#also oob was not kidding
ohno-the-sun · 1 year
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Hmm wanted to try challenging myself to make an earth design for @oobbbear s celestial twins au (since they mentioned not really wanting to make one)
Not sure I’m happy with how they turned out, may do some tweaking
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skykid-void · 5 months
what's your favorite place in sky and/or genshin?
Sky has a TON of beautiful places, so it's genuinely hard to choose only one... so uh, have a list
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This spot in forest? 9/10 perfect for naps, nice background noises, minus points for other players coming by frequently (and trying to push you off)
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This spot, also in forest 9/10 (minus points because the jellyfish isn't here anymore :( )
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This spot in forest is pretty great in general, lots of hiding spots 10/10
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Similar to the first one, sitting means lots of players will come by, but you have a great view of Eden 10/10
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Big fish 11/10
Also there's "illegal" places, such as:
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Top of Prairie temple oob. 9/10 because it's fluffing WIMDY
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Cotton candy sky over forest 10/10
and finally
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big fish under forest 11/10
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hollypies · 2 years
Imagine! You're a skykid, hanging out at grandmas table for the free candles. You hear something beneath you. It's getting louder! It's the piano instrument! Must be someone oob. You pause a moment.
And listen closely
They're playing megolovania. Someone its flying underneath you playing megolovania.
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hallofharmony · 1 year
ok i've been meaning to make this post for a while bc i haven't seen anyone else do this but
sky: cotl terminology!
sky fandom has a lot of terminology that could be confusing if you're a new player or just don't interact with the fandom that much. below is a list of words you might see around and what they mean. let me know if i missed anything ^-^
Sky kid/skid: the little guy you're playing as.
Moth: New players in sky. usually rock the default look. they're called this because the brown cape kinda makes them look like real moths :3
Butterfly: An advanced moth. usually wear base game cosmetics like plain capes and masks. have figured out the general mechanics but not enough to be considered an advanced player.
Veteran: Someone who's been playing for a while. you "officially" become a vet if a spirit from your first season comes back as a TS.
Chibi: player who wears the base game mask that makes them small, known as the "chibi mask".
Ikemen: players that are subjectively considered "handsome". Usually vets that wear rhythm or fire prohet pants, any of the elders' hair and owl hair, among other things. ikejou is the female equivalent.
Ts/traveling spirit: a spirit from a past season returning after a lengthy period of time (at least a year) where you're able to buy their cosmetics for regular candles while they're at home for 4 days.
Sc/season candles: orange candles that are strictly used to buy seasonal cosmetics from current season spirits. you obtain them from doing dailies during season, as well as getting them from candles scattered around the realm
Cr/candle run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting candles
wl/winged light: The little glowy guys that give you wings, increasing your stars
wl run/winged light run: refers to an activity where you go around collecting winged light
wedges/stars: the pattern on your cape that indicates how many winged lights you have
Owl hair: hair that has 2 tuffs that resemble an owl. like the season of rhythm ult hair or the season of performance ult hair
Ult/Ultimate reward: Cosmetics you receive from the season guide when you buy the season pass. Ults are the only cosmetics that don't return after a season ends.
Chibi fall: A glitch utilizing chibi mask. here's how to do it.
Oob/out of bounds: referring to going outside the wind walls and outside the borders. oobing is a big part of sky culture :)
Piggy rocket: a glitch utilizing the piggyback friendship emote, where when 2 players press the piggyback icon on each other at the same time they shoot in the sky, never seeming to stop.
Wind walls: invisible walls made of wind that prevent players from going outside the level to places they shouldn't be.
Krills: fan given name for the big scary dark creatures that roam in wasteland. As far as im aware, they're only ever strictly referred to as "dark dragons" in game and never as "krill" officially
Tgc/thatgamecompany: the developers behind sky.
sky: The Light Awaits: The beta of sky (before the current beta) where tgc allowed a handful of people on to test the game. thought to include this one as i was confused to what it was when i started playing :)
Elder names: again including these because i was also hella confused about them as a new player. but you might see some people use these names to refer to the elders, all of them being from concept art
Daleth: Isle elder
Ayin: Prarie elder
Teth: Forest elder
Sahmekh: Valley elders (sah being the spiky haired twin and mekh being the other one)
Tsadi: Wasteland elder
Lamed: Vault elder
Alef/Resh: Eden Elder/ The king
that last few are spoilers for the end game.
Ac/ ascended candles: candles you obtain after giving winged light to statues in eden. for every 4 statues you get 1 AC
Orbit: the place you end up in after you die in eden, where you go to be reborn.
Megabird: Giant star swirl thing you see at the end credits and hinted at throughout the game. called "megabird" in concept art and made out to be a god. more info
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 2 years
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So if you're a Dreams moth or later, you've probably never seen the original version of the stadium, as it (and the races, to an extent) saw serious changes happen as a result of Dreams
Well here it is, in all its terrible glory. This is the view you'd see after finishing a race, in the form of a cutscene showing the central platform and the two bridge pieces rising from the clouds (which you could control your kid during, but as they were flying around, didn't mean much). Rather than sliding straight into the stadium, you'd be launched off the edge of the race track and take flight into it, as the ice wasn't there. There also wasn't the bit where you'd collect lights scattered around the base of the stadium (for obvious reasons).
Additionally, the winged light found in the stadium wasn't always on the shoulder of that giant statue. Before, it used to be at the top of the stands, right around where Proud Victor now is. If you wanted to grab it, you'd try to get onto that tiny side ramp at the very edge of the stands, closest to the temple, and then run up that
You can still see a version of this stadium in the game, if you watch the Valley Elders' cutscene or go to their oob, but that one does have some differences. For starters, the central area of that is technically a fusion of the base level of their temple and the stands of the stadium. The statues present in that cutscene also overlap with the side ramps near the temple doors, and the lone pillars are not present. The rest of it is the same, however
Now you're probably noticing those pillars rising from the clouds between the central platform and the stands. The two pillars that are closest to either side used to be where the daily bonus candle cakes were, and before the update that allowed you to switch flying modes no matter where you were flying, you had to get incredibly lucky to actually land on them properly. Yeah, you read that right. Before that update, if you were flying over clouds (even a tiny bit of them), you were automatically forced into the second flight mode and could not select the other kind
See that little light to the left of the small platform in the center? That used to be where you collected Bowing Medalist and Proud Victor's respective emote/stance. The two of them used to be in the races (Bow in the flying race, and Proud in the sliding race) as little lights that you had to collect during the race in order to unlock them. Bow was on the other side of the capital-i-shaped structure where that one winged light is, and Proud was within a temple just past the tunnel with the 3 collectable lights, on the right side of the race
Cheerful Spectator used to be on the other half of the stands, on the side where the exit to the Village of Dreams now is (their memories have stayed roughly the same, despite this, though they're now much shorter). The devs keep moving them around tho 😔. There also used to be a blue butterfly that would appear and occasionally circle around the "winner" of the race, but I haven't seen it around in a while
Don't get me wrong, I am so very, very glad the stadium was changed (though I am sad each of the races no longer provide a whole candle). What we have now is leagues better than this. I just thought it'd be nice to share a piece of Sky history with y'all and show how far the stadium has come
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dballzposting · 1 year
I think I'm too tired to properly spin this yarn but
Well Chichi is a heterosexual woman.
She is a woman who wants very much to live traditionally and love loyally. Her satisfaction from life stems from having a stable lifelong partner and from being the matriarch of her own family.
She is also, perhaps predictably, a very romantic person. Shes predisposed to it, jumping on it when it enters her worldview, and as a kid, she becomes committed to Son Goku.
She was very upset when he didnt play the romance game with her, and continues to be upset when he isnt the present family man that she needs him to be.
So. Becasue of all of this, you would not consider her a candidate for a romantic triste (that may be the wrong word but I mean, like, an affair). And yeah, true! She just wants to be loyal, and for her mate to be worthwhile, god damnit! It's the taurus in her!
But listen. She is a very traditional and high-strung woman. And theres this phenomenon where people who follow very strict rules may break strange ones, becasue everyone breaks them every once in a while, and if everything is a big deal to you, then you lose sight of what REALLY shouldnt be broken.
And Chichi, yknow, we all know her, yknow? Shes romantic. Shes strong and forceful. Shes a consummate lover, man, I feel like she just really needs that emotional and physcial satisfaction, yknow? Of course it all happens in the privacy of the home of the married couple because THATS PROPER ! And that's how she wants it to be.
But listen, man, ms Chichi? She's a little off her rocker, yknow?
Hey, listen. I do believe that Ms Chichi is heterosexual. But in a lifestyle that does little to develop base pursuits, sexuality means nothing. Who cares what you feel about whom. All that matters is that you find yourself in the family structure that you need to have, with a partner who can help make it happen. Those feelings of physcial attraction - while are nice to feel and to have satisfied - arent a prerequisite to the stability and fulfillment she would get by a life partner whom she likes well enough otherwise to make her happy and fill her needs. My point is that it's like 1950s USA all up in her shit and sex is an underdeveloped reality, unexplored and underappreciated for its versatility and nuance. Therefore, it holds almost no bearing over her practical mind.
But make no mistake - our Venus-in-Taurus Chichi is a strong and physical woman who does need some lovings from time to time.
LISTEN, OKAY? You may feel that what I am about to say is contradictory but hear me out.
If Ms Chichi got hit on by a woman she would not tolerate it to start. She would have her fists on her hips and she'd be glaring and she'd be like "Uh huh. Okay. I've heard of this. Every now and then you get a woman who thinks it's her place to talk to another woman that way. To speak in such a manner - it degrades the whole sex, doesnt it? Better than having the men hear you speak like that, I suppose - but I for one wont disrespect myself by standing here listening to it."
See Chichi wouldnt snap at a woman in her current age the way she would always snap at a man becasue, well, her women are her fellows. She'll hear them out. She knows theyre smart.
But listen. Man. Goku's been fucked off training with Oob for forever. Piccolo wont visit since Goten got older and no longer needs the extra parental guidance (and Goten has frankly become intolerable company and we all know that thats why Piccolo wont visit but that's beside the point). What's a woman like Chichi supposed to do?
Shes ran a tight ship and a good home. She controls her own life. No one even cares what she does anymore. No one has looked at her in a long time.
She has strong beliefs and she reaps self-esteem from playing by them, romantic loyalty is a huge deal to her. But loyalty to whom? What about loyalty to herself?
Hey, this other woman may have spoken to her that way, but she was a sharp-eyed and witty woman, and good company is hard to find these days!
Chichi is not so prideful that she cant see eye to eye with her fellows. It's been a while since she delighted in fresh feminine connection. Women get it, you know?
It's been even longer since shes had physcial satisfaction. She used to be a martial artist, but she hasnt maintained it enough to keep her joints from aching, and with her husband gone, her life is just void of all physicality. Maybe she just wants to be GRABBED, yknow ?
Shes her own woman. Goddamn.
What I'm trying to say is that if she was hit on by a woman, she would assertively disagree and respectfully hold her volume, and she'd leave.
And then later she'd circle back.
She'd come back with her fists on her hips, still glaring at you strongly from under her titled forehead, and be like "Oye. You got seven minutes." Meaning that you've got 7 minutes to impress her and make this worth her time.
If you dont impress her than she would be set in her conviction and leave with full confidence and zero regret or curiosity.
But with that reality looming, she'll stick around for 7 minutes to see what you have to say. She'll give a fellow woman a chance. And if you impress her, maybe you'll get more than just 7 minutes of conversation out of her.
Becasue Ms Chichi is fearless, becasue again, when everything is vulgur, nothing is. Henceforth she'll refer to you as a "close friend" to others and humour you in raunchy conversation. Or depending on your personality or on what you did together, she'd prefer you to be a bittersweet midnight lover, never to return again ...
Ms Chichi everyone
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Sunday, I also went to the treehouse and Forest Underground to get my stars again.
I noticed the tunnel to the underground star at the treehouse has a new torch inside the entrance, making it easier to see.
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I also noticed a favorite opening to OOB had reappeared with the latest updates. I hadn’t been inside the sealed room (near the winged light on top of a pillar) in quite a while so I hopped through the opening and visited.
I feel like this room was originally meant to be more than it is now. There’s too much detail inside that isn’t visible from in-bounds, and it’s too deep to see in that far so why make it so big? Just before I pop inside the room, you can see there are half-formed stairs below the room. I think there used to be the suggestion of lanterns near the steps, too.
Got stuck in the door on the way out. 🤣 The perils of being a tall Skykid. Can’t fit through openings that smaller kids can jump through with ease.
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normalaboutorcas908 · 11 months
since i like to project onto people (and because I just saw the barbie movie and it was fantastic)--
spider-kids doll collecting headcanons post time (brands, do they play with them, and other stuff)
miles: bratz and barbie collector, but likes Bratz the best. probably also has a dreamhouse that his dolls all live in. does actually play with his dolls sometimes and makes up insane/unhinged stories to cope with being spiderman. Just to distract. stand-in for Dok Ock (redressed Girlz Really Rock Cloe) gets her shit clocked a LOTTTTTTTTT by Tokyo a Go Go Sasha. He's sort of interested in doll repainting, but worries a bit abt wrecking the doll permanently. Esp with his Bratz collection, he almost had to sell a kidney for TAGG Sasha. He's been practicing with the cheap ten dollar Barbies you can buy in Wal-Mart, but he still feels kinda bad. Ganke keeps good watch over his school collection when he has to go be Spider-Man tho. They have an Understanding- Miles watches the Funko Pops when Ganke is at coding conventions, and Ganke watches the dawls when Miles has to fight Green Goblin.
gwen: barbie and monster high collector. just starting out so the collection's not really that big. however, she has all the movies torrented on her computer and watches them when she can't fall asleep. DEFINETELY plays with her dolls too, like has an entire running soap opera going with them that's getting more and more complicated-- toralei is beach ken's bastard daughter that is trying to find the gold that creepover draculaura hid with the help of I Can Be A Mars Explorer barbie, and it only gets weirder from there. Her dad is baffled and confused by it, but she doesn't actually mind (in fact it might be the point). also, a little while after she restarted active collecting, miles gets a text at two am apologizing profusely for opening that collectible because her dad came in to clean her room and took Sweet 1600 Draculaura out of the box "as a treat" and THE TIES AREN'T GOING BACK IN
hobie: refuses to participate in the toxic consumerist nature that this hobby promotes while toy companies dump toxins into the air and kill our crops, while working in tandem with the horrifically abusive beauty industry to promote disgustingly unhealthy body standards to AFAB individuals. does hit the locally owned thrift store on occasion. does sleep with what he has all piled in his sleeping bag like a lil burrito. does carry his favorite around with him in his guitar case. as a little treat. doesn't discriminate with brands, his current favorite is a knockoff of monster high that nobody but him treasures. He jumpscares Miguel with her half zombie-fied face every five seconds and has her play peek-a-boo with Mayday. Peter B finds it funny, Miguel does not lol
pavitr: collects exclusively old and really obscure lines that nobody has ever heard of. Like he can give you a minute description of a random brand that you've never even heard of that lasted for like five minutes in the nineties before flaming out into the discount stores and then pull out their nib AND oob versions. all while saying "oh yeah, im not really into collecting that stuff. it takes up so much space, bro." He's still searching for one but pretends he isn't. also plays with them, along with Gayatri, and their stories are just the cutest sweetest things ever. like they're still batshit insane, don't get me wrong, the climaxes are always massive dance offs that involve the whole collection. but it always ends with their two dolls (Mystikats Azra for Gayatri and Tattoo Divas Shary for Pav) riding off into the sunset on one of the Struts dolls.
miles g (oh yeah that's right you though he'd be getting out of this): also bratz and barbie, and also likes Bratz the best. Since he has (some) Prowler Bux money's (mostly) not an issue. (Please don't ask him abt the noises he made when the Felicia repro was confirmed). He also has a Dreamhouse where they live, however it's shoved into his closet and if you ask him abt it, he will deny it. His stories are even more unhinged and insane then Miles, and usually involve running away from cops (redressed Wild Life Safari Cloe) who are trying to interfere with the hero's (the new pretty n punk sasha's) vigilante business. Which is why Hobie likes to join him a lot. Also into doll repainting, but actually even less confident then Miles-- he can do an amazing Bratz lip but the eyes? Forget it. And rn they're too expensive to buy en masse, so..... hooray :)
(none of them, except for hobie, let mayday play with their dolls. hobie does it because he can fix their hair later and also he doesn't believe in property. the others are too spooked. except for maybe miles, he gives her the barbies he's transformed into Weird Barbies. Peter B finds it so cute he could scream, and Miguel agrees. He never SHOWS it but he agrees.)
TL;DR: they are all very autistic and like to play with their dollies, the end.
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coexistentialism · 8 months
Hi! First off, I really appreciate your blog, I've learned a lot here! In a recent post you mentioned having memories in third person, and I was wondering if you could talk a bit more about that? I never see anyone mention it, even searching for "third person memories" or "perspective" in forums and blogs and such brings up nothing relevant. I'm currently questioning DID/OSDD, and something that gives me trouble is the nature of my memories/lack thereof.
[TW: mention of trauma but no description]
I have a memory of a traumatic experience that is in third person; the memory itself seems like out-of-body experience, but I can't remember if, in the moment, it felt like I was having an OOB experience. I assume that a person going OOB would remember it in third person regardless. But my experience is almost like the OOB perspective was applied after the fact, instead of actually happening in the moment?
The reason I feel like it could just be a property of the memory itself is because I also have "normal" memories that are in third person. I do have dissociation that I'd describe as "watching a movie," "going on autopilot," or otherwise not having full control of my body, but in the moment I feel like I'm living in the first person. So I have to wonder if these memories are just so hazy that my brain is reconstructing them in the third person, or if "someone else" (a dissociated part) lived through them instead of "me" and I just didn't realize in the moment.
Also, the perspective/distance from my actual body in the memories seems to differ, I'm guessing based on the level of dissociation. In that one traumatic memory I mentioned, I'm maybe 5-10ft away from my body, while in other memories I might be seeing right over my shoulder, or just above my head. And like you, most of my memories from the recent past are in first person, since I'm not under so much stress these days.
Anyways, I'm not sure if there's much else to say about these kinds of memories, but I'm just glad someone else can relate. Thanks for being here and have a lovely day/night <3
the memory itself seems like out-of-body experience, but I can't remember if, in the moment, it felt like I was having an OOB experience. I assume that a person going OOB would remember it in third person regardless.... But my experience is almost like the OOB perspective was applied after the fact, instead of actually happening in the moment?
Yeah that's normal and I don't know if I felt dissociated in the moment either. You don't have to "know" that you felt dissociated in the moment. I also link an article and copy-paste some stuff from The Atlantic that further corroborates this, near the bottom of this post.
And yes, like you said, sometimes the memories are like from a couple feet a way; sometimes I'm viewing ""myself"" in the memories from the ceiling, and sometimes right beside my shoulder or something.
It's common to not realize you're dissociated in the moment as it's happening. It's also common to not realize it in the moment, but look back and recognize that you were dissociating. It's also common to KNOW that SOMETHING is going on, but not realize that it was dissociation.
The examples I'm about to give might trigger dissociation/unreality, so there's a warning. I'll put multiple exclamation marks to show it's the end of this TW.
I remember as a kid in middle school, talking about feeling like it's strange to me how I feel like I'm the "only conscious being" or something. Not LITERALLY, and I knew that that's just not the case, but it felt that way, it felt strange to think about my consciousness, my first person perspective, looking around at the world and such, as something that applies to everyone in the world. I still feel this at times, it's weird for me to think about the fact that other people are conscious and looking through their eyes like I am, if that makes sense.
I also remember describing feeling like I'm "in an anime" lmfao, which, to me, in hindsight, was my way of describing dissociation.
I would also feel like I'm just acting out a movie scene. I would feel like I was pretending to be an actor in a dramatic movie scene, and I felt like I was purposefully acting more dramatic just to add to the drama or something. I look back at those moments and recognize that I was actually describing DID switching.
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My point is that there are endless ways people can describe feeling dissociated beyond "I feel like I'm not real", "I feel like the world isn't real", sometimes people will use ""weirder"" descriptions of their own dissociation, and people might not think that they're dissociating at all because of this. This was certainly the case for me. Not relating to a lot of the most common descriptions and explanations of what dissociation is is what put me in denial so much. I was convinced I never dissociated, if not only extremely rarely, if ever.
Like I definitely did have moments where I could pinpoint feeling like "things aren't real/I'm not real/etc.", but it just wasn't a common description I used or realized that I was feeling those ways, etc.
And I know dissociation goes beyond "I'm not real/the world isn't real", I just know that people really only think of dissociation as those two examples, when in reality, there are so many other words people can use to describe dissociation without realizing that that's what they're describing, and those two descriptions are the big common explanations of derealization/depersonalization, so I'm using those as the examples lol
I might eventually talk more about the topic of memories being in third person with some better sources, but here's something I read so far.
From The Atlantic; "You’ve Probably Seen Yourself in Your Memories":
I don't "agree" with everything in this article (some of the wording can trigger denial of memories, so be warned) and I know it's. The Atlantic, so it's just another journalist website that isn't the most reliable, but these are key points I wanted to copy-paste.
"The phenomenon is associated with a number of mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia, but it is not merely a symptom of pathology; even among healthy people, it is quite common." "People are more likely to remember experiences in which they felt anxious or self-conscious—say, when they gave a presentation in front of a crowd—in the third person, St. Jacques told me. This makes sense: When you’re imagining how you look through an audience’s eyes in the moment, you’re more likely to see yourself through their eyes at the time of recall. Researchers have also repeatedly found that the older a memory is, the more likely you are to recall it from the third person. This, too, is fairly intuitive: If first-person recollection is the ability to adopt the position—and inhabit the experience—of your former self, then naturally you’ll have more trouble seeing the world the way you did as a 6 year old than the way you did last week." "Researchers have found that people often translate traumatic or emotionally charged memories out of the first person. This may be because first-person memories tend to elicit stronger emotional reactions at the time of recall, and by taking a third-person perspective, we can distance ourselves from the painful experience, Angelina Sutin, a psychologist at Florida State University, told me. It may also be a function of the information at our disposal. In charged situations, Rubin said, people tend to zero in on the object of their anger or fear." "For many years, philosophers and psychologists have documented instances of people reporting that, in moments of trauma, they felt as though they were floating outside—usually above—their body. Rubin points out, however, that such reports are not in-the-moment descriptions but after-the-fact accounts." "Remembering an event from a first-person perspective puts you in an experiential frame of mind. It helps you recall how you felt in the moment. Remembering an event from a third-person perspective puts you in a more narrative frame of mind. It helps you contextualize your experience by bringing it in line with your prior beliefs and fitting it into a coherent story. Memory is the—or at least a—raw material of identity; perspective is a tool we use to mold it."
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mothguide · 2 years
Sky terminology
moth/moff- new player in sky
caterpillar- new player who hasnt completed the tutorial and gotten their wings yet
butterfly- a stage in between moth and experienced player
veteran- old player. you become a veteran once a travelling spirit from your first season comes back
travelling spirit- spirits from past seasons that return so their items can be bought for regular candles
season of [something]- an event that brings new spirits, new area, and new quests to sky. you can buy stuff during the event for seasonal candles which you get from completing daily quests
days of [something]- an event where you can buy items for regular candles. unlike seasons they are reoccurring every year. they usually add some kind of idle wax spot
ultimate reward/ult- once you complete everything in a regular constellation you can get an ultimate reward from the elders of whichever realm. When you complete a seasonal spirit's friendship tree you can buy a heart which you can exchange with the season's guide for seasonal ultimate rewards but only if you have bought the season's adventure pass for irl money
friendship tree- when you buy stuff from spirits that's unlocking stuff on your friendship tree with them. Also emotes you unlock with friends are also on your friendship tree
candle run/CR- when you go through all the realms to collect wax
winged light/WL/stars- the shiny kids that you absorb for your wings. They're called winged light in game but were called stars in earlier beta. If you see someone calling them stars now that means they're probably old
Wax- the stuff you form into candles
OOB- stands for out of bounds. Glitching out of bounds is really popular bc there are a lot of pretty areas out of bounds and tgc has even started hiding stuff oob for us to find
Constellation- where you view your relived nonseasonal spirits and buy stuff from them
Friend constellation- where your friend list is
heart trade- hearts are hard to come by later in game so many players rely on trading to get hearts
krill- called dark dragon in the game but mostly called krill by the players. its a big black creature with a blue eye that turns red when it sees you. avoid at all costs (also ask a more experienced player to help you through)
sky kid- what you play as in the game
skid- another word for sky kid
server split- sometimes a server in sky will split up players and one of them will have to go home and rejoin to be together again
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maxanite · 2 years
Hello fellow Sky kids! Are you looking for a fun, active, and inclusive environment to hang out in and meet queer people who ALSO love sky? Then look no further!
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(Screenshot by @mediocreskills , winner of one of our screenshot contests!)
Sky’s Journey!
Is a LGBTQIA+ focused Sky discord server, intent on creating a welcoming and fun environment for Sky kids everywhere. It’s much less overwhelming than the Offical Sky discord (with it’s like….couple THOUSAND members…)
We’ve been running for 2 years now, and it’s been nothing but smooth sailing! Here are some things we offer as a server and community:
Candle runs, Eden Guides, Ubering, OOB tips, heart sharing, And more!
A section to chat about the Beta version, and upcoming features!
Official game announcements and bug fixes right from the Offical server!
Places to talk about your characters, their stories, share your theories, ideas, and more!
Occasional contests where you can win candle prizes!
Honestly the kindest community I’ve seen in a very long time, especially for discord.
Somehow, our own iceberg….
Don’t believe me? Listen to what our members have to say!
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Come join us and be a part of the lovely community we’ve worked so hard to grow.
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justsomeectoplasm · 2 years
So i recently found your ori child au and i was daydreaming about it, im a solo player and chibi. I also tend to use the chibi glitch to fall through the floor when no one is around to help me with doors.
This leads to my question, is the "chibi phase through the floor glith" cannon in the au?
Beacuase if it is then the chibis would have more power to cause chaos and sky kids would gain another cool ability.
But it makes close to no sence that the chibi glitch should work in the au.
Yeah I usually don't associate glitches and oob's in the au, as they both don't make sense physically and logically. It just seems out of character for the au, since on of the core message of the au I keep repeating is moving on and finding purpose in your life when you feel lost.
But! if you still want to imagine some chibi falling in the au, you could excuse it for magic. Skykids find old books and scrolls in ruins all the time, so maybe some skykids found a few spells from old magic that they can cast without being born with the abilities to wield magic.
You can find a lot of things in ruins, if you look hard enough.
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agodth · 3 years
So this happened... I was stuck there for a WHILE but I cut the video.
This is so weird.
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littleblackqrow · 2 years
🙋- gimme those Oob related hcs please
((a lot of these were created with @erudite-rebel so I have to give Oz credit for a lot of them.
Qrow and Oob were the weird kids, the loners who met each other in a library and tended to hang out together in the back of the room. Both of them had a bad tendency to pick fights. They also talk about weird nerd shit, true crime, and the occult, so the two of them were a Concern (TM) to the rest of the student body.
Bart was one of the voices, alongside Ozpin, that encouraged Qrow to continue his education and get a masters. The two of them suffered through grad school together, which I suppose gives them a special sort of bond. He still lowkey encourages Qrow to go for the Ph.D, but Qrow is out here like "Dr. Branwen sounds dumb af"
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nerointhecorner · 3 years
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“Oh wow,” the child muttered, gazing up at the night sky around them, “This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.”
asdfghgfds this is by far my favorite oob in sky
also yay a sky kid oc i may or may not talk about more
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eyelinerda3euro · 3 years
The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction
In the temperate and tropical regions where it appears that hominids evolved into human beings, the principal food of the species was vegetable. Sixty-five to eighty percent of what human beings ate in those regions in Paleolithic, Neolithic, and prehistoric times was gathered; only in the extreme Arctic was meat the staple food. The mammoth hunters spectacularly occupy the cave wall and the mind, but what we actually did to stay alive and fat was gather seeds, roots, sprouts, shoots, leaves, nuts, berries, fruits, and grains, adding bugs and mollusks and netting or snaring birds, fish, rats, rabbits, and other tuskless small fry to up the protein. And we didn’t even work hard at it — much less hard than peasants slaving in somebody else’s field after agriculture was invented, much less hard than paid workers since civilization was invented. The average prehistoric person could make a nice living in about a fifteen-hour work week.
Fifteen hours a week for subsistence leaves a lot of time for other things. So much time that maybe the restless ones who didn’t have a baby around to enliven their life, or skill in making or cooking or singing, or very interesting thoughts to think, decided to slope off and hunt mammoths. The skillful hunters would come staggering back with a load of meat, a lot of ivory, and a story. It wasn’t the meat that made the difference. It was the story.
It is hard to tell a really gripping tale of how I wrestled a wild-oat seed from its husk, and then another, and then another, and then another, and then another, and then I scratched my gnat bites, and Ool said something funny, and we went to the creek and got a drink and watched newts for a while, and then I found another patch of oats.... No, it does not compare, it cannot compete with how I thrust my spear deep into the titanic hairy flank while Oob, impaled on one huge sweeping tusk, writhed screaming, and blood sprouted everywhere in crimson torrents, and Boob was crushed to jelly when the mammoth fell on him as I shot my unerring arrow straight through eye to brain.
That story not only has Action, it has a Hero. Heroes are powerful. Before you know it, the men and women in the wild-oat patch and their kids and the skills of makers and the thoughts of the thoughtful and the songs of the singers are all part of it, have all been pressed into service in the tale of the Hero. But it isn’t their story. It’s his.
When she was planning the book that ended up as Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf wrote a heading in her notebook, “Glossary”; she had thought of reinventing English according to her new plan, in order to tell a different story. One of the entries in this glossary is heroism, defined as “botulism.” And hero, in Woolf’s dictionary, is “bottle.” The hero as bottle, a stringent reevaluation. I now propose the bottle as hero.
Not just the bottle of gin or wine, but bottle in its older sense of container in general, a thing that holds something else.
If you haven’t got something to put it in, food will escape you — even something as uncombative and unresourceful as an oat. You put as many as you can into your stomach while they are handy, that being the primary container; but what about tomorrow morning when you wake up and it’s cold and raining and wouldn’t it be good to have just a few handfuls of oats to chew on and give little Oom to make her shut up, but how do you get more than one stomachful and one handful home? So you get up and go to the damned soggy oat patch in the rain, and wouldn’t it be a good thing if you had something to put Baby Oo Oo in so that you could pick the oats with both hands? A leaf a gourd shell a net a bag a sling a sack a bottle a pot a box a container. A holder. A recipient.
The first cultural device was probably a recipient.... Many theorizers feel that the earliest cultural inventions must have been a container to hold gathered products and some kind of sling or net carrier.
So says Elizabeth Fisher in Women’s Creation (McGraw-Hill, 1975). But no, this cannot be. Where is that wonderful, big, long, hard thing, a bone, I believe, that the Ape Man first bashed somebody in the movie and then, grunting with ecstasy at having achieved the first proper murder, flung up into the sky, and whirling there it became a space ship thrusting its way into the cosmos to fertilize it and produce at the end of the movie a lovely fetus, a boy of course, drifting around the Milky Way without (oddly enough) any womb, any matrix at all? I don’t know. I don’t even care. I’m not telling that story. We’ve heard it, we’ve all heard about all the sticks and spears and swords, the things to bash and poke and hit with, the long, hard things, but we have not heard about the thing to put things in, the container for the thing contained. That is a new story. That is news.
And yet old. Before — once you think about it, surely long before — the weapon, a late, luxurious, superfluous tool; long before the useful knife and ax; right along with the indispensable whacker, grinder, and digger — for what’s the use of digging up a lot of potatoes if you have nothing to lug the ones you can’t eat home in — with or before the tool that forces energy outward, we made the tool that brings energy home. It makes sense to me. I am an adherent of what Fisher calls the Carrier Bag Theory of human evolution.
This theory not only explains large areas of theoretical obscurity and avoids large areas of theoretical nonsense (inhabited largely by tigers, foxes, and other highly territorial mammals); it also grounds me, personally, in human culture in a way I never felt grounded before. So long as culture was explained as originating from and elaborating upon the use of long, hard objects for sticking, bashing, and killing, I never thought that I had, or wanted, any particular share in it. (“What Freud mistook for her lack of civilization is woman’s lack of loyalty to civilization,” Lillian Smith observed.) The society, the civilization they were talking about, these theoreticians, was evidently theirs; they owned it, they liked it; they were human, fully human, bashing, sticking, thrusting, killing. Wanting to be human too, I sought for evidence that I was; but if that’s what it took, to make a weapon and kill with it, then evidently I was either extremely defective as a human being, or not human at all.
That’s right, they said. What you are is a woman. Possibly not human at all, certainly defective. Now be quiet while we go on telling the Story of the Ascent of Man the Hero.
Go on, say I, wandering off towards the wild oats, with Oo Oo in the sling and little Oom carrying the basket. You just go on telling how the mammoth fell on Boob and how Cain fell on Abel and how the bomb fell on Nagasaki and how the burning jelly fell on the villagers and how the missiles will fall on the Evil Empire, and all the other steps in the Ascent of Man.
If it is a human thing to do to put something you want, because it’s useful, edible, or beautiful, into a bag, or a basket, or a bit of rolled bark or leaf, or a net woven of your own hair, or what have you, and then take it home with you, home being another, larger kind of pouch or bag, a container for people, and then later on you take it out and eat it or share it or store it up for winter in a solider container or put it in the medicine bundle or the shrine or the museum, the holy place, the area that contains what is sacred, and then next day you probably do much the same again — if to do that is human, if that’s what it takes, then I am a human being after all. Fully, freely, gladly, for the first time.
Not, let it be said at once, an unaggressive or uncombative human being. I am an aging, angry woman laying mightily about me with my handbag, fighting hoodlums off. However I don’t, nor does anybody else, consider myself heroic for doing so. It’s just one of those damned things you have to do in order to be able to go on gathering wild oats and telling stories.
It is the story that makes the difference. It is the story that hid my humanity from me, the story the mammoth hunters told about bashing, thrusting, raping, killing, about the Hero. The wonderful, poisonous story of Botulism. The killer story.
It sometimes seems that the story is approaching its end. Lest there be no more telling of stories at all, some of us out here in the wild oats, amid the alien corn, think we’d better start telling another one, which maybe people can go on with when the old one’s finished. Maybe. The trouble is, we’ve all let ourselves become part of the killer story, and so we may get finished along with it. Hence it is with a certain feeling of urgency that I seek the nature, subject, words of the other story, the untold one, the life story.
It’s unfamiliar, it doesn’t come easily, thoughtlessly, to the lips as the killer story does; but still, “untold” was an exaggeration. People have been telling the life story for ages, in all sorts of words and ways. Myths of creation and transformation, trickster stories, folktales, jokes, novels....
The novel is a fundamentally unheroic kind of story. Of course the Hero has frequently taken it over, that being his imperial nature and uncontrollable impulse, to take everything over and run it while making stern decrees and laws to control his uncontrollable impulse to kill it. So the Hero has decreed through his mouthpieces the Lawgivers, first, that the proper shape of the narrative is that of the arrow or spear, starting here and going straight there and THOK! hitting its mark (which drops dead); second, that the central concern of narrative, including the novel, is conflict; and third, that the story isn’t any good if he isn’t in it.
I differ with all of this. I would go so far as to say that the natural, proper, fitting shape of the novel might be that of a sack, a bag. A book holds words. Words hold things. They bear meanings. A novel is a medicine bundle, holding things in a particular, powerful relation to one another and to us.
One relationship among elements in the novel may well be that of conflict, but the reduction of narrative to conflict is absurd. (I have read a how-to-write manual that said, “A story should be seen as a battle,” and went on about strategies, attacks, victory, etc.) Conflict, competition, stress, struggle, etc., within the narrative conceived as carrier bag/belly/box/house/medicine bundle, may be seen as necessary elements of a whole which itself cannot be characterized either as conflict or as harmony, since its purpose is neither resolution nor stasis but continuing process.
Finally, it’s clear that the Hero does not look well in this bag. He needs a stage or a pedestal or a pinnacle. You put him in a bag and he looks like a rabbit, like a potato.
That is why I like novels: instead of heroes they have people in them.
So, when I came to write science-fiction novels, I came lugging this great heavy sack of stuff, my carrier bag full of wimps and klutzes, and tiny grains of things smaller than a mustard seed, and intricately woven nets which when laboriously unknotted are seen to contain one blue pebble, an imperturbably functioning chronometer telling the time on another world, and a mouse’s skull; full of beginnings without ends, of initiations, of losses, of transformations and translations, and far more tricks than conflicts, far fewer triumphs than snares and delusions; full of space ships that get stuck, missions that fail, and people who don’t understand. I said it was hard to make a gripping tale of how we wrested the wild oats from their husks, I didn’t say it was impossible. Who ever said writing a novel was easy?
If science fiction is the mythology of modern technology, then its myth is tragic. “Technology,” or “modern science” (using the words as they are usually used, in an unexamined shorthand standing for the “hard” sciences and high technology founded upon continuous economic growth), is a heroic undertaking, Herculean, Promethean, conceived as triumph, hence ultimately as tragedy. The fiction embodying this myth will be, and has been, triumphant (Man conquers earth, space, aliens, death, the future, etc.) and tragic (apocalypse, holocaust, then or now).
If, however, one avoids the linear, progressive, Time’s-(killing)-arrow mode of the Techno-Heroic, and redefines technology and science as primarily cultural carrier bag rather than weapon of domination, one pleasant side effect is that science fiction can be seen as a far less rigid, narrow field, not necessarily Promethean or apocalyptic at all, and in fact less a mythological genre than a realistic one.
It is a strange realism, but it is a strange reality.
Science fiction properly conceived, like all serious fiction, however funny, is a way of trying to describe what is in fact going on, what people actually do and feel, how people relate to everything else in this vast stack, this belly of the universe, this womb of things to be and tomb of things that were, this unending story. In it, as in all fiction, there is room enough to keep even Man where he belongs, in his place in the scheme of things; there is time enough to gather plenty of wild oats and sow them too, and sing to little Oom, and listen to Ool’s joke, and watch newts, and still the story isn’t over. Still there are seeds to be gathered, and room in the bag of stars. by Ursula K. Le Guin
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