#also jinyoungs face;; he is so beautiful
haomnyangz · 4 months
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You're both clumsy when it comes to comforting others. But you know, it's actually comforting. Because you're clumsy at it.
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constantinerkives · 1 year
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PAIRING: Yoo Jimin x Fem Reader _________________ WARNING: Mafia AU, gang AU, organized crime, dark Karina, age gap: Karina is in her early thirties while you are in your mid-twenties. Separation of parents, power struggle, corruption, home invasion, blackmail, E2L, TENSION, I made Karina half-Russian so-*gunshot*, but please, let me know what you think of half-Russian Karina - it's for research purposes, usage of Russian endearment, betrayal (not from Karina), Karina is slightly obsessed with OC, OC is reckless but dangerous, suggestive at the end. _________________ SYNOPSIS:
I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her.
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you."
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body.
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips.
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love."
_________________ WORDCOUNT: 10, 214 _________________
A/N: Sorry for making you all wait this long, my exams were in the last week of May and due to the uncooperative weather - were moved to the second week of June.
Thank you for waiting. Enjoy reading!
And also because:
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You asked, I shall deliver
Russian-translated words are here.
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Dynasties are a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field.
And like all dynasties - they fall. Either by sickness or by each others' hands. 
In your family's case, however. It's the latter. 
Greed and ambition can make a man overlook crucial things, such as researching land in Tuscany before seizing its valuables and burning the farm. And as for the valuables in that mansion, most of them were sold, some were kept, and the rest were disregarded. For months, your family made a fortune out of it. 
It was only when masked, tall men broke into your family's vacation home, killed all the guards, and forced you to kneel beneath the barrels of their guns. 
Your watch from the back of your parents as your assailants part to make way for a woman, her face covered by the shadows, but you see her eyes. Black and devoid of warmth. 
"Who are you?" Demanded your father, "And how dare you attack my family in my home?"
Silence permeates the air. The woman spoke: "Hae Jinwon," Her voice was alluring yet sharp. There was a noticeable rough accent in her tone. "Capomandamento of the Haewon Clan." She mused. "Who the fuck are you?" Your brother spat beside you. The woman moves her gaze from your father to your older brother, Hae Jinyoung. "It was you, who led your father's men to my property in Tuscany, am I correct?"
"Yeah?" He challenged, "And what about it?"
"Ublijudok," She sneers and points the gun at him. 
Your eyes widened as your parents spat out cries of panic while Jinyoung visibly pales at the sight of the latter's gun. "Fools," She jeers as she redirects her aim and pulls the trigger. Your ears ring at the sound of her bullet wheezing past you and hitting one of your mother's vases, shattering it; pieces of ceramic fall on the floorboards. Your skin prickles at the sound as the woman points her gun at your father. 
"Do all of you have any idea how many enemies came into my home at this hour and threatened my family?" She snarled and walked forward, allowing you to see her face - beautiful and twisted with wrath and contempt. She wore an all-black attire, an overcoat, a turtleneck, trousers, and boots. Your eyes trailed to her gloved hand where she was holding a gun. "For months, we were hunted like animals." She grimaced, "And when they had their fill, they left us to rot. But I refused my family to succumb to that state and found the fuckers behind it."
She circles your family like a lioness examining her prey before killing it. 
"It's insulting," She scoffs, "To have everything I built destroyed by a minor family and reaped our benefits." She stops behind your father and digs the muzzle against the back of his skull. "I should kill all of you right here, right now." The perpetrator growls and applies pressure against the trigger.
Your ears couldn't register the cacophony of your family's panicked cries. Only you remained silent, watching with wide eyes as they struggled against their bindings while they plead for their lives. And she cackled - the perpetrator cackled. "That's right," She mused sickly, "Beg for it - your lives until no one understands what you all are saying." She moves in front of Jinyoung and crouches to meet his gaze.
"You're the oldest, right?"
His lips quivered. The woman was losing her patience and glowers at him. "Answer me, svin'ja." 
Jinyoung gulped, "Yes," 
"Then that means you'll take over once your father is out of commission, yes?"
"Yes?" He answers tentatively. 
The latter hums, "Do you know who I am, Hae Jinyoung?"
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. The woman clicked her tongue, "Answer me immediately, boy." She pointed the gun at you, and you flinched. "Or else your sister's brain will be riddled with bullets." 
"No!" He exclaimed, "No, I don't have a fucking clue who the fuck you are-"
She hits him with the butt of her gun, silencing him as your father exclaims. "Jinyoung!" He roared, "You bitch-"
"We're done here," She declared, and her men vacated the house one by one - except for her. "Why spare us?" Your mother questions. The woman didn't say anything at first as she moved her gaze toward you and answered:
"Because it'll be too easy. You took away my family's foundation - so I shall take away yours." A cold smile settles on her lips, "And finally, we're even. What's the fun of ending it quickly when you can leave them alive so they can suffer for it?" 
None of you made a sound, and she took it for her cue to leave. 
She didn't return after that. 
But true to her word, your family did suffer for it. 
Enemies came left and right. They robbed your family of its treasures, stole opportunities from the Haewon Clan, and even turned your people away from you. It got to the point that your parents separated. Your father kept your brother. He was the heir: while your mother took you. You never saw your father or your brother ever since. You thought that you'd turned over a new leaf, forgetting that humiliation that left you seething with anger and resentment for your father's stupid choices and for allowing his greed to put you and your mother into that position. 
But no, it remained. 
Evidence of that showed when your grandfather - your father's side of the family visited you at your university when you were nineteen. 
"Excuse me," You blinked at the older man, "You want me to go where?"
"Come back to us, Y/N." Your grandfather coaxed. You scoffed at him, "And do what?" You demanded, "Is my older brother not good enough to lead this god-forsaken family?"
A wry smile graced his thin lips, "Yes," 
You paused, "What?"
A sigh left his lips, "After returning from Italy to fix the mistakes my son and your brother made. I've concluded that neither is fit to lead the Haewon Clan." 
You knew where this conversation was going. Yo arched a brow, "And you think I can?"
"An old man can hope." Another scoff of disbelief leaves your lips. "Take your hopes with you and leave, grandfather." You sneered, "My mother and I want none of them." Without another word, you walk past the latter with a dark expression. 
"Don't you want to settle the score?" He called out. You stopped. 
"Don't you want to get even with the family who did this?" He added, and you ground your jaw so hard that you thought it was going to break. You balled your hand into fists and peered over your shoulder, "What makes you think I'd be interested?"
You didn't move as he made his way to you, "Your eyes say it all, granddaughter. I don't have to explain it, do I?"
You turn to him. Your expression was unreadable, but your eyes burned with vindication. 
"Under two conditions."
His eyes light up. "And what's that?"
"Allow me to finish college, and in the meantime - teach me what I need to know." He furrowed his brows, "Wouldn't that distract you from your studies?"
"I'll manage it," You snapped, and he nodded. "Alright, what's the other one?"
"I won't take your name." You tell him firmly, "I refuse to be associated with the name: Haewon. Instead, I'll take my mother's last name, Han." 
"Very well," He gives in, "Y/N Han." 
And for years, you rebuilt what your family had lost: money, security, fame. While you repair your foundation, you bid your time into researching the family that destroyed you and retaliated. It was small at first until you began stealing their clients, information - all of it. One by one, you stole from them. 
It's only a matter of time before the new capomandamento takes matters into her own hands and captures you for your deeds against her family. 
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Upon further research, the family you're holding a vendetta against is a Russian-Korean family named the Zakharov Clan.
And their two children - Ilina and Karina Zakharov.
Ilina, the woman who broke into your home, died three years ago after one of their men turned against her in an attempt to start a coup by shooting a bullet to her head. But he was swiftly killed by her sister - Karina, earning her Ilina's status and authority as the new capomandamento of the Zakharov Family a week after her sister's burial in Moscow.
Karina is fifth-generation old money. Her family is a mix of Russian kingmakers that made a fortune importing illegal goods during The Great Depression in 1929 and later established a globe-spanning empire in organized crime. A family long since retreated from public view, but their dominance endures to this day.
"The only gap we have in that family is that we don't know anything about the Zakharov's new capo." Your consigliere admits with a sigh, "No photos, records of any kind. Just the name."
You put the dossier down and locked eyes with the latter, "That's good enough for me, Kazuha. Send out the invitations."
She looked apprehensive, "Are you sure?"
"Yes," You tell her with finality. "I've made my move. I will await hers."
Kazuha didn't say anything as she took the dossier, "Before I forget, someone sent you a package." You arched a brow, "A package? What sort?" She shook her head sideways, "I didn't open it."
A hum reverberates from your throat, "Where is it now?"
"I sent it to your room, and before you can ask, it didn't have a return address. I suggest that I open it while you watch." You guffaw, "And I thought you were just a consigliere, not my guard."
"You are my employer and my friend, Y/N." She insists, "And I've made a promise-"
"To my mother, I know." You finish for her as you stand up. She follows your example as you gesture a hand toward your door. "Lead the way, Miss Nakamura."
"It's a dress," You mused as you stood beside her, your eyes lingering on the top cover. "From Givenchy. Is it from Jaehyun?"
The younger woman furrows her brows, "That man can't pick a dress for you to save a life, Y/N." She closes it, "Perhaps he asked a stylist to pick it for you." You hum and gently take the box from her and open it to see the dress. It was a black one-shoulder draped dress in crepe with a fluid skirt and a long slit in the front. "There's also a jewelry set," Your consigliere mused. Your eyes moved to the jewelry box nestled within.
"Jaehyun must've paid extra for these," You remarked as you carefully put the dress down and opened the jewelry box. It contained a necklace with golden-finish metal links and a bracelet in golden-finish metal with Swarovski crystals.
"Return this to him." You put the dress and accessories inside the box and turned away from the gift.
"I already have a dress in mind for next week's gathering." You tell the younger woman as you walk past her.
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The first time you met her, she played you at your game. 
Music plays through the speakers, accompanied by cheerful yells and self-indulging conversations as you watch all of these play beneath you from the elevated interior balcony of the venue with a glass of champagne in your hand and your consigliere standing to your left, her eyes sharply examining the attendees of the event. For tonight's event, you wore a black deconstructed cape cocktail dress featuring slashes, lapel detailing, and two flap pockets on the sides, finished with a single-button fastening and heels. 
While Kazuha wore a navy blue monogram shirt dress and boots. 
She leans close and whispers through the blaring music, "How would you know if she's here?"
You take a swig before replying: "People talk big about themselves in events like these, Kazuha. One of them is bound to slip." 
The younger woman blinks at you, "You don't know?"
You flash her a grin before descending the stairs. Kazuha follows your figure with disbelief etched in her graceful features. "Y/N, this is dangerous-"
"Jaehyun!" You call out as you see a familiar towering figure donning a two-piece suit and black hair conversing with a group of benefactors. The man turns to you and grins, "Y/N," He then looks at his audience and excuses himself before coming to you with open arms, his double-breasted blazer wrinkled. "My - you look delectable!" 
Once you're at arm's reach, he takes your hand and kisses the back of your palm. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having your attention tonight?" He queries as soon as you retract your hand. "How are the acquisitions for the farmland in Tuscany?"
Jeong Jaehyun, a family friend and your business partner since your return, is your man when it comes to international profits and investments. He was also the one who helped Kazuha in finding information about the Zakharov Clan, albeit it had gaps. 
"The owners are still deciding on it, Y/N." He says as he walks beside you with Kazuha trailing behind, "But I guarantee they'll sign the papers." 
"Good," You peer over your shoulder. "Leaves us, Kazuha. You have the luxury of mingling with our guests." The younger woman doesn't protest and bows before leaving. 
You crane your neck to study your attendees. Jaehyun follows your gaze and chuckles. "Looking for Miss Zakharov?"
"I don't even know who I'm supposed to look at," You comment, and Jaehyun frowns, "You're endangering yourself, my friend." 
"It's a long shot," A grin graces your lips, "But worth a try." Before he can reply, you cut him off. "By the way, that dress you sent me a week ago was nice." His frown deepen as you continue, "It's a shame that I already have a dress for tonight's event." 
He stops, and so did you. "Y/N, what are you talking about?"
You mirror his frown, "You didn't send me a dress?" 
Your business partner grasps your arm. "Y/N, I stopped sending you dresses the moment you said my taste for women's clothing was questionable." Your face blanks at the revelation, "So you're not the one who sent me a dress from Givenchy?"
"No," He hisses, "It wasn't me-"
"Jaehyun!" Another voice interjects. You both snap your heads toward a younger gentleman, and he flushes. "What is it, Mark?" 
"Mingyu wants to talk to you." 
"Alright," Jaehyun sighs before looking at you. "Be careful, Y/N. We'll talk later." 
"We will," You tell him, and you steel your composure. 
"Now go." The man obeys as the music changes to a livelier beat - on cue, your guests gather to dance with a partner next to them. You watch with a slight smile gracing your lips as you take another swig of your glass before placing it atop a random countertop. 
You felt a presence beside you, and with careful eyes, you regard the stranger - a woman with tall stature and pale skin. She wore a black wrap-over top with a plunging neckline, allowing you to see her carved collarbones and pale skin, flared tuxedo pants, a buckle-thin belt, and leather zipped boots. Her hair is black and luscious, cascading down to her waist with her slender fingers securing the stem of her champagne glass. 
"You didn't wear the dress I sent for you." She tells you with a distinct accent - Slavic. 
You arch a brow; she sent you the dress? 
"And who might you be?" You are bemused, and the woman finally looks at you. 
Beautiful is an understatement. The woman standing beside you couldn't be older than thirty-three, small-shaped face, a v-shaped jaw, a sharp upturned nose, red lips, and abysmal, obsidian-hued eyes. Beautiful, but there's something amiss. 
A smile made its way to her lips as she timely placed her half-finished drink atop the tray of the waiter and gestured an open palm toward your direction. 
"How about I answer that with a dance?" 
A wry smile made its way to your lips. "What makes you think I'd want to dance with you?"
The latter smirks, "You'll regret it if you don't." You frown at her response. 
She turns to you, allowing you to see her perfect proportions. Her attire compliments her lean figure as she places a hand atop her right breast and bows. She lifts her head to look at you expectantly. "So what will it be?" She holds out her hand toward you. 
You narrow your gaze at her, "I'm in no position to refuse, am I?" 
The woman grins, "Da," 
Without another word, you take her hand, and she swiftly sweeps you off your feet as she leads the dance. Her left grasps your hips while the other intertwines with your right. Your left-hand hooks onto her broad shoulder. 
"Your photos don't do you justice, dorogoj," She tells you with a smile, "You look prettier in person." 
"Who are you?" 
The enigmatic stranger doesn't reply and gracefully spins you, pressing her front against your back, eliciting a sharp gasp from you as she traps you against her body. "Y/N Han, formerly known as a Hae, daughter of Hae Jinwon." 
"That information is given." You tell her as you turn around, returning to your first position. "Who. Are. You." 
Her lips curl upwards, "Do you know 'The Red Shoes,' written by Christian Andersen?"
"And what does that have to do with who you are?" You retorted, patience waning as she coaxed your body to turn. "Oh, pretty girl." She purred, "It has something to do with your relationship with me." 
Your brows furrow, "What do you mean?"
Instead of directly answering that question, she replies with a different narrative:
"The little girl wore her red shoes everywhere she went, even to a God-fearing church. Once you wear those shoes, your feet start dancing on their own. And you can never stop dancing or take off those shoes. But even so, the little girl never gave up on those shoes. In the end, the executioner had to cut off her feet." 
Her expression changes to a cold, harsh one as she continues: "But those two feet that got cut off continue to dance in those red shoes." 
A blood-curdling smile curls on the woman's lips as you stop dancing. Her hand snakes around your hips, flushing you against her while the other cups your cheek. You stood frozen still as you try to comprehend what she just said. 
"You see, dovol'no devushka," She sneers as she caresses your cheek. "You stole from my family - it was small at first, but I began to notice it." You ground your jaw as the atmosphere becomes heavy and foreboding. "I see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 
You sneer at her, and your hands finally move by digging your blunt nails against her shoulder - her pupils dilated with twisted excitement as you lean close, finally smelling her scent; top notes of mulberry and black peony followed by middle notes of jasmine and tuberose with hints of black musk and vetiver base notes. 
The scent suits her; sultry, dark, and alluring. 
"Karina Zakharov," You rasped, and she grins, "Pravil'no," 
Before you can react, she effortlessly manipulates your body to a dip, just as violins soar higher. Your nails shamelessly claw her attire, and the woman visibly lights up with twisted delight as the shadows mask her face. 
"Your obsession with finding me has come to fruition, Y/N." Karina husks as she lifts you back up, "You wanted my attention - fine." She leans close - and you let her. Her cold breath fans the left outer shell of your ear, and you muffle a gasp. 
"I shall share your fixation. I'll hold you captive beneath me while I take what you most treasure on this earth." 
She growls as she tightens her hold around you. 
Karina's other hand goes up to the back of your neck, reaching to your roots and purchasing a handful of your hair, and pulls it back. You muffle a groan as you glare at her while she looks down on you condescendingly with contempt. 
 "Oh," Her chest rumbles as she chuckles, "Don't look at me like that, moya ljubov. You brought this upon yourself." She leans close, lips almost touching yours as she speaks in full Russian:
"Ty pozhnaesh' to, chto seesh." Karina jeers, "You reap what you sow." 
And before you know it, you feel something pierce the side of your neck. You look at her, appalled as the dancers surround you and Zakharov's capomandamento. Your body feels heavy, and your eyelids heavier. You stagger in her grip, "What did you..." You trailed off as your speech slurs. You peer over her shoulder and spot Kazuha and Jaehyun marching toward you with alarmed expressions, your guards following behind them. 
Karina chuckles as she brushes a stray strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“Your obsession is noble and beautiful, Y/N.”
“What did you do to me,” You stammer as you feel your grip on consciousness slipping. 
“And I’ve finally found my red shoes.” 
With that, your body shuts down. 
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The sound of metal scraping the floor jerks you awake, your fight or flight response activates, and blood rushes all over your body - forcing you into consciousness. 
Pain follows second. 
A groan leaves your lips as your head throbs and your legs feel sore. Your arms were bound behind your back, clasped together by chains that rattle with every move. Flashes of last night's events replay in your memory like a broken record - your face burns at the memory. But rather than throwing a tantrum in your new-found cell, you held your breath before exhaling slowly and examining your surroundings. 
Your senses heightened. 
Cement walls surround you, four walls devoid of warmth. The lighting is poor, only consisting of a bulb hanging over your head. The atmosphere is damp and cold. You look down at your dress; no doubt it was wrinkled and tattered by the people who dragged you here. You move your head upwards and spot a CCTV camera focused on you. 
You hear a set of footfalls approaching from behind. Questions flooded your thoughts - how could you have missed that? This god-forsaken place is dark. You should have heard a sound - anything. 
"You're awake," Your skin prickles at the familiar accent. Your expression darkens as Karina approaches you from the shadows. Her features are poised and relaxed in contrast to yours. 
"How long have I been unconscious?" 
A wry smile graces her lips, "Seven hours - I was beginning to think I overdosed you, dorogoj."
You sit on the back of your legs and shamelessly run your eyes down her body. Unlike her attire last night: Karina's wearing a white, buttoned-dow shirt, black tapered pants, and loafers. 
"Eyes up here, velikolepnyy." She mused, "Otherwise people might get the wrong idea of our dynamic." 
A scoff leaves your lips. "I'm not interested." 
She lets out a dark chuckle as she stalks toward you, the glint in her eyes changing to a menacing gleam as she bends and grabs your jaw, forcing you to look at her - the distance between your faces is only inches apart, and the atmosphere thickens. You held your breath at her proximity as her eyes trailed your features, from your eyes down to your lips. 
"I could tempt you," She rasps against your lips, and a wolfish grin creeps on her lips. "But I don't fraternize with thieves." 
You mirror her grin, although mockingly. "Oh?"
"$10,000,00.00 Y/N." She bemused, and her eyes shapen with contempt. "That's a large sum of our income." She tightens her grip on your jaw, but Karina doesn't dig her nails against your skin. 
"If that's the case, then I'm sorry." You jeer as you dig your nails against your palms. 
There's a pregnant pause, and silence permeates the air so heavily that you were tempted to break it, but she beats you to it.
"Don't be," Her tone changes, and those black, abysmal eyes swim with twisted mirth. "If anything - I'm impressed." The older woman lets go of your jaw and turns around. You use this opportunity to stretch your jaw and clamp it shut when she turns to you and folds her hands behind her back. 
"Does that mean you're letting me off the hook, Zakharov?"
She guffaws and grabs you by the collar, startling you as she bares her teeth. Your chains rattle at her sudden action. 
"I'm assuming that's a no," You hiss as she violently lets you go. "You're correct," She fixes her shirt. Before you can choose your words wisely, you blurt out:
"Are you going to kill me for it, then?"
She stares at you, her expression unreadable, before replying in a monotonous tone: "No, but my sister would." She inclines her head to the side, "But I am not Ilina." She leans down. "I am worse, Y/N." Karina chortles, "Why did you have to come back to this kind of life?" She steps back.
"You had your chance to live an ordinary life, dorogoj. You chose this, and now you deal with me." 
There's something in her eyes that unnerved you. 
"What are you going to do?" You inquired, but your voice sounded distant. 
She didn't answer and turned around, "Behave yourself, Y/N. My capo bastone will send you your food. Don't do anything stupid if you want your family to stay alive." 
Your face burned at her statement. "Don't you dare-"
"I've told you, pretty girl." She sneers, "You made your move, and I will make mine. You are in no position to threaten me."
Your blood boils as she continues: "Especially when you're the one who is in chains." 
Then she walks away from you. You dig your nails against your palms so hard you thought they'd bleed in an attempt to soothe your urge to bash someone's head in anger.
"Don't you dare touch them," You whisper as she leaves you in the dark. 
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Winter Kim is Karina's capo bastone, the underboss. Short-haired, pale, and brunette - socially inept too, given that Winter's impervious to conversations, only saying yes, no, or I can neither confirm nor deny that. 
She's the one bringing you food and water for the past four days. 
But you refuse to eat what's being handed to you, even if they loosen your binds so you can eat better. That did nothing. You'd rather starve than be poisoned by your captor. 
One day, Winter and a couple of guards enter your holding cell. She stands in front of you while her guards release you from your binds. "What's going on?" You question as they grab you by the arms and force you to stand up, your legs wobbling from sitting and kneeling for the past few days. 
"Don't do anything stupid," She replies, "We're taking you to her." 
"That's probably the longest sentence I've heard from you." You jeer. The brunette ignores it and gestures a hand toward the shadows. "Take her out." 
They obeyed and escorted you outside. The brightness hurts your eyes, and your ears buzz with the sound of nature as they drag you out of your detainment. You look over your shoulder to see the structure of your 'dungeon,' it is a modest-sized house with no second floor.
A few paces later and they take you to an elaborate garden surrounded by gardeners trimming bushes and wiping statues. 
In the center seats a figure eating her food with gusto. Your eyes narrow, and you ball your hands to distract your hunger as the figure looks up. "Ah, there she is," Karina puts down her utensils, wipes her mouth with a napkin, and gestured a hand at a vacant seat across from her. "Be seated, Y/N." 
The men drag you to the seat, but you stop them with a glare. 
"I can do sit by myself - let me go." They look at her for permission, and she permits it with a nod. The guards let go of your arm. You can feel Winter's gaze following your movements as you sit across the older, raven-haired beauty. 
The latter gestures a hand towards your plate: "Reverse sear steak," She tells you as you look down at your food. You ground your jaw as your nose catches the whiff of the dish - your stomach growls. "I had my finest chef cook it for you." 
You look at her dead in the eye, "I'm not hungry," 
A scoff leaves her lips as the older woman crosses her arms. "That's a lie, dorogoj. You haven't eaten." 
Her statement elicits an arched brow from you, "Aw - you're worried." 
Karina's lips curl upwards, "I don't have any use of you if you're dead, Y/N." Her gaze sharpens, "Eat," 
"And how do I know the meals you have been sending me aren't poisoned?" You countered. She blinks at you, bemused. "Poison is a coward's weapon, Y/N." 
You incline your head to the side, "I need a guarantee, Zakharov, not assurance." The latter hums and uses her fork, wipe it with a napkin, stabs one of your steak cuts, and brings it to her mouth. Her eyes never left yours as she caught the meat between her teeth and ate it.
"See?" She spreads her arms, "Now will you eat?"
Without saying a word, you take your utensils and eat under her watchful eye. "A meal like this instigates negotiation." You put down your fork, "What do you want, Zakharov?"
Karina chuckles, "You're quick. I like that." 
A wry smile decorates your lips, "We don't become heads of our families' business for nothing." 
"I agree," She knots her fingers together. "Leave us," 
The gardeners and her guards obey, except Winter. Karina looks over your shoulder. You assume that's where Winter is - behind you. 
"That includes you, Winter Kim." 
You didn't look back, but you heard receding footfalls. "Now that we're alone. I need you to act civil with me." 
You cock your brow upwards, "What makes you think I'm interested in being civil with you?"
A chuckle reverberates from her chest, and her hawk-like eyes study your face before speaking: "Because your stunt in stealing my fortune and assets earned us both enemies." 
You frowned, "We earn new enemies every day, Karina. What's new about that?" A vicious smile graces her lips as if she knew a terrible secret. Your skin prickles and your gut churns uncomfortably as she drops her voice an octave lower. 
"I heard that your grandfather is withdrawing his support after I abducted you, dorogoj. And he's cutting ties with you and stole almost all of your assets-"
"That's ridiculous-"
"Oh," She scoffs, "It's true, and I have the evidence to prove it, Y/N." On cue, she takes out a ledger and opens it. "These are your grandfather's offshore accounts. See the amount? It doubled." 
"Impossible," You clench your hands into fists, "My grandfather would never-"
"But he did," She jeers and shuts the ledger close. "And now, he's leaving you with me. Truth be told he is smart for a man going senile, taking your assets assuming that I've killed you, and leaving the Han clan out in the open for everyone to target."
You scowl at her, "My men-"
"Has already defected, dorogoj." She finishes for you, "Even your consigliere and your money man - Jaehyun, was it?"
Your chest heaved as you try to calm your nerves, "Where did it all go wrong? You might ask?" She grins dubiously, "It all started when you planned that event, Y/N." Karina guffaws, "I'm appalled that your grandfather would sell you out. He must've thought that he'd lose like last time." 
She returns her focus to your shaking figure, eyes wide and lips formed to a thin line, dark and unreadable. 
"Now, don't be sad. Y/N." She cooes, "You have me."
You didn't reply, and her phone rang. The latter takes it while never taking her eyes off you. You sit there and blocked out your surroundings as you feel the heavy weight of your actions taking a toll on your focus as Karina ends the call. 
"You know," She sighs and puts her phone on top of the table. "You should count yourself lucky that I've decided to kidnap you. Your warehouses were ransacked by your old enemies-"
"Shut up," You tell her with a shaky breath, "Shut up." 
Her face shifts to a faux show of sympathy and concern. "I'm merely telling the truth, Y/N."
"What do you want from me?"
Karina plays with her steak knife. "Your cooperation." 
"And if I don't want to cooperate?"
"Oh darling," She purrs, "You are in no position to refuse - this concerns you, after all." Your tongue pokes your inner left cheek, "Give me time to-"
"No," The older woman cuts you off, "It's either you agree or rot while I clean our fifth." There's a dangerous edge to her voice. You give her a dirty look while she shoots you with a challenging glare. "So, what will it be, dorogoj?"
"Fine," You say through gritted teeth. 
Karina purrs in satisfaction. "Clever girl, you got promoted from prisoner - to my guest. You will have one of my guestrooms. The rules still apply: do anything stupid, and I will deal with you. Do you understand this, Y/N?" 
You felt like a child underneath her gaze, your eyes burned with silent wrath as you answer with a curt:
"Yes - what, pretty girl?"
"Yes," You hiss, "Karina Zakharov." 
"Very good," On cue Karina's guards and Winter return to the garden. She stands up. You follow her example, unblinking as her guards seize you by the arms. You recoil at their touch as if they burned you. 
"Be gentle," She instructs them, "She is now my guest." 
They acknowledge her command with a bow before carrying on with what they are bid to do. 
"I'll cooperate," You tell her, "Under one condition, a simple condition." 
Karina clicks her tongue, "Let's hear it, then." 
"That you'll protect my mother." The latter pauses, "Very well, your mother will be under my care." She turns to look at the short-haired brunette. "Winter, escort her to her new room. The rest of you, return to your stations." 
You allow the second in command to lead you to your new room. 
Karina's manor is of neoclassical design. Neat and spacious. You follow Winter through the labyrinthine halls until she stops before an intricately carved white double door with guards standing on both sides. 
"This will be your room," She tells you blankly while one of the guards opens the door to reveal a spacious, clean room. "If you need anything, just call for the guards." 
Without saying anything, you enter the room and study your surroundings. The door closes behind you - the room contains your typical setting for a bedroom. But still, you inspect the place making sure that there are no hidden cameras. 
There was none. 
You sink into your knees and let out a shaky breath to calm your nerves. Your body feels numb and lightweight as you try to think clearly, but your mind is riddled - racing with thoughts more than your brain can take. 
And you pass out.
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For the next 72 hours, you observed the guards standing on the opposite side of your room. 
They change shifts, and the time lag is five minutes due to the long halls of Karina's manor. 
Darkness has befallen, the white halls dimmed to the color of the wall lamps, and your guards just left their posts. 
Five minutes
Your head peeked through your doors, eyeing both halls before slipping out, careful to avoid Karina's men. Your heart hammers against your ribs, and you can feel your pulse pounding against your head as you maneuver silently. 
While sneaking out, your eyes caught a huge family portrait hanging near the marble staircase. 
It's also been taken recently due to you spotting a familiar face. Karina was seated next to her older sister. The youngest Zakharov wore a black, sleeveless high-neck dress. Her hair was styled to a fishtail bun with her bangs resting on the sides of her face, while Ilina wore a black cut-out midi dress, and her hair was styled to a half ponytail.
You move your gaze to the parents you hailed them. 
Karina took her mother's features, while Ilina had their father's. But both sisters exude power and grace, a beautiful, powerful family. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Her voice cuts through the silence, and you swiftly turn to her with wide eyes. 
There she stood from behind. Karina Zakharov is wearing a black buttoned-down shirt, straight-cut jeans, and sandals. Her hair was let down. 
"It's a decent photo," You stiffly tell her, "No," She scoffs, "Don't I look great in that photo?"
You roll your eyes in reply while she chuckles and stands beside you. Your posture bristles and stiffens as she folds her hands behind her back. 
"It was the last photo we've taken before one of her men shot her." She tells you, "I'm sure you're relieved to hear that, am I right, dorogoj?" 
The air suddenly becomes heavy and stifling as you feel her move her line of sight toward your unwilling figure. You avert your gaze elsewhere. You don't know how to respond to that. You held your breath as you try to think of a reply but you blurt out:
"My condolences," You say to her monotonously.
She tears away her gaze from you, looks at the picture, and hums a tune that holds no consequence. "I don't need your condolences; she died a long time ago." 
Silence hangs between you before she speaks again, "And relax, Y/N." You shift your gaze to her with furrowed brows. "You're free to roam my halls so long as you stay out of our private rooms." A smirk coils on her lips, "And don't do-"
"Anything stupid," You finish for her through gritted teeth, "If that's the case, may I go to the garden?"
The older woman regards you for a moment before nodding. "I'll take you there." 
You arched a brow. Karina catches on. "As you can see, Y/N, I'm the only one present in this room - and if I call my men or Winter I'd have to waste my breath and call for them." She pauses, "I think it's perfect that I'll take you there just in case you decide to run away." Her smirk returns, "But if you did, I'll be the one to capture you - I like to give chase." 
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips, "Shut up and take me to the garden." 
She guffaws, "Follow me, dorogoj." 
What's with the Russian words? You didn't ask her and followed the raven-haired capo. "By the way," She adds, "My clothes look good on you." 
Your eyes subtly widen as you look down at your borrowed clothing. "Your clothes?!" That came out as a squeak. The older woman shoots you a wolfish grin before leading the way. 
"It's either that or you walk around my property naked, pretty girl." She teases, and you hold every fiber of your body not to hit her head. "No wonder why they felt big on me." You cringe as your footsteps echo through the dimly lit halls. It didn't take a minute for you to spot a familiar short-haired girl coming toward the two of you. 
"Winter," Karina acknowledges while the younger woman bows her head, "We received Giselle's report on the import at Port Elizabeth, New York."
Giselle? As in Uchinaga Giselle? The New York mobster?
"Very well, did you send a copy to my consigliere?"
The shorter woman nods, "Yeji has it. She's heading on her way as we speak." There's a pause. You feel out of place in their conversation and avert your gaze elsewhere. "If that's the case, then you'll entertain our guest here." You snap your head to the two. Winter pursed her lips before bowing her head, "Of course. Where shall I take her?"
"To my garden," She answers before looking at you with a small, distant smile. "Be a good girl, and don't give Winter a hard time, yeah?"
Without saying another word, Karina turns to the opposite hallway while Winter leads the way to the garden. You follow the brunette, but you look over your shoulder, your eyes locked on the disappearing figure of Karina. True to her word, Winter took you to the garden. You sigh as you revel in the cold breeze lightly nipping your skin and the ivory glow of the moon. A refreshing sight from the usual four walls of your room. 
A wry smile creeps on your lips at the realization. Despite being moved to a much more hospitable accommodation-
"A golden prison is still a prison." You tell yourself while Winter stands behind you. Her sharp gaze never leaves your figure as you bask in the beautiful glow of the moonlight. 
Meters away from the second floor of the manor, there stood Karina on her balcony with her slender, well-manicured fingers holding the stem of her wine glass. Despite Yeji discussing the keys of Giselle's report, Karina's eyes were glued to your figure, before disappearing inside her study. 
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"Y/N," Winter regards as you get out of your room. 
"What are you doing here?" You inquire the younger woman unkindly as you walk past her. The younger woman follows you, "And why are you following me around?"
"Haven't you heard?" You feel Winter's gaze move to your striding figure. "Miss Zakharov has assigned me as your guard." You stop in your tracks to look at her, "She assigned you to be my what?"
"Your guard," She tells you. 
You open your mouth but you shut it close and continue to walk. "Where are you going this time, Miss Han? To the gardens again?"
Turns out, you are being held captive in Italy. The northern Italian province of Lombardy is home to Milan and other fashion hubs.
"Where else?" You grumble, "But I'm getting tired of it. Can't a prisoner have something to entertain herself?"
Winter balks, "You're no prisoner." 
"A golden cage is still a cage, Winter." You bemused. This is the first time the short-haired brunette initiated a conversation with you. 
"Do books interest you?" You scoff at her, "What? I can't use the TV?"
"We don't have that," She tells you honestly, and you gawk at her. "What kind of founding family has all the money and resources in the world but has no TV?"
The latter coughs, "Karina is too busy with her work to watch." 
"You make it sound as though I am a lazy capo." You snark before the realization dawns on you. You're not a capo anymore. "Anyways," You quickly regain your composure, "She has a library?"
"Yes, follow me." Without waiting, she turns around, leaving you to follow her.
After minutes of wandering through the halls, she stops before two tall doors and gestures a hand. "Inside, Miss Han." 
You regard her for a moment before pushing the door open. Karina Zakharov's library is spacious and shelves rich with books. How could she possess such a magnitude of books? 
As if sensing your question, Winter speaks up: "This library was the congressman of Italy's gift for her." 
"I see," You mutter as you brush the pads of your fingers against the spines of the books. Winter watches you closely as you turn to the bookshelf and grab two books, one of Slavic folktale and the other a Russian-to-English dictionary.
Winter regards your choice of books, "I'll be outside if you need anything." 
You didn't answer and instead take a seat on the nearest couch before burying your head in between the pages, getting lost in a paradise of words to pass the time. You hear the door close. 
"You didn't eat the fruits I sent you." An amused voice cuts through the silence, forcing you to tear your eyes from the page and then look up at the owner of the voice.
Karina stood a few meters away from your seated figure with her arms crossed against her chest. Her tall figure leans against one of the bookshelves as her eyes watch you. 
Your eyes fall to a tray of cut fruits beside you. One of her men, or Winter must've placed it beside you, you just didn't notice.
"Ah," Is all you can say while the older woman chuckles and strides toward you, and gracefully picks up an apple. You watch her with intent, she holds your gaze as she takes a bite, and hunger suddenly pangs against your stomach, but your lips traverse to her lips as she licks them clean. You clear your throat softly and avert your gaze, you didn't see the smirk playing on her lips. 
"What are you doing, Zakharov?"
"Just showing you that it's not poisoned, dorogoj." 
Your face flushes at the pet name. You bared your teeth as you snap your gaze toward her. "You do realize that you've been calling me 'darling', right?"
Karina laughs, and your gut churns. "Ah, old habits." 
"You call your prisoners that?"
A teasing smile plays on her lips, and you want to smack it out of her. "No, just you." Your cheeks change to a shade of light pink, and you once again look away from the half-Russian capo. 
She moves her line of sight to your books, "I see that you've taken an interest in my language and culture. That's adorable." 
"Shut up," You snap at her, "I'm reading." 
The latter curls her lips upward, "That one's boring, dovol'no devushka." There she is again. The capo of the Zakharov family takes a book near her and approaches you and hands you the book. "Read this instead." 
You give her a sideward glance. "What I read is hardly any of your business, Zakharov." She scoffs at your snark, "Just read this, printsessa." 
"Don't you have your responsibilities to take care of?" You retort, and Karina rolls her eyes. Her Slavic tongue dominates her English accent. "I have my consigliere stepping in. I gave instructions - they will execute." She waves the book at you, "Now read." 
"Fine," You huff as put the book down and snatch the book from her hand. "What is it about, anyway?"
"Why don't you read and find out, dorogoj?"
You scowl at her before opening the first page. "And by the way," You sigh and look at the older woman. "What?"
"The Uchinagas are hosting an event." 
"Okay, and?"
"Your grandfather will be there," Your eyes sharpened as she continues, "And so will your father and older brother." 
You thread your words carefully. "And what does this have to do with me?" 
A sly smirk graces her plump lips, "This is your opportunity to get even." A pause, "You're coming with me to New York as my plus one." 
Your brow raises, "Is that your way of asking me on a date?"
The raven-haired beauty chuckles, "No, I'm not asking you, Y/N. I'm taking you." You gawk at her as she walks away. "Our flight's in three days. Prepare your valuables." You scoff. You don't have any as you scheme through the pages while Karina peers over her shoulder and exits the room. 
While browsing the pages, your eyes stumble at a sketch. It was a side view of a woman, no older than twenty-five holding a flute champagne, the dress looks familiar, as if you wore it during-
Your eyes subtly widen as you study the details of the sketch - it was you. The night before you were captured. 
"What the," You mutter as you snap your head towards the direction where Karina left with your hand gripping the sketch tightly with thoughts racing in your head, and one stands out:
Why would she sketch you?
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For the next four days, you observed Karina Zakharov - especially when she interacts with you. 
Whenever you throw a jab or a snark at her, she smirks and continues the conversation as if you didn't irritate her. It made the acids in your stomach boil. 
You tested her patience, and she merely chuckled or smirked. She'd walk beside you with a small smile creeping on her lips as if she didn't abduct you. It irked you. Because why would she have time to check on you when Winter or one of her guards can do that?
You are merely a capo left with nothing - if it was any capo, they won't even give you a second glance, but why does she-
Why would she give her time to go to you? 
You have nothing to offer, you have nothing left in your name - you are her prisoner. You were just given the privilege of roaming free and reading whatever's in her library. 
What is she getting at? What was she trying to accomplish?
What does she want from you?
"Ah, and who is this fine woman you're with, Karina?" You broke from your reverie as a smooth baritone voice fills your ears. You turn to the gentleman wearing a black suit. His hair is styled to a perm. He's handsome, almond-shaped eyes, light brown-hued eyes, an upturned hose, and slightly thin lips. Classical music plays faintly in the speakers, accompanied by the clinking of champagne glasses as the underworld's elite gather to attend the Uchinagas' event - it's to celebrate a successful partnership with the Sicilians. 
"Taehyung," Karina regards the gentleman as her hands land on the small area of your back. You held a gasp. Despite the fabric acting as a barrier between your skin and her fingertips, you can feel her cold touch - and it sends shivers throughout your body. "This is my date, Y/N Han." 
"Han?" He muses as he looks at you while you regard him with a bow. "My, you're gorgeous!" You reply with a chuckle as Karina looks at you with a well-practiced smile, "Says you, Mr. Kim. You look dashing." 
The man shifts his weight to his other foot. "An interesting pair, you two. Have you come to good terms?"
Karina responds this time, "Yes, we've decided that a pointless grudge is a waste of energy and time." You cocked a brow as she continues: "So we've agreed to a truce." 
Taehyung hums, "I'll drink to that, have a nice night." 
Once he's out of earshot you turn to look at the older woman who hasn't removed her hand from your back but you chose to ignore it. 
"Was that a personal attack?" 
She snorts, "A - what?"
"Nevermind," You roll your eyes at her as you look around to spot the thieving trio that stole from you. You can feel Karina's gaze and decide to tease her: "Take a photo, it might last longer." 
She scoffs, "Why would I do that when I can draw you with perfect accuracy?"
You glance at her, face unreadable. "Yes, no doubt." 
She cocked a brow, "Oh - I don't like that tone." 
You hid a smirk and grasped her arm, "Let's divide and conquer -or you know what? Leave me to my devices. I'll hunt those three down."
"Alone?" She muses, "I doubt it." 
"You wound me, Zakharov." You mocked, "How could you doubt my skills with a knife?" Where's the lie? There's a knife strapped to your thigh - concealed by the dress Karina bought for you, and it is easily accessible via the long slit of your dress. 
Her face was unreadable, but you could see the turmoil in her eyes. It made your eye twitch with irritation. 
Don't look at me that way. I am capable just as you are. 
"Very well," She concedes, "Winter is around to help you if you can't do it." 
You scowl at her. Since when did she care? 
"Alright," You answer harshly, "Do enjoy the party." 
Without waiting for a reply, you walk away from her. 
You weave through the crowd like black smoke, your eyes sharp and senses heightened as the event continues. And just when you thought you'd never seen another familiar face, Kazuha shows up. Your eyes widen as you come face to face with the former consigliere of the Han Clan. Kazuha mirrors your shock and her hand covers her mouth. 
"Zuha?" You squeak, "Y/N," The younger woman gasps as she grasps both your arms, "How did you-" She sputters, "Oh my god, Y/N I am so sorry, enemies flanked us left and right we had to escape, I'm sorry-"
"Kazuha," You tell her gently, "I understand. You don't have to apologize." 
"It's fine," You sternly reassured her. "You're better off alive than trying to defend what was left of our business." A bittersweet smile graces your lips, "You look gorgeous tonight. Did you get a new job as someone else's consigliere?"
"Yes," She answers shakily, "As Giselle's consigliere. How did you escape her? Karina - I mean." Before you can explain, you see Kazuha's eyes visibly sharpening, and her resplendent countenance twists to a scowl. 
"Karina," She growls as a figure approaches you from behind. Your skin tingles at the familiar touch; the older woman's hand drapes around your waist as she regards Kazuha with a polite smile. "Miss Nakamura," She greets, "A pleasure to meet you tonight." 
She eyes her hand around your waist, "I wish I could say the same, Miss Zakharov." Karina's lips curl upward as your former consigliere continues: 
"What is she doing being this close to you, Y/N?"
"Relax," Karina jeers, "She's with me as my date."
The younger woman's eyes slightly widen as she looks at you, "Is this true?"
Karina cuts you off, "Yes, it's true - even if you wring it out of Y/N, she'll agree with me." Kazuha glares at her while Karina's beautiful features twist to a challenging look while her hand pulls you closer to her. Your gut churns and goosebumps arise - her touch has you in a trance, tantalizing and blissful. 
"Easy ladies," You hissed as you quickly removed Karina's hand from your waist. She looks at you, aghast, but says nothing. "I'll explain everything if we meet again, but for now, I need to find my grandfather and his son and grandson." 
"I saw your grandfather in one of the private booths on the second floor." 
Excitement drums in your veins, and you thank the consigliere before she begrudgingly leaves you and the youngest Zakharov. You move away from Karina, eyes set on your goal now that Kazuha informed you about your grandfather's whereabouts as you make your way to the marble stairs, your hand is itching to grasp the dagger while weaving through the guests, no longer caring if your brushing or bumping past them. 
"Now," You grumble as your eyes study the closed rooms. "Where are you?"
"I don't think charging there with a dagger is intelligent, Y/N." Your face contorts to a scowl at the familiar voice. You snap your head toward her, "This does not concern you, Zakharov." You snark at her with toxicity lacing your voice. "This is between me and my grandfather. Stay out of it." Her face remains calm, and it irked you - so you turn away from her, only for Karina to seize you by the wrist and pull you towards her. Karina Zakharov's face was only inches from yours as her cold breath fanned against your dainty countenance. 
"And I'm telling you, Y/N, it's dangerous for you to go there alone." 
You bared your teeth at her, "Why do you care?"
She doesn't answer, and your patience thinned. "Let. Me. Go, Zakharov." 
The latter ignores this and tightens her grip around your wrist, keeping you in place. You curse at her and snap your head towards the private booths, one opens, revealing a familiar figure that scorned you. Your other hand twitches, you can throw the knife from here. It is thin after all. He's open, and so is your window of opportunity before he surrounds himself with potential collateral damage. 
"Karina," You warned without looking back at her, "Let me go." 
"What's the use of killing him now," The raven-haired beauty coaxes. "When you can let him live to suffer for it, Y/N?"
You grit your teeth. Those words are familiar to you. "I don't fucking care," You hissed. 
"Let me go, Karina Zakharov." You turn to her almost pleadingly, and Karina's face glows with resolve. 
"No, Y/N." She tells you, her voice a whisper. "I won't." 
And your window of opportunity closes. 
You've lost your chance, and you look at your grandfather helplessly, but it quickly dissipates as wrath seeps into your body faster than poison. And without thinking, you swiftly turn to the woman and harshly remove your wrist from her pale hand and use the side of your arm to press it against her throat, startling her, but you don't allow her to think as you quickly push her inside a vacant lounging room and shut it by swiftly pushing the older woman against the door and grab your knife, pressing it against her throat. 
Karina's eyes widen with macabre delight and doesn't make a move. Those black abysmal eyes of hers gleam with curiosity...and something else that you couldn't decipher. 
No, that isn't the reaction you want from her. She was supposed to look threatened, not curious. She is supposed to beg for you to keep the knife away from her face - to beg for her life. 
But she doesn't, and it makes your blood boil and your gut twinges uncomfortably. You ground your jaw so hard you thought your teeth would break. 
"I hate you," You spat at her while your eyes burned, "I hate you so fucking much." 
A cruel, soft smile graces her lips as she reaches out a hand and wipes-
Your tears?
You gape at her, surprised at the tender gesture as she cups your face. Her skin feels warm against your tear-stained cheek. 
"I hate you," You tell her again but this time, your voice sounds distant and meek. 
Distracted, the older woman hastily, but retains her grace as she pins you against the door and disarms the knife from your hands, and pins your wrist on both sides as she flushes her body against yours. 
You let out a shaky breath while Karina's eyes are glazed and hooded, her breath ragged as she leans her face closer to yours. Her scent invades your sense of smell, intoxicating you. She leans close to the outer shell of your right ear. Karina drops her voice an octave lower. 
"Say it to me again," Her Russian accent is hot and rough against the skin of your face. 
"What?" You breathe against her as you try to pry her hands off your wrist but to no avail. 
"That you hate me, dorogoj." Her voice hoarse, "Say it to me again, moya ljubov'."
"I hate you," You say, but the words come out like a caress. A litany. An enchantment. A ward against what you feel. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you-"
And she cuts you off with a searing kiss, catching you off guard. The older woman tilts her head to deepen it, and it didn't take a while for you to respond by matching her fervor that her lipstick smudges against yours. 
She pulls away with a batted breath. Her eyes are dark and ravaging as her grip on your wrist loosens, and you shake it away from her grasp, only to grab her by the lapels of her suit and pull her for another one. She kisses you harder. 
Karina's right-hand grasps you by the back of your head while the other rests against the small area of your back, her nails dig against your skin, eliciting a gasp from you, and she uses her opportunity by slipping her tongue, swallowing you whole before pulling away. 
"I hate you," You breathe into her mouth, your thoughts are muddled by nothing but her. Her scent, her abysmal eyes, her beautiful black hair, her devastatingly gorgeous face - all of her. 
"I hate you so much that I can't think of anything else but you." 
Karina chuckles and softly pecks the skin of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as her hands caress your body. 
"If that's the case," She rasps against your skin, and you softly gasp as she squeezes your hips. 
"Then give me one night to convince you otherwise, my love." 
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Kinktober Day 01
Capnolagnia: A fetish based on the sight and/or smell of someone smoking.
Pairing: Huang Renjun x fem!reader
AU/Genre: smut, established relationship
Word Count: 1607 words
Warnings: smoking cigarettes, dirty talk, praise, oral (m receiving), very subtle dom/sub undertones imo, deepthroating, face fucking, cumming untouched (f)
A/n: I wrote this while listening to Hong Jinyoung's Love Battery on repeat. Also: yey! Kinktober is starting!
Taglist: @matchahyuck @seraphinealana @ker00 @allaboutthedongs @baehaechannie @iwannabreathetosetmefree @positionslab @jjenodream @kundann
You're gripping your glass so tightly you'd be surprised it doesn't break if your mind could focus on anything but the man outside the glass doors. He is no other than your very own boyfriend, and you watch him stand outside the restaurant with some of his coworkers whilst you're waiting for his arrival back at the table of his company dinner.
You're totally aware that he appreciates smoking every once in a while when he's had something to drink, but somehow, you'd never seen it before. Well, until tonight. You watch his lean figure leaned against the railing, a polite smile on his face as he speaks to his colleagues. Though, your attention is on a different part of his body at the moment: his fingers that gently hold onto a cigarette.
For some reason, the sight excites you more than it should, especially when he laughs at something his coworker said before lifting the cigarette up to his mouth, gently wrapping his lips around it. He inhales deeply before blowing the smoke out of his pursed lips into the cool night air.
The air around you seems to be getting hotter the longer you watch Renjun smoke, your thighs rubbing together without you even realizing it. There's just something about the way he looks while he does it, so cool and carefree, relaxed as he inhales and exhales over and over again, the white cloud slipping from between his beautiful lips and partly out of his big nose.
When suddenly his eyes meet yours, he winks, grinning briefly, but you just blush – a reaction that is throughoutly uncommon for you when it comes to Renjun. You've known him for so long, you're so comfortable around him and used to his presence that you rarely feel exposed like this, flustered even, as you squirm in your seat.
It's over for you once he drags on the cigarette while maintaining eye contact with you. His looks are hot, or maybe that's just how you interpret them, but you feel your palms getting clammy as you nervously clench your fists at your sides, your breathing getting heavier the longer you watch him.
When he discards the butt of the cigarette and re-enters the facility, you jump to your feet, heat creeping up over your neck and into your blushing cheeks, and you make your way over to him. He smiles at you and extends his hand for you to hold, but you quickly bring yourself over to his side, leaning in to whisper into his ear.
"We need to go home," you say, shaky fingers tugging at his sleeve as you try your best to ignore the strong smell of tobacco and smoke he's reeking of, but fail miserably as you feel the wetness pool in your panties, a moan that you almost fail to suppress climbing up your throat. "Please."
"Suddenly?" Renjun chuckles, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. The scent of the smoke is even more prominent on his right hand, and you mewl, eyelids fluttering shut as you breathe in deeply.
"Yes, please," you bring out, opening your eyes to give him a pleading look. You're sure that Renjun understands that the reason for your sudden wish for departure is that you're incredibly horny and need him to take you as soon as possible, though you're not quite sure yourself why you're getting so worked up over your boyfriend smoking, and you just hope he doesn't question it.
"So fucking wet for me," Renjun mumbles into your neck, his fingers playing with your needy hole, stretching you open for his cock that he offers you soon after. His gentle fingers hold onto your waist as you slowly lower yourself onto his hardness.
You moan desperately as you begin to move, the feeling of his tip gliding against your walls sending you to heaven and back with just a few thrusts. The way you hold onto him, needing him as close as possible because you need to feel all of him against your body.
"What's gotten you so worked up, baby? Hm?" He questions, his fingers combing through your hair until they come to a stop at the back of your head, holding it almost protectively.
Nothing but a whimper comes out of you as you fasten your movements on top of him, forcing the most beautiful sounds out of his throat as you ride him, hands touching him everywhere at once. You're confused yourself as to why you're so needy for his closeness and his touch, and all of this just because you saw him smoke.
The images fly back into your brain, and even after the quick car ride, Renjun still smells so delicious. It all comes back to you at once, and you suddenly don't have it in you to move anymore.
"Tell me," Renjun whispers, taking it upon himself to thrust up into you. "You're so needy, baby. Tell me why."
"When you-", you choke out a moan as he hits deeply inside you, "when you went outside, and I-i saw you s-smoke."
"Aw, baby, did it turn you on? Does my pretty baby like seeing me smoke? Did it turn you on? Did it make your little cunt all wet for me?" You can hear the smile in Renjun's voice, bouncing you up and down on his lap as you hold onto him for dear life. His words turn you on beyond belief.
"Yes," you whimper, getting teary eyed at how close you are as you desperately hold onto him. Renjun chuckles out a "fuck" before he rams his cock harder into you, faster, and it doesn't take long for you to come undone around him.
"Such a good girl," Renjun praises, his fingers stroking over your cheek, then underneath your nose, letting you smell the heavenly scent from the smoke mixed with your own wetness from when he fingered you before.
"Shit, I can't," you whine, feeling overwhelmed with how hard you came combined with the crazy wave of new arousal washing over you at the smell.
"I have an idea," Renjun mumbles, kissing your cheek before leaning a bit closer to your ear, "I want you to suck me off while I smoke, would you like that?"
The moan ripping from your throat would definitely embarrass you if you were in your right mind, so raw and desperate as you nod, climbing off his lap to sit down on the floor in between his thighs. You had been so needy before that you couldn't even bother with taking both of your clothes off, hence Renjun'd only opened his button and fly and pushed his boxers down to grant you access to his cock.
Eyeing his length from your spot in front of the couch, you switch to watching Renjun pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket. He looks deeply into your eyes as he places the butt of the cigarette between his lips, then lights it.
You swear you almost cum again on the spot. The smoke immediately hits your own nostrils and you feel yourself clench around nothing. Neediness takes over you as you begin to take him into your mouth. Renjun groans as soon as your lips wrap around him, your tongue teasing his tip inside your mouth with eagerness.
"Fuck," Renjun groans, dragging on his cigarette. He looks so sexy and dominant, cigarette placed in between his thumb and pointer finger as he watches you with lidded eyes.
Slowly, you work him deeper down your throat, and get rewarded with unfiltered sounds of lust and mind-hazing images as Renjun just sits there, smokes, and enjoys the feeling of your wet mouth around him, all while you're pressing your legs together, squirming and rubbing them together in an attempt to ease the tension in your lower belly.
Renjun takes it further, as he suddenly breathes the smoke right into your face experimentally. You feel your eyes roll back, inhaling the scent as deeply as you possibly can all while trying to push his cock even further down.
Seeing that you're clearly enjoying it, he suddenly grabs your hair to yank you off of him then grabs your jaw before leaning forward, joining his lips with yours. You mewl into the kiss, tasting the smoke on him sends you into a state of desperation that you've never felt before.
Once he parts from you, you're pushed down again, his cock slipping into your mouth easily. You feel messy, there's spit everywhere, and you can still taste yourself on his cock, but in the best way possible.
Placing the cigarette between his lips, Renjun now takes both hands to hold onto your head, slowly thrusting his hips in and out until he knows you can take it. He groans deeply, drags on the cigarette once before starting to really fuck your throat. Hazy-minded you just let him, enjoying the way he's using your body like this, and you watch the cigarette sit between his plush lips. His eyebrows scrunch together with lust, and you're sure he's close.
You're clenching your thighs, pressing them together even harder, and you feel so close all over again. When Renjun chokes out a last moan, pushing you down on his cock as far as he can, and you feel him emptying himself down your throat, pumping his cum inside of you, you let go as well, cumming untouched at the simple sight in front of you, the smell of the smoke, and the feeling of your boyfriend releasing down your throat.
© 2022 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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AN: Yes, the title is from Partition by Beyoncé. Starting off my GOT7 works with the bias wrecker lol. Also, me? Including word counts? Who is she.
Synopsis: Your husband is typically the image of self-control. However, when he sees how stunning you look tonight in particular, he can't help himself.
Heads up: Park Jinyoung x Fem! Reader, pwp, established, car sex, fingering (f. receiving), dirty talk, very mild degradation (f. receiving), slight praise kink, unprotected piv sex, unconsensual exhibitionism in a sense (? the chauffeur could potentially hear them, but it's not stated that he does) and creampie.
Word count: 1409
I will block you if you are minor and have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
"Hey, could you please put the divider up?" You hear your husband politely ask the chauffeur, taking you out of your daydreaming as you two make your way to the award show.
"No problem, sir," he responds, doing so immediately.
Before you have the opportunity to ask why he wanted the divider up, Jinyoung pounces on you. His hand cups your jaw as he presses a searing kiss to your lips. You're left completely stunned, your mouth moving against his out of habit. You pull back from his mouth to catch your breath, Jinyoung shifting to kiss your exposed neck in a frenzy.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what's gotten into you?" You ask, biting back whimpers from each brush of his lips on your sensitive skin.
"You look gorgeous tonight," Jinyoung breathes against your skin, his hand moving from your jaw to snake between your soft thighs. You can't control the gasp that manages to escape your lips when you feel his fingers brush against you over your panties.
"So fucking beautiful. I can't help myself. Want you," he groans, kissing his way back to your mouth and pulling you into another delirious kiss. His fingers drawing circles against your clit through your panties.
Fortunately Jinyoung is keeping your mouth occupied because you're not confident you could've silenced all of your moans and mewls. Not that he doesn't make you feel desired, but you've rarely seen your husband get this... desperate. It's an incredibly attractive sight nonetheless, your insides clenching around nothing and arousal dripping onto your panties.
You accidentally bite down on his bottom lip when his fingers push your panties to the side and, sink into your warm, wet pussy. You both moan into each other at the feeling, your walls clenching around the intrusion harshly and fresh wetness leaking onto Jinyoung's fingers.
"Fuck, you're already so wet. So tight," he groans, sealing your mouth with his once more as to not clue in the chauffeur as to what was occurring in his backseat as Jinyoung fucks you on his fingers mercilessly. Gleefully exploiting every weakness he's picked up over the years.
You try your best to bite back all your moans and keens, but it's becoming increasingly difficult with Jinyoung abusing the most sensitive parts of your walls over and over and over again, eventually introducing his thumb to draw quick circles on your clit directly this time around.
Apparently his mouth wasn't enough because he soon decides to cover your mouth with his unoccupied hand. Lidded eyes take in the sight of you losing all composure on his fingers, his bruised, pretty lips whispering filth to you all the while.
"You're so tight and warm and wet, baby," he half-whisperd half-moans, "Are you going to cum on my fingers in the back of car that isn't even ours?"
A smirk spreads across his flushed, handsome face at the high-pitched whine you let out in response to his words. Jinyoung leans in to whisper the remainder of his words against the sensitive shell of your ear, "That's so dirty. You're such a needy, desperate, little slut, y/n." He even has the nerve to lick at the skin beneath your ear and litter it with kisses, occasionally nipping at your earlobe as well.
You feel your eyes roll into the back of your head from all the sensations Jinyoung is making you take. Almost biting down on his hand when he quickens his thumb against your clit and fucks you harder on his fingers. The obscene sounds of your wetness filling the space between the two of you.
Jinyoung presses his hand harder against your mouth when you cum. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your insides spasm around his fingers, wetness dripping down his fingers onto his palm. Your nails claw at his blazer covered shoulders, trying to steady yourself as Jinyoung continues to finger you through it all.
"That's my good girl. Just like that, baby," he coos against your skin, panting as he presses messy kisses against your sensitive skin. His fingers eventually still inside of you, your whimpers quieter now, and he feels confident enough to remove his hand from your mouth.
His mouth shifts from your throat to your bruised lips, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip as he hurriedly unbuckles his belt and tugs his pants and boxers low enough for his flushed cock to spring free.
You let out a whimper when he pulls away from you and makes himself comfortable against the backseat. His hair a tousled mess, his pretty lips attractively plumped and his cock very appealingly resting against his shirt covered abdomen. Your walls clench hard, and your thighs rub together at the vision he makes.
"Well? What're you waiting for? Come sit on my dick, baby," he commands, his molten gaze fixed on you.
You scramble so fast to straddle him that you're half surprised you didn't hit your head on the roof of the car in your haste. Pointedly ignoring the smug smirk on his face. You hike up your dress as far as it can reasonably go, your unoccupied hand steadying yourself on the backseat. Once you're satisfied, your hand grasps his cock in his hand, excitement coursing through you at the quiet moan Jinyoung let's out from the contact.
His hands fly to your hips as you begin to sink down onto him, toes curling at the phenomenal stretch his cock provides with every centimetre of him you sheath inside of you. A violent shudder runs through your body when he's fully sheathed inside of you. Hot, long, impossibly thick and so familiar. Still, you find yourself crumpling into him and muffling your whimpers into his shoulder as you give yourself time to adjust. Jinyoung isn't fairing much better. His hold on your hips already becoming bruising as he bites back groans and veins petrude on his neck with how hard he's clenching his teeth.
"So wet. So tight," he groans lowly into your ear, his hands shifting to your ass. Grabbing a generous handful as you slowly rise up before sinking back down onto him. His hold guiding you all the while. "We have to hurry, baby. We don't have much time," he grits out, lightly biting your neck as your walls drag along his girthy cock.
"Okay," you respond with the little brain power you have remaining. Kissing him messily as you ride him faster, the sounds of skin slapping against skin quickly filling the space in the back of the car. His hold on your ass becoming harsh with each slam of your thighs against his, trying his best to thrust up into you all the while.
In the very back of your mind you sincerely hope the chauffeur can't hear you or is polite enough not to say anything.
"Baby, I'm gonna cum soon," he warns against your mouth between kisses, his hands on your ass helping you ride him faster. His tip touching the deepest parts of you in a way you're sure could make you cum again. That familiar tightening worsening in your very core. You unconsciously grip him tighter inside of you at the mention of his orgasm growing closer. The thought of being filled with his cum making you whine and nod hurriedly against his plump lips.
"Jinyoung, please. Want it. Want you. Want you to fill me up with your cum," you babble out, pulling him closer to you.
Your husband always manages to look otherworldly when he cums. A cute furrow in his brows and his plump lips parted in a ridiculously hot o, his hands always leaving bruises in their wake from how hard he holds onto you.
This time around, you have the foresight to kiss him. Trying your best to silence each others' desperate sounds while his cock floods your insides with his thick cum. Swallowing down his groans while he does the same with your whimpers. Clinging to each other like a lifeline.
Jinyoung eventually sags against the backseat. His head coming to rest against your shoulder as the two you catch your respective breaths. His hands soothingly ran along your hips and thighs as he presses kisses to whatever skin he is able to access.
"I think we should reconsider attending the award show," you muse, toying with the ends of his hair.
"I think you're right," he responds with a chuckle.
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absolutebl · 2 years
And there it is again: In the first episode of Love in the Air, our young hero's buddy compliments him by saying he's handsome, that he "looks like Korean actor."
I've caught just enough of these references in my first year of BL viewing to realize that it's "a thing": Korea is the gold standard of ... something ... to other SE Asians ? Do I have that right ? If so, the ideal of what, exactly ?
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Astro’s Eunwoo is generally considered/discussed as the perfect example of Korean masculine beauty. 
10 Korean Male Beauty Ideals
The checklist of Korean masculine beauty standards (as of 2022) is as follows: 
over 183cm (6″+) 
slim/skinny build but toned body (we talking swimmer over bodybuilder) 
a “small face” 
pale skin 
dark defined eyebrows
a smaller mouth
high cheekbones
v shaped or sharp jaw line 
double eyelids & bigger eyes 
high nose bridge 
Plastic surgery is often utilized to attain the final three in particular.* 
Add to the above the global procreative breeding standards for “healthy” masculinity such as: symmetry in face and form, broad shoulders, clear skin. 
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SF9′s Rowoon is a great example of an idol successfully transitioning to leading man. He meets all 10 standards and is v tall at 190.5 or about 6″3. 
A Bit About Idols & Beauty Standards 
The visual of the idol group is (usually) the one who meets the most of the above checklist + photographs particularly well. As opposed to the center who is usually the best allrounder and/or most charismatic performer. Ironically the face of a group is usually the best representative in terms of communication and popularity style (handling fans + the press). But idols can/do hold more than one position in a group. 
Position distinctions are becoming less popular in 4th gen Kpop groups. While position assignments, including those based explicitly on Korean beauty standards, were pretty much expected of 3rd gen group formation. 
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Idols “visual” judgement tends to be decided upon and called via the same standards as above checklist, but they are permitted to be more androgynous by branding than if they were leading man Kdrama actors.
That said, idols tend to transition to acting if they can meet more of the above named standards (and want to act, of course), specifically height. They will probably never get to play leading men if they don’t meet the height standard so that’s usually the biggest hurdle (pun intended) - except for if they do BL. Of course, there are exceptions if the idol is an extremely good actor or very very famous. My bias, Jinyoung, is short to be an actor, for example. He still gets rolls but it will always be harder for him to play a grown up leading man in a romance Kdrama than someone like Rowoon or Eunwoo.  
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GOT7′s Jinyoung in Devil Judge 
How Does this Work Outside of Korea? 
Hallyu has had a profound effect on taste not just in other parts of Asia, but globally. But you asked about Asia.
Here’s a very good YT vid on the subject which basically is focused on women and China, but still addresses why Asian Beauty standards are the way they are culturally & historically. 
So when an Asian country (particularly in the south) calls a character “handsome like a Korean actor” that is code for particularly distinguishing the character as handsome by virtue of his “non local” features: like paleness and tallness. (Thailand also does this with reference to western beauty standards. Both Dean in UWMA and Tharn in TharnType are commented on/called out for/self identify as being handsome due in part to their “foreign” features, but the Thai word used is slang for a “foreigner of European decent.”) 
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TharnType 2
Because of the popularity of both Kdramas and Kpop, Korean beauty standards are coming to dominate taste at least amongst specific age brackets of consumers/watchers and in countries where Kdramas and Kpop are particularly popular. In these case, the 10 point check list above comes into play when you get a comment like the ones we see in Thai BL. 
That said, Chinese beauty standards (somewhat different) are also in play in the culture itself (for primarily socio-political and historical reasons, so more prevalent amongst older generations, and places that were occupied by China or have intimate social-political relations with it, like Taiwan), as well as western standards (blame colonialism, Hollywood, and the fashion industry). Taiwan is an interesting case since it has intimate ties on all levels with China, Japan, S Korean, and the west, so their beauty standards are particularly varied. 
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Japanese beauty standards (which used to dominate many parts of Asian because they cornered the market on music initially *waves at 90s Jpop* as well as manga, animation, cinema, and porn prior to Hallyu not to mention the whole, ya know, empire thing) have experienced significant pushback in the last 20 years, particularly from Korea. That said, their standards still hold pretty strongly within Japan (of course). They are a lot less formal and proscriptive. But, loosely, Japan tends to like a softer face shape, heavier jaw, and wider mouth and be less concerned about extreme tallness. They do love big eyes though. NCT’s Yuta is a pretty good example of one type of Japanese masculine beauty standard. But Japan has more than one. Remember the culture concept of kawaii is in play. Aka men are also allowed to be cute as a form of sexiness. 
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Old Fashion Cupcake 
* Yes, I am well aware this is a terrible unachievable bullshit. I am answering the question not making a judgement call. 
Like most beauty standards, these are the result of classism, racism, and colonial occupational history. Not to mention trends, styles, permissive fetishization, gender binary, infantilization, and core linguistic symbolism and syntax around the meaning of worlds used to define and talk about beauty. 
I’m discussing this shizz from a cultural anth and pop culture analysts perspective. Don’t come at me in the comments because you possess the sadly ubiquitous inability to critically think about your own cultural biases and how these might impact your consumption of a different culture’s pop product. My patience is wearing thin and my ban hammer is immediate these days. 
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hwangyeonjun · 2 years
January 6th
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pairing: lim jaebeom x gn!reader
genre: fluff
birthday party masterlist
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you were pacing around the room like crazy, hand on your chin as you stared at the ground. you were actually going insane.
“y/n, relax” jinyoung mumbled and you turned to look at him, only to see all six boys looking at you with so much concern in their eyes.
“i can’t” you whined. “what if he doesn’t like it?” you asked, hands flying everywhere around you out of frustration.
jinyoung rolled his eyes and elbowed jackson, signaling for him to continue the conversation.
“he will like it. jaebeom likes everything that includes you” he reassured. “plus, you did amazing. look around, the place is beautiful and you got him something that he’s been wanting for a very long time”
you did as told and looked around the room that you’ve been standing in. you have to agree, your living room does look amazing with all the balloons and confetti. the table was full of jaebeom’s favourite food that you’ve made yourself.
the birthday boy himself is on his way home, having no clue what is waiting for him, thinking that you’re not home since you told him beforehand that you’ll be working until late.
the boys also helped you prepare but most importantly, they came which will be a huge surprise for jaebeom since he haven’t seen them in a while, especially jackson, who has been in china for most of the time.
you were content, knowing that your boyfriend is surrounded by good people who genuinely love him and even though you are panicking right now, deep down you know that no matter how this is going to turn out, he will be happy.
your eyes widened when you heard the key jiggling on the other side of the door. you quickly hurried everyone to go in their spots and turned off the lights, threatening the people around you to stay quiet.
jaebeom walked in, humming a familiar song and walked into the living room. it took him a few seconds to find the light switch and when he turned on the light, all of you started screaming “surprise” while yugyeom and bambam threw confetti at jaebeom.
he was stunned, eyes wide, mouth open with a peace of confetti stuck to his lip. his eyes locked with yours and then the biggest grin spread on his face.
“baby” he whispered and immediately pulled you into a hug.
you didn’t even notice the tears of joy on his face until he started hugging his members and it made your heart burst. he was happy, and that’s all you wanted.
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Knock, Knock | L.JB x M.YG | Intro
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🩸pairing: Jaebeom x Yoongi
genre: Fluff
🩸au: Soulmate AU, Smut, Vampire AU, MxM
word count: 1K
🩸warnings: Hints to Same Sex Relationships - No major warnings for now.
rating: Teen (will change later on)
The Lims left their home in South Korea and sailed across the seas to a whole new world. 
🩸a/n: I have a vague idea for this, so I'm just going with the flow. This chapter is just setting the tone and giving you some background on our little town and bloodlines. Support/drip/mdni divider made by @benkeibear. Also thank you to @apotatomashedbybts for fixing the coloring on Yoongi's pic!
taglist: @theharrowing @minisugakoobies
next🩸 series masterlist
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Picture a Victorian styled home sitting on a hill that is surrounded by thick forest. The trees are mostly dead, but they hold strong and cast creepy shadows during the night. The forest butts up right along the edge of a town that holds no more than a few hundred people. Everyone knows, everyone. That kind of town. It’s a big tourist spot in the fall due to the history that surrounds the home on the hill. Hell, they even have a museum and store front dedicated to the house on the hill. The Lim Manor, it’s called.
The story is that back in the day, in the late 1800’s there was a family of three that hired the Wangs to act on their behalf. The Wangs were well known merchants that went all over the world in search of the best goods. The Wang’s found the little town of what was then called Linemell and they thought the hilltop surrounded by a beautiful forest would suit their patron’s well. Wang Yan was the head of the Wangs and he commissioned the best builders in the town to build Lim's new home.
The manor was built and commissioned through the capable hands of the Mins and Jeons. The wood and furniture for the home was all imported from somewhere overseas. Extravagant. Luxurious. Opulent. These were the words used to describe the Lim Manor in its completion. Wang Yan was tired at the end of the Manor’s completion; he had spent a lot of energy in making sure that everything would be to his patron’s liking. His last act before he stepped down and handed the reins over to his eldest son, Wuhan, was to send word to the Lims that their new home was ready.
The Lim's left their home in South Korea and sailed across the seas to a whole new world. 
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The Lim's were a family of three brothers. They weren’t very active during the day, mostly coming out during dreary weather with thick clouds. They were all handsome, unnaturally so, some of the townspeople would say. They dressed in rich attire, lace, silks, velvet and leather. The jewels that adored their fingers, wrists, neck and ears were beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Just a single ring could feed the whole town for months.
Jinyoung the youngest, was tall and thin with a strong jawline, plush lip and dark eyes that seemingly mimicked the night sky. His onyx hair was cut close to his head and was worn off his forehead or worn down hiding his eyes. He was often found in the town's bookstore or out at his estate’s stable with the horses.
Jaebeom was the middle sibling and also the shortest of the three brothers. Not much was known about him. He was of a slender build with wide shoulders and pale hands. His hair was fairly long for the brothers’ style. It came to his chin in thick dark waves of black silk. His face was fuller, almost soft looking if it wasn’t for his deep sea black eyes. In a certain light they resembled the very depths of one’s soul. Or so that was the rumor around town since the middle brother wasn’t seen often. Some say that he was sickly and whatever ailed him was the reason that the Lim's moved to town.
Mark the eldest, was someone out of a dream. Tall and slender with a face chiseled by the Gods. His eyes were a deep brown with thick black lashes and even darker inky black hair that was cut short and close to his head. He had a mole on his upper lip that was the talk of the town. Many young bachelors and bachelorette would like to express their love for it with their touch. Mark was often hidden away in the branches of the orchards that lined the back of their estate or seen sitting in the window on the highest floor.
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The Jeons and Mins are one in the same. You cannot have one without the other. Their bloodlines date back to ancient times where they fended off great beasts together and stood side by side during war. The families youngest are Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, complete opposite but the best of companions. Yoongi is four years older than Jungkook, but often the age is confused. Jungkook is a tall young man with a strong physique, slim waist, large brown eyes that have yet to lose their childlike wonder and black hair that hangs around his chin.
Yoongi on the other hand is of average height with a softer body. Slender legs, wide shoulders and a slightly thicker waist than Jungkook’s. His hair is blonde, a trait passed down from his mother’s side and touches just above his shoulders in soft waves. His facial structure is soft. Deep set brown angler eyes that call a fierce kitten to mind, a cute button nose, squishy cheeks and the plushiest lips that a man can have. 
As the youngest, they take no part in the family business. They act as the occasional messenger for the business but that is all. Their days are spent in the comfort of their homes helping their mother’s keep the space tidy or stealing a moment of time down at the lake for a quick dip. The market is a sure place to find the young duo, hands laced together as they stroll from stall to stall to inquire about goods.
Their life is theirs with a marriage proposal thrown in between that each young man has denied in turn. Their fathers’ find humor in their taste in partners while their mothers’ scold them for their rejections. They fear that the youngest of the families will reject the whole world and never settle down.
Yoongi and Jungkook care not for the idea of marriage just yet. So far all those who have shown interest, have made it known that their eyes are on the family business. Something that doesn’t sit well with either young man. Jungkook would like to pursue the arts, he is quite skilled with paints; Yoongi on the other side of the same coin would like to focus on music, he is fond of the piano and enjoys performing for his family and friends.  
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fff777 · 10 months
New Chenji's this and that!!!!!!!! Travel ver >3
We're still technically in season 2 of Chenji's this and that?
So after over a year they're finally wrapping up season 2 lol. I guess they didn't just make this video season 3 episode 1 because they need at least one trip for every season.
I love that some of the members have emoji faces that really look like them. There's Chenle's laughing face here, Jeno's smiling face with crescent eyes, and Jisung's various baby chick expressions.
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Chenle: Let's try making short form content Jisung: No Chenle: Alright then...
They're taking the train there! There's something so fun about train travel.
Chenle is so chatty even after just waking up
Jisung feels nervous in crowds ;_; Chenle talks about how he tries to overcome the anxiety that comes with crowds. Part of it is that as celebrities, crowds probably make them nervous because often all of that attention is on them. But also Jisung is also just a more timid person too.
Chenle, every time Jisung feels nervous in public: Power through! We've been doing this for 8 years.
Chenle pointing out Busan Chinatown :3
Chenji squabbling over what to eat because Jisung wants Busan Chinese hotpot and Chenle wants to try local specialties
Chenle talking about soup on rice forever and Jisung just listening
And then Chenle rambling on and on about street markets lmfao. I keep being reminded of the Dream in Paris vlogs where Chenle kept talking on and on and filling every silence with more talking and Mark was just listening
Chenle looking at toys for his nephew
I have also heard about the tanghulu craze in South Korea right now.
Finally the soup in rice that Chenle kept bringing up
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"Had a huge party last night and are curing a hangover the next morning" roleplay
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Jisung kept eating the hot peppers
Chenle legitimately hopped into a sunglasses store to get sunglasses. And Jisung did the dad thing where he was like "I'll wait for you outside."
Jisung lived in Busan for a few years :o
They photoshopped sunglasses onto the dolphin emoji lmao
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Jisung: Among the cities I've been to, Paris is the most beautiful Chenle: So what about all the other cities? Chenle giving Jisung shit and not letting him live, what else is new
Kangaroo car karaoke~
So they filmed this after NCT Nation, before going to Paris
They made it to the beach~
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Stylist and photographer Jisung, model Chenle
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They just stood and admired the waves for a while :3
More photographer Jisung and model Chenle
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Jisung and Chenle had their photo taken as the train came, and then Jisung rushed to snap another photo of Chenle as the train was coming :3
I'd seen a gif of Jisung on a tram and at the time I'd thought that maybe he'd taken the same tram that Jinyoung had on his episode of Off the Grid. I think it's the same.
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So Jisung...how does it make you feel that you're taking it with Chenle?
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XD when you wanted to go on a romantic date but you're just with your bro?
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Chenle always singing. Jisung knows what's up.
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Jisung just went "look!" and had Chenle model for him again XD
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On the other hand, when Chenle takes photos, it's a two-person job lol. Chenle was looking at the phone over his sunglasses, probably because the sunglasses would distort the colour on the phone. But he also looks like when people look up at you over their reading glasses lmfao.
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Chenle: I wish I was here with someone else Jisung: You were, you took this trip with Czennie Good save
Jisung kept telling Chenle to look in different directions while they got their photos taken :P It seems like Jisung takes photos seriously!!!! hehe
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Casually going on a yacht ride
Jisung extremely rattled by the netting on the yacht lol
Jisung: Make sure your phone is safe! Naggy Jisung returns
New information unlocked for Chenle
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Chenle @ Jisung: Then you should wear the life jacket?!?!?!?!
More photography time
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LMAO squatting while taking his photo
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Just holding on for his life
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Before, Chenle was saying that if someone fell in the water, Jisung would save them (which was how Chenle found out Jisung couldn't swim). Now Jisung was saying if the netting snapped, he'd fall through, and Chenle was like "don't worry, I'll save you >3"
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Jisung wanted to do their closing lying down but Chenle was like "it makes my forehead look big."
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Chenle: Why haven't we filmed Chenji's this and that for a year? Jisung: Uh- Chenle: Actually, we fought for a year and only made up now
Also Chenle: Even if we fight, we still have to work Very professional. But also, something something Chenji divorce.
Oh wow I hadn't even realized Chenji's this and that had started 5-6 years ago. They were REALLY young when they first started though, with the slime episode lol.
This happened earlier too, but Chenle let Jisung start the show's slogan :P
Ahhh it was fun seeing them back after a long while. Chenle said that season 3 is coming soon though! :3
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missgineaus · 2 years
but imagine a got7 demigod au:
in the modern era
gods are alive and still getting it and have lots of kids lol
monsters are real but ehh *vague hand gesture*
being a demigod sucks more than not cuz people want to use them for their powers if they have any
mark: son of aphrodite
doesn't speak alot cuz he might accidentally activate his charmspeak
Beautiful™ (inside and out)
very insightful about relationships and people in general cuz he’s much more observant than people give him credit for since they just think he’s a pretty face
doesn't speak a lot cuz people only want him for his looks and not for who he is and its very difficult for him to make friends but if you're a friend he is loyal forever
jackson: son of zeus
it’s why he can fly around everywhere so easily lmao -
gold looks hella good on this boi
wants to show he’s not all talk and is very humble and down to earth lol
very excitable and generally in a good mood
ambitious af
when he gets a little too excited sometimes he accidentally shocks people lol
people think he’s all brawn but he’s actually more brain
jinyoung: son of athena
smart af
literally a walking library
aggressively and sarcastically kind to people he loves
loves grandpa cardigans and gold plated curator spectacles probably
even if you think there’s no way for jinyoung to know the tea, he knows the tea
probably omniscient tbh lol
is ready to fite (ง’̀-‘́)ง at all times
jaebum: son of hades
Brooding™ and heavily misunderstood lol
black everything.mp3
loves flowers not bones
looks like he can beat you up with one punch but will try his hardest to resolve everything without violence first
cats, cats everywhere
it's rumored a glare from him can stop a person's heart
wants ghosts to stop bothering him lol
finds a lot of jewels randomly
bambam: son of dionysus
that's my that's my party
really knows his alcohol beers lol
he looks like a lightweight and is a lightweight haha poor child lol
knowledgeable about all mental illnesses
is a real smarty sweetheart even though people think he's just another thot
vines references for days lmao
feline grace
yugyeom: son of demeter
"you're part tree it's why youre so tol." park jinyoung, 2019
pronounces the names of grocery produce wrong just to piss people off lol
doesn't tend to a garden but does have a few succulents on his desk
brews the best tea
probably gives people bushels of corn as a gift to be funny
once gave jackson tea he grew and dried himself, and jackson cried cuz it's organic lol
youngjae: son of apollo
a literal sunshine
that one nephew artemis stans
once tried to shoot an arrow and shot someone in the ass accidentally lol
i bet his voice has healing powers
probably also a disney princess by how much the wildlife end up surrounding him when he does sing
not a seer but sometimes just knows how things will turn out
he's not allowed to participate in rock/paper/scissors anymore because of this lol
original twitter thread | originally posted 9 feb 2019
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lgcjinyoung · 11 months
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「     LCG Retreat  ⇛ Interview Solo   」  
variety shows like these had never been quite his forte but he also wasn't bad at them to the point he couldn't hold his own. jinyoung was merely a quiet guy that enjoyed letting others speak and shine. but now that he was singled out in a room, cameras pointed at him, posed with questions to talk about his experience of the day he took only a moment to think before actually reporting about his feelings an emotions.
"being a member of team fabula was a nice change. it reminded me of the days when I just debuted and had to play april's brother. we loved the stories around us actually looking like siblings, it's a beautiful narrative. if I had a sister, I'd definitely want it to be her," he confesses with a wide smile, trademark eye smile to match with it.
"i think getting up this early tucked us all out to an extend. otherwise there would have been no way i could have schemed against jinseo hyung so well with her," the model continues on with a mischievous laugh. "I'm not complaining though, i think we did a solid move there. unfortunately we weren't able to score first but third is also just fine."
he recalls the horror on jaehwa's face when she saw their sleeping location and can't help but want to trade places with her. "I feel bad for those who placed beneath us. I'm not someone who's frightened by ghosts but some of the crystallis members looked a little rattled after the announcement was made." he tips his head, presses his lips together before nodding lightly.
"I hope they can find some good shut eye. I feel like even if I was to sleep here and now I'd have no trouble just sleeping until morning," he admits, concluding his interview with another grin. little did he know what shenanigans he would have to deal with that night.
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defledam · 1 year
My heart is beating so fast. The people are smiling sincerely as if this is one of the happiest moments in their lives.
“Hey!” Jackson hyung tapped my shoulder. Jaebeom hyung fixed my necktie and suit. “Are you ready Youngjae?” Jinyoung hyung asked me.
“Yes hyung.” I smiled.
“You can do this Youngjae right?” Mark hyung asked from behind. I turned back and nodded at him, Bambam and Yugyeom nodded back at me and I replied with another smile.
“Let’s go prepare to sing with our hearts…” I said. We walked to the side where the seven microphones were arranged. The music started to play and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen entered the church and slowly walks down the aisle. My eyes is blurring out because of the tears trying to escape from it. “I do love this woman…” I whispered to myself as I began singing her favorite song that she once told me she like to have in her wedding.
She looks shocked when our eyes met. She never expected this and I never told her that I and my friends will be singing now. A few drops of tears also escaped her eyes.
She’s happy.
So happy that she’s even crying right now.
I’m relieved. I made her happy, because making her happy is my top priority.
I visited my brother in his café with Jaebeom hyung and Bambam and brought some gifts for the opening.
“Dongsaeng!” my surprised brother walked towards me and hugged me as if this is the first time he has seen me.
“Hyung!” I tried to escape but he almost choked me tightening his hug even more. Jaebeom hyung and Bambam are laughing from behind enjoying how I am being tortured. He rumpled my hair before facing Jaebeom hyung and Bambam to thank them for coming with me.
“Hello…” a girl interrupted us, smiling weirdly? Awkwardly?? “I’m actually applying as a waitress. Uhm… saw this last week on the street but I can’t find the exact address since I’m new here and kind of dumb with directions…” she said while showing a flyer. Her hair is in bun and a bit messy, wearing a plain white and a little oversize shirt with matching rip jeans. Her sneakers have holes and I don’t think she ever cleaned it once. She has a pointed nose, not a so small face but she has kiss---! She has a pinkish lips! Her eyelashes are long and black same as her thick eyebrows. She smiled and it showed her perfect white teeth. She doesn’t look perfect but she looks amazi-----!
Jaebeom hyung nudged my elbow. “Yah! Don’t make yourself too obvious if you’re going to check her out…” I raised an eyebrow when I saw Bambam grinning at me with his teasing meme face. What?!
“We’re still in need of waitress anyway so I guess you’re hired.” My eyes widened. He hired her that fast? I looked at him with questioning eyes. “Should I ask her to leave and don’t come back then?” He said again while looking directly at me and my eyes widened even more. What is he doing?? Does he want me to look like the cruelest person here?
I almost fell from my back when the girl suddenly kneeled down in front of me. “Please… I really need this job. I promise I’m a trustworthy person! I’m honest! I’m a fast learner! I’m a good employee! I’m responsible! And I’m….” she paused thinking what to say next to describe herself. “…I’m….cute…?” I stifled from laughing when she tries to be cute. Cocoyah! Haha I don’t know why but I suddenly remember Coco.
I offered my hand and held hers as I accompanied her to stand up. “You don’t have to kneel. This is my brother’s café so he has every right to hire who he wants…” she grabbed my right hand with her both hands thanking me. The warmth of her hands brought her sincerity to my heart. “Thank you” she said and smiled at me.
That smile.
“Can I start working now?” she asked my brother.
“Of course. I’ll leave you for a moment guys, I need to teach her some things about her work and obligations. Youngjae, take care of JB and Bam okay?”
“I will hyung, you don’t have to tell me that…” he shook his head and left with…
“Yah! You can ask for her name later so don’t be so sulky…”
“Ayy what are you saying hyung? I’m not being sulky!”
“Don’t fool us Youngjae hyung. We’ve known each other for long so don’t try to be secretive, that won’t work.” Bambam said, I sighed. Tss!
Days passed by and I became friends with her. She can comfortably share her thoughts with me and so am I.
“Haizt! Jaejae your brother hates me! He made me over worked yesterday and I was really tired that I cannot even change clothes before going to bed!”
“I told you it’s not that I want you to over work. We had a lot of customers yesterday and two of our staffs were sick so we don’t have a choice. I even helped in serving the customers you know it…”
“Hey! I’m just joking so stop explaining…” my brother sighed out of frustration before walking out.
“Haha what did you do? You’re giving him a hard time…” I said while having fun seeing my brother a bit frustrated. Haha he’s indeed a normal person!
“Don’t worry Jaejae, I just need to show him my Coco face and he’ll be okay!” she said and winked.
“I told you not to imitate Coco. She’s too cute and you don’t give her the justice of imitating her!”
“Yah!” she slapped my arm.
“Are you saying I’m not cute?!”
“You’re not.”
I crossed my arms in front to protect myself from the hitting but instead of getting one she put her arm around my shoulder and whispered “So if I’m not cute… Am I sexy?” I got stiffed, her warm breath gives me chills and it isn’t a normal feeling for me. “Hahaha! Why are you so shock? You’ve been hearing that line from JB countless times! Okay, gotta work now! I’ll bring you your favorite Sir!” she said then left.
Her smile, her laugh… it’s so good to see and hear it every day.
It was our final concert in Seoul and end of our world tour. I was so happy because she’s there with my family and even if there are thousands of baby birds who came to see us I feel like I can still hear her voice though it blends with everyone’s in the venue.
I met her and my family backstage and they were so happy that we had the final concert successful. When it’s time to go, she grabbed my hand and asked me for some talk.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked. The happy face she displayed a while ago turned into a sad one.
She shook her head. “No…nothing. I’m just happy to have a famous and great musician friend.” She said but I don’t believe her. Tears started to run down her face and that breaks my heart.
“You’re lying. You said you’re an honest person but you’re lying to me right now. I’m your friend you know it, come on tell me what is wrong.”
“Nah. I said this is nothing.” She insisted but my mind can’t seem to have a peace because I know in my heart there is something bothering her. She held my face and smiled at me.
After she left, that was the time I realized that I love her. Or maybe that was the time I get to admit to myself that I am in love with her, since the first time I saw her.
The day after, I head to my brother’s café. Everything in her looks normal like nothing happened, like she didn’t cry and talked to me about something. Maybe it’s time for me to confess my feelings and tell her how much I want to make her happy every day and love her with all my heart. I will never want to see her cry again and I will promise to prevent it from happening again in every way.
“Hey!” she greeted me with the most beautiful smile I’ve seen as I enter and honestly, that smile already made my day. I just let her do her work and watch every move she make which looks amazing to me.
No matter what she does like from serving the customer, carrying the tray, wiping her sweats and even fixing her hair without brushing it is amazing.
I asked a minute or two from her break. “You wanna say something?” she asked. I grabbed her hand and look straight into her beautiful eyes.
“I know this is not the right time, place or timing but…” I feel so nervous. This is my first time confessing my feelings to someone and I feel like my chest is going to burst.
“Oh! Everything seems wrong then!” she joked.
“Okay okay I’ll stop! Haha!”
“I don’t think I can keep this any longer… I… I lo…ve you! I LOVE YOU!” I said quickly then looked down. I’m proud of falling in love with her but confessing is a bit embarrassing.
She held my face and made me look at her. “Jae…”
Until now, she’s still the most beautiful woman in my eyes.
I love you, baby I,
I love you (for a very long time)
I love you, baby I,
I love you (I do)
All day long I wait for your reply
I keep writing and erasing to make sure
There’s no mistake in my words
I accidently say things that I don’t mean
The dramatic lines
That I practiced in front of the mirror
Are all forgotten when I stand
In front of you, flustering me
My hands hesitate in front of yours
My heartbeat sound getting louder,
You might hear it yeah
You may not feel the same way as I do
I may never see you again, that’s what I’m afraid of
Don’t have the courage to tell you
With this song let me open my heart to you
She held my brother’s hand as she reaches the altar. They both looked at me first so I nodded and smiled at them. My eyes can’t seem to control the tears from flowing so I just let it.
Confessing your feelings to someone is risking your heart whatever answer you get. I confessed to her and never expected to be answered that she’s going to marry him. I didn’t regret it though. She’s marrying my brother and that’s a relief.
I wish nobody knows.
And if they know, I hope they just pretend that they didn’t know that I am in pain and my heart is bleeding so bad.
Because as I said, her happiness is my top priority. And no matter how much it hurts, I still want to be happy for her.
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seekingthestars · 1 year
Top 5 GOT7 moments
OHHHH CAN I MAKE THIS FAV GOT7 CONCERT MOMENTS SPECIFICALLY well i'm going to bc this is my blog and i say i can Do Whatever I Want fewjiaof okay let's go!!!!
being SO CLOSE for FLY tour and TURBULENCE fanmeet, i was like second row after the (small) pit so i was so close and i could see them so well and it was!! wonderful!!
when they entered from the back for encore entrance and i'm IN THE AISLE SEAT IN THE SECOND ROW and they walk down the aisle to get back on stage and i got to 1) see them like less than a foot away from me and 2) high five youngjae bc i was holding a youngjae cheering banner and he saw it and smiled at me and it was the greatest 😭
i had photos with them twice and the first time i was in the back row next to them and bambam was near me and all of a sudden he sticks his hand out next to my face and went "somebody hold my hand!!!!" so i did and then afterwards i told them they were amazing and high fived bam and mark 😭💞 and the second time everyone was getting seated and i was near youngjae (bias) and i Became Brave and turned around and asked if i could hold his hand and he was like "yeah!" and it was perfection 😭💞
FLY tour high touch when i looked at mark and told him it had been the best birthday ever (that tour was part of my birthday adventure that year bc the shows i went to were directly before and after my birthday) and him going "OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D" and then me almost missing high touch with jay b bc mark was wishing me a happy birthday LOL
oh FLY tour when they came out for encore and the second stop i went to i wasn't as close as the first time but i was in the second row behind the aisle where they walked and somehow no one was in the seat in front of me so i could see super well and jinyoung came out and stood in front of our section for a while, like directly in front of me, and i KNOW it sounds delusional, i 100% know it does, but i swear we made eye contact at least once, THERE WAS NO ONE IN FRONT OF ME, and i melted away, that man is so gorgeous irl makes me wanna punch things
also random but at the atlanta stop for FLY tour jinyoung and bambam were talking about how they'd gone to the aquarium that morning and jinyoung was like "so many beautiful fishes!!!! 🥰" and like look honestly that man is so endearing i could and do cry about it frequently also bambam at one point screaming "I HAD TOO MUCH CHICKEN AND WAFFLES" got7 concerts are so good, they're a chaotic group of gremlins
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ofc I waited until Arsenal took over again 🤭 yeah can't deny their shit statistics tho, but somehow they're at the top so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, Madrid defeated Liverpool AND I SMILE, yes I know I've just said I liked Liverpool but oh wellqwjhswhwhjwjw. They're still higher than Chelsea... I came back from the club around 6am and decided to watch the Madrid vs Liverpool match 😅😭 anyways we're really gonna be screwed once Benzema retires... hopefully some new faces will be motivated to shine then. RM likes CL more and tbh same (why doesn't it sound like I'm talking about kpop here 😭 )
Serial concert goers and fansites don't care, they've seen the same thing 100 times so posting videos is their priority 🔫 they said "fuck Pitbull I'm mister worldwide now" there's this one Shitstar who has LA and Seoul in their bio, so why are you at every European stop as well? 🤡
I just feel bad for the employees at SM, also artists potentially. Free Shinee, SNSD and EXO <3 I find it really funny that the video SM released insists that resisting against the takeover is also for the good of fans and employees, as if they aren't just greedy businessmen trying to appeal to shareholders at the end of the day. Ofc I'd rather Hybe not take over, but the video just makes me laugh with its oversimplifications and misinformation (the ticketing part). However the ratio on this tweet people aren't having it!
The letter is laughable though, at least SM's artists come to European festivals, Hybe only sent Enhypen once. And not them acting like they're doing this for charity and kpop's sake, fuck them seriously.
This drama reminds me of beauty youtubers making exposing videos. This looks more real and probable than the SM and Hybe beef. Stop the memes lmaooo
Ha I see you with that Tamino song in your carrd 🥰 hey at least Kang Daniel is coming to Vancouver
Justice for Pon de Replay! Yes, I'm your friendly neighbourhood boomer, just like Seonghwa ❤ Crazy in Love definitely tops, I like some old Bey. I do have to say I haaaate Single Ladies, every time it plays at the club I 🔫 I do like Hello! I got into it after hearing a cover on The Young Pope.
Okay Brussels isn't that big and like I said, I kept bumping into so many people in London and same here in Seoul, but..... at least don't brag about it??? My friends saw Jooheon in London VERY RANDOM and others saw Huta and Pentagon at the airport. They were coming back from Paris. Also apparently Frenchies can't stop being stalking weirdos 🔫
My blood is just tteokbokki sauce at this point <3
I think Seongwoo and Woojin were there too, but definitely Jihoon, Daehwi and Jinyoung.
I think a lot of Brits disliked YOU as well, cause it only showed posh awful people. I watched Love Wedding Repeat for the cast, but the movie was surprisingly not that bad!
Mbappe just needs to be not like the other girls lol. I like suits on women and I enjoy wearing suits myself, on men... it depends, boring suits don't interest me. Unless it's Park Seonghwa
I wish I was rich lol, maybe back in the day, but shit happened, not to mention I've barely saved for this trip 💔 if I had enough time and money I'd go see Ateez, but alas
Ahhhh I forgot about that lift scene in model, I really should read it again, shouldn't I....
Seonghwa........ (flashbacks to my fan calls)
Atunas lying and being weird per usual
Okay but I really couldn't believe it was Hwa. Why is he in shorts 😭 I know London isn't that cold, but wtf. Anyways, he's lucky I'm not there otherwise I'd chomp on his legs 😋 one of my friends commented "he has really nice calves" and now I can't stop looking at them
This is so cute, but I'm sorry I laughed. My turn to hug and kiss Hwa when
Vampire instincts kicking in
Hey who's cutting onions 🤧 I'm thinking of going to see DJ Minho actually
And EXO RISE! - DV 💖
Ofc I waited until Arsenal took over again 🤭 yeah can't deny their shit statistics tho, but somehow they're at the top so 🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyways, Madrid defeated Liverpool AND I SMILE, yes I know I've just said I liked Liverpool but oh wellqwjhswhwhjwjw. They're still higher than Chelsea... I came back from the club around 6am and decided to watch the Madrid vs Liverpool match 😅😭 anyways we're really gonna be screwed once Benzema retires... hopefully some new faces will be motivated to shine then. RM likes CL more and tbh same (why doesn't it sound like I'm talking about kpop here 😭 )
waiting for them to boot down on a surprising twist, man city and man utd are rIGHT behind,, LMFAOOOO I SAW IT SND THE WAY THEY SCORED 2 FIRST AND THEN IT JUST WENT DOWN HILL vini’s liverpool’s new owner,, HOW WAS THE CLUB !! yeah when benz leaves maybe something would 📉📉 but rm’s brazillian’s will always make it! YEAAAHHH they def like CL more and when they come back to la liga, they get a 55 yo man named busquets greets them <3 busi cOOKS,, NO LITERALLY FHJWHDJS RM LIKES CL IN FOOTBALL AND KPOP TERMS
and ramos national retirement? bro didn’t retire he WAS DROPPED THE DISRESPECT IS CRAZY HERE and 😭😭😭 what magic does he have 😭😭
Serial concert goers and fansites don't care, they've seen the same thing 100 times so posting videos is their priority 🔫 they said "fuck Pitbull I'm mister worldwide now" there's this one Shitstar who has LA and Seoul in their bio, so why are you at every European stop as well? 🤡
the way idk what goes inside their brain to see people so many times without getting bored, to sTAND in concerts repeatedly for 2-3 hours a day and them go home to edit photos and post them and by the time ur about to sleep it’s already the next day 😭😭 exhausting tbh but the work ethic is top tier,, MR WORLDWIDE FBWNDHSKBFNF UR RIGHT,, americans should stay at american concerts bc why are u in a whole other continent when u just saw a concert ayo 😭😭 money 📉📉
I just feel bad for the employees at SM, also artists potentially. Free Shinee, SNSD and EXO <3 I find it really funny that the video SM released insists that resisting against the takeover is also for the good of fans and employees, as if they aren't just greedy businessmen trying to appeal to shareholders at the end of the day. Ofc I'd rather Hybe not take over, but the video just makes me laugh with its oversimplifications and misinformation (the ticketing part). However the ratio on this tweet people aren't having it!
yeahhh the constant videos they’re putting out and the open letters saying everyone is against them just concludes lee soo man is a lefty fuck and asked hybe to save his ass,, LMFAOOOO RIGHT THEYRE DOING IT THE BEAUTY COMMUNITY ON YOUTUBE KIND OF WAY, THE MEMES IN THIS TIME PPL ARE SO FUNNY FBMWBFKWHDKS PPL’s CAREERS ARE IN A JEOPARDY AND THERES FANS MAKIMG MEMES OF THEM 😭😭 thw ratio is full well deserved, not hybe acting like their the pioneers of kpop when they follow every trend or concept years later from the very company they acquired shares in 🤨 tbh i think hybe needs sm more then sm needs them,, if u think about it, sm focuses heavily on asia and even euro and latam at times which hybe doesn’t have a strong suit in AND THW WAY PPL ARE SAYING THIS IS GREAT BRITAIN INVASION ALL OVER AGAIN FBWNDHWKDJWK
The letter is laughable though, at least SM's artists come to European festivals, Hybe only sent Enhypen once. And not them acting like they're doing this for charity and kpop's sake, fuck them seriously.
yeah! at least sm holds their family concerts there at times! sends their groups to festivals and even have their soloists go there + have their artists do fashion weeks there so hybe 🤨 the saviour complex in hybe is showing and their company stan’s are riding w it <3 bc i remember that “retro” trend they started when sm did it two years back 🤨
This drama reminds me of beauty youtubers making exposing videos. This looks more real and probable than the SM and Hybe beef. Stop the memes lmaooo /// Ha I see you with that Tamino song in your carrd 🥰 hey at least Kang Daniel is coming to Vancouver
NO SERIOUSLY FBWKDHWKJCCJ THE ONLY THING MISSING IS THE RECEIPTS AND THE EMAILS!!! DROP THEN WHILE UR AT IT!!! the memes are the best part 😭😭😭 tamino has actually taken over me <3 epik high is too! was planning to go unfortunately my finals are on the day of their concert <//3 i am patiently waiting for baekhyun’s wc atp
Justice for Pon de Replay! Yes, I'm your friendly neighbourhood boomer, just like Seonghwa ❤ Crazy in Love definitely tops, I like some old Bey. I do have to say I haaaate Single Ladies, every time it plays at the club I 🔫 I do like Hello! I got into it after hearing a cover on The Young Pope.
why. we’re never getting anything! LMFAOOOO u guys should start a boomer squad right away, next fan call it’s ur time to pitch the idea,,, CRAZY IN LOVE IS >>>>> older beyonce def! single ladies anon im about to perform the entire choreography to it aNYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE her recent album the song alien superstar was very model hwa vibes actually!
Okay Brussels isn't that big and like I said, I kept bumping into so many people in London and same here in Seoul, but..... at least don't brag about it??? My friends saw Jooheon in London VERY RANDOM and others saw Huta and Pentagon at the airport. They were coming back from Paris. Also apparently Frenchies can't stop being stalking weirdos 🔫 /// My blood is just tteokbokki sauce at this point <;3
i think it’s nice when ppl meet celebrities but it’s the constant brag and reminder that they did meet them repeatedly is a pet peeve,, JOOHEON?? HUTA??? WHAT IS HE DOING THERE AYO 😭😭😭 the more i learn about the french the more i don’t wanna go thwre fbenjckchc tteokbokki sauce and the rice wine in ur blood, WATER! HYDRATE 😭😭😭
I think Seongwoo and Woojin were there too, but definitely Jihoon, Daehwi and Jinyoung. /// I think a lot of Brits disliked YOU as well, cause it only showed posh awful people. I watched Love Wedding Repeat for the cast, but the movie was surprisingly not that bad!
OOOOOOO wanna one reunion in a cafe??? no more evil editing 🤲🏻 what is this dislike for posh ppl in brits, all the interviews w brit celebrities they’re all hating on the posh accent 😭😭 IT WAS GOOD WASNT IT! was laughing and giggling every two mins, a cute romcom! romcom’s like these should return 😭😭
Mbappe just needs to be not like the other girls lol. I like suits on women and I enjoy wearing suits myself, on men... it depends, boring suits don't interest me. Unless it's Park Seonghwa
need him to go thru a lil humbling session <3 maybe the mourinho being their manager would help that, watch him praise mbappe at first and then later call him out 😭😭 wouldn’t hurt to be humble,, i saw the whole vlog of the magic guy and it’s just straight funsies w ramos losing his mind messi’s impressed and speaks a letter of english language and mbappe is just 😭😭
see men in suits in which the style actually looks good on them? absolutely, unfortunately it’s always the models who look good in them 😭😭 YES SEONGHWA IS AN EXCEPTION TO EVERYTHING
I wish I was rich lol, maybe back in the day, but shit happened, not to mention I've barely saved for this trip 💔 if I had enough time and money I'd go see Ateez, but alas /// Ahhhh I forgot about that lift scene in model, I really should read it again, shouldn't I....
inflation happened 🥰🥰 manifesting u winning a lottery <3 recently been having dreams about it and would rec u to dream about a lottery ticket after 4am in the morning bc it somehow comes true? the lift scene lifts me up tbh,, YOU SHOULD!! YOU HAVE TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE!
Seonghwa........ (flashbacks to my fan calls) /// Atunas lying and being weird per usual // Okay but I really couldn't believe it was Hwa. Why is he in shorts 😭 I know London isn't that cold, but wtf. Anyways, he's lucky I'm not there otherwise I'd chomp on his legs 😋 one of my friends commented "he has really nice calves" and now I can't stop looking at them
that all black outfit…👁👁👄👁👁 atiny’s on their way to becoming the new armies atp bc what the hell 😭😭 these “mistranslations” ppl make just to sexualize his words could literally damage his career 😭😭 WHY ARE THEY BAREFOOT AND IN SHORTS IN LONDON??? WASNT IT LIKE RAINING AND POURING AND COLD 😭😭😭 anon vampire era is really coming to life,,, tvd but starring u as damon <3
This is so cute, but I'm sorry I laughed. My turn to hug and kiss Hwa when /// Vampire instincts kicking in /// Hey who's cutting onions 🤧 I'm thinking of going to see DJ Minho actually /// DID YOU SEE THE PHOTO OF SHINEE KEY SENT ON BUBBLE 😭❤❤❤❤❤ /// And EXO RISE! - DV 💖
I DID FORTUNATELY BEFORE IT GOT TAKEN DOWN 😭😭😭 JUST A FEW MORE DAYS TILL HE COMES BACK 😭😭 baekhyun world tour… anon do u want to buy my kidney….i am speechless, the amount of activity given is so…unreal SMTOWN EMPLOYEES ARE BOOKED! AND BUSY! THIS YEAR! FINALLY!
and kai? he is allergic to not serving iracus core <3 with the belly dancing belt, jongin my habibi shake it
… he just keeps getting better
this fencing guy? he seems like the perfect guy to be in a sports rivals au don’t think 🤨
0 notes
CIX “Getting caught in the act”
CIX Masterlist                                               Group Masterlist
Not requested but needed to do something to get out of my funk. Stream CIX’s comeback!!!
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It was like you two were the only one’s in the world, Byounggon’s hands in your hair and holding your face close to his. His eyebrows were furrowed, gently rocking his hips up into you. Soft groans spilling from his lips as you whimpered, tightening the grip of your legs around his waist. 
Seunghun had long texted him, giving him the warning that he was on his way back because he knew you were around. Assuming that he had given you both enough time to get decent. However, Byounggon didn’t even care about his phone. Now flipping you over and pressing you into the mattress, kissing you deeply.
Byounggon could feel you getting close, your sounds picking up along with his pace. “You’re so beautiful like this.” He complimented, looking at the way you were falling apart for him. “You two really need to look on your phone’s more.” Neither of you had anticipated a 3rd voice in the mix, Byounggon’s head whipping around to see Seunghun standing in the door way. 
You scrambled to cover yourself as Byounggon shooed his roommate away. “It’s not my fault, I tried to warn you!” You heard Seunghun laugh as you tried to stifle your own. You didn’t feel as bad, because Byounggon took the brunt of it. But when he came back, he sank into your touch and burried his face into your chest. 
“I’m so embarrassed, I even heard my phone but decided to ignore it. You felt too good.” 
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You didn’t think you could get anymore turned on than now, face down in the couch pillows with your ass in the air. Seunghun’s hands gripping your waist before leaning forward to whisper in your ear as he fucked you roughly. “You like this don’t you?” He asked and you could hear that he was smiling. All you could do was whimper and grip the sheets, the worry you had in your mind earlier about possibly getting caught totally gone. 
No, all you could think about was how good he was making you feel and that you felt totally and utterly cock drunk. You were whining and whimpering with every thrust and word, even Seunghun felt like he was losing it. So much so he didn’t hear the door opening. 
“Jesus Christ Seunghun you have a room.” Jinyoung’s voice sounded nearly unbothered. Seunghun’s hips stuttered, pulling out of you and helping you cover up quickly. “Where’s the fun in that?” He retorted as Jinyoung simply walked away to his room. He had the decency to not look at you as you sat with flushed cheeks, nearly completely bare on their couch. 
“I told you someone would walk in!” You smacked Seunghun’s bare arm as he tried to hug you. He feigned injury, though went to hold you anyways and kissed your forehead. He genuinely felt bad but he was down too bad for you to care, it didn’t seem like Jinyoung did much. 
“Didn’t seem to bother you earlier.” 
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You had totally been swept up in the morning atmosphere, that and the fact that Hyunsuk went home to visit his family. It had left Yonghee’s shared room, empty and you were simply enjoying it. Your hands splayed over Yonghee’s chest, his head thrown back into the pillows and his hands guiding your hips over his own. 
Yonghee’s hands pulled you down, flat against his chest and he smiled at you. You couldn’t help but reciprocate before kissing him, feeling him buck his hips into you. Humming in content as he fucked into you, you were to wrapped in eachother to notice that Hyunsuk came home early. 
He hadn’t planned on coming home early, but he didn’t think it would be a big deal either. He also didn’t think he would find his roommate in such a compromising position. Opening the door, letting out a shriek and shutting it again. You had never moved so quickly, scrambling off of Yonghee and pulling the blankets over your body.
“Are you okay?” Yonghee asked, cradling your face at it heat up in embarrassment. He was embarrassed too but that wasn’t important, the way you were feeling was important. “I’m fine, I’m fine just a little embarrassed.” You said and pulled the sheets over your head so that you could laugh it out slightly. Yonghee joined you, kissing your forehead before jumping out of bed and heading for the door. 
“I’m gonna go talk to him.” 
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Jinyoung wanted you to see and feel everything, gripping your hair and forcing you to look down at where you were connected. “You see that, you see how good I am making you feel?” He asked, not quite expecting an answer from you other than whimpers. Your nails scratching down his back and moans out of control. 
Jinyoung loved seeing you like this, so fucked out that you couldn’t even form words. It nearly made him proud of himself, he didn’t care who could hear you at least that was what he thought. When you have a room to yourself, you don’t quite expect your housemates to wander in. 
Yonghee had been wearing headphones, reviewing lines from a script when he realised he needed to borrow something from Jinyoung. With no idea what was happening in the room, he wandered in. “Hey!” Jinyoung yelled, making Yonghee look up. You watched his groupmates eyes go wide as Jinyoung blocked you from sight. 
Yonghee turned around, his back facing you both as he furiously apologized. “It’s fine, just leave!” Jinyoung yelled, not caring about the apologies and simply wanting his previous privacy. Yonghee stumbled walking out of the room and you burried your face into the pillows, the embarrassment slowly setting in. Jinyoung dropped his body weight on top of you, cupping your cheeks in the process as he settled between your legs again. 
“You okay to carry on? Or do you want to stop and watch a movie or something?” 
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He had discovered that he adored the feeling of having you trapped under him, or between him and the wall. His sheer size being enough to keep you there, he absolutely adored it. Especially now, as his hand was clasped over your mouth and his hips pistoned into yours. You were caged between him and the wall and Hyunsuk was doing everything in his power to drive you absolutely nuts. 
You were gripping onto his shoulders, trying not to make to much noise as you knew his members were on the other side of the wall and Hyunsuk could see your effort. It left him smiling down at you gently, such a contrast to the number he was doing on you. He just didn’t think twice about the noises the members could hear. 
Byounggon had heard a few odd thumps, not quite putting together what they could have been. He was even concerned that someone might have been hurt, so without thinking he pushed into the youngest member’s room. You let out a shriek, seeing Byounggon over his shoulder and Byounggon instantly shielded his eyes. 
“Hyung!” Hyunsuk yelled, still keeping you trapped between him and the wall so that you were covered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!! I thought you hurt yourself or- I’ll just leave!” Byounggon left the room as quickly as he came in, leaving Hyunsuk to bury his face in your neck as he cringed. He was never going to hear the end of this and he knew the whole group would know within a minute. 
“I’m never, ever, ever going to hear the end of this.” 
A/N: I’m out of my funk!!!!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy. 
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sugarwithtea · 2 years
truth or dare || ksj
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pairing : seokjin x reader
genre : angst, fluff, ex-best friends to lovers
rating : pg-15
summary : You and Seokjin meet each other again at a college reunion, him igniting the feelings of first love inside you after not meeting him for 4 years after an unexpected seperation. He still doesn't know the reason for it and you have never dared to tell him the truth. Maybe this time, you play the game courageously. Maybe not. Who knows?
word count : 6.3k
warnings : swearing, alcohol consumption, flashback scenes, kissing, miscommunication (i mean, ofc), crying, mentions of body insecurity, first love themes, jin being indecisive as fuck, peer pressure (if you can say it so then), this ain't a warning but his appearance is a bit fancy!! overall - it's seokjin being a hazard for all of us.
author's note : thankyou to the loveliest @gimmethatagustd for requesting this fic with this dialogue prompt <33 love ya jai :) and thanks to my love @highly-functioning-mitochondria for beta-ing it :))
mood : this love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
seokjin's aesthetic/moodboard
sugarwithtea m.list || taglist form (for future fics)
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"I still don't really understand what happened between us."
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The golden lights casted a beautiful shadow over the main dance floor, elegant and royal. The waiters weaved through the buzzed crowd of elite looking adults, your ex classmates, to be precise, quite skillfully. 
Your eyes scanned the crowd to take in the stark differences, if any, in your classmates' appearances. It had been four years since you last met them. You had been in contact with a few of your friends from college, but had lost most of them eventually. Some faces greet you with a friendly smile which you instantly return, while some just dismiss your presence as you do the same.
Taehyung had been keen on bringing you to your college reunion this time, one that happens every two years. You don't know why they hold a reunion every two years. Presumably, you had missed the first party and had then met an absolutely enraged Taehyung as he had failed to spot you at the location it was held at.
So now, here you were, leaning against the bar with a champagne flute in one of your hands and the other nervously twirling your hair. You were not specifically excited or even scared to meet someone, except one person.
Kim Seokjin.
Even the mere thought of his name brings heat straight to your face and you cower behind the glass, taking a sip from it to hide your sudden blush.
You and him went way back to your childhood days. Both of you became friends as you were neighbours and then went on to become classmates in college. He had always been your support system and safe place when you went through the ups and downs of your life, your best friend.
He had also been one more thing.
Your first love.
You were never able to act on your feelings, always too scared to break the friendship or distance yourself from him. You confidently believed that he didn't reciprocate your love, that his love was just platonic, not because he dated other people frequently. No, he rarely did that. The only girlfriend he ever had was one in the last year of highschool, when you weren't classmates yet, just neighbours and friends. 
The thing which made you believe that he never loved you, and will never love you, was an incident that took place during  your last year.
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— 4 years ago —
"Where are we even going, Heejin?"
"To the gym." she delightfully responds as she drags you across the corridors, heading towards the gym.
"What for?" you exasperatedly groan.
Her eyes sparkle with mischief and a slight bit of adoration as she answers.
"Jinyoung is there. The boys are practising for their next match. Might as well catch them in action, yeah?" she winks at you as she pulls you inside the gym, pushing open the doors authoritatively.
Loud laughter greets you as soon as you step inside, followed by incoherent mumbles and yellings of excited boys. All of them fall to deaf ears for you, except for one.
The fact that he was the captain of the basketball team had completely slipped your mind. His windshield laugh only allows you to know that he might have made some stupid joke or pun, and is now laughing heartedly at it.
Your lips, who seem to have a mind of their own, form a smile at the sound of his happiness. You can imagine his crinkled eyes, full lips stretched into a proud grin, his handsome face contorted into pure mirth and his shoulders shaking from his joy.
The realisation that you loved him had dawned on you long ago, and the feelings just increased every time you saw him, heard him or thought of him, with an aching feeling inside your heart. 
You were not so sure about what he would reciprocate if you opened up your heart to him, but still were hopeful. His actions were the ones of a best friend, but there were some moments where you felt like maybe even he was in this a little too deep, if not as much as you were.
You and Heejin settle behind the door that seperated the lockers from the main court. The laughter soon died and suddenly Jinyoung spoke up.
"Jin, your turn! Truth or dare?"
A series of ooh's followed his choice and both you and Heejin held your breath in excitement for what's to come next.
"Okay so," started a lanky boy who had been leaning against the lockers all the time, with mischief in his eyes.
"Who'd you fuck? Y/N or Hana?" he ended and everyone present in the gym went quiet at the question.
You could hear your heartbeat up in your ears and your eyes were as wide as saucers as you registered Heejin staring at you with the same surprised reaction, while gulping to watch your expressions. 
"What the fuck?" Seokjin gasped out as the fog of shock faded slowly from around everyone present there.
All the boys except Jinyoung and Yoongi started the usual series of laughter and noises as their anticipation for Seokjin's answer rose steadily, two of them even having the nerve to clap him on the back in a friendly, nonchalant way. The lanky boy was now grinning from ear to ear as he stood straight, standing as tall as Jin and advanced towards the middle of the group, directly in front of Jin.
"Aww, seems like someone is scared that his best friend will be upset if he disagrees to fuck her." he says in a mocking, high pitched tone while jutting out his bottom lip to mimick a dramatic pout.
Laughter breaks out almost immediately and you try to hide yourself from the girl beside you. These were college boys, immature and insensitive. You could not take their words seriously and let them affect your thoughts.
"Oh, or wait." the same lanky boy, whom now you recognised as Woomin continued, "Don't tell me you are hesitant because you want to have sex with her?"
Silence spreads once again while some of the boys morphed their expression into one of disgust, mumbling shocked profanities under their breath or to each other, inaudible to you, but quite obviously those not in your favour. A string of ‘what?, really?, oh my god seokjin no!' were passed through them which made you want to run away.
Jin stood in shocked poise even when Woomin walked up too close for him to be comfortable, looked him straight in his eyes with a sly smirk as he opened his mouth once again to spew utter nonsense.
"Tell me, Seokjin. Would you fuck Y/N or not?" he asked in an almost whisper.
"I'm not answering a shitty question like that." Jin spoke through gritted teeth while his whole form was on the verge of shuddering.
Woomin stepped back and spread his arms in an authoritative manner, still looking at him in the eyes.
"If you don't then we'll know it's a yes."
Jin's eyes grew as wide as they could while he took a small step back, his whole body language shouting "DEFENSE MODE! DIE OR SURRENDER"
Woomin and the boys doubled down in laughter, him hitting his knee with his hand while one tall guy, taller than Seokin, says,
"Not Y/N Jin. Not her." as he scrunches his nose in disappointment and visible disgust at the thought.
Your heart dropped to your feet when you saw Jin feeling all attacked and hesitant, even considering answering this shitty question to save his pride or erase his cowardness.
He regained his footing as he straightened up, eyes still wide as a toddler's and lips trembling to form an answer.
"I won't."
If you wanted to run away before, now you want to bury yourself right then and there especially when a whole team is having a conversation about you with Heejin not so sneakily trying to glance at you to gauge your reaction.
"Why?" Woomin oh so smugly questions and Seokjin had to stick his chin up, if ever so slightly with hesitation visible as daylight in his form to get himself and his answer approved by his beloved team.
Of course Jin won't fuck his bestfriend, why would he? You think. He might reason it as you being his best friend and your dynamic being platonic, leaving no space for y'all to think about sex with each other but what he says next has tears welling up in your eyes as you try to hold them back from falling.
"I would never fuck someone like her."
You couldn't stop yourself from running away from there while choking on a sob. You didn't care anymore what Heejin thought about your reaction, you wanted to be away from everyone.
You kind of knew that Jin always thought of you platonically but never in a million years would you have thought of him referring to you like this, as if you were some untouchable, unfuckable being who only spewed disgust from others when she went in front of them.
The tears were unstoppable as they dampened your pillow, one that you had stuffed your face in as soon as you reached home and shut the door of your bedroom to save yourself from the prying eyes of your roommate.
You were never confident about your body. You knew you didn't have the model figure but you also didn't regard it dismissively with contempt and disgust. You weren’t fat but you weren't size zero either. Your heart broke when you thought of people regarding you like this for your appearance.
You pinch at the flesh of the slight cellulite forming on your thighs and cry out louder. You knew you were being insensitive with yourself, blaming yourself for a natural cause. But, you never knew why he disregarded you so easily. It could have been your body, it could have been your personality, it could have been you.
Haste and anger lead to the worst decisions ever.
The same happened when you decided to distance yourself from Jin to get over him and to also process your feelings and thoughts about the most childish game you had witnessed.
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You stop the waiter to get your fifth glass of champagne as Taehyung rambles on at your side about his latest encounter with Namjoon and Jimin at the Annual Business Conference, both of them working as Regional Managers for two leading companies when Taehyung himself worked as the CEO's personal assistant of a major tech firm. Both of them were unable to attend the reunion and thus Taehyung was giving the details about their whereabouts to you.
You spot Yoongi a second later, striking up a conversation with the DJ of the night, who was doing a lazy job at hyping up the crowd, given the low beat and soft tone of the music he played.
You nonchalantly glide your eyes over the crowd when suddenly Taehyung pauses his ramble causing you to look at him. He donned his boxy grin as his eyes sparkled up with recognition. As you follow his line of sight, you spot your worst nightmare, or maybe your best dream.
Seokjin gracefully strides over to you in his full glory. Wearing a black shirt with a few buttons open at the top, covered by a black blazer, while his shirt was tucked into black slacks which impressively showcased his thighs, he looked like a fucking god. His hair was side parted, one part fell onto his eyes while the other was swept back with the most beautiful mullet. He had let go of a tie and one of his hands was in his pocket while the other held a champagne flute.
Dionysus might have been ashamed of the sight in front of him. Seokjin looked alluring, especially with the alcohol in his hand, he gave a complex to the Greek god himself. His plump, full lips were in a dashing smile as his eyes crinkled at the ends with joy.
As if like a strong gust of wind, all the college days come back to you in a jiffy. You were reminded of the days you both spent sneaking out of your houses to have a walk at the park, the day you both were delighted to know you got in the same college, when you stayed with him at the skating park till nightfall and talked about everything, when you cheered for him from the bleachers during his games, when he comforted you during your first breakup, bringing tubs of your favourite ice cream and watching sappy romance movies with you all night. When you realised you were in love with him, the night of your college fair, everything.
You also remember the days when he tried to talk to you but you merely made an excuse or ran away. You remember how your hangouts and meetings kept on decreasing till they stopped completely. You remember how he still smiled at you whenever you ran into each other and never showcased any annoyance or sourness, you remember it all.
He quickly engulfs Taehyung in a hug as he excitedly shouts his name. You notice how his biceps flex through the blazer as he wraps an arm around Taehyung and quickly pulls your eyes away, gulping down the remainder of your champagne.
You are the next one he will greet, of course. You know he is still a gentleman and that he never stopped considering you as a friend. He lets go of Taehyung and soon speaks.
"Hey man it's been a long time, yeah?"
"Says the man who’s holed up in his office at every opportunity he gets."
"Says the man who works for the CEO but when I ask if he'd like to be CEO, he declines."
"What the fuck does it even mean?"
"CEO you know — C each other."
You could not stop the laughter bubbling in your throat as it came out in a giggle when Taehyung groaned while facepalming himself at Jin's stupid pun.
"Oh my god that was so lame, Jin" he says.
He laughs his legendary laugh as his eyes land on you and not to be dramatic or something, but your breath truly hitches when you see those beautiful orbs stare right into yours. All traces of laughter vanish from his face as a dashing smile takes its place instead.
"Y/N" he breathes out almost in a whisper, while tilting his head a bit so as to truly look at you. He smugly takes your hand in his and leaves a soft kiss on your knuckles as you stare at him in awe, jaw slack due to surprise and a blush creeping up your neck and cheeks at his actions.
"Kim Seokjin at your service, my lady." he says as he bows down gracefully, your hand still in his. You furrow your brows in question at his sudden odd behaviour but still can't stop getting all flustered at it. He notices your state and pulls you in for a hug with the same hand.
The music seemed to have gotten slower and as you crashed against his chest, still in a shock, your senses went into an overdrive. His cologne fills your nose and the hand that finds solace around your waist burns into your skin. Your eyes widen but soon, you relax within his grasp. Trying to calm down your breathing, you cancel out, or try to cancel out your feelings creeping back in your mind. You also try to ignore the erratic beating of his heart, mistaking it as your own.
"Jokes aside, Y/N." he whispers with a laugh and tilts his head down, unconsciously sniffing your hair.
"I've missed you." he mumbles into your hair and you unknowingly wrap your arms around his torso which had been lying limp by your sides.
He missed you.
You realise the meaning of his words, Seokjin has missed you. All this while when you thought that maybe he would have forgotten a girl like you, he says that he never did. But of course again, you guys have always been friends, even though distant after a point. So you try not to overthink his words more and mumble a small 'same' as you detach yourself from him, fighting your heart who wants to stay there forever.
He settles in the space between you and Taehyung and smiles wistfully at the crowd and basically, everything. He looks at you again, with nothing but softness in his eyes.
"It's been so long since we last heard from each other, right?"
"Yeah, it has been."
"I think since graduation?"
Before you can even open your mouth, Taehyung jumps into action.
"What? You both haven't talked since graduation?" his eyes were all owlish and eyebrows knitted in confusion.
"Yes. I tried to find her contacts but was not successful and I asked you once but I guess you forgot? So I didn't pester you more." he says with a light apologetic smile that makes your heart sink.
He had tried to contact you but you hadn't, even though you very much wanted to locate him and run into his arms.
Taehyung reasons his lack of response as his short term memory and thinking he has already replied to the message when in reality, he hasn't and expresses his concerns on technology and it's increasing disadvantages when Seokjin shuts his mouth up and stops the conversation from going further downhill, thanks to him being a Computer Engineer and coming up with advances that made Taehyung go tight lipped at once.
The flow had changed, you were no longer the one they were talking about and you were glad that you were spared from giving a reason for not being communicative with Jin. You try to focus on their conversation but soon zone out when you realise that they are having an argument on who's better, Mario or Luigi.
The moment you are truly pulled back into the conversation is when you felt an arm drape itself around your shoulders and you realised that Jisn was pulling you into him, if only ever so slightly. Your cheeks go pink at his action and you once again hide behind your glass, taking a sip from it casually.
"Taehyung tells me that I am not a crazy Harry Potter fanboy. Y/N, kindly enlighten him." he laughs in his full glory as he brings you a bit forward and looks at Taehyung smugly, as if to tell him he has already lost the debate.
You scoff amusingly at his words and start enthusiastically.
"Oh Tae, you should've seen his bedroom when he was in high school. Completely decorated with Harry Potter posters and a print of the Marauder's Map pinned near his desk. He had almost transformed his bed into the classic four poster gryffindor dorm bed but then thought better."
Taehyung defensively glares at you as Seokjin victoriously smiles at his flustered state.
"But I- umm- I, was right. He is not a fanboy anymore, he is a fanman."
"Oh no." you groan.
"Oh my god that was so lame, Taehyung. Worse than my dad jokes."
"I, for one, second this notion." you say and immediately high five Seokjin as he brings up his hand. He unknowingly flexes his fingers right after he lets go of your touch.
Taehyung whines like a child and stomps his foot.
"Ugh, you guys always gang up against me. I think I'm gonna go find Yoongi." and with that, he leaves the both of you at your own mercy.
Seokjin glances around the whole area and resorts to sipping from his drink as you nervously do the same. You could feel your hands get sweaty and your body on the verge of shivering as you shuddered with the anxiety and awkwardness of being alone with Jin, neither of you speaking a single word. It's as if he sensed your thoughts exactly at that moment and turned to look at you with a lone smile.
"So," he begins,"How have you been?"
"Great, a lil busy but, yeah."
"I sensed you were busy." he chuckles while shaking his head and looking at his feet, your insides aching once more at the sight.
You know why he thinks you were busy. It's because you never sought him out, never tried to find him, never tried to do nothing. Little does he know, it's all you've ever wanted, but the shrivelled up rose in your heart extends its thorns, caging you whole, not allowing you to act on your instincts, but on your overthinking abilities. But now standing face to face, you have to put up a front and answer him.
"Yeah, well. What about you?"
And you both fall back into that silence once again. This time though, it's less unnerving, slightly calming, and a lot suspicious. It feels like the calm before a storm. You don't know yet in what way it will greet you, but you can feel it coming in your bones, anxiously twisting your fingers to try and come up with a conversation starter, when Jin eventually breaks the ice, the storm beginning with a heavy downpour.
"To be honest," he says while leaning back against the bar and cocking his head to look at you, still with softness, grace and adoration, no malice.
"I still don't really understand what happened between us."
Your mind shuts down and goes into an overdrive at the same moment. You knew this question was due some time but you had no idea that time would be so soon. Now that the question lingers in the air, you don't know how to reply to him. You can't let your feelings come to the surface so easily and you definitely can't let him know your childish decision, a result of an immature game. The only resort left is nonsensical, but you go for it anyway.
"What?" you laugh inquisitively, feigning confusion. "What are you talking about?" you ask, putting up your best act.
It's like even after all these years, Seokjin can see right through you and your facade. He shakes his head and lets his hands fall down to his side.
"Don't play coy with me now, Y/N. You know what I'm talking about."
He looks at you expectantly, as if you were going to give him the whole world, which you wish to, but can't. You can't come up with any reasons for your departure from his life. You know he had tried to get you back, but it was you, it had always been you.
"I think we just weren't that good of friends."
He laughs mirthlessly, still not discarding his softness though.
"We were the best."
You indeed were, but these hands of yours had to let him go free or else you would have fallen in a ditch so deep, the hands you held then would have been of no help. He had left a permanent mark on you, glowing in the dark were his words and your memories with him. You were that good with him.
"I had to watch you leave." he says, pausing your thoughts. "Watch you leave me."
He laughs again, but sadly.
A bubble of anger starts rising in your stomach at his statement. He had to watch you leave but shouldn't he have been happy that you left? You mean, you were always the weird one and he is better off without someone like you.
"You were better without someone like me anyways." you mutter the words under your breath, a little too loud though, scared of what might happen if he hears them but still eager to let him hear them.
"Nothing, Jin. Why are we talking about things which happened so long ago?" you laugh it away.
"Because they matter to me." he stands straight now, towering over you handsomely. Exerting a sense of dominance, but softly.
"I don't want to discuss the past right now."
"No. What did you mean by someone like you?"
You groan like a kid.
"Someone like me." you vaguely gesture towards yourself, doing a once over with your hands.
"Huh? Why do you say it as if it's a bad thing to be like you?" he is utterly confused which only confuses you more. Wasn't he the one who had found problems in you? Why is he acting so vague then?
"You tell me."
"Can you stop beating around the bush?" He runs a hand through his hair in utter exasperation and lets it fall limp at his side in a tightly clenched fist.
"Leave it." you say a little too loud so that a few heads turn in your direction.
Seokjin gently takes your wrist in his hand and directs you towards the empty hallway leading towards the exit. He stands in front of you as your back faces the wall, a mere inches away from it, but you stand confidently and he never tries to overpower you.
"I just can't leave it." he gulps and if you didn't know better you'd say he looked nervous.
"Tell me, Y/N. What happened?"
The memory of that day still stings you painfully. It's not in your best interests to recall it, especially in front of the person who stars in it. You close your eyes and laugh mirthlessly. It's an irony that he has to be the one to ask this question and not the other way around. So, you dare to say the truth after all.
"Oh I'm sorry. I meant to say 'someone like her'" you make air quotes around and open your eyes just in time to catch his face, drained of all colour and eyes as wide as possible.
His lower lip quivers and he takes a step back in mock defence, the stance taking you back to the day when he was asked the dreadful question, poised similarly, in shock and ever ready to defence. It's just a second's difference then, that you find his eyes have glossed slightly, and he tries to not catch your eye.
"You- you, I- how do you know that?"
"I was there, Seokjin."
You smirk mockingly and look up at him. His eyes are blown out as you stare at him, holding your gaze for a long time before breaking a little.
"Me and Heejin, we were in the gym that day."
You render him speechless, thus continuing with your revelation.
"She wanted to sneak up on Jiyoung, when we - " you gulp and look away from him.
"When we caught up on your little game and it was your turn."
"And you-"
"I did. I heard your answer."
Your heart is already racing at a million miles an hour and the speed threatens to increase itself when you look at him. He is on the verge of tears, truly shaking. Embarrassment flows through him as he refuses to meet your eyes. You feel your heart break and you almost extend your hand to him, to hold him.
"I, I am sorry, Y/N." he finally steadies himself and reciprocates your gaze. "I didn't mean it."
"You mean, you wanted to fuck me?"
"That was a shitty question which I didn't want to answer, but was compelled to."
You notice how he doesn't deny your assumption but you keep it to yourself, after all, it's time you know the truth behind the words he had dared to speak out loud.
"So, you said the truth, right?"
"Why would I think of you with contempt, Y/N?" he fists his hair and pleads to you with his eyes.
"I don't know, you tell me."
He takes a deep breath and sombers up his expression, still showcasing guilt and embarrassment.
"I was a young, immature, frat boy, then. You know how it works. The boys in my team considered themselves to have a certain standard that everyone had to match. I needed them to be in my favour, I was the captain. So I panicked when Woomin asked the question and replied what would have been in their best interests."
"In their best interests? What do you mean?"
You hold your breath for what's to come next as you can visibly see Seokjin tremble in front of you, contemplating giving you the answer or against it.
"Seokjin." you whisper slowly, and nod your head.
He exhales shakily and takes one of your hands in his. He starts speaking while looking down at your hands and rubbing circles on the back of it, soothingly.
"They didn't like you. Always ridiculed me for being friends with you. I ignored them most of the time as my attempts to change their thoughts had failed, miserably. That day," he sniffs and you look up to see a lone tear threatening to fall out of his eyes and mark his sadness, "I tried to dismiss them at first. But when I had no other option left, I had to say what I thought they would agree with."
You unconsciously grip his hand tighter at that and he looks up at you.
"That was the stupidest, shittiest move I had ever made and I still regret it. But you know they say, college is the place where your minds are the most indecisive. Mine was. And I came under the decisions of my peers. I am sorry."
You don't even know how to react to him, or how to conceive his words peacefully. The fog was clearing out each passing second but he still stood amongst its core, trying to shout for you, waving his hands around to lessen the mist. You open your mouth and close it again, wordlessly. Gulping audibly, you still don't retrieve your hand from his.
"You could've said anything else."
"I know." he squeezes your hand.
He doesn't say sorry once again, as he knows it's pointless. He now takes your other hand in his free hand.
"Y/N, please understand. I would never, even in my wildest dreams, have thought those things about you. Never."
You laugh and look at him now shedding tears. He was crying and you had not broken yet. You mindlessly free one of your hands from his grip and bring it up to his cheek, wiping away the stray tear. You realise your action and go to take your hand back when he keeps his palm over yours, holding your hand right there.
You stare at him wide eyed as he softly leans into your touch, relaxing at it. His eyes are pleading with you, asking you to understand him. He was driven by peer pressure. You could see the disgust written all over his teammates face at your mention, then. Of course, you had forgiven him a long time ago, when you were no longer an immature college student. But watching him plead for forgiveness so earnestly stirs your heart.
"Jinnie," his face lights up at the nickname you've called him by since your childhood,"I get it. It was childish of me for running away from you due to this reason, I am sorry. I, I just couldn't face you after knowing you thought of me with such contempt. It was," you look away and stare at the thin glitter lining on his suit, mumbling your next words almost quietly,"heartbreaking."
"Y/N, look at me."
You look at him and your world shifts. He is staring at you with tears, adoration, love and a fading loneliness. Your past swims in them and they crinkle to form his handsome smile when he looks down at you.
"Keep your heart breakable, but never by the same hand twice. I don't want to be the same hand again. I promise, I will never break your heart."
You smile at his words and rub your thumb over his cheek.
"I won't break your heart either, ever."
These words felt so intimate, you didn't know what he was thinking of. Your words were the result of your evergreen love for him, his words, maybe not?
"I tried to get you back, but failed."
Ah, yes. The time you avoided him like the plague.
"I was scared of many things, to be honest. Almost all of them were me and my mind thinking the worst case scenario and dwelling over it. I needed to be away from you. It has helped me, broke me, healed me, but with scars."
His eyebrows form a crease.
"I don't understand."his voice breaks.
"I - " you shake your head and close your mouth. You can't tell him that you love him. If you do so, this time he'll be the one to run away.
He lifts your chin up delicately. He was crying. Not in the way that only some tears marked his beautiful face, but in a way that made it hard for him to breathe. He leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, letting the tears fall down steadily and you immediately intertwine your fingers with his.
"I was a mess when you stopped smiling at me. I was a mess when you stopped talking to me. After college I tried again, but was never able to reach out to you." He laughs,"I guess, I was scared too. Scared of you not acknowledging me once again and me going into the wallowing state. Though, I never left it. Maybe because I know that I still, I," he pauses and gulps audibly.
"I love you, Y/N."
What the actual fuck?
He loves you? The man you have loved your whole life loves you? Your jaw drops to the floor and you search his eyes for some kind of joke but all that stares back at you is love. He closes them and that's when you realise he might be waiting for some kind of reaction from you.
"Wha- you- how…you love me?"
"Always have."
He renders you speechless, all you could do is stare at him wide eyed. His confession stirred your insides to an extent that it was hard for you to stand up straight, or process the happenings around you.
"I loved you but didn't want anyone to know about it, as i was scared. That you'd run away from me, that I'll lose you. Well, for my bad luck, it did happen eventually." he chuckles sadly and continues.
"But I can't afford to lose you again."
Your face lights up with joy and contentment at his words and you finally let out a sigh of relief. Atlast, your question of years has been answered. The fog has cleared and you see yourself standing with him, position same as that of now, except none of you are crying. You know it's finally the time you let out the words you've been meaning to tell him since years.
"I love you too, Jin." you mumble so quietly he might have almost missed it if not for his attentive listening when it comes to you.
"You, you do?" He looks so happy and expectant.
"It was the main reason why I had to go away from you, to get over you."
"Oh my god, we were idiots."
He pulls you flush against his chest and hugs you tightly while kissing the top of your head.
"Not anymore though." you mumble into his chest and you swear you could hear, rather than see his smile. Pulling away from him, for a second only, you wrap your hands around his neck and stand on your tiptoes, your lips hovering over his.
"Kiss me, Y/N. Please."
And you press your lips to his.
He takes no time in kissing you back, moving his lips against yours slowly as you sigh into the kiss. Sparks fly around you and you melt into him immediately. His lips are soft, just as you had dreamt of so many times. And they taste sweet, just like you had expected them to. Your senses go into an overdrive and you start moving your jaw against his with increased vigour. He senses it almost immediately and presses himself to you as your back hits the wall. His tongue glides across your bottom lip and you give him access to your mouth, tasting his mouth for the first time, ferevering the sweet taste and —
"I always knew you both would end up together. Oh my god."
You both break away from the kiss and snap your heads towards the source of the voice at the same time.
Taehyung was standing there with a hand grasped over his heart, to feign adoration and surprise. You can feel a shy smile creeping up on your lips as you look away from him.
"Go away, Tae." Seokjin grumbles at him playfully.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Carry on, lovebirds." he giggles like a schoolgirl and disappears as quickly as he had appeared.
You and Seokjin look at each other for a hot second after his departure before breaking into laughter. You clutch at his biceps and he holds your waist as you both keep on laughing heartily. None of you know why you are laughing. Maybe it was because of the encounter with Taehyung, maybe it was because of the irony at how things had turned out, or maybe it was because you both were finally so happy you couldn't control it.
Happy tears well up in your eyes and your chest and stomach start aching by the intensity of your joy.
"My lungs are aching, oh god. I need to stop laughing." You say, while laughing.
"Well I think then we truly do be-lung with each other."
And, you laugh again. This time it goes on and on while you look at each other, full of love, adoration, respect and promises.
After all, you both had dared to tell the truth and are now revelling in its bliss.
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taglist : @nuniah @kittykooyoongi @highly-functioning-mitochondria @jeonkookiesworld @haliiimede @jjkeverlast @aliimac (if the tag doesn't work then please note that I wasn't able to tag you)
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© sugarwithtea. all works belong to me. do not repost without permission.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Feel free to ignore if it's not interesting for you, but since you're into kpop (at least a little?) are there any idols you wish you could see in a BL? Putting aside the reality that no decently famous (male) idol Would Ever of course. I dont even know anything about him besides his name but every time i see Jay from enhypen my brain immediately starts trying to cast him as like an arthit-esq BL character
You are going to get me into trouble. 
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Top 10 Kpop Idol BL Fantasy Cast List
FANTASY people, this is not like likely to happen. I'm being ridiculous.
Jinyoung (GOT7) - my original bias, he got me from Kpop into Kdramas. I mean Devil Judge was close but, yeah. My number 1 pick without question.
Eunwoo (Astro) - who wouldn't want to watch the hottest man in the world kiss a boy?
Rowoon (SF9) - I love his ultra soft screen presence and I already watch everything he’s in. 
IM (Monsta X) - my bias, he's such a snarky shit and I love his pointy evil cat face, I think he'd be a GREAT tsundere character. 
Jungwon (Enhyphen) - what can I say I have a thing about cat-like humans, also so flipping adorable. 
Felix (Stray Kids) - of course it has to be him, I mean it probably could be Hyunjin but I highly doubt that boy can act. 
Seonghwa (Ateez) - he’s just so beautiful, but also I think Yunho is a pretty darn good actor, so he’s my second choice. 
Yuta (NCT) - I mean, come on, no question, there is a part of me that expects him to do like the next version of Old Fashion Cupcake in a decade or so after NCT disbands and he returns to Japan (baring a burn away). 
Johnny (NCT) - tall and flexible? What’s not to want on screen? He’d be a great cheeky flirty seme character. 
Jungwoo (NCT) - he looks like Taemin and he is possibly one of the prettiest drags I have ever seen, not sure he can act tho. (I'd put Taemin on this list but we all know he actually can't act, so... no.)
Sadly my ultimate bias Minhyuk of BTOB = also not a good actor. *tear*
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Despite their dominance of the list, I am not a huge NCT fan but their selection/casting process apparently was the qualifier: “perfect for a BL.” There are several more in the supergroup that clearly would be great.  
I’m certainly missing some but I went with only major groups or existing actors or both. 
Oh and as I was reminded in the comments:
Sunghoon from Enhypen is obviously going to co star in the live action Yuri on Ice. Obviously. I brook no arguments on this matter. 
Actual Kpop idols in BLs list is here.
BLs as k-pop groups
My K-pop Allegiance chart
I considered doing a proper post, but I think just a list is good enough. Don't tell the Kpop crazies, okay?
Speaking of, don’t follow me for Kpop content. This post and that list and a few others are all I’ve done. I love Kpop but this is not a blog about Kpop. 
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