#also miss drawing angst..... of my ocs.. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
temeyes · 4 months
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(father) why have you forsaken me?
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enhashoutout · 1 month
Introducing Junie aka Baby
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Genre: fluff, comedy aka CRACK fic, some angst
Warnings: cussing, typical H&L violence, periods are mentioned, mentions of blood and injuries, let me know if I missed anything
Since this is a little sister oc introduction, she is written with female attributes and pronouns.
All credits of pictures to their respective owners, I got them all off of Pinterest to make my character collage. The character collage however was made by me, please don't take it and crop out my username to repost it elsewhere.
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A little about Junie
Hino Junie
Physical appearance please reference the pictures above but you can really envision her however you want whenever you read. I personally see her a certain way but I don't know how to draw or have a face claim for her lol she just looks a certain way in my brain. The only concrete physical feature I want readers to envision for her is her hair as I felt it was important for her to have some blonde to match with her brother but I didn't want her to be fully blonde.
Cobra's (Hino Junpei) younger sister
By default ALL of Sannoh's little sister
They nicknamed her “Baby” because she is the baby of the family. Baby and Junie are used interchangeably.
Baby used to hate the nickname but grew used to it over time.
Cobra and Yamato taught her how to fight for self-defense purposes but they REFUSE to allow her to be a part of anything S.W.O.R.D related.
But they also contradict themselves because any time something is happening they be telling Junie like she's their certified therapist.
Like when Noboru was being a little shit thinking he was gonna work for Iemura? Girl, Junie was stuck listening to both of them spill their hearts out about it.
So really she isn't involved in the fights but knows everything going on.
Their father was never in the picture, and their mother isn't very present either. This left Cobra to be the one to raise Junie.
Cobra didn't mind, he loved Junie a lot but raising a girl in the world he was involved in was stressful.
Being a girl was already hard, throw in gang life and you have an endless cycle of stress.
Cobra's money he earns from the gas station goes to bills and paying for Junie to go to school.
Cobra never saw school for himself but he does for her. He always encouraged her to do well in school. This led to a lot of arguments while the two were growing up.
"But you didn't go to school!" "That was me! I want YOU to go to school so YOU can be BETTER."
This stopped around the age of 11. Junie realized he was working really hard, juggling being the leader of Sannoh and also raising her when he really didn't need to.
Raising Junie should've been their parents' job, not his, and yet here he was trying his best.
Junie went from average grades to being an overachiever because it felt like the only way to pay Cobra back.
Junie found an interest in contemporary dance and piano.
So Cobra transferred her from her old school to an art school farther from home.
The commute ended up being a little longer ( a 30-minute motorcycle ride instead of a 10-minute walk) but thank god she had a bunch of older brothers who drove motorcycles to send her to school and pick her up at the end of the day.
If it was late and Junie thought it was better to stay at school, she would just crash at one of her friend's dorms.
Some of the girls at school were nice. They wanted to know what living in S.W.O.R.D was like. They asked questions and found it cool that Junie's home life was different from theirs.
Some girls were real fuckin mean though. They would sneer at her, making fun of her home life. Talking about how a girl with that background had no business being here.
They also talked about your looks because you definitely looked the part of a delinquent's sister also. The school didn't make you dye your blonde hairstreak back to black, you just had to put your hair up and it didn't bug them too much.
It used to bug Junie when she first started but eventually, tuned them out considering she was top of the class anyway. (insert that one video of Bebe Rexha saying slay here lol)
Naomi was Baby's older sister. You loved having all the Sannoh members as older brothers but needed an older sister at times.
Junie's first period was a nightmare for Cobra because the dude didn't know how to explain it lol. Thank god we have Naomi though!
Hair, makeup, and emotional days were with Naomi also. Considering Sannoh can barely keep their own emotions in-tact, they had to leave that to Naomi.
Yamato's mom loved Junie. She always remembered to make extra onigiri for her as well. She wasn't the best but she tried.
Yamato's ranting about his home life usually fell on Baby because she listened to him. He didn't feel the need to always be strong around her like he did everyone else. He knew that at the end of the day, she would listen to him. Funnily she acted like both an older and younger sister to him. Always checking in on him but also always there to annoy him
DTC was scared of Baby low-key because she wasn't scared to fight with them but they all loved her.
Baby is always calling them out on their shit and telling them that "That's why you're all single."
They all come to her for their therapy sessions also😂
Whenever they needed someone to talk to they came to Junie because she would listen to them before roasting them.
Everyone in Sannoh was protective of Junie. They also all helped Cobra to keep Baby motivated to go to school. It was like having one really big family.
Anyone could make fun of her or talk down to her but at the end of the day, their family probably wasn't nearly as good as hers <3
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Current Timeline
The current timeline following the movies and TV Shows currently in the franchise
The first person Junie meets is Hyuga, pre- S.W.O.R.D. and pre-High&Low. Junie meets Hyuga while her brother is active in Mugen. This is right after Hyuga-Kai disbands because their kidnap attempt on Cobra failed. After all, Mugen saved him. Junie meets Hyuga when he first attacks Mugen for his brothers and is arrested.
Junie also meets the Amamiya Brothers during Mugen era. She has her own little run-in with Masaki and Hiroto
Once S.W.O.R.D. emerges, the first official leader she meets is Rocky.
Junie meets Hyuga, Rocky, and White Rascals at age 12 and these encounters happen before the start of the series.
Junie meets Oya and Rude Boys during Story of SWORD / Road to High&Low at age 13
High&Low The Movie is when she officially meets Mighty Warriors
During High&Low The Movie and High&Low End of Sky Junie is 14 years old.
Final Mission and The Worst Junie is 15 years old
According to the Discord Besties, The Worst starts like a week after Final Mission so that's what I'm going based off of
Once The Worst X comes around Junie is 16 years old
Since we don't get an actual timeline for the franchise of how much time passes between each show and movie, this is just me doing a rough estimate because I need Junie to be old enough to know what's going on during S.W.O.R.D. era but also still be Fujio's age by the time he is introduced since he is her love interest. Fujio is a third-year student by the time Worst X rolls around, which is the last year of high school in the Japanese school system. According to Google, Japanese students are around 17-18 years old at that time because their third year is the equivalent of a USA student's senior/last year in high school so I have Fujio's age sitting at 17 in my story.
I will get into Fujio and Junie's relationship more in posts dedicated to them.
Again this is all a rough estimate because we never get a concrete timeline in this franchise so don't take my word for it lol.
There is potential for this to change if LDH ever makes more High&Low movies or shows but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon so...
And this is my OC and my story you can't tell me I'm wrong it's literally mine 😂
I will be making a master list for Junie and the shit she goes through living in SWORD because I have so much for her. Junie's story was supposed to all be one post but I realized it was already too long and we weren't even halfway into the lore yet so I had to split it into multiple parts.
Credit for High&Low and the contents from the franchise goes to its respective owners. Hino Junie however is an OC and belongs to me. Her dialogue in scenes that occur in the franchise belong to me and scenes that I make for her that do not appear in the franchise belong to me as well as I am the creator. Please do not take my work and post it elsewhere and do not take credit for my work. I post strictly on Tumblr, nowhere else.
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prince-liest · 3 months
hi! I always get super excited about fandom OCs, so it's been such a treat to hear about Tzafael! I worked a little on a design for them (lmk if you're ok with me posting it) but a lot of questions came up:
this is gonna sound really vague, but what's their vibe? I'm getting "pretends to be a gentleman but will ABSOLUTELY fish for compliments and randomly fuck with people cause of the power play" but I could be totally off. does he ever snap at people/hurt them if they're not polite? are they super condescending like some of the other angels or is he more like adam and kind of,,, uhh openly a dick? or are they more of a crowley type (kind of gooey inside and mostly left heaven because it was too bureaucratic and constricting)? do they burst into hell buildings and just incite chaos? again I know this is super vague but like ,,, basically I need a dialogue snippet to know what they're like lol
what's their accent? do they have special vocal quirks/tics? special catchphrases or words they use a lot?
do they have any real friends in hell (not just contracts)? do they miss anyone from heaven?
did they like being an exorcist?
what are the implications of the magpie/eyeball motifs? do they have a transcendent sense of sight? are they overstimulated or even haunted by the fact that they have to see so much all the time? do they have any bird habits (preening is a must lol but anything else?)? do they have a nictitating membrane and freak people out by blinking sideways with all of their eyes?
is their magpie form like a really scary demon form or are they just like. a normal bird. (that's way funnier imo)
I'm sorry but,,, I'm such a sucker for angst. where's his soft spot? how does he react to having it poked? does he lash out like a panicked animal or break down and try to hide?
do they have sharp teeth? I've seen that in other art of them but since they're not technically fallen I'm thinking of just doing fangs
how would he react to seeing a child (is he good with children? does he terrify/terrorize them?)?
what does "very good grip strength" imply???
whew, sorry for that monster of an ask! you said you liked talking about them so I just vomited everything that came to mind while I was drawing him, but definitely don't answer anything you don't find interesting!
PLEASE DO NOT APOLOGIZE YOU HAVE MADE MY EVENING. Both by offering me a delightful plethora of questions to answer about Tzafael, and also by drawing them aaaaaaaah- I would absolutely love to see you post it!! <3
Long post incoming!!
Their vibe: They are still an angel, and subscribe to morals that involve seeing themselves as a relatively good person - kind of like Lucifer's sense of superiority over sinners! So they are polite and friendly in a way that sometimes makes it evident that they know they can afford to be because they're above most of the people around them. They won't overtly fish for compliments, but that's why stroking their ego is so effective: they won't ask for it, but it's their most major vice. It's like petting a purring tiger. They enjoy when their presence is shocking, so they will absolutely walk casually into places where they know anyone able to identify them will freak out, and they'll visibly find the results amusing, but they won't outright admit to doing it on purpose. When they actually get into conflict with people, they like to look like they're being the bigger man about it, but they're honestly biting at the bit for a reason to go casually nuclear on someone who looks like they deserve it.
Speech patterns: Tangible but not over-the-top valley girl accent. They think it's fucking hilarious. Mildly prone to nefarious laughter, though it's generally because they're genuinely amused.
Friendships: Their concept of friendship is a little bit detachedly celestial. They definitely have friends in every ring, but they're bad about accidentally not visiting for long periods of time and they're prone to feeling like nobody in hell can genuinely understand them. They make contracts with relative ease with people they are friendly with specifically because they like feeling like the person people come to for powerful assistance. They'd probably do best seeing if they can befriend any of the seven sins, to minimize the baseline imbalance of power level and lifespan, but it just feels awkward when they all know Lucifer. The unassuming, baseline comraderie is the main thing they miss about heaven.
On exorcism: They fucking loved the power trip of being an exorcist. Too much. That's why they stayed in hell in the first place. And then they thought about it too damn long and got to know the locals, and now it's just fucking awkward to go around killing indiscriminately. Knowing too much really took the fun out of it! They used to join in on the exorcisms when they came around again, but not anymore.
Hobbies: They keep fish! They like setting up self-maintaining freshwater aquariums of various sorts, and particularly enjoy feeling like they've captured a genuine slice of nature in a fish tank. They visited Vox's shark tanks once and thought they were boring as hell because the sharks are mechanical and he doesn't have any live flora. They also enjoy being a huge gossipy bitch, which is arguably like 90% of what they actually use their powers for.
Powerset: While Lucifer has the power of Creation, Tzafael has the power of Sight. They see a great many things, and they see those things As They Are. So, basically: localized omniscience. They can't read minds, but they can tell if some is lying to them, and they can also see everything within a certain vicinity (depending on how hard they're pushing it), including through walls. This isn't weird or overwhelming to them: it's how they were designed to exist! If anything, losing that would make them feel blind. They also have a very small amount of foresight, which is mostly useful for being hard to hit in a fight and also being obnoxious by unintentionally interrupting people's sentences. This does not help them come off as less condescending.
Leaving heaven: Seeing the truth of things as they are, and seeing everything around makes the facade of heaven frustrating and tedious to swallow. They prefer hell because it feels more honest!
Bird traits: Absolutely hell yes to the nictitating membranes on every single eyeball, which also doubles as protection against any eyeball stabbing! They preen, they adore shiny shit, they love to gab and gossip, and while they are mostly a magpie, any bird seraph is going to be a bird of prey in some way or another, so it is as difficult to break their grip as it would be that of a raptor of similar size. I think it's implied that all heavenly and some demonic beings have various stages of their true forms, so their humanoid birdform is a similar style to what we see from Sera in the first few seconds of meeting her, and their true form is closer to what we see of Stolas at the end of Truth Seekers in Helluva Boss, except with about a billion more looming eyeballs. As for their most humanoid form's teeth: I figured they'd stayed in hell long enough for their teeth to go sharp like Lucifer's, but I am also super down for fangs if you have a design you're playing with!
Children: Ehhh...kinda cute, when they're not Tzafael's responsibility. Frequently funny in small doses or from a distance. Delightfully honest or else delightfully poor liars. Often just not their bag, though, especially if they kids are spoiled or self-absorbed (sorry, what was that? "Hypocrite"? Must have misheard.)
ANGST: They are a social animal and they miss their flock! They keep mooning about potentially reconnecting with Lucifer because they fucking miss heaven, except heaven doesn't feel like it did when they were a kid, so it doesn't feel like home. Any small inconveniences, they feel free to whine about with deliberately humorous dramatics, but when they feel genuinely hurt, they withdraw, hide in their nest, and keep it to themselves as best as they can. It hurts the ego to admit that kind of weakness when they're supposed to be a fucking seraph, especially when they feel alone and without equals in their place in the world. But even though heaven turned out to be a damn lie, they miss family. On a more minor note, they're also a poor sport about being genuinely made fun of in bad faith.
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taegularities · 4 months
what i enjoy the most from reading your stories is definitely the storyline & the actual relationship from oc & the chosen partner in the story . like my favorite story/couple you’ve written has definitely been scattered stars jk & oc but C&F jk and oc DEFINITELY take the lead 🫣 ! like their whole dynamic was crazy to me ! when he heard his bride was missing like !?!?!?!? them >>>>>>>>> , also top tier writing too !?!?!? like why would i NOT come back .
PLS FREDDY ILYSM!!! scattered stars has been in my notifs so much lately, i'm so happy that people are finding it again �� and that you love it, too, like omg that means so much. it was my very first true angst baby.. things only got more ❤️‍🩹 from here lol <3 the c&f couple is one of my top favs, too ngl!! they're both so precious and i had so much fun with them and i miss them sigh :( tysm, i shall keep you here for as long as i can 🤍
what's your favourite part about my writing? what draws you in and makes you stay? 🤍
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faiyamon · 1 year
15 Questions for 15
Tagged by the amazing and wonderful @skyrim-forever!
I will tag @illumiera, @ladydov, @nightingalehours, @bunniletto, @titanwolfackerman, @budder-tigress, @saxhleel, @thattalviel, and @crysdrawsthings ! no pressure to answer though!!
1. are you named after anyone?
a person in a song. but my dad was tipsy while signing the paper to confirm my name (? idk what it's called theres gotta be a word for this thing) and misspelled it with the final A becoming an E
2. when was the last time you cried?
literally last night bc I was thinking about my dad :( I miss him so
3. do you have kids?
no, and I don't plan to, using any method. I'm only gonna have pets lol
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
sometimes, though I make it clear, because I myself have quite the inability to register sarcasm in others' words
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
ehh I'm not really a sporty person lmao, and never participated in any clubs/teams. I do like to run and swim tho
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
their faces, especially their eyes - what colour they are, and what kind of vibe they give off (window to the soul and all that)
7. eye color?
brown, usually dark (but not enough to look black) but can shine a sort of amber if the light hits them right
8. scary movies or happy endings?
honestly even though I like angst throughout the story I'd much prefer a happy ending than a downer one
9. any special talents?
remembering the smallest, most specific, and weirdest details :P
10. where were you born?
in a major city of my mom's home country in Eastern Asia
11. what are your hobbies?
I like to draw, write, play video games, create oc's and imaginary worlds and roleplay with them
12. do you have any pets?
not currently (cannot keep in dormitory) but I have kept fish in the past and wish to get some cats and/or lizards someday
13. how tall are you?
167cm, that's around 5'6" iirc. used to think I was short but ended up being the tallest person in a server once
14. fave subject in school?
science, especially biology
15. dream job?
probably something related to animal care or conservation, the direction my education will take me - but I could also take a side job as a writer
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lunariamv · 8 months
about me :>
so i just realized i cant just be some random person posting stuff without much context..... so here we go
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hi, my name is lunaria, or luna ^^
˚✧ some grill that wants to be a artist, writer, and maybe like a lowkey game dev
˚✧ i consume a lot of media: video games, anime, yt, movies, tv shows, books, fanfics, etc
˚✧ i really love the impact media and stories have on the world and people, and there's a lot i love, but also there's a lot out there that frustrates me, or feels like it's missing something, so i wanna throw my hat into the ring and make my own content for me and other girls like me <3
˚✧ atm i write fanfics to practice writing and build an audience, and i draw fanart to improve art skill, also just so i have an art portfolio,,,, cuz if i just started posting games without much of a background i feel like ppl are gonna be like,, "who tf is this???" lol
⊹˚. game dev??? ⊹˚.
i'm really interested in making my own games, specifically rpg maker ones because rpg maker/rpg horror/indie horror is my fav genre (pewdiepie's misao gameplay was my first horror game ever <3); i just love retro horror style a lot
so i'm practicing pixel art and stuff and then later i want to learn some 日本語 so i can translate the games, and also learn to make music so i can go full toby fox lol
and then maybe later on if i got rlly ambitious and had a lot of money id make fancy otome games, manga, fancy horror games, and pERSONA FOR GIRLS
i have a lot of ideas for diff series and id love to share them all <3
⊹˚. my inspirations: ⊹˚.
˚✧ game wise: currently my inspirations are charon (of those yan charon games) and dsp (ik they go by a different name now but that's what i know them as, also its funny because the name reminds me of darksydephil HAHAHA); i like the retro pixel and slight horror themes and aesthetic of their games, but i dislike the writing, so i'm gonna make my own :D
also i like the idea of an oc multiverse like dsp's so i want that too
toby fox is also technically an inspiration too; i wanna learn music so i can make my own bangers with little references and leitmotifs for fun :>>>
˚✧ writing wise: i have a lot, but my main inspirations are mostly like writing in the anime-ish games; danganronpa, persona, ace attorney, yttd, kakegurui; psychological stuff where you gotta think about them, but they also have unique quirky characters and they interact with each other in creative ways
also horror and psychological, i like writing about scary stuff and characters with their complexities, and addressing the rlly messed up parts of humanity and society bc its spooky;; sometimes with a very dark nihilistic outlook bc i love angst, or sometimes with an optimistic one
((thats kinda why i like yan stories but more in the horror sense, like look at all the crazy scary stuff this person is doing lol))
but for characters in general, i like stuff with FEMCS <33333 persona 3 with ya girl kotone shiomi, danganronpa v3 with kaede, sara in your turn to die, genshin lumine, and that one part in ace attorney where we get to play as mia fey
that's also why i lowkey like the writing in romcom/chick flick movies, cuz its just unique characters and stories and usually has a female protag or a group of girls as the mcs
but aside from heavy and horror stories, i also like simple cute straightforward stories like older barbie movies XD (or winx, mlp, bratz, monster high…); they're just really wholesome and cute where ya girl goes on a magical adventure with quirky characters and learns good lessons like trust, courage, friendship, etc…
so my main theme is being a girl and doing stuff, bc girlbossing is fun
but ya know i like making hot guy characters too wwwww
⊹˚. my art/writing style ⊹˚.
i'd say in general its like a mix of asian themes with western; its like anime but with western elements in it
i'd also sometimes like to explore other cultures too, kinda like how jjba has varying characters bc that's cool;; but if i have characters with varying nationalities its because i want to, not bc a woke person held me at gunpoint
⊹˚. aesthetics ⊹˚.
i have a lot that i like, but here's my main favorites i guess that will be in my things
˚✧ cute + edgy; melanie martinez, lucy loone, yandere, ddlc;; basically anything where you juxtapose cutesy with scary horror -- its so fun and subversive
˚✧ femcel/female sigma/doomer girl/anti-egirl; LANA DEL REY LANA DEL REY bc i'm a sad girl
˚✧ retro things; 80s and 90s but mostly early 2000s stuff; early internet, old stuff, y2k, scene/emo, mcbling -- huge emphasis on mcbling, i love the girly hedonistic aspects of it -- ayesha erotica, panty and stocking, bad girls club;; that aesthetic i love it sm LETS DO OUR NAILS AND PARTY ^^^^^^
˚✧ internet horror stuffs -- indie horror, analog horror, internet mysteries, meta horror, local58, mandela catalogue, fnaf, creepypastas, liminal spaces
˚✧ then some internet guy stuff -- vaporwave, cyberpunk, blade runner, hotline miami, madness combat, carpenter brut, etc -- i'm tomboyish in this regard xd, i fangirl over guns and edgy sigma guys fighting
⊹˚. extra stuff about me (bc who tf r u >_>) ⊹˚.
writes a character bio
˚✧ name: luna
˚✧ some randy girl that likes to make stuff
˚✧ not rlly a weeb but i like asian culture a lot, japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese, thai, laos, filipino (yes), etc
˚✧ sigma?? i think people should be rewarded based on talent and skill, rather than their identity. if i am successful, its because my work is good, not because i am a minority. i'm also learning to draw, write, make music, etc because i want to make content without having to rely on others for assets. why ask other people if i can do it myself? B)
˚✧ i like cute things and being girly, like dressing up and having stuffed animals and cute stationary everywhere :> if i have a chance to be extra and decorate something, i will take it in a heart beat
˚✧ i'm a stocking kin, i love sweets, cake specifically, and milk tea (im addicted to boba its horrible T-T)
˚✧ i like tea, i drink 2-3 cups a day :) oolong is my fav atm
˚✧ cat >>>>
˚✧ unhealthy attraction to fictional men… currently thirsting over tohru adachi 💀💀💀 LOL my friends are like "eww wtf is wrong with you???" i must be a raccoon because i really love garbage
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☸ my links ☸
all my links are on caard, but here's an organized list of the main ones; my tumblr will be my main hub for stuff i guess; the degree of activity ranges ;-;
˚☸ art stuff
✧ newgrounds (i wanna be a newgrounds girl tbh)
✧ twitter
✧ insta
✧ tiktok
˚☸ writing stuff (fanfictions)
✧ quotev
✧ wattpad
✧ archive
˚☸ oc archive
✧ deviantart (bc im too lazy to code toyhouse atm)
also apologies if i dont respond to things fast enough, im shy
˚☸ dividers by cafekitsune
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okay from my recent art posts i have determined that
the algorithm fucking HATES my original art (ocs and personas)
whenever i post my ocs or persona the algorithm goes "um.... cringe" and stabs it but my mutuals are in the ambulance heading to the scene to gimme some heart transplants (likes)
my fuckass shitty little doodles that I spit out onto the tumblr pavement are airlifted by the tumblr algorithm and thrown into a mosh pit of VORACIOUS newcomers
when I draw fandom shit people look at it like it's the only thing on my blog
i am not good at drawing 'em sexymen, sexywomen and sexythems
i should get better at drawing those sultry eyes (maybe stop being a goofy little goober and watch porn or something idk)
i feel most at home with the hetalia, pokemon, dnd, vocaloid and jrwi crowd right now lol (sorry bg3 crowd, y'all are a little too horny for me) (sorry demon slayer crowd also i'll miss you and i'll make rendonut jokes until i die) (danganronpa you taught me angst like no fandom else could) (eddsworld... i think you should change the acronym from EW to something else-) (genshin's having a revolution right now neither side of the firewall (CN or EN) is safe) (rest of em? i forgot about em sorry)
anyways will this change what i draw or my art posts? nope i serve no one and the algorithm can go suck on a microwave
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kitsune-kira · 2 years
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So the OC is Aki lol (friends will not be surprised)
So. For the AU he is a magic god-like shapeshifter that comes to Ninjago... And gets severely debuffed between S4 and S5 XD
The reason being so he can rescue Garmadon from the Cursed Realm before it explodes because fuck it I want my Spinjitzu Brothers backkkkkkkkkkkkk
mfer they really cured Garmadon only to blow him up 2 seasons later and then only bring back “the bad parts”
so i am absolutely going to use an indulgent OC-insert to rescue him
But yea he gets debuffed significantly so he’s less god-like and more of a magic guy who is Around. Gets physically deaged down to around the ninja’s age (late teens, early 20s?) but his memories are spotty as hell. Memories up to his physical age are completely intact, but everything past that is hit and miss.
Conveniently remembers baby dragon Wu getting his head stuck in a glass but not the weakness of the enemy the ninja are currently facing-
Clearly, his memories are sorted by priority. 
So uh yea before S4 also for lore reasons of him existing and being a figure in the Spinjitzu Bros life. 
Only stopped from being an uncle because Wu and Garmadon both Physically Cannot See Him That Way because they think he’s too immature XD 
So I might end up drawing and posting more stuff from the AU.
I’ll be honest while some of it is canon rewrite fix-it garbage, most of it is Wu-centric angst rotting my brain into sludge. 
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
Chester and the Jesters (FNAF SB fanfic) C9 - Together
In Summary:
The new tech sure does seem a little strange. Chester (at least, that's what their name tag says) doesn't seem as concerned as they should be about the high turnover rate here at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, or the numerous rumors about what happens to people who take the night shift. And to make matters worse, there seems to be some kind of criminal on the loose! The cops say they think the criminal is hiding out in the woods somewhere near the pizza-plex. Stress is high at the plex these days, but Chester is stoic as ever. Say, come to think of it, no one can seem to remember where Chester's application went or who they interviewed with. Their employee file is misplaced or missing just like everything else in this place. But the new tech does a good job completing their tasks, and has their own badge and everything, so of course they must belong here. It's not like someone would sneak into the plex and go this far out of their way to impersonate a low level technician. Right??
Things To Know (always read responsibly!):
Biggest warnings are for blood, death, knives, murder, the police, violence, also the OC is at one point hit by lightning. All fun stuff
About 70,000 words in total, 9 chapters, so roughly like. 7,500 words per chapter
This is an OC story, not a reader insert or a self insert! But if you want to imagine otherwise be my guest lol
Angst, fluff
OC x Sun & Moon, there's romance but zero spice
Occasional swearing
Heavy focus on Sun and Moon but most of the rest of the gang is there too :)
Afton doesn't exist, sorry peepaw, Vanessa is here but she's very chill. She's a kickass gamer girl lmao
Moon does an attempted murder but its fine. He's just a lil guy ok
OC uses they/them and also sign language most of the time
Impersonation, lying. There's also manipulation. Yall I wasn't kidding about the angst
There's also a lot of focus on how they're all robots, very cool robots with feelings lol
That's all I can think of, as always please lmk if I should add anything!
Ao3 Link: Right here!
Start reading here: Chapter 1
Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
C9 - Together
     Sometimes, when experiencing new feelings, Sun and Moon worked to learn what they could do to avoid the feeling. Oftentimes, things didn't feel right, like running a program they weren't designed to support. Like nonexistent code trying its darndest to run itself and somehow succeeding. A lot of the time, it was overwhelming. They simply weren't wired for it, processors struggling and failing to keep up. Yet they would feel anyways. Sometimes it was like errors that never read as errors, there was a sense of it being wrong, yet they could do nothing about it being there regardless, no matter what they did.
     This time, however... This time they couldn't get enough.
     Moon held Chester's hand the whole way back to the daycare. Fans were whirring desperately as processors did their best. There was that sense of wrongness about it, but neither Moon or Sun cared. The feeling was overwhelming, but they didn't mind.
     "It's like when our systems start to overheat, but everywhere. It's like… when one of the kids draws a picture for us, but so much… bigger," Sun rambled.
     Moon accessed a memory file. He’d been in parts and service a long while ago, after a kid had managed to jam a crayon into their elbow joint, upset about the fact that he had to stop coloring and take a nap. The technician had been especially talkative, and had rambled at length about a new romantic partner they were seeing.
     "They're so sweet and considerate, I just adore them," the technician had said. It was the way they'd smiled as they said it that had stuck with Moon.
     Adoration. That's what this was. Moon focused on the pressure readings in his hand, focused on the signals from his sensors. He studied the way Chester's typically neutral expression was softened into a light smile. He made several backup files of this newest memory file.
     Moon still felt apprehensive about holding Chester's hand, but the way his sensors were lighting up was damn near addicting.
     "Let me out? Please please please??" Sun pleaded as they made it to the daycare.
     "You can come out when the lights go on. The building will be open soon," Moon mumbled, his volume turned too low for Chester to hear.
     "Mooooooooon!" Sun whined.
     "Wait your turn."
     "You've been out all night long!"
     Moon turned to Chester, who sat down heavily on the padded floor. He sat himself down next to them, settling his hands in his slap. Sun continued to complain while Moon ignored him.
     "This whole night has been… a lot." Chester rubbed their face under their glasses. Pressing their cold fingers over their eyes felt nice. They let out a long breath and continued to sign. "And things aren't over yet. I need to figure out… what comes next."
     Moon tilted his head, causing the bell on his nightcap to jingle as it swung with the motion. "What do you mean?"
     "Well. I think it's time for me to come clean. I'm not a real technician, I can't keep pretending to be one like this. It's only a matter of time until I'm in over my head and I mess things up. That's been made especially clear, after tonight," Chester signed.
     "You still fixed us, didn't you?" Moon could feel something different creeping in.
     "Yeah, but… I'm just sort of... Getting by. I don't really understand things as well as I should, as well as all of you deserve. Changing lightbulbs is one thing, but repairing you guys… I shouldn't be taking any risks when there's so much at stake." Chester remembered thinking Moon might die. Even though they'd managed to fix him, they hated how they'd only just barely managed to do so.
     "So… what does this mean? What are you… going to do?" Moon asked. It felt like apprehension, but it was different. It was… unpleasant distress over the possibility of an unfavorable outcome. Like his new battery was somehow on the fritz. Like lightning in his belly.
     Chester signed slowly. "I have to tell the truth. Explain that I don't belong here, and I never did. And I have to accept the consequences."
     Moon didn't like this. Not one bit. That wonderful feeling from before was still there, but now there was this horrible fear along with it. Fear that he might loose the source of that wonderful feeling. "What if you didn't?"
     "You'd rather I keep lying to everyone?"
     Moon tugged at the ribbons on his wrists. "We would rather you stay. If you tell the truth, you might not be able to stay." A thought occurred to Moon, then. He recalled their earlier conversation with Chester, before everything had gone down. They'd mentioned leaving, and had asked what Moon would do if they left. When he spoke, there was static in his voice. "Do you… want to leave? You don't want to stay?"
     Chester wanted nothing more than to stay. They let out a long breath. They scooted closer to Moon and leaned against him, slumping against his side. Moon entirely stilled under them. "I'm just so tired, Moon. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to stay. But I just can't keep going on like this."
     Moon felt something that reminded him a lot of how it felt to hurt. It was different than system errors or clumsy repairs, though. It was more like realizing their last update had a bug, and knowing that they had to just sit with it and wait and hope the next update would fix it. "…I understand."
     "I'm sorry," Chester signed.
     "Don't be sorry," Moon mumbled. "We don't want you to feel bad. If you need to do this, then we understand."
     Chester's heart hurt. They leaned more heavily into Moon. "If things don't go great… I'm going to miss you two. So much."
     Moon's arm twitched. He wanted to wrap Chester in a hug (Sun was even yelling at him to do so) but he couldn't. He remained entirely still. Instead, he started to play his music box.
     Chester listened as Moon played a soft little lullaby for them. They closed their eyes and focused on everything about this moment. Moon's casing, slightly warm from the mechanisms working inside. The quiet whir of his fans. The way his music box sounded so soft behind his faceplate, as if he was humming. They wanted to hold onto this memory, just in case.
     They sat there together, Moon playing his lullaby and Chester listening quietly, until the lights came on. Moon shivered below them. Chester quickly sat up, giving him space to change.
     The first thing Sun did when he was done changing was pull Chester into a hug. He held them tightly, like he never planned on letting them go.
     “I can’t convince you to stay with us, can I?” Sun asked.
     “No. I’m sorry,” Chester mumbled, their hands currently occupied with returning Sun’s hug.
     Sun squeezed them a little tighter. “…What if I can’t let you go?”
     “The daycare will open eventually. You have to take care of the kids,” Chester said. “I need to catch miss Garcia or mister Baxter before they get started for the day.”
     “What if… what if we just…” Sun faltered.
     “We have to let them go, Sun.”
     Sun sighed, the sound full of static. Slowly, he loosened his arms from around Chester. When Chester hesitated, he nearly tightened his hold again, but resisted. Finally, Chester pulled away.
     Chester wanted to say something. They raised their hands, but there were no words. Chester’s eyes threatened to tear up again.
     They couldn’t say anything more, and they had to leave. So, without another word, Chester left the daycare, Sun’s gaze on their back.
     As they marched back through familiar unknowable halls, Chester’s mind swam with the things they’d left unsaid. They wondered if they’d ever see Sun and Moon again. Those two had come to mean so much to them, and there was a chance they’d never see the two of them again.
     Chester breathed and focused, finding resolve in their decision. They had to come clean. It was the right thing to do.
     Chester found Rosa in the employee stock room. She’d just clocked in and was grabbing her faz-phone from its charger.
     “Hey, there you are. Are you alright?” Rosa asked.
     “I’m fine. I need to talk with you, if that’s alright,” Chester signed.
     Rosa nodded. “About last night, right? There was an officer waiting for me by the door, asking to speak with the night shift employee. Apparently there was some kind of incident here last night? I told the officer you’d probably already clocked out. When he left I noticed all the other cops in the parking lot were gone. Do you know what happened?”
     Chester nodded. Rosa waited patiently while Chester collected themself. She took a long drink from her coffee thermos.
     “There was an intruder here last night. He was here looking for me,” Chester started.
     “For you?? Why?”
     Chester sighed. “Let me explain from the beginning. There’s something I need to come clean about.” Chester told their story for the second time. They summarized everything a bit quicker this time around. By the time they were done, Rosa looked wide awake for the first time since Chester had known her.
     Rosa stared at Chester for a long moment when they were finished. It was certainly a lot to take in. “So… Anthony came after you to try and kill you last night.”
     Chester nodded.
     “Are you… okay? I mean, obviously he didn’t get very far, did he? But you’re alright?” Rosa asked.
     “I’ve been better,” Chester admitted.
     Rosa nodded. “Do you want some time off? I can get Lance to cover your shifts, he’s got less overtime than I do. So don’t worry about leaving us short staffed.”
     Chester stopped for a moment to rewind the conversation, double checking that, yes, they had told her that they’d originally snuck into the plex and were not actually a legitimate technician. “Time off??” Maybe they hadn’t heard her right?
     “…You’re not wanting to quit, are you Chester? The other managers are doing their best to get other people back on the night shift again, so you don’t have to worry about the lack of security for much longer,” Rosa said.
     Chester was entirely baffled. “I… I’m not. Fired?? Miss Garcia, I broke into the building and have been impersonating a technician for two months. Chester isn’t even my real name.”
     Rosa sighed. “I can give you an interview if you want. But we really can’t afford to loose such a good worker right now. I’m not about to press any charges against you, and I doubt upper management would want me to anyways. We can make you a new name tag.”
     Chester shook their head. What the hell was happening?? “But I’m not a tech! I don’t know what I’m doing!” When they’d imagined how this conversation would go down, they didn’t even consider that they’d have to try and convince Rosa to fire them.
     “Half the people we hire lie outrageously and obviously on their resumes.” Rosa rolled her eyes. “If they really do more harm than help, then we let them go. But you’ve been a huge help around here. If you really weren’t good enough for the job, we would have let you go ages ago. I don’t know how you picked things up so fast but you’ve been completing your tasks, and I haven’t once had to reassign one of your completed tasks.”
     “But- but I still don’t know half the things I’m supposed to, I didn’t go to school for this, all I know is what I’ve gathered while on the job and what I've read in the technical books,” Chester gestured to the shelf of books near the back of the room. “And even then, I can’t figure out half of the terms!”
     Rosa sighed and rolled her eyes. That tired look had settled back over her now. “Look, if it really means that much to you, let me give you a proper interview.”
     Chester, confused and entirely lost, hesitantly agreed. They followed Rosa back up through the halls and into her office.
     Chester had imagined they’d be tossed in the back of a police cruiser by now, or at least kicked out on the street. By all means, they really should have been at least kicked out. They entered the office behind Rosa in a daze. Rosa motioned for them to sit across the desk from her. They complied, moving on autopilot. They wrung their hands together as they sat down heavily in the same chair they'd first sat in months ago.
     “Right.” Rosa cleared her throat and picked up a clipboard. She rifled through the desk for a pen. “So. Let’s take a look at your qualifications.”
     “I don’t have a college degree or anything. I barely graduated high school,” Chester signed.
     Rosa shrugged. “I don’t have a degree myself. I did take a class over at the community college, though. Do you have any experience working as a technician?”
     “Technically, I’ve got two months of experience. If that even counts?”
     Rosa made a note on her clipboard. “Mmhmm. Very good. And do you have any experience in Fazbear Entertainment electronics and hardware specifically? We have our own line or arcade machines, not to mention the animatronics, of course.”
     “Again, technically, but-“
     “Two months of prior experience. Well, things are looking good so far.” Rosa scribbled something on her clipboard. “Do you have experience with typical repair tools? Screwdrivers, soldering gun, wrenches, ratchets, etcetera?”
     Chester sighed. “Yes, I do.”
     “Do you think you’re capable of handling the day to day responsibilities the job entails? This includes typical maintenance, running check up diagnostics, making installations, and general repair. All hardware of course, everything software related goes to the upper management offices.”
     “I… I mean…” Chester paused. Their initial reaction was to say no, of course they didn’t feel capable. They lacked a lot of basic important knowledge. But with a lot of things, they understood enough to get by, or at least enough to be able to figure out what the problem in need of fixing was. “For some things, yes. But other things, like animatronic repair, or anything too technically complicated or… too important to mess up, no.”
     Rosa made another note. “I see. And why is it that you want this job?”
     “Originally I was hiding out from the authorities.”
     “And now?” Rosa asked.
     “Now…” Chester thought back over their time here. They thought about everything they’d learned, and how nice it felt to figure out how to fix something. It felt nice not only to be able to help out, but to do the best they could and have it pay off. “Honestly, I like the work. I like working with my hands, and I like the satisfaction of fixing things and learning how things work. I like the people here, too.”
     Rosa made a few more marks on the clipboard, her pen scratching quickly over the paper. “Well, Chester. You sound like the perfect fit for this job. Let me offer you a deal; you stay on as a technician and i’ll work with Lance to tweak your task list, so you’ll handle most if not all of the grunt work around here. All easy stuff no one wants to do because it’s boring or tedious. A lot of the stuff you’ve been doing, actually, but from now on that’d be all you’re doing. Nothing too complicated. In the meantime, you can train under me during your day shifts and I’ll teach you everything I know. Sort of like an informal apprenticeship. What do you say?”
     Chester didn’t have any words to say anything with at all. They were fucking floored.
     Is this. Real??
     Rosa was looking at them. Her expression was serious. Chester considered their options.
     …There weren’t a whole lot of options. Even if there were, there wasn’t any version of things where this wasn’t the best option. Chester would have to be an idiot to turn it down.
     “…Are you sure?” Chester asked.
     “Positive. I see in you a great deal of potential. Besides, we really need to keep you on staff.” Rosa smiled.
     “Well then… alright,” Chester signed. “You’ve got a deal.”
     Rosa’s smile grew and she shook Chester’s hand. “Great. I’ll talk to Lance and fill him in. Did you want some time off or will you be here for your shift tonight?”
     “I’ll be here,” Chester signed. They technically still did not have anywhere else to live. They’d have to figure that out soon. They’d been expecting to have been sleeping in a jail cell from here on out.
     “Great. We’ll have your tasks worked out by then,” Rosa promised. She set her clipboard aside, revealing the paper she’d been ‘taking notes’ on was covered in doodles. “And hey… keep up the good work.”
     Still in a sort of daze, Chester saw themself out of the office. They stood in the hall and stared at the floor for a solid minute. They barely noticed as Cappy and their security bot friend rolled past, the two of them still hand in hand.
     Slowly, it started to sink in. They hadn’t been arrested. They hadn’t even been fired. They could keep working here. They could stay.
     Chester’s feet started to move. They made their way out into the main building. They passed a few tired employees, just starting their shifts for the day. The building wasn’t open to the public yet, but the overhead speakers had started to play cheery pop music on a low volume. All the lights were on, adding to the surreal experience of it all. Between Chester’s daze and the weird emptiness of the illuminated halls, they felt like they were dreaming.
     Their feet carried them at last back to the daycare. Once the grand double doors were in sight, the daze started to subside. In its place came something giddy. Chester’s heart was pounding as they reached the doors. They stepped inside the daycare.
     Sun had been heading towards the doors when Chester stepped inside. He froze mid-stride, gaze locked on Chester.
     Chester smiled when they saw him. They almost felt dizzy. “I wasn’t fired.” They laughed, still hardly able to believe it. They quickly explained their talk with Rosa, and the interview they’d had.
     Sun approached slowly, as if he were afraid Chester would vanish if he moved too suddenly. “You can stay??”
     Chester nodded. “I’m staying.”
     Sun couldn’t hold back anymore. He pulled Chester into a tight hug, swinging them from side to side. He started to laugh, and as the happiness overcame him, he started to dance and twirl Chester around in dizzying circles.
     Chester held on tight, grinning like a goof. For the first time in their life, they felt so incredibly lucky. Through some twist of fate or coincidence or happenstance or whatever the hell it was, they were here. They could stay.
     Sun eventually calmed down, though he didn’t let Chester go just yet, swaying with them instead. “When you left, Moon and I, we were so sad. It was even worse than when I’d felt it before. We thought we’d never get to see you again, and we’d never be able to tell you what you mean to us both.”
     “I actually felt the same sort of way. It was so hard, to stick with my morals and carry through with my decision. I wanted to tell you two something important, but I knew I shouldn’t, especially if I was never going to see you two again,” Chester said.
     Sun finally set Chester down. He looked down at them carefully. His grin was as steady as ever, but his posture was uncertain, nervous. He fiddled with the ribbons at his wrists. “You… wanted to tell us something??”
     Chester nodded. They couldn’t keep it in any longer. Not after everything that had happened, not after nearly loosing their chance to ever even see the two of them again. Chester took a deep breath. “You and Moon have come to mean so much to me. I care about you two a lot. It’s not just that I like spending time with you two and talking and playing games, but also… I like you both. I… I want to be friends, but I also want to be… more.”
     Sun had to resist immediately grabbing Chester up in another hug. “We want that too!!”
     Sun nodded enthusiastically. “You mean more to us than anyone has ever meant to us before, and we like you so much that sometimes it hurts, but its such a wonderful way to hurt. We adore you. You’re so, so special to us. We don’t often understand or even tolerate it very well when we feel things, but if there’s one thing we’re both sure of its that for you we feel something that we’ve never felt for anyone else before. Its overwhelming and wonderful and it feels even better knowing you feel the same. Are you sure you feel the same?? Really truly?”
     Chester smiled. “I really do.” They could feel a warmth in their cheeks from Sun's words.
     “You don’t mind that we don’t know at all what we’re doing? Or that it won’t be the same as with a human? Because we can’t quite feel things for you the way a human could. But we can feel for you in our own way,” Sun said.
     “I know. I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Chester assured. “Honestly, I don’t really know what I’m doing either. I don’t have a whole lot of experience, but I at least know without a doubt that my feelings for the two of you are resolute. And if you’re both willing to give me a shot, then I’m more than happy to do the same.”
     “We can be clueless together?” Sun offered. He held a hand out to Chester, halfway between them.
     Chester laughed, the sound light and happy. They took Sun’s hand. “I’d love that.”
     “Vanessa, there’s something I need to tell you.”
     Vanessa leaned back in her chair, giving Chester her full attention. It was just the two of them in the break room today. They’d decided to share a pizza again, but Chester had yet to touch their half of the pie.
     “Oh, it’s the big thing, isn’t it?” Vanessa asked, sensing the mood had changed to something more serious.
     “Big thing?”
     “Yeah, you know. Your big secret. You’re finally going to tell me?” Vanessa prompted.
     “You know I’ve got a big secret??” Chester had thought they’d been doing an alright job of hiding it, but apparently not.
     “Of course I do. The ghosts love to gossip. They’ve got nothing else to do, ya know?” Vanessa waved a hand. “Lets have it then, you’ve kept me waiting for long enough!”
     “Okay… Alright, here it is. I’m not really a technician. I broke into the plex two months ago and put on a uniform so I could sneak back out unnoticed, but then everyone thought I was a tech, and since the cops were after me I played along so I could hide out here. The cops that were staked out in the parking lot were looking for me,” Chester started.
     Vanessa continued to stare at them expectantly.
     “…I’m not joking. Chester isn’t my real name. I’ve been living in hiding here at the plex for two months. I’ve been lying to you,” Chester signed.
     “Mmhmm. I know.” Vanessa nodded.
     “You… know.”
     “Yeah, I’ve known since the beginning. Is that… it? That’s all? There’s nothing else?” Vanessa asked.
     “Nothing else?? What do you mean you knew since the beginning?!”
     “The ghosts, remember? They told me all about you sneaking in and how you’ve been sleeping in the daycare attendant’s room above the daycare. But they all love you, you’re very entertaining. Its like watching a soap opera for them.” Vanessa smiled. "Also! Cappy tried to get me to fire you at one point and said you'd snuck into the plex. They really didn't appreciate cleaning up your messes."
     “You… knew?? The whole time?” Chester shook their head. They were reeling from this. “You knew I was hiding out here from the police, who were after a wanted murderer. And you not only said nothing, but decided to be friends with me??”
     “Yeah.” Vanessa shrugged. “What can I say, I thought it was entertaining too. Besides, I knew you weren’t a murderer. I once saw you apologize to the wall after bumping into it. And that was before I told you the building had feelings.” Vanessa laughed.
     Chester remembered that embarrassing moment, way back when they'd first started working here, before they'd made the deal with Sun to stay in the daycare. They'd been either staying up all night reading technician books or sleeping in the little employee uniform closet and, needless to say, they hadn't exactly been well rested. Once they’d realized they’d apologized to a wall they’d looked all around to see if they were being watched. They hadn’t seen anyone, and had thought they were alone at the time. Apparently someone had been watching after all.
     “You should know the cops aren’t out there looking for you anymore. Apparently they caught someone else, and his prints match the prints on the murder weapon, and from what I hear the guy eventually fessed up to the murder, not too long after they brought him in,” Vanessa said.
     Chester nodded slowly. “His name is Anthony.”
     “That’s the guy who broke in, right?? Everyone’s only heard rumors and the ghosts all tell it differently. Pleeease tell me what happened?” Vanessa clasped her hands together. “I’ll buy you some onion rings!”
     “I was going to tell you anyways.” Chester took a moment, then retold their whole story once more, starting from the very beginning, elaborating more on how they’d gotten the job at first, then explaining everything that had happened the night Anthony had shown up. They also told Vanessa about how they’d come clean to Rosa, who hadn’t fired them.
     “Ohh, so that’s why you’ve been shadowing Rosa! I thought she was training you to become a manager. That’s what everyone else assumed,” Vanessa said. “Man. Wow, that’s a lot. Hey, if you want, I could recommend a really good therapist, I’ve been seeing her for years now. She’s really nice.”
     Chester picked at the edge of the pizza box. “You know, I might actually take you up on that sometime. It’ll have to come later, though. There’s some other things I need to figure out. I want to look into taking some technical courses at the community college soon. Right now I need to figure out a place to stay. As much as I love spending time with the daycare attendant, I can’t keep sleeping in the daycare forever. I miss sleeping in a bed. I miss having my own place. When I worked for mister Joseph, he put me up in different hotels around town. I wasn’t exactly on direct deposit, so I couldn’t provide proof of income to any apartment complexes. Basically I’ve been technically homeless for a while now.”
     “You know… My apartment is a two bedroom. I was originally going to room with a friend, but they flaked out last minute and left me in the lurch. I’ve been trying to find another roomie since, but there’s a lot of weirdoes in this town, ya know? I should know, I’m one of em.” Vanessa laughed. “But what do you say?? Its close enough to walk to work, and there's a nice little pub right around the corner that makes a mean bloody mary.”
     Chester’s nose scrunched up. “I was on board until you mentioned the bloody mary.”
     Vanessa scoffed. “How dare you. I’m rescinding my offer. Only people with taste allowed in my apartment.” Vanessa stuck her tongue out at Chester.
     Chester smiled. “I stand by it.”
     “I’m just joking, offer still stands. What do you think??”
     “In all seriousness? That’d be absolutely wonderful. You’d really let me room with you??” Chester asked.
     “Just pay your share of rent on time and don’t leave the kitchen a mess,” Vanessa said.
     “I can do that,” Chester agreed.
     Vanessa grinned. “Cool, then it’s settled! I’ll make a copy of the key after work and talk to the agent guy about getting you on the lease. I don’t think you’ve realized it yet, but I’ve just tricked you into being my go-to default bud for when I need binge-watching company. I’m also gonna drag you along on walks. Oh! And there’s a sick little dog park I have to show you too!”
     “That all honestly sounds wonderful.” Chester dared to imagine some peaceful normalcy. Real normalcy, not just pretend, with a massive lie looming overhead. They wanted very much to do normal friend things with Vanessa, hang out in coffee shops and bars and play video games and chat. They imagined being roommates, figuring out how to cohabitate together. “Would you mind me bringing guests over from time to time?”
     “Course not, so long as you give me a heads up. Why do you ask? Did you have someone in mind?” Vanessa asked.
     “I may have… okay, you remember how I said I’d developed certain feelings?” Chester started.
     Vanessa’s eyes went wide. “Go on??” she said excitedly.
     “Well, I’m. Sort of. In a relationship now.”
     “WHAT!!” Vanessa slammed her hands down on the table. “WHY DIDN’T YOU LEAD WITH THIS!! Oh my god that’s great news!”
     Chester laughed. “That got more of a reaction from you than the massive secret i’ve been keeping for months.”
     “Well I already knew about that.” Vanessa waved a hand nonchalantly. “But seriously, congrats! I take it my advice didn’t pan out?”
     “It actually only made things worse.” Chester quickly continued. “Not as in bad worse, it just made me realize I wasn’t enamored with a fantasy.”
     “Can I guess who it is?? I think I have an idea,” Vanessa said.
     Chester nodded.
     “Is it the daycare attendant?” Vanessa guessed. “I know you said there were two crushes, and the daycare attendant has those dual AIs. Plus, with how you've been staying in the daycare, I imagine you've spent quite a lot of time with Sun and Moon.”
     “I really can’t hide anything from you, can I?” Chester smiled.
     “It’s all that practice looking for golden houses. Nothing gets by me.” Vanessa laughed. “Yeah, you can bring them around whenever you like, they’re both cool in my book.”
     “Great. I think they’ll be sad when I move out of the daycare. I know I’m going to miss not having quite as much time with them.”
     Vanessa hummed thoughtfully. “Are they allowed to leave? I know there’s been a restriction on the daycare for a while now, but usually the animatronics don’t wander around town regardless. I can only imagine the absolute fit upper management would throw.”
     “Sun said he was going to try and talk to upper management soon. I guess if it comes to it I could try to sneak them out.” Chester imagined trying to sneak a seven foot tall animatronic dressed like a jester anywhere.
     “Just slap some of those silly disguise glasses on them. You know, with the big nose and the silly mustache? No one will recognize them, surely.”
     Chester laughed. “Right. A fool proof plan.”
     Chester and Vanessa chatted easily, nearly missing the end of their break. Chester managed to eat a few slices of pizza, once they’d talked everything over with Vanessa. They returned to work, and continued where they left off shadowing Rosa. She’d acquired a new cup of coffee in Chester’s absence and sipped on it between incredibly brief explanations and lessons.
     The end of the day couldn’t come soon enough. Chester was eager to get back to the daycare, though they were sure to pay attention to Rosa’s lessons and advice. Mostly, they learned from watching her work through tasks, asking her questions when needed.
     Finally, it was time to clock out. Rosa told Chester they’d done well today, even though they’d done very little besides help her out with her tasks.
     Chester stepped into the daycare. They smiled as Sun sprang into view, jumping out from behind the corner of a jungle gym and running towards them.
     “Hello my dear!! How did your shift go? Did you learn lots of things??” Sun asked after crushing Chester in a standard greeting hug.
     “I did, actually. Like how there's apparently a difference between a soldering gun and a soldering iron. How was your day? Any trouble with the kids?” Chester asked.
     “Not at all!! And in fact, today was the first day the lights were back to normal! Management let me know this morning that nap time was back in the schedule. Moon was really nervous but he did very well. The kids missed him,” Sun’s cheery disposition faltered as he seemed to realize something. “Oh, but that means the lights will be off all night! I’ll only get an hour with you before it’s Moon’s turn.”
     “You’ll still be hanging out, just like how Moon is hanging out with us right now,” Chester pointed out.
     “Yeah but it’s different.” Sun folded his arms. “I suppose I’ll just have to make the most of it!”
     Apparently, this involved practically cuddling with Chester while trying to play a board game.
     "You know, typically the players sit on opposite ends of each other for Mastermind," Chester pointed out. They weren't being serious, of course. They were far too comfortable sitting in Sun's lap, leaning back against him with his legs folded around them.
     "That's okay, I remember the colors I picked!" Sun said.
     Chester considered their colored pegs. They knew they had two colors right, and they were fairly certain the yellow one was in the right place. They switched out a red peg for a blue one on their next guess and shuffled some of the pegs around into a different order, leaving the yellow where it was.
     "Ooooooooh you're so close, but I can't say!!" Sun wiggled excitedly as he set several hint pins into their slots next to Chester's guess. "You're so good at guessing the colors!"
     "Don't give it away!" Chester laughed. They kept the colors all the same and changed their positions around.
     "I think you'll get it before the lights go out!" Sun commended.
     Chester now had all but one peg correct. They looked back at their previous guesses, trying to find which color they were missing. They'd tried pretty much every color… unless the last peg was a repeat color??
     "Ah… I've got you all figured out," Chester declared. They replaced the last peg with another yellow one.
     Sun flipped open the lid of his original lineup. "You did it!! And you still had four guesses left, good job!"
     "Thanks, but you definitely kept giving me all sorts of little hints the whole time." Chester smiled.
     "I just can't help but root for you."  Sun wrapped his arms around Chester. "Moon's coming out in a little bit. I'm getting in all the hugs I can!"
     "Do as you must." Chester accepted their fate with ease. "You mentioned you talked to management, right? Did you happen to talk about leaving the building from time to time?"
     "Oh, yes! They said nothing's been decided yet, but they would take it under consideration. We talked about possibly escorted and brief trips into town to start with, and marketing opportunities. Moon is skeptical but I think management will come around!" Sun said.
     "I see. Keep me updated, okay?" Chester asked.
     "Can do." Sun squeezed Chester lightly. "We're a little scared. About leaving the building. Leaving the daycare! But it's also exciting. And management may only start out by letting the glamrocks outside first. They'll probably have Freddy do test runs. If they even agree to it, that is! I think I'd at least like the option available to me, to leave."
     Chester nodded. "That's understandable. I really hope management agrees. Otherwise I'd need to figure out how to jailbreak all of you."
     Sun laughed, but Chester had only just barely been joking.
     Chester leaned into Sun's hug and sat there with him until the hour changed over, and all the lights turned off for the night.
     Chester leaned forwards for just long enough for Moon to finish changing before leaning right back against him. They adjusted when their back met one of the bells on Moon's cape.
     "Sun forgot to ask if you had fun," Moon said, his voice soft and quiet.
     "I did. I always have fun playing games with him. He gets really into it, it's very cute," Chester signed.
     Moon hummed. "Board games are a very serious matter. Not to be taken lightly."
     "Of course, of course." Chester noticed how still Moon was in comparison to Sun, who couldn't seem to sit still for the life of him. "Are you okay with me leaning on you like this?"
     "Yes." Moon curled ever so slightly tighter around Chester, as if he feared they'd get up. "It's okay. I'm just being careful."
     Chester's hand found one of Moon's. They squeezed it gently and gave it a little kiss, square on the back of his hand, before they could second guess the action.
     Moon's fans blasted to life. He squeezed Chester's hand back, very gently.
     "How's the eye? I haven't heard it click at all," Chester commented.
     "It's perfect. Thank you," Moon said. "I'm glad you get to stay. I'm glad you want to stay."
     "I'm glad you don't mind me staying."
     "Don't mind." Moon huffed. "Don't mind, they say. As if your presence isn't the most marvelous thing to us."
     Chester's face felt warm. "Thanks," they mumbled, unsure of what else to say in reply to that.
     Moon and Chester sat together in silence for a while. Chester fiddled with Moon's hand, testing all the joints and tracing all the little seams that held him together. If they focused, they could just barely feel the small give in his casing when they pressed down. They could feel the pressure sensors at the tips of his fingers.
     "Having fun?" Moon asked.
     "Yeah." Chester tilted their head back to look at Moon. "You're very cool."
     Moon gazed down at his hand, trying to see whatever it was that Chester seemed to see. "It's just my hand…?"
     "Yeah, but its also… intentional. In a way that human hands are by accident."
     Moon tilted his head. "…You aren't still suffering from that concussion, are you?"
     Chester rolled their eyes. "No. I mean… look at my hand, right?" Chester held up their hand, fingers splayed out. "I grew this hand. No one really made it, it just kinda happened. It grew this way because that's what my DNA told it to do. You could argue that my parents made it, but still, they didn't sit down and gather the materials and craft it by had, piece by piece. No one sat down at a table and designed it, thought about materials, design choices, whatever. It just happened. Accidental. And then take your hand."
     Chester took Moon's hand again, holding it gently so it sat palm up in their hands. "Your hand was intentional. It was designed and crafted and built with purpose. It's something someone sat down and put thought into, gathered materials for, and put in the time to craft. It's intentional."
     Moon thought about this for a moment. "Is that… good?"
     "It's neither good or bad. It's like… if everyone is a piece of art. Unique and wonderful and created somehow one way or another. Then humans are like when trees grow in funny shapes around rocks, or like when weeds brighten the crack of a concrete driveway. Not really intending to have become something messy and unique, but there none the less. And robots are like… the way the ocean tide comes and goes. Like rainfall. Like knowing the stars are always there even if you can't see them. Like, the inevitability behind the old, behind aging. Like the easy way wonderful things are so natural that they're mundane."
     "Are you calling me mundane?"
     "No." Chester laughed. "What I'm trying to say is that you're marvelous and incredible and you just are despite that. The ocean doesn't know or care that its tides come and go, they just do. Rain just falls, it doesn't care that it's rain or that it waters crops or soaks someone who regrets forgetting an umbrella. The stars don't know I miss them when I can't see them. The world is so full of crazy wonderful things, and its all so natural and regular for the world that its easy to forget how great it is. And you're something truly wonderful in the world. You're wonderful and you don't even know it because it's just how you are."
     Moon was quiet for a long time. His fans whirred quietly in his head, but otherwise he was still and silent. Chester held his hand, their fingers still now as they sat and thought.
     "What brought all this on?" Moon finally asked.
     Chester shrugged. "I've been stuck inside for so long, I guess I just miss nature and the world. I've been thinking about you and Sun a lot. And thinking about robots and sentience and just… marveling at the way of things, I guess."
     "I suppose I'm just surprised. You're so quiet and monotone, I didn't realize there was a little poetic side to you."
     Chester smiled. "I contain multitudes."
     "Hmm." Moon slowly set his faceplate atop Chester's head. "Thank you for sharing your multitudes with me. I'd love to get to know all of you."
     Something about that had Chester blushing fiercely. They were glad Moon wasn't currently looking at them. "We should probably clean up the board game."
     Moon nodded. "Sun mentions it every five minutes."
     "Oh dear." Chester smiled. They sat up and started removing colored pegs from the board. Moon gathered the box and packed everything neatly away, running a quick little scan to be sure every piece was accounted for. He got up to set the box at last back on the shelf, much to Sun's relief.
     Moon turned back to look at Chester. "…I'm not sure what comes next."
     "Well, we could play a different game if you'd like?" Chester offered.
     Moon shook his head. "I meant… next for us. We've never done anything like this before. Been more than friends with anyone."
     "Oh. Well, that's the fun part, I think. We get to figure that out together," Chester said. "Honestly, I don't really know either. My plan is to sort of just. Follow my heart, I guess? As cheesy as that sounds."
     Moon hummed uncertainly. "What if we mess up?"
     "Then we'll figure that out together too. There's not really a guide book to follow, unfortunately." Chester got to their feet and stood with Moon by the game shelf.
     "Hm. It's sort of scary." Moon tilted his faceplate to Chester. "But… we'll figure it out together?"
     "Together," Chester agreed.
     Moon reached out and held their hand. Chester smiled. They couldn't help feeling like everything would end up alright.
0 notes
cuppa-crud · 2 years
Do y'all ever just look at some of your old art and think "damn, why can't I make cool shit like this anymore?"
That's how I felt looking back at my old OC art, lol. There's some ideas I don't want to use anymore, but I genuinely like a lot of those old drawings.
My ideas were just as vague and messy back then as they are now, but... I was still trying things, and I had so much fun drawings things out, even if I didn't entirely know where I was going with it.  Even if I didn't have a "solid" story yet.
And even though my art has improved in some ways, I feel like I've regressed in some ways too. Like with perspective and shapes and dynamic poses, and just how experimental it used to be.  I miss that.
I feel like I became very afraid and a lot more shy for different reasons, and I believe that really impacted my ability to experiment with my characters and feel comfortable and confident about that.
2015 and 2016 just felt like golden years for some of those characters, even if it didn't make any sense. A lot of it was inspired by things I was going through and emotions I had at the time, and I think that's also why they feel so significant to me.
Everything was fueled by Teenage Angst(tm), and I wouldn't say that everything was going good, but I guess I just wish I had that same creative energy back.  I think there are things I can learn from it.
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ggukkiereads · 3 years
hi hii I was wondering if you had any taekook x reader fics ? 🙈 , also wondering if I could I go as 🗯 anon if that's okay? I love ur recs so much and ur page is a LIFESAVER , ily bae <3
🌷 Dear 🗯️ anon! I am sorry for answering so late. My drafts are all messed up but I was able to focus on this. On my 📍 pinned post, I actually asked if you meant love triangles or MMF smut but you didn't reply. So, I'll just put both =)
Enjoy! Much love and credit goes to all these wonderful writers who brought these fics to life 💖🥳
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TaeKook Fics (Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook)
Love Triangle/s
M/M/F Smutty One Shots/Series
#ReadwithMe (fics in my reading queue/planning to read)
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Love Triangle
All I Want @ardentlyjae - series [6/6] | 126k | War AU, Soldier!Taehyung | Heavy Angst, S
I actually read this on AO3 but I realized it’s on tumblr too. I remember this fic every time I hear Kodaline’s All I Want, which the fic was inspired by
Anima Meaology @arckook - series [5/5] | 26k | Soulmate AU, soulmate glitch (those with mismatched tattoos on their wrist) | A, F
I read this long ago on AO3 when I had this soulmate AU-fixation phase and I saw it on tumblr recently. Just had to read it again 🥺
Aquarium, Part 2 @whatifyoulivelikethat - two shot | 6.9k | cheating/infidelity, healing/comfort, second chances | A, F
I really like this comfort fic 🥰. Also shows that people deserve second chances, even the person who caused so much hurt. Screamed about it here and here
Change @junghelioseok - series [10/10] | 39.2k | a kind handsome stranger (Taehyung) makes you question your deteriorating relationship (Jungkook) | A, S, F
can I just say that Taehyung is such a sweetheart here 🥰? I always envision Paris Taehyung 2018 in this
Everything Goes @jamaisjoons - one shot | 24k | Fuckboy!Taehyung, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Stranger!Jungkook, unrequited love | A, S  (really angsty)
First Light @inktae - one shot | 24k | Bestfriend!Taehyung, Masked Jungkook who can’t seem to leave the forest, Fantasy AU, based on hotarubi no mori e | F
If you’ve seen my fic recs list, inktae is always part of my recs. The way they write is just emotionally and visually haunting. Their works are just masterpieces. This is beautifully heartbreaking and heartbreakingly beautiful.
House of Cards @aiimaginesbts - series [10/10] | 40k | infidelity au, taehyung in an arranged marriage with someone else, roommate Jungkook | A, S, F
don’t we all want to have a roommate like Jungkook who will be there to comfort you over your heartbreak over someone else?
Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves - series [6/6] | 37k | witch!reader x werewolf!taehyung x vampire!jungkook, supernatural au, fantasy au | S, A
I mentioned before that some are divided re the ending, so I wonder what’s going to be the reactions of others
The Muse @daddychims - one shot | 30k | Author!Reader, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Fuckboy!Taehyung,  Coworker!Jungkook, Taehyung offered OC to watch him have sex with another so she could write an erotic scene | S, A, F
The Universe of Us (read on mobile) @/taesthetes (officially closed her account) - one shot | 21k | Dream AU, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Kimi no Nawa-inspired | F, A
I am never going to shut up about this fic lol. It’s not exactly a love triangle, ugh hard to explain but please read this wonderful fic. Check their other KTH x R x JJK soulmate fic Cloud Ten too.
When You Least Expect @johobi - series [12/14 + drabble] | 118k | Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, Childhood Friend Taehyung, set up with another guy (Jungkook) | S, A, F
ugh, I want to put another tag about Jungkook but I guess it’s a surprise. I just love the drama 🍿
🌷 I’m forgetting two more fics but I’ll update this once I remember. I haven’t read recently released fics too! I’ll add if there are good ones that come along
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MMF Smutty One Shots/Series
A Piece of You @httpjeon - one shot | 13.9k | abo dynamics, camboy AU, camgirl AU, fan jungkook joins the cam session | S, F
All’s Fair @kimvtae - one shot | 13k | soulmate AU, college AU, dating Taehyung for a year but different name (Jungkook) showed up on OC’s wrist (lol it’s not a problem if you can get them both) | S
Blacklisted @/httpjeon - one shot | 21k | dom/sub AU, CEO AU, “after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men” | A, F, S
Business @btssmutgalore - two shot | 28.9k | executive!reader, inventors/start-up owners taekook | S (seriously, how could I have missed including this here)
Dulce Periculum @forgottenpasta - two shot [2/2]  | 16k | Hybrid AU, Tiger Hybrid!Tae, Owner!Reader, Wolf Hybrid!Jungkook | S, A, F
Easy Like Sunday Morning @ofsugakookies - one shot | 11.8k | boyfriend AU (yes, both of them), dom!taehyung, sub!jungkook | S, PWP
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right @imaginethisbts - two shot [2/2] 11.6k | Hybrid AU (dog hybrids) | S, A (side note: I realized I’ve read all of their fics! give their masterlist a try)
Just Kidding @/whatifyoulivelikethat - series [5/?] | 21.1k+ | nympho OC, friend Taehyung, tae’s roommate Jungkook | S, kinda F, crack
this is actually fun 😊; and the episodes are written in a drabble-ish sort of way so you won’t feel like it needs to be updated to get the story moving. It’s basically just reading fun scenarios of nympho OC and these two satisfying her needs *wink wink
Not So Digital @jiminables  - sequel to Digital Boy | 2.7k | camboy!taehyung, bestfriend!jungkook, short mxm | S, slight F
Playing to Win @tayegi - one shot | 8.6k | FWB AU (tae), sort of enemies to lovers (jungkook), TaeKook (mxm), originally Taehyung x OC (fwb) | S
okay this is one of my favorites! I’m amazed at how the power dynamics were written. Taehyung seems a dom with OC but with Jungkook he is all soft and sub; then, there’s that dynamic between Jungkook and OC who disliked each other originally. I just found the shifting so interesting and the writer was able to display these changes in dom/sub behavior among the three characters really well
Pour Up @jungkxook - one shot | 14k | fuckboy AU, fratboy AU (applies to two of them), one sassy OC, one kind of jealous Koo | S (thank you dear author for reposting this! 🥰)
Shhh @bang-tan-bitches - drabble (with OT7 sequel) | 2.7k | PWP (just pure hot imagine)
Shameless @imaginethisbts - one shot | 5.1k | established relationship (jungkook x oc), Taehyung’s POV, exhibitionism | S (not exactly threesome, because JK and OC are just doing it in front of people, Taehyung had a bit of action in the end)
Sugar & Spice @divine-bangtan - one shot | 20.8k | Kiki’s Delivery Service!AU, Baker AU, Noona AU, Assistant!Jungkook, Rich!Taehyung, pining Koo, a bit of M x M  | S, F, A (it’s all good everyone ends up happy 😊)
Sugar and Spice @sunkissedjk - two shot [2/2] | 8.6k | Your friends ask you whether you prefer sugar (jjk) or spice (kth) | S
ugh this is such an indulgent imagine. If taekook are your friends and they help you decide what type of sex you prefer through a demonstration, wouldn’t you want for multiple demos before deciding? *wink wink
Sacrilegious @therealmintedmango -  part of the Gods and Monsters series | 15.6k | Demon!Jungkook, Fallen Angel!Reader, God!Taehyung | S (so sinful 😈💦)
Sweat Pea @nitaescence - series [10/10] | 63k | DDLG!AU, caregiver!jungkook, caregiver!taehyung, little!oc | S, F, A
so I’m glad there was an ask about caregiver!jungkook because I remembered this. I actually checked if there’s a follow up drabble because the ending is open to any interpretation so I’m curious how other readers interpreted it
051 + Scum’s Wish @scriptmin - one shot | 3k | bestfriend!jungkook, pining!oc (unrequited), rebound!taehyung | S, A
it’s actually kind of sad 😭 but I added this because it's good to have variety. Not all smutty pieces will be a happy one
Tattooed Two @/httpjeon - one shot | 8.5k | tattoo artist AU, boyfriend Jungkook joined by his bestfriend Taehyung | S, F
The Doms Next Door @tatertotthethot - series [3.1/?] | 33.8k+ | BDSM AU, Poly, Neighbor AU, Tattoo Artist AU | S
I really love this series. It’s so funny too, I remember Jimin here - he’s THAT bestfriend you want to have. PLUS TaeKook are absolutely hot. If you're not interested in being a sub or partaking in bdsm, you will reconsider
The Hush Series @suga-kookiemonster - two shot [2/2] | 16.9k | coworker’s friends TaeKook, sort of E2L (Jungkook), dom!taehyung, a bit of voyeurism | | S
okay, I really like author’s writing. It can be about sinful delicious smut scenes but I noticed the members always have this developed characterization. I actually find Taehyung so adorably charming - makes me wonder if irl tae is secretly sinful too behind that sweetness lol
Thic Trilogy @btsinned - series [3/7] | 37k+ | CEO AU, Hybrid AU, College AU, Chubby!Reader | S, F, A
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🌷 I’m throwing in fics in my reading queue #ReadwithMe
Attitude Adjustment @s0seo - one shot | 11.8k | Roommate AU | S
Chain Reaction @kissmetae - one shot | 3.2k | boyfriend Taehyung and friend Jungkook helping OC relax | S
Cherry @kpopstories - series [4/?] | 29k+ |  college AU, fuckboy AU, love triangle | A, S, F (this is part of my ongoing reading list)
Cobalt Blue @hauntedlilies - one shot | 11.3k | artist AU, “you asked Jungkook to draw you like one of his french girls” | S
When You’re Mad @honeyj00ns -  one shot | 3.8k | established relationship (boyfriend Jungkook), enemies to lovers Taehyung, Taehyung is JK’s bestfriend, Christmas AU, College AU| S
Madam Cupcake @craztextae - series [6/?] | 69.2k+ | Sugarbaby AU, Idolverse, idol!jungkook meets OC through an app called “sugarmamas(.)com” | S, F
Player Two @minjoonalist - one shot | 10.6k | Gamer!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Taehyung, Brat!Reader | S
Tag Team @goodnight-tae - one shot | 5.2k | stripper AU, TaeKook are roommates and friends who share most things 😉 | S, PWP
Whoa @bangtanlalaland - one shot | 4.7k | skater!taehyung, 1970s AU, coworker!jungkook | S, PWP, Crack
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posted: 2021 March 12; updated: 2021 May 12
link to other fic recs here
feel free to recommend a fic
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cecily-xyz · 3 years
For anyone who’s new;
Hello and welcome to my page!
First of all; thank you so much for visiting/interacting/following/etc. I love u all sm
I just thought it would be helpful to make an official greeting post/ info post/ master-list post to make things more organized, plus I never really have done a formal introduction.
So hi, I’m Cecily, I’m an Aquarius and an ISTP, and I love the Arcana, Fictif, Marvel, and many other fandoms! I am not currently open for requests but I will update if I open them up again.❗️ALSO; this is in my bio but just a reminder that I like, comment, and follow from my main account @/cecily-zyx bc I accidentally made this acc my side account instead of my main bc I’m a big dummy 🥴 so I swear I’m not ignoring u guys lol❗️and I use “#cecily sputters” for my shitposts so if you’re interested in my blubbering there u go lol
So anyways, here’s my master list! (Also Ik it’s probably silly to include shitposts in the master-list but I think they’re funny so I’m including some of them lol (I say some bc there’s way too many to fit all of them on here))
Master List
Key: (HC) = head canons, (FF) = fan fiction, (SP) = shit post, (OC) = original character, (DR) = drawing, (O) = other, (V) = video, (A) = asks
The Arcana
The Main 6
The Main 6 with an MC who has curly hair (HC)
If The Main 6 had a PowerPoint night (HC)
The Main 6 as Vines (V)
The Main 6 as Vines Pt. 2 (V)
The Main 6 playing Cards Against Humanity (HC)
The Main 6 as random photos from my camera roll (O)
The Main 6 picrew (pt. 1) (O)
The Main 6 picrew (pt. 2) (O)
The Main 6 picrew (pt. 3) (O)
The Main 6 if they went to a renaissance festival (HC)
Asra with bed head (SP)
Lord of Misrule perfume (SP)
Asra soap mohawk (SP)
Asra Angst pt. 1 (SP)
Asra with his parents ❤️(SP)
Asra angst pt. 2 (SP)
Julian with an MC who is really into art (HC)
Irl Julian in NYC (SP)
Julian route fav lines (SP)
Julian doodle / practice (DR)
Go Nadi go Nadi (SP)
Nadias clap back to Lucio’s accusations 🙄🤚🏼 (SP)
Scary Pasha (SP)
Nothing yet!
If Lucio had a makeup YouTube channel (SP)
Renea (OC)
Renea’s everyday outfit (DR)
Renea’s traveling outfit (DR)
Renea portrait (DR)
Random Renea asks pt. 1 (A)
Random Renea asks pt. 2 (A)
Random Renea asks pt. 3 (A)
Random Renea asks pt. 4 (A)
Nix Hydra ad pt. 1 (SP)
The Arcana IOS 14 Home Screen (O)
The Arcana memes (pt. 1) (SP)
The Arcana memes (pt. 2) (SP)
The Arcana memes (pt. 3) (SP)
The Arcana memes (pt. 4) (SP)
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Eddie doodles (DR)
I definitely missed some stuff but hey, that’s what I get for just starting it now! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my content, and I will also be updating this regularly. ❤️❤️❤️
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450 Followers: Meet The Writer
Hello there! We’re back with another Meet The Writer Q&A and it’s our pleasure to introduce a fellow Brazilian fanfic author for our ninth interview:
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Blog: @julia-highstorms​ Name (or petname): Julia/Ju Birthday: July 9 Nationality: Brazilian 🇧🇷 Current residency: I'm one of the 12 million people living in São Paulo, Brazil Languages you speak: Brazilian Portuguese, English and a bit of Japanese Masterlist: Julia’s choices fanfiction masterlist
1. Is there a meaning behind your url name? Yes! For those who have been following me for a while, they already know that I used to change my URL according to the Choices character I was stanning at the time but it was a PAIN to fix all my fanfics links 😩 so I decided to finally create an unique URL that I wouldn't get tired of. So I mixed my two surnames together and it (basically) means Highstorms. I loved it 😌
2. When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 2017 I believe. TRR book 1 was about to debut. YEAH. It was the Freshman Book 1.
3. When did you decide to join Choices fandom? December 21 2017. ILITW was in its last chapters and I was obsessed with it. I wanted to talk about it with other people, but I didn't know anyone who also played Choices. So I found the fandom on Tumblr and decided to join. I miss all my friends I made back then and we all went nuts with ILITW finale together 😩 Good times
4. Go back to your archive and tell us what was your first post on your Choices blog was about. My first post was about how I loved ILITW and how everyone was fucked up sjddndossok also a lot of reblogs about MAKE NOAH AN LI 🗣️
5. How long have you been writing fanfiction? I started writing fanfictions in my senior year of high school, although I attempted to write my own stories when I was younger, around 12-13.
6. Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it? My first fanfic ever is about The Maine, it was my favorite band back then slfjdfodj but my first Choices fanfic is If Jane Was Here (ILITW told by Noah) Chapter 1. I AM SO PROUD OF IT. Of course, there are some things I would change. Like adding even more angst. Having finished writing it way sooner. But I'm super proud of it overall. My first (and so far only) Choices long series I've ever finished. Wow.
7. What are your favorite Choices books to write about? Definitely Open Heart just because of Bryce Lahela and Rei (my MC). OPH has become a mess, but I love Bryce too much. I loved the It Lives anthology too and enjoyed writing about. And I'm hyped for my upcoming Blades AU series!
8. What is your specialty as a fanfic writer? Oooh I guess it is rewriting certain scenes or events of the books or thinking about AUs. Since ILITW I have enjoyed doing this. Writing on another character's point of view of the events that have happened (the whole If Jane Was Here series, that is ILITW told by Noah's POV). Or adding some depth to a certain scene (did something like this with Julia, my ILB MC, and Tom's relationship. And with Rei and Bryce's). Or even rewriting the story to fit better with my MC's personality (Rei, OPH MC).
9. What aspect of your writing do you most enjoy to see praised? When people say they like my MC's, Rei (OPH MC) and Luxia (Blades MC). Before, whenever I played Choices, I didn't care much about the MCs because they're all generic (which makes sense because we're the ones playing it). They're always the happy go lucky friend that tries to fix everyone's problems and every LI is in love with them. Boooooring. Rei was my first MC that I created a whole non-canon personality to her, and that's why she's my baby 🥺 and when people commented that they felt represented by Rei, that she felt more realistic than PB's usual MC, well, that was my peak as a writer lol so they're basically OC's, with their own personalities and temperaments.
10. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them? I do, but I wish I could participate more often! The prompts are what I like the most, because they give me ideas that I'd have never thought to write about before.
11. Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing? Meg Cabot was my favorite author growing up and I read some of Sophie Kinsella’s books too, so probably my love for adding a bit of comedy, silly little things in my fanfics came from them. I love Jane Austen too. And last but not least, my flair for angst definitely came from reading Fruits Basket, my favorite manga ever. There’s so much angst in Furuba dodksdishd Takaya Natsuki-sensei really enjoys it. I recommend reading her other manga series, Twinkle Stars, too.
12. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Actually writing lmao. You know, taking the plot out of my mind and typing it down on Google Docs. Writing is hard, takes too much time and I'm lazy 😩 I wish I could just transfer my ideas to a document and it's done. No need to write, no need to revise, etc. I love the final product, but I hate the process.
13. Do you have any abandoned WIPs? What made you abandon them? A BUNCH OAJDSKDKD 🤦 Either because my inspiration to write it has faded or because I don't want to spend my whole time writing.
14. You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio? Oooooh great question! I must put:
If Jane Was Here - Alternative ending (ILITW): this is the only finale I accept sorrynotsorry
Too Little Too Late - Jax x MC (Bloodbound): I wanted to feel hurt. People cried. I loved it sclkdsdjsops
The Loudest One - Bryce x F!MC (Open Heart): I wrote this one for CFWC Kinktober! And honestly, this is the best smut scene I have written. I’m quite proud about it.
Satisfied - Jax x Lily (Bloodbound): it was fun writing for my crack ship! My babies. And the first smut scene I have ever written. I’m glad it was with these two. I still can’t get over the fact that either one of them dies in BB’s finale. I cannot accept skfjdpd
Lullaby - Tyril x Elf!F!MC (Blades): don’t get me wrong, I love Tyril and his goth lordling mysterious elf boy personality and the first time he and MC made out was HOT but… I missed a bit of clousure before, you know? It felt a bit sudden to me, so I wrote a couple of fanfics showing their growing interest and attraction towards one another. This one is a light cute one and I really like it.
15. Do you create original content aside from fanfiction (original stories, art, etc)?  I sometimes draw some fanarts in which you can see by searching for #occasional drawings on my Tumblr.
Do you want to contribute with questions/ideas for the next Meet The Writer Q&A? Send us a message.
Thanks for reading! Reblog to share your appreciation for @julia-highstorms​ ❤️
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
Come get yall’s bread
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Aww thank you! And I hope you have a great new years too! :}
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When I darn well feel like it.
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I don’t know how old Brown Suburban would actually be compared to Ratchet or Optimus, I’m just going off of the age of the actual cars. Which means that excluding A.T., technically Green Truck is actually older than Brown Suburban.
If I knew how old was considered elderly, and how old was considered young for the TFP transformers than I could confirm whether or not he was older than Ratchet. But I don’t so I’m just assuming that he would be.
Oh and the angst? Yup. Brown Suburban was supposed to be this guy that no matter which wrecker you spoke to, they would always say, “Oh yeah, that guy Brown Suburban? He was already a wrecker when I signed up.” He was like one of the very first wreckers, and saw a lot of them come and go. He saw Ratchet in his younger starry eyed days and he saw Vega back when he was popular on Cybertron.
He knew Bash Buggy before there was even a scratch on him. He knew the Dragsters before they.. well.. yeah. He knew Green Truck before his bleed out and Optimus before his lead, he’s seen a lot.
At this point I wonder if he’s sick of change and just wants something to stay the same forever. Just one thing that he can look at and find peace in the fact that it has stayed the same all these years..
Which you know, would probably be Brown Suburban himself. That thing hasn’t aged a day since the race track I’m telling ya! Its amazing what love, care, and being stored undercover can do for a car like that.
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Well hold on now! Slow down there partner, this is Captain Barnacles were talking about.
This absolute teddy bear would never hurt someone out of anger or spite, even if he truly hated that person. Its just not like him, the worst he would do is give that person a dirty look whenever they were around, but he would never lash out and hurt someone like that, despite his supposed instincts. He’s just too gentle and kind for that.
And as for the being spiteful of Bianca’s mate thing? Well his dad left them too, all polar bear dads don't stick around for the cubs for some reason. For the Captain I feel like he would feel like its just a normal thing that happens in polar bear families. It happened to his own mom, him and his sister, to all of his friends and to their parents too.
Grizzly and polar bear dads not sticking around is just how things are, a fact of life. Its just what they do for some reason. I don’t think he’d be spiteful or upset really. Unless he saw that his sister was struggling with the cubs maybe he’d wish things were different? I honestly don’t think he’d think about it or mention it.
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Green Truck is keepin his cheeks, but Vega is pretty unwell at the moment. More on that in a later ask. :}
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Bruh, can you imagine.
If Captain Barnacles could lift up Brown Suburban? The Octopod wouldn’t need its engine anymore. Because the Captain could just push it everywhere.
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Yeah I’ve watched every episode and all the movies. Fun stuff. :}
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XD Nice, my friend and the existence of the Conductor is dragging me into the fandom by my feet.
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Oh! No no no I don’t do commissions, nor do I ever plan to. As for why, I have at least 5 reasons off the top of my head.
I already have a job, so the extra money isn’t something I desire.
I have witnessed first hand a loved one turn their art into a job and then loose their passion for it, I ain’t about to follow in their footsteps.
I don’t even know how to do them, and I can grantee that what ever I need to do to set up a commission system would be too much for my peanut brain to understand.
I’m an absolute friggin idiot and would 100% get scammed over and over again because I don’t have common sense and don’t know how anything works.
I’m not a people person and wouldn’t know how to handle someone raging at me for telling them to pay me for my art
Not good stuff my guy. :/
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Thank you! And can you really blame him? XD With his bizarre vision, things sometimes seem really strange to him. He can never really truly trust his eye sight and if what he’s seeing is correct, but that’s all he’s got to help him identify the things around him.
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Thank you so much that really means a lot when referring to my Transformer OCs because I legit put my heart and soul into these characters but deep down felt like they weren’t good enough because they weren’t appreciated at the level that I hoped that they would be-
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Thank you very much! I sure hope its gotten better, or else all these hours a day I spent drawing would’ve been a waste haha!..
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I missed him too <:}. Lol but he probably doesn't miss me though after what I did to him haha..ha..
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I headcannon that Peso has a form of separation anxiety of sorts, and just anxiety in general. 
Peso grew up in a huge colony of Penguins, a lot of those Penguins being his close relatives. He was always surrounded by people who loved him and would not hesitate to protect him at all costs. Everywhere he turned was someone there for him you know? I imagined that he was totally relaxed in his colony, a completely different person to the one we know now. Totally calm and happy being surrounded by the safety net that was his colony.
Well, after becoming an Octonaut, his safety net of comfort and peace went from being composed of like probably 1000+ Penguins, to only 6 people. 6, that’s it. Just 6 people.  
His crew is tiny, and Peso finds safety and comfort in numbers. He didn’t realize it before but he does now, he hates being alone, and being in a tiny crew creates a lot of situations where he’s alone.
Because of this, Peso has a tendency to latch on to people in a way. Like he’ll be completely normal and chill when he’s on the Octopod, because that safety net is now the feeling of being safe and sound in the Octopod. But when he’s out on a mission? Or even worse, when he’s out on his own? He may hide it pretty well, but he honestly stresses out pretty bad if he gets separated from the group.
I feel like Captain Barnacles knows this about Peso, and understands it better than anyone else does. The Captain understands where his fear is coming from, seeing that he feels it too when he’s alone. That’s why the Captain tries to get Peso to go out on short solo missions when he can, to better help him gain his independence and get over his fear.
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One of us.. One of us... ONE OF US... ONE OF US!!!
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You know who would be a scary pair? Tweak and Escort. You put two brains like that together and nothing can stop them.
Tweak be coming out with the Gup-🅱 that’s like all of the gups put together plus its a rocket ship.
And then you’ve got Escort walking away being able to make nucellar bombs that are as big as tick-tacks.
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Green Truck and Escort are doing wonderfully, Vega however... ehh.. not so much.
The plan to convert Green Truck into a welding truck has been tossed out. Looks like he’s keeping his butt after all. Also Green Trucks carburetor has been replaced and he is running SO much better. Really, he drives fantastically, and we’re really happy with the turn out. I’d say Green Truck is doing just fine in life right now.
Escort hasn’t had any recent upgrades however, actually he’s had some downgrades.. His driver side door handle came off and I think his floor leak maaay be getting worse.. But you know? His engine is still smooth like butter. His driver is very satisfied with how genuinely nice this little tin can runs. Escort is legitimately running better than I think he ever has probably. After getting his engine all cleared out he really is a neat and pretty reliable little car.
As for Vega?... Well.. if being a fire hazard counts as staying warm I’d say he’s doing great!.. But seriously, he is no longer road safe. You see, Vega has a unique leaking issue where the oil around his pistons evaporates into a vapor and leaks through his breathers. This oil then travels down towards the front of the engine and begins to drip onto the Vega’s headers. The hottest external part of the engine. Of course, oil + heat = serious fire hazard. The last time we drove him we were all holding our breath watching as his temperature gage was going crazy and just praying that this thing didn't burst into flames on the highway.
Basically, either we bring a fire extinguisher with us on joy rides and hope he survives the burns, or, we keep him cooped up nice and safe until we can fix his leak. His driver obviously chose the latter.
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I’ve never been comfortable with people drawing my OCs. But because my Transformer OCs didn't have as much support as I had hoped, I made a list of fanart rules and forced myself to let people draw them so hopefully they would get more recognition. 
But if I’m being totally honest, I wouldn’t be very happy to receive fanart, no matter if the artist followed the rules or not. So I’m going to say that no, I don’t accept fanart of any of my OCs anymore..
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Hank u! ♡●ᴗ●♡
Who are these babies? Oh just some of my beautiful baby boys of course. They are transformer-afied versions of these two real life cars as you can see here, I think you can guess who is who in the picture. :}
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 As for an explanation to where they came from.. A while back I got into a show called Transformers Prime you see, and I wanted to make some OCs based of off the show.
So, I took 16 of my real life family cars and turned them into Transformers. Something I had thought about doing for a very long time. I took these 16 characters and gave them personalities, unique relationships with each other and back stories that intertwined and connected like a web. 
Suburban and Escort are conically best friends so I drew them a lot together back then. After the Transformer thing didn't work out quite as well as I’d hoped.. I eventually dropped them all together. But as you can see I felt the need to draw my babies again, so I did. :}
If you want to learn more about my Transformer OCs you can see the original post here that shows all the characters. And then you can search “transformer ocs” on my blog and find some art if you scroll past all the asks. (The asks have some info though if you want to learn more about them story wise) :}
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elvish-sky · 3 years
Aragorn and Taniara [an elf] (That's what my sister calls herself. Lol.)
Hmmm... maybe Taniara is Elrond's youngest daughter and she sneaks away from Imladris to go with the Fellowship. She could meet up with them in The Golden Woods? Um... and Legolas explains to her that the pain she had felt was her fear of Elessar not returning to her...? And maybe a time skip to when Elessar gets crowned King of Gondor?
Is this what you mean by "ask"?
A.N: So this was an insert request and uses someone’s name but I’ll be posting a completely x reader version for everyone else. I hope this is what you wanted, and I’m wishing your sister a very happy birthday! I hope she likes it!
Requested by @ask-the-elf-stuff on Tumblr
Pairing: Aragorn x Character Insert (Taniara) {Not an OC! I’m also posting a full x reader version for everyone else!}
Word Count: 1,790
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, the smallest bit of angst.
Hope {Aragorn x Taniara}
“You’re really leaving?” You gazed into Aragorn’s eyes, hoping that it wasn’t true.
“I have to, Taniara. The fate of Middle-Earth depends on it.”
Your head dipped in understanding, but also sadness.
“Do not fear. I will return.” He cupped your chin with his hand, tilting your head and kissing you. It was a light kiss, nothing like the others you had shared before. This kiss was the hope that you’d see each other again.
Breaking away, you forced a smile as you hugged him, trying not to cry. Stepping back, you waved as he followed the rest of the newly formed Fellowship through the gates of Imladris. Your father stood next to you, and as Aragorn passed through the gates Elrond drew you into his side.
“He’ll be back, hína (child),” Elrond said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Nodding, you rested your head on your father’s shoulder as you watched the man depart.
Weeks later, you were pacing your room, determined to do something. Arwen stopped short in the doorway as she saw you pack open on your bed as you shoved things inside.
“Taniara? What are you doing?”
“I do not know why, but I have felt a pull to follow. An ache, almost painful in its strength, has settled inside me and so I knew I must follow. We have not heard from the Fellowship in weeks, Aragorn could be hurt, or someone else could be, or he could be,” your voice broke, “dead.
The elf nodded in understanding. “The ache is telling you to be with the one you love.”
She then clasped your hand. “Taniara. Look at me.”
You looked at her, unshed tears of worry clear in your eyes.
“If he was dead, you’d feel it. And I know as your sister I should be telling you not to go, but I cannot help but notice the pain you’ve been in these last weeks. So go, find him.” She spread a map out onto a small table nearby, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Do you just carry that everywhere?”
She shot you a look, and you quickly clammed up, peering over her shoulder as she pointed things out.
“After crossing the mountains visit our grandmother in Lothlorien, the Fellowship had planned to pass through there, and she will know where they are.”
You took it all in, remembering the route to Lothlorien from visits to your grandparents you had made before your mother went west.
“Thank you, Arwen.” You smiled up at your sister.
She clasped your wrist before pulling away, placing her hands on your shoulders as she looked into your eyes. “Stay safe, Taniara.”
You nodded, shoving the last things into your pack before slinging it over your shoulders with your bow and quiver, daggers sheathed on your thighs, hugging your sister one last time before leaving your room.
You strode down the hallway, dressed in leather hunting clothes as you made your way to the gates of Imladris. You had stopped by the kitchens to gather food supplies, making sure they thought you were only going for a hunting excursion.
Entering the courtyard, you saw your father standing in the center, clearly waiting for you. Silently cursing Arwen, as you had hoped to slip away unnoticed, you made your way over to him.
“I should not let you do this.”
You frowned at his words, drawing breath to protest, but before you could Elrond spoke again.
“But you are free to go. I feel the ache and have felt it every day since your mother departed. I know that nothing but being with the one you love can ease that pain, and it would hurt me to know you are experiencing it. Go to Estel. I give you my blessing.”
You hugged your father before turning and mounting your horse, brought from the stables. Turning to wave to your father one last time, you leaned down to whisper, “Let’s go, Daeroc. Let’s go find Aragorn.” The horse broke into a trot, and you left Imladris behind.
Weeks later, you led Daeroc into Lothlorien, waiting for the sentries to appear. One dropped down from a tree, and you smiled at him, recognizing the face.
“Haldir,” you greeted him with a smile.
“Taniara. It is good to see you again. I assume you are here to see the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn?”
You nodded, “Yes. I have not seen my grandparents in a long time. But before we go to them could you find someone to take care of Daeroc?”
Another elf came into view, nodding to you as she took the reins from your hands.
“Thank you,” you smiled at her.
Later, you walked into the courtyard, bowing to your grandparents standing on the stairs above.
“Taniara, my daughter’s daughter. What brings you here?” Galadriel smiled at you, descending the stairs with her husband to greet you, each clasping your wrist.
“To see you, of course, and seek news of the Fellowship that I assume has passed through here.”
Your grandmother smiled. “It seems you are in luck, for they are here as we speak.”
Your eyes widened. “But they should have been long gone by now. I wonder what has caused the delay?”
Celeborn’s face softened. “Then you do not know.”
“Know what?” You were beginning to grow quite worried. “What has happened?”
“They could not make it through the pass of Caradhras, so they turned and went through Moria, costing them the life of Mithrandir.”
You gasped, heart aching at the grief that must have caused them and the grief you now felt.
“May I see them?” All you wanted now was to see your friends and the man you loved.
“Of course.” Galadriel beckoned you to follow her, and you did, softly conversing with your grandmother and updating her on the lives of her family in Imladris, as well as others she knew.
Stepping into the clearing, you turned to thank Galadriel, watching her fade from view behind you for a moment before continuing.
There he was. Tall and handsome still, even grimy with dirt and dust from his travels. You debated casually walking up and greeting him more sedately, but watching him you just couldn’t hold back. All your elvish instincts left you, and you sprinted towards him, leaping into his shocked arms as kissing him for all you were worth. He kissed you back for a moment, and then pulled away, the surprise on his face clear.
“Taniara! What are you doing here?”
“I came to find you.”
His eyes widened. “You did?”
You smiled at him. “Of course I did, meleth.”
He smiled back at you, and drew you in for another kiss, hands holding you up as your legs wrapped around his waist. Deepening the kiss, he moved so your back was pressed against a tree and his hands were free to slide up your back, tangling in your hair as you lost yourselves in each other.
Sometime later, you sat with the rest of the Fellowship after the nighttime meal, talking. It was good to see them again, you had grown fond of all of them, even the dwarf, during their time in Imladris. But of course, the only person you really had eyes for that night was Aragorn, who sat next to you with an arm around your shoulders.
Legolas had seemed puzzled with how comfortable you were with affection, it was rather un elf-like. You had explained to him that because of your father’s past, he was slightly more affectionate than a normal elf, and showed it. You hadn’t missed the wistful look on Legolas’ face as you spoke and recalled what you knew of his family, feeling sorry for him.
Later that night, you sat by the dying embers of the fire alongside Legolas. Aragorn had gone with the hobbits to wash up, and Boromir and Gimli were sleeping, so it was just you and the elf.
“Legolas?” The older elf looked at you.
“Can I ask you something?”
He nodded, and you continued, “I was just wondering, do you know of something like an ache? It began right after the Fellowship departed Imladris, and only subsided when I arrived here. What does it mean?”
He smiled. “Taniara. That was the bond between your soul and Aragorn’s, pulled taught with your fear of losing him. Now that you are reunited, it has gone because you are together. It is every elf’s greatest dream and worst fear to have that feeling.”
You smiled. “Have you?”
The pain in his eyes told you that maybe that was not something to be asked of others.
“I am not sure if it is in my destiny to ever feel that.” He gazed into the distance.
The two of you sat in easy silence for a long time, after that.
“Taniara.” You turned to see Aragorn beckoning to you, and with a nod to Legolas, you rose.
“You do not have to come with us. It will be a journey of great peril, and I do not want to put you in that much danger.”
You gazed at him earnestly, “Aragorn. I shall be there when the crown is finally placed on your head. I shall be with you until the end.”
He smiled at you again and clasped your hand as you walked through the towering trees.
You had left Lothlorien the day after with the Fellowship, having officially joined up. Lots had happened after that, including almost dying with most of Middle-Earth, but months later, all was finally well. Frodo and Sam had destroyed the ring in Mordor, the forces of Mordor had collapsed along with the Black Gate, and today was the coronation of King Elessar, also known as Aragorn.
You watched, standing next to Gimli on the dais, as Gandalf lowered the crown onto Aragorn’s head.
“Now come the days of the King!” Gandalf declared before Aragorn turned to face his kingdom. Everyone cheered as he stood there, silencing quickly as he spoke. His words were wise and sincere, and you couldn’t help but fall in love all over again. As petals began to fall, he started singing, the words quickly fading as he turned to you.
You walked down to meet him at the bottom of the steps, gown trailing behind you. Once you reached him, he grabbed your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist as he dipped you into a spectacular kiss. Unlike the one you had shared in Imladris, this was not a kiss of sadness. This was a kiss of hope, peace, and promise. As the cheers rose around you again you knew that everything you had hoped for had come true.
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riddlelikesstuff · 3 years
1. what did you mostly draw as a kid?
2. do you have an animal crossing town and if so how do you decorate it?
3. moon or sun?
hi, thank you for the ask!!!!
1. i've always been drawn to (haha, get it) drawing people actually! my very first OC was a superhero named fire girl, which i'm sure is an actual character that exists, and baby riddle didn't know that, lol. i was really into super smash bros brawl, and i mained pit, so i would draw pit and fire girl going on adventures and getting into angsty situations. i wrote angst even at like age 6. maybe one day i'll draw her again. :)
2. i do!! goodness i haven't played animal crossing in so long, my island is probably covered in weeds right now. i'm not great at decorating, lol. i remember i have a little playground area, and the main town area has like... a little coffee shop and a gym, both closed in with walls of simple panels. i miss ozzie. i should play one more time before i leave for college.
3. moon without hesitation!!! the sun is too bright, too stagnant and too yellow. the moon changes and turns all different kinds of colors, and you can see it better, it's much easier to look at. also i just like nighttime better than daytime. i love the moon!
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