#also kojiro would be all for it but kaoru would have to be convinced and i will take no further questions on that at this time 😵‍💫
bakubunny · 4 months
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it’s inevitable that i’m gonna start screeching abt discussing oral fixation again soon. not sure which idea i’ll rot on first but stay tuned ig.
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vampyrsutton · 1 year
You Look Obscene
In which Joe is massive and Cherry is very gay.
Ao3 Tags:
Size Difference, Size Kink, Confessions, Drunken Confessions, Drunken Handjob, Strength Kink, Hair-pulling, Dirty Talk, A Male Karen, Degradation, Praise Kink, Author Did Research And Math For An Unimportant Price, Hand Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Office Sex, Bisexual Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Getting Together, Disasters the both of them, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe Has a Big Dick, Protective Nanjo Kojiro | Joe
Day 3 of MatchaBlossom Week 2023!
Prompt: Confessions NSFW Prompt: Size Difference
All of these words could be used to describe Kojirō even as far back as high school when he had to hunch to throw his arm over Kaoru's shoulder and he'd only grown more since.
All of these words can be used to describe Kojirō, sure, but every single one can also be used to explain why Kaoru has been losing his mind for years.
As if sensing his inner turmoil, a large hand cups his shoulder before a smooth voice properly announces the owner.
"What's wrong, princess? The linguine not to your liking?" Kojirō teases while Kaoru's client is in the restroom.
Kaoru narrows his eyes to glare at him, embarrassed to have been caught glaring at his lunch, but in his defense, Kojirō's uniform was getting far too tight for Kaoru's sanity again and he was pretty sure he saw the chest button straining when the chef put his food in front of him.
'Dammit.' Kaoru scoffs to himself, moving his napkin to his lap to protect his clothes from the sauce. Definitely only to protect his clothes.
"It's acceptable." He deigns to answer. "Don't you have a restaurant to tend to, gorilla?"
"Checking on my customers is part of that, dick." Kojirō scoffs right back, setting a wine bottle down that they both know Kaoru likes. "He's on the phone bragging about how to con you, by the way."
Kaoru's eye twitches as he pours a drink. "Do you still have cameras over there?"
"Ida needed away from people for a bit. He's backing up the video and copying a transcript as we speak." Kojirō nods as he returns behind the counter.
"Excellent." Kaoru nods in return, schooling his expression back to professional calm when he notices the slime ball returning. "Sometimes I miss the days of swinging when people cross us." He hums into his glass so only Kojirō can hear, smirking a little when he hears the bigger man snort.
"Oh, get a bottle of wine did we?" The sleaze laughs good-naturedly.
"Consider it a loyalty reward." Kojirō hums as he returns to some prep work. "If there's one thing this establishment values, it's loyalty."
It sounds like it's being said as a company motto, but Kaoru can see the threat in red eyes.
"Don't we all?" The client laughs like he's not guilty. It would almost be convincing if Kaoru hadn't spent so much time around Adam and could spot the various twitches across his face that spoke of lies.
Business continues as usual for a while, but Kaoru notices Kojirō tuning back in as things start approaching the subject of pricing.
"For something of this size and stylizing, we'd be close to…" Kaoru hums as Carla beeps on his wrist before answering for him.
{That would be 5,741,800 yen exactly, master.}
"Thank you, Carla." Kaoru smiles softly before looking back at the client. "There you have it. Shall I have Carla send over the contract then?"
"Almost 6 million, huh? Come now, surely that's a little outrageous for some fancy writing, right?" The idiot has the audacity to laugh like anyone will join him. The unamused looks from Kojirō and Kaoru quickly make him cut it off with a cough. "Come on, you can't be serious?"
"Very." Kaoru hums, taking a sip of his wine. "I can give you a breakdown if you'd like. I know how horribly the school system fails us in terms of the arts so maybe you're just not aware of the amount of time, supplies, money, and skill level needed for some fancy writing so I'm sure you're just unaware."
How the sarcasm in his voice is undetectable to everyone but him, Kojirō will never understand.
"No, no, I'm well aware it's just…" The client frowns, obviously fishing for a new line of thought that won't offend the calligrapher. Somehow he lands on a flirty smile that makes bile rise in Kaoru's throat and, unbeknownst to him, makes Kojirō's hackles rise. "Surely we can come to an agreement."
It takes all of Kaoru's self-control to not sneer as he slyly shifts away from the hand that tries to touch his arm. He carefully locks eyes with Kojirō who nods. Good, the security cameras will catch everything along with the mics at tables. There was a reason this restaurant was frequented for fair business and first dates. Hard to deny being a bastard when it's there on camera.
"Are you by chance propositioning me, Tsubaki-san?" Kaoru asks evenly. "I hope you don't think so lowly of me as to think I'd sell my services for a fling."
"Not at all, Sakurayashiki-san. I assure you, I suggest it with the utmost respect for you as a person, and if it happens to lower the price…" The client shrugs, smile just as sleazy as the rest of him.
Kaoru feels sick.
"No." He says simply, putting his glass to the size in preparation for conflict, dabbing his mouth with his napkin.
"Excuse me?" Tsubaki-san scoffs like he's never been denied before. To be fair, he probably hasn't. He is of similar social status to Adam after all. Part of his attempts to make amends after the beef with Snow.
He was definitely going to need to try harder if this is what he was sending him.
"I said no, Tsubaki-san." Kaoru sighs as he puts his napkin down. "I value my work and myself as a person far too much to stoop to whoring myself out for jobs, and have too long of a wait list to even need to so the price stands." Sharp gold eyes meet insulted and utterly dull brown. "I would have offered a payment plan if it's not something you can afford right away, but that offer is now off the table."
Kaoru gets to watch a vein strain in the businessman's neck even as he tries to feign continued humor. "Oh, come on, it was just a joke." He tries to laugh, though it sounds strained. "Don't be such a prude."
Kaoru's eye twitches. "I can assure you that that is also not the problem." His eyes rake over an ill-fitting suit and limbs that haven't seen physical activity since it was mandated in school. He's pretty sure he can see a gut forming and there's definitely a bald spot starting. Not to mention the man being a good ten or fifteen years older. "Though you are far from my type."
Kaoru takes silent delight in Tsubaki-san's attempts not to seethe.
He does not succeed.
"Tsk. Like you could do better." Tsubaki scoffs in common wounded pride fashion as he picks at his food.
Kaoru tries to keep the heat from his face when letting his eyes flick to Kojirō locks their eyes for a split second before gold returns to his wine glass instead. "I assure you, I can. Now about the price. Would you like to continue, or should I inform Adam this was a waste of time, and call upon the next person on my list? What you're not willing to pay, someone else is."
He can practically hear Tsubaki-san's teeth grinding. "So, you'll put it out for a bottle of wine, but not a few thousand lousy yen, huh?"
Kaoru's brow scrunches in confusion now. "What on Earth are you talking about?"
The social niceties must have worn off because Tsubaki-san sneers. "Oh, please. You and the chef there were practically eye fucking each other when I can back from the restroom. And he's been staring at us whenever you're not looking. Why else would he be hovering so much if not for his boy toy getting attention from someone who could probably buy and sell both of you in an hour and have more than enough to spare."
Kaoru's nose scrunches too. "Utterly ridiculous. Both your assumption regarding the chef and I and the fact that if you could supposedly do that, you wouldn't need to try to haggle or proposition me in the first place." Kaoru brings his wrist up now. "We're done here. Carla, text Ada-"
"Oh no you don't bit-"
"Oi!" The restaurant freezes save for the staff and regulars, both quite used to Kojirō speaking up if things start going sour. "Touch him and the police will be the last of your worries, buddy."
Tsubaki-san's face twists in an absolutely lecherous grin as he turns to Kojirō like he's won. "What's this, is the lowly kitchen staff threatening me? Do you know who I am? I can do as I want, thank you, and right now," he doesn't notice Kaoru adjusting to be more in line with the cameras when he goes to grab him again with a mean grip, "I have to remind an artist or their place in the social food chain." 
"Don't touch me, you oaf!" Kaoru yells a bit louder than necessary just to get witnesses and makes a show of struggling. The asshole does have a pretty good hold, but Kaoru spent his teenage years a delinquent and never truly grew out of it. He just needs it to turn into self-defense.
Kojirō knows this, of course, it's the only reason he hasn't launched across the counter yet, knowing Kaoru can handle himself. He still has his pride, however. "First of all, it's my restaurant, douche. Secondly, I'm not doing too bad myself money-wise. And lastly," a smirk this time, "it's not me you need to worry about." 
Tsubaki just screws his face up in confusion before scoffing. "What? This scrawny thing? You expect me to believe that? Ha!" He's enough of a fool to laugh. "Fat chance. Now apologize for being so rude, and maybe I won't ruin your business." 
A pink eyebrow just inches into equally pink bangs even as he 'struggles'. "Let. Go." 
Whatever Kaoru mutters, it's too quiet for Kojirō to hear, but next thing he knows, Tsubaki is losing his cool and winding up to swing, a phone camera is going off, and Kaoru is using his hair to hide his smirk before he has Tsubaki stumbling back into Kojirō's waiting hands to be carried out of the restaurant. 
"I warned you, Tsubaki Orihara." Kojirō hums loud enough for people to hear and recognize the name. He hides his smirk when he sees fingers flying across keyboards. Between the internet and Adam, this man just ruined his career. 
"Put me down, you caveman!" The businessman shouts as he's evicted like he weighs nothing. 
"If you insist," Kojirō smirks before the douche is tossed outside cartoon style. "We have cameras and mics, by the way. Have fun dealing with the fallout." He says with his best customer service smile before shutting the door in his shocked face. 
Heading back to the counter is a chorus of reassuring customers that everything was fine, regulars that Kaoru was okay, and making sure staff remembered protocol for slimy guests. By the time he returned, Kaoru was the picture of prim and proper and just getting off the phone with Adam. 
"All good?" Kojirō asks as he slides back behind the counter. 
"He wants the footage." Kaoru sighs. "Apparently being worthy of being played with grants certain protections so his career is probably over." 
Kojirō nods, shooting a text with Adam's email to Ida in the back, knowing the poor kid isn't ready to talk yet. "Charming. Didn't think you'd ever accept his help again."
"You saw how the idiot reacted." Kaoru sneers as he pulls the wine close once more. "No one's ever told him no before, but he's known for working with local artists. Who knows how many times he's gotten away with it because people were afraid to stand up for themselves." 
Kojirō grimaces at the thought. "Yeah, fuck that guy." He agrees before glancing at Kaoru. "And you?" 
Kaoru just shrugs. "What's the saying? Beauty is pain? I'm used to it, but so long as there are cameras, I never put up with it." 
A fond smile tries to twitch onto Kojirō's lips, but he restrains himself. "Good thing the law can affect you more now, huh?" 
Kaoru glares into his wine as he takes a drink. "Unfortunately." 
Kojirō just snorts, shaking his head. "Well, you can work here for a bit if you want, make sure the douche isn't waiting or anything. Just let one of us know if you need something. I gotta make sure the customers aren't too shaken, ya know?"
"It's your restaurant." Kaoru huffs, reaching around the counter to retrieve his laptop, and returns to his seat to review emails and set up another appointment from the previously mentioned waiting list.
Between casual conversation with staff on their breaks and arguing with Adam over the severity of the ex-client's downfall, Kaoru honestly doesn't notice closing time approach until Kojirō starts helping Ida collect tableware and Kaoru looks around to an almost entirely empty restaurant save for people waiting for their rideshares.
"If you wait around, I can bring out a fresh bottle while we laugh at the footage." Kojirō offers as he clears Kaoru's silverware.
Kaoru allows a small smirk as he finishes up his email. "That doesn't sound too horrible."
"You always did like laughing at assholes' misery." Kojirō snickers. "Let me get the kids sent home, and I'll be back. You know where the office is."
"We're adults, too!" Maka calls from the back.
"You're younger than me and under my payroll!" Kojirō calls right back, tossing Kaoru the office key which he easily catches.
Kaoru gathers his things and heads to the back, tucking hair behind his ear as he logs in using the same password Kojirō's had since high school. He, as usual, ignores the hope that it being his name and birthday means anything. By the time Kojirō joins him with a bottle, Kaoru is already reclined comfortably in one of the armchairs, rewatching a few clips.
"So, you were watching, huh?" Kaoru notes, not taking his eyes off the screen.
"Keeping an eye on my customers is kind of my job." Kojirō shrugs before smirking. "Even if they are prickly assholes."
"Shut up, gorilla." Kaoru huffs. "You're not watching any of the other patrons the entire time that idiot is here."
Only through years of pining does Kaoru notice the slight tremble and too-tight grip on the bottle as Kojirō pours them each a glass.
"He seemed especially bad?" Kojirō tries laughing it off but Kaoru is still looking at the video feed and he knows that look.
"Hmm. Well if looks could kill." Kaoru shrugs, grabbing his glass and wondering if this will be the bottle that finally gives him strength.
"Whatever, just scoot over. I wanna watch you sock him again." Kojirō huffs, bumping Kaoru with his hip and actually moving the chair from that alone.
Kaoru is brought back to his earlier issue when he looks up to glare at him and finds himself at eye level with that damn straining button. "Don't you have any shirts that actually fit, you meathead?" He snips, taking a sip of his whine.
Kojirō looks at him in confusion before having the audacity to look embarrassed when he looks down. "I didn't even notice, honestly."
"How do you not notice? A light draft or a sneeze is going to take someone's eye out." Kaoru scoffs, throwing Kojirō's S jacket at him. "Cover up, you look obscene."
"Because completely topless is so much better." Kojirō snorts even as he obeys.
'For my sanity? Absolutely.' Kaoru internally groans before looking at the screen. As though both reading his mind and mocking him at the same time, the video is replaying Kojirō picking the buffoon up to throw him out, and damn these good cameras, he can see muscles tensing under that stupidly tight shirt and Kaoru knows Kojirō wouldn't even break a sweat doing the same to him.
He really wants him to.
Watching the footage, Kaoru is struck with just how small he'd look too. There is only 4 cm between them, but Kojirō makes it seem like so much more, and being a wall of muscle certainly doesn't help.
God, he hopes this is the bottle that gives him strength.
It's not, but Kaoru noticed something in the background which starts a drinking game with the day's footage and they've definitely been far drunker around each other, but something about the day has Kaoru crowding Kojirō's space to argue with him as he pokes one of those stupidly big pecs with a dainty finger to make his point.
"She is obviously texting friends to make fun of him. Are you blind or did you trade your brain cells for stupidly big muscles and oh my god why are you so big?" Kaoru scoffs, glaring daggers at the overly amused gorilla. He doesn't notice that he's resting his hand on the same pec he was just insulting.
"Okay, pinky. I think you've had enough." Kojirō laughs as he takes Kaoru's glass away from him and sets it on the table. "Fine, you can win. Now stop stabbing me with your toothpicks."
Kaoru puffs out his cheeks, poking the pec again just to be an ass. "I have plenty of muscle, thank you. Not everyone can be a wall of muscle capable of breaking backs without breaking a sweat. You could bend me in half without batting an eye, couldn't you?"
Kojirō's eyes widen and his cheeks color at the double meaning, silently grateful for his tan complexion hiding it. "You- like in a fight?"
Kaoru blinks at him slowly before deciding to take a chance. "What if I said no?"
The tan complexion can no longer hide the flush coloring Kojirō cheeks as he sputters. "You mean…?"
"Sex, Kojirō. I mean sex." Kaoru answers evenly, though Kojirō can tell he's ready to bolt at a second's notice.
Kojirō blinks slowly before running a hand down his face. "Please, Kaoru. Please tell me this isn't the alcohol talking. I won't be able to handle it if it is…and not just a quick fuck either."
There's a thoughtful hum and opening his eyes reveals to him Kaoru's face painted a pretty pink. "It was that simple, huh?"
Kojirō blinks again, hand lowering to look at Kaoru properly. "Huh?"
"Let me repeat an earlier statement," Kaoru smirks, using the wine in his system to crow Kojirō further. "You could bend me in half."
Another shocked blink before the two explode in a whirlwind of two decades worth of unresolved tension with their lips colliding and clothes flying in random directions. Kojirō has the brain power to at least turn off the back office camera before he hikes slim legs around strong hips and crowds his comparatively tiny childhood friend against the wall to kiss him until they're breathless.
"I-" Kojirō pants into Kaoru's mouth when they finally separate for air. "-have been wanting to do that since we were at least 15." He admits, laughing breathlessly at how a weight seems to lift from his chest with the confession.
"Why didn't you?" Kaoru pants, nipping at Kojirō's bottom lip as though in punishment.
"Uno reverse, four eyes." Kojirō snickers though the sound is cut short by a low groan when Kaoru bites his neck in retaliation. "Fuck~"
"You saw what state Adam left me in." Kaoru huffs, groaning when the bite makes Kojirō's hips jerk, and grinds his already half-hard, still boxer-covered cock against Kaoru's ass. "Shit."
"Even more reason. Didn't want-" Kojirō curses when Kaoru grinds down on him. "Shit. Didn't want to pressure you."
"I'm an adult, you stupid gorilla." Kaoru scoffs as he tries to use the heels of his feet to start pushing Kojirō's boxers down. He's not very successful at this angle, but he hopes it gets his point across.
"You were a devastated kid." Kojirō corrects, adjusting his hold to give Kaoru what he wants.
"So you whored yourself out instead of making a move." It's not a question.
"You always were too smart for me." Kojirō chuckles self-deprecatingly.
"Hmm." Kaoru hums, not feeling a quip is needed this time as he tangles his fingers in soft green waves to restart the kiss that their need for air so rudely disrupted. "Guess we need to make up for lost time."
Kojirō grins into the kiss. "Pretty sure someone wanted bent in half."
"Still stands," Kaoru smirks, biting Kojirō's lip meanly just to rile him up. "Now get on with it. There has to be a condom and lube in that tacky ass S jacket."
"Here in my office? Really?" Kojirō chuckles, already leaning over to where the jacket was thrown to rifle through the pockets. "Don't want the princess treatment darling?"
"I'm taking over if you even try." Kaoru growls before yelping when a big hand smacks his ass and holy shit one of those would cover an entire cheek wouldn't it? He glares between his legs in betrayal when his dick twitches at the thought.
"Liked that, huh?" Kojirō smirks as he uses his hips to hold Kaoru up so he can get the lube open. "Well despite my whoring as you so eloquently put it, I've been waiting a little over a decade, our first time isn't going to be against the wall in my office."
"Why the he-"
"But I will still help get this out of your system so I can get you home and take care of you properly," Kojirō assures with teasing eyes. "And I'll be using the stupid muscles you were so stuck on to do it."
Kaoru groans, letting his head thump against a broad shoulder and thanking the gods he was still flexible. "Wasn't just the muscles." His alcohol-riddled brain decides is important information, much to his mortification.
"Oh?" The amusement is obvious in Kojirō's voice. "What else could it be then?"
Kaoru feels his blush creeping down his neck and he squirms in discomfort at the thought of saying it out loud. Unfortunately, given their current position and lack of clothes, this grinds Kojirō's now fully hard dick between his cheeks and his eyes widen in shock. His gasped, "Big," just so happens to answer Kojirō's question as well.
"Hmm? Like being small then?" Kojirō hums, running his fingers through long pink hair as Kaoru nods. "I can work with that."
Kaoru opens his mouth to try to save his pride before yelping when the angle suddenly changes and he's being held up by tree trunk thighs and caged in by massive arms. Everywhere he looks is Kojirō and looking up into heated red eyes makes the flush travel down his chest now before he looks down and ends up throwing his head back with a groan.
Kaoru wasn't exactly huge, but he was at least a little above average.
Kojirō though?
Made Kaoru look tiny in comparison and a part of him was now grateful they wouldn't be trying to fit that in him with pocket lube. How Kojirō had so many casual flings was officially beyond Kaoru actually.
Strong obliques flex under Kaoru's thighs as Kojirō chuckles. "Understand now, sweetheart?"
Kaoru does, but at the same time, just wants it in him even more now. "Get on with it so we can get to yours."
Kojirō snorts, shaking his head. "As impatient as ever." He teases despite bringing his hands down to pour lube in one hand before tossing the bottle to the side and returning the clean hand to the wall to continue caging the smaller skater in. "What would you do if I decided to edge you?"
Kaoru glares but smirks a little as he brings his hands up to large pecs, running over them before positioning his thumb and pointer fingers over dark nipples threateningly. "These still sensitive?"
Red eyes widen and he lets out an awkward laugh. "Point taken." He decides, hoping the angle hides how red his ears are.
It doesn't.
A pink eyebrow creeps up into pink bangs before the smirk grows and Kaoru pinches one.
Watching Kojirō's face twist in pained pleasure is a sight that he will definitely be taking to bed in the future.
"Oh." Kaoru hums, amused by his new discovery.
Kojirō just tangles his clean hand in pink hair to pull Kaoru into another messy kiss in hopes of distracting him from his new discovery. He's more than happy to explore that later, but not tight here.
Thankfully, the kiss fulfills its purpose as Kaoru lets out a breathy moan, short nails biting into tanned flesh in an attempt to ground himself before he's moaning louder when Kojirō's big hand wraps around them both .
Oh god, he's wrapped around them both.
"Kojirō~" Kaoru moans lewdly, head thumping against the wall even as his eyes stay locked on their cocks being enveloped in Kojirō's warm hand and god Kaoru's looks tiny in comparison.
"Shit, Kaoru, look at you." Kojirō groans, head resting against the wall above Kaoru's head even as his eyes remain locked on the same location. "Cute."
Whether Kojirō is talking about him or his dick, Kaoru doesn't know, but his face flames red in embarrassment either way. "Shut-mmmn-up!"
"Even your sounds. God, I should have done this years ago. You look so pretty like this, baby. So cute and small. Have you always been this light?" Kojirō teases, feeling Kaoru's legs tighten around him as though trying to close. They have no chance of doing so, of course. Not when Kojirō's wide frame is better than any spreader bar.
"Kojirō…shit!" Kaoru hisses, hands flying up to wrap over Kojirō's shoulders now before whimpering when Kojirō pulls him into another kiss that almost distracts him from the heat building between his legs until Kojirō swipes over his tip and he realizes he barely reaches the crown of Kojirō's cock in terms of length. 
It's honestly embarrassing how fast it starts bringing him to the edge and Kojirō's words don't help.
"So small, baby. Such a cute little cock." Kojirō near growls. "My whole hand can probably fit around it."
Kaoru whines, tangling fingers in green hair to pull Kojirō back into a kiss for no other reason than to hide his embarrassment.
He can feel the bastard smirking.
Why does it make it hotter?
"Fu-Kojirō!" Kaoru moans, head falling back again when Kojirō flicks his wrist and does something with his thumb that makes him see stars. "Please!"
"You close, baby?" Kojirō purrs into a heat-flushed ear. "So soon? You like feeling tiny this much?"
Kaoru tries to keep his mouth shut, shaking his head in denial, but Kojirō's hand slowing down quickly changes his tune. "Yes! Fuck! Yes, I do, now please ?"
Kojirō curses, not expecting it to be that easy, but not complaining as his hand speeds back up and he moves his thigh just right to stimulate Kaoru's balls as he leans back to watch when Kaoru tenses and cries out.
The sight is breathtaking.
Ruffled pink hair, flushed pink cheeks, eyes squeezed tight in pleasure as pretty pink lips fall open.
Fuck, how did he wait this long?
Kojirō groans, hand speeding up as he switches to getting himself off, Kaoru's dick still in hand to work him through the aftershocks.
Kojirō curses as Kaoru starts whimpering in overstimulation. "Close, baby. Almost-…Fuck!"
He can hear Kaoru grumbling behind him as he paints pale skin even paler, but it feels too good to stop, hips rutting as he works himself through. Glancing down reveals that he managed to reach Kaoru's chin but glaring gold eyes bring him back enough to help Kaoru back to his feet, pulling him into a much softer kiss once he's steady.
"Fuck, Kaoru." Kojirō mumbles. "You were perfect."
"Mmm." Kaoru hums, smirking lightly. "You were acceptable." Gold eyes shine with mischief when Kojirō pulls back in offense. "Care to improve your review?"
Kojirō snorts, smirking wickedly as he pulls him back in. "Grab your clothes, asshole. I'll drive."
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
his delinquent phase ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki // cherry blossom
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navigation | music
➣ genre: fluff
➣ warnings: adam’s existence 
➣ request: can i request a one shot where you’re cherrys s/o and like childhood best friends with joe and cherry and adam and you’re gushing over cherrys old bad boy look with piercings and everuthing and cherry one day goes to S with his piercings and hair the same way as before just to see you fawn over him skjfks
➣ a/n: this took me three times to type up because the first two times i did it, tumblr thought it would be funny to delete it. i’m not sure if i love how this came out, but it’s still better than my original plan. hopefully this was correct to what the anon requested. enjoy!
ps: i’m also going to be going on a trip for four days tomorrow, so i’m not sure if i’ll be able to post. i’ll definitely try to start working on my other requests!
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You had known Joe, Cherry, and Adam ever since the four of you were in high school. Out of the three, you had met Joe, first, not soon before you met Cherry.
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You were walking down the eventful streets of Okinawa, admiring the sights and getting accustomed with the area. You had moved to the city not too long ago and already were growing attached to the place. In your defense, the city was your perfect and desired location to live in. 
A gentle breeze blew through your hair, rustling the leaves of the green trees. You sighed at the feeling of the cool breeze tickling your warm skin. Not long after that breeze had gone, another, harsher breeze blew past you. You flinched at the abnormally sharp wind, snapping your head to the side, in its direction. You were met with honey red eyes and short, green locks, swaying. 
The male slips past you, stopping abruptly.
“Sorry about that,” he smiled, embarrassed, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You were in awe, seeing what the boy was standing on, and on alert because you had always been taught to be cautious around strangers, especially when you were walking alone. 
“Um, no. I’m alright, just shocked,” you shrugged, replying quietly.
Another harsh, but gentler than before, wind blows past you, revealing a pink-haired male. He had three piercings on his ear and one on his lip. Half of the boy’s face was hidden by his long bangs, allowing your focus to lock on his golden eye.
“Watch where you’re going,” he snaps at his green-haired friend. “Sorry about him,” he apologizes, giving you a polite smile.
All the sirens were going off in your head.
He has so many piercings! Is he a delinquent? Are both of them delinquents? If they are, I can’t fight them off on my own. What do I do?
“I’m Kaoru,” the bubblegum-haired male suddenly said, “This is Kojiro.”
Kojiro nodded at you, an embarrassed blush still grazing his cheeks. 
“Hey, aren’t you the new kid?” Kaoru asked, finding your puzzlingly familiar.
“Oh, that’s why I felt like I’ve met you before,” Kojiro spoke up, nodding his head when he realized who you were.
Awkwardly, you shyly respond, “Sorry, I can’t seem to remember seeing you guys at school. Are you in my class?”
Until dusk, the three of you talked, getting to know the each of you better. You were also able to befriend the boys you were so afraid of, becoming your first two friends in the city.
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You met Adam in the dark of night, beside Cherry and Joe.
They had brought you along, one night, wanting to skate with you. You already knew the basics of skating, nothing more, nothing less. Therefore, as your closest, and only, friends, they wanted to get further acquainted with you in something they loved. 
“Who’s the sweet cheeks?” His hoodie-covered eyes left an eerie pressure on you, causing goosebumps to emerge from your skin.
“This is our close friend, Y/N L/N,” Cherry spoke up.
“She goes to school with us, and we wanted to bring her skating. Mind her tagging along?” Joe asks his hooded friend.
“Not at all, just as long as she can keep up,” he spoke in a cocky tone.
The pretentious attitude the unnamed face had was irking you in the wrong way. He seemed too mysterious for your liking. A third of the boy’s face was hidden in the shadow of his hoodie, leaving you only able to see the blue tips of his hair and his structured nose. 
He must’ve noticed your timid stare because he looks at you, under his hood, “Call me Adam.”
 Cherry and Joe look at you expectingly.
“Just call me sweet cheeks, for now,” you reply, distantly, not ready to let your guard down just yet.
You hear your two friends sigh, chuckling to each other.
“Don’t worry, she’ll warm up to you, soon,” Cherry told Adam, “We know firsthand how she is with meeting new people.”
You blush, remembering your first encounter with the pair.
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Thinking back, you still regret letting your walls down and accepting Adam as a friend. Not a day goes by that Adam doesn’t linger in your mind, as much as you’d hate to admit. 
You despise that man with a passion. From your first interaction, you should’ve known that there was something off about the blue-haired male, but pondering on these frustrations now wouldn’t change anything. As much as you’d like to curse the man for hurting your friends’ and your feelings, you knew you had to move on.
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You sat on the soft mattress of your shared bed, scrolling through old pictures stored on your phone. You saw pictures taken by Kaoru when you guys went on dates. Majority of the photos were candid, seeing as he always had told you that you were the “most photogenic woman” he had ever met.
You remember the day he had told you that. You also remember your laughed reply.
“Then you’ve got the whole world to explore, my love.”
Although, honestly, you thought Kaoru was quite the photogenic one himself. His gorgeous, sorted, pink hair matched with his golden eyes and perfect face never looked bad, not even at the crack of dawn or in the late of night. 
Speaking of which, you scrolled upon a photograph of Kaoru sitting all pretty with his piercings on display. Those piercings brought back many memories, humorous and lustful.
Ironically, the thing that brought you fear before now brings you yearning.
Honestly, once you had befriended Kaoru and came to trust him, the piercings no longer frightened you but instead, fascinated you. Those metal hoops further increased your attraction to the ponytailed man, leading you to the relationship you were in now.
Obviously, Kojiro played a big role in setting the two of you up together because both of you were completely oblivious to the other’s feelings. It got to the point that Adam almost had to step in and wack some sense into the both of you.
Anyways, ever since Kaoru had started working in the calligraphy business, he removed his piercings to maintain a professional image. You detested the idea, but you also knew that it was the best for his business. 
Now that you were looking back at photos of Kaoru as a teenager, you began to crave seeing him in those metal rings once more. You missed the “bad boy” look your boyfriend used to have, not that you didn’t appreciate how he looked now. It’s just that there’s a different vibe to his current and past aesthetics.
As you stalked through more pictures of teenage Kaoru, you were unaware of the very man you were thinking about watching you. He noticed the longing and craving in your gaze. Then, he caught a glimpse of what was being projected on your screen: it was him but in his teenage years. 
Suddenly, everything clicked for Kaoru, and he had the perfect plan in mind.
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Something was off. Usually your boyfriend would insist on bringing you to “S” himself but not today. If anything, he was urging you to go with Kojiro.
“He’s been your friend for the same amount of time as I. You should take this time to your advantage and catch up,” was Kaoru’s excuse.
First of all, catch up on what? It’s not like you haven’t talked to Kojiro in months. Actually, you talked to him a day ago, at “S.” Secondly, what’s up with the sudden lenience and weak excuses?
Joe, who was also in on the plan, tried to help his friend out, making a feeble attempt to lure you with free food.
“I can get free food from you whenever I want,” you replied, squinting suspiciously at your friend.
“Not with that attitude, you can’t.” That pulled a raised brow from you and a regret-filled face from the muscular man.
Though you weren’t fully convinced that nothing was off, you still left with Joe, caving into their terrible attempts of covering up whatever they were hiding from you.
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You had arrived at “S” with Joe for about ten minutes now, but there was still no sightings of your beloved, Cherry. Joe caught glimpse of your searching eyes and reassured you that he would be coming, be it later than usual.
Reki, Langa, and Miya had made their way over to you, sparking up a conversation with you, making you forget about the missing presence of a specific male. 
Miya was explaining the new training regiment and diet he was to use in order to advance his strength, leading you to worry for the small teenager. If he didn’t eat enough, it could become fatal to him. You didn’t understand why a child was being treated so harshly by his managers, forcing him to eat barely anything and train long hours of the day. 
You were concernedly asking Miya if he was feeling alright and offered him an energy bar you carried around in case of emergencies, which he gratefully accepted, when you heard the cheers of fangirls behind you. Knowing they weren’t meant for Joe, you turned around to meet the golden eyes you’d fallen in love with.
This time, there was something different. His face wasn’t hidden by his mask. You could see the pale skin of his cheeks and the pink of his lips. Besides the absence of the black cloth, you noticed metallic rings decorating your boyfriend’s lip and ears. Also, his hair wasn’t whipping behind him, as per usual, but laid low, drifting in the wind.
For a hot moment, you had thought you had finally lost it, but when you blinked your eyes, looking at Miya then back to Cherry, you realized you were still sane and your boyfriend still looked like he aged back into his high school days.
“Is that Cherry?” Miya asked from beside you.
You nodded, speechless.
You heard someone let out a loud laugh beside you, “Since when did he have piercings?”
Ignoring the redhead’s outburst, you were mesmerized by the Cherry you had been obsessing over a couple days ago. It felt like one extravagant dream that you didn’t want to wake up from. In your defense, as he stepped of his skateboard, coming to embrace you, he looked straight out of a fantasy. His skin was practically glowing, and his hair gently floated perfectly onto his shoulders.
“Hello, darling,” he spoke in a sultry voice, placing a soft kiss to your forehead as he held you in his muscular arms.
“K-Kao—” you quickly realize your soon-to-be mistake and fix it, “Cherry.”
His eyes shrink as he laughs, endearingly, admiring the flustered and confused look you were portraying.
“Is this why you and Joe were being so weird earlier today?” You asked, cheek pressed against his slim, toned chest.
“Indeed, my love. What do you think? Definitely brings back some memories of the old days,” he lifts your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“I love it. It’s perfect. You’re perfect,” you smile brightly, eyes lustrous. Pushing yourself up on your toes, you whisper into his ear, “You also look really hot.” You quickly pull away, turning a vibrant red.
“I think you broke her,” Joe told his friend, placing a heavy hand on the pink-nette’s shoulder.
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After the supposed one occurrence surprise, you began to avidly ask him to wear his piercings, loving how attractive and domineering he looked in them. If he denied, you would ask him to, at least, tie his hair in the relaxed half up half down hairdo. He didn’t mind the different hairstyle as much as he did the piercings so it became a normal look for him. The only times he would willingly put on his piercings were when he was going to “S” or when the two of you were safe in the comfort of your own home, for research purposes.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Joe & Cherry: Weekend Mornings
Cherry Blossom (Kaoru Sakurayashiki) & Joe (Kojiro Nanjo) - SK8 the Infinity 
A/N: I already want to make this a series so let me know if you want more polyamorous relationship scenarios with Joe and Cherry
Rating: Explicit/Mature
Warnings: profanity, sex, double penetration, male anatomy, female anatomy, polyamory, threesome, consensual relationship, consensual sex, sex without a condom, female!reader 
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Let’s get one thing straight right off of the bat—being in a relationship with these two is a wild fucking ride and you wouldn’t want it any other way
Joe and Cherry are such polar opposites in many ways that it is 100% the best of both worlds—Hannah Montana up in this bitch!
Joe LOVES cuddling, which means that when you crawl into bed for the night, he is wrapped around you in seconds, his big arms holding you tight 
Cherry only cuddles when Joe physically forces him to or if he is too sick or upset to reject the physical act of affection—he secretly likes it, but will never admit it
Cherry also prefers cuddling you instead of Joe, if he has to cuddle anyone, because Joe makes him feel too suffocated
At night, Cherry falls asleep on the opposite side of the bed as you and Joe, but in the middle of the night, you get too warm and have to find refuge on Cherry’s side, which he has never complained about once (Joe always gravitates back toward you though, so there is no real escape)
On weekend mornings, Joe gets up early to make breakfast, leaving you and Cherry in bed until food is ready
This is when you get the best quality time with Cherry because when he’s still half asleep, he isn’t as grouchy and worried about appearances 
Cherry is also really into morning sex, and he loves getting you all to himself when Joe is cooking, so he takes advantage of these moments as often as possible
Joe hates being left out though, so he usually joins in midway through and the food gets forgotten about completely
Those are the best mornings
Joe is a gentle lover and Cherry has a dark side—you cannot convince me otherwise. Cherry wears the pants in the relationship AND in the bedroom, no cap
Waking to the soft glow of the morning sun peeking through the mostly-closed bedroom curtains and the sound of birds chirping outside the window, you opened your eyes just enough to take note of the time. Peering at the digital clock on the bedside table the best you could with a strong arm draped over your waist, pretty much trapping you in place, you acknowledged that it was still fairly early before sinking back into the mattress and pillow.
Hearing a low rumble from behind yourself and feeling the arm around your waist tighten slightly, you smiled softly. 
“G’mornin’.” Joe pressed a slow, soft kiss to your ear before pulling you flush against his chest. 
You sighed happily, the knowledge that neither you, Joe, or Cherry had anything to do that day filling you with relaxed joy. “Good morning.” Your eyes fluttered closed again as Joe ghosted his lips down your neck, leaving the occasional kiss or nibble here and there. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Why would I ever want to be sleeping when I could be doing this instead?” he whispered as he rolled you onto your back, pressing a final kiss to your lips. His eyes then trailed over to the lump under the covers beside the two of you. “I swear, he can sleep through anything. He’s like a damn rock.”
You chuckled quietly. “Leave him alone. He came to bed late last night. Let him sleep.”
Joe narrowed his eyes, obviously contemplating if he really wanted to let Cherry sleep or not. After a few seconds, his eyes softened and he smiled sweetly. “Fine, Princess can sleep.” He reached out and twirled a strand of Cherry’s pink hair around his thick finger. “I’ll make breakfast.”
“Yay.” You grinned wide. Joe’s cooking was the best you had ever tasted, but because he did it all day long for his job, you felt guilty asking him to cook at home as well. When he offered, however, you would never say no. “Thank you, Love.”
“You know I love cooking for you guys.” Joe kissed you once more before climbing out of bed and immediately heading for the bathroom to shower quickly before starting breakfast. 
With the sound of running water in the background, you sat up slightly and grabbed your phone to check your emails and do some general housekeeping. While your schedule was nowhere near as demanding as Cherry’s, you also didn’t have the liberty of making your own hours like Joe did with his restaurant. Career-wise, you sat happily in the middle with a fairly normal and stable job that kept you happy without taking up too much of your free time.
After answering a few business inquiries and checking your social media mindlessly, you stretched your limbs out and let out a yawn. The shower had turned off by then and you could hear the familiar clatter of pans and cooking utensils from the kitchen, indicating that Joe had started making food. You had no idea what he was going to make, but his food was always delicious so you didn’t really care.
It was then that the rock-like lump beside you finally began to stir. Rolling over to face you, Cherry kept his eyes closed, letting out a few heavy puffs before his breathing returned to a slow rhythm. 
You smiled down at your pink-haired boyfriend, admiring the way his long, luscious hair never seemed to tangle despite the fact that he only ever tied it up when he skateboarded. 
Copying Joe’s earlier actions, you took a strand of Cherry’s long hair between your forefinger and thumb and gently began to twirl it around said fingers. You wished your hair was as beautiful as his was, but then again, you were also convinced that it was impossible to have hair in better condition than Cherry’s was; just like every aspect of his life, he kept it in top shape at all times.
Too caught up in your own thoughts and actions, you didn’t notice that Cherry had woken up until his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist. Without saying a word, he brought your hand to his mouth and pressed a chaste kiss to the inside of your wrist. 
“Good morning,” you greeted, releasing the strand of hair in the process.
Letting go of your wrist, Cherry moved his hand to your hips before pulling you down under the covers with him, his face inches away from yours now and his legs tangled with yours. “Morning.” His voice was a little raspy after having just woken up, but just as sexy as ever. “Where is the gorilla?”
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Kojiro is making us breakfast.” You emphasized his name, hoping it would encourage Cherry to use it more instead of his made-up nicknames. It wouldn’t, but you tried nevertheless.
A sly smirk spread across Cherry’s lips. “So we’re alone?”
“Yes, we are alone.” You smiled as well, already knowing what he was thinking about. As illusive and mysterious as he tried to make people think he was at S, he was very predicable at home with you and Joe. “But you know he doesn’t like to be left out. Don’t be so mean to him when he’s out there cooking for us.”
“He gets you all to himself all the time when I have to go away on weekends for work.” A mischievous glint sparkled in Cherry’s eyes. “It’s only fair. Besides, if we’re quiet enough, he’ll never even know.”
“You are so-” Your sentence was cut off by Cherry burying his head into the crook of your neck and immediately sucking the sensitive skin between his lips, his teeth grazing over the spot that he knew drove you wild. 
“So what?” he mumbled into your neck, one of his thighs slitting between your legs and his hands running up and down your sides. 
You let out a soft moan as your eyes fluttered, struggling to stay open. “So mean,” you breathed out, your voice airy and barely audible. 
“I know.” He mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he drew moan after moan out of your parted lips. “I’m the worst.” His mouth continued to work wonders on your neck and shoulder while one of his hands dipped below the waistline of your sleep shorts. “I don’t know how you possibly put up with me.”
“K-Kaoru.” His name slipped past your lips a little louder than you had originally intended. 
Removing his saliva-coated lips from your skin, Cherry kissed you square on the mouth to muffle any following noises as he ran his thin, delicate fingers over the front of your underwear. “Quiet, remember?” He almost challenged. “You don’t want Kojiro to hear and feel left out, do you?”
You furrowed your brows, unhappy about the games he was playing with you but oh-so pleased with everything else he was doing. “Right . . . quiet,” you whispered, feeling bad about being so sneaky but also not wanting to do anything that might deter Cherry from his plans for you.
“That’s my good girl.” He quickly flipped you onto your stomach without a moment’s notice, testing your resolve to see if you would let out a startled shriek or not. When you managed to keep from making any noise other than a muffled gasp, he smiled down at you as he hovered above you. 
Before you had a chance to get a hold of your new bearings, Cherry was lifting your shirt up and over your head and pushing your shorts and underwear down. The next thing you knew, you were completely nude and Cherry was running his warm, wet tongue up your spine, sending shivers throughout your entire body.
“Same reaction every time.” Cherry commented, admiring the way you squirmed underneath him. Pushing your hair to the side, he attacked your neck once more, his fingers prodding your soaking entrance, teasing you and once again testing you. “Are you ready for me, Darling?”
Not able to trust yourself enough if you were to open your mouth, you nodded silently instead before burying your head into your pillow. 
Your entire body tensed slightly with anticipation as you felt Cherry shift above you. Collecting fistfuls of bed sheets into your hands in preparation, you waited for the initial euphoric stretch of him entering you. When you felt his tongue glide through your folds instead, however, you let out a surprised gasp, very thankful that the pillow muffled anything that came out of our mouth. 
“You didn’t answer me when I asked if you were ready.” You could feel his hot breath on your clit as he spoke. “So I’m just making sure.”
“You’re teasing me!” You kicked your legs as much as you could before Cherry grabbed your ankles with his hands to hold you still. “Just fuck me already.”
Instead of a verbal response, you felt his tongue on you once more, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance. At this point, he knew he was being a little shit, and he was enjoying every single second of it.
“I will scream.” You glared down over your shoulder at him, your voice so breathy and soft that the threat barely came off as anything but desperate. “Kojiro will run in here and then you won’t have me all to yourself anymore.”
Cherry’s mouth stretched into a devilish grin. “Very well.” He rose his head and licked your juices off of his lips. “If you want to make demands, I’ll give you exactly what you want.”
In a matter of milliseconds, Cherry had lined himself up with you, his one hand gripping your hip and keeping you place while the other pressed on your back, pushing you deep into the mattress. Then, without warning, he thrust into you in one fluid motion. 
Your hands immediately tightened around the bed sheets you had been gripping and you smashed your face into the pillow below you, desperate to keep as quiet as possible. You had riled Cherry up just enough to get him to do what you wanted, but you knew that pushing any further would be a grave mistake.
With both hands gripping your waist tightly now, his fingertips no doubt leaving bruises, Cherry pounded into you at a relentless pace right off of the bat. He knew every little trick to get you moaning his name over and over again, and he was definitely going to try every single one to make you eat your words—to see if you would actually scream for Joe.
“Come on.” Cherry dared you. “He’s just in the next room. Scream for Kojiro. Scream my name and he’ll come save you. He’ll hold you in his arms as he makes slow, gentle love to you. Is that what you want? Do you want me to stop fucking you senseless?”
You shook your head before remembering what had happened the last time you had simply gestured instead of answering with your words. “No, please don’t stop.” You had to fight to keep your volume under control. 
“That’s what I thought.” He wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you up to him, your back pressed against his chest as he continuously rammed himself into you. 
From that angle, Cherry had better access to your clit, and it was only a matter of time before his fingers were rubbing fast, consistent circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves while his other hand played with your nipples. Soon enough, that wonderful pressure began to build in your core, indicating that you were nearing your orgasm.
“Cum for me.” He could tell you were close without you even having to tell him. “Breakfast will be ready soon.” He tilted your chin to the side so you were looking him in the eyes. “You don’t want the food to get cold, do you? Not after all of Kojiro’s hard work?”
“N-no,” you choked out.
“No, I didn’t think so. That would be so mean.” He mocked you once again, another smirk on his face as he did so. “So you better cum then.”
Hearing Cherry tell you to cum was enough to push you over the edge, and as waves of ecstasy washed over you, your entire body shaking and your eyes screwing shut, you couldn’t help the cry of pleasure that escaped you as you let your head fall back onto his shoulder. 
Even though Cherry had yet to orgasm himself, his thrusts slowed and his arms wrapped around you tight, his priority being holding you up as your entire body relaxed into him. 
When your orgasm had come and gone and you had managed to catch your breath again, you lifted your head and opened your eyes to see Joe standing in the bedroom doorway with two mugs of steaming coffee in his hands. 
You instantly felt a little guilty, but you were much too fucked-out to say anything in that moment. “Good morning, Kojiro.” Cherry greeted the other man for the first time that morning, his words coming out as pants while beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. “That coffee for us?”
Joe furrowed his eyebrows at the sight before him. “And to think I was nice and let you sleep in this morning,” he grumbled at the smaller man. “You sneaky little shit.”
A wicked grin appeared on Joe’s face as he set the mugs of coffee down and began to untie the apron he had put on over his boxers to cook, not bothering to wear any other clothes underneath. 
While you continued to try and catch your breath, you let your head fall back onto Cherry’s shoulder once more. Seconds later, you felt the bed dip in front of you as Joe crawled onto the mattress to join the two of you. 
“Did mean old Kaoru corrupt you?” Joe placed a large hand onto the back of your head and lifted it off of Cherry’s shoulder so you could look up at his eyes. 
You didn’t know how to respond, so instead, you simply reached up to press a loving kiss to his lips, hoping he wasn’t too upset that you and Cherry had fucked while he was busy making food. 
“Don’t worry. I’m here now.” Joe fell back onto the bed, pulling you with him and simultaneously pulling you off of Cherry’s cock. He rubbed soothing circles into your back as he kicked his boxers off. 
“But what about the food?” you asked.
“I turned the stove off,” he assured you, glaring at Cherry over your shoulder. “I assumed something was up when I hadn’t heard Kaoru complain about anything yet this morning.”
Cherry scoffed. “What a smart gorilla you are.”
“Yeah, you’ll pay for that later.” Joe told him, the seductive tone of his voice portraying his words as both a threat and a promise. “But for now, we have someone else to take care of.” He looked back at you. By then, you had recovered from your first orgasm and had laid your head upon Joe’s chest to try and conserve as much energy as possible for the workout that was sure to come.
“I don’t like having to choose between you two,” you told them. “I prefer you both at the same time anyway.”
“Well, your wish is our command.” Joe bucked his hips up into you, his hard cock pressing against your entrance. This time, there was no noise restrictions and you could voice your pleasure as loudly as you wanted, so you let out a happy moan. “I’ll take care of you, Baby,” he whispered into your ear as he lined himself up with your pussy and slowly pushed inside.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed, utterly content with the way Joe was holding you comfortably against his chest while he fucked up into you and did all of the work. Cherry had been completely correct when he had said that Joe was a more gentle lover, and although you did appreciate the way Cherry enjoyed dominating you, you also cherished the way Joe held you close and made you feel worshiped during sex.
Brushing your hair out of your face, Joe captured your lips with his own, initiating a deep and passionate kiss as he continued to thrust into you at an even and toe-curling pace. “That’s it. I’ve got you,” he muttered into your mouth. “Let us take care of you.”
“God, you feel so good.” You began to grind against Joe to create more friction. “Need both of you.”
Looking back at Cherry, who was leaning behind you, stroking himself and waiting to rejoin the fun, Joe nodded at him. “You hear that?” He grinned. “Come here, Love.” He beckoned Cherry over. 
Grabbing a fistful of Cherry’s hair, Joe pulled him down and pressed a kiss to his lips before releasing him. “Help me fill her up,” he grunted, his thrusts picking up speed. 
“Gladly.” Cherry lined himself up behind you and gently pressed his fingers against your anus, prepping you before he used his cock on your tight hole. 
As Cherry warmed you up and slid in one finger at a time, you swore you saw stars every time he stretched your ass wider. Meanwhile, Joe was still fucking you just as hard as he had been before. 
Once he was sure you were ready, Cherry gave you a verbal warning and instructed Joe to kiss you in order to distract you from the initial stretch. With Joe’s tongue dominating your mouth, you felt Cherry enter you from behind and the pleasure was so immense that sounds weren’t even an option. As your mouth fell open, your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you gripped onto Joe for dear life.
“Holy shit!” you screamed once you finally found your voice again. This was far from the first time you had taken both your boyfriends at the same time, but every time was just as incredible and euphoric as the last. You would never get used to the initial sensation, and for that you were grateful. 
Cherry, as rough as he was sometimes, took his sweet time getting you used to the feeling of him. When Joe pulled back, he pushed in, allowing you to focus on one stretch at a time. Eventually, however, once you had grown accustomed to two cocks inside of you at once and were begging for more, he started thrusting at the same time as Joe and picking up the pace.
Minutes later, that same incredible pressure began building in your core and you knew it wouldn’t take much longer for you to come undone once more. “I-I’m close!” you warned them, your back arching as they went as hard and as fast as they could without hurting you.
When your release finally arrived for the second time that morning, you let out an involuntary moan and went completely limp on top of Joe. After both men had assured that you were okay, they began chasing after their own orgasms. 
“Such a conniving boy. Thinking you could get away with this without me finding out.” Joe grabbed another fistful of Cherry’s beautiful hair and pulled him down harshly so he was draped over your back, squishing you between them. Joe narrowed his eyes at the other man, fucking up into you even harder and faster than before. A challenging look spread across Cherry’s face and he began to do the same, both men imagining they were fucking the other while they were really just driving you into over-stimulation wonderland. 
“Fuck . . . close,” Cherry huffed, his head falling slightly as he bit down on his bottom lip.
Joe’s hand tightened on Cherry’s hair before lunging up and capturing his lips between his own. “Cum for me, Kaoru,” he encouraged into his mouth. “Cum with me.”
Your eyes screwing shut, you held onto Joe for tightly while the two men you were sandwiched between fucked you into oblivion, their mouths clashing together frantically. 
Seconds later, a series of low grunts echoed out from below and above you and the relentless thrusting slowed to a stop and you felt both of your holes fill to the brim. Cherry was the first to break the kiss, a string of saliva connecting his lips to Joe’s as he collapsed on top of you and began gasping for air.
Joe, who was supporting the weight of two fully-grown adults on top of him, heaved slowly, his chest rising and falling beneath both you and Cherry. Once Cherry had regained enough energy to move, he pulled out of you and rolled off of the sweaty human pile. 
You were about to move as well to relieve the pressure from Joe’s chest, but before you could, the green-haired chef wrapped an arm around your waist and held you in place. “Stay.” He drew in a deep breath, his other hand reaching other to interlock fingers with Cherry’s. “Everyone just stay for a while.”
“Okay,” you agreed, more than happy to not have to attempt standing for a little while.
“But I’m hungry,” Cherry groaned. You swatted a leg out toward him and kicked him gently in the side. “Fine,” he agreed as well, planting a soft kiss on the top of Joe’s hand. “But only for a few minutes. I need a shower and some food.”
“We all need a shower and food. You aren’t special,” Joe told him. “Just shut up and enjoy this moment for a minute or two.”
Instead of snapping back with a witty retort, Cherry simply smiled and closed his eyes, his breathing slowing as he rested. 
Then, as if it had been written in the stars or planned in a script somewhere, the three of you breathed out an exhausted “I love you” at the same time. It was absolutely adorable and Cherry pretended to be absolutely disgusted by it. 
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genuine-firefly · 3 years
Sk8 the Infinity Fic Recs
I had an itch to make a fic rec list. I’ve never made one before and atm I’m super into Sk8 the Infinity. It’s not in any particular order or anything. There’s a lot of omegaverse on here, so take notice if that’s not your jam. Also mind the major warnings. Here we go!
“Wind” by a_bit_batty (WIP)
Rated: E
Words: 22,900
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Summary: Langa's upstairs neighbours are LOUD, and he has work early in the morning, so he pays them a visit intending to give them a piece of his mind. But the man who answers the door looks almost... Scared?
    “Not All Surprises Hurt” by Anxious_Valentine (WIP)
Rated: M
Words: 57,240
Summary: Kaoru wasn't always so cautious or a planner, but certain events throughout his life knocked the spontaneity right out of him and made him fearful of the unknown. He assumes that's why he's maintained his long-standing friendship with Kojiro, even if he was an obnoxious, thirsty gorilla most of the time. But recently, something's shifted between them, something Kaoru's never experienced before, and he's at a loss for how to respond to the changing circumstances.
Kaoru's about to learn though that not all surprises hurt, and even some can be a catalyst for a life he never thought would be possible for a person like him.
    “Fragile Things” by dia_dove (WIP)
Rated: E
Words: 27,570
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Summary: In one night, everything in Reki's life falls apart.
  “Fading Scars” Series by DrearyBanana (Complete)
Rated: M, E
Words: 129,999
Major Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Reki is trying to get his life back together after crossing Adam and spending three years suffering for it. With the support of his family, he's getting back on his feet and rediscover his passions. The mysterious skater with light blue hair who skates in the park near Reki's house starts to reawaken his interest in skateboarding.
Langa has stumbled his way into being a pro skater after moving to Okinawa, but his heart has never been in it. Everything feels like something to pass the time, and all he wants is to feel that joy he used to get from snowboarding. Slowly, the mysterious redhead who watches him skate starts to make Langa feel like he might be able to get back to that heart-pounding feeling after all.
    “You Make It Better” by i6uooh_uiw (complete)
Rated: E
Words: 7,112
Summary: after kaoru's race with adam, he and kojiro have some things to talk about. at least, kojiro would really like to talk.
(or: kaoru doesn't like facing his feelings, kojiro and kaoru can't stop bickering, and kojiro's dick is really very large)
    “The Makings of a Home” by Insertsomethingwittyhere (WIP)
Rated: E
Words: 10,112
Major Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Summary: A drunken night and missed medication leave Kaoru between a rock and a hard place. He had always been careful to keep his dynamic known but out of the way. What better way to prove that being an omega wouldn't affect his performance then to rub his success into the face of an ex thus proving him wrong about his dynamic? Unfortunately, it only takes one too many drinks at Sia la Luce for his world to take a turn into the wacky and stressful -and that's with Adam still at large- as he steps into the uncertainties of parenthood, not with the rag tag pack he'd become part of, but with a child of his own. A baby born of him and Kojiro who he'd always had a crush on, but knew who could never love him back.
Of course now with a baby on the way he only has so much time to decide what to do. So the worries start to pile on.
    “The One with the School Festival Trope” by LaurelNymph (Complete)
Rated: T
Words: 26,534
Summary: The good ol’ School Festival is here, and Reki gets to use his handyman skills to help his class pull off their event. They’re impressed.
Especially the girls.
Langa is Not Happy about that.
    “All Was Golden (When the day Met the Night)” by MissLightBright (Complete)
Rated: T
Words: 113,642
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary: Reki was just a beta. He was boring and unappealing. He had no chance with Langa and he knew it.
    “Local Skate Dads Adopt Three Sons and a Hooligan” by miyaji_08 (WIP)
Rated: M
Words: 79,779
Major Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Cherry and Joe are NOT parents, thank you very much, and they would appreciate it if you could remember that the next time one of their idiots get in trouble.
Or: They don't mean to adopt all these kids, except for the part where they very much do.
    “Summer Twilight Ricochet” by mousapelli (Complete)
Rated: E
Words: 10,439
Summary: Being almost but not-quite boyfriends with Langa is fun, but Reki's ready to move it along, if he can just figure out how much of it Langa's ready for. (Alpha Langa, Omega Reki)
    “Sunrise Eyes an Sunset Hair” (Baby, We’re a Pretty Pair) by Orphan_account (Complete)
Rated: E
Words: 9,600
Summary: "Kaoru," Joe moans and even though it sounds so breathless, he doesn't grant himself the pleasure of fresh air in favor of kissing Cherry again and again and yet again. "Kaoru, Kaoru – what are you doing to me?"
If he could, if only his brain worked in synch with his lips and vocal cords, Cherry would probably ask the same question, turn it on him and demand an answer so desperately because he knows he won't last much longer with this uncertainty in his life. It's already a lasting decay in his mind, he doesn't need it rotting away at his body too.
Cherry is certain Joe will just make him another number in his hook-up statistics if he gives in to his feelings.
Joe is certain he's in love with Cherry.
    “Nothing has to Change (but What if I Want it to?) by p_istachio (WIP)
Rated: NR
Words: 17,068
Summary: Langa is the mildest alpha in every sense of the word, and Reki is the most unreserved omega you’ll ever meet. With secondary genders being the last things on their minds, it’s no surprise that both of them are convinced that the other is a beta. How will their dynamic change when they inevitably find out the truth?
(Aka an unconventional ABO au bc renga heals my soul)
    “Summer Fox and Winter Wolf” by RoseLoveBunny (WIP)
Rated: M
Words: 10,404
Major Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings
Summary: Langa an artic wolf alpha just moved with his mom back to her home country of Japan from Canada after his alpha father died last year. After his death Langa refused to pick up a snowboard something that they both enjoyed so when an fox omega came running after him to take back his skateboard maybe he can try something new with someone else.
    “Kiss the Rain” by SKayLanpher (WIP)
Rated: E
Words: 122,373
Summary: When Langa takes a trip to visit family in Canada, both he and Reki find themselves despairing at the distance. Though neither is apt to admit their true feelings for the other, they miss each other desperately and so start exchanging texts whenever they can. Texts that turn rather scandalous when Reki accidentally sends a nude that he knew he never should have taken in the first place.
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soupthatistohot · 3 years
Sk8 headcannons because brainrot pt. 4 (matchablossom edition)
- Kaoru sometimes yells at Kojiro by accident for calling him by his real name when it's just the two of them in Sia La Luce, Kojiro always makes fun of him for it and points out that they're alone
- He also used to not want to be called by his real name in front of the kids (and Shadow) when they're not at "S", but he eventually stopped yelling at Kojiro about it
- Kaoru got into skating first, and dragged a reluctant Kojiro into it. Kojiro skinned his forearm the first day and cried, Kaoru put a band-aid on it and told him to suck it up
- Kaoru hated bringing Kojiro to his house because his parents always compared the two, so if Kojiro wanted to sleep over he would climb through Kaoru's window into his room
- The first time they got drunk together they were like 16 and Kaoru ended up falling asleep in Kojiro's lap and it might've been Kojiro's bi awakening
- Kojiro owned hamsters growing up and he bought those convoluted cages with all the tubes and stuff
- Kojiro always prided himself on being the stable one, he was often Kaoru's shoulder to cry on. But as the years wore on he found that sometimes he failed to take care of himself and one time he just completely broke down in front of Kaoru
- Kaoru cut his own hair all throughout high school
- Kaoru cannot grow facial hair
- when they were in high school Kojiro had one of those cheesy teen boy mustaches and Kaoru shaved it off when he was sleeping over because he hated it so much
- It's canon that Kojiro is just as interested in Adam as Cherry was, I just think he was a) better at hiding it and b) saw him for who he was sooner likely because Adam wasn't as close with him
- Kaoru is very reluctant to talk to Kojiro about Adam because he's ashamed he didn't take note of his toxic traits earlier like Kojiro did
- He had his opinions about Kaoru's and Adam's relationship but kept his mouth shut because he feared Kaoru would lash out at him
- Kojiro only started cursing because Kaoru did, and when they became adults he ended up being the one to spew obscenities more
- They both know that their insults and nicknames are okay with the other, and make it clear if they ever accidentally cross a line. Usually all it takes is a look at the other.
- Kaoru had a hard time coming to terms with his feelings for Kojiro because part of him was scared to get close to someone again after what happened with Adam
- Kojiro had a hard time coming to terms with his feelings for Kaoru because he was convinced he was straight for a while, and he also was afraid of acting on anything and losing his best friend somehow
- Kojiro is a lot more intuitive than he lets on, especially when it comes to Kaoru. He can tell when he's anxious or uncomfortable and is usually able to distract him or guide him away from the situation
- Kaoru wrongly assumes that Kojiro doesn't need his support in the same way he needs Kojiro's
- Kaoru likes watching tennis
- Kojiro swam competitively in high school and continues to swim for exercise
- Kaoru is notorious for his sweet tooth, and Kojiro is more than happy to indulge him in it
- There's never really a moment where they officially get together, at some point they just end up smooching and being like "ok I guess this is how this is now"
- Kojiro began working out when he was in Italy to deal with the loneliness of not having Kaoru by his side for the first time in his life
- He actually tried to get Kaoru to go with him to Italy, but they realized that it wasn't optimal for him to do so. He'd have to uproot his life and there was no real long-term benefit for Kaoru like there was for Kojiro. Kojiro soon recognized that it was selfish for him to ask Kaoru to come, and felt some shame for that (it was also another one of those moments where he was like is this something best friends do or do I have feelings for him??)
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
TikTok Dances Headcannons(SK8 The Infinity Characters x Gender Neutral!Reader)
Request:"hi i hope you don't mind me requesting again TT i really liked the fic that i requested so i hope you don't mind hehe anyways i am now requesting hc of the sk8 characters where their s/o does a tiktok with them or does a tiktok prank on them thank you for doing my last request and have a nice day/night!!"
A.N: I totally don't mind! :D I was very happy to do your last request and I'm glad you liked it! I'm gonna do that the reader ask them to do a TikTok dance(I'm not an expert with pranks TwT(Not that I'm better at dances, but my sister is always doing TikTok dances, so I know some :)) Anyways I'm gonna stop talking about me and start these headcannons!
Characters: Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kaoru Sakurayashiki(Cherry Blossom) and Kojiro Nanjo(Joe) :)
Warnings:None :D
Reminder:You’re a couple with the character in this ;)
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Reki Kyan:
When you asked him to do a TikTok dance, he automatically said yes
I think you two could do “Don’t start Now” by Dua Lipa(The rythm of the song gives me Reki vibes)
I think he would already know the dance so you don’t have to show him
You two would have so much fun doing the dance and both of you would smile so much while doing the dance
After the camera stopped filming, he looked at the result with you
He’s the one who asked you if you could post it
“OMG! That was so cool! I hope we could do another one soon!”, he told you, then gave you a kiss on the cheek
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Langa Hasegawa:
So first, I think that it’s either you or Reki that conviced him to put TikTok
When you told him you wanted to do a TikTok dance he didn’t really understand but when you told him some couples did that he wanted to try it with you.
I think you two could do the “My Bestie and Your bestie” dance cause it’s simple(it’s one of the only one I can do TwT) and it’s cute
You teached him the dance and when you were both ready, you started filming
He was trying to concentrate on the moves, but when he say you smilling and having fun, he started smiling too
After filming, you asked him if you could post it and said yes.
“It was fun. I hope we can do it again soon.”,h kissed your cheek amd you cuddled for the rest of the day
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Miya Chinen:
I think it took you a bit of convincing, but not too much
I think you two could do “Tokyo” by Leat’eq (The Nyan! Arigato! thing)
You would teach him the dance and after you would start recording
He had fun doing this with you (not that he will admit it tho)
Seeing you happy is all he could ask for and he’s proud to be your boyfriend
You asked him if you could post it and he said yes
He would finally admit that he had fun while blushing
“Thank you for today. I had fun and loved spending time with you.”, he then kissed your cheek
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Kaoru Sakurayashiki(Cherry Blossom):
So, I think it would take some convicing to get him to dance with you, but he would finally say yes
I think you two could do “Say So” by Doja Cat
It’s kinda simple and Cherry kinda liked the song so it’s ok with him (I hope you think it’s accurate TwT)
You teached him the dance and after you started recording. He had some fun and was happy to spent time with you, but he felt even more happy when he saw your smile after the video is over
You asked him if you could post it and he said yes and that it could help his popularity in his carriere and that he could show you’re his
“Sure. Plus I want those people to see that you belong to me”, he then kissed the top of your head
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Kojiro Nanjo(Joe):
Just like Reki, I think he would be the one to ask you first
I think you two could do “Cannibal” by Ke$ha (The rythm also gives me Joe vibes)
He also would already know the dance and is happy that he will spent this time with you
Seeing you smile when doing the dance made him fall even more in love with you and was happy that you two had fun
You asked him if you could post it
“Sure. I want all your subscribers and the world to know that you’re my perfect s/o”, he kissed you on the lips after that
A.N: I hope these were accurate and I had fun writing them :D I hope you liked these and remember to take care of yourselves and drink water! ;)
See you soon!  <3
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bombini-fan-page · 3 years
Headcanon that Joe and Cherry are engaged during the 1st season (not yet married) and the kids find out and Reki and Miya literally go into boss mode. “What do you MEAN you haven’t started planning your wedding yet!?? You’ve been engaged for over a year!” And they literally start planning everything. Langa helps decorate with the decorations Reki made (there’s also the cheesy moment where he falls of a ladder and reki catches him but they both fall an-)
Miya goes into full coordinator mode “you’re having a total of 150 guests. They’re going to be entertained with drinks and finger foods that aren’t messy until the ceremony starts. After the ceremony we’ll go to the banquet hall where there will be food, dancing, drinks, and other entertainment. There we will also have a slideshow of pictures from their childhood to adulthood’s. Joe will have dinner from his restaurant served and the cake will be bought from a trust worthy friend. It will be vanilla and chocolate with cherry blossom flowers trailing on it. A wedding topper that’s a gorilla carrying the other groom over his shoulder (but in all seriousness the boys made another cake with a wedding topper specifically designed of their S personas and skateboards).” And the honeymoon is more planned by Oka and Hiromi but with the boys sneaking some of their ideas in too (“they’ll spend the first night at the same bathhouse we went to then go to Paris the next morning”). Then once the wedding is over they leave before everyone else does with people throwing flowers and rice. Joe drives them to the bathhouse and the rest are left to clean up the wedding.
Hiromi had supplied all the flowers and the Bouquet for the wedding (reki caught it but gave it back to cherry before they left)
The cake would probably be white icing with cherry blossoms trailing down it and green succulents around the bottom
There theme is just calming. A mix of traditional Japanese things and Italian things.
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That’s what it’ll look like
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With more “them” decorations though
They’ll both be wearing white suits
It’ll be a spring wedding
They’ll have a coffee bar bc I’m pretty sure Joe is an addict
They’ll also have a bar with all different kinds of drinks for kids and adults (ofc they let their boys have a little bit of champagne)
When they get back from their honeymoon they walk into the skate shop and everyone is just sitting there smirking
(I forgot to mention that Kaoru puts in his piercings for the wedding)
When they were cleaning up the wedding mess afterwards the boys were all just high-fiving each other because they did wonderful
Also Langa somehow convinced to get ad*m to pay for practically everything
Ad*m told Tadashi to pick the hotel in Paris for them and he picked a love hotel (but it was changed by whoever caught that he did that thankfully)
Carla was the maid of honor
Reki was the best man
Langa and Hiromi were the flower boys
Tadashi officiated the wedding
Ad*m was kicked out before it even started because he was sobbing about how cherry and Joe were the true Adam and Eve
Sketchy was the ring bearer
Kojiro tried to smash the cake in Kaorus face but somehow ended up with it on his own face
It was a good wedding
Sorry I’m just self projecting because I’m the maid of honor and planning my best friends wedding for her
(The pictures used in this are pictures of a family friends wedding chapels they built on their land in 2017 and it’s beautiful as fuck)
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sleepingcrisis · 3 years
Someone made a tweet about none of the kids knowing Joe’s age and I love that. I will add on that they don't know anyone's age but they are also just very uncertain about Joe’s.
They call Shadow an old man... shadow is the youngest of the adults.
After Reki once going... "forty????" In regards to Cherry’s age and receiving a death glare as a result they don't try and guess anymore (currently they think he is in his late thirties. Cherry is actually in his late twenties).
Joe is a mystery. They think forty or late thirties because that is their guess for Cherry, but when his birthday comes around Cherry convinces them that Joe is even older. It doesn't help that Joe (in their eyes) looks the youngest.
They guess Adam’s age right which pisses Joe and Cherry off (Adam is smirking and offers Joe and Cherry skin care advice and tells them that glaring so much must give them wrinkles).
They- they don't guess Tadashi's age right. They get it very wrong and genuinely believe he is in his late thirties to early forties. When they find out his is only a couple years older then Adam they take their complaints to Adam since- yes he can be your dog but damn it he is a show dog and you need to treat him right. Gonna have this spiral for a second:
Adam didn't realize just how exhausted Tadashi looked until he has Miya and Reki on him for it. He had never considered that working for him and for his family might be exhausting. His first attempt at easing stress from his secretaries life is giving him more time off, but Tadashi refuses. His reason is valid.
"It will all just pile up Mr. Ainosuke, your intentions are good but if you are still working without me then it wouldn't make a difference."
It makes sense. With only Ainosuke working the work Tadashi needs to do would just pile up and it would get messy considering Ainosuke would have to take notes for what Tadashi needs to do when he gets back.
The next solution comes from Kaoru. Adam’s relationship with him is still fractured, but Kaoru has grown a liking to Tadashi. So when he gifts an AI assistant to the two Adam thinks it might be the solution to their problem—
Tadashi "accidentally" breaks it and pays Kaoru back the money it took to build it. He isn't interested in being replaced.
"Why don't you both take the day off?" Joe offers the solution like it is obvious one night. "If I leave the restaurant open on Sundays but I'm not here then I get stressed out, so my staff and I take a break on Sundays," he explained.
"I also give my staff a break on Sundays," Cherry mentioned.
It seems like such a simple solution that couldn't possibly work, but Sunday rolls around and by then Ainosuke and Tadashi have cleared the schedule and the two are taking the day off. At first these Sundays are spent separated, but they always manage to bump into each other. Eventually they decide to quit pretending and decide to spend their Sundays together. They go to a spa at least twice a month (maybe more).
Sometimes the Sundays are spent laying (something they have discovered that they enjoy doing together). Sometimes they meet up with the other adults that they begrudgingly call friends. Sometimes they skate in the pool outside the Shindo estate.
One Sunday in particular they can't be separated. They go to the spa, they get lunch, they spend time with the Kaoru, Kojiro, and Hiromi, but then night comes.
Night comes and they don't want to leave each other and resume their normal week day dynamic that comes with Monday.
"Come lay with me?" Adam offered. He sounds hesitant. Worried almost.
Tadashi let out a soft, relieved, sigh.
"I would like that," he breathed.
And yeah, he does look younger now.
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~gives you an excuse to infodump about mermaid aus~
How does it feel to be my current favorite?
Okay, in this world, merfolk and aquatic sirens are seen as two separate species. This is mostly perpetuated by the merfolk themselves who are peaceful versus man-eating and don’t have the same mystical vocal powers sirens use to hypnotize or paralyze prey. There are also other differences, such as jaw/tooth structure. Mermaids--many of them at least, may have sharp, interlocking, predator teeth, but sirens have a specific fang structure in the front of their mouth. Protruding fangs for causing wounds that will bleed the most with the least “effort,” the “puncture teeth” for quicker kills. There are also curved fangs for skinning/descaling prey. 
These latter fangs are important for more than hunting. The siren society has a culture of scarification. Each family has a crest, with individuals therein creating their own variant when they come of age. Who you are is branded/bitten/scarred into your skin, and then you mark your mate and children. There can also be specific circumstances for marks, such as a lifelong debt. For the most part though, you only bare 1 to 2 marks (depending on if you keep your family crest and make your new tattoo separate or if you bare both a mate and an individual mark) and these are taken super seriously in both who you are and who belongs to you until the day they die.
Sirens dwell in the deeper trenches of the ocean for the most part and have adapted for it, and who are known to not only drown humans and eat them, but to even sometimes sneak up on a merperson swimming alone, drag them to depths where the pressure starts interfering with their ability to fight back with a clear head, overpower them, and turn (basically) cannibal. 
Why do I say basically cannibal? Because the sirens are taught that really they are one common people, just adapted differently as the merfolk denied some of their true nature and excommunicated those that did not want to live oppressed. There are subsets of mers who have all sort of different tails, sizes, and talents and are still called merfolk, so why should those that “have the song” (and the taste for more than fish) be treated differently? They would also say that more merfolk (senselessly) kill sirens than the opposite, and this hate combined with the fact that Sirens hunt the surface less and less as humans grow more creative and vicious, means they are dying out.
Humans (the ones that have seen these sea creatures and believe in them at all)  just know pretty-half fish= probably dangerous and don't distinguish between merfolk and sirens at all. If you’re close enough to study their teeth it’s probably too late.
Adam and Tadashi= sirens
Langa and Shadow=mermen
Miya- Either a merman or just straight up I make him a salt-water catfish to be funny. He is identified as “sidekick” more than an actual species in my mind so far
Cherry, Joe and Reki= human sailors
Oka= a human but not a sailor, someone who runs a store in a port the Matchablossom ship often restocks and Reki's former boss before he left to sail with Joe and Cherry
So we have Adam and Tadashi when they were but tiny things playing around, exploring where they were not supposed to go, and they get attacked by some other dangerous sea creature with things only getting worse when they almost get caught in a net when they flee to the shallow. The net gets very badly wrapped around tiny Tadashi’s throat and he suffers vocal cord damage and loses his main power as a siren before he even grows into it--a consequence of curiosity, Tadashi views it, and though he escapes the net, does he ever really?
Adam learns zero lessons, and a bit later in life he dabbles in a Little Mermaid type narrative with Cherry and Joe when they were younger and dumber...until they discover Adam  luring more weak minded sailors to their doom and prove some people just aren't down with murder for fun and food.
 Captain Kaoru and first mate Kojiro (Though Kaoru and Kojiro keep saying Carla, Kaoru's really fancy nautical compass is the first mate, and Kojiro is just hanging around) take on the plunky Reki as a new crew mate. Reki spots Langa or vice versa and the love at first sight strikes hard. They continue to find ways to interact, but mostly moon over each other in typical teen star-crossed fashion. The “true” Little Mermaid narrative vibes begin. Joe and Cherry find out about their little meetups and warn Reki about the “dangers and demons of the deep” but Reki can’t fathom Langa being like the stories they tell. 
Langa’s mother would not be thrilled with him revealing himself to a human, but the real danger for Langa, though he doesn’t know it, is when Adam hears Langa happily singing to himself about a day spent with Reki. He becomes convinced Langa has “the song” and can bend the world to his will, and runs far with the implications, convinced that he’ll somehow unite mer kingdoms, bringing the sirens out of the depths to the more hospitable merfolk territory and plentiful hunting grounds. 
The only thing standing in the way is Reki and all that needs to happen is to get rid of him or have Langa do it through a little bit of trickery in saying that if Reki's love is true when Langa sings he'll grow gills.
Well, not the only thing, because then we have Matchablossom, already feeling like it's their burden to kill Adam.
And maybe I have some other tricks planned, but I feel like this is enough of an explosion of info.
Unless anyone wants to ask more questions...
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jubesy · 3 years
Could you do 43 with like a panic attack hurt/comfort scenario with joe and cherry please? I just feel like it would fit with cherry having anxiety and stuff 💅
Thank you for your request, anon! I tried my best to fill the prompt, so I hope you like it~ Though, instead of a panic attack, it deals with Cherry having a night terror, which also can happen to those with anxiety.
All cases may differ, so this is based on my experience. Please be aware, there is a scene where Joe witnesses Cherry having a night terror.
#43 “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.”
Also available on Ao3.
Link to my master list of Matcha Blossom drabbles
Joe grit his teeth as he took a turn a little too tightly on his bike. He managed to correct himself before wiping out. That was the last thing he needed. It was late. Or early, depending. And he’d been woken up by an alert on his phone. A message from Cherry’s A.I.
Carla 2:25AM: Master slept through his alarm. Carla 2:38AM: Master’s heart rate is elevated.
If only he’d heard the first one. Joe sped forward. They didn’t live too far apart, but it was significantly farther than the walk they used to take as kids.
When he arrived at Cherry’s, Joe parked his motorcycle and ran to the door, pulling out his spare key. He didn’t trip the alarm. After all, Carla knew he was coming.
He went straight to Cherry’s room. Thankfully, he found him in bed, illuminated by the soft light from his bedside lamp. But Cherry was not sleeping. He’d thrown the covers off, his face flushed and his chest heaving.
Carefully, Joe approached him. “Hey, Kaoru--” 
Cherry let out a sharp sound, halfway between a cry and a gasp. He tossed his head to the side, kicking out his arms and legs.
Shit. Joe really wished he’d heard that first message. If he wasn’t such a heavy sleeper, he might have gotten here before-- 
“N-No…!” Cherry thrashed, one of his legs getting caught in the sheets. He shouted again and Joe quickly untangled him, catching Cherry’s foot before it landed a kick to his chest.
“Kaoru,” he said again, using his other hand to hold Cherry’s ankle to keep his leg still. “Kaoru, it’s Kojiro. You’re having a--” But he was cut off when, with a surprising amount of strength, Cherry broke from his grasp and sat up.
“No!” Cherry screamed at him, eyes wide and unseeing. 
Joe knew what was coming. And just as Cherry was about to bolt, Joe wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight and keeping him from jumping up and off the bed.
“No!” Cherry said again, struggling in his hold. “No…no…” He kept trying to break free, but Joe held firm. 
“It’s okay,” Joe whispered against Cherry’s temple. “No one can hurt you. I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
Gradually, Cherry’s movements slowed until he was nearly limp in Joe’s arms. But when Joe pulled back, Cherry’s eyes were still open, glazed and blank.
Joe released him, sliding his hands down Cherry’s arms to grip his hands. “Hey, Kaoru,” he said softly, but received no response. “Kaoru,” he continued, wetting his lips. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” There was the slightest twitch of Cherry’s fingers, but nothing more. Joe took a deep breath. “I’m going to tuck you back in, okay?”
Then, every so gently, Joe laid Cherry back down, straightening his nightclothes and pulling the sheets back up to his chin. He knew it was very unlikely for Cherry to have another episode tonight. But he didn’t want to leave. Just in case.
“Carla,” Joe called. “Lights out, please.”
A few hours later, Joe awoke to a finger poking him in the shoulder. He didn’t even open his eyes. “And a very good morning to you, Kaoru,” he said, voice rough from sleep.
“You’re in my bed,” Cherry noted. 
Joe chuckled and cracked his eyes open. “Nothing gets past you, huh?” 
Cherry swatted his chest. “Why are you in my bed, Kojiro?” 
Joe swallowed. Cherry hardly ever remembered it the next day. And Joe almost didn’t want to tell him. But that wasn’t fair. Cherry deserved to know. “You slept through your alarm.”
The hand near his chest shook slightly and Joe reached up to grab a hold of it.
“I see…” Cherry chewed on his lip. 
“Carla messaged me,” Joe went on. “But I didn’t get it until your vitals were all…” He gestured vaguely, still holding Cherry’s hand in his. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” 
Cherry nodded and then shook his head. “No, it’s fine, I--” He wet his lips. “I didn’t...hurt you, did I?”
Joe placed Cherry’s palm against his chest. “A big, tough guy like me?” he teased. “Never.”
“I’m being serious!” Cherry’s fingers spasmed, but he didn’t remove his hand. “I hate it. Not being in control. Not...remembering.” He frowned.
“It sucks,” Joe finished for him. “I wish I could make it go away.” 
Cherry sighed. “The alarm had been working.” His gaze shifted over to Carla, still in sleep mode and charging by the wall. “I must have been exhausted if I slept through it.”
Joe hummed before leaning in closer and pressing their foreheads together. “Well, if it ever happens again, I’ll make sure not to sleep through the first text message.” 
At that, Cherry snorted. “You? Please.” He rolled his eyes. “You sleep like the dead.” He drew back. “Besides, you live farther away now, so it’s probably inconvenient for you to come all the way here just to...tuck me back in.” The rest was left unsaid.
“I could always sleep over,” Joe suggested. “Not all the time, but on nights when you’re especially worn out?”
Cherry actually looked like he was thinking it over before he sighed. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
Joe raised an eyebrow. “Oh, so I’m your first emergency contact, but having me spend the night is out of the question?” He shook his head. “And you’re not asking. I’m offering.” 
Cherry eyed him suspiciously, as if waiting for Joe to tell him it was just a joke. But, after a moment, he seemed convinced. “First of all,” he began. “You’re not my first emergency contact. Carla is--” 
“Doesn’t count--” 
“--and secondly, if you’re really fine with dropping whatever you’re doing to sleep here on occasion, I suppose that’s fine.” He finished with yet another sigh.
“See? Was that so hard?” Joe asked.
“Yes,” Cherry answered immediately and then cracked a smile. A soft one. “Thank you. For coming over last night.” He moved closer and ducked his head under his chin, pressing his cheek to Joe’s chest. “You’re a good man.” 
Joe grinned and wrapped his arms around Cherry, giving him a squeeze. “That’s why I’m your number one, right?” 
There was a puff of warm air against his skin as Cherry laughed. “Number two,” he corrected.
Request a drabble here!
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archester-creations · 2 years
Here’s my piece from the Offline Miya zine!
Not every day, but some days after school Miya would help Shadow at the flowershop. Initially, he hadn't planned for it to become a fairly common thing. He'd just wanted to bother Shadow. Poke fun at him, maybe talk to that manager he'd seemed to like so much. But when he went, an older lady had assumed he worked there and didn't even ask if he didn't before she shoved two flowers at him and asked for his opinion. It'd thrown him off enough he actually answered. Then the manager- Arisa, he eventually learned- shoved a bouquet into his hands and he could only blink as she shoved him toward someone at the counter, apparently deciding he would be an employee that day. Later he had learned Shadow’d called in sick and she was alone. Telling her that he was Shadow’s little sibling the first time he'd come here bit him in a way he hadn't expected, since she seemed to think he'd been sent to take Shadow’s place. (Of course, he didn't correct her. Not that he'd really had a chance to. It was busier than he'd expect a flowershop of all things to be. She'd paid him a little after, though. Which was nice.) After that he'd just kinda… started ending up there. More and more. The flowers smelled nice and it was a nice escape from school and the professional side of skating. Especially when he was busy. And when it was empty, it was fun to heelie around the shop with the shoes he'd convinced Kojiro to get him, making random bouquets. One of which he was even able to bring home. (It was his favourite- pink carnations and white lilies and ferns and lilacs and pink hyacinth.) It was… nice. More nice than he’d ever thought it’d be, though he’d admit he hadn’t exactly expected to end up here the first time he snuck over with Reki and Langa to bug Shadow into taking them to the onsen. Or any of the other times he came over to bother Shadow. Whether alone or not. What could he say, Shadow was fun to make fun of.
“Okay you little runt,” Shadow came toward him, a large bucket of flowers in hand, “move over.”
“Isn’t there a magic word you’re supposed to use?” Miya asked. When Shadow only glared at him and moved past anyway, grumbling something about cats and always being underfoot as he went, Miya stuck his tongue out. Even without the ‘please’ he rolled enough out of the way so Shadow wouldn’t trip. If a mess was made, they’d have to clean it up. Something he learned after an unfortunate accident almost had Arisa revoke his heelie rights. Thankfully his pleading face did wonders, even if it never fazed Kaoru. He followed Shadow outside, where the older skater filled the bucket with water. There was a low, wooden fence out here that really felt like it separated the back area from the outside world. A vine traveled up it, dotted with small yellow flowers. The shop didn’t really use them. Most of what they sold were bouquets or singular flowers and they weren’t really suited for either. But they fit the atmosphere of a flower shop. Sometimes Miya would catch Shadow taking care of them. Especially after dealing with especially trying customers. Or sometimes the day after a beef that went badly. About the second time Miya caught him, he figured Arisa put them there specifically for that reason. Next to the fence was a wooden box, which Miya rested his feet on when he jumped up to sit on the fence.
Shadow looked at him from the corner of his eye. “Shop is almost closing. Do you… need me to take you home?”
Every day Miya worked there, Shadow would ask that. And every time, he’d get the same answer.
“Nah, I have my skateboard.”
There was silence, filled only by the hose in the bucket. Before Shadow could ask a second time just to make sure- something that also happened everytime. The things Miya learned about Shadow. The blackmail . If he ever had the desire to, he could probably do some serious harm to Shadow’s S reputation. … He wouldn’t . Because he at least sorta cared about Shadow. But he could- a small, almost pitiful noise filled the air. A noise that immediately had Miya’s ears peaked. Was that-? It came again.
Mr-oow .
He turned to Shadow. “Did you hear that?” The look Shadow gave him, half worried and half concerned was all the answer he needed. He jumped down, making a meowing noise of his own in the hopes the cat would answer. It did, with the slightest delay. In a call and response, Miya kept it up until he found the cat. Bright blue eyes looked up at him from a bush. A small mouth opened wide. Me-roow? With a delighted gasp, Miya lifted the kitten from the bush. Dirt clung to short black fur and its toe beans. The hose turned off and Shadow walked up behind him.
“Oh no, we are not keeping a cat.” 
Miya turned on his heel to look up at the older skater. “You’re right,” he smirked and held the kitten out to him. “ You are.”
“ I can’t keep it,” Miya interrupted him. “Much as I’d love to, Joe’s allergic. I’d never get it in the door.”
“Then we’ll take it to an animal shelter!”
“And leave it to fend for itself??” Miya gasped, all fake dramatic and half fake anger, as he pulled the kitten close to his chest. This was the closest he’s gotten to actually owning a cat. He was not passing up this opportunity. “Who knows what kind of people might adopt it! If it even does manage to get adopted. I can’t leave this kitten’s fate up to chance.” And he pulled out his best pleading eyes, even jutting his lower lip out in a pout.
“Why don’t you just use those on your dad?” Shadow mumbled quietly before he sighed. “Alright, alright, I’ll take the fuzzball. Just put that away already.”
Miya lit up pleasantly, just barely keeping his smile from being too smug. “Thanks, Shadow!”
“Yeah, yeah, you little monster,” Shadow said with a flat look.
Luckily they didn't have to worry about the kitten in the shop. Arisa took one look at it and cooed. “Are you gonna take care of it?”
“Dad’s allergic so big brother said he would!” Miya quickly nodded. No backing out now.
“That's so sweet.” Arisa smiled and petted the kitten between its ears. It let out a loud purr as she did. Miya smiled as its little chest rumbled beneath his fingertips.
For once, at the end of their shift, Miya let Shadow drive him home. After they did some shopping and stopped by Shadow’s apartment, in that order.
(“Do we even need all this stuff?”
“Of course! Have you never taken care of a cat before?”
“Have you?”
“ My dad’s allergic to cats, it doesn't count. Plus I've done a lot of research.”)
Shadow grumbled on his way up the two flights of stairs, carrying the litter and cat food (canned and dry). After he got this stuff inside he'd head back down for the scratching post, fluffy bed, and cat toys. Because there was no way he was going to be stupid enough to try this in two trips. In front of him, Miya jumped up the stairs carrying only the cat and the keys he'd filched. So far the kitten seemed content in Miya’s arms. It just laid there and purred. Every so often Miya would scratch between its ears and the purring would briefly increase in volume. When he unlocked and opened the door he turned slightly so the kitten could get a look at Shadow’s apartment. “This is where you'll be living,” he said and bright blue eyes slowly blinked open. They looked around the apartment from his arms as Miya toed out of his shoes. This was actually the first time Miya’d been there, too. The apartment was smaller than his- a one bedroom-one bathroom compared to the two bedroom-two bathroom he lived in- though Miya assumed that was because Shadow lived alone. Of course that meant he'd need less space. There was a small balcony, too. Dark orange curtains were open, allowing light to enter the apartment.
“Thanks for the help.” There was a thud as something hit the ground. Probably the litter.
“Of course,” Miya said, not even looking back at Shadow. Something had caught his eye. A rectangular box outside on the floor of the balcony. Miya tilted his head and went to check it out.
It was wooden and full of dirt, with two very green, leafy plants. One of them was basically a bush and curled at least partly around a short metal stick that stuck up close to where it came out of the dirt. He was pretty sure it was a tomato plant. The second was close to the ground. This one he didn't recognize. Both plants had very similar yellow flowers, though. Miya knelt next to it. There was a green watering can with white flowers painted onto it next to it that made Miya snort, but he didn't touch it. “You grow vegetables?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I just didn't expect you to be that much of a gardener.”
“I have plants at the store,” Shadow said.
“Yeah, but I figured those were just to impress Arisa. Guess that explains why none of them have died,” Miya said.
“What do you mean by that, you little brat?” Shadow grumbled. Miya ignored it.
“So what kind are they?”
“What?” The glass door slid open further.
Miya poked at one of the leaves on the assumed tomato plant since it was closest to him. It was sort of fuzzy. The kitten shifted in his arms and he adjusted his hold so it couldn't jump out. “What kind of vegetables are they?”
“They're tomatoes,” Shadow said from much closer than before. Miya looked up to see Shadow’s jaw. When Shadow moved, he looked down again to see him point at the second plant. “And these are zucchini.”
“Neat,” Miya said. So he was right. He moved the kitten closer so it could sniff at the flowers. As it did it opened its mouth to bite at a petal. Before it could, Shadow grabbed it and set it inside.
Despite not helping him bring anything in, Miya does help Shadow set everything up. Of course. He needed to make sure everything would be good for the kitten. And needed to make sure Shadow knew how to take care of a kitten- though, out of the group he definitely trusted Shadow the most with this. By the time Miya is ready to go, the kitten is sniffing around Shadow’s apartment and being generally nosy. Miya can understand.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Shadow asked.
“I’m fine . I have my skateboard,” Miya held it up as if to say ‘see?’ and Shadow rolled his eyes, with his arms crossed.
“Alright, fine. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“See you at work, big brother!” Miya chirped and left out the door before Shadow could even protest. He thought about possible kitten names on his way home.
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niemingjueismylife · 3 years
Shindo family headcanons!
After being defeated by Langa, Adam finally gets his shit together (somewhat) and starts being a half-decent person. He insists that he is best friends with Kaoru and Kojiro (who keep denying this), and he never stops bugging Langa (who tries to ignore him), but at least he’s not hitting people with skateboards or making them fall off of cliffs.
He and Tadashi have had a sort of casual sex relationship for years, with Tadashi having an ‘unrequited’ love for him but since Adam finally snapped out of psycho behaviour, he starts paying more attention to him and eventually falls in love too.
His aunts are furious because they were arranging some kind of marriage with a good lady from a rich family, but they have no other choice rather than to accept their relationship since they have a child on the way, and what would everybody think if Shindo Ainosuke has a child out of wedlock.
Aito is the same age as Kota, and they’re a normal kid unlike both his parents.
Despite the fact they’re very good at skateboarding, Aito is not very much into it, for Adam’s distress. They very much prefer doing other things like painting, dancing, even roller skating.
Aito is very aware that their father has some loose screws up there and they avoid him most of the time- they still love him but with Adam you can never be too cautious.
Adam has no self control over spoiling his child, and Tadashi had to keep him in check sometimes. He’s also not allowed to punish them at all, since he has a screwed sense of what an appropriate punishment for a child is.
Aito spends most of their time outside the home, hanging out with Michiru, but that’s mostly because their parents are busy and they get bored alone in that mansion.
Despite the fact he never has free time, Adam has never missed a single event of Aito’s life— he’s assisted every single birthday party, school plays, friends parties, etc. He knows what is to be like to grow up with terrible parents and he doesn’t want that for Aito.
Adam’s aunts try more than once to convince him to divorce and marry a woman for “the sake of his child”, but there’s one thing they cannot win against: Aito’s screams. They’re a really calm and chill person, but they know how to throw a proper tantrum.
I guess that’s all I have uwu
I might come back with mixed headcanons about Shadows’s daughters, or maybe just all the kids in general~
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starglossie · 3 years
how can we deny what we feel?
summary: where cherry is joe’s date for a dinner party because he lost a beef. and when joe gives himself a chance to truly consider how beautiful cherry is. and how they nearly get into a brawl in the middle of the dance floor, because their love language has and always will be: fight first, fall in love later.  rating: e for explicit! wc: 4.7k!  pairing: matchablossom !!!  CAN BE READ ON AO3 + under the read more below! 
“Excuse me?” 
Kojiro anticipated the dirty, crumpled napkin, hurled his way and dodges just in time. Kaoru’s eyes widen and his eyebrows are crunched so hard Kojiro’s convinced they’ll connect by sheer force alone. His cheeks are red. His lips are pulled upwards into a snarl. Nothing out of the ordinary. 
“Just for a weekend,” Kojiro continued while Kaoru looked for a fork. Or a knife. Probably both. “It’s not like we haven’t done it before.”
“Once! One time! That was the promise!” Kaoru hisses and Kojiro is so close to losing it. 
“Okay, well, you know what they say about the second time being the charm… Don’t give me that look!” he takes a purposeful step back as Kaoru leans forward to grab him by the collar. “Listen. It’s for the restaurant. It’ll only be for a few hours. And the food will be delicious.” 
Kaoru’s expression barely shifted, but it’s one Kojiro noticed. A little acquiescence to the idea of good food- free, good food. Something Kaoru could never deny. Kojiro grinned. Kaoru’s shoulders visibly relaxed, though he was still on edge. That’s also nothing surprising. 
“... You think I’m so cheap to be bought by food, you brainless musclehead gorilla ?”
Kojiro’s eyebrow twitched. “I absolutely think you are, gearhead . Anyways, you lost the beef.” he crossed his arms over his chest, smug. “I’m just entertaining your back and forth at this point. You know the rules.” 
If there was a bet made during a beef, the losing party had to abide by the terms the winning party set out.  Kojiro knew this. Kaoru definitely knew this. He was just being stubborn. And really, if the roles were reversed, Kojiro would be doing the same thing. But they’re not. So he’s enjoying every second of it. 
“I hate you,” Kaoru mumbled, stabbing his fork into his steak Kojiro made. 
“The feeling’s mutual. So 8 o’clock. Be ready. And don’t bring Carla.” 
“Huh? That’s not a part of the deal! Carla comes or I don’t come.” 
“Do you have separation anxiety? She’ll be fine. She told me she needs space from you to spread her AI wings and fly.” 
“She would never speak to you or say anything like that. Carla comes .” 
Kaoru’s stubbornness was going to be the death of Kojiro. He was sure of it. “Alright. Alright she comes. But she’s on mute .” 
Kaoru opened his mouth and then promptly slammed it shut. “Fine. And one more thing.” he said, though it was much quieter than his earlier words. 
Kojiro raised an eyebrow. Waiting for Kaoru to speak. When he does, it's like he hadn’t spoken at all. “Huh? Speak up! Stop acting like you’re all shy!” 
“I-” Kaoru’s frustration was apparent. Kojiro braced himself for a hit but what came instead was… not expected. “No repeats. Of last time. Strictly platonic.” 
Ah. And maybe, at this point, a physical punch would have been better. Kojiro can’t tell why his stomach curled into a horrible twist or the sharp twinge that followed. Can’t explain why his brain suddenly went into overdrive about why and what does he mean as if he wasn’t aware of what Kaoru was referring to. 
He remembered the heat. And nails down his back. And the cramped fit of the closet. And being on his knees. 
Was this feeling, the weird heat up his neck, disappointment? 
Better play it off. 
“Cool with me,” Kojiro shrugged it off. He picked up Kaoru’s plate and placed it in the sink. “We go. We mingle. We leave. In and out. Easy peasy.” 
He carefully watched Kaoru’s expression and body. How the man’s shoulders still seemed taut with tension. How his frown deepened even further and his eyebrows were bunched so tightly, Kojiro feared they’d magically meld together and form one, pink unibrow. Kaoru wouldn’t look at him. But Kojiro caught the red tinge on the tip of his ears, and held back the urge to snort. 
Sometimes he was so easy to read. 
“In and out,” Kaoru finally said, agreeing. 
“Easy peasy,” Kojiro repeated, smiling. 
Dinner parties were never really Kojiro’s things.
Sure, they were fun. Especially when he got a few drinks in his system. And socializing was never a problem for him. Well, until he socialized a little too much. To the point where two people were fighting to see who went home with him. Cliche, horribly so, and happened a lot more than he would think it would-now that he gave it a little bit of thought. But then again, he had two hands-so why fight? 
That normally worked. 
As he adjusted his tie, he looked towards the suit hanging by his mirror. He really hated suits. They felt tight around his shoulders and arms always . He was a big guy, with a lot of muscle. He’d rather wear loose jackets, or no shirt at all. 
Really, this was all for formalities. A lot of investors and restaurant connoisseurs came to these kind of fancy smancy events. He’d rather be out skating. Out feeling the wind in his hair and the open road before him. Rather than feeling the gel in his hair, and the sparkling lights of chandeliers and designer jewelry. Had to be done, though. For the sake of business. If he wanted to keep his place afloat, he had to show up to these things at least once. Get his face out there. Make nice with people. Laugh at the right jokes. And then steal a platter of shrimp cocktails before heading home. 
And then there was Kaoru.
This wasn’t the first time he’s done this. Gone with Kaoru to one of these events. The first time it happened spurred from a late night, drunken conversation. When Kojiro had gotten a look at Kaoru's back profile, with his hair over his shoulder and his elegant stance-proud, sure, strong. And immediately thought about how Kaoru would look on his arm, done up in a different way from his usual attire. 
“Be my date for this dinner party,” Kojiro slurred, his smile coming across nice and easy. 
Kaoru frowned, confused. “Huh? Why?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” Kojiro had said aloud. Faster than he could catch them. But the words were already out in the air. And really, Kojiro was never one to go back on something once he’s said it. 
He watched as Kaoru’s face exploded in a brilliant shade of red. All the way to the tip of his ears. Kaoru didn’t speak. His mouth opened, but no sound came out. Instead, he had reached for his glass. Downed whatever whiskey was left. And quietly, but fiercely, responded-
That same night ended with them in a closet. Also drunk, but this time a little better dressed than Kojiro in one of his casual t-shirts and Kaoru in his casual kimono. How did they get into the closet? Kojiro wasn’t sure. 
But did they have fun in the closet?
As much as Kojiro remembered, they did. 
“No repeats,” he said to himself in the mirror. He wasn’t upset. Not really. Hooking up with Kaoru was not on the top of his list. But it did reside on his list. If he had to have a moment of honesty with himself as he stared at the reflection in his mirror. 
He slipped into his suit the same time as the door to his room opened. He caught Kaoru first in the mirror, and turned around immediately to get the full view. 
His hair was loose. Not in its usual high pony or low pony. But free. Kojiro had rarely seen Kaoru’s hair out since high school. He normally kept it tied up because he hated how it got into his hair. He didn’t have his glasses on. And he wore a brilliant purple kimono. 
Kojiro’s throat went dry. 
“What?” Kaoru fidgeted and Kojiro realized he must have been staring a little too intently. 
Kojiro beamed, from ear to ear. “You really know how to sweep a guy off his feet. I should have known your pride wouldn’t let you come dressed anything less than your best.” 
“Well, I have a rep to uphold,” Kaoru sniffed. 
“Right right. The purple is actually a good choice. It brings out my eyes.”
“You’re the most annoying individual to ever grace the earth.”
“Thanks, I try. Ready to go?” 
They arrived fashionably late. 
Kojiro never liked to be on time for things. Kaoru liked to be on time for things a little too much. 
So yes, maybe Kojiro did take an extra five minutes for them to do a shot of courage before leaving his place just to waste time and get on Kaoru’s nerves. 
Absolutely worth it. 
“You wanna drink?” 
“No,” Kaoru said, folding his arms across his chest. 
Kojiro shrugged and reached out for a champagne flute by a passing waiter. “Suit yourself. You’re gonna regret it later, though.” Kojiro could never get through this party without being a little drunk. Just for funsies. 
“We already drank before we came here.”
“One shot is not drinking.” 
Kaoru rolled his eyes and stalked off towards the buffet table. Kojiro watched as he left, gaze intent. Kaoru was usually a bundle of spikes and clenched jaws. However, when he was walking through the crowd Kojiro couldn’t deny the elegance and grace Kaoru swiftly adopted. 
Shoulders high, gaze straight and resolute, and striding with purpose. Kojiro carefully sipped his drink watching as the crowd of sparkling individuals quite literally parted for Kaoru. 
“He sure knows how to command a room,” Kojiro murmured. He scanned the crowd to see if any of the usual, important connections were there. He had at least three people he needed to follow up with about inventory, marketing, and promotions. So with another sip he slipped into the crowd himself to mingle. 
Mingling was easy. It didn’t take much for Kojiro to find what a person loved to hear and then, repeat those very same words like silver and silk to get what he needed. Conversation was never something Kojiro struggled to cultivate. Once he painted on his smile and adjusted his body language as open, friendly, and warm-the rest was quite easy. 
“Are you by yourself tonight, Kojiro?” Hana was one of Kojiro’s important connections in the restaurant business. She was beautiful and quick witted. Any restaurant in Okinawa who wanted to stay on top of the latest trends knew it was best to have her on their side then against them. She was, quite literally, the pulse of their social circle. 
Kojiro’s eyes cut through the crowd slowly. He found Kaoru at the buffet table chatting with a man Kojiro didn’t recognize. Kaoru was engaging pleasantly. No doubt putting on his fake, charming persona to engage the man with. 
“Hmmm,” he debated what to answer. He could say no. And see if that would lead to Hana offering to go off, just the two of them. They’ve hooked up before at one of these functions. And she was always a fun company to be around. 
But then he saw the man talking to Kaoru lean forward. Whispering something in Kaoru’s ear that made him flinch. 
“I am,” he said to her, smiling. And then took off to where Kaoru was. 
Kaoru caught Kojiro’s gaze as Kojiro was walking over, and Kojiro immediately caught the tense aura surrounding Kaoru like a cloak. 
“Kaoru,” Kojiro made his voice syrupy sweet, slipping an arm around Kaoru’s waist. Kaoru leaned in, pressed to his side. A part of Kojiro’s brain said this is right . He shut that part down. “Sorry to make you wait. I was catching up with some friends.” His gaze cut to the man who looked much smaller up close now that Kojiro had a good look at him. “Who’s this?”
“Oh, don’t mind me!” the man smiled shakily. “I was just complimenting your date’s attire, as all.”
“Did you have to lean so closely to do it?” Kojiro asked. “Surely you can respect another’s need for space and leave them be, no?”
“Kojiro,” Kaoru muttered. He placed a warning hand on Kojiro’s chest and then flashed the man a dazzling smile. “Don’t mind my date. He’s overprotective as all. Though I’d appreciate that if we ever have the unfortunate experience of crossing paths again, you don’t try to touch me so inappropriately in such a casual manner.” when Kaoru opened his eyes again they were sharp, and cutting. “Now begone.”
The man scurried off into the crowd without another word. 
Kojiro watched him go, laughing. “Man he can haul ass.” More seriously, he asked. “Are you okay?”
Kaoru yanked himself out of Kojiro’s arm. Kojiro looked down at the now empty space and frowned. “Fine. Did you have to do all that? I was capable of handling it myself.”
“You looked uncomfortable. What sort of date would I be if I didn’t come to your defense?”
“Oh please. Don’t act like you’re a gentleman when you were off flirting with some woman.”
“Don’t play dumb! The woman who was hanging off your arm!”
“Hana?” Kojiro asked, slowly. “We weren’t flirting.” then a beat later, “Yet.”
Kaoru scowled, muttering a curse Kojiro couldn’t hear but definitely felt. A waiter with a tray of champagne glasses walked by. Kaoru waved them over and grabbed two glasses. He downed them with scary efficiency and placed the empty glasses on the table. “I’m going out for some air. Don’t follow me.” 
Kojiro could have let Kaoru walk away from him again, tonight. But something in him wanted Kaoru to stay. Maybe this was another one of his urges to push the boundaries between them. Or, maybe, it was something within Kojiro that still felt irked having seen that man get a little too close to Kaoru.
Whatever it was, Kojiro reached out and grabbed Kaoru’s wrist. 
Kaoru turned back, glowering at their hands. “What?” 
“Let’s dance,” Kojiro responded, smiling. 
Kaoru balked, “Excuse me?”
The music turned into a slow tempo and Kojiro just continued grinning as he led Kaoru to the dance floor. “Dance. You and me. Do something a little different from getting incredibly wasted, stuffing ourselves with food, and then passing out in the Uber home.”
“That sounds much better than this idea,” Kaoru said but he still allowed himself to be pulled. And when Kojiro looked back, he could see a blush coating his cheeks. 
Cute , Kojiro thought. There were people on the dance floor, some chatting and some dancing with their dates. Kojiro wouldn’t call himself a dancer. But he’d been to enough of these events to know a few basic steps. He placed one hand on Kaoru’s waist, and grasped one of Kaoru’s hands in his own. 
“I’ll lead,” he smirked. 
“I’m going to step on all ten of your toes,” Kaoru smirked back. 
Kojiro threw his head back and laughed as he led them through the dance. “Please do! I’d love to see you try, metalhead.”
“Metalhead? I’ll have you know per your request I haven’t even unmuted Carla, you monkey in a monkey suit.”
“Monkey in a monkey suit? Is that the best you can come up with?” 
That earned him a stomp but it was well deserved. The two continued bickering back and forth through the dance, much to the amusement of anyone who caught them. It was truly comical. Kojiro turned them around and around while Kaoru barked insults and Kojiro threw back as good as he got. 
When the song ended, the two’s foreheads were pressed together. Their hands were now interlocked in a fierce embrace as they snarled at each other. 
“I didn’t even want to come! Meanwhile you basically blackmail me to come-”
“-You lost the beef, idiot!”
“Shut up! Don’t talk about that here! You brainless meathead! And then you have the audacity to flirt with someone woman when I’m your date!”
“Oh so I’m just supposed to turn away people who come talk to me while my date is getting himself felt up by somebody else?”
“You act like I wanted that to happen! I was ten seconds from ripping all his fingers off!”
“If you weren’t gonna do it, I was!”
“All you do is talk and talk and talk! That’s why I can never take you seriously. Because all the talk you speak is just empty flattery to everyone and everyone! You drive me crazy .”
“You’re the only person I never just chat to! You’re the only person I’m ever serious with!” God when did his voice get so loud. And when did their faces get so close. And when did Kaoru’s face get so slack, so shocked. What did he say? What had he said?
The weight of his words finally crashed. He felt like he’d just wiped out on the track. 
Kaoru leaned back. “What…” he said slowly, carefully choosing his words. “Do you mean by that?”
They’re on the dance floor in stupid, fancy attire. Amongst stupid, fancy people that Kojiro had to woo and smooze once every few months. Yet it’s in this moment where the chandelier is above them and the violin strings are softly building up momentum and Kojiro is filling the champagne in his veins and he can’t help but think. Think that in Kaoru’s rage he is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
At this moment, he could run. He could put on his pretty words and regulate Kaoru to everyone else, like he said. With pretty words and pretty lies and shallow promises. 
But it was Kaoru.
And Kaoru was always different. 
“It means. It means, I like you, Kaoru.”
The music stops. Kojiro’s feel his entire face heat up. Kaoru’s face turned a brilliant red and he’s so beautiful. God he’s so beautiful. Why had Kojiro never allowed himself to see that? To allow himself the ability to gaze upon the most beautiful man he’s ever had the pleasure of calling his best friend. 
Why has he not kissed him yet?
Kojiro pulled Kaoru back, until his arms were around his waist. Their foreheads touched again, and he could feel Kaoru’s heart pounding. And Kojiro’s remembering when they were drunk in the closet. And how he wished they weren’t in the closet, but back at his place. Getting to know each other. Getting to learn each other’s bodies. Getting to slowly fall in love with the parts of themselves they’ve always known, but now they could experience one another in a whole different fashion. 
He wanted that so badly he could taste it. 
“I like you,” he said, softer. He closed his eyes. And he’s not sure if his pulse quickens out of fear or exhilaration. 
“Kojiro,” Kaoru’s voice sounded strained. Kojiro opened his eyes, Kaoru’s face was still bright. His eyes shining with something Kojiro couldn’t quite place. But then Kaoru’s leaning forward, and their lips almost touch. “Take me home.”
If Kojiro didn’t know Kaoru so well, he would have taken those words as rejection. But Kaoru was gripping his shoulders tightly. Biting his bottom lip. Glancing down at Kojiro’s lips and then back again. 
“Yeah. Yeah ok.” 
“Is this alright?” Kojiro asked, as he placed a soft kiss on Kaoru’s neck. 
Kaoru gripped Kojiro’s shoulders, “You keep asking me that. I’ll punch you if I don’t like it.”
Kojiro frowned, lifting himself up. “One, don’t do that. And two, you said you didn’t want any repeats. I want to respect that. So tell me, now. If you want to keep going, or if you don’t.” 
He’d respect it. Even if every nerve in his body was screaming to be inside Kaoru and feel him down to the wire, if this wasn’t something Kaoru wanted to do tonight-he’d respect that. No questions asked. 
Kaoru glanced up at him, and Kojiro got such a glance of how wrecked Kaoru looked already. His lips were red and glistening from their earlier kissing. His pupils were blown and his kimono was slipping off his shoulders. The sight was… so much. It made Kojiro’s cock ache tightly against his pants. 
“Thank you,” Kaoru said softly. Then his hand moved to cup Kojiro’s hardening cock through his pants. He stroked a few times. Kojiro moaned, head dropping forward and hips shallowly moving into the touch. “I appreciate your concern, but.” his thumb traced the tip of Kojiro’s cock. He was too good with this. Moving his hand up and down Kojiro’s hardening erection like he was making brush strokes. “I want this.” 
“Are you sure?” Kojiro gritted his teeth as Kaoru gave him a particular squeeze. 
“Yes, you idiot.” Kaoru wrapped his legs around Kojiro’s waist, pulling him close. He leaned up so his lips were near Kojiro’s ears, “I want you to fuck me. Make a mess of me. I want to feel it tomorrow morning.”
Kojiro didn’t really need to be told twice. He stripped out of his shirt and jacket until he was just in his pants. Where he unzipped himself and freed his cock. He reached over to the bedside table where his lube and condoms were. 
Kaoru started stroking Kojiro’s cock with his. Kojiro groaned, dropping his head to Kaoru’s shoulder as Kaoru worked them slowly. “You’re far too fucking good at this.”
“I know,” Kaoru replied, smug. 
Kojiro snorted and kissed him again. “Hold on, stop.” Kaoru did as he was told, and Kojiro spread Kaoru’s legs wide as he kissed down the slope of his body. Kaoru’s cock was leaking, strained against his belly. Kojiro pressed a kiss to the head. His own cock twitching as Kaoru sighed in pleasure. 
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about sucking Kaoru off again. He never thought the opportunity would arise. Now that it had, he wasted no time swallowing Kaoru to the base. 
Kaoru’s hips raised off the bed. He moaned Kojiro loudly as his hands fell to Kojiro’s hair. Kojiro hummed, his tongue running along the underside of Kaoru’s cock. He pulled off with a pop after a few sucks. With the lube, he poured some over his fingers and began to slowly work open Kaoru. There was some resistance at first, but he made sure to go slow. First, with one finger, and then another, and finally-a third. 
He watched as Kaoru became an utter mess. Writhing and cursing, an arm flown over to cover his face. Kojiro kissed the inside of Kaoru’s thighs, feeling them tremor and shake. He kissed up and up until he was at the base of Kaoru’s cock. As he thrust his fingers forward, working him open, he licked Kaoru from the base to the tip. He suckled on the head, swirling his tongue around and into the slit of Kaoru’s cock. 
“Fucking Kojiro , stop being a tease.” Kaoru pushed at Kojiro’s shoulder. “In me. Put it in me.” 
Kojiro slipped Kaoru out of his mouth as he removed his fingers. He reached for the condom on the bed and ripped open the packet with his mouth before rolling the condom onto his cock. “I should have known even in bed you’d be super demanding.”
“Yeah yeah,” Kaoru rolled his eyes and pulled Kojiro closer. “I should have known even with my dick in my mouth you can’t shut up.”
“It’s part of my charm,” Kojiro grinned as their tongues met, a sloppy intertwining as he lined himself at Kaoru’s entrance. He pulled back so he could guide himself slowly, feeling Kaoru’s walls stretching to his size. He sank until he was inside, fully. Groaning at the heat. Kaoru was so tight . He was so tight. Kojiro had never felt something sweet. Nothing better. 
He held onto Kaoru’s thighs, lifting them up so Kaoru was angled slightly off the bed. “You okay?” he asked, voice tight. 
Kaoru exhaled slowly, nodding. “Go slow. I’ll adjust.”
Kojiro obeyed. He eased himself out slowly and slid back in just the same. Kaoru’s soft gasp at the thrust sent a warm jolt down Kojiro’s spine. Their pace was gentle, as he took the time to work Kaoru open, in and out. Kojiro went in for another kiss. Their lips wet, and tongues sliding against each other.
Kojiro’s fingers curled around Kaoru’s hips, and he snapped forward with a roll that had Kaoru gasping his name into Kojiro’s mouth for him to swallow. 
“Faster, there.” Kaoru commanded. 
“Yes,” Kojiro snapped his hips forward again while he picked up the pace. 
Kojiro threw his head back and moaned. Kojiro dipped forward, sweat coating his brow, to kiss and mark up and leave Kaoru’s neck a red mess. 
“You feel so good,” Kojiro moaned while he fucked Kaoru. “So so good. I’ve thought of this. Of me fucking you. Me kissing you. Like this. You feel better than expected.”
“Shut up. Shut up, Kojiro. You’re so cheesy-Ah!” Kojiro’s next thrust hit the right spot, it seemed. Once found Kojiro angled his hips so he could hit that pressure inside of Kaoru again and again. 
Kaoru couldn’t speak. He could only moan and let loose curses as they continued. Their hips meeting each other for every thrust. Until Kaoru reached down between their bodies. Grasped his dick in his hands, and jerked himself off shakily. 
Kojiro grabbed his hand and placed it above Kaoru’s head. Kaoru growled but Kojiro leaned forward to kiss him. “No. Let me make you cum. I want to.” Kojiro released Kaoru’s hands and leaned forward, pressing his weight on Kaoru, and rolled his hips with deep, quick thrusts. Kaoru grasped onto Kojiro’s back, nails digging into his skin. Every word out of his mouth was of pleasures, moans and gasps and moans and gasps until his breath started hitching. 
He rolled his hips frantically, cock leaking and hard and pressed between their stomachs. With a few more thrusts, Kojiro felt Kaoru’s walls tighten around his cock and felt wetness spurt between their bodies. 
“ Kojiro ,” Kaoru groaned as he came. Kojiro fucked him through his orgasm, holding him tightly as he felt his own come upon him. He groaned Kaoru’s name into his neck, fingers gripping tightly upon Kaoru’s back. His whole body shook with the force of his orgasm.
After a few moments to catch his breath, Kojiro pulled out of Kaoru and rolled over. He took off the condom, tied it, and deposited it by the trash can by his bed. 
He turned back onto the bed. Laying on his side as Kaoru laid spread out, his entire skin a soft pink. His kimono ruffled. His hair all over the place. And beautiful. Utterly beautiful. 
Kaoru looked up at him, as Kojiro looked down, and their lips naturally found their way to one another. They kissed lazily, with no rush to start another round and no rush to kick each other out. 
Kojiro leaned back, pulling Kaoru to lay on top of him. Kaoru frowned but he didn’t make any moves to get away. 
“You’re sweaty.”
“So are you, Kaoru.”
“You’re sweatier.”
“Oh my God can we just bask in the afterglow of some bomb sex, please?” 
“You like me.” Kaoru said instead. 
Kojiro had the audacity to look embarrassed, “You’re … I-yes?”
“Since when?”
“Uh… honestly? Probably since, high school.”
‘Since high school !” 
“Listen! I just recently realized tonight I like you, ok! I’m just saying that I’ve probably always liked you since back then and didn’t know until… now.”
“God, you’re an idiot.” Kaoru huffed and dropped his head onto Kojiro’s chest.
Kojiro chuckled, running his hands through Kaoru’s hair. “That I am. Yo, you gonna tell me you like me too or did you just use me for sex?”
He felt Kaoru’s mouth move against his chest, but whatever he said was too quiet for Kojiro to hear. 
“Huh? What was that? Can you speak up please?”
“I said I like you.” 
“What was that?”
Kojiro’s laughter rang through his room as he flipped them over and kissed Kaoru all over his face. 
“Since high school too, right?” Kojiro asked, laughing between the kisses. 
“Shut the fuck up.”
“ Knew it. ” Kojiro was grinning ear to ear. He smiled down at Kaoru’s scowling face that soon transformed into a small smile in return. Kaoru wrapped his arms around Kojiro’s neck and pulled him in for a sloppier kiss, all tongue and saliva. 
“Congrats. Now fuck me again.” 
“ Anything for you, Kaoru.” 
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maryniss · 3 years
Dove L’amore
Tumblr media
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Summary: Kojiro dances with Kaoru in the restaurant.
Rating: General and Up Audiences
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Characters:  Nanjo Kojiro | Joe  ;   Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Tags: fluff, dancing, not angsty 
Notes: hey short not angsty matchablossom fic here u go muah byeee
Music: Cher-Dove L'amore
Kojiro was feeling surprisingly good today. Why, he didn’t know, but did it actually matter?
He walked into his kitchen, the yellow light of the morning shining shyly through the restaurant’s windows. Outside, it was still too early for cars to be on the road, for people to walk to their workplace.
Ah, did Kojiro loved this kind of mornings, where everything was so peaceful, so tranquil. With the biggest and dumbest smile plastered all over his face, he put on his apron and turned the stove on.
But, the feeling that something was missing was lingering near, not letting him enjoy that beautiful morning completely. What was it that was not there...?
Kojiro suddenly knew. And it was kind of weird, but it didn’t matter as long as he would feel happy. He took his phone and opened YouTube.
“Ah, how was it called...,”muttered he under his breath. “Ah, yeah! That was it!” Kojiro connected his phone to his portable box and pressed play.
Cher’s voice reverberated in the silent room. Kojiro turned the volume to max and let the melody play on repeat.
He went back to the kitchen counter and started preparing the food for that day. Some carrots form under the table, some meat from the fridge and in between a twirl in rhythm with the music. Kojiro took a ladle and tried the soup and then turned off the stove.
“Still no customers, huh?”
Cher’s voice was still filing the room. Kojiro smiled, remembering a very specific night in Paris.
And, suddenly he was singing and dancing. He almost knocked his soup over and he was not far from breaking a chair, but it was fun.
Well, that until the other Cher he knew appeared.
“What are you doing?”
Kojiro hit himself on the corner of the table and screamed. 
“I was sure the door was closed...”
Kaoru scoffed and sat himself at a table.
“I used the key you gave me. Also, bring me some food.”
Kojiro frowned.
“Oi, you cant just walk into somebody’s restaurant and demand food...!”
Kojiro laughed and sat back on his chair, his hair almost brushing the floor. 
“And turn the music down. You sing and dance horrible.” Oh, ho-ho, at that, Kojiro, who was about to pour Kaoru a hot bowl of soup, really got annoyed. Seriously, he was in such a good mood before! 
The green-haired man put the food down on the counter and sat next to Kaoru. Seeing that his friend was about to say something, probably scold him or something, Kojiro reached over the table and pressed his hand over his mouth.
“I think you dance much more worse than me...Kaoru... Remember that night in Paris?” Kaoru’s eyes got bigger and he somehow got the courage to lick the hand covering his face. Kojiro backed away; though it was not the lick that made he do so; he just wanted to saw the pretty, pink blush stretched over his friend’s face.
“You know, I was drunk...!”. Ah. Kojiro really was tired of that excuse. He suddenly sat up and the chair he has sat onto fell on the floor. He grabbed Kaoru’s wrist and the pink-haired man made a cute sound at the sudden action; something like a squirrel would.
“If you don’ remember, should we do it again?”. Kaoru’s face only got a darker shade of pink, almost red. He tried to hide behind his hair, but that left his neck unprotected. Kojiro saw the matching sun tattoo they got that night in Paris. He still wondered how he managed to convince Kaoru to have one. He smiled.
Right then, Cher’s melody started playing again. The sound of guitar filled the room and Kojiro took Kaoru’s hand in his.
“Look, this is how you should put your arms,” said he, guiding Cherry. “I assume that you did not dance with other people besides me, since you seem to hate it so much...Also, who would dance with you with that face? Scary.” Kojiro laughed at the sour look Kaoru gave him; it had no effect with his face being so red.
“I’m joking, I’m joking. Though I may be the only one who finds this face cute.” Kaoru was about to slap him. Probably. But the lyrics started right then and Kojiro was saved.
“Come, on, pay attention. If it won’t be good the first time, we are gonna do it again.”
                                           Dov'e L'Amore                                            Dov'e L'Amore                                   I cannot tell you of my life                                           Here is my story
Kaoru didn’t ask what Kojiro meant by good. His palms were sweaty and he almost tumbled down.
“Of course we’re gonna do it again, since you have no customers. Only I come around here for you horrible food.”
“Mhm, yes, only you, indeed...” Kojiro spun Kaoru around, who gasped. The pink-haired man didn’t know what to say; it was just like that night. And yes, he did remember. But how could he admit to Kojiro? How could he when he knew what they said to each other that night? How could he say that he remembered those words?
He was not ready....His heart could not take it...
“Are your memories coming back to you?”. Kaoru shrugged. 
                      There is no other, there is no other                          No other love can take your place                           Or match the beauty of your face                             I'll keep on singing till the day                                     I carry you away
Their moves were swift and perfectly in sync. It was a simple moment, so simple and so beautiful that Kaoru’s head was spinning. He did not want to get lost, but he did. He got lost in the song and in Kojiro’s eyes and in Kojiro’s arms he did another spin. 
They clashed back together and Kaoru tried to catch his breath.
“Do you remember now?”
“The song is not finished.”
They both looked into each other eyes. Kojiro smiled and he took Kaoru in his arms.
“Hey, what the...Put me down!”
Kojiro did not listen. Now, when did he listen to Kaoru? He spun around the restaurant and he laughed. His laugh was genuine and Kaoru could only stay still and look. 
                            Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Non c'e nessuno                             Bello come te e ti amo
Kaoru had to hide his face in Kojiro’s chest. He couldn’t control his smile, not anymore. He hated how Kojiro did this to him; bring down everything he worked so hard for. His calm face, his rational mind. Throw them out of the window!
He hated and loved Kojiro and he did not want that moment to end.
But, as Kaoru never have what he desired, a knock interrupted them. He would love to beat that guy outside.
He looked up when Kojiro continued dancing. 
“Uhm, there is someone...”
“Let them stay there. I only got food for you anyways. Since you love my bad cooking.” And, just like that the song finished. For a brief second, they looked at each other. And Kaoru smiled and the song started again.
That day, no customers were allowed to enter and neither Joe or Cherry were at S. And the song played all the day...
                     I'll keep on singing till the day                              I carry you away                 With my love song, with my love song                 With my love song, with my love song
The night was warm and kind of quiet. A drunk Kaoru and a drunk Kojiro stumbled across the streets of Paris, trying to find the way to their hotel.
“I told you ~hic~! it was a bad idea ~hic~!... to drink so much ~hiC~!, you brainless gorilla!”
“Well, when did I ever ~BuRp~ listen to you! ~hic~
Kaoru made a sheesh sign towards his friend.
“Do you hear?”
“What should I ~hic!~ hear?”
Cher’s Dove l’amore was raging from afar.
“Come on, dance with me, Kojiro.”
And they danced. And they kissed. And they confessed. And they danced.
And maybe they were just a bit too drunk. Or maybe they liked the song a bit too much.
But, the Paris’s streets thought otherwise. I guess they were just a little bit too much in love with each other.
non angsty matchblossom?? me?? surprise shawty hope u liked it muah byee!!
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jubesy · 3 years
Ahh, the make me matchablossom fic was so good! Kind of love stories that play to the challenging nature of their relationship. It’s kind of similar, but I’d love to see you do 47.”Go on, I dare you” for them too. Thank you!!
Thank you so much, anon!! I’m sorry it took me a bit to get to your request (I had a few Matcha Blossom ideas that popped into my head and demanded to be written first) But, after watching episode 9.5, I know exactly what I want to write for this one~ I hope you like it!
Matcha Blossom #47 “Go on, I dare you.”
Also available on Ao3.
Link to my master list of Matcha Blossom drabbles
Joe fell to his knees in shock as the two girls he’d been chatting with walked away. All because Miya had somehow convinced them that he was his dad. No, that wasn’t it. Plenty of girls would fall for a young, single father. They’d walked away because Miya had told them something else.
The middle schooler in question had already grabbed Reki, Langa, and Shadow and taken refuge in the ocean waves before Joe had a chance to scold him. Smart kid. The mastermind, on the other hand, was still relaxing in the shade of his umbrella. And Joe was about to retaliate.
“You put him up to it, didn’t you?” Joe said as he towered over Cherry’s languid form.
Slowly, golden eyes blinked open, Cherry’s gaze lazily meeting Joe’s. “What are you going on about?” Cherry squinted up at him before slipping his eyes closed once more.
“Miya,” Joe clarified. “You told him to do that.” 
Cherry let out an annoyed little huff before looking up at Joe again. “Told him to do what?”
Oh, so that’s how it was going to be. Cherry was going to play dumb. “Bet you thought that was real cute, huh?” Joe sneered at him, arms folded over his chest. “What’s the matter, Kaoru?” He tilted his chin up. “Jealous?” 
Cherry furrowed his brow. “What nonsense are you spouting?” he asked and then reached for his glasses from the table beside his beach chair. Once they were on, he regarded Joe. “If you’re going to interrupt my nap, the least you could do is try to make sense.” He smirked. “Or has being out in direct sunlight for too long fried what remained of your brain cells?” 
Joe gaped at him. That pompous… First, he interrupted what was turning out to be a very pleasant conversation with those girls and now he was going to pretend like it hadn’t happened?
“What’s wrong?” Cherry asked, picking up his drink and taking a sip. “Was I right about the sun?” He chuckled.
Joe snapped out of it. “Listen, we could go back and forth all day--”
“I doubt it.” 
“Or you could just go ahead, save us all a little time, and admit that you were jealous?” Joe finished.
“Jealous?” Cherry raised his eyebrows. He looked around. “Jealous of what?” 
“Of those--!” Joe growled and ran a hand down his face. “Didn’t you send Miya over to scare off those girls because you were jealous?” 
Now, Joe had known Cherry for a long time. And he was pretty damn good at reading him, after all these years. But even with as much as they teased each other, Cherry would not keep it up for this long without gloating about his successful prank. So, Joe was beginning to think that Miya had acted alone with his little Mama and Papa routine.
However, it was too late. He’d already let Cherry know about it. And now he was going to tease Joe for a completely different reason. “Miya scared them off?” Cherry questioned, taking another sip of his drink before setting it back down. “What did he do?” 
Joe found himself suddenly very interested in the way the waves crashed against the sand. “You know, the water is perfect. You’re wasting our beach day sitting over here,” he pointed out.
“Changing the subject,” Cherry noted. “It must have been really embarrassing, then.” Joe turned back just in time to see Cherry grin wide. “What? Did he pull off your swim trunks and that was what sent them packing?” 
Joe narrowed his eyes. “He did not,” he answered. “And if he had, why would that send anyone ‘packing’?” he quoted.
“Aside from the whole indecent exposure issue,” Cherry began. “I’m sure the girls would be a bit...disappointed.” He smirked again and reached for his drink, but Joe caught Cherry’s arm, getting into his personal space.
“You’ve never been disappointed,” he said, voice low. He eased his grip to brush his thumb along the smooth skin of Cherry’s inner wrist. “You gonna deny it?” he asked, speaking directly into Cherry’s ear. “Go on, I dare you.”
Even in the shade of the umbrella, the blush that tinted Cherry’s cheeks was completely obvious. To Joe, at least. “You need to cool your head,” Cherry hissed at him before trying to pull his arm free.
Joe thought about that for a moment. Then he gave Cherry a wicked grin of his own. “You’re right, Kaoru,” he agreed and, before giving the other enough time to react, he hauled Cherry up and over his shoulder. “I think you should join me,” he said.
“Kojiro!” Cherry screeched, kicking his legs and waving his free arm. “Put me down this instant!”
Joe laughed. “Oh, I’m about to,” he sang, bringing them closer to the water. 
“If you drop me, I swear--” 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get deep enough so you won’t hit the sand,” Joe went on and then unceremoniously tossed a screaming Cherry into the ocean. It was beautiful, really.
Half a second later, Cherry reared back, his hair soaked and hanging in his face and his yukata clinging to his body like a second skin. If he wasn’t sputtering sea water and giving Joe the deadliest, most murderous glare he’d ever received, Joe might have taken a moment to appreciate the way the wet fabric accentuated every curve. 
But, as it was, Cherry was already on his feet and splashing his way back onto the shore. “I’m going to kill you,” he snarled.
And it was then that Joe realized he probably should have come up with what he planned to do after throwing Cherry into the water. Well, it had sort of been a heat of the moment thing, anyway. 
“Kids!” he called over his shoulder as he took off, relying on his speed to save him. “Let’s head to the hotel!”
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