#also tbh i have no knowledge of sword of truth but
khrused-archived · 8 months
alina baraz lyric starters: " 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎’𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 . "
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eyes are fixed upon the mug cradled in pale hands ────── doubt stilling her breath to a stop, locking fragile bones into place in hesitation... it is the word that scares her ― good. an epithet she deems unworthy of broken things like herself. even it's echo leaves a her feeling uncomfortable. lips purse as she tries to break through the frigid chill of uncertainly, raising her own drink for a wary toast.
" to good people... " hera repeats in a listless whisper, gaze lifting to meet dusky blues, deciding then to dedicate her wish to the stranger, the corners of her lips lifting to offer @dustwife a subtle smile. " like you. "
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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What do they think of your voice?
Pile 1-(Ace of swords, The High Priestess, The Hierophant rx, Page of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, Knight of cups rx, Judgement) *zodiac confirmations: gemini, 8, venus
I'm picking up on multiple energies tbh. Your voice is attractive to many. It's smooth and sexy. You easily swoon your romantic partners with your way of words. I get the vibe that you're an important figure in your workplace. Like maybe you have to speak up a lot in meetings or you're called to do a lot of projects. If so, that's because you're the only person on your team that's trusted to do it the right way. You definitely reap the benefits of the work you put in. Many people listen and look up to you. You may speak up about discrepancies in your workplace or you speak out a lot about controversial topics in general. People really commend you for that. You don't beat around the bush with what you need to say. I heard "I said what I said" 🤣. People sometimes feel smaller in your presence. You're very knowledgeable and trusted by others. It's intimidating.
🩷channeled messages: manipulative, promiscuous, stuck-up, big boobs, uptight, sexy voice, naive, intimidating, trustworthy, confident, competitive, wife, neighbor, husband, sister
Pile 2-(9 of swords rx, 7 of cups, 4 of wands, 3 of cups, 4 of pentacles, The Hermit rx, 7 of swords) *zodiac confirmations: gemini, 12, moon
This is another pile with multiple energies. The vibe you bring is so refreshing. You really help bring calmness into anxious situations, especially social ones. It's something about the way your voice carries. People notice how you're not scared to speak up and take the lead. There is one person I'm picking up on in particular tho. This could be a friend or acquaintance that you have a crush on. I keep getting something about playful banter? or maybe you or this person likes to tell dumb jokes lol. You have a very fun and welcoming energy. People love how you can mix and mingle with many different people. You may like to party or you're just out a lot. There's something about you that makes people realize that there's more to life. Like you help them see the bigger picture in situations. A lot of people become really obsessed with you. You really don't even have to say much. It's mostly your energy.
🩷channeled messages: feline eyes, extrovert, charming, big butt, charismatic, obsessive, wet, possessive, karmic, coworker, sidechick/side mans
Pile 3-(The Star, Justice, 5 of wands, 10 of wands rx, 6 of cups rx, The Moon rx, The Fool, 2 of cups, 5 of pentacles) *zodiac confirmations: taurus, 1, neptune
Im picking up on a close friend of yours, or someone you've recently started talking to romantically/platonically. You could be a public speaker or advocate for something. You fight for what's right and you're not afraid to speak up against others. You may like to debate with others a lot. Some of you may also like to protest. Your tone is very mature and straight to the point. You like to expose the truth about things. You could work within the justice system or maybe you're studying it? I keep hearing "law school". You're unpredictable to others. I heard "jack of all trades" I think maybe people don't expect you to be as blunt as you are or to have as much knowledge as you do.
🩷channeled messages: competitive, narcissistic, sexy, beautiful hair, kind, mixed signals, intellectual, rude, funny, shit talker, boss, older woman, "single white female", fake friend, red hair, younger woman, big lips, older man
Pile 4-(King of cups, Queen of swords, 3 of pentacles, 7 of swords rx, Knight of wands rx, 6 of swords rx, 7 of cups rx, The World, 9 of wands rx) *zodiac confirmations: cancer, 11, pluto
Your tone may come off a little harsh at times. You tend to give people a reality check. I don't think you do this to be mean tho. I think you may feel like it's the only way you can get your point across at times. You're quick to tell someone off. I also feel like you're able to read people and situations pretty easily. Some people feel like you hold onto anger. This could be family or people close to you. I feel like a lot of these people misunderstand you a lot. Like a lot of what you do or say is taken out of context. You can actually be very compassionate and caring at times. Im picking up on a sneaky link energy. I feel like you may keep the sweet parts of yourself hidden tho. You hide your true self from people a lot and you don't really follow the crowd. People notice this.
🩷channeled messages: egotistical, intuitive, cheerful, pretty skin/skin tone, cold, sarcastic, big d*ck, tall, loud, short, moles/birthmark, lean body, freckles, mental illness, one night stand, player, brother, soulmate, ex-friend
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lullabyalikpoptarot · 10 days
Enhypen as a Boyfriend
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Okay, diving into how each member will be like as a boyfriend as of now, so I got more cards than I wanted, but hey, they like to talk lol and just felt like keeping it that way, so here we go. Looking at these cards right away, man, there is some intense energy here, here we go.
I will stress I keep it real, I take whatever messages come to me, it isn't always pretty. We are all flawed beings, no judgment here. I got to say this, because this one was intense, especially the eldest ones.
Heeseung (4 of Cups/The Devil/The Moon) Ugh, so I have been doing love readings for him for a while before posting and this boy gets the devil card a lot! So, it is back! *Sighs* Okay, so he may have a tendency to have attachment issues, can be possessive, and a jealous boyfriend. I can assume he has an anxious attachment style, just assuming. But then, on the flip side can distance himself and detach as well. He may have the tendency to numb his problems or emotions in relationships. I also get a strong addictive pattern with him in general, but not sure how that plays in relationships. He can be emotional and nurture the needs of his partner but can also bottle it down. Not getting a lot of great messages here. I mean these two cards don't give me someone with healthy, not boundaries popping up in my head, but wanting to say healthy relationships patterns. I can say he can be the type to tend and nurture the emotional needs of his partner. I want You to Need Me by Celine Dion is popping in my head. I got to listen to that song, because it may be significant to how he feels in relationships, interesting. Because I haven't heard or thought of that song in forever lol
Jay (The Hanged Man/Chiron) How I feel this boy doesn't want to deal with relationships right now, but that's another topic, but hey it is popping up here, so he may want to stress that. I don't know if he is really showing me the type of boyfriend he will be to be honest, more so that he has been hurt by love, like he has been ghosted and hurt by that, why am I getting this?! He's the type to wait for a person's call or message. Anyway, I can see him as a reflective boyfriend. The type that can work through the difficult periods in a relationship and try to work it out. He may be able to see the hurt he may have caused, sorry, that came to me. It is like the energy is giving me specific things here that may have happened to him. I tap into the energies at hand, so what I just got is, I know I am not the perfect boyfriend, but give me time to heal, wow, that is wild. Man, I had to sit with that a bit. I think I'll move on here.
Jake (Page of Swords/Sextile) So, had to laugh when the Page of Swords popped up, because well, not surprised, anyway. I always see this card as someone you may need to be cautious of, sorry. This can also show he is cautious communicating or speaking his truth in relationships. He may be hesitant to move forward. I also see him not having much knowledge regarding relationships, but a curiosity to learn. I don't see him sharing much as boyfriend. But he may want to learn about his partner. Relationships just don't seem easy to him and can be a mental challenge for him. With that sextile energy, there will be ups and down, high and lows, but this energy always leads to good outcomes. This kind of gives me he enjoys intensity in relationships, like the tension brings spark, so yeah, tried not to go too much into that, if you get it you do, but if you don't, sorry.
Sunghoon (Ace of Wands/5 of Swords/House 6) What is this!? Oh no, so this is where you are taking me...Okay, he may like to start fights or he just starts it, because of the passion he has. I think it is more his passion leads to fight, but I am not sure what that means tbh. I don't see him as wanting to start fights, because he seems to hate arguments from his energy. I wish you can understand the mental battle I am having to explain this. Okay, it is like he does off the cuff things without thinking that leads to fights. I will also say that card is a sexual card, so he might act on his impulses or be accused of it, just saying, I write how I feel. As a boyfriend he might miss details and not understand things that lead to fights. With that House 6 card, the one message says practical details, it is like he misses certain details in relationships that causes problems. This is so weird and a bit specific than I wanted, anyway. I can say he is very passionate, but it can run out quickly with the card being an ace. It is like he runs hot and then cold. This was all over the place honestly. I don't know what I picked up on here.
Sunoo (Page of Wands/Air) Okay, this one is on the lighter side, thank god. He is fun and airy is what I got. He is curious, playful and adventurous. He can have a tendency to be immature with this page energy. He is also very open-minded, willing to adapt and learn from his partner. He loves the exchange of ideas as well. I can see him liking a bit of banter. Honestly, he is just here to have a good time. Once again, not getting he wants things to be too serious and deep. That was short and sweet lol
Jungwon (8 of Swords/Fixed) He can be pretty stubborn and stuck in his ways as a boyfriend. I am getting fixed mindset. I will say he is loyal, dependable and reliable as a boyfriend. He will be there when needed and support his partner as a boyfriend. He is consistent and stays the course, what that means, who knows. There could be an inability to act on his desires, what I mean if he is interested in someone, he may not do anything about it is what I am getting. He kind of gets stuck in his head about what to do and how to go about it. He may have fears about relationships in general. Another quick and to the point one. I don't see him being a complicated boyfriend honestly, he may just struggle to act as one. Also, his lack of experience may be the reason it isn't as complicated as the hyung line lol
Ni-Ki (2 of Pentacles/Libra/Uranus) I kind of like this energy. I see him not being into conventional relationships, break the status quo mindset. I mean whatever the status quo is in Japan, he may veer of that. Also, he likes freedom and is open minded to try new things. With the Libra and 2 of Pentacles, he definitely likes it to be fair and balanced. He wants harmony. He would want consideration on both sides as a boyfriend. He is also someone who will not put all his energy in relationships. He got other things to do is what I hear. He will fit you in when he can lol I am not sure that is how you go about it, but that is Venus in Cap energy. I am not seeing him be too emotionally invested here. He may be that way at times, but that won't be an everyday occurrence. I am hearing a practical bond. He wants something practical and sustaining.
Okay, that was crazy. I am not sure why these energies get so heavy and specific, but I am here for the ride, interesting stuff though. I will stress don't take anything here is fact. I just go with what I get, takes what resonates, leave what doesn't. I don't really like putting them in a bad light, but at the end of the day I keep it real. If the message comes through, I take it. I am just a girl with cards here lol Also Hyung line got some work to do, but we all do on our healing journey of life.
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starmuselove · 2 months
𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌: 7 𝕬𝖚𝖌 2024
𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖘 𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖉: 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖂𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙.
The contents below might be not accurate because of how tarot works, it's not a fact. And energies, mindsets change over the time, so I advise you to take it with a grain of salt. I am not responsible for upholding the accuracy of this reading. Take it as entertainment and not the absolute truth.
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ᴡʜʏ ᴅɪᴅ ʜᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴄɪx?
The Magician R, 9oP, The World R , 5oP, 3oW.
He might've been disappointed with how this whole project turned out for him. He did not have material abundance at all! He probably felt very unstable, stagnant- it was especially not going where he wanted to go. Feeling frustrated and like a doll being used to attract a crowd. He wasn't learning stuffs he's supposed to know about to expand his horizons. That's why he could've felt stuck, like a big fish in a small pond-out of place, a sense of not belonging where he was; particularly in life. He knew he had so many opportunities and better things to do and explore. He could also maybe felt like he was losing his previous knowledge/acquaintances, almost waning of his talents. All in all he didn't feel like he was in his power and not an optimal version of what he could do and could be. He simply gotten enough of this restricting situation that only seemed to go towards his deterioration of skills and resources- mentally and physically.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏᴇꜱ ʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ɴᴏᴡ?
3oS, Death, The Magician R, Knight of Pentacles R. Knight of Cups.
He does not feel happy with how things have turned out regarding the situation/company. He might feel a bit directionless or unable to decide what he has to do now. I think he might be a bit guilty for leaving someone behind (I'm getting maybe one member of the group in particular?). What's done been done so he's currently leaving the heartbreak and pain behind and turning anew. He's evaluating his resources now so I think he might take a little break to figure things out, weigh out his plans and options on what he's gonna do. Tbh I think he's gonna relax and take his time enjoy his new freedom to ground himself first. He might have few friends like staffs that could be by his side to give him possible pointers where he could go towards.
Even though he is not happy about this, I see him having hope of him finally going towards what he wants to do, what his heart always wanted. I do think he does have few people in the industry to direct him. He's not in any type of hurry to write his new chapter.
ᴀɴʏ ᴍᴇꜱꜱᴀɢᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜰᴀɴꜱ?
King of Cups R, 10oW, King of Swords R. Re-evaluate.
Wow, is he usually very direct? His tolerance meter is out and drained!! He's like- don't let anyone control and bully you what you don't wanna do. Don't succumb to abusive power. You are the one who will suffer the most rather than the higher ups or the ones in power- if you lose your spark, if you keep on adjusting and adding on more burdens to yourself. It will really not get you anywhere and you could get stuck between a rock and a hard place. He's literally flat out saying leave the toxic ass places, places you don't deserve to be in, situations you don't deserve to be standing in, with people you don't want to be with. Leave it all and go towards a better companionship and places. Occasionally do re-evaluate what you actually want and what are your priorities.
This reminds me of the song lyrics:
I'm on some new shit
I'm chucking up my deuces up to her, Deuces
I'm moving on to somethin' better, better, better
No more tryna make it work, Deuces
You made me wanna say bye-bye.
<Obv not gonna include the song cause we don't support domestic violence abusers in here>
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TH fic idea No. 2 (yes I have a weakness for MGiME sue me):
OFC used to pray to the Valar during her life (not believing in them at all but using them like a kind of spoken diary, reasoning that everyone is allowed to pick their own gods & they are just as likely to be real as the Christian one for example).
Then she dies.
And wakes up in Valinor meeting those of the Valar She has prayed to the most.
And they're like "well no idea what to do with you tbh guess you're one of ours now do you want cookies or sth?"
And she is like "bro are you for real this is brilliant I want to learn this and that and also..... "
And she hangs out with Yavannah and Oröme and Vana but mainly Aulë cus, yk, dwarves.
And he is like "sooo do you wanna join the halls of waiting?"
And she's like "idk lemme take a look" and there is Fili/Kili/Thorin whoever you prefer, hammering away at an anvil, and she's like NOOOOO fuck they already ded? Boooooh!"
And Mahal's like "yeah he's got trouble settling, feeling like he did not accomplish what he was supposed to" and she's like "well MAYBE that's because thats the TRUTH?!?!"
And the dwarves cannot really see her, she's more like a spectre with a distorted face merging with her background and a voice, but Fili/Kili/Thorin noticed her when she at one point breaks something in his forge while arguing with Mahal about how they deserve a second chance and while Fili/Kili/Thorin listen to how Mahal goes on about "we cannot disturb the music" she shouts "this music sucks anyway atm! Wouldn't hurt to change it! It's CLEAR some tunes are missing!"
And Mahal's like"wdym you HEAR the music?"
And she's like "well, yeah? And lemme tell you it can give ya a real headache at times."
Then she leaves saying that she's gonna bully Eru to give the Durins a second chance and Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has been listening to that conversation, are like "ehem, Mahal, dear creator, am I high?" And he shortly explains about who the other voice was.
Well after some time OFC gets Eru to agree, and they take weeks to argue about the particularities and Option A is they end up with Fili/Kili/Thorin, Who has listened and therefor knows about what she's up to, to keep his memories of the quest while being sent back, but CANNOT disclose what he knows or how. Or something something bad will happen.
And OFC is like on the one hand "nice, hot dwarves and heroics" but then there are also orcs, the ring, no plumbing.... But whatever she'll make the best out of it.
So OFC argues that that's kinda harsh and convinces Dru to let her join them.
Option B and Eru's growing tired of her and is like "you know what? You can hear if the music starts to fuck up. You go down there as well! Be their personal Gandalf or whatever!" And the chosen Durin remembers os doesn't, or maybe just some vague stuff in dreams, I don't really care. But with this option there is nothing stopping them from sharing their knowledge.
She arrives quite literally at Gandalf's feet, explains stuff to him, and their first order of business is meeting up with Galadriel, Elrond and Glorfindel (she refuses to explain yet while she does NOT want Saruman involved, unsure if he ends up joining anyway no matter what she wants) and insists on freeing Thrain from Dol Goldur ASAP (using mostly book canon for this fic obv) so she has someone that can prove her story and give her some connections & shit.
OFC, with her fighting experience being drunk arm wrestling and nothing more, remains behind in Eryn Lasgalen while Legolas joins the aforementioned group in driving out Sauron.
Thrain is first treated in the Woodland Realm for the worst injuries, and during that time talks Some Shit through with Thranduil because, yk, they'll need him and his army later on.
Then they move to Rivendell, where Thrain heals and OFC gets SOME training (no, NOT Mary-Sue-ish, it takes YEARS to become properly adept at fighting, she has a few WEEKS, meaning she manages not to drop her sword any longer and shoot in the planned direction but THAT'S IT), then she has some kind of fight with Someone and leaves with some rangers for Ered Luin, Gandalf promising to deliver Thrain to his family as soon as he's fully healed.
OFC has been turned into a dwarf btw, INCLUDING the beard! In Ered Luin she finds a job at a tavern for starters and waits for either Thrain's arrival or Fili/Kili/Thorin to 'remember' (meaning his consciousness being sent back in time), because OFC herself arrived about a year before the start of the quest.
At one point, Fili/Kili/Thorin being regulars at her tavern, she recognises a change in their demeanor and introduces herself as *****(whatever name she had in Valinor) and they get to talking, F/K/T being SO glad to FINALLY having someone to talk about what happened.
They start hashing out the beginnings of a plan, but have to be careful for now so as to no one else picks up on their knowledge. OFC promises that *someone* (she totally is mysterious on purpose) will soon show up and help in that department.
One night, Gandalf arrives with Thrain, Thorin cries, Dìs faints, Fili & Kili get drinks ( and someone of course gets OFC) and joined by Balin & Dwalin the family celebrates and learns about Thrain & OFC's knowledge and they begin to form A Plan TM.
And then, there is plot I have no idea for.
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raayllum · 2 years
Today in “things that don’t matter / will never get confirmation but Dragons thinks too much about them anyway”: Rayla as a Delayer (of Death, either literal or knowledge of). 
There’s the obvious stuff of course in her sparing Marcos which ultimately leads to him not falling by any Moonshadow’s sword, and Rayla not telling either of the boys about Harrow until a third party comes along and tells them for her, thus delaying the news until she possibly can’t anymore. She delays bad consequences / bad associations of death (largely to do with protecting or valuing innocence tbh) even if she kills Viren at the end of 3x09. But in tackling Viren off the Pinnacle, she genuinely surprises Aaravos and therefore delays his plans and release from the mirror for at least two years. Again, she’s delaying bad things (or at least trying to, in line with her decision to go in TTM, even if it’s inevitably going to make things worse).
However, that is not where the unhinged part of my brain blast comes from. I’ve reflected on why the show chooses to present or connect certain information together before in meaningful ways, and I am not saying that this is a purposefully meaningful way (rambling, right?), but all the same:
Consider how and why Callum is so delayed in receiving King Harrow’s letter in the show.
Which is to say: Rayla kicks Callum down while chasing him into Viren’s quarters in 1x02, knocks the letter out of his hand, and he doesn’t get it back until 2x03 when Claudia delivers it to him. 
On the surface, the interaction is very plain, but already has a few aspects that don’t quite need to be there. Claudia notices the letter first, but then the jelly tart hand print on the portrait frame and follows from there. Why not just have her follow only the jelly tart hand print? Why have Callum lose the letter at all and then have it restored to him, as it’s never brought up outside a very brief mention in 1x04? And why have Rayla and Claudia specifically be the reason why?
Why not have Callum forget the letter in his room? Why have Claudia be the one to deliver to him, when she’d already earned good grace points by telling him about Harrow, and we know she lies to him / tries to trick him again immediately afterwards? Why have him lose the letter at all? After all, he didn’t have a reason to read it until 2x03 anyway.  
There’s a few things happening from a thematic / narrative level here, symbolically, if we consider that while Harrow’s letter is very important went it comes to Callum’s healing and spelling out the show’s theme, it is also the very first time we hear Aaravos’ name and learn that the cube is a Key. 
Rayla delays Callum knowing the truth and needing to heal, so that checks out. But we can also read a second layer into it, of Rayla delaying Callum learning and becoming initially curious about Aaravos in the first place. Of still, narratively, delaying his eventual collision with “something worse than Death.”
But of course, she can’t delay it forever.
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💭 ⛪️✨️
For ask game!
💭 Some character headcanons
ok so rufus is like 100% gay like ik hes mlm thats canon bc vincent but i dont think his sexuality is ever mentioned lmaoo so like + he would be a fan of like dua lipa n shit but like hide it so much and act like he listens to acdc and like clive is the only one who doesnt realise his music taste tbh
farah is defos like omni/pan romantic and greysexual + she defos checked ao3 n tumblr to see if there was rpf about her. she definitley wasnt going to read it. why do u ask
gary is transfem bc i said so rn (im bsing these hcs on the spot based on vibes ima be real) and defos experimented w dudes in like pallamistus equivelent to collage/uni and still fucks em sometimes so hes like hetroromantic/bisexual w preference for women also he learnt how to make coloured metal and then made pride flag swords (i dont think pallamistus would have many pride flags but i think there would maybe be a rainbow pride one + jason showed ppl pride flags from earth and started making it a bit of a thing by accident
⛪ Favorite deity
knowledge or healer r my faves bc like knowledge as a deity their domain speaks to me like yesssss facts n shit and then healer as a fuckin person is so cool like they use i belive its he/they or he/it since jason refers to them w they/them or it/its at some point idk which but like i just find em v v interesting i love em also death is such a cool goddess bc like theyre not a bad deity like other similar ones like pain and trickery n stuff which i just like symbolically like "death is not unnatural it is a force of good just like life"
i do have a bit of beef w the whole evil gods being purged out bc like mortals doing that like sure ig (but also like yall r piss scared of a god but u wanna kill em and yall have the balls to do that damn) but like the fact that ALL OTHER GODS ACTIVLEY HUNT THEM is a bit like why? yall r litteralyl forces of nature personified why are these ones bad dumbass why is pain exterminated why is trickery frowned upon WHY IS DISGUISE A BAD GOD????? and then FUCKING PURITY WHO IS TRYING TO DESTORY THE WHOLE WORLD TO BE TAKEN OVER JUST IS NEVER FLAGGED AS AN EVIL GOD??? like yes the gods know its decipt and cant say shit but like surley theres a god who that is within their purview to speak about??? like truth or some shit can reveal lies or smthn
damn thats another rant abt some worldbuildy thinks (im working up the post rn idk y)
✨ Coolest power (essence or otherwise)
ok so i think skill books r super super cool and also masivley underused like wdym theres fucking skill books and noone uses them like sure u need a whole new power to use em but like just make a ritual like cmon theres prolly a ritual for every cool ass essence ability and like jasons power that absorbs essences n awakening stones also gives him the skill book one like they r absolutley linked JUST FUCKIN RITUAL THIS SHIT UP
oh also on the topic: knowledge prolly has a shit ton of skill books on like everything why dont they make skill books for basic skills like reading and writing and simple maths and do free rituals for kids to bypass the whole years long education system that fucks up kids mental states later on (the mental health but is more high school but still) like yes theres prolly a min age like essences n shit but like. just wait?? cmon its like fifteen years CMON oh also speaking of the min age is that like a last minute puberty thing or is it like a second magic puberty also surley it would be like "ur defos gettin fucked up" -> "prolly gettin fucked up" -> "maybe gettin fucked up" -> "no fuckedupedness now :3" (like normal)
soz that last one was a worldbuilding rant abt skill books goddamn i didnt know i had that in me wow
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underlockv · 2 years
I used to say all the time I would like the rights to ff8 because square has done NOTHING with it. This talk predated them putting squall and ultimecia into dissidia-witchevergoddamnversionthatwas but that was also basically nothing. Then they just rereleased the pc port of ff8 with replaced models and didn’t even try to update bg textures they did literally less than nothing and the fandom has already been up scaling bg textures and model textures on the pc port that look SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER. (And TOO ADD TO THIS. IM AWARE THEY DID THIS BECAUSE THEY REPORTEDLY LOST MOST OF THEIR ORIGINAL FILES BUT SOMEHOW FANS DID THEIR BACKWARDS ENGINEERING JOB BETTER THAN THEY DID EVEN THO THEY MADE IT SO I DONT CARE.)(it also took fans 15 years to figure out the absolute mess under the hood of this game)
FF8 has such a small fandom the fan works even for the popular ships are so few in number, I’m pretty sure you can give me the rights square! ( who will be mad? Two men on Reddit who venerate squall and never figured out his “badass attitude” was heavy abandonment issues? ) I NEED TO FIX THE PLOT HOLES GODDAMNIT also I will give Adel some backstory that isn’t vague nonsense I want to know about the buff sorceress lady THANKS.
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AKA Vibrating Swords
BTW YOU NEED TO KNOW gunblades do not shoot bullets the Bullets are fuel to make them vibrate “so they hit harder” so it’s just a sword with a gun handle that vibrates DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW RIDICULOUS THIS IS... MY WRIST HURTS JUST THINKING ABOUT IT.. The kicker is when I tell people this ff8 fact no one believes me but ITS THE GODDAMN TRUTH! I DUNNO WHY FF8 FANS LOOKED AT A GUN HANDLE WITH NO BARREL AND DECIDED “yeah this shoots bullets” IT DOESNT NOT. I HAVE PROOF it’s official info my friends:
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(I realize I wasn’t clear previously, am I going to change gunblades? Hell no. I’m just going to tell the player explicitly how badly thought out they are and have them grapple with the knowledge they thought this thing was cool)
But beyond nonsensical fantasy weaponry (that doesn’t even look cool)... god this game is a right mess tbh. I keep thinking about that one wiki paragraph I’m laughing hang on, maybe I posted it here before I dont remember
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Gibberish to the uninitiated, but honestly even a casual player might be hard pressed to understand this AS ITS HAPPENING.
wait tho, I JUST REALIZED I SOUND LIKE PEERLESS 🥒  pls don’t transmigrate me into ff8
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rozcdust · 2 years
ANYWAY im gonna expand on the bonten demigod thing with a focus more on mikey,,,, like imagine he isnt aware that hes literally the son of death (which is an alternative explanation for his dark impulses) and maybe one day the reader whos also a demigod, lets say shes a daughter of nyx, goddess of the night, making her kind of related to mikey (WHICH WOULD BE SUPER SHOCKING FOR HIM BC HIS FAMILYS ALL DEAD)
so the reader kind of breaks into bontens hideout AND THE OTHERS ARE LITERALLY HOLDING A GUN TO HER LIKE BRUHHH WHO TF ARE YOU 😭
like imagine reader and sanzu have raised weapons against each other bc sanzu is obviously not going to let some random weirdo intruder go anywhere near mikey, sanzu with his katana and reader with her sword FORGED BY THE CYCLOPS (so slay) and she most likely has actual war training.
but once reader confirms her identity snd the truth of the greek myths being true, the others are literally 😲🤩 around her and mikey
and imagine mikey finding out he still does have family :')) but i think it would take quite a while for him to warm up to reader
tbh i dont know where else to go with this but i hope you enjoyed it
also could i pls be 🍄 anon? now youll be seeing more ramblings from me abt bonten w mythology and folklore hehe
OKAY I FUCKING LOVE THAT CONCEPT OKAY i fully imagine like reader being a tired teenager just dropping in, telling Mikey’s she’s his aunt and calling everyone in Bonten old 😭
mikey would absolutely take a long while to get used to having family again but he would probably find relief in the knowledge that his dark impulses aren’t shinichiro’s fault
it sounds like such a fun fic honestly, i can’t wait to think of how to mix it up 🥰
and of course you can be babe! 💖💖
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You guessed, it's me again
How would the lords react to a very knowledgeable S/O who loves to learn whatever they can put their hands on no matter if it is a language or to wielding or dancing, THEY'RE READY. Oh and also they're really honest and have a booming laughter (Headcanons of course)
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A/n: Welcome back my child, we're all back on our bullshit tbh. Thank you for the request, I fuggin love writing anything Resident evil
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Plot: Requested
Warnings: Chaotic Y/n, cussing, violence, that’s about it tbh
· She loves how knowledgeable you are, even if she can get envious that your knowledge surpasses her own
· She will buy you any book you could ever imagine, feeding into your curiosity and need to learn
· Alcina is often amazed by how quickly you learn languages, she watched you learn French in 3 days because there was a book you wanted to read
· When it comes to wielding weapons, Mother Miranda save her she’s terrified
· You’re so small and fragile and she doesn’t want you to end up hurting yourself
· That fear was ended in a rather ridiculous predicament of a Morticia attacking you, which caused you to scream while repeatedly whacking it with a sword
· You had tried to play it off smoothly, grinning up at your lover, but she’d seen everything and was cackling
· She’s the one that teaches you to dance, pleased by how quickly you picked up on it.
· You two now dance together almost nightly, the girls think it’s disgustingly sweet
· The first time she encountered your naive honesty was when you had anciently broken one of her favorite vases.
· She was used to the girls and maids alike lying to stay clear of her fury, but you looked up at her with red puffy eyes and a trembling bottom lip and admitted to breaking it
· She’s tried and failed in getting you to lie, you’re just so honest, and at times it can be infuriating when it’s a situation when the truth is best kept a secret
· Alcina adores your laugh
· She could be in the foulest mood, but as soon as she hears the booming, boisterous laughter the mood seemingly disappears.
· She will do anything to see you smile and hear your laughter, it makes her feel alive and full of love.
· Alcina overall loves you unconditionally, flaws and all.
· Salvatore loves how intelligent you are, the two of you constantly bouncing ideas off each other
· He may not be the same man he was before the Cadou, but he’s still a doctor and therefor is super smart
· He has a plethora of books for you to read, and if your eyes or head hurt from reading, he’ll read to you
· The fact that you can learn languages so fast baffles him, he’s asked you about it before, but only got a sly smirk and ‘a magician never reveals their secret’ in return
· He never doubted your ability to wield a weapon, the way you two had met was him finding you on his land violently bashing in a Lycan’s skull
· Though the idea of you having a gun did make him a bit wary, you wielded it like you were born with a gun in your hand, so he had no reason for concern
· So, the thing about dancing is Salvatore has two left feet, mans is awful at dancing
· You’ve seen him eat shit while he was walking on flat ground, let alone dancing
· When you taught yourself how to dance it was a solo thing, but he adores getting to watch
· He’s fascinated by your beauty, the way your body moves. Everything about you is entrancing to our favorite fish man
· When it comes to your honesty, it’s never bothered him
· He’s also naively honest, so if anyone wants to know info they immediately go to the reservoir
· Karl has asked jokingly what Salvatore’s nether regions looked like and you told him point blank much to his horror (he no longer asks joking questions)
· Salvatore at first was startled by your laughter
· It was so loud and sudden that it had taken him off guard
· Now it’s his favorite sound, your laugh is infectious and makes him laugh
· His favorite kind of laugh is when its booming laughter mixed with snorts, because those are reserved for his jokes alone, it makes his chest feel warm and full
· He’s a shyer lover to have, but once you’ve gotten through his shell you two are a match made in heaven
· So, Donna knew you were smart from the start, so your intelligence has never caught her off guard.
· She’s the one that will never doubt your abilities and is almost never caught by surprise by the things you can do.
· You’ve recited an entire book from memory to her before and she didn’t even bat an eyelash, she knows her partner is smart
· When it comes to languages, she’s more curious than anything, asking how you can remember so many or how you can learn them so fast
· You explain to her that they just come easily to you and they just make sense, she takes it
· Her favorite language you’ve learned is ASL, you two use it when she doesn’t have energy to talk or use Angie to talk
· She will buy you as many books as you want, and will listen to you read them (Even if they make no sense to her) while she sews or works on her dolls
· She loves your voice and could listen to it for hours, it’s soothing for her to listen to you, especially if she’s having a bad day
· Donna supports you wanting to learn how to wield a bo staff
· She loves watching you train, even if it means getting up early to see you work out before you begin your training
· You protect the house itself now, no one has gotten into the house and survived after you taught yourself how to fight
· Donna loves dancing, but is shy when it comes to dancing when it’s in front of others, gently encourage her and she’ll teach you
· She’s a wonderful teacher, and you two could dance for hours, moving perfectly in sync. It’s hypnotizing to watch honestly.
· She likes that you’re honest, it’s nice to have someone in her life who doesn’t lie or who isn’t cryptic
· It’s like a breath of fresh air for her
· Your laughter? My god she blushes every time she hears it
· She loves your laughter, and can’t help but laugh along any time she hears it
· You’re the only person alive who’s heard her laugh, or can make her laugh
· Usually, she’s wary of loud sounds but you bring her out of her shell
· Donna is the most supportive lord, she’s never once doubted you
· You two are a chaotic fucking duo who will bring the end
· Both of you are intelligent, bordering genius
· Karl lets you read all his books, which means you know just as much about metal, war and more
· He recruits you in his fight against Miranda
· You two speak in different languages all the time, mostly so other people can’t understand the confidential conversations you’re having, you can never be too safe.
· With your combined intelligence things at the factory go a lot smoother, and things aren’t as horrendous as they are in the games
· You guys still do some fucked up stuff, but all is fair in war, I guess?
· Karl is 1000% behind you in learning how defend yourself
· He even teaches you how to, and is offended and pouting when in your second session you knock him on his ass
· Even the Lycans are scared of you after seeing you beat one to death with your bare hands for destroying your blueprints.
· None of the other lords fuck with you, you and Karl give off a terrifying energy when you’re together
· You two don’t have much down time, but when you mentioned wanting to learn how to dance, Karl had taught you.
· He’d been quite the dancer in his day, and found that it was nice to have a dancing partner again
· It’s a rare thing, but when you two dance it’s very intimate, full of love and unspoken promises
· I think Karl would like your laughter the most
· Because you two live in a very scary and bland world where a war is building, so happiness is far and in between
· So when he hears your laughter it’s like a gift from the universe
· Any time he hears your laughter he tries his best to engrave it in his brain, eyes full of love and chest full of warmth
· I think overall you and Karl have the hardest relationship to maintain, but by pure love and respect for each other, it all works out
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reginarubie · 2 years
Dark Daenerys, the biblical series
So, since it has become such a big hit (reaching the four parts) I've decided to dedicate a whole post only to the four parts which compose the small series of biblical-referenced metas about dark Daenerys and the possible parallels or foils between her and some figures of the Bible.
A premise is very much in order.
While being Italian and a catholic, I am in no way an expert on the subject of biblical studies, not beyond what I've learned during the formative years of catechism (and I was the catechist's terror, tbh) and eventual studies and researches I did in school (when we studied, last year of high school, the Paradiso — the third cantica of Dante's Divina Commedia — and later when I studied canonical law at university) and the researches I did for these posts (with infos that can be found on the net) so I do not presume to hold the truth of this matter, nor the truth of what can be found in the Bible as it is extremely layered and profound, filled with meanings lost to us due the change of time, culture and shifts in the beliefs from when the books were first written and interpreted, to now.
So, this whole series was born because I suddenly realised something I had known, but not connected with Martin's work, all along. I've had classical studies before university (I studied latin and greek and literature and communication — both medias and in books — and such) so my knowledge in these matters is pretty broad but also pretty superficial (unless I've done researches for each matter, like in this case, and I still claim not to know enough anyway) as my studies took then another direction when I chose my university.
Having studied latin, and the Divina Commedia, I was perfectly aware that Lucifero (the name of the devil after the fall) means ‘bringer of light’ (portatore di luce), but it took me a bit to remember that ‘lightbringer’ (the one who brings light) is basically the same thing written in reversal — I am not a native speaker, after all, so some hues of the language still escape me; so when I was casually scrolling on the dark Azor Ahai theories I was suddenly hit as if by a bolt by the realisation that his sword, the mystical sword supposed to bring the dawn was called exactly like Lucifer (lightbringer) and that many associated that with Drogon — Lucifer, btw, is considered to be connected with the star of the dawn (the Morning Star).
From thereon it was almost as fever, for I did the post and suddenly ever piece seemed to fit together like a glove. And I am in no way claiming that GRRM did this purposefully (tho he might have), nor to hold the complete and utter, absolute truth about this; but knowing he was raised a catholic and how much of a well read man he is, it is not unthinkable that he might have been influenced even on a subconscious level by the biblical figures. After all, all stories (especially epic ones) recur around the same kind of archetypes and characters — pariah, messiah, dark heroes, etcetera — which are the same that can be found in some passages of the Bible. I mean, if I — who am not as well read, but was raised catholic and did some studies on the matter — could reach this conclusion it is not out of the realm of possibilities that in someway this played some part in the characterisation of his beloved characters.
Another premise might be in order.
While I do believe Daenerys is en route to become the last standing villain, or be seen as such by the people and by those who will come after her, I do not think she's only clean-cut a villain. She's a charismatic character, with flaws and strong points — she's clever, funny and charming, she can be empathetic and she's strong; she can also be ruthless and cruel, she can be cold and turn her gaze away, she can be too singleminded — and I don't believe Martin has a clean-cut cartoonish characterisation of her descent into darkness in mind (like the one we got during the show); most probably it will be heart-wrenching and tragic, as it is supposed to be, as that is the way, it seems to me, this is about to go down. This is why, when I speak of Daenerys I always take into account both her young age, her traumas and her attempts to do good things, as well as her darkest traits.
But, as I am in no way an expert, I am always open to others, who know better (or simply have a differing opinion) to say their own on this matter because it's totally possible that I've missed some detail which may hint in a different direction, or that there are other things I may ignore and that may play a part as well; so any input will be greatly appreciated!
part one: il portatore di luce; lightbringer and Lucifer, the parallels between Daenerys (possible other Azor Ahais) and the biblical figure of Lucifer
part two: Daenerys and Christ — foils; why her message and actions are not the same as Christs
part three: Daenerys and the Antichrist — he who denies the Father and the Son (also why Daenerys does not fit the Great Deliverer thematic)
part four: is Daenerys using freedom the same way ‘Lucifer’ supposedly uses the notion of free will? in this we also dissect the real reason behind her ‘freeing the Unsullied’ and her campaign east.
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emmacifer · 3 years
Art analysis: Kyouka coming to terms with Demon Snow
Disclaimer before we dive into this analysis: This analysis is (mainly) for the context of chapter 43. My knowledge on flower language and Japanese culture is very much limited(almost nonexistent tbh) hence the citations of every article I used. Moreover, I apologize for the vagueness of some parts of it because of my uncertainty with the art, and further apologize in advance if I happen to get any cultural reference wrong. I do not mean to override whatever take the reader might have about it and would really appreciate it if any mistakes were pointed out. Thank you!
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Kyouka initially despised Demon Snow for killing her parents and the quality it gave her which revolved her existence around the sole identity “assassin”. But that was before she found out the truth about her parents and also realized that she could do more than just kill people with her ability, that she could be of use other than for assassination.
The opening art of chapter 43 has subtle symbolisms which indicate the context of the chapter itself. First, we can see the red spider lilies around where she is sitting. Higanbana or Equinox flower, also known as Manjushage, symbolises “passion” and “sad memory”. They also mean death. The Japanese often used these flowers for funeral occasions. I like to think of this as a symbolism of the “death” (end) of Kyouka’s resentment for Demon Snow as an ability, and acceptance for what it is: an existing embodiment of her parent’s love. I do not know, and did not find out, if there is any significance to lanterns in Japan but generally, lanterns mean to enlighten, to shed light on your way. In this chapter, finding the report from the Special Division for Unusual Powers enlightened her of the real reason her parents died and Demon Snow’s role in protecting her years ago.
Maybe the skeleton hands reaching for her from down below her could be her past trying to haunt her, draw her back into thinking about how she doesn’t deserve to live with an ability that killed her parents then proceed to build her life around said ability in the mafia by killing people. Kyouka thought that her very own existence is a sin because she murdered 35 people(chapter 9, easygoingscans translation.) But to quote Akutagawa himself, “The words that tormented your past no longer have anything to do with who you are.” (chapter 35, easygoingscans) At the end of the day, the past is the past and you have to learn to leave it in order to be able to move forward. I’m sorry if this sounds cheesy, I don’t know how else to phrase it. Also, if we look at the way that Demon Snow is portrayed in this art, it has both hands on the sword with one arm caging Kyouka, and even the sword is drawn a little. I feel like this indicates the protection that Demon Snow has on Kyouka: it protected her in the past though it was misunderstood, and it still is protecting her now. This is the chapter when Kyouka really realizes what part Demon Snow plays in her life and comes to terms with it.
Another thing that is worth mentioning is the flower that Kyouka is holding. I initially thought of it to be a chrysanthemum, but on a closer look I found out that it was a carnation. I am still unsure whether the flower in the art is white or tinged with pink, but generally carnations can mean a lot of things, one of the main symbolisms being ‘love’. Pink carnations in particular mean motherly love while white carnations symbolize love, luck, purity and innocence. Red carnations are a common gift for mothers’ day. Carnations are used on Mothers’ day to indicate the purity of a mother’s love. We can see Kyouka holding the flower close to her face, in a way, “embracing” the fact that Demon Snow is a personification of parental love from her father and mother. She’s accepting that, quoting Lucy, “the ability that she thought was her parent’s enemy was the love of her parents itself”.(chapter 43, easygoingscans)
This is probably an overanalysis, please do not take my word for it.
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crisps-craft · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're well 😊
I'm kinda lost rn and I don't know what I should do in the field of love. I'm currently in a relationship but I feel like he loves me more than I love him and I don't if it's because my last relationship was shit or if it's because this isn't going anywhere...
I'm a Scorpio and my initials are P.V. ☄️
hi! here are the cards i pulled:
-temperance, 4 of swords, hermit, page of swords, 9 of pentacles, 3 of cups
okay- so 4 of swords, hermit, temperance and page of swords all have a very similar message that is emphasizing an introspection period. it might not be a bad idea to spend some time alone to discover what it is that you truly value. one piece of advice that has helped me with relationships is that - if you are unsure of a connection, then that is your answer. when you are with the right people, you feel security in your connection.
i feel like you might already have your answer in a way. i think that you might be trying to find security and are playing it "safe" in the dating realm- that's why you feel unfulfilled. its like that quote about "its better to have something rather than nothing"- so oddly enough, a message im getting from your spirit guides is that you are about to embark on a "hermit" phase. this comes from the card the hermit- its saying that you are likely to spend time alone truly discovering who you are. we all go through hermit phases from one time to another (and they are where glow ups happen !! never underestimate the hermit) and i think after this phase, you will have a better idea of who you are and that will help you attract people on the same wavelength as you. right now, you are matching other people's energy but because you are masking and being a chameleon in a way, they aren't seeing the real you (maybe because you know that the real you and the real them aren't compatible truly)
sure, the relationship is 'there' but its not really there, you know what i mean? its lacking that intimacy factor. 3 of cups is telling me that you guys are better friends than lovers- i can see that you know how to get along but don't really have ~that~ intimacy/ connection (i feel for u im in the same boat LOL)
im going to be honest, im seeing you taking a break from this person and spending more time alone to develop that security from within. you are looking for physical security outside of yourself and you are struggling to find it because on the inside, you struggle to have security in yourself (im in the same situation rn i feel for u :( )
page of swords is emphasizing for you to use your reason and logic - you already have the answers and know your truth, so speak it <3 adhere to your inner truth and knowledge of the situation. by respecting your truth, you will find that your physical reality will also transform with it. and over time, you will learn to cultivate and place your energy in things and people that do resonate with you. i am seeing this time alone will help you find the answers and truly understand what it is that you are looking for in intimacy.
intimacy versus relationships - anyone can have a relationship, but intimacy is different and i think that you will discover how to find that again through becoming intimate with yourself and your own deep truths
i hope that this could help - i know that's a tough answer but i really feel that this new era coming in will help you develop the independence and answers that will help you in the future! you are finding and discovering the keys to what truly provides you with nourishing fulfillment. i think this new phase of your life will be kinda badass tbh i really like the energy from this
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izusun · 3 years
TSoA anon here again — I’m gonna give you even more angst 🤧 Baku fits as Achilles so much also because Achilles was the only one who saw Patro for who he really is. Baku sees Deku for who he really is even through his “I’m fine” act. Tbh they can work as Baku = Patro and Deku = Achilles too, but I personally think they’re perfect as Baku explosive fame-obsessed prodigy and Deku bff and secret quirkless boyfriend trying to get him to see that there’s more to life than just fame and battle 👆🏼
[prev ask]
i love love bkdk x tsoa so much; no matter who is who, shit always ends up good.
because of my convo with peach i was deep into achilles//midoriya parallels but at the same time, bakugou just perfectly parallels achilles too dhsildks
patroclus being slighted in his childhood because he is *normal (hated by his father, disrespected by the servants despite being a prince, being bullied by nobility) and midoriya being bullied because of his quirklessness.
*normal = as a prince, patroclus was expected to be physically fit and strong, but he is physically unfit and his legs are too weak for running (they hold olympic games). midoriya’s quirkless status being the anomaly; his quirklessness being equated to weakness.
achilles who didn’t even have a mentor at that age but could already wield two swords at the same time, feet so fast it’s like running with the wind. bakugou who adapted to his quirk as easy as breathing, contorting his body to the best way it could to produce more explosions.
achilles who was raised with the knowledge that he’s the best of the best; bakugou who was surrounded by yes-men because they know he’d be the strongest hero.
patroclus who was ignored by his adoptive brothers; midoriya being shunned by his classmates.
achilles seeing the different strengths of patroclus—drawn to his honesty and kindness and the anger that hides underneath a subservient front; bakugou seeing the truth of midoriya’s strength—that it’s not just physical but also emotional and mental, that his determination runs course because of his anger.
actually, bakugou doesn’t really look feminine but it’s just so captivating to see how both him and achilles look so lithe when, in fact, they’re the strongest of their eras. it’s just so nice to see how they wield their beauty like a sword; how their very faces can be weapons. i just love it lots.
this patroclus quote:
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and these panels:
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are just so beautiful.
patroclus was saying how even if he is in madness, he’ll remember achilles. that even if the gods failed him and led him to his corruption, he’d know his beloved. and then the panel of midoriya who was lost in his madness (to quote bakugou from ch319, “that damn nerd is insane. he doesn’t take himself into account. he always just insists he’s fine.”) getting back the sparkle in his eyes because he recognizes the AP shot that saved him and sees who it was that came for him.
patroclus especially talking about achilles’s eyes and the way his face is “drawn by the flickering shadows.” and then we see bakugou from midoriya’s point of view: raindrops frozen, eyes the clearest we’ve seen, face shadowed by his hair, and utterly beautiful.
patroclus 🤝 midoriya, so in love with their mans.
sorry for the late response again dhansnsn thank u sm for this beautiful prompt! also i feel like im talking in jargon again so do forgive me. i just spat out another round of rambling and brainworming so aaaahhh
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vvvesninski · 4 years
okay so im freshly after the chain of iron so be aware of spoliers; some quick thoughts and some maybe unpopular takes, lets go 🤼‍♀️
Things I liked:
The Carstairs family (no, not you Elias you stink) is once again the most real and precious family to me in this fictional world. They face hardships that we can relate to and do it with their faces held high. I loved every single encounter that Alastair and Cordelia had and the talk with Sona at the end was great.
Jesse. I didn’t feel much connection to him in the last book but in this one I felt his pain and desire to live much more and I really appreciate that.
I liked the comeback of Lilith. For a moment I really thought Cordelia was Wayland's paladin but the outcome was far more interesting and dramatic.
Seeing how Malcolm discovered the truth about Annabel, hope we can see how Lucie talks with her.
Lucie’s powers! Commanding the dead and raising them? A little necromancer icon
Anna not giving up on what she had promised herself despite clearly still loving Ariadne deeply (also Ari go get her tiger) I admire her stubbornness honestly
The Sanctuary scene with Thomastair(cute af definitely too little of them was in this book) and hilarious Will with the Mortal Sword later
Seeing how Barbara's death affected Thomas. Grief makes us to irresponsible things
Cordelia and Matthew. I just love them. How they share secrets, how they want to heal one another. They always make each other smile. I adore their adventures and their friendship even if it will be nothing more. I hope Matthew will really forgive himself in Paris. He deserves it.
Things I was mostly indifferent with or I didnt like:
Tatiana, can that hag honestly go and burn herself with hellfire. She annoyed the crap out of me and I hate what she made of Grace
Cordelia’s and James' relationship. Tbh it bored me a little. Im not much of a childhood friends to lovers trope and first love being our only love. It just doesn’t hold my interest much
Grace had a horrible live but I still find to like her very much. I would have dealt with without her chapters but at least I cannot blame her for everything as she is also the victim
Lucie keeping secrets about experimenting with necromancy with Grave. I love her I really do but she was raised with knowledge how dangerous things like that are and she chose to ignore all of it not even thinking about the consequences.
The ending with Belial was similar to the first book and I guess in the third book Cordelia will wound him for the final third time. Predictable, especially the thing with the killer but I lets be honest we do not read these books for is villains (maybe for Sebastian but shhh) At least Lilith will spice things up
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raayllum · 2 years
Hey hey!
Love your stuff.
Was rewatching/ thinking about future seasons and I would like to know your take/ opinion on some things I thought about:
1) how do you think Rayla’s going to handle the whole possession stuff? Callum performed dark magic for her (her cause/ saving the dragon) in the first place, but as it stands at the moment, I dont think any of the cast are aware than performing dark magic even once is the key Aaravos needs for possession. That’s all Callum has done, and yet he seems the most in danger from Aaravos. How do you think Rayla will take this knowledge, and what do you think will come of it? I am sure that Callum’s going to be the one to free her parents from the coins, as its been confirmed that only dark magic can do it, and I don’t see any other member of the dark magic cast about to help her with that any time soon… (Callum certainly won’t let her do it, and besides, he’s tainted already anyway, right??)
2) Callum will leave the group because he fears what will happen, leading to forgiving Rayla. I really believe this may be the case as this has happened before, in season 2. Callum forgave Rayla for not telling him/Ezran about Harrow AFTER he realised how difficult it was himself to tell Ezran the truth. Season 4 itself highlighted that Callum doesn’t understand fully why she left still (“It was all for nothing / pointless then?” Or whatever he said Re finding Viren and Rayla’s return, Stella reacted angrily to this comment) even though her letter emphaised it was to protect him, he still cant see it. So I reckon that Callum will end up deciding to leave precisely because he is the danger (in his own mind) he doesnt want to subject them (Rayla) to, and therefore in leaving finally understands (and forgives) Rayla for what she did over two years ago, after experiencing what it is like to be by himself to protect those he cares about. Maybe this is to hunt Aaravos down by himself, or maybe it’s to prevent another possession where he hurts someone (I wonder if this will happen? A stab scene was mentioned?? Between who is unknown but this would definitely motivate Callum to “get out of there” if he’s actively hurt someone he cares about while being possessed..!) Is this a possibility you’ve considered? How do you see forgiveness finally coming about? It must be (in my perspective) about finally understanding and seeing from Rayla’s perspective why she made the choices she did, and from the show’s history, Callum often comes to this understanding by experiencing the same thing Rayla had to go through, and Rayla comes to this understanding by being shown the truth (or told-shown from season 3, when Callum explained about her parents to her after performing the moon spell)…
eeeek whatever happens I am so excited to see!!
Thank you!! Your thoughts are so well explained and interesting & thank you for sending 'em in!!
1) I don't know if it'll so much something Rayla consciously thinks of (her hand in Callum's mage arc and how consistent it's been) but I do think it's something the narrative will lean into. This may be in her guiding Callum out of Aaravos' darkness, since I think it's very blatant where the symbolism is headed, or even possibly a bonus Moon arcanum connection - bringing the light and dark sides of the moon together or something, philosophically speaking. Also provides balance to the "love can destroy you" that S4 is examining with "and it can also save you" since the series' loves its perpetual duality and double-edged swords in all things. I also have a oneshot called "older but just never wiser" I want to write about them fighting exactly over who should be doing the dark magic and I'm quite excited tbh
I'm not sure if S5 will focus as much on unlocking the coins as it will show Rayla struggling with what to prioritize, but I have wondered if beyond dark magic if Viren's staff, specifically, will be needed to do the spell, since the staff is an ancient and powerful relic and was what Viren used to do it in the first place. If that's the case, I could see that looping back into motivation to confront Aaravos and co. directly in hopes of stealing back the staff, but I don't know yet! It could all honestly go in so many directions
2) Honestly I go back and forth on Callum leaving. On the one hand, him "pulling a Rayla" if you will lines up with behavioural things I thought even before the season aired, and S4 gives credence to this by showing the way Callum is acting like Rayla because they have more mirrored trauma by way of abandonment, now (even as they both gain some fun fresh stuff too, lmao). I could see him having a possession scare and deciding to dip. On the other hand, Callum has always been so ingrained in together-ness, and I lean more towards him being possessed one more time before breaking free. I think either way his desire to protect his loved ones (either leaving or sticking around, or both) will be what puts him into a "Aaravos gets out" corner but I think that too, can go a few ways
Mostly because if he did leave, it would be another trauma response. So i think it'd be less about him fully understanding why Rayla did what she did (he arguably did, he just disagreed) and more about Rayla fully realizing why what she did was so messed up and cementing a choice to never leave again. To have both of them Stay this time, and forever, and to realize they don't have to let their trauma tear them or their relationship apart. Big theory on what may cinch the final reconciliation here <3
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