#taking care of the farmer and the baby; stepping up and working around the farm; and basically fulfilling activities you do every day!
moodywyrm · 1 year
imagine she asks you for a massage after gym and you're all excited n stuff and u sit on her ass bcs she's laying on her stomach while u take care of her back and massage it gently and she can feel the heat from u like as u sit and djejskdjd😩
we're modifying this a little bit because I have farmer! abby on the brain. so instead of the gym, she asks you for a massage after a long day on the farm. just some notes: reader is described as wearing lipstick, owning self care items like body oil, has a vanity, and referred to with traditionally fem words like wife, girl, etc. but, genitalia for the reader is not mentioned. more farm abby for my wife @pinknightsinmymind
Planting seasons starts soon, which means Abby has been plowing the field all day and she's fucking exhausted. Every inch of her body is sore, and she's all but soaked through her wife pleaser, her flannel long forgotten on the porch railing. She's bone tired and, to make things worse, she hasn't seen you in two whole hours.
You've been inside making dinner, cooking up her favorite stew so she had a nice hot meal ready once she was done plowing. It's incredibly sweet, really, and she couldn't ask for a better wife, but she feels like she's gonna wither away if she doesn't see you right now.
By the time she slumps up the farmhouse steps, snatching her dirty flannel and swinging it over her shoulder, she doesn't know how she's still standing. Her thighs are quaking from exhaustion, just barely carrying her through door and into the kitchen. But then she sees you, her lovely wife, finishing up dinner and looking as gorgeous as ever, and it's like the weight of the day is erased, lifted from her shoulders.
You spin around to look at her, having heard her slumping through the house in her big ol' work boots. The grin on your face makes her heart flutter, your lipstick perfect as always and your arms held out for a hug. You're absolutely gorgeous, as beautiful as the day she met you, and Abby's just so glad to be back with you.
"Heya there, darlin'," She drawls as she slumps over to you, melting into your outstretched arms.
You wrap her up in a hug, not caring about how sweaty she is, just wanting, needing, to hold your girl. "Mmm, hi baby, ya done with the field?"
"Mhm, finally done plowing. Gonna do one last check tomorrow and then get to planting, hopefully," She mumbles into your hair, feeling your hands trailing up and down her back. It's good, but not enough. She groans, melting into you and pressing a kiss to your cheek, huffing out a sigh.
"Everything alright there, big girl?"
"Mmm, my back's sore 'n your hands feel real good."
"Aww, maybe, after dinner and after you shower, I could give you a massage? How's that sound?"
Abby hums, squeezing you and kissing your forehead before pulling back and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. "Sounds incredible, sugar. What did I do to deserve you?"
"You're Abby Anderson, 's more than enough baby," Your voice is soft, whispered against her lips like a prayer. When you pull away, you giggle at the remnants of lipstick on her lips. With a swipe of your thumb, you wipe it away, giggling at her pout. "Now go sit down, I'll bring you a bowl."
Abby giggles, trailing towards the kitchen table and sitting down, smoothing her hands down her thighs as she sits. She eases into her usual manspread, rough denim pulled taut over her thighs. Your eyes catch on them when you walk over with two bowls of stew, a loaf of freshly baked bread tucked under one arm.
“Mm, thank you darlin’, this looks delicious,” Abby hums, watching as you sit down. She gently takes the bread knife from the center of the table, slicing off some of the loaf and handing it to you before cutting her own piece.
When she leans forward to eat, elbows on the table in a complete lack of dining etiquette (though neither of y’all ever really cared for it), she groans. The tightness in her back is striking with a vengeance, egged on by the promise of relief at the hands of her wife.
"Oh honey," You murmur, frowning at her.
"Mm, 's okay. Just a lil tight," Abby says, giving you a tight smile. She gets through the rest of her meal with minimal movement, having to sit up straight like her dad always said she should. By the time y'all are done, she's dying to get into the shower and wash off all the grime that had settled on her skin.
While she's off showering, you set your plan into motion. Y'all have a habit of leaving out pajamas for each other, whenever you can. Since you're gonna give Abby a massage when she's out, you should pick pajamas that give you easy access, right?
So you leave a pair of soft grey boy shorts on the bathroom counter, and nothing else. All in the name of having full access to her back, of course.
Then you run to grab one of your body oils from your vanity, a rosemary one that would smell delicious with her body wash. You set it out on the bedside table, alongside some water and a hair clip for Abby. And, for good measure, you reapply your lipstick.
You can hear Abby step out of the shower, can hear her scoff and giggle when she sees the 'pajamas' you laid out for her. When she steps out of the bathroom, hair damp and just barely covering her nipples, soft cotton stretched over her ass and hips, she looks delicious.
"Now what's this about? Thought you were offering to give me a massage outta the goodness of your heart, turns out you just wanted me naked, huh?" She chides, walking over to your position on the bed, kneeling and looking all pretty for her.
When she leans into to kiss you, you press one hand to the center of her chest and keep her at bay. "I am gonna give you a massage, now lay down on your tummy, big girl."
"Yes ma'am."
You let her get situated, laying face down on the bed with her arms folded up under her head. You watch the way her back shifts, muscles rippling as she gets comfortable. She's beautiful, a goddess, and you want to spend the rest of your life worshipping her.
Once she's settled in, you straddle the backs of her thighs, eliciting a nervous giggle from her.
"Whatcha doing there, honey?"
She sounds so giddy, you almost feel bad that you're not gonna give her anything right now. "Settle down big girl, just trying to get access to your back."
You swear you can almost hear her pout when she says, "Okay :(."
She hands you the body oil from the bedside table, settling back into position as you uncap the bottle and pour a small amount into your hand. Rubbing it between your palms to warm it up, you then place your hands on Abby's back and start spreading it over her muscles.
You can feel how tense she is, noting which spots are gonna need the most work as you coat her sore muscles in a thin sheen of oil. Everything is so warm and hazy, since you'd turned off the main lights and left only a few dim lamps and some candles on while Abby was showering.
Abby, for her part, is already in heaven. She's always had a thing about feeling your body weight on her, as in she fucking loves it, so the feeling of you sitting on her thighs is already making her head all fuzzy. To add to it, your hands, soft from gentle work – courtesy of Abby, who never lets you do the rough work on the farm that has calloused her own hands – feel so fucking good on her back. Your touch always melts her into a puddle, but when it's combined with the slick slide of oil and a gentle massaging at her sore back? God, she's melting faster than an icecream in the summer sun.
With every pass of your hands over her sore back, she's whimpering and sighing, and you can feel the heat in your lower belly growing warmer and warmer. It wasn't your intention to get this aroused, but when Abby looks so sweet, so submissive, under your touch, how could you not?
You refocus your attentions, working the knots out of her upper and middle back with a firm press of your hands. The groans she lets out every time you hit a tough spot make you shaky, sounding far too close to the noises she makes when you're pressed up against her. It makes you nervous, giddy with excitement at just how much you want her, how much you want to please her. You're so distracted by the thought and image of her, needy under your touch, you barely notice when she starts talking.
"Mmm, that's good baby, I think you got it all," She murmurs, sounding utterly boneless. She's limp under your touch, the drowsiness creeping in.
"I'm not done yet baby, you're also tense," You mumble, slowly dragging your hands down her back, thumbs massaging at her back dimples, "down here."
Abby lets out a soft, "Oh", before whimpering at the feel of you in massaging her hips. Even if she usually doms, the feel of your thumbs in that very specific spot conjures up images of her on her hands and knees, staring at herself in the mirror while you bounce her back onto your cock, the slick noises of her cunt making her flush bright red. It makes her press her face into the mattress, blush creeping higher and higher as your hands slide lower and lower, until your finger tips are trailing at the waist band of her undies.
"Can I take these off?" You ask, leaning down to press a soft kiss between her shoulder blades.
"Mhm, please," Abby begs, her voice sweet and whiny, face still shoved into the mattress. It makes you giggle, even as you hook your fingers into her panties and pull them down, unfairly slow. You're drooling by the time her ass if exposed, but you almost moan when you see the string of slick and the wet patch left on her panties. You drag them all the way off, throwing them in the general direction of the bathroom.
Once they're gone, her gorgeous ass is completely exposed to you, but her pretty cunt is hidden, her thick thighs allowing you only a glimpse of her slick folds. Abby's breathing is heavy, and you can tell she's trying to stay composed even as you drip more oil onto your hands and rub them together.
Abby whimpers when you run your hands up her thighs, cupping under her ass and massaging the fat of it. You slide your thumbs up, spreading her ass apart and making her whine at the feeling of her pussy being spread open. You haven't even really touched her and she's leaking, for fuck sakes, her pussy made a slick lil noise when you spread it apart.
"Aw, baby, you're this needy already?" You chide, massaging her ass and watching her clench around nothing. A little dribble of slit leaks out of it, and you can't stop yourself from letting your thumb wipe it up, popping your thumb into your mouth and moaning at her taste.
"You've been, shit, you've been teasing me this whole time," She whines, wiggling her ass for you. You giggle, catching sight of the lipstick ring left around your thumb and feeling an idea grow in your head.
"Abby, get on all fours if you want me to fix that," You order, leaving one gentle swat on her ass before sliding off her legs, letting her scramble into position.
Everything about her makes your mouth water, from the slick sheen of oil and sweat on her body to the arch of her back, and the way she spreads her thighs just enough to give you a good look at her aching cunt.
"You're such a good girl, Abby, did so good," You murmur, getting behind her and rubbing at her ass, your tone soft and teasing as you slip into a more dominant role. She whines, wiggling even more as you lean forward, pressing a kiss to the swell of her ass.
When you pull back, you nearly moan, your idea having come true. Left on the plush fat of her right asscheek is a perfect lipstick mark, and the rest of her freckled ass and thighs are just begging for more marks. You giggle, pressing more kisses all over her ass and thighs.
Abby's confused, loving the attention but not knowing why you're just kissing her when her pussy is right there, needy for you. She nearly starts crying when you slide off the bed, grabbing something from the vanity and running back. The next time she feels you kiss her ass, it's a little wetter, stickier than before.
"What're you doing back there?" She asks, head a little fuzzy from your kisses.
"Mm, I could show you. Are you okay with me taking a picture of you?" You ask, pressing more kisses down her thighs, framing her pussy in pretty little kisses.
Abby swears she blacks out for a second, the sheer hotness of the question making her dizzy. "Yeah, yeah, of course, go ahead."
You hum, pleased with her answer and the desperation in her voice. Swiping your phone from the edge of the bed and opening up the camera, you point it at Abby. She looks gorgeous, completely needy and covered in lipstick kisses, slick dripping down her thighs and pretty hole aching for you. The hair around her pussy is slicked down, dark with wet, her bush wet and framing her clit. Her clit, large and swollen, is just peeking out of its hood, and she looks absolutely debauched. You take the picture and hand her your phone, waiting for her reaction.
Abby is staring in awe, not entirely convinced that's her. She looks so slutty, and it makes her hot all over. She lets out a little "oh lord" before handing you the phone.
"Mhm, that's all you pretty girl, you look absolutely gorgeous," You murmur, scratching your nails down the side of her thigh. She whines, arching her back even more as she shoves her face into the mattress.
"Uh huh, the prettiest, being so good for me," You whisper, bending down to press a trail of kisses all the way to her cunt. You lick a stripe from her clit to her hole, making Abby whine and scramble for purchase on the plush bedding.
You lap up the slick leaking out of her hole, spreading it over her clit before laving at it with the flat of your tongue.
"Fu-fuck sugar," Abby whines, bucking back into you. You grip at her thighs, trying to hold her in place as you dig in, pressing a kiss to her entrance before wiggling your tongue in. You fuck her with your tongue, listening to her whimpers before pulling back and spreading her pussy apart with your thumbs.
"Hmm, got the prettiest pussy ever," You tell her, watching her squirm under your attention. She tries to shift her thighs closer together, but stops at your disapproving hum.
With one hand, you trail two fingers down her cunt, pressing into her clit before dragging back up and teasing her hole. You want her to beg for it, and beg she does.
"Shit, baby, please, please fuck me," She cries, pressing back into you and trying to push your fingers in. You chuckle, loving how needy she is and not wanting to torture her too much.
"Hmm, good girl," You hum, as you press two fingers into her cunt. Abby moans into the mattress, loving the stretch. When you're in to the hilt, Abby clenches around your digits, a shiver running up her spine.
You lean down, angling your hand so you can both fuck her with you fingers and eat her out. You leave little licks at her clit, starting to fuck your fingers in and out of her, curling them just enough to try and press at her g-spot. When you get the right angle, pushing up against that gushy little spot, Abby wails, pressing back against you and clenching.
You hum against her clit, sucking on it lightly while pressing against her g-spot, feeling her leak around your fingers.
"G'so good baby, hmmm– fuck" She whines, her voice muffled into the comforter.
You can feel her thighs twitching, and decide she's getting too close too fast. Pulling off of her clit, you trail your tongue around her pussy, from the edge of her hole, where she's taking your fingers so well, to the spot right under her clit, teasing her with the almost-stimulation. You keep toying with her, avoiding her clit even as you finger her, driving her insane.
"C'mon baby, please, I wanna cum, please - fuck, 'wanna cum for you," She whines, kicking one leg and bucking back into you.
"Aww, my needy girl, you wanna cum?" You tease, leaning up to curve your body over hers and press a kiss behind her ear.
"Yes, yes please, ma'am, please, I need it," She cries, turning her head to look at you, making your heart skip a beat. Her cheeks are flushed, her eyes blown out and her lips plumped up from biting at them. She's beautiful, your angel and your love, and you feel the overwhelming. need to please her.
"You're so good for me Abby, 'll make you cum," You murmur, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before sliding back down. You take one glance at her ass and thighs, still covered in smeared lipstick marks. Pressing one more kiss to her ass, you dive back into her cunt, licking and kissing and sucking at her clit, making out with it as you fucking her even harder.
Abby whines, dropping her head onto the bed and arching her back even more, letting you play with her pussy. You can feel her getting closer, the excess slick, the tremble of her thighs, the clenching of her walls around your fingers. She's almost there, she just needs a little something. And god, you deliver.
You spit on her clit and suck on it, massaging her g-spot with no mercy as you stimulate her sensitive little nub, moaning against her when Abby wails, pussy convulsing around your fingers and her whole body shaking. She's a wreck, pushing back against you and babbling into the bed. Her clit throbs under your tongue, a twitchy mess.
You fuck her through it, feeling her drip around your fingers, leaving a ring of creamy cum for you to lick up. She squeals as you punch at her g-spot, extending her orgasm as she clenches around you, keeping your fingers inside her.
Slowly, you ease your fingers to a stop and pull out, pressing a kiss to her clit before pulling away. Abby lets her breathing even out, feeling as you rubbing her hips, waiting to see what she needs. Abby lets out a blissed out sigh and sits up on her legs, reaching back for you to wrap your arms around her.
You do, hugging her from behind and laying your head on her shoulder, pressing kisses to the muscle. "How're you feeling baby?"
"Hmm, perfect," She hums, tilting her head to kiss your temple, "You're so good to me."
"You're so good to me, Abigail, I love taking care of you," You mumble, meeting her in a soft kiss. It's so gentle, and you can feel her trying to push every ounce of love into this kiss. It's heart achingly sweet, like every moment you have with her.
"Mm, gonna let me take care of you now?" She asks, catching you of guard as she turns around and eases you back onto the bed. "Because I think you're also feeling a lil tense. Strip and hand me the oil."
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Early the next morning, the rooster's crow woke Lawrence straight at the crack of dawn and as he slowly rose, he had to admit that he didn't miss these abruptly starts. It had been a long while since he'd gotten out of bed so early and he'd nearly forgotten what it was like to rise with sleep still in his eyes.
Lazy mornings with Winifred had become the norm whilst they'd been on holiday, but as he watched the sun rise over the horizon, he knew there was work to be done here now and he needed to get started soon if the nights were going to continue to be so frigid.
With that in mind, he put one reluctant foot in front of the other and got ready for his long day amongst the weeds that laid ahead, wishing with every step that he could crawl back into the sheets with his wife.
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When they first returned, Lawrence had tried not to take notice at the state of the farm but there was no ignoring it now, not with a little one on the way and so many animals to feed. Jackson informed him there had been a nasty bug infestation that had wreaked havoc all across Wales that summer but part of him wondered if he was embellishing the damage done to other farmers just a little.
Nevertheless, Lawrence's first course of action was trying to evaluate the damage. The weeds had grown nearly up to his hip while mice and other pests feasted on the few plants that had managed to cling to life. Most of them were stubborn too, their roots embedded deep within the now rotted soil.
Day in and day out, Lawrence continued working in the field, his hands sore and his forehead sweaty by early afternoon. His father had dealt with blights on this very farm many times before but none such as this. There was no uncertainty that even if he were able to restore the farm back to what it was before they'd left that he would need to pick up shifts at the pub come winter.
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While he worked, he couldn't help missing their time in Ireland and how wonderful it had been to have so much time to be leisurely, doing as he liked instead of what he should. His entire life thus far had been devoted to this farm, even stopping his education to care for it when times got tough and his father too old to keep up with it anymore.
Every so often, his mind would drift off to the family that his wife hailed from, and the many others like them who were so much more well off than he was or ever would be. They would never spend a day in the hot sun or freezing cold working the field, and their hands would never become rough with calluses or blister like his. Yet, here he was with every passing day, working himself to the brink of exhaustion, only stopping when Winifred would bring him some lemonade or to have well-deserved a cigarette break.
Eventually, he'd start to get into a tizzy reminiscing over their holiday and pondering the stark differences in the quality of life between the working class and the wealthy. He'd huff and he'd curse while tilling the dirt beneath his feet, sometimes throwing the shabby hoe across the yard when he got yet another splinter, for which he was thankful his wife wasn't there to see.
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These days after she finished her daily chores, Winifred spent much of her time off visiting with Beth and Ozzy, or showing Millie her favorite parts of Wales, and return home near supper time to ensure that Lawrence had something to eat after putting in such a hard day's labor.
She knew the work was difficult and felt terrible that she wasn't able to assist much around the farm despite that she offered many times to help in some way; Lawrence insisted that given her pregnancy, she was only to rest and take care of herself, that just making sure there were clean linens and the floors were swept was helpful enough. Truthfully though, he felt extra protective of the baby growing inside his wife, terrified of what might happen if they were to lose another child.
Their little family was what kept him going much of the time, trying to ensure they'd be able to make it through the winter and thereafter, no matter how sore or tired his body felt.
So he would finish up his plate quickly barely tasting it or noticing when it scalded his tongue. He'd hardly have anytime to talk between bites before he was rushing back out to the fields until late hours of the night. Winifred tried not to mind, she knew it was work that needed to be done, but she couldn't help missing her husband or fear a distance growing between them.
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Long after Winifred would climb into bed and fall asleep, Lawrence would put all his tools away and at long last, sit down near the animals before it would be time to wrangle them all back into their coops.
"I don't suppose there's any chance you're good with a rake, are you, old Frank?" He asked the unresponsive goose who merely stared back vacantly before wandering over to a pile of chicken feed. "Yeah, I thought not." Lawrence mumbled under his breath, tossing his cigarette butt over the fence before taking a deep breath and heading inside for the night, dreading the moment he woke up the next day to do it all over again.
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(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistake you notice)
• Characters: Haley, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Since the granddaughter of the old man moved to pelican town to take care of the farm he passed her on, Haley couldn’t seem to think straight anymore. Literally.
At first she didn’t understand why the fuck this stupid farmer continued to talk to her, even after she always turned her down with an „Ew“ or „You smell“. But the farmer didn’t let herself got irritated by this behavior. Quite the opposite actually. Whenever she went into the dessert for whatever she did there all the time, she collected some coconuts and gave Haley one, just because a little birdie told her she might like them.
That little birdie spoke the truth and Haley was thrilled. Surprised, but thrilled. As summer came around she sowed sunflowers and when they where ready to reap she always brought Haley bouquet. In spring on her birthday the farmer even came around with her favorite cake, baked with own milk and strawberries.
The new farmer was a sweetheart through and through and Haley even tried to turn down her bitchy behavior around her.
At first she saw her as a good friend but as the flower dance came around, the farmer already lived there for over a year, Haley noticed that she got unbelievably jealous about the fact that she didn’t asked her to dance. On the other hand Haley was too shy (or too sassy) to make the first step and just sat out silently her anger as she saw Abigail asking you. The fact that you politely turned her down didn’t change anything either.
‚Maybe y/n isn’t even into girls..‘, Haley thought without even realizing that she just admitted to herself that she had a crush on the farmer. She continued to suck it up and to live into the day, giving her best not to think about her.
This plan worked well for about one week, until someone knocked at her door, holding a bouquet of sunflowers into her face.
„For you. The first ones of the season.“ Y/n stood there with a heartwarming smile. „Thanks… I guess“ Haley mumbled, taking the flowers. „You guess?“, y/n mocked her slightly, watching Haley turning. „I’m just messing with you. You’re welcome.“ she laughed, waved and turned around to go. „I still have a lot of work to do. The sheep won’t shave themselves.“
With an awkward chuckle Haley closed the door. She leaned against it, hearing y/n talk to her sister Emily about a wool delivery she ordered and that she could bring it until the next day. Finally, she heard the front door falling into its lock and with a silent sigh she opened her door again.
„Haley. Are you okay? You seem tense“, Emily asked her a little worried. Another sigh, this time a loud one, left her lungs as she walked into the kitchen, grabbing a vase for the flowers.
„Honestly? Not really“, she finally decided to open up. Emily approached her, hopped on the kitchen counter and waited for her to continue. „It’s about y/n“, Haley admitted and placed the vase on the table after filling it with water. Then she turned around again to face Emily.
Nervously she played with a strand of her blonde hair, not quite sure how to say this. It’s a simple sentence, but still so hard to say somehow.
Emily knew that something‘s off as Haley actually answered her. Usually they’re just arguing.
„It feels like I like her or something.“ She almost choked on her words. „Like her in a romantic way?“ Emily asked to make sure she‘s on the same boat as her sister. Haley nods. „I thought I was straight but apparently I’m not.“
With a smile Emily climbed down from the counter and hugged her sister, who surprisingly didn’t try to push her away. „There’s nothing wrong with that.“
Haley was relieved that her sister was fine with that. Emily released her and looked her into her blue eyes. „Go shoot your shot baby.“
„Does she even likes women?“, she asked still insecure about it all. Her sister just nods. With a relieved smile Haley turned around and walked to the door.
„Don’t call me that ever again!“, she shouted at Emily, not having mean intentions, before she left to look for y/n.
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faerune · 2 months
18 + 20 for piperrr
— 18. stress & 20. caffeine ship: harvey x f!farmer (piper mayberry) warnings: none
Piper was used to late nights. 
Cooper had never slept well when he was a baby. She remembered his first six months of life in a haze. Most nights had been spent in a shitty twenty dollar rocking chair Piper had thrifted; buzzing with caffeine and new mom anxiety, just begging for him to take mercy on her and shut his eyes. 
Eleanor was the exact opposite. The little girl couldn’t have been more different than her older brother. Where Cooper had never cried, Eleanor wailed. Eleanor loved grabbing at her mother’s hair and pulling — hard — while Cooper had always tugged at Piper’s ears. Cooper never slept? Eleanor was happy to sleep just about anywhere — her crib, in any willing arms, even on her playmat when she had decided the crinkly, colorful fish that dangled above her head were just too much of a pain to grab at anymore. 
Even now, while sleep evaded her mother yet again, Eleanor slept soundly against Piper’s chest as they rocked together in the nursery. This time, the chair was a gift lovingly crafted by Robin. Cooper’s old rocker was tucked in the back of the shed. Just in case. 
Piper tore her eyes from the window where she had been watching the fireflies dance over her fields to find Harvey standing in the doorway. Bleary, glassless eyes blinked at her as he folded his arms across his chest. The ends of his baggy, flannel pajama pants swished against the hardwood as he wandered over. Gently, he passed a hand over Eleanor’s head, smoothing down her little wisps of hair. 
“Can’t get her to sleep?” he asked, his fingers now soothing over Piper’s back. 
“No,” Piper sighed, sinking further back into the chair. Eleanor didn’t stir. “It’s me who can’t sleep.”
Harvey smiled kindly at her, absently working a knot in her shoulder with his hand. 
“Fall is coming up.”
Piper hummed, ignoring the little zip of anxiety that raced up her spine.
“We’re doing just fine,” Harvey soothed. 
“I know,” she nodded, defense in her voice because the more she spoke about it the more she shifted in her chair. 
The pair of them had been going over their finances in detail recently. Fall was the most important season for them and Piper had been preparing for the last week with Harvey’s help.
Financially, they were doing fantastic. The farm was making enough of a profit that Piper had started two trusts in Cooper and Eleanor’s names to pay for college. It was a wonder to her she was even able to do that. Never in her wildest dreams had Piper imagined she would be able to provide for her family like this.
So why was she so on edge? 
Piper caught herself picking at the skin near the edge of her thumbnail. Her hand retreated back, resting once again on Eleanor’s back to rub soothingly and feel her little sleepy breaths. 
Harvey leaned down and pressed a solid kiss to the crown of Piper’s head. 
Piper felt her body melt from the contact. Harvey often had a knack of knowing what Piper needed. Even when Harvey didn't, the genuine affection and care he showed her lit the way.
“I’m worried about you,” Harvey murmured, his breath warm and sweet. 
“I’m fine,” she lied reassuringly which Harvey clicked his tongue at. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, Harvey.”
Piper wasn’t sure what she was feeling, let alone put it to words. All she knew was the breath-holding, standing-at-the-edge-of-the-cliff feeling that had taken root in her chest as of late.
“Then I’ll go make coffee,” Harvey sighed against her head, lingering for just a moment longer before he straightened.
“What?” Piper asked, brows furrowing, her hand catching his arm. Harvey slipped her hand into his own and gave it a squeeze. 
“If you’re up, I’m up,” Harvey smiled reassuringly.
Harvey disappeared into the dark hallway. A warm glow from the kitchen light being flipped on. Downstairs, Piper heard him begin rooting around in the pantry. The soft shuffling of his steps, the flick of the coffee pot being turned on. Piper was asleep by the time the comforting smell of coffee began to drift upstairs.
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beepeepmeep · 9 months
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Silly Farmer
Pregnant reader X Sebastian
☆.。.:*゜☆゙.。.:*゜☆.。.:*゜☆ .。.:*゜☆
“Babe?” You heard your husband call out from the door of your farmhouse.
“Over here!!” You shouted. You’d gotten up early to tend to the animals and refill your pet’s water bowl. Turning around, you watched as your husband briskly walked over to you -a worried expression on his face.
“Baby what are you doing out here? You know you’re not supposed to be doing farm work so close to the due date! Harvey said it’s not good for you or the baby!” Your dear husband scolded as he delicately placed his hands on your protruding belly.
“Bah don’t be silly Sebby, I’m perfectly capable of caring for my animals thank you very much. Besides, I’m not lifting anything heavy- I’m just making sure that the animals have enough food. Which reminds me, I need to check the silo!” You say as you swat his hands away and begin marching towards your next destination.
As you- not so gracefully- make your way out of the fence gate, you don’t notice the soft material of your shirt catching onto a piece of splintered wood on the fence. And before you realize it you lose your balance and slip on a patch of mud on the path from last nights rain. Stretching your arms out in front of you to take the brunt of the damage rather than your baby bump, you brace for impact before you realize than your palms don’t come into contact with mud. Instead, you hear your husband’s hurried footsteps as he rushes to catch you. His arm circling under your chest just above your belly, forcing your body to come to a halt. You look down to see Sebastian’s other arm snake around you and gently straighten your posture as you turn to face him sheepishly. You feel your baby jolt in your womb after the sudden movement.
“DARLING, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” He said frantically as he placed one hand on your cheek and the other on your bump. His face full of concern and panic.
“Yes I’m okay.. thanks honey.” You replied shakily, grabbing his arms for stability- lest you lose your balance again.
“I guess I should have been paying more attention instead of being stubborn.” You say as you look down towards your feet away from your husband’s worried face. You don’t know why but your vision starts to blur and your bottom lip quivers, and before you know it there’s tears streaming down your face and your body trembles. Fuck you pregnancy hormones.
“Don’t cry baby! It’s okay! You and the baby are okay, no need to cry!” Sebastian tries to reassure you, but these stupid hormones won’t let you calm down! He brings a hand up and under your chin so he can tilt your face up to meet his softened gaze, his other hand wiping your tears away from your blushing cheeks.
“Shhh it’s okay, I’m right here sweetheart.” He hums, pressing gentle kisses on your forehead and both of swollen eyes. Your tears slow, leaving you a sniffling mess as you lean into his affections. A warm feeling spreading through your body as you relax and nod into his hand.
“Let’s get you inside, yeah? I’ll run you a warm bath and we can get you cleaned up and back in bed. How does that sound?” Your husband says softly as he stares lovingly down into your puffy red eyes.
“..okay.” You say in a small and quiet voice, embarrassed from your emotional outburst. But Sebastian is already used to this, he’s been your emotional support for your entire pregnancy. He’s been there for you every step of the way. Slowly, he takes your hand and guides you back up towards the farmhouse, sitting you down on his desk chair and running a warm bath for you. Once it’s ready, he comes back into your shared bedroom and slowly helps you undress from your sweaty clothes and guides you to the bathroom. As you step into the warm tub, you’re finally able to relax. Sebastian takes a seat next to the tub and begins to gently pour water on your head, grabbing your shampoo and massaging it into your scalp. Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into his touch. When you’re done, you step out of the tub and he helps you dry off and change into your favorite pajamas which he had neatly folded and waiting for you next to the sink. Making your way back into the bedroom, he leads you onto your warm bed and under the sheets where he holds his arms open for you to curl into.
“Thank you Sebastian..” you whisper into his chest as you try not to start crying again. Sebastian chuckles lightly and presses a kiss into your still damp hair.
“Silly farmer, there’s no need to thank me. I’d do anything for you if it meant that you and our baby are safe and happy.”
☆゙.。.:*゜☆.。.:*゜☆ .。.:*゜☆
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aviandtheseals · 11 months
The Rowntrees Ultimate Decades Challenge - 1366
Content warning for death mention
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Toward the end of her pregnancy, Sarah was frequently tired and could barely get through a day of household chores. But even as she was heavily pregnant, Sarah continued to spend a lot of time with Gil. Sarah didn't get much attention from adults as a kid, and she wanted him to feel seen and spend a lot of time with him.
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In the winter of 1366, Sarah gave birth. She had been waiting anxiously because the pregnancy was so difficult toward the end. Women around the village told Sarah the first kid was the hardest, but she was hungrier and more exhausted with this pregnancy.
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The birth was also difficult, but Sarah finally understood why the pregnancy was so hard on her body - she gave birth to twin baby girls! But they were both born small and weak, and the experience left Sarah completely depleted. A day after being born, little Marie passed away. But that wasn't the end of the troubles.
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A few weeks after giving birth, Sarah collapsed during a dinner with family and friends around. She never got up.
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Sarah's life was cut short, but she died during a very happy time in her life, when she was married to a man who loved her and had children she adored. Sarah improved the lives of everyone around with her love. Even Clarice mourned Sarah.
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Due to Sarah's death, the rest of the year was difficult for Jacquette, Finnian, and Kymmie. They went through their days as usual, running the store and keeping the house and garden in shape. But the shadow of Sarah's death hung above them, and they were unable to find the little joys in life they usually did.
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The Rowntrees also tried to support the Hedgecocks after Sarah's death and went to their house often to help Gilbert and Clarice take care of the kids. The whole family was struggling, especially little Gil who was very affected by his mother's death.
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Surprisingly Clarice stepped up in the Hedgecock house and took care of Sabina and Gil while Gilbert was working. The family wondered what happened to make her like that, but they didn't question her willingness to help.
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In the summer of 1366, Finnian aged up to a teen. He started practicing archery in his spare time to one day be able to hunt for the family. He also started helping Gilbert and the other local peasants farm their land, so he could one day become a farmer himself.
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Towards the end of the year, things were finally looking up. The extended family had a nice family dinner. Gilbert and Clarice both also aged to young adults this year.
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skittlewaffle · 2 years
Disclaimer: I’m not actually mad I just think it’s funny
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(for context I have a mod that allows poly relationships and I’m currently married to Alex, Sebastian, and Leah; and I’m dating Abigail)
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#in conclusion marriage in stardew is a complete BRUH MOMENT like WHATD I DO ??????????#also the whole marriage and kids things can have a little more taste tbh instead of just throwing a cutscene or w/e in there and being done#with it#i downloaded a pregnancy event mod and it didn’t work smh ..#is there a mod that doesn’t make your spouse fucken angry out of nowhere ??#if it were up to ME I would do it like this#if your character is female then you have to rest after you have your baby and you can’t leave your bed#well??? how am i supposed to do shit? I’m glad you asked !!!!#your HUSBAND becomes a PLAYABLE CHARACTER#after the birth ! a cutscene plays revolving around how happy the two of you are about your newborn child#however the husband is worried about you hurting yourself through over exertion#no dialogue is the same for different bachelors; it’s all canon friendly#once the cutscene is over your items are handed over to your husband who becomes playable for maybeeeee 3 days ??#assuming a season is a month and a year is four months and a pregnancy is two weeks in sdv.. i assume bed rest won’t be long#but anyways !! as your character’s husband you perform the duties he promised in the cutscene#taking care of the farmer and the baby; stepping up and working around the farm; and basically fulfilling activities you do every day!#like mining; fishing; etc#bonus points for there to be cutscenes for the husband’s first time in the mines!! or if they go into any location they don’t normally visit#and also special dialogue between him and other villagers !!!#a cutscene every day when the hubby comes home after a certain time !! this is when you speak as your character and I guess y’all talk abt#each others’ day n whatnot. ofc they would share more wholesome baby time !!!!!#IF I COULD POP THIS MOD INTO EXISTENCE I WOULD !!! just to be more realistic#unfortunately it only works for farmers who can become pregnant and they marry someone who can make pregnant :<#ANYWAYS#k rambles#sdv#alex#sebastian#f/o x s/i#lol why did i write this in so much detail haha
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Ripe For The Pickin’
(This is a Yandere Kita x Fem Reader Story! Hopefully y’all like this lmao, sorry if his hick accent is annoying lmao, I thought it gave him ¬flavour¬
Tw: !!noncon!, !misogyny!, breeding kink!, !Detailed postpartum depression!!!, !!!Mentions of attempted suicide and murder of a child!!!, !Mental illness!, !Defeatist attitude!, !Disassociation!,  housewife reader!, threats of physical harm!, manipulation!, mentions of kids!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution! Note: Part of my family are farmers- my grandpa specifically, and he speaks very similarly to how I wrote Kita’s dialogue (the joking bit). He had a farm in Hawaii growing up, and he always jokes that he’s ‘but a country folk,’ so I mean no offense to those who own a farm. )
Throwing down his work cap on your kitchen table, Kita visibly brightens at your busy form. Your two year old son is balanced perfectly on your hip, your other hand stirring a pot of Udon. The steam rises around your head, slightly flushing your (skin colour) complection. 
Looking up, your eyes immediately meet the white haired male’s, causing you to freeze up momentarily. He sends you a warning look. 
“Welcome Home, Shinsuke,” A wobbly grin spreads across your painted features (just how Kita liked- he likes when you try to look good for him), catching the attention of your son immediately. 
“Daddy!” He practically hops out of your hold, rushing to the large male. Your unwanted husband scoops him up in his buff arms, swinging him around. 
“Whoa, one’a these days yer gonna throw yer Pa’s back out,” He grins happily at his carbon copy, smooching the small boy on his grey hair. 
The little one giggles cutely, basking in his father’s presence. You quickly approach Kita, hugging him from the side, and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, “We’ve missed you all day, My Love,” He always likes it when you’re sappy- it makes him feel wanted. 
At your words, he delivers a lingering kiss to your lip tint stained lips, your son half in your arms and half in your husband’s. You lightly pinch your babe’s cheek, causing him to giggle, before you kiss him on his forehead. Kita visibly brightens at your affectionate side, his open arm wrapping around your waist, “What’cha makin’ fer dinner, Pretty Lady?” 
You cringe internally, yet you can’t help the blush that forms on your pretty face, “Kazue wanted Udon- I hope that’s okay,” Shinsuke nods, a thoughtful look on his face. 
“‘O course,” He lightly pinches your son’s other cheek, “If our growin’ boy wants Udon, by God, he’ll get it.” 
Settling Kazue down in his bed, you give the sleeping boy a tender kiss on the forehead. As much as you hate Kita, you don’t have the heart to hate your son. He, like you, didn’t ask to be here, so you decided to be the best mom he could ever have. 
Smoothing his blanket over his lower body, you tuck the other bits under him, and lay his favourite stuffy next to him. Once done, you step away from the slumbering babe, and make your way out of his room. Kita is waiting in the night light lit hallway, leaning against the opposing wall. 
You jump slightly, not expecting him to be there. 
“Is something wrong, Shinsuke?” A practiced smile appears on your face, hands clasping behind your back to keep you grounded. 
He says nothing, motioning you to follow him, before turning and walking towards your shared bedroom. Shuffling after him, you try to still your rapidly beating heart. Did you do something wrong? 
Kita isn’t one to shy away from punishment. If anything, he revels in the momentary feeling of power-that is, until your broken body and mind are left in the aftermath. Then, he can’t help but feel horrible, because in some twisted way, the man truly loves you. So, he’ll try to cuddle and kiss his wrongs away, trying to forget that he’s the catalyst of all the things going wrong in your life. 
Burying those thoughts away, you step into the darkened room, noticing immediately that Kita is settled on his side of the bed. He’s stripping himself of his overshirt, exposing his wife-beater underneath, “Ya know, I think it’s time fer the boy ta have a brother.”
It feels as though the world around you is crumbling. Just when you gain a sense of normalcy, the bastard rips that away from you. 
Your smile visibly wavers, but you try to hold strong, “I-well, I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Your hands are trembling, your heart practically being torn from your chest, “Kazue is still a toddler, I think it would be better if he was around five. Then, he can interact with-” Kita holds up a hand, halting your speech. 
“Yer gettin’ too technical fer the simple folk in tha room, Pretty Lady,” He stands to his feet, discarding his slippers, before slipping his baggy jeans off of his lower half, “Jus’ say yer too selfish to give yer lovin’, hardworkin’ husband tha things he deserves-” 
Kita knows that you had postpartum depression. He knows that you not only almost hurt yourself, but also your precious son. He knows that you had to be sedated at one point to even continue living. Yet, it seems like he doesn’t care. 
Tears fill your eyes, as you finally let your feelings become known, “That was horrible to say, Shinsuke. You know how hard it was for me-”
“It was also hard fer me too, ya’know,” He’s doing it again… trying to manipulate you into being the bad guy, “Seein’ ya go bonkers was hard ta’ watch. Plus, seein’ our son almost drown in tha tub-” 
“Stop it!” You finally lose your cool, surprising your usually collected kidnapper, “You don’t get to claim it was hard for you, when everything is your fault!” His mouth open and closes like a dying fish, unsure what to say, “If you waited for me to be ready to have children, I wouldn’t have spiraled out of control. If I was given the help I needed, I wouldn’t have gone psychotic. If you hadn’t stolen me away from my life and forced me to bend to your will, none of this would have happened!” By now, you’re a sobbing mess. He always does this. Kita always breaks you down until you seem crazy, but you’re not. You’re just tired of how he treats you like a baby maker, tired of how he treats you like nothing, yet claims you’re his entire world. 
But, when you hear him sigh softly to himself, you know that he doesn’t care about your feelings, “Do I need to use the gag? I thought we were above that.” 
Knowing that refusal won’t be tolerated or respected, you don’t bother wasting anymore of your breath. Slipping off your house slippers, you shuck off your dress, revealing your bare chest and panties. More tears slip down your face, as you lay down on your large shared bed. 
Shinsuke grins at your compliance, quickly moving between your legs, and stripping you of your drawers. His rough fingers rub at your clit and slit, “Good girl. ‘Ya know yer man jus’ wants what’s good fer ya, an’ a baby is good fer any good woman.” 
You ignore him, but he doesn’t seem to care. Kita continues to rub against your clit, trying to coax an orgasm out of you. But, you don’t give him the satisfaction. 
Staring at the ceiling, you let your mind go. Your dissociated body reacts well to his ministrations, your arousal coating your thighs, as they tremble in lieu of an orgasm. 
His fingers dig in deep, as they force your pussy open. Feeling how relaxed you are, he decides that you’re loose enough to go right in. 
Pulling out his thick cock, he bumps the head against your slick cunny, “Don’ worry, Darlin’, yer man will take good care of ya,” He slides in with relative ease, your hips bumping against his.  
The normal constricting feeling in your chest has long since faded, instead, the feeling of acceptance at the fact that you couldn’t get out of this replaced it. 
Your body jolts and rolls with Kita’s harsh thrusts, his panting warm against your neck, “Yer so good fer me, (Your Name), yer gonna bear me healthy sons,” The gummy walls of your pussy knead his cock thoroughly, trying to milk him for everything he’s got, “I knew you were perfect fer the takin’.” 
He forces your knees next to your head, the head of his cock bashing into your cervix painfully. Fortunately, that was enough to set your body off. A gush of cum drenches the both of you, as Kita slams himself inside of you entirely, allowing your womb to be filled to the brim with his fertile cum. 
“Ya never disappoint, Darlin’,” He smooches you on your lax lips, ignoring the fact that your head is practically empty, “Maybe you’ll have twins this time.” 
With that, he starts his hardcore pace one more. 
But, you can’t bring yourself to care. As long as you can drift away from the events unfolding in front of you, 
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blouisparadise · 3 years
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Today’s rec list consists of bottom Louis fics that take place in the country, the Midwest, or any rural area. We hope you enjoy. If you do, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Save A Horse | Explicit | 2400 words
Louis goes to a rodeo with Liam, and gets a lot more than he bargained for. Featuring bull rider Harry, obnoxious t-shirts, and one hell of a night.
“Come on Jackson ain’t you been practicin? It ain’t fun for me if I always beat you,” the boy drawls out, voice slow and thick like molasses. “You comin out tonight?” he asks, nudging him with his elbow.
“Not tonight H, me and Liam are going to grab something to eat,” Jackson replies, the blush returning to Liam’s cheeks.
“What about you, what’re your plans for the night darlin’?” Harry asks, crooking an eyebrow in Louis’s direction.
Louis, who is the epitome of outgoing and confident, is at a total loss for words. He starts to say something but freezes, Harry now raising his other eyebrow and smirking, awaiting Louis’s response. “I uh- I’ll probably just go home,” Louis manages to stammer out, and what the fuck? Who is this man and how has he turned Louis into an introvert in a matter of seconds?
2) Gunsmoke | Explicit | 6527 words
Harry 'Gunsmoke' Styles and his boys Liam, Zayn, and Niall are all traveling cowboys who come across a small town on their journey to nowhere. They hang out at a tavern where Harry meets Louis, a cute and fiery bartender, and they may or may not fall in love.
3) Hey I Heard You Were A Wild One (If I Took You Home It'd Be A Homerun) | Explicit | 12106 words
Harry came to the bar to forget. Louis gives him a night to remember.
4) This Land Is More Than Dreams | Explicit | 12878 words
Louis is a student taking a gap year, travelling through the States. His plans change when he meets a cute cowboy-wannabe in one of the towns.
5) Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy | Mature | 13356 words
Harry owns a farm and Louis rides horses (and pretty boys sometimes) for a living. Harry hurts himself by being clumsy before he gets to ride a horse with Louis.
6) Manifest Destiny | Explicit | 15210 words
Louis is a Pony Express rider and Harry runs a station along the trail.
7) Baby Blue | Explicit | 39439 words
Harry Styles takes his time coming out to greet them. Louis only knows what he’s seen on file and what he’s heard them talking about, but he fully lives up to the image he had inside of his head.
He saunters down the front steps of the farmhouse in his Levi’s, brown snakeskin boots curving out from underneath the denim Louis’ sure he had specially made. He’s got on a plaid button-down tucked into the jeans because of course he does, curls spilling out from either side of his cowboy hat around his sunglasses and country-tan skin.
“Harry Styles,” he drawls, extending a hand to Louis’ manager, “Pleased to meet ya’ll.”
8) I Ain’t Gonna Fence You In | Mature | 40645 words
Louis Tomlinson is a 18 year old city boy who is forced to spend his summer before his senior year at his aunts farm. There, he meets Harry, a 19 year old country boy his aunt hired to help around the farm.
Maybe the farm isn't the worst place to fall in love?
9) Boiling Blood Will Circulate | Explicit | 42420 words
The wait isn’t long before something starts rustling in the bushes. Harry takes aim, squeezes the trigger, body moving unconsciously. They’re motions he’s done a thousand times before, and his body knows how to do it without the input of his brain now. It’s what makes him such a good shot.
He misses. The shot misses.
Something howls in the woods, a pretty clear indication that Harry hit it, but there’s no telltale sounds of a big body dropping, no animal charging out at him to take him out before he can finish the job.
Something does turn and run, though. “Fuck,” Harry spits out, scrambling to his feet and slinging the rifle back over his shoulder, giving chase. He’s not going to lose this hunt.
The trail of blood goes on longer than Harry thought it would. He doesn’t know how long he runs for, but his muscles are burning, chest heaving with exertion, until the trail just - goes dead. No more blood, just like that.
“Fuck,” Harry says.
10) Your Touch Shouldn't Make Me Feel Like This | Explicit | 48883 words
Uni AU in which Alpha Harry has been in love with his omega friend for the longest time and one motorbike trip to the countryside with Louis made him realize that he could no longer hold back his feelings.
11) For the Sake of Propriety | Mature | 52360 words
Louis Tomlinson is the caretaker of an estate that is not truly his, and when his Uncle calls upon him to take it back, Louis knows he will soon be out on the streets with four overly zealous sisters to care for.  His only solution: wed the eldest two off and pray for the best.  When an even better solution unexpectedly presents itself in the form of the charming Mr. Styles, Louis is faced with a difficult choice.  But as with all things in the regency era, reputation very well may threaten to outweigh the fleeting matters of his heart.
12) Through The Wheatfields And The Coastlines | Explicit | 52855 words
“You’re not from around here, are ya?” Hot Cowboy asks, tracking his little lamb with his eyes. Louis frowns slightly, having thought he was doing pretty well at not sticking out like a sore thumb. It’s not like he’s not from around here — it’s not his first summer he’s spent at his grandparents'. But he supposes that the Manhattan city lifestyle that he’s used to is always going to shine through.
“I’m visiting family for the summer,” Louis explains, cheeks a little pink. “Trying to get some work done without distractions.”
13) The Bachelor | Explicit | 53953 words
The one where Harry dates six other guys and still falls in love with Louis Tomlinson.
14) Apples Always Fall (As I Do For You) | Mature | 54609 words | Sequel
Louis is staying at his Aunt's farm in a small town in Minnesota for four months. To deal with the boredom that sets in a week into his stay, he starts working at the local apple orchard, owned by twenty six year old Harry Styles.
Louis quickly finds himself falling in love with the orchard, and he finds a family in Harry's friends Niall, Liam, and Zayn.
He also starts to fall in love with Harry.
Falling in love with him turns out to be the easy part.
15) Such Good Luck | Explicit | 66025 words
An Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
16) Given a Chance | Explicit | 173511 words
Five years after One Direction took their last tour, the last thing Louis Tomlinson ever expected to happen while on a tea run at the local Piggly Wiggly was to run into his ex-boyfriend and ex-bandmate Harry Styles.
The odds of them ever running into each other again had to be super slim, right?
What happens when you mix ex-boyfriends with a large serving of Small Town America? Will Louis and Harry be able to set aside their differences, or will Louis be able to stay breezy as fuck in the wake of Harry’s arrival?
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Stardew Impact [Genshin+Stardew Valley/xReader]
Part 1/3 Kaeya, Diluc
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Synopsis: “A mysterious phenomenon brought you and your s/o to an unfamiliar world: Pelican Town! Without the power of Visions, the two of you begin to learn the life of what it takes to be...a farmer?”
Coming soon...
Albedo and Childe
Zhongli and Xiao
(A/N): So the brainrot was real in this one. I planned to add Albedo for a Mondstadt edition but kinda went overboard so I gotta split this one into parts too. Wordcount_almost 2k spspspsp
• Already has the whole year planned in his head. Literally if Diluc were to play this game, he'd have a booming farm within year ONE. Calm and collected through and through, though the new environment raises alot of questions, as long as you were still with him, Diluc ain't complaining
• The town welcomes you two with open arms. It was all thanks to the attire. Diluc wore his usual dark coat adorned with regal gold while you had a dress made of Liyue's finest silk, one that he bought for you. Needless to stay both of you reeked the aura of rich aristocrats (Mayor Lewis is pleased that greedy bastard)
• Once the farm was permitted to your owndership, Diluc began to think of ways to turn it into a vineyard. He was a businessman afterall. Although the staff back at the Dawn Winery were the ones who tended the field, Diluc still knew a few things about planting due to his childhood days Master Crepus would bring him out to their yard and demonstrated the process of gardening. He still remembers those days clearly, doing the very same this moment with you.
• Occasionally works at the Saloon bar. It was the perfect opportunity. As you took care of the farm side, Diluc continues to look for more ways to increase the income while gathering information from the folks around town. Gus LOVES to have him over, like he's just so efficient and reliable! They soon become good friends saying if Diluc were ever to own a wine stock, he would gladly buy from him.
• This is why Diluc would stay a little later due to just chatting with the people from the bar. One time you walked into the Saloon only to the front desk with Emily alone. Turns out the others were in the other room, too busy playing a game of pool. You decided to leave him be since it was rare to have Diluc so relaxed in leisure activities. Thus in the end, you spent your time chatting with Emily until a whole hour has passed before your lover notices and apologizes for losing track of time.
• Everything felt like a dream because it was his dream. To live a life undisturbed from chaos, his duties and the dangers that lurk in Teyvat, Diluc grew fond of the domesticity. There was nothing he loved more than to spend his hours by your side, day after day, returning home to your freshly handmade meals.
• Spring: Already up and early planting the parnersnips (I'm very soft for gardener Diluc you see). What do you expect from a workaholic? Even during his leisure time you would often find him near some plant as he does consider this hobby quite therapeutic. But when it rains, Diluc would be standing beside you with an arm around your shoulder, smiling contently as you lean into his touch. He gazes through the dripping window and silently admires the current progress you both made on the farm.
• Between the two annual spring festivities, I would say the flower dance. Diluc is a private man and would prefer to take things where no eyes were on sight. But with a little bit of nudging from Gus (your wingman), he gives in and leads you to the center stage. Elegant. Graceful. The way you two moved together became the talk of the event. Though, Diluc was already used to people staring by now, all he needed to do was to ignore them and keep his focus on you.
• Summer: No blankets in bed. Nope, its bloody hot in Pelican Town. He tends to stay indoors or anywhere with shade, in other words, his work hours in the Saloon increased.
• Diluc always has a nice cold drink prepared for you if by any chance you were to pay a visit after a whole day of labour. It's a habit he's made subconciously as if it would be a natural occurance for you to enter the door. His colleagues would ask him who did he make that drink for? Honestly so cute i cri
• Moments like these remind him of Mondstadt, where he quietly wipes the glasses while listening to you talk. Your voice is soothing. Sun rays peek from the side casting onto the umber tables, reflecting a rich golden light as the radio plays a soft song in the background. It's so peaceful, the town was small hence not many people visited the bar, Diluc came to appreciate this warm privacy (plus no Venti and Kaeya which is a huge pog realization).
• Autumn: Harvest time baby. The kegs are full and the sheds are full of kegs. This season was huge stonks and the house ended up getting an upgrade. Diluc is the type of man who wants to make sure that his spouse wouldn't have to work another day of her life. I reckon this is why he's so ambitious because he wants you to have the best and you deserve the best. (Husband material. Slap a ring on him ladies).
When there was no more work left to do, time would be spend peacefully exploring the woods. While you skipped a few steps ahead as the leaves crunched beneath your feets, Diluc follows slowly from behind. He sees your back but his eyes stares somewhere far beyond whats in front of him: His future. 
It was such a stark contrast to the one he envisioned before. One filled with uncertaintly, blocked by darkness with no silver lining in sight, endlessly wandering as he drags the claymore against the ground. There was never a day in which the Darknight hero wouldn't think of Mondstadt. Leaving the city in the incompetent hands of Ordo Favonious while Abyss Mages continue to lurk fuels him to find a way to return as soon as possible and yet...
"Higher big sis!" Jas tightens her hold on the ropes as you pushed the swing with all your might. She laughs, like a child, it was full of innocence and joy. Later Vincent came in and nugdes you, asking when his turn will come.
"You wanna go too? Alright alright don't worry," waiting for Jas to come down, you lift the boy up so that he was seated safely on the chair, "3..2..1 go!"
He wonders if he could just be a little selfish for once.
• Winter: Best man to have in this season. Every morning Diluc would find himself restricted in movements due to a pair of arms around his waist and legs entangled with yours. Turns out you've been doing it subconciously because he's just so warm (Diluc keeps it lowkey and pretends to sleep longer cuz of it)
• Haha looks like the portal is gone, guess we'll be stuck forever :)). No kidding Kaeya would be so down to stay here for the rest of his life and the best part is to spend it with you. He doesn't show a shred of concern regarding Teyvat, not like he's easily shaken by events that are abnormal, but you can see that Kaeya is truly and genuinely happy. (You're stunned).
• Oho we also have this marvelous landscape just for the two of us? And a cozy little cabin to go along with it as well? This should be fun~ 
• Of course Kaeya would also know a few things about planting, just the basics since he did grow up with Diluc. When they were kids, Crepus would give each of them their own pots so they can grow their own plants. It eventually became a competitive thing where whoever's plant grows the fastest gets to eat the other person's dessert for a year (no one wins. They end up sabotaging each other which Diluc started first, thinking it'll be funny as a joke).
• You are, and will be going on dates with him. In fact, the amount of dates you two went on increased since then. The townspeople would call you two "lovebirds" since he's practically by your side 24/7. 
• I mean he doesn't have the responsibilities as a Cavalry Captain anymore so what else is there to do?
• Would attend all annual events no matter what season. 
• Evelyn constantly gushes how much of a wonderful pair you and Kaeya make and often is the one who provides Kaeya a fresh bouqet of flowers for him to use as a gift. George on the otherhand just rolled his eyes mumbling something along the lines of "youngsters these days" and "crazy hormones."
• Befriends Pam. Love for beer plus somewhat cynical attitude? They get along real swell! She starts sending some recipes into the mailbox of course saying if yall ever need a hand, let her know.
• Spring: I can see Kaeya be switching back and forth between caring for the farm or taking quests posted on Pierre's bulletin board. He likes to keep things interesting, learning the ways of the new world while also getting to know the people around town.
• Would NOT return Mayor Lewis' shorts in which he found in Marnie's room. It's such high quality blackmail material. Kaeya is currently plotting what is the best way to use it to his advantage.
• He didn't tell you of course.
• Summer: There are no blankets because he is your blanket. Since your cabin was small so was the bed. That's why he has to hold you so that no one falls off when rolling over. Either he hugs you with your nose close to his neck, or your back against his chest while spooning you or holding hands if sleeping on your sides became too much. Yall need a serious house upgrade.
• For some reason Kaeya becomes more energetic in the summer. He lets you rest in the shade while handling the farm work for the time being. If you guys got a pet it would be a cat. Hes the first one to refill their bowl every morning outside.
Another day passes as summer comes to an end, the town’s Mayor invited you and your lover to see the annual Dance Of the Moonlight Jellies. Kaeya being the opportunist was delighted to come along. Locking the door of your house, you follow him down the path and made your way to the beach.
Everyone from town was already gathered by the docks when the sun had disappeared down the horizon. You stood by his side in a space far from the others, watching  the candle boats set off to ride the waves, lighting up a small ray of light for creatures to find. 
“Wow,” your tone almost above a whisper, “If only our friends back home could see this too.”
“Perhaps,” he says. Kaeya slips his fingers into yours and you shot him a curious glance, “But let us enjoy this moment shall we? Just the two of us.”
And there they were. A sea of luminescence radiating colours of brilliant blue with hints of green like a city of laterns floating in a world below. Their image reflects in the star of Kaeya's eyes as he wonders, where would they go? Where would the light lead them? They were so free with nothing to worry, so serene just like the sea and unknowningly, he squeezes your hand. It was a sense for confirmation. One to remind him that this moment was indeed a reality he wishes to keep.
Autumn: Finally a house upgrade and a kitchen!! Because it was harvest season, you guys end up making a set of delicious meals with all the recipes the townspeople gave you. Kaeya can cook since he lived by himself back in Mondstadt. Most of the stuff he learned to make were food that can be accompanied by alcohol though...
• Ahah remember Mayor Lewis' lucky shorts? He found a use for them. It was displayed on the stands during the Stardew Valley Fair (Oh my how did this get here? Must be the wind). Ends up buying a Rarecrow for the farm when Lewis bribes him not to tell this to anyone.
Winter: This was mostly an indoor season for the both of you. With the existence of television, nights would be spent until morning while watching movies at the couch. A blanket drapes around your shoulders as extends to his.  Oh and don't forget the hot chocolate! 
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petboymart · 3 years
will we get any bull!Asahi content? 👀
shout out to nox and their big brain for BLESSING us on this fine middle of the night
-eden <3
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bull!asahi x fem!bodied reader NSFW
tw/cw: breeding, fem!body gender neutral pronouns, slight dubcon, rut, mastrubating, belly bulge, slight size kink
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you took a job as a farm hand, working for a farmer named ukai about a month ago. you basically just cleaned pins, fead all the farm animal boys and girls, and occasionally have them medication and baths when needed. the job was simple enough and the farm animals were quite nice to talk to.
today, the breeding bull of the farm was coming back. your not quite sure why he left and wherever you asked everyone got all hush hush, well except this little rooster boy who loved to call him a coward and a cry baby. everyone was buzzing with excitement, and it would be a lie to say you weren’t as well
you were given the task of cleaning his pin and getting it ready for his return. you had to admit, you were quite thrilled to meet him after hearing everyone talking about him for the last month. they said he was so big and strong, perfect genes for breeding heifers. they said he was real scary looking to, super intimidating.
while you were lost in your thoughts you didn’t hear the trailer pull up, or everyone welcoming the bull back before leaving him to retire to his stall, insisting that he get some rest after his long travels. you vaguely register the sound of footsteps but don’t really think anything of it. at least not until you turn around.
you drop your pitchfork in surprise at the bulls sudden appearance, eyes wide as you take in his gorgeous figure and long hair tied nestled into a bun at the back of his head. his own eyes are wide, the clatter of your pitchfork hitting the floor snaps you both out of your trances. as you open your mouth to apologize he beats you to it.
“ah i’m so sorry, i’m a quiet walker you probably couldn’t even hear my steps! here let me help clean!” he rushes out as he bends to pick up your fallen pitchfork. he quickly hands it to you before stuttering out another sentence, “i’m um i’m asahi, i just uh just got back today!”
you offer him a smile and reply, “i’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you asahi, everyone here talks so highly of you!”
his eyes widen at that and a red blush spreads across his cheeks. he opens and closes his mouth like a fish before stuttering out his reply of, “o-oh d-ahem-do they really?”
you can tell that he’s trying to act nonchalant about it, but you can tell by the blush on his cheeks that he’s very flattered at the news. he must value their opinions on him a lot, you think to yourself. your smile grows as you answer, “yep! they told me allll about how big and strong you are!”is it possible for his blush to deepen? because it does.
before he can reply, you speak again, “well, i’ll get out of your hair! you probably want to relax in your stall after being away for so long!” as you pass him you ruffle his hair between his horns, as you make you way down to the barn door you shout, “i’ll see you around asahi!” with a smile.
asahi thanks his lucky stars that you left when you did, because his aching hard cock was practically screaming for attention.
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about a week later, your cleaning asahis stall with him in there. you offered to come back when he was outside but he told you he liked talking to you, so here you are. after about 30 minutes of cleaning his stall and making small talk, you decide to ask him the question that had been on your mind for quite some time.
“hey asahi,” you start, while turing to face him, “why were you gone for so long? even when y’all get really sick and need hospital care you’re never sent away for more than a week or two, so why were you gone for a month?”
his eyes widen for a split second, and the blush on his cheeks that he swore was from the heat darkens as his eyes dart from side to side over the stall floor. “well it’s it’s um,” he wracks his brain to try and figure out how to explain it, but can’t seem to find the right words, “it’s a-a little embarrassing,” he forces a laugh.
“oh! you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to! i was just curious is all,” your quick to reassure him, but he shakes his head.
“no no it’s ok, i want to tell you! it’s just a little hard to explain,” his voice gets a little more quiet towards the end.
you smile softly and reply, “that’s alright, take your time honey,” you turn back to continue cleaning but catch him squeezing his thighs together right as you finish your sentence, but simply shrug it off.
it’s about 10 minutes after that when asahi clears his throat, as if he wants your attention. so you turn to look at him and offer a sweet smile as a form a reassurance.
he gives a small smiles back before beginning to speak, “um so i uh was having some uh…issues with um m-mating with the um heifers, s-so the uh farmer sent me to this um thing where they uh, they uh ask you questions about um what would make m-mating more ap-pealing to you to uh try and encourage you to um do…it, but um” at this point his face and ears are cherry red, “it-it didn’t w-work for me. i don’t really um, find heifers appealing, not in that way at least.”
you give him a curious look and he panics, “not that i don’t think the heifers are beautiful, because i do! i’m just not attracted to them in that way, it’s not their fault!” you giggle at his little rant and he relaxes just a tad, “it’s not that um i don’t find anyone attractive in that way, i’m just not attracted to heifers, farmer ukai said that it’s okay though, that he won’t force me to mate with them if i don’t want to and i can still live hear until i’m old!” his tail swishes back and forth behind him as he speaks and he plays with his fingers.
“well, that’s not quite the answer that i was expecting but you don’t need to be nervous about it!” you state.
“i, i don’t? you don’t think it’s weird?” he asks with hopeful eyes.
“no honey, i don’t think it’s weird. and i’m happy that ukai is letting you stay because i quite enjoy your company,” you punctuate your sentence with a ruffle of his hair and a kiss on his head. “okay asahi, your stalls all clean, i’ll see you soon okay hun?”
“oh-okay!” he replies with a big smile. you toss a wink his way before gathering your supplies and leaving to clean the next pin. asahi releases a sign of relief before palming his hard cock while thinking of how pretty you would look under him while he mounts you and stuffs you full of his calves.
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when you first started working here, the other workers and ukai all told you to try and avoid the bulls and heifers during their ruts and heats, unless you want them to jump your bones that is. quite a few of the other farm hands have assisted the cows and other farm animals before, but most times they just send another animal of their species in to help them. however, if there are no farm animals to help them one of the farmhands has to. ruts and heats are extremely painful if they aren’t dealt with, and there is no way in hell y’all are going to let these precious babies feel pain. normally their cycles are pretty close together, which is what makes this so odd.
asahis been acting weird all week. clinging to your side wherever you go sitting with you inside other bulls and heifers stalls while you clean them, trying to follow you into places he can’t go and pouting when you tell him no. and when you return he’s sitting on the ground playing with the grass waiting for you to come back. when you have him his weekly bath yesterday he was extremely tense. and he wouldn’t let you wash his inner thighs, insisting that he wanted to do it himself. which of course you have no problem with and respect his wishes, but it is odd considering that he loves when you bathe him. you didn’t raise your suspicions with anyone until after the bath incident, asking one of the other farmhands for advice. when you explained his behavior to your friend during lunch the next day she gave you an answer you weren’t expecting.
“huh, that sound like prc,” she said before taking a mouthful of food.
“what does prc stand for again?” you ask after sipping your water.
she swallows her food before explaining, “pre rut cycle, it’s phs for the girls because they have heats,not ruts,” she took a sip of her drink before continuing, “the week before their rut or heat they get really clingy to who they see as the best partner to help them through their cycle. they wanna touch you all the time, follow you everywhere, and get super possessive over you. i’m not surprised that asahis instincts have decided you’re the best fit considering that he doesn’t like heifers and you’re literally the only farmhand he’s around 24/7.”
you stare at her with wide eyes and try to process her words. “what do i do? do i help him?” you ask quickly.
she sips her drink again before stating, “well you shouldn’t help him if you’re not attracted to him in that way, one it’ll hurt and two bull boys and heifer and cow girls feed of of your emotions. so if you’re turned off they’ll get turned off and their orgasms won’t satisfy their heat. it’s pointless.” she says nonchalantly. “no pressure though, if you don’t help him i’m sure another farm hand will. it’s just more satisfying for them to have who their instincts tell them is the best partner.”
you’re silent for the rest of lunch, contemplating what to do. on one hand, you are attracted to him in that way. whenever you would see his sweaty back muscles flexing under the sun you would always leave with an ache in your abdomen. but on the other hand is this morally right? you would feel terrible if you took advantage of him in such a vulnerable state.
on your walk to his pin to check on him, you contemplate the pros and cons of this situation. lost in your thoughts until you reach the barn door where you hear deep whimpers and raspy whines, your eyes widen and you jog to his stall without thinking. you pull open the door to find asahi on his knees fisting his swollen and angry red cock.
his head shots up when he hears the stall door creak, eyes teary as his blurry vision takes a moment to register that its you. he whines and grabs your forearm with one hand, the other still furiously pumping his cock, and yanks you down onto his lap. you stumble down onto him, straddling his thighs, your center a few inches away from where he’s pleasuring himself. using the hand he tugged you down with, he weaves his fingers in your hair and yanks back so that your eyes meet his. as you lock eyes with him, you notice how blown asahis pupils are, irises almost completely gone. he’s panting wildly while he stares at you and in your daze you manage to pick up on how the wet clicking sounds he’s producing get faster and faster until he releases a deep, desperate growl and you feel his cum hit your thighs and abdomen.
asahis gaze drops to where his milky white cum is located on your body, eyes narrowing and a sound of distaste rumbling in his chest. next thing you know your on your elbows and knees and you can feel asahi ripping your clothes off your body. once you’re completely bare he stares at your pussy before inserting one finger. his finger is so much bigger than yours, he’s reaching your sweet spots without even trying. the stretch and pleasure his finger bring you forces a whine from your lips and you arch your back even more.
asahi lands a harsh smack on you ass and growls out a single warning of, “stay. still.” hearing the aggression in his tone stills your rocking hips and your eyes widen. he had never spoken to you this way. it’s always been sweet loving words and stuttered out sentences, his rut must be pulling his aggression out of him. but hey, you weren’t complaining. he flips you onto your back and positions his body between your spread legs, all while continuing to finger fuck you.
you’re stretched even more when he adds another finger and begins to scissor and twist them around. you don’t beg for more or for his cock. you saw how massive that thing was and you know you’re gonna need all the prep he’s willing to give you. that doesn’t stop you from moaning though, and asahi is basking it the soft and high pitched noises tumbling out of your lips. your noises spur him on and he begins moving his fingers even faster.
despite acting purely on autopilot, even asahis instincts know that he needs to prep you or it’ll hurt. and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, at least not in a non pleasurable way. so even though his cock is throbbing with need to breed you, he continues adding fingers and stretching your hole until all four of his fingers are stretching you out, his thumb is rubbing circles on your clit, and you’ve already cum once.
asahi removes his fingers but continues to give gentle little strokes to the outside of your folds while he lines up his cock. he slowly begins to push in, rocking in inch by inch and working your walls open. he leaned over to pepper kisses on your head, neck, and shoulders to show his appreciation for you. he puts his lips next to your ear where he whispers praises of, “doing so good for me, so proud of you,” and, “taking me so well sweetheart, like you were made for me.”
he lets out a strangled growl mixed with a groan when he finally bottoms out, head thrown back in ecstasy, ears twitching and tail swinging back and forth. asahi looks down to where you two connect and he moans at the sight of the slight bulge in your stomach. he moves a big hand and pressed down on it, hard. you yelp out a sweet little cry thats music to his big floppy ears. keeping his hand pressed down, he slowly pulls out about halfway before pushing back in. thanks to his hand on your abdomen you can almost feel the veins running up and down his cock with every thrust.
soon, he’s picking up the pace and moving his hand from you abdomen to the back of your knees to fold you into a mating press. the added pleasures from the new position combined with the overstimulation from your first orgasm quickly builds your next high. asahi revels in how small you look under him, completely at his mercy, ready to take his babies.
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a/n: bull!asahi is an ideal provider. he’s either a light sub or a soft dom most of the time, and he turns into a rough but still so so sweet dom during his rut. i see him as the kind of petboy who is still acting on instinct during his rut but his instincts tell him to make sure you’re enjoying it as much as he is and not to be too rough with you -eden <3
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A day at the farmers market with  cottagecare!Harry
Summary: The styles family spends a day at the farmers market :) 
warnings: possible swearing
“Morning” Harry yawns, coming downstairs, walking down the creaky steps of their cottage. “Good morning, honey” Y/n softly calls, whipping something up in the kitchen, making what looks to be a mixed berry smoothie. Harry yawns, wrapping his arms around his little girl and kissing her cheek multiple times, saying a good morning. She clings to his Henley, saying good morning to him while she smacks on her fruit. 
Harry pulls his little boy out of the bassinet he was laying in, smiling down at him and kissing his forehead. “What are you making, dovie?” Harry asks, patting Forests bum. Y/n scoops out the dark purple colored smoothie like substance out of the blender, putting it in a mason jar- like almost every other thing in their kitchen. “It’s baby food,” Y/n says, holding a small multi-colored baby spoon up to Forrest's lips with the thick baby food on it. The little boy opens his mouth the smallest bit, taking the spoon in. 
“My love, we can just buy that.” Harry says, making Y/n shake her head. 
“And we can just buy a lot of things we make but I’m not feeding my baby’s that crap.” Y/n says, pulling Forest into her arms. 
“The farmers market opens today,  I want to go up there and look around then sell some of our stuff. I love doing that” Harry explains, going back over to violet and giving her a hug. The almost two year old clings to her daddy, Harry pulling her out of the chair and up into his arms, giving her a proper morning cuddle. “That would be nice. The weather is a bit rainy today though,” Y/n hums, reaching up to find a lid for the mason jar before stashing the baby food away in their vintage fridge. 
Y/n sets a bowl of oats and berries down next to Harry, giving him a peck before telling Violet that she needs to finish her breakfast. Violet's face scrunches up, covering her daddy’s mouth. “Icky!” She says, making the couple laugh. “Go eat your breakfast, sweet pea” Harry says, letting her down from his arms and letting her toddle her way back over to her own seat. 
“M’ I love this weather” Y/n sighs, opening a window, welcoming the fresh breeze in their stuffy cottage, the fresh scent and sound of rain now hammering through their home. “Know y’ do” Harry smiles, Y/n joining them at the wooden table, setting her own bowl down, Forest latched to her. 
“It’s the perfect day to go to the farmers market, just have to dress the little ones for the colder days.” Y/n says, Harry giving her a warm sleepy smile, reaching over to give her hand a squeeze. “I bet the ducks are enjoying this” Harry adds, Y/n nodding at his words and Violet clapping her hands together while she munches on some honey covered fruit. The honey from their own bees they take care of, outside in their brood box. 
“Definitely,” Y/n breaths, letting her eyes fall closed for a second to let the sound of the rain relax her before opening them back up, diving into her breakfast. 
“Honey, have you seen my glasses?” Harry asks, trudging down the stairs, ready for a day at the farmers market. He’s dressed in a ribbed cotton shirt- a warm brown color, along with a pair of brown plaid pants to go with it, some daisies stitched in the pockets that he asked Y/n to add just for him, and a forest green beanie to keep his curls from getting wet- but all he needs are his glasses to finish the look. “I’ll give you two guesses, baby” Y/n says, packing some small snacks for Violet while they are gone for a good chunk of the day. 
“Do you have them?” Harry asks, rounding his way to the kitchen, seeing his circle lenses on the top of her head. “How did you know?” She teases, Harry shrugging and pulling them from her and onto his eyes, pushing them up his nose. 
“Let’s go,” Y/n sings, pulling Forest into her arms and pulling the diaper bag onto her shoulder. Harry reached out for his daughter, holding a hand out for her. “Come here, little one” Harry calls out for violet, she stampers over to her daddy after placing her crayons down. She reaches for his hand, Harry pulling her up instead, resting her on his hip. 
They walk out of the cottage, locking the door and walking out of the gate. They walk over to their Volkswagen bus, a white and orange one. They originally got it because they both love the sixties aesthetic of it and it was a good way to haul everything from their little farm, but now they have grown to love it for more than just farm usage. “Let’s buckle you up,” Harry coos, placing Violet in her car seat while Y/n buckles Forest in his much larger car seat, making sure he is comfortable and secure. Harry makes sure Violet is comfortable before sliding the door shut and getting in the driver's seat. 
“Did you bring a lot of honey?” Y/n asks, cradling Forest to her chest, patting his bum softly while Violet sets behind them, snacking on some grapes. She’s a hungry girl. 
Harry nods, setting mason jars over the while fold out table that was already set up at the farmers market, under a small canopy “Yeah, and I brought some pumpkin jam too” Harry notes, setting everything up in rows, organizing them and grouping them all together neatly into their separate categories. Y/n nods, kissing Forest's hand, warming up her small baby. Harry turns, wrapping his arms around violet in a warm hug, resting his chin on top of her head. She wraps her small arms around him, giving him a squeeze. “I love you” Harry says, kissing her head. 
“Love you!” Violet says, making Harry smile, kissing her cheek. Y/n holds Forest up, looking at him suspiciously. “Babe, I need to go change Forest” Y/n says, stepping out of the beige topped canopy and grabbing the diaper bag she had packed just before they left. Harry nods, pulling violet close to him. They hate that they are such ‘helicopter parents’ but they can’t help it, they both mainly work from home and they love their children more than anything in this world. “Okay, I’ll just keep Violet close to me.” Harry hums, playing with the small pig tails that spring on the top of violet's hair. “So you don’t get stolen because you are so cute!” Harry coos, making Y/n give him a strange look, walking back to their bus. 
Harry sells a couple jars of honey and some strawberry jelly while they are gone, coming back with a blue knit hat on Forest’s head, a big embroidered bumble bee on the front of it. “Where did you find that, honey?” Harry asks, violet standing in front of him, playing with his wedding ring. “A lady sold it at her stand so I bought it from her” she says, tucking Forest in his car seat and giving him a small stuffed animal that has a rattle in the belly- it’s one of his favorite toys. 
“Do you think he’s gonna stay blonde?” Harry asks, the boy only having a thin layer of hair coating his head, it’s a blonde color- almost just like Harry’s when he was a toddler. Even though Harry had the beautiful luscious locks that he has now he didn’t really start getting hair until he was around one year old. “Probably not,” Y/n says, holding a hand out for violet. 
“Hello,” an older woman sings, making the couple turn their head, putting on a warm smile to welcome the customer. “Hi!” Violet chirps, making everyone laugh, Harry softly rubbing her back. “You two look so young! Are these your kids?” She asks, the couple nodding, Y/n trying to calm the slightly fussy baby. It’s noisy at the farmers market and Forest needs to sleep, he is only three months after all. 
“How old are you two?” She makes light conversation while picking out a couple of jars of jam and a jar of honey looking over all the different items they are selling today. “I’m twenty four and she is twenty three” Harry says, the woman nodding. She looks around some more, picking out some of their fruit before letting Harry ring her up. 
“So you make this all yourself?” The woman asks, looking at the mason jar with twine wrapped around the neck of it, a tag on it that reads ‘strawberry jam’ in Y/n's chicken scratch handwriting. “Yeah, we have a big garden and some bees, we make it all ourselves” he says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and humming while the woman hands him the money. Violet clings to his leg while he talks to the woman, her arms wrapped around his thigh and her face shoved into his leg, Harry softly rubbing her back and giving it light scratches every now and then. 
“Thank you,” the woman sings before walking off, her goodies all wrapped up in a paper bag Harry had given her. “Thank you!” Harry cheers back, bending down and wrapping Violet in a hug, “‘m tired, daddy” Violet says, Harry nodding and rubbing her back, her shirt rising up and exposing her soft back. “I know, pumpkin, I know” Harry says, pulling her up on his hip and holding her close to him, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. 
“Foggy,” Violet says, patting Harry’s chest. Harry nods, walking over to his wife and opening the diaper bag, finding Violets (rather large for her size) frog plushie that Harry had actually made for her. “Here, love-bug,” Harry says, Violet taking her frog in her arms and cuddling it, laying her head back on her daddy’s shoulder, trying to sleep. 
“He’s asleep,” Y/n says, Harry turning and seeing his boy asleep in his car seat, mouth open. Harry chuckles, softly scratching Violets back. 
A large man comes up, suspenders attached to his hefty jeans, he must be a farmer. He looks through some of their stuff, his big husky hands grabbing at one of their jars of pepper jelly. He grabs a jar of honey, some peaches, and jalapenos, setting it all down in front of Harry. “Is this all for you?” He hums, trying to be polite to the intimidating man, stuffing it all into a paper bag with the arm that wasn’t cradling Violet to his chest. 
The man nods, breathing harshly through his nose. Harry nods, sliding the bag towards him, “Fourteen dollars,” he says, the man nodding and digging some money out of his dark leather wallet, plucking a few bills out and handing them to Harry. 
“Thank you!” Harry chirps, shoving the money in the little tin box. The man nods, taking his bag and walking off, leaving the family alone again. 
“I’d say we did pretty good today” Harry says, the day now dwindling down, finally putting the remnants of what they hadn't sold up. Their jars on a shelf and their fruit and veggies stored either on the fridge or on their big fruit and veggie baskets. “Yeah, we sold a lot. I’m just happy we still got a good chunk of our blueberry jam, Violet loves that stuff” Y/n says, making her husband nod, organizing everything to his liking. 
“Yeah, I didn’t expect our lavender syrup to sell that well but the sweet old lady’s seemed to be very interested.” Harry notes, chuckling at the memories of today. Y/n nods, the warm lighting of the cottage comforting her- only candles and a few warm colored lamps to light their dark house. “Yeah, I didn’t expect anyone to buy the dandelion lemonade because of the flower but they were very interested.” Y/n says, coming up behind Harry and rubbing his knotted shoulders, rubbing out all the aches and pains from today. 
“Next time let’s bring some of our baked goods, I’m sure everyone would adore your angel food cake.” Harry says, making Y/n giggle, wrapping her arms around her husband. “I only make that for you and Violet” she says, resting her head on his back and cuddling into him. 
Harry’s chest rumbles with a soft chuckle, nodding as he places the last jar of pepper jelly in front of the other, “I’m sure they would love your lavender and poppy-seed muffins then” Harry adds, Y/n nodding. She does enjoy baking, especially trying out new recipes with the huge garden she has access to, fresh ingredients, eggs and fresh milk constantly coming through. Harry is the better one in the kitchen though, but she won’t admit it. 
“I wanna make some sun tea tomorrow, what should I make?” Y/n asks, placing a kiss on the back of her husband's shoulder. Harry pulls her arms around himself even tighter, giving her wrists a squeeze after. “Whatever you would like, and you could add some lavender and lemon to it” he says lowly, his voice getting more deep and scratchy as the clock ticks later. He leans back into her, resting his head on the short space of her shoulder. Placing a kiss on his cheek she noses over his hairline, “yeah,” 
“Let’s go to bed,” Harry says, picking up the kitten that had jumped on the kitchen counter and placing it back on the ground with a scratch to their head. “Let’s,” Y/n agrees, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs, tracking up to their bedroom to start their nightly routines and head to bed.
A/n: HI! this posted early :( I think I accidentally set it to the wrong time. Thank you to everyone who read and reblogged the first part of my cottage core series, you're all so sweet, it really does mean a lot. My requests are open!! so please request some ideas for cottage core harry!!! This isn't like a consistent story, its more like blurbs that sorta go together. I have part three done already and it will be posted possible later next week since its Sunday for me now :)!!! thank you to everyone again! sorry for the early post and please request some blurb ideas for cottage core Harry :))))))
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abigill20 · 2 years
SDV brain rot
Hi! Hello, I have just recently started playing Stardew Valley and can’t stop thinking about a line of dialogue that occurs with your spouse when you agree to have a baby with them. 
After saying yes, they say something along the lines of “Can’t you tell? You’re pregnant!” and for some reason the idea of the farmer having absolutely no clue that they are expecting until their spouse makes them aware, kills me.
So, I’ve decided to put these thoughts onto paper (or post, rather) and wrote my take on how that situation would happen with my bachelor of choice Sam. Enjoy:D
An internal groan courses through my body as I blink the sun’s rays away. Rolling over, I look at my bedside clock and see that it reads; 5:35 am. Yearning to sleep the extra 25 minutes when my typical alarm is set, I’m cursed with the reminder of what needed to be done around the farm today and willed myself to get up.
Slowly, I sit up and look at the sleeping blonde beside me. His brows were furrowed but by the sound of his low breathing, I could tell he was deep in sleep. With the goal to not awaken him, I hesitantly remove the covers and swing my legs to the side of the bed. I take caution in every step I make to get myself ready for the morning and thankfully the boy doesn’t stir. I leave him to sleep and approach the front door to begin my daily chores.
As soon as the door shuts behind me, I’m greeted by my bouncing, high-energy companion. That is, the one who is not asleep; my dog Max.
“Good morning, Maxie.” I greet and the golden retriever jumps at the sound of his name. I softly pat him on the head and wander over to fill up his bowl for water.
I continue expressing my affection by greeting my other animals and releasing them into the paddock for the day. As I’m bidding a good morning to the cows, I turn and find the human embodiment of Max peering my way from the porch. His hair is sticking up at all ends, this time a form of bed head and not styled with gel. It’s clear he had just woken up by the way his eyes squint in the sun and his torso left uncovered.
After ensuring the animals are taken care of and collecting the eggs the hens had left for me, I saunter over towards the sleepy man.
“You left me.” He pouts as soon as I approach and I giggle. “We usually get up together, but you were gone when I woke up.”
I set the basket of eggs down and use my now free hands to caress his face. “‘Morning Sam.” I sing and kiss him.  He softens at the touch and I pull back to look at him. His green eyes look me over and his pout transforms into a grin.
“You look great today,” He compliments and I’m flustered by his kind words. “And those specks of mud just add some extra charm to ya’”
Chuckling at his teasing, I lean down for the basket beside me and hand it to him. “I woke up early and since I have a lot that I need to get done, I decided to start my day. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.”
This time, it’s his turn to kiss me and he woes, “Oh, but I would’ve been much more at peace with you in my arms.”. At this, I take the opportunity to invite him to assist me and he immediately excuses himself inside with the reasoning of “If I knew more about farming, I totally would. I’ll just help with encouraging words and pancakes.”
Once the blondie scurries inside, I get to work. The majority of my morning consists of tending to the produce and taking care of weeds. I make a quick trip into town to retrieve some seeds from Pierre and am back as soon as I had left. I make room for the newly bought seeds and start the planting process. As I’m knelt, knees deep in soil my stomach grumbles and I take that as a cue to take a break and eat.
I push the front door open and the smell of pancakes hits my nose; Sam’s specialty. I’m stood observing the person in front of the stove as he flips one inside the pan. I look him up at down and see him dressed in his usual attire of a t-shirt under his classic jean jacket paired with a pair of jeans. His hair is now neatly gelled and away from his face, apart from the single strand that hangs loosely in the front.
“You’re getting good at that.” I comment, breaking his attention away from the food and directing it towards me. His face turns bright red but he manages to pull a lopsided grin before looking back at the pan in his hand. Turning off the stove, he slides the last pancake onto a plate full of others and gestures for me to eat.
“Only the best for the best.” He beams and I begin to serve myself.
As I’m pouring homemade syrup onto my stack, I take a glance and notice Sam stood across from me, staring with a blank expression on his face, unblinking. Thinking nothing of it, I make my way to sit at the table but still feel his eyes peering at me. I turn to him, “Are you good, babe? Your pancakes are gonna get cold.”
He shakes his head as if to remove himself from his thoughts and nods, grabbing a plate. He quickly piles some on, drizzles a bit of syrup and sits besides me.I take a bite and am surprised by the taste. Usually he does nothing more than what the instructions tell him, but today he did something different. And boy is it good.
“Sam?” I start and catch him staring again, this time not where I’m used to. I brush it off before continuing, “Did you add something to these? They taste really good.”
He nods but offers no further explanation. Clearly lost in thought about something. I shrug, and finish my breakfast. I stand up to wash my plate but I am interrupted by his hand pulling me back.
“Hey….” He drawls, still staring intently before meeting my gaze and I raise an eyebrow. “How… have you been feeling?”
Surprised by the question, I chuckle lightly before answering with a simple, “Tired, but great when I’m with you.”
This doesn’t seem to satisfy him like it usually does. “Honestly, Y/N. The past couple weeks, have you felt okay? Anything different to you?”
I mentally try to relive what these past weeks have been but they’ve become blurred together, making it difficult for me to pick out anything new or unusual. So I shake my head, and squeeze my hand in his. “Never been better, Sammy. Honest.”
His lips press into a thin line and his brows furrow, as if this still didn’t convince him. He lets go of my hand and I continue over to the sink, scrubbing the plate with a sponge. I hear him step behind me and I peer over my shoulder at him.
“Are you sure you haven’t felt… sick? At all? Not even nauseous?” He pushes and I turn towards him, drying the plate in my hand.
“Yes, Sam, I’m positive. Where are you going with this? You’re stressing me out.”
He gently takes the plate from my hand and places it on the counter besides us. Taking my hands in his, he pulls me closer to him and at this point, I’m very concerned. “Honey…Can’t you tell?”
“Can I tell what? Samson, you’re really freaking me out now.”
He flinches at the use of his full name but quickly recovers and I then realize that his focus is on my stomach. “Honey, you’re pregnant!”
Bewildered and in honest disbelief, I look down and notice what he had been looking at this whole time. Not believing this was true and thinking it was joke, I go to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Sure enough, there it was; a little curve. It’s clear that it had been a while since I had looked at myself due to my disheveled appearance.
My hair had pieces of hay sticking out from the pigtails and there was, in fact, specks of mud across my face and along my arms as well as my clothes. How I didn’t realize I was this pregnant until now was unbelievable considering my shirt no longer fit and my belly has started to peek out the bottom of it. And out of all people, Sam was the one to notice first. Before me!
I hadn’t realized that he had followed until I felt his arms reach from behind me, and his hands placed on my belly. Meanwhile, I’m frozen in place, still in shock of this new revelation.
“Sam…” I start but find that I am at a lost for words. He nuzzles his face into my neck and I lean into him, gazing at him in our reflection. I watch as his hands gently push the fabric up, allowing me a better view of the changes to my body.
His faces scrunches up and I see his eyes fill with tears. He run his hand slowly across and I place my hand over his. “We’re going to have a baby soon…” He softly cries and I nod, tears now threatening to escape from my own eyes. A trail of kisses is left on my neck and I turn myself around to face my husband.
He had nothing, except tears of course, and the look of adoration in his eyes and he looked at me once more before  pulling me in an embrace. “Hey,” he whispers and I pull away to look up at him. “I know I joke around lot but I want you to know that I seriously love you.”
“I love you too, Sam.” 
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miekasa · 3 years
cowboy/southern jean😫
i’m not the type for yeeyee type guys but jean will definitely make me do a double take. the manners, the hospitality, the sly pet names when he’s got a crush on you (which i think you touched on before)😫
see jean doing:
sorting and stacking hay in the barn
speaking of hay on tiktok last fall white farmer boys were beefing about their hay and it was the best😭 i could see him getting into a spat abt that
HORSE MAN but we already knew this!!!
cowboy/heavy duty boots and a hat has to be added to the ensemble sometimes i fear, it’s a small price to pay, really
see him feeding the farm cats in the morning
just really great with animals overall😫
ugh stawpppp this makes me think of small town things, he’d def take you to the town festival as a date
great cook but we knew this!!!
he probably accidentally tracks hay inside the house sometimes
chopping wood for the fire place omg
i feel like most-if not every food product in his house is homemade by his farm or another, really takes pride in agriculture
see: frozen/fast food slander (shut up, what does he know about a taco bell steak chalupa with no tomatoes🙄). with the exception of a few places, i also think he loves a good cafe and little joints like that
always brings you something back🥲
he’s got a thing for candles, maybe after a couple purchases he learns to make them on his own
i definitely see him having a creative outlet with arts and crafts but he’s taking it to the grave
coffee drinker, drags eren for surviving off monsters (bye they taste like battery acid to me, where the sugar, huh?! original red bull supremacy!)
ugh and he’s just so responsible, doing his chores around the house, upkeeping the house and the farm, GIVE HIM TO ME
bye i just realized that out science teacher gave us an extension till 11:59 PM again yesterday (it is now 12:30 AM, for I am eternally damned), and i missed the deadline- AGAIN, so guess what? I’m gonna watch saiki AGAIN🤪
- 🥖 anon
STOPP THE WAY I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS OTHER DAY he’s the only country bumpkin I’d let hit 😚😚
No because just imagine how jacked he is from doing all that farm work… working out was basically built into his day: lifting things off and onto his truck, pushing shit around, building new pens for the animals and just generally fixing up things around the house for his mom. His arms… his thighs… his chest because you know damn well in the summer he forgoes a shirt.
The frozen food slander stop thats so accurate, why would he let you eat that when he could make you something from scratch. He also probably physically can’t even digest it that well since it’s not what he’s used to it’s kinda funny he’d get folded by Taco Bell so quickly please.
So good with animals, he’s basically been raising this one horse since he was 12 and it’s absolutely his baby; he’s good at nursing injured animals back to health and has a soft spot for them. You notice then when you first meet him at uni, and you don’t piece together why he’s that good with animals until he talks about having raised a few back home… then things start falling into place. You don’t know why he was embarrassed to tell you he essentially grew up on a small ranch at first, but you’re glad you finally know.
When he takes you back to his mom’s place for the first time, you can tell just how much love and care Jean’s put into the place. His mom points out all the work he’s done, tells you stories of Jean getting chased by the farm dogs when he was younger, shows you some of his earlier arts and crafts ventures. The place is a little too small for Jean—he has to duck into the door frames, he can easily step over some of the fences in the front yard, his knees hit the table when he sits, but it’s home and he’s happy here and he’s happy you seem to love it too.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 13: Thinking of You
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Putting your phone down on the wooden table, you groan in frustration. The piling paperwork and dating life are two different things but are both giving you too much stress. A lot of friends and colleagues had adviced you to stay single and focus on work, but Yaku is right.
You’re meeting all these people just to forget that you met him.
Kita was far from your ideal type. He wasn’t tall. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t give you expesive gifts every day. But he still managed to make you think that he’s the perfect man.
No matter how hard you try not you, you still compare every guy you’ve dated to Kita. He set the bars so high, that even you can’t see the top of it.
You are so desperate to forget Kita that you started dating all these boys and thought that maybe one of them can make you forget him. Relationships only lasted for a day or the most is a week. You’re getting a bad name in industry, but you don’t care.
“Hi, I’m (L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you.” You introduce yourself to the pilot as you sit on the dinner table he reserved. You take in his appearance and he’s a 10/10. He has blonde hair and golden eyes, and very long lashes. He has wide shoulders and even under his suit, you can tell that he’s well-built.
“Kise,” he answers, flashing a smile your way. 
‘One of those charmers...’ You think as you check him out once again. You’re looking through the menu when the man in front of you clears his throat uncomfortably, catching your attention. “If you don’t want to continue this day, just say so.”
“It’s not that. I just don’t feel comfortable acting fancy and all that,” Kise remarks, loosening the tie around his collar.
“Then let’s go somewhere else,” you tell him reassuringly. The waitress waiting for your orders stand their awkwardly, witnessing how the restaurant will lose a customer just like that. “Miss, order anything you want in this menu. I’ll pay for it.”
“Ah, it’s okay,” the waitress stutters, taking the menu from you and Kise.
“I insist,” you tell her before standing up from your seat. After paying for the waitress’s meal, you and Kise head to his car. He attempts to help you put it on but you do it before he can. “So where do you wanna go?”
Kise looks out of his window shyly before giving you an answer. “I wanted to cook for you...”
“Okay, then bring me to your house?” You chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The tense that was all over your date’s finally disappears as he brightly smiles at you.
“You’re kinder than from I’ve heard,” he confesses and starts the engine of his car. “I have this recipe I learned from a great friend...”
Kise rambles on about the most random things until you two reach the parking lot of his apartment. Just like he said, he cooked for you. You sit at the dining table as you wait for him to finish cooking. Staring at him from the angle, you remember Kita teaching you how to cook rice.
“How many cups of rice do I need?” You asked him, staring at the sack of rice once again. Kita scooped two cups of rice then put it at the pot.
“After that, you clean the rice by soaking it in water at least twice,” Kita instructed, putting two fingers up. You nodded, following through. “Then you strain the dirty water out. After that use your finger to measure the water. It has to reach the second line on your finger.”
Kita took your hand and dipped your finger in the water. You blushed furiously, containing your squeals from the sudden contact with your crush. After going through the whole process, he made you repeat his steps in making rice.
“And that’s how you cook rice.”
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s time to eat.” Kise shakes his hand in front of your face so you go back to your senses. You nod at him with an sorry smile then start eating. “Does it taste good?”
“It’s spicy,” you tell Kise softly. He stops eating and grabs milk from his refrigerator.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. But do you like the taste?” Kise asks you, and you just nod. 
“Tell me if you want to adjust any taste or something,” Kita said after you took a bite of the meal. It was your first breakfast together and the first time he cooked for you since Osamu prepared food the night before.
“It tastes good but I don’t really like spicy food,” you answered, taking a sip of water from your glass due to the spiciness of the dish. Kita noticed the discomfort in your face so he stood up and went back to the kitchen to make a new dish for you. “It’s okay. I can take the spice.”
“No. I want you to eat to your heart’s content,” Kita stated, causing you to smile. “If you’re craving for anything, tell me okay?”
“So how’s work?” Kise changes the topic.
You sigh from the spiciness, but continue to eat anyways, not wanting to waste the blonde’s efforts. “It’s tiring, but it’s bearable.”
“Work is hard nowadays,” Kise complains back. “I wish to take a break sometimes, but then I can’t.”
“Why not?” You continue to ask, seeking for an answer that will determine if you like him or not.
“Because I need money to take you out in our future dates,” he answers mischievously, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him. “Though I’m not really enjoying my job-”
You cut him off midsentence. “Then why did you become a pilot?”
“Because it earns a lot of money is looked up to by anymore.”
“Babe...” You called the grey haired man as you laid on the back of his truck. You went with him and Rice to the farm since you didn’t have anything to do. “Atsumu told me you the top university offered you scholarship to college, why didn’t you take it?”
“Because I want to be a farmer,” Kita simply answered. He took the towel hanging around Rice’s neck and wiped the back of his neck using it. Sitting up from your position, you continued to ask him questions.
“No particular reason. I just enjoy it and it helps other people,” Kita replied to you. You put on the spare boots that lying on the corner of the trunk and went over to him. “Do you want to help?”
“Yes, since I want to learn about the things that make you happy,” you told him confidently and he just let out a soft chuckle.
“Then maybe I should learn how to vlog, too.”
Your date with Kise goes on. The two of you finished dinner so he takes out a bottle of white wine.  After several of glasses, Kise scoots close to you.
“(Y/N), I know it’s just our first date, but I really like you,” Kise confesses, scooting close to you. Scoffing, you face him. “I’m serious.”
Kise leans in you and allow him to close the gap between the two of you, his lips colliding with yours.
It was your first breakfast as a couple and being the romantic person that you are, you woke up before him to make him lunch. Rice lied down the kitchen floor, confused on why it’s you cooking and not his father. You gave him his food before going back to making your boyfriend’s lunch.
“You’re just grilling a sausage, don’t fail this,” you muttered to yourself as you roll the said sausage on the pan with so much concentration. You felt arms wrap around you so you flinched in shock, almost dropping the ladle you were holding.
“Good morning,” Kita chuckled, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I should have asked you out the moment you got here if I knew that I would not make breakfast every morning.”
“Good morning, baby,” you giggled, turning off the stove to face him. “How was your sleep?”
“It was not that great since I didn’t see you when I woke up,” Kita answered, causing you to snort. “What?”
“You’ve become cheesy,” you stuck your tongue out, teasingly. Kita quickly moved his body forward, taking your tongue in his mouth. You pushed him away, gasping then laughing. “Babe, what!”
Kita let out a laugh, pulling your body closer again. He leaned his forehead on yours, his grip on your hips tightening. He’s staring at your eyes intensely but lovingly. “If you keep staring at me like that I might think you’re in love with me,” you joke.
Kita just smiled at you then pulled you in for a kiss. You placed your arms on shoulders, letting him kiss you deeper. His lips were soft but moved roughly. His hold was secure but dangerous. He was gentle with you but he was had a strong aura. He made you smile with his pure intentions, and made you moan with his sensual touches. He made you squeal like it was your first time to be in love, but he could also make you cry as if it’s your last time to experience love.
Kita was the best of both worlds. He was the calming moon, and the blazing sun. He was the cold night, and the warming morning. He was the sunrise that said hello, and the sunset that told you good bye.
You were in an axis. You have witnessed all the different planets and met all these people, to try to run away from him. But wherever you travel, you still see him. Maybe because he was not only both worlds, but rather the whole universe.
You are stuck in his axis. You’re sure of it, because even if someone else is holding you, your body craves for his touch. Though someone else is kissing you, your lips want to feel Kita’s. Someone else is making you smile, but only because you remember your happy moments with Kita. No matter who you’re with, you’re only thinking of him.
You push Kise away, thoughts about Kita flooding in your mind. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.”
“Was I moving too fast?” Kise awkwardly asks, moving away from you.
“It’s not that,” you tell him, thinking of a reason to get out of the situation. Kise then giggles, scratching the back of his neck, so your attention goes to him.
“Is it someone then?” Kise questions, tilting his head to the side. You lower head, nodding shyly and gripping on the hem of your skirt. “That’s hard. Care to share? It looks like a serious case of not being able to move on.”
You chuckle at his statement. “I guess it is since we didn’t have proper closure.”
“Now, that’s complicated,” Kise hums as if he had not kissed you just minutes ago. “But it seems like you don’t seek closure.”
“Do I look like someone who’ll not be able to move on for years?” You sigh and Kise shakes his head.
“You look like you want to get back with him.”
An hour or two of just talking about your exes, you finally say goodbye to Kise. You feel in ease after talking to someone about your situation. Admitting that you are still into Kita is painful but you needed to let it out.
You head to Alisa’s house, where you dropped Rice off. You talk about your date for a while before you head back home. Your driver picks you up just outside Alisa’s apartment. Rice settles on your lap, comfortably sleeping. And then your heart sinks thinking about your dog.
Rice has changed his job from running in the fields to carry Kita’s towel to walking around the office to get paperwork for you. He’s a hardworking dog whose happiness comes from your smile.
Rice works hard. He has a schedule he follows like its a ritual. He’s caring. He’s smaller from other dogs but his dominance shows. He’s loyal to you. He loves you more than anyone in this word.
Rice is your little Kita.
Aside from you and Kita, Rice had a hard time coping up with your separation. The first month, Rice wasn’t able to eat properly since he missed Kita. You thought that a year would make him forget about Kita, but no.
Rice grabs a random towel every morning then head to the front door, a habit he picked up from going with Kita to the farm almost every day. He waits for Kita at the door every night. Every time you go for a drive and pass by a field, he barks and wags his tail excitedly.
It was painful to watch Rice long for Kita. Because unlike you who can speak and let your emotions out, Rice can’t. All he can do is do the same thing over and over again every day and night, until Kita finally shows up at the door. You both are.
“Do you miss your dad?” You ask Rice and he sits up excitedly. He stands on his back legs and his front paws are on your chest, giving you kisses all over your face. “I miss him, too.” As Rice whimpers from the word dad, an idea comes into your mind.
You know you’ll regret the idea, maybe you’ll even hate yourself for it, but you’ve already risked enough for Kita. So just go all the way. Take that fall. How much damage can be done?
“Head to the airport,” you say to your driver. He looks at you questionably but follows your order anyways. You call your secretary and tell her to book a flight going to Kobe and send a copy of Rice’s papers to travel.
As you arrive at the airport, the staff of the airline company you booked in assisted you and Rice to the plane. You turn your phone off, not wanting to receive any messages or calls from anyone. Checking the time, you realize it’s already 10PM, so you’ll be arriving at Kita’s house around 1AM.
You don’t care. You’ll wake him up. Kita needs to hear what you’ve been wanting to tell him for a year.
The flight to Kobe is fast, considering that you fell asleep in the plane due to the alcohol you drank prior to this sudden flight. Rice is dead asleep in his carrier. You take a cab going to Kita’s far. Your heart is pounding way too hard that you can feel your brain vibrating. You want to back out but you’re already too late. The driver has dropped you off the familiar house.
Rice barks at the door, thrilled to be home. You stand there for 10 minutes with still no response. Finally, you hear footsteps coming to the front door. The door finally slides open, revealing the man you’ve been longing for the most.
“(Y/N)?” Kita asks in confusion. Rice jumps to him, and Kita picks him up excitedly but unsurely. “I thought I was hearing things. Why are you here? At 1AM?”
“I was thinking of you.”
“(Y/N) I-”
“No. Let me finish. I’m not sure if you still like me or not, or if you’re dating someone. But I want you to know that I have forgiven you from the whole Ayako incident. I don’t care anymore about what happened to two of you that day. I also don’t mind if you didn’t have feelings for me that time. But I just want to say that I loved you from the moment I saw you in that video. Maybe I still love you until now. And I’ve been thinking of you every day, every moment ever since I met you. I love you so bad that if you ask me to marry you right now, I would. But I know you wouldn’t so it’s okay. I’m willing to give you my whole life. But I’m not asking you to like me back again or-” you ramble, your mind not even thinking of the words that’s coming out of your mouth.
“(Y/N).” Kita stops you, his voice sounding serious.
“Yes?” You’re preparing yourself to be rejected. You have been expecting it since you decided to book a flight going to him. But at least you’ve told him everything you wanted. You can live in peace, knowing that you have nothing left to regret.
“Can we sleep first?” Kita deadpans and your heart flutters, instead of hurting. He’s still the same person you fell in love with, the same man who broke your heart and changed your whole life.
“Yeah. Sorry,” you apologize, unsure of what to do next. “I’ll call a cab. Sorry for disturbing you. I won’t bother you ever again. I’ll take my leave.”
“No. No. You sleep here.” His words came out as an order, not a suggestion, so you just agree.
“Really? I feel guilty for showing up at 1AM. I really don’t mind leaving,” you try to argue, but Kita takes your hand and brings you inside. You then notice that Rice is already inside of the house, his eyes begging you to go sleep.
“Yeah, you should stay here. We have a wedding to plan tomorrow after all.”
note: was in a good mood so :>
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letmeplaytheblues · 3 years
Dance Me to the End of Love | Robert Thomas
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A/N: This is not at all what I've been working on, but instead something that popped into my head and wouldn't leave when The Civil Wars' cover of this song popped up on shuffle. Also, I'm just sappy about weddings apparently. Enjoy.
I tried to make it as gender-neutral as possible, but if I failed at that let me know.
Word Count: 1k
The Schenn’s wedding was gorgeous, there was no other word to describe it. Kelsey looked radiant, Brayden cried no less than four times, and the entire team was glad to be around each other without the pressure of hockey. Everyone had cried through the ceremony and laughed through the reception. With everyone trying to outdo the last with stories of Schenner’s mishaps, whether drunk or sober.
It had reached the point in the night that the only people left in the reception were hockey players and their partners. You had kicked your shoes off hours ago and had Robby’s jacket over your shoulders to ward off the chill that came in when the sunset. He was wrapped up in conversation with Rouzy about video games but still perked up and looked over when you rested your head on his shoulder,
“Hi baby, you cold?” He asked, letting you snuggle under his arm. You shook your head as you watched Vince and Sammy try to convince people to come dance.
“Anything you want to do, or are you okay sitting here?” He asked, pulling you as close as the two chairs would allow.
“I’m good sitting here. Although, I wouldn’t mind dancing,” you laugh, gathering yourself to get up, the puppy dog eyes in full effect.
“There isn’t a slow song playing,” he responds, fully allowing himself to be pulled up and ignoring Rouzy’s comments about him being whipped under his breath. You made it onto the floor, avoiding Vince and Sammy’s attempt at what looked like a waltz, before feeling Robby’s hands sit on your waist.
Oh show me slowly what I only know the limits of
And dance me to the end of love
Dancing with Robby was nothing new, it was a common activity during late nights, coming home from games and dancing in the low light of the kitchen with no music playing while he tries to decide what to snack on. Or just pulling you out of your studies when he’s decided that it’s been too long since you interacted with him, despite being in the same room while he plays video games with the boys. The soundtrack of the game becoming the score to dance with. It somehow felt different at a wedding of a teammate, more intimate, and less like two twenty-somethings who sometimes danced in the kitchen of an apartment.
The first meeting had been nothing special, he was wasted after the cup win, and you were wasted after finishing finals. Two wasted people normally equal one very awkward morning after, but this one ended in more love than anyone could have imagined. That first summer was spent with Instagram comments, sporadic texts, and the occasional Snapchat being the only form of communication before he came back and properly asked you on a date. Your parents fully not understanding how quickly you had fallen for this boy.
“Be careful, don’t get hurt by this boy,” your mom scolded over the phone one night, after saying professional athletes always had a couple of people they were seeing.
“I don’t care if he has a cup ring, if he keeps blowing you off, he’s done for,” your dad said when you came to dinner one night. Not realizing the Blues were in Montreal, a good reason Robby couldn’t come with you to your family home.
You showed him the parts of St Louis he wouldn’t have seen during the season: The goats that chewed everything at Grant’s Farm, the joys of both the Tower Grove Farmers Market and Food Truck Fridays in the park. The laser light shows at the Planetarium that were set to classic rock. The little hole-in-the-wall sushi place that looked like it should not serve edible sushi. To him, every place you took him, they gave him another little piece of your heart that he promised himself he’d hold on to as long as you’d let him.
He in turn showed you where he grew up in Aurora, and where he and Matthew Tkachuk caused mayhem in London while playing for the knights. He gave you his heart in bigger pieces, but you promised yourself the same thing. You’d protect them and hold them as long as you were allowed to call him yours.
Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
And dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
Looking around the floor, you saw Kelsey and Brayden, Molly and Tyler, Yana and Vladi, Sammy and Vince, the latter doing their best to cause chaos. Falling in step with the music you hadn’t noticed changed into something softer and slower, you thought about the future. And what it might look like; would Robby want a big wedding? Or would it end up being your two families and the Tkachuks at a courthouse? You knew your preferences on the matter, but put the thought into a box to be opened again at a later date and time. After all, a wedding is a terrible place to decide to get married. Robby drew your attention back to him by taking a hand from its place around his neck and gently twirling you around.
“Where’d you go, you left for a second,” he asks quietly, as not to break the bubble that seemed to have fallen over the dance floor.
“Just thinking about the future,” you replied looking up at him. His face softened from one of worry to one of love.
“I hope I’m involved in that future,” before leaning in to give you a chaste kiss, “now spin me dammit.”
You knew at that very moment, that yeah, you’d picked a good one and it didn’t really matter what the future held, or how many cup rings he’d end up retiring with. It was going to be the two of you forever.
He knew that you were the one the moment he asked you out properly. He also knew that you didn’t know about the ring box in the back of the closet inside an old skate box.
And dance me to the end of love
Won't you dance me to the end of love
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