#also my name is ashleigh
daydadahlias · 2 years
Do you think the boys (more specifically Ashton and Calum) get annoyed when they can't find their names on key chains and things?
Seeing the pic you posted of them shopping made me think about it since I don't really see their names on personalised things but then again I've got a unique name so I usually ignore all the personalised stuff 😂
ok so, personal anecdote. I was at a little riverside town recently and went through all those gift shops with personalized stuff, right? And I tried to find all my friends’ names so I could show them and be like “you.” And I was going a little bit insane when I couldn’t find Monse or Yali. So I can understand that Mr. Calum Hood would get a little fucking bothered over time. I did find some Ashtons though!!! So I think Ashton’s little grin around his straw is because they found his name but Calum is still looking for his and getting frustrated. But it’s ok bc then Ashton can just make Calum a personalized name keychain himself 😌 here’s a little mock up of what I think it would look like:
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timeofjuly · 9 months
😊 for Ashleigh and Ashley?
Oooh thank you! For reference, Ashleigh is the girlfriend and Ashley is the boyfriend lmao, I have made this confusing even for myself.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Ashleigh is a lawyer! A prosecutor, to be specific. She's particularly invested in seeking justice for anti-monster crime. The justice system works differently in Ebott (I have vague ideas and headcanons), so she works closely with the guard. A lot of her worth and purpose stems from her career.
Ashley is a kindergarten teacher and a certified himbo. He wants to marry Ashleigh, have a few kids, and be a stay at home dad. He's really family focused.
You can find the ask meme here
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onthewaytosomewhere · 11 days
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okay it's wed and that means it's time to post some words and well i've really only been working on ficlets from friday (very slowly) this week as i work on the one that has gotten away from me and is so angst-ridden (for me at least) so i have to work on the others in between it (so they're all going slower lolz) ... ASHLEIGH I DON'T KNOW HOW I LET YOU CONVINCE ME TO DO THIS SILLY STUFF AND THEN LET IT GET SO CARRIED AWAY ... BUT HERE WE ARE 🤣🤣🤣🤣
so thanks ever so much for the tags today lovelies - y'all have been busy lil bees @tailsbeth-writes @suseagull04 @firstprincehornyramblings @thighzp @sophie1973
@tinyarmedtrex @caterpills @basil-bird @inell @sparklepocalypse
@thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england @taste-thewaste @zwiazdziarka
so words are from my lil Streetfighter!Buck post-season 4 Buddie fic
Buck is at a bar once again. He can’t stand to be home—can’t stand to be anywhere alone with his thoughts. He just needs to get away from everything, so he has found a bar within walking distance of his apartment, which he’s never been in—a place no one else will find him. He needs some time to process everything, all the anger he feels. He just needs to get drunk so he stops having nightmares. He overhears some people sitting near him at the bar talking about a gym nearby with an area for boxing. It starts as a momentary thought, but by the end of the night, he has the name of the gym and the name of someone to talk to when he goes. Someone who will help him get started on his boxing journey—Art. It's not long before the gym replaces the bar; he’s there most nights after a shift that he’s not with Eddie or Christopher, and on days when he’s off, he spends hours there. He beats on bags until he’s deemed ready to jump in the ring with other people. He’s learned the best ways to protect his hands. Art teaches him the proper way to wrap his hands to avoid injury, and he’s invested in a quality pair of gloves. On his first night in the ring, he goes up against a dude that hands him his ass in under a minute. The sting from the punches to his torso makes him forget for a moment the pain inside his head. It becomes a thing he can’t get enough of, something he’s always chasing, jumping in the ring with people that will wail on his body, never his face, but his body is fair game. It goes on like this for a few weeks, and then she walks in. At first, Buck doesn’t place her, but when she comes over to talk to him when he’s pounding into the heavy bag, he remembers. Lena. The person who got Eddie involved with the fight club after the tsunami and everything else. “Buck? Right?” She says, and Buck wants to tell her to go the hell away, but he also hopes she’s still part of that underground fighting ring. “Yes, Buck—Evan Buckley, actually. It’s Lena, right?” “Yeah, how’ve you been? I heard what happened to Eddie; that must have been horrible.” “Still is horrible, actually.” It’s more than he means to say. “Let me guess that’s why you’re here pounding on things—either to clear your head or think them through.” “Something like that.”
so tag ur it!!! @typicalopposite @adreamareads @judasofsuburbia @piratefalls @priincebutt
@tinyarmedtrex @duchessdepolignaca03 @catdadacd @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @stellarmeadow
that is a much more abbreviated list than normal but it's also after 8pm so ya know ... if ur seeing this and wanna play and haven't heres is your
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dailyashleighraichu · 7 months
💖 uh uhm like??? everything?? your characters are all so cool and their stories waahhhhhh <3<3
also small thing tho but. i honestly love ashleighs hair, v good colour i may be kinda jealous
Her hair is actually a reference to my two old MLP OCs! I had an AU Rainbow Dash named "FezDash" or "Fezzy", and an Alicorn named Rainbow Melody! The pink and blue stripes are literally just their fur colors :>
I like putting very subtle hints into my OCs designs, plus it's a bit of history for those who've been with be since I've started being on Tumblr!
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ratherembarrassing · 3 months
2024: weeks 22, 23, 24
had covid for two of those weeks, so.
continued to read an absolute fucktonne of rhaenicent fic. there are so many 100k words plus fics for this ship i am going to be here forever.
supplemented my covid sleeping and fic reading routine with waking up every morning to find out what fresh new hotd press was going to ruin my day. honestly, that's about it.
teevee: bridgerton ss 2 and 3. it's always so surprising to me, the person who reads literally millions of words of heavily ship-focused fan fiction every year and who has watched soap operas her entire life, that i enjoy this so much. and yet! season 2 needed more fucking.
teevee: taskmaster series whatever the one that just finished was. i have to admit, i didn't love this series. it was fine? i was trying to find my ranked series list to see if i really would put it in the bottom, and i can't find it but i do remember i put the series with ian sterling in a category of its own at the bottom, and it definitely isn't in that category, so it definitely could have been worse.
moviee: les trois mousquetaires: d'artagnan + milady (2023). i'm not as up on the musketeers like i know some of the rest of you are, but this two parter was a banger - especially part 1. part 1 might have been a perfect movie. also eva green was there. perfect cinema double feature on a chilly winter sunday.
and! took sole personal custody of a four year old for two hours. i made a brief trip to the gc for the night to attend nibling z's 4th birthday party. other people's children are monsters but the ones i am related to are perfect angels. i learnt a lot about middle class mum fashions. and then z and i went to the toy store and got a juice and drove a very long way while playing eye spy. and it was a grand total of about two hours and let me tell you. i love that child more than my right arm, but i would lose my damn mind.
imagination stories: once upon a time there was a little girl named z and a big king named ashleigh and a knight named ashleigh and a dad named ashleigh. the end.
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skylermadness · 11 months
Constitution (Jawbone O'Shaughnessey TF/TG/PMC/AP)
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(Original Date of Upload: June 22, 2022)
Yeah, I'm dedicating some uploads this week to the hot dads out there. I shall preface this by saying I love Jawbone very much and no amount of words can express how intense that love is. He's a werewolf, he's a dad, he's a school counselor, he's a dad, he's got a sick Irish accent, I can go on and on but if I did I'd hit the word limit of this description (if there even is a word limit, anyway). The general summarization of things is hot werewolf dad. Three words that I absolutely wish could be said more nowadays... This is also my first FtM TF in a while! I tried something a little new to this one too, based on a few personal headcanons and the fact that I want to try some new stuff in these TFs of mine! Also I hope someone gets the joke I made in the story title. If not, then I guess I'll just give ya the answer if you choose to ask-
   Ashleigh had never been the most hard on herself when it came to grades, but something about getting a C- on her most recent Introduction to Psychology test struck a nerve. There were perhaps a lot of reasons as to why she got such a low score. The trouble she was having focusing on classes these past few weeks, the sheer amount of information overload she seems to get when she does focus, the fact that cramming the night before had resulted in frustrated confusion over the material. She was trying her best, but it felt like her best wasn’t good enough.
   And that was only one brick in the wall that was her many problems.
   The past few weeks have been the arrival of many issues and hardships in her life. Finances were becoming harder to manage, mainly due to the fact that even one month’s rent at the dormitory was enough to slash a hole in her budget with very little hope of getting it back on just minimum wage alone. The balance between working at a nearby retail store and trying to keep up with college also wasn’t helping in that matter, with her focus being challenged even there.
   Her own identity was becoming something that was harder to understand. Especially when it comes to her own gender, as she’s been trying to grasp onto whether or not she was trans. Trying to test the waters on that was also impossible in her current situation, which was reinforcing a budding feeling of gender dysphoria.
  Many of her friends were already busy with their own lives. She was in no place for a relationship. Her mind was effectively a vortex of confusion and information that she felt unable to piece together.
   To say college was getting a little overwhelming to Ashleigh at this point would be an understatement.
   What was funny was, she thought she was ready. At first college wasn’t in the cards for her when she had first graduated high school with her being in a low income home, and the fact that applying to scholarships felt impossible to her due to their high standards. It took a little more than ten years for her to get in a spot of perceived readiness.
    Belief that she finally had the income to do so, a feeling that now was the time to move out of her parent’s home and into someplace else, a full grasp on who and what she was.
   That view of herself and the world was shattered in weeks.
   She probably could have caught onto that when she first applied. First seeing the amount rent cost at her college. The amount of time it took for her to even decide on a major she had wanted. Choosing a Psychology major had made her feel worse as the weeks went on, since she would find herself thinking on how she thought she could help people if she couldn’t even solve her own problems.
   It got to a point that after seeing that her grades had been falling, one of her professors had recommended she speak with the college’s guidance counselor. Although he seemed to have trouble remembering the counselor’s name. It resulted in her having trouble finding their office, except it seemed that no staff in the college could recall who the counselor was. Only the fact that there was one.
   Except there wasn’t???
   Just an empty office with a scrubbed name placard. 
   That was effectively Ashleigh’s breaking point.
   The next logical stop for her was to head to a bar nearest to her college and pour her woes to the bartender. Which is where Ashleigh finds herself now, downing a small pint of alcohol at a bar that was also within a nightclub. It was her fourth one and she was already tipsy. She had also just finished retelling her life’s story to the bartender, a bear of a man named Maurice.
   Ashleigh let out a little hiccup, then tipsily giggled. “Usually I wouldn’t turn to alcohol to run from all my problems, but damn is this some good booze…” 
   Maurice just hummed. “Migh’ have to cut ya’ off at sum poin’. Can’t have ya’ dyin’ of alc’hol poisonin’.”
   “It’s fine! My family’s been known for having good livers…” She drunkenly laughed again. 
   “Uh-huh.” Maurice said, unphased. He was used to that kind of response from the more… sadder patrons to his bar. It took a few moments of thought, but he found himself picking up another pint glass from beneath the counter. “Ah can safely say none of yer problems’ll be solved ‘ike this.”
   Ashleigh shook her head. “It still makes my head all fuzzy though… makes me forget how shit my life is.”
   “Ah wouldn’ say that,” Maurice tried to reassure her as he headed to the back of the bar. The back was lined with multiple kegs, most of which Ashleigh had assumed was filled with liquor. “This could jus’ be a ruff patch.”
   “It doesn’t feel like it…” Ashleigh said, folding her hands onto the table and placing her head in them. Everything felt like one hell of a trainwreck. Problem after problem, piling up and causing a storm in her head. The fact she didn’t really have any to talk to about it made it all the more worse. At least Maurice was willing to listen, although he didn’t provide much help besides the provision of booze. He’s probably paid to just sit around and listen, she thought to herself.
   Her eyes drifted over to the man himself, and Ashleigh watched as the man walked around the bar pouring various liquids from the kegs into the pint glass. She could hear him mumble something, but the music of the night club coupled with the low register of his voice made it incomprehensible to her. She did take note that the drink looked particularly… sparkly. 
   “Ah’ve been in th’s line of w’rk fer a while, bud. It nev’r lasts like that fer long. No matt’r how much ya think it does.”
   Ashleigh looked away for a moment. She couldn’t tell if it was the booze, or just her recently budding cynicism, but she found herself having a hard time believing that.
   She was pulled out her thoughts by Maurice walking up to her, sliding the drink he just made beside her arm. “Here, on th’ house.”
   Ashleigh lifted her head and looked around the bar skeptically. Come to think of it, she’s the only person here at the moment… Eh, whatever.
   She then took a look down at the pint. It wasn’t beer, liquor, wine, or any mixture that she could recall, although memory recall was a little muddled due to her current buzz. The drink was actually a soft, but sparkly, beige. It smelled kind of fruity too…
   “Ah call it th’ Reliever! It may help ya’ find what yer lookin’ fer.”
   Ashleigh raised a brow and smiled. “Are you sure you ain’t trying to roofie me?” she joked. Judging by the grimace on Maurice’s face, it wasn’t very funny. 
   “I happ’n to want to keep mah job.”
   “Right, sorry.”
   Ashleigh stared back down at the drink and shrugged. Taking hold of the glass, she downed the uncreatively named drink in one fell swoop. 
   “Hm. Tastes peachy. What’s in this?”
   Maurice only smirked. “Nothin’ ya’ could und’rstand, boy.”
   Something about being called ‘boy’ made Ashleigh feel something… warm.
   “Now ah’m afraid I gotta have to cut ya’ off.”
   Ashleigh slumped in her seat. “Alright, fine. Thanks for the new drink, I guess…”
   “On’y the best fer my cust’mers. Hope it does help ya’ in what yer lookin’ fer.”
   “I have a little trouble believing one fruit flavored drink is going to give me the answer to my problems, but I… appreciate it.”
   Maurice nodded and watched as Ashleigh got up from her seat and walked out the bar. He took note of her slightly disoriented walking and wondered if he should have offered to drive her home.
   The door to Ashleigh’s dorm creaked open, with the woman clumsily walking in after. Walking home while drunk is apparently not the best thing to do. Perhaps she should’ve taken that bartender’s offer to take her back here, but she felt perfectly content walking home by herself. It even allowed her to take a good look at the Moon, which she had found herself feeling oddly pulled towards during those ten minutes of walking.
   Ashleigh took a seat on the small, singular sofa that was on the side of her little apartment. It was nestled in the corner, beside her work area and window. The seat had given her the perfect look at the moon again, the celestial object now currently in waxing crescent phase. How she knew that she wasn’t sure.
   Ashleigh let out another hiccup. “Houh, still a little drunk…”
   She pressed her back up against the chair and closed her eyes, her only thoughts now being of that weird fruity drink, that bar, and that bartender. It did feel nice to vent all of her feelings out to him, even if he wasn’t very professionally trained. And admittedly he might be right about all of this bad stuff just being a ‘for the time being’ thing. Plus, now that she was relaxed and had the time to think about it, Maurice did look kind of hot. Well, in a scruffy middle-aged man kind of way. 
   Okay, weird to think about… she thought to herself. She did kind of envy him, though. Big, hairy guy; deep voice; slightly confusing accent. She… wanted all of that. Especially that hairiness. God, that man is quite the bear…
   She let out a small sigh. What time was it? It was probably pretty late. She should probably head to sleep.
   …although for some reason she felt really itchy now…
   It was miniscule at first with it being a slight discomfort in her hands, arms, and chest. It was something she would try and scratch, the woman shifting her body around the couch uncomfortably as she tried to reach every spot she could to relieve herself of this ordeal. It wasn't until she started feeling something coarse that she started to notice something was off.
   Taking a hand out from beneath her shirt, she found that it was hairier. Brown hairs were growing out of it at a rapid pace and quickly overtaking it in a thick, fluffy pelt. Curious, Ashleigh turned her hand around to see if a similar change was occurring on her palms. While fur was growing around her palms, the skin was also swelling; roughening and darkening into a paw pad. Alongside this came changes to her nails, the keratin lengthening and sharpening into pointed claws. She could even swear that her hand was subtly growing larger.
   Ashleigh raised a brow, a mix of intrigue and confusion forming on her face. She lifted up her other hand to check if it was any different, finding the exact same changes have come across it too. A large, wolfish paw instead of a small, human hand.
   "...cccool…" she slurred out drunkenly. Perhaps it was the fact the alcohol was still working through her system, but she didn't feel particularly worried about this. She rubbed a paw on her cheek, feeling the fluffy fur and rough pads brush up against her skin. It was great. Her body was still kind of itchy though…
   Placing her paw down, she rolled up a sleeve of her hoodie, along with the sleeve of the shirt beneath it, to try and scratch her arm again. This time she was being a little lighter so as to not scratch herself with her new claws. Her skin looked to already be growing out more hair, but it appeared that irritating it was causing the changes to pick up the pace.
   The patches of fur grew denser with each passing second, her skin now fading beneath the brown pelage. A feeling of power coursed through her muscles causing her arms to gain a little more muscle tone than they had before. It wasn’t an impressive amount, plus it was shrouded beneath all of her fur, but it was there. This was then accompanied by a brief lengthening of her arms.
   There was a feeling of contentment filling her as she watched everything unfold; a feeling that, for once, wasn't influenced by the booze from earlier. It was like something deep inside her was coming out, something that she so deeply wanted. 
   The fur growth eventually ran up her arms and beneath her rolled up sleeves, but judging by the slight tightness she felt in her shoulders (a byproduct of her thickening delts), alongside the feeling of warmth layering upon them, she knew where the changes were heading.
   She leaned forward and placed a paw beneath her shirt, proceeding to scratch away at her chest while feeling the brown fluff growing out of it. With her shoulders becoming larger, her frame had widened to match. While the fur trickled down her chest like a rushing waterfall, her torso flattened and her breasts shrunk away, and all that remained were some pectorals with a small layer of fat covering them. For a moment a horizontal scar visibly formed beneath each pec, but both got shrouded beneath the sea of fur just moments later.
   The intense itching began to dissipate as the pelt washed over her belly. Beneath it grew more small muscles, but those muscles quickly got drowned out by a medium sized gut. She found her hand slipping down towards it, unconsciously giving it a little rub and causing her tongue to fall out of her mouth for a moment.
   “This is… oddly appealing…” she whispered to herself. It took her a moment for her brain to register that her voice shifted at the end of that sentence, her voice now a little deeper and huskier. 
   The fur eventually flowed down to the lower half of her body. Her hips widened before a feeling of pressure started to fill at the base of her spine. Scooting up in the chair a little, something about her reaction felt almost instinctual. So much so that she lowered the back of her pants a little.
   “Forgot to wear the tail safe ones, huh…” she offhandedly mumbled to herself. Her voice was just getting deeper and deeper. Plus she could swear there was an accent getting in there…
   Slinking out from her rear came a tail; one that was big and fluffy with rich brown fur that had a lighter shade of it on the bottom. As her tail grew, her spine grew with it making her taller than she was before.
   Somehow knowing exactly how to maneuver it, she moved the tail to her lap before scooting back up to the back of the chair. Smiling, she softly stroked the long, furry extension of herself. It was already becoming evident that she was transforming into some sort of wolf creature. Fur, paws, weird enjoyment of having her tummy rubbed. The tail was just another addition to this experience, and Ashleigh was all for it. 
   She had to take into consideration other changes though. Her now flat chest, her deepening and clearly masculine voice, even in her mind she didn’t feel like a ‘her’. It was clear that this was some kind of sign, some kind of fulfillment of an internal wish.
   It’s about time he starts referring to himself as something he was comfortable with. 
   As revelations came to his mind, his legs and feet underwent their changes. Mirroring his arms, his legs got thicker in both fur and muscle while concurrently growing longer. He didn’t really shave them much before, but that would be a null thought now that they were completely covered in a pelt of wolf fur. The same happened to his feet, the two now becoming large paws like his hands. Claws, paw pads, everything. Although unlike the rest of his clothing, his shoes were getting particularly uncomfortable…
   He leaned his head back up against the sofa and closed his eyes. “Yer really gettin’ everything ya wanted…” An ear twitched as he instantly noticed that an accent had crept into his already deep voice. It was a little hard to tell, with it being deep in the guttural huskiness that werewolves had, but it was definitely an Irish accent. “I’m even gettin’ an accent too!”
   He smiled, although now his face was now starting to feel different. This was caused by a lengthening muzzle, his face now pushing out into a more animalistic shape. Nose melding with his snout; the skin of it becoming rough, black, and wet. Shorter brown hairs pricked out of his skin and ran all the way across his face, his eyebrows getting bushier in the process. Within his mouth his teeth sharpened and two of his canines poked out from beneath his upper lip. His ears twitched again as they lengthened to a point, soft fur rolling across the outside while even softer fur poked out from the inside. 
   Then came the changes in his hair. Previously a rusty auburn color; long, wavy locks shortened on scalp while longer bits of fur protruded from the edges of his head and the bottom of his neck. Growing out of his head from all sides was a long, fluffy mane, the red coloration of the hair fading beneath it to become a dark, chocolatey brown as it did so.
   The wolfman closed his eyes and drew in a breath, his vocal cords rumbling with a content growl. He felt at peace for the first time in weeks. That bartender was right, that drink did help him find what he was looking for. At least in one aspect, anyway.
   He eventually drifted off to sleep, smiling and unafraid of what would happen on the morrow. And in his sleep the world would shift around him…
   The small dorm room expanded; twisting and warping into a small, comfy home. The overall location switched to someplace near the edge of the campus.
   His clothes had also shifted. The hem of his hoodie lengthened, sleeves unfurling and settling over his arms. The material shifted from cotton to wool, the color dulling to a comforting gray as it did so. Buttons lined one of the ends of the split while the hood retracted and flattened into a nice shawl collar. Gone was a hoodie, now warped into a comfortable wool cardigan.
   The undershirt he wore beneath the hoodie altered alongside it. The sleeves shortened to make it a t-shirt, the color darkened to black. Emblazoning on the shirt was a simple hexagon with triangular eyes, four rectangles beneath it that emulated teeth, and a line that floated around the top four sides of the hexagon; triangles poking out of it to replicate ears.
   His pants were next with the portions below the knees magically tearing apart before stopping a little above his knee. The edges remained frayed, and the material shifted into a blue denim. A hole formed beneath the belt loop on the back, and the jeans appeared to phase through his tail in order to comfortably fit it in there. Once his tail was in, the changes to his pants were complete.
   His shoes underwent more subtle shifts, having only grown in size to alleviate the discomfort while the leather deepened in color to a dark red lined with white around the sides, soles, and straps.
   Deep in his sleep, the wolfman dreamed. Dreamed of a new life for himself, all of his goals fulfilled and him now helping others do the same. Dreamed of the perfect identity for himself. And dreamed of the happiest thoughts he could. With these dreams came a new name for himself…
   He was now Jawbone O’Shaughnessey, and these dreams would soon be revealed to be more than just mental conjurings…
   Jawbone woke up with a start, in part thanks to the alarm clock he didn’t remember setting. He walked over to it to shut it off, quickly finding out that his vision was a lot blurrier than he recalled. He instinctively pawed the top of the dresser his alarm clock was on for a few moments, then grasped onto something. 
   His glasses.
    “Heh, that’s new…”
   Placing his glasses on his muzzle, he began to think. Come to think of it, a lot was new…
   As he got up from the sofa he took a nice glance of the room he was in. Instead of a small dormitory room, it was a medium sized bedroom. It retained a fairly similar layout to his old dorm room, but with the new space came bookshelves lining the shelves (containing the many books he’s read over the years) and a few picture frames hanging from the walls (all of which had assorted images of him with students he remembered counseling).
   A warmth filled his chest while he stared at the various images. All of these were of him, and they were all of the people he’s… helped… 
   Faces, names, voices, memories, so much flashing in his head at the sight of these pictures. It filled Jawbone with a euphoria that feels like it’s been felt a thousand times before.
   “I guess those weren’t just dreams, then...”
   The rest of the morning was spent preparing himself for the day and checking out what else seemed to change. Jawbone was a little surprised to find that he wasn’t in his dorms anymore, and was instead in a fully paid for house! Along with that, all of his credentials seemed to have changed to fit his new reality, and judging by his new memories he was now employed as the guidance counselor at his old college. Things had truly changed for the better!
   However, he was truly able to settle into his identity at college. The students smiled as he walked past them, greeting him and giving him high-fives. He was seen as one of the most chill, kindest, helpful people in the college by-far. People entered his office to ask for help in both academic, social, and personal matters, and Jawbone seemed to have the right answer for everything.
   There were times he was alone in his office waiting for a student to walk in, the man given a small moment's time to look around and think about the life he was now in. He’d pull up foreign memories, strange and crazy tales from his past, sifting through his mind to better grasp who he was now. This is his life after all, he’d like to know everything it had to offer. 
   The day would go on as all days would go. Helping students; chilling in his office; doing some miscellaneous paperwork. Every so often he’d stare at the nameplate on his desk and drift into happy thoughts, a feeling of reassurance of who he is settling further within him. He even started to feel like this had always been his life even if that wasn’t exactly the case. But semantics were pointless in the end because this is his life!
   Eventually everything for the day would be said and done, and Jawbone would get off work with a smile. Another day fulfilled for the carewolf! 
   At first he had thought about driving back home and finishing up what paperwork he had left, but a thought had entered his mind while he turned the ignition.
   After a minute of driving through the city streets, Jawbone’s ears perked up as he heard the music of his destination. The Oreum Sirius Nightclub: the exact place he had been the day before.
   He winced as he stepped into the doors of the place. The music was a little too loud for his werewolf ears, but he would get used to it like he did back at the Black Pit. Plus his real goal was far enough from the club portion that it wouldn’t be too much of a nuisance.
   His eyes drifted to the man tending to the bar. The burly guy cleaning a shot glass while looking out at the club’s crowd, awaiting a customer. The one and only Maurice.
   Jawbone walked up to the bar, a coy smile on his muzzle, and let out a low growl to grab the bartender’s attention. “Yer quite the bear of a man, aren’t’cha?”
   Maurice seemed a little startled about the appearance of a werewolf (something was telling Jawbone that lycanthropy wasn’t very common around these parts), but quickly regained composure in order to respond. “Flatt’ry ain’t gonna get ya’ anything free.”
   “I think I already got somethin’ free yesterday…”
   The sight of the bartender’s eyes was enough to prove to Jawbone that he got the guy. 
   “Wait- yer- woah…”
   Jawbone’s smile widened even more at that reaction. The wolfman stared into Maurice’s eyes, causing the bartender to blush a little.
   “I don’t know what you gave me, but it did exactly what you said it would!”
   Maurice just nodded, although Jawbone could hear the man mutter something along the lines of ‘usually they never stay in this world’ under his breath. Jawbone chose not to question it though.
   Jawbone placed an arm on the table and leaned over to Maurice. “How ‘bout I buy us both a drink, and we can get to know each other a little bit more…”
   Maurice’s enter face flushed, the man beginning to stammer. “R-right! Ah-Ah’ll get us a menu soo we can… ord’r somethin’.”
   This was going to be one hell of a night!
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Taking a break from datamining to do. more datamining but slightly to the left in that I'm trying to find where all the sfx went. In the meantime I have found every little voice clip in the game which includes like 3 straight minutes of varied "oof"s and "URGHH!!"s from all the characters but ALSO Avlora's many incredible voice lines.
And my personal favorite:
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ravenadottir · 1 year
renaming characters: s1, s3 and s4
i just decided to compile all of them in one post since we all know these characters pretty well, and by that i mean i know SOME of the names from season 4.
season 2 / season 5 (i guessed/named them because i didn't play the season so... no stakes there!)
allegra - she's very powerful, *clears throat* hot, and allegra as a name can be that...? i don't know, i feel like amber resumes this character so much, especially if you say it with her accent... amba... every amber in reality tv is a little too intense and we know she's the queen of cringey overreactions.
erikah - always thought laura would suit her better. i don't know why but i don't like erikah for her, but i think laura has a je ne sais quoi that she, the character, also has. she's very complicated and quite feeble at times, but her face tells me laura.
jen - she's clearly a fucking ashleigh. not for nothing, i know a lot of great ashleys', but the -eigh makes it so obnoxious and that's perfect for homegirl, because right off the bat she's claiming vanilla swirley hair romeo and ashleigh's tend to be like that... tell me you can't picture jen in a 2014 pinterest gear up in a pumpkin field wearing uggs and a fedora, i dare you to tell me she's not the type!
talia - is her full name natalia? 'cause it should be. in my humble opinion isla is a great name for her, (pronounced ay-lah) means island and it's spanish and scottish, perfectly beautiful for her, because let's be honest, if any of these girls is gonna have an interesting name, that's talia. hell, talia is already a great name!
jake - this is such a boring name for someone so full of flavor, i can't! he's not dabbed in caucasity nor adolescence, so why the fuck was he named jake???? mateo though... mateo is a fucking name, ok? it can be italian, spanish, portuguese, it doesn't matter. jake is such a 13-yo momma's boy name... ugh, no. if the guy has a collar popped like a fucking vampire and is walking around the villa with that hair, jake is not his name. PERIOD.
mason - i honestly like the name, just not for him. i always thought oliver would be a curveball because so is mason's lack of personality. let's face it they made a huge oopsie when interchanging levi's characteristics with his when coupled up with mc. mason is a drummer turned model, how the fuck did you manage to make him boring??? anyway, his face, to me, is giving oliver.
miles - he deserves a douche name because he has that chest piece, and any guy who displays such... awful tattoo deserves to be punished. fuck it, let's name him terry, short for terrible.
jasper - i mean, i HATE this name, and well, his face and hair is giving elité father tease, so i want to name santiago, because oh my god, every santiago i've met sucks ass and is a creep. the guy has a pet cobra, he HAS to be named santiago!
tim - this is the ONLY character who fits in the jake genre, because he looks 18 and clueless (affectionate). i feel like liam is somehow fitting for him, mostly because that's the go-to name in teen dramas... and usually the liam's are also clueless.
levi - why do his mates call him romeo is beyond me, homeboy has NO GAME. NONE. he's the personification (along with mason) of pretty privilege. if you stick a pin on his head it might deflate, because there's nothing going on behind those average eyes. fuck levi, his name is eric, basic and common.
rohan - since his name has multiple origins, and we don't know for sure his ethnicity (not that it matters, i know brazilian boys who are named tyler, so...) i'm naming him gael. he's a gael, argue with the wall.
cherry - have you ever seen a courtney??? because that's her! and she might be the type to say "although i have the same name as kourtney, khloe is my spirit animal" and you can't tell me she doesn't.
reese - tristan. fuck reese.
sammi - i would love to name her according to her ethnicity, because sammi apparently is hebrew. for instance, if she's korean: seong-min is perfect, because it's a genderless name and so it's sammi. also, i headcanon her as enby (she/them). if she's japanese, aya, because it can mean "brilliant fabric" and that's what she's fucking wearing. if chinese, yu ming, which means jade brightness, again... fitting! i like sammi, but i think it was a missed opportunity to name her in what could be her background culture, since lots of us don't know much, if anything about those countries. i for one didn't have any asian history classes in my school curriculum, which is weird because we had ajapanese immigration here, so like... MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. anyway, these are the names i would give her.
lucy - that's a rebecca that refuses being called becky, and will have a fit if you do. i don't have much to say about her, lucy can die in a hole.
elladine - she gives me "i have two L's in my name" but it's not elladine. it's something like danielle, which is really pretty and the first name that came to mind when i saw the teasers with her.
aj - this is a great name for her, i have to say! if anything i would've taken the same route and either use an acronym, like aj, or a "boy name" like robin. i honestly love that name for girls and enby's.
bill - honestly the caucasity is too much for me, and i have to say, the name has to fall into that category, so i'm naming him ryan! he's childish and you can tell nobody has told him to shut the fuck up ONCE in his life. his name is ryan and you can argue with the jar of mayo sitting next to him.
camilo - i don't like this for anybody, it's such an ugly name in my opinion. if they wanted to name him a latin name they could've gone with so many other prettier options, and to me he looks like a cauã (the last a is pronounced ahn). listen, cauã is indigenous from brazil, BUT it's so fitting for him, you'll have to trust me on this one! they're athletic and also very... um... let's say "active", and by that i mean they're all whores (affectionate). it's perfect for him.
harry - if zhong is his surname (and it's chinese), then i'm choosing my favorite boy name, which is jun hie. ((fun fact, zhong can also be a first name, and it can mean devotion, among other things that don't even slightly mean that, but i'm focusing on devotion)). harry looks like someone who deserves a cute name that has a deep meaning, and jun hie means outstanding.
nicky - what a bland ass name for someone so pretty! i like jamal for him, and i could stand here all day trying to come up with an excuse but truth be told, it's because of jamal sims (the coreographer), leave me alone he's hot ok!
seb - i actually think a cat name is perfect for him lol it's either seb or something stupid like axel or dash, which makes him INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT.
miki - i like it but i think something like sakura would be perfect. there's something about her that reminds me of the petals' colors... she's a pretty chill girl, and somewhat delicate, so i like sakura for her.
genevieve - i think it's perfect! it's dainty but has some strength to it. personally i think if i came up with a name for her it wouldn't be as good as genevieve. hate the nickname though, viv is really basic. call her vieve, man, what are you doing??
iona - i would never think of this name because i've never heard it before meeting her, but she gives me the vibe of a girl who has a big name but cool, short nickname, like andressa or andrea but the nick is andi. the choice is andi, you pick the original.
ciaran - this is a trent and you can argue with bill's mayo jar. he might be irish but his stance is the fucking white american who is a nice guy. i don't like his personality, or the lack of, and trent is a brainless guy, just like him.
tai - it's fucking perfect for him actually! when i saw him on the tease i thought of taika, tai or koa (joyful), but personally i think tai or koa are very fitting.
yasmin - whenever i see her i think of the exact color of iris, so that's the name. plus, she gives "hemp-skirt-wearing and having lesbian sex in an orange tent after lolapalooza" tease and that's why iris fits.
rafi - i don't like the name rafi for him, so... husani. it's pretty accurate, since it means 'handsome'. i also like how it sounds and i think it fits with his personality since that's... the only personality he has. "ah, but vena he talks about his brother-" i'm gonna stop you right there, because he does, but um... how many times did we get to see his depth? exactly.
lily (liliana) - she looks like a bruna to me. it is italian but we do have a lot of bruna's here, and honestly? THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME, and they look like that.
angie - she gives me strong vibes of alexandra, in a way that she hates her name and prefers a gender bent nickname, like alex. i don't like angie for her.
lexi - this absolute excuse of a person is a jessica to me, but the bad type. you know what i'm talking about, the type you have to call her out in the middle of a discussion because once again she's giving "THAT'S MY OPINION!!" tease. i hate this character so much, she's 46% of the reason why i stopped playing the season.
najuma - i love it but i would never think of this name since i've never heard it before. if someone suggested it, i would probably go with it, but if i had to pick one, it would be amani. i think najuma is better though.
thabi - honestly? pretty cool name for her, such a cute and short name, i would probably choose something like that. i'll keep it.
hazeem - not gonna lie i did NOT think he would have a muslim/arabic/urdu name when i saw him for the first time. and because i don't know NEARLY ENOUGH about the culture, i'm keeping it. he does look like a hazeem somehow.
james - it's such a common, bland, accessible name... then again, so is he. meh, james is fine. although he gives me benjamin... lol idk why, don't ask
kobi - this guy is such a... dynamic young man. there's a guy named calvin, from season 3 of the circle, and is the perfect summoning of what i think kobi is like. the type of guy that joins his fingers and gestures it to explain something, particularly to someone who hasn't asked anything. yeah, kobi's name is calvin.
will - ok, it would be EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN before will, especially knowing it's short for willem? LIKE, I FEEL SO BETRAYED- anyway, since he's japanese, and i wouldn't give him an engligh name, it's an opportunity to expand the character's culture a bit, so his name would be shigeru (lush), 'cause let's face it, the boy is pure lush... he has a fucking robe, it's perfect.
bruno - rafael vibes, and that's because here in brazil that usually goes to very annoying boys... (pronounced ha-fah-el). he just strikes me as a guy who doesn't know when to be quiet and well... he's a comedian, so you know that's fucking true.
youcef - if you told me he was french i would say pierre, because to be honest his face gives... absolutely nothing, so probably blanche? or blanc...? i don't know, he's just such a weird choice, all i think of is the "go back to party city where you belong" because of his hair. i'm definitely naming his blanche.
valentina - that's the most gabriela i've ever seen!! like... she's so fucking hot, i barely can think when i see her, and valentina is a beautiful name, just doesn't fit her vibe.
juliet - fuck this girl, i hate her design so much. and you know what, i also hate the name adrianna, so that's what i would name her. she has the vibe of someone who cuts you off to talk about herself and adrianna's love doing that shit.
cora - close but not quite, i would name her nova, because reasons. she just gives me nova vibes, maybe it's her style? maybe it's just how fresh she looks, idk, i just love the name nova for her.
tom - i'm not fucking with you, the first name that came to mind when i saw him was jerry, before knowing what he was called lol istg it's just jerry for me, the oldest most generic name for a guy that wears a goddamn suit on a summer trip.
kelly - i don't like the name kelly, it's really common in some regions here, i'm tired! plus, she breathes, walks and talks like a chloe, i can't imagine another name for her.
tiffany - hate this name, oh my god... if i had to moan tiffany at any given time, i would jump into an elevator shaft first. since they go by all pronouns, why not a gender neutral name? he gives me solid riley energy. i like it because of the girl in inside out and how there's male and female emotions in her head, so... riley.
dylan - he could be named rat for all i care. BUT i'm giving marcel, because that's what marcel's do, understimate women and are slightly misogynistic, and by slightly i mean a fuck ton. FUCK THIS GUY, FUCK HIS FACE, FUCK HIS BODY, FUCK HIS PERSONALITY. FUCK - THIS - CHARACTER.
oliver - at this point i don't even know, because he gives oliver, but he also gives mason, and also jason, basically names for guys that are ripped lol i think i would give him luke. don't ask, it's a luke thing!
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jynjackets · 1 year
Unpopular (but shouldn’t be!) opinion. But I guess also not a big deal.
I hate the ‘Kassa’ name background it makes no sense. It’s such an obvious misunderstanding of assimilation and why names are changed through immigration and likely thinking the name Cassian is too formalized for indigenous-coded people in the jungle.
I do resume workshops for international (mainly Asia and Latin American) students in the US and people opt to make their names into a shorter and/or more culturally familiar nickname for their audience. Most times they just want you to use their original name even if it’s ‘difficult’ to pronounce. But the show makes it like if my Chinese name were Li but was like actually call me Ashleigh since the original is so unfamiliar.
Also people romanticizing his original name like it was forced against his will; like saying it during sex and whatnot. That’s a grown man 💀 I have a long uncommon Asian name but go by Lila and would be super fucking weirded out if you ever called me my Asian name. My parents may say it, but if my friends (from either country) or partner did I’d just be like hey stop disrespecting what I asked you to call me. It’s not special. I choose my nickname and how I want to go by. It might be a little weird that I had to ““change”” my name at all but I got used to it and it’s now what is familiar to me.
The show clearly thought they were doing something with an ‘exotic’ migration allegory. So no you can’t explain it away with ‘oh it’s like Sam short for Samuel and I can interchange them’ or ‘oh he changed his name and background because he had to hide’. First of all I’m sure the jungle had a very carefully designed citizen database to keep track of a name literally using Basic letters. And secondly nobody does this and if they are hiding from the government where that literally only happens in spy movies, you pick something super common and completely unlike your original name like
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Kia Ora
My Name is Ashleigh. I am a Visual Artist mainly photography, i partly studied at Bachelor of Visual Arts where i learn more abouts Arts and what art is all about like contemporary art which i love. I also do creative sound design which was my minor i chose which i thought would be cool to creative sound and photos together like actual field sounds.
I have been doing photography since 2007 (19) and its been an amazing gift to have, i have such amazing opportunity to work with amazing photographers some famous photographers. my work is sort of well known half around the world, through the zoos basically that is how my photography started with my local zoo. I was apart of a local photography group where i became the Nature Digital Photographers of the year
I have met a lot of amazing photographers like Steve Winter, Joel Sartore who i got to see in action working thanks to my local zoo, I became national geographer photo of the day and a National Geographic photographer Kristi Odom likes my work.
I am on Instagram
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throne-for-queens · 2 months
Sometimes I wonder how his BM felt about him filming her child praising her step-mother figure just to broadcast it for the world to see in a documentary. I also wonder if she feels a type away when it comes to Rook and Slim after they praised "his sun" in the doc, especially when it comes to Slim since they always were around eachother from their teenage years. How she reacted to Dre and Jasmine inviting MF as his plus one for their wedding. How she felt seeing Ashleigh and Dre posting on their profile the clip from Bloody Valentine of them sitting on the bed facing eachother to promote the vid release. Everytime the alias "Emma Cannon" gets mentioned in the most random (and just weird) articles. And many other things I shouldn't even be mentioning because it's too much and I don't want to cross the line.
I be wondering despite knowing it's none of my business but you kinda cannot help it after watching similar things unfold first hand around you... maybe I am projecting but for some reason, I have a lot of sympathy for her. Despite knowing nothing about her, I only wish the best for her. The best the world has to offer. Frankly this situation sucks. I probably should stop wondering about it on blogs because it doesn't make it any better, probably even worst and I don't want that.
One thing about Baze, Dub and Tezo is they never ever tried, from what I have seen, to milk this "connection", in any way.
I wonder if she's as deeply involved in est as she was then. I did see some ogs mention that she used to go to fest back in the day, but there has been no news of her now. Colson and her were never traditionally together, it was just a sexual relationship. I'm sure they are friends now given that they share a child, but since she most likely has her own family, I don't think this all truly reaches her radar. Emma Cannon isn't even her real name so she's probably happy that his hollywood life hasn't bothered her quiet one
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stalwart-spirit · 4 months
Silly question, but how do you pronouce Saeed's name?
Is it "Say-Eed" or "Sy-Eed" or "Say-Ed" or something else entirely? I think I am probably butchering his name whenever I read it!
Oh lord trying to write phonetically is something else, I'm no linguist so pardon anyone who is and balks at my explaination, let's see-
Typically I pronounce it and have heard it pronounced somewhat like "Sah-Eed"/"Say-Eed" both by English and Arabic speakers!
In a weird way to explain, whilst native English speakers would pronounce it farther forward in their mouth since the name begins with an "S", however you wanna pull it back towards the back of your throat when you come to the latter half of the name "Eed". You feel it in your adam's apple kinda thing.
The former half of the name as well when written phonetically as "Say", is less like the English word SAY with a pronounced "Y" at the end and more... "Sah"?? Silent "Y" vibes?
Handy dandy pronounciation audio though for better understanding! (Though with less upper pitching at the end LOL)
Unrelated fun fact, but the name Saeed comes with MANY other ways to spell it (like how my name is Ashley but can also be spelt Ashleigh!). Sa'id, Sayeed, Sayid... Actually a bunch.
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klmwrites · 4 months
Here is the 2nd and final deleted scene from my recently completed fic: When Generation X met Z! Please enjoy 😊
1st deleted scene
DELETED SCENE #2: Lokun's fight with the council (placeholder title) - from When Generation X met Z
“Dooku has defected.”
The woman who was pacing in the middle of the council chambers stopped. 
“I’m sorry?” She then looked towards Obi-Wan first, but when the ginger averted his eyes she made eye contact with the Grandmaster for confirmation on those words. And when he nodded, she froze. How? When did this happen?
“We received visual confirmation of various representatives from Separatist planets landing in Serenno not too long ago, and Dooku welcoming them with open arms.” As he spoke, Mace Windu removed a hologram from his pocket and proceeded to play a holo recording of just that. Indeed, the footage was undeniable - the woman saw Dooku’s signature red and black cape fluttering in the wind as he shook the hands of each representative and ushered them through the double doors of castle Serenno. 
The woman narrowed her eyes. “How long ago was this?”
“A week.”
The woman exhaled through her nose sharply, mastering her best neutral face before turning to face Master Yoda. “Send me to Serenno. I’ll uncover the truth of the situation and report back to the council.”
“Strong faith you still have, for my old padawan.” Yoda observed. “Admire your tenacity, I do. But no longer the man you knew, Count Dooku is. Sending you to Serenno, suicide it will be.”
“Suicide?” the woman asked, intrigued by the Grandmaster’s choice of words. “And why is that? I am a Jedi Knight, and a fully trained espionage agent. I can handle myself.”
“We do not doubt your abilities Ashleigh. That’s not why we are hesitant, rather it’s due to our lack of intelligence on Serennian soil and its defences.” Obi-Wan now spoke up, trying to soften Master Yoda’s words. But Lokun was having none of it. 
"What difference would it make if someone else was sent out? Doing so would also mean certain death for them!”
“We are not sending anyone out to Serenno.” Master Windu’s stern voice cut through the ever so rising tension in the room like a knife. “Serenno is deeply entrenched in Separatist territory, and at present shows little to no regular military activity. It is off limits until we can find out more information about the place.”
“And how in the name of the force are we going to do just that if we are not even going to consider breaching into enemy territory? Information doesn’t just come preloaded into the council’s holocomms, you know!”
“Lokun!” Windu barked back - a feat done so rarely on the part of the older man that it even took his colleagues by surprise. “The decision is final.” Lokun remained rooted to the spot, fists clenched tightly till her nails formed half crescent indentations into her skin. Her head was now bowed downwards - in disappointment or fury was anyone’s guess - and took deep breaths. Anger swirled around the Jedi Knight like a fumes, and like a hungry fire licked the very recesses of her mind, tempting her to open the floodgates she had kept sealed her entire young adult life until now: the temptation to tap into the dark side. But she wouldn’t. She couldn’t. She made a promise - and promises were sacred. Master Katri had taught her this ever since she was a junior padawan, and that breaking one’s promise is a telltale sign of a distrustful person. Distrust is not the Jedi way.
Truth is, Lokun had tapped into the dark side at a really early age. At the tender age of 13, she had tapped so deeply into the dark side that she had managed to conjure force lighting. Watching the streaks of crackling, pure energy shoot out from her fingertips and target her opponent was quite the experience - one that put her in an unconscious state for half a day. Since then, Master Katri had made it her duty to teach her padawan how to contain her anger for which Lokun was grateful. Against all odds; against the naysayers that came in the form of Senior Jedi Masters and even some members of the Council, Katri remained adamant on keeping Lokun as her student. And in a surprising turn of events, Master Yoda publicly backed Katri's decision.
Since that day, Lokun was determined to uphold the Jedi code to the best of her ability - in honour of her late master’s memory. And we weren't about to break that streak now. 
When Lokun looked up once more, she was met with a half observant, half knowing look from Yoda. 
“Want to know why paired you with Dooku, I did?” This question caught the woman off guard, as did the other councillors. Some were leaning forward in their seats, all attention on the little green troll.
“If that is possible, yes.”
Yoda snorted good naturedly. “Paired you with Dooku I did, was to curb his draw to the dark side. Always learning, we Jedi are, therefore though a padawan takes instructions from their Master, the Master should learn from their padawans as well. Learn to contain the dark side since your Initiate days, you have. Hoped Dooku could have learnt from you in that regard, I did.” The Grandmaster sighed. “Too arrogant and self-centred, Dooku had become. More cynical, Qui-Gon’s death made him with the Order.” He now looked towards her, in which Lokun was prepared to swear she saw tears glisten in those big, wise eyes of his. “Failed my old padawan, I have. Failed to look out for the signs, I did.”
The room was silent at the Grandmaster’s confession, each taking in Master Yoda’s words in their own way. Lokun’s heart shattered for Master Yoda, for she of all people knew how it felt to have disappointed others; to be a disappointment when you were expected to be at the pinnacle of things. 
“Master.” The woman now stepped forward and knelt before the green figure. “You have not failed. My Master Yan Dooku was a good man, a good jedi. A man who was excellent in his sabre skills as he was in his mental prowess. He moulded me into the person I am today, and if not for his tutelage i would still be stumbling over my own feet every time I wield my sabre; I would not have been encouraged to pick up Jar’kai, nor would I have had the skills of negotiation that we as an organisation seem to be lacking.” Lokun smiled at the memory of Dooku using the training sabre to swipe her feet the first time they met - how frustrated she was at him back then! “People change, such is the nature of things. After a certain stage, a Master cannot be blamed for the actions of his padawan; such is the necessity of accountability and the understanding of agency.” 
Lokun stood up and gave a sweeping glance towards the rest of the council: Some were looking at her with admiration(Obi-Wan), others with scepticism (Mace Windu). She powered on nevertheless. “Why Dooku defected I do not know. Though I was his padawan, Dooku had always been a private man. I was not made privy to his inner thoughts or feelings throughout my padawanship with him, and such status quo remained long after I was knighted. But what I do know is this: the man defected for a reason. He made his bed, and he is prepared to lay in it in the long run. What I simply wish to know is what motivated him to do so and why.”
Yoda nodded. “Misjudged you, I have. Alot about reading people, I wish I learnt from Dooku.” the green troll chuckled at the hypocrisy of his own words, before giving a discreet glance towards Master Windu, who simply raised an eyebrow. “One observation about you, Dooku made. Told me, he did. And after listening to you, right he is.”
Lokun raised both eyebrows in curiosity. The Grandmaster now hesitated slightly, as if contemplating if what he was about to say was appropriate in the given setting. 
“Little value for your own life, you hold. Onto a higher goal you cling to, so as to feel a sense of satisfaction and purpose.” Yoda’s tone softened, as did his voice. “Always available I am, if you need someone to talk to.”
Normally, most people would feel a sense of relief when being assured by the Grandmaster of the jedi order, but for Lokun it created an opposite effect. She felt disgusted. 
“Excuse me.” And with those words she turned abruptly and left the chambers, leaving behind a worried Master Yoda, a concerned Obi-Wan Kenobi and a frustrated Mace Windu. 
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radidadood · 2 years
Introducing my rottmnt oc x canon (Avenardo) fanchild!
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Basic bio:
Name: Chanelby/Chanyul (korean name)
Nicknames: Leo/nardo Jr, LJ, Nelby, Shelby
Around 15-16y/o ish
Cis women, straight
VA: Ashleigh Ball (voice reference: Rainbow Dash)
Abilities: ninjutsu, taekwando
WOC: twin karambit
- this is a remake. Before this she was entirely a human.
- beside eng, speaks fluent korean.
- can do math.
- also speaks fluent nerd.
- Donnie's favorite niece (whacha talkin bout don u only had one niece🗿)
- being able to memorize something in a millisecond.
- kinda clumsy?
- basically Leo's replica (tell jokes, sarcastic etc)
- also inherited Leo's mystic powers (teleportation & portal)
- inherited Avem's snort
- puppy eyes™
A/n: if anyone confused by mentioning of Korean instead of Japanese issad cuz Avem is Korean. My ask box is open for oc QnA <3
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docolives · 10 months
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 ♥ What is your favorite book from childhood?: I used to read the Thoroughbred series back to back over and over and over again, and wanted to be Ashleigh Griffen.
ღ Do you own an item that comforts you when you’re sad?: I have a few of my stuffed animals from childhood, and even though they've absolutely seen better days, they cheer me up. Soft, warm blankets do the trick, too!
✿ What makes you happy?: Horses. Riding them, being around them, helping kids with them, it doesn't matter so much as they're around and I can be with them.
♛ What are three things you like about yourself?: Sense of style, the ability to make people feel better, dedication to family.
☾ Which season is your favorite?: Probably spring, but I like all seasons. Spring just brings that sense of renewal with it.
† Do you believe in the supernatural?: I've never really had an encounter with the supernatural, so I don't want to say no, but... maybe if a ghost shows up, it would sway me harder that way?
♪ Name a song that has a deeper meaning to you.: River by Joni Mitchell; I've just always loved the song, and every single version that an artist has covered since.
Ⓒ What do you think about social media?: I like social media, but I try not to overuse it. I think as long as you use it in small doses and are careful with what you share and what you devour with your eyes, you'll be fine!
ꕤ What would be your dream job?: Well... running Harmony Healers full time. But I'll be doing that in the spring. Also just braiding pony manes for a living would be kind of fun?
☼ Name three things you don’t leave the house without.: My key ring with both sets of office keys, a good lip balm, and my phone.
❧ What is your favorite comfort food?: I love a good piece of chocolate... or a chocolate cake. Honestly, sweets give me comfort, so I'm not picky past that!
⤷ Are you an active person? / What do you do to stay active?: Probably a little too active, I'm the type of person who doesn't stop moving until my butt hits the couch after dinner, if I'm lucky. I run, I work out, I'm on my feet a lot in the office, I'm moving a lot at the program, it never ends.
★ Name your three biggest inspirations (people-wise).: My mom, the woman I am taking over the program from, and my siblings (it counts as one, they're a package deal).
✘ What is currently your favorite airing show?: I honestly don't watch a lot of television at the moment!
✈ If you had to go anywhere right now, where would you go?: Oof, that's a tough one, I'm pretty happy being home? I'd probably choose to go to San Francisco and catch up with some old friends, though! That could be fun.
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catohphm · 1 year
Harry Potter Founders Era OC Intro - Ashleigh of Gwent and Osmund of Worcester
After some brainstorming with @endlessly-cursed​, I’d like to officially present my principal Founder’s Era OCs! They’re Medieval era ancestors of Danny, Abby, Cato and Brian - my OCs from more modern times. More specifically, Danny’s mother Rue is descended from these two. I had so much fun brainstorming them with Noe, who I also thank for helping me come up with their concept and names! Very happy with how they turned out, and hope to expand on them in the near future!
Ashleigh of Gwent
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Originating from Wales, Ashleigh is a public official that uses her position to sneak food and other goods normally meant for society’s elite back to the common working people of her town. If anything making life easier for them despite the disapproval of her superiors.
Osmund of Worcester
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Osmund is one of the commoners benefitting from the efforts of Ashleigh of Gwent to help her community. As time passes, they fall in love with each other and build a blossoming relationship. They’re both united by their goal of making a difference and improving the livelihoods of working class citizens who were previously stepped on and siphoned off of by the rich and powerful.
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