#also she's so problematic she had 3 of her roommates
iftitah · 10 months
okay quick
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mystreet-liveblog · 2 months
Its not even the voices Aphmau needed to do in early seasons. I just have troubles where I take shows really seriously, so the no warning / no consent kissing or the people trying to find out everything about Aphmau's love life is just frustrating for me.
Autistic people taking things too seriously, what else is new?
I hear that, I too have the “tism”
But on the rewatch I kind of read it differently. It makes sense that Aph’s friends would be concerned about her love life since she hasn’t been interested in anyone since high school, her mom is notorious for hating boys, and half her male friends have crushes on her and she doesn’t reciprocate any of them. It’s an interesting situation and I know I’d be concerned, especially if I was Katelyn or KC
Katelyn sees Aph as a sister and knows that she’s had bad experiences with boys in the past (Gene and Ein, though I haven’t gotten to Ein in the rewatch yet so I may be misremembering some details) so of course she’d be suspicious of Laurance and the others across the street, Aaron who’s super suspicious and used to be a bully, and Zane who is literally Zane hahah
Meanwhile, KC is obsessed with shipping and she stands as an outlier who actively analyzes relationships and pairs them together in her mind as possible relationships, with her favorites being expressed more openly and verbally like a hyperfixation. It’s problematic but also not unheard of, and I can relate to analyzing your friends and deducing their compatibility (though not so much pressuring them into pursuing that compatibility :/). In the end she just wants to see all her friends happy, and she projects her own love of romantic love onto them
(KC actually reminds me a bit of Nepeta from Homestuck but that’s a conversation for a different day)
I do think the lack of consent coming from Laurance and his roommates is very weird and disturbing, but the conscious narrative seems aware that it’s problematic while the subconscious narrative plays it off as a joke. It’s not really that funny, but I guess that’s just part of the anime tropiness of the season.
The entire show, or at least the first seasons of MyStreet and PDH, was made to feel anime tropey and unfortunately that kind of nonconsensual humor is very anime. It’s a little nuanced tho that the rest of the show explores the “after they get together” situations rarely seen in romance anime, though, as well as abandoning the nonconsensual humor in favor of villainizing it and using it to characterize antagonists (sorry Laurance fans your fav is problematic <3)
I actually kind of realized through my rewatch that Laurance was the main instigator of these inappropriate actions and it’s really his own problem to work through. The rest follow him with the frat boy mindset and only come to their senses when actually thinking on their own lol
Like, I remember as a kid there being so many jokes about Travis touching peoples butts, but as far as I remember from my rewatch they were all accidents! That’s kind of funny actually! But the normalization of predatory behavior is very weird in S1 and I’m glad it’s gone in S2
In PDH S1, it’s only slightly justified by the students all being literal children who are working through their hormones and poor coping mechanisms. Both Laurance and Garroth kiss Aphmau without her consent and then swear her to secrecy, which is toxic as hell and its protrayed as such. Gene even threatens to kiss her in front of Aaron which is a whole other thing we don’t need to discuss at length cause I’m sure you get the point by now
But PDH-Aaron notably asks permission every time he does anything romantic with Aph and it’s sweet. In S1 of MyStreet, he does kiss her after the play without verbal consent, but it’s implied she did at least nonverbally consent in later episodes when discussing what happened. Regardless, that sort of content in S1 isn’t touched upon as the story goes on which makes it a lot better to me, and it shows the growth of the author alongside her characters
WOAH— SORRY FOR THE LONG RESPONSE!!!! I just found this topic interesting!!!! Hope you have fun reading this MOUNTAIN wow—
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theuncannymary · 4 months
i'm tired. (venting because i am losing my shit right now)
long story short, i want everything to stop.
i found a job and started last november, and despite the fact that i found a place to live near my office literally two weeks before my contract started, i was ready to accept having roommates until i could find my own flat to live in.
but, here are the things :
- i do a job that is frankly boring and could be done from home (literally just fill in excel sheets all day), but i have to be in an office and spend more energy "looking busy" rather than actually working.
- paradoxically, i am too stressed out about losing my job because i have a temporary contract and have to wait until possibly next may to have my permanent contract. they could "fire" me in november by just not reconducting my contract. they say everything is fine for now but you know i am paranoid and what if they are lying etc...
- the daily commute in a tram is more tiring than the actual job. like crowded places are my nemesis and i have to spend an hour and a half in there every day (45 minutes in, 45 minutes out).
- i was denied a priority seating card by the government because i am "not disabled enough". thanks to my gp for being the lightest possible on my case here. bought a cane and people let me sit. sometimes, but not all the time. i hate it.
- going back to my contract : i work for company a (where i have my temporary contract) and they are placing me in company b (where they will hopefully give me my permanent contract). the deal was : go to company b one day a week, then two days a week, then three days a week, then get your permanent contract. except i want to move closer to company b before the 3 days stage and have the shortest 2 days stage possible because going to company b means having to wake up at 6am for a 7:30 bus and it is too tiring at 1 day a week already. except now they want me to skip the 2 days phase and go to the 3 days phase already but not move closer to company b because "what if it goes wrong". no no no. idc i am moving closer to company b i won't wake up at 6am 3 days a week for your sweet eyes.
- another reason for moving is that my roommates hate me. specifically this little asshole who studies law and comes from a bourgeois parisian family. i was almost kicked out in february because all four of my roommates wanted me out because of "problematic behaviour" (noise late in the evening, for example, because i am a night owl). i had to apologise publicly in the whatsapp group chat and out myself as autistic to have some peace.
- two out of my four roommates already moved out (one with her boyfriend, the other idk where she went but what if it is because of me ?). now one of these roommates has been replaced by a young man who is besties with asshole roommate and the other room will probably be filled in before the end of the month. i live in constant anxiety and come home to my mom's every weekend because it's the only way i can handle things right now (also i want to see my two cats).
- long story short, i sleep like 6-7 hours a night and spend my weekends sleeping. which means i have no time for my hobbies aka my special interests. all my energy is taken by work and chores and transport. i am going crazy. i keep dozing off at work and hoping that no one sees me (was already told off back in last december).
- construction stuff happens on the tram i take which makes my commute longer (idk when it will end) and also at my place of work (at company a) until september. which means more tiredness and lack of concentration at work. and people having to move because they're remaking the whole windows and shit. so more people to spy on me hahaha.
- my boss at company b gives me no feedback whatsoever and i am fearing that he hates me or hates having to train me or whatever. and this week i wasn't even given work or whatever. so worked for company a this week instead of company b. that is fine (not). the work psychologist (at company a) then tells me that everything is fine but again i don't trust anyone here.
- i can't find a place to live near company b that is not a roommate arrangement or something so expensive that no one can afford it. also no car and no driving license means being dependent on public transport means being in competition with students who can leave their flats in the summer so the owners can airbnb said flats. i hate it.
- my mom wants me to buy a place when i get my permanent contract and just no. i won't be staying in that company (company b) my whole life. no no no. i just wish i had time to develop my art and stuff and become independent so i don't have a boss anymore but i have spent literally 0 hours, 0 minutes on it since last november. i am stuck here. i even bought a tablet for my birthday and i am not using it. lol.
- no one else will want to hire a disabled worker like me especially not in this economy where even abled workers can't find a job and our governments are restraining jobless peoples' pensions so much that basically no one will get it now. my mom is reminding me of this even day. i was jobless from 2020 to 2023 and i don't want to go back there.
- mom is launching her own art business and i am so envious but also sad because she is 59 and i won't wait until i am 59 (i am 28) to do the same. like i want it now. also construction work just finished in our house but not everything is fixed and that stresses me out also.
sometimes i am like i don't want to off myself but you know what if i had a big accident or health issue that would allow me to... you know, not work for a bit ? yes. i am that desperate for a break. but i can't choose when to place my pto in company a because it closes in august for two weeks and one week at christmas so no more pto until august for little old me.
and also pto is the last two weeks of august which means i will be working during the olympic games. with football in the stadium near company a. i am already dreading it.
please let me rest let me breathe let me go fuck !!!!!
- sincerely, élie
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sofoulandfairaday · 4 years
The ultimate How I Met Your Mother Finale rant
I know this has been done before, and I know I'm several years late to the party, but I don't care, so IN THIS ESSAY I WILL tell you about why this finale takes the spot as the second-worst finale in TV show history (because Game of Thrones is still, to this day, unbeatable, and it will probably stay like that forever). 
But first, a little context: I've just finished binge-watching HIMYM. This binge has been going on for three days straight (my final exam of the semester is in a week and I should be studying, so the fact that the last few days were a partial waste of time makes me so mad). Second thing: I already knew how it would end, and yes, kids, it does ruin the show for you. It ruins the show so much it makes your blood boil when you rewatch certain scenes, but I will get to that. 
You might want to make yourself a drink because this is a complete list of all the reasons why HIMYM's finale sucks - I'm warning you, it's gonna be looong.
It completely invalidates the entirety of season 9
This is one of the complaints people most often have with this series, and I have to agree. It would have been so much better if the last two episodes never existed, and they just showed Barney and Robin dancing at the reception after walking out of the chapel, Ted noticing Tracy and then the platform scene. "And that, kids, is the story of how I met your mother". Cut scene. Honestly, I don't get the hate people give to season 9, barring the last 2/3 episodes, especially since season 8 was so much worse (except for a few honourable mentions, like The Robin). S8 was slower, less funny, and less deep, and while the authors took a risk by making s9 happen in the span of a weekend it paid off: they took their time introducing the character of the Mother to the gang and fleshing her out. They make sure to highlight all the little ways in which Ted and Tracy are perfect for each other, and even tie up loose ends, like with the Slapsgiving episode, that was a filler but it wasn't boring to watch (although it may be problematic for different reasons, I'm not Chinese, so I can't say for sure if it's cultural appropriation or just the authors making fun of a particular movie genre). 
Some episodes were arguably great: "Daisy" was amazing, and that whole fight between Marshall and Lily was so realistic and well thought out, "Sunrise" was extremely important for Ted's character development, same goes for Tracy and "How Your Mother Met Me", "Bedtime stories" was impressive, "Rally" was incredibly funny and proved once again what a beautiful character Barney Stinson is, so much so that even Robin never has doubts that he (the guy with the biggest commitment issues on the planet) will bail on her before the wedding, and says to Ted that "he always comes back". Daphne's character is super funny and the right amount of annoying, the shenanigans of the gang are well thought out and all of the characters (not just Barney) complete their arc in this season. The last two/three episodes butcher that.
Marshall and Lily
Marshall and Lily, arguably the world's most solid couple, are the only thing this God-awful finale gets right, especially Marshall, who is my second-favourite character, that finally gets everything he deserves. But what about Lily? They never mention her career after Italy, and I refuse to believe she goes back to being a kindergarten teacher as if her year in Rome meant nothing. I also refuse to think she becomes nothing but a political wife, the equivalent of Zoey, but without saving the world. We know she has three kids, but her postpartum depression is never really talked about much and they definitely had the screentime to delve into it. 
 Where do I even begin? Barney Stinson is, without a doubt, the best character in this series, the glue of the whole gang. I think the message they were trying to give is that, since his trauma stemmed from the absence of a father figure in his life, he could only truly heal by becoming a father as well. People also say that n°31 had to stay just a number, because who could match up with Barney Stinson? First of all, I call BULSHIT on that last point, because Robin wasn't the only girl Barney could have ended up marrying. I used to think that too, but it's just not true: that is the equivalent of saying that Barney was incapable to truly love a woman and commit to her, even after all the development he got, and that he only got one shot at love in life, and that's it. This goes against the point the showrunners try to make by having Ted and Robin end up together AND by having Tracy get with Ted in the first place: "it's never too late, you always have another chance at love, etc." And, let's face it, Barney and Robin are legendary, but Barney and Nora (hell, even Barney and Quinn!) were pretty good together too. 
Second of all, if they wanted to give Barney a kid, they could have easily done that, before Barney married Robin. Barney's "redemption" starts when he gets with Robin the first time, hell maybe even when we meet James for the first time: Nora, Quinn, finding out who his father is, the episode dedicated to the lies his mum told him/finding James' father, him getting to know his own dad, etc... those are all steps along the way. The s9 episode where Barney accepts the relationship between Loretta and the reverend proves how far he's come. So why not give him a daughter BEFORE he proposes to Robin? Have him cheat on Nora/Quinn with n°31, giving him a relapse, and having him get closer to Robin while struggling to be a dad to Ellie. That would have been great. 
Or, you know, don't give him children. What's the point of burning the Playbook if you're going to have him write the second edition? What's the point of having him do a complete 180 in the last few scenes and acting like having a kid is the only thing that makes him change? What's the point of doing that when the show spends entire episodes berating Marshall and Lily for "changing too much" when they have a kid?
Also, Barney is the "challenge accepted" guy. He loves his wife so much, he spent years wanting her, and then he gives up because there is no WiFi in his hotel. How does that make any sense at all? This is Barney Stinson, the "I will fly out to San Francisco and buy Lily a plane ticket", the "I will steal every girl from my best friend just to save him for Lily", the guy that wrote the Playbook (it takes effort to pull those plays off), the guy that planned for weeks his proposal, the guy that waited years to get back at the man who stole his first girlfriend, the guy that makes every night legendary... are you telling me that that guy becomes the equivalent of a bored housewife instead of living his best life while travelling the world? Come on. They don't even try to make it believable.
While watching seasons 7 and 8, I felt that Ted was becoming the worst character on the show: he was boring, depressed, basically had no good storylines, the whole thing with Victoria was pointless and inconclusive (and the whole "stop being in love with Robin" was completely out of character for her), but whatever, we could have accepted that because it passed the message that two people could be good together, without being soulmates - which, by the way, renders the TedxRobin ship pointless, because they were right for each other, but Ted and Tracy were soulmates. Him being hung up on Robin in the latter seasons is almost pathetic, and the thing he does with the locket is insane, not romantic - BUT I will say this: it can be seen in two ways, depending on who's watching. I personally like the two as friends, so I see the whole thing as a "Dahmer" situation, but I get the people who see it as a "Dobler" one and see what he did as a grand romantic gesture. 
The problem, though, is that the whole TedxRobin ship gets pretty old, pretty fast: it's an annoying on-and-off thing, that should have ended with the locket. Because, yes, Ted was in a dark moment, yes, he was probably depressed, yes, he thought Robin was his only shot at happiness, but he changes during season nine! He spends entire episodes letting go of Robin, including the one where she transforms into a balloon and flies away. Ted is the good guy, ultimately. He is the guy that is genuinely happy for his best friends. In one of the deleted scenes from the finale, he meets Robin years later and says that he's so happy with Tracy he never thought about Robin in that way anymore. All of that gets thrown in the trash. Why do that? To use a Harry Potter metaphor, Ted is Severus Snape, while Barney is James Potter: the former loved the girl of his dreams with all his heart, even to the point of creepiness, but they weren't meant to be together. 
This, along with the next point, is the worst of all: Robin is the worst character of the entire finale. Her relationship with Ted in season 2 is wonderful, and I say that as a full-on Barney/Robin shipper. There was never a problem in their relationship, apparently, but they then break up because they have an "expiration date" and ultimately want different things in life. Except that Ted is not her soulmate. The only times when Robin wants Ted are the times where (1) she can't have him because he's either trying to move on or (2) the times where it's convenient, for example when they become roommates again and they solve their disputes again. Around that time, we see perfectly that Ted had moved on and that the person getting hurt was Barney. It's one thing to see Ted and Robin in the finale as two people picking up where they had left off after they dated. But this is not the case. 
In season 7, we have the exchange that should have put an end to any and all TedxRobin drama, and that completely invalidates whatever the writers wrote after that about the two of them: Ted declares his love - "I think you know how you feel about me now. I don't think time's gonna change that. Just tell me: do you love me?" To which she answers "No". And Ted also says later to Marshall, that he's "happy because he can finally move on". 
What a load of crap. 
Getting over someone is hard, believe me, I would know. And, oftentimes, it doesn't happen until we find someone else to love (and from the moment he meets Tracy, there is no one else for Ted). But by giving Ted feelings for Robin after this moment, it takes away from the beauty of it- because it's one of the most heartbreaking feelings in the world when you declare your love to someone and they don't love you back. Ted and Robin were both honest at that moment, and it was the last genuinely good exchange between them. After that, during season 8 they try to show us Ted trying to get over her (and failing) and in season 9 Ted getting over her completely. This is also weirdly paced because at the beginning of s8 both are in happy relationships with other people and there's no jealousy (which is good, because at least they weren't toxic) and they seem just friends (when Robin leaves Nick to go see him in the middle of the night, she implies that she would do it for any of her friends), but after Ted breaks up with Veronica because of Robin everything is weirdly coated in this sort of tension between the two: first Ted loves her, but she doesn't, so when he helps her by taking her to Barney's proposal ("which means my best bro in the world has given me his blessing"). 
And, by the way, every time they try to paint Ted as the guy that comes through for Robin after this moment, they dumb down Barney's character. And still fail to make Ted a better guy than him (see: the carousel in Central Park). 
Yes, Robin and Ted have some chemistry, but it is nothing compared to what Robin and Barney have. Every time Robin is jealous of Barney, it doesn't seem like a stupid whim, just because some other child is playing with her toys (except, perhaps, during The Robin). Robin and Barney's relationship would need a whole other post, and the next time I rewatch the series I will write down all the things that make them perfect for each other, but, to me, the biggest difference between the two relationships is this: in season 6, when she's not dating either one of them, Ted accuses Robin of never making him feel needed while they were together, whereas Barney praises her for it. Those are elective affinities: that's what Barney and Robin have, and what Tracy and Ted have. 
Barney and Robin have more or less the same arc: they both get over their fear of commitment and they do that with each other. Time and time again, we are told that if they're ever going to settle down, it would only be with the other. The first time they break up is honestly so stupid, and even when they are broken up, they are the best of friends, which also makes Robin's behaviour in the finale look so stupid. The way the two of them fit together is unparalleled, both in a romantic and a platonic way. 
Think about it: Robin makes Barney a better man, while she makes Ted a worse one. 
Also, the whole point that there are different seasons in life for everything gets thrown out the window: apparently, Ted and Robin (that were a couple that ultimately worked in their young twenties) are the same people in their forties.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that the two final episodes butcher Robin's arc as well: episode 23 starts with Lily saying "I want this girl to be in our lives" and we know Robin never made other friends outside of the gang, because she didn't need to, and now she walks away from everything because of fucking Ted?? This is saying "hey, Robin was only in the group for Ted, who brought her in, and now she leaves because he's not her puppy anymore". Robin was the one that was eternally indecisive between Ted and Barney and you're telling me that three years and many many life experiences later, she's still not sure? 
The point of her story is learning how to get over her fear of commitment, learning how to be there for her friends (there's an entire episode dedicated to that, and it's the one where Lily's pregnant and we meet Robin's ex-best friend in Canada), and how to balance her job and her life. Also, the way her character is treated is un-feminist and un-progressive: she becomes Ted's consolation prize. She is passive throughout s9. She cannot, ultimately, win the modern-day struggle most women have and balance out career and love life, so her true life, her "happy chapter" begins after she has already accomplished everything she wanted to and she's free for Ted. She doesn't even go back to him, she just the prize the main character wanted for all his life and only got in the end because his wife died (ONE SCENE, people, ONE SCENE!). Also, this makes Tracy the "broodmare" that gives him the kids he wanted, and his "happy family" experience before he goes to be with his one true love. 
The mother
This. This makes me so mad. One whole season spent on building up Tracy's character, just for it to go to waste. It would have been so easy to screw her up, but she is hands down the best thing about s9. She's the perfect woman for Ted and the episode shot through her perspective is the sweetest. By the end, I liked her more than Robin and Lily. She was the perfect addition to their group, she fit together with them in a perfect way, and they show us the biggest moment of her and Ted's life... for what? To have her die in a few sentences? And I don't care if they shot a funeral scene, I don't care if the finale was supposed to be 40 minutes long, because, in the end, it wasn't. The scene where Ted meets her is the second most beautiful one (after Barney's proposal to Robin) and the climax of the whole show, but they ruin her... and for what? The chemistry Ted has with her, he has with no one. The joy she brings him, the way she understands him, is unlike any other. I am sure that one of the reasons they killed her off was the shock value and I hate it. 
I cannot stress this enough: Tracy makes Ted a better person. When he's with Robin, Ted is "the nice guy" in the most selfish and narcissistic version of the trope. When he's with Tracy, love comes easy to Ted. Also, the scenes between the two of them are arguably the best Ted scenes of the show.
The kids' reactions (ugh)
It's not really what they say- it's the way they say it. The end of HIMYM was not supposed to be funny, even though the show is a sitcom. It was supposed to be bittersweet and beautiful, because it's the end of an era, and the writers must have known that. So, Ted finishes telling his story, reveals to the audience that their now-beloved Tracy is dead, and the reaction is: "No, ahah, you totally have the hots for Aunt Robin" (their words, not mine). Like, what the actual fuck? I cringed when Penny said that. It's tasteless and not fun at all. Even if it has been six years... It's still your fucking mum, show a little bit of sadness at the thought of her. 
The reason the show ended this way
What makes me especially mad is that I know for a fact that the reason they went with this ending is that it was the original one, always intended for the show, from season 2 onwards. And, if you watch it right after s2, it makes sense. But if you consider the eight years that passed and the massive character development, then no, it's not the best possible one. So many things hadn't been decided yet back in s2, especially about Barney, Ted, and Robin, and I hate that they didn't dare to scrap their work. This ending probably had sentimental meaning to the writers, but authors have to do what's best for their characters, not themselves. It's like with GoT, in a way: I think that the authors were all too aware of the impact of HIMYM and didn't believe that their finale would live up to the expectations... which compelled them to make the worst decision possible?? Every single character is OOC during the episode. Oh, and Marshall and Lily moving in the last episode is a ripoff from Friends (or maybe a tribute? Idk). Anyway, I believe that the authors were too attached to their sentimental version of "what should have been" and didn't give the characters the endings they truly deserved.
"Life works this way" // "Life only moves forward"
Some people say that the show is realistic because that's how life works. But I call super-BS on that. That might be true, and yes, people do get sick and die (Max, Marshall's dad...) and life does go on. But then, you don't frame it the way they did. It's just bad storytelling if you do it like that. And the problem is not the structure of season 9, because the characters develop in that season. The problem isn't even the mother's death. The problem is Ted ending up with Robin because that's not life moving forward for him, that's him, doing the same thing he did in 2005, 25 (twenty-fucking-five) years before! 
In conclusion, this finale is incoherent and inconclusive, and not satisfying at all. The only character that gets a good ending is Marshall: why is that? What makes his ending great? It's the fact that his character arc is respected and he finally gets what he's been working towards for more than ten years.
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traincat · 3 years
I’ve been trying to piece together a few things from your Twitter and Tumblr posts alike and still can’t make heads or tales of things, so would you mind helping out a FF & spideytorch noob? 1) what is currently happening with Johnny in the comics? (I’ve fallen head over heels for this guy, largely all your doing) 2) when’s the last time he and Peter have interacted, canon wise? (And do you think upcoming interactions are likely?) 3) your thoughts on if they’ll have him come out in the near future? (has that ‘biggest change to the fantastic four’ teaser come to pass yet?) Love all your content, thank you!
I'd say no problem but then I started thinking about this current run again and got a headache. But yes, I can do that to save you from reading it, because it is very largely not good.
So I don't think it's unfair to just flat out say the current Fantastic Four run is not very good, largely due to writer Dan Slott's efforts. Slott was previously on Amazing Spider-Man for 10 years, to mixed opinions, but a large portion of Spider-Man fandom, myself included, blames him near singlehandedly for the decline in quality of Spider-Man books over those ten years. I will say, in the interest of fairness, that Slott as a writer has an incredible fondness for the Spider-Man/Human Torch relationship, and that a lot of the recent teamups and interactions between them have been written or co-written by him. So it's all not all negative here. But in general, I personally find Slott's more recent comics (the last seven-ish years especially) to be badly plotted out, messily characterized disasters that feature characters written with all the emotion of a cardboard cutout. That's me putting it nicely.
To explain this fully, you have to understand the position Fantastic Four comics were in from the years 2015 through 2018, both in the fictional 616 universe and in the real publishing world. Following the 2015 Secret Wars event (great if you want some Johnny angst in the background of your plot), the Fantastic Four were disbanded -- Reed, Sue, and their many biological and found family children were presumed dead but in reality were remaking the multiverse, unable, for a reason that was never clearly defined, to reach home. Ben and Johnny were left on Earth. They had an unspecified falling out, likely due to Reed and Sue's absence, and went their separate ways -- Ben joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and went to space. Johnny was featured on both Inhumans and Avengers books. What's notable about this period is that it's the first time since 1961 that there was no Fantastic Four book being published by Marvel. Now the real world reason behind this is both complicated and extremely petty: Marvel really wanted the Fantastic Four film rights. Marvel denied this explanation at the time, stating that the reason was sales motivated, but it was a thoroughly flimsy excuse and Jonathan Hickman, writer of 2015's Secret Wars and overseer of the current X-Men plot, gave an interview saying the decision was film rights motivated. This decision kept the Fantastic Four books off the shelves for three years, up until the Disney-Fox merger, which secured the X-Men and Fantastic Four rights for Disney's Marvel Studios. Marvel then announced that the Fantastic Four book would be returning. So that's a little bit of background as to the precarious place the Fantastic Four currently occupy in the Marvel universe -- it's worth noting that this year is their 60th anniversary, and Marvel has done very little for it. Compare this to the X-Men, whose film rights Marvel also obtained during the Disney-Fox merger, and whose books are currently dominating the publishing lineup. The Fantastic Four definitely occupy an unpopular position, one Marvel themselves is at least partially responsible for forcing them into.
But to move back into the actual content of the book -- the readjustment period Slott wrote reintroducing the Fantastic Four into the Marvel universe can be described as clumsy, at best. It's never fully explained why Reed, Sue, and the kids couldn't return to Earth, something that was explored in Chip Zdarsky's 2017 Marvel Two-in-One, which featured Ben, Johnny, and Doom on a multiversal roadtrip to try and find their family and which I on the whole recommend, despite it having an awkward ending due to being cut short by Slott's announced Fantastic Four main title.
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(Marvel Two-in-One 2017 #4)
Instead, the Fantastic Four return to a Marvel universe a little different than how they left it, with the Baxter Building -- formerly the offices of Parker Industries, the company Doc Ock started in Peter's body during Superior Spider-Man that Peter inherited after his defeat and then lost spectacularly when he trashed his own company to fight nazis (good for him) -- occupied by a different fantastic foursome in a plot that goes nowhere and does nothing. This is somewhat emblematic of the early days of Slott's run -- he introduces ideas that fail to go anywhere, including Johnny's rekindled relationship with his other best friend and former college roommate, Wyatt Wingfoot, who he was seen being very cuddly with in the early issues.
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(FF 2018 #1) A small group of Fantastic Four fans have argued for a while that if Marvel was to have Johnny come out, a relationship with Wyatt would feel very natural -- they're already close, with Wyatt being an important Fantastic Four supporting character since the '60s. I have some further analysis here on the conspiracy theory that Johnny and Wyatt were supposed to be in relationship at the beginning of this run but that that plot was, for whatever reason, nixed. I don't know that I entirely believe this theory, for the record -- but I do think the pieces line up remarkably well.
Anyway, that didn't/hasn't yet happened, obviously. Slott instead for the most part put Johnny on the back burner for the beginning of his run, up until the Spyre arc, which I have reason to believe is the main story he pitched that he credits with securing him the Fantastic Four title. The Spyre arc suggests that the Fantastic Four's failed space exploration during which they got their powers wasn't just to beat the commies to the moon, as Lee and Kirby envisioned (simpler days), but to reach a specific planet outside of our galaxy. When the team sets out to conquer this mission, they arrive at the planet, but are quickly captured. The planet, they find out, operates like a soulmate AU -- everyone has a fated person that they are matched to via a gold armband. Reed and Sue are soulmates (and Ben is confined to an underground subterranean with the other monsters, because this is a Fantastic Four comic) while it's discovered! Shocker! That Johnny is actually the soulmate of the one the planet's inhabitants, a winged woman named Sky, with the suggestion that this is both why Johnny's previous relationships have never worked and why he loves space exploration -- he was just trying to get to his Soulmate TM.
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(FF 2018 #15) "What's going on here? Where are my clothes?" As you can see, this didn't start off super great, with Johnny being separated from his family, stripped naked, and put in Sky's bed with a soulmate armband slapped on him. Did I mention they're only removable if your soulmate takes it off for you? And that Sky has consistently refused despite Johnny asking her to? Yeah. It's bad. (I think it's important to note Johnny's long history as a victim of assault plays into this narrative, whether or not Slott is personally holding that in mind while writing, which I don't believe he is. cw in the linked post for discussions of sexual assault.) There's an additional issue here in that Slott has a history of problematic writing regarding women of color, featuring characters he's created to act as love interests being oversexualized, infantilized, villainized, or some mix of all three, with two examples of this phenomena being Cindy Moon and Lian Tang, both of whom he introduced in quick succession in Amazing Spider-Man. Slott certainly didn't have to write Sky as manipulative or controlling towards Johnny, but that's what he chose to do, and that factors into the bigger picture of unfortunate themes in his writing.
Sky returns to Earth with the Fantastic Four despite Johnny appearing unenthused about the idea and initially generally reluctant to interact with her. Apparently they went on a few dates after this and kind of made up. I don't know because I stopped reading for about ten issues in there but I feel confident I missed very little. It's hard to talk about the Sky plot without referencing Johnny's previous interactions with a character named Lyja, a Skrull whose relationship to Johnny I have a long breakdown of here. It's doubly hard, because Lyja actually showed back up in Fantastic Four during this plot. Lyja's modus operandi has remained consistent throughout almost all of her appearances, which I guess makes sense, because she literally has no storylines that do not involve her being obsessed with Johnny, and this recent story isn't any different: Lyja shows up, Lyja disguises herself as another woman in Johnny's life to get close to Johnny, Lyja gets caught and claims it was all fine because she did it for love. This time she disguised herself as Sky.
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(FF 2018 #32) Not gonna lie, kind of proud of him for this one. That's one of my problems with Slott -- very occasionally, he busts out good moments, only to undermine them with the rest of his narrative.
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In the same issue, Alicia Masters, the first woman Lyja impersonated in order to get close to Johnny, uses her supervillain stepfather's radioactive clay to control Lyja's mind and send her back to space, and I do think she utilized girl power when she did this. Johnny, left reeling after Lyja's latest attempts to trick him into a relationship, ends this issue by sleeping with Victorious, Dr. Doom's right hand woman.
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I know she pegged him. I know it. This scene was a little controversial in Johnny fandom, because a lot of people viewed it as Johnny cheating on Sky and thought that that action was out of character for Johnny. I'm personally of a little different opinion, which is that regardless of whether or not you view Johnny and Sky in a committed enough relationship that Johnny's tryst would count as infidelity when all Johnny and Sky are bound by are magic plot soulmate bracelets, I think Lyja's involvement changes things significantly when it comes to Johnny's characterization. All of Johnny's "playboy" periods, if we can call them that, coincide directly with Lyja having been in and then left his life again, which I think makes a certain amount of sense -- it's Johnny trying to wrest control back after a situation where he had none. None of this is explicitly canon, I have to note, but sometimes in comics you have to do the work yourself. So I think this is a case of something being accidentally extremely in character that Slott accidentally stumbled into because he had these love triangles in mind, not because he put a lot of thought into it.
Speaking of love triangles! Johnny sleeping with Victorious gets more complicated when Dr. Doom announces his intent to marry Victorious -- not because he has any romantic interest in her (this engagement caused a lot of uproar in Fantastic Four because Victorious had been previously referred to as being like Doom's adopted daughter) but in order to install her as Latverian regent in his absence. I'm not going to lie, I love a political wedding. Victorious, for some reason, thinks Doom will be deeply upset that she slept with some closeted blond twink and the member of the Fantastic Four he views least as an enemy and more as an annoyance. Johnny, who Sky is currently not talking to because she "felt" him sleeping with Victorious through their magic plot soulmate bracelets, also feels nervous about Doom finding out about this, which I guess is slightly more valid. Anyway, for some completely ridiculous reason, Victorious decides the best time to tell Doom about this little indiscretion is when they're standing at the altar, which coincidentally the Fantastic Four are also standing at, because Doom asked Reed to be his best man in a not at all homoerotic little setup involving midnight swordfighting and Reed slipping Doom's emerald ring onto his own finger. Sorry to sidetrack into DoomReed territory here but it's just like. It's just a lot.
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(FF 2018 #33) Also, Ben walked the bride down the aisle. :,) Look at his gigantic hand.
Anyway then Doom decides he's going to kill everyone in a completely reasonable and not at all overblown reaction to Johnny and Zora having what was most likely both disappointing for Zora and weepy for Johnny sex. And that brings us up to where Fantastic Four comics left us yesterday -- in answer to your "big change" question, that's most likely coming up in the next issue, so it hasn't come to pass yet.
Having gotten all that out of the way -- the last time Johnny and Peter interacted canon-wise was in the recent Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four, at the end of the Empyre event:
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It was cute! Slott does right good interactions between them. This is possibly the Stockholm Syndrome talking. I don't know if more interactions are likely imminent -- the Empyre event was fairly recent. On the other hand, Slott does like writing interactions between them. So I'd give it about a 50/50 shot. I was skimming the letter page in the latest issue and someone wrote in asking if Peter was likely to appear in the pages of Fantastic Four again any time soon, so there is definitely a demand.
As for Johnny coming out -- I don't know. It's not a call I feel comfortable making at this moment, which I guess means I wouldn't bet money on it. I'd like to say yes, especially because I think Slott set up, whether that was his intention or more likely not, several good places in his run where Johnny could have come out. The beginning, when he's implied to be living with Wyatt again and where he and Wyatt are paralleled against Ben and Alicia. Ben's bachelor party, where Johnny laments not finding the right person -- specifically person and not woman -- and where Ben tells him to "be brave, Johnny Storm." And the soulmate planet plot, where I think could have had a very different and much better ending if Johnny had told Sky that she couldn't be his romantic soulmate, because he knows he wants to be with a man. But those are just places that I think would have made good opportunities for a coming out story. Instead, Johnny's been involved (dubiously) with three different women over the space of the last 10 issues, which is more heterosexuality at one time than he's been confronted with in the last 60 years. So my thoughts are still that it's going to happen eventually, but quite possibly not anytime soon.
Hope that helps! And that my incredibly long answer about what's currently going on with Johnny in comics sheds some light on things!
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missnight0wl · 2 years
3, 6, 7, and 14 for Helena
16, 17 for Richard
And!!! 20 for them about each other, idk if they exist in the same universe but anyway
Sorry for too many 🙈
Oh my, I wasn’t expecting questions about Richard! What a nice surprise! Thank you for asking! 💖
3. Sleeping headcanon
As you might remember, Helena is a heavy sleeper, and she can sleep pretty much everywhere when exhaustion finally hits her. Assuming that she doesn’t have nightmares, she also sleeps rather calmly. She doesn’t whirl much, and she usually doesn’t make sounds (like sleep talking or snoring). Sometimes, it happens that she laughs in her sleep. Now, it’s pretty good for a roommate, but on the other hand, it means that she might fall asleep at your shoulder, and you won’t notice it for quite a while – because you’re talking won’t wake her up.
Once she goes to bed properly, she likes to be comfortable and warm. She often sleeps in pyjamas bottoms and Jacob’s old T-shirts, plus socks.
Also, she’s definitely not a morning person.
6. Hugging headcanon
Helena loves hugs. She doesn’t hug just anyone, but if she considers you a good friend – expect hugs.
It wasn't always like that, though. When she started Hogwarts, she was actually a bit hesitant about it. Her family is rather affectionate in general, so she didn’t see physical contact as problematic. But at the same time, she was very anxious because of the whole situation with Jacob. In fact, she even felt unsure about hugging Rowan at first.
That being said, Tonks helped her with it quite a lot. I imagine that Tonks has a habit of hugging her friends whenever she’s excited or upset, or simply sleepy. And so, it kind of encouraged Helena to be more carefree, too. Maybe not in the first year yet, but by the second year, it becomes a common thing to see her hugging her friends on various occasions.
7. Kissing headcanon
I knew you’re gonna ask this one :)
A long, long time ago, I wrote a fic about Helena’s first kiss with Charlie. But the more I think about it nowadays, the more I feel her first kiss should happen after Hogwarts. Recently, I’m also considering again giving her an entirely original character for her first relationship. Someone who wasn’t involved with the Cursed Vaults at all. I don’t have much to say about him yet, but it probably won’t end too happily. But... it's not really a kissing headcanon, is it?
So, to give you something more specific: Helena’s first kiss with Jae happens one evening when he comes back with Ruby from an oceanarium or something like that. Helena had a busy day for some reason, so Jae offered to take care of Ruby. Once they return, Helena put her daughter to bed, and Jae stays to hang out. And you know... they share a moment :)
14. Dancing headcanon
Helena is a bit self-conscious when it comes to dancing, at least when it’s officially a party. It’s not that she’s bad at it as she has a pretty decent sense of rhythm. She’s just... shy. She gets more confident with age, though.
That being said, she likes to dance when she’s alone (during house chores, for example) or when she’s goofing around with her friends.
16. Anger headcanon
Richard is a person who lets everything out, so if something pisses him off, you will know that. He will complain or argue, depending on the situation. He doesn’t really go as far as physical violence, but he barks quite a lot. He also sometimes gets involved in mischief with Tulip and Tonks just to let off steam. They're like: "We just wanna have fun!", and he's like: "I just wanna annoy someone else".
17. Soft spot headcanon
Rowan. Rowan always gets special treatment, and he’s probably the only person Richard just can’t be mean to.
20. Relationship between Helena and Richard
Hon, Richard barely exists at all, and you’re asking me if he exists in the same universe as Helena?
No, but for real. Richard is not really a serious OC, so I have to say that I honestly didn’t even consider putting him in the same universe. Now that you mentioned it, I’m thinking that maybe I should… But for this very moment, Richard kind of has his separate (and incomplete) world. Still, I’ll try to give you a hypothetical answer!
I’m not sure what their relationship would be exactly, but I have to say that I don’t think it’d be particularly good. Not that it’d be bad either, but they’re just… quite different. Richard almost always says whatever comes to his mind, whether it might offend someone or not. And to be clear, he does understand social norms – he simply doesn’t really care. I imagine Helena having a pretty hard time with this directness, and she probably wouldn’t have enough patience to explain to him all the time that he has to consider people’s feelings once in a while. Richard, on the other hand, would probably see Helena as a stiff and whatnot.
That being said, they probably could find a middle ground if they tried. Richard can learn to just shut up sometimes (something Rowan works on with him as well), and Helena is not always so proper either. Helena would enjoy his dark humour while he’d appreciate her intellect. I definitely don’t see them as enemies or rivals. However, I think it’d be a friendship prone to disagreements and conflicts ;)
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dramajib · 3 years
Things I loved from this week’s episodes of Dali & Gamjatang:
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1) He don’t take no shit.
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2) She don’t take no shit.
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3) They don’t take no shit.
I love that our couple just talk to each other. They share their feelings. They discuss business when it needs to be discussed. They’re not trying to protect each other by hiding things. They believe in each other’s abilities and capabilities. The mutual respect and affection is killing me and I really hope we can get through the rest of the show without having to deal with any of that rubbish pining-caused-by-misunderstandings-and-unnecessary-silence nonsense (why no, I’m not at all traumatised from watching My Roommate is a Gumiho, why would you ask?)
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I even kind of love Chak Hee - Moo Tak shatters any illusions she may have, and she seems like she’s done conniving for things to work her way. I am hoping that I will love any reluctant friendship that grows between her and Dali as they share a bed next week. I had been hoping for that relationship to develop with Gong Ju, but I suspect we won’t get to see it after all. I do wonder who’s beat her up, hopefully not her louse of a father.
And by that last her, I mean, Chak Hee, not Gong Ju. I am loving that Gong Ju was beaten up by the angry goshiwon resident who was a victim of dumpling theft. To be honest I would not put it past Gong Ju to have actually stolen those dumplings.
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Speaking of Gong Ju, why do I get the feeling Dali was adopted, and that’s why Gong Ju resents her so much? I hope it’s not true, it feels like a cheap cop out to evoking emotion, when the show already has so many great things to dump into my emotions box and rummage around in. 
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(I’m also really not looking forward to the introduction of her uncle. The cousin has been my least favourite part of the show, and I feel like his father can’t be much better.)
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I appreciate that so far the show has moved the politics/drama aspect of things right along, because honestly I am not paying attention to any of it. I’m like, bruh, just sell the building the gallery is in if it’s causing SO much hassle and buy another one and continue your gallery work there. Unless there’s some reason she’s emotionally attached to the building on top of the business itself, who knows.
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Circling back to the first scene I shared in this post - the drama does a lot of things that leave me unsure if I’m meant to interpret the way I do. That scene struck me as very atypical of what happens in most shows, by which I mean it’s usually the guy who’s fumbling around and trying to get a girl to listen, and the girl has just refused to listen to excuses and left. 
But in this case not only are the roles reversed, it’s not even really a case of excuses or not explaining things or giving someone an opportunity to explain. Like Moo Hak says when he finally gets home - there is nothing he’s done that requires explaining. And Dali apologising or expecting anything isn’t fair. (Admittedly that crack about getting money out of Tae Jin by sleeping with him was extremely uncalled for but I’m going to chalk it up to being out of character and hope he doesn’t say anything half as problematic again).
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But - I don’t know if that was the intention of the show. Just like I don’t know if I’m supposed to believe that the relationship between Ki Cheol and their dad is actually as tenuous as Ki Cheol says it is. Does Ki Cheol really believe that, or is he just a sneaky bastard using it to manipulate Moo Hak? I mean stepmom is clearly just your cookie cutter power hungry jealous step mother who wants her son to get all the benefits Moo Hak has even though he didn’t actually do any of the work of building the business... but is Ki Cheol the same? Is their brotherly affection actually genuine? How long have they even been brothers?
And that’s what I mean when I say there’s so much in my emotions box - all these relationships are so interesting, and so much fun to think about. Well, maybe not all. The villains are pretty meh. But the secretaries, for example, or even Moo Hak and his dad - every time we cut from a yelling DonDon family scene to the two of them walking and having a calm, gentle conversation... there’s so much love there to be explored, I really don’t need any blatant sob stories to keep me invested.
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lunammoon · 4 years
The Problem With Hetalia (As told by someone who actually in the fandom until like, 2016)
I'm hoping this post will explain to people who are still into Hetalia why a lot of people have an issue with from the perspective of someone who knows a lot about the show. 
TL;DR: By making the WW2 axis powers come across as a lovable idiot, his serious friend, and the stoic voice of reason, it downplays the serious nature of what the Axis did and seeing as the real-life Axis harmed real-life people, many people have a justifiable huge issue with this. 
I will go more into depth about this under the cut.
A lot of people are talking about how Hetalia is coming back after 5 years and a lot of people are rightfully annoyed at the show. But what I'm seeing is that a lot of the people who are upset are people who clearly haven't watched the show and therefore are unable to explain to people who have watched it why it’s bad. The most that you hear is:
"it glorifies the Axis Powers" (which isn't 100% accurate although the assessment that they are portrayed in a way that makes them seem less bad is accurate) 
"Hetalia Cosplayers wore Nazi uniforms in front of a Holocaust memorial" (which I'd say is more of an issue with fans than the show). 
That is not to say that there isn't an issue with the show, because there really is. But these observations are unlikely to mean much to someone who watches Hetalia. So, in this thread, I'm going to explain why Hetalia is Problematic with the added context perspective of someone who was into the show during most of middle school and until Freshman year of high school. 
I knew the human names, used to jam to "Always With You" and "Pub and Go" and “It’ll Settle Itself Somehow” and “Light my Heart” and “Absolute British Gentleman” and “Mein Gott” and “World Rondo” and “Excuse Me, I’m Sorry” and so, so many more. 
I lost my shit with everyone else when the season 6 ep dropped and Italy danced like he was possessed by a demon. When I hear “ACE” family, I don’t think of Youtubers. I actually took a side on the FruUK vs UsUk debate and if you look in my archive, you can probably find some Hetalia posts that I’m too lazy to delete.
The point here being, I’ve actually seen the show so I know what I’m talking about. This isn’t an outsiders perspective is what I’m saying.
So, let’s get right into it. While technically only seasons 1-2 are officially actually called "Axis Powers" (Seasons 3-4 are called "World Series" Season 5 is "Beautiful World" and Season 6 is called "World Twinkle") WW2 and things relating to the Axis Powers are an important part of every season and appear prominently.
While Hetalia has covered many things from all different time periods, the two most common periods covered are the modern-day and of course, the second World War. The show is Japanese and (I assume) because Japan was on the Axis side, these portions focus more on the Axis Powers of Italy, Japan, and Germany. The Allies do come into play. And while the Allies aren't directly like, evil, which would've been FAR WORSE they've got a kind of Team Rocket-esque thing going on? They're not exactly mustache-twirling villains but they're clear antagonists. Make no mistakes.
I think the deserted Island arc is the best example of the problems many people have with the show.
Take for example, that beach fight. If you've watched Hetalia, you'll know the one I'm talking about. The one that they reused like, 50 times. The Allies are clearly shown as the antagonists/aggressors while the Axis are literally just vibing on a (kinda) deserted island and defending themselves. 
Now, if this was three dudes chilling on the beach and they suddenly got attacked by another five dudes also on the beach who they then fought off until the five attackers ran away that’s be one thing.
The issue is that this is supposed to be a representation of WW2. It's basically saying "oh, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy were literally just vibing, not bothering anyone when suddenly, the Allies attacked for no reason. Luckily, they (the Allies) retreated because the Allies are Cowardly but they keep coming back and bothering them,". Do you see the issue there? Most of the beach arc seems to be the writer forgetting that these are supposed to be Nations, not a random Italian dude, a German dude, and a Japanese dude.
“Oh, but they don’t glorify Nazi Germany. They don’t really even talk about what Germany was doing! Look at this pic of Germany in a lab coat holding a dandelion :)“
That’s not the defense that you think it is and it’s actually a main part of the issue that I, and many other people have with Hetalia.
I think the scene where this issue is the most obvious is the one where they are gathering around a campfire and talking and one of them comes up with the name "the Axis". The whole scene has the same energy characters in a moe anime coming up with a band name.
They’re sitting on a beach at night. I think there might’ve been a campfire, the stars are out, and the three of them talk about their dream of making a world that revolved around them. One of them comes up with the name “the axis” and then they all talk about how you would translate "axis" in their language. It’s all very found family-esque. The way the scene is framed is to encourage you to route for them to reach their goal. It’s the same kind of tone you’d see in a shoujo with a girl telling her friends about how she wants to win the singing competition no matter what or in Sword Art Online when Kirito talks about saving Asuna.
The issue is that their goal isn’t to win some competition or to save someone they care about. It’s to spread facism, imperialism, and bring about genocide.
There of course don’t SAY that that’s their goal, and outside of a one off line in the English dub that’s been since censored, they don’t really bring up what Germany was up to during WW2 vis-a-vie the Holocaust and if they did bring it up, I either wasn’t paying attention, it was in the manga, or it was in one of Germany’s character songs.
The issue is that during WW2 the show seems to at best forget and at worst, gloss over it that the main trio that they're focusing on are the villains. And not like, fantasy villains. Actual real-life villains that hurt real people in the real world. Imagine if instead of Ludwig Beilschmidt and Feliciano Vargas, it was Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. 
Are you seeing the problem yet?
I get why people like to watch the show. Ignoring the WW2 bits, it’s actually pretty good. I, as an American, really like Alfred F. Jones and the way he’s portrayed.
If Hetalia had stuck to non-WW2 related things such as that episode where the nations all talk about how horror movies differ in their nations, or they talked about their Christmas traditions. Or the ones where America and Japan are roommates. Or when they showed that time when America airdropped XL condoms on Russia labeling them as "small" for intimidation reasons. Or that series of episodes where they talked about Micronations. Or that time they all had to come together to fight aliens. Or the bit where they talked about the WW1 Christmas Armistice. Then it would be fine.
The issue is that they didn’t.
If they kept WW2 stuff for SOME reason. They had two options. 
Make the axis as proper villains
 Be explicit in showing that the nations will doesn't reflect what their leader wants. 
The first option wouldn’t be ideal if they wanted to cover any time period other than World War 2. The axis would be too unlikable and I doubt that an anime where Japan is the villain would appeal much to Japanese audiences.
But what about the second option. Have a bit where Ludwig is passing out White Rose pamphlets or smuggling people to safety.
Have Kiku (Japan for people who don’t watch Hetalia) purposefully looking the other way as Sugihara writes visas to get people to safety and covering for him against his boss. SOMETHING!
But instead of doing either of those, they took the bad third option which was, their choice to instead make the axis seem like likable individuals who are a group of three good friends who work together will in contrast with the “bumbling Allies” who are barely cohesive and constantly fight and argue. At best, makes it seem like both sides had a point and at worst, makes it seem like the Axis was a better than the Allies.
All of this is to say that liking Hetalia does not make you inherently a bad person, but you need to be more critical of what you watch and understand that there is a reason that some people have a genuine issue with it and they have a very good reason for that. You can still watch it the show, but do keep this information in the back of your brain as you do
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irandomblogfulb · 4 years
FATE: What happens when you get a bunch of middle aged white guys to adapt a cartoon for girls
Well, I just went through 6 hours of fate and I have a lot of opinions on it. Yeah, this is going to be long (slightly under 3k words) so putting it under read more and obvious spoilers.
PSA before delving right in:
1) Yes, I will be comparing to the original. Any comparisons are not through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. There are parts here and there that I genuinely think were done better in the cartoon on a writing standpoint.
2) This is purely my opinion and overall negative. Don't like it? Don't read. I'm all up for discussion but I don't want another person crying to me about how I “ruined” their experience of the show.
3) If you like Fate then good for you. This isn’t me bashing people who like it. 
I've spit it up into sub sections just for my own convince.
1. The problem with the 'I'm not like other girls' trope
This pertains to the entire Bloom-Sky-Stella love triangle. I wasn't as pressed about it compared to other winxers (and I loved Stella's and Brandon's relationship on my rewatch). In fact, I was okay with it. But then I sat down and watched the show and there's a lot of underlying problems with the love triangle. Particularly pitting Bloom and Stella against each other for Sky's affection.
Now this part of the love triangle I already didn't like. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I dropped the OG Winx after season 5 but the Winx while they did have their conflicts and arguments, never fought over a boy. I really appreciated that from the cartoon so seeing that live action would fall into that trap – I was mildly annoyed at that. Then it hit me. It's Bloom and Stella.
The seemingly ordinary girl vs the pristine princess of Solaria. If the title didn't give it away, you should get the point by now. Others have already called it by now but the "I'm not like other girl's" trope in itself, while seemingly feminist is actually misogynist. Saying the more masculine type of girl is better than the feminine is inherently misogynist. Stella, the prime princess, girly and feminine, is villainized by the love triangle. Sky's and Stella's relationship is toxic and Stella's overt co-dependence and jealousy are already big fat red signs - but Sky's and Bloom's relationship is built on how she's "different". Bloom isn't like Stella, she's "real".
2. Am I supposed to like Riven?
As the title puts it, wtf am I supposed to feel about Riven. Is he supposed to be a good guy? Do I root for him? Is he morally ambiguous? Because holy shit compared to OG!Riven, this guy is diabolical and much much worse! OG!Riven is an asshole and he teams up with the trix but his arc was very simple and easy to understand. He joins the bad guys, distances himself from the good guys, the trix betray his ass, he self-reflects in the dungeon - escapes and redeems himself. Net!Riven is so bad to the point where you can't redeem him and the writers don't even try. Freddie Thorp is good in his role. (however, he definitely doesn't pass for a 17-year-old. He's 26 and it shows) and he actually makes the cringe dialogue work. But he's way too diabolical and downright predatory. The scene where he forces Dane to gulp down his spiked drink - it’s worse seeing it than reading it. That grossed me out more than the gore.
What makes it worse, nobody properly calls him out. Beatrix kinda does on his homophobia – “Homophobic bashing by GIF” - and Sky does chastise him, but they still tolerate him. It is kinda funny in a way Sky has a whole ass arc about how he's enabling Stella's problematic behaviour by still dating her after she blinded her friend but doesn't realize he's doing the same for Riven.
The only person that really puts her foot down with Riven is Terra and nobody takes her seriously about anything she says.
Everyone is very laissez-faire around him and that's not how you respond to your friend being problematic. (Hey, kinda like the other girls sans Aisha are with Bloom!) Everyone surrounding Riven is so disgusting and the notion of him supposedly being a good guy is very hard to buy into. His whole relationship with Dane has a section of it’s own because there’s just a lot to unpack.
3. Stella I am so sorry
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I'm also in the majority hating how they've tarnished Stella. Basically, they turned her into the stereotypical rich bully with mommy issues.
I get that Stella has an abusive mom but that’s no excuse to be a total bitch to her roommates. And no, her roommates shouldn't accept her back with open arms. And she doesn't even redeem herself - the girls just accept her back after her mom pulls her from Alfea.
And this is also another issue with the writing were the characters suddenly just change their opinions on a whim. Suddenly Stella likes the winx, suddenly Terra misses Stella even though having that girl literally gives her anxiety. Suddenly Aisha's on Bloom's side in the end.
This isn't me simping for the cartoon out of nostalgia. I was mostly okay with the idea of Stella and Sky hooking up. But Looking at it from a creative standpoint - looking at the source material, and the many paths you can take this character, the best thing Brian Young and co. can think of for her was turning her into the stereotypical rich bully that we've seen time and time again? No deconstruction no meta take, it's played out exactly how you’d expect it.
Again, this isn't me simping for the show. Purely from a creative standpoint Stella was such a major let down. There's so much to the character and Brian Young took the easiest, saturated path.
4. That one scene with Bloom's parents
You know the one. Mike unhinges Bloom's bedroom doors and Vanessa cusses out and insults her child like a petty teen bully. Forgetting how utterly cringey that scene was, you can't have her mom go batshit insane on her child, then act like she's this loving parent that cares so deeply about her daughter. Screw that! Vanessa deserved those 3rd degree burns! She invaded her daughter's privacy. Bloom didn't even do anything wrong!
I can't buy into this narrative of Vanessa and Mike being loving parents when they do something like that. Seriously who thought that was okay?
5. Pity Parties for everyone.
I already discussed this in Stella’s section but I don’t like the “it’s okay for me be a shitty person because my life sucks :)” narrative Fate tries to pull. They did it with Stella, Bloom, Riven.
What I liked about the first season of Winx Club is Bloom’s arc and her character as a whole. Because while she went through shit, from the Trix, to finding out she was adopted, her existential crisis, not feeling like she belonged, losing the dragon flame, she went through a lot. She didn’t throw a pity party. She didn’t whine, bitch and complain. She allowed herself to feel upset, took it as it is and tried to make lemonade out of lemons. And I respect that.
Net!Bloom is agrevating. She does some dumb, reckless stuff but it’s excused because she’s the protagonist? She let the war criminal out, the school gets taken over by the bad guys because of Bloom. Faragonda fucking dies because she let the war criminal out! The burned ones attacked the school because she let the war criminal out!!! But no, Aisha’s villainized for calling Bloom out because Bloom’s existential crisis is more important then anything else.
Getting to Sky, he isn’t as bad as the others. He doesn’t become a shitty person because of his problems. (Though lowkey flirting with Bloom while he hooks up with Stella is uh not good.) But he does come across incredibly whiny. Because of the cringey dialogue and the unnecessary swearing  I can’t take his speech on opening up to Bloom seriously. I laughed throughout the whole thing and Bloom leaving his unconscious body there was the icing on the cake.
One of the few characters that deserved a pity party is Terra. She’s very much like OG!Bloom in a way. She is bullied by Dane and Riven, has body insecurities, anxiety, nobody listens to her and at most only tolerates her. Despite all the crap that is thrown her way she still reminds humble, kind, and respectful. And she is one of the few characters that deserves more support than what she got out of the season.
5. Bloom, Aisha, Tokenism and their awful relationship
I’m going to be upfront, their relationship sucks. The core of their dynamic is what Aisha can do for Bloom. It’s very one-sided. Bloom only goes to Aisha to help solve her problems, which Aisha gladly does – but when Aisha disagrees with Bloom or says something Bloom doesn’t like, Bloom suddenly goes off and Aisha’s made to be the bad guy. Even though she’s right? And Aisha has her own problems as well, shown to also struggle with her powers. But nope, that’s pushed to the back burner because Bloom needs help.
I am all for creative freedom. I can stomach Stella x actual Sky. I can stomach turning Stella into a rich mean girl. I can stomach the dark academia aesthetic but what Brian Young and co. did to Aisha is just plain racist. Screw the “it’s an adaptation” excuse. Turning this character who had a rich storyline and was a princess into a white girl’s magical negro who fixes all her problems is racist and by definition tokenism. And by whitewashing the other two characters of color, making Aisha the only poc in the group – that’s the worst thing you can do to her.
And frankly we need more black princesses on screen.
6. Dane and the homophobia of the show
Towards the show’s climax it’s revealed Dane is helping Beatrix because she accepts he’s “different”. Not only does this go back to my pity party rant but like bruh,
1)      Beatrix never really did anything for Dane? She hung out and smoked with him a bit, but that’s all. You’re telling me Terra wouldn’t accept Dane? Beatrix never helped him and he never really opened up to her about his struggles.
2)      Nobody else, not even background characters bully or harass Dane for being “different”. It’s only Riven, the guy he’s crushing on. The whole falling in love with the bad boy/abuser trope is bad in a hetero relationship and that still stands for a gay one. And I know damn well if Dane was a woman half of the shit Riven did to Dane wouldn’t slide.
It makes no sense for Dane to side with the bad guys when Riven’s the one bullying him and Beatrix is complacent in the bullying. Oh, and having your second black* character who’s also lgbt+/potentially questioning be a villain? Not good.
I’m all for gay and poly rep, but not like this. If Stella and Sky’s toxic relationship is going to be called out for what it is, why not Dane’s?
*Idk if Theo Graham is light-skinned black or biracial so I’ll just refer to him as black.
7. The plot
It’s very predictable. Personally, wasn’t fond of the ‘twist of a twist of a twist’ style of writing. The story tries to be nuanced and deep but it’s not. Common sense is treated like a big revelation. Not trusting the war criminal you barely know isn’t as big of a take that the writers try to make it out to be.
8.  Everything else
·       Beatrix is fine. No Icy but did like the gothic bookworm aesthetic.
·       Sam is just there to be Musa’s love interest and provide some dumb drama between Musa and Terra. I thought they’d go the Edward/Bella root – Musa’s drawn to Sam because she can’t sense his emotions for some reason. Nope, they just get together for the obligatory make out sessions. Don’t care much for the relationship or the character.
·       Since the powers are all elemental shouldn’t there be classes purely for an elemental? Classes purely for fire fairies, etc?
·       Musa’s powers are confusing. If she has no control over them and they are “always on”, shouldn’t her eyes constantly be glowing purple?  Very wishy washy. Sometimes they overwhelm her and other times she has complete control. Her character is just there for plot stuff.
·       Terra is one of the better characters but can’t enjoy her knowing about the whitewashing. Why can’t we have a plus sized character just exist and not have body issues?
·       Sky doesn’t feel like a prince. Characters treat him like his dad is a war hero and not the King of Eraklyon. There was a point where I thought I misheard and thought his dad was just a war hero and not a king.
·       Why try to justify Rosalind’s war crime if she’s going to be the big bad anyways?
·       The way the characters treat death/act around death is very weird. Musa and Terra see a pile of dead bodies and they’re unreasonable calm. Especially Bloom an “ordinary teenage girl from earth”, reacts very nonchalant when death and war crimes are brought up. Doesn’t help the show tries to push this “they’re kids fighting a war” narrative.
·       Can’t buy into the girls’ friendship. The Aisha/Bloom dynamic is centred on what Aisha can do for Bloom. Bloom only cares about herself and only goes to her friends to help with her problems. Most of Musa’s and Terra’s interaction centre around Sam. Stella didn’t care for the girls until her mom showed up and pulled a 180. The girls were quick to turn on Aisha when she sided with the adults.
·       I have no problem with technology existing but why do they have Instagram, Tiktok and Tumblr? The otherworld is a completely separated from Earth, why do they have the same technology?  
9. Brian Young, what do you mean by mature?
I grew up on the 4kids dub before transitioning to the Nick dub for season 4 and 5 then dropping the cartoon for good. So naturally on my rewatch of the cartoon I decided to go watch the RAI dub since I heard it’s more accurate and 4Kids are infamous for their horrid localisations straying too much to the source material. Upon finishing season 1 and currently watching season 2, a few things took me by surprise. For one, the cartoon is surprisingly dark. The schools are at war with the Trix and their army of Darkness, Sky almost dies in Season 2, Riven almost dies and the Trix thinks he suicided, it’s heavily implied in Season 2 Darkar murdered some of the pixies, the paedophilic undertones of Bloom and Avalon’s relationship, the list goes on.
When the interview with Brian Young came out, he said Fate would be a mature take on the cartoon. And I wondered, what did he meant by mature? Was he going to delve deeper into the darker aspects of the show, or did he mean he was going to have the girls swear and have sex? Watching Fate, I found my answer.
If you take out the gore, swearing, drug and alcohol usage from the live action, the maturity is on par with the RAI dub. The difference is in the presentation. This is what sucks about the mentality surrounding live action remakes. Because the OG!Winx was colourful with glittery transformations , was super girly and overall had a positive upbeat tone (not forgetting 2D animated) - it can’t be taken seriously. You have to strip all that, the colour, the kindness, the femininity in order to be deemed mature.
10. Wrapping up
I went into Fate expecting the worst and honestly, it wasn’t that bad. There were things I liked about it. The show looks pretty, and I did like what they were trying to do with Sky’s arc. The actors did what they could with the material. Freddie Thorp made the cringe dialogue work and Abigail Cowen proves she can carry a show as the lead.
Fate is your generic, YA, dark academia show. It follows all the tropes of the YA genre to a T. If that’s your niche, then you’ll love Fate and I’m not bashing anyone who liked it.
For me, as a creative, it doesn’t capitalise on the strengths of the source material. I’m not asking for Winx Club again, as I’ve reiterated, I’m all for creative freedom. But Brian Young, Iginio Straffi, whoever worked on this – they could’ve created something new, innovative, something that stood out from the hordes of other YA shows. They had good material in their hands! But what I got -  I’ve seen before, and I’ve seen it done better. That’s a major disappointment.
As a winx club fan, don’t bother watching this. It’s a very diluted version of the Winx. In trying to capture the interest of the adult fans who grew up with the franchise – Iginio showed how out of touch he is if he thinks this is what they wanted.
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yloiseconeillants · 3 years
ffxiv AND dragon age for fandom thing? 👀
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): i mean other than my wol? probably haurchefant? though i do infodump about estinien at group chat like a lot // GODDAMN ANDERS. All my roommates played Dragon Age around the same time and Anders became the only topic of conversation for like three weeks - my best friend romanced him and developed some sort of complex as a result and while I did not (Merrill <3), I did throw 100% of my support for his actions as, unlike my roommate, I actually played Awakening and would forgive him for anything anyway (also he was right).
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Y'shtola though she would kill me for it // Dagna lol
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Beatin? // Vivienne (who deserves so much more respect than i think the fandom gives her)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): My Minor Scion NPC besties, Tajih Mewrilah and Dariustel Sompt // Ha ha oh my god Niall (the mage who helps you in the Fade during the Circle quests). ALSO CALPERNIA.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): do I have one of these for ffxiv yet? I can already tell I will probably have the Emet-Selch brainworms though .... // JOWAN. Another I would forgive everything. My canon-playthrough inquisitor is a de-Tranquiled Jowan. ALSO CALPERNIA.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Again, other than WOL? Uh... Mostly I want to snatch characters from further torment lmao. Oh, Briardien. // Alistair, for sure. Because I love to torment myself (i, uh, accidentally romanced Alistair on my first playthrough and then he broke up with my Warden when she conspired with Arl Eamon to get him onto the throne, and immediately savescummed like three main quests back to deal with this, and I had ultimately had them break up ANYWAY in my headcanon during the events of DA2 and every time i hurt Alistair I hurt myself thanks)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Lahabrea // Solas/Arl Eamon. Like, I enjoy Lahabrea. I would punt Solas and Arl Eamon into the void.
thank you for the ask, @galfrey
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lemonjamdraws · 3 years
Me accidentally hitting unfollow while desperately trying to get to your ask box for the character meme lol but bro I know next to nothing about Rona please tell me your thoughts about Rona lol
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WHO IS RONA (leftmost character)
Rona is a tabletop character I have for a scifi TTRPG called Stars Without Number. she is the most selfish and morally gray character i have ever made
pro martial artist & a masseuse & 1000 charisma
STRONK BEEFCAKE. mechanically, she can NEVER miss a punch. she will ALways deal damage thanks to cool buffs
she is a HENCHKEEPER which means she has "a knack for collecting lost souls to do her bidding"
GIRLBOSS GASLIGHT GATEKEEP - she is so freaking arrogant
she is literally a SNAKE she has spied on the other party members
SIMILARITIES TO LILITH: fallen from grace from an incredibly high position and ALSO she has SISTER DRAMA
she's actually perfect. some party members don't think so though
ok she is a wine alcoholic though
I've actually been the most objectively useful person around, so I should be the most-liked.
(spoilers, she is not the most-liked and she is Dumb of Ass)
Rona and party member named Garrett. The two of them are called the SNAKE SQUAD bc he helped her spy on a third party member LMFAO
Rona & Sho, her doormat henchman who she is using as a chef and then also a boyfriend. this is very problematic behavior.
Rona & Myka (15yo psychic kid PC who is her roommate. she is an awful parent and he is an awful kid who probably was grown in a lab)
Rona and Ash, ash is the most normal player character and actually confronted rona about Snakedom
ok it just wouldn't be healthy for anyone involved but right now the only potential outcome is her and her doormat boy Sho
HER otp is her and revenge
unfortunately it is a tabletop game and yall aint know anything about it
due to her fucked up arrogance, she is also emotionally reserved
UNPOPULAR OPINION (amongst the other players)
i think she's great
I don't take insults lightly If I could speak politely With just a touch I could disperse your atoms into dust With just a breath I'll bring you screaming from the brink of death I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
If God's a Woman then you should be praying 'Cause I'm the only bitch that capable of sparing you Concrete cracks and crumbles Foundations fall to rubble The jaws of death are snapping The beak of Ravens cackling I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
this is like the MOST girlboss song out of all my girlboss songs
Hello, it's so good to see you We met before but nice to meet you Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like, ah-ah-ah-ah What's my name, do you remember? I'm pretty sure you have my number So let's pretend we like each other like, ah-ah-ah-ah
This room is so suffocating Walking on ice, but nobody breaks it Stuck in this one-way conversation Guess I'll be here for awhile And you're blowing smoke in my face And telling me all about your paycheck Take a shot with a fake smile to chase it Guess I'll take another round
Everybody in this party feels so fake I really wish that I could say it to your face But I won't, so
this refers to ronas past life. she was basically heir to the number 1 richest most dystopian company and therefore had to do annyoing business networking. rona was a dumb party girl and her younger sister Katriane was actually like smart and fit to a run a company so they gave CEO-ship to katriane.
rona threatened to expose a company secret in exchange for ceo-ship and then her parents kicked her ass into the physical lowest level of the world. (its a vertical 3-tiered city, with the top tier being for rich fucks and bottom tier for like, 90% of the population in super poor land) and now she has to climb back for revenge.
i have a FAT playlist of songs but here a few more
PRAY FOR YOU by JARON and the LONG ROAD to LOVE (About revenge)
(thats her doormat henchman boyfriend Sho)
(she got 3d modelled)
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Side Effects- Part 3 (Final)
M/F Pairing: Y/N x Stray Kids
Genre: Yandere Stray Kids AU, Vampire AU, Fantasy AU
Warnings: graphic depictions of blood and gore, violence, smut, dubious consent, and language
Word Count: 5K
Previous Parts: Part One, Part Two
Summary: Y/N has the opportunity to finally end her relationship with the eight young men who changed her life. With the police on her side, Y/N is prepared to do anything to help their investigation into the Miroh Coven, especially since they’re tied to several missing person cases. However, returning to the coven is nothing short of condemning because Chan, Jisung, and Changbin are more determined than ever to make Y/N a permanent member.
Tag List: @softxminghao, @darjeli, @seungminshakur, @rubylove-21, @squirracha, @athosthehaunted, @lixiesbreadstick, @tapikachu, @unghchangkyun, @whereitgetsyou, @ashbash9909, @tropicalwrites​, @mikailo666​
I wasn’t able to properly tag these users: peachbess and lovesfaith (sad face)
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What have they done? I questioned immediately when I realized that I was back in my regular bedroom the following morning. The normality of the situation should’ve been impossible because I was certain that Chan, Jisung, and Changbin had inexplicably decided to hold me hostage after finding me at that stupid club. “Remember? We can be together forever.”
However, no matter how much I tried to make sense of the preceding night’s events, I couldn’t understand why they would allow me to leave after making such promises to turn me. I don’t recall escaping, especially considering my weakened condition, which meant that the three men had brought me back to my apartment on their own accord. I mean, was this just another attempt to mess with me? 
I glanced over at my nightstand, discovering a faded envelope sitting on top of my cell phone. I decided to check my messages first, relieved when I saw my roommate’s contact name. She had apparently spent the night with someone she met at the bar, but she assured me that she was safe and would be home later after work. I was glad that she was fairing better than her roommate, and I turned my attention to the envelope. The handwriting on the front was familiar, and I gently tore through the sealed contents. Inside was a folded letter, and my hands were shaking when I smoothed out the paper to comprehend the brief message written in perfect cursive:
Although our reunion was postponed, please accept this invitation on behalf of the Miroh Coven for your company tonight at 8:00 pm sharp.
Bang Chan
What did he mean by postponing our reunion?
Unfortunately, I had no time to try and figure it out because the buzzing sound of our doorbell abruptly pulled me out of bed, and I wordlessly tucked the envelope inside my pocket. My roommate and I never received visitors, and there was a small part of me that feared for the possibility that one of the Miroh Coven members was waiting outside in the hallway. Yet, when I searched through the door viewer, I realized that a uniformed police officer was carefully sorting through a file of paperwork in her hands.
“Hello?” I asked cautiously, opening the door just enough to acknowledge the unfamiliar woman.
“Y/N?” the officer questioned.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“My name is Officer Smith. I have a few questions for you concerning your previous employer,” the officer said and I was left shaking from head to toe as I allowed her to come inside. 
“Do you have somewhere we could sit down?” she asked, and I nodded curtly before leading us both in the kitchen.
“Coffee?” I asked, crowding around the machine in the kitchen.
“That would be nice.”
We were both silent while I served the warm beverage, holding my mug tightly between my hands. “Do you want any creamer?”
“I’m fine,” the officer said. “I just want you to be comfortable. There’s some very troubling things I want to talk to you about.”
“I see,” I nodded, looking intently at the file she had brought with her.
“We’re in the middle of an investigation,” she continued. “It concerns the Miroh Coven. According to our records, you were previously employed with them as a blood donor.”
“Yes, but I was forced to leave.”
“We had a disagreement.”
“Well, I want you to know that they’re in a lot of trouble,” the officer explained. “We found the body of a young woman on the side of the highway completely drained of blood. When we ran her license, we discovered that she had been employed by the Miroh Coven as a blood donor during the past few months. However, when we asked the Coven about her employment, they told us a very similar story about...a disagreement.”
I shivered despite the heat from the liquid trailing down my throat. “I just...I had a lot of trouble with balancing my college lectures with their schedule. It was very demanding.”
“Of course,” the officer said, but she still wore a look of suspicion. “Normally, we might be inclined to attribute these kinds of things to a rogue attack, but there’s just too many factors that coincide with this case.”
“Like what?”
“For starters, we’ve been unable to contact their previous employees, with the exception of yourself,” the officer explained. “It seems like the Miroh Coven has a history of making their employees disappear without a trace, and I find it very problematic that the young lady we found yesterday had clearly suffered at the hands of a vampire.”
“How many other employees have they had?”
“Quite a few,” the officer said. “I think there’s something bigger going on, and I really need for you to be honest with me, Y/N, because you might be able to help us stop them.”
I swallowed hard. “You think they killed those other donors.”
“It’s very likely,” she said. “Can you tell me anything else about your resignation?”
I found it impossible to make eye contact with the officer, especially when I could still remember everything that had happened the night I left the Miroh Coven. My intention had always been to forget about those terrible circumstances because I was determined to move forward with my life, but all those other ill-fated donors suddenly made it very difficult to remain silent. “They were always nice to me,” I said. “We had a reasonable arrangement because they paid for my schooling and even let me live with them to assuage the cost of on-campus housing. It helped me finish school, but it was always meant to be a temporary arrangement.”
“I understand,” she nodded. “Did they know you were planning to leave?”
“No, but they were keeping secrets from me too,” I said. “A lot of strange things happened when I was living at the mansion.”
“One night, I found a pair of bodies in the basement, but Jisung told me that they were donated...” I trailed off with a choked whimper. “They were also planning to turn me into one of them.”
“Did they tell you this?”
“I guess I didn’t have the right to know,” I said. “I escaped that night and drove myself to the hospital. After that, I moved back here and tried to forget about everything that happened.”
“I understand that it was traumatic for you,” the officer said. “I’m sorry you had to bring it up again.”
I shook my head. “If they’re hurting other people, then I don’t mind the pain.”
The officer sighed, reaching across the table to squeeze my hand. “Have they tried to contact you since then?”
“Yeah,” I sniffled, reaching into my pocket to retrieve the folded letter. “They actually found me at a bar the other night, but they let me go for some reason. I found this letter on my nightstand.”
The officer read over the simple message and frowned. “Were you planning on meeting them tonight?”
“I don’t want to see them ever again.”
“Interesting,” the officer said. “It seems like they really like you.”
“They always told me that,” I said, remembering their whispered words of affection while sharp teeth penetrated my skin.
“I’m going to be completely transparent with you, Y/N,” the officer said. “My station is leading an investigation into the Miroh Coven, but we still need a lot of evidence to bring a case to the court of law.”
“You can have the letter,” I suggested, but she shook her head.
“It needs to be more concrete,” she said. “I need something that condemns them for the previous disappearances of those other blood donors.”
“Maybe a record or something?”
“I wish we had one,” the officer sighed. “We know those donors were employed by the Coven, but there’s no evidence of what happened to them or why they were dismissed.”
“Chan, Jisung, and Changbin own their own company,” I said. “There might be something in one of those buildings?”
“I doubt they’d be careless,” the officer said. “Actually, I’d imagine that the three of them would keep those things close, and there’s probably very few people who they trust inside the mansion.” 
I could feel my entire body trembling at her knowing look. “Actually, Y/N, it seems like they trust you.”
“You want me to go to that dinner tonight with them,” I whispered, completely missing her next words because my heart was beating too loudly, drowning out the other noises around the apartment. It felt like I was falling back into a dark place, and I was desperate to find the light again.
Officer Smith suddenly reached out, fingers cold against my arm, and she effectively pulled me back into the conversation. “I know it’s a lot to ask from you, Y/N, but the answers are inside that house! Whatever you might find could bring justice to the people they’ve taken advantage of over the years.”
It was easy for her to tell me to return to the Coven when she desperately needed my help, but why did it have to be my responsibility to return to a place where I had once escaped tragedy? Nevertheless, I could feel the weight of her gaze, imploring me to undertake such a terrifying mission, and I wondered whether or not I could still protect myself when so many other people were depending on me? “Okay,” I finally said. “I’ll do it.”
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The Miroh Mansion was still dark and foreboding, reminding me of the very first time I walked through the front door for my interview with Chan. It was a pivotal moment in my life, but one whose consequences I never understood until I drove to a hospital with blood pouring from a wound meant to serve as the last reminder of my mortality. I had nightmares about the Coven kidnapping me and forcing me to return, but I could’ve never imagined that I would come back here of my own decision.
I slowly knocked on the front door, swallowing down my fear because I couldn’t afford for the Coven to think anything was wrong. “Act as if we had never gotten involved,” the police had instructed me.
“I’ll try,” I had promised, and I intended to do whatever was possible to help the innocent. However, I wouldn’t go as far as risking my life to expose these horrible vampires, even if dozens of missing donors were counting on me for justice.
“Y/N,” Chan greeted smoothly when he met me outside on the porch, dark eyes swallowing me into their endless depths. “I’m glad you saw things our way.”
He invited me inside, and I anxiously made my way across the familiar carpeted hallway leading into the living room. I wasn’t surprised to see the other Coven members waiting, but it still didn’t stop my heart from leaping into my throat when I realized that I could very well die tonight if I wasn’t careful. “My dearest Y/N kindly accepted our invitation,” Jisung remarked, gliding across the floor with an impossible speed. I could smell blood on his lips as he wrapped an arm around my waist, escorting me to the lovely sectional where Minho was watching me through lidded eyes.
“You look beautiful,” Changbin contributed, holding a glass of red liquid daintily between his fingers. Felix and Hyunjin sat next to him, looking at me with barely constrained hunger. “You’re just in time for drinks.”
I stiffened instinctively under Jisung’s hold because I remembered the last time I had been offered to drink with them. “It’s just wine,” Minho smirked, holding out a glass for me to take.
I accepted it cautiously, tasting at the rim only to discover a grape-flavored taste that certainly didn’t remind me of blood. Still, I declined to drink further, holding my glass while Chan started a conversation about their business, eliminating the initial silence that had occupied the room upon my arrival. Seungmin and Jeongin happily listened, focused on their sire with an attentiveness that reminded me of my previous stay with the Miroh Coven when I had once been ignorant of their bond. “Dinner should be ready soon,” Chan reassured me and I could only nod in response.
“Do you mind if I use the restroom?” I asked, and Jisung reluctantly let me go while eight pairs of eyes watched me all the way up the staircase.
I took a deep breath, waiting until Chan started talking again before disappearing around the corner into the room I knew he maintained as an office. I immediately started for his desk, pulling out well-organized files and the notebooks full of his writings. Every so often, I glanced up at the clock hanging above the doorway because I knew that I could probably only manage twenty minutes unsupervised before someone came looking for me.
“Please,” I sighed, reading over a promising file tentatively titled extraneous paperwork. “Holy shit!”
Dozens of them. 
They were incriminating, various bodies splayed at unattractive angles. Close-up shots of mangled corpses drenched in blood with empty eyes staring straight at the camera. I flipped them over and gasped, reading the names that sounded way too familiar to merely be a coincidence. “This is it,” I said, almost giddy with excitement despite the uncomfortable nausea twisting my stomach at the sight of these poor donors who had managed to fall victim to the merciless Coven.
I shuffled them together, restoring Chan’s office to its previous organization, before tucking the pictures inside the pocket of my jacket. I was more than ready to return downstairs, when I suddenly remembered a faint recollection of the little notebook I had once discovered in Jisung’s bedroom. It wasn’t that much further down the hallway, and I quickly jerked open the drawer of his nightstand, shoulders deflating in relief when I saw the tiny book waiting on top of his other belongings.
I gripped it tightly when I eventually retreated, resting my head against the door to his bedroom quietly because this was causing me more stress than I could handle. “Y/N?”
I immediately turned around, eyes widening in shock when I realized that Chan was waiting for me. I swallowed hard as I held my ground, keeping the journal behind me. “Did you need something, Chan?”
He didn’t respond right away, and I could feel myself growing smaller and smaller with every long second passing between us. Finally, Chan took a step in my direction. “You’ve been gone a while.”
I shifted anxiously. “I- I just remembered something in Jisung’s room. We used to look at it together when I lived here.”
Chan nodded, and I was relieved that he accepted my explanation. “We all missed you.”
“Yeah,” I said. “I missed you too.”
He closed his eyes, cherishing the lie that somehow sounded much more believable than it did inside my head. “Can you show me?”
“In Jisung’s room,” Chan said. “What did he show you?”
I trembled as I leaned against the door. “I’m not sure if it was something he wanted to share.”
“I see,” Chan murmured. “It’s interesting because there’s something that I want to show you too.”
Chan walked away without another word, and I assumed that he wanted me to follow him. I ignored every instinct that was screaming for me to escape with my evidence because I wouldn’t make it the bottom of the staircase before a Coven member would prevent that from happening. Instead, I took slow steps on unsteady legs into Chan’s bedroom. I was inherently curious, but when he gently backed me against the wall, I understood perfectly well what he wanted.
His fingers were undoing the buttons on my shirt and I carefully shrugged off my jacket before he could find and apprehend the valuable photographs inside my pockets. I also made sure Jisung’s journal was hidden beneath the fabric before I allowed Chan to take me to his bed. The oldest vampire made no secret of his desires, tossing aside his shirt before tugging the fabric of my jeans down my legs. “Y/N,” he sighed, fingering the edges of my panties while his sharpened canines drew lines along my collarbones. My body reacted on instinct because it was impossible to resist Chan when he was looking at me like I was the answer to all of his problems. Despite everything he had done to me, I still responded to his touches and the taste of his skin on my lips. Instead of pushing him away, I held him close, occasionally glancing at my jacket waiting next to the door with the incriminating evidence necessary to end the Coven forever.
“Oh, Y/N,” he moaned. “I missed you.”
Maybe that was part of the reason why I didn’t resist because I knew that he would never bother me again once the police had their prosecution trial. It was an intoxicating sensation since I was the one with all the power and he was completely clueless to my intentions. He had no idea that I came back to spite the Coven instead of joining them like they wanted.
I watched him roll on a condom, erection prominent as he pushed slowly between my legs. I felt incredibly full, studying the pleasure on his face when he started to thrust inside of me. I looked at him the entire time with eyes wide open because I knew something that he didn’t and, while he was pleasuring me with his precious members waiting downstairs, I was taking back all that time spent in this mansion, knowing that they were more dangerous than anything I had ever encountered before.
His cock moved faster, and I reacted by spreading my legs wider for him, opening myself up to Chan’s advances. It didn’t take him long to come, and I finally closed my eyes when I felt his warm release through the thin latex of the condom. His kisses were familiar, but they also made me want to laugh because I was planning on betraying the people who claimed to love me, the vampires who actually did love me in their own messed up way.
“I love you,” he eventually said, but I didn’t respond, choosing instead to count the tiles on the ceiling overhead.
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“Photos, names, addresses, detailed journal accounts...Y/N, you managed to find everything! We can cross-reference this stuff with the files and paperwork we already have.”
I smiled despite the circumstances, watching as two younger detectives sorted the files and pictures before retreating from the tiny interrogation room. “It wasn’t exactly easy for me.”
“Still, this is brilliant, Y/N,” Officer Smith exclaimed, and I felt satisfied knowing that I had done a good job. “We have enough evidence to start the raid.”
She nodded. “You should know that Vampire raids are extremely rare, but I don’t think your Coven will surrender when we issue the warrant.”
I wrinkled my nose at the suggestion that I could ever belong to the Miroh Coven. “Is it safe?”
“It’s a commonplace occurrence and we’ve all received special training,” she said. “Hopefully, they’ll come to their senses and agree to a trial, but it won’t take much for a judge to officially convict them.”
“Will I have to be at the trial?” I asked, dreading the idea before it could even become official.
“I wouldn’t force you,” she replied. “A testimony would be critical, but this is enough to put them away for the rest of their immortal lives.”
I couldn’t imagine the dreaded reality of such a punishment. “What if they escape? They might try and track me down.”
“Witness protection,” she suggested. “We’ll accommodate you to the best of our abilities.”
“I understand the concept,” I said. “But they’ve found me before despite everything I did to hide.”
“Well, we can work out the details later,” she said. “For now, we need to prepare for the raid. We’ll start by sending in the evidence to the court to get our warrant for their immediate arrest.”
“Is it something that will happen soon?”
“I might have a way to expedite the process,” she grinned. “We’ve been on this case for long enough, bothering the courts for documents and employee records.”
I nodded slowly. “So everything is done?”
“For the most part,” she agreed. “We can commence stage two of our operation.”
“Thank god,” I sighed, leaning back in my chair. “I’m glad that it’s over.”
“Yes,” the officer said, but there was a reluctance in her tone that sent me immediately on edge. “Of course, we can always use your help with one last thing.”
“What could I do at this point? I’m not exactly trained for this sort of thing.”
“Yes, but we wouldn’t want the Coven to suspect anything,” she said. “They might try to leave before our warrant is formally issued. Until then, I think a distraction might hold their attention.”
“Me,” I intoned, narrowing my eyes because I wanted nothing more to do with those nasty vampires.
“We wouldn’t want them to suspect anything,” she said. “If you go back to the Coven, then they might lower their guard.”
“It was supposed to end,” I reminded her. “You said that I was finished with them.”
“I know we’re asking a lot of you,” Officer Smith said. “But this will be the last time you ever have to see them again.”
“You keep saying that,” I muttered, but we both knew that I was in too deep, which meant that I had no choice but to return to the mansion.
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Felix greeted me at the door with his familiar smirk, escorting me inside to the bottom of the staircase. Today meant the official end of the Coven, but they were all completely ignorant to their impending punishment. “They want to discuss something with you,” Felix said, and I understood immediately who he was referring to despite the unnecessary pronoun game.
Still, I knew that I couldn’t keep them waiting, pausing outside of Chan’s office door before I heard someone invite me inside. I took a deep breath, opening the door to discover the three leaders waiting for me expectantly while wearing similar expressions of dark foreboding. “Y/N,” Chan said. “Have a seat.”
I obeyed instantly, looking at the Miroh Coven leader as he watched me with an unnerving attentiveness. “What’s going on? I asked.
“I think we have something serious to discuss,” Chan said and my heart was practically beating out of my chest as I studied Jisung and Changbin from the corner of my eye. They knew, I repeated to myself over and over again as I imagined a dozen different scenarios that all ended with my lifeless body thrown into some kind of river because they had discovered my treason.
“You came back,” Jisung finally said. “We weren’t expecting you to accept our invitation.”
“I was being polite,” I said, rubbing my hands along the seam line of my jeans.
“Yes, but we’re all here,” Changbin said. “We can be together.”
I shivered at his words. “We love you, Y/N,” Chan said. “The eight of us would like nothing more than to keep you with us forever.
“To turn me,” I confirmed, and he nodded his head. 
“We’ll make it special,” Jisung said, patting his lap and I reluctantly joined him.
“It doesn’t have to be tonight,” Changbin confirmed, swiping his tongue across his sharp teeth. “But we are hungry.”
“And you’re such a sweet girl,” Jisung added, holding me on his lap as his teeth brushed across my carotid artery.
I held my breath because he was close to biting, but then...
“Chan! The police are outside and have a warrant to investigate the property!”
Jeongin’s face was a mess of tears which, at one time, might’ve forced me to reconsider everything that I had done, but not anymore. “What?” Chan growled, before glaring at me. “You stay here,” Chan said, and Jisung snarled in frustration as he released me before following Changbin and Chan downstairs.
For a moment, I could only focus on breathing because I had narrowly escaped Jisung’s bite and now the Coven knew that they were about to receive an unanticipated raid from the police. I swallowed hard, falling down into the floor as a piercing scream shattered the previous silence that left me shaking like a leaf inside of Chan’s office. There were suddenly loud growls and vicious noises penetrating the closed door and I buried my head between my legs and tried to calm down my racing heart.
I could hear the familiar sounds of glass breaking, of inhuman screams and yells breaking the barrier of the office. The voices of the vampires I had once known yelling out insults and curses, the destructive noises of gunshots and human-like cries for help as teeth tore through skin. It was apparent that the Miroh Coven was not backing down from this fight, and I could only pray that my officer had been right in her assurances that they could handle the Coven.
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It seemed like hours had passed before I finally removed my hands from my ears, realizing that the screaming from downstairs had suddenly stopped. I waited for several moments, hearing nothing but my heartbeat in my ears and the gentle sounds of the river outside. Eventually, I managed to stand on unsteady legs, holding myself up against the wall as I started to make my way downstairs. 
The smells that assaulted my senses should’ve told me everything, but I still released a piercing scream when I collapsed at the bottom of the staircase.
It was a terrifying sight, nothing but blood and crooked bodies spread throughout the room. I recognized most of the Coven, bile rising in my throat when I made contact with Changbin’s lifeless eyes. I carefully took a step back because I knew that this wasn’t supposed to happen, but an unexpected pressure around my ankle tore another scream from my throat and I fell down onto the floor. 
“Y/N,” Chan croaked and I shivered when he moved over me, blood seeping through his shirt, but his eyes were still perfectly focused. “I have nothing now, Y/N,” Chan gasped, gripping tightly to my chin and forcing me to look into the empty eyes of Han Jisung. 
He pulled me closer, exposing his sharpened teeth and I could do nothing to stop him. This was it, I thought to myself, the moment I had been running from since that tragic night eight months ago. Because Chan was unrelenting, drinking with long, painful bites that sent a searing pain down my spine as my body fought against the significant blood loss. Everything was cold and I wondered if death always felt this unpleasant. 
However, the sudden reverberation of a loud snarl forced me to reconsider the darkening spots in my vision, searching behind me when I realized the brutal aspect of Chan’s bite had suddenly subsided. I felt my mouth drop open in horror, but the feeling quickly disappeared when I realized Officer Smith had speared Chan straight through the heart with a silver stake. The impact was immediate and Chan’s body dropped to the floor unceremoniously, leaving me with only a pair of red eyes gazing unblinkingly from the beyond. Meanwhile, Officer Smith offered me a kind smile that seemed out of place considering the blood staining the front of her uniform. “You deserve a better life, Y/N,” she whispered before her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she collapsed next to Chan.
It took me a moment to regain my bearings, looking around at the surrounding carnage. There was blood everywhere, bodies lying in deep puddles and contorted awkwardly from their injuries. It was a startling realization because they were all gone, both vampires and humans. There was nothing left from their vicious fight.
I was also incredibly tired and I closed my eyes despite my situation. Everything felt heavy, and I just wanted to forget the entire night before I had to comprehend the unfortunate tragedy of the Miroh Coven. I thought I deserved it considering the heavy loss weighing over my heart.
After a while, I became aware of a piercing light burning from somewhere in the distance. I gradually opened my eyes because the morning had arrived and, despite the death and destruction around me, I wanted desperately to find a better future in that beautiful light...
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Epilogue- 2 Years Later
Vampires had rapidly gone into hiding, especially following the inquiry into the Miroh Massacre, as the newspapers delicately framed the tragedy. Apparently, society decided that they would no longer embrace their culture, finding more evidence of various Covens abusing the donor law which was eventually retracted in court. Subsequently, the vampires were forced to remain out of the public eye lest they face a severe punishment from the newly minted Hunters who spent their lives training to kill rogue vampires.
As for myself, I had finally taken back full ownership of my life, accepting a full-time research position that eventually led me to my future husband. After our marriage, we moved into an idyllic home in the suburbs and I gave birth to my son who proved to be everything that I needed in this world. Everything was starting to work out for me, and I was finally reassured that the past was truly forgotten because the ones who had haunted it were now gone forever.
“Mommy!” my son called, and I found him in the doorway to his bedroom looking up at me with tired brown eyes. “I can’t sleep.”
“Why is that?” I asked while gently encouraging him to lay back down on his bed.
“A kid in my class,” he said. “He told us about the vampires.”
“Yeah? Well, how would he know anything? He’s probably never even seen a vampire. Not many people have.”
“What about you?”
I shivered at the question. “It doesn’t matter, sweetheart. Vampires aren’t a problem anymore and there are people now who can protect us.”
“Really?” he asked, and his eyes were incredibly innocent of the true horrors of this world.
“They won’t ever hurt you,” I promised my son before flipping his light switch. I closed the door gently, praying that he might sleep through the entire night in his own bed, before I walked into the kitchen for something to drink. I smirked as I popped the cork on a new bottle of wine that my husband had bought for the two of us to share. It seemed unnecessarily mischievous to drink with my son in the other room, but I still liked to indulge every now and then, especially after remaining sober for nine months during my pregnancy.
I sighed as I drained the first glass, feeling the numbing effects spread through my body like an aphrodisiac. It had been a stressful day because of some unnecessary paperwork at the research institute where I worked, but I knew that everyday couldn’t be perfect. After all, I was absolutely grateful for everything in my life, even if it caused me the occasional headache.
I started washing my wine glass, lost in thought until a strange noise outside forced me to pause in my cleaning. It sounded close to the garage attached to our house, and I figured it might be raccoons again because they were becoming a problem. I glanced out the window, shrugging when I didn’t notice anything suspicious. However, if I had only taken an extra moment to study the outline of my husband’s garden, then I might’ve noticed the unusual pair of crimson-red eyes watching me from outside.
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The End.
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thelivebookproject · 4 years
Talking Books With @my-archerboy!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Hi everyone!
Welcome to this second edition of me offering unnecessary commentary on interviews. Today we talk cool books, the correct order of watching film adaptations, and favourite tropes.
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Jess, she/her/they; country: United States; three adjectives to describe her: quiet, shy & sarcastic /end of description]
1. What is a book you hate?
Hmm the first book that comes to mind is The Deerslayer by James Fenimore Cooper. I had to read it for school and do /not/ recommend it. 
2. Last book someone recommended to you?
I think it was the Percy Jackson series 🤔
[Cue me screaming excitedly because I love Percy Jackson and everything else Rick Riordan writes. At this point in life, I’d read his shopping list]
3. Do you follow new releases or are you content with backlist books?
I used to follow new releases much more than I do now, but I will read anything that sounds appealing to me, new or not (tho the longer the books stays on my TBR list, the less likely I am to read it). 
[I mention that this happens to me, too, but that I make it a point of pride to read even the oldest books on my TBR because time will not stop me]
Yeah like when I put a book on the tbr, I’m excited to read it, but the longer I wait, the less excited I get, so sometimes I’m just like “meh” and end up taking them off completely 🤷🏻‍♀️
4. Book-before-film or doesn't matter?
Film before book usually - I like replaying the film in my head as I read, and then it’s easier to picture the characters too. Also I found that if I read the book first, I’m not usually interested in watching the film, bc I already know what happens, if that makes sense.
[Me, flipping out because I'm a strict book-before-film person]
I used to be that way! 😅 but seeing The Great Gatsby changed it for me lol
I didn’t know what was going on in that book when I first read it. Then I saw the movie and loved it, read the book again, and now it’s one of my favorite books 🖤
[I haven’t watched any Gatsby film because I’ve read the book twice and found it depressing both times. Does this make me a coward?]
5. Top three favourite tropes? 
So my first one is best friends to lovers, but imma have to think about the other two, sorry! 🙈
Ok I thought of 2 more: found family, and bookish themes (like the plot having to do with books - bookstores, libraries, stuff like that).
[I mention that fanfic tropes are perfectly acceptable, too!]
Ok maybe I will change the found family one to “and they were roommates” 😂
[All of these are good tropes! We on booklr have good taste, if I do say so myself]
Free space to say/add/recommend anything!
So I love The Shadowhunter Chronicles, and my favorite ship is Malec, so I will always recommend that series to anyone that hasn’t read it (problematic aspects of it aside). 
But for those not into YA or fantasy, I would recommend reading anything by TJ Klune. I have only read 2 of his books so far, but both have left me feeling warm and happy. And he is great with LGBT+ rep. 
Another book I would recommend is A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, but this book is not for the faint of heart. It is very emotionally taxing, but once you finish, you will continue to think about it for weeks/months on end. 
And lastly, i recommend anything by Adam Silvera, particularly his contemporary novels. They can be pretty gut wrenching, but they have a lot of heart and are definitely worth the read 🖤
You can follow her on @my-archerboy or on her book blog, @nam-amor-librorum.
Thank you, Jess! This was a lot of fun.
Next interview: Wednesday, 9th of September.
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doberbutts · 4 years
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Finally the Cambridge BOAS Research Group came out with an infographic on how to perhaps fix some of these issues and the physical traits they see correlating with severe BOAS ie dogs that cannot breathe due to their morphology. Note that only the Frenchie mentions specifically the muzzle being short, for the others it is the width and length of the entire head rather than simply the length of the muzzle that is the problem. I also find it interesting that, for the most part, it’s males more affected than females. This may be because we view wide, blunt traits as “masculine” and thus if the problem is a wide and short head and a “correct” “masculine” male head is wide and blunt... there’s your problem.
A thick neck and obesity are also mentioned as problematic traits- obesity makes sense on its own as the more excessive (fatty) tissue you have pushing against your necessary biology the more problems you’ll encounter is already a true statement, so if the problem in and of itself is “excessive soft tissue pushing on airways” adding more soft (fatty) tissue to the equation is very much not going to help. What I do find interesting however is that a thick, muscular neck is also  a problem. Many times in standards, larger is supposed to be leaving room for other things. In dobes for instance the large chest is supposedly to help lung capacity and heart rate (ironic, considering dobes drop dead from enlarging hearts). A thick and muscular neck should leave room for breathing... but it does not. Is this related to the muscles being needed to lift the very heavy short and wide head? Simple morphology- there is a limit to how wide a neck can be without compressing on things internally? Is a thick neck simply fatty tissue, and the real problem is still obesity?
And, lastly, the nares. All of them mention nares as being a huge risk factor. We know this, of course, because if you pinch your nose shut you can’t breathe out of your nose anymore. So it makes sense that if there’s excessive tissue pinching your nose shut, you... still can’t breathe. We see this in humans- I am a human with excessive tissue and a genetic malformation within my sinus cavity which pinches my nose shut (despite my quite large nostrils) and restricts my ability to breathe through my nose. Several years ago I had surgery to fix the problem (I was also growing micro-tumors within my sinus and we were afraid of cancer) and have been able to breathe much easier since. Gone are the nights of me struggling to breathe, waking up in all sorts of positions with a dry throat, my parents and roommates complaining that I snored loud enough to wake the dead. I have it on pretty good authority that while I do still breathe loudly when I sleep, I no longer snore and sputter and gasp. This is the reality for dogs with these stenotic nares. Of course, then, they would have a much higher chance of being affected by BOAS- if they have excess tissue preventing them from one of their major breathing avenues, where else might that tissue be and what else is it pinching?
Remember: I had a chihuahua (mix?) that died partially as a result of her brachycephalic head. She was not completely flat faced and in fact had a longer muzzle than most show chihuahuas (and definitely longer than show pugs, bulldogs, and frenchies). Her nares were wide open. Her neck was thin. She was deathly sick and so constantly skeletal. And yet... she still had a malformation within her sinus which caused her to overproduce mucous and then aspirate that mucous into her lungs causing ravaging pneumonia which she just couldn’t fight. She had none of these above mentioned traits and yet still died. The Frenchie from the Grade 3 video is much the same- you cannot see the nares but you can see the rest. While changing morphology to be healthier is absolutely a good goal, one must consider that the dogs need to be assessed via true science rather than a look simply at their external traits.
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bardsingingasong · 5 years
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A few days ago I was talking to my friend about The Witcher, and this idea born!
Of course, I need to share these little bits with all of you. At this moment, this is only single ideas but, maybe in the future, it'll be a fanfiction.
[ Geraskier! Modern AU] 
Part 1. Part 2.  Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. 
Geralt and Jaskier are roommates.
When Jaskier started the University, he isn't interested in a stay at the student residence. So, he looks for an apartment. Geralt has an apartment but he does not want a roommate.
Don’t matter what they want, they end living together.
Jaskier studies History of Music at the University, but his dream is to be a professional musician. His parents aren’t happy with his decision, they think Jaskier need to study a good carrier, like economy or laws. But, young Jaskier took a sabbatic year to try luck in the world of music. Unfortunately, he hasn’t any luck and he needed to attend the desires of his parents and go to College. They think that his son never will be a profitable man, and are very disappointed with him.
Geralt works in plague control. This is the only job that let him to not be very sociable with his clients.
Geralt is 29 years old, Jaskier is 23 and Yennefer is 26.
After class, Jaskier works in a Coffee shop, and at the weekends acting in micro open nights.
Geralt is american, Jaskier is british and Yennefer is indian.
Geralt thinks Jaskier is like a puppy who wants attention all the time.
Yennefer is a Jaskier’s university partner. She’s also a friend, and ancient lover, from Geralt.
The first time that these three meets were very uncomfortable.
But later everything was all right. Yennefer is Geralt’s best friend and try that he hasn’t been a complete idiot. For other said, she thinks in Jaskier like a little and problematic brother who needs her to care him.
She knows these two are like a couple that lives together, even they don’t know yet.
Jaskier is messy. Except for the kitchen and the bathroom. Both of them are very clean, but the rest of the house is a disaster. Every time that he has an exam, the floor is cover with messy note class and books.
Geralt must clean his messy and he’s not happy with this.
Jaskier is very tactile. He’s ever looking for put his hands in the people that he loves, especially in Geralt’s.
Jaskier is a very ticklish person. Geralt usually use this to stop bothering him. If he wants to watch something on TV and Jaskier doesn’t stop talking, Geralt attacks its tickly points until
Jaskier stops talking and let him watch the TV in peace.
Yennefer and Geralt love the horror movies, Jaskier loves the musicals.
Don’t matter if it's cold or warm outside, Jaskier is cold every time. His hands and feet are constantly frozen. Conversely, Geralt is hot ever. For this reason, these two have many fights for the house temperature.
Two of them have many insecurities what affect his relationship.
Gerald has not had any relationship that works completely. His past relation with Yennefer was the best finish that he never had (and they need some time to try to be friends again). For him, is his fault that no one of these relationships works, and with Jaskier, he’s afraid to fuck up the things. Geralt is aware of the age difference. Jaskier comes from a pretty rich family and he’s studying in a good University, while Geralt is a street rat who barely finish high school.
On the contrary, Jaskier knows that he’s youngest and more childish than Geralt. He’s a spoiled boy who needs Geralt get him out of many troubles. Jaskier is sure that one day Geralt’ll be tired of him and break with him. His parents remember him all the bad decisions that he has taken. They say all the time how his son never will be a successful man. So Jaskier has a poor opinion of himself, and he thinks that never will be enough for Geralt.
Both of them are too dumb, but they love each other and, in the final, they’ll talk about these things and have a better relationship (In this Tumblr supports healthy relationships!)
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unseelie-bitch · 4 years
Season 1 Episode 3: Heavy Mortal Hopes [Part Two]
Okay genuinely love the budding friendship between Bloom and Beatrix
Mysterious Lady is running the whole Beatrix operation isn't she.
Yet again, Bloom is a Gryffindor
Aisha CLEARLY hates Bloom. Stop pretending they're friends. What the fuck. Massive overreaction on Aisha's part, clearly pent up issues... is this genuinely what this man thinks female friendships are like???
And it is Rosalind. I got there before it was revealed so I'm calling it a win
Jesus christ Beatrix is just... sacrificing this man. I mean fair but... yikes. This kid better have been raised as a child soldier because otherwise she should NOT be this down with murder/torture/maiming
Oh he isn't better. They didn't kill the right Burned One did they
Oh shit... Sword Dad... no...
Greenhouse man is OUT of this awkward conversation
Rosalind was the previous headmistress yikes
She isn't dead but you clearly do believe that
He's written NotFaragonda to be so inconsistant. Sometimes she's so nice and soft (classroom scene) and now she's getting in a drunk, emotional 16 year old's face to intimidate her. He just canNOT write women
Oh Bloom is lighting up that stone circle
And now she's crying... I'd care a lot more if they'd made her likeable and consistant
Oh of course Sky turned up. Because in a show about female friendships, the most important thing is the white knight here to save her
Bloom really needs to stop oversharing to people she barely knows
Why the fuck is Sky wearing green. The specialists colour palatte was blue and they were from RED Fountain, but you chose GREEN. I'm just... can they make some better choices. Please
Bloom can hear this lad
Sky is ALSO a Gryffindor. I'll forgive his impulsive behaviour because he's drunk and emotional but still
Stop making Stella a bitch. Also can everyone please stop spreading the changeling thing? Of course not but still. I'd like it
Why did Bloom use an 0 as the O in Burned One. Did they think I wouldn't notice? I did
Also why would she text Stella, the girl who clearly hates her
Oh she texted ALL of her roommates that hate her. Nvm, carry on
Beatrix got YOTE
These magical barriers really don't seem to do much
Feel like the Burned One vibing in the background wasn't supposed to make me laugh but... it was funny
Terra did not close her eyes but alright
Oh that is a Glowy Boy
NotFaragonda SLAYED this man
She's gotta be an air fairy her eyes were def silver there. Hate that he's decided they can just use everyone's elements
This dying man looks like a goldfish and I just👏don't👏care👏
Oh and she vapourised him. Right
I'm genuinely so glad Sword Dad is okay
The first bit of realistic teenager dialogue is the "detention pissed off or expulsion pissed off" conversation, and it lasted two lines
Everyone else DIPPED
I'm so confused as to how their monarchies work. I'm pretty sure Sky's still a prince but Aracleon doesn't feel like a full realm so... do they have sub-kingdoms?? WHAT is going on here
Sky: "you should open up more" Sky: "I'm the only one that knows the real you" Sky: "I'm out"
I understand why he's leaving and support that because they way he's written Stella makes her a SUPER unhealthy partner, but also she realistically wouldn't open up to anyone after this and I feel like she's going to because this man doesn't understand how to write realistic character for anyone that isn't Sky or Silva
They're trying to make Dane 'nice' and then had him say Terra can "go fuck a flower". I don't care if he is drunk, high, or trying to show off. That's not how nuce people act!!
Imagine trying to combat fatphobia with an inherantly fatphobic narrative. Terra's ENTIRE character arc revolves around her body type, and how it negatively impacts her life. If he genuinely think that's a positive, he's a fucking moron
Aisha's ENTIRE character changes at the drop of a hat to whatever is conviniant for the scene. What the fuck is wrong with the showrunners that no one saw the inherrant racism in that? The black girl's ENTIRE purpose is to further everyone else's stories, and she isn't even a consistant backup character (which would have still been problematic, but ever so slightly less so)
I also hate the fact they're pushing the narrative that adoptive parents aren't real parents and that biology dictates family. Fuck off it's such bullshit
Stop pretending Aisha and Bloom are friends. They fucking aren't
"Oh shit" is the EXACT response, Sword Dad
Oh so you actually do know Rosalind's alive
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