#also please be mindful of the spirit of this request and Don't send anything that would be triggering to a large amount of folks
Hi folks. Please send me the most creatively messed up Skulduggery Pleasant writing prompts you can think of. Something that will make me laugh and cry at the same time.
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captainzigo · 6 months
Hi everypony!
My kofi is ko-fi.com/captainzigo if you enjoy my art, consider leaving me a tip! this is otherwise entirely a labor of love so,,,
you can also send a request with your tip! but if you choose to do so, please read the disclaimer later on in this post** for the foreseeable future, any tips I receive will be donated to vetted Palestinian fundraisers. I will send you the receipt if you want me to. 
my non-art blog, where i accept asks is @snapewife-divorce-lawyer and my reblog-spam blog is @3amgaypotion
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that's a bunch of pictures of my oc(/ponysona) Prickly Pear. she's a cowgirl
Frequent/noteworthy questions below the break
**on donations made to me:
i still dont take commissions currently, but if you send a request with a donation, there's a 99% chance i'll do it. and that remaining 1% i'll probably just ask you for a different request. if you send me a request with a donation you are not sending me a commision. you are making a donation, and i might do you a favor as a result. you do not own the resulting art. and I am under no obligation to complete it or to do it in the way that you like. you do not need to make a donation in order to make a request. i talk more about it here
hello mutuals!
If you are a mutual, DM me for an invite to discord server and subsequently to minecraft server
on sending me asks:
any asks you send me should be like Strongbad emails. one paragraph. no attachments. unless you are sending me refs.
in any interactions, please keep in mind that i am a stranger on the internet and act accordingly.
unless I have explicitly said otherwise, you can safely assume that I do not count you amongst my friends. it is nothing personal, it is in fact the opposite.
why am i like this?
i am autistic. i say this because representation matters, but also because i would like to ask that you please be very frank with me. i don't even really need your patience. just say what you mean and we will get along fine.
can you draw my ocs?
you most certainly can draw any of my ocs. i'd love that acually. tag me
on (re)posting my art:
do not post my art on other platforms. do not repost my art period. I don't really exist on other platforms since i deleted Twitter. So if you see my stuff on other platforms, it's not me.
transformative works are obviously allowed, at least here in america where i live. but if you want my blessing, please keep them SFW, and try to keep the spirit of the original artwork
is my blog SFW?
im in my twenties. i keep my blog SFW (as i define it) as a strict rule.
i do not consider the fact that sex exists, that some people enjoy it, or some innuendo to be NSFW. i also do not consider swearing, even as tho a sailor might, to be NSFW.
are NSFW interactions ok?
in short: no. while i have no aversion to to that sort of thing, and often actually enjoy it, i keep this blog SFW. the intention behind my art is to be SFW even when it might be skirting the line. in general, and especially, specifically with mlp, i do not wish to have NSFW interactions on the internet. please respect this boundary.
on shipping:
in my opinion, all romance real or fictional should be between people who are similar in age, doing age appropriate things, not closely related, and all with mutual consent. i am not interested in witnessing or interacting with anything outside of these parameters.
on my blue hair and pronouns:
i am a trans woman. i am also bisexual. i am also poly and demi since im listing things. i am out online becasue i know how important it is to know that you aren't alone.
do i take constructive criticism?
NO 🖕👹🖕 FUCK YOU!!!!!!! GET BLOCKED IDIOT!! unless you are a marginalized person who feels i have unintentionally made you uncomfortable somehow with my art or otherwise. in that case i am sorry and you do me a great favor by calling me out. OTHERWISE FUCK YOU DUMBASS IF YOU DONT LIKE MY ART GO DRAW YOUR OWN 🖕🖕🖕🖕
“i hate bronies”…
i don't necessarily hate you if you self identify with that label. i like to make myself off-putting to keep creeps away. i talk about it more in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/captainzigo/744131513208176640/when-i-say-i-hate-bronies-in-my-header-its
i don't hold a lot of nostalgia for old brony stuff. infact it's quite the opposite. i was a child when the show came out, and more than that i was a girl. i am not a brony.
do i like g5?
i like all generations of mip including the new stuff. gen 4 is just the one i grew up with
why is my header aurora, bori and alice from the best gift ever?
well that would be because i hate them like a mother hates a child. like the sun hates the moon. like sickly victorian child hates the slightest morsel of bread.
on flurryheart:
i often draw stuff about cozy glow x flurry heart. this is with the understanding that cozy glow spends about a decade turned to stone. nullifying the age gap.
🤓☝️ i think you mean effect, not affect
i am dyslexic. i spell stuff wrong all the time and i type weird. please don't bother correcting me. wooptydoo your brain is wired normally. sending you a medal.
on my username:
i've had the same username since i debuted on the internet. zigo is the name of an oc i made that i dont really talk much about anymore. zigo is a fine enough nickname, and at least one person calls me that irl.
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cuffmeinblack · 2 years
hi! i love all of your ominis fics - if your requests are open could you please write something about ominis being a parseltongue? like maybe the reader/mc loves snakes or maybe even has a little snake as a pet, and they think his ability his incredible.
(also just a fun concept: imagine the mc being a parseltongue as well, and they send each other messages through snakes)
Kindred spirits
Ominis Gaunt x reader
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Tags: fluff | pet snek 🐍
1.4k words
A/n: 1) Sorry this took so long. 2) I kinda love it and want to make it a full-length fic??
Ominis sat in the common room, trying his best to ignore Sebastian's constant whining about his new love interest. The new fifth year was certainly a distraction, and he was still fuming over their invasion of the Undercroft, a place that felt almost sacred to Ominis. Sebastian had never been one to think too much about anything, and Ominis worried about whatever the two were getting up to in their meetings alone. Sebastian sighed next to him and Ominis suppressed a smirk, when he heard a voice from near the arm of the sofa.
"Hello, nice to meet you," it said. It was unfamiliar, and different in a way he couldn't pinpoint.
"Are you talking to me?" Ominis said, tilting his head toward the sound.
"Who are you? Sorry, I don't recognise your voice," Ominis said.
"Ominis what the hell are you doing?" Sebastian said from beside him.
Ominis frowned at the stupid question.
"Talking to someone, obviously," Ominis said testily.
"Ominis, you're speaking Parseltongue," he replied quietly.
Ominis felt the sofa shift as Sebastian stood up and started shuffling around, presumably looking for the source of the mysterious voice Ominis had been talking to.
"I'm sorry, he doesn't usually venture down into the common room," another unfamiliar voice said.
Sebastian made a quietly disgusted noise.
"He's not dangerous, you know," the voice said, soft and quiet. Sebastian had obviously hurt her feelings.
"Doesn't have to be dangerous to be disgusting," Sebastian replied.
Ominis frowned at his friend's insensitivity. Whilst not the biggest fan of snakes, Ominis couldn't say he was disgusted by them. Quite the opposite, he had enjoyed many encounters with the creatures in his childhood, but his disdain for the association with dark wizards had led to Ominis avoiding using this particular inherited gift.
"Do be quiet, Sebastian. It's a snake, not a dugbog," Ominis said, pushing himself off the sofa.
Sebastian huffed and Ominis heard the swish of his cloak as he departed.
"Don't mind him, he's having girl trouble," Ominis said with a smile.
The voice giggled, an enjoyable musical sound.
"I never thought I'd meet another Parselmouth," she said as she introduced herself.
"It's quite the rarity, even by Slytherin standards. I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt," he said.
"Oh of course, I've heard about you…in passing. I suppose we wouldn't have met, being in different years," she replied.
"Well, I'm glad we're meeting now," Ominis said truthfully.
"I'd better return Caius to my dormitory before we get into trouble, but it was lovely to meet you, Ominis."
"Don't be a stranger."
"I won't."
You couldn't help but break into a wide smile as you head back to your bedroom, Caius wrapped around your arm. Ominis Gaunt. Of course you knew who he was, he might be a year younger than you but you'd admired him from afar ever since last Summer when you'd noticed he'd put on quite the growth spurt. His young face had matured into something you could only describe as hauntingly beautiful, with his almost pearlescent eyes and ivory skin. Your heart fluttered in your chest at the thought.
"I suppose I should thank you for the introduction," you said to your friend.
"Glad to be of ssservice," he responded.
Ominis found himself unusually distracted the following day, the unexpected encounter with who Sebastian had termed 'snake girl' was playing on his mind. As such, his performance in Potions was even more woeful than usual, turning his Wiggenweld potion into a thick paste exuding what could only be described as fumes of rotten egg.
"Something on your mind, Ominis?" Sebastian asked, knowingly.
"Nothing," Ominis lied.
"In all my years I have never seen you so affected by a girl," Sebastian jibed.
"You're one to talk," Ominis huffed.
"So we're both hopelessly afflicted. What are you going to do about it?"
Ominis wasn't sure—he had no experience wooing the fairer sex, and the thought of mimicking some of Sebastian's flirtatious nature was utterly laughable. He supposed he would have to find her again, get to know her. Find out if this was more than a mere passing fancy. He decided to find her at dinner—it shouldn't be hard if Sebastian could point him in the right direction. 
His stomach turned over from more than mere hunger as he approached the Slytherin table in the great hall that evening. As it turned out, he didn't need Sebastian's help, as he heard the familiar melodic voice call him.
Sebastian patted him on the arm to say goodbye and he followed the voice.
"I was wondering if you wanted to join me? Sorry if that's presumptuous," she said shyly.
"I was hoping to find you, in fact," he said as they settled at the table.
The smell of the food did nothing to stir his appetite as his nerves had gotten the best of him. He helped himself to a small serving of pie and vegetables, but left the plate untouched as he turned his attention to his companion.
"How is Caius?" he asked.
"Fine, safe in the dormitory. He has free reign in there but some of the other students don't like him roaming the common room. Luckily my roommates aren't unnerved by him," she said.
"I can't imagine being unnerved by him," Ominis frowned at the irony of being sorted into Slytherin and being scared of snakes.
"I think it's the Parseltongue that freaks a lot of people out, honestly," she said quietly.
Ominis could understand that. He'd encountered many people in his life who found the language eerie or downright evil. The association with dark wizards had tainted their perception of it, including Ominis' own. He'd considered it a curse rather than a gift for years, now.
"But you disagree?"
"I love being able to talk to them, they're such beautiful and misunderstood creatures. Most people would jump at the chance to speak to their favourite animal."
Ominis nodded, he couldn't fault her logic.
"I know from experience just how strong the prejudice can be," Ominis muttered.
"Me too," she whispered.
Ominis smiled at the feeling of kinship, as he had the overwhelming urge to hold out his hand for her, but resisted the temptation. Instead he picked up his fork and began to eat, his nervousness abated by the friendly conversation.
Over the next few weeks you spent most of your free hours with Ominis, making up for lost time. Caius was pleased to have another human to talk to, and you'd taken him to Ominis' dormitory on more than one occasion. You talked about everything, learning about his family and his favourite subjects, his taste in food and his strange but endearing friendship with Sebastian, who was at least friendly toward you now.
One evening when you had returned to your bed, you noticed something missing. Caius. He must have slithered down to the common room again. Sighing, you head out of the door and come face to face with the serpent hanging from a light fixture.
"How did you get up there?"
"Ominisss," he replied.
"And what were you doing with him?"
"He wanted me to tell you something."
"Oh?" you said with a smile, your curiosity piqued.
"He said he misses your beautiful voice," Caius hissed.
You let out a loud and entirely unexpected giggle, nervously turning to see if anyone had heard you. You blushed furiously at the words as you unhooked the snake from the light and carried him back towards the bedroom, letting him slither onto the mattress.
"I'm going to find him," you said giddily.
"Good luck."
You head out of the door once again with a new route in mind, crossing the halls to the boys' dormitories. Thankfully, girls were deemed trustworthy enough to allow access to the boys' rooms, which was an amusing insight into the founders' attitudes. You knocked on the door and heard a voice telling you to enter.
Ominis sat on his bed, already in his pyjamas. He looked relaxed but strange in the casual outfit, and you briefly swept your eyes over his elegantly slim frame leaning against his headboard.
"I got your message," you said, making your way to the side of his bed and perching on the edge of the mattress.
"Oh?" Ominis smiled.
"I missed your beautiful voice, too," you said, leaning in and kissing him.
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thebunnednun · 5 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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rarityroo · 5 months
Hoi, may I please ask for Pomni with a fem porcelain ballerina doll reader who despite being physically fragile, still likes to do reckless things like fighting against NPC villains (and Jax if he's being too mean), or dancing too roughly. Even though by the end of it, she still ends up breaking off a limb or two, or another piece of her porcelain body, so she often times needs to be patched up and glued/taped back together by a concerned Pomni
Put me together again
Pomni x fem!porcelain!ballerina reader
Hey! I hope you like this, I tried to include a little bit of everything in the request and also I hope this isn’t too short! There’s also a lil bit of angst but dw it resolved bc Pomni is very supportive and loving. Please send in more requests they keep me motivated, Enjoy! 🫶🏻
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You've always been on the wilder side, despite being physically so fragile you always loved being more active, whether you were sent off on an adventure by Caine or stopping Jax's antics. You just loved doing things, unfortunately being made of porcelain wasn't the best material to be made of when you were being adventurous but you didn't mind that much. You just say you’ll be careful and hope for the best, this was enough for you although for Pomni it just caused her to be extremely worried, you didn’t get why, it's not like you've gotten seriously hurt or anything, well until now.
"And you wonder why I worry," Pomni says in a tone that wavers between worried and frustrated, "It's not even that bad!" You say you gotta admit it is kinda bad, "I still got two other limbs don't I?" You knew you were pushing it but you couldn't help but feel the rush of adrenaline every time you did something reckless. Despite Pomni's concerns, you found joy in the thrill of the moment. Pomni sighed, her eyes filled with worry as she scanned over your damaged porcelain body. "You need to be more careful. You're not like the others. You can't just shrug off injuries as easy as they can, you're fragile." God, you hated that word fragile, to be called that felt like an insult, you knew Pomni would never but still it felt so disrespectful. You pouted, about to cross your arms with a huff but you only had an arm and a leg, maybe this was serious. "But where's the fun in playing it safe all the time? I want to experience things, even if it means risking a few chips and cracks, there's barely anything to do here it's like a prison! The fact that Caine lets us go on adventures keeps me sane!"
Pomni shook her head, her expression softening. "I understand, but I can't help but worry about you. You're- you're very special to me, and I don't want to see you get hurt."
You shifted uncomfortably, feeling a pang of guilt at Pomni's genuine concern. She was right; you were different, you hated it but you were and your porcelain body made you more vulnerable than others. "I appreciate your concern, Pomni," you murmured, your voice softer now. "And I'm sorry for making you worry. I just... I can't help myself sometimes. The thrill, the excitement... it's addictive."
Pomni nods with understanding, her eyes holding compassion. "I know. And I don't want to stifle your spirit. It's one of the things I love about you But please, try to be more aware of your limitations. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."
You reached out, your remaining hand trembling slightly as you gently touched Pomni's arm. "I promise, Pomni. I'll try to be more careful. For you." Pomni smiled, her expression filled with warmth. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."
As Pomni began the process of repairing your damaged body, being so gentle with you, it didn't feel patronizing or out of pity it was just pure love, As Pomni delicately began repairing your damaged porcelain body, her touch was gentle and caring, each delicate movement, she seemed to mend not only your physical cracks and chips but also the doubts and fears in your heart. It was as if her presence alone could soothe the restless spirit within you.
"Pomni," you whispered, your voice filled with emotion as you looked into her shimmering eyes. "I... I don't say this enough, but I... I love you. Not just for what you do for me, but for who you are. You're my anchor in all this, and I don't know what I'd do without you." Pomni's expression softened even further, her eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings. "... I love you too," she confessed, her voice barely more than a whisper.
In that tender moment, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. No matter how many times you fell apart Pomni was always there to put you together again.
Maybe it was time to reconsider your approach to adventure, but that didn't matter right now. After all, with Pomni by your side, you could only see her.
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
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Don't spam the same request, please. If I haven't posted your request for whatever reason, sending it in again won't increase its chances of being posted.
However, don't be discouraged from sending in multiple requests! The above rule is only meant as a measure to avoid getting the same request. You can still request the same character as much as you like if the vibe, prompt, idea, or plot is different! Hope that makes sense!
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When your request mentions several characters, please specify if it's supposed to be poly or separate stories with the same theme - or something else entirely.
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Unspecified requests will be assumed as noncon/dubcon and yandere, given that this is a yandere blog. But feel free to request other things; just make sure to specify your preference.
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One-worded requests that only mention a name are often ignored. To increase your chances, add a vibe, prompt, idea, or anything extra to give me a sense of what you want.
Contrariwise, requests that seem like fully realized stories or paragraphs are also often ignored due to the lack of freedom I, as the author, am allowed. Hope that's understandable!
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Regarding what you're allowed to request, I'm nothing if not flexible. Know that you won't ever be kink-shamed here. That being said, there are certain things I probably won't ever write, such as scat, child death/abortions, other pregnancy scares, and extreme gore.
I feel hesitant putting up these restrictions as I have and do write ass-play, pregnancy, and somewhat gore... But I suppose there's a line of extremity somewhere that I won't cross.
All in all, you don't have to heed this warning so much. If there's a request I don't feel like writing, I'll just ignore it. Don't worry; it won't warrant a block.
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In the same spirit, keep in mind that sending a request does not, under any circumstances, entitle you to a reply. I, as the owner of this blog, will exercise my right to do whatever I want with it. No hard feelings.
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In other news. Don't trauma dump in my inbox, on DM, or in the comment section of my posts. Your comments will be deleted, and in the worst case, you will be blocked.
Trauma dumping entails anything from the unprompted sharing of personal stories to offhand negativity regarding the contents of this blog based on personal arguments, viewpoints, and experiences.
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Other reasons that might warrant a block include negative spamming or reblogs out to witchhunt my blog, hateful comments and personal attacks that target either me or others, and irrelevant asks sent to my inbox.
Irrelevant asks entail anything unrelated to my previous posts, requests, or positive and critical feedback. Yes, critical feedback is accepted, but not when the line between relevant discourse and senseless slander is crossed.
Examples of irrelevant asks include petitioning me for donations or spreading information on topics, people, and other blogs.
Please respect the blog's simple parameters, as in nothing aside from smut and the occasional writing advice and sexual psychology discussions.
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hi Yuri! I hope you are doing well<333 I really enjoy reading your writing and I am always more fond of reading the little octatrio fish gang! I dont really know how this usually works because I never send in any asks at all nor do I see your rules list or anything but if you dont mind I would like to make a request<3
A mc who finds an out of tune and old piano and fondly remembers that they used to play piano back in their world. And perhaps Azul hears in on this and despite the piano being old and out of tune, it is rather beautiful how you play it because of how imperfect the notes are being played out. (SORRY I WAS LISTENING TO FALLEN DOWN AND THE FEELINGS WERE JUST SURGING AND THE BRAINROT WAS TOO MUCH)
You dont have to force yourself or anything! Please take care and dont feel too pressured! <3
The Most Romantic of All Arts (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu)
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Hello dear friend and I am doing quite well thank you! I'm pleased you like my writing; the octotrio is what finally cracked my resolve to check out Twisted Wonderland and put FGO on the back burner so I suppose I shouldn't beat myself up too much for writing about them so much. I am sorry I caused you stress with my lack of rules, I don't usually send requests or asks myself, so I felt really bad to have frightened you. Not too sure if this will end up being what you had in mind, it got away from me a bit.
Also when you say Fallen Down, you do mean the Undertale soundtrack piece right? It's a soothing song I listened to it while I was plotting this to try and get into a similar headspace.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, header taken from the painting Spirit by George Roux (1885) which I found on this wordpres blog article I took the title from, it's a neat painting, Azul learning to find beauty and love in imperfections is important to me ok? Other works can be found on my masterlist here.
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Sometimes you wonder if Ramshakle is sentient. The old building has more rooms than you know what to do with, and lovely as the ghosts are they don't fully remember what they were used for, if they remembered in the first place. But still there was something about those rooms that seemed to love you; he guest room almost built itself up around you, the kitchen had only needed some basic repairs before it was ready to help play host again, and no matter where a fire place was found it was always eager to burst to life and warm you and Grim.
It does not have the same love for Azul, he'd complained as much when you talked about just what it was he wanted with the building after the events of his overblot had cooled between you.
"It's got a graveyard in front of it, though?" That really had been the crux of your whole argument. It was hard to be annoyed with his laugh when it sounded so nice, the genuine amusement a refreshing difference to his previous performitive indifference.
"Yes," he muses, sipping at his real before he continues, "I'm not bothered by that much, ghosts and grave ships aren't uncommon sights under the sea, but I always forget how unusual humans think they are."
"There's a lot of superstitions about places where people are buried." You mean it as an explanation, but it brings an odd look to Azul's face, like there's an emotion bubbling beneath his surface he doesn't want to acknowledge but is too strong to suppress. It settles over you both, as you try to focus on drinking your tea while your host seems content to let his grow cold.
"Well, I suppose it's a good thing that ruin isn't really sentient." He sounds almost bitter, disappointed in how long he has let his drink cool you decide as he reaches for the pot and warms it with some fresh tea. "Otherwise, I'd accuse it of trying to keep you."
It's a silly thought, but the sight of this latest discovery really does have you wondering. You are supposed to be in that wonderfully accommodating kitchen making snacks for when Azul decides to "coincidentally drop by" later this evening to "go over the Lounge's expenses" in your guest room. On a Tuesday. When it was almost guaranteed business would be slow enough to keep anyone from wondering too hard about where he'd gone or the twins from being too upset about running things. But instead of "just wanting to try" a new recipe, you are here, tucked in a room just a bit further down the hall from the guest room watching Grim give his best impression of Ace after completing a magic trick. Because stars know he has never seen any other magicians.
"TA-DA!" He puts both of his paws out to really sell the piano at the window. "See, I told you I had a great surprise!"
"I'm sorry for not believing you." You say and try not to laugh with just how much more proud that seems to make him. "But where did you find this? Or how I guess, unless you moved it?"
"Nah." He shakes his head before remembering he's supposed to be the "great" Grim. "I mean I could have! But I'm just so cool I managed to find a piano here already, so all I had to do was clean it up instead! You're welcome henchuman." You scratch just behind his ears and politely ignore his purrs as you examine the piano and its bench. They're old, likely just as ancient as everything else in the dormitory and likely extremely, achingly out of tune. But the mere sight of it makes your fingers itch, and Grim barely has to whine "Well ain't you gonna play somethin'?" Before you're at the bench, experimentally pressing the keys to try and sound out something.
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are-
You hum it rather than sing, irrationally worried Grim will somehow figure out it's a lullaby and complain that you're babying him instead of cutely dancing along with the music like it's one of the cassettes Deuce let you borrow. He cheers for another, and you oblige, letting your muscle memory carry you as far as it can as you try searching your brain for just what it was you wanted most to hear from yourself after all this time being unable to play.
And missing the click of a heavy door down the hall in the effort.
Azul hears nothing at first, and though it does disappoint, it does not bother him. He's had a long day, one about to be made longer still by the grey zone already draping itself around his thoughts as he shrugs his blazer off to his shoulders while en route to the Ramshackle guest room. He pauses, for what he tells himself is only going to be second, at the kitchen door and is left unrewarded for his detour.
You aren't there: and that does bother him somewhat, even if it should not if his pretext is to be believed. These visits were too commonplace to be random, but maybe you'd made plans, deciding not to look past his excuses for the evening. Maybe you were asleep, tired of the day or just plain tired of him. But there is a kettle sat on it's base, mercifully not on just yet, but two mugs and the pour over cone set next to as if it was expecting company. The nerves remain knotted in his stomach, though the cause shifts towards something more welcome.
So you do have a mug purposefully set aside and designated just for him, and is that a little recpie card with notes on coffee taped to that tin? These things should worry him, the picture he snaps and immediately hides in a folder should be for a purpose. But it's separate from those ones, labeled something inane and barely full with how careful he is to have his longing remain unseen. He wonders, briefly if it would be an intrusion to make the drinks himself. If it would reveal to much to show outright he knows the way you take yours instead of just saying it in time with your order, but knows that would not be the exact issue here. He is a guest, and guests limit themselves to the halls and that room he forces himself, with haste that would be noticeable if you were there to see it, back down the hall and back towards the guest room. Azul has work to do, he can content himself with the warmth the mental image the cups on the counter produces until something forces him to pause at a door once more. The piano is old, droning out a tune that is unpolished and rusty from the player's lack of practice but filled with such a specific sort of joy it has him actually running towards it.
You sit at the bench, a serious look of determination on your face so unlike the usual Yuu it can't help but be cute. Grim sleeps contentedly on your lap as you continue searching for the threads of melody still trapped inside your head from years of only occasionally reluctant practice. It's an unfamiliar tune in composition, but not in feel. There's words to this song, maybe not in the form of lyrics, but there all the same for him to stumble even closer to as he comes to a halting stop just behind you and the music ends in a surprised crash as you whip your head around to see him.
"Very sorry to interrupt." He holds up both hands in surrender, composure only just maintained as you check to see Grim still asleep and laugh nervously. "I didn't know you could play."
"Can't really." You say somewhat bitterly and more confidence comes to Azul as a slight plan froms in his mind. "I'm really out of practice ugh. I know it shouldn't annoy me! But with how everything's been since I showed up, it's just not been on my mi- Oh hello?"
Azul fully removes his jacket and sets it on a side table close to where he had been satanding, moving to sit on the bench next to you. He has enough mercy not to loosen his tie or do anything else scandalous, but the close examination he gives to the keys could have fooled you. "Pity it's so out of tune, this is a nice piano."
"I know right! I'm really happy Grim found it." You resist the urge to poke his cheeks some and Azul lightly, trying not to too openly relish in your surprise reaches one arm around your back to place his hands into a similar position as you had been earlier, tucking you close to his side.
"May I?" He's smug. Too smug it's robbing you of sanity.
"What's it going to cost?" You try too hard not to sound like you're flailing as you look to see your question hasn't even phased him at all.
"Oh normally I wouldn't dream of charging for a performance," he clearly lies "but it's been such a long day I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee." And he's off, music only marred by the off key of the piano in a clearly purposeful display of talent meant to sear itself into your mind enough that you don't think about his request too long. You and he are from two different worlds, but he knows that music has a way of gapping that if the stories of the mermaid princess told him anything at all. So when he purposefully slows the song at its end, he knows you know, that tricky smile he swore once he'd always hate kicking his heartbeat up again as you lean fully against his shoulder.
"Beautiful." You say, not bothering to give the compliment direction as he can't help but agree. "We should play together next time."
"I-" You pick yourself up and what he wants to say slows when you pick up his jacket for him and hold out a hand. Later, he all to easily decides. Later, without Grim and with specific time set purposefully aside so you know just how much it matters. "I would like that. You'll have to show me the songs that you can remember from your world." And he takes your hand just to soothe some of the ache, trying and failing not to show just how happy he is when you keep it.
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ghuleh-recs · 11 months
hi! i'm a new Ghost fan and i would love to get some fic recs since i don't know where to start. 😊 i'm pretty much open to anything but something with lots of feelings (hurt/comfort), Papa IV x someone, and around 15,000 words would be great. thank you in advance 🧡
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hellooo! welcome to our little satanic corner of tumblr!! i'm so sorry this took me so long—i had a tough time finding fics that matched your criteria. i hope it's okay that i focused on "feelings" more so than hurt/comfort specifically. definitely give these writers a follow if you haven't already. (i also wasn't sure what you meant by "x someone" so i threw in a mix of x reader, x ghoul, and x oc.) feel free to dm me or send another ask if i didn't get it right this time! i can also point you towards a bunch of fantastic writers ♡
recs under the cut!
x ghouls
paper armor - @ratballet - copia x dewdrop
“Horns,” Aether says quickly, like the words in his mouth are searing him. “It’s his horns.” He spares a glance at Dewdrop’s door, like he’s afraid he might be pressed up against it, listening. “He’s shedding them." Dewdrop is shedding his horns. Copia tries to help.
Steadfast Love, Not Sacrifice - @st-danger - copia x aether x dewdrop
It’s a bit like a shark smelling blood, he thinks as they follow close behind. It's natural they were going to want to taste it, too. “Well,” Copia says, “some of us need our beauty sleep.” He hesitates, and then proceeds to look nervously between the two of them and continue, “I meant me, of course. You two are already very, erm. I should go to bed.” It’s such a flimsy excuse. The elevator reaches the third floor before any of them speak again. Aether clears his throat. “You don’t want to though.” Copia looks very called out, but can’t do much more than stare, before realizing the two ghouls beside him are waiting for an actual answer of some kind. The elevator beeps as it passes the fourth floor. “No,” Copia says slowly, and Aether’s stomach does a little swoop. “I don’t.” Or, Sometimes the reward is worth the risk. *No Man Taketh From is another favorite of mine with Papa IV and Aether.
x reader
A Message From the Bulletin Board - @writingjourney - copia x reader
The ministry’s bulletin board, ordinarily used for missing items or party announcements, contains a particularly interesting request this week – a lonely hearts ad. Or: You and Copia are secretly crushing on each other. You both have to reach maximum desperation before you make a move. * if you're in it for the long haul PLEASE read I Knew Nothing But Shadows THE hurt/comfort fic of all time. you won't regret it.
Confessional - @da-rulah - copia x reader
As a sister of sin, it was your duty to confess at least once a month, to have your sins praised by a higher up member of the clergy. But you only ever chose Thursday nights, when you knew he was on duty. And tonight, you were working up the courage to confess your darkest sin - the dreams you had been having… *check out Rituale Septem while you're at it. lotsss of feelings but with Papa III, instead.
x OC
sweeter red - @anamelessfool - copia x oc
Your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour…sometimes I’m thinking that I love you... but I know it’s only lust. Copia is a scrungly little nerd and this totally happened to him. There's something about Cardinal Marian. Maybe it's the way she infuriates him with her laissez-faire attitude, or ingnites his soul with envy of her free spirit. Rage and love, at a certain point they merge together into an overwhelming burning in the heart and mind: passion.
you found the ache in my argument (series) - @the-lisechen - copia x oc
In which two reasonable people from different religious disciplines have a conversation. (A study in faith, hope, and love.)
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, leave kudos and/or comments!
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its-straykeedz · 1 year
purple person ; kth
pairing: kim taehyung x afab!reader
genre: angst, fluff, a bit suggestive in the end
tw: mentions of body-shaming, mentions of hurtful comments, reader is self-conscious about her physical appearance, mentions of a breakup;
please do keep in mind that english is not my first language, therefore if you spot any typos/mistakes let me know!
you can find my masterlist here ♡
© jtothehopeworld ] don't copy/plagiarize/translate any of my works or post them elsewhere.
Kim Taehyung is utterly in love with you. 
He tells you every day - it’s the first thing he tells you when you wake up in his arms and the last thing he whispers into your ear at night as he hugs you, one arm around your waist and nose buried in your hair as he breathes in the scent of your shampoo. He also loves to tell you when you least expect it - he loves to see your cheeks and ears turn red when he whispers those three little words on your lips right before he leans in and kisses you. 
Taehyung loves you - you’re sure of that. You never once doubted him - never in all the years you’ve been together. Even when he has to leave for months due to his busy schedule and tours all around the world - he’d always find a way to make you feel loved and appreciated. He’d send you cute selfies with sweet captions just to tell you how bad he’s missing you - how much he misses sleeping next to you, how it’s not the same, to fall asleep on a cold, lonely hotel bed. 
Taehyung loves you and he always finds a way to show it - that’s why you trust his judgement when he tells you he’s ready to announce your relationship to the whole world. You’re taken aback at first - how could you not? It’s a huge deal, and you’re a bit scared to take such a big step, but Taehyung makes you feel safe and loved and appreciated, and you trust him. 
He announces it through his social media’s stories while he’s on tour - posting a couple picture you took months before. It’s a nice picture, but you don’t exactly look the cutest - though Taehyung claims it’s his favorite picture of you. He says that whenever he misses you, he scrolls down his camera roll to look for that specific picture to ease his low spirits - your smile is so bright and contagious. He’s kissing you on the cheek as you do the “v” sign with your fingers - it’s definitely his favorite picture, you both look so genuinely happy and in love, happier than ever. 
You’re not ready for what happens next. As predicted, the news of Kim Taehyung - a member of the world’s most famous kpop group - spread fast, and so do the comments. There’s who’s happy for you and congratulates with the idol, and there’s who isn’t but doesn’t spread hate. 
Then - there are those comments which you really shouldn’t read, because deep down you know it’s all bullshit. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you’d started going out with Taehyung - you knew he was worldwide famous and that dealing with fans isn’t always a pleasant and easy matter, and you definitely knew you weren’t as perfect as all those idols people shipped him with. 
Though - you weren’t expecting to receive that much hate for your physical appearance. 
Why does it matter anyways? Why are people so damn obsessed with one’s looks? Why would they comment such hurtful shit just to make one feel bad? What do they even gain from doing that? It’s mean and pointless.
You know you’re chubby - you don’t need haters to tell you that. You are perfectly aware of the way you look, and you’ve never really felt self-conscious about it - you didn’t think it played an important role in your relationship with Taehyung.
Apparently, it does to some people. 
Taehyung’s not really aware there’s a shitstorm involving you - he has a busy schedule and has no time to go check what people are saying online. You don’t tell him anything either - you don’t tell him about the hurtful comments about your looks and how people had been body-shaming you since he’d posted the picture. You don’t talk to him about it - you don’t want him to feel bad about it, after all it’s not his fault.
But the days pass and the mean comments just won’t stop. A few people even recognized you at work and started gossiping about you with their coworkers. How isn’t he ashamed of her? or She looks so big compared to him! are just a few of the comments you’ve heard so far, and the truth is - you’re starting to believe them.
When Taehyung comes back home from tour, the first thing he does as soon as he enters your shared apartment is lean in for a kiss - he doesn’t expect you to turn your head so that he ends up kissing your cheek instead of your lips. 
“Why won’t you kiss me? Are you mad at me, jagi?”, he jokes, but immediately notices something’s off with you. 
You’ve been distant lately, replying late to his texts to the point he thought you were deliberately ignoring him. He hadn’t minded - brushing it off thinking you were just too caught up with your job or something. 
“Taehyung…”, you take a deep breath, not ready to voice out your thoughts - but you have to. “We need to talk.”
His eyes widen and nods weakly. He thinks you’re about to give him sad news or something, he’s not ready for what you’re about to tell him - and neither are you. As soon as you utter those five words, he feels as if somebody had just punched him in the guts. We need to break up, you said. 
“Is this a joke? Because it’s not funny, jagiya.”, he lets out a nervous laugh, but returns serious when you don’t laugh along. He feels his head spinning as he’s trying to process your words. 
Break up. Why would you break up with him? Does this mean you’re not happy with him, that you don’t love him? The mere thought’s enough to make tears well up in his dark chocolate eyes, so tired from the international flight and from the jet-lag. 
“I’m serious.”, your voice quivers - you’re on the verge of tears, too. “We need to break up.”, you repeat, but it doesn’t make it any easier for Taehyung to hear. 
“Why?”, he asks quickly - too quickly. He needs to know what’s wrong - he needs to know whether it’s something that can be fixed, that he can fix, because he can’t bare the thought of not being yours. 
You don’t answer him, and he insists, repeating the exact same question - voice broke. 
“Because we’re not meant for each other.”, is all you reply. 
Taehyung’s sure he never heard something more absurd and ridiculous than this. You’re not meant for each other? You’re his fucking soulmate! He was sure of it since he asked you out on a date and found out you were just like him - he had never felt this way before. You complete him, you’re the person who makes him the happiest, you’re all he really misses whenever he’s outside the country.
“You’re lying.” Taehyung states, though a couple of tears escape from his eyes. He doesn’t wipe them off, and you don’t do it for him, which makes it even more real. You’re breaking up with him. “If you’re really doing this, if - if you’re breaking up with me then give me the real reason. I deserve to know the truth.”, his voice trembles and he even chokes on his own words. 
He does, he deserves to know the true reason you’re leaving him. It’s the least you can do - after all the years you’ve spent together, you owe him at least that, honesty. 
“It’s about the comments.”, you don’t look him in the eyes as you speak. “It’s true - what everyone’s saying. I don’t deserve you. You’re… you, and I’m just, well, me.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”, he argues - anger replacing the sadness.  How could you say something like that right to his face? How could you decide who does and doesn’t deserve him? 
“It’s supposed to mean that your fans are right.”, you swallow the lump in your throat. “You should be with one of those stunning models or- or actresses or, I don’t know, someone like you. Someone who’s perfect.”, you whisper the last words, and a few tears fall from your eyes as well. 
Taehyung’s shocked - too shocked to speak. His girlfriend - the love of his life is now sitting in front of him, telling him she wants to break up. Telling him she doesn’t think she’s worthy of his love, telling him she isn’t perfect. That’s bullshit, Taehyung thinks, because he’s sure you’re perfect - inside and outside - and that you’re the most beautiful he’s ever seen. And he’s seen a lot of women - but they don’t stand a chance compared to you. 
“How can you say that, jagiya?” Taehyung’s tone is much softer now, and he brings his hands to your face - gently cupping it as he wipes your tears off your face with the pads of his thumbs. “You’re perfect.”
You shake your head as a no, and it pains him to see you so torn. “I’m not.”, you cry harder. “I’m so… big compared to you - you’re so fit and handsome and I…”, you hiccup “You should be ashamed of me.”
“Ashamed of you?” Taehyung repeats - hoping you’d realize the absurdity of what you’ve just said. Ashamed, pff. As if Taehyung didn’t talk about you like you put the stars in the sky, as if he wasn’t desperately whipped for you. “Jagiya, are you out of your mind?”
You shake your head as a no once again. 
“I’m not ashamed of you, jagiya. How could I be?”, he rhetorically asks. “Jagiya, anyone who commented those stupid shit is not a fan of mine and they don’t care about me - otherwise they’d just be happy for me, that I found my soulmate. Trust me, I’m going to give those haters a piece of my mind.”
You snap your head up to meet his eyes as soon as the word soulmate leaves his lips. 
“You’re my soulmate, jagi.”, he repeats, placing a soft kiss right on the tip of your nose. “You complete me, my love, how could you think you’re not enough for me? I’m the one who’s not worthy of you, my sweet love. My sweet jagiya.”, he grabs your hands and brings them to his lips, gently kissing them. 
“Don’t say that.”, you scold him. 
“But it’s true.”, he argues, leaving a series of chaste kisses all over your hands and wrists - all the way up to your forearms. “You’re my purple person, jagi.”
“I’m your what?”, you ask him with furrowed eyebrows. 
“My purple person.”, he repeats. “It’s a person with whom you instantly click - the first person you truly love. It’s you, jagiya, it’s always gonna be you.”, he doesn’t stop kissing your skin all the way up to your arms and shoulders until he reaches your neck. He places a soft kiss there, then reaches your lips. “Can I kiss you, my love?”, he asks for permission. 
You nod, and he places his lips on top of yours - they’re a bit salty from the tears. 
“You’re not leaving me, jagiya, are you?”, he asks once he pulls away from the kiss. “Please, tell me you’re not leaving me. We can make this work - we’ll figure everything out like we always do, yeah?”
You nod again, and this time a happy smile spreads on his face. Oh, how you’ve missed that smile… 
“How could you be insecure, my jagiya?”, he rhetorically asks, before pecking your lips once again. “How could you think I don’t love your perfect body?” 
His hands travel all the way down your neck and shoulders to your wrists. “How could you think I don’t love these perfect arms? The arms that hug every night, the arms I want to feel wrapped around me all the time, holding me tight?”, he leaves a series of kisses all over your arms once again.
Then, his hands move to your thighs - one of your biggest insecurities. Taehyung notices the way you tense up as soon as his fingers brush against your clothed skin. “How could you think I don’t love these thighs, hm?”, he hums. “These perfect thighs - I fit so perfectly in between them, it’s like they were made for me, how could I not love them? They look so fucking hot - it doesn’t even matter what you’re wearing.”, he continues to praise you. 
“Taehyung…”, you whisper, feeling a bit embarrassed, but he doesn’t stop. 
His hands travel all the way up to your waist, gently squeezing it. “And your waist, jagiya. God, your waist.”, he bites his lips. “Why would I not love your waist, hm? Fucking perfect.” 
His hands are now on your tummy, and he doesn’t miss the way your breath hitches in your throat as soon as he places his hand on your stomach - hidden by an oversized t-shirt. He lifts the fabric so that his fingers can brush against your naked skin. “Is this what you’re insecure about? Your tummy? It drives me crazy, jagiya. Why would you even hide it under this big shirt, hm? This tummy is going to carry our children one day, my love, how could I not love it?”
Your heart is hammering hard in your chest and you’re sure even the tips of your ears have turned red by now. His hands travel upwards, and he cups your breasts in his hands. “Don’t even get me started on these, jagiya.”, he whispers on your lips, leaning in for another kiss. 
“Do you believe me now?”, he whispers on your lips as he retrieves his hands from under your shirt. You nod, though weakly. “I’m in love with you, jagiya. You’re my purple person, I told you. I love every single inch of your perfect body - I wouldn’t change a single bit of you, jagiya.”
“Taehyung?”, you whisper, caressing his cheek with your fingers. 
“You’re my purple person, too.”
He grins, then pulls you in for another kiss - this time more passionate, as he lets his tongue brush against your lower lip. “I love you so much, jagiya.”, he mutters between kisses. “Love every single part of you - I feel like you forgot it. Maybe I should remind you how much your body turns me on?”
if you want to request something, you can do so by clicking on the "💌" emoji on my profile, remember to write down the bts member, the scenario and the rating!
remember to like/comment/reblog if you like my works - that encourages me to keep writing!
you can find me at @straykeedz for the stray kids' fics. ♡
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 days
Lets have a chat about my wip's shall we?
in the spirit of getting back into writing mode and putting even more effort into my work...I've redone my wip page! so here's a few things...
if you got the chance to look at my previous wip sheet then you'll know it was very confusing, all over the place, and a spot for the most random things
this new page is organized, aesthetically pleasing, but most importantly...up to date!
if you sent in a request and I haven't posted it yet, you'll know whether or not its still in the works if its on the page. If it's not on the page then I don't want to write it because I don't feel comfortable, or I don't write for that character, etc etc. whatever the case may be!
I will update the page (hopefully) as soon as I get the request and start writing so you know it's in the works!
its sorted by fandom and then by character, but not sorted by release date!
I'm trying to start writing marvel again! 75 defiantly takes precedent because that's where most of my ideas lay, but I want to get back into where I started! (mainly because I need to redeem myself I was such a terrible writer back then lol.)
But even though I'm writing marvel I think I'll just stick to the characters for now. no actors. (IM SORRY IF YOU ALREADY SENT IN A REQUEST AH)
lastly this is 100 percent not required if you want to send in a request or anything like that! I myself just enjoy this look into other writers minds when they have a thing like that, and I figured it would be good for the frequent requesters to see!
Thanks for all your continued support. I love my little blog I've grown over the past 3 years.🫶🏽
Take a look here!💫💫
(also please let me know if your having trouble accessing it!)
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deadbydangit · 11 months
I hope you don't mind me sending another request so soon, can I request susie, julie and rin with a killer who is slowly going blind?
I'm going to tweak it a bit to have it be a reader with poor eyesight. I hope that's okay. I'm sorry this took a while; I've been feeling overwhelmed with life. Please enjoy.
With a Reader who has Bad Eyesight
Julie, Susie, Spirit
Julie (Legion)
At first she just thought you were clumsy.
And it was kind of funny.
Seeing you walk into walls or trip over your own feet.
Then having you say you were just fine.
It wasn't until you almost stepped off the balcony of the lodge that she realized it wasn't you being clumsy.
She'll do the whole 'how many fingers and I holding up' thing.
It was then when she realized how bad your vision really was.
She doesn't have any knowledge in this department.
But you probably need glasses.
Julie doesn't really know.
And uh... There are no trained killer doctors.
She's smart enough to not send you to Herman.
Because Herman isn't a real doctor.
She might have to threaten the more intelligent survivors.
Adam was coerced into helping you despite the fact that he told Julie he isn't an optometrist.
But you do need glasses.
It's going to take a while, but she manages to steal Dwight's glasses obtain a pair.
She doesn't understand that not everyone has different glasses.
She sees someone with glasses, and figures they're all the same.
Luckily, the glasses were perfect.
It's clear Julie really cares about you.
Because she would never do that for anyone else.
Susie (Legion)
First off, same.
Susie can't see out of her mask.
The reason her mask is the way it is, is because she wears glasses.
And she was embarrassed.
Other people would make fun of her.
The braces she had at the time didn't help her in that department.
And she's sensitive.
The rest of the Legion tried to assure her that they didn't look bad.
But... They really were.
Imagine the most square glasses with the ugliest frames you can find.
So, yes, she was embarrassed.
Hence the way her mask looked.
She can also tell the signs that you're having trouble seeing better than the others.
There's a difference between being clumsy and having a difficult time seeing.
And she knows which is which .
She'll find a way to obtain a pair for you.
Going through different pairs to find one that is just right and the perfect style for you.
She wouldn't care how your glasses looked.
She just wants you to feel comfortable with them.
And every second you feel self conscious, she'll remind you how beautiful you look.
Rin picked up the subtle signs that you had some vision issues.
When you read, you'd skip lines.
You often confused different bottles of things and wete mixing up the labels.
So she suggested you go get an examination.
But then she remembers where you guys were.
Not going to easy.
But she's determined to help you out.
There are no trained optometrists in the realm.
The closest thing to a doctor is Adam.
And he isn't really a doctor.
And she wouldn't ask Herman, even if he was the last person on earth.
So it's up to her.
Unlike some of the others, she isn't going to steal glasses.
She'll ask others if they have spars and have you try them on.
Even if she's a killer, she still knows how to ask for things politely.
And, being so polite, most people can't refuse.
It was Claudette who had a near perfect match for you, and she didn't mind sparing a pair.
Even if they aren't perfect, it helps.
It's dangerous for you to be walking around blindly.
And she loves you too much to see anything happen to you.
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emmyfairy · 1 year
Hi love!!! I was wondering if you could possibly write headcanons for Brahms, Thomas Hewitt, bubba sawyer, and Billy loomis & Stu macher with an fem!reader who is Asian and gets harrassed by random strangers during COVID because shes Asian? Fluff pls. I’m not projecting onto the reader at all, lmaooo. A girl out here is struggling
Hi anon, I officially love u for sending in a request 🙂
Request: Hi love!!! I was wondering if you could possibly write headcanons for Brahms, Thomas Hewitt, bubba sawyer, and Billy loomis & Stu macher with an fem!reader who is Asian and gets harrassed by random strangers during COVID because shes Asian? Fluff pls. I’m not projecting onto the reader at all, lmaooo. A girl out here is struggling 
A/N: Okay I tried my best but please know! I am NOT Asian (technically) but I do know what it is like to get harassed and hated on for your heritage, I’m sorry you’ve had such a rough time 🙁- let me know if this is okay/ if ANYTHING is offensive and I will fix it!! (I’ve also never written headcanons before sooooooo)
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COVID? Pandemic? What on Earth are you talking about silly girl?? 🙃
Let’s be real our lovable wall crawler would hardly understand the pandemic, he never leaves the house after all, even if you try to get it through how awful it all is
He understands it’s something to be scared of, but doesn't really get it ya’know?
Let’s say you get back to the mansion one day after grocery shopping (the local store can’t deliver) and as soon as you walk in the door, you're slamming it behind you with tears in your eyes.
Brahms is immediately concerned, cocking his head and approaching you
Seeing him and all his cuteness just makes you want to cry more 
He wraps you up in his arms, a rare moment of him taking care of you, and carries you over to the couch (groceries be damned) 
After explaining to him what happened, about the cruel things people in town shouted at you, blamed you for, etc. the man was fuming
How could anyone say such things to his love?? His love??? You?? Like you're right there and so perfect, how could anyone just NOT see that?
Brahms can hardly relate to your struggle, he has never been singled out due to his race, but he would try his best to understand and comfort you
This includes lots of pampering and cuddles, ahem, clawfoot bathtub.
Sweet Tommy, love of your life, would absolutely tear through anyone that dared utter a single word of offense towards you
That’s just the way it is hun
This man’s down bad for you
Let’s be real, Thomas’ family and you live in the hick side of Texas, people aren't the most open minded there on a normal day y'all sorry
So during the pandemic? A riot in the worst way
You couldn't understand how people could be so mean
At one point you refused to leave the house, it had become so bad, this was past harassment and cruel taunts, the people of this town weren't afraid of grabbing at you.
That is until they see your big hubby 
Little fools sure are running now huh? Big man with the chainsaw is coming for their racist asses
No Tommy you still have to wear a mask… no baby yours isn't enough let's get you a proper one… Tommy… Tommy get back here!!
After properly dealing with the bullies in his charming fashion, Tommy would simply dote on you, I’m talking big game here girl
He’s a shy man, we know, but when you're feeling so hurt and down? All that gets pushed aside for lifting your spirits. 
He puts his chainsaw aside and spends the remainder of the day with you, whether its puttering around the house, taking a shower together, or just hanging out. Maybe y’all cooked some yummy dinner together, all cutesy and shit in the kitchen (i’m jealous of u) and then washed each others hair in the shower
Man is greasy pls scrub him 
Then spend the night cuddled up and smoochin’ 
When you tell Bubba about what’s been happening the poor thing gets so sad for you
The Sawyers likely don't believe in modern medicine, and likely think the pandemic isn't real 
Bubba doesn't care if its real or not, what’s real to him is you being upset
He believes the townspeople are mean, look at him for goodness sake, he knows what it’s like to be bullied, even if it is for very different reasons
Bubba will hurt them for you if you want him to, but he’s more likely to just sit and cry with you
If you ask him he’ll comfort you, he’ll bring you something pretty he’s found, maybe a smooth bone or a shiny rock
Billy & Stu
At the beginning of the pandemic these two doofs played off its seriousness, but once people close to them started getting sick it sunk in
Your health was at risk, and being the love of their lives and the object of their obsession they absolutely couldn't let ANYTHING happen to you
I’m talking masks, sanitizer, distancing, everything and more
They felt a bit settled into the routine of the pandemic now, no matter how scary the new normal was, but when they noticed/you told them about the harassment?
Sorry to burst ur bubble racist assholes but u got like 2 seconds to live
Absolutely zero remorse from these two, if anyone even looks at you the wrong way ( or any way really) that’s it, they are a goner 
Once your boys get back from stabby time, its you time baby
You think these other boys spoiled you? ( they did I was there ) get ready for 2x the cuddles, 2x the preening, 2x the pampering, 2x the food, 2x EVERYTHING
Lucky you 
AT the end of the night, you end up totally comforted in your Loomis/Macher sandwich
I hope this was alright! Feel free to request again!
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aesethewitch · 20 days
Free Tarot Friday Rules
Last updated September 8, 2024: Added reality shifting questions to the list of stuff I don't read about. You can also find the list over on my sweet new website under the Commissions nav link.
On Fridays, I offer free one-card tarot readings on Tumblr! This section covers guidelines for submitting a free reading request. (Note: Guidelines for paid readings are included on the full order page over on Ko-Fi, since they differ from listing to listing.)
General Guidelines:
Send an ask with your question or goal for the reading to my Tumblr askbox. Be as clear as you can with your question, or if you prefer, you can ask for a general reading. Be mindful of the things I won't do, listed below. In general, asks violating rules will not be answered.
Include your initial(s) and the initial(s) of anyone else involved. Nothing else is necessary.
No minors. Sorry!
Include your pronouns and the pronouns of anyone else involved. This is so that I know how to phrase my reading respectfully. If you don't, I'll default to they/them.
I will answer your ask privately if you ask. If you don't request to be answered privately, the ask will be published to my blog. Note that to answer an ask privately, you can't send it anonymously. Anonymous asks with a request to be answered privately will be deleted, since I can't answer them without publishing to my blog.
Be respectful. Only ask one question for Free Tarot Friday, follow the rules, and don't be an asshole. Please also don't trauma dump in my inbox. Remember that I'm a whole person and that I'm not your therapist. Don't be that parasocial asshole who makes me turn anonymous asks off.
Things I Won't Do Readings About:
Readings about health or legal issues. Trust me, you should talk to a professional about these things. This includes mental health! General advice like "What can I do this season to keep my spirits up?" is okay. "When will I get better?" is not.
Yes/No questions, especially ones about love. Instead of "Will I fall in love?" or "Will my situation improve?", try asking "What do I need to know about my love life?" or "How can I improve my situation?" You'll get better answers that way. I can't guarantee a clear yes or no. I'll usually try to rework a yes/no question into a more open-ended question. If I can't, I'll have to reject it.
Sexually explicit readings, including readings about first times, future sex lives, etc.
Future spouse/partner readings, in general. Nothing about where a future spouse is from, appearance, when you'll meet, etc. General love readings or readings about your future with a particular person are typically fine.
Readings on past lives, "twin flames," "soul mates," and related concepts. I won't do readings relating to being an empath, HSP, starseed, indigo child, or other similar concepts, either.
Readings on "reality shifting" or Law of Attraction/Assumption related topics. I think reality shifting is bullshit to be quite honest! And LoA is full of toxic nonsense; I don't want to touch it.
Anything that constitutes "mind reading." This includes what people think about you, what people are saying about you, and similar questions.
Readings about celebrities, period. Especially ones that involve celebrities falling in love with you or someone else, but nothing about drama or scandals, either.
Readings on behalf of other people. For example, "What should my friend do about this situation?" or "Will my sibling fall in love?" or "How does x person feel about y person?" Questions about how you could help your friend get through their situation or what support they need are fine.
More than one card and/or one question at once for free. (This comes with very few exceptions.) If your question is too complex for a single card draw, I'll let you know so you can narrow it down or ask another question. Even if it's a free reading, I want you to get something worthwhile out of it. Half-assing an answer isn't fun for either of us.
Keep in mind, I have the right to refuse to do any reading for any reason. Even if something isn't explicitly listed here, if I'm not comfortable with a question's content, if you're rude, or if I just don't want to answer a given question for some reason, I'm allowed to refuse. For free tarot days, I'll usually offer to let you send a new ask in cases where something isn't explicitly disallowed. Others will just be deleted.
For paid readings, I will contact you to talk about the content of the question and negotiate from there. If you purchase a reading and decide you no longer want one after I reject a question for whatever reason, I'll refund you. But I'd rather you read through these rules and ask ahead of time if you're not sure about something, since I'll have to eat the payment processing fees for any refunds, and that sucks.
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unboundndd · 1 year
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Hello Hello! Welcome to my blog/writing dump ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
I used to write in my free time and missed being part of a community so I decided to start a new blog since I'm interested in League of Legends. I will mostly write character x reader scenarios, headcanons and maybe some longer stories. I will treat darker themes in this blog so please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to the subjects I tag in my posts.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· About the admin
Mi, 20+, She/her, EU
Katana dilf enthusiast! Favorites: older Ubisoft games, Metal Gear Solid, Mother Mother, Wowaka, PinocchioP, Angelic Pretty. Champs: Yone, Sona, Thresh, Morgana, Neeko.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Lore knowledge, what I'd like to write
I like to think that i have a decent grasp on LoL's lore and the lore of skinlines skinlines so here's some characters I currently would like to write for. If your character doesn't appear in this list it doesn't mean that I won't write them, so don't be shy and send an ask if you'd wish. Aatrox, Ahri, Aphelios, Diana, Evelynn, Jhin, Kai'Sa, Kayn, Morgana, Leona, Rakan, Renata Glasc, Seraphine, Sett, Shen, Sona, Swain, Thresh, Vayne, Viego, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
I figured I'd add some skinlines too.
Pentakill universe, Nightbringer/Dawnbringer, Spirit Blossom, K/DA, High Noon, Pool party/Ocean song, Project, Cosmic/Dark cosmic. ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· Rules for requesting and content warnings
If you'd like to request, please keep in mind that it may take time for them to get written out or I might never write them at all. I'd rather concentrate on less request but keep the quality high than to give everyone sloppy, disappointing writing! If you don't specify the gender of the reader (especially with NSFW requests) I will keep my terminology as gender neutral as possible.
I will list some of the things that may appear in my content:
Violence (not explicitly described)
Discrimination (in fantasy setting, never protrayed positively) I will also list my bounduaries on things i will not write in any setting: CSA, or anything to do with the canonical minors Extreme fetishes, consensual non consent Homophobia, racism, dictatorship in a positive light
I hope that this post has been comprehensive enough, soon I will post something that is more interesting than rules! See you all then ^^
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beaststarved · 2 years
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✽𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕋𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕍𝔼𝔻 ( careful , the cornered beast bites the hardest . )
an independent roleplay blog for 𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙀 from redspring studio's upcoming game, 𝔗𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡. worshipped by ℍ𝕒𝕨𝕜 ! minors are not permitted. 𝟏𝟖+ for mature and potentially triggering topics due to game content. heavily suggested to look through theme pages for more detailed info. Est 3/23/23.
─── 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒚 𝒐𝒏    b̲e̲i̲n̲g̲ bound against ones' will, hedonism, mind games, love through the visceral animal instinct, devouring your enemies, & the pursuit of power at all costs.
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⊰ 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 … @sanctissimx , @sunderer
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I. ℭ𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔤𝔬 , the Senobium bound a wicked beast with a magic collar , sealing his powers and forcing his obedience . Known for his sharp tongue and biting wit , Vere is a cunning fox spirit born of the depths of the Shroud and has long done the Senobium’s dirty work with a sly smile , but he’s grown restless and there’s no telling what a beast as cunning and ruthless as Vere will do once unleashed . Can he be trusted , or does he simply enjoy playing with his food ?
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01. i'm 28 yrs old and living in cst . feel free to send me IMs if you want to plot or talk about the muses . due to my demanding schedule i am extremely low activity . i require patience and understanding from my mutuals , although most of my mutuals are friends anyways .  
i may post oocly on the dash but i am often working sun-thurs. after 5 pm cst i am almost always available for chatting even if i am not rping . I have discord available upon request if you want to reach me on the regular . i curate my space often but please do not be deterred from reaching out & starting a conversation . i am actually quite shy but once we get talking i am your jester fr .
NOTHING   on here is owned by me unless stated otherwise . the psds i am currently using for icons/graphics are self -made or by these talented people :  
please support the incredible artists and team behind the  𝔗𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔳𝔢𝔡 project at their site here + kickstarter here !
i  always  check  mun  info when  reading  rules  /  looking  at blogs  ! 
02. this blog is considered MUTALS ONLY . If we are mutuals , always free to reply to my open starters or ask memes ( preferably on a new post ) . If you think i have lost a post , feel free to shoot me an IM and ask ! i always tag my partner's url too .
such as but not exclusive to : Violence / Gore / Trauma / Language , etc   . due to the nature of some of the content my character is from . i , as a mun , of course  DO NOT ADVOCATE for the behavior of my character or others or my fandom on top of that . i try to keep to my own corner really . this applies to general rpc happenings , too .
threads of an explicit or dark nature should be pretty common so beware , however i have my limits . i have  NO   time for able*sm, r*cism ,  p*dophila , inc*st , r*pe , or lgbt fetishizing / homophobia . if you ask or present me with it , i  WILL   block you . 
I will always tag  NSFW   for images / gifs / threads . anything else that is potentially triggering will have a  TW   after it . i don't do fancy tags for triggering content so you will be safe here , just ask me to tag something if it's reasonable .
i also refuse to participate in mature threads with minors or follow them .  in fact, even if this blog content is 18+, I will only interact with rpers who are 21+.
04 . I don't require my partner to match the length of my replies . i am always open to general script rp to start our interactions , too ! i don't mind if you do or don't format posts , i don' t judge !
concerning RP , multis please specify which muse you would like to interact with when sending in memes or liking starter calls . unfortunately i am not a mind reader and i'm inclined to panic and inevitably not answer someone's rp if i don't know who they want to interact with . 
 i'm always down for forming / establishing many kinds of relationships if we have agreed to it beforehand . I don't mind one sided shipping either .  regarding MCs , i only ask that we discuss what route / dynamic we both want before assuming to auto-ship with me .
I also reserve the right to my interpretation of a character. I don't operate on fanon 80% of the time, so please understand if I have a different perspective of Vere than maybe you do.
05. Do not involve me in drama. I will block liberally if you are of the opinion that someone who annoys you warrants a smear campaign or you create a hostile space on your blog or in GC for people who have not done anything wrong. That being said, I will rarely reblog a post about people who have genuinely caused harm within the online community since this blog is a safe space (even if Vere is not lol).
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
please please consider: knifeplay with Hancock
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Hancock x GN!Reader, word count: 800 anon you have tapped into my desire for violence and reminded me of that moment i first fell in love with this rotten little bean ☢️ request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: threats, knives, knife play, cnc elements, he talks a big game but this softie would never hurt you
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"Quit it!"
You knocked the inhaler out of Hancock's hands, turning from him as he watched it tumble to the floor in dismay.
"Hey! Watch it, princess."
"You watch it, Mr Mayor. That's mine, not yours."
He furrowed his brow, deep, black eyes narrowing with it.
"You're awfully bold around me."
"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?"
Hancock was suddenly hit by the realisation that he'd spent so long around you, opening up to you, loving you that you no longer saw him as the threat he felt he was. Did anyone, anymore? He'd set aside his mayoral duties, and he'd been so busy helping you in this settlement that neither of you had done anything particularly bloodthirsty as of late. Maybe he was going soft. But he was damned if he was going to let you walk all over him.
"Because... I'm a very dangerous guy."
The sincerity in his voice made you snort, a short, mean spirited laugh that you immediately regretted as you turned to him and saw the disappointment in his face.
"Sorry, Hancock... but it's hard to see that now. It's not a bad thing! You're sweet, and kind, and you've got a strong moral compass. But you're undeniably quite a gentle guy."
"Are you nuts? You didn't see me in my heyday, but I ran Good Neighbour with an iron fist. No one stepped out of line, and no one stepped out of line."
Standing in front of him, you reached for the sleeve of his red coat, tugging at it playfully, flirtatiously, as you offered up your counterpoint.
"Yeah... but you were also benevolent, welcomed anyone, and made it a safe place for people who didn't have one. And I imagine a lot of those people respected you, fell for your charms like I did. That's probably why they cause any upset. They just didn't want to disappoint you."
You had turned from him again, hoping to end the silly argument by returning to the shelves you were stocking with supplies. Hancock's mouth was open in shock, and he wetted his lips before he calmed himself, speaking his rebuttal slowly, softly.
"I think you're forgetting how we met."
The memory flitted across your mind. That man, his name forgotten completely, stopped from killing you by Hancock. Quick with his decisions, quicker with a knife. In all fairness, he had you there. It was quite a display he had put on.
Turning to him, you were caught by surprise by his presence right there in front of you, having silently crept up behind you while you were deep in thought. In his hand he held his knife, the same knife you had just been fondly remembering, and had you moved an inch or two closer to him, the point would have been imbedded into your body.
"Hancock, I-"
"Step back to the wall, I think we need to go over a few things."
You did as you were told, immediately recognising the playful glint in his eyes. But there was something deeper, something that pushed aside your knowledge of his softer demeanour and tried to warn you to stay on your toes. The excitement of it made you squirm.
"Now... I might be soft with you, but don't ever let that lull you into a false sense of security..."
Hancock's fingers twitched around the handle of the blade as he brought it to your shoulders, scratching the skin, digging in enough for you to feel it, but not enough to mark you or to draw blood. No, this was just a threat. A generous first strike.
"I could bury this knife up to the hilt, 'cause I know that's how you like it."
A tight coil formed in your stomach, body tingling in anticipation, a twisted desire for him to plunge the blade in, to penetrate your body with it.
"I'll take what I want from you, princess. Chems, caps, your body. I'll fuck every hole you have, wear them out, until I have to make new ones. Understand?"
You nodded, biting your inner cheek, suppressing a moan as your clit throbbed.
"Good! Glad to know you understand."
His grin was still pressed onto his scarred lips as he plunged the knife into the wall beside your head, a quick, sharp, loud gesture that made you jump.
"Oh, you're not off the hook yet, angel."
He was smiling, back to his usual self, that softness returning slowly to his face before a sharp glimmer of cruelty passed over him once more, stopping you from moving away from the wall.
"It's just that I need both hands for what I'm going to do next."
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