#also not a cw just wanted to cut it
hrokkall · 1 year
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Praise no power higher than your own code
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starflungwaddledee · 8 months
For 💖🎀, what about Marx? Little cute creature concealing incredible magic and uncanny features! I think he could be so mean to her ❤️
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oh... anon you are very big brained for this one. he could unfortunately be so so mean to her.... and he has such pretty pretty wings! she would be enraptured instantly.
bonus eye-anim version (cw eyes/flashing gif):
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fungh0u1 · 4 months
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eeveryone says they love emo bitches until they meet one
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Ooooh that coal snippet was amazing!!! Do you have anything else to share? I must have missed that one previously
<333333333333 This one is relatively new I've only posted a bit once. Full title is how the hell am i still coal. I've been trying to think of an AU for the @ficwip August AU challenge, where the fic has to be under 5k words. That is my struggle. This is my third attempt, lmao. The general idea is canon divergent, where James and friends visit Jamie after Wembley, and James breaks Jamie's hand (double-dipping with my hand stomp square for @badthingshappenbingo). He takes himself to A&E.
Roy, meanwhile, can't sleep, so he shows up at A&E under the guise of bringing food to his sister. Jamie tries to play off he hurt his hand punching his Dad, but Roy knows his hand didn't look like that when he dropped Jamie off. Another clip under the cut:
Jamie made eye contact with Roy, and he awkwardly signed the piece of paper the kid’s mom offered to him with his left hand. Roy rushed to him like he was heading for an opposing player on the pitch: head down, determined. Furious.   “Jamie, what the fuck are you doing here?”  “Oh. Um–thought I should get this checked out,” Jamie nodded at his ice-pack-covered hand. “I fucked it up when I–” He trailed off, but Roy didn’t need him to finish as he sat beside him.  “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything? I would’ve brought you.” “Jamie Tartt?” the nurse interrupted. “This way.” “Didn’t think it was that bad,” Jamie shrugged as he followed. “Then I couldn’t sleep, started hurting once the adrenaline wore off, I guess.” “You should’ve fucking called me.” “What’re you doing here anyway? I didn’t ask anyone to call you or nothing.” Jamie trailed after the nurse as Roy followed him, and Jamie inwardly sighed when Roy continued after him into the exam room.
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lovingaeth · 29 days
god bless and protect queer elders
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reviseleviathan · 2 years
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“The moon is so beautiful tonight. It wouldn’t surprise me if someone got drunk and fell to the ground while trying to look up at the night sky. Just like this. This is how your life ends, Momo. How does it feel?” “How do you feel? Are you enjoying finding more sour grapes for yourself?” “...Make him drink everything in the room.”
you ever just psychologically tear down the villain so hard he decides offing you in a way that looks accidental is easier than trying not to be the worst human being on the planet
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generationa1trauma · 4 months
currently struggling w the concept that the community i so desperately want to be a part of relies heavily on talent and always involves some level of rejection through auditions
#my desire for just. community in general vs the undeniable fact that i am not really cut out for this#it does not matter how much i love theatre or performing bc love of the game is not enough#if u do not have the connections or a groundbreaking talent it just wont happen#and like. yeah there's crew and front of house and other ways to be involved but they just inevitably dont feel like part of it#because you come in days or hours before the show opens and these people have been together so much longer and have bonds formed#i am just. i do not have bonds formed in my real life w basically anyone. and its so difficult to form bonds as an adult#finding people who are open to new friendships is hard enough but by also being trans and autistic its just#its so hard meeting people as is but theres also the undeniable fact that a lot of people just wont accept me#and it sucks!! i just want friends!!!!#i just want. people who want to spend time with me and get to know me and put in effort#and i want a relationship but thats even harder than friendship really#not to sad post on main i may delete this but god i am just so lonely and me not being online is not because i have people#it just feels like everything is out of reach and its exhausting#it feels like ive missed out on core years of my life and im behind everyone and i don't know how to fix it#negative cw#god#anyway the show im watching is great everyone is talented but one girl did forget the words and go silent for a whole verse of her solo song
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
how do you think caliborn would react to trans people? like, i could see him going either way, although i think the idea of someone being mtf would absolutely fucking baffle him. but, like, otherwise im pretty torn on him.
(Content warning for transphobia, misogyny, and binarism.)
So, just to address this right off the bat - I don't think Caliborn would be a bioessentialist. He has less than zero understanding of human anatomy. The idea that gender is in any way connected to what someone has in their pants would be bizarre and alien to him.
That doesn't mean Caliborn wouldn't have incredibly shitty attitudes towards trans people. They'd just be shitty in really weird ways.
The good(?) news is that I think he would approve of trans men. (Whether we want his approval is a different story, however.) Trans men have made the only correct choice with regards to gender and he hopes they get strong and grow lots of manly muscles.
Meanwhile, learning that trans men exist accomplishes the heretofore-thought-impossible task of making Caliborn respect women even less than he already did. You mean all along they could have chosen to be men but instead they decided to keep being women?? SO dumb.
And yeah, he'd be awful about trans women. They were strong badass males and gave it all up to become girls??????????? A literally inconceivable choice. It wouldn't occur to him to disbelieve that they're women, but frankly that only makes his contempt for them all the greater.
He has no idea what to think about anything outside of the binary. He feels that opting out of the system should be against the rules, and it is confusing and frustrating that apparently it isn't. He grudgingly respects that at least they had enough sense not to be women. Except, they could have chosen to be men like the trans men did, right? So what gives. Why didn't they do that. Stupid.
So yeah, that's my interpretation. Basically Caliborn is awful. Sorry.
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flockrest · 1 year
i'm sure i've made a few insinuations about this already, but it's probably high time i finally talk about my take on it; plumage ornamentation is typically a form of allopreening in any given rito flock, and hence holds lots of social and cultural importance for them!
(which isn't to say that it's always allopreening or can't be autopreening — some ornamentations are just part of rito tradition and denote a role or status — but a rito who isn't allopreened even semi-regularly can uh. be a very lonely rito. it can get pretty complex honestly, so it depends on what's actually going on!)
in addition to the mechanics of their own language, ornamentation is another way of casually enforcing bonds and dynamics for the rito. it's on average most often engaged in between family, but not exclusively reserved for them! in trusting and being willing to let someone touch your feathers and/or being allowed to touch someone else's feathers so intimately, you're letting them (and everyone else) know that they're some form of Really Important to you! kind of like "marking" them? it's at once less profound than i'm making it sound yet still extremely, extremely significant sklfjkf
when communicated through direct physical contact, ornamentation is primarily concentrated on crest feathers and semiplumes, which can translate to hair, fins, or simply the head for non-rito. it involves acts like braiding, beading, binding, and general weaving-things-into-feathers. while the act itself implies a level of comfortable, casual intimacy, what's actually used as decoration can give another layer of meaning to it too!
gifting items and materials for ornamentation holds less intimate weight than actually physically handling someone's feathers, but gets the same interpersonal message across! which is how travelling rito, especially those who go at it solo, are able to keep their loved ones close and basically auto-enforce those bonds with them :)
when interpreting plumage ornamentation (in this context), it's good to keep in mind that:
colours of cords, ribbons, beads, etc. are always chosen very deliberately by the older folks. children are encouraged to experiment more, to get a feel for what they want to express (and for what looks good).
level of skill does not always correspond to level of care (younglings are notorious for being very messy with their affection), but general rule of thumb is that the more eye-catching the work, the more you (and everyone else) are being told this person is Cared For!
moulted rito quills are, for a lack of better words, blessings. specific meaning depends on what sort of relationship the receiver has with the rito whose quill is being gifted, or with the rito who's doing the gifting if they're not the same person, but there are always hints of i'm with you always.
the meanings of ordinary bird quills are defined by their colour!
sometimes, things like flowers, plants, and other non-permanent materials will be used just for fun! doesn't lessen the significance of what allopreening can mean :)
ESSENTIALLY, if a rito asks to do something with your feathers (or whatever is equivalent), they are asking if it's okay for them to let the world know you are Cherished. and sometimes — if you're close enough — they don't even ask, they'll just do it!
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panicbones · 5 months
man i love weed dont get me wrong but i really dont like hanging with ppl who are stoned all the time and when i tell ppl that they act like im being a killjoy like? no? i equally dislike when ppl are drunk off their ass. im allowed to be uncomfortable with substance use
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feleshero · 11 months
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Night-Spider Episode 9: The Alien Costume (Part 2)
The first time Felicia put on the 'suit', it was... It was like the first time she was with Flash. The 'first' time, not the FIRST time.
It was warm. Tender where she needed coddling, fierce where she needed pressure. It coiled in her hands at first, threads of cooled darkness tickling at her aura. Asking permissions and testing boundaries.
She was unsure where to guide it. Sentient alien companions were a bit outside her wheelhouse, admittedly. She thought it best to do what consenting adults did and ask.
❝ How do we do this? ❞ There was a warble in her hands. A response gone unspoken, but one she understood. Deep breath.
The next part also reminded her of her first time with Flash... sorta.
The tears welling in her eyes and spilling out onto her cheeks, the impossibly disgusting yet eternally sweet flavor coating every bud on her tongue, the feeling like she was choking... pinpoint spots of the abyss forming in the center of her vision as she choked, gagged, drowned under the deluge forcing its way down her throat.
Hunched over, the darkness in her hands has grown three times as large. Ten times as heavy. It brings her down to her knees, spiking her into the earth in penance as her throat bulges at the seams.
Small veins of obsidian leak through her pores. The effusion burns COLD. So cold she can feel her skin freezing under its creeping advance. She tries to wick some away, in a panic. She succeeds, a glob of darkest black sent careening away from her, trailing a warm, rich crimson behind it.
A swatch of her flesh is ripped off, the darkness having threaded itself through her skin like needlepoint. To be rid of it, now, would be to be rid of her. She's trapped, freezing to death under a torrent of molten entropy, and her every pitiful cry is denied purchase.
Throat. Vocal chords. Even the well of her lungs have been seized by the suit. Every sound she makes is a frantic gurgle, a horrid screech, or a pitiful sob. Ichor leaks from her mouth when she tries to speak, metallic like blood, she can feel the perforations in her tongue, now swollen and barbed, too big to sit comfortable behind the serrated fangs that splintered her pristine whites and tore her gums asunder to find purchase.
Oxygen was precious. Measured in seconds now that her lungs were heavy with fluid and closed to the rest of her being.
Her phone. Just out of reach of her spasming fingers. If she can find a moment of focus, just ONE, she can call for help. Middle and Ring curl back, a practiced manuever toward the spinneret embedded in her wrist. They find purchase!
THWIP! The gossamer thread casts out, finds its target and-
❝ ... ❞
Gone. Lost beneath the darkness. Extended hand gone limp and then dragged underneath the oceanic abyss. Her flesh hardened and peeled off, her muscles untethered and splayed out, her bones dissolved. Gone.
And then the voice of GOD carves its way through Felicia.
Vibrating. Nothingness.
Reweaving. Infinite.
The divine presence changes the spider's venom within her. The tarantula's venom changes the call of the abyss without her. They both changed what remained of Felicia. They all turned into something else.
An Angel of the Void.
The spider made darker. The darkness made venomous.
Felicia was stretched. Stretched as anyone when seen from out of time. Across the call of ages, back to a universe that died to bring her this death. Almost an ouroboros. A spiral. A maelstrom.
The gravity well of a black hole, twisting inward, tightening, taking her below and below to the bottom, the heart, and through to the other side.
The Suit said: "When you hear this, you will know you are in the new you."
The Spider warned: "They'll build you till nothing remains."
Felicia agreed: "I must want these waves to drag me away..."
And then she was whole. Full. Alive? Lungs SCREAMING appreciation for the taste of air again. Veins in overdrive, pushing blood, adrenaline, and more through her hyper-powerful being.
Outside of her bedroom, out in the city, clinging to the facade of Fisk Tower and staring into... into- her own reflection? But upside down. And in a STUNNING suit! The colors were familiar, but the logo? What a design.
❝ What... the fuck did you do to me? ❞
A response unspoken, in the still-frayed edges of her mind. Like winterized lightning crashing around her synapses, the distant warblings felt much closer now.
Much easier to discern. Almost like a voice she could hear, as clear as she could hear her own. As if spoken through her own mouth.
❝ To YOU, Felicia? Nothing. But FOR US? Everything. ❞
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justtogetthrough · 2 years
Look I know humans need to be individually strong and able to function independently etc and stuff but also humans evolved to be in groups too and I don't have a group, I've spent 95% of my life without a group, and I just so desperately want someone to be as attached to me as I am to them. I have spent my whole life lonely by myself on the outside looking in and I don't want to be here anymore. I've experienced what it felt like to be inside a group now and this loneliness feels even worse now that I know what it felt like to belong.
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espritdediamant · 2 years
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
𓆩⟡𓆪 - memies symbol headcanon prompts [2/5] SUBJECT: SLEEP.
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TO ADRESS CATER'S SLEEP HABITS, a general note on characterization. I interpret Cater as demonstrating multiple traits of ADHD in TWST's text, and as such I write him with this in mind. Sleep and ADHD are understood as having a bidirectional relationship. For Cater, specifically, I see these interacting most in his increased alertness, tendency to hyperfocus on tasks, and general difficulty regulating his routines.
More to the point. Sleep hygiene—the practice of ensuring one has cultivated daily routines and environments that are maintained, both required to produce good rest—has long been a sticking point and challenge for Cater. For the most part, Cater is "good" at sleeping. He can fall asleep easily once he's decided to go to sleep. Once he closes his eyes, it doesn't take him very long to sleep. Typically, he stays asleep once he has fallen asleep as well.
The problems start with the fact that Cater often does not prioritize choosing to go to sleep, and instead vastly prefers the passing out with phone in hand method of squeezing in rest after a long day of Cay-Caying around town. This is an unsustainable but relatable vice.
There are multiple instances across TWST's text where Cater becomes too absorbed in a task to effectively keep track of the time, and has difficulty in general budgeting out his time. These instances are often linked to using his phone to the point of distraction or obstruction to other things that need to be done. As a result, Cater makes no conscious effort to prioritize when he should be resting; as long as his energy levels are fine, he sort of just keeps going.
The major contention regarding Cater's relationship with rest is his phone. It's because you're always on that damn phone etc etc. Generally, guidelines for sleep hygiene suggest that individuals should avoid the use of phones or other screen devices 30mins-1hr before going to bed. Much to the chagrin of Cater's GP, this is never, ever going to be a recommendation that Cater heeds.
As a student, the peak of Cater's active screentime takes place at night. This is the sweet spot after classes, clubs, and homework have been seen to. This habit has less to do (directly, anyway) with the phenomena of "revenge bedtime procrastination", in which individuals stay awake to reclaim their time. Rather, Cater's penchant for late nights started in middle school once he was old enough to keep in touch with former schoolmates online. The added complication of timezones caused him to stay up increasingly longer on his phone chatting, texting, and keeping up with their posts.
Eventually the problem built upon itself as life and socialization (for Cater, at least) has become increasingly more centralized online, and social media and entertainment apps stack upon each other. In short, he often prioritizes online interactions over going to bed.
Cater on average stays up until ~3AM, which isn't the most sustainable practice when he's rising at 6-7AM for classes. This is an average of 3-4hrs of sleep a night which is not adequate It works out such, though, that Cater's energy levels are naturally pretty high. Thus, the lack of sleep just tempers them slightly and tends to reduce his focus. The issue of his sleep hygiene isn't so dire as to impact his day-to-day life or impede on his goals, but it is an area of health he neglects.
What can correct the sleep issue?
When Cater has something "to wake up for" the following day (i.e., an engagement that breaks his norm) he will often try to prioritize getting to bed sooner.
Social media droughts, when everything is boring, are likely when he's most well rested.
In a pinch, he really unironically enjoys ASMR videos. He goes for ambient noise ones (think "art studio vlog" and "pack orders with me" rather than anything that contains people talking, because he gets too interested in the narratives to sleep—and he doesn't find nature sounds that compelling, TYSM.)
Above all, history class can and absolutely will make him sleepy. Not precisely the best time and place to fix your relationship with sleep, though.
TLDR; you'll rarely ever catch Cater yawning through his day or struggling to stay awake, but still: put your phone down!! Choose sleep. You can answer those DMs tomorrow king.
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jackinalex · 2 years
no one understands me like vic fuentes i fear
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alwayslcyal · 2 years
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theresebelivett · 2 years
mmmmmmmm depression foggy days where nothing in the world is interesting, including and especially the things i normally love and want to engage with, aaaaaaaarrreeeee shittyyyyy i wanna write or read or watch or engage but who caaaaaaaares everything is boooorringgggg, i don’t wanna read fic or nona or watch movies or listen to podcasts or music or talk to anyone nothing is interesting and everything is just a haze love it, love feeling like i’m boring too cause a person with no interests is boring and i don’t wanna do things and is this because i went on a once in a lifetime vacation two weeks ago and spent so much of it overwhelmed and bored and feel such guilt guilt guilt for it, who goes to alaska and looks at mountains and so much beauty and is BORED, a fucking useless piece of shit who wastes money and her loved one’s time that’s who, i have nightmares that my cousin best friend won’t invite me to her wedding cause i’m too boring and depressed and can’t hang and don’t even have the decency to fake being fun by drinking constantly anymore, and who would ever want to be around or with someone who, on a good day, only finds very specific things interesting and so deeply prefers comfort to excitement and snores like a chainsaw and is so particular about her days and her temperature and her routine but at the same time has spent two weeks trying to work up the energy to go on a fucking target run and hates cooking and sees a single dish in the sink and gets so exhausted it stays there for weeks, who wants that person who has time or energy for that person, i don’t!! i don’t wanna be around me most of the time so why would anyone else!!!!!! it’s great!!! i’m not afraid that everyone in my life is going to suddenly realize this and go ‘yeeesh why do i even bother, the bitch hates spending money on gifts for birthdays she forgets and only ever wants to do a couple specific things and runs out of social battery so fucking quickly and is a VIRGIN in her THIRTIES and isn’t even all that interested in changing that and goes days without texting back, she’d be so easy to drop she wouldn’t even fight it’ apparently i needed to list off all my insecurities and get them out and cry at my desk at work huh, i’m gonna read this to my therapist later don’t worry just JESUS this has been sitting inside of me and i could not figure out how to get it out, like i know ppl say you can talk to them about anything but then you have to reach out to them and spill all the shit you find SO embarrassing, like having insecurities is EMBARRASSING, i’ve been in therapy for years shouldn’t i be over this shit by now, it’s so stupid and embarrassing to feel this way and i’ve got ppl in my life who make it WORSE but they’re part of the package deal of my family which contains people who make me so much better so i don’t know what to do and i’m just. tired. and i know rationally how much of this isn’t actually true, i know it, but fuccckkk some days i just need to put out there the rot that sits in my head all the time that i feel so stupid for believing and have it acknowledged that this is EXHAUSTING. it’s untrue and insecurities and blah blah blah blah platitudes blah blah blah but i haVE DEPRESSION and sometiems i don’t want things fixed i just want someone to say ‘dude yeah that sucks, that sounds exhausting and liek you’re having a shit time sometimes’ and YES. 
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