#also the peanut butter pepperoni sandwich is curtesy of my brother
hintofelation99 · 3 years
Jason Chaperons Damian's Field Trip
Damian and Jason in the Batcave trying to murder each other
Jason: I'm going to kill you demon brat!
Damian: Ha! I'd like to see you try Todd!
Fighting continues for the next two days
Bruce: That's it! Jason, Damian, no more fighting. You two are going to bond even if it kills you!
Jason: Again?
Bruce: Not the time Jason!
Damian, rolling his eyes: And how exactly do you expect me to bond with this barbarian?
Bruce: A trip to the art museum.
Damian and Jason look confused.
Bruce: Damian's class is going to the Gotham art museum next Friday. I was going to chaperon, but since you both decided to try and stab each other in public I have some PR matters to attend to. So, Jason will chaperon.
Damian: That is absolutely ridiculous father. Is it not enough that I am already forced to see subpar art with snot nosed brats? Now I have to take the zombie?!
Jason: Watch it brat!
Damian: Tt
Jason and Damian glare at each other.
Bruce: No, your brother is taking you to see world renowned art with your peers.
Jason: C'mon Bruce, world renowned? It's the Gotham art museum.
Bruce, glaring: Fine. Country renowned.
Jason raises his eyebrows.
Bruce: Don't push it. I'll call the school and let them know that you're taking my place.
--> The Next Friday <--
Jason: Damian! Get your ass down here!
Damian: I am right beside you Todd.
Jason: Where's your tie? And your blazer? Where's your backpack?
Damian: Calm down Todd. I have never been late for school and I do not plan to deviate from that today.
Jason: Whatever. Just be ready in the next five minutes, I want to get coffee first and we are not going to be late.
Damian: Pennyworth has already brewed a pot of that infernal drink.
Jason: And Tim has already called dibs on the entire pot. That kid is scrawny, but when it comes to coffee he's vicious.
Damian: Tt.
Tires screech as Jason whips into a parallel parking spot in front of the school. Damian's entire class watches this happen. They look terrified.
Damian, jumping out of the car, cursing in Arabic: Are you trying to murder me?!
Jason, casually getting out of the car with a Frappuccino, shrugs: I told you we wouldn't be late.
Jason, shrugs: Oops.
Teacher: Ok class! This is Jason Todd, he is Damian's older brother and he will be helping out on the field trip today. I expect you all to be on your best behavior today! Now Mr. Todd, would you like to tell us a little about yourself?
Jason, feet on a desk not paying attention, glaring at Damian.
Teacher: Mr. Todd?
Jason chokes on Frappuccino, stands up.
Jason: Uh, yeah, sure. Um, my name is Jason Todd, feel free to just call me Jason. Uh, what else?
Teacher: Maybe give us a fun fact about yourself?
Jason: Sure, sure. Uh I recently spent some time down under.
Teacher: Oh, in Australia?
Jason: Yeah, let's go with that.
Damian facepalms
On the bus, kids screaming and throwing things at each other. Damian and Jason sit at the front near Damian's teacher. Jason has his eyes closed and looks tense.
Teacher: Uh, Mr. Todd? Jason? Are you alright?
Jason: Just peachy.
Damian: Pull it together Todd. You are embarrassing me.
Jason: Listen demon spawn, I'm trying to keep it together and not maim a rich brat. So why don't you shut up.
Damian: Tt. Everyone knows you are too cowardly to maim a child. However, I do admit that the loud and confined environment could cause stress... Here. Take these.
Damian hands Jason headphones. Jason looks confused.
Damian: Grayson claims that music can have a calming affect.
Jason: ...Thanks brat.
Teacher: Ok class we are here! Remember to stick with your groups. Group one is with me. Group two is with Mrs. Smith. And group three is with Jason.
Kids break into groups, each group has seven kids.
Jason: Group three over here!
Damian rolls his eyes as the other six kids approach.
Jason: Be nice. Ok kiddos, we're starting at the uh American Rural Avant Garde exhibit. What the fuck is that crap?
Teacher: Oh my! Um, Mr. Todd. We do not encourage such strong language.
Jason: Wha- oh! You mean crap, so teach' that's my bad.
Teacher: Uh, no I uh-
Jason: Anyway c'mon demons let's go look at shitty art.
Teacher, chanting under their breath: The Wayne's donate a lot of money. The Wayne's donate a lot of money.
In the cubism section.
Kid 1: Mr. Todd! When's lunch?
Jason: Call me Jason kid, and it's only ten? Lunch isn't until one.
Kid 2: But I'm hungry!
Kid 3: And this is boring!
Jason: It's not that bad, look at this thing! It's- oh shit is that a Picasso?
Kid 4: Uh, yeah?
Jason: Fuck that asshole, let's go get ice cream.
Damian: Todd! That is not in the schedule, we can not skip a section just because you dislike the artist!
Jason: See, that's were you're wrong baby bird. I'm in charge and I say that Picasso is an asshole and we're skipping his shit.
Damian: We are already in trouble with father, if we exhibit bad behavior he might force us to spend more time together.
Jason: Look kid, Bruce sent me here because he wants us to bond. The greatest form of bonding is breaking rules and skipping school. So, really, by skipping we're actually doing what he wants.
Damian: Tt. I suppose that sounds accurate.
Jason: Time for lunch kiddos.
Kid 2: But we just finished our ice cream break?
Jason: No, we just finished the seeing the museums second floor. Right?
Kid 6: No we-
Jason: No no, we finished the second floor. The whole ice cream thing, that's our little secret. Right?
Kids: Ohhhhh
Jason: Now you're getting it!
Damian glares at his lunch
Jason: What's wrong kiddo?
Damian: Tt. It appears that I might have, accidentally, taken Drake's lunch instead of my own.
Jason: And? What's the problem?
Damian: Drake, packed that abomination that he calls a sandwich.
Jason: Oh, god. He packed a peanut butter pepperoni sandwich again?
Damian, looking at the lunch with complete disgust: Yes.
Jason: Here, take my PB&J.
Damian: ...
Jason: Timbits taste in sandwich's is a crime against humanity. But I'm not vegan, so if worst comes to worst I'll eat it.
Damian: ...Thank you Todd. I- I did not think you cared about my dietary choices.
Jason: Just because we fight sometimes doesn't mean I won't have your back kid. Yeah, I guess being vegan is a choice, but it's a choice that I'll always support.
Damian quickly hugs Jason before taking his sandwich and pretending nothing happened.
Damian: I appreciate the support. Thank you, brother.
Jason: No problem baby bird.
Jason: So, we have an hour before we have to get back on the bus. And, uh- oh shit! Ok, so apparently we had an assignment. Uh, the instructions say to draw your favorite work and write why you like it. What the fuck kind of bullshit assignment is that?
Jason: Uh, ok we're doing a speed draw. Everyone just pull up your favorite work on the museum website and try your best.
--> 40 Minutes Later <--
Jason: Ok, hand me your sheets and let's head to the bus.
Damian, hands his assignment in.
Jason: Whoa, huh.
Damian, looking nervous: What Todd?
Jason: Nothing, just this is a really good drawing kid.
Damian blushes: Of course it is.
Jason smiles and ruffles Damian's hair: Good job brat.
Damian smiles and heads to the bus
Both in the car, about to drive back to the manor.
Jason: You know, I actually sorta had fun today.
Damian: Your presence was... enjoyable.
Jason: We're never telling that to Bruce, right?
Damian: Obviously, if father thinks that his plan worked he will be completely insufferable.
Jason: Agreed. Y'know, sometimes field trips go long.
Damian: Oh?
Jason: Yeah, I mean, it wouldn't be too weird if we were an hour or so late getting home.
Damian: If we were to be late getting home, how would we spend that time?
Jason: There's a cool arcade that should be open right now.
Damian: I do not believe that I have ever been to an arcade.
Jason: Well, that needs to be fixed right now. You down baby bird?
Damian: I- uh I am down, is that the correct usage of the term?
Jason: Hell yeah.
Based on this headcanon.
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