#but thats just a theory! a game theory!!!
jel-jel-jel · 1 year
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So no Marina?!?!
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fins0up · 14 days
"unpopular opinion" (that should be popular): i think public schools should start teaching ab intersex people.
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youraverage-weirdo · 28 days
Guys I noticed something in the comic..
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King Dice has no flower in this comic.
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But in this one he does.
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And what is The Devil sniffing in the newspaper?
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The same fucking flower.
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I love you Zack Keller and Shawn Dickinson
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So I have theory about Luo Binghe’s fake jade pendant.
(Major spoilers if you haven’t finished the book btw)
I was just reading a fic and author pointed out something about Luo Binghe’s pendant and how it’s a metaphor for Shen Yuan.
Looking back at the book, there are a lot of parallels between Shen Yuan and the necklace.
The pendant is a counterfeit jade carving of the god Guanyin.
Shen Yuan is a counterfeit of Shen Qingqiu, a powerful Peak Lord who dresses in jade colored robes.
Guanyin is noted to be associated with compassion, and Shen Yuan changes the entire fate of the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way by being compassionate.
Luo Bingmei ends his story with his one fake jade pendant while the extras specifically note that Luo Bingge has several real jade necklaces in his possession. Those necklaces are even called out to be fine grade and best money can buy.
Obviously the real jades are a metaphor for Bingge’s harem of peerlessly beautiful women while the fake jade, which has infinitely more value to him, represents Shen Yuan, aka Luo Bingmei’s one and only true love.
However I think there’s more to it than that.
If you track the pendant throughout the book, you’ll notice that Luo Binghe is only ever in possession of the pendant when Shen Yuan isn’t there. In fact, he actually loses the pendant shortly after Shen Yuan transmigrates into Shen Qingqiu. For the rest of the book, the pendant is in Shen Yuan’s possession, only returning to Luo Binghe at the climax.
But here’s the thing that’s strange about that scene: for whatever reason the System could not load the pendant when SQQ tried to summon it. At no other point in the book has the System have a problem loading things in.
So why is it when it does load in, it’s right as Shen Yuan dies for the third time?
My theory is that Shen Yuan is the pendant itself.
Now obviously Shen Yuan comes back and Binghe still has the pendant, but in the last couple scenes of the book, Shen Yuan is always right by Luo Binghe’s side.
Now I know that Shen Yuan was an actual person before dying and becoming Shen Qingqiu, so therefore he isn’t the necklace given human form. So how can Shen Yuan and the pendant be one and the same?
Well let’s go back to the aforementioned climax scene where the System cannot physically summon the pendant until Shen Yuan dies.
Seeing as how the System is essentially an AI and/or a computer program, this kind of issue reminds me of how a computer cannot open a file if another of the exact same file is already running.
I think, that when inserting Shen Yuan into PIDW, the System needed a way to tie his soul into its program and Shen Yuan’s fate to the protagonist. The System needed a physical entity to tie him down so it linked his code/soul to the fake jade pendant. That’s why Luo Binghe loses the pendant so soon after Shen Yuan transmigrates and why the System couldn’t load it in until Shen Yuan’s soul left his body because they’re part of the same file.
This is also evidenced by how when Shen Yuan dies the second time, out of all of his items, only the Jade pendant is kept in his inventory when he wakes up in the Sun and Dew Mushroom body.
Not to mention that Shen Yuan and the pendant have the same effect on Luo Binghe! The pendant has the ability to essientially shock Luo Binghe out of a qi deviation, but is only a one time use. But during Luo Binghe’s first qi deviation, Shen Yuan is able to do the exact same thing but doing so kills him. The pendant reduces Luo Binghe’s anger, and Shen Yuan is the only person in the world Luo Binghe will ever be soft and submittable to.
Tl’dr; The System tied Shen Yuan’s soul to the fake Guanyin pendant.
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
i’ve seen relationship therapists and psychologists analyse hermione and ron’s relationship and conclude that they wouldn’t work out in the long run. they’ve argued for hermione to be with harry, krum, even DRACO (don’t understand how a counsellor can vow for canon dramione but alright) as an alternative partner for hermione since ron is “too insecure” to be with her and match her intelligent prowess or what have you.
i seriously don’t understand this sentiment. ron and hermione genuinely seem (almost) perfect to me, maybe not in the movies (a common denominator of people who don’t like romione is that they always cite evidence from the movies, since the films took a lot away from ron’s character and his growth), but definitely in the books.
looking at ron’s insecurities, a lot of people dredge his inferiority complex up to toxic masculinity primarily, when it was more explored how it was an effect of his home life (not gonna argue toxic masculinity wasn’t a factor, they’re teenagers in the 90s written by a pretty misogynistic woman so…). he was the youngest son out of how many children? all of his older brothers were brilliant in some way. bill was an extremely gifted spellcaster, charlie was gifted with magical beasts, percy’s academic score was unmatched, and fred and george (despite their trouble) were entrepreneurial inventor-geniuses. ron, on the other hand, was quite literally born a disappointment to his mother, who conceived him specifically because she wanted a daughter, whilst ginny was born her favourite (though, even then, ginny was gifted at quidditch). ron was mediocre in every sense of the word, and his two best friends were harry (one of the most famous wizards) and hermione (the smartest witch of her age yada yada). and i’ve seen people argue that harry was more welcomed by molly into the weasley household than ron ever was. this isn’t even mentioning the amount of bullshit he copped for being poor (people always downplay the blow to confidence being in poverty can have on a person who is constantly surrounded by people who not only have more, but look down on him for simply being unlucky as to not have what they do).
so yeah, ron was an envious kid, but he was that way not because he was an evil patriarchal conception but because he was lowkey neglected. and even then he was overall an extremely devoted and loyal friend to both harry and hermione, because he did genuinely love them.
there were many moments of ron standing up for hermione that was cut from the films, not as a guy who was romantically interested in her, but as a friend. ron arguing with snape for making hermione cry is one of my fav scenes in the books ru kidding me, and in the movies he AGREED with snape RU KIDDING ME. not to mention how ron was a sobbing violent mess when hermione was getting tortured in the last book, whereas he wasn’t nearly as bothered in the films. and the films cut out harry being a dick to ron about his familial concerns (in dh), so when ron left it seemed like a random dickish move over his jealousy towards harry and hermione’s relationship.
there’s also a million moments where they minimised ron’s usefulness in the books for comedic purposes (forbidden forest with aragog, troll scene, devils snare scene) so ron seems dumber than he is. like, he’s actually smart and a really good spellcaster…. in the books.
so simply by stating this most of the arguments against romione become void. “he’s too stupid/weak for her” simply not true. “he’s a terrible friend who doesn’t stand up for her” also not true. “he’s too insecure to have made a move on her,” yes, but given the context i don’t think people would freak on about ron’s upbringing, i think many would be more understanding, especially considering his growth. even if he wasn’t insecure, hermione is beyond incredible and is bound to make anyone nervous when pursuing her (not an excuse for ron to act like a dick, but it does explain a lot where the movies don’t). “they argue too much” they bump heads, none of the arguments they have are actually super damning, with the exception of ron leaving in deathly hallows.
maybe i’ve covered everything (excluding the abhorrent amount of classism that clouds people’s judgments around how they view ron when harping about how hermione deserves better? hopefully).
now, i know people won’t like me mentioning the cursed child, but i’m going to considering we actually get an insight of their life as a longterm married couple there. a lot of ron stans hated how ron was the only character that wasn’t doing something incredible. harry was head of the aurors, ginny was a famous quidditch player retired to a famous journalist, neville was a hogwarts professor, hermione was quite literally minister on magic. and ron…. ran the joke shop with george.
and i think this was almost the perfect route to go down for ron. because he was average, and was perfectly fine with just being average. hello?? that speaks leagues of growth for his character. he’s supportive of hermione’s work, he grounds her when she gets too caught up in being the literal president of wizarding society, and he still viciously defends her, minister or not. in fact, he’s proud to simply be known as hermione’s husband because he doesn’t feel the need to prove to anyone else his worth. the people he loves most know his worth, hermione never downplays or underestimates him, they are complete equals in the relationship in every single way that matters. they kept ron’s best qualities whilst making him seem more of a healed person. they work so well as a married couple without it seeming like mischaracterisation (not to mention the cursed child literally shows how those two are in love in every reality, so there quite literally can’t be a better partner for hermione or ron according to canon).
so i really don’t understand how professional relationship counsellors can go online and denounce it. probs because they only watched the movies, but it’s 2023 and ron stans should not STILL be fighting for their lives trying to defend him from people who simply don’t consume media with as much depth (which is fine, but one should clarify if they’re talking about the movies because i’ve seen people state they’re talking about the hp BOOKS when it’s simply just…. the films). anyways. romione on top, thanks to coming to my ted talk.
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jacks347 · 5 months
Do you think the reason Angel stole David's jacket when he came home and found them asleep on the couch wasn't because of Angel being Angel but because they were scared?
David was working late that night, the weather was bad, what if Angel started having flashbacks to the Inversion? What if they started panicking thinking things had gone wrong and no one had told them? What if the only way they could calm themselves down was to wrap themselves up in his jacket like they did during the Inversion, hoping they'd have the same outcome? Hoping that holding themselves in his jacket would bring him home again.
The TV wasn't on because they were watching, it was background noise so they wouldn't be stuck in a quiet house with nothing but their bad thoughts to fill the silence. Just sleep, he'll be back when you wake up. He has to be. They weren't clingy because they were trying to be cute, they were reassuring themselves that he was alive and okay, that he had come home again and everything was alright.
But they didn't want to worry David by saying why they were acting the way they were so they hid it under teasing and jokes, hoping he wouldn't be able to feel how their hands were shaking. Hoping he'd think their fluttering heart was from love instead of anxiety.
His cologne wouldn't be enough. A pillow wouldn't be his warmth around them. It wouldn't he his natural scent from a hard day's work. It wouldn't be him. And in that state of panic, they need him.
But who knows, maybe I'm just overthinking again. That's kinda what I'm known for.
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bunnieswithknives · 1 month
If your fairies real form is bug-like, what do anti fairies look like? Just curious 👀
An anti fairies true form looks like a representation of everything that fairy fears and hates the most! Ironically list this usually includes anti-fairies pretty high on it so they have kind of a feedback loop that feeds into their stereotypical bat like appearance
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They don't have very stable singular forms, an anti-fairies true appearance will change drastically throughout its life, but they'll usually look something like this. Eyes and teeth appear and disappear throughout their lives but generally they look like very evil eldritch shadows
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scally-wiggles716 · 7 months
But hey! That's just a theory...
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Thank you....for everything, Matpat...
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angelwishess · 8 days
—⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ THEORY TIME : Crowley Summoned Yuu ?! ( ˶°ㅁ°) !!
Before I begin, I’d like to give credit to @cheshiresaf on TikTok for inspiring this theory! Seeing their thoughts on the matter made me want to dive into the topic myself and give my own thoughts and opinions on the matter !
Reminders, this is all just speculation ! I have no concrete proof of any of this being canon in the slightest ! This is just a theory to make some sense of things, or atleast try to.
This theory will be cut into two parts, one focusing on the Opening scene and the second focusing on the Prologue.
Without further ado, lets begin !
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Ever since I first downloaded TWST, the opening scene always bothered me. It was never really the scene itself, it was the fact that it was never brought up in the game afterwards.
The closest thing we get to a character acknowledging what happened was Yuu mentioning to Crowley how they remember “Seeing a horse with a scary face” / “Passing through a dark forest” in the prologue.
But after that, its never really brought up again. I had always wondered, ‘Why?’
I waited, played through the game wondering if it would ever be mentioned— But it never was.
Eventually, even I forgot about it. But after seeing that theory on TikTok, my curiosity flared up again.
Now, I was finally able to redownload TWST since I recently just got a new phone. So, I paid much closer attention to the opening scene.
—₊˚⊹ Part One : The Opening “Mirror” Scene.
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Ill be talking about these two shots of dialogue first. What interests me is the way Crowley is speaking. Although you can obviously tell it is Crowley, it isnt seem as playful nor as dramatic as he usually speaks. He spoke somewhat more seriously than usual here, and, it seems like hes speaking directly into the mirror— or, more specifically, he is speaking directly to us, as Yuu.
With no one else in the room, Crowley speaks without his dramatic flair, with no room for playfulness. He speaks directly into the dark mirror— speaks directly to the person behind it. The person he knows hes talking to. The one hes trying to summon.
The definition of “Benefactor” is a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause.
Though, its pretty well known that Yuu is always helping around NRC (whether by will or not) and Crowley is almost always the one to take advantage of this— I doubt that is what he is referring to.
No, Crowley knows something. This was all on purpose, Yuu coming to Twisted Wonderland, to Night Raven, it was all on purpose. Ill research more into Crowley later, but for now lets focus on whats being said in the opening scene.
He definetly has plans, and he knows Yuu has more capabilities than what is known so far.
What interested me the most, though, is the wording right after referring to us as his “esteemed benefactor”.
“My proud, beautiful flower of evil”. This one sentence truly had me thinking, because what did he mean by this?
Well, the only thing I could think of is the vague hint that Yuu is much, much more than they seem. When you think about it, Yuu is strange in many ways. Not only do they come from another universe entirely, they get dreams of the past which warn them of future events— directly parelleling Levan/Revan (Malleus’ father).
I wouldnt be surprised if it somehow turned out that Yuu has either had magic this entire time and it just being hidden from everyone in the cast (including themselves), or theyve been absorbing the magic of people around them after being exposed to so much magic, especially from the overblots.
What im thinking, is that the true nature of Yuu and their capabilities is yet to be revealed, and will “bloom”. Just like a proud flower. And, flowers need to be nurtured to bloom ever so beautifully, do they not? Who would be a better fit than Crowley?
Now, Crowley may be somewhat immature and unreliable— But that does not make him stupid, nor does that make him oblivious. Many of the staff respect him greatly, and its a no-brainer that he must be quite powerful. He definetly knows more than he leads on, hes extremely mysterious despite being the first character (after Grim,) to be introduced to us.
Its clear to me that he knows what hes doing. He has plans, whether for better or for worse, and i think its safe to say that those plans include Yuu in some way. Perhaps theyre the final piece of the puzzle Crowley so desperately needs. ← keep that in mind. Hes desperate.
(As for the “evil” part… Man idk leave me alone)
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“O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat…”
Remember what i said earlier? About Crowley being desperate? Dire, even?
Well, the definition of Entreat is to plead with especially in order to persuade. ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something.
He is earnestly, pleading the Dark Mirror for answers, for wisdom regarding the “Visage he seeks”.
“Reveal onto me the visage I seek…” Once more, this further proves that Crowley is speaking and seeking out someone specifically. He is seeking out the visage, the face and appearance of the benefactor he is requesting for.
“You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth…”
Here, Crowley once again speaks directly to us/Yuu. Later on in the Prologue, when the Dark Mirror states that no dorm could possibly suit us/Yuu because our soul is “empty and colorless” due to the lack of magic, Crowley objects, saying that its impossible for the Dark Mirror to summon a student without any magic, as the system has never once erred from the beginning of NRC being established.
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(Crowley ure not slick i know what u are)
So, in NRC’s 100 years of being established, why would it’s seemingly very stable system of retrieving students fail? How would the Black Carraige retrieve a student from an entire different universe, putting aside the simple fact of Yuu not having magic? Well, its simple.
The Dark Mirror did not summon Yuu. Crowley did.
Crowley was the one to bring Yuu into this world. The Dark Mirror did not beckon forth Yuu for the sake of the school, rather it was because Crowley requested for it, for whatever reasons he has.
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(Alright, now this is where i will be getting into some delusional territory but i will try to remain as logical as possbile pls have mercy on me ໒꒰ྀིっ⸝⸝⸝ ꒱ྀི১)
This scene has always bothered me. Not in like, an uncomfortable way— but ever since first downloading the game, I have always wondered what this scene meant.
“If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.”
Although Crowley is obviously the one summoning us— it is not his hand extended out to us. Rather, it is one of the characters we meet later on. (The sleeves are quite obviously the ceremonial robes, too)
To take the hand of the one reflected into the mirror… Why is that? Why do we need to take someone’s hand? And, furthermore— the hand of a specific character? Though it is a clever way to introduce the cast of characters and give us our first card of our chosen character— why this way if it doesn’t have any significance in the game other than to serve as a “baby’s first card!” scene? We already have the later free gacha, so what was the point?
(I may be overthinking this guys someone help me)
Ive always been curious, since the game never seems to mention this part, and in none of the mangas they have never shown this, either. So, whats the purpose of it?
My guess is that Crowley himself cant summon us himself. Though Crowley must be powerful— summoning someone from an entirely different universe must be difficult, almost impossible seeing as this has probably never happened before.
See, no matter who you are or how poweful you are, I have no doubt summoning someone from a different universe is an incredibly strenuous feat that near no one average could ever do. To break past the bonds of reality, and peer into another, that is something that is beyond imaginiation.
So, what if us taking the hand of our chosen character was the last nail in the coffin for us? The last thing needed for us to be brought into Twisted Wonderland.
To establish a connection.
“If your heart bids it,” why else would you take the hand of a complete stranger? One that mysteriously appeared before you in an extremely strange situation, you can’t even see their face in this scene. Yet, we still take their hand. Why? I couldn’t think of any other explanation other than an already existing connection between us and the character that we chose. Why else would your heart tell you to trust?
Now, i have absolutely zero proof of this being true, its mostly just a little guess, a situation i like to daydream about but hey, its better than nothing.
Anyways, what if Crowley needed the assistance of one of the characters to finally bring us into Twisted Wonderland? Yes, as i mentioned before he is alone in the room when speaking to us— but perhaps theres some ‘magical’ explanation to the figures of our beloved characters standing before us and not Crowley himself, despite him actually being there.
My guess is, that Yuu and whoever they chose have a strange connection. And i dont exactly mean this as strictly romantic, it could be platonic or hell, even more than both of those bonds (maybe even hatred LMAO)— but im talking about a bond and a connection that somehow transcends the borders of realities and their universe itself. They would not be aware of this— neither would Yuu. But it is there. Perhaps its a kind of “soulmate” situation (once again, i do not mean this strictly romantically, you may interpret this however you please!!)
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This furthers my suspicions that Yuu needs that connection with your chosen character in order to be brought into their world.
The sound of dragging chains could be somewhat like symbolism or a physical embodiment for Yuu being tied down to their original world. A last effort of their universe to keep them there, but yet Yuu fights against them and is “freed” from those chains after taking the hand of our chosen character.
Only when you take the hand of the character you chose are you able to start the game, both literally and figuratively. (I like to imagine the characters js pull Yuu in after they take their hand i think its funny HAHAHAHA)
The mirrors and coffins at NRC are used as gateways. But it seems Yuu is the only one who needed that extra help to actually be sent into NRC through said gateways. Yuu needs that law-defying, reality bending connection with one of the characters to be able to even step foot into their world. And honestly? I think its super cute HEHEHEE🤭 (fanfic writers, feel free to use this i live to serve content)
(Unfortunately, I have hit the photo limit here. So, I’ll have to settle for typing out all the dialog for the lasst few screenshots ! So please bare with me ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა !)
“As flame reduces even the stars to ash
As ice seals away even time itself
As great trees swallow even the sky
Fear not the power of darkness.
Now— demonstrate your power.”
In the next views of dialogue, Crowley is obviously foreshadowing to the kinds of magic the player will have to get used to during battle scenes— but what interests me is the very last part of the dialog. The last thing Crowley says before the mirror brightly flashes and the game sends us into our first battle against the overblot Grim.
“Now— demonstrate your power.”
Yuu is magicless, so what power could he be referring to? This could be taken both literally and figuratively, as “power” is not only strength, it can come in many forms, and Yuu has obviously shown to be quite cunning themself, and that could be considered a power.
But, what if Yuu DOES have powers, in a literal sense? What if that power has been secretly sleeping inside of Yuu this entire time, waiting for the right moment to burst forth and bloom like a flower? Their power could be much more than just being a peacemaker or a beast tamer, who knows?
“To me. To them. To yourself.
The hour grows long and time is scarce.”
“Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come…”
This final piece of dialog paired with the earlier “As ice seals away even time itself” statement from when Crowley was speaking of the elemental forms of magic, it really does feel like its hinting at a time loop.
Perhaps that is why Crowley had summoned them, and why he seems to not be even trying to look for a way to send them home. Not just because hes “lazy”, but he very well may have a plan for Yuu. He is purposefully trying to keep Yuu in NRC.
Maybe he is aware of this timeloop, and out of desperation seeks out the wisdom of the Dark Mirror, trying to find a way to put a stop to it— and who better than Yuu to be that final piece he needs? His dear, esteemed benefactor… His fair, beautiful flower ready to be extorted for whatever purpose he had summoned them for.
Nothing is a coincidence. Everything happens for a purpose, good or bad. And Yuu just happens to be in the middle of every messy situation that happens at NRC.
“For them”, who is “them”? The one whose hand we took? Or perhaps the friends we meet later on? Whatever i means, its obvious theres a certain danger lurking in the shadows that has not made itself known. Atleast, not yet. And for some odd reason, it is up to us to “show our power” and keep it from happening. (If it has something to do with Grim, maybe that “Beast Tamer” title was hinting to that all along lol)
“Time is scarce.” An absolutely chilling line that is never really explained. Time has always been an element that seemed infinite, yet in some cases thats still too little. Time is something no one can have enough of, no matter who they are. Yet what does it mean in this context? Why is our time running out, and furthermore what are we trying to prevent? For Crowley? For them, for our friends… And for us? I’m sure Crowley himself must know, if he didn’t why would he be asking the universe to bring him a helper so desperately?
“Keep steady tour grip, no matter what may come…” This, paired along with the earlier dialog of “Fear not the power of darkness,” could be foreshadowing the later overblots that we face in the game. Crowley knows that we will face hardships, and says to keep steady our grip. To not let the darkness consume us or our friends. To not fear the “darkness“. Crowley could be aware of the challenges we are to face, not even bothering to help in the midst of Riddle’s overblot (very responsible of you, Headmaster). Almost as if he expected it?
That is the final line of dialog from Crowley before the Prologue actually begins.
And now, speaking of the prologue, lets talk about some dialog from Crowley in the actual prologue!
—₊˚⊹ Part Two : The Prologue
“Ah, I’ve found you at last. Splendid.”
Crowley’s wording here, “I found you at last.” Is pretty sus, he speaks like hes been keeping out an eye for a specific someone. And the fact that he went out of his way to find Yuu is also pretty telling. After all, from what we know of Crowley its obvious that hes not the type to do that kind of thing. If Yuu was just any other student, Im sure Crowley wouldn’t have gone out of his way to look for them for the sake of the ceremony.
Furthermore, judging by his tone and expression, he doesn’t seem very surprised to find a student where they aren’t supposed to be. Yet he playfully mentions that most other students usually wait for him to open the lids of their caskets before running off. Making Yuu differ from the rest of the student body once more.
Later on in the prologue, we have the infamous “Deuce throwing Ace at the chandelier” scene. (I giggle everytime I hear Ace’s scream. Its so funny i cant)
When Crowley comes over and discovers that our little group had broken the chandelier and expels us, Ace tries to reason with Crowley saying that surely, he must be able to fix the chandelier himself with some fancy pants magic.
“Even magic has its limits.”
If Crowley can’t fix a magical chandelier without it having any circumstances— Then surely there must be some very… Specific conditions when summoning a person, let alone one from another universe.
Magic itself is limited in certain scenarios. Later on, Deuce mentions that if you can’t strongly visualize your magic, it isn’t going to happen.
Which must be why Crowley went to the Dark Mirror for wisdom. “Reveal onto me the visage I seek,”
It could be that Crowley himself didn’t exactly know what form or appearance his dear benefactor would take, and because of that could not properly ‘visualize’ who he is seeking out. Out of desperation, he seeks out the Dark Mirror for wisdom to finally be able to summon this benefactor he desires so greatly, and it just so happens Yuu fits that role perfectly.
After the fiasco at rhe Dwarfs’ Mine, Yuu, Grim, and the Adeuce duo all return back to NRC safely and recap the story of their little journey to Crowley in the privacy of his office where he promptly bursts into tears after.
He begins to ramble about how the students of NRC, as talented as they are, have egos bigger than mt. Everest and this is the first time in his decades of working at NRC where the students have finally joined hands to defeat a common foe.
“I am convinced that people like you are necessary for the future of this school.”
This line of dialog caught my interest greatly. Though he was already going on and on about how Yuu’s “mundanity” is great for the students of this school— for some reason this line simply seemed to stand out to me.
“People like you”? But, there has never been a magicless student at NRC before Yuu, atleast as far as we know. Could this possibly hint to the Yuuniverse? People like you being the countless of other Yuus that were summoned in a past timeline— perhaps each one restarting after the last Yuu fails, and Crowley summons another in an attempt to stop the constant loop of each timeline resetting after every calamity that falls upon NRC.
Perhaps Yuuken failed during Leona’s overblot, and that is why he’s replaced by Yuuka in the Savanaclaw manga volumes? Maybe Yuuka failed during Azul’s, then Yuuta was summoned forth? And then so on, so forth.
Perhaps that is why Crowley is so desperate. Continuing to try and summon the perfect benefactor, the right flower to nurture in hopes that they would survive and deal with each and every calamity accordingly, in order to stop the timeloop.
Why he doesn’t get off his lazy ass and help Yuu himself? Who knows, I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt and say theres a completely understandable reason of him not helping the students hes supposed to be protecting— but then again, it is Crowley. You really never know with him.
Right after he accepts Grim and Yuu as students, he immediately foists upon another job for Yuu. Gifting them a Ghost Camera, which captures the Memories of the photos taken by the photographer.
The photographer and the subject are then considered “Soulbound”, which apparently just means that when the photographer and the subject’s bond deepens, the Memories captured in the photos come “jumping out”. Crowley says it enables the user to not only photograph the subject, but parts of their soul itself.
(I want to relate this to the part where we take the hand of our chosen character but i cant think of anything so …)
He then tells Yuu to take the camera, and make a record of their campus life. But why Yuu, specifically? And only Yuu? Surely, he could’ve given such an object to the Housewarden of each respective dorm— yet he gives it to Yuu and Yuu alone. As if he knows that they’d get involved in all sorts of trouble, face the unthinkable. And he brushes it off saying how much more convenient it would be instead of documenting everything himself, but how could he be so sure that Yuu would come across such events?
“As a prefect, consider it your duty to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them.”
Yuu and Yuu alone has been given full freedom to mettle in whichever dorm they see fit and “beast tame” them. They do not have the restriction of the Housewardens, where they only keep an eye strictly on their dorm and dorm mates. No, Yuu has been given full and complete freedom to keep an eye and ensure that everyone is in line regardless of their dorm due to Crowley’s blessing upon Yuu to do just that.
While Housewardens are only limited to their respective dorms, Yuu is allowed to discipline and punish whoever they see fit regardless of which dorm they belong to.
It is because Yuu is magicless that they alone have this privledge of overseeing every dorm— even being able to tell off the Housewardens themselves.
It is because Crowley has given them this role that Yuu is constantly faced with so many challenges from each dorm as a result of their meddling.
He pushes them to meddle in the business of other dorms, making it their “duty” as a prefect (A job that he forced unto them). In a way, this is isn’t just Crowley extorting Yuu into looking after the students instead of him despite it being his job and not theirs, perhaps it is him also trying to ‘nurture’ Yuu. Putting them into these situations, in hopes that they allow Yuu to unlock their true potential and stop the timeline from resetting.
It is because of their job as a prefect that they get into these situations. And it is because of this meddling that they face such challenges. Yet, they wouldn’t have had to if Crowley just didn’t appoint them as “Prefect”. (Well, I suppose Ace was the one that started it— but shh lets ignore that for now!)
Thats all the dialog that stuck out to me for the Prologue.
—₊˚⊹ Conclusion !
In conclusion, I think that Yuu was not brought to Twisted Wonderland by mistake, but on purpose by none other than Crowley himself.
Perhaps each character has their own “Yuu”, and that connection between a character and their Yuu was what enabled Crowley to bring them into their world.
With each Yuu failing at a calamity / overblot, the timeline resets and Crowley summons another Yuu to try again to stop the timeloop, hence the Yuuniverse.
Crowley alone remembers every reset, perhaps not all of it which is why he has given Yuu the Ghost Camera in hopes that the Memories in the camera remain. But, he is aware that the timeline resets every time a Yuu fails— yet it is only a Yuu that can stop the calamities due to the mystery of their true nature.
Yuu is Crowley’s “esteemed benefactor”, the one summoned specifically to aid Crowley in his agenda, whatever it may be. Yuu was brought to NRC to assist him, and Crowley seeks to nurture Yuu until the time their true powers are revealed.
Crowley was desperate to summon Yuu. And it seems the worst is yet to come, and for that reason he summoned Yuu.
With Yuu’s mysterious background and even more mysterious ability to see the past through their dreams— Yuu must have some sort of secret power. The true nature of their being, perhaps they themselves have some sort of magic, or are destined for something great. Whatever it may be, Yuu is not a normal, everyday person. Though they are magicless, that does not make them average at all.
To summarize: With every calamity that falls upon NRC, the timeline resets to the night before the Opening Ceremony. Crowley, being the only one who retains any memory of every reset, desperately seeks out the Dark Mirror in search of wisdom, and a benefactor who can help him and the rest of NRC and finally end the loop. That benefactor being Yuu. Yet, because of the limits on magic— it is difficult to summon such a person, let alone the right one. Conveniently enough, there are a select few of students who have some sort of connection with the one Crowley may be looking for (ex. Yuuken paralleling Riddle, Yuuta paralleling Azul, ect.), and it is because of that law-defying connection that Crowley is able to summon each of their respective Yuu’s.
Yuu’s true abilities have not yet been revealed, and still remain veiled in mystery. But, Yuu may have powers of some sort, or a destiny that they are to fulfil. One greater than they can imagine.
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— Phew! That was a lot, wasn’t it ? Sorry, I didn’t expect it to be so long ! (Thats what she said)
Anyways, if you’re still here and managed to make it to the end— Thank you so much for reading my little yap session !!! I appreciate it, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topic !
If I got anything wrong, please feel free to correct me! After all, I don’t have the best memory and I may be remembering things wrong. But once again, thank you so much for reading !
Don’t forget to drink water, and take care of yourself, pretty ! See you next time, bye-bye!~ ♡
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calypsolemon · 8 months
You know. Maybe the gems were/are emotionally immature people because the majority of them were born in a society where having emotions and personal desires was literally considered a privilege for the elite, and even the elite could only express them in extreme circumstances. Nobody ever really taught them how to regulate anything they felt whatsoever, and that gaping hole in their development followed them even thousands of years after they defected from their shitty society.
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tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
James would pray to Regulus he'd get even a little stressed and he's like "oh regulus give me the strength" and also every night before bed he gets down on his knees and worships him in one way or another
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sleepymaven · 1 month
HSR Sunday's Boss Fight Theory.
(Spoilers for Penacony Quest Below!)
I feel like people are not talking enough about how Sunday literally almost ascended in his boss fight, as far as I can tell, anyway.
Like, he was the 'Embryo of Philosophy.' He was in the middle of turning into an Aeon following the path of Philosophy and ascending to take the place of Order instead of reviving Ena without his knowledge.
I think it is really sad when you think about how Sunday fully believed he was doing the right thing and tried to revive Ena, only to be tricked into unknowingly starting to ascend into Aeonhood.
I could ramble on and on about how sad of a character Sunday is and all that, but I have to stay on topic for now.
Anyway, back to his ascension.
So, I do want to point out something I noticed during his boss fight that I found rather... interesting.
During his third phase, we all know about his big attack that practically nukes your team, right?
Well, during that attack, we see a hand coming down and reaching towards Sunday, to which he reaches back and they touch fingers, causing the attack to happen.
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The attack and scene in question.
Now, most people tend to assume that this is Ena, and I do as well. At least, I did think it was Ena until I stared at the screen a bit too hard and went, "Wait a damn minute–"
Dearest gentlereader, care to take a little looksie at Ena for me?
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Ena, the Order.
Do you see that? Their hands?
That's right! Ena's hands don't match the hands during Sunday's boss fight at all.
So, I am going to tell you that this is not Ena and not Xipe either, because that wouldn't make sense at all. Even then, Xipe's hands are a deep blue, so that wouldn't match either.
Now, I know during that move, Sunday speaks as if he is talking to Ena, yes. However! If Sunday is truly oblivious to the fact he is ascending and is under the full belief that he is reviving Ena, he probably also does not realize that who he is talking to. IS. NOT. ENA.
So, who is it? Who is this this mysterious hand coming from the heavens? Well, what if I say it is the Aeons version of Sunday's hand?
Alright, don't scroll or click off, just hear me out!
The hand shares certain similarities to both Ena and Xipe. (The white part with the gold design being reminiscent of Ena. The thumb also shares a bit of Xipes color scheme, albeit with a bit of a stretch.)
You can also see during the scene that there are angel feathers coming down from where the hand comes from, something neither of the other Aeons possess. But you know who has feathers and wings? The handsomest man in Penacony, that's who!
During the build-up to the move, the subtitles were repeating the words from his diary, if I am correct, (which might has well just been a Bible at that point) until you get to the hand scene, as if slowly bridging the gap between his mortal body and his soon-to-be Aeon form.
Am I crazy? Am I right? I have no clue!
I might be totally off the mark with this, but I'm posting this anyway.
Bye ya'll, hope I didn't completely waste your time!
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stari-hun · 1 month
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I think Theopil died with the same type of resignation Isolde had towards being hypnotized by Kakania.
Theopil likely resented Isolde while loving her. Isolde was raised with a kind of love and attention he wasn't given from Evangeline in her process of being raised as her successor. Isolde's existence was also discovered right after Trista's death. Trista and him were as close in age as Isolde and Trista, so he would've grown up with her and seen as Evangeline took her off to awaken her abilities as a medium only to not return. I think the circumstances of her birth is also a reason to why Theopil avoided the Dittarsdorf house as a whole, opting to bring Isolde back gifts before spiriting away again.
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When Theopil brought Isolde a broach for her 15th birthday, the box was also from Heinrich who was a childhood friend to her (although she didn't consider him so close). Heinrich also mentioned in the scene Kakania and Isolde met that Theopil never stopped talking about Isolde to him and praising her. I don't think he stopped thinking of her either.
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In the UTTU event the Dittarsdorfs are mentioned frequently along with Kakania from the people who lived in Vienna. One of them mention talks about Theopil and gives insight to his social reach in the art community. While Theopil lacked the talent of the women in the Dittarsdorf line, he was still a noble who was comfortable enough financially to enjoy the arts alongside being a man in the 1910s. He was known to experiment with many art mediums and talked to many people. He’s explicitly talked about as a friendly and open person as well as implied to be an easy going mediator. Heinrich revealed he talks about Isolde all the time and praises her. However he doesn’t talk about Evangeline, keeping them both tucked away in a drawer instead of putting their outward personas onto canvas’ to hang up in his gallery despite taking in many models for his art. I think his reasoning behind this is equal parts due to him or wanting to avoid his family and childhood as well as wanting to keep the world away from them. Marcus’ event shines a light best on the subject, the general public is the same as it’s always been, they demand an entertaining story. Isolde saw Mr. Karl for what he wanted out of the family along with how he saw Evangeline as a rotting consumable not yet used up. Theopil saw a similar thought process in everyone with how people talked about Isolde and obsessed over her. He likely had incidents with people wanting to get to her and Isolde diffusing the situation as a simple job hazard. He kept the only art piece and expression of them in a drawer safe from the world.
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Theopil's last painting contained a circle and ritual for immunization from The Storm. Gained from Arcana he was told the truth the Foundation was hiding from everyone as well, leading to his panic surrounding it. After learning time was reversing Theopil must've thought of his friends, but most of all how Isolde would never get better. However what Theopil didn’t account for was that Isolde had no intention of getting better due to just anyone’s help. He was the only character to really see Isolde’s cries for help, but he didn’t take into account for the fact that she wasn’t asking for help from anyone besides Kakania.
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Heinrich also makes his point during his monologue in 6.20 that art is a symbol of progress towards self-expression. In 6.21 he directly states his goal, "The 'Storm' will put a stop to this frenetic melody before all the good, artistic, heartfelt things in life are destroyed before our eyes." As a person in the center of the social circles for the artists of Vienna, and thus the social circles of nobility, Theopil would be intensely aware of how much time means for progress. He would've known that Isolde would grow worse with time unchecked, but she'd never grow better without time either. The Salvation was made as an effort to continue time again for people, and Theopil made it for Isolde.
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arkarti · 3 months
Genuine question, because I've been struggling HARD on how to nail Afton in my own artstyle - how do you study with yer take of him? I know the sketches n whatnot, which are honestly inspiring to me, and of course studying Matthew Lillard would help - but you have such a specific flow that is incredibly charming to me.
How did you work/study in terms of yer anatomy & facial structure fer yer art? Whether it be Afton studies or yer older pieces like Markiplier! Ya got such a nice flow between 'cartoon' & 'realistic' that is genuinely scratching every part of my brain. /vpos /gen 🙏🏼🧡🧡
that's a good question 😂 if I draw something long enough, someday I'll get an enlightenment what I like + what looks good. the struggle is finding the right amount of details/ lines and keeping it balanced
well for example with Markiplier: my first studies were more realistic and had a lot of detail, which takes more time draw 😩
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Went the more simplified route: - less details!!! keeping the lines at a minimum - round nose + face/chin - minimalistic beard - stylized hair (kinda like disney 2D characters)
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biggest factor to make it more cartoony/ simpler was that I wanted to do animatics with him, so I had to go the "low poly" design route and make it easy to draw. tried to study what makes the face characteristic for the person. works more or less - sometimes I cannot get it right either :'DD So I said ♪ meet me halfway ♫ and tried to aim for the middle of these styles 😂
Same goes for William - my first drawing of him (for a shitpost animatic, left side) was a bit too complex, so I had to simplify it (right)
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GET SIMPLIFIED, IDIOT (affectionate) 🙏
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justaz · 4 months
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looking at this map i couldn’t help but notice that the perilous lands are dividing the south from the north of albion. assuming all of elmet is to say perilous and untraversable, could the northern kingdoms be more pro-magic than the southern ones?? like i guess technically they could get there by water, but i’d see that from the coast kingdoms, not camelot. idk i’m just imagining sometime after the fisher king dies and he isn’t tied to the land anymore which allows it to heal somewhat and arthur and them are finally able to travel north and its just magic galore.
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zeeinkzquill · 4 days
Zooble Headcannon / Theory I Have Now (Leave a comment on my thoughts if you want)
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I had to make a post about Zobble therapy chair clip therapy because honestly SAME.
But I feel like this episode is going to be one of the only times that we cracked Zooble open as a person.
I'ma put my 2 cents into what I think bc they scratch my in a way that I can't explain. And though I'm going through my mental health struggles and such I am in no way am I professional so take what I say with a grain of salt (or just ignore it if you hates it).
When I first saw their design I was like "Woah I don't know where to look at!" then ep 2 came out with their design changed and I was like "Hmmm that's interesting"
this led me to think about many things, especially how they view themselves identity-wise. Bc about a week ago I was talking to someone about the identity that Carvial Jax may have. I learned something new that day and I took that idea and looked back at Zooble.
And part of me feels like that's why Zooble may change how they look bc of how they view themselves identity-wise. And Part of me feels like that why their designed that way. Like a jumbled mess. Mayber Bc that how they view themselves??? (If you explain this well OR disagree with me leave a comment. I wanna learn more about this and what others in the community think!)
And part of me thinks Caine might take an interest in this and try to help them (or at least try to bc he's a computer lol)
IK this lil thought dump of mine is messy and weird but if you guys understand what I'm saying give me your thoughts. I find each character interesting in their own lil way so I might do more of these but what do you guys think about Zooble as a character.
Have a nice day yall💫
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