#also the grip on that backpack baby sir who's trying to take it from you
kindahoping4forever · 11 months
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Ash @ When We Were Young Fest
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eeveedel · 3 years
WIP Sunday
Hello all, I was tagged by to post a bit of my current WIP alongside some “art” -- I don’t have a current moodboard but I thought I would provide some general ~~aesthetic pics and another preview of the rancher harry fic -- this time an HL meet cute! I hope you all enjoy, and happy Sunday
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Harry heard a rapping at the screen door, and he grunted, shifting his weight forward so he could sit up and hoist himself out of his armchair.
He took a step forward on his good leg while his bad one dragged behind him. After a bit of walking around, it usually woke up enough for him to put more weight on it, but for now, after his rest, it was a dead weight of pins and needles behind him. It took a bit of effort to get to the front door, but he got there eventually. He grabbed his cane that was leaning by the door, and then opened the wood door, revealing just the screen and what lay beyond it.
There was a man in mint green scrubs and a thick corduroy jacket on his porch, perfectly centered between the big American flag hanging beside Harry’s door and the pots of tulips lining the front gate. The man at the front door was young. He had some creases around his eyes and mouth but his freshly shaved face looked so youthful, along with his bright eyes behind his big, wire frame glasses.
“Howdy,” Harry drawled, lifting his thermos to his mouth, “You must be — “ His tongue worked in his mouth, trying to come up with the name Margaret had given him last week. It wasn’t something common around here, and yet it still evaded him.
“Shoot, I’m sorry,” he sighed, pushing up the brim of his hat with his thumb, “Help me out, what’s your name, son?”
“Oh, I’m Dr. Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis,” he said. “Dr. Baldwin caught me up on some of the animals you have here and their needs, sir,” he said. “I know you have a pregnant cow nearing the end of term and a newly pregnant mare that just needs a bit of a checkup as your main concerns. She also told me you had a few roosters and a chicken coop, is that correct?”
Harry cracked a smile and nodded.
“Well, that’s correct. Seems like you did your homework,” he said. “Cherry’s gonna have a baby now damn day now and I just found out about Goldie last month.”
He took a sip of his coffee, shuffling his feet and readjusting his cane as he did.
“You don’t need to worry too much about the chickens, they nearly take care of themselves. Got a few pigs but those are going to market in a couple months, but you can take a look at ‘em if you want to.”
He pushed at the screen door, moving out onto the porch to meet Louis directly. When he was in front of the man, he could see Louis looked even younger up close, and he was nearly a full head shorter than Harry.
“Can I get you something to drink or anything before we go out?” Harry asked, taking the briefest moment to look the young vet over.
“Um, maybe a glass of water after we finish up? It is a bit hot out today, even though it’s January,” Louis rambled. “I mean, I came from San Francisco, so it’s still hot there— anyways, sorry.”
He exhaled, his cheeks already pink.
“Could you show me to Cherry first, please?” Louis asked. “I want to make sure she and her calf are in tip top shape.”
Harry smiled gently. The young vet was eager, and looked a bit flustered. He tried not to let his gaze linger too much longer, although he already liked him.
“Sure thing. I’ll show you out the pasture. Cherry’s probably out gossiping with her friends.”
He walked to the edge of the porch, taking the small ramp that was easier to navigate with his cane.
“Tell me, they have a lot of cows out in California, Louis?” he asked as they trudged along the path, “Because if this is your first one, I’ll give you a fair warning. Cherry’s a sweet girl but a little sassy.”
“Well, I grew up in San Francisco, so no, we don’t have a lot of farms there,” Louis said. “But I studied with a bit of everything in veterinary school, and went to a lot of farms up north. So yeah, I’ve worked with cows.”
“Good, good,” Harry nodded.
He walked through along the dirt path that led from the house to the rest of the ranch. He led Louis past the chicken coop and the large horse barn, moving out to the back part of the property with the cattle barn and the large pasture. His leg was starting to wake up, making his gait a bit less strained.
“Where did you study?” he asked.
“UC Santa Barbara for undergrad and then vet school at UC Berkeley,” Louis said. “I just graduated last spring, actually.”
“Congratulations,” Harry said. “Before you look at my girls, you wanna tell me know if you were bottom of your class?”
Louis laughed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
“I was actually valedictorian.”
“Damn. Undergrad or vet school?”
“Uh,” Louis said, smiling sheepishly. “Both? And high school.”
“Jeez,” Harry chuckled. “Well. I didn’t even go to college, so you’ve already impressed me many times over.”
They arrived in front of the enormous cattle barn and the wide pasture beyond it. Harry smiled to himself, lifting the hand that wasn’t gripping his cane.
“Yep,” he smiled to himself, “There she is.”
He gestured to the pasture, and specifically pointed to one of the cows, a rich red brown and swollen at the belly, who was smack in the middle of a group of five other black and white cows.
“Gossiping, just like I thought,” Harry said. He reached for the gate, going to unlock it, “Well, come on, you can give me your expert opinion.”
“Wow, she’s beautiful,” Louis marveled.
“Don’t let her hear that, it’ll go straight to her head,” Harry said. He opened the gate fully, then opened the pasture and turned around, holding it open for Louis.
Once they were both inside, Harry approached Cherry, cooing and clicking his tongue as he walked. She looked up and stared at him, chewing slowly on a thick clump of grass, but when she was done, she let out a low moo and slowly but surely waddled towards him.
“Here she comes,” Harry smiled.
They both stood and watched her as she slowly came over, and when she did, she immediately gravitated to Harry.
“Hey, princess,” Harry said. He set his hand on her head and gently stroked her with his thumb, smiling to himself as she blinked at him with her big, milk chocolate eyes.
“Louis’s gonna take a look at you, pretty girl,” Harry said. “You be nice to him.”
Harry kept petting Cherry’s head and then looked over to Louis. The vet was kneeling on the ground, unlocking the briefcase he had brought. It was funny, seeing him with a shiny, clearly barely used case. Margaret had always just shoved her tools into her ancient Jansport backpack, which was covered in twenty years’ worth of coffee stains and held together with duct tape and spite.
Louis took out a pair of latex gloves and a stethoscope, then moved closer to the animal. He gave her a settle pat on her swollen side, then put the stethoscope’s earpieces in. He set the metal diaphragm on her side, and Cherry jolted a bit, but Louis cooed at her and kept petting her side as he listened. He closed his eyes and nodded a bit as he moved the cold metal over her stomach, humming softly to himself.
Harry watched Louis carefully touch and examine Cherry, the young man’s hands gentle but sure as he did his job. Harry had had his hesitations before Louis arrived. But he seemed at home, and like he really cared about doing a good job. Harry could appreciate that. He had spent years building up trust with Margaret to work with his animals, but, maybe he was just getting sentimental at his age, or Louis really did have a special touch, but he immediately felt just fine with the younger man taking care of his herd.
After a few minutes Louis opened his eyes and ducked his head down, examining Cherry’s udders and nether regions. Finally, he lifted his head and pulled himself up, taking the stethoscope out of his ears and draping it around his neck.
“Well, she looks great,” Louis said as he peeled off his gloves and shoved them into his jacket pocket. “The calf’s got a nice, strong heartbeat. She seems about a couple weeks away, but just keep an eye on her – “
“Early labor, yeah,” Harry said. “I always start preparing at least a couple weeks in advance of the due date, anyways. My girl Caroline went into labor a couple years ago, fuckin’ 16 days before she was due, and I was in Austin for the weekend. Only time I left the house in months, and she picked that weekend.”
One of the white cows in the pasture mooed loudly, and Harry looked over his shoulder and glared.
“Yeah, I’m talkin’ about you, fuckin’ drama queen,” he scoffed. “She’s a good girl. And a tough one. Had a delivery all by herself and nearly gave me a heart attack when I got home and there was a new baby toddling around.”
He turned back to Louis, offering an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, don’t mean to bore you with farm stories right off the bat.”
“It’s okay,” Louis said. “I love to hear animal stories.”
“Well, let me know in a few months if you’re sick of cow stories. That’s nearly the only kind of stories we have in this town.”
Louis just laughed and lifted his hand, shifting his glasses up his nose.
“Would you show me to Goldie, please? Just to see how her early stages are going.”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Harry said. “Goldie’s in the small barn, come on.”
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anxiousstark · 4 years
Angel Eyes | Mitch Rapp
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injuries. But it’s all fluff.
Word Count: 1471
A/N: Again, credeits and thanks to @og-baby-ob14​ for giving me this beautiful idea for Angel Eyes as I didn’t know what to write with this song!!! Coming later than what I’ve expected, but it’s almost 11pm and I’ve been crying since 5pm, don’t mind me.
All Rights Reserved. The author, me, don’t allow any type of copy or adaption.
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"Can you stop obsessing over someone you are probably not going to see ever again?" Your friend rolled her eyes as she took her lunch off her backpack. Both of you were on your break, not having much time before you both would have to continue taking coffee or tea orders. "This city is big, and he could have been visiting or travelling."
You sighed, discouraged but knowing your friend was right. "I just want to see him one more time." You bit your lower lip. "At least to thank him for saving me."
She studied your face. "You also said you don't remember anything." She took her apron off, sitting down again to continue eating her lunch. "Just his eyes."
"I'm sure I could recognize him just by seeing his eyes again." You sounded sure, maybe too sure. "I know I don't remember anything else about him. But I do remember his eyes." You looked into the distance. "He has hazel eyes, but they had something that made them look a little more golden!"
Ava glanced at you. "Babe," She finished swallowing her food. "I don't want to make you feel depressed, okay?" She wandered closer to you, sitting beside you and holding one of your hands. "There are millions of men out there with hazel eyes."
You sighed again, remembering everything that happened. Two week ago, you had decided to take an early shift as one of your workmates had to fly back to their country due to some personal problems.
At 5.30 a.m you were making your way to your job, walking as quickly as possible as you were in charge of opening the cafe. Someone with a covered face tried to take your backpack, and as an instinct, you fought back. While doing your best to keep your bag with you, the person who was striving to rob you, ended up pushing you a couple of times.
You hardly recollected how he started to insult you, demanding for your hands to lose their grip on your bag. You still fought because everything you needed was inside that bag; your keys, money, phone, etc. The thief must have grown tired of you, and the next thing you remember was a rapid movement of one of his hands, something sharp scarring quite close to your left eye.
A man had noticed what was going on, and as he witnessed the thief run away with your belongings, he followed him. Some other people had discerned how you were standing in the middle of the street, rubbing the left side of your eye. They must have noticed the blood as a couple of them rushed to you, calling an ambulance.
Next, Hazel eyes were glancing deep into yours. Your vision was blurry because of your tears, but you had noticed that it was the man who followed the thief. The hazel-eyed man was holding your backpack, and he quickly checked your eye before leaving as someone seemed to be calling him. You never got the chance to thank him.
Coming back to your senses, you noticed that your break was over. You sighed, going back to your job while placing a big smile on your face for the costumers that you will attend.
A little girl was being carried by who you assumed was her mom. She offered you a shy smile while the mother encouraged her to ask for what she wanted. After the little girl whispered that she wanted something sweet and purple to drink, you knew what to prepare. The mother just asked for a warm latte.
You couldn't resist the little girl's smile and shiny eyes, gifting her a cookie she seemed to be eyeing since she entered the shop with her mom.
"Good morning," A raspy voice snapped you from your own world, noticing a new costumer in front of you. "May I get my order?"
You quickly nodded your head. "Good morning, sir." You placed another smile on your face. "What would you like to get?" You mentioned to the menu behind you. And just looking at him, you knew he was a coffee person, probably taking it as dark as possible, no sugar, no colour.
"Mmm," He scratched his facial hair. It seemed like he had shaved recently. "I would like some hot chocolate with cream on top."
You were surprised by his order, and even more, surprised because you had been wrong. You were never wrong. "What size would you like?" You grabbed three different cups, showing them to him, but before you could explain the sizes, he pointed to one of them. "Alright, sir. Would you fancy drinking your beverage here or would you prefer to take it with you?"
He glanced around, seeing that there weren't many people inside due to the early hours of the morning. "I would like to drink it here." He pointed to a table, knowing that you would carry his warm chocolate as soon as it was prepared.
As he walked away, you started preparing his drink while at the same time taking two more orders. When the warm chocolate was ready, you generously dripped some cream on top of it.
Wandering to his table, you noticed his liking. He had picked the farthest table at the cafe, next to a window, and his sunglasses were still on.  
"Here it is," You softly placed the warm drink in front of him with some napkins in case he would need them. "Enjoy your drink, sir."
As you were turning around to walk away, you couldn't help but peer at him as he was taking his sunglasses off. Then, you stopped dead in your tracks. It was him. God, you sounded like some crazy person, but it was him. He was the hazel-eyed man who had followed the thief, giving you your backpack. He was the man you wanted to thank.
"Staring is rude," He cleared his throat after sipping the warm chocolate. "Is your eye okay?"
You walked closer to him, being examined by his eyes as you sat in front of him. "I-I lost some peripheral vision in my left eye." You informed him, still getting used to the lack of peripheral vision as the knife had scarred deep within your skin.
He grumbled lowly. "I'm sorry about that." You glimpsed at him with a confused expression. "I, Uhm, I've been trying to find you as I wanted to apologize."
"Apologize for what?" You were so confused by his words.
"I jog every morning," He started. "I noticed that there was something wrong when I saw you, but the thief's back was facing me, so I didn't see that he was wearing a mask." He bit his lower lip. "I kind of just stood there, waiting for something that would tell me that I had to run over and help you." He met your gaze. "I didn't notice until I saw him pushing you around. When I got closer, you were already bleeding, and he was running away. so I wanted to apologize because I didn't act sooner."
You chuckled. "There were some people around, and they didn't do anything until they saw me bleeding. Some others just walked by while staring at me." You offered him a tiny smile. "You brought my backpack back to me." You sighed, feeling nervous under his deep stare. "And I was trying to find you too because I truly wanted to thank you for saving me. It could have been worse."
He chuckled. "Well, Uhm, that doesn't make me as crazy as people made me think I was for wanting to find you to apologize and see if you were alright."
"Did we have the same thoughts in different bodies?" You laughed. "I was trying, well, I wanted to find you too."  You scratched your neck. "But everyone told me I was being crazy and-."
"There are millions of people in the world." He continued. "And maybe you were a tourist." He rolled his eyes with a big smile on his face.
"And I only remembered," You continued to be interrupted by the man. However, both of you said the same thing. "The colour of your eyes."
You glanced at each other with wide eyes. "Wow, that's crazy." You smirked, seeming bewildered. "I-," You blushed. "I only remembered your hazel eyes."
"I'm Mitch Rapp," He offered his hand for you to shake. "And I only remembered your eyes too." Both of you chuckled, flustered and foolishly smiling at each other.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have Angel Eyes?" You both asked at the same time, puzzled by how connected you both were. Thankfully, it wouldn't be the last time you would see those Angel Eyes. And it wouldn't be the last time Mitch Rapp would see yours.
Taglist: @og-baby-ob14 - @siwiecola - @linkpk88​ -
People in bold means I can’t tag them.
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xserpentlife · 4 years
Requested: Yes - Can you please do a smut where the reader is sweet innocent she is popular and best friends with Cheryl but is secretly sleeping with sweet pea but they actually have quite kinky sex and shocks him when she whispers something dirty to him at school in public in his ear so they go back to his trailer and bang and when their done Jughead goes to sweet peas trailer to tell him about a meeting or something and is shocked to see a naked y/n wrapped in his sheets.
A/N: Hey guys hope you enjoy this one, keep requesting moodboards, stories, fsm’s, etc i love doing them. I forgot to mention that I also wrote this with @riverdalebingo​ in mind cause it fills the orgasm torture square.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk
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You were never the girl to be out in the open, at least not sexually, I mean sure you were popular, best friends with Cheryl Blossom, queen of the school, however, you and her acted completely different. She was confident, you, on the other hand, were not. Dating Sweet Pea was an entirely new game though. Sweet Pea at first thought you were sweet and innocent, thought that you were shy, and you were but you were also the complete opposite in bed.
See no one knew you and Pea were together, it wasn’t a thing of keeping it hidden but instead more the fact that you just didn’t tell anyone. Being best friends with Cheryl and her dating Toni meant that you were around Sweet Pea and Fangs all the time, you and Pea fell into a rhythm. The first time you met you walked along Sweet Water River while Cheryl and Toni made out by the bonfire. Talking through the entire night led to a kiss at the end… kinda. 
“Can I kiss you”
“Who said you had to ask…”
“Shy Y/N is a little frisky huh?”
“Guess you’ll have to get to know me to find out” with a peck to his cheek you turned and left
*flashback over* 
From that moment on Pea pined towards you, he craved you. Craved to know more about who you were, wanted to understand your every thought, what your favorite food was, favorite color, what went through your head with the faces that you made in response to people. He was so intrigued by how different you were when with him by yourself in comparison to the outside world. 
It really got to you though. Not being able to tell the world that you and Pea were together slowly but surely was killing you on the inside. You were in love with him, every second of the day you craved him. The warm vanilla woods smell, the giant hoodies you would always steal, even the flowers he would always pick from whatever he could find to bring to you. Though you were from different worlds, there was no one you felt that would be more perfect for you than him. You were tired of hiding. It wasn’t that you both decided not to tell anyone, it was more so something you fell into to protect one another, but you were tired of it and you wanted to put an end to it. 
Today on your way to school you knew you wanted today to be different. You were prepared to start a slow process towards being able to finally let people know about Pea and yourself. You strutted into school ripped jeans rolled up with a crop top and one of his flannels over it. You always tried not wearing his things in public, afraid that people would know, but you wanted to, today you craved him more than you ever had, and you couldn’t explain it. 
“Hey Cheryl”
“We have cheer practice later, be there early”
“I can’t come today” You knew today was not gonna end well if you weren’t with Pea so you lied to her saying that you had to deliver something to a friend in Greendale.
”Fine, but I expect extra practice on Monday”
“You got it, I’ll catch you later, I’m going to the lounge to see Betty”
“Hey Betts”
“Hey Y/N how are you?”
“I’m doing pretty good”
“Did you find anything out about the case you're working on for the paper? You watched as Pea and Fangs came barging in landing on the couch in front of you both. 
“No, sadly”
“how’s everything with Jug”
“Great, I actually have to go meet him now actually,  you coming to practice later?”
“No, I have to bring something to Greendale, figured I’ll just go extra hard on Monday”
“Okay well, maybe we can hang out this weekend?”
“Definitely I’ll see you later” 
“Bye,” You watched as fangs got up walking over to the vending machine and talking to Ash another serpent. Pea looked up smiling at you. You got up leaning over and bending down, ass towards him grabbing your backpack from the floor as you began to walk towards the door. You brushed his arm with your hand as you walked by, before turning around to his back and stopping. You walked to the back of the couch leaning over and whispering into his ear.
“Meet me at your place after school, I need to feel you...” 
Pea didn’t expect you to ever say anything to him at school, let alone whisper into his ear so seductively. He knew you wanted to be punished, knew you were craving it. No one was paying attention so Pea turned around and came up and grabbed the bottom of his face as he pulled you down to his level. “Trying to be a bad girl, huh, I’ll be there after you, I want you undressed on the bed understand” You whimpered nodding as you began walking away. 
You had an hour or two before Pea would be home, so you hopped into his shower, preparing yourself for the night ahead. You laid on the bed waiting for him to come home, an hour later. Hearing the door open your heart began to beat. Pea came in unclipping his belt buckle and pulling it out of his waistband. He came over making it into a pair of cuffs and putting your hands up to the bed frame, with your ass in the air. 
“What’s your safe word princess”
“That's right baby, you say that if you want to stop understanding?”
“What was that?”
“Yes sir”
“Mhm, that’s what I thought” You felt a quick slap to your ass as you moaned wanting more. 
“Beggars never get what they want princess, but maybe just this once” He crawled onto the bed his lips placing slow kisses down your back, until you felt his hand once again come down onto your ass, knowing you’d have a bruise by the end of the night. The bruises you craved. He let your wrists go for a moment, confusion overrunning you until you felt your ankles being grabbed and your body twisted as you landed on the bed once again. “Arms up princess” Your arms were tied to the headboard legs spread as he placed a kiss to the side of your neck, then to your lips tongue licking for entrance, which you so willingly gave, a surge of pleasure running through you as you moaned into his mouth once you felt the vibrator on your clit. 
“You like that princess” You nodded head turning to the side as you knew your pussy was growing wetter than it was before. Every few seconds the speed would turn up more and more. Pea’s way of teasing you. 
“Sir I’m close…”
“Sorry princess no cumming yet, can’t let a naughty girl cum so soon, you know you made me really horny earlier at school”
“I’m sorry but please, I need it” You were so close to cumming, your orgasm almost there until he took the vibe off your clit, and your body jolted from loss of touch. “Sir why”
“As I said, you’re not allowed to cum yet”
“Yes sir” he unbuckled you once again this time leaving you on the bed for a moment
“Get down here, and kneel” You climbed down the bed kneeling on the pillow he placed on the floor for you as you looked up at him, his hand coming to your hair and gripping your head just how you liked. You unzipped his pants slowly pulling them down his legs followed by his boxers as he kicked them to the side. 
“Gotta work for it princess” you spit in your hand and took his semi-hard cock in it, pumping slowly. You started stroking his length from the base and dragging your fingers towards the tip. You noticed and felt his cock get harder in your hand, feeling the vein that was ever so recognizable to you now. The first sign of precum dripping from his tip. You brought your lips down kissing the top of his cock and slowly licking the precum from him. Your mouth opening slowly as his cock slid in ever so slightly. You felt him hit the back of your throat. 
“That’s it. Take it deeper, all the way down your throat.” He coaxed as you curled your tongue around his cock. “Fuck your mouth feels so good princess”. You began slowing down a little bit, knowing what he would do if you did. You felt him push his cock deeper, you opened wider. “Want more huh?” You nodded yes, cock still in your mouth. He began thrusting faster, saliva dripping off his cock every time he pulled out slightly. You were so out of breath, he could tell, he sensed everything with you. He pulled out smacking his cock onto your face, he then put it back in shoving it deeper and deeper, choking on it once more. Even so much as keeping his cock in your throat, until you pushed him away slightly. “No no baby, keep it in I know you can” he pulled out spit dripping from everywhere tears flowing down your face. He put it in again hand wrapped around your hand as you shoved you onto his cock, you sucking as much as you could. “I’m gonna cum princess, right on that pretty face okay”. You felt his warm cum drip onto your face, not able to open your eyes. You heard him moan, and grip your hair just a little bit tighter as you felt his release land next to your lip. You brought your tongue out licking some of it up before you felt his finger wiping the cum from near your eye. “Thank you so much princess, felt so good, now I’m gonna make you feel good”. 
He grabbed the ropes from under the bed, tying your arms together in front of you while also tying the vibrator to it, he turned it on right on your clit. You couldn’t move, you were tied up. No matter how hard you tried to get it off you couldn’t. You were so sensitive from before it hurt but felt so good. 
“Sir I want to cum”
“Not yet...” You were pulling against the ropes, body jerking from the pleasure, you wanted so bad for him to allow you to cum. You felt his finger enter your pussy as you moaned out in pleasure. “So wet huh princess” He climbed up towards you, placing a kiss to your stomach before bringing his fingers to your mouth. “Want you to taste yourself” you opened your mouth slightly, his fingers sliding in, as his other hand was brought up to your breast. You watched him lean down, his lips carefully going around your nipple as he began to suck. You were feeling pleasure from so many places and your mind was racing, breathing heavy body shaking almost to the point of not being able to hold in your orgasm and he knew that, but he also knew over stimulation was your favorite. 
“Please, sir, I need it please”
“Aw but princess you look so pretty like this, I think you can hold it a bit longer” You’re so close, your body begins to tense, he can feel you start to shake. “Okay princess, cum for me”. Your body shook, your mouth moaned out in pleasure as he bit down just slightly onto your nipple. Your pussy was so sensitive, you were so tired, body still shaking from your orgasm. The vibrator still tied to your clit.
“Sir, please take it… off”
“I don’t think so baby, I think you can handle just a bit longer”
“Can’t…” Your body kept shaking there was no stopping it, your pussy was so sensitive. You sighed whimpering again, as you felt another wave of your orgasm pulse through you. You started crying from the sensitivity, the pain, and the pleasure. You pulled against the restraints of the ropes. 
“Pea… need it… off, can’t...” He started turning the vibrator down slowly, untying it from the rope. As he leaned down carefully running his fingers over your sensitive clit as your body shook, his lips placing a gentle kiss to your swollen clit. You leaned back onto the pillow, your body coming down from it’s height. He untied the ropes from your wrists, placing gentle kisses to the spots where there were marks. He crawled up to your lips placing gentle kisses along your collarbone and neck before making it to your lips. His hand came up pushing the hair out of your face. 
“You did so well for me princess” You smiled up at him, starting to nuzzle into the pillow behind you. “Wait, don't sleep yet”  He leaned over the side of the bed grabbing your water and making you take a sip then grabbed the crema for your wrists before he laid down and had you lay on his chest. He listened to your breathing start to slow. You always got tired after intense play. He always promised to stay next to you after, knowing you couldn’t sleep without him there. You fell asleep, nuzzled into his side as his hand brushed through your hair. 
Pea sat peacefully stroking his hand through your hair, the calmness and the closeness of the both of you after was one of his favorite things. He started to carefully move your head off of him so he could go to the bathroom, he was getting upright when he heard his bedroom door slam open. He looked up to see Jughead standing at the door mouth agape. He got up shoving him out of the room, carefully closing the door. 
“What the fuck are you doing, in my trailer!”
“Serpent shit, what the fuck are you doing fucking Y/N”
“It’s not any of your business”
“It is when her best friend hates the Southside”
“How did you even get with her, she is the literal opposite of you”
“Does it matter, again, none of your business”
“It is when Cheryl tries to ruin us every chance she gets!”
“No it’s fucking not because she isn’t like that. If you people would stop judging her based on who she is around there wouldn’t be any issues. You don’t even fucking know her, let alone do you understand her! She is nothing like Cheryl, but she and Cheryl have known each other since diapers Y/N is not just gonna leave her to dry, and she is trying to get Cheryl to understand we are not bad people. I care about her and she cares about me. Plus what the fuck does it matter!”
“Again Pea, I don’t give a fuck how she is people can change in a second, don’t expect to come to me when she breaks you heart, shes a fucking Northsider they are all the same and all they want to do is ruin the gang”
“How bout you Northside girl Jug, you know the one you want to make the Serpent queen, who isn’t even Serpent blood, you can’t say shit to me. Why don;t you try giving people a chance for once. You want all of us to accept Betty but yet you won’t even try to accept the people we ant to be with, now get the fuck out of my trailer, and don’t you dare say anything to anyone about her and be got it”
“What, she afraid to tell people about you”
“God no you fucking idiot, we are just being private about it, slowly  getting there, we don’t need to shove our tongues down each others throat in public to know we care about each other”
“You really care about her don’t you”
“Yeah I do, now can you leave cause I left while she was sleeping and in about two mins she is going to freak the fuck out”
You felt coldness around you, you didn’t know why so you started to stand up before you saw Pea enter the room. 
“Hey princess”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s great, was just grabbing you some apple cause I know you get hungry”
“I get hungry? I think you mean you”
“Fine, we both do”
“You okay”
“I’m great, I just… do you think we could, maybe go to school together tomorrow”
“I’d love nothing more princess” he placed a quick kiss to your lips before sitting down next you, you laid your head on his chest as he turned on a movie, and you fell asleep once again. 
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quaememinisse · 3 years
Daddy to The Rescue
Theme: Dad Bucky, Hurt/Comfort, Love
Author’s Note: Bucky saves his daughter from a swarm of wasps while hiking. I guess it was inspired by that little scene with that dumb bitch Karli Morgenthau. She looked like an innocent little kid at first that Bucky was about to rescue. I can’t remember all that happened in episode 3. I need to re-watch. I was far too baked. As usual, this little one shot is based on my series: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2799851/chapters/6284765
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Christina’s blood curdling scream causes both Bucky and Cherise’s hearts to lurch. Immediately, Bucky starts to run up ahead on the trail where Christina is visible, now flailing her little arms around as if to swat something away.
           “JAMES!” Cherise’s yell elicits a physical pain in Bucky’s chest as he glances over his shoulder, nearly snapping his neck, to see the woman trying as best she can with little Theodore in her sling, to catch up. The baby begins to cry, and once Bucky has ascertained that nothing catastrophic has happened to his wife or son, his legs never halt in propelling him towards his daughter. He reaches her long before Cherise ever would have, whether she was carrying their four-month-old or not. Hearing Christina screaming for her mother and father is the scariest noise he’s ever heard. And he had heard people take their last breath beneath the weight of his own palm. He’s close enough now to tell that Christina must have stepped in a wasp’s nest. Little red welts are already surfacing on her delicate skin, and he doesn’t hesitate to thrust himself inside the swarm, each sting unnoticeable to him. All he can hear is buzzing and his little girl screaming for dear life. He swoops her up into his arms after tearing the shirt off his back to cover her head and prevent the vicious creatures from getting into her nose and mouth.
           “Stay back—it’s bees!”
He can hardly see for a moment as the wasps start attacking him even more. A stream that he had noticed about five minutes prior sparkles in the campestral distance. At breakneck speed, he runs for it.
           “Hold your breath, baby,” he says frantically, pressing his panting mouth to where Christina’s ear is hidden beneath the fabric of his blue t-shirt. She’s crying, clutching him.
           “Hold your breath, Stina—when I tell you to,” he says desperately, loudly. Once in the air, just before the splash, he rips the shirt from her face and tells her again to hold her breath. Christina’s eyes are wider than Bucky has ever seen them before they’re both engulfed in a cold depth. The soldier kicks his legs like crazy, angling backwards several yards down the stream, hoping the child is keeping her breath held. He’s not under for more than ten seconds before he lifts her headfirst out of the water, breaching the surface and frantically looking about to see whether the swarm is still near them. Thankful that there’s not a wasp in sight, he can hear Christina whimpering.
           “James?! James?! Christina!”
The baby crying because Cherise is screaming is even more distressing to Bucky. He can hear Cherise not too far in the distance. He pulls Christina out of the water, eying her stings. The damage is significant and her face is starting to swell up. The greatest fear he has ever felt consumes him as the six-year-old cries uncontrollably. Cherise finally makes her way towards them, hurrying and trying not to further antagonize Theodore, who is wailing.
           “Oh my god! Oh my god! Stina!”
Cherise catches a glimpse of the child’s stings, Bucky heaving, wet, and topless, also stung in a number of places, the redness very visible against his pallor in the high noon sunlight.
           “It hurts!” Christina cries, reaching for her leg where the stings are the worst, her little hands trembling.
           “Hang on, baby—I’ve got you,” Bucky promises reassuringly, though he’s more terrified than he lets on. He glances up at Cherise, who is eying them both with panic. Bucky picks Christina up quickly, starting towards the path.
           “We gotta get to a hospital right now,” he breathes. He’s just thankful they hadn’t spent more than five minutes on the trail before this happened. Cherise nearly trips trying to keep up with Bucky. He turns around to look at her fearfully, telling her to be careful, asking her if she has any water. Cherise hands her insulated bottle to Bucky and he pours the iced water contents over the stings on Christina’s leg, all while making his way to the car. Cherise is crying, though Theo has calmed down. Christina is still crying, clutching the soldier’s metal arm.
           “Daddy,” she wails.
           “It’s gonna be okay, baby,” he insists, kissing her forehead as he scans the parking lot for their car. For a moment, his heart sinks into his chest. The keys aren’t in his pocket. But Cherise immediately unlocks the car and starts to put Theodore in his seat. Bucky finds himself thankful that Cherise had picked up his backpack when he started running towards Christina. He didn’t even notice himself dropping it. Had she not picked it up, he’d have had to run back down the trail just to retrieve the keys. He pauses to double check and make sure that Theo’s car seat is buckled in properly, Christina huddled in Cherise’s lap, clutching her mother and crying, swelling up more by the moment. Fearing that soon her throat will close, Bucky starts to drive. He had seen a sign for a hospital not far from the hiking grounds, and he floors it. He barely stops the car before Cherise rushes towards the entrance, Christina in her arms. Bucky finds himself panting as his hands tremble and he unbuckles Theodore’s seat completely instead of picking him up out of it.
“You’re okay, buddy,” he says, the baby having begun to fuss. He makes his way right after Cherise, clutching the baby’s seat, not even bothering to lock the car. He’s in soon enough to see a team of nurses rushing Christina away on a bed, Cherise following.
“You’re gonna be okay, Stina,” Cherise explains reassuringly. Bucky rushes alongside Cherise. Christina is crying for her mother, clutching her leg. The couple only makes it up to a set of doors before they’re told they have to let the doctor handle things. Bucky gently places Theo’s seat against the wall and grips Cherise’s shoulders.
“She’ll—she’ll be okay,” he says, but the way his lips quiver momentarily makes it known that he’s not sure about this. Cherise’s eyes widen as she scans Bucky up and down. Finally, the soldier can feel the pain of the stings. But they’re mild compared to the pain he feels for his daughter. Cherise’s hand is trembling as she cups his cheek and he winces. His jaw has been stung, his forehead, his neck, just about everywhere. Yet, he wasn’t swelling up and he didn’t look nearly as bad as his daughter. Before Cherise can utter another word, her gaze travels skywards a moment before she suddenly loses balance.
           “Hey—whoa,” Bucky breathes, catching Cherise before she can make contact with the linoleum. He calls for help loudly and Theo starts to cry again, startled by the noise.
           “Cherry? Cherry,” Bucky calls, holding her head in his hands. Before Bucky knows it, a nurse is directing him to let her head down gently. She starts shining a light in Cherise’s eyes and the woman is awake again.
           “Where’s my baby?” she mumbles weakly, her eyes half open.
           “Is this your child right here, ma’am?” the nurse asks calmly. Bucky begins to feel a chill. He hadn’t noticed until now that he’s wet from head to toe. He’s on his knees clutching Theo, rocking to try and get him to stop crying, and pushing his flesh hand through Cherise’s hair, calling her name. She seems disoriented.
           “Sir, you’re damp. Let me take the baby. You’re going to need some attention, too…sir? May I have your boy—?” He remains completely focused on Cherise, begging her to wake up and look at him, tapping her cheek. He feels a pair of hands begin to encircle Theo.
“Don’t touch him!” Bucky barks immediately, hardly having heard the nurse speak at all.  The nurse jumps back and Bucky closes his eyes a moment. Someone drapes a blanket over his shoulders.
           “I—I’m sorry…Please help us,” he utters.
             He can’t look away from Christina, having finally managed to step away from a doctor after they realized he wasn’t in nearly as poor shape as his daughter. In fact, he was beginning to heal. Cherise is sitting by the bedside, holding Theo, his face hidden beneath a blanket as she nurses him. She hasn’t taken her eyes off of Christina, either. The parents keep watching to see that the girl is continuing to inhale and exhale.
           “Are you okay, babe?” Bucky asks. Had he not caught Cherise when she fainted, she’d probably be concussed. She takes a deep breath that she doesn’t let go of for several seconds.
Initially, she hadn’t looked beyond her peripheral vision at Bucky and had mistaken him for a doctor, as they had put him in a set of dry ceil scrubs, seeing as he had lost his shirt and gotten soaked in the whole incident.
           ‘Today was supposed to be…so much fun.”
           “I’m just glad you’re all okay,” Bucky explains, stepping inside and staring down at Christina. Her swelling has gone down significantly and she’s sleepy under sedation. She had started to fight the doctor when she tried to address the stings and had to be kept still. Christina didn’t enjoy being poked and prodded at, and both Bucky and Cherise knew it was necessary, but they didn’t like that it had come to this. The child was screaming for mom and dad, trying to get away, it had to be done. He gently caresses the top of Christina’s head, his eyes watering.
           “I should have been paying attention,” he says angrily, more to himself than anyone else, “I should have told her to stop running ahead—”
           “It’s not your fault, James,” Cherise says genuinely.
           “I’m supposed to protect her—I should’ve goddamn seen—”
           “You did protect her. And you couldn’t have stopped this from happening, James. She’s stable now. That’s all that matters. She’s lucky you saw that stream and got to her when you did.” He sighs, his arm whirring. Cherise gazes up at him, nodding his head in the negative, his eyes closed and his fist clenching at his side.
           “We’re not going hiking again,” he says with finality, looking over at Cherise. She knew he meant this. It wasn’t something they were going to have a conversation about.
           “It’s bad enough this happened to Stina…If you had stepped into that nest with Theo—” Bucky stares hard into space a moment, furious with himself. Cherise is merely relieved. Both their children are alive and okay. It could have been worse.
His arm continues to whir erratically.
He sighs and his shoulders finally drop as she utters his name again calmingly. If he hadn’t been there, Cherise isn’t sure she’d have known what to do. Her eyes water for a few seconds as Bucky gazes at her with such apology that it touches her soul. She starts to burp Theo, having pulled her shirt back down and removed the blanket. The baby boy is completely content, unaware that his sister nearly died just an hour or so prior. He makes his way over to Cherise and kneels in front of her, holding Theo’s socked foot.
           “Are you okay?” he asks again. Cherise nods. Theo coos, and the sound eases Bucky a bit more. He kisses her knee lingeringly, smooth from under her shorts. He breathes a sigh of relief. All he wanted to do was pack them all back into the car and take them home. He finds himself thankful that he thinks so fast. He had never been stung by wasps before, but knew exactly what to do. He glances at Christina again, her stung up face rather red. His heart lurches. If he had reached the child just a few seconds later, she might have swallowed a handful of the stinging bastards and died. He’s thankful, for once, to be fast and so strong. So unnaturally strong. He might have drowned with his daughter in that stream if it weren’t for his super strength. He only hopes that she makes as speedy a recovery as he already is. Though Cherise can tell how terrified he was, he doesn’t ever say it. She knew. He wouldn’t show her that.
           Christina moans. Her hand reaches for her face. She winces, and her little nose wrinkles until her whole face contorts into pain. Bucky is at her side immediately, holding her hands away from her face. He scoops her into his arms.
           “Don’t touch the stings, baby—you gotta let them heal,” he says sweetly, caressing the top of her head and repeatedly moving her hands away from where she reaches for the injuries.
           “Shhhh,” he breathes soothingly. Christina relaxes a bit as Cherise makes her way to the door with Theo in her arms, stating that she’s going to go get the nurse. Theo’s eyes catch Bucky’s on her way out the door and for a moment, he swears the infant smiles at him. For a moment, Bucky smiles himself. Though Christina is uncomfortable, he knows she’ll be okay. He thanks himself wholeheartedly, burying his nose in her hair. She still smells the way she did when she was born. Something sweet, something reminiscent of Cherise. A few tears escape Bucky’s closed eyes.
           “You’re okay, baby.”
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boomjohnny · 4 years
i like that dummy. Like crazy. You can’t even imagine, dude. [sequel]
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*this is pt 1, pls read that before this one if u haven’t!
**sorry this took 5 years also y’all are seniors in this dont worry they arent like freshman or sophomores and like thirsty like that lol
pairing - jock!jaehyun x fem!reader
word count - 2.3k
genre - soft sheep fluff, if u squint i guess it’s might be suggestive at one part(?)
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[ 10:32 A.M ]  To say that the first minute of the walk outside with Jaehyun was not awkward as hell would be a horrible, horrible lie. Your eyes seemed to dart everywhere but the jock next to you, who stayed surprisingly silent. You wonder if this was a joke; some sick bet that the basketball team set him up to. 
They were infamous for their ruthless pranks, with their victims ranging from babies fresh from middle school to the most ancient of teachers. You shudder at a junior year memory of seeing Mr. Dong’s boxers for the first time.
Yeah, they pantsed him not once, not twice, but three times before the poor guy ran out screaming.
You remember Jaehyun laughing and doing stupid handshakes with his friends when they found out he resigned the next day. Your feet pull to a halt.
Is he going to laugh at you like that too?
A pair of weathered checker Vans appear in front of your hi-tops. “What’s wrong? Are you actually sick?” 
The concern in his voice was even more concerning for you. This wasn’t what you expected. You inhale sharply, before looking him in the eye.
“I should be asking you that! Did you take some mind altering drug this morning? How can you-” You grab the crumpled confession from your pocket and fling it at his chest. It falls limply between the two of you.  “-throw this thing at me?”
“I mean, I’ve been throwing things at you all year,” He says coolly, picking the ball up. “You just happened to finally open one. Pity you didn’t catch my paper planes. Those had little hearts on it. Or my paper cranes, those had-”
“It isn’t funny, you know.”
Jaehyun puts his hands in his pockets. “What isn’t?”
“Playing with other people’s feelings,” You bite the inside of your cheek. “I know you and your little basketball team think it’s the fucking BALLS to make other people feel like shit and I don’t know what stupid bet this was, but-”
“So you’re sad about it?”
“You’re sad at the possibility that I might not like you?” He takes a step closer. “That this all might just be a bet?”
With one firm tug on your wrist, he pulls you closer. His breath feels warm on your forehead. Your heart pounds so hard in your chest you wouldn’t be surprised if it just pops out onto the floor.
“Well, you’re wrong.” His arm snakes around your waist so suddenly and so firmly that you wonder if you’ll go into cardiac arrest. “This isn’t a bet.”
You’re so close to him now you can see the little snow-like freckles on his nose from summer. The warmth around your waist feels electrifying.
“Jaehyun, what-”
“I said it in the letter, said it in class and I’ll say it again. I like you, Y/N. And I like you a lot. And I also get the feeling that-” He gives you a shit eating grin. “-you feel the same way.”
“…maybe.” You mumble, eyes fixated on a piece of lint on the ground.
“Maybe?” He grabs your chin so you’re facing him. “You gonna break my heart, Y/N?”
You see yourself in his eyes, and for a moment, you wonder if he can see himself in yours.
“Jaehyun…” Your start, but inaudible words come out of your lips again. Jaehyun puts a teasing hand up to his ear and lean over.
“I can’t hear you, Y/N. Speak loud-”
“-okay you know what, fuck it-” You inhale sharply. “-you’re too CLOSE, Jaehyun. I CAN’T THINK PROPERLY BECAUSE YOU’RE TOO CLOSE TO ME AND MY HEART IS BEATING TOO FAST.” 
Your face feels hot and you’re certain you look like a tomato again. You look away, the cringe from the words that came out of your mouth sinking in.
WHY DID I SAY THAT? ARE WE IN WATTPAD? WHAT WAS THAT, Y/N? You internally scream at yourself, wondering why he wasn’t saying anything.
There’s a pause where the warmth around your waist disappears. An unconscious pout appears on your lips from the absence of his touch, an action that he most definitely notices. 
“That was a good enough answer for me, ma'am.”
And suddenly, your back is against the lockers with Jung Jaehyun’s lips on yours.
He tastes like the pink lemonade from the cafeteria, a little too sweet, a little too artificial, but you don’t feel yourself pulling away anytime soon. His arm finds its way around your waist again and his fingers draw soft circles down the small of your back. Your hands go down from his hair to his neck when he brings your body even closer. It’s only when you nibble on his lower lip that he pulls away, his cheeks dusted a very warm pink. For a moment, it seems like he’s going to kiss you again, but instead he takes a step back and turns around.
As he fixes his hair, the tips of his ears peek out of his locks. They’re scarlet red like syrup on shaved ice. 
How cute.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jaehyun blush before - or embarrassed, for that matter. To be frank, you wondered if that was even possible, since his smug face seemed to be the only thing he ever wore when he strode down the school hallways during lunch or when he sat at your dining table during neighbourhood parties.
“Where did you…” He says slowly, lips slightly red and swollen. “Where did you learn that?”
“Learn what?” You say innocently, slightly proud of yourself for making The Jung Jaehyun flustered for once. 
“You’re a good kisser Y/N,” He shakes his head, taking a step towards you again. “So who have you been kissing?”
A surge of confidence flows through you from the compliment. 
“Sorry Jaehyun but-” You smirk up at him. “-I don’t kiss and tell.”
He raises an eyebrow, inching in again and placing hand next to your head, trapping you. You look at his lips and back at him again, with a gaze that almost dared him to come to you again, almost challenged him to capture your lips in his again and not pull away so fast this time. 
“Y/N,” He growled under his breath. His eyes suddenly looked very hungry. “If we weren’t in school I swear-”
As if it knew that words that were not fit for a school were at the tip of Jaehyun’s tongue, the bell rang. Students poured out of classrooms, some groaning about their classes, some excitedly talking about the weekend, some looking like plain zombies who lost their taste for human brains. 
You saw Doyoung come out of a hallway with Mark and Yuta who, although you thought you were quick enough to push Jaehyun away without anyone seeing, were quite sharp. 
“Well…I guess I’ll go to Chem now.” You clear your throat, slinging your bag (fell off your back when you were making out) over your shoulder.
 As you start to walk away to catch up with Doyoung (who walked past the two of you secretly with a devilish smile), Jaehyun catches your wrist again, in an almost panicked way that a child might do when their parents leave them at a kindergarten for the first time. 
“Wait! Uh…will I see you again today?”
You look at his wrist, smiling. “If you want to.”
His grip relaxes, and he puts his hands in his pockets again. “Today, 6:30 at the quad?”
“So late?”
“Why? Think you’ll miss me too much?”
You roll your eyes, turning away again.
“Just joking, just joking,” He pulls you back. “I have practice. Oh! You could come watch if you want. Straight after school, at the courts. You know, I’m known to be pretty sexy when I play basketball. Sweaty, glistening, sometimes my shirt comes up-”
You put a hand in front of his face, covering his dumb wiggling eyebrows.
“Sure, sure I’ll come,” You wave a hand as you begin walking away. He doesn’t stop you again but instead his dimples go back on full display. “I’ll probably be watching Taeyong though, he’s really handsome-”
The second bell rings, the only people left in the hallway are the two of you, an amused Doyoung and Yuta and Mark who are eavesdropping at the back.
You run before he can catch you again, and stop hastily when you reach Doyoung at the end of the hallway. The look he’s giving you makes you want to punch him. 
“Did. I. Not. Tell. You. That. Boy. Likes. You.” He says, each time he claps after a word making you groan more. ‘What. Did. I. Say. You. Clown.”
“Yes, yes, you were right.” You sigh as the two of you enter the class and settle down in your lab seats. 
“So, what happened exactly?” 
“Well,” Your hand stops shuffling your backpack for your textbook. The image of Jaehyun pinning you to the lockers flashes in your mind, his hand on your waist… “Nothing much.” You say, rather unconvincingly.
“Boo, don’t lie,” Doyoung says, flicking on his horn-rimmed glasses when the teacher begins to give a rather boring presentation on acids. “It was a trick question, I saw y’all nasty asses kissing.”
“How did you-”
“When I told you that you were lewd, I didn’t mean to act on it! And to think! In this holy educational institute, where a fourteen year old freshman baby could’ve seen, y’all nasties were-”
Suddenly, the class is quiet, and the teacher, a very weathered man who was apparently a retired scientist called Mr. Yang casted you a very offended glance. You can see Doyoung trying his best not to laugh and you pinch him on the leg.
“Is there a problem, Y/N? Or rather-” His eyes narrow on Doyoung, who was now biting his cheek to prevent a smile. “-a problem with Doyoung? Do you want me to move you?”
“No, no. Ah Doyoung was just-” You peek quickly at the presentation behind him. “-telling me a fun fact about hydronium! It was so shocking, I couldn’t hold back… Yes, I could not. Sorry about that, sir.”
Though unconvinced, he let out a grunt and continued on, the class going back to normal. You let out a deep breath and tried to focus on the moving dots on the screen that were supposed to be particles. 
“You know, I was lying earlier. I only saw the two of you talking. But wow. Did you actually kiss him? Was he good? Did he do tongue?”
You bite your lip to stop another shout from erupting from your lips. Something told you this time Mr. Yang would kick you out for the rest of the year if you interrupted him again.
You resorted stepping on Doyoung’s foot very, very hard.
- and back to somewhere not so far away, in the past -
“Y/N!” Jaehyun shouts, a smile on his lips at the girl’s retreating figure. He shook his head, still in a slight daze from what just happened. However, he had no time to recover as two slaps on his back and a very loud “DUDE” sounded in his ear.
“MARK! You scared me, oh my god,” Jaehyun says, rubbing his ear as Yuta slings his arm around his shoulder.
“So,” Yuta says, exchanging mischievous grins with Mark. “how was the nurse’s office?”
“Huh?” Jaehyun says in confusion, before retracting almost immediately. “OH! Yeah, you know…Y/N put some ice to her forehead…”
A snort came from Yuta and Mark started giddy laughing like he inhaled some helium gas. 
“STOP LYING, DUDE. We saw you, alright? Acting all mushy by the lockers and looking into each other’s eyes like you were Romeo and Juliet or something.” 
“What the-weren’t you in class?”
Yuta rolled his eyes. “Do you really think we would actually do self-study? You have severely underestimated us, Jeffrey.”
The three of them began walking towards the courts for P.E. It was Jaehyun’s favourite subject but the only thing that he thought about the entire time was you. Your awkward but adorable confession, your flushed cheeks when he confessed to you, the feeling of your lips against his… 
For the first time in his four years of high school, his P.E classmates found him utterly useless during a game of sports.
“Is something wrong with Jeffrey today?” Someone said from the showers after the lesson as Jaehyun was changing his shirt. 
“I’m fine!” He shouted back, even though he wasn’t really. Very soon he would be going back to the courts but there would be one small difference. You would be there, watching him, and something about that got his heart pounding very hard, indeed. 
“Yeah, right.” Someone else chimed in, also from the showers. “Jaehyun’s got himself a girlfriend.” 
“Yeah they were smooching-” 
“Yuta, Mark, if you don’t want to run ten laps, you’ll shut up now,” Jaehyun says, quickly swiping on some cologne on his wrist. Taeyong, the basketball team’s forward raised an eyebrow at this. 
“Cologne? Jaehyun do you actually-”
Jaehyun was too engrossed in shoving his stuff into his Superdry as quick as possible to notice Taeyong had been talking to him. It was only when the bag was over his shoulder that Jaehyun turned to him, with a look that Taeyong could only describe as determination.
“Taeyong, bro, if a crazy girl wearing a denim skirt and red hi-tops stares at you later during practice, tell her to back off, and that she needs to stop looking at you, okay?”
Jaehyun pats the older boy’s shoulder and begins to walk away, a spring already forming in his step at the thought of seeing you.
Taeyong blinks. “What? Who’s that?”
“Some dummy who made me miss class. But you know what?”  
He turns back again, a twinkle in his eyes.
“I like that dummy. Like crazy. You can’t even imagine, dude.”
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honeybeewriter · 4 years
Angel in disguise
Chapter 2: The New Girl
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AN:So this is way at the start of MHA, back at USJ. So we are in it for the long haul. I hope you enjoy chapter two of Angel in disguise. All feed back and comments are welcomed and loved!!
Word count: 2.4k
Who was he? Was it one of kyoka’s friends? His eyes were so beautiful, No No NO distractions (y/n)! You have to focus on your grades, no time for boys!! Your eyes focus on nothing as you walk alongside Power Loader, who is talking about his class and what to expect. A sudden finger snapping in front of your face startles you out of your trance. “(l/n) are you even listening? Geez you're much like mei hatsume, always off in their own little world.” The ginger sighed, shaking his head in shame. “But that's quite alright, if you are anything like her than your a hard worker.”
You quickly bounced back from your daydreaming “Sir all with respect, I was number one in my class. So I can guarantee i'm a hard worker, after all, failure is the key to improving.” Your eyes firm as you watch the floor under your feet. It felt like forever you’ve been walking. Suddenly an arm swings out in front of you as a rather large explosion races out a door. “HATSUME!!” Power Loader growled as he made his over to the girl. 
The salmon hair girl jumps up, this must be mei hatsume.. You thought as you watched your teacher chew her out. “Power loader sensia, I'm sorry for the mess but my precious just needs fine tuning! That's all!!” She chatters on for a bit until spotting you, rushing to you in a heartbeat “You must be the transfer student!!! I'm Hatsume please meetcha!!”  She spoke in a cheerful voice her hand extended to yours, you take her hand shaking it with vigor. “Im (L/n) (Y/n) ‘It’s very nice to meet you”
You meet the rest of the class H, already molding into the small classes family like system. Things were looking super! Filling out paperwork wasn't too bad. Looking among your new class your heart swells with fulfillment, this is where you were meant to be. The smell of smoke and grease, the sounds of metal on metal and the roar of the welder. Everything seemed to be falling into place. You sat at your table with Mei, listening to her ramble about her latest baby. 
No one in the bakusquad had said anything yet, as soon as they got into the classroom, kaminari was already asking questions “Who was that new cutie with the wings? Is she a new student? Can i have her number?” Jiro stabs the bouncy electric boy with her earjacks shushing him quickly “Kami, stop she’s the girl i mentioned the other week , the exchange student from america, she's my host sister.” Jiro sighed as she explained to the squad not just kaminari. Kirishima and Mina were gushing over the addition to the squad. 
Bakugou was off in daydream land, very uncommon for the blasty boy. Kirishima nudged him, knocking him from his thoughts and let out a ‘OI’ before eyeing everyone who was making goo goo eyes, teasing him over the fact he was spaced out. 
“Oooo looks like bakugou has a crush!!” chimed mina “I saw him staring at her like a pedazo de caramelo” (piece of candy) Sero added into the conversation ‘damn it what did he say’ Bakugou's eye twitched as he reached his limit. “WHAT DID YOU SAY, LOSERS I’LL BLAST YOU ALL TO HELL!” he growled, but Aizawa entered the classroom with a scowl “Bakugou is there a problem” His scarf hovering with a small red glow coming from the older male. 
“Now that we are focused, first, I want to mention tomorrow we will be heading to the U.S.J, It's a facility that specializes in search and rescue. Now onto today's lesson” Aizawa turns to the board and begins his lesson plan, midoriya mumbles filling the quiet room. The teacher turns around shooting a glare to the green haired boy, who stops with a soft apology. 
The bell for lunch rings throughout the prestigious school halls. The classes spilled from their rooms, the chatter of the students grew loud, and kinda nerve racking, there were so many unfamiliar faces. You chewed your lip as you stood alone in the doorway of classroom H, ‘maybe i should just eat in here.. Wait that red hair! I remember that hair!! Maybe kyoka is with them!’  As you thought, jiro comes through the sea of students, with a frown. Behind her you see the same group as this morning. Your wings shuffle behind you as you waved to kyoka. 
Jiro waved back and motioned you to come along, and you quickly made your way over; holding onto her backpack like a lost child. Something you had always done with your mother. Your memories flooded back as you zoned out the chatter of everyone 
“Mommy?!” you hiccuped as you wander the crowded mall, you have gotten separated from your mother. A small 10 year old wanders around the mall calling out for her mother “Mommy!!” Tears bubble in your eyes as you finally sit down and sob. On goers just pass you, not paying any mind to you.  Your wings twitch and fluff around your shoulders trying to keep others out. 
After what felt like hours, a pair of familiar arms scoops up your tired body “Oh angel cake! There, there, momma has you now. It's okay baby.. Momma is so sorry.” Your mother nuzzles your cheek, tears in her own eyes. Mother was so scared that she had lost her little angel. You clutched onto her shirt with a vice grip, your wings shivering. From that point on you always held onto your mother's hand or pants leg. 
Your mind returned to reality as kyoka patted your hand “Hey, I'm going to get some food, anything you see that you like?” She asked with a soft smile. Your eyes wandered the bar of food, finally landing on some rice cakes. “Rice cakes sound pretty good.” Your wings ruffle at the thought of the yummy treat. Kyoka nods and sets you down at the squads table. 
Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and bakugou were already seated and had food. While you were spaced out jiro had pulled over to the side until you zoned back in, so you wouldn't have been frightened by sudden questions from the squad. 
“So what’s your name!” Kirishima grinned “OMG kiri so rude! We should introduce ourselves first!!” Mina squealed before clearing her voice with a cough. 
“Im Mina!” Mina smiles as the rest of the group follows
 “Im Kirishima! It's nice to meet you!”
 “Im Sero.”
“Im Kaminari but you can call me anytime!” Kaminari’s flirting earned him a jab in the shoulder from Mina “owie!! Not cool” Mina shoots a glare towards bakugou who was off was looking off in a different direction. “And that loser is bakugou! His bark is worse than his bite.” That got his attention, nearly snapping his neck as he shoots daggers at the bubbly pink girl “What did you say!!” His eyes drifted over to you. ‘Tsk’  You gave him a soft wave as he turned to his food. “Im (L/n) I’m in class H” 
With that the questionnaire started:
“Is it true you're from america?” 
“What's your quirk?” 
“I make objects from my arms.” 
“What about your wings?” 
“They are cosmetic, i was born with them but they are too weak for me to use them” 
“Can i have your num-” 
Before kaminari could finish his sentence jiro stabs him with an earphone jack. “Down boy!” She growled as she sat down next to you. “Here you go, (F/n) “ jiro hands you a small plate with a few rice cakes with some greens. “Yall stop pestering her, she just flew in this morning.” Jiro jabs chopsticks at the group. In a small whisper “kyoka it’s okay i don’t mind.” You gave her a soft smile when she looked at you with the ‘Are you sure’ look. 
Bakugou watches you from the side, laughing and chatting with his frie- extras. Maybe you wouldn't be so bad. He thought as he chewed mindlessly on his hot meal that his mother packed. His mind wandered ‘those wings could be used in defense or attack if she learned.. She mentioned she could make objects, maybe it’s like ponytail’s quirk’  his thought stopped as the bell for class to return rung. He silently growled as he got up with his tray shoving off his friends not bothering to wait for them. 
Mina and kyoka walk you back to classroom H. Mina was first to part to head back to class 1-A, Kyoka staying behind to talk to you “everything going okay so far (f/n)?” She asked as she straightened your tie, “Yes! Everything is going wonderfully! Oh! You better hurry back to class we can talk after school!!” You gave your host sister a warm smile as she began to walk back to her own classroom.
After school you and Kyoka meet back at the bus stop along with the squad. You end up exchanging numbers with mina, sero, kirishima and kaminari. Mina would give you bakugou's number over text since he had already started his way home. You wave goodbye to your new friends out the bus window, then turning to kyoka. “Today was amazing!! My classmates are so fun! They understand me and make me feel so welcomed!” you gushed happily to kyoka, who wore a smile as she listened. After awhile the bus came to their stop. Both exiting the bus and heading inside the home. 
Mika and kyotoku sat at the kitchen table, Mika reading a casual book as kyotoku scrolled on his phone, waiting for the two kids. “Mom, dad we’re home!” Kyoka called out as you both took off your shoes. “Hey kiddos! How was school!?” Kyotoku beamed as he looked up from his phone, swinging his arm over his chair. “It was amazing!! I met kyoka’s friends and my classmates are so fun!! I really like U.A!” You respond happily. Both mika and kyotoku smiled as you talked about your day “that’s wonderful, dear. Now are you kids hungry?” Mika asked as she stands up, tying her apron around her waist 
“Kinda.” kyoka says going to the pantry to look for some sort of food. “Also tomorrow class 1-A is going to the U.S.J building for search and rescue training. I should be pretty good at that!” Kyoka pulls down some bowls of ramen, “(y/n) would you like some ramen. Mom makes its really well!” she exclaimed “Hell yeah she does! Mika is an amazing cook!” Kyotoku adds in. “well if she has two five star reviews.. Of course!!” You laugh as mika flusters from the attention. 
“Haha you two didnt have to put me on spot like that!” Mika smiled as she placed a large pot on the stove filling it with broth and veggies. “You two go chance and relax, i'll call you when it’s ready” She gave you both a gentle smile. You and kyoka both go to your rooms and change from the uniform, of course you struggle a bit with your wings but you manage to pull off the garment. You look at your phone as you tug down your tank top. Oh its mina! You pulled up your phone.
Hey girl! Here is bakugou’s # (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 
                                       Oh thank you mina! Are you sure he doesnt mind?
Naaah he might snap and call us names                                                           But he loves us, his ego is just too big lol 
                                                                                       Oh okay lol! Thanks!
You entered in the number that mina gave you and shot him a quick message to let him know that it was you. 
Hey! Its (L/N)! Mina gave me your #. 
Bakugou pulls his shirt up as he wipes the sweat from his face, a ping from his phone catches his attention. Now he might be an asshole but he will look at their group chats and individual messages. He tsked as he set you to his contacts 
                                                      New extra 
Hey! It’s (L/N)! Mina gave me your #.
                                                           Whatever Extra. Just stay out of my way 
You chuckled as you read his text, not minding it much, kyoka and mina both warning you that he was a hothead and focused on being number one hero.
 Your view of heroes was 50/50. Yeah they helped but a lot of american heroes were greedy and selfish, only doing it for the money. You remembered when young All Might visited america. Even if you were just five, he changed your view on heroes, you wanted to grow up and be like all might. But when your wings were dubbed premature, that did slow down your dream. Once you found out your quirk was truly making things, your dad filled your head with dreams of being a support hero. Making items for heroes, it's not as flashy as being a hero; but you're still helping the people and heroes. So its a dream in the making! 
After dinner you found yourself laying in bed texting each of the squad members:
You learned that kirishima was a manly man, and he loved meat, and sparring!
Mina and you both gossiped about cute people in each of your classes, and talking about how both love dancing!
How despite his flirty nature, Kaminari is actually a hell of a sweetheart and you both got into a meme war. You won his respect. 
Sero was really chill and you both talked and exchanged stories of the past. 
As for bakugou, he asked you questions surprising you and kyoka, who has been sitting with you in your room as you text the squad,while she worked on her music. 
You got those wings, why aren't you in a hero course?
                                                          Well, my wings are premature and the                                                              doctors say I wouldn't be able to use them.
Fuck the doctors, You can use that                                                              chicken wings if you fucking tried. 
                                                           Haha, I doubt i would be a good hero
Not with that attitude. 
Kyoka giggled as she pointed to the phone “Dude he actually likes you! He never speaks to us like that! You tamed him!” You both share a laugh before texting him ‘Goodnight’  Kyoka closes her book and gives you a smile. “Well i'm heading to bed since we are training tomorrow. So goodnight, (f/n)” you nod as she left, saying your goodnight as well. You stare at your phone screen a little longer. 
                                  New message from ‘Bakugou’
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years
#8 Glenn & Nick 🥺
!! DnDads 48 spoilers in this !! 
38; “Take my seat” 
Also Glenn is a Dad-rock cover band artist in this instead of Christmas music because Freddie said dadrock in episode 7 and later in episode I think 14, and I fucking live by that baby. 
It was an early morning. Glenn was heading to his band practice at an hour that should be illegal for his bastard bandmates to schedule a practice and he was, frankly, feeling like shit. 
They’d been back from the forgotten realms for about three months now, and settling back into normal life was the hardest part. Specifically, settling back into normal life without Nick. The house always felt to empty, to open. To quiet without his son playing video games in the other room or cooking in the kitchen. Too quiet with just him. 
Glenn had gotten a dog not long after, to try and combat some of that crippling loneliness. The grief all coming t back to him now that he genuinely doesn’t have a single piece of Morgan left to hold onto. It hurt so much. It hurt and it hurt and it hurt. He lied awake at night thinking about how he could’ve done this differently. He came home and expected to see his teenager on the couch watching video games, greet him with a nonchalant, “Sup, pops?”
And every time, Glenn sat in the floor of what used to be Nick’s bedroom and cried until he had no tears left. 
He sat on the subway, leaned back in the seat, scrolling through twitter on his phone and trying to zone out to the music in his earbuds but never quite succeeding. His mind was racing too much for that. He was too... Too sad. Glenn knew he was really in it when not even his music could help him escape reality. And it’s not like he could smoke up or something. 
The doors to the subway train opened, and Glenn felt his whole heart stop. Everything went in slow motion as a thirteen year old Asian kid and his dad walked on. The kid had a bob of black hair, and a bright red streak in it. he was grinning, laughing even. 
He watched Nick come onto the train and grab onto one of the poles after scanning for a seat. Glenn knew Nick was on his way to school, and he guessed whatever the fuck his new dads name was is on his way to work. They stood and talked for a minute. 
Glenn wanted to say something so bad. He wanted to run his fingers through Nick’s hair and hug him so close. He wanted to kiss the top of his head and tell him all the things he didn’t say enough when he had the time to. 
I love you. 
I’m so proud of you. 
I’m sorry. 
I should’ve done better. 
I could’ve been better. 
I’m so sorry, Nick. 
You mean everything to me. 
But he can’t do that. he can’t take his own son’s hand and remind him that, if Glenn could, he’d hang the moon and stars for him. Because Nick doesn’t know who he is. 
The subway started back up, and Glenn watched as his scrawny boy, his beautiful son who doesn’t have any sort of balance or muscle fort shit, almost looses his grip and falls. And he would’ve, if his ‘new dad’ hadn’t caught his arm. Glenn doesn’t know the bastard’s name. He never cared to learn. 
“Take my seat, kid.” Glenn offered, standing up and moving to grab onto one of the grip straps near the door. 
“Oh- uh, thanks, sir!” And Nick took the seat. He set his backpack in his lap and leaned forward on it to keep chatting with his dad. And he looked so happy. Glenn tries to remember the last time Nick looked that happy. He thinks it was before Morgan died. 
Glenn looked back down at his phone, pretending to not be listening to the conversation happening between the two. 
“Oh! Nick, I asked Mom about those guitar lessons you were talking about. She said we’d look around for a teacher, she’s good things about a couple in the area.”  “Awesome! I just- I think it’d be cool to play guitar. Like one of those cool rock stars, ya know?”  “Yeah, of course, kiddo.”
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cals-sunflower · 5 years
Mine (N.M)
A/n: This was written for Chan’s 700 challenge which is hosted by @temperaryheart ! My first time ever entering a writing challenge and I’m super excited!! It is like 1 am, so please forgive any mistakes. But I’m tired hope you guys enjoy :)
You and Nick have been roommates ever since you were looking for a roommate to go half with on an apartment which was about 3 years. Being that the apartments in La were not cheap. At first, you thought that you weren’t going to find a roommate until you crossed paths with Nick. He had overheard you talking about needing a roommate.
“I’m sorry to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help overhearing you need a roommate. Honestly I’m trying to move out of my old apartment, I’d love to be your roommate,” the stranger gave you a small smile.
“Are you serious? Thank goodness! I’m Y/n nice to meet you,” you stuck your hand out waiting for him to introduce himself and shake your hand. He shook your hand and gave you a bigger smile.
“Hi, I’m Nick. It’s nice to meet you too,” and within a month he became your roommate.
“Y/n, come here for a second,” Nick yelled out to you. To which you replied with a quick “coming”. You walked downstairs to the living room finding Nick on the couch with his phone set up. You sat next to him and saw he was on live.
“The people wanna see you ma’am,” you have a wave to the camera and seen that the views went up.
“Nick, they like me more than you loser,” you let out a giggle and crossed your feet on the couch.
“I did not bring you down here just for you to bully me. It doesn’t work like that,” Nick crosses his arms with a pout making you kiss his cheek.
“Whatever you say shark boy,” you began to look at comments which was blowing up at the moment.
“Can they honestly just date already?”
“I’m so glad Nick met you Y/n”
“Aww best friend goals”
You guys stayed on live for an hour before Nick shut off his phone and gave you his full attention. You didn’t want to admit it but you harbored a crush for the boy. He had caught your heart the minute he gave you that signature smile. But you didn’t want to mess up a good friendship and didn’t want to lose him as a roommate either over a dumb crush.
“Ay ma, my family is inviting us to come out for Thanksgiving. You down to come?” Nick had hopeful eyes wanting you to say yes so bad. Truth was he had a crush on you too. The feelings were definitely mutual but neither one knew about the others feelings.
“Yes, I totally am down. I miss your family”, you hugged him and smiled. “Tell your mom I said thank you for inviting me”.
-Few weeks later-
Before you knew it both you and Nick were getting ready to go to the airport. Edwin and Brandon agreed to drop you guys off since it was the least they could do to take the stress off you guys. Knowing that an Uber could take 30 minutes or more to get to you guys and possibly make you both late.
“Is that everything?” Edwin questioned you as you placed your bag in the back. You tiredly nodded your head, being that you got no sleep whatsoever. For some reason you were nervous and didn’t know why.
“Are you okay mamas?” Nick wraps you into a loving embrace. Being in his arms felt so right and you never wanted to let go.
“I’m fine. Just really tired, I didn’t really get sleep last night,” you mumbled into his chest.
“Alright, let’s go lovers you don’t wanna miss your flight”, Brandon went into the driver's seat of the car. Quickly getting in the car, you guys were on your way to the airport. But of course, you fell asleep with your head in Nick’s lap.
“Hey, ma we’re at the airport. Wake up baby,” Nick gently rubbed your arm until you got up. Everyone got out the car and started getting out the bags. Nick held your mini Nike backpack for you and you wheeled your suitcase. Nick also had a suitcase and a small backpack but he wanted to help your tired self as much as he could. You gave Edwin and Brandon hugs before walking over to the checking in machine.
“Yo, please tell her you like her during this trip,” Brandon quietly told Nick. Nick slightly blushed and shook his head.
“Maybe but aye thanks for driving us. We appreciate it,” Nick hugged the two boys and walked over to you who was already at the suitcase check in with two tickets in hand.
“Come on Nick, hurry so we can get snacks before heading on the plane,” you gave him a smile.
Finally, you guys get on the plane and get seated. Luckily it was one of the seats where there’s only two seats and you got the window seat. Nick took out his phone and began a video for his insta story.
“We’re on the plane and mamas here is tired. Say what’s up Y/n,” you gave a small smile and wave. “Imagine looking this cute while being tired,” Nick ended the video right there and decided to take a nap along with you.
-After getting situated into the house-
You were so jet lagged and immediately after saying hi to his family with hugs, you went into the living room with Nick and laid on him.
“Hey guys, me and Y/n are finally in Jersey,” Nick waved to the viewers.
“Hi guys I’m tired. Like jet lag is a bitch,” you cuddled into Nick’s side more and he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Nick we see that hand sir👀”
“Okay but they’re definitely dating”
“She does look really tired lmao”
“Y’all notice ever since Nick met Y/n, he’s been giving us hella content? Just me? Okay”
“Tell Y/n she looks adorable”
“Y/n, they want you to know that you adorable babygirl,” Nick chuckles because when he leaned down to look at you, he found you were dead asleep.
“Y’all she’s out like a light,” your hair was in your face and your hand gripped his shirt slightly. Nick couldn’t help but to swoon over how you look so good in his arms.
You don’t remember what time you fell asleep but you wake up to the smell of food. You lifted your head to see you were fully on Nick’s lap.
“Hey you’re up, I moved you from my side because it looked uncomfortable,” Nick held his hands at your waist.
“Thank you loser, but I smell food. I love you dearly and imma head out,” you get out of his lap and leave him to go to the kitchen. Chris pulled Nick aside to have a quick conversation.
“Nick, you need to man up and tell her your feelings before it becomes too late,” he said to his younger brother.
“Alright, I’ll do it now,” Nick walked into the kitchen where you were laughing with his mom and Mia. “Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?” You nodded and excused yourself. He leads you up to his old room and closes the door after you.
“I’ve known you for 3 years almost 4 now. You always amaze me with how smart and talented you are. You support me and the boys everyday and I love you for that. Yes, you’re my best friend but I have major feelings for you. And I know-“, you cut Nick off from his rant.
“Nick, I feel the same,” you smiled at him. He immediately picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“Soo will you officially be my girlfriend mamas?” He bit his lip to contain the smile that was about to grace his face.
“Yes, Nick Mara I will be your girlfriend officially,” you leaned your head down and kissed him.
“Finally, I get to actually kiss you instead of just looking at your lips 24/7,” you let out a laugh at his silliness.
“Wait, what about your fans? They aren’t going to take that Nick Mara is officially not single anymore,” you actually began to wonder what the reaction was going to be.
“That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Everyone swears we’re together, I mean, look at the comments,” Nick pointed out.
“Okay, that definitely makes sense. You right,” you both looked at each other before laughing.
“Wait, we gotta be extra and take a picture in the mirror,” Nick put you down and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. He then grabs your hand and walks to the bathroom. You turn on the light and stand in front of him. He wraps one arm around your shoulders pulling you into his chest. Your hands on top of his arm and you smile. But you smile even bigger when he turns his head to the side to kiss your cheek.
Once he took the different pictures with different poses, he opens Instagram and selects the pictures he wants. Some of which were you guys making funny faces and posted it. The caption being “She said yes to being my baby officially. Y’all I really love this girl to death❤️”.
“Okay babe, let’s finish eating. I’m very hungry,” he didn’t even get a chance to answer before you pulled him down the stairs back to the kitchen. Nick couldn’t help but smile because you really caught his heart 3 years ago and now he gets to call you his officially.
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alpxcamin · 5 years
More Than Just a Job pt.2
Requested?: nope~
Words: 3.1k
Group: Stray Kids
Member(s): Jeongin (feat. JYP lmao)
A/n: Part 2 is here! If you haven’t read part 1 yet, pls go read it. You guys have been asking for part 2 so here it is and I hope you enjoy it! I’m currently working on part 3 and I hope I can get it out quickly ;))
Part 1 || Part 2
The blaring sound of the alarm rang. It was obnoxious and you just wanted it to stop, but you were too tired to move. Groaning, you tried to roll to face the other side and hopefully somehow block the noise out with your pillow. However, turning around was extremely difficult for some reason this morning and it was also rather warm.
Suddenly, you felt a tiny puff of wind on your face and your eyes snapped open. Your face immediately turned red and you shoved yourself away from Jeongin. However, you pushed too hard and you fell off the bed. The loud ‘thud’ and groaning woke Jeongin up.
“Oh my gosh, Miss y/n, are you okay?” Jeongin panicked, scrambling to the edge of the bed to check on you.
You whined and rubbed your back, trying to stand back up. Jeongin reached out to you and you grabbed his hand and he helped you back up. Wincing, you tugged at the waistband of your pants down to check if there were any bruises.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” Jeongin asked again, looking away.
“Fine...I’m fine…” you huff, “It’s just a little bruise.”
“I have some ointment if you need,” Jeongin hops off the bed and goes to search his backpack.
“It’s okay. I’ll be fine. Just don’t sleep so close next time,” you glared coldly at him, gently rubbing circles on your hip to prevent the bruise from darkening.
“I’m so sorry,” Jeongin bowed and you disappeared into the bathroom.
As soon as you slammed the door of the bathroom closed, you slid down to the floor and placed a hand over your thumping heart. You didn’t know why your heart was beating so fast all of a sudden. Perhaps it was the rushing adrenaline from falling on the floor or seeing someone so angelic first thing in the morning.
Shaking your head and scoffing at your foolishness, you quickly got ready for the morning and changed into your work clothes. You slipped into a satin, baby blue blouse and a black pencil skirt that hugged your body in all the right places. You brushed your hair and pulled it into a low ponytail, allowing a few strands of hair out to frame your face.
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you tried for a smile. You gave yourself a mini pep talk before walking out. Jeongin rushed in the bathroom as soon as you walked out, his head hung low, clutching his clothes and toiletries close to his chest. The door slammed shut and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You had no right to scold him like that, especially since both of you were asleep and unaware of your actions.
Jeongin stepped out of the bathroom soon after, dressed in a thin, gray turtleneck tucked neatly into a pair of black dress pants. He had on a matching black blazer and his hair was half-slicked to the side as usual. His usual smiling face was replaced with a slight frown and you knew it was you who put that frown on his face.
“Let’s go,” pick up your purse and slung it over your shoulder.
“Of course,” and there it was, Jeongin’s classic smile, masking away his sadness.
The elevator down was awkward, to say the least, and with the lack of presence of other people, the tension loomed over you and Jeongin, making it a little suffocating. The penthouse was at the very top so it took a while to get down. You couldn’t stand the awkward silence anymore and cleared your throat.
“I...uh...I’m sorry about this morning. I realized I had no right to scold you like that,” you apologized, refusing to look at Jeongin.
“Oh, please don’t apologize, Miss! I’m really sorry for scaring you like that,” Jeongin frantically shakes his head, causing you to look over.
“Seriously though, I shouldn’t have,” you sigh. You’ve never really formally apologized to Jeongin for all the times you have wrongly accused him or yelled at him, but being away from home gave you a sudden burst of courage. You felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted.
“I have a confession to make,” Jeongin nervously looked down, taking a sudden interest in his shiny shoes.
“What is it?” you asked, cocking up a brow.
“I actually woke up in the middle of the night because it got really warm. It was because I somehow rolled over and started...cuddling...you? I just didn’t want to wake you up so I didn’t move,” Jeongin frowned, bravely peeking up at you to see your reaction.
“Oh,” you swallowed harshly, “It’s fine. It’s okay if you move next time. I don’t mind.”
“Okay, noted,” Jeongin shyly nodded.
Finally, the elevator reached the first floor and you and Jeongin stepped out. You looked around, but couldn’t find the dining area. Luckily, one of the hotel employees walked by and you waved him over.
“Excuse me, do you know where we can find the dining area?” you ask.
The employee nodded and told you where to go. So, you and Jeongin silently made your way to get a quick breakfast. The two of you sat down at one of the tables near the window. It was a nice view outside. It was early morning so there weren’t too many cars driving by outside.
“So, Jeongin,” you look up at your assistant. He pauses mid-bite.
“Yes, Miss?” he gingerly sets down his fork.
“Do you have all my notes and files?” you ask, taking a bite.
“Of course. I have them all here in this folder,” Jeongin smiles, taking out a thick folder from his backpack.
You smiled, “Good.”
Luckily, the promotions went well and the crowd seemed to buy into your persuasive speech. You sighed in relief and headed downstage, looking for Jeongin who stood in the back, taking notes. He caught your eyes and gave you a big smile and a thumbs up. You smirked in satisfaction and quickened your pace to reach Jeongin faster.
Suddenly, you felt a tight grip on your wrist and you gasped, nearly toppling over from the sudden halt in movement. You whipped around, only to find yourself face-to-face with someone’s chest. You looked up and frowned.
Standing in front of you was a tall, caucasian man. He looked to be in his mid to late twenties. He was dressed in a classic black and white suit with a thin, red velvet tie to match his handkerchief in his chest pocket. His blue-gray eyes pierced through you and his sleazy smile made you uncomfortable.
“Ah, Miss y/n! I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation today,” the man smiled, giving you a subtle wink.
“Thank you. Sir, would you please let go of my arm?” you attempt to tug your wrist out of his grip.
His hold on you only tightened and he pulled you a little closer, “My bad. Why don’t I take you out for lunch to make it up to you?”
“Please let go,” you scowl.
“Aww, stop frowning. That’s not a good look on you,” the man chuckles teasingly, reaching for your face.
“Sir, she told you to let go,” Jeongin growls from behind.
He grabs the man’s hand and peels his fingers off your wrist. Jeongin swiftly moves you so that you’re behind him and he puffs out his chest, sizing up the man in front. You were surprised at how quickly he was able to catch up on English within one day.
“Oh, and who are you?” the man’s friendly smile quickly turned into a harsh frown.
“Yang Jeongin. Excuse us,” Jeongin quickly dismisses the man and gently grabs your hand.
He silently drags you out of the meeting room before the man could try to catch you again. You dropped your head down as Jeongin lead you to the elevator. He presses the button and the two of you step in, waiting for the elevator to reach the top.
Jeongin still hadn’t let go of your hands and you didn’t mind, so you didn’t say anything. Just having your hand in his comforted you. Jeongin had something about him, you didn’t know what, but just being in his presence made you feel safe and at ease. It was one of the reasons why you put his desk in your office rather than outside.
Being young and haven’t traveled much, there were many things you haven’t experienced. Today, it was the first time you have experienced being flirted with in that way. It felt degrading and humiliating to have all your hard work and efforts disregarded like that. You continued to stare down at your feet, trying hard not to cry.
It was your first trip out of the country and despite having stage fright, you poured your heart and soul into the presentation. Even though you have a grudge against Mr. Park, you were still the CEO of your company and you wanted to represent all your work and efforts in the best possible way. However, that man you had just encountered completely crushed you.
The elevator doors slid open and Jeongin gently tugged you along back into your room. He sat you down on the couch and set down his backpack to grab a bottle of water. His hand never let go of yours and you appreciated this little act.
Jeongin unscrewed the cap and lifted the bottle to your lips. You took hold of the bottle with your free hand and took a few sips before handing it back to Jeongin. He capped the bottle and set it aside. He was knelt down in front of you and you were afraid to lift your head to look at him.
When you blinked, you felt a tear roll down your cheeks and you sighed. You really didn’t want to cry, but it was just too much. Although you’ve only been away for a little more than a day, you began feeling homesick. You’ve never been so far away for so long before. The sudden change was just too much to handle. On top of that, the man from just a few minutes ago had completely crushed you.
You see Jeongin raise a shaky hand and you let him reach for you. He carefully wiped away the stray tear with his thumb, the rest of his hand was lightly pressed against your cheek. You subconsciously leaned into his hand. You felt Jeongin’s hand, the one that was holding yours, giving yours a light, comforting squeeze.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t have intervened earlier, Miss,” Jeongin frowned, searching your eyes, “I should have been there earlier.”
You sniffed, “It’s okay, Jeongin. You’ve done more than enough for me.”
“I can cancel the call with Mister Park in the evening if you want,” Jeongin offered, his hand still on your cheek, gently caressing it.
“It’s okay,” you shake your head, causing Jeongin to retract his hand, “Your English has improved drastically in one day.”
Jeongin became shy and blushed, “Thank you, Miss. I studied hard on the plane and last night while you were showering.”
“Good work, Jeongin,” you smile.
“You know, if there’s anything bothering you, you can tell me. It’s my job to help you,” Jeongin looked at you, a small smile on his face.
“I know. Why all of a sudden, though?” you asked, curious to why he suddenly brought it up.
“After working with you and looking after you, I think it’s safe to say that I can tell when you’re troubled or not,” Jeongin chuckled, “I know you have something stressing you out still.”
You looked at Jeongin, staring into his eyes. He really did know you pretty well, but it seemed like you didn’t know HIM too well. You pondered on whether you should tell him or not. In the end, you decided to tell him. It was his job to care for you after all. Besides, you felt that it was about time you opened up more to him. He already knew a lot about you, but after working for you for four years, you decided that you should drop your walls and welcome Jeongin in.
“I’m...I feel homesick,” you frown, “I know it’s only been one day, but I’ve never been this far from home before.”
“Hey, that’s perfectly normal,” Jeongin gently pats your knee with his free hand, “You know, I felt homesick and almost dropped out of college during my first year.”
“Really? You’ve never said anything at work,” you tilt your head.
“I didn’t want to seem like a burden. I just started working for you then after all,” Jeongin chuckled, shaking his head.
“I know I’ve always been so harsh on you and I just wanted to apologize for all the times I’ve wronged you or been cold to you for no reason at all,” you took a deep breath, “I just wanted the best for you and never realized when you were suffering on your own.”
“M-miss y/n,” Jeongin’s eyes widened.
“This is sudden...I know...I understand if you won’t forgive me for being such a disappointment of a boss, but please understand that I really do care for you,” you told him sincerely, hoping he would give you a chance.
Jeongin let out a little giggle, “You’ve done nothing wrong, Miss y/n. I understand where you’re coming from and I appreciate that you’re trying your best to do what you think is right for me. I’m glad you’re opening up. I’m just surprised.”
“I just thought that since we’re going to be together for a whole month, not that we haven’t been together for the past four years, that we should really get to know each other better,” you confessed, “I regret not starting from when we first met.”
“We can start over, yeah?” Jeongin smiled, giving your hand a squeeze.
“Okay,” you smile, squeezing Jeongin’s hand back.
“How’s the penthouse, love?” Mr. Park smirked. Oh, how you wanted to reach through the screen and punch him in the face.
“The penthouse is exquisite, Mister Park, but I believe you’ve only booked one room for two people,” the smile on your face was soft, but your gaze was harsh.
“Oh, my mistake,” Mr. Park laughed as if he hadn’t planned on it, “I thought you wouldn’t mind staying with your boy toy anyway.”
That made you snap. You slammed the iPad down on the table, the soft smile never leaving your face. You saw Jeongin jump from the corner of the room, startled by the sudden noise. You stood up and got closer to the camera.
“He’s my personal assistant, Mister Park. Our relationship is strictly professional. It seems like you have forgotten the meaning of such a basic word. Perhaps you would like a recap?” you hissed, smiling wider.
“A-ah, Miss y/n…” Mr. Park backed away from the camera.
You cut him off, not letting him continue, “If you haven’t learned your lesson from this time, be sure to look forward to the end of our partnership.”
“Miss y/n-” you hung up before he could say anything else.
Sighing, you leaned back and fell onto the bed. You heard Jeongin get up and you propped yourself up on the bed with your elbow. Jeongin neatly turns off the iPad and stores it away. He sits in the chair next to the bed. He had a bag of chips in his hand and held out the bag towards you. You accepted a chip.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you earlier,” you apologize, munching on the chip.
“It’s okay. It’s Mister Park you were talking to after all,” Jeongin laughed, reaching for another chip.
“I hate him,” you sulkily grumbled.
“Me too,” Jeongin chuckled, “But let’s try not to kill him just yet, yeah?”
You cocked a brow, a curious smirk on your face, “Yet?”
Jeongin laughed, placing the bag of chips down, “You know what I mean, Miss.”
“Hey! I told you to call me just y/n when we’re alone, remember?” you pouted a little, reminding of the agreement the two of you made before.
“Sorry, habit,” Jeongin beams at you. He seemed excited to be able to call you informally and you felt much more relaxed after the two of you had talked. The atmosphere had become much more comfortable since.
“So, what’re we doing tomorrow?” you ponder, “There’s another meeting tomorrow morning and a short wrap-up conference after lunch, right?”
“Yup and then we’re free after that and we leave in the afternoon for Arizona after,” Jeongin nods, quickly finishing the contents of the chip bag.
“Nice, but what are we going to do after the conference?” you ask.
“What do you want to do?” Jeongin tosses the bag, looking up innocently at you.
“Uh, I don’t know. We could go sightseeing? I don’t want to look like a typical tourist though, that’s embarrassing,” you complain.
Jeongin simply laughs, “That’s fine, we could go shopping or something. If you want, of course. Then we could have some fancy dinner at this expensive hotel.”
“Alright, that sounds good to me,” you shrug, “Besides, we should take advantage of this trip being completely out of Mister Park’s wallet.”
“Well damn, you’re a genius,” Jeongin snorts and you laugh along with him.
The two of you settled into a casual chit-chat while cleaning up for the night. Slipping into bed, you felt much more relaxed and comfortable sharing a bed with Jeongin. He seemed to feel the same as the two of you weren’t as afraid to accidentally brush against each other once in a while. That night, you fell asleep with a peaceful smile on your face, facing Jeongin.
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~Admin Liz ♡
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jizemderler · 6 years
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It’s my birthday (yayy) and I‘ve decided to post the first chapter to a story I‘ve been writing. If you like it, I‘ll post more. If you don‘t, I‘ll keep writing for myself.
One Flower: Camila Monroe is a teen. With her own ups and downs. Her loves and heartbreaks. Her lies and truths. Just one...out of a million flowers. But one flower is always someones favourite flower.
{Part One}
You know those movies or stories where the nerdy but hot girl hates that one super hot guy at school who is a football player, because they always are, but suddenly something happens - let’s say a chemistry project has to be done - and they get paired. Bada bing bada bum a bit of flirtation, drama, one problems or two, making up and a happy ever after.
Yeah that’s not my story though. I am the literal incarnation of the side dish. Don’t get me wrong I’m not the main course but people still like me. But on the side. Like the baby sister of that football player. I’m not hot, not in anyway. Not nerdy hot or innocent hot or any-hot. I’m not ugly either…I’m just me. Regular and invisible. And that’s not going to change throughout the story. No big make over where every guy at school falls in love with me. I’m also not really good at anything in particular. Like I don’t have a secret talent or like a sex dungeon and weird fetishes. I’m average, whatever that means, and I’m cool with it. Always was.
And for the record I said I was the baby sister but the omg-he’s-so-cute brother of mine isn’t that much older. He is a senior and I’m a junior. Not that he would have that overprotective brother thing. He doesn’t. Which I’m glad for. Most people don’t even know that we are siblings - or they choose to ignore it-  because we don’t look alike (duh) and because we don’t talk to each other at school. He lives in his world and I live in mine. Which is also cool with me. We also have a baby brother who is only 9. My mom and pap always wanted two kids but you know…things happen and so you get a kid 7 years apart from your second one. No biggie.
And that’s the name of the side dish. Nice to meet you.
“Camila Monroe if you don’t come down right away your brother will leave without you!”
And that…that is the voice of my angry mom and my cue to stop daydreaming. I take my backpack and throw it over my shoulder and push my glasses back before going downstairs.
„Why didn’t you guys give me a second name? Like it doesn’t have the same affect when you call me by my full name. Not as dictator-y as it could be.“ I mock her playfully and she rolls her eyes.
„It’s too early for you to be witty with me. And now go. Oh and he is annoyed already. Be nice to him.” my Mom tells me and I roll my eyes. „I’m always nice. Bye mom.“ I answer and give her a kiss before stepping into my boots and walking outside. „You’re late.” he says as soon as I sit shotgun and I groan. “And you’re an ass.” He frowns and I roll my eyes at his mood. Mom was right. „What? I thought we were pointing out the obvious. Can we go?“ He looks at me, his mouth slightly open -ready to shoot back but then his gaze travels over my shoulder which makes me look too. Oh and then there is Noah. His brown hair is a bunch of curls falling into his face, covering some of his forehead, as if he just came out of the ocean. His eyebrows are currently formed into a frown which I know would go away if I would go over them with my thumb, stroking them slightly. As soon as his melty chocolate brown eyes catch mine I shake my head and look back at Jace. Noah is our neighbors kid. Who also happens to be my ex. Noah and I have been close since kindergarden. We developed feelings over the time and fell for each other. We were great together. He was like me in a sence. He was normal.
But then puberty hit him. Like a truck. And things changed. He changed. And I didn’t. Right next to me is Jock number one and over there staring into the car is Jock number 2. He just grew more popular day by day and I was overwhelmed. And that he was a senior didn’t help my self-confidence either. It’s been almost a year since we broke up. You know how you talk to someone until 4 a.m every single day and suddenly you don’t talkt to them at all anymore? That’s us. "Jace.” I say, no more playfullness in my voice and he understands and starts the engine immediatly. We drive in silence and I jump out of the car as soon as he shuts the engine off. “Wait! Take the keys. I’ll be late today.” he says and throws me the keys over the car and I pick them off the ground.
“Shut up.”
I turn around at the gate and see him meet up with Noah and I cringe and turn around. They’re friends, share classes and they are in the same team of course they’ll meet up. At least Jace is sensitive enough not to do it in my face. As I walk into class I see the one person I’m comfortable around. “Thank god you’re here. I thought you were skipping and I already was planing on a way out. Probably the window. Two floors shouldn’t be that bad.” she jokes and I roll my eyes “Don’t say that.”
“Sure thing. Oh, look who’s coming.”
I put my stuff down and look up while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and stop mid movement.
I introduced to you all of the people that matter in my life…everyone besides Ethan. He smiles one of his beautiful smiles towards me and winkes before sitting down infront of me.
“I think he has a cr…” Daya starts but I shush her immediatly. Ethan is the kind of guy who could have anyone but doesn’t notice it. He has those kind hazel eyes and wavy blond-ish hair, always a little messy. He himself is really put together though, in a hot way. His muscels help too of course. Definetly not a Jock but he seems to do some kind of sport.
“Don’t even start with that. We’re good friends.” I whisper over to her and she raises her hands above her head and leans back in her chair. “Hey Daya! Why are your arms up? Want to give me a hug?” some dumbass yells and I roll my eyes again. Here we go.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself Peter? Since that is the only time you will ever get fu…”
“Good morning people! Alissa put that mirror down you don’t look any different than two minutes ago, Peter wipe that overwhelmed expression off your face we didn’t even start the lesson yet…and Daya! I heared.” Professor Khan said and put his bag down onto his desk. He was this old, slim and tall, indian man with grey hair and a grey beard. You could practically see that he was a heartbreaker in his young days. Maybe even now. I kinda liked him as a teacher because he was always chill.
„Alright class, who’s done their assignment?“
A roar goes through class and everybody starts looking around for someone to know what the assignment was but our confusion is ended with Mr Khans gentle laugh.
„Just kidding. I didn’t give you homework over the weekend because I’m that dope.” he says and adds a handsign in there which makes us all groan and roll our eyes.
„Isn’t that the term? Dope? Or was it Lit? In our time we called us fresh but that’s another story.“ he says and laughs to himself while unpacking his stuff.
„Alright. We will start a discussion.” he says and claps his hands while coming to the front and leaning against his desk. „What does success mean to you?“
I could see people frowning or rolling their eyes and I start scribbling something on the paper in front of me. „Camila?”. Of course. Of course Camila.
„Uh, I mean…everything is based on success these days. You want to be respected and looked up on in school? You got to be successfull. But not too successfull because then you’re a nerd. You want to have it easy with the teacher? Just be great at their subject and everything will be fine. You want to go to a specific college? You got to be successfull in highschool. You want to actually work after college? You got to be one of the best in your classes. You want to keep your job? You better be the best….I guess.“ I finish my ranting and he nods to my answer.
„Yes. Aiden.” Mr. Khan says and dismisses me and I take a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
„You want to talk about something?“ Daya whispers over to me and I raise my eyebrows. „What? Me? No. Why?” I whisper back immediatly and she leans back again. „I don’t know. You seemed…troubled.“
„Nah. I’m fine. Really. Just wanted him to let me off the hook.” I answer and she shruggs her shoulders.
The discussion continues and I don’t take part in it anymore. Success is overrated anyway. What about hapiness? What if I’m successfull but unhappy? Is success still more important then?
I pack my belongings after the bell rings while everybody starts to storm out. After I’m finished I throw my bag over my shoulder and start walking out too when Mr. Khan holds me up.
„Hey, Camila?”
„Yes, sir?“
„Success isn’t all that bad you know. You just have to get to it in your own way and not how other people want you to.” he says and smiles a little smile and I shrug apologetically.
„Whatever you say Mr.Khan.“ I say before backing away towards the door and saluting playfully as a goodbye which makes him chuckle and shake his head.
I walk out with a grin and forget to look straight ahead and collide with a chest. I grip onto my stuff so nothing slides to the ground and so does the person I collided with, by holding me by my arms. „Sorry.” I say before I look up and meet those brown eyes again. Shit. He let’s go of me like a hot potato and takes a step back.
„Suits you.“ he blurts out and I frown.
„The smile. You don’t do it very often anymore.“ he says like in trance and I shift uncomfortably under his gaze. I shake my head and sigh to myself before stepping aside to leave without another word. I’m a lot of things but one thing I’m not is beeing friends with my ex. That doesn’t work. Not even in movies. I walk through the halls towards my next classes trying not to think about his face.
After my last class I said my goodbye to Daya and made my way to the parking lot. While pulling out the key I stuffed into the side pocket of my bag I noticed someone in the corner of my eye. „Hey! You need a ride?” I asked before my brain could catch up and Ethan looked up towards me with raised eyebrows.
„Hey! Uh…my mom was going to be here but she got caught up. So actually, yeah. If it’s okay.“ he stumbled over his words and made me laugh.
„Sure thing. Just to warn you though: I may not be the best driver.” I joked while waving him over and we started to walk to my car. „You live near the city park right?“ I ask while getting into the drivers seat and he sits shutgun. „Yeah. But you can drop me of on your way to yours. I‘ll just have to take a right and walk two minutes from there.“ he offers and I shrug my shoulders while starting the engine. I ignore the brown curls while I drive out of the parking lot and concentrate on the road.
„So who else do you have in your classes?“ I ask into the silence and he looks over. „Well we‘ve got English together with Mr.Khan. I love that guy.“ he chuckles and and I smile and nodd so he can continue, „I got Miss Hallow in math and I could die right here right now thinking of that. I feel like she is the evil witch of our school.“
„Yeah I‘m so happy that I don‘t have her this year. She made my life hell last year.“ I say before I recognize what I just said and facepalm myself in my head. He looks at me with a grin and I squint my eyes for a split second before I remember that I‘m the one driving.
„It‘s okay. I love hearing you rambling. Sometimes people habe to many filters.“ He says looking out the front window and try not to frown and decipher what he means by that.
„Anyway. I got Mr. Masselin in Biology.“
„Who‘s that? I don‘t recall that name?“ I ask inbetween.
„You know the hot one? Every girl and I think some guys too, is drooling after him.“ he says rolling his eyes and makes me chuckle. „Doesn‘t ring a bell.“ I say and he smiles. „Thank god.“ As soon as he says that his eyes go wide and he looks at me, his cheeks slightly flushed. „I mean, you know. Thank god your not one of the basic ones.“ he drives himself deeper into the mud and makes me laugh.
„Yeah. Never have been.“ I say trying to lift some of the emberrasment off of his shoulders. „Moving on. I have Mrs Khan in chemistry. And let me tell you she is nothing like her husband. That woman is feisty. Not kidding.“ he changes the topic.
„Yeah, I know! Noah used to love messing around with her, just to get on her nerves.“ I say again, my mouth faster than my brain. I start to think if I do have any filter. An awkward silence spreads between us and I repeatedly facepalm myself in my head. I‘m so stupid for bringing him up.
„That‘s the senior right? The Jock? I‘ve seen him woth your brother. They seem to be good friends.“ he says as if we aren‘t talking about my ex and I‘m so gratefull that he is taking it so light heartedly.
„Yeah that one.“ I asnwer and he nods letting go of the subject.
„You see that spot. You can stop right there.“ he says after two minutes more of driving in silence and I pull over. „Thank you for letting me ride along.“ he says with a 1000 watt smile and my heart skipps a beat. „Sure thing.“ I say and return his smile. He takes his bag and gets out of the car. I‘m about to say bye when he turns around. He has this nervous expression on his face and keeps shifting from one leg to the other.
„Uh, I wanted to ask you something? Dou you want to, you know, go out sometime? Maybe for the movies or just dinner. I don‘t know.“ he says nervously and avoids my eyes and I put him out of his misery. „I‘d love to.“
„Really?“ he says surprised and I chuckle.
„Why is that such a shocker to you?“ I tease and his cheeks flush again.
„Uh, no! It‘s not. It‘s great actually. Thank you. I - I‘ll text you when?“ he offers and I nodd with a smile and his heartwarming smile returns to his lips.
„See you.“
„Bye.“ he says and shuts the door and waves while I pull out of my spot and drive away. That was fun.
I‘m doing my homework after dinner and jump when I hear a loud thud from the other room where Jace is. I put my pen onto my desk and listen carefully what‘s going on.
„Fuck.“ I hear him curse and I get up to walk out of my room. I remember my mom saying that he wasn‘t in a good mood and appearently that hadn‘t changed throughout the day. I knock lightly at his door and wait for an answer.
„I‘m fine.“ he says and I roll my eyes.
„I‘m coming in.“ I warn him and open the door. I stay in the door and lean against the doorframe. „Hey.“
„Hey.“ he murmurs and I roll my eyes again. I walk into the room and throw myself beside him onto the bed.
„You good?“
„You don’t sound like it.“ I press and he sighs.
„Just let it go?“ he asks and I shrugg my shoulders turning onto my back lying next to him.
„Whenever you‘re ready big bro.“ I say to lighten the mood but I make sure that he doesn‘t miss the sincere undertone.
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kvsoftie · 6 years
Mafia Baby; Chapter Ten.
"Jeon sir, Taehyung has multiple things hurt right now, we need to get him to a hospital." A blue-haired male said to the now worried Jungkook. It had been only a couple of hours since they were getting checked up on.
Yoongi had already left with Jimin back to the doctor they had at home since Jimin wasn't hurt as bad like Taehyung was since he was in the car when it flipped over, same with Baekhyun, they were both in critical places.
Jungkook was very upset with the stunt that Taehyung had pulled, and only to find out from Bogum that Taehyung let himself stay in the car even though Bogum had tried taking him out so that Jimin could be safe.
Taehyung could've died from that let alone, yet he was still worried about something happing to Jimin. Though it didn't surprise the younger male, his boyfriend was always like that, he was caring and that was something Jungkook loved.
"Yes–Yes, take him to the hospital, let's go." Jungkook followed behind the men who were carrying his boyfriend on a stretcher. Jungkook knew this scene before, and if he lied when he said he wanted to cry, he wasn't.
This was like an old memory to him, and god did he hate himself so much over it because he wasn't there, he was never there when he was needed. And he hated it, he hated it so fucking much.
Flashback; junior year of High school.
"Kookie! Let's go out to eat for lunch, I know a good place!" Taehyung gleamed with joy, tugging on the younger male's shirt trying to make him stop walking. "Taehyung I have things to do. Go with Jimin or something." Jungkook said
He coldly pulled his shirt away from the older male who slightly nodded his head. "But, But I wanted to try it with yo–" "Jesus Taehyung! Do you not listen?" Jungkook spat at the blonde making Taehyung wince.
"O-Okay Jungkook, I'll go with Jimin Hyung," Taehyung said trying to keep himself from crying fright in front of the younger male. Though did Taehyung really listen, did he really go with Jimin to lunch?
Of course not, he ended up going by himself instead because Jimin already had a date planned with his boyfriend Yoongi and he didn't want to crash that, he wanted Jimin to have a good time with his boyfriend.
Taehyung sat in the booth all alone watching the couples that passed by holding hands while kissing. He hated to admit that he was hopelessly in love with the younger Mafia leader Jungkook but what could he do?
All Jungkook ever did was shower him with love, take him places, and make him try new things. He helped Taehyung get his first job, he also helped Taehyung overcome his social anxiety slowly but surely. But he also knew that Jungkook and he would never work out.
Even if he tried to get the younger male to love him back, there would be no used to it because Jungkook was a god, he knew how to do everything, but one thing he never did in front of people and hell, maybe he didn't even do it by himself was cry.
He wouldn't ever dare cry in front of someone which always bothered Taehyung, because he had so much pent up emotions that he sometimes couldn't control, and it always scared the older male whenever he was angry.
A loud thud on the table made Taehyung turn back around to face his table, seeing a fist planted on the table. Taehyung didn't dare to look up at the male, Taehyung slowly reached for his phone trying to call someone and ignore the people right in front of him, though it was no use at this point.
Having the phone snatched out of his hands making the blonde look right up at the boys who were smirking. Taehyung quickly got up and ran out of the little shop holding onto his backpack tightly not looking back at all.
The sounds of feet running down the sidewalk, pushing past people who turned around watching the whole thing unfold. Taehyung panicked taking the wrong turn, which leads him into an ally. Once his back hit the hard wall behind him he dropped his bag and watched how the males walked up to him laughing at how he looked at that very moment.
"Please, leave me alone Taeyong..." "You would want that, wouldn't you? Well too bad, your boyfriend almost killed my brother, you fucking deserve this." He said reaching for Taehyungs blonde hair, pulling his body off the wall.
Taehyung screamed and cried trying to get out of their grips, digging his nails into Taeyongs hands making him drop Taehyung on the floor his head hitting the dumpster. "You fucking rat!" he screamed making Taehyung sob.
He couldn't believe this was happening again, it's already been a couple months that they haven't done anything to the blonde so why couldn't they stop. Taehyung had no idea what they planned on doing with him and fuck, was he scared.
Throughout the whole time, they beat Taehyung with no care in the world. As if they weren't beating the boy who was protected by Jungkook. They kicked, punched, slapped, spit, and even threw the poor male from wall to wall with no care.
Taehyung screamed trying to get some help, but no one seemed to hear. Was this the beginning of his junior year all over again? Was Jungkook ever real, or was he just someone Taehyung made up in his mind to make him escape from reality so that he could feel love?
It felt like hours before the four men were done beating the blonde, leaving him in the ally to bleed out on his own, not even looking back at what they did. Taehyung crawled or at least he tried to, only making it out barely to the street lamp that hit a certain spot.
Leaving his hand out in the light, hoping someone, anyone, would see it and call the police. And his wish was granted, even after Taehyung passed out on the floor wanting to sleep, someone saved his life.
"H-Hello? There's a kid here who is hurt badly, yes he's bleeding so much, please come help, yes he's breathing. O-Okay, I'll wait here then. The address? U-Uh, I-I just moved here, I don't–don't know." The female on the phone tried her best trying to keep any bugs and cats or dogs away from the bleeding male.
Waiting for the police to get there, and thankfully with only a couple of minutes later, a bunch of cars bundled up in that spot with an ambulance. "Thank god you're here, he's right there–" "Taehyung! Who–Who the hell did this to you!?"
"Jungkook! He's losing so much blood, hurry to get him to the fucking hospital!" Namjoon yelled at the paramedics who rushed to the blonde's side. Jungkook watched Taehyung get placed onto the stretcher, blood seeping through his clothing and from his face.
Cuts, and bruises all over him, it didn't even look like him anymore and it hurt, it hurt Jungkook so damn much, that he cried. He cried, holding onto his best friends shoulder. "It's going to be okay Jungkook, I know it is." "You don't understand! I wasn't there, I wasn't fucking there to protect him and–and I broke it! I broke the damn promise I made him!"
Jungkook sobbed even harder into his best friends clothes, not knowing what to do anymore. "He needed me and I fucking left him! I even fucking yelled at him because all he wanted to do was go out for lunch with me!"
"I don't know why I was trying to fight the way I felt for him, he made me a better person!" Namjoon stood there holding onto the raven-haired male tightly, letting him release anything he had bottled up. "I love him Namjoon! I fucking love him, so god damn much!"
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 years
A ship that's yet to sail(Pennywise x Reader NSFW Commission)
Commission made by @heavens-light-hells-fire :) If you’d like me to fix something, do not hesitate in telling me! Btw, this is based off of a silly AU idea I had in mind, I feel as though this sucks because I kept on trying to fit whatever I could without writing too much T-T
Words:3595(Whoa I wrote a little too much haha...)
"Goodbye Miss (L/N)!"
You waved at one of the children who gave you a toothy smile, making you smile back at him as his mother held him by the hand and walked away with him as she held an umbrella in her other hand to conceal them from the heavy rain. You let out a small sigh, then turning to look behind you to check on the other children who waited for their parents to pick them up from your class.
Walking back inside the class, you walked over to your desk and sat down on one of the nearest desks to then pick up a book that you had left on it. Opening it up, your eyes skimmed through the words which made you grin when you read a lovely little part, although your thoughts were interrupted when you not only felt a small hand tug at your sweater, but when you also felt a throat clear itself.
You looked away from the book and rather than seeing one of your students, you noticed familiar brown eyes that were concealed by a yellow hoodie that was attached to a slightly wet raincoat.
"Hiya Miss (L/N)!"the owner of the coat exclaimed with an eager wave, and you giggled once you realized it was a student that frequently visited your class, though he was not one of your own.
"Hi Georgie."you called out as the young boy removed his hoodie and shook his body like a puppy to remove the water drops off of him which made you giggle again because some of it had gotten on you. "What's got you here today? Isn't Billy going to be upset because he can't find you?"
 "Well, he already know that I'm here! I told him I was going to come here because he's too busy doing a project with his friends."
You nodded in understanding, but then snapped your head to the side when you heard somebody step in through the door and you saw one of the student's parents. Georgie watched as the student happily ran over to you and hugged your legs before letting out a 'goodbye', then running off to their parent who opened their umbrella to walk outside.
"If Billy and his friends are busy, and they're not watching you...then who is going to pick you up honey?"
"Penny?"you asked in confusion, never really having heard that name before which brought some concern to your expression before Georgie's features turned into panicked ones.
"I mean...Bobby!Bobby is picking me up!"he quickly blurted out before you noticed that he let out a small and nervous chuckle, then making you squint before you spoke up.
"And who is this...Bobby?"
"Oh!He's my best friend! Besides Billy of course, and he's also Richie, and Eddie, and Stan, and Mike, and Ben, and Beverly's friend!"
"Do your parents know about him?"you asked, feeling a it bad that you were practically interrogating the young boy. Though it was mostly out of concern and being slightly alarmed that you had not heard of any other person that could at least be considered his guardian.
You stared at the boy for a moment with a slight pout, then smiling in a a bit of relief before you once again heard another parent walk into the class.
"Thank you (Y/N)!"the mother called out before you waved to each other, and you once again turned  your attention to the Georgie who smiled up at you. Although, his eyes quickly darted to the doorway before his smile turned into an open one with a gasp.
You looked at him in confusion before you heard the mother from before let out a semi loud 'Oh!' which made you look at the doorway, and instantly, you felt your eyes widen when they landed on a man you had never seen before.
"Bobby!"Georgie shouted out which made a few of the leftover students flinch, so you pressed your finger to your lips before he slightly shrunk down in embarrassment. "Sorry!"
You smiled at him before you both turned back to the door and noticed that the mother had not left, but instead decided to strike a conversation with the man who you now knew was 'Bobby',though you noticed that the man was not even paying attention to her.
He was looking at you.
And you had not realized it, but you were staring back at him while Georgie looked at him, before turning to look at you, and then looking back at him before it became a pattern.
It continued this same way, because neither of you were able to look away from each other. Your (e/c) stared into his baby blue ones, and Georgie let out a small, childish smirk when he noticed that there was something in between.
"Bob!"You instantly snapped out of your gazing and the man had done the same, and you both realized that the mother was still in his presence and had the intention on talking to him.
"Yes?"he asked after turning to look at the woman who smiled up at his tall figure.
"I said that you should bring Georgie over to our house, so he can play with my kids of course."
"Oh,I'd rather not. It's best that you ask his parents, I only take him home and take care of him when needed."
"Yes,and I of course am willing to take care of him. You can always come to my house, Bobby-"
"It's Robert."he plainly and strictly said before silently excusing himself and pushing past her to walk over to where you were, though it was because Georgie was next to you. The mother obviously looked offended and she walked away after giving you a glare which got you confused, but you shook that out of your thoughts to look at the ginger man that now approached you.
"Hiya Georgie!"the man exclaimed with an joyful expression that quickly replaced his former serious one, and you saw that be squatted down to be face to face with the boy.
"Hiya Bobby!"Georgie replied before he he wrapped his arms around the man's neck who held onto him before easily standing up as Georgie happily clung onto him. "Hey Bobby, this is Miss (L/N)!"
You gulped quietly before the man turned to you and extended his long arm towards you as the other one securely held onto Georgie who grinned innocently. You lifted your hand as he surprisingly smiled down at you.
"I'm…(Y/N) (L/N), sir."
"My name is Robert Gray, miss. But you can call me whatever you'd like."he said with a wink, and you were a bit shocked when your hand was lifted to his lips before he pressed a gentle kiss and let go of you.
Right when you were about to speak up, you were interrupted by another mother that walked into the class and you excused yourself with a quick goodbye to Georgie before walking over to greet and give her her child.
"Aw,don't be sad Penny. You'll get to talk to her soon."Georgie whispered before he slightly felt the man's grip tighten around his tiny body, though it was out of slight flusterment.
"Don't say such things little one, your teacher is of no importance to me. Now, let's go home."
"Oookay! You better thank me when you marry her! And when you have little clow-"
"Alright Georgie, time to nap."
It was about two weeks after your encounter with Robert, or Bobby as everybody loved to call him, and you quickly learned that most of the women of Derry were head over heels over him.
You were surprised to have not know about him, since he practically was the talk of the town: especially because there was the rumor that he was originally a clown that was loved by every single child.
You shut your eyes and shook away the thoughts, right before opening your eyes again to look ahead where you saw only your empty classroom.  With a quiet sigh, you pushed your chair back to then stand and walk away from your desk, then going over to the door to go out. Thankfully it was lunch time, so you could take a small break from chasing after the little kids.
You opened the door and then slightly jumped back when you were instantly met up with the small figure of Georgie Denbrough once again.
"Hiya Miss (L/N)!"The boy grinned up at you as he held onto a small paper boat that you had been introduced to quite a few times prior to your latest meet, though you realized that it(or she)was now slightly worn out despite the wax coating it had. "I need to ask you something very important!"
"Do you like Bobby?"
You remained silent and stared down at Georgie with slightly widened eyes and a dropped expression, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Um,no...I don't...no of course not."you told him, doing your best to not sounds nervous nor flustered, but the little Denbrough looked up at you with a sly smile.
Both of you turned to the side and soon your eyes landed on the small group of friends that contained Georgie's older brother, who had a slightly worried expression which made you smile before the teens approached you.
"What's wrong Billy?"the younger sibling asked right before you noticed that one of the other boys, named Richie, leaned in to whisper to another one, who you knew was Eddie.
"Hey Eds, isn't that the teach Robs' been wanting to put his wang-"
"Don't call me Eds!"the smaller and much fragile boy exclaimed, and usually you would have let out a giggle but you instead wore a confused expression because you knew what Richie would have said if he was permitted the chance to finish that sentence.
"Billy?What was Richie going to say?"Georgie asked, which soon brought obvious panic to everybody's faces, though  you cleared the situation by slightly bending down to reach the boy's height.
"Hey Georgie, I think that lunch is almost over. How about you get ready to go to your next class,huh mister?"you asked before poking his stomach which made him giggle.
"Oh,right!But first I need to give you something!"he eagerly said, then slipping off his space themed backpack to bring it forwards before unzipping it. He handed his 'S.S. Geogie' sailboat to Billy who gently grabbed it before Georgie reached into the bag with one hand as the other made sure to not let the backpack fall.
"Here you go Miss (L/N)!"Out of the backpack, he pulled out another paper boat that had its obvious differences from Georgie's own. He anxiously lifted it towards you befor you slowly grabbed it, noticing that rather than being the old "white" color like the other one, the boat was a beautiful crimson color and clearly had 'S.S. (Y/N)' written on the side in a quite elegant cursive font. And inside of the boat, was a freshly cut and short sunflower that had obviously not been allowed to grow for too long.
"Wow...did you make this Billy?"You looked up at said boy before he shook his head, then stopping to talk.
"N-no. Our f-f-friend made it, just f-f-f-or y-you."he stuttered out, then bringing some more confusion to your face.
"And who is this-"
"Bobby!Bobby made it because he really likes you, and he wants to marry you someday!"
The hallway that you all stood in was absolutely quiet, and you felt even more uncomfortable when you felt your face heat up as the teenagers and Georgie all had their eyes on you.
"Ha!I was right! That is Rob's girlfriend!"
"Shut the fuck up Richie!"
"Miss (L/N) you love him too,right?"
You shook your head with a slight blush now tinting your cheeks, letting out a small smile remembering the day little Georgie asked you such an absurd question: such an absurd question that he asked every day.
The questioning continued and got 'worse' after you had much more of a proper introduction with Robert,and it increased after the 'Loser's Club' realized that you had been spending quite the time with their adult friend.
"Do you feel anything for Robert?"
"Are you the one who's going to marry him?"
"Wouldn't kids with Robert be adorable?"
Your answer was always no, because you knew that you were nothing like those other women who practically threw themselves at the poor man, or thing. After knowing everything there was to know about Robert, the man revealed to you his true form and truth be told, you weren't exactly afraid which you knew brought joy to his little eldritch heart that many said beat only for you.
"Robert obviously likes you!"
"I'm so jealous, but you'd be the perfect wife for Robert!"
"Do you love him the way he loves you?"
Your life was just full of questions and interrogations, and it obviously got quite irritating. Although, some of the asking came from Georgie who was just making innocent little questions filled with curiosity and hope, almost as if he wished that you ended up with his clown friend.
You fidgeted with your remote control at the moment, not realizing that you had accidentally been pressing the mute button several times. Just the slightest thought of Robert,or Pennywise, and your mind wouldn't let him out until it thought of him long enough.
And speak of the devil: your thoughts were interrupted right when your doorbell rang and when you went to open the door, the first face you were met up with were the ginger man's own as he let out a toothy grin.
"Hiya (Y/N),hope you're not too busy my dear."
There it was: my dear, one of the very nicknames he gave you which made no sense to you, but you shrugged it off before shaking your head and received a silent thank you after you had invited him into your house.
You both walked until reaching the living room, and you both sat down on the couch before you casually turned to look over at him.
"So, Bob. What are you doing here so late?Won't Georgie miss you?"
"Georgie? Oh no, kiddo is already asleep by now! I just felt like visiting his sweet teacher friend."
You slightly giggled as Robert turned into Pennywise, then shaking his hands that caused the bells on his body to jingle before you let out a giggle and noticed that he was now staring at you intensely.
And just like that, the clown had grabbed your face before pulling it towards his, then pressing his lips against yours which greatly surprised you. He realized that you had not kissed him back, so he immediately pulled himself away.
"My apologies darling, but-"
Soon enough, you turned to the side and without thinking you had your lips pressed against Pennywise's before he immediately kissed back. You unconsciously climbed onto his lap and straddled him as he placed his hands onto beneath you, holding you in place as you continued to kiss each other passionately without signs pointing towards neither of you letting go of the other.
Pennywise slightly clawed into your bottom right before you felt him stand up and lift you along with him, then clearly walking away to what was most likely your bedroom because you soon had your back pressed against your bed,
The kissing continued before Pennywise pulled himself away from you, then pressing his lips on your neck before trailing down to your collarbone as his hands moved up to slide under your tank top.
You slightly flinched at his touch, realizing that despite wearing a glove, he had an icy cold touch that only grew colder with the claws that slowly started to protrude out of his fingers. He realized this and tried pulling his hand away, but you quickly grabbed and placed it inside your blouse again.
Pennywise slightly smirked to himself, then allowing his hand to slither deeper into your blouse before his claw went up and ripped it open to leave your chest exposed. Especially because you had not been wearing a bra which brought an instant blush on your face, and it only grew when you noticed the clown's yellow eyes look down at you hungrily.
Before you could say anything, he leaned down and placed one of your breasts into his mouth which resulted in you moaning out a bit loudly when he began to suck on it. Although, you released a slight whimper when he quickly detached himself, but you bit your lip once you felt him lay his lips on your lower abdomen.
His hands went up and slipped off the shorts you were wearing right before your underwear came off, and you then found yourself bare which made you even more flustered.
"Oh ho ho...I see somebody is already wet for Penny,and oh so soon my dear."The words rolled off of his tongue so perfectly, and it was in such a teasing manner: especially because rather than doing anything in your nether regions, Pennywise went back up to meet your lips.
"Penny..."you whispered after slightly pushing him away, then making a confused expression appear onto his features before he noticed your arousal that was too tempting not to give into. "Please...just fuck me already, I can't wait."
Pennywise smirked to himself before he straightened his back, then reaching down to open his pants before he stopped and you saw his eyes widen.
"What? W-what's wrong?"
"We...we can't do this,my...I can't conjure up what would satisfy you at the moment."
You glanced down at his crotch area and raised a brow when you saw that he clearly had a bulge, so you didn't understand what the problem was. Although, his erection appeared to be...moving?
Pennywise didn't move from his spot, and he made sure to stay still when he saw you crawl over to him to poke at his bulge obviously still confused. Rather than keeping yourself shut out, you lifted your hands to open his costume right before one of your hands had something quickly wrap itself around it.
"Is that-"
"A tentacle? Why yes, yes it is."Pennywise responded in a slightly sarcastic tone, but then felt his eyes go wide again when your free hand slid a finger across the tentacle that securely held onto your hand. "I-I...I'm not able to conjure up something more human life, because I've been denying my urges and...this is the result."
You stared at the tentacle for a moment, but shrugged before laying back down and technically pulled on Pennywise who moved along with you. He looked down at your hand, and felt himself drool when he realized that you brought your tangled hand down to your womanhood which easily made the tentacle unwrap itself.
On its own, the tentacle poked at your entrance which made you take in a sharp breath, right before it rubbed and then inserted itself inside of you.
You let out a gasp not only because of its cold texture nor its length, but because the tentacle practically thought for itself and it started to wiggle and slither inside of you once it was completely inside.
Pennywise leaned down to hold himself up while you gripped onto his costume, and soon enough he unconsciously began to thrust into you with a slow pace.
As he did so, the tentacle only made strange motions that increased the pleasure you were feeling. You were filled with ecstasy as it touched every piece inside you while Pennywise brought it in and out of you.
His thrusts were slow and gentle, but the tentacle inside you made it feel a lot different as it continued to do its own treatment inside you. You bit your lip to not let out a moan, but finally released it when you felt the tentacle hit your sweet spot, which Pennywise realized. This made his body loosen up, and he now gained some more control over himself.
He quickened the speed when the tentacle no longer moved and became stiff, and he gripped onto your hips as you felt your climax near. Pennywise began to let out grunts that soon turned into low growls, and if your eyes hadn't been shut, you would have seen that his eyes now had blood red rings that looked down at you with teeth that were beginning to grow.
"Ah..ah,Penny..."you moaned out which made him lean down, then placing his head next to yours before you turned and spoke into his ear."Come inside me, please..."
On command, Pennywise shut his eyes before his hips now pounded into yours and he soon felt his tentacle release a grand amount of his seed that spurted out right after you had done so, with him still inside you. And he decided to remain that way as he lifted himself to look at your tired figure, smiling softly when he saw your peaceful smile that looked up at him.
"Imagine how happy Georgie will be after he finds out his...um,ship has sailed!"
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softboywriting · 7 years
Mated Pt 12 // Werewolf Shawn
(sorry im a few mins late posting this. @sippingchai gave me a SWEET distraction)
Summary: You and Shawn are mates. He’s an alpha werewolf. You’re a human. Human’s aren’t usually mated to werewolves, but that won’t stop both of you from falling in love anyway.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
Everything hits the fan when you walk upstairs with Shawn and your dad is home. He takes one look and he knows exactly who Shawn is. What Shawn is. His face turns a little red, and you know he’s ready to blow up. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted to introduce Shawn to him, but here you were.
“So, are you the one that broke into my daughter's room?” your dad, Alan, asks with his arms folded. He tilts his head a little and you know he’s going to challenge Shawn.
“Sir,” Shawn starts with an oh so sweet smile, “I wouldn’t need to break into your daughters room.”
That’s it. That does it. You can see something in your dad snap. Why did Shawn have to be like this right now? He was already heated from the fact that Liam had been in your room and done what he did. Why did your dad have to open with such an accusatory question? You groan, wishing Shawn could have just answered with a simple, “No.”
“Exactly what are you implying?” Alan asks, stepping forward toward you and Shawn. Bad choice dad. Bad choice.
Shawn steps in front of you and straightens his back. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut. “I wasn’t implying anything. Simply stating a fact.” Shawn crosses his arms and looks your dad up and down. Properly sizing him up as an opponent. “I know who did break in though.”
Alan looks Shawn over, squaring him up the same way Shawn was. He fell short by about four inches and several pounds of muscle. There was no way your dad would ever be able to take Shawn on. “And who do you think it was, Sherlock?”
“I know it was her piece of shit ex boyfriend. Liam.”
“Ex?” Alan asks with raised eyebrows, looking at you. “So the two of you are a thing now?” He looks to Shawn with a disgusted face. “You moved in pretty quick then, considering Liam and my daughter were still together on her birthday not to long ago.”
“Dad, Shawn and I were already friends,” not exactly a lie but not a whole truth “and then things changed. We found out we’re mates so-”
Alan holds his hand up and shakes his head. “Excuse me young lady? Mates? Werewolves don’t mate with humans. Now, it’s bad enough you’re dating him, or whatever this is, but mates?”
“Dad, I’m not joking,” you say and try to step out from behind Shawn but he won’t let you. “Myra sent for me on my birthday and said she had a vision that-”
“A vision!? You believe that old woman? Honey, don’t feel like you have to do anything just because someone says they saw it in a dream. If you don’t want to be with Shawn-”
“Alan. Let your daughter speak,” Shawn growls, yes, literally growls this out. He’s radiating heat, his eyes are bright golden amber and all you can do is lay your hand on his back to provide some sense of comfort and grounding lest he snap and attack your dad and his big mouth. Alan takes another step forward, starting in on how Shawn better watch his tone, that this is his house and he will not be ordered around by the likes of him. You can feel Shawn losing his temper. It’s like fire on your fingertips where your hand rests on Shawn’s back, the way he was feeling was unmistakable, it was murderous.
“Shawn,” you say softly just as your dad stops speaking. “Shawn, please. This is not the way to do this.” Your dad watches you as you carefully step around Shawn and place your hand on his chest, pushing him slightly and he walks back against the door to the basement. “Please don’t lose your temper over this.”
Shawn averts his gaze to you and you can see he’s pleading with you. It’s all right there on his face. He’s begging you to let him accept the challenge your dad was posing. You shake your head a little. He looks back and down at you again. Silently asking to at least rough your dad up a little. You shake your head again. Shawn slides his hand into your hair and leans down to kiss you hard, teeth clacking against yours. He’s biting you lip, licking into your mouth. It’s a rough, frustrated, annoyed, angry, possessive kiss.  You lay your hand on his face and pull back as your dad clears his throat.
You turn around and see that your mom has joined your dad where he’s stood across the kitchen. “Dad, what’s happened has happened. Shawn and I are mates.  I-” you stop because you're not really sure how to phrase it to them that you’ve been turned. “I’ve accepted this, completely.”
“Dear, human’s can’t mate with werewolves. They just don’t reproduce. You’ll never have kids an-”
You cut your mom off as you say, “I’m not human.”
Alan looks like he saw a ghost. Grace looks like she has misheard you. It’s a clusterfuck of babbling as they both try to speak at once. Shawn’s arm slips around your waist and you lean back against him. Finally your mom gets a full sentence out. “I’m sorry, how is that?”
“I bit her. I’m an alpha like my father.”
“You WHAT?!” Alan starts for us and you pull away from Shawn to push him back, hand on his chest, he tumbles backward and you retract your hand quickly. You didn’t know you had that kind of strength. You only wanted him to stop before Shawn couldn’t lay his hands on him.
“I’m sorry! Are you okay dad?!” you stare at your dad laying sprawled out on the tiled floor. He sits up and rubs his head gingerly as your mom bends down to help him up. “I-I didn’t know that would happen.”
Alan sighs heavily. “I’m fine. Just a little surprised.”
“Honey, if Shawn is what you want, and if you’re a werewolf, then we’re just going to have to adjust. Right, Alan?” Grace says, rubbing his back. “There is nothing that can be done now. We can’t make you human again. We can’t take Shawn away from you, you aren’t a child with a toy.” She looks pointedly at Alan and he nods in solemn agreement.
“I’d like to take her home with me,” Shawn says quietly. “I’m afraid Liam may be watching your house and he might try to break in again.”
“Nothing was stolen?” Alan asks, looking at you for confirmation.
You nod. “That’s right. He didn’t come to take anything back. He came for me, we think. There was...dried...semen on my bed.”
“That little prick came into my fucking house and rubbed one out on your bed?!” Alan shouts, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He grips the counter top he’s leaned against and you think the wood trim on the side might pop off. “If that little fuck ever shows his face around here again I’ll-”
Shawn pulls you close to him. “I’ll take care of it. A wolf knows how to clean up it’s mess far better than a human.”
Grace’s eyes widen at this casual talk of a possible murder. “Shawn I know you care for our daughter but-”
“I’ll do what I have to. I will keep her safe no matter the cost.” Shawn kisses your head and you flush bright red. Your parents just nod, knowing that a werewolf’s word to his mate was a guarantee. It would be hard but they were going to have to let you go. You weren’t their innocent little girl anymore.
The two of you head back downstairs after a while and Shawn kisses under your jaw from behind you when you walk into your room. He pulls you against his chest and keeps kissing all along your neck. “Get some clothes, anything you need. I’ll see if we can use the guest house on the estate for a while.” He pushes you away playfully and you start grabbing some clothes and shoving them into your old backpack. “Don’t forget your homework. I’m sure you’re behind.”
“Yeah, I am. Also, sorry about my dad. I didn’t want it to go down like that.”
Shawn shrugs. “I didn’t kill him, so that’s a start.”
“Did you really mean what you said? You think Liam is watching the place?” You wind up your laptop charger and shove it in your bag. Shawn nods and you feel an unsettling sick in your stomach.
When you look back to question Shawn as to why he thought that, he grabs a pair of black lace panties out of your top dresser drawer and dangles them off one finger. “Pack these,” he says, voice low and commanding. “And these,” he grabs your pink and white/gold pairs. You flush and take them out of his hands to stuff in the outer pocket of your backpack.
“I’m almost ready to go,” you say and the last thing you grab is a pair of pajamas out of your laundry basket and Shawn wraps his arms around you, pulling you away. “Won’t need pajamas baby,” he kisses your neck and bites your earlobe. “I’ll make sure you’re plenty warm every night.”
Tag List: @pancakeclouds @welldamnshawn @sippingchai @ironfurycollector @shawnsr0ses @shawn-bliss @illumegeoff @shawnsassymendes @lostinshawnslight   (someone messages me earlier and i accidentally forgot to write down ur username so i didn’t tag you. im SORRY)
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justchill-writing · 4 years
A mother's embrace
Tw: abuse, minor cursing, among other triggering topics
There wasn't enough about my family that I remembered. I wanted to know everything, but my memory grew foggy after all the years without them. Unfortunately for me, the memories that I did remember were few and far between.
I wanted to know their names, my dad, my mom, and my sibling. But I was never told, and now that I was done with the foster system, it was harder to find out any answers. The things I did remember were either the worst moments of my life, or the best. There was no in between. There was one memory that stood out more than the others, and it involved my sibling. I couldn't even call them sister or brother because I couldn't remember their gender. I think they were a boy, but who's to tell. Certainly not me. It was midday, and we were coming home from school.
We were talking about something stupid probably, the little details didn't really seem all that important to me. But I knew that I was wearing blue mittens that day. My sibling was wearing a blue jacket. They had a black eye, and there was a bruise on his arm from something. It was cold that day, but everyday was where we lived. They were going on and on, but about what I could not say. We weren't those usual type of siblings that fought about everything, we were the close type. We were closer than two peas in a pod.
They were my best friend and sibling at the same time. For the sake of my memory, I think they are a boy. We'll call them my brother from here on. He left his backpack at home today, and I had left my mug. We were gonna go to the park and play, but we had to go home first since we left stuff at home. He was a few years older than me, I was probably 9… Maybe 10. He was probably about 12. The ice was slick that day, and the cold wind was harsh against our thin jackets. We couldn't afford anything else. We had gotten around to our house, mom wasn't gonna be in the house today, and neither was dad.
That was the good thing, nobody was home to bother us. We could just get out stuff and go to the park. We would spend the whole day at the park just him and I and all the other neighborhood kids. It was an hour long walk home so we had plenty of time to talk about what we should do once we got there. It ended up being something about going on the swings, he would push me on the swings and we could go on the huge playground. So the plan was set in stone.
Once we got home, we tried the door, but it wouldn't open. Strangely, it was locked. Neither of us had a key, so my brother had decided to just go into the window. He never closed it for reasons I didn't know, but it turned out handy for us. He went into the window, though I started hearing sounds from the inside. Sounds of people talking, like multiple people were talking.
Cautiously, I knocked on the door. That was my mistake. Instantly the sounds of talking stopped, and I heard the door knob twist and move. The door opened to show, dad. That was weird, he wasn't supposed to be home right now. He was supposed to be at work. His eyes met mine, and I could tell he was angry. His angry glare gave that away immediately. I swallowed, and was taken off guard when he grabbed me by my backpack and pulled me into the house roughly. He let go of my backpack as he closed the door behind me.
"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be home. You and… damnit, where's the other one! You two are supposed to be anywhere else." He growled lowly, looking me into the eyes. His heavy glare was an indicator that I had done something wrong. I stared back at him silently. After a few seconds he grabbed my shoulder in a tight grip,
"Answer me brat!" He snapped loudly. I closed my eyes tightly.
"I-I'm sorry sir... We we're just going to get our stuff since we left it here today. We aren't gonna stay long, j-just long enough to grab our stuff." I whispered out quickly. Looking down to avert his gaze. He seemed to think about that answer, then grabbed me by my jacket, making me look at him.
"And where's your sibling huh? You two are never far apart from each other." I merely pointed at our room, and dad looked that way. "Oh well then come out of there! Right now or I swear I'll make you regret it!" He snarled, yelling at the door. I jumped a little, he had pulled on my jacket making me skid a little bit on the floor due to my icy boots. The door to our room slowly opened, and he walked out of it. Carrying his backpack, and my mug. My father let go of my jacket, and pointed to the ground next to me.
"Here. Now." He growled loudly. It was only then, I knew where the second voice came from, my dad's room. There was another woman there, standing by the doorway. Just staring at what was happening. She had a cigarette in her mouth and it was lit up. The smell of smoke wasn't just from my dad this time. There was also a strong smell of perfume, presumably from her. I didn't know this woman, I had never seen her before in my life. But here she was, standing in our small living room.
Staring at the scene going on before her, and yet saying nothing.
"You two little brats just ruined a perfectly good afternoon for me! So you two are gonna pay!" He grabbed my sibling by the hair and pulled them over to him. "Give them. Now. Maybe losing the things you like in this world will teach you a damn lesson in this world since all you ever do is ruin things for adults like me!" He yanked the backpack and mug out of my brother's hand, then he poured the contents of my mug out onto the backpack. I had tea in my mug that day, it stained everything inside the bag. Making the backpack a blackish color. The tea dripped from the backpack to the floor in a large puddle. Then dad tore the backpack straight in two from the zipper down. Leaving a useless flap of backpack on the ground.
He then looked at the mug, and dropped it to the ground. It was glass, so it broke on impact. I had gotten that mug from grandma before she passed. To say I was saddened was an understatement.
My brother glared at the mess on the ground. Deciding to stay quiet. We knew better than nothing that staying quiet would ease his rage.
"There. Now you two get this mess cleaned up quickly. I don't want a sticky floor when I come home from work tomorrow." Dad yelled at us both. I flinched a little, and nodded. My brother on the other hand, stayed completely still. Dad apparently took this as a sign of saying no, since the next move is quick and deliberate. Dad slapped my brother straight across the face harshly, then grabbed him by the shirt. Lifting him up by his shirt and lifting his fist.
"Stop! Please don't! Stop it!" I screamed as I grabbed onto dad's hand. He shook me off quickly, accidentally, or purposefully, hitting me across the head. Everything was so quick moving, but when the lady coughed, dad stopped mid motion. She pointed to the clock on the wall. That made dad sigh a little, putting my brother down. He rushed over to me, and started pushing me out the door. "Come on, let's go to the park." He was checking my head for any bruises.
Dad yelled something about cleaning up the house, but by then we were gone and leaving to the park. My head spun and stung all at once. I could feel a small welt appearing on the side of my head that hurt to touch. My brother looked at it, and scooped up some clean snow off the sidewalk.
"It'll help the swelling go down for now. We can deal with anything else later, but the swelling needs to go down." My brother told me, putting the ice to my head.
"My mug… a-and your backpack. Mom's gonna be sad if she knows we broke our stuff. She'll get real sad again." I mumbled, taking the snow from his hand. He rubbed my back as we walked.
"I know, but I saved up some money for now. I'll get new books, I'll just have to carry them around until I can afford a new backpack. But we need to get you a jacket first, that's my top priority. You're shaking like a leaf. As for the mug, just don't bring it up to mom for a while. She'll forget about it eventually." He told me reassuringly. He smiled, "Hey, how about we race to the park? I bet I can beat you!" He offered, then got a running head start in front of me. I looked at him surprised for a second, then started following him.
The next few hours were lost to my memory, but I knew I had fun. The day was fun, but the night slowly came around, and then it was time to go home. My fingers felt like they were falling off at this point, and my teeth were chattering like crazy.
Days past, the same thing would repeat every once in a while. Mom found out about the affairs dad was having, but she said nothing about it. She just put on a fake smile, and made dinner. It was strange to little me, but I understood it now. She was just trying to keep us from getting hurt any more. And even if she got a divorce, there was the chance of custody going to dad.
She wouldn't let that happen. Maybe a few months after, dad's anger grew even more. His beatings grew more and more, we came to school with bruises and cuts. I think that's what started the domino effect. We came home one day to see blue and red flashing lights. We didn't see much, but I saw mom and dad outside talking to people. We tried walking closer, but somebody stopped us in our tracks. A policeman.
He looked down at us with pity, "come on. We're gonna go down to the station." I looked to mom, she was crying. Crying hard, while dad just looked bored. Once they saw us, mom immediately sniffed, and walked up to us. Even with the policeman telling her to take a step back. She leaned down on one knee to look at us.
"H-hey babies. Y-your gonna be going away for a while. Just s-stay t-together." Her sentence was cut in pieces due to sniffles, sobs, and shakes. Her hands were freezing on my face. They felt like a cold snowball against my face. I didn't understand at the time. I didn't understand anything.
"I'm gonna s-see you two as soon as I can. I'll make sure of it. D-dad and I are just gonna be at home for a little while. Think of it like a sleepover. A really, r-really long sleepover. I love you both, so much. So, so much." She rubbed my hand, and my brother's arm. I think he knew what was happening. He was quiet, and didn't say anything to mom. Only stared at dad, like he was gonna attack us any time. I nodded slowly, and gave mom a hug.
She hugged me back, a tight and warm embrace. Maybe that's why I like hugs so much now. A memory that impacted me even now. She only let go of me when the policeman made her back away. Dad did nothing but glare at us. He said nothing, and didn't move an inch. My mom had cried so much during that few minutes. She had tears coming down quickly, and she shook with sobs.
She took a few steps back, and the other policemen took her. My brother only put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. I don't remember his features. But he had a small smile that made me feel better.
Even if I didn't know what was going on. If I did know, I knew I would be crying too. But I didn't know anything. I was a kid, and couldn't understand why mom was being so sad. They put me in the police car, and closed the door. I remember my mom's screams and sobs as we drove away.
I looked back at her, and saw her getting taken away in another police car. Dad too. Everything else happened without a memory. I only remembered my brother saying goodbye to me for the very last time. I know why mom didn't want us, me, to know what was happening. I know why she did what she did. And I don't blame her. I never blamed her, not even dad.
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The Perfect Picture
Remember when I mentioned i was writing a one-shot of Orton being a troll to Block? Well here it is ^^ Honestly while i like thse two as rivals, i also liked the idea of them having a dorky frenemyship where one does nasty things that turn out to be mere tactics for self entertainment which turns out proper at the end for the other. 
*whispers* Block and Orton friendship is a new thing :3 Gotta thank @annamaetion for motivating me to finish this - Which I’m about three paragraphs from the end x3
"THIS is my photographer?! Gretchen what is the meaning of this?!"
Orton smirked snidely while Block was towering over his assistant in demanding. The bespectacled woman that is Gretchen remained nonchalant and she responded in a monotone voice. "There's no meaning, Sir. You were asking for the best photographer there is in Danville so here he is," She coolly gestured at Orton.
Block started to shriek like a spoilt child who didn't get what he wanted. "But...! Oh for crying out loud - I only asked for a photographer! Not a movie star of some ridiculous science sitcom!"
Gretchen flinched and Orton spoke up with crossed arms. "Hey you do realize I can be that and a photographer at the same time, right?" The words shut Block up and he fumed, eyes casting on Gretchen.
Gretchen sensed the hostility and gave her boss the crossed arms. "Orton's the only photographer I've found to be available twenty four hours a day," She pointed out and flashed Orton a grin. "Besides, he's a pretty photogenic man if you ask me. He'll know exactly how to help you make the best photo for the Bureau's Hall of Agents Portrait."
Block's eyes twitched and he groaned in frustration. Of all decisions it had to be this - It's either let that punk work or no picture. It's only one day left and he had absolutely no time to waste..
"Ugh fine! You get the job Mahlson," He curtly shook the offered hand. "But you better make it good."
Orton just nodded in reply. "Oh of course Percival. Of course..." He smirked.
In his annoyance, Block did not see Orton's grin flash with mischief…
Block stared at the well-decorated room while Orton concentrated on nicely bunching up some flowers. The once just plain white room is now home to fancy chairs, mountainous wallpaper and plastic potted plants. How Orton managed to fit all of those in his backpack? He'll never know.
"Hey I thought I had Gretchen order a photographer! Not an interior designer!" He snapped.
A card flew right into his face and Block caught it in two fingers before it could slide down. He read the card.
Danville's Pro Actor Slash Dr Zone Franchise Creator Slash Top Notch Photographer Slash Freelance Interior Designer.
"Wow. That, is a lot of modern positions for someone from the 60s. How exactly did you fit in with society here so easily?!" Block looked incredulous.
Orton rolled his eyes and casually fiddled a flower in his fingers. "Sheesh Blockhead, your brain sure is living the luxurious life of taking its time to process - I have friends, you know? Want me to name them?"
When Block opened his mouth, Orton pinched his lips shut. "You know what? Forget it, I'd rather keep my brethren safe than give their info away to a rotten toad like you so topic closed."
He smirked at the growling Block let out before he gracefully twirled and clapped his hands. "Now chop chop, we still have your photoshoot to do!"
Block grunted and stood up. Orton looked skeptically at the black and red suit from head to toe. Block found it hard to resist punching the guy with the reminder of personal space.
"What's the problem Orton? Why are you staring at my clothes like a fool looking for a scrap of dirt?"
The tawny man stood up and put a hand to his chin. "Hmph nothing serious except - Oh boy... Well I got some news for you." He pulled a part of Block's uniform. "Your clothes cannot do. You need a complete redo! A makeover."
No way. Block gasped. "A makeover?!?"
Orton gave a curt nod. "A makeover."
Nothing could describe the girly squeal Block suddenly let out. The bulky man stopped the embarrassing reaction and gave Orton a questioning look. "Hey you're doing a manly one, right?"
"My! Percy you look fabulous! Oh just come out and look at yourself!"
Orton facepalmed in frustration before going into the closet room to pull Block out. "Seriously, come out you big baby! I have a time limit here and you are wasting every ounce of seconds with your stubborn ass!" He yanked hard on Block's arm and pulled him outside.
The surrounding backdrop workers (lesser time traveller agents) bit their lips in trying not to laugh out loud at their boss.
Block just growled through his pursed mouth, busy stiff and arms pressed at the sides. In the forty minutes of scuffle and dressing up, Orton did a fine job of decorating him.
Wearing the Napoleon-like attire, it made him feel like he's being squeezed and suffocated alive while the high-heeled leather boots aren't making things any comfier. His pants are white and its leggings poofed out at where the boots are overlapping.
Light pink blush and tan colored cream colored his abnormally pale face and his curled ebony hair is tied up in a ridiculous bun. To make things worse, Orton had him wear a navy blue hat resembling that of a pirate's topped with this ridiculously big pink feather. If anything, he looked like a vintage bootleg toy.
Orton snickered and proudly admired his work. "You look gorgeous. Oh you are bound to get a lot of ladies falling for ya!" This sentence made the agents crack up. They hushed however when Block sent them a deadly glare. Orton's fingers turned Block around so he's facing him.
The man was staring right into his face and a devious grin formed. "Now... I believe something is missing,"
Block fumed. "Ooh what could that be? Eyeliner?" He sarcastically said. He's clearly pissed off with makeup at this point.
"No, no! Silly! Eyeliner? Not with those ridiculously large eyebags of yours my friend. I nearly had to use up all of my cream just to cover them up!" Rebuked Orton.
Block winced. His eyebags are so deep it took Orton a long time to apply and rub the covering cream to hide them. "Touche," He muttered and watched Orton pull out a black purse - His makeup kit.
To his horror, the man took out a certain object and opened the cap. Twisting it a bit, a soft red solid rose and Block stiffened. "Is that?!?" He backed away as Orton smirked and went near. "Don't you dare - Get that thing away from me Mahlson! Put that stuff on my face and it's your head!"
His desperate shrieks were ignored and nothing but the sound of grunting and struggle is heard...
Not long later, Block stood in front of the mountainous wallpaper - With his cheeks covered in large lipstick spirals. Block internally swore to knee Orton in the crotch if he plans to make him wear white face paint next. The current extra accessory made him look ridiculous enough.
I could have sworn this shot is supposed to be themed epic and dynamic. Block thought with annoyance. What on earth did Gretchen tell this guy? A request for a Halloween shot?
"Hey no need to be moody, Blockhead. We're all done and over with the makeover!" Orton chuckled and patted the Napoleon clothed shoulder of Block as he seethed still. "Besides, the lipstick makes you look like that one scary Jigsaw puppet with the tricycle and violent methods of criminal punishment. Everyone loves that guy - Right boys?" Orton innocently asked the other agents.
The agents didn't reply for they immediately exited the room to laugh out loud outside of Block's hearing range.  Orton gave a fake wince and looked at Block. "Well, I think you're perfect," He ignored the look of disbelief on Block's face and pulled out his phone.
Block blinked. "You're using a phone to take your photos?!" The man nodded without taking his eyes off the phone as he went through filters.
"I had to. You know, DSLR cameras are too big and bulky even for me - So I created a model that is basically that and a cellphone in one! The first of its kind, exclusive to myself, though I do have some plans of production. It's still a prototype you see? But it's working fine!"
He lowered his phone so he can grab a nearby ladder and drag it to the center of the background. He returned to the front and horizontally held the phone. "Alrighty, we are all set Block! Now climb up the ladder!"
Block looked stunned. "What?"
"You heard me! Now do it!"
The big man gripped the metal sides and took a step. Three steps later, he was shaking in fear and halfway to the top of the ladder. He flashed Orton a hopeful grin. "Is this enough?"
Orton rolled his eyes and shook his hand in a 'keep going motion'. "Higher." He said flatly. Block winced and climbed farther up. The ladder shook when Block set one foot on the summit step and he shrieked. "Is this enough?!"
To his relief, Orton nodded. But it wasn't the last.
"You're doing great! Now do an epic pose like all those men who pull swords out from stones!"
Before Block could reply, Orton tossed him a large sword that pulled his arms down when caught. The ladder shook beneath from the sudden weight pull and it nearly fell over - The man gasping when he almost fell. He managed to stabilize the ladder and do as instructed.
With Orton raising a thumbs up, Block put on a plastered grin as the phone was raised to capture the picture…
He waited for the flash. It never came. For a good second, Block thought Orton didn't consider using that like most people who use those things - Until a shocked outcry came out of the latter's mouth.
Block gaped and became alarmed. "W-What's the problem? Is it the hair?! The makeup?! A one-off?!"
Orton said nothing. Instead, frowned and sighed in frustration at his phone before flipping it for Block to see the blinking Low Battery logo on the screen.
"Dead Battery.”
Orton slipped the phone into his pocket and pulled out a camera and its aparratus from his backpack. "Give me a moment and stay there, I'll just have to set up my DSLR - You're lucky I brought it with me or I'll have to steal another camera from someplace!"
Block's eye twitched with rage and if he wasn't covered in so much foundation amongst other things, his face would definitely be red like the lipstick spirals on his cheeks. With his emerald glare upon Orton, he could only think of one phrase.
Could a mere photoshoot day get any worse?
For the next half hour, Block didn't say a thing and let his ridiculous picture be taken. He knew it was embarrassing and something to not be displayed on the Hall of Agents - Especially when his picture is gonna be the biggest frame and takes up an entire side of wall.
As much as he wanted a proper formal re-shoot, his mind has already been inflicted by the intense makeover, the clothes and the Nasty Photographer from Hell as he had dubbed Orton for this day.
When the latter finally left with a casual side of teasing remark, the first thing Block did was rip off the suit (not literally.. Maybe?) and scrub his face with lots of soap. After that bath, bed was the first place he went to and he did just so - Planting facefirst on the mattress and pillows...
The next day came by faster than he thought and he badly wanted to be absent, save himself from the chuckling of his agents as Orton further provoked them into laughter with stories on how the shooting went.
Block grumbled and got to his feet. No, it's just a dumb old picture. He put on his usual uniform and sighed. He can just suspend agents that laugh or give some much as one chortle. He's the boss, he's got the privilege. They don't… right?
Moments later, he found himself in the portrait filled room where his agents are admiring or happily chatting about their developed works. A few portraits, notably Brick and Savannah's, are said to be home captured and sent them in for photoshop and so on.
The latter pair stood proudly while describing their precious work to the watching fellow agents. The portrait as Block expected from every agent in pairs, displayed Brick and Savannah in a cloudy landscape. Brick was riding a winged horse and Savannah, standing in an epic archer's dress with a spear in readying to shoot the man and steed…
Block winced. So this is how the woman treats her guy. He snorted with an eyeroll. Typical. He moved on to see the other portraits.
His steppings grew slow the moment he entered the chatty environment of the room. Something about the chit-chat bothered him. Although he has no intention of being a busy body, his ears picked up a name amongst the chat -  The one name he doesn't consider pretty after yesterday…
Block blinked in disbelief. Many of his agents are talking about that guy. Talking about how great he is amongst other words of praise. "What the heck?" He rubbed his ears as if to make sure they weren't deceiving him. He wasn't. He was indeed hearing them talk good about Orton and it stuns him. Does everybody know this man? He blinked. Dr Zone. Of course.. He rolled his eyes.
His emerald gaze froze and set upon another certain pair where a lot of agents are crowding around with cameras and compliments. They were standing in front of a large portrait taking up there whole wall but Block was too distracted to see. In the center of the crowd stood Balthazar and Vinnie along with a very familiar man Block knew too well - He stiffened.
Silence filled the air and the trio acknowledged Block. Orton especially let out a loud chortle before giving Block a hearty slap on the shoulder. "Why hello Block! So good to see ya drag your heavy butt out here before the crowd! And good thing too because you're just in time for the big premiere!"
He ignored the shocked look on Block's face and clapped for Gretchen. "Hey Gretch! Gather everyone here will you not? The star has finally entered - time to get this event started!"
"I'm on it!" Gretchen called for everyone and in minutes, the entire bureau is crowded around before the spectacle - Brick and Savannah being included in the batch. Orton has an arm raised as a hand enclosed around a part of the cloth covering the large framed portrait. The crowd silenced in time for Orton to begin his opening speech.
"My dear friends and agents of the Bureau of Time Travel, it is with great pleasure that I stand here today to present the most awaited Frame of Honor containing the most wonderful face of no one other than the Bureau's most adored boss, the amazing Mr Percival Block!"
He readied to pull away the cloth but a blur of black and red screeched and grabbed Orton's shoulders with desperate shaking.
"Don't you dare!" He barked much to Orton's 'surprise'. "You already made me look like a child's mannequin - I cannot have you humiliating more in front of all of my agents!" He snapped.
Orton gave him an offended look. "I beg your pardon?" He pried the bigger man off of him. "Oh Blockhead. Why on earth would I do that? I am a man with a heart - I'd never humiliate someone in front of a crowd!" He held in a snicker. Unless it was you that is. He thought to himself but quickly shook his head. No he’d never do that even to him...
Holding Block away with one arm, Orton gripped onto the cloth and with a swoosh, the drape was pulled down and came clean off from the portrait. Block shrieked and shut his eyes, shaking madly. I'm doomed I'm doomed I'm doomed!!! He shot Orton a second lasting death glare. And it's all your fault - Dammit Mahlson!
He covered his ears in expecting the ringing of laughter and words of humiliation to be thrown upon him. None of that came - Instead, the clapping of hands of one person, Vinnie Dakota, before the entire crowd joined in with whoops and cheers.
"Wha??" Block felt Orton's hand grasp his and hold it up in victory pose. "Everybody! Lo and behold - The Block is in the house and is shining with spotlights ever so glorious! Stand back and stare at him! In awe!"
Orton's other arm was gestured to the huge portrait and the cheering applause intensified. Block now felt whatever tense feeling he had drift away and he slowly turned to look at what's behind him.
Instead of an image of him in ridiculous clothing and makeup, Block found himself staring at a much vibrant image; Him in metallic knight's armor and riding an armored steed, his arm raised up high and holding a sword.
To top it off, his face is full of bravery and instead of the dark perms, his hair swayed with the wind in epic motion. It looked so realistic…
"Wow neato!" Vinnie was enthralled and he clapped with Balthazar. "My, that was flashing! Your photographer really did the job!" Added Vinnie's tall partner in amazement. All the other agents were giving out praises of impression and their applause grew louder.
The noises weren't fully acknowledged by Block however as he stared at the portrait as if his mind is taking a while to process things. Before he knew it, he felt a smile tug on the corner of his lips. "I can't believe it!" He grinned and for their first time since yesterday, looked at Orton with immense joy. "How did you do this?! In one night... I don't know what to say!"
Orton shrugged with a chuckle and smacked the man in the shoulder. "If that's so, then don't say anything then." He glanced around the room. "Look about you, with you being the boss I thought it'd only be fair to give you the most supreme piece so there you have it!"
He dug into his pocket for a receipt book and clicking a pen, wrote in some words. He ripped the page off the pad, folded it, and handed it to Block who took the paper slowly. "Here's the bill Block. I'll be expecting to be paid within this week," He smirked and he went forward and through the crowd of agents - But not without giving Block one last devious wink over his shoulder.
"… Okay?" Block muttered and reluctantly, he opened the paper with sheer panic in fear of seeing a huge number with so many zeroes at the end - That one day and he already knew how cunning Orton can be. His fingers tipped up the upper half of the paper and reluctantly, he scanned the words and to his surprise, found no number.
Spare those dimes in your wallet because my time having fun with you yesterday is already all the payment I could ask for. That and... I apologize for being too childlike. Hope you can call me again soon, that way I could at least make it up to you. Well. It was nice bonding with you Percy! :) 
- Orton Mahlson
For the first time since his hostile rivalry with Orton, Block wore an actual touched smile.
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