#also is it olya or olga??
akuma-tenshi · 9 months
wait how did kolya die. im p sure it was a long time ago during one of olya's stalker missions or whatever but i dont know the details. what happened to u funni man
dissolved in the grinder. in the incident where olya lost her eye and sergei got all fucked up. it's depicted in the mill n you can see sergei's scars in that one scene in punch it, punk! and some official art. i think nikita got his neck scar there too. iirc sergei saved olya instead of kolya and nikita (kolya's brother?? i think??) was upset at him for it, which.. understandable but also that's a really fucking hard decision to make.
my thing is we never saw his exact death, and we don't know if olya, sergei, and nikita saw the moment he died either (plus trauma kinda changes memories so they may remember it differently); we only know the aftermath. meanwhile with nikita we saw him get shot and like.. heard / saw his final thoughts in message lost (very underrated song btw i sometimes just go listen to it on loop for a bit). it's extremely unlikely that kolya is alive and is probably just getting attention / spotlight bc yura is becoming more entangled with the stalker lifestyle and therefore closer to both past and present stalkers, but i think it's a funky theory and fun to speculate on. i also just rlly like kolya's design, he feels like he'd be fun to chill with (i know nothing about his personality). if he's actually well and truly dead i won't be too fussed abt it but i like theorising lmao
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qridotavii · 1 year
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heedzhee-art · 6 days
more of my yapping about the fandom-given hetalia Ukraine name
I don't like the Katyusha Ukraine because in my opinion it doesn't suit her, and people constantly use the name incorrectly. basically, Katyusha is like a playful version of "Kateryna/Katya", but people write it like a formal first name pretty often (Katyusha Chernenko), no blame since it comes from a place of unfamiliarity with slavic languages, it's just a bit annoying. plus the word is associated with that one russian song that became popular during World War II god it just doesn't suit her at all in my opinion 😭
"Katyusha" is a diminutive form of the name Kateryna, except it's of russian origin; in Ukrainian the diminutive forms of the name are "Katrusya", "Katerynka", or less commonly "Katrunya"
historically, the russian empire and later the soviet union promoted russian at the expense of Ukrainian, leading to the suppression of Ukrainian culture and language. of course, some Ukrainians use Katyush/Katyusha as playful nicknames, because the blending of Ukrainian and russian, that's been caused by reoccurring russification, migration, and political influence, lead to mixed usage in everyday speech – it's a normal thing (surzhyk). it's not a crime to use this word or anything, I just find it ironic that the character that represents a nation constantly oppressed by russian imperialism, in hetalia only exists as a dependant and less important character to give russia more endearing relationships and make him more interesting, and then the Japanese fandom coincidentally has also chosen the russian word for her name (I assume it's after that popular soviet song)
really I feel there's not much Ukrainian about canon hetalia Ukraine, which seems to be a very common feeling among many of my Ukrainian friends who know about the character :/ they think she's cute and pretty, but when it comes to national identity and culture, she is not relatable even on a stereotypical level, and has little depth as a character
anyway, if you want some Ukrainian first names, here's a list of the ones I think sound fitting (SUBJECTIVE OPINION 😡)
Myroslava (love this one) - slavic origin, a combination of мир and слава, meaning peace and glory. it suits resilient and strong people
Olha/Olya (ОЛЯ UA!!!!!!!) - scandinavian origin (ukr. variant of Hélga). yea it's a really old and really common name that associates with the Kyivan Rus era, anyway I use it because of a meme and due to every Olya I've met building this collective Olya in my head that's literally how I also see Ukraine. she's such an Olya. it's hard to explain
Olena (not Olyena) - greek origin (ukr. variant of Helénē) came to Ukrainian through Church Slavic "Yelena" (not Yelyena)
Lesya - Ukrainian name deriving from "Olesya" which in turn derives from "Oleksandra". I'm very biased about it because it's one of my favourite female names, and also many Ukrainians associate it with Lesya Ukrayinka, which is the self-given title of an outstanding Ukrainian writer, translator and cultural figure
Halyna - likely greek origin and comes from "galēnē". I like it because I get to call her Halynka/Halya, I think it sounds cute
Tetyana - common slavic name, likely of roman origin, it just has a tender and pretty sound to it
these names are common in some or all other slavic languages, differing in varied phonetics
😑 I am NOT gatekeeping people from calling her "Kateryna", I just personally dislike Katyusha or russian Yekatyerina for her, and in my opinion the old russian-speaking fandom did a better job naming her Olha, even if that popularized the russian transcription for this same name (Olga)
my Ukraine is named Olha Tkachenko. I just like it the most and I've kind of grown used to it. whateva
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I will kiss you.
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camp-on-the-swamp · 11 months
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my two favorite girls, oc s from S.t.a.l.k.e.r.
Olga, the woman in a brown raincoat, she is 26 years old, a wanderer, lives here and there, rummages around the southern districts of the Zone. that's how she got her nickname "Tumbleweed". she sells all sorts of little helpful things, can fix simple equipment, and also of course collects artifacts. she is very calm, sometimes frustrated and also seems lost and tired.
while the other one, Sasha, 24 years old, her complete opposite, she is noisy, hyperactive and extremely friendly. she is a former digger. after the death of her digger group she decided to become stalker-in training under Olya supervision. Sasha got her nickname "Grenade" for her explosive nature and the fact that she always carries grenades with her, just in case.
and they're dating, yes. ofc.
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nrdmssgs · 8 months
A wall of silence
Masterlist with OCs AN: My friends @sofasoap @siilvan and @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot inspired me for a tiny backstory to a A heart full of pity. This happens a day before the main story.
Characters: Lieutenant Olga (not yet Zhar) Samoilova and Doctor Heather Green (an OC of @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot)
As usual, Olga came exactly 3 minutes earlier for their appointment.
"Doctor Green, Lieutenant Samilova re-"
"Cut it, Olya, how many times do I need to ask you." Heather stood up from her desk and moved a chair closer to the one, on which her patients would usually sit.
For many years Heather monitored the now so-called Task Force and some things never changed. Soap turning their sessions to a little stand-up of John MacTavish, Ghost sharing much more with Price than with her, Gaz balancing between the calmest logic and a raging storm of emotions. And Olga, trying to be the quiet, the 'i'll cause no problem', the 'please don't banish me' one. It felt as if she knew, how every answer should sound in order to make a perfect report.
No matter, how hard Heather tried, she couldn't get into Olgas ears - to her psychologic evaluations were not an instrument to help her, but an endless test, she had to pass with flying colors in order to stay in Prices group.
So without any big hopes Heather asked, how Olgas week went so far.
"Great! The mission planning is almost done, I'm waiting for the Captain to give me all clear, I also controlled the amount of resting hours as you advised, here is my report, I also sent a copy on your email address..."
Heather listened patiently as Olga recited an obviously prepared in advance answer. Behind all the razzle-dazzle, her patient tinkered till the last smallest detail, Heather still saw a very scared girl, who was willing to do anything to stay in the Task Force. If Heather was honest - she didn't want to corner her own patient, when she already was in a survival mode for a long time. But there was no other choice.
"Tell me about the last Sunday."
"Had a nice training session with the Sgs, worked on reports, had a walk, about an hour long. Then there was some gathering in one of the hangars, but I left early. Read a book, not a work-related topic, as you suggested. And thats about it!" Despite Heathers concerns, Olga didn't tense up. The same smile was plastered upon her face as she reminisced on her weekend.
"And what made you leave the gathering early?"
Olga looked down for a moment and sighed. "Gaz? Or Soap?"
"Olya, darling, don't get the wrong picture of it: nobody in the 141 is trying to find any imperfections in you, or make you go. They are worried about you. One of their own makes you frustrated, there is something going on between you two, and they want to help." Heather reached out to Olga, touched her shoulder, but her patient just froze and looked back with an unfocused gaze. Trying to guide her out of the blackout, Heather added, "you can always tell if you're uncomfortable. With me or with Nikolai."
"Nothing is going on between me and Nikolai." Lieutenant came back to senses. "I joined the gathering, I left early, because I got a new idea for the mission plan, that's the story. We didn't say a single word to each other - there was no conflict, doctor."
"Darling, it was a gathering to celebrate Nikolai coming back to our base after a long leave. And you stood up and left the hangar the very next moment after he entered it. This doesn't scream 'nothing is happening' to me. And I`m afraid, that you look at how everyone appreciate him, and hide something, that makes you so distant. You see, how we greet him every time and think that nobody is going to take your side once you reveal the reason behind your reaction to him. I want you to know, it's not like that."
"Doctor Green, it is not my place to lecture you." Olga leaned back, defending herself from any possibility of a physical contact with Heather. "But it takes a very special personality to serve, where that man served. I know, you all believe that ultranationalists are the worst, that they represent everything thats wrong with Russia. But I assure you, they are just kids in comparison to what beasts are lurking in Kremlin. And that man served them. Maybe he still is."
Heather understood that their time was almost up and made the last attempt to make her point.
"Olya, I can't manipulate on Nikolais background. I won't deny, he worked for the FSB, but I can't draw a conclusion from my or your emotions. But what I can do is to analyze the facts. You see a monster right there, and you feel like you are the only one, who sees his real nature. Neither I nor anyone from the Task Force can change your perception. But I can share, what personally see, when I look at him."
When Olga hesitantly noded, Heather went on.
"I see a guy, who cares for his friends, even when it remains unnoticed. A guy, who found out, one of the TF was on the brief medical leave for a minor reason and his very first question was 'do they need any medication or anything?'. A guy, who is always asking if every member of 141 is ok. A guy, who looks at somebody, he cares for, and smiles broadly even though they don't have an opportunity to touch base with each other."
"Doctor, I'll stop you there. I am aware of Nikolai's and our Captain's friendly bond."
"I'm talking about Price, Olya. Everything, I just told you, was about Nikolai and you."
In a dead silence infesting the room, Lieutenant shook her head. The last words that reached Heather were muttered quietly.
"He is lying. Lying to you all."
Price came half an hour after Olga left: Heather wouldn't want them to stumble upon each other in the hall. Doctor Green still had a small hope, that Captain would change his mind about Olgas upcoming mission. But when Price asked her, if his Lieutenant was ready, that hope was forgotten.
"John, she hates him."
"That I know." Prices deep voice echoed in the walls of her office. "My questions was, is she able to work with him. This mission is critical, if Olga makes it - we are promoting her. So, please, give me a sign."
Heather took a pause. She didn't want to torture Olga, when she's already living in constant stress. At the same time she understood how much this mission might serve Olga and the whole Task Force. Heather didn't like, what she's about to do, but something told her, it's the right thing. So she finally answered Price.
"She will do anything for you."
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d3adp1g3on · 5 months
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won’t you take me back there again?
on the left is my character Obroga and on the right my another character Elena (Lena). Elena is a ghost and was probably killed by Obroga
Obroga not sure if she murdered Lena or she if it’s a memory embedded in her head, and Lena remembers only how she felt the moment of her death. Also Lena has a younger sister! Her name is Olga (Olya) and she can feel if someone near her is about to die and she can see ghosts.
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i want to finish this thing so much but i don’t have energy to do so
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Zhenya and Agnes(on the right)
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portrait of agnes!!!
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biblically accurate girlfriends eva and zhenya
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oli-draw · 11 months
Oli and her company
Chapter One:How it all started
This story happened to a simple girl Oli. A pretty ordinary girl who has no friends. It's okay for her to be alone at all.When all the other children are having fun and playing, Oli prefers to sit alone in the classroom or at home to draw, make, listen to music or just do nothing. And so it would have continued all her life, if not for one miracle that changed Olino's ideas about the world.
One day, Oli was sitting at home as usual and drawing animals in her notebook. They were unusual animals. She first drew a beautiful fox in an elegant dress from the 20s and 30s from America, with white short gloves and with luxurious, long, brown hair. She still held a microphone in her hands and sang songs to the sounds of jazz and blues.
In the second drawing, the girl drew a rabbit and a wolf cub. The rabbit treated the wounds, scratches and bruises of the wolf, apparently someone offended the baby and even beat him badly. The little wolf had tears flowing in a small trickle, on top was the inscription "Even ferocious predators also need love."
Well, the third drawing of Oli draws a girl with a cat mask, she was dressed in a costume similar to Zorro, and in her hands she held a sword.
There was silence and a lonely emptiness in Olya's room, only the music in the headphones was playing in the headphones.
"Seven digits and a bell, how do I find your love, turutututu, how do I find your love" she sang.
It was raining heavily in June. The cold was so intense that even a cold stream of air could be heard in the house. Everything would have been fine, but then the intercom rang. Olya like a stremglam rushed to the intercom and took it off.
"Yes?"asked Olya.
"Olya, it's my" mother's voice came from the phone and Olya pressed the button, put the phone back in place.
A few minutes later, the parents came home with a large mirror
"Oh, what are you standing for!? Help me!" Oli's dad asked.
Olya was happy to help put a mirror in the hallway. And then there was a sound of something falling on the floor, turning around She saw a pendant with a purple stone. Picking up the pendant, the Girl asked Dad: "Dad, what is it?"
" Eh? It's a pendant, you can take it for yourself," Dad replied, chatting with mom.
Already in the evening before going to bed, Olya examined this pendant.
" Well, the pendant is like a pendant, nothing to do with lovomi", she put it on the table and went to bed.
The next day, Oli woke up alone in the house, a notification came on the phone that her parents had gone on business for three days, and Anya (the younger sister of the main character) went to camp. So she was left to enjoy loneliness and boring vacations again as always.
As soon as she became, she managed to do exercises, wash, change clothes, make herself breakfast, wash the dishes and clean up. After all the cases, she decided to lie down, but an unknown vibration in her chest stopped Olga. It was a pendant.
"What the?!"- Olya only had time to think, only turning to the mirror she realized what was the matter. That if it is how much further away from the mirror, then the vibration stops. And if it is too close, the vibration of the pendant will be strong.
Going to the old mirror, she began to hold her hand over it. The mirror had an unusual oval shape and its height was one big 50-year-old man. Its frame was carved from mahogany, and the patterns on the frame resembled various creatures, be it a dragon or a wolf. At the very top, the mirror was adorned like a kami tiara of the same color as the stone in the pendant. Then Olechka noticed the missing detail in the mirror - it's a pendant on the very top of the mirror. Removing it from her neck, the girl shoved it into the empty hole.
And then, Olya's mirror image disappeared and a portal to the other end appeared. Ole was reminded of the fairy tale Alice through the Looking Glass or the works of Neil Gaiman "Coraline", where everything was the same and even knew what happened to the main character and what difficulties she managed to overcome. Oli remembered this book very well, but the thirst to enter the unknown pulled her stronger and stronger.
I stepped into this corridor in the mirror, the girl kept going forward and forward.The corridor was neither too long nor too short, but so-so. But she managed to pass it and end up in a cave.
" what? And I went to this?"said Oli and looked back that the entrance in the mirror was gone. Oli was seriously scared, but when she saw the light, she immediately calmed down. She came out of the cave and saw a small town on the seashore, cute and clean.
And as soon as she took two steps, she abruptly and very quickly went down. She didn't even realize what had happened. And as soon as she was driving, something hit her with such force that she briefly blacked out.
And what will happen next, we will wait in the new chapter
Guys, I had to translate this with the help of a translator and don't swear at me, please 🥺
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Do you find more attractive when someone has a greater gap between the eyes (like Nicky, Olya, Tanya and Sunahine) or a smaller gap between the eyes (like Alicky, Masha and Anastasia)? I have literally the same eyes as Tatiana and I love them the most.
Hi bestie! Honestly idk! I have never really noticed gaps between people’s eyes except for when they are really major! I know some people that have really big and small gaps and no offense to them, it just isn’t really attractive in my opinion. But not all people with big or small gaps aren’t non-attractive, NAOTMAA are pulling things off! Olga, Nicky, and Tatiana’s gaps are honestly beautiful (especially Olga’s) and I am obsessed. Also I love the others small gaps too! In conclusion, I don’t like too big or too small gaps but everything else is fine! Also this doesn’t apply to people irl because you are all so beautiful! 🤍💗💎
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game-set-canet · 1 year
I watch tennis but pretty casually so…. What’s the beef w Zverev ? Why don’t we like him?
oh, that's a long story and i'm not sure if i'm the right person to explain that bc i just get angry whenever i see him or his name somewhere but i'll try (but only an overview). Also: I'm writing this now as far as I can remember, so if I mixed up a date, etc. - I'm sorry.
domestic violence
already in 2020 there were allegations of domestic violence against Zverev. His ex-girlfriend Olga Sharypova has made public that Zverev has become violent towards her.
Zverev - of course - denied everything. Said it's a lie and he didn't do anything etc. etc.
the ATP did a "investigation" on the allegations but quickly came up with a "no further investigation needed" - oh wonder, of course they want to protect their golden boy (what he was back then).
As far as I know(!!) his laywers even made slate.com remove their article(s ??) to this topic. quote from their website: "This article has been temporarily removed due to an emergency injunction that was issued by a German court and obtained before Slate could appear and present evidence. Slate is now contesting that injunction and stands by its fair and accurate reporting based on multiple sources and interviews."
this week new allegations got public, this time by his ex, the mother of his child, Brenda Patea.
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aggressive behaviour on court:
he attacted the chair of an umpire (and nearly hit the umpire) with his racket bc he didn't decide like Zverev wanted:
and apart from that (and yes, that's just my personal opinion): he is a very arrogant a**hole. He thinks of himself that he is the most talented and best tennis player ever, he makes fun of other players (admittedly only semi-publicly, but still) and if he loses, everyone else is to blame except him (Monte Carlo 2023).
he is definitely no one to support. and it's very sad to see that there are still so many people supporting him ("iNnOcEnT uNtIl PrOvEn GuIlTy" and all this bullsh*t). in my opinion he should get expelled from the ATP tour. We have no room for a domestic abuser.
i hope i was able to help you with this overview.
also: I hope i explained it all in the right way. if not: pls correct me. or add other important things!
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glitterypopcorn · 4 days
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Olga Orlova is a main character in Parties Are For Losers. She does logistics at the zone research facility and is sheltering Dmitry at her house.
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loveforalexzverev · 5 days
Hi! It’s good to see a Tumblr blog about Sascha that makes one remember what his game was and - in a way - still is like. I won’t lie, with all these allegations and accusations against him it’s hard to watch him like I once used to, even though his style is still enjoyable and entertaining to see on court.
I can’t help but notice that in your reply to another Anon you offered to give your opinion about DV accusations against him. I would like to read them too, especially regarding Olya/Olga. Her story seemed - sadly - truthful and honest enough to me… The newer one not so much tbh, as it sounded quite sketchy to begin with, but O.’s ringed terribly believable. Even more so with some of his on court behaviour, which I know doesn’t mean anything but it’s hard not to see the possibility of his violent tendencies with how he treated his dad during that match few years ago, not to mention other things.
I promise I’m not looking for starting an argument or something. Simply wonder what your reasoning is and opinions on these two accusations, made by completely different women, who may both be friendly with another player’s wife but otherwise don’t seem to have much in common.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry for the delay in replying. Thank you for your message. I addressed most of the reasons why I don't personally believe the allegations in this post, if you want to read it. But I've tried to answer your ask below the cut:
Ultimately everyone is entitled to their opinion on whether they personally think Sharypova's story is believable, but the facts are that the independent investigation carried out on Sascha because of her allegations found "insufficient evidence to substantiate the allegations of abuse". For someone to be declared guilty of a crime of which they are accused, evidence must be provided which proves their culpability beyond reasonable doubt. Sharypova's evidence did not do this; it was examined, and subsequently deemed insufficient to prove her allegations are truthful.
I also just want to point out that "believable" is relative. She did not relay her version of events herself, instead a dramatised documentation of her story laced with an excessive amount of pathos and logos was curated between two articles released a year apart by a journalist looking to sensationalise every aspect. The ultimate effect was to make her story as profound, poignant and convincing to the reader as possible. At the end of the day, he is a journalist, and there are common tactics used in journalism to convey a story in the most persuasive and impactful way.
But removing all the journalistic techniques Rothenberg incorporated into his writing and solely examining the strength of the evidence she provided, it was ruled that it wasn't enough to prove he is guilty of abuse.
And as for on-court behaviour, I strongly disagree that how a player conducts themselves on-court in the high-tension environment of a professional tennis match has anything to do with their off-court behaviour. And I certainly don't think that it in any way indicates they are a perpetrator of domestic violence. By that reckoning, most  ATP players, including Djokovic, Federer, Murray, Alcaraz, Bublik, Medvedev, Rublev etc. must all be abusive to their partners. I definitely would never make this assumption based on on-court aggression.
The incident with his father was years ago, and it was purely verbal aggression. I do believe Sascha has developed greatly since then and has never repeated that since. Other players on the circuit have been far more aggressive both verbally and physically during matches and continue to do so even now. Screaming at members of their box to the point at which they leave, or in some cases throwing things at / near them, smashing / manhandling tournament equipment in anger, etc. But again, even if this behaviour induced by frustration in a match is not what I would personally condone, I would strongly advise against taking it out of context and using it as proof that they are abusers.
And lastly, I just want to clarify what you said about the two accusations made against Sascha being by independent women who have nothing in common. This isn't exactly true, there is actually more going on than it originally appears.
Patea and Sascha split in 2020, there is proof she shared on Instagram throughout the spring and summer of 2021 of her and Sascha sharing an amicable relationship as co-parents while he was in Berlin visiting their daughter. Then later that year after Sharypova's second article was published, Patea then filed for the penalty order.
It didn't get reported much outside of Germany, but intrinsically linked to the penalty order case was a custody case. Patea and Sascha shared joint custody before, but she was trying to take sole custody. It was reported in Stern and Süddeutsche Zeitung back in 2023 that she had gotten in contact with Sharypova around late 2021 and had provisionally tried to file for sole custody with an application which involved Sharypova's accusations, but it was denied. Thus, she sought out the penalty order route.
The main issue is that as Sharypova's accusations were published in articles, they were available to the public. Her rendition of events, her evidence, it was all there for the public to see. So Patea sharing a story with similarities to hers is not coincidental.
On that note, among the expert witnesses Sascha's legal team had for the trial was a linguist named Raimund Drommel who had analysed Patea's words and could prove that she had copied Sharypova's accusations on purpose. And also one of the messages Sascha's defence lawyer Alfred Dierlamm mentioned having proof of at the start of the trial:
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Source: X
Anyway, that's just my view. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm not here to try and convince anyone to think / not think a certain way. I just want to run a supportive blog for a tennis player I like and share viewpoints and aspects of the story which are often overlooked by the media, but are no less valid.
Please take care ❤️
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ledenews · 5 months
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buck-askbox · 7 years
Does olya/Olga/ awooooo girl eat the sheepies or does she do the lewd with them too?
she lewds the sheep bois. truth is in their world all species of animals and insects come as regular creature or as a kemonomimi human. Olya lewds the mimis and eats the regular creatures, though thank god, sheonly eats once a week sometimes once every two weeks if she caught something big.
of course the mimi versions tend to have special qualities, such as the hair of the sheep bois can be used to make special silk and thread, animal sheep whool is used for bedding and stuff. 
milk from regular cows is used for regular drinking and family consuming while mimi cow milk is really expensive and you can make highest quality confectionery and cooking. the taste is something special. 
Mimi wolves can be a real pain for farmers since it’s not actually legal to kill one as they have human faces. so most of the time farmers have a strong mimi catle or mimi dogs to take care of them since between beasts of the same kind they are allowed to kill eachother, as cruel as it sounds (yes this also means there is illegal mimi fighting tournaments especially in big towns). 
anyway, that’s how it is!!!
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yusiyomogi · 2 years
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@dazegourik, @ackletze well, guys, you asked for this :D
i'm gonna talk mostly about russian names, but a lot of this can be applied to other east slavic languages.
when it comes to the structure of russian name, full name of a person consist of three parts: first name, patronymic and surname (family name). patronymic is the name of your father, but in a form of linguistic subordination. it's an extremely important thing and a lot of western media completely ignores it when they create russian characters or wanna portray some historical events.
another very important thing is the usage of hypocorisms, which is fundamental for our naming traditions. spoiler: with a few exceptions, in everyday interactions we don't really use our first names in their full forms, we use mostly hypocoristics. there are plenty of them for each name and they can be used in various different situations. as words, they are built with some common suffixes, some of them can be used not only with names, but with some regular words too.
so, easier to explain with an example. let's say, we have a russian feminine name:
"Ekaterina Alexandrovna Orlova" (Екатерина Александровна Орлова).
"Ekaterina" - is the first name. "Alexandrovna" - is the patronymic, derivative from "Alexandr". "Orlova" - is the surname. notice the usage of grammatical gender here for patronymic and surname, male version would be "Alexandrovich" (Александрович) and "Orlov" (Орлов). russian language is gendered even when it comes to names.
we use full names like that mostly for official documents and stuff. sometimes people call you by your first name and surname, when there are other people with the same first name around. it's also very typical thing in schools, teachers would call you by your first name and surname or just surname.
completely different things is a full first name + patronymic combination. which, in this example, would be "Ekaterina Alexandrovna". basically, it's a very polite and formal way to address a person, similar to honorifics in other languages. it's the most common way to show respect to someone. it's the way we address teachers, superiors, doctors, executives, important clients or just older people. it's respectful and normal to address people of certain age like that, especially people who're much older than you. that's why some people don't like when you call them like that, as they say, "it makes them feel old". also it can be very weird to call your friends like that, obviously.
the next thing is full first name, which is where cultural difference becomes crazy. so, in this example, full first name is "Ekaterina". and well, thing is, almost no one would call you like that. we use this form in some business-like language, like when you talk with clients. that's why it's so distracting when we watch some western movie and a russian character calls their lover or friend with their full name: it's not appropriate, it feels like they're sitting in the conference room. it's also the way your mom would call you, when she's mad at you (i guess, it's a universal experience). i would also like to note, that some names are exceptions to this and usually used in their full form: the names "Kirill", "Anton", "Andrey" etc (usually short masculine names).
so, how would people call you then? this is where all kind of hypocoristics can be applied. i'm gonna list some examples for "Ekaterina" in the order of most common to less common and how appropriate to use them in certain situations:
"Katya" (Катя). this is how most people would call a person named "Ekaterina". this is a neutral form. your friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues and family would call you like that in the everyday conversations. examples for other names would be "Ivan" -> "Vanya" (yeah, i'm angry about the umbrella academy), "Mikhail" -> "Misha", "Anastasiya" -> "Nastya", "Olga" -> "Olya" etc.
"Katyusha" (Катюша). soft and gentle form. this is the way your lover or close friend would call you. also, sometimes people just call someone like that to add some gentleness to conversation, especially when they're talking with someone nice.
"Kat'ka" (Катька). very informal, familiar form, so it can be very rude to call a person like that, if you don't know them closely. it has a very specific sound to it, which can be used to draw attention of the person or add some playfulness to the conversation.
"Katyuha" (Катюха). familiar form with a bit of wild tone to it. it's usually used by friends, because it has this specific "bro/sis" energy to it.
"Katyunya" (Катюня). very soft form, can be used by lover or a very close friend to show affection.
"Katen'ka" (Катенька). very soft diminutive form and technically not a hypocoristic by itself, but "Katya" + common suffix "en'k". it has this soft pleading or consoling tone to it. it's usually used in situations, when you want to show a vulnerable affection for a person, like when they're crying or upset. in some situation it can sound condescending, so it's very important to know when it's appropriate.
there are plenty of other forms and we can combine different suffixes to create some affectional abominations like "Katyushen'ka" or something. it's fun! it can also add character to your speech, like, i know someone who always calls everyone with soft forms of their names ("Katyusha", "Lenusya", "Mishunya"). i personally almost never use anything other than neutral forms.
sadly, there is some sexism to it too, like it's way less appropriate to call your male friends with some of these variations in public, unless it's a joke. it's usually preferable to use two or three forms, that sound less diminutive:
"Mikhail" -> "Misha" (neutral) -> "Mihan" (friendly). "Vladimir" -> "Volodya" or "Vova" (neutral) -> "Vovan" (friendly). "Alexandr" -> "Sasha" (neutral) -> "Sanya" or "San'ek" (friendly).
forms like "Mihan" (Михан), "Sanya" (Саня), "San'ek" (Санёк) have specific tone to them, they're for friends only, as they usually aren't used by family or lovers. they're very similar to "Katyuha" (Катюха) example i gave earlier, in the sense that they have "bro" energy to them. your friends would call you like that, when they're trying to sound very casual and informal.
that's basically it, i think. obviously, the most difficult thing is to know all of this for different names, which we learn by experience or intuitive understanding of the language.
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bvnga-aprikot · 2 years
when they were kids
Jennette: Olya, Lucas, guess what i brought!
Lucas: Whatever it is it better be good or else-
Jennette: *reveals a long furby with four arms* Meet Cabbage Dragon, he's one of my stuffed animals i haven't introduced yet!
Olga: Oh cool, that reminds me that i also have a similar toy in my room. I'll go get it!
Lucas: *grabs her shoulder* Do that and i'll tell dad and auntie you've been intercepting their letters to the Queen of Creseavia.
(Lucas ended up spending the day having a tea party with two cursed furbies and is still terrified 'till this day)
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keingleichgewicht · 3 years
OH YEAH one circle/cage/dawn/death instance i forgot to mention
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is strike 3's "blinded by the sun / you spin the barrel of a fully-loaded gun". and i do rather think it fits the framework! dawn is either hope or despair; the sun is a circle is a cage; and this line is sergei in essence blaming the sun for their (sanya's, yura's, olya's) self-destruction, the recklessness he hates so much. he thinks it is the dawn that has made them unable to see the wrongness of their actions, and he isn't wrong, is he? that self-destructiveness absolutely comes out of despair; it comes out of the feeling of being trapped, out of believing there's no point keeping yourself safe. after all you're never going to get out of here - here meaning the city, the zone, an inequal world, the limits you set yourself - you're never really going to be able to live anyway.
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being blinded by the sun is absolutely why yura fires that gun, why he takes these risks, it's why olga throws herself under the bus for him, why she'd rather be a sacrifice. and it is also absolutely the reason why yura is going down the path he's going down, as of occam's razor, why he's suddenly willing to make himself a monster (as terry pratchett says, evil starts when you treat people as things); at some point the cage becomes unbearable, the helplessness becomes unbearable. you'd rather be a sacrifice; you'd rather beat yourself to death against the bars; you'd rather burn the fucking city down than have to look at it a second longer
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