#also the whole marriage and kids things can have a little more taste tbh instead of just throwing a cutscene or w/e in there and being done
onlyjaeyun · 11 months
tbh I mayhaps started writing again. Currently I have 30k of a Sunghoon fic(idk how long it's gonna be but lets just say it just hit the climax), 12k of a Heeseung fic, 6k of a Sunoo fic, and finished a 7k Yuma fic and 11k Jo fic. Like I can't just focus on one thing at one time, I get writers block and start a whole new fic. I also have a bunch of other ideas, I have at least one plot for each and every member of &Team and Enhypen, some have multiple, to give a little taste of some I have ideas for but I haven't started yet kitsune Taki, guardian angel which turns into fallen angel Euijoo, enemies to lovers Jay, and a the Little Mermaid fic with Jake(since tell me Jake is not Prince Eric coded). And it's so sexy to see you using some of the ideas I've sent you for Strictly Business, before long we'll all be sending you Strictly Business thoughts and headcannons.
Of course Sunoo and Niki may have been in it sparsely, but they are still family, and ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. Allow me to leave you with a few last, last for now I'll probably think of more later, Poison future thoughts:
Everyone always takes vacation together once a year, all 14 of them and their 15 kids, they all rent a private jet, thanks to sugar daddy Jay and his extremely extremely well paying job. They all enjoy an amazing two week vacation together each summer, all the kids and adults alike. It's a tradition that started back when only Hee and y/n had a child and the only married ones were Hee and Hoon, the rest were just dating. It however, has turned into a long standing tradition; they all set aside two weeks each year and just enjoy being together, no responsibilities or anything, except for their children until they get old enough to handle themselves. It is on these vacations that their children grow closer, the ones that aren't in the same grade.
Each birthday within the group is celebrated with everyone, a minimum of at least 30 people, since Jay's sister will come when he asks her too, will come to each party; even if none of the kids friends come, they have a full party regardless. Sunghoon plans each and every party, wanting nothing but the best for all their kids, he even offers to help Sunoo and Niki plan their kids birthdays. He's also prepared for everything, like once his daughter wanted a Princess Elsa birthday party, but the princess he booked got the flu the day before and had to cancel, so instead of that Elsa, they had a 6 foot tall Elsa that looked oddly like Hoon singing Let It Go off-key, but his daughter had the time of her life at least.
Hoon's daughter is an absolutely princess and he's dreaded the day she comes home telling him she has a crush, like he knows how he reacted to his little sister having a crush, his daughter having a crush would be even worse. And worst it is, she comes home saying she's in love with one of the Sim boys and Hoon's heart just about stops, he loves Jake and all, they are besties, but she had to fall for his son. Hoon however encourages it, and little does he know that crush a 15 year old girl had on the 14 year old son of Jake, will turn into him walking her down the aisle with tears in his eyes to marry that son only ten years in the future.
Jungwon's daughters are all princesses as well, but not as bad Hoon's, he however dreads the love talks even more, I mean how can he not when he has to deal with 3 times compared to Hoon's 1. When his middle daughter comes home with hearts in her eyes, he'd terrified of what to say and of course their mom isn't around, so he has to deal with it. He's even more terrified when the name out of the girl's mouth is the name of Jay Park's son. What starts as a simple crush turns into Jay's son attending family dinner, taking Jungwon's daughter to prom, and before long asking Jungwon for his daughter's hand in marriage with tears in eyes. Jungwon might be a protective father, but deep within his heart, he knows there is no one that would love his daughter as much as Jay's son does, and he happily gives her away, crying tears of happiness at the wedding, that quickly turn to tears of sadness as it hits him he has to do this two more times.
All their children remain friends even once meeting adulthood, their friendship reminiscent of the friendship between their parents. Jake, Jay, Heeseung, and Sunghoon's sons are carbon copies of them, forming their own little group, the six of them being just as bad as their dads were. Meanwhile Sunghoon, Jungwon, and Heeseung's 5 daughters form a somewhat similar group, all the cousins being best friends.
bestie you're a MACHINEEEEE and im afraid very much needed for this fandom so pls do reconsider coming back on here and blessing people with your talent 😭😭😭💞 and pls its so sexy of YOU for the ideas to strictky business you've sent me like its an honor for me to use those and i hope you know how much i appreciate your input 🥺💞
and please every time i think im over poison you send me headcanons like these and i get all emotional bc i lit teared up thinking about the boys creating mini mes and having them gang uo as well like i just 🥺 i'd marry your brain if i could and since i cant pls accept my kisses 💔🩷💞💗
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skittlewaffle · 3 years
Disclaimer: I’m not actually mad I just think it’s funny
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(for context I have a mod that allows poly relationships and I’m currently married to Alex, Sebastian, and Leah; and I’m dating Abigail)
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#in conclusion marriage in stardew is a complete BRUH MOMENT like WHATD I DO ??????????#also the whole marriage and kids things can have a little more taste tbh instead of just throwing a cutscene or w/e in there and being done#with it#i downloaded a pregnancy event mod and it didn’t work smh ..#is there a mod that doesn’t make your spouse fucken angry out of nowhere ??#if it were up to ME I would do it like this#if your character is female then you have to rest after you have your baby and you can’t leave your bed#well??? how am i supposed to do shit? I’m glad you asked !!!!#your HUSBAND becomes a PLAYABLE CHARACTER#after the birth ! a cutscene plays revolving around how happy the two of you are about your newborn child#however the husband is worried about you hurting yourself through over exertion#no dialogue is the same for different bachelors; it’s all canon friendly#once the cutscene is over your items are handed over to your husband who becomes playable for maybeeeee 3 days ??#assuming a season is a month and a year is four months and a pregnancy is two weeks in sdv.. i assume bed rest won’t be long#but anyways !! as your character’s husband you perform the duties he promised in the cutscene#taking care of the farmer and the baby; stepping up and working around the farm; and basically fulfilling activities you do every day!#like mining; fishing; etc#bonus points for there to be cutscenes for the husband’s first time in the mines!! or if they go into any location they don’t normally visit#and also special dialogue between him and other villagers !!!#a cutscene every day when the hubby comes home after a certain time !! this is when you speak as your character and I guess y’all talk abt#each others’ day n whatnot. ofc they would share more wholesome baby time !!!!!#IF I COULD POP THIS MOD INTO EXISTENCE I WOULD !!! just to be more realistic#unfortunately it only works for farmers who can become pregnant and they marry someone who can make pregnant :<#ANYWAYS#k rambles#sdv#alex#sebastian#f/o x s/i#lol why did i write this in so much detail haha
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Falling in love - Michael Gray
weirdly enough i was going through a Michael phase when i got this request so thank you @midwinternightz for making my dreams come true
this isn't a song fic, but if it was, id tag Sweet Creature by Harry Styles because i can imagine Michael being a massive HS stan js - this is your song 
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 Oh god where to begin
i get the feeling that Michael isn't one to make the first move
hes confident but also a bit like cocky? like too arrogant to ask someone out 
you start working at the garrison to make a bit of money and Arthur isn't sure about having a young girl behind the bar at first but you're such a hit
everyone just loves you, especially Jonny dogs 
he loves you a bit TOO much 
but you can hold your own and aren't afraid to break up a fight or two
seeing the peaky boys daily, you're working at their watering hole after all
you catch Michaels eye but he's just too gosh darn cool to admit it 
Hes probably the one you speak to least, i feel like all the other peaky juniors are much more talkative 
but boy does he LOVE drinking so you slowly but surely begin to get more comfortable with him
you're the chatty one
i feel like he just sits and listens to you most of the time 
you're not even sure if he's listening tbh 
but he starts to stay later, you notice he's still there at close, sitting at the bar nursing the rest of his whisky 
and he will listen to you talk about the day
or what youre gonna do with your day off
or just listen in on you and Harry chatting about Arthur 
he's surprised by how much he likes your voice
he offers to walk you home one night and this starts to become a regular thing
Arthur was usually the one to walk you home, but when he couldn't make it for whatever reason he would call Finn up to do it 
because he kinda wanted to see you too together
hes considerably pissed off when he sees Michael waiting for you outside instead of his brother 
“what’re you doing’ ere”
“im making sure Y/N gets home okay, like you do every night”
“exactly so bugger off!”
he lets you leave with him but only because Arthur has a masterplan in mind for getting you and Finn married
he tries to get Polly and Ada involved 
“so you want me to stop my son from seeing his female friend because...?”
“’cause he's getting in the way”
“ah right, and why is that?”
“’cause i like her with Finn better”
hes ADMINT and he won't rest until he's got you on his arm and he's walking you down the aisle to Finn
nobody quite understands why Arthur is so invested in you and Finn being an item, and god bless him he's not gonna get his way
everyone else thinks you and Michael have a good ying and Yang thing going on
but not Arthur
and he will continue to try and convince them all of this 
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you're goods friends by this point 
Michael has a angsty side that only you take seriously 
you don't make him feel like his problems are mundane like the rest of his family 
he comes to you over Polly and she knows this 
she's probably a bit jealous, she's its got her son back after all 
and now he'd rather speak to some barmaid over his own blood?
but Polly likes you a lot, and so she doesn't make your life hell like should would any other girl she felt was taking what was hers
Michael is a serious guy, but you bring out the fun side of him 
which makes his presence more bearable for everyone involved
Michael only realises he's actually interested in you when he starts to notice  all the male attention you get and how much it bothers him
you're a pretty girl, and everyone knows the way to these mens hearts is through cheap beer or Scottish whisky 
naturally, you're the apple of most garrison goers eyes
jealous michael is a grumpy michael 
Polly rolling her eyes at this behaviour 
“if you want her you have to tell her, Michael, she's not a mind reader” 
he can't lie though, he's a little bit worried you don't see him that way
you've been friends for a good while by this point and he's worried he's too stuck in the friendzone to ever get back out of it 
so he tries to buy you expensive things 
which is very confusing to you 
“Y/N, have you ever wanted a horse?”
like seriously 
when those hints hit flat he tries to plan the best date ever
hes convinced this night will single-handedly bring him out of the friend zone forever 
taking you to the most expensive wine bar in London and tasting all the fine drinks of the upper class
its all vile
who even likes wine?
you can't even swallow most of it in a ladylike way
you also can't stop laughing at how ridiculous it all is 
Michael gets angry and flustered because his fool proof plan some how did not work? but how could this be
“lets just go” him storming out and you following, now giggling at how ridiculously serious he was
catching up to him and convincing him to come down the cut with you 
grabbing a few bottles of beer from the back of the Garrison and taking them up with you 
sitting by the water under the starts and laughing about what a sham the day has been 
“i just wanted it to be the perfect dat- day”
smooth Michael isn't so effective after a few beers
trying to explain that you're not one of those fancy girls who needs to be spoken to with money and expensive things, 
“i just want honesty Michael”
“okay well i really like you and i really want to take you on more dates please” 
drunk Michael is a very honest michael 
agreeing to more dates with him
doing all the stuff young teen  lovers do 
you keep him humble, while he shows you just how much you deserve 
knowing the Michael everyone else sees, but falling in love with the real him
the country boy who has big dreams and wants to see change in the world
hes a leader, but so are you 
you're both fiery, so it takes a while to work out how to coexist together
teaching Michael the importance of family loyalty because he's not got non season 5 michael I'm looking at you wtf is going on my dude sort your shit 
he is so LOYAL TO YOU 
wants to have a big family in the country with you 
he talks about having kids all the time 
he also believes in the importance of marriage 
he knows he wants you and you only, i imagine he's excited to put a ring on it but he also is okay with waiting until he knows for sure you're just as into it as him
helping him over the scars of his childhood and whatever happened in the orphanage 
he scares a lot of deep personal shit with you that makes you extremely angry 
you have dreams of killing that priest with your bare hands at least once a week 
Polly wouldn't be happy with anyone else being with her son, you are the only girl who has ever reached her impeccably high standards and she is always there for you; because you're her daughter in her eyes now - even before you two marry 
Convinving Michael to be a dog person 
he'd do anything for you 
you're not just his lover, you're his best friend and his whole heart. Michael has never found another soul he felt he could share all his thoughts with until you, and he knows there will be no one else after you 
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lesbianlenas · 4 years
here are my comprehensive thoughts on bly manor that i have been writing since midway through my watch of the show in case anyone wants 2 hear my thoughts
victoria pedretti’s voice alone makes me want to nut unironically. combo w everything else and she is literally god. knew this from hill house but now she’s blond + playing a lezzie so that amps it all up by 500.
speaking of have so much love in my heart for miss dani clayton. she just wants to help children and is so caring and kind like ok wife? her adorable fake british accent. cannot make tea or coffee. i’m going to call the FUCKING police. determined walk run. tucked in shirt. comp het + internalized homophobia. just so brave and selfless. she has it all. would marry her in half a second.
and the absolute DEDICATION of her stomping on out after flora when viola just almost choked her to death. i’m literally on my knees proposing right now.
flora is so fucking cute absolutely love her would die for her immediately. also sometimes she is creepy and i am very scared of her. duality.
did not enjoy the jump scare w edwin or edward or whatever the fuck mr hetero’s name was i don’t remember. not the car scene like when dani turns around and sees him behind her and then he goes flying back into the mansion. anyway i get he had his heart broken but do not feel good abt how he was basically trying to force dani into marriage by constantly asking her until she said yes. like of course she’s going to eventually give in even if she didn’t want to when he was clearly not going to stop and if she said no instead of pushing it off she would lose basically everyone she considered to be her family. and then when she tells him that she can’t love him romantically he’s like fuck you dani ok homophobe. perhaps i’m glad he got hit by a truck ❤️
immediately noticed smth was up w hannah from the second she wouldn’t eat and i was like oh ok so she’s a ghost. her ep was SO confusing though until the end i was like what the fuck is going on here 😩 anyway hate to be right but. fuck peter quint.
same thing w miles i was like what the FUCK is wrong w this kid and then i was like oh he’s possessed then oh he’s possessed by peter quint in like. ep 2. once again hate to be right. fuck peter quint. also prior to watching the show i rarely saw anything abt miles and i was like why does everyone only talk abt flora? now i get it.
jamie is just so fucking sexy. like the lesbian energy off of her is unreal and smth that you don’t get too often w lesbians on tv. either amelia eve is a dyke or she somehow knows exactly how to emulate them bc truly unreal. only wish is that she didn’t wear makeup but we can’t have it all can we. also cannot stop thinking of her as a mechanic every time she’s wearing that like jump suit and god that would be so fucking sexy i......anyway love her w my whole heart.
speaking of how much i love jamie....the way that she acts all tough and a little cold while she is actually the most empathetic person and somehow knows exactly what to say to anyone when they’re having a rough moment and she won’t sugar coat it either but it’s bc she cares and understands so deeply that it’s ok.....wow. wife?
wish we could’ve gotten to know rebecca more outside of just her relationship w peter. i feel like that did her a major injustice. we practically saw none of her relationship w the kids and it seemed to me like they were trying to imply in the beginning that flora had been very close w rebeccca and i feel like we didn’t see that. felt like rebecca ended up mostly being a prop for peter’s story which was unfortunate considering she was such a great character. and did NOT get why she was so hung up on him either like oh he SEES me after one convo? he was also a dick like immediately after like....once again feels like a disservice that they had her be in love w peter based off of like nothing. like all of a sudden all her ambition is gone and she just wants to b w peter? lol ok.
charlotte cheating on her husband w his brother the absolute mind. fucking hilarious. thought he was jealous at the birth scene or that flora might be his but i was like no no way he probably just has a thing for her. but she is way too attractive for her husband anyway. do not condone cheating but she’s a milf so i let it slide. also flora actually being henry’s hilarious. fucking love this drama. had me rolling. “do you love him?” [silence] LMFAO. and dom’s (got his name!) fucking smack down on henry holy shitttttt will b taking some notes for next time i’d like to turn someone suicidal on fucking god.
i know it was the best vehicle for telling the story but tbh the dream hopping got SO exhausting for me after a while. i just did not enjoy that format. i’m already not one for flashbacks even in this context bc i want to know what’s going to happen next in the main story rather than what happened to get here since i know where it’s going and i just found this to be even more confusing and a little frustrating and incredibly hard to follow. but that’s just my personal taste i wouldn’t objectively say it made the show bad or anything. i think it was also bc all of the twists were unfortunately very obvious so the long drawn out explanations were like. thank u u could’ve said this in five mins instead bc i already knew this. felt like some of the dream scenes were pointless and could’ve been replaced w some better scenes.
flashback ep w viola was ok. kate siegel is so hot obviously but. once again felt extremely extended past the point it had to be. the repition of sleep wake walk was SO annoying like thank u i got it. but i was always a lot more interested in what was happening current day than in the past so once again this was just whatever for me. but good on viola’s hot sister for taking her out have to do what u have to do u know! did enjoy viola killing her back. just thought it was funny.
and how can i even express in words how i felt abt dani and jamie’s relationship? watching the scene where they first kiss literally put me to tears and i just had a real moment w it. and just in general the way that they open up to each other is just so incredible and how jamie makes dani feel so seen that dani literally can’t resist kissing her makes me just. cant put it into words. their relationship really encapsulates what is so beautiful abt lesbianism and that means so much to me truly. will probably make a whole post abt it tomorrow.
ok so in conclusion: i wanted more present day stuff instead of flashbacks. i feel like there was a LOT more creepy shit they could have done in the house and they just. didnt. also wanted to see more of owen in general but also hannah and owen’s relationship and jamie and dani’s relationship. felt like peter and rebecca got practically more screen time than jamie and dani did despite them being the main couple. felt like character & relationships wise there was a lot left unsaid. like yes the plot was finished with a neat bow but i don’t think most of the characters were done justice in the end. and speaking of which i don’t think the sad ending was necessary. do not see a single reason as to why dani needed to die. i feel like they felt it needed a sad ending and that’s why they killed her rather than it actually making sense. like girl get an exorcist. overall the whole thing felt more like an outline for a show that needed to be fleshed out rather than an actual finished show. perhaps could have benefitted from a few more eps maybe. but also. FUCK peter quint.
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divine-draws · 4 years
okay i had a whole google doc that i wrote a buncha shit but imma try to CONDENSE it and make my ideas more clear bc there was some wishy washy in there. BUT dabihawks ice skating au bc im gay for that shit. all of it under the cut bc this shit is gunna get LONG. buckle in fuckers. ALSO FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT this i will be happy to answer shit :3c
SO fair warning before we begin. i know shit about ice sports. im like 1) not THAT educated nor have i legit participated though ive always wanted to and 2) this is just self indulgent so like if i dont get shit right or whatever dont come at me bro. im here to have FUN and live a bit vicariously. also as for location of all this shit i dont know and dont care and am american so my perspective on things are skewed. anyway cw: abuse mention
so dabi (touya) is a previous figure skater
he’s a figure skating prodigy 
enji was a pro hockey player (id say figure skating but this man was BUILT like a brick shithouse idk man) has a lot of championships under his belt but doesnt even begin to touch the legacy of his one sided rival yagi toshinori
him and rei meet and marry at a young age. she like.. actually liked him then?? shit was kinda okay but things kinda.... got bad quick. the abuse etc was ... yeah. she ends up having dabi and fuyumi (they’re twins babeyy) at a young age too and kinda doesnt feel like she can get out of her horrible marriage 
we wont dwell too much on the bad part of all of this though. anyway rei was a figure skater
p well known and known for her fucking GRACE god she moved so well on the ice.
she was so beautiful and spoke through her movements and enji loved that... and so as a hockey player and with a (now previous) figure skater wife he was like aight my kids WILL take up an ice sport and be the FUCKING BEST
dabi isnt made for hockey. enji tries to get him into it but it’s... nah... fuyumi isnt the best with figure skating. she’s good!! and her and dabi do some pair skating when they’re younger but it’s.. hm. dabi is the one with the clear talent here. (fuyumi is a beast on the ice when it comes to hockey though. will dominate. but she kinda... didnt really continue with it)
enji isnt PLEASED that his son isnt gunna be a hockey player but he still values figure skating and will fucking make sure he’s the BEST at it. and so the brutal training starts. he gets some good coaches and also takes up the coaching mantle 
the thing is.. rei was amazing as a skater but her body just... wasnt really made for all of that??? and dabi unfortunately kinda inherited that. his body hates the impacts and such. he’s amazing at figure skating. he has a grace similar to his mothers but there’s something more fierce to him. 
and honestly !!! he gets far!!
also natsuo comes around. he’s a bit too clumsy for either sport and resents the fact that him and fuyumi are neglected by their father. he also loves touya and gets so pissed seeing his brother so hurt
and shouto is born and this kid was made to be on the ice. he’s skating from the moment he can fucking stand on his own.
obvs enji’s attention is split but it’s mainly on touya who is winning championships and GOING places but it’s still not good enough
anyway idk how far he goes?? but it’s the biggest competition yet and on ice mid routine he lands wrong
one thing leads to the next and he’s pretty much medically retired from a young age. he can skate. he can still kinda preform but he cant do what he used to at ALL and he cant keep up with the brutal pace enji sets. there’s a lot of trying to push him still and it’s just.. not happening
for all it’s worth dabi is kinda glad he isnt doing it anymore. but he fears for his babies brother. shouto is a natural and while yes being a professional athlete of any sort is brutal on your body, his body is a lot more capable
but like touya before, shouto is pushed to his absolute limits. bleeding and injuries and puking his guts out from being pushed too far
there’s a lotta resentment but he still pushes through w skating. 
(side note but there DEF is some todomido/tododeku w hockey player izuku who ends up being coached by THE yagi toshinori and who helps shouto out w making shit his own)
anyway so in the end dabi ends up working at a rink tho lol
it’s p much owned by shigarai and run by the lov (who in this au end up making their own little ragtag unofficial local hockey team p much and play games against other teams like them)
despite his father’s whole career, dabi does enjoy playing hockey with these dipshits
but yeah he enjoys his time working at the rink, fucking around and sleeping in random places and sometimes running the zamboni
he’s also best frenemies with shigaraki. they get along and both deal with a shitty upbringing and despite some slight animosity they both would kill if someone fucked w the other 
(also at some point dabi DEF teaches some little kid classes lol)
also dabi does sometimes skate his own routines from time to time. only when he’s alone really. though fuyumi has a pass to be there though he will gripe still
now there is a couple ways to go with this and somewhere in me there is an au with hockey player hawks who takes skating lessons from figure skater dabi BUT
i think for this au we’ll just say he was a figure skater from the get go
i think he WANTED to do hockey as a kid. like shouto he’s also a fucking natural and was skating as soon as he could fucking stand and walk. and he looked up to enji and kinda wanted to take up hockey but 
listen,,, trans hawks. who wanted to be like todoroki enji and be a pro hockey player. shit just.. didnt work like that though and besides he’s a tiny dude and god he’d be fucking obliterated 
he kinda is self taught and the ice is his escape from his shitty home life
idk how this works but listen gotta tie in the commission somehow???
he’s scouted or whatever for figure skating at a very young age and his mom is happy to take the heavy scholarships and happy to sign him over to skate for these ppl and have them push him to be The Best
and this kid is FAST. he’s fast and is insane with his jumps and stg it almost looks like he’s FLYING (which gets him the nickname hawks)
the coaches are brutal and shit sucks and a lot of the time it kinda sucks the life out of the sport but he still enjoys it
he has a love for outfits that legit have flare to them (also im thinking of johnny weir’s one outfit w the feathers but yknow instead of white they are RED) and while he does do routines to boring ass music he mainly likes doing shit different (also dabi was p much forced the whole time to do shit to that boring ass music but on his own he’d use his own music taste to skate to)
and he’s good!! he GOES places. he’s like makes it to the olympics at a young age and is one of THE youngest gold medalists for figure skating
im sure somewhere along the line him and dabi DID meet. it was at some competition and hawks was VIBRATING bc there’s ENJI and he wants and autograph and oH GOD IS THAT HIS SON??? he’s HOT. (and at this time dabi still had his red hair and like no piercings and what little ones he had they were out but this dumbass will not recognize him later on)
but god he needs to chill TF out or he will fuck up in the competition 
he hears about dabi’s whole accident and like feels for him but again it’s not like they were friends. there was more of a slight rivalry and they barely spoke if they did
but so idk like.. between seasons hawks finds himself going like nearly every day to this rink.. aka shigaraki’s rink (also sidenote but lbr it’s really run by shirakumo who kinda has to fucking herd the cats w this group)
as frenemies dabi and shigaraki share their distaste for some of these pro athletes (tho some get a pass) and kinda complain about hawks a bit tho like..... shigaraki cant complain TOO much bc of the money from hawks renting out the rink for a few hours almost every day
dabi is too gay for this shit when he actually sees hawks in action. rip him 
tbh they dont really interact tho (besides dabi telling him to gtfo the rink or he’ll run him over with the zamboni) until one day that hawks catches dabi skating
he was done and should have been gone but he forgot something on the bleachers and then he sees dabi and.. oh boy he’s GAY AF
and also dabi is RLLY GOOD???
and so hawks makes a FOOL of himself and startles the poor guy and p much presses all the wrong buttons w asking why he doesnt compete or something
and i mean im sure they had some SLIGHT progress w talking before. nothing significant but god the walls go RIGHT THE FUCK UP and dabi is pissed
tbh dabi was gunna get to the point where he LEGIT talked to him and maybe lowkey asked him out (he says this but shigaraki calls his bluff) and now there is no way. he storms off and tries to avoid him so hard
and hawks tries to corner him a bit but after some time he does manage to corner him and be like pls just let me take you out to dinner to make up for that shit????
aaand dabi accepts bc listen okay he cant say no to free food ??? like he’s kinda pissy w this guy but also.. listen he has EYES 
anywayyy p much this just leads to them dating
hawks DEF looks him up and watches all the vids of him and like the idiot he is realizes that he met him before ( “oh my GOD i know you” “uh… we’re dating i hope u know me?????”  “nO I MEAN WE MET AT (insert comp)”)
but before that dabi did like tell him some shit. mainly about like how he used to skate blah blah and the whole thing that ended all of that
he doesnt really delve too deep into like his shitty childhood until well later
idk what leads to it but the convo finally comes up and it’s so draining for dabi and hawks is horrified and ready to fight his dad (“listen i just sharpened my skates i’ll just-”)
anyway some side things bc this is long and i will answer questions on this tho
rumi is a women’s pro hockey player and fuyumi who actually follows hockey and shit has the BIGGEST crush on her (they end up together)
also natsuo comes to see one of the leagues games (he hasnt really seen them play tbh?? he hears about it from dabi but he lives like at least a few hours away on campus and is going for med school so rip him) and like he meets shigaraki and anyway dabi is losing his FUCKING MIND bc his best frenemy/boss and his younger brother are FLIRTING. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM???
dabi and hawks are really gay together and have skated together by this point and made out on ice a few times and shigaraki was miserable and is like “NOW U KNOW!!” and dabi is pissed bc “yEAH BUT THAT”S MY LITTLE BROTHER??? IT”S NOt thE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money
Another weekend get, another occurrence of. Maybe thats why I dislike on this show so much It represents my ass having to wake up and go to work. Or maybe its because no ones hollered prostitution whore or been indicted of any misdemeanours this season. They really did give the bar a bit high-pitched. But whatever. This is what weve went. At least it got more exciting last week. Preserve it up, Jerseyans. And yes, thats what theyre called. I Googled it.
We kick shit off at Dolores house and continues to be revamping. I feel like this is going to be a season-long happening. D goes pissed because Frank decided to merely resurface the cabinets instead of gutting the whole kitchen. Why tf does your ex husband get a say in this? This is your fucking house. Your relationship, I guess.
D and Siggy head to Jacquelines house and Im gambling my resources of the fund theyre gonna talk about the semi-fight that went down between her and Tre last chapter. Disturbance of the fucking centuryIm right. What else is new?
Jacqueline rehashes the whole oppose in a singer thats almost as exasperating as Teresas, which is mind-blowing in and of itself. Bravo starts doing that act where they proceed from backward and forward between the families and between this and the shrieking expression and my glass of Whispering Angel, I find a migraine coming on. Thanks, Andy Cohen. Melissa is telling her caveman spouse that Jacqueline was out of path for trying to pit him against his own sister, and I agree. So theyre gonna get lunch to discuss.
Over at Teresas, shes still doing yoga. We fucking get wise already. Youre fit and Zen post-lockup. Side memorandum: Are those cheetah print sheets on their ruler couch? Jesus fucking Christ. I say this every episode but the Jersey-ness is reaching me nauseated. Back to the chapter Its a big day at the Giudice house. Tre gets to take her ankle bracelet off. Mazel tov! I couldnt relate to these beings less if I tried.
Its time for Jacqueline and Melissas lunch. Obstruct the drama coming. They dive right into it. I entail damn. Jacqueline is like screaming in this restaurant rn.
Jacqueline: I dont got to go to you to talk to your partner. Ima go straight to the source. Ive done so much for your family!
Have you? I dont really recollect, tbh. But thats not resounding any bells. Melissas exactly kinda like what-the fuck-ever. And thats all. Seemed real abrupt if you ask me, but this ros might be getting to my head.
I can tell were going to Siggys house because theres some Jewish marry music playing after a commercial shatter and Sigs is the only non-Italian Jew on this display. Subtle, Bravo. Sigs house is immaculate. Not even a hint of leopard. Can we just movie all of the incidents here instead of the rest of these gaudy-ass rooms? Her mothers been demonstrated and start talking about their heritage and Siggys bratty children. Ugh I forgot about them. The hires intimate Jewish traditions to deliver their own families back together. Its worth a shot I suppose.
At Jacquelines, Ashlee and her boyfriend are over for dinner. They talk about living together and the convo returns to marriage and pregnancy so naturally BF looks like hes about to fucking shaft. Jacqueline attracts him aside like its an episode of The Bachelor. He wants to take Jacqueline to help him pick out an engagement resound, which is sweet. Im glad Ashlee went her shit together. It was touch and go there for a bit while. You did it!
Melissa and Joe Gorga head to Tres for dinner. Teresa says she wants an edamamelike, one singular edamame? Returns out, she intends an enema. LOL. Words are hard. Theyre there for about two fucking seconds before we start talking back the Teresa and Jacqueline argument. Goddamn, yall are some petty bitches. Move on. It wasnt even a big deal. There are much bigger things to worry about. Such as going to prison and shit.
Meanwhile, Dolores is still renovating her home. Since when did this become HGTV? Frank shows up, and I feel like D hangs out with her ex a lot more than whats ordinary. I get it. They have minors. But like, does he have a fucking dwelling? Hes literally always there. But fine. Dolores wants to knock cold a wall, which, after hours of watching this afternoon, I fully support. It certainly opens up the room. Frank tones a bitch fit for a sec because thats gonna get expensive, but then caves. That a path, D.
Siggy took her parents advice and emcees Kiddish at her house in is making an effort to constitute her kids less asshole-y. Ive got high hopes, but low-toned expectations.
Zen Tre ends shes also Dr. Tre and hosts a care conference where everyone in the fam writes down their love. This ought to be good. I cant imagine Joe is too good with texts, but I dont wanna stereotype. It backfires when Milania puts her parents on blast.
Milania : I dont like it when my dad announces me fat, specially since hes fat af too. Mom doesnt get me. She never listens to me because shes ever on her phone.
Damn. Parents of the fucking time over here. Youd conclude after being away from your girls for a year, youd wanna coldnes with them. But like, I bet you missed Twitter very, so I get it. Gia pretty much says the same shit, except “shes been” tells her mama she overreacts, to which, Teresa shockingly overreacts.
Were back at Siggys and, despite Kiddish, her girls are still little shits. Cast them down to Georgia, Sigs. An hour with my grandparents and theyll be fucking angels.
Its Milanias bday so in true Jersey fashion, they get a pink Hummer limo. They go to this residence announced iFly where gust gusts acquire you pilot or something. Idk. I dont enjoy any kind of physical pleasure besides wine tastings, so it consider this to be my worst fucking nightmare, but the girls look like theyre having fun. Teresas phone is nowhere in sight, for the record.
Jacqueline and BF travel echoing store and have a really emotional discussion. Couldnt yall have done this in the car on the way over instead of in the actual accumulate? No? Okay. We get a montage to seeing how cruel Ashlee was as a teen. Ahhh, the very best ole days.
Were back at iFly, and Milania is talking about her 11 th bday and Joe starts to rip up because he wont be there. This actually realizes me so sad. I mean, hes supposed to be in prison for like four years. Thats a long fucking time when you have young children. Damn it. Im hollering again. Is it precisely me or is this franchise way sadder than the other Housewives?
But why stop there? Makes check in on Dolores croaking puppy while were at it. Bethenny must be free to get in with the Jersey ladies so I can chuckle a little. We gotta lighten this shit up. Lastly the sadness discontinues because Sigs and Jacqueline come over to do some demo. Its probs a good way for them to get out some of that Jersey anger. D gets a entitle from Maz, whos still pissed because she is still not going to work at their piece of shit gym. I dont think she gets how positions extend, but what do I know?
Melissa and Tre are having some tea and is about to change Sigs, D, and Melissa have been scheduling a girls weekend. Fuck. Yes. Girls weekends= wine-coloured and arguings. Teresas on the fence but not really because shes contractually obliged to go to this shit so she agrees. Whats the over/ under on how many times well ensure Teresa doing downward bird-dog and other fitness shit this trip-up?
The next day, Teresa goes her book in the mail. She speaks the dedication she wrote to her daughters while lying on her leopard membranes. We get it, Tre. You love your daughters. Just not as much as your phone.
Her and Joe then start talking about the disagreement with Jacqueline again, and would you look at that? My bottle of wine-coloured is drain right as the escapade objective. Until next week
div.body_middle_part_right. bodypart: nth-child( n +2 ), a.prevBody exhibition: none ;
The post Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ABZS1j via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money
Another weekend get, another occurrence of. Maybe thats why I dislike on this show so much It represents my ass having to wake up and go to work. Or maybe its because no ones hollered prostitution whore or been indicted of any misdemeanours this season. They really did give the bar a bit high-pitched. But whatever. This is what weve went. At least it got more exciting last week. Preserve it up, Jerseyans. And yes, thats what theyre called. I Googled it.
We kick shit off at Dolores house and continues to be revamping. I feel like this is going to be a season-long happening. D goes pissed because Frank decided to merely resurface the cabinets instead of gutting the whole kitchen. Why tf does your ex husband get a say in this? This is your fucking house. Your relationship, I guess.
D and Siggy head to Jacquelines house and Im gambling my resources of the fund theyre gonna talk about the semi-fight that went down between her and Tre last chapter. Disturbance of the fucking centuryIm right. What else is new?
Jacqueline rehashes the whole oppose in a singer thats almost as exasperating as Teresas, which is mind-blowing in and of itself. Bravo starts doing that act where they proceed from backward and forward between the families and between this and the shrieking expression and my glass of Whispering Angel, I find a migraine coming on. Thanks, Andy Cohen. Melissa is telling her caveman spouse that Jacqueline was out of path for trying to pit him against his own sister, and I agree. So theyre gonna get lunch to discuss.
Over at Teresas, shes still doing yoga. We fucking get wise already. Youre fit and Zen post-lockup. Side memorandum: Are those cheetah print sheets on their ruler couch? Jesus fucking Christ. I say this every episode but the Jersey-ness is reaching me nauseated. Back to the chapter Its a big day at the Giudice house. Tre gets to take her ankle bracelet off. Mazel tov! I couldnt relate to these beings less if I tried.
Its time for Jacqueline and Melissas lunch. Obstruct the drama coming. They dive right into it. I entail damn. Jacqueline is like screaming in this restaurant rn.
Jacqueline: I dont got to go to you to talk to your partner. Ima go straight to the source. Ive done so much for your family!
Have you? I dont really recollect, tbh. But thats not resounding any bells. Melissas exactly kinda like what-the fuck-ever. And thats all. Seemed real abrupt if you ask me, but this ros might be getting to my head.
I can tell were going to Siggys house because theres some Jewish marry music playing after a commercial shatter and Sigs is the only non-Italian Jew on this display. Subtle, Bravo. Sigs house is immaculate. Not even a hint of leopard. Can we just movie all of the incidents here instead of the rest of these gaudy-ass rooms? Her mothers been demonstrated and start talking about their heritage and Siggys bratty children. Ugh I forgot about them. The hires intimate Jewish traditions to deliver their own families back together. Its worth a shot I suppose.
At Jacquelines, Ashlee and her boyfriend are over for dinner. They talk about living together and the convo returns to marriage and pregnancy so naturally BF looks like hes about to fucking shaft. Jacqueline attracts him aside like its an episode of The Bachelor. He wants to take Jacqueline to help him pick out an engagement resound, which is sweet. Im glad Ashlee went her shit together. It was touch and go there for a bit while. You did it!
Melissa and Joe Gorga head to Tres for dinner. Teresa says she wants an edamamelike, one singular edamame? Returns out, she intends an enema. LOL. Words are hard. Theyre there for about two fucking seconds before we start talking back the Teresa and Jacqueline argument. Goddamn, yall are some petty bitches. Move on. It wasnt even a big deal. There are much bigger things to worry about. Such as going to prison and shit.
Meanwhile, Dolores is still renovating her home. Since when did this become HGTV? Frank shows up, and I feel like D hangs out with her ex a lot more than whats ordinary. I get it. They have minors. But like, does he have a fucking dwelling? Hes literally always there. But fine. Dolores wants to knock cold a wall, which, after hours of watching this afternoon, I fully support. It certainly opens up the room. Frank tones a bitch fit for a sec because thats gonna get expensive, but then caves. That a path, D.
Siggy took her parents advice and emcees Kiddish at her house in is making an effort to constitute her kids less asshole-y. Ive got high hopes, but low-toned expectations.
Zen Tre ends shes also Dr. Tre and hosts a care conference where everyone in the fam writes down their love. This ought to be good. I cant imagine Joe is too good with texts, but I dont wanna stereotype. It backfires when Milania puts her parents on blast.
Milania : I dont like it when my dad announces me fat, specially since hes fat af too. Mom doesnt get me. She never listens to me because shes ever on her phone.
Damn. Parents of the fucking time over here. Youd conclude after being away from your girls for a year, youd wanna coldnes with them. But like, I bet you missed Twitter very, so I get it. Gia pretty much says the same shit, except “shes been” tells her mama she overreacts, to which, Teresa shockingly overreacts.
Were back at Siggys and, despite Kiddish, her girls are still little shits. Cast them down to Georgia, Sigs. An hour with my grandparents and theyll be fucking angels.
Its Milanias bday so in true Jersey fashion, they get a pink Hummer limo. They go to this residence announced iFly where gust gusts acquire you pilot or something. Idk. I dont enjoy any kind of physical pleasure besides wine tastings, so it consider this to be my worst fucking nightmare, but the girls look like theyre having fun. Teresas phone is nowhere in sight, for the record.
Jacqueline and BF travel echoing store and have a really emotional discussion. Couldnt yall have done this in the car on the way over instead of in the actual accumulate? No? Okay. We get a montage to seeing how cruel Ashlee was as a teen. Ahhh, the very best ole days.
Were back at iFly, and Milania is talking about her 11 th bday and Joe starts to rip up because he wont be there. This actually realizes me so sad. I mean, hes supposed to be in prison for like four years. Thats a long fucking time when you have young children. Damn it. Im hollering again. Is it precisely me or is this franchise way sadder than the other Housewives?
But why stop there? Makes check in on Dolores croaking puppy while were at it. Bethenny must be free to get in with the Jersey ladies so I can chuckle a little. We gotta lighten this shit up. Lastly the sadness discontinues because Sigs and Jacqueline come over to do some demo. Its probs a good way for them to get out some of that Jersey anger. D gets a entitle from Maz, whos still pissed because she is still not going to work at their piece of shit gym. I dont think she gets how positions extend, but what do I know?
Melissa and Tre are having some tea and is about to change Sigs, D, and Melissa have been scheduling a girls weekend. Fuck. Yes. Girls weekends= wine-coloured and arguings. Teresas on the fence but not really because shes contractually obliged to go to this shit so she agrees. Whats the over/ under on how many times well ensure Teresa doing downward bird-dog and other fitness shit this trip-up?
The next day, Teresa goes her book in the mail. She speaks the dedication she wrote to her daughters while lying on her leopard membranes. We get it, Tre. You love your daughters. Just not as much as your phone.
Her and Joe then start talking about the disagreement with Jacqueline again, and would you look at that? My bottle of wine-coloured is drain right as the escapade objective. Until next week
div.body_middle_part_right. bodypart: nth-child( n +2 ), a.prevBody exhibition: none ;
The post Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ABZS1j via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money
Another weekend get, another occurrence of. Maybe thats why I dislike on this show so much It represents my ass having to wake up and go to work. Or maybe its because no ones hollered prostitution whore or been indicted of any misdemeanours this season. They really did give the bar a bit high-pitched. But whatever. This is what weve went. At least it got more exciting last week. Preserve it up, Jerseyans. And yes, thats what theyre called. I Googled it.
We kick shit off at Dolores house and continues to be revamping. I feel like this is going to be a season-long happening. D goes pissed because Frank decided to merely resurface the cabinets instead of gutting the whole kitchen. Why tf does your ex husband get a say in this? This is your fucking house. Your relationship, I guess.
D and Siggy head to Jacquelines house and Im gambling my resources of the fund theyre gonna talk about the semi-fight that went down between her and Tre last chapter. Disturbance of the fucking centuryIm right. What else is new?
Jacqueline rehashes the whole oppose in a singer thats almost as exasperating as Teresas, which is mind-blowing in and of itself. Bravo starts doing that act where they proceed from backward and forward between the families and between this and the shrieking expression and my glass of Whispering Angel, I find a migraine coming on. Thanks, Andy Cohen. Melissa is telling her caveman spouse that Jacqueline was out of path for trying to pit him against his own sister, and I agree. So theyre gonna get lunch to discuss.
Over at Teresas, shes still doing yoga. We fucking get wise already. Youre fit and Zen post-lockup. Side memorandum: Are those cheetah print sheets on their ruler couch? Jesus fucking Christ. I say this every episode but the Jersey-ness is reaching me nauseated. Back to the chapter Its a big day at the Giudice house. Tre gets to take her ankle bracelet off. Mazel tov! I couldnt relate to these beings less if I tried.
Its time for Jacqueline and Melissas lunch. Obstruct the drama coming. They dive right into it. I entail damn. Jacqueline is like screaming in this restaurant rn.
Jacqueline: I dont got to go to you to talk to your partner. Ima go straight to the source. Ive done so much for your family!
Have you? I dont really recollect, tbh. But thats not resounding any bells. Melissas exactly kinda like what-the fuck-ever. And thats all. Seemed real abrupt if you ask me, but this ros might be getting to my head.
I can tell were going to Siggys house because theres some Jewish marry music playing after a commercial shatter and Sigs is the only non-Italian Jew on this display. Subtle, Bravo. Sigs house is immaculate. Not even a hint of leopard. Can we just movie all of the incidents here instead of the rest of these gaudy-ass rooms? Her mothers been demonstrated and start talking about their heritage and Siggys bratty children. Ugh I forgot about them. The hires intimate Jewish traditions to deliver their own families back together. Its worth a shot I suppose.
At Jacquelines, Ashlee and her boyfriend are over for dinner. They talk about living together and the convo returns to marriage and pregnancy so naturally BF looks like hes about to fucking shaft. Jacqueline attracts him aside like its an episode of The Bachelor. He wants to take Jacqueline to help him pick out an engagement resound, which is sweet. Im glad Ashlee went her shit together. It was touch and go there for a bit while. You did it!
Melissa and Joe Gorga head to Tres for dinner. Teresa says she wants an edamamelike, one singular edamame? Returns out, she intends an enema. LOL. Words are hard. Theyre there for about two fucking seconds before we start talking back the Teresa and Jacqueline argument. Goddamn, yall are some petty bitches. Move on. It wasnt even a big deal. There are much bigger things to worry about. Such as going to prison and shit.
Meanwhile, Dolores is still renovating her home. Since when did this become HGTV? Frank shows up, and I feel like D hangs out with her ex a lot more than whats ordinary. I get it. They have minors. But like, does he have a fucking dwelling? Hes literally always there. But fine. Dolores wants to knock cold a wall, which, after hours of watching this afternoon, I fully support. It certainly opens up the room. Frank tones a bitch fit for a sec because thats gonna get expensive, but then caves. That a path, D.
Siggy took her parents advice and emcees Kiddish at her house in is making an effort to constitute her kids less asshole-y. Ive got high hopes, but low-toned expectations.
Zen Tre ends shes also Dr. Tre and hosts a care conference where everyone in the fam writes down their love. This ought to be good. I cant imagine Joe is too good with texts, but I dont wanna stereotype. It backfires when Milania puts her parents on blast.
Milania : I dont like it when my dad announces me fat, specially since hes fat af too. Mom doesnt get me. She never listens to me because shes ever on her phone.
Damn. Parents of the fucking time over here. Youd conclude after being away from your girls for a year, youd wanna coldnes with them. But like, I bet you missed Twitter very, so I get it. Gia pretty much says the same shit, except “shes been” tells her mama she overreacts, to which, Teresa shockingly overreacts.
Were back at Siggys and, despite Kiddish, her girls are still little shits. Cast them down to Georgia, Sigs. An hour with my grandparents and theyll be fucking angels.
Its Milanias bday so in true Jersey fashion, they get a pink Hummer limo. They go to this residence announced iFly where gust gusts acquire you pilot or something. Idk. I dont enjoy any kind of physical pleasure besides wine tastings, so it consider this to be my worst fucking nightmare, but the girls look like theyre having fun. Teresas phone is nowhere in sight, for the record.
Jacqueline and BF travel echoing store and have a really emotional discussion. Couldnt yall have done this in the car on the way over instead of in the actual accumulate? No? Okay. We get a montage to seeing how cruel Ashlee was as a teen. Ahhh, the very best ole days.
Were back at iFly, and Milania is talking about her 11 th bday and Joe starts to rip up because he wont be there. This actually realizes me so sad. I mean, hes supposed to be in prison for like four years. Thats a long fucking time when you have young children. Damn it. Im hollering again. Is it precisely me or is this franchise way sadder than the other Housewives?
But why stop there? Makes check in on Dolores croaking puppy while were at it. Bethenny must be free to get in with the Jersey ladies so I can chuckle a little. We gotta lighten this shit up. Lastly the sadness discontinues because Sigs and Jacqueline come over to do some demo. Its probs a good way for them to get out some of that Jersey anger. D gets a entitle from Maz, whos still pissed because she is still not going to work at their piece of shit gym. I dont think she gets how positions extend, but what do I know?
Melissa and Tre are having some tea and is about to change Sigs, D, and Melissa have been scheduling a girls weekend. Fuck. Yes. Girls weekends= wine-coloured and arguings. Teresas on the fence but not really because shes contractually obliged to go to this shit so she agrees. Whats the over/ under on how many times well ensure Teresa doing downward bird-dog and other fitness shit this trip-up?
The next day, Teresa goes her book in the mail. She speaks the dedication she wrote to her daughters while lying on her leopard membranes. We get it, Tre. You love your daughters. Just not as much as your phone.
Her and Joe then start talking about the disagreement with Jacqueline again, and would you look at that? My bottle of wine-coloured is drain right as the escapade objective. Until next week
div.body_middle_part_right. bodypart: nth-child( n +2 ), a.prevBody exhibition: none ;
The post Real Homemakers Of New Jersey Recap: Returning HGTV A Run For Their Money appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ABZS1j via IFTTT
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