#also need to 100% portal and portal 2
zmbieprty · 2 years
AHHHH AHHHH!!!!!(the sound of my brain being activated via cosmic radiation)
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mcyt-builds-contest · 3 months
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Pandora's Vault
Builder : Awesamdude
Series : DSMP
Propaganda : its so big. Its so so big. Look at a map of the dsmp. Its just a black void bigger than l'manburg was. You look at it and you just know it's something terrible. the obsidian walls, lava, the iron. It's just there. In the middle of the ocean. It does not fit in and its scary. the AMOUNT of redstone and functions it go is AMAZING. the only way to enter is through a portal that then leads u to the nether and has to be manually activated again by the warden. So to enter you literally NEED the wardens permission. All the bridges and all the door. It's so fucking cool man what can I say. The amount of security. the lore that happened inside pandora as well. Pandoras arc was the best arc of the whole of dream smp and I stand by that. There is so so much to unpack. Sam and Dream could have just built some shitty obsidian box and called it a prison, but no they made PANDORAS VAULT
Bonus : it's a very big prison and now it's containing way too many peeps
Pearlescentmoon's Alien Landscape
Builder : Pearlescentmoon
Series : Hermitcraft Season 9
Propaganda : It's so pretty. The terraforming is gorgeous. The alien plants are stunning. She put diamond blocks and purpur into the build and it looks good. Everything about it is stunning, including the alleyway/abandoned human civilization area. | Took around 2 years to make, regarded as the best hermitcraft build yet, fully detailed and equipped with awesome redstone stuff (flickering lights, doors, custome music discs and more!) The landscape is 100% man made, all the trees and plants are all custom built and the land was terraformed to perfection. AND it has awesome lore: a lost human civilization being investigated by a curious alien. Also it's so cool mojang put it on the bedrock market place
@10piecechickenmcnugget @choliosus @biro-slay @betweenlands @xdsvoid
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uhjpg · 2 years
i HATEEEE applications i want to die
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
I know you probably have a lot on your head, but i need to ask you this ( i absolutely LOVE your writing style and everything<33)
If i could request Hobie x Chubby!Reader, also AFAB, mostly fluff, maybe with a little bit of angst (insecurities hit hard lately) something like that.
Also, if you decide to take the request, take your time, no rush hun (i'll wait as long as i'll have to).
-Take care<33
thank you sm love!! I’m glad you like it! Also whatever hobie says in this is 100% true. Listen to my boy guys
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“You ready yet?” He yelled from outside, you were getting ready in his bathroom to go on a date.
“Give me a sec!” You shouted back, putting on your earrings, and stepping outside.
He turned at the sound of the door, smiling widely.
“You look great.” He said.
“So do you..” you said, smiling back.
“Alright, let’s go.” He said, when a portal suddenly appeared in front of you both.
“Hey guys!! You both look great, but could you watch mayday for a little? It’ll only be like for 2… or 4 hours.. I’m super busy with spiderman stuff and-“
“Well, we would but we’re just about to go on a date-“ you started.
“Great! I’ll pay you when I get back.” He said, handing you mayday, a bag, and quickly leaving.
You looked at Hobie who sighed and shook his head.
“Alright.. well… up to the roof we go!” He said, grabbing mayday and you looked at him in confusion.
“While we can’t have a date at the restaurant, it’s a nice night, we can reschedule. We’ll just have a date.. with mayday I guess.” He said.
You smiled at him “Alright. Cool with me.” The three of you going upstairs and onto the roof.
He put mayday down, as she crawled around the roof. You both sat down, looking at the stars.
Mayday came over to you both and sat down next to you both.
“There’s Sirius. And that’s Cassiopeia.” You pointed to them, showing mayday the stars and constellations.
Hobie smiled at you, and a thought appeared in his head.
It wouldn’t be so bad to have children of your own in the future.
A little after, Mayday fell asleep. You both got up and put her on the couch.
You and Hobie both sat at the dinner table now.
“Sorry I made you get ready for nothin’. You still look stunning though.”
“Ehh.. I don’t know..” you mumbled, messing with the end of your dress.
He looked at you. He knew you were insecure, he knew by the longing stares in the mirror, and when you looked at other people who you thought were pretty.
“Look at me.” He said.
You looked at him.
“Beauty standards are bullshit. We don’t listen to them, yeah? It’s stupid, and you’re so beautiful. Even if you can’t see it, you’re gorgeous. And I will murder anyone else who even thinks otherwise.”
You started to tear up at his speech, and laughing at the end. He wiped away your tears with a smile.
“I love you, alright?”
“I love you.” You kissed him.
“Aww. So cute.” Peters voice made you both jump, he was staring at you both with a smile.
“How long have you been there?”
“Very long. Alright, I will grab mayday and see you two lovebirds later.” He said, grabbing the bag, then mayday and leaving:
You both laughed and smiled at the end of the day. He was right, there was no reason to think about something so small and silly when you have a great life ahead of you.
Tag list:
@enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @ @l-pandamatic-l
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
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allyallyorange · 8 months
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Round 2 of my Ateez Adventure Time AU is here!
Yunho and Jongho are from “Universe Z”, which has no magic and is basically just our world. They are cousins and have a 10 year age gap, in Jongho’s eyes, Yunho is the coolest person ever. In this world, Yunho had his own Mingi, who was his best friend until they were in their last year of high school and Mingi was a victim in a big car accident (also involving Jongho’s parents). Afterwards Yunho didn’t end up going to school and becomes a mechanic. Yunho has a hard time being around Jongho because the kid is so smart and Yunho's parents Love him. Jongho seems to be doing so well and Yunho knows that his parents think that he should also be moving on. Years later, when Yunho is 22 and taking his 12 year old cousin to the library for him to study and do homework, Yunho is reading through some old looking fantasy type book. Suddenly the book lights up and a portal opens up. A guy with pointy ears appears in the portal and Yunho is pulled through.
Jongho, who was 13 when his cousin disappeared, had a bad time. He became obsessed with trying to find him, and spent the next 10 years studying the book he disappeared through, as well as anything else that came up along the way. Over the years he finds that the relics that are talked about in the book are actually real, and then he works to become an antiquarian in order to further study the artifacts. Eventually, he manages to collect 9 gems needed to power the book Yunho had disappeared through, and he is able to travel to “Universe A”. Jongho is now 22, but only a year has passed within Universe A, making Yunho 23/24. When spawning in Universe A, Jongho is not automatically anywhere near Yunho, but he does eventually find a sketchy looking cave, which upon further inspection is the place where Mingi has been frozen in crystal for the past 600 years. Jongho accidentally frees Mingi from his prison, and they slowly become friends, Hongjoong joining them to become a little team (Seonghwa will also join this team at some point).
Wooyoung is a born wizard, about 900 years post-apocalypse era. He specializes in nature related magic. He grew up in a very safe but slightly boring town, practicing spells and fooling around. On a particularly boring day when he’s about 15 years old, Wooyoung decided to browse the forbidden section of the spell books and found a book on dark magic. Wooyoung, being an admittedly just ok wizard, figured he wouldn’t actually be able to successfully pull off any of the spells in the book, and decided to secretly borrow the book back home. He found an interesting spell on summoning a familiar, thinking maybe he’d at least get a cat or something if he did manage to succeed. Instead- for whatever reason- he summoned a full demon, not in the form of a cat or bird or toad or anything, named San.
(UPDATE: Wooyoung has a hobby of building things out of scrap metal, inventing little robots and such. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing most of the time but he sure does make things!)
San is an ice demon created by The Demon King about 800 years post-apocalypse era, who had been hearing about his younger brother’s little fire friend above, and wanted to make his own element creature. Thus San was born (made already physically aged about 14 years old because why would the king want an actual baby). San was a bit of a disappointment for The Demon King, because for whatever reason San was incapable of being evil, so he ended up being basically scrapped for about 100 years. Being a low ranking demon, and also a rather disposable one, when someone above suddenly summoned for a familiar, the demons pretty randomly chose to send San. This exchange also bound Wooyoung to dark magic, allowing him to cast permanent curses. San and Wooyoung end up getting along great, and decide they want to explore beyond Wooyoung’s home town (both around 15 years old physically). They live outdoors, camping in the wild and going on adventures while stopping to help anybody on their way (getting lots of rewards!). After about a year they find an abandoned treehouse which they decide to move into, and they become the local heroes! (Discovering Wooyoung’s ability to curse things was wild. They accidentally cursed some guy to be a tree for all of eternity. No take backs)
8 years later, San starts having visions full of fire and seeing a man with white hair possibly being able to help (his visions are very confusing so he’s not sure). Woosan begin a new mission to try and understand what San’s visions mean, and eventually Wooyoung will figure out how to build a portal that will allow them access to the cosmic dimension, where they will be able to ask for one wish. San goes, and is asks to find the guy with blonde hair who can help stop the fire in his visions. Because wish making is tricky business and San wasn’t clear on the description of this blonde guy, he is given Yunho, who is not the guy in San’s visions (it’s Seonghwa). Wooyoung and San don’t know how to send Yunho back so he ends up having to stay with them. Luckily they all get along and they become a little team. At some point Yeosang will also join this team after being separated from Seonghwa.
Ok that’s it for now! I’m gonna draw more though still because I have so many ideas man
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3v0ny · 2 months
okay okay okay-
this is gonna be a pretty long post with how much I’m gonna ramble so prepare yourselves
hear me out-
you listening?
okay okay
…I made my own rise designs…-
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(INDIVIDUAL DESIGNS + SRUFF BELOW CUT) Eeeeeee!! (YES, LEO IS TALLER- buuuut the order is oldest to youngest so, Donnie is the slightly older twin (Leo denies this))
For all of them I mostly took inspiration from both pre- and post-shredder designs from the show.
Individual ramblings now!!
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For the big guy, not a whole lot changed! There’s a lot of common design choices: big spiky tail, damage to one eye, etc.
I did however want to bring back the white bandages from pre-shredder, since he was the only brother to have them. I also thought he needed more red in his design, so I sprinkled a bit extra in there.
I moved the X bandage on his plastron down to his knee since the crack took up a decent amount of space.
The scar on his leg I imagine is from an incident from when they were still pretty young, like someone accidentally playing somewhere not safe, and something falls so he jumped in and got sliced. Raph will always protect his little brothers <3 Big body for a big heart.
Also instead of Leo becoming the full leader after Raph, I think they do best in a co-leadership (ofc with input from both Donnie and Mikey, they all listen to each other). Stepping in when the other needs it and both of them being able to be more silly at times.(they both deserve it)
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He probably has the most changes/design features-
It might be a tad uncommon, but I made Donnie a lot bulkier than Leo. Personally, I think his battle shell would be REALLY HEAVY and since they’re bioengineered super-soldiers, he put on some muscle. It wouldn’t just be his battle shell either- this version is very into mechanical engineering and builds big stuff, lifting heavy metal all day. The mechanical engineering is also why his hands are ALWAYS DIRTY. he wouldn’t be bothered by it since he’s just used to it by now, but his hands are practically permanently stained with oil and grease. (He has a bad habit of wiping his face while working- which makes his mask always dirty too)
he got the scars on his forearms from a little lab accident when he was fairly young- there was a failure in some wiring and it caused some components of what he was working on to explode, so his hands + lower arms are lighter in color from the scarring.
now his markings were fun to come up with. OF COURSE the iconic chin stripe had to be there, but I ended up making all of his markings symmetrical, as well as more continuous lines. (The markings on the sides of his face continue until about his eyebrows and originate from the shoulders)
as a trade-off for making Don short and stockier, I made him the older twin :) He’s also more of a heavy hitter like Raph, with the ability to summon an entire artillery and all that.
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Leo is pretty lanky! I wanted him to be built more for speed and chaos (it’s what he’s best known for imo). Along with being the fastest, he’s also the family medic- as many others have done (wow so original)
one thing I don’t really see super often is him wearing a leg/knee brace, and I mean for pretty much forever. Along with the shell scuff wiping away the patterns on it, I think he’d need some kind of permanent ’crutch’ to be at 100% again. (Both injuries from Kraang) (if he’s having an off-day where his leg is flaring up, he just relies on his portals more)
even if he had his shell markings scraped off, he got some new stripes! (Again the iconic chin stripes) new ones have appeared and some of the older yellow ones now have a hint of red. (Now 3 per arm and 2 per leg)
Also traded his single cross-body strap for a full X, for dual wielding his katanas. (It’s just more secure- especially with how quickly he moves around and all of the flashy tricks along the way)
He most definitely runs it Donnie’s face that he’s taller (and Donnie always responds with how he’s stronger) (then Leo goes to speed- etc. etc.)
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so, obviously, Mikey has scars from opening the portal to save Leo. (He and Donnie match <3) but now his plastron stickers ALSO mimic scars from his other brothers! Red crack for raph and blue stripes where the worst of Leo’s scuff is on his shell. Why? Because Mikey is the one that holds the family together, and it makes him feel further connected to his brothers.
speaking of connection- his ninpo is now so intense that his markings ignite in flames. Thus, his mask(s) are always charred. The eye-holes are larger (freckles are what ignite it) and the tails have sudden jagged cutoffs + holes.
for his gear, he wanted some nice leather instead of black or orange straps. (Donnie fire-proofed it, but when he asked if Mikey wanted to do the same for his masks he refused- he enjoys the new style) he now has a cross-body strap (like Leo used to) and leg straps for his nunchucks.
also like Leo, he’s more lanky for his gymnastics and wild fighting-style. They’ve both got the agile build, as Mikey is 2nd fastest. I also gave him a short and stubby tail- it’s too cute!
okay I’m finally done I think- thanks for letting me word vomit <3
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averagetmntfan · 6 months
(yeah I copy pasted it from the other acc, don’t sue me)
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wassup! Finally, a master post! Am I right?
hi there! I’m Jayah! You can call me jj tho. I’m js here to post a bunch of fun art and maybe some animation stuff? And occasionally, fan fiction >:). I am GenderFluid, and I go by all pronouns. And my sexuality is lesbian! (But I am also aroace)
and my lil gay ass miiiiiiight be possibly maybe simping for someone rn..?? (*cough* a literally drawing)
I also have 12 roleplay blogs! @leontheluxuriousone , @wrecking-it-raphie @gayass-blueberry-mugman, @bendy-the-dancing-doofus, @koi-the-cosplay-boy, @improv-master-mikey , @ask-miss-maple-leaf ,@blue-masked-simp , @mikey-the-magnificent , @no-ditches-no-bitches , @candy-for-the-win and @ask-olive-huchers
my current hyper fixations are: rottmnt, tadc, TBT(trolls: band together/trolls 3), The great north, bobs burgers, the cuphead show, moon girl and devil dinosaur, amphibia, the owl house, tmnt 12, cuphead and mugman in General, KREW, poppy playtime, and a SHIT TON MORE-
btw I swear quite a lot on this, so if that isn’t ur thing, u should click off.
and here’s my sona ref!
DISCLAIMER: please don’t send me werid asks, or gross inappropriate content. I’m a minor.
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100 DTIYS!!
• FANART!!: •
Leo goober(@ghosty-0w0)
PRINCESS KOI FR (@mikey-rottmnt)
MY BABIES- (@allyheart707)
MY SONS<333 (@mikey-rottmnt)
The sand.
shopping day! (discontinued)
1 2 3
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The 4 servants Au:
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Chapter 1 (ongoing)
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 pt.8 pt.9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 (currently on hiatus)
The 4 turtles work peacefully at a competing hotel with the battle nexus, with their beloved father. But one day, everything spirals out of control! And their worlds get flipped upside down! Follow Leo, Donnie, Raph & Mikey on the journey of a life time! And who knows, they might meet some friends along the way, or maybe more…
Pissed off peeps >:[
brace face!!
• FICS: •
Colour theory thingy sorta??
Leo being a dumb-dumb
what do the bros do outside of the hotel??
Mikey needs a hug
does raph break stuff often?
Do the bros like Lou Jitsu movies?
How do they feel about working there?
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Time beats a dead man
(Collab au w/ @mikey-rottmnt!!)
A silly cuphead and mugman au Abt uh..a lot of stuff. (Heavily inspired by babtqftim)
picky eater
get served! ..or, maybe later..
portals gone wrong!! 1 2 3
Secret admirer<3
the struggles of school
Is it salad?
• HC’S that are canon in this silly au: •
Cups and mugs (cups are not Canon)
How to hug the gang!!
Human mugs doodles
chip and Dale!!
Koi and mugs being gay
Rock paper scissors
• some lore: •
mugs lore
Hs! Mugs and euro…
Mug and cup lore
Main crews fav ice cream!!
cup lore (belongs to Ari)
Favourite drinks!
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(Coming soon..?)
“Small turtle, and even bigger problems.”
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white out is probably one of the more notable episodes of she ra bc it's just catra at her absolute worst behavior, like objectively the portal had far greater consequences but i think the cold got to her in this one bc she's such a fucking menace. "looks like you're mine now adora" "always so perfect, look at you now. you're coming back to the horde under my command" "i wonder which of your friends i'll have you annihilate first" "I'VE GOT CONTROL OVER ADORA. I'M NOT GIVING THAT UP." like when corrupted she ra throws catra at the ground like a ragdoll she deserves it, 100%, no questions asked. there isn't even a time/space anomaly making catra act up, they just put her in outpost 31 from the thing with her ex and suddenly she's the homoerotic joker.
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even scorpia's briefly like "ahahah maybe i don't want to have a crush on catra after all" bc she's acting like such a freak. but also scorpia spends the entire episode trying to ask catra out, and tells adora, "you two, even when you're trying to kill each other, you can tell there's a real bond" and she is JEALOUS of that?? actually you know what this is also a catradora at their worst behavior episode too, like the way they immediately start trash talking and then ditch everyone to scrap the second they see each other is beyond unprofessional. catra's favorite number is canonically 42069 (confirmed by nate stevenson) and adora knows this by heart. if those two idiots were in the same room for five minutes while adora's on loopy mode the show would actually just end, and this episode fucking KNOWS it and refuses to give us the satisfaction. bro. scorpia telling loopy adora that catra is misunderstood and shouldn't SHE know that better than anyone else is just like. wow. ouch. rude. scorpia is actually the mvp of this episode she straight up judges adora to her FACE for abandoning catra and swears not to do the same, even though honestly she probably should, because catra fucking SUCKS in this one. scorpia reveals that "catra once used my rock-hard exoskeleton as a nail file" why?? why would you let this happen?? stop simping she's not worth it!! but scorpia is still the mvp bc at the end of the episode she just straight-up realizes that catra is out of her goddamn mind and breaks the 'controlling she ra' disk for catra's own good bc clearly something about low temps and her ex makes catra go 25% more feral than usual and it's pretty cringe. it's like when i dispose of the dead fly my cat has been antagonizing for the past twenty minutes like babygirl i don't like the person you become when you're in these conditions!! and of course OF COURSE we get literally two seconds of sober wordless communication between catra and adora that's just like ohhhh adora's gonna remember this one, you're going to be doing the dishes for the first fifteen years of your relationship once this galactic war shit wraps up and you save the universe by kissing with tongue. oh my god, what the fuck is with this show. how does this show exist. how does this episode exist. how does catra exist. they put this gay catgirl in an environment under 32 degrees farenheit for one episode and it's enough to make her say some of the most toxic, deranged dialogue in the entire series. i think soup would fix her, and also a cocktail of psychiatric medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. she sneezes like a kitten and needs a weighted blanket in the evil uber away from cringefail summit as she's mentally drafting the 'i fucked up' email to her boss. she thanks scorpia and shares the blanket with her bc she's so exhausted by her own bullshit. she ra and the princesses of power season 2 episode 5 white out is for the cold gay heartbroken bitches and it might just be one of the series' best. looks like you're mine now adora, good fucking night.
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gwen-tolios · 2 years
10 Ace Books For Ace Week
As an ace author and reader, I'm all for more examples of rep to read and authors to support. Below are just a few of my favs, but I have a larger list here: Gwen's Ace Book Recs and you're always welcome to hit me up for recs!
1) The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee. Felicity is aro/ace and I love how up in your face her aceness is. A true integral part of the character. You know right away she'd rather pursue science than marriage & then whoops! She's tangled with pirates. While it's the second in a series, they're world series so there's no need to read book 1 to understand this one. (I think this one is better anyway.) https://bookshop.org/books/the-lady-s-guide-to-petticoats-and-piracy/9780062795335
2) Common Bonds. While actually an anthology with an aro focus, there's also ace rep and I love how varied this collection is. So many aro and ace stories all bundled up neatly is still such a dream. https://bookshop.org/books/common-bonds-a-speculative-aromantic-anthology/9781775312970
3) Making Love by Aidan Wayne. Thinking about this, it might be the first book I've read where the ace character wasn't also aro. It's about an ace cupid trying to help someone find love, and missing a fair amount of cues. It's a fluff dream. https://www.amazon.com/Making-Love-Aidan-Wayne-ebook/dp/B01MRA15MR
4) Returning to You by Gwen Tolios. A friends-to-lovers romance between two women, both of whom are bi, where one is ace and one is aro. Be prepared for a fair amount of family drama from both sides (including fake dating!) https://www.amazon.com/Returning-You-Gwen-Tolios-ebook/dp/B0B4FDYNP6/
5) How to Be Ace by Rebeca Burgess. Memoir graphic novel full of experiences that I could relate to that's good to share with local aces or allos. My local ace community has 100% passed around a copy of this. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9781787752153
6) Tarnished are the Stars by Rossie Thor. This book got a lot of support from the ace community, it's own voices and has quite a bit of queer rep. If you like steampunk, but want it in space, this is for you. https://bookshop.org/books/tarnished-are-the-stars/9781338312270
7) Hazel's Theory of Evolution by Lisa Jenn Bigelow. Aro/ace MC, but it's so casually queer w/ other identities and disabled rep. I love it. Noteworthy for being an MG read. I'm so glad to see ace rep hitting middle schoolers. https://bookshop.org/books/hazel-s-theory-of-evolution/9780062791177
8) Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire. This is the first time I saw 'asexual' in a book, and for that it will always be dear to me. This launches a great series about children who have returned from portal-fantasy adventures and the trade versions all have amazing illustrations. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9780765385505
9) Simply an Enigma by Brittany Evans and Chelsea Lauren. I'll admit I have a love-hate relationship with this book, but it's such an accurate portrayal of the journey to identifying as ace it has a permanent place on my shelf. https://bookshop.org/a/55449/9781732464315
10) Three Stupid Weddings by Ann G. Cute, short romance about bringing a friend to weddings as your date and oh! You're now a couple by summer's end. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41070264-three-stupid-weddings
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stephiethewephie · 2 months
My Prediction for Ace Trappola’s Signature Spell
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“Ace in the Hole”
Ace casts the spell on 2 “ace” cards and places them far from each other. When Ace steps on one of the cards, the singular suit on the card tears opens and expands into a rabbit hole like the one Alice fell in. Ace and/or someone else jumps into the rabbit hole and arrives out of another hole made by the second card. Kind of like portals.
It lasts for around 10-20 seconds depending on the distance and can transport as many people in that time frame as needed. After the time is up, the cards disappear for good. The distance of the cards also can’t surpass 100 meters and can’t pass through a magical barrier. If someone is unable to get to the other side before the time ends… Ace has not figured that out yet.
I think it would be a cool way to incorporate his association with cards and the famous rabbit hole that connects the real world to Wonderland. Plus Ace would definitely take advantage of the spell to get out of situations and responsibilities that he does not want to be in (I imagine him having enchanted ace cards all around campus and on his person).
Plus, maybe it can be a way to transport Yuu from their world to Twisted Wonderland if it’s not technically considered a magical barrier between them (or maybe I’m getting my hopes up).
Let me know your thoughts!
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random-refuge · 2 years
ROTTMNT Fic Recs part 2
Here is the follow up I promised to my first ROTTMNT fic recs post which you can find here where I list my recommended works with a completed status.
These are some of my recommendations for ongoing fics. Just another reminder that Leo and Donnie are my favs so I gravitate towards fics focusing on them more than the others.
Like Father Like Son by eternalglitch
I feel like this fic doesn’t even need an introduction. It’s the most popular ROTTMNT fic on AO3 right now with a ton of fan art and videos dedicated to it. But in case you haven’t heard of it basically Leo gets kidnapped by Draxum and forced to do his bidding and a lot of physical/ psychological abuse ensues while his brothers desperately try to find and save him.
A Twin Thing by minumi 
This fic centers around the disaster twins and the special bond they have even though Donnie will say it’s impossible for them to have such a bond since they aren’t actually twins. Each chapter takes place in a different time in the boys’ lives so we get some turtle tot content. Has some lovely autistic Donnie moments though the author is clear they are drawing from their own experiences so it may not speak to everyone.
 Separate Times by QueerBadBitch
When future Mikey opens a portal to the past, future Leo accidentally gets flung through it by an explosion while the 16 year old him ends up in the future. There is a lot of great angst, wonderful moments between the displaced Leos and their family from the past/ future plus some really heart wrenching disaster twin content. The author takes some liberties so it’s not 100% canon compliant. This is also the first fic to have gotten me curious about Leosagi as Usagi is future Leo’s husband, though he isn’t in the story too much. The author has some great side stories for the fic including how Leo and Usagi met.
A World of Samurais and Ninjas by Annonnie 
This was the fic that made me get on board the Leosagi train. It’s an AU where Mikey accidentally transports Leo from the prison dimension to another universe occupied by a young Usagi (Miyamoto Usagi, not Yuichi). The interactions between Leo and Usagi are unbelievably cute, I love Usagi’s characterization as he is quite mature but also acts like a bit of an idiot when he’s in love. It also has some chapters focusing on the family grieving their loss and it’s very well done, especially Donnie who is going mildly crazy 😏
 51st Day by frudence_the_loredaughter 
Okay here is a Leosagi fic for my Yuichi Usagi lovers. This fic takes place after the second Season of Samurai Rabbit and after the events of the ROTTMNT movie. Usagi accidentally ends up in Leo’s world and they have to figure out a way to send him back home, though it’s also hinted that he may have been sent there for a reason. Has one of the cutest/ funniest meet cutes between our two idiots plus some very fun language barrier content as Yuichi speaks only Japanese while everyone in Leo’s family other than Splinter only speak English or ASL.
 call me here (i will appear) by gayneku 
An AU where Leo dies in the prison dimension and comes back as a ghost. Honestly I can’t say much else without spoiling it but it’s got some really wonderful angst and I especially like the characterization of Donnie grieving the loss of Leo. The author also has some wonderful additional content for the fic here 
 Fallout by GauntletKnight 
SO MUCH ANGST! ALL OF THE ANGST! This is one of two post movie recovery fics I’m gonna recommend. It takes place during and directly after Leo gets pulled from the prison dimension. Each chapter is from the pov of a different brother. Draxum is in this one and he’s trying to be a good dad and has some nice scenes. Very little comfort in this fic, honestly it just keeps getting worse and I LOVE IT 😈
The Aftermath by Starrcrossrose
Another fic dealing with the aftermath of the movie. This one takes place about 2 months after the invasion and it’s just angst angst angst, horrible coping mechanisms, angst angst, Donnie being absolutely done with Leo’s bullshit, more angst AND OH GOD WHERE’S THE CONFORT IT JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE and I love it! Make my boys suffer suffer suffer
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Like take a look at the masterful disaster twin content this fic provides:
“He felt like his heart was tearing, and even deeper, he felt something else breaking apart. Like someone had gripped the very essence of his being and was determined to destroy it. He’d felt his brother - his twin - leave the earth, and knew without a doubt that when and if he died, he’d feel that too.”
Never Do That Again by DiscowingSuit
This one has Leo stuck in a time loop for the events of the movie where he has the  pleasure of getting killed over and over and over again! Very little comfort in this fic so far, mostly just hurt and angst. Trigger warnings for somewhat graphic depictions of violence and dead bodies.
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by Dandy 
This fic has just started but the premise has me hooked. A yokai rips Leo’s soul from his body and he has to find a way to undo it. His brothers don’t know magic is at play so he’s desperately trying to communicate with them in ghostly form while they grieve over his unresponsive body. Has some great Donnie vs Raph content I haven’t seen much of in the fandom.
 I’m very angry, actually by Cowboy0505 
I’m recommending this fic because I love the concept and really want to see more like it. In this fic the purple dragon kidnap Donnie’s brothers in hopes of using them in exchange for his tech. It’s in it’s early stages as the chapters are quite short but so far I’m enjoying it.
Fair warning that this fic only updates every 2-3 months but omg is it good. Leo’s sword gets shattered while he is in the process of teleporting which results in him being unable to reform. I don’t want to say much else cause I don’t want to spoil it but it has some fantastic angst and plays out like an adventure story once it really gets going. You’ll also notice that ParvumAutomaton is one of the writers and if you liked either of the fics by them that I recommended in my original post then I guarantee this one won’t disappoint.
 Picking up the Pieces by Andromedabrown, GalacticDreamer, ParvumAutomaton
 Very Thoughtful by theashemarie 
This is a wonderful fic that explores Donnie’s low-empathy written by an author who is autistic and has low empathy. It’s a beautiful character study and I love it so much. So far all the chapters take place when the boys are young so it has some super cute turtle tot content and the most recent chapter has Donnie meeting April for the first time.
 warmly in the dark by bobtheacorn 
A disaster twins centric fic that just makes me go
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Just some unbelievably heart-warming content. Donnie’s autistic characteristics are heavily featured and chapter 3 is especially hilarious, feeling very much like it could be an actual episode of the series.
  One Two Three (Four) by CringePhase 
Okay, fair warning that this fic hasn’t updated since September and prior to that it hadn’t updated since 2020 so I’m not certain if it’s abandoned or if the author is just slower to update. This fic features Donnie being kidnapped and brainwashed by Draxum to believe Draxum is his dad and he cannot remember his brothers. Despite the gloomy premise it has some really hilarious great dialogue that feels very in character, some wonderful moments between Donnie and his other 3 brothers including a whole chapter dedicated to Mikey and Donnie as well as the disaster twins going head to head in a fight (Leo’s fucking pissed y’all). It also features Huginn and Muninn quite heavily and OMG WHY DO AUTHORS NOT INCLUDE THESE TWO IN MORE FICS THEY ARE JUST THE BEST!
Anyway that’s all for now. I’ll edit this post to @ all the fanfic authors I mentioned who have tumblr accounts later.
@wicked-elfie​ @dandylovesturtles
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veveisveryuncool · 7 months
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6. cmonn... its kirby. kirby from kirby. he's such a wonderful fellow and so awe inspiring and cute and manifestation of love and friendship. he's a bonus but how could you not love him.
5. pitch!!!!! i love him i love him i love him. og birb with g r e e n colors and squeaky little design. plus he's super fun to use in DL3 :] to me he is a 7 year old kid who wants to be included with the big kids, and tries to act all cool and tough to impress them (but he really just loves his mama). i like drawing him with giant ahoges/head feathers, as well as giving him that long side-beak that i'm pretty sure i got from pato from pocoyo??
4. susie is amazing and wonderful and has a beautifully complex character that more people need to recognize!!! she's a capitalist and constantly has a condescending sales representative demeanor, but at heart she's just a playful girl who loves pink and ice cream and her dad that never got to have a full childhood to experience them. ALSO cyborg susie! i like to think her father let her choose one body modification each year on her birthday, but after the portal incident, she's been giving herself so many alterations that she's barely organic anymore (her voice is very AI sounding to me). uhh i like drawing her with little stars on her cuffs, and as of late i've been making her hair very fluffy (it has the same texture of a barbie doll)
3. RIBBON AAAA!!!!!!!!! i'll admit as a kid i did not like her but god she is a joy. that is a little girl! look at her! i love the idea of her being just a weird little chihuahua girl who performs seances regularly and knows the entire history of weaponry. also her being the crystal knight/guardian of ripple star headcanon!!! 🗣️🗣️ she is 100% the queen's adopted sister prove me wrong. lastly, i try to draw her as heart-shaped as possible— wings, head, hair, bow, eye highlights all vaguely resemble a heart and that is my biggest rule when i draw her. her little coat thing is inspired by @//somethinginworl 's design <33
2. bandana dee is my heart and soul and we tolerate ZERO disrespect for him here. even in canon, he's got one of the most well-defined personalities and backstories for a non-villain character! (in my heart he is the waddle dee from 64 and you can pry this from me with my cold dead hands) he's grown sososo much and i love how hal recognizes his development :]]] he may never amount to the same power as kirby, but goddammit if he doesn't have a heart and will of a true warrior 💜 i don't have a lot of idiosyncratic design choices since he's such a simple character, but his bandana ears must always be HUGE you hear me.
1. um. if you can't tell. i am very normal about adeleine. her moves in SA are super fun to use (and challenging), and oh my goshhhh the angst potential here. i am begging hal to bring her back in future games, especially with the more ancients-focused lore being incorporated recently. at heart though, i just really adore seeing her draw and paint amidst all these magical creatures in her life <3 she's slightly shy but super passionate, and is definitely kirby's big sister with her advice (especially in the storybooks!) and nicknames for him (kir-kun/kirbs in the manga). i caved long ago and gave her curtain bangs, and i really like dressing her up and experimenting with different outfits! *breathes heavily* the happy little artist kid makes me a very happy little artist kid 🫶
thanks for listening to my ramblings! in all honesty all of the kirby characters are my favorites and choosing just 5 is very hard and thought-inducing! :]
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markantonys · 9 months
for the LOVE of GOD, the girls are NOT going back to the tower in season 3!!! what about "season 2 is an amalgamation of books 2&3 and season 3 is book 4" do people not understand! they have completed their Tower Arc Amalgamation! they have no in-world reason or narrative need to return! their next step is to embark on their TSR roadtrips! it is not efficient storytelling to hurtle them all the way back to the tower from falme, have them stay for one (1) week and half (.5) an episode just so that egwene and elayne can take the accepted tests they DO NOT ACTUALLY NEED TO TAKE in order for the rest of the story to work, and then hurtle them off again on their roadtrips, rather than just going straight off on said roadtrips from falme! especially since the entire rest of egwene's travel party is already conveniently gathered with her at falme and ready to head out! do you want the poor woman to wander around the desert for ages looking for the rest of the party since she went there separately from them?
tldr: "the girls will return to the tower in s3" is the Poorly-Thought-Out Reader Assumption That Makes Me Irrationally Angry of season 3, in the same way that flicker flicker & portal stones were for s2 djfkgh i become arthur clenching fist meme every time i see it said! (note that this outburst is 100% brought to you by r/wotshow, i haven't really seen much of this assumption on tumblr. you guys are safe from my wrath!)
(also, same for mat - this is less prevalent but i've seen a fair number of people saying recently that he will get dagger-sick AGAIN and go back to the tower AGAIN, purely so that he can meet gawyn & galad and have his fight with them, even though said fight could be made to happen in literally any place & time and it would make no sense to shoehorn mat back to the tower for s3 when he's already completed his Tower Amalgamation Arc and is ready to go to the waste)
(also also, same for "3x01 will open with them taking the stone of tear." NO!!!! why would they hurtle everyone over to tear and construct a giant-ass set for a single episode before sending everyone off on their roadtrips? be serious! tear will not appear until a later point in the story, when there is time to spend multiple episodes there!)
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naomistares · 5 months
In ch20 of gtn lab 2 (avulsion trial) is described as having a lattice of thick black steel between the first half of the room and the second. The first half is like a metal platform on struts with a flight of stairs down to the grate. The lattice retracts into the ceiling via switch. The second half is described as a long space (at least 100 metres) that feels like stepping into a pipe, mostly because of the shape of the ceiling. There's a yellow black hazard line painted on the near side about a metre from the end of the stairs. It's the only way you can tell where the effect starts. At the far end is a metal plinth with a clear glass/plex box on top. The whole room is grey except for the paint line.
That's what's in the book about the room itself - hope it's helpful!
There's also a little bit about the foyer before it, not sure if you wanted that? I'll send it in a separate ask.
wow... i will be needing to look up some words! but i think i pretty much got it, but do you (or anyone) know if the barrier thing had an appearance? or was it just.. invisible.??? or like a portal 😭 in my head its like a glowing wall you can walk through and that is slightly see through from the outside
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glowingmin · 4 months
chapter 53 of this is an adjuration but its (moderately) analyzed
hi everyone we need to talk about chapter 53 aka i’m going to talk about it and you are going to listen. spoilers for the not only the entire chapter (btw i’m gonna be going crazy) but basically chapters 39 to 53 too. also yes i will be talking about all 100+ footnotes and yes i am going to be mad theorizing throughout. we cite our sources in this bitch.
first off: we’re starting off with Red being dead! fantastic! already in tears again thank you Vio. But now we get a different point of view, which is a lot more detailed. Makes sense because 1: vio and 2: four.
footnote 1: the implications of the hesitation. followed by footnote 76. green is an interesting critter. Red clearly is worried about dying, about becoming nothing if their sword is lost (footnote 93). From what I’m understanding, Vio and maybe Blue also felt the same during the sealing? Not too sure about Blue.
But also this comes back with when they go to pull the sword again! All of Link is in agreement (footnote 101). Which includes Green. Does existing again as Link where they don’t all fit back together perfectly help this along? 
“Shadows grow, harsh and angular, a myriad of isosceles shards spilling out in a tiled plane. The power of them thrums, climes up Vio’s spine in a way that is so very familiar.”
Is Twilight’s shard the same Darkness as Shadow? As the Dark Mirror? I know nothing about twilight princess so I’m probably not qualified to theorize on it. Spoiler alert we're doing it anyways. The wording of shadows here, shadows being used, makes me think that it Has to be the same thing. Especially since Vio says that it feels familiar.
The portals that are taking them across time, whether caused by Hylia or Dink or Hyrule or Whoever Else is playing Tug of Link, also seem to be this dark magic. I don’t remember Vio saying that feels similar. So there has to be some sort of difference between types of dark magic.
revision glowmin here: did some twilight princess research. Apparently Twilight and Vio can shake hands on a friend breaking a mirror and disappearing. they should start a club. 
footnote 2: Red and Vio bonding about Shadow! the pain of ‘when that happens, i’ll be right there’. but!! red isn’t here anymore!! christ!! “He’s good at that. Putting his feelings into metaphorical little boxes where they can’t touch him. Where they can sit and wait until he is no longer, and Link can take the boxes and open them up and the piece that is Vio can examine them under the safety of being a fragment, of being less-than-entire, of being whole, of being One.”
lets talk about this paragraph for a second. Link will no longer exist again. this is Unhealthy Coping 101 lads. He can’t be Link anymore to sort through all of those emotions (I figure Red is normally the one doing the mental housekeeping there anyways). So its going to sit in those boxes and rot there. Will it eventually explode? It sure seems like it during Ravio’s time travel dissertation! 
footnote 3: king link the first. Sky? is Sky the king link mentioned here? like ik he’s the first in the Reincarnation thingie. is link doomed to be the hero because he was named after the king? if he’d been named bob would he have been spared? hmmmm. i mean Sky is literally mentioned in the sentence the footnote is linked to so.
“(...) it would be so easy to think that it was a piece of the King himself that died.” 
but when you think about it, its true. the reincarnation stuff. Four is a Link. Four is a reincarnation of Sky. A part of him just died. So technically yes, I think thats literal.
“Oh. Blue. Blue is here. He can breathe now.”
“He blinks the blurriness out of his vision, to see Blue (his Blue, his guardian, his safety, his wall of ice between them and the world)”
“Of course he has to spell this out for him. Nothing can ever be easy with this man.”
the dual sides of the Vio opinion of one berry boy. The wall of ice though. Is that a callback to Blue being frozen solid in the FSA manga? And how Red had to save him? I notice there’s a lot of elemental imagery in the color-pov’s; green in particular about being comparable to the wind. 
footnote 4:Absolute whiplash of a contrast to footnote 2. We go from Red offering to hear Vio talk about Shadow to chapter 39. chapter 39 my beloathed my sleep paralysis demon. The last thing Vio says to Red.
And we know context for why Red died. Red thought that Dink was Shadow. He offers the benefit of the doubt to Dink under that assumption. Even though Vio just spat at him, even though Vio is pulling away, Red is still trying. It gets him killed. If Vio figures out that information, I feel like it’ll be a terrible time.
“Vi isn’t… isn’t really sure which outcome would be worse. Either one would be better than this limbo, this waiting and floating and his body’s instinctive attempts to make him feel.”
emotions can’t touch me these shades are gucci - vio, probably. also I didn’t realize that Vio was still holding Red’s hand when they tried to become One again. 
“After that, it’s as simple as wanting, of believing that to not be would be better than being, of feeling the thin tether of magic between himself and the gem in the pommel of his sword, and trying to make it stop. (...) Blue scoops up Red’s sword, the only bit of him left behind but his spilled blood, and two glowing points of red cut through the haze.”
foreshadowing?? foreshadowing?? i don’t remember if any other colors have commented on the tether between their swords and themselves. with that out of the way lets Talk about the difference between Vio and Blue’s thoughts of merging and then we’re getting into my Red Isn’t Dead coping theory
From chapter 40: “The three of them come to him, pushing at the magic and praying to anyone who might be kind enough to listen. There’s a flash of light, and Blue braces himself for the momentarily disorienting experience of becoming One, of having himself overwritten as a part from which the sum is made.
So we know from chapter 53 in particular that Vio has not great self imagery. like not at all. His thoughts of becoming one is summarized in that “believing that to not be would be better than being”. Blue, on the other hand, doesn’t have that thought. It’s a bit more vague, but it’s still enough to notice that merging seems to feel different for all the colors (or at the very least Blue and Vio have different interpretations).
The 2 gems on Red’s sword are glowing, and for the rest its just 1. I didn’t know that was a Thing until chapter 53. so here is my thought: where do the colors come from, actually? This chapter is implying that they are an extension of their swords. Are they physical magic, forced into a ‘body’? So hear me out on this one because I went and reread some of the other chapters to formulate this theory (i am coping hard).
What if: Red isn’t dead. He’s not alive, but not dead. Chapter 41: “Sky sees now, with horrible clarity, the similarity between the glow of the twin gemstones set in the pommel and cross guard of the sword, ruby red like his eyes were, and the sky blue pulsing light of Fi’s consciousness (...) Sky does not know if Red is conscious, if he is aware. He does not even know if he even is anymore. He knows only that Red is dead, and whatever remains of him is inside of that blade.”
First time I read this I was still in tears about Red dying so it didn’t make sense. I’ll be coming back to this theory later but for now let’s leave it at ‘red might not be fully dead he might just be in a coma’.
footnote 5: christ time travel makes my head hurt. i’m looking at it i promise i’m looking at it but the brain is rejecting the knowledge like gas station sushi.
footnote 7: ‘magical intervention for dead patients’ you mean the fucking necromancy
footnote 8: thesaurus dot com save me /reference
“What does he think? Of the situation? Of the idea that he has to live like this indefinitely? Of the reality in which Vio lives? Of the fact that this has happened twice now?”
Thoughts are stored in the Vio. the ‘twice now’ really hits hard. going to have a cry break again.
footnote 9: SHIT there isn’t a body either time. both times there’s some Item left behind; the shattered Dark Mirror, Red’s sword. but that’s not enough. good grief this is some trauma
remember the theory i literally just mentioned? here’s another point. I’m unsure how much of FSA manga is canon to adjuration (ik its not canon in LU shut up) but at the end we see very well that Shadow is still alive-ish.
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Now hear me out: what if this is the same situation for Red? Alive, but no longer able to interact with the real world? Palace of the Four Sword lore from the Ravio cooking show?? put a pin in it we’re coming back later
““I think that creating a chain of alternative realities would be exactly the kind of thing I’d do to get them back. I think that I’d do whatever it takes, break whatever it takes, until all five of us, were together and home, and safe.” Green nods, and Vio knows that he has been overruled. “We go forward, into whatever fate awaits. We’re going to find who did this, and we’re going to kill them.””
Green doesn’t even ask Blue, now that i’m looking at it. that probably spurred a fight at some point off screen?? Also Vio mentioning five here!! and nobody questions it! I’m guessing they think Vio is out of it because Red is dead and that’s why nobody asked. remember this quote it’s going to be important later.
footnote 10: Green can’t lie? i’m gonna have to reread a bit to see that in a new light. Does Green actually want Shadow back? i hope so i think that would be cool.
“Vio nods. Wind can touch him. Wind is kind, Wind is safe. Wind is robed in blue and just as lovingly violent. Wind is a known quantity.”
Blue is also called a protector multiple times in this chapter and i think thats sweet. bittersweet, but sweet. stark contrast to Vio’s opinion in footnote 6 and between footnotes 3-4.vio honey the opinions aren’t staying in those boxes you made you need a U-haul.
footnote 11: i love these domestic colors moments they’re so. good
““I need you to get your shit together, can you do that for me?” Directions unclear, too broad.”
i am not going to make the joke i am Not going to make the joke
footnote 12: never even watched lttp gameplay but i looked it up just for this footnote. rosetta stone hylian edition real
footnote 13: seeing red. i see what you did there.
““...we lost Blue?” Not another, not a third, Vio can’t do this again, he can’t see that again.”
Green pea please be more specific you aren’t helping things. Considering that just a few paragraphs ago Vio was calling Blue their guardian, I would like to think that Vio is instantly going worst case scenario. and who can blame him, really?
footnote 14: heehoo shadow got thanos snapped, more trauma on the vio boat
footnote 15: I’m not sure how much minish cap is in Adjuration lore but him training at a young age makes him being picked to repair the picori blade more reasonable. because why else would you send a child into the wilderness without any help. he got like 2 years of training He’s Fine.
footnote 16: footnote 84 callback
“Wind is blue and water, and he feels just like a big brother should. (...) Green has his voice, has blown it away with his already made up mind.”
More elemental imagery for the colors! And its also being applied to Wind, who wears Blue, and is being compared to Blue.
footnote 17: i couldn’t find any reference of something called a ‘tracking hawk’ other than something that happens in twilight princess apparently? so maybe that’s what this is referencing.
footnote 18: hesitation to smash the Dark Mirror shaking hands with hesitation to put the Four Sword back in its pedestal? also your daily reminder that in the manga TINGLE contributes to why Vio didn’t smash the mirror
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footnote 19: is this Blue perception in the memory? about the ice? maybe.
footnote 20: vio picture perfect memory canon.
“A flash of blue. Blue? No, Wind, screaming and disemboweling a moblin three times his size, an unmoving obstacle between Vio and what had been his certain death.”
From chapter 42: “The rest of them all be fucking damned, Wind is getting Vio out of this alive.”
just figured this little nod to that would be important to point out. Wind goes big brother mode and I’m here for it.
footnote 21: tragedy + time = comedy reference maybe? I figure Blue has had some time to cool down by killing monsters, so that’s probably why he’s able to muster a joke. if it was even on purpose
footnote 22: A field guide on first aid would honestly be really good for the colors/Link to know. especially if minish cap is fully in Adjuration canon. I don’t know how well Ezlo would be for administering hylian first aid in the field.
footnote 23: from FSA manga, vio: “Because I was ‘the smart one’ I thought I was always right. I learned ‘smart’ and ‘wise’ aren’t always the same’. Concussion is definitely going to put some struggle on the braincell.
footnote 24: Is Vio the only color capable of lying?
“Vio sighs, and melts into the warmth, the scent of the Dark. It is familiar and it is safe and he is free to go away.”
THE Dark? Implication that there’s only One Type, so. scratch whatever nonsense I was on earlier about there maybe being different types of Dark, ig. 
footnote 25: MINISH CAP MENTIONED!!!!!!!!!
footnote 26: more domestic color moments. Is their home labeled ‘four’? I’m assuming it is because there is an ‘r’ and ‘u’ and each color is painting 1 letter.
theory number three time: what the piss is going on at four’s house. from chapter 44: “Even still, Legend could swear that he saw the handle turn as he drops.” and then chapter 53: “Even still, Vio knows that he sees the door handle turn.” we have 2 inbetween footnotes to go through really quick and then we’re theorizing again.
footnote 27: more fodder for the theory of the colors just being their swords, I think!
footnote 28: wonder which of the colors is the most attuned to magic. maybe vio?
“Something Dark and familiar crawls like a shiver up his spine.”
Vio knows Dark magic, okay I think we all understand that. He knows Twilight has Dark magic, the Dark Mirror was Dark magic, Shadow was Dark magic. what in the hell is dark magic inside the color’s home? no clue! this is where my theory comes in (it’s a two in one deal)
theory 3.1: Shadow is going to be revived at some point. The Dark magic is familiar to Vio because it’s Shadow, and Vio knows Shadow’s magic. Is Shadow playing tug of war with Dink to bring the colors home? How would he return from the dead? What time even is it in Four’s era at this 10 second pitstop? This is where I think that this is maybe during the late, LATE part of their adventure through time. but the gist is Shadow is somehow alive and is trying and failing to draw anything other than an uno reverse card. 
from chapter 45: ““Odd, that. It’s not like there’s anything interesting in there. We tore the whole place apart after the first time. It’s just a small town forge.””
we will bring this back up at the Ravio hour. everything comes up at the ravio hour.
theory 3.2: its Vio from the future. when we get to the Ravio Insanity I’ll get more into this, but we need to go back to this line from chapter 53: “I think that creating a chain of alternative realities would be exactly the kind of thing I’d do to get them back. I think that I’d do whatever it takes, break whatever it takes, until all five of us, were together and home, and safe.” Maybe this is Future Vio making good on his word. ripping apart time and space alike for a CHANCE to save Red.
footnote 29: legend is royalty Adjuration canon?
footnote 30: vio gaslighting hour, but he’s only gaslighting himself. from FSA manga Vio says: “But as a hero, I never strayed from my hopes and goals.” He calls himself a hero here, but then laments about it later. Plus he doesn’t seem happy during the whole confrontation sooooo
footnote 31: fourth edition hehehe
footnote 32: So Blue is to blame for the color’s haircut? I am so deep into brainworms I can’t remember if Four’s eyes changed colors or not.
““He’s got like thirty books crammed in here, where has he been getting them all?””
i love Green and Blue doing their best to bring Vio back to them. rise and shine gamer you need to read your concussion away.
footnote 33: existential crisis from footnote 27
footnote 34: excellent word choice Blue
“Vio pulls the book up, out of the bag and into his lap. It’s heavy and leather bound, with a metalwork crescent moon on the cover. A present from Ravio. (...) Ravio who insists at some point in their future, Vio will want to shatter a Light spell.”
remember theory 1? about Red not being dead? here’s more food for this theory. Four is also called the Hero of Light. A Light Spell. The Four Sword is made to cleave through the darkness (chapter 52). To shatter a Light Spell might be them trying to bring Red back from limbo. if he is in limbo. i hope he’s just in limbo.
“His brothers are both in their usual positions relative to him when they sit like this, the empty space where Red ought to be gaping like a wound.” 
you did not have to hurt me like this
footnote 35: Dark Mirror related trauma hours part TWO!!!!
footnote 36: and then it pivots right back from me tearing up to cackling about Shadow and Vio antics. I wonder what word Vio said here to make Shadow confused.
footnote 37: looking at shattering a Light Spell. looking at the magic of the Four Sword. if the Light spell Vio wants to shatter really is Red’s sword, the fact that Four is a blacksmith just might be what saves the situation
“The book is tugged from his hands and Blue’s own, cold and calloused, take hold.”
Are Blue’s hands permanently cold from being frozen? I know there’s been ice and water imagery in the past with Blue but this would be neat. Also did Blue and Green also see the note Ravio left (Don’t let anyone but you Four see this) and that’s why Blue is taking the book away?
footnote 38: we love character insight!! we love link knowing that a custom product tailored to the horse is better than a one size fits all mold!! hell yeah!
“Vi watches as Blue’s expression ices over.”
More ice imagery, this time with Wind present! Wind is sticking up for Vio like the big brother he is. And from chapter 45 we know that Wind most likely just finished telling Sky off about not being okay, too, so he is just picking up Red’s place as therapist I guess!
39: more important possible minish cap or just adventure in general books to have read
“Wind is curled into the front of him, blankets tangled up in the boy’s legs. Vio twists in place, spinning to face Blue. His brother is still in his sleep, face softer than it ever is when he’s conscious. Red’s sword creating a barrier between them, laid in its scabbard (Blue’s scabbard, they have to get him a new one just for him now) on the bedding, Blue’s fingers held fast to the hilt. Where’s Green?”
I skimmed through chapter 45-46 and I didn’t see any mention of where Green is at this point so I’m not sure where he is. But Wind is in on the cuddling and I’m here for it. And also… Red’s sword is still in the pile. Is there symbolism behind Red’s sword being between Vio and Blue? About how Blue is using the voice reserved for Red for Vio, now?
footnote 40: thinking this is pre minish cap, I think link already has a scabbard when he starts that journey.
“The boy gently presses them to Vio’s temples, and it is warm and loving and wild and red.”
All of those adjectives are applicable to Red. food for thought.
“Vio looks back down at the book in his hands. Not Ravio’s, good. His brothers aren’t that stupid, thank Hylia.”
So here I think the other colors have seen the note Ravio left them. I don’t know if they’ve discussed anything about it or not. or maybe they don’t know and its only Vio?
footnote 41: concussion
footnote 42: book (yeah I don’t have much to say for these two footnotes)
“The fire is warm and the floor is hard under his shoulder blades as he stares up at the ceiling, Blue on one side, Wind on the other.”
Wind is shoving Green out of the equation I think. I feel like this animosity will probably become important later but so far I don’t think anythings happened.
footnote 43: I know nothing about coffee so I really don’t know what this footnote is about, but Red is precious as always.
footnote 44: BODY LANGUAGE FOR DUMMIES i cackled when i saw that
“Green visibly chews that idea over in his mind, probably working overtime to have an original thought.” Compared to chapter 46: “Green frowns, starting to mentally replay every interaction that he has had with Legend. The universe, or fate, or… Hylia, maybe the Goddess herself decides that that is enough thinking for him today, because that is when the portal opens.”
footnote 45: “Not that Shadow's pressence here is strange, but for the first time, Vio didn't sense him coming. The alarms didn't start going off. He was woken by a physical touch, not warned seconds before by the indescribable feeling of wrong that slithers up his spine whenever this boy gets too close.”
footnote 46: Sky is arguing with Green, and then it references the downfall of Skyloft. beans
footnote 47: arson is the answer. arson is always the answer.
““Walk away before I break your nose again.” His protector says this as casually as if he were listing off how many nails they needed to make that week.”
Blue is (as the quote says) protecting Vio here. which is sweet. Blue broke Green’s nose back at the ranch (chapter 46)
footnote 48: Dark Mirror shattering reference? I wonder how long after the adventure this is. Also we know one set of the footsteps is Blue, but who’s the other? 
footnote 49: A feeling of something Dark, something wrong slithers with a shiver up his spine. Vio looks up, and sihloutted in the moonlight, there is a boy in a tree.
footnote 50: honestly surprised its not a plastic plant but this is arguably funnier
““Hyrule says a big fight is heading our way. We aren’t going to be able to keep you out of it.””
We’re at chapter 47 now!
footnote 51: considering how Easy the bow is to use in FSA this footnote makes a lot of sense.
footnote 52: multivariable calculus and ‘simple straightforward’ do not belong in the same sentence vio what the shit.
footnote 53: in the manga vio is shown to load 2 arrows at once, so yeah archery being preferred makes sense to me!
footnote 54: blacksmith fun!
footnote 55: god i fucking hate geometry all my homies hate geometry
footnote 56: MINISH!!!!
footnote 57: john mulaney reference?? also grandpa and the colors! wonder where Four’s father went
“Vio nearly laughs at the realization that all of that pain and suffering could have been avoided if they had simply gone through in pieces every time. And he’s supposed to be the smart one.”
They’ve been through a few portals since Red’s death by now, so the fact that he’s only noticing this now speaks volumes to how… mm, withdrawn into himself he’s been.
“Vio stares at the portal itself, considering. Hyrule made this. He didn’t know that was something that one of them could just do. (...) Vio slides his hand into his own pack, feeling around until he makes contact with the book Ravio gave him, finger tracing delicately around the thin ornamentation. All this time, he has had the directions for non-paradoxical time travel literally in his fucking pocket.”
hey remember theory 3.2? this might be where Vio gets the idea that he can do this sort of thing.
revision glowmin here: for some reason footnote 58 got deleted. So here it is! Vio does in fact look smug.
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““How long have you known that Red was going to die?” Vio aks, voice as hard and unfeeling as stone.”
More earth elemental imagery for Vio!
“Ravio flinches, not meeting Vio’s stare. “The eighth,” he practically whispers, as if confessing to a crime.”
I know I mentioned this in my Ravio Board Analysis but the Link To Ravio timeline traveling being nonlinear makes my brain hurt and I cry. 
footnote 59: Vio would forgo reading to watch Blue and Vio spar (?) so you know its good stuff
““So don’t. Because I’m sorry Legend, but I’m going to have to kill your husband now.” Blue says this as gently and steady as a summer rain.”
graduated cylinder homophobia
footnote 60: the stark comparison between Blue’s playful sparring with green (footnote 59) and the dance fight with Red (this footnote) really makes him going for Legend look like murder. which. was the point but you know what I mean
footnote 61: I am 90% sure this scene happens right after Shadow disguises himself as Vio in order to get the other colors to actually fight Vaati effectively. We don’t see which direction Shadow leaves and Vio enters from, but it is possible that its the same direction. and the next time we see Shadow he is limping, so,,,, yeah.
“(...) Blue flips his grip on Red’s sword and slams the pommel into Legend’s nose, which Legend answers with a shield bash of his own right to his brother’s face. Vio hopes it hurts.”
This strikes me as a bit odd since Vio has been calling Blue ‘protector’ and ‘guardian’ throughout this chapter, albeit with pauses of dismissing him for brashness. Perhaps its because of the note Ravio left in that book, and the knowledge that in the future he wants to shatter a Light spell? And in order to do that Ravio must still be alive, so that’s my reasoning on why Vio wants Blue to hurt.
footnote 62: MINISH CAP MENTIONED also this must be before the minish cap journey because I think after that any attempt to say Link is ‘too old for that nonsense’ is thrown out the window.
footnote 63: vidow (metal pipe sound effect)
““Captain,” he says, walking over to him first. “This is from him.” (...) A room full of eyes on him, Vio tears open the envelope and carefully pulls out the single scrap of paper. (...) ‘You’re going to have to trust me, Violet. And you’re going to have to prove you’re as good a liar as he says you are. I’m trying to help all Five of you. -Not a hypocrite, either.’”
back to back here we have the mentioning of a ‘he/him’. I think its pretty clear that when Ravio is addressing Warriors, he’s referring to Wind in the future. Wind hasn’t gone to the War of Eras yet, and he gets called some weather nicknames in chapter 52 (“That crazy little hurricane who knew more than any person should, and was drowning in the weight of all that unwanted wisdom.” (...) “kidnapping people like my poor self and that damn riptide.”)
So that begs the question: who is the ‘he’ Ravio is mentioning in his letter to Vio? Is this future Wind? I see two possibilities, and so I raise you theory 3.2.1: Wind is the one who is helping future Vio rip holes in the fabric of time. You remember right before footnote 10, where Vio mentions five instead of four? Maybe this is where Wind would get the ‘five’ from when describing things to Ravio. Not super important I think but it is absolutely worth mentioning.
now I hope you’re ready for my insanity folks!
The line ‘not a hypocrite either’ leads me to believe that Ravio is referring to himself and Legend. Ravio is Legend’s dark world counterpart, just as Shadow is Four’s. To imply that he is not a hypocrite means that Ravio knows of Shadow’s existence. More than that, he knows of Vio and Shadow’s relationship. 
Now I’ve reread Adjuration 3x now and Legend has completed the Palace of the Four Sword (chapter 24: “I FUCKING KNEW IT!” Legend’s mouth moves faster than his brain for once in his life, and he winces, but goes with it. “I knew I recognized that damn sword.”) My running theory is that perhaps the Palace of the Four Sword being in the Dark World is what could possibly lead to Shadow being revived. let me explain.
in the board of madness of chapter 49, we get the timeline of the visits. Chapter 49 is visit 8 for Ravio. It is the only one thats black. For Ravio, he apparently learns who Shadow is BEFORE he learns who Red is. The visit for when he learns about Shadow (visit 8 ravio visit 6 links) is yet to happen in Adjuration. There’s 1 more visit between visit 2 ravio visit 8 links (visit 6 ravio visit 7 links) so SOMETHING is going to happen between the next 2 visits, i guarantee it. My theory? Control is going to be waived from Dink (if only slightly) and he is going to Get Pissed. More on that later but first: who’s at the forge.
Each time Shadow’s magic/Dark magic is addressed by Vio, it is done in a similar way. Chapter 53: “The power of them thrums, climes up Vio’s spine in a way that is so very familiar.” “Something Dark and familiar crawls like a shiver up his spine.” “He was woken by a physical touch, not warned seconds before by the indescribable feeling of wrong that slithers up his spine whenever this boy gets too close.” “A feeling of something Dark, something wrong slithers with a shiver up his spine.”
Every. Single. Time. Dark magic is either called ‘familiar’ or ‘wrong’, and it sometimes causes Vio to shiver. There is some force of Dark magic attempting to bring the chain to Four’s forge. It is that line about it being familiar when they drop in their most recent visit that leads me to believe that it is Shadow. How is it Shadow? Freyja confirmed that Shadow is 100% dead at the end of the events of the manga, so we know he’s dead. I have almost zero basis for this but I have a Theory (this logic is solely going off of the “Entity in the Forge” vibes).
In chapter 24, we get insight on the Palace of the Four Sword from Legend. “Don’t think about where he saw it the first time, don’t picture Four like that , don’t think about the malice and the stench of death, the black magic and the hatred rolling off the blade in waves. Fight now. Panic later.”
Is there a difference between black magic and Dark magic? I don’t know enough Zelda lore to say for certain. What we do know is that Legend is from Four’s future. Time travel confusion aside, in a Link to the Past, there is a copy of Red. What I think is going on here is that the Palace of the Four Sword being in the Dark World is perhaps a catalyst to revive Shadow. He came from the Dark Mirror after all; surely that much Dark magic in one place would be good for this sort of thing? The hatred is a bit concerning but I think a little anger is good as a treat.
How does he get back to his proper time period? Cia’s spellbook, I think. I truly honestly 85% believe that the tug of war here is between Shadow and Dink/the Yiga Clan. From tumblr, we have the list of the chain as follows: Sky, Four, Red, Green, Blue, Vio, Time, Legend, Hyrule, Wind, Twilight, Warriors, Wild, and then a redaction of a member.
(brief pause by revision glowmin here: the distinction of Four being different than the RGBV is a neat detail)
As far as I know there’s only a few options that this 14th Link could be. It could be the link from Spirit Tracks; unless Adjuration Wind also has that adventure. It could possibly be the Ancient hero from BOTW, the one shown on the tapestry and then in the Hero’s Aspect in TOTK. It could be the first ever Link, the one before Sky. Or it could be Shadow. I don’t think any of these four options deal with Dark magic other than Shadow.
There’s also my other theory that it’s Vio (and possibly Future Wind?). Vio has already made it clear that he will do whatever it takes (confirmed by freyja via tumblr: “Vio is willing to get his hands dirty. Vio is willing to shatter fragile things. Vio has nothing left to loose.”) I’ll bet my stockpile of gummy worms that the other 15% is this scenario. (“He doesn’t need to. For the five of them, there is no price too high, no cost too great. He’s going to do whatever it takes.”)
(revision glowmin again. no cost too great? hollow knight moment.)
Now let’s talk about the Yiga Clan for a bit. I want to strangle them like a wet sock. They’re like the Eyes of Ganon that Hyrule talks about sometimes. I know little about them, but the point is that their goals are the same: kill the hero to revive Ganon. For the Eyes, its Hyrule, because they need his blood. For the Yiga Clan, it’s Wild, because… well, he killed Ganon and its revenge time.
I think the reason the Yiga Clan are so against the chain being in Four’s era for more than a few seconds (other than the fact that they’re not the ones taking the chain there) is related to Ravio’s thesis. “His era might not be poison to Darkness the way that Sky’s is, but it’s too closely guarded.”
If the chain wind up in Four’s era, and the Yiga can’t wrangle them back, Dink might lost control of the ordeal. For the most part it seems like he’s been the one picking and choosing where the portals will lead the heroes. (“The Captain arches an eyebrow, “Who are the other players?” / “Hylia, The Yiga clan, and Hyrule, though he has hesitated to take his turns, for starters.””)If he lost that control, I feel like it would be a spiral of madness as he goes off script to get them back under his thumb.
For the silly, how I’ve been coping with the angst has been that Red and Shadow are 2 ghosts following the Chain around and just watching all this shit go down. Canon? 99% sure that’s not the case, but it sure would be funny! i drew a little something to commemorate this coping mechanism.
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okay. ramblings and thoerizationings are over (I probably repeated myself way too much). tldr: there’s plausible cause for the dark entity at Four’s forge to be Shadow, but it could also possibly be Vio from the future/near the end of the journey. Whoever it is, they’re threatening to remove some of Dink’s control of the situation and that might Escalate Conflict. The Palace of the Four Sword is important to a possible Red revival (and maybe Shadow)! I am never going to emotionally recover from this.
back to your regularly scheduled analysis that is probably going to go off the walls again.
footnote 64: again: if Four had been named Bob and not Link, would the Minish have had to pick a different hero? I wonder what reasoning Four’s father had for naming him after the king, anyways.
footnote 65: Ravio and Legend’s dynamics being directly related to Vio and Shadow. More correlation of Ravio saying he’s ‘not a hypocrite either’.
footnote 66: domestic color antics. Blue screaming that he’s going to kill Red, starkly contrasting with how Blue reacted when Red actually died. We know that Blue was exaggerating here in the flashback but it’s here, so its getting mentioned.
“Vio gets up, leaving them to it in order to get a better view of Ravio’s notes. It’s not hard to follow. The Timeline in the middle, their lives in bullet points on one end, their visits to this era in history on the other.”
Vio sweetie I don’t understand the visits to the Ravio Center. at least he gets it so good for him I guess.
“Wind marches over, frowning. “What are you - oh.” The sailor frowns as he takes it all in. “Why is my name all over this?” / Green blinks. “That’s what I was asking you.””
The revisitation of the animosity growing between Green and Wind! 
footnote 67: Not sure when this flashback takes place, but I’m assuming its shortly after Shadow’s death?
footnote 68: There is a lot of. unrest in the chain because of Red’s death. Twilight gets outed as Wolfie, the colors are in shambles, Green and Wind are fighting, Twilight and Wild are not having good terms, the Fierce Deity is brought out, etc etc it is a Shit Show.
rapid fire footnote time
footnote 69: Legend just said that he might not stop Blue from killing Ravio this time. This is, of course, comparable to how the last thing Vio said to Red was to spit in his face. which is what this footnote is a recap of.
footnote 70: projection moment
footnote 71: Shadow gets blasted to bits
footnote 72: I believe this is a callback to footnote 48
footnote 73: More broken glass imagery back to back. Vio pointing out that for the next two visits that happen for Ravio is going to be when he possibly learns who Shadow is, and a better understanding of Red. I think. the timeline of the Ravio Hours hurts my head.
footnote 74: WHO IS THE HE. we already went over this but I’m bringing it up again. Wind or Shadow, I’m placing my bets.
footnote 75: Red again reassuring Vio about Shadow, and about how they all would like him back. Which is, again, making Vio spitting at Red right before he dies all the worse.
footnote 76: “Green on the other hand, feels nothing but the desire to get this over with.” Now that I’ve given it more thought, I don’t think this is ‘hee hoo Green is Diet Link’. I think Green is still feeling unnerved about it (see footnote 1), but its perhaps muddled over him trying to keep the others from backing out.
footnote 77: of course vio knows statistics
footnote 78: Vio calling himself a traitor here, I think is an implication of how he considers himself a villain but… if he’s a traitor to Shadow, who is the ‘villain’ here, at the very least it’s morally grey territory. i think. i don’t know man
footnote 79: I believe this also happens right after footnote 48
footnote 80: Okay but the fact that this is ‘twice will happen thrice’. This has happened twice to Vio (Shadow and Red). The third time would be Ravio.
footnote 81: Wind specifically being mentioned here is important I think. I don’t know why its important but it feels important. especially since he was the one who stood up to Green.
footnote 82: crying
“Vio freezes, words going still in his throat as they choke him. He’s getting overly emotional. He’s getting worked up. His feelings are trying to exhume themselves.”
I feel like this is a direct callback to the start of the chapter. Vio says that he can put all his emotions into boxes to save them for when he becomes One. I think the boxes are beginning to overflow.
footnote 84: another continuation of footnote 48, 72, and 79 I think.
footnote 85: Vio throwing shade at Green
footnote 86: blue performed a whoopsies
footnote 87: Derealization moment I think. Which honestly, yeah with all the screaming going on in this scene I can. yeah.
“Vio turns and sees Wild, lowering a serving tray down, upon which rests four cups full of steaming tea.”
Four cups, but I think in this case the four are Vio, Blue, Green, and Sky. I don’t think there’s anyone else in this part of the conversation. 
footnote 88: IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT SHIT HERE!! SOUND THE ALARMS. Not only is it a title drop, but we also have Shadow beginning to understand that he can be more than just one thing. He was created by Ganon to be evil, yes, but then in the manga Zelda tells him that he is as much a hero as the colors are. I think this is a scene that will come into play later if the entity at the forge is in fact Shadow. or if there’s any future Shadow related plot points.
footnote 89: I think Vio might be the only color capable of lying. In chapter 53 we hear that Blue nor Green can (or are good at) lying. Red being able to lie isn’t brought up, but I’d assume it to be the same scenario.
footnote 90: quote straight out of the manga
“Everyone else moves an instant after Legend’s fist crashes into Wild’s eye, to pull them apart or join in the fight, Vio isn’t sure.” 
Here we learn that Legend punches Wild! I’m pretty sure this is where his knuckles get injured, and its the wound Hyrule’s blood heals.
footnote 91: Shadow dies and then Ganon shows up, so it is… a situation, that’s for sure! Unless Adjuration takes a different spin on that part of the manga. Vio calling himself a villain again is also important because he does not define himself as a hero.
““I’m not letting go of Red,” Blue says, as passive a threat as a sheet of ice above a turbulent river. “Take me if you need to, but not Red.””
It seems like all of the colors understand now that they are (?) their swords. He’s telling Warriors to take himself, but not Red, in reference to disarming. Also, more ice and water symbolism!
footnote 92: ‘singular point of light’. I feel like this might be a contribution to shattering a Light spell
footnote 93: fire imagery for Red!
footnote 94: IT WAS THE WORD FOUR. okay good I wasn’t tripping. I think the black paint here is for Shadow. And since its Link doing this, I think that it is proof that its not just Vio who wants Shadow back but rather All the colors.
footnote 95: callbacks to all the training flashbacks of Link and his father, I think
footnote 96: Ravio says that Four does not fail, and then the footnote is a flashback of him failing to exist after merging back together for the first time. short king stay winning
footnote 97: MINISH CAP MENTIONED. but also ‘happy and warm and safe and red’.... more Red imagery
footnote 98: I think this must be shortly before the adventure begins. Link isn’t split, but he knows that he is able to. So it has to be after the Four Sword is removed from the seal, but before the journey starts else he’d probably be addressed as Four here.
““But we keep going there, so it’s not entirely out of the running?” Warriors asks, trying to make sense of the plot. / “It wasn’t, but it is now.” Ravio sighs. “Dink isn’t sending you there, he isn’t going there if he can help it. The risks far outweigh the benefits.”
refer back to my deranged ramblings about Dink losing a smidgen of control of the situation in regards to this quote.
footnote 99: More wondering of how Ravio learns there’s 5 instead of 4. It’s not mentioned in the Palace of the Four Sword as far as I’m aware
footnote 100: again I am pointing at my deranged ramblings above.
footnote 101: In comparison to Green wanting to get it over with, Link being entirely in agreement to split again here is important. The seal will hold for years, they have time to exist. Why spend that time needlessly suffering?
footnote 102: I would ALSO like to know what happened to the Four Sword Ravio. also cute nickname hours and domestic color times.
footnote 103: MINISH CAP CALLBACK to Zelda and Link being childhood friends. It’s also a FS manga callback but shhhh
““The fate of the Four Sword is not relevant to the mission at hand… Captain.””
The hesitation here. I think it means something. I feel as if its to be directed at someone else (maybe Vio?) that this point of the story isn’t important yet.
footnote 104: And here’s the distinction between Four and the colors, in the 14 links guide.
footnote 105: Green is not Diet Link and we all will die on this hill
“One revelation at a time, Ravio chips away at the stone of Vio’s heart.”
More earth elemental imagery for Vio
footnote 106: (we did it we made it to the last one holy shit.) and of course the last footnote is domestic color moments, and its just… so bittersweet.
““Hey Vio? Can you finish this for me?” Ravio calls him back to the real world. He’s kneeling over a small pile of books, pointing to the righted bookcase by the front door. “I need to check on someone.””
This is absolutely done on purpose. “Between History of Masks and Hytopian History of High Fashion, entirely unassuming, is Cia’s spellbook.” There is absolutely zero way that this part, getting Vio to see Cia’s book here, was not intentionally orchestrated by Ravio.
“What this Palace could be Vio has no idea, yet he thinks the answer to both questions might be one and the same.”
alright we did it. we finished the play by play. a few wrap up thoughts and then class is dismissed.
ranking my theories based on how probable I think they are.
1: Shadow is the one at the forge.
2: Wind and Green’s animosity is going to become a key point later on.
3: The ‘he’ mentioned in Ravio’s letter to Vio is Shadow.
4: The ‘he’ mentioned in Ravio’s letter to Vio is Wind from after the War of Ages.
5: Future Vio is the one at the forge.
6: Future Vio is being assisted by future Wind at the forge.
7: Cia’s spellbook is going to corrupt the colors, leading to the versions of the colors that Legend fights. Could possibly be an alternate timeline
8: The Palace of the Four Sword was put in the Dark World by malicious forces to keep the chain from getting something important out of there.
overall this chapter absolutely demolished my mental state metaphorically and literally. revision glowmin will return at a later time to maybe make this more coherent but I unfortunately sold my braincell already. i heart adjuration but it needs to start paying rent.
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Make a World with me
Part 2: The Discovery Myth
Making a new world in public!
Read the first post to find out what we have so far: https://www.tumblr.com/alwayslosingtheplot-blog/749995149029933056/build-a-world-with-me?source=share
I'm going to have to name this thing eventually, but I don't think we know enough about it yet.
In the last post I mentioned that I didn't want to do a creation myth for this world. I wanted a discovery myth instead.
(I have made a few creation myths in my other things. I have a goddess singing herself to nothing to create everything else. I have a little golem guy making everything else from mud and sending them on their way, quite happy to be forgotten once he keeps getting to make his little things.) I want this world to be something found instead of something made for people. Because obviously, it wasn't. It is so hostile to the tiny people hanging out in one tiny area trying to cling to life. So why are they there?
The myth I think is going to be along the lines of:
Our ancestors fled their lands, fled from the great fires in the sky and the death it rained. They fled through the wizard's gate, while he would would save them stayed behind to face the dragon's flame. Once here they had to flee again, from the land of beasts and teeth until they found us a home here on this Elysium of islands.
So what's the origin of this myth?
You know that quote:
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
-Arthur C. Clarke.
A meteor's flight plan means it will hit a planet (Earth), but humanity has 50-100 years of warning beforehand. So plans are put in play, one of which is a warp gate. A portal to another world that should place people in a world not unlike our own at a good point in time. Only there is a miscalculation means that people arrive way too early or way too late and the world is close to uninhabitable. The running on arrival, the destruction of most of their equipment and the danger and deaths until they reach the safe haven of the islands means that most of their knowledge is lost. The higher levels of oxygen needed to sustain the larger life forms might also have negative outcomes for the first few generations of people such as shorter life-spans (even if they had their genes somewhat altered in advance of travelling).
One of the people happened to be a Classical student and referred to their travels being like the Odyssey, which gives me an idea for naming conventions for the islands.
(This also means that I can divorce the names a bit more from their actual origins and have a bit more creative freedom with that stuff)
What we have so far, the short version:
Everybody lives on a series of islands off the coast of a Pangea-like, monster-filled continent and have a myth about their ancestors running from fires in the skies and monsters before settling there.
And that's it for this post! I think this gives it a bit of Pern or Shannara feeling so far. After this post I think I will start on the islands themselves, the cultures there and all that. If anyone wants to join in and make their own world, I'm made a tag you can use for it:
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