#also it was supposed to be ALL crack
thetarttfuldickhead · 4 months
“Hang on,” Jamie said, sitting up on his elbows and frowning down at Roy. “You broke up with Keeley ‘cause you thought she was too good for you, right, and you’d only make her miserable.”
Roy glanced up from his book. “Yeah?” he asked slowly, wondering where the hell this was going.
“Yeah, but you haven’t broken up with me, have you?”
What the fuck? “… no?”
Strangely, that didn’t seem to be the good news someone who’d cried from having his dick sucked by Roy not twenty minutes ago ought to have found it, because Jamie scowled. “So what, you don’t think I’m too good for you, then? Like, Keeley is, but I am not? We’ve been together for over a year, mate. Ain’t you worried about making me miserable?”
Something icy cold grabbed hold of Roy’s heart and squeezed hard. “Am I?”
“What?” If Jamie had rolled his eyes any harder he’d have dislocated them. ”‘Course not, don’t be an idiot, man.”
“What the fu— Then why— Do you fucking want me to break up with you?”
“Jesus Christ, Roy,” Jamie scoffed, “I said don’t be an idiot, didn’t I. ‘Course I don’t want you breaking up with me, you’re the love of me fucking life, you arsehole, what the hell are you even on about.”
Roy closed his eyes. Roy counted to ten. Roy reminded himself that he absolutely didn’t want to break up with Jamie, and didn’t want to strangle him either. “Then what,” he asked in as level a tone as he could manage (which wasn’t very), “is your fucking problem?”
“Nothing,” Jamie said defensively, even as he shifted to drape himself over Roy’s chest and press his face against Roy’s neck. Automatically, Roy put an arm around him, pulling him closer and running a hand through the still-damp hair. “Just wondering why you don’t think I’m good enough to break up with, is all.”
Fucking hell. Roy shook his head slowly, wondering once more at the aburd irony of him falling head over heels for Jamie Tartt of all people. Wondering if he ought to tell Jamie about the effort it took not to run screaming the other way for fear of fucking this up too.
Some other time, maybe. Not tonight.
“I think you’re a muppet,” he told Jamie bluntly instead, “and far, far too good to break up with, all right? Now go the fuck to sleep before I fucking change my mind about that.”
A snicker then, followed by a happy sigh as Jamie curled impossibly closer. “You wouldn’t.”
No. Roy fucking wouldn’t.
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lesbiamano · 2 months
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FINEEE i'll draw your stupid greek mythology people
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they are so so soooo Important to me...
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sarahinara · 1 year
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heads go BONK
(inspired by this fic !!)
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frimoussette88 · 2 years
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“You were made to be kissed, often and well.”
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lokh · 9 months
its sooo fun how dungeons reveal the psyche of the dungeon lord like. thistles dungeon was so planned and meticulous but so full of ghosts and unravelling at the end. mithruns dungeon was apparently so convoluted and 'made out of jealousy, lies, anger and inferiority'. marcilles dungeon was like.... that lmao, everything being brought to the same level with no real regard for what that might do to the ecosystem, and laios' dungeon ultimately ends up spilling out onto the surface. becoming one with it you might say
anyways if you were a dungeon lord what would your dungeon look like
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destinysbounty · 2 years
It's Angsting About Cole Hours again, folks. This is non-negotiable
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Am I devastated that the moment they found Zane's face in the snow, confirming his death, Cole's first reaction was to comfort Nya? Am I suggesting that this reaction in some way relates to Cole's tendency to take on responsibility in times of crisis?
Am I also suggesting that there is a running trend of him taking on too much responsibility, getting overwhelmed, and then running away when he can't handle all the pressure anymore (first with his mother's death, and then with Zane's)? Am I suggesting that this might be why Cole broke off from the team after season 3 - he tried so hard to hold everyone together but it became too much and he fled? Like, with Cole commenting to Lloyd that he became a lumberjack because out in the woods no one expects anything from you? Because even if he's everyone's tough and solid foundation for emotional support, even the strongest of rocks break under enough pressure?
Psh, nonsense, this is just a silly lego show where nothing is ever painful and no one is ever traumatized. That's ridiculous.
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good-beans · 8 months
I know most of our focus goes (rightfully) to the trial songs, but I genuinely believe Baptism of Fire is equally a masterpiece of meaningful writing and intense vocal acting
Incoming tag rant because I need to yell about this, feel free to yell back
#milgram#fuuta kajiyama#like the other vds have good writing about the character and whatever social issue their crime focuses on#but this one is very pointedly about YOU#its about the audience. its about the milgram project. its about self reflection. its about self-appointed roles. its about you#even if you didnt vote t1 or anything the whole things is calling on you to reflect on your own judgements of others#how you treat people who come off rougher. how you treat people who have made a (bad but) common mistake.#do you also find entertainment in seeing people dragged down and suffering because it would 'serve them right?'#but es always remains in control of the situation. the drama doesnt end with 'and fuuta was right - you guys suck!'#its clarified that situations are different and have nuance. we are reminded to look at things with nuance.#then we are smoothly re-immersed in the story#and then!! the acting itself!!!#arthur lounsbery put his whole fussy into that performance (<- fuuta pussy) and i am in his debt every day for it#in both his vds hes just super expressive and fun to listen to#i dont understand japanese but he packs so much interesting intonation and emotion into every word -- im obsessed listening to him#he nails all the subtle emotions fuuta has: the pouts and outrage as well as underlying fear grief insecurity and immaturity#and then baptism of fire hes just... Wailing#like mahiru has her innocent and pathetic cries of pain in her sweet voice that works for her character but fuutas pain feels much more raw#the way hes practically sobbing at the end -- his voice cracking and screeching throughout -- the whimper of pain#its so unbearably intense!! it hurts!! and its supposed to!! but hes just so raw with it#and dont even get me started on his pained hysteric laughter omg....#its just. a masterpiece.#i always appreciate the vds but i dont think ive enjoyed/relistened to one as much as this one#okay WAIT im back to add one more thing because im obsessed with ths idea of intentions#specifically in milgram i think the intention behind the murders are very important to consider#so i love love love the huge focus on 'i didnt expect/mean for this to happen'#plus as a general theme in fiction i think its sooo juicy when good intentions get fucked up#so i loved the repetition of that#fuuta is such a special case because he genuinely had no desire or expectation for his victim to die#(maybe kazui too? but he doesn't say so in his vd like fuuta does)
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sesamenom · 4 months
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Gothmog, Thuringwethil, and bonus Tevildo
i was digging around in my files and rediscovered some really old silm art of mine, including my original angband trio designs (mostly traced off heroforge models lol):
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and they're actually pretty cool! thuringwethil's tail is maybe a little questionable of a design choice (how are you supposed to fly with a giant tail flopping around...) but it looks really good on gothmog.
i don't really remember what i was doing with sauron (he looks a little like early curufin for unknown reasons) and idk what the wrist things are supposed to be, but Original Flavor Thuringwethil was actually a corrupted maia of manwe (eonwe's sister?), hence the feathers instead of traditional bat wings. for Original Gothmog i am less sure about his origins but he is possibly a corrupted maia of ulmo (originally a sea serpent, hence the tail and ulmo style ear-fins) who basically dried up into a more stone-based serpent
anyways i think I might keep thuringwethil's face/wing design and gothmogs full design for future use
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alexiethymia · 1 year
Everyone’s like ‘Vash has two hands’ or ‘Meryl has two hands’, but guess what, both Millie and Wolfwood also have two hands! All I’m saying is, why does it have to be a line when it can be a circle?
VashMeryl is great. Vashwood is good. Mashwood is awesome, but I also cannot believe we still don’t have an OT4 name when this is one of those series where I can really see it being canon. (Wolfwood x Millie deserve some love too. Big Gal and Mr. Priest were adorable in the ‘98 series.)
I mean, Vash’ and Millie’s types are clearly ‘dark and angry’, while Meryl and Wolfwood are soft for the ‘goofy and sunny’. Vash and Millie get along while Meryl and Wolfwood wouldn’t hesitate to throttle each other. It’s great!
In short, pleaaaase give me Season 2 and Millie, pleaaaase.
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sysig · 4 months
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*You’re starting to feel very sleepy... (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Gaster#Sans#Papyrus#Mostly silliness and randoms but also a little two-panel for funsies ♪#Always with the miserable Gaster! Pre-void tho just when he had cracks in his face#Would you please let your friends heal you just once you mess of a skeleton - you're not going to let your sons do it so!#Angy Snas <3 I'm really happy with how that one turned out haha#He really has such a cute face! Even when he's mad!#It's the big eye sockets I think - his mouth is quite fun to draw emoting other than a smile too :)#So disheveled! Your shoulder's gonna get so cold and then you'll be even meaner! Lol#Various babybones sleeping positions <3 Sans up top exemplifying the cat pose#Initially it was supposed to be that one sleeping position kids do where they sleep all middle-scrunched but the rest splayed out?#Does anyone know what I'm talking about lol I used to sleep like that when I was a littley#He does look very cute tho <3 Skeleton loaf ♥#Papyrus starfishing haha - either rolled away while sleeping on the floor away from Sans or they're sleeping mismatched#Otherwise Sans would definitely be curled up in any of the many negative spaces lol#Maybe that last sleeping Sans is the matching one! Just lost the energy to get all the way up onto the cot haha#Laying on his back and kicking his feet up and finally just dozed off like that haha#More sleepies! You cannot escape them Papyrus!#Sans knocking out at a moment's notice and dragging Papyrus with him - started early! Just so comfy together#Gaster just ;/ at Papyrus complaining lol he wants to run around and play!#Gaster has a lot of work to do and it would be a lot easier if things were quiet for a little while let your brother lead naptime#I do love his whiny complaint haha ''YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I'M /SLEEPY/!!'' ''...Yes?'' ''NOOOOOOOOOOO'' Lol
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fenkko · 1 year
cant believe i reached 30 tags in prev post rambling about homestuck i didnt even know there was a limit
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monster-noises · 7 months
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There needs to be more events where wearing pants, a sick jacket, and no top is acceptable attire... The world is really missing out.
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ratgirlcopia · 9 months
if copia had 5% more control over his life he'd just be a drag queen. that's it. like that's literally it that's what this, collectively, is all pointing toward. imperator's like Oh Thank Satanas my definitely-not-kid is a weird little fruit who belongs on a stage. i can use this to obtain ultimate power. meanwhile copia is like the autistic homeschooled religious kid who absorbed an itty bitty fraction of the actual, like, doctrine and spent most of his time looking at images of large men in the illustrated satanic bible. but is fine being the frontman because he gets to wear makeup and bedazzled shit and nun clothes.
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Puck: hang on hang on. so. Nureyev. as in that Outer Rim terrorist from a while back.
Nureyev: the very same
Puck: as in Peter Nureyev
Nureyev: yes
Puck: Peter's actually your first name
Nureyev: *sighs* it's a long stor-
Puck: RITA. You're a scoundrel and a menace.
Rita: AW THANKS. What'd I do??
Puck: 'Mista' Ransom doesn't look anything like a Ransom and he definitely doesn't look like a Peter', THAT'S WHAT
Nureyev: …
Rita: I'm sorry Mista' Nureyev but I think Mista' Nureyev sounds way better
Nureyev: ...
Puck: okay so she kinda has a point
Puck: wait so that's why you don't call him by his first name then?
Rita: no i don't call him that because im not his mom. that'd be weird
(as if Rita didn't clock both their faces the first time Buddy called him Pete in front of the rest of them on day 2 on the Carte Blanche and immediately leap to the absolutely correct conclusion)
Puck: that's - that's not how - you call Jet and Vespa by their first names!
Rita: yeah 'cause they asked me to!
Puck: SO DID I
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ramenwithbroccoli · 1 month
finally introducing the other character who also occupies a part of my brain:
Meet Giewont!
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while the creator of it, Maria Leszczyńska, originally intended to make a war machine, she struggled a lot with finding resources then. however, with her and her family's life deeply affected by both world wars, the idea never left her mind. inspired by utopian idea of glass houses from a novel "the spring to come" ¹, she created her machine from glass. it would be cheap to make, yet durable, available as help to those in need, able to do hard work in times when it was needed - but if fragile peace was in danger again, it could fight alongside other soldiers. as if to set that role of protector in stone, she named it Giewont ². to test her creation, she gifed it to her brother Andrzej, who owned a small farm near the seaside.
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Giewont worked as much as four men, not needing to be paid or fed like people would. it was a perfect solution for everybody, the new industrial revolution. that was, until about half a year into her work, glass started to shatter. it turned out not to be as durable as the utopian story made it to be, especially in contact with rough farm tools. small cracks also started to appear after they worked outside in winter, with low temperatures on the outside and hot steam circulating inside. with her fingers and edges getting sharper every day, Giewont was forbidden from taking care of animals anymore, as she would injure them. she was given the only task with no way to injure others - they recieved a showel fully made from metal and was ordered to dig. she did as she was told, even though the work put strain on her already-falling-apart fingers.
but when one day, when returning home, she noticed daughter of Andrzej, Aniela, swimming too far away from the shore and having trouble coming back, long forgotten wire snapped into its place as she jumped into the water to save her. while Giewont did bring her back home, carrying her in their arms, the girl had severe cuts on her body from coming in contact with robot's sharp hands. furious with his sister creation, Andrzej took it outside, desperate to destroy it. blinded by anger, he didn't even notice the storm gathering over the horizon
Andrzej took the metal showel and struck Giewont on the side on their head, then again, until her body fell and crumbled to pieces. He covered it with sand and raised his hands to deal the final blow.
that's when the lightning struck.
and the man fell to the ground, dead.
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the sand melted from the heat around Giewont, filling the empty spaces and connecting the pieces back together. raising from their shallow grave, with body more rigid than what she was used to, she took her shovel and decided to bury the man, with what respect they had left for him. that was, after she dealt the final blow herself.
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although miraculous, the lightning didn't return her to the previous state of being. their motions were stiff and some parts of theirs got lost forever among the sands of the beach. the part of her head where the first blow was dealt never worked properly again, rendering Giewont deaf in one ear (or whatever was left from it). however it did some good as well, as it widened the space around her mouth, finally making them able to talk - even if it was simillar to a whistle. determined to help people but with a body that kept hurting everyone around her, Giewont set off into the world, trying to find a home and piece herself together, leaving parts herself and a dead body behind.
footnotes below the cut:
1. "During one pause in their journey, the elder Baryka tells Cezary of an entrepreneur who, along Poland’s Baltic coast, devised an ingenious method for manufacturing durable glass from the vast reserves of pristine sands that had lain for eons beneath coastal peat fields. By a massive Rube Goldberg-type arrangement of channels and a creative method for harnessing the westerly winds (the storytelling here is a literary engineering feat in itself), an incursion of the sea provides power for converting the extracted sand into glass. From this vitreous wonder substance, prefabricated houses of glass are built inexpensively. The houses are strong as steel, hygienic, and easy to heat in winter and keep cool in summer. Whole villages are built with houses of brightly colored glass. Life becomes less of a struggle for mere existence, more civilized, and without the need to toil incessantly. People eat less meat or no meat at all, and begin to revere farm animals as sacred beings. For the reader, the digression serves to freshen the mental palate. For Cezary, however, the story is altogether beguiling, raising the utopian prospect of a more wonderful life, reunited with a homeland that might have been his to begin with and a father he has just rediscovered" - via neh.gov
wow thanks for skimming through footnotes as well! as a reward, here's the first ever design of both Janka and Giewont (which proves they were both created around the same time :] )
2. "Those knights had been in a deep sleep for hundreds of years and they only would wake up if it is time to fight on a great battle. When this day comes, the earth will move, there will be thunders that would shake the sky, many trees will fall and break, and there would be noises when the Border Mountains will break. On that moment the knights will take their horses and they will gallop to fight for Poland once again." - the legend of the sleeping knights
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a lot had changed since that time :]
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