#also obviously Dark Choco needs one too
quibbs126 · 11 months
Dark Cacao is in desperate need of a buff; from what I understand he’s currently sitting at the worst of the Ancients meta wise and I want to use him in the game again and for him to be useful. They were able to give some to Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla back during City of Wizards, surely they can give him one too
Though also I do find it a bit ironic considering that when I started the game, Dark Cacao I think was considered the best of the Ancients to use, and now he sits as the worst
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little-luna-llama · 4 months
Post mystic flour eps the cacaonian cookies return to crispia, yet not all have recovered from their brush with apathy.
Wildberry cookie, who turned around and came back just after the others had left on a gut feeling, goes to see them and sees crunchy chip who doesn't look right. He finds out that a lot of them haven't quite recovered their full emotions back, and while dark cacao did overcome mystic flour and got stronger he needs to recover himself before he can really help anyone else, Dark choco is doing his best but obviously is not fully prepared either. The unit get to go have a break while they all figure out what to do about the cookies who are struggling, some recover fairly quickly once they get back, some don't. Caramel, Crunchy and the other two among the latter.
Wild is utterly devastated and stays even longer to help find an answer. Helping out dark choco at first until dark cacao is back on his feet, and then focusing particularly on his boyfriend and trying to get a reaction, anything to prove he's under there. He gets a little progress via the creamwolf pack, sees the spark in crunchys eyes flash for but a moment when they all rush him for attention. After that though it's nothing and it's incredibly taxing to see all that passion gone.
He finds himself in the uncomfortable position of being the more openly emotional of the pair, and also asking himself if crunchy will still love him after, if he ever gets his feelings back. It's not a pleasant feeling to have when you have a ring in your pocket you'd been working on while he was away saving the world.
Caramel arrow is no help, arguably in a worse condition that Crunchy Chip, because he ends up talking to second watcher who is a wreck over his nieces condition, he already lost her parents, and to him this is even worse because she's still technically alive, but she's hardly spoke and not even taken to the training grounds to use her bow which she used to love doing.
Crunchy does notice the general mood and points it out.
Wildberry, being fed up by this point, just steels himself and tells Crunchy that once he's better he'll take him on a date. A proper one. No monsters or fighting or imminent doom. He knows he can get better and he will. They'll go have a picnic in the woods or go visit crunchys family over in his home village, hang out with the wolf pack or go get another herring jelly pie.
"I..... I think I'd....like ..that?"
"I know"
Then Wildberry kisses him and when they pull away all of a sudden crunchy reacts to it in his typical style, something like "woof, that was a surprise" or something
And they both laugh and then Wild suddenly realises that what they needed this whole time was some big feeling to kick start their emotions, all the quickly recovered soldiers had partners or children- (second watcher was too busy to give Caramel the overwhelming amount she would need to recover)
They both quickly report what happened and run off to find Caramel
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Choco Cone Cookie AU
So I came up with a Cookie Run AU a few days ago, and... I’m gonna talk about it here, but the idea is- it’s not stupid, I think it’s very interesting (because I’m an AU nerd), but it might come across as dumb to others. I call it the Choco Cone AU.
So basically, the premise of this AU was a part of my “Dark Chocoverse” brainrot where I imagined Dark Choco Cookie in different roles for characters. One of these roles was him being in Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s place, where he’s associated with Wafflebots and is the initially unnamed Cookie the crew meets in the Vanilla Kingdom. And then I started building more onto this idea because I was hyperfixating on the theme of Strawberry Crepe Cookie’s character, which a cyborg-like character who does all these analysis things and techy stuff and yeah.
For the most part, the AU’s been kinda comical. I’ve been talking about it with friend, who I share just about all of my brainrot with, and there’s been more comical scenes than angsty ones, which is a new record for me I think. Like, the scene we just talked about today was a Licorice Oozling getting loose in the Black Citadel thanks to Dark Choco Cookie, and how he’s trying to track it down and catch it before the others find out.
I’m also trying to figure out the backstory/lore for this AU. Like how Dark Choco Cookie ended up in the Vanilla Kingdom and how he ended up fused with these Wafflebot parts, becoming a cyborg and all. The current thing I’m going with is that he suffered some kind of tragic accident and needed life-saving surgery, as he lost limbs. And, at least in this AU, not even Pure Vanilla Cookie’s miracle magic can reattach lost limbs. Maybe the accident in question, if I keep this plotline, could be related to the Dark Flour War with everything going on.
As a result of the accident in question and the spell that sealed away the Vanilla Kingdom, Dark Choco Cookie suffered total amnesia. He remembered basic knowledge and stuff, but he forgot everything about who he was, including his name and where he comes from. But he did still remember that he was a Cookie. There are moments where he can experience deja vu related to his past, such as the licorice smell coming from Licorice Cookie (and probably his name alone tbh) and Dark Enchantress Cookie. He doesn’t know WHY he gets this sense of deja vu and longing, but he does, and it can be pretty distracting at times.
Now, this AU doesn’t get rid of Strawberry Crepe Cookie entirely. The skrunkly still exists in this AU. I don’t really know how I’m going to implement them into the story/setting, but the idea I got not too long ago was that Strawberry Crepe Cookie found Dark Choco Cookie and they’re kinda like a little found family. Obviously this leads to some conflict come Cookie Odyssey and Dark Cacao Cookie finds out that his son is, in fact, still alive. Pretty much hasn’t aged a day and didn’t even know Dark Cacao Cookie or the Dark Cacao Kingdom existed prior to the Council of Heroes, but that’s a topic for another day!
Like, Dark Choco Cookie’s character here isn’t a carbon copy of Strawberry Crepe Cookie. That’s not what I want. Unlike Strawberry Crepe Cookie, who seems to have known how to navigate Wafflebots and data from the moment they gained awareness, Dark Choco Cookie has no idea what is going on. The kid even designed a similar headset for him, one based on the Choco Cone Lancers, and he’s just looking at the data stream like (:D)
At the same time, Dark Choco Cookie’s cluelessness when it comes to technology isn’t solely played for laughs and he’s not just additional comic relief in the AU. Here, he’d be a much stronger opponent than Strawberry Crepe Cookie, especially in terms of the lore and what the boss battle was like from a lore perspective. Because although his brain memory is gone, his muscle (dough?) memory is still there, and he’s an experienced fighter. In this AU’s storyline, Strawberry Crepe Cookie would run to Dark Choco Cookie and be a little tattletale on GingerBrave and friends, and then they’d fight for that reason. Like, what I’m picturing is Dark Choco Cookie holding like a laser cannon and aiming it at the main crew, despite 4/5 (4/6 if you count Healer Cookie) being literal children.
Btw, the name of the AU comes from Dark Choco Cookie’s amnesiac alias, which is literally “Choco Cone Cookie”. He and Strawberry Crepe Cookie could tell that he has a high chocolate count in his dough, and since Strawberry Crepe gave him the similar headset, he took the name “Choco Cone Cookie” after the Wafflebots.
I might write more about this AU and elaborate on it some, maybe even actually write something or draw something (I’d say you can count more on the writing part), and yeah. That’s about it for now.
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blueinkie · 1 year
Some alchemist pirate au stuff
Dark choco joined the party hurray
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For people who can’t read my shitty handwriting( very understandable):
First image:
Yogurt Cream: Is that a fellow prince I see?
Dark Choco: Huh?
Third Image:
Yogurt cream: Y’know,Lilac, I’m really starting to like the pirate life! I mean I can still do what I what I normally did before, collect valuables, but instead of buying it trading for them I can just steal them. Isn’t that fun?
Lilac: uh…sure?
*They are quite literally on the run*
Context for those who care:
Basically Plain Yogurt hires Scorpion to kill his brother again while Lilac is at the cookie kingdom ( he was teleported there with a cookie cutter), and he and Alchemist go back to Yogurca to save Yougurt Cream. They succeed and leave Yogurca on Pirate’s boat, however Plain isn’t going to let them get away that easily. He asks his father for a naval crew to go retrieve his brother since he’s been “kidnapped” by Lilac and his friend ( Alchemist) because he turned rogue. He gets one and is now sailing the seven seas with Scorpion to finally kill, not only Yogurt Cream, but Lilac and Alchemist too.
So yeah Yogurt Cream taking a liking to being a thief isn’t really the best outcome from this. They’re already on one persons hit list, they don’t need to be on more lol.
More context for Dark choco:
Alchemist is obviously going to be friends with the dragon tracking guild ( that’s what I call them anyways) and with Longan and Lychee going missing after a huge battles with them and the other dragons, they can’t be too sure if everything is back to normal. They use the ship as a means of transportation since it’s a lot better than constantly asking Mango to take them places. One day, Milk wants to take the rest of the Dragon Trackers back to his home tribe cuz why not. they then hear rumors of Dark Choco being spotted in the woods, and set out to find him. And they do ( shocker I know). After Milk and Mala Sauce hold Yam back for immediately fighting Dark Choco, Milk and Dino ask if he would like to join them their adventures. With Dark Choco being to afraid to go back to his kingdom, and face his father, he agrees. He also wants a change of scenery ( the less edgy reason as to why he agreed lol). He joins the ship and becomes a shipmate, hurray. ( and then he and Dino kiss and cuddle and get married, he also rejects milk lol)
Tbh if I were him, I wouldn’t want to jump into a full fledge relationship too if I had spent over a decade in a cursed, trauma filled, daze. I would want something causal too. Just saying. I prolly go into DarkDino and how I imagine there dynamic to be in another post.
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bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
Hello Sabri! Recently, I saw a post with some gay drama and I'd like to know if you have some recs for me? I'm thinking of watching Vice Versa soon but I'd love to get into more dramas like that. My favourite is probably Not Me (or Bad Buddy) but I can't keep watching these two over and over lol. Thanks in advance and have a great day <3
ooooooh thank you for that reallynice ask! well i haven't watched that many thai dramas lately but i do have a few to recommend, and then some korean ones that are really good as well (i hope you haven't seen them...)
okay so my fav underrated thai bl is definitely manner of death. it stars max nattapol and tul pakorn (the original bl kings!) and is about that doctor who finds himself in a bit of a pickle trying to solve a suicide-but-really-murder case. the show is a bit dark but its pace and writing are really good + maxtul's chemistry is something else.
if you've loved not me i OBVIOUSLY recommend the eclipse if you haven't seen it already. it is a must. it stars first and khaotung (my babies <3) and has layers and layers of political statements about thailand's regime and queer ppl (it's important to say that it is made by golf tanwarin sukkhapisit, a trans activist who was also the first openly trans woman MP of thailand!)
23.5 hasn't aired yet BUT i am waiting for it impatiently 😍 we need some more gl outthere!
talking about gl you also have GAP, which i haven't watched yet but has a lot of nice kissing scenes from what i've seen 👀
i haven't seen moonlight chicken yet but as a general thai bl rule i would recommend all of the earthmix shows, especially tale of a 1000 stars. sometimes the plot is a bit wobbly but earthmix's chemistry is incredible and the show is also really moving (i cried watching it lol).
finally in the thai drama department my last recommendation would be i told sunset about you, which is a classic and a must see 💙
note: all of those can be quite dark and serious at times, so if you looking for something a bit more fun i'd go for cutie pie or secret crush on you which is the batshiest craziest cringiest show you'll ever watch (i love them. so much. all the characters in this are insane. also it is worth pointing out that for once the feminine gays get to be the stars of the show).
moving on to the kdramas!
it won't have escaped your attention if you follow me that i have been completely insane about the eight sense. idk what to tell you. the queer experience is universal and i am in love. WATCH IT.
in that same vein if you haven't already you must watch blueming, aka my favourite bl of all time with the eight sense, and where your eyes linger (generally speaking i would recommend everything hwang daseul has done, she's an incredible director and writer).
i just finished our dating sim and unintentional love story, which i had a nice time watching!
if you still haven't seen it (HOW??) i obviously recommend semantic error, the king of korean bls. the characters are smart but dumb together and i love them (btw the webtoon is really fun to read too if you're into that!)
finally i'll recommend choco milk shake, which deals with grief in a very soft way and has an incredible cast. you can watch it for free on the company's youtube channel so please support them!
i forgot a lot of thai bls and didn't go into the japanese and taiwanese ones but if you're interested send me another ask! :)
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update on the stray purple yam-!
He's not that aggressive and is right now chilling on my couch
One thing is that he seems to have large scar on his back and seems to always put his back against something like walls or something that doesn't have his back out in the open
I'm thinking that maybe he got attacked on the back and now is very distrusting and will keep his back to the wall
My milk cookie buddy is trying to talk to him/gain his trust
And dark choco has been staying near be protectively
Anyways do you have any ideas on why he always has his back facing to a wall?
A scar? That obviously means it has been attacked and it seem to have traumatized him, his back always facing the walls seems like it means that while he seems friendly, he is still distrustful/fearful of humans and he is trying to hide his back, aka hiding his blind spot as he is afraid that showing his back might get him attacked due to his previous encounter
The first option is to have your milk first gain his trust and talk to him, and leave any medical supplies near them for him to treat him once he does trust him, your dark choco obviously doesn't trust him too so its best to keep them in a safe distance but allow them to atleast acknowledge each other's presense to calm both of them
The second option is rather risky but you can bring him directly to the center to be checked and healed, tho only do this if the scar seems more serious, as it may cause unnessecary stress to the poor thing, so the first option is best,
You can also visit the center to buy some start jellies if you wish, as these jellies can help heal some internal injuries slowly if its needed or you wish to be safe.
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lancerious · 9 months
I think you know who I’m gonna say. But if you feel like you’re getting repetitive then Susie
Clearly, you were referring to any character but Spade King, right? It's obvious you want me to choose any other character :D (<- sarcasm lol).
I'll stat with Spade King first and see if I can think of anything new to say then I'll go to Susie :>.
First, I just want to complain about there not being any Spade King-centric merch on Fangamer yet. I got merch centered around ALL OF MY OTHER TOP 5 FAV DELTARUNE CHARACTERS (besides Rouxls) for crying out loud, I want some Spade King merch! Make a plush of him or something, first his character design is PERFECT for one of those, and second, it would be cute to pair him up with Lancer that way. Maybe there could be both plushies at a slight discount! At the VERY least Fangamer should give out Spade King merch on Father's Day because fathers. I don't care if Spade King isn't "popular" enough for merch, people are GUARANTEED to love it no matter how unpopular he is. I just want my Spade King merch man >:/.
Ok enough whining lol, time to talk about all the kings! I have this goofy idea in my mind where there was constant bickering & whining amongst all the kings when they ruled together. And it's not even bickering about important issues, it's silly things like "what's better choco diamonds or hearts donuts"/"which head of King of Clubs is the most annoying"/"how to pronounce this random word", things like that! Imagining this with how all the kings speak (or don't lol) makes it even funnier too, it would be hilarious to see the King of Hearts arguing with random hand gestures and so on. And NONE of the kings can agree with one another, they all OBVIOUSLY have the right opinion. Idk, I just think it's goofy :).
Something less funny and more adorable is the idea of Spade King's cape doubling as a blanket for Lancer sometimes. I mean, think of all Dark Worlds having seasons! We don't know if that's a thing, but imagine it is. I like to think that during the colder seasons--autumn and winter--Lancer needs extra insulation during the night because he's SMOL. Hence, Spade King's cape! I would think Spade King doesn't get cold super easily, so him giving up his cape temporarily wouldn't be a major issue for him. It's just a cute idea and I had to throw Lancer in here somehow lol.
I know I mentioned my headcannon of Spade King being a coffee addict, but a recent other headcannon popped in where Lancer accidentally drank coffee once due to not knowing what it was. Kid just saw his father's cup of coffee, thought "yeah I'll drink this" & did just that lol. Coffee and Lancer don't mix, that child is gonna be bouncing off the walls aaall day & Spade King will see that, go "heck no I'm not doing this", & make Rouxls watch over Lancer. Well, that or Lancer straight-up doesn't drink the coffee after one sip because it's too bitter for him. Either option works lol.
I want to bring this headcannon of mine up because I see SO many people claim otherwise; I don't think Spade King swears unless he's INCREDIBLY emotional, mostly just anger-emotional. The amount of people I see who think Spade King would swear every other sentence is OBSCENELY big, and I don't agree with this at all. If this were the case, Spade King would have already canonically said A LOT more than only "piss", which even then, the line that word is in was referencing what Susie told Kris at the beginning of Chapter 1. Also, we know for a fact Lancer is practically prohibited from swearing at all, which further proves my point. Spade King is not the swearing type, and I doubt he'll ever be like that. I would argue this isn't even a HEAD-cannon and is actually canonical to his character, but still. Either way, swearing is EXTREMELY minimal.
Spade King has a hidden stash of cashews underneath his--well, not really his anymore lol--throne. That's it, that is all there is.
I've had a lot of ideas on how Lancer got his bike, practically all of which involve Spade King as the one to give said bike. I still stand by that, but something else to add is this: What is Lancer's bike actually USED to be Spade King's bike when he was younger? The bike would have most likely had to be fixed up quite a bit, but still! It could hold a new special meaning for the bike as a whole. Heck, maybe this is part of why Lancer takes such good care of it, what with literally putting the bike in bed and all. Just a sweet li'l thought :).
Last thing for Spade King! I hold the belief that he was raised VERY strictly, and wasn't allowed to do a lot of things. Maybe the other kings had more lenient upbringings, making Spade King jealous/envious of them. Perhaps this is why Lancer has such loose guidelines in terms of what he can do on his own time. It's still a bit strict in some areas of course--one example is Lancer having to be home by a certain time to eat--but in terms of general free time, it's practically limitless for him.
Dang, I did have a lot of fresh Spade King ideas after all! I guess the ideas never stop with this guy. Anyway, onto Susie!
I think the most rational place to start with Susie is her character development! I LOVE the direction Susie is heading, what with becoming more open with others & overall less of a bully/outcast. It's crazy how good her dynamic is with other characters after two, I repeat TWO, canonical in-game days. TWO DAYS! I don't know ANYONE who can change that drastically in two days. Keep it up Susie!
Now for something depressing, every post like this has to have at least one depressing section. I remember how I shared the belief that Susie will warm up to Spade King by the end of Deltarune, but I don't see that being feasible now. Susie is growing as a character, but I don't think she'll get to the point where she's willing to see Spade King as little more than a sworn enemy. If anything, she will at most TOLERATE Lancer beginning to get along with his father again, even if we barely see that happen. I think a big part of why Susie seems to have a more intense hatred for Spade King compared to others is because of his threat to kill Lancer. Even though Spade King explicitly states that was a bluff and Lancer would (allegedly) have been fine, Susie flat-out refuses to accept that. I doubt Susie's mad at Spade King for what he did to HER, it's because of what he did to LANCER. Pretty sad to think about ngl, though we'll have to see how the game progresses.
Speaking of Lancer, I would gush about he & Susie's friendship--I gotta bring this up every time I mention Susie, it's the law--but this post is super long already and I don't have anything really fresh to say in this regard. Just know I still love this duo and their friendship and if anything happens to said friendship I will start a literal war :D!
Susie & Berdly's dynamic is hilarious. Then again, Berdly is hilarious in general. That's about it. It's just funny.
I'm personally intrigued by Susie's backstory and what her family life is like! I don't have tons of ideas in this regard but I doubt it's super positive. I imagine her and Spade King have similar familial/parental backgrounds, but who knows! I hope this sort of stuff is revealed later :).
I think that's it for Susie, I ironically don't have too much to say on her lol. Still, it's nice to cover different characters sometimes! Maybe I should ask for random character prompts more often :>.
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
What would it take for the human to gain the trust of cookies? (Especially the ones that really don't trust them)
Would the human have to save a cookies life? Or would the human have to try take the risk of being hurt to protect them?
Some cookies I believe could never ever ever trust a human no matter what you do for them (I'm mostly talking about Dark Enchantress Cookie (therefore Pomegranate Cookie too). She wants us dead, that is clear to me).
But I think most cookies can be befriended, if done right. I think different cookies mean different methods to approach them.
But most of all, I think the best thing to get their trust is time. The more time cookies spend around the friendly human, the more they'll get used to the freaky size and appearance, and realize that the human's behavior is really harmless.
So i'll just pick a few non-trusting cookies (obviously cherry-picked but whatever) to say how I think would be the best ways to befriend them. Or just scenarios i think would be perfect for their character
Dark Choco Cookie - Saving them from a deadly weather that nearly killed him. So maybe he gets mega soaked in a heavy rainstorm or something, he's so weakened he can barely move, and a human just scoops him up and takes him inside to let him dry by a heater. He's mega shaken and confused, even more so when the human asks him what kind of food he eats. He refuses to speak to the human at first, and he even refuses to eat the food the human offers him. Over time, as he starts to get better, he acknowledges that the human is really doing this out of kindness. He mumbles a thank you eventually, but he still refuses to eat the offered food (because being the self-loathing and well-mannered person that he is, he thinks he doesn't deserve it or something). He trusts the human now, and if you're very lucky and not too insistant, he might open up to you and tell you some things if you ask him questions.
Purple Yam Cookie - Honestly, I think if he saw a human break down after an anger outburst, he could almost instantly become fond of the human. I don't think Yam can be afraid of a human's anger because he thinks his own anger is the most powerful anger. So seeing a human get angry would only make him go "same" and make him want to join and hit things. Not really a trust thing, but I really wanted to say it. Also, If he saw a human get angry in front of him and refrain from doing anything that could hurt any nearby cookie, that could really impress him. He'd acknowledge the human's self-control as proof that the human really doesn't want to hurt anybody, even when they're angry. Also food. I think you can buy his trust with food, maybe.
Pastry Cookie - Really tough one. She's REALLY in denial about your intentions. She's in denial about your existence, even. Beings that are like witches but not godly? Are you trying to trick her into thinking witches are not inherently godly?? You must be a deceiving demon or something. You might have to save her life and get hurt, AND spend a lot of time around her for her to start accepting you. Brainwash is hard to get over.
Knight Cookie - Let's assume you saved Princess Cookie's life. He'd be forced to be extremely thankful, but he might also panic and try to get the princess away from you as quickly as possible. But once the panic moment passed, I'm sure he'd find the courage to properly thank you. Knight Cookie is a nervous cookie, but he recognizes when someone cares about others' safety. I think he just needs to see a human attempt to protect a cookie, and he'll trust that human from then on. But he will always be nervous about the human getting too close to the princess.
Licorice Cookie - Ok this is kind of silly, but imagine if Licorice Cookie got stuck in a plastic bottle or on a glue trap. The human finds him in this super helpless situation, and Licorice Cookie makes a desperate attempt to scare the human away, then eventually resorts to begging for mercy as the human moves closer. But then the human just starts working on helping him out of this sticky situation, asking them if they're okay and asking them to stop struggling to make this easier. Licorice Cookie is in disbelief at first, but after a while of the human carefully trying to free him, he just kind of accepts that this is happening. Once you set him free, he's so fucking confused he doesn't know what to do, and just stands there, staring at you in confusion. Eventually he'll go "...Thank you...?" Now you have to show him the power of friendship! Encourage him to vent about Pomegranate Cookie, make fun of people with him, praise him a whole bunch... Seriously he really needs it. Give him reasons to not need Dark Enchantress Cookie's approval anymore, and he might just become your best friend, tbh. But as long as he's on Dark Enchantress Cookie's side, he can't be seen with you.
(I'm not talking about Dark Cacao Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie because I already talked about them like twice in previous posts when it comes to trusting humans)
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audhd-bitch · 3 years
Ok so I'm a 2nd year biology undergrad who's got ADHD-PI, so all those "study hacks" out there don't work for me lol. I have issues with emotional reg, initiation, motivation, and exec funct.
Here are some tips for ND students, from an actually ND individual:
Time ur meds to you study schedule
Pls get enough sleep the night before lol. Little/no sleep is bad for everyone. Your brain is too tired to do shit and will shut down way faster.
I'm not kidding, eat breakfast. Ur brain literally needs food to function and focus. Smoothies are easy to make and drink. Add protein powder if you don't know about ur next meal. Meal replacement drinks are easy too. You don't even have to prep. Just keep some in ur fridge.
Also I recommend an easy and non perishable trail mix with snacks you'll actually eat. Obviously eating well is good ect ect, but eating no food is worse than eating junk food. I have my favourites (Choco almonds and dried cranberries) in a ziploc. You need glucose for your brain to function.
Have a study IG/YouTube/Pinterest to inspire and get into the mindset. Tricks your brain into think studying is aesthetic. (This is a personal one, cuz I'm a huge nerd about aesthetics and feeling/looking academic lmao).
If social media isn't for you, implement the academia aestheticism into your actual life. Embrace dark acedemia, become soft/angelic-acedemia.
Use noise cancelling headphone and music. Fuck ppl looking at you with those awesome noise protectors on. Fucking rock on 🤘 I have a specific Spotify playlist that has no lyrics. But alternatively, one with lyrics if I want some rapper shouting at me not to give up lmaoooo.
Water!!!! Drink it!! Get a water bottle that's cute as shit, add lemon or flavour, get fizzy water, use a curly straw. Whatever you want!!! (Mine is a coral/ocean themed one from Starbucks)
Find a location that fits ur sensory needs (study w/ ppl, alone, quiet, bright, ect)
Find several locations you really like. I have 4 on rotation. Sometimes the same scenery makes me v unmotivated, but I still need consistency.
Sometimes you do need a break. Don't burn yourself out.
Keep on top of your school work. Have a study plan that works for you.
As for tests, make little questions. You can ask the questions yourself, or ask someone to quiz you/teach them the terminology. (active recall y'all 😎)
Use q-cards? Write down the new terms you learnt right after the class on the bus ride home. You literally have nothing else to do there.
Very important to have at least one class you love/like per semester. Serotonin doesn't work on command for us. I use at least one class as a crutch for the rest of my classes. At least I'm studying for one class than zero.
Know where the washrooms/quiet zones are incase of meltdowns
If ur uni has one, join a ND club. Or make one urself.
Study buddies!! Body doubling (just having someone there) helps with accountability as there is now an external source for responsibility/pressure.
Accomadations!!! Sign up for them every semester, even if you don't think you'll need them.
If u can, (and won't break ur focus) stretch between study sessions. Take a small walk around the tables.
A calendar on your phone is so helpful. At the beginning of the semester, I just get it over with and type everything down. And all these have alarms/reminders that go off on the day of the event. I have 2. One is just for my assignments and test schedule. The other is for general scheduling.
Also, download an app blocker. Super helpful if you find your phone v distracting. If you want to pause it, it gives you 5 seconds to decide. Usually in that time, it's not instant gratification anymore and I don't want to go on IG lol.
I have dealt with many setbacks. I was on academic probation in spring 2021, but now I'm getting As and high Bs.
My meds have helped me with energy/motivation/exec funct, and my study hacks have helped me with organizing/management so that I can succeed. I also have accomadations and access to the counsellors/docs. All these are vital to succeed. You need support and that's ok. ADHD is a disability and that is a neutral statement. Ableism/inaccessibility is what sucks.
If ur in school for ur parents, stop. (Easier said than done, ik. My mom is Japanese af) Put up boundaries w/ ur parents. You're now an adult and they need to understand this. If ur in school cuz you've been in the workforce and see how much it sucks to survive on minimum wage (like me) I totally get it. If ur in school to just learn, that's awesome.
Doesn't really matter why ur in school, as long as ur either enjoying it or have a goal. No goal, but enjoying it? Nice. Not enjoying it but u have a goal? You can do it. Neither of these apply? I would sit down and really think what I want. You don't need to go to school right after hs. I started my first semester at 21 years old. 🤷
Also, sometimes school doesn't work out and that's ok. Maybe you go back in a semester, a couple years, or never. In the end, try and do what makes you happy.
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ulteriorm0tiv3s · 3 years
hey it’s october!! i’m gonna be trying to do writetober so stay tuned!! i’ll also be posting a late birthday fic for dark choco so stay tuned for that as well :}, also it’s technically october 2nd now but i started this on the 1st so it still counts + sorry if this isn’t the best, i kinda rushed on it (help me it’s 11:58 and i’m just now posting this crying rn)
the dead leaves crunched on the ground as you wandered around the pumpkin patch, or…what seemed like a pumpkin patch? there weren’t any signs that stated it exactly was a pumpkin patch. but there were pumpkins everywhere, and you did walk like an hour to get here; so you weren’t leaving without a pumpkin. crouching down to get a better look at the pumpkins, you noticed how well the pumpkins were taken care of. they were pretty much the most perfect pumpkins you’ve ever seen. ‘who could’ve planted these?’ you thought to yourself. suddenly, you heard leaves crunching nearby. since it was night, your only instinct was to jump up and go hide somewhere. the crunching could’ve been an animal, but to stay safe, you just hid behind a tree.
“i hope clover cookie’s animal friends didn’t get into my pumpkins again…” you heard a voice sigh. you popped your head from behind the tree to see where the voice was coming from. you saw a stranger searching through the pumpkin patch, and he had a flashlight. you shuffled back to your original spot behind the tree, hoping the stranger wouldn’t find you. but alas, it was fall. so every time you moved, the leaves coating the grass would crunch. the flashlight that the stranger was holding shined in your direction. your heart started to beat at a really fast pace, you were scared and didn’t know what to do. you just froze and stood there. the footsteps of the stranger drew closer until…
“ah..hello…?” you looked down at the stranger, and he looked back at you. he was…a lot shorter than he looked from far away. however, you were still scared. you didn’t want to get your ass kicked for trespassing. you expected him to scold you for trespassing or something, but instead, he sounded a bit concerned, “are you alright? it’s chilly out here and you don’t have a sweater on.” you really weren’t expecting this stranger to have such concern for you. you cleared your throat before speaking, “uhm..i’m fine, thank you.”
“you can come inside my cottage for a bit, it’s late at night and chilly, no cookie should be out here,” the stranger offered. well, it was pretty chilly. and he was allowing you to come into his home, it felt cruel to decline such an offer. after thinking for a few seconds, you nod your head. “alright! follow me,” the stranger started to walk towards his cottage, beckoning you to follow. you noticed how careful the stranger was around any plant, he made sure not to step on anything, even a small flower. strange, he’s just very passionate about plants, you assume.
when you arrive at the cottage, you admire the structure of it; long strands of ivy creeped up the sides, and many small gardens were around the building. even potted plants sat on the large porch. there were also a few small ponds too. you and the stranger walked into the cottage. “wait here, i’ll bring you some tea,” the stranger excused himself into the kitchen. you sat down on one of the chairs in the living room, it was pretty comfy; you felt a lot warmer than you did outside. a few minutes later, the stranger came back with a small cup of tea, slowly handing it to you. “thank you,” you hummed as you accepted the cup. the stranger just smiles warmly at you as he sits in the chair next to yours.
“oh, i’ve yet to introduce myself. my name is herb cookie!” he grinned as he extended his hand towards you. “(y/n), and uh, sorry about trespassing,” you awkwardly reply, whilst shaking herb cookie’s hand. “no need to worry about it. how did you find my little pumpkin garden though? it’s not exactly a public area,” he asked you.
“well, i was just walking through the forest. then i saw a few squirrels feasting on a fresh pumpkin, and decided to walk around until i found your patch,” you explained, slowly sipping your tea afterwards. herb cookie nodded, “i see…i guess clover cookie’s animal friends did get to the pumpkins after all.” hm, you didn’t see any cookies on your way here. so, out of curiosity, you ask, “who’s clover cookie?” “clover cookie is my brother! he lives here with me,” herb cookie replied. ‘huh, brother. i wonder if they look the same,’ you pondered to yourself.
you and herb cookie chatted for awhile. it was now around midnight, and you were getting a bit tired. herb cookie noticed this and let you stay in one of his guest rooms.
you ended up staying the night there, and honestly, you slept surprisingly well. and in the morning, herb cookie made biscuits for breakfast. plus you even got to meet clover cookie. you, herb cookie, and clover cookie chatted for a bit; until it was time for you to go home. before you left, herb cookie stopped you, “i know you came here to get a pumpkin, so you can have one of mine!” you looked at him, confused on why he’d let you have one. herb cookie obviously cared deeply about his plants. so why did he let you have one. “you’ve been an amazing guest, so you can have one! another gift from me,” he smiled cheerfully. you smile back, grateful for your new friend.
when you got home, you turned the pumpkin into a little plant pot, to symbolize your new friend.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
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Oh yeah, so I’ve been actually coloring my stylized versions. This is just what I have so far on the page, but I still felt like sharing
First we have Dark Cacao and Choco, obviously, since they were what started it and they’re my faves
I feel like I should mention, I said previously that they were gonna be monochromatic, specifically greyscale, with the eyes (and probably gems) being the only pop of color. I did that, and then sent it to a Discord group I’m in, but then someone there told me “hey maybe don’t color them as grey”. To be fully honest, I’m still not entirely sure why (note that I’m white and also tend to live under a rock when it comes to real world stuff), but I do vaguely recall some people being upset that Fettuccine when she came out had a somewhat grey dough color, so I assume there’s some sort of negative connotation around coloring black people with grey skin. Yeah I’d say this was a case of me not thinking before I do something, which is pretty common for me tbh. So I decided to instead make their colors purple and red monochromatic (outside of the hair), and that person on Discord said it looked a lot better
I probably didn’t need to tell you all that, I could have just said I decided to make them purple and red and avoided saying that I did that, but I don’t know, I felt like I should? I don’t like being dishonest (unless it’s my parents)
Also Dark Cacao and Choco’s eyes are white as a partial reference to the Shadow Milk puppets
Anyways, so on to Golden Cheese and Black Raisin
I mostly drew them because on Twitter, there’s someone who ships the two of them and she’s been liking my art, so I thought to draw them. Well I was already drawing Golden Cheese, but I drew Black Raisin too because of that
They’re triangles because birds, and also because Golden Cheese has the triangle Soul Jam
To be perfectly honest, I feel like Golden Cheese didn’t turn out that well. Or at the very least, she looked better in the rough sketches. Maybe it’s because I don’t draw her that much
Golden Cheese was the one I probably took the most liberties with design wise, but color wise she stayed mostly the same. It’s mostly because how her face is drawn, meaning you only see one side of it, and her colors kind of just work as is with the stylization
Golden Cheese is probably going to be the only Ancient to keep her normal dough color, other than maybe Pure Vanilla
Black Raisin turned out better I think. She has sharper angles mostly because I didn’t realize until later that I should make GC sharper, but it didn’t look right. And also I think it fits with Black Raisin’s character to be sharper
Black Raisin has a lot less colors, mostly because I didn’t think she needs that many, she’s relatively simple color wise
Sorry I’m in class right now, and I’m only half paying attention to this post. I think I’ve got most everything down, so I’ll just post now
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nvrlostword · 4 years
cookie run kingdom au bc i’m out of control
ok first of all the kid cookies legally cannot go on missions
chili pepper (though she generally hates rules) established this rule after stage 2-18 when she saw the jelly worm get turned into a dragon and thought maybe this wasn’t the best environment for children
soon after this snow sugar and alchemist run into espresso and are like “wow! a magic cookie! will you come live in our kingdom?!”
espresso agrees because he’s a big softie for kids deep down because he’s been roaming around studying magic for a little while now and it would be nice to have a place to settle down and maybe start up a coffee magic school
of course as soon as they reach the kingdom gate, who else would be there but madeleine cookie
espresso: i need to leave immediately
espresso does consider booking it but alchemist seems so eager to learn magic from him and how could he break his promise to snow sugar to live in her kingdom
meanwhile madeleine, who’s been in the kingdom for a little while now, is surprised to see that one guy from the republic again so he waves cheerfully at espresso and espresso just. walks past him. not even acknowledged
espresso hopes that he won’t have to interact with madeleine much and he can just ignore him. unfortunately, the only house available is the one next to madeleine’s (because madeleine’s house gives off a blinding aura that makes it hard for other cookies to sleep at night, thus no one wants to live next to him except angel cookie, who’s his neighbor on the other side)
at DAWN the next day madeleine’s at espresso’s door. espresso (regrettably) answers after like two and a half hours of madeleine standing there at his door, knocking
madeleine asks espresso to join the exploration team and espresso slams the door in his face
madeleine continues to talk to espresso through the door and espresso makes a note to ask the sugar gnomes to install a thicker door
the only reason espresso eventually agrees is because snow sugar asks him to
so when espresso joins, he’s not terribly surprised that the team is a mess (because why else would madeleine, of all people, ask him to join- he must have been desperate), but he didn’t expect it to be... well, as much of a mess as it was. we’ve got madeleine (strong but stupid), avocado (who’s okay at combat but really is a lot better at weaponsmithing), angel (who sometimes does healing magic but more often than not just focuses on making a glowing aura around madeleine), and vampire (does he even do anything???).
madeleine is so happy to have a cookie that’s competent in combat that he gives espresso one of those friendly pats on the back except he’s too overexcited and ends up knocking espresso over
espresso: *long sigh*
so a couple days later espresso is like “why tf is chili pepper cookie not on our combat team???”
turns out chili pepper and madeleine had a disagreement about the morality of stealing and chili pepper refused to do combat for the kingdom ever since
espresso comes in and smooths things over and chili pepper replaces vampire cookie in the exploration team, a change which makes everyone happier
then they meet rye cookie during the chilirye quests
episode 4 and the beginning of episode 5 are kind of rough for our exploration team bc they’re being chased by both licorice and rye cookie
but when they get to pomegranate village and rye hears the whole thing about dark enchantress cookie coming to take over the world, rye begrudgingly agrees to work with the team and avocado goes back to working at the kingdom forge
thus, an epic slow burn chilirye romance begins
the same thing has been happening with espresseleine but like stupidly slow
lore time: ok so in my mind dark magic and black magic are two different things. black magic is like the evil stuff dark enchantress uses, and it’s just one branch of dark magic (coffee magic would be another branch of dark magic), but a lot of cookies get the two confused and so dark mages are looked at as evil
what does this have to do with anything, you ask? well, it just so happens that madeleine and espresso did, in fact, meet once before when they were kids. madeleine was afraid of espresso bc he practiced “black” magic and ran away from him
madeleine doesn’t remember this interaction. espresso does.
it was espresso’s first experience with cookies mistaking him for a black mage, and it wouldn’t be the last, especially from light mages. this is part of why he’s so dedicated to his studies- to prove that not all dark magic is bad
so as the group travels together, they all realize some things. chili pepper and rye realize they’re not so different after all, espresso and madeleine (respectively) realize that dark and light magic (and each other) aren’t so bad, and angel cookie realizes she’s surrounded by gay cookies
everything goes great until 7-25. you remember 7-25 and the nightmare-ridden librarian? i do. i was stuck on that level for WEEKS
anyway. the party gets to the librarian and they are HURTING. chili pepper and rye end up confessing their love to each other- which says a lot about how dire the situation was if you could get two lesbians to confess their love
so madeleine’s at the front and the librarian is about to absolutely murder him when espresso says not today, not my man. espresso steps up and uses all of his remaining energy to send the librarian to a pocket dimension or something, but espresso ends up getting pulled in too and he’s assumed dead
he’s not dead he’s just kinda in suspended animation in the void but the others don’t know that
then the cookies go back to the kingdom bc they need healing, right? wrong. madeleine stays by where espresso disappeared and refuses to move bc what if he comes back, he was injured and when he comes back he’ll need someone there to help him even if he won’t admit it, he’ll be back any minute now
eventually chili pepper has to knock madeleine out just so they can get back to the kingdom
they’re all kinda depresso about losing espresso but none moreso than madeleine. he’s so depressed, in fact, that his light magic actually weakens
he’s still a part of the exploration missions but he’s just. distracted. in a way he wasn’t before. he’s more careless in battle, spends more time alone, and people have actually seen him without his smile
so while our crew is somewhere in episode 8, pomegranate cookie happens to go back to the library and finds the dark magic rift. unlike the cookies on our adventure team, she can actually open it
pomegranate, finding a weakened espresso in the rift: it’s free real estate
pomegranate is really impressed by espresso’s magical talent and takes him back to dark enchantress cookie (who has been summoned at this point and is starting to really cause chaos). dark enchantress wants to recruit espresso but he refuses because of a certain light magic idiot dark enchantress is the one who made people look at dark magic as evil
dark enchantress: ok *casts a mind control spell on espresso*
posesso the espresso
meanwhile, madeleine is doing the talking to himself thing that he does (in the MIDDLE of a battle) and he’s like “why would espresso do that, anyway? he’s never done anything selfless in his life!” and chili pepper just rolls her eyes and as she’s taking out an enemy and says “because he was in love with you”
*madeleine voice* HUH????????
everyone else thought madeleine and espresso were together bc they obviously had a thing for each other and that’s why madeleine was so distraught when espresso “died”
madeleine suddenly realizes he like likes espresso, which is unfortunate bc he’s “dead”
at this exact moment, white lily shows up claiming she was attacked by espresso
madeleine: THAT’S WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!
some distance away, possessed!espresso facepalms. “why did i just do that,” he wonders
so this is how they learn espresso is alive but possessed by dark enchantress. madeleine, however, only cares about the first part, bc at least there’s hope now that he can bring espresso home
his magic returns, even stronger than before, and the revitalized team plows through the rest of episode 8
so they finally get to dark enchantress and face her. dark choco decides to join the hero team bc pomegranate bullied him
which is really good for the team bc their front, madeleine, runs off to fight possessed!espresso alone at the beginning of the fight
espresso and madeleine would do a lot of sparring and stuff together and they were pretty evenly matched because of their different areas of strength, but this is different bc possessed!espresso is actively trying to kill madeleine and he has a black magic buff
possessed!espresso has the upper hand here, so he gets madeleine cornered and is about to deliver the final blow but he can’t
madeleine sees his hesitation and is like !!!!!! he’s still in there!!!!!!!
he also realizes there’s a pomegranate seed over the eye that espresso covers with his hair and realizes that must be what’s causing the possession spell (like in ovenbreak story run when wind archer gets possessed)
instead of fighting possessed!espresso, madeleine starts talking to him, reminding him of how they started out as kind of enemies, but how they became close friends. madeleine talks about how espresso made him realize that not all dark magic was evil, and there’s beauty in dark magic, too, all while slowly getting closer to possessed!espresso, who’s still poised and ready to deliver the killing blow
finally, madeleine asks possessed!espresso to trust him, and then he reaches out and touches the pomegranate seen over possessed!espresso’s eye. there’s a burst of light magic, the seed falls off, and espresso is back to normal
he and madeleine confess their feelings to each other then go help the others defeat dark enchantress cookie. the kingdom is saved, everyone is happy, and our two couples live in domestic bliss the end
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bluntforcefem · 3 years
points . please gimme stuff abt cotton and dark choco. please i would love to hear it,
THANK YOU OKAY SO FIRST OF ALL DARK CHOCO IS A BIG FUCKIN SOFTY have you SEEN the little gnome skits on youtube where he is so kind to them and trying his best they mean so much to me. so obviously dark choco would get along great with the sheep. he sneaks out at night to the sheep pen and just pets them for a while (it's good stress relief.) but also you can't hide ANYTHING with her own sheep from cotton and between this and my personal exploration party headcanons i think this is where you get them talking
and beyond, like, a shared kindness towards animals and other people, you have. cotton, who takes one look at this deeply exhausted but trying guy who's been cursed for so many years like sherbet cookie was, “destined” to be something, and goes oh! you get it. and i think he does. and knowing about someone else who, while not directly cursed, knew someone who was and fought against that for them like he is, and who gets it too? it's. a good shared experience for them both. sometimes you have a friend who you hang out with casually and you have their back during exploration, but they're also one of the people who you can just... be tired around.
cotton goes to dark choco and sits in herb's garden with him while he tends to the plants while herb is gone. she isn't as outwardly cheery, visibly exhausted, but she isn't doing badly. she just... needs a minute, around someone who understands how deep this exhaustion goes. how deep fighting fate makes that exhaustion go. and they talk, quietly, and sometimes they don't and that's just as good. sometimes dark choco is the one to fill the silence with stories of the kids or hand-me-down tales from pure vanilla, and cotton listens with a tiny smile.
and dark choco goes to the hill and this time cotton invites him inside, because outwardly he's the same but there's a look in his eyes that's haunted and he can't quite keep his hands from trying to stray to his sword. she gives him a sheep to hold, instead, and she makes warm drinks and sets up a blanket fort big enough for the two of them and some sheep, and she fills the silence with tales of sherbet's adventures as a herald. sometimes she even tells him her own story, the real one, in all its heartbreaking honesty. it's just another tale, at this point, but it means something to share. he gets it. she knows he does.
they are. the besties. thank you for asking audy :D
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flying-hybrid · 4 years
I need to talk about something.
TL;DR: I talk about how I believe how some of the cookie run comics can become canon to the main cookie run game.
It is so long I am so sorry
Cookie run. We know the comics exist, yeah? I know for a long while, it’s been established by the fandom that any lore in the comics are, in fact, not canon to the main game. 
Devsisters quote tweeted a tweet by Fall Guys who gave us the skeletal figure of the Fall Guys characters. They quote tweeted “Don't worry, Cookie Run fans: Our Cookies are just Cookies. No Eldritch horrors inside!” which is, haha, very funny.
Then Mic Mac sent a reply that states “At this point I just wonder if they are filled with Strawberry Jam.“ which, if you guys don’t know, was something that was established in one of the cookie run comics! I think it was Hanja run. 
I know this is not an official answer if they really are filled with strawberry jam, but I do want to state something. If it IS canon, this might mean that the cookie run comics have some canon elements to them.
Obviously, not EVERYTHING would be canon like the farting, and the pooping, and cookie h*tler. I do want to point out, though, that there are some canon elements to some of the comics. Not all of them, but some of them. Like how young Dark Choco Cookie appeared in the comics before coming into the game. 
Also, the lore about the cookie kingdom falling and tiger lily cookie being separated from princess cookie is established in the comics too in full detail, while this still needs to be addressed in game, but was featured a bit in Line.
I know this plotline is still canon in Ovenbreak because princess cookie’s relationship with tiger lily cookie is along the lines of “You look familiar.”
Point in blank. Some stuff from the comics maybe canon because Mic Mac tweeted something that originated from the comics. This helps me figure out the cookie run timeline, which I am trying to write right now.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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mymarifae · 4 years
every day i think about how badly we were robbed when devsis made milk. we didn’t need a whole new character that knows dark choco and would want to go on a quest to find them. avocado’s been here the whole time!!!!!!!! it’s so infuriating to think of what the guild run story would have been like if she were included. like listen:
- she’s a skilled blacksmith and obviously knows how to use the weapons she makes! personally, i headcanon that on top of her skills as a blacksmith, she can also create temporary weapons out of magic - based on her ability in game and how quickly she makes each of those, and how they vanish when she’s done using them
- so all the scenes where milk’s disgusting ass swoops in with a magical shield and saves the day? could have EASILY been avocado doing the same thing. a shield is even one of the weapons she makes during her ability!!
- she and dark choco know each other. and unlike milk, who just met dark choco ONCE and never saw them again, avocado has a real connection with them. she’s likely the one who made dark choco’s (non-cursed) sword and perhaps their armor as well
- avocado would have an actual, solid reason for wanting to seek out dark choco. perhaps she helped outfit them for their big quest, and she hasn’t heard anything from them in a while...so now she’s worried, and wants to make sure nothing bad has happened to them.
- yam actually LIKES avocado. i don’t doubt he’d be grouchy initially, but since he’s been shown to genuinely enjoy her company, he’d warm up to her, and isn’t that infinitely more appealing than “white man has to keep an eye on the violent black man who is too dangerous to be left on his own”
- dinosour would LOVE her jokes and she’d probably adore him and his jellysaur
- she and mala are a perfect match!!!! they’re both butch lesbians, kinda goofy, very lovable, and they’re both the mama bear type
- avocado’s infectious, boisterous personality has the ability to really tie the whole guild run gang together into one ragtag family. she’s strong and capable. she’s kind. she’s funny. she’s a warm hug personified. 
- i also just thought of avocado telling mango tropical-based puns and jokes and making him laugh and i’m GOING to cry
anyway in conclusion. avocado should have been in guild run because i love her and i want it and devsisters needs to cater to me specifically
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odogaronfang · 4 years
okay so i have some ideas about how the guild squad arc is going to resolve in the end so i put them all together :) it’s kinda long so it’ll be under a readmore but feel free to add any thoughts you have!!
okay unless there's something about the guild squad dark choco cookie hunt storyline i missed, we don't know where DC is going, right? but we know that they were in the dragon's valley, with or at least near pitaya, because pitaya mentions a cookie touched by darkness passing through the valley. that's not a very convenient location to travel to and probably not a great place to stay if you're unfamiliar with it, but they were there, meaning they may have looked for something, but they obviously didn't find it and so continued on their way.
and then right before the earthquake, yam says that he has a hunch about where DC was going and/or what they were looking for! and i know mango first introduces the additional dragon lore to milk and dino for story reasons because we the players are unfamiliar with it, but it's safe to say that mala knows about the dragons, and yam probably also knows something about it, whether that be from prior knowledge or from asking mala about them.
because DC was at least formerly royalty, we can expect them to have had a pretty thorough education, so DC may have also heard the legends of the dragons! and they went to dragon's valley to seek them out, but found that all of them had fled except for pitaya, so they may have tried to approach or investigate pitaya which is why pitaya knew they'd passed through. but pitaya wasn’t the dragon they wanted- they control “fire and brimstone” which overall isn’t very helpful to DC, so DC left the valley.
so what if.......... DC is seeking out the blue dragon for a wish! maybe to uncurse them! or they may even be looking for the violet dragon, who manipulates darkness- but i also like the idea of DC’s corruption being somehow tied to the violet dragon and not to dark enchantress, so maybe the violet dragon is trying to bring their “toy” back now that their power is waning?
and the interesting thing about all this is that mala and yam will likely encounter the blue dragon wherever they are, along with the ivory dragon, but milk and dino are (or were) near the violet dragon's island, so regardless of where DC might have gone, only half the squad (and half the people looking for them) will find them.
and with blueberry pie's city of wizards event, devsis has proven that they're willing to do a choose-your-adventure type of thing............... maybe you choose which half of the squad’s story to follow, and that determines who meets DC, and DC's fate (violet dragon or blue dragon) depends on that. and blue dragon/violet dragon is like good end/bad end for DC.
if they get the good end, they’ll be with yam, the guy who distrusts them and believes they’re evil and selfish, etc.
but if they get the bad end, presumably falling deeper into corruption and serving the darkness, they’ll be with milk, who's implied to be blindly idolizing them.
in the good end i imagine that DC frees themselves of the curse for good, either by using a wish from the blue dragon or by asking the ivory dragon what they need to do to be free and stay that way. and yam and mala probably encounter them right before or while they’re interacting with the dragons.
and i imagine DC sort of remembers yam because of the fight for the title and everything and they realize why yam must be after them and yam gives his whole monologue about what a piece of shit DC is but before they actually fight, DC willingly relinquishes the title.
like they admit that they should never have taken it and that they were in the wrong and that yam is more deserving of it, etc. and yam is like 'fine okay' and that’s that, and he's ready to bail on DC as soon as mala gets what SHE needs but like. yam knows that milk would be DEVASTATED if he found out that yam and mala had found DC but not brought DC to see him, and yam also won't lie or ask mala to lie if milk asks about DC.
so yam is like 'don't get me wrong i still hate you but we need you to come with us' and DC is like 'okay i have nothing better to do i guess' so like. assuming the wishes have parameters and they can't wish themselves to where milk and dino are, they ask the ivory dragon where and how to find them and then set off to meet back up with the rest of the squad.
i think mala still tags along because maybe the other two dragons tell her that they need all 5 dragons to heal the valley? idk it's an excuse to keep mala but anyway they have their journey and find milk and dino with the other dragons and i just picture like. mala stumbling upon where milk and dino are first and they're like Holy Shit Mala and she calls yam over and they're like Holy Shit We're Together Again but then DC comes through and milk is like HOLY SHIT DC and milk is like 'DARK CHOCO!!! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU!!!' (completely not noticing like their emo outfit and their emo weapon and their missing eye because he's too excited) 
but DC is just like '...who are you?'
and milk is kinda taken aback because he's thinking that DC MUST remember him, and he tries to remind DC of how they saved milk all that time ago but DC is just like 'i've had a lot of fights and i've killed and saved people in equal measure, i don't know who you are' and DC is tired and hurting and feeling ashamed and aimless so they don’t even TRY to be tactful about it and it CRUSHES milk
[insert the rest of story here] because i have ideas for the scene that follows but that’s too long and detailed for this post.
anyway bad end….. idk what exactly the violet dragon would do to DC, but it would probably involve making the curse more severe and probably making DC more malicious as a Just For Fun :) sort of thing, or maybe the violet dragon wants DC as a bodyguard and an agent of darkness now that their own power is fading (of course this depends on whether the violet dragon is evil or is cool and just happens to have an unfortunate domain of power).
so i just imagine like. milk and dino going to see the violet dragon, and since they're not as well-versed in the lore as mala is, they're not really sure what they're walking into (i don't think that ananas is willing to give them much help because of what they did to the island)
and as they’re making their way to the violet dragon's lair, they begin to see evidence of someone else passing through, and yam never got the chance to share his theory with milk but i think maybe milk began to get a similar idea? so he's like Dino Holy Fuck and they're following these tracks, which is convenient because it seems to be leading right to the dragon anyway!
i don't think that they ever really "see" the violet dragon, i imagine that they get around to the violet dragon's lair and DC is just. chilling outside, completely nonchalant, acting like nothing is wrong
like they’re just sitting on a rock outside kindling a campfire, sharpening their sword, and maybe the violet dragon is able to access their memories so that they see this old, vague memory with milk and they're like I Can Make A Trap Out Of This :)
the violet dragon sees this emissary of light approaching and doesn't want that shit so!! they can use their new toy to fix the problem :)
but they also don't want DC risking a fight where they’re outnumbered so DC is like (still basically possessed) '...milk? is that you?' and milk is THRILLED
DC invites milk and dino to stay with them around the campfire and talk, and promises that the next morning they'll all go to see the dragon together- but the dragon is actually intending to have DC kill milk and dino in their sleep.
so they sit around talking and DC is being pleasant and friendly, if a little quiet (the dragon is making them let milk and dino speak as a way of gathering information). and meanwhile mala and yam have reached their set of dragons and something just feels Wrong to both of them. some kind of intuition i guess. so i just imagine them frantically asking the ivory dragon what's going on with dino and milk and the ivory dragon thinks for a minute and then they're like 'your two friends are in immediate danger, and likely will not live to see the sun rise tomorrow'
and yam is like 'what kind of danger?????' and the ivory dragon describes DC and yam is like son of a fuck
and beforehand mala can ask or wish for what she needs because lesbian rights and she deserves it but idk they use their other wish from the blue dragon to get to dino and milk somehow but like :) just A Little Too Late to fully prevent everything :)
no one dies except maybe DC depending on how edgy you wanna be! i think jellysaur is on edge and growling and biting at DC every time they come near, because animals just have that Sense, so jellysaur wakes milk and dino just before DC can kill them, but there's still a fight before yam and mala are able to get to them :)
anyway i do have more thoughts but that’s for another time :)
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