS I thought a fox was a bit on the nose. Also I like the way pangolin’s just drop and curl up in defence - it’s a viable form of protection, but to the outside appears cowardly. However, their scales are sharp and can cut predators who come after them. Also I didn’t want him to fit into any of his sect’s typical animals. Also also imagine how cute it would look being carried around everywhere by NHS because it’s too lazy to walk, absolutely adorable.
NMJ A wolf was what immediately came to mind for Nie Mingjue. Wolves are apparently sometimes associated with greed, self-interest, and lechery, but I think the pack elements and the carnivore/hunting nature of the wolf really suits NMJ and the Nie clan in general, so I decided to overlook that aspect (although I did briefly consider making JGS a wolf, but I like them as animals too much in real life to do that to them and also he doesn’t have a soul, so he doesn’t get a daemon).
WQ I always saw Wen Qing as some sort of hawk, I just think it suits her very well. The Chinese sparrowhawk is quite small and very beautiful. It has white, red and grey colours. They are good hunters and swift flyers. 
WN I knew I wanted Wen Ning to be some sort of dog because he’s very loyal, and also (angsty) when the Jins call the Wens dogs I wanted that to hurt even more. He’s very unusual for a Wen, none of the main sect have dog daemons - it is very much a thing that is specific to their branch of the Wen family. The mountain dog I picked for him is an endangered breed, which I also felt fitted WN well. From what I found, dogs symbolise watchful wisdom, honesty, and loyalty, which all fit Wen Ning. 
This was all perfect till I remembered WWX’s all-consuming fear of dogs. I decided to get round this by cheating and saying that for some reason daemons are different and he’s not scared of them (because they represent a part of someone’s soul, rather than being a real animal? I guess?? Please do not look too hard at this delicately constructed card tower) 
Angsty version: when Wen Ning becomes a fierce corpse he loses his daemon, another reason people are unsettled by him and another thing WWX feels guilty about.
LSZ I think Lan Sizhui was the hardest to pick. I couldn’t decide which way to go: should he follow a “Lan approved” daemon pattern; should he have a bird like Wen Qing and a lot of other Wens? Then I saw the Xiasi Quan and it’s white and fluffy and cute but it was also a hunting and a guard dog, which seemed right for him. And I liked that it gave LSZ and WN this one very tangible connection. It is also endangered.  However, I also liked a red panda and a badger for Lan Sizhui too. I really couldn’t decide between the three. I like them all, why is he the hardest to choose for? (I’m still not 100% happy with this, let me know if you have any alternative suggestions)
Again, please suspend your disbelief at the fact that WWX’s child has a dog daemon and he’s fine with this (it would have looked so cute as a little puppy running around the Burial Mounds though).
When he was younger his daemon liked to take on the forms of those closest to him. So you’d often see a bby marten running after WWX’s daemon, a tiny bird perched with Wen Qing’s sparrow-hawk, a puppy following Wen Ning’s dog around, and a tiny bby rabbit in Cloud Recesses. As he got older it shifted between the dog, a red panda, and a badger. (maybe I’ll just say his hasn’t settled yet and that’s why I can’t decide)
JL Jin Ling definitely also had a daemon which shifted because of a) his loved ones and b) his mood, and he hated it. As if his own explosive temper didn’t give him away enough, his daemon always showed his exact feelings. When he wanted nothing more than his mother to be there it would be a bear. When he was feeling defensive about his parents it would turn into a lion (this happens when he and WWX first meet and any time people talk about his parents’ deaths). When he was younger his daemon spent a lot of time as a cat and a bird, although different types to what his uncles had. 
Jin Ling’s daemon still hasn’t settled when WWX is resurrected, and he is absolutely mortified the one time it decides to turn into a beech marten like WWX’s. Eventually it will settle into a lion, and WWX will pretend to be grumpy that it didn’t choose a bear instead.
Angsty AUs:
Daemons are linked to golden cores Jiang Cheng loses his daemon along with his core. When Wei Wuxian’s core is removed it’s more like when daemons and humans are separated in the books. His daemon stays with him, but can move about freely - this is part of what causes WWX to rapidly destabilise, not just resentful energy. Jiang Cheng always feels weirdly aware of WWX’s daemon after that but doesn’t know why. WWX’s daemon is technically connected to JC too, and also finds this weird. JC also can’t work out why his daemon never came back with his golden core, and that loss is part of why he’s so angry and isolated.
The effect of trauma on Daemons Another angsty au is based on the idea that, if trauma can make your daemon settle early, then trauma can also make it change.
When Wei Wuxian is thrown into the Burial Mounds, he wishes so hard to be able to fly that his beech marten turns into a crow (because I do love a crow for him too). I kind of like the idea that after the Burial Mounds WWX’s daemon almost un-settles itself, and can change between a marten and a crow. This really freaks people out and is another reason people say he’s dangerous.
Similarly, after Wei Ying’s death and the Lan sect’s punishment, Lan Wangji wakes up to find his daemon has shifted from its hare to snow leopard form. In his soul, LWJ feels like if he had been less passive and actually stood with WWX then his soulmate would still be alive. His daemon changes from a more passive hare to the more aggressive snow leopard.
He’s criticised by the elders for it, but they shut up when his daemon flattens theirs, while LWJ’s face remains an impassive mask but his eyes promise murder. WWX is really sad when he comes back to see LWJ’s hare gone and blames himself for causing LWJ so much trauma his daemon changed. (personally if I were writing a Daemon AU this is what I would have happen, because I love LWJ with a snow leopard daemon - they symbolise bravery and martial ferocity, while rabbits are virtue and gentleness, and I feel like these two both accurately represent the two sides of LWJ. I really feel like LWJ has a huge shift in himself after WWX’s death which would be represented in his daemon. It also is, in a way, a return of a core part of himself which was lost after his mother’s death)
Sword/Instrument substitute Mixing Daemons with sword sprits - the animal becomes a physical representation of the spiritual tool. Some people could therefore have more than one daemon (for example, LWJ could have Bichen - his rabbit sword daemon - and Wangji - his snow leopard guqin daemon)
Angsty version: WWX actually does die in the burial mounds and Suibian, his beech martin, dies/changes into Chenqing, a raven/crow.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.  .·。.·゜✭·.·✫·゜·。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. 
If you are reading this you have made it to the end of this post, well done.
 I wanted to make it shorter but I had too many ideas and wanted to explain my reasoning for my choices and decided just to put it all in one post rather than lots of little ones.
*Disclaimer: I know only the smallest amount of Chinese, and have taken all my information about imagery, word meanings, and homophones etc from web-sources, and so it is very possible I have made mistakes. Though I have, to the best of my abilities, attempted to check on the cultural/artistic meaning, if any, that certain animals have in Chinese culture, the internet lies and I can’t get any decent books on it atm as the libraries are closed, so I’m really sorry if there are errors and I hope people will forgive any mistakes or blunders I might have made. 
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radramblog · 3 years
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon is basically OK
Recently, I’ve partaken in some kind of cultural exchange with a friend of mine- namely, I’ve lent her my copies of the Scott Pilgrim novels (god do they kick ass), and she’s lent me her copy of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, seeing as I never played it at the time.
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Well I’ve now beaten this game, and I have some thoughts about it, so chop chop Keara the story isn’t getting any younger I expect a full book report on my desk next Sunday.
Jokes aside, this was my first experience with a PMD game since Sky (discounting the demo for Gates to Infinity), and having missed the series’s third entry (fourth if you count those Japan-only WiiWare games), it’d be remiss of me not to at least mention that maybe some of the things I’m going to complain about were originally that game’s fault. But apparently that one actively sucks ass so who cares, just shift the blame over, eh?
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(ah, primary-school-tier bullying, exactly what I want in my Pokemon game, cool)
I think one of the foremost issues people have about PSMD is the story, and I can’t help but agree. The game spends what feels like forever fucking about in Serene Village, doing what could charitably described as tutorial followed by slice-of-life-ish plots, and while I love me a good slice-of-life anime, those tend to be a lot less slow than this. Also the characters tend to be a lot less one-note, but it’s a kids game, so whatever. Speaking of kids, this to my knowledge is the only PMD game where you and your partner character are canonically children, and spend a lot of time around others. The game seems to establish unevolved Pokemon as kids, which while it doesn’t really add up with the rest of the series (e.g. in the first ones, Caterpie is clearly a child, but Metapod is as well and Gulpin is at least adult enough to run their own store), it would ultimately be excusable if it didn’t make that huge section of the game so boring.
They aren’t consistent with that kids thing, by the way. When you finally reach the Expedition society, you’re met with a bunch of unevolved Pokemon (Archen, Buizel, Bunnelby, Swirlix) that are running around behaving very youthfully, who then turn around and go hey we don’t allow kids in our gang please leave. Like, the plot had been leading me to believe that the whole place was shut down, Ampharos as its final member, and those kids were just running around an abandoned building, but nope, here are your teammates for the rest of the game.
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(brown sus)
The remainder of the plot is basically fine, its not like the plots in this series are the greatest on the planet (save maybe Explorers), though the focus on the villains turning people into stone felt pretty awkward. It’s like they wanted to pull off a more dramatic, more personal-stakesy plot but couldn’t actually kill anyone. This gets kind of egregious when you end up in actual hell for a bit, in what I guess is the series tradition of potentially traumatic experiences and blasted hellscapes being exposed to the protagonists. The endgame plot all seems to come at you at once, not helped by it being lots of chained dungeons without returning to towns beforehand- it wouldn’t be as bad if the whole game was like this, but with such a slow start, it just feels so inconsistent. The endgame twist was pretty spicy, I’ll admit, but it didn’t have enough buildup to feel earned in my honest opinion.
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(pictured: the best character in the game)
But the plot doesn’t matter so much as the gameplay does it? And as someone who has also concurrently been playing through the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game on my GBA, there’s a lot of interesting comparisons to make. The dungeons on the whole are shorter in PSMD, with few of the main-game ones reaching beyond 10 floors (and not going much past it) compared to the prequels’ capping off with a 25+5 floor behemoth in Sky Tower. This is made up for by every floor of the dungeons in PSMD feeling much larger and more labyrinthine than anything in other PMD games, meaning each one takes much longer than you’d think. I dread to imagine what the 99-floor dungeons are like in this game, especially considering you now need an item to quicksave the game if you want to do anything else now. The dungeons themselves additionally really do not feel like they’ve taken advantage of the 9 years of potential design improvements and two console generations of technology improvements between games- it is frustratingly same-old same-old in the dungeon design.
These problems are capped off with the increased difficulty- that is, that every individual Pokemon is significantly more of a threat to you than in previous games, and you don’t really get the opportunity to level grind much. And I’m not opposed to difficulty in games, obviously, but what it does in PSMD is ruin the flow of the gameplay for me. What works in Mystery Dungeons previous was that blend of exploration and combat, and in Super, that gets completely broken up by protracted encounters with even the chump-tier mons you encounter along the way. Also, they made the basic attack complete shit, and I don’t like that.
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That’s not to say that the gameplay is all bad. I won’t comment too heavily on the Looplet/Emera system, because I’m kinda mid on it, but it didn’t help that despite all the game’s tutorialising I still didn’t get part of it until most of the way through the story. The game does have some moments of genuine brilliance in design, though. The way you recruit more Pokemon is so much better than the luck-based mission of the previous games, wihle managing to actually make you want to go on the random missions you get thrown throughout the game- for one thing they aren’t random, but it means you have a guaranteed good reward instead of the semi-RNG system where you just end up with a bunch of Gravelerocks and berries you’ll never use. In addition, the system where on non-plot days (and in the postgame) you just get 3 random Pokemon recommended to you, that get bonus EXP if you use them that day, is a great way of encouraging the player to diversify their Pokemon usage substantially, which is nice.
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There’s a few other nice gameplay things I’d like to highlight. Considering the increased difficulty, the ability to rescue yourself (read: come back with the overpowered mons the game dropped in your lap) is really nice, especially since it’s not like anyone else is playing these games who can help. The way moves get better the more you use them is nice, especially considering how much more you use one move over and over in this game compared to main series Pokemon games. The random bonus missions and travelling mons you encounter in dungeons are nice, as well as the increased variety in missions available- as well as actually being able to revive fallen escortees, it makes the mission system overall much stronger than in previous entries.
Beyond that, though, I’m not sure what else I have to say about Super Mystery Dungeon. The game is a decent entry in what can barely be called a franchise these days, considering it’s 6 years old and yet still the newest entry, excluding the remake of the first ones that came out last year. It’d be a shame if this was the note we went out on for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but to be fair, I don’t think they’re ever going to be able to recapture the magic of the first two games. They struck gold with a lot of people, but I guess at this point, the gleam wore off.
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pandemskinny · 4 years
sorry im posting so much tonight but i wanted to make a list of things that distract me from my ed (or keep me away from munch munch) sorry lmao:
♡ watch BBC dracula. its all on netflix, if you don't have it then if ur from the uk, its on bbc iplayer (its free) my mother thinks hes vv sexy. 3 X 1.5hour episodes :)
♡re watch ur favourite films or anime or tv shows, personally i like Skins, Shameless, This country, The office UK, RPDR, tokyo ghoul, pulp fiction, kill bill, sherlock etc
♡youtube: im gonna post vids when i can so i will have a channel its pandemskinny (tw ed) but i like to watch supersize vs superskinny and ALR and Foodie beauty (idk its addictive man) sometimes my 600lb life but i find it really upsetting to the point where i cant watch anymore. I also watch Korean diet girls living their best life.
♡i read. Here are my must reads. Good Omens. Life Of Pi. The Colour Purple. Pride And Prejudice. Frankenstein. Anne Of Green Gables. Tess Of The d'Urbervilles. If you like erotic books the best ones I've read are by Sarah Waters bc i am GaY. Would 100% recommend tipping the velvet.
♡play animal crossing or a Nintendo game that you have. Ive been playing professor layton speed runs bc im that bitch. I also have pokemon black <3 i do still have to complete tLoZ majora's mask bc im weak and its the only zelda one left to complete.
♡read fanfiction. Doesn't have to be smutty. Its free, can be supportive to authors. I like time travel au's because i often wonder what would happen if i met 21 year old john lennon. Sigh.
♡i don't have it but somehow end up watching the yt video comps of lesbian tiktoks. The cringe tiktoks r what keeps my self esteem in check also. So learn a tiktok dance or stare at pretty lesbians with big glasses and curly hair.
♡you can find free films to watch. If you like Melanie Martinez than watch k-12. me and my mother both love the highschool sweethearts part because WoAh,,
♡if you like music (who doesn't) try dancing to it or even meditating? I like to imagine im in the centre of a mosh pit or performing on stage.
♡talk to me, look at my blog, use this app in general or any app u feel comfortable on.
♡skincare- ive improved my own skin alot of recent. I recommend watching hyram? On yt- definitely helped mine.
♡sign the petitions for the black lives matter movement. My mum told me her biggest achievement recently is distinguishing a lampost from a trafficlight out of a set of squares. She also drags the fuck out of racists on fb. Ah good ol' mum.
♡collegework, homework, housework, schoolwork, your sibling/childs homework. One that I'll have to face sooner or later
♡if you have a younger child in the family, they really occupy ur time (i have a 2 1/2 yo brother) i like to spend time with him, so many stories to tell about pepper pig, helicopters, and our dog. His favourite thing is holding his hand up to his ear and pretending to call grandmother and he'll tell her the most random things.
♡one of my favourites- thrift shopping/shopping in charity shops. I got 10 books for a quid once or $1.25, not only that but as a fan of old music, art etc i pick up antique vinals and things pretty often. I have a friend who buys similar tshirts to me but gets them for less than half the price in charity shops/thrift stores. And i think that homeless person jeans + good accessories + simple crop/tight top = perfection.
Anyway i hope this post distracted you and or helped you in anyway im vv sorry for boring u ahh
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avoutput · 4 years
Gaps Between Worlds || Live, Love, Link
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Nothing keeps a story going like a love interest. In almost every adventure story, at some point, the hero flirts with love, falls into it, is blinded by it, or is even betrayed by it. Love is the strongest emotional connection we share as humans, a double edged sword that can drive us, but also hinder us. Even when a story lacks a love interest, the listeners might begin to imagine one just to keep themselves interested. One adventure series has lacked cannon love for such a long time, it's hard to imagine how it’s been kept alive in our collective consciousness for as long as it has. The Legend of Zelda has jump-cut to Link saving Zelda so many times, but remains nebulous on what kind of relationship blossoms from their journey. As a longtime fan, I have been starving for more from the world of Hyrule, and I think fans across the world agree with me. The official Nintendo Hyrule Timeline wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for pressure from the fans. Before that release, it had been locked inside the mind of Miyamoto, creator of the series. But it didn’t really whet my appetite, because what I wanted is to know of Link and Zelda. Today, we are going to explore the facets of Link and Zelda’s many re-incarnated relationships, which could have turned into love, and where they must have gone after Gannon was sealed and their adventure came to an end.
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Before we go any further, the usual caveats to my writing, just so you can get where my head is at. First, I am not going to be super concerned with minute details of the timeline in its purest sense. It has a tenuous linear connection from one game to the next, but it still can provide a little fun for us to speculate on. Second, I have completed every mainline adventure with two exceptions. I have made it to the end of Link’s Adventure and Twilight Princess, but I just never walked up those steps to beat Gannon. I can’t really put my finger on why, but usually I just lost interest by the time I made it to the end of the game. Everything else, including the GB, GBA, and DS releases, I have completed.
In the beginning, one of the most bizarre parts of the overall Zelda lore is how little we actually discuss Link’s obligation to do anything for Zelda. As the games mature, they motivate Link in more realistic ways, but I felt that they mostly lacked a real punch. Lets imagine you DID NOT read the manual for the NES titles, the original LoZ, it just starts by breaking the 4th wall. I always thought it was funny that it just drops you into the mountains with absolutely no direction, as if to say, “You bought the game, dummy, do something! Press a button… ooo… check out that cave!” However, what actually happens is Link saves Zelda’s handmaid, Impa, from an attack by some of Gannon’s henchmen. She then begs him to find the 8 fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom, which Zelda has hidden in 8 dungeons, and he just resolves to do it. In the next game though, she’s just struck with Sleepy Disney Princess disease. Classic. But have you ever noticed that true love’s kiss wasn’t an option here? That’s because Link is not her true love in this incarnation, so he has to kill the curse maker. LoZ and Link’s Adventure are directly related, so we know that in between the two games, they never became lovers. And I don’t know if you need any more proof about these games, but if you ever watched the 80’s Zelda cartoon… you’d know she’s better off.
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Climbing up this timeline, we end up at the incredible Link To The Past, a story that’s titular description kind of defies its storyline unless you are really paying attention. Either way, the game has Link, a descendant of Hyrule Knights, being woken up by a psychic message from Zelda. As usual, Link has no real discernible parentage, but he does start off with an uncle. As I grew up, I often wondered if this was his real uncle or the Asian kind of uncle, just an older man with the same familial distance as an actual uncle, just not actually related. (It goes without saying that the west has this kind of uncle as well, but rarely does it rear its head as ubiquitously as in the east) Who knows what happened to his parents, the game never really goes into it. Either way, he runs into his possibly real uncle after following Zelda’s request, only, he is mortally wounded, and with his final breath, he begs Link to take up his blade and his responsibility. Again, he is motivated simply by some sense of obligation, but there is never a moment's glance of flirtation or love. By the end of the game, he revives his Uncle, the Priest, and the King, only to get on a boat and end up ship wrecked on Koholint island, where he dreams up a girl who is much more likely to become someone he could have a life with rather than Zelda.
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Let’s take a quick moment to recognize Link has about 5 or 6 games that have nothing to do with his relationship to Zelda: Link’s Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Majora’s Mask, and Minish Cap to name a few. In these games, it rarely meditates on his relationship to his previous adventure or the girl he left behind. Link is a very forward thinking… little boy? Adolescent? Teenager? It depends on the game. The more I think about this, maybe the more obvious it really is supposed to be. Zelda, Link, and Gannon are reborn into conflict over and over again. It’s possible that the stories that we play through are the only time they are born into a point of conflict. Basically, Link and Zelda might be born into a world without each other. Maybe the world only falls into chaos when all 3 of them are born. Maybe only when a certain amount of power accumulates on the dark side. The story just makes room for whatever it finds appropriate.
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Climbing up the timeline, we get to the only game that implied young romance, Ocarina Of Time. Granted, it kind of dashes this with Majora’s Mask, but it's possible he could return to Hyrule for love. He is only 10. Still, in OoT, Link is the only character that keeps his memory of both the young timeline and the teen timeline. When you think about it, Link is pretty mature for a 10 year old, but waking up in the body of a 17 year old would throw you a bit. People in the future might have found him odd… if they weren’t scattered to the winds and mostly worried about famine, death, and Gannon. In both his young and teen timeline, the Zora princess is very interested in him, and yet, the game still ends with a longing look between Zelda and Link, Link remembering everything, Zelda new to the whole thing. Now, I am willing to admit that as a kid, I probably misread this as a longing look, as an adult, it's really just the culmination of Link’s struggle to finally right all the wrongs, but I was a young shipper, and I wanted everyone to fall in love. (You are reading the thoughts of a boy who was super upset that Ash wasn’t awakened by a kiss from Misty (or Pikachu), and instead the tears of all the Pokemon. I almost walked out of the theater. I was a fresh-faced 13.) Given everything we know about both games, and that we know the timeline splits here, it would stand to reason that since in either case, triumphant or not, Link doesn’t end up making baby Link and Linkles with Zelda. In the Triumphant Timeline Child Era, none of the games end with Link in love, including Twilight Princess. In the Adult Era, the Wind Waker series of games always finds Link closely aligned with Zelda, but the whole cell-shaded, PG universe basically ensures that all the people of Hyrule are grown out of the ground, like palm trees on the beach. In the end, Link always makes for the nearest boat or horse and follows the sun, trying to escape the PTSD that haunts him.
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Finally, at the very beginning of the timeline is the largely maligned Skyward Sword. As of this writing, SS is the supposed beginning to the entire legend. It is also one of the few games where there does seem to be an infatuation between Zelda and Link. Throughout the game, they share what looks to be a mild flirtation. When I thought about this budding romance, I began to think it only appears that way because of some cultural filters. First, Nintendo likes to make games for kids, so they aim to get an E rating by the ESRB. So if we ratchet that up to M, the standard for modern day games if you want people to take them seriously, we can adjust the love meter on scale with E = Sesame Street and M = Breaking Bad. They might as well be engaging in some hard sexting, maybe a couple of low-cut Link bathroom mirror selfies. Don’t worry, he has his famous hat over the goods. Why do you think its shaped like that? Secondly, mild flirting in Japan is the equivalent of hardcore furry S&M in America. In actuality, what you are really seeing is the courtship of Link in a Wolf costume and Zelda dressed as a Fire Keese batting eyes at each other. Truly, in this world, Link and Zelda are destined for each other. They are the only freaks in the sky! With this assumption, I can conclude that the legend only continues because once, at the very beginning of their timeline, the Triforce of Courage and Wisdom banged it out. This could mean there is a whole series of games we have never played where the timeline is split at the top. One in which they have children and one where they don’t. Personally, I look forward to their kids journey in The Legend of Steve, the new holder of the Triforce of Wisdom. Let a girl save the boy for once!
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There is always hope for our legendary heroes. You may not want them to be joined in glorious, child-making coitus, but I always have. I have always found it odd that it doesn’t end like most JRPG’s with a very obvious death of the “mains” so that love can’t blossom, or with a lavish royal wedding. The worst part is that often, Link has many love interests, but none of them are Zelda. There is some hope for them in the new Breath of the Wild timeline, which is supposedly the furthest in the future of the “official” timeline, so much so that there is no connective tissue left, so it might as well be a “new beginning”. I would actually hate for them to finally, really, fall in love in the BotW universe, mostly because it's my least favorite Zelda game of all time, squeaking past Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.  All 3 of which I dislike for a combination of gameplay-style and story, though honestly, the best part of BotW is the story. It's just a game I never want to play again. Rambling aside, I look forward to the fate of love between Zelda and Link in their next chapter. Maybe we’ll finally play as their love child some day. 
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
Big Hero 6: Pokemon AU
So I’ve been wanting to do this for like forever, but I’ve been having the hardest time also figuring out what Pokemon all of them would have and Pokemon that would match their personalities, their “special” abilities, and such.
Baymax is still a robot in this universe, and his design still stays the same. Originally, I thought about him being shaped or designed to look more like a Chansey or Blissey. Chansey and Blissey are characteristically known as being healing Pokemon, they’re always in the Pokemon Center with Nurse Joy tending to their Pokemon patients. But Baymax was inspired by Tadashi’s Chansey. 
Tadashi used to have a Chansey as a child, which he’s had ever since it was a Happiny. Chansey was always taking care of him and Hiro, and their parents. He knew that Chansey wanted to help people and Pokemon, it was in the Pokemon’s nature. Chansey died in the car accident that killed Tadashi and Hiro’s parents, protecting the two children. Tadashi built Baymax in Chansey’s memory, wanting to fulfill his Pokemon’s dream of helping other. Chansey was the only Pokemon Tadashi ever owned, he never took another partner after Chansey. 
When Tadashi dies, however, Hiro doesn’t have a Pokemon. He never took an interest to being a Pokemon trainer or even having a Pokemon. Hiro’s reasoning was that, because Aunt Cass had Mochi (who’s a Meowth by the way), it never felt like he needed his own Pokemon. He’s also never come across a Pokemon that he felt particularly fond of or wanted as a partner. Especially since he could just build his own, realistic robot versions of Pokemon. 
Instead of bot fighting, Hiro participates in underground, sketchy battle tournaments where trainers not only risked big bucks but also their Pokemon is their opponents liked what they were up against. Hiro has a tiny, robot replica of a Joltik that he uses in his battling. Everyone already underestimates the pokemon because they think its a bug type and it’s so tiny. When Joltik is “defeated” against Yama the first time, it was just Hiro hussling Yama. It isn’t until after Yama loses does everyone realize Hiro had a robot instead of an actual Joltik. Which is good, but not good enough to take on more than one or two Pokemon at a time. And he has a hell of a lot of Houndour and Mightyena chasing him and Tadashi.
It isn’t until after Hiro defeats Callaghan, does he actually get his first Pokemon. A Magnemite. The reasoning behind this is mainly connected to the cartoon more than the movie, as a major part of Hiro’s “abilities” other than his super genius is his use of magnetization to solve problems. And Magnemite are drawn to electric fields. Hiro still has the robot Joltik, but its mainly used as a toy or for recon that might be too worried for the others or any of their Pokemon. Baymax is very pleased that Hiro has found a Pokemon that he wants to raise and get stronger alongside. 
Although Hiro only has one Pokemon, his Magnemite, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wasabi have a small team of their own Pokemon.
Honey Lemon has a Buneary, a Wigglytuff, a Duosion, and Beautifly. She has a pretty diverse team consisting of a Normal Type, a Normal-Fairy Type, a Psychic Type, and a Bug-Flying Type. Buneary and Wigglytuff are really cute Pokemon, and match Honey Lemon’s adoration for all things super cute and adorable. Plus, Wigglytuff is bouncy and Honey Lemon uses her chem-balls to bounce or soften the landing of falling objects. Duosion also follows this logic of just how she uses her chem-balls. She makes herself that bunny, gelatinous armor to protect herself. Beautifly is mainly a reference to Honey Lemon’s “butterfly parties” but is also a very pretty and cute Pokemon.
Gogo has a Pachirisu, a Luxio, and Hitmonchan. Electric Types are the closest to Electromagnetic Suspension as you can get with Pokemon. Electric types are also the fastest of all the other Pokemon types. And considering Gogo loves going fast, it’s pretty obvious. That’s why she has Luxio and Pachirisu. Luxio is an intimidating looking Pokemon, who doesn’t look like the type of Pokemon to mess with (just like how Gogo doesn’t look like the type of person you want to mess with). Hitmonchan was decided upon because Gogo practices boxing as a form of work out (this is mainly revealed in the cartoon). Hitmonchan is designed as a boxer and all of its moves typically involve punching something. Why give someone who practices boxing, even if its just for exercise and not sport, a Fighting type that wasn’t designed around boxing when it exists?
Furthermore, anyone who has seen the Pokemon anime and watched the first episode Pachirisu was featured in knows how fast they can be. The only annoying thing is that Gogo’s Pachirisu is constantly being mistaken as Honey Lemon’s because of it’s adorable, cute appearance. Everyone assumes that only Honey Lemon would have the adorable Pokemon and all of Gogo’s pokemon would be scary or intimidating. Nope. Pachirisu hates this judgement way more than Gogo, and will go out of its way to ignore anyone who makes that mistake or glare daggers at them (especially if the person refuses to correct their mistake). Pachirisu will go so far as to refuse to listen to anyone who isn’t Gogo, just to drive the point home.
With the exception of his Slakoth, Fred’s Pokemon consists mainly of Dragon Types. Why wouldn’t it, considering how much the guy loves monsters and kaijus? Dragon types fit that aesthetic the most out of any other Pokemon type. Fred has a Zweilous, Fraxure, and Gible alongside his Slakoth. Slakoth is actually the first Pokemon Fred has ever had and the oldest companion he’s had. Although his Zweilous was technically suppose to be his starter (back when it was a Dino), 
Fred found Slakoth back when he was around Hiro’s age, abandoned by its trainer because it was so slow and difficult to train and injured from a previous battle it had lost. When Fred returned home, carrying Slakoth, neither of his parents made much of a fuss. Sure, Mrs. Frederickson was worried about what her rich, socialite friends would say about Fred having a Slakoth instead of a Dratini or Growlithe. But she didn’t dare make a scene or fight with Fred when she saw how much he cared over Slakoth and loved him. If anything, Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson saw it as an opportunity to see if Fred was truly ready for the responsibility to have a Pokemon. Fred doesn’t battle with Slakoth, because Slakoth doesn’t want to battle (and won’t unless Fred is in danger) and Fred respects that. Slakoth was mainly picked because I think many people who don’t know would assume that Fred was lazy or slow just based on his appearance. But in actuality, Fred is super hyper and energetic. Slakoth’s more relaxed and slower nature balances out Fred’s energy and often forces him to slow down and relax a bit. Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson were so impressed with how attentive Fred was to Slakoth’s feelings and needs, that they would later give him the Dino meant to be his starter originally.
Probably the hardest character to decide Pokemon for was Wasabi. Mainly because I wasn’t sure what type of Pokemon would best suit his character. There isn’t exactly any Pokemon (as far as I know) that specialize in lazers. And other than Minccino, there aren’t any Pokemon (to my knowledge or memory) that tend to clean. Now, sort of obviously now that I’ve pointed it out, Wasabi has a Minccino. How can he not have a Pokemon who enjoys cleaning and is as diligent as he is about it?
Wasabi’s Pokemon team also consists of a Medicham, an Umbreon, and a Bayleef. Medicham is due to Wasabi’s interest in meditation (a hobby expressed in Big Hero 6 the series and cartoon shorts). Medicham’s powers come from meditating and meditation is how Wasabi centers himself and relaxes. Bayleef is due to Wasabi’s interest in sustainable garden, being a grass type. And Umbreon is due to Wasabi’s dislike/fear of the dark. The rings on Umbreon’s fur light up and glow in the dark, so I imagine Wasabi would find a lot of comfort from this Pokemon. 
And, for those of you who also watch the cartoon and are curious, I’ve also got some thoughts on what kind of Pokemon Karmi and Megan would have.
Karmi, much to Hiro’s frustration and anger in the beginning, has a Happiny. Hiro’s anger towards Karmi having a Happiny has less to do with their rivalry and how she treated him in the beginning and more to do with comparing her to Tadashi. He can’t stand how such a mean, intolerable person could have such a sweet, caring Pokemon. Most of what he knows about the Happiny evolutionary line comes from Tadashi and story’s about Tadashi’s Chansey. And Hiro has always thought highly of Tadashi. 
But Karmi also has a Nidorina and a Roselia. Roselia because the Pokemon reminds me of that rose Karmi had, that was a blend of robotics and biology. I just remember how really cool the rose was, how important a moment it was connected to for her and I think just an incredible blend of both Karmi and Hiro’s specialties/passions. The main reason Karmi has Nidorina is because of the Poison Typing. Karmi specializes in pathology, and the closest to pathology with Pokemon is Poison Types in a way. However, most scientist type trainers in the Pokemon games only carry around Grimer/Muk and Koffing/Weezing. Neither of those Pokemon seemed like they suited a biologist, or a pathologist to be even more specific. 
Hiro and Karmi continue to compete academically, but Karmi will also claim that she’s a superior trainer to Hiro, because she has three amazing Pokemon, and Hiro is still learning how to train Magnemite.
Megan has a Whismur. Out of all of Hiro’s friends, she is the only other person who also only has one Pokemon. As an aspiring reporter/detective, Whismur felt like the logical choice because of how focused and centralized it is around sound. Whismur, and the Whismur evolution line, is also used by the reporter/interviewer in the Gen III Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald GBA Pokemon games. Despite Whismur’s size though, it shouldn’t be underestimate and has taken on many opponents much larger than it and won. 
Despite only having one Pokemon, Megan has had a lot of experience with taking care of them because her father is a police officer. Chief Cruz has an Arcanine himself, and Megan often helped take care of the station’s Growlithes and the young inexperienced Growlithe they were training. Originally, her father wanted to give her a Growlithe or Houndour as her first Pokemon, but she instead came home with her Whismur one day. She had convinced a classmate to lend her their Pokemon so that she could capture Whismur. And the rest was history. He still plans to one day get Megan a Growlithe or Houndour for her birthday or a special occassion, but is not sure when. Nor does he want Megan or Whismur to take it the wrong way and assume that he doesn’t think they can take care of themselves.
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zdbztumble · 4 years
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For how much of it appears on this blog, Pokemon is more “comfort food” entertainment than a great passion of mine, and the same was true when I was a child. Back in my late grade school days, the two shows that dominated my thought, my viewing schedule, my play and my early writing were Dragon Ball Z and Gundam Wing. Like a lot of kids, I can thank Toonami for that. But while I’ve checked in on Dragon Ball, off and on, since those days, I haven’t seriously revisited Gundam Wing since it left Toonami years ago. Sharing OPs with a friend on Discord led to the Wing openings coming up, however, and with the series being free to view on Crunchyroll, I thought I’d give it a rewatch.
There’s no subtle way to put this - Gundam Wing does not hold up to my childhood memories. It’s a mess of a show that frequently falls short of its own ambition. But it remains an enjoyable - even admirable - mess.
The single biggest reason that Gundam Wing is such a mess - the single biggest reason for nearly all of its flaws - is that it’s too short. At 49 episodes (two of which are given over to a clip show recap halfway through), the show isn’t long enough to contain all the story it wants to tell. By way of demonstration, and for those who don’t know/remember the series, I tried to summarize the basic plot of the series in just a few paragraphs here.
Look at that. Look at all that text in a basic outline. That was me paring away all but the most essential details needed to understand what happens in the series. Now imagine trying to fit all of that into 47 episodes while also including character interaction and development, action sequences, aesthetic elements, and a good chunk of essential information being revealed via backstory and vague insinuations only fleshed out in the OVA and manga series.
Things start out promisingly enough, with the action beginning on Operation Meteor and the initial conflict emerging gradually. But it doesn’t take long for the brevity of the series to work against the intrigues happening within it. To say that the show falls into “tell, don’t show” would suggest that it gets across more information than it actually does. Narration opens most episodes with some degree of recap, and occasionally within episodes, but this device is established from the first episode and is usually effectively used in the context of ongoing action. The problem spots are where the show neglects to tell or show almost anything.
Because the series is so short, and because all screentime is spent with either the series leads or the major supporting characters, there’s never an opportunity to showcase the state of world and colonial affairs, and little opportunity taken to describe them outside of the opening narration. Consequently, any feeling of oppression, subjugation, or desperation for the colonies - and thus, a sense of what the Gundams are fighting for - isn’t present at the beginning of the series, and doesn’t ever really emerge. There is some sense of danger towards the end of the series, but it results from the various conflicts that happen within the show, not the state of affairs from the initial premise. Earth’s condition is similarly underdeveloped; if anything is showcased on Earth, it’s beauty. Characters will occasionally talk about the desperate straits of the Gundam pilots, and the pilots themselves will take developments like the targeting of the colonies or their betrayal to heart. The VAs and the animation are strong enough to sell such developments, but the lack of world-building to support them does hurt the series.
But it’s the developments around the Sanc Kingdom and Relena’s relevance to the story suffer the most from the show’s failure to show or tell. After Zechs liberates the kingdom, Relena’s installation as its ruler is set up but never depicted. Relena’s outreach to other nations, and her building up support for total pacifism, is also never shown, and barely discussed. She and Zechs are never even seen to have a conversation until near the very end of the series. There’s plenty of discussion of how inspiring and charismatic Relena is, and why she should be heeded and protected, but with none of the work behind that charisma shown and little of it discussed in detail, there’s little emotional resonance to be had here. Relena’s efforts as queen of the world are slightly more fleshed out, but when Zech’s declaration of war against Earth happens in the same episode - happens, if memory serves, less than a second after Relena makes significant inroads - the notion of Relena as an effective spokeswoman for pacifism is severely undercut by the series’ own haste.
Beyond the plot, all of this naturally damages Relena’s character. Relena begins the series as a somewhat bratty, somewhat depressed girl often neglected by her family due to her stepfather’s job, who finds Heero’s sudden presence in her life a vicarious if dangerous thrill. The murder of her stepfather and the revelation of her true identity further shake her out of teenage ennui and move her to take part in the great events of her time. Like the show itself, it’s a promising beginning, but because Relena’s greatest achievements are glossed over - and because, being a pacifist and a diplomat, she can’t be involved at the point of action - Relena ends up spending a lot of time on the sidelines, looking grim or worried. Worse, when the final conflict between Treize and White Fang emerges, Relena is completely ineffectual at trying for peace with Zechs, and any opportunity for her to use the soft power of her (brief) reign as ceremonial monarch to further the cause of peace isn’t taken, leaving her largely irrelevant to the finale. Relena is less a full-fledged character in Gundam Wing than a solid concept for a character that couldn’t grow to fruition in the time allotted.
The same could be said of the series protagonist, Heero Yuy. In his case, there is at least a bit more told; his scientist mentor describes him as a kind-hearted young man whose devotion to his mission has rendered him a dangerous assassin, Relena instinctively latches onto what kindness and idealism she can sense in him, various characters are inspired by his skills and his devotion to his mission. But there’s little to no evidence of the kind-hearted young man underneath the child soldier, at least not in the initial episodes. We only see the cold-blooded Gundam pilot, and that pilot has the worst starting luck out of any of them, from his Gundam being brought down to his attempts to destroy it failing. His willingness - even eagerness - to die for his cause comes up so often in the beginning of the series that it ends up losing its punch. But being the series lead, and getting more screentime by dint of being a Gundam pilot, Heero does ultimately get fleshed out more than Relena. His remorse over inadvertently killing the Alliance pacifists and his blunt but pragmatic advice to the other Gundam pilots do let his softer side emerge later on. His struggle to find a reason to keep going in the fight in the middle of the series - something multiple characters go through - is rather muddled (not helped by some obtuse and stilted dialogue, another major fault in the series), but he comes out of that mess resolved to protect Relena and defeat White Fang - so much so that he not only unites with the other pilots, but designates Quatre Raberba Winner as their leader instead of himself because he recognizes what’s best for the team. The series ultimately benefits from his being the main character because of developments like this, but the journey is more awkward and choppy than it needed to be, and his romance with Relena and rivalry with Zechs are never fully convincing even if their basic mutual interest in one another is.
Stilted dialogue more than absent material is what most works against series antagonists Zechs and Treize, though Zechs’s lack of scenes with his sister and an abrupt jump from Sanc Kingdom spokesman to genocidal avenger are an issue. The philosophical notions that pepper Zechs’s and Treize’s monologues and conversations - the nature of war, the value of soldiers’ sacrifice, mankind’s natural proclivities, the possibility of peace and what it would take to achieve it - are all fascinating, and I’m still amazed that a show that spent so much time on these subjects was put in an afterschool block bound to attract younger kids back in the day. But for every speech that’s thought-provoking and emotionally resonant, there are three that are a chore to sit through and a puzzle to comprehend. Granted, the Crunchyroll subtitles for this series aren’t the best, so that may partly explain and excuse this problem. But especially in the middle of the series, where allegiances shift and motivations collapse, having the principle antagonists be so difficult to understand isn’t ideal.
Then there are the plot holes - mostly characters who somehow survived apparent deaths with little to no explanation - and characters who just don’t work. One of them is unfortunately a Gundam pilot - Chang Wu Fei, an arrogant misogynist wrapped up in his own ideals of combat who resists any teamwork or even temporary alliances with his fellow Gundams until the very end of the series, and is an unreliable partner even then. None of this would make him a bad character - one hardly needs to be likable or relatable to be an effective and compelling presence in a story - but Wu Fei has virtually no chemistry with the other Gundams, or any character, when actually does interact with them, except for ex-Alliance soldier Sally Po. His standoffishness and stoicism are traits shared by Heero and Trowa Barton, making his seem redundant, and his professed ideals of combat are muddled by bad dialogue. His great rivalry with Treize is also on shaky ground; they only interact twice in the entire series. But Wu Fei is at least comprehensible; Dorothy Catalonia, a Romefeller spy who takes an almost sexual delight in war, is not only obnoxious and intrusive when she appears in the second half of the series, but her motivations seem to swing wildly, her allegiances impossible to follow, and I sorely wish she had died by the end of the series.
With all of those faults laid bare - I did say the show was enjoyable and admirable in spite of everything, and indeed it is. Wu Fei may be redundant and Heero only a partial success as a character, but the other three Gundam pilots are well-realized, so much so that I’m baffled to see various critiques of this show imply that they’re static and one-note. Duo Maxwell is essentially the same person at the end of the series as he was at the beginning, but he’s a wonderful source of levity in the series, and he does have his trials and his low points that contrast well with his typical personality; his moments of anger and despair are some of the best in the series for selling the stakes of the conflict in the absence of proper world-building. Trowa, while much less emotive, goes through a significant journey, with his sibling-esque relationship with circus performer Catherine far more emotionally satisfying than either the Peacecrafts’ bond or Heero and Relena’s romance.
And then there’s Quatre, my new favorite character from this series. I didn’t take a great deal of notice of him as a kid, but rediscovering his story has been my favorite thing about this rewatch. A bright, gentle, and friendly personality, disdainful of violence but prepared to fight for a worthy cause, driven to despair and madness by the loss of his father and the ZERO system, only to emerge as the repentant leader of the Gundams, instrumental in bringing them together as a unit and binding them to Relena’s ideals; of all the pilots, he sees the most growth and change, and all the essentials to his story actually make it on screen. He also has the allegiance of the Maganac Corps, a group that doesn’t have a great deal of importance to the series...but they do have a cool name and cooler mobile suits.
And if Relena is somewhat lacking as a female lead, Gundam Wing does have Sally Po, military doctor turned guerrilla fighter and stalwart Gundam ally, and Lucrezia Noin. For a character that could easily have just been Zech’s love interest, Noin sees a degree of growth throughout the series to rival Quatre’s, moving from OZ instructor to Sanc Kingdom defense captain to the instigator of the Gundams as a unit, working to defeat the man she loves. The show also avoids sexualizing any of its female cast, so - a point for that, I guess.
The designs of the Gundams are all unique (as are their abilities), and some are downright beautiful. The other mobile suits are varied as well and easy to identify, making combat easy to follow. The quality of the combat - and the animation in general - is hit and miss, but it’s never atrocious, and when it’s solid, the end result is some great shots and action. The series also boasts a fantastic soundtrack, with lovely instrumental themes and two great opening songs (though why “Rhythm Emotion” was brought in with only ten episodes left to go on the series still baffles me.) 
All this contributes to Gundam Wing being enjoyable, but what makes it admirable is actually the stilted dialogue and overstuffed story that bring it down. To attempt a series that ruminates on the nature of war and the various philosophical positions around its necessity or lack thereof, of the chances for real peace, for the evolution of humanity if were to move into the stars, and the interpersonal conflicts between various characters, would be a tall order for any series, and not the easiest thing to make into visually compelling animation. That Gundam Wing made the attempt at all shows ambition and aspiration on the part of its writers and staff. As I’ve said at length here, it was frustrated by its short running time and the weaknesses of story elements and characters, but an ambitious mixed bag - even a failure - that aims high is a much more admirable (and interesting to watch) affair than a success that aims low.
And, in its failures to get certain elements across, Gundam Wing shows enough of what it was trying to do that I, at least, can forgive some (not all) rough patches. Characters like Heero and conflicts like the Gundams’ basic fight for the colonies still work despite their flaws. And the final run of episodes, where White Fang and Treize clash and the Gundams work around the battle to save the day, are incredibly strong. It’s a finale that surpasses much of the content preceding it, and if it would’ve been improved by that content being better, it still works because the intent of that earlier content can still be perceived.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed rediscovering Gundam Wing, and I’d like to check out the dub again when I’m in a position to renew my Hulu subscription. For now, though - there’s a certain waltz to attend to...
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firedragonx · 4 years
Promise to make this list all the way back in summer but this as longer I thought it would so splitting it into parts now.
This is from site fanfciton there will be more Action/Adventure fanfiction coming out soon but on different site like A03.
Note M-is fanfiction that is for mature audiences and if see this * this fanfiction may trigger you.
Shelter By XxWhispxX(*)
So imagine this: you go on vacation but then your parents die along most of the other adults in the world. Then vampires try to take you and bite and they almost kill you. Then a bunch of people took your sister and left because they thought you were dead. Then you wake up kill a dog and found out that you're a vampire. That's how Maisie is living her life now. Yep is a oc fic but the Maisie is interesting and it how the XxWhispxX writes the canon characters are in character. If you want to read a good oc fic then this one is for you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12492805/1/Shelter
Poke Wars Universe By Cornova(M and  *)
In this fic, Ho-oh declared war on humans and removed pokémon dampeners. Which makes pokémon's move intensely powerful and most just go on a killing spree. If that summary didn't just give it away this is a dark fic but one more action pack then most other dark. It's like a survival game where almost everything is out to get you. This also have an expanded universe which means more fic that has different pov characters to give the world more flesh out. Be forwarn this fics blood and have character death. So you guys know what to look out for.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4480577/1/Poke_Wars_The_Subsistence
Cat'O'Nine Tails By Kaze and Kiba(M and *)
So Sakura is sent undercover to capture Itachi and any other Akatsuki she comes in contact with. Just one thing tho, she has to be disguised as a cat. If that summary didn't just clue you in this story have some comedy moments. Mostly by playing this situation as straight as it is.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5799290/1/Cat-O-Nine-Tails
Pokemon Cold Gray By Blu Rose
So in this story, White is the daughter of Red and can understand Pokémon but after an accident left her crippling fear of Pokémon. Which is why she going on Pokémon journey to learn to get over it. This story is more about character growth and friendship. If that your kind of story then you like this one.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6974190/1/Pokemon-Cold-Gray
Dragonfall By Storylover Vodhr
So this is a bit of a weird one. In this AU Ash is actually a Latios who brought to Delia after his birth mother was attacked by four different evil teams. One of which is original creation call Team Whirlwind who is after the species of Latias and Latios to control Rayquaza. What I like about this is not only we giving a some really worldbuilding in this au but good character development with Ash, Latias(from the movie) and Pikachu. The ocs in this fanfic is well thought out and really good characters. Check it out if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11133153/1/Dragonfall
Of Stars and Blood Book 1: The Silver Path By JasperLizard
So this all ocs fiction with clans suffer from huge fire and have to leave for a bit in order to recover. There also problems with Shadowclan leader and deputy, Robinkit  and Smallkit are getting a visit by Dark Forest cats, and Twisttail and Stormpaw are trying their best to make it during this journey. All the ocs are wonderful and LGBT+ themes in it. Check it out if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12420977/1/Of-Stars-and-Blood-Book-1-The-Silver-Path
Kingdom Shinigami By ElementalL'Cie
Basically Hitsugaya Toshiro is a drop-in Kingdom Heart universe. This is really depends if you like Hitsugaya and Kingdom Hearts characters then you like this fic. I personally do like it for that. I like it when a serious character gets dropped into a weird world or vice versa. Make for some great interactions.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12958144/1/Kingdom-Shinigami-The-Grand-Line
The Legend of Menace By ConmanWolf
So Spyro and Cynder find this portal into an alternate universe where Spyro is evil and Cynder is the good guy. Basically it! If you like alternate universe type of crossover then this one is for you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12723760/1/The-Legend-of-Menace
The Legend of Cynder By GoldenGriffiness(*)
In Legend Of Spyro, the Dragon temple was attacked by Dark Master and Ignitus save one egg, and others were destroyed but one that was taken. That was Cynder. In this fanfic, Ignitus save Cynder's egg, and Spyro's egg gets taken instead. Yep, Cynder takes Spyro place but the author makes it very clear that Cynder is not Spyro however. So don't think things go like canon.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6782003/1/The-Legend-of-Cynder-A-New-Beginning
The Grizzly Game By Zestylicous(M and *)
So Sakura gets this letter from an unknown source that said, "Hey we going this cool weapon and these other people to fight each other to the death. Ok bye." Which left Sakura in very scared and confuse state to say the less and not only does she have play this game but this also around the time when chuunin exams were starting. So fun times for all. But yeah this is a dark story so if don't like violence then tay away from this one.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4717316/1/The-Grizzly-Game
What Lies Beyond the Walls series By abstow89(M and *)
Ok, so imagine Redwall was written by George R. R. Martin and more of a dark sense of humor. You get this fic. What I like about this fic that there no really good guys or bad guys just people trying to survive this awful place. You got Urthquake and his Long Patrol who hates the vermin and wants to do everything to get rid of them in Mossflower. The you got Kurwin a pirate who wants to control of Mossflower after he and his crew got a shipwreck. I should warn this fic is not for kids. Its violence and sexual situations. And not all the characters make it. You have been warned.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11267177/1/What-Lies-Beyond-the-Walls-Book-II-Betrayal
The Power of Three Journeys By Cabbit and the Weasel
This is Naruto x Pokémon where team 7 become Pokémon trainers for different reasons. But they all come together to travel around the region to get stronger and discover more about themselves. It's a nice fic to sit down and read if you have the chance too. It has nice character development and each of team 7 gets a chance to shine! You read it if you into that sort of thing.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9090449/1/The-Power-of-Three-Journeys
Shinigami Phantom By inukagome15
Danny Phantom and his friends were attacked by Hollow and send to the Bleach world. Where they have figure out how to get home while watching out for Soul Reapers and Hollows. It's true the characters, fight scenes are good and has both dark and fun moments as well. Give it a read if have the chance.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5307215/chapters/12253124
Plegian Queen By C2ii
So in this fanfic where Validar is already dead and Robin still meets Chrom and join the shepherds. That point no one knows what's going to happen because canon already changes. Give it a read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9708436/1/Plegian-Queen
Expedient By SwiftKick (*)
So Konoha and Iwa sign a truce and agree to an Exchange Program which is like student exchange. And Sakura was chosen for the Konoha side and her sensei is nothing other then Deidara. This is before team 7 and before Deidara joins Akatsuki. I can't spoilers what happens but let's say character's goals change and it happens in way that is in character. I should warn there are some dark moments and while it doesn't go into detail it still happened so keep that in mind.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6004135/1/Expedient
New Reality By noa748(*)
Ok so this is SI and...hey don't runoff. Trust me it's a good one. First off the SI is actually is a character with flaws and she messes up. The other characters do call her out on it and she does change the plot up so it's not just the same story but with another character in it. Give it a read if it sounds like your type of fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4772320/1/New-Reality
Gone Batty By Lilgrimmapple
So a human name Medley was helping her friend in bat conservation with experiment. Of course things turn wrong and Medley gets to turn into a bat. And through a series of events she ends up in Tree Haven where she meets Shade. What I like is the friendship between Marina, Shade, and Medley and the other ocs were pretty good too. If you enjoy Silverwing you'll enjoy this fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10590553/1/Gone-Batty
Land Before Time Retold series By Elise Lowing
Basically a human from our world gets a drop in the Land Before Time one. Surviving and friendship is the theme in this fanfic but there is a bigger plot point with the stone and predators. Can revel too much so have to read it for yourself.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9479048/1/Land-Before-Time-Retold
The Chakra Alchemist By Miss Comatose
This is a crossover between Naruto and Fullmetal Alchemist where Sakura drop-in FMA world during Ishvalan War. Deciding that using a child for this war the Amestris side. Yeah, it gets dark but Sakura made friends with Roy who has a father-daughter relationship. Which is new for FMA and Naruto. They always ship Sakura with Edward and Roy.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9171994/1/The-Chakra-Alchemist
No One Would Believe Me By onelittlespeck
This another SI but more friendship than anything. Basically Truth is bored and brought a girl Amy to FMA world. She later meet Edward and Alphonse later and they become friends snd willing to helo she gets home. The friendship is believable and there some goo world-building here too. If that sounds good give it a read.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4135721/1/No-One-Would-Believe-Me
Called Out In The Dark By Ironic-Sarcasm
This is AU where Maleficent knows ahead of time that Sora is going to become a thorn in her side in the future, so when he was a kid and she throws him into darkness. Don't worry he meets Aqua and DiZ and they help raise as they trying to survive in the land of darkness. Found families and friendship all around in this fic. Plus it gives Kairi something to do besides waiting for Sora and Riku. Give it a read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11103097/1/Called-Out-In-The-Dark
Hakumei By Pryotra
Hakumei is Naruto AU after one night Naruto, Hinata, Neji, Sasuke, Sakura, and Sai meet each one night and also watch as Danzo killed the Hokage. They decide to leave the village because they all were afraid they're be next. But they promise to get stronger and take the village back. Found family feelings are in the fic and everyone gets a chance to shine. Read it when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4119917/1/Hakumei
The Land Before Time: the Return of Sharptooth By Red Eyes Black Dragon Master
So remember T-rex in the first movie? Well, he back and he wants revenge. There's no holding back and the only way for Little to defect him is train by Lone Dinosaur to get stronger. It's good little fic with some good action scenes to go along with it, Give it a read when you have the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4164198/1/The-Land-Before-Time-the-Return-of-Sharptooth
The Seven Hunters By The Rhombus (M and *)
Basically Littlefoot and his friends found Stone of Cold Fire and make a wish to be strong enough to beat Red Claw. Well, remember the old saying be careful what you wish for? Well, the gang besides Chomper turned sharpteeth aka Utahraptors. Many of the adults think they ate their children and chase them out. If wonder why they can't just say it was them well Littlefoot and the gang lose their ability to talk to their old language. So now they kick out of the Great Valley, their parents after them because they kill them (their sharptooth forms) kill their children, and they have a deal with the idea of eating meat. Fun times for all.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9990125/1/The-Seven-Hunters
Not Quite as Planned By cerokun
This AU Bleach fic where Ichigo as a bit slow to pull Zangetsu out as his Inner World crumbled and ends up more arrancar then a soul reaper. In change, a lot in plot and I can't explain too much because of spoilers. But it not a dark fic unlike more other fics I list here. Plus as an AU it does take chances to change the plot around which I like. Give you like this kind of fic give it a read.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7462056/1/Not-Quite-as-Planned
Rewind By LittleMissMidnight
So this one is a bit of a weird one. It's an what if Robin didn't come back after the end of Fire Emblem Awakening. What they find is that Robin is not present but in the future. Chrom volunteers to get his wife back but incomes at a cost his memories. But Chrom decides to go along with the children and off to the future they go. What I like about romance/adventure story is how much everyone that is a couple is willing to go far for their loves one. The ending left somewhat of a bad taste in my mouth but it's good noth the less.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9297676/1/Rewind
The Daughters Trilogy By ShoutFinder
A Warrior Cats AU after the Omen of the Stars arc where Dovewing and Bamblestripes have a daughter name Skypaw. Everything was looking good until a kit came intoThunderclan to warn the three that cats of No Stars are planning their revenge. And the three are losing their powers and a new generation of cats will get new power. Of course one of the cats that get this new power is Skypaw so her apprentice because a whole lot more dangerous. It has great characters and great world-building even better than canon. Check it when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8788038/1/The-Daughters-Trilogy-Daughter-of-the-Sun
Bleach: Ultimate Alien Remake By Bigby the Big Bad Wolf
So this crossover with Ben 10 and Bleach. Where Ben is in Hueco Mundo and trick into thinking the arrancars are the good guys and the Soul Society. This fic is about friendship and actions as incomes both shows. It good story and so give look.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11296670/1/Bleach-Ultimate-Alien-Remake
A Game Comes To Equestria By Rainstone56
So this Yu-Gi-Oh crossover with My Little Pony. Weird crossover I know. After Yugi almost loses his soul in the Atlantis filler arc Pinkie Pie made wish and Yugi literally came crashing down. He is pegasus colt in this version because like most mlp crossover. And has no memory, No Cutie Mark, only his name. Both enemies and friends are looking Yugi too but how can they find him? Read to find out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9222211/1/A-Game-Comes-To-Equestria
Of Princes and Paupers By KiwiWizard
It's kinda like the fairytale but Pokémon Manga characters and with new twists and turns. Instead of a prince being boring of the high life and switch places to a poor person to see what it's like. Instead is about a prince's family being kidnap and team up with a servant, a group of thieves, and stable boy they kidnap along the way. Yeah if this the story that sounds you enjoy then check it out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7729704/1/Of-Princes-and-Paupers
Just Another Night At Freddy's By DeltaV(*)
So this is a strange one. Yes, even stranger than the crossover I list so far. Five Nights At Freddy's is horror but in this world after Mike's seventh night and visiting the place during the day the animatronics realize that he not endoskeleton but human. This puts them relax state and Mike really doesn't have to worry about his night that much anymore. But everything changes when Foxy finds a way outside... Find out more by reading the first story of this series
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10680061/1/Just-Another-Night-at-Freddy-s-Night-One-Foxy-s-Freedom
Tangled In Time By TwilightFairy928
So after the events of Twilight Princess our good old friend Ganondorf wakes from a coma and Twinrova informs him the old Link die but a new Link is born. So Ganondorf gets idea of kidnapping new baby Link because just killing him will just make new reborn. Ganondorf raise Link as his own son giving the name Siegfried Dragmire and raising him in Lake Hylia with no knowledge of the outside world. But destiny as the funny way of showing up...Read more to find out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7318363/1/Tangled-In-Time
Amity's Arrancar By Chash123
So this crossover between Danny Phantom and Bleach. Where Danny instead becoming a half-ghost becomes a half-Arrancar. There a lot of stuff happens which is spoilers. But the story blends lore with Danny Phantom and Bleach. Plus some original stories that interesting and fun! Check it out if have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7307426/1/Amity-s-Arrancar
Where Even Time Freezes By LavaReefAct4
So in this AU survive Albert the final battle and so did Chronoforce. Using Chronoforce reverse time powers they decide to 'fix' thing aka the mess up Aile and Grey a lot. This is used why Vent is around instead of Aile and how Grey got killed. But things took a turn when Ashe almost time and because Ashe is Albert last bloodline Albert save her by taking over her body. Now Albert has fight himself! If that sounds good to you then go check it out!
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9668864/1/Where-Even-Time-Freezes
The Houseguests By Zilo Sugarpill
So this fanfiction takes the tropes what-if the characters came into the real world but it does take itself serious and funny at the same time. Kina likes anime. The story Melissa Jones along with her two siblings Ricky and Cassie. After there is a way for work for a while Melissa has to watch over her siblings while she away. But things take a turn when with Envy show up in their basement and in character tries to murder Melissa. And not to worry that so far there is no romance if you worry about that and character are in character. Check it out if a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5874851/1/The-Houseguests
Son of Aura By CG07
So in this AU Ash is actually from the past and was send in the future because there's this group for some reason were hunting people with Aura. In order to keep him safe his mom have Celebi bring him to the future where Deila adopted him. But all is not well as the group is still alive and after to kill Ash. If that sounds good to you then read when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5236075/1/Son-of-Aura
Rise of the Chosen By Ainrhyr
So this fic follows Alie as she going through her adventure in ZX. It's sort of retelling the game but with a lot more character driving story, the reference to older games, and we get characters that weren't that focus in original a lot more screen time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4209994/1/Rise_of_the_Chosen
Remember the Tides By @regiss-tides
In this Kingdom Hearts AU Xion defect Roxas in battle which results in Xion absorbed Roxas and heart. Xion runs away and later join Sora and his group. Axel is after his only friend left and Xigbar plotting something evil. This story does have hint romance but I love the friendship between Xion, Sora, Donald, and Goofy. If that sounds good story to you then give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9580894/1/Remember-the-Tides
Dissidia Rebirth By AceArcalas
So this takes after the events of the original and 012 as this fic was made before Arcade so keep that in mind. So after the war, most of all the characters from the game settle down and have kids. The kids each have different personalities and hints that not everything is ok with them or their families. It's good read so give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7928417/1/Dissidia-Rebirth
The Hungry Pokemon Games By Windflicker
So it takes the plot of the Hunger Games but adds new twists and turns. Like for example, the capitol have a tribute in N and the pov character is from the 4 district instead 12.  I give it a read if that sounds good to you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8012435/1/The-Hungry-Pokemon-Games
Crisis on Two PokéWorlds! By PokeRescue18
Hey, want crossover fic between the manga and anime without the needless bashing of the anime because it wasn't as dark and serious as the manga even when it isn't that dark or serious. Well, this fic got you cover. So there are there these two guardians, Solaris and Lunaria who one day were attack by this guy name Odio stole this orb that holds the power of universes. They battle it out but the orbs breaks and two reality are going to crash together. So what can you do but get heroes from both universes to collect the shards before the villains do and save the worlds. If that sounds good to you then check it out.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6608899/1/Crisis-on-Two-Pok%C3%A9Worlds
Hakumei By @pryotra
In this Naruto, AU Danzo had the Hokage killed but 6 kids saw this going down and ran away. These kids being Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Sai, Hinata, and Neji. They leave the village and try to survive the outside world. Despite that little summary, this is not a dark fic. It's more about found family and overthrowing a government. It's a good fic if you have time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4119917/1/Hakumei
Legacy By Lady Mayflower
This retelling of the first three Sypro games. Trying to make sense for the plot but it doesn't take the tone and fun out of the original. There were a couple of times where laugh out loud at this fic. Check it out if you have a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7280837/1/Legacy
My Life By Berk'sWarrior
So this How To Train Your Dragon Warrior Cats AU. Which sounds like weird AU because how you going to blend those two together. Well changing the dragons into rogues and still have the fic be about friendship and Smallkit(Hiccup)trying to love from his father. If that sounds good then check it out here.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8997114/1/My-Life
Tinyclaw By SplashHart
This what if fanfiction where instead of Tiny chasing away the dog he told them the truth and they chase him out and into Riverclan. Who welcome him with opened arms. If you think it's going to be like how Firestar was like in Thunderclan it isn't. Tiny had his own problems in Riverclan and some will shock. Plus it give Riverclan a chance to shine which if you're a fan of RIverclan will bring some joy because they haven't really gotten a moment in the newer books.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8657366/1/Tinyclaw
RockmanEXE: Operation Black Ace By Azure Euphoria
So this crossover between Megman Starforce and Megaman EXE where after an certain event from the third Starforce game send Subaru back in time to the EXE. What I like about this one is keep the characters in character and has a lot of twists and turns that you won't see coming. Plus some good character development for some of our character including one grumpy Starforce we all know and like. Check it if want to see more of it.  
Link:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5994333/1/RockmanEXE-Operation-Black-Ace
Legend of Spyro: Stormfront By marsh166
So how many of you read a fanfic where the main character turns villain? I imagine you at less read one of those. This one is a bit different tho as it keeps everyone in character and it's a tragic story. So make sure you bring some tissues because no one is coming out this in one piece.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7482435/1/Legend-of-Spyro-Stormfront
The Ash Connection By I am Lu
So this story starts off with Ash and co getting ready to go back home for Christmas. But not everything is well because some Pokémon have been attacking Ash's friends that he had throughout the years and G-Men is putting Ash and his friends under witness protection program for the time being. I mean every one of his friends. Every traveling companion and his rivals up to B & W. Everyone has a moment to shine and some really good surprises that you never it coming. Give it a look to find out more.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9103189/1/The-Ash-Connection
FateStay Night: Ultimate Master By Ten-Faced Paladin(*)
So Ben was sent to Fuyuki City because of course what happened during the last Holy Grail War and the killing has been going since then. But here arrive he was attack and accident summon an Averger type servent. Which keep in mind was made before apocrypha or grand order so keep that in mind. It makes good use of the cast of characters and have some good action scenes. Check it out when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6781336/1/FateStay-Night-Ultimate-Master
Wanna Change By daydreamer1008
Another good SI in the Bleach version. Mostly because SI isn't over-power and does have a personality. Has great pacing and dialogue that actually sounds like the show. Of couse most of the characters are in character and the action scenes are good enough. Check it out when you get the chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6214127/2/I-Wanna-Change
A Sound Soul and a Sound Heart By Keyblade Guardian
So in this story starts out as it could happen in Kingdom Hearts game. Heartless start to invaded and Sora is sent there to stop it. What makes it good it's the character's interactives and actions scenes. I very much see a Soul Eater world being play out like this is the games. Check it out if you have the time.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9245458/1/A-Sound-Soul-and-a-Sound-Heart
Warriors: Servers of Chaos By Songarri0125
This Sonic crossover Warriors Cats but it's more au Warriors Cats. All the Sonic characters are cats in different clans. Shadow, Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles are a part of prophecy(because of couse.) and have power. What likes how it blend the two series together and characters are use really well.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7293595/2/Warriors-Servers-of-Chaos
The Eyes Have It By Shana the Short
So this is one does what if stories. And this what if story is about what if Sakura development a doujutsu or have one those weird bloodline eye power like Uchiha. What I like about it that it's play more realistic. Like she has no idea how to use them because she just work up and her family has no idea how to help her because it skip a couple of generations. Even her sensei can't really help so she on her own. It's a coming-of-age story with friendship and found family thing put in there. Check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8661803/1/The-Eyes-Have-It
Mega Man Star Force Zero By SapphireLibra3(*)
So this take place after the third game in StarForce. After finding out that the Planet FM has a weapon and sending to Earth Geo and Omega-Xis were send to stop it. That was 4 years ago and they haven't return. Almost everyone thinks he's dead but Luna who find out that weapon is coming back by Wizard name Xerox. They team up to defect new villains and save the planet. What I like most about this game that it took the elements from Zero and make it fit the StarForce universe. Even you know the Megaman Zero games there still a couple of surprises that you won't see coming. Check it out if you haven't yet.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5283660/1/Mega-Man-Star-Force-Zero
The Legend Of Spyro: A New Dawn by Kendell
So after the events of the games Spyro and Cynder and now adults and they want to have a kid. Problem is that due dark side flowing in their veins they are afraid it be pass down to their child. So they decide to adopted one. Problem anew villain appear and took some of the eggs in Temple along with Spyro's and Cynder's adopted child. So Spyro, Cynder, and the new Fire Guardian to travel into the Unknown Realms and defect the queen of Nega Deadlock. It's good adventure story with twist and turns. And really good character moments and has a really good villain. Check it out if you haven't read it yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6835233/1/The-Legend-Of-Spyro-A-New-Dawn
Falling into the Abyss By Chang-Tong(*)
This one is an SI for Tales of the Abyss but one where the author did it realistic. Like the SI act realistic and so do the characters around her. More in the sense of how they react to her actions. And there no romance so far in this fic so if worry about then don't be. Check it out if haven't check it give it a shot.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5791754/1/Falling-into-the-Abyss
Night of the Shy Revamp By RavenStarfire
In this fanfiction Fluttershy is possessed by evil magic that turn Luna into Nightmare Moon and cause havoc. And yeah it can see as horror because the possessed!Fluttershy is down right cruel to her victims and enemies. To make things worse the main 6 can't use the Elements of Harmony because of Fluttershy and *spoilers* being gone. So they have find a way while Equestria defect itself. And I have to get this out here the author is no longer with us so this story doesn't have an ending but I put this on here to keep RavenStarfire's memory alive. So check it out if have the time.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7562952/1/Night-of-the-Shy-Revamp
Mega Man AXL: Zero Era By VirusChris
So this is an what if story where instead of finding Zero Ciel finds Axl instead. I like how the bond between Ciel and Axl. And how different from the game and Axl character development. A lot of twist and turns and love letter to Axl fan. Give it a read if you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4483320/1/Mega-Man-AXL-Zero-Er
Land Before Time Twilight Valley By Zarrelion
So this war fic with Land Before Time....I know it sounds weird but go with it. Stone of Cold Fire crushed landed in Great Valley and mysterious sharptooth seeks it out and willing to spill blood over it. The children of the show grow up and willing to fight. The fight scenes are amazing in this fic and it deal brutal actions of war. As well as mental damage that war cause. Check it out when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4044080/1/Land-Before-Time-Twilight-Valley
Jak and Daxter Living in Sin By EcoSeeker247
This is about oc from our world coming Jak and Daxter world. Paige get a job working in the labs where Jak was experiment on after being arrest. What I like about this series is that there is no romance for Paige but her struggles on mortal compress and actually good friendship with Jak. I know in the in summary it looks like Paige has a villain redemption but Paige isn't a villain. She more someone who made a mistake. A mistake she needs to own up too but an mistake non the less. Which I like. While I do like villain redemption stories most of the time they are not well thought out. Even on 'professor' writer can't really write good. So this is better then what we be getting.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6791869/1/Jak-and-Daxter-Living-in-Sin
The Legend of Crystal New Beginnings By SnickerToodles
It's a retelling of Legend Of Spyro but what if Sypro had a twin sister. It expands on the world and add in a couple of twists and turns. Crystal herself is good character as well. She loud and more headstrong then her brother and balance both Spyro and Cynder as well. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6366414/1/The-Legend-of-Crystal-New-Beginnings
Fire and Shadow By Rowanoak23
I did a review of this fic a while ago. But is what-if story where Firestar join Shadowclan instead Thunderclan. It makes good use for the cast of characters in this fic and have good understand of the world of Warriors that you can see the author did do their research. I would go into more detail but I already did a review so check it out for more informtion or read the story.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4992672/1/Fire-and-Shadow
Broken Bow By Xed Alpha(*)
So this Percy Jackson fanfic about Armani Dove, son of Artemis. Unlike most this well made and oc is well done. If like comedy of the books then you like this. Nothing more to say but check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5673899/1/Broken-Bow
Soul's Fantasy By Grimdivide
So because of Aizen causing the resurrection of the God of Discord and so Warriors of Cosmos have to stop him and Espada. Some of new and old characters from the Final Fantasy characters. Bleach characters are used really good too both the villains and heroes. Check it out if sounds good to you.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5481758/1/Soul-s-Fantasy
Twist in Time By Alisa180
Can this count as a crossover when if it is from the same series but different time lines? Anyway due to some time travel shenanigans our favorite villains from the ZX timeline started causing trouble and what should happen but ZX travel back into the X timeline to stop them. The author know about the in and out Megaman universe as well as the characters. It has good twist and turns. Check it out when you get a chance.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3832375/1/Twist-in-Time
Fate Dissidia by Echo the Ethereal Swordmaster
Not an crossover really more like Dissidia characters in Fate/Stay Night setting. The plot is this Cosmos notice that the Crystals and Planet Earth are in danger. So, she  sent her warriors to Earth to find their masters, find and protect the  crystals, and save Earth from Chaos and his warriors. The cast ismostly ocs at least are interesting to say the less and characters are written as in character. I more surprise don't use this idea more offen really. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4741236/1/Fate-Dissidia
The Switch Glitch By Zilo Sugarpill
Another oc from our world go in FMA world. The first anime one bot Brotherhood one. This takes kinda realistic and the there so many twist and turns that you wouldn't see coming. It's action and comedy that did have me laugh at certain moments. Check it out if want too.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3791056/1/The-Switch-Glitch
Generations Collide By Crono Candescence
Basically Dr. Wally is at it again and build a new weapon for Bass to use. But during fight and travel forward in time and meet X. Yep in this fanfiction Megaman go forward in time and start meeting other characters from other Megaman games. It play just how I'll picture these characters meeting and add some insight on other stuff that games barley touch on Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4369795/1/Generations-Collide
So this takes plot of that but with Avatar gang oh and Zuko there too. The author knows about that characters and how to use them correctly. And to make things the character act like how I picture them like actually meet each. And it keeps the tone from both series which adventure with some comedy. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2501876/1/SECRET-OF-THE-CURSED-MASK  
Balto Future Shock By Kendell
So this Balto with some elements from Watchers but not really. Like you read this without any knowledge of Watchers and you follow it just find. The story begins at the present day with husky name Tina escape from military base, a genetically engineered Super Soldier named the Outsider chasing her. Turns out the Outsider is to replace human troops in the war on terror, but it turned on its creators and escaped, and being telepathically linked to Tina. So it wants to kill her.However, right as it catches Tina in Central Park, a lightning bolt strikes its extending metal claws, sending both back in time. To where Balto is and Tina is happy because she gets to hang out with idol but Outsider is still out there. Check out it if that sounds up your alley.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3937457/1/Balto_Future_Shock
Lost in Time Found By War By lunateix
So Bass once again attack Megaman but Roll herself step between them and were send forward through time by Wily new weapon. This was during Zero timeline during when Weil working with copy X. This story have a lot of twist and turns, great character moments and development, and there are some lore /background that if you know you get but if you don't then you can still follow it. Give it a chance when have time to read it.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3278280/1/Lost-in-Time-Found-By-War
Bonds By Sol Hiryu
So used Netto accident used Full Synchro with the human hating Forte. So being force to work together in order to stay alive environment while Rock is looking to get Nettoback. It enemies-to-friends fic that I think we should bring back. Yes enemies-to-lovers are good. I like well done fic of that. But I let's bring some good enemies-to-friends fic too. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2505790/1/Bonds
A Sharptooth's Heart By Sora W.T.K
So this one of the fiction that ask the question what will happen if sharptooth dinosaur that adopted into Land Before Time.(This was before second movie.) It cute and little story that have good characters moments and world building that isn't boring! Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1583842/1/A-Sharptooth-s-Heart
Price By DarqueDeath4444(*)
This AU where Ochako because a villain to get money for her parents and work with Wolfram(The villain from the first movie.) It'd villain fic that play out well that's not about Deku(I still like those fics don't get wrong) and has good understanding of the characters and good development for them so far. Check it out if haven't already.  
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13594903/1/Price
Pokemon Reset Bloodlines By Crossoverpairinglover(Rated: M and  *)
So some time during the XY anime Cyrus dismantling the universe to create his world without spirit so Arceus send Ash back in time to stop him. But few things change for example: Ashi is 15, kept in contact with Serena, and most important of all he's bloodliner. People with Pokémon-related abilities. This fic was inspired by another fic call Ash but it has a lot of different to make it is own fic. Those reason I listed above and in the fanfic. If you like X-Men you would like this fic because bloodliner are like Mutants in that people hate them for being different. It does have a lot of dark and serious moments so I can't say everyone should read it but it's not as dark as say like the Dark Knight or something like that. Check it out to see it for yourself.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9939848/1/Pokemon-Reset-Bloodlines
Lightning and Death Itself By Cke1st(*)
So in this AU Night Fury have this power to transform humans into other Night Fury.
So when Hiccup and Astrid when to ride Toothless he used this power to tranform the both of them into Night Fury and now they need to adjust to their new lives. The auother does a good job with the characters and world building. It used to this twist of Hiccup and Astrid and has effect their family really well too and as well as how the tribe and the world at large held this. Check it out out if haven't.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9343058/1/Lightning-and-Death-Itself
Loyalty By True Radical Dreamer
So in this AU Sakura was in the wrong place and the wrong time and it's force to work with Kabuto. It about spying, loyal, and war. And this fic dosen't shy away from the horrors of war so if you don't like that stuff then please check away. What I like about this fic is also the characters development that Sakura and the others go through as well and plot twist and turns. If that at all sounds good to you then check out this fic.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5316196/1/Loyalty
Earthborne By Mixed Valence
So this SI where the character is in Fire Emblem Fates and after bond with Nohr family has to make a choice to the upcoming war. What I like about this fic is the worldbuliding as it flash out more about this world. Another thing is the grey mortal that is done well in this fics then most other fic. Because the usually  play Nohr's action while just making just racist. Which come with a whole lot of problems and one them is you just make the game look even better at that part and I don't know how you imagine that. Plus some really good character development and twist and turn that you might see coming. Check it out if haven't already.
Link:  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12213521/1/Earthborne
Kingdom Hearts: The Winter War By colossalblackening
This is crossover between Bleach and Kingdom Hearts after the events of KH3  Sora wakes up in Hueco Mundo with no memories. Because of that Aizen trick Sora into joining the attack the Soul Society. What I like about this fic is the spot on characterized in this fic and well as really well done action scenes. Throw in some really good characters developments and you have a really good crossover story. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12500644/1/Kingdom-Hearts-The-Winter-War
Firelight By Riverstyxx
So this is an story a dragon named Charla who was save from the raid by an ape and raise by Jayce. But due to the even that in the fic they have separated and Charla needs to find him. By traveling through a war torn world and making friends and enemies along the way. What I like about it is that this is a story that does take place during the game but in a different pov so it makes the world flesh out a bit more. And the characters are all interesting and thought out. I like Charla, Jayce, and Silverback they all so good. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8259545/1/Firelight
Friendly Foreign Dimensional Exchange Student Spiderman! By Zaru
So this crossover between the MCU Spiderman and bnha. Where after Infinity part 1 where Spiderman turn to dust ends up in bnha's world. After getting into getting some shenanigans he gets into U.A to become a hero. What I like about this story it takes mental problems serious and the characters are use nicly. Check it out if haven't yet.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13187854/1/Friendly-Foreign-Dimensional-Exchange-Student-Spiderman
All the Pieces Lie Where the Fell By forevermagik13
So this take place before Dream, Drop, Distance was out so keep that in mind in this fic. So this is forevermagik13's version of KH3 where Sora, Riku, and Kairi go looking for the missing light instead. What I like about this fanfic for the most part I can see some of the stuff happening in universe and characters have some stand out moments. Check it out if haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6772185/1/All-the-Pieces-Lie-Where-they-Fell
Burning Thunder By TheDogzLife
So this next gen fic where N's and White's son goes off on his Pokemon adventure. The ocs are well thought out and canon character written in character. I imagine this is how most of the characters would end up when they are older. Plus there so many good mystery in this fic and have to see for yourself. Check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9415859/1/Burning-Thunder
The Tide series By Regiss
So this is a what-if story where Xion won the battle Roxas. Xion won and killed Roxas and to make things worse Organization 13 are after her and DiZ woke Sora with only half of power because Roxas didn't fuse with Sora. As you can see this story have a lot of twists and turns. All the character are used instead of shove a side like in the main games. It's one of my favorite KH series so check it out if you haven't already.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9580894/1/Remember-the-Tides
Dark Legacy series By Dardarax(M)(*)
So the Dark Legacy fic is next gen about a albino dragon, named Lyrith who goes to Temple Academy where dragons learn about fight, the world around them, etc. The problem is that as albino Lyrith has no power and while accepting some of the people around are dislike for being an albino. Lyrith is not the only chatacter that has an arc in this story and ocs cast is pretty good in my option. It also has good world-building without going away from the main story. Check it out but it does get dark at time so be careful.
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6406803/1/Dark-Legacy
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Little Witch Academia
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Atsuko Kagari (nicknamed Akko) has always had a fascination with witches. Or should I say one particular witch! When she was a child, she saw a magic performance done by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot. After that, Akko decided then and there that she was going to become a witch just like Shiny Chariot. So when she became a teenager, she got the opportunity to enroll at Luna Nova Magical Academy. While this school has primarily been a place for witch’s only to hone on their skills, due to financial issues they opened the school up to non-magic users. And Akko has no magic in her whatsoever!
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We follow the antics of Akko as she tries to survive in a witch academy. During her time she’s managed to snag a wand that was once owned by Shiny Chariot (which she plans to return to), meet friends like Lotte and Sucy, start a rival with the school star Diana Cavendish, get one-on-one training from Professor Ursula (who has her own kind of past), and learn everything there is to know about becoming a great witch. But Akko is going to have a tough time because like I said, she has no magic in her whatsoever! BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As I mentioned at the beginning, this series is under the thumb of Netflix (in every country). I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the subtitled version. As for the dub…boy, Erica Mendez is getting the choice roles in Netflix exclusive animes. I can’t complain, the lady does fine work. Plus Netflix gives me a chance to hear other new voice actors and seiyuus. Some were big misses with me, but others (like Sucy’s voice) won me over. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Akko is played by Megumi Han (known for Yamato on Ore Monogatari, Momiji on Fruits Basket 2019, Kagari on Steins;Gate 0, Rio on YGO Zexal, and Chie on Tokyo Ghoul) *Sucy is played by Michiyo Murase *Lotte is played by Fumiko Orikase (known for Dianthe on Pokemon XY, Kyubei on Gintama, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras Victoria on Hellsing, Shirley on Code Geass, Rukia on Bleach, and Aki on Inazuma Elven) ENGLISH CAST: *Akko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Sucy is played by Rachelle Heger *Lotte is played by Stephanie Sheh (known for Mikuru on Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuro on Blue Exorcist, Nui on Kill la Kill, Hinata on Naruto, Orihime on Bleach, Illiya on Fate/stay night, Yui on K-ON, and Usagi/Sailor Moon on Sailor Moon) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I know in stories like these I always root for the underdog and they end up my favorite character…buuuuuuut…
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I like Sucy! Yeah, I like the little mischevious, mushroom-loving witch. And yes, I love the episode where Akko goes inside Sucy's subconscious and we see all the Sucy's inside Sucy.
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: I knew I couldn’t really hate Diana! I think most of the hatred I shared at her direction for the majority of the season was because of those two cronies that hung around her. Those two were catty bitches and I just hate those kinds of characters. But nothing could compare to Diana’s bitch aunt.
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God, fuck this woman! She literally tries to usurp Diana from taking over as head of the Cavendish family line. Just so she can give it to one of her bitch daughters! She’s seriously giving me Lady Tremaine vibes, it’s not even funny. You know it’s bad that I was rooting for them to die when they got into trouble. But Diana wasn’t going to let her bitch aunt and bitch cousins die so I should stop hoping for severe payback. SHIPPING: Hmm…the shipping category is going to be fun! I think it’s only because of that one episode that involves a bee sting and the person is smitten with the next person they see. And boy did Akko get her fill when not only Andrew falls for her, but Diana as well!
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Actually, I have thoughts of Andrew really taking a shine to Akko. I honestly thought there would only be two interactions at the most between him and Akko during the show. But surprisingly, there were more. I’m not really a fan of this ship, but I still find it cute. Hell, even Lotte found a boy that was interested in her at one point. She turns him down, but he still holds out hope. Also a cute moment! Hmm…at the moment I’m an open multishipper for this series. If Akko ends up with Diana, cool man! If she ends up with Andrew, whatever, I can dig it! If Akko ends up with Amanda, more power to you (and I can totally see that because Amanda is giving me total lesbo-vibes). What do you expect, this is like an all-girls school!
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You know what, I’m now leaning towards Akko x Amanda more than all the others. Don’t fight me on this, I just know I like it! ENDING: Up until the halfway point, a lot of the episodes are about Akko trying to make it as a witch. Did she surpass everyone’s doubts? While Akko was able to improve her magic a bit (I give it 5%), it’s not at the level as many of her classmates. I mean by episode 20, Akko still cannot fly a broom! That should tell you something. But what’s the one thing that seems to be missing from this series?
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An antagonist? Yeah, in comes Professor Croix! And to many of the students, she feels like she’s able to bring witchcraft into today’s era with her technology driven methods. And Akko certainly has taken a shine to her. However, Professor Ursula can smell this woman’s bullshit a mile away. Ursula was once the classmate of Croix. But back then Ursula was known as… Oh come on, it was so bloody obvious the moment Ursula met Akko.
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Ursula is really Shiny Chariot! Meanwhile, Akko ends up trying to speak these seven secret words that’ll unlock the wand she obtained in the first episode. You know, the wand that belonged to Shiny Chariot?! And Akko has managed to obtain six out of the seven secret words. She could be the one to get the seventh word, which was something Chariot was unable to do as a student. But this positivity ends with a looming war (over a soccer match) on the rise. In actuality, there’s a force around the town as well as certain moments at the school that have caused chaos. Yes, it’s Professor Croix exploiting people’s anger for her own research. Not only that, but she used Akko for her own selfish ambitions and as a result ended up injuring Shiny Chariot to a point of altering her magic (possibly permanently). That’s one thing. Then we get quite a big bombshell!
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AKKO’S MAGIC: Ever wonder why Akko has like zero magic ability?! When she saw Shiny Chariot’s performance as a child, her dreams and potential magic were taken by Chariot in order to make her performances more magical (due to audience members becoming disinterested in Chariot’s magic). Akko’s magic was taken away from her before she could even realize a thing. Damn! And you can just imagine Akko’s heartache finding out that her professor was really Chariot and that Chariot did that to not just Akko, but other children! After Chariot found out what her magic shows were doing, she immediately fell off the map.
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BACK TO THE CONCLUSION: One of Croix’s inventions went rogue and is officially threatening the world. And it’s up to Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Diana, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka to catch up to this rogue missile invention. Now that Akko was able to obtain the seventh word, there’s a good chance they can take out Croix’s out of control missile. Croix thankfully realized the errors of her way and understood the pain she’s caused to her students and her former classmate. Croix and Chariot decide to give their all to help the girls as well. While five of the seven girls were able to give a big boost, it was Akko and Diana who took out the looming threat. That’s right, witches saved the world! Yeah, during the series a lot of people were kinda mean to or looked down upon Luna Nova and the witch race in general. Especially, those dickheads at Andrew’s prep school! With this act, I’m sure Luna Nova and the witches will finally get the respect they deserve. In the aftermath, yes Luna Nova is now receiving more respect from those that have been quite cruel to them throughout the series run. Croix is going away to do some research. One of her biggest plans was to restore Ursula/Chariot’s magic that was lost due to her own recklessness with Akko. The students go back to their lessons and…
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Akko (after 25 episodes) was able to float a few inches off the ground using her broom. She flew…sort of. I’ll let it count as a victory! THE TWO SPECIALS: A few years prior to the television series run, Little Witch Academia had two movies air. Now this is a different telling of the story. In the first special (which is 25 minutes), it has Akko come upon Chariot’s rod during a class assignment (instead of coming upon it in a forest like the first episode).
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And here’s a real kicker, while Akko is still the class screw-up and has the least amount of magic, here she actually has SOME magic. In the second special (which is 55 minutes), Akko ends up in trouble (like normal) and ends up having to do a punishment assignment. She has to help orchestrate a ritual which ends up turning into a parade. So Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka all end up working together to do this. But Akko wants to turn this into something for people to remember and always cherish. Like her experiences with the Shiny Chariot performances she saw as a child! But there’s always blow-back because at Luna Nova, Shiny Chariot is seen as a disgrace to traditional witches. And of course there was bound to be some disagreements when working with a big group. And despite a few hiccups, everyone was able to come together to put on a convincing parade for the crowd. Little Witch Academia was quite the enjoyable little story. Yes, it’s a root for the underdog kind of story and even though the television series seems to give Akko the short-end of the stick on the magic matter, it’s full-filling to see her accomplish quite a bit. Even if it took her until the final seconds to learn how to fly! I know it’s been about 2-3 years since the ending of the TV series and am wondering if this is it for the franchise. I know there are novels and games out for this, so maybe one day.
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But I do give a recommendation for those into witches, magic, and all that good stuff! It's full of fun characters, there's no harm in that. Currently, Netflix is the only outlet for this series (in just about every country). But Netflix does carry both the sub and dub (and several other languages). Now then, what’s my next Amazon/Netflix exclusive anime? Nope. You’re watching this.
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Rising of the Shield Hero? But isn’t that Crunchyroll or FUNimation? Don’t care. You’re watching this now. But I have a big list of other animes to wat… Tough shit. You’re watching this. You have no choice but to watch a modern Isekai!
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