#also is it storm bringer or stormbringer?
originalartblog · 8 months
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[Storm Bringer]
“In fact, I was against using Adam for such a frivolous investigation from the very start,” Dr. Wollstonecraft began in a huff as she crossed her arms again. “The government is always like this. They send a mechanical detective, then blow him up once they’re done to keep any secret information from getting out. [..] I suppose this is the government’s way of saying we ought to neglect science in favor of human life!”
Dr. Wollstonecraft, ma'am, I think your ethically-dubious opinions on science are better saved for other audiences.
Dr. Wollstonecraft (aka Mary Shelley) based on @videogamelover99's design!
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alma-torran · 1 year
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my favorite part about teen skk is that they are just. equally obsessed. yeah we make fun of dazai (he was down bad bad) but chuuya is the only person that could possibly match him like. hello.
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
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(Adam, internally: *takes a billion pictures of Chuuya laughing*)
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dog-violet · 1 year
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stormbringer posting again
i know verlaine killed a body double and not the actual queen i did it for the meme
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originalaccountname · 2 months
today in "inconsequential details I forgot about in Storm Bringer", Dazai saying that looking into Chuuya's command sequence and analyzing it would "take a few days":
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I don't know which is better, Chuuya having to stay still for a few days so Dazai can read and decode whatever the command sequence is, or Dazai getting all the info with one look and having to sit down and read it through/decode it over a few days. Either way Chuuya suffers.
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Having a normal one
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videogamelover99 · 2 years
Okay okay but about the clone thing in Stormbringer.
I think looking at it from the point of view of Chuuya at that moment uncovers so many layers.
We have N, claiming that this is Chuuya's original, the boy who was human, who had a family, and who didn't survive N's experiments because his body wasn't resilient enough out of stasis.
For Chuuya, who at this point is said to be the second iteration, the one who isn't human, who but who lived...to me this scene screams survivor narrative.
Chuuya never truly separates that boy from himself. His line when he's fighting the clone is You are me, why are you attacking me? The clone isn't just there for fun body horror and more trauma, it represents who Chuuya used to be, a child with "kinder eyes", someone who was human and who did not survive in the end. Chuuya was the one that survived. The boy had to become Chuuya, in order to survive. Someone who lost his humanity somewhere in that process, who had to watch his past self die, understand that he couldn't be that anymore, ever, because of what he went through.
In the end, Chuuya learns of his parents, and that he is human, that he's the original. It's a process that let's him accept both parts of himself, the human boy who died and the experiment that lived. And in the end, he lets go, choosing the Port Mafia as his family. Accepting that he can't go back. But knowing that, despite everything he's been through, he's still human.
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orangewsunglasses · 3 months
ok listen
i've always liked chuuya as a character, his design is awesome, i love his personality, the dynamics he has with ither characters, all that good stuff right??? In general i just really love chuuya, but only having the main series to go off of, i didn't know much about his character nor did i really understand him very well
BUT, halfway now through storm bringer, i can safely say he is genuinely my favorite character in bsd. Reading it has exposed so much more of his character, and ive been able to marinate in my thoughts about him for a while now.
Now, again, im only a bit more than halfway through, so my thoughts and opinions are probably going to change. But i can't see how chuuya ISNT human. Like, okay, fine, he was born from a lab, from a singularity, he's the splitting image of an actual boy that "was chuuya" before chuuya was born. But I can't see how any of that matters when the life he is currently living is so painfully human.
That anger isn't just arahabaki, that's his own fucking emotion. That loneliness and betrayal and all of that shit is not just some sort of product of code. He is feeling all of those human emotions viscerally, and if you ask me, that makes him human.
He is so stuck between blaming himself for everything and seeing how many things were just simply out of his control, and I think that divide is showed with his friends in the mafia and The Sheep. One side doesn't blame him for anything, they never did. Their deaths were not chuuya's fault, no matter the reason verlaine was after them. How could chuuya know? The Sheep on the other hand, more specifically shirase, blame him for a lot. The fact that chuuya was taken in by them is lorded over him, and the whole "chuuya betrayed the sheep" is well, idk man, bullshit??? it was never chuuya's intent to destroy and leave behind the sheep, he always meant to protect them. Then there's Dazai, who seems to be the only one to see and understand him. I've barely reached the part of storm bringer where he comes back to "see Chuuya suffer as a human", (that line fucking KILLED me) so i dont have much comment on him rn.
I just srsly had to say how much i really truly love chuuya's character now. He will always be human, fuck being born in a lab. I know im saying nothing new, but I can yap all I want, ranting to myself about this was not enough and i needed to go to tumblr lol
tldr; chuuya is human and i bleed for him what the actual hell
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theelf-art · 2 years
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Current day Verlaine in Rimbaud's old clothes. Face details below the cut.
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lamentfulwarbler · 6 months
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Finally got my copy of stormbringer i’m so asdfghkhklhjkl
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years
Honestly, i don't want a stormbringer anime adaptation, i love the light novel sm (chuuya stan here) and i'm afraid of an adaptation, what if they animate like shit an important scene? or one not so important but that I like a lot? :( and if they skip something? they would definitely skip something :(( But yk what i'd love? A stormbringer manga, if it's with hoshikawas art even better! :)
Oh OH I'D PAY MONEY TO READ AN HOSHIKAWA STORMBRINGER MANGA. It doesn't even feel *that* unlikely, I really hope they continue the trend of adapting light novels as manga because it's such a wonderful way to experience the stories (and I mean Hoshikawa's art style. c'mon. it's something else.). I do agree manga is the optimal medium for novels adaptations as it's often the most faithful to the original story and even leaves space for new interesting expansions!! Like how Fifteen gave us an insight of how Mori and Dazai met for the first time with the Fifteen manga, I found it such an interesting new puzzle piece to better understand what their relationship used to be like.
I do feel like they will adapt Storm Bringer to anime at some point; I mean, they already adapted Stormbringer in all the ways they could, and the anime production LOVES Chuuya fanservice. Anime-style Verlaine even appeared in the April Fools special, so you know. Also this. Maybe for the second half of this season if they're really going to divide it in two cours like people have speculated. But I hope not, looking at the length of the novel alone it's true it seems way too long of a story to adapt it within a season without cutting too many scenes... Maybe they'll make a movie out of it, but it's hard to tell if they'd invest on that. It's unheard of to me for anime movies adapt novels which are an uncertain investment, opposite to movies like Dead Apple that have the added value of being a brand new story people are curious to learn about. Then again Stormbringer is remarkably popular so! who knows!
I know it can get upsetting to get an unfaithful adaptation– trust me, I really get it! But I think a trimmed adaptation is still better than no adaptation at all? Like look at Untold Origins, it left out so many compelling details and aspects of Ranpo's characterization (and, by the look of it, a lot of Fukuzawa internal screaming lol). But would you rather have gone without it? As bad as the sb adaptation could be we'd still at least learn what Verlaine sounds like and watch him being fabulous in animation‚ which I guess is a win!! But maybe take my words with a grain of salt, I know very little about sb to begin with. Anyways shout-out to Stormbringer Chuuya in Hoshikawa's art style
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originalartblog · 1 year
pamper tiny chuuya tooo pleaseeeee (also can i see tiny verlaine and rimbaud) 🙏
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I tinified them :)
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Analysis of how Chuuya see's Dazai over the course of their history based on what we see in cannon.
Part 1: Dazai Chuuya 15
First meeting: In 15 we see that Chuuya didn't think much of Dazai when they first met, he just thought he was some weird mafia grunt with suicidal tendencies. Immediately dislikes him.
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First working together: Chuuya clearly finds Dazai annoying, and resents that he's been forced to work with him. But I also think he genuinely enjoyed being around another kid his age who he didn't feel obligated to protect (like the sheep)
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After Dazai shoots the soldier: I think this was a turning point, Chuuya didn't think much of Dazai dark comments and suicidal tendencies. I think this was the first time Chuuya caught a glimpse of the darkness within Dazai. he defiantly found it unsettling.
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The arcade: I think this is one of the first times in his life Chuuya got to truly just mess around with another teen. The relief of actually arguing and challenging someone like equals. He seems to genuinely be having fun here.
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But Dazai's interaction with the sheep shook him back to reality. Dazai wasn't his friend, he was a mafia chaperone who was only interested in manipulating and using him. (a misunderstanding of Dazai's reasons for sowing doubt among the sheep)
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The fight with Rimbaud: The light novel differs from the anime a lot here, and im going to stick with its version of events. since it connects to storm bringer.
This fight was when Chuuya realised just how incredibly strategic and cunning Dazai is. Its also the first time he had to put all his trust in Dazai, relying on Dazai's plan and risking his life to carry it out. This is the closest Chuuya would feel to Dazai for a long time but it fell apart when...
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Dazai tricks the sheep into betraying Chuuya: I've seen people say that Chuuya didn't resent Dazai for this, or that he just took it as a challenge. I think Stormbringer destroys both of these Ideas.
WE see in storm bringer just how much Chuuya misses the Sheep. how much he sometimes wishes he could still be a part of them and how much it truly deeply hurt him when they betrayed him. I think by the end of Fifteen, even if they got along ok when they had too, Chuuya did genuinely hate Dazai. We even have this confirmed when in stormbringer, he sees a vision of Dazai and he is described as the person Chuuya hates most in the world, even more then Verlaine who just killed his friends (this description comes from Chuuya internal monologue so it defiantly isn't a front)
But I do think Chuuya's view of Dazai changes drastically for the better, we will get into why in the next part about stormbringer.
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nerdyenby · 2 months
Ninjago dragons
What is up with dragons in the ninjago universe? They’re associated with the power of creation and often have elemental powers, usually over the elements of creation. However, we got some weirdos:
My girl (/gn) is the combination of the dragons Wu tasked to protect the golden weapons: Flame, Shard, Rocky, and Wisp. He can use all four elements of creation, has four heads, and is referred to using both he/him and they/them
He’s a Shintaran Ridgeback, the only one we know of. We don’t know exactly what this means, but he can grow and shrink at will
We don’t know what Riyu is but he’s identified as “special” by several powerful magic users (including Arrakore and the Source Dragon of Energy). We have yet to see him wield a known element, but he does have the ability to amplify powers (as seen with both Sora and the earth dragons invading the Kingdom of Maddness), also used by the Matriach of his tribe known as the Mountain Dragons
Is presumable an undead fire dragon. I’m assuming that all dragons that breath fire are fire dragons until proven otherwise. Grief-Bringer also just has additional abilities due to his nature as reawakened
Storm Dragons
I have beef with the concept of “storm.” Okay, sure, it’s a powerset unique to Wojira that combines wind, water, and lightning. It is definitively not its own element, so why are there storm dragons????? Zippy my beloved but how do you exist?? He’s not even the only one, guys
We do not currently know what powers she has, so I’m listing her here just so she doesn’t go unmentioned
Other known dragons below the cut
Fire Dragons
Flame (deceased)- origin unknown (either the First Realm or Ninjago)
Zanth- Djinnjago
Heatwave- the Wyldness
A handful of unnamed fire dragons living in the First Realm
A few unnamed fire dragons that were captured by Imperium and later freed by the ninja
Ice Dragons
Shard (deceased)- origin unknown (either the First Realm or Ninjago)
Boreal- the Never Realm
Rontu- origin unknown
A couple unnamed ice dragons that were traveling with the Cloud Kingdom following the Merge
A few unnamed ice dragons living in the First Realm
Some unnamed ice dragons that were held prisoner by Imperium
Earth Dragons
Rocky (deceased)- origin unknown (either the First Realm or Ninjago)
Slab- the First Realm
A couple earth dragons of an unspecified realm that came into conflict with the Craglings after the Merge
Probably some more from the First Realm and/or that were captured by Imperium, idk
Lightning Dragons
Wisp (deceased)- origin unknown (either the First Realm or Ninjago)
Jiro- origin unknown
Stormbringer- the First Realm
A couple unnamed lightning dragons from the first realm, including Stormbringer’s baby
We’ve also seen wind dragons on more than one occasion — the only secondary element this is true for — but none of them have names that I’m aware of
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originalaccountname · 2 years
Thank you for the long post! That really helped!
I’ve actually bought a few of the LN (including Fifteen and Stormbringer) but I’ve been trying to read the main manga first so I haven’t gotten to them yet or watched anything more than clips from the anime (I’m borrowing the manga from the library and there’s someone else reading it too who always has the next volume when I need it, so I’m still waiting on vol 4).
Though I’ve never been too fussed about spoilers because even knowing what’s happening beforehand hit different when you have the full context of reading it.
Anyway, thanks again for the explanation of Chuuya’s ability! Btw, I heard that while the gravity manipulation is the result of what the scientist did to him (in forming that self-contradictory skill you mentioned), his skill’s original form was amplification? Or something like that? I was wondering if that was true because like…
Wow he and Dazai would really be matching even more.
You're my hero for reading the manga first, and also for picking Chuuya as your favourite with literally one chapter content of him. Do be careful of his characterization in fics, since new info on him comes out with huge gaps often measured in years between, interpretations vary a lot. Do have fun though! There are some real gems out there, both old and new.
About Chuuya's original ability: there is no hard confirmation on what it is. However! When explaining what a singularity is, how it happens, and how to create one with a self-referencing ability (a single ability interacting with itself on loop), a real example is "randomly" given, with a young boy being capable of amplifying others' abilities, and then using that ability on himself, creating a massive amount of energy and forming what is essentially a black hole in which he supposedly "vanished".
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That "real-life example" also came with video footage which is described in detail. That child is out of frame, his identity hidden, but he is holding a coin with a fox and the moon engraved on it, and recites a passage from Nakahara Chuuya's poetry.
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So no absolute confirmation, but the themes and hints are all there... and what would be the point of presenting us this child with this specific ability while using these specific words if they were not important?
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writing-blocked-me · 11 months
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Eglantine - I wound to heal
Number 4 of my flowers drabble/one-shot series Main Masterlist - Flowers Masterlist
CW: Mafia dealings, mentions of violence, trauma, angst?, spoilers for the light novels 15 and Stormbringer, episode 61 spoilers, a bit OOC methinks, no dialogue (tell me you can't write speech without telling me you can't write speech lmao), idk what else to place here.
Pairings: Chuuya x Reader
Author's Note: Haven't uploaded in SOOOOO long, which is my bad.  It was exam season, then a lot of stuff happened and uni is a lot - shoutout to everyone interviewing for placement years right now.  Anyway, hoping to write a bit more this time around.  So, yeah, this is just a short thing I wrote after ep 61 aired, because I love Chuuya.  There may be some vamp!Chuuya content coming soon too lmao.
Enjoy :)
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Many tragedies had befallen Chuuya in his life.  He had been a lab rat, tortured and trapped.  He had been betrayed, his first friends, his family, being the ones to stick the knife in his back.  He had met Dazai.  Just when things were looking up, he bore witness to the murder of his closest friends.  He had lost control, almost dying and taking everything with him, succumbing to his singularity.  Multiple times.  
For all the tragedies he had endured, Chuuya was certain he had also caused plenty of tragedy for others, both deserving and undeserving.  Hurting people came with the territory as a Port Mafia member. Delivering calamity was his role, ever since he pledged himself to the mafia.  Chuuya Nakahara, executive of the Port Mafia, former King of the Sheep, bringer of the storm awaited by Verlaine, was capable of so much destruction. 
Sometimes it brought him joy.  Sometimes he felt as if it was a way to get back at the universe, hurt the world back, devastate it as he had been devastated.  It was a way to let out his rage and anger for everything that had happened.  The pain of all he had endured was overwhelming, unbearable at times.  If Chuuya could return even a fraction of that pain, he felt as if he would find some relief.  Sometimes it worked, only temporarily, but, for a moment, he felt as if the scales had been balanced.  Sometimes, most of the time actually, there was no such feeling.
Sometimes he hated it.  Sometimes he hated himself, hated that he enjoyed it, that it didn't fill him with guilt.  It made him feel inhuman, reminded him of how he would never know whether he was truly real, or a copy of someone else, designed only to be a vessel.  It drudged up the memories of his past, the violence and horror and sorrow.  His power, the reason he was capable of such destruction, was the result of an experiment.  He was the result of an experiment.  Sometimes he felt that was all he ever would be.  Sometimes he hated that he had to use what made him feel so inhuman.
Chuuya had endured many tragedies.  He had caused many calamities.  He hurt and he healed, over and over. A cycle of pain and sorrow and acceptance.  Chuuya had resigned himself to it, finding small moments where he felt fine.  Never happy, but okay enough, and he had come to terms with that.  It was manageable, the cycle repetitive.  Tragedy, hurt, heal.  He knew what was coming.  
That was, until you came along.
You, who smiled at him and caused an explosion in his chest.  A blossoming warmth that gave him comfort and unease in equal measure.  He wasn't a stranger to caring for others, yet he had never cared for someone like this.  You had consumed his heart, filled his thoughts and given him hope for his humanity.  After all, how could someone be capable of such intense love if they did not have a soul? If Chuuya was so inhuman, how come he had such capacity for love?
At first, he wasn't sure if this emotion was love.  When he had first met you, there had definitely been attraction, but nothing more than that.  Chuuya wasn't stupid.  He didn't believe in things like 'love at first sight', or anything like that.  He knew he didn't love you from the moment he laid eyes on you, as nice as that would have been.  After spending several months getting to know you, spending evenings drinking wine and laughing together, and spending nights in each other's embrace, Chuuya knew it must have been love.  One day, there was a warmth in his chest, felt only with you.  Chuuya loved you.  He was certain.
It was the certainty of his own love that proved your reciprocation.  Chuuya was loyal and, once he'd tied himself to someone (or some people), that was it.  He was bound forever.  It was that way with the Sheep.  He stuck with them, despite their betrayal, inevitably giving Dazai the leverage to induct him into the Port Mafia.  His loyalty was a defining trait, something that never wavered, but it had to be earned.  You had earned his love, through sharing affection, trust and care of your own.  Showing him the love you felt for him solidified his own feelings. Chuuya knew that he loved you, because you loved him.  The devotion you had for him matched his own adoration for you.
Chuuya loved you.  It was why he would collapse into your arms after every tough mission, every rough day at work.  It was why he could relax around you, spending hours in your presence.  It was why he knew that, after every moment he spent apart from you, he could always count on finding solace and respite in your arms.  Even when he was miles from you, in another country, he knew.  As soon as they made their way back, Chuuya, Dazai and the rest of team Meursault.  As soon as he set foot back in Yokohama, his city, he knew you'd be waiting there.
He was right.  The transport Mori had sent for them had only just landed, Chuuya had barely set foot on the ground, when you jumped on him, arms wrapping around his neck, knocking him to the ground.  He felt his arms wrap around you in response, face burying itself in the crook of your neck, collapsing in the comfort of your embrace. He watched as you smiled and laughed and joked, your joy bringing a grin to his own face.  Even as you giggled with Dazai, the bandaged man regaling you with the tale of his prison break, Chuuya's face was the picture of fondness.   His eyes held a softness reserved only for you as you leaned into him, arm wrapped around your waist.  
Many tragedies had befallen Chuuya in his life and Chuuya had been the creator of many tragedies.  He had wounded and healed and wounded again.  However, all of that ceased to exist when he was with you.  Chuuya was able to finally feel more than okay, he was able to feel at home.
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