#also nottpun???
moonchildridden · 2 years
Good morning @moonchildridden
It's 5:30 in the morning at the area I am from and instead of sleeping, I decided to send you an ask.
I just watched the latest WOY episode. I liked the episode, it was definitely better for me than the previous ones. I wasn't really surprised because I could kind of feel that Bew was planning something. His expressions at times show his guilt. I like this twist, because i like it when innocent characters take revenge on those who hurt them and they don't just forgive them and swipe everything under the rug like nothing ever happened. I hate it when characters do this.
So it's time to ask for predictions. How many chances do GusBew have of a happy ending?
Me, I am kind of conflicted. But mostly I am in favour to the happy side. Because if both Gus and Bew sit down and talk. (Unlike what happened to NottPun) And be completely transparent and say we both took advantage and hurt each. The start of the relationship was toxic but they have the potential for a happy relationship.
But also I would like it if ended sad. But it would be more like a punishment for the actions of the other, depending on who leaves. And I don't want them to be sad. Especially Bew. I don't want to see him being sad and published with a sad ending just because he decided to take revenge on the people who betrayed him. I want it to be a learning process for him. To judge his own actions and learn from them and do better and mature more.
To be honest, I am surprised that his revenge on Gus wasn't more hurtful. I was constantly anticipating the moment he abandons Gus and throws him under the bus. Also, I wonder was Bew who called the cops or was it an coincidence. Was Bew planning to do more but changed his mind. Is he just staying with Gus to be a ship because with a ship is the only way he can sell, per Toon's words. Can he tell that Gus loves him and has he forgiven him. I want to know which is the exact moment which made Bew forgive Gus, if he forgave him, and say I still want a relationship with this person and still believe in an us. Though I wonder if his revenge on Gus isn't other yet and he is planning something for the next episode. Maybe after getting the award his plan was/is to dump him with a phrase of "I don't need you anymore". This is what I would want to do in his place.
Even though, I am perplexed with a lot of things, I still want the happy ending.
PS. The managers got what they deserved. But I feel sorry and worry for Peak and Kla who are the next couple to air if I am correct.
PSS. Probably the reason we didn't see the internal turmoil of Bew regarding of the leaked sex video is because he was the one who leaked it himself. He prepared himself emotionally for what's to come and was busy caring out his rest of his plan.
Sorry, for the long long ask. I hope I make sense.✌️
Hello! To be honest, I was kinda waiting for you to ask me this and I don't know if I should feel flattered that you decided to do it instead of sleeping lol.
Anyways, episode 9. Not gonna lie, this episode, the whole episode, gave a weird vibe from beginning to finish and I started to have some suspicions that Bew was up for something since his "panic attack" (I put it air quotes because it felt very convenient for him to have one when he was being accused of being the one responsible for the leaked video and how forced it felt. I will expand on this on my analysis post so let me stop here before I go even further) and how he became so "wicked" so suddenly, to the point of being the one to suggest for him and Gus to leave the managers, for him to get the evidences that Toon was "responsible", for him to give Gus the idea of them pretending to be apart to increase expectations around them having a couple work, for him to be the one that apparently found them a new manager. But even if I was feeling something was weird, the revelation struck me like a brick in the middle of my face and it left me in a bad mood for hours.
However, because you are here for my predictions and not my feelings (I need to save some for my post), let's lay them out: being completely honest, like really really honest, I don't want them to be together. And this is not me giving you the same answer I gave when you asked about NottPun, that I don't want them to be together right now, this time I don't want them to be together, period. This can be my betrayed heart talking (yes, I felt that revelation as a betrayal to the support I gave Bew, don't ask me because I don't even understand myself) but they have a lot of things to work around (not as much as NottPun had, because we were dealing with a person with a very heavy trauma that needed to be worked with) and the amount of manipulation that surrounds them (Gus getting Bew drunk to have sex with him - something that I still need a reasoning because I refuse to believe that he only did that because Pla told him to - and Bew leaking the video, putting Gus in a situation where he would get in trouble by using someone that was supposed to be Gus' friend, using a fan to do the dirty work for him) kinda pushes aside any sort of good feelings that may exist between them; yes, I believe that GusBew love each other (even if it pains me to admit that) and yes, I believe that in other circumstances things could've been different without all the plans and lies and manipulations but those things happened and those things have weight in how their relationship can be in the future.
So, for me, I would give 35% of chances of them having a happy ending (knowing Cheewin and what he did with NottPun, I know that the possibilities of happiness are almost 100% and we may never get a proper conversation between them and the episode will just slap us in the face with the news that GusBew are still together or together again) and a 65% chance of an open ending. A very small part of me is still rooting for a happy ending, but for me to really accept it, Cheewin would have to give GusBew what he didn't give NottPun, an on-screen conversation and resolution, the ugliness of their actions being laid out in front of them, being discussed, being level up, being put aside or not, them making a decision and owning up for their decisions. I let it slide with NottPun because I really wanted them together and was more inclined in accepting that fate for them but with GusBew, a happy ending would left a sour taste in my mouth.
Kla and Peak having PlaToon as their managers was the biggest heartbreak thing I saw in this episode, because they definitely do not deserve to be put in the hands of people that view queerness as a tool for fame (because if both of them weren't being already shipped by other people, I guarantee you that none of them would even spare a glance in their direction and would let KlaPeak be) or being manipulated the same way GusBew were but, as that saying goes, old habits die hard. I just their arc (that is the next one and I'm super excited for it) does not have any problems related to PlaToon because I just cannot stand those two anymore. Seriously, I'm tired of them.
"PSS. Probably the reason we didn't see the internal turmoil of Bew regarding of the leaked sex video is because he was the one who leaked it himself. He prepared himself emotionally for what's to come and was busy caring out his rest of his plan." - this is one of the things that I really want to see in the last episode. The moment he decided on the plan, his mental preparation, how he managed to carry out the plan even having to expose something so intimate of himself and until where he was willing to take that plan forward. I really need to see the orchestration, is more than necessary.
Well, I don't know if my answer satisfied you or anything, or if I gave you an answer at all because this things tend to make me rant and I just lose track of what I am supposed to do but, at the end of the day, my feelings are all here. Just don't hold me accountable for the things I said here if you see me "celebrating" them having a happy ending because I may change my mind, depending on how Cheewin decides to end their story arc.
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
post your top 5 OTPs and tag people
thanks for tagging me @vishcount 💖 
choosing my otps for this was fun but so incredibly difficult because i have countless pairings that i love? i tried to think about the ones that gave me the most Feels this past year. there were many that didn’t make it on this list but i think i feel quite content with the ones i chose? all of them impacted me a lot.
Zhou Zishu/Wen Kexing - Word of Honor/ Faraway Wanderers
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If you’ve been following me the past few months you know. Something about their gentleness wrapped in raw emotions pains me so much. Am trying to keep it short, but if I had to pinpoint what I love about these two is how they’ve fallen into each other so deeply, starting from light attraction to deep understanding and love. Idk mate, maybe it’s also the concept of two fucked up and flawed characters finding comfort and someone equal in each other. I’m currently reading the web novel and here too, I’m just aching over them. 
Matteo Florenzi/ David Schreibner - DRUCK
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I watched the third seaon of DRUCK a few months ago and it was one of those shows that made me cry the most recently. I adored how DRUCK managed to capture the realness that SKAM had before, the authentic and deeply personal stories of people that feel so incredibly close to me. I loved how despite everything being complicated and chaotic, in the end, they simply loved each other so much. Despite the struggles they both faced, they managed to find back to each other and not give up? Both David’s and Matteo’s stories hit very close to home. I also want to applaud DRUCK for making references and parallels to season 3 of SKAM but still making it completely different and unique in its own way.
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - The Untamed
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The amount of times I’ve talked about Wangxian in these tag games is just growing so I don’t know what else to say? They’ve made a home in a my heart and that’s where they live now, I don’t make the rules.
Fatou Jallow/ Vu Kieu My - DRUCK
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Yes, DRUCK made it on here two times and honestly, it’s what it deserves. Fatou’s season was the first season of DRUCK I watched and it accompanied me during winter so I feel incredibly fond of them. I could relate to them both so much and I especially adored how yes, their relationship was the center of the season, but it was actually not the main conflict or theme? I loved how they could explore themselves through each other, and also how they managed to return to each other once they were ready. I know this is basically every SKAM(remake) pairing ever but god, that is some good shit. I’m just so glad that shows focused on teenagers like this exist.
Mu Nihuang & Mei Changsu & Xiao Jingyan - Nirvana in Fire
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Oh boy. I have talked about these three so much already, I will keep it down this time. I couldn’t choose between either of them, because they all hurt me equally. Admittedly, the show focuses a lot more on XJY’s and MCS’s relationship, so I have lived through XJY’s pain the most, thus I might be quite biased in the way that his entire storyline hurts me the most. But that doesn’t take away from the pain of MNH’s and MCS’s relationship, even if it MNH doesn’t receive as much focus on the show as the other two. I’ve discovered her on my own, and made sense (or not sense) of the relationship between these three and god. I also keep saying that I like all interpretations of their relationship, but I do feel inclined to say that XJY was absolutely in love with his best friend and advisor. Other than that, I simply adore and hurt for them, no matter in which way.
Nie Huaisang/Mo Xuanyu - The Untamed 
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this image is from @vishcount’s absolutely stunning edit that they made for me, so please go give that some love. there are absolutely no visuals for these two and I’m still absolutely in love with this edit ❤ I decided to add them because this has somehow become such an incredibly personal pairing for me. they are practically non-existant in canon, and yet I managed to find everything in them? I might blame the 30k fic I wrote on them last year which has somehow become my own personal magnum opus. Everything hurts and nothing is okay, but who doesn’t like a good tragedy? Apparently I can’t get enough of it.
anway, enough with my ramblings! i’m tagging @isabellaofparma, @cortue, @the-cloud-whisperer, @intyalote, @sassyassassy​ ! maybe you have fun with this
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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#interesting workshop.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Pan is deliberately trying to burn the world down, to hurt everyone the way he's been hurt, to make the world break the way he has, to make the people who love him pay for not giving him what he wanted, to make everyone pay for their failure to help him.
And he succeeds, at least for a moment. He pushes Nott away, he rejects love because it hurts to be loved when you don't love yourself, it hurts in a way you can't do anything but laugh about because when you don't think you should be loved any love is just a joke.
Nott might love Pan but Pan cannot bear that love because he looks at himself and he hates himself.
This is back to his body. Pan hates himself, he hates his body, he hates who he is, who he's become, how all his dreams are never enough to fulfill him and that the things that do fulfill him never happen the way he imagines.
Pan is a creature of dreams and smoke and mist, the man who believes the magic of stardom, the person who saw behind the curtains and still believed he could live the life he'd imagined before he saw everything and then had that illusion shattered and nowhere to turn but in on himself, against his dreams, to break his stars, to shatter the only things holding him together.
And when Pan seeks Nott out again, seeks him out and is rejected... he knows he deserves it but he hoped it would be different. He's rejected everything and he's hurt and he lashed out and he wants that love back even though he isn't worthy but he's hurt Nott more than he wants to admit.
So he lashes out again. He lashes out more. He lashes out because he lost that love and with that love he lost... he's lost everything. Everything he thought he might have ever had, everything he wished for or hoped for, love or adoration. And in the end, with nothing left, all Pan has is anger and hurt and fear and he can't hold onto that.
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ryansjane · 4 years
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yyy 2 + references to 2gether
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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favorite shows [5/7]: yyy the series
things are pretty crazy around here. but these people are like family to me.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
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make me choose: nottpun (yyy the series) or ramking (my engineer)
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aylinaliens · 4 years
hey don’t think about the fact that lay’s character in yyy had one of the SOFTEST kisses out there while lay’s character in my engineer had a kiss that was full of passion and emotion that has been building up for weeks. just don’t. you will cry.
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zeskiverse · 4 years
Never—and I mean NEVER—would I expect a show that's basically a vivid dream on crack to:
a) take consent seriously and treat lack of autonomy by a drunk person as something serious;
b) have an honest conversation and proper communication to solve the main pairing's troubles before the last episode.
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oopsisukibl · 4 years
Yoon and Talay. 😍
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khunvegas · 2 years
i basically just stole this ask from @gunsatthaphan​, partially because i’ve been wanting to make a post about it and after almost 3 years watching bls, i might as well. right? right. anyways.
Compilation of Bad Kisses in BLs (Part 1)
mind you, this is only for the ones i’ve seen. if i put every single bad kiss out there, this post would go on forever.
i strongly believe a kiss, whether is good or bad, can make or break a show and in my personal opinion, a lot of them fell off simply because of the fishy kisses. they are truly hard to watch, so much so that you have to look away because they are ugly and this is something we CAN and SHOULD blame both the actors and the company. sometimes, workshops are not enough.
i also believe that these actors shouldn’t play dumb. like, they HAVE to know there’s gonna be a kiss at some point. put in the work, pls.
1. My Engineer (MekBoss)
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at the time, i didn’t think it was that bad. i just thought they needed some work, a little bit of help because clearly it wasn’t that good either. now, i just see two walls kissing and we might not see these walls kissing ever again.
2. YYY (NottPun)
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imagine watching this mess of a show, they promise you a kiss, and once you’re sure you’re gonna get it, they literally bring the sun out, block the view and that’s how the season ends. but honestly? the little i can see it’s still awful.
3. YYY 2 (NottPun)
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well... there it is. no words.
4. 2gether (SarawaTine)
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maturing is accepting the fact that 2gether had two straight bros playing these characters and that’s how they kissed and then the high five. it was a bad kiss, bestie. we were all just blinded by the pandemic and though this was high cinema.
5. SOTUS (ArthitKongpop)
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i’m not afraid of the girlies still caught up on this show. this was a bad first kiss and i’m ready to die on this hill. granted, this was 2016, the actors were still iffy on playing queer characters, they were calling each other wife and the obsession with pink milk was at its peak. gmmtv had $5 and a dream and you could tell.
6. ‘Cause you are my boy/My Tee (TeeMork)
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this was frankdrake’s first roles and you could tell. you could also tell that they were in the trenches because everything was bad with this show and i truly think it was a cry for help. they did the best they could with what they had but there was no way in hell they could save this show and honestly, i’m not surprised that their first kiss was like this. it goes well with the quality of the show.
7. Love By Chance (TinCan)
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and it doesn’t get better after this. i’m gonna be the devil’s advocate, mean actually tried to make these kisses better but there was no helping with this couple. a mess.
8. Oxygen (SoloGui)
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as far as first kisses go... yeah. granted, oxygen wasn’t really that good either but they could have salvage this show with a decent kiss. nothing. nada. it was a let down.
9. Make it right (FuseTee)
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make it right paved the way for angle kisses.
now listen, i’m pretty sure boom and peak were 17 or something when they filmed this and back in the day, this was already too much. like, cheewin was pushing it by directing this show. still, it has to be on this list (it’s not like it hasn’t changed anyways. boom and peak would never EVER kiss. this was the closest we could get).
10. Where your eyes linger
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i mean, come on. COME ON. i know this was like the first kbl and you know, they paved the way. give credit where credit is due and all that but LOOK. it’s bad. it was a good show, for the plot that it had and the limited time, it was good. BUT THE KISS WAS... it was a letdown. 
11. Gen Y (MarkKit)
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how are you gonna be a senior in the industry and still kiss like this? kimcop are one of those settled ships that are hard to break and to ship with someone else. with that in mind, you would think they would do wonders. gen y was a dumpster fire and so were the kisses.
12. WISH YOU: Your melody in my heart
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this is where you start to understand that it’s not about the production or how short kbls are and that’s why the kisses are so bad. no, it’s because workshops apparently don’t exist in korea and they put these men to kiss without practicing first. this is the product. this is what you get.
13. Color Rush
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i know some of you call it the best kbl out there because the plot was different, which is true, but like... their lips are not even touching... so yeah. next.
14. Nobleman Ryu’s wedding
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i’m pretty sure this was supposed to be an angle kiss and they changed their mind at the last minute and we got... this. i mean, compared to others in this list is not that bad but is it good? far from it. this was also the first period kbl we got and it was kind of forgettable too. it was very low budget and you could see it with the kiss
15. What Zabb Man
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BOTH COUPLES because both of them were such a let down. i was here mainly because of the toxics from gen y and with the crazy tension they had going on, i thought they would go off. not even that. don’t even get me started on the main couple. the manipulation that went down between them UGH but i can’t even get a good kiss out of this mess anyways.
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moonchildridden · 2 years
GusBew, army of two pawns in a warzone: double agents, double the trouble, helpless victims on a spider’s web and skin shedding (Episode 9)
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Is that time of the week already (says the person being a week late)!
Hello! It’s moonchild here, back at doing what she does best, that it is over-analyze and talk extensively about the things she watch, and also because her brain will hate her if she do not proceed to write 15+ pages on word to post on this site. I know sometimes I complain about this, but I swear to you that I really enjoy writing and sharing my thoughts in here, like I really like it and I am pretty sure that will continue to enjoy for a while.
That being said, on last’s week post, I made a small rant about how my excitement for WOM had significantly decreased halfway GusBew’s story arc and how this posts that I do talking about it are mainly just me not wanting to leave things unfinished and stuff like that. I wished my feelings had changed after episode 9 but, if I’m writing this I think you guys can guess exactly what happened: it was a mess bigger than the mess I though episode 7 and 8 had been. A mess bigger than the revelation that Nott had sex with Fang. A mess bigger than us not having the conversation NottPun needed to have to sort out the problems between them.
That’s how big of a mess episode 9 was.
The problems that I identified with episode 8 continued throughout episode 9 (read the beginning of the post for episode 8 to understand what I’m talking about) and were a bit worse (or not, I can’t remember properly right now) than before but more manageable because this time we had subtitles for almost everything being said and showed on the episode, something that did not happened on the previous episode. That’s a win, I guess.
Going back to my normal programming, after sharing my feelings and properly begin this post with the basics here, of me being a responsible adult, allow me to lay down the usual disclaimers: everything that you guys will be reading in this post is the result of my observations into very specific parts of the episode, frame by frame repetitive viewing and me getting to the most plausible conclusion after taking all in, meaning that most of the things will be on the speculative territory, others in (maybe) theory territory and some can (or so I think) be proven by in-dialogues and scenes arrangements, so take things with a grain of salt, ok?
Just like it happened on the previous post, in this one I will not make divisions into theme segments but rather in two parts, the first half and the second half of the episode respectively. Also, this post will bear a “talk” from my side to what went through my head while I was watching the episode and I hope that it becomes an interesting way of me to expose things to you all.
Let’s do this.
First half – Are there any perks in being a sunflower?
So, the episode started with a figure sitting down on a chair, in front of a computer, the ‘detective girl’ account in front of them and someone approaching them from behind. When the camera showed the bottom half of the person’s face and I recognized them as Yo, I was like “I knew it, I knew he was involved on that” but them the person approaching Yo put their hand on his shoulder (and I saw the hand that made me think it was a woman) and Yo looked over his shoulder asking “did you forget to log out, detective girl?”, before showing us that the person behind him was Kitty (another win to moonchild, having two of my suspicions confirmed before the first minute of the episode. Damn, I was feeling victorious). For a few seconds, I thought that he had gone there to log out himself, because in my head they were working together, but then Kitty tried to run away and I became a bit confused with that action because if they were working together, that reaction wouldn’t be necessary, and then proceeded to be even more confused when they started fighting and when Kitty was about to leave the computer central room, GusBew appeared, saying that Kitty “couldn’t run away anymore”.
At that moment, I was like “so, wait…Yo and Kitty are not working together? I go that wrong, it’s ok, I’m a big girl, I can count my L’s and deal with them”, even if my brain was still trying to process everything that had happened in so little time frame and how I would have to rewrite the theories on my brain. I said that Kitty’s presence on the show and the panning on her face showing guilt when Pla said that the IP address from the detective girl account had come from there was a sign that she was involved in that, which was right, but then I said that Yo was also involved and almost got the confirmation but then it was revealed that it was not exactly like that. It was a bumpy ride for your local and resident analyst, but things were about to get bumpier.
We are then treated with the scene where GusBew are doing a press conference, to announce that their concert, the one that they were practicing for, was being postponed until further notice, with Gus saying that they “would be moving forward, in their own paths” but that he “still love and have good wishes for Bew always”, before Bew saying that his feelings were the same and that Gus was “his best partner”. After Bew apologized to their FC and said that he hoped that they continued to support them, the interviewers did what they do best and staring bombarding them with questions, wanting to know if the “postpone” meant that the concert was being cancelled, if they wouldn’t be working together anymore, if the rumors about PlaToon not getting along were true, if GusBew were fighting, stuff like that. GusBew being GusBew (meaning that they rarely show any feelings that are not “love” in front of the cameras, when the focus is on both of them) stood up holding hands, to let that action speak for itself (that they were not fighting, something that was technically true) before sharing a hug that was swiftly interrupted by PlaToon, after dismissing the reporters.
It is when Pla starts complaining about what GusBew had done, saying that he “told them to announce the separation but hugging each other like that they – the media – will make it look like you don’t want to separate” before saying specifically to Gus that he “asked for that himself”, that we realize that GusBew had simply ignored the instructions of their managers and did what they wanted to do instead of what they were supposed to do. Gus then says to Pla that “everyone knows that they are separating because of the managers” and Toon says that “ending like that is probably the best”, before holding her hand in Pla’s direction and saying “good luck, sis”. Pla was about to shake her hand when Bew stopped them and said “wait, moms. I don’t think this will end so easily”, leaving both PlaToon and me curious as to why he was saying that.
The answer came seconds later when we see Kitty, explaining her reasoning behind her actions, saying that she was “very into GusBew’s relationship, so much that she thought that it was real”, that “seeing all that, it felt like a heartbreak” and when she “saw everything, she felt like she had been cheated – we see that she was close to the place GusBew had the conversation about Gus’ being tired of how things were happening, hence how the detective girl account was able to “know” that Gus had “hurt” Bew – so she created the detective girl account”.
[Before I continue talking about the rest of the scene, I wanna talk about something that I didn’t noticed on my first viewing, as I was busy absorbing the story as it went but after a careful check, it came to me that Kitty’s explanation is an exact mirror to how Bew felt when he found out about the plan, each one going through their own process of disillusion: first they thought that what GusBew had was real (the rose tinted glass situation, where all the red flags look white), then they discovered something that broke that illusion (with Bew, it was him finding out about the plan. With Kitty, it was her listening to GusBew fight and the consequences of said fight) and after that they had to find a way to deal with the feelings of betrayal and the heartbreak; it was even explicit on Bew’s face as Kitty was explaining her reasons, how he knew exactly how she felt when her fantasies were shattered by the ugly truth.]
Getting back on track, Kitty then shows that she really is the owner of the detective girl’s account and Pla asks her if she know that “him and Toon can sue her for millions”, making Kitty apologize several times and plead for them no to sue her and then confess that “someone paid her to do that”, making me go “oh, ok. This is getting more interesting than just a disillusioned fan trying to ‘expose’ their former ship for not being ‘real’”. After this, things started going by very fast, with Yo showing a screenshot of the conversation Kitty had with the person that paid her, with the twitter hand of “looney1966” (not gonna lie, as soon as I saw that I started laughing because it was easy to make the connection between the handle and Toon, because “looney” and “Toon” really go hand in hand), then Bew showing that it was the same handle of Toon’s twitter account; Pla, understandable confused, says that he understands that Toon wanted to discredit Gus but Bew was her son and if she didn’t pity her, Toon says that she didn’t do it and Pla asks her what she means with that. Ignoring Pla, Toon turns around to Bew and repeats that she didn’t do it, saying that she haven’t used that account in a long time, but Bew just stands up and storms off.
Toon goes after Bew, repeating that she didn’t do it, and Bew asks her if “when she calls him son, have she really meant it?”, before Toon says that “these things can get hacked” (really, Toon? Are we using the hacking card now? How original) and promised that she didn’t do it. Bew then asks “who would hack, when the only person who knew she had that account is me?” (hum…are we supposed to start suspecting you, Bew?), before adding “or you think I was the one that hacked and paid Kitty to spread this clip viral”. Toon’s words here sound odd because she says “and did you really do it?”, instead of something like “would you really do it?”, because the second would mean that she was asking if Bew would have the capacity to do that and the first one was her voicing that she was suspecting that Bew had done it and wanted him to either confirm it or deny it. And then Bew starting having a panic attack, saying to Toon “can you please stop throwing drama at me, I’m tired’ and, to be honest, I thought at first that Bew was faking it, even knowing that psychological responses to stress are not the same to everybody, because there was something…odd…in the way that it seemed almost too convenient for him feel like that after Toon accused him of being the one responsible for the leaked video; granted, I may be misjudging him but something really felt off in that moment but I just decided to ignore it for a while.
Going pass the moment where Pla demanded explanations from Yo about the thing with Gus and the party where he was arrested, we are then presented with Gus and Bew alone in what seemed to be Bew’s room and Toon is calling Bew mas he refuses to answer the call, even with Gus telling them to “end that nicely”. As an answer to that, Bew says that “just seeing Toon’s name, he feels like crying”, that “he thinks that she did a little too much” and that “he made the right choice by ending with her”. Gus then asks if by leaving at that time, wouldn’t their FC make a big deal out of it (after all, the rumors that their managers weren’t on good terms were spreading like wildfire, so it would be just a matter of time until someone decided to create another rumor to justify why Bew and Toon were no longer artist and managers) and Bew says that “Toon did that herself”, “if he said anything, it would look bad” and that he “still sees her as his mom” and Gus tells Bew that “whatever decision he decides to make, he would be there to support him”; they share a kiss and after that Bew edits his work information on his IG profile, where he took Toon’s contact from his bio, publicly saying that between him and Toon there was no more professional relationship. Bew then tells Gus to gather evidence (probably against Pla), to get that done and we are shown a cancellation contract, meaning that both of them were on the work to get away from PlaToon.
As they should.
(Is kinda sad that I cannot show you guys my reactions to the episode, but I remember looking at the scene where GusBew were together and thinking “Something sounds weird here. I don’t know what it is, but something seems weird here” and if there is one thing that I’ve learned in the past few months is that when your gut tells you that something is wrong, even if you don’t see it tight away, believe that something really is wrong.)
On the next day, as expected, people were speculating why Bew had deleted Toon’s contact from his IG profile, with some saying that the reason was that she wanted to separate Bew and Gus, others saying that the deletion of the contact coincided with the deletion of the detective girl’s account, leading to the conclusion that Toon was the owner of that account, with Pla adding fuel to the fire with a tweet that said “I want to say, there is only one truth”. That tweet led Toon to threaten to blackmail Pla with the top spender subject and then saying for them to end there before Pla got ruined.
Then we see Bew doing a live, where he said that “even though him and Toon were no longer artist and manager, their mother-son bond would never end” (Bew, you are too good, you know that?), before a comment asking if Toon was the detective girl appeared and he answered that it was not possible for Toon to be the detective girl. After Bew ended the live, Gus approached him and asked what was wrong and Bew said that “it feels like a break up, end up with them but being hurt himself” and Gus says that Bew “still has his actual boyfriend there and he would never leave him”, before receiving a call from Toon, that Bew told him not to take but Gus took it, telling Toon to leave Bew for the moment and that he had already sent to her the evidences about Pla dealing with the FC, before saying that he needed to ask her something.
We do not know what the end of their conversation was, before being shown an article commenting about the recent fallout between BewToon – where we found out that Bew had already graduated, one of the few explicit passages of time that we had in the past three episodes – and then PlaGus in Pla’s car, talking. Pla tells Gus that he made an appointment with TTV and that after that, it was for Gus to “keep down with the Y shipping, otherwise he wouldn’t sell well”, making Gus say that “when Pla wanted him to play a Y series, made him breakup with his girlfriend. Now that Pla wanted him to play a couple series – meaning a series where his partner would be a woman – he wanted him to separate from Bew” and asking if he didn’t have any right to love or if Pla was a manager or a dictator. Pla, deciding to be a bitch just like Toon, tells Gus as a response that “the person Gus need to love the most is him”, because “he did everything for Gus and those days he was almost giving Gus his life” and Gus asks Pla if “cheating on him was for him as well?”, saying that he had talked with Toon and on the last 3-4 events all the money that was supposed to go to Gus went straight to Pla’s pocket (another Koon here, no wonder Koon told Toon to be careful with Pla, thieves know each other very well) and there is this short moment of silence before Pla looked down and asked Gus what he was doing and then taking Gus’ phone from his pocket and seeing that he was recording their conversation, swiftly deleting the recording (I had a small mental breakdown in that scene because I had to deal with the “villain” in Oh! My Sunshine Night being utterly stupid a day prior and on the next day was forced to see another character being stupid, unprompted.) and realizing that Gus was trying to get information to get rid of him.
Gus then says to Pla accept that he had cheated on the top spender event and Pla admits that he used Gus’ money to pay but that “if Gus went to play on a TTV series, stopped being crazy in love and went to act, he would get more money than that” (because it was totally acceptable to steal someone else’s money with the excuse that the money that would come back would be double the amount that was stolen), with Gus telling Pla that “all that he did was cheating” and Pla says that “it was the reality, the world of business, that everyone cheated to survive” and Gus then tells that if Pla “is scared that he won’t be able to sell, that he won’t be able to stay in that industry, he should just let Gus go” and Pla tells Gus for him to go, after all he didn’t have any evidence so what would be his excuse to say that Pla was bad and he was good and leaving at that time without having enough reasons would make people say that Gus was being disloyal (just like the conversation Gus and Bew had on the night where they reconciled), ending that with a “fighting, Gus”; Gus then asked for his phone back because he wanted to get down and I was creaming my lungs out, calling him stupid in 7 different languages for not having another phone with him, also recording their conversation and at the same time praying for him to actually have another phone there recording.
But apparently because there are smart people in this series, Gus did have another phone with him because a recording of him confessing having steal his money was posted by Gus’ official international fan page and people were telling either to Gus to sue Pla (a logical choice) or to Pla to go kill himself and fat shaming him (because some people just don’t know the boundaries between holding someone accountable and just being straight up a dickhead online) and Pla was stressing out because he though he had deleted the recording but people on the internet now knew that he had defrauded Gus. Then we cut out to Gus watering some plants and Bew appeared from behind asking if Gus was going to water the plant until they died before asking what was wrong and Gus replying with “Pla didn’t say anything, it’s weird”, with Bew reminding Gus that “all the evidences are against Pla”, so he “couldn’t do anything”, followed by Gus complimenting Bew and saying that he had been smart for thinking on that plan (meaning that the idea of having two phones recording, and probably manipulating Pla into thinking he had get rid of any incriminatory evidence, came from Bew and not Gus). Bew then says that “they did what they had to do” and that in the clip “Pla said everything himself, they didn’t accuse him of anything”, and Gus brings back the conversation they had the day after Bew removed Toon’s contact from his IG profile, saying that he “understood now when Bew said it felt like breaking up with them but they were the ones getting hurt”, with Bew saying that he was stressed too but that everything would get better.
And then we had the single handed most WTF moment of the episode (or at least the first part of the episode), where we see Pla and Toon walking into each other’s direction, this feeling of a final showdown looming in the air, their expressions showing that a fight was on horizon and when they get close to each other and lift their hands, the perfect position for them to start hitting each other…they hug. PlaToon hugged! Two people we saw fighting every five minutes, sending threats to each other, insulting each other, using their artists to humiliate each other, two people that got into physical fights twice, they just hugged out of nowhere and I was left with my jaw hanging open because I could not believe what I was seeing in my computer screen.
The first thing we hear from one of them after the hug, with them sitting on the stairs next to each other, is Pla saying that GusBew were so bad for hiding another phone (sweetie, they are bad? You stole Gus’ money, basically told him that he was nothing more than a product in a shelf and that he had no right to love somebody else except you, you made him get Bew drunk so they could have sex and possibly help with the acting – I still need to know what the motivations for Gus were to accept that, their story arc cannot end without them giving us the answer to that – Toon apparently “sold” the clip of GusBew having sex and they are the bad people?! What kind of victimization is this?) and Toon asks Pla if he had seen Bew’s videos, because before only Gus’ shadows were the only thing being seen but now they were giving flowers to each other, making Pla ask Toon what was their plan and Toon answering that it was for them to get work together, because as soon as they made a comeback it would be huge; they eliminated the possibility of GusBew having the same manager by looking at their IG profiles and seeing that they had different people listed as people to contact for work and when Pla insinuated that they should investigate, Toon told Pla to let it go, after all they “did a lot to them” (at least someone between them two has some sort of self-awareness about the shit they pulled on GusBew) and “if GusBew wanted to take revenge, it was up to them”, so they should end it.
Pla then asked Toon what the deal between her and Yo was, and this became another conversation whose ending we didn’t see because they cut straight at Bew talking at the phone, with someone that seems to be asking money from him and Bew telling them that he would transfer more and it was not for the person to call him again (I said something was weird, didn’t I?), before Gus appeared where Bew was, asking who was making Bew that angry and Bew said that it was his cousin (really?), that had some debts and called him to ask for money and Bew could give his cousin the money but didn’t want his cousin to get used to that, before saying that it was just like him, being so used to have Gus (Bew, you are deflecting the subject) and asked if they should do it one – talking about sex, obviously (Gus, don’t let him fool you, ask him more questions, we need more information. You fucking horny bastard).
We are thrown back into PlaToon, where Toon swears that she was not responsible for anything and Pla says that he thought that it had been her at first but then it became clear – whatever that meant – and Toon told him to forget it, that she didn’t want to talk about that anymore and Pla asked her if she wasn’t going to do anything, with Toon saying that she had her way before showing Pla a video of someone singing and dancing, saying that it was Pla’s style, more perfect than Gus, and then showing another video of another person “acting” in a very bad way, saying that Peak (the person on the video) had asked her to be his manager before but she swiped away, prompting Pla to ask why she wanted to be his manager now. Toon then tells Pla that Kla (the person on the first video) and Peak were senior and junior at the faculty and people shipped them together, with them even having a FC already and it was basically a mine gold waiting to be explored (not queerness being used as a business venture by two very unscrupulous people, seriously I’m tired); Toon then says that no matter how much they fight, they were made to work together and they would make KlaPeak a ship better than GusBew.
God, is me again, protect my babies, they do not deserve to be around people like PlaToon, especially Peak. This is going to be a fucking disaster.
Second half – Well, it was fun while it lasted, I guess
You know how this goes. Second half is where we speed run things, because that’s how the producers treat these episodes so let’s speed run this shit and see if we can get it over before episode 10 airs, shall we?
 -          Bew posts a picture of him on IG and literally seconds later Gus liked the picture, and someone commented, asking if they were together and when Gus appeared on the kitchen that Bew was, Bew said “too quick, Khun Kasidet, it will be exposed” and Gus said that he “wanted to be exposed”, with Bew telling him for him to wait a bit, let their FC miss them and next week they would go talk to someone, presumably their new manager. Gus then asks Bew if there would be a day when they could be like that in front and behind the cameras and Bew tells him that no Y-couple had come out publicly before, with Gus asking him “why don’t they be the first” – I mean, just because someone never did something before, it doesn’t mean that someone can’t be the first person to actually do it. That’s how revolutions are made, with a first step being followed by many – and then saying “no risk, no fame”, making Bew comment that Gus was starting to talk like Pla (oh, god, no) and Gus also comment that Bew talks like Toon (please, no. I mean, the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, after all);
-          Peak, the guy Toon is supposed to be managing, says that he still wants to work in the industry but asks if it has to be Y-industry – a comment on how the y-industry has a bad reputation, perhaps? Because, let’s face it, with the amount of things that happen inside this industry, the conversation around fanservice, the validity of relationships, the selling value of the stories portrayed by Y series, the discourse around NC scenes, lack of individuality and how the industry itself creates this saturation situation where everyone needs to fight to survive in the industry, I don’t blame Peak for wanting to stay away from it – and Toon asks Peak if he knows Kla, before saying that she heard from the other students that they were a shipped couple and she and her friend wanted to take that further. Peak’s reaction to the news that Toon wanted him to be a couple with Kla stroked me as coming from someone that did not liked the idea of being either shipped with a person he did not had any kind of connection or did not liked to be forced to do stuff (based on the trailer for Y-IDOL, seems like a mix of both, with the latter being more prominent) and Toon then proceeded to be her manipulative self, reminding Peak that he didn’t have a lot of job those days, that he even had to drop out from university, basically saying that being a ship with Kla was the only way for him to have jobs again (she did the same with Bew, saying that if Gus went to be on her side, he could have a boyfriend, the house of his dreams, his family together and all the love he wanted, plus the Greatest Y Award that he desired so much – some people don’t change their character, they just change strategies – Kla then appears with Pla and I had the impression that he did not seem to have the strong reaction that Peak had with the news of them being paired together so, either he don’t mind very much or the idea of being close to Peak is intriguing to him;
-          KlaPeak’s workshop session with Kru Vi is very much a disaster, with Peak being as stiff as always, and Pla comments that with both of them acting like stones, it would be difficult to built them. Toon then asks if she should send them to a personality building class and this is where the Y-IDOL comes into place, being the perfect way to launch new talents and s new shipped couple that would immediately have a new series for them on TTV – everyone wants to work on TTV, so who would deny this opportunity? Clearly not PlaToon;
-          GusBew see the announcement of the Y-IDOL house and comment how the idea was made to attract the higher amount of fans and what would happen to the present ships after that started – remember the theory of easy replacement that I talked about? The passage of time may not be consistent but at least the themes discussed in this story arcs are – and after that they found out that their former managers already had new starts. Bew then receives a phone call from someone telling that they should meet them today and when Gus asks what’s wrong, Bew says that it is time for them to meet their new manager;
-          PlaToon and KlaPeak are reading the comments about KlaPeak’s presence in the house and some comments point out that with the way Peak acts, he would be eliminated in the first round, with Peak stating that he was barely in the industry and was already being bashed. Kla then tells Peak to be brave and that he would help him and the way he looked at Peak made me go back to my thoughts that he really was finding the idea of being paired with Peak interesting and already preparing himself to the amount of fanservice he was going to be requested to do;
-          The trend for Y-IDOL dropped to second place with the announcement that GusBew would be making a comeback in 2023 and that their new manager, that was going to be managing both of them, was a well-respected person in the industry, so GusBew were supposedly in good hands – I don’t trust anyone in this series, but Kong hasn’t done anything to warrant my being suspicious of them, so I’ll let it pass until further notice;
-          PlaToon are drinking, feeling the weight of the fact that GusBew had a new manager, and Pla asks Toon if they should attack them, with Toon saying that she wants to but GusBew were their kids once and Pla reminded her that they were under somebody else’s care, that Bew doesn’t pick the phone when she calls or even looks at her in events, and knows that she still loves Bew but is not sure if Bew still loves her, before saying that it’s time for her to do what she can do;
-          PlaToon then trick a few reporters, saying that GusBew were going to do a press conference to talk about the issue between the four of them and Kong, seemingly a very diligent manager, said that they needed to act fast before things got too far;
-          PlaToon then are seeing having a conversation with GusBew, while Kong is also there, and Toon asks if Kong was taking a good care of them and if it was worth it to hurt them (PlaToon) and hurt themselves, before Gus say that she made him go to the hospital and hired the detective girl and that Pla planned everything to make Bew love him and stole his money, so what he had done to them. Pla then asked Gus if he didn’t know about it and when Gus asked what he was supposed to know, Bew stepped in and asked if they were not ashamed, if he didn’t have the right to feel angry, to feel bad, to take revenge, as they only wanted to get away from the stress and be happy. Toon then asks Bew if he wanted to play like that and Bew says that he would tell everyone that he was the one behind the plan to record Pla, with Pla asking if it was only that much and Gus wanting to know what else did they wanted, for him to die, before Bew say that it would be good if he died and stand up, and having another convenient panic attack before passing out;
-          In the press conference, that they were forced to carry on to not raise suspicions, GusBew ended up coming out and revealing that they were a couple;
-          The episode ended with the bombastic revelation that, as Toon was suspecting, Bew had been the one responsible for the detective girl leaking his sex video.
Final thoughts – Holy shit, I can’t deal with this anymore
To be honest, the revelation was more of a confirmation that something was wrong but even then, I felt like I had been betrayed by Bew somehow. To quote what I said in a ask about my predictions for their arc ending, “this episode, the whole episode, gave a weird vibe from beginning to finish and I started to have some suspicions that Bew was up for something since his "panic attack" (I put it air quotes because it felt very convenient for him to have one when he was being accused of being the one responsible for the leaked video and how forced it felt. I will expand on this on my analysis post so let me stop here before I go even further) and how he became so "wicked" so suddenly, to the point of being the one to suggest for him and Gus to leave the managers, for him to get the evidence that Toon was "responsible", for him to give Gus the idea of them pretending to be apart to increase expectations around them having a couple work, for him to be the one that apparently found them a new manager. But even if I was feeling something was weird, the revelation struck me like a brick in the middle of my face and it left me in a bad mood for hours”. I knew it was weird for Bew to just forgive Gus but not forgive Toon, but I was just hoping that we would see how this process of forgiveness started and what were the criteria that he used to see if it was worth it continue in a relationship that started with a lie, instead of just move on and start fresh.
When I talked about the parallels between Kitty and Bew, I left out the way they decided to deal with the pain they were feeling, mostly because I wanted to follow the structure of information revelation that the episode used, but both of them lashed out and tried to hurt the people that had hurt them first, with Kitty creating the account to expose GusBew and Bew using Kitty to create all the issues around his sextape, destabilize the environment between the four of them bad enough for him to have a way out of all of that. Because when you go back and analyze everything taking into account these new information, the video was only leaked after Bew found out about the plan and all the subsequent actions coming from Bew start to have a manipulative trace in them, with him making PlaToon fight amongst themselves, make Gus suspect of Toon, Pla (with his influence) and Bew (as a way to inflict emotional pain, the same way he did to him) and then use their time away from each other as a way to see if Gus was emotionally dependent of him enough for him to continue his plan. Him not wanting to find out who was the one responsible for the leaking but then after finding out that had been Kitty, reunited all the evidences that were so convincing and convenient for him to just leave Toon behind, then him giving Gus the idea to record Pla confessing his crimes and use that as a way to leave Pla, him being the one responsible of finding them a new manager, him being the one thinking about pretending to be apart to make their comeback bigger than anything else, everything was just the tip of the iceberg on how Bew managed to manipulate everyone while pretending to still be the innocent Bew that we met at the start of their story.
And don’t get me started on the insane idea that I had that he had somehow involved PlaToon in his plan, just to make Gus suffer the most because for him Gus’ betrayal had been the most painful, so the revenge to him should also be the most painful.
So, this is it. Me speed running this post, so it can be posted before the episode airs (unfortunately, it did not happen but well, is the intention that counts). This episode drained me when I watched, drained when I rewatched to make this post, and I don’t know if there is any rewatchable value besides trying to find hidden lore in it, so I’ll just pretend that it does not exists and move on. Prayer circle for a coherent ending because I’m tired of having to defend Cheewin when he leaves important stuff out for no reason.
Please, let me have a coherent ending.
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absolutebl · 4 years
This Week In BL
Feb 2021 Part 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. 
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Ongoing Series Thai 
Manner of Death Ep 11 - a nice beefcake twist, then another twist, plus proud gay dads. We are mighty pleased. 
Cupid Coach Ep 4 - Unbearably boring. I’m out. We are not amused. 
My Bromance Ep 9 - FINALE I watched it unsubbed (I’ve NOT been following since ep 3) and it looks like it has a nice cute happy ending. I’m now interested in binging it once good subs become available. 
1000 Stars Ep 2 - was a lot better than Ep 1, the mains have okay chemistry, the kids are serviceable (child actors, shudder), but I’m really loving all the side characters. We are cautiously optimistic. 
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Ongoing Series Not Thai 
You Are Ma Boy Ep 5 (Vietnam) - pacing still good, cuties are still giving it their all, solid little series with bumpy side couples, confession call & response continues apace.
To My Star Ep 7-9 FINALE (Korea) - quirky as all goddamn getup, but so fucking cinnamon roll tasty. Charming end. Recommended so long as you realize we are in Mr Heart style K-BL. (Also @coldties posted a killer MV for this one.) This one will get a movie rerelease like Wish You, hopefully also on Netflix. 
We Best Love: No. 1 For You Ep 6 FINALE (Taiwan) - we got to see boyfriends being domestic af adorable with an ending that was a touch bittersweet but very college appropriate. With season 2 coming March 5 I am disposed to be VERY PLEASED. 
What will we do with ourselves and nothing new out of Korea or Taiwan for two WHOLE weeks? 
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Stand Alone 
I rewatched Wish You (2020 Korean series WISH YOU: Your Melody From My Heart now retitled - thank fuck - and available as a movie on Netflix). I have to say Yoon Sang Yi delivers some excellent pining. I’m not a huge insta-love person and there’s some character dev flaws, but it holds up really well and delivers more as a movie then it did as a series.
One of my favorite catches on the rewatch was the way Yoon Sang Yi’s jacket sleeves are always too long. It’s such a perfect little character trait. He is so shy and careful that he shrugs smaller into his coat, and also he hides his hands - when, as a pianist, his hands represent his self actualization and art. He only exposes them when making music... or holding Kang In Soo‘s hand. 
Incidentally, I was moved to look these two up... both out of K-pop. (This is my shocked face.) 
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Breaking News 
Lovey Writer dropped its official trailer at last, looking good and trope-filed. It’s set to start Feb 24th. 
Top Secret Together dropped its first promo material (Thai, no eng subs). I’m excited about this one, it’s being lead out by an IRL couple. 
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My Engineer 2 
The ME boys dropped an adorable gossip heavy promo vid. ME 2 is finishing up the script and will probably begin filming in April. It’s supposed to still release in 2021 (which makes me worry about post and explains a lot about some of Thai BL’s audio quality issues). With April filming, my guess is for an October (but more likely November) release. 
Close Friend 
Lay talked about his Close Friend project, which is a MV series from BOX Music featuring musically-inclined actors with established BL pairings so:
KimCop (MarkKit from Gen Y)
JimmyTommy (SaifahZon from Why R U)
JaFirst (LeoFiat from TharnType 2)
YoonLay (NottPun from YYY)
Perth talked about Y-Destiny (previous title Destiny) which presumably is already filmed because he said it will be on air at the beginning of this year. As this is a Cheewin project, expect it to be something odd, campy, and frenetic in the YYY style. My guess is they’ll wait until You Only Eat Alone has completed its run before airing Y-Destiny, because who can take more than one Cheewin at a time? No one. Not even Thailand. 
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Perth also talked about KinnPorsche. He said it would be on air... but that he wasn’t allowed to say the date, so we can hope this means they finally got distribution. (The excitement over the trailer probably helped - it has over a million views.) He also said they would start filming soon (so Feb/March) which means, if everything goes smoothly, a late summer release at the earliest. However, with an independent studio, high production values, big cast, and fight sequences I would expect KP to have more post than most BLs, so my guess is it will air towards the end of the year. (And I would be scared for quality if they tried for any earlier.) 
KinnPorsche cast also continues to work the BL talk show circuit, they made an appearance on Sosat Seoul Say. Mile & Apo are adorable + good chemistry, in fact the whole cast is adorable with good chemistry, so I’m excited for this series. 
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Cutest beans, Sam & Yu of We Best Love, have been dropping the most charming little lives ever. I’m so pleased we are getting a second season out of them. I can’t remember the title because, ya know, Taiwanese titles are beyond bonkers. But season 2 is listed now. 
Hong Kong is reported to be filming its first BL Series (15 eps to air on VIUTV). It will be an adaptation of 2018 Japanese BL drama Ossan’s Love (maybe same title?). Like Cherry Magic this is an office romcom: 30s single man who isn't popular with women lives with his parents. When they kick him out, he moves in with a coworker. Turns out this guy has a crush on him, as does another dude from his office. Foundational tropes: Office romance meets forced proximity meets love triangle. I expect the style out of Hong Kong to be somewhat similar to Taiwan, however they are politically less independent of China Main (although culturally VERY different) so this series could be DOA (for gay) or get killed early in its run (see Addicted web series - or don’t see it, if you’re in China). Also, like the Japanese original (and unlike most Taiwanese stuff), expect VERY low heat. That said, 15 eps is nothing to sneeze at, even if they are only 15-20 min each. So I guess I am... intrigued? 
Next Week Looks Like This: 
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February Update: Others that are airing but I’m not following: 
Fools (Vietnamese) - I don’t think it’s going to end happily (it’s from the Stage of Love peeps), so I’m waiting to binge if it does 
Brothers (Thai) - deals with taboo relationships from the Thank God it’s Friday people (this will not end well) 
Happenstance (Pinoy) - I don’t follow Pinoy BL closely
One Day Pag-ibig (Pinoy) - ibid 
Love or Lie (Pinoy) - ibid 
The Alter (Pinoy) - ibid 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here. 
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something. 
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
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“I was afraid that I wouldn’t get a chance to say it anymore.”
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nanonkorapat · 4 years
iconic moments on yyy ep 4
om talking about consent and how he might be horny but he's also a gentleman and he would never make a move on a drunken girl because he knows what's right and wrong and he loves yuri
arm talking about healthy communication and helping nottpun although we all know he has a crush on nott (like seriously how precious is he, he literally saw nott being sad and helped them get back 'together')
porpla breaking the fourth wall a million times and being aware of being a support character in a bl series + talking about how yaoi shows work
om and porpla encouraging pun to go talk to nott by saying nott has a big heart and you should talk to him before you lose him, the key is communication again
on the same topic can we talk about "open your heart and use it to talk"?
"love is like the door. sometimes you need to open the door for others to come in. is a closed door with a wounded heart better?"
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ryansjane · 4 years
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YYY season 2 teaser
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