#also money + insurance + getting a ride are all problems :
aropride · 10 months
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silkjade · 2 years
genshin men x driving
this is so dumb but it had to be said. I've been driving for a while so a lot of these are taken from irl experiences I've had myself or from friends. also I'm american so this is based on driving in the u.s. | modern au, humor, fluff, reckless driving
albedo ;; he has a habit of driving on the inner most lane of the highway but he doesn’t start switching to the exit lane until like 1 exit before. drove klee to the beach once 2 years ago and is still somehow finding sand in his car. all his turns are super wide
diluc ;; probably drives a very classic luxury car, like an aston martin or something. it’s sleek, it’s black, it’s giving batmobile because he drove with his high beams on for like 6 months and doesn’t get why it’s bad. it makes the road brighter he says as he blinds everyone going the other way. drives stick shift (manual), very hot when he reverses and puts his arm around the passenger seat
kaeya ;; he was the first person to get his license and everyone would ask him for rides, so now he drives a tiny sports car that doesn't fit anything. it’s also a luxury car but it’s flashier than diluc’s. follows driving laws to the T except for the fact that he never fully stops at stop signs
venti ;; an okay driver but it’s a terrible experience. you're amazed at how he hasn't run into any trouble yet. like at all. the kind of person who would try to run the yellow light except he’s doesn’t make it and is forced to brake really hard and just goes like "is everyone ok ehe.” you almost die and he says “oops”
xiao ;; pet peeve: slow drivers. absolutely cannot stand sitting in traffic so he rides a motorcycle. always weaving in between cars but does it significantly less if you’re riding with him. has yanfei on speed dial in case of an accident. doesn’t know he’s super hot when he takes off his helmet and shakes his hair
zhongli ;; a slow driver. goes under the speed limit on the highway and gets cut off like no tomorrow. he doesn't think he's the problem though, just complains about how everyone is going way too fast. safety king. fakes injury for insurance money when someone hits him; only feels kind of bad
ayato ;; has a driver that takes him everywhere because he does not drive, doesn't even have a license. passed his written exam with flying colors but failed on all three tries behind-the-wheel. his younger sister drives the car their parents bought for him. always likes tweets that are like “hot people don’t have their license”
gorou ;; family van kind of guy. very reliable and will drive you to the airport or help you move. doesn’t signal when switching lanes though which is kind of annoying. gets anxious driving in areas where there are a lot of one ways. always buys fruits from vendors selling it on the side of the road
heizou ;; drives with the top down, windows down and will make you feel like a coming of age movie protagonist. has the best driving playlist but will still hand you the aux if you ask. doesn’t pay for street parking though; parking meter? never heard of her
itto ;; car guy ™ who goes to car meets and mods his car. revs his engine when he sees his friends on the road but other than that he's actually a really good driver. takes very good care of his car— that’s his baby. he’s hot when he backs into parking spaces perfectly. blasts his music too loud at night though
kazuha ;; public transport icon. somehow never misses his bus/train/whatever and always manages to squeeze on even during rush hour. he tells people it's for the environment but that’s only half true. it's not that he can't drive, he just has the jankiest car; it's old as hell, has a dent on one side, and the passenger door doesn't even open from the inside
thoma ;; shining example of a perfect driver, the dmv wants him to do all their instructional videos. was only ever pulled over once before for swerving, but talked his way out of a ticket because he was trying to avoid hitting an animal. has those family stickers on his rear windshield except it's one man and like 3 dogs
al haitham ;; probably has an suv because he thinks it’s the most useful car and can get the most out of it. almost exclusively listens to audiobooks while driving. he had a great record until he accidentally rear ended a bus because he turned around to argue with kaveh in the backseat and now his car insurance is insanely high
cyno ;; super responsible driver, both hands on the wheel at 9 and 3 at all times. secretly really wants a retired police car because he thinks the idea of people suddenly slowing down when they see him on the road, thinking it’s a cop, is hilarious. names his car something stupid like attila the hyundai
kaveh ;; terrible at directions, his gps is constantly saying “rerouting” because he keeps missing turns and exits. cannot parallel park to save his life and will ask you to switch and park for him. generally a polite driver but if he's ever behind al haitham at a stop light, he beeps his horn at him 0.2 seconds after the light turns green
tighnari ;; his trunk is always full of plants and bags of soil, fertilizer, etc. has mild road rage; if he’s forced to brake hard because someone cut him off, especially while he has the right of way, he’s yelling in the car like “I should’ve hit you” because insurance would be on his side. carries snacks in his glove compartment, soccer mom energy
childe ;; exclusively uses the term 'my tesla' instead of 'my car.' he insists on having it self drive to you from the parking lot; it takes forever and more often than not, it'd be faster to just walk. doesn't matter how far away he is, he's gonna go for that yellow light, it's a race against time and he's gonna win. one hand on the wheel, one hand on your thigh
dainsleif ;; drives in silence, no music no radio— nothing; sometimes he'll listen to self help podcasts though. a lot of the times he zones out and doesn’t know how he got from point a to point b. sits in his car for like half an hour after arriving home. likes holding your hand while driving
dottore ;; mutters “this would be a good place to dump a body” whenever he drives past a ditch. got pulled over for driving in the carpool lane by himself and using a mannequin to fake a passenger. they also found a bunch of questionable things in his car that he swears is for science. no longer drives because his license got revoked
pantalone ;; his car is immaculately clean. charges you for gas and makes you wipe your shoes before stepping in. always wants to stop for coffee first before going anywhere. has a lot of money but doesn’t know shit about cars so he gets way overcharged at bodyshops
scaramouche ;; says things like “I will crash this car right now” if he’s arguing with someone. hates backseat drivers and will threaten to kick you out if you are one. sometimes speeds down an empty highway at night just to feel something but drives extra carefully when nahida’s around. parks in the far corner of a supermarket parking lot to cry
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swamp-spirit · 1 year
So You’re in Effexor/Venlafaxine Withdrawal
Had some provider change bullshit and went from 225 mg a day for years to cold turkey for five days. Effexor’s pretty famous for being The Fucking Worst withdrawal wise, but it honestly works great for me. I’m a dumbass with ADHD, so I often end up without a day or two, but HOO BOY five days was a lot.
Unfortunately, most withdrawal advice I’ve found it targeted at people who are intentionally going off Effexor and focused on working with a doctor and weening slowly, not super relevant to me. I wanted to write up what I’ve learned to help other people who might be going through the withdrawal and not have access to Effexor or a doctor. None of this magically fixes it, it’s just making the shit timeframe until you can get your meds a bit less shit.
Note, this is pretty much all personal experience, and there’s not much research. This is not formal medical advice, and if you can talk to a professional, please do. Also note that I have a number of side conditions that may influence my experience. (Withdrawal is actually something that can be so personal.)
Know the Emergency Signs I’m not gonna fully list symptoms here, plenty of people have done that, but know which symptoms are normal ‘yup this sucks‘ symptoms and which are ‘oh shit‘ symptoms.  If you’re in this situation, I imagine the odds are good money is part of the problem, but know Urgent Care and the ER will usually give you an emergency prescription, so if you feel like things are getting that bad anyways, it’s good to go before it gets worse.
Don’t Drive I can’t drive ever, but pls don’t do this in withdrawal. I know you might have obligations, and I know calling a ride is expensive, but getting in a car crash is more expensive.
Try Not to Be Alone If you can, ask a friend over, go to a family members house, whatever you can. A lot of the emergency signs (delirium, seizures, losing consciousness) mean you can’t seek care for yourself. It’s good to have somebody around who knows what to look for. The biggest danger to people in Effexor withdrawal tends to be the mental symptoms. If it’s safe, let your loved ones know that you’re at higher risk for self harm and suicidal thoughts, and what you’d like them to do if  they’re worried. Most situations aren’t going to be that bad. Usually, it just sucks, but like... it’s good to have somebody around who can bring you soup and listen to you feel sorry for yourself. Treat it like having the flu, and know you deserve the same care as anyone else in that situation. (Yes, even if it’s ‘your fault’ you ran out of meds. If punishing yourself for not thinking ahead/missing an insurance detail/forgetting something worked, I’d never miss a dose.)
Chill Out Your Nervous System A lot of the symptoms (brain zaps and shivers esp) are your nervous system going out of control, so doing calming techniques can actually help. Getting hugs, bundling up somewhere cozy, and doing deep breathing is legit medical treatment for soothing out a haywire system.
Track When In the Day It’s Worst Being sick, unfortunately, does not always mean you don’t have shit to do. I realized pretty quickly my shakes were a ton worse at night, so, even though I didn’t want to do much during the morning, if it had to get done, that’s when it was going to happen. It can also be good just so, when you’re symptoms are at their worst, you can remember that it won’t be like this the entire time until you get meds.
Indulge Cravings When your body’s doing heavy lifting, it starts yelling for whatever weird shit it thinks might help. That’s what weird pregnancy cravings are, and that’s what you need now. Save the diet for later, get a little lax on the grocery budget, and have zero shame about replacing dinner with pickle juice mixed with gatoraid or whatever. If you deal with nausea, try to stick to small meals of whatever seems doable. My personal buddy was Morningstar Veggie sausages since they’re high protein without being too dense or fatty.
Medicine Cabinet Helpers Dangerous layman advice!!! I saw medical pages advise it but still be careful!!! That said, holy shit, those dramamine lemon ginger chews are my best friends now, followed shortly by melatonin gummies and advil.
Room Temp Baths Hot baths can be a lot on an overtaxed nervous system, but I found pleasantly warm water was very pleasant.
Sick Day Entertainment When electronics are overwhelming, books are hard, you can’t get out of bed, and you desperately need a distraction, it’s good to have things you can handle. Some ideas -Calling somebody -Audiobooks/podcasts -Coloring Honestly, more suggestions here would be great. My go to was podcasts, but I know a lot of people, trying to track a podcast in withdrawal sounds like hell.
Anyway, cheers to making it out the other side, because you will. In the meantime, spoil the shit out of yourself.
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kwisatzworld · 8 months
Vale's Last Year in 250cc - 1999
Malaysian GP, Sepang “The winter was fun. Usually I don’t like the winter because it' s too cold, but where I live, near the Adriatic coast, there are so many people in the summer. That didn’t used to be a problem, but now everyone recognises me, so it’s Rossi! Rossi! Rossi! all the time. I don’t like it!” “I spent a lot of time with my friends, as that’s when I’m happiest. We went skiing a few times, a big gang of us. Mad! Snowboarding is more fashionable nowadays but I’m faster on skis, so it’s better! Melandri came with me once, he’s my best mate in the paddock, plus Alessandro Brannetti, a new Italian 125 guy.” “I moved into my new house just before Christmas and that was great, though my mother came with me! I wanted to live alone, but she said no. It’s okay living with her, I’m so busy it’s good to have her around.” “My girlfriend Eliane came out to Malaysia with me. We’ve been going out for almost two years now, though she doesn’t come to so many races. Women need a lot of attention, so having her with me at races is both good and bad!”
Spanish GP, Jerez “Halfway through my victory lap I knew I’d never make it back to the pits without a piss, so I had to stop in that marshal’s toilet, otherwise disaster!”
French GP, Circuit Paul Ricard “I got into some big trouble for my celebration at Jerez. The GP bosses fined me after I won the race and then stopped at the toilet on my slow-down lap, but you’re not allowed to stop on the track after the race. But I was right off the track, so I wasn’t being dangerous. I don’t care if they fine me anyway, because Aprilia pays! Seriously, they should worry about really improving safety and also improving the show. For sure I will do the same thing again because I like to amuse the fans.” “I think the GP bosses want to make motorcycle racing like F1 cars and I don’t think that’s right. Sure there is more money in F1 and there are more fans, but bike racing is more fun and more exciting. The bosses don’t seem to understand that bike fans are very different from car fans, maybe they’re a little more crazy. I don’t like F1 because it doesn’t seem like a real sport to me. It seems that everyone in F1 is only there for the money, while motorcycles are about passion.” “You may have noticed I had some new stickers on my bike in France, they are insurance and tax stickers, just like you have on the street. Just for a joke!”
Italian GP, Mugello “Races in Italy are always difficult for me, so much pressure, so many people. But fun also. I’m used to all the fans coming after me now, the only way I can get around is to ride my scooter fast, and don’t stop; otherwise I get a hundred autograph hunters. Of course, I sign a lot, but I wouldn’t have time to ride my bike if I signed them all! A big gang of my fans camped out at Curva Casanova at Mugello. They made a lot of noise, but not as much as the crazy fans who rev their engines all day and night at Mugello. You cannot believe the noise!” “They liked my special paint job and leathers, it was a homage to the seventies, the age of love and peace: Valentini Peace&Love! I think they were good times and they were also the times when my dad won some 250 GP races. Respect!” “I crashed twice at Mugello, once on Friday morning and then once on my victory lap. It was crazy, the fans came on the track and tried to take my gloves, helmet, anything. Then I ran into Gigi [Soldano], one of the Dorna TV cameramen, and toppled off my bike. I guess he was looking through his lens, so he didn’t see how close I was!” “Before Mugello I spent some time at home, riding my 250 road bike and going motocrossing. I have a new motocross bike at home, but I can’t tell you what it is, because it’s not an Aprilia!”
Catanlan GP, Catalunya “People are already asking me what I’ll be doing in 2000. I’m not sure at the moment but I think I’ll stay in 250 for a third year. If I win the title I’ll probably stay, and if I don’t I’ll definitely stay. I’m not worried about running the #1 plate before I change classes again, #46 is better than number one.”
Dutch TT, Assen “After Barcelona I drove my camper van with my friend Uccio to Assen, but we broke down because the engine lost all its oil and water. We got it fixed and then carried on to Euro Disney. We spent a day there, very funny. I’d already been there once, back in ‘95 between two European championship rounds and I like it, it’s for kids and big kids like me. It’s a lot of fun, but you spend too much time waiting in queues for the rides.” “My favourite? The space mountain rollercoaster, it’s very, very, fast and turns left and right really suddenly and you’re in the dark so you don’t know which way you’re going to go next. I wouldn’t say it’s more fun than riding a GP bike, but you can sit there and enjoy the ride without worrying about your lap times.”
British GP, Donington Park “I like Donington Park; the only thing I didn’t like was the weather. I still don’t like racing in the water, so I just asked God to make it dry for the race. He did what I wanted, but only just!” “Me and my girlfriend Eliane dyed our hair bright green for Donington. Why? Because I like green! I’m almost running out of colours now, I’ve had my hair orange, yellow, grey, blue, yellow and black and the colours of the Italian tricolore. Tell me if you have any other suggestions!”
German GP, Sachsenring “I have been doing a lot of thinking about my future over the past few weeks. It’s not easy to decide what you want to do, especially when you have so many people offering you jobs. Number one, I know I am very lucky to be in this position and it’s very flattering to have so many people wanting me to ride for them. I’ve even been approached by Mick Doohan who wants me to ride for his Honda 500 team. Mick has talked with my father Graziano and my manager Gibo Badioli, and to get a job offer from a five-time World Champion is incredible.” “Basically, there are three offers open to me. The first is to ride a 250 again with Aprilia, who I’ve been with since 1996, and then two from different Honda 500 teams, Mick’s new team and the official Honda Racing Corporation squad. Everyone expects me to move up to 500 one day and I suppose I will some time, but I’m in no hurry, I’m not obsessed with doing 500. I love riding the 250 and this is only my second season in the class. Also, I’m still quite young so I believe time is on my side. Ideally I want to win the 250 title before I go to 500.” “That’s a problem because all the people who have offered me a ride want me to decide much sooner than that, whereas I would prefer to finish the championship and then think about next year during the off-season. Anyway, at the moment I feel like the three offers are in this order of priority: Aprilia, the official Honda team and then Mick’s team. So I think I will stay with Aprilia in 250s for 2000. I have a good relationship with the factory and I see no reason to leave them in a hurry.” “Now we have a four-week holiday, hooray! All I really want to do is sleep. During the break last year I went to Tunisia with a bunch of friends like Melandri, but all I want to do now is stay home and rest. My home is near a holiday resort anyway, near the Adriatic Sea, but to be honest I don’t like the sea so much. I prefer snow...”
Czech GP, Brno “I did pretty much nothing during the four-week break after Germany, just stay home, stay quiet and sleep very much! I did a bit of motocross with my friends, also some water skiing and a few parties. On weekends when I’m not racing, I never go to bed before six or seven on Sunday morning. If it’s a party, maybe even later, but going to bed at six in the morning is quite normal for me!” “Even when I was 14 I used to go to bed at 4am. Quite often I’d be riding around the local minimoto tracks until after midnight! If I go to sleep at 11 or 12 I just lie there, my eyes wide open. Maybe I would be good at 24-hour racing!” “Next race is Imola, another home GP for me, so big stress from all the media and all the fans. But that’s okay. As usual for an Italian race I will have a special paint job on my bike and special leathers, but I can’t tell you what they’ll be because I don’t know myself! We never plan this kind of thing, I’ll sit around with my friends, having a few beers, and someone comes up with some crazy idea and that’s what we go with!”
Imola GP, Imola “As always, I had to do something special for the weekend because it was an Italian race, so I had my hair done exactly like my chief mechanic, Rossano Brazzi. He’s a great guy, fantastic to work with, and he does such a great job on my bikes. I shaved the top of my head just like him, because he’s all bald up there, and you could hardly tell us apart! He’s quite old, but so am I nowadays. Twenty isn’t so young!” “Everyone was asking me at Imola about what I will do next year. If I got a few thousand lira for every time someone says ‘Valentino, what bike will you ride in 2000?’ I think I would be a very, very rich guy! Anyway, I’m planning to decide very soon and, of course, I’ll let you know as soon as I make up my mind.” “I’m looking forward to heading down to Australia, I like the place and the people have a lot of spirit, maybe that’s why they also seem to appreciate us Italians. My only worry is the weather. You always think of sunshine when you think of Australia but the race is too early in the spring and it can be really cold. The track even has a corner called Siberia!”
Australian GP, Phillip Island “As well as the cold, the other big thing about Phillip Island is jetlag. I arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday and you’re really tired for the next few days, waking up at four in the morning and all that. A lot of people use sleeping pills but you can’t really do that if you’re a rider, your head feels a bit dizzy the next day, which isn’t good at 280km/h. I was better by the time the GP started but still tired.” “Last year I was so tired I fell asleep during dinner at a restaurant in Cowes. It’s funny because we go all the way to Australia and everyone thinks it’s a very hot country, and it’s maybe the coldest GP of the year. They have penguins down there too, so maybe they should rename it the Grand Prix of Antarctica!”
South Africa, Welkom “We got to South Africa on Tuesdayand went straight to Welkom. This was my first time in Africa and I have to say I didn’t like it so much, though maybe we didn’t visit the best place. A few days before practice we went to a small safari park, not a zoo and not a game reserve. Some of the animals were in cages and some weren’t, the lions were. It’s better that way!” “Before I go to Brazil next week I’m going to spectate at the Italian round of the World Rally Championship at San Remo. I love rallying, it’s a fantastic sport and maybe I’ll have a proper go it if I ever get bored of bikes. I already do some rallying every year, in November I’ll be competing in a rally at Monza, probably in a Subaru. I know [Carlos] Sainz and Liatti, they’re great guys.” “Everyone says I have signed to ride 500 for Honda next year but it’s not true. Honda has made a great offer but the Aprilia offer is still more money, not that money is the most important thing. The big thing with the Honda is that it’s the best bike in 500, so I have a great chance to enter the 500 class with a really good machine and a great team.” “The Italian press is already going crazy about the whole thing, they make a big casino, a lot of noise about it! This is because I will be racing against Max for the first time, if I go to 500s. For sure Max would be difficult to beat, especially in my first year. He’s one of the best few 500 riders in the world but at the end of the day he’s only another rider.”
Rio GP, Jacarepagua “I am the champion! It' s difficult to compare this with the 125 title I won in ‘97 because while the 250 title is obviously more important and more difficult to win, the 125 was my first world title and it will always be special for that reason.” “Aprilia organised a big party at a Rio yacht club on Sunday night, right near the Sugar Loaf Mountain. It was fun because I paid for 20 of my best friends from my home town of Tavullia to fly to Rio. The guy who came around with me on my victory lap, dressed as an angel, was the 21st of my friends. He paid for his own ticket! I’m sure Aprilia will arrange another big party when I get back to Italy, but for sure the best party will be at my house, with all my friends!” “For sure there was even more pressure on me over the weekend, with the championship ready to be mine. But I don’t have a big problem with that kind of thing. So long as you can keep your concentration, nothing else matters, because you don’t let anything bother you when you’re on the bike. Life definitely gets easier when you’re on the bike, because you can stop worrying and get on with the fun part: riding!” “Before I went to Rio I spent a couple of days at the San Remo round of the World Rally Championship. I had a lot of fun there, even though I had to get up at 6.00am two mornings in a row, and as you probably know I hate getting up early.” “I spent some time with (Didier) Auriol, the French Toyota driver. He’s a crazy guy with a crazy face, he has really wild eyes, but he’s a good guy, very friendly. I also did some motocross during the break after South Africa. I’m much faster on a motocross bike than I was last year but I have to be very careful, especially because of the championship. I know how easy it is to hurt yourself doing motocross because I injured myself like that in ‘95 and I was in so much pain that I lost the next round of the Italian championship I was fighting for. My father was very angry!” “As far as next year goes, the situation is still the same, and I’m not going to make up my mind until I get home to Italy after the Argentine Grand Prix. I’m getting a lot of advice about what I should do from a lot of different people, but in the end it’s only me who can make the right decision.” “I have to be careful. I know that if Honda offer me whatever I want, the money I want, the team I want and so on, and I turn them down, maybe they won’t ask me to ride for them ever again. But if we can’t agree on which team, money and that kind of thing, maybe we can talk again another year when I’m ready to make the move.”
Argentine GP, Buenos Aires “So long as I’m up there fighting for the wins I don’t care if I’m on a 125 or 250. Or a 500! The biggest difference for me is off the racetrack. Every year there’s more journalists and television guys that want to talk to me. One day it will get to the stage where I won’t have any time to go out and ride the bike! I guess in some ways I preferred life when I wasn’t famous, but if I wasn’t famous it would mean I wasn’t winning races. So maybe I have no choice but to like being famous.” “I’m probably going to have my championship celebration party at my house in the middle of the month. It’ll just be my team and my friends, not a big press event like the one we had at Rio. Parties are more fun without cameras everywhere.” “The Rio party was a bit crazy, we had it at a big yacht club and everyone got thrown in the pool, fully clothed. I got thrown in twice and thought I was going to die of pneumonia.” “Then when there’s some snow I’m going to do a week’s skiing somewhere in Italy. And I want to go somewhere hot too, maybe Miami or somewhere in South America, so long as there’s sun, sand and sea, I don’t really care. I’m just going to spend seven days on the beach asleep. Perfect.” “As you know I don’t like riding under the water. I feel my wet-weather riding is improving and that’s important because it seems to rain at pretty much every GP these days.”
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angeltreasure · 1 year
If I may make a prayer request, I've been crippled by anxiety. I've been in a few nasty car wrecks just a few years apart from one another, and the experience has left me with such severe anxiety around driving, I can't bring myself to do it anymore. It's been three years now that I've driven a car. I still ride in cars with others, but I get so tense over the slightest thing, it makes me fear that if I wear to just try and push through and do it again, any tiny little thing would set off a mini panic attack and I'd cause a wreck. It's awful. I feel like a burden on my loved ones who I have to rely on to go places, and I'm severely limited in job prospects bc I can't drive. It doesn't help that I don't have access to a reliable vehicle to practice anyway, plus outrageous gas prices add another layer of challenge. Please, I feel this is getting in the way of so much in my life, and that most of my other problems would clear up if I could just drive again. It's freedom and independence that I just don't have access to because of my own disordered brain and it's getting in the way of everything. I don't have access to therapy either, and have very little money (again, can't get a job because I can't drive). I just want to be able to get behind the wheel of a car and actually enjoy the process of driving and not freak out if something happens. Cautious but not in a panicky way. Confident but not in a cocky way. Alert but not in a way that's exhausting. Sorry this is so long. Thank you for reading. 🙏🏻
I know this exact feeling and that situation of not having a lot of money. I caused my second car accident in a thunderstorm when I was sharing my mom’s car before I bought my own. The people all around who were witnessing laughed at me and took off. I panicked so much I couldn’t breathe. It meant a mark could be on my insurance and my mom’s for at least 6 years. On top of that I had to rent a car out of my own pocket and give even more to my parents. I was scared that the driver of the other car could drive around to find me or worse, sue me. I was afraid to leave my bedroom. I was scared it would happen again. I felt like I was burden too. As crazy as that sounds, those were real feelings I felt. I had no money for therapy either the only thing that calmed me was God. It took me a while to get over my fear of being on the road again, but I had to keep my job too. Perhaps if you are lucky enough you could carpool with someone for a while or take public transportation (which is very cheap sometimes)…there is also Uber but that can be pricy. You could try this until you get over your fear if that is possible. Keep in mind that it is freedom to drive, that could be your motivation. Take it day by day and don’t be too hard on yourself. I will pray for you.
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defilerwyrm · 10 months
hi! I've come asking questions about transition (as a trans boy) more specifically, you mentioned that you've used both testosterone cream and injections.
Do you mean the cream/gel kind of HRT that is used once daily? If so, I was wondering whether you noticed any difference in the uptake or changes in the rate of your transition compared to injections. Did changes happen at the same rate as injections or a bit slower, since I've heard there can be problems of the skin not absorbing T as well as injections. Do you have any personal experiences of this?
Also if it's not too personal, which kind of HRT are you on now (injection/cream) and why did you choose to stick with it, if that was your own choice? (ik there can be insurance/supply issues that might affect it)
Howdy! So: this was a ride.
My first provider (not naming names, but she’s a doctor who works in downtown Austin) gave me two choices: find time to take a 1- to 1.5-hour round trip downtown, pay the $20 copay, and have a nurse give me an injection every single week; or use a daily cream from a compounding pharmacy that delivered. For reasons of time and money, I went with the cream.
I was on it for a year; I don’t remember my dosage exactly, but it was something like two clicks of a finicky dispenser. I was on it for a solid year and the only change that occurred was I got a couple more annoying, embarrassing PCOS hairs on my throat. Absolutely nothing else. Meanwhile, every 3 months or so I’d express my frustration with this to my doctor, and she’d just tell me to be patient. Or, you know, come in and pay the copay every week instead.
Now any number of things could have been going on here. She could have had me on a comically-low dose (I really have zero memory of what it was). My biochemistry could have overpowered or resisted it. The compounding pharmacy could have been bullshit. Who knows.
By comparison, right around three months on testosterone cypionate injections, my voice broke and I started sprouting facial and body hair in spades.
Between what my second HR provider (the one who got me onto cypionate) and other trans men I’ve heard from have said, the gel version is a much slower ramp-up usually because you’re adding T to your system in small, daily doses, and the cream version seems to be pretty uncommon; both of them are better if you really want to ease into the changes instead of just getting the whole second puberty thing over with, or if you’ve already been through testosterone-dominant puberty and just need to maintain your levels.
Since July 2017 I’ve been on a weekly 0.4 mL injection of 500 mg/mL testosterone cypionate. It was pretty challenging at first with my phobia of hypodermic syringes, but I’ve inured myself to it over time. My habitual injection site has also acclimated to it so that there’s literally no pain at all if I get myself in just the right spot, so that’s pretty great; and using the bathroom mirror instead of looking directly at myself has proven a great little trick to hoodwink my brain about what’s going on, thus reducing my anxiety about it a great deal.
I’ve stuck with it because it gets results, it’s a lot less messy and aggravating than a topical treatment, getting the right dosage is MUCH easier, it’s become a little ritual of sorts, and I only have to remember it ONCE a week instead of seven times. It’s also lessened my anxiety when I have to get blood drawn or have IVs in (though I still really fuckin’ hate IV lines). YMMV, but for me, it’s been a great experience overall.
We’re not gonna talk about the thinning hair, though. -_- One more crappy thing I inherited from my dad’s side, and wouldn’t you know it, it’s activated by testosterone….
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jemstarearrings · 2 years
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S01E07: Starbright Part 2: Colliding Stars
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While watching this episode and taking my notes, I immediately got derailed within the first minute. We pick up from the last episode in the ophthalmologist's office and learn Ba Nee has a wonderfully vague condition only described as "a degenerative eye condition."
This is not a diagnosis and describes at least half a dozen disorders.
Narrowing it down to disorders that can affect children and match the presented symptoms, the most likely condition Ba Nee has is cataracts; a clouding of the lens of the eye. Now I'm no doctor, but here's what I learned about cataracts AND cataract surgery within 20 minutes on the Internet:
The first cataract surgery was performed in 1747 with a 50% success rate, which only improved over time.
Without insurance, a double-eye cataract surgery and lens replacement can cost as little as $3,200.
Medicaid (signed into law in 1965, 21 years before the show) covers cataract surgery and lens replacement.
Foster homes have Medicaid, and Starlight Home is a foster home for girls.
TL;DR Ba Nee doesn’t need a $250,000 experimental surgery and could probably get her relatively common eye problem fixed for free or for a reduced cost through the state.
Forget the Misfits, the real villain of this episode is Ba Nee’s doctor:
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Anyway, back to the other 21 minutes of the episode.
Thanks to a series of setbacks, the Holograms have to return to the movie to earn the money to save Ba Nee’s sight, and man is it hard watching the crew gossip about the Holograms. Even Rio’s a jerk when they come back and uggghhhh God I can’t stand Rio in this episode.
I get that Rio's supposed to have a sad backstory or whatever, but for every one thing he does that makes you like him, he does 5 more things that make you hate him. When he isn't saving the day like Superman, he's assaulting people, yelling at his girlfriend, cheating on his girlfriend WITH his girlfriend, and judging everyone as if he has any moral high ground. Then when his tantrum subsides, he has to go sulk in the corner until the plot needs him again.
Honestly, cringey teenage me who thought she would treat Jem better was probably right. A potted plant could treat Jem better than Rio does. Oh wait...
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My favorite part of this episode though has to be the hologram logistics. Jerrica has to be both herself and Jem only a couple feet from one another and has to switch back and forth so her physical body can interact with the right people. It’s fantastic when hologram Jerrica can’t pick up a script thrown through her torso and she reacts like Jerrica naturally would. Synergy’s programming really is that impressive, and it’s just amazing.
I also can’t help but think, y’know, part of me sees stuff like this and wants to go “How did nobody notice that,” but it reminds me of something my aunt once told me a long time ago: We see weird things happen all the time, but we rationalize it away with more “realistic” answers. Those weird shadows by the road at night aren’t highway trolls, they’re probably racoons or plants blowing in the wind. The glasses you lost in the car didn’t fall into another universe, they probably just fell into a crevice you can’t reach. The person standing next to you didn’t disappear because she was a hologram projected remotely by the earrings of someone nearby, she just stepped out of your line of sight for a moment.
Makes you wonder how often crazy, unrealistic things actually happen right in front of you but your brain tells you it’s something more understandable so you don’t notice.
On a less schizo note before the Misfits Crime Counter commences, I also have to ask; what the fuck is Starbright even about?? There’s a casino scene, a jungle temple with a fight against pirates, a chase through the forest, and a motorcycle ride through the desert between explosions. The music videos aren’t even diagetic, they’re set in space or abstract neon futuristic backdrops with fire spouts. Is it some kind of space opera? That’s the only possible explanation I can give that would string all the scenes together correctly and it still doesn’t seem right.
idk someone go tweet at Christy Marx and let’s get a real answer lol
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Eric makes Jem perform dangerous stunts with none of the safety precautions met. This is a good ol’ fashioned OSHA violation and runs Eric a hefty fine of $70,000.
Roxy and Clash sabotage the pyrotechnics with the intent to hurt Kimber, and had Jeff not acted valiantly Kimber could actually have died. This counts as Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter, earning both Roxy and Clash 11 years in prison and $10,000 fines each.
TOTAL CHARGES: $90,000 and 22 years in prison. Still not as much as Ba Nee’s “experimental eye surgery,” which goes to show that the true villains were the ophthalmologists we met along the way.
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dollsonmain · 1 year
My brain just goes at night instead of letting me sleep because that’s the only time it’s actually quiet.
I had to go back to bed this morning, which I’m grateful I can do. When I DID have a job, I had to call out for exhaustion so often that I ended up disqualifying myself for health insurance through my workplace.
Anyway, I was laying there thinking about affordable transportation and how, even if I did somehow manage to get a hold of something (other than a very cheap used car which, of course, is an option if I had enough money to do that), it wouldn’t do me any good.
A kei truck, while more useful than a sedan, also costs more than a used sedan (though honestly not by a lot since used cars are running around $6k for one that’s about to die these days) being between $5k used to $11k new.
A cargo bike is very affordable at less than $500 and I could order one right now! I almost did! Until I thought about it more. (whew for not impulse buying one...)
A vespa or similar motorized scooter is also about $5k. That Guy offered to get me one years ago so I could get to town and then changed his mind when he found out they cost more than a computer and I can’t use it anyway.
The problem with all three options, other than lol money, is that I would still not be able to get out of the housing complex.
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None of those three vehicles can even get to 45 mph. People tend to go closer to 65 on the road right outside the complex and if they came around the blind corner going 65 my little 25 to 30mph ass would be obliterated just like the dozens of deer that get hit on that corner every year.
There’s no shoulder for a bike. I do see people biking along there sometimes, but they’re riding sport bikes that are narrow and faster where a cargo bike (which I would need to haul my shit if I were going to and from work because a backpack is right out) is 2 to 3 times as wide as a sport bike and I would be going very slowly due to having garbage spaghetti for hips.
Vespas, with a top speed of 30mph, aren’t legal to drive on a highway at all (not that a bicycle is.....) and when you get east of downtown it’s highway in all directions.
Kei truck tops out at 25mph, too.
So any one of those three vehicles, one of which I could afford (I could sell everything I own and would not be able to afford the others, still), would only get me to the border of the housing complex.
I guess my point is that I’m very frustrated. There are so many solutions but none of them for the situation that I’m actually in.
But hey I could go play golf if golf were something I were even remotely interested in or physically capable of doing...
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Why Home Improvement Is Right for You
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Gutter cleaning is a job that can be a pain to do. A clogged gutter can trigger water to pool and ultimately ooze. This can damage the roof, foundation, as well as inside of your house. Cleaning your rain gutters can conserve you countless dollars in repairs. Cleaning your gutters is a task that takes competency and proper devices. Some people choose to do it themselves, yet there are benefits to working with an expert. You'll conserve money and time, and you can have a cleaner that recognizes what they're doing. Plus, you'll have a professional that's properly insured. If you're seeking someone to clean your rain gutters, you can look for companies that offer totally free estimates. The cost of cleaning your rain gutters depends on the kind of residence you have as well as the dimension of your roof. Tiny residences with little debris can be cleaned in 60 to 90 minutes, while bigger residences can take two hours or more. Your residence's rise, landscape design, and also weather conditions also figure in. Residences that have trees or various other blockages that obstruct accessibility to the gutters can likewise add to the time it takes. Gutters can become messy with leaves, branches, seeds, or other materials. These can all damage your shingles and gutters. Getting your rain gutters cleaned is a task that should be done at least twice a year. Along with removing clogged rain gutters, you'll intend to fix any kind of seals or fasteners that are broken.
Clean Pro Athens can check your gutters as well as repair any issues that they discover. They can detect problems before they grow even worse and also you'll have less to fret about. Likewise, they'll do a better job than you could. That's why they're often in high demand throughout the autumn when leaf debris is plentiful. Gutter cleaning is a job that calls for a ladder, which might not be a good suggestion for older homeowners. If your house is built on a slope, it can be tough to access your gutters. Conversely, if your roof is made from an unique material such as slate or cedar, your cleaners won't have to stroll on it. Nevertheless, if your home is multi-story, they might not be able to reach all of the gutters. When picking a rain gutter cleaning company, ask concerns regarding the amount of ride as well as time they will certainly require to do the job. Some firms will bill extra for traveling. Others will offer you a fixed price quote. As well as some will certainly give price cuts for numerous services.
You'll additionally wish to examine that the business you choose is covered and also a certified contractor. Having an expert execute your rain gutter cleaning will certainly ensure that you do not make any blunders that might harm your home or its worth. It's worth spending the cash to have a professional do the benefit you. Depending on your location, gutter cleaning can be a little bit pricey. Typically, labor costs represent a substantial part of the price. Homes with more roofs, high-pitched roofs, as well as steeply-slanted roofs will be much more costly to clean. As well, if you stay in a remote location, the cost of the service might rise.
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webercarrier1b · 3 months
Weber Carrier
If an accident renders you totally paralyzed, do not hesitate to seek the advice of an experienced lawyer who practices in your area. Why? If you believe you need legal assistance, seek for a lawyer with experience handling situations similar to yours.
Personal injury lawyer ct
Could you let me know how frequently this occurs and what can be done to stop it? When someone else's negligence causes harm to you or someone you love, how will you handle the fallout? I have to lose weight in order to apply for a job and save money for future medical expenses. You seem to think highly of those personal injury attorneys in Connecticut. You've been anxious about a lot of things, this being just one of them. Do you find it interesting to discover who is unsure? It will turn out that one of those options is best. Many people have commended your tenacity. Do you require help ensuring your company's security? Get in touch with the knowledgeable lawyers at Website, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP at any time for assistance. It could be easier for you and your loved ones to get through this difficult period if you have a sympathetic lawyer on your side. This revelation should not come as a surprise given the stellar reputations of the attorneys on our team. See a professional in the field without holding back if you feel like you need further assistance at any point. Since they have easy access to all the necessary information, they should have no problem doing the task.
To help you make an informed decision, we will consider all of your available treatment options and provide you with tailored advice based on your particular circumstances. We are acting because we think that doing so will significantly improve your chances of making a full recovery. If someone is rendered permanently incapacitated, the insurance company ought to cover all of their medical costs, psychological distress, and financial losses. Even if we have the money to pay for everything, we still depend on you to settle this quickly. We now have the paperwork required to start the refund procedure. We'll have to go to court to get what is properly ours if we can't resolve this peacefully. We could file a lawsuit against them to recover our money, to put it one way. Even a single departmental error could have an effect on the entire organization. Our expertise lies on managing cases that include injuries and accidents. These problems have all been fixed. It takes a lot of adjusting to reach the desired outcome. Deadly car accidents involving mopeds are common. There's a vast list of potential accidents, such as rollovers, rear-end collisions, hitchhikers, and T-bones. We regretfully have handled cases involving fatalities or severe injuries in our legal office.
There are many other possible reasons why commercial trucks get into accidents. These kinds of collisions are sometimes caused by drivers who operate trucks that need maintenance, change lanes too quickly, brake too lightly, or pay insufficient attention to their signals. Alternatively, new problems could come up. Contrary to appearances, neither worldview tackles the essential issues surrounding the causes of death.
Criminal lawyers ct
Numerous incidences involving motorcycles have been reported. Use utmost caution whether driving, walking, or riding a bike to avoid such scenarios. Making a left turn raises the possibility of crashing. Anyone may have been a victim of this horrific accident, including motorcyclists, other vehicles, pedestrians, and irresponsible drivers.
Animal attack victims may behave strangely and experience mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Dog bites can also result in malformations. Certain unidentified health issues could arise from a dog bite. Dogs are susceptible to bites from a wide variety of creatures. A study found that dog bites can exacerbate some medical issues. Unfortunately, a lot of people will have to come to terms with the truth that wounds never fully heal. This is what occurs when a disaster occurs.
Medical neglect includes things like not giving patients the right dosage of medication, unclean facilities, inept staff, and subpar care. Cases that may include medical malpractice are also included in this category. If you don't wash your hands right away after handling anything unpleasant, people can think less of you. Misdiagnosis, medication overdose, or unsuccessful surgery can all cause the underlying illness. It's now widely accepted that "medical negligence" adequately captures what transpired. Always be alert and aware.
What's happening is broken out hour by hour below: Has the thought ever occurred to you that your injuries might have been caused in part by someone else's negligence?
Damaged stairwells or pathways, uneven or fractured pavement, and snow- or ice-covered surfaces increase the risk of slipping and falling. Consider the volume of liquid that a surface can absorb. These are by no means intended to be an exhaustive list; these are just a few examples. Most people agree that the high accident rate is a result of irresponsible drivers and slick roads.
Everyone who needs someone to talk to or just wants to chat is welcome, even if they are going through a trying time. Please get in touch with us whenever it's most convenient for you. It is imperative that this crucial duty be finished right away. The personal injury lawyers of Weber, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP are ready to take your case at any time of day or night. They would be more than happy to assist at any time of day or night. You frequently have to put your personal wants on hold in order to support your pals.
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webercarrier-3 · 4 months
Weber, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP
If an accident renders you totally paralyzed, please do not hesitate to seek the advice of an experienced attorney who specializes in your profession. Why? Find a lawyer that focuses on situations similar to yours if you believe you require legal representation.
What is the frequency of this occurrence and how can we resolve it? When someone else's negligence causes harm to you or those you care about, how will you handle the fallout personal injury lawyer ct If I can just recover, I can get a job and put money aside for my medical expenses. It seems like those are the two things that mean the most to you. A lot of things have made you anxious, and this is only one of them. Would you be interested in finding out who is unsure? Chances are, one of those options will turn out to be the greatest. You have received numerous honors for your determination to overcome challenges. Visit Website, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP for knowledgeable counsel on how to protect your company. Find a lawyer who understands how difficult this time is for your family so that you can be there for them. This should not be surprising given the stellar reputations of the lawyers on our team. If you ever need advice from a professional in this field, don't hesitate to contact them. It is certainly within their capabilities, as they possess all the necessary data.
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We will carefully consider all of your treatment options and provide you with tailored advise based on your specific situation before making a final decision. We are acting in this way because we think it will significantly improve your chances of a full recovery. Insurance should pay for things like medical bills, missed wages, emotional suffering, and long-term impairment. If we go with this, we will be able to pay for everything, so please find a solution quickly. The process of issuing a refund can now begin as we have all the required documentation. Going to court to get what is properly ours is our only option if we can't resolve this diplomatically. The possibility of suing them to recover our funds is one angle from which to view the situation. If one division makes a mistake, it could affect the entire company. When it comes to instances involving injuries and accidents, our wealth of knowledge makes us feel at ease. We have resolved each and every one of these issues. A great deal of fine-tuning is required to achieve the desired outcome. There are a lot of fatal car accidents involving mopeds. Many different kinds of accidents can occur, including hitchhikers, rollovers, T-bones, and rear-end collisions. Our law office has, unfortunately, handled instances involving horrific injuries and deaths.
There is a wide variety of factors that could contribute to commercial vehicle accidents. The most common reasons for these accidents include drivers who change lanes too abruptly or without signaling, drivers who brake too lightly, and trucks that are not well-maintained. Those aren't, however, the sole possible problems. Despite first impressions, neither worldview tackles the big questions regarding where death comes from.
Multiple incidences involving motorbikes have been reported. Walking, riding, or driving requires utmost vigilance to avoid these kinds of situations. Making a left turn raises the probability of an accident. Potential causes of such a disaster include careless or evasive driving, bicyclists, pedestrians, or even other vehicles.
As well as physical injuries, psychological problems including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and even abnormal behavior can arise from animal attacks. Dog bites can also cause disfigurement. After getting bit by a dog, you could experience certain unidentified health issues. There are a wide variety of animals that can bite dogs. There is evidence that dog bites can exacerbate preexisting medical issues. The harsh truth that scars never completely heal is sure to hit many people hard. When disaster hits, this occurs.
Incorrect drug administration, unclean facilities, inept personnel, and poor therapy are just a few examples of the many ways medical negligence manifests itself. Cases that may include medical malpractice are also included in this category. People may look down on you if you don't wash your hands right after touching anything nasty. An erroneous diagnosis, insufficient medicine dosage, or botched operation are all examples of what could have gone wrong. Everyone seems to agree that "medical negligence" is the right term. Never let your guard down.
Presented above is a comprehensive account of the matter second by second: Have you ever considered the idea that another person's carelessness may have caused your injuries?
Many things can cause a person to trip and fall, including broken steps or walkways, pavement that is cracked or uneven, and surfaces that are covered in snow or ice. Consider a surface's capacity to absorb liquid. This list is by no means exhaustive; the instances shown here are only indicative of many more. There was a high accident rate due to both distracted drivers and the slick roads, as is well acknowledged.
In this time of need, our group is available to anyone who wants to talk or who needs a shoulder to cry on. Contact us whenever it is most convenient for you. Kindly ensure that this crucial step is finished. The personal injury lawyers at Weber, Carrier, Boiczyk & Chace, LLP are available 24/7 to take your case. They are always happy to lend a hand, no matter the hour. People will put their own needs on hold to aid a friend who is going through a tough time.
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alyjojo · 4 months
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February 🌠 2024 Monthly - Leo
Preshuffle: You’ve been confused on how to get out of debt, or how to not feel lonely, could be either. Either way, something is happening that makes you feel really good, and you’re not so stressed.
Meditation: I got the same message as Cancer with “riding the wave”, but it went right past you. I kinda panicked, and for some reason I had a Batman-like gadget to shoot your door and pull me over 😆. Against the current, it wasn’t easy. I’m drenched, cold, and dripping all over your carpet, but it’s warm, candles are lit everywhere, and you were expecting me. Everything is fine after. Idk if you are me or “you” in this one, but it’s going to be fine 🧡
Main energy: 8 Cups
I think you’ve already left something behind, or that’s the goal, a relationship, could be a literal home/house, possibly traveling but if so it’s like the first time ever, this feels like breaking new ground, starting something brand new. It involves leaving something else behind that’s been stable, it’s like you’ve gone back and forth on it and the going back and forth just gets on your nerves, you’re ready to do the damn thing 🎉 King of Cups may be someone being left behind if a relationship, or this is you approaching this from a mature place, you know there’s more opportunity in some other place and you have to leave & go get it. Short answer, will this make you happy, YES 👍 It’s connected to your heart.
What’s going on in February:
Ace of Swords:
This card is sudden clarity, seeing the truth of a situation, it may have come through someone’s words, a very difficult or painful conflict, and ego is attached to this in some way - yours or someone else’s. It feels more like an ego death, all perspectives have been seen, you’ve been humbled, so has someone else. You’re waiting for something to make you happy and it’s like you’ve woken up to the realization that someone else isn’t going to do that, you have to. Of course, letting someone else know this could’ve resulted in a nasty conflict, it’s possible a person/people can’t understand *your* perspective on things, and that’s okay. You could be serving up ego deaths as well as having experienced one.
3 Wands:
You’ve *been* waiting, there’s no impulsive action initially, so this isn’t something you’ve just up and decided to do. King of Pentacles & 10 Pentacles clarifies, you could’ve been waiting for a certain position at work, a status change of some kind, maybe someone in your family. Especially if you’re traveling, you may be going with family, but leaving behind one person in particular. Maybe a partner is acting angry or vengeful over this, not your problem. This can be saying you’ve waited on a relationship to become 10 Pentacles, waited for the right person to show up as this stable King that wants to build an empire with you, and you’re sick of waiting. Whether it’s on a particular person that isn’t stepping up to the plate, or generally. You could be this person, very career oriented and stable. You feel like you’ve been held back from your peak potential. You could also be trying to relocate altogether because of wanting love, family, more stability, it’s closer to people you care about, or somewhere more financially reasonable so you can spend more time with family. Things like vacations, college, 10 Pentacles is a lasting legacy, tradition, and it’s on your mind, that’s what you’re waiting for. If not love, then a job that matches this description, you want the whole career, 401ks, stock options, insurance, and a yearly bonus - all of the perks and long term security.
The Sun:
Saving money could’ve been a big part of this, why you’re so impatient and *finally* ready, you could’ve been saving up for a long time. Or had to. Paying debts, taking care of day to day bills and bs while trying to set aside vacation money or a house down payment, money plays a big role in all of this. If this is work, The Sun & 6 Wands here both show promotion, your energy, it’s something you’ve worked really hard for, it could also be in another location - which I would see you willingly moving for. Happily so even, your energy is EXCITED, you are so ready! It’s someone else, maybe family, that’s bothered by whatever you’re leaving behind. Once you have the clear, the money, a promotion, whatever you’ve waited on, from there you’ll say everything you’ve wanted to say about being held back, to anyone that’s got an issue with it. You’re defending your position against others that are not supportive, though it’s not saying why, could be travel. If you’re leaving one person for another, well there you go, you know your story. You don’t care what anyone else’s issue is, you’ve waited long enough 🥳
6 Wands:
Success! Whatever you’re leaving behind may be difficult initially, it’s a transition, but whatever you’re moving towards is going to be very successful so hang in there. It looks like you’re moving homes, some of you are moving in with a lover, maybe traveling to see them or something. It’s a stable connection, you’re taking things to the next level, Ace of Wands shows lot of passion 💋and fun times to be had there. A lot of excitement for this new beginning! The World with Queen of Cups at the bottom, matching this King being left behind…you could be leaving one person for another, The Lovers can show options, or it’s possible you have a lot of love for one person and circumstances or distance have just kept you apart. Money 💯 Maybe they relocated or live somewhere far off and you’re deciding to up & move in with them, or closer to them. You saved up to do this. Everything’s turning out beautifully.
Ace of Wands:
After everything you’ve done, all of the effort you’ve put in, the money you’ve saved, you could be feeling bleh once the thing actually happens. Whaaat? It’s possible this is just saying someone (person 1) is pissed off you don’t care about what’s over with now. Some of you don’t seem to actually feel the ending until after you’ve already acted on it though, and that’s the point where you pull back like wait…did I do the right thing? It’s already over now babe, you’re at a new beginning! Ace of Wands 🔥 it’s fire, excitement, discovery, passion, feeling alive again! But Queen of Wands is rev at the bottom…you’re not feeling it, you’re apathetic, dissatisfied, bored, “what did u do?” Whew Leo, that’s a tough spot. Fire tends to act impulsively and can feel sheepish later but…this wasn’t impulsive. It’s what you wanted!
Advice for Leo: The Devil & Queen of Wands rev again…I literally heard “you made your bed”, and The Fool is here at the bottom. You’re stuck with your decision. I do see a lot of major arcana, it’s meant to be, or meant to be a lesson either/or. Being The Devil, it seems like this advice is more like…allow yourself to be stuck in it, why did you choose this? How were you feeling? All of that was valid, there was a point to it all. Your lack of confidence is what’s in your way, this *can be* an amazing opportunity if you want, but you’ve got to seize the day & enjoy it 🥳 Don’t let you stop you, it’s a fresh start.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Aries & Capricorn
Oracle: ✨
1 Movement Into Balance ⚖️
The sun ☀️ balances the moon 🌙 just as the earth, the water, and the stars remain in precious balance - so you are moving from unbalanced ideas and lifestyles into a more balanced way of being. A situation may call for more tweaking to adjust it into a balanced mode. Look at the energy and emotions you are putting out into the universe, your world, your relationships, or goals. Balance that with the energy you are allowing yourself to receive. The body inherently tries to maintain a state of balance; so do our souls. If you are not receiving enough, you may be unconsciously giving more to restore a perceived “balanced” state. Step out of that automatic response and listen to your guides and your soul for what this situation truly warrants.
We enter into February as:
The Loden Lesson 🪴
“It was by taking the right action that I found the road out.”
You must take action, do not expect that something is going to change without some doing on your part. It is also important to know that while things may seem bleak, that is only your perception. Life may feel difficult at present, but The Loden Lesson is simple, the only way out of stagnation is motion. If we decide to sit and do nothing, we must accept the responsibility of the decision. You may also be in a situation you feel is dead or finished. Pray for clarity, and wait for a response. It is vital that you do not make any decisions from an emotionally distraught state.
What is to be learned in February:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Amber/Orange may be lucky colors 🧡🤎
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mytripselfdrive · 7 months
Smooth Travels: The Advantages of Renting a Car in Bhopal
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Are you planning a trip to Bhopal? If so, you should consider renting a car. Car rental in Bhopal can be an ideal way to get around the city and experience all that it has to offer. Here are some of the advantages of car rental Bhopal:
Convenience: Renting a car allows for maximum convenience when traveling around town or exploring nearby cities. With your own vehicle, there is no need for public transportation or waiting on taxis - just hop into your rented ride and go! Plus, with GPS navigation systems available in most cars these days, getting lost is not an issue either!
Comfort & Privacy: Traveling by you or with family/friends? A rented vehicle provides plenty of space for everyone’s luggage as well as privacy from other travelers – something that cannot be said about buses and trains where people share tight quarters. You also have control over the temperature inside the cabin so if someone gets too cold/hot they don’t have to suffer through their journey anymore!
Cost Effectiveness: Rental rates vary depending on size but generally speaking they are much cheaper than taking taxis everywhere which can add up quickly if you plan on visiting multiple places during your stay. Furthermore, since Car rental Bhopal companies usually include insurance coverage (or at least give customers options) this helps save money compared to buying separate policies from third-party providers like credit card companies etc.
Flexibility & Freedom: When using public transport there may be certain times when services run more frequently than others; however this isn't always convenient especially if one needs urgent access somewhere else due to being late etc. With private vehicles though this problem doesn't exist because users can come and go whenever they want without worrying about timetables - plus there's no need worry about paying extra fares either! 
Overall renting cars while staying in Bhopal offers many benefits including cost-effectiveness comfort, flexibility freedom. So why not take advantage today by booking yours now!?
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kittenzeke · 8 months
I slept pretty much all day after I came home from my methadone dose.
I got up and enjoyed a burger I fryed myself not long ago. I wish I had someone to take me down the street to the dollar store now, but Grandpa can't at this hour. (I'm out of energy drinks.)
I don't feel like walking anywhere.
The DK station around the corner from where I live seems to have shut down. Maverick's is only a little further but they have some weird no bag policy which complicates everything. I just want to avoid Maverick's because I carry my wallet around in a little backpack.
The energy drinks at the dollar store are only maybe $1.50, but I don't have the executive function for the bus right now. I wish Dymond could/would take me, but I'm still mad at him for dismissing me as a "drug addict" when the pain clinic screwed me over.
So, now I want to avoid asking him for anything. He'll probably say something annoying like "take the bus" or tell me it's time to quit energy drinks anyway.
This sucks because I also want to look around TJ Maxx and maybe even ROSS for Halloween towels, more socks, etc. Maybe even splurge $20 on a hash chocolate bar from a dispensary that's too far up the street for me to walk.
I have $836 right now. My SSI hit yesterday and a lot of it is going to bills, though. I am just waiting on a utilities statement before I find a ride to the credit union to pay early.
I'm considering splurging the $40 + shipping on some Gamersupps, finally. It might save me money on energy drinks. The lychee flavor looks great.
I don't know how long it would take to get here, though. It also definitely won't solve my problem of having nothing caffeinated for the morning before I go to get my next methadone dose, sadly.
It's not exactly energizing, but I have a bunch of fresh ginger to boil on the stove and make "ginger water" I keep forgetting about. It would be better than plain water or nothing. I guess I'll do that soon.
I also want to finally order a copy of Recovery Dharma. I keep putting it off. That's going to be my gift to myself for making it to 3 years free from alcohol since it's cheaper than getting a cake to share with friends.
Maybe I'll find a way to AA to get a coin to mark this milestone too. I will touch base with my sponsor this weekend.
Anyways, I imagine my bills will come out to about $300 for rent and utilities, plus $15 for renter's insurance and $60 for my phone bill. That leaves me with $460 to get me through this month. At least half of that has to go to food because I only get about $100 food stamps a month.
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autokhemart · 8 months
First-Time Car Buyer's Guide to Fuel-Efficient Vehicles in Cambodia
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For first-time owners, the purchase of a car marks a major life achievement. It might be difficult to find your way through Cambodia's budding vehicle market. This guide is meant to give Car Buying Guide for First-time Buyers a clear path to follow so that they may make a wise purchase. It also highlights the significance of fuel efficiency in light of rising environmental concerns and erratic fuel costs in Cambodia.
Determining What You Really Need
Think about your daily routine, the size of your family, and your commute while deciding between different body styles (sedan, SUV, hatchback, etc.). Determine the number of available seats, storage space, and available safety measures. Think about not only the initial investment but also running expenses like repairs, insurance, and gas. Investigate the rates offered by various lenders and the ways in which you might obtain credit.
Changes in the Regional Market
Find out about the most well-liked makes and types of cars that can be bought in Cambodia. Find out whether there are any first-time buyer programs available from the government. Weigh the benefits of buying a new car against those of a used one. Think about the price of things like depreciation, warranties, and upkeep. Third, the environment and fuel efficiency
Value of Fuel Efficiency
Focus on the positives of buying a fuel-efficient vehicle, such as saving money on gas and having less of an impact on the environment. Give numbers regarding the most well-liked fuel-efficient cars on the Cambodian market.
Environmental Effects
Let's talk about the steps Cambodia is doing to cut down on pollution and increase the use of green cars. Introduce choices, such as hybrids, electrics, and other vehicles that use alternative fuels.
Exploring Vehicle Options and Taking Test Drives
Check for recalls, read reviews, and compare features by visiting credible automobile websites and forums. The availability of spare parts and the quality of the after-sale service should be investigated.
Drive each finalist vehicle to evaluate its ride quality, handling, and performance. Include a check-list for assessing things like signage, parking, and noise.
Inspected Before Purchase
Promote having a reliable mechanic check out used vehicles for any underlying problems. Focus on the engine, brakes, suspension, and electrical systems because they are all vital. Instructions for filling out and submitting paperwork for things like title changes, insurance, and registration. Drive home how critical it is to get a clean title history report on a used car.
Methods of Compromise
Give advice on how to negotiate well, such as checking comparable pricing, being prepared for hidden fees, and knowing when to walk away. Fuel-efficient Cars in Cambodia Provide advice on how to review the final contract to make sure all conditions were covered. Give suggestions on how to make a payment and how to get a receipt.
This guide is designed to help first-time automobile purchasers in Cambodia find a vehicle that meets their demands while also respecting their budget and the environment. Putting fuel efficiency first has multiple benefits, including helping the planet and saving money in the long run. Buying a car may be a satisfying and gratifying experience if you put in the time and effort to do your homework.
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themoneyguru1 · 10 months
Decoding the Gig Economy's Financial Challenges and Fixes
Venturing into the gig economy offers a tantalizing world of flexibility and independence. But amid the freedom lies a maze of financial challenges. Fear not, for I am here to decode these hurdles and provide you with fixes hotter than your favorite street-side chaat. Let's dive in!
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Riding the Gig Wave: The Financial Adventure Begins
With a laptop and an internet connection, anyone can dive headfirst into the gig economy. Whether you're an aspiring writer, a coding ninja, a graphic design maestro, or a culinary artist whipping up fusion delicacies, platforms like Swiggy, Upwork, and UrbanClap have opened up a world of possibilities.
No more nine-to-five shackles, no more battling the traffic – it's work on your own terms. But, hold your horses, or should we say, hold your auto-rickshaws, because the gig economy’s road isn’t always smooth.
Also Read: The Digital Loan Guru’s Guide: Mastering the Art of Safe Borrowing
The Budget Roller Coaster: Feast or Famine
In the world of gigs, predicting your monthly income can feel like forecasting the weather in the monsoon season – highly unpredictable. One month, you might be rolling in the big bucks, feeling like the Maharaja of Moolah; the next month, you could be counting your pennies like a thrifty grandparent. This feast-or-famine income cycle can make budgeting feel like solving a complex math problem after an all-nighter.
Fix It Tip #1: The Grand Emergency Fund
Picture this – you’re sailing smoothly on your gig ship, and suddenly, a storm of unexpected expenses hits you like a gust of wind. What do you do? Panic? No way! This is where the grand emergency fund steps in, your trusty lifeboat. Set aside a portion of your earnings each month into a separate emergency fund. This fund will be your shield in times of financial storms. So, the next time your laptop crashes or your pet goldfish needs emergency medical attention, you won't be caught in the deep sea without a paddle.
Tax Troubles: The Haunting Specter
Ah, taxes – the two constants in life, the other being change. When you're a gigster, sorting out your taxes can feel like solving a cryptic puzzle in a dark room. Income tax, GST, filing returns – it's enough to make your head spin faster than a Bollywood dance move. And let's not even get started on the quarterly advance tax payments that can blindside you like a plot twist in a suspense thriller.
Fix It Tip #2: The Tax Jar Trick
Here's a little secret – open a dedicated savings account fondly named the "Tax Jar." Each time you receive a payment for your gig, toss a small percentage into this jar. When tax season comes knocking, you won't be scrounging for funds like a squirrel looking for its buried acorn. Your Tax Jar will have your back, and you'll waltz through tax season like a confident dancer grooving to your own financial rhythm.
Lonely Retirement Island: No Employer Benefits
Remember those days of salaried jobs when your employer had your back with cushy benefits like health insurance, retirement funds, and bonuses that sparkled like Diwali fireworks? In the gig economy, you’re the master of your ship, which means waving goodbye to those comforting perks. Retirement planning becomes a solitary voyage, and health emergencies can feel scarier than a ghost story around a campfire.
Fix It Tip #3: The Solo 401(k) Adventure
Introducing your new sidekick – the Solo 401(k)! Just because you're your own boss doesn't mean you can't plan for a comfortable retirement. The Solo 401(k) lets you stash away a chunk of your gig earnings for the future while enjoying potential tax benefits. It's like planting a money tree that will shower you with golden leaves in your golden years. So, while you're rocking your gigs today, your future self will be dancing a jig of gratitude.
Also Read: Why Opt for Professional Loans Instead of Regular Personal Loans
In the dynamic gig economy, financial challenges are a reality, but armed with savvy fixes like these, you can conquer them all. So, seize the opportunities, embrace the journey, and gig your way to a brighter and more secure future.
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