#also something something a plague of bugs that Will Not Die but keep having babies and making more bugs super fast
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Thinking about what if Supernatural pulled from mythology and every time they bound Death for whatever task, no one on Earth could die.
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dianaladrislovebot · 9 months
gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part 6
hey there, so since i’ve been rereading the series/writing this fic i’ve had nothing but hc/theory brainrot so you’ll only be getting hc posts for a while. we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program of incorrect quotes at some point i promise
this first (technically first two) hc isn’t something i induct into my thinking all the time it’s just a thought that i enjoy no matter how sad it is
caine’s parents had always struggled with having children, so they ended up adopting caine instead. they moved to london (where caine’s mother is from) for a few years because they feared connie, who was still young, would come back for him. he slips into a british accent sometimes when he’s angry (i just think this sounds funny can you imagine british caine)
caine’s mother fell pregnant a few years later and they managed to keep the baby. the second the baby, named chloe, was born, caine was sent to coates immediately so they could focus on doting on their “real” child. now that they had a biological child, he was rendered useless in their eyes.
astrid has scary good skin care. girl has never had a pimple in her LIFE.
since they lived together (+ sam) post fayz, diana helped astrid write her book. astrid only knew so much from her point of view, and diana helped her fill in the blanks from the other side of the court.
caine’s a ridiculously picky eater. he will push his food around and make sure none of it touches before he’ll eat it. very particular about what he will and won’t eat. this is because he’s ridiculously autistic.
also hates crust. diana and drake used to take turns eating his crust at coates
alternatively, sam is a human vacuum. he will eat quite literally anything you put in front of him because and i quote, “food is food”.
drake is afraid of butterflies. he thinks they’re gross. i have no basis for this ink and i just think it’s funny
caine’s favourite colour is yellow. him owning that yellow vest was not a coincidence.
alternatively, diana’s is a royal purple and drakes is (suprising no one) red.
caine is super squeamish, despite his constant need for war. hates blood, hates all kinds of bugs. he took one look at that’s bugs face during the bug battle in plague and was ready to book it.
drake really wanted to die in a super fucked up and for his case to go unsolved so he could end up on buzzfeed unsolved. he was disappointed when he realised his immortality probably prevented that.
drake’s a complete feral in snow. he absolutely adores snow. it’s the only time anyone sees him act like an actual well adjusted person (sort of). he turns into an excited child when it snows
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riverdale-retread · 2 years
Riverdale S6 Ep 22 (#117:  Night of the Comet)
Here we are at the Season 6 Finale which is fittingly also the apocalypse!
Jughead is at “ground zero of an extinction level event” looking irritated and nothing else. This is highly entertaining to me.  He died in a demon plague while his other dimension self looked on in interest (probably thinking- Ooh more material for the STORY!), was perfectly content in heaven and then got yakked out of it by Cheryl Blossom (whom he does not like).  So his casual, I Am So Tired That I am Bored By My Exhaustion approach to this latest disaster in his disaster-filled life just fits.
So everyone is assembled in Archie’s house.  Shout out to Cheryl and Heather for sitting with the exact same leg crossed pose. Tabitha looks very much like a Mater Dolorosa statuary.  
Toni and Fangs, still looking like Minnie and Micky Mouse, report that the Serpents have been testing the weird magic dome into which they are sealed (Simpsons Did It First).  Betty says a version of fandom commentary that has been making the rounds - that Riverdale  the town itself is a character, whose sole motivation is to hoard all these people and keep them trapped within itself.  Betty describes it as “a roach motel” because you can come in, but you can’t leave. 
Veronica asks Jughead about his portal powers, but even those are limited by Percival’s magic dome.  Archie asks Tabitha about her time travel, and Tabitha says the comet is their inevitable future no matter what. Kevin is confused about why someone else isn’t doing something, which is a very Kevin thing to ask, to which Heather patiently explains that Percival’s spell was very well wrought because he even took care of what the outside world thinks is happening with the comet.   Moose, who was called in to help Kevin with Kevin’s issues, is now also doomed to die but he is being a perfect saint and not spending his time screaming at Kevin about how he’s ruined his life.
Archie, being invulnerable, and Not Baby Anthony, being immortal, are the only two who are going to survive being hammered directly by a comet.  Toni mentions that she’s suggested to Archie that he take Not Baby Anthony into the Bunker when the comet hits. 
Archie is determined to not be beaten by Percival.  He’s so fascinating and kind of horrible.  Archie is so focused on WINNING that even the prospect of everyone he knows being obliterated doesn’t affect his emotions.  Heather and Cheryl offer to do consult other, more knowledgeable arcane powers to see what can be done, but Cheryl doesn’t believe this will work.  She’s the only one who has the honest reaction - scoffing - when Archie says he’s going to try to find a way to dig their way underground out of Riverdale. 
Alice and her two daughters are in their house having a lovely heart to heart. I’m sorry but I hate it.  Alice is making her daughters parent her.  Betty is being a total angel here.  She looks at her weepy useless mother who has been such an agent of pain and terror in her life with kindness and understanding.  Betty Cooper gives her mother the absolution and healing that woman does not deserve.  By the way, this has been bugging me - did Polly ever show herself to Juniper?? Does Juniper know her brother and mom AND DAD that she never met and her grandgrandma are all alive again? Where is Juniper?
At the Babylonium,  apparently all or most is forgiven between Reggie and Veronica.  She’s head honcho and he’s her henchman again. He says he saved the giant portrait of Hiram from the fire at Percival’s.  When confronted with it, Veronica’s very kind reaction is to smile about it, instead of chucking a shoe at him. She even thanks Reggie.  The show misses Hiram, I guess, and maybe the Hiram actor has more power than the Jason actor, so he’s saved the indignity of a doll bearing his likeness being hauled around on set.
Next morning at the Diner, Jughead and Tabitha are sharing a basket of fries. This is how you know Jabitha has to be endgame. Jughead to my knowledge has never, ever shared a plate of food. Taken things off of other people’s plates, yes.  SHARED?  No.  Jughead is chipper about being ‘taken out’ by a ‘magic asteroid.’  He was destined to die anyway so he is trying to find the good in having the end not be ‘banal.’  He also says that he’s accomplished almost everything on his bucket list, but before Tabitha can ask what that is, in comes trouble.
Alexandra Cabot wearing an outfit that takes body consciousness to a whole ‘nother level has a magically easy sounding (!) way for Tabitha to realize her long held dream of making Pop’s a franchise (that she alluded to when Veronica was in doldrums about her stalled life).  Jughead prevents Tabitha from both outright refusing and spilling the beans about how they literally only have like, 12 hours left until the comet hits.   Alexandra is going to be in town for another 10 hrs, which means she will die with them if nothing else changes.
Then we cut to Fangs giving a very unsanitary looking Serpent tattoo to the Not Baby Anthony at the Whyte Whyrm as Toni looks on. He hasn’t had to do the gauntlet, or the thing about shouting the rules at Tall Boy or getting bit by a defanged snake (WHY DID THEY MAKE JUGHEAD DO ANY OF THIS)  so Anthony sounds uncertain when he asks if he’s really a Serpent now.  His parents (who both look younger and less physically mature than he does) tell him he’s the hereditary Serpent King because of what they are.  Everyone in this creepy little family is teary eyed, the show is playing sad music over it but none of this is earned and I want the comet to kill these three off specifically, please.
Heather and Cheryl summon Abigail Blossom, currently trapped in a doll trapped in a cabinet.  The sheer number of candles that are lit can only be explained by the phoenix powers Cheryl has because I think even with two people working fast with a mechanical lighter, the first-lit candle would burnout by the time the final candle is lit.  In any case, Abigail has a solution to the comet that Cheryl (and the Riverdale writers?) finds “Basic, but also Genius.”  You’re a fire starter so just MELT it, because it’s ice.  As to whether she can undo the binding spell trapping them all in Riverdale, Abigail says that she needs something more than freedom from the doll. 
Cheryl goes to collect the “underworlders” trying to dig their way out of town using the mining tunnels and everyone is gathered now at Thornhill.   “I may have divined a pathway through our little conundrum.”  I love Cheryl’s syntax. 
I am horrified and intrigued by the gloves that are attached to Chery’s long sleeved turtleneck.  It looks so extra, which is very Cheryl. It also makes me wonder if she finally cut those nails, being a lesbian and all.   Cheryl says that she needs something special from Toni later, to which she gets a very reluctant response.
And then we learn that essentially, Cheryl is a species of god. She’s the one that is keeping all the resurrected Riverdalers alive. It’s HER POWERS that is keeping their bodies on earth rather than in heaven.  So when she uses all her phoenix powers to melt the comet, one or more or all of them might also throw off the mortal coil once more. (She doesn’t say this exactly but she should’ve.)
When Cheryl and Toni have their tete-a-tete in the sitting room, we are treated to the view of an overhang wall full of very weird art that I am hopeful a more hawk-eyed, technologically competent and knowledgeable fan will one day explain to me.  One of the paintings is what looks like a giant black crow with a crown menacing a little redhead boy and girl pair.  Cheryl explains to an increasingly speechless Toni that she and Toni are going to be sex vessels for Abigail and Thomasina whlie Heather will keep each of their souls safe in a jar.  Cheryl wants to vomit every time she has to say the name FANGS (girl, SAME) but does point out this interesting technicality that it’s ‘not cheating’ if their souls are not in the bodies that are engaging in the sex.  This is a metaphysical version of the bullshit “I was drunk and didn’t know what I was doing” argument but okay sure.
Archie comes home all dusty from digging in the tunnels all morning, followed by being told that he was being kept alive by Cheryl’s God Powers to discover even worse news: Mary Andrews has stopped by unannounced for a visit.   Over pizza and beer, Mary says one of the reasons she came to visit was to tell her son she’s getting a divorce from her wife. It sounds amicable enough. I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life with Mary Andrews either.  When Mary says that life is precious and so not to be wasted, Archie looks thoughtful.
Veronica’s absinthe absolutely looks poisonous, don’t you think?  She’s talking to her dad’s portrait while day drinking, which is an interesting way to spend your last day on earth.  Veronica is still quite Catholic.  After expressing a sensible sentiment - she hopes she and her father that she murdered don’t cross paths in the afterlife - she feels guilty, so she gives the portrait a kiss.   Veronica’s kiss is so toxic it literally burns an entire layer of paint with a sizzle.  Damn.   Then Archie fucking shows up and in his customarily brutal manner he asks Veronica to give (?) or sell (?) him a diamond ring with which he’s going to propose to Betty.
How can people like Archie when he does this sort of thing to people?  Veronica looks miserable as soon as her back is turned, poor thing.  The thing is, half of this situation is on her, isn’t it?  Why not just say what she’s feeling - if not a full on confession, then pointing out that asking your ex girlfriend that you cheated on back in the day who has had to bury two male partners AND CAN NEVER KISS ANYONE EVER AGAIN for a WEDDING RING when she’s obviously alone one day of the apocalypse is something that is a terrible thing to do and send him packing? Why pretend you’re fine when you’re not? (Uh, self reveal.)
Thankfully the show is merciful and treats me with Jabitha cuteness immediately after.  In the bright light of the diner as they clear a table, Jughead is trying to talk Tabitha into accepting the franchise offer, come hell or high water. Or comet.  Tabitha isn’t sure.  Then she says he’s trying to be Jack to her Rose and Jughead - of course- says he has never seen Titanic because he’s partial to “early James Cameron.”  Such growth he has had, our boy, no?  He doesn’t say it’s because he’s a weird weirdo! He also just says ‘early James Cameron’ rather than drop words like oeuvre.  Tabitha’s favorite movie of all time is the Titanic. They HAVE to watch it, she says, and he looks so cute and adoring as he mimics her tone - “We *have* to?”  
At Thornhill the ceremony is afoot!  Souls look like glowing jellyfish.  Heather really does trap them in a big jar.  Thomasina and Cheryl get it on, complete with Kissing With Tongue!  I don’t like Toni but I really do like the idea of someone like Thomasina even if she feels historically kind of impossible.  They look very happy and very beautiful together.  Heather, though, is having qualms about this.
Archie’s campaign to be my least liked character continues to succeed.  After springing on the rightly alarmed Betty that Mary Andrews is continuing her path as Terrible Parent by suddenly appearing right this day to unload her issues on to her son, he suddenly proposes.  Way to set the mood, dude.  
Betty is startled, but apparently what Betty wants to be on her last day on earth is kind to everyone she loves. So she is that for Archie - understanding, helpful, hopeful, loving.  Betty tries to relieve Archie of his Rescuing Hero complex.  She also straight out refuses to marry him.  Whatever Betty wants to do with life, it’s not being married to Archie.  That’s interesting.  Because she doesn’t say I Will Marry You When Everything Works Out (If It Does).  What she says is, in the nicest way possible, This is a Shitty Time to Be Asking This You Piece of Shit. It comes out like this: “Ask me again after Cheryl melts that comet, and you and me and everyone  else survives. Or we find another way out from Riverdale.”   I mean, for Archie and Betty to get married all that really is required is for the two of them to survive, you know?  But she is predicating it on everyone ELSE surviving.
In short, she is saying no, and forever.
Archie refuses to take the hint. Or maybe he’s just too dumb to pick up on an bald statement.  He runs out of there saying, in a terrifying way, “I’m going to break through that barrier so I can marry you, Betty Cooper.”  His eyes are blank, his face is empty and his voice is devoid of hope or romance or even much emotion. Archie has just decided this is what the next step is, so he’s committed to it, without joy.  
Cheryl and Toni wake up in bed post coitus in underwear that’s very different from what Thomasina and Cheryl were wearing.  Cheryl thanks Toni, and Toni says it was just to save the town.  Cheryl has yearnings.
When Cheryl checks in with Abigail, Abigail is very happy, and shows her a pile of knots which have to be untied to undo the spell. 
Drake has called Betty!   She has wonderful news - or so she thinks.  Director Wilcox wants the two of them - Drake and Cooper - to HEAD UP the Serial Killer division.  Betty refuses this offer too.  Drake insightfully asks if this is about Archie or because of her bad experiences with TBK.   Betty says it’s neither.  She is ‘moving to the light.’  She doesn’t want to be a hunter of hunters anymore.  That’s very… interesting.  Did Betty meet her DNA quota of killings or something? Is that why she doesn’t feel drawn to crime solving anymore?
Reggie and Veronica are making nice.  Poor Reggie.  His pattern of always being a step behind Archie after Archie has done his damage to Veronica continues into this last day on planet Earth.  Veronica is so sick of everything that she’s decided to work on friendship skills, i.e. being friends with exes like a good lesbian, ‘dating a lot’ without getting into relationships which has been her pattern her whole life, and focus on her absinthe business (much like her first true love, the Rum business).  She hands the casino over to Reggie, and offers to keep him company during the apocalypse.  As friends.  He agrees.  Reggie is so cute though.  He still finds Veronica hot and would so want to rekindle any sort of sexual connection, even if he is officially fine with being friendzoned by her.   His shifty eyes over his teacup as he covers up his disappointment at being rejected was marvelous.
Even nicer, we are treated to Jughead getting weepy over Titanic.  Oh they are so adorable, with their his n hers cozy blankets, and a well established movie watching set up (her head in his lap, all snuggled up).  He loved it, which is good, but then Tabitha says to Cole Sprouse, who has done at least one photoshoot where he was styled specifically to highlight his physical resemblance to Leo Di Caprio that the character Jughead Jones is “cuter than Leo” and it’s kind of a lot and I’m both giggly and embarrassed for everyone at the same time. 
Jughead says that he can’t die OR live with himself if Tabitha doesn’t make a grab for her big opportunity to take Pop’s into the franchise business, so  without saying it in so many words, she agrees that she’ll try.  
As a reward and a gift to them both, Tabitha takes Jughead with her on a time traveler’s epic date where she takes him through a timeline in which they both live into old age, happily married to each other, with a son that takes after him and a daughter that takes after her.  Pop’s stays in business forever, they run it together into their old age, and I guess they just grow old in Riverdale in this blameless lovely life.  They’re both crying at the end of the minute long experience.  I love them.  They kiss tenderly.
Meanwhile, Archie is bashing a barrier with a hammer while his mom comes to yell at him.  Which is about the right speed for Archie.  Betty told on him to his mom.  This is very Archie, to be unable to accept or give tenderness to anyone OR THE TRUTH TO HIS MOM until he’s done a spot of useless violence.  Mary calls it straight - “It’s not ok to be out here hiding from the world.”
Mary thinks that Fred would’ve fought to the end too, but adds that Fred (because he was smarter than Archie) would’ve come home to spend time with his beloved.
Veronica is talking to her Daddy’s ruined portrait and drinking alone.  Her nonstop alcohol consumption concerns me because I’m a prissy puritan. But I am wrong and she is right apparently because Veronica sudden has a brainwave.  She’s a dialysis machine (says Drake)!  She stayed in Riverdale for a reason (says Tabitha)!   She’s gonna go “save her friends!”
At the Diner, under Pop’s and Jughead’s proud gaze, Tabitha signs the documents to take Pop’s national.  Alexandra is thrilled, but when she says they start ‘tomorrow’ all the Riverdalers simultaneously get sad . She asks what’s wrong, but before they can drop the bad news on her head belatedly like a ton of bricks they are all summoned to Veronica’s apartment.
Heather is such a good soul (and also has no choice at this point I guess, but no matter) because she is helping Cheryl untie all the knots to undo the magic holding the town hostage.  With much sadness (for me especially, because I like Heather a lot, and I love how she calms Cheryl the fuck down at all times), Heather says that she’s going to be leaving after it’s all over.   She says Toni and Cheryl are “Forever Soulmates.”  Heather “saw” something and says Choni are “written in the stars.”   In the middle of this sad moment, their phones chime, summoning them. 
Betty has Archie in bed with her, which is the only place he really listens to women at all.  Betty’s egotism can’t help but come through though, when she tries to reassure Archie that his long dead father (the one he betrayed and hurt all the time) would be proud of him.  Fred would be super proud of Archie, according to Betty, because he “supported me, comforted me, loved me unconditionally.”   I’d rather think that Fred who wanted his son to get out to the big world away from Riverdale by earning a football scholarship to university wanted something different from his son than being a good man to just one woman but sure. OK.    
Archie FINALLY takes back his fail proposal, promising not to pressure her ever again.  Betty for her part says that what she wants is to marry Archie after all, and he accepts her proposal.  This is SO MUCH NICER than how Archie did it.   They too are summoned by Veronica.
Veronica has a plan!   There’s a way to ‘augment Chery’s phoenix energies so no one has to die,’ she says. She’s going to absorb everyone’s powers to give them to Cheryl.  Poison = Strength = Superpowers are all the same, according to Veronica and Riverdale.    Powers combine!   She says she needs to share blood, “wound to wound, blood to blood.”   She even has Percival dagger to stab Archie with (she thought this through).   Does this mean the general concern about AIDS has died for good?   I remember reading materials for a research paper once where a scientist at the height of the AIDS crisis, which is when they figured out that straight people could get and give AIDS to each other (before then it wasn’t treated like a worldwide crisis, yay straight people!), that children would never again be doing thumb-pricked blood oaths.   Well we’re doing them again!
Cheryl refuses to be cut for any reason whatsoever (she must have keloid tendencies like me) and Veronica has thought of that too! She will transfer the collective powers to Cheryl with a kiss.
I mean. 
So we’re ticking that box in Season 6!  Yay!
The in-universe justification for these shenanigans is (a) it’s not queer baiting if it’s saving the world and (b) fire trumps poison (this must be rock paper scissors logic).
WHO are they queer baiting by the way?  Do they know they’re on a tv show?  Because nobody present wants Veronica to get together with Cheryl, or for Veronica to be gay. 
Jughead narration breaks in right as they’re all painfully cutting their palms to voice his worry that doing any of this might make it all go terribly badly.  Invulnerability, aura-vision, mind reading, portal opening, and time travel powers get absorbed by Veronica.
When Veronica approaches Cheryl for her kiss, Cheryl looks EXTREMELY excited.  I thought you said this was Queer Baiting, Cheryl!  Did she literally mean I’m Queer and You’re Baiting Me?  OH!  Maybe she did!   The way Cheryl smiles delightedly into the kiss confirms my suspicions.  As I knew she must be, Veronica is a wonderful kisser. Cheryl looks high. 
Betty, who has also kissed Veronica (and in a different world and time also Cheryl but not in this universe), asks if it worked.
Veronica thought of this too. She points a gun at Cheryl, to everyone’s alarm. (Jughead the most).  Cheryl can see her ‘threatening’ aura!  Then Veronica, who apparently is a crack shot, shoots Cheryl right above her right breast.  The bullet didn’t penetrate!   Jughead’s the MOST REASONABLE PERSON:  “Veronica is nuts! What if that hadn’t worked!!??”  
Tabitha and Archie think about themselves - “I should’ve stayed in Chicago!” and “I guess that means I’m not [invulnerable].”
I love Cheryl Goddess so much. She opens a big portal to go confront the comet, and her exit line is TOODLES.  Cheryl, please restart your cult!
Cheryl puts on a super hero costume change to confront the comet. She looks awesome.
And then, everything is ruined because we join the Fogarties in the Bunker and Toni starts singing at her scared son whose developmental status irritates the fuck out of me.  Why is he so childlike in his fully grown man self body that looks like he could be Toni’s mom?    They’ve lit too many candles.  
Wonderfully, we don’t have to spend a lot of time with them.  We jump to Jabitha’s apartment, where they sit as a family unit with Pop’s, having had their final diner meal, hands held together in prayer.  Tabitha has a wonderful singing voice. 
Barchie are in bed post-coitus.  They call each other primal animals, which is not wrong at all.  I hate this song though.
Veronica and Reggie are sad together, as friends.  Kevin and Moose are holding hands, Kevin asking if he could make Moose happy, through song.  Probably not Kevin. You suck.
And Cheryl is all alone, facing the terror by herself.  This is a burden.  So straight (ahem) dude Archie expended a huge amount of time and energy coming up with very upper-body dependant solutions, but two women are the solution:  Veronica with her strategic thinking and capacity to synthesize everyone’s abilities into a joint solution, and Cheryl with her lesbian courage and fortitude.   This tracks. 
Cheryl is apparently thinking about Toni, and Heather is shown alone in the Thornhill house. 
I really hate this song. It’s really very terrible and cheesy. JUST IN TIME, Nana Blossom, Heather and Britta (summoned for this purpose??) untie all the knots, to a gratifying WHOOSH sound as the dome is lifted.
So in the last few minutes some questions that I had are answered.
They show Polly with Dagwood AND Juniper. I guess they never told Juniper about her dad who was resurrected and then died again because he was killed by Aunt Cheryl.  And Polly never grieved the second death of Jason, maybe? I don’t know.  
The Andrews and the Coopers meet the apocalypse in the living room together.  Jughead closes his eyes to the incoming comet while turning his face up to it, while Tabitha glares at it directly.   Reggie and Veronica hold hands in her apartment, refusing to look at what’s coming.  Kevin and Tom Keller hold hands with Moose in the Champagne Suite (I think?)  to meditate their way through it.  Cheryl can fly while she fights the comet.  She’s frantic and weepy.
So what happened next?  Jughead asks, flat and unamused. 
We’re shown a goldfish in a bowl.  
The last minute plan that Veronica put together and executed together with Cheryl worked, he tells us, but things look weird.  
All of that did something “wholly unexpected and yet also utterly inevitable.”  Calling it inevitable is the Riverdale writing staff telling the audience to shut up, as though that’s ever worked. Nice try, Jughead.  
It’s looking very 1950s.  Archie puts on a letter jacket, looks into Betty’s window, and she’s weeping under a poster of James Dean while Alice comforts her. 
Jughead tells us they are in a “simpler time” before Jason Blossom’s murder, before the Black Hood. “Back to a truly innocent time.”
When Archie bounds down the stairs, the homosexual Mary Andrews is in pearls in a 1950s kitchen also weeping over the death of James Dean. For women like her the 1950s was absolutely not a truly innocent or simpler time. 
“Somehow the year is 1955.”  Jughead is in the Ye Olde Blue & Gold offices, wearing his crown-and-sweater costume from that 1950s style nightmare he had a while ago. He angrily operates a very old school typewriter.  
“And I’m the only one who remembers what our lives were like BC. Before the Comet.”
Jughead looks pissed.
Dun dun dun!  I’m very excited for what’s going to happen in S7, assuming this ending is supposed to be an indication of what comes next, like all their season finales have always been. 
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feralphoenix · 4 years
HOWMST BELL THE CAT? - A treatise on one aspect of how the Pale King sealed the Radiance
sup hollow knight fandom, i’m back with the picante takes again after having Noticed A Thing.
as with my previous essays i’ll put this guy up on dreamwidth later for accessibility purposes, since my layout text may be too small for high-res pc users. i will attach that in a reblog at a later point.
CONTENT WARNINGS FOR TONIGHT’S PROGRAM: This essay discusses canon-typical body horror and bodily boundary violations, with some side mentions of colonialism.
all game screencaps are mine. the screencap of the wiki is from the “developer notes” (style guide) section of the “cut content” page.
ALSO: if youre from a christian cultural upbringing (whether currently practicing, agnostic/secular, or atheist now), understand that some of what i’m discussing here may challenge you. if thinking thru the implications of this particular part of hollow knight worldbuilding/lore is distressing for you, PLEASE only approach this essay when youre in a safe mindset & open to listening, and ask the help of a therapist or anti-racism teacher/mentor to help you process your thoughts & feelings. just like keep in mind that youre listening to an ethnoreligiously marginalized person and please be respectful here or wherever else youre discussing this dang essay, ty
HOWMST BELL THE CAT? - A treatise on one aspect of how the Pale King sealed the Radiance
We understand more or less how the Pale King’s plan was supposed to work. Stuff Radiance into a no-thoughts-head-empty and silent Pure Vessel to trap, isolate, and silence her, both putting an end to the Infection and killing her for good. Stick that vessel in the Black Egg, which harnesses Void BS to both keep the vessel alive indefinitely and to cover Hallownest (and its neighbors) in a time-defying stasis so that the Pale King could successfully hoard his favorite shiny FOREVER, threatened by nothing. Then put a seal on the Black Egg to prevent anyone from getting inside and harming said vessel while it’s strung up and helpless. And THEN, put protective seals on the anchors (the Dreamers) to the Black Egg seal to protect them from any external harm: The stasis means the Dreamers won't die of old age or starvation.
All in all, a pretty foolproof plan!
...except that the Dreamers are still vulnerable to having their minds breached with the moths’ magic... and the Pale King failed to take into account that his Pure Vessel was a person actually and the amount of toxic stress his training/upbringing put on them made them REALLY POORLY SUITED FOR THEIR JOB... and also that killing 99% of his million children and turning the Abyss into a landfill for baby corpses would take enough of an emotional toll on his wife and #1 enabler the White Lady that she would walk out on him, ensuring he’d only ever have one shot at this whole deal...
Basically it’s the sort of plan that an emotionally constipated, low-empathy sort of guy who pours all his points into INT and has a big fat zero for WIS might think is foolproof. It has big holes in it that the Pale King did not consider to be big holes until he got owned by the various consequences of his actions and fell down said big holes, making the shocked pikachu face all the while. Rip in die, my guy.
Anyway, there’s a lot of incidental information scattered about the game that gives us more insight into the stages of TPK’s plan. Looking at Monomon’s notes in the Archive suggests that she was probably involved in designing the Black Egg; the hidden room in the Weavers’ den points to their being the ones to blueprint the Dreamer seal; the White Palace’s hidden rooms reveal both TPK’s morbid fascination with the Void and his mea culpa wrt his motives and the Path of Pain is certainly suggestive of a lot of things. The White Lady tells us straight out that she walked out on the Pale King because she wanted no part in a second vessel batch, but how TPK didn’t handle that is only revealed via map design and some incidental dialogue from the Old Stag.
This stuff presents us with, if not a full picture, then at least a decent connect-the-dots of certain aspects of crater politics and Pale Court drama at the time, and how exactly TPK’s plan came together.
But there is still one glaring question that these cookie crumbs do not provide us an answer to:
Who shall bell the cat?
How did TPK et al manage to stuff Radiance into Hollow in the first place?
This is the subject of a lot of memes and jokes within the fandom because it's so absurd. Radiance fuckin hates that dude! She’s probably gonna be pretty wary of him considering how he stole her people in the first place! And considering the anti-colonialism slant of the writing - beyond the general sympathetic view Team Cherry gives of each indigenous bug society, Seer makes it very clear that Radiance has very good reason to take violent action against Hallownest - the answer is probably not something like “she’s just that stupid” or “she rolled a crit fail”.
Well... I have an idea of how TPK managed to get Radiance in there. It raises about as many questions as it answers, mind, but it may be someplace to start.
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[desc: the hollow knight's entry in the hunter’s journal. top text/ghost’s comment reads: “Fully grown Vessel, carrying the plague’s heart within its body.” bottom text/hunter’s comment says: “The old King of Hallownest... he must have been desperate to save his crumbling little world. The sacrifices he imposed on others... all for nothing.”]
Here we have Hollow’s bestiary entry. Most of what we’re concerned with here is the top text, which says the seal has literally trapped Radiance inside their body. (First of all, ew, TPK.)
We already knew Radiance is literally actually inside Hollow, though: The Infection is leaking out of their body, and to get to fight Radiance, Ghost has to go traipsing into their sibling’s mind. So what’s significant about that here?
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[desc: screencap of the outside of the black egg temple, post-infected crossroads. there are large infection blobs in the foreground and background, connected to each other by veins that come from inside the temple.]
The infection blobs are weird and get weirder if you kill enough Lightseeds for the Hunter to tell you their origin story, i.e. that the literal actual sun has been having a very long bad day and cried a lot, and some of the liquid coalesced into living flesh, and some of that living flesh took on a mind of its own to become Lightseeds. (Hollow Knight is a WILD place.)
Lightseeds are Radiance’s accidental children and share a lot of her traits: They are harmless creatures that try to avoid conflict if possible but if pushed will get creative and find ways to fight regardless of their physical limitations. (For the Lightseeds this involves hiding inside Broken Vessel’s corpse and puppeting it around to try to stab you.) They even have her same distinctive yell. And according to the Hunter, they’re born from the infection blobs. These enemies only ever appear in the Ancient Basin, which both Radiance and the Void have ransacked, and in the Infected Crossroads.
The infection blobs are connected to and sort of a weird extension of Radiance because the Infection itself is sort of a weird extension of Radiance. In the game’s internal style guide Team Cherry explains that the Infection started as an accident, not her original intention but what happened when Hallownest tried to block her out.
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[desc: screencap from the wiki of style notes attached to seer that describe a sketch of radiance’s finalized backstory. text reads: “The moth tribe were (perhaps) descended from Radiance. However, the King convinced them somehow to seal Radiance away. I guess so he could rule Hallownest with his singular vision, as a god/monarch with no other gods. The moths sealed Radiance away by forgetting about her. Hallownest was born and flourished. However, the memory of Radiance lingered (eg [sic] the statue at hallownest’s crown) and soon she began to reappear in dreams and starting [sic] exerting influence. The King and the bugs of Hallownest resisted this memory/power and it started to manifest as the Infection. Thus the first attempt to seal Radiance failed, and the King had to try another method - the Vessel.” emphasis mine.]
Some fans have posited the blobs as deposits of pupa juice, but given Team Cherry's description of the Infection’s origins I don’t know how likely that is. Since the Void also sticks its squamous tentacles into things via veiny looking things and the Nightmare’s Heart has similar veiny nonsense in the Nightmare Realm, I wonder if it isn’t just a Meddly God Shit thing in general.
Whatever the case, the blobs are very much connected to/a part of Radiance.
And when you’re hanging around them, you will notice two things: They pulse like they’re part of a circulatory system, and you can hear Radiance's heartbeat emanating from them.
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[desc: screencap of the game’s title screen with the infected menu theme in use: a glowing orange ball at the center of a lot of black tendony webbing.]
Let’s also think of the Infected menu theme, which you unlock after getting either of the endings where Ghost takes over from Hollow and absorbs Radiance out of them. Ghost is infected and then sealed inside the Black Egg in Hollow's place. It’s suggested by the animation’s staging that Radiance briefly struggles to get out of Ghost after absorbed but is ultimately stuck in them, at which point the seal is reestablished.
If you haven’t used the Infected menu theme yourself, the... interesting thing about it is that it moves organically. The light ball expands and contracts - y’know, sort of like a living organ - and so does the black webby stuff around it.
Also, Radiance’s heartbeat is included in the theme's ambiance.
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[desc: hollow’s bestiary entry again]
To cut to the chase, this part of Hollow’s bestiary entry that says “the plague’s heart”? I don’t think that’s just Ghost/Team Cherry being poetic. I think there’s a good chance it’s LITERAL.
I think TPK is the sort of person who could cram a native woman’s literal living beating heart inside his own child’s body so they can use it as... say, a focus to absorb and trap her mind/spirit inside their body, too. Mr. No Cost Too Great is capable of a lot in the name of keeping other people’s claws off his Big Shiny kingdom. This is kind of his whole brand.
But also, like, yuck.
This fits the worldbuilding too; generally speaking Hollow Knight is Body Horror City. Also there’s the case of Grimm: While he and Radiance are loose counterparts at best with WILDLY disparate outlooks and ethoses, his existence serves as precedent that a Higher Being’s heart specifically can be separate from the rest of them.
As I said before, though, this DOES raise as many questions as it answers. If this is another piece in the puzzle of how TPK belled the cat, we’re now left wondering how he got Radiance’s heart to use as Hollow's focus to begin with.
We know he has access to the Dream Realm because that’s ultimately where he hid when Hollow’s seal failed, but who did he send to do the stealing and how did they get away with it? (TPK certainly wouldn’t have gone; his own life’s the one cost too great for him to willingly pay.) Was Radiance’s heart separate from her like the Nightmare’s Heart, or was it a part of her body? (I think the latter is more likely just from her personality; Grimm’s hidden heart makes sense because of how he keeps even his own servants at arm’s length emotionally, whereas Radiance is all heart all the time. I think this makes more sense with their equal opposites schtick too. But this would make for a WAY riskier mission.)
I can imagine all kinds of possibilities. None of them are definitive, but the thing they have in common is that they are all Awful... and how on-brand that is for Hollow Knight as a whole is, maybe, the most persuasive argument for It’s Literally Actually Her Real Physical Heart there could be.
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Alive Again Part 2
Harry Potter AU 
Link to Part 1 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- smut
Regulus had always been your gravity and you weren’t afraid to admit it. He had been your favorite playmate as a child. Growing up as the prim and proper daughter of a death eater and his wife; you had always been pampered. Your father was different with Evan than he was you. They expected other things out of your brother. To your parents, you were their precious little pet. You were the jewel that one night of passion created.
Regulus as no exception to this rule. When Evan would tell you to go away and stop pestering him. Regulus wouldn’t. He would always protest to your brother and let you stay.
He was your first kiss (you wanted to count the fact that both of you were 8 but it didn’t matter.) You were outside in Walburga and Orion’s back garden with Regulus one afternoon. The two of you lay playing with a ladybug that Regulus found. When the bug had vanished, Regulus scooted closer to you.
“I want to kiss you.”
You looked up from your place searching for the M.I.A bug.
Regulus smiled.
“I want to kiss you like my daddy kisses my mummy.”
You frowned, considering Regulus’ words. In your little word, boys still had cooties but Regulus was different. He had always been yours.
You replied as he stood up and pressed an innocent little butterfly kiss to your mouth.
Again...gravity...your world had balance again. You smiled at the memory as you stood with your arms wrapped around Regulus’ shoulders, you didn’t care how long the two of you had been kissing. You had three years' worth of time to make up for.
“You don’t know how long I have been dreaming of this. It was such a punishment knowing that you were alive and I couldn’t get to you.”
Regulus said in almost a low tone as he stroked any part of you that he could get his hands on.
“I wanted to die along with you. There is no one else.”
You said, letting Regulus see that your wedding ring was still exactly where he left it. Regulus quickly lifted you onto the nearby table and took his place between your legs.
“My wife.”
You nodded, enjoying the possessive tone in Regulus’ voice. You moaned against his mouth and fought the urge to tug on Regulus’ hair. His wandering hands stopped the moment that he reached your stomach. It was as if the turned on and desperate for attention side of his mind stopped and sanity returned. Regulus had forgotten all about the fact that you were pregnant when he.
“Our baby...what happened to our baby?”
Regulus questioned. You felt instantly guilty that you had totally forgotten Astaria.
“We have a daughter. Her name is Astaria. Oh, Reggie, she is so adorable. She reminds me so much of you. Let me go get her. She has been with your mother.”
Regulus stepped back. He looked immediately concerned.
“My mother?”
You nodded.
“She’s changed. Your mother fell apart after your father died and you went away. She loves Astaria very much.”
“Is she unkind to her?”
Regulus didn’t have to elaborate on his feelings to let you know what he meant. He was worried that Walburga may hurt the child the way that she did Regulus and Sirius as children.
“No, not at all. I couldn’t leave her, Regulus. She isn’t well and needs someone.”
Regulus didn’t look too convinced as he considered your words.
“I would like to see my daughter.”
You smiled and stepped from the room and motioned Walburga in. The older woman had been sitting with Astaria on her lap sleeping. She stood and walked toward you with a frown.
“What is it, my dear?”
You smiled. Walburga noted that it was strange to see you smile. She had grown so used to your serious solemn expressions that a smile was rare.
“I have something to show you. This will be a bit of a shock. I would recommend preparing yourself.”
You carefully reached out and took Astaria into your arms. The little girl yawned sleepily and whined about going to bed.
Walburga didn’t like surprises. Anytime that she had gotten one before it never was something that she wanted. Storming into the room, she froze the moment that her eyes met her youngest son.Regulus. Walburga’s hands went to her mouth. This was something that she didn’t expect. To her, her favorite son was dead now he stood.
“Hello, mum.”
“Regulus, how are you alive?”
Walburga managed to choke out before having to find herself a seat.
Regulus replied, calmly. As far as Regulus was concerned, he did his part by protecting his family. That should have been enough for Walburga (but he knew it wouldn’t be).
Regulus’ attention wasn’t on his mother. In fact, he forgot that Walburga Black sat in the room. His eyes were locked on you and the small child in your arms. She was everything that he expected his baby girl to be and then some. The little girl had his curly hair and your dainty features. She had his eyes and they were focused right on him.
Guilt...it was the feeling that was plaguing Regulus. When he had gone on that death mission, Regulus’ every intention was to come back. He tried to ignore the memory of you pleading with him to stay home You were due in a few short weeks to give birth. Now, look what happened….Regulus missed everything. He was trapped at the bottom of that damned lake in a vegetative state while you carried on without him.
You, meanwhile, felt relieved the moment that Regulus smiled. He looked at the little girl with awe-filled eyes. His normal cold demeanor had changed. He reminded you of the little boy that you had fallen in love with.
“Say, hi daddy.”
You said, softly. Astaria smiled at Regulus before shoving her face against yours. Both Walburga and yourself had shown the little girl photo’s of her father from the time she was born. You wanted to make sure that Astaria knew who her father was.
“That little smirk looked just like Evan.”
Regulus said as Astaria poked her head up. She heard Evan’s name and automatically thought that her uncle had come for a visit. You were thankful that the one thing that Evan seemed to care about was your daughter. When Evan could pull himself away from the fire whiskey bottle and the ankle that he was constantly grabbing for Voldemort; he would baby Astaria senseless. If the little girl made a peep about something that she wanted Uncle Evan got it.
Astaria said, holding her hands out for her father. Regulus gently took the toddler from your arms. You smiled as Walburga who strangely looked close to tears. The only time that you had seen Walburga cry was when Regulus and Orion “died.” You would see a flicker of sadness on her face whenever Sirius’ birthday came around (she would never admit it though).
You turned your attention back to Regulus. He was talking softly to Astaria. The little girl smiled before laying her head on his shoulder.
“I’ll put her in bed.”
Walburga said as she stood. She gently took Astaria from Regulus.
“We’ll talk later.”
She said to her youngest son. Walburga knew that Regulus needed time with his wife. She wanted to, however, make it known that her son would have a lot of explaining to do very soon.
Once Walbugra was out of the room, Regulus locked the door before turning to you.
“No where were we?”
You put your finger to his lips.
“I want some information. I’ve been without you for three years. Don’t I deserve more than what I’m getting.”
Regulus’ scowl intensified. You did deserve the truth but the less you knew the safer you would be. Regulus also knew that if you didn’t get what you wanted out of him, the subject would never be dropped. You wouldn’t let him touch you and Regulus was desperate for some friction.
“I’ll tell you just a little. Time to see how brave you are, love. The dark lord...he isn’t who we think. Y/n, things are a lot worse than we ever imagined. I found out some stuff about Voldemort that he didn’t want anyone knowing. Me being the sass king that I am called him on it and that is why I almost drowned. Love, do you know what a horocrux is?”
You nodded. Regulus leaned forward and pressed his mouth close to your ear as if trying to keep some big secret under wraps.
“So does Voldemort.”
Regulus leaned back and waited until you put the breadcrumbs together. Your mouth dropped.
“That’s all that I am telling you. Everything we believed. Everything that we were taught as children….it's a lie. Y/n, I have to keep you and our daughter safe. If he finds out that I am alive and that you know the truth...we are…”
Regulus ran his index finger over his neck as if cutting his throat.
You were still trying to take all of this information in. The realization that your life had been a huge lie was sickening. Your parents...your brother...believed in some lie.
“What are we going to do Regulus?”
Regulus walked behind you. His fingers slowly unzipped your evening gown.
“Right now, I am unzipping your dress. I am going to let it fall to the floor so I can see what lingerie you have hidden under there then I am going to make love to you.”
His hand slapped your behind making your yelp.
“We are safe right now. You know the security measures my mother has on this place. Now...where were we?”
“My lingerie has gotten a bit boring.”
You confessed as the evening gown hit the floor. Regulus bit his lip as he looked you over and began to unbutton his shirt.
“Black push up bra and lace thong...these are my favorites. I wouldn’t consider this boring.”
You quickly spun around as Regulus threw his dress shirt on the chair that Walburga had once occupied.
“Now come here.”
Regulus sat back down on the velvet sofa. You took your heels off before looking your husband over. He was still the same handsome Regulus Black. You were thankful that his athletic build hadn’t changed.
“I know that you heard me.”
Regulus said as he reached down to unzip his trousers. He gave you a devious little smile before raising an eyebrow.
“Come here, pretty girl.”
You didn’t waste any time before quickly climbing on your husband’s waiting lap.
“There. Much better.”
Regulus said, leaning up for a chaste kiss. You sighed against his mouth before Regulus leaned back. Reaching out you stroked his cheek before trialing your hand down his chest. Your eyes fell down to the dark mark that was still clearly visible on his left arm.
Regulus knew that your thoughts were quickly going away from the task at hand. He pulled you back to him, by the cups of your bra. You gasped against his mouth as Regulus kissed you feverishly. His left hand tangled in your hair as he sat up enough to start tugging his pants down.
“Take me, Reggie.”
You whined against his mouth. That was all that Regulus needed to hear. He carefully laid you back against the couch before tugging knickers down.
“As you wish.”
You cried out the moment that Regulus pushed in. He gave you all of five seconds to adjust to his size before pulling out enough to leave you gasping.
“Always such a good wife.”
Regulus cooed. You, meanwhile, were trying to keep your moans and gasps under control. Neither Regulus nor yourself had bothered with a silencing charm. The last thing that you wanted was for any of Walburga’s friends to hear you moaning from your husband’s touch.
“That was nice.”
Regulus said with a satisfied smile as the two of you lay snuggled on the couch. Neither of you had much of a drive to move from your previous position.
“Neither of us lasted long.”
You said with a yawn. Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“Remind me of our first time. We both made it like 3 minutes.”
“We have plenty of time.”
Regulus replied, leaning back into the couch.
“Maybe we should apparate to bed?”
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king-there0f · 3 years
☁️CLOUD - a soft headcanon, for everyone if possible!
Omg EVERYONE??? There are…so many…but I am up for the challenge!!! Also I love soft headcanons 😭 so thank you! 
Gonna do literally everyone, cuz that’s the assignment buckle up!
most of these are just...”they actually really care for their friends and family and love people a lot and want them to be happy.” Because that’s just the head space I’m in. 
Guild Wars
Matthias - has always been very good with animals. Even when he was a more judgmental, less understanding person, you could always tell there was something kind and well meaning in his heart because without much effort on his part, all his animals adore him. (Tbh i have so many soft feelings about Matthias)
Sarah - though she will deny it, even to herself, she likes to see her friends happy and will do them favors behind their backs to make their lives easier. She is extremely soft for her girlfriend, Nierium, and likes to steal nice expensive things for her. Like, compact Asuran thermogenerators and experimental fusion stabilizers. You know, romantic things.
Marjah - is very good with children and is very good at cheering them up and making them feel safe. He has a very soothing presence
Thalliah - is incredibly personable and gets along with nearly everyone she meets. Her positive attitude is infectious and she is difficult to dislike. She usually understands peoples hardships surprisingly well
Astereaux - is an amateur astronomer and sometimes finds himself so overwhelmed with the beauty and vastness of the world and universe he lives in it moves him to tears
Nadiah - seems very aloof and ambitious but becomes the biggest softie around baby animals. Her demeanor changes almost entirely to the shock of everyone who knows her
Kerxsus - Loves his bugs and preserves them to pin and frame and hang on his walls when they die. No, it’s not weird
Asphrea - Fairly compensates anyone they commission to make custom clothes or fashion for them. Practices a lot of “self care!”
Vulcca - really wants to be good friends with his old war buddy Torbin and tries to participate in his interests even though they very much don’t see eye to eye
Kainei - keeps accidentally adopting children. She is the type who does the whole gruff stoic “Im leaving you for dead, I don’t even care” and then becomes their mom
Canella - is but a humble cook on a pirate ship, but genuinely loves her crew-mates and does her best with the limited resources at her disposal to try to cook them meals that make them happy or remind them of home or a place that brings them fond memories. Cooking reminds her of her home, which was a warm and comforting place, so she wants to give that to other people who maybe didn't come from nice homes. She runs her kitchen like she remembers her parents running theirs.
Mokona (gw1) - Though she lives in a place and time ravaged by plague and immense socioeconomic inequality, she is the one among her friends who makes sure they stop to have fun once in a while. Just because there are things that are really wrong with the world, doesn’t mean you should burn yourself out trying to put them right all by yourself. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses sometimes.
Jade - despite being snobbish about it, as well as being cursed to never play it again, Jade genuinely loves music and it is how he most likes to espress himself. Sometimes he goes to concerts or performances, sits in a dark corner in the back of the venue where no one will see him, and feels his feelings
Fish - is very quick to call people her best friend. To some this might come across as fickle, or silly, but she means it very genuinely and from the bottom of her heart
Barm - loves his daughter with his whole heart and soul. Thinks she made him a better person and helped him understand he could be more than just a soldier. She brought out the extremely caring and nurturing part of him and he acknowledges and appreciates that every day
Other characters
Rhys - while he is incredibly immature and likes to project a very “horny on main without a care in the world” attitude, he loves to make grand romantic gestures to his boyfriend, Vas. and he and his BFF Alstyr have a very “Close your eyes bro, that’s my world without you bro.” Kind of relationship and I love them.
Meave - Just a general sweetheart all around. She is often exasperated by her brother (Rhys) but cares deeply for him. While she is very much a pacifist and does her absolute best to avoid confrontation (it stresses her out) mess with a loved one and she’ll wreck you.
Ech0 - Is an aloof cyberpunk hacker who prioritizes a payday above almost all else. Has a somewhat intimidating and unapproachable vibe. He LOVES retro video games and will Gush about them when given the opportunity 
Lukas (Luke) - Loves his horse SO much. Like, LOVES his horse. She is his baby. Baby horse. Princess horse. Don’t touch his horse. Her name is Mousse.
Hikaru - LOVES rhythm games. A very studious and intellectual person, who takes her responsibilities seriously and might act like she doesn’t have time for fun. But she adores games like Beat Saber, Rhythm Heaven, Guitar Hero, and other mobile rhythm games.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 10
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Stepping towards the surface, Odd Eye and Mina breathed a sigh of relief as they landed on an empty part of the island, hearing gunshots and explosions from afar. As part of their mission briefed earlier, Team B will storm the capital city of Mendes to topple the Imperial government.
The planet was part of the Galactic Republic, but had fallen in the hands of the Galactic Empire recently. Hocura harvested crystals that were worth millions of Galactic Credits, and they were instructed to take it back from Imperial hands.
Rubbing her belly, Odd Eye turned around and counted all her troops from the 666th Battalion, from ARC Trooper Tarot, Ouija, Yeri, and others that survived for the past six months. “All members of the 666th are accounted for, General,” she reported to Erina.
“Excellent, Commander,” Erina praised her.
“What about you, Mina?” Raul asked. “Is everyone present?”
“We’re all here, General,” she responded, looking at Bouncy, Nygma, and another Mina.
After the death of Commander Gowon, the ARC Trooper was promoted to a higher position, something many of her peers could only dream of. She was pleased with her new position as a commander, but a bigger role means bigger responsibility for her, and she found it challenging for the past 6 months.
Mina looked up to Odd Eye for guidance, and while the latter has been helpful, the former wished that she had more time to learn about leadership. She may have received training from Alpha-17, but Mina was used to being in the shadows alongside her late commander. I wish Commander Gowon is still here. Why does she have to go too soon? I have a lot to learn about responsibility.
“Alright, we’re heading to the jungle,” Erina instructed them. “So make sure you all stick together and keep your eyes sharp. You never know what you have to encounter down there.”
“Yes, sir,” Odd Eye bobbed her head in acknowledgment. “Come on guys, we have a city to take back.”
”Understood, commander,” Tarot said, as he gestured to his siblings to keep moving.
As the 666th and 197th Battalion marched together, Raul frantically searched through his backpack for something important, making Erina cross her arms. “Let me guess, you forgot your bug spray again?”
Raul gave a nod, smiling sheepishly. “You know me well, Eri.”
“Next time, please remember it,” she advised, passing him the bug spray. “You always forget every time we’re heading to another planet.”
“Alright then,” he resigned. “Also, did you remember to pack your prayer mat? You always forget to bring that whenever we’re on duty.”
Her smile faded as she paused in her tracks, slapping her forehead in shame. “Shit, why do I always forget to bring my prayer mat? That’s like the most important thing on my list. Now I have to pray five times a day with my blanket, again.”
“Don’t worry about it, Eri. At least you don’t have to worry about forgetting your binder like me.”
She raised her eyebrows at the dark-skinned man. “But you don’t need to bring your binders anymore. You already had chest surgery a long time ago.”
“Well, that was way before my chest surgery,” Raul told her. “Remember, I had to work at the diner all day long?”
“How could I forget that, Raul? You wouldn’t even dare to take a day off just to go out with me. Your boss was pretty strict with you.”
“Hey, at least I took you out on a date after the surgery.”
Erina let out a chuckle. “Of course we went out. You came out as a trans man and I wanted to celebrate at your favourite ice-cream shop. That was an important milestone in your life, you know.”
“Yeah, it was the best day of my life.”
As they continued with their conversation, Odd Eye could not help but smile underneath her helmet. Their conversation reminded her of Erhan, back when he was still alive and cheerful. They always have a deep conversation with each other that lasts the entire night, before they would fall asleep in each other’s arms when the sun rose from the horizon.
Her last memory of her lover was before they left an island planet. I can’t wait to start a family with you, Odd Eye recalled his words towards her, before watching him die in front of her. All it took was a tank shooting him from behind. As much as she told Tori that she moved on, she wished he was with her right now.
“Aren’t they cute?” Mina spoke, bringing her back to the present. “They’re both holding hands right now.”
“Yeah, they are,” she agreed, focusing on Erina and Raul. “Who do you think will propose first, though?”
“I think it would be General Gomez,” ARC Trooper Tarot speculated. “He’s quite the romantic one in the relationship.”
“Really?” Mina raised her eyebrows. “I always assumed it would be General Almarez-Guttierez. She’s pretty confident in everything she does.”
“My money goes to General Gomez as well,” ARC Trooper Bouncy joined in the fun. “He’s always sweet towards his partner. I mean, he even carried General Almarez-Guttierez to safety more than once.”
“Okay, guys, let’s just relax with this gossip, alright? We should let their relationship go with the flow.”
“Yes, commander,” Tarot groaned. “Though my readings tell me that there might be a union, eventually.”
Odd Eye rolled her eyes. Of course Tarot would say something like that. That’s how he got his name. He’s obsessed with tarot cards. She wondered why Erhan had to get him those cards in the first place, though some of his readings were accurate most of the time.
One time, he pulled out The Tower card, and the next thing she knows, the 666th Battalion lost half their men in the Battle of Zamerth. It was the most devastating loss she had experienced, and it wasn’t the last time the Grand Army of the Republic had to fold against the Separatists.
“Speaking of readings, what is the card of the day?” the pregnant commander asked, hoping today will be filled with good fortunes and luck.
“This morning, I got the Temperance card. From what I can tell, it means that you’ll have to keep your cool, even when things aren’t going your way.”
“I’m trying my best, Tarot. You know how hard it is to carry a baby while fighting a war?”
“I’m aware of that, commander. That’s why the Temperance card appeared in my reading today.”
It’s an accurate reading, she acknowledged with pure intention. She had to give credit to that. It’s difficult to predict the future with tarot cards, especially if you’re not familiar with it.
The purple jungle looked like something that was from a fairy tale, and the symphony of crickets in the background felt tranquil for her. The rain from the clouds made it better, as she could concentrate on her current surroundings.
If Odd Eye was given a chance to live somewhere, Hocura is her number one choice. She would never get bored with the scenery from her treehouse. Her son would love it here too. He could sleep to the sound of raindrops while Odd Eye would just sit beside him, reading her favourite book. It’s the life she always wanted after the war ended.
“So, how long till we reach Mendes?” Mina questioned Raul. “We’ve been walking for hours and my legs are killing me.”
Raul opened his map from his device and showed their current location to his commander. “Mendes is 20 kilometres from here. If we meet up halfway through the jungle with the 212th and the Coruscant Guard, we will get there in two days.”
“So are the 212th and the Corrie Guards still fighting on the other side?” Mina bit her lips. “It must be a pretty intense battle. I hope they’re okay.”
“Two days is pretty long and I’m not sure whether they can survive that long,” Odd Eye commented, tapping her feet on the ground. “Is it alright if we rest for at least 10 minutes? My feet also hurt and I might need a bathroom break right now.”
Erina exchanged a brief glance with her partner for a moment before approving both their requests. “Alright then, you all can have a 20 minutes break for yourselves. Then we’ll continue through the jungle.”
“Thank you, sir,” Tarot sighed in relief. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Raul winked. “Rest is good for your health and you all need it.”
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  — gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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kreweleaderbuuru · 4 years
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Part 3 baybeeee i realised that the babies I use more often these days werent included. Annoying elaboration that doesnt matter under the cut
Self explainitory
Self explanatory 
Singrid: The most in-shape member of her family. She’s very enthusiastic about honing her skills with her hammer, carving canoes with her bare hands, and punching sharks in the face.
Grunt: The grunt has been working on building muscle, but her years of starvation and abuse have left her permanently stunted. 
Algor: Despite being absolutely fuckall massive, he’s not too interested in honing his physique. He’s got some scholarly chub on the way. 
Poom: Actually more muscular than you’d give him credit for- though still malnourished and spindly. His baggy clothes are in part to hide a very embarrassing hourglass figure. 
Singrid: Just a few inches shorter than her brother, much to her dismay
Grunt: Shorty due to malnutrition
Algor: Fuckall massive
Poom: Comes from a pretty tall family, but just so happens to me the shortest member of that family. He thinks he’s shorter than he actually is. 
Self explanatory
Intelligence, Scholarly:
Singrid: While Singrid was offered the same education as her brother, she struggled with even the most basic concepts. At a certain point she decided her job was just to carry heavy equipment. Living proof of nature vs. nurture. 
Grunt: Scouted by inquest recruiters as a child. The Grunt was subjected to the standard foot soldiers ‘education’ within the Inquest. It wasn’t all that great, but it wasn’t like she could leave. 
Algor: Personally tutored by his adopted asuran father- surpassing the potential of even some asuran peers in Rata Sum. Living proof of nurture vs. nature. 
Poom: Got along okay in school, enough to Graduate Dynamics with above average grades. His true passions lie in paranormal investigation, which isnt as revered in Rata Sum. People just assume he’s crazy. 
Singrid: Would look a grenade launcher down the barrel as she’s trying to figure out how to fire it. 
Grunt: What the Grunt lacks in formal education, she makes up for in sheer experience. She’s worked on just about every Inquest base the Megakrewe allows such a low-ranking agent, and tangled with more bizarre magical creatures than most norn hunters will in their lifetime. 
Algor: Algor began making supply runs in greater Tyria when he was sixteen, allowing him to come into his own as a traveller and genius. 
Poom: Easily distracted and has a nasty habit of sharing his conspiracy theories to the members of the organisations he suspects. Common sense is not amongst his strengths. 
Singrid: Technically a ‘drop out’, seeing as her father gave up on teaching her alongside her brother. However, the special attention Ruffik can give Singrid while Algor is away has convinced her to give his lessons another go.  
Grunt: Didn’t so much as ‘graduate’ as she was drafted to punishment detail. Her propensity for disaster and mayhem did not make her school days enjoyable. 
Algor: Greatly exceeded his father’s expectations. 
Poom: A decent student, but easily distracted by his true passions. 
Social Ability:
Singrid: Dreamed all her life of leaving the Far Marina Base to party all through Tyria, only to suffer from extreme social anxiety. She’s since found happiness on the peaceful ice caps, content with her few friends and family. 
Grunt: Pretty amicable, if you can get over the whining and increased likelihood of the bar burning down. 
Algor: Still relatively uncomfortable in his own skin, but growing out of it. 
Poom: A highly contagious affliction and subsequent quarantine has given an already antisocial oddball agoraphobia. Poom has slowly been taking steps to be more comfortable with people, and can at the very least venture outside without a panic attack. 
Singrid: Sensitive, painfully sensitive, so sensitive she becomes overwhelmed in large gatherings. Is one of the few people who can really understand Ruffik’s emotions at any given time and could be mistaken for a mind reader when it comes to people she’s close to. 
Grunt: Despite her attempt at an aloof bounty huntress persona, the Grunt is mostly in wilful denial. She knows whats going on, why it’s going on, and how things will probably end. She’s very bad at pretending not to care. 
Algor: His time outside the Far Marina Base has taken him from clueless hermit to what is average teenage boy. He still doesnt understand girls, though. 
Poom: Absolute dogshit at reading social signals, to the point of being near debilitating. His friends have to intervene to keep him from being beaten up half the time. 
Singrid: There are two Singrids: The one who is comfortable and knows the people in the room, and the Singrid who is in public and trying to keep from crying. You wouldnt expect the firey young norn from the FMB to wilt so easily in a crowd, and you’d be wrong. 
Grunt: Any attempts to hide her emotions are humorously in vain. Its lucky her partner, krewemate, and totally-not-boyfriend is painfully dense. 
Algor: Can put up a pretty convincing stoic front. It’s when he opens his mouth the youthful bravado comes spilling out. 
Poom: His high anxiety and odd mannerisms make him an open book. An open book in a language you cant read, but nonetheless open. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Straight
Grunt: Straight
Algor: Bisexual 
Poom: Pansexual with a male preference
Singrid: Straight, Monogamous 
Grunt: Straight, Monogamous
Algor: Biromantic, Open to Polyamory
Poom: Panromantic with a male preference, Monogamous
Singrid: Has a massive crush on her childhood friend, but he’s painfully oblivious. 
Grunt: Hopelessly in love with her partner, friend, and krewemate, Anakk. Even though they live together, work together, provide each other with emotional support, and sleep together exclusively, they insist they are not in a relationship.
Algor: Would do anything for a partner to share his intellect, but is still too insecure to ask anyone out. There’s also the size factor- none of the other apprentices so much as reach his knee. That ‘tragedy’ is a bit romantic in its own right- according to him. 
Poom: Is oblivious to romance, and hasnt had the best track record. His last relationship ended in nothing short of catastrophe, he’s still too ashamed to face his ex to stay long in Rata Sum. This has kept him rather guarded when it comes to relationships. 
Singrid: Very touchy. Will shamelessly pick up and snuggle anyone she cares about. 
Grunt: Has a pointed distaste for ‘mushy stuff’ and goes out of her way to avoid any intimacy that could be construed as romantic. 
Algor: Mostly only hugs his sister. Was more cuddly as a kid, but since the growth spurt he worries about accidentally crushing people. 
Poom: Has gone three years without touch due to his affliction. Avoids touch like the plague so as not to become overwhelmed. 
Disposition, Outwardly:
Singrid: Whether she’s in full swing or shyly hugging the wall, Singrid comes across as a friendly, if not rough around the edges- young norn. 
Grunt: Affable and friendly until things go wrong. They’re usually going wrong. 
Algor: Knows how to be polite in public. Snarks on occasion. 
Poom: Absolute bastard of a man. You know this. Why even ask. 
Disposition, Inwardly:
Singrid: Pretty neutral on people as a whole. Gets irritated easily, and doesnt have any kind words for people who make her uncomfortable. 
Grunt: Is far more effected by her past than she lets on. The grunt is generally distrustful to strangers and spiteful to those who hurt her- even a little. 
Algor: Has a healthy dollop of teen angst. 
Poom: One of the more kindly people you’ll meet, once you get past his eccentricities. Genuinely doesnt want to upset anyone, and is a die hard pacifist. 
Singrid, Grunt, Algor: All petty little drama queens. 
Poom: Will put up with a lot of bullshit, so long as you dont press one of his triggers. Can only really muster the energy to hate one thing at a time. Usually tries to solve ‘misunderstandings’ when they come up. 
Singrid: Crippling social anxiety 
Grunt: PTSD
Algor: He’s fine, honestly. 
Poom: Autism, PTSD, Depression, Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia, probably more. 
Singrid: She knows who she likes, and isnt particularly eager to make new friends. 
Grunt: Finds it relatively easy to get along with people, especially if theres alcohol involved. She has a strange habit for attracting the affections of much larger and more powerful beings. Anakk, her skyscale Mr. Bastard, and the hulking inquest abomination Brukk, to name a few. 
Algor: Able to chat up strangers so long as he’s not feeling too self-important. He’s growing out of that bit, though. 
Poom: Absolutely desperate for validation. Can and will join a cult if he’s not claimed. 
Singrid: Will break pretty easily either from her anxiety or by getting too excited about a cool rock. 
Grunt: Attempts are made at stoicism. They are laughable. 
Algor: Is prone to teen melodrama. He’s growing out of it, though. 
Poom: Will go home and cry for stepping on a bug.
Singrid: Her training in the harsh Far Marina conditions have made her an adept warrior. 
Grunt: Prone to disaster.
Algor: Is actually quite a talented dancer when no one’s watching. One of the ways he tries to stay in shape between studies. 
Poom: If he’s not knocking something over, he’s putting his foot in his mouth. 
Self explanatory
Singrid: Despite her issues with crowds, she’s run after icebrood twice her size with nothing but a dagger. Has wanted to cultivate an epic legend ever since she was a kid. 
Grunt: Complete snivelling coward.
Algor: Will run from conflict as easily as he runs from a spider. 
Poom: An almost destructive lack of self-preservation. 
Singrid: The few companions she has, she aims to keep. 
Grunt: Wont die for the ship, but will save her favourite pirate. 
Algor: Still has somewhat naive opinions on teamwork in a krewe. It’s almost a good thing he’ll likely never be in one. 
Poom: Not a lot of people understand him, those that try are greatly appreciated. Even people who dont try, he’ll gladly meet half way. Even if you dont even like him at all he’s got your back. Even if you’ve just spit in his mouth he’ll-
Singrid: Does what she wants. If that means breaking some heads, she’ll do it. If it means drinking tea and brushing up on her knitting, thats her glitching right!
Grunt: Rules are for people who don’t regularly get hit by lightning. 
Algor: Painfully naive. 
Poom: The rules suck, but he gets in trouble enough as it is without provoking others. 
They’re all edgy assholes lol
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Marry Me (Part 10)
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Ricky Horror X Reader
Warnings: Language
"Daddy! (Y/N)!"
Ricky jerks awake, and you stir, lifting your head sleepily.
"What is it, baby?" Ricky asks groggily, rubbing his eyes as he tries to straighten, only to realize you're holding him down. You must have fallen asleep on the sofa, no wonder he feels so stiff and achy.
"I'm hungry." Chloe peers at the two of you from the arm of the couch, her arms crossed over her chest as she looks back and forth. "I couldn't find any pancakes."
You rub your eyes as you sit up, still feeling tired but not absolutely terrible like you did yesterday. Apparently your stomach bug was just a 24 hour thing, for which you're grateful. Chloe seems fine too if she's asking for pancakes, which does sound good to you. Do you have any mix? You'd have to google how to put it together if you don't.
"I'll make you some," Ricky clears his throat, getting to his feet slowly and rubbing his lower back. He's never slept on your couch before, but in that position, it's definitely not good for his posture. He offers you his hand, helping pull you up, Chloe grabbing your blanket as it falls to the floor and tossing it back onto the sofa. "What time is it?"
"Around six thirty," you yawn, eyeballing the bathroom. You didn't even set an alarm, you could have been late opening the shop! You're relieved Chloe woke you up when she did.
Did Chloe sleep the entire night? Why didn't she wake either of you up if she didn't? How long has she been up? You can't believe you fell asleep on Ricky, that wasn't your intention, although you did snooze pretty well honestly. More than likely because you were sick and dying, not because he's warm and comfortable.
"I wanna help," Chloe follows Ricky towards the kitchen, who hastily remembers to move his sneakers under the coffee table so you don't trip over them in a few minutes. He lets her get the mixing bowl and utensils out as he finds the pancake mix, wondering if the strawberries are still decent enough to put on top of the food. Where's the syrup?
He's still so tired he doesn't think he remembers how to make anything. He brushes his black hair behind his ears, glancing down at the little girl concentrating on pouring the white powder out of the blue box, letting way too much fall into the bowl. She hasn't brushed her hair yet, he can tell by the way it's laying, and is she wearing his house shoes?
He glances at the bathroom door as he hears the shower turn on, sighing before he turns his attention back to breakfast. He manages to get just enough pancakes made for Chloe to sit down and eat before you call for him.
"What?" He hesitates, turning off the stove and trying to listen to what you said.
"Where are the towels?"
Well, as far as he knows, they should be in the bathroom, but he'll check the linen closet. He keeps an eye on Chloe as he leaves, seeing her legs swinging back and forth at the kitchen table as she eats, humming to herself. He'll have to make sure she brushes her teeth after he brushes her hair so she doesn't look like she just crawled out of a hole, and get her dressed for the day. He guesses he'll just be taking her to work with him when she gets out of school, the guys don't usually mind since she just likes coloring at the table and the producer always gives her candy when she thinks Ricky isn't looking.
"Here's some," Ricky nudges the bathroom door open, offering the towel without looking as steam starts to billow through the opening. He can't wait until you're out and he can run through, he hates he's still wearing yesterdays clothes and for some reason smells like Chinese food.
"Ricky, I'm in the shower, you can just bring it in. Sit it on the sink," you sigh, the hot water still running against your tired body. It's kind of embarrassing, but you hadn't noticed the suspiciously missing towels until you were already in the shower, but at least Ricky has good enough hearing to bring you some. You know you just restocked it last night, but maybe you only thought you did? You were delirious after all.
Ricky sighs, his eyes nervously flicking to the flowered shower curtain before he drops the towels by the sink. Are you two getting comfortable enough around each other where this isn't going to be awkward? He kind of likes that, you don't seem bothered by him walking in at all.  "Anything else?"
"A back massage and some rose petals to walk over, thanks."
Ricky snorts. "Right on that."
"Were there not towels in here last night?" You ask after a moment, frowning. You know you put some in there. "Like, I'm not crazy, am I? I know I put some new ones on the shelf."
"Uh, I didn't look." Ricky has no idea, he never pays attention. He glances at the fogged mirror above the sink, absently drawing a little smiley face in the corner through the water. "I'll ask Chloe."
"Did we have pancake mix?"
"Yeah, I found some. There's plenty for everyone." And half the band, since most of the bag is in the bowl. "Are you working today?"
"Might as well, I don't feel like I'm dying now."
"I'm going to take Chloe with me to work, she's usually just fine. Do you need anything or want us to get something?" He asks, hearing his phone ring. He ignores it, he doesn't want to talk to anyone this early. He has plans on taking a shower, getting Chloe ready, and then driving to work; if it's one of the guys, he'll talk to them then.
"I should be good, thanks."
"Hello, thanks for calling Daddy's phone, this is Chloe."
Ricky hesitates, turning to look out the half-open door as he hears his daughter answer the phone. She sounds chipper, not at all plagued by a stomach bug or thinking she's going to die anymore. He's relieved you're both feeling better and he isn't going to have to contend with that at the same time, he's not sure he's mentally prepared for that chaos.
"Oh, hi, Chris!" she brightens a little bit. "Daddy? Oh, he's helping (Y/N) take a shower, I can tell him you called."
"CHLOE!" Ricky gasps, able to hear your laughter start from behind the curtain as he makes a mad dash out of the bathroom, nabbing the phone from his daughter and urging her back to the kitchen table, ignoring her confused expression.
He's going to have to talk to her about being too honest.
Also he was not helping you take a shower.
"Hey," he mutters as he lifts the phone to his ears, his face hot. He can't believe Chloe just said that. Of all the times for her to answer his phone! Thank god it wasn't her mother, he can only imagine how downhill that would have went.
"Hey, did you cut the shower short?" Chris sounds amused as if he's trying not to laugh, and his guitarist sighs heavily.
"I was just giving her a towel." he grumbles, shooting his child a look as he skulks towards your bedroom, shutting the bathroom door as an afterthought so it's not wide open. You're still chuckling to yourself, you probably think it's hilarious.
"Ahuh. So we have a meeting at twelve, I've emailed you the lyrics for the next song, we can begin writing the music for it now. Ryan's supposed to meet us there, but Devin is out for the day."
"That's fine," Ricky runs his fingers down his face. "I'll have to bring Chloe, she's staying with me for the week."
"She feeling better?"
"She's happily eating pancakes, no sight of sickness." Ricky assures, knowing how Chris is. The man can't stand for someone to even cough or sneeze around him without liberally spraying Lysol he magicks out of thin air.  "She'll just color like usual. Or play on my phone."
"Sounds good. See you at twelve."
"See you." Ricky clicks the end button, cutting his eyes at his daughter's back but deciding not to say anything right now. She's just now finishing up her pancakes, smearing what's left of her syrup on them. "Chloe, you're going to work with me after school today, alright? When you get done, we'll get ready."
"Yeah?" Ricky focuses on the road in front of him, his fingers curled loosely around the steering wheel. He has his hair brushed behind his ears, tired blue eyes staring forward as they wait on the light to turn. He feels like he's been sitting here for fifteen minutes, Chloe impatiently asking if they're there yet for the last ten.
She's going to be late for school if this damned light doesn't change! He hates having to walk her inside the school, he wants to just drop her off during the designated time frame where the teachers are out there to make sure they get in there safely.
"Are you and (Y/N) going to have a baby?"
"What? No." Ricky hesitates, his eyes flicking in the rearview mirror. He tried to get her hair in order, but eventually you'd come to the rescue when she started whining five minutes in. She was good for you, letting you run the pink brush through her black strands, clipping the pastel bow as you drew the front of her hair back so it wouldn't fall in her face.
Ricky thinks Chloe is out to get him today, but you'd just rolled your eyes at him and told him to not be so stupid. Still, she's giving him... attitude, or something, he can't explain it. Answering his phone like that, getting all fussy when he tried to get her ready, not wanting to finish taking her medicine like the doctor said because it tastes bad. He doesn't get it, she's never like this.
Also why does she always want to ask him these leading questions when they're in the car and not when he can really look at her and focus?
"We're not going to have a baby." he says firmly, knowing that without doubt. Not unless there's some kind of immaculate conception. "Why? Do you want a little brother or sister?"
"Well..." Chloe hesitates, then shakes her head. "No. I don't want to have to share you."
Ricky's cheeks flush, and he doesn't immediately respond. Why did her words have to hit such a special spot? She doesn't want to have to share him, that's precious. All he wants to do suddenly is squeeze her in a hug.
"You don't have to share me with anyone, don't worry. It's us against the world, kid."
"Mommy was talking to Sam," her mom's stupid ass boyfriend, "and she said if you had a new baby you might not want me to come over anymore."
He sighs. Her mother, she's out to get him, there's no peace.
"Why would she say something like that?"
"She's worried that you won't keep me sometimes when she has to go to the doctor and Sam is busy."
"Does Mommy go to the doctor often?" Ricky asks carefully, knowing last time he tried to get Chloe to tell him anything about it she stubbed up and wouldn't. It makes his chest pinch with worry.
"More now. She gets upset and stays in the bathroom a lot." Chloe frowns, her brows furrowing. "She doesn't like Sam, he makes her cry."
"How does he make her cry? Is he mean to her?" Ricky shifts uncomfortably in his seat, tightening his grip on the wheel. What's her boyfriend doing that's making her cry? Ricky will not tolerate that! He might not get along with the mother of his child, but he's not going to let someone bully or hurt her either, that's unacceptable!
"They fight a lot." Chloe shrugs her tiny shoulders. "He told her she would have to get daycare if you and (Y/N) had a baby, because he wouldn't watch me. I told Mommy I can watch myself but it just made her cry more."
Ricky hates Sam.
"We're never going to have a baby, you're the only one I'll ever have." he replies, and reaches back, feeling her fingers curl through his immediately. He gives them a gentle squeeze, lightly applying his foot to the gas as the light finally changes.
"Daddy, you can't have babies," Chloe reminds. "You're a boy."
Okay, she has him there.
"Okay, true," he represses a smile. "But you know what I mean. I won't have a baby with anyone else."
"What if it's an accident?"
"It's very unlikely."
Chloe doesn't seem convinced, but she's barely six. She doesn't understand how all of that works yet --- nor is Ricky comfortable with her ever finding out about it.
"Daddy, was I an accident?"
"You were... a surprise," he replies, deciding this conversation is going downhill quickly. "Are you excited to see your uncles?"
"Is Ryan gonna be there?"
"Then yes!"
Ricky chuckles, relaxing a little in his seat. It bothers him that something is terribly wrong with Claire now, that you're right about it. What's this about her boyfriend being mean to her? What's going on with the two of them? If he needs to step in --- he knows it's none of his business, that there's boundaries, but he can't stand the thought of Chloe having to witness an abusive relationship or anything that would traumatize her.
He had a rough youth, made some bad decisions as a teenager, he never wants Chloe to feel like he did, to go to lengths to want it all to end. He wants her happy and to have a good life, and he wants to be there to witness her growing up and being successful.
He's going to have to talk to you about this tonight.
"She really said that?" You gasp in surprise where you sit on the edge of your tub, slowly applying your lotion to your hands as you stare at his reflection in the mirror above your sink. "That this guy is mean to her mom?"
"She said that he makes her cry," Ricky scowls, slowly brushing his teeth and doing his best to speak around the toothbrush. Chloe has been asleep for a few hours, and the two of you are getting ready for bed. Ricky has found the two of you are getting into a routine when Chloe is there, going to bed at the same time, but usually talking softly for an hour or so before one of you falls asleep. "But that she has to go to the doctor a lot. And Chloe worries that if we have a baby, she won't be able to come over as much."
"Well that's silly." You sigh, rubbing the scented lotion onto your wrist. You have to wash your hands and arms constantly so the grease and other liquids you deal with don't stain your skin, and you don't want it to dry either. You religiously apply it, and hope Ricky doesn't mind you doing so while he's also getting ready for bed. "Even if we did, that wouldn't change anything. There would just be more screaming."
"Exactly! And that stupid fuck is freaking her out," Ricky scowls as he spits, turning on the sink to let water run over the blue toothbrush before he washes his mouth. "She's worried we won't want her, and that's not the case! She's too young for anxiety!"
"Do you think everything is okay with Claire? Should you talk to her?" You worry, leaning down to push more lotion in your hands, slowly massaging it into your legs.
Ricky's eyes flick to your reflection, watching absently. "I tried to talk to her about it the other day, but she told me it was none of my business, in much less nice terms."
"Well, if you were already fighting, I'm not surprised. Maybe try again," you say, running your fingers across your thighs. You always wear those shorts to bed, although it ranges from ridiculous basketball shorts to the typical ones women seem to wear, with...
"Is that my shirt?" Ricky asks after a moment, noticing the black t shirt with the symbols on the sleeves. He was wondering where that went, he couldn't find it the other day.
"Oh, is it?" You ask lightly, shrugging your shoulders. "Must have gotten mixed in the laundry."
"So you're stealing my clothes now?" Ricky asks in amusement as he turns to look at you, seeing you rubbing your hands together. You send him a look, the scent of brown sugar hitting his nose as you finish up.
"Well, not intentionally, but I guess so." You hope he doesn't mind, you really didn't think anything about it as you grabbed the shirt and tossed it on to sleep in. It looked just plain to you.
"It's fine, looks better on you anyway." Ricky shrugs, absently tugging at the hem where it comes to the middle of your thigh. "I don't have the curves for it."
"Don't be silly, you have wonderful curves," you tease, distinctly aware of his fingers brushing against the bare skin of your thigh, goosebumps left in his wake. You avert your gaze from him as you put your lotion up, clearing your throat. "You're coming to bed, right?"
"Yeah," Ricky waits for you to leave before flipping the light off. He checks on Chloe before making sure the door is locked and everything is good before heading to bed. He sighs as he nudges the bedroom door halfway closed, crawling in bed beside you and curling his arms around his pillow. "God today has been long."
"At least you're done now," you squirm beneath the sheets, finding that it's a little warmer tonight and you don't really want them. "We can rest, and do it all over again tomorrow."
"Oh, don't remind me. Chloe wouldn't settle down today in the studio, she like to drove me crazy. I don't know what her problem is today."
"She's a kid, and she thinks that she'll be replaced. Just give her some time," you say, your eyes adjusting to the darkness. You lay on your side, gazing at him in the darkness, seeing he has his face pushed down into the pillowcase. You reach forward to squeeze his shoulder, seeing him slowly move to look at you. "She has too much to think about. Why don't we do something fun tomorrow? I can take off early, we can take her mini-golfing or something, let her not think about it."
"Really?" Ricky's surprised.
"Yeah. I mean, I'm terrible at golf, so maybe a movie? Just something that would keep her occupied." You say, figuring it would be fun for Chloe to spend some quality time with her dad. "You have court Friday anyway, so when Chloe gets out of school tomorrow we'll have a day with her. Or you can, if you think it would be better if it's just the two of you."
"No, we can all go," Ricky likes the idea. "Chloe would ask constantly why you weren't there if you didn't come. I'll treat you girls to a night out."
"I can ---."
"If I don't pay, it'll look weird, we're married, remember?" Ricky says, the wedding ring heavy on his finger. It's black with silver designs, and he finds he twists and plays with it constantly. It doesn't feel as weird to wear anymore, and he's not uncomfortable, thinking everyone is staring at it and knows what a sham his marriage is. "You and Chloe can wear matching outfits and everything."
You snort. "I don't think I could pull off those little dresses she wears all the time, I wouldn't be as cute."
"I dunno, you have great legs, you can wear whatever you want." Ricky yawns, unaware of how bright your cheeks suddenly are.
Does he think your legs are great?
"Are you worried about Friday?" you ask after a moment, knowing you've been thinking about it. Friday is the big day, the entire reason you got married. You're anxious about it really, worried that it still won't go in Ricky's favor --- courts never seem to favor the father in these situations.
"Yeah. What if they still don't let me get her more often?"
"Then you keep working for it. Just show it's something you really want," you absently brush your fingers through his thick hair, tucking it behind his ear. "They'll see you're serious about it and not just doing it to be an ass."
"This is the second time I've tried for it, they should know I am." he mumbles, his eyes closing as you caress your fingers through his hair. It feels nice, it's soothing. "I'm not sure if Claire is going to be so adamant against it this time or not."
"How old was Chloe then?"
"Around three."
"Probably not so much, she's not a little baby anymore. She has her own mind about her."
That she does. "Attitude, too."
"She's just worried, don't hold it against her. I'm sure tomorrow will be better."
"Mmm." Ricky hopes so, she wore him out. He doesn't like getting onto her constantly, and finally he had to grab her arm and pull her to the side, tell her if she doesn't settle down he was going to send her to you and make her work on cars.
She didn't like that idea, and definitely calmed down, if not sulked a little.
Chris thought it was hilarious, said that you were going to make Chloe into the next little mechanic and she could take over the shop from you. Ricky doesn't care if Chloe does learn to work on cars, but she's definitely a little young for it just yet, especially since she hasn't been raised around them. He worries about her even just darting through the garage.
Maybe tomorrow will be better, like you said.
"Are you sure this carnival is a good idea?" Ricky mumbles uneasily, Chloe's hand held tightly in his as you all three stand at the ticket booth. He doesn't like such a large crowd, what if he can't see his daughter at all times? What if someone nabs her? Some of these rides look sketchy, what if they break?
"It'll be fun, it's alright," you reply, seeing how excited his daughter is. "You can't keep her in a bubble all the time, plus I've always gone to the carnival, it's fun. Cotton candy, the lights, kissing boys behind the tents and sneaking away from parents." You tease, seeing the uncomfortable look on Ricky's face.
He gives a pained sigh, urging her to stand between the two of you as he goes to pay for the overpriced tickets. Chloe shifts her weight excitedly, barely holding onto your hand as she looks around at all the sights. Everything smells like popcorn and cakes, and she likes the way people are dressing in all the bright colors and tutus!
"I want a tutu like that," she says, looking at all the sparkles. "Daddy, can I have a tutu?"
"Maybe later," he slips a red bracelet around her wrist. "Let's go explore. Do you want popcorn or anything?"
"Yes, please! It smells good!" Chloe says excitedly, loosely holding onto you. You tighten your grip on her as you follow Ricky under the large arch decorated with balloons and onto the fairground.
It looks like any other fair, games set up all around that you can win prizes of stuffed animals, a dunktank, the staff dressed up in all sorts of outfits or walking on stilts. Chloe's eyes are huge as she looks around, taking in all the sights from the bright colors to the food vendors. Her fingers keeping flexing in yours, and honestly you're a little nervous you'll lose your grip on her.
You understand why people want to constantly carry their toddlers.
"A photo booth!" Chloe tugs forcefully on your hand, making you veer to your right instead of towards the vendor offering popcorn for a dollar at his little stand, wearing a red and striped hat and matching shirt. Ricky hastily follows the two of you, seeing as his daughter is suddenly intent on having her photo taken in one of those random photo booths with the curtain. "Let's get our pictures taken!"
"Ah --- what about the popcorn?" You don't want your photo taken! You're dressed nicely enough, but just normal, not picture-worthy. You're not wearing the right makeup, plus the booth looks really small, so maybe Ricky and Chloe should just get some cute ones together and leave you out of it. When you make the suggestion, Chloe looks completely against it, arguing that you need a photo of all of you instead.
You give Ricky an apologetic look as you slip into the small booth, barely enough room for you and him to both sit. He has no choice but to slip his arm around your shoulder as he draws the curtain, Chloe sitting on your laps in the middle, impatiently waiting for you to slip your quarters into the machine so you can get started.
You haven't been in one of these cheap booths in years, the black curtain a little ratty, the seat hard and uncomfortable, especially since you're squished together. You glance at the dim screen as Chloe goes through picking a design for the frame of the strip, and you realize you may have put too many quarters in with how many photos you're getting.
"Our first family photo," Ricky says after a moment, giving your shoulders a light squeeze as you roll your eyes. only to cringe as there's a flash to let you know that's probably the first picture captured. Great, your first photo together and you're rolling your eyes at your husband, you suppose it's really showing how your marriage is going.
"Smile!" Chloe says with a huff when it starts counting down on the screen again, which you hadn't noticed before. You want to squirm, your leg is falling asleep, the booth is just too small! You're not too fond of enclosed spaces, but, well, you force a smile anyway, leaning into Ricky.
Okay, that turned out cute.
"How many photos are there?" Ricky grumbles after the fourth one and yet the booth keeps going, shifting uncomfortably. His fingers absently draw circles along your arm, and you shift a little at his warm touch.
"You get two strips for as many quarters as I put in," you reply sheepishly, giving him an apologetic shrug. "Let's make faces, we have enough good ones."
You and Chloe make faces, while Ricky purses his lips and doesn't look impressed. You pinch him lightly, and he sends you a look before he makes a face like what you want. It'll be cute, everyone is supposed to have funny pictures together! You grin as you look at him, pleased.
Chloe giggles as it shows a preview of the photo, liking all of your expressions. You turn to look at Ricky, amused; you had no idea his tongue was so long, or that he could nearly touch his nose with it while his eyes crossed, impressive.
He quirks a black brow at you, and you smile at him, just... looking at him for a moment. You have to admit he's cute, with his black hair framing his face and his pale skin. His beanie is drawn down a little low, but you like it on him, he always looks good.
You're kind of glad you married him, honestly. He sets a high standard for anyone else you're ever with. He's actually thoughtful, he makes you breakfast if he gets up before you, which is every time Chloe is over since she's an early riser. You two have sort of got a system down with living in the apartment, it seems normal and natural now. It's like having a roommate who just sometimes has to sleep in the same bed as you.
Sometimes, though, it would be nice to have more than a roommate. The thought has crossed your mind several times, but you're not sure if it's really something you want to go for. Plus, what if you make a move and he turns you down? You're really good friends, and have only kissed because you have to under the circumstances. What if he's not into you? What if you embarrass yourself instead, you'll never live it down!
You're not even sure why you want to complicate the situation like that, you know it's going to be over eventually. There's no point in becoming fuck buddies when inevitably your marriage will end, and what if you get even more attached? You're sort of getting used to being part of a trio, Chloe has become a constant in your life and you're going to miss her when she's not around --- with the court date being tomorrow where Ricky starts the process for full custody, you're not sure what's going to happen.
It's not going to be something that's just immediate, you're sure it's going to take some time as they have to go through processes; you're not up to date on how it works, but it's not... well, you kind of like how everything is going right now.
Except maybe you'd like to add a little more to it?
You do it on impulse, leaning forward to kiss him, you're not even sure why you do since you know it's a bad idea. Your wedding crosses your mind, how he kissed you that day, like he really meant it. You don't think anyone has ever kissed you so passionately before, as corny as that sounds.
Ricky is surprised, you can tell it by how he goes still, but then he's kissing you back, his soft lips melding against yours. You can feel your heartbeat escalate at the gentle way he responds to you, and it's such a simple kiss, not demanding, not leading to anything else --- just... good. You sort of melt, holding your breath and finding you're enjoying this much more than you expected.
"Ew! Enough moushy-moush!" Chloe gasps indignantly, curling her nose in disgust when she glances behind her, the pictures finally complete and no longer holding her attention. "Don't be gross!"
Ricky chuckles against your lips, reluctantly leaning away to look down at his daughter. His lips are tingling from yours, and he knows his cheeks are hot, especially with where his thoughts were going. He didn't expect you to kiss him, there wasn't a reason too, unless you were just doing it for the photos? He doesn't think you've kissed since your wedding, and that suddenly seems like it was years ago.
"Sorry. Still want that popcorn?"
"After we look at photos!" Chloe slips out of his lap, throwing the curtain open and grabbing the two strips out of the dispenser on the booth. You and Ricky crawl out of the small space, and you stretch your arms above your head with a yawn; working all day wore you out, even though you did take off early.
You watch as Chloe grabs the photos, peering down at them with a pleased face. You look over her shoulder, biting your lip at the stupid faces you're both making in them, and then the one where Ricky finally did too. Yep, totally caught you rolling your eyes at him, and --- oh. It caught you kissing.
"You're adorable," Ricky says, lifting one strip of photos up, the first round you took. He likes them, you actually look like a little family together like that. He has maybe a few photos where it's him and Claire with their daughter, but that was in the beginning.
"Can we get popcorn now?" Chloe is looking at the vendor like it wasn't her idea to sidetrack first. "Daddy?"
"Yeah, go ahead," Ricky nods as he tugs his wallet from his back pocket and hands her a dollar. His eyes stay riveted on her as she darts the few feet away to the man giving out popcorn, and you slip your arm through his, following her. It seems like such a natural thing to do, to curl your arm through his or hold his hand, your wedding ring sparkling in the lights around you; you figure it's just because it's still new to you even wearing it, and so pretty and sparkly and he really did a good job picking it.
Chloe turns happily with her bag of popcorn, offering the two of you some before taking handfuls and trying to eat much more than she can at once. You chuckle as you watch her, Ricky keeping up with her easily, not letting her get too far away from him or making her hold his hand in the most crowded areas.
"I wanna get my face painted!" she gasps as she sees the table set up, a few artists painting on kids faces with brushes. Your eyes flick across them, seeing their tattooed arms and piercings, their faces all painted Day of the Dead style. Chloe heads straight for the woman in the sparkly tutu she saw earlier, and Ricky actually sighs as he follows her.
"Oh, cheer up, now we can eat her popcorn," you say as she carelessly gives it to you, looking excited as she stands in line. You noticed one of the guys dressed as a skeleton keeps glancing up, his eyes focusing on Ricky before he returns to the task of his painting. "I think you've been spotted, Mr. Horror."
Ricky's eyes flick to the skeleton guy before away, pretending he doesn't notice. He gets it sometimes, being in a rather popular metal band, people staring at him like they know him from somewhere or outright recognizing him. He usually tries to ignore it unless they approach him, and tonight he really just wants to enjoy his time with you and Chloe.
"Hey, kiddo, what kind of picture do you want?" the lady asks as Chloe sits down on the stool in front of her, eyeballing all the different designs she can choose. Ricky reluctantly puts two dollars in the jar with the price, wondering if he's going to have enough cash before the night is over. He figured Chloe would go more for the rides and the games than this stuff.
"This one," Chloe points at the black and white butterfly design, and you raise a brow, surprised she didn't go for the sparkly purple one, you would have... but you also like glitter.
"Alright," the artist dips her brush in the paint, brushing blonde hairs out of her black painted eyes as she starts drawing on the little girls face slowly. Her hair is in pig tails, and you have to commend their attention to details with their outfits, you're surprised the kids aren't afraid of them.
You lean into Ricky, his arm slipping around your shoulder as you wait on Chloe. Your eyes trail around you, washing over the crowd and the staff, all the excited children running around. You can hear the music from the rides and the games, and you purse your lips, seeing the game with the darts and the balloons.
You used to be really good at that one, you wonder if you can win Chloe a prize... or just embarrass yourself.
You cross your arms, watching as the butterfly starts forming, the long wings turning out around her eyes. It's really pretty, especially when the lady draws the silver bits out, really giving it some depth.
"Hey, uh, excuse me."
Ricky glances over, his blue eyes flicking to the skeleton who'd been eyeballing him earlier stepping up. He's about Ricky's height, dressed in full costume with black and white face paint, a brush still held in his paint-stained fingers.
"Sorry to bother you when you're with your family, but I'm a big fan of your music," the skeleton says, sounding nervous and managing to look sheepish beneath his makeup. "You guys are badass. Could I get a selfie with you?"
You're trying so hard not to smile but oh my gosh. Ricky is having a famous moment, he can't say no. You'll even take the photo, this is great. You find it funny no one really cares about signatures anymore, photos do make it more clear you met someone.
"Uh," Ricky shifts slightly, but you squeeze his hand where it dangles off your shoulder before stepping away.
"I can take the picture," you offer, the skeleton perking up. Ricky sends you a look, but you ignore him as you take the guys phone, Chloe still preoccupied with her face painting to care about anything else. You take a few steps back, the skeleton beaming where he stands beside his favorite guitarist as you take their photo. "There ya go."
"Great thanks!"
"No problem," Ricky says, shrugging his shoulders. You like that he's a little embarrassed, but shouldn't he be used to it by now? You're sure depending on where they go, they have to get recognized a lot. "Glad you like our music."
"Daddy, Mommy, look!" Chloe suddenly demands, and you both look at her, seeing a pretty black and silver butterfly design around her eyes. "What do you think?"
"It looks pretty," you reply, giving her a strained smile; oh shit, did she mean to say mommy? She's never called you that before, and oh god if Claire ever heard that she would absolutely die. There would be another world war, she would crucify you, you can only imagine how many voodoo dolls with your likeness would pop up. You're definitely not ready to be called mommy. Did Ricky hear her?
"Very nice," Ricky agrees, returning his attention to the skeleton, shaking his hand for a moment before the man returns to painting faces. You give the lady a smile who painted Chloe's as you help her off the stool, her hand clamping in yours happily as she admires the design in the dinky mirror sitting on the table.
"Why don't we play some games, hmm? Or get on some rides?" Ricky suggests as he returns to his family, Chloe's hand finding his so that she holds onto both of you as you start walking. "There's some teacups over there I think."
They don't spin fast, right? He doesn't want her getting sick, not when she's just really starting to feel better. His eyes flick to you, but you're not really saying anything, still holding onto the half-full bag of popcorn.
"Okay!" Chloe excitedly starts forward, dragging both of you along with her. Ricky isn't sure who's going to be exhausted by the time the night is over, him or Chloe. He's hoping running around and doing everything will make her sleep good tonight, considering he has court tomorrow and then her mom is picking her up from school.
He just wants everything to go well, he wants to be able to do more with her, watch her grow up. It's not so much to ask! He kind of likes doing stuff like this, little family things he can't do with her mother. He would be miserable if she was there, constantly bitching about something, they would end up fighting it and ruin the moment for Chloe.
Some people just aren't meant to be together.
"She's completely wore out," Ricky yawns as he closes the bedroom door behind him, seeing you're on the sofa in your pajamas already, flipping through the photos you took on your phone earlier in the night. "I couldn't get her to wash that butterfly off her face so it's going to be a mess in the morning."
"I'm sure it'll be alright," you reply, glancing up at him. You move your legs so he can sit down beside you, propping his feet up on the coffee table. "I got some cute photos of her on the spinning teacups, you two looked adorable."
"I could barely fit in it."
"That's the best part," you chuckle, shifting so that he can look through the pictures with you. You have a ton of Chloe just... well, being Chloe and doing stuff, playing games, having fun on rides, carrying around the stuffed dinosaur you won her at the balloon game; you were extremely proud of yourself, you've never been so pleased to give someone your prize before. Chloe absolutely loved it, and Ricky even looked impressed.
"Look at her eating popcorn," you chuckle, Ricky leaning against your shoulder to look. "She had it everywhere in the car."
"She doesn't mind if its stale or not." Ricky smiles, seeing her asleep in her carseat, head tilted to the side. "She could barely stay awake after the first hour or so, I had to carry her to the car and then she asked where we were going next."
"As long as she had fun, that's what matters." You say, trying to stifle your own yawn. "I thought she'd like it."
"She had a blast." Ricky glances at you. He wants to ask about the kiss from earlier, find out what that was about. Was it just for aesthetic purposes, do you want him to post the photos? That's what people typically do, right? Post them everywhere to show how cute their family is. "Did you... enjoy yourself?"
"It was fun. I can't believe I did so good at that balloon game, I haven't done that in years." You say, pleased. "I used to be great at it when I was a teenager."
"When you snuck off from your parents and kissed boys?"
Your cheeks heat, and you send him a look. "I was joking. I was too awkward of a teenager, I didn't really go on dates."
"I didn't either." Ricky doesn't have a lot of fond memories of his youth, he was awkward and uncomfortable in his own skin back then. He's dreading when Chloe becomes a teenager and he has to figure that out.
"So we were both losers," you say wryly, earning a roll of his eyes. "No wonder we match up so well."
"I like to think we're just that good of friends."
"Maybe." Friends, right, yeah that.
You finish going through your photos, sending him all the really good ones before tossing your phone down and stretching. "I'm exhausted, I'm probably going to bed too. You coming?"
"Later, I have to get my stuff together for court tomorrow." Ricky grimaces. "I have to make sure everything is good to go."
"Just don't stay up too late," you say, thoughtlessly patting his thigh before getting to your feet. "Being tired won't do you any favors."
"I know. Night."
Ricky watches you walk away, sinking down lower on the sofa.
You haven't said anything about the kiss, so..?
So why did you do it? It was such a good kiss, just simple, not leading to anything. No one could see you, so you didn't have to do it. He was surprised, he didn't expect it, and maybe he shouldn't have kissed you back like that, but he couldn't help himself.
There's just something about you.
Then there's also the issue of Chloe calling you mommy. He heard, he just ignored it, not sure what he was supposed to do. The look on your face told him you didn't miss it either, but he's unsure of how you feel about it.
If Claire ever hears her daughter call you mommy, she would destroy half the planet in rage. She couldn't ban you from seeing Chloe, but she would definitely make his life hell. He doesn't want her to think you're trying to replace her or take her daughter away, that's not either of your intentions.
Should he talk to Chloe about it? She might have just slipped up, caught up in the moment. She's only six, it has to be confusing for her, seeing the two of you together. Does she want to have parental figures like that? Is she too young to even care?
He runs his fingers down his face with a soft groan, starting to give himself a headache. He'll talk to you about it tomorrow, see if it bothered you or if you want him to talk to Chloe about it. He thinks it was just a slip up, she was just caught up in the moment, she's just a kid.
He doesn't want to berate her or anything about it, she wouldn't understand.
Man, parenting is complicated.
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sassyduckqueen · 5 years
30 Days of Lukanette- Faded Ink
Damn this was fun to write. Anyway, that's my version of Time Tagger. Hope you like it :D Oh also as a head cannon, I decided Bunnyx has tattoos
Viperion hummed to himself as he played his lyre. He was sat on the rooftops of Paris, playing the soft music because he was unable to sleep again. The nightmare he had about Cat Noir and his team had turned into a reoccurring one. Every sleeping moment, his mind was plagued with Ladybug's dead expression and those steel blue eyes. He knew she was out on patrol tonight so he had sent her a message, saying they needed to talk and then settled himself here, playing his lyre to help calm himself down. He didn't understand the nightmare. He knew dreams are the mind's way of processing things but other then the slight Lila incident, things had been good. He had gone to the Halloween Party with Marinette. He had dressed as a vampire and she had dressed a witch. Adrien and Kagami were there and had happily greeted them, even commenting how cute they looked together. Alya had gone as a sly fox, which had made him laugh and Nino had dressed up as Viperion. It was a cheap outfit from a halloween store but Luka felt honored. Not that he told Nino that. Rose had dressed up as a bee and had convinced Juleka to dress up as a dark rose. The two of them stuck together for the whole night. Viperion felt a smile come onto his lips as he remembered slow dancing with Marinette but a flash of light and the corpse of Ladybug scrolled across his memory, forcing him to close his eyes and shake his head. The sound of someone landing on the roof caught his attention and he opened his eyes, seeing Ladybug standing there, alive and well. He got up and hugged her, causing her to hug back.
 "Viper, what's wrong? You're shaking like a leaf," She gasped, cupping his face. She frowned as she had never seen him look so bad before. He looked drained, tired and pale. She gently pushed his hair from his eyes. "Have you had a relapse?"
 "N-no..." He muttered before sitting down. She sat next to him but he remained quiet.
 "Then what is it? Your message seemed very urgent," She mumbled, placing her hand on his back. He looked at her and suddenly felt silly. Like he was making a big deal of nothing. "Viper, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
 He nodded and moved so he could link hands with her.
 "I've been having trouble sleeping recently," He muttered, making her frown. He looked down as he played with her hand. "To be exact, I have been waking up every night in a cold sweat and that's on a good night. On the bad nights, I literally wake up screaming or crying,"
 "You've been having night terrors?" She asked, confused. "Why didn't you tell me before?"
 "I didn't want to worry you and it's only started in the last week," He replied. "I thought it would go away but it's getting more and more. I close my eyes and I see..."
 "See what?" She asked.
 "It's the same dream, Bug," He muttered, making her frown. "It always starts the same. I'm holding you and sobbing because... because you're dead, bug... you're dead in my arms and I failed to save you,"
 "But you're not the only one. Ryuko and Bunnyx are dead as well and I'm the only one who's alive at that moment then I transform back and he comes over. God, his eyes terrify me. He's so much colder then the ice that surrounds us...."
 "Who is?" She asked as tears slid down his face. "Viper, who is it?"
 "I-It's C-Cat but he looks w-wrong..." He muttered, tears rolling down his cheeks. "H-he isn't himself. His eyes aren't green and his outfit isn't black. He's not our black cat anymore. He's a cursed white cat. His eyes are blue and colder then ice... and he killed everyone.... I think he kills me at the end because he points at me and there's this bright white light then I wake up..."
 He was curled up on himself as he cried. Ladybug wrapped her arms around him and stroked his hair.
 "Sshh, it's ok. It's just a bad dream...." She whispered, hugging him. He gently pulled away.
 "I'm n-not sure it is," He muttered. "For one, there was a hero there, whom I've never met but I knew her name. I knew her and I told Sass about it when it first occurred. He told me that on rare occasions, the holders of the snake miraculous could develop a second power that's a sort of side effect to the Second Chance power and that is actually happened once before. He said it was centuries ago but one of his holders developed Premonitions. He could see a rough outline of what was going to happen before it happened..."
 She frowned softly as she looked at him. 
 "It felt so real, Bug and it terrifies me to think... dream or not... that you-"
 "Ssh, I'm not going to die," She smiled softly, cupping his face. "If it is real, we will find a way to save Cat,"
 He didn't say anything, just moved so he was resting his head against her collarbone. She linked her fingers with his as they just sat there, enjoying the moment. 
 "I hope it's just a bad dream," He whispered.
 "Me too,"
 "The name's Marinette... I bake Shucets... um... I love drawing and sewing blankets?" Marinette asked as she attempted to rap. Luka smiled at her encouragingly.
 "Come on, come on," Alya grinned as the game ended, making them all laugh. 
 "I'm so bad at this game," She laughed. "You want a go, Luka?"
 "Nah, I'm good," He smiled as Chris, Nino's little brother, walked over and sat down, looking sad. "You ok?"
 "What's up? You don't want to play with my sisters anymore?" Alya asked, as Luka poked Marinette softly in the cheek, causing her to swat his hand away as he grinned cheekily.
 "I'm not a baby anymore," Chris whined before looking at the three of them. "Can I play freestyle crash 2 with you?"
 "Come on, Chris. It's a game for big kids. You know that," Marinette replied, making Chris frown and fold his arms in annoyance. 
 "That's what you always say," He huffed but before Marinette could reply, both her and Luka noticed a plane shaped flock of pigeons flying towards the musem.
 "Great," Luka muttered.
 "Ur... again!" She gasped as they both got up. "Alya, can you handle these three on your own? I just remembered I promised my dad I'd try out his new Macron reciept!"
 "Sorry, I have to go too," Luka gasped. "I said I'd help Rose with a new song and I have a shift later on that I need to get ready for,"
 "Hmm sounds yummy. Maybe we could all come over with you and try it out if that's ok?" Alya suggested. 
 "Um my dad gets all weird and shy and-" She gasped but Alya looked from Luka to Marinette and grinned. 
 "Sure," She grinned. "Have fun, you two and don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
 "Alya!" Marinette gasped before they both speed walked out of the park and hid behind a pillar before looking at Luka. "Maybe it would be easier just to tell her?"
 "Well, she said she didn't want to know," He replied as Sass and Tikki flew up.
 "That reciept excuse wasn't your best one yet,"
 "A song and a shift really?"
 "Hey, we're both running out of excuses," Luka pointed out. "Sass, scales slither!"
 "We've needed so many this week," Marinette sighed as he transformed. "Tikki, Spots on!"
 As soon as she transformed, the two heroes made their way across the rooftops. They landed in front of the musem where Cat Noir and Ryuko already were, looking serious unamused as Mr Pigeon made a threat, demanding Ladybug and Cat Noir hand over their miraculouses. 
 "No need to brief you two on this one, right?" Cat sighed. 
 "How much times has he been akumatized this week?" Viperion asked.
 "23," Ryuko sighed. "Shall we get this over and done with?"
 "Yep. Lucky charm," Ladybug replied, summoning her charm. "Think we'll need second chance?"
 "Unlikely," Viperion replied.
 "Ok," Cat Noir replied, holding out his hand. "Cataclysm,"
 The four of them ran into battle, easily defeating Mr Pigeon. He tried his best to put up a struggle but in the end, they defeated him. Ladybug caught the akuma and purified it.
 "Bye, bye, Little Butterfly," She muttered, freeing it as Mr Pigeon turned back into Mr Ramier, who looked around confused.
 "Please don't tell me it happened again," He sighed as they helped him up.
 "It's ok, Mr Ramier," Ladybug muttered. "We're always here to bring you back to the good side,"
 "Hmm," He frowned before seeing the ice cream stand. "Can I buy you four ice cream to make up for it?"
 Cat Noir looked at his ring and shrugged.
 "Since we keep getting better at this, we have a few minutes before we transform," He stated.
 "And me and Snake boy haven't used our powers yet," Ryuko pointed out, getting a nod of Viperion.
 "Dragon girl's right,"
 "Hm... why not?" Ladybug smiled. They followed Mr Ramier to the stand.
 "Five ice creams, please," He smiled. Andre picked out perfect favors for all them as Mr Ramier paid before they all sat down and began to eat the ice cream. "I'm really sorry. I just can't help it. Whenever something happens to my beloved pigeons, it breaks my heart and then-"
 "Hawkmoth akumatizes you again,"
 "Yeah, we know,"
 "There must be so way to stop this from happening again," Ladybug sighed as Viperion finished his ice cream. The sound of beeping made both her and Cat frown before the four heroes got up.
 "We need to get going," Cat smiled. 
 "Thanks for the ice cream, Mr Ramier," Ladybug nodded.
 "You're welcome," Mr Ramier smiled as the four heroes walked away. The four of them did their fist bump and went to head off but suddenly a green portal appeared and a young man who resembled a rapper jumped out of it. 
 "Yo! I'm Time Tagger from the future, man. I criss-cross time with a spray paint can," He rapped, moving his hand to his beat. Viperion rose an eyebrow. "Looks like your time's up at last cause I'm send you way back to the past!"
 He pointed his spray paint gun and fired it on the ground, creating a stamp before firing at Mr Ramier, who disappeared into a portal. A few seconds later, a huge statue appeared in the middle of the square. 
 "Viperion," Ladybug stated, causing him to nod as Cat read what the statue said. 
 "Second Chance," He stated as he pushed the head of the snake back. The akumatized rapper began to shoot his time stamp all over the place.
 "Only one minute left," Ladybug stated.
 "No time to lose," Cat agreed, charging at him and slamming his baton towards the villain, only for him to disappear. Viperion frowned to himself.
 "Ladybug and Cat Noir, now you're stuck. If you wanna catch me then ha... good luck," He rapped before shooting at Ryuko, who disappeared. Viperion pushed the head back off the snake, resetting the moment. 
 "Only one minute left," Ladybug stated.
 "No time to lose," Cat agreed, charging at him and slamming his baton towards the villain, only for him to disappear. Viperion frowned to himself.
 "Ladybug and Cat Noir, now you're stuck. If you wanna catch me then ha... good luck," He rapped but before he could shoot at Ryuko, Viperion threw his lyre at him, knocking him back at little. "Not cool, man!"
 He suddenly disappeared and then suddenly, Viperion found himself in a completely different Paris with people staring at him. Judging by the way they were dressed, it was Paris but in the 1800s.
 "Damn it," He replied before pushing the head back.
 "Only one minute left," Ladybug stated.
 "No time to lose," Cat agreed, charging at him and slamming his baton towards the villain, only for him to disappear. Viperion frowned to himself.
 "Ladybug and Cat Noir, now you're stuck. If you wanna catch me then ha... good luck," He rapped but this time, Viperion threw his lyre but as it hit him, he turned to Ryuko.
 "Ryuko! Now!"
 "Lightening dragon!" She shouted, turning into the element as Cat Noir and Ladybug jumped at him. Viperion grabbed his lyre as the boy disappeared before dodge rolling out of the way when he fired at him. The fire hit a woman and send her back in time, changing the billboard next to her.
 "Less then one minute left," Cat gasped as Time Tagger disappeared again.
 "All I have to do is go back in time to escape with a laugh and rapid rhyme," He rapped as he reappeared.
 "He's going back in time," Viperion stated as Ladybug and Cat Noir tried to capture him but fell as he disappeared. He helped her up while Ryuko helped up Cat. "We can't land a hit on him and unlike him, you two are almost out of time,"
 "Then we need to get some back," Ladybug stated, running towards Time Tagger with the others. He disappeared but they kept running and headed into the museum. Ladybug rushed off into the girl's bathroom with Ryuko and Cat headed into the boys' with Viperion. He locked himself in a stall as a green light appeared. 
 "You should recharge Sass too," He stated from the stall.
 "Good thinking," Viperion agreed. "Sass, Scales rest,"
 He caught the little snake and fed him some food.
 "So he's from the future," Luka stated.
 "Seems to be," Adrien replied. "Looks like me and Ladybug are still a team but he didn't mention you,"
 "True but the goal is never about getting mine or Ryuko's miraculous," He replied before looking at Sass. "You ready?"
 "Alright. Sass! Scales Slither!"
 "Plagg! Claws Out!" Cat came out of the stall and the two heroes exited as Ryuko and Ladybug joined them before the four of them ran towards the exit again, only to be knocked down by Alix. Viperion landed on top of Ladybug but held himself up so he wouldn't crush her.
 "You ok?" He asked as they got up before looking at Alex. She looked at them in surprise and glee as Cat dusted himself down.
 "Crazy!" She declared. "So the message was for real,"
 "What message?" Ladybug asked as she pulled out her silver pocket watch and helped it up to the heroes.
 "This watch has been in my family forever and it's never chimed until today!" She gasped, excitedly, holding out the watch. "And there was a message for you, Ladybug!"
 "Huh?" Ladybug gasped as she took the watch and opened it. 
 "Nice work, Mini bug. You're right on time," A voice from the watch said, causing everyone to stare at it. "Now dig as deep as you can into the past and you will find the rabbit burrow,"
 "Dig deep into the past?" Ladybug questioned, thinking. "Any ideas?"
 "Not right now," Viperion admitted.
 "Did you also inherit a shovel to go with your watch by any chance?" Cat joked but everyone just glared at him, especially Alix. "Um... shovel... you know for all that deep digging,"
 "Of course!" Ladybug gasped. "What's the oldest exhibit in the museum?"
 "The Egyptian Collection," Alix replied, proudly. "My old man says some of it dates back more then 5000 years,"
 "Then that's where we need to go!" Ladybug declared. "Alix, lead the way,"
 "Alright!" She grinned, skating off. The heroes followed her and came to the collection. Ladybug started to knock around the stuff before she found an obelisk that sounded hallowed. Cat Noir rushed over and used his power, destroying it and revealing a woman dressed in a bunny themed outfit. Viperion stumbled back in fear and shock, knocking into a vase and causing it to break, making Ladybug to look over at him as the bunny girl yawned.
 "Mini bug! Kitty! Dragon girl! Mini snake! I knew you'd solve my riddle!" She gasped, jumping down. "A basic security measure in case the watch got stolen. Oh, mini snake, you look pale. The dreams have started, haven't they?"
 "Dreams?" Cat asked, looking at him as she studied at him. 
 "Hmm... you've only been having them for a week," She muttered.
 "I... yes..." He frowned, causing the others to frown. "I've been having night terrors-"
 "They're not night terrors. They're premonitions of something that's going to happen and I'm sorry, mini snake but you'll have to live through it to solve it," She frowned, patting his back.
 "Can you not help us?"
 "I can't. I'm sorry but my time line is a bit messed up. I'm from the future you see. I've already lived through that event and I know how it goes down but if I help you here and now with it, then that timeline won't happen," She explained, placing her hand on his shoulder. "So let's focus on this mission. I need to do something very important!"
 With that, she rushed off and they followed her before coming to the bathroom.
 "Excuse me," She disappeared inside as Viperion leaned against the wall. Ryuko leaned next to him as Cat Noir frowned and Ladybug paced.
 "So nightmares hm?" She asked.
 "I don't want to talk about it, Drake," He muttered, making her frown as Alix comes over.
 "Sometimes I get nightmares and so I talk to my dad about them. He thinks I'm nuts but the point is it helps to talk about them," She smiled, making him smile a little. "So what are they about?"
 "Everyone dying," He sighed, making them both frown. "I see Cat but he isn't himself-"
 "Is... Is he white with blue eyes?" Alix asked suddenly, causing him and Cat to frown.
 "Yeah. How did you know that?"
 "And everyone is dead and it's Paris but it's all cold and icy," She continues, making him frown. "I've had that dream every night for about a week. In the dream, I see her,"
 She points to the toilet, causing Ladybug to stop pacing and listen.
 "And you guys are fighting Cat Noir but he's not the Cat everyone know and then Ladybug gets hit and you're holding her, sobbing then Bunnyx gets hit by this bright light and I wake up, screaming in bed... I just thought they were dreams but-"
 "They're not," He replied, frowning. "But why are you getting them too?"
 "Well, rest assured guys," Cat grinned. "I'm not gonna go evil,"
 "That will because of me and Cat, you won't be able to help it," Bunnyx replied, coming out of the bathroom. "Allow me to explain how I got in that obelisk. This will also help you understand why you're getting those dreams. My name is Bunnyx. In the future, I'm a member of Ladybug and Cat Noir's team of superheroes. Well, the Ladybug and Cat Noir that you're gonna become cause you're more like mini bug and kitty noir right now.  Don't worry, mini snake and dragon girl. You're still a major part of the team. Anyway, within the team, I am the hero of the last chance, not to be confused with mini snake's power of second chance. I'm called upon when everyone else has failed, that includes you four,"
 "Hey, we just got you out of the stone, didn't we?" Cat pointed out. "Which means you must of failed too,"
 "Yes... well, no... it was actually your fault or more precisely, it will be," She replied, causing Cat to shrug. "In the future, one of your cataclysms will accidentally damage my miraculous. That's how Time Tagger will send me to ancient Egypt and get me stuck in stone,"
 She handed her broken miraculous to Ladybug, who frowned. 
 "Wait... then how are we gonna do that without the rabbit miraculous?" Ladybug asked, looking up at Bunnyx. She turned to Alix.
 "Do you have the watch?" She asked.
 "My watch?"
 "Yes. My watch, our watch," Bunnyx replied, causing Alix to take it out. She looked at it before slowly giving to Bunnyx. She hestiated, looking at her before getting a nod off the superhero. She placed it in her hand and instantly the watch transformed into the rabbit miraculous.
 "So this was a miraculous?" 
 "In camouflage mode," Ladybug gasped.
 "Fluff, counter clockwise," Bunnyx declared, turning into an adult version of Alix as everyone looked on in shock. 
 "But you are-" Alix gasped as the rabbit kwami bounced around them.
 "So mini me. You get it now," She grinned. "You're me and I'm you. Well, more precisely, I'm you when you grow up but that's why you've been getting those dreams. They're premonitions of an event that's to come and a side effect from miraculous that deal with time. That's why you've been getting them too, Mini snake. Of course, yours are lot stronger then ours. Our power is only to create portals through time. Yours is resetting time and as you know, you're the only person who remembers what happened. That's why mini me dreams that vision as if she is watching the event where as your dreams... I would guess they're in first person,"
 "Wow! I can't believe how cool I'm gonna be when I'm older!" Alix grinned, clearly excited. Ladybug frowned as she tried to wrap her head around this.
 "But wait... none of this makes sense... I never gave you... I mean her... I mean I never gave either of you the miraculous,"
 "You haven't given it to us yet, mini bug cause you haven't yet realized how awesome I really am," She grinned as Fluff appeared on her shoulder. "But don't worry. You will one day,"
 "I'm gonna get a miraculous! So cool!" Alix declared, making Ladybug smile as Bunnyx looked over at Fluff.
 "Fluff, snack time," She smiled, holding out a carrot. "You have to recharge your batteries,"
 The little rabbit ate it in a second.
 "Was that breakfast or dinner? What time will it be yesterday?" She asked, spinning upside down. "Is it tomorrow already? When it'll be the day after tomorrow, it will be yesterday again,"
 "That miraculous seems so powerful," Cat pointed out. "How comes we don't use it more often?"
 "Because travelling through time is very dangerous," She replied. "Interfering with events can have serious consequences,"
 A small beeping noise got Cat's attention.
 "Oops. Time for me to feed my kwami too," He grinned, rushing off.
 "I don't understand," Ladybug pointed out. "If you're from the future then you've gotta know how this all ends. You're younger self has seen it with her own eyes, which means you obviously know how to defeat Time Tagger,"
 "Actually, I've been in stone for so long I barely remember but I think the logical thing to do would be to take Time Tagger back to the future where he can be defeated by heroes his own size. I'll take care of this!"
 "One thing I remember for sure is," She muttered, pulling a thinking face. "Mini me has to be there when I defeat time tagger. If she's still in my memory then she must play an vital role,"
 "Good, I wasn't planning on sitting on the bench this time!" Alix declared as future Alix took held out the watch.
 "Fluff! Clockwise!" She shouted out, causing Fluff to get sucked into the miraculous. She swiped her hand over her eyes, creating her mask then spun round and held her left hand. A blue glow slid across it, revealing her costume. She span round, creating the costume as she did. She put the watch in a pocket then pulled ears from her hair before holding out her left hand. A spinning ray of blue light appeared and transformed into the umbrella before she grabbed it and swiped it around. She opened it and striked a pose, finishing the transformation as Cat returned. The six of them ran as fast as they could towards the exit but not before Cat Noir stopped.
 "Ur guys you should take a look at this now!" He gasped, pointing to the artifacts. They all ran over and gasped.
 "Jagged?!" Viperion gasped as he saw him on a banner.
 "Time Tagger must have sent him back in time,"
 "Not just him. That's Nadja Chamack! Andre Glacier! Mayor Bourgeois!" Alix gasped as artifacts around them changed. Ladybug frowned deeply.
 "He's destroying our present by rewriting the past," Viperion stated.
 "Bunnyx, since the future me hasn't been able to stop Time Tagger coming here, I must not be that powerful," Ladybug frowned, causing Bunnyx to gasp in shock.
 "Are you kidding? You're... I mean you will be an awesome team leader, the great superhero ever!" She gasped, holding onto her shoulders. 
 "Then how do you explain Time Tagger?" Ladybug frowned.
 "I told you earlier. If Cat Noir hadn't cataclysm-ed my miraculous, Time Tagger wouldn't be here," She explained, looking at her. "In the future, you've defeated Doctor Sadness, the Ecliptic invaders, Pain and Tears the Twin Queens of the Inter-dimension and Nobestia, the evil sister of Megestia so believe me, you're not gonna be intidated by time tagger," She grinned. "Oh and I even forgot Monsieur Rat,"
 "Monsieur Rat?" Ladybug questioned.
 "You can always count on Ladybug!" Bunnyx grinned. "With her around, there's always a solution,"
 "How will I ever get to be like that?" She mumbled, looking down.
 "By growing up, Mini Bug," Bunnyx reassured as Cat Noir walked over.
 "Tell me, Bunnyx... are me and Ruyko still romantically attatched?" He asked, grinning.
 "Cat!" Ladybug scorned as Viperion shook his head and Ruyko shook her head. Bunnyx laughed.
 "Spoilers but I can tell you that you're both happy with your choices," She winked. "Let's get going!"
 The heroes all headed out and came to a stop, as Bunnyx frowned.
 "Looks like Time Tagger's been busy," Ryuko pointed out.
 "He's had enough time to spin a giant time web around us," Bunnyx frowned.
 "Meaning he can attack us from anywhere?" Cat asked.
 "More like from any time," Bunnyx replied as Time Tagger appeared.
 "Give me your miraclous, don't make me ask. It's pretty clear you're not up to the task," He rapped, causing them to roll their eyes. "When I bring them to Hawkmoth's door, Ladybug and Cat girl will be no more,"
 Cat took out his baton and spun it as Viperion went to push the head of the snake but Bunnyx stopped both of them.
 "Stay where you are. I'll deal with him and take him back to the future you," She stated. "It means nothing must happen to you in the mean time,"
 "Don't you want a reset?" Viperion asked but she shook her head.
 "I can return back from any point in time," She grinned before grabbing her younger self. "But first,"
 She jumped over to the ice cream stand and placed Alix down there before summoning her power. She jumped through a white orb and came on of another before she and Time Tagger continuously fought as the heroes watched on.
 "She doesn't need to transform back before she uses her power again," Cat gasped in shock.
 "No, because she's an adult," Ladybug confirmed.
 "I can't wait to grow up!" Cat declared as she whacked Time Tagger good. Viperion could see Cat Noir getting impatient and gave him a warning look as the two of them battled it out. She got some in but so did he. She almost threw him into a burrow but he disappeared and teased her with a rhythm before kicking her hard. She dived back into a burrow and landed a kick to his head. He bounced back and disappeared before tripping her up. He teased her again, calling her fluffy tail as they teleported across the web.
 "I can't stand watching them play Cat and Mouse like this," Cat sighed. "Cataclysm!"
 "Cat! Wait!" Viperion gasped.
 "Cat Noir! No!" Ladybug gasped as he ran at Time Tagger, who disappeared. Cat lost his foot and almost touched Bunnyx's umbrella but she moved out the way and he fell, keeping his hand away from anything before he got up.
 "See?! In the future, that's exactly how you damage my miraculous," She gasped before hitting Time Tagger through a burrow as he appeared out of no where. "I knew it! I knew you were going to do that! Who's the best now huh?"
 She grinned before turning to Cat Noir and the others.
 "Thanks for your involuntary help, my young friends!" She bowed before straightening up. "Now Bunnyx is going home!"
 A burrow appeared but she suddenly stopped and frowned as she looked around. 
 "Wait! This isn't the exact right moment," She muttered as the burrow disappeared. Time Tagger suddenly appeared and shot at her, causing her to disappear. 
 "Enjoy your trip to the ice age, fluffy tail," He grinned before pointing the gun at them. "We've wasted enough time. Give me your miraclous now!"
 At that point, a burrow appeared and Bunnyx stepped through shivering. The two of them started to fight again with Time Tagger sending her back to Cretaceous era and then forward to the future.
 "Maybe we should help her after all,"
 "You heard her! She's the only one who can solve this time problem. She can do it," Alix declared, pumping her fist in the air. "Go Bunnyx,"
 Time Tagger sent her back again and she reappeared, smoking before she aimed at him, only for him to trip her up. 
 "Sorry, Mini Bug. I just can't," She frowned, looking down. "Looks like I don't have a soluation after all,"
 "Urg... what if today is the day we grow?" Ladybug declared. "Viper, a save point please,"
 "You got it, Bug," He grinned, flicking the head of his bracelet. "Second Chance!"
 "Alright!" Alix grinned as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm. A note pad appeared out of thin air and she caught it.
 "What am I suppose to do with this?" She mumbled.
 "You work it out. We'll keep him busy!" Ryuko declared, charging at him. 
 "Ryuko, that way! Bug, try and work it out!" He ordered, pulling Bunnyx aside before throwing his Lyre at Time Tagger. Time Tagger aimed a hit at him and sent him back in time. He pushed the head back on his bracelet and opened his eyes.
 "Alright!" Alix grinned as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm. A note pad appeared out of thin air and she caught it.
 "What am I suppose to do with this?" She mumbled.
 "You work it out. We'll keep him busy!" Ryuko declared, charging at him. 
 "Ryuko, that way! Bug, try and work it out!" He ordered, pulling Bunnyx aside before throwing his Lyre at Time Tagger. Time Tagger aimed a hit at him but he dodged it this time.
 "Wind Dragon!" Ryuko shouted, sweeping Time Tagger off his feet before he suddenly disappeared and shot her. Viperion frowned and pushed the head back again.
 "Alright!" Alix grinned as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm. A note pad appeared out of thin air and she caught it.
 "What am I suppose to do with this?" She mumbled.
 "You work it out. We'll keep him busy!" Ryuko declared, charging at him. 
 "Ryuko, that way! Bug, try and work it out!" He ordered, pulling Bunnyx aside before throwing his Lyre at Time Tagger. Time Tagger aimed a hit at him but he dodged it this time.
 "Wind Dragon!" Ryuko shouted, sweeping Time Tagger off his feet before he suddenly disappeared. Before he could send her back in time, Viperion threw his lyre at him and landed a punch but Time Tagger disappeared and he got hit again. He pushed the head back again before opening his eyes.
 "Alright!" Alix grinned as Ladybug summoned her lucky charm. A note pad appeared out of thin air and she caught it.
 "What am I suppose to do with this?" She mumbled.
 "You work it out. We'll keep him busy!" Ryuko declared, charging at him but this time, he stopped her, making her look confused. "What are you doing?"
 "Letting it play out," He replied. 
 "What are you gonna do with that? Sign a defeat treaty!" Time Tagger laughed before pointing his gun at Bunnyx. "Now give me your miraclous or I get rid of your friend by sending her back to the big bang,"
 "Alright, you win. We'll give you our miraclous," Ladybug frowned, looking defeated.
 "I want the dragon and the snake too," Time Tagger declared.
 "Fine but all I ask is you give me a little bit of time to write an letter to apologize to my future self," She sighed, defeated.
 "Bug..." Viperion gasped, looking at her but somehow, this felt right.
 "Mi'lady, you can't!" Cat gasped. "Think of something! You always think of something!"
 "Fair enough, Ladybug," Time Tagger declared. "Wish granted,"
 "I don't have a pen. Can anyone lend me on please?" She asked, looking down. Alix produced one from her bag and handed it to Ladybug. She looked around and started to draw something.
 "Time's up," Time Tagger grinned. "My moment of victory has arrived,"
 "Oh. I can't find the words," Ladybug sighed. "It's pointless anyway. I won't even be ladybug in the future once we give up our miraculous," 
 "Please don't do this, Mini Bug!" Bunnyx gasped as Ladybug walked over to her.
 "Some problems simply don't have a solution," She stopped in front of her. "Go back to your time stream, Bunnyx. Make the most of your remaining time,"
 "No! I refused! I-" Ladybug placed her hand on her shoulder and knelt down next to her. She said something to her and then Bunnyx stood up and hugged her. Viperion frowned deeply as she dived into a burrow. Ladybug turned around and faced her friends.
 "Come on. We better give him our miraculous," She stated as the other three walked over. She took Viperion's hand and making sure all three of them could see her, she winked. They all walked over to him and stopped as he laughed before he walked over.
 "Your earrings are mine, baby bug. Oh, snake boy, keep your hands up. Don't want you resting the timeline now and Kitty Noir, cataclysm this so I can safely take your miraculous after I've got hers," He ordered, handing the pencil to Cat. "And Dragon girl, don't go changing into an element now,"
 He smirked as he reached for her earrings but a yoyo wrapped around his hands and dragged him over to a new burrow. Cat Noir's baton knocked his gun from it's holder and then Ladybug charged at it, grabbing it and throwing it to Cat Noir, who caught it with his cataclysm. With the akuma freed, she purified the butterfly and Time Tagger returned to his normal form as she helped him up.
 "Ladybug? Cat Noir? You guys are so young," He gasped, confused. "Where am I?"
 "The question should be more when are you?" Cat grinned as Bunnyx exited from the burrow. 
 "Come on, Chris. Let's go home," She smiled, walking away with him. He went through the burrow.
 "See, girl. We did it," The voice of the future ladybug declared. "We always will,"
 "Hey future Ladybug! When do I get my miraclous?!" Alix asked.
 "When you're as cool as I am, Mini me," Bunnyx grinned before everyone went to wave at her but Viperion's wave wasn't great. In fact, he still looked pale and fearful. She smiled though as she knew he would do something about it.
 "Hey, Mini Noodle," A male voice suddenly got Viperion's attention. A guitar pick suddenly appeared from the burrow and he caught it, looking at it with surprise. "Don't forget that there's always a solution to every problem. You just gotta be a wise old snake and learn from your mistakes"
 He looked up and saw sparkling green eyes next to sparkling blue eyes.
 "Come on, cotton tail! Me and Bug ha-"
 "Spoilers, you damned noodle!" With that, Bunnyx jumped into the burrow and Ladybug fixed everything. Cat Noir walked over and smiled.
 "Hey, about me going evil and all," He smiled, looking at the snake boy. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. The future isn't set in stone. Besides, Ladybug will always save the day. Right, Mi'lady?"
 "Right," Ladybug grinned as Viperion looked at the guitar pick. On one side, there was the ladybug symbol and on the other side the snake symbol. He smiled to himself before he tucked it away.
 "Whatever happens. I just gotta remember there's a solution for everything,"
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mellowgirl01 · 5 years
Deep Blue Velvet
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Master List
Words: 1708 Characters: 8569
A/N: I really wanted to do something for my good friend lady and also have a story about my two favorite lovers again. So this one is for you Lady. It’s not really a date date but I hope you still like it. This is also a bonus part to my story Sweet Wine. Go check it out when you can. Love you @ladyfluff. Happy reading!!!
As I looked outside the window to all of the city lights. I sighed. I tried so hard all throughout this week not to cry for multiple reasons. My emotions were always getting the best of me, they just never stopped. Like how old Victorian was still standing, or how we got to see Ian again. This time with a wife and child on the way. Yet as those three days turned into a week I once again understood why we couldn’t stay. It had only been 5 years and Detroit had already changed so much. From the shops to the dinners. Take for instance the one that I worked at. That changed too. It went from being a little hole in the wall to some fancy inn/ restaurant. Guess that owner got a raise after all. That’s still not what got me though. What got me was yesterday. 
Adam wanted me to be able to see my family. How they were and who was still among the living. Every year or so my family has a reunion. I remember each one vividly, even after all the things that I went through this past couple of years. They were the memories I decided to keep. To not let fade into the black. I had my aunt to thank for. She was always there to make sure that I was there at every family event. To not feel left out. Little did she know that that was gonna happen whether she liked it or not. I was an outcast now that I was ‘dead’. I saw her sitting in her old rocking chair. She had some gray hairs but she didn’t look any less beautiful. She told me that if a person is able to wake up in the morning every day then there isn’t any reason to look at how you feel. That’s no one's business but yours. That comment stuck with me throughout my life and even to this day. I wanted to run up and hug her and tell her how much I thought about her and hoped that she was okay. That I’m sorry I hurt her so much. Adam caught me before I could move another inch. I ripped my arm away from his grip. 
For a split second, I was happy. For that split second, I was overwhelmed with so much emotion that I forgot all about what we even agreed on. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N, but you know the life you chose.”
Eve’s soft words didn’t make the reality sting any less. It made it feel as though I were a child being what to and not to do. It felt disgusting and like I was worthless. It wasn’t her fault though. It was mine. For even being so naive to come here and think that everything would be how it was. Of course, things changed. No matter if it was for better or worse I knew better. I knew that I could never see my family again but like an idiot I forgot. At least I still got to see her smile. Play around with the babies in my family that no longer looked like the cute little chubby babies I last saw them as. All throughout the night, I couldn’t sleep. My mind plagued me with the thoughts of my aunt. ‘Did she still think I was out there still? Somewhere? Or has she given up?’ ‘Can she still feel my spirit? Even if it’s technically gone?’ Question after fucking question never stopped.
I hadn’t slept since last night. That’s why I sat in front of the window in the attic. The view wasn’t really much but it was something. Everything was silent until that said silence was broken by footsteps that sound heavy. It belonged to none other than the man I loved. Could ever love. He knelt beside my chair and took my hand in his, patted it a few times. My gaze never steered from the city’s starry lights.
“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”
“Darling, by now I know you. Even if I didn’t know you I at; east knows that you’re sitting in my thinking spot, in my thinking chair. So, you must be thinking about something.”
“Please just, let’s not talk about this Adam.”
He didn’t like that. I could tell. Adam doesn’t scream or shout if he doesn't have to. For the most part, he will say nothing and let his actions speak for him. This time I think I pissed him off. Taking in another huge gulp of air and letting it out I head down one level to where the bedroom would be and see him packing some bags. Eve heard the commotion and of course went upstairs. It’s safe to say that she knew that Adam was made the way he packed all of the clothes and books into two suitcases. She was just in the same boat as I was though as we both questioned why he was packing. It kinda made me nervous until I saw my clothing being smoothed into the huge white and black case.
“Adam what are you-”
“If there is any book, any electronics or instruments that you would like to have while we are driving get it now. We’re leaving. Don’t ask me where cause I won’t tell you. So get your things and let’s go.”
Like clockwork, we all packed our things into a large duffel bag and booked it for the car. Adam’s old beauty had not failed us yet. It’s honestly no wonder as to why he loved it so much. I saw that he was driving out of town I got really confused. He didn’t seem mad anymore just in a rush rather. Not even about the sun really it was another thought. Something that I couldn’t pinpoint. Once we were in the countryside and far away from anything or anyone he stopped and parked his car in the middle of a grassy field. All was quiet except for the humming of the car and the radio that played some guitar in the background. Adam turned in his seat to be able to look at me in the back and Eve that was to his left. 
“Let’s get out. I need to show you both something that I should have a long time ago.”
Once we were all out Adam hoisted me up onto the car and Eve as well. Even though she could have climbed up on her own. I think it was because of the fact that he just loved being romantic like that towards us. Our own rock and roll gentlemen. 
He pointed to the moon and told us to look right.
“Right there. That’s my star.”
“How do you even know that’s your star? There are billions of stars out here Adam.”
“Cause my love. That star right there has been a very bright one throughout my years. When I first came to America that was the time that I had lost everything. You included when I couldn’t get in touch with you. I felt all alone and hated it. So I became a nomad. Following wherever the night took me. Along my way. I found a man. Honestly, if we had more time I would have made him one of my legends. He listened to my troubles and told me that right there. IS my star. Normally people look down upon life when they're sad. So much that they don’t look up because what’s the point if your life is in a spiraling mess. So he gave me something to look at. While it didn’t stop the depression. Nothing ever really will. He was right. It made me want to wait. To see if the sky would fall or change in some way. And over time it has.”
Adam finally got on top of the car with me and Eve. Sitting on my right he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek and forehead. Pulling me closer he wasted his head on top of mine.
“Things change. While the feelings might not life will always, change.”
“I Know that.”
“I know you know that. That’s not my point though.”
“As you also know love bug. Adam is a man if art. He explains visually rather than orally and to the script. What he’s trying to say is that this is the time where you must let go of not letting go. Until the final person is dead and gone- even your acquaintances that you never thought you would care about. They will all die. You will feel pain, anger, sadness. We all have. Yet no matter what life you chose. You would have had to do that anyways.”
“Can’t this cycle just stop? For once.”
“Afraid not love. I too wish it did.”
“So have I. unfortunately. Those who go against nature tend to hurt the most, and so, here we are. Doomed to feel such torture for all eternity.”
“At least it’s not so bad when you have someone to share it with. Or some people. I love you both.”
“We love you more, more than time itself.”
Sadly that night ended with us having to leave old Victoria once more. Adam said that he had a feeling that the old girl would be put down soon in order for a new house to be built. Thank god all of our things were taken out of there before that would ever even happen. I had to say she looked weird naked and stripped from all her joyful memories with a rockstar like Adam, but it was time. With one last goodbye to Ian, we were on our way to the next town to book a flight out of the country and to another place. Right then it dawned on me that no matter what date I had ever gone on. None of them would have been as romantic as the ones with my lovers by my side. It’s good to know that at least some things still stay the same. Still, give you that warm and fuzzy feeling when it’s true. That thing is called love.
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ganymedesclock · 5 years
For the Ask Meme: Elderbug, Tiso, Grey Mourner, Hive Knight, and Nosk! (Is there a limit to the number of asks BTW?)
(I’d prefer one per person per meme, just so other people have a chance to have their fun)
Elder Bug: Do you stop to talk to all the NPCs? Who is your favorite?
I want you to know that upon discovering the Fluke Hermit was added to the game via a height chart of all things, I furiously wiki’d her position and then fired up my copy of the game and busted out there to go talk to her knowing full well she wasn’t a ‘service’ NPC in any fashion.
Entirely outside of “I am a glutton for lore”, HK is... kind of a beautifully lonely world. Regardless of how I feel about the NPC, I always feel sad if I get to a point where they leave or die.
In no particular order, my top ten NPCs:
Nailmaster Sheo
Mask Maker
Relic Seeker Lemm
White Lady
Last Stag / Old Stag
Tiso: Which NPC would you most like to fight? Why?
Honestly? I don’t really hate any one of the NPCs, but I think for those of them who are combat-capable, a friendly in-game duel would be really neat. Not as in “I want to punch them” but more... it’d be fun to see what their moveset would look like right? With Hornet as the protagonist of the next game, I keep wondering if somehow we’re ever going to get Ghost as a boss enemy- how the AI would control them compared to how we do.
About the only people I wouldn’t want to fight are characters who themselves wouldn’t enjoy it- Cornifer suggests his ‘fighting style’ is just running, really, and Old Stag has enough aches and pains, he doesn’t deserve a brawl, he deserves a warm blanket and somewhere cozy.
I think if I had to pick a standout target I want the White Lady to kick my ass, just once. I know she’s capable of it, but her boss fight theme would be rad.
The Grey Mourner: Who would you give a delicate flower to, if you could?
My first reflex is ‘Hornet’ because of the sense that she’s sort of... had to grow up fast her entire life. She’s a fighter, and it’s definitely not entirely joyless- she takes a lot of pride in her skills and athleticism and I don’t think she’d be happy settling down, but, also, like... that can be balanced with the sense that she hasn’t really had a lot of time for herself.
On the other hand, though, as nice of a sentimental gesture as it’d be, it’d put sort of an awkward burden on her protecting the flower so it might be better to give her something else, instead- something she can take with her that is tough enough it can accompany her on her travels and not be something she has to worry about or plan around. Maybe a metal brooch in the flower shape?
As far as ‘a flower recipient who isn’t already a canonical one’, Marissa does have several rotting bouquets on her stage. It might be nice to kinda do what the Traitors’ Child’s grave does where you can overtake the stage with flowers that won’t decay on her.
Hive Knight: Are there any bosses you wish were friends instead of foes?
I’m not sure about ‘friends’, but, I would definitely relish the ability to talk to, almost any of them. I think in that regard it’d be interesting to talk to God Tamer.
As far as ‘kinda wish I didn’t kill them’, I feel really badly for the False Knight. They aren’t exactly a soft harmless baby, but the maggots really do have a raw deal, and having some way to acknowledge their existence besides murder would be nice.
Nosk: What part of the game scared or shocked you the first time you experienced it? Anything surprise you?
Well, this is an aptly titled option because Nosk themselves gave me a pretty good startle! Especially since I didn’t find them for a long time after I saw my doppelganger down in Deepnest’s tunnels, and at that point I was pretty freaked out.
Like I said in a previous ask, Hornet in City of Tears made me jump, even with the melancholy beauty of the scene- I was just going oh god oh no she’s about to kick my ass again.
The Deepnest trap bench I saw coming a mile off but I was still unprepared. That part where the screen goes dark and all you have are the noises... and before that, where you can thrash on the bench but it doesn’t do you any good.
So tl;dr thanks Deepnest.
I also wouldn’t call it “shocking” but the part in Trial of the Fool where the colosseum’s floor trap skewers several of its own warriors and the audience bursts into uproarious laughter that continues for a good while afterwards sticks with me. People talk about Lord Fool’s corpse on the throne a lot, but, honestly, it’s the living audience that creeps me out more than a little. Especially how you can find two of them in the Crossroads’ hot spring, suggesting they’ve just, got other lives and seem to actually be doing pretty well in spite of the plague. What do they get up to, besides bloodsports? Do they have deceptively ordinary lives somewhere? Do they think they’re good people and everything’s fine?
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samwpmarleau · 7 years
Hi, I totally love your Robb/Rhaenys fics, they are so adorable. Would you do a modern AU of them having a baby plz? Thanks !!!
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”
“I’ll be fine,” she says, huddled beneath a blanket. “I’m sure it’s just another bug. Besides, you need to save up those vacation days. ‘My girlfriend is sick’ isn’t a valid excuse to miss a briefing, babe.”
It warms her heart to hear the doubt in his voice. “Well…call me as soon as it’s over then, okay? It’s not like you to have, what, four colds in the last few weeks? I want to know what they say. The appointment’s at noon, right?”
“Yes, Mom,” she laughs. “I’ll call you after.”
“You’d better,” he says. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Truthfully, she’s more worried than she’s let on. Even though she’d been assured long ago that her mother’s condition isn’t congenital, Robb’s concern has long been hers, too. It isn’t like her to get so sick so often, not to mention the full-body aches and lack of appetite. She’s always taken after her father and Uncle Oberyn, only coming down with something once a year at most.  Even worse, she can’t even blame it on someone from the newsroom, since she’s the only one who’s been afflicted.
Maybe it’s nothing, but the thoughts still plague her. What if she goes in to find out that she has inherited her mother’s illness after all? Or a different one entirely? What if it’s not just a run of bad luck?
Knowing having a panic attack would help exactly no one, she turns to her favorite distraction. She opens her laptop to the half-finished investigative piece she was supposed to get to her editor yesterday, sifting through source after source, trying to cull the fibs from the truth, the verifiable authorities versus the crooked ones. It infuriates her, as always, how utterly soulless people can be, but at least it keeps her occupied.
For now.
Her mother is a trauma surgeon, not a GP, but she’s also the only one Rhaenys truly trusts to provide a true diagnosis with neither pity nor sugarcoating. What didn’t help is that Elia had told her it was indeed unusual for her to be feeling so miserable, and to then order bloodwork. She said she doubted it was anything of note, but as long as insurance was covering it, there’s no harm in getting peace of mind.
And so here she is, biting her nails as she waits for the tests to come back. It’s not her first time in a hospital, not even her hundredth time, yet she’s never felt so on-edge before. The clock is ticking too loud, the smell of antiseptic nauseates her, the lights are overbright. Finally, when she can hardly stand the waiting anymore, her mother enters again.
“Well, I was right, it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, you deserve congratulations.” A brilliant smile grows on Elia’s face. “You’re pregnant, honey.”
Apprehension growing, Rhaenys takes the paper and reads the text written there. Most of it is filed with acronyms she doesn’t understand, but one word stands out all too clearly among the rest: POSITIVE.
“No,” she says numbly. “There has to be a mistake.”
Elia laughs. “I had them run it twice. There’s no mistake.”
“No,” Rhaenys repeats. “Robb and I–we always use protection, both of us. This isn’t possible.”
“It’s not common, but these things do happen,” says Elia. “Birth control isn’t infallible, sweetheart.”
“B-But–how am I supposed to tell him?”
“You’re the only one who can answer that question. Just remember that the longer you wait, the harder it will be.” Elia squeezes her shoulder gently. “I’m going to have Arthur take you home, all right? He was going to meet me for lunch, but I don’t want you driving yourself back.”
Rhaenys nods, as though she’s not about two seconds from a breakdown. “All right.”
It’s clear from her stepfather’s face that it’s killing him to not know what’s going on, but he doesn’t press. Rather, he chooses to ramble on about this or that, and she’s grateful for it. It means she can focus on his steady voice, not the mess of thoughts that are jumbling up her head. The ride seems far shorter than usual, and before she knows it, he’s walking her to her door.
“I can stay,” he offers.
“No, I just need to think.”
He looks like he wants to object, but she suspects her mother had advised him against that. “Okay. But I’m just a phone call away if you need anything.”
Somehow, she manages a fleeting smile, and pecks him on the cheek. “I know you are. Thanks.”
The apartment is eerily silent as she bids Arthur goodbye and slumps down on the couh, the medical report still clutched tightly in her fist. She reads over it again and again, yet the text doesn’t change, nor does the memory of how certain her mother had been. She places a shaking hand on her stomach, trying to fathom the fact that there’s a tiny life growing inside her. She’d always wanted kids someday, but someday is a world apart from now. Robb had talked about wanting kids, too, but they’d never really talked about having them together. They’d been so careful for exactly that reason. With her having so many leads to track down and Robb just as busy at the precinct, the timing couldn’t be worse.
Her fears go round and round and round, threatening to overwhelm her, and then the door bursts open. She glances up, expecting to see Arthur perhaps, but on the contrary, it’s Robb standing there, equal parts perturbed and anxious.
She has the presence of mind to glance at the clock, and yes, he should most definitely not be home yet. “What are you doing here?”
“You said you’d call me after your appointment,” he accuses. “You didn’t. I was worried.”
“You up and left–?”
“Rhaenys, what happened?” he asks. “What’d they say?”
“I’m not going to die,” she says, to assuage the worst of the possibilities she knows are occurring to him. “I’m…well, you can read it for yourself.”
She’d hoped for a more eloquent explanation, but now that Robb’s here, it’s like dawn has broken over the horizon as she realizes she doesn’t have to bear this news alone. He frowns in confusion as he takes the paper from her–and as he reads, the color drains from his face.
“This is for real?” he asks weakly. “You’re…?”
“Yes. Mom gave me the results herself.” He’s quiet, unusually quiet, and after several minutes of it, she can’t bear it anymore. “Say something, please. I’m freaking out over here.”
Abruptly, he drops the sheet on the table and disappears into their bedroom. Her heart drops; out of all the scenarios she’d envisioned, she hadn’t thought he would just ignore her. But then he emerges again, and as if in slow motion she watches as he walks over and drops to one knee in front of her. A ring rests in his outstretched palm, bright yellow citrine bound in gold.
Her grandmother’s ring.
It’s all wrong.
She’s dreamt of him proposing since their first date. A quiet night in, no frills, just sweatpants and spontaneity, maybe with some lame HGTV show in the background. Not this. She’d never wanted to be presented with a ring solely because she carries his child.
“Robb,” she warns, “if this is only because–”
“Elia gave it to me three months ago,” he interrupts. “I just haven’t been able to find the right moment to ask you. Now I’ve found it.”
Three months, she marvels. She hadn’t ever envisioned this, either. Acceptance of the news, maybe, but not a proposal to go along with it. Not an unconditional commitment. Yet that’s exactly what this is, and for the first time since she’d entered the hospital, her head clears.
“So ask me.”
He looks up at her, more nervous than she’s ever seen him. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” she says. “Yes, I will marry you.”
He waits just long enough to slide the ring onto her finger before he kisses her, sweet and soft and full of promise.
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terramythos · 7 years
Review: Myst III: Exile by Presto Studios (2001)
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Genre/Tags: Puzzle, Adventure, Parallel Worlds, Speculative Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Atmospheric, Strong World, Silent Protagonist, Gender Neutral Protagonist, Sympathetic Antagonist, Multiple Endings
Warning(s): References to genocide and torture.
Playthrough Notes: Nothing specific; played this with my sister @mistressofmuses ​. We managed to get both “good” endings and one of the bad ones, but there’s apparently about ten variations. These are fun games to play with another person!
My Rating: 4 / 5
**Minor Spoilers and My Thoughts Follow**
Twenty years, Atrus! Twenty long years alone! They tied me to a post. They burned their Myst Linking Books in front of me. They took everything I had! My wife! My two baby girls! And then, when I finally made it back to Narayan, and I saw... I saw... it would have been better if I had died.-- Saavedro  
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My Summary: Some time after the events of Riven, the player makes it back to Atrus and Catherine. Atrus has revived the D’Ni culture; he spends much of his time writing a new Age-- Releeshahn-- for his people. You’re about to see it together, when the unexpected happens; a strange man attacks his study and steals the book. Atrus’ library in flames, you follow the man into the world he came from with no way to return.
You soon discover that this world-- J’nanin-- houses a series of “lesson Ages” Atrus created for his sons Sirrus and Achenar. You know, the sociopathic antagonists of the first game? You gradually learn that the man who stole the book, Saavedro, watched his planet die at the hands of the two brothers and was exiled to J’nanin, suffering long years of isolation and torment.
Swearing revenge against Atrus, Saavedro rigs the lesson worlds so that they must be solved to reach him. Over the course of the game, you learn more about Saavedro and the world of Narayan through journal pages you find scattered through the worlds. But with Releeshahn and its people in the hands of Saavedro, you are working against the clock to get to him and save the D’Ni. 
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The Good:
Unlike Riven, this entry uses a very similar structure to Myst. J’nanin serves as a “hub” world with access to four other worlds. The story itself is different enough, however, that it doesn’t feel like a wholesale ripoff. It’s a nice change of pace to see lots of different worlds rather than exploring a single one, which was a big appeal of the original game.
The four ages were all very creative and distinct. My favorite was probably Amateria, which had a steampunk China aesthetic to it. The puzzles in that world were difficult but ultimately satisfying to solve, and the payoff at the end was great. The existence of the “lesson Ages” makes sense, explains some things (maybe your sons were so messed up because you lorded over them like a god and trapped them on puzzle worlds, Atrus!), and ties into the final solution in Narayan, the last world. I genuinely enjoyed my time in the different Ages.
This entry was less arcane (and, let’s face it, less frustrating) than Riven. Some puzzles were tricky, yes, but there were no hidden pathways or buttons in this one. You also had more of a sense of direction than Riven ever provides. There were no “well that was stupid” solutions to puzzles; something that plagued the previous entries.
I realize I’ve said this with the previous two games, but Exile looks nice. This is the first entry with a free-roaming camera, which adds a lot to the experience. The backgrounds still look fantastic, especially for 2001. Real person mo-cap is still used, and (for the most part) still looks great. It aged better than 3D models of the era.
The most notable thing for me in this game was Saavedro. He’s probably the most interesting, sympathetic antagonist yet in the series. He has real justification for his actions. This is in stark contrast to Sirrus, Achenar, and Gehn, all of whom are ultimately motivated by self interest. Saavedro wants revenge for some genuine wrongs. And he’s played by Brad Fucking Dourif and I somehow did not realize this until after I beat the game?  Anyway, cool character.
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The Neutral:
The game doesn’t really establish anything… new? It feels much more like a side story than anything; there’s nothing massive lore-wise that you didn’t already know from the previous games. Whereas Riven felt like a major expansion of stuff hinted at in Myst, this didn’t have much to set it apart.
I said earlier that the 3D mo-cap looked great… for the most part. There are some bits that really do trigger uncanny valley, which is weird considering you’re looking at real people. There’s a part where Catherine is holding a baby and sitting on a bench, and another where Saavedro walks through a door, that weren’t rendered especially well. It’s a shame because the rest looks fine. I think this is a case of being a little ambitious for what the technology could actually do; attempting to render a 2D projection in a 3D space.
The Bad:
In a lot of ways, this felt detached from the previous games to me. It could be the fact that a different studio produced it. At the end of Riven, you’re stranded in the Star Fissure. But in this game you’re… suddenly back with no explanation on why or how. Sirrus and Achenar tie in, yes, but only by mention, which is odd to me when they’re such a big component for the conflict. If someone hadn’t played Myst or Riven, they would have no idea what the hell is going on.
Good. Luck. Getting this game to run. This isn’t just a modern compatibility issue; even on old systems this game has bugs that keep you from continuing past a certain point. Getting this to run on a modern system is nearly impossible because Ubisoft like… lost the patch that allows that to happen? Their official website only goes to patch 1.30, which doesn’t actually work. You have to pirate the actual patch, 1.32, and find a website that isn’t going to riddle your computer with viruses. I DID find one, so let me know if you ever need it... 
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A cool game with some minor issues. The world design, visuals, and antagonist were the strong points of this entry. It was definitely entertaining to play, if not completely mindblowing like some things in the previous entries. In that vein, you probably won’t get much out of this entry if you haven’t at least played Myst (and probably Riven). The game assumes you know a lot of the world and lore already.
I love revenge stories, so this one did of course appeal to me. Saavedro is one of the most interesting things about this entry, as I’ve mentioned, and Brad Dourif did a fantastic job. He’s apparently a Myst fan, which is why he agreed to do it? Pretty cool stuff. I think that visually the worlds were imaginative and stunning, so the game was nice to look at while puzzling through it. Good visuals and solid gameplay makes for a solid game. I recommend it to people who have played previous entries and want more from the universe and characters. As mentioned, though, you should really start with the earlier games or you’ll be pretty lost.
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madness-of-void · 7 years
Also on AO3
Theme: Friends To Lovers
It was safe to say that Stiles had, as the saying went, gone done fucked up.
Oh. Easy.
At work, he was busy editing another one of Eddie's crappy articles like always. (Seriously, why did they keep this clown on? He wrote in text talk through the entire article, for crying out loud!) Minding his own business for once. And then Lawrence, headache inducing Lawrence, slid onto his desk. Nearly knocked everything to the floor, earning a murderous scowl from Stiles. Instead of backing away and hopping off the desk like a normal person would, the douche had the audacity to ask if Stiles had a date to bring to the upcoming party.
Now, Stiles was far more interested in pack activities. He usually avoided work parties like the plague. Most of the time not on purpose. There were actual pack shenanigans going on during those parties. Even then, he never paid any attention in the first place when these party announcements were made.
So, of course, Stiles had no idea about this one, either.
Unfortunately, this sent Lawrence on a ramble about the party. Who knew that the Beacon Hills Monthly had parties for...nothing in particular? Not Stiles! Prior to this encounter with Lawrence. Who was currently giving him a borderline migraine.
After Lawrence was done signing praises to this party, he asked again if Stiles had a date.
Then proceeded to ask that if Stiles didn't have a date, if he'd be interested in being his date.
Now normally, Stiles would have a witty, sarcastic comment he would shoot out that would put Lawrence in his place. Shut the guy up for a week. Or tell him that he had family things going on. Only he knew there wasn't any pack gathering the day of the party to save his hide. Witty, sarcastic comment it was!  
Heh, well, that wasn't what happened.
This time, Stiles blurted out something utterly stupid.
“Thanks for the offer, but I'll be coming with my boyfriend.”
It was a beat too late before he realized what he had said. He had to tamper down his horror as Headache Lawrence begrudgingly congratulated him. Followed by telling the entire building that Stiles had a boyfriend.
And then, and then, Georgina came up to Stiles, gushing and sounding so excited that her favorite had a boyfriend. She just couldn't wait to meet the man that had won her Stiles' heart! Give the man cookies and kisses on the cheek! Because Stiles was like a grandson to her, and this mysterious boyfriend would become like her second grandson!
This was when Stiles knew he had fucked up.
“What am I going to do?!” he wailed upon arriving at his apartment and telling Scott on the phone the story. “The whole damn building thinks I have a boyfriend! They're gonna expect me to bring one to this stupid party! Georgina wants to give the guy cookies and kisses on the cheek!”
Scott hissed, probably wincing on his end. “Yeah...you messed up. Bad.”
“I know! What do I do!?”
“Get someone to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
“Pfft! Like who? You're married, and as much as I love you bro, I'm not gonna pretend that I'm boning you.”
“Thanks for that imagery...”
“Boyd in on his honeymoon with Erica. Isaac is occupied with a whole hell of a lot of things, so I'm not asking him. Jackson sure as hell won't do it, and that's just fine by me 'cause nooooo thank you. Liam can't act or lie worth shit. And I love Corey and Mason, and they may be the best candidates, but I know they are still shaken over the whole kidnapping thing, so I'm gonna leave them out of this.”
“What about Derek?”
Stiles sputtered, nearly dropping his phone. “H-huh?”
“What about Derek? He could do it.”
“I-I don't think he would, Scotty. And I kinda don't want to ask him to.”
“Because you have a ridiculous crush on him?”
“I thought we vowed to never speak of that? Besides...we may be pretty good pals now...but it took a long time for it to happen, and the guy has a bad track record of people using him, and I think this might count as one of those. I don't want to break his trust, y'know? Make him feel used.”
“How would this make him feel used?”
Stiles loved Scott. Loved him like a brother. He really did. But...sometimes...
“Just ask him. If he says no, then pretend you're sick on the day of the party.”
He sighed, dragging a hand down his face. “That might be what I have to do.”
“After you ask Derek.”
“Can't I just skip that part?”
“Ask him, Stiles.”
Scott hung up, leaving Stiles no chance to continue his weak whining. With another sigh, Stiles plopped down on the couch, staring at his phone screen. This was going to be so much fun. Mostly because he figured that doing this face-to-face would be the best way to go.
Hopefully this wouldn't boot him out of the pack.
If it did, he was going to kick Scott's ass.
He sent a quick text to Derek, asking him to come over for a chat. Surprisingly, the dude replied back instantly, asking if now was good. Stiles half hoped Derek hadn't replied. If he hadn't, then Stiles wouldn't have to do this. He responded back that now was fine, and nearly had a hernia when the wolf said he'd be there in five.
Welp...this was going to suck all the balls.
All. The. Balls.
Stiles expected Derek to be pissed as hell when he word vomited his predicament. He expected Derek to be livid when he asked if he would pretend to be his boyfriend for the party. But...
Huh. That was unexpected.
The wolf shrugged, arms folded. “Yeah. This Lawrence guy sounds like a pain in the ass.”
“He is. Dude has no idea that when I say I'm not interested, that it means I'm not interested.”
Derek nodded, wrinkling his nose in annoyance. “Hmmm. Need to learn.”
“You're not going to rip his throat out with your teeth.”
“Fun sucker.”
If it had been years ago, back when he was sixteen, Stiles would've gone ape shit over Derek freakin' Hale saying something remotely funny. But, alas, they had known each other for some time now. Derek actually had an amazing, dry, sarcastic sense of humor. One that Stiles could appreciate whole heartily.
“Lawrence aside...Georgina sounds like a lovely lady.”
Stiles snickered, shaking his head. “Oh, she is. Very grandma-like. Cheek pinching and all.”
“I hope you mean my face.”
“Eh. It's a fifty-fifty deal with her.”
Derek gave him the 'what the hell' face before mumbling, “Nevermind...”
“Anyway...” Stiles rocked on the balls of his feet, still anxious about all of this. “We should talk about boundaries. What you're comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. That kind of stuff.”
Again, Derek shrugged. Appearing completely unfazed by any of this. “Whatever you're okay with doing is fine.”
“No no no no no. That's not how this works!”
He approached the other male, gripping at his shoulder tightly and giving him a highly serious stare. This was the hundredth time Stiles had this type of conversation with Derek. Maybe was beyond the hundredth. He was a little surprised he still needed to tell Derek these kind of things. Then again...with Derek's history...
“I'm putting you in this sort of awkward position. Which you can totally back out of any time you want. And since it will most definitely be awkward, I need to know what I can and can't do. I don't want to make this any worse for you than it will be.”
With an eye roll, Derek took Stiles' wrist, removing it from his shoulder but still held onto it. “You're not putting me in a sort of awkward position. I'm offering to save your ass. But, if you're so keen on making boundaries...don't smack or pinch my ass. Don't talk about me like I'm a slab of meat. If we kiss, you can't give me tongue. You can't call me sweetie or sweetheart or baby.”
There was a pause. Stiles waited for Derek to add more to the Do Not Do List . Never happened. He blinked in confusion, tilting his head to the side. Derek followed suit.
“That's it?”
“Oh. I, uh...expected more.”
“I know. But that's it.”
“So...I can hold your hand?”
“I can kinda snuggle up next to you?”
“Can I kiss your cheek? I won't put you on the spot with the lip kissing.”
“I'm fine with either. Just no tongue.”
Stiles nodded eagerly, a swoosh of relief hitting him. “Done. Deal. No problem. I'm totally cool with all of those rules. I really don't have any. I'm kinda on the same boat with you. But! But but...you can one hundred percent call me honey. Or...uh...Mischief.”
There weren't questions asked. Yes, a brow raised, but nothing verbal. The wolf licked his lips, nodding.
“All right. When is this party?”
“Uh, Saturday. Not this Saturday! Next Saturday.”
“Mmm. Plenty of time to practice.”
“Yep. Plenty of time to – wait. Practice?”
A sigh. “Yes, Stiles. If you want to convince these people, specifically Lawrence, that we are dating...we need to practice.”
Stiles flailed his arms, skin flushing. “B-b-but why?! We know practically everything there is to know about each other!”
“They will question if we aren't acting like we're affectionate in some way. Lawrence may keep bugging you if he thinks there is trouble in paradise.”
Ah. Good point. Excellent point. Derek was such a smart cookie. A smart cookie who was going to make Stiles kill over. Fake affection or not.
This was going to be an interesting week. Maybe even a little fun.
If Stiles didn't die from it.
Thank god the night of the party came by swiftly. Stiles was certain he was going to have a heart attack with all the affection Derek and he had been practicing. It was certainly not curing his not so small crush on the man. In fact...it was making it a million times worse.
At least it would be fun while it lasted...
Stiles picked up Derek an hour before the party was to start, wanting to get them to it quick so that they could leave quicker. And what does that bastard do? Dress in Stiles' favorite pair of jeans – the ones that fit tightly over that ass – and wear that damned maroon sweater with the thumb holes. The thumb holes!
This was it. This was how he died.
Derek briefly commented on how nice Stiles looked, which did not help matters. And it was made worse when Derek mentioned he had always thought that the simple black t-shirt and maroon skinny jeans looked perfect on him.
Yep. Death. Death was upon him. Maybe not swiftly, but it was upon him!
When they arrived at the party, a few people were there. (Not Lawrence or Georgina, though.) They were gawking at the man Stiles was holding hands with upon entrance. Gawked more when Derek introduced himself with the most genuine, sweetest voice Stiles had ever heard. And he was smiling. Actually smiling.
Lord...give him strength...
Upon Georgina's arrival, which was done loud and spectacularly, she spotted Stiles and Derek instantly. She flocked right on over, suffocating them with hugs and peppered kisses. She bombarded them with questions – the same ones she had been asking Stiles all week. While Stiles stuttered a little, a bit overwhelmed, Derek handled it like a bonafide pro.
“We met when he was sixteen. He was trespassing on my family's old property.”
“Yes! He is such a blanket hog!”
“He introduced me to his mom first. It was a little easier since I, uh, wasn't on good terms with his dad at the time.”
“Mmmm. Yes. He does all the cooking. I'm the baker.”
“No no! You're fine! I'm actually working on trying to regain my family's property. I'm thinking of rebuilding the house. We have a lot of gatherings with our friends and their families, so a bigger place would definitely be the best thing for us.”
It was dizzying trying to keep up. At the same time...it was...nice to see Derek open up like this. He really wasn't telling much lies. Most of it was truthful. Of course the supernatural was left out of it, and most of the lies were about the romance part of their relationship. Other than that, Derek was very honest and sincere and smiling the entire time he spoke with Georgina.
This was just adding to the non helpful things this was doing to Stiles' crushing.
Then...Lawrence showed up.
The very second he saw Derek and Stiles, his face soured. He came up to them, introducing himself to Derek, and, for some reason, was sizing up the werewolf. It was close to impossible for Stiles to hold back a snarky comment.
Not so much for Derek.
“Are you checking me out?” he scoffed. “I'm sorry, sir, but I'm happily taken by this tall drink of water right here.”
Then, then then...Derek decided it would be a great idea to kiss Stiles on the temple.
The hole punches on his Lord, Give Me Strength card was all punched out.
Almost passed out from the rush of adrenaline he suddenly gained.
Lawrence swallowed, eye twitching and face straining to contain a horribly fake smile. “And what a drink of water he is.”
“Isn't he?!” Derek said in a sweet, giddy, close to high pitched voice. “God, I'm surprised no one has tried to take him away. I mean, it was a problem in the past. A huge problem. 'Course, it happens to me, too. I guess we're both irresistible.”
It took everything in Stiles' power to not choke on laughter. It was clear that Derek was talking about Lawrence. Hinting that his advances weren't welcomed. Lawrence's eye twitched again, and his smile was faltering. So was Derek's.
Shit was about to go down.
Stiles could feel it.
The werewolf straightened his posture, showing his true height, and flared his nostrils. “Stiles tells me that you've been making unwanted advances towards him.”
Lawrence snorted, the fear in his eyes visible. “They weren't unwanted. He welcomed them full heartily.”
Brow raised. Jaw tightened. Oh no. Not that face. “Are you calling Stiles a liar?”
“I might be. He does make tall tales. Like how you two are dating.”
“Ah. Hate to break it to you, but we are. Have been for years. On and off.”
“Oh. On and off, huh?”
Derek crossed his arms, puffing his chest out. Had that infamous glare on. “You make it sound like you have a chance with him. Well, hate to break this to you as well, but you don't.”
“Oh, I do already. I mean, we did share a nice kiss last week. It was pretty X-Rated.”
Okay. Stiles had to step in. Or else Derek was going to strangle this bozo.
He got in front of Derek, an arm left behind him so that he could press against Derek's chest. He gave Lawrence the dirtiest look he could muster, curling his lip into a mock snarl. At this point, he could see from the corner of his eye that their coworkers were watching the show – hanging by every word, every action. 
Frickin' nosy bodies.
“Lawrence, cut the shit. You're trying to puff yourself up like a peacock, and it is idiotic. Drop it. Accept that I'm not ever going to be interested in you. Move on. Quit being a creeper. I'm with Derek, and that's the end of it. Give it up. Especially since I can tell you're about to shit your pants.”
Lawrence, good ol' headache inducing Lawrence, laughed. Sort of maniacally. But it wasn't intimidating. It was just...weird. Super weird. Like he was trying to trick himself into being less scared. He then patted Stiles' shoulder, which made Derek lurch forward a smidge, and grinned.
“Oh, Stiles. I would. I honestly would. But you see...I don't believe you two are dating. And once I prove it, you'll owe me a date.”
“I won't owe you anything! So back the fuck off! You know something, Lawrence? I am so sick of your -”
Suddenly, Derek swooped Stiles off his feet, carrying him bridal style away from Lawrence. He took them over to where Georgina ran off to, where he set Stiles back down and sparked up a cheery conversation with her. Acting like nothing had happened between them and Lawrence.
Everyone else had as well.
Lawrence kept stealing glances at Stiles and Derek, which was unnerving. Each time Derek caught Lawrence doing that, he wrapped an arm around Stiles, pressing a kiss to his temple, and promising that he was safe. With each kiss – Stiles shuddered. He felt his knees go weak and his stomach swoop.
Derek was way too damn good with this pretending...
The rest of the night went off without a hitch. It was actually a fun party. Eventually, however, Stiles was getting worn out by being around this many people. Derek, too. They excused themselves and finally left to go back to their homes.
During the drive, Stiles struggled with words. He had to find the right ones that would ring gratitude. Because he was grateful for Derek doing this for him. Despite it being a little painful to think that those little kisses and other affectionate actions wouldn't happen between them again.
“Derek?” he finally said quietly.
“I...thanks. For doing this for me. And for helping me with Lawrence.”
“Anything for you.”
He chuckled nervously, turning into the parking lot for Derek's loft. “Yeah, well, you were pretty good at the whole fake boyfriend thing. Too bad Lawrence didn't seemed convinced. But the guy is known for feeding off of denial.”
Derek hummed, contemplating something.
It wasn't until Stiles parked that he said what was on his mind.
“You know...I think I'd be pretty good at being a real boyfriend. If you're interested.”
It was a very very good thing that Stiles was parked. Because he would've slammed on the brakes if he wasn't. He gaped at Derek with jaw hung open. He could not believe what he just heard. For a moment, he was certain that he heard wrong.
Judging by Derek's expectant expression, he hadn't heard wrong.
He flailed, hitting a hand on the roof of the Jeep. “You're – are you serious? Are you teasing me? Because if you are...it's not...it's not fun -”
Derek silenced him with a kiss. On the lips. It was soft, tender. Sucked the air right out of Stiles' lungs.
When it stopped, Stiles found himself chasing the taste. Chasing after someone he thought was unattainable. He felt a hand cupping his face, caressing it gently, cautiously, like it was scared to break him. Didn't have to open his eyes to know the look on Derek's face. Had seen it before. He just thought it was never for him.
“Want me to swing by on your next work day and take you to lunch?”
Stiles grinned wickedly, allowing himself to finally stare into Derek's gaze. “I didn't give you an answer.”
“Mmm...think I know that you're interested.”
“Hmph. Cocky ass.”
“Only when I know I'm right. So...about taking you to lunch the next time you work...”
“Make that a two or three times a week thing, lunch dates or you bring me lunch, rub it all over Lawrence's face, and you've got yourself a deal.”
Derek chuckled, daring to place a kiss on one of Stiles' eyes. “Deal.” He pressed a kiss on the corner of Stiles' mouth, smirking when his boyfriend (Real one! Not fake! Holy crap...) shuddered. “Want to stay over? Or should I stay over at your place?”
Stiles' heart did back flips. Spending the night already? They were moving so fast!
Then again...
“My pillow is in my room...”
“Mmmm...your place it is. And, uh, you have anything I can borrow?”
“Sweats? Maybe a double extra large shirt? Wait, we're right here! You could just run in and grab something!”
The werewolf shrugged, bobbling his head around as if he was playfully thinking about it. “I could. But I'd rather go to your place as soon as possible. It smells like you.”
“Awww! You like how I smell!”
“Well...yeah. You smell like honey spices and fresh oranges. It's pleasant. Soothing.”
Stiles teased him about that the entire drive to his apartment. Once they arrived, they got ready for bed and just...cuddled. Talked about date plans. Took guesses on how the pack was going to react. Discussed what days would be the days Derek would swing by Stiles' work to either drop off lunch or take him to lunch. Even tossed ideas back and forth on what the layout of the new Hale house should be.
It was nice.
It was different, yet the same.
It felt like this was how it was supposed to be. How it always had been.
It was the first night in years that Stiles slept through without waking once.
It was also the first time since his mom that he woke up to breakfast being brought to him in bed.
Stiles, already, may be just a little in love.
Okay...a lot in love. But one step at a time. He would have a perfect opportunity to say it eventually. Right now...right now he wanted to enjoy this. The true beginning of them.
And if he was having a blast gloating about his boyfriend making the best, goddamn chocolate chip pancakes he had ever tasted to every single person that would listen, that was okay. Because Derek made the best, goddamn chocolate chip pancakes he had ever tasted!
And that was not pretend.
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