#also sorry the tense jumps all over the place here. it will happen again.
vivwritesfics · 1 month
He was just there to see Kate, to make sure she was all right after what happened. He didn't expect to run into the pretty cowgirl and her horse.
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There was an unfamiliar white truck in the driveway. There was always unfamiliar trucks in the driveway, always some rich asshole trying to purchase the land out from under their feet.
She patted her horse's neck as she looked at the truck. Storm Par. Tye name didn't tell her as much as she wanted it to. "Come on, Gambler." She tensed her leg against the horse's side and walked him towards the barn.
It was late, so late that she knew her mother would be furious with her. Her sister was always the good one, the one with high expectations placed on her shoulders. Expectations that she'd exceeded.
Jumping from Gamblers saddle, she walked him into the barn and did everything she needed to do. Untacked him, fed him, made sure the little makeshift stable was clean and he had enough food and water for the night.
They got a small corner of the barn. The rest of it was full of Kate's stuff. She couldn't be mad about that, not when Kate's stuff was so cool. But it also served as a grim reminded that she wasn't there, and hadn't been for years.
Shutting the barn for the night, she made her way back to the house. Storm Par, she'd seen that truck somewhere before, she just couldn't put her finger on it. She tried to look in the truck, but it was too dark to see anything.
She made her way inside of the house, toed off her dirty boots and dropped her keys in the bowl. Shrugging off her jacket, she hung it over the banister and made her way to the kitchen.
Her stomach made a desperate noise as she looked in the fridge for the leftovers. "I know, I know," she mumbled to herself, setting about heating it up.
Footsteps, on the stairs. "Mom?" She called over her shoulder. "Sorry I'm late, we lost track of time."
The person didn't respond as she stirred the leftovers in the pan to heat it up. When she turned around, her breath caught in her throat.
There stood her sister. Kate, the good one, the smart one, the one that had disappeared to New York. "Holy shit," she breathed as she looked at her. "Holy fuckin' shit."
"Hi," Kate said and swallowed.
She'd imagined this moment several times, what it would be like to be reunited with Kate. Had imagined running into her arms and holding her so tight that she couldn't leave again.
But, now that they were here, she was at a loss. It didn't feel right to embrace Kate in such a dramatic fashion, didn't feel right to do anything but just look at her.
She turned and stirred the leftovers in the pan. "What're you doing back?" She asked as she began to plate it up.
Kate shrugged her shoulders. "I was nearby," she said and sat at the kitchen table, sat in the seat opposite her. "Were you out with Gambler?"
She nodded as she ate.
No, it isn't bad writing, the conversation was stale. The sisters didn't quite know what so say to each other. Where had they left off when Kate disappeared? Why had she left them behind?
She didn't mean to resent her sister for getting out, for leaving her behind. Their mother had been so distraught when Kate left for New York, but she understood why. She still had her other daughter there. Her other daughter who wanted to leave, who wanted to travel across the country and make a life for herself.
Clearing her throat, she stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow," she mumbled and took her food up to her room. Kate wasn't blonde the last time she saw her. But that seemed to be the only difference.
She looked out of her window, looked at the Storm Par truck in the drive. It must have been Kate's truck, she decided and sat at her computer.
It was so easy to find information on Storm Par. To find out who they were, to find out what they did. The what wasn't important, and the who was only kind of important. It was the why that she cared about. And, when she found that out, why the hell would Kate work for a company like this?
A sour feeling settled in her stomach as she went to bed that night.
"Someone's feeling fresh," she mumbled as she walked Gambler forward. But Gambler didn't want to walk; he wanted to go.
She turned him in a sharp circle, since holding him back wasn't doing anything to stop him from taking off. "You wanna run, Gamble?" She challenged, walking him to the end of the drive. He was practically galloping on the spot.
When they get to the wide open field in front of them, she let him go. Gambler went. He galloped, snorting as he went. She held the mane and let him run until he got to the other end of the field. At the other end of the field, she got Gambler back under control and began walking him back to the house. Halfway across the field, she pushed him into a nice, controlled canter.
An unfamiliar red truck was parked in the driveway, parked beside the Storm Par truck. She squeezed on the reins, slowed Gambler down as she watched the guy climb out of the red truck. The cowboy hat on his head looked performative as he placed it back in his truck.
"Can I help you?" She asked as she walked Gambler over to him.
He was gorgeous. His charm was written in smile as he looked around at her home. Upon seeing her, his charming smile dropped from his face. "Uh, yeah," he said and turned again. "Is Kate here?" He asked.
She blew out a breath and gestured for him to follow her. He did, walking a good distance behind Gambler. "Are you with Storm Par as well?" She asked as she rode, the reins in one hand and her other hand resting on her thigh.
To Tyler, she looked all the bit the cowgirl. He knew cowgirls, he was an ex rodeo man, after all. This was the kind of girl he would have chased after before he went to study meteorology. "No," he said, that charming smile slowly reappearing on his face. "I do chase, though."
"Ah," she said as she jumped from the saddle and grabbed a hold of the reins. "You're one of those freaks." It was said completely in jest, the tone of her voice suggested. She pushed open the barn doors and led Tyler inside. "Kate," she called across the barn. "Someone here for you."
Tyler watched as she took her horse to the little stable in the back of the barn. And then he turned his attention to Kate.
All the time she was in the barn, Tyler couldn't help but look at her. She had a Stetson hanging off the stable door as she gave her horse a bath. It shouldn't have been distracting but, to Tyler, it was. She was just cleaning her horse, massaging the purple shampoo into his grey coat.
Every time Kate caught him staring, Tyler had the decency to quickly look away. But Kate just grinned at him and told him her name. "She's my sister," she said quietly.
He didn't expected to get invited to dinner. "You should," said Kate as she looked further into the barn. "She's cooking." Tyler looked back at her as she grabbed a black bucket and filled it with horse food.
Her cooking was incredible. She wore her Stetson as she brought the food to the table outside. Kate set the table as she placed an array of food on the middle of the table.
"Thank you, cowgirl," said Tyler as she placed the salad down in front of him.
Her cheeks were so hot as she sat in the seat opposite him. "Don't mention it," she muttered and began plating everything up.
It was easy not to look at her when her mother was asking him so many questions, questions he was happy to answer. But she hadn't stopped looking at him. Feeling like a creep, she tried to stay focused on her dinner. But his voice. Fuck, it was something else.
"What about you?"
She hadn't even realised he was talking to her. With her mouth full, she looked up at him. "What?" She asked around the food in her mouth.
"Do you like storms?"
It probably wouldn't have been such an odd question if she had been paying attention to the conversation. She shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, they're pretty. But you wouldn't catch me dead outside in one."
Tyler's entire focus was on her, as if he'd forgotten her mother and Kate were there. "I bet I could change your mind," he said, voice full of confidence.
She took the challenge, copied his pose as she leaned towards him. "Oh yeah? And how are you gonna do that?" She tried to copy the expression on his face, the charming grin he had so easily mastered.
He sat back in his seat and looked towards his truck. "You'll see, Cowgirl."
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idunnoanymore7 · 1 year
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Description: If you get locked in the walk-in freezer with your hot boss, you need to warm up somehow.
Content: carmy x reader (no use of y/n), injury(cut finger) and mention of blood, sort of enemies to lovers, oral f!receiving, fingering, unprotected piv sex, dirty talk, use of pet names
Author’s Note: I need him IN MY BONES. i wrote this before watching the ep when this happens LOL. also i love feedback if you want to leave it! <3
It started as a normal day of work-as in Carmy was yelling, Richie was an asshole, and Sydney was solving everything.
It ended up being an intense day for an unofficial kitchen assistant. There was a large rush of customers at lunch, leaving Carmy’s veins to protrude as he yelled at everyone to make more food. 
“50 more beef, 20 veggie, 16 everything chefs!”
“Heard, chef!” The kitchen chorused back. 
He called your name.
“Yes, chef?” 
“I need the two slabs of beef left in the fridge, and then you need to go drive and get more.”
“Heard, chef,” you say, writing the instructions down quickly on your notepad.
Carmy was already gone, at his station picking up the pound of beef. You stared as his bicep curved out, his hand flexed and gripped the bag. You were interrupted by-
“Chef! I need those tomatoes!” Sydney said. “They have to be in the pot in 5!”
Fuck-the tomatoes you were chopping for Sydney’s sauce before this meeting started. 
“Yes chef!” 
“And we’re talking about whatever that was later!” she said. You tense as you realize she saw you gawking.
“Syyyyd!” You whine. She grins.
“Get to work!” Carmy hollers from around a corner, and you dash back to the sink.
You had finished half of the ten tomatoes sydney requested. You picked up the knife and got to work on the 6th of the bunch.
You were mindlessly chopping for maybe a minute before someone slammed into your back, knocking you forward and causing you to slice your finger.
“Fuck!” you gasped. You whirled around to see who it was. “Say behind!”
Of course. Richie. He looked down at you  and his lip curled. 
“Not my fault! Pay more attention next time.”
He stalked off, rolling his eyes. 
Whatever, you didn’t have time for this. Luckily no blood got on the tomatoes, so you wrapped the cut in paper towel and got back to work careful to keep that finger away from the food. You slid the cut up food into a bowl and carried it to Sydney, placing it next to her.
“Thanks, chef,” she said, checking the tomatoes.
“Of course, chef.”
“Whoa, you good?” she said, noticing your finger. 
“Yeah, I’ll fix it after I finish,” you said.
“Okay..” she said, raising an eyebrow. “Be careful.”
“I will, chef!” You say, already heading to the freezer. “Corner!”
You reached the freezer and pulled open the door to slip inside, looking for the beef Carmy had asked for.
“Ah!” You jumped, shoulder blade hitting the metal shelf. Carmy startled from the racks he was leaning on. 
“What the fuck?” He leaned on the door to steady himself; pushing it closed. 
“Fuck-sorry chef,” You said quickly. “I didn’t know you were in here.”
“Clearly,” he groaned, tipping his head back against the shelf. You could feel the shame burning up your chest and sternum. 
“Just get your stuff and go, okay?” 
You nodded and leaned over, right hand on the metal coils as you looked for the beef on the bottom shelf.
“It’s right there,” he said angrily, gesturing to the slab. Great day so far. You cut yourself and now your workplace crush was yelling at you. Like you could focus when he was right there. You could feel his body heat.
You gripped the plastic and lifted the meat into the crook of your left arm. Hefting it up, you turned and reached for the door handle, avoiding eye contact with Carmy. 
You pulled the handle. Nothing happened. What?
You tried again. Still nothing more than a slight jiggle, and the door didn’t budge. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled.
“Let me try,” he said, moving into your space. His wide shoulders brushed against you, reminding you of all that manliness and what you wanted it to do to you.
You stepped back, the weight of the beef (and your attraction to Carmy) already starting to burn. You switched arms as he yanked hard on the handle, bicep and shoulder muscles flexing. He added his other hand and pulled down and back. Nothing.
This could not be happening. You can’t be stuck in here with Carmy. He’ll eat you alive, and not in the way you wanted. You couldn’t stand the thought of the cause of that twist in your gut hating you.
“Fuck!” he yelled, slamming his fist against the door. “Richie! Syd!”
You both knew the door was metal, several inches thick. They’d have to be close to hear him. 
You gasped and set the beef back so you could curl your arms around yourself. Carmy whirled around.
“You fucking locked us in here!” he said, pointing at you.
“Me?!” You yelled back. “It’s not my fault the door jammed!”
“Yes it is!” he fired back. “This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t come in here!”
“I was getting the fucking beef you asked me for!” You screamed back.
He was about to respond when you heard muffled voices outside. 
“Syd!” You called out.
“Cousin!” He yelled at the same time.
“What’re you guys doing in there?” you hear Sydney say through the door. 
“The fucking door won’t open!” Carmy exclaimed. “Get us out!”
The handle shook, then shook more violently.
“I think it’s jammed!” came Richie’s yell.
“No shit, Sherlock,” you mumble.
Carmy looks at you out of the corner of his eye before turning back. “So can you fix it?”
“Um, not sure,” came his cousin’s reply. “I think we need to get Fak…”
“Fuck!” Carmy exclaimed louder, pushing his tattooed hands through his hair. “It’s lunch rush! I cant be stuck in here!”
“I’d also like to be outside!” You add.
“It’s okay chef,” Sydney’s voice responds. “I’ll keep us on task while Richie works to get you out. We won’t fall behind.”
“I got this, cousin!” Richie says.
Carmy sighs and leans his head against the freezer door, resting his hands on it.
“Good, chef. You’ll have a limited menu since our meat is in here.”
“On it Chef. We were due for a shipment anyway.”
“Thank you chef. An-“
Sydney cuts him off saying your name. “Just breathe, okay? We’ll get you out as soon as possible.”
“Thank you Syd,” you reply, feeling grateful for her ability to take charge.
“Oh! And I’ll slip a bandage under the door!”
“Ahhh thank you,” You respond with relief, looking down at the paper towel that was almost completely red.
That caught Carmy’s attention. His head whipped around to look at you as her footsteps pattered away.
“You good?”
You looked at him in surprise. “Yeah…just cut my finger.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “You have to be careful. We can’t be losing manpower.”
You glared. “Richie slammed into me. My carefulness didn’t have anything to do with it.”
“Here you go,” Syd said as she slid the bandaid under the door. “Fak will be here in an hour or so.”
“What?” you exclaim at the same time.
“Apparently he likes to go to a specific movie theater an hour away. I don’t fucking know.” 
You groan along with Carmy.
You slid down to sit on the cement floor and set about trying to open the bandage, but hissed when it slid across your cut. 
Carmy sighed. “Let me help you with that.”
“I got it, thanks. Isn’t it because I wasn’t careful enough, anyway?” You say.
“You can’t blame me for trying to keep the restaurant running.”
“Thanks for the sympathy.”
“Just let me do it.”
Carmy lowered himself to the floor, leaning back on his haunches. The image of this larger-than-life man on his knees for you made you slow, handing over the bandage.
He took it and began to unwrap. 
“I know you’re careful,” he says into his hands.
“Huh?” you ask in surprise.
He looks up at you, those beautiful blue eyes upping your heart rate. “I know you’re careful. I shouldn’t have yelled.”
Oh fuck. New reason why you couldn’t stay in here. You were gonna fall in love with him.
The praise makes you smile, and his face seems to lighten at that. “Thanks,” you say. “I assume it helps my case that Richie has a reputation for being not careful.”
He huffs a smile. “Maybe a bit.” He reaches his hand out gently. Seeing the veins and tattoos on the backs of his hands were not helping your heartbeat. Your nerves shake as he takes your hand and undoes the paper towel with the other. 
His face hardens and you look to see why. The gash was deeper than you realized, but nothing new to kitchen staff.
“Fuckin’ Richie,” Carmy grumbles angrily.
“It’s fine,” you say reassuringly. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
He makes eye contact again. “You shouldn’t have to. Not in my kitchen.”
Your lips part in surprise, and you think you catch him looking at them a beat too long before returning to your hand. The fact that such talented, skilled hands were working on your little cut was wild to you. 
A curl fell in his face, and you had to resist the urge to push it back for him. He was finishing up the bandage, and your mind screamed keep him over here.
“How are we gonna keep from freezing to death in here?” You ask, half joking. 
He moves back to lean against the shelves on the opposite wall, legs crossed at the ankle. You immediately feel the absence of his hands on you. 
He shrugs. “I’m used to it.”
“All that means is you won’t notice when the hypothermia kicks in.” 
His eyebrows furrow. “That cannot be true.”
“Yeah, I have no idea.” You respond, stretching your legs out so they’re parallel to his.
He chuckles, louder than you thought he would. 
“How is the job so far?” He asks.
“Good,” you say. “Better than a lot of kitchens. Except when I have to sit in a freezer with my boss.” You nudge his knee with yours. 
“C’mon, is he really that bad?” Carmy teases.
You think for a minute. “No, honestly. He’s pretty fantastic at everything he does. In appearance, too. I don’t know how he keeps those white shirts so clean.”
“I meant to be in a freezer with,” Carmy responds. There’s a shameful beat.
“I’m just messing with you,” He smirks.
You roll your eyes, still embarrassed for your lovey rant.
“I look fantastic, huh?” 
You squirm. “I didn’t mean it like that-“
“How did you mean it then? Don’t hurt my feelings.”
“Can they be hurt?” You ponder. “I’m sure many women have told you similarly.”
He shakes his head. “That’s probably the only personal compliment I’ve gotten in years. They’ve all been about my cooking.” His face is a bit pink now.
You rub your arms, the goosebumps a combination of the freezer and Carmy’s gaze on you. Speaking of, his eyes follow the movement of your arms and his jaw ticks.
“That’s almost unbelievable to me,” You begin. “That no one tells you you look good.”
“Do people tell you that?” He asks.
“Sometimes, I suppose,” You say. “When I look nicer than this.” You gesture down at yourself.
“You still look nice,” He says gravelly, crossing his arms over his chest. You have to tear your eyes away from his forearms to respond. 
“Thanks, so do you,” You say lightly, hoping it’s not obvious how much you mean it.
You can tell from his eyes he sees through you, though. 
“I know you think so,” He says lowly.
“Oh yeah?” You ask nervously.
“Yeah,” he almost groans. “The way you look at me when I cook-it’s so distracting.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whisper. 
“Yes you do,” he says, eyes hard. “But you’re so focused, and careful, that you never see when I’m looking the same way at you.”
You swallow hard. There was no way this was real. Carmy being into you? Impossible.
“Yeah, right,” You respond.
His jaw ticks. “What, you don’t think that’s true?”
“Carmy, look at you. Then look at me. Of course I don’t think that’s true.” You shake.
He pushes his hands through his curls again. His shirt rises up an inch when he does, and you can’t help but glance at the bit of happy trail-
“See,” He groans. “I cant think straight around you. Especially when you look at me like that. Like I’m worth your attention.”
“Of course you are, Chef,” you say, looking into his eyes as your voice went lower. 
The name seemed to do him in. His frazzled look shifted to feral, eyes bright and hair in every direction. 
“You never answered my question,” You said lowly.
“What question?”
“How are we gonna stay warm in here?” You say, tone suggesting there was more to what you were saying. “Because I can think of a few ideas…”
“Oh, so can I,” He said gravelly, dragging his eyes down your body as you rose up on your knees. “All of them require you getting over here.” he said.
Didn’t have to tell you twice. He uncrossed his legs, his perfect thighs framing a seat for you. Before you could sit, his large hands crept onto your back, grasping you as he put his face onto your belly.
“Is this okay?” He asked, tone serious.
“Yes, yes,” you almost whine, hands reaching the back of his head. 
When you run your fingers through your hair like you’d been dreaming about, he groans.
This giant, muscled man groans into your stomach. You feel like jelly. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles. “I haven’t done this in a long time.”
You had heard about his nonexistent dating history. But you didn’t care. 
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want,” You say, looking down at him.
“No,” he groans, looking up at you, the angle of his eyes and his hands gripping you making you even wetter. “I want.”
You gasp and that reaction seems to spur him on. He slides his hands down your thighs and pulls you into his lap.
You groan quietly as you feel his cock through his pants, already hardening just from you being close. You couldn’t believe it. 
“You feel that? What you do to me?” He asks, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You think it’s true now?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you gasp. “Wanna feel what you do to me?”
He groans in your ear. “Oh, we’ll get there.”
Then, he kisses you. And not a polite one. He kisses you like you’re a new recipe he made: new and delicious and ready to be devoured whole.
You moan and his grip on your shirt tightens like you’ll disappear if he doesn’t hold on. You tug on his hair and your hips involuntarily buck against him. 
He pulls back and moves his mouth to your neck. “Needy little thing, aren’t you?”
“I could-“ His teeth scrape your neck. “I could say the same thing about you.”
His hands grasp your face and kiss you again, holding you and taking you. 
You reach your hands for the hem of his shirt, needing something to ground you with the heat running through your body. As soon as you reach your hands underneath his shirt and scrape your nails up, he seems to go haywire.
His hands grip anywhere they can reach, your back, your hips, your shoulders, your hair. Not quite where you want him.
You pull back and he looks worried. But that look dissipates when you reach for the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head.
“Oh…pretty girl…” he mumbles, hands sliding up from your hips and across your stomach. 
You smile and reach your arms to the back of your bra.
“You want this off too?” You ask.
“Yes, oh god, please-“
Your thighs try to squeeze together from his desperation, but his hips are in the way and he notices. 
“You like that baby? You like when I beg?” 
You whimper. Oh god. And he heard it.
“I can do that, pretty girl, I can beg,” He says, his blue eyes in yours.
“Fuck, Carmy-“ You groan.
His hands move up, sliding seductively up your skin. “Can I take it off baby? Want it to be me that gets to undress you.”
“Yeah, you can,” You nod, unable to form sentences. He was gonna kill you.
He undoes the clasp on the first try, and his eyes get wider as the bra falls away. Your nipples turn into points from the cold freezer.
“Ohhh pretty girl, look at these,” he says in fascination, running his thumbs over your peaks.
The rough skin against you makes you moan, head falling back as he grasps your tits in his hands.
“So, so pretty,” he says, and then he scrapes his teeth against them. You gasp, as he continues to suck and bite at your breasts. “Wanna hold ‘em every day-“
“Fuck-so glad you like them Carmy,” you groan. “Please, please can you take this off?”
You grasp at his shirt. “Of course, baby,” he says, hair even crazier than normal from your tugging. He helps you lift it up and over his head.
“Oh, god,” you say, eyes widening as you finally see him in his full glory. Seeing his defined biceps next to his pecs and happy trail might knock you out cold. “Oh Carmy you are fantastic.”
That makes him laugh, and you grab his neck to kiss him again, and he moans into your mouth. Your other hand runs down his chest, dragging along the waistband. His hands grasped your boobs, and it felt better than you thought it would.
His desperation and muscle was making you soaked. You needed him to touch you. 
“Carm-“ You squirm in his lap, looking for friction. 
“I know, baby, I got you,” he says. “C’mere.” 
He holds you into him with one arm, and you bite at his shoulder as he looks for the shirts on the hard ground, making a makeshift pillow for you. 
He lays you back, and you watch him as he slowly kisses and nicks his way down your body, getting more teethy and possessive as he gets lower.
He reaches the waistband of your pants, and looks up at you for assurance. You look at the door nervously, and he catches it.
“I’m not gonna let anyone see you,” He says. “This is for me,” he grabs your ass. “Understand?”
You nod desperately and wiggle your hips.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
“Heard, chef,” you tease, and he tsks at you, smirking.
He pulls your pants down and over your ankles, adjusting himself to breathe over your thighs.
You inhale sharply as the cold hits your legs, goosebumps forming. Carmy’s hands soothe you, running up your thighs slowly.
He rubs his thumb over the wet spot on your underwear and looks up at you. “All this for me?”
“Told you you’d feel what you do to me.” you say.
“Ugh, pretty girl, you’re gonna kill me.” he groans into your thigh, biting down and you whimper. 
“Please, Carm, don’t tease-“
He pulls your underwear down in one swift motion, looking at you for reassurance before pulling your thighs over his shoulders and diving into his meal.
You can’t help your load moan as he licks a stripe all the way up your folds, circling your clit when he gets there. 
Your hands twist into his hair but he doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, his hands clamp harder into your thighs as your taste spurs him on.
“Fuck,” His nose- that perfect nose- rubs your clit over and over and you almost squeal just from the visual: his tattooed hands on your thighs, his curls in your fingers, his blue eyes looking straight into yours.
He pushes his tongue into you and your hips buck as you moan when he curls it up. The absence of it inside you makes you whimper, until his middle finger enters you and you really do squeal.
“Carmy- ah-“
“Yeah, baby, lemme hear you.”
He curls his finger and hits that spongey spot inside you, making your hips buck again. His eyes look scoldingly at you before he removes his right hand and presses down on your lower stomach. 
“Shit-!” Your head lolls back. “That’s a nice trick, Chef-“ You can feel him smirk.
The pressure makes the finger pumping inside you pleasing in a whole new way. Still sucking on your clit, Carmy curls another finger inside you.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna-“
“I got you, c’mon, come for me, wanna see you come all over my fingers,” Carmy says desperately, and you listen, snapping loose and releasing all over him. 
Your boss made you cum. Hard. Did you need to call HR? 
Nope. All you needed was to see him rising back over you, kissing up your stomach and over your breasts. 
His mouth was covered in your wet, and you grabbed his jaw hard to kiss him, your tongue in his mouth to taste yourself on him.
“Fantastic?” He asks.
“Fantastic.” you respond, meaning it. “Let’s hope Fak gets stuck in traffic,” you whisper into his lips. 
“Why?” he responds, teasing. You slide your hand down his chest and over his ass.
“Because I want you inside me,” you say. He moans and kisses you again, hard, whilst reaching for the fly on his jeans. 
“I was thinking the same thing,” he smiles into your lips. “Hands, chef, hands.”
You giggle and go to help him pull his pants down his legs and over his feet, kissing his jaw. You run your fingers over the happy trail you had been ogling, and grasp his cock over his boxers. He grunts in your ear, and takes your hand away. 
“Gonna come too fast,” he says, holding your hand above your head and kissing you.  “You make me crazy.”
“Same here, Carm.” You say, nipping at his neck. Your other hand teases at the waistline of his boxers.
He looks into your eyes. “Are you sure about this?” 
“Yes, Carmy, fuck, please.”
“Good.” He says, tugging his boxers down and you finally get to see him in all his glory. God, you didn’t think he could get more beautiful. Seeing him entirely naked sent another wave of wetness between your thighs.
“You’re so pretty, Carmy,” you mumble. He slid his hands up the outside of your thighs, keeping his eyes locked on yours. 
“All for you, baby,” his hand goes to his cock, and as the head slides inside you your head lolls back and groan.
“Hey, look at me.” You look back up to stare into his icy eyes. “Don’t stop.” He says.
He slides further into you and your jaw hangs open, trying so hard to keep eye contact with him.
You both groan as he bottoms out, every vein and ridge of him inside of you. Your pussy is still sensitive from the previous mind-blowing orgasm, and-
“God, pretty girl, you feel so good,” he groans in your ear. “Taking me so well.”
You pulse at the praise, and he feels it. You feel his smirk on your jaw. “You like that?”
“Yeah,” you gasp, your nails find purchase on his back.
He rolls into you, and it has your thighs squeezing around his hips immediately. 
“Shit, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, Carmy, feels so good,” you moan as he starts his rhythm, every ridge of his cock dragging inside your walls. The cold of the freezer vanishing against the hotness of your bodies.
His forearm is on the floor next your head, his other hand grasping your ass as he pummels into you. 
Your back scrapes on the floor, to match the marks you’re making on Carmy’s back. 
“Look so good with me inside you,” he grunts and you choke. His hand on your ass moves between your thighs and he circles your clit.
“Fuck- too much,” you gasp, clit sensitive. 
“You can take it.”
“Ah- Car- I’m gonna-“
“Me too, pretty girl, cmon-“ The nickname gets you every time, and you gush over him, squeezing around his cock.
He makes a choked sound and falls over the ledge after you, collapsing on top of your chest. 
You both breathe heavily, you rubbing up and down his back.
“That might have been more fantastic than your cooking,” You smile to the ceiling. He chuckles into your neck.
“Heard, chef.”
You were both dressed by the time Fak finally arrived, half an hour late complaining about unmissable after-credit scenes. 
Parting, you had gained a cell phone number and an address from Carmy, a kiss goodbye, and a “see you later” that promised many more. 
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lilywastaken · 1 year
⇝ resolution .
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!AFAB!Reader.
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SUMMARY: A letter in the mail changes everything.
WARNINGS: Mentions of canon typical violence, gore, blood, death; angst, fighting, slight NSFW, a really big rollercoaster of emotions, I'm sorry.
A/N: AFTER ALMOST THREE WEEKS!! I AM SO SORRY IT'S HERE IT'S HERE SOUND THE BELLS!!! Please don't froget to reblog and comment if you enjoyed, it helps so fucking much!!
If you want to be tagged in future works, please follow and activate notifications on this account - @lilynottaken !
Also on Ao3!
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“You know you can just go to bed, right?”
“Mmm...” You yawned, leaning your head on the cool porcelain of the bathtub’s edge as you watched Tommy try to grab at one of the toys you’d placed in the water for him, leaning over to push it towards him. “...’m fine.”
“You haven’t slept properly for a few days.” Simon tried again, arms crossed over his chest as he tried his best to not just grab you and shove you into bed and finish Tommy’s bath on his own. 
“Noted…” You said, voice groggy and throat sore but still with enough energy to snap at him. “Just go…”
Go where? He wanted to snap back, but kept himself quiet, looking away from your body slumped on the floor to your bed, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
It’d been a few days since he’d come back from the mission that had ended with him and the task force in your home, and despite the warm farewell you’d both shared, when he came back, you’d seemed to have grown colder towards him for no apparent reason, and God, did he hate how much it reminded him of the first few months of whatever this was, insisting to do everything by yourself and leaving no room for discussion, taking up almost all of Tommy’s time with yourself. 
Which was fine, you were his mother, after all, but it just felt a bit like… You were pushing him away, keeping him from your son all over again.
He didn’t like it. 
“I got some curry, go eat and let me finish him up.” He took a few steps towards you, leaning down and placing a hand on your back, immediately being taken aback as you jumped away from his touch, arm placed protectively over yourself as if he’d just tried to attack you.
“No!” You all but screamed, staring up at him in shock before seemingly realising what you’d just done. “No. I- I said it’s fine, Simon. Go eat, I’ll finish.”
He furrowed his eyebrows beneath the mask, clenching his fists at his sides as he watched you turn around again to call out softly at Tommy, who turned his head to you with a bright smile, unaware of the tension filling up the room between his parents. 
“Fine.” He said gruffly, not missing the way your shoulders tensed at the sound of his voice. 
He really didn’t fucking understand what had happened between you two, what could’ve occurred in the span of the few days he’d been gone to change the way you acted towards him completely…
It was worrying, the whole scenario that was playing out making him sick to his stomach as he took out the food he’d bought, making you a plate before his and pouring you a drink, simply staring at his own food while listening to you whisper to Tommy through the walls, suddenly having lost all his appetite. 
You hadn’t even gotten to talk like he’d promised when he came back, you’d dismissed any and every attempt to start a conversation, keeping it to short words and sentences, seemingly not wanting anything to do with him apart from the things you were basically obligated to talk to him about. 
And god, did he fucking hate it. 
“Let me feed him.” He spoke as you walked out of your bedroom with Tommy in your arms, his hair damp and curly from the water, chubby hands clinging onto one of his toys. 
“I can-”
“I’m going to feed him.” Simon snapped, walking over to you and reaching for his son, his towering figure and the fire in his eyes immediately shutting you up as you didn’t put on more of a fight, letting him take the small boy. “And you’re going to eat and then go to bed.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Don’t lie to me.” Tommy was placed in his chair, a plate of rice in front of him. “You need rest.”
“Maybe I don’t want to rest.” You retorted, voice almost gone, crossing your arms over your chest and turning your head away from him, yet still keeping a watchful eye on him and Tommy, once again insinuating further that you didn’t trust him anymore anywhere near your son. 
Keep it calm. Not around Tommy.
You saw it by the way he clenched his hand around the fork in his hand, he was trying his best to not snap with your son present, not wanting to subject the small boy to that kind of spectacle. 
And yes, you didn’t either, but you couldn’t just act like everything was normal around him, you knew how you were acting now was just a trauma response to what had happened in the time he’d been gone, that it would all hopefully be better if you told him about it, but the mere thought of the files you’d received in the mail that were currently sitting in one of the cupboards’ drawers made you feel nauseated. 
You just… couldn’t see him the same. 
Yeah, you were once a kid with unlimited access to the internet, yes you accidentally saw some gore shit online, you’d heard some disgusting things thanks to your grandfather that had served in the military, you’d seen all the mess and blood after you’d given birth, you weren’t fully desensitised to gore or blood, but you’d seen it across the years. 
But those pictures, fuck. It wasn’t any surprise that you’d immediately thrown up after opening them, having expected maybe some letters about rent or something, not- whatever that was. 
What you’d been able to discern after flipping through them a few times was that they were not the original military’s file but copies, which by the way the ink was smudged on a few of them and the lettering was off, seemed to have been made under a lot of pressure and on a time limit. 
You didn’t understand at first, why they had been sent to you, too in shock and terrified of the images amongst them to even connect it to Simon until you saw his callsign. And as you started to read through them more carefully, you realised that it was everywhere. 
And fuck, you’d never been more terrified in your life. 
Of course, you were aware of what a man in his position did, but you’d never explicitly asked him about it, never wanted to actually be exposed to whatever things he and the task force did to protect your country. 
But seeing it written down, all the specifics along with the pictures, it was traumatising. 
You hadn’t even realised how much time you’d spent staring at them until Tommy alerted you with a cry, snapping you out of it and forcing you to put the files down (although putting them down anywhere in your house made you feel sick), body shaking and bile rising into your throat once again. 
Obviously, there was no name on the envelope and of course, no return address, so the person who sent the files to you remained a mystery, but it didn’t take a genius to deduce that it was someone who’d been close to everything that had been depicted in them, someone who’d figured out who you were and what relationship you had to the SAS Lieutenant, and either wanted to send some type of message that you were to shook up to decipher or to simply toy with your emotions, all you knew was that somehow, they’d figured out Ghost’s oh-so secretive double life out. 
How, you had no idea. But you did know what that meant. 
You and Tommy were in danger. 
And you didn't know how you were supposed to react. 
Seriously, how?
Everything was too much at once, the files, the pictures, the fear, Tommy, Ghost, you- 
And then he came back. 
Acting like he’d never done anything of what you’d seen, holding your face in those warm hands and being so sweet towards you and your son, conflicting you even more. 
You didn't feel safe anymore, not just around Simon, but in general. And seeing him lean down to pick up Tommy with those hands, those hands that had caused what you’d seen, you just jumped into action, scooping Tommy up before he could reach him and insisting he would need to have a shower before touching him. 
You just couldn’t fathom how a man like that could treat you both with such kindness, how his hands could go from doing that to someone and then holding you softly at night, it was confusing and sickening and all you wanted to do was get rid of everything, go back to before where you had no idea of what happened while he was gone and you could indulge yourself in his touch without that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
How were you supposed to bring up a topic like that to him? How were you supposed to look him in the eyes after that information, hand him the files and receive confirmation that they were in fact real and true? And what would you do? Force him to explain himself like a wife confronting her husband over an affair? This wasn’t anything like that, this was his job, something he’d been doing for ages and needed no explanation, especially to you. What, would you force him to apologise to all the people he’d hurt? 
Of course not. 
But still, you couldn’t just act normal. 
Even if you felt slightly bad. 
Even if he looked at you like that, the way he’d done at the beginning of your relationship.
You… Couldn’t…
You didn’t even process the tears running down your cheeks until he shot up from his spot and his warm hands came into contact with your cheeks, pulling your head up to look at you properly, making you stumble as the exhaustion and overwhelm finally caught up to you. 
He called your name with such confusion and care, despite how mean you’d treated him these past few days, your hands coming up to grab at his arms for stability as he asked you what was wrong, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 
“Hey, listen t’me, come-”
“I can’t- I’m sorry, I can’t-” You sobbed out, your breathing erratic as you tried your best to stop yourself from crying, but once the dam had been broken, there was no way of fixing it. “Simon-”
“Come ‘ere.” He let go of your face, arms falling to your body and wrapping around you, pulling you into a hug and letting you grab at his shirt, despite that repulsive feeling stirring deep within your chest once again at his touch. “Fuck, lovie…”
“Don’t…” You murmured into his shirt as soon as the pet name had slipped out of his lips, squeezing your eyes closed. 
“Don't” You repeated, pushing yourself away from him and taking a few unsure steps back. “I- I can’t I-” You shook your hands as if there were muck on them, confused and anxious as you tried to breathe, spiralling further and further into a panic attack. 
You weren’t really there for what happened next, Simon could tell as he held you almost limp in his arms, trying his best to calm you down from whatever was happening. Panic attacks for the both of you weren’t unnormal, he knew that, you’d both been subject to anxiety for a long time, so this wasn’t completely new, but you fainting from the exhaustion and him having to bring you to bed was. 
And because you were asleep, he had no way of figuring out what had happened, what the cause of this whole mess was and how he could help you through it. 
He’d placed Tommy in the crib you'd brought into your room a few days ago, letting you both take a well-deserved nap while he cleaned up the abandoned food outside. And well, after that, he picked a beer out of the fridge, convinced that he was deserving of one too after everything. But of course, the bottle opener was nowhere to be found, so he was forced to look through all the different drawers in the kitchen and living room until he found it. 
But… He didn’t. Instead, he was greeted with a file envelope messily shoved into one of the cupboards beneath a few pictures of Tommy you’d put up, blank and very much looking like some of the files that they kept back at base. 
He pulled it out, looking down at the drawer that was filled with little trinkets, stones and incense, definitely not the drawer where you’d stick something like this. 
Maybe he should have put it back, but he finally decided against it, pulling the contents out and spilling them across the wooden top of the small cupboard, fear immediately being stricken within him as he laid eyes upon the papers. 
What the actual fuck. 
This wasn’t the first time he’d seen them, some of these he’d written him fucking self, all the reports for recent missions where he’d been the one to finish off most of the enemy’s team. 
He recognised each and every picture that came along with the textual description, remembered the face and the voice of the person who had been unfortunate enough to meet him during a mission. 
He knew them, he’d had them in his hands at one point, that didn’t fucking explain why you had them. 
A thousand scenarios rushed through his brain as he stared down at them, hands gripping at the edges of the wooden piece of furniture in order to keep himself from breaking his hands from the force he was clenching his fists with, a shaky sigh leaving his lips as his mind went down the deepest rabbit holes to explain why you had this. 
Had you been using him to get inf-
Was this all a game to y-
No, you weren’t… You weren’t a fucking enemy. You weren’t his enemy. You weren’t that type of person. You wouldn’t just fucking babytrap him to get information. 
No one was sick enough for that. 
“Fuck!” He roared, slamming his hands down onto the wood and staring deep into the picture of the soulless eyes of one of his victims, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. 
No. He wasn’t going to think of you like that. You loved Tommy too much for it all to be an act. He loved y-
Simon raised his hands up to his face to press them into his eyes until he saw flashing lights, trying to calm himself down. 
He turned around as soon as he heard the squeak of the floorboards, furious eyes landing on your dishevelled figure as you clung to the doorframe, staring at him like a deer caught in headlight as you saw what he’d been looking at. 
“Why do you have this?” A shiver ran throughout your body at the sound of his voice, calm and calculated, like he hadn’t just woken you up with a shout loud enough to shake the building. 
“Answer.” Ghost replied, eyes focused solely on you as you looked down at your feet, a pressure building in your chest as you tried to speak. 
“They were sent to me.” You finally choked out, flinching back as Simon made a move to pick them up, unknowing of the connotations that answer could have.
“Do you really think I’d go out of my way to find those? Do you think I wanted to see you like that- like Ghost?” You started, voice wavering. “Fuck, Simon, those- I couldn’t even look at them a second time, I feel sick just fucking thinking of them!”
“Then why didn’t you tell me!?” He shouted, turning around in a flash and taking a few jarring steps towards you, files all bunched up in his shaking hands. “Why didn’t you think to mention that you were being sent shit like this!?”
“Because I was fucking scared, Simon! I was fucking terrified that this meant that they know who I was, who Tommy is, who he’s related to! That they know about us and therefore can use us as leverage against you! Unlike you, I’m not that fucking desensitised to pain, to whatever you do, to the fear of getting hurt so that they can get to you! I’m not part of the fucking military, I’m just a fucking civillian who is clearly very much in danger thanks to a fucking mistake she made with you!” You screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks and blurring your vision as you shoved a finger into his chest. “So I’m sorry, okay!’ I’m fucking sorry that I was too afraid to bring this up! To bring up the fact I can’t see you the same, that I’m scared Tommy’s going to be hurt and I won’t be able to do anything about it, I’m fucking sorry!”
You let out another sob as you finished, your voice sore and throat dry from letting all of that out. 
“‘M not like you, Simon.”
Everything came crashing down onto him, guilt the only thing weighing Simon down.
“I’m… scared.”
“Of me?” He finally breathed out, raising his free hand to cup your cheek, relief flooding his body as you didn’t move away but immediately being crushed as he saw the fearful look on your face. 
“...I don’t know…”
A beat.
“...Should I be?”
“...I’d never hurt you. I told you once, and I’ll tell you again. You and Tommy are my family, and I’m going to protect you both no matter what. I won't let anyone ever lay a hand on you. You need to know that. The man I’m out there isn’t the same as the one I’m here. But neither of us would hesitate to rip apart whatever bastard is making you feel like this.”
He let the files fall, cupping your face with both hands, shaking you slightly so you got the message to look up at him. 
“I know I can’t undo this, what you’ve seen, what I’ve done, but I want to be here for you. You know I’ll always be here for you.” He said, voice barely above a whisper. 
“I know.” You said, voice breaking. You couldn’t fully express what you were feeling right then, you… you didn’t hate him, it would be impossible to truly hate Simon, after everything he’d done for you; you just needed time and space. His view of you might’ve not changed in the whole time he’d been with you but yours definitely had, and that was normal, considering everything he did. You just couldn’t act like everything was normal after what you’d seen.
“...go back to bed. We’ll talk this out once you’re rested.” He let you go, watching you walk back into your room with a guilty look on your face before turning to his now still beer, the appetite he’d had for one having vanished. 
“...Simon?” You whispered before closing the door, hand clinging onto the wood. 
“Yeah?” He replied, a bit gruffly. 
“...Tommy’s going to be okay, right?”
“Yeah.” He repeated, giving you a reassuring look, one he hoped you caught despite the mask. “‘Course he is.”
He watched you hesitate at the door for a split second, almost like you were deciding whether or not to say anything to further the conversation, but seemingly decided against it, closing the door after a quick nod and leaving him in silence. 
Something he used to enjoy before, when he was alone at home or at base with only himself for company, letting him unwind and think about whatever he wanted to. Now, it was overwhelming. 
It felt like every single thought rushing through his brain was out to catch him or hurt him, showing him the most horrific scenarios and ideas of what could happen thanks to whatever fucker had decided to play some sick joke on you. 
Was it even a joke? It could be hundreds of things, a joke, a message, a threat… 
Or just a form of psychological warfare, a way of messing with you and no doubt hoping to distance you from him, to leave him weak and defenceless like the enemy anticipated. That was the more credible reason, even if the mere thought of someone sending you shit like this in hopes of breaking you drove him insane to the point of wanting to catch and dispose of that abstard with his own two hands, ironic considering that those acts of anger and violence had been the whole reason for your dispute. 
It pissed him off to no end. 
But, even though a lot of people would’ve acted on the current emotions rushing through him if they were in his place, Simon knew that focusing solely on finding the bastard wasn’t the most important subject at hand. As much as he wanted this threat on your happiness and safety disposed of, he couldn’t just fuck off and leave you here to deal with the damage and Tommy all on your own. 
He’d repeated it to himself countless times before going on a mission, he was a protector, he was your protector, even if in the future you decided you hated his guts or something happened between you two, you’d always be safe and secure with him, no matter what. 
And so, he swallowed that horrible need for retaliation and picked up his phone, dialling in his captain’s number.
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“What’d you do with them?”
“Burnt them.” Simon grunted, wiping away the mess Tommy had made around his mouth. “Best way of disposing shit like that.”
You hummed, clearly out of it, staring at the news playing out on the tv. 
“I told Laswell about it. ‘Said she’d do her best to find out who was the one who made the copies.” 
“Right…” You drummed your fingers against your mug with feigned disinterest, truly not knowing what to say back. 
“And, until whoever it is is caught, I’m not going anywhere.”
That caught your attention. You turned to him with an inquisitive look, confused. “What?”
“Asked her to stop givin’ me missions until they’re sure you’re not in danger.” He clarified, picking Tommy up from his high chair and straddling him to his side. “So I’m here in case anything happens.”
Tommy was carefully handed to you, Simon’s body plopping down onto the sofa next to you a few seats away, his feet coming up to rest on the coffee table as he picked up his own tea. 
“‘That okay? Figured you’d feel better if it was me and not some random guy sent by the SAS. Though Gaz was pretty up for it when asked…” He mumbled the last part, showing you did indeed have an option if you truly didn’t feel safe with him around anymore (his heart stung a bit at the thought of it, but it was what it was), but you soon shut it down with a simple shrug, pulling Tommy closer to you so he could rest his head on your chest, rubbing his back with your free hand. 
“It’s… okay. I’m just going to need some time.”
You were a bit ashamed of how you’d reacted last night when he’d confronted you about the files, but you still stood by everything you said, even if you’d said it a bit too harshly, it didn’t matter. You weren’t like him, after all, you were still afraid of things happening to you and of course, your son, and just needed some time to process what you hadn’t in all the months of knowing Simon: that whether you liked it or not, you would always be tied back to him, even if the mere thought of being hurt just because of who you’d randomly decided to go back home with one night.
“You said something last night.” He began, outstretching a hand towards you both so Tommy could grab at one of his fingers. 
“I said a lot of things last night.” You tried to humour, but stayed quiet as the expression in his eyes didn’t change. 
“You said that you were in danger because of a mistake you made.”
You flinched at the words, biting down on your lower lip as you recalled back to the outburst you’d subjected Simon to last night, that particular part having slipped out in the heat of the moment.
“...did you really mean that?”
“Fuck! Of course not!” You whisper-shouted, not wanting to disturb Tommy any more than you both already had in the last few days, shaking your head to further your point. “No- Fuck, tat- that was so disgusting of me to say. It might’ve been a mistake back then when it first happened-” You saw his shoulders slump slightly, so you moved to grab at the arm he’d put out, catching his attention. “-but I’d never change it. Not for anything in the world. If that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have Tommy, and he- God, Simon, he’s my son, of course he isn’t a mistake, he’s my everything…”
He let out a relieved sigh, nodding along with your words as you both looked down at Tommy, curious big eyes switching between you two as if able to understand the conversation that had just transcurred, giving you a toothless smile. 
Well, not really toothless, since he had been crying for almost a month now due to the pain of his teeth coming in, so there were a few flashes of white across the smile. 
“Yeah, you’re my everything too.”
You’d expected him to immediately backtrack on his answer and say he was talking to Tommy, but he simply shrugged again, eyes darting from you to Tommy with a fond look reflecting in them as he did everything but take back what he said. “Both of you. Might be corny, but it’s true. I told you.”
His everything.
Simon’s everything. 
That shouldn’t have made you as happy as it did. 
Everything was going to be okay. 
Yeah, it would take some time for you to adjust like you’d told him, but he was okay with that. He’d wait for you.
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"Come on, please, wake up."
Simon's hands were shaking, gripping at your lifeless body as if you were the only thing that mattered in the midst of this living nightmare, his mask growing wet as tears formed in the corner of his eyes, his breathing growing erratic as your body slumped in his grasp. 
He called your name desperately, your body shaking in his hold from the way his own hands were trembling and in a feeble attempt at getting you to wake up, to open your eyes, to say his name in that fucking beautiful voice of yours, anything. 
His gloved hands came up to cradle your paling face, running it over your features to rub off the dust and ashes that had stuck to the now drying blood, dropping your body in horror as instead of the grime he wanted to wipe off, he was left with nothing, his hand growing warm as the blood from your now horrifying carcass started to flow. 
He was drowning, he was choking, he couldn't fucking breathe, he couldn't think, you were dead, you were gone, his fucking life didn't have meaning anym- 
Simon jolted up as the pressure that had been building in his chest finally exploded, the dam that had been working so hard to keep his fears at bay breaking, letting the tears that Simon always tried his best to contain out. 
Fuck, it felt like he'd really lived it, like he had held your dying body in his hands as you slowly slipped away from him, like his the recurring fears of him causing your end had come true. 
He felt pathetic, like the broken man he really was, lying on the fucking sofa like always trembling like a little kid, the tears a constant stream down his cheeks, all the emotions and stress from the past few months finally catching up to him.
His breathing was raspy and uneven, reflecting the anxiety rushing through his veins at that very same moment. 
He felt awful, he was awful, an awful, destroyed, broken man who had been tipped over the edge by a stupid fucking dream. 
Someone undeserving of everything you’d given to him. 
He was sure his heart was going to break through his chest with how quickly it was beating against his ribcage, one of his hands coming up to clench at the material of his creased shirt. 
He felt like he was about to pass out. 
His eyesight was blurry, his limbs shaky and his mouth dry, clear indications of the oh-so familiar panic attacks he’d been prone to every since he was a young boy, hat he’d grown enough to know how to control, but he knew that right now, he did not have enough willpower to keep himself from spiralling down into his own thoughts. 
He blindly got up, staggering around the living room as the blanket that had been draped over him pooling onto the floor. He pushed open your door, breaths staggering as his teary eyes made contact with your sleeping body, darting towards the crib right next to your bed where Tommy slept peacefully, making sure to stay quiet as he entered the bathroom. 
He didn’t want to wake you up, to annoy you even more than you already were with him after everything that had happened, despite almost a month having gone by after it all, you deserved rest, you deserved fucking better than h-
His hands gripped the porcelain sink as he stumbled into the room, staring at his uncovered reflection in the mirror, his cheeks red and blotchy from having cried mere moments ago, a few stray tears continuing their pathway down his face. 
He felt ridiculous. 
He was supposed to be some hard willed strong Lieutenant, not the pathetic man who cried at a mere nightmare he really was. 
The sound of shuffling sheets reached his ears, your muffled voice coming from beneath the covers as you stirred, his panicked footsteps and the light shining through the crack of the bathroom door enough to wake you from your slumber. 
"'S that you?"
Who else would it be? He wanted to joke, but stayed quiet, hoping you would just go back to sleep. 
But clearly, you weren't satisfied with no answer.
He watched the door open behind him from the mirror, freezing like a deer in headlights as you walked in sporting one of his dirty shirts he'd told you once you could wear, hiding the fact he wanted to see you in his clothes behind the pretence that it would be easier to do laundry, sweatpants (his, as well) tied at your waist so they wouldn't slip down your legs. 
"Simon." You mumbled, eyes barely open and vision blurry as you held onto the door frame for stability, a hand coming up to cover your mouth as you yawned. "What's wrong?"
You knew something was off as soon as you'd heard him creep into the bathroom, already knowing from experience that Simon never got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, fearing that he'd wake you up like he’d done just now- 
“Nuffin’, lovie. Go back to bed.”
You frowned, squinting at him through swollen eyes, the bright lights from the bathroom and the sleep in them not helping your vision in the slightest, moving your head to rest against the cool wood of the doorframe. “It’s not, though, is it?”
A beat. 
“Simon…” You said, mid-yawn, outstretching a hand to blindly grab at his sleep shirt, tugging at the material. “Tell me.”
He squeezed his eyes closed, willing himself to not break down like he knew he wanted to, his grip on the sink slowly growing stronger as you stumbled towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing the side of your face to his warm back, giving him a comforting squeeze. 
"I said it's fine." He whispered, hand coming up to yours and attempting to peel it from his body, giving up once it immediately snapped back. 
Part of him wanted you to stay like that, but the other, more reasonable part knew that it would be best if he didn't burden you with his nightmares and if you just went to bed.
"You wouldn't be crying if it was." You murmured, unlinking your hands and running them over his chest, feeling his muscles tense beneath his shirt. 
"'Not crying, lovie."
"You have to stop lying to me, Simon. It isn't healthy." You mumbled angrily, pulling yourself away and looking up at him, feeling the blood leave your face as you realised you were staring at the back of his actual head instead of the black material of his balaclava like you'd gotten used to. 
Simon had never explicitly told you that he was uncomfortable with you seeing his face, but you could only assume after all the time he spent with his face obstructed, even with Tommy. 
So you looked down at your feet, making sure to not peek at the mirror like you knew you really wanted to, not wanting to upset him by breaking his trust. 
"...I know." He sighed, turning on the tap and splashing his face with some of the water, finding it a bit humorous that he did it with you still clinging onto him, placing a damp hand over one of yours and giving it a squeeze. 
"Come on…" you sighed, letting go of him reluctantly and turning your body towards the door, flipping the light switch off before blindly outstretching an arm out to him, letting out an amused huff as you immediately met his own hand, pulling him out of the small bathroom and back into the comfort of your room. "Stay?"
"...'course." He breathed out, following you mindlessly as you returned back into your spot in the bed, almost like routine now after all the times you'd brought him to bed with the same comforting hold on his hands, kneeling on the mattress and all but collapsing onto the soft covers, running his hands over them until they met your warm body, running his fingertips over the patch of skin that had been revealed by the rise of your shirt, letting out a shaky breath as your own hands came up to run over his arms.
He fluttered his eyes shut, closing the distance between you to and letting his body fold into your touch, snuggling his face into the valley of your breasts (he thanked whatever god was up there that his shirt was big enough to expose your cleavage, a very welcoming sight), and grasping at your thighs for stability. 
Your arms came to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer into you until he'd grabbed at your legs to wrap around his waist, fingers running through his coarse hair, stopping at the top of his head every few seconds to scratch at his scalp, and if Simon was a cat, he knew damn well he'd be purring right then. 
"It's okay to cry, you know that, right?" You whispered, voice muffled by his hair as you let out a breath, his short hair tickling your cheek from how you'd pressed your face against it. "Better out than in."
"You sound like my mom." He grumbled, pulling a snort out of you as you ran your nails down his nape. "'Always said shit like that."
You stayed quiet, ignoring the nagging feeling in your chest that wanted you to continue on with the conversation, curious for learning more about his mysterious family. 
"'Said'?" You whispered, almost nervous, scared you'd overstepped. 
He stayed silent, only furthering your fear that you'd insulted him until he let out an elongated sigh, hands pulling you impossibly closer as his warm breath hit your skin, face flushing at the reminder that if was his actual face pressing against your cleavage, not the rough material of the painted balaclava. 
"Don' see her as much. Not in the best condition to have a chat. Tommy takes care of her mostly."
"Tommy?" You said in confusion, eyebrows furrowed as your eyes darted over to your son's crib, the glow-in-the-dark stars you'd stuck to the sides of it illuminating it enough to reflect your sleeping son's cute little face.
He froze in your arms as if he'd said something wrong. "My… my brother."
"Your brother's called Tommy?!" You almost shouted, peeling yourself off of him to look down at him (ignoring the slight whine that formed in his throat at the feeling of your body being torn away from his), despite not even being able to see him. 
"Yeah…" he grumbled, trying to pull you back into his arms, frowning as you slapped at his shoulders to catch his attention. 
"That's - Why you reacted like that, right?" You mumbled, thinking back to the night he'd met Tommy for the first time, the way his eyes had gone blank like you'd just reminded him of some painful memory. 
"...his name's Tommy."
You felt him freeze behind you, the aura around him growing cold almost immediately, like you'd just blatantly insulted him without any remorse. 
"Tommy." He echoed, voice scratchy as if he was dying of thirst, body suddenly feeling like it had been dunked under tiding waves. "Why?"
You hadn't thought much about it at the time, since by then, you had more important things to worry about, but now that he'd revealed his brother's name, his shock made sense. 
"Yeah…Was kind of… Tragically funny, lovie." He sighed, running your hands over your waist as you finally pulled him back into your hold. 
"Yeah… I didn't know."
"How could've you? I left before I could even give you my last name." He huffed, rubbing the side of his cheek on your chest. 
Silence filled the room once again, only being broken by the shuffling sounds of the sheets over you or Tommy's occasional whines, continuing your brushing of his hair with your fingers. 
You didn't want to pry further into the topic that had been at hand before you'd interrupted, squeezing your eyes closed as you inhaled his shampoo, shivering beneath his touch as he ran his fingers around your belly button. 
"She's in a home. Near where I grew up. Nice one. I only talk to her on the holidays." He started, running them up to the space below your breasts. "It's better that way. Tommy's the nicer one of us."
"Didn't he used to terrorise you?" You teased, trying to lighten the mood, letting out a cry as he licked a stripe up your clavicle, no doubt grinning into the darkness as you slapped his head. 
"Going to stop telling you things from now on if you insist on using them against me in the future, lovie." He murmured, pressing a kiss to where he'd just licked as an apology, ignoring the way your skin grew warmer beneath his touch. "But… he's cleaned his act up. Not as much as a cunt. Probably afraid I could rip him in two, now."
You snorted, hesitantly pushing his bangs back to press a kiss to his forehead, almost giggling at the pleased hum that left his lips. "Si… you, uh… want to talk about why you were crying?"
Simon noticeably tensed beneath your touch as you brought up the whole reason as to why he was in your bed, another breath hitting your skin. 
He thought about lying to you once again, but finally decided against it, throwing a glance at his son over his shoulder as if the boy would understand the next words that would come out of his mouth. 
"Just… a stupid nightmare. You… I jus’ wanted to make sure you were safe. I didn't mean to wake you, really." He let out all in a string pulled together by one breath, hands coming down to grab at your thighs and rub at them through the material of your bottoms, letting out a shaky sigh as you moved them to wrap around his body. "Fuckin' stupid, isn't it?"
"It's not stupid if it affected you this much, Si…" You tried, not wanting to pry further into the contents of the nightmare, but still not wanting to drop the subject all together. “Even the strongest people need a shoulder to cry on.”
You cupped his face, bringing it off your chest, looking down at what you could only assume to be his face. 
“Let me be yours.”
You didn’t move as he shuffled closer to you, running your thumbs over his cheekbones as he leaned closer into you, feeling his warm breath hit your face. 
“Mine?” He mumbled, your hair standing on edge as you felt his lips brush against yours ever so slightly. 
“Mhm… Yours.” You breathed out, nodding as if he could see you. 
Heat rushed to your face as soon as his lips crashed into yours, swallowing the moan you let out as his hands moved beneath your shirt, tightening at your waist. 
And God, did it feel right. 
Nothing had ever felt as right as this did right then, the feeling of his lips slotted against yours and his hands seemingly everywhere on your body, causing you to go near dizzy and drunk on his touch. 
“Fuck, love.” He said between kisses, moving you onto your back so he was hovering over you properly, leaning down to catch your lips back into a passionate kiss, not even giving you the chance to breathe or let out your own moans, immediately swallowing up each and any sound you made. 
His hands came down to your thighs, helping you wrap them around his waist before he moved away to press pecks along your jawline, moving further down until he was leaving a trail of sloppy kisses all over your upper chest, his stubble tickling your skin. 
He shushed you, sucking on the pressure point of your neck, pressing closer to you as you let out another breathless whine, his eyelashes brushing against your skin from the way he's snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, almost as if he was trying to have you impossibly close to him. 
He stayed there for a few minutes, covering your neck in kisses and love bites, answering with a “markin’ my territory” and a chuckle when you asked why he was so adamant on kissing you everywhere but where you needed it the most, his hands doing wonders as they went over your shirt to cup one of your breasts, immediately surprising you both my the loud moan that left you. 
“Christ, lovie. That fuckin’ sensitive? Barely even touched you and you’re moaning like that?” He huffed out in amusement, leaning upwards in hopes of laying his eyes on the mess he’d left across your skin only to be met with darkness, grunting as he raised a hand to run over the marks, feeling the indents from his teeth around your neck. 
“It’s- It’s been a while, Si-” You mumbled out of embarrassment, thankful for the darkness since it was the only thing keeping you from fully breaking down from the shame of being so sensitive after a single touch, but you couldn’t really be blamed. 
It’d been almost a year and a half since you’d last indulged in any type of self-pleasure, the last time ironically being the night you’d spent with Simon before his mission, it was no wonder a simple brush of his warm hand to your breast had you writhing and moaning like a bitch in heat, you basically were. 
“Hm…” He grunted, leaning down to press some kisses along your flushed cheeks, still purposefully avoiding your mouth, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he thought of what to do next. “...I want to see you.”
You felt his lips brush against yours slightly, knowing full well how titillating he was being. 
“Turn the light on.”
You froze. 
You were staring up at the darkness of your ceiling, letting out soft breathless sounds as he leaned back down to continue kissing your neck, letting the words he’d just spoken sink in, letting out a chuckle against your ear after a minute or so passed. 
You acted on instinct only, stretching your body over to the lamp on your bedside table with the little space he had given you, the man still insisting on having his hands all over your body, your mind and thoughts reeling. 
It would’ve been different if he had his mask on, the small request would have been just for him to see the marks he’d left on you, to continue whatever you’d started in the light so you’d both be able to see your body’s reactions properly, but this was oh so much more than that. 
He didn’t seem to want to make a move to go get his mask or to cover his face, he was actually telling you to turn on the light so you could see him, see his face, his eyes, his nose, his lips, Simon
As soon as your shaking hand found the switch and had pressed it, your eyes closed in time for the room to be filled with light, a nervous sound leaving your lips as Simon pulled you back into place, his calloused fingers running over the length of your nose before poking at the middle of your furrowed brows. 
“Y’can open them.” He whispered, his own voice sounding slightly terrified. “Please.”
“What if you’re ugly?” You blurted out as a joke, trying to lighten the mood, immediately slapping yourself mentally the moment he didn't laugh, opening your mouth to apologise only for him to poke you again. 
“Jus’ open them.”
The first thing your eyes landed on was the smile pulling at his lips, leading them from the scar that adorned the left corner of his mouth past his crooked nose and up to those beautiful eyes of his, his blond eyelashes framing them perfectly like always. 
And fuck… He was beautiful. 
The stubble covering the lower part of his face, the scars littering his face telling stories and tales of all his time on duty, his cracked lips and scarred nose only complementing his beauty even more. 
It was everything and nothing like you’d expected, it was just… him. 
You didn't know what to say, what were you supposed to? But by the way his smile grew bigger at the sight of your dumbfounded face, you were sure that your expression told him everything he needed to know. 
Now, Simon knew that he wasn’t the worst looking person, but the way you were staring at him like he was a god incarnates, like Aphrodite herself had given him a piece of her beauty, it didn’t fail to tint his cheek a soft pink, quickly leaning into you to meet you in another kiss in hopes of hiding how flustered he was from you. 
“Mhf-” You tried speaking as soon as you had regained consciousness through his kisses, a giggle leaving your lips as he gave you no time to speak. “You’re- Mm- S- so pretty, Si-”
Pretty? He thought to himself as he continued his kissing assault, the adjective a very foreign concept, never having been referred to in that way in his life. But, it did feel nice when you said it, the way you were looking at him with that sultry gaze as the compliment oozed out of your mouth like honey, it had him grabbing at your thighs for stability, wrapping them around his waist and letting you make contact with the product of your make-out session and cute words. 
“F-fuck!” You mewled, grabbing at the back of his head for stability, tugging at the roots of his dirty blond hair, shivering underneath him as he let out a breathy groan, the sound sending pleasurable shocks down to where you both were connected, despite the amount of clothes that separated you both. “W-Wait- Hng!”
He stopped as soon as the word left your mouth, pulling back and moving his hands to hold your waist, giving you some time to regain your breath before asking. 
“‘vrything okay?” He said breathlessly, looking down at your equally dishevelled state, your lips red and sore from all his kissing and body littered with all the marks he’d left, taking a few seconds to admire his handiwork and how truly fucking perfect you looked covered in his claims before going back to waiting on you. 
“Y-yeah.” You swallowed, breathing and heart pulse erratic, coming down from the sudden pleasure. “I- I’m sorry, I just don’t know if I want to continue- Sor-”
“It’s okay.” He interrupted you, grabbing your thighs and pulling them away from their spot around his waist, pushing them together and placing them away from him, placing a comforting hand on the one that was still pressed next to his. “We don’t have to. Whatever y’want, love. ‘S been a long time, I get it.”
You nodded, sending him a small smile that he returned in an instant, leaning up to press a final kiss to his lips, thankful that he’d understood your fears so quickly. 
“You’ll stay, right?” You mumbled against his lips after pulling away slightly, looking at his through half-closed eyes, his deep beautiful pools staring back at you. 
His arms wrapped around you from behind once you situated yourself back in the bed, arms pressed tight and securely against our stomach as his thumb rubbed over the skin, a constant reminder that he was there and that you were safe like he’d promised, soft kisses being pressed against your nape from behind, a sweet contrast to the bites that now littered your front. 
“‘You going to wear the mask again?” You spoke drowsily, turning your head slightly so his lips pressed against your cheek, his breath tickling your ear. 
“Not unless you want me to.” He mumbled back, half-asleep. 
“Rather you did… Can’t focus with that ugly mug of yours…” You teased, letting out a high pitched yell as he bit down onto the space between your neck and shoulder, immediately soothing the pain with a kiss and a chuckle. 
“Only mug you’ll se ‘round here, lovie, better get used to it.”
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crystalflygeo · 2 years
The best way to scent-mark ft Zhongli + fem!reader
cw/tags: biting kink, marking kink, scenting, slight dirty talk, creampie??, cum-marking, feral Zhongli??, he acts a lil dragon-y but stays in full human form.
notes: I really have no idea how to tag this sorry I just wanted to explore this one specific kink hehe and also have jealous/riled up Zhongli and scenting. I love scenting.
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As soon as you saw him you ran across the wooden pier and jumped into his arms.
Being away at Inazuma for months had been exhausting, not only for the errands you had been working on all over the islands, or even the slight adjustment to a different time zone and customs but also because it meant being away from your beloved, Zhongli.
But now, right here at Liyue Harbor back into his warm embrace, you felt back at home.
“I missed you.” You murmured as you felt him place a kiss at the top of your head “I missed Liyue, the lanterns, the food… ahh after such a long trip I’m starving too.” You noticed his grip on you was a little stiff and he seemed to have frozen on the spot holding you. Deep in thought? Perhaps he missed you just as much? “Zhongli?” You chuckled.
“Ah, sorry dearest.” He shook his head releasing you, you immediately craved the contact again. “Of course, I missed you too.” He smiled gently. “I have already asked miss Xiangling for a reservation so let us not make her wait any longer. You can tell me all about your trip.”
Maybe it was just you, but the way his arm slid around your waist felt a little tighter than usual.
Moments later you were seated at one of Wanmin’s tables surrounded by all the delicious dishes you had missed so dearly: Jade parcels, Tianshu meat, Jueyun chili chicken, Bamboo shoot soup, and even sweet Lotus flower crisps. You couldn’t help the happy hum as you savored every dish.
You enthusiastically went on and on about all the people you had met in Inazuma -including many many interesting yokai- the festival you’d helped organize, the cute traditional kimono you got to wear, and even the difficulties you’d encountered, but after a while you couldn’t help but notice Zhongli looked rather… distracted.
He looked serious sitting across from you, golden eyes sharply focused in the food although he seemed to have barely touched it, you knew him well enough to notice the minute gestures in his eyebrows and pursed lips. His polite and quiet nature was not strange per se, but he hadn’t spoken a word! -when he would usually comment on your anecdotes- and whatever tranquility he naturally possessed seemed lost as he sat as still as the stone he personified. You could even see his grip on the chopsticks was rather… tense.
“Zhongli?” You asked rather concerned as you stretched your hand across the table to place it on top of his. To your surprise he jolted in his seat, startled out of the focused state he was in and shocking you. You squeezed his hand softly. “Are you ok?”
His nostrils flared just slightly, as if he had captured a whiff of something that disturbed him and he shook his head again, partially to dispel whatever was clouding his mind and in a vain attempt to calm you. “I apologize darling, I’m… not really feeling that well.” He squeezed your hand back.
Your demeanor instantly turned to worry “M-Maybe it’s better if we get home? I’m quite tired as well.” You said, looking at the barely half-eaten dishes.
You’d quickly asked Xiangling to wrap everything up to go and in no time both of you were on your way to his apartment. He was silent the entire walk, hands flexing at his sides and long ponytail whipping after him as he strode a little ahead of you, it was starting to make you nervous. Did something happen? Was he sick? -Do archons or adepti get sick?- Was he upset?
Once at his place he quickly unlocked the door and walked inside as you followed, watching him stagger slightly. He brought a hand to his face, drawing his palm down his forehead with a quiet growl.
“Zhongli please are you ok? Tell me what’s wrong.” You pleaded approaching and placing your hand at his arm in a comforting gesture, you had no idea what was going on and your mind was already running wild.
However, he surprised you when he suddenly pulled you back into his arms, his larger and taller frame surrounding you completely as he pressed your back to his chest, circling your waist and holding your arm possessively. You instantly blushed as he nosed at your neck, warm breath making you shiver.
“Zhongli!” You squeaked. “W-what has gotten into you?”
“I’ve held it long enough but I can’t simply stand by idly anymore.” He mumbled into your shoulder, arms circling your waist tighter and pulling you closer.
“What do you mean?” You blink confused and a little taken aback at his actions.
“Your scent.” He growls. “You smell like… kitsune, tanuki, kamaitachi, and all sorts of other creatures.”
Well then. Now things started to make sense. “Well, I suppose I did spend a lot of time with the yokai while helping out Yae Miko with… t-the festival.” You choked out the last words when you felt him rub his pelvis forward against your body, the obvious evidence of his desire making itself known, trapped between the tight squeeze of your bodies.
“Miko…I see.”
“No matter.” He says licking a stripe up your neck and nibbling at the skin there. “I’ll just have to renew my claim. Make sure everyone knows exactly who you belong to.”
You whimpered.
Zhongli is determined to mark you in every way possible. Every inch of your soft skin adorned with an array of love bites, hips slightly bruised by his grip and your sweet pussy already dripping a mix of his spent and your own pleasure.
“Zhongli, Zhongli please-” You babble, tights shaking around his hips riding the last waves of yet another climax…
Despite Miko’s status, Zhongli wouldn’t put it behind her to have purposefully paraded you around the yokai knowing this would be the exact outcome, riling up his inner dragon. What a cunning sly woman.
And yet he pushes those thoughts away focusing on you, your trembling body under his, moaning prettily and taking his cock so well, breasts rising and falling rapidly with your panting and on par with your quick heartbeats, trashing and arching as the sound of skin slapping against skin becomes louder. A thin layer of sweat covering both of you as the air grows hot and heavy. You gasp and whine. You’re sensitive, he knows, but he’s not done yet.
Not yet.
“Aah… oh, Z-Zhongli. I’m so full- Oh!” You yelp, feeling him latch his canines back to the junction of your shoulder and neck, sucking and lapping softly, his thrusts getting more frenetic. He hums pleased at your words.
Yes. Full. Of him. Of his seed. Of his love. Thoroughly claimed. Even if others look at you, touch you, scent you, they can never have you.
“Mine.” He huffs.
“Yours… always yours.” You breathe out.
Suddenly he pulls out making you gasp at the unexpected feeling of emptiness and the loss of warmth at your neck, though a little thankful for the break on your overstimulation. You blink dazed and see him still on top of you, still rock-hard, furiously pumping his length with his hand.
“Hng Wh-wha…?”
He grits his teeth, eyes dark, pupils blown wide in lust. “I want you to smell like me.” He groans, his cock twitching in his hand. “I’m going to- hng- paint you with my cum. Let it dry on your skin so you no one… so no one doubts- ugh- you’re mine.” You shiver against him.
A few more strokes and the dragon roars with euphoria, his seed splattering in thick spurts across your stomach and up your chest as you mewl at the sensation. Warm and sticky covering your heated skin in white stripes.
Zhongli lowers down to kiss your shoulder, neck and then your lips. Softly this time. Quick and fleeting as he comes down from his high and you recover from the intensity of it all. There was something incredibly erotic in such animalistic display from your ever-so-calm-and-collected lover.
Both sweating and panting, you groan once he rolls over by your side, his hand rubbing circles at your hip right where the dark spots of his previous grip are and you hiss lightly.
Warm golden eyes meet yours as you flutter them open, drowsily. You run a hand down your own abdomen, fingers catching on his cum here and there. “Covered in your mess... and you made a mess of me too.” You mumble, voice a little rough and tired. “Does this satisfy your need to claim me, my dragon?”
Pink dusting covered his cheeks for a moment and you let out a soft chuckle at the fact that now he feels embarrassment. “I apologize if I went overboard, dearest, I’ll make sure to prepare a warm bath for you.” Zhongli states, still tracing patterns on your skin. “But to answer your question, yes. You look quite lovely covered in my marks. All of them.” He adds, smooth voice dropping low.
You sigh relaxed, and Zhongli almost purrs at the sight of a happy, sated mate. “A bath sounds good… though...” And against all better judgement, you bring those slick fingers to you mouth, making a point of showing off as you lick his cum off your digits. “Wouldn’t you want to coat my back too before washing it?”
The look on his eyes is feral.
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heavenbarnes · 6 months
All roads lead
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Warnings/contains: no mentions of reader’s gender, mentions of a previous relationship between Hotch and reader, Sean pervs on you a bit, illusions to sex, flirting, implied-unfaithful-hotch
Technically this could be read as “seasons later” to my fic “Do not go gentle” but also this can be standalone and you can imagine what you and Hotch got up to that he cannot stop thinking about 🫶🏼
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You knocked gently on the door, waiting for the sound of Hotch’s voice to invite you in. You heard it, deep tone nearly rumbled through the floor as you pushed the door open.
As you approached the table, you kept your gaze firmly on your boss. You tried to ignore the way Sean’s eyes raked the length of your body as you placed the folder in front of Hotch. “Here you go, Sir.”
He thanked you as you turned to leave, speaking your name as he did it. You could’ve sworn you heard his brother’s head whip in your direction at that instant.
All Sean said was your name, but you could tell in the way he said it that there was more to it. You spared him one look over your shoulder and there he was again, eyes all over the back of you.
“Of course you are.” Like he knew you.
Aaron brought his hand against the table, the sound echoing off the walls and making you jump. You didn’t even stop to hear what he’d call his younger brother, you just closed the door behind you and hurried back to the conference room you’d all set up in.
You tried to busy yourself with the map Spencer had made, tried to focus yourself on those wines you were desperately trying to track. It was nearly impossible, your thoughts rushing through your head.
What had Sean meant? Of course you were what?
Letting it chew you up and spit you out, you were grateful to hear Hotch’s heavy footfalls as he went to the, currently empty, kitchen for a coffee.
Quietly following behind him, you leaned up against the kitchen bench as you spoke to him. “Sir, quick question, no right or wrong answer- did you tell your brother about us?”
You could see him tense, more than he already was, his grip tightening around the handle of his mug. Half-expecting him to ice you out, you almost missed when he answered.
“He guessed.”
That…wasn’t what you were expecting.
“How did he guess?”
Aaron checked over his shoulder before slightly turning his body towards you. “It seems I talk about you more than I realise.”
Your heart nearly swelled out your chest, a heat rushing up your fingertips and spreading across your body. He talks about you?
“Well- I used to talk about you, should I say.”
Good save.
As you tried to slow your heart back down, reminding yourself that you’d both agreed what had happened between you was a one time thing to never see the light of day again- Hotch kept speaking.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sir, you don’t have to-“
“I’m sorry for how he spoke to you- how he looked at you.”
And that heat kept spreading, you could feel it in your cheeks, swirling back down around your heart. Your stomach was twisting, ride of the butterflies in the very pit of it.
Pulling all the confidence you still had with this man, you quirked your brow slightly.
“Please, when have you known me to shy away from a Hotchner’s stare?”
It was Hotch’s turn to freeze, that tension coming back through his shoulder blades as they moved under his sweater. His gaze was down, firmly studying his coffee cup.
It felt like an age, there was a moment where you were sure you’d fucked it with the way he wouldn’t move. Slowly, he turned his head until his piercing eyes were locked onto yours.
“Then maybe it’s just me that doesn’t want other men looking at what’s mine.”
You were thankful it wasn’t you holding the coffee mug. You were sure it would’ve fallen straight from your grasp and shattered. Heart in your mouth, brain still comprehending his words- you actually had to remind yourself this station was occupied so you didn’t throw your legs around his waist that second.
Instead, you straightened up and pushed your shoulders back. You nodded as if you were discovering truths. Part of you knew you were.
Reaching out, you took Hotch’s coffee off him and brought it to your lips. He didn’t fight, he watched you take a sip and hum quietly as you nodded again.
Passing him back his mug, you turned on your heel, making sure to sway your hips as you walked away.
“Let’s hope Beth learnt to share.”
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planetxiao · 2 years
HEHEHEHEHEEHE feel free to ignore this request if you dont feel inspired to write it but
Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Tighnari
Biting them out of love.
Like you ever seen their bicep or shoulder and just wanted to-
*nom nom*
Headcannons btw :)
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꠵ PAIRINGS; xiao ; albedo ; tighnari x reader
꠵ GENRE; fluff, crack, headcanons.
꠵ NOTES; omg LOL these are so fun, thank you for requesting! i only take 3 characters for requests, so i couldn’t involve zhongli i’m sorry </3 but i hope you enjoy!! my mutual @sonder-paradise has also written a work with this prompt, you can read it here if you’d like :)
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He acts like he doesn’t like it when you bite him. The first time it happened he was caught so off guard by it; he jumped at the feeling, alarmed eyes darting to the source of the strange sensation, only to find you using him as your personal chew toy. He found it strange.
When you tell him you can’t help it and you just get the urge to bite him sometimes, he’s even more perplexed. But, he doesn’t necessarily deter you from doing so. Mortals really were an enigma, though he didn’t mind trying to figure you out.
As time goes on, he gets used to it— almost a bit too used to it. It’s gotten to the point where if you don’t try to bite him, he begins worrying if something is wrong. Though the affection is strange, he came to realize it was caused by your fondness of him. So, all in all, he doesn’t mind… but he is definitely more confused about mortal customs.
Albedo is another one you’ve confused with human customs. He knows he’s a bit out of touch since he spends a majority of his time in the snowy scapes of Dragonspine, but Albedo had been made aware of other such forms of affection. This new enigma was yet to be discovered by the alchemist.
When you preyed on his shoulder, he was unsure how to react. His body instinctually tensed up as he was holding vials of chemicals in his hands, but other than regard for your safety, Albedo was at a loss. Was this an act to show you were angry with him? Were you hungry? Perhaps you were still in the woes of a teething phase?
He, of course, asked you what the bite was for; however, the alchemist was left more perplexed with your answer. A bite… out of love? A sudden urge felt when you see him? Albedo hummed in thought. He had pondered the action days after it had taken place, wondering if this was common occurrence in human society. Truthfully, Albedo hoped you would bite him again. He wanted to learn more about this anomaly— this newfound affection you had bestowed upon him. Maybe, it would lead him to understand you better as well.
Biting Tighnari out of love will, for sure, catch him off guard. He thought he had you figured out for some time: if you were staring at his ears, you wanted to pet them; if you tugged on his sleeve, you wanted affection; if you hugged him for longer than usual, you were having a bad day. Things like those Tighnari had taken a mental note of over time. As thorough as he was, it seemed there was always something new he learned about you each day.
So, he wasn’t exactly counting on you to bite him. When you bit his arm randomly during your patrol with him, Tighnari jumped. At first, the thought that you had maybe eaten another hallucinogenic mushroom crossed his mind, but the way you gazed at him with a small giggle bubbling from your lips gave way to your conscious decision.
When you explained it was out of love, Tighnari sighed. He believed you. He had seen it before, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to be the one receiving such affection. But, he wasn’t bothered by it all that much. In his mind, it showed how comfortable you were becoming around him. If all he had to withstand was some nibbles on his arms from time to time, he was content with it. The real issue would arise if you ever decided to chomp on his ears.
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꠵ TAGLIST; @sonder-paradise @snowbits
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acesgarden · 4 months
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For the lovely @nuncscioquidsitamor-14 <3 The first interaction we had lolol. I am so greatful to have had you interact with me. I have made so many wonderful mutuals and have had so much fun being back on Tumblr over the past few months. I will be honest, I don’t think I would stuck around (as I have ghosted my account two times prior-). So I mean it when I say thank you for being the reason I stayed.
Also, sorry for what i’m about to do to Leo.
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|| Mother Hen the Mother Hen
Pairing(s) ->
2012!Leonardo H. x F!Reader
Warning(s) ->
Violence, Injuries, Blood,
Summary ->
Leo goes to reader after being injured on a solo mission.
1067 Words : Masterlist
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He jumped back, hand clutching himself with heavy breaths. Staring down the remaining foot. Taking his katana and charging. Forming a roundhouse kick, the tip of his katana being used as support, as he pushed off of one foot soldier to slam another. The hilt of his katana backing into another’s stomach before jumping away. Landing perfectly.
Leonardo has come alone. No one, not even Master Splinter knew of this outing. Just him. He took off again, with only a few stragglers remaining of this bust. Whatever they wanted, they were not going to get it.
Next thing he knew, Leo found himself being slammed against a wall.
His shell and body ached, he was exhausted, and most importantly did not want to face the scolding of his master, or brothers. So, Leo went to the one place he’d avoid all of that. The home of a special ‘friend’ of his. He knew the route by heart. A past solo patrol where he stopped a mugging led to one, two, three, more meetings after that night.
It was not far, but his injuries significantly slowed him down. He was more out of breath by the time he arrived. Landing with a stumble on your fire escape. Slumping against the side railing. He managed to make one tiny knock before he grew still, in hopes of not hurting his injuries further.
𓂃 ࣪˖
The second she heard the knock she turned to look, the knock was familiar. The sigh Leo used to let her know he was there. She found it a little strange he came without a heads up, but it wasn’t unwanted. But when [name] looked out the window. The smile she had faltered and her face shifted to one of worry and concern.
The teenage girl—without hesitation—swiftly got out the window and dragged the exhausted turtle, katanas and all inside.
“Leonardo Hamato! What the hell happened to you? Where are your brothers? Do they know? Does Master Splinter know?” This was exactly what Lep had hoped to avoid. But it seems he can’t.
“Shit- just wait here!” Her voice wavered and she was practically sprinting to find something. In the next few seconds he knew what: a first-aid kit, after he removed his hand from himself.
Blood—red shiny blood—it clung to his hand and the adrenaline just began to wear off right then.
“Oh..” His own voice wavered.
She can right back at that moment getting to work to stop the bleeding while rambling on to him about this. Like a mother hen- like himself.
“Seriously, Lee, do your brothers or father know you're out? At all?” Right- two things his brothers and father didn’t know. That he was out of a solo patrol, and that he had a girlfriend.
“No, they don’t know I'm out—or that you exist..”
The blue clad turtle diverted away his eyes. He could tell she was more mad about the ‘his brothers and father didn’t know he was out’ thing.
“You need to be more careful! This wound is pretty deep, Leo. I’m just glad you didn’t pass out on the way here.”
“I’m sorry, love.”
As soon as the wound was wrapped and cleaned she stood up.
“Let me check your shell.”
“You tensed when I was near it, let me see, c’mon.”
Leo turned with your help, letting you assess his shell. She could see him tensing in certain areas when she glided over them. There were no cracks, or holes, yet. So for now she took some diluted betadine and applied it to the area, then gently covered it to keep it from getting infected.
“There, it’s just bruised and nothing serious. But, as you get home you make sure they check it out and watch for cracks or holes, okay?”
Leo nodded. His eyes had been locked onto the movie playing, it was a good distraction. [Name] joined him back on the couch, and Leo slowly and gingerly leaned against her, burying himself into her side.
The two remained quiet during the movie, well except for the occasional adjustment, between the two. The little popcorn that had originally been made for [Name] was quickly gone.
“I’m gonna go make some more, I'll be right back.” She pecked the top of his head. Leo hummed a response, invested in the movie. He was content on the couch, even getting a little sleepy. Well if it wasn’t for the ache in his legs begging to move. He waited a while longer, until he couldn’t. The turtle mutant pulled himself up holding onto whatever he could as he guided himself to the kitchen.
“Leo-? You should be on the couch resting.” [Name] turned from the popcorn to look at Leo.
“I needed to stretch. So my legs aren’t sore tomorrow morning.” She took the answer with a nod, returning to the popcorn which was almost finished popping.
Leo stands beside her, slowly lacing their hands together, figuring with her fingers.
“Thank you for fixing me up.” She smiled.
“I would do it again, a thousand times over.” She added with her smile now directed at him.
“And I would ‘mother hen’ you even if you had gone home first.” Leo smiled, twirling her around slowly. Getting a laugh from her.
“Like I do?” He guessed.
“Very much like you do.” He would do it a million times over if it meant being with her too.
A beep came from the microwave, alerting them the popcorn had finished. Leo helped her bring the warm popcorn bowl back to the couch. Getting readjusted and comfortable on the couch.
The movie was almost over by the time they returned, it had been half way through upon his arrival at least. They both were—mostly—quiet during the rest of the movie. Little comments being made here and there. Popcorn grabbed and eaten. Soon the second bowl was discarded from their laps.
[Name] made sure Leo was comfortable leaning against her, that it wasn’t awkward on his shell, and that he wasn’t awkwardly positioned. He reassured her and she nodded with relief.
The movie ended around the time Leo fell asleep. [Name] turning the TV off and grabbing the blanket behind her wrapping it around the two. Falling asleep shortly after. A little smile on her face,and relief that Leo was okay tonight. Tomorrow? That would be a whole other story.
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
Personal Trainer
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When Park Jisung told his roommate - Jeno - that he wanted to start working out, Jeno told him that he was already working out.
And Jisung deadpanned.
Jeno teases him too much. He had to clarify that he wanted to start working out more intensely, like Jeno and Jaemin. Although, Jaemin uses the gym to deal with a break up, unlike the rest of them. Still though, Jisung wants the same result, and he thought that Jeno would get the hint, that he wanted Jeno to train him. But Jeno just forwarded him the number of the front desk person at his gym: you.
You also happen to be a trainer ... and were the only available person to do his kick off session, a free, one-hour personal training consultation to, essentially, gauge his goals, set up his work out plan, etc. So, reluctantly, Jisung accepted (he had to) - mainly because Jeno actually really had no time to consistently train him like you, nor did Jaemin, and he wasn't about to ask Renjun for breathing exercises.
But then, everything changed when he found out that you're hot.
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To his first session, Jisung arrived early.
Surprisingly, Jeno's gym is an easy 15-minute walk from their apartment; five minutes, if he felt energetic enough to run, but he wanted to give himself time to mentally prepare for meeting a stranger. He never really goes out, except work and stuff, preferring to stay home. Unfortunately, he hopes to eventually make the gym part of his routine, so he has to get used to seeing new people. Plus, the extra few minutes let him get a lay of the land before his muscles inevitably gave out in front of a girl.
And besides, you were running a few minutes late to your shift - not that his session started with your shift. You staggered it by about 15 minutes, you told him over the phone the previous day, in case he showed up to stretch in advance - which he did, kind of. He only remembered to stretch after seeing you, so he discarded his jacket in the tiny lockers by the turf and started those basic shoulder rolls he learned in middle school.
You came over after he passed a few sets, correcting his form, "Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Your chest should be slightly ahead of your abs."
Of course, he jumped, not having expected you, like, at all.
"Sorry," you apologized yet still inched closer. You held your hands a couple inches off his back, fingers stuttering back and forth from his rhomboid. "Can I touch you?" Jisung nodded, fighting the smile that breaks into the corners of his mouth. "You should feel it -" You closed the gap and touched your fingers to his spine, eventually flattening your hand between his shoulder blades, and he inhaled sharply. Your hands felt small, smaller than his at least, your fingers not even taking up the half space of his rhomboid (though, he couldn't see it). "- right here."
Jisung tensed, fixing his posture and lifting his chin higher.
"Sorry," you apologize again, immediately withdrawing your hand, and he turned around as equally fast. "Did that feel weird?"
"No," he answered loudly, then cleared his throat. "No, it was, um, helpful. I - I don't think I know exactly where to -" He covered half his face to hide the increasingly pinkish hue and the dimples in his cheeks. "- to feel it, so anything you do is ... appreciated." Jisung tried to avoid your gaze too, looking at the ground, but you are shorter than him, so you met his eye incidentally, also stepping into his personal bubble.
The whole first session went like that for the most part - you correcting his form; him giving you honest feedback; you stepping into his personal bubble, touching him; etc.
No wonder Jeno keeps coming back to this place, Jisung thought. If not just for how attentive and detailed with him you are, then for - and this was where Jisung started to feel bad - how sexy you look demonstrating every exercise. (He felt guilty, semi-pathetic, literally running home to masturbate in the shower for an hour).
Because every time you parted your knees, Jisung, too, nearly dropped to his.
He had to watch you, from a bird's eye view, standing while you illustrated simple hip raises on the ground, giving him an excuse to stare at your camel toe perfect range of motion in your ilolumbar ligaments. Even worse, when you and he did high planks across from each other, because he could see down your loose neckline, down your tight, compression bra, at the slightest peak of your cleavage.
And he couldn't stop staring, waiting for a flash of your tits, like a pervert, or for your leggings to roll down your stomach a little bit more, before you covered the waistband of your panties all over again (he would have sworn, on Sakura Yamauchi's grave, that you wore a thong, and that you wear a thong to every session).
Then, the kick off ended so soon, and you summarized all his strong points, noting the slight bulge of his bicep, asking him whether he would want to continue strengthening your core, as is your specialty. Jisung hadn't the heart (or hormones) to deny you. His main goal, he figured, - to bulk - could be done on the days he doesn't train with you, since he planned on joining Jaemin, Jeno, or Haechan for weight lifting the other times.
But you catch him.
Pretty easily, actually, on one of your off days.
"Hey, stranger," you greet him, a few months after that first session. Jisung looks up at you, from the ground, where he reracks 25-kg dumbbells next to an even taller storage rack. You hold a medicine ball, in both arms, so tightly to your stomach that he can see the way your cleavage spills over your sports bra, even under the oversized t-shirt.
Jisung giggles, just once, timidly, under his breath - half-winded from his bicep curls - and smiles at the ground. "We saw each other on Saturday."
"Well," you sing a little, throwing the 3-kg med ball between your hands. "Actually, I could've sworn I saw you on Tuesday, a mere two days ago," you tease him, and he looks up again, kneeling on just one knee now.
"Ah ... Really?"
"Yup!" you emphasize the last syllable, then turn to the racks, squinting at the empty top row high above your head. "I thought, 'Hmm, couldn't be my Jisungie', since you were counting concentration curls." Those are not part of the workout plans you make for him. "Mmph." You jump a little, throwing the ball, but it stays on the ledge and rolls back into your hands. Jisung stands up immediately, behind you, and racks the ball for you.
He hopes you don't hear his heart beating through his chest, or at least that you attribute it to his final workout. But you called him yours. And he needs to hear it again.
You tilt your head up, following his hands, until making eye contact with him upside down. He presses against your back a little tighter, to really settle the ball on the rack, and incidentally, he also feels the curve of your ass hit his wide thighs.
Jisung lowers his arms, slightly, shuffling forward. He hangs one hand on the ledge behind you, while the other finds the waistband of his Adidas sweatpants. For a second, as he tries to meet your gaze, Jisung dips down to your legs, hoping to glimpse another outline of your panties, but you just wear an innocent pair of biker shorts. The black fabric barely peeks out from under your oversized t-shirt, only showing off your legs and pubic bone. Jisung's short sleeve, also oversized (as is the trend) does little to hide his own hips, since he holds it, folded, over his abs. The sleeves, though, fall down his bicep without his workout, and hide the wrong bulge.
You turn around, in his strong arms, brushing your own arm between his defining pecs.
"Sorry," he apologizes, panting thickly through his pouty lips, suddenly worried that you could read his thoughts. "Was that ... Was that weird?" Jisung lifts his hand off the rack with the intent to brush away the messy black bangs in front of his eyes, but you grab his wrist and drag him even closer than he had initially been. He purses his lips and tilts his head to the side.
"Jisung - ah," you clear your throat, rubbing your collarbone with the hand that was just on his arm. Jisung shifts to the tips of his toes, to better hear you as you start whispering, "Do you - do you want a free session? Right now? With me?" You brush your face closer into his personal bubble, and your pupils get bigger.
Jisung tilts his head a little deeper, nearly kissing you on the cheek, and scans your face. This might be more awkward, might have made him self-conscious - the borderline public indecency PDA - if today were not a random Thursday at 10 AM. But it is. The mostly empty gym really doesn't have anyone to notice the two of you. And Jisung takes advantage of it.
He nods.
"Meet -" You inhale, squeezing his arm once, marveling at the veins. Deliberately, he flexes. And your entire body jolts taller, giving you the momentum to look him in the eye again. "Meet me in the racquetball room in five."
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Jisung actually meets you in seven minutes, too busy splashing water on his face in the locker room.
Ironically, the racquetball room offers more privacy than the bathrooms all the way in the back of locker rooms. It might have something to do with how many people are able to use each room at any given time.
So, Jisung takes a deep breath and wipes his hands, palms to fingertips, on his athletic pants. Then, he opens the door.
He barely gets a second to walk through the entrance, when you shove him against the door, fitting your lips onto his mouth.
You only peck him once, practically jumping into his chest, but Jisung still gasps, inviting you to bite his bottom lip - which you do, causing him to yelp.
"Oh, my God," you nearly scream, climbing off him - not that you climbed him very high, or that you stuck on him tight enough to topple him over (but if you did, he would have caught you). You teeter on your toes, fingers stuttering back to your chest. "I'm so sorry, Jisung. Was that weird? I - I thought -"
Jisung cuts you off, this time. One hand slides over your cheek, his nails knotting in the roots of your hair, and the other grabs you by the waist, pressing his hips into yours. He kisses you once, like that, nearly snapping the both of you in half. A scant moan leaves his esophagus, as low as a groan, before he switches sides and picks you up. His palm scoops your entire ass, helping you into his arms.
You gasp. "Whoa, Park Jisung??"
Your ankles tie together behind his small waist, and the momentum of his scoop pushes him into the wall. You readjust a little higher, cradling his face once you get stead. Your hands feel soft on his freshly shaved jaw.
"You're so tall," you whisper, slotting your lips together.
"There," he says with some finality, some assurance. Jisung shifts you up even more, using the wall as support, and smiles, innocent in his eyes, naughty in the way his squeezes your ass. "Now you're taller." He kisses you again, trying to lick your lips clean. Your hand slips down to the front of his neck, as you suck and bite his lips. His bottom lip follows you, while you change angles, grinding your hips on his abs, driving him firmer against the wall. Jisung pulls off, briefly, his eyes still closed. "Fuck, baby."
Jisung kisses you even harder and slides both his hands under your ass, spreading your ass cheeks wide. His middle fingers brush your cunt, poking around the thin string, finally verifying that you do, in fact, wear a flimsy thong.
"Shit," he swears when you tug his hair unexpectedly. Your nails scratch his temporal lobe, fisting and re-fisting around his split ends.
His hands automatically dig into your thighs. And you yank his hair again, this time backwards, pulling off him. Jisung gasps without your mouth to suppress his moans, and his fingers slip lower into your inner thighs. You withdrew just far away enough to take off your shirt, and his jaw falls, heavy pants shaking his entire chest as he inspects your sports bra. A deep v-neck cuts straight between your tits and the tight material pushes them together and up, although slightly misaligned - half your nipple exposes under the black fabric. Jisung almost bites one, when you yank his hair a third time, making him look up at you, his eyes glassy around the rim.
"Sungie," you pant and lick your lips. God, he wants to kiss you again; he even parts his lips to ask, but you speak first, "There's something I want to do. Really bad." You cup his jaw, and he swallows thickly. "Can I suck you off?"
"Fuck," he swears again, kissing you harder. "Yes. Yes, baby, fuck, please suck me off," he begs, chanting an affirmation mixed with your name. You moan equally with him, and your legs tighten around his waist as a single one of his hands roams your back, snapping at your bra. His other palm gives your ass more support, slipping into your shorts, into your thong.
He kisses you a few more times, his lips pursing forward more and more as you pull away, slowing down his tongue into quick pecks. Jisung knocks his head against the wall and shakes his bangs out of his face. He scans your face, then realizes that he likes looking at you.
"I said you're pret -"
Jisung doesn't get to finish his praise, because you push a thumb past his lips, holding down his tongue. Instantly, his cheeks hollow, but your thumb tugs backward a little, so he sucks even harder, to trap you there, amidst his whiny protest .You pull a little bit more, enough to reopen his mouth, and replace it two fingers. Satisfied again, he licks at your index finger, imagining how you would blow him with those small hands (how will you wrap them around his cock?). His dick, standing upright toward his abs, between your legs, jumps, and your eyes darken.
You jump off his lap, simultaneously pushing him against the wall.
"Shh, Jisungie," you whisper. Your hands creep into the waistband of his trackpants, folding over the layer until the inseam reaches his thighs. "You're so loud."
"I can be louder," he whimpers. But still, he mouths, "Oh, my God," and bites his lip, hitting his head on the wall again. His hips work on a mind of their own, thrusting forward (only slightly), anticipating you to do more, especially after you asked, so nicely, to suck him off. "Baby, please." Finish what you started.
Your next few actions move like a virgin who only has experience from watching porn. Not that Jisung has any complaints, remembering how he was with his first partner. Except, you don't bumble around like an idiot, like he did. No, you spring his dick free and gasp. He looks down, mouth sluttily ajar, panting all over again as the air conditioning brushes his shaft. With your eyes wide, you slowly wrap your fingers just below his tip - the fingers that were in his mouth. They prevent you from dry rubbing his erection, not that he needs it, necessarily. His cock embarrassingly dribbles through the slit, clear liquid sliding down in beads. He has to grit his teeth to will himself not to cum, but you stand on your knees, barely tall enough to point his cock down your throat. You rest your palms on his thighs, keeping him still, and lean a bit higher to swallow his tip, just the tip.
Jisung's fingers hook under your jaw, making you look up at him.
And he nearly cums at the sight. You're so fucking sexy.
Your eyes dilate, looking at him through your pretty lashes and messy hair. And his dick throbs, again - which makes your mouth pulse around the tip. Mmm, you moan, lips tightening involuntarily. Jisung thrusts forward, faintly, bending at the knee as his dick, 85% hard, fits halfway in your mouth. You shift a little bit taller and take more of his cock, by yourself.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jisung whines, hiding his pout lips behind one hand. "You're so good, baby." The hand that stayed on your jaw fists its way into your hair, supporting your temporal lobe enough for him to slide his cock all the way down your esophagus. "I don't even need to train your throat. You're already so good for me."
Then you pull off his cock, coughing and rubbing your throat. You hold his length at the base, but the momentum held and his cock slaps your cheek, leaving a puddle of precum and spit on your cheek. "You're so big, Jisungie," you whine, lips swollen and pouting.
But your thighs squeeze together, and he can just tell that you ride the thick inseam on your crotch. He bets, too, that your clit got caught in your thong, pressing in all the right areas. It might look like how your tits look right now - raised and spilling out of your tight sports bra. God, he wants to cum on them. He can't, this time at least, because it would make a huge mess, but next time, if you'll let him.
"Baby, finish what you started, please," he begs, flopping his dick back in your mouth, guiding your head down his shaft. "I'll repay you after, I promise, but I'm so fucking hard right now. I need to cum."
You take half his cock down your esophagus, sloppily drooling down the corners of your mouth. He can feel his tip hit your tongue, grating the fucking moist foliate.
Jisung's thrusts get clumsier and clumsier as he tries to memorize the way your body moves. Your wrist flicks his cock inverse to how it goes down your tongue. You grope and squeeze your own tit, slipping your hand into your bra, bringing out one of your stiff nipples for him to gawk at. Your thighs shake, ass driving your pussy forward like those hip thrusts you showed him on the first day. Jisung feels your nails graze the veins in his cock, and he looks down, panting open-mouthed, moans spilling.
He cups your face with all ten fingers enveloping your cheeks. Your own hands drop down to your body, back to your tits and pussy. Jisung jerks your face around, swirling your mouth around his cock to prepare you for the entire length. He groans, abs crunching, barely shoving his dick halfway, before you retake control.
"Gawk, gawk, gawk," you swallow, half gagging, half sobbing.
"Yeah, fuck, I'm almost there," he chooses to interpret.
You stand tall again, on your knees, and squeeze his cock between your tits, freeing them from your restrictive bra. Jisung slowly feeds his cock all he way, as you raise your tits, visibly pinching your nipples with your index and middle fingers. His tip, angry, leaking, and throbbing, knocks on your tongue, and you get the hint, bobbing your head. You look at him through your lashes again, eyes somehow wider, more innocent, before rolling them to the back of your head. You force a little bit of his cock out of your mouth, down your tongue like a slide, letting him take over.
Jisung's stomach drops, and he shoves his cock down your throat, brushing his pelvis against your nose.
"Hnng, fuck, fuck, fuck," he moans. His entire cock throbs with your esophagus as you choke on the width. Then he cums.
Jisung slowly pulls out while he cums, letting his thick, white semen pool in your mouth. You fold your tongue into a cup, as wide as you can, showing off how good you take him, still jerking off his cock between your tits. You swallow all the cum you can, before it starts streaming down your cheeks, like your tears.
"Cute," he mumbles, pushing his cock in your mouth, only halfway until he stops cumming. Then, he helps you stand up.
You swallow again, panting after an audible, large gulp, and wipe your bottom lip clean with your wrist. "I know -" You heave, wrapping your arms around his neck, falling against the wall with him. "I know guys don't like to make out or anyth -"
Jisung cuts you off again, pressing his lips chastely against yours. He brushes his nose across your cheek, smelling the prominent salt and sweat on your skin before parting your lips with his tongue and lifting you back into his arms. "I don't care," he whispers. "I'll cum inside you and eat you out, too."
You grab his jaw and scan his face. "Really?" you ask, almost doubting him.
So, he spins you around, pinning you to the wall. You, again, tighten your legs behind his back, steadying on his shoulder.
"Yeah, baby, I'm gonna put all these muscles to use."
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luvrxbunny · 1 year
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x f!Reader
Prompt: Praise 
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, praise (kinda like body worship), age-gap, piv, unprotected sex (lmk if I forgot anything)
WC: 2.8k
A/N: this might suck im so sorry, its super rushed. also I couldn't think of a name (not proofread at all)
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You shake your head as your friends laugh. They always think it’s funny, and although it doesn’t bother you very much, it’s still quite annoying. Your friends seem to think that your relationship with Joel is a fling, some sort of manic, impulsive decision to date someone so much older than you. You’ve explained to them over and over again that what you have with Joel is as real as it gets. You’ve never been more in love with anyone, but they think you’re dickmatized, they’re waiting for you to ‘snap out of it’.
“I told you guys, I love him.” You state before finishing your drink, rolling your eyes at the way they giggle. You check your phone for updates but all you get is Joel’s same ‘15 minutes away.’ text that was there the last time you checked. You pray that every light he comes across is green and the streets are empty, you want to get out of here as soon as possible. 
“I don’t even know if I believe that!” Stacey is drunker than she should be, saying things she shouldn’t be. You’ve grown used to it now, she’s the one who has the most to say about your relationship. “I feel like you treat him like…” She laughs abruptly. “Like he’s your boss or something!” She cackles again at the way your face drops. “And he- he could be, ‘cause he’s so old.” You take a deep breath and look up at her, your face blank as her laughter dies down. 
“Joel is-” Just uttering his name from your lips brings a smile to your face. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He understands me, my needs, and my wants in a way that I don’t even understand. I’ve known him for a year and a half now, I’ve known you much longer, yet he knows more about me than you ever will. He’s my everything and that’s never gonna change. I’m not upset at you, just to clarify.” You say with a soft chuckle. “I think all of this is coming from a place of jealousy if I’m being completely honest. I hope that you find someone who loves you like you’re his entire universe.” You begin to collect your things, deciding you can wait for Joel outside. 
“He makes me feel like an angel, like-” You laugh at their shocked and confused expressions. They have no clue what you’re talking about, it makes you pity them a bit, but it mostly makes you happy, feeling lucky you were able to find it. “Anyway…” You chuckle awkwardly and stand to leave. “That’s how I feel about him. So, if you could like… not, say things insinuating that I don’t love my boyfriend, I would really love that.” You smile and awkwardly bow/curtsey at them, waving and walking away. You’re a bit embarrassed at the silence in the room as you walk away. You turn the corner as quickly as you can and jump at the man standing in the middle of the foyer. 
“Joel!? Oh- You scared the shit outta me!” You place a hand over your heart with a smile, taking deep breaths as you walk toward him. “Did you text? I’m sorry there was an… altercation.” He nods at you slowly and only then do you realize his stare. It’s different from the one you usually get, softer, more watery somehow. “I know.” He pauses to take a deep breath as you reach him. His hand reaches out for yours and you take it with a confused smile as you both start walking to the front door. “I uh- I heard actually.”
Joel feels your hand tense in his for a moment as you let out a nervous giggle. “Oh! That- That’s great.” You chuckle and glance up at him for a moment, mumbling. “That’s so embarrassing.” He laughs gently at that, his hand leaving yours once you guys reach the car. “That’s not true, darlin’.” He says as he climbs into the car. You’re chuckling quietly, still embarrassed as you ride home in near silence, the only noise being the little hum of the radio. 
He doesn’t bring it up until after dinner, you’re both on the couch, in Joel's shirt, watching some movie that recently came out but Joel’s mind is on the rant he heard from you earlier. He had shown up unannounced due to his phone dying mid-way through the drive-over. He heard Stacey mention the way you act toward him, how unaffectionate you were. Joel doesn’t necessarily agree with that but he’s definitely questioned your feelings toward him before, constantly wondering if you actually like him or if you’re just lonely. So of course he wanted to hear your answer, he prepared himself for the worst, held his breath, grit his teeth, and waited for the pain of your answer. His heart stuttered when you paused after “Joel is-” 
He was ready to hear the most heartbreaking words tumble from your mouth next, but then you said he was the best thing to ever happen to you, and his heart stopped. His eyes went wide as you rambled on, saying wonderful thing after wonderful thing. He felt his heart tremble inside his chest, loving the things you were saying, and the way you were defending him against your friends. The fact that you were outwardly announcing the extreme feelings you have for him made so many different emotions swirl through him. He was in a daze until you turned the corner, and he’s fallen into that same one again. 
You can feel Joel staring at you, you can see his head turned your way from the corners of your eye. You’re trying to ignore it, but he clears his throat and you turn toward him. “You okay?” His face is a bit frantic and he’s looking at you in that way again, the one you couldn’t really explain. He’s taking slow breaths and turns to you, letting you know this was going to be a whole conversation. You face him, letting the TV play because you don’t even understand the movie anyway. 
“Why don’t you talk to me that way?” His question baffles you. You glace over at the TV, seeing if he's referring to something that happened in the movie but come up with nothing. You turn back to him slowly, watching his expectant, worried expression, and furrow your brows at him, prompting him to explain himself. “Back at Stacey’s house, you were sayin’ real nice things.” You feel the temperature in the room rise as embarrassment creeps into your bones. 
‘Why don’t you talk to me that way?’
“Do you want me to?” You ask concerned. You would never want to even imagine that Joel isn’t feeling loved enough, that you’re not giving him enough, despite all the things you do for him. You reach out for him, waving your hands toward yourself to motion him closer. His head is hung, staring at the couch’s cushions as he scoots himself to you. “I can start telling you all this stuff. I- Honestly I didn’t think you’d want to hear it.” You giggle nervously and take a sudden interest in the couch's patterns. 
Joel’s shocked to his core at your words but quickly takes your opening. “I’d really like it if you’d tell me... I get worried that maybe you don’t- “ He takes a deep breath, his chest heaving with a sigh. “That maybe you don’t like me as much as I-” You cut him off with a hurt, yet firm, “No!”
“Joel you’re so so-” You grunt, unable to explain the way he makes you feel. “You just- You’re everything good, and positive, and amazing in this world.” His entire body relaxes as he lets out a relieved sigh. “You’re perfect. You can’t even argue with me on that. You’re literally my dream guy. You’re kind, even though you’re hot enough that you probably don’t even need to be as nice as you are. You care about me and my feelings even though I’d probably just let you use my body, and throw me away if you really wanted. I-” You pause and take a breath- already worried about how he’ll take some of the things you’ve said. You give him a shy smile, a small laugh slipping out at his dazed look. 
Joel couldn’t breathe as you spoke. His heart was swelling at every word, but there was also a dull hum in his lower stomach that was growing the longer you did. It flares up when you meet his eyes, giving him that pretty smile he loves so much. His head is all jumbled up. He doesn’t know if you’ve asked him something or if he should be responding. All he knows is that he really wants- really needs more. “Can-” He clears his throat, stalling and trying to clear his mind a bit. “Could you tell me more about- about my looks? How-” He feels anxiety flare in his chest as he requests. He’s looking at his hands, examining his knuckles, completely terrified at how you’ll react to the request, scared that you’ll have a look on your face that’ll break his heart. “How do you feel about ‘em?”
Joel has to fight the urge to run his fingers through his hair, run his nails along his beard to comb it and maybe cover the patches. He’s already regretting asking you. He didn’t get enough sleep last night, he probably has bags and he can’t even begin to think about how many gray hairs he has littering his head, and his beard. This shirt is a little too tight too, he can feel his stomach pressing against the fabric.
What do I expect her to say? Fuck, this was a stupid fuckin’ idea. I should’ve at least looked in goddamn mir-
His thoughts are cut off by a squeal and your shaking body. You’re wiggling yourself back and forth on the couch, bouncing in excitement. “Oh my god, Joel, I have so much to say.” He’s astonished at your excitement, at how eager you are to praise him. He can feel the humming in his stomach intensify. “You’re so-” Your voice drops to an adorably shy whisper. “You’re so fucking hot.” He lets out a soft gasp as you straighten your back, place your hands in your lap, and put on a semi-serious face before speaking. 
“So the first thing that’s coming to mind right now is your thighs.” His eyes flicker down, but it doesn’t clarify anything. “How big they are, how thick and meaty- Ugh! I love them so much!” His heart warms and his pulse races at the way you’re smiling, as though telling him these things brings you actual, genuine, joy. “So next I’d like to mention your arms- oh, your arms. They’re so thick, you’re so strong” Your hand comes up slowly to squeeze his bicep, then caress it softly and he can feel himself hardening in his pants. He finally understands the feelings your words cause, he’s grateful, feeling incredibly loved, and insanely turned on. 
“Now I wanna talk about your shoulders! Okay so, what really messes me up like- in general, is how fucking-” You take a shaky breath, that shy smile on your face again as you look at his lap, almost crying at how empty it looks. He notices your hesitance, where your gaze is and he sits back, opening his legs a bit wider and tilting his head toward it. He’s ready to have you on him, for you to know how this is affecting him. His breathing is already speeding up at the thought, watching you climb into his lap. You gasp, eyes wide, a devious smile on your face as you stare at him after feeling the way he's pressing into his jeans for you. “Joel…” Your tone is teasing but playful, bringing a smile to his face as you settle yourself in his lap. 
“You like this? That’s why you want me to talk to you all nice?” His mouth drops open as his hips tilt up, pressing into you as his cock hardens fully. You can feel him filling out his boxers as he nods eagerly at you. You’re grinning as he lowers his hips back down but keeps a small grind for his personal sanity. “Can you keep-”
You’re nodding and continuing before he can finish. “You’re so big, Joel.” The compliment comes out as a whine and you tilt your hips toward him, pressing your chest against his, and your clit into the tip of his dick. He’s groaning your name and bringing his hands to your hips, pushing you into him. “You’re so broad, m-makes me feel so safe.”
He’s kissing your cheek as you speak, grinding up into you, and pressing your hips to him. Your head is getting clouded, consumed with your love for Joel, with the pleasure you’re giving him. “You- Your hair.” His heart stutters slightly, nervous about what you’ll say. “The curls, and it’s so soft and-” Your eyes slip shut as your hips take over, moving on their own as you grip Joel’s hair, pulling him into your chest. “The salt and pepper look is so good, Joel.”
“Fuck me.” His eyes roll back and his hands push your hips up. His hands fumble with his belt as you smother him in your chest, whining about how much you love him. “Love that this turns you on s’much, baby. It’s so fucking cute.” He can hear the smile in your voice and his eyes roll back as he lets out a sweet moan of your name, pressing the heel of his palm into his dick for a moment. 
“Sweetheart, I gotta-” His words are broken by a whine as he finally gets his cock out of his pants, wrapping his warm hand and pumping his cock perfectly. He could cum like this, with you above him, telling him about every feature of his and how it affects you. Your hips are still swiveling in the air as you speak, waiting and looking for something to press against your pussy. It’s the only reason he doesn’t just keep jerking himself to your words. “I gotta fuck you, darlin’. Need you so bad, I want you so much.”
You don’t even look back, you just pull your panties aside, and lower yourself onto him, trusting that he’ll lead himself to the right hole. You’re clinging to his neck as you sink down, moaning his name over and over as he stretches you out. “You’re so tight, baby. Holy shit.” You clench down on him, and pull out of his neck, pressing a sloppy kiss against his mouth. 
He’s thrusting into you slowly, hands gripping your hips to keep your rhythm steady. You’re letting out beautiful moans and little mumbles into his lips, not having the restraint to pull away for even one second. Joel slides his hand from your hip, up your back to hold the back of your neck gently, and pulls you away from him. “What is it, honey?” 
He’s breathless as he fucks into you, his dick pulsing already. He grunts and closes his eyes as you moan incoherent words at him. You’re trying to answer him, your brain has completely turned to mush from the way he’s pounding into you. “-eyes are so p-pretty.” 
Joel’s eyes snap open again. “Your lips are so soft and-” You’re still praising him, still rattling off your list of things that you find arousing about him. He doesn’t understand how you even have this much material, how even though you’re too fucked out to grind yourself on his cock properly, but you can still talk all about how much he turns you on, and how beautiful you think he is. He can feel his balls tightening. 
His hand cups your face, sticking his thumb into your mouth as you whine and hump him harder. He’s trying not to focus too much on how warm, and wet your mouth is and slips his thumb out, ignoring the whimper you give. He relishes in the groan that’s pulled from your chest as he puts pressure on your aching, swollen clit. He’s rubbing circles before you can finish your moan of his name, your eyes roll back, and your body tenses. Joel’s in shock at how quickly he’s got you cumming around him. Your pussy spasms and your hips jerk against him with your mouth open in a silent moan. 
Joel keeps his finger running over your clit as he watches you cum, still thrusting into you, chasing that last push he needs to fall over the edge. You give it to him without him having to ask. “Fuck me so perfect, Joey-” You pitch up into a whine and tangle your hands in his hair roughly. “A g-good boy, such a great guy-” You’re cut off as he bucks into you, his hips lifting off the couch completely, almost throwing you off as he groans and fills you to the brim.
He’s resting his head against your shoulder, his arms wrapped around you and holding your body to his as he throbs inside you, spilling all he has into your pulsing hole. He's huffing out groans in time with the ropes his dick is spurting into you, his entire body shaking as pleasure takes him over. You’re encouraging him the whole time, talking him through his orgasm, helping him tame the fire that’s raging through him.
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Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, here's the rest of my Kinktober Works and be sure to check out my Main Masterlist!!
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luimagines · 8 months
Looking for Someone
Our second place winner for the 1200 follower raffle was mushroom anon! :D
They asked for some Sky and Wild bonding.
Content under the cut!
Sky knew exactly where they were.
He didn’t even know this place was still around, let alone in decent condition. He felt a sense of deja vu as he walked further into the area. It was sickening to a degree. Sky could feel his stomach doing flips but he tried to keep his lunch down for the sake of the others. They didn’t seem as bothered by the find, seeing as they were well enough to look around and banter. Somewhere behind him he could hear them discussing the meaning of the place and where they should head to next since it appeared empty.
But Sky knew better. He was almost expecting someone to jump out and attack him.
“Hey.” Wild puts a hand on his shoulder.
Sky jumps and pulls out his sword, aiming it at Wild’s neck without a moment’s hesitation.
The whole group freezes.
Sky takes a moment to pause and remind himself that he is, in fact, not where he thinks he is. He puts the Master Sword back in her sheath. The group eyes him wearily.
“Sorry.” Sky clears his throat, holding his hand out for peace. “I’m… I’m not… you startled me. Are you ok?”
Wild seems to get a knowing look on his face and waves the others away.
The leaves hesitantly.
“I think this place bothers you more than it bothers me.” He says quietly, putting his hand back on Sky’s shoulder.
The Chosen Hero allows himself to relax for a minute and claps Wild in his shoulder as well. Fellow knights are in agreement. All is well. “This place bothers you? You know what this place is?”
“I do.” Wild says bitterly. “We call this the Spring of Courage. You know this place as well?”
Sky nods and looks back out beyond the waters and straight into the face of the goddess statue. “Zelda came here to divinely cleanse herself as she grew into her powers of Hylia. I was always locked on the other side of the door. By the time I got through she was gone. I was always a second too late. I just wanted to find her.”
Wild listens silently. He, like the others, haven’t asked much of their adventures for the sake of privacy. For as much as Sky obviously thinks about his Zelda, Wild can confidently say he knows next to nothing about her. He’s not even sure what her ‘powers of Hylia’ even means. Maybe it’s similar to what his Zelda had to go through.
Wild clears his throat. “Did it work?”
“Hm?” Sky looks at Wild. “What do you mean?”
“The.. cleansing, as you called it. Did it work?” Wild stresses again.
Sky takes a moment to think about it. “I’m… not sure. Like I said, I was never there. But Zelda did eventually get some power of hers returned to her. So it might have done something to her.”
Wild thinks about it some more as well, bitterness welling up inside him. Frustration is on the rise as he thinks about what happened before that day. He remembers Zelda’s sobs and self doubt. It echoes behind her every move even today. A smaller voice behind all that reminds him that this is not the same case. Perhaps this is the reason why the king commanded the princess to come here to begin with.
Not that it did anyone any good.
“Don’t like that idea?” Sky ventures hesitantly. He’s never seen Wild look wrathful before. It’s an unsettling look for someone he’s come to know as mostly smiles outside of the battlefield. “It’s a bit of a long story.”
“No, not that.” Wild shakes his head. He should save this for later. Sky had done nothing to deserve any left over ire from the life long lost.
“My Zelda came here to pray.” He finds himself admitting. “She also needed to unlock her power. It didn’t work.”
Sky stays silent and  looks over at their reflection in the pool. Similar eyes that are not his own stare back at him. They have the same nose. If Sky looks close enough he thinks he can even see the same tired look in their figures. It’s strange.
Sky looks around again, feeling tense and unnerved once more. Despite the fact that he knows Ghirahim is no more- the idea of something waiting for him to turn his back is ever present in his mind. It was always right before the pool. Oh how he wishes Fi would talk again. He wishes she could talk some sense into him like she always seemed to do.
Wild clears his throat. “Sorry.’
It’s enough to break Sky out of his own thoughts. “Huh?”
“For starling you earlier.” He amends. “You keep getting lost in thought.”
“...I hate this place.” Sky spits.
Something in Wild relaxes. His whole body slumps with relief at his words. “Thank the goddess. I do too. Let’s get out of here.”
They leave.
It’s a comfortable silence until Wild pokes Sky’s shoulder once more. “One question.”
“What is it?”
“You mentioned trying to find your Zelda.” Wild mentions quietly. “What did you mean by that?”
They see the rest of the group up ahead, waiting for them. Wild takes the initiative to wave them off again, letting them know to continue further up without them.  This time they are less hesitant to leave them alone.
Sky takes a deep breath. “She fell from our home. I went down to the surface to find her. I searched everywhere.”
Wild says nothing at first. It doesn’t feel like Sky actually answered his question but at the same time, what was he expecting?
“What about you?” Sky asks quietly. “You don’t actually talk a lot about your Zelda despite being her personal guard.”
The Champion blushes. “It’s not like that…”
Sky doesn’t comment on it.
“When I woke up, I didn’t remember her. Even though she was the first person I heard from. She told me my name before I even knew who I was. Despite what the old man and what Ipa told me to do- which was to find her and help her- I felt like she was just a concept. An idea. When I finally remembered her, it felt weird to think that I still wasn’t sure if she was even dead or alive. Our relationship…  It’s… different now, whether we like it or not.”
Sky let’s Wild ramble. He didn’t think this would have gotten this much information out of the Champion as it did. He wonders if he’s told anyone else this. He has an inkling that perhaps Twilight knew, but seeing the speed at which Wild was willing to ramble, he doubts that too.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine in the end.” Sky says, unhelpfully. He cringes at his own words.
Wild thankfully sees the attempt for what it is. “You think so?”
“Yeah.” Sky continues on. “Things are different now anyway, right? For your time and your people. It’s all about finding a new normal. It can't be that much different from simply moving from one place to another right?”
Sky can feel himself start to ramble as well as he sticks his foot in his mouth.
“”Like… The people you know aren’t close to you any more- The ground is different from how you knew it growing up- The sounds are different- There’s plenty of new people to meet- The food is different- The animals are different- The air is different-”
“It’s a different place entirely.”
“Yeah! Exactly!” Sky can feel himself flustering. Is he making this worse or better? He can’t tell.
Wild thinks about it for longer and it makes Sky anxious.
“And that’s not a bad thing either! Because it was like that already before you got there.” Sky scratches the back of his neck. “Everyone else is used to it, you know?”
“It’s their normal.”
“Precisely.” Sky’s voice gets quieter. Wild seems to be listening to him intently. Sky’s still not sure what to make of it. “So you have to find a new normal despite the change in circumstance.”
They’re slowly catching up to the group once more. It’s like they meant to be repeated for long anyway. 
Wild takes a breath and sighs. “You get to go back to your ‘normal’ though.”
“...I don’t know.” Sky looks to the people in front of him. They all descend from the choice he has yet to make. He has to pave the way for everyone… just to get to Wild. He looks at the young man next to him. “I don’t think I will.”
Wild falls silent again before reaching out and wrapping his arm around Sky’s shoulder. “...That’s mighty noble of you then.”
Sky says nothing. He’s not sure if it’s true or not but he’s not about to ruin the moment further on purpose now.
“...I still hate that place though.”
Sky laughs out loud for a long time.
“You and me both.”
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crow2222 · 5 months
May I request: Tim bringing a (fairly) concussed Darry back to the gang?
WC; 1122
I never wrote in Tim's pov before, so apologies if it's out of character.
The rocks rolled under his feet, each step as sloppy and uncoordinated as the next. Usually this movement means one of two things in this neighbourhood; they got shitfaced or were jumped, and poor ol’ Darry seemed to be hit by the latter. 
I wasn’t known for helping out just any unlucky soul, but this man had always found a way to lend me a hand without even knowing it himself. So when I saw him staggering home whilst taking my own trek home; I crossed the street and wrapped my arm around him. 
He paid no mind to me it seemed, not even a slight hint of acknowledgement from him. It was strange, it sure was, Darry was one kind man, supposedly he once dropped everything and helped an old woman cross the street. He was stupid in the head, being like that in a town like this, and this night sure proved it.
His truck was parked up front once we made it back, and I wondered where the hell he was going, and what happened, but I kept my mouth shut as I helped him get up the front steps of the porch.
Judging by the hoots and yells from inside, none of them had a damn clue or worry about their precious guardian. Not that I’d blame them, that group of boys never seemed to get a damned break. First their parents, then Dallas n Johnny. How they could be jumping around and laughing was beyond me. 
It all died down as the screen door slammed into the wall, making Darry wince, his body tensing up in my hold. Knowing I couldn’t do anything to stop his supposed headache, I kept on going inside, cursing under my breath when he started to rest his entire weight on me. 
“Goddammit Curtis get up!” I tried shrugging him off, but alas.
My yell was what made them get up from the kitchen, and I was met with the faces of the boys Darry took care of as if all were his own. 
Two-bit, Steve, Soda, and the runt, Ponyboy. 
Hands all flew towards me, grabbing the older man from my grasp. WIth steady steps among Two-bit and Steve, they deposited Darry on the couch, his head reeling backwards with a groan. 
“Tim. What happened to him?” The littlest Curtis asked me, his eyes huge and staring at his brother. Soda was gone off somewhere, before the crashes alerted me he was probably getting the aid kit. 
My shoulders shrugged before my mind thought of a reply, as well as helping people, I also wasn’t known for being a big talker, unlike the wise-ass Keith and Dallas. “Just found ‘im trying to get over here. Seemed to me like he was about to pass out before I reached the door.” 
Then I took in how Darry looked again.
His face was crumpled up in pain, his hair dishevelled to a certain degree, the starting signs of bruises on his face and arms, and not to mention that he was sporting a bloody nose, which he tried to wipe away.
It wasn’t a pretty sight; this realisation only came to me in the bright lights of the sitting room. It made me wonder if I should’ve taken him to my own house and cleaned him up a bit before getting his sorry ass home. Would’ve saved them from worrying so much.
Sodapop then blocked my view, immediately getting to work. He cleaned up cuts and scratches I didn’t even realise were there, making me more inquisitive about Darry’s whereabouts more than ever. Steve must’ve thought the same thing, his voice pulling me out of the worry I didn’t know I was feeling. 
“Where the hell did you go off to? We thought you were sleeping.” His tone was short and snippy, as per usual, but there was a rare hint of care in it as well. I didn’t know much about him other than his great car skills, but he’d taught Dallas how to steal hubcaps and I’ll forever hate that fact. Too many of my wheels went without hubcaps whenever we’d get in any kind of scrap.
By then, Ponyboy was gone from my side and already placed a glass of water and a bottle of pills on the table. He would’ve been hanging out with Curly if he wasn’t in the reformatory, there was no doubt in my mind about that. That stupid kid just had a liking to the Curtis; I couldn’t put my finger onto why.
It took around two minutes for me to realise I overstayed my welcome; my duty was solely just to bring Darry home, not to pace around like a man in a hospital waiting room, wondering if his buddy would have to stay the night for observation or not.
My shoes squeaked as I turned my heel, ignoring the nagging voice in my head that told me to stay. I wasn’t planning on stickin’ around at all, but then Darry had to open his dumb mouth and call out my name. It was more like a quiet whine, but I heard it all the same.
So I stayed.
I felt like an odd one out amongst them all, like a puzzle piece from a different box that got mixed up. They all fit in together, albeit they were missing a couple of their own pieces. The three brothers were all huddled up on the couch, the other two on the floor nearby. 
Lights were turned off, leaving only the side lamp on as they coaxed Darry enough to get the damn painkillers and keep him awake by keeping the television on, the sound just high enough to keep him from sleeping. He was fighting it; I could tell from the bopping of his head, his baby brother falling asleep on his shoulder probably didn’t help either.
Stretching my legs out from the recliner, I decided it was finally time for me to leave, no amount of begging keeping me this time. The cold wind ran shivers down my spine once I opened up the door, and when I took one glance back in the sitting room, I was met with the hazy eyes of Darrel. 
His head bowed down slightly, obviously causing him some discomfort as his eyes crinkled, and his scowl deepened. He was giving me thanks despite his damn concussion.
I bit back my tongue, I wasn’t about to call a man who can barely walk stupid. So instead, I dipped my head back to him and left.
There was only one question on my mind as I kicked a rock across the road; How did good ol’ Darry get hurt? 
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canirove · 7 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 27
Author's note: I was going to skip this chapter because it totally is a filler one that just helps the time jumps to not feel so big, but after Pedri's injury yesterday and seeing his face on the bench, I think we could do with something a bit light-hearted where he is just horny and like Val says, thinking with his 🍆
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I hate Christmas
What happened now? 😂
The kids' performance I'm done with it 
I thought your kids were great
And they are But since this year I'm also helping with other groups, I'm having to be present during all the rehearsals, and some have to repeat their performances over and over again and 😩😫
Poor Val 😔
Yes, poor me 😭 And today they told me I have to wear a Mrs. Santa costume!
Uuuh, sexy 😏
I work in a school, Pedro 🙄
I'm not going to wear what you are thinking about
Which is? 😏
Something very short
Yeah, your legs are amazing and the parents would pay you more attention than to the kids
You can wear it for me, tho 😏
Maybe for bed when you stay over at my place for Christmas 😏
Yes, while your family are there 🙄
It's a big house, they won't see anything
Or hear 😏
Stop thinking with your 🍆, Pedro
Too late
Now I need to see you wearing a Mrs. Santa costume
Gonna see what they have on Amazon
Idiot 🙄
"Merry Christmas, gorgeous."
"Hello, Pepi."
"Seriously? I welcome you with beautiful words and that's what you say in return?"
"Sorry" I shrug.
"Ok, come here" Pedri says, closing the door and pushing me against it before kissing me.
"What was all that about?" I ask when we finally manage to break apart, both of us panting.
"We have a couple of hours on our own before my brother and my parents are back, and since you won't want to do anything while they are here, I want to make the most of our time alone."
"Oh, so that's why you told me to come early…"
"Yes" he smirks. "So, without further ado…"
"Pedri!" I laugh when he throws me over his shoulder.
"We can't waste our time, my love" he says, slapping my butt. 
"Just don't drop me down the stairs, ok?"
"Never. I've got you, Val. Now and always."
"Getting cheesy before you rail me?" I laugh again.
"You know me, I can do both" he says, slapping me again.
"Don't fall asleep, Val."
"I'm not."
"I can hear you snoring already" Pedri says.
"I don't snore."
"Ouch!" he complains when I twist his nipple. "That hurt!"
"Good" I say. "But if I'm falling asleep, it's all your fault."
"Mine?" he chuckles.
"Yes, yours. You are running your fingers through my hair and you know how that makes me feel."
"Should I massage other parts of your bod… Ouch! That seriously hurts, Val!"
"Then stop being an idiot" I smile, moving to rest my chin on his chest and look at him.
"So mean."
"Don't you say that you like it?"
"Yeah, but when it is just words. I can't feel my nipple."
"Aww, poor Pepi. Are you going to tell your mummy?" I tease him.
"What I'm going to do is not give you an early Christmas present I got you."
"I'm sorry, Valeria. You are grounded."
"I'm what?" I laugh.
"Will you forgive me if I do this?" I say, kissing his chest.
"And this?" I say, moving to kiss his cheek.
"And what about this?" I say again, kissing his jaw while my hand moves down his stomach.
"Then why can I feel your body tensing?"
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Are you sure?" I whisper in his ear, biting his earlobe and touching him all at the same time.
"Bloody hell, Valeria."
"Am I still grounded?"
"Yes, I am grounded, or yes, you like what my hand is doing?"
"Both" he whispers.
"Ok, then I'll stop."
"Don't" he says, grabbing my hand and opening his eyes, the intensity with which he is looking at me making me gasp.
"Make up your mind, Pedro" I manage to say.
"You are gonna keep doing what you were doing, but with my present."
"What?" I say as he leaves the bed.
"Remember our conversation the other day?"
"We talk daily and about the most random things, Pedri. I need you to be more specific."
"When you complained about the Christmas performance."
"Oh, that one. What about it?"
"Remember what you said about a costume?"
"A cos… No. No, no, no, no."
"Yes" Pedri smirks, walking back to the bed with a Christmas bag.
"You didn't."
"I did."
"I don't want it."
"It's a present, Val. You can't say no to it."
"Yes, I can."
"You haven't even seen it."
"But I can imagine it."
"And can you also imagine everything I can do to you while you wear it?" he asks, arching an eyebrow and giving me that smile that he knows makes my knees feel like jelly.
"I…" I mumble.
"We still have like an hour left until my family arrives and we have to start getting ready for dinner. So put it on and let me give you the best orgasm of your life."
"What?" I laugh. Though it comes out as a nervous laugh.
"I mean, I've given you all the best orgasms of your life, but you know what I mean. C'mon, Val. You won't regret it."
"Ok, fine. But no photos" I say, finally giving up and taking the bag from his hands.
"Just one."
"Please, Val. Let me have something to look at during those lonely nights when I'm away."
"You already have things to look at" I say, walking towards the bathroom.
"But not like this. And it's Christmas! C'mon" he pouts.
"Doing that face is cheating, Pedri. You know I can't say no to it."
"Ok, fine. But just one photo, so you better think about what you want."
"Oh, I know what I want. I have it all planned" he smirks. 
"You are so…"
"Handsome? Romantic?" 
"You call me that so often that it has lost its meaning, Val. Now it feels like a cute nickname."
"Urgh" I groan, rolling my eyes.
"Less complaining and more putting on that dress. We can't waste our time."
"But what if they come early and they catch us…"
"Having sex while you are wearing a Mrs. Santa costume?" 
"Yes, exactly. Don't you hear how stupid it sounds?"
"What I want to hear is you moaning my name. So c'mon, Val."
"Wasn't what we did enough?"
"Why don't we save it for after Christmas? You'll be even hornier than you are right now, and it'll be more… interesting" I say, slowly walking towards him. "And we can do it all over the house, not just here in your room."
"Do you have anything in mind?" he asks, arching one of those perfect eyebrows of his.
"I have a few ideas, yes" I reply with a cheeky smile. "So let's go back to cuddling and leave this for when it is just you and I."
"That is so tempting…"
"A really good plan if you ask me" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. 
"Ok, fine. We'll save the costume for after Christmas. But can I at least get a quickie before they arrive?" he smiles, trying to look innocent.
"Just one."
"Don't get carried away, Pedro."
"I won't, I promise. We'll even have time for some cuddles and even a shower."
"That's too quick, isn't it? What about… shower and then cuddles?"
"And the sex?"
"In the shower" I smirk, letting go of him and taking a step back.
"Oh… that sounds really good."
"I know. Shall we, then?" I say, throwing the bag with the stupid costume to the other side of the room and taking his hand.
"Let's go. But one last thing."
"Now what?" I say, rolling my eyes.
"Merry Christmas, Val" he smiles.
"Merry Christmas, Pedri" I reply before he once again throws me over his shoulder, making me giggle like an idiot. 
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whumping-valentine · 3 months
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 12 🦌
"Anaira and Ethel"
Content: Vampire whumpee, werewolf whumper, kidnapping, restraints, threats, supernatural shit, lady whump (even though I actually hate that term but whatever. Why are women a separate category??? Fuck you)
2400 words
Hey hey, sorry about that cliffhanger last chapter, but cliffhangers and plot twists are my specialty! It's simply not my writing without long, wordy dramatics and throwing you for a loop. Also, apologies for taking so long. I think I'm overcoming my writer's block now so hopefully it won't happen again.
This is a direct continuation of the last part, so if you need to look back and read the ending it's here!
Hope you enjoy! 🐺🦇
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     Anaira didn't respond to her, simply squeezing her eyes shut as she tensed. Shit.
     “What do you think you’re doing here, huh? Feelin’ suicidal, are you?” Ethel said, nudging for an answer.
      “I’ll have you know I was trying to leave. You're the one making trouble where there's no need.” Anaira turned to her; Ethel's face was covered with her skull mask as always. She realized she was no longer wearing her own.
      “Mmhm. And what were you doing here in the first place if not causing trouble?” Ethel folded her arms, “Any other fang-toothed, sunburnt heathens out where they shouldn’t be?”
      “How am I supposed to know?”
     “They're your colony. Sounds like bad leadership to me. I know where every member of my pack is at all times.”
     “That sounds like a real cult to me. I’m trying to protect my own. You just want control.”
     “Trying to talk back to me on my own grounds, are you? Sorry, but that’s not gonna fly.” She yelled out, “Anthony! Agnes! Over here, NOW!”
     Anaira took off immediately without a second thought, leaving Fawn and Hunter behind. Ethel ran after her, while Fawn and Hunter were roughly tackled to the ground.
     “Ow, fuck!” Fawn exclaimed as they were jumped. One of them— impossible to tell who— sat on top of them. Their knees jabbed into their sides, and fingers tore into their shoulders as they were held down. “What the fuck!”
     “Sorry.” A feminine voice said, “Leader’s orders.” She looked to the other, “Ant, get the gun off them.”
     “Can’t you see I’m struggling here?!” He said, Hunter effectively fighting back against him, trying to push him off.
     “Anthony, it’s a human.”
     “A strong human! You got the weak one!”
     “Hey!” Fawn exclaimed at the insult, while Hunter chuckled. They managed to kick Anthony off of them, but before they could run, Agnes pounced them down face first into the snow, and quickly tossed their gun out of their reach. Before Hunter could even process what was happening, she slipped a pair of handcuffs around their wrists behind their back.
     Fawn tried to make a run for it, but Anthony pushed them down again. His hands firmly held down their upper back before he grabbed their wrists and wrangled them to their feet. Agnes was standing with her foot on Hunter’s back, holding a second pair of handcuffs waiting to be put on Fawn.
     Fawn struggled while Anthony held their wrists tightly behind their back, walking them over to Agnes, “H-hey! Look, we’ve- we seem to have been caught up in some wrong stuff here, we’re innocent and- we don't want any trouble! I’M innocent, actually! Take them, and not me! I didn't do anything! I swear!”
     The two ignored them, Agnes taking them off of Anthony as she cuffed them, “Oh, come on, please, I don’t wanna be double kidnapped, this isn’t fair! This is— mmhph!” They mumbled as cloth was shoved into their mouth, followed by duct tape, then a bag over their head. The same was done to Hunter, and the two were walked off to God knows where.
     Their captors' hands held tightly onto their upper arms, painfully digging their fingers into them, forcing them forward. It was hard for either of them to feel worried when the only thing they could think about were the sore pains. Their arms felt like they were actively in the process of bruising. Like their muscles were being ripped into.
     It wasn't too long before they felt themselves enter a building, the snow turning to concrete while their surroundings warmed. When they heard the doors shut behind them the harsh howling winds were replaced with pure silence. Their footsteps echoed off the seemingly large walls as they were led down a set of stairs. A metal door could be heard opening before both of them were shoved inside. The metal doors closed and the pair could be heard walking away, their footsteps fading back up the stairs until it was silent.
     Fawn struggled up onto their knees and vigorously shook their head until the bag flew off. They threw their head back to push their glasses back on their face and looked around. Hunter was sitting, and clearly angry by the situation (yeah who’s fault is that?).
     Fawn carefully stood to their feet and walked over to them, turning around to grab the bag off their head. They then walked in front of them and made a grabbing motion with their hands. Hunter leaned into them and Fawn pulled the tape from their mouth. They then walked behind them, got on the ground, and put their mouth to their hands, and Hunter did the same to them. They both spit the cloth out of their mouths and took a moment to collect themselves, sitting in silence.
     “Great going, Hunter.” Fawn said bitterly, “You just HAD to go looking for trouble, didn’t you?”
     “How the fuck was I supposed to know they were supernatural?!” 
     “Supernatural or not, you still went looking for a fucking cult. Honestly, I’m fucking embarrassed that out of everyone who could’ve kidnapped me, it was you. What the hell does that say about me? You’re fucking stupid!”
     “No, you see, my mistake was not killing you on the spot.”
     “Oh really? That was your mistake?”
     “Yeah, it was.”
     “Well MY mistake was apparently thinking going for a walk was a good idea! God, I just wanted to take a fucking nature walk! That’s all I wanted! God DAMNIT!”
     “Yeah, maybe don’t wander off the trail.”
     Fawn glared at them, “I will fucking strangle you!”
     “Good luck with that.”
     “I should’ve let you stay gagged. I didn’t have to help you, you know?”
     “Yeah and I didn’t have to help you, either.” Hunter said, “Yet we both still did.”
     Anaira was running as fast as her legs could carry her, fueled on pure adrenaline. She knew Ethel was faster and stronger than her. This was a hopeless chase. Though still, she persisted. If she could catch up with her colony back on the other side of the forest, they could all gang up on her. She just had to last a little while longer.
     She cursed herself in her head while she ran. It was such a risky thing to go out into Ethel’s part of the woods, and she knew that, of course she did. It just wasn’t fair what they took from them. It was originally theirs, but Ethel didn’t want them to have it. The blood rivers that ran through it were too good for them. Anaira’s colony was just so thirsty, so she risked it all. She would do anything for them. It’s not like any of them asked for this life…
     So then why was she leading danger to them?
     Anaira slowed to a jog, then a walk, then she stood, and collapsed to her knees in the snow. She hung her head low and closed her eyes.
     “Oh, so first you run away like a coward, and then you just give up?” Ethel said, “You’re such a pathetic fucking creature. Get up.” Anaira obeyed and stood to her feet.
     Ethel smirked under her mask, “Oh, what a day this is! This feels good. That’s right, get over here, you leech.” She grabbed the defeated vampire by her shoulders and roughly dragged her back to base.
     When they entered inside the building, all the other identically dressed pack members looked at Anaira, and whispers filled the quiet air. Some confused, others nervous, most excited. Anaira kept her head down in shame, while Ethel walked with hers held high in pride.
     She was led down a set of stairs into Ethel's quarters, where she was thrown onto a chair and tightly tied. Neither said a single word until Ethel tied the last knot and stepped back behind her.
     She chuckled darkly, “ So, Anaira. How's it feel?” She taunted, “To finally be caught? Oh, I always wondered how long it would take you to finally give up!” She put her hands on her shoulders, “I'm so glad today was that day.”
     Anaira took a breath and sighed to calm herself. She tried to shrug her off her shoulders, but Ethel just dug her fingers into them.
     “How do you think your colony is going to survive the apocalypse without you?”
     “There is no apocalypse.” She mumbled.
     “Do you think all of this end-of-the-word talk is nonsense?” Ethel said, “For once the conspiracy idiots are actually right. The gods are upset and it's time everyone pay.”
     “Can’t imagine why they'd be upset when some of us are raging beasts.”
     “Oh, so the bloodsucker is the one trying to take the moral high ground? If one of us is an unholy spawn against the gods, it's going to be the one who should be dead.” Ethel let go of her shoulders and walked in front of her, “We're obviously more connected to the gods than you are if we can feel it coming.”
     “I think you're crazy is what I think. There are no gods.”
    “And you wonder why they're upset.” Ethel stood with her hands folded behind her back, “How do you think it’s going to look when your colony finds out I captured their leader? Not good, is it?”
     “You don’t scare me. You think you scare me?”
     “I’m not trying to scare you. I asked you a question about your colony, I didn’t ask if you were scared.” her voice was calm and methodical, “You bats like to claim we’re nothing more than raging beasts. Which one of us seems to have better control of our emotions right now?” While her face wasn’t visible, a smirk could be heard in her tone.
     “I’d like to see you be all calm and collected if I were the one to capture and tie you up.”
     “Mm. I’m certain I would be.” She walked over to Anaira, bending over with her hands on her knees to get on her level, like she was speaking to a child, “Darling, have you forgotten all those times you’ve called me a beast?...” She lifted a hand and grabbed her chin, “Anaira, I would eat you alive during a full moon. And, if I recall correctly…” She whispered, “The next one’s tonight…”
     Bloody tears welled in Anaira’s eyes, her breathing accelerating.
     Ethel moved her gloved hand from her chin to her throat, “Or rather I should say…” She slowly squeezed, “Within the next hour…”
     “E-Ethel-” She choked. In a few quick seconds, Ethel removed her hand, pulled off her glove, and slapped her across the face. The impact echoed in the space, and left an immediate bright red mark. The impact was so harsh it disoriented her, making her dizzy.
     Red tears leaked down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut, “What... what are you gonna do with me? K-kill me?” She forced herself to look at the masked woman, her unreadable features terrifying. 
     “I should.” Ethel responded. “I will. But for now, I’d like to keep you. Who knows if we'll need an offering or sacrifice during the apocalypse? You and your little friends will serve good bait if needed.”
     Anaira’s eyes widened, “You- you got Rudy?”
     “If you’re referring to one of those humans you so nobley left behind, then yes. What a good person you are, to take off without a second thought.”
     Anaira dropped her head in shame. Ethel scoffed a chuckle, “How pitiful.” She said quietly, and slowly left the room. When Anaira heard the door click shut she broke down into tears. She cried until she had nothing left in her.
     All alone in the cold, deafening silence, only hearing he own thoughts bouncing around her head. The chill ran to the bone. Her breath fogged like smoke in the air, and she shivered. Shivered from the cold, from fear, from the anger she had towards both Ethel and herself. Maybe the colony was better off without her.
     When Ethel finally returned hours later, she nearly knocked the door off of its hinges. She fell on her hands and knees and let out a crazed, wild laugh, and she said with a growl, “Guess who's turning! Oh, yes, you've never seen me turned before, have you? Oh, we're all turning tonight.” She crawled over to her, a strain in her voice, "How much damage do you think I can do with claws?"
     Anaira watched with wide eyes as Ethel started to transform right in front of her. She was growing wilder than an animal, the sounds purely unnatural. Her whole body grew, stretching out her clothes as her limbs distorted and grew fur. Her sharp claws scratched into the concrete.
     Anaira had to get out of here, and there was only one way that would be possible. Her powers were unlocked now that it was night. Though she was so low on strength… but she could do it. She could.
     She closed her eyes and focused her breath. It took so much concentration and power. She felt her weak heart beat with whatever little blood it pumped. Before Ethel could attack, she was engulfed in black smoke, turning into a bat, out of her bonds. She flapped her wings as hard as she could and flew her way through the halls while Ethel growled.
     She flew up the stairwell, and out an open window. Ethel completely knocked down the door as she ran after her on all fours. Anaira flew through the trees, disoriented from the dark, and the wind, and her low magic. She felt herself grow dizzy, and before she knew it, she briefly blacked out.
     Her frail wings gave out on her as she lost consciousness. When she came back to she was falling from the sky, and there wasn't a thing she could do about it. She collided in the snow, breaking her fall. She heard the crunch of snow and growling approach her.
     Ethel picked her up by the wings, pinching them together with her claws. She growled a laugh and held her up in front of her face, her mask perfectly fitting her muzzle. Her voice was almost an echo, an unnatural tone.
    “Oh, Anaira… when will you learn you can’t run from me?”
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Hell yeah back into the whumpy shit (just with different characters lol)
I really love vampire werewolf rivalries (and rivalries in general) so this shit is so fun for me. Also I can feel my alien phase returning which is good because, uh, aliens next part? 👀
(Also whumpy-wyrms you are the reason I felt motivated to buckle down and finish this so thank you 👍)
Taglist: @parasitebunny @whumpy-wyrms @fruitypinapple00 @otterfrost
Lmk in the comments if you want added or removed !
Thanks for reading !! 💕🦌
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I can’t fucking believe the poll ended in a tie! A fucking tie! Now you’re going sit here and read the two choices mashed terribly together.
Also since this month is very important. I decided to post spoilers for the plot of the main story, The Isekai’d Oracle. Just snippets of future events that take place in the story. I just want to have fun this month before getting either bad or good news.
I Saw You Once In a Dream, Maybe|| Pt. 6
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“Oh I don't know, my day was completely full. I'm just here for my free breakfast.” You said with a smile.
Monkey King didn't seem to take this in the best way. He tensed up only for his body to slump over the counter. Defeat was written across his face.
“Oh, really? Then again, we barely met, it was rude of me to ask.”
“Maybe but,” You lean into him and smirk. “I think I can make some room for the Great Sage himself.”
Monkey King's energy immediately zapped him back to life. His eyes shine brightly, as a more cheeky atmosphere comes off him.
“You’re too generous! I'm honored that you gave me some of your time.”
“Mk what am I seeing right now?” Tang asks.
“I honestly have no idea.” Mk states, hardly understand what's happening.
Pigsy huffs placing a bowl in front of Monkey King. He mutters under his breath angrily before heading off into the kitchen.
“Tell me Great Sage, what exactly brought you here today?” You asked.
“I'm just dropping off the kid since I didn't want him to head back home by himself.”
You glance at Mk, who seemed to be in good condition. This contradicts his earlier statement that he fell off a cliff.
“Is that so? That was generous of you, though he doesn't seem to be hurt in any way.” You state, trying to tear little holes in this facade.
Monkey King nervously scratches his head.
“Well, he's my successor for a reason. He heals at a faster rate than normal so when we got here, he was all good.” Monkey king takes a bite from his noodles. He's refusing to look at you now.
“Alright let's cut to the chase, shall we?” You faced forward and picked up some noodles with your chopsticks.
“Yes ma’am.”
“How long did it take for you to come up with this plan?”
“A week. How did you know?”
“Been plagued by a certain dream since the beginning of this year.”
“Care to elaborate?”
“We will when we head out. Let's go into more detail in a more private area.”
“In my defense, I really like you and I want to get to know you better.”
You drop the noodle in shock. Your cheeks heat up with your face turning a deep red. Quickly turned to see him, but he wasn't facing you. Instead, Monkey King was stuffing his face with noodles, but you can see his cheeks were a light shade of pink. Nothing came out of you but strained noise. You were utterly speechless. From your dreams, you knew he was very open with his feelings but this wasn't a dream. Yet he still said it without any hesitation.
“I would like to get to know you better too.” You said staring into your bowl.
“Really? After all of this.”
“I won't lie, this plan of yours was surprising but I wouldn't expect anything less from the pain in the ass Sun Wukong.”
“Hehe, sorry I just couldn't come up with anything else.”
“It's fine, this could be a fun story to tell someday.”
You both laugh, finally relaxing from the tense mood. However, for everyone else, it couldn't be said the same. They stare at the two of you in confusion and questioning themselves if they should jump in. Only to push it aside, not wanting to ruin the moment.
“Alright let's go.” You said putting down some money on the counter.
“Wait already?”
“Yeah, I have some errands to do. What don't want to join?”
“Of course I do! I was just expecting more time to prepare.” Monkey King summons a puff of smoke. Covering him and disappearing instantly. He was wearing a hooded jacket with sunglasses.
“Okay, I'm ready.”
You hold back your amazement and head to the entrance.
“Bye everyone, see you guys tomorrow.” You wave at them cheerfully as they say their goodbyes.
“So where are we heading first?”
“Hm, I need to get groceries and pick something up from my parents��� place.”
“Meeting the parents already? If I knew you were this crazy about me, I would have tried this plan sooner.”
“We’re not dating yet.”
“Yet?” Monkey King gives you his widest smirk.
“You know what I mean!”
“Do I?”
You groan, hiding your red face behind your hands.
“If you behave, we can go do something fun.”
“What do you have in mind?”
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thewitcheress2389 · 2 years
Hi, I found your blog today and love your Eskel fics! Can I please ask for a fic with #5 and #9 prompts with Eskel. Like when the reader is trying to heal him and he's being stubborn. Thank you!
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy!💖
A Forktail Incident
A contract with a forktail goes wrong for Eskel, but for some reason, he doesn’t want you anywhere near his injuries.
#5 “I want to take care of you!”
#9 “Here…come closer.”
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Accidents can always occur when one is fighting a monster. It’s hard for even a witcher sometimes to predict every move a beast can make while fighting it, especially during the heat of a hunt.
And that’s exactly what happened to Eskel.
Well, sort of.
The witcher was all prepped and ready to fight a forktail that was causing trouble in a small farming village, stealing sheep and other livestock. Eskel was sent to take care of it, meditating and seeping the proper oils the night before. However, during the fight, his mind was just in a different place, and he couldn’t focus.
Let’s just say, he bested the beast with a heavy price.
“Y/N, witchers heal fast. You don’t have to worry so much.” Eskel said as the two of you saw around the fire. The bloody and mangled corpse of the forktail was what he was resting against as he delt with the cuts and open wounds it gave.
“But still...they need to be treated right away!” You said while digging through your bag for some bandages and herbs. Eskel’s jaw tensed when he saw that you were more than willing to jump in and tend to his wounds.
He really didn’t want that.
“It’s fine...I’ll handle it.” He said while scootching ever so slightly away from you. You ceased your rummaging, bottle in hand, as you gave him a hard stare. His wounds were bad and all over him, even witchers need support and care sometimes. So, what was up with Eskel? 
“Why are you being so stubborn?” You asked him, folding your arms as you moved to stand closer to him. Eskel tensed under your stare plus the proximity you now had with him. It would be a lot harder to hide his expressions.
But he didn’t say another word. Just shuffled in his sitting position a bit.
“I want to take care of you!” You shouted at the stubborn witcher, who flinched under the tone of your voice. Eskel is used to you having a fiery personality, but it’s never usually directed at him. Heck, even Scorpion drew his attention on you.
However, upon seeing his reaction, you tried to calm yourself.
“I’m...I’m sorry Eskel...I just don’t understand why you never let me help you. I care about you, you know.” You said gently, moving to sit beside him as he pressed down on one of his wounds to better soak up the blood.
Sitting closer, you could now hear him swallow nervously.
“I know...I just...don’t like you seeing my wounds...my scars.” Eskel admitted quietly, wincing a bit as he moved his arms to cover his cuts and blood. You felt yourself soften at this confession.
Poor Eskel and his insecurities getting the better of him. You reached out to rub his shoulder.
“Eskel...it’s alright. You know I don’t mind. Scars...they make you yourself. They prove how strong you are.” You told him lovingly before moving to press a kiss against his scarred cheek for emphasis. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but Eskel’s face twitched into a smile for a second. 
“Thank you...I needed to hear that again.” Eskel said before lowering his head and apologizing for his stubborn behavior. You just smiled a bit while also apologizing for being pushy.
“So...you’ll let me treat you now?” You asked with a slight smirk and Eskel just smiled a bit, looking like a child who got caught doing something wrong. 
“Here…come closer.” You said in a much softer tone than earlier, offering your hand to him. Eskel gave you his hand in order for you to better reach his injured arm. 
Now, you were finally able to dab at his cuts and wrap them up proper even though they would probably be healed in a few days. You had a soft smile as you worked on him, face slightly tinted with pink as you realized how lucky you were.
“Your heart’s beating so fast...what’s wrong?” Eskel’s voice broke your thoughts. You looked up to see his amber cat-like eyes looking down at you. A smile adorned your face again.
“I just realized how much I adore you. You truly are something special, Eskel.” You told him and you looked back to giggle, seeing Eskel’s flustered expression as he avoided eye contact.
“I may not be a witcher...but I can tell your heart is beating pretty fast now as well.” You said with a grin and Eskel just bit his lip, refusing to say that you were right. So, you just continued to bandage him up properly for once, knowing well enough that in the future he would put up a fight once more.
However, he was your witcher. You’ll make him see what you see someday.
Until then, you’ll have to continue to break down his stubbornness which stems from his insecurities. But little did you know, it melts Eskel’s heart to see how much you care about him.
He won’t allow himself to get hurt next time. For your sake. 
“Thank you, doll. I know I don’t say it enough...but I adore you as well.” Eskel said just as you finished tidying up his last bandage. Upon hearing those words, you looked up and wasted no time on giving him a kiss. 
You two shared a loving moment in the glow of the fire, its embers reflected off the forktail’s dull eyes. 
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
21 + post-Upright Lucio? 👀 (angst? fluff? up to you, I'm just starving for adventuring era Lucio content)
I would be more than happy to write adventuring era Lucio content!!!!!! I am also always looking for that post-upright Lucio content haha. Thank you so much for requesting! I truly appreciate it! Here's a bit of fluff and a bit of angst! All rules for this event are here, my requests are open!
Tearful Kisses with Post-Upright Lucio (The Arcana)
Lucio flinches as you press a clean strip of cloth to his injured abdomen. His wound is deep, but not mortally so. He's lucky the blade hadn't plunged any deeper, or the two of you probably wouldn't be huddled around a campfire, tending to one another's injuries.
"You need to be more careful," you scold, voice riddled with worry. You try to inject some irritation into your tone, but you're too shaken. Mercedes rests her head on her papa's lap, while Melchior snoozes near the crackling fire. You managed to escape with just a couple of scrapes and bruises, unlike your reckless companion.
"I'm fine," Lucio grouses, before he gives you a cheeky wink, "Those bandits were no match against the great Lucio and his magnificent magician."
He flashes a bright smile at you, which turns into a grimace when you pull his bandages tighter.
"A little snug there, dontchya think?" he retorts, but you ignore his commentary, frustration welling up inside you. You've been on the road with Lucio for several months now. Things have been going relatively smoothly, save the occasional shady character that tries to harass the two of you. Most of the time, you're able to diffuse the situation, but every once in a while, like today, things escalate. And then there's the added stress of Lucio always throwing himself in front of you without thinking.
"You can't just keep jumping into the fray like that," you go on, tossing unused bandages back into your pack and shoving everything else back into place, "You're going to end up getting yourself seriously injured. Or worse."
Lucio scoffs, pulling his shirt back over his head, fumbling a bit with the sleeves.
"I'm fine!" he reassures, still not understanding just how shaken you are, "Besides there's no need to worry! Not even death can stop good ol' Lucio!"
He puffs his chest out proudly and you're suddenly reminded of the days you spent with Lucio when he was a ghost. Still trapped in this idea that he's invincible, immune to the natural order of things. Lucio has made a lot of improvements since his days as a Count, but there's still a lot of work to be done.
"You can't keep thinking like that, Lucio," you retort, unwilling tears stinging the corners of your eyes, "You and I- we've each both escaped death once. That's more times than anyone else has. I don't think-"
You sigh, shoulders slumping as Lucio gives you a bewildered look, "We're not going to be given the chance again. And-"
"I don't wanna lose you," you almost whisper, tears rolling down your cheeks. Lucio's silver eyes gaze at you, glimmering brightly in the light of the fire.
"I- I didn't mean to make light of it," he returns, staring down at the ground, brows crinkled with worry, "I just- I guess I just don't wanna think about the danger. How maybe, if I make a bad move- One misstep, I might- I might not make it. You might not make it."
"I don't know what I'd do if I let anything happen to you," he murmurs, glancing back at you. His lip quivers, eyes glazed with tears.
You yank him into a crushing embrace, feeling his arms wrap around you with equal fervor. It's been a long, tense day, and it all comes out in sobs and quiet weeping into one another's shoulders. Lucio pulls back occasionally to lay teary, desperate kisses against your lips. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he pulls you in closer. He cups your face, the pads of his thumbs passing across your cheeks, wiping away your tears.
"Sorry I was so upset," you apologize between breaths.
"I promise I'll be more careful," he whispers, sincerity in his voice. The two of you cling to one another. Lucio's gentle heartbeat, the warmth of his embrace, the tenderness of each kiss he lays against your lips: all of it is a reassurance that you're safe, that you're alive. And you want to cherish every sacred moment you have with him.
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