#also theres some audio glitches here and there
bmpmp3 · 7 months
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Just started fashion dreamer. I know it's not style savvy and I'm not expecting it to be but I am glad the NPCs are still insane <3
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pictuajjx · 14 days
Hi! Here’s what I caught so far in the game. Unfortunately I don’t have any clips or screenshots because my computer is pooey. Warning, this is very long! Then my next post will have my theories and analysis pookies ❤️
In the beginning, it shows clips of the protagonist’s set up. A magazine appears with the headline of Indigo Park shuts down
There’s two graffiti outside of the park, one has wings the other says nostalgia so mostly likely other trespassers like our protagonist has came through
Rambley is always watching you through the cameras or the tv screen
Gear conveniently falls down when he asks us to find it
He hasn’t seen a visitor for at least 8 years 
There is no signs of Salem anywhere besides in Rambley’s ride (now ruined) and their keychain in the merchandise store 
speaking of the merchandise store, the hole up the ceiling looks like somebody is building up to reach there. 🤨 maybe it correlates to the gear conveniently falling
The creators head statue follows us
Something collapsed behind us when we went inside the tunnel going to Rambley’s ride
Inside the tunnel, all picture frames are up beside one. Is it Lloyd’s or Salem’s?
Mollie Macaw is stalking us
After mollie macaws scene of the train ride one of the birds are down
She says something after the lights go off in Finley’s scene
Salem’s cut out is cut in half and is ruined
Mollie’s animatronic says “Not Rambley, he hurts Lloyd” maybe she’s copying what a staff said and therefore that’s why Rambley is not allowed backstage
Inside the backstage of Rambley’s ride when we fix it, there’s a graffiti saying “Lloyds limos” or something behind Finley’s animatronic
Mollie macaw is shown chasing on the rail road track
The statue of Rambley eyes looks like a fan?
There’s food on the floor that looks like bait inside the cafe
Rambley’s eyes have a loading circle when he plays something (like the advertisement and audio recording)
Mollie plush (Important) mollie meet and greet in jet steam junction was around summer (maybe June) maybe they were meeting the flesh mascot
Lloyd plush according to the protagonist, felt like he was used a lot more
Indigo park would send items to people’s houses advertisements and dvds?
One curtain is torn at the theatre
Rambley says he doesn’t have access to the backstage, but for some reason the cameras still follows us? Maybe it’s because there’s no tv screen and it’s only the camera
Files are dropped backstage
There is a Lloyd statue in the backstage 
A loud screech sound is played when you use your critter cuff on Lloyd
There’s a secret area in the arcade game, Mollie is trapped inside a cage
I think squirrels are making love in the background. LMAOOO
Starts to glitch a little when Salem appears
Starts to glitch after we beat the game
Rambleberry popped out of the arcade machine. Rambley is fully aware of it and says maybe one day he can jump out to take a bite?
Mollie drools and bleeds out in the slide
She takes a bite out of us when we get caught
Rambley stops talking about the Mascots? (Scene after Mollie chases us and gets decapitated, he starts talking about less staffs and less visitors)
Mollie says something while chasing us
Rambley claims that he can’t do certain things and needs human authorization?? 🤨
Mollie is now dead lol
Rambley talks about the registration after this scene, and saying it’s exhausting to say?
He also try’s out the trademark which according to him, expired yesterday
Royal ranglers room closed on us by Rambley, says it’s only for them and tells us maybe we can grow big and strong to enter. What’s behind there? Why can’t he upgrade us now if we’re helping him?
When we enter the ranglers room, it shows camera footage of everywhere
Rambley head has a footage of two employees talking, asking if the flesh mascots will put them out of business. According to the protagonist they retired these. Rambley says he’s never seen anybody wear them before
Poodle plush, what is its significance? Rambley’s pretty mean about it. He starts glitching when he mentions a non-brand indigo park toy?
Retro Lloyd plush according to the protagonist there was a cartoon of indigo park. Rambley starts to be mad about it, or maybe sarcastic? He also seems to glitch every time he expresses extreme emotions
During his song, Rambley expresses his feelings and hope? He also plead with you to stay with him (what’s up with ai’s and their abandonment issues? Not complaining 🔥)
that’s all I have!! Thanks for reading hehe :P
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azrielfiend · 8 months
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if i could insert myself into any world you bet your ass im going to nevada (just kidding id die in an instant but how cool would it be to see deimos in action?)
a story below about how this topic is actually all connected to my current favorite friendgroup atp
we wouldve never met if it wasnt for someone on the meme account, big_chungles on instagram (yes really!) who wanted to make a madcom themed account and were asking people to join as admins. a few days pass and i see an account named sanfordtits! i followed and had a few laughs for them for a while. and they announced their public server, so i decided to join it. and to my surprised i was dunked and candle wax that was cheese flavored and got cannibalized by kon and niko. (thanks kon for doodling the feast image.) there were a few major events in that server. i also met alfred in that server. yuck. anyways, there was a talent show and i performed osu mania there. it was soooo embarrassing since it didnt capture my audio and my osu was glitching and lagging so hard the judges werent able to even watch me play. niko won that talent show. we had some sort of rivalry-friendship thing going on and would bicker at eachother. (this is important later, i promise.) he was given the supertitter role since normal members were just named titters. i eventually got one myself, and zardy also got one too. due to being active members of the server, we would greet new members, talk alot yada yada alot of stuff. we were also thinking of doing a dating sim where i was one of the routes, and there was a lore behind it, i wont spoil it of course but i drew alot of stuff for it, and some writing which can be see on a doc here. there was also an fnf mod which you can actually see i had the sprites/concept art for it here. theres a lot! let me tell you that. and we had around 3 bgs, completed around 5 characters worth of sprites, a few music and charts done... until. i started to notice something, there was this admin where they babied and constantly praised just because they were a partner of another admin in the server. there was an art channel there right? i often post my art there along with others, and their pencil sketches would get way, way more attention than everyone else in the whole server. i bought this issue up with my friends and wanted their opinions on it, before calmly confronting the admins. and their reactions were not expected. they acted harsher towards us and called me a lying prick (?) i cant remember their exact words, but when i wanted to speak out against this behavior theyre doing and they wanted to shut me up as soon as possible. they were announcing that the servers getting shut down, and they were trying to ban me off of the server. admittedly i did something stupid and made a "kys challenge" joke to them which, well, they got mad at me for. i shouldnt have said something so vile back then. i was emotionally very immature back then. i hope theyre doing well now. i eventually got banned from their server, and they put me on blast on their instagram, which resulted in me losing a very close friend because their story captioned something like "these people harrassed my partners, theyre so gross, please block them" which.. well. youre kind of right but not really? we didnt harrass that person, only called out the admins.....childish behavior. although i did missacted and made a kys joke there too, so im not surprised on why theyre mad. i do take accountability for it. i cried for a bit. we were both wrong in this. but eventually made a new server for the people that were on my side. first it was named something like.. landfill? not exactly appealing, hehe. but it was eventually became bunkers, and its still my strongest bonds with my friends ever. and what a wild journey its been hm? if all of that never happened i wouldve never met the great friends i have today and my amazing loving boyfriend @woopdeloopei <33 (love you btw) its crazy how that spiraled but it all ended up pretty good in the end. a few of my friends got out of their depression and is happier now. i guess we matured! but seriously, so much history for such a small friend group. im so thankful for them right now. if it wasnt for that madcom admin on that meme account.... ah! i wouldve been just dead! thanks for reading all the way through the story!
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[ooc: some people have expressed interest in hearing about the production behind the ENCOUNTER, so i figured i would talk a bit about the sound effects; how i made some and where i got stock sounds from!]
most of the sound effects were made using beepbox, which means i can actually link some of them!
here is altsar's 'voice' and attack sfx (+glitched attack sfx), window alternate's 'voice' and attack sfx , the prompt text , the error sfx (unfortunately i forgot to save the link for the normal selection sfx) and cesar's breathing. for the characters 'speaking' each note represents a letter in a word. once i had the whole sentence 'written out' i exported it, and synced it to the text (which is why some of it is. a bit out of sync. its kind of difficult lol) i have like. 50 mp3 files of just them 'talking' lol. theres probably a better way to do this but it works well enough. also feel free to use them however you want!! make altsar say something silly or whatever lol
for the stock sound effects i just found copyright-free stuff on yt. the sound at the start is metal falling sfx put together with a thump sfx , this is the lightswitch sfx , window alternate's laugh , and the background white noise was this.
i edited the video using the free version of Lightworks, and all of the sound editing was just slapping the 'noise gate' and 'parametric eq' audio effects on some of them (i don't really know what either of those do, but it gave the desired effect)
hope you guys enjoy the 'behind the scenes' stuff, because im excited to finally get to talk abt it
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thegongoozlerreacts · 11 months
Welcome Home Website (Part 3)
ok so i know its been forever since my last post but i was busy with real life stuff but im back now !!! hopefully i will be able to finish this today because i wanna continue playing arcadekitten games before i get busy LOL
anyways spoilers under the cut
so last i left off was the media page which i finished so now its time to look at the news
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oh also new drawings
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so cute i love these two
you cannot click on the little speech bubbles above them
i tried to open the image but it only opens the drawing of Frank and Julie singing?? it seems i cannot access the speech bubbles which oof
alright time to read the actual news update
ok so before that i wanted to open all the secrets i found in part 1 and 2 and !!! while i was going back i remembered about how you can click 'you' on The Neighborhood page so i did it just for funsies
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opens up a tab also called 'You' lol
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more Wally audio
very interesting his voice kinda glitches out on 'cant' when he says 'its ok if you cant'
and that effect of another voice on his continues until he says 'i will talk to you'
hmm is it just glitchy audio or does it mean something more ????? like, i remember in the guestbook before the update when there was blank parts, there was hidden text from Wally and 'W a L L y' and i remember hearing from someone that that might mean there's two different entities one is actually Wally and the other is pretending to be or like possessing him or smth
is the deeper voice in this audio just a glitch effect or some more evidence to that theory?? probably just a glitch effect but still LOL
ok now onto the actual news LOL
"We have definitive proof that Welcome Home is real, we can finally hear them." hmmm thats sus
oh its just about the audio recordings LMAOAOAOO
also the exhibition!!!! im so excited to look into that
aww theyre closing the guestbook :(( well thats alright i'll check out the new stuff on the last page when i get there
"I believe closing the guest book was a good idea anyhow. There are. There are images I don’t remember uploading to decorate your messages. I don’t know how they got there." oho?? do they mean the little drawings by Wally? fascinating
"But! Please excuse those pesky bugs, dear neighbor! What is a beautiful home without a pest or two?" feels like a little hint towards the bugs all over the site which... too late for me LOL
"Don’t forget to wave up high!" this. what does this mean. its definitely connected to that so below image right? definitely
oh and there's one more update under the big one
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fascinating the ringing ??? what ringing ??
well thats all for the News page, time to check out the bug video
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so its Howdy talking about his family drama (!! gossip) to Barnaby while wally is just chilling i guess with a drink
right so all the similarities between the bug videos are 1) the tabs are all called answer 2) the audio is of two of the characters having a conversation with each other 3) the camera is focused on a random object thats related to the context of their location 4) they all end and glitch out on Wally's name being said 5) they all end with one of the other neighbors asking Wally a question
the fact that they all end with a question being asked (to Wally) and then the tabs all being titled 'answer' mean something maybe its him trying to answer? or trying to remember his answer? because all the questions are something like 'what do you think Wally?' like,, all questions about his opinion/feelings/thoughts on something yk
its significant im sure, just not sure what the answer is
im still bothered that i cant open the speech bubbles above Frank and Julie but i'll let go of it for now and move onto the next page! which is the stickers page !!!!
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so first off the 'i' in 'stickers' in the text is interesting, not sure what it means or if its even supposed to be a clue LOL could just be the font (but that doesnt make sense because its not consistent with the other i's)
oh also the bug and the flower(?) drawing
so the flower leads to another tab called 'i'
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i love the stickers
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banners from before the update, can no longer click on the Barnaby gif
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theyre all so cute also just look at Frank and Eddie theyre in love!!!! i ship them !!!!
anyways thats all for the sticker page, so time to check out the secrets
i love them !! thats not the dynamic i expected for them but it works really well
continuing the trend of Wally being asked for his opinion on something
now onto the audio
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so those are definitely Wally's eyes
i think its interesting that the pupils were drawn in different ways
the right eye had its pupil drawn with a big circle and then spirals inward to fill it
while the left eye started with a smaller spiral that grows bigger
very interesting
time for the audio
its Wally explaining how to draw an eye,,, which is a clue a clue !!!! because in a past audio he said 'thats what an eye looks like' which means !!!!!!!! this comes before that!!
going back through the audios and actually i think on 'Help' Wally's voice has a small glitch when he says 'hear' but i may just be hearing things lol
so there's definitely an order to the audios, i think the first one is the one where he says 'welcome home! hahaha'
wait backing up. i do not remember the 'Will' audio being that. did i listen to that??? well i have now and what the fuck does that mean
is the 'You' audio after the 'a' audio? it feels like it but probably not
ok thats all for the stickers page !!
and for this post lol im gonna give my laptop a break before it overheats and explodes
but i am so excited to get to merchandise then the actual exhibition!! so hyped !! that will be later though, byebye !!
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professionalstrust · 2 years
Wreckfest update 2021
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We have explained the complete information regarding Wreckfest Update 1.92 Patch Notes. The camera-view based audio filtering settings of turbocharger whine to include less high frequency content over mid-to-high engine rpm range has been adjusted with Wreckfest Update 1.92 Patch Notes.The developers have also increased the RPM safety limit in order to prevent sounds from cutting of at engine redline in some cases.You can also read: Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.13 Release Date, Patch Notes Audio The inconsistent Killerbee S bumper weights has been fixed with this update. Further evidence that Sony has quietly overhauled its system for save transfers from the PlayStation 4 to PS5: destructive racer Wreckfest now allows you to.The inconsistent Hornet bumper weights has been fixed with this update.Now, Raven steel mesh is visible in all LOD levels.Discuss this update in the discussions section. Starbeast SS reversing light glitch has been fixed. Online Bangers : Wreckfest (2021) Description Discussions 10 Comments 774 Change Notes.The developers have upgraded the parts now correctly follow the deformed shape of the vehicle.With this update, the developers have improved the Bumper Car performance in order to make it a Class C vehicle like its peers.The developers have also added the Rocket stock exhaust as an option for Rocket RX.Sofa Car handling has been improved with this update.Rocket RX handling has been improved with Wreckfest Update 1.92 Patch Notes.The developers have also increased the admin_steam_ids and op_steam_ids maximum parameter size to 1024 characters.The developers have added a team racing and derby mixed server.Now the leaderboards are displayed for all tracks.This is it, the best racing games of 2021 a definitive list. The Torsdalen Circuit is free for all players, across all game modes and includes four layout variations. Now the leaderboards update are more reliable with this update. Wreckfest’s latest tournament update, Racing Legends, adds a free new track.When we got a surprise chance to inject some of the Carmageddon vibes in our. New taxi cab themed reward bundle “Taxi Wrecker” for Rammer RS. Carmageddon and Wreckfest - a match made in hell If theres one game that perfectly blended racing and destruction, not to mention a wicked sense of dark humour, thats the original Carmageddon and its numerous successors.New drag racing themed reward bundle “Drag 55” for Bulldog.Killerbee’s stock rear spoiler now gets dirty.
Speedie driver model is now displayed correctly at all LOD levels.
Trooper vehicle name is now displayed correctly in the purchase prompt.
Bogus wheel damage notification is no longer occasionally displayed at event start.
On large levels, player tags are now displayed from a further distance.
Minimap is now displayed correctly during tournament events.
When using manual gears, 1st gear is now automatically engaged after resetting.
Changing MSAA setting no longer requires restarting the game.
Game input is now disabled and game paused when Steam overlay is opened.
Most of the fixes are on PC but this update also brings some of the fixes for PS5 and Xbox Series. You can find out the complete patch notes for this update from here.
Missing textures are now longer displayed on Bleak City demolition derby arena. Patch Notes Wreckfest Update 2.14 Patch Details: What’s New In October 5 Update by GIStaff OctoWreckfest has been updated to version 2.14 today by Bugbear Entertainment.
Bright specs no longer appear on surfaces with decals.
New free tournament reward bundle for Firefly.
Zombies and related effects were removed.
(Server admins note: the internal designations for the routes are mixed7_r2 and mixed7_r2_rev)
New Firwood Motocenter routes: Rally Circuit and Rally Circuit Reverse.
See also The Division 2 Update 1.28 Details
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Ok here goes nothing
Guilty Tears 5 wtf
!! This is mostly just pointing out details in the background that are too far into the shadows to be seen clearly !!
CW // basically just a narration of the video / biblical references / blood / swearing
The video starts with Thomas on the staircase showing the mess similar to the ones in WTIT. When he goes down the staircase, we clearly see the storybook from Roman's video. So its either Remus is causing this string of nightmares where the episodes of Guilty tears take place or Remus just keeps the book around to remind Thomas about how Roman's story goes to prevent him from believing any "deceptions Roman puts up or displays him"
"But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."(2 Corinthians 11:3) Im not that religious but I tried my best to find the meaning of this verse. Basically the "I" is Paul who was afraid that the false apostles were just as deceitful as the snake that tempted Eve and that they disguise theselves as servants of righteousness like how Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
I dont know who the "I" could be from the sides. But I do think that its either one of the dark sides, including Virgil, or Thomas. And the "false apostles" are the light sides because they act as if they are important and always helps Thomas in a good way, but in reality, they're just as worse as the dark sides and puts Thomas down the same way as the others do(?)
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I edited it to look more brighter and also to see the word the blood forms on the blinds. It clearly says "UNHELPFUL" Also for a moment, I kinda see Janus as the shadow cuz theres a little bump on the side of the head which might resemble as his hat. Or maybe not and its just probably just some random person XD
Im also kinda confused on why Thomas didnt go up to see who it was cuz thats kinda what he did in WTIT in the closet scene
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Theres the "BE GOOD" that I couldnt really say much about... Who wrote it? Could be Remus. Could be someone else seeing that Remus might have not done anything yet based on what he says at the end of the video
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Ok now here is where things kinda gets more confusing. Theres Logan's monitor from the first episode and Patton's cutout from the third episode right behind the monitor. This reinforces the Remus creates the nightmares theory or the Remus keeps things as a reminder for Thomas(or for the sides) theory. Also the closet door is open with green light referencing WTIT once again. It kinda made me think that this is the mindpalace of the darksides for some reason.
The knocking continues but it switches from the window to the front door. Its very clear cuz I was wearing earphones and theres this thing where the audio moves around that makes it seem like its coming from a certain direction
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Now I need to emphasize the difference between these two photos. The first one is when we first pan to the bookshelf. The second one is right after the glitch from the phone. Now I would like to direct your attention to the barely visible area on the right side of the two images. The wall went from wall color to red after the glitch. I zoomed in and there were some random scribbles that I probably stared at for far too long. The only thing I could make out was the word 'proud' and a very very vague 'I hope' just above it. I promise Im not crazy, its just far too late for me to be awake. But here I'll show you
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Oh and theres Virgil and the oatmeal and Nico's number from WTIT or whatever /j
Theres not really much I could point out anymore that is significant from that point on other than how fucking creepy Remus was at the end. Though there is a part of me that believes that none of this(and the others' videos) was Remus' work and that he just materialized the other sides' fears but not actually making his own intrusive thoughts to scare Thomas with his own intention. Hence, his dialogue at the end
Also if the shadow isnt Janus, then Janus isnt anywhere to be found in this episode. And I dont really know what that implies. Gosh Im so excited for his turn
Me: *makes an analysis*
Also me: *hyperfocuses on a wall*
Its fucking 2 am
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colourful-void · 2 years
my meta psychological horror game concept because my father was not impressed by it.
meta games like undertale that mess with ur playthroughs r great, and ddlc does that And has cool stuff in the files and OneShot is the king of messing with playthroughs and files and meta on your computer! its really amazing how meta these video games can get.
but here are some things i wanna see in a point and click style viddy game like that that aims to be as under your skin disturbingly real as possible. this is my euthanasia coaster, my theoretical psychological horror game.
again this is a theoretical game, this does not exist in any capacity, and i currently have no plans to bring it into reality.
- OC it's gonna detect ur playthroughs via hidden files, and detect if a file was there and then deleted - its gonna detect what version of the game ur playing on (if there's like,, windows ver vs mac ver etc) and then make fun of you for it. if you get one ver of the game and then use another the game knows and it taunts you - self crashes for days ur gonna get so tired of rebooting this thing itll be like malware fake crashes too!! - one time you'll be forced to make a choice and all the options will seem bad and then like,, a little bit after but not immediately, just enough for you to get a taste of the concequences, at a seemingly random time (maybe there's a window in there oo that'd be fun), it'll close itself under the guise of a crash, and then you'll have to make the awful and hard choice again. and if you choose something different ur characters are like 'haven't you made me suffer enough? are you hell bent on seeing me in pain?" - i wanna make the window! look! like! it's! dripping! a character exists the window later because they're so angry with you they can't contain it. - pop ups on the actual computer screen - you get a neat little cursor in game and then at some points it starts moving on its own - the in game close button will move itself if you try and click it. - the game has second person narriation for flavour text and things and sometimes it'll go first place with smething jarringly different than what you expect the player cjharatcer to say and then when you click it again its "normal" (like, say its been established over and over that the player character loves oranges and then u click on something orange related and the narrations like 'disgusting things id love to seen smashed to pieces and consumed by maggots' and then u click it again and then its like 'you appreciate the painting of an orange fruit =D" - you can't play the game again once its finished because theres a little file hidden on your computer so when u open it its a dark screen or something and if you delete it ***there's another secret back up file*** and it punishes youb for deleting it or mocks you or something - graphics are all pixels and such until it decides to switch to photo realistic for sake of freakyness, i know its classic but its banger - yes we r detecting ur name and calling you by it but i will also allow u to change ur name with no concequence because Trans Rights - you WILL play the game in windowed mode and if you move the window outside the boundries of the moniter the chaaracters will cry and scream about the darkness and the horrors beyond the walls. - can we change the background to ur favourite character and then glitch em out? why yes we can you clicked the disclaimer u knew this was coming. - it's gonna ask u a whole bunch of innocuous questions about ur preferences and some of them will come back and some wont but some of em will be like "favourite colour" and some will be like "choose one body part to save legs or arms" and when the favourite colour question comes back its gonna send so much distress to the player but the other questions not coming back lmao its just there to scare you - there are voices in the audio tracks and they get added in and taken away. they are saying things for real but they're heavily distorted - there r no jumpscares btw its all atmosphere, jumpscares r cheap im more epic than that.
theoretically if i had the coding skills i would make a video game i woulsn't be able to stand playing myself
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azarathedragon · 5 years
Mild spoilers. Nothing is really stated, but its enough to clue in to stuff that happens in the main story.
Nothing has emotionally destroyed me more this year then Red Dead Redemption 2. And for me, thats saying something, because i uh....dont usually cry during a video game. I cant actually bring to mind another game that had me that upset over a character. Books, yea. Tv shows, yea. But a video game. Make me sad, sure, but actually cry, nope.
And i loved the game to bits, enough so that it actually got my ass in gear to play and attempt to finish the first game. My only gripe would have been some of the choices made with horses.
First being that the best horses are locked behind the epilogue, where theres maybe a dozen hours worth of content. Maybe more if you didnt do some stuff as Arthur. It doesnt make sense that the character you spend the most time with, only has access to lower tier horses, barring the black arabian and gold turk (which i find ugly as shit by the why. Sadie's turk was a far prettier color.)
The unique horses like the black shire or Buell. If you sell either, or it gets killed, they are gone for good. There is no getting that specific coat color back. And that is dumb as shit my friends. As a side note, we shoulda been able to get Buell earlier on. You basically get that stubborn bastard when theres only a few hours of gameplay left (story wise anyway. If you spend fifteen hours just dicking around, all the more power to ya. Lord knows i did because the game ending was spoiled for me within the first week of its release. Thanks youtube. Thanks.)
Second. All horses should have been able to be found wild or stable bought. Just decrease spawn chance for the real nice ones like the Arabians and Turks. Horse herds were depressing to look at after a while, when you realize the three fastest wild breeds only have two wild coat colors. Nokota, Thoroughbred, snd the Anerican Standards. Two colors. And you find herds with 4 to 6 of one of the afformentioned breeds in it. Two colors. Its just...sad to look at. And its not like Rockstar was short on coat colors snd patterns. Also. Fuck them for patching the St. Denis spawn glitch. I found an alternative as john and got that pretty rose grey arabian. For free. And i think i found an alternative as arthur. But my lips are sealed, because frankly, its bullshit i cant steal a real nice horse. Were outlaws, lemme steal the nice horses you bastards.
Coats and their patterns. The only ALL black horse is a American Standardbred. They are an average horse. Ok speed, and ok health and stamina. And i will say it again. Rockstar was not short on coat colors and patterns. There are so many colors for the Kentucky Saddlers, Tennessee Walkers, and Morgans. So fuckin many. A lot of these could have been copied or split into other breeds. Or pull the Nintendo BotW method where there is a dozen base colors, that then have additional patterns thrown over top. Because i really want an all black horse that has good stats. (And unless im crazy, im pretty sure the initial launch of the game there were no all black horses? The standardbred used to have like...a snip on its face. Mandela effect probably. There are a handful of black horses they all start to blur together after a while)
The horse types like War and Work should have meant more than more health over stamina or vice versa. War horses shouldnt balk at gunfire, its what it was bred and raised for. Work horses shouldnt have felt the stamina drain from carrying pelts, it was born and raised to do intensive work. Wild horses should have handled threatening wildlife (snakes, cougars, bears, alligators) better than stable horses. Stable horses spook easier at said creatures, but handle towns and nearby trains better. Yes, you read that right, trains. Horses dont like loud things, and trains to them, are downright terrifying. It takes years of consistent exposure for a horse to calm down around such things. (My family had horses, and we lived near John Trovolta. The dude has a private jet. Taking off in practically our back yard. The horses freaked about it at first, but after a while began to realize the giant screaming metal demon bird isn't here to harm them. They still dont like it, but they dont freak out as easily to it either.)
Im still not sure as to what Handling meant. Does it turn faster? Different animations? Game devs love putting shit in, and then not tell us what it means. Like that "wild horses will keep some wild tendencies." That means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Tendencies could be anything, literally anything. Maybe this horse really, really likes chewing on its butt. Maybe it has a biting problem. The word means nothing if we arent given context on what it means.
Volume slider for the horses please. My god. Both of my parents are hard of hearing, and while my dad has no interest in the game other than "oh what gun is that? A wincester?". My mom did on the other hand. So she turns the volume up a little to hear characters better, but then we have to turn it back down, because the horses are overly loud at times. (And yes captions are on, but we still like hearing the voice behind those words. Pretty sure the tv speakers are going anyway, but there are other audio issues with the game at times that are unrelated to a shit tv). Audio option are important. And we are stuck with only three sliders. Master, score, and dialogue. You dont want to listen to a horse grunting, overpowering whatver it was that character said? Too bad. You dont get to decide that. Really hope the pc release adds a few more sliders to make it bearable.
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corpo-rat · 6 years
do you have any mod recommendations for the saints row games? (:
i do!! heres my mod recs for srtt here!! for sr2 and sriv, heres my fav mods and some others id recommend
Gentlemen of the Row - the king of all saints row mods. ive recommended it several times before and theres a description on the site, so ill just leave the link here this time
Saints Row 2 High Quality Texture Pack - what it says on the tin. also removes that muddy overlay on the visuals. i love this mod…
Detailed Weapon Textures - also what it says on the tin. gotta have an hd gun for those closeup shots
Over-The-Shoulder Camera (SR:TT Style) - pretty sure this is the version im using, but it alters the camera to be more like the later games
High Quality Radio mod - fixes the garbage audio for the songs on the radio
Sandbox+ for Saints Row IV - adds keyboard shortcuts for replaying cutscenes, and like. everything else you can think of. think of it like console commands. theres a list of what you can do on the page
Non-glitching city - i havent used this mod myself but if you find everything constantly pixelating by the end of the game kinda annoying, heres this
Homies keep original outfits - if you dont like the superpower outfits. you can also edit the file yourself to pick and choose which ones you want (i dont like kings super outfit dskhasg)
Customization Restore - keyboard shortcut to disable whatever forced outfit youre wearing. i use this (or sandbox+) to give violet customized mission outfits or jewelry on the ship. for an alternative to this mod that is exclusive to the space suit and doesnt involve you pressing a shortcut each time, heres Wear simulation clothing while on ship
Alternate Character Customization - a port of this mod that i listed in my recommended mods for srtt. this version has less stuff but isnt modular anymore, you get all or nothin in this case. ive never used this version but the original is a good mod, so
Saints Row: The Third clothing - ports every single piece of clothing from srtt that was missing from sriv. every day im grateful for this mod (it has the jacket i put violet in in srtt & sriv)
Clothes Fixes + Extended Wardrobe - adds and fixes a lot of clothes. theres some pretty good clothes in here
Agents of Mayhem: Oni - official port of onis suit and accessories from agents of mayhem! you cant recolor any of it but the suit looks damn good as is (theres one for hollywood, fortune, and hardtack too)
Ultor Weapon Skins - ultor weapon skin ports from srgooh. miss some of the guns from the older games? heres the AR-50 XMAC and the T3K Urban as weapon skins
Hellish Love pack - ports the god hammer from srgooh as a weapon skin for the baseball bat (which i fuckin love), and adds jezebels clothes if you want those. they only fit on the default female body tho
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little-klng · 6 years
Baldi’s Basics Theory
I’m sure everyone by now has heard of this new indie game called Baldi’s Basics due to the fact that almost every popular Youtuber has played it, including Markiplier. Markiplier, as far as I know, is the only major Youtuber to have gotten all endings and has played quite so much of the game as many like to reference in theory videos. I’ll cut to the chase, this is a theory post about something i developed in about 15 minutes. I spent a long while debating on whether or not to even post it due to the nature of the game. I wondered if people would make fun of me for making a whole theory on some silly game about a horror-filled schoolhouse that looks so thrown together, but my dear reader, strap on your seat belt and pull out your notebooks because this here is gonna be a bumpy ride
Now that you’re here, you’ve shown interest in what I have to say. Thank you for that.
On to the theory. Now, what is it that i have to go on here for any theory? Well, everything! This isn’t gonna be another ‘it was all a dream!’ theory because thats tired and worn out and completely erases all the work gone into the game (and any story for that matter), but understand it’s going to delve into a concept of that vein. Let’s lay out what we know;
-The game takes place in a bad CGI/2D schoolhouse setting from those old learning games in the 90′s. -The main antagonist is Baldi -All other characters look like horrible caricatures of what could have/should have been better modeled/rendered people/students -All characters in the game exist solely to harm or distract the player in some way -At the end of the game when you win, you’re met with a distorted voice asking you to do worse next time because they need to- That’s that. The end of the dialogue devolves into static there. But that gives us a hint of what to do next
If you just play the game as normal. you’d never really come across some pretty major points and plot. The game just dumps you in this setting of a weirdly laid out school and lets you run wild. But if you didn’t know any better, you would miss out on the fact that the only reason the player is in the school is to get your friends notebooks that he left in the school. Weird that no character, not even you, makes any mention of that. The whole premise of the game is that you collect notebooks, but you have to solve math questions for them that you always have to fail due to some questions being glitched out and unsolvable.
With the addition of update 1.3.1, the game now has a Secret Ending that you can only get by beating the game after getting 100% of all questions wrong (meaning Baldi chases you faster than ever. Go watch Markiplier do it, it took him 9 hours). But once you beat it, you’re met with the screen telling you to go to the principals office for tips on how to do better. Once there, you’re met with a long distorted Baldi in one end of the room and a mysterious character on the other. His name is Filename2 and he looks like this
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Look at this dude T Posing out here. An absolute icon.
Filename2 is just what hes labelled as in the files, and his name is never actually spoken. Some theorize him to be the players friend from earlier, and honestly so do I! When you enter the room he says the following;
"Oh jeepers, you found me. Good job, I'm glad you found me, because I have something kind of important to say. *beep* It's about th-the game... Don't, *beep* Uh, Eh. Don't *beep* Don't, just, *laughter* this is.. This is probably looking pretty ridiculous *beep* Don't tell anyone about this game. You wanna.. Don't, don't bring attention to yourself. Destroy it, destroy the game. Destroy the game. Before, it's too late. *beep* What I'm saying is... is get out of this, while you still can. *beep* Just, don't.. don't know that you probably know I'm not saying that I'm trapped inside the game, no, that would be ridiculous. No I'm.. *beep* I can't... this is... I'm not... the game was... kind of...*beep* I got really corrupted. Yeah, I... *beep* I don't know what to say. Just... Just trust me. We gotta... *beep* * This isn't... This seems... I me-I mean it seems... ohh. *beep* They'd know I.. They intentionally... that's...I guess... I can't- They can't tell you, and some... stuff is classified. I can't say it. *beep* I wish I could say more. I can't talk normally. I-it's corrupted. There's...*beep*...Yeah...*beep* Just... close the program. Destroy it. Never come back. *long beep*"
There are a few things to take from this
-Filename2 is not ‘trapped in the game’ like most horror cliches. that would be ridiculous -He needed you to fail every single math question and still beat the game just to say all this. Weird. -He REALLY wants you to just delete the game and pretend you didn’t see it -He REALLY wants you to escape the game while you can -The game is ‘corrupted’ somehow, but he can’t really get into it because its ‘classified’ and ‘they’ would know he told you
There is something/someone preventing Filename2 from telling you anything more important than ‘get out of here while you can, don’t worry about me’. Throughout the audio, theres a constant stutter and some laughing, but more prominently the sound of shuddering and heavy breathing. It sounds a bit like crying to me. (warning to anyone about to go listen to the audio themselves, the beeps are REALLY loud and the speech is REALLY quiet)
Lets put him to the side again while we analyze the rest of the school
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This doesn’t really look like any school I’ve ever been to, how about you? The weird hallways made to look like the stretch on and on and the actual classrooms being so far away from each other makes it feel less like a school and more like a hellscape prison.
About the schools inhabitants, they also feel like a hellscape prison.
We already know about Baldi, so lets see the other antagonists;
Aside from Baldi, Filename2, and yourself, there are 6 other characters that roam the halls. Each one has a simple description of themselves in the Principals Office.
Gotta Sweep;
What do you do when the school opens in 7 hours and you haven't hired a janitor? Hire a broom! It sweeps everything!
As you might imagine, Gotta Sweep is a badly condensed jpg image of a green and grey broom that spends its time, once released from the broom closet, roaming the halls loudly proclaiming its need to sweep. It moves quickly, sweeping everything in its path in the same direction it is. It stops for no one and nothing.
It’s A Bully;
Here at Here School, we believe every good school needs a good bully! That's why we have this kid!
It's a Bully appears as a poorly-modeled humanoid figure with an orange ellipsoid for a torso, blue cylinders for limbs, and small, peach-colored balls for hands and feet. He has an incredibly distorted and malformed face with dots for eyes, a gaping mouth with orange lips that clips into where his neck would be, a wide asymmetrical nose and brown hair. He doesn't wear shoes, and he has a brown text floating next to his head that says "THIS IS A BULLY" in all-caps. His pose appears to be in the middle of a run cycle. He spends his time blocking hallways and demanding that, in order to pass through, he must take one of your items. He can, however, be sent to detention should the principal wander by.
Despite her poor eyesight, she's always looking for a playmate! "Let's play!"
This character is a poorly drawn animated little girl whos eyes and hair are animated scribbles. Her poor eyesight has nothing to do with her characters mechanics, as she spots you easily and traps you in a game of jumprope. You can cut her jumprope with safety scissors to escape the game entirely, but doing so is considered bullying and you can be sent to detention for it.
1st Prize; 
Won 1st Prize at the Science Fair! Loves hugging people, rushing towards anyone it sees. Sadly, it turns super slowly.
If you liked Gotta Sweep you’ll definitely like this character. Hes a robotic hugging machine that barrels down the hall towards you, and pushes you until the hallway ends. He, unlike Gotta Sweep, turns very slowly. He can occasionally accidentally push Baldi into you if you’re not careful, but you can use the safety scissors to cut his wires and make him spin in place for 15 seconds to buy time. Dunno why you’d do that though.
Principal of the Thing; 
If I see anyone breaking the school rules, I'll make sure justice is served! It tastes good and fills my tummy!
Now, the interesting thing here is that when you start the game, Baldi refers to Here School (the school you’re in) as ‘his’ school, even though there definitely is a principal. There are posters in the school listing off the rules, and all are pretty standard like “no running” and “no students in the faculty rooms” and being caught breaking these rules by the principal sends you to detention for increasing seconds. An interesting thing to note about this character is that his name is a play on words for the phrase ‘It’s the principle of the thing’, though I have no idea how to fit that into a theory. This guy is a mostly average looking guy, except that his face is slightly contorted and his legs are partially erased
Arts and Crafters;
Shy, and tries to be avoided. Doesn't like being looked at, and gets jealous at people with more notebooks than him.
This guy is the final character, and he’s only important once you have all 7 notebooks. This guy is a sock puppet that, when looked at, will dart back behind whatever wall is closest and out of sight. However, once you have more notebooks than him (7, as he has 6), he turns hostile. He runs at you with his cardboard mouth agape and teleports both you and Baldi back to the starting position, ruining your run almost instantly. 
And that’s everyone!
The most intriguing thing about all of them is that they all share one quality; some part of them is horrifically malformed. Something about them is just... broken or stretched or erased. The only one in one piece and animated is, albeit poorly, Baldi. Everyone, however, has a function and could definitely be described as real cliques and people. All of these characters read as how you imagine a person you’ve only ever been told about, but never really met. Especially if the person telling you about them was only telling you about the newest drama going around or the latest experience the person talking has had with that person if they’ve only had bad experiences with them.
And here’s where the theory begins.
These characters are all fragmented and poorly animated because thats sort of how it works in your head when you’ve never actually seen someone in person. How many times have you heard about someone over and over only to meet them in person and realizing they look nothing like how you imagined, or that they dont act the same as you’ve been told. But that’s because often times you’re only ever told about the bad someone else has done, and very rarely the special good things someone does. 
These characters are not real people, but they are based on the real people your friend knows.
Your friend told you about the little girl in the school with bad eyesight but loves to play jumprope. Your friend told you about the bully that steals his stuff. Your friend told you about the principal and how he gets people in trouble so much. Your friend told you about his science fair project that won first place. These people are not people you know, but you’ve heard about them. You probably don’t know their names because your friend didn’t refer to them with names. Just with minor descriptions.
Why do they look like that? well I don’t imagine that, if one were to look at how your brain pieces images together based on description alone and makes them a real thing, they would look so good either. 
Every single character makes sense in this context. All but one- Baldi
Baldi, unlike every other character, is a whole animated character with lines that hint not-so-subtly that hes in charge of Here School, despite the principle. He’s an entity that is almost entirely immune to most things and hes the first thing you see as you enter the game. He’s also the last. But despite this, his weakness is the rules he follows. He tries to answer the phone, he abides by the walls of the school, he moves at a pace synonymous with the whacks of his ruler- if you’ve ever been to an old catholic school, you know that sound well and truly means power over others.
Baldi is a malicious entity that has trapped you in his Hellscape Prison constructed entirely from your subconscious memory. Personally, I think the map looks that way because the Player has been homeschooled and hasn’t actually seen much of the inside of a real school, but that’s up for interpretation. Baldi has manifested this area to fit the descriptions that your friend has fed you of this area you were already thinking about on your way to gather your friends notebooks. You were meant to be dumped in this world having forgotten your initial quest and forced to work on bare instinct. That’s why you don’t think to question the fact that, despite the fact that school is over at this time (”your friend forgot his notebooks and he needs them back before ‘eating practice’...” supposedly an after school activity Actually revolving around cooking and food prep. Maybe your friend works at a restaurant after school and Baldi doesn’t quite understand what that means due to his demonic or fae nature?) you’re still expected to finish all these math assignments just to leave. 
Now, why doesnt our brave and ultimately doomed protagonist just leave? Well, my dear reader, I’m sure you’ve heard of those old tales of Fae that trick wanderers into eat fruit or taking things that aren’t theirs to trap them for eternity? That’s right, the notebooks are what trap you in the game.
From the first moment you finish the first notebook scot-free, you are trapped, having taken a fae-world item to fulfill your own quest. Now Baldi can give you those impossible-to-solve questions and the notebooks regardless of anything else. You’re trapped and theres nothing you can do about it.
No matter how many times you get a Game Over, you’ll keep trying. And you’ll keep going. You won’t ever really escape
“But the, where does Filename2 come into play, Mona?” I hear you dejectedly cry into the night, “You didn’t forget about him, did you?” Oh you naive little thing... he’s what ties this whole thing together!
You see, Filename2 is you! Well, maybe not you but, he’s what remains of you. While you spend eternity trapped in a world built from your subconscious, your conscious self remains, though glitched out and corrupted. You aren’t fully there, and if you knew that you might be able to escape, but if Filename2 told you that, Baldi would know. Filename2 is your door to safety and salvation...  but unfortunately...
Baldi hears every door that you open.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Oct 9 Dancitron Movie Night - Matrix: Revolutions
Prowl feels accomplished; not only did he make it through the movie emotionally intact, he even managed to keep talking while barely faltering during one of the scenes that scratched at one of his trauma triggers.
After the movie Soundwave showed Prowl where his optical sensors are in alt-mode and Prowl subtly confirmed that his light bar does function as optics, making Soundwave the first person he’s informed. Their trust exercises look weird.
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:56 pm *Soundwave has made himself quite comfortable on his usual seat, one feeler propping his legs up, the other serving as combination pillow for himself and head scratcher for the Ravage on the couch's arm.* Me 7:58 pm *appears, checks to ensure that his usual spot is free, nods hello to Ravage since he's nearby, and sits.* Swoop 7:59 pm *slides into the room, still LITERALLY smoking hot* Purgatori 7:59 pm *Does Ratchet even want to know what you did, Swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *Soundwave bobs his helm hello at Prowl and glances over in Ratchet's direction. That's a new fa-- oh Primus, Swoop's smoking.*
[[Do that outside.]] [[Greetings, Ratchet.]] Purgatori 8:01 pm "Soundwave." *Theres another glance at Swoop, and then a soft sigh and an optic roll* Swoop 8:01 pm *has no idea what Soundwave is 'talking' about and skitters around the room* Bird! *is a very real risk of setting off any sprinkler system in here* boomtank 8:01 pm ((rabbit, what did you do? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:02 pm [[Bird is outside.]] Lies. [[If you want to find her, you have to look for her.]] Purgatori 8:02 pm *pulls out a fire blanket and rubbs Swoop down* Swoop 8:02 pm *dives for the door but is intercepted* ????????????? *so much wiggles* Purgatori 8:03 pm *Ratchet isnt smiling, no hes not* *Releases Swoop* "There." Bevel 8:04 pm *got a makeover between movie nights like y'do* Swoop 8:04 pm *FLAILS right into a heap on the floor* boomtank 8:05 pm -wanders in, looking vaguely out of it- Purgatori 8:05 pm *Puts blanket away, returns to his corner spot* Swoop 8:05 pm *giggles to himself then POPS up and rushes out the door to find Bird* Bevel 8:05 pm Was Swoop dirty? Me 8:05 pm *Hm. Two new people here tonight.* Swoop 8:05 pm *is dirty all day every day* Me 8:06 pm *Oblivious to the fact that one of the new people is an old people.* Purgatori 8:06 pm I did not want him to set the sprinklers off. I have given up on giving him a bath. Swoop 8:06 pm *is a stinky boy all over the roof of Dancitron, this is not what you told him Soundwave, where is Bird???* Bevel 8:07 pm *that's a perfectly normal reaction to her picking a new frame, Prowl* ...Sprinklers? Was he on fire? *and she missed it? boo* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm ((OKAY back had to fill in new guest 😄 )) Purgatori 8:08 pm When is he not on fire, is the correct question. He is a Dinobot. He catches himself and half the Ark on fire most of the time. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *Bird appears at the roof and looks at Swoop.* {{What you upping here for? Go inside, is movie.}} Purgatori 8:09 pm Also, it has come to my attention I do not know who you are. I am Ratchet. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm ((FIVE MINUTE WARNING grab snacks)) Swoop 8:09 pm Looking for Bird!! Keheh It WORK Bevel 8:09 pm *hums* Side effect of breathing fire. Me 8:09 pm ((*has fooded and is ready*)) Bevel 8:10 pm ((*also has food as you well know* boomtank 8:10 pm ((-is working on blog-)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((OKAY LEMME THINK NOW warnings warnings... uhh violence and blood, probably some cursing, one of the nightclubs has got fetish gear and stuff going, early 2000s Edginess, discussion of self harm annnnd i feel like I'm forgetting something but it won't come to mind so yeah)) Purgatori 8:12 pm *slips into a seat* boomtank 8:12 pm -going to sit somewhere he can and try to focus- Swoop 8:13 pm *follows after Bird, whether that be to the movies or not he genuinely doesn't care* Bevel 8:13 pm ((I like the warning for early 2000 edge. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *She's definitely going inside. And sitting by Blaster. Because Swoop will follow and it's funny.* Bevel 8:14 pm *Bevel will look for twins before she decides on a seat* boomtank 8:14 pm -curious glance over at Laserbeak- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *Twins are on their own seat; Bevel is welcome to join.* Swoop 8:14 pm *is apparently going to be by Blaster now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm ((WE'RE DOIN THIS)) Bevel 8:15 pm *she will do just that, budge over lil bits* boomtank 8:15 pm -waitwhatno- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm @P: (txt): Reminder: Agent Smith invasion: continued theme. Swoop 8:15 pm *sprawls out, wings everywhere, watching Bird* Purgatori 8:15 pm *rolls eyes at Swoop* Me 8:16 pm @S «Noted.» *He didn't expect anything else.* boomtank 8:16 pm -shoves at Swoop- Hey! Swoop 8:16 pm *immediately digs in when he's shoved and snaps his head to stare at Blaster* boomtank 8:17 pm Could you scoot over a bit? Swoop 8:17 pm No boomtank 8:17 pm ..... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Laserbeak cackles quietly to herself.* boomtank 8:17 pm You're literally on top of me Swoop 8:18 pm *literally any volume of Bird laughing is encouragement in Swoop's book* Yah. boomtank 8:18 pm I'm not part of the seating ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((gdit my audio glitched. one sec)) Purgatori 8:19 pm *Why does this mech look like a holoform of Megatron* Swoop 8:19 pm Keh! Dinobot sit aaaaaaaanywhere boomtank 8:19 pm Yes, sure, but not on me Swoop 8:19 pm Yah on you Purgatori 8:19 pm [[ oh my god the little bing saying ur friends with someone sounds like an airplane]] boomtank 8:20 pm ((hehe Purgatori 8:20 pm *soft chuckles under his breath at Blaster* boomtank 8:20 pm No, not on me. Off. Swoop 8:20 pm No boomtank 8:20 pm Get off. Swoop 8:20 pm Make me boomtank 8:20 pm Seriously? Swoop 8:20 pm *chuckles with flames in his throat* Purgatori 8:20 pm Swoop, no. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm [[Laserbeak.]]
{{Boooooo.}} She pats Swoop on the wing. {{You move, not on Blastbutt.}} Purgatori 8:21 pm *rubs his face tiredly* Swoop 8:21 pm *sits up, optics wide, and blinks at Laserbeak* ???? Move? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm {{Yes, yes. No bumping. Bird only.}} boomtank 8:21 pm -scrubs at his face- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm [[The Oracle hu-- program is different.]] boomtank 8:22 pm -he's too tired/frazzled/out of it for this- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm *Interested lean* Me 8:22 pm ... Is it? Swoop 8:22 pm *sliiiiiiiiiides away from Blaster, clearly off put and pouting* boomtank 8:22 pm Thank you ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[It is.]] He turns to Prowl and shows the different voice prints on his screen - without sound, so as not to interrupt the movie. Swoop 8:23 pm Meh meh meh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm *Laserbeak pats Swoop's arm and trills. A good minion.* Swoop 8:24 pm .... *okay he's good now* <3 Me 8:24 pm *... Okay, he supposes those look different.* boomtank 8:25 pm -just realizing he has no idea what is going on in the movie- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm //Sounds like Functionist scrap.// Purgatori 8:26 pm *unsettled ruffling of plating* boomtank 8:26 pm ..... Swoop 8:26 pm *picks his seat, this is so talky, blah* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm {{It fight later, you see.}} Bevel 8:27 pm I like those programs. Swoop 8:27 pm Us watch ALL fighting movie next, Bird! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm {{Nooo, next week Vulcan week. Week after, that big fighting, war, gods.}} Swoop 8:29 pm What Vulcan week means? Bevel 8:29 pm Aliens. Purgatori 8:29 pm Oh. I know Vulcans ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Soundwave perks.* Bevel 8:31 pm Vulcans are neat but I like Klingons best so far. And Odo. Purgatori 8:31 pm Klingons. Why is it always Klingons Me 8:31 pm ... Know them personally? Or by reputation? Swoop 8:31 pm *transforms in to robotmode and pulls a well nibbled goodie out of subspace to gnaw on* Bevel 8:31 pm *grins and sticks her tongue out at Ratchet* Purgatori 8:32 pm [unimpressed stare at bevel] Me 8:33 pm @S «... I'm confused, let me make sure I have all this straight.» Bevel 8:33 pm Klingons are warriors! They fight for honor and stuff. Even if bat'leths would be really bad weapons in real life. Purgatori 8:33 pm There is no way that these humans are moving like this Me 8:34 pm @S «There are three worlds; the machine world, the Matrix—both of which are digital—and the physical world. That train goes between the two digital worlds. Correct?» Purgatori 8:34 pm Damnit Bevel, im a doctor, not a warrior. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm *Frenzy LAUGHS* Swoop 8:34 pm Me SWOOP am warrior!! *about falls over himself to announce this fact to the room* Bevel 8:35 pm I think the doctor is human. Purgatori 8:35 pm He is human. Me 8:35 pm You missed the first two movies, Ratchet. They AREN'T moving like that. Most of this movie takes place in a virtual world. Their minds are plugged into a video game, more or less. boomtank 8:35 pm .....? Purgatori 8:35 pm A video game. Of course. Swoop 8:35 pm Game? Game! Us play game instead of boring talk movie! Bevel 8:36 pm Than you can be the human doctor and I can be the Klingon warrior and everyone is happy. 😄 Purgatori 8:36 pm A neck brace? What is she doing out of themedbay? Swoop 8:36 pm ((This early 2000s edge is killing me)) Purgatori 8:37 pm Someone get that woman a better fitting shirt boomtank 8:37 pm ...I am...kinda...lost Swoop 8:37 pm ((everyone on screen thinks they are so fucking cool good lord XD)) Me 8:37 pm @S «So. WHICH way were the two adult programs and their offspring trying to go? To the Matrix, right? Then... were they coming BACK from the machine world? Why, if they'd met with the man here, who's in the Matrix, not the machine world? And they said that only the child could stay in the Matrix, correct? So why were the other two accompanying her?» Swoop 8:37 pm *slides down in his seat like every word is physically weighting this poor flaplingdown* *he's going to get crushed someone save him from the talk* Purgatori 8:38 pm *Be strong, Swoop. Be strong for Bird* boomtank 8:38 pm ....... Swoop 8:38 pm KEHEHHE Her good Her KICK no more talk talk talk talk Bevel 8:39 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Machine world: not digital. Machine world shares human physical world, area: separate. There, machines, programs: created. Obsolete machines: recalled, deleted-destroyed.
Train permits connection, travel deep into Matrix, entity base preservation. Alternative: Old Matrix into New Matrix. These, exiles, hunted - Keymaker, ghosts, Sati program. boomtank 8:40 pm -still has no idea what is going on, and kinda going back to his data-pad now- Swoop 8:40 pm ((God so much of these movies rest on the shoulders of Trinity's powerful, knowing love being a force everyone must recognize and she just...)) Purgatori 8:40 pm *soft frown* Me 8:40 pm @S «... Programs can't be in the physical world. They're programs.» @S «Do the programs have physical bodies?» Purgatori 8:42 pm *this hits really close to home* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:42 pm @P: (txt): Physical bodies: machines. Digital bodies: programs. When through train, programs:... camouflaged. Machine control: removed. Swoop 8:43 pm *paws at Bird's wing* Me Swoop like, uh, like on YouTube, slow-- Slow Mo Bros. Us watch shoot stuff in slow motion EXPLODE kehhhehhhhe watch that instead of talk talk TALK movie! Me 8:43 pm *These are digital projections of their identities. For her to have been INTERNALLY changed so much she can't even recognize herself...* boomtank 8:43 pm -so very very lost- *His fuel tank twists.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm {{Swoop want going room, watch them? Not stay here?}} Swoop 8:44 pm Me Swoop want to hang out with Bird : > Purgatori 8:45 pm *soft stare* Me 8:46 pm @S «... The Source. That's what I meant by machine world. They speak of a source that programs go to and come. They treat it like it's different from the physical world.» Bevel 8:46 pm Uh-oh. Me 8:47 pm @S «The train DIDN'T go to the source? It went back and forth from the physical world and the Matrix. Why were three programs going back and forth? The child had obviously been made IN the Matrix, even if the other two had physical machine bodies it was likely she did not, how could she have left?» Me 8:48 pm @S «...The programs CAN'T have physical bodies. If they did, they couldn't be refugees inside the Matrix, because the machines on the outside could just destroy their physical bodies. Right?» Purgatori 8:48 pm Oh no ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm @P: (txt): ...Perhaps Sati: machine world creation without physical form? Program written there, noticed, smuggled into Matrix. Existence similarity... Tarantulas' AI? Me 8:50 pm *Goes still as he tries not to think about how all of those were people.* Purgatori 8:51 pm *Freezes* *clutches arms so tight plating creaks* Me 8:51 pm @S «That's what I'm saying. She doesn't have a physical form. There have to be—» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm *...Now, Prowl, he expects. Ratchet's reaction is new.* Bevel 8:51 pm *gasps* boomtank 8:51 pm ................ Me 8:51 pm @S «... Have to be programs without physical forms.» Swoop 8:51 pm *looks upside down at Ratchet* ?? boomtank 8:52 pm -Blaster is now leaving the room, byyyye- Swoop 8:52 pm *FLOPS ON HIS BELLY AND CONQUERS THE ENTIRE SOFA* *SWOOP WINS AT SITTING* Purgatori 8:54 pm *forces himself to release his arms, theres a slight tremble to his hands now* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm @P: (txt): Then this... term. Secret upload. Machine creators entered Matrix - this, allowed - encountered Merovingian. Deal created. Creators re-entered physical world, gathered secret program, uploaded all selves. Train: secret path into Matrix. After Sati: delivered, safe, creators returned. Other machines: without knowledge. boomtank 8:56 pm -Yes, Swoop, the entire sofa is yours. Blaster has vacated entierly- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:56 pm *Soundwave nods to Blaster, who appears to be leaving. These ARE difficult films to get through.* Me 8:56 pm @S «... Makes sense.» Purgatori 8:56 pm *clenches fist tightly* *scrubs at his faceplates* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm [[Are you well, doctor?]] Swoop 8:57 pm *kicks his feet absentmindedly and chirps to himself* boomtank 8:57 pm -quick and absent wave at Soundwave as he passes- Me 8:57 pm *Glances over?* Purgatori 8:57 pm Im fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[...We do have a bar.]] *If Ratchet needs to drown something out.* Purgatori 8:59 pm *slowly stands, shaking out clenched plating* Swoop 8:59 pm *notices Ratchet going and stares at him all the way* Purgatori 8:59 pm Can I help you, Swoop? Swoop 8:59 pm Hi Purgatori 9:00 pm Hello Bevel 9:00 pm *frowns worriedly at Ratchet before looking back at the movie* Swoop 9:00 pm *waves* boomtank 9:00 pm -might be back. Later. Lots later- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *As you need, Blaster.* Purgatori 9:00 pm [i dont actually know much about the bar do i need to pay for things] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((payment is just bartering, trading interesting or useful things/data)) ((that's just the booze; snacks are out in the open and free)) Purgatori 9:01 pm [[wjat tje hell does ratchet have thats interesting]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm ((data on his timeline)) Swoop 9:01 pm *chews on the arm of the couch* Purgatori 9:01 pm *Glances at the bar, walks by swoop and gently whaps him on the helm* Stop that Swoop 9:02 pm !!! :V What stop? Purgatori 9:02 pm I will sit on you, Swoop Swoop 9:02 pm No! Kehehh. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[He likes the Niobe human.]] [[She has a sharp glossa.]] Purgatori 9:02 pm Couches are not for chewing. Swoop 9:03 pm Me Swoop chewing couch : > Purgatori 9:03 pm Do you need a chewtoy. I have one that squeaks Swoop 9:03 pm *grabby hands* Purgatori 9:03 pm ....is he talking like that other human Swoop 9:03 pm *GRABBY HANDS* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm [[The Smith Agent? Yes.]] [[He bears a copy in his mind.]] Purgatori 9:04 pm *pulls out chewtoy* Swoop 9:04 pm !!! Purgatori 9:04 pm Do you promise not to chew on the couch. Swoop 9:04 pm No : > Dinobots chew EVERYTHING Purgatori 9:04 pm Then no chewtoy Swoop 9:05 pm ????????? Purgatori 9:05 pm *subspaces it* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm [[Dinobots will stick to chewing themselves instead of his property if they wish to visit his deployers.]] Purgatori 9:05 pm Thank you, Soundwave. Swoop 9:05 pm *what? is? happening???? he just?? wants?? to BITE????* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm *Bets Ratchet's not had to say THAT before.* Purgatori 9:05 pm *You would be surprised* Swoop 9:06 pm *chitters at Bird* Purgatori 9:06 pm *Now, thanking Megatron was an experience Ratchet never wants to repeat* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm @Prowl: (txt): Prowl's decision, Neo departure intention? Hypothetical situation. Bevel 9:07 pm *only Megatron worth thanking is a negative polarity one* Swoop 9:07 pm *is sooooooo sad you guys* *for real* Me 9:07 pm @S «... I wasn't paying close enough attention.» Purgatori 9:07 pm *softly clenches fist* *walks back to his table* Swoop 9:08 pm *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* Bevel 9:09 pm ((this actor is really good dang ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm @P: (txt): Machines approach human city. Humans intended return. Neo wanted own ship, purpose: approach machine city. This, impossible; captain protested, refused, reason: ship, manpower waste. Other captain shared ship. Swoop 9:10 pm *chirp* *chirp* *chirp* Purgatori 9:10 pm *throws a wrench at swoop* Swoop 9:10 pm !!! KEHHEHHEHHHEHHHH ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Laserbeak snatches it out of the air with a feeler. And subspaces it. This is hers now.* Swoop 9:10 pm Ow! *is clearly entertained and not hurt* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm [[No violence. That is the first rule. Consider this your only warning.]] [[He will bridge you both.]] Swoop 9:10 pm *grins at Bird* Me 9:11 pm @S «Wouldn't be able to...» Purgatori 9:11 pm Apologies Swoop 9:11 pm You Bird FAST fighter! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm {{Bird BEST fighter.}} boomtank 9:11 pm -peers back in- !!!! Swoop 9:12 pm Better than GRIMLOCK? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm ((THAT'S the other thing i was gonna warn for. flashing. my bad)) Me 9:12 pm @S «... Wouldn't be able to decide without a, a thorough knowledge. Of the forces—that the machines were throwing at Zion, the forces the... humans were able to muster... the forces facing them in the machine city, and—and the objective they're pursuing in the machine city.» boomtank 9:12 pm -BAD timing- Me 9:13 pm *Hah. HAHH. He was able to speak the entire way through Smith visually puppetting someone else.* Purgatori 9:13 pm *plating pulls tight to his frame* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:13 pm *Good, because partial distraction was his goal.* Swoop 9:13 pm Ratchet boomtank 9:13 pm -back to being out of the room- Swoop 9:14 pm Ratchet. Me Swoop want toy now. Purgatori 9:14 pm *stares at Swoop* Swoop 9:14 pm *stares back* Bevel 9:14 pm *shifts uncomfortably* Purgatori 9:15 pm I could fix that, make it slimmer. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm @Prowl: (txt): Fair. Perhaps once answers: gathered.
Lean accepted? Purgatori 9:15 pm The waste of power they have making it large and showey is ridiculous Swoop 9:15 pm Ratchet Purgatori 9:15 pm Thats my name, its already worn out Swoop 9:15 pm Me Swoop WANT toy now ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[...These remind him of the Ripley human.]] [[He likes her better.]] Me 9:16 pm *It wasn't a distraction, it was a TEST. And Prowl passed. He's getting stronger.* Bevel 9:16 pm Ripley was awesome. Purgatori 9:16 pm *pulls toy out of subspace* I actually know that one. Swoop 9:16 pm *peep* Purgatori 9:16 pm With the ones who bleed acid. *moves closer to Swoop, tucks toy in his hands* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[Yes. Everyone should know that one. And the others. They are excellent.]] Swoop 9:17 pm *reaches* Purgatori 9:17 pm My favorite is the second one. Alien...s? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[Correct. With a]] Tiniest hesitation. [[Xenomorph Queen.]]
[[You have good taste, Bevel.]] *Now to see if the Niobe human pilots as well as she claims.* Bevel 9:18 pm *grins* Course I do. Purgatori 9:18 pm *holds out toy towards Swoop* They are naked Swoop 9:19 pm *SNATCHES up the toy* Purgatori 9:19 pm *soft engine rumble, that was rude, boy* Swoop 9:19 pm *is a rude boy* Purgatori 9:19 pm *ruffles helm* boomtank 9:19 pm -peers back in again- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\HA! LOOKIT THAT DRILL. HOT DAMN.\\ Swoop 9:19 pm *chatters while gnawing on the toy and leaning into helm pets* Purgatori 9:19 pm I have pulled things like that out of mechs before ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm \\PERSONAL GOALS, TELL YA WHAT.\\ Purgatori 9:20 pm *scritches at swoops helm* boomtank 9:20 pm -yeah, no, he's back out again- Swoop 9:21 pm *tilts his head at the best/weirdest angle possible to ensure max scritches while he works on murdering this chew toy* Swoop 9:22 pm *mumbles incoherently around the toy* Purgatori 9:22 pm *This is where Kup would have a war story to tell* Swoop 9:23 pm *people who can read minds might know this is where swoop is calling things boring because there's no splatter and also no one flies again for some reason* Purgatori 9:23 pm These things are smart Bevel 9:24 pm Whoa. Swoop 9:24 pm Them HIT Me 9:24 pm If they were smarter they'd have known that maneuver made them a concentrated target. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((i was shooing the cat, what maneuver/what's smart)) Purgatori 9:24 pm Some died, but they managed to take out a military outpost Swoop 9:25 pm Them all fly apart Then hard to shoot All everywhere Me 9:25 pm They could have taken it out with less deaths if they'd started out separately and timed their flights so that they would collide at the same spot at the same time despite coming from different directions. Swoop 9:25 pm Or go in between Me 9:25 pm If they'd been shaped like a funnel instead of a worm. Purgatori 9:25 pm *vauge hand gestures, this is where Prowl knows more about things* Swoop 9:26 pm Them noodles not very good fighting. Them just headbutt. Bite? No long distance weapon! Dumb. Me Swoop could melt soooo much EVERYTHING same path. boomtank 9:27 pm -okay, no, this time he's gonna come back in and sit where he can.- Purgatori 9:27 pm This one looks like Ripley in the third installment Swoop 9:27 pm Bird much much better fighting ZAPPING than those thing! Because shoot. : > Me 9:28 pm ((very belated reply: all the squids started flying together in a stream and rammed into the control center where the humans were directing the battle to knock it over.)) Swoop 9:28 pm Bird better GRABBER than them too! Purgatori 9:28 pm *soft chuckling* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm ((OH YEAH that part)) Swoop 9:29 pm Pff that not so bad. Me Swoop could fly that. Bird could fly that! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm *Soundwave listens to Prowl, approving of his assessment of the attack and nodding. In the meantime, Bird chitters and preens by wiggling her tiny mandibles.*
{{Bird shoot down, you melt. Straggler zapped! It good plan.}} boomtank 9:31 pm -small whine- Bevel 9:31 pm ((i missed what happened in the last few minutes, anything major? Swoop 9:31 pm *sees the mandible wiggle, SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Purgatori 9:31 pm [[bang bang shooty shooty]] Me 9:31 pm ((pretty much)) Bevel 9:31 pm ((i can live with missing some of that thanks boomtank 9:31 pm -so not happy- Me 9:32 pm ((the ship niobe's piloting is about to reach the dock, which the humans are pretty sure they're losing, but if she gets there in time she might be able to fire an EMP that takes out all the squids but also all the human defenses.)) Swoop 9:33 pm Me Swoop have missiles too! Not JUST fire! Missiles. *reaches around himself to tap some plating on his back that isn't easily visible with his wings laid the way they are now* Me 9:34 pm *... He's pretty sure Ironfist wrote a scene like that once.* Purgatori 9:34 pm Oh boomtank 9:34 pm -that's not good- ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm //Damn good fightin'.// Swoop 9:37 pm *is suddenly more interested nonw that there's 1-on-1 happening* boomtank 9:37 pm -nervous wiggling- Swoop 9:37 pm KEH! That bad chain. Easy, easy break. Purgatori 9:37 pm ....i beleive the other humans are very dead now Swoop 9:38 pm YAH DEAD Kehhehh LOTS of dead ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *Small puff. He likes the squid things.* *Wouldn't mind a deployer kind of like them, honestly, if he could support another. Which he can't. But if he could.* Purgatori 9:38 pm *do they remind you of yourself, wave* Bevel 9:38 pm *claps for Niobe* Purgatori 9:39 pm ITs a miracel ...miracle boomtank 9:39 pm -settles- Close Swoop 9:39 pm *adds to the emotional moment by chewing loudly on the squeaky chewtoy* *squeak* *squeak* Bevel 9:39 pm *giggles* Swoop 9:39 pm *squeak* Bevel 9:39 pm *perfect timing Swoop* Purgatori 9:40 pm *snorts at whooshing* boomtank 9:40 pm . . . That's not good Purgatori 9:42 pm So...Neo is...Prime, then? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[...Ugh.]] Swoop 9:42 pm Human Prime???? Bevel 9:42 pm Neo is cooler. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm [[...That would make the Oracle--]] Alpha Trion. [[Hmph.]] Bevel 9:43 pm *which is saying something because Bevel doesn't think Neo is very cool* Purgatori 9:43 pm by the power vested in me, I give you sight Swoop 9:44 pm Can human be prime? Purgatori 9:44 pm ...Jack was Me 9:44 pm *That's a new tactic. What IS that?* Swoop 9:44 pm wheeljack prime?????????? Purgatori 9:44 pm No, not....not that Jack Bevel 9:44 pm Darby? Purgatori 9:44 pm Primus, that is a terrifying thought ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[PRIMUS FORBID, Swoop.]] Swoop 9:44 pm *uncontrollable, full body shaking laughter* Purgatori 9:45 pm Lets...never speak of this to him, shall we ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm [[Never.]] Purgatori 9:45 pm The power of Love will overcome anything Swoop 9:45 pm Wheeljack is Prime then maybe MORE DINOBOTS kehehhehhhhhehhhh Purgatori 9:46 pm No, no more Swoop 9:46 pm Yis Purgatori 9:46 pm No We have enough Swoop 9:46 pm MILLION DINOBOTS boomtank 9:46 pm ....what is THAT!? Purgatori 9:46 pm No Swoop 9:46 pm : > ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[Bombs.]] Swoop 9:46 pm Why? boomtank 9:46 pm No, no, the thing fiering the bombs Purgatori 9:46 pm Because we have more than we can handle with you Swoop 9:46 pm Kehhehh boomtank 9:47 pm And squid things ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[...He does not know.]] Swoop 9:47 pm Swoop is "handful" HUH? Purgatori 9:47 pm You? Who said I was talking abot you Me 9:47 pm ... I'm sorry. How does that work. How is he blowing them up. That's rubbish. Bevel 9:47 pm Magic. Me 9:47 pm No. Swoop 9:47 pm Swoop is Dinobot Purgatori 9:47 pm Are you? Swoop 9:47 pm YAH Purgatori 9:47 pm I just thought you were a spoiled sparkling. My mistake ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[An ability to see and affect their code?]] Swoop 9:47 pm nooOOOO Me Swoop not a BABY Me Swoop am Dinobot warrior Purgatori 9:48 pm *scritches swoops helm* Swoop 9:48 pm Bomber *leans into scritches and squeaks the chew toy* Me 9:48 pm This has been purely scientifically based all the way to now, I'm going to switch to watching a fantasy right at the end. boomtank 9:48 pm Oh...and wow Purgatori 9:48 pm *His case im point* Me 9:48 pm By what mechanism does he, a human, remotely access their code? Swoop 9:48 pm Dinobots kill people : > Bevel 9:48 pm Maybe his mind is still attached to the machine world and he can do his Matrix stuff in the real world now? Purgatori 9:48 pm The power of Love boomtank 9:49 pm ????? Windchill 9:49 pm *Arrives.* Me 9:49 pm But his "Matrix stuff" was manipulating the programming of the Matrix. The real world doesn't HAVE programming. Windchill 9:49 pm *Is he late...again?* *Wow such talent.* Purgatori 9:49 pm *Oh a new person* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[...Wifi?]] Purgatori 9:49 pm She is ...not doing well ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soft huff.* Windchill 9:49 pm *An old person excuse you.* Bevel 9:49 pm *snickers* Me 9:49 pm ......... Sure, all right. Purgatori 9:50 pm This trope is so overused ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Soundwave flicks a hand and huffs again. That's his best g-- oh.* Bevel 9:50 pm Soundwave has the best answers. Swoop 9:50 pm ((I am blown away by how much whispertalking is in this series. Somehow I didn't process that before now)) Windchill 9:50 pm Damn, looks like I missed all of the dramatic parts. Me 9:50 pm ((whispers are edgy)) Swoop 9:50 pm *EXPLODES laughing at Trinity being impaled so many times* Purgatori 9:50 pm How is...she talking right now? Windchill 9:50 pm I didn't have anything to wear, so I came naked. Sorry. Purgatori 9:50 pm Thats not..not possible Swoop 9:51 pm Me Swoop get stab before Not TALK boomtank 9:51 pm -huffs- Swoop 9:51 pm But Firebreath Purgatori 9:51 pm Give it a rest, Neo Swoop 9:51 pm Same thing Dead Them, not Swoop kehhhehhe Windchill 9:51 pm *He gon' sit down.* Me 9:51 pm (("yes i can." you can do anything you set your mind to trinity, i believe in you.)) Purgatori 9:51 pm *wow this ....this hurts. More than he wants it to* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm [[She IS carrying on well for a meat creature with so many punctures.]] Purgatori 9:52 pm *he might have to leave* Swoop 9:52 pm *bored now, chewtoy time* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak* Windchill 9:52 pm She's taking a long time to die. *Crosses his legs.* *At least it's not green.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm [[...What she really wanted to say was "kiss me"?]] Purgatori 9:52 pm *yep hes heading to the door* Bevel 9:52 pm ((kiss me goodbye~ Windchill 9:53 pm He sucked the life right out of her, like a vampire! Purgatori 9:53 pm [[IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO]] Me 9:53 pm @S «... Is that weird?» Windchill 9:53 pm Nobody told me this was about vampires! Swoop 9:53 pm *is confused by the sudden lack of headscritches but has a mouthful of chewtoy preventing him from words right now* Purgatori 9:53 pm *slowly walks back into the room, sits down heavily on the couch, he will make u move, swoop* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm @P: (txt:) ...What, weird? Me 9:54 pm @S «That what she wanted to say was "kiss me"?» Swoop 9:54 pm *is busy sitting by Bird, clearly the world should revolve around him.... or in this case around Bird* Windchill 9:54 pm *Cups his chin in his hands, preparing for the no doubt thrilling conclusion.* *Furrows his brows.* Purgatori 9:55 pm Insecticons Windchill 9:55 pm Pfft. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm *Soundwave looks to the screen for a bit, thinking. The way she was talking, he thought she was going to come up with some big statement or secret or encouragement, or something of the sort, but...*
*Glances to Prowl.*
*Looks to the screen.*
*...Back to Prowl.*
@P: (txt): No. Not weird. Swoop 9:55 pm Burbul *comes the pitiful attempt at talking around a mouthful of chewtoy* Me 9:55 pm *slight nod.* boomtank 9:55 pm ...... Yikes Windchill 9:55 pm It looks like an angry sea urchin. *He's not intimidated* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[...Fascinating.]] Windchill 9:56 pm Now it looks gross. Purgatori 9:56 pm Is that...a baby Swoop 9:56 pm Not a BAAAABBYY Me 9:56 pm *Ah, a healthy, thriving mechanical city. You don't see those often in alien media.* Purgatori 9:57 pm Bargaining. When has that ever gone right for both parties Bevel 9:57 pm *wonders why all robot cities are so dreary looking in human movies* Me 9:57 pm *It's stormy out.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm [[Bargaining has its uses.]] Purgatori 9:57 pm *snorts at that position* Swoop 9:57 pm Feelers Windchill 9:57 pm Yuck. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Glance without moving head.* Me 9:58 pm *Goes very still again.* Purgatori 9:58 pm Menemosurgery. Thats what this is like Windchill 9:58 pm That's yucky and I don't like it very much. Swoop 9:58 pm What mnemosurgery is? Purgatori 9:58 pm it is brain surgery, swoop. Swoop 9:58 pm *other than the biggest word a dinobot has ever said* Purgatori 9:58 pm [[ATLEAST SWOOP SAID IT RIGHT I BUTCHERED IT AHAHAHA IM TERIBBLE] Me 9:59 pm ... It's a subject that can probably wait to be covered until after the movie is over. Windchill 9:59 pm *Opens his mouth, shuts it.* Swoop 9:59 pm Ohhh brain surgery You say Next time say that Easier Kehhheh Purgatori 9:59 pm *clenches fist* *drama* *vocals* Windchill 10:00 pm I love all of this. *he waves, gesturing to encompass all of it.* Green shit. Swoop 10:00 pm KAH! Him fall bad ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[...So many.]] Me 10:00 pm ... He thinks he's going to win because he has the Oracle's eyes. He doesn't know the Oracle can no longer predict the future with complete accuracy. Purgatori 10:00 pm Are they seekers now boomtank 10:01 pm ...what is going on? besides a big fight scene? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((omg i have seen this like a dozen times and i never picked that up puff)) Windchill 10:01 pm *Leans forward and rubs his temples, trying not to laugh.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((i am ashaaaamed)) Swoop 10:01 pm Them not very good bombers Them no good at quick strike Them fighting in air like it ground Dumb Windchill 10:01 pm They are very good at looking silly, Swoop. Like Seekers. I would know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *Soundwave's plating pulls in at "the purpose of life is to end". That sounds too much like - well.* Swoop 10:01 pm Kehheheh YAH Silly Purgatori 10:02 pm *if that sentence is true...when will ratchet find peace* Windchill 10:02 pm *Nods in agreement with Swoop agreeing with him.* Purgatori 10:02 pm That is not how human anatomy works boomtank 10:02 pm That Smith guy is wrong Swoop 10:03 pm Him punch air BEFORE flying Bad ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm [[Of course he is wrong.]] Bevel 10:03 pm Very wrong. Swoop 10:03 pm Soundwave, you find movie GOOD fliers fighting next time Windchill 10:03 pm *Snickers. He can't help it.* Me 10:03 pm ... It's just... Smiths, forever. Every window they pass. Has EVERY human in the Matrix...? Swoop 10:03 pm Lots of energon. Kehheheh. Broken stuff. boomtank 10:04 pm If you only look at life as an end waiting to happen, you're not living. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[The purpose of life is to gather experience and information, and seek to see all that is.]] Purgatori 10:04 pm Wings. He had...lightning. ...for wings Windchill 10:04 pm Kinky. Swoop 10:04 pm Me Swoop can have FIRE wings Sometimes ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[And most likely every human. Yes.]] [[And program.]] Swoop 10:04 pm Until wind put out Windchill 10:04 pm That's cool, Swoop. Purgatori 10:04 pm I think you mean thats hot Me 10:04 pm *...* Swoop 10:04 pm Kehhehehhh Purgatori 10:05 pm *dad jokes, everyone, you heard it here first* Windchill 10:05 pm *He wasn't gonna go there, it might get taken the wrong way coming from him.* boomtank 10:05 pm .... Windchill 10:05 pm *But Whirl isn't here so he has no-one to flirt with.* Swoop 10:05 pm *licks his own arm then lets out a puff of flame to light the flammable fluid on his arm* *FIRE ARMS* Purgatori 10:05 pm Swoop Swoop 10:05 pm *well arm* Windchill 10:05 pm Heeey put that out, bucko. Purgatori 10:05 pm Why Swoop 10:05 pm That. BUT. Wings! : > Purgatori 10:06 pm Megatron and Prime Swoop 10:06 pm *holds his arm out to windchill for inspection* Windchill 10:06 pm *Fans at it with his giant yaoi hand.* Purgatori 10:06 pm *tosses fire blanket over swoops arm* *rubs at it* Swoop 10:07 pm !!! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm *It disturbs him too. The idea of, say, every single thing in his head becoming replaced with a single image. Every possible scrap of memory, every hint of identity, one thing. How horrifying.*
*And he's not the one who had his brain module tampered with and frame modified in recent memory. Prowl surely has a thousand times the discomfort.*
@P: (txt): Offer: hand? Windchill 10:07 pm Neato, but, like... Swoop 10:07 pm Ratchet Fire out : < Purgatori 10:07 pm *removes blanket* Windchill 10:07 pm Fire is an outside thing. Purgatori 10:07 pm Thank you Me 10:07 pm @S «... No.» Swoop 10:07 pm Dinobot is outside thing Me 10:07 pm *gratitude ping* Purgatori 10:07 pm Yes Windchill 10:07 pm *Nods.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @Prowl: (txt): Acknowledged.
*Welcoming ping.* Windchill 10:07 pm We can go outside and you can show us more cool fire stuff. Swoop 10:08 pm How come no inside fire? Wheeljack does inside fire Purgatori 10:08 pm Hes not supposed to Windchill 10:08 pm Wheeljack is disreputable and hardly a good role model. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[...He said "Neo."]] Bevel 10:08 pm I hope when Neo wins everyone goes back to being themselves and stops looking alike. It is really creepy. Swoop 10:09 pm Wheeljack is "dinodad" : > boomtank 10:09 pm What just.... notthisagain -covers face- Windchill 10:10 pm Fire inside isn't good, you could burn down a building. Swoop 10:10 pm YAH Purgatori 10:10 pm Fifth element did something like this Swoop 10:10 pm ((good lord I remembered New Christ being on the nose but I didn't remember the goddamn light cross with his angel wings)) boomtank 10:10 pm -pers back out to this- Purgatori 10:11 pm [[and the music]] Me 10:11 pm ... Neo was a trojan. Swoop 10:11 pm Dinobots good for burning buildings down boomtank 10:11 pm .......What in the ever loving-? Purgatori 10:11 pm Not this building, Swoop Windchill 10:11 pm What if burning buildings down isn't good? Purgatori 10:11 pm I beleive soundwave and Bird, was it? would be upset ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm {{Yes. Big upset, Bird. Angry angry, shoot aft.}} Purgatori 10:11 pm *snorts* Swoop 10:11 pm nnoooOOoooOOOOOooo Swoop not DOING Purgatori 10:12 pm *someone needs to shoot his aft more often* Swoop 10:12 pm Swoop CAN burning building *bounces in place* CAN do Not DO do ((man he's lucky that he's right or he'd be some kind of asshole)) Windchill 10:12 pm (( *snorts* )) Me 10:12 pm ((right? maybe they were just retreating to refuel.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:12 pm *Nods to Prowl. He would have thought of Neo as a program that helps a blocked antivirus run, but the main idea is there.* boomtank 10:13 pm So...they won? Purgatori 10:13 pm *again, ouch.* Bevel 10:13 pm *thinks Prowl is talking about the Trojan army/horse but it still makes sense to her* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm [[It is a truce.]] Windchill 10:13 pm I like the bug thing. boomtank 10:13 pm -UGH- Me 10:14 pm *considering that trojan viruses were named after the army/horse, yyyyyes?* Windchill 10:14 pm *points* Cat. boomtank 10:14 pm Don't remind me Swoop 10:14 pm *offers Bird his chew toy* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm *Bird gives it a squeak with her claws* Swoop 10:14 pm : > *her claws may now smell like they were on a dirty flamethrower because y'know they were* Me 10:15 pm *... Smith DIDN'T overwrite their brains, the data is still all there. They're back to normal. They were just being puppete—* *Prowl might have preferred if they were dead.* Bevel 10:16 pm *is glad everyone is still alive* Windchill 10:16 pm That sky sure is rainbow. Purgatori 10:16 pm Skylanders Swoop 10:16 pm Us watch How To Train Your Dragon Purgatori 10:16 pm *perks up* Bevel 10:16 pm ((sudden church choir boomtank 10:17 pm -sighs- I understood very little of all that Windchill 10:17 pm That dragon has a fat head. (( *weeps for the memory of the original Spyro.* )) Purgatori 10:17 pm He reminds me of.....that one predacon. Predaking? Windchill 10:17 pm Predadingaling. Swoop 10:17 pm Me Swoop meet Predaking! Me Swoop meet Purgatori 10:17 pm Did you now Swoop 10:17 pm Meet Him YAH Purgatori 10:18 pm Did you two compare flame breath ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[What did you not catch, Blaster?]] Swoop 10:18 pm And Darksteel and Skylynx and lots of little Predacons Nooooo *disappointed* Windchill 10:18 pm Sounds dirty. Swoop 10:18 pm Predaking is THEM king. Grimlock is Dinobot King. If them meet Them FIGHT Me Swoop want to watch kehhehhhh Windchill 10:19 pm *Scoffs, just a little.* boomtank 10:19 pm Just about everything Purgatori 10:19 pm I have to go. Thank you for the film. Bevel 10:19 pm *Bevel is gonna leave now because the mun isn't feeling too hot, night everyone* Me 10:20 pm ((gnight, feel better)) Windchill 10:20 pm (( Gnight! )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[You are welcome, Ratchet.]] Purgatori 10:20 pm Have a good evening. boomtank 10:20 pm g'night!)) Swoop 10:20 pm *squeaks the toy in one long, drawn out, annoying squeak* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm [[And goodnight, Bevel.]] Windchill 10:20 pm *Makes a face at new guy's retreating backside.* boomtank 10:20 pm Then again, I've been a bit...distracted ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[There were two films before it, and you were... busy. Tonight.]] *Glance at Swoop.* Swoop 10:21 pm *stares at Soundwave* boomtank 10:21 pm Oh. Well, that would explain Windchill 10:22 pm But can you explain...my face? boomtank 10:22 pm A metrotitan punched you ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm [[He tries not to.]] Windchill 10:22 pm ... I like that explanation. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *Oh, he liked that one. Well done, points to Blaster.* *And now, while everyone else is distracted, looks to Prowl.* Windchill 10:23 pm I must be pretty tough to have survived that and come out looking this good. Go me. boomtank 10:23 pm -snorts- Swoop 10:23 pm *stares at the chew toy and SERIOUSLY considers setting it ablaze* *it's good now but fire really could only improve this situaation* boomtank 10:23 pm Yes. Go you. Swoop 10:23 pm *the question is how long it'd still squeak before it was just goo......* Me 10:23 pm *Has an intense frown on his face.* ... Wait. boomtank 10:24 pm -so much sarcasm- Windchill 10:24 pm *Strokes his enormous chin.* Me 10:24 pm That was BEVEL? Windchill 10:24 pm I'm amazing. I mean, look at my amazing chin. Are you not amazed? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm [[...Yes?]] boomtank 10:24 pm No Windchill 10:24 pm Well, your loss. Swoop 10:24 pm *lol jk fire improves everything* Me 10:24 pm ... Oh. Swoop 10:24 pm *ignites the chewtoy while gnawing on it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @P: (txt): ...Prowl not aware Bevel: shapeshifter? Windchill 10:25 pm *Gives Swoop a glare with one eye. The other...is elsewhere.* boomtank 10:25 pm My loss in what department? Me 10:25 pm Which one? Because one of them looked just like Ratch— No, you called him Ratchet. Other one. Windchill 10:25 pm *Probably ogling Blaster, sorry dude.* boomtank 10:25 pm -Swoop, no, fire bad in confined areas- Me 10:25 pm Yes, I knew. I just... thought there were two new guests tonight. Usually Bevel looks like Bevel. Swoop 10:25 pm *couldn't care less, continues to chew on a screaming, burning chewtoy* Windchill 10:26 pm Well, the way I have it figured. If you're not appreciating how amazing I am, you're missing out on my sparkling personality. *Says the guy with like two friends ever.* *With good reason.* *And he knows it.* boomtank 10:26 pm I'm sure. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm *Soundwave tilts his helm.* boomtank 10:26 pm -flat tone- Windchill 10:26 pm *He's still stroking his chin.* I am very sparkly. boomtank 10:27 pm -too tired for tact- ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[You have not been around her very often.]] [[...IS THAT SMOKE. SWOOP.]] Swoop 10:27 pm *said toy is starting to be more goo than actual toy so, now that the death squeaks are over, he spits it out on the floor to die abandoned* YUP ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm *Immediately bridges Swoop and his toy OUTSIDE* Swoop 10:27 pm *WHOOSH* *is outside* : > ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...What was he saying.]] Windchill 10:28 pm One time I was even sparkle...sparklier...when my friend—the girlfriend that I stole—painted my nails. Swoop 10:28 pm *but the awful smells can't be bridged out, later nerds!* Windchill 10:28 pm *Thanks, Swoop. You and your smells will not be soon forgotten.* boomtank 10:28 pm You stole a girlfriend Really? Windchill 10:29 pm Yeah, apparently. It wasn't on purpose. boomtank 10:29 pm How? Windchill 10:29 pm *Palms up, shrug.* boomtank 10:29 pm You stole someone on accident Windchill 10:30 pm That's what her boyfriend said. 'Cause... I'm not sure. boomtank 10:31 pm Yikes ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[Ah. Bevel. Yes. He... actually does not know what her base form is anymore. He knew when she was a newbuild. Hmm.]] Windchill 10:31 pm *The chin stroking slows considerably while he stares off into space, or at the nearest wall between him and space.* Me 10:32 pm ... Would THAT not be her base form, then? Windchill 10:32 pm Anyway she painted my nails and we nearly died from the fumes. boomtank 10:32 pm Your luck sounds weird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm [[It may not be.]] Windchill 10:32 pm But the sparkles were worth it. boomtank 10:33 pm ...not going to ask Me 10:33 pm ... You're saying the form she was forged with is somehow not her base form? *dryly* Do you suspect she was born already in disguise? Windchill 10:33 pm Good. *He'll leave out the part with the twerking and the ass kicking then.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[He suspects she may have changed her root mode, as we do. It *has* been millions of years. ... For her.]] Me 10:34 pm ... Would a shapeshifter NEED to change their root mode? Can't they just... shift shape? Windchill 10:34 pm *Stops chin-stroking to stretch.* boomtank 10:35 pm -shakes his helm- You're weird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Soundwave lifts a curled hand to his face and perches his chin between two knuckles.*
[[He should have asked Makeshift more while that mech was still alive.]] Windchill 10:36 pm *Shrugs mid-extended-stretch, with a grunt for good measure.* Or maybe. Me 10:36 pm ... Is it rude to ask shapeshifters about their shapeshifting? Like talking about someone's alt-mode? Windchill 10:36 pm I'm normal. Me 10:36 pm I figure it must be, otherwise they'd be answering the same questions from different people five times a day. Windchill 10:36 pm And it's everyone else who's weird. *He knows that the idea defies the definition of "normal," shhhh.* boomtank 10:37 pm You do know what the definition of weird is, right? Windchill 10:37 pm Maybe. But that would be telling. boomtank 10:38 pm Uh-huh Windchill 10:38 pm I gotta maintain an air of.. Of.. Mystery. *Or something.* boomtank 10:39 pm And you're doing that by not saying if you know the definition to a word or not ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[He is inclined to agree. The only ones he knew were - closed-mouthed.]] Chin tap. [[He has pull with Bevel. He will see if she would mind sharing information.]] Windchill 10:39 pm I work in mysterious ways... boomtank 10:39 pm No you don't It's not mysterious Windchill 10:40 pm I'm so mysterious you can't even comprehend it. Me 10:40 pm Not if it's rude to ask. Windchill 10:40 pm *Barely contained hysterical giggling.* *Sounds like a hog eating mud.* boomtank 10:41 pm It's boring Windchill 10:41 pm If saying so makes you feel better about it, I accept. boomtank 10:41 pm I take it back. You're not weird. You're boring. Windchill 10:41 pm Boring sounds nice. boomtank 10:42 pm -going back to his data-pad now- Windchill 10:42 pm Boring is safe, boring means that nothing goes wrong. It sounds fantastic. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[Then he will ask if she believes it is rude to ask first.]] Windchill 10:43 pm Anyway. *He doesn't care that he's only talking to himself at this point, not even a little.* Me 10:43 pm ... That works. Windchill 10:43 pm I must go. My wiggler, *he rests a hand on his chest, sighing dreamily for good measure.* Needs me. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm //Already? Throw 'er a snack from us.// Windchill 10:44 pm It's SLOBBERIN' TIME. I'll pass along the sentiment. And other, more edible things. *Which is everything except maybe lava, therein lies the problem and the hurry.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm *Heh.* Windchill 10:47 pm *She already ate her uncle's action figures and tried to eat another uncle, every day is exciting!* *Someone has to manage the chaos.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Soundwave suddenly pipes up again.*
[[He thought it was -asking- about alt modes that was rude. It is rude where you are from to talk about them as well?]] Because he's probably offended several people, if so. *Soundwave does not envy Windchill that job.* *His chaos rabble are bad enough and they don't eat everything. Only Ravage does.* Windchill 10:49 pm *Nobody does, but it's not thankless work.* Me 10:49 pm Just asking, primarily. If you volunteer information first, that's acceptable. And typically, volunteering information grants one's conversational partner permission to ask follow-up questions. Windchill 10:49 pm You guys have fun sitting in the dark. I gotta go sit in the dark somewhere else. With my spawn. *Gets up, and it's about time too.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm ((why's it so quiet in here, i ask myself, before remembering that i have control of the stream and forgot to put music on)) //That's what nightlights're for.// Windchill 10:50 pm She'd probably eat them. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm //Then you'd have a glowworm. Heh.// Windchill 10:51 pm *SPITS.* *Sorry.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm //Aw, mech, c'mon. I gotta clean that today.// Windchill 10:52 pm You caught me off guard! *Sighs dramatically.* Gimme a mop and I'll get it. *Primus knows he's used to cleaning up spit at this point, what's a little more?* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm [[Then he gives you permission to ask questions, in the future, without waiting for volunteered information. While reserving the right to keep some data to himself.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm //Nah, nah. Jus' owe me a drink or somethin' for all my hard 'n respectable work.// ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm [[Or in the present. He assumed everything after his statement was 'future' when he said it.]] Hand flick. He's babbling. Windchill 10:54 pm That's not as funny. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm //Naw, but I get a free drink.// Windchill 10:55 pm *Scratches his chin.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm *Chuckle* Windchill 10:55 pm Not really my area, there. I'll figure something out. *Sounds like a losing deal to him, but does he care? Nah.* Me 10:56 pm ... How do you see in your alt-mode without headlights. *It's been bugging him.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm ((....give the mun a second to remember her HC on that one lmao)) Windchill 10:58 pm *He'll ask someone with even slightly more knowledge of drinking, later.* Byyyyyyyye, suckerrrrrrrrs. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:58 pm //Laters.// Windchill 10:59 pm *Waves, and walks out.* boomtank 11:01 pm -and as soon as Windchill is gone, he's standing up- Thanks for the movie ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[Quite welcome. Hopefully next week you will not be so lost.]] boomtank 11:01 pm Heh. Hopefully. G'night. -and off he goes.- ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Soundwave holds his hand up for patience (and no startled questions) from Prowl and rises. He turns to face the couch, steps forward, and uses the quick second of extra height to flip backward and into alt mode. Can't be hitting Prowl in the face with his wings, y'know.* *He slowly rotates to face Prowl and gestures with a feeler to the small black screen at the underside of his alt mode's nose.* Me 11:05 pm *Prowl leans forward to look at it.* ... That's an optical sensor? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm (txt): Affirmative. Other sensors, elsewhere. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm (txt): Wide view below. Long-range sight: excellent. Me 11:21 pm Huh. Is that the sensor itself, or is it a visor covering the real ones? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:26 pm (txt): Protective screen, unremovable. Sensors: delicate, calibrated.
The feeler suddenly twitched and spun.
(txt): Many weaknesses exposed. Prowl: trusted, safeguards. Agreed?
He didn't want Getaway knowing where to shoot to make fleeing difficult if he ever got a wild wire. Me 11:26 pm Agreed. ... I'd tell you where my alt-mode optical sensors are, but they all light up, so. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm *Soundwave tumbled forward into root mode again while Prowl talked and unfolded his arms, returning to Prowl's side.*
(txt): ...Dangerous. Bright target. How prevented, destruction? Me 11:32 pm ... Driving /around/ the bullets. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm (txt): ...Partial error commited. Headlight sensors possessed when Soundwave: vehicle.
*That flowerlike loading/processing ring makes its reappearance on his screen.*
(txt): -Around?- How? Bullets: fast. Me 11:34 pm *... belated humor tag* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm *Oh. OH. Okay. He knew Prowl's reflex limits from the space bridge tests, so he'd thought Prowl's trajectory calculations were fast enough to allow for...*
(txt): Would believe if truth. Me 11:38 pm Pff. I'm flattered. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *Nods.*
(txt): Prowl given sympathy. Expected back optics joke number: thousands.
(txt): ...Useful, if plain sight planning. Soundwave notes. Me 11:44 pm Thousands is about right. "Plain sight planning"? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm (txt): Assume Prowl: facing wall.
*Points to the video screens.*
(txt): Conversing, partner identity: any. Behind Prowl, other table: Soundwave. There, casual gestures made. These, predesigned messages. Prowl sees, notes. Others never wise. Me 11:49 pm Hmm. *thin smirk.* Interesting. Do you want to try it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:50 pm (txt): When? Me 11:50 pm ... Don't know. There aren't exactly many opportunities to try it out, these days. ...... And it seems like internal comms would be more efficient. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm (txt): Comms not always safe.
*Points to himself.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm (txt): ...Clarification: -Soundwave's- comms: safe, unless alternate, equal skill present. Then, uncertain. Referenced comms: other mechs'. Me 11:53 pm *dryly* Soundwave, have you been eavesdropping on my calls to you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm *HUFF* Me 11:53 pm You can't trust anyone these days. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm (txt): Prowl's secret: discovered. Self, Prowl, in relationship. Silence offered; required blackmail payment: deliver kiss upstairs. Me 11:58 pm Well, then. I guess I have no choice, do I? Yesterday ItsyBitsySpyers 11:59 pm *Leans back a little, now concerned.*
(txt): Prowl has choice. That, self-mocking joke. Kiss not required if not wanted. Me 12:01 am ... I was joking along. Of course I want to kiss you. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:03 am *...Nods. Yes. Right.*
(txt): Understood. Soundwave departs, destination: collection location. Reminder: Come alone.
*He's almost tempted to make a crack about police accompaniment but decides that'll spoil the mood.* Me 12:03 am Well, don't you think you should escort me? To ensure I don't go get backup? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am (txt): Point accepted. Instructions: Stay close. Me 12:07 am *He'll just get to his feet and wrap an arm around Soundwave's.* ... For the record, this is about the limit of my improv roleplaying abilities. So. Don't get your hopes too high. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:08 am (txt): That, relief. Eighty alternates: plenty. Soundwave prefers self being self. *Pops open a bridge. To the apartment, this time. He wants to not be woken by the sound of shouting deployers in the morning.* Me 12:10 am *Puzzled blink. Did Soundwave think Prowl was going to try to imitate /him/ next?* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *It was the logical plot twist.* Me 12:10 am *Well, never mind that. Through the bridge—Prowl's got some blackmail to settle.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:11 am *And off they've gone.*
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