#also sorry for the rant but i'm kinda fed up with this tbh
the-halcyon-effect · 4 months
"i support asexuals" do you? do you appropriately tag your nsfw posts? can you accept that sexual liberation includes accepting and loving people who don't want sex? can you talk to or think about a trans person without focusing on their genitals? do you see queerness as inherently sexual? can you accept that, even though queer history has a lot to do with sex, there's much, much more that doesn't have to do with it? do you respect the boundaries of people who ask you not to make sexual jokes or talk about sex around them? are you normal about the asexuals who want nothing to do with sex? can you accept the idea of non-sexual kink? are you normal about people who want physical intimacy without sex? are you normal about people who disagree with you about what's "sexy" or "erotic"? or do you only respect us when we're willing and able to uphold your suffocatingly sexual view of queerness?
(allosexuals are encouraged but not required to reblog)
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skinni-girls-eat-books · 10 months
Thursday, November 30th, 2023
10pm I like journaling but sometimes I just don't even know what I want to write on here. Sometimes I just get fed up with myself tbh. With so much time that has passed, it's getting easier to forget the bad stuff tbh. But it's good and bad obviously. Good because yay I don't want to cry/ off myself everyday anymore. Bad because I keep gaslighting myself by only remembering the *ok* parts lol. Everyone knows it would be so easy to go back, but I would probably instantly hate literally everything and tbh I might just be the one to break up this time bc I am enjoying my own company so much 😂 I have to admit it I also enjoy my delusions of getting back together bc I know they are just that - delusions, dreams, me wanting something that never actually existed. It's all a joke now tbh. It's like having a weird TV crush like this story I made up in my head where everything is how I would like it to be. But oh my FUCK I have like 0 respect for him now and he seriously icks me tf outtttt I just can't imagine being with this stupid fuck of a man child again lol. I just wish he'd say more dumb shit like plEASE keep giving me the ick I need it to move on 🤣
r/ breaking moms is my new favorite thing where whole ass WIVES 💍rant about their man child husbands and I'm living vicariously through other people's icks JFC but it's WORKING hahahaha
God I fucking hate men FUCK ICKY UGRGH
What a fucking POS and also wtf is wrong with me why do I keep thinking about him 🤣 I forgive myself, life is just ups n downs and rn I'm kinda in a rut. But fuck that stupid ass bitch I know I just stay doing better, literally fuck him dumb ass. Don't miss that crazy fucking mess I literally saw in his room ☠️ IDK why that shit just clicked today he literally still lives like a fucking pig shit child. I just can't. I can't keep doing this. Sorry bitch I'm really far gone now, hope you enjoy your choices dumb ass.
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creepypotroast · 3 years
A month or so ago you showed an image of your A.U.(?)’s protagonist’s mother as part of a response to something I sent over; call me stupid but who’s the dad? The image itself implies Slenderman, but written and image posts of (who I believe to be) the protagonist and Maw implies the opposite, and tbh I’m just a bit confused.
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op i am so sorry for not seeing this sooner. you are not stupid at all i'm just bad at explaining myself and my silly little au. long answer will be under the cut because i do be ranting incomprehensibly.
WARNING: pregnancy mention, warlord-ism, situationship, general non-canon out-of-touch blubbery. also kinda badly written tbh
The short answer is that Wendy is May and Slendy's kid, and Maw is May and Zalgo's kid. As to why that happen... that goes back a long way in blackbirch AU.
Zalgo/Shormash Urdal is a primordial Lovecraft-esque elder god in the au, and this guy eats worlds, literally. He seeks out civilisations, devours their guardian deity/ies, and then drains the life out of their habitat until the whole realm or planet crumbles into dust. Sometimes he takes a few of their people, generals, warriors, concubines for his 'court', bound to him by arcane silver chains. They are called the right and left hand court, respectively.
When his court inevitably rioted, they took out his right hand and the surviving members scatter to different worlds. Some came to ours, assimilating into human host bodies selected among Zalgo cults, headed by former generals and sycophants who remained loyal to the elder god. But some pick their own hosts randomly as they come across it, which is the case of one of his wives.
Back to the human world. May Rosewood is an orphan whose single mother wasted away, and she lived in foster care til her grandmother contacted, wanting to adopt the kid back into the family. The day she was supposed to leave, eight-year-old May ventured out in the woods and saw a ghostly woman whose shape shifts and ripples painfully with each move she took. The woman turned into a child to lure May out, then took over her body as she blacked out.
May woke up, shaken but otherwise unharmed, and was immediately took to meet her grandmother. The shock became a forgotten memory and she lived the rest of her childhood with relative inconsequence.
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Moving back home at age 34, an adult May confronted the truth about her origins. She also discovered that she was carrying Zalgo's offspring, a plan orchestrated by Zalgo's cult and her fiancé. Betrayed, she furiously delved into elder mythos to find a way out, and that was when Slender came into the act.
She stole a summoning sigil, gathered what she needed and managed to call upon Slender, who took her under his protection as they look for a way to eliminate/mitigate Zalgo's influence on the fetus. Slender has been trying to create Slenderkin children/spawns of his own for a while; he does this by uhhh [GORE WARNING] vivisecting infants and injects his own blood into their spine [END GORE WARNING] Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
But waiting until May gave birth was risky, as some Zalgoid can be extremely powerful even as newborns. So he fed her his blood directly and kept her on close watch, intending to kill her if anything went remotely wrong. But it never happened, and they instead developed a sort of wacky relationship, unlikely friends slash romantic partners, right up until the baby was born.
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this is their relationship dynamic. no i don't take constructive criticism.
And then you have Wendy, who apparently has no Zalgoid influence except for Maw who lives inside her head (for now). In other words, Maw was the original Zalgoid spawn that their mother carried, but eaten by her chimera twin Wendy at birth. Her Zalgoid powers are subdued but it's still there, hidden inside their shared body, waiting for a chance to come out.
As for if Slender knew this... I'd say he is aware there might be a chance his daughter could fall back under Zalgoid influence, but he couldn't have predicted they'd be two different people.
anyway Thank you OP for asking the vital question that made me actually sit down and realign my silly little plot points!!!!! this is me the entire time i wrote this:
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also enjoy some good ass art from my amazing insta mutual Sandie!!would die maim kill for them
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i just love them so much ok. thank you OP and sandie for sponsoring my disgusteeng little brain vomit.
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simisaint · 2 years
I apologise and I hope you'll forgive me for using your simblr askbox for this but i just read your rants on your writing blog and I had to drop by. You can ignore this ask if it oversteps boundaries. I hope people can see n understand that writing fics is not your source of income and respect the fact that your office job is what gets your bills paid. I dont think they've got any right to say "leave the company" type-thing to you when they dont know the whole story, it's just unecessary advice-
I really hope people, instead of screaming at you to update SY with their pitchforks in the air, wait patiently for the update (WHENEVER u decide to do so) and at least empathise with your situation as working people/corporate slaves themselves. Im sure most of us are the same so I dont understand why some have the nerve to act entitled on the internet? I mean i get it that the story might be something they were looking forward to but god, its not just them who have lives separate of tumblr. (2)
I'm now ranting, I'm sorry but seeing you apologise for not updating SY when you already said you've put the series on hiatus till 19th May didnt sit well with me. I didnt think you needed to apologise when you've said time and time again that your promotion has left you with very little free time on your hands. Doesn't that clearly mean that you wont be able to update your fics as quick and frequent as SN got updated cause you literally don't have free time? Shouldn't people respect that? (3)
And shouldn't they respect the fact that free time doesn't always mean that you're gonna spend it all on writing SY?? Like, fuck i'm so fucking mad rn. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with entitled readers too who think that all your free time should be devoted to writing fics only. You genuinely sound so fucking stressed, frustrated and thoroughly overworked in your posts, Saint and I hope people fucking open their eyes to see it instead of being Seras and seeing only their woes. (4)
I do hope and pray you get your break and rest first cause i know you've got your personal reasons for putting yourself through this whole overworking ordeal and i'm no one to tell you what to do or not. I can just hope for your good mental and physical health and for your boss to not ask you to cover full shifts last minute when you've already worked full time for yours the entire week. Again, before I forget, PLEASE, update SY at YOUR pace. (5)
I've been locked in ever since u posted SN1 so im not leavin til' I get SY15 (OH WAIT, ill have to get off the roller coaster if u ever discontinue it, which is totally fine too! pls dont take that as me pushing u to finish sy T-T im sorry) Take your time with it. You're already risking your health over your job rn and u dont need to do that with writing- something that's your escape. ANYWAY, ive talked bs for way too long and i apologise if this all isn't coherent and for repetitive ask-ings. 6
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it’s okkk and thank u, i appreciate u sm :’( i’m sorry you had to see me freaking out earlier. i’m truly just fed up and exhausted with my life outside of this web space. i only apologized for not being able to post frequent updates bc i want readers to understand that i’m not abandoning sy by choice. in fact, i get very veryyy sad that i can’t find the time to write it. i feel bad that i can’t even have proper conversations with my moots here and they prob think i’m ignoring them 😭 i also just came across this post where two of my readers are having an exchange abt how sy has slow updates and it’s making them lose interest and i was kinda hurt but i understand tbh sddjfjsjs but YOU, ILY AND I HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY. tysm for dropping by and for understanding my situation (ik i sound dramatic but aaaaaaa)
i’ll open anon on main so u can reach out there too <33
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1111jenx · 3 years
Omg just saw the Astro rant you’ve shared! My best friend is a Virgo rising and she’s gotten into astrology like a year ago. She loves to browse tumblr for informations and she always sends me posts about rising signs and we both feel like Virgo risings get so much hate, are undervalued and overlooked a lot, also misinterpreted. There are some posts with paragraphs about how magnetic Scorpios, Leo’s and Libra risings are. Like every rising sign gets so much attention on the beautiful and physical traits, but as soon as you reach Virgo on the list, all you get is: „nervous energy, judgemental, anxious, observes the world with their head, not with their heart, critical, pessimistic“. I’m not even a Virgo rising but this shit is getting on my nerves!! Sorry for my bad English.
Love your blog! And I love how you FINALLY put Virgo risings in the right light!! 💓
Hi beautiful!
Thank you so so much for this ahhhh you have no ideas how this brightens up my day!!
Being a Leo Rising myself I'm kinda fed up with all the bs about my people like not all of us are confident and beautiful I look like shrek on weeekdays ma'am LMFAOOO and literally we can be the biggest people pleaser too not all Leo Risings are blunt!!!
The same goes for others! Libra Risings and Scop Risings being associated with perfection and "the best rising to have" and all that is tiringgggggg. people have no idea how their words can affect others:) We don't choose to be born on a certain day at a certain time and we certainly are perfectly fine the way we are.
Virgo Risings are so so underrated tbh. Its their awkward yet charming manners, philosophical mindset and outlook that gets to me. Overall they're prolly imo some of the most ambitious and hardworking people. Telling them they look like aliens and using Mark Zuckerberg pictures to justify ALL virgo rising is not the vibe for 2021💀💀💀
i love you guys so so much and this is what keeps me going tbh, keep doing you beautiful
warmest regards to you and ur friends🤍
saint jenx🪐
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notquitetwilight · 4 years
Ik I don't engage w u much but I'd just really like to talk to an Irish person....this pandemic is shit and its handled badly by Martin here and I just know that we won't get level 3 in march....I'm really fed up with it, I've graduated into a workplace where no one knows what's going on and there's no support. And to make it worse, beast from the east 2 is on the way so it's Baltic here which makes going for a walk a bit shit.
Do you have any tips or recommendations or even have just a good moan about the pandemic, Ireland style?
It’s feckin disastrous with FF and FG and the turncoat Greens in government tbh. Idk what you’ve graduated in but based on your ask it sounds like possibly something in the medical/science industries??? If that is the case I can’t imagine how hard it is rn bc the Irish govt’s lack of support there is evident at the best of times, never mind in a feckin pandemic 🥴 Don’t be shy to DM me off anon if you ever wanna rant!!!!!!! No pressure tho ofc as I know lots of people prefer anon and that’s why I’ve it enabled 💞
I don’t have any tips bc I feel exactly the same in terms of barely leaving the house both bc of lockdown and the weather, it’s near impossible to get out for walks. Like I’m glad we’re in lockdown bc of how bad the numbers were and I’m hoping they don’t just open back up again like they did the other two times we came out of lockdown bc otherwise we’re just gonna be back in the same boat a few weeks/months later yano? But that doesn’t make living in lockdown any less shite/easier. It’s like groundhog day over and over and the vaccine rollout is so bloody slow??????? I’ve pals in the States who’ve pre-existing conditions and have already had their first dose, meanwhile we’re being told all over 70s, who’ve priority next to frontline workers, probably won’t be done til MAY????? It legit feels like all I’m doing is hearing of people going for tests or dying and life is just on pause at the minute with the vague promise of “it’ll be better soon” but no idea as to when. I’m also job hunting atm and p much every industry’s job market is cat bc of the pandemic but my industry was limited in Ireland beforehand anyway, which was why I emigrated, but then the pandemic made me return home and now I’m stuck here and it feels never-fucking-ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Generally I’m trying to take it one day at a time and truly just survive. Some days are more productive than others (I’ve a chronic illness too that I’ll be waiting to be seen for for god knows how long again bc of the pandemic so some days I’m dragging myself out of the bed just before noon) and I’m trynna be forgiving with myself but it’s hard. It’s my birthday later this week and as someone with achievement/career anxiety turning another year older while unemployed in an unpromising situation is literally giving me chest pains hskskdkskksf 💀 I’m sorry if I went too negative there but I just kinda wanted to be honest and show you (or anyone else who’s struggling atm) that you’re not alone. We’re all in different circumstances and some people’s are definitely worse than others but the current situation is affecting us all in different and harmful ways and none of us are getting out of it unscathed (well except the rich maybe lol 🙃). So take comfort in the fact that you’re not the only one, but don’t let that diminish/invalidate how you’re feeling, if you get me? We’re allowed to be sad and angry and grieve normal life while doing our part to lessen the grieving of people. 💗
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